HOME MATTERS. Trinnunou Cornrintsci.-31cmliy; June 23. The Conference wore wripleCt . day'yesteidny Ia Investigating a jcchl . .zerre: so that ire heye Mzisocnoor DrAyn.--I.:Oroner Arthurs on llliitorday arming held in inquest on the body of . young man untne4 'HeCathy - , a native of Ire land. tiho was crushed to deoth by the fall of s bank at earth, st whioh" he bad ,been•diggb2g. near MuCcilleo glom works. He hod jail flubb ed. his day's work•when ther bank feu, and had . been but n few weeks Arrieriea. . . Arrzaceren Anse,s.—LA young led :"about fo..nr , teen Ye 4rB Of lig% 4,uned'Ocarge Thomas, was piste:del arrestedLby Alderman 2.lajor's inde fatigable policemen, charged, on oath - of Robert Marthi,*with at Ptirig to set fire to his stable, 'lithe Sixth W en ihepresious night Luck -44 ily the fire was peered in time, and ,extin griiihed by singli 'bucket of water. A little girl of about ten ems of age, positirely states that she sew 'rho asset it on fire, and the cir eumstiatial arid Co sigltiliist hixn.is for,' strong. f i He is a stranger ii Pittsburgh, and after a full hearing, was In ,-committed to prison by the Lanus' HELPINO Hasa ..SOCISITIC.—The La dles' Society, forded for the purpoie of furnish lag the Western rennsilvania . Hospital, have eonipleted the wort they undertook, with the ex ception of the private'pay rooms, which were to be fuisaishedbyindividusls of the society. . Thus fat Terr, few of thus rooms have been attended . t 4 Osbert FridaY,- the 'Managers of the Socie -tj . Will meet at the Hospital, before which time ail , the bills will be Presented, and in order to blow what further duties remain for the ',webs ;sing Cotnmittee, and what amount of the fends Cif the society can boapproprinted tothe cooking ;.wearing appartitds, they puticulsrlyreguest 2 ,that . thoseladies who have engaged to furnish '• :the private *come, will tlo so before the meeting, !or Om notify the managers at that time of their ...intention to furnish them at some early period. There are still four rooms intended for the our . eery, and several of the pay' rooms, which it is i nzi some of the ladles `will volunteer to far- FERZIL=Tcro Germane • named Borkemeyer "and Deck, 'were yesterday fined one dollar and the costa by 3layor Guthrie, for refining to pay theii toll a; the - 41equeduet, on the precious Tax linTom—We are indebted to G. W Bunti,.47LChathim' street, for the June number of this valuable periodical edited by the Her. 11, Hastings Weld, and intended for youth.. It con tains name fine wood cats, and a variety of ad mirable selected and original articles. •We ear • dia t uy recommend it to the notice of pirenta , . Actanzir.--Ve regret to learn that bir. Chas Spring, while riding along . 01do street in a two horse, carriage, an Saturday, was thrown out, - .the harm becoming unmanageable, and eeverely - . injured. • The carriage was very mch shattered. • • Borth . man a- CiLSOSEGIATILOS.—A colored boy tumeed Simon liing",sres yesterday committed to 'prison by his honer,-Meyer Fleming, in default of paying a fine of twenty dollars for disturbing the congregation or the African biethodist. Chncli; ou tho - Bast Common; in Allegheny, on • . the previous Sabbath. Tasman Corn-draft MONET.—A than nomad &gamy Walters *as yesterday committed to prison by Maier Guthrie,' charged, on oath of Robert Rune= with , pacing counterfeit notes on the State 'l3:inkier Oblo. - ' " • - Lutorai,=-,Tobr.! 3Ellberner was yes . yi committed to prison, eharged, on oath of Charles Hoffman, with stealing a cost, a. ring, arid other articles, to the Telco of fourteen dollars, from Arrsnrrrn I.,AIMENI.—A. colored man who was yesterday. committed to prison by Mayor liUning.UhargrAl with distorbiog the congrega tion of the 'Atriums hlethodist Church, was also "Itectised of attempting to rob the till of a store in the First Ward, but Ida attempt Was. discovered ' thne, , and frustrated. He then escaped.. but .Was afterworde arrested on another charge. , Bl3Trllt large crock of bouts was foosid yesterday; Morning tho door stops of a hoisar ' .oathis llordsCosassons,Allegheay. It was .4ken.to thezlnyoeff office. comwpr quArrze, SESSIONS. • Tin-ssniy, June 28 • Before the:Hon. Wm. B. :McClain, Preeident .Judge, , and William Bongs; and Thomas L. Mc- /OWN .fiesociete Judges. • -'• The Court wee occupied all day yesterday in • hearing the applications for license made at the ltunkterm, ; The wards in. Pittsburgh were gone thro°Bl ,ll7tl thwi,the gourt proceeded to hear applications trout Allegheny, :next from the .borimgha, and finally from the townships.' 'The senate of the day's labor were not an a'oanoed by theironors, e gea. The Court ,'_"meets at *it o'clock, this Morning, when the np , pllcatione which were rejected at the last term, :;;; tend eineired at the present;will be taken up. sans raceme. ',.2 :: lii" the .Brot i ller Jonathan we have received ,• Jamaica paper to the lath instant, two days .. - -.. later than thole brought.by the Crescent City. - _ The chelerlVllelnr to be breaking out afresh in ' ..Tlllioll.B section, of.the island.' It has appeared In Westmoreland snd Falmouth, and is said to .. .. ,linger in its Moat Malignant form -in the parish, • '',- 7 .. Of. Havana. ' Since the gist alt. thirteen deaths :-.....'...... have occurred at Sandy Bay, and seven at' Blue Hole,Making a total of fprty since its re-appear . .'. 2. - ,...ance there. .:It hes extended from Maylerefield ' - to Friendship, attacking every estate on the '-''. betake of the.Caboritto. river. At Mesopotamia ': end Friendship there have been ten deaths, and '- one at- Blackheath- The disesee-sdso exists at' - the Mint - and Hing's Valley, Grange Bill, and' .".. The chip Brandon arrived at Sip Beene on the -Bth of of June. having on board two Inuidzed and r fifty nine Africans. These were immediately landed, and, selections were made. by the atter . , . `,Heys and owners of properties , in the interior of the -parish. Numbers varying from fifteen to . tawny-five were allotted to Stone Menge, Hyde, .7....1'.-....z,l'reemannt liall,.Hyde Nall, Vale Royal, Colehls ..,- - , ;;end Stettin estates; . and on the following day the • • ".* remaining seventy-three were taken to Falmouth . , . port. in theachooner Dove, and distributed be - tweak Magee, Dundee, ilatopsomd, Tileton and .. 'Golden Grove.. ' . ' . . .. . ' * "These Africans, the Poet states, "are from - .- . : the depot at Sierra Saone; and were caparred ~-..... 7 beta .. ..a French slaver. They are young and " lwaltloy, and will in a short time , be, of effective . , '. , service to the agrienharaliiterest,which suffer ., .. .. ed severely during the late epidemic." 'y' .. , , - , ~,. It must be understood - that these negroes are .:•;!.....not held as Adavety Litt aro, merely apprenticed :".1.... - ,,'; Ibr one year, - after which they ere at liberty to 1 co whither they please.. Some or the 'Jamaica -'. Joutruds express to desiro -that- the bondage of ..I'. . .. thus: unfortunate .elaptima: might be extended for a longer term, but wehopo theltritieh Gov - : . eminent will tee that goal-faith is kept with 1 „:.' thesis, as Well AS with lie Coolies whose return to theTr native' conittryhas not pet been effected. .. . _ ) 11031011". C. WALYEB.; , -F.SCi i?lt ALLEGIIILIT.— . . We had the pleasureyesterday, of meeting our ;old Mend, Robert 43.4a1ker,1F.5q.,0f Allegheny, .." - , who made brief halt,for the ;renewal of old as ' I :eocietion.s h rith hisntuiterouariends.in Harris -. burg, on way North, whither, .W 1 we linnet The ' - from bim,i en route to join tecolunittee appoint .- ed by the t - .Legislarare to investigate th e at. - fain of Delaware and. Hodson Canal Coin - Cf. ' ,of Al legheny . -Biddle, of Washington, and . Penniman, of Philadelphia county, and will meet - at Benettlale,in Wayne scanty, Pa., on the 25th bad It wee made the duty of the Committee to Institute a thorough investigation of the affairs :'of the'eompany.and - report to the next Legisla ture as to the medieney l of resuming the work sit the expiration of . the present charter'.—Har. • OsToarrlos , Paesintruak Momensine.—The Boston Atlas of the 18th, has these two pant- V 1 413 The Chicago Democrat, the editor of which is • 'ibis celebrated Long John Wentworth, says that '.'"he feels authorized to .say that Mr. Van Buren milling to . aign a letter, in conjunction with . _ Gen. _Cass, eurrrendering up all, claims for the , -:::Presidency, far the sake of barmoniziag the Dem. 4:421010 party." Can this be true 1 received a letter the other day.from Wash :written bye gentleman who ought to -',-1113201ristid -ilia does know, as well as anrpece 'r''that 'famous ty, the character of the ipetsedationa and rumprs which aro ever afloat Wankington. fie writes that Judge Douglas, iaohy. and Burrell Cobb, of Georgia, .are Bl -spotaiof eery generally es candidates for Pres identen& Vice Prmident; Dougtee and Cobb are •tobe brought , out es Compromise candidates, sod-', that . hietbre. -Cass. -Bachmann, flouston, '.lfoodbitiy and Batter wilt be forced to yield to the little Judge. Wo give this for what it is , learth. We are au-are thatWaabington is a great phee to mate and unmake candidates, and the .rmerrite of to day may . be ruled - off,the course' to-moi immi autratta.wra.-:-Neirly' fear - : fhourand jeante arrived at New York .on. Monday-after yawn and-Taeaday forenoon. They were brought haships from London; Ltrorpool, Dublin, Potter -and Bremin: Tho Guy. Ilannering had 814. nod ; from Line r emigrants now are generally to god > ~, 3 } !c u~~ a f 3 .. .. x 5. _ .., . _ . , BY ..TELBGRAP4.. 13CZJTV.D - us TUE o'nzi:?Lr..T 17.1.7.aakni LINZ • ♦ND 11101)/ITSP TOD SLL rZTfeDCBOR CIAZZTTL. FOREIGN NEWS. ARBSVAL OF TIM ARCTIC. POT% DAYS LATER. PEON EUROPE Nr.tv Year, Juno 22. -The steamship Arctic, from Liverpool, arrived this afternoon at 3 o'clock, frith dates to the 11th inst. She brings 97 passengers. Fresh westerly gales were experienced during the whole voyage. The Cambria arrived at Liverpool on the Bth. • The cotton market at Liverpool was unchang ed, but.priaes were firmer, with a fair and steady demand. The sales since the 7th have been 21;- 000 bales, of• which 5,600 were for export and speculation. • Bassorrorrs in all the English markets have advanced, since the exiling of the Niagara. At Liverpool wheateras.ld to 2d higher; fitter 61 to. 01 higher—Ohio is quoted at 19s 6d to 20s 6d, Philadelphia and Callimore 20s 6d®2l. Corn, 61 higher, with large Bales of yellow at 305 to 81s ?A, white 82®835. Beam are a shilling higher. • Provisions active, but pines are un changed. Sugar steady, with more doing. Coffee rather better, with more home demand, illolasses is in retail demand. Teas—Common Congoro In more demand, advance. Other sorts neglected. Nand stares—no Bale,. Tobacco is unchanged, with light sales. Ashes steady.— Quer citron bark inactive at 8s BdetBs 6d for P hiladelphia, and 6s ®6s ca for Baltimore. Tallow is dull. Freights are unchanged. Passages have declined to .830.63 6s. MONEY MARKET. The London Money market•is unchanged.— The amount of bullion in the Bank of England has increased over £85,000. Consuls closed at 97{{x}98.. American Securities are inactive, but unchanged. -Accounts from the manufacturing districts are more faitorable. The liabilities of Mr. R. E. Hyde, a Liverpool rotten dealer, whose failure was announced by the laststeamer, arc estimated at from £200,1200 to £300,000. The Metiers. Finch, corn mer chants, -bite also failed. , Their liabilities are £lBO,OOO. The Committee of the Indian Steam Navigation Company have reportedagainst the Panama, and in favor of the Cape of Good Hope route. Accounts from Amsterdam represent trade as stagnant. Coffee and Sugar were unchanged.— Rice was doll. A serious collision had taken place at Ham burgh, between a party of sailors and the Oes trous troops. Six lives were lost, laid a greet number were wounded. POLITICAL I'ATELLIGENCE. ENGL.SSD. Parliament had adjourned for the Whitsuntide Solidayo. The number of visitors to the Exhibition were pearly '60,000 daily, the price of tickets being one shilling. The Dublin and Galway Railroad will bcopen .nd on the Ist of August. The crops hi- England and Ireland promise almndant yield, but the sec.son is mther back- Ina FRANCE. • The committee charged with the duty of re porting upon the subject of the revision of the Constitution has been formed. It erninates nine in favor of a revision and six against it. M Lamartine has made a powerful speech in 'favor of revision, Entbject to the decision of the Batton by univer sal suffrage. The President is about to make another jour ney through the provinces where his popularity is not increasing. The trade accounts from Paris arc satisfac tory. PORTUGAL. , It is reported that Saldanha is rapidly beeom ing =popular with the army. The French des had arrived in the Tagus. The new levy of 25,000 men was about being made, to enable the Government to interfere in the'affaini of Portugal. TURKEY. ' The RUES I / 1 /1 troop, had completely cyeamoted the Danube and proviucca. SECOND DISPATCH. FURTHER PARTICULARS BY THE ARCTIC ENOLA..ND Aecoants from the Provincial and manufactur ing districts are favorable. At Slanchester more has been doing. At Birmingham there was more activitrin all departments. new league is being farmed in England for the purpcise of obtaining reform in the monetary currency laws based upon the free honking sys tem. of New York. The league has obtained greet favor in the meminfile community of Lon don and LiverpooL The receipts at the Crystal Palace, when open ed to the working classes at one slaillitrg, were not so.great as anticipated. The Times continues its sneer at the display of American articles. IRELAND From Ireland we learn that great efforts are I being made to have the Galway and Doblin road opened for traffic on the let of August -The Board of Directors have inspected the work, and the engineers and contractors have pledged themselves to its completion by that time, when it, is,expected the first train, will bo filled with American citizens. The utmost' esteem-is felt for the gm:mens aid offered to this route. The agitation felt against the penal' measures of Lord4ohn Russell had subsided. According to the authority of a correspondent of the Evening SIMI, a paper evidently hostile to every Irish interest, the long threatened de monstration of the comity of Tipperary against the; Eederilistied Title bill, Lan tensed out a failure. A result whim the Mail attributes, per haps correctly, to The course of the Roman Catholic High Sheriff, whose refusal to connect himself with the movement, mey• have embol dened Requisitionists to absent themselves at the eleventh hour. • Accounts from the agricultural districts are highly favorable. Rain bad generatly fallen throughout the confitry, and the grain crops had been generally benefated• by the change. The ,Cork Examiner mentions that some potato fields had the appearance "of di:motorisation, but at• tributes their symptoms of blight to the late harsh winds Mnifrost, daring the past week. The weather has been Intensely cold. Le Dub lin, howeter, it is milder, but still very unlike what might be expected in Jane. • A duel took place on Saturday morning at Versailles, between the Prince Delano and DI. Russ!, the son of Baron Rossi, who was assassi nated at Boma. The duel was caused by'3l. Rout having laid in wait for.the Prince,' whom be struck in the face. After two shots exchanged severally at thirty paces, and at fifteen places, a profound expression of,regret was offered. by the Prince of Camino that he should have been sup.; posed to sympathize in Ms act which he regarded with the utmost horror, and both partial shook hands. SPAIN. Oar Recounts from Paris are to the 2il instant The Chamber of Deputies proceeded, under the presidency of its senior member, 11: Cortagear. to elect its President. The number of rotes was kW. M..liftsysra, the - Ministerial candidate, ob tairiedlos rotes. There was every possibility that the Ministerial candidates for the Vice Presidency, MM. Teja)lo, Nagdal, Casten and Conga Argnelless, would be.similarly returned. The Senate met on the 2d inst.,•audelected its secretaries. The Chamber of Deputics appoint ed committees to verify the powers of its VlM bens PORTUGAL Our letters from Portugal are to the 4th inst. They contain no account of the counter-revolu tionary"movements said to have broken out Portugal, the news of which has been transmit ted via Madrid and Paris, and the details of which we extracted On Thursday. Tho country was generally tranquil. The army appointments,- embracing few progressista officers, had not met - with decided opposition, though they seem to hue created some dissatisfaction in a fraction of the army. Elaidanha had conferred the chief commands upin his more immediate partisans :while Pro gressistas were Introduced into the administrative department. The Cabinet had repudiated the idea of the stoppage of payment, and supported the con tinued payment of dividend revenue to the beard ofitalic credit The bike Saldanha, as well as the Viscount Depinhire, the chief of his staff, bad been much ind-ilP 9 sedt, but both had recorered when the Tenet left; and there was no truth in the report that poison had been administered-to either. THE PAPAL STATES. • • I Advises from Rome to the 20th ult. state that the negotiations pending between . the Holy See and Sardinia, relative to the liecleilastical quer. lion were not likely to terminate in a favorable manner. • ; • .The Pope solemnly officiated in the Church of St. John on Ascension Thursday ; and tho French • troops drawn up in the square. . • TQE LIQUOR. WY IN I6ININ Thera was great excitment in the city teedar, consequence of the seizure, by the of 20 casks of liquor, under the new liquor taw, salami et $l,BOO. The owner resisted thO'ofil cor, but the liquor yes fatally tiXeze stray.. TEE • Dcwmare, Junafig. Mr. Brown, freight agent on the Erie Rail road, has commannutted im arrangement for for warding freight direct from New York to CM einnati, in fire damn, at a cost of $ 1 to $1,6031 100 lbs. BALTIXOBE June 23. President Fillmore and family are at old Point Comfort. COL. HARDY'S EXPEDITION. Nirr Oar iak June The steamship Fashion brings lat.e intelligence from Texas, which states that Col: Hardy and his men have liberated eighteen prisoners from the Camanche and Lapaw Indians. It is thought that the general terms of the treaty be ob., served.. Several Mexican women who were hith erto taken captives by the Indians, refused to accept freedom. Those given up under the treaty There was mush excitementin the city to-day, in consequence of a report that officers are here to arrest a number of fugitive slaves residing in the vicinity of Charlestown. ITEM/ OF NEWS. NKr( Tons, June 23. The steamer Winfield Scott arrived to; day, in; seven days from New Orleans. .. - Arch Bishop Digbes returned iu th l Aretic. Count Villa Neva, the , Intendant end of Cuba, arrived. on Saturday from ' , in the war steamer Pizarro. ' Mrs. Mowstt is expected to return home the Pacific, which nails from Liverpool on die Llth of July. We learn from our foreign files that a large number of Hungarian refugee have united with a number of Schleswig Holstieners to emigrate to'this country, and found a colony in lowa. CHOLERA AND SMALL PDX-DREADFUL FATALITY The steamer Daroo arrired, yesterday from Connell Bluffs, freighted with a large amount of robes and fare. The report of the cholera and small pox among the Sioux Indians is confirmed, and 'the number of deaths is set down at,4,0004 The small pox yet prerails, and it may extend to other tribes. Col. Mitchell is endeavoring to assemble the different tribei at Fort Liiramie, to establish friendly gelatious with them. The Duroe met the Fur Company's boat, St. Aiage, above St. Joseph's, which had 6 deaths of cholera on board. She was bound for the month of Yellow Stone. it Weston, (11o.,) there hnd been 31 deaths from cholera; and the citizens were deserting the place. There were also 1 nt Jeffersori Barrocks. • The IrmoUri river was rising all the wiy down. It is supposed to be the annual June Deed. The river was falling at Galena to-day; the Ater here is rising slowly. water here is The Lady Franklin leaves to-day without bale of hemp as board. The market lalilet, at $7O to $Bll4 EXTENSIVE FATLUItE. Amax. June 23. an extensive flour dealer, cm F. Poo failed to-day in the gum o ST. ' LOMB, Jane 28. The Mississippi river is on a stand to day. The Missouri river is falling. Luke Lea, the Indian Agent at Fort Leave , worth, was accidentally killed last week. "! PHILADELPHIA MARKET. PRILADZLPIIII, June 23. The market is generally firm under the'foreign news. Cotton—Has advanced a shult,... with limited sales. Flour—The market is steady, with sales at $4 25 for commurrand good brands. • Rye Flour and Corn Meal—Rye Flour is sell ing at $3 37}, and Corn Meal at $2 VOW 94 gallon,for Penna. ' Grain—Wheat continues scarce, and much wanted, with sales 2000 bushels white at line bu. Rye is selling at 72e,e1i3c? Ins. Sales 4000 bushels yellow-Corn, to arrive, at 62ie bu. Oats are steady. Whiskey—Sales at 23e, in barrels. NEW YORE MiREET NOON IMPORT. Flom—Sales 2000 bbls, st $3,81 for common State, $4,12} ~4,18 far pare Genesee, sad $ 4 , 34 (4,44 for Southern. Grain—Wheat is ; sales 9,000 btu Ohio at 92e. Corn iseearee and dearer, with sales 12,000 btu mixed western, at 56}C,.. 57c., Provisions—Are withont change. ==z Yoam; Juno 23. Cotton—The market is firmer. with sides of 1900 bales. Flour—Sales 10,000 bbls at Cc bettor for State brands, Southern being without change. - Groin-. Corn has adeinced lc 11 bushel, with sales of 00,000 bushels. Prorisions—Lard is dearer, with sales of 700 bbla. Other provisions are dull. - Whiskey—Sales 400 bbls at an advance of le 41 gallon. Coffee—The market is firmer. BAINISIORE 31111. SET. Batrnmar., June 23. The market i 9 qidet, with Wes 300 bbLs U. 6. brands at 64 04 Ll bbl. • Grain—l Sales red wheat at 84®66c ,and of white at 90e9Se V.bush. Corn has advanced, with sales of yellow at 59; and of white at 60® Gle 13 bush. Salts of rye at Gie, and of oats at 39c 12 bush. provision—The market is , quiet, but on. changed. Holders are firm, but buyers are eking a =negation. Oroceries--Are steady. ltio Coffee. is selling at 8.1®91c. Sugars are unchanged. • CINCINNATI IkLIIIKET. CurcrsaAn. spne 23 Flour—Sales 500 bbls at $3 1563 al/ bbl. There was more firmness after the reception of the foreign nows. The receipts era light. Whiskey—Thorn is a moderate demand at 14617/ gal. . Candles—Sales - 25 0 boxes star candles at 200 per pound. Groceries—Sales of Sugar at 61661. fur com mon to fair. Sales 500 bags Rio Coffec at 910 Of 11 Ib, forcommon to prime. Lead—la. sale of 300 pigs lead at 41 11 Provisions aro without chttuEw The river has faller.l6 inches since lost report. Lovisvitts, June 23. There are tire feet one Inch. ater 'lathe canal. The steamers Cape Slay, Editor, and lease Newton passed up to-day. . NET ORLEANS TURRET. Nrw Ontstss, June 21. Cotton—The America!s letters received yea. terday, ',cad unfavorably. The :Gamines news was also received, and although rather encohr aging,'only 900 bales were sold at steady prices. Tobacco--Sales 800 hide at 41.C,15.1. 1 4 lb. Groceries—There is no change in Sugar and Molasses from yesterday'e quotations. 'Rio Cof fee was selling at 9 , G . 9i. ¢l lb. Floor—The demand is limited, with sales 9.50, bble Ohio at $3,45e55 for common to extra. Grain—No change in Corn; tales 800 bu Osts at 17ic. Provisions—Sales 60 hbls uniospected mess pork, at $14,05 Tel bbl, ,cod of 500 bbis at con siderably less. Raton is rather firmer. Sales 1160 kegs prime lard, at 101 e 13 lb. Whiskey—Sales of rectified at 18®181O gallon. New 01113ANII, June 23. Cotton—ls in limited dem and, but firmer 'Loco the receipt of th"o Arctic's rm. • Floor—Small sales of Ohio at former rates. Grain—The market is unetanged. Sales 8,000 bash corn at 40050 for whit ''sad yellow, 45 for mixed, and 35 for inferior. Sales of oats at 35 1338 e 70 bush. .Provesion-Mess pork is doll at $14(14 25 bbl. Sales 200 Missouri' ribbed sideseit 7{c. Sales Cincinnati aides at 8Iqn83c.••• • • • Groceries—Thu market generally changed. • Whiskey--Sales at Itic IA mall. Exchange—Sterling is quoted at 10010ic. The Erie Gazelle, speaking of Lho Locofoco Jo dicinl ticket, Banc . • "Thl!ticket, with ono 4xceptiOS, is quito a fair one. Had Judge Camj ibell, of l'ltiladelphia, 'been left off, we could have given out opponents tho credit of making judicious selections. But ht is a "black spot.' upon the taco of the whole ticket, and must weaken tin strength materially --possessing as he does r.either legal capacity nor integrity of character. He meet be defeated —the honor of the State and dignity and purity' of the judicial ermine require it. Judge Gibson although confessedly o lawyer of great ability,is yet liable to strong objection!, and will hornet with a vigorous opposnion la many quarters.— The other gentlemen milt respectably in their profession, and in point of privitereputation are we believe, uneseeptiontible." Brintrnat. &locals.° :.ROUILATION.—In the N. Thunpshiro Route of Iteprceentatires , st propo sal has been made +awl .entintalned, to enact a law for the protectmu of the people _of tho State against imposition and injury by persons pre tending to bold intercourse with departed spirits.' It would equaily bo proper to vote a sufficiency of common Sense • to crcry inhabitant of Now Hampshire. VlithOlit that camniodity they can nearer ezpoot the aithal wiles of tioposton. I'OD:ILAN - 14 June 23 x . 1 2 MINED' SUGARS 106bbla. Clarified LV-a—d..-4FMT.ltansoaoo. GOLDEN SYRUP—In anu k 2 kno• tr 9. th. .1/011E8 A i ntifigGOV rOO- ICE-20 tierce' Carolina, for sale by . /6.11E.9/./WICRISON k - . j.T.ElifEt-130 bales Mi. D. B. for sale by je2 JASITS A. 11C7CITISON & CO. aIIEASE--15bble. good grease, now ha:A -11-R.los from Amon Cmotorland - lio. 't for do Of m Weer IFILLAIL DIONEY W.. and Yrom PRANSPABLENT WASH BALLS—A fine J... artiele teed sad far eels W. the Drag Wee of t0y9.1 8. N. WIUKIBIBBIAIf. E XCHANOE BANK STOCf c ji3f s tale by mrza Ranker/Lad notgartio Broker. PEARL ASH—D) casks for solo by mil R. DALZELLCO. T ASH-4 casks pure, j f . o . r . aal cAN e y b i z i.9 mrn . MILLED APPLES-20 bags for sale by JUF - my7.l . DLIZELL k. CO. Borrow, June 23 OT ASII-5 casks for solo by mr2l It. DAL ZELL CO. PEARL ASU-25 casks for solo by 313)-7.1 J. B. CANFIELD. JOIN K . ROOT-2000 lbs. for sale by 3. KIDD • CO. lARD OlL—Bennett & Jones' brand, for It rale by my2s MAUI! DICKEY I CO. SALT PETBE-75 sacks erode, for sale by mrl3 !FATAH DICKEY A CO. It 116 W ICE-100 tierces fur sate bv t BOURA.II a , t or ater ABBITT'S Double Refined Salenxtue, Tut Up in lib. )(lb. and gib papers. earpereep us a paw of this Wend., will snares it to any otln Fur sale by WU. A. ) I'CLURG CO.. .7 Grocers Tea Dotter. et. 1 4 11 1 . SE . . b — , 20 Tierces Ricopo ra tt i oz s i o Td for J. N.. =I 213, Übe.) .t. OMAN CEMENT-2 bbls., for 'sale by jeS 8. F. YON' BONIIORST t CO. VINEGAR -30 bbls. purecider for sale by • 895 S. F. ON DONIIOIIST CO. lIIEESE-30 big. W. R., for sale by 'es 8. Y. VON BONNORST • CO. AISINS.-60 boxes M. R. Raisins. 40 half do no MILLED. MCKESSON. N 04.211 t Moots sr. PLENDID FRENCH. PAPER RANG INOS.—GaId.OoId sad Velvet, Brevet, Tapestry sad Orossioutal Proud, Paper, of various qualities, and at' Crites to Suit th e eiretimetariers of Waxed every e t a. or curtanarre, lbr We et the eetablielument or royZi THODIAP PALOPti. 65 Morita at. p H; IRON-240 tone Ben's creek; ann cmk: & Wasblortbo: for ale by ILODISON, utrix & co ~ m No. 215 Librrt Bt. iIIOFFEE.-300 bp. prune Green Rio Cof- IJ fee.rerelred .4 for rata Dr jouN wm Co. _ _ bbls. belt 1851, pickled herring r o dry • do se l) half bid.d do do do do la stab and for Aldo by heel JOHN WATT ARD.-2,000 lbs. Lard, for sale on con olgoolont by T. WOO DS It SON, No. el, Weer ob. GELS.---SWOIII bleachea ll 900 no= oord 1.000 " blushed " 1.• •b.l. 600 " winter .. 1;100 " Tanners' oil leo= N. W.noart abide oil In =mond Ice sale y , . ]ULCER k RICKED/SON, Nos. =1 t Lanny st. PLANTATION Sugar and Molmes Gt hid& Pins ybottation onyx". ' bbls d do mo. door sad ay “te o by f dll.yett & RICKE m... TSON. ca k S. Liberty id S UGAR Hho House Moses and Plantation Zofsas.a—St..laes Reflam. lu Oa ,o ,icoment and tue old e EiMs air Plantation Bugs.... Ricerrsos. Noa. 221 a Mem O. • Boob !looks ! CII3I.ITZ'S liistory of Grace.—A Elisto.. zer Grosse from the ear th ed time loth* dearth - Dan th. D. C. lat mallely home.. ;gent that of ()swoop 11.1110•11, D. D.. Bub.* of ht. David's. Dy Dr. Leonud &Woltz. V. R. S. F••• The Demon} of Dthytokey, or Scriptural 1110000 lea[ at the Apocalypse. By the Itev. Alewsder Keith, D. 1). Ballads L:r then:hoc Oeraltllna, Ileeteeve, Thoo.ank Vales. and other thew: By Bath.. Fartohar ULT. , Drothrtdal thillsologhy, Loden. maid, and the Po. ems of Biro, By Mayan Farquhar Turps, Tn. Met of w.tht. Wayland: a Tale. By klaryllovitt. Dhlthrophy of Matheanatick translated from the Coors de Ph...ophi* lbino.of Augash. Comte. 814 41 . L. Giill.alyl.. Took and Eli. Bernd Chyldo Book: Whale. • des/Wiles of lb* &emery. Wets. T0t05.5•41. Uwe, nod maid Important Worts au the Brad. Wlth'istia tosodred and skate... y•eta enesselnge. hy Loa.ll4thed 1401' from ortelthl skate... shade thossely MD was- By Mtn. Dleekoal• 111.rpr0 s rem MonthI7UORL.l.• The uoW tiorshthissth br the days WV Ilw Du a ratan efe.r.g co.eL By the author of "WhWare' /I. 4 *D l 'w bokdk , ' lost noshed. asut ..lo 4.4 . IL C. IM)CKTON. 47 Market et relAß=t! Ibis. genuine Barbadoes, for .lo by • . 43e21 4. KIDD 00. Nra YORK, JUM; 23. - OLIDE POTASII-50 lbs. far sale by 4 ,3 u. 4 FALINESTOCK. A W. • 31. j .& ,, STIA—, lbs .. .Ctn r ch m a w ri wroc des.cor m sal co e . b . . 11 FM P-2.3 bales 3lussourt, on consignment. AIL att.l far age by ALY.XII com to'. mria ISt et rt. , New Music. caCUNDS 'ISOM KENTUCKY; by Koh -I.J WO, &lad Dahl la iPalabra. complete, • • Worlds Falb Walter t.. or tional Lark Mks. Ilaca It be, apelike meed.of ma . ..youth? had wounded aka avant MU 1.1.1 beta*. alma ,ua,bakalataal. .;•171 = hit 1,13.. ;g.2 111. Jllllllttl. old Dar.hetor ..4 014 31.1 d. lament of the 111104 Urpban ray auioa L mask tomm• ear. Labasat at tba Leith E.mtgraba. naa'd aid ber sal* by milt JOUla 11. )IELLOB, 51 Woo! et_ QUOT—GS kegt stied Non., for !ale by 1.2 JAMES A. LIUTCIIISON k IiOULDERS--12 casks for sale by 1.3 my, viuusu a arziSrrt lbs. (17%)t el .A l r. = a. Wool! 11 1 11 E highest price in Cash paid for all the dlffereof me.. .f 0000 woohi i r , rlo. , f, tzr._ nor . lINSEED 011-30 bble. (warranted pure ij for sale er .1. BCIIOO22ILICEO CO., tnyls 24 'Mod E. CHROME YELLOW GREEN .,..I.°7 J. SCIMONM AMM a CO. QACERITUS-42 casks prime, for gala larl2 WICK •.UcO.IRULr?v. 11.1000LATE-1 30 bx 3. Bost., foi sale by msr.: WICK t 110CANDLEM NEEDLE WORKED COLLARS, Flouno klua Einton and OM, with toll am" Mentor Loos t. now onontan o tbo ototn t torte • . 1 , .11. EATON. Yon •. ACNE/LEL-7,5 bbls largo N 0.3. for er by 1„44 T. WILSON, 11111brama HEMS'HEM -15 tons Miss. D. - R., for sale by -15 P TAOS . JJAIES A. 110TCIIIEON A CO. M ACKEREL-50 bble. No. 3, for sale by 1.1 TAOS BURDRIDUE A NGLISII SPLIT PEAS—Received - and KAI for We br 1111. A. SIcCLURD A CO. aA", lineerA AAA lAA I.altes. QALT PETRE - 2 0 bags (Crack) for sale by tAy3O t V. VCJIZON. .--- , Astrr.y. A BAY MARE, about 9 vears old, an d /1_ tl,tf feet high, with • little ;bite spot tt .e.k. ''''.llPs" : " Wed '". ll U" s 3 h 5 .ALT ''''''. w" Ild rgg whit ,' h ind font 0 , 07 '. . p.a. ' . a,, old dourer th; a w t , 7l . „ , or any of theta, to thebrifinsErisaglir v ree.ll7 re. jellivern.l. Chortle," Creak, AllesbelPOlEM Webster Furnace, Fbati, Tods & Patterns, Mktg if itunttwof tigJachon d Carter. XNObedience to an Interlocutory Order, emle in Call the April Term, 1641, of the Winery Court, at ClCleaning. Montgomery County. Ten. newt., wilkot, Monday. the daf for male. the w chalet furnace'.. end lands longing thereto, being stout 2.400 amen, upon which are •aluable banks of Iron 006. -TM hind hi heavily Umber ed. Iwill air* sell all the Flanks. Tools, Ind l'ettalLS, he about the harnsoe. The Illebsten.Furruee,la finely lotattd, but a abort di. tlinewfwan lbliCntoberland Inver, and Is one of the most orofitablu Iron 'Works establl4Lineota In lb. country.— Inn. wishing to emlwrk 10 the Iron boalnelw will and It to their lota:wit to attend the sale. The gale will take nlatewt the Webottr nature. no • =Alt of I% la, end 24 months. The nurthine e. t will e r n pairs MILL selsloel on the land avd ImDraremvnU for ilia P*l'e" or the "'b."' m'e P. PRIMLY, C. t U. Clattatllle, Tenn.. Hay 6.'41.-1 Wilma , ----- 21ilitary Bounty Land agency: rk; .0 NDERSIGNED, residing in Edgar County. 1111nole, is papered to locate Military Lend errant, in good faith. et the following riileei.vist lco ern Warlords . lig; DO way Warrants, lit giectelt lamas. gt—ohjiils. must De encligoil with the Warrant or, If grg furred by thaw enclosing led scra Warrant., acres Of the luid will Do rocalveil for the service of frosting. tioing soinglutal with most of the. vacant Linda Io.IIID twig, the eubscriber hen yeenllar edventsirsii lotsitinit w ' r !'"" . ( Itta ) BA-vonn. E•• • Lyon, Shorbitis., Whitmore t i Woltf, ...IS to Smith. sichgowsme.T Philadelphia Carriages For Sale. THE SUBSCRISEIt has ifm lost received brava Phile4elphlas is coring Stock of Carrieges, and will /teen etenlaPn hang at his Carriage Ilepogitory, 11e. MCC McFarland's l'avern,bn the Pittsburgh and liteolienvige Turnpike, 13 mass evert of Pittsburgh, alarge worn/tenter VEHICLES of all kinds, which he win sell at priors mach lower than they can he bonen eLiewhera From the experience Which be ham In the husinees. and the general nat6faction rendered heretofore, to those who have fardroltilin with their patronaga he feel. anine 3 in saying that he can offer an mwortment to compete with &Op 14 market, both as regards quality and prior parson wishing to porches, aro refornxi to Um owners of 1147-1•10 Ccrriages acid Ly him last WYO. The eabscriber, almeting to continue In the barium, of bisiing and 0011Ing Carriegea, cur M'litZwittiC"l4". Notice. TS hereby given that tho undersigned Com- ' ntlaslonera will open books fur the euttecnalon of nook to th e Windlayalle and Saw 31111 Hon Pima. Boa Company. in totomarce of m act of 400e0.017, and that maid books will ha opened on Thentdals Pada/. and ath oisy, th e tenth. eleventh...l twelfth days of Ju ly.loll, at the atom of Mr. Rana, in Tempera:ankle. and, pt the Lamaa Mara Maio, kg, in znowden tolerably, sod a the store of David Wile., In Snowden township, at vadat data ased places attendance will be given from Woe o'clock a. X.. till four o'clock 0. 0. 11. IL. 1.1.1111ps and Ephrata Jaws will attend on behalf of the Cantrusaion. ere at Xentlilwfmaqtlin 111114.11 LVULTZ, IMMO( Cht/tht, WOO. HTEWART. kVA' ARP moos. 44111hd MEP 40111 ' BOUM, 'I. P. Apims 11. LI. P 1111.117& yinnkandopefw. E=EI=EMIMB!E ma c ro's nuladelpbia & Liverpool lone Sailing Emit Philadelphia on the 15th..nd Livespool the lotof each man ritRIA P NIOSIVre. a i..%=r ' N= , • " S:CROP& Ii YLanlei C. navel.: )iubeT. " BERLIN, Altrod P. Smith: Herten - " HIJACK AWAXON, (new,) W. W. Word. MO. , The above Wag are belle of the teat and mordkoWlF materials. and are noted for the rapslAT of OW , Prwwww they are fated up with all West Improvemants. are 6,4 thoroughly ventilated. andfor th eir ac corrnolarams for &mud Cr-bia and = FbosswFw . : they are commanded by men of sekweriedged talent, .bo are mew:tilled for their exportene• let tho packet semi., Persons &WMme of bringing their frlersle horn the Old Country. eau obtain certificates of wean. wbleh will be trend for eight mouths, and one agents in Inland and LI, .2.1 will furnish them with the proper intonation sal leotructlow relative la their departure. For the enures:den. et pasaeugers wlslung so eeryi roo asy,we supply drafts tor El starling and - upward, payable at - eight without discourrL mttle!) will b. cashed by any of rjor Banks or Poet trance In the United Kingdom. Aar- .ppllect passengers romituf from Liver 'Vim] week the following supplies ba furnished each passeu or. Et yof age and oven 2% - lbe. breed. 2 Ike. rlon. ew 6 its.oatnreal, K lb.msgar. 1 lb. four, K lb. m0b.... and 1 lb. pork. Culler 12 years of age. 2 lb s. bp...P(11241 lb. pork full allowane. of water end eta. egar, and ball allowance of tea. to and mass/res. 000. kIeIIENRY a CO.. No. T 7 Walnut rtmet, below Second. Plillarielphiss W)L FLO) U. earner Moth and Wood vbs. Pittsburgh. United States Hotel at Philadelphia. lIE SUBSCRIBER respectfully annoutt e. to his friends and t he t i nselling community. ho has assunnued the SroprietrndllP Ills UNITED NTATEII •110 TEL. Lon g lumen In connection oitb the Hotel under the late Propnetor. he feels perfectly safe in am misinu Its Pte, ano. that in shall be wanting -to confirms Its iew. reputation as Ile beet kept bon. In the country. No expense ha Leen I , P art4i ano p let.c. ri e t ttlz: , .te o, e , n t tLse e s tablishment. ati ,. d c lie fol t i l L ularly re'rdenni and consUrol sb e.= 'Delos ertilll deter= ed to g ibe aatletaction, be ecniclts • continuance of that ae s s onaae always 1.1 freely bestowed on the old United States. ' Itny3l2ml A. 0. ALLEN. TRYSIAS WHITE,'- BONNET :UNIT FACTURES., Nci: 41 South Saimaa Street, (above ieetnut. man sida.)-Chlladelphts. • febliklY .121.12 i —JOE@ /I. 00.1.104 -11.1•11 BAGLEY, WOODWARD & 90., Whole- G morn, lie. =1 lllaket rblladelphlt , ILO) A. J. DURSO.-- CERA. RAIZ. D. C. S'elYlioN J. A. WARE. WA/A BIICKNOR CO., Tobacco oMER.IOO Mere/with No. 41 North Water street, - n.16 North Whareer, Philadelphia. MO NlEjlettutt...ANZE:?9dienfiza Fommis m2", on cotudirotorrOs of Proxione general 1y.f.a.16.0. Office for Foreigik'Prts, . Na 5 Trail ot., N. York, and 166 - eet .t., London. rATENTS FOR INVENT OiNS procured to (hear Brtrain, Frence„Jkloxie.Lifolhool, eat all er porta of l'hrofe—the Pouete.r. Crft.. noel the Brie el f 01l Information on the atioro male . p lVtrAreer . bas loyeZm h Well meet, hew York. Superior Black Wntuag arid Copying Ink. EMPIRE. INK, 87 Nassau street,, Pao Buildloxe, New York. .11 1 , 61C131 TO =te , , pc! . On dranallt, per gallon.-- .... cont. ,Ta. to the last arter. mennfactered It Room freely— Is a good COPYING INK—and oil toot corrode, wel d. predpltete or decay, and roue... , all the qualities mint: , ed for e tread Writing Ink, sortable for the dalllt and aird mlrably adapted for the Steel Pen. -- • The neviensigned Iv mowed to forobth to the trade , .her Tor expert or boar eorl , nglost, ot . the above very at . l erf= fr 1 1 .07 rt=f m ., "I=l or fey ere