The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 24, 1851, Image 2

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    resnctsco, Stockton; sad Sacramento City. Wt
. erpapers favor the ideti of bosendisrista. .
So, far as the Stockton fires is concerned it
seema inhere otiginated -.' where 'accidental fire.
might Evilly occur the kitcheifof a - large hoteL
Nor does there appearany evidence that the fire
at San Francisco was other than accidental ' By
. the Cherokee we shall have letters from oar . cor
respondents, which may probably throw more
Sett upon this feature Of" the cilimitY.—
We are inclined, stpresent, to attribute it to'se- '
Mention is made above of six men who were
burned to dt.stli - in the Iron store of Messrs..
Taaffe Their names Were Captain
Jaime Welsh. Edward SWAM, Leon Green
bain, fo?,en ' Newsbaum, and
Lewis Ilosenthal. .Ihe burned bodies of Cap
tain Welsh and Mr C.,4111 were found in the ro-
Frm fhe Ails C rents of dfdy 5 and 6.
' " Cent, navalefficer, Mr: Brown, appraiser,
Mr. Green, collector, and a number of others in
the naval deparbrietit, bad all their private ef-
Win destroyed. • The books and papers of the
- .department were nearly all saved: The money
.... was plated in the vault, :
The barridng houses will all ressone business in
.. 'the comae of the week. '
When Burryne's• sato' was opened, $1,600,- ,
000 were taken out not singed or damaged in the
least. -The books and all the papers, deposits,
eame out fresh Wand free from the least
blemish. This firm hail borne the teat of fires
and panics, and now stands es firm, with the ex
ception of the loss of their building; as they did
a week ago. They will' resume business immer .
Cook & Lecount, booksellers, on Montgomery
street, lost their entire stock.
Mr..BitightllD, of the firm of Bingham, Bey
• nolds Pc Bartlett, on lianeom limed, in his elm'
dons to save his building, fell from it and broke
his jaw: The bnildingvas finally saved. He is
doing well.
Mr. Jemes,ll.r. Naglee Forst and nine others,
' while'working at Naglee's building, where they
were rendering assistance to save the. building
and property, 'had their retreit cut off by the
fames. There they remained severe hours in a
most perilous and forlorn nitliation;• expecting
every moment to be beried in the ruins While
in this prodicainent, one of the party saw a .min
endeavoring to escape from a neighboring' build
' log—he became enveloped in flames—fell, ex
haunted, and was omit - rimed.
Br. E.'P. Jones' house in California street, and
the,two buildings above it, all , of wood,' escaped
narrowly, endowed their safety to the apace of
vacant ground around than. ' • .
Jones' Hotel,. at the foot of California etreet,
'was several times on fire in various places; but
by the exertion's of persons connected with the
house, and the'. proximity of sea water, which
.was handed up in buckets, thin'popollar new ho
telwin saved, ,notwithstanding its being built of
_ .
-.. The safety of Macortdray & Co.'s Stores, in
Sonsome street, was owing to their own fore-
Sight and 'exertions. They had the wisdom to
provide for such an emergency by sinking a large
tank, containing 80,000 gallons of sea water.
Mr. Fetrovits, the artist, having his studio in
Bolton, Barron & CO.'s brick building, relying
upon the security it offered, lost all his paintings.
' upward of twenty portraits, and materials.
The books, papers and specie of the Custom
House were not thrown into the reservoirs, as it
Los beeu stated. They. were placed in the sub
stantial vaults built under the direction of Col
lector Ring, for that purpose, and yesterday
they were all found to be entirely safe.
The El Dorado stood proof against the fire,
which raged round two sides of it. It is a very
, • sabstantial brink building, with' ell its window
frames, shutters, doors and verandahs of iron.
' " The Verandah, also a brick building, at the op
posite corner of Washington and Heaney streets,
Many acts of noble and reckless daring were
performed during the fire, especially by men en
tering buildings enveloped with flames to save
property or assist In palling them down, and in ,
some instances by planting casks of powder in I
' buildings for the purpose of blaiing them up.— I
In blowing up the Sacramento Hotel, Broodway,
the first explosion was ineffectuoL and it was
thought that only one of the casks' planted ; bad
.. Ignited, and yet In this uncztainty,-a. dui" I
' " ;spirit was found who walked into the building
already in flames, with two more casks of pow
' der,,firel the fusses and retreated coolly. In.,
less thane, minute after the huge building mum- '
' -
bled into fragments upon its own foundation.
Thl shipping in the harbor escaped the fate
which for hours seemed to await them. Busby
Meeting up - the wharves and cutting off the con
nection,' the progress of the fire was checked at
Battery street The only vessels burnt were the
Nismic, the Apollo, and °cord Harrison, store
daps; which were a long-time ago - hauled in and
' • built upon close up to high water mark. The
city has eines . extended fax beyond them, and
left them as it-were in the heart of the town..
The bedding of Messrs. Howard and Green,
in Montgomery street, withstood the ordeal by
. basing atteet iron set
„up to shield the windows
and doors in the basement. story. In this build
, ing there are many of our most respectable low
-yam, vrhoso large end valuable libraries have
- been fortunately preserved. A19.011g the number
'• ; nre ISIM Hawes, and Messrs. Yale, Barnett, and
• Masson , whose copious libraries they generously
offer to make accessible the bench and bar of
Bill Francisco ' to alleviate in m
some essore,
' the loss' which the profession hare sustained by
' the consumrdion of the law. libraries in this city.
• Among those in the late fire. whose praiswer
• thy efforts in relieving the property and effects
of others, was Capt. Wm. L. Howard,laie of th'e
U. S. It. 8., who has been so seriously injured
- * ' as CO require close medical attention. Captain
- 11. breasted the destroying element till the skin
was taken from his bands and.face, and no man
• - deserves more honor for disinterested action than
' - The brick safe of the B. M. S. S. Company
was ' opened on Mondaymtorning,though
' filled with ' books, papers and valuables, every
. thing was found to be in the most perfect ton
e dition. The office of the company will be con
in the same place in a temporary build
lag now erecting.
The ship Samna Drew, Copt- Holbrook, took
fire three times from the burning brands that
were driven upon her by the wind, but by prompt
' application °twister, abe was each time saved.—
Several others were also °afire at various times,
but noes, we .are happy - 6'lv, were burned.—
The Autlubon,after being In llamas ovemltimes,
deliberately pump her helm and wound her
way among the fleet, and succeeded in reaching
a'place of safety 'without a collision or accident.
of anon Thle whole manoeuvre' widadmira- ,
• ' • Finn Panora:7S onto of oar citizens ere deter
,' mined to be proof against fire hereafter: Moffat
& Co. who escaped on the .4th, with the trifling
lass of their engine room and foresee shop, are
putting up a dead wall, sixteen inches thick and
• • twenty feet high' entirely around it, and eripect
to be in full blot again ip two weeks: . .
Burgoyne St Co. are pushing aheadifireproof
- ' building of much larger dimensions than the
one burned, and it will of course be made proof
against all fires that may hereafter occur.
So of others ' ; and It may safely be predicted
- that henceforth nearly all brick buildin which
• ' Will be built will be of obligee:threat may'efy
the destroying element. ~ • '
• •
The following arethe only buildings preserved
within the burnt district: El Dorado, Verandah,
Naglee's Building, Argent's' Building. Cooke,
:'Brothers & Co.'s, Mr. Selby's. Beaded ware
hose, California Exchange; Haloes Building,
. Howard's Building, James King of Wm.'s, C. E.
Hunter's, Mr. Gibb's, Glidemeestor, De Fremery "
& Co.'s, Johnson & Canfield, half the bcdlding.
The whole city, is alive'with workmen ' engaged..
in rebuilding upon the burnt district. ' The Alta
. California goes the following astonishing in
. stance of the recuperative energy of 'tan Fran
. . . • . '
. •
From Monday, sth Inst., when the fire ceased;
. . up to the present time, May . l4, an interval of
ton days, 857 buildings have been commenced,
of which the =jot part are" finished' and Deco
. pied. ' , This .is exclusive of the many that are
. . .
going up in other parts of ' the city not touched
. by the fire. Including them, the total number
~ . Hof houses just completed, or in the course of
. . . erection throughout the, city, will not fall short
450 i ' Of course, from the rapidity with which
. . have been put up, most of them are frame,
but still, in every Instance in which a brick'
. ... . building was burnt, - either the, walls still stand
ing I will be used in rebuilding, or where they
: axe =fit, anew !brick fire proof building will be
erected 111 the place of the one destroyed.
Frit= Oa Calsfornia ifeinld May 14.
- ... After the first severe crash of the misfortune,
. ; ..mazy desponded of the recovery of the city from
. . its stunning and terrible effects; but , much ener.
gy as we have seen displayed on former mei
' mons of alike dc.soription, the buoyant industry
• exhibited within the last tender, exceedsevery
. . thing that hasgmie before. Indeed, it would seem
as if, in the exercise of a strong and determined
': will, the citizens are resolved that they shall not
• - ' , To tarn to some particulars of interest to our
' • • fellow citizens of the Eastern States, the articles
' I •• of iron houses land Roman cement have been
. • prayed utterly !useless by this conflagration.—
. . . W.b,. doubtless, under other circumstances are
. ••• ', - toed in their: way; but the iron bUildings are
• .. • anything else hut fire proof, and the cement has
. ~..- ! crumbled away in the, brick walls which yielded
1 to the fire, so as to prove it utterly unreliable
when exposed to heat- • ' ,7" • ,
Co IrrOPondece of the Journal of Commare.
• . ' ." ' ' Pair FBA:swap, May 15,1851.
'''' • - -41 1 e ereezher has been pleasant the. past fort
' ';
- ••
...t3i' ght •-
. •.
-l.r-°h'- rain, nave x
s how
er yesterd
... -• i stang
e,w-X-Vt.t05.E...,g0-ot wind from
ApBc,aloen this morning wehad a severe shock
"mequake. The braidings all shook and
• • w a dded. The gamblers upon Long Wharf
. rushed from their tables into the street. They
°`^ '1 _
rashed_Up the pier, leeringthelr anifailver I
Upon their storFarrif, tables totally unprotecte d.
--The lawyer occupants the brick blinking
.house of, Ff. Amend Co., living uP stairs In
the sa and sa dories, rushed into the streets
Ides teremetile4 just IN thellruPed from their
bias Many of the wooden buildings hand it
"sad fee' end trembledas thou& they - Stern all to
be engulfedin arriontent , ...
The sun was - shining be.antlibily at the time,
and the thermometer ranging about 60°.
, • wi th rapidity all over. the
Stores are go i ng Up --
city, both in and out of ths burnt district sod
I,y the 4th of Juiy proximo, I'lL sentare to say
monthMato la be standing in Sui Fran
cine er fin excepted) than there were a
m"Theremittruaces by the stunt day will be
less anal:anal. *Many are se ra home small
l eas, preferring to keep all they dare, for pre
sent need. .
On the night of Tuesday, May 7, a lire broke
out:at Stockton. ;particulars of which are given
in an extra from the office of the San Joaquin
Republican. The lass is estimated at a million
of dollar=
It *with feelings of the most intense sorrow
that we Issue an - extra to inform the public that
another terrible conflagretion has occurred,
which has devastated our city, leaving it a heap
of reins. The loss.haa been animated at upward
of a million of dollars. The Are broke outlast
night at 12 o'clock, under the kitchen of the
Merchants' Hotel. The wind was blowing amp
ly from the north-west, and soon the devouring
element extended to the El Placer, whim mag
nificent structure was Soon a heap of take.
Thence the fire extended to the El Dorado and
along both sides of Centre:street with frightful
'rapidity, but was stayed at the store formerly
occupied -by Hyde A. Loring. By the incredible
exertions pf the imnates of the old Stockton
Times building; ind the superhuman efforts of
Mr. Crabb, Mr. Endicott and others, that struc
ture ' and the Galt House were saved. Almost
the entire blocks fronting on the Losvettand Main
street-:-11: in'all—were burned.
With the nerve to meet such a calamity, in a
becoming manly spirit, many of our principal
citizens, while the fire was yet teeing, contract,
ed for new • bnildingt. We doubt not that ere
nightfall we shell see some new temporary 'true
NY gi tol;iletV4 MI 01
ntimainnie and Whig County Ticket.
rsserroirr .I=do or oureslor cow,
WALTER FOB W•WD, of Peebles. 1
aanirnar SCUM 01 DWI= 0001 x. 4
!LENITY W. WlLLlAllK.oflUtsbirals,
rasscosor mos 0100th 07 Q 1131.1111 U.1030.11 t 40.1
NIL B.32CLURE, of Fittabstrob. - I
AssoclArs moms or moor or ovum 11==0,
WM. HOGOS, or loom Bt. Moir.
JAMES 11021,
_or Snowden.
020. 2- APPLETON, of Ittrosiughozo..
TUOS. PENNEY, of ICKeorprri,
JOHN MLLES, of loAlans.
SWAM FAIL:a:ST CHI of PitroLorrst ,
ALEX. Eicumunos, of euesb.w.
6.11E1 Or TVS COUR, -
JARED AL KRUM. or Pittsburgh.
JOUN V. KOWLAND, of Upper PA,Clair.
ROBERT Siiiti:OFititsbanb.
JOIC: EILEBICK. of . 311:1041<sa.
A TRIP ex THZHALLTIOAD.—On Saturday', af
ternoon we united =melees of a polite invitation
of Jae. ROBINSON, Fag., the. Secretary of', the
Ohio and Pennsylvania Ra il road Company, to
make a trip on the Rails., A ear had been sent
up on purpose by Mr. BULKY, who has charge
of the track-laying, and we found the trip very
agreeable, as well as novel and interesting. In
some twenty zninntes we found ourselves up with
the track layers; some five miles from the Alleghe
ny station. Here a large force was at Work,
scattered along for the space of two miles, en. - 7
gaged preparing the superstructure and laying
down the iron. Some delay and inconunince has
been experienced at the Bridge at fairies Hun,
and on a section adjoining. A large farce is
betrayer at work, and these obstructions will soon
be removed. Mr. Bailey informed us that only
about air miles of track remained to be put down
between this city sad Brighton. All the work
is:of the most Substantid character,. and wei feel
confident this Railroad will have no superior in
.., the United Sides, Thus 'it. is placed fully in
Working order and properly ballasted. The tom
pally has been fortunate in securing the aerVices
of such experienced and efficient men u Messrs.
Bailey and Hayden, the contractors for laying the
track, as much depends on the manner in which
this part of the work is performed.
On returning we were much struck with tie
beautiful rime of the city, as seen rat this line,-
, which we think the best we have on any of our
principal approaches to the city.
We observed that the buildings at the eater
station are in a state of great forwsodngos, and
frointhat to the inner station the grading is fin
ished . for four tracks, which Will be laid down
The road, we presume, will not be opened for
the public before the 20th of July. Locomotives
will be run over it before that time, but the of
cars of the company Tay prudently desire to
hare the line in as complete order es possible
heforio it is opened, as • large business in the car
rying of passenger, may be expected at once.
Locomotives and passenger cats are on the way,
and map be expected this week.
• lye have frankly made known our opprtition to
tt,evidieulous and dangerous doctrines lately
revived in this eommunity from the rubbish of
part ages, that everyman hai a right to as much
land as he can cultivate with his own hands, and
that no man hoe aright to more, a doctrine which,
if it prevails, will overturn all existing Institu
tion, and lay the foundation for innumerable
evils more than it will cure. The Buitievore
American, in an article discussing this question,
has the following forcible remarks:
"But what is the reason why property In land
should be put on a different basis from other
property? It is necessary, undonbtedly, that
men should have subsistence in order to live—
and that subsistence must comefrom the ground,
upon which cattle graze and from which every
animal finds the means of support—but men are
equally in need of clothing and shelter..and of
otherhomehold comforts. If mankind are to be
equalised with flocks and herds and the contest
among them is to be fora right of pasture, let
the question be put on that ground. Otherwise
an absurdity is involved at the outset. Any one
who, by industry, in any pursuit has acquired
money can procure the means of imbristemee just
as well as though be owned land.
Yet the analogy between land, which lea gift
of nature, and the air and light, which are also
.gifts of nature, is relied upon as the support of
this agrarian system—which, once admitted in
reference to one species of property, would be
equally applicable to all other sorts of property.
But the analogy is altogether fallacious and false.
There to no analogy in the matter. Land de
rives its productivelaculty from the labor and in
telligence bestowed upon its cultivation. Air
and light do not depend upon human culture;
they cannot be appropriated by industry; they
cannot be husbanded by a provident care for
tare - use; the labor or man does not attach to
them. And it is the labor of man in connection
with material elements which originates and es
tablishecthe trite right of property. It is that
which identities material things with the inclivid- ,
eel perchust, and blendsinunan intellect and en
ergy with the inanimate things of earth. Labor
and property are naturally allied—for property
is the natural result of labor—or, rather, it is
labor embodied. It is hardly worth while to dia.
cuss these matters further just now; they will be
better understood some time Bence.
Tuw GOAT Puts us Sea FIIMICIIICO.—We give
copious extracts to day, concerning the terrible
fire which has devastated our commercial me
tropolis on; the Pacific. We are glad .to learn
that the loss Is estimated, on good data, at much
less than first accounts led us to fear. The New
York Courier sums up the logs at $7,000,000,
whirl', fearful as it may seem, is but one-1111f
the amount first set down. The 'Courier has the
following speculations on the effects of this ca
tastrophe upon New York
The probable effect of this conflagration upon
New York houses, hot matter of painful specs.;
lotion. It is estimated that five eights of the loss
on account of the Atlantic ports, falls upon New
York city. But it ,must be remembered that Of
the $7,000,000, which we have taken' sa the ac
tual loss, a portion, by . no-means inconsiderable,
is upon foreign account. The immense bonded
ors:theme contained thousands of tom of the
moat valuable - foreign' gocda; all .of 'which are
undoubtedly eninneratect id the catalogue of de.
it= flan. gone of the most valuable buildings,
too, wire owned by foreign capiMdists;Otnd rag
lend. Fran9e, and Germany, had Mit a few com
mercial houses among the doomed. , Still this loss
which falls upon New York must be MI greet
--greater perhaps then we have ever before bear
called upon to endure; and yet wehave no lo**
homiest that ft Will create any revulsion hers,cer
seriously Impair the gentling of many, if of any,
of oar respectable hocuseact ,
- Ilia s peculiarity of California shipment, that,
fee houses hue made very extensive-ventures
on their own account. A large portion of the .
..bipments have keen speculative, and individ
uals of every den and of small means have en-
gaged in them. biansdadarmi and traders too,
have been in the habit of shining to theracill_l
;their unsaleable stocks, and thus hue added
largely to the amount of property which Sell it
I Prey to the tlaines;without adding so largely as
might be at tint supposed, to their risk and rev
;p unalbilities of lou. Thus, while the effects of
this disaster are visited upon a very large num-
ber of our citizens, the aggregate of leas is so
divided and distributed, that we anticipate noth:
big of the suffering in the mercantile and mon
ied cluses, that a' ,much less destructive confla
gration in an Atlantic city would have rendered
inevitable:._ . -
It is worthy of remark that the immense de
struction of goods has not divested the markets
of California of a full supply of everything that
is required. Thegreat balk of heavy merchon
, dire was stored in the ships in the harbor, many
of which bad never broken bulk because of the
low ppices which have ruled for some time past.
The only effect of the fire, upon the market will
he to steady the prices, and perhaps advance
them a little upon some articles. Speculative
prices were attempted to beforced immediately
after the fire, bnt,,failed. Notwithstanding the
immense destruction of goods, all accounts tend
to show, that the market is even now overstock
ed, and that the cargoes expected to arrive soon
and those which %ill continue to be sent , in the
the natural course of regular trade, will bei am
ply sufficient for all requirememts.
SEAM , COMPZUTION. —By 6 ttlegelleiC despatch
from Dunkirk, ander the proper head, it will be
seen that the agent of the New York and Erie
Railroad has made arrangements to transport
goods from New York to Cincinnati, in five days,
at one dollar to one dollar sixty cents per.loo
Nothing could: more Strikingly exhibit the
wonderful efficiency of railroads than this fact.
The Distance from Now York to Cincinnati, by
that Tonne, cannot
.be short of one thousand
miles. It is indeed' •Vircumbendibus ;" and if
those roads
.. caiiicake dividends at- the rates
mentioned, surely-the Central, ind tho Ohio and
Petauglvania - rnithy being m,ucli more direct,
have nothing 19 fear. Low rates, however, must
be the order of i the day. The yankeis under
stand that, sad thOennaylvanians will learn by
lexpetietic: , • .
The rapidity,"SiGli which arri'ls from Europa
i l .
succeed each other tenders it a t kof no little
difficulty to :thelOurnalist to a ge and digest
the confused mope details vhi reach him by
telegraph and tit:rough the press. 1 .
At the dstehf , the last advicesia new source of
anxiety btal ei , r.igg tip in the elope of a counter
revolution in 1 pertugal: Saldanha having tri
nioplitO, entervii_ispon the discharge of his func
tions as Priatle; minister under the Queen, whose
authority was:lnertly nominal; but it seems be
is not likely to, remain long in undisturbed pos
seazion of paswer. Intrigues, set on foot by the
Queen and her fprmer advisers, have been put in
operation to isiverthrOw Raldanha, and so formi
dable is the opposition to the latter that a civil
war is thrtustetted. Great alarm is felt in France
and Spain at this new and unexpected manifes
tation of the revolutionary spirit; for sinless
tialdanla / non he ousted, the Queen will be com
piled to i_slidicate; and that which was at first
only a change of ministry will become a revolu
tion. SPabal l will enter the struggle by an armed
Interference ni favor of the Queen; and proba
bly France:Wilrre-enact the part she played at
Rome in behalf of the Pope.
Spain -itself is-.becoming seriously affected
with the dernotzeittiO principle, on much set that
the govenniiciFiseeribasly alarmed.
lathe mean time Fiance is daily becoming
moreland mare agitated with the fierce and on
comprinnising struggles of her contending [mo
tions. N I The President'w,speech atitijon is ye.
garded - av an open declaration of mar with the
Assembly, and of the President'a dcVrmina
ticm to cling to power at all hazards. Such
the threstning position of affairs in that great
Indian, and God only knows what the end will be.
Businetseis paralyzed, and the country suffering
severely. Capitalists are alarmed, and will not.
let out their funds, consegulattly the specie in
the vaults of the Bank of Prance has swollen to
the enormous amount of .over one hundred tail
lions of dollars, being . acme fourteen millions
more than its paper in circulation.
Been Great Britain is in a condition such as
was never before known: the ministry of Sir
John Russel still retaining office after having loot
. the confidence of the country, as Indicated by
the votes of the Bowe of Commons. They are
- suffered and even solicited to remain, boiaare it
mil sot do to hose a ezusts at encA a tine as
Reanwhile strong and mighty undercurrents,
both political and religious, are telling with fear
ful effect upon the old foundaticros;of the could,
political, and ecoletdasticalstractaree of Europe.
an society. Still there may be no great explo•
slots for some months to come, although a tri
fling circumstance., and a single day, may light s
train that will set di Europe inla blaze. Certain
it is that the condition of things is more peril
ow than it has been it any time daring the pres
ent century.
TEM /11TRItre RAILICALT.—A letter to the N. V.
Express, dated Chagrins, June 2d, says:
„ The Panama Railroad Company is pressing
on, to get the care on from Nary Day to Game,
daring July. 'I think they will succeed. I vie-
Red' all the stations a: few days ago. They ap
pear to be driviug ahead as fast as circumstances
will allow. Gregory's express was taken op in a
boat, which was snagged, and made a total loss,
to the amount of $20,000."
hloaraurr u Nsw YORE.-A correspondent
of the New York Courier, alluding to the fear
ful mortality in that city, says : I would call
your atlas:don to the statistics obtained from the
city inspector's annual reports, which show that
the rate of Mortality has increased since the year
1885 :" •
Year. Population. Deaths. •
1835 270,089 6, - 508 lln 40
1830 812,710 7,868 lis 89
1845 371,223 9,886 Ito 37
1860 615,894 : 15,894
..1 in 33
BITUILII OP MB. nIDDI.Z.—VhO Boston Post, of
Thureasy, says: .
"We understand that Edward Riddle, Esq., U.
S. Comminedoner to the Industrial Exhibition, is
expected to arrive here in the Niagara, which
left Liverpool on the 7th of June. After passing
two or three days with his family, he will pro
ceed to Washington, on important business con
nected with the Great Exhibition, and then de
put again for London."
MIL COIWIE.—We inadvertently omitted to
mention, in yesterday's impression, the departure
of the Secretary of the Treasury for hie home in
Ohio. It is something more than two years now
glue Mr. Corwin'alast visit to the West, and in all
that time he has applied himself to the discharge
of his public duties, first as Senator In Congress
and then as Cabinet Minister, with a dilligence
and a devotion that merit universal respect.—
Some relaxation was due him ; and we feel sat
isfied that the people of the whole country will
be gratified to hear that he has gone to spend a
feonal ew weeks among his neighbors and Ids per
andpolitical friends in the beautiful valley
of the Ohio.
It is matter of honorable pride with Mr. Cor
win'e numerous friends in this city, and will be
one of general congratolation among the commer
cial communities of the large seaboard cities,
that be has not deferred for future action a sin
gle one of the veil large number of eases that
have been submitted for his investigation and
decision since be took charge of the Department,
or one of those which at that time remained over.
Every thing has been cleared from his table in
burliness like manner, although the labor to do
this required him to delay his departure more
than a month beyond the time at which he had
earnestly desired to leave for Ohio.
TtwiD nettle unbeconilog in us teeny that, in the
present organisation of the Treasury Department,
and in its recent transaction of business, Mr.
Corwin has displayed groat practical wisdom and
a very high order of adininistrative Went. He
has drawn about him those who are not only able
to work, but also milling. and hence has given
to the Important commercial circles of the coun
try the best guarantee, that their interests will
be prOmptly and efficiently promoted.
During the absence of the Secretary, the able
Assistant Secretary, Wm. D. Hodge, Esq., acts
a s secretary ad interim.—Bipublir.
A Coxxos DurAss.r•A Ordain certified, in
Nevi York, list week that.ane of Ide patients
"died with deficiency of life to-dtly, under my
The population or Marion County, Florida,
Idia nearly doable oboe tho first of Januargloat,
the emigration being mostly from Booth Condlea.
We received files of the Oregon papers up to
the 10th of :day. The accounts from the gold
mines on the Klamath all agree that the mines
THI yield ifair eqafielent to thrf Miner, Borne
beautiful specimens had been discovered, weigh
ing from sSso $ l5 . '
or elivtion u del-
IGeneral Lane is eatorasa_ing
to to the .next Congrms. •
There were an abandante of ripe strawberries
at.Portiand on the Stier Stay.
'The newly diseorsemreeel region Is said to
he inexaustible, and Coals tan be delivered on
the banks of the Columbia rive r . at leas than $lO
per ton.
The population of the whole territory, as Boer-
Mined by the census of 1850, Is 13,828 ; houses,
3218, mills, 45.
A ateamboat is about to ply between the Cas
cades and the Falls of Columbia. The company
et the Cascades have already nearly compleated
a rail road around the portage.
The Western Star sayeltluit the last steamer
brought quite a number of passengers from the
states.. Mr Preston, Parseyor General for Ore
gon, and family, and Mr. Nelson, Chief Judge
of Oregon, are among the number. Also fire fe
male teachers.
. .
William Kendall, convicted of murder, mix
executed at Salem, on the 18th of April, amid
large concourse of spectators.
The Ker. Mr. Geary had arrived at Oregon
City dir!Ct from New Tort—Y, Y. Courier. .
gEr MeLtaaa's Lxvan PILLS.—In offering
Ode medicine to the public, the proprietors ere well aware
that - they hove VS encounter s hostility generzted by the
mantle. impositions which have been palmed upon the
nubile under the shape of patent medicines. We are con
vinced. howeeer, that It I. only necessary to gee their re
medr a hoot to place it In public estimation fm above all
Medical agents of the kind ever offered tothelmblie. It
L the Invention of an cullubteued,experlcmed,andlearre
rhYsiclets. who for moor year! used It In his own peso
tics. when its gnat success Induced bins to offer It to the
public at hags
For tale by
J. lUDD k CO..
No. 00. Wood it
Every family should at once procure a
bottle of the vent A rablin firmed/ for man in beast,mll.
ed R. G. Parrell'i Arabian Liniment. It allays the 20C.t.
intenasPabocin • fen situates, restores the ernovhd told
orfoint water, mad Museums/ XS Mints; it penetrates the
flesh to the bone, relaxes contrected cords, cures rheum..
ties, and palsied limbs of tweet/ ream' standing; alen.tu.
mars, swelled neck enlargement of thelillMil• and Is the
best noodielne for alicernmof cattle ever diacenered, caring
, sweenroparlos, splint, and all dioceses which requi ean
external 1411 , 11C01011. FPO' adeerileement. jell
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
A toll ared compleie stock of FOREIGN AND AYIIRICIA
- -
Suitable :hr the aprias trade. and whkh ther art ptwpared
to oder us parchanera at noon that will mum.
tavorabir with guy of [h. eastern '
LIKE OIL *DOVE RATER—The siek man can tell a
pond medklue by trying it, as quick ass Dr. can tellaenut
dinner by rating 11. And if one man thee it, and Duds It
row, It will destroy the papoiarlty with Ile whole tit] ,
Too can't introince a coolicine into popubtr two outer it
yermesers restly substantial virtue, free frocgall leul erect
of maid objections, and It, la this fact that Imo mtaldished
On. reputation of "DulDa Compound YinLi Extract of Par
misted..." hef.d ell cavil or depute. Its action upon
the humao opitca. b In aeoretiarce with rational and phi'
korphical prlncipleett promote the redone sorretlons
ad exertions of the Lodi. Tam.. obeirastiot., dlaplam
Morbid Bad dl tad mike, orengtheni the Atoms&
apst dlgintivo ingnaß, mat. new.' 00.0. and healthy
Ideal, and regulates the carrell. functions of the diffnent
organs of the body. ml. 1. all performed without the
least danger of harm, the prnp.ntlon befog as ode as it
is effloaclone. It may be thosught by the akeptical, that It
p.. ow to mow too many ammo. lest upon examins.
don. it ;will be fcmad that a lat.., majority of the dime.
_as whkh Mkt the henna family originate in lot impure
state of the blood. Ile um decoked, then. by otter Bar.
aaparlllaa befog offeror you by "my mlien of molasses
41.twster preparation" a/ ► ea:ghats for the original
John Pair.. Eareterilla mdrudde meparition the
PrOprieloS warlords to hentedtor to all odor,
Cretkx.—ireirare and ask for the minket Ire Job'.
EWE Scaropewidia from Kati.liir—and hare no other Bea
advailxinetit on another MR , •
g kirsch a 31DOWELL,.140 fiord rt.
el.d.torSeir Wholerale t Retell .....vnto.
Petroleum I
Edummuomi, Muting.lon eu., Pe-. March 4,'51.
KlMle—lhar Sir, Your Petroleum Is worSiug ume
den lu tLle rtc.ldtr. tberFfore we would thank sea tonmel
W.I. Meer, by Clue Promrliemia lli.liroal. We .1011. en
tirldy out. and It is Wad Woutrel for Menet every der.
Yours; reeve/. fully, JOIIN LONG a 01
Museum Ashilud ed. 0.. Warrhlo,ll.
Li. M. Ism-4k. El, Tour x kw wwks
WI with cis bus down Rock Oil. which wt ben lold.
news. Ur►cN to us rix d•wis
cs,, t uds, worth,. wooden to thiscnii.s. We
nti °Main arteral excellent rnrlipratrt, It too desire. them
Tote. It.. W. W. 00017-
TOT /110 by Kerber k 16 1 Rod'
Selkrs, 17 Wood abbeet: It. A. IbLhawoblet, Ca comet
Wool sad Front Atrattz 11. M. Clamp. D.AL 6/1100.3./1b
Doa.glAAA.Abal u.fith..t.....likeinr.4l. , by Lb. 11.-
lvskt.Y. S. IL ILI/34.
.1.141.:2 Canal Ilssin.AA•mtb at. Ptts/ban:b._
Citizen's Insurance uompany of Pittsburgh
044. e• lie, 41 Weber 'tree, to bbtivezeleraee WV. U.
C. t 1. Ileacy. ..A. W. Mears, &ley.
in else, ahl
This Compehybewail. +res Dam prebexeod
ole Le lasuyeall teem bareller
lt =river...ay ter the abi li ty tad Ia.:o he
ily of t
!tation. Is affords] to the che'a't.' of the Dirertora
tele, eyealt elhaeme , of Pittiburg L.. 411 ace! Doetably
kn)lrn to the ceeltmeeity hr Melt prihleare, tatelleienta 4
and integrity.
Diatertea-41.17. Ilnexey, Wm. Dayalen am.
Jr, Walter
Bryant !Yeah D. Flay, llnhatelm.
iia.rt..salth. S. Ti. 6Mr. . 50.3..1f
Pitfall:m . 6 , h Life Insurance Company.
CAPITAL; 8100,000. .•
.. Prainient—Juts S- U.
Vie. Prind•ni—niircis. Mrilimins.
Trineurev—J.irn a. iain - s.—C. A. 0.4.163.
l AZ.Si.• navirinenient in =nib.r post of thin I , •Dir.
toy= ,
Shawls Cloaks ! Mantillai! •
E S. MILLS, No. 6 Corthwit st., N. York,
iLitftTLlllWAl=74:l7 b lrkilia
a neaten and Downed Wad Loon ottawle. ' tnether wish
arrenttnekt Yreron sea netn
end Wee
linens ewes, of every ra i..
various enepoe ate., nenafartured front Pans pat.
lenge Ins own noyentanoae, melted enntaboollet ten .
Item enamel,
Ile Writ. the rp.nlal etention of Sontnern and Wee t rn Merchants to the SUM, se they nod no laiwort.
went of nhawts, and resdyntede grate far Leda& weer,
nororoassed to tbeq
Also. eupertor _
ME 1110 W STANDS, hen exhibitio
naves me Mental. dressed to ?eery enter e d pen, enAt n
Oman. et 14 sod 14 seen.
• Jey,}Ly
rliBE Auditors of Pitt township will receive
• z_ write.. Provolialr for dolor tbo work of rrpolitth
ba r t o , th ,thip 'toting the rilto tor doy at. whirl% the
onntraotor will rothith tho reontrith number Of Ara
!armors, with woorrary toot. AAA wheel-barrow% ot.o. hi.
dolly pey for hl. own IstAir and .trim supoisttruditors
I, ltrr .r to th , L ' AMVI tgo '".
Or Molitor. r l holl etermioo. uod.r outhrvirlt .
of the Auditor.. and Fuperthor.
The proporoir wilt hero to br refJod, and houcteit-oro to
Metre the :AAA of July—to Alexander tirorithoridth,
Toon Clerk. who 'KM Al , . furtherPortiruloth woot
od. 11. P. JONI:M.
Juno 17.1051..-11.24.311ti01trT Auditor..
TRE undersigned, Executors of John Con
oiogbam. will, aortrahlY to hi. Imt will and tenta•
m ee t, e w,. to public sale. on the prnmlem, on Yrbiap
the fret del 01 A agnet neat. at 10 o'clock, a VattM of 1,0
Acres. Amsted on the Monongahela river. moo-half mile
sLore McKewmort. In MiMin township. Allegheny county.
Thin Term emteins.aboot Werra of (Mai. of good {Una
ty easy nf amen to the neer.
le.treheeem ere requeenel to ...Inn, by sopliontlan to
Samuel Cunningham. John Wyk. or Thom. 11. Atter.
won. inteenton, Je2tht
S lIEREBY GIVEN that letters m testa meng.n
telar y g
har , . thia day been to dae ILI of
toerweldp. and /WC rantedof Wllkitta townihlp,
wpm the Fatale of Ca Sam.) Swam..., late or flatlets
towed: de (he'd. All rennet having del.. agedoet
relate. wll prevent' them. dt.4litutheatteated. the mottle.
meat: sad all•perw.n. heleld to .aid Water, will make
/*lomat to tither of the Aftwatam.
(aP EC TA CIII S!---H — We'llave complete
itt ,, k of flat. Si' wer and Steel gpectoelo...and trAt
quAllty torn. °owe. VISAIM- We itlasoe. to
variety, of vb....mottling to the toot ;ninepin of
optical je=l l W. W. N ILMON.
I~4EAIt FOUNTAIN.—The atten.
Wen a thetnedieni fraternity in Invited to the ET
Yotintsdn. by Dr. Vowel, °oculist, of Nen York..-
Jun twelve' end for Pale . W. W. WILEON.
BOTTLE CORES-800 gto. for ?tale by
BELLERS, 47 Wc.:l It.
pr0,t,1 4 B
s 911P:N—S40 lbs. xl .,
s lo Ll .alo by
ufittEGsi. bbl. No. I, fur sato by
, pa; • R. It RELI.I,I:O
IQUORIOE ROOT-s(s lbs. for sale by
jest It. E. MILLI:RR.
gW NO. 3 MACK EBEL-ioo bbis. and
?.5 orrlro . roost. sort for _I. by
021 JAMES UALZKLL, CA Water rt.
Great Fire in 'Philadelphia I
Report of the Committee on the Geed! Iron Safe
Bureirl, Noy Bth, 1851:
TELE UNDERSIGNED, having consented.
2 .3t the rmmest of 31r. 301111 VAILREL. in germ lee
Cotianittou to witi,tl nisi hp ore of WILDER'S PAT
ENT NAL.' AN DE3 SAFES, manufactured by SILAS 0 .•
11E/11:13:4), make the Nllowine
The experinient Ism triol on the 'Thant District," One
nor of Fro. ova Non ameba A brick Dana. wes tom
strastxl, In what area placed on. of trlfeortog'•
derEafes.. of onlloory site and thickness, that hod been
in Use about eighteed months in the moral. het. of
Me m, J. Wood.. Co ~..1 three other liar., tolled
...AN, proof." triannfactarrri in this Mtn end with the roe.
ker's name therm.:
A lane guantity of charcoal, rosin, and pine wood. WOO
Pinta tinder and Aron. each Eats, era limit.
1 o'clock, M. Aperturm heeled been Info in the of tho
lfArnace,• Mo. draft orio created. and ail fru] . N.fer.X .
dent th a t
an intent. heat. At It nits ado. ~ It It. otl•
dent that the content. of all the Sanwa.ttentwe.'
Palentanderc were on ere. At 3 *hot. the TM.. 1. can.
et) tlFlre Proof.. were remn.i 1. leavinx Ilorribtes Esfe
alone In are nano., anturst rehleh Ire.h fuel ores no/
plamd. and an active tire kept up out o'elerre,
When the mob"ne were rammed. and the 813. allowed to
At 7 P. M. the letn were opened- One h. fallen to
Memo. and the mot.. of roe them were rel.ed to char
coal.. Dorke not loose pepsre hod been placed Inter/x.4
ni the °Herring Palamander n the contents were
Vun i rd ' inltood order. In fact, D.. WAd not the Poet Me
Warm.* of the notion of are, camp% that mano of the Pas
pen were aught/ Matted by steam.
Cr alfiTOg
tau em of °orbit, Levis It CO. •
The Md. dam mita. Mom. which ors.. completely
Deans. by the .11minn netetolontee." were etann.S
Dram A Ivalson.s Donn; and "Lehi...M.,
atol Were mid by their respecti, ,, waken an "werrentea .
flee prune Chests , ' The public are invited to call and ex
amine them, at tho IliON NAPE MOO.
0.24.151 CT 31 Walnut st,PWILADF.LIMILL
E D DLL.t.IIBBEit BELTING—Jo/it rec'd,
om the meaufaehuers, 151:0 feet Light Bailee, tin.
rale at the lees Bubb. Depot,
Nos. 7 .nd 9 Waal . k a PHIL LIPS. ..
k 1 UST RECEITED—AsappIy of India Rib-
IP no Breast Pappo; Inl.• Molds. and Spiny. real
di. for mho whoteanar d 7 sad It Wad et.
Mumma prism
. . . . . _
al t. f.h L 7: ll'i : t r u 'au b" :l.e.. lu rt i rj r ini ur t.t"l= br
' *t.blll.' ` . .. t. "I"'
T . aud.rstrewd, .1 td.. depot. has on band a WV ns'
''!"":" the
Atm' el kind. of IRON (mar& MONET DOM
VAULT DOORS and HANICaVAUL Land M.V.Zzndferenker
resa r taern=a=ent In the weeld.
Alas, the flallowlas LOCHS; _
.. .. .
"'"..., eb'n,
&¢ . MartngltjoSe r. frer te K SI -. '''a
Hall`a New Patent Powder and mash. Proof Loelk e•sT.
Newell A
and Leeks of Other celebrated '1
• makers.
JOHN PARR . , EL, No. 31.Walskot street;
Sole Agent for the State of Pennsylvania.
. : tl :4: : : l l :47..
lalrorr,orvelle the Pca Men— -
woo or lb. Pram 111.1; a tale of teal 116. by Caroline
• Deutz..
The Daughter of Night ntOry of the preent time.
Not mu Had ex Tee Seem; a comedy by Enterer.
Dictionary of NI Khania, No. XL
WtteD'e Living age.N0. 3 7 0 .•
Flretnaa'aillattthly 361.11210 e, July—No. 1.
Wulff,' Loire Book, feed
Drawee Magtalus, •
aarteltes Megashae, " •
The Hoag or the Hazards of Router; by Sullen.
Cheap Black De Wee.
of • Itit of taw (all 'moil black Do Um, at
1 1 .(1„ pries 375 i.
II mace sattele can be tud at the Was of '
new Luke Trout;
for No by
4 iSH-110.0•htbb
0. BUOAR- 25 hhde , . fo . roge
SODA ASH-20 make for sale by
OTATOES-150 bu. for sale by •
LOUR-100 bble. extra Pam., for. 'sale by
je= 0.1 W. lIARBAVOIL
EACHES-75 bu. for Bale by
ie= 8. 4 W. I/ ARBALGIL
lI,EESE-50 boxes Cream, for sale by
- S. 11
W. 1813AUGH.
_..., __..
nectar* Mr Inen Works constant rearaolnaent .111
.e yen to on tbonmentay araspertant to drauglat and tura
ebeet, bar, aad odd. ltolln none need aDDIr but earn .•
MI bring fall tetatnnonlale of camel tr and mobrletr. AD .
Or or adder. J. IL •B. IL ELLICOTT, Ealtlmora.
jaßtbat . .
jUNIATA NAIL RODS-95 bundles Slit,
co for tale se 8. F. VON BONNUORST & CO.
GLASS -400 boxes Window Glom, assort
th".""l° br NNUORST a 00.
Jet.l V. VON DO
. I :my • el, an. """n.
goentlu, br talky
ja2t Y. l. TOM k
Pare Brandy, for Diarrhrea,
r! EAR IE MIND: should vou need French
Onauty. the Tux mar eau be AURA at MORRIS'
Mere, be the Diamond. at SI per quart or battle.
ra:4 l t sta. g ..l"r ! as Ire ILMT krpt .
• - Wall Paper and Borders.
rriBORAS PALMER, 55 Musket street, re
x. nucctfally Oats. the attention of pattbasers m Mo
present complete and ottoman asst. cooperator almost
sort' article I. hl. ll se of boons.. . Ja2l
- - - - '
PER.—A Inaperloy tn. Ewe. artkla put. eyed
and tor nal* by THOMAS PALIIV.R.
)eel t4 Hartet
• • White Paint •
ind nal far sale at No.: and 9 Wool et.
..I.—We intim tea anent/me of Mame sad Steambeat
Motel, vo thot article, ableh me have been wing tor nliv
of three mouttut, arid ain recommend to he amen.
in aid. lead paint le every roped— lasted of evorblng
the litchi like white lead, site whits newts It, and con.
ustatly h. a
relative end more brilliant tote. It Stqltit.
greeter bardoms. aml le mune durable foe Inside or too
:ore. • It 1.111 not rub oa, sad ma be lambed eitherut al
ien; nod im It revere iturrt• V 1311•01 equal weiglit. It
t 0 tattle ae dime wi white lead.
ccll J. PUILLIP3.
Juot recelerd, a good amortmeuired dlferatt
Liumated 'shah will lie mild vuirlomat wheavale or
retail. at tbe (data Waterman. S. • seal it Wood et.
1.11 J. a n: ra•
fIREEN OIL OLOTII-300 yards for Win-
Blind, just re 4 tram Fleury. Ikeut her sal* at
I , us. 7 and 9 Wad street J. • IL PHILLIP/4.
NDIA RUBBER WIIIPS—Of all the sizes
tannearizrod. sal.• and Tetall, at the .In
IClablwr D.pot, Nola 7 azul p Wacdatm ,
.1.11 J. a it. suntan.
11tliattS—Of su the different sixes, at
Les lowest wholesale prises.
CRAPES!—A. A. J.l.ssos . & Co.
.) ea/ ow sass whits, ask. bias sal DWI.
Cram The says raft and dsarals goods ELI be sold
ramp al No. CI sal Naskst a2l
— ff
LA AWNS! LAWNS bismox et. Co.
hey* just opened oar on plain Mott Lend. .e 7
dam* Also. p vai beentind
Lano.nt very kw pate., at lion Ed dt Y 7
L Co. aro row groriog Abair tors alai wird apoott,
at of Poroool •SO vary tottomt whom ONI.UT ward,
1. E. 6.1 .4ltew an stavtoolal to rail atatt .s.mla. Imhoff
nuctioolos olsotrbent.
NEVLO3tiIte. K E No. 3, Boston I •
V. Sale by. ( je•2l7 ' JOUR WAIT B CO.
Judd's Medicated Liquid Cuticle.
ARTICLE I. intended for family use,
tbould Ito growl ha UM yamegrias of Wa
ll the laud. Mechanics who an n caustant gauge , of
Injury to 1010 permits through windout, wad th• lawn ,
rr amt.., it. uf toot, it tw artiel• to goi
ugh/. to ilitto. lift.r • fair trial will augulger It log!.
This may oirtify thut tr.!, tgiwitudertitiaoil, eating Iliv
goeutl mom UM. Judd tgraimiga Liquid %Wets. pre.
poet ti gears. attMlttat CODU,
twerl•ii y recuouttrud it to our
fsproJr subwltute Am • adbegi ya
In 4=5
barti• cuts, scads, Widow, and all Umlaut tro th wound
alga, rir gam ::IN .. • remedoial
CIIAILES ytiunall
. .
D. tiaalilta, M. D.
Y. mOODit IT. IL D.,
claapriaiag oath. practidaa abylklan. Du Cary of
Tor nkla br EL A. PAM ZEITOCK 100, -
~a2l owner Waal sad Thad rte.
Election Notice-
EI.ECTION for a President, Ten Direc
tor,. Troanuna and Bimatam. to twain , lb.. *Ulm
. I'Mottanah and Allmtoray Bald" ladled Racal
accept InalcaJ .111 to Imt.l at Ma Rooms of Paid Sold
Company. 100 flask Morday
_ln July mat. toMmon th e
Loon. or and 6 o'clock. C.
Pal= Wtl.llo/I.BtION. President.
Ivirrtf(7 s l- - inV.3
Ay Rai t a II , U4CIIII ELD in
t vi of till . he
00. d maaoteurN. or
Ato, nor from :P . '"
cfk 47n Vrallstirs. I.
VOPS--Underwc;oil'a fine Lemon Syrup,
Teri superior for malEtair Lea.
'"th intr I . IMUVOi k OV.
jet) Onan sad Too Design.
V V •"'" nuu "' sgii;Witte. tr '
Put roe d by
PIN N. r.conner of Fourth owl Market...
pAIRY SALT—A superior article for :no
&dry or table, pot op IN i toa , N ... Meader ma
tato by
jeUl . 2.10 ort
`AP SAGO CHEESE—For solo by
k.O y WM. 1. MeCLUILO It CO.
Gas Burners.
TRAVID BURNETT respectfully informs
the public , that to te maw ready to supply his English
ost the Ilurnere s pfteate dwellings. churthee nod
Ella Inullings. lie would reepectfully invite Um Veg.
4.1., Elders. etuof the different Churches, to call and
judge fa themselves. They can be mem in fail opera
tion en Sunday evening, the =Host, at Trinity Mulch,
Math Wand.
Europe@ are superior to ea old etf le, In RiThrlit •
; ource hare Ixen In use fo Thor
In . E rsVP
Orders left at tha sena of the Monongahela nous. will
ho moectually sUanded to. jell=
/1101) Fl9ll-600 lbs. very fine, for sale by
'um. L McCLURO a CO.
MBE subscriber, having made .arrange
oalits, larnmoaaneo ath/th hi. prearot b ff rulnera
b :t k ° lo (1 raj ' Wh i le r l y,_ ft a fo au r
0 1177110 t
- broldni.. Mem Trionalosa, llandkrocblata, /Ina 'lntr.,
I/annotatr (lords, Zapbyr Wonted, Flower Atatanalr,
Umbrella+, rarmolA abmbr.. and Thread and herdle
tkler. Laiew !nom (bad Ptilladdplala make,) 01
prtano yawed pact+, whated. odd rotalL
A k LEXANDER DAY,' having cbncluded
todose their pre sent button', now having
thedr entire
snit of Vanity aced btaale DRY GN)01D1, at coldly reduced
pates. natlr rook is 'arm and ...Moen a elude* assort.
meet of treneto and dualist, DUWEIS and CIABBIUNIWA
Mask and colored Oro de Rhino ens, of the lend tas e.
fart n re; Owned Mho newest of the newe styleg Ilaregas, Dar
_lawns, An,
of the best makq
Flom eatlesti As., to=r with almandeery article
in tto . Drr Goode Me. Dunham. are leritsd to call. as
we and efame:wet tool.. decided hargalne lor wholesale
or retail In order to elmq out or entire bet as
soon se
potodble. ALBA AND6II A DAY,
Jeltaw 06 Market et. N. W. car. of bloomed.
White Nerieillee (box
-RAVE on band a large assortment or lin
rn d rIA n=l L QUILTS, of Tr 11 . 7, 01111. .4
• •
To Let,
A DWELLING HOUSE, containing 1:1'M
11„x4gr,..f-yAgv„.m...,.jd','AVutVil.. 4
m u agtufr ...o.• I. l. l 77 . 6 • l ld dra li gs l
t elll ,r, ..•
papas Pe.( the month "Third.
6 bbls Um-Ines oroshod Btu=
6 do do pairdrOod do
6 do' Lard Olk . .
6 kw% d twht ToUs
13 boob dried , Applaroahr bi _ 4
dos.jiat tedradnrid 0r W. L -
INK 1100 T-1110 lbs. prime Quality lust
reed .ad for tallybr .tjapi L L
k) ITRIC ACID-250 lbs. just roo'd and for
Ida by balb B. It. IiELLIRL
011 LIVER 01L-40 gallons, roar. malt
far sale br lel 9 R. L. BILLIARA.
located fat Strosbarley or fruit of any Ma. •Aa Huss_2oo b oxes fa, Bala by
Jets few minutes' drive a mush., market.lbr sale.
A. WILXLMIS a CO. Jilt • ,t. 5. 0.11171EL.D.
' • - Chickerings Pianos.
JOHN H. MELLOR, Asent for
.;!.. !
Plans, f Orttsburgh -
and Western Roam - Malt Na al Wood rt.,
has rainiest and non open for salt the fol
imam Octant asecolannt of Piano YORAIIII. oil red *tenth*
startutret=7, at Arr. Metering'. WiesiotO rieec
ON else= Etorewood send-grand Pieta X oniesh
Ons served
- plan " •
One " essaed
Pl e
ru ain nd soraota.
Re 01Zr Phew Fortensa of the hunt style. of furni
ture. and olth all" Mn. Chleterina's imPolornnetd.
Woo Insane:dr the aeon as at Baton. thereby sawing to
Web... in MO region the expanse dad risk of tn..
anseerccal Carnal Monlains elbj, weave nes. Erma .
glean:and by Adam Staiart k tke.
(Me Basekcaal nary. Adana Stodut
" Bacon k Herein
" deg
One see , band Cblekertna, as Fool m M":
" Bakon t Mean
One .* " Loud k Btothetq
Cu. Duboie t
O. " " !Manhattan lannsnanr:
OrlolazuV Co nTt Sale.
rURSUANT to au Order of the Orphans'
(Nice of Allegheny County. the undersigned, Ad.
istratarofkind Kam, of maid county. deed.
al i
l 7 BSIy at 10 oolatek . linitEt.ortaiwriort.thN'llkt
Noose and iett,_tra Jamee 11.1rattea Plan. h. Pitt SA,
manty stomata. Terms of Me. mob. • •
Information am be had by calling on Robert hider, or
E. P. Jona, At Fourth ac •
Pitt um nstilp.
ARD 011-8 bbla. No. 1, for taro by
Scarce and Desirable (load;
OF VARIOUS STYLES, open tins morn-
.2=1.1 W
Elsa nilin, r nest Mooning Otegbsans, de, to.
Attention Is Invited to their choice assartrcient of keen&
Lawns; White 'Goode Ow dresses. to. .
We will receive. Ostler Or 10.011 . 05, be= New York—
Brom Dress Lamer • telt
New Books!
YEAST : Problem ; reprinted with nor
etittei of die l'ofileter. lif id et:li t thar of
•• • • to the Llb of Mn. Margaret leteltlend," `Mork•
Mistery of Cleopatra: Quo. of ESTPtr; by Jamb kb ,
oath esstravlogr.
N. 14 of Pictorial Yield hook of the Iterrolotkok
No. of Lobito Labor mod the Loud= koor.
The above Books Jost received and for +ale by
Self R. C. STOCKTON. 41 Market at
. and Public lkouente of the United Elates,
iota mre
the Asensio. of George Washlnfiten to the Pvtada.t .
ggaMtl i rg==l d e .. .. or our wean Watkins ranee
nal Documents. •
Nnsn' WLIM Rearms containing Political. Illstonral.
Geoirrephirat, Beleattnal, enabling, nconomlca/. and Bi
ographical D0C6111.144 Assam and Peen tonether with
Nutters of rho Arts and Manufactures, and a it.....A0f the
Cents of the Thong from 1011.
n. above rateable worts for de by
Jel7 It- C. OTOCKTON, et Market at.
§COTCII BURLAPS-2 boles suitable for
Wool SAAR.. Alno—= Wool Sacks. new and In good
BEESWAX WANTED—The highest price
is each will b. P 1 - IT7111116ce& co.,
ion cornet Pint and Wool au.
CARAPE SIL4VLS, at reduced prices!
A. A. MASON CO. mill alma nut their stack abed..
Wain and embroidered Crape thanlA •• • Kna. •
duel:lnn from fbnnar prim.. Cad Boma and get • bardal •
Ma. G 2 and 04 dlaaket at. je.l7
1 AWNS I LAWNS! at 61 eta. per yard!
A.A. MA130.1 A CO. &rumor offoologWoo
ore of ohm Woos eorr exhibit...l le thIWoOT. ol al
HEAP BONNETS:—d. A. 111.toox & Co.
J Undetermined Coulon out tbebabuneof their stock
llormete Mul nate at smelly msl used prier, The atten
d= of ladles Is nolleited to the abase uouds. jell
'FRENCH FLOWERS I—The, attention or
castogovs serpoVtally Invited to o"lar nalericai or
doglovers, which vs ars ocor closing out la very no
tam (0171 A.A.:MASON CO.
Piano and Table Covers.
AA. MASON h CO. would respectfully
e all the attentliesof bowie keeper. to (bete Trey ea.
ve esenstesout et' richly Tainted sad evatessed piano
atel table WRIT. asserted solar,. Alm, • veey Mese esp.
Os of MP. abet damask table clothe. naltUse. &Wm.
levelly. aO. at No. C 2 and 64. Malta amt.
Notice to Contractors.
Q..BALED PROPOSALS will be xeceived at
the 06.• CC 6
D. HUG, Fourth rt.. until the letder
IVA" Pltstedl th ..girk..llt,Vt'luel=Ct
cab barmen's garlior from t o
blinerrtille. (whole onrober
of ruble 'verde entreated to bo 10.000.) Warn In their
ropretele to elate eeporstelr the rake per cable yard toren
rar diitt E r "r'V Al l e ' t bt i rbri ft r— th 4
the olio. or a. C. w 00..., Log, Etbo rbe wh o
W latlntratiOn call be .A.411=1 tionerrobitt wad err Ito&
ILL. /Mal, Provadent.
KIEL PEACIIES-100 bushels dried.
"V'EW 3IACKEREL-115 bbla. Large No.
AA a. (um.) Bolton Isurectlon 'art reed and 7 for
jab .1111.LEit a atritarsos.
•ark and Libenr .t.
.f IN SEED 7 OIL-10 bbla. pure, for sale by
1.4 jel6 11011I60S, LITTLE
ACON lIAMS-10,000 superioi vial=
ttr, eal• by ROBISON, LITTLE & CO.
016 Laberty et ;
ACON SIIOULDERS-35,000 lbs. for sale'
ACON-7000 lbs.Llams, Sides, Shoulders,
fnr .ale by i.te & & R. ILARRAUO
COTTON -25 bales (Batting) for pnle by
m Ib RM. ISt anal
FIRE BOARD PRINTS—For sale at 25e.;
by . 1.1.17 • W. P. 311.11811A13.85 Wool a.
A LA TVILIC.-I.o.lkse And Ms.& deft jtut 'welted
br male. by U. U. PALMER. •
1: 3111 .11121.1 rt.
PAL3IEit has just received • crest vatietv K sale
tundesev Jimmies, opine beautiful and
mu d Kyles. Alas,
Ilen'e and Hoye Baid, CM, acid ether deli
ViIEESE--52 boxes, how landing and for
17 %Vier and from M.
lIEESE-200 boxes in store, for sale by
co. are nog Oaring out their 'err largagDa of Bor •
rwt bbons, at rreg teamed Friona Cl6l and eganit...lf
,ou want • bargain. Nos. 62 .d 61 Market rt. Jolt' .
I GINGS—A large as
s sarmert
hood on%f a nd i ooliso 11r 1 1ag i tzyod
Bs Wood at.
NSW NUSId. • •
KLEBER has just received
Mier, sop the Mende of lay youth ,
iom with lbw;
lforywell. If ever toadest ;Toyer:
Tooshruitioee Anthem-odettkated to the Totolwiwilfo."
6 ight o. of i ktert y. ya b e i trj . IttnayseePilarbst'slholoyetr.
The Km:rake—eon& magi
lloben bowor—from oftleoello. Verik
Drilla. Pony. by ••Ifsebetth .
erlobroted Cholla tau. by W. V. Wollea,
Mootillabt b eleehloin
The Star of Lore, • beautiful belled by W. V. Wolliork.
Thaw balmy dare are gose—we mut by the Irish Swab , .
Catherine r,
lloarlistis no Ooriorrt. Keepsake. Weroliwirir. F.&
ton POll3O. Ale% a fine woleetion of eery !earldom month
Waltzer, .11hrobe0.
ould a rroaylete ereortraent of Violin and
Rote Ne. uel Tbild etrret.
Sign Golden Herb.
N. tt.—Tor arrivirr. • rilesolld lot of Nor Plano.
INDIGO & NUTMEGS—On consignment ;
elll be XOll duke to don them.
ITOCKETS-25 dos. Marietta, for gala by
VEATILEKS—'2 I :IOO the. for sale by •
jets& W. 111.01CAUGII.
EOGS3OO dos. for sale by
To Milßoom
RAPE LEISSE, blue, white and pink
Ylortnet 8111.
Cram white and Mark; ' •
Bitnd,•trbltt, blot. pink and owe
ArtleeLl Flowers, Ile: km tale br
jel4 AlitillITINOT.
1 WIVE:A MATCHES-250 gro. for solet.
UFF 'PINS—Jaat received, a beautiful
suortenut of Oslo dedd, Soler Demolied, iod otle
K our wad deelratdo potter W. fir. WILSON. Jeweller,
jell- • 67 Earful Must. corner of Fourth
fl OLD SPECTACLES—A large assortment
ol to the
warding to the principles of r tom.
ence. Pebbles put lo to
ir col . tr•
Jolt W.
S; btu etetmL_
101110TASPIO mks for salo by •
VICTORIA LAWNS-30 pieces ree'd and
• $.".1. br jai
Jur _6O at
. u . res Mord:Ante Aod /Ssoulacturtro' Bull
tO Rothonom
15 " Oar. lOr pleb
WM. A. UAL a 1:131.
Wood Moot. above rourtb.
SO,COOIegI ni r Citr Coo
mouths l dos lit pro:. )or sal* by
WM. A. DILL& 03.,
BC Root st.',
A PPLICATION will be made to the next
art. l f g r tu e ti 71? 4it A tLl t7,„ l Bi=
l* u flank r'rt°% °Ch. 141 tooat lm 0000
p.ARRED MUSLIN-40 pieces desirable
4 4 11. br
WOOL TWINE -500 lbs. for sale by
4 LCOISOL-30 bble.for sale by. •
ialy J. KIDD d C0.03011 . .411.
INSEE' "••• , 8 (t&
INSEED OIL-1000 gallons (tn. arrive)
br , J. KIDD 400.60 Woad
itll4 eve) for We by J. KIDD kood CO., .•
LARD OIL-10 bbbs. for sale by
J. KIDD & CO. BO Wad st.
lbs for vale
.J. 14 .1. JUDD a C0..60 Wad .0.
F ISH -15 bble7l%; — 'ew White;
la 4
SALERATUS--100 boxes pure;
90 bbls. w. er
414 .1. B. CANYINLD.•
1P J. y L&X-1000 lbs. for sale b
'ARL ASH-30 bbl...
D. for
J. sale bFIELD.y
....fD OIL-40 bble.Griewole'sTrand,
de by .1•14 J. rt. CANFIELD. .
TASH-4 casks for sale by
IRE PROOF PAINT-10 bbla.for sale by
.lel4 J. B. CANFIELD.
lICKETS-50 doz.Mariettamake,for aalo
bi jail 3. D. CANFIELD.
TtACON-1 - casks &bidders, -
I. Bs= for We try_
14 JAMES DALZILL. GS Water st.
CHEESE -80 boxes for sold by
"lei) , and Frtuit
Q17111,1E11 CLOTHS, for Men's and Bops'
1:1 Wean aLP, Caahmomettikelnimeres,
rTrYttlge* OP" and
"4111.' '1"1"4
" ca.r.4
iel3 ' 311111PLIT a Bußcuitzuk.
Dunbarld haw , reeolved raypir of Una olm's.
I o Wins POS. of offer,' onperbor
TARENCII LINENS, of various qualities,
mtei,e4 sea •ernair .t
THE firm of Clarke, Parke - I Co. Roe:beater,
Pa. In ibis day absolved by mania mamma tlw
.rest of O, H. Ilartort Wins_ purchased by .thmotoo
Clarks' and R. 0. Parks, who wOll mallow the badness as
former) ander the name mad style of Clark & Parka
All, the badness of the late arm to bewailed by add
Ilsaillton Clarke mg. 0. Parks.
• ••
rittthargb. Joao 30,1851. HlLlm
AVIN4 made a change in our business
hr . tho purchase d 0. M. Swrors Interest In Um
late nit of 'Clarke, ;yoke t C 0.." all the business of our
height on tads,
Line to Oen*
Lake Erie and ?Mehl Line to Ette,
Petal r and Bearer ne al bs,.', to.
, Express Paaet Line Le , - -
.U.l also the business tiertaining to etramboals Ifkbdiiiin
arid lieeteer. sill to done hereafter through 30L01 A.
EAUGIIKY, our J.nt at Pittetrurgh, Pa: 011., rum.
tf Neter and liinitld street.
rittebututs, June U. '51.--{1,02 Itoctuoter. Ps. .
Sea Bathing—Cape May..
cONGRESS RAIL is tow open for there
. motion of Milton. neproprieaa,thatiltflat for the
Ji ral patronage heretokre recdred, would
's Ir
thethose Intending to visit thu popular la
the present ammo. to make his house Melt-boa. es
rangements and semanuolatlonte he trusts, will he more
=to euetomers than any which have heretofore
led upon the bland. The autecriber has taken
palm to immure goal and attentive colored servants; um
tar the conviction that th best suited to the custMas
mod wants of a majority ti t hewilournere at thle place.
jeltim - W. 11. =LIAR. .
JL N ' C. ' 1
Vei. far ale by
"° Mshi " joie( WATT k. CO.
WVHO WILL SUFFER for the sake of am
viol 0” Dotunt Brown's great Americ.B.ents
di for_tha WILES, for _
'01: 1 2ollaeo woral bag ::I;ritilleitEcßetSaFtZrielos..
riNIMOTHY SEED-34 bbls. for salel4
1 ien J. I R. FLOYD.
11011GE-1.5 tierces Fresh, for solo by
.K 3 7.a R. OLOTD
-15 bee Sbot, axed Nog
a .. end 1 Dbl. Lard;
' • 10 101116 p ore Flasseed Oil; ,
23 kege 6 tel. Tebee.e.
6 Here. Fresh Alec
75 Mr. Dried Appleie
• 300 dorm:Core •Breems far ale br
, j o2 . JOHN' WATT CO.
TOOK of the Merchants k,MO.IIII6ICAUSdie
Dank: Stock of the Exeunt:re Dank. br
U. D. KING. B eueb anker and Broker._
j raniagy . d , tirahestit.
E 1 0 1aLl tor Anteri.
Jell Banker t Broker, liovrth at
For Sale. •
4 L OT on Penn street, adjoining Mat
thews' etabe—will be sold Iner. lideslrabb, the lot
cAsa divided to malt two persons. a
jai° A. Ne ILKINS C CO.
=22. the the re I r 'lr
tame Innen attnteetloner , and litho crate= to Neer York,
In the United ntates of Amain. In the year 1.8.50. makes
T orb letter, to Cbo lU A.
,I=7 - P.=
=worm to hie enrantstre. .0111
To' Gardeners.
FEW . acres of gonad near the city:, suit-
Je able of Dardentad, for al. nADDI , D
LARD—y 2 bbls in store and for sale by
Ismen DM1"..11
-.740 W.
LIARD OIL of Bennett & Jones' manufne-
Um, far sea by ISAIAH DICKEY k CO..
o 'Mass.& rmatrta.
lORN-40 bbls shelled, for sale by
jelo B. 0. TON DON:0108ST i CO.
C HEESE -35 his for sale by .
BACON -20 cks., received and for sale by
LINSEED OIL-10 bble for sale by
CIIOCOLATE-128 has. Boston Chocolate
t. We by jelo WICK it WCANI,LF-59 .
DRY IiERBING—for sale by
CIREASE-1 : 0 bbls in store and fore sale
ILA by1.5.T.11 DICKLIC t CO,
010 Wake and Front its.
fI'4OBACCO-125 bates as'd of the best
1., braids 5s and Ss In store ant far Pala er
010 Water and Front sta.
Boyers' Piano Preceptor.
LiKLEBER has just received Beyers'
e celebrated pmeeptor for the Piano,. erhich a.
kdg .W by profeationel men In this country and
Europe,. be the best work or the Mod ever published.
Beyer, well Meant u one of tbemmt eueomiful compeer*
far beginners and pupil., bat here ruliPliell u rata butt
boil severely felt by the =wield public, vie: to element.
ot, ynnacsalve end iltteerthee On the Pupil, both in lts
exeseloce and Wash thou greatly facilitating ...ea smooth
[Nal. somewhat tedious aml irksome Ben etody of mu.
sic cud piano playlets. The Pdloning Professore who have
examined the week, ant referred to: •
Protestors Ilarteret.landmenu. Feint. ielik
A.:„OVERING'S .SUGAR.-20 bbla Loser
sttes erosbed Llut yabreetted imbarJust retehei and
sale 1 0, by , WM. d. bYCLURCI t CO.
lelo Zel Liberty. Id,
alum In brine (Bazdellem)lu 4 n. l, ./ mae
low by MI. A. 3SCLUItfra CO.
FRESIT TEAS—Just Toccioed at No. 256,
utiri T as atonal, of Teri superior oolmos and
Flsmon Tau, of the later aupartolsoos Lx We Tees
tow by the half ebeetorbound
A. 1V ,
1.10 -
_Grayer, and Tea Omelets.
POT CLAY-7 tonsley'a Pot Clay, No
4010 24,-i ' 4 ric.6 " 4 EaI b JONIIMEEIt a CO.
NEW MACKEREL-40 bbls No. 3; I ,
new rasekintlitut received and (nr
.yai &far diffe •
1 1 V era L 'aa of ..aal tp:" sh
.00 - • S. a: f . ILARBALTIL
VLOUR--110 bbls. "extra"Aour store
1 , 7 iel. V. lIARBALVIL
MACKEREL—Quarter bbls No. fa ,
mackerel. In stone and for lade k/T__
'OlO • .WW: t Front W.
COTTON -116 bales in store and for sale by
Jelo . • Warrt Front .1:34
ii AVANA SUGAR.-50 bx.s white
" ... g .i . ju ""ethittrirMßA .
. 116 Water rtreat.
LQAF StiGAIL-30 bble loaf sugar (as
l"ted '''''" )g 'reco b l
ea. Ile, Water Amt.
it Co, hove:mat neaten!pet Einem this tnovninit
• sun/dr i p( tbe above ranee and devisable arUele.
Al.q an additional supply etimpoi trlmmine libbolll, to
arkthe attention ot intstioniers is !malted at N. 62 and
(4. list et See
More New Lawns.
AA. MASON 'lc CO. have just received
this dia l s lor lot of there ••17 iloolroblo brolro
.ms Gl.Dlvket.trcet. j.9'
-- DOR SALE—Ono Kiln' of Brick, Enqgire
e. W. DITLINTOCWB Carpot.W...tebonse,
je4 N 0.1.5 Toarth rtftet
ICE-14 tierces for sale by_
ARD-12 bbla No. 1 Lard for sale by
STARCII,4O boxes Bonbrighes extra for
we b 7 WICK .11.CADLESS.
s Care and far We, the ludret nreortment of Vel
_LP bat In Ann sod for We Cont. ttment of Arapi,
customer.. Brussel s Carpets, to which bOm Id:esti= of
Carpet Wareham.. No. ity fourth st. .14
/POGO MATTING—For public hulls and
‘.) rams. in store and ter ode 1./ .
joT ' CorpotAraebonse.
' tua Li irr tat: lIT =1:11 5 u t b "":
NC Y Ated Aot to rot or int 010th,. For Aalh
tale and retail, br UAL A- AFCAIIOIO4
tato for rasstfor robing bor.& tt,IT Iddrll
oaring of 13 yes mat In4of ter c lrl .4l l a a ",
Sal• 214. Merl-rot
B UCKETa & TUBS-,GO doz. Buckets;
" Tube, to: p&p,
ORK—A few bble. prime, and a small lot
BUTTER -5 b1) - 1.8. Pack;
1.2 k. " WARlVraLlot.b r
ITOBACCO-20 kegs (Gedge's) No. 1 Six
'nett, for sale by -- Jlll6B ILLLZ6LL,
66 Water, abet 78 fledet.
w OOm S-200 tone Soft Tenn., for inie by
LARD OIL-10 bble. No. 1, for saleby_
je2 WICK a 11cCANDLX38.
riNANNERS' OILSO bble. just receiving
by marl. rn.:l for ride br JANYS DALIELL.
J. 2 (25. Water rt.
`AL SODA-350 casks Sal Soda of our
1..7 own make, nn• tale at varreftrixiga
Extra Pine Oolong Tea.
lIIST RECEIVED, at N 0.256 Liberty et.,
!iv • Val,' anperloramtiele of Oolong Tea. which ryn be.
no. MILLOt be summed In tba city. Those dashing a
thrice. delicate flavored, but Wetly aromatlAltlaa Tea.
turltod to give Ma a Mal.
" Mack Tn.. of every variety.. froJSo. to ti=".
limn " r • to WM.
Engllah and /Nab Black Teas, natrarda4 to atm entire
Matadi= or no sale. anomaly on band and for mbr by
WM. A. ElcCLUIta C 0...
let Onteara and Ten Dealers.
WIRE BRICK-20,000 beet arc, in score
assl for solo bT J.L.511 , 3 DALLZRLL,
. sar3l . fas.. Water rs.
LAX-10 sacks for solo b
Fid irlocaurAnlam
ho NO I nil 11.1
GLIDDOW3 tior bawd Stianareat Nam= SAIL
istiiioiadiao.nmatzgy An 3 / 1 026 "
(14 - I=4 " ( ir oav
Nal at Cairo. °lineal ' *sea Gahtbiliaa: snn
ovealng elOt o'clock—Wedanday sad Ward./ a... ,
anon at 3 c'ebM dads ape& aa boar btfure.
23 eentor—ehildrea yrics—acbools 2) Da:GUYNI
am. 10 aults—Taathera vita mettabial3....
Raymond & Co.'s, & Via &dough & Co.'s
Condit of all the rue Leber Wild Auk - eels paw =telt
7b ht eedeeled ex.:We/ger priu Aduisaka.
IVILL be Eshibited in PITTSBURGH.
4th. eart 51h. tor Hiroo damneder the Double PaHll..
at. the corner of Pena east Carson stmts. IBM %fun.—
Opera 00 Thureday end liaturdar t _ _July 01 ..1.660.
to and tem 7 t 01 03 ,7. His B ltlythsPur es .
1001tIons,01g hota 8 to 1154,1.11, from 17 to glB, Ban
3 to Woad front 7
. o 0, P. 81. Agog.< et oelttn.
dr. ruder 10 yearsl6 seats. '
la this onlectlon are the Rhlnosene. and Whits Pol.
Be.. Also. to, LIMB of the noon specimen.
MIL VLIII ASIBUROII, the asset renowned of a. Lien
C 464,041,44.. trill enter the De m of tile 1 errlfleßong.
Llsna, Um; lenparda, Conga.. Panthers. in.
11(IN 8. CRAWFORD •111 .100 enter the 11...88 ble
highly teethed Animals, making T. Grant geriast
The :erhole Caralrede of Ce , sp.
gals. g il l enter the shy an Th ay morning. so. •••
and pan th rough th e pea. etreets m proem...
c he the C ,0 41 4,4 e0 8.. UOO4
This Innorure eatabllshment Muir. 018 ' 400 fret 7000
by: 110 broad. Mr Its exhibit.; .4 es there wee no lot he
the lover part of the city of suffielent extent for the Issf•
pow., Use proprietors bare lg. obthred to rrelect•sl/0"
or th ree 04011. fa rt her from 0. centre of th e el. than
they .b.& Over 1000 fest of strong from, 8 kid
have tom contr.:red for nab It.. Hugh HettelsTs bl
iill render th e lumen. partllon sale .a .molone gar
l l Haan of vleltors .00 them.
There newer has been ..1‘114.1 In this roantry to largt
• number, nor es gnat a satiety of 11.101 eprehrseas of
Natural 1114.017. 60 Is contalutd In the Combined Meet
Berl. of Raymondt Ca. atgl You Aratough • H. :
• jalslagger.B
o.4:4;p:f:VoiiV.Wpf.llo/.16A: 1 0.14
Forty-six hours' o Philadelphia.
Forty-four hours to Baltimore:
281 miles Railroad---103 miles oanal.
he many changes and podergges
with piece Line. •
.es Express Paeketßoxts.
#eirgfreefrom t
Two Daily
f or Johnstown, thence
Thar. taking the I • ' ' '
Two Ilandred ard Fort •-ore mcloo direct to
r.a.t. leave every morning preelaeir at nett W a ke..
and every craning itt the =Me hour.
'Tanto Phlladaletia, Ed. Por• to Relthors, Ie,TS.
do ' Im:wear $9 .do Ilarriabon 33,00.
••• ; Pa.siertgers for Baltimore,
Take the Tack and Cumberland Railroad. it Itartisburif.
on 11.1701.1 Or Can that plain. Distance Might: .
four miles.) Time, FO UR.
R. hour.,
No charge for hand li ng Baggage on this rout*.
Cu,,Tha on We route an near, and of the moat adeffmr•
ed entatreetlau_ for comfort and sefeo
,If you claire cheap [mealtime. oud . eamfortabla Maar
matador.. men. Tam . tlekam
J. P. HOLItEr r tient,
Stamm rheum
D. LEE CH & CO.: •
iB5l. WESTERN 18t1.
LERIM ac cc L LIM.
band being . in good onk.r . are
Ti PorllE ored to transport =Wool and tooklandlloo to
fe the above cities,' ot. me larent ratio or
reeldbe, r garosnatax , Stitleitten. I=o a
za l u i
of IXn truer:Emitted, tad all IlnirtrOe= promp:lT ob.
to to. •
r to. silken
" 14 " "
HATS & BLACK, Proorietor% =
Cana Basin. Penn eteort, Rtnntrolll.
R eee leing Depot, Nor.ll & 10, Nont="Adll.
Dellesrlng Depot._ Doeo. rt.,Pbllso
• . S ' LITU a ?"' . .. 411 1 1A A LVOrtre.
MSC& Amt.
*6 'No. 7, Wert street. Nom .Norb-
Eig 1851. &MEM
Pu Brownsail,le and Cumberland, to Bale:ion
. ' and Philadelphia. • •
HE MORNING BOAT leaves the White
addle deur. at 19 <Most meistr. ao
Thil==.l - igrrit24.ll=P g.
at o'doelt s connecting trttlt coni at. Cumbwicod
tr• Mot i 0 ticket. . •
theooob to Bonham, Mt boom Piro Co* Si.
Ttia• throust rtaaidalphia. 40 boors. rim only $lO.
Tb. Notional flood Is xmor goW. Coodoetato vttli
tbo Combos between BiOirDl.l. Contbetlabd. orbfeb
nukes this decidedly the bat roots Eta.
mrYt. Moe I. Um. ItooomotbstiMmas. r
Xm' lB5l INNS
_ . _
XPRESS- Packet and Rained Line fin'
Cludited, ettheet ksu of dew, by Strums 4m
,tesbeygb to tuner, le eotteestion eith the elogetely 69r
tithed krona thetete of Clues, karts a Co„ frau Dever
to Sa wum. use tee Wendel we es asoo.a ceu or the
thaseland tad PitttlFouth Ralltatd OwtoCt,e,ua...
Stemr haya their landing o.okta lirmangabell
Home. at 9 o'clock. conneeMg with tba Pukes at.
Bearer. mid. will Iran Immediately the arrival abbe
r A arner. arriving at Ravenna in ttoie ibrtharanreantrata
of Cars for Cleveland. Pareeager-- s by tbia U. arrive a
Clonland la time to take ths Mined Ma of Sternum
far BIJYYALO and DIYEACIIT. rad the Amman tor Oder
an. Toledo, Egadnally Qty. Dunkirk rad /Me
alas for crest train of era for Colonotnnint
eineinnati. CLAMS. PLltBBli W.
W. 4.1100.811ERD,
Moe land. Bt. Qualm, Octet
' - Mee ender Ilenaceshela mac
A. CAII 011 BY.
. earner of Prolthfuld sad Water
sal . . 11.1TUIL F IT I A3 C.
taiffEa • • 1851._ sag
On the INnunylvetianniiVbioll. ,
CHAMBERLIN. CRAWFORD a 00,'—Cizellaah. 0.
THIS well known Line is now prepared to
c7.IWES w ra lb% Cwa I mad La i al.--. M
The &MOO. of the Lime are aturenasemal Mentamber.qoal.
mta mimcitr ef Ihatataperteace of (*hl.; and • ef
ficacy et .Agenta.
lkat Imam lettabuiTh Mat Chotamaa thaar.ameeles
eennealen eith Wm Meamboate be _Pall&
BURGH anaREAVE.R., and a We. of thetas. ausaabesta
(ProPellar mut Teals) on the Lam.
Parkia Co.. Warneh.o4 Yerekkateam,
• A. a. N. Clark. Dream JOAO:
• . Ppm-da,ltarmatta. o. •
Drayton k Ca. Hamm 0
Ralf, Orbehel .kThmalte
4 *
ILA. Dna. Ctoehon Fails,
Wheeler. Lea • Om, A
Madame k Pettibone, Itamdeaky City.o4. •
- Peckham Ikett, Toledo. 0 •
o. wnuww. ow.,_nwron,Aktuniun
Dotmeeme A Co, Wta.;
Ow. A. alert. Co.. Chkaao; DL.;
Thames lLlq Chime.. Ith • •
JouN ajacite.
ahl am Water eta Dmlthkekt Ma e Pritgairgh.
• ' • The Paauly Friend. ~
ABAKING preparation intendod tii . on-
Weide the OM of - Treat—which. etheet Wr.:ll.lth
i will yrodure in 2.)6 Ms tour, tOmmore loam of 41be
earth:than by the ose cryouh_77re whole proem of bread]
months. WO. Wok Dated. don not take mom than 21
' =lll;Vrreiliil=rorl=t—eth g thor
I,,,epen. utake r. : th r of pgli=la. traria kimerw
ttV'strlur g.a. ba.d man th ed ..zigrz t
threrabl=lesoree died fir r.),..:-..sissis tel
toorgreluabTe hus
rar It=s and takei—i s tirlll bel li croll
sal end cheap. not keens
thth they Ell be •
- ,
i ld s.u., e—arld_ . no ,
~ , , t LowAd nit asedu aw
... eri
iu rroZ zs, dhOlatl 1
74. North Tourth eA s _rinmepan...
sm. Agora no Plttotnonth. N. Z. 1=7.1k8, 67. Wea i
Mont. • ithalla 1
Phillips and Ifeyers' New Article for
World's Pairs
ittrlD GLlTE,whicheementswookma - De
olth=l= Marble. queengr, erera der ,tg
;74, of furaltnre may lb. made as_good aa none by ;11?....k.
hosted and powerfuement.. ro
e oh
t o
r i 116 a. .1I aware of ger=a b re:rperlow
Died It bott
le reonood VoTr. lio. holm &mad ' with—
out Ila bott of Idonid moire* situ. to
always ready Amuse, and spay he wed by MI par wftb
tZIPB. on CMY Utiall. In Bomar. Thom Is no woe ede thre
elseq b and to mocha:dolt
a reel. Mersin. • Raton .
we • pen etaree aro utwodnroori Ueda
wallet probe of 144 Don't throw anythlog_f .way with.
out trying Ulla Mardlla, ;
74, North Foorth street, PM adelft i t b
AV for Plttsburgb, J. RILD a DO. waver
and cod atnwt. Again Ibr Allegheny city, Jowl ,
Ladies! Ladies I Ladies - 17 - 7
WOIJLD you save your furniture' en&
avoid nmr_h ILIISWIIIIMT7 tabard' yaw: soma*
while the twrlar and drawing mem fernltare gl tit id,.
wars be brilliant arul dam? I f fica. try fyiaLLIFPi *
Atr . ITT
~Z 7Z6 POSff.
fl f Mft li S
arnicar. 41711= lin..
slo.llll7tr A e d ...."",. •
Shia L e gaud thing for Maims dealers. .344 Sn bd. j L.
that. at VW. and 25 dm.
• U.:forth ram% m.o. Peumbaaten, •
Amid for Pitub.rab, BRAUN I =WM, demand(' •
St. - Child and Liberty street. Jaddl.*
AVE% completed • arruigemitdit wij
nouns llordaula arid otbaf Vamp/m.(711,1r 4 !
U. of nay atm, 1 a* um
_a...Mt* • Au
at a snaall sdaarOF
DIRT: aod IJ mud ..ta• ~a rt pu
,fram ander wax.* Amp , dainat„
Attorakals laaltad tamp Hu, aa
110 Du pupae,
agolßvr,u. *
un4 , tu4 , l
76 nutr, d.
naraa .uh
a maa S,
or Earl Arr,ila.
12.6 a Part Win. part per 0 4i
buluen Sparklioa Cluoquir . ,, . 4 u
6W Eons ClnetK rvt a.a brand, Aral Ea:atm
Sauterpe,..d Emma. 1 / 4 6-1.
11 ta auks Eau... sad
pls. Old noth. 4 PetrardlaaGi
10 Patiolboaarald ItuAch Lod 111,4 Whiska.
90 a.k.. P .IO ? , :... P .a Ia BW ULT" ra Btout ß4 tal Sorftett
=apply of Imparted lagooa. or.
AbarEao..ra.eputooto, Calfecu,. Atallsetto, Panty .
er A .
.tort of HatAx.d 'SWABS admen is
Al of watch I Ell oder or, IE7 rumaabla terms.
arias Ell b. mooted aritAamparoa, aod law