I==IE=EMIMI : , ' ~ ESTABLISIIFA). IN $ 1786. .1 - • PJT.TSBUEMI_GAZETTE. .PPB!,113111:11 D/ILY 'AND WEEKLY BY WHITE at CO. 1;1 an " L i ' ' Nutrim IEiNiNG= DrlllV.Henra troller's per tannin, papal. lull yearir 'l4VlMl—UT=iteel7pe.'lmalrio,.. &drum. Cum .ill be toppneel on the follort r ing eartrutloure— ii It P 3 LT241 4 .r... - 4 ° . rhAr t . or reel to .d be .ddrrer e — bs t fr. PrM .- .o s Ztalgge7;rer i' elpinet, therm:lT to rornt for RAZES 07 orkimaisirra .Oar Siouan 00 Imes of Emparell or DM) _ om Insertion--...--. 4 0 SO Do. ' eselladditionsl tampon— 025 1 00 lot • P. three •OD ' a e o =lt — 77 Do twelve 1500 - OPir ft : f e 4 ''''' .lr247l ‘" tmer Evart, ehangectoln at PI nee moor Me Yov in:tit2l7=4=tinerte47,7 00 er owe month, mid t anab additional nunare Inserted ander the 7.117 Mims ,A4vertisoioents excewilaw sonme and not - Laos to be charity m • am ' end ;bait 00" "".0 o Pallsboutuut scaptutoblo for •20.77b4222210 r` rood the amount charms' Ihr their publication. Aminuneind candidates for obice. ih Da charged the um* m. AdvcitiMments rot w ill on th - copy for • neared -number of imartious, will be continual LEI forbid.sial Pas. Meat colleted ancordboulD The O'O,IIOODM nuouti advertisers is strieUr limited to their own immediate In nod advertinements fhr the tofu other Derr... at well asalladvertimmentenot batneduatell ouiuoimod with their mrn Minim., and all 'ej= of advertise... T it teis , length . l t Lothwesise u ntid •11 otter =,l72lvertletria: lAD will be nasal .icparatcr; watered. and prompt purruent deeired. adrectlnementa for tharleable tastitulloss, Are mar Panics- ward, township and oiler public meetings, and ualike.to be cliaraNftlitif prose s payilite Dadetly is ad. Marriage 11:1051075 to be charged BO cents. , Death. not Innertol without eharue, lawless a:comp. wield by Amend Lnritaticrin or 05.1531171.1015015. and when so accompariled to be rodd for. rd Resod= advertics ro t and all others pending comma lour. 0 0 or nen riod nohow &Awned to .11 mtoution to Arnim Dolma. Couoirts. a mil' „POD entertnimomOn, where rhler Not Copper Nails and Inekr; Jlarrel N• 11, l:bpirtr and ran Shoe NOllO Pattern Ilsk.re roistro Itlvrtn. 0.0044 all, Qr., do, do. CAY (1114lS 6 01., apllo7 Warrbow...s9 littrturrh - lELENNEDY, CIIILDS fr eth, Inn of very einvilor 44 lib(-inn.. C. 4-1.2 Chain, Ts no sad lintiang. lino Julia ilttiburgli. 7 1444 c Jona__ ...... _ .... ... 4011. ycm. ONES Otlik, Ran u - fattuem of Spring and Blister :Iteel,'ll6ngh 1 , 44.41. Steel Inougla Win 4 4. h and Llipti9 Swings. ilainmernl -Jinn Anton and dealers in ilallesb'n CuoUuFt. lire Kunkle Lamm and Coach Trimming. , gen4nilly, corner of Mei awl Frnat am- Plitgrargb. Pa - - ITTSBITRGII ALKALI►WORKS.—ReI ne.Perm Co, Manufseturo of Solo A.ll, Moor! rrawd,... Nor ro bate. awl ealphurie Mitlx. Waretool. No. (4 Water rt... Wow Forry. . , PAPER HANGINGS. WALTER P. MARSILALL.'Succesmor to Pamoai 0. Dill—lmporter and Dealer in French wed Azaerfin. rap'," 111110 i ar4 Lbeder, Window Stud .e. Vim Board (Moto, de. Abon—Wriele., Printing, anet Wrappin g Paper, No: 85 Nco..l.etreet..).e.eeen V..na nd Diamond aline. Pittstmeatt. TEA Dp. A TYR 11110 BERT MORRIS, Tm - and Wine Mer jf, &ult. East Afro( ,the Diamond. Pitteburgh. CCLUZU.. ... . . .... w 3. A. ti 6 Nn.aall Grocers and Ta Darien. TO Liberty etre.. seoge Want Lase always on band a large. ...meat of Choir, Grew, .lea and Pine Teas. online Fruits and le nos We and retalL Dealers en Dents ipa•re.Mlt hale- TRANSPORTATION AGENTS aOIIN- A. CAUGiIEY, Agent for the Luke Die autt Michirtm Mac. In 8e.,., awl the Lae,— te ork the eon.. of Water mrltquatbttel , l eta. .LEECH & CO. Trnnsportern by Canal 11.1 Formanlime Mt :re vrercrre 'Perm ntrerrt sar the I.NauL - Vl6=lll BLMDS 4 A. BROWN woulainostre9pectfully inform the public that Le tare enbutl nand so the treat .., the Ihsettmd, .I.lleohen7 elty. s complete ntenrtment °II:0101. bawls, she.% settles , etetttexe Ste Med.. to enter In the beet rt le. tesarrantoi Musl to tor In the Gelled dime css be removed without the aid weed of . purchneett the "trek, trete, and weed of the csOlnet tetobliehment et ILestetr St McClelland, t ern helmeted to fundelt their old oootem•n.oe well se the pole Ib et t o go with every Ilthts In their tier. AgenZtet 6 Kant 51004 ritteherch... j. A. unt" .,..„ . A PAPER RARGING.A.ND PLASTERING. JOSEPH . . JOIINSTON, PArin Hasten& Iladratr:ll-‘natidnrsca, corner of ThirJ 'tire and East Alltabenr. ,Pand, Mortar, Lath. Am., for rate. N. U.—lame • mahl.li VETKFUNARY SURGEON ADAM 11.A.RDIE, Veterinary Surgeon, Into It , . Edlnboratt, t‘eotrlond. wont' resvertfullr ot. 46.34 the public that he kits rtmirter., , ) rtarttre Jo the I=l.{l,lcat: nod, hr e'reful attt•rottno to erhotever in to him hr. hopes to gratt ttsfataltn, to eottnectiou loth Joattl , Hurdle, 41 0 rte Slsneing.ttni Illankmithing to general wilt corried,ort. ut t 6. corner of Tottoel yttret and Per neylronlo Avenue. WOOL )mc]Ers Mint P ifY E, DEALERS and toramlo.on M•rrlloida fi.r !ho Au.nmal ao 14.1, No. la? 1.114,1 r Pdv.hl. lo ‘ . Q. & W. lIkItUAUGII. Wwil Merchants, Donlero 11 Flour at. Pada.. - c00...L . 11y : and For. word!. aud Colintodon - 31.•rohnotd. No. 11., 11r. Arcot. and 110 Vwmd Oro.. lOtod,orro. ENGNAMG AND LItHOGNAPHING. WIBI.S ; II7CE.JONNSON, Engraver Wood, Philoll. Ithirl Mnry,s I•lthhurgh. 1...-11,•• of 3lvehiurry. Ifruxl, of rrf.uttrOwo% Istrlx, I. n.lorT. 'tout. ort invi•iono, ,letl,olu.l Aq..-1.71n: ot., In lb. trct 4, In of art. ani at tte lowed WItrIAAJI S.43IItICIINIAN7s ;:eurt.t.breent. rtra , t, nl.poftitn itelr:Pittsburcb. Map. r.nn•lwni.•:PerraifK. Slync 104, Bill4,10.".14.10,1lOnd.1..1,1 nroi ‘l.l , tne prswtoss, tinerners sot 1."1,11m1 arth Maws on Stone. nol prisbot In tolo Gold. lir..nt.. or nsor., le tbn most apprmsrl str awl .t morn ren•m• Ole prim& issttly • )ewelry, Silver .bre , Matkot and .Freetor. 4L , 01 at, HARDWARE KeßcHarrs. 11104 f f VirgitaTcCO.. Importers and ITholoodo Avlm In Ilardwore CO., ou4. talon . . N 0.129 1, *t. Vittobuteto, lasamwsrEous roar ... - ... jOHN FITZSIiSN ItLannfacta -10 sets of FLINT anvil:MEM CLAES, MOULDS, and all kinds of MACIIINEItT, take this method of infotatitor those desirous Of 1101101 Such work door, that they ate prepared to do It at the helmet possible rates, at the short est notice. and lathe tat manner. at their swtablisluneat. becond Wee, abort, the Carat ltiidasower the Ga. H oran. Two, I room tor Mark Eraith and. Matt Pumas, memo factored at the shortest to and at the lowest prises.— kiodt of Jotting dose on abort notice. EWE" Wegner, Baer.. liner it, Mueller's NEW LITHOGRAPH:IC ESTABLISHMENT. ITIHE ABOVE FIMI respedfullycialiounce to their friendo and the that they ne P rTltt;llt:r7.7.l ' ,l:4 `" l=l l' cl—rAlta: " TProfer4imini Canto ' Mato. Chart, IL-slielx, to. g heir e•titair nt 'la go N 0.16 Mexico, rtrret, lot - worn Third an d Fourth ,meta, up elate,. - Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing; Comp'y: at0m......,. GLOVERi Kl}fl CO., Pitoriarrogg. rl l lll , lhairhig .been panted' Agents for the above named concern. will keep tonstantly unbend a supply of the relebnitivl Bollrar Vim Met .CruoildellmClay.ffurnare Ilearthsaud They aro elm priparnl ho receive indent for mid Brick. to be made In sire and shape to suit purchase». which aliall rile promptly We do not deem it neaysary to enumerate Ito many ad vantages the Bolivar Jim Briek porove. oversll others:hat have been offered for lately. the Cushy' etaies, their cope riority being well known to.almaid all persona abo use Tire 'peek. Ti.. promielers taro determined • that the Ilrlek shall lose mule preamt elahle reputation. and that to expense shall be roared I,,make the= even better than they hone heretofore been. This 10 lbe only ertabllshment non manufacturing !ire Brick at Mira,. lii lilt k Jobati. tarh7 Canal Bad, Seventh Ci Mahwah. Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works. ITER undersigned Imre just completed their 11. rtermire IRON TORE WORKS, (' mat u. now manufeetnrhm sixes of OAR PIPE. Lo comotive and other Plant and all rims of WROUGHT IRON TUBES,.._ Web they' offer Per rate at the leveret perm They are ow prepared to cereal° order., to any extent, wiLhout de. r. 15PAMI ACO,. 0.111 aseilr). Water Azad, feb4 'l7Tnilillllllll. • W1L111.11,11.T11 ,Lt NOBLE .City Flouring Mu, ao 641.3 Libertr tt,eet A.:inmost. Tittalattegh. NICLIOLAS ViVIAN, Civil, Engineer Dracrahtsman. anarrarttcal ?lint an Akent. MaYen Ight• of Model,. for the l'atrut Otliee,"designs Moehi nery for 311ne. Water Vs orka. 11.1 ling Wills. Ile- be f.and betartxt TO A. 31. and 6 P. hi. at ht. traidenoa, N 0.171 llarbury atreot, Pittaburch. • ' ja.nl4,dll•• FA. MADEIRA. Agent for Delaware Mn- ru.,l Safety Irentranea Coraparsr. al Water rtes. T GARDINER COFFLN, Agentfor Franklin Fire Irma.= Compeer, north earl of Wood IV' 1 GLENN, Booi Bts DM, Wood atreet, oroood door from the corner of Third. when, be I. p=vd .. L. i q;, y a . tru i rj dimt.l2 o ta r f i f . rif , dyrAor=tn . e , rl bound subotnothdlr. Room In numbers cr old !wok,. bound moorolly, repalrod. Names put on In Fllt letters. 'rho. who bore blndlud are Invited to eel. I.`nros lt4 'CORD . k CO.. 'Wholesalo and ' Retail' .0I hi anufacturrry and IN•alerc In liatc‘Calc aadr Fun. ones: Will r gget ' VpVt h ef, ` ; ' ,.. tenet ev•ry quality and st., le. by Illlaleaals sag J.e117 . ...r.u . 1n• aite the attantioa at - their artanota and rurrl..acent aeasn lly. locating thearlhat ea tbw tool tavenn.... hems. • . DlGB . Y it.as • New Coach Factory—Allegheny. cozopt.,a. h M .. 0.. WRITE CO. 'would re spnetfulls inform the puhlic that theY hove eri.eted a epee Lecock, betw,vis rehleral and - bandwar dm., The, are now making and are prerwrsd 4. reee. , e orders gm every &scrip:inns:lrehkka. ca acLer~chari.m. ilertmeheib te- te, whictn from their Irma experience in the - manufacture of the sheer wort, sod thit taea therb., Lt." . tool they or‘. enabled to do h work. un the must resennshle Leans with there ...time articles in their. laic. Paring parttrulbr attend e eto th, s. heti". of material., and he -none but competent .worldnett they have no hmtatien In watrantlon their wort. Its therefore NIL the attentkm of the piddle to thi• matter. lt. lieptdrinr dune in the beet manner. and en the Most trounr.ahle brine. jalablf h. MILE MARBLE WORKS; (estiblyllel 13,32) b3tt W1LK13.3, No. 134 Liberty Pt., of Wood street, Pittsburgh. Slontsmants. lariat Vaults, Tomb, Ilsadstones, arz Mantel Piste, Csatru en/ Piss Togs, art rude to oresr. N. IL hnl foloOkol of Praisinge on harel. jal3 rotis Inatilotion el the km. ln Pittsbugh. Fietan n i, Piths:Ms/ Instrucia, ln the Science of Ammons 0. K. Chamberlin. Profirishr of Panoinaterhip. Ilareantila Oomputation, Alta. 31. Watson, Fag, &octants on Commenital Low. Th e , d es i r i ng a complete knowledge of Wink lieento. rI ll d d Id Its apnlisatiOn . to rater hru. i tt at 0UN10...10 an el, n nesubsp, Sr. nstu -.1 issrtore on timanserrial Law ever t ' 31,siala.r cemnsa- Uskrenee to war of the rceident city merchant, ides EAGLE MARBLE WO liii- Q„. ,ESTMILIS7I ED Lt` , .i2,lly EDMUND k i rd ',IV ILKIN S, No. 245 Lil Arty et., ;ernnvtu own.. I.ltbxtr,fl4.„ N. Ibmuser-nb,..b tatal 5 atelt,Towbovxam. r . 5.,..., N,Ea1.... r,., . 0 ,1 j y-,. T...,..., I I; a1v,..421,2tml nb.l Lit...lm to cad,, , ,f 1.1.• Aeb,.! , .." )1 arl.b, .rA . ••-ry 1,1.6 , 4 ..... . ze. L , l:. A elt...ce Aka,. .., ~,,,,,,,, , .. flaTtl•T . *. i Itn 0.4 r ...pr ~,,..., . 1 .-..-=.l -, ..,. • REFER llorLHarmartennr Bart 11. n. Ja4, %VW.. Juia, Harper. E.a. m.ltnhlyeny. j r, 17.44 Avehravt.- John Snyvh.r, F:m. Con . . . a S..ll,la.r.tern. le'llt.! , nrgh Boa. sqr.a...e R I:l.hm, 4. J. 11. Nh...Atnlrrgrp. F. 1101 d Cum, McCenair,m. hoot ,ogrnl, an. ltobert Nlj;linbcht., Cm. Nln. Ilata/ey 4 CO. Jeo. hp,. Liming. T. Momsn t ham. ' Joelons Rhodes a CO Frait'r• s. Lnthr,p. Alle.O.tur. IS. IV. twig grateful for dm r y iii. rsl k.rnsug• r. iyed during ntatnAn Ink, In On. n il. I,tut argert and b.. joh.entrusini hi. ear. nut., pr...r.0 r. and will ..u.l•avt.r la rend, futi•larttou furrorter. Bennett's Aionocnromatie Depository, NO. 73 TIIIRTISTIIKET Mar 1,-Ne. nestthass--Thr •"GArdeo of Otlh , rtozoe 'not ttot . 4. , ..nrtery of ,ztaxl.. • JAMES W. WOODNVELL. ABIYET FURNITURE Samuel, Wareewsos 1574 90 Third streeL W, n , 7 , 44-0.114 inturtos his Rhoda and oennserg that be now 1...W.1N the hasserst d Pont stock uI te4o-cholt turolture aver brim,. see., this city, .. h.• is 4-terms:Ad h. cobalt the q walty With st•llesegmned materials, best grortnisoshlo,so4 newest ds. swag and Irma the este. of tog sal farsht7 inazinfartortne. he is ratatied Pend... narrattl. , l turnl lure,ure, al lie has sdortsel ostnetpls I , lsotifylog the eurbsen. els' interest with his m.. 1, 1 ,01.14" sod pi,. and ke..tes always ou band the isr.st,•ol estej7 s "err d , e,oriptadt furniture. Iron the chest.-1 and" oLl.lr.ogl, tn the newt trant matt, that a. teriuse. sof part nt our. MAT to famished from his OICA•k, Or tosours , tored. ctrorrir to older. Ile tlirrelom rolls" 1, that asad sat, tags. of W. eetsbllslometit man to known. The artoleg roads,. in pin, of Lie Mock, which for debar. of style and blob estsradbs sums..ted irt any of lbw 1.4644T0 edtes. Parlor, drawing, dhalnrc. oat 0.1.4e0nt eltstre, or overt kly.sougistlo.i nt neerosd. coshosany and walnut., Ellashethsts. (otuerestrsr , son i.e., l'halre, of *very des er,,ption: ort,es, essts.ete and Loran, of Vreoch nal Americas, patterns. Ta.lts, W bat-Nots. nu/ ladles' rosins I:riling Desks of sarloos Rinds; 10ork Tata. sod fancy italsid - ronas. music stsodr,sn4 bolde.es mart4e o"r. sooh"Sant ruser.g+l and rodeo snd sots. ra bles. extenelts, 411.1.0 Odder, 411 eiseotrif the tossettroprerrsd. and deddedly the lost kind moan; earl. l'enthrlke 11.11 sod pier tablost sardrlbee,^ 1ed:4 , 611s and washstands of snob a Isoin• stasostrnent, gothic , ball and sosq ottoman...Lod stool., serstary stal olde {sari 4. fkra seleg temol rack'. hat etands. and mask .halo, eel ha and mt.N tor shlldn-n, raper on.ebe. tat. stet to pnya mahogany, row:mad, and What ;sort TAM... kn. ar. Lr. A largo assortsneet of Csonnun, Vornitusx and Wituigor Monti. Cabinet matters soPtdkd 0111, all orikl. awil arstriboats sod !toted., forniehed at (h. shames' All Orders promptly attetrle4 3°LINTY LANDS--Carr. CHM , . NA YI;OR Attorney at Law. No.1(.1 Third et.. corner Of Cherr 1. haring mein arraagmeote for the port:caw VII prwure Nountr Lan& w ill w, and Yoldlo, widows and children, and attend to any other Lord name. conneatad with the worernment or any alit. taps[ meats, the l'amion ofilre, or the Courts at the City o iNaohinatan. _------._ Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in OiL li fLnlN.t to frw is uowpreppnred t give tf . tlits delightful mirt. il.• mono. M ; t , 0 7 f: 7 Alkinxun'o tooP ItirPt•ttrort. tAtwolot Wood .n 1 >l.triooptreotA. flour. uf inttoetiut. from '4,1: t o 4 4. from tti to P. M. Marge , attil 01100 tortkoholr run lo kno.n Fir t.lhug (Mboto.ro) Lb* Itof, to Dr. Ciazrato at Dr. Addltup. GREENWOOD GARDENS. lIIS SU3IMEIL ISETILEAT iow Arm tor the en,,,m,..-4.10. ri..llnre. Thn Una., of Improved by the addition f,f et ' lintPhr i ttlrbea t 7a n nd FY;:vr.re. A 1 ..1 4 Identnina Pint, nt ep.lblitublie.ry,...l the thul , e.t kinds. t. re Ur tm "r l n r:lta r ...F`i! ' irirn'T..t , t , t In tl„. llrldar. Pnloon, pus]. Isoquids lefully put up 01 swat tudlee, Th. , 'lent end comfortable stkaanbant I.IIIIEFTA X. le.rn the landing, betsapen — Pitt stn,4 e.nd the Old Allt.ghPhy st.thr bvplutihnt of every bnor—frota 9 Welo,R, A. 31, until la I'. )1. I,ne ultra, trip • rery evening. Itt ficlre. the Fultaf CRY ttr• MT rlt tot ed il perfeet floiorprrionien. The (inen is /Prpt cn Tompornorp prior - 10 , h end elneed on Sunday. oplktf • W. )))/ion's London Patent Lever Watches, t. any ICerans rnr fdrerni in rtitemrOh• .ILICIIAILDSO.N, RI Market street, in ar ts aptu.i.ntment lb.. Admiralty, W ‘ M. DIXON. Cl.rn. tunne au Watch I , l.uto,turcr. Klnts . ..quare. Hirt troll Road. LAndr.n. ml. certlG..• that tbr w.ennipanying Wat.ll. No. n:mm..lM by me In ot tny tnatutfivtnye. and Watel with III) 111:11/1X opnn It I. F:enuin , untip. aetoninanir . .. l hf evrthlente Irar.t. PktlititllVl. I guarantee the Nn.—. tr. 6. 1 . to 14....1.1..5t of the intrtlta...r. I'M, In XU V. Steamboat Agency, and eneral 'Commis sion, Receiving and Forwarding. & CO., liavu this IJP dnr a...related aithlbe Mr. John Lawton, and oilny tht, rn fltentaboat Agenatr. Oen..ral Coutmis..l..n, and P.ragar.aavi i r_:::.;,Zilitla . :4;.,lo of Lnrlsvit.t.r.. April I:, 1421'4'1111°1m' Row ..... ..... 9. Guxe.sx. fprrrssu RG II CITY 0 LASS WORKS.— CUNNINGII.I3I II A).. Ilanufkrtunni of Wssnrg NO. nt Markel street. blee , eee. First ervi Soeutd, l'ittshurell. Pa. In ParliNalar mi.), To Wu e 1... 8blo—D•4101 Mlint )6101 1.1011.7, S3IITLEY COLV /N. Couk Merchants iu Dry 13,444,arnivrie., Iron .4 Nell ..44 . 4, of Walnut area and 1Y5..1440. Turppjk.R..f Imp.. TM. , 90b4dlily. 'PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY IVIIIIRNING, JUNE 24, 1851 EISCELLARMS CARDS, & RILLINGS, .WILSON , et- • CO4 ~ litanut. ITnal . 4 l l l alset=a. r waa a sad slag tack. 44 . % ia+le ttall Cow =land lathing ' clO g Z la 10% tri aa blunt nalta:ae... an.. - . c01..t Lien:w " ort aco Na li• je g Wahn., PI - burgh.: • . . F. R.Mcatei ELD4.: fl , 014KEOPATEIC PHYSICIAN, m:YSICIAN, dkm. *rail etteatton to the t UNoo roittotht of diereses or ::aro• r=ogid eld . ldren A r d i n o Letuiray. as le t tge , neer thn /tenretreet ErLlira and met door to the Fenp .ieg 11111. Allreheor.Otr. Were hoc. from 7 to from 1 t 0.% end hoot 7 to 0 r. 0t772.. LIGHTHENG }l.ol)&—Spratt's Patent • JAMES JACKSON, OM.. lorw. l• inolesali Depot, 66 irdod atieet, Pittibursh, • • • 4Cartgrtara Critleu Store.) FPFIEgt TAG INNING RODS are so con .. stracSed that they' eanuot get oils% of order. The matnro aad Attaehrueole rating cacuratar. tbo asct Magnets are unnoratled--tbe whole belga highlT on roomeelal. and ithout dispute the beat conductor ever taanntacturod. James Jackpots will attach themtgllkK cents rex root. Pere at the ehore.lo mots. lienlJeaten are nurpectrully muested to call at SS Wood E street. 1 count. the abort: *bore. also. the Agent EST R e seen. EyfOar Geo. R. Eichbotrm, Civil bigineerp WILL ATTEND. in anv part of the coon vr, to the flif Ter. locatfon. and ronstructlem !of idmindsmised mul Plant Roads, firillgra (alto Inman, dn.. for canal or JO on Tater emyigation i and pm yarn vdsma. spectSrations, asal,sitimates of coot of enter the above work. lie will Lb. aU , lut to tho division of land. sad isripg Btonsi Plat.: making dumdums of models for Patent u floc drsuuhts of machinery. de. • °Menlo liakcisall's Buildings, flout et.; Mr. Lb' Ootird lioneni Pittsburgh: Itsferroces—liou. A. R. is. nos. Name% End. Nevi I n It. m Craig, Eip., Wen..Eichtiaum, i.. HUSSEY SINCLAIR, Storage,fThipping&Com.missionMerchantsf WWHOLESALE dealers in Groceries, v rob, 8011. Plaster, etc., N 0.70 on Dock. old I 3 hirer etzort. elevolood. Ohio. - . .... . • .. • Cash telvaneve mad* on eoneMnments. . - /tattle far all Steamboats and Propellers In the Lao 8. - r.rior Line. . . !W42 hr-Fm. A. Otte k Co n Cleveland; tides k Wheeler, Battens T. M. Itenre.Castder, Sittehtergh. myttlict Alexander Bradley, N. 19 Wood strew, bettrfen Tint cmd Second . (81CIN , OP THE GOLDEN cTOVN,) ILIANUFACTiJRER of every description .17,1 L a WOKING STOFDA. the moat approved bab ter., and much as will render the bort rallataction. Abw—PAIILOR BTOVISP, mace a which will be band Jewell At ItooVe erlebestad (Ana, dam Patine Move.; Co. Rowe; Itadlavnie Vestalln Stove. plata mod thou Ural.% to which we With the eltentleat of bstildione, Tea Kettle.% Itollow Were, Pt won Wawa A.; to all 01 which we loefte the attention of dealers before Pu.h.tlhg ehwerhete• my 6.7 f!,EO. E. ARNOLD & CO. hai - o"this day he l_P iittelofrtiith teem JOI.LN D. SCULLY. the Milo of tirc ti nu Xlll t ,ss brzytartra. Ilttatnargh. MT bar= A_ION 00 'lt . co. 1.. , Ts ,f w llaunre, and halal I.l3:rese. 11 ataltherla strrat4 he wawa Math &wreath. • ST. CLAIR HOTEL, (Formerly Exchange,) • Corner of Peen, tuid-St Clair Street., PnROBITBOH. spacious; central, anli most cloaca* T rutty located IitYTEL, having tern ainmrkAill rr 1/1,4, and theroughty manned and atorrtanst. pot nee. Vor the wrommalation of tho The sabeetiber. lawn and pomade. et the Mint DOTEI a neopertfully Intent. his Wry& ande pled. 'het he haw furnished it nact. elegan uiso.hrtr hie etykaand wholuyal Win Word aotiotente and attedrive end faithful erreants. and that he arUl erannoastrtsou tenth. It frond ta hay holm fn th....au-7. The well lowan. emend loranon of the Lloorg. end tOn• cannon of its adructeetaents, naelsoas IL the ur., lale with. to meals. et permanent bowlers. t hr es h him to Felten gut hope for it p übwtal shere of rtrinats, • PLISIII7AND CEDAR WARE AMUEL FLItOESEN keeps constantly on hood • good aaratteostat of-Wash and. Rath tub. I of.. rounahatt. Oat We ll . kitchen or Dn.. liorletto Wunten gaols. chore.. Dry ne Diusurw, end Chotci Wu!. and ell ether knd. of care i hie line. Wanton.. Damn. Dell. F i ft h 0 ...4 , rilwbuOgh. Card. • xiJ.J. MYEIIS--Surgeon and Physician. Onto and dwelltn6. corner of DerllngtonA Na bbranl rine{ one doer abets Prnithbold st. Or. Myers ha. permanently located In Pitt.hargh, and *Shaul to the doge. of ha Prolosskoa literal give ;Articular attention to Preare.t ea, tint.tho 001111. of Inane. and chadten. aplAtta WALL PAPER. Fresh= eat of Spring Goods. riItIIOMAS PAL.MER is doily receiving Tow Ilse Za.tern (114.0.. at U.. old eland, NO. 55 Missy/ STRZII. Brawn Third and Fourth r frao, Pittaburgh, Lint M.Crtr+l.ollS to ha peornt .wok, of the moot beantlfts I PAPER ff.A.SELNUS that hare eppeartel to 111. tout.( 1 foe • long - period. pnitrrna are rnarely my. the styl.epecniutrly , aware and the in point of dun.' lathy. titAurtosonl. troln 10 odale nPutatlt. the : range.To Ries attraell ve lot of goals. of .hkh m. 0 61 euralajaJontentean i. formal by sight Lban descapUon. We attention of sorrebanta and bon. keeper. 4 reepect- May Imam!. xechil A Card. RAVE PITTED UP; lon 'the New York , plarp. eri7 onporter Wairraroblkg MAW. of Cur. 1401, 01.10 1 01 0Materna. and thing appertaining to the Isohlotiable pinion and hare maenad thes/orneet and Cll.l ancotrattat of Patin De Leine, bronnele. I. tenth end Orman Damask De lain., Encash I.aantek. CLAta.... Turkey ited lead. krtoget. terry 43.4, IneaCurtaltn. Penrod atel pleat Musau. Ito land of .tafenont +tall.. (Atones of rd regurn• ond styleajeca Mato. %%lain. Lauf. and chale..Curhuu nerd.ol and nand.. Curtain Pm., Tanteloand I.otet 4:(1 1 4. Pak and Worn(!, Bo! Chlntreetu.l rrinry.. Var. oda. and Lancaster 440111.. Counterpane. and colored Condo:La names., BM. and liardtlit.e. All orders thankfully remand and promptly Alio& spit , Wll. NUItLE.ThIni GEORGE E. ARNOLD * CO., BANKERS. - 1)1•121.21 .1 PI EXCHANGE. COIN. BANC 1017.1, AC. 4. 14 Tuttle ete 1..1 to Beak qf n.472llVO ' c ' en lait.a 4. l- W f7t.T.d u'''.— 4• T Rein Oval "'MIES :WILSON hieremoved his hair , llll and Cap lame to s v. II Wood street. thin: door youth. Illantand alley. it}TARTN'T.R.SIIIP—IIaeing 'taken my YEdvent 11. Wllenn. tot, partnership In tge Chip and Pot Imam., 0111 brreafter Jo burins.. under the Dan. of J. Wlll.nalt • PON, vt K'..•l tue.t. JAtltt Pc—Janie. Wilton meta... the Ilat end ...ton.. No. 0 khdernt sterol. Allegheny (nty. lately Rl* by I. It. atEttalsrlt2. J. Wilson & Son. WIIOLESAM and retail manufactu T I,s nod 4.1.40 iu i2llO tend 1b.., No. II Kona Invert. third door below 40.0.04 A1ay. Pato hurgh—.ben they afar • full .ml netiplehr gook Of If.. vet Co, of their 001. 100.1,10 ntanufacion., ...try quality ant 401,4 antuld, and Jeer.. Animapaean tart °View York and mrPrnt:rnnut..rndlY• Anima at 9 p.and depart. ) at 94 a. ; Montano AlllD . Wrem..—B Washington. P.., Gme.. tons•net, part of Wrnwelatut county, Virgil:tub blarytand.lialdrnor., Warninglnn Car, Coutbernand W.st• ern par , tis ut oblo and Indlana, Kentuet y,dllinnts. Tenn.. rlell bru 1, b i lltsimnt, d A . Lkannta i trtlaz at 9..1 and &marts at O.- n. in gtct. , E : 7l , , 4 l...,Atnitatj a Y•7tt., Paernin. eon, Carroll, 11:Amea, lead Tuielran l:m AN ' itu" ligu r Arrives at departs at 6 .. es. • .. Nona Wrntrtaw,•lly Itearer,Pa., and Cleteland, tbdurnbiana, Trumbull, Pon... phtatalle,Ssuk,ayua, Media. Cu tab." ttlebitand, total., Herron, ()Maws. !tie. Canduoky. Vood, and LUCY , auntie% Ohio; lb. pattern. northern mound.. of the Stat. of ladles .0 Illinda, Imitating .11 sm. loom, and Irtmararno. daily. Andros at 11 A. M., de; morns al n 1.11. Errmrso.—BT 811.W:rum, Eamon. Eprinekid.T..... tom, 11.e0ort, kdentinlvg. hiskhataltao. Armstrons. Clam tonourn mtic, dolly. entoptcus Cundarp. Am Mem at 4 a. at , and de an parts at 7 P. n. • • - . • 11r.0.-1. Perna . .Be, 11.11...1,,P1.. P.'Pre. Ilarlliothurg; end Naar Lodo. Artier/ Turas., Thlter.Y., and ran.... at Br. It.; departs dlondays. Weetnesolays and WM... 7 a. u. Sturnsou'r 1141,VInIeyrille, and Mon onnubsda City. APPITPA s inglday A. Mdays, at PP. Y. obi. pang Wednewls.” baleadaya, al 6 st. Ust7rrer.—lty Machin.. Pt...Ws Run, bleEturpott, Coal bale/. Ellndethuser. Iteassrvar, nether tton.Cookstor. Perryopolis. )..4 Liberty, Upper Biddle. 411, Ps. Arnett bond.. and Wedatelsys, at b de. parte Monlaya and Tharedaya, at a. at. Welter:4 .1111, Plohleaturn. Candor. llttrieltstmen. Cr. Creek Wage, Pawnee. sap, Bethany, V.. Anives nundaya and Thtnedayhat Id A. IL departs bloods. and Themulays. at I r. a. Alanrr, Ve.—Dy tbantn, blur locisralle. Moon, Mort. beta , prubert Sprin g s. Pa., Farrier. A. ArtiPee ep Friday al 6 r.rn dryer. nu Yea.Pulurdayo L.ZIACTA.—liv.t.e., Borth, Wash.... and Aran, Ph init. Hadnesdays, bP. doper. Ilooday da.u. Lesounrah—By Loran's Far?: Arrives. Friday, at II P. N.l depute on. raturdtty. at 4 A. M. Per, y Brrakneek, Props., hltestor th, incl... Warren and Ver.. eountic. hrs.. trbseetrkly—Punday, Itednerdsy. Y 6 1.7, O.n. Y,sod •deyarts Tuenlay, Thum., end Petunia), at 1.1 a. M. Letter. trr the daily mall. most be In the. Lice one ;tour Barre du. lettent for the hat), ter. weekly...tree-el) ma. utstst I. In that OPee an Is.'s Before their departura. RATES OP DISCOUNT. N. HOLMES & SONS, Hankers., _N, 67 Jfdetel rt, feta.. Shied and tbto-thet.Pillsburek. PENNtriLI ASIA. tliraneb at. ilasaillon- '. Sank at 111rebtarAil---,...par Dtanch at Wnroter-___..in ~.. i Karbangs Huila of do .-par liranch at tienta-_......__.d0-...d0 Dlrr. and Mao. a d0........yar Manch at Youngsuut ts- do Hank of ennuttetra----. t3t l Dank. etronnuati In Dank of North Antcriea-par tlunnaerrial 1111.Clusuutut. do Dana orliorth'nUbcre.4parYraultlie Dant -... .. . do • hank .1 Penneybanta.--liat'Lanifatu ilaalt,-.-u..• do • Punk of ream Towusliits-par',Obio Li& lanai Trask in-do Dank of tkor Dalt.] duUnt 12 , 1 M outrun lUvarre Ilank--do Coosountal Dank of ika-.par DAnk or Stafatlinn-.--- • do i• l•funera ollorkattirs'lrk pis banal' St , u•s_.....- -1.--do • 05).1 Dant -..----pu. ti KW 1"-NOLAN IX lianungton Dank,--sarril regrew. Dania. -... i }lanais,/ Mesh 8anC...4.• N gni illltli. il reganke . tack....._.._. par Nov Turk City.-- -.- -par Mayinn•ustua rk---arilutry- . ic .-- --- S iniadadphaltnk---rar ilrril,l. doathwark rnatesnutal Dartk:—...tssr &angry. - . - id Western Hank - ... ..sur N.J moir 1 likalCilt) Bank of Cbantbreaturott- NlAllsolvt bania----... St . , Dank of ilteat,Couttlf - en par . V ism NIA. Donk ofDartrille....---.-par Bank elk, Valter--.... h tyla of D01.C0.„ Owner-par BR of Virginia, Riebutined ta Bank of tierrouatoon---par44. flank, Va. Araltik-.,. t; Dank of (NU y sisugh...-lartnere Dank of VirOnis• ," Bank of Leartaloon-......... -- !Durban& A Sleek, Dank S. Dank of Middletown.-- % North Weotarn Bank---- .i . Mantocanets Ca. fludt--. Branelara... ... Dank pf.i.tattunbarland•Otir. NORTH alirrLINA . : OW.. Dank-. .- ,-. 15 i flank nf C ., T Sear ---- I. Conn:ibis Da n'iirldallik of fit SI ilaKdku__ Doyle-stouts liank.--....-par,Cotturourla Bli VI lisettruen 2 Luton Var.k....- parlMerrbans' bank. Newt.= t Erie Dank.-- . isi tti 1111 CAI:OLIN A- • Suturen orliarks Co-par• irk et the rt. of H. Carunt. 3' Suture Ilk of Lanraster par.ltank ol Sosub Card...-. 2 Farmer? Bank 01:fading r. , l4nt of Cl..lestrot.---,.. :• lava. A os. f S.-buy:1111W rat , Mutters' 2 31..eliansei L'a Yana Dr Waynesburt.. 'a I GLODUIA. Yratikliilk.W ashlar-wan. Augustadtu. A Banking Cu Ilarriaburo Itant.----• Si'n..k of Ana.... .•.. -- • Honesdale Banta.-- ri • Bk of Dmarwielt.. Auonsta Lancadar Gant - --.--rar, TlKSNrstrt. taximeter linantritank-.pari All sarrot bank _ l'• Lebanon an ----par It KNIUCKY. Msnere Dan•nlikatarilla St BkaKenrorky.Lnuisrillo S Matongalrekt Darak.........par Da of Loultrille. Thurston y Weal. branch tank---. - NjiNortbern ilk of Kentucky` lira:dna lik.Willeabarroparroutbrin Ilk of Kentucky 0. Vora Dank._ ii 111.S.S.VILI. Dein.' Notes---...-... hc, Mr. of Vito nt Stiasouri__Si 01110. ILLINOIS.. Mato State Hank.- ....-.-- Sidttato Bank and loanclas-J . ..0 • Ilrutett at A arro-......--do• Itwk of Illinois k Drawn at Atbetaa----do WINSONSIN. Drawn at liralorprt- do 31.1 n. A Ina Ins. Co. elites Dranett at Chilitailia--..d0 )111311LIA.N. Branch at linvelunt- ..... .do Partners' Nimhsed,.• Bank :1 Bran). at T01ad0.............. do 00.19313nt ruck flank__3 dal PretinsuLsr 11130. 3 I Dranc l"'"h h al i lit il' arrty—....do buttrazzoCoutpanr.—.... 3 Itranda sr. 11. , niumlnu•-•-..0 rtatollank. . .. - ........ . 3 Branch at Aalttakuitt-.-. -do CAYADA. Branch at ra1en5,.,...-.__do Bk ofll.N.Al2.l.4Teconin6 Manch at Matte.,l4-........dr011ank of the Peurle, Toronto • Dracut at Ripley ---,.......d0 1 1tank of Montreal....-.- ..... 5 Brancoat Cineinnall-.-.do Bank of U.Catusla. Tor•txtu 4 Branch al Columbus_ do EASTERN KNOT ANUE. Bunch at Washington do On New Lark (prom).- k." Branch at Coals do lin PlUtadelpbta do-....._.i. Bran). at Lutruter-......d0•1in Baltunorn do %. Itnanek at fueoltztille 401 WEPTIKILN EX CIIANU L. Itranrn et Mt_ Vernr.---dn'etrainneW. `.4 batch t n. , * et Ely rm....-. ..... An Si lentis-.- ~, Brad. at I.yriognoll dn,tifiLD AND Si VALI] b Dracut. al T ar..... do r Likuhlcutni Stunieb..-... 1 4 ,0 Draw-rat n..). _.... _in do Patriot-- 15.50 0. Drano at o Erik, itrantb at 7.anessitla... do Vaal, teen 10.45) Draw , b at knrualk ...... -..dn Predortaadore.. - I,ro Branch at 1 . )305 .. . - .de TrnTbaters--...- ........ La./ Branch at Pormanotti.-...dn,littlyeala..-... 3,60 Brandt at K5t0n......- da"rtraurrigns-...-.........-. 4,b3 Branch at liasenna....--do rmAtimiders----..._.. CM) llostuh at flbtlll.•ouba. do Napoleons .....-.----.. 2,40 S Ilort Unmet+ at Toialo_.... to Maass . _ - PRICES OP STOCKS. RCPO6TCU 00f A. WILKINS & Co. .STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS 011:N1:11 OP DIAIIKET AND TAM/ Mi. MEME I 1, ' wiz& _. Unitod Slat. Wm. ....... Ili 1115 101/ 10251 Prtuoirlraola 0' 'llal 106h1 11 .* po. ...... VO ny Co. O'a. ...... ... 03 41• 7 your. tritaorp.lool 1,0 1 0, Mt 0 010 . o-ar 1,0 0 : 1 100. 0010. O'r, lC y 010 Ua anea 11re4:11s. • Dank of 1 1 11.1.103r5h ' 30, -. MK; Iletchanto' /le/10(100.k, /Q. , 1:0 IA 1.11 fl/ 2:15 i1 SI- Clair MI- 10.1,1 ..• O4 SL. /0 ; 11 Noribrria Lib/riles ;y, . 14 "' 3 . 4 lal i ; Of Wrote. Inst‘ranre 12 Irtsurasu z lrsK 111 .4 .sociated Firtaian . /. ._; TGLLII . O Iltt'gb to M.ll 601 40 3 Iltinburgh, I.llrtille I 34., 47 43 tote Erin I NI, )I,ller ....... 30 , ... i Pittabu 11 Use W arkp.-... In ! onong% 0.1• Mackyrater Youghiogheny Markle., 110 )'crate u. Central Ilan IloviS 1.110 a Penn', hall Rend. 801 1. 1 1 a 11111., 1.11 111n,1... Ch.yeland x 11'e1....11, It. 11l NN, Marin...lt. Ws). 11r, 10.r1,11M,. Mayecto.ll . rtl.• Canal N.M.,. 144.1,......111, 10, 1.,•• Turtle Crtvll Plank lto.l , kjleu. k Perryr.ille Pk IL& 41rurnebi. Turnpike ; Charlie" e.oal W 1.1,11 Pll4.burzli North -/101 311 North Wen. :10 North - We...al - ... 1 7). :11 frtrol:ur:h k ..."% Adventure Jterellent it Douglas. Ilacmhton--.... (.113.121140. Ohio "Trap flunk V4O T T 3 3 fiilvE on haturs large assortment of tvia eau* OnIiNICES mad CUILTAIN BANDS of new tuatara, rou rialto.. • NOlji, otyln fo oraylyoyoudte thy Past E Mho. NO. 1 MACKEREL-40 qr.bbls. extra, for OttbOF b..* for ado bY 11501.011 DICKEY CO., tor.b , Wand. and Front 11[11. INSEED OIL-10 bbls. for sale by I. A tnT2d 11.011180 S, LIT= t CO. BACON-437RAlbs. Shouldera 300 " logirsg. c i t arrili a co. orvl _ ._ —, . , . .. 8...! II Alt,-.10 nnls. isio. 1; Smith's New. Geographies.. 0 to Dr [l. zyll unlituunag k •olurAm Q. I'ITII'S First Book in Geograpinr; llr. in iltAPE SIIAM Ls--13.1.N..u.a3 :day, 'Or g..j tralatorT anoaaphy, deklmal fa Chialrem• Illy , it_ . tra tad 1r I tl. 1 . ... , engravings. And CO ma* pp - 174: 'so... , t.W. P re, eve Cartoll. 01 ell:I. vaidarribleyptilp.A Enltt gotrtn, or klenad That In II•oa•Phr. • , a , !..... i mL , •• , .t.rr.' C" , "' '-' 1 .. 1 .• ...UPC"... .! --- ' • Aztl=t4r i ta n r . ,f 11=4 / , ,, Da C. u tazia p...h tm i v i. , in i . _ _ • ~...... , A.A. VASON A DI Door: Illatnad •rIlb:30 deal saaps,..ll"'siumetuas enRA f',HED- 4 %-- 317 b15--abeese: g; .per v tvgzi r .... C. Rtnith, A. M. Um. AI., . " i ‘., B• 1 .4 1. H. , ..4 f....4•11 .1 , -, 4 , 2 ' DA . l k .Ett, ... R. IMPEL:CS, =T.:: ' 78 Apollo Buildlall., roart4,ll. l jtll . ',....a.5. alt 1 Azar et. r -GAZETTE. COMMERCrAL: Ammo., AJuzamis. , -Advertismeilta and arlbecrlptlonit , Re 1134 paper +waived and for*arded f eeo/eiyenw, fran, PITTSBURGH MAILKST.: • °snug' Pt - mention ,Osstrrn . - Tacna) . - June. 24. j There WU • onetal daunts prevelung In the market gin scsterdsr, and *sloe wore Dur and !sr hot , Skii.rwlth Po partial variation to Tioistiehs. • FLollit—Noibinn - that we mold brutes/10 , 40ne on the wink or from wanorn we roan hornet. +=walnut. quotations hum nen Mlls, at '33 100.3 It. it Ida,- Etmall rile Gom oiler to ths'nenutinshonto trade at S 3 2.3 for a..f. and 4131 W-1 37 f o axis's hoods (111./.ls,ltreelptl eon Una.) liinitod. 'and we . hear ao n large rale, Wheat In In fale'reetert at Matnaet Rya 415; Corn ....1(434: and onrnnt WY, p ho. • - • aßocroire.n—Too 'marline it wlthont any material 'change. and contlnneaVery quiet. Salea hare been fonall, ed toaroall lat.,. Et the killawing rater„l3otartX Tr; A101.00.3c, Colter 10010;a, atal 1110 at , thie? nu? VISIONB- 7 The market continue. head s. with - a fair hanerrd. talon,. at fall vileta, net for 10,41. al( 6.• to Err "laadd , '”, h‘44l l :i fob EX rer Oran, nod 'Aron% f o r kacar enynd llama lard in hominid at Ssrd ) e. Sa/reof dried beer at 1 le 11 T. The market in tear; other fleet Is quiet. with no. change. , • • • NEW BEDFORD 011 MARKET. ..• LW Reaves., JAM,. BlT.ll3l—Tberr • fair demand torn.: ralss.ll,3ord bare bot. mule .tam em last of Mils at lf.'Le, awl 121s1 barrels a 120 c it canon. • atigbt reductloa front prerbais rates. • - • - ' WllALE—Covtlatiee Jo brirk dmilatal, and prima t , tai. upward: 'CIII volt , . tat.., sinrv m , . hut ntSsObbla for exptirt at du*, CA) Dbl. ordinary NIV (moot f manulaettuina at 42.5, 504 bbls do 4214, mra. , or 23 4 '.! ..4 %RI 1 4" baadvaum at 41e. WO do at 4:10. and woral small Parcels • within thin mac,. WitALETIONK—There tan goo.] demomL:AnL bolt . re i ri am cot O/0 e Inrlln P ...1 olar a op.ra t tr•at at , notice os of:lVnt 301ifrytilUe. • • - OIL RONE—Tbe knowing XIV the 'monde ofoll and Whalebone into the United ,Integ for the week ending June 16. Now Do,mni. • BUl•n..Bi" IDs bone Fhb" Comore a... .........WOO • O 9/n0 Ibtrono 16,,ob,niu'esepotl. 3' , 0 IL/A) - • - 2,1 AIWA, ==NSI:NI=N= PORT OF PITTSBURGH ' ttmat,--Thers vim 2 Bat, 11, tbelgrt. la • clukom , ..b7 rurtal Wirt. lut evenina. .mI MiRIAT.I I . Mirhitrao. Ikvatr. Gordon-11...r. Atltintit. ll rkiv.t. MrliewffA r rL NViwilront.llm.rwnllk , ' Thu. alarivrr. IV t 01. Tuvarnr.., 3lnntrct. Srellrrilly. • • Pita No 'J.. (.1'4.130 . Na.Lplunr. 11. n. 11..mtue, Conweil. IV Let)lo DEPARTZU. . • Mithipm. MM. Mrs's,. /7..aver.lim , l4)n, Ihsrer..f:. Allaztly Prownwrille. ' • Sleti, Moßeviimrti - Thu. tthrirrr, Bytley, Newu.n. 14-4Atraln. , Ster•lwattl. Itrmens,lll.-- 16 , tuurluott. Cul.. tit Lout, , • DOATEII,VIAVINO TRIft.DAV. TOR PHILADELCIIIJi AND BALTIMORE,. D latch a Ciin....girt raact le•Te.!Jany nt 60 iv cn h ' DRIDGEPORT—PIPA tt eiNemNATI-41., , • Fur Cictur3sst-11,1.splesallil light draught ftllirr•OT, lea* for the above abd all fntet mrJ!aln prttr. this day. at. 16: A.,. nil 601. Yleiss.:. is tell vtansed ptr aL.,rdiug .suptriw basi.isa tr ios issii...d.iptel by the lightassa hrr draught. 'Messrs... goal had al freishtssitholiaSearsf 11, br --- MOWS BY BIVEE Iva 41. rt hl,4l.l4arre t 3 Wls 1414111. r I 1.1.11 t ON 4 ,, 1)1.41a Lobar. Leah .• 1.1. I vii 14Lnen 1 t a gleunreit. b T Nh.rgsag 9,1 c. wool MrP....1.-4 , & Co. ale: 15 [Olds , Cmtll it 1 berg 4 1,1 4 1. bb.. flet,--rtl mu-. 1611 lan Wirk & Actlutul 'c.v.. 1 hh•lg tnhuen 2 1 , 11 , try 5a.419 J N Itls,rll,, 11 1.4: 31,41. 11 ilocet.4., Not', s tatrurr. IV It J.,huAria: 1 .51 oats her, Slxtb.yrs k kta -4 A. 1,4.3 II M‘-11, I • oil IL C bordals:42 I:mtulc) Cr; 1,0 at& - .Zoo 1..1, We. T Suomi & Son: 1 .veto rays I I,:ekel & um - IF VILLE—Pr& ohsam ar , a.—."o hlrbt . .10 R13.11v. tca loun•S au.: 2 hi, tad. , r,lf • 0-VI , 11 21. MO, Nnr!rk A. 1,1'21 a• 1;11 14,1. 11 41 NJ:Lat.:I: 11.1n1a tot, IP lkoglvia., lA% c.0..r./ P llrCwzrt!et. 4 raw. `1` , .... L..mb & plbl.crato Imn ttn•mber Cct IS 1,11, ham. wwl Clark t ISP hb:s , 111 , er ebou: 52du A li.ans:lo Lhd, stinuldrs. llw+er & (r 21•,klaktk • 0, I 1 a4u IS Mlarnbergt,tl,• bath Ihmelurrner. COPPERAe-45 bbl. for toilet by J. SIDD Cu_ GO, Wool et, CZ TAR CANDLES—IO brxr. prime arti• C.l a..., kr este , J. lituP & op_ itiEbI.CA i LED Kies 413,1;1 Dramlies, a treili 1 917. a , o , "? *° 4 ''' " 1 " r i'scipp.4 1, I , VAIL\ bbk. ( b ßalt.imord) ito 11.: rale L., No. 44 IVcaO g , RE:A3t TARTAR—LOOO, lbn._ sal; by Nv.. YKxV 01L—le Idle. entre. fel' skie by .(e.l NeCANDI.I ,, . 'VAN NERS' 4.111,--I.ld 41315. for nalebv I J. 2 WICK a )It.C.A.NLILC.i... O. J. IIACIi.EItEL.--30 1.1,15. for 5:11, by J DaLIELL, Ustrr st. . . • H ULLS' SAIisSAPAIiiLL.A..—A few do F.. Loin.. for Ltd,. irL Cuta,r of IVE.I m.nletath SEEM-3,51./014;s. just received ._) froze artick ..1 naLloo byC.'S- WICK PAZ:ALAN. Co 4 me,: CV,NaI and . . , tvab,a.a..ea..- . I IME-50 bble. 'White Louisville, for vile _I 1 menZi ENiarkp & 50.000 FT. m r , or:ltr te , Board wind S.N.ukt 1MN...N1:17. P.l U I J'ENTLN E-11)1)14. primo, for sale It. t: 1213 Alt AND .I ), LOLASSES--- 1.3 bbl, 7 0.1.. by • .1 , 2 JAItP- 4 A. 11l 'Ol C.).. . rr O.IIACCO-1.03 miperivt twi.t„,ll JIL mrullgrurterit 3J. fur ..1111. b. tl WATMUIAN L 10. NA. bbi F. prim, N. O.: (onk) " by - 142 .• 46. WATKIL)I AN xBi.Ne. •V NPSOA AP—.5O boxes ityde,), - f,, •al. by I 0n,,,:61 u_.. FAUN. TUCii 01.:1 A EAD-140t) pig s Galena: 5001 lbs. W.r. u.r br je2 1. IRMA' nioN L (N). ' NUTS- -2I blt. ClicjiqntA; liteltary Net Oar rale,by_ I‘LVSII . I SUG -ISO laid, N. 0. Su,vrt Sa rule: by • JASIV.Ii VALRELL, .T 1" , Cuter et . _ QODA A SII--20 con . kr..4 Kurtz's brand, ler MAO S•• A %V. TIAMIAVIIII. 4.1, ALT P ItEl-211 kegs (rolined), for sale A. 1 , 1 • - IV. E. WILSON, Ili Yin", Kt.,1:114 wand d 1nt.../onar.Tai Int. Feb! Any Int. Jan Jul Inc.}eh Aua tut-May Nt • LARD OIL—D) hl,l, Winter Strained., for tale b} sn, IL : 4 1,1.1.E11N I , colltL TEEM l' I: 5 lA, A. for F.le by' It. S. IiELLIISF. !NDIA RUBBER DOLL HEADS Di K 3. of.llffetent tar tale halls Ittil.ter pot. 19 Nee, ..I lt I Soya .0.. .1. 0 11. PM C. 1.11,1. .THREE CAP PETS.-.lust reeeked et Carpet Warelinetc, 73 n..* lOW ..t ) In t eat,. rie7l W.-11 CLINTIJK.. iil3o4tl July 101.11 u, k \ Inv Mar dj re do DI, Nu I Iv.J. oz for ~ale br D A. FAIIN - MI CK lett. • AItAWAY - SEED4-100 lbs. for sale he I .J o•t • 4 , 4‘ A. FAILNTSICCK Or. 'SUNDRIES—. • ' • •-• • O bow-.,n.lnorNew IW nbt..:lo. I.ll.dtfincrt• o }i " NlYrcme frentl GUN It.. surerlor :+4ll,,rottm for eny:}l - JOHN KATT .1 CO.; I.lbertr it 16 t1t0.51...tii1. r . 41 MD 0 ext. ENEOA OIL-2 bblo.for sale by lobo A co. VIIAN N CRS'. bbls. for /kale by tzty2i 1L0141...”1", Lllll,ll A I L.5.,400 kegs for sale by hrITI.F. - W._ N i'lr 4 All-42 bbli. N. 0., for sale by . • J. j.. 9 WICK 2 310:ANDLES.1.. . - . . HAMS -419 S. C. Conswie, for oak! by. AVICK n UCICETS - " 144 1 ' doz. Bearer, for sale by Je.l 'WICK & Me0.1:cDUL...43. 800, large supply of Me- Cli , A , wk C.nwa. ,, 0140. x.Mll.2tt WrAc. owl 4 Foully Itallooti, or,LborAdVrADITEA U . -Y.ller' .I=l Mothur and lour row, cu a drool intaud; T ool. leow.. t Dl•NovtrpS . rn I ,I)16. D. 6 • t ii.. ..:,-"," Div. Am a pr'rt Dlr. 'Ewe, 910 wad. AI, tine. 1. 2;3, awl t, of 31,therin Loadon 1.40.4 - . nod London Yore. • Joet and for We by - IMPIKINZ, • m ,211 . f/i Apollo 1301.11n0n..Fn11r111 , , 11. I‘IOLASSES-100 1.1110 battle gratiud li. 11 214,Iansea for italalrr 3A.218.2 U. ELL' O . : 4 OBACCO - 37 kegs 6 twist (superior) for rale I, roil A. CllLBElatiu2 A it; bbla IL nsln 3,4 litEL FRUIT- , —P — ' ---- cliclivs;.• • Plum 9, min 41 ) ' t u I.3t.ciinlg, utyl6 Grua. and Tea lA•giorc-1• • VOLUME WV-NUMBER • 266. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PBO NEW TORE. (oa.e.r.derace 4,the Aar iitUbWlSh rcuettal - -Nad ioßie, June 19, 18.5 j. The fire in San Yraziciace,, announced by tale 'graph on' the .17th At se been the sub ject of serious eenversation .heri, and with reason. The losses are hardly lees than at either 'of the tirogrerit fires which in former years swept 'the eirmmereral portions or New York,. and fall - mainly 'upon ' merehiuds of the Atlantio ports, whose goods are pa:sale in California, andvhose remittances will be cut elf. „greater anxiety is rarely seen thscavan exhibited throughout the city yesterday; • nor more eager Inquiries ever made to find the locale Of correspondents in San Franciatto,•in order that cnemight judge whether , they were in the supposed burnt district. To 'day has given alfi the particulars, and caused a `good deal of stupider' to be thrown upon houies largely interested in the. California .trade. - . A 'literary treat. of no email excellence has been ••gbeen this week, by the, publication of .` Scenes Tam" by Putnam. lint little has 'been known heretofore, of the magnificent 'coun try watered by the Amazon, the queen of Smith American rivers. This new work supplies the deficiency,' and gives to us the most glowingpic tures of actual life there ;...pietures that suspass in inteiest the fictions of Melville or Defoe, and make one think the Amazon almost a paradise. The initial somber of a new work to be called the ParthenSa, has also appeared, and.La fall of premise. It is intended to give in it : original contributions from "American authors, and to. ifluStrate it by steel and wood engravings in the beit style of American ariista. It is , very elegant in its appearance,• and will befound most attrae. tire, not only as a•litallay.COMpaaioa, but as a 'specimen of “book making" in the United States. is 'this instance equal to London. - - Oar State Legislature has given the city per. Mission to purchase the new park up town, and we -sheltie good time, have public grormds corn, mensurate with the wants of thelcity, and our monotonous and limbo] look be changed to ono a Little more, fancif.ll and agreeable. The sac cess'of -this 'park hits encouraged people - Ople-Vti the North River side to attempt the purchase of a similar plot of land, and with a good result. We have ell isms and fancies violently here, and the chances are in favor of laying out grounds that trill compare with those of the capitate of Europe bettire we are done. • . The unnotiecement of .the•receiPt. at Panama of two and a half millions of gold dust, has given new activity , to Money, matters, and the tenden cy of the rate of interest is downward.. The ex ports of precious metals of ittas we& will be more then - made good by thlli receipt at Peanuts, oral. qUiets all Tears of a draluinf gold that will affect thd kcal currency... Thu news in regard to cotton from the other aide is Of such a charac ter as to help business here, and to give an im pression that the regular marine of trade will noon reduce the rates of exchange unaided by the preeent exports of coin. The large losses at San Francisco had their effect upon the gook market this forenoon, and prices fell off fullrfed per cent.; being a smaller reduction than was apprehended- It will he found that the proper' ty burned, ouch as houses, are estimated at coot,. and that they can be replaced for acomparative ly small Bum. The fire will also rid merchants of the enortsiona swindle in tlie.way of rents, and in the end fear not each a great disaster. Racing on the North River continues, and the cars on the Endionitiver raid hardly beat the time made by the Reindeer. Recently this boat ran twelve miles in sixteen minutes, or there-- eh:Mts. Shots, besides being as fast as a deer, - a - model of elegance, and in all her.appointoients, surpasses any hotel. lien waiters attend in gold tasselled caps and white gloves, and meals are served in the upper saloon, from where one, us he desires, has a fine view of the charming sce nery of the Hudson River. - It is the say poetry of travelling to mace a trip in her, and no ono need fear losing one day to go in her to Albany. The yacht America.- owned by G.L. Schuyler. Esq., of this city, (and brat at a cost of $20,000 it is paid,) - is getting ready to sail for Southamp ton' to fulfil an engagement the is said to have with the Royal Yacht squadron. The America is kheocuiful craft, and looks as if shewould acquit hemelfaCross with great credit, erect though she was worsted a little la her trial with the Maria the other day. In produce there is nothing doing worthy of notice, 'that is convoyed to yium city by tele graph. GREAT ll= AT silt FBANCIBCO: We do not knoti that we can give our readers anything =ore.interesting than the details of the groat rvlanAti. which betel San Francisco on the Every b4uVdag housuis poatrate in the dust,. excepting that of F. /*end & Co.; iusdthe flute brick huildiug °t ins. sin r ,. wen. & Co.'s largU banking booze was entirely destroyed; also theta of Burgoyne & Co., .age, Bacon ,t Co., B. Di. ridsoa, agent of the Batlsschilds. These bold- Lugs were all of brie:, and thought to be f. t e proof. The iron bankrog house of Dr. Baldwin is in ruins. • Lather & Church, Beebe, Ludlow .x. Co., D. J. Tallaut & Co., and others are all boned out. • • Starkey. Brothers & Co. hod just completed and moved into a new and spacious iron was e- Louse, and had given an openingball a few even ings previous.—They had two thcrasand tons of goods in their warehouses, all of which were consumed, mostly belonging to English hotter, The beet pert of the city is destroyed—nearly all the handsome stoics have perished. Already quite a. large number of cheap shan ties have been erected for temporary occupancy. Others again have recommenced the building of fine brick edifices; but the streets are mostly ru ined,—the planks of:which they are made, being burned, and rendered almost impaSsible. to mimeo every instance the covering - to the taw,- era was burnt off', letiving a huge. blackened ditch running along the middle of the streets. The damage probably amounts to. SGO,OOO. All. Monday and-part of Tuesday the fire was . slowly cows-ming them. The tabling used for assaying U. S. legate, &c., by 'Moffatt A 'lambert, was totally destroy ed—andit will be sin weeks before they will be able to resume businesa. Consequently gold - of California coinage is now ttellinghy the ounce at SIG. The result is in every way disastrous to the city. The Treasury is empty; ;did Sail Fran- Cisco is virtually bankrapt. We bave'nopriessi wherein to confine the criminals who run wild in Dewitt & Harrison, in lieu of water, used SO, OOP, gallons 'of vinegar in preserving their ware house. AL was entirely saved. The brick build ing of. Gibleteceiter,De Ereemery & Co., on Mont gomery street, canto. near being burned . doves. Owing, however, to its rear wall being verythick it wassaved..sThe city. observatory. on Qin roof burnt without communicating fire to the build-, tug. . J. Hee:berg, J. W. Osborne, Barrer& Sherwood, W. 0. Blake, and Mr. Dedham 'had rented poets of the building. lliddleman's loss, individually, .cannat he less than $175,00 . 0. The beautiful brick building of Dffimonico's is in ruins„ end addle the workmen were engaged in:tearing down the tottering walls preparatory to rebuilding, they fell_down, burying balf a doe terpere.ons, and killing outright two Frenchmen, ' were laboring ou the premise,. ,'_.Well, banker, of the house of Well & Co., i was dreadfully, burned, and for a time , his life wasp In citreme i" p as nas eh le to 1 0 , rminie, business. Their treasure „ with that of Page, Macon do Co., D. Davidson, (agent of the Itothschild's)unl otheri,ffits been. deposited with Messrs. F. Argenti & Co, whose present depos its °maid the sum of two millions, of dollars.— ..The income alone from rents cf their banking house, over anti above what is occupied by them selves. is a fortune. r _ banithig hoUse, (B. Davidson. a gent,) was, totally consumed. lie saved nothing but his bOoks and treasure, which were is a vault underground. Mr. D. is already engaged . in rebuilding. Three storoships were burned—the Mantic, Geo. Harrison and Apollo. - Oibb's fire proof brick building on Clay street is one of the few - that resisted the flames. The California'Exchange was at one time in imminent danger. The flames got possession of the County Court _ room, for a time, but by the strenuous eti - orts of Messrs. Frearieri Addison, and others • were extingnished. • • Of the newspaper offices, that of the Alta Cal ifornia vresthe only one that escaped the confla gration. 'The Herald and Pacific Flews have re commenced, publication. • The True Standard and the Coltrier will probably also resume their issues. •The Public Balance end the Sunday Clarion probably will riot'The former is sou pendedfihe remnnnto of the property of the Lit ter webs sold :by Unction. • The Picayune - lost eyhrytiting.. , ltis laid- that Mr. Shephard, one of the proinietaks - lost ffia hooks, which ho was removing, by hie, jienevolent attempt to ease a 11"44994M110a1.11%0111-91.1, on his back to the • hospitaL - - - " - Mr. F. C. 'Sennett, another of the proprietors, kttO just returned from the Legislature at San JOOO, (of nhiett he it a member.) lie lost not only his newspaper property, hut all the money and priers (410.000) which be brought from I tba.C.spitel, his whole Wlnte!'s work, in State Thos. Butler Mug, the Collector of the part. was absent from the city, (up af the Mites) nt the time of the fire. The 'Custom' Hoise bead ing was entirety destroyed, with many soluble papers. The "Sob-Treasury" is safe, anal is dsitr-visrded by an armed force of U. States marines.. There are about four minim of dr , tars in the sank • , I ',•.• When the Custom noise was threatenetl,-*. Cost; the naval officer, appointed six gentlenien to superintend the operations forjts protection. Every point was welt guarded, and , the building was tot abandoned until all hope of saving it was out of the question. Mr. Cost himself was severely scorched in escaping, but• his it:dunes though painful, are not serious.' hashra; ,attending to Nosiness within the laat few as usual. Tho building was owned by W-'.; 11 - Daris, Esq., and rented for $30,000 per annum. His loss otherwise was very great Of those who sat:fertile greatest loss, the case of Pulaski, Jacks & Blake is. one of peculiar hardship , They. had just removed from a weed en Wilding, which escaped the fire, into a splen did fireproof store, m it war supposed, and hav ing' fitted it rap at a great expenee, permitted Bage, Bacon & Co., bankers, to use their, fire proof vault for th e better security of their s pecie, and having placed therein $300,000, they found to their sorrow, that they had not sufficient rhom remaining in which to plaCe all their own plate, jewelry, do. The consequence is that Jacks & Blake lost nearly $30,000 of stock, which they would otherwise have eared—their store being burned up, while their vault remained sure 'and safe. Multitudes carried their goods, papers, books, &c., to Bidleman's, Nell'a, and other brick bind lam, supposing them to be. perfectly safe, !and thus lost 'every thing. Many merchants - who were rich last week, base told me they hadl not saved $ that an they possessed ill:the world wan simply the clothesltAr stood in; and these instances Are not rare. or isolated; .they are everywhere apparent, seen and felt, and !yet these same men are again resolutely strivinirlor the mastery. IMMM Our once fair city has been visited once niore .rich • the moarge office. Desolation - reigns reigns around, and heaps of Unites and .smouldering ruins Cover the spot were but Etta* Baying !" the proudest etructures.atood. The fire commenced 'on Saturday night, a few minutes after oleiren. in the upholstery establishment of Messrs. Ba ker 4: Messeraelon the Sauth . side of the Pl,}= Litt moment the combustible materials of which it was composed were in a blaze.. The alarm bell ataitled the citizens from their repose,tand • bionght the noble . • firemen.to the Spot ins few minutes. Ten minutes had barely elapsed before the hlonumentala were playing upon the fire a steady stream, But alas! to no purpos the e l • flames spread up Clay street, carrying all b fore - them, until stopped by the little alley at the side S: of Jacks Brothers old . store. . • . In . the . mean time tey. were running own toward KeariseV street, despite all tee etfor of the firemen .. The adobe building at the e rner I n of .Clay and . Kenntey streets . was wrap . in flames. • The firemen now devoted all . th ' at tention to invent the fire from creasing A ay. street to Hahn .& CO.'S building; and the . tame houiei adjoining... _This they eeeceetled in difing. but in the mean time the fire-run down Aerey street, had crossed it by_ conimunicating . with • the frame scaffolding of a brick : hosise In arse lef . ereetion at the corner of Commercial stireet, I . and wits 'driving before . the' railing north-wester 1 that was blowing straight through the .blohk to Sacramento atreet In one hour front thel first outbreak. the Standard office on Saar= brick building, in which had ,been stared. queatities of goods,. fell toppling to the geo: &lass often, been noticed in great fire 'wind suddenly shifted, and commenced' bt from the South. This &vie the fire right on its .conrseit passed from Sacrame Commercial street--crossed the latter s advanced Co Cloy; leaped that—Spread pas chant,. Washington, and stopped at that of Jackson, on the north side, between gomery . and Kearney streets, only because were no buildings to be consumed. In time, white thus devastating the city in a criy direction , - it was spreading south. andl In•three hours from its origin, the fire 19 veloped the city from Pine to'Pacific—frog Pont to Battery. The' night was awful-1 beyond description. Nothing could staj course of the fierce destroyer fare momen The firemen worked like heroes, of th! of their lives, bat {heir ,exertions were .1 powerless. The fierce - wind drove the Annum like fiery, surges, from house to house, and ever they , touched withered and crumbled in an astonteletug shOrt" time. Buildings with- the thickest walls, and iron doors and Gnats ' built fire roof, a special view to making them of, r ; ,. formed no exception to the general des ction —they only delayed but could' not • t the fire. • The plank Mavens were ma fire in every di rectlett--aenral of the engines had to helot:dn. cloned, so daring close bad the firemen app . roach r ed•to the flames. The - splendid brick bu ildings on 'Montgomery street resisted - the fielti on slaught for a time,butonly for a time., The awes so if maddened by such opposition; returned =Lie and again, with tenfold powir—they:goin ed +Licata - Ad and all was lost. Burgoyne's, Del monico'm Genelia's, Bolton and Barrons ' the Picayune office, 'Page, Bacon & Co's, Tall d and and Wilde's , Cook and Lecount's, Trafie cCa hill's all were burning at the same time. T. Out of all the supposed fireproof lisielldusgs on Montgomery-street but five escaped,. vim -Argen: ti's,James Bing of Wm's, Gregory's the U. S. Assay office, and Gildemeester. Be k'rensery & Co.'s. 1 On Merchant street, all that r 4 emains ii•the small store of Johnson & Danfield,•isaved by the exertions of his friends. Among the principal buildings bunted are the Union Hotel, width fell in ruins level with the ground, the Parker owe; the Empire House, the Custom, Adelphia Thee ,: tre; Dramatic Muaeurn,Bnrgoyne's,Delm ice's. Biddleman's, PacificfMail Steamship CI y's. Buildings, the Revere Honeeohe lil ant's Exchange, thiZiiantic and Gen, Harriet, store ships.- ships.- _,. Of those standing within the limits of the.fire• ,- beeides the five already, =enflamed on Aontgomery street, are the California *change the El Bomb., the Verandah. Cooke, *other's &Co., Jose's Hotel, 31scondraf is two.finebnild ings, the brick building adjoining,. aa al- • ley, Naples building on -California . s et, the, crosth U. & bonded warehouse, built by Cion4 Co. • . . The bounds of the fire antes- follani Com , mencing -on the .south side of 'the Pi4ns, on, Clay street, it extended down to Keanieji, airing. the cat side of Kearney to. Triekrant down the south side of Jackson to Montgomery; agate' the east side of Montgomery to Pacific; del Paci fic to &memo; across Hansoms to Bread 4; at this point it took a north:easterly dirtatioa to Vallejo: thence across Battery to to thaßay. Af- .„.., ter striking the bay it followed, its sho Lsoutli- 'l . ;. eel!, along the west side of • Battery tq Long • Wharf, which it burned down toWhiteh • thence along the west aide of Battery to California; up California to Sansome; along SansOme th Pine, lop Pine to Montgomery , along Montgomery to Summer, up Summer to Kearney-, aline Kear ney to Sacramento; up,gscromento to Dupont, along Dupont to Clay; thence down Clay to the place of beginning. The burnt district'Within these limits is about three-fourths of a mile from north te south, by one third of a e from cast to west—including eighteen entire plans and parts of five eta others. , Besides the immense Loss of proerty is vario u sly estimated at from 5 to $2O, but whieh probably ranges - between. I E l i million, we have to record the ten that te or twelve individuals lost.their ' We have probably not yet : heard' of le_ were burnt up, but among thim is .Copt.' Walsh, of Baltimore, Edward McCahill, Mr Ureen ham, and Mr„. Vincent The followinggentle men were injured, but none of. them dangerous ly, we trust: Capt Howard, Mr. Well* , ernes ~ King, of Wm., Gen. James -.Wilson, Myroi Nor ton, Bernard Peyton, and Mr. Correo. - . ' Many of these gentlemen received tr inju ries in consequence of staying too long. inild ings they . supposed fire-proof, and when they emerged they were compelled to fly t';; their lives, often thirough the fierceSt Sam . Mr. Peyton and others only saved themselves by wrapping their blankets around them. I Several poor fellows .wers seen rushing out into Mont gomery street,. across which the dans were raging; for a moment they advancet, then scorched and withered by, the fiery ble,t, they 7 fell to the earth; again they rose, staggered , wildly and confusedly forward ri, few.p ces, and fell never to rise again. This was seen by thou sands who dared not advance a step to eir re lief. The most terrible eceme was ens in the iron building of Tale & MeEohill, at the cor ner of Montgomery and Baciremento-- to. Into this ail persons had gone after t is names had reached It, in order to save some valuable articles. They closed all the iron win w shut ters and doers, so that no draft elan- fight en ter. When they found the bowie ge too hot to stay longer, they attempted to ge , out, but horrible to relate...the windows and d hail ex / .panded so with Ise4t, that all' their . i ts were unable to open them; All Within - ' eitin the I fames. Their calcined bones, could 'seen en Monday morning, • smouldering amid the runs beneath.• • • We find in more - than one of the. alifornia journals very strong intimations that . eso de 'tractive fires are the,worket a . ban •of ingen diaries. The Saeramento - Ti -Ti es gives credence to a report that a band of con • cts, who had escaped from Sydney, had reached sn Eran ciao, were imprisoned some time aarrrival, and had threatened 'vengeance by •. . San -... Mer rtion ont ere can orth ettst. i d ea n Da- which • 00,000, and 12 nly fact. livea— , that