The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 23, 1851, Image 3

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    - 110 ME MATT
PrrnsonintCosnmrace—Raturiay, Jane 21.
The Conference ' this morning; wan opened
: ; "pith religions exercise by Shadrach Cheney.
The following persons were elected Elders:
Samuel H. Nesbit, 1.1. A. Rains, C. A, aelmes,
j. W. Shiter, W. A. Davidson, Hiram Miler:
Yl, Thomas, P. Q. Edmoras.
;f, The following persons were eleeted and admit
.4ed to fall connexion' s Deacons: W. W. Hong
D: A. McCready, R. Hamilton, L. Beacom, L.J.
y. 0 41e ‘LT..W. -kulti, (admitted to full canes
lan, having peen previously ordiined,) D. B. D.
Colas:tan, (having previotudy travelled two years,
and being recommended by the quarterly con
John Wesley Miller, s. probationer of North
'_Larlijuja conference, in his second year, and now
tistuderred to the Oregon and California Mission
. , Conference, was elected to Deacon's orders.
."." — he,following local preachers were elected to
Ziescon's orders: Daniel Rhodes, Andrew J.
'"„Endsley, James Thomas; James F. Capell, Chas.
Dana, David E. Dowell. James Mcßride, William
Bracken, John McNutt
The following local Deacons were elected to
.1111C1n4.,?rders: Michael Dowler,Jacob J. Ede ll ,
'John BiLrtt, George Venable, J. L. Graham.
. e Bishop announced that the Conference
were it liberty to draw upon the Bpok Carteenk
for 8500, end„„the Conference drew, accordingly.
P. M. MeGowdo,_presented a Bevies of rasa
- Intiona on the ledsioliary cause, onwhich Dr.
'Durbin,entertained .thp,, Conference far about an
hoar; iftea which tt; resolutions were adopted,
as, follow!:
Whereas, the .-Miiiionary cause requires con
centrated netiorton the part of the Church In
order to carry 01i3. - ,.thesommand of Christ and
, preach the gospel to every creature,, it is desire
- ble that some general plan should,lopted to
.. accomplish that object. And as Weßbard of of
. leers aud ma nagers of the Conference Mission
'. cry BoCiety, in consultation with Dr. Durbin, are
of opinion that such a plan is presented in the
following, they !would therefore beg
lethe to otter them for the adoption of \this Con
1.• Rewired,. That wherever practicable, we
will eitablieh a monthly Missionary prayer-
Meeting, or lecture, in each church, at wMoh we
will disseminate Missionary intelligence and re
1. 'wive Missionary contributions.
2. Resolved, That will weheartily recommend
the circulation of our Ilissionary Advocate, and
that we will endeavor - to extend the same as the
:best means of furnishing the Church with Ilia
eionary intelligence.
Resolved, That the annual Missionary col
lections and subscriptions shall be taken in each
' chinch and congregation in the month of De
cember or January, sad that we advise each par,
for to preach a sermon on the occasion.
EL Resolved, That with the advice of the WM.
don • Committee, provided for in the Discipline,
- (Part TEL, chap. 4, paragraph 8,) to aid as as
pastors, or the . managers of any. existHing ' effi
cient Missionary society, Terrill appoint
- tinny millocters in each charge.
: 8. Resolved that we Till publish , either in
our Conference minutes, or in a separate Ms
' stormy report, a list of the officers and life mom
bete of our society, and the names of Misaionary
collectors, lrith the amount collected by each.
8. Resolved, That the Presideat of the Con
, fermee appoint &member to preach a Maslen
sty sermon at some suitable hour during each
annual seamen; and that the managers of the
Society make timely arrangements for the anal
emery at each annual session of the Confer
7. Raolved: That the Sunday SOhool is a
powerful auxiliary to the Illasionary cause.
8: Rewire', That we repeat the Imperinten- -
: dents and teachers of our Sunday or.
guise them into auxiliary Missionary societies,
wherever practicable, and under such rules and
repletiess as they may judge srdtable...
S. R. liaocensies, Prest
P. M. JleGoseart, Bec'ty.
8130111,112 CASE.—On Saturday an application
was made in the Court of Quarter. Sessions, in
the cave of the Commonwealth vs. Theodcire
istettmsen . who had pleaded guilty to grand lar
-- Oeny, to allow him to withdraer his plea.
The prisoner appeared by hie Counsel, Messrs.
Irwin, Cochran, and Fleming, and the history of
hls'life, as wo have gathered it from himself and
— rither, sources, is a very singular one indeed.—
He was born near Dusseldlif, Where ho received
-• the - Lusnal rudiments of education, and took the
degree of DoCior of Philosopity, at Boma. He
joined the Roman Catholic, dhurch, and after
wards atudied to become a priest of that religion
—took orders at Cologne, analyse dalyLustalled
parish priest, and rector of the IGymnasium at
On • the accession of `Pins the Ninth, to the
• ikell chair, he went to Rome, and after remain
leg there for some time, he jaterneyed to Lyons,
ahem he became professor in a college, a post
titin for which his learning and talents well fitted
•• Min, since, .we believe thaths addition to the
, elsessical languages, be is well versed in Merle
' 'unities, and spenkrituently all the modern lan
.Agnages, with the exception of the English.—
Leaving 'Lyons, . he emigrated to the United
States, having been sent here, by the Beard of
/diadems of the Catholic church, and went to
Missouri. Here, owing to various causes, regard
_Aug the nature of which we are unable to speak
with any degree of certainty, he was obliged to
quit the diocese of the Archbishop of St. Louis,
and is no longer a priest.
He arrived in Pittaburgk sonic time ago, and
• •
commenced a career of dissipating which ended
in his stealing a watch in the hotel, of Mr. Hein
, hart, on Third street. For this-offence he was
arraded, 'sad committed prison. When ho
was brenght into the Court of Quarter Sessions,
for trial; he Pleaded guilty, and was a:Mended,
sentence not having been pronounced. Several
&viers then interested themselvesia his behalf,
and on Saturday, his honor, Judge McClure, con
leaded to allow the plea of guilty, to be with
. drawn, and one of not guilty entered. The Dilh
.• blot AttorneY, Mr. Finnegan, is not at present
In the city, and the Court will wait till he ro
tate, when* plea of "guilty of petit larceny" -
- :will probably be entered, and a trifling sentenee
" - Pronounced, instead of his being sent to the
Penitentiary, as would have bum the case had
of "guilty" been allowed to stand, the
:watch and accompanying chain „which he took,
being valuable;and the offencegrand" larceny.
-tie following is a translation of a letter, which
he wrote in Latin to the Court, and which was
*idea Saturday i I
'llesorable and stumble Judger:
In my present most Miserable condition-1i
-Condition which I have incurred by a violation
of the laws—agiteted be the most proforind
grief, I implore your consideration.. It was on
'my read to Philadelphia, j that I did the act
charged against me. My Mind was disturbed
and perplexed:-'. Had .1" becri myself, I would not
- be supplicant to-day. It is the first act of the
kind which can be imputed tome; never before,
have I been before ajudge or a court. My tea
. tbrndsle, in every relation, are the best, and
ray count Is empowered to produce. them. I
would, therefore, beseech the Court that they
- weld consider, propitiously and clemently, all
. the circtunstantes, and look upon me as a stran
ger in the midst of strangers, ignorant of their
language, friendless and penniless, more in pi
ety than in severity.
`", Your humble and obedient servant, •
, 'Anneals: Llsr.—The argument _get in die
- Caere of Bommon Pleas and Qoartir • Sestinas;
, • will be taken up doting the present week. The
- Court will-sit daily, luring the usual hears,
until It is disposed 'of. •
CIIIIRC IT iSCOUPOILASED.—In thee.; o f (1. 4 .:
ter Sessions, on Saturday.: T. P. Penny. Esq.,
naval for n final order fors charter of incor
poration of the gethodist Episcopal Church, of
Velisespirt. The order was granted.
. .
11usto Csiz.—in the Court of Quarter &a
, last 'Satan:l4y,, A. 31. Wanton, Esq.,
._nulled for rube to show cause why the confirm
ation of n thirty-three - foot road, in Ross Town
ihip. should not bo - set aside. He presented
pennon, opposed to -- the confirmation, signed by
• amajority of the property holders of that Town
ship The rule was granted.
Ltcrusz. e —The hearing of the appliettious for.
license et the June term of the Court of Curter .
Seselons, will tre taken up tatitty.
. .
. -Stumm. Acecoser.—On Saturday morn
. in a large crate': of rags which some warkmim
were hoisting up at the store of Black .h. Co., cor
m of Pentland Irwin streets;! fen to the ground,
crushing beneath: it a young lad about fourteen
years of age, • named Thornieom severely in
jading him. Mr. Black w also slightly ta
pir- ed. It is feararthatyou Thompson sent
Diserrenusm---Tboass Bo e, tried and se.
quitted on several indictments for Weepy, at the.
last term: of the r Court of • Quarter harsita*
..: ern-- discharged on 'Saturday by intim:is
"Aititt. . :fudge McClure, gm him some goad
. -. i
&dam) Lannewr.,Jame Bolen was me:
witted to prison by Mayor Guthrie, 011 Seam
(iv, dazed, on oath. of. ReeleA, Mine, with
steeling - a watch' and eight' or nine dollars in
sayer, from her, in the B4,ek Bear tarten yard
Mrs. Mine is a mrrket woman, and was sitting
in ~in her wagon, when the alleged theft was cote-
Gttonow's PAdOltAXA.—Another ttnmeronsi.l
- :narked the exhibition of Mr. Gliddorea
"Him tille,JAat Ssterday. The Scholars of the
First and Fourth wards, Allegheny public
sehools mere present in large numbers, and
seemed highly delighted with the ,- ..Panorama,"
the Egyptian Mammies, 'Antiquities, and Pinto
vial. Tableaux. We may remark that the Athe•
1129th hall has now entre masters in the cell.
ing. An exhibition eat be given this evening.
TEX CATIELMAL—The walla of St. Pant'a
Cdthenral have now been all pulled down, with
the exception of the arched doorway, fronting
on Fifth Street.
DIVOHL7 1113 honor
Judge McClure, on the application of George E.
Appleton, Esq., granted a divorce to John Cor
nell, from Marian, hie wife. The cause of the
application was that the wife hue deserted her
husband, and not lived with him for the past
two years.
Bmmatott Gee BeimEs.—Trinity Church was
last night moat brill anUy illuminated by David
Ilarnett's English gas burners, decidedli the
best now In use, elan they consume much less
gee, and give a more brilliant light, than
any other kind. We are pleased to see that, the
great majority of our stores and hotels 'now nee
these burners, and would advise all who have not
yet provided themselves, to call at the office of
the Monongahela lone.. As the etore keepers
- all along Wood and Market streets now use them,
Any ono can readily test their value.
Gm 2.loN.—The Alleghev Cotmt7 Members
of the Whig Ind lintimssonio Convention Ithidh
is to meet &gam:aster, left Pittsburgh ILA week.
Ruts Ton naento.—On Baturday,the role to
show cause why Robert Ramos, a resident of
Binningluun, but by appointment' of the Court
of Quarter Bestdons, a constable of Mifain Tp.,
should not forfeit his commission, on the ground
that, being a non-resident of that Township, he
nmld not be appointea Ito constable, was dis
missed,-the Conrt deciding that the proper me
thud of preceeding in such a mute, was by a
writ of Quo Warrant*.
_ • •
;2:TADT. _The Duquesne Greys intended to
n on Saturday, for the purpOse Of cele
brating the anniversary of one of the battles in
Mexico, in which they acted a prominent pert-
They will excuse us for not mentioning the name
of the engagement, eines they every where fought
so valiantly, that we quite forget the ono which
they deem worthy
. of being celebrated. They
met at their armory, but a large number who
participated in the battle being cut of tewn,. it
was resolved not to parade in public. !- •
=re or WM= I=lolll3.
Tutragner, Jane 21
Before the Hon. Wm. B. McClure, President
Judge, and Willi= Boggs, and Thorns L. Mc-
Millen, Associate Judges.
Di the Court.of QuarterSessious, the case of
Hart, the tavern-keeper, who prosecuted the
editors of the Dispatch for libel, but was com
pelled to pay the costs, was called up, a motion
having been made to discharge him from said
payment. -
J. T. Cochran, Esq., asked the Court to pelf.
pone the matter for a few days, be not being
ready to argue the ease.
His honor, Judge McClure, observed that to
day was the time fixed for the hearing, and be
could not extend it. Hart, the prosecuter, had
acted in 'a public* capacity, as chairman ef
. publio meeting, which, wished 'to change, our
laws, and dictate to our legislate's. The press
had a right in nth a case, both to criticise the
movement which was of so much importance to
the public generally, and to show the character
of the persons at the head of it. The Verdict
in the ease had been rendered on the oaths of
twelve respectable eitiseus, and he did not feel
at liberty to change it. . .
After acme discussion between the Court and
Mr. Cochran, the -motion was overruled, and
Hart will therefore be compelled to pay the
The time of the Court, until the hour of ad;
jourtunent, was principally occupied in- hearing
AT IS pat L np in gnat bntiles; snd con.
talus the strewth of art rads no tomb meferszt
altratio, or sit bottle forte dollits.
It Ina Neu a eel ettablished Let for rem pad, that
fa,massinaorbensere and Droperlf=st. the
only trot meets fora dismal* oted &man is.
=ra% bl a . ma_ a tb=e ermr ie
assert that JOHN outalo F2TRAcT. OF tat.SAPAI
Is the ealy Dramatise beetle the sable that le
.... ..DePered ea strietlr rime& •Drincisdes nod of was=
The FertaterWa is porellased without regard
is7tWoratal story Dome. before bete toed. is cubists to
the stristert etiol tests, aluilts geaubsenese ascertained
• bas •• •• • •sapar •
illa al.e contains the virtues of Sawaf .
ether inlusble agena ib together forming the best an.
gentedoggi producing e greenest onsitan slant the
snows. same 1
morel or vase. Darsera. Twines Erten' ol
ffis 131 , 14Anwrelso..Ctirtalla Bon ..syw.
ell, a5Mr.r.:47...11N, , 1 .. 114.1,1 . b. mak
, out on eTt= s avz.
b bitr.VlE 4
, .
titel l ATene . ..
: .
et, mielnannon ,
. .
the now of identery,
- - ,NM in the lilde and Mord- " '
dal, Gesaral Debility. Dm= Lam '
anew W. Mamba. OVaNOMDMee ef t n nild..:: •
Piamenery dffectleas and all other dine am landbmai
Itra Ilikmplant. Female Insgalarftlea and oniplants;
Mak and Norma Ebredeol low Bekaa -Night Omaha!
Men a lands in Lela Chronlo Constantional Diel
1 =
io • Mena and summer drink. sod Dogrel tont
le ler the mai. and Zeal* and Dim.= forriron=
make to Blue lark or Corona water. ealta or.
lita. - 4 1
' . ,
~ f a the v ...I
na Mowing verbatim mwy of caillirate now
the panawdon of the moroietor of Beira Ilareaparilla.— ,
Rev- Z. W. net= la widely and'gMiraltknolnli Si aa I
eloqinsit and emonnillebtal yeator of
orsth .IL Chant. Midi
Rim E. ateramen bee been known oe of the meet tal , ,
exited and salons members th at the ltentnoky Ownferatna
mild boast of en many. yen; ao4 at We t o
le " Id.
the hiA and remoneiwe on of agent for the Id. a.
Boat .ftomra. Csik UN workl matere bath?, or !rao;
satialbotory belay in favor of my seed/dna .'
Better Testimony am% MU Ever . °fern( in co rn y
4y .Makbak
"11131. L W. Elinos—Rzo. 8. lisomoos.
Ws bon and jobs
Me Do nottl.nrith mare werlitodoon too luso no
I i
Instating UM we beano Ufa bo W
m e nn2 -rata ,
sblo itootical tannonnd. Wwlatod to u= mash'
Load foliate um& WWl= oronkl tbeleftwe
And moot Oarnnortly rototonteni It to the af- ,
, , Et W. ISSIION,
BT.ll7XlitiON; I
• EZATITITOL .014.42 1111.
• Mar Id ail •dadx• •do tosalltal whits alths. Sad' •
nay wheel dusk. now often do we see Nnooa. maps.
fath:4 thb "desidandom ect devoutly to beled.," te
a=l.7"tkg =a; sembrosett what dam!
has domtad them ot. sed that too, with letest lo~ u:r to
tha am Hairs Ilaswellls Is ths beat osmetla
besWbett the that by..remalag peotleie at
toorbed sod damsel matter Mw the bkodanklng it ;ono,
healthy. sat vigorous, glebes solleity to any Waite
nod. sad the yellow ad dark cambiums.. to
ths bloom and lihnses e.f youth. Laliee abstalem the
1110 of teats ad mixture.. trmi are Bull's &amain.%
tho only dismal remedy. "A wori to th e wise Is eater
dent" sad s Wale awash to the
ruamony Las as 'amng, Benders Superfluous
all Comment on- as..,Weiesty of JAW'. Aoirso-
Stssalle. L. P. iINDELL, Peofesea of Cheaddry to the
Loolallbt edil Colima
hare looked over the li
itst es of ingadlents mammas
John Ball Comtantal Estradaf eanspailbasad have sto
ha/taloa [haying that they toms •eats OXElpoand, mad
ms t hat taming wall to Work diseases, tow bleb It b.
" loolarita. Jeme 8,1848. •
wad DIU .Pn7.4 .Thaf dot ke fo Or A'.
that. , Motu Havym; was 4f &WS Lik.SAPA.
ams. Ilardi 33, 1840.
!hare examined tbe prescription a tor On preparation .of
Jabot Bun eareaparilla. and I believe the combinatkro to
Ds ernallnit one, mod oalontatoll to produce, an
Wattle linpreedon on Lb* sratein. 1 have Med It both in
punilo and pint. mono, and think tha bolt article of
l ' teet "ll i ' P f t?s%ll at the Innlejli P jitra
faTr lurfi g —B... r m t . t ak i,r ttie hied R.
bana mother. 4R KILTH A ZerId'DOW '
140, Wood atreet,Pittalittenti, Pa., Wbolende and Retail
Vitale *am. CURRY DQVGLAREipi•
Own/ olt7, and Dr Annetta ganinallr. nabian 'r •
COFFEE -150 base Rio;
1 - 1 o i lier" Eirmii co.
lIGAR--48 hhds. prime N. 0.; for solo by
L. & WATERMAN ♦'&lN6. •
Jet . W and 61 Water. a.] C 2 hoot street
OAF SUGAR-100 bbls. ass'd Nos.;
s Crushed. Ibr sale br
W.s r. wlidsoN,
say. 27 1417 Ere., end 118 &mud '
SUGAR -10 hbds. Clarified, fur sae by
mel7 ENOWtlat BENNELT:
I • hf. chests ' yion; '
or wt. " " •
Dietta n irg., -
awls Water iszel Front tts.
CORN -35 bbl& for sale by z..
& Y. VON BON NNW=• co,
• my 6 03 oladlos Smut et.
GLUE -40 bbla. (extra) tor sale by
I t l.-6 ,..a gall' ,.. l ;ir ted (=Mir?)
+t z frl new - and old, for o
ioi • MERIPRY & LES:
" APPLES-15 bbleg. for sate by
usk Ile Waler
CHLORATE POTASH-50 lbs. for solo
drum.Rj. 9. frznaln.woob'ldtorvu.4
fIORN-500 bu. for rale by
1011ARAELS-2AO new Flour, for sale by
.14 Z. • •: J.S. DILWOILTLI a Co.
ItO k r 2 "
ti 3 jgr Y i" "
by LK/lilLV= er"*"
SAFETY FUSE-25 bbht.
ILWOR irri lMl ve, lt 00. for sale .
b 7 .... pin • J. B. D
Ark liliolriiiioll.TELll
New Toxic, .Itmo 21
The steamer. ?Lao took out $920,00h in
America' gold, and 86,000 English eihet.:
• NOnromr, (Va.) Juno 2L
' - The ccumculs of this city- have appoinied - a
committee to wait upon the President, at ,Old
Point Comfort; and invite him to visit Norfolk.
The authorities of Portsmouth have extended a
shxdiar invitation to him.
Nsweax., (N. J:) Jame 21.
m u m Dayton,. Cashier of the .Stitta
has been aornsieted bt perjtu7.
. •
• • • •.• Nair BEDFORD, (Maas) Jima 21.'
Letters dated at the Sandwich Islandelst May
last, State that captains of teasels which laided
there suffered .grnatly from tho desertion ft-their .
, •
Bnitiwoan, Jane 21:.
SeTend subordinates and officen in the employ
of the Custom Home; hale been diecharged, and
four new appointments made.
. , Aunsuca, (N. J.) Juno 20.
A despatch Ahab jtist been received by an ex.
press quessenger - reqdtieg Matthew Carrigan,
who was sentenced to be bang to day. It hes
caused considerable excitement; 'the populace
declared that he ehouldtie hung, and threatened
to tear down the jail. The Irish are out, in
strung feme, and ate - ditebribred to protect the
prisoner. Whit 'torn the affair will take, remains
to be seen.
Wm. C. Brown was brought before Sudge
entwford, in the Criminal Court, today, attend.
ed by . Mr. Buel, of Washington, as counsel: Be
pre bail in thi sum of $1,600 for his appear
ance at. the Decembei term. - B. B. French was
A Urge number orold muskets and tents were
purchased at the Government sale, to-day, by
two New York gentlemen, who declined giving
their names.
BOBTOA, Sone 21.;
The President has Bent a letter to the Ugh,-
latiie committee declining to visit Massachu
setts, owing to the pressing nature of official
A. bre occurred-here, last night, by which a;
number of holdings were bunted—lose $l,OOO.
In North Croton, Mussy, on the 13th, the wife
and two daughtessof Mr, /tunable were horned
to death by the upsetting of a pot of varnish.
The second concert of Jenny Lind, was crowd
ed., The proceeds :&mounted to about $12,000:
Mill= Taylor the second person tried for the
murder of the dorden family,_ in Kent County,
has been found guilty of murder in the first de,
gree. Two others remain to be tried, and no
doubt will bo aonvicted.
Barema.,;(N. Y.) June 21.
The train from Buffalo an off the track near
thl place, this morning, severely Injuring
fireman end several paasengers.
Dtammk. Jane 21.
Mr. Corwin arrived here last night, from New
York, and left at 12 o'clock for Cleveland
Buresto, Jane 21.
Mr. Morrie, of the firm of Denham Sr. Co.,
print dealers, hes been examined and committed
to jrul, on !large of robbing Bellon's Express, a
few day , =no, of $BOOO. The nridence against
bin mm 7 strong.
TORONTO, Jane 20.
•••, • • •
The Synod of the . Free Church C,ongregational
Union; and thesynod of the Mated;Church bare
severally come ,
-out in favor of secularizing the
clergy resent* , which are worth $8,000,000.--:
The Wesleyan Methodist Conference has -de
nounced the existing distribution of the clergy
reperrety but are silent au' the subject of secu
larization. .
' Thor Vonic June 21
The Niagara brings accounts of the failure of
R. C. Hyde, cottondealer, in thee= of 500,000.
His effects gale ISe. on the pound, and binpri
vate property w il l make up tho romaiuder. ,
dttmortg paasengerain Die Pir.itle, pze P. T.•
Barns. Legrand Smith, and Ph:tiller Webster,
bearer of despatches to Serden and China. ,
. : Ntsr Yonz, Sem 21.
There balm beed several failures is the Cali-
Dmais trade, since the; receipt of the news .of
the late.disaster. It is thought, however, that
the loescs are greatly. exagersted, anddo not, In
retilty, etuxed , $4,000,000.. Two or threo'fall
twos are also reported in Philadelphia, but there
;Will be no panic. - '
„ •
WASIIINGT - ON, June 21.
It ix ofSciaDy_aunounced to-day, Oat the car
'Der stone . for Die enlargement of the Capital
Will be laid on the 4th of July, by the President.
Hon. Daniel Webster will deliver on addrem on
the occasion. Citizens generally are. invited to
participate in the ceidnionies.
President,The accopanted by Secretary Stew
art, and Mr, Graham, left this morning iti the
steamer Osceola, en short .dint to Pori:yet,
Monroe, - end the Gosport Navy Yard.
The Grand Jury have found a tree bill again' at
Day for the wilful murder of .hie wife. The tri
al sakes phica about a fortnight.
The Spanish Maine: kw not been xoealcled as
' Leutermr., June 21..
Then, are tire feet 11091:21 inches water in the
The stammrs .Empire State, Memphis, end
Europa lave - Passed up. The Fashion No. 2,
made the tithe from St. Louis to this pert 43
The Alitionri and hrisaisaippi riven are rising
again, and another Stood Ls expected.
Chore, - a meribiiit of St. wtu
thp"od Ye/Mader-MD=4 3 g. •
-; - Juno 21.
Cotten—The market maintains quiet, but eta,.
with sales 200 bales at 8f -
Flour—The 'market_ is steady, with limited
sales at $4 . 25'76 bbL r "
Rye- Flour and Corn Meal—Sales rye flour
at $3 87, and of corn meal at $2 811 yi blil•
Grain—Sales 4,000 bluede wheat at 36e for
Ohio red, -and 1020 - for Pentia Bye la
selling at 720. . Sales 10,000 bushels corn st 630
11 bush. 'Sales Fenn'a oats at 440.
Whiskay--Bsles in bbbs at 230 gall. '
Coal—Allegbeny , coal - is selliang gt 121,o?
Peatherv...43ales 35@3 7 0 lb.
Fish—ne market ie dull and lower any $lO
for No. , $9 for No. 2 . and $5 450 for NO.' .8
mackerel as in quality.
• Hemp—The market is qnint; and the demand
Iron—ls inactive, with sales GOO tons anthra,.
cite foundry at $2O. Omoe.
Lead Galena is ielling at $4 85 IR cwt.
Provillotti—The market is without change.—
New Mess porl'is selling . at $l5 60, rind prime
at $18 . 60 m bbL Beef quie t , •at 18 60 for
meas. Bacon sides ars selling at 7 ®7.}a, shoal
dera 910, plain hams at 9@l6T, and fancy do at
fool isln limited demand at a range of 35 to
Linseea $3-4.6 dull, but without change.
New Yana , &me 2.
Flour—The Wes are, '4;601) bbls. $3 81®
8 94 for common State, and $4 lne,4 26 for
pure Genesee. Southern commands $4 Si®
gain-Balea 2,500 'bush Bpiitha'rn wheat, on
private ten= Rye 1s dull, at .91e. Com has
advanced, with sales 25,000 .biushals at 56t for
Western adred.'erul 67 for flatland 59 for round
yellow: -I
Provisions-dile market in unsettled. The
same amyl° laid in reference to other articles
usually quoted.
Stocka-41,13. Gs, 1868 have advanced I}c.-
Canton has declined I, and Reading t. There
have been no failures.- -
xymna .atpozi.
Nsw Yost, ',Tune 2 1 -
COttoa—Priees tw e steady with Wei 9(.1,700
.Fidur—Theinarket is less firm, With' Wm M
audlin 841' kinds, of 12,000- barrels at former
pima .
Qraln—Corn Is unchanged, with fargice sales
of 35,000 Will.
Provisions arnwithout change.
Naw Yosic Alma 21.
Tho specie in the Sub Treasury has increased
, Bavrnmat .Taad 21.
Floar:-11ales 000bbis 1i 8. brands at,.5 4 , 12 1,
tiad 800 do at $3,16 prz . b6l.'
Business is teastally. quiet:with' no °ban°
to they Articatilttualy.quoted.
- ' Purctstrarz, June 21. t
- 1 . Flour—The market continues very dull, with
small sales . only - at - IP 25 ®3 83 la bbt
Whiakey-41ales a1174®171:e galL
-Nothing of importance doing in groceries or
provisions. - •
The river has fallen eighteen inches BLitt last
REFINE.D SUGABS-106 bbla. Clarified
IA Powdered. and Crushed_ 13r ael_e_by
• .1.32 .I..elera 1 1C111730N CO.
_ _
■ [2.OI,DEN SYRUP-1n h£ bble. and 10 gal.
from ' h. ''',lviararizo,Proo:
RI ICE-20 tiaies Carolina, for sale by
111 ire JAIIIB A. 1113TCHISON I CO.
H4IP-430 bales Mi. D. R., for sale by
' J.U.1.E8 A. lIIITCII7BON a CO.
WEthe undersigned, being appointed
e.ismistioses, to open
ramie ettbnalptiOnai
the ellllolllCtintl of ► Plank
the En/ the Boringh
of Tetvitton,Ulesthent county to the village of Saxon.
v 3 Via Boller <aunty. give 'notilie that we will open the
Wk. fue the I , llllkrs of receiving the afoneeld .13b•efir
noon at the ibilowtog thine and plum, to win on the let
evid 24 day of Jul y. at the nom house of 31e. 1111-
lev, East Deer township:mud at the home of Daniel Lardin,
Dative county; and on the 33. tth.and fithod Hotel.
Tareattu. and at the store house a E. Miming, Ilan.
the beton of o'clock. A. M. mod 3P.M.
301 IN 11.
Joltliar= (Poet cont.)
. .
' LIGHTNING RODS —Sprat's Patent,
JAMES JACHHON, 012thas.4 Ancor,
ii7aoleaale Depot, 86 Wood strut, Piurburith,
(Cartwright', Cutlery More.)
FirkitiSE LIGHTNING RODS are ao con
aoed that they cannot get out of order. TM Iry
ns notr et
n sad Attachments atthag act mutely. the Pdsta
and Magnets acs runtralled—the whole belng highly or
namental, andithout disputa the best coaductor veer
manufactured. James Jacisou will attach them it 12g
lend per amt. apd SI for Point and Magnets. Prins at tho
store, 10 cent.
Condemns an respectfully nnuested glint B 8 Wood
anat. and sand. thaabonn when. also. tb s Agent T
be see. - sarlnnE
A BAY MARE, about 9 years old, and4la..._
s3s feet high. with litrle white gon'es henefilaM
twee. ' as brown HORSE. 3 I . ..eare without
reetillar murk,. nhoed. Afro, it bey LUIZ, 3
with white bled hot. Any paten who win deliver the
Em,, ir ear of them. to their owner, te Wenn/ nr
runlet 811 A 1f33.3,
jem.,nrer• amnion Creek, Alin:hem . M.
State Mutual Fire humane' Company.
Breath Oflke, 14 EsolthfieLd sk, Pittatnnyit.
Ileg La i UAL
bust evidence of the mom of the
irtnetare ingleerorhog to snake the burs Mowing
Lams. Crearthrsisset the watteof the contsioalty
Ls Use ooeleLecrestsint of lineinote which boo been
dotter..haring limed
_TA doirtleg . is pirt
a noni , gl3 .M Cordtel te u
rad Is ora sail:41111. in anal =Se
mown= Lorna Ea nib , owe ma.
Whole No. of Polgies hetted--- 7,000
D. d. eiterd..titrailanted.cancelatl. • 92
Do. do. to faro 7,08
Ansattut of Propertfinsoinel.......-..... 07,11311,4111
Do. ositrieled, terminated. eng1ied..1.5111.71300
Do. Le•
Do. Premien Notes- 70,(176,7
D. cetwaied. tignitnetedoieriptred. Cd7lo
Dish Ilwalurna 11? 14
Do. do. de. othoided-.-- ADD Si
Whole net loam end impious. Isittd—W.Vin
Delanyin Woe of the Co., in rash— 027./13143
The hm= atria compffing is candostal strict:you the
inottial painsiple.emstidating every tortithereetockholdsr,
sad nodding Ina s to•shere of the grotite, and try the only
en Lame method in am mite. of inentwaser-dhet
CLASSIYILNO TILE ItLeg-b—lttis sitordlag meetl
bin:writs the Morn. The rislte ecoordingly dWed
into two distinct thaw. the shunc providing that no
pert of the funds of either tan be at winprinted far the per.
ternt of loan in the ether. The. First Oars to
itcrionsinsted the VAIL3IOIII' COM.F . A.VtIe which Wm ,
nose riser be made nroo maztry derelltege. hem. eed
I .thilege. prawonel property ; end nothing mare
heresdnort idloerd ne
.. • .
The Sawnd Clan denaansnalavi U. ItIICIULCIW
C 0.11 1 ,01" , in nhich znsuranna mar be made upon lb.
oar, klnds or rmiwrit In Warns and village.
The I.tetulatan re,ee are only atm.,t ore non as lam to
lbws nnaally charred k y other "annuli, and Um rate
kw. Ant vase 11Q.N , s, 1. /ant.! b•ln. insunal In cesa lea
eshty. and th , arrla-ant alkrned the rrallegn of thane.
hai;if i her Atari got..
nett and 11 , :gult.. 1 tinder tt:o i affett
following ALmotor.:.
JOllO Rutted... 4, Gillett, Runnel T. Jaw&
Alons , Lt. caleler. 12411* kk, Nabert Kotz , Joke
D Darter 14AFLFORD Poesktat.
A. J. (Atilt, Aecretarr,
A- A. C. a• - tnary. Iny2l7•T
N. D.— A 000. p Dodd...tor MU. Tor renb oo oarhins
pole. ha. been deviated br ttor Ihrectsd-a. and b.:. to.
N. abla at this 0090, far r.notro/o. taDoonoblo In coot,
N. end er ulnetr
A. Cum... All-
For Sale.
AVALUABLE FARM, n in in t e d i n r,
ouillu• In Anoithou, rOtihtF., Pa3totleifrota
. - swoon...rut the Sawa hod. cootWalne 110 ARTNI. cu
whkb ors three Imothou norms. two barns. sad of
nowsurt outtrolldh . r. two Orthardr. anu of %hi& ts of
i7;1 1"4 ' Vtl. Mr. V. • gLif.";
IN. Fourth Korot ' • ' 15411USL FOSTVIL
, .
WebsterFanam,Thudz Tools & Pattern;
Selbsi .t Lerwee m.JaMado. sE cu.....
IT V Obedience to an Interllcutory Order.
mad. to thio ms.L./..o.tija. ADMlns,s*Taiiyor,
.117.a55e.71.271. 55a . .1 . 1.L. T. I.l.:Virdar or isall next:otter
sass We. the Web... Furnace, Anti Mods atMasmlcts ‘ d be
-I.,smism t4sssmsta. los:ind .0ma.1.11113 rm.-
344 nw
;444 „ m.
Or. The = 6 ,:=
.coaxUlm }14,./.. =
The Webster Furnace le Riv e r . loted but abort die.
mime from the Cumberland and into cam of the mot
pfottable Into Work. rmatillehmente to the ratutem—
Three whibtim lo omturt In the Imo bottoms. will tad It
to their lommet to atMnd the old.
Zhu inle tlt Lao place 00 10. Webster Furnace. on a
credit or Lt. 24 mouths. The punithmer be re.
gulled le enema... note with two mod ...enmities. and a Ites
will be ntaimat on the haul and Improvements for ihe
tmJmmt of the purchase money.
calmarr.x. C. aH. •
toaresellle. Tema. Mai IS. w2m.T
4 • TMltlMMA—Established 1840. Nene commit.,
the Leralatatuar otaillt.Peanshanla coladlata mean
Commercial oc• •
P. DUFT. Preddent F Profeasenc el Bcak Keeping aad
N. B. flATClIrEm.,l4nt of Mcreanille Lair.
A.D. witadAsta, tha
aceoaddlehed Mums lona
of Om Mentatalm, Prof.°, of Peumanstdp. •
Thaw rho OSPIIII to the Maheot rank as seem:mamt .
loathated to
filar/ enseane the credentials of Olga
atioafrom M one Aland's! Meacham,. Bank
;ls ; n A e: rt . " A I'l% Vet
Atneriam Lena tote. lb. Ch Ina af Comm , and many
of the leading Merchants, Bt n ters and Bata Moen of Um
eity of N. Y.. appeadon mtheataa or "Unit'. North Ar. 4l '
Accoundatd.".and`lYeetern Bleamboat AccoUntaat..
Military Bounty Land Ageaay
T HE, UNDERSIGNED, residing in Edgar
j,enan, 111.06&_. gantned In Tanta Willtarg Lazall
gr...., in good nitn; at Lbw galloartng nuak ViIP 160
twat WannanA &US fa acre Warrant& 61; anent Warrant&
R= h" '''.4 al t ulogValt tat 15=a1= R.
Ind mango] Ow the tanks of
194ing anualined with nada of atm ' :;ttiffintla rui.
twat, Oa intlawnber Itao natant adrianagga in Wrath,'
Win% bte. • adares. Omapaid)
. aaNTORD, Nam
eannag...4gan,ingtrb*Oa, Indianan& Wolff, Map
ton A fhattb.
• . • Inetinfrargin•fr
Philadelphia Carriages For Bala
Jut venelusi hum Philadelphia,
Ins smog Brod, of Carriages, aad beg cottigon
band el Carriags r /*.1.7, near Al.. Ifelfarlantra
on th
Tavern. e P.A. sad Steubenville Tern:db. 12
mile. nest of Pitutra Marge mostmeatc4' VERICIAS
of all kind which be krill sell at lakes monk know than
they am be t
Prom' me arprotroos 'obleb he br.ln tha binhame, mat
kies ae.ral satißfaction remiend beretafenk to thew irbe
Imvahsennal bhn unit their petroamos, be feels marred in
Farb that ba an over SLY nsonnineent tednpre ninth
market, both as mash quality and pd.. P m
ynyhtenytn purchase, am War. to the owners of Shpt.
...limn in the . a. of
bovinglui griligh Carriages. keeps... no but am
mm mad. carrl e va J(W.P.PII 1./111TX
Ts hereby given that the undersigned Coin.
tolemimum will open Make for the reWmi. ption of
morn the, dllndlaysille sad raw 11111,11. Flank /toed
°entrant. to ouriumte of an set of natenthly, and that
add Loots will bo opened an Thursday, end Date
nobly. the tenth, elarooth.ersd twelfth ban of July, 11151,
ht the .tree of Sly. Roberta to Temperenomille. and at the
ome of Ulrem Iledta,_Esq.. In nnowden townthlb, and
et the atom of Mold •044 In Beim= towenhl at
which demand alma. attendleme heydrien flew p,
o'clock a. 0., tlll four &Meek 1. It. 0. 11. Phillips anal
Xptandm Jones wlllattrad on behalf of the Oemnorslom
en at TemperanemUln. lIIRAM MATZ,
110NRY cauoo,
Wl4. aTEWART L '
JUAN 1107011,
11.. LI. P/111.10 . 13, '
OR the cure of . Coughs, Colds Hearse
&fp S p ll:Ill. Cron nAsthma Whoa Ping Cough
The manna euerera width has attended tbei ula of Ltdb
omparatlen-4n olutorg offset...4U pow. to fells. and
cum affeetione of the long., hays gained far it a oderitY
equalled by no other medkles. W. °Ca It to the sillictrete
nth entire oonflelen. Inge virtu.. and the full belief the/
It will mobil. and remordthe caerost attack. of dlww
eiPotabo throat and Lungs Thole =one. es OM' be•
ensue publicly known. seer natasollyattrect the emotion
of medical men endladiaitliroolota anfyrrbem. 'chat .
their Dopier, of Cheery Peetond may be nen in the fok.
ii• P ri - 41 ,13 171 flag lied.
l i r sal= %Go+ f
Int.. Cho
om la rectonll. o r u be r Leorati n d: d e oder ,
Thil Bt. tee. Lam TOM* ring Wilde 113 a jotter to 11 e
hind. who wen feet 'Woking 'under on emu. of the
the Cherry r.ctonisos lfaoy
Ow. you naSef, with the blessing of (Rd tut wilt."
- csu. Eneni.ot Louldonai writ. 4 Sleat o gebril
daughter softie w. cured of several' attack. of Croup by
the Chary Ceeeteral."
°Sho Canadian Journal of 51edinal Warm slit., "That
ASthms and Crone/title to prevalent in thia triolsment ell.
nista has yielded with surprising rapiditr to Ayer'e Chen
It. Pectoral. mad we =not lm strongly reemmormi , thia
ekllllsxl preparation. to the profession and public salsa`
Let the tellemd sierra sperm kir ItlrMolf
• , • asamoaa.
r ammed from
Dr.J.C. - Ation*Dear illi 4 -11aving Men rammed from •
painful and dans - mous Wawa by yont• medicine, grant:lda
prompu tea to pend rut this wituoirledgment. 0. 1 1
to Untie& to yorts, but folio Mfunnation of others in
shed sob/ upon .the lung, negleste4 at nisi, became
ware that spltnatt of bloW.• vinisat sough and profuse
night neat. tollowsd ami famemed anon ma. I Wows 0
madat , could not sleep,' was dismissed by IDr.oagh.ama
• palm Wough pry stun. aud Ipp/wet hada' the alarrubs
symtoms dotting sanauntptio. No molidnesenned
te ranch sur num. until 1
00 atoll you Mora
pentoral.sthleh soma raUsred and now e mail
Yours with hisProt. BTIVART.
Ala.', N. Y., April 17, 1340.
Ayer. Lowell—Dar ain—l hers Pnimrshom
tea with Asthma in the wont for. so that I ham Own o
bliged to sleep in my Wale for. .6.rwpo. ths
lag amid e to.breathe on my byd 1 bto. laisl • meat 0047
medial. Pnrposa until my Phref././1/traerlbati ,
an 00parimella (...rr remand.
UPI, U. seams/ to maims aroma. nut to tblll
work I beamt mtarlearie the mod gratiffirof relief from
usemusi now, la four wad., the tilmam la nitinly re.
aimed. 1 min sieniron masted with. conthrt, and anloy
state yrhish /. bad Doter &IWO. to •
01:01102:B. /A no•NT. '
=linby J. C. CherMst. Nam.
ittaburgb, ' , harts and nWI. by J. N. Town
oeut..,63 Idarart ~sumtga ir s h Denglana Allnthany
ells. a n d by Anima In ararrerbero.
ze="mmlwly.i:.,.; IEASOSOCK CO.
United States Betel at phib ot ai.,-
THE SUBSCRIBER reappetfully announ
ces la Ids %tads and the travelling orearantelly r
he has
ELAM HOTEsarnmined ths Proprligtanbb a the UNIT.°
L. Lang known conneetion with alp
amble 14`'d —that b k . ept bosun
I tAtto. tonn
tlettt7, Noonosits has been t o
In cots
td entire establishment. and be Ii
Invitee attention to the "MT Introduced the eces.
wales/re and ftg
ed to dee eatiesetim he solicits • ecatinuanse of that
patronage always's° 'spay bestowed on the old United
Buten (eaggLit g o A. ft ALLEN.
FACII7II.IA N o. 41 Booth &end Mot, (.bon 2[l .‘ . 1 6 MO PU1424101. Lb)r.l7
TY. aom S. COMM.
WX. Et. lUODteyp _
x" pals Omen, Igo. Ittl if arketat. Philadelphia. 801
gEkr:firdififoii - rer"rouvo
Cetaxamoh Mach.* Ne. 41, North Wafer etreet,
'n.l6 North WhaiTee. Philadelphia. antl
MERCER dc - ANTELO, General Cotentin'
Macbsats, Phlladelphla. Idbetsl 101131:011
Office foi Foreign , Patents,
A - 0. 5 Wall at, N. York, and 166 Fleet at, Lawton.
Grad Britoil% /Yaw. Bekrieret. Hoarse, end all
er parte_of Europe—the Cauedaa, Cate, wad the /Yaw.
ikon Inforaudian aa the aeon ca n be had be eetetedoe
MO Yolk.
5).11 knit, Neer fah.
Japerior kik& Writing and Copying Ink.
ONE'S EMPIRE INK, 87 Naesau street,
Buildlnst, New !wk.
lIMIT tiro TO till MM.
Quart.. per das---8110 oz. per dole--$0 50
Plots. I 0 4 en. aug
8 88. " cu 2 en. " • 26
On dransht.per cent.
This 16 the beet artrara reannfactered. It lows freely
-4 • Rad COPYING INlC—ead will not corrode, mould.
precipitate or decay, and peeereee rat the ratans. rennin
ed far a cowl Wrinnalnk, ennoble for On Quill. and •88
rateably adapted tor the Prael Prat
Ti"...d= 8 .8 pro. to furnish to the trade el.
thee e hare connampdka, at Um Above ellsT
=ra . ord z eir 4 end dared In ana%rt
or it to. charted extra at int=
87 Noma at, Pon Beltran/6,
/Walla A. C. Barry's Trioopharcrak
Latt t d4r=lat, et p, and a I:%lmps, eaga,eta. it
hha atalltaaTt==.t, 1
.417 ,,71 mgr.
.11 la. aahatal=lota. Tia " :
Impart, will ti l t=hgV thn aloe hal lb. Cr
a r.. tats la which It la t hall hy Woa mho bar.
Pace. Bun—Darf
t 611-1
h Ilvrbee TML lt =lllll a ea
, bum. mamba oa scalp, of o tric-et tee
ba fat the last Wle= and Mutat that meted
reacter. had Ms MON. a of rame of ¢l.l amhamt Ara
' data. mat hare tried all We ymparatloas for Ma hair and
skin now knows. vithout the least lemett. I waste:MUM
hr • Maud to try your Trlaryhamou I dal so. as • Mat
mama, sad. to my earielse awl smultratton. !bawl myself
3cured In about two month. each wasths riohmee of the
arder that actin.roa I was m
partially -
Iteepaotfnl. X RAPELYZ.,
146 Calmat:3a v ßrooMMl.
Nam YOU. Ord: =1630.
PUT. ESAll i lr i e n — ' , l , 7 rear ely—abouttwo yearmum ti=r
came oat • dee]. and mr heed was much
with dower: I war told by • frisodte try TOUZTOmbe ,
and I dal so. tad to. my macwiduarett, my
as rma
All rooted, and all Me du/Muff disaypeend, as iha
Wad env Mows for
With rreyes• I amcheat sn ot.
.3 II year
TRYLLOWELL, 603 Brcedway.:-
If Up lady or gestkatau doubre autbeug of the
ahem, they will Maar call at Profeewir•• C alhew
137 Builallmr. New York, whom las erll.l yrolom • ortzt
nal letter,
llrmo the Ifilltary Imed Nona Arent Nov. 0. 110504
Shore Is no romMy tor the perstment ears of beldam
and &mum of ths gronlam gonerolly that hag torched
flag pop alaAt by We_A ld. to Prewar
florree or or meemeed Campotutd; It to et•
tengtedr nog by the alma datum of lb. communlty; to
goer, nursery In N. land ItL used In prefereogo
other atteg Nth. Ida& It Imparts time to the mob.*
Ms hate. mid tent women tutelar th to • neserttobio
vte /t &stem th• dirsdraft and tear!, sal roust the
her Om and gluey. It od '
army, all demure of ths reap.
nob ss geld hood. dew w end other olmoxites dbee
den of tho Oleg to demeans.. well se .meter, II glands
.frd , hiltbf• If Is eOl4 to len , hottegt prim Qom:* at No.
ISt Aroedway, and et Um Dragging Itelmralf
thr iNZ "
the U tad tee.. and Ceded. •
MUTCIIINSON tCo., Nol3 Slime Stied,
_Whets]. otashotoress of the St
10:01.1811 YRINTING MEX. tor flt.el aM Litho
era PrhaYr ok at . lbr Ylne a ltk sal Job Work.=
sr* sally tso all showy yeses.
ThstseSatS. Ss lots, sash Sees a deb
ts ant: er._ CUOMO 117, vorimpuler to assi other bak. scror
asit. hot. attri yawls Man It eta $449
" AIL ' alssimatt n' statZ ihSol thadSati
totality sylog Sh u te Co /L.M4O par lb. meltittala
Shawl and Mantilla Warthcruse,
• (Up ODD.,) NEW YORK. la tar o l,
t r fir Armin:6. nrar= LACK
rat4lN sad all Mode of SILK INAN t LILAS. ma:taboo.
rat tnon the (.004 Patio fobicau received Pr thadasasal
particularly adaptutt to IP. Swink Walk •
Alec ( *yr Pa of .tact of PAILASOLB AND UM.
lonad al k sad Turk Patin karuota, aalCottou t Lia
aut Oft.
toterellau. Ail of which will be olkosi at astamar
lon thokepentEr walla our Wadaftl Maeda to ci
atalue tar mock befon purchmeingt.
.11. WIRE INIOW WIAPDA Ar . Shawls kW
otaas. pat up la own for traeokatutopu AbIIAT
pONTINUES his usual facilities to receive
Refrrerwee—Alotas. /dam, mle
Stutz& k zod 1.47
macts. Jones
31r. John/. Cau.h..y. apStat
Prowoe, CootoolutottoV o,, roollz . Non*sata, coi the
Rotor to Altamaa. GorctoVionota. Eteollny t Co.
AVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
and Commladoorr fur Felonylvazda, Mc Loofa. Mo.
astmend. ocaaly .
4WIN H. RANKIN ; Attoiney: and - - Conn;•
&Uoe a. Law. 4.1 Castatindoz.r th• rah. 0
=4 Ivan* Pt Loala. Tha, Oslo of Pi d). • 41
hafam.-11thdyarrh: Ilan. on htamPtos
Miller. lc Ml. /leek" J ohn E. Paflua Iflawalls
&m N 4 Ito Cord t Co. atudo.r.
. .
TllE undersigned having entirelizerA
built mut miluhrial the above ealm4meetabhab-....
meat, contairtine In ell about Wee hundred and fifiZl.
mama mould riaprethilly Else roam Met It is normeedr
f o r
lbw meeption mai sen.unsasuou a Ins Ma
An Wendel notireof the unsumaimed sonmailanom ofthbi
n OLPer dremed ruperthams. the numerous Improms
manta which have beim made cannot be yr:m.lly sates In
an admMteemeriv Bebe It to say. rat maims. hat
rs.ider kalatmentpmlbst.
The furniture lam made ammely to =ler teitealleal of
met. .eel certain portions of It, ematialir Me pruning'
:mum, will be found to be ef the most beautiful matesiti.
t 0,,. The Dint=are and the Wan der meals will be so rm to to snit Um easmitimme ankle
early sad MM.
Every department "11l be Moducted In ire
him mintrier, a nd the mottriMair pledmis Mmself thug. the
Ammla aadl eau Ilmuie sh all be truly the Tremillesom Llama • '
febtefsa LEWIS RIM
-103 Mils. /3.11.3101ame
" gm,
10'11 113.4. (Mike Ayrurg
xl - It IL Moismog ibr do Err
.04 BUESRLDGI • 1N13t1134.31,
1.11 Warr at.
MAPLE SUGAR.---2 bbls. very choice Mee
rlo &W., Just reed and Ow We b
W. A. MeCLIIRO • 00..
Oman ard Tea Design.
Loa, Oroehed. PoPelnited sad Powdered, ooludeatir
reit, raterg" eW "
urvit.T242,11117, C0..k . "" 4
.719 =6 Übe:M. et.
DRIED PEAMES-1000 bushels (brigbt
balm) lo store m 4 for role by
RIED APPLES-30 nate prime, for eale
by soy= RUMS. MAT:MOPS A CO.
CASTOR OIL-9 bble. (Blonde make) for
ae by my= RUST. TIAITIIEWE a CO.
SUGA • 240 hhds. prime N. 0., for sale by
tailb AIM A. 11 LTCHISON & CO
VOPLEY'S POT CLAY-36 bble,,justreo'd
and ter alb by J. SCLIOONILAWi CO.
CLOVES -1500 lbs. foi sale by
mez a A. MUMMY= t CO.
SUP. CARE. SODA-25 kegs for gale by
;ay . = B. A.T.AMMT•C-- . AOO.
L'RENCII FLOWERS—A oplandid variety
a r .. ot o oTAtzur . tr i rcb and Murk. llover.,
4tall. my= "r 7.1!111:111CO. "
- "
D RIED PEACUES-35 sacks in store,will
k ‘i
my2l ltiAu DICKEY 11CO.
12 UCKELS-50 doz. Marietta, for sale by
BROOMS -100 dos. Corn, for sale
mr 2l 3.s csxrtB~rn.
S.ALERATUS-100 boxes pure;
my= bbi ` J. n.catrinie
QUGAIL-100 bbte. Powdered, foT sale by
at 7.2 1 BtratialDGE 11.11311Ra11.
GREASE -1S bbls. good grease, bow buid
ins nom Oman Carebertaett s+rlWby
/1341A1l DlCKgra.Cra. •
• Water aad Irma eta
article reect and ix al. it tie Drag Store of
AN. WWI( .n• M.
- Banker and 11.1.2i.'
IEARL At3ll-=2O caaki for Bale by
myn ft. DALZELL CO.
T ABll-4 !make pure, for sale by
D RJED. APPLES-20 bags for sale by
lore_k CO.
pE . A. 7 II .n L ABA—?S cub for salel;9
INK ROOT—W(10 lbs. for sale by
rig •
d:OlL—Bennett Jones' brand.l for
b nuns 'Barna Diana i co.
SALT PETRE-75 sacks Crude, for sale by .
myl3 ' ISAIAEI DICHXY* 00.
- -
RIOE-100 tierces foY Jude by
my 26 • inniZaWar
:;r.J ~:. _ yx
tOR RENTAitbitte, story . bif t r i
dwelling hoax, situate on Third Anat. between
an% mid EONS tho• how...lamed Ilniebedwrith h
drant In the kitchen and abate, which than Le •ta item
- with hot and add Water. Peseralon_ginow instoodtateig
a lit t o t B. /..VOh.BONNHORBTI CO..
SO & te grant el.
Home sad Lot far Sale:
A LARGE LOT, on Lencock street,. Al.:
°Lu ltizvrAtimeN'TiVAl,ol7B4 L e v st met. or J 11% WOW. • jel
TORE Rrt LETket ert„
sesand doar oo
treat tto
Yonzth, ,
antl. on adj Mat cintog rhea
atth and Jewels,. Blare of W. W. Wthoon. Mho
Story Ream bee the handsareeet trent >a the city. , and in
the best Ices/lon for a ble. Goats and Fancy Thodnesn•
Haut fbr the balance of tha year Ell be very tor.. En.
pry jet JAILF.B ORAL or
Real Estate ft Sea
AVALUABLE unimpn rediLOT, on the
i corner of Ltertare n P ch ainstge L t4, o pith
:17774100 feet demon tacktrimur . rartg back tl ,c glaireg
. no—the three gory Brier : . 1,0111.c /Uwe tork Liberty
ItrAnizpi-412 : °/.? , lrr.' , , UVitfvViral,l=ll
modern (Ifs, ottatahrs 0..Te0 more., -
Alor-1 sores of verrettlasbtelo near Sherrehoroh.
.6.1.—A horn of 1/35 urea Wertiteer too-oehle.
Altto—.6 rum of 3.13113 la Morello, 00IIaty, 6 ease
front New tle.
Also—ram. in Beaver county, of 'se..
)6ECII. fn. COO acres dorm
Also-12 very valuable lois La - Azure ; % 1111nola Priors
metiers!. .Enouba of • ;
.N.P. A i21:14 YEITERALY.
AstareSsa et law, sad Real /Snail Assure.
mayZ Ho. 107 ;moth strait, ruzaburgh. •
EOR RENT—A .Warehousaezi Water
Went between Mir aneFerryieultable fbrE
produce blueness. tinnier* of •
mrra ZS DALZELL. e 8 Water et
To Let,
rwell finished. and furnished Store, etz.
o tE . .1,n0t., ow: tbo Post Mks, prooe4:l
occoplel by Drs. Parltar,_ oJewelry Stara.. 4to
to D. 0A.7.7.A11, 7Z Liberty
• _ • r • . Lyttle. Row.
(root. Itibbbb Dino.t4itopy.l
To Fannam
.__ •
A.21:1* ACRES r Farining. and : Grazing
. Lands, In . Worm oonnts. located on Mg
.7 rim. within MC.. caw 017 Uto Now York sW
wan—Loco Axlto . • In IckoOnsty, Sir mile on neeorpasda;
Nag term. Engulfs of , • A. WILKINS A 00,
myl... corm. of Slarkst and nazi .Is.
• Tom'
rENTY , ACRES of Gardening Land, M
sodag 21,1e4 0. 10,4tr ia ja. rrea t t i t
van at Lila m one.
wd thew Y.F...--I;articalata
• • A. lel
mrl' comes at MarkMßTftigleiitt.
Desirable Suburban. Residence for Sale.
TILE subscriber offaxv for sale-the house and
kinggoan,'''l27:bt= 4 :4t 4 Priall ,P` t fit
the market of thy city. The lot 1= 6...... 1.fr0nt on Park at.
running tart =2 feet. to an
on e ...IT ...
acre of nd. and he bounded on every Me by.Laveoses
lot., ei, a ith treed and abruthery. The bonne is
overly new, lord, and exceedingly well artu.l. MM./
a front of BO CM I and a depth...3(7A amt
moms, besides halls Mao
olds. IL is bunt in the hest
mid 61012 durable manner.and a flo.proof toot and
contain.. ari the ' modern cony • Tao pumps, veldt
gi , %Idling supply oflard and r w e b , o ntt tie.
...Mae come .the The grounds Mid nut mostly ea a
with choke fruit. weermens.
shrubs, caterants. meyherriee. hMterrieeinnvare=
mden. The fruit is of the beat UM at& the isms are in
Moir mime, and Tick! mumgh for the wants of net
Orally. The tltruition of this recurring to salumli . =
suburban cantons , southinal wit malignity to the stirs
is tat sumaseed by any midway this vicinity. .It has
a vim of the Ohio River for over a mil, of Tempermeo-
Mle. &dab Ptltebuggh, the at/. the too Mem and the
kith around. heming estogether a panoramic et
width Sheep. never wearied. Every brat wising enters of
..I=..f r mai n Tep=ritistungh my the O
and aeonma an hio, pa.... It.
removed from any annoyer.. of dust. go degtruetire of
oomfort aad veamtlomend efiorde amok ment so quiet
and peaceful en if lasted in antanqui In the eterni27 ,
The property will be sold at sharpie.. and romadm given
whenever desired. Enquire at the Casette *Mee. ',
For Pale.
I:HE members of die Fairmount Fins Com
11sAr t n o ttte/a tzustaa ler sale, • It Is la goal
" see •
slAtt - ' Ye' Ws Penlistreet.
FOR .RENT—A Dwelling House
,on 2
Thted Orel, sbove wed veer Daum, thilell,_ 11
se ass Altura. Iva V.I. me& /4: _: MI/
be touted kr, and veserenet
Also—Joan... feue or Lpae. eosthiola in the WWI WWI.
"'" t "4
. .
PIS . M. . D t e ar To at El.Darlington%lenlettre w Rood.
Valuable Real Estate - for Sale.
arIaStIBSCRIBEILnffers for Salo, on
rable terms, the following Ed Estate, .2
City - et Pittsburg. v. . • . , ,
No. 1. The. valuaLle th ree story brick dwelling hoagie.
on Deem' stmt. bekosen Market sad Tenn at rote, the
lota being earl 19 feet trout bp 69 deer.
• No. 7,.. Oantaltes 47 feet fronton Third skeet: adjoining
the TU. Pnakfterlan Churth, on which is snack. one
lOW eta. brick bow. used .a p siting ottice, and ono
• two. mop brick w1e.... . ..s •
• No. 1. Two-lob to isal !sten o *or county. News lot.
i .m.
Nce.3 end 4, bang about 100 foot on. wheals 0....
al one block . Soar Dome dweill and one separate
frame dwelling, all two storks , g •
N 0.4. One lot 40 feet trout . sk otreet. opposite the
the.. and ...hew to th e top of hi. •
N. 6. Two beach lota. ode 60 1 front, and runesdng
tramthe rod to low witer sow It, on the Dig Deaver.
No . o One valuable water •lest,_ 100 bet on Wheel anew. wt. len ehlres watet,tower attache
Na 7. One lot opt.. the waxer lot. 80 D. fem.. and
eztending to the top a the.hill. on which Is erected cow,
two way brick stoats end Ingetkosse,ths by 60 bet; aleoo.o
Nat?. 1)1 1 11 r agil ° o4. In Nel g eigh...lionverseunst„&so
ing about 140 Rehm Dessoc... and shout WO toot deep,
containing IX am. on which
so. mated two tar. tune.
olosithings. and one ana/1 I.e. house soot as an °Eke..
prop..tuorrrerlf ..t=fr1%1.0.0...k1„= Bzdga .l. i.m.,1705„...
.. '
*. On. water lot, kthloollately below Tallston grilses
•.. at.. 100 feat In tooth. and exteuding tram Water •
- to low water mart. or towing path. ,
• also. pram. torn be told on ...traumata tern.
• •.. y at the Book Awe of 11.0. STOCETON, uottioallgri
• , Mut. streets. • ..401. FLEMING, Agent. -
lath. [Jammu *ad Pestermr.l .
FIT Bale: ,
MACE Of DPILDECOS, an theca.. of Wadk a
fag • • and Pents wrests. and rt... on the 1 CknaL. In :h. tlty of Pittsburgh. The Lot fronts,
hood..hundred .0 forty.. fen on Penn ides., a. ens i
and ntne .4 Wm inches on - Wesiguston stn..;
to a resat* Just ailev 199;197 9,
mtt. • ' • N 0.106 Penn sh
Mi. etrnod arm female totoo....itinntee of eatasple
et tots, end. some verf deeltutoe fur wo WIIIIO. in the noontooh of Bliffinglndo, lototed near the •
nate ?Odin School Hoven and Pretliab Lutheran Church..
The mid errr.b of Inntdnohoto mpukUou one
mans welth, and the mennoble prim Lt. which
lota Ida be fold, will render 1110151 SPATO end profitable •
entstroont. title pernot Ten= fon:able.
Poe troltore end tenon eV of the undertim.l.
the of Owego Y. GI Utoont. ,on tleant street, Pato
tetweent Third and Pon ettnent of of It Mien, t
El mom wed ti. Potter on. Ekes, ot_their aim in :
mire... 1.9 PIOOOS e. EATON.
EwR RENT—The large and commocli- Ed.
we now. on Penn street, oanaplet by jc. , ardsj with ark ontJr• .4,ltinlng. *bleb
used Se It 71,14. Also—gtabltrig fbirma time. &pub
O. 89 Water et
p• :41 a .20 dis. cr. ors , aow to..
omme Wond FiZtil Mt.
K& & Co. aro nove . if Isms lot of beautiful.
sti artfog Rlbboas, at /2,i& alga, ler pal. nom so.ds.
azisoryamd tbr tbmpans. u Meru. •:&•
amt. Nor. a 2andoi 111artet roll; •
sqtAc4.. wbc4.o.l•Ana Foal.
Ng. W 1.90 N,
sor3S of llartut stmt,xonmor ro.rth.
WWATCHES, in Lp.go vnyiety; and at tile ,
V lowed recalar eastata esish wholelds.
nuaL 1mY261 . w-wizsaN.
zahrz.b=trati.i ilver
1 211r i.
.V.ock4To. ° h. Oa= ti . r tttt W. W. fiILBUFIZ:.-
CH Crimson Velvet *ad Gold Paper
tf gth " **. vriVardi r irel d wood et.
a ' ' ''
IairtINTING PAPgR-A largo lot Double.
t Medium and llllP.l,l,RrlntimpriLlTe,
laylt - coiner Market ard fretond ats.
nit. of WraNdnigr4emig..oll. 7{4,m1:-tray.,
bar sale &AVEN'S
tal24 Paper Warehouse. ear. 'Market mad ate
en GROSS STEEL PENS , of oil quail
R.q. l logn•=llll,L,l:4, 4 ,Lien,Vl LTA
celebtalel manufne.arere; for mak at
W. 6.IIAVEN'S etattorkm Otom.
LEIT24 stoner Market awl &cowl do..
h, reed wad for ale by ,W. & WILBON.,
ot UT Trott. and 118 &mad st.
GERMAN CLAY-200' bares. for robs by
Etrl2 E..AALZELL & OD; Mort,. .•e.
DRI,7LILDES -- ) (115/R11.f7-"ii-1
13110W'D EXT. LIQUORICE—Iean female
JL by ley9 FAILYLTIOCK k Opp
BAsalit.RerS RT ICCRELPO I Iagt E c i TiII7; . r
mrui b 7 Wo dl
ALUM -50 bble. for sato by .
M 71 2 J. Kt DD k Ca ITml AL
COPPERAS-25,bble. (good) for &do by
ALUM -50 bbls for sik by •
S lLth .y; 4° bbl' new
f" ealo mmom
ERGOTERGOT -40 lbs. (fresh) for, Salt> by
mys B.A..Arr.NESTOCK .CO.
highect price in Cl
grade. of clean ve
• BI! paid for alllhe
RE BRICK--65, . (Coal Grose) Fire
13 , a . a . .mg a Lit ArI,AA rlor to We Dolly. fOicA)
MAR. (warranted pure)
for br It BC/10010W= * CO.
rorlf. Wireed
ecnooNsuszn • co."
- -
1.5 caae - foc..dale
mil +5
ALERATIIS- —42 7 coake prime, for sale ky
re 112 WICK & IteCANDLZ9I.
CTOCOLAT7E-430 bxs. Bost., for sale by
J. mil= WICK • MaCANDLE3B.
Ed , 4nr and Cnffs.onith stun randtdoendlrk....
N0.3,f0r sale
WV.KEREL-45 bb
'--45 tom .lies. D. ~" te ,
for salu
ACKEREL-50 bbb3. - N0..3. for sale by
7 ' NGLISH SPLIT PSAS 7 4teteiv • .
A:g aZ t..: ta(XL
20 ba (Crude) fot pale by
I I.*
FOE TILE Ctlllt or • '
couous_coLDs, loess ENEBB, BRONCHI
AMOM) iheniiin6rims discoveries Seienee
has nude in Ude getteretki to feallitate the bedlam
of life, Leaman Its ortioratent, eme ertia prolong the term
of hum. existiereN'aitee me beitatatid °Hoare nal rides
sosoklewl. thee this eitetininthat. Chattlatry to the
Heath:4 Art- A vela Oriel of ha virtue throughout thin
cart cotadyy. his prom besed sdonbt that ne4ttedletne
or eattbinatiost of etedidate yet ketone, ewe se =Mr earc
tree and care the ii macro. varkillaiof polataury diem*
..bleb here hitherto !wept from oar toilet tboutards aid
tbooeeede every Teen: barbed, there le nor abandantree
moo to belferre • remedy hee at lateth beeit tend which
one be relied at to cue the aiortdateetrard eliketiolta ea
the hap.' Cher spine here will not em elt ea to pntillsh
ear proportion of the atria efterted by ite wee brit we
'Wetted the tbilartelf oldalone of mimed man, god Mkt
further engeh7 to the &eider. which the masts below
named will Liver. be aimed to Incelett free, ehertin em
fall perdealert, sad belleattible Deaf of them twee.
Front the Piertiket qf .ifeedetet Piave. Me attended PRO.
..ramee C. Arar:-81,, I ham reed 'fort awn,. Pectora
in toy own tare of Merpreated Bamehlt/a, and am
from chantyconed tattoo that It Is aa elmtra=
rand thr the teller of laryngial sad brood:dal ellflleolttar
If my manioc, Las to Ita tourrior character eaa be of any
arnica, mama at, liberty toamlt aa_lott_thlok proper.
EDWARD /lITCaUJC/, , /..
Pas OA middy celebrated PR PESPOR /Pr
D., Profess. of
' YaleCalle= Mamba of IM. 3th iferlgi.
Methe Es to of Am ad Mum*. L ' •
.1 dew the Cherry Pectoral ate adratrable eormaaltloa
from some of the tart wholes to tb. Materin If ohm =I
• very Whetter remedy for t h e elm of daimons tt Y rarer
dad to ettme New Hamm Nc0r.1.1642.
MAJOR PA2TISOP. Przeider (kid C therds, alafe
thaths ham toed the MerryPt/Moral, OM. roadaTal at
irk to mormi lithamaatlaa of the Map, -
Prom era ar Majirit i a t forartaiframe.
Kr, Am 11.26.1341.
"Dr.J.C. Am Lowell—Dar —I am raw comt a tt ahl ta
mina your Cherry Pectoral fa my trachea. aad_prarit
an. nun, nadir. pahnonarToseugahres. Iron OM.
varkm of many saran cases. I art armband It arlll ewe
comas, colas, asset dinar of the bap, that ban yert fa
defame all o th er reamdlar: lamsreshly tramantaml b :
oasts awe of ermum_ Oak sad medlar It menthe
remedy known umt disarm
Ilermerfolly soma. _ IL COBWILIf_ •
Premed =el end bylnigJa C. A7l6. EsienanCOnza•
Bald mwbeteale andrra t, by D. A. PAZ
lizsroca . If. TOWNSILIVEL
n Weston h 7 P. ECHWARTZ. rad j. DOLt
G 0 11411 : lad by reartally. /altalsrataa2 •
Ct. •••:= ?MT)
Z. 7
retools Medici. bairn, Ittelploat (lotmoltilos4
Elarinangio,LotarrhasosWbltio.ltrognis EfeailinatSaa
Ineantlausase of Mins, GUMMI ft OtbILIUW 811611114 -
Moog.? ftito of Mad. aro carpet
D , Gortafirxtrod offelkito Da* aid o ,, tioildel:l
/gm 10m... , 0 'felony mewing the Itrtulliln of Itasltb
cod stringtb. the bkod. -It 000toollsat bsd binoils, ototi
untEstgral sectorloose sad eta boalttry aetka to all the
. elteretlYe too . ba
iott ' jaiiter u loallbrir
table to the stmt. sod &Late 4osetitattoci of Wirer
Joel. lttmerailetely emote:sett theedletraislai osavoai
war izat Latitude ao ootomon to Ito funk frson;:aoct
imparts ea exam mid buoyancy so tpuistar n they
ete patella. W. hen orldttoe co tildr , rbkh ladoece bt
snotty to rettatuaead this medial:be to otittiell epla
atm bevy not beta blamed with otlepttalf, •
- „
Prolvait Mott. or 7elibta of' tb• Womb. of Eve rents dm
time, mad by U.. Eluyeett% Extract of Tallar Deck 44
BettePtoVe. Jotter every oftec known madly bad boat
• Weareoletati 0, rolB.lllo. '
Mat eertlfka tbea my agol Zr yaws. has ioffend
oa4er the above eamplaitot for the rms. pearly ail- *al
the. =Mai to boo tot" I bevy foe face ream oosetehtl/
employed the bestme4lo t ltalmat that mad bepoocorellio
th tytlon of the 000htry. 'without any begat ithatens.
I hare oho ptcrehooott eveg ineenosomat resomostoted
the me of such dimmer, all of which proved viral*.
. in the ,iipsiAg of 16
117 Dr. Oupotra
lined fbr four Ismetta r4.l.emt to
ind Cam this time atu4m7
15. I yr balueut by my Waits to
■ Deck sad Sampae4ll. width mu
Ana .l. and coca ft fri slant mm
all a!m 1144 . x0s ass talioning.
wowed sok*, atui gained deal
e fa now esklioyhtg morr. necUset
sad etrecith, until
to Wm. tad jolts Noilint, lmo•
- malctly tros.
.ILlil EDDY.
4 "
Ktnft Bea—
.4 4
iaa of 0. N. Leri & =
Co:—Gents: Sam Slaw 1343
a E7fl fa tar azm, ableb bcaiica
sal la 1M marlibeatioa net la
PhThiciug of ...kb:tit]
ale lay= mutt be amputated.
• harm am full at rarala/
• cthaast
int attacked %tat • •
at JON I could oat ate •
within m 7 :each: all to •
Lath lath comp/slily cta
eth and nth person mthlicmadated. I =tooted lo this
at= until 18 , 44, when .ho. an. advirtherthut (Guracdra
Intkrw Dock and Sistiatarills.) which I nod, Ltd wolfot
both.le of the article. Or to Dock and Earth..
rills 'cored me: I took no or., moody while With it;
and Alt thyself pernthly mei tat= wing the sthd, hot.
de. • Ito I wed It at the firth appearance of the nothady,l
sa, me th would lute =ad the ft= years oft*. ithd
=feriae. I. Into earneatlY reonothtut Wiry =Wm sof
feting under top gad= diaethe. to use Guysote• Sellithr
Dock and Barsiparilla. width vlll realm them to health
• :.Tours; in gratitude. O. Y. LEOSAILD. • •
C' • • ' •
orn of an riggraustaingth o Er ring/at.
The arena performed Ithlii.i3oreoces Zan= of Yellow
hethr. and Saroaparilla, an Lasting nu *leati atonal
health ocutinues to improve after armee I.
Cars the wr. thadialed moll time has folly ithed dui
there an bow relapae or return of the awe= -3.
or., Ythroary. LW.
fi. Y. Bthdoott, o Co.-times: Ulswithgvatplathore that
I wile you an= the yeti happy regnia of pow Ye/le.
Dock and Sathapthilla uthosof =odic: hatknak law amp
feting under that drawl= and lothlaunte diva= &yd..
worlth which he warthatathad to 1814, and was to thee
• al rootoths atoduledhy .31110 f our belt *Weida., who
rind their still perandingly for liv• month; without any
ithetidal renal, white= li. tonaaJna reduced to • par
het Oaten.. lie had =ars from his hip to his kith
ehlth were oontiouthr aachargiing athustingly ode.=
=suer. Wadi= and =vital WWI was balled. l'braidths
add that bla or,. was howl.= there mold be wthhos
done to arrest tin. terrible, gowning ulecrs.
Lora and =soli thought his dithuotion near it hant
tort of my neighbors (who had Cured .thud of Samfilla
with your invs.uabla 33.141.) withed or. talents =aim
. it; and, [WV lrow than:al= desire todosamaihiorwtoda
fill laved, than =to ony'. hove of tattthendief. I lonvvid
lb= Ind= of your fellow Doak and liersaparills. and
onnotereed wing it; and to my =tholthuratit I. teeth
to =yr= bare ha had trod toe' third ten= nod begn
he had wed :half drum =nes. he could walk out. Eli
oath in all twat= bottle* during - the year 151.9, rod by O
=er last ha Vas farfeenth restarid. Every Tardy. of 11.
diva= meta the sears; I. renown*. and he rod= to
parfait lathich it the promut, time.. illa =ovary, :node
the bleed= Of God, is entirely owing to UV we 0( 100.
Doti and Sathaparillat au:AIN.= you that I ftel
udthif under great oblthattons to you, rthel u b withgroth
joy. that I =Win you of what jo r Sarasynthis has door
Wn/ son , kasithOdly, ' , • •
Bold by J. D. RUM. (reuxeror to Banked & Plat.)lbartb
arid Walnutzputa. 4 . olllo ,osogralAm&Sl= tdr
&WE aka Woo& &ileums& ardor* most be Marva& •
J. Kidd t Co, E. A. Cabaosoort Co., J. A. &c.a.
tit&b , urak; 1 A. &elan& Allogiamy
T....L0ax011. Wadhinatioa.. n, &Ms. . I hdaatkinz.
Oreendaan& B. Kountraoaternet Etc& A o.omon.
&edited.; &AA Boa. no.ooolts&Oir.lTAM.l.rtsboxf.
011.1ebruid• A 0.&;11:41.1swg . Weiakt, Kituaal&t.
Enna Co. Brook - W.* Wl/Am: tot& itarominarg
Mcharnlnd A•• Co. ColloroLor. ILsolyill.% Barton* Co.
Mg Graham i.Yorter, ]tamer; Jams Holly A Co. But.
B. J. o.llusozo.ort.o& Worm; I. L.lO
A Jour,,nrnaTo3,
retrPrice—sl gar Batas; Biz .
..Y20.1..(40T • - • • •• • • •
A Valnable• improvnakent in Trnuei., .'
DR. HARD'S Improved
.I) . .iteot TRUSS
and nurrunz REMEDY. by Ishleti'aL permiiiito
sum mu be effected. L 'Tble inutileos . y r zghlemit it ,
firma et wheeipie..of baton from .other bertha
MI th e miseat.gca of a well-resritlatal gessinirm rem
,am I. semisoft imo to po regales.' me We
oamthirt In ta e mat dtlicals mac ..of Zernis. bb.
incresiassi to +Limpet atry Wm, desired. Tao Jena
tuna sad -Deltic bre/test' 10 beer tounediatalY Me
efmrinit ead alloaling jperiat nanality als setae
.i. s
. W e ndtall Masa =der the mon' Molina
Ey lini um of tblsht L m, abed atoll. ationarly li= .
ha Burgeop. the ream, ,e, pi... 2 iayee t i th e dancer et .
tiTt * J g :Vtrig U is O l ' itesTalgtl;m a ttr u' ° e X;A:irr2: •
tog of I ll y adapted mum.. . It. Le • MIT 00.3.9eM linetk*
for yam. &Misted aith Kota... to select • UNA and ao
017 It tbenorlre, This 1,14 bed yrsolles. eratot tan to
seen only by thin who nad sum. the ...h 17. of the
parmatleoted in hernia.
We would most respeetfulli mill Om atientka of Pala
eta. to this Truss. mi. toyer they vill sirpronees h.
val.. We also • hams a muitsty of yamat las
loweet price. , Went TrUsaell' kept oisimently ea aetWL
Jialithes • dteutilrelil: AMU% ' '
id L. . Isle Wool at Pittsburgh.
Dr. Eard's Abdominal Sapportera
rPHESE SUPPORTPtS are intended chie
ly for the rue of ?Toler. d. Vtorh sad all thou. Cr;
*sou *he. • a•ebardull•PPore tolls Abdominal Vie.»
rurd 1.1
red. ey ` To porfe. moron to Lb e ardoodael
mous, entimay be Inlll3 orausre by an. The dus
uPrues pro-roved by a ruabser• ot the
thdotorrad moult*
roluels Uterh Pathos, of the Bowe!, Moe, (Yoursor
111 u la the Berk aulS phle, Junto& and
J. l . •.•;l: . azirrl:h•Broa •borraeu of . Wo
I ngrala itterowirix. AfkATS-500 bn. for sale by' -.•
Jea . 140 Woad ste . Pltuborgh. p . neydd S. Vr:
• Shoulder- Braces. - •
SHOULDER BRACES, pf the most ep
provoi toylq stands 4, mtroetu.. sad godly fitted;
and or nis9s to mutt all who owl tollooo.lttottlott near
and for We, wholuato sad moll.
cas. - . el k s. Wood et; •
Palsy ILPaedorp TA;. Chrt. 4,111 a.
721t& S tita 8 t= ‘ l.7 ffi lT;ll ."
for tlor four or preimweloopk. lt
v ilsel4lX Lb, bur ,
iftlVEttl greter==thAr= *
Woo no
Itocar moan., "
Prepared old - sold by 7L:5.8194,320, Wood re i .m . '
. Cloekit'
,71 UST o_pennew iix isary exaellen assortment'
ISJI or MANTEL' ss foam SA to All Sissnad ,
so to keep stssl time. • - • -
Alm—rms blystsl Clacks. Dr 'and grartsAS-:
—thesop yough toput 0118 ha ahrly
mrls , •
WILSON. 67 Alsalsafs4 • ,
maw lo ;
. . ; &umetailloatu3tal,
. 7
ItEe'D nas MORNING. peitcpre
:l.., stt , alt e =meet ati "g doottaile
41.1d7 la caa
n d osoortomra r t of ChilCllpiry,lnav Gum
sitozdJoastazeboano to portico
.dlkAlyteoliod to lido
.Lonwood. Dodi A.A.:X.BON a CO.
WILSON, Watehlgskgr
No; 67 ..rarket, Corner of Fourth e t ' Pittobsvi,
EALER Fttri" WiicirFt
9f,„ war*. Military aad %cads) ,
it,y,==al.tAZll7. A.:Gob:thrum
Watch dock executed ire • tututtiOCUU `mi
12ta tad frame workmen • 1., ,een It•
y nonene e 3 ,e
skived steamerHEROINE.
built orneessly to Lao the Nue of the Kam
bus Diurnal. during the lon natax woman. will =annum
hat. nip! In the Knooltog trod., on Mend nort.
of 10 o'oa, A. K. :4o Rozolno In. ail Ks lectlasacria -
Win of tho Urfa CI of natio.
• W. & COWELL. Koster._
ARMESRONG. CRICK= & CO.. Asontn -. naG
acme and fatarandlata Kau ark this day r at 10 dead
- tar height ar WM* b.alt .""
je2o - - 3011.N..n.a1:1(..asant:
No. Got. O now and ligh L. Xil
t draught eta= Witt
NE 1. . toiroot. trill.
lea.. L. the above and all intorandiate Dona.. on ih.
Mtb inst.:at 10 datook a. it. I
Tort:night or piano arra, on board or to
jelg J. NEWTON JONES. LiVott•
stenzar Pain No. I; A. S. Clyne, man..
Ines Plinsbanwh for Whenling. Codas and B . af i ttz
rwary . Snewd.7 nwd "Mar. .1 3 o'clock P. 3[4•re
lesweeiStintnn for enptins, Wbeellng and ritlibut
nry lifelneaday and 10enlock.n. Panwninn
snd sbly t tart can dlr t srd zipm tids bast =lag reguladT
" F ri on ' innAgr7Lon=is baud. • *lO
trasinghut. This soleedki boat wee built
the owners of tbe steamer base Nwton. wad oher !e
the Clnelunati and Pittsburgh Packet trade, mud leave
ever g
_Wp . frusday for Cincinnati. place of We Beg not
- .
GREGULAR PACKET.—The rplenclid
tut rasniww. riwsrm brat CIELETT/JN, R. T.
Wear; Umber. loam the end of the AllogloollT
flit Cr Le .beet,)) emery hoar: commend= W *WM.
it, sod roatlnulow mill the °sub.:ado.. Ob. will load
W the Allegheny Me, for the accominwilliiort of !Astir
A ar oho, wt all orber iri^Extrit st o,
lEEE '
.x. 554 .
rfnew new and fait ninning'str., CASHIER,
. E . B. MMrtun. Master—Regular Wellsville. littro
tenvilla, w.uitura, Wbaellam BrblsexcL. Captins. and
Sunfish Paeket—lawea Pittsburgh every Wednesday •
• as
deleet. P. ibr Wheeling and Bridgewet.
tlatordatt at 3P. IL. for CapUm and 3unlidt Rat
leaves linnildt nery hioador 0t ee 0 ." 0 _,../.ll7 aad
4 11Mnt and Wkletlittg meaty IdendaT wad tnuri av, at
freight sad
1 1teta JOICI CIL Avne
DiY bora err to •. •
'Mtn' WELLMLLE - AND Prrrs•
.D. P. Kinney, master. *ay.Kel•T.l7 .31•
Wednesday. and iliday. rte o'clock. J.
W., for 14.4
arm:lL Gleanow; Mcf•erran's•Landlna: Dewar. ascl Mt
.Luray Dana Pittatrunttk every Tneeday_.llearoda •
Saturday, atloo'clect.de3L. au Dewar, SlaYerran's . •
ins,Glasatre, Eiet LWertaad. and Wellseltle. • • ;••••
For trelsnt or .• apply on leant. • • •Pn •
_.. , _•,•,......‘•4 ,
itturissetet steamer DIEGLNAL, Cowell, .. ' .
ter. is nowt seesundrogber tetrolar triureektesips bstusen
ua Vast Wheeling, caner Pitt:burg st 10 &ohs*
every acidly, W 1 and TWA Y, and rotorning,
urestWknaling. every T , Thursday rd /Saturday.
In sash Trask. Ear Apply n board....
nag °'
VM ENGEM Agents..
steamer PACIFIC,
t k1.,,,,..,. will lay ihzla r strella o ngt ..e. 2, , ,
70r Ended cr is teats ts. ' age nay oniunul, or to .
1 • I. WOOUS NO.
...Mhiti ; --- . - No. &Water s. Eti Emotes. ••
i WELLSVILLE, Cupt Vo407 : 0
rad rearrilst parka. beet. .Piila.rgu,'Wliialleg.
ridgepact, and hisulish, lESTillg Pittsburgh inerlliliWur
afternoon feW Sriiln_pot,und
ThtiVELsEizoois Ihr .StaulidaW.
1 0, j g P rt,d ...rery Tuesday afterruiud: aliVuida
Ma! hiday anassuoo...7or freight or lierag..4/PiT
Dmrd, Val,2] • rR,Ame.
A. A.. Sauna On tam on Lard marten mot
fI_LASS-800 boxes Window wed, fusee
br ..z.z I- - 8.1. VON 80NNE108,32 a co:
L ARD °I-12 0 lab Ls. for sale by •
3.2 J. KIDD CO, C 6 Wad at.
1ND1.04:4 100-1 b kegs ittanilla4
_ •
salts • 3 of goof ostallV u oi:
4 1 ,
ye, for also, samples of various quslitles of
which will be so/9 kow from the maples.
• .• Water sad Erni
Boys , ,CASSIMERES—Of various Colo
sad stria, raed'br
TAR CANDLES-4;iboxes ( 40
seb) tonal. tir • J. D. WILLIAMS t CO.,
4320 • master Woad and Filth es. ,
S tEm 94-
i cpus—jo boxe_s_ili . ,s:s; an
SODA ASH-60 mica (good) for sale by ;
IT9IITE FISH-38 tibia. and 38 hf.
krr sale by ISALkII:DICKLY t CO..
mina , %Water sod front xts;
VAiRSE'SPONGE 100 lbs-for fide by:
*TO - B. d. FALINISTOCE it co,
/V 1,0445-2. bblo. for solo by - •
) mr). J. ECLIOONV4
Kv" k. CO. ,"
ODA-1.0 kegs for solo by
J. 8111100531AN.Filit..C!,Xed:
HOU ERS-32 casks for salo
7 1s - HARDY. JONES 600....
m 71 6 W. Y. MARSHALL. as woadai.
rr ESTER CENTIIES—Foi sale by
myld W. P. lIAESISALL. SS Wood AL
LARD -3 bbls. 8 kegs No. 1, for sabsbi
lay/6 JULY wan a 00.
Hallman 10 6 Tro d .1 .;
973 ht ." ' 151=Licar 4 aNacI. fa; •
=TM ' • . JOHN WATT t CO.
IRON-100 tone Huntingdon co., flir
tale b, mite JOHN WATT CO.C
rbIPLAILS' SIVORDS,Just reo'sl, a /at
'of lialts Templar Swords, with the vablemsa th.
eauWally amraved.
W.F. WILSCir - .;
* , tO c 060 cOnstgilmOnt
supecicr SODA ADE, hmsced -Steele" sad - SLErs•
. 4. Apply to JNO.MeIADEN a CO.,
IaTIA . Amer st.
L.II.RIN(I-10 MA! new for sale by'
mrrc . ' . w
FEE--. 159 bam Ria,for sale by '
`{,'EN. RED-45 casks (Encgiminbauriy
_LA hand, 9191.1 y or ludo' Robber Wei Pm
servers and isokook of Indio Rubber and Cork stsaanto
toroakrWo sttb• Indio Stabbar Doak Toad 9 WorOtkr.
.3 - 93 . . J.t LI-PHILLIPS.
SYRUP r ,•I2 half bblp,' 11114 pp
1111 I ME G cams superior q
toyIT tar taut. mad stwatme vamint E=t:
--- - - •
New Books, just receive& ;! -4- , is -,
.c ir IIEEK. GILLNINAB, for the use of. In 6
Murals and Thafrandsion Dr. P. gunman= rierlout
TaTinDi La 1 , 013. Aloxandar Ihnunano: 0 •Wahr..
a Confadaraioa. and Saadi. of Ulan byylia- . ;
Tn. an le and' Mentadans et Ci isiidn ataanah
Cannar,'tor =liner and abiontartae bonito
port of Now 1' - ..).L. T. enc.', lama.
Yor ado by ' ' ' . n. 110PK.Ci.1 .
myla •: VI Alad.lo Thdlding, /math a t. . '
A.L.F.ltei. US-5 tone in boxes nad'esiks;
• • •u boxes in - Porad P•irern
sate be ROW' , T DALZELL '
=r2l Librxte overt,
MACKEREL—WO bble. No. 3, (1851 Tor
/VA.r4DT 1d . W.11.11113A1; UP.
bbla. for sato by. ---, •
B. a usaaard
1. AS " 0 boxes ass'd sizes, for s .7
J . B. it W. If AlittlliGll.A.
S U i G “ . 25
Flat --115 bb1 . 5.L0. , ?.e SR. WiIit.TTUTSIT
CO": sluts - 14 .7.11. CA.
Gold Lover Watehm made m to to elms ott biXE
o w.. with wall or, or us Maw the Um open. I;
Val. fl er ixtako.julaloolved wd r onle
°mow Market lord Fourth no;
(*APE ALOESL--1001.1 lbs. forsalo by'
11 IL J BR2 . B. A. YARN I. rOCSk CO-
o'z TE POTASII—NO.Ibs: e
tojr Dal B. A. PAILNEKIVIC .1k
VOD ' 811--43 tierces for Gale by -
v., •- - • melt & McCANIET
sarantatat, Including awry Mad an, dbacrlptylb, at
asseaditutly law prima,— for Nal. by
• - csIN THOMAS PALIMEL. La Mutate*. '
Bl TT Fresh Roll for sale by, .
mars ISALitI I:UMW *CO:
PPANNE.RS'OIL- 7 -20 Warrantedfr, .1. by 11.r..SELLEItIc
equi- - . Wool 4.;
rte 41.11.110NLi-600 lbe. tor Pslo,
mr2 I J.Rion A 00.
irE . ON--62 ( 'este) ~for sale
br ILE. 811. xv
TASTED, and the lilghenale. &lin the
' toramKartatcsel Thad •
- HALED A:PPLES7S bn: far nisi* •.;
.Rjr . • • suparDer a rrommui.
na4 - 116-Wster wee.
kRIXPED REBBONS—Juid reed pg:ex
tats&.*4 earteme of those very claire:* elbeasiei
Ixtea, esensehly all the 416erseamkas
eekffle. The attention olvho/esale cas:ereers Ls re.
efeeitellY United to tbeabeve lexteonivr.
VA85L9.7491) lb& for sale by •
IL/ aft ' rAirimc.cit
rilditTalt, EMETIC—Orbs. for salel4.' .
- ..1L 13114 IL .I..:FAIINISTOCX
"L.) ..1.h7 imr9l B. A. TA FINV.STDCK it CO.
tQ L 4310 N-30 bbLa and hf. bbla. Nail, for
1.7 67 ,, • •Dl6 70172 ti WATT S CO.
11ERRING-10 higN un
0.1 new) for aalaby
AA. WS 2110116.15 L