The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 21, 1851, Image 3

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• .
Pmerananow Cattriazacc---Friday, :Tune 20.
— , fletotferetwe W opened with prayer by , the
Bereiread Hardcm Cook. I
'The doo* 'vitro closed, and the toifereaa3
proceeded to tripwact rations items p f private
business, Which occupied the whole ds7 so that
Inshore nothing to report-• •
Thti Seal= was closed with the beaedictionby
Bishop.biorrii: • • • .
. .
li'vut-A fire brOke out in the Filth, Ward, et
About oue o'clock yesterdsi . marling. Thiel+
nand a considenble-deatreetion of proFierty.
Ana tree only subiludeil by. the most active exer
tion of the firemen. The lower as toilette:
.J. lk -MIL lost a -plaiing =Oki
and building, together with a large stock:of
iinagh and Fepazwd bands - Ins loss
coated at timely-four hundred clonal", 0 . 11 which'
_Messrs. Negley and hiohan's shovel factory,
with the , stock 011 hand, Was tined ; lots two
thousand dollars,. Ho Insurance.
Two dire fling houses were partially burned,
igul their furniture destroyed. One wee occur
pled by. Mr.-Ellis. Loss six - hundred dollars,
no Insuranee--oad the other by Mr. Young,
rerho was fully insured.
Sinnarn i3cnoon Andlviasany.—The Meet
ing of the Sabbath School Anniversary of the
Pitt/burgh Annual Conference took place in the
tilouth.Constnon.Church in the afternoon, at 3
dope k, P. AL;June 20th, 1801.
. I'resident, Dr. Cook , being in Cabinet
with the Blehop on 'other duties, the Rai. S. E.
Beheock, Vice-Pruddemt; took- the chair, and
opened the meeting by singing an appropriate
Sabbath school hymn. He then called upon the
M.' C. D. Battelt to pray, atter whiCh the Sec
retary, Item Jacob - Heise Miller read the Conti-
Miks of the Association and the prOceedinmiof.
the last, annual meeting. He elm presented lie
report, Which wan read and adopted.
liter. Wesley Kenny :was Itlled upon for an
tpenini speech, winch winchwoa eertaieiya most hap- ,
py intioductoiy ,addreas for the occasion. He
seemed deeply affected himself, and produced
upqn a large and attentive audience the effect
desited, in favorkf the Sabbath School cause.
Doctor Durbirtwas then introduced, who also
made an impromptu speech of a most interest-
ing charecter, which was, listened to with de-
lighland followed' bya'rery liberal collection to
aid destitutelocaffities by in Sabbath
11 number of propositions to make life mem
beiabt the Sabbath School Union of the If. E.
Clutieb,-by .the payment of s . loorere made and
met; 'and alio juvenile members at $3 each.—
Then the members of the Association- stepped
if:mad and paid their annual subscriptions of
60 orate each, after which the following breth
ren Wereelected officers and managers for the I
Paint Sear
Rer: S. E. Ditherer:nazi, President,
Rey. William Summers, Vice-President,
Bey; Robert Mipkins, Treasurer, 1
R.I. Jacob Keine Secretary.
Managertu—Rei. Healey Reny, Rev. 1). D.
Deropoiy, Bev, Peter M. McGowan, Rev. Harvey
Bradshaw, Rei: Robert Boyd, Bev. David Hee;
ARV which the meeting adjourned.'
. '
. . • •
Tel Ilr,oostan Darss.—We saw a young lady
waning this dress; accompanied byn gentleman,
lasting down Federal .Street; In Allegheny, on
Thmwday evening. A large crowd of bays and
6144 preceedid and :surrounded them, keeping
'cp.'s - great uprerar, and cheering them incess
lantly.- The_ gentleman had great difficulty in
l ulu:ash:olm curiosity of the youngsters, who
le,vrreconstantly seising the skirts of her drew,
warmly , for. the purpose Of esamin' ing the
ctuu'ity'Of the materials of which it wan com
Ideuvaim—Tbe application for bmn been
realrill, art! uto4eretand, be taken up on Monday
, .
vreino.T.—"ln the assault and battery cues,
d Thumday, in which John and Asa T.
Boughs? _were *fondants, the jury retained
tacdiet of gnitty e. a to the first ease, not guilty as
to the ~ s econd,' and-"the Fresecution to pay the
COUB 07 gUh3U assmaL
Tatman/a, Jam 19
• tgeltre the- Bon. Wm. McClure, President
judge; and yrariam Boggs, and Thomas L. Mc
haniFir.lewehtte J ndgea, • •
• Coonainwealtlx vs. Michael Welchlndict
,`ercesty. . The defendant Is accused on oath
of g er oh Magraw; with stealing several dollars
tam be She lean old woman who resides on
G ran t e ereet, and keeps shop., The proof
against - tyro defendant was clear, arid- the Jury
returned a Verdi C t. of guilty.
Common math vs. /leery Ilyers—lndictment
large '
n y„ .n'te defendant warty:eased of stealing
e i n tben- from ...liana Layton. Theprosecutor
no t b e i n g prei aint, no esidencerwse offered on
UAW(' of the , tl,llniaoalreilltbi Ind the jury rc
turned a vereme-at ”tiet guilty." he prisoner
whose b een imp.eiwned for two months, was
Tharged The Court adjeumted at an early hoar, his
honor,fudge - MeCletrO!, Intlmating-ta the jurors
In - aftendance, that ale' trial of en ihe eases on
the Cliiidnal . Canter, ivold probabl y be cow-
Pitted 4atlins the courne tit' the efterncon.
. .
Comitieswealth Nil. winbm smithberger—in
diem's; keeping a gambling h owe. Thijory,
after liming thud the evidence, retired, end
be afterwaris 'retuned with d. verdict of not
gditty, the County to pay the =std., _
ye*. ligClure then delivered a brie addrea: to
;he j e .voitin which he intimated that their labors
were 00 ,ttladed. The criminal court bad been in
ihnoskne;iinterrapted 'erasion ever Since October,
and h e e k e vted.ttutt the aCendus hereafter would
not b e h e :evy. If we were not visited by the
a g u e ... w ee k termer, 'which gave persons an ex
amlie drink ing, he ti:alert , that there area
little den ge e; or; tele besiege° much business to
teloolact st theirs Mat ' session.-
The bad I. : `em veey aebeedee and Pan*.
e ne i In t h e i r emee d„ vice, and . he would, in all
-kindneis; advise hie - . 'egal Mlds to follow their
temple with seeped , to panctoaliq, since the
brusidess-votdd h ,m be much
ly en d
e xpe diti m a y , te e, Yeacted: ~Tluty bad de-
Served ..the thanks of oil . tee d <Werner and had
the best wishes aid:th u d. : of the Court
The urors were then d; Nith ae g ed, and ' the
ertra arijounied until ten o'er bet this morning.
fistaren favor. 2on 'Bomar,. —eon= ...wire%
a arerti keeper of the Third W rii - I l i e t azs7,
me tirenght, before his honor, Major Fle,thigt
.on Tnaiday„..eharged with selling 11. Venr ao
ilay. He;
w ar convicted =I fined Vl7 dollars
;and thninlnni Ina entered bail for an
. .
Raibine attached to the -UPS/ of
John lifblte,Taq:, of-Pitt Township, real elf ata
fissions. pike yesterday, up' Fourth - Strew", end
awned down Giant, where tha vehicle erandtig hi
contact:with acme young teens, tore them 'down.
SW a ladywho was passing , by, wee Iwaackwd
down;though she fortunately enzaWned no ilki l l77.
.The buggywas broken to.pieces.:
. • -
Fos Pettrzteo.--We yesterday ellwrreds wry
line likeness of Prof. A.T. ?Satin, in the win
iika of W. W.. Wilson'main. stare. On in
clig.sie loaned that it belonged to the Alumni
al Qle Western Theological Seminary. It, is to
&sate N. Y. to be eagmed.l . -
pziesicin Airfi-Gnswitie.—Thit editor of the
It'sw Yo :at 'JoernaVof Commerce,' though de
w:wed... moat intipatiney for his proclivity
' u it hi ii. orobably done mare tennirds.emancl
wing i n di v , lanes from elavery than any man in
the Free ,}36. Vag: ru th oles* Journal of Cam
it i s t *motioned that the editor had an
band to. t i e applied to purchase of Tay
lor, N o .wr Orleans. 'ea:nitrite has been
mad tree . Ana L '‘"New. T°?k i " 24104 ' 6 H°
F—Mae bee b at b, t. .i'L Ills hen:dont is now se:
cored. Mr.. liallock als° 'actleeleledgee the re
ceipt it sigg, Ito tie t .cpplied'tothe purchase if
Lisa Gordon and her t bree .„,„„ a l dren o t. , f :,„ / " I ° -
tele, Sy ;.and calls for - `e`vv gm= will
;makeup the required sum 'r — S looo . Ellen's mo;
ther and sister, who are fry women, iolontarily
.took the place At Elba and .‘orehildeen, ea hoe.
twee, whitish', came north t b collect t#etteed
fal cum for their redemption.
Causer 13troura—Having that-oar
currant tuber Timmy to well he , reads trees so
There concluded to tell 'yow. how I have
emit done: In the timing ofI183.1; to/ , f ather
commencedgirde* - -: awl - among *odor =IX
wee cuttingofor currant MAU: ide lundued to
:make aw,evetimeitt.on lUle of throe • .writlep
told as owl as It grew I plichedolf all *Alum
"mope the top tafklybkh 1 let grow. The cat;.
:tin was about Filarial high,. and during the
lawmaker' the isprecw from the: top of th.ia.grew
ve r bal:4lo itiehes. :The -ant Spring Ipi abed
off ail the leaves to abut NU narup to the ATM
reds growth. on to. testa west
about three feet from the ground. It brone.hed
well and became a nice little dwarf tree.. When
It came to beer fruit it wit mot* predictive than
iuty btudai ea - gudeo; *l'd the fruit larger ;:it
was ' hero 'infected by emidera.ii'd other inesete
bane'Mmld 'mel-pielt.- - eff . . the fruit; and . weeds
uil kept item about the roots, and
ft - tras - an orostoOrt instead of a blemish.—Mich- ,
. ,
„_, . •
The steamship-Niagara from liverpool, with
dates to the 7th inst., has just mired.
The Arctic arrived at Liverpool, on Wednes
day at 5 o'clOck, P. 2d. The propeller Lafayette,
leaves for Philadelphia on the 17th.
Proceedings in Parliament are uninterest
Holyhead bad been determined upon u :the
'placelor the departure of the Canard steamers.
Bishop flughesla it Liverpool.
Cotton—The market issteady, and the demand
fair. ' The sales of the week amount t0'45,000
baler, of which speculators took 5,000. Inferi.
or qualities are unsaleable. The better qualities
are without change. The quotations are—fair
Orleans 61; middling 51; "t 1 lb.
Advices from Havre to the 4th inst, state that
the miles of the week 0000 bales, at 6 8- 92 4
with a declining tendency. , ' • '
At Manchester, the market was better, and
mom was daing.
our—The market is more active. wite;sales
of Phila. and Baltimom brands rat 203; and of
Ohio at 19a 6c 11 bbL
Grain—The market manifests an increased ac
tivity. Corn was • sold at- 33e for whitM 303
Od for yellow, and 23s for mixed, /I quarter.
Corn AlealLSaleast 15s11 bbl.
Provisions—Beef is firm, pork is inactive, be.
con Is dull, but unchanged, hams have declined
1 to 2s; and' dull.. Shoulders are in moderate
demand at Odolod.
Tallow—Sales 100 tons 'at former quota
tions. !,
' Groteries--iliagir is in moderate demand. Mo
lasses le doll: Coffeo is inactive, and prices are
Tobacco-" The market is without change- ,
Money ts steady. Consols on account, we
quoted at 971-98.. American securities are
steady t7.'B. 6's, 1860, are quoted at 105 0106;
do 1868, 112©118; Penna. no sale; lowa Fs,
1870-76,105. .
Freights are dull,' and passengers scarce.
The political news from France is =impor
tant. Commercial affairs are improving• the
Bourse closed steady.
An Insurrectionary movement had taken place
in favor of the Queen of Portugal, and against
Sildeate, but had been suppressed, for the pres
ent The French and English Entbassadorscom,
biped to eve support to the . Queen.
A serious riot Occurred
. at Florence on the
291 h, in Which several .persons were killed.
Late adviees Prom Sidney, state that two wreck
ed teasels bad been discovered iti St. george's
Sound, supposed to belong to sir John Frank
NEW Your., June 20.
The Great Exhibition continues to be crowded.
On the Bth of June the number 'of fisitore woo
The Peninsular end Oriental Company's steam
er Sultan arrived at Southampton on the 6th of
June. She brought among her passengers the
distinguished Hungarian Lieut. General, Lazes,
Measures, 45 other Hungarian officers, and 48
soldiers. lifessarosi took leave of Konsuth at
Entarah; on the 6th of May' last. The :great
Magyar was then in good bodily health, but much
broken in spirit, owing to his long captivity.
Ho has again been promised!his liberty in Sep
tember next, by the Turkish Government_
IKossittit's wife and child were with him, to 7
gether with 26 Hungatiemi, who are still: pris
oners in Kutarab. There are now remaining
prisoners, in the Turkish dominions, about forty .
Hungarians: -
The epeech of President Bonaparte et Bijou;
when. received at Paris, Correctly reported, turned
out to be of a most violent character, against
the Chambers. The excitement wasvery great,
but the applause of the Bounputbst& deceived
the French Ministry, and. they insisted at: once
that the PresidenVe !pecah should be suPpremed;
and the: version given by the - Eltaitenr - was
agreed upon, , and telegraphed to. Paris; where,
even with the chief stings taken out, it emoted a
prodigious sensation. -
The Nudger% with M. 'Darin, returned to
Paris, and Louis Napoleon followed the next day,
with the full easscionzuess that he had msde a
political blunder on Tuesday.
When the Bureaus .of the Assembly met to
choose - their. President, &a, tbe Bmnpmesta
were all exelltdo to si'mmi. , .
Great excitemen . t powealled in the. Assembly --
upon the first motion audit was rejected by a
vote of SO6 to 295—ihe first blow of the Ammo
hip at Paris. _
It is stated that the friends of Louis Napoleon,
hero determined on, pointing his speech at Dijon,
thinking that the official modification has injured
him in public estimation. -
At the re-opening of the Musmito, at the Lou
tire, the P . reildent made it speech, but did- not,
touch upon politico . . Ili - addressed some compli
mentary remarks toLeon roticher, which served
to show that the probable resignation of tbe
- Loral!. yesterday ingested the following
imposition to the.flatlosal Assembly: First, that
the Assembly shrill express a wish fora revision
of Article 4 of the Constitatien es far as
regards the re-eligibility of the President of the
Republic. Secondly,that such rerbion shall
not be referred toe new constituent: Assembly,
but to the sovereignty of the French people, call
ed to freely vote for the President of the Iteputt
lie. Thirdly, That to this effect a prochunatio — n
of the Assembly shall inform the French people
that to them alone, In virtue of their sovereignty,
belongs the right of declaring, by their votes,
whether they trill or will not re-elect the same
Preiddentof the Republic: - -;
. . .
A letter from Rome, under data of the 19th of
May, lithaViree &oleo, of Bologna, states that .
hiklilatinemis, the Pope, hen named an extraordi
nary congregation, composed of ail CarEnals,
for the purpose of inquiring into the morel state
of the consents, and proposing remedies for the
stews that hieccrept iota those.catablishutenik
The alarm& di Boma, of May 171 k publishes
a sentence of the Suprente Tribunals of the sa
cred Commits, tandem:43g Pilotr Ercolk aged
81, to the, galleys , for :twenty years, for baring
'attempted to prevent one leap °Juin! from
lighting a cigar which be wanted to smoke.
A riot had taken place at Florence, on the
29th nit The people were fund an, and two
Seere killed, and_serer oi eight 'wrestled.
- .
tta Sfey 81.—Calbuldrilli. the Colonel of
Aii lt . levy, who beciune.Trininvir after Mu
ent has been triad and ientenc . ed
reti g ne l Warden' is ad
to death, Corm— e--
• Our action bi telegraph S t rom Hahn, are co
June 14th; They inform as the Danish
Minister of foreign affairs has proceen..''.4 to . War- :
saw, and that Baron,Thumsa,-the Balers:. "
Wei la Holstein, arrived on that day, to follow the mune plan.. ,
dAtices from Breslau. to June Bd, state that
the Wool Fair was to commence on the 4th.-
17enally a very large Wiriness takes place, but
°neje occasion, notwithstanding the optire ,
finz buyers, nothing whatever bile, been
'Ammunto from Timms to Juno. let, state that
rumors of a lona, and also of,ao emission of
the resent shezea of the Itank , of inter.; w e re
Wan &Rat, bat had feiled,to ' ! produce any
large sales. ' •
Telegraphio edrieesstom Vienna, of June Oh,.
contradict the late reportiot the dimnimal of
*r. Bach. the Be4retary of Rome Affairs.
Daunt Thurythe Austrian agent at Frankfort,
hat been instrcieted to submit , the Mutilate An
nesation,question to the Diet. •
- ,
Negotiations have been opened forthe mewed'
of the Convention - relative to the Navigation of
theliineed and Be!trivets. .-The original COLITiD•
Son concluded in .1669, between.Deninirk and
Sweeten, under the pled:km*6f Frazee. pnt - an
end to the war, during which Charles Guatavtte,
Elag of Sweden, crossed tho pee - Vitale On the
ice, to besiege Copeoluigen. The C4Ovention of
1660 has been alread ymocli fled, and:fresh alter..
alone, in harinony with the pram:it needs of
commerce and navigation; aro on the point of
being introduced.
We are assured that the ministerial crisis is
.hell n i g h e t, an end The resignatione placed in
the:Ring's hands, in el:immanence of:t.he rote of
May 10th, have been Tensed, The Cabinet will
retain office without modification.
A lelegrepldo dispateh of the let Insteaf;-frons
:Madrid, annocmces the opening of the Cortes.
M. Mayans, the Ministerial candidate, was
ohm= President of the Chamber of Deputies,.
by 105 votes out of 197. M. Olozaha obtained
28 votes. .
', The Gazette of the alth •ult...publishei ooze
piratlie accounts of. the receipts of the treasury
during Apr% 1850 and 1851, ehowing a decrease
In the latter, of 3,971,084 reels.
The Apnea annotraces that the Marquis
raflores had addressed aiery energetic note, on
the affairs of Portiagal, to the Cabinets at Lon
don, Paris and Lisbon who," with that of Mad
rid, had !ivied th e treaty of quadruple alliance.
The Marquis is said to-be of the opinion that s
military interferm2ie ought iutmediately to be
determined on:
News from the Cape to the Sth, states that the
Governor. of St Helene hid gone in her Majes
ty's ship Sampson, with troops to the Cape. •
Sir Harvey Smith had issued en Order for a
further levy of 7SO burghers, to be raised at a
Cost of .£2000: The Stars were gaining strength.
Her Majesty's' steamers Dee and Hemes were
still taking troops sad levies to the north of the
, ,
Grain—Fresh ParcelsOf wheat commend the
extreme:prices of Tnesdaibist.
Floor—American flour was 6d. .14 bbl higher.
Indian Corn—There is an Improvement of 6d
per quarter in the pricell; 30s ad 'dere the top
rates for Atarrican Indian Corn per 480 Ito.
Provisions--There is not much inquiry for
pork. The late arrivali of French and Hamburg
givethe trade a present supply, to thee:elusion,
in , a greet measure, of American.- Bacon goes
slowly, without alteration in prices. • Hams are
slow sate, at a reduction of 15 to 20 per cent.
Shoulders are in moderate demand at an adrance
of 6d to Is per 'cwt. There has been an active
demand for lard,' end the Wes of the week are
reported at 100 tone.
Iron—The market remains in a dull state.—
The depieision has induced d eales in some cans
at rather lowerrates. Merchants Bar Is quoted
at £5 7s 6d; Itodils 10s; Hoops, £6los, and
Sheet at VIZI per ton: In Scotch Pignochange
hastaken place, and the amount of iron ahipping
from the Clyde Is large.
Tin Plates are rather more in demand, and
the deanirappeara to be checked.
Bat:atom, June ao.
The Rai, Daniel MeGilton an ageci Baltimore
Minton/ay, (lied in city last night.
Wailll3oTON, June 20.
The Republio of to day expresses the gpinion
that the late Announcement of the tier Toth
Tribune of pending negotiations for tlei estab
lishment, by the United States, England and
Freice, of a Protectorate over the Central Aunt ,
lean States, is unfounded; though strong efforts
are making to settle the questions that dieturb
the Republics of the Isthmus, hi reference to
Hayti. It is true that those three putters bare
made Strong represenl.atives to Soulouque a
gainst further beligerent operations upon , the
Dominicans, and it Is hollered that be wilt fol
low their counsels. •
Mr. 'Walsh, the American agent, has returned
to Waahington, accompanied by Mr. Ravin, the
Freud! Council- General of Hayti, who repro;
ecnted France in this transaction.
She Spanish Minister Coldtien, Bares has
been nestled, and Goniales Brasn'appointed his
I k
. ,
Neer Toss, June 20.
The stemmthip Brother Jonathan, from Cho.-
5 7 ea ties just 'arrived,. haring sailed from Kluge
=on the 14th Inst. She brings 36 passengers,
and about $750,000 in gold dust, on freight and
in hands of passengers, but no Colifornia
the agents still refusing to send them until the
sailing of the Cherokee.
Cracuutan, Jain 19.
The Bee B. P.,Angebrodt, of this city, • dis
ting-niehed Bee.,
of thiProtestant Episcopal
Church, hue, in a letterOf considerable length,
to Bishop Idollthine, withdrawn from the minis
try of that Church. Be eye he
.belleres the
Church needs reformation, and that therefore
he must reform by a withdrawal from her. lie
says that he cannot gire hie influence to what
he cannot but regard es fundamentally wrong.
His objections are based uponthe liomieh ten
dency of the Church.
It is notetsted to what denomination he pur
poses connecting idmeelf, but he is said to lean
The brig . Delhi., from Trinidad de Cuba, for
Ptiladelphia, which was *shore at Timwiek's
Island, and had• been got or on Tuesday, was
driven on'agalci, in * heavy gale, on Wednesday,
and so much injured in the hull that the wreck
ers have. given her up for a total . lota. no
greater part of the cargo hu been landed on the
Tozorro, /me 19.
A bill has been introduced in the Assembly
toracate the seats of members who hare been
guilty of treason, or taking the oath of allegiance
to foreign states. It Es aimed especially at Mo.
Kenzie, but If passed, niers' members will lose
their seats.
emetanin, Jane 20.
The New Tork papers of Wednesday =robs
reached here this (Friday) morning, Ida Dun-
PETLAD6PIna. June 20.
The Canal from lioncan's Island to Columbia
lute been repaired, and will be again passable
for boats to-morrow. . The breech at Bainbridge,
near Coltnnbis,r has been repaired in a •ery sub
stantial oilmen' •
ALBANY, June 20.
..The Semis has been engaged all day upon the
bill for the eulizgement of the EriecanaL Lit
tle doubt is entertained that it will speedily peas.
• .
1131.1p4, Jane 20.
Flour-Small sales et $4,2504,31 form:moon
Orain—Farther sales of Bed Wheat at 97,
sued of white at 102 .orlo2le 11 bushel: Bye is
wanted at 71®72c "ti bushel. Corn is In At,
mind, with sales of 10,000 bushels at G3e and
Oats at 44e per bushel.
Whiskey-Bales at 23c per gallon.
Beef Cattle are la demand at $6,90®6,76 per
Dogs—Sales at $6,50 per cwt. •
Sheep are selling at $3,60644 per bead.
Prorbdons are generally Inactive at former
BALIIIIOIIg, Jane 20..
The Niagara's hews bad no effect upon the
Bsles of .200 bbl .Iloward street Flour at
$472j; City Mills $4. 25. ,
Oram,—Wbest, red, 86M white, 90@98. Corn,
yelleirr, 67; white, 68. Oats, 38a. Rye, 67a, •
Prorisiothi are quiet limalissles of new men
Pork at $l6; prime, $l4 600516.
BicOn--13boRldeno ..'71®71; sides 9t; hams
barrels,9l6loe.. iceleSllollje.
Copes—Steady.. ,i3rdes.this week Of aOOO bap
Rio at 81€,91 : e 2 . stock on, tand 20,000 bags...
iiirool.—Cirmroon unwashed 20022*. •
The weather is wann,, and Wetness generally
. Ns , * Your.; June 20.
- 'otton—The markethiatiffer:_esPenialli for
the b . but middling - descriptions are
:gasket is inactive, but tirm;' sales
4,000 brie., alai-41Mo 'and Michigan at $1,76
®9.94; and faneyld,,d,Faft at $4111w1.•
Coes Meal end Aye Ft..?.nr -43 -„ Itin of ,„„the Pr'
Mei at sB®B',l2i ;midst thi' - i.aiten at 4'9. 31 19
athin—SSiefUt thilidthi Wheat 95 and of
oea et tre at 1000'V . beat). • Bales i7.f
'Coni - M Ole, andof mixed 06 .C..,560
Prioilsions-elfsles of new Mae Pork at $1 4 .-
62, an of prints at. $l3 brl. 1 Beef is in
ter deritand, with tales bf 400 brie. at $8,7.0®11 •
for mees, and $56,6 for prime. Cot I,letite are
in May demand at 7®71 for shoulders. Lard
is heavy at 83481. , Salem of Ohio Butter at
7haa—Bales of Galina Lead $4,05 11 100.
::Wool—Bales 60,000i/11a: it 400 for new fleece.
Most of the Western cliphas already been taken
by epeculstort. ~
cnicosxri, June 10.
Flodr—The market-is dull, but prices aro un
changed.: Whitheybilesat 17c per gsllon.•
Prolfelons—Bales 260 bble Mont Park at $18,60
Per bbl. Sales 160 bbd; Bacon Sides at 810 pet
lb. -•.•14o sale; bf importance in other articles.
Business G generally very dull.. '
Ibo • river has fallen 12 inches since last re.
tutunmAri, June 20.
812.1600113 continuos very dull. The river hae
fallen 16 lecher, since last report. The weather
Flour.—Themarkst Is drill, and considerable tote
cluldabt. be told at over $3 1.1 bbl, bqt holders'
are hoe &spiced to concede, and a few team are
making at $8 25C0 C0"4,1 bbl'
Whivdtey—_ ,Bales at 111®17i with mere firm
noes taunts the Mote.
Prevlalons—Ara quiet, but the tune of the
market is firmer. The stocks are light, and in
few bands. •
• ..
" .
- ...... ~ - .- ? :•x- ,t ..-n. = „ : -Yr5 : ::, 7 7 5 ..., : t4-1 7 '71- ; ;41, : ::.&:$5- , ..-.....t . .....
. .
. • .....,,„..w.,. 7 ,,, ; ,,,,..„,,..,,.,,,,....„ ...... ,
,_„... .
~,,,,,,,,,..4,,,-,.,.f - . Y, ,: !r.f:•., ,M .-:::.,....,.„. ....
.. . . . ,
rit' IS at up ; goad i bottles, and,-ton-
- talus the strength or az nine as much Dem
es any elmilas militia% la AlttaiLL. Prein
kr per bottle, or de bottles for Are dollen.
it tom been a well established Sea for years pill. that
Eareaparills, whenkere and properlyprupared, nu CM
adjusts panacea ler all thews eriginatlag Iran an tr.
pile dare of the bleed, tha net of snercury, intollading
drinks, aril habit. in youth, betrremmaot, il. We tenni'
Rama a
that JOHN 8...1111 6.176.1C/i OP SAIRS.APA.
IZZIZA th 6 nimPilation before the villa that Is
lilltand on strictly ecientiAo prituiplee and of natant
strength. The esmatonills le purchased 'Mihail regard
to pile, and era" .
-More being wad , le ilkteer. to
before being wed I ,
de strictest dinned tens, and its anunnenemsectunill
Nareaparilla also contd. the Adam of mild
fiber 'minable agents, together forming the tilt co.
poun et d, and producing the greatest curaire agent rode
• •
Rerofola ReU,lCaneeri. Tumors. Erupticre of
the Skin, A•yelpelee. Chronic Yon Elect. Wog
. .mm or Takeo,. Pesti !lead. Rheum..
tient, Painttn the BoneeorJahttl4
. Old Berm; Ulcers; Swelling
of the Glands. Sephll-.;
Direenelee &It • ;
es. wising how
the am of blerentn
Pain in the Hide andDe Oboa
m l-• •
d lienesal Debility. Lam.
adulise, Wars
DiotteibMs J
k =gba, =non ohli b ltest,
Pnitnanar y A cu. and all other Wawa lending to
Lim Complaint. Female irnandarttUr and• cainplalntr.
Nal,. baryons Lignalan_ ,be Lt nparits. Maki 8....
Impandane• In LIP, Onnatitutional DU
P.M... • MIMS and an..r drink, and mural too-
Id for the synana, and gent!. and 1... a Pnlyati. tar
..vitior b N. Lick at cowman avatar. Win, or geld-
The fbllotring I the verbatim copy of orrtlikate non to
the pceseasion -of the proprietor of Zuni narsaystille..—
key. E. W. Mims iewidely and gonerailL known as sn
Nlemsent and necompliehed pectoral the hi. llsoreh, out
ev. E. Mterensen ham been Immo Ise eme of
i the moor let.
nowt end zealous members that the Kentucky Conference
eNtitt West of for toottLlohro“. 4 e a
e t ot..r w
sattefeetory testimony to fsvor of my toelleteel
Bata Testimony thmt mat Boer 0/rend in Favor of
Arty Medicine.
lies. Z. W. Esnost—Zsy. Z. Surma!: •
We him uned John Buire Il morathisond tare known
It to to - mod, with entire saideffetion; that we hare no tom
nonce In dating that:eV boners it to be mkt ond tato
ohie modlcal amm=4 ond welsothdal to mod.= =oh
good end reline much, einferhaim and wentil therolDre
thdillally end mod aimmedly: reamomend -It to the al.
Meted. Mined) . 1W•10.•
• DiiilTYl7lll. CLL.
• .•
Lbw we an admin. • char besulifol whits skim end •
nay colored Oust. Ilan often do ere en pnuar, ant pr.
miming thlir "desideratum! fe, devoutly to be.• "
Analog conostlos. asebeapithis. Lod colisish
b eseterlas, to_nestore althea, s eemblence of what dame.
We deprieed than of, sad that too, with rest lomry . lo
the thin Doll's ilanspullis la Me bash mimetic
It beautifies the the akin. br remorlog every „).n.i - wa
morbid . t adiseased wetter Lactase blood, matloir Uwe,
eastnoue. &tel.,' activity to •Tel 7 =that.
anal, sad dithering the: yell. sad Wit couotetwoce to
the !doom sad freshman': of 100th. Ladino atnadao the
toe. of pahate slid mixtures, sod use !toll's
the only effectual remedy. " B
A word to the aleenifo-
Ten" cod &Watts enough to the ladle. a
estimony Like Oa Iliellowing, Renders Strpnyfuous
all Comment on the Efficiency of ,@os'a Scow-
Prom Dr. L. P. YaangiL Prudence of Cbeinletry in' the
Louisville Medical College.
— litsave looked over elle Het of ingredients onapating
John Bulrelinapouud Cattuet of itanaparillannd have no
hatitation in sayLlut that they 0141 • safe cennatunti, and
one that promises nail to entente diseases, to which, item
tanaii, /me 8. e." • L. P. VANDCLL, in. D.
lin tB4B . . ,
Med Pn
./MI jmna• 0701460 watt. the 'I,.
ft-az, Saran< iloanfal, env Of BULL'S SelliSAP4.
Lortmigs, Kush W.
t hare examined the preerstptkru tor the pmerattou or
Jahn gulre liereararills. end 1 believe the erstubtuatiest to
been eseelletttena, and well gelculated t tgoguer v, al.
Madre impreseicat on the metes,. • 1 hare unit It both he
ellie ... .Lllprtreta prank, end Mink it the tat Letter of
la in use. )1. M. D.
— =;tit Physician at the Louisville Marino thgpitaL
jo emp h tEitri at —irre t read sok Ow the DR
h.. othe • affidater/I'DOW
leg, Weed ;tags. Pittsburgh, Ps" Mr:4*ml* sad Retail
- • -
for sale by D. M. altar sea JOS. DOUGLASS, Alle
gheny city, and by Draggnte generally. Ye] IgLe.,:anT
- -
History of Gresce.—A lii,to:
IV= earlien time. to the dertaladkat
osCohnth. EL C.l4* mainly booed lap. that of
Debmlts. r..
telrlwall D. Blohop Dsvid's. Br Dr.
The fiaroway of Prophecy. or Pcrlpturd Illustretiow. of
lb* DT the Rae. Alenander Width, D. b.
Ittilads tor thence= tidal:haw , Memoir, A Theuested
U. arid other , By Martha Farquhar Tumr.
Proverbial fitiikvaieltA Madan
Perasuld. mud the Po
d. of Nina Alfred. liarttu Farquhar Tepper.
The Mir of Wad sylarob TN.. ily Nary Clowitt.
The Phikeophy of ltathematicr. trapdatad from the
Glare do Phi/GNAW Ptoitire of duittnie Grote.. Dylf.
11. Gilleaph.
Harp& New Tort and Fail. Itailewil Guido Week: reu.
Witting ...description of Um Serum. /then, Withlid
isaiw. Sad tratentour Norte ea the Road. ens
nod thirty., eaSISSIASS. BY I , o•4aft sad Garda.
Newtin. original oast/haw uudeestorody tor Woo wort. By
if diStlend.
Mth37 Manzkm for Jost.
lb. thAll Wont:looms. the dare.. Rya b. • halm
bletorral mReL 11s . the author of -WIMI.ISIss." I
The shore hooks JIM teretrod. and 6v..1. by
U. C. titIICICKON. C lbstetlit: -
/I' R-2 bids. genuine Bartid:Oi tx
lODIDE POTASH —5O lbs. for Pale by
PLASTER -60 lbs. Cantbarides, for sale by
EMP-23 halos Missouri, on con_lignroene
an.l do 41LErit GKINDON,
myls 34.131 frobt
'__. ' Hew Mute-
1R i 7
bk 4
Klan rc
midi Dahlia Willita, ample.
Wolid4 Pal, Worts. I
irmotiilln.i. er tkoi Look Polka- .
Itotaborx Polka
libtro intim Crientti of tar Toutit :,
Moo bud voondoi tho ipuit. that lerrod tbe,
1-.4,441 that guy Inirt , Ft..
..4iitir uar..4141 Milli.
Nom Yeafio
4 Polio. 4
Polka. , .
11100 ioniola 1
': -. .
41d Datbrior and Old Mold.
Lament of tboinhitl Orphan fitrt.
'Sir. trutot 4 nada total. au.
Lopieot of the Litt ittolgraot. Reed and 0. pae b
tay4i JOUN L. ItZLI.OIt, it WaM at.
CI:WM-150 bags Rio;
sal.sapta l
nra polasoa. uwi.a
SUGAR --48 hide. prime N. 1)., for sale by
L. O. WATEILMAN & 11051 , ,
. SO mkt 61 Water. sa3 Cd haat otrori.
LOAF SUGAR-100 bbls. timed Nos.; mite by
17.4 k r. WILSOS,
mr:7 • . 111 ilmt. And lit B.mml rt.
fil UGAR—IO hbd. Clarilfell.'fbr mile; by
1.7 • mr2.7 PSOLIbiI a Itb:le NETT.
Young EAS-50 hf. cheats Young *km;
.C. .. ~ ,Blaek. lglarer.
Trr air by , u ' /SALLEI MANYa CO
so 03 • Water antir rant N.
CORN --35 bbls. for sale by' --
Idyll ----
, E . 1. VON NO NMlOll.4l' k W..
NO aul NI haat et.
Er. Ufl-10 bble. (extra) for sale by
CO.LW WIT .1. li ONO l C
a 1i!... -600 galls. Flaxseed (warrantd pure)
•• ._ .. i r a!Nt by te!yl3 IL IL SZIAIRN.
l i tfOOL BACIB- 4000 pew end old , for wile
• •tir Jo 4 4111flitly
DISIEU APPLEP—iCi)bIe. far rmje by
VIILORATE AYTASII-50 lho. for sole
10DFISIi-10 dtOrai for axle PY
‘.l J. 2 J.B. DILWOHTLI & CO.
GORN-40 0 bn. for We by
Jea J. 8. DILAOR7n Jt CO.
BARRELS -200 new Flour, for sale by
3.2 J. e. DILWORTH aOK
ottpur, ij.1:1111hIN
fie wa lq )1 .a tor mu.
lair et et.. 21 r J.D. DOM DATOAN2: .
igAIFETY FUSE-rZ bag: toanive,for.maTp
Lee P midst's]. ar4 Crinbed. far FO. b r
fIOLDEN bf. bole . and lU gal.
the mAttitlrifittigt
ir , 2 20 tierce Carolina, for sale be , 1
JAMKS A. noromsoN a O.',
HEMP -120 bales Mi. D. 11., for aisle li
QIN:IT-1k kegs awed Noe, for sale by
SIIOULDERS-12 casks for sate 'by i
my 27 - ENOLISIT
Smith's Nem Cfrographieg.
SMITII.S Bird Book in Geokrophy; an in-
Geoenphr, deebrosel ra•Chlfdresi Mar
tested orlthr.9 etorreelehmotod 20 mew; pp. 118:
Boolth amdo. or &mood Nook la Geopephy; • washes
mod pnetkY system of tleogrephy, for Groomers Itehesds,
lee, and remake. delogned u • Sequel to the Rest
Loolwlllostrated with 30 steel mots, end Immerse' engres
flnwr. by Roswell C. Smith, A. AI. It o. : toe. • '
Per max i
• hey2B 18 Apollo Ilalldloom. Fourthst.
liEIV BOOKS largo eupply of Mo.
CllaLook • Orex&O.Oresk and Win Works.
.lu Yuan/ Robinson, or She Adventure, of a rather
and Mother and four row, on • deport Island; Yrol..llnno,
Alo. Nos. I. 4, 3. and 4 . 1, of Males', Landon labor and
Loodou Ponr.:
Ju.t. ree'd sod Ihrialtbr • R. norictve.
nirm ,5 Apollo lloldlosoc3no , ib 0-•
U. rtIOLASSE 100 bble battle ground
• • It , U. Mob, for pb 6T JAMEILDAIXELL
Vl3 WOO-,37 kegs 6 twist (superior) for
ssis ee.. win A. COLDRIMSON ACV
MOLA SSES-4 00 bblE N. 41',13.-11.. to!'
Nan by -', myl4 ° JAMES DALIIILL
1314 p pII.IIT-7-Peachea;., Plums; Vr tab by • , ReCLVllTtig,r 4"'
; • IA Yams and ins paw. •
(aIIAD-10 bbin. No, I; ').
hf " R lFr nln lbT 4
I • llt
(RA Pk: BHAWLS—Reed this day t Per
.V.I=7V.I=LI r"f"
m. 7 . A. A. MAW( kuu.
Very Valuable Steam Grist'slid 0 , w MIL
diektlyon the hionookbelo 'liken Cumin an
a keorootelllo Oteasn Mts.) pour inlho oboe* ZU iii
ond tour gam below hikookbehe Clink Union
towwehlwwookozionAounly, The oboee poverty le in
rie WV :1% rig ,UlV47,r o b erV.l 4
r.,44 4 .t; the 1214:Vi, Vie °. Th 4"
err, md Maw
itro n itlo= at Yazd
mie r ak nro x tt, l oy.r .' v,.1
mere of Cool to
to th e rok o. Co. Wk. aum
0000, and 11001 N
-kee.erion cars k hod on eh. 1.1 0? PICA 00 oak,
Toiono mode known hy ankonlber,u flask, the pro.
peek. ' tkilin°lll :h r.% neadlan.
- .
WILL cantinuo to tiancUct t WnocisAis
y zinc Goons
not.' Amt. . stow/hi:wale:a
I.IURLAPB.—The hont -talkie tawny!, on
JJ band. and fbr oak at tlicr,
au.l3.2l:slastd rzAWAu. ildwooa .t.
United Staten Hotel at Philadelphia.
RIHE SUBSCRIBER respectfully 1131BOUn
e. to hie friends and the tneelllng cOtalsionity.
STVIS hL AME "'" d3Zb P ,T.I I ,I. - .911 the.. MITE
MAO order the late Pronemne, b e feel' it
, r ombfts its old pa... that nothing real be wanting
to euthen u t 01 tote rehntatlon aa the Ned keht bontl
le gign:M <J=lftmittl,ba'..77l 'Fsr=s -
Welt atteotton to the change* Entreate d .' the rosr
venter,. said mtafort or ism.. Being artnEr &tenth ,
ed she tallefortout, h. miarit. I .
contlunallor 'het
t7ettNey bestowed on the old United
Y. , Enat] A. G. ALLAN.
FACTURER, No. 41 Bourn&mod Btrut itaberre
ut. cut 444,11 . 611441e1ph1a. Gthll,l/
- Velg. ROUST .10. 11.-0.23.41 R
WK. U. A•oollINAILD -Wan MA., •
'Lp Ida Uranus, No, 211 Market U. Philadelphl.. •1141
t.ALD, • IiUCKNOR ~ 55 CO., Tobacco
c o w t dadork Idireharda, No. 41 North Wateo street.
o. 1G North Whore., Philadelphia. sodl
MERCER & ANTELO, General Commie
. Son Herchon?.. l'hilodelphho Lawn( advances
•on comignment. of Verdure morally. (*Adam
- f_ cefor crown Patents,
. --- Iffe r •
il i
ir A,,Trau — si., N. York, and 166 Fleet et., London.
` • to &too Brikin, Pr... , . Bettnam, Dotland,pd oil
st .WY Si Samoa—the tbatada% Sabot awl Lao Bra .-
Fall infbrmation nine above ma be had br adderrolut
. • • J. P. PIRSSON.
. •
' •Vilit..lai • 6 Wall Wert. New York.
srorWritingCopping ---
' ETaCF and ti I iTk .
, NE'S EMPIRE INK, ST Nassau street,
lima Aull4lngs,' Nev./tali.. .
POTS CM. mTOO !NU.' ..
per dos—...--11 C 4 • go% per dos-- ... ..SO 50
!".• • "
irrg — hiper M4
_ 1 !"......... 3) --- ar 24
' SM. lat hebeat sortlew zg k' abaareo. .II tows reedi—
ts a,good yams(' I N
will not otreado, wand.
Prodoitate or dom., and motoonwo all the guanaco requir•
as for a goal %Witt kik. anitable to the taunt. =1.4
adrabir adaraed tor LW Stool
• no 0.1.40.'d U amend to Carob& to the trine e 7
[kw kw es pm or Wane 0 , 1311:11144 , 0.• St it. ob.'. .er7
. I , l ,r oWd . lir to , Val :IS wont arid da
eaminred 111
Baer. .llll=
og kegs are chalrd= st o!l,ler l i oivaa vr. • .
'-' • ' • '• ' V? Nacian st., awl Sandlot%
1 ' itirtr - • NSW FORK.. .2.
Professor A. C. Barry's - Trieoplusrosus,
penterrlog sad Dew:titling the half, erstilea-
, a:d ?der. arid nati:ttltertsee . l i tt the t elt i
:Pf. rot"ire " %In 11= tai l t ed" . "" ‘l l*.
Weal= teetlateedrar. ec
l te fro hued to
d m ra et tler
tn.l the ertlmaUm In it% sel
It U orm hT {hoer. she Ear.
Oren It • trial I
Nrs Yeax. Sept.
aresr—Deer.Xlr-1. hare Mn Irlth a ea.
.Q tee
sett% fur Urn Lan Malaita year t aatt dote', that perhal
hare Ilea the . advt. et mayor the racer esalltept Arai.
dew, end hare tried all tt.o. po.p.ntleoo ter the hair sad
akin pm beet.. without the leset Imsellt. I Ir. adrieed
hi • Mead to ter your Trieophercese. 1 dl.l so, as a last
mart. sad:
tar surprise. and gratillratkel. 4=l open
eared In about tett menthe. each wee the violence et the
disorder Ittat at times 1 wee partially
0 ,141 d. -e
Keeveettally, roan, iIaPELIE,
PIO Maenads meat. Brnoltlys.
Xn Toes. Oct. .M, Dan
Pa.. EMT—My De. Fir—Aboutaro menage my bar
came .10 a meal deal. and my bold nu much aMlcted
with dandruff. sae told by a frlandio yourllleopbem
sand 44 and MT astaalohment: my hair 'am
• t 0... ma all tbs 4.4ra/I ax
nos share fa .M
With msp.t, I am your °beet snort,
J 5 TREADWDLL, eS3 Droadray.
If out lady 'mailman doubts the authmtielm of the
Mom, lb. mill pleats call at Praetor Dante aloe,
ISt Dousitray.. New York, obese he erlll Malmo MI mint.
Ij,a_ • tert Lbe Nasal Arms. X.. 1 01 0.1
• bOO re m - y for the permanent ma beldam
sarrillatell of the
eras.. 10 , ..r.Z . 1 71 UM Ws . 0 . 1 . 1
Marra as Probst= h l " Ng=r h le=7lstamoutd. It la
rensirely by the apses elates of the commmlty; la
almost every mot. hs Lb. land ft I•nsf.l to prelknmace
other lota. of Pao Itleuh'• It Imparts Odor to the mots.
the bae sal thm promot. Its moth to a remartable de
ante It dommte tbe Oluatmar aml .turf.
am data the
ho. sto .131..1,41 au...of um malt
such et anal moo. M. trona eat odor ohnosloas disor
ders of the olatu In [La as well make., Lt Sands
unrivalled. .10 a told la Mr. tottlea Mi. =mote. at 5 .
IST brood Ire y. tad at 111•Drumnas mmerally, throastoat
the Volt. Mars eml spat.
/1 UTOIIINSON 4t. CO., Nol3 Spnice Street.
NEW VOlllt, Wholaaala inannthrtureas w. bxt
EMILIntWM./ Dig i t ka nteel and Lltlara
f i tn 1117 . .M r anslita Plea or n: 3 7 . 4l . Job==
nt r k nallY.lttnnt aramarr peranat
'ltneomlanaliona them lab. rueb Wain arial
saw !gni tantua—ettry Irak Myelin go My °thrall:tits:am
In ma. Id .t wk.. amt.., nntatt s ..... 1 14 0 0 r=r
" Ir &t? ~la !Zama" alio& and
audit, ~mini Rvmpw to r 303 par lb. oach=n •
Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse.
t•Vb7rF,.. ' IT i li . .ttt. " .; 'brinft ° tllf
C bit FILAWbz vet. before TWA_ _ ._erd Aloe LACK
Gbtlfe awl all lehas o of FALK 311h111.1.65. tgagoisctue
red f 0 the Wow eau. (whim, reembred by the Women
ond feler k* , t""U fe= o :tne t ; F'lll r &Ltt CID CW•
bulletebig..4%lWbe 'S. W et Winged sad. Vein edged whoa'
and and illsekA lJboe l rj .b = i a t t .. gl jothe nd :: wed MT
hew pras. We wyoeully toette oar Western Meade to ea.
mine oter etif befo perebeedoo.
fIIOW .161 ANDS. for obbibltiog Mende
listallaa. put OP fa woes We treaegortedka... febllgg
CONTINUES his usual recilitiee to receive
V ion etornis. Pole. WWI in•lrhlretwel. all Herrluattlie
otw.e4 turn. LIMO hive Lis stools doily Inr MI points
en We Lonesi and inn Illinois l'onal mot
Vsollerestliso—litosonn Lovett. Moollon a us , :
Morsirs.. Jon. t QUI.;
Mr. John SL.Cannhey. andtin
• st JOSEPH, lassointl..
Prnittr. 021=b3AA.And VarmintlAA Merrebant.s, as the
Lev., AL Jomph, Mo.
Alesaakt tiardoo. AAA Lonna, Atertina A Ock.,
ritaborgh, . army
"Afkirt i- iL`. • TUTTLE,. Attorney at Law,
iit ownewawer tor trawl Iv IMIS. Ot. Lona,
.. crISIDITIMISOSIA ra,(111 . .41.M.5d. . , Nll=lY
floilg IL ItANKIN, ttorney anti-Wan
- wllor U Loa. sal CWoodaaaor ar thi Nato o
Nowa Wank, kl. focal. Mo., Osto of PataborO
itotorelooo—llkobatah. Om W. Foram!. at moolotom a
none. miNadlow a lloChwo. Joao IL Parka Itlasetio A
Wasp!, Met. Sod a Co, . . oaoltly
. BosToN.
IIIiNOVI6 8 sksvr,..norrort.
WIDE undersigned haring entirely rt
hailt ant inlargel the eh,. extenAve
anat. renta,lning by ell etent thaw blinded and littE•=
rootn, renextfolly Env OW.. that It le nor nedy
/; , i . tire Ereplion end ecaxatecdation or lb. travelling
<own deity.
inestended noticrof the unarrysienl convenianteentthie
t .
h. deemed come non,. the naineroue Wpm.
tomb n h kb here been macre/mot be properly Etna Is
rn adyertlyemena tuft.* it to say. ta• earetle bar b ecE
eared to render any sTartntent verde].
The furniture aureate erperectr to order. TrZeEiieniol
root. n! ...rtals, of t, eapeeiall: the linreblE
looms, .111 be round In be of the moat bawd hal muds.
tan, The Dining rotate ar• tareeione. and the bow" Ea
meat will he 1•0 imaged se to suit the convenience grille
early awl Wee.//• •
Ever: desartenefitnill be oondnetei In as sneacentkle;
hie twiner, end the proprietor pledge* himeelt that LW
Atnerican Mose shalibe tin', the Trayelleee
tetdaleadavranCk .' • ' KICE.
• •WO TAU. r.ll.74ohisote • •
Iv !•y bWe. (W 1 ,1.11714
" S. /1. Ainlikel= fvr tritl• Ll
mile • 114.19atast.
OLE BUOAR-2 bble. very choice M
ple anor, ,mit ne'd4rtilkir IN IERn
tuyie Ginter. szATer DeTC.II.
. . .. _
--_—_---. ._----
loaf, Crushed. Pnlvesistal and Pontlered , constantly
on and nal tar Mk by the bilibl OT Tfiallp 4 at the long
. rars, by WIC A.. llcela ttr.,
y 9 -
DR-- --__
lED PEACHES-1000 bnaliele ( bright
butte) is store sad for Me .
sa yil c. RUBY. MATTIIEWS & 07,
DRIED APPLES-30 sacks prime, for sale
CASTOR OIL-0 bble. (Blow's make) for
Ws by my= nun. DIATTUXIVI 0.1.'
UGAR-240 bide. prime N. 0., for Milo by
COPLEY'S POT OLAY--36 bblx.jastrec'd
sad tor Foe br J. SCHOOMMAII CO.
grILOVES-150 Ibn. for mile by
tny2 . l
UP. CARB. SODA=2skee for saloby
mrse nom.
!T 0C r co.
tiltENoll FLOWERS—A splendid • .
of tbo newest rt7irw Fmoeb and Amnrkan Wavers,
• eh we are Invpared to Vll , very elmar,at • holegale or
my:l- A.A. MASON A CO.
ItlE1) ACID.:B-35 Backe in store, will
iy ba rota Inv to <lo. Int, by
m,-: t 18 ATAtt DlClttlf &CO.
BUCKETS -5Q doz. Marietta, for Palo by
,UIP tura , J. U. CANIVIELD.
ROOMS-100 doz. Corn, for sato by
_ ___
SALERATUS--100 boxes pure;
2) TOM. kr We Lb.
¢0 . 21 .7. IL OANVIKL
SUGAR-100 WA. Powdered, for sale by
RE ASE —l5 bile . gooAdll
gr y eas e
M n
ow L
la nd-
ClnstromStenerCum landHuKE X br
mr2l . Float als.
utlehomedand 08881:8 it the Dniri Rote of
Mao Banker ao4 isrebanire War':
PEARL ASII-20 cruika sale by
m 721 • H. DALLELL c 0•
I.IIIOT ASII-4 mini pure, for , sale by
mrn • II. 4!Ana.p,__
J)IED APPLES-20 bap for Bala by
It. PA alt carke fur sale by
mr2l LZICLI. 00.
PEARL cake for role by
=on J. D. CANFIELD. ''
PINK ROOT-2000 Ibn. for rale by
myli. i. KIDD M.
LARD OlL—Bennett & &nose brand, for
.4.6 r let2s MIAMI DICKEY II CO.
SALTi; E T E--75 szie r cK Chide, r aallo,by
ILICE-100 tierces for said by
04716 '•
110 Waver nt.
A - 4 1 OR RENT.-=A three story:
d altos. ow Mid m ore
cgrTglr I .`oarb e z .4=‘!"l"bbnir.." bric k
with hot amt cold water. PaaCn r "don Lb. -
W iLai t .d Z"
wAr la . 8.
House and Lot far Sale.
LARGE LOT, on Leacock street, Al-
A tA
lotheor, roonlvthroogh to Rebecca. fronting
leer on each Wren. with a depth •of 12S feet,
nether with a good Mick leveltlece Howe, cootalelni all
Tama Yoe terms apply to AeIiFISON WOODUOUS Itce
Mamma street, or JOUB S. BlarrT. -•., . . 3
Q. TGRE.ROOM TO LET, 071Matket stal
I.] secorel doer from Fourth, loss adJanlog the
Batch sod Jewelry Some of W. W. Ws.. fl
Store Boom bac the harehoroat hoot In the ollin
the best location for a DrrOooltatel Yolocr Bn x, teal
Bent for the balance of the rear arill beerer7 &t
-ook< of JAMES BRAT. or •
le: . • ' W..W. WILSON.
Real Estate for' Sale. •
VALUABLE unimpreired 'LOT, on the
on L icorte n"r thr (l o om ' 1 1 " to 7 " ello Y (2l naM tar&AN:e froo Pnth tene W Ll 'd. tr
r .rey, 100 fret drop ml factory. reautlerg bark to Spring
. 11;er-1.1ber throe dory Briet DireNing goon on Liborer
etreet, tolfoialoF W. ohm, the lot to 3/ fret hoot by
WO foot elorto. Ile trotgie la lame cod roorrolent, bulk lo
modern sod contra:es eleven Mum .
Moo4lsem of orry valuable land near Sharpnburib.
—A Form of It sem Melt Door township.
Aloo—A Form of, 254 acres laLawrence mony b totleo
from Neer Wile.
.. .. .
• Aim—Warm la Beaver virunty, of Viviano vises aad
ptime. from IMO , ammo doyen. -
Also-12 very vslanblelMs la N•LITOIii Illinois. Prices
vondrtate. Saguia, of
N. P. k G. L. It. FEITIZIOLAI4. •
REI T A 'Warehouse on Water
tor.ll, 0 KB DAUM. GS Water mt.
THE well finished und furnielied Store ; i2
on - Third street, oear the Poet (Mee. at peewit
orcopint try !dm Parker c aa a Jewelry atom appl
to E. R. CIALZIaI, 73 Went? et, •
ylCott • Lythlo's Saw.
Met, Tribe. and Dtthettetroopy.ll
To Farmers.
. .
. 4 000 ACRES Farming and G r azing
Land; in WAS= manty, located on the
filLilzy river, velltda tvelre Wire of Um New York. and
AIm—LOMI Arad in Kik comity, gm saloon atiosomale.
Keg Orem. Kelvin. ef - A, WILKINS a INL,
• my I oorner of Motet sod Mel sta.
. •
Tii Vardeners:.
rin2sllt ACRES of 'Oar:letting Land, al•
d be , under goad ealtiratlon; within oar lade 0 tag
w sold for Wean .err-me third rasa. and the
In oar, two, and Ulm yearn . for parderdara ca.
lain ate. Malkin, Hawn of , -•' ' '
• •.. . A: WILKINS a (10..
, • inyl .' .., . cornet of Market and Third rta.
• Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale.
THE subscriber offers Cor sale the house and
jemsdsese.r.tdvs. siutsu4 oa Ps , * St•i_Dle
low Tremont, Allesheely,... efteut 2:t ,
the market of thle city. The lot to led R.N. on Park ets
rand. beek 2/12 feet, to an alley—crattalulas nearly one
erre of ground. sad Is Waded ce every Ads by WO open
lots. adorned with tree* .0-shrubbery. The how Le
uesrlyslew. Jarae.and asosalenly well arranged. haothir
a trout of NJ fort. and ads
of 7Y, end fourteen
roolaa,Deslan hale nine feet wide. ibis balt In the ben
tad moat durable ens.. end has • Sm.. eta. end
ma.* all the mule. ontendenows TlBoompa, With
lardelllng /Wady of hard and saterner, are st the doce.
On the Dimino are the tilree9o/7 out Lallans*. nab*
elkniaeolmee, ter. The grounds are lad out madly es
bora. emend with tholes bruit tree, gyersote. dowering
shrubs. currants, w 005..., raspbentruku. and =aft
garden. The fruit Is a the beet kind, nal the thaw an In
thek taus, .0 lied& eusugh for the weate of .
ft/ally. The M.O. of property, Ise to sathA d t=
suburban eon/forts, orchlued - wlib oteatigulty to the city,
la not roman. by any redder. Da thte vielaty. lt ban
a view of the Ohio Meer thr over a Bale. of Thaws..
booth PthatDe tains ursh lt the
the eity r oran g e
, the two riven.
jokey. .0
.. th
awe •
which the eye weer era.. Essay boat tains.. ter.
depute fro= the
nut. Pitatargh on the Ohio, aws.
f. view. The . and stbetude are abo sma lately
retuned lban say sunoyenee of den.. ve vet
eomftrt and vegetation, and of
a retirenott u quiet
end teeweltd MU located Inmate quiet esok In Lbw country.
Thetwoonty Intl./add at • bagatn, sad somenion sem
trhentria deafted. Sandy. al the Duette oft..
suCaltf , D. N. WLIITE.
For Sale.
71 . 11 E memberi of thefainiountFire COM..
Mr. offer. their Entini for sale. It la In rut or
or and trUl be loklebnp. Enanhe en
•wtr 9341711.134 en
so• 409 Penn street
t'IOR RENT—A Direlling - lionso Ona
17aIrd stsset. elate eaten: to Predtheekl. It
tet getaree. len. yard. wash Mar, ee. Will
be twitted low, and poweeetott glees hatowlistely.
Almo—For Pale or Loam some lots in the Math Ward,
leetwoeso Penn Meet and tbe alleany MITT.
. : t IIltI•Dwlltow'e, btotellt Meet. net Wood.
Valuable Red Usti' for Sale.
FrE ,SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, enfa
aeorelde tenni.. the followingEesl Mete, In
te City of eitutanc4.•be -
No. 1. Three salaam* three story Oda dwelling him.;
fiesond stmt. between Market and tarty Streets, the
km being Ebel 19 feet tient by 60 deers.
NEP- thatalns SI feet freed on Thud reseed adjoinlng
Ore Third Presbyterian •Chorele s Irldedi le NEW one
boo story trek bow, wed as • printing ease, wed one
tern nosy tido% sal . ..hones.
No. 1. Two lots hi Fellston, Beim. minty, being hirts
Nos. 3 end 4, Wog &hoot NE fretainare.en which leaven
ed One , Wort of fans Ewa* o.
llhopi s end hitis 'Mere.
fowls dendlisoy, all two storks high.
Na 4. One lot 10 feet front on BEE Even MOO. the
shoes, and =tending to the top of the hill.
No.S. Two treeh Ws, eneki 00 feet front end ninnlng
Mein the read to low wider E.vt., on the Els llinger.
No. O. One rallinble water la. 100 lost an Whoa Egoe,
with tip shaves water power al:tubed • ,
. No. T. Om loe odder. theater lot. 90 test front. mpg
extending to the to of the hilt, on' which Is ended one
two story mid,. by and warehouse. XS DX 60 feetislicions
Crum dwelling, two othdfil high. - •.
Ow Isms lain hem 'MOW.
tag Moot 140 fret on groodway, mid Mont 200 feet gem
rontsining 1M rim cm which sr. chided two lard frame
&Wimp, and 004 Immo be nod se shi Mhos.
Thl property woe formerly redrpird by Mr. T. C Oval&
end i•
lbw Tilixnxl Diew Midge. sntly loaded. being inineelishrly opyagM•
No. 9. One water lot. Immediate] y baker islleton
being about 109 bet in length. and extending front li aler
street to ion water mark. or timing path./
n. Mine property /will be sold on very favorable berms.
Apli the More of H. 131MCKTON, coetterTElhd
I him pa ands, AMIN FLICILING../Agent.
`roam.{ and Poet roPTI
. -
For Sale.
. 2
CLOCK Or 11111LDIN05, an tbrenneer of Wes*
fu end Peen stretitiL enil frnatian en tbe Pen
ey Tads Canal. in tlet Lnly fretb. irbe Liet frosts
MO hundred mei Silty bur o n . Foie KKK. and one
bondreil end nine feet nine Kites en Weetilanton meet,
to • twenty feet 11. y. leinnin of
triebtfan . „N. 1.06 Penn et •
'tow often ,6,1. so. a luso nourder of indnatlo
the' and emu o f
doolrablo sr. foe 19.11.1n1ia,
t.e.• 1k...101 Mrlni.o.2l, heated near the
Pe biro Sob. lion. and E. wh Lath.. Cb nroh.
The mold fourth of Blmunatutoo In population .4
ma. &daring areal. and de re... 140 pre. ot e
late Ell to fa. r. W r.dro them s adt .4
_profitable he
Inst..: Title peeled: Tame towable.
for .rtlealan mad tors. onet o ur of the anderrigned. at
the of IR.. Wlt
V. reare. Gnat etrre
...b. between 11.1 and Nolart slaw. or of Willem
names and Y. Patte...ENTo, at ter ofhoes In :Ns.
butts. ' lam • • MUSKS T. YAWN.
Iron RENT—The large and commodh i g
oar Ilan. ea Perin Won. O.a.W.T wor•D•wi •
rilwards,) with afl intim lot ediolaig. which
sad at a rard. Also—atabling for two n toms. Empire
• ••Zlf - IC:I.W Water st.
L AR Oc" ,
• e Word sod Falb
. a l icwm , for Bale lox to,
7 ;,, i 1.0 71 ,m a r ft nr t:
n. onsurpai.l toe chespdria, oe .Iwrg
att. N. G 2 nod di Harlot et. larlt
TACKLE—Canes, Rode, Lines,
41040, le., wholesale aatt fetall.
; lortll • GT Watket " of roma.
13TATOR t ES en ,' in - largo Variety, and at the
• lowest der tauten eat& Woe,. wholesale Led
te L tuTZI ' W-M• WLLSON.
Fortt tut to emu aLau dam - • - • '
At spletaled astortmeat of ti end Rater Pakellg
0.14 Poe of the but nuoufedann Pocket L'tqlet7l Pert
Monote. ea . tarlq . - , W -1 1. " 4" .
ABIS-32,easke BAUM I.lam for sale by
.ICH Crimson 'Velvet and Gold • Paper
Ihmrim. E. D...d.g..4 , g..5i.a wa
mby - W. P. multinALL, EA Wood rt.
_ .. ,
PRINTING PAPER—A large lot, Double
1114Inat and lame Paints.* Pam. for talabr •
W. a. UAW:4,
Mr= anne: Itarket and almond id...,
IyRAPPING PAPERS—A large assort-.
erwmattiarapon,Maallta ltar, and Straw.
al rex the sale - ~ W. S. KAI UNS
tar 24 Paper Wareham.. ear. Mutat .4 24 eta
gn GROSS STEEL TENS, of all.quali
calebrated sousttartarsrf; f sale ot
T. S. USN RS StatimSry Mom
5n724 earn. Market and swops sta. .
treoh. Iret'd and Oar We by, & P. WILSON.
my 2.4 .147 rrent. wlllll Second 1.
GERMAN CLAY-200 boxes for eale,47
m 12 IL DA LZELL a CO.. Liberty st:
DItLg . WES—M . (F;nelfor
pOAV'D EXT. LIQUORICE-1 con for sale
m k3br R. E. S Wad yL
ALUM --5O bblar , for sale Ja
J. Al DO du 00.. CA tr. st.
COPPERAS—?S bble:(goOd) for anio by ,
A LUM-50 bble. for sale liy
J. 1301100 . :01AKRIt 00
SHAD -10 bbbs"pow for gab, by
mu . . f. MIXON
RGOT-40 lbs. (fresh) fdr sale'hy
• •
FMB highest price , in Cash paid for all the
1. diff eat nrniiie tT.11.0
ef LEKi
VIRE BRICK-65401' {Curd Grove) Fire
Mick. equal Of not eutleCor to the •Bolivar attek. ,
an bend and fee sale
toyd WA Lid NOYORD k CO.
LINSEED OIL-30 bbLa. (warranted pare)•
myth Wood rt.'
Li, for WO Di .
mrls . . J*IIOONMAIC KR a co.
(.;!AitiRAT US-42 ciOks prime, for sol o- by
A7_ my Et • ...WICK.A.NeCANDLIM .
ClI _ _ _
OCOLATE-130'bxs. Bost:, for into by
.y 1. 7 RICK-tIIeCANDLR.S9.
lug. Mg log and Oil:I
te.:121,y rutl , ,
" /I. BATON. roath
gtelfEllEL-75 bbla large 10.3, for sale
w- a • -
EMP--45 tons !dins. D. R.; tot eale by
4 ACKEREL—WbbI& No. 3, for sale by
frA,Ato WM. A. It<CLUILO A 00.,
AVM Omen and Toe Makes.
SAaPETREr—aI bags ( v r . u a d i o . ) for sal
N o by
A isum ON.
MONO the nim b us die series Science
ha. ...a• Mb g r etirratiMa ta Mate the bud...
of lifo. Inmate Ito ettjor...t.
of henna existerse., aou.em bee auxin read value
in tosatlod. than this matributlon Chatildrr n eh.
Hahn Art. A mat trial of It throughout Mb
114 ...alp. ha. pronto berood a doe • that m modichie
or combination of medkinea yet k • 'ta tt oo ...giro.:
tool and moo tha °mem. 'mink. or • dhow
.bleb bare hitheito .werd tram oar so those ad. and
thoutands cirri inr. Wand, there la abundant rn►
mu to believe atemudi has at ' , cough • a m . ' whkb
can be relied on to mre the ¢lO4
ihe,lungt. Our mace here will not nu t publith
ant puomrtiou of lb. elven ettated b Ito use. but Ire
prase! the rollowing minima of • • Immond refer'
further country to Um circular. whkli the a.... bet..-
Maned rill &tram be plemed to tom Rm. wherein are
toll partienlam. and indlaputabla mot • these tact.
Peon V. Presidert gt.dathent advt. ode/odor PRO.
• _
slams. C. A ww-811: l halo awd roar ...WY sacrond
Ala mr pun nee of dftwensted Bronchitis. and sw Waged
awn Its cheannd constitution that It is so admirable cow.
Fount for the relief of torrogini out broachistdidScolitw.
If ...v . opinion es to its superior clutracur curbs of say
*" . 7'm you "e Iy!'plelAtir.DlllVlgalrit proper
L. On art! .
r ii.d.ged ?Ropes-we SILLIJUIte.
- lacruber UM
&nun& of Acor
..1 n= sad Bawle r
st OMIT . 1
from www of the bow or P
aclein the tl.luttultadfo,. and
dad b rib M etns !woody Ihr nof diaases It I. Wow
CU. 'Noir Ha
B. I
JLAJOR P.417130N, Proof:h rm
og fhe B. a ZATWI,.WO.
N Ds boa awd the Mem Portorsl, with rronol cow
ens. to taw an Indammat7m of tbr lusts. •
! , Ws sas Jfiltai r. ielsna Os loam
ua Anal 90.1“11. •
sDr. J. O.
A. / m son caostiortir
using row Chary Poetcoal la my meth* so dpreller tits
oar attics . undid. tar indomonary complaint. granotww.
waon of mar arrws nom I sal coartwod it win son
coughs. colds, - sad disessne of Ulu loam
_that but, • put to
Mame other rano/le. =shady rocousnwod Ito
ow In
ass of manna . . Want. ssd mosidar inuctiths bat
randy kaolin In LIM dawn. •
Baspwttally smirs. I. B. 01181111_ ,AN '
propand_ sad add brJAMBiI 0. - AIYJI, ~sca
10 14,Z31 M'L abolsrals sadiStsii,47 D. A. mi.
IsixerocK oo. i. J. AL TOWNIAN D. _
La Ansgbmtiatfr,hr U. P. BOMAR= and J. DOU
OW% sal by . DrainOnssiosesilr. • oltcloadanT
•••• •
• 0 -
• .
-IN our liceinEs- . •
Malleln• lawns. Vkiblent CCOstrization.
Inennbadance of llrtne,Gesend Prostesttotiof thsSystess,
Dem:ma Spirits, end Gloom/ &sin of Mbsi. as sand by
Dr..Os Estntd sf.rdisrDoek mod SampoziUmorbkb
dn Inunedisla rellef by rnswing the
be n d ust bialtb
sad strengtb. Use blood. It neutral= bsd aa, stops
• • • seesenans, and eves bealtbi sancta to all tbs
vital ponen.
'lt. mild Mtmmilm immettm reader It pcalii3l7
cable b th. aned and Aine.....eatat. a< th. pr
male. Itimmedlatrly counteracts that dlatcandrut nem*
neat and laarttada eammon to the Sant. fraum,acat ;
Imparts an mere an] tummy as rarrstatng sa they'
ans grateful W. hare scrktosca an SDI sal& banns In
strcnotly to recommend this medldne b.marlied yes*
eta tom not been blamed with °Moping.
• t
Pr ohmets Iltrri;or *albs of MuWomb,of IlysT•ars stab•
ding, card by Dr. Grunters Extract of Yellow Dock and
BarsaparOla atter entry other kiln= remedy bad bad
trial without relief:
Watittanteni e CteVati. 10,1842. •
TIM that my wills. aged 41 yam kas suffseied
toner the abonotanaldut Mr do. isms nanlyrall that
time mem! to her bed. I tun Dvtoar yeantanntsntly
noplamd the bed moiled talent thatmnldbepteourod
dits section of the onotry..ftholit and , lanallt what:Var.
1 Iran Ides machamod may Mermen recommendod Tor
the Sure of such dbeem at of .1.101 jawed worthies.
1. the tartan of Mt& 1 lime iskinesed by VW
hey Dr. Omuta. Yellow Dock and BanamaiDa. vh.lehm
end Me four mouths. After .he hod wed It tbr about Ern
wens, It was Mane to all of us tbat was haserovhst.'
nod trom this time .he Improved rapidly. and aslmd don
and 4 .neb. oho to mw onSoMs mon minnit
health. EOM
Wa, being Muhl*. to Wm and Jolla Ileadirt, tmi
that the atom i statenteuts. as to the dranemlf,Era. You:
As.: load as to tbe curt Wog .E.M.d b 7 D0rara7.43.0
Dock sad Sonapirtlia. an Aridly trot: /
Amain rowan..
4 4 4 4/.4 . 4
King's Roil—ecuro 44. i. N. Leonard.
Dino nnui Gaon, Dee. 1.180. •
Nam B. Y. Bennett! 91i—brats: &mu time m 1843,
I one snacked with Klor. Evil la arm. which bean
me um I mold oca ow9t, and In 1843 mange:Won set In.
1 maplosed, at than. each phyddan of eoletwlty
wiebto mereen; .11 told on Say atm onst bnanautaled.
anos lb.' Moulder to the Dream in. fail of roantos
mot. EY atMdrilt al this dm inom complctely exhume.
ed, and ray perm much Madalad. I continual to thl.
date nal/184$ when I .as an sehnelsoment (tnywitas
Yellow Don and Dammailla) which I ma. and sent D. •
Lott! /of tlm a.Ool . Clayroteiltelkrer Dee! and Damaye.
ah. cured am; 1 teak mother- nanny whits coins It;
unfelt myaelf 7.00.8117 ..0 before mina ..hits
sloth boa
!Jlad nod at the lootirpearsno. of the many. I
am Cara It nook% ham mot tar fmn years of pin and
sudiiing. I min Manly recommend evely pennon era!
DAM under any alualst disown to me Guyones Tallow
Dock and Damparills, width will meow, them to bmoltiP -
Tram. O. Y. IXODADD.
Owe of on 09900 aced ease of Erysipdao:
Th. tom performed by Dr.domoWs Extract of Yellow
[Kok and Barsapatilts, no. laming. The mann senesal
health continues to Improre after dlaeare N rannered.—
Curia ant not chronicled until tints ham folly tenni that
there nu be no odam or Morn of the dlmose.
Nottwer. Herkimer co_ ircbnurroask
8. , ..r5h0.--ciat.: It t..ilb greatpk.swv Wet
I write you atookttn very happy effect. of your Yellow
Doelt mad Sarespirilla open my eon, whales long been suf.
tering under that dredfed and loathsome awls.. &film.
es. with which he wag seethed to MP, mad vas foriere
al Months attended by some of our test phydcians, who
tied their skill pereetuttnirly Mr ere swaths. without MY
heneflelel- malts whatever. Ile bitealme reduced to • per
hut 'skeleton. Ile had ohms from his hip to his knee,
whith wen dinilmoilly &..aming dUetotingly odemin
=Um. Medical and eureka Mal was battled. Sharichne
nidithat his mw wee htmelerei them could be nothitis
dowl to erred them terrible eangradrig 1 / 7 oohr•
Mrs': mad input! thoueht Wes diaedittion nett at hand.
One 'of my neighbors (who had surd a child of Scrofula
with year larraluable moildnel wished me 0. 00.1. trial of
It; Mad, mom firm the restless mistre todo romethiug while
116 lasted, than from thy hope of settinir ?CYO proeurnl
three bottles of your Yellow Dock and Pe Lo. and
ecerdnenteddming *; and to my amodelonent hel eimn •
to biome been he hid red the third bath,: and beg.
be teed used • hod( dosen,bmies. ha meld walk out. 16
used in all twelve *des during the year .1139. muter Oo
tont lest he wee wholly emend. Every merthre of the
diMerw. okerot the ends. le rammed. oral' he remains in
perfect halth at the preeent lii. 14091.17, octet
the Menthe of Ood,l. eridlrely awing to the use of your
'Yellin Peek and Sanakaullia; sod I won you that I fad .
mT!eif odor Mot Ohligatioos to you. and It Is with meat
that I Inform you of what. your SanaserMalum d6tre
tad br :7; D. Plll.thaeielmor toBmf!'da PorkJitorti
oiklirolout atreets, Chadonotl.ol2.lo, °toad Agent: tba
Booth and West to whom oil mem toast bioddrooood. ,
. ,
- &BIM lk Co_ B. A. lattneaock • Co., J. A. ice* IL,; Low A. Ilebk.huri(AllegheAr City;
T. Hanel. wawnstar.l.: EL Bowie: tinknOmrs.
Wet/. Onnanburm S. govatilksianoeU Emil t Cillawm
. B.dlbut Held A Pon. matingclanifn.Orr.flolblaysiborg
Inaebrand t Co.. Whoa J. K. Witibt., lattandtz
Emu A Co. BtookTilla A. VII= A Say , Warman:in •
KrParttul f Co. N. CalleriglAr, 7taedrlllK Hunan A Ca
Itria 4 raebr. Xenon Jaw Kelly &•130, But.
Um & Emit.b, Newt: J. o.lllauperan; Warr= 1.1.. A C.
B..Thaes.omdempar,P.Craolter4r.. • '
itirPriir—sl per BOSifrsßottkr for $5.
- -
A Valuable Improvenicuit be:Troasei
D R. BARD'S Improved. Patent TRUSS
c u ts G
8124.1 VDT.. by which •
tan cut to Created. • MY Tenn M =LlMYuhr=
awns end atinotolea of action tram attar Truman, having
all the edenutanca of • veneregulatad and magma Do.
oret Ttw Orman mat ba mantand as to mts• ease and
comfort In Ma not =cult mar of Benda, and oats be
haortemed to almost any Once deatteet. The MGM. LI Da
-I=r,td, tains IsecaL di Lt to btu Immestlataly near the
thra at times, wren und:NM " lt Mot t led ezetrobw:
Rs?. use of this Trn w i llan u mhad b =erg; baWli
suantrun=, .any otture Lima. as
LOOM. *Web Lroot an an:agent * menet Le tba lama ,
'tau ' tuF tl= w twl
Ith ' kuptt i ntiol7.o.• an te d
allatlhanwaleca Thin la a teal men. which ru p.
Daavman lII= re who undarstand tha =Wont) e
We would most rementnaly call the &Mann= of Physt•
clans to We Tram , o 0 era know any will arynxiate
alua W. gm have • variety of oth
er rTruax nt• the
lowest mice. Infant Thews kept constantly 00 hand.
XXI 0141 kIaDOWIII4 Agenta. •
!IR2I • ICI Wood ot. Pllmbaratt
Dr.Hazd's Abaco:Giza 84pporters.
IVIESE.SUPPORTERS are intended chief
-11 for the more of Pravda Utert and all Mope &s
-eems where • mechanical 'aurora to the/ital.:deal Timm
le required. 'they perfect support to the elelmaitta/
tad may be wane with mouton :by aIL .The
vimiumal by • ALLA ot the aWomlual mewl.
am Meier Uterl. t i the bairela a r odd leu Cumin--
a. of =nom Ilmeetraa, Harlan. of F il.rweth.
Palpitation of the Heart. Dmgraralr a er, &MUT.
. 140 Word et. Iltrebutsh.
. ' Shoulder Emcee.
MOULDER BRACES, of tho.most ap
,„„,,,a ot,la dam% la manitam and oddly fitted.
and of aim. to mit all who may maim thawytut reed
amd for aak.wholotale and retail,
_Wort Attain. Vo.._Oet 4.180.
Af. R. R. P=Ml—Of Your Vormtfodo. I euY Mthout
he:gallon that. having umd It extonstrely lo my med.,
forum loot four or me Jon I think It decidedly the bad
orotund= of Um kind of width 1 bor. any kottoltutge.
althoughl have hereto:fon mod the Woof emend
other nataufacturets. Yours relpeetfu 7 - --
D. &OUCH. M. k
Prepond and sold by IL X. SELLERS II Wood et,' and .
old by drusuipto generally. • • toyld
UST opening -- very excellent assortmen
orStAterEL CLOCKS, at cm $. to SW; vratotat
At.k um_
ClOrkk. ibr il.bbritrb burixt
01-.-theap enough to °t
i. ram Toona•
Bonnets! .Bonnets!
ir no e'D tRIS MORNING, pee ExpressL
6 gars, mabrarini all the rmarcot, and 6v6l4ealnble
1.4 ( Leareell no• von. .
okve.ry larg• of Chikbese•Gliser
IStraw sad ItraLlll6t.s.
n a . ..= . t.lore of ?areal. TT? lar i teez 12.
WILMA, Watch Maui,'
67 Market, corner of Fbiertleet.; Pittebtersk,
ji=gikez: d . W. rAlrd,
ak,d badruzorntr. and rirariet rirb,
bkabionabl• nseltd sad ornammtd.
Warxti handed in • stkauiar utswea. sadited by
tb, b. Enelth and ?mach Irorkraro.
_ .
rSALE—,t; w — iron
os, pleb mgr.' ag oll , in
; rarl2 J. kap 4::4). et• woca
v pew azel elekaaketealaer
bit expacealy to take lbw place of the inn=
teatitaurnal. daring the low ember mania willomaavelwa
her regular isika ln the Wheeling trade, on Monday next,
at 10 o'clock. Tha llewolao ha. an the aecoaatocene
kout tito larger - don of boot.
Allll-11*Alei CEOZEII CO., Areate- ..21)
CaditrtD, IlaWl i k
mill lea ' . kr
above and Inkreoedislo part. oo Ms day, al 10 o'clock
frohth, or Mune* apply on Ixnatl, or to
;ea. , JOHN flaCK:Ainnit.
OFD ClNClNNAtl—Thesplen- •
did mrie and light &silent seam boat
NE lrt..l.lnroMb
leave for th * bone h
ead all intermediate naafi. an tb•
Sith • inst. at 10 delete A. IL •
FM' * 6 o , erPalimes wDlhew, or to '
mrwm: OT No 913N71211.--,
straw MOT No. 2. A. V. Cmie, master,
piunhursh ror KhrolinA : Cnot.l . na and Sanesb.
CZ; 17111
try WrilneAtaysoltiatiordsr, at 10 o'clort.A Ponseristrs
and shirr ram depnrid upon thin hoot running rego/nrir
du al light or= ottirir pp hon.& torlo'
oboom. MIA frdendl.l tootwas built b
tlx owner. of••the Mesmer , Imo Si ozol others. It.
tho'llotionsti sod rittobarolt Pask=f, sod .111 lea
landWopooday for L,lneinaoti Itvolooo of the New 11.7;
land No. Nor [night or w.moo.' molf oo Wand lo •
torM - • G. 11.3111LTNanaaa.
lit REA ULAR PACKET—The apbradid
114 mailbag Anse boat. CILIODTAIN. R. T.
Warn, Muter, 1e... the owl of tbs. Old Albtabony Enda,
(St. Clair street.) am, boar. canonanston at 9 oirback..l.
esid mettinuln, until Inc liardensdam! dab 1 , 011=4
We Allaßb.99 , 9do. 97. the accommodation lame.
Rots alsa. at o th er em ote. kbr.tra Trip at 73‘
Ara . g
THR ait
new and fast running atr. CARRIER;
3: S. Itentuty. Master—Regular Wellsville. et.,.
bourille, Wellsburg. Wlwellng, Bridgeport. Cardin. sad
Subirib Packet—lewnee Pittsburghevery W.:Wino:lay a*
3 o'clock. P. IL, fur lalrielhig and Bridgeport. and every
Saturday. et 3P. IL. for Copia. and Sawfish.. .
leaver &mesh every . Monday at 10 Weltok,"_.A. M., ,
4 1ir p hlEpritorid Ink l ing every Monday and Shuridan at
Par frelghterid possum apply oa board; err to
It—Thellirbtdrsughtsieranei ARENA. .
D. D. Disalelr.saLiacr, leaves Wells-rills eerry 'Aleruber
WiiilLveasyi and PriilLy, at A o'cluTli.. A. AL. ror Ess4 Lie-,
tryout, tilastrar, Alererrans , Lianding, Denver. and Pas,
burgh. LeATCS Pittsburgh rrery Tuesday, Ilatirslay. Lea
Ltlo o'clock:A. IL. fur B.LerrOleFerrsa's Lind.
DissParrlest.Llerryosol. sad Wellsville.
Fur irsigbt or maws. apple on board.. • eID •
neopeeket eteemet DIVIINA.I..CoovreII,
ter, W now,perfcrroino her /mauler to.treekly tope between
Tile elty - and Wheelies, losing at 10 o'clock
evert Ifoodnr: Wolneeley and Friday, arm ft tonotat.
learn Wheees . ,ll7 Ilootar, Tburtderrl 13=r2 ,
W ttfr 7".- ", 'i tirtiralretris t r iLltatzente.•
INCIPOWL—The foe eteseeerSAClFlC.
terottlete 'W Ar ' s 'll ateqVu ' rldl7 . ll VPL. PAL
Fee freight at "mew amply en hoard or te
T. WOOPS t/601t.
wehlo No. el Water and C 3 Inntste
SUMER 'PACKET—The foot re.6tior.k.
ex WELLEVILLS, Sept. EL Soca,
not as • male. ;octet 'between Ititteburgh. Wbeethog.
ErHieftert, =id Stualltb. lariat Sittaborsth erne blonder
lama= lee Well/male, gteaboteille, end Eridstrpst• cog
every Thunder afterstoort . a . Etteobenvilit.
gc a TtiVlitalleh crew Tooker ' aerators be=
everrYtiday aftereson. //e frteght-er reten. , , Aptly oa
bard. or to HAM/ . W.ll. WHEELER, Swot
A...L.xua.arol.emb k Co.
rion ha". on banin ocaplote nook of
laerects eta26
.S=4oo boxes Wiricbiw. seed, for sale
/L ARD bbls. for sale by •
1 INDIGO -4 . 100 lb - j i K egS MD :C: I3 1 C.6 3: 7“4
ram for eh, all mum 1. of •= f erffl i tgaVVAr.
which wilt be mld los r tnam the lem -
is DICKET co.
BOYS'CASSLAIXRES—Of various colors
and styles, reed by
lIIIRPIET s nmennEr.D.
QTAR CANDLES-45 boxes , (lo to 40 lbs.
4.7 each) tor sale by
cnruer Wood S.
sad rifth sts. LLIAMS t CO.
Q.PER.3I CANDLES-10 boxes 4'.; S's, find
byor yak by WILLIAMS CC.
RER SKINS-=3 bales for sale by
unzr. 3LCITHEITS 2 CO:
DIU LEAD-190 . vigs Soft Galena, for sale ,
by my 7 nun, icernmws a (XA
'DIG METAL 165 tons for sale by
1_ Jar: YTEY, NAT/11/3113 CO
WEATILERS-4Vrks. prime }Cy...for eutle
- x• • my 7 • RIMY MATIII LIVE. t CO.
._ _ •
SODA ASI.I-60 casks (food) for sale by
ky my? A .CLEIERTP.SS k CO.
ilTarrE ara. and :IS bbi.s
V Ibr Nle br . 11,1.1,411 DICEXT a. .
IDTIO •• .11 , xuac 511..
tiODA-10 kepufor
J. scnoas3LtEElt k CO..=
Wood 1k...
S UP. 1.1. I•
6,IIIOULDERS--32 casks for s,ale h i p'
110 utyl6 IIA Lb J , ).!:E..4 CO
PREAP . WALL PAPER—For b.xle by
mrl6 K. r. MARSHALL. S, Wad si.
11 myl6 • • W. P. MARSILALL, a. Wood of
ARI,3 bbl 6. tc 8 kex,B 3:i lo s .
‘ 1 ,, , ,, f...g . tat ec a ,.
? LS Et—
... 1) Ms and in ht. btLe N. 1, raltleate
SO ' " • Tata,. Na a suaur.k
Of. bbl Lake Snort= Fsrse.. fir . l . , •
113•18 - - JOILL:WATZ •
DIG IRON-100 tons lluntingdo'n co:; for
sale be toyIS JOIIN 'WAWA C.
XEMPLARS' SWORDS—Just feed, a •
of KoLtR _
myf .
L'OR SALE,.to close eamiiluccientso dor.
• A2PnioP SODA ASH, braaded Aril ... St. He
". Apply to , . J NO. Lei:ADEN A CO,.
Pena,lranla RaillAkl bepa,
nsris comer Yen. And War= eArmt.;PitAramrgli:
H KKR'S G-10 bblz 1113 W for axlo
VOFFE bags Rio, for sale 'l3y .
- lARES A. 9CrclasO kCO.
:VE , i . , , ;; t !; . F, , ,1::!.rt Car•lgu i lli f0r:2 , .. , 18 . b . 3i„
- sows lssod. supply of India Rubber Lila Pr,.
servers and Jackets, of India Rubber oxul Cork laucutau
tava far sale oe Use India Rubber Depot.- i vat u Wool
G O LDEN STRUP-1.2 half bbls. and ?24
2sr u ' id. ' B7 74=`. aTCIII:3OS k CO.
CHROME GREENS 'cases superior qual—
IL) Ity. for boom Wad sttumbottt patting. for tale br ,
BB.SYtT vRy. ,
New Boob, jusi neeived.
4 = II REEK GRAMMAR, for the use of High
&tools and'airendtior. by P. Eat.ana: reflood
ant bused by blo son, Alexander Patbannna . B on.
Tha lrbdt Onnfodadatea, and Notodboa cf Mon by Hen
.rtekr, =no. num
no AnfobloNnaPbr and ZiltworLa. if Captain Obadiah.
Cougar, Joe day roars mariner and shun...tor fin= atka
portof Nor Yor/r, by Be.. It. T. Clatoven limo. onus.'
lan sale br _ RuP.NANS.
utyl9 . 78 .apnlin Bniland.a..Fourtb at-
sALERATUS 7 -5 tons boxes and casks;
- bozo , iu Vaocia
'Yet sale by ' ROBERT DaLZELL a Ca—
tor:a labatz ohuti.
A :is 1 fI.. b. O. ( 'I. or,
L ARD OIL-32 bbls. for sale
• s. k R. ILtUBACC.II.
G LASS -250 boxes ass'd-sizes, for said by
lIGAR-25 hhde. N
, tbr sale, by
D ISH—:S bbls. La,ke 185 I;"
" jr..3 .. J. B. CANIIELD:
MAGIC WATCIIES, or Double Huntiuk .
gef,egleh u i v " w , , V!‘
Very recnived anellor n P '
corner Ileskrt Fourtb
S-1000 lbs. forsale by
B. A. I , AIiN7.STOCK - k CO
RUSSIATE POTASH .-500 It*. for sale
br Del) B. A. VAIMMTOCX k CO- '
CODFISH -6 tierces fur sale by
.14 - e k 3fcCANDLESS.
ATS=SOO bu. for iullo by •
wry s. stc. rut It BAUGH.
an eat. incladlaar ere ry kind mat dencrlptloq at
agvaalaair law prier. lea .al. by • '
aar..a TItQ3I PALM ER, SS Maz kat at.
A315—:10 casks fer bale by
=xl3 INALtlllnciar a co.
I.IIUTTER--Frvsh Roll !or bale by
ANN 5115' 0.11,-20 tb.1 , .. warranted pure,
n. E. *ELME-S. •
1*79 . "1*
6 S 4 Wort.
. MON I A 7 -60illbs. by
-1, KIDD k
V E ; !be.RMILLION 7 62 (Tgr.if46l),Lif.
WASTED, ,alll hichns Inu
M Cr).,lat for tIl.
Darn s arket awl TIIIra
Bu ' af -6:1 ,71tN
• •
• • • :.___ " "___
cRI3IPED RlBBONlilust 'ree'd per ex
pr....—;,..- rano= or tba:." - re delkiiab:* entopal
.hl twat% for Trimming. ratbraelbg all the diravent etabi
and calms. The attention of 'whole.). vuotavom os to.
epeetfally invited In the above esvossre assortoveav , . .
ArYA9BLA- 7 -400 lbs. for sale by
sari , B. A. I+A IL': &ROM CIA
TAXTAR EMETIC-50 lbs. for by
A. r.tus;rerocK a tst
Dr lmr9l B. A. l'ApN 1,11/CAZ . LRL
SMAION-0 "inkblo. and hf. tklc No. tai ,
TIERRING-10 No.l (new) (etude by
it mag , suranuttir.