PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. TODLISBED BY WILITB a CO PITTSBURGH S4TIIRDAY 1101INDia, JU:NE _2l, 1851 Ambrosioloin and Whig County Ticket. pigeon? 'Wage re waster room WALTER FORWARD, of Peebles. MUD= Mogi or weriuci cont. 'riESRY W. WILLIAM IL of Pittsburgh. revuggr ?CUM at War or eitall. steams, Le. • W. IL IWCLUICE, or Plllaburg.h. 11s0CIATZ ?CMS 07 0000? 0? 00741 VA 5101.91001, AC W.M. BOGOR of Lower gc. Clair. TLIDMAS 1. WIIILLAN, of Allegheny. ICILY vccuaugy.or JAILER PIFTC. of ob o i . o e - ..1400. APPLETON. or EirrelnwhArn. Tilo3. YENNEE, WEeerpro, JOIIN MIXER. of Indians. ;LOWE'. i HOE R. IM ey Mlle Igrro. etuzinlA. ALEX. RICI ED/L of Allegheny. . wag or not COVET. JAILED AL RUSH. of iittalrurgh- ZOIIII Y. EOWLAND.4.4 llpperf.t. ROBERT 1.1,-nt MlttAburgh. engwgron. WM WEST, f Allegheny . 1.11.0 r. ELI CR. or Weendless. 4uplut cill?eota.—Tu - notielog the nominees of the Deacon tie party for judges of tho Supreme Court, She liarrisburgklnkgraph thas,apeake of Judge Clibeout • Judge Gibson, the next one nomitutted on this ticket, is the present venerable Chiepuetice of the State. He Is a man, we admit, renowned for his native intellect, for his legal learning, and for his virtues. Ile ie.:neer the giants; of the age : but his nomination ought not to strengthen that ticket. 'lt waiwell,known before they nominated hiM, that be would-be a candidate; en the Whig ticket, and that he 'scald be, elected km whatever ticket he might be placed; and hie, name was used in that convention to strengthen the other nominees. The Locos bare' no love For Chief. Justice Gibson. They know his eminence, that be has no love for party—but they wanled to use his name to pass the rest This was the reason of his nomination." , We dissent in toto from the views t of I I the Tele graph MI expressed In the foregoing paragraph. On what authority is it said that be will be one of the candidates on die Whig ticket 1 It is ru mored that the Whig delegates of s few counties hare been instructed to support Judge d Gibson; but we can assure the Telegraph that he is by no means the choice of the Whigs of this part of the State. ' • Whatis said in the above entrust of Judge •Gibson's ability was true once, but it is not true nee, Advanced age, combined with the effects of itregular habits, has wrought a great change in tarry' and unfitted him for the lofty station which he once adornW, but can fill respectably and uteri:illy no longer. And why should Whigs choose Judge Gibson far their candidate t Are they driven to such no extremity, that they must go into the ranks of their opponents for a man to fill a seat upon the Supreme Bench ? Certainly not. Bet to - this ire should have leas objection, 'were the man they should thus select pre-eminent for his legal end moral qualities; but to pretend that I ludge Gibson Is such a man is merely. absurd. " It may be that the' ocafitt ticket will be strengthened by the name of Judge Gibson ; but we are very sure hp name amid add no strength to a Whig ticket. And if, es the Tekgraph inti mates, his nomination by the Whigs is a foregone conclasion, we trust the resobationwill be recon sidered, resisted, and detested. - It gives us no pleasure to speak as we do of a man venerable for' his years ; but duty Compels us to declare our !belief that Judge Gibson. has outlived his =cretin= ; and that It would be far better both for his honor, and for the honor of the - highest branch of bar judiciary, to permit him tri retire to private!life. - • 2 Lrseusoaqs Tssaiur.--We published o. few days since strief account of la fatal street fight at Lyrriburg Va., in which both the com batants lost their lees We care; not to rehearse the 'gobbling details ; bat a snore disgusting ease of deliberate murder Mutual assassination, tiendish - ferocity, seldom Occurs. It is wrong to wipe away tho stain of infsany .which ought • !Ter to'rest upon the memory or such men, not withstanding they hare-both met , with their just deserts, each from`the hand of the other. It is ire dangerous os lib feu, to speak of such per \ eons as "honorable men," as chivalrous heroes, ai has.been done in this ease. If they are to be heldniiis gentlemen, as men of honor, then are all our hot-blooded rowdies encouraged in their barbarians practices of el:lying deiully weapons, and of hem:dist:dug, if not eking them in every brawl they may happeerto get into. • • The carrying Of deadly weapons ought ever to be blinded is the mark either of a murderer or a coward—one who either desires to kill his neightscr,. or isafraid his neighbor will kill him. -ye eon make nothing else of it. But so long es we clothe ruffianism in thigarli of ehirelnr, And int aesassina awl cut-thronta in the gategOry of gentlemen mod heroes, many of our trent and sale young men will. be exceedingly eager to be. thought such, and thus, reach distinction by the only path triaeh their.wicked u nd worthless na tures hare lett oprallti the . We, esy thii, bectiin,7 , irt see in seal papers before ns sante ettlegiatle nooses or the two ra tans ihosi deaths han been noticed, and some tender lamentations nyer their last jabil error. Te lixofaco Comity Committee of correspon; dente, as we leant from the Yost, met 'on the . 14th lost, and adopted the fottoiringiesolution : "Itcoolinel that this Committee do now adJahin to meet again on.gaturday, July .V.Alt at 11 • 'o'- clock, A. M. at the St. Charles Hotel, in the city of rittaburet, to transact such bnainess as may then and there be brought before them." • From this it will be scen.that the opposition. , will noi" take the Sold with a ticket until the middle or last of August. It It possible ,they may not nominate • at all, as their ticket is sure • -to . be defeated- We shall nee. • .Piansrx.vasit Lfbcorocos moment "Sorra- Ens Beernans.7—ire Still first read one_ of the resolotione-passed at the late , Reading Coneen- .liesolved, That the DOmocratlepisetyof Penn sylvania are true to the Union, the Constitution and the laws, and wiU faithflilly observe and ta rot:ye, so far as In them lies, all the measures of compromise adopted by the late Congress for the parpose of settling the question arising out of domestic, idiom; and thin not only from a unit cf duly, az good claw,. of Our Ittpublie, but alio from the kind anti c natanal . feelings which they eherith toomds tintin brzfArrn of thcztorrholdlny States." • Now compare 'Os :Servile offering with the , . following extract frOin'tbe address of thiNouth Carolina SeassiOnists :, . • ' - “That end is the aholltion of negro slavery in the South= States, 000 f the tnietring of the free white popartion of the South to the same level with that agrarian rabble; which, already strong and 'dangerous, see= destined beforseery long to be the controlling power In the Northern States. - We see no remedy and no safety for the South in the present' " • . " • Now is it tiott.do bed to be celled an "agra rian nibble" after such abject cringing as is ex :Whited in the resolution of the Reading Coiten• don 'f That the free white labmers of the North are held in the utmost contempt by these lordly Southerners, we all know; and we know, more. User, that the thorethe northerndezeocracy cringe theta, the more they are despised. When Will our Seunsylvania:democatand up like free men before their- "Southern I,retbrecir It is wrong in them behave in. such a way ai to make their Whig brethren ashamed of them.. for the berm: of good old Pennsylvania; Juni for the sake of her insulted laboring Sans, let there be no more of this, even - should 'Mr: Buchanan Lana to hang . up. his fiddle inconsequence. Tan Ftia'orFßlDAT Mearnso.—We are pleased to firarn that Mews. Negley & Mohan, whose &tort fsetory was turned on Friday . month:lg, are Minable, as formerly, to 511 all orders. With their pine' t.intoptitude, they have at once set to : work . M., ra.mect their factory, and the Moak w hi c h they hare of hand at their warehouse, Will in the inuntrithne, enable them to aupply all their customers with the idmirablearticlea which they arrittfionire. ,, We believe that the shovels, &e., made by this firm, are at least , equal to the bort irtieleiof !lower:tie or foreign insintnettun, and arcisold . st - Lie ogee.. We advise 'ill who with to lttnhseer:te give theit a call. , . The Dirtelin of ttur. 11l inoia Central Railroad have rasoliad to pat 160 of the Chicago end of the road linmediateli tinder , contract. Other dlvialona or the road will be arranged at ,_ ~ =~ The telegraPhie. despitehei this morning, of the ncln!'iiy the 24iagara, wMih arrived yester day. are very foil ,and very interesting.. We have no thee fort comments, and merely remark that the news, as given in this paper. is very nearly as' fall as will be: given in the New York papers this morning. ' 'Cosnrrtes or Marco.—The late news , from Mexico is of the most gloomy character. for the stability and prosperity' of that Itepublia. The nation is without 6nanet7, and apparently with out the means of raising meaty, except by di rect taxation, and in that ,way but little would reach the publiit trewory. The probability is that the nation will gradually fall to pieces, and be annexed, piece-meal to the United States.— The New Orleans Picayune. of Jtinti 8, contains the following intelligence fma that country: '•lt appears, as we stated last ;evening, that the Mexican Conests did.not adjourn on the 20th ult., both Houses having agreed to prolong the Session for two days.'. ' • The principal qttestiOn before the Chambers Was that of grantini:extraorlinary powers. to the Pesident. The ,tienate had passed a resolu tion giving the Golreinnient the privilege of dis posing of the remainder of the American indem nity to the public creditors, and allowing loans to he negotiated to ihe amount of $200,000 per Month; of suppressing the maratitoo and frontier masted homes, and of doing various other things suited to the exigencies of the times. The Tara ,f Ifnierrsays of these resolutions; that they are all a roystificathin. They give with ono hand, and take away with the other, and would be of no, practical utilitg, for the raising of funds.— When the subject came up in the House, four teen/deputies withdrew, thus breaking the quo rum. After this it was agreed to remain in see :don two days longer, but during that time noth ing was effected. The Monitor Republicano speaks as follows of the closing of the session. The capital of the Republic, on the night of thC 22:1 Was witness to one of the,most unheard of nets in the history of our Congress. Congress, in closing its cession, has exposed the nation to the fate of perishing for the total want of resources to carry on the Government. In vain we endeavor to justify this conduct, for the honor of the nation; good faith and patriot ism alike resists the effort, and Compels us to present to the country a viewer the events of that memorable day, when bad faith and party spirit made use of all their artifices and all their sophisms. The following is a translation of the remarks, made by the President on the occasion: To explain that which is now going on, gen tlemen, Would only be to repeat what rill the world knows. The Government has assumed no power of any kind: the Chamber of Depthies it self, the popular Chamber, suggested that pro ject, repeating it whenever it had an opportu- May. 'I regret, gentlemen, the blindness of those who dial not see the impropriety of placing obithales is. the way of an Administration born of the mud which aspires to preserve intact the funda mental character. I have never believed that I should find, in this position, a bed of down. lam resolved to meet every thing that fate may perpare for me ; but I am firm in my determination that all those shall meet a just punishment who endeavor to violate the Constitution, and:thusbring ridicule on republican institutions - 'She laws will be maintained, and when, gee tthreen, you return to this august station, you will be sainted by a government Sustained by the compact which unites all Movicans—a gov ernment preserving peace and complying with the duties Which the nation has imposed on it. I shall not:conclude without returning thanks to the Senators and deputies who have honored the Executive with their confidence. The Al mighty, who watches over the fate of nations, will preserve ours. I hope it ill all sincerity.— I have spoken: A few days pefore the adjouroment of Con gress, the Government presented to the Chamber of Deputies ;official. despatches from the Com mandant General of Sonora, announcing that an expedition for.the invasion of California was in process of orgenitatthn at San Diego. The Trait cl' View,' places no credit in the statement, but it says that U is ready to prove that if Mex ico persists in bar present course, 80110114 Low er California, and perhaps Tehuantepec, will be invaded, and that the torrent ones let loose, all efforts to restrain it will be useless. This ques tion of tie relation between Mexico and the Uni ted'Stiths, says the Trait cf L'aion, boa been most deplorably compromised' by the press, by. the Chambers, and toe certain extent by the govern mentof the country. It involves the life or death of the Mexican Republic, and thus merits very serous attention. Senor ,Olagnibel has resigned ..his place as a Senator. Ile was one of the most zealous mein ben in favor of raising the prohibitions, and the tabus Of his favorite object disheartened him He - thought thorn was no use trying to snake the 31exicens sensible. • The decree of Congreee, annulling that of Sales to favor of Garay, finally pnanal to the 2lst ul timo. The Trail d' Oliva pro:llmin dist that day will be fatal to McGee. The extra session t of Congress was to meet on the let tut. It was to employ. itself exclusive- IT taking mersousos to flattish resources for the °armament, in organizing the Treasury De partment, and 44 other duties of a similar cha racter., . Senor . Tina y.Cueras has tidiest Charge of the Treasury Department, and Semi, Leda of that of Relations: Senor Pedeo MU:Dire* has been ap pointed President of the 'Council of Govern . • Senor Magic& has resigned . !}is place as Gar /nom of the State of Puebla. • There's an Italian Opera COmpany petform ing in the city of Mexico. We learn from. Yucatan, that Gen. Ls Vega arrived at Carepenchy . on the 20th ult., and was received with greatrejoicing bY the inhabitants., The war has taken a torn favorable to the whites. Col. Based° has reads an excursion . into the eastena portion of the Peninsula, and had rade oda great matt) , rebels to obedience. The city H of Carmen has been again visited by a destruct ive conflagration: It will be recollected that on' two occasions last year the town was nearly de. strayed by Ere. There is no doubt that incendi aries are determined on its dxstrdetion. The Neer York. glilleSls says that the com memoration of the third inkdee of the Society , for the propagation of the Gospel, was pplebra ted at Trinity Church, in that city, on Monday, At that:Minter!, whiCh stari read by Rey. Dr. Height. (the alms 44d oblations being collected by ate deacons in their elerinal robes.) the Trea surer of Trinity Church Corporation poured a bag of gold co:diking three thousand dollars, in to the plate, as the oblation of that'Corporetion. The Vestry . had Toted, the same morning. WO to the Cape Filmes (Africa) Episcopal Mission. Emend others munificent oblations were made by different indisidualls and associations, the whole forming • collection for the cause of mis sions of the noblest kind.. Two 'Aaiun or An Eorroa.—John M. Editor of the-Richmond Examiner,.Va., wax ar- rested and held to bail in $2,000, for libels pub. !tithed In January last, in his paper atltichmond, upon 'Doctor Spooner, the publisher of thejustly celebrated work, oßoydelPti illustraticros of Shakspera." The Doctor was charged with palming upon the ,community a cheat, legal swindling and batetaced imposture, by the pub licustiounf thoseengravinge,Unt the article upon which this snit Is-based, closes In the following charutiriedo lesuptage: - "The Prligi o ,•s 4 As Press. of the Southern States Cannot 'be ton often wanted of Yankee agents for Yankee books, maps and engravings. - If they will take Lt. as asocial axiom that every proffer and offer which is made to them from the .North Is a trap for thithr deeCes; and that every man who crosses . /.450t1 Eli , roleg. Line. le a • Mar and rogue until he heet-given proof to tho contrary, they will ease '4,lteuuselves much mortification, much vesatioo,utd a considerable .amount of hard•earned money," - The. Editor wilt now have •an opportunity of testing the merits of this' greatest undertaking in the promotion of the Fine Arta ever engaged In In this country,--N. Tribune. Aa EtiUlna'TO nrt ROCKT iii o Orr a • The steamer St. At= Wee to depart fliticrSt. Louis soca, witha beefy cargo and abolit 'one hundred 'voyageur: beand for the Beaky Moun tains- The destination of the St. Ange la the mouth Of the Yellow Stone river, more than two .thouosxol miles up the Missouri, and the head of atestaboat navigation en that-'river. At that point, moat of her paasengers wilitaketo Moat new baste and proved to the Palle of the Mis souri. Most of these are =cattalo teen. In the employ of the American Par 00Xappy. and whose sphere of opernthotis among the tribes al. the base 'of the Rocky Mottetaites . Dr. Evans,. United States Geologist, is wvonssuger ; and two distinguished Jesuit Inissknotries hare taken ad vantage of this trip of the Ett.:Ange, to visit va rious wild tribes of indianlS on both sides of the The coal region of lima', extends 41300 209 miles up the valley of thilDea!doinefriver. Dr. florwoixt said he thought the northern extremi ty of the coal bed of the Dee Moine, valley, in lowa, was the PelMit 'Paint to Minnesota, at which coal could be-"toned praper b e d . We hope' he may be mistaken in,'this; Dr. Owen certainly 'was, In zost.7 of his observations concerning whet...lands contained lead Fe and what lands dirt not, in the Galena district. The entire arena( this coal field, In lowa, alone, can not be las than 20,000 square mile in all, em bracing 'to eountry nearly equal In extent to the State' of Indiana. ~~- - Tag&luaus? ELECTION. - The following table sets forth the dater of the elections which are to be held during the. Mouth of August next Kentucky, Indiana, . • Alabama, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, lows, N. Carolina, Thursday, Tennessee, • Monday, ' August 4th in the four first States, en exciting canvass is already in progress. Kentucky is to choose a Governor, Lieutenant Governor. Legislature and ten members of Congress. IThe I Whig candi dates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor ate Archibald Dixon and Jno. B Thompson, and the Democratic,'Leleartn W. Powell and Robert A. Wickliffe. The Whig nominations for Con gress have been made iii'eaven out of ten die tncts as follows: (Whigs in small caps.) Diet. Whig Candidate.. Lute Membe . 1. Linn Boyd. 2. JAMES. L. JOHNS .0. 3. Passetr Ewtna. Foie E. Helves 4. Winnem T. Wean, George A. Caldwe 1, 6. CLcuxsr S. HILL, Jolts B. TIIOXPOO.. 6. ADDISON WITITE, DANIEL BRICK 7. R MAIAUALL, . B MARS ALL. C. 8. AIOILLUSAD. 8. L. Comm, It. - John C. Mason, 10. W. C MARSHALL, R. H. Stanton. Cassius M. Ulay„ we should add, is 'stumping the State' as the Emancipation!candidate; but we are confident that Kentucky will give a good ac count of herself in August, and not onlylri nmphantly elect the Whig State ticket, but re tarn an increased majority of Whigs to the next Congress. • ' Indiana has likewise to choose ten members or Congress. The late delegation was composed of ' 8 Democrats, 1 Whig, (Mr. WOriughey,) and 1 Free Soil Dtheocrat, (Mr. Johan,) The Hon. William J. Brown, (Dem.,) whose connexion with the Speakership in December, 1849, Is doubtless fresh In our. model's recollection, has not been presented us a candidate for re-election. We are pleased to notice that the Indians. State Sen tinel, (Dem.,) Is opposing the reelection of Mr. Julien, the Free Soli Democrat, from the District formerly represented by the Honorable Caleb B. Smith. Ron. Cyrus 1.. Dunham, (Democrat,) In the Second District, end the Hon. Willis A. Our s:tan, (Dem.,) in the Sixth, have been nominated for re-election. In the Ninth District, last rep- • resented by Graham N. Fitch, (Dem.,) the Whigs have nominated Schuyler Colfax, editor of the South Bend Register. We hope Indiana will do better this rear than in 1849. The election in Alabama is for State officers and seven members of Congress. Henry W. Collier (Deno.) iv a candidate fur re-election as Governor; and is opposed by the lion. Benja min, Shields as the Union candidate for the name office. Messrs. Alston and Milord, the only two Whig mciabers of Congress . from Ala bama in the last delegation, are not candidates for re-election. Mr. C. C. Langdon, of the Mobile Advertiser, is the Whig and Union can didate to succeed. Mr. Alston, and is .opposed by Judge Bragg, (Dena. and Southern Rights.) Gen C. Robinson has bean noniinated as the Be-. cession candidate in the district lately represent ed by Sampson W. Hants, (Dem.) In Arkansas, Col. John Preston, Jr., hen eon. 'tented to run an the Whig and Union candidate against Rohl W. Jobnson, the Democratic and Secession candidate for re-election. Missouri, Illinois, and lowa hare already chosen their Congressional ,Cdelegatious. This year, they lava simply elected local and judicial ofleent .North Carolina will choose nine members or Congresa on the ith of August: - kir. Clingman, the late member from the First, or Buncombe District, is opposed as &candidate torte-election. by Burgess 8. Gaither, a Whig and 'Union man.. lathe Second District. Joseph P. Caldwell, (W.) is a candidate for re-election as yet without opposition. In the Third District, General An drew Dockery, (Whig,) Atlas J. Dugan, Seces sionist, and Green W. Caldwell, Democratic Se cessionist, are all candidates, [General Edmund Deberry (Whig) was the late member.] In: the Fourth, or Guilford District, James T. Morehead (Whig) is the only candidate now in the field, (Augustine IL Shepperif (Whig) -was the late member.) In the Fifth District, Dr.- Abram W. Venable, Democratic Secessionist, is running as a candidate for re.election—as yet without op position. In the Sixth, and • Seventh Districts, (both last represented by prcriocratd, )iessrs Mut and DANILL,) no nominations have as yet) been made. In the Eighth District, lately re-, presented by the lion. Edward Stanley, (iihig,) William 11. Waabington has recently declined the Whig nomination, and it is thought possible that lir. Stanley may be induced to again be come • candidate. In the Ninth District, the Hon. David Outlaw (Whig) is a candidate for re election—as yet without opposition. • The canvass in. Tennessee, between Governor Trans&le (Dent.,) who is a candidate forre-elec antEGaneral William B. Campbell, the Whig nominee, is growing warmer every day:. The Congremional nominations are not as yet cum. plete. We are glad to see, however, by our last dates from Memphis, that the Whip have brought. out Colonel Walter Coleman as their 'candidate for Congress, in opposition to Mr. Stanton, the late Democratic member, and are preparing to make a vigorous effort to elect him.—Nev. York Courier ondEnquirer. TEREEBIE STEAMBOAT EXPLOSION AND LOSS OP LIVE. The New Orleans Crescent of June 9th,. con taim According to notice, which was erect is the city papers yesterday morning, the ferry Fullm er Lafayette commenced to make, riser tripe, at 10 o'clock, between( Canal street, and Gretna.— Soon after she reached the -Gretna Itinthog. on the other side, and while at her meanings, her: boiler exploded and split into two Aria Chia half was projected. forward, and the other half was thrown backward, and, after passing thro' the cabin, , aliglited on tbg rudder of the boat At the moment of the explosion, a scene of great, confusion presented itself, in'the midst of which the boat wee pushed into the neer and ehortly. afterwards a volume of steam otrapor arose from the broken paste of the boiler, and clearly showed that neglect,' was the. cause oftle sad catastrophe The fines of the boiler were !Creed thronghthe roof and fell on the hurricane I deck. The boiler presented more the appearance of a gas retort than of a steam boiler, and its plates were observed to be burnt, and they look. ed as if the water had all been formed Into high pressure steam. The frequency with which the steins was brown off caused steelsl persons to remark that pie pan who had the management of the machinery *le somewhat Ignorant of the way in which to govern the movements of the boat, far at no time Is there any need for a fer ryboat to have high pressure steam. When the boat was pushed into the river, a number of per cone were 'teen etruggling in the water, while a number of others were observed to be badly scalded. The pilot of the boat, and two persons who were seen to endeavor to save themselves while in the river, were drowned, and some two or three others are known to be dead. One of the firemen had his two legs broken, and many of the passengers were badly bruised. Some of the passengers weo were on the boat were missing at a late hour host night, and it is feared they have met with a hapless fate. Much of the bodies as were recovered were taken to Gretna, and the wounded were well attended to. It is to be hoped that a proper investigation will be made into the cause of this accident. Tao New FOwALE COSTOMIC—itra. Bloomer, the editress of the Lily, at Seneca Falls, and who has pinned her immortalitraltd name upon this short skirts of the new femalecostutue asset Ozer. &day or two since, and attracted consid erable Attention, as original or Eve Bloomer of the age. She was accompanied by some halfa dozen ladies of her acqumi3tenee, cram sixteen to thirty five, &piped as the new vestiary law directs. The Lily Bloomer eays they were treat ed with perfect respect while passing...through the etreete, but in taking the care on their ra ttans they were obliged to listen to rude remarks from a ;mot of semi savages at the railroad sta tion. , Several of the !tidies being sensitive, And appetiring in the new costume for the 'ETA; time;, were rather frightened by the rowdiebitt ok the mother Bloomer of Seneca Falls, took them under her wing, they went through the experi- Went of a filet appearance, or breaking the ice, .quito successfully. It would seem from thie lieelzebub demonstration towards the innocent Creatuim, that even in the eery Eden of Bloom crises, where the curtailed Eve of short dresses, sits enthroned upon ber editorial tripod, celestial visitants and detotees are 'net entirely exempt from those annoyances of the turn up nose por tion of the rougher see which disturb the peace of the Bloomer • family elsewhere.—Loivll Courier. Long Pattenyer Trais.-4, he train from last evening (Btmday) left he for N. y., IV; about 1000 passengers; ten passenger ears were attached here, 'end contained more than could be seated, 'this immense MAD num bering 17 ears was drawn by one locanichive.— Newark Daily Ado. Lauf Ddierry of Sperie.--Scagaig. MAWS &Co. delivered yesterday at thel Philadelphia Bank ii 200,000 in silver, weighing upwards of six tons. This lot of specie came froni the Union Bank of Tennessee, In charge of, Colonel Dashall, of Nasbville.—Philad Amer,. PLMWSYLVANIA RAILBOAD.—The letting for the extension of this railroad tooir,nlate et Summit, Ctunhne county, on Satstrdayinst. We are in formed' that the tunnel section was awarded to Butter & Son, of Now York, ibis well known ton 'nil contractors. This I,Einnoll when completed, will be one of the most erten** in the Arnitnd Staten. . , Dik,,,m,:—.Ati-, A ; 8, annitei, of this city, - formerly of VII ey of the .431:111102144 %Ste ern New lerk, was iltownedlti :Wheeling Creek; neatthe city of Wlr eeling, on Saturday last He leitole,place, to 'draw some two or three hun dred dollars out •of the Wheeling Banks, on Fri day isst,--sod _by, Nome mis-hap, fell oraa thrown into the - water, and wits drowned. A number of boys m iing into that stream to be e, discovered his rt minims—there was 110 money found upon his ;person ,. or no cheek, tor 'hey ; amotnit —Whetlu it he met with foul'play or not, we did not learn. }la vas • man about 40 years of age—a ."Lanilscape Fairer" by profession. lie was a relation of the Hon. F. Granger, form erly F. IL General, and appeared to be a man of ability and good habits. Ho leaves a wife and one child to mons rale loss. Ilia remains were brought to this city on Monday and decently in terreil—Steubersoille Ilerrald • Two insurance coglianiee of New York have purchased lota of ground at the corner of. Well and William streets, fronting. 80 feet on7Wall find 01. on William street, for the sum of $3OO, 000, Improvements are now being erected theon which wilrcoit $lOO,OOO. Foreign and American Hardware. LOGAN, WILSON & C 0.,. : No. 129 Wood Street, NAVE NOW IN BSOfti, A full asleamplelEtock of FOREIGN AND ANIMICAR HARDWARE, PultablElor the spring tohde, EA *Ertl tbst s., pt.p.ftd to over to jaltehllder, u tarots that Ell Elam" NEEL/ t 11th sor.of the Eulaou claw BleLenn's I,4yea Pars.--In offering thu.ftlkim to the pubic, the proprietors WO well were that theT Uv. m ...mtb , • Motility generated bp the .”eetip. leepeoltione Ihkh hava been palmed upon the ; public under the Ana of patent Medici... We are con• rimed, hooever, that la la map ...sae" to CIT. the , metlT • trial to Pte. It Itit public estimation Ow ad.. all medical agents of the tied ever offend to the public. It I. the invention of an enlightened.experieneed, and ed PhTebtien, oho for touty ewe need it tr. hie own prae wheu It. mat nue,. induced him to oiler it to the public at lame. For sate by ; J. KIDD k CO.. ie1b36.1.1t8 No. 00. Wood it. se-TROTLI FLOATS ABOVE FICTION LIKE OIL ADOTE WATER-741e ekk luau C. tell a good medicine by trying It. ea Vilek all illh. two tell a val. dinar by eating It. And If one tun tries IL had loth It yaw; It will desert , / the vochlarity with the whole oily. lou own to a makine ado popular ea van. It Makeea really subaantla astute, Owe trom'all bad effects or raid olneetigna, and It Is dd. pot that be. ertablisted the reputation of "Bars Onapound glold Ulna of Ear. easalk," beyond all cavil or dads. It. action awn the buman indent din . eoedams with radonalua phi 1... Pawl tanelples—ll promote. the reckon mentions aml maims of dm bpdy, removes obstruction, !Unlaced morbid and diseased make, strengthens lb* stomach ,nod digestive, mans, crates new, pore. and healthy bbal, and regulate. the Varian Cautions of the =matt arms of the body. ml. lull porramed without the least danger alum, 12M trainman:l Wag en sag. ae It 11 alkachroa It may be thought by ths shaded, that it 8.1.1. to .ems too muty din...., but awn mamba , Way it will be toned that It large ma mity of the diem. es leach aka the human Lonny minicab In an boom .late of the blooL Be not deceived, them by other Ear sapardlas bang ottani ton by "toy sellers of miasma sad water prentradoe as • subriltute teethe original John linlregarsansalla I This valuable Nancallon the A peon' . wuranu boo - Rpm. ball calm. CASTlast.Z,Bemse• ash for the Dr. Zan Bras DereCturdla .Scaladric—and Mescal mother Ike advertiament ou r nap. ,i IfletSFll a JITOWILI, 140 Wood a.. lalOalawlbaT Whiliwalt a Mall sawed. Citizeieslnsurance Company of Pittabtugh NCOURAOU 110311: INSTITUTIONS _9llln No. 41 Tri,lor Nrort. to the rstetiouno INC. U. C. V. lICvYr. Prooklent---..A. IT. Simi, emer. TWA OTT is new smossind to Mauro all comelounnso to atom to konsint. mow, to. no amyl I s for tho shinty sod ionifott7 of not Instituion, Is odocdoi tno charmless of cho who ism c lttsbush. ..11 et 9suronl7 Simko to Um community Da Innis imulmos, nonlitirmito, and totennt. Intrincas.—C. 11. Mosey, Wm. lisisloy, Wm. 2r.. Walter lii7asic. Slush D. gins, Itanssil llossiston Jobe Hayworth. tt Ilarbaush. 14 11. 'kr. apthly Petroleum! Itanuaseml, Rantlogdres ea.. Pc. Um= I, %I. R. U. 16=L—Deez Plr. Yaks. Paroles= U watt= war den lo this eleinlty; Utast= at woad Unak Jou ta nod as two dawn by the Pennerlresa Balliad. We an en. tint, (mt. na4 It L. Ixing 'saga& be arm= every day. JOUN LONG & 0.). tlatbsvuta. AshLa] so, D. March 10.'41. S. It. Stu:—Lear Ur, Your Aleut. • 6. Inaba alma left wlth as fans dasea• bzei 01/ekh ere have AAA blame tavvihs to to .it Asses haundlatell. Tana m.dkla I. eratklAg wanders ha We ribs. W. eau abtala etrellent eettlflealet. If you AeAre them. ' Item* As., . W.W. scow. Yrra sale by Aeyerr & McDowell. 140 Ward Rant' R. E. Sellers, St Waal itmat: 0. A. Fahrrertatk. k 00, ranee Wad sal neat streete, 0.11. Corry. 11. A. EllkAt. Joseph btalataaa Lad fl.it.behsratts, Alhalmay, also by the me. LAVter, ' , • , 0. IL HIM.. sall4l4 , eiT Baelst.eovestlk PUlsbaratt. ste,Erery family ehoold at once procure a Lath of thy gthal Arai. Roomed 7 . tut asset IL ILLYertelPe Arabian LlxeopreL It allays the Post Pam , . path lo a row =theist,. seet the sythvial noal re gent vain, and thee ewe. APT jabots: II peeetretee the Path to th. how. releith nolathethol tenth nonno /them. Una and pailed limbs of bratty {van' alma= al, tle , 'poem r.x4d Deck, arler,thena of the alma*, ad 6 tth Lea metre. Poo elltheaset poll. ever .Itheravd. Path/ airway, artano, saint. web all thethia wad. rowan an /mt.mal apPithalea, Pew marertiethant. 012 Life Them= Company. CAPITAL. $lOO,OOO. OFFICE, NO. 75..F01712711 STRRRT. OF/111E11S: PreAlent—Jotu'P. Vire P2,14.1-1.4.at Atretaanzit. treuruner-44.1sati4 ai.S.;:tWetT.AaraiT;a . liVe; put of the papa. Mir: I, lIINIATA NAIL ItODS-95 buildles Slit, T Orr .alt try 'S. P. TON DONN tittittr 4 CO. iiILASS.-400 Loxes Window 01438, Assort "a 4 ."'" "l. tr. e. VON aossu"nar a M. L/ AY FORKS, Hay Rakes, and- Scythe Nneating, Kn. map by .141 n F. FON DrON MUT a CO. Purge Brandy, for Diarrhces, &c. BEAR IN MINDI should con need French Brandy. Ito ruur MT eta to obtained pt MARIS' r 3 Len, lo ebe Plaseuut. at SI per quart or WW*. 02, A rat HKAL U 001) TE4s, go t' MC 4 t, MOULIN . Tr* 11 art, le th. Giastrad. I 141 or or thaturAl Tr. arm arm Erpt .t Mt. rrrab 4,_brpe, Wall Paper and Borden. • TIIO3IAS PALMED., 55 Market exact, re sp.:ololr let({. llu attenttott of parch...to Wu U Punttut foolgoloto sW Intensify tuck. tomprtslug almost nnififitt.tils U. of busk... 1.21 1 - 11 - NBN GLAZED 'WINDOW BLIND PA `Jk4 of 17 , == ..e4 and for .a 4 bT jolt, 1 White Paint 1 .4 TON' OF WIIITE OXIDE OF ZINC. re• reined and No r4a. Nen 7 moth Word rt. . .11.—We lIIVIts •1t10099 of Bmoi Mid Stailateril Painters to.this article, which vro have breo whin itir •arda of throe mosillut rod can noramomal to to manioc to white lead vadat to array motet. Inmead of atocebnit the light ihie white lead, rhea white Matte tt, and now. aseatiy baa a timber Mid more brilliant mow It argailrea /111/.111.5. mid IA 910/9 doniblo gotta/de or whale wort. It will not rob off. and can tea wmiled ViII/hMt 111, jarr: Mid to It corerd won Mirth! hith ea* wtiatd, lt gs cheap m while lord. dedl ' J. &IL PIIILLIPL TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES- And ...mud. • good woorlinent. of Maud riaillt end we lc h to wad veer Navin wholiwalw or retail. at the 011 Cloth Waronvom, hot 7 .td 9 Wail at. 5.21 J. I 11. MILLI CI REEK OIL CLOTLI-300 yards for WIT:I -va d0.11111.4..1.4 from Myo4l4 1 . at Nos. sed 9 4 . . 4 a b e t. jal I Nl/IA fro BBEft Vann—Of all the sized valt0:14.111".VZ:1 4 021 J. is LI. ?mum Alit BACa—of nll the different aise l , at Ito lowest wbolasele Arlen. je2l J. IL POILLIPTI CISAPESI - CRAPES I—A. A.. AttsoN &CO. hastiostree'd one esso orbits, plug, bins sod ddsok Cows. Tto , alsoro mgr.. WI Ids goods mill bosakl cheap •e N.. Vinod 84 glidgid K. Is2l ILAWVS! .LAIWNS!—A. A. MOON Ito. We itut open..l ase cam plain black Lavos...7 natroVate;rl44=7l7raberatZletti orlon I.IIAMSO L 8 I U 1-,A. A. Moom & Co. are wow offeriux Moto Imp, and_'onliod &aort a:tent of P.rahl• et tort noloootl Woo. Wootty motto eml !Ahem ate rtypested to eill.sod examine Won parobooinit eltewhoo. kxt N EW MACKEHEL— pm Bo& lon t etim bur 6.?,:mkkby [Ren3 • • 3011 M WATT & CO: s Stu id's Medicated Liquid Cuticle. IfISARTIOLE is intended far family ate, .ad aliuul4 he fausgl tbe piracislau at arm ftru.. Uy lbe laud. Mac Yip who are In mustard daunt at Injury t their persons through eirlasut, and the or end Ibis !Malt to bean — A. ruble to them. and 1.1%4 far Saul will mustier It baba. tamae, Thl• b mkt certify that ore, tho ontlenignod, u,[ of Judd'. Moil tdf 04 y ettL c guenlf ale htkoh cued r m:llmproaalß titeto iher:airy game t aa e ba4t woman :;14.9..r.rgr " 41 `0111311414111% • • woo. 11.11)111E, M. 0, It HARRISON, M. D, Y. WOODRUME. M. D, lIAMJ ETON BREWER. IL D. ELLSWORTH BURG. M.D., Doterde, Middletrunt Happrlaltur all the practbaug bbyliciaaa to the Ultj of Fez bj- B.I.BAITNFATOEIC 4 Co. j ! gt • - canna Waal and rt. Election Notice. N ELECTION fa &P:841:m, TerlDZe ; 4.4ib0 pittgrailitt Allegheny prldlte, (Ftlett 11.1141 ututtre.) , 6lll.to held et the Rem. Of odd Ilrhlgn Comatity, tho bloodst.ht July heaa he , titeen the home of and jeLil:3t MORRIOON Presklort. Pine Much Broadelottii vittPIIY &BURCHFIELD incite the at wino. of buyer. tnjbt , an d ettat , ry , of the &ball r Lost, Ti aH, DRAFT, drawn, Lorin, Jr., on Joint N. Maar. Bt. Lode, War of Them Annelle at n'abentty.. dated bay 22, MI. tbe.mtsob, meat brit,. been et onped. the draft b loam of 'mine to any yew. The Bad* will ixa_ttee a armlet rem ape. I yltatrar aa lottytihaUgriaantdfa=ittkr.ilaa.. l aaa ... a a' a a jezegt• 11.108.. • bUtuill a CO. y 8U VS-- 1 1p4eroosi's tin LomoiigyruP, q.,41?V e4l4,l,`Mrit,a la r: d'br wm. kIaCLVIIG a Op, PaC) 01901113 sod Toli Nelms. LINEN DRILLINGS, of differ y v tot qua/Mc% sod int ~. 37.10 . *k."`"T'ut i .itd Vet bY ItDaPipc t BußrifF/K D. it= N. If.. canoe of fourth end Market Ins. n AIRY SA LT—A superior article for the " t ' blN rEatiti fi ra . Liberty sL Q.AP SAGO CIIEESE—For sale by .140 WM. iIeCLUPZ sW. t r :Inf• at AVID BURNETT respectfully informs the public that be I now ready tO supply hla feel tiao Burners. In print , / dwellins. churches and public ball/lnes. Meeould resseetteu g r lathe the Wee tyke. Eiden. eteoot the different Chu/attest, to call and for thee:l.olra. They ea be vevn na full opera- Union ander eeerdng, the Inst., at Trinity Church. 110th lama.. Thew , Burners art superior ma, old otyle. giving • nude brilliant light, and Ice,uroptlen of get. They are. and have been In It for eight years In all countrlee lo Nnn). Orden; left at the office of the Monongahela House, will be punctually attendol Jein..3t Raymond & Co.'s, & Van Ambnrgh & ..'s • • COMBINED MENAGERIES! Cast Ming of all the rare Ilelag Wild Animals tanrestant EIMIBERING OVER MO SPECIMENS, lb be ezhatited tantlier for elmyna of ti the corner be Exhibited in PITTSBURGH, on TIIURSDAY, FRIDA Y, awl SATURDAY, Jutr . 411, 11, Hon roe days, unde sets, oble Patiliwn.: of and Carnal , Fifth Wahl.— up.. on Thursday and saturdar,_Jail 04 Mid lth, from 3 tot, end gum 7to 10, it 61. On Friday, Jul y i lth. Pine ex. hit/Woos. vic from 834 Ilfi, from 12, to J 4. from o fa mid from 7to 10, P. AL Adocksion cenba chil dren node: 10 yeas, 16 cents. to this collection are the Rhinownw. and White Polar Best, Alm, ten Lkaw of the &wet specimen, KR. VAN AblllUltoll. the most renowned of all Lion cowarrarth will enter the Dna of Ills 'Ferenc Urong of Lions.,Thre7 A / fr i mide.tugara, Namara, tf,: wit h highly Ye. .2kt7 Name the 4 00001 itt ftwattnte T h en when Cavalcade .of Carriage. containing the AM. msW, Will enter the Mt) Thoxaday morning. July 34. tet* thrusch the prinenal stmets in proceevion. pw celed br the Compsafg anus Band. This Imostawe retablishment relnlmt • lot 4 0 0 fort long hr 160 broad. for Its exhibition and Ica there was no tot In the lower part of the city of saglatent extent far the bur. pone. th e Prtdvietars I,”e been obliged to *Dot • spot two (boythree mune farther tenant/ centre of city than wisherL 00 1000 feet of Wring fence $ feet high. hoe been aratracted mr 00th Mr. Hugh Angeles', which will tenet the immure pavilion pin and commullona for all elegies of Welton at all time.. . .• • . There never has Non exhibited to of country so luau Naturalumber. OW OS KLIMA In TS.Viet] of Ilying specinorn• of ns L conbaned is the (ktinbined Meow aeries o jea f al awi lisymoad I Co, &al Van Ambursat t CO. .srli COD FISLI-600 lbs. very fine, for sale by I ieZ Wll. A. IirCLURO A OU. MBE subscriber: having made arrange meats, in commonroom of 'dab loloent bwlnw must bo gloms] b y the lot of gunnel nea t,non orlon bin undo dock of gloves, &Mary, gibbons, flood', Ing bmitlerin, Dorm Trimmings. Handkerchiefs , Tine Shirts. yoonjobnag hood. Zmobyr Worsisd. /tuner Materials, Ilmidiss, Pus.ls, Combs. and Tbrmsd and Needle. so dden Ai.. Lodi. gem.. tbest.Ybilionsiphin make.) at mealy roduced priers. nbolesals and retail. Y. IL RATON. • t, LE XAN DE R DAT, having conehided A to dose their present budtwee. now oder their entire of P.O. strdlitapbe DRY 0001 M, et [teeny reduced peg.. Their cost Is Imo. and embraces a oho's...sort. meat of "nosh and English ELOTIIS and CAIMIMEREM blast and colored Orolthlne gill& of the best mann- Watson, &limed Silks. of de the newest Mile& During. Der r .X.. 1 itr1 . 0b 1 1.7- 2 . t .,`` - ' 01 812t4:. f TgniV,C, Flannels. Rawness, somaner with almoot every artkle la the Der blinds line.' Punt:were ere Melted to can, se VII are determined to dim decided barman* by wholesste or Wall in order to dose oat oar Wire stook as ems as poesible. ALEXANDER & 'DAT, Jellgr.w. 01 Market 0-, N. IT. ow. of Diantotr. Wbite T HAVE on hand a large assortment of fm -1 port.d and AMC, QUIZ, of anterior et Ira, at gnat], •19 reclootil minx E. HE. NOBLE. J - A Bargain ! TUSUBSCRIBER offers for nalo a lowalO . In Jultaon.llla. Indians minty. Pa, ro 3.0 I. Root and 133 feel back. upon which 0 rituals! • gnaw noose ob. sad ••half litorW b e. 13 feet Croat by 2.0 bet bark. with a goad mbar larder the whole. I will tae property lbw nab, dry pool., or ready-toad. clothing. The prim of the property I. T. Title warrantee/. far furthewpartlenlan enquire or Thcaia• Taylor. near .Iwilonallba. Pa., or attire.. JOllli T. TAYLOR, relgair3o,l3 Malsroor... Washington co, 0. • . &DWELLING 'LOUSE. containing .10 mem, to timid repair, on recheal street. beam city. Ilydnuat In the y.l. whet Is enoesh for • mud.. heat hoe,airthosaesitou eau be t i e. en immediately. X. D. AZZASI, LibertE_Me ( yelMti me. the mouth of Mint P.M mor.l BANK STOCKS-- BO sham Werobrustriaud Mouutueturers' Donk. W Euchangol 1$ WA: to solo by ,• 4•Whisurlo'SWood WM. A. (TILL A OCh. goduct. story fourth. & CITY fTX.t.„„,, do mouths duo la pro. /of ordo.ty. W 33. A. RILL CO. Jeltotaw3wll 04 Wood oh 4 PPLICATION Rill be made to the next 41,,,,t05,gnn,!... :i n f d lo.yt4ten ef Aswa blr . ) s Moo-no Hank .1 -s rin.vb. twr more thsn g.3.0..TAL WS...Kann UNDRIES.— 1. bblo Lowing's ernshol Augur n4n do palmind do • 6do Lard thk • 6 nogg 6 Strict Tot•ow •ti bash driol 614 W—for We by • .1. IL% ILLIAUS k TOW SENDS LIL. qAPARILLA.—LT4 a by yrig just ”"""ki - R S. 14):LLElln. (6 lb'. P rini n. Maar OINK 11001 . -1 , mad Mr oat_ CITRIC lb.. just ree'd and for rale br R. K. nr.wats. POLYILIVER 011-40 galloryn, wum, E. BELLEW,. Chick's Pianos. TamH. 31ELLOR. Agent forrlm i finekrtimes Pi . Pittehergh sof Prodons ra11D171,.1.11, rin Wood A., has Presto! and non open Mr aim the fol lowing elemint amortromt of Plano /Wt., aired from the rmonsfeetory. et 11, Oddment'''. (ammo) &deeds 00. elegant Inowersod mmterrend Mom ortseen One - ' , raved one PPro stens - mend Owl " slob e% Three rotrod teener; o - Two - eq./. 6 .4 The store PIMP Fortes err of the latest etflm errand. tarn sod with MI Mr. tatickertme• Improvement, Um Drbve intartably the w. as at nownom thereby seeing to mar l = to gate trete the esteem and risk of crams 61.80 NM 1141.3: Om Rooserool Cerrollfooldintrs 6% octave M . um moo ofartoredi by Adam Stodart & Ca One Woeornd octave. Adam d Wert A Demo 6 - da One .M-band 6 CtOrtertos. as Food Se uset One S Beam & nevem Oas 6 Lanni Itfotherm Ooh 4. ° nabob & &thin": z r% Manhettan lentnatty. yel6 JULY MAGAZINES-At HOL3IES' Lite "! tart Npot. Third oppool. tbe Port Ville, kdel • Lldirm 800. for op air intim'. Magasto., " ratildn's The Mow: or the liastrds at Rom= ' , by Daly,. 141 ' Court Sale. lIRSUAV i ran Order of the Orphan :a' cce.rt of Ailashan Count,. the nnalenigned. Ad- RM of O. blidbo dKura lab of saki county. derv. rat •21X100 to public. pale, 0110 e Court Boa, on th• 7tb d la ittly.l64l. at 10 oPlork. A. M.. • ...Min Brick Ly a ,,,pd Lot. boom & plan. In Pitt I, MOW t 11.• MN, each. Intiinstainin Pan 10 hsil by railing on Robert Juan, or -. P. Jones, Attornaf.mei rt. I.loll}/R7 EOM; Atha' ,r 01600 Pitt karnaldp. igiciTiT ACRES OF GROUND, faTorably iouud for Strawberries,or Trait or any Mad, and • • ft", minutes' ddry of Alhootn•Trtet.le, talc pels WI ar ll W. LD OIL--8 We. No. 1, for sale by 9 JAMES IiALICELI., VI Wear Boy Wsniet ONE who understands working about a n.wnow Ma w , from 18 to 10 mon of - mre. and on LOON Toll rmoommond4.- /Mr loom. tM -mice OM flO hod. Apply to EM.oll.lbert !tear Ma l ' u Lbw'rittaMorgh. To IMlnor2•3' I Scarce and Deairahle Book* OF FAin STYALES opea tote morn-. IL" : zit i rritr.—tolttg Ron Ginter.. ae... a,. ittratino I. to t , ente r not rionraluc ot to Melt chola...aortae= of Fropob Lams, Scala •• • Mr dreamt,. aorta today or tomorrow, from boo jet. New Boob! yEAST : a Problem ; reprinted with Yle rod • e a l of id tg Ix; la.d fY ." ay. b the .i lllrtaryof , 44 • • Queen of ream; . 11 0011ibbet W ": el Field 11.4 o( Rao taxa. Nog ol m o. eg i rggt i tet . rat 4. Jor io,. lt. O. Litlailret rt_ AMERICA STATE PAPERS.--Stato Pa grA!'), rime Mu' *aim RMIITICK; n : A c•mteat,„l.= : lo.ltgrtt OtaaaPhialt kW41.4-_,r. = tL MO, H. orphlal A n =t=r iict ead JULY, YttW of tb. This from ien. The attar ralable works be We kr H. U. IiTOCKTOti. 41 Market M. §COTeII BU R4A t,—Ltaleasuitablefor 7:tr. roolsk,ow.4inw, °TPaonenrßom a REPPERT. EICSWAXIWANiEfi—The highest price Lb la nsh wlll6e 91. T. itillZlttE J 00.„ Jolt .^ , Amer Piet uut wood ~RAPE suit.WW" at reduced prices nEMUO.:• , :rosocouttheirstook of brnt. coawls. at • gre.t re ' ton Cl2l7ol=lV , ' '"4 b rei' lel. LAWNS! LAWNS! at, CI cts. 13ei yardl— A. A. MASON A CO. an now otkringro the uct men nye lot of cheAp L. .nr.shibit"lin th is eft!. at AN f r o=l i ga . .p. The attentionAaun .111 .IiONNETSI—A. bliatox & - rare dstermloal to akar out the Wasted of theirs - ark o Barnes sad lasts at orals flawed prima - Oa stale Iron of hake eolalled al tha above • 1.17 1 4 1 1tENCIL fIOWEESTIIe attention of it..grATVVr=eigriZtriL l ' n 'E,..l. !f r'V a ao.o 1.1.171 A. A.M.:Z:O krt.s. Piano and Taile Covers 141 A. ,MASON & CO. would respectfully call the attetalon of bousokevelo toe veil .- tamottm.ut at rieblr re attOtota.t abkaa sad table coven. colon. ♦ MT lame ear. rel:1 1 17 0 . 0 a V'Ng..Gruty Notice to Cintractars; .0 th EALED PROPOSALS will be 'received at eMa o; If. D. KING, YourtbotZtanUl th e letity l July men, for Um Onallro; or the Iltttbuzub wad LIIII Toro pito natl. Don Lod Liberty to the trio! Jor ofLuorart's warden loom to illoornillo,(ty_ bulky of nine yonts orttouttal to tol.) • tt %a:S t tbo n t• urn...lt to j ' At l a l ...ygry i tir ga of yard rd a rt to M ‘U' etfelfy nu, 1U tbd Blab of told road so to be ~...S. • IU. Hollowast Ito 3-. roan et, whore 141 14—L . I -11 *I . - '1 .7b.l . l rii. D. ILIA /Volta" If. P. CAIN. RetnittlfT• D RIED' PRACII&S--100 ;iashels • *ed . THE NILE, AFRICAN arassrseappL . Now OPEN AT ATM:NAM HALL, °LIMON'S far &mod Traturparna Pasmuaa of EGYPT AND NUBIA! 11- 00 Osblesubdt.inberyof 6gy iv,„ and superb Tableaux of thld DeKliptlol4ll by On, fibadoo;Erly U. 9 Ono rul at Coeb. Oriental Monk at each onbiblttam' . Every eneolng at right eelpeig—Wedwoday and ilsturdor otter 130Cna at 3 o'clock; doors open an boor before. Adollaelon Z.• cent.—eb Ildr. half prien—eriunde of 23 popite and ver. 10 cents—Tencbereornb wimple free. .013 McHenry's ThilsAslphia & Liverpoollane of Packets. Sailing from Philadelphia on the 1/Ib. and Li vemool an the Itt acerb month ' ANl.airea.NANl=. OUROPII, Plathanial O. Kurth Mashie. • " Alfred P. Smith, klaster. BILACKAMLION. (new.) W. W. Wed, Keefer. The above thins are built of the best and modeontly materials. and are noted for the ramdity of their pailsaffea they ere ettml up with all latest Improvements, am most thoroughly venttlated. and am unsurpthwed foe their ati eutomodations for &thud •CLOits and atelpftre /Weapon; they ars comemuldedh7 men of acknowledged talent, who the naegualled be their thproiethe to the packet weeks. Persoue desirous of /ginning their - Menlo from the Old Country eon obtain certigtes of pamage, which be rood Pm eight months, and our agents in Zeeland and and r ecord will runtish them with theprofer inthrmattots and lestrartlone rolatith to their drowns.. • For the convenience of waterworn* whaling to send ume tire lovely drafts tor fl sterlinn and Upward s • Jolt without discount, which will be oohed by es P""l iy of the Banks or Malt Mame ln the Untied Kingdom. dif-Provielons supplied gaseengen coming from 4vvr pool. Beery week the following' impact will be (=tithed each Wthelyer of 12 mt. of age ma overt 11.1 f lbs. bread. 2 lbs. rico. - os. tea, lba oatmeal. Meager. 1 'hamar, fi lb. molathee, and 1 lb. pork. Under 12 years of 80. breadth:l4a 1 pork. Wi e lds f w... of water and Mu rree. &near allowance of =gar end miasma. KY ft o No. at Walnutlstreet, below &thud. Philadelei lna the. WW. PLOY lelatf romir Sixthand Weed eta. Ptheburair, N E W MACKEREL-115 bbla. Largo No. a. (1851. Horton Intspectkru. Just ree'd and 11* sae HICKMAN, • J. 16 and Liberty st. INSEED OIL-10 bble. pure, for sale by 114 j 46 ROBISON, LIME CO. ACON HAMS-10,000 lbs. superior laal tt7, for Ws by ILOBIBON, LITTLIC a CO ,• JeD, 255 Liberty xi. ACON SHOULDERS-35,000 lbs. foisole . ..Lk by jeIG EUBISON. LITTLE: CU. nACON-70001bel3ams, Sides, Shoulders, UP for W. DT 5,16 a. t w.ueanAutio. ' COTTON—ZS bales (Batting) for Pale by , ALEXANDER GORDON. NEL 134 hunt - FIRE BOARD PRINTS—For sale at 25c., by ben W. P. MARSHALL, SS Woad 0. BIER HATS, FOR THE COSTUME 14 LOO LA fo A TURll.—Lo4Irs . and IllArfol rims fait roadvod r solo by R. EL PALMER. • el 7 101 Market r i a UMMER BONNETS AND HATS—R. H. PALLER !um Aut !review:l • neat variety of neer ummer Bonnets, von. temonful and =vat Arles. Atm, Melia and Bore Maw. sad other U.L. ten VILEESE--42 boxes, now landing and for We by IMAIAII DICIEST Jr. CO.' Rater sad Rant sta. is lIEEE-200 boxes in store, for sale by Jel7 • ISAIAH DICKIT t CO. .AIBBONS REDUCED!—A. A. Moots Es Co. an uo. ckatitur out tletzra7 I•tu•stoek of D°' net Mo.. at. wt., rg•lttued urea. WI and statolue, Lf you 'mut u burg. bloc et sad 61 Lartst 0- Len ipAPER lIANGINGS—A large aseortment of French and Aosodooka Pore h rimMoro oa and and fur We by .IeIT 8. Wood st. NEW MUSIC. KLEBER has just received Where are the Meads of tor youth? roma with Ulm MlliZMO=l Sera of Mercy, coeta7 fkovi CanyarfsPfigriaosChrlYara The 7.l4,zgmm hen bOOO,-from Clasen*. by Vera; Criollor &oz. by - Macbeth:" The reiebrat.,l Cradle tkers. by W. V. Walhae; Moonlight Is cheeping; The Sur of Love, a buotreaLtallad by W. V. Wallace; Those bayhy day, are goaa—aa mug by the blab trallu Catharine May& Ifehrietu r Wallace Omer; Keepsake. Llaarbarlf, rare" Wm Polka. L .' Al., a flee selection of auy tisehlaa made. ahau, Marches, and a entoplete auortaroot of Vbillasad flute Mori. 101 Thlyd stun, J'a' aura cum.. sr— N.T.—!Orlr anirlu. • rples434 tot'orik; Maim . Nllloo & NUTMEGS—On consign!nent, .411 t. snla camp brlote tbras. J. 117 HALLO DIC/CZY • CO. BUCKETS -25 dos. Marietta, for sale by /ale &A W. HARBAUOII. 1 4 1 EATIIERS--2000 lbol. for sale_ky kle & W. ILIL&DAVGIL UGGS-300 dos. for wile by KA told Li . 111.11BALVII. To IdElimus. • CRAPE LEISSE, blue, white and pink; Crime, •hite and • !- Mau& •tate, oink tn . = f i . jvla Artllitial Vinson, for sale bb . ARsirrir4o7. a (ICI FER AV.:8K:4—.250 ao. foe sale 1.4 . wi 4 C:IaiItI7TELNOT. t*CITY PlNS—Just received; a beautiful / awrtmpfd. of plain Gold, bury Sdulatelled.iukt .f.e . vr and &Arable mtte w mr . A. vnisox. 014 C 341ket .*.t, menet. of Fourth. AOLD SPECTACLES-4 large assortment it J UNt opetdup: al.u. Silver iced Merl of arm' Mud.. 1,1 . 1 . of OW., of tba brut oualflr, euefullr adjuot.' lb. vision autunliou Ibo stivelplas of Optlea/ r'l - 1...14,1,..a put In td totalF. W. K. WILSON, Mar Ci arria ,' L. i3oTisii-10 casks for sale b! J. 14 Iseult DICIrET t CO. 17.1CTORIA LAWNS-30 j . iecee reed and hq rale by iel4 ARZUSLINOT. BARRED MUSLIN4,SO pieces desirable V. "nd t " *. ` th t b 7 c. WOOL TWINE-501 lbs e l: nm T. o A reale by pl.& . 1:1:47i*:0:43011:17/*:1):4:11 T HOLMES' EMHART DEPOT; Thud Pan mn. !Toole. by the author of `Alt rake." Loathe Laboe Lhe Loutlah four. hoc 6.6, T. [elium:l of lierhardee. Na :L ShelterearCe Sortie& Work, fiou 70, 40,.1. 11=013S1=Eibt. Na ll - Lecture. oo Amerlea, by the aartof Carlisle. Five rears in Africa. by Coututins. The Wavertey Nonl4 I. Z. vole —ernablete. History of beudennle. t i z . r s„ katey—eotopleta.l Ilte Heir of 11 ar t Way a bag by Mary Hovite Ramble. in . • Taut Tesatrs. by Dourlaes a eta M r e . /b M e=lretAl. trfbrathworth. Tbe Gehl Worahipper Ratherels ye /An Maze histories' atreh by lbeof "Whited.... The Wife's Ulster, or u. Forbidden )bowl se. &sneer, cc the History of a Portralk by an A:maim Lbly. Talbot mut Derma uoreb by J. L. bleCoareelL loteroatioual MWIJOI. for June. The Loraoette. or Shull. of the Tours: b_y•_ i. H. liarreL Louise La Valliete, By Ouse—No. 2. This brueltuka the vArt olt. • Journal far HOT. Banco Bbakrbure. No. 70. unclad= lektet's fletukk Pam, Abroael—by 0. w. Ber nal". The Pal, babel. • new navel tir Eugene Sue. Under. Urahant Partelet June. Caroline of Brunrortek—No.4.; The =Le o n, by Fleury Osektaa. The Cebu of Dew.ntwate: boveL by E.L. Itlaaohard. The Matter'. Wife; by T. s. Arthur. • Adreatunn of fberCern. by John Chat 0.14 jiLOCTIIOL-34ie by 4.14 1 EIDD t CO-. CO Waal I INSEED 04;--1000 g allons (to .arrise) TIU 00.. CO Wag at. (ZPIRITS VateENTINE-10 bbleL,lto ar o dr*) las d.VIVO •00, J*l4 CO Wool st. LARD 011 4 -10 ado. for sale by Jeld J.ILIDD tC0. 60 Roal wt. REFINED BORAX-500 lbs for ode by 014 - J . KIDD &CO, 00 Votal FISII-15 'lbis. New Whitei -1.14 )4, - • atigla S ALERATUS--100 boxes pure; bblx. J. _ _ br lbs. for exl•-':;„ .2 iela - i. Cskiitli.D. VEARL A sl 7t-31.1 bbls. for sale by LINSEED Oft-30 bbLs.Griswold'sbrand, 6zr We 'by jell J. 8. cANnutt. DO TAREI-4 casks for sale by : • jell J. B. CANTLILD. FIRE PROOF PAINT-10 bbli.for sale by idl4 7. B. O.MtIIELD. IffiCKETS-50 dqz. Marietta make, for sale by , lel{ J. D. CANTILLD. tHEESE-:-200 boxes for sale by , ioll • J. B. FFIELD 8,165 N-1 5 casks Shoulders, Jel4 JZlldretaroill t tater art. C IIEESF.--80 oozes for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY 00, Jel3 Maier and haat stir. SANDIER CLOTHS, for lifen'a and Boys' of tom Irg " d q C. . 22 4 ".. 4:41 "'".. .ad 1.13 MURPHY • 131:MCIIVILLD. LACK SATIN VESTINOS--Murphy 11)rd D los re shomedo hm vary , s ld• o upply at tboolmsetodo - LIRENCII LINENS, of variono qoxlities; .11: received and lollies too at the Ston. of MURPHY • BURCH/MD. ffi:filiS.llll 0 (0-4 THE firm of Clarke, Parks & Co. Rochester, I. :hl. der dissolved itra strand cosman_,i the In. tenon of G. Bt. lb.llolll being mamma sr Hamilton Olerke and R. 0. Parka. who will aloft. the bminem as • feruirri, under Me num and Mlle ol Cleat s Parka b All the asin,. of the late Mtn to be nettled, bT said Hamilton Clarke or R. O. Make_ HAMILTON CLAIMS: =2121=11! . . . .. if AV MG made a chinas in,oor linkman eNg '11'4,17k1r.."er.1&11.-„I chins` f:elatht bgdn, Vbe Union Lthe to Cleveland, -,.• . Late kn. andidletdm Lim to Lie; rarely and tinte r to to ItantUkot• lazyrees Packet Lbw to ttlevelawl, . Awl alto the buelnessigt e .alelow to stembeata . Mieblot mi lu ße u ear, wlll A be 0 0 p llaesZr;_tbsontrit 401111 A. • nor ST to, re. , COMM of Water and Osaltanekl meas. • • Pt ttabo rib. A woe I I.'S .—{ p e e l"' a /loe PAßit beeter B. . pa._ Sea - lay, N. - - + pONGRESS U is now Open for the re ‘..) eeptken of Tifton. Themnktor.thanktul for the l a j orbe r rt i t one llV '''''''' = to ib l M idt thaw "d.pytler"'l4... an the preteat seam. to mire CU botuntra at. rat:eento and MOM 0111, he tIICaN wLU be sworn methd'aey. to . than any_vbteb him bereatibte teen wtorided upon th e _The enbetrlter bat taken Wise to morose owl attentive colored emote, Ira-. ,00.0. F .1. der tit conliction th at ey era beet tutted Warmth= awl Wsnte of a taajottly• or Lbw lejOurnera at w: Team.. jelltlot • - • . Al TAB. AND ROSIN— ar. c. Ton V i re; lAA UM 1340136. Z AA .1,.1f Joint arc • 00. 110 WILL SOMA for *sake . of aft tl On DOLL.? B6D.W. erfealqicako dy for thoVi 1 an, for Ws trK. Ost i goll es worth low $ eerwttbira t on ALL SEED-34 bbls. for sale by )613 t J... a. y um 3. _ 1.) ICE—IS tierces Fresh, for sale by jel3 J. A. IL InLOT1). EATIIER-100 Sides N. Y. Sole, for sale br iel3 JAM PLOTD. SUNDRIES- . . 6 keg. kbkt. bbL ku'd Lanor: t. 6 .. and 1 HI bbl.. pare Flakwat Oil; • • -.7 Witco b twietTebaeac 6 Owes Freikt Men 6 bk. Drkd Amick 3GO dozen Owsi Wnowfar •636 by .142 , JOILN W ATT k CO. FOE BALE. QTOCK of the Merchants & Manufacturers' Dank; Elbtk of the ftetmusre Haat by jell A'KINU. Banker sad Bract, . Fourth st. WONTED, IyESTERN BANK NOTES, at lowest wszket rat., sad btabest prawn, paid far Anter. ran ear, In par Ulnae. by H. D. KING. Jell . Banker a Broker. "Fourth at Far gale. & LOT on Penn street, adjoining Mat thew.' stable—Ell be sold ley. If dedrebli, the lot sett divided to salt two persons. Entlttlieof • solo A. NI , ME W'S CO. Valuable Lot oa Third street for Sale. I WILL sell the Lot on Third Meet, ad &o.. eti b le:" . gete . e Via Nni t A.3° rompon the ether. The front no Third street, le 4 4..% fret, with a depth toward hooted stooet of 00 feet., more in he. The rim le $4,100, one Mamoru! in band. the bal sam wth Intermit to be wound by bond sad mortgage an the Lo i , payable In one and ten years ham the date of role. The title is perfectly grod. • • CHARLES MAUR, • jellidaw • at the otter of C. /Ruler t lb, Fourth at. OTICE.—IF MATTHEW LINDEN, the younser lormerlf of Helmet., the c nty ad.*. trim. lenlani: mot oon of !liana, Lizokn.ibe elif.r. of pane place. confectloner. atul who emigrated to New York. in tbe tott ed ktatee old...ries. the year IMO. makes application. either in DemonM or Of U., to Charies.k. rherroan, No. o Wall alma, New York. he will hear of amethlng !etas adrantage.. jelbj.k. ' To Gardeners. AFEW acres of Bound, near the city, suit t, able of gardening, km We. Epaulet, of it, 0 A. WILL:INS k 7 _ARD-12 bbla in store and for sale by o • issien DICKEY 2 00, t Water k Fron sts. hARD OIL of Bennett & Jones' manufac ture, br DICKEY CO. 0 co, front sta CORN-40.bbls shelled, for sale by kmB. F. VON BONIIHORST t CO. fIIIEESE-35 bin for sale by 3.10- 11. T. I'ON BOhNIIORST t CO. BACON -20 cka., received and for male by veto MICE t M'CANDLIMI. LINSEED bbls for sale by ielo WICK At lIVANDLEI3S. CIIOOOLATE-128 'Boston Chocolate tar ode by jelo WICK t WCANDLESS, DAY lIERRING—for sale by isle • WICK k irck.ninva. G REASE -10 bble in store and fore sale !KAIAK DICKEYCO.. ; lelikbr .t , Water and Front eta. 9101BACCO--t-'5 , boxes as'd of the best JI. beanie la eat Se in Oar* nal Ste este 1,7 MAUI! DICKEY K CO,. jell Water andlrmat sta. Boyers' Piano Preceptor. • 11 'EMBER bris just received Beyers' rlebrated prompter for tee Piano; which Is am edirectcriar by profteatonal m in this muntry and In ntritte. to he tbe best work or tbe kind ewer priblishech Beyer. well known as ems et the most intemotal camcomers fur begtemeni and popile. has here mooned a want lang 'and *merely telt by the mmilud r element. Mot, prommelea and Interesting to PM Virgil, both in too exertion and tunes , thy greatly gulhisting and monde ins the somewhat tedium and irksome 000 grimly of mn liC and piano plating. The tolknring Prof reers who hay,. examined the work. am referred to: • • Profenere ilarborat, Landman. Fein, lkoth. 3.10 LOVERING'S STIGAR.=-20 bbla Loser eiti:V. by u ` dP im A.rdrir ""4 - pea 236 LibeTt7 st Gadli.DINE BRINE.—III kegsSua dines hi brine (Bardellens) Just received sna w. ..r Jo WM. A. IeCLUILO a CO. Pap, Mai Warty st. ERESII TEAS—Just received at N 0.256, Liberty at. 103 {Waite of T , T700t0ny4.4 " mt. A. ircLuito co. 140 Gramm and Tea Dealers. ;DOT CLAY-7 toms Coplay'a Pot Clay, No ' 2.l.jna received and far sale by' relfi N. WHOOSiIfAXEft k W. MEW MACKEREL-50 tobLt—tio. 3.1 sew maclurrel Jug received end RR role by JO S . S. it W. 11.111.8A.M1L WOOL—Cash paid tar the differ rt cot grubs of wool by j• 0 S. lIARBAUGIL 'LOUR—Uu bbll. "extra" flour in store sad far mat by jelo IL W. IiAIIIIAUGLI. lk ACKEREL—Quarter 'bbla No. I. fat /NZ =anemi a In store and for *ale by UAIAII wesEr a co. jai° Watar Anna at. COTTON -116 baltr s iiii . aolutudib ssr . rge by om AVANA JUUAR.SO big whito Lia,- sum, Jost retalvad and far aal•ar BUREKIDGE At INLAIRAM, le9 Na. 116 Water street. LOAF SUGAR.-30 hble lonf Rom( " nmtetltnne a INC MUM. it. 116, Water street. - ULTIIITE SCARF SILKS.-A. A. MASON • Co. leave Rut ' , calved per Capin. this ovornhad Aadly of Me above stamp and &Arable be; an additional eapplT retired tdafterdar vibboeu.to whirls the albrodeam of mamma to lovitad Yo add and 14. Market a. . • •-• ' More New Lawns. • 4t. A. MASON & CO. hate jnet received this d•r, • *go lot or thorn wen dedrable brown W Ta k la= r i zt. 7 -cbevP, . The Fainilx Friend, A BAKING preparation intended to en zit. remade the use of Tenet—which, when mixed with woorotill mince In 9031 he flour.lo orators loameaf4 cub, than br th e o_ f rms. The whole proem of bread eneMns,_beibm setup baked, does not take mem than 2) minue. you use Um Whoaeolketeed of yeast fermeat. .Thls saving of time Is ute anssideralon—and hotel manmers of public sabot. Intlrmaries. hospi tals, end hers Amnia._ will Ind no email saving br the family .riend. Added Wall to. .d.. . 04 Ugh. agereable ‘ wholesome diet Ihr 'ea voyages end repass In emontry Mama where_ reset Li herd to Reis. this win be found Invaluable for Mews and eakerit will be toned , ra.eat bl ea ma m .a, ak not krge bmwet ttlan that User will be more nelstae—wes bread men more Mann/. lollbottleaiit Zoted Rfmwts. Pll.ll.lPli A MATFIRS, Z. ?forth Fourth et.,_ Philadelphia. Pale Anent kr Pltmlarsh, 15T; Weed arm. Mobiles Phillip: and Mayers' New Article for the World's , Pair, t&QUID OLLIE, whicheeitenia wood, dune; los, alase. toarble,guseusinu, or eeen trottole or greureboo. Ina short time any artl els of fUrctit . sama y_las made ujrood as mow by this sal « armed and MI Cement. Th e bounkeepers of Oda State are r wars of Its genedmi Mad mouriur daptabillty to theft guru*. end It* loro tud tried su moulted o at. Na ho abould be will.. out Ita bottle or !Mold Oleo--It ANVlirel allure any &eau !Ode may be used by au person teltb ease on any aticle, ummer.. nem to u use lbr tbe ghtekVtal to [Vein It le' a real blueing, 00 Bu l7.. zau urdlet in e prO m fo of It. Don't throw annblog out ening Ulla Iert bVIILLIBB A 0314 , DuMr PlUittrgh, J.ll79M‘.=V n : k st. !te ear der. JOUR jellaba FOR SALE—One Kiln'. ,of Brick laquire Joe l; 14. ircusroctrs 21. :115 Fourth street Ladies 4 0 .5 ! Ladies! • WC i r/L•D_ rem save • pour furniture and tat r 2 l . 4 .. muumuu labor Dr you sensate, ilar amt drawing ream furniture might at , . brilliant end clean t If so, My PIII=PPS —.an& S . BRITISH FBIL'IOTURZ POLISH. gle bottle will rut. to extraordinary latthanu smuch Taunt. u would coat old w $l6 to bare rormulshed.— Inds L a put Maur for Ihrulture dealers. Bold In Doh flee, at n't. kg*" Van .t n a BIAVELO4,-'; Age nts tar Plttargb..B orth ETUN rth strr~.y jut: of Chlr and Liberty street .1 ' leallm • W"--14 tierces for sole by • . • WICK a ICCAMILESS. MawilamlittsA QTAROH-40 boxen Bonbright's extra for bi RIP RICVA brCADLESS. LVET CARPETS.—W.hrelintock has .tae sad lbs. n 4 .Ow Urged szeortmeat of Vel- Carpet. e•rr offered to thialtacrket. CarplaWareboase ?la 76 Math - la MUSSELS CARPETS:—W. M'Clintock JUP Wm La Wire awl fbr sale • lam assortment of me nor Emmen to whirl be Writes Use attention of customer, Cuyet emboss. No. 71), Yincrth at. .7 1 . LOCO MATTING--For public hulls and rms. to aor. and ibraku b i Clikept innzet,s;ell:l3o..LPlTPa. BABBITT'S SOAP POWOS aro now a, 'no karma a. I. mut. raft Kß aig u o thaw. _r their ote the labor of 'rutting Is male leeele4d• Warnotett oet to rot or lAtaht clothe. Vot ute. Imre file sad Mall, by• • APC1.1111.3 a ooi. no. lalerrty et. PFEVIENCING COMPOUND, a easel jra t ot.t tor yeart for rabing cak.mte... b y which • ig a 13 per coat la limy is effected, ►or ~e by WM, A. AYCLORI.I • ' I • 'YYI Überty at BUCKETS &.TUBS46O dos. Buckets; L4O " Tubs Ibrriaby Jrs LB. WATT/MAN &AS. VIORFL A few .bbbTirisne, and a email lot ll i i i a k kit" .31'.41.17.10(AM-A.130:46. I/UTTER-5 Ms. Pack; . "id 6 16.6 ' i.‘wAiragarnut.67 T OBACCO -20 kegs (Cie r eNol3ix tv7 j.i,vlLzit.6m,,..;.amt4 114 LOOMS—WO tone Soft.nmn., fore ig try IP let _ ,• --.1141ES DALULLL. LARD 01L-10 bbla. No.l, for sale br i.9WICK * 31cCANDLS.S. MANNERS' OIL: --50 hbis. just receiving 4 7eaaat . sad 11 . 1, sale b r y 4 . AM Sp/wax. 08. %tar 4. ( i g AL SODA-350 mails Sal . Soda of our 1,..j own make. Arc W. "4 red urrd Ikridt li a, * 11.1110 , NUTT. RY Oa Rues strwt.. Ettra Fite 4)long Tea. I UST RECEIVED, at No. 256 Libeity at, • rla7 reperiar ankle of Ooknat Tee, Ichkh 'me anootbr .ararramed in the dl7. 'ltem dairies tholes, delicate Calmed , bat tdill7 aramalb ni.erk Te.• art inetied.to do Ms • triaL siv...t Tr. of ent7 tvety, bp" m 3.5e..t0 itttlfsb sad Irish ;set Teas, 3 1eVio li reatt• mucractioet ar no ale, ecansatly ea beat and tor e salety. W. A. hIcCLU Wows sad Tee Deniers E BRICK—.%),OOO best fire, in store IRE far tab, by JAMES DALZELL, No. Grs, mt. ,VLAX-10 sacks forsale by • X Jog WICK a lIIIILIDLEgg REIM PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 1851. SPRING ARRANQEMENT. 1 1 Forty-six hours to Phßadelpbia. Forty-four botua to Baltimore. .281 miles Railroad -103 miles 1 1 / 1 3; IMI7AIM a3l. 09116..111.11 20912 TO PHILADE L P H lA, BALTIMORE Al NEW Being free from :Li many danger end port ernsi es rortnreted tali piers Lix.t, Two Daily Lines Repraa Packet Ikea IEXCLUSIVILT tun PAsar.milaLS,) • y EATE Pittsburgh. for Johnstown, • thenni •.1.1 Pmissallallroafto . ROLLIDAYSITURGH, Th..tatu • NEW-PENNSYLVANIA P.-UE.IIOAD Two Hundred and Tort an 'Miles direst to • P PIMA; - Sod Nettle leave every morning precisely et Right o'elteke every evening at the sm. boa. Tare to rhlladelnhla. dare to Raltbsurne. 119.74. do hanoster R 9 do Ilmligeng MOM Ratklengeri fur Baltiinore, Take the Tort and Cumberland Railroad. at liarrisbotT. .a= . l ) , t.di t =t l tbAt i.. plare. ldnunee (Mgr 7fid charge for handling Baggage on this Conta. The Cure on this route an me. and of the mind MT. b lf construction for comfrt udety. yott dont. rtttud. Mme o lli mut ut aol vcettketabla moor weary your ticket. at J. P. HOMES. Agent; D. LEECH & CO. M canal Rasta. Peon Sine, 1851. W . ESI R N TRANSPORTATION COMPANY D. LEECH. & COIL Ltlll. • RAIL ROAD AHD CANAL • 1111112.1 PITTSBU R - PITILADELPRIA, BAT I, MORE, AND NEW .TORK. TLIE Canal being in good order, we prepared to tramptrt mWore merelmatbea a Cram tbe alore eines. at Ito mama Wee PT freight With pram; twee and The boats and rm. my owned nod rontrotled by the promktom. Mb, or Wine trammolitad.and torman't Imeeol7 apply' to. Or addreM . - . HAYS BLACK, Proreletori. Canal Basin; PernaMmet, Ftttabargb ' llAbltl/3 LENCII, Pnieletng Depot, Nor. 131. 15. South .ti gar! U PPll t =111: 1 4 H I • , • No. 76, North . Isa.re • T. H. PEARCE, - Agent. No. 7.. Welt. street, New Y. FARB REDUCED - la s t 1851. iiimgeNg lONONGAHRLA ROME: wiißrornorille and Cambodian], to Baltim T' and Philadelphia. • . T. MORNING BOAT leaves the Wharf ..,dl:!rrile"te Tteeteewtng float leaves ds/lT (esetptlwtelaT et" at 11= oO l erel i t Z 'fth tLe " t"ti'M ' Time tbrntgh to Daltbnorw been. Tare Ttme throuth to Phliwtelpbbe e 40 boos ate onlltl. The National Bowl la now gm& Conductors we erttlt the Owlet, between Brownee and Cumbetlanii, ltbledia makes MU decide:UT the ben routs Sara. ExTri 00.. ;01.4 , 1:2:011 7j1ut.:2:40t.t: ..... _ . c i ESUMMER ARRANGEMENT BETWEEN " PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. .. %PRESS Packei and • Railroad . .. Line f 4 r . Cleveland. milhest i of sleep. by Stemiers troln • burg!. to Beaver, in eornectlon with the elemunly am Express Packets of Clarke, Parka A Co ed® Bente to ULT..... 1.4 tee apletund new Panama Cars cif Wm Cleveland and Illtsburgh Railroad Co to CleirelasuL PACKETS. . ' • PENIVRTLI , ANIA--.- ' I. Beetnall. - MAGARA--..--.--.—... _....M. Tam. ..-- MAYA LOWER-." ...-, —.—. N. Baum i - litausere leave their fending opposite the Motiongehero Bane, M 9 o'clock., A. AL. monseUng with the ?advent $1 Bemer, which OW leave isiumellately on the arrival of the nessmet.. arising at. Eallitina to time kit the Eminesen too Caro for ClevelevaL Pamengem hy thia line antra it In Wm to take the , ftilraM Lim of Stemitest BUFFALO and DETROIT, and the steamers Pm fadit ao, Milmosele, Toledo, Bandmir Clty. Dunkirk ,ad - also for meanie train of ears Mr Columbus 1at...., Ciminuati, CLASEN. PARRS a ozi., rce,,,,,,,, 2 .C.LreI.PA. JENTS: - ' • W.-EL '3IOOEILEAD. - Me 9 iminv CL Charter Boot - 11. M. MAILMAN, 7 Otiive:UMP.r Monongahela Boum ; ... J. A. CAUGBICT. . immniv.ol ' i mitheill as Water eIPI - - - - PITTSBU ItSSEY . link • 1851. UNION LINE_, On the Pennsylvania and OW math— morals-rose: , _ cußg_r, PARES & Cli& N, CRAWFORD . * tXr....i.ettelitsio, 0. THIS well known Lino is now mffed ciNMILV:s 4 .s r n the Canal sad /a U: sa rh.Paraitl. of IN. Lhasa. unsarpasosi nounterotnat. dmitati - Bwts, en...-km. tI C'50411.4_4.1.er tkarr One Bosititra Plttsbungh Ciontland dant , to couterosion with a Liens of steamboats tetweesnM BURtift and BEATER, and a Lino of arsterass Resat (propeller 024 Towels) on the Lake& CONNIGNELS: 11. B. Parks Sta 03 4 T. a 0 0 , 4340.1:6 04 A-4LN. lVrren,.. • ' Newton Isil& 04 C. Prentiss. sum& 04 - Brayton Co., Rms... . • Knot, Grinael Co. Yrs:AIN. 04 IL d.. Miller, Cuyahoga Walls. 04 Wheeler, Lao t Co., Akren, 04 - *. Herdsman Psttlhons, Pandasky City, 04 • ' Postbus & Peo, Toleda 04 On., D l.l attoit, Mishit= Douseman &Co.,llwankis. Wis.; Snamu ilea &Gibbs it o ,„__Co.,Chlesan, 111.; n IOIiPrZCAL - 0118Y, Agent.; apt nor. Water and Psulthfold 1148 4 • pOPPERAS.-35 bblo. for sale by • • • J. KIWI • Be„ so. wood R. STAR CANDLES-10 boxed, prime 7 elaard.by J. XTDD CO., No. 62, Wood St EDICATED Wines and Brandies, a freste let.iiist realm) acid rot br • , • J. KIDD 41 - CO. • • N. 03.Wccd JAPAN VARNIS!I-3 bbls. (Baltimore ; , So. Mk Wad C. CREAM TARTAR—:I,OOO, lbs. for safe bir Q PERM 1 1.1.0!bbli. e xtra, . !Ile ie2 - • ' • WPM IIeCANDI: !TANNERS! OIL- 7 23 bbla. far.aade by la 2 • • -TICK W t cANDLIU O & MACKEREL . bbls. for sale br JAM= DAUM, - • • tin 63 Warr at 14. I.ULM' SARSAP.-ARILLA.—A few d0 PEn1"47°'.."..1.1 I f . wwgzUHAN. Corner of Wood sod Sixth =nets. 02. !.NABY SEED.—L3,SOOIbs. just receiTeit 1.4 from th!, gut, • pleo• article of Eittlr amt. Ibrale• , B. N. i11rg...14•. C:sraerof Roof wad Binh Meet. g ." - ` IO FPEE.--300 bga. prime Green 'Rio Co I ,- ksoyedud sad Od Ws - 1w row( WAIT ca. bble. new 1851, Tried 13 30 boll Mao. do do ' do Iu •.`," a o, lko W e iiDool JULIN WM? t CO. CHEESE. -31 bre—Cheese, receiving Ilkindro Mae, and fOr aLbr JAMES DALEELL, 1.6 Nu. es W. at lba. Lard, for sale. on co dement by • T. WOODS Z SON, No. al, Water rt. OILS.—,BOO gall bleacledwinteisperm oil l . sao - xtsfl cord • " 1,...2:0 •.: i i... 1 , 1" rte**.. . " . - r .- , \ 'to ' . : .• irl eater ''''). : • • 1,403 ' " Tanners' oil , . 1.800: "N. W. ec**t 'lisle ail , 16 ( 4° "" 4 ''' "41'7 MILLSIL. = * incErrsom . la' tina 2:M.Ltberty W. LANTATION Sur and !dolman P DIL,T.Pera. In stare and for ode by dn. 72 . MILLIZEL lIICICETSO 4 Ma.= S LI K. SUGAR House Molasses and Plantatiu , s ffett. A. 11:1101as;“—fit. Juno IlefinezT. 10 bids fair Plwatatlao dam. 0 " DTT Vre N & aal c zn, u a r w so a s t = r .t. DIABBITNG Double Refined SalerabU at el, h. uve 4 2d n u t= saz i , ,r"Z s ' t wa ft rirdinao a no_ .. 1t to 77 . I br • 011.411 Tea mown. ICE -a) Tierces like in Store and • roe - - KILLER a RICENTBOII, • • Noe 221 a Lamle re ROMAN' CEMENT-2 bblo., for sale - Ith z a. Y. VON Wallow: a CO. i•.. , . „ k.. CHEESE 30br.s. W. for sale by ks.e. P. VON lIONIIOUST Ak CCL R --AISINS.6O boxes 11. R. Moir& - - ieb L N L Y. f.r!a l 1129:7=0. .I=NDID FRENCH PAM HAN I 1N(38.-m6o/d. Gold sad Toloot, Bom, ilammtf7 aroma Poser. of nolo. somata.. sad I.toso to soft Um clottoostmaees of Lama story eiss. Kum it. LRON--240 tons Beres creek;; • pia • . ICOOKm W mra a sounon rco. "l. cm Libuty • Itnuulies, Srmes. Ba. ' . LI/Mina completed arinngementc Ikon. to Mee= rabee.Ecuwisna Cr . ' esseatkag o nty wan.: am Um "deka:, 2 , 7 3 D i tilnittl73. .n 44 u.x. . 1 .. RUA.. Inas wade:muter. hes.. WU, ifdadevrt ! 1 0 . 1 110 000kr . Atterlan is la joo . o.o. vVed -cabana itnasik. hista seal ern eases itiao-* •awk• al mes h ) Ondbewwiighsniec the WIL tgr.nsta ' L2t • MEW. no mans, marts o ? Azt nm • 0 /4 nal waysikar, assaPawe, well karma brants. 1 74 bnads .4 vintage. • 4S. cans andeer /346-7. . 00 , , o , i l o il i ad or O o laret Wk. ' lo 1 ; 0 4 • 9'. out Yana wct tom Gir" superior Okt Junks Atua. av;ta v=og o Loodow . Bre, ` ap t and &eta Ai mporsN . - tr.ter, Marseeida.-Carsoa. tradogt=d'areaT° Lawn stork at iCAPAPA SZsLigg _Au of sysi I will etrer an vy tavunble Orders will `..nested wit h` despatch. mnaad at bent nu. A- ti.