HOME -MATTERS. ' Prirsicion Cosrcanscr.Thirradci3r, lase 19. "Ca —Conference was opened with the ususlreligious exercises Nearly the whole mession 'ens occupied in the examination of character. A communication from the Centenary Board of the Pittsburgh Conferenee was received, inclosing a communication from the- ~Trustees of .Wesley Chapel Station, Pittsburgh. Referred to a spe cial committee, coati:sting of C. D. Battelle, W. Summers, C. B. Jackson, R. llopkins and Wet. , HuMter. coaereme adjourned with pro "bY Be,. ht. 3PGowan. PAL OS if.Pqr!..T.—Wm. Conelly,,who died:very , 1 egeddenly in tie lon's Court, et five o'clock, on Waitmany eve iog, was Isola to Wive had the cholera, rind c nsideroble alarm pervaded the neighborhood, inconsequence. Doctor M'Grath,. the physicion.of the deceased, declares, howev er, that he died of a disease of the 'heart. •DZPARTED,—A lilexicanwentan, named Anne- 6 ; 6 " twig de la Trinidad de Mendes, who was obliged to fly from her country. owing the kindness with which she had treated some sick Anteri ceps, ,yesterday left Pittsburgh, to return home. The iolunteers in this city and the sicinity, who versed in the w ar,. , ed three hundred dollars, to defray the expenses of the trip. Monos:—Mr. Cochran, one of the attorneys far Hatt, the tavern-keeper who prosecuted the, editors of the Dispatch for libel but was sen t tented to pay the costa, yesterday made a mo deli in arrest of judgment, to far as the costa .were concerned. Pitons sos. Ronnocn so reit:Amoy - a in this city, se one of tho most accomplished and sno .eessful Pianoforte Teachers intim United States, la about to• establish himself loggia in:Pitts burgh as a teacher of the•Planoforte and Vocal music. Last- Wednesday 'afternoon, some aix hundred school children (from the 4th Ward, Pittsburgh,. and tho 3d Ward Allegheny, and Lawrenceville) were present et "Gliddon's "Meer Nile," along with w numerous adult andience. The .next afternoon iihibition will by to-morrow at three o'clock- • CONNITtED. —Alderman Parkinson yesterday committed dentadie Mta to prison, on a charge of disorderly conduct.' . Pgar..4•The alarm of fire at an early hour on Thursday morning, was caused by the burning of a stable had warkshop, in the First Ward, .4flegherry, belonging to Mr. Shoup. • COORT OP QUARTER SESSION& -411C118DAT. June 19 Before the lion.' Wm. B. McClure, President Judge, and William Boggs, and Thomas L. Mc - Mann, Associate Judges. • .Thei jury . in,the ease of the Commonwealth vs. Adam Fortner and others, indicted for a forcible entry and Wail:mini Elizabeth township, retain ed a verdict of not guilty, but defendants pay the costa 31.:.Fretr, defendants' counsel, entered a motion In arrest of judgment. Coro. la Hobert Sane,-indicted for en assault and battery - with intent to kill John Steer. The defendant in thii case hue already been eon vieted on two similar charges, and tried and an .quitted on a charge of riot; allthese difficulties ;hating occurred on tbs idth of May last, and pew out of ;the •• Buck Beer. Spree." After hearing the_ evidence, the Commonwealth only asked. a cOnvietion for a common assanitandbat eery, and the jury returned a verdict accordingly, et assault and bpttery. • Com. vs. Ass T. and John Bongher, assault and battery on Chas. Fisher_ The jury in this case have not returned their verdict. HEELING OF THE cotracus The Allegheny Councils met last night_ I=l In the Select Conneit Colonel Robinson, the President, took the.Chsir. A number of property owners on Morgan at, petitioned that said street ehould be paved, peti ;sinners to conform to the city ordinanceii in each •eases made and provided. " This potition woo referred to the committee on streets' A petition was presented, signed by a number properti holders on Craig street., praying for the adoption of such measures as may be mecca eery to grade and pave said street. Referred to the committee on streets • A communication was read from T. L. Mani /an, Esq., notifying the Councils of his appoint= meat as. Associate Judge of the Court of Common 'Pleas; and as the duties of mid appointment • were incompatible with those of City Assessor and Bari Inspector, begging leave to resign the two latter offices. Resignation accepted. • • The Committee on Surveys presented a report advising that the present grade of Knoll street be adhered to, as the proposed-alteration would cause losses to property holders on said street. Report accepted and adopted. bir. Salford, chairmen of the above committee, presented a resolution on behalf of said commit tee, advising that Allegheny Avenue bo opened • its entire length, and breadth, as originally laid out on the surrey map of the city. Resolution adoPted. A. petition frem property owners on Morgan street, reolonstrating against the grading and raving of said street, was referred to the Com mittee on Streets. . I A petition signed by.Gcor,e, Dloliityre mid George. nothwep; praying for the privilege of landing paring atones at the wharf, free of • wharfage, wee referred to the Committee on Ro° ' - A petition from property holders on Larhek street,- praying] for the gradingand paving of meld street from Anderson street to the Canal, lima referred to the Committee Sitta. - A resolution, autboriaing the Commis - goners to grade the crossings on Jeffersonatreet, at the ezpcnso of the city, was referred to the Committee on Streets. A mantle% authorising the 'Washington en - ghee to be furnished with fire • hundred feet of Norre,was referred to the Committee on Engines. couxos corsem. ktlie.Commoi Conseil hii. Boyd, the p eee . idea; look the Citair. A pis/Salon from, persons -living on' the South Common, remonstrating against the width of _a street contemplated on said common. and a cora -inunication on the came eubject from Geo. blil eenberger, Were rend. . A petition from three citirems living on-Knoll street, with petition praying for the grading ef • maid etreet,nccorcling to the existing ordinance, .. was presented. • A petition from chicane of the Third Ward," 'praying that water pipes be Mid in Green street, ' from Boot Lane. to Chesnut street, was referred lotto Com. on Water. - Con. in. A petition from citizens residing in Spring ',Garden, praying the Councils to pave the -ewer part of Cheenutatreet, from the city line to Ohio street, was referred to the Committee on .Sorveys. Concurred in. ' • • A petition from Mr. Mueller, editor of, the :Steam Zeitung, praying the councals to bare their ordittanees printed In that paper, in the German language, was referred to the Committee on A petition from citizens on Washington street, raying to have said street graded and Wed, .was referred to the Committee on Surveys Non- concurred in. • The Committee on Bridges were authorized to e n ntraet for building a bridge across the canal, on Anderson street. on concurred in. • 4 The report of the water committee was read Ind accepted. A report of the enecold committee on the Width of aidelralka and if IF rai around the Com tnene, together with an ordinance establishing the width of streets at fifty feet, roil the aide wake_ pixie= feet, on the toot, North and West Commons, end on the South Common, the tide walks to be thirteim feet wide, and the erects thirty five feet wes_ precentediand laid - over on second reading. The Common Council adjourned at ten o'clock 'laboring acted on any of the buskins sent ie teem the Select Council. POLITIC-4P NEWS. The polka world is all 'alive, and making pro• paradon for the state andlcongressiomid elections which are to take place August. Strict party lines have boon drawn throughout the mate.. Delegates have been appointed by nearly eve ry county to attend a Democratic State Conven tion, to be held at Bernie% on the 17th. • A tWhig Convention for the nomination of State officers and Congressmen will be held in this city on the 4tb Monday in May. Many counties bare already appointed delegates to attend. There Is every prospect of an annimated and spirited campaign. • The Indian Commissioners have succeeded in making treaties with the Indians in San Joaquin district, but the United States troops and colon tee: are still in the field to protect the inhabi ' tants. The election to San Francisco had resulted in the choice of Mr. Raradenburg. (Dem.) for Ma yor. The Whigs elected the balance or the city °Stem, and wren aldermen. THE DUILNT DISTRICT. .;' The g„„; Frio/deco Herald says that San Fran cisco, is feat "built; the whole city to . o . l ' n alive with workmen , . • • „ . The Alta Californian gives the fo: d didnl3 awn ' sowalla liking tnlmaae o r th.theupera Ivo env7 i of a• ,;e , masons of San Francisco . From „. sy F , the ath, velum an acithed,. up te the present QIIGAR AND =LASSES -, smear: , time, 14th, an interval of ten days,' ;IS; 17 n. , 0 :1tk:,t7 1 .. °5 ;° . ros ail. UT v.. ime been commence d , - of . 'Which the .7d_ LS - '11111.'1%11150N a baththap Iv. ,„ cojoa part aft finished and occupied a 1110BACCO--103 kegs eupeFter taflat, exclutdve. of tho many . thet are going atp m ether • ....adonr' t "'Pa ; t t r Tramot iso:911. of the city nut touched by the fire. - InclQQd (ottlß) . `tig pose:AIM tota l , number of Rouses completed. Wl4. 179 hr. - (le s ! br eiietiog throughout the city Will not fall short S.wATT:I O b3Xzelade.a. for a 11 45 :II/mune office van entirely destroyed, WINDSOR soar - - . 13isanen.—The following contracts for grad and paving, have been made by the Street .Committee in Allegheny City. '43 . stiditi tvf Orpeeter alley; Wm. NleGee, eon- tr s4- .nsm street, from Federal street to Craig Rob.. • o rgo Mclntyre; coutractor. street, th - 'vest, from the South side of thsDM- Federal I. s treet. 'William 111cOee coarse. soma to Ohio tor. to Ohio at., Chestriat etrcet, . Mr. McKee, contracto' t • zycamort Mine street, from 1..t . .. 41 :qr.:McKee, contractor. ntb gide of North Federal street, from the t',...cKee, contrac- Gammon to Carrot street. 1: • ••"`- ,tor. BY TELEGRAPII. PIO HT THE eRRILIT Tux. ASH NJIPOILTICD YOH TUT. PITTSHOILOH ARRIVAL OF THE. STEM sap CRESCENT CITY. IMPORTANT' NEWS FROM OALiFORNIA. NEW Foss., June lea, A. M. The steamer Crescent City, from Chagres, with San Francisco dates to the loth of May, has just arrived. She does not bring the mail. The mail agent refused to allow them to come on in her. The Cherokee himd not arrived at Chagres on the StEr, when the Crescent left The Crescent City brings 520 passengers, and $770,000 in gold. • THE FIRE AT SAN FRANCISCO. BAN FOANEIRCO, May 15. San Franciseti is again a heap of ruins, and the eanoke and thanes ascended from several squares of the city, as though the ,•god of desti tution bad seated himself in our midst, and was gorging himself and all the'mini steel of deatrue tion upon the ruins of our doomed city, and its people. About 11 o'clock at night, the cry of , ffire" startled every one like an earthquake. The fire had just commencedin a paint abop, on the west aide of Portsmouth square, adjoining the Bryant House, formerly called, but More recent ly the Agrarian. It was but a alight blue when first teen, but in a few minutes the whole upper 'story was in flame.. Before the engines could get upon the ground the American en one side, and a store occupied by the Meese Rhodes as a furnishing establishment were Meese flames.— The building in the vicinity being all of wood, and very combustible, the' fire spread up Clay street to Kearney with frightful rapidity. It I noon had fall command, and the fire department could only work upon the borders, and endeavor ' to check its progress. By anticipzling it in its way they succeeded on the North de, before it reached Dupout street, in baffling the dames; but in every other direction in which it eould epread, it took its own course,and there was but little chance to save much rom it. To the south, it spread to Bush street, and to the east, past Jackson street Ene'ry thing east; of Dupont street to the wharves was destroyed. The blocks between Dupont and Kearney streets, West of Portsmouth Square, as far as. Bush street,, three in number, are in ashes. The blocks. between Bush and Jackson, Kearney end Montgomery streets, five in number, are all burn ed; and lime between Montgemeryi Sansom, and Jackson streets, five in number, are all down. Besides these thirteen blocks, almost every building within the range of the fire is ;destroyed. It is impossible even to guess at the number of buildings, or the amount of property destroyed; one thousand buildings may be as nearly within the range of the truth as min be certained.— We judge that $10,000,000 could not replace the property destroyed; in fact some place the loss three times as high. Three fourths ef the heal &as part of the city is destroyed! The principal buildings destroyer are the Custom Howe, Union `Hotel, Parker House, Jones' Hotel, Adelphia Theatre,' Che Dramatic Museum, the National, New Wbrld, and City Hotel, Delmonico'e. Merchants Exchange, and Rosa Buildings; the ships, biaintie, and General Harrison; and every newspaper office in town-ex cept the Alta Californian. Nearly nll the Bankers are in the list. Burgoyne & Co., Wells & CO., Jame., Eing"s, William Del monioo's American Hotel, Reserve House; the Pacific Mail Steam Ship Company, are all burn ed, and note house is left en' Dersdess street. Every thing on both sides of long wharf to the Battery and White Hall are gone, and scarcely a fire proof building in the whole burnt district has stood the test; such as have are the City Exchange, Eddors, Veranda, and the buildings , of Captain Howard, which was the United States Assaying office of Moffat & Co. , . The officers of the Custom Norse saved the specie of the office by eastinO it into a well.— , About $1,000,000 were saved in this way. Mr. Green, Collector, and a number of other in the Naval Department have' all their private offices destroyed, but their books endpapers were nearly all sued. ( The large United States 'braded warehouse, containing about 2000 tons of mereliandiu, was aired. A safe was taken from the ruins of the Bank ing House of Burgoyne & Co., cantaining $1,500,7; 000, the contents of which were not dinged or damaged. The Sacramento Hotel was blown up; Howard and Geeentow's building, containing many valua ble law libraries ; Jones' Hotel, the Vallis Bank, Dodge & Co.'s Express Office, Alientes' buildings, California Exchange, and Cecil & Bro.'s store *ere saved. i , ' The destruction of the Union Hotel involves the loss of-$250,000. Adams Id Co's Express' Office was burned, but the books were (saved. The deponiterof Wells & Co. tire safe. , The Alta California of a later date, mays that. measures have been taken to' supply the city with water from n lake nearly, three miles die ttent. • A provision has been laid befare the city coun cil bye Mr. Merrifield, and was to.4ia acted on the I6th, and if favorable, 'Mr! H. Would leave immediately for the Atlantic States to contract. fot pipes arid other materials far supplying_ the city with water. , The rebuilding had already commenced. The Bet of sufferers includes the names of 700 firms and individuals, among the Leafiest of which are J. B. Biddleman, loss $200,000 ; Simonafield, Batch & Co., $150,000; Starkey t Bee's., $150,- 000; Kelly, Smith & Riley, $125,006; 011en betake?, Heroch & Co., $130,000; Moore, Heck net & Co., $lBO,OOO ; De Boot, Pinner & Go ose, $137,000; E. Mickle a l Co., $ 200 , 000 ; Dlleanstin &. Co., $160,060; Middleton &Lelove, $250,000. ~ Six men-were burned to dealirin one building ; their names ere—Capt. Went, of chip Louis Richland; -Edward mocahin ~eon Greenbaugh, -( Reuben Baker, Neesbantn, and RosenthaL Many other persons were seriously 'haired, and other wise injured, among them Gen. Jas. Wilson. Vigorous measures had been taken for rein:elid ing the burnt district, and Imildings were. going up in all directions. • 1 • , DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT STOCKTONI - ' - - - The fire at Stockton was the work of an in cendiary, and.origiriated in the Merehanta -Ho tel. The following are miliaria the ,principal loosens:—William H. Robinson, $153,000; Webb & Hancock, $30,000; linker & Heckman $50,. 000; C. G. Brown, $30,000; Heath & Emonda $30,000; Calvin, Paige &TO. $30,000; Paige It Webster $80,000;. $0,000; Davis & SMith, $30,000; Exchange $25,000; Davie Deck orison House $20,000; Gwen $50,000, with muncrons Mercantile honsee, varying from 20 to $30,000 each. The total lo.a, according to eats. mate, cannot be less than $1,000,000. Darras us Caxton...mt.—ln San Francis' co, May 3d Captain Jame; Welsh, T. Smith, and Margaret A. E. Williams of Baltimore; on the fith--Thomas MeCalrin of B - aahington D. C. on the 9th—John MoCallaLn of England: - • SAN FRANCISCO 414.11.8ET5. ' Sas Fttericisco, May 16. The markets are unsettled, owing to the de 'traction of property by the fire. The quanti ty of bre-sdatuffs destroyediwas not so large, as that of many other articles. Flour has en upward tendency; and the de mand Let:end. There is lltt!e change In Barley, Oats, Corn and Beans, the stpek being good. Immense quantities of Shoes were destroyed, and the demand is likely to be good: Bricks aro in demand at good prices, 'ranging from $4O to sloo's / 1,000. Coffee has slightly improved, and Infirm. Of proviiiioni, the stock Is heavy, but prices have improved a little. gets Beef is selling at $10; Mess Fork at $l6 1.2 M; and ' prime do at $10; Lard is selling at 14c; a prime lot of Items sold at 15l& c. per pound. The stock. of Sugar is fair, and prices are improving, with considerable miles. liletals have improved, particularly those for house building. , Domestic goods have materially improved.. IREMORIEEMMWM=IMMLIIM__ sod TheTnteStiMdard shared the same fate. The Courier 0 ffi6,16,t, ee ary thing. The Pacific) and Herald,though great lose:redneck their reappear. once on Monday. The steamerPreble was wrecked at Trinidad Bay, on the 6th of May. On the morning of the 16th of May, a shock 'of an earthquake was felt at San Francisco, which lasted nearly one minute. San Francisco is literally swarming with bur glars. , • • THE NEly INDIAN TREATY • The Californian Indian Commissioners report to the Indian Bureau, that they had concluded a treaty with the Bigante, Coconou, Pateritde, Apanganse, Aplachee, and Aglacheo tribes of California Indians, 'on the Bith of Maze lent. By this treaty,' the Indians cede all theirlands to and consent to be located on four townships between Mercedo and Tonolindnee revers. They bind themselves to abstain from all acts of ag gression against our citizens, and to lire in friendship with all the Indian tribes. The In diens have removed to their new homes, under the superintendence of Mr. McKee, the Commis shiner . , VISIT OP THE PRESIDENT. WAertnecrox, June 19 The President, in company with Messrs. Stew art, Crittenden and Hall, goes to Virginia on Monday next. • LikTER FROM OVOON We have Oregon dates to the 3rd or May. The weather was exceedingly warm. IThe nava from the Kiamoth mines, does not give very flattering neeotatte. They are only digging from 3 to $4 per day. iThe census of Oregon had been taken, and the Population amounted to 13,323. FROM SANDWICH ISLANDS. Dates from the Sandwich Islands to the 9th of April had reached San FranCisco. The Alta Californian states on good authority, that the Hawaiian Government have decided to apply to they, United States for annexation; and that an officer of our National Government is new on the way to Washington city, entrusted with the important mission. FIRE AT ROCHESTER. Rocimeinn, June 19 A fire occurred laet night in tho drug store of Wears. Lind & Osborn, which was completely destroyed. EXTENSIVE FORGERIES.. ROCHESTER, June 19 It is said that forgeries to the extent of over $lO,OOO have been committed here within the past few days, by 1, gentleman formerly of high standing, and now- on his. way to South diatonic*. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. ' PlusAntswaln, June. l9 . • Cotton the market is ensady, with sales of 100 bales at from to 111 1? lb. • Flour—ls steady, with Bales of at $4,- 20 bbl.: Ryo Flour is in demand at , $3,371 qA bbl. Corn Meal--Bupplics arc lintital. Prices have improved 1230 pl bbl, with sales 250 bbls at $2.871 pl bbl. ' Grain--Sales 2000 bunhels wbut at Vic for good red, and 102€.1021c for prime. Rye is scarce and held at 71(g, 20. Corn is in good demand, and has further improved, with sales 4000 bushel at 6.3 e I 1 bu. Oats are are also in good dausand. at 440 'V bu. Provisions—The market is dull. Whiskey—Subs 2404 4 'gall NEW YORK MARET.T NOON REPORT. New Tom, June 19. Cotton—The market is. steady, with further See of 300 bales. Flom—The market is He easier, with tales of 2700 brio. Southern brands are languid at $l,- 30® 4,44 per brL Grain—Wheat and Rye is neglected. Sales of 26,000 barboL, mixed Corn at risKi , y4c per bushel. • • 'Provisions are without change . Linseed Oil—Market dull, with salre of Amer ieva at 71(5;13e. 11 gallon. liroceriea—The market is quiet, and prices are declining. Salei 300 bags Rio Coffee et St % lb. • Sales 150 hhds Cuba Sugar at Sc. Rice is wive at 3e3.4 per lb. Tobacco—The market is drooping. Sales 35 Muds Kentucky at 5} ev,9c. Stocks—Panties are down 3 to Canton has declined 21c. Reading it. United States are unchanged. Money Is stringent. The Sheffield Independent state's that the Mormons have determined on a great and spar& malls attempt to convert England to Mormon ism. They aro at this moment adding to their churches by adult baptism, 500 disciples every month. So confident are they, that they pro pose to hold a great Mormon Conference in Lon 'don, in the month of 'dime. It is to be hoped that reporters will be admitted to the sitting of the saints. - The offence of child-stripping is now practiced' inn great extent in Liverpool. On one day no • lesi than five children were robbed of their boom and other articles, and every day many cases are reported to the police who are on the alert, tis& children being too young in many instances to skucribe the parties, who principally appear to be beggars. A picture, painted by Sir David Wilkie, has arrived at Liverpool by a vessel (rum New Or leans. This picture, which is the called "Grace before Meat," was painted to the order of a gen tleman in .this country. in whose pessession it has until.now remained. - The Navy Department has issued special instructions to the East India Squadron, to procure and tend borne tare plants and seeds, particularly the sugar cane and tea plant adapt ed to our climate and' soil, and useful for do mestic purposes, for distribution throughout the The Town Council of Pottsville have assessed a tax of eight mills on the dollar for ordinary do rough purposes, for 1851, and one mill extra for the payment of interest on borough notes, bonds and orders. This is more then double'the taxwe pay in Reading. Mr. Wrberr.—The subscription paper which we pubished In Tuesday's Gazette, nomina ting Mr. Webster for the Presidency, hai` been extensively Signed in- this city. We learn, al so, that the 'papers circulated in other parte of the county have received many signatures:73 , less Gso • The Mileage of the Oregon end California members of Congrees is soitiewbat of a curios hr. • Blileage of Mr. Wright, 7,013 miles, $9,042 " • Mr. Gilbert, 6,854 " 5,914 " r. Thurston, 4,816 " 3,452 M A very large number of 'wealthy inhabitants of Ceased hero determined on emigrating. This resolution seems to hare startled the Elector, who has ordered the chief truxgistrate to report immediately. Thirty families trout Mecklenburgh,: have left Hamburg for America, in the ship Onttenburg, under Dr. Brockman, with the ntention of found ing a Socialist colony. These phalanlea have hitherto been not simple failures, but positively disastrous. GAL—Within the last fourteen months, Capt, .141leon, the commander of the Empire City, km brought into the city of Nov York $12,340,000 in gold. Queen Victoria has just entered on the aid year of her age, and on the 20th inst., will com mence the 15th year of her reign. LEAD -1400 pigs Galena; " 31b. /MTV/mos I co. N UTS -20 bu. Chestnuts; " " wasvantrAmm. SUOAR--ISO hhda N. 0. Sugar fur sale by /AMR TA ;cDALZELL.aw la ODA:ASII-20 caake Ku rtes br A an!, for sal. by r 3,6 B.* lIARDVOII. Q ALT PETRE-20 kegs (refined LSO ) for rain W. WIN, 1 ` ) 147 Ent. snd 118 Wand LARD OlL—to UN. Winter Strained, for mile by , o rl° R. &ELMS. Wood, ij EMPSEED--5 bbls. for bale by Il mTL: IL E. by INDIA RUBBER LOLL HEADS & 80. DIES. of illfrevat Aces. for rale at dot India Bubbler fPa. Nos. 7 mod Waal .t. J. 11. PLIILLIPti. 31.141.1 Very Valuable Steam Grist and Saw tills AT PRIVATE SALE. WILL SELL A,IY MILLS, sithated a1...1y OD the blobonsabela Rive. (known Ylossaptvibo Warn four tall. above ..host. n 0 .0 [oar 1011. bolos Plon n =l:9lJ. uv i n: bait 1g2.. 'Thy. stop...a power 'toy n th , by yb .. Tr . oar of Yonasta's,TO l or = :1 ,2 1 ,4 1 ° brrio"'"ibboot t's.vd or • Plass Ebablb.mea. am bboga.N..ipood Maws axal • pas blab.: sad t u bital.lll r . y O l C'a fra toe=rilrel?' irilogsti4 mad Is but • step tort Joe littsbor•byats—caly oblba by . 3 0, a b . , boa, ye.V. LILA tb r igral =rp:gially. TUT /.10. 7 :. ors, oud ! ' lour I.Stiroltle hm Lni the ALM. pat/. James . B, Breadmg, WILL continue to transect theWnotxsAts y • DRY GOODS )3USIDTESS, 14.251 aIeIMI3r3WIS on VIEURCAPS.--iie best osticle alinsys bud, Dim tur sate st la=gt 17 5, iirotd a. artaZdrall J. E. B N=ll_ TICE GREAT RENTIICKY REMEDY! DR. IGEN NIL'S SARSAPARILLA! E . IS put up in quart bottles. and corr tains the eirmagth of SIX 113021 le moth num Bann. an any mindiar permeation In America. Trite one dol. hir Per bottle, on Ma bottles gig bee It boa been a erell eatablithed WM the yen. pard. that Sawripmilla. when own mid priipariT MeMmd. nag the only t r io pongees Lir as dianthee originithing from an /M -gr. Male of the blood, the um of memory. intimicsithir drinks, vial habit. in youth, barrentersa ke. maab averttut JOHN BULL'S EA - TRACT OF SAIISAFA . RILL.A the only preparation berme the public that le Dreamed on Modal/ ecientifte rend*. cud o f tram= t:youth. The daraparilla LFrieda fed vithanot [wirer* to price, and every pound. hefore being used, schism to tlio strictest ebmlmi tests. and its genninerom amminhood before being need Hull's thirrathallla thio amtthas the virtu. of Wee& °Mee rah:milk write, together fi Waling ta. Nat ma pound, and producing the greeted euxtlee month in the latent g or MI WILL CURL WITHOUT TAIL! Scrofula or King's EMI. Humor.. 0.. R o.°°.• of the Eklet..ltmelseelee. Obtrude gore yes. lor norm or Tetterre, &mid Heed, Rheum,- ti Pennant!. Hanes or Joint.. Oldthrelliog or um Olarulle SYri . theinseams of the Kidneys, Lore WASIIINGTON, JOAO 19 Metro.. nrlaing_tmm Um we of Bleasnry. Kin In the Bid. and eldatonl ,.. tlus. UtnernlDoblllty diceti.l.=Lo. BroaMetughs, Colantl=o... 0%. 010.1, Palnunary AlToptlon., w 1 ail otter d 1.... al, tending CONgillirtlON • Liver tionpnint, Female irregularities net complaint. % niek and r. mow Ileazheb, l oW Spirits. , Night Born% Eamo, itoprodenoe to Life, Ctinnio Constitution] Die ono. eod te a erring and sommer drink, and metal Uor to lo the Innen, an d gentle sal pleueon purgative, fez superior to Blue Liek or Concuss water, melts. or field•_ . - . TISTILONIA.LII, The following is the mike's% copy of urtifkate now In the teureelon of the nron i rletar of Bull's reinseparilla.— nee. K t t . rdeM leztt y and ri th e3ll l. klitogA t asx, 11. V. ‘"n Elevens's: t aanm foo been banana se one of the nteol c o ul d and 'salons members that tha lientnelly Conference could tout of for many year., end at Ws [km la tilling me high sad responsible of agent me the M. Book Ooncern. Can the world produce better, or more astlaketury testimony In favor of my medicine Bettor TeotOnony than was Aber Offered in Favor of Any Median. Hz, E. W. fanos—art. B. Menefee. Unnentba, May 31.1140.' We hare need John LAM aIIISIIPIaB, and foreknown kw be used. with entire satisfaction: and wo km no how Ration instating that we helloes ft to be a earn and valu able :medical contround, and ealcaloted touts:Luce much good and Legate much adoring: and would therefore cheerfully and most ounattli recommend It to the ed. dieted. bilsned) E. W. 81:111):: G arsvzseds. 11Z&ITTI1111. CI.T.A2. SM. lion we all admire o clear beautiful white tttn. and =CT colored check. lion often dower* plreno rayk per swing this "desideratum .o devoutly be be on," re sorting. to ccesneticcdotlous. trashes. paint,. and colurther matediale, to ...ore to them • sembleuee of what amain km &uttered Om of, and that ON with great injury to the Wu. Hull's garalpuilla le the best cometle known. It bosun/ea the the skin. byeoaming eeery.PerUge , morbid and doused =tun the blood.rnernull It pure. healthy. and tigurous, giving ecUrtty to every returns the dm ging the yell. and dark V 111111.011.41.0 the bloom .41min:en. Teeth. ehthdou the Ma of baint• and Illiittrets. sod ure Sanarilla, the only ellactual r e ly rout to the vise euf6- tient" awl • Mutts rboobb to the Wits. • Teitimony Like the Following, Ren ramuperflus all Comment or the E_O'eimey o's Sorra. parala. Prom Dr. 1.. P. Y...1.0V-In Proftwor of Chatting I. the Louisville Medial College "! hare looked over th. 11.1 of inordlonta conyterning Poll'aCenanornul Zatnyeref eamporalo... l boos no t e o4l.uork 11). SitriD, that am) corm • We ornaouod..d ' one teat "intern .11 to claron ItL tdem r, 76 ... he • 0.1811 Wigs DR? PTLX44:=6.67, by enecistmestl-te tar hariOU nms d 341t4A.P.4. RILLA: Lortemus, &lamb 23. 1949. • '1 hames:Mined tbe Mmerlytkm for the preperetion of John Bull's Sertatimilla. end 1 believe lb* comblnetion ro b. an suellentora and well elloolatid to protium sn ll termite imprwsaion the MM.. 1 hem owed it both in =mid prisms prune, end thlolkightembset allele of lbwrgg'libtl=lM at the Louisville Marin; Itamirel. i a t - V C P 0 1 hare no other. Wintw 140, Wood streets Pittstrursh, Pa., Wholesale and Retell Arouts. for ode - by D. 31. CIIRRN and SOP. Dora Less, All.- :haus city. end by Druggists watersily. jelllottisrhalt • B.titabbiit'stelebrated Soap Powder. I ,IV A i. S , lll . N u ! , with . o - 13 1 t W o r= 4 n te4 kfw lnucrtoss rot Oa-1t Tour clothe. In la softie . . quantity of sold tester to coca them. that uld two tablet spoonful. of this down Ponder, math .1: mart. of . 0100 sed with the dodo* If th e stater is turd. odd more of the Powder. and tail them ten minute: ha the mean time ot.us them down with then pot them In a tub end ed.l sueskut wsl.l inlay, d irty t MK Tlll Poe be Me Mit to lino-11.. nut rub ta. Mrsa..., or In other wor to ds. else them a thorough ritatlag, and that I. suMMent mote them aeon. N. IL—There Whin no main Indßoma. it Still loon the clothe. 0.07 white, end DO y enselL se .um. satin do. The entire costa the material used does not wool two omits, to of muhinig of ten prisons— Marrs:tied not to rot or Ware the lOn. , Thi s it • Powder that tmetsPer militate twelve gnarls loot busily Bort nosy: Dimon°. rilt Use—Tate. ear el. queris of tinter etni ma the Powder with it, and Mom let 10 bc4l. Ere elisr "is., thou add sts. Cram cold .0105 stir Mom Intinisliqy too disr, tad tot it away where It will not from. sea 1.1,..n sold It will 0. v.: thick and No White down. aml Scan 1.1_3 I:4llZl.ionta.nott.s.z.:}t!le Cuntsigturdt.62:ll±a N...-ast. by sot, ca. the quettly lam sm. qamts inst.! of to else. The dolt 110.0 m bast adaMad for washing calla* tad *ooll.ogada .trolosele asri rotall LT THREE-PLY CARPKTS.—Just received “ Uwe Carpet Wareelecnter, lei, If. towel we-. swwr wad riF 'twee New-0 y carpets. _1)41 . W. WCYWIVIE, 1p 0RP111.A 7 L5 1 3 oz. for. sale . D. A. 7kllNL9l_, d 161.for;s1;by s .2 R. A.. IrAFINESTOCK • CO. :r0 been Flea* New Cher.: 100 bbl.. he. I Velthrese ltwrins mti le skrree fresh itk, m rtelo ihs. et:timeless . Wells I JOHN WATT A OA, Lawns ft- VAI/JETIES ale for TANNERS' OIL-20 bbla. for sale by MWSON.UITUaM IV AILS WO keel - or salt by .1 Earls ksalsos.uniat t co. - - ! ooks! I lliatory o ß f Grecce.—A Mato r7 or Broom fret tho arliettimea bend Wootton I Corinth, IL C. 14* mairtly bead won that of Thlrboall IL. D.. BOttep a Et. Davit*. By Dr. = &Malts, . s 8. s. The liarmony of Prophory, ar, Imiptural Illustrations ot Br dpoqdspoe. By in. Bay. Alesander Ranh, D. D. Ballad* for Mennen Geraldine, Ilactenw. Thowand A BI Ipgif ta - Pe. 'mm Sillol ems f Aurer o si k er amok* Tribrod. M o e Reit' of Wad. Wayland: • Tat. Br hteYT Th. ThilotoPby of Matliematior. translated rrom Coous do Thtlomphie Bonny. of Augusta Combo By IT. 31. tilllsople. Rased Bev York awl Dna Railroad Guide Book: redo Wank * 4.cripuo. of the licenery,. Idlers, Towns, YR holm. and moth Important Work.. on Ma Road. Kith one An** an/ thimpats engraving, by Looting ant Barri*. Imo mistral *ketones mad e expronli for this worn Br Wm. Maelmtd. Ti m me 800 Monthly 31apaine fro Joao Ti Bold B yllonhlpern or LW daTl Ye In. 1= at RIP.. blortorteal novel. the author of "Whiten/sue The above book* run *mired, and for tale hi ETOCRTOti, 41 Market rt. !MM!!=g=M. FL E. SELLERS. No O. Wood P. . • CHROMATE POTASH-75 0 Ito. for nN br [pal J. KIDD t CU. PAR--42 bbla. N. C o rior sale by CK 1 XrCANDLIOS. S--319 8. C: Cittvass, for role by Al 4r1.. WICK k NrCANDIA.B3. 111.7CKETS-140 doi:Scover. for rale by .142 ,iWICK k iIeCANI,LLAS. T AR -2 bble. genuate Barbadoes, for Bali J. KIDD & 00. SII 50 lba. for sale by_ AI A. FAUN ESTOCK a CO. lODIDE PO _ _ -60 lbs. Cantbarides, for side b' a. A. I'AIIYTATOCK & co. PEASTE P ie2 RUFFALO ROBES—AII kept eon 2...11 nanny on hnnd nind for "We by C. 713 A.O.II,ItEIIiSON A - CO. HEMP—?d' bales Missouri, =consignment .11. and for sala by . tzre. oonnosr . No. 1.5 t Vront.gt: New Msic. _ , OUNDS FROM KENTUCKY;' by Rob ed' Dublin Waltz., eoniplete. Worldb fair Walt: garanading, or 0.4 Luck Polka. tfasoburg Polka. Where Ara the friends of my %tithe Thos bad mounded the spirit that lard tbeit • Scenes that brictihmt. JannpTear'.llllo Polka. Mslka. lel. Juniata. Old Bachelor and Old dfald. Lame. of the Blind Orphan Oirl. • Thr yoke le mule lumina ear. Lamont of the Web Emigrant. Reed and ice No bY say 26 JOHN IL MELLOR. II Wood at. COFFEE-1 Rio; b 51) bilge 4=R fyi v E L. CO. 1.724 SUOAD-48 kihde. prime N. o. ° for ealo b Ls. WATERMAN A SONS. 1.2 *A and 81 Wab.r. and n 2 Front arnst. L OAF SUGAR—WO bbls. awed Nos.; 6 " Crushed, W, a F. IZON, my.`.7 . IS7 flek4as./.118 &wad Vt. QUO.ARL-10 . hhda, Clarified, fur atileby . .Z. 71 17.10L11111 h rin.....____NClT. SEA 50hf. cheita Young ilyson; . I. " " Black 46oleag Flavor; tur rale by IBAIALI DICKEY , CO.. nu 1.3 • Water sad Fr. An. CORN -35 bbla. for ealo by B. Y. TON'BON and U.l a n fft k , • CO G LUE— 40bbla. (ext r a) for ~ale myr2 .1, KW ICO. _ _ a -600 galls. Flaxseed (eatranted pm; • r r . 1 e t 77 co yl3 A. R. liELLkilla WOOL BAGS-1000 new and old. fOriTilo by I.4IR____I.PHY A LEL DRIED APPLE bblo. for dale by . OULIALILOE a IKORItAII. mr . 24 • • no Wm: It. liLORATE POTA B,S A H . F — Al N l lb Et s O e . ODFISII-10 drums for sale b h p CJ.& DILWOTIL • OD. LWORTII i CO. ARRELS—NO new Flour, for Bale by J. S. DIEWORTII a Co. pOWDER 2uro..vr. Ls: nr,...littc " ' " lik m AriTiTeCO. '"d' - SAFETY FOSE-25 bbir.toarr - ' — ive, for s br _rie2l•' - . J. S. DILWORI7i k CO. ItJoT EFINi'D SUGARS-106 b, Powdered. and Crets JAM twg. P fr z. ~ b . uU GOLDEN SYRUP-1n hf. bb .. and 10 ga keg.. raaa the Bt. Iteramia L lhr safe by 3 . 2 ' 'JAMES iiiiitAlSON • 1..1), . 101:—ffl tierces darolins, for sale by JUL le2 JAM - ESA— lIVICIIISON CO. irirlBW--1 3 0 bales for 'b ',DAMES 4, 1147CEllBON :CO! 4.7110 T-4.5 kOksciiateillio " rC:6l 7 sale by A.Tc-.--Ilgus A 1410 E-100 tierces for na . ls __ I au, 1NF, L 0r.4.1. .t. Samisks for see byc.— „ote! _ X.SOLIEII a BENNETT. - . ~~ „~ ~. v.: ~ ;ti. PHILADELPHIA United States Hotel at Pbri•aolphia. ryas SUBSCRIBER respectfully announ ees to Ms trleileth.s.irr(pig=ilsbnof etnimpa tee llFlrLoas. knuir ' n in cannuatlon alti, the I,l'"Ard"t!,thial`pot'' ITilree T a du to"config i lle o trectaus mutation se tne beet kept ban. La the country. No eapeneatuto been Fps.. IFplete ly matting tbe entire cotablubment. and he cub., Istoltaettentlon to the changes Introduced r tbe . can ce end comfort of Lodi... Being firmly detottoisr "to pipe ondsfaction. be eallelts a cualluitanc l e a e i rg .d et * 7.21 b"u"d ' l9; ' ALMS rtV.t , eyLIOJIAS WRITE, BONNET M.ANU FACITSEIL, No. Al Sooth Some tiltra ts, t , oce at, not Ale-) Ph I isdelphAs. We. papalSi INTO • •11 AGALEY, WOODWARD & Co., Whole '', tale Orman. No. ttll MOM., Phlledelphts. .r..llCcisolt... 111‘ Aair u` ..'.. l on 5 : 1 1 C . K h IC O th, Be r, , 1 41 N C a , T obacco t. io.lll , lorth Wham, Pbilagelyhis .i MERCER & ANYELO, General Commie nexhants, Pllsdelphl3. • Mend alma. to r oto couelgutocute of Produce iroucrolly. Ijeu9:dettt NEW YORK Office for Foreign Patents. • N 0.5 Wall Yor , and 166 Flat st.,London. VATENTS FOR NVENTIONS procured In firrat,Rritain, ur. Wows, Holland,and all o co vans oflEurape—t, Canadas, Cubs, .1 the Br, 41 1 1. 11 laformatlon oft the.alwre c.j,epheillbasoadt.tre,Asl 6 ivol t eet, 61.• TA Superior Mack Writing arid Copyiug.inX 1 - ONE'S EMPIRE ' INK, fg,Nasgau street, er Bun Building, Nor Turk. Ma 0000,, grim. ger dos.---$1 00 6o 0. dor-- tl or, ond ..yenta. 1 . 1 ,g,"“ rift—end . un doi t ad toe. ~mlHridDi I6Y :,"I.?7,,Ttatf,•.mZi 1 000 D. CUMIIaI to the end, et. noninatortia. at the labor" vetT, T order. tod delivered in Jam' charge Or Clan. ll TILCODORE LTXT, 11'"0 'I.4IVYBOV/11.9 Barry's Tricopherons, D COMPOUND, for re- Jard I..ntirrina lbe her , mdk. - übd Ming Wrote. of. the Ala. ; W V r a =NI I t * otatito cueing diem. its sd all the salami Morton, e elected from band of droller of the Orewerstioc , 7bl t t! e Le ' holl br those wbo have Nor TOoL, Sept. ZI, IMO ir--1 boot town anlicrod .(0a cu acolp, of a ascot oggrsTated rho, diwon yrs:nom:l dosing that ponord vied of soonest the moot eminent sbyri re trtod an rho preparation , far tla holy and orn. without the not bona- I orso advised try your Trisorhorroso. 1 44 on. Da a tart say caryrtien and gratlesslion.nmzul novel( r t two trnitho. Such nos the viola= of Lila at tin. 1 Imo yartally blind. ells. renror to VII ILSPELYE," - LSO Cothstis otreat, lan,skirl, ZOI 117 a i at l yxr u ir mart. sad. elted In abo evert a Lb. Ka taco ToU. Oet. M. 1950. fooddy Dew the—Aboutt•o years adorny bale a deal. dud my head was much *Skied • 1•• w told by • frland to to rourThoo pber• of so. and to me artonlshmente me bole was 9. and all tba dandruff duarmand, so the here for Melt l .1 8 Mbar. 9 t ..3 inread.af w e a l goatees:2 :PIA+ tlanth c antieltz . o c l e ttz I. ha. Vork,vher• be will pridor• • 00-30. . . •'l , yr . and Naval *rank NO. 9. 18.50.1 iy forthe permanent WO of bathe. t a cranium gareerslir • that by heeded t i, ' lett b i e "lk 0 1 1oo k = " . _ !Mr:: teethe upper d o ted ao. Wile eammuseltr: in nna•ry In the land it It wed la preference to e of the kind. It Maparta visor to the roam of thud lemo im Orro.thremarlable de.. .te th• dandruff and seer. and makes the I leery. It arid cum all dho. of th• scalp, d , de. wont , . toot other elorketedieer- Irtit'Anrr--,t,o:1! see ms,, it T. aral at the Meets ganeeralit. then •aree and Canada aum out • I tub dtatiro ous. tsul I d. ttrml• and Thai L Its POP. I=3;: ir allacst•MO, d. artiCw tb. hair. .gde oel mkt . I= . e s I.lrl•rt m.d PRIM* WHS. H UTCH INSON .Ir. Co. Nol3 Spruce Street, NC. YORK, l Wbrdesaitt ni inuft.nrs a u In. best EAGLISU PILNTINti for fl& and Litho itrapkti PrtAting, and fur f Ina Aunt and Job Work. shirt tz kTfi rs to t0 0 1...7d of ....on matenalL and d ir t Tbt nosolgaMs in tints lutn. ow ouch uteri. a ride =sm. permariessy to workroom.to any other fibs ens In non Bold at ;aims varying fro= T 4 nut to 11,00 tsr lb., put up In ea.. and funtsartied to ONCT. IL I .....strtursaftetstro enter! Wks nf ovary ...arid •arying /MIS SUSI to =AO per lb. tuett'rt•tu Shawl and hiandlls ! Warehouse. ! , S, MILLS, No. fi CORTLANDT ST., , Entire.) 010WTORL. It nos epettlao nue of and risto. stastutente APRINta AND 141411 BRAWLS ever bases remiss!. Alto LACE SiCitLIS and all kututs of SILK MANTILLAS, =nub.. roi Rata tbn Istnot Caro fashions, hated by do swarm. and partinslarle ...cosi b tbe Mol t lotte. t LLAtI raeattl r t , tt:. o tof PAII.AI)LI A.ll ootWp 1) ttrin.'ol4=lArt.tetrea t1i0 4, , . vl Pl ,oVd "''"a `10 9; los pmts. bt ears:ally In., our Western =s% ea. 2; 121 Mastu ' uts, put up in woo fur tr . ...= " Srtittif AGO, ILLINOIS. THOMAS HALE. - • FORWARDING k COMMISSION MERCHANT, VONTINUES hia usual facilities to receive vu on Stoma, Fate. and Trauthh.trt. &a Wed:Laotian evarlgned hint. &mt. Warr his At daily for all poaa on the Later and the Canal and Woe, Itelbreords—Reuss. Loretta, Merlin, a Co .Ihosta. Jon. klr. Jam A. Canzbar ST. LOUIS -& ST. JOSEPH. ST. JOSEPH, BISSOURI. MIDDLETON, RILEY & M'GEE. Yrodoco, Comornhohno. mot Volwonting bltrobwMa, on Its Ur., ht. Joaqh. Ma 11.40 to Alexander Jordon. out Loma, htorlina k Co, Mtn arab. ophlt PAVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law, and Cotandoolanor for l'onntylosnlo, SClAtiaa Mo. ecomunloations aralnpur attracted. cacgaly 4e'OHS'OHSIL RANKIN, Attorney' and Coon polot at Lan. and Cohondosionor ea Etat* a tmivonis. Yt Long. Mo., Mao of P;Moburght.) 14411M—Vitaburgta lion. W. Forward. ilamyton Minor, thOoodtto. A MoCtute, John C. Yvte. Kama, &mato. IfeCard. Co. • ong14:11. BOSTON • A! RICAN HOME, ANO•ER STREET, BOSTON. ripllE undersigned. 'having entirely re-aqt j bedit•rel enlarged the above ea - tnder retslidble meat. reondtbon in ail argent three benndmd and InnAT. room, would nrnynertfully rive notice that It ls now ready far the Preprint and aceocumndation or the travelling ognenunity. Aneerecatrd nett, uneartneeled.Mvrniebroeor Ude I lions 1.• deorul b arupgoons, no the tomer°. Impmer manta width ne been made, cannot be pen.n.4o glean In • advertirment. engine It to .01, no expense bee been I epend to render any egarineargerfect. The tUrriil,ll,ll rag monde elprearlY order. Man... o or t. eon certain portions of IL espertaUY thnnin n toms. rill be grand to be of the man leant:Sul mantafee. te. line Dining rooms eye capacione, and tLe Lour. for tneale .111 by an erreutnyl er atilt dm convenience of the wetly end late. Every department will be meth:glad In an nnexoeptiona. ble meaner. and ' the prcrprietor pledges binninell that Abe Americen lignor shall be truly the Traveller'' , Herne. leldnilrordlientrull LEWIS RICA. M OLASSES & SYRUP WA,. :1.11.31010mm 10 •.• jo S, bbls. Oniden arrurt. 5.1. 10102rer, ftrr br BUIt I IIIt 3 IDOE TNOllltrit3l. 114 W.tcr rt. •• • itiA.PLE SUGAR-2 bbla. very choice Na 1 " 1 " yk 2 " . '"' '`" re" 411.7. irna & User sad Tin Dealers. OVERING'S SUGARS—DoubIe Refined RA _Lad, o:cubed. Pulverieed brui Pabdrred. et.sbbYtiT o: Ah bbaa atuiljor nb. by tbl4.,:r.l,7lcyr,alilhati talobeet TM . Matti' WIED PEACHES-1000 bushels (bright 111 gr , ' I/LTIIIEWS Ca ca -2.2 D RIED APPLES-30 awls prime, forma° 1 , 7 tor = ' KILEY. MATDIEWS A CO. ASTOR OIL-9 bbis. (Blow's mako).for We by my 22 R11T.4, MATTIIEWS a CO. SLTOAR-2AO bhds. prime N. 0., for sato by mrLE. AMES A. MACEIIEONA CO fIOPLEY'S POT CLAY-36 bble. iantreed sto tur We to. 3.CIIOONMAICkji .1 CO. my=) CLOVES -1500 Ibs. for solo by my 29 B. A. PAIMESTOCK I CO. SUP. CARB. SODA-25 kegslor sale by myVI IL A. 7.IIIN7MOCK A CO. RENCII FLOWERS—A mplondid varipty M the towed ttylet krenth Itud American nom, 1.0 w 0 ere proplrod to tell vat 7 wholmle or twtatl.mr.l A. A. AtAliON a co. DRIED PEACHES--435.sacks in store, will roy b r2l *" tow t° clamaklAll DICKEY t CO. _ _ UCKETS-50 dnz. :Marietta., fur sale by mytti J. B. CANTIILD. VEROOMS-100 doz. Corn, for solo b 7 Jur melt J. D. CANFIELD. • SALERRATUS-100 boxes .pure; bbl..• Mr Yak by m . J. D. CANFIELD. ----- SUGAR -100 bids. Powdered, for sale by my2l BORIIIIIDGE A INGILELAII. E--15 bbLs. good grease, now land 6 1t 2 E g AS. from etcamrr CumberlawrNo. 2 ilar rale•in Iseult DICKEY I Co, TRANSPARENT WASII BALLS—A tine &Akio neM and Car eat. at Go Drag Store of scly23 6. N. WICKERSHAM. EXCHANGE BANK STOCK— U. ma le by U. . KING, cala. Ranker and Enchant. lhoaar._ ._ If EARL ASH-20 casks for sale by. . ~ 1 R. DALZELL it CO._ — RASH . 7 4 musks pure, fur sale by m 1 . J. B. CANFIta.D.__ nRIED APPLES-20 bags for sol by mrA It. DALZELL o Co. 1 7 1 T ASII = S casks fur nale by R. DALLELL .I,a Clarified EARL ASR-25 casks for Bale by mr2i J. B. CAN MO INK ROOT—:2000 lbs. for sale by MTI9 J.1(100 400. LAM) OlL—Benuett 8 Jones' brand, for .o.•br rerae ismAndunaar i.I.IkLT PETRI' —TO sacks Crude, for sale by mrl3 MAIATI DICKEY k CO. FOR RENT.—A three story b . and ROM M house, altnidie oulldritigrent. bet . UM lon. aell flatbed .i t &lint la the kitchen and above whirl; there lt will hot gtut said water. Plieevadost gine= •., "lel7 VONISOiIh-11011ST Home andl,et for Sale. ALARGE LOT, onLeaeock street, !eaten,. mooing throoett tr; Rehm , . • • ct on ouch street. with• depth. of URI for nteth.r with • aced Irk lurelhou floor, mu rooms. For term. apply to ACIILNIN WOUDLI Dimon nye.. or JtillN STORE ROOM TO LET, oit Mnrke second door from Fourth. and utroinbt stet and Jewell,. Store of W. W. Wuriox. Rote Room ban the harelsomeat front In the el , the bent location fur • th 7 Goode. earl Fancy Bo Brat for the tu.lanor of the 3.. r .111 e'erl quire o f JAIIM4 GRAY. or je • :e: •r : e. VALUABLE unimprotott LOT I on the eoever of Liberty and Pareore etree Yittli Warn. anoints the Gentian Clatbollo Church. 10 foot lot on Lib erty. by 100 feet deep on Factory. running bark to Syrinx alloy. Ale the tore ..tory Brick I.ltrellba Mouse . ..tanyotolny. no tarot, tbo lot Nino I.ti foot lOU fort dial , 'Ow bacon is . larno sn.l wove Eden ro,lorn .tylo. and ciottainerleeets rooms. Al t o—:n aorta of eery raluablo land tow Slat rAMI of 135 =mak. West Dyer town 1!,. -A a 25/ at:volt:1 LIVITYce count tron .kiN--Fxrin , In Beare- - counts. of . T3l . lour fr'm dri-u. • 0:: tahable Nausoo, 11110 7i;9u1317-- • N. P. t U. L. 11. FLTrElui. Altoroeyn at L., sod kleat ats AI toy No. lU7 remelt street. Pat yOlt RENT—A Warehouse on Wel Xdre . et . . , between Bla i rket and suitable cb Mr.% LSI; IiALZELL. 6V it To Let, . I THE well finished and furnished Sto Thl,d street, Dear the . pied bT lire. :"*1o7l17; t o Vb. oA77A3lLytre 7 , syIPM I Po .t. Tribitha and Dive,th To Farmers. O( ACRES Farming and G. 10 Landk is Warren Monty, I ;II ' hank {lke, attain twelve oaten of th e N • . EriNnilrcad. 4.1.-I.ono Aran In Elk onuati,,camu K , lm i ,_ o 4l ti"m'yrr. ofr not of Marl. and Third To Giordeners. rerNTY ACRES of Gardening iely tinder g ad cult/ vale%initepl m Hy, will be void for 5600 an sore-One_9ll, "ba _Lanre at in one, twßank o, g awl three rears parUtnl nnl the in /lathe of rears WILKINS A. , h I corner of Atarket and Tbird Desirable Suburban Residence for S. e. THE subscriber offers for sale the house and h rx.' c :7= tra / g4. o 7.o o ,rasTillr i ssT•s " ;:i the market of this sky. 71e lot is ft. fen nt en Park it., thinning beck ..... be. to an.allay.K.:ll.ll2ti. nearly COO sere of gromul. col is bouudcd orstrary els e by's... open lots, adorned with tres arid shrulibet Y. Tne.too,OLo', nearly new , brae. daiscessily arranged, having • front of 30 Sat, and &nth /1,2, and mantles fourteen besidv halls nine fret wide. It is built In the best and most datable manner, and has • 114-pretlf MOS and contains id/ the male= ethsthithces. Two homy. with I th unfailing supply of ber.l and nth...Liman at the dorm. On the pall:Lbws are the necessary' cot budding. stable, carriage house, with The grounds are laid out [nadir as • lawn. covered with thutee trait tree. evergreen. flawering ' shrubs, currant. gooseberries. "submi. kg. and • mall garden The *silt Is of the best kmd, end the trees are in eehheeif• Prima. and 7161 enough ter the wants of an onlithier fThe rituation of thD property, as to eulubritY and suburban cothforts. ern:shined eith co o to the city, la not surpassed by thy residence in t his Tien:lily. It but slew of the Ohio Meer for over • mile. of ti re, South Pittsburgh. th e City, the Df ri.sorss ono the hills around, forming altogether Ptholonlor..Prtht s sof of which the rye never weariea. EMT boat ahten enters or &Too.Dont th e port of Pittsthrgat on the Ohio, pathos In eau view. The residence and grounds are .thlethoPitialT r7s:VatsW,,XtliT, A.°o,Lan'4l7iotTruu'una sad peaceful est!' loc•Dd In nose unl ' et thick in the country The property will be sold at *bargain, and porsesaion given whenever desired. Swank, at theogle. D. S. HUME. For Bale. membere of the Friirmourit Fire Com ockeN Mot. Eeseoe for gab. It bt. good at 4,1: .4 oral t. ee.dehea..f: u l g i o f rrli, soe7. ' Ito' 4VI l4m Arm. FOR RENT—A Dwelling Roue° on w.s gDritn"w7iXrng,°:ff teu'lth.. lw rentgd low.epd vwcacssiosa tervr,atill,Z"li WA 0 aur , NtialS Ward. ViirtgbroN, D v . Dstbar.nlez. Fourth Itre.i, near Wool Valuable seal Estate for Sale. FIHE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, on 741' favorable Vrens the following Reel Etta.. Cl', In rf llttsburgh.,vir No. I. Three valuable throe story brick dwelling hon., n &wend street. between Market and farrY Wavle. th a lots bringeach 19 Gat front by la/ dee, No. IL (nntains ST feet front on Third street 40110I0g the 'Third reran, trrian Chord, an wash 14 elected one four story brisk b., used as a pliokina -tare. and ono two story brick truenon.s. No. Two lota to Fannon. tamer roomy, 10100 tote Noslrma 4, beton about DM teen squars.on otiehlacrect ed ow block of font frame dwellings, and one Atakora. fr.e dwelling. all tho Morin, Glob. No. 4. One lot LO f,et front on Back ours t, orPorinl alma, foul extending , . the top of the So. b. Two !math such Is) but to at. .04 running from th e rout to l rearm . mark, ou tbs 1 1 14teaver._ Nu. 0. tine ealn o rIl• water 100 test on Wheel nano: with no, shares water power acb d. No. 7. One lot oppcolte the seater es, 10 feet front, an 4 extending to the top of the hill, on .bleb Is errand Mr too story brick Acre oral wareboass. I. by NI fern abwmni . frame dwelling, two dories CM, No. A. One nave lot to Naw v ittizlatonbratereount7. l . - lug about 140 feet on Broad ay, not shout WO fort deep; erunesoung 114 sore. on which are erected too tuna frame doellinvaand one all frame house. used man ogles. This ersperty was tormerly occupied by Wt. T. 4, - Cwolld. eat is eery pleasantly Invoked. beMC ItnnalldlatrlY ol / 4 . 1. the Fang.. arzee. No. water lot, Immediately below Follett= triage, being a bo ut lOU fost lenntln end extending from Water a gree, to low rater mark. or 1...10 iwtb• The &hose property will•ery. favorable taros. Apply at the took !note ..1 FrOCKTON,cornerThlnl and Market Ig.lNgelY. JOILN FLENIINti, Agent t oo klotimal stud Not enpy.l For Sale. E UNITED STATES HOTELvm BLACK of )313ILDINGS, tut the rumor of Warrr lb¢o wall Nutt Meet, and Irtalline on the Iltam. rtlysada Canal. Ln the Orr of I'lltaburgb. The Lot front@ on. bundrrd and fatty tour fort on Prot rtrert. and on, hundred and ulna fret ulna Mehra on Wagging - ton 'Area. to a tyrant, - [eft all?) In,,uitor o UIYID DBBBB, torbt.bat EAL ESTATE FOIL SALE--The under nnl vc u nate and prob t 4 btr In. Ivrftvt. 'ferny favorable. ro. r. ....darn and t.troas. eoquire of the underatpned. at the abr. of tkorev , F. 13111001, FArt., on o r e yl'itt. bomb. L...tween Third and Fourth street., of II illism Spa:tau-9 laud Fattrrson. Ewa'. ,at tbrir ofprea in Jttlrm. ingbsta. fan 310b1.3 EATON..,_ RENT—The lae kind commod House ow Pear. Crawl. petrlr cot , ltr th y.El . a) with art entira lot adnlat o r, ,,,, v yard. Also—ttabitna . as pt 1_ EIM Neer t_ L ARD 01L-29 bbls; No, 1, for sale low to vmAgumtilt, at lb. I , torr of &,. W ICKERSUATI. ems Wood and Filth tta. (CHEAP BONNET RIBBONS-A. A. MA. ecy A Ca. 4r4 now opmlng • Ism lot of brAutiful Myles hprire Pabbolo..st U34t pc M. , ' ur00rr44 , 44 for closput , s, t.ttcy ant worm 41 ecute. 62 sod 64 744:ket rt. FISIIING TACKLE--Canes, llods,•Lines, limas. Le., wholesale aei , d rac . t . ! rr.5ON, y:h g Market erect, maser at Fooxth. YIT ATC IiES in' large variety, and at the lo.mtt na• t ii4s . ,lrt,ra mak pen5. .. e,10.17.A. sod retail. ••• • Tlit: PENCIL OF ROBERT BURNS, the IOL • T may be man at my atom Alm, a pplendad aonortment of (kid and ante, FOOVIF Gold Yana of Om ban manufactory. enclua Cullen - . lon Monola fulyyft) W. W. WILSON. H _ AMS-32 twits Bat on Hams, for ado b , Estitlts .1)311.2.. A.IIDTCWW; C CO. 11 , i ICII Crimson Velvet and Gold Paper umurins, E. Drmag rtoo..tiutrtreed recap Agra. W 1.7 W. k. mAnsli..km.. - 5.5 Wood t r . or mr3s RINTINO -PAPER—A larga lot Double p 51edlum and Imperial trtralnd Parer. torlaltebT W. S. HAVEN, E 1124 manor Market and inecond WRAPPI 2 NG P4RER§--4 mmt ax,,i • .xyf.x...kahlaw•Ai. GROSSkr,lnotoTgEGlllotto and 17 Pen 14 od a non's Pena, of all number.: Eully'a4 and oth eeletralod mwoutVglrikkogidlAts nom nt07.4 corner Martel and:l.mnd sta. LOUISVILLE WHITE LIME-50 bbla L. reed and for tale 'WILSON, ytte 157 Front, seat 110 Socoad et. lACLAY—'2OO boxes for nixie by IA la 02 R. DMZ); LL k 00.. Liberty 4. DRY 111DES- 4 :200 (prime) for tmln by mrm POW'D EXT. LIQUORICE- 1 mm for sato br mrD B. A. F LerOCK t CO. BARRY'S TRICOPIIEROUS-12 dos. for Wn er • / L E. IV t'v mill ALOIII--59 bble. for .n.lo by J. IIIDD 1%.1 m 712 ., 60W. I et. OPPERAS-2 5 bbls. (good) for sale by mris 7. ECILOONNAKER a OP ALE —sobbls. for sale by ...cuoolni.viEn a co. bbls new for sale by w. IVILSOV mrH RGOT 7 -4U,lcir irA my. R. A. YAM:I-STOCK CO. Wool! MITE highe, , t price in Cash paid for all the dig""°k'""l" * tx,E. VIRE BRICK-65,CM (Coal (trove) Fire u Mick, equal tif not stuudior LI the :u bumf sod Ur nolu LINSP.ki) OIL-30 Ibis. (warranted pure) fur rule by J. SUWON M &KKR t 60., 23 Wool .t. CIIIIOSil: YaLOW ,k4.lltEEN— cor''''' ft '' ' '' bY :I. SCIIOON MASER a. W. 4 - .1. ktititATUS-12 , casks prinin, for ink by L m 1 . 12 WICK t SIrCANDLESS. _ for sale 4 I"2. C i9 LATE ` -130 luVitßccitt,isANDuss. by iTE;iII)I.,ii—IVORKED COLLARS, Floune 14Eaging and Cer.s i z tt itt full ail...bac:Mot Laar ' ylu Y. Li. EATON. Fourth a. N i M ACK ER EL-75 bbls for sale b' P. WILSCa. 11X &mod wt. 11 EMT-45 tons Alias. IL IL. for sale by ji .05 JAXIE3 A. IMITCLUSON R. CO lk./ AOIX:REL.-50 bbls. No. 3, for sale by ouic • IMTLERIDO - k INGURAM. LifPErS--iteceivedTCnd jJ far sale I.l' WM. A. MeCLURG a CO., • ov..N Groc,rs and Tea Ueslua SALT a PETRE-2t) bags( il; . ) fors* by MEDICAL AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. 10It rue Cl/RE OP • COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, Duman. WHOOPING-COW/EL CROUP, ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION. AMON() the numerous discoveries Science hoe Wade In thll generation to Mantels the businese of Ito ni.loYment. and men prawn the term of human existence. muse can to named of more real trim to mankind. then this contribution of Chesuish7 to the lleallog Art. A vmt• trial of its virtue throughout this vabt c o ootm boo promo leomd .doubt that no mold= or combinedon of medicines yet known, can ao mare] Teo*. trol nod our. the namelyus varletke of ramainuzydLeage which have hitherto swept from our midst thousands and thousands every year. Indeed. time is mew abundant retie pp, W bowe e remedy has at length been band ninth eau be relied on to curs the Mot dentrawste awno= of the Imes. ller space here will not permit es to publish arty promortlon of the cures effected by its um, toilt we putout the following epitaphs of eminent men. and rem further enquiry to the circular. "bleb the agents below oxonsi el=ate be pleased to flualsh free, .heroin ere full particulars, and indisputable proof of them bets: From the Prelideet of AnTerol =we. 00 celebrated MO. FESSOIY DI 7CIICOCK. ...lames C. dyer-810.1 tam need your Cherry Pectoral lo my two case of dmtrecetrd fftrochldo• and em matOvd from Its ehelakal mutilation that It Le an admirable mop wand for the relief of farm: offal and bevandel If my naiad. u to Ito superior character can be of MO service, you ere at liberty mum It m i rt °Pt prep. ARD 11111; COCK, _ time the widely celebrated PRO 1,007 HILLMAN, JL D.. L. L. D., Prtsfereor of C Yale Colk.ge. Member of threaltt.nied! i n Month° Moieties of Amnia. end Europe. "I deem the Chem Pectoral an wiluirable cotoposliion nu twee of the best articles In 1.0. Malaria Medics. mod very effects. remedy for the elate of dimenes it iv inter ded to ewe.. New tram, Ct. MAJOR PATTLION: Pnucktenre & Beaalantalm. that be cb.rvr r0.t.v. 1 1 ,6 th vlomvomi ems. to cure an bodatomatim of the mg. Pr es cm ear.fusl P tnnolvm iwAatm /Moo, Me, April 211, 114 g. 9Jr. J.O. Ayer. Lowell—Dear Bin 1 am non constantly ming your Cherry Pentual la tar Monk* mtriglehr It tO any other medicine Ibr putramary camels/ode. Mmohaer' , vatic. of many seven mess, I am convinced It will cure moth& colds. sad diocese. of the lunp,tton have lott defiance all other remsdkw. I invanably recommend ite tow In cues of musutopttoo, and consider It =oath* best remedy' known for that dins*. LROOOBUAN M.D.' 11=dit r so r MAISIS 8510 in i geborgb, wholemle and retail. by 10. A. OAS NPSTOCH t CO and J. M. 'TOWNSEND. In AllegbenVitr, by IL. P. 11C1fWARTZ. and 1. DOM OLAk and by agent's...UT. .14.'1* Wind' k . I.= : ncs. • ruh. Slrdlcine knew.. Irielyi;c:iCerujeiMption , P l resnnes..Leueeveliesorirhlterjeregularhlvostrus tlen . lueontbsuenee of Crine.tleneral Piontrama of the Srateat, Ihpreowel Spirits. 'and Gloomy State of Mind, are enredby Dr. Gwysettslatruct of reflowDoc.asedScriepamiimwhkh give. Inunediste mbar by renewing the tiruntsla of health And otrartzth, the blood. It neutralises bad humor*. stops unnatural secretly= and glees healthy action to 41 the vital powers. Its mild alterative peopertice realer It peculiarly mat. cable to the slender and delicate ea:Waal= of the fe male. ItimeselLetely counteracts that distresdng wrier arcs and heedful. so common to the Bate fume, and 1000.10 an energy end buoyancy 0.0 031 . 1Atth:4 .11 , 7 are grateful. ire have evidence on fd. which Induce. us strongly to recommend We medicine to married pe.nlei who have not beens blessed with offspring. Malap& DWI. er Falair of dm Romts. of Drava:lo stan ding, eared by Dr. Graaott's Rath.% of Yellow Dock and :arsaparilla. alter erary otter remedy had bom laird without. redid: WAseceasas. 0.. Feb. is3sto. This °arca. that Fay .lto, •Pri 27 year.. has mewed ender the above complaint for Des years. nearly 41 that thee control to her he I bees for fttor year. contently employed the best medial talmt that could to prontred in this section of the 'elmatrr, without any beoeflt whatever. I beer elm Po-rob:mod .serf Matruntent recommated the ewe of such &imam ell of which poured worthlem - • In the spring of I was induced by my Mends to NDDr. Gametes laUe. Dock end Sarsaparille. 'Mich wee oped for fo y er months. After she hod need It for Mont foes epees. 1f... eektent to all of to that .be we. Improving, and from this time she Improved tepidly. end gained flesh and ormarth, until eh. le now mjoybu woet acellent Web. WU. MONIORT - We. Mine neighbor. to Wm. and Julia Monfort. know that the-above statements, to to the sickness of Dim Moo. fort. arid es to the cure being ar..t.i bY.OuThotre Yellow Dmk sad Sampuille.. an strictly trze. JANE EDDY; SABAII 1000709. King's Era—Cade of 0. N. Leonard. • • Inounasci Glom Dec 1.1619. • Bement t Cot--Oeutst Some time In 1543 I .se atbscted with Eines Evil In my eras, whloh hem.a so son I could not use It, and in ISIS mortitutation 24 La. 1 employe& at dig root times, each physidan ut calehritY within ml ranch; all LOU mu my arm must In amputate& From the .hastier to the forearm erns full of nmartg acres. lit strength et tide time was completell egbAtutt ed.edd ml Paton much emaciated. 1 coulluttal to dila Ras watll lege, when I taw an advaillentneut (attllotre Yellow Root and dareaparilla) which I reed. and twat fora bottliof tba areclo. OuyeotVe Yellow Dock and Sarsapa rilla. enrol me; I took oo ottuz usinghile =lag It; anti felt toyed! yerlictly well begun the Oxth bot tle. died I wed it at the dna sneer.. of the dmladY./ am sure It would tun wed toe from years of pairs 'end tattering. I most attend) nor end ettn7 Per= Fob fain, order way similar arm. to utes Gursotrs Yellow Won out Bentaparilla. which will restore them to hulth. Yours, in gratllude.LEONAßD. Cure of ..aggraeuted eau of Eryeeprker. The three per/mood by Dr. theysotts Extract of Yellow Dock mad Fareapthille4 are testing. The patient's gement health coati... to Maniere after dire.* to resuovrel.,- Cares the not throe: Wed until time has Duly Wad that there can be uo paw. or return of the disease. fratwee, lierMmer CO, Fabtuary. 1010. S. F. Beunett 0 Oe.—Gentas It te with grestplthertre that I write you about the eery happy effects of your Yellow Dock and Saresperilla. upon my eon, wholaslang been loth' fering under that &needful thd lostiumme disearo. EcteiPc ea with which he was attacked ha Ina. and was Cm save mouths attended by moth of the beet physielthr, who rled their akin pereethainaly far dee rthnthsoeillumt any benetitith molts echelon, Hs beams reduced to • per sect akelctou.. He had ulcers from his hip to hie knee, which were continuant disclargitsidlegartiOser offensive matter. Medial and rathical skin wth ImMeth. Fle.thielsoth that his ems was ;melee, there Null Ao nothing dear to arrest tic. terrible gangrening MY neigh bon end myself thought he disioluthe near at hand. Cu. of my ocighbors (who hod cured a child of with your Invaluable medicine) wished ms to mak e! It; =I, moth from the restless Madre toda acesethdngwhfles life lasted. than from soy both of gettlog Mier, /Promned , three borne of your Yellow. Doak and Birseimidlitt. oud eammenced thing It; sad to my mbaniehment bO beFen to Intheure before ho had used the third bona.; and before De hod cased a half draen bott ca. ho could w used alk out. IN 10.11 twelve bottles during the Teat 100, and bT 00. tObrt lath he was pateol7 natorol. Evert vestige of the diecue, ascot the mars. to rue... td. sod he rectsini in perfect Lealthat the urgent time. His retheert. antler the blousing at God, Le entirely owing to the a of Tom Yellow Dock mad Ethrsparills; smell theexe you that I feel usteelf under grma obligatioas m you., ind.it le with great sot that I inform this of what your dathaptrin• him done for =0 cm. Respectfully. J.kIYCLI 10753/111.. Pau ta J. D. Pus. (masts= to buifori &Park.) *earth and Walnut.. te. Cinctema.Obio.Gauvral Agent for the tenth and Kett to win= .11 palm must to Mammal. J. ILldd a Co.. IL A. Fa usetook A Co.. J. A. Jones. L. Wilms. Jr.. Eittabarub; Ime A. Beckham, Allegheny Cap L D. nuesell, WsebbistOii; L G. Bowie. Untoutomi, LL Welty. woo:Mum E. Kotuatt.boaterseagaott Gilmore. boariirdi ica,a a boa. fluntinaamitUrAGM.lltabbanbuti lliblotaima A Cu., Lodi... J... B. Might. Eittanalimi Liam A 'Co. Drcokrilla A. Wilson ih - arrisibtan lilcFitraliad A Ca. N. Callenatr.' Merlvilla Futon A Co: Erie: Giataro A Porker, Mercer. Jimmie KellT * Ca Rue lop It. :math, Boom J. O. bussinertoril mrstu.S. LA C. B..lcates.Ccaulaapark P. Crookia. Jr.. Erma:rills. garPrieg—sl lier.Bottir; Sic Bottle ufor $5. A Valuable improvement in Trams. BR. }LARD'S Imwod _Patent TRUSS tad BUM= ILL. by which a nermanent ' tore to effected. This Tenn Is entirely illgertat forte sad principles °ninth:to IV= o .thes Tswana betted all the advantages of • erethreated eat notions Paw , taw- the littanara ;an be so tool:natal es to give ease wet comfort in the most difficult owe of aorta% sodium be lomwswil to almost any torte deithred- Thelawinine at , total. and being hymnist to War immediately over the' bw. 1,4 Tann. end attootinitrietWeoty and tete. tion at • ti es.. Wren un der that violent mortise. the ase Trus wrens, wherilOrilDsawfatasktl,i enni'l - O ‘ r . Lagertros tothsful 41 ' ; tome. Ithlak 111 not an azgrenemt crtarenee la the weer, t iOn f era r ielgted with Robb:Akre:Tat trertai r trit . ' DIY It themselves. The Is • tad, practice. which can be news only by those who understsiad .the anatomy ot the nom affected in berm. We would mat resrtetfolly tall the stiteOltrti of Thy he clans to tbis Troth as we kaow they win armeaa We also ban • variety of other Images at 'the lowest prime. latuttTrosee• in e tt o eonstaatly On hand. Kr.y Wo iit=tn• • • Irate assort. kat. atul lit etc_ Dr. Hard's Abdominal Supporters. THESE SUPPORTERS are intended chief far the cast or Prolapeis Um. a, I requited. The tie. ~,h exet. te et t v ,t e the ettd O•l= 7tl:l4.l,laT. h e—st ere Prolatads Uteri. Ming of the Bowels, /Um Coati. , Nies tha Beak end Brine, Limn - ado and rstrcou PoeUnke of rroetretlon. Rm./ate. Short - two of Breath. palpitation of the Haut. TOOLIFILWEIrIUi. 140 Wood et. Ptttebnnit. SBOULDER BRACES, :of the mod' ep; proved style. gample ha ittynentra and way tWd d of.claes to mlt all•who nuy maw .g !orwhalual• and nun, _ my.:4 HAL ULUBLE., ET Wcol Ports Pussaim. Wk. Oct. 4.1847. 31a. It E.. hatuti—Of your Vermintwe. I say without hesitation that, basins wed It extensively la my for the last four or I...years, I think 114min/idly CZ, .. preparation of the kind of which 1 have an knowledge, although 1 here hereto*. need the tow . J. H. NrualAus co„ myt. eorner \Yazd and Fifth U. SPER3I CANDLES-10 boxei 4'3, s's, n G, for sale by J. D. ICILLLOIS 8 CO. mrf, D EER SKINS: —3 bales for sal. bY Ram% mATTnEw .al by. _ +sr'. . _.,WB A CO I ---.l' QODA. ASH—GOaska (good r ) f --- "wi --- sa .--.---- 1(0)i --- to met A. arIaERTSON i co` WiITE FISH-38 bbls. and 38 hf. Is. e sale by ISAIAH DICK):T A M. ylO • Water and Front VPARSE SPQNGE-40 0 lbs. for sale V .sars , D. A.. nuserrocs. & V LOViti— 2 bbls. for sale by ' J. SUWON MAkER A • SUP. /kn. SODA-10 kers_fo_r sale ly J. senootisi. &co, =ls :4 Wood ‘IIIOULDERS-32- casks for dale by .1 - 1.... - 3 myle • 11ANDT. JONES LW. CHEAP WALL PAPER—For sale byl N.,.. , myle W. I,IIABSIIALL.e:• 'Woad et. FESTER CENTRES—For sale by . 1 mile W. P. II ARAILALL, ad 11" et sr,- I, for sa by . P IG , LEAD .iT-1. 90 pigs S.o3LAft.lG4gpvtfacroti --- G METAL IGS tons forsale b, nut' MITT. 31errarWs a COl FEATHERS -8 itr.s. pKirao Ky., for salc •• , •7 • _____II.!,LATTIIF.W2. k COI toyl6 IL-' bble..t'S kege•No. 1, for eat JOON w Arr a a} FISH- - 7-- 2) Ws. and 40 hf. bbln No. 1, B. tenors 1 loin 10; " " d • " - .1111 • t'l I,f. blT= 1!14= , ,o 6soor,U.E. r eel* nlylo WWW - DIG IRON-400 tons linntingdoi - TeOT foi j_ sale t,i. 80718 JOHN WAIT 27 ; XEILPLARS' SWORDS—duet reed, lot of Halgb4 Tema e: etth the v ololevneref the er beenWellr engraved. wyls W. W. WILSOIi , EOR SALF.., AO close consigment-- , 5 1 1 eke. Joxegr , !FA ASH : bra j n!«.l k i tr A ti . kal aUr ' ea7l s corner l',lllPlareaSlZogetes..Plttenanth. HERRING -10 ibis new for sale by I mil 4 w. 6 v. WILSON. - • • (1011%E-45" bags Rio, fur sale by. I") mv i. JAMES A. 111.11CIIISON Aft 1E N, RED--15 casks (English) for +silo by, man J. SCOOMMOLLEER &CO. • LIFE PRESERVERS k JACKETS—Al v.,...x.s..ras at the udis - Babber I , lo 3 mer. a 7 p /nal L 9 L lT'Aort GOLDEN • SYRUP-12 half bbls- and 24 loam Golden Syrup: for silo be__ .1 , tub/ JAMES A. iIreCIOSOS t. CO. e t HR mia OME GREEN-5 caseS superioacfnal houseumi sturboat pultlnfailay • New Books, just received. , • griREEK GRAM MAR, for the use of High . &too. US Entroultra by 'P. uttarm±so sod imlarad be his um Alresnuer.huoupW. 1 ' or 009. no lamb Confosenotes. and Haag.. of I.9ehlualmar re NE Stmla. l lSmo. mm. The Autobloyruhe ud'lrronoristm a t n , Obartimam_ eN, "TETI/Tenn vrl=-1n.'..... tla V you m eta V • • R. 110YEINS. melt. • TS Apollo NUM. , Fourth st. &LERATUS--5 tons in boxes and 411; 11 Lass Ite oo 4 l'apowl• or mate by ROBERT DALZEIA . etYll :Aate strut. VIACKARED-1.00 bble. No. 3, (1841) for ttiltb7 ;tea S. it W. 11.1.1:13ArSEL LARD 01L-32 bbls. for solo by - I id S. t W. ITABAUGEL shoulder Braces. LASS-250 boxca asao. 'd sizes for liale by & w.ll.Zuramr.. hhdb. N. 0., for bolo' by B. CASYLII.D. jei FISH -25 bble. Lake Sup. White= 10 UL " " fir mat by 11. CAN LAGIC WATCHES, orDoublo Minting Gold Lever watches. made go a. to ezei cabala atlas with sold wuxo.. or to ahoy the Ms °Nu at plahourta Very Mao orake..W.reeetted sad ler v... 6. I JA ' • carter Market and Fourth at. ARE ALOES-1000 lbs.forisaleb , • Cl 4 ;. B. A. Pell.n.f.TOCE 4=. 10111}1.IISSIATE POTASII-500 ado JR. by tje2j SILVEVIOCS , . 4. CO. CODFISH -6 tierces for rale br • • • WICX. wektramss. QATS-00 5 bu. for sale by my= B. k W. HARRAVOIL EASTERN WALL PAPER=An extensive assortmeat. Including enry kind sad d -40.0. 10 .4 .'""U N IT 4"r Pr TWlThiStalt. ss ).1;:r i ket St. 1.1 S— 1 0 caeca for sale by • MUM DICKAT cu. 111.713 BUTTER --Fresh Roll for sale by_ I mrla ISMAIL DICR CO. MANNER DT S' 01L-20 bbl 5 R- s . *ar nums.ra= • pue. fin. We yl6 6.iVoxl At CABS. AMMONIA-600 lbs. for sale by mrl2 J. JUDD OD. VERMILLION -62 lbs. (Trieste) far sale by ay 7 ILL StLIZBIL 100 AR FUNDS& EASTERN EXCHANGE wAwren, awl the hlghee2l-WILICt prenalon•real tot Oa ISS DO.. eta - corner Iterkei Tata 42 D - RIED APPLES-75 bu. for salo_ll2 . . ZIIRBBIDOZ - krru apt 4 /16 Vsser mod. --= CRIMPED BIBBOICS—Just rad! tt.e.l - b 4 Accb.cial. an so d colas. Tbc. guAntlen of yrbalecale.baciames it la- Ad.!. the slava extenuvo Almon:mat my b ' . A. 13e6.e.4-0).- CASSIA -400 lbs. for sale my 9 B. A. YAM:x.7IOM A 00. WWI ARTAR EMETIC-sFes;. for . tarie CeWaSIVE SUBLIMATE -25 Ugh for . •b 7 InarDl 6dYtNNMOCIRtt CO. QALMON--30 bbls. and lit bblt. for Dr Join; WATII X CO: I.IERRING-10 bb .B la. No. I UIELIDGE ir. (new) for saintly . juL .4.15 .10NGEIRAIL I _ I'l