The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 19, 1851, Image 3

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. .
k'smantramil Connonsmt—The- Pittsburgh
Annual Conference of the Methodist I EPiscopal
Church, commence its Session leder:lay font;
neon, In South Common Church, Alleihroy.
At nitre o'clock, Rev. Bishop Meatus called
the Conference to order,. and opened !the exer
cise by reading a portion of the Note Painter%
- singing and prayer. - - ' 1 .
lier..enAttLaS COOKS, D. D., Secretory of the
previous . annual Debnioll, called theol4 when
over 'one hundred - ministers - ansamirel to. their
names. .The donferine, when. 01111 we iiimlP
stand, numbers some 160 to 170 member&
The election of Secretary was then gone into.
Dr. Cooke, who bad served the Conference in that
capacity for,more than twenty years, declined a,
re,electidn. _ D'ete. Wester Knauer was elected
Secretory- and Rev. W. Cox, and Rev Andrew
McOccAttelstant Secretaries.
On motion, it wan ordered that the hour of
Meeting should be 8 o'clock, A. M., an of ad-'
journment at 12 M.
The Selection of a Board of Stewards was the
r, , ,iast, hosh*n in order, and the. Rev. ihfeems.
Joseph Montgomery, Samuel Wakefield, John
. Murray, Henry Horton, and Henry Snider, were
appointed by the Conference: '
On Motion, the Presiding Elders of she sevVrid
. -
districts were appointed a Committee on Missions.
Several - Ministers, seven we. understood, hav
ing died during the year, a Committee on Me
moirs was appointed, ecmsisting of the following
. named. Clergymen, to wit:-Dr. Druiamond, R.
B. McDowan, I. N. Baird, F. MOOT% E. d. Bar:
ldtt,.William'Henderecr, and Thomas Wikstan-
It wits announced, . while this business 1913 be
fore the Conference; that the venerable RerTrend
Wit. Knox, one of the oldest preachers of the
Conferinee, had died on the ' day Previous P{ bin
residence in Ohio ' • ... 1 \ ' . 1 ..:
On motion, a Cementite, consisting one
'= Person from each district, was appointed to as
certain the ClaiMs of the SuPeranitated.Prach
'era of, tie Confereuce, their widow orphan,
• 'awl apportion the. same among the several eta
- lions and circuits. . - -' . '
The renewing CoMmittees . were appointed, to
Coramittre on Sabbath Schoobt.—Rey. Messrs.
1 .1. K. Wier, Wm. Lynch, and Caleb 'Foster.
On 'Unless, Dempsey, Jones,
and Cramer.
. .
OaEduration.—Rer. Chile, sad Bev.
tarker, 0.9. llolines,..lemisou, Rialto*.
De finie; end .Robert J. White. .`
The rules or the previous =will simusion *ere
adopted for the Government of Conference.
The' remainder of the. forenoon was occupied
in the'examination of characters, every member
being obliged annualy to Undergo this ordeal, in
which their gifts,graces,usefulness, acceptability
as preachers, and , moral characters pass in in
, -
The teesion for -the 'day concluded with sing
ing the Doxology, 'and praYer by Rev. ',J. IL
Belem the Hon. Nm. B. McClure, President
Judge,.and Boige, Thorcuyq L..311e-
Milhin,..issoc.iste Judges. • .
, • .
it'CLutte's (MARGE rue mast. esse.
At the 'opening of the Coiut yutenlay, Judge
McClure sap, Gentlemen of the jury, the cue
which you ltere trying yestenlay, is' a criminal
prosecution for what is techuically turned Met
r win read to"you a definition of what constitutes
libel, and quote what the law soya nate the mur
ner in' hich the alleged libel shouLl be'set forth
In the Indictment In a 'prosecution .for libel,
the jury are peculiarly the judges'of the law and
of the facts, still it is; their duty to carry out
the laws of the land 'aithey are established, and
not make law for themselves. - .. In an Indictment
for libel,•,it is necessary to the defers:butt by
ti=e particular appellation., ic`the . defendant
were a man, he, should be styled a yeoman, 'or
- partGillerly designited byeome other term; if a
woman, elm - should-lie teemed n spinster. In thin
*pest, this indictment was deficient, and had
the motion been made in time; the • Court would
have Moulted it, bat as, the defendants have not
done so it is Mired by tbeir pleading to it.
,When'any one was indicted, be bad a right to
appear, personally awl defend himself, or to em-,
plOy counsel. - Mr:Flamer, one DIM!) defendants
. in the ease which they rem trying, bad appear
ed Weigh his conneel; Messrs. Marshall and
tystrithlr.:Foster, ae fie. had &perfect tight to
do, • defended. himself, and he' thought it brit
proper Pi - say, that he bed,examined. the wit
-names with much ability, and hianddreas to the
jury , had strnck the Court as being dignified and
'ingenious. The learned fudge then read the lol
l:lying definition of libel i . , . o
." 4 6 libel On individiud, is a malicious defaioa
tie. of him, made public byeitheeprintivg,
igne or pictures, in order to provoke him to
w hr. or expose bum to,publichatted, contempt,
. . .. .
Th e i n , 7 would observe that malice was a ma
thew t ogi "edient of -a libel, and necessary to
cons tit u t e the offence. A libel on an individual
wes 0 ethlie,-m ur defamation; made public in one or
o th er o f t h e u , nine pointed - out in the defla
tor, in order t o crate the'party libelled to verse,
‘ ,..t.
or to expose him l 'o hatred, conterept, orridicele.
Mel was pm/141m l either by indictment, - or by
bringing u pe r sonal :-action in the Civil Co
and reentering daMmem. ao far as they had been
sustained, or the .prosevater might sustain With
actions at the same thew, - ..Theywere then try
ing a criminal prosecution—an action with which
an ludieid.a bad but little to do, the Coromon-
Weallkheing the prosecutor; and Means Feeder
.t healer' defendants. Now, . gentlemen, 410
nuill — ce, or the intent to defatne, being the essence
of the offence, the 'truth of 'the Ill"el cannot !be
shown' an the'ovidence ; thus - yon will obse*e
thatjesterday the Court crenated much of e
testimony offered by the defendants; to prove
*the truth of what won set forth in ilia indiet:
meat, Mr their plea was not guilty, . and far 'an
other reaMe.—that the tendency to provoke! a
breach of 'the peace is the same, or nearly the
tams; Whether a libel is 'true or false. ' • .
The fia4 Of - a libel lying in its malice, it wan
the duty of the jay to, leonine - whether or not
this publication had been prompted by malice.
Words may be uttered which are true, and they
may be Published or _written under a sense - of
•duty,:but it was for the jury to ray whether or,
not they were malicious. - It was useless tor
. plain farther what constituted a libel. ;, Another
objection which ba4been Made to the indictment
by the learned courts/el for - the defendants : was,
that it did not commence with any introductory
.4v/cement. No nolloonium or averment had been
w et p or t, to which the subsequent innuendoes 1-
ferred, so as to render it applicable to the d -
readmits: To explain more fully—an innuendo
can be aped by way of explanation only: sawn,
soinethin already. .aPmenes on the indictment
with'which it can be ooupted. ,
. .
Judge : McClure quoted - Archbold's Criminal
Pleading, pages 6.22 and
_2d on this point:
t ~ Whet the statement of an eitrinaio fact is
necessary, in order to render the libel intelligible,
.Or to show its libellous .quality, such extrinsic
fact Must - be averred le theintroductory part of
the indictra.eut ; but when it is necessary merely
to eiplain - a 'word by reference tri something
which has preceded it,this is Sone by an innuenda.
And en innuendo can explain only in caseswitere
romethibg already appears opob the record, to
ground the - expanation; it cannot, - ,of ' itself,
charge, add to, or enlarge the setae of arma
da= beyond their meal acceptation and mean
ing, ~:/31* Salk., 6l:l—Cowp, 684.. Thus, for in-
Warree,. is an action on the case against a Man,
, ..
as of another ,he has burnt my ham,'
thefor ..-liabs,tiff cannot, ' by .way of ,Inenendo; say
'Pi: :;.. :q t y bona fall of norn.! . Berham's case,
*meanie ' ' , %Demo this is ebt, an explanation
4 C o. 20:t".; - ay thing which preceded It on the
desired from a. the statement of en extrinsic
record; tut from , hem previously stated."
fact,. which had not:. , "-., j ury. this Indictment is
. Mi r ? gen! l4 'o ., 'o .,t th‘ . *. - is en introdietory
defecthV in tbl s , "lb= the.r , '-vioti,only where
averment. An Monriendo can el 'Ma, to ground
there is a prwrio us strain:mat on w.. g i.,
that explanat
cessaY in' 'this' easel that those ten
shoold haul beestioode ,. T4e.iwoula lee - I *.
ainkLing the, indictlient, -. 04 it wan tiefeetiee
this portico V% a Man, eild of anotha .trad
he had hest a, in at.' iltate
. .l'eniteotiary
ecoiri; itAWJtaltfriot istatra particle of trifraerice
. 4 . 'e I`4l?irf'l? i!,:PFliw.t:ku t _. _whe n °
Pen" AM:Zia ex:4,116116Ni that man MP
)onged it 3 13 - certain society, and thercorottout ,
itesals Mints/40 gtot.l:4lthat SoCiArt /O F'S**
the Pemitadiary, that fact ought to .he set forth
in an averment. When they took:thelailidemit
to their men, and came to the itmuendoes;' or
words do bracken, -they would find that they
would come to a stop, be,muse there was nothing
in'it by which they were connected with what
went before. . Ile always took it for granted ttit
dui cooed in a case, thoroughly sifted an indict
ment, before they allowed any evidence to go to
the jury, in a ease of this nature If they had
done so in this instance, and pointed out this de
fect, the Cirri avoid Mit hare allowed a tingle
witnese:to be called on behalf of the Comron
'wealth. They had not done so, however, and
the jury would now take the indictment' to their
room and examine it, If they were of opinion
that the Penitentiary was meant by an " inrol
untary , total abstinence society," they had a-per
feet right to do so, if they did not think so, they
were still in the right. They should take the
editorial paragraph in (Location, and •put on it
each a construction as the oaths which they had
taken permitted them to do. . •
Judge McClure then read the article as it was
Belford' In the indictinent, withal° innuendoes.
They had the indictment before , them, and they
should put such a construction upon it as they
could form from the face of the article itself.—
He would bow mention an entirely differentmat
ter. itwia very true, as had bee contended
by the ("newel for the defendants, that every
man in et" public sixteen, from the President
delta,' was. ribject 'to public observation and
comment. This was a right guaranteed to all
eitliens the Constitution, since no person in
an official ptation was above fair criticism. The
learned Judge read the following section from the
declaration of rights of the State of Pennsylva
Section VII. The printibg presses shall be free
'to every person who undertakes -to examine the
proceedings of the Legislature, or any branch of
the Government, and no law shall be made to
restrain the right thereof. The free common-
cation of thoughts and opinions is one of the in
valnable rights of man, and every citizen mey
freely speak, write, or print, on any subject,
being responsible for the abuse of that
Inprosecutions for the publication of papers in
vestigating the official conduct of officers or men
in a public capaciq.,. or where the matter pub
lished is proper for public information, the truth
thereof mu be given In eridence,and in all indict
ments for libels, the jury shall have a right to de
termine the low and the facts, under the direc
tion of the Court, as in other cases.
The gentlemen of the jury well knew, or it was
&bent to them by the testimony, thaVon the
twenty-fourth day of iday, Messrs . Foster &
Fleeeon were publishers of the Pittsburgh Daily
Dispatch. They were members of that portion
of theirfellow . citizens who Conduct the public
press: :They could, when they went to their
room; deliberate es to whether Hart, the prose
cutor, acted in a public capacity or not, as
Chairman of the meeting, on the night in ques
tion, and whether,by so doing, he laid himself
open to critieiwo: . They would next inquire
whether this criticism was ajustand proper one.
That Court would never hesitate, when a private
citizen was libelled, to discharge their duty, but
It was for the Jury to consider whether the crit
icism off Mr. Hart was relative to his position as
a public man—chairman of a meeting—or as a
private 'citizen. The 'Sheriff, Prothonotary,
were public officers, and as such, proper
O f criticism. It was for them to reflect
Whether this was a malicious attack on a private
citizen, or whether the editors of the Dispatch
had published what they thought gas a just
lawn oUa • publia functionary. hi a gentleman
who presides at a public meeting's private or s
public fumationary Y WhJn be was placed in the
chair, did he merge hie character of a private
.citizen in a public position!
In the first place, the jury Should • take the
indictment, and after weighing well the words,
ascertain wbat meaning they attached to them,
because 'the innuendoes in the bill affixed no
meaning at all to them, through , the want of pro
per averments. Next, were the editors of the
Dispatch influenced by malicious motives, or a
lendable design of communicating information
to their readers, in publishing tie articlealleged
to be libellous! Again, was the article directed
against a private 'citizen, or a man who*ii act
in; in &putt. catacity - •
jTo'oum up the whole in • few words, were
the =tires of the publiabeni just or unjust—
was the'l article a criticism on a public official,
or sa attack on a private citizen? Although by
the Common Las, libel was treated ea a crime,
in rigs State it was treated u a misdemeanor,
and the jury were doubtless aware that in each
eases they had power to say who should pay the
costs. ir:they found the defendants guilty,: the
costa followed the verdict: If they fromd thrio
not guilty; they could say whether' the county.
tho prosecutor, or the defendants, should pay
the costa. -
The jury then retired, and after en absence of
about an hour, returned with 8 verdict of ..Sor
crourr, and that Joseph Hart pay the costa."
When this verdict was announced, there was an
evident disposition to applaud, among the citizens
in Court, but the crier commanded silenee.
Commonwealth vs... Robert Rain—lndictment
assault and battery with intent to till. The de,
fenduit in this case, was convicted daring the
present week, of arrassault and battery, with In
tent to 'hill a German' named Steinley. The
prosecutor in the present case was John Lender,
&German, who had been attacked, and.very bad
ly beaten with a slung shot, at the bit gate on
the day of the Back Beer riot oat the Fourth
street road.. The prosecutor himself was so
stunned; that he could do nothing more than
testify to his having.been knocked down, with
out • his identifying his arsailasts, but. Mark
&bitter more that he saw Saba strike Lender
twice on the head, with a colt, or slung shot.—
Some other witnesses were. examined; bat their
evidence. was train:portant. The jury was ad
dressed by P. C. Shannon Esq. for the Com'.
monwealth, and by Pi'. W. Irwin for the defence.
Arilitnoom antstog.
The jury in the case of the Commonwealth re.
Robert 'Cain, tiled this morning, returned a tee:
dint of ' , guilty." The prisoner was remanded,
as there us another 'ehargeagliost him.
Commonwealth to. General Watson, Indict.
meitt,.forcible entry and detainer. - Alexander
Mite, prosecutor.. The case went to the jury
at tire o'clock, but no rardiethad been rendered
•hen the court adjourned. •
Wzar'e ins Biarritz wren TIM -WATkrt T-
The hydrant water—we epeak of that on lower
Penn street—is impure and offensive ; haring en
oily, fishy, offensive smell nod taste, rendering
it moat-.repulsive to use. Either some of the
pipes or. the basin itself has collected impart:
ties, and should be IMO to by the conserratms
of that &Tartu:mit of city • trupplies..—.4 curl:"
We topy the above paragraph, since we have re ,
pude:lly, of late, heard complaints from various
lndiridnale respecthog the condition of the test ,
er from Irwin et. down to the point.
SIXAWDZIIET GATHPIIIO.--0121 . enders will
not 411 to remember. UM' the "strawberry
gathering," for the benefit of the Env. Mr. Pas
savant's hospital, will take place at Wilkins Wall,.
this evening. As the finds of that institution
are now ate tow ebb, it Is to be hoped that all
oar citizens Who can attend, will not fail to do
so, and dins spend an boor of enjoyment, w hi c h
will at the same time benefit the sick and_desti
tate poor. . .
01,11)De Pazonaxi.—Night after night, the
Athenaeum continues to be crowded with audi
eacea anxious to behold thiser curiosit beautiful panorazus
and the mummies and *pies which
are on exhibition. '
' Mr. Wra.ll. Campbell was elected, on Tuesday
by the general synod of the. Reformed. Dutch
Church, assembled at Albany, to 611 the office
of Professor of Biblical Literature in the Theo- BALTIMORE MARKET.
logical Seminary at New Brunswick, modest
' cant by &r
the resignation of Alexander epel- Bakrutoaa ,June IS.
land, Flour—Salem 800 bbls 11 13 brim Is at $1 12f
- 6? bbl. City hlills is held at $4 26: ,
- 'Americas Stamary.. , --The • London Economist,- me, ]l
and Rye
in noticing the mate " , the Gr eet . Orain--Salesred wheat at 82f0t96,andof whiet
mays. lb° world may nee , perhaps with some as- „ 90000 c y e th,„. cc.r . le 67
tonishment, the accilptoas of the United Staten CeB White do at 69c II bu , sa lea of °sive
bearing off the palm for beauty, and those of the .4,14,, nod 67
Continent conspicuous for rugged strength, , • i;;,,..n; riE a1,,,rh;',„,,,,;: ts
16 . 4 en ., prices
Mate, eon of the member of the Prorl- ete unchanged. Sake of lard ot 9f 010c1
atonal Oorernment, who was formerlyAttu-1204 in bbls and kegs.
to the French legation at Intishington, ban !ban- Coffee—Sales dal. oat 81-9 1 : 7/ •
doncd the diplomatic careeti and received . the Whiskey—sales 22®230 It
eppointraent of Procure= ,(attorriey general) of W l—ladoll , W ,th w a s o r common unwashed
the Republic at Guadeloupe. • , at 30 810 - v d
. • .
pro pul a anitner and' daughter, - latity ' The "rather is unusually cool The crop
edmitted into Clatesheadworkhouise, were found promise an nbendant yield.
to belh peeseasion of E 125 in 'cash, besides 362 ' ,
cope, 89 hatulkenoldefs,• 22 F.'"ket B, 37 apron! , , CINCI26IATI)IAIIKET.
eldfla. 12 hegVnlenn.'l 2 gmns, 'petticoats, &easier,. June 18.
lit b Amite& rixr quiet Prices arm
• i t abifolleitorti of Paris are lit do " 3 . 801 R -no buyers for
"° • *e'er gsvioaductidthroo# More givi lots ,. thei M9 figam
6 ' 7 Vo e tadg .. ;48Idet e ► at
2.80 are: 44;67 epte•lights.,, , Total 78- in thioni
600 /014 err erket:
At; mid to'66/ 600 en 6000 elan Twit* /51 An d it 3°° '
12—reV 8112 id
-•' f' -• '
„ .
•111C1IVED Di 1114,:,191111LLY TZLIGILAPII UI!,
Nsw OIIL/ANI, June 17
• By late advices from San Francisco we learn
that that city has • been doomed to another de
'tractive conflagration. The Custom House,
Parker's National, New Wiles and Exchange Ho
tels; the offices of the Steamship Co. and Del
monico's were all among she burned. A large
number of vessels were also destroyed.
The Bre was first seen in Clay street, and soon
rapidly ',Fend into other parte of the city.
George, Centre, and Eldenstrects are completely
cleared out. It is feared Some lives are lost
The adnilig_ZlOWS le cheering. New discoveries
were being made.
The tinartz machinee were doing well, and the
owners were averaging from $3O to $4O per day.
HAILTrCIRD, (Ct.,) June IS.
In the House to day, three ansuccesaful bal
lotings were hod for the United States (Senator.
The Senate has .postponed further trallotting
malt. morrow.
The Senate to day refused to comthrthe the
sentence.:of death passed upon Monaseh and
Calhoun for the murder of • Air. White in Col
brook. The' sentence of Uslcomb, au. llCCrlll
plke,'•who turned States evidence, was. commut
ed to 20 years imprisonment in the Penitentiary.
TORENTO, Jllll6 18.
lathe Araembly; last evening, an address to
the Queen waa adopted, praying for the estalt
lialuxtent of a line of etentaers between Quebec
and Liverpool; and for the extenitonof the Brune
aid to it that in now extended to the Cunard
. Two.firemett on the steamer Hungarian, while
letting down 'tho - tops of ; the chimneys, were
thrown from the hurricane' deck, instantly kill
ing one, and wounding the other so serionaly
that he cannot recover. They were Italians or
Frenchmen,—names unknown.
Cntemasi, June 18
Seneca county gave 1000 majority for the new
Constitution; Harrison connty.4oo against; Cos
hocton 600 for the Constitution; Guenney 760
againat, In 12 townships: Hardin 631 against
the Constitution.
The returns up to 9 o'clock F. M. show a ma
jority of 2466 majority for the new Constitution
exclusive of Cincinnati:
New Vote, Juno
The steamer America did not sail for Galway
ymiterday, having been cold after most of the
passengers were on board. She is to be placed
on the route from San Francisto to Reale)°. is
venation with the Prometheus on this side.
The three iron steamere to run on Lake .Nitr
magus have already been despatched toSan Jams
de Nicaragua.
Mrs. Judson is shortly expected from feat.
She sailed from Calcutta in January Ink
Carrell and Wall, who Were sentenced to be
hung on the 27th; for murder, have been reepited
until the 10th of September.
The Anis sailed to-day with 110 ramencers
and $1.200,000 in specie.
• Wiartutano, Jine !8.
Mr. Corwinteft here jraterday. for Ohio. lie
will be absent about fire weeks. Mr. Assistant
Secretary loge has been appointed Secretary ad
Gov. Floyd and Senator Bunter, of Virginia,
are here on a visi
It is rumored that Mr. Secretary eoniitd will
shortly resign, and that Mr. Gentry: of Tennes
see, is to be his successor; bat the last is, - es,
tremely doubtful, tiS Gentry is now canvassing
Tennessee for U. 8. Senator, against Mr. Tummy.
Tite Board of Health reports 71 deaths in
Washington during tho IMOtall of May.
• limw YORE. Juno IR
The steamer (Nascent City, from Chagrin, with
two weeks later news from California, is below,
and will heat the wharf at half-pest nine o'clock,
Ntw Vatic, June IS, I. St.
Sir. Corwin arrived here to Ilay 'on his way
to Ohio. '
The ease of the alleged Cabin Invasion wee
taken up to day, and postponed, to allow time
to examine papers.
James, the only on of Thorlow Weed, died at
Altinny Chia morning .
Bu - rraw, Jane 18.
Bellow's Express wss.robbetl to day of $ 6 , 0110
in Chatagua county notes. The rnhber vamped.
TO6OIIIO, Jane 18.
. • ,
A hi§ was moot a *out time in the Legisla
ture lilt night, p . lachig - the emigrant lawn on the
rime tooting to 10 New York, and toweling the
tax at Quebec.
Two [levees were arrested 'at Annapolis, Eld.,
and committed, charged with the atur&r of Capt.
Haney, of theschooner Warp. They kit Bald
more OD Monday, and when off Annapolis, Copt.
Maneywas miffing. The negroes told conflicting
stories, but admitted haring had a fight with the
Boston, June 18.
The tickets for the Lind concert to night, sre
selling for two, :three, andlour dollars
_Her ar
rival yesterday attracted little . attention. She
gins two concerts st Saratoga shortly.
The Boston' Atha, which has heretoforb been
considered strongly in favor of Scott, now fee
Tore Mr. Webster ast the forthcoming. Preeidoir
dal candidate.
The foreign news had hut little effect on the
markets, Cotton Is rather Better.
Flour—The sales are 20110 brie at $4,25 per
Rye Flour—The market in 'tally at $3,37
per brL •
Corn Meal—Sates at $2,75 per bri.
' Grain—Wheat birouch wanted. Rye is in de
mand at 71c per bombe!. Corn Min demand, but
themarket is nearly bare. Sales 3000 bush. wk..'
yellow et 62e; sales 2000 bushels prime oats at
amities and ProTinian,' are without change
and dull.
Wbistoy—Selee 200 brie st 2201221 c per gel
Nur Yalu,. June 19.
Floor—The market is lowa, with Mlles 4,600
bbls. at $3,760118,87 bbl. far Kv.dians end
Michigan:.' .
Rye Flour—The market is firm,: with stiles
100 bbls. st 1 1.1 bbl.
Grain—Boles 200 bu.' rye. at 76., bushel.
Sales 20,000 bushels corn It 600661, for raised.
Proviaiona—Pork is adrancini ; sot W Mee3
bald at $14,7613' bbl. Cut meats are
Lard Is quiet, at Bi@Bll %Ob.
Vittinkey—'43ales or 014 at =in gs I.
Linseed Vil—Bales 8,000 galipaa at 72c It
33Incks—Tbe -market is tine ar, Coreriltaimis
are tillehallFKL 1111110i3 is %noted at 47 ;A°
3roprotementa at 400.
Money Is in better demand.' The Asia carries
out suer s2,ooofioo.
• 1:
, ,
LeoraXi, June 18. ,
The market is very dell. ' '
Coffee—Salen.of Rio et 9fper lb. •
Bacen—Sales 1000 shoulders at 61c, 0015 p.
There are 6} feet water in tbo canal, and fall
ing 'slowly.
in the suit brought, in Paris, by the : heiii of
M. Dupont againsChl. Chavoix mho killed their
father Ina duel, the civil tribuLl at resigns=
has condemned the defendant to pay 30,1100
francs damages.
1 T IS put up in quart bottles, and con
di WWI the eternal Of "min ILI 1:01.11 pure Manama.
Isil. as Y ann.' n Amelia. Price one dol.
e per bottle, orain book r toe dollar.
It ho. been a well establ fact for gem pad, that
when pure and properly prspared. was the
only MN panacea fur LI &wawa oritimatind from itu
Srukt o eiirlititirmicru . t . b, p ra c"" e•l9 . e . , th r,s . k t ‘ jl l ,ry
sawn that JOHN LI 1:.170c7 RArt3AP.s.
'ULLA la the oval Preparation before the public that la
pwpared no strictly wientltie principles anti of uniform.
attengtb. The lianaparilla la purebased without regard
to grin, ant erne round, tefbre being used. ni subject to
the snidest ctiemical twits, unlit" genuineness awertalunl
Leine being and]
datsaparilla also contains the virtues b oot n]
Mbar valuable agents, together forming the b nom.
IT= :V i rrothering Ine greatest curative agent in the
. . .
tkroful• or Kind's Evil. Comore. Tummy Eruptions of
the nlan..Krysipelm. Chronic'. Dom Eyre; Kim,
no= or TetLyre, timid Maul. Rheum,
Paine in Um Roues or Joint..
Olitneres, Marra. needling
'of tlie °lands, lirtibil-
W•Oi Dinnetelo. Ealt
lman.. of Me
Las •
tit, Mem.
ft. arning from
the um of Heronry.
Pain to the Bide and titioul•
dors. General Debility. Dremy•Lnuo
ban, Jaundlu. Ondiveruces, Bare Time,
or... Mac °mem. WM, Wadi...OEM
Pulmanery Affections. and at other tending to
liiver Bumpßlot, Female BannWitt. a.I eomplaint[.
Siva .01 harm. Headache, Low Bpirits. Nis. Sweats,
1M pant., Lmprudenee In LIM, CbmaidoCo.titutio.l Intr
owe, and
I. a epring and artruater drink. and Ret.naltem
le ter Use eyeball. WA grate met pleasant purgative, tar
eatier to Blue Lt. CMOs. vtatettltalt& Or IMA-
The !billowing Ir the mb.t
H copy of eertlfleate now in
Ma possession of the proprietor of oll's Bauer/aril ist.—
IL if. Nebon le widely and generallL known u no
eloquent eed utunplialtual puts:of that*. r. Chun+. and'
lies. E. Merengue dustmen known as one of the mod tab.
au led and salons nienthare that U. liarducky Contemns
theboast of fur many y0w1...4 at this Mae le
the high and responsible Mallon of agent for the 11. IC
hook Omani. tin the world endue. better. or more
ontlefutory teatime, in Leer of toy 'nut/doer
Better Toth:many [haulm, Eder Offintd in Furor of
REV. L W. ilmmg-111.00. L ligsruesort.
Loolgriu.r. Play 1010.
Ws have John Bulra Sareagurtile,ami hairy known
11. tube used with retire sarisfactlon; and iro hare no he.
Italian in ling that wit believe It to be I% Lg. and eerie
able medical compusid, and unleaded to product• mach
good and bore touch suffering: and moold tberelbre
cheerfully a .1 most earuestly reridumand II to the of
Dieted. Wixom])W.SKIION • •
. trreesmds.
81/11.171713L CLEAR SUS.
Hoy we al Winks .clear beautiful whits shin, end a
rosy colored beet. Dow titian do w. oee pampa, not pole
wring this deriderarion so devoutly tole •Liberh . or.
sortiog to merit*, lotions, ereshot.painte. and'iblariog
materials. to restore to them a enable.. of .nut Mouse
hae deprived diemof. and that trio. eith neat injury to
the attn. 11 We Sarsapa ri lla ta the beat aromatic known.
It beeutidet • the shin, by removing every punch. of
euorbldriel • • matter from the blaut.matilig It put,
healthy. vigorous. giving activity to every minute
vessel. end.. tinging the arei dark CIMII.OOI\ OM 00
the bloom d friable.. of youth. Ladles abandon the
use of pain and tolzturvia. mad use Dull's SersaParillt
tbe only elf tual remedy. .11 word to the wleit. fa .16
rient - and et • nl4 .mouth W toe ladies.
Twairiony At the Following, Renders Superfluous
all Com •onOA i A I:„Firieney of Bolts Sarsa-•
From Err. L. VANDV.I. - Profeseor of Chemistry in the
Louisville Pledkul
••I bar. t= VtZot=l.aUde
betitalion airing that they Sim • satessaPoliodouel
tote that promises evil to <brook. dlsensee, to which it is
L. Y. WiihDELL.II. U.
o. .l.orisrou.r.,lacie 1,1018.
Inn PRI PYLES, PlO ayssantaent. So ide Lon'
/ ,, Ob Runde Manta{ says of tiITLV.9 B.4IOIAPA
Lodnenta. March 11.1149.
I heed rallaalaml the perm-notion tor nee propazation of
John 44110 Sarsaparilla, and I believe the evatistentlosi to
egovilentona. and well eakniated to ovoduee ad al.
tenni. impersaion I have 0.111 toth In
and plink peastd, and think it the. beat ankle of
ppeerrttllaln oar. •L. pYldi9. t o
4 - M-CAU At
TloN—Llnrare a .ielan at tar
nd ark We llse original ad/.
bare no other. HYYSkii 1111/0111ILL,
110. Wood Wen, Pittsburgh, ha. Whalesahl and Arlan
Poe sale by D.ll. CURRY and JOS. tlO
übeny eity, and by Druggist. innerally„ .231.1.". 0 . 1 rT
B. T. Babbitts Celebrated Soap Powder.
ItrASIIING j witbout laborl Warranted
7 to take the nald, oat of tall. Unison nap-
Olannuons rim Ilem—rot your clothe. 10 • sufficient
nOOOOl4 of rold water In eller them. then •10 two tab.
rpounfur or UM. num Puirdie, to each six numts of water
it . .7 l l;eler th . s • L i turrgto lb t;r7gitlo i tXrr i' l the me an oolo_ of
then down with nirk, thou put th em 10 bib atol
adt sulltdent oil water... that they Mil IA be too hot
to handle. Then tub the dirty streaks. or In other.slontb
mv• them • thorough rasing. awl that Is sufhelent
maks them tlean.
11.—There Delos no meth In this Mop. It will I.oo*
Ito Mabee - very white. and no bad oily
_smelt. aa atom
enspe dn. The entire m at of the matathd used atom not
mened two mote. to amplete • washing of ten permos.—
areantad not to rot we tutors the
This la • Powder that °vaporer will make twelve quarts
lest hardly Soft Snap.
Intemnows ros. Est .—Tair. say WM
of water
alit mut tho Powder with It. mid Moos let it toil. nay Om al it
utel• them ad 4 oh quarts add system rtlr them InUoudslY
together, and ant It away •twee It will tot Brew. sod
ohn cold well. willy thick met oleo White Smo. and
,il wash and mut rot the Nada edher Mgt
aster. nor rot the clothes. Can to som.l with hard or tut
GT tusking the °omits . into alt Quarto losterl Ut
tmdm. lb.. Soft Soap to Wm ulap.4 100 washum 0.1110 , 0
am l l
7 woollen ...Lt.
Sold wholro•le &MI retail by It ESELLERS.
No. 57 , Wart st
B UCK ETS TUBS--60 dos. 'Buckets;
10 Toter. formate by
1130Rli—A few bldg. prime, and a small lot
AL Solt that, hr sale by
UTTER-5 LL Pack;
6 puce reed. rah hr
tNOBACCO—'IA kegs (Gedge's) No. 1 Six.
1. ILA lbe sale by JAII/UN DALZELL,
. te2 GS We!, and 711 lint et
1.11.00315--200 tons Soft Tenn., for sale by
bbl.. NO. 1, fOrsiaeby
OVANNERS' 01L-50 bbls. just receiving
1. by canal, And for rale by JAMES DALZELL
G. ;Valor et.
SODA-350 casks Salmi of our
17 own make, foe min' at minced orl as bY
11/30n14 It Co.
water wenn
'Extra Rae Oolong Tea.
JUST RECEIVE!), o 1 No. ?AG Liberty et.,
,gry artirle uf Oolong lee, which we be.
be. cannot Pe surpasent 1 the city. Times desiriary
(Moire. delicate flames& but highly somatic. Met lea.
ore Melted to Aim this• trial.
Black Teas, of eyezT ,(come. from 3Se. to g 1,33.
Omen Z7K to SIAN.
wm. Y
thccerwand Tee tasters
BRICK-20,00 0 best fire. in etore•
od tweak by ' JAMEM DALLY-Liu
- 1 - 4 7 1./A M '
E—iiiietackfi for sale by '1!.".5).1'51212-
s •riiro= i s fgr" , lis"i4 o r inctigile d
wtoRPHIA-50 or. for sale by -
ARAW AY SEEiD-401 1 lbs. for sale by
It) id A. ripannticz A CO, •.
R UNL- R.. •. •
boor. I
:100 Or
heroes frerh itiree
woperior Balerstar, for gale he
.101 th WAIT A 03./Abeety
It I- CIIROMATE POTASH-750 lbs. for
XII side by
---_llO3l J. KIDD A CO.
S . EN p e , A OIL-2 bbl(. for a
IrrANNERS' OLL-40 bids. for only by
1 =rat ' • ' WAISON. LITTLE A (70.
.1%1 AILS-400 kegs for stitobt•
MT, RosisoaarrrtesW.Beaks! Books!.
QCIIMITZ'S History of Grrece.—A Mato.
~1 1 12.71,Znr,27,- I ttu r r.l T .YrlV.l l;
Thirlwalt. P. D.. Bishop in Bt. lhariu'a, Dr. Leousru
Schwas. P. !LB.?.
The Harmony of Proploey. or Scriptural Illustialionsist
th rl•l l V& P. l . l44==alt , „ l' irt. ll Z
Lt. , . &Mother P 0... By Martin Farquhar Tbooor
Proverbisl by A Endorn Pyrsiald. and (ha . PO
.. of King Athol. B . y Martiu Farquhar Tupprr. •
' This Ilrir i 4 Wuat It attend: • Tale. lly Mary llowith
-The Pliipby of Matbermalirm tmaidated from Oho
Ovum de Plitiomehle Positive of AOgoete Comte, By W.
EL UllLv d..
fra e P7loTaNrliiittt: "'" lla ". l '*r r i' v,74:
lager, ZIA mud important e arks ou ' the fal l' Won o r 1, 0 .4,1 n 0 .0161141: engrarloge,hy Laming mut tletrill,
than original arleinvi Made expressly for WO (.11, or
Win. helicel.
itsrpeee New Monthly Y O for June.
The (loki Worabispero, m the dept.. live ini a future
6170,0..1 ?ora l. By the author of eWhilefriara"
70,,,,,p 0 e u baits put remind,
_and (tweak be
R. 0. arructcrolf. 47 'Market at.
orAR--42 bbla.'N. 0., for sale by "
HAbIS-319 S. O. Canvass, for lia le by
UCKETS-140 dos. Beaver, for sale by
.i. 2 WICK a aIaCANDLBBB. _
IVAR-2 bbla. getrine•Barbadoes, for sale
is_ by- lA2I ' J. KIDD • 00.
i ODIDE POTASII-50 lbs. for sale b
1 . 3 .2 D. A. TILUNKSTOCK • 00.
PLASTER ---60 lbs. Cantberides, for soloby
Je2 - ' .0. A. PAIINESTOCK a W.. .
OFFAL° ROBES—AII grades kept coo
oUT o hind awl On sale by_ •
01 3 _ L • A. CULBERTSON CO.
bales Missouri, on oonsignmen
and Or sale or i'• ALEX% GUIDON, •
myIG N0.134 YO4l. t.
_ .
New Music.
'lda and Dublin Wallsea, aoillt.loh , . •
World'a fa. Wafts.
.'. .
FerausdluE or (Nod Luck Polka. , -
Hamburg Yalta
Whew we the frlendi of toy youth? •- •
Thou hot rouuded the obit that laved Mac '
Seams Mal.. blightest.
.., Amur !dud's Bird bona
rga t. lWEolta. . ...
Blue Juniata .
Old Bachelor and Old Maid. . ' . ..• -
lament of Oa ellud Ontmat tiltl.
.Thy roles is made, to Woe ea. .
L.ment of Lha 'lrish Enalaraut Rre'd and for nalel4
usros : • JOUIELL MELLOIL. 111 Wood st.
COFFEE -150 hag• Rio;
lA=l% Laid% co.
LlGAB..4Bhhde, prime N. 04 fonsateby .
I "..!jia ' 00 nail 61W/dia. nod %Ibiza Oral:
- :
.44,-.;•:.•.,.7 4:
ljnited j3tites Hoterd
ryIIE EUBSORIBER: leepearullY annocin
to Ida friend. , and the Ls/melting nacrininnite.
at h.ho Provietnradp or the UNiTUit
STATES HOTEL. Lang known In orioneetfon with Is.. -
'Rotel andeLthielide Pniptiator, he feels perfectly . Ate
~g g aigieg i punnet that nothing nta
be l
te wanting
f ~l oa7 p n
guan fga r e ., tire i lki: . t; reput i at lon u aLthe, kept. Inane
ratting the .11,-==„t, ,;„-,7„„•,Fmr;
jbantien Liiiadneed
d the cote
; . .1 to give iiatiefaction, aoirc L its =rm. of tg.t .
p g igeggige away, Po freely, leeztoneiA on the o/d United
State , 1tii731:2011 A. 0. ALLEN.
ACIVRKIt. No. 41 South • Swami litreet, (above
L F ot, ran WA
wt. vacuum —gonig 0. OnanlAirg.
IcAd.tira, "P %iroo - 15 - 1 - V - A - rill
„0. amen, No. 221 Market !d, l'hUad.l9lil. .P4l
ORgoi • & CO., Tobacco
■ c "'"Vtirwe l "` ° "'kultin t otl.'! l w.t != 4
liy ,O l . R " C N Eit & Commis-
IT Ono Merctuntn, Utersl ..hoses
la 49 on mwiliuments of realuee gemerslly. Usaattalfen
Office for Foreign Patents,
No. r, Wall It., N. York, awl HA Fleet Londq.
In (beat thalsm. !bona, !Nora, Llalland, and all 1 part., or Panne—the ()medal', 'Cuba, ani the Bra.
laformatkin on Me above can be bad by st.l4 - Irewlaa
¢1064.4' Wall street. Non Pork.
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
JUNE'S EMPIRE 1N R, 87 Nassau street,
tit= Dianna. New York.
tl 011 4.
CaN note
On dnught,,per gidlon
Thl. the beet article maimbetured. Noon Hear—
in a g 001 . 1INU INK—and Rill not corrode, mould,
. R llll:lo l , h tbral.... ina TrZi
nimbly adapted tbr tbe o licevi 1...
Tb . 004.00Runi is to foinlcheto the truly el.
Hier fee expon or borne nonvottiPOoni et the 1"7
PilcmvPut up ne per order, end delivered In any part
of the eny me of charm. No Mary for mien Barron
o t"W'
67 Neaten O A T TBoultrute.
Professor C. Barry's 'Tritajaierous,
dori.g. ,hreerrlth eml twentifYina the holroonatinw
tiny wort anti Ilarohntr. end (UMW. of the skin,
anis:ad ameiz i tt;DA i gh, gtl t tr . ," 1ara4.11. 7 =-
eront ham pneloned the same .4,.t1n marlott dleeenes °IL
•tin.etr- of the home. anal All mluml ainifithm•
fOllOlllO. het/rumbas xleeteal
cola. hon'lmte of situlth
i a= Zt i tlVo ' n . ! ' tlT;tl ' 4l 11 1 ti1. 5 74r.=
given It Wtr'el:
lire Voir, &pt. M.,114t4.
Pao, Dual . —Dela Site b 1.4 with •cla•
hoe.. erupUon of the Andyf • mart s xravate4 claw
arter, for the lest Astern T.rr 0. 1
I here tool the whine of law of lb. most eminent ;bust.
nano, and hate tried WI the twelothtiono foe bole amt
stun now known, without tbr lent benent I wee advised
by (Aral to try your itrinopherust,. t did ea aa• last
nen; and, to my ',larynx and groti6ration. round myeelf
want In about two montbn. }heti was the elelebre of the
diennter that et timer I was partially
Ito Colombia rret. ttmoklya
— New Boaz, 001. V. 1850,
Fmk Bien Y— g My Dr.r . Pir--About two years ago my Rani
emu. out a reat deal. my head was moth em rie,
with gthdruff. I wk. told b an y
d a
[timid to yourTrloopher.
ot, and I did to, mod to my actonithount , my heir watt
tir u nily ranted. and alYth. dandruff illealmemul. at the
bead 13/.• I , bow, for Itsplr.
With rennet. I sr . i ni ff i al . l...Y . t.
652 Broadway.
If any tear or gentleman doubts the autbentleitT of the
aline, they will pterderrall at Professor A C Barry e oem.
'VI Runaway. N.. 6.4 y. ober. be wilt produce the ortifie
oat lettere.
il ' • —:—.. .
[From the Miliyr Nand Argus, Nov. V, 10501
There te no remedy for the unmanned cure of be/41mm
bit. ;
and Jpoeme• of th e erknlum utiles th at haa ..thul
the Porolarity enioyed • the arliel. known at ram.
Barry. Trkutetlete. or Compound. It M ea
bk.drly nerd by th e upper r of Um community; in
alpentevery nurerty In the land it le used In prefer.. nut
•eber *Unit, of the Mal. It Impute vigor to the roomer
PM hair. mut that promote. /Ingrowth to a remarkable dn
nese. It Juane,. the dandruff and 'itrurf. and matte Om
Gale One and tdosey. It will gum all dieted.. of the midis
ue% as teak! Mud. dor nom. and tither obstrakinadleon
ilete or the skim 10 41011 P IMF. . well ...411..7. It etamle
tiled. It 0.14 In large With.. price :Scouts. atlio.
' Ea r .d• 07, .../ kt the progglets ...small, throughont
the nitedetatut and Omuta. sp2dao
UTCIIINSI' 20N &Co., Nol3 SpruceStree . t,
YORK, Wholesale omooficiumr• of the best 1 4 PAINTING INKS, fop Steel azal
Wrath{ Prlraliog, ad ß.r Mae amt Job Wort , arbkh
tbey'vrarraut to le , 00,1100..1 of We pang material , . mat to
arm* smilromo all oolioarl Amara.
TherocaLizatirms to them lota are much ar logien a het •
omsamt pormaneuerto work Kul...Marto Mir other lols tura
11 ase. Pohl at prima marytott from 74 Ma to $4.40 pr lb.
ott up lo ms. awl foramtnlrA to order.
U. a Cm alsoursuotactons colon.' Intent every sloaleand
totality rarytor SLAM to I=AM leer lb. turle.slUo
Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse.
All i • (UP M. 4 .34 ). 74 KW Iff/Rlt. at.ay oprolou OCIP of
O . IIVwIV.I ?:Z K A'r LACK'
111101.1llsowl all Ahab of f ILK NtANTILLAMAmuIIarto ,
tr./ tmto the latmt Paris Whims. trceired Lt the rtestmers
Mal particularly Maptml to th. Spring trail.
llna of r;int'4 , ".L Aß ,Z,%trn um.
mai silk and n 'ima Patio Parson 1, sal thrtno and Ulu*.
Wm Umbreller. a All of wbieb will Is. olferml-$ extremely
Law prim. Moe /mile car Western Ulan& to as
and. our Asek 0.0,0 reltsglog.
11 , 101 t 01.10 w erv.ios, tor rabllatisfat lihaubt and
Mantillas. pot up la do. for trawoportatkm, IsbLIAT
Fossrzisotso t CO.hth SIGN MEIWIIANT,
g lONTINU ES tan usual faciliiiftv to receive
om, I.W.Mut TramblpmrnLall Ilfetrhananto
....hrtml him. 11.0...h.ner Ina .k.rk daily tor all valuta
on the LskeA nod the Illittoix Canal mul
IL.l..reumr— Lorena, St.llng • (to.:
Moore. Jon. A QUIRIC.
AU. John A. C...n ghey. mph*.
I . odue, Cottuntrtiot, sadloroareing Sterrhaatt, o the
Lent. bt. Jotopt, Afa
Refer to Aleyooder UoeUoe. aoll • Co..
PittAborett. : ,.. aptly
Vila]) C. TUTTLE, Xttorney at Law,
o.olltAtotter for emu., lend., en. LiAlll, /10.
Autas.ustietiona procaoUe snorer& 4Vr a rkij
0111: 11. RANKIN, Attorney and Coon
tlran,. Lan_ , ette ltotatalodonAT for the etaso
or,lee.tge, et. loot, (1.14 elltobvt eh.)
Itottgoont....-I.o.ostrgh: Um, W. roman, 1400.04
hill r. 01.100.3 t iligeurt,Jolna K. Park,
SeertplA. iteCturd t Co. sultly
Iry antraeigneil having entirely re
n end 01.11ar,1 the shove es bemire statAlih-2
nit.ftan•liiing in ell shalt ttare hundred and Mt/
nrasravnuld , v - r.ctnair glee natlo that It it ma r,v4r
tbe reeprau 11154 antommtatotiou of lb. travelling
towaninilf •
An extruded ocansot the onnorradvedeolfrearacesof this
Hera , to Oveael .I.ll.tre. ea the numerate improve
tarns. alibis Lev. hen trade satinet he nroterl7 In
an ad terns . ..vend nutrias It to are nu elan.. bee been
raved to realer any assortment Prated
f stratum Rae made expresaly. to order. Menai.. of
oat, rad reetain battens of it, apeeralll the Waning
rasonst, it found to be of the meet beautiful ruanufaa
tore. Tito inninn roma are rapes-tomb and the bourn tot
weals oils he enrages:tut to oat the ranandenon of the
ratif and late.
Merry derattment sill be earturted Is an unranratlome
mrarar, and Nso proprietor pledcrn bimeelf that the
AMPri(ZO / iz.truly Travel 1.4
febbalsodaushir 1.11.W1S RICK.
to • .• Arrol e
to /i Lble. Widen errtw,
• A. IL Molesem ix tale br
stutssious t 114011RA1li
Ile Water et.
bb ro l r sz:ly choice Ma
. . WIL A.' IleCL(IF01 • CO..
tuy 19 • • • tletatraandTeaDealere.
tiOVERING ' S SUGARS—DoubIe Refined
Lout Cruebed. Paleorlard and tonedeval.randantly
and sad far Jul. by the,harrel ...tall, at the &meet
rk• 1/ M. 11e1L1101 &
ate*. br 2.s6 l Llbetry at
DRIED PEACIIFSL-1000 bushels (bright
Halms) In now and tm rat Ly
to//1/ B/ATTIWCWB & CO.
11111illi — Afi'LES-Z0 aegisprime, foreale
br rorla RILEY. 111ATTI1EWS & 00.'
CASTOR OIL-9 bbl.. (Blow's make) fur
012.1 itIIEA;RATTBZW• •
QUGAR-,2 - 10.blde. priors - N.0., for sale by
0716 Alitll A. /1 VIC/11 FON& lINI
111614.,EY'S POT CLAY-3G bble.just rola
Li and fre sale br J.ISOIIOONWAREIt & 00..14%,
if ILOVES—:ISOO Abe. for sole by '.. -. ,', ).,..!,
IL) 101 11. A. rAittimomta). A
6113 P. CARB . SODA - 7 25 - eipt ll — fot r eale by, „:
kg IniZr 8..11.111110.1 `,
tlli ENC II FbQWEIt,S—. -..4:lipleitdiaiCteety
... Ihr news FlyloAtAlWrh'AttlAAW 1.101W.M.
w lett we urr z tliostlt trey T eltzt o rio ax.
~.4...i 1.
trackS , llie-Ore.
tarn . 18 A I AIL DICKEY 41(4. - .
UOKITS----5941;;Blarietta r for sale by
UROOMS4IO4 dol. Curn;ibr este by.
VI- J. U. 13A2FIgLD.
U6 l -10N1 boiei pure;
, 4 .91 war,. far eult.
D. b y
my2l - ' J. U. CANFIRL
00A11-100 bbla. Powdered, for aidoby
1, niy24-
16b41: good
I:rX."'*stl"'d '!'"ethiesglinsitVl*
liI . p:OIIAPKIE4AN,IS. STOCK—For sol by
my, end* sot/ itxtbutiolkok.F,: . ...- •
illt - Alfi.lt24-4-26cytka Icor Sale by
P rar,e, fur 8010 by
x-_s.y2i • • - _
it ~l r aale by
jiljn mr2l ,
po r kositrfoesald 137
Fdto, bye:
m r n, - • , nealonr,ta -
PINK ROOT---2000.1b0. for able by
• • J. KIDD CO. , •
4;323T:a "fur,
Crude; fi;l:iai fry
I'OR • RENT :—/e thrde etory briar
dwelltutt mitstato .
thewtween . LB4
t and ttana the bonne w lit by
dent in titzheo and abut., telt tberria a to:brom
unit Lot and iJ water. • . Oven Itaatwitateir
Anti,- to 8. F. FO 00.87•11088 T 8. CO.
. 'N0.8.3 95 Front .
- How and Lo
_ •
A LARGE LOT, on Leacoet street, Al t a .
rouiduf through to Retwers. fiewitiree
iert on each street. with &DUI of 1V feet,
sett... with a /2041 tattle 'eosin
_eontaltdou six
MOIIIII. for terms sold,' to ACII N WOODIIOUSL. Ro.
bias= street. or JOON Y.
meow& door foss Fourth. awl adiasioit the
fstoh sad JieweliT Store of. Witsom This
'tore Room has the bawds:must front in the city; and to
tro ' ' Reut t e l yr the * new . D o7tte ' year w. ood. ant r, m r,. - ire U rylfgr " .. Err
ulsei of JAMES MUT. or
Beal Estate for Sole
AVALUABLE Unimproved .LOT, on the
earner of Liberty end feetory streets, Fifth Ward,
opt eel te the Daman Catftlie L'hureh, D.l feet (mot on Lib
erty, by 10Iffeet deep au Feeney. ennulag beck tn :Venn
three 0100 ODA Dwelling House en LltertY
street, moljotolng the shore, the lot WAD DI feet front by
DM feet deep. The boo. Is large and buswenlent, ballt In
modern style, and containseleren rooms.
Also-9l .oreoof 0017 valuable hug near Sherwharsh.
Also—A Venn of 135 saes to West Deer township.
Alen—A Fenn of Zt sem to lairrewe county. '5 mare
from Need:wilt
Also—Farms In BMW ,county. of - various when arm
prime. from NM acres down.
Also—Lt very valuable Ists In Neuron, Illinois. Prima
moderate. Enquire of. • '
N. P.* U. L. B. FItiTERMAN,
Attorneys at Urn, and Neal Mate Agents.
• NO.IUT Nourth street, rlttabu rub.
- - -
eIVOR RENT—k Warehouse on %Sera
atiret, between Market awl Very. aultable. fur
produce In:Massa Manual. , of . •
my's% JAMES.DALZELL. C.B Wats, st.
To Lei,
frillE well finished and furnished Store, M•
octEn T b t 3l i g.ZlATTJ V' f!lrir • Y rpp . FPM/
m. E. m"., 73 LI on-cy
Lytthea Row.
in.t. Taupe. Irisratd,
, - To Farmers.
. .
AlOmin ACRES Farming and ()razing
,lIJK, Londe, In Warren conicity, located oa the
ltr river. vitt. twelve mil. of the Near look sad
tor e
' • oed.
A11e..-1.0(10 Acted In Ellt count, for male on accommorbe
ling terms. Knoulter of WILKINS a CO..
sayl corner of allot minded eU
To (lard era.
FINWENTY ACRES of ardening Land, al
-1 may under fund colt e.ith, o om wtoof Mc
= t iro -lograitz, Troln=r—.:
halm attire Nanking Howe of
my 1 earner of ket and Thinl rt,
Delirale Sault= 'deuce for Sale.
11111 E subscriber (Afore fornale the booze and
J. animas where he now nakira.situated on Park .1. be
low Tremont, Allegheny. and arena. v minutes' walk from
the market of Urn city. • The lot ir 140 11. front on Path et,
running heck 111 feet, to an all, y —containing newly one
Isere of ground, and bounded ,h every Ad. by large open
!lots, wheeled with tee., gam tonnom. The hone. is
.neuly new, largo, end ases...tingly well as-ragged. bashal
a front of LO twt. and • depth of 72. and evutala. fourteen
navas, besides hall. tie. feet wide. It is built In the beet
end most durable manner, and be.., lin-proof roof. and
moraine all the modern convenience, Two pump, with
thunfsiling exrpply of hard and wit water, we tithe door.
e the muds. the neeerwary out building...Ls/do,
carriage - house. 0 The ground. are laid out mostly as •
lawn.eoverod with aukr fruit raven eveorreena, floweriort
ahruba mirrants, gocoetertim. rospberrioa, to.. and • mall
gankr, mennuo , orthe hod Mod, end the Ovvw are in
their prime, and yield *mull fur the wants , of an ordinary
family. The aging. of IW, property. as to salubrity and
arburban comfutto. oomblned with contiguity: to the citl.
L. not murmr,' by mly residemee in this vicinity, 11 lut.
•slew of thy Otho Saver for over • mile. of Temperance-
Youth Pittsburgh.y the city. thetwo rivers, grid gro
Lin. around , forming elkwether • smnorn.a..poowt of
Ideb the eye neverwoe... Every boot laden enter* or
departs from the port of Pittsburgh on the Ohio. twices in
full view. Tbo residence and grounds- era •Ins completely
moved from any orroyarese of duet, m dordnlctivb of
comfort and vegetation, andorlonts a retirement SD valet
gas p• as if locuntin some nukt nook lu the countr7.
The property wig be sofa at abargain. and preweasion given
whenenw desired. Elm st the thdrette cdfice..
For Sole.
rvilE members cir the Fairmount Fire Com
l. pane, offers their Engle. , ter eel, It la In good or
esel trill be sokletiest, Ellitlhh* of
J $llllll, Spey.
Witt He' We Conn etreet.
'OR RENT—A Dwelling Menge on
Thlnl Meet. above soil wart° Pielt/atekl. It
ea ca. Oaten. lane Mil, week bow, ex. Will
O. netted la, and parresidaa RIM Iteetelle.lY•
Alse—Fat Hale or team. roe. tete 112 the Meth Went.
I...WPM toot etzeet stet the Allartieny river.
Valuable Real Estate for Sale
FYHE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, onz
favorable terms, th e-following !teal Estate, In ,
eCity of Pitlabstrgb. its:
No.l. Three valuable (brier story brick dwelling Louses,
en feciaal street. between Market and Fuer r streeta, the
lota beiug each 19 lima front biiU deep. .
No. 1. liittdna LT feet leapt 0 Third street adjoining
the Third Presbyterian Chu rl,. un whieh is etectivi one
four story With how., inial • printing aloe, sal one
Iwo shirr brick antrehunee.
.No. k Too lots In Yailston. Bearer enruity. being lots
Nrag and 4, being about.loo feer square.on width is enieb
al use 'Week cf Nut rime dwelling', and one ...Putt.
frt., 4.1 ling. all titn .tool.. high.
No. 4 tine 6.1 5) feet front on Back street. opposite the
alsiv. b. otal tO the top of the hill.
No. Two beach lots. ra. ra) foot front. and runt..
from Oho road to low water matt on the Big Beaver. -
No. 6. One valuable wadi lot. lOCI font on Wlttel Itatoe.
with ton share, water power attached.
No. T. One lot cppos. Use water lot. SO feet front. and
extuallits to the lop of the hill, on which is erecteal one
too story brick store and warebonse.= by GO foot:shoo.
• trwrot dwet ttng. two storks high.
he t• tins large Lain New Brighton. Bet.Sfeottnti.lio
ateant 140 feet on Broadway, that deep,
containing a... which vet evectool Carat large frame
oneframe louse, lo
alted... an enc..-
This property w. former I; cattopted I.r. TIC. Gould,
004 fp yen pleasetly located. net. in.o4lated (Trott/la
ho allah. Bridge.
No. V. OW VSAOZ Weal' alliion Bridge.
ing about NO feet% jthath. and exteuffaig fnon Water
Arial low water 'Wulf, or towing path.
Ina above property will be sold on very favorable tem.
oseh2l pournal and Pe. OOOO.l
ear Sale..
BLOCK Or DUI•DIN#T.ab i e, turner 611% , :e- ^r
171..ra:111.%"`u,:t4t rl t nrrtt 411 e Lcd fronts
on. Landred and tarty feet on Penn earevt. and one
bundral and Inns Get loonWo Ind. on It aabington Wart.
to • **mt./ o tAVID OKEED.
.¢teLt:bm . No. 106 Penn at.
i=offen fur sile a d.. 171
i i . m 4 a=f rainable
wrier , . In tbi theme. orgrolloplUno. loated ' reettr 'u the
my Pottle tiebord House sad thimltst. LeitheraneburelL
The /split tirrosrlh of Binnionimm fu poonist}m and
hoofsetsuies wealth, sod the renmoshie prune at whkh
is Lilt to sold. +lll rend. th orn n Lao Matitstik ire
velment. , Sine terfert Tom. Isvorable.
rYI tilt,-
burgh. beMero him Lod rourta 'Meets, or or xillisho
Smote, lold N. Pottoffm, LW.. of Oen* ono.. In War'
Ingham. JCS MOLES 0 EATON '• •
- - --
fOll- RENT—Thelargo and aaaanodi
ana House an Nan Wert. ()stair revardsd br
) . Edwards.) with an entire lot artholalatr..vbreb is .
used us tarry .thlso.—atablthutar ZILIT4wa ._ r
iltD OIL-20, bbls: I,foi. sale loir to
Li deep etemignmen4 et the store of
Ac . '9 • Oro.. Weal end Sixth M.
ras a. Lb. ars wow owning a hem tot of brastiful
sty as Sores Etlteces. at LI. tests De pawl. Thaw rwsds
aza asurrasseal Ihr cheaters% ma they are well vrorth ItS
awls. sad 14 Least e. msll
FISUINO Rods, Lines
nooks, ahaletaln awl natl. hr
W. W (SON.
my% 67 Market street. oaring of Fourth.
WATCHES, in large variety, and at the
. ~ lowed essgular eastern cash orien,, w holm& and
WI. luayaSj W. W. WILSON.
porn may be even at Ulf nom.
a *leaded woodland of Cold and Silver Pot/dlr.
told Pons of the bed manufarturn Netts Plitt Poet
Donno, de. 10.1101 W. W. Wl.L.Wit.
HMS -3i.,' Casks Bacon Hams, for sale by
mylhi .6. JAilliZ A. lIDTCIIISON *IXL
XLIGH Crimson Velvet and Oolds•Paper
llmgings, for Drawing Rooms Itietraedfrom Peals.
utWet? W. P. ?weal', t.b, fsh Woad rt. -
PRINTING PAPER=--A largelot, Doable
/Wilda and Imperial Printing Papmfor We by
W. IL IlAligN.
. 0.d24 _ "metier Wade., awl liwoolds.
IL RAPPING PAPERS—A larot assort-
JtVgir:i PthgP4. 7 .lb rit ' lM:fs 4 S 6 7 .. .
myal Paper Warsaanta. car. Mark-nand WI at.
g03 5 ( 1 .4 ° 17.4.3 4 , EL- nit r 44 1 " 14 6 alk-.
relebnled malmVni
u.llktrl. .00s i
my:4 - Ttomr xxrut otti.
tr..h. rea'd and for au bY' W. OF. WILSON...
__ Agy . 24 ,,, - - . .laNtant.AndllA Sacral et.
-ikt .. os ,7 a.t.C4r.fiXY-: , - - Y0 boxes for sale by
ault,.' , -. -- ..*X ISl.ol4brrty 4.
RX ziku.,E):* i prime) for tslo by .
~ lg. ..,... :-.:7.- '.. ..; . & A W. lIMISAIRiIi:
OVCRXXV . P.QUORICE—I'can for snli3
by p.
,-...:0i10;,...- - . B.A. FAILNIMTUCK A 0.!.
firtAßßri i LtB.l - 60 - YitfAit - OUS- 12 d01. for
Au sae lt; E. SISLEES,
t .._.-- .4.RENeß...e,otKraiziTo7 _....__ ziromthg::v..hila:n:d
xo bow. A tig./.411c.
ta it OM,
. ' 1, 7 11 1' 11-50 bbln. kiisH u ar n e by " . d'r'n
mrl2 J. KI DU a ou.. co woo im...
VOPPERAS-25 bbln. (good) forakale by
A LUIII-50 bbli. for nine by
1 wyls , J. WI/00201AX CR & CO
SHAD -10 bbln now for nitro bx ..
ml 4 W. & Y. WU.OON -
RGOT 2 4O lbn. (fresh) for nolo b) ,
.M 4 wyt. /1-. A. FA lINIMMIx at W.
Ligheat price in Cash paid for all the
azta4e, et clegT Iraahrjjv i g h tl i,
Jtulds' 1.1 ele[ .tea, PA.,"
- .Isli. A. 111 . 1.LUILIJ A tk,
msta' =Want, A.
FIRE BRIOKL-45,000 (Coil Grove) FWD
i kk k, not SOperiOr to the ittollyar
• .y 6 • " WALLINGFORD A(X).
LINSEED OIL-30 bbls. (warranted pure
gb, .fle by J. SCLIOOMI &EVRa CO.;
myl6 24 Wood rtj
801100N113ANSII k CO.. .
`ALEILI,II-12iniilus prime; forby -
0 mria ..wlCSi necabrinzsa ,
IROCOLATR-,-130 bxs:Bost4 forlde by
mylo . - • ' - IL EATON. FORSUI
K AGERIMT.---75 Is ? fi 7 )75. - ta• 0,
' POS. Mfg MBE 011 •
A MONO th& nameroun 'discoveries Science
he., made hi thle neueratioa to Seeilitate the banana
of 11/r. leartente Its, and eyes peplums t h e t e e m
of human existresie. [IOW sae be tamely! mare realest..
to sualricid. than, this contribution ol Cliernistri to the
Beading Art. A east trial of Its virtues litnatJunthlh-Li
rift ivuatri. he' p.ffrela beyond a &obi that ere rardielne
oe combbeatiOn of melkistn yet knew°, me e, sarelyout,
trot and cure the enuncrona eviction pulmonary disease
which hale hitherto swept Prom oar cadet thousands and
thousands every year. Indeed, there team abundant new
sea to believe p remedy has at length brest - faund arlekh
can be relied on . to curet!. moat dangerous as titian of
the hms. thee spur ham will not permit nu m publlsh
am proportion of the cares vilified by Its use. NA we
present the flittering oplebee of eminent aunt...lnfer
farther taxon/ to the clamber. whkh the sands Wow
int*Ortiralsrays be pleaset to furnish free, "herein are
full partleulns, anelindisputable proof of these hots.
Feel la. Preallent of Avelerd Cbliettre, he alefended PRO ,
F.E5.9111 turclicociz. •
"isaniC. Ayer—Sir: I hare °e el 70.2 Cherry
Domown ease of deopseatel azel am satafiel
the oannitution that it is an admit...Mc con
/111 - be' i e Tenrtik f of b eoe bid
service. you are at liberty to use ft as you mink proper.
EDUARD 1111V1101/CK,
Frost the 'wifely wichratal PROFESSULC SILLIYAN, AL
D.D., Professor of Cheraistry, Atincralnap,
de College, Member of the DAL PhlL and
brientilie Societies of America awl Europe. •
deem the Marry Pectoral an admirable GOOlE ' llalbs
from acme of the beet articles In the histeria
very effective remedy fur the dam of Manama It 117111=
dad to rare." • • Now Noy. 1,19111.
.MAJOR PATTISO.I4. Prmided N the 8 II &soff,atatell
tb.t he has used the Merry Pectoral. with wonderful am
gee, be cure an inflammation of the lona. - •
• Penal au it! Wife* Phalan= ta JkWes.
8.00, is.. April SO, 111111
"Dr. J. 6 Ayer, Lowell—Dear Eta Ism now cox:Auntie
using your Cherry Pentural in my hearth" nod prehr It to
any ablr medicine toe manumary complaints Prom obear
ration of manparrer. CM, 1 am convinced It Intl cure
math; colds, sad medic s. f the b.., Mg hare put to
defiance all other I inearlably recommand
ma, la more of enturtnapilon. .ad eandder It much the heat
moody known
ilr for that disease.
I.IIOIIM 11,111 hL
iers=ntellTPJAllEl3 Q Alfa% PrecricalChear
ist, Lowell, Hasa, ! •
Paid in rittstonglo obolitoale and retail. In 11 A. PAM
NT.STOCK a 00.. and
J. hl. TOWNSEND. • •
la AleshemyoaMnloe lL 3 Y 1 W4 13 Z l 3Pil-
GLAS; ad br nJ ar. ?
--.... —_,,. ' ' ikl'i , — :,c,"._''_:- •r" . : ,, i,
• ?,,.. - K ,: ',V s c - 51: 1 :
,-, - .1 1 :, . . , "
.. - .;:S.
-',:,;... "i• Lurt__-;.. -.. ` 7. .4 . . -- 'h
~ . " 4
• Female Medicine known. Insirlent Conswznyttons
Itarramonu.lostworshrunilfltites, Irregular Menstruattutn
11m:taints... of Urine:General Itcustrallsas of the aystemy
Drum ...ant Spirits. and Illoomy State nf Mind, are ourwl by
Dr. Guysnlgs kitrade TA. Dakar.d Svuyurtlla, whirh
gives immediate tiller by renewing Mae fountain of health
mot rtrength, the blood. It neutralism, bad humors, elope
unnatural socrstions: and wisps healthy action to all the
vital tamers.
Its mitt alterative propectlen render it peenharly
tde le the slender and delicate conieltelloo of the G
ale. It itomollatel r coontatacts that diet/teeing nervoine
and Inceitoda M ffenenon to the Gnu& frame, and
parts is raenq •nd
. Imoyerer as silrorLartig u the.,
• gratefill. Wei 'hare I , tidence on file which Indwell ow
ironnly to recommend this cannel. to contrtod weenie
Ito hire not been !amid with oltspclain. -
. ,
Prolapel. Cirri, or Fall Log Of the Womb, of &emirs stem
ding, ourni by•DrAloyeott's Mtrect Of Yellin, Dock szel
Fantparills, aft, every atb, kllOl.ll remedy tes,l been.
triod without &Sof: •
Watattrotor. O. Yeb.15,1842.
This vett/Lew that tor wife, awed 27 leant has anffereti
under the above tatoplalnt ar fim set" Dearly all that
Uwe cottliawl to her bed. I hare for four year, =Wand,
emplortel the bent metlleal talent-that maid he procured In
this sec ion of the cottatt7. without any benefit whaterer.
I have oleo rorthrewl aver, Instrument reectosteruled for
the cure of ttarb dleewros. all of sehleb proved worthies.
In the swing of 1848, I was induced by ray friends to
to, hr. tloyaotgs Yellow Pock and gazsgparillgoebleh gag
need for tour months. , Allee stn. hail natal Ufa: about limn
week, It was evident to all of ne that she Ina latilfofingi
alai from thin time she iinpyoreil rapklifi and itaihed Ileab
nod ateengtb, until Ile is now enjoying most excellent
health. W3l. SIONFOUT.
Ws. being nelablors to Wm. and Julia Monate., tools
that tbr above statement:Nes to the risk:was of Mrs. alma
tort, sod as to the ruts liwitot caroled by OilTsars Yell..
Pori caul tistasicsrillic am strictly trot.
;;; ; ;
F: vil—Ccue of 0..11. Leonard.
Ilumum (Igoe; Dec. I, 1849.
Emma. S.. F. iteratett k Co:—Cse' : Some time In 1813
L sae attarked with Knees Evil In my arm, which became
in spoil could not use It, and le 1915 mortlfit-atlon mg in.
l'ethPlolrth at different Lime', aka physician of erlelirtt3"
within my mach; all told me my summing be email/Mod.
Prom rho 'boulder hr the form= was full of nundulf
Sony. My strength at this Unto was cempletaly exhaust.
ed. .ml my Person much emaciate& I continued In this
stet.' until 1111 1 1:. When I mis an advertisement 11In700rtee
Yellow Legit and Saisapartlb) which I rend, andoeut for
bottle of the :LAM, Ommtti, Yellow D,ok aid Eooooo.'
rubs cured me: 'I took to other . remedy Widle ming It;
and &It myself pethotly wen berme using the Math Lot
t!, Ilea I used It at the fthst 1414.elnee of the maligy,l
am SAM It uvula hart eased me room Yeats , of Mat klug'
suffering: 1 nicePosimarthy socecomeml everEptinginjEth,„
&ring limier any similar disease. to uso thaysott's Yellow
Dock and titinaparida, orhlch will restore them trttnelth.•
Yours, In gratAl ode, O. 51. LEONARD.,
Cure cf an iTggraratal clue of Eipipeki.s.
_The rare. Prtfornual bY . Lir. swoon's Extract of Yellow
Pock and 6armomills. Lasting; The patient's general
health oodles:es to ithprove. after dlsrane Is removed.—
burr. are 'PO, clironielid until Ume has folly tested that
theiv eau lid TIO relates. or return of do 'ismer.
Noaam, Ilectimer ors 0r0mi,1.450.
h. V. Emil:lett 1 On.—Ucat., It la with grmtpleasure that
I elite you about the very happy effects of your Yellow
bock and Camaparilla upon ml mat. becnne .
tering tinder that &MINIMA loithrtme Eryslpe
nsi will w Kish hearm 'Martini In 184 S, and was for "eve
al months attetalally aortae of only T. 4 Phrticiams who
riot their 04111 pertevrtinglrfor Sir Months, without any
woienclal -result" whatevir, Ile beeiiiiie ridneng to a per-
Issk skeleton. Ile had ulcers from Ms lap to his knee:,
whichwere:contintl.lly LIISChg dlo.uati ngir laeasiTs
matter. Medical '.6.1 007.617.1.1 4111 Ir. 1;affleol.
Said that hie case was hopelroli thou, Could henothirth
2)03130 to .8000. Emu leniblegeorentlng ukers...ll7_tnklgr
Lon and myself thought his glsonlutkna .near at bargi.,
Aine of toy - neighbors (who hot Nrdaebol rf &rani&
.oth roue tovatooble
mollrloel Msbed leis In Make utsged
it: .4, mom inm the...Am, denarelogioralaettrinaiblli.
'tU lasted, than treat any bwe of akithg, l reocinta.
theta I:Mlles of your kellom Dotes:Kt Eareapstilln, apt
teen.. red milg . lll' t..0001001.b..4-jia..begia
to Improve beim he had used tharblntliottlisradal Mann
be had nerd shelf dime botthn: , be . Oita • walkout' Ile
umlln all tortre Mitt. At aneing tun hrikks
toter last he um perfectly neitot - Vd. Ever" 'Vestige of the
doe st v, except the "Mrs, Is onnoved, and be. tuthaka to
perfect health at the prrtynt recenery, under.
the blessing of Gel, is entirely owinglo' thr• 840 of four'
Yeilon Dock Sod Sarsaparilla; midi ammo youthat 1 feel
myrelf under ermt oblisratkais to you, and It la with gnat
j o y unit I ilfryrn, 10', of what your Serapes - Ma:h....Ott
for mr eco. Hripeetfull7, .
7.0,1 br J.v . Put. (sucerss,r to Panturd k Purk.)Pourth
and Igulnut Arm.. ltioritstualt.OLlA, druersl Agent for thir
South usl WAst to arlAnu ail orders want be udilres*J.
J. MI k CA_ R. A Pahvestock k Cu. - J. A. ,Jouet;
Pittsburgh; lAA A. Bought., Alles;lieug
I. T. Ituts..ll. Washiugtork; I. IL Doubt, Ihilitatons. U.
tinvesburut P. gouutt.estmeresth• &Ott t Ulltstors,
&strung; ItsA.ll Poo. Iluottruulon; 71ruoitrr,
Ilthlebrund, a Ca. Indiana: J. IS.' Wright IClttruittirtr,
Brans A Co. Prooksiltes A. WilrAu A Pon s Warttesburg
Mchtrahul d - b\.. N..Cullendrri llepdvDlq Batton A. Cal
jtrit.; (Rabat k loner. Itlirrcr;Jamei KAIr s Co, Rut.
lon A. b r mUlu thutrer; J. liblintautettoth Warren; Y.Q.L.O.
Joa4,(Joaderrport; P. Crookerjr..Bruotarrllli.
'y pp~j"Prifr ree Bottle; ISco Bonk,' for $5.
; inPartlawanyr. •
i-A; Valuable - Improvement in. Trusses.
IJARD'S Rupioviitt l'att , ut TRUSS
I:".O4.II.UPTITRI: 1161111:DY. by whlch a Fermented
rum tessrbe effected. Thi • Trust in entirely different th
?form imillninriplea of anti. from other IToiave. harlot
the edrantagre of a well-tegulatol end oviform pews
.ure- The mantra an be no regulated .en d
to give maw arid
romfort tan the mod difnuiltcriera of Hernia, and me, be
inareweed to almcat any. fore. denim!. The firrsaitre It Ow
I Oral: wed-being brancht to bear immediately over the
I tutialr,gl4. trt,","r:ru ttl=
/It QM. Use of this e wrine, wpenapeliN Peoferir by a
ha. somwoh, the wealse la :nevelt. byroad tlio danger of
nrangWation. sot other datigreous pahful syrup.
roma, which la ant . nofrodueidoccurrece tri th e wee.-
fps of illy Mooted tenor.. 1 , 1. It a reef common ones
Mr tallow s4l4tal 40th 104 A: '44 . .. a P
oly it Thia Is a practice. which now be
tero. only by thane who wet . th e wietocny of the
parte effected la hortila..• •
We w.f.{ meet review-Unity rail the attention of Phrei.
te. to thie Trove, wo know they apprrirsto Its
Tato, alrn bate Ilk variety of other True.. at the
towed prim. l 0f...p10w, kept rinwitaintly on hand.
, RlOPtil O h1eD0P11,1.1... Arent..
let • .Itt Woodfrt...lltiabtarib.
SUPPORTERSItro intended chief-
I_ Is for the corn of Prolsisils Uteri. and ail those die
odes windy nwebanind sumer b Use Atdointml Thera
required. They Ore perfect eripput to the abdominal
onoutsodal may Le worn with oiontort L The Wee
eves prodund by a weaknyee ol thn abdominal nmedes
aro Prottnids Uteri. Belli. of the Bowels. Piles. Coatis,
Pooling. 1.1.. in the ilasEaod Pilo,, Lea jade and Extreme
Tooling. Of Yroidnition. Wombats, Minns.* of Breath,
Palpitet/as of Om lieut. Drivels. &advertent debility-
Eld '5lllP.Ik Man/WELL,
140 Wood sr-. Pittebodnb.
Shoulder Braces.
QIIOULBER BRACES, of ••tho most
tIJJ Woo Wed stet., Ample I etruetore and eardlyiltted,
and of Aiwa to suit art who may require tbom—just ne'd
and for tale, wiinlyeale and Mall; by
R.& SELLERS. b 7 Wood st.
Pones PMIISAAT. VA.. Oct. 4.1847.
your Vervoirogis gay wiLbout
hesitatioo Med. haring lined it Intrusively In nip martini
for the last four or fire ergo. I think It deckloillgtho Let
preparation of the kind of •ribieh 1 /MVO way knos tears,
siebudyb byre beritororaimed the preparation orrelerai
oiler inanulholureru. Ames restwetNuy • -
Prvared and sold by a. ii;SELLER... •S, hi Waal and
Fold by druggist. giroosalir. 121714
I UST opening—a_tery excellent n.,engtelerl
CI of 111.HTEI. I.II.MCKS, at from I tol=Er
. 111 U t ' ;1 Mar, too si.r4"P"!'"
ell—ohearrenoarh topur
.W. W. \
comer of r curt.
Bonnets! Bonnets:
Ittlge'D Pills MORNING, per Kitlmes
-6 ewer, embracing all thr nereekand neelotesitall•
A very larreeesertnent od (31(Atnelatldrea, fairy 0 Imp,
'and", and Arad flat.
The attentive, of nurrhearte Is D A . invitel (alba
above aced,. [nut I ' A. A. ALISON jai
W. W. WILS , Watch Maker,,
GT Market, Corner of Fourtis . tt., Pittekik.
]} m moil TaCb V - l i i
rrt *uit
v .' Mt .4[144 in • sareerka e=nnikard
A go,yl- -13—edling I F a g n r . LI !
xiym pi,,t. rip& L ADD W. 4 !."
. new, and light draught 0....m0r
ARTPORD. Capt. nuts t. will leme for th
alsr"and Intennediate 000 U on MU da. d /0 .Meek. -
Far freight 0, 11.,..{0 *WY en 14 , .i, or to
.Pl 9
-.-• ' . • , JOAN FLACJL Aimed. •
'OR CI - NCINNATI-Tht splen-
' did ore and light draught steam Mat
NZ No. 2. Cant G. L. 3Peuerroca. will .
leave Ow tbe share mat all IntermalLete Poloo4 on "lc
'Pub hut s at 10 o'eloel a. a. '
For freight az mama aPtll f ^., bast of In .
... jeT 3 J. NEWTON J PC; Ainnals
-__ _..__ .
re stem. PILAT No. C. A.S. Crane. maim.
.will Inure littaburch for Wheeling. Carsina and Buollah,
every TIMANT and Friday. at N ° a.. 0..4 r . t .r...l -
tear. Smash fbr (nrtina, Wheel'. alat neta.sauer -
~, P.O.,rmag
and shippers cm depend upon this boat Winning y ~
tinA the f or aeT.
d' roe freight or Paseme apply an toani. ~ . =lO
11,101. L AR 'WE DNESDAY .
i,,,th w t, N e e , , rho ,p0420d1:00.m. built bx
the owners of the steamer lease Pleatm. and other; See
the Cincinnati and Plttetmcla Packet Mule, snd will leave
wry Wednesday for linclunati. in place of the New tag,
land tie. z. Von freight or ra.usaagy ter boml,or to
0. IL.II BABWAII, Arent .
lx -1160111.A1t . PACIOPT.--The aplcodkl
loot running Aram boat CULP.FT-Alla. P. T.
Worm Master. leaves the end of the Old Allenheny !Lido;
(rt. Clair atner4,) creel beam commencing W. a orkek. A.
11., and eanthaulng until the Gardened. , late Itilltund
-no the Allegheny dde, for the aceommodatlan of passen.
me< alm at all of prlntt AR - Extra Trip al .
clock. P. M. . • , nlP2Os le
'FILE new and fast rennin, str.
a. Wasteri-kickvilar Wellsville, Stew
&livine, Wellsburg, Wheeling,
Ourdish Packet—leas. Pittsburgh seers - Wednesday at
3 tidal, P. 81. for Wheeling and Bridgeport, and eters' ' 3P. Al. Bid Coptina sod Sumach. Beturnisig.
• leaves Sunfish every lilooday at. 10 o'clock, A. In., and
Bridgeport and Whcolhog every Mislay and Thurnlaniat4
Fop freight and Wends synly on beard, nr to 0r..1
west ' JOIIN.PLACIL Mind: _!`;;i i i
atlll.—Thellglitdranglitstesiner ARUBA, „.,
D. P. Hinaey, master, Indies Wellsville wreck
lgolnealsy, said Prldsy, at 8 &dot,. A. fur East. UP
CIUo ,:
• eirgt. U l,:aTer Tree
Fatunlay, at 10 o'clock, 4. si ' ...scsiveave ,r ecliarran't
2.4 Liverpool, and Wellsville.. 2
Poe freight or WOW on board.' AO."'
• •I
11 1%G .A. III. L A I R No r p l A
,K S ET B . U_R II, O ,, II ,I2 A ,i. N .64 I:2 4 gadr .
Dowynckeettnlll.K DI RNA 1...f%41 . 1 .er 1Z A
trur.l „.,
t.r,4 " r "" i9 1 0-11 ; , e
no city. arid Wherlin 4 Ins g/g.
every ADA.I.T. WA' • - •". I `',' Thursday...l Prided.. E
lams Whe4.1114 •• °A ft•-• .nr,graellmrd.orlD
i ..krh For fr. • AI ••1 :..1 °•- jiptifirol,,
• A U A "ON
• - INCIPOBT,—TIim oe etearoer PACITI
tin= iitaiogiVg 1 v.z.1.7r. 0.,
.i.. P.
k. PM. . •
Tar freight or curie. apply oa raM ''.,
or to
' • - T. WOOLS t BON,
' metal) No. el Water mg 63 Trout sta.
i.execieg•WELL/WILL/S. emit B. Ymnr.Z
4 .,:.
eh n se • regular
_. t between ,Pittaburgh, Wine
Bridgeport. and Sung, , Navin; Piti•lnimh emir II
afternoon far Wellseill , :Brun:Wale, and prldpeaot
every ewel. for htenheute ~
BeidEiTort. CapOna: Bimetal= epthredulhhe•gNß
fart seal Bungee, every To Jarman, and Kt, -
reerT Friday aftemiecal. Tor trright_f•_pamm•DPl Ott
board,or to 1Nb2.31 •.. W. B. WIIKELEIL. Arnt, !
lowlef Di a arAoDolul
• - •
A. A. !Lean A (h have an hand a complete Meek a
Jeceeeta and Cambriee -aptal :.
Ari_LAS,9--800 bOxei Window. nas'd, for sale
V( . br , .p=. S. I , N TON 110101[011.8T A CO.
LARI) for sale by
je?. . J. KIDD CO, G 6 Wm' 0-
• 10b lb keks Manilla; •
rm.. fo b
r mal
Hl e, •14
ld i =pleao wa 'it' v
pm aTT Rao Llqualltles of ~odlio.
Wakr and - Front nts.
HOYS ; CASSIMEICES—Of various colore
" ar ' d uacitiva.o. •
my's. .
STAB. CANDLES-L 45 boxes (10 0.40 lbs.
b) fm rile by' WILLIAM t
mys corner Wcoll &ad Fifth N om
QPERM CANDLES-10 boxes 4'
04 for sole by J.l D. WILMA
-DEER SKINS-3 bales for sak
lJ my 7 ' RIMY. 31ATTIIEI
VIMIG LEAD-490 pigs Soft Gael
_a_ by my?
YIG METAL--455 tons for sale by
my 7 , 11EfEr. MATTI - E{ 0).
VEATHERS — S sks. prime tiy.lor sale by
m77_ RUFF. 31.AMIMMI co.
CODA ASII-60 casks (good) for sale by'
VIIITE R bbls. and art br. bbls
an min by ISMAII DlOligT AM/..
mylo Water mad Front rtn.
f(O.I4_I(SE SPONGE-400 lbs: for sale by
mrs • D. A. VALLNESTOCK s 0).
filitwaS-,..:2 Ms . .' for sale by
- - - ---
SUP. 21..W.T . ' 0D4-10 kegs for sale:by
. . Wad .
tusks formate Ay
neuDy. JONTZ AM.
PAPER=For sale by
NJ mry s • W. T. MAASLIALL. SA Wood of.. •
/PESTER CENTRES . —For sale by
J, mll6. V. Y., SIARSHAIJ., 85 Wad st.
ARD-3 bbls. k i fc — es Na. I; for sale,by
ti . aryl& ,JOIIN WATT tOO.
R: NpLI. Baltyoors
No. 3 31arkenyl - .
T. , Dots- itke Rul:!rior,Potor4l)4:rinal
IRON-1011p0 tons Iluntingdon co, for
by .. =yip - JOHN 'MATTA -
TEMPLARS' - SWORDS--,Tuarrec'd,"a lot
of Any Ma Templar Swords. with tbamotbkma of tbr
La7l6 W. W. WILSON.
br'Vto 4 .
yleele" snd 'St He
11 m. ADDII to PrnmTlraals. Railtted
snrlS coiner PestriLlrri Warne LtreetLaittalnosh. I
Idligd , ---10 - 14/10 110 W for saleb
, W. &
tOFFEE--150 bags Rio, for sale by ,
lJ toylo ' JARES 1111ITCHISON aca
-15 eisks (English) sale for
- EcnotyystAr.n. op. -
j_4' war. oti h,m4f. gi surply. of ledla 'Ruttier Lilt
navel.* and 4aelebN: L
otoßubber suriOnt 19921
for 9919 - 9 t the I.Thi_ia.ftabber Depot k 7 and 9 Rocd
071.XklifftilL -- 12
8 "? VI! iiirrcmsoN & ose:
I - I,IIgAIE - GREEN—Zz oatica_uTeri,_ ra
It- Dr haw and stesakboektVains
and sobleh ,:
lx aahl Unve sit J
ils b tr eo g
11l IIi•
aried by his o i . r AA s bes" P. otima m oo m ; 8 0
The Iris d; h Coofederate i s. axed Rrbelllosa
ry .81. el
Th. A Pi UtObinfT.lthr aod Binarrials 07 Cisiiiiihr 0
"Coo". - for ibr Oily rm." metier sad shipmaster fro= -
Part of Nair York by fie. IL T. lliresers 18ma. salsa- -
For sal* by IL 110PKIN8.
0 , 710 • 78 Aballo
AI . ...ERATUS--5 tuns in 110205 and cub,
. - 11 bovos Ponod Pap..
YYYor We br ,notcXRT DALZELL Oa,
MACKEREL -100 bbb. No. 3, - (1851) for
/TA so* br • os •3 : &Is, itsrucAuon.
CARD 0 TAXI; for sale , - ~. 1
gaLASS - --'250 boxes assEllifies, for sale b
LI J 4 • a 4 W. ILI6BAUIIII.
ZUGAR,—:2S blids. N. 0., for Hale by • !.
j.l . • . J. U. CANFIELD. •
bbl 7 Lake Sup. White Ii151: 7 -
k • lo -••
br pa _ J. B. CANYIELD.
Vl4OlO WATCRES, '2r;Po;ble
aNd u al,tra^ W. ert'ablr'ileTar. o p,'"r„r e .„„'
V•ry fiDe =ate. JW. rewired for talc by n
• je
earner Market an.l fou
_nh eta.
GAPE ALOES-1000 lbs. forsalebi
A`. vAxixtsrom A W.
pROSSLITE Xo'l/111--50 016 s. Tor sal
g lODFlSll,—rtiertfea for
silo lif
9 0- jfa • • .WICEA 31claNDL..1.
fIAT3-500 bu. fuilrale IT • —;
mits s. d W. 11111.11.1,011.
r.m e.
yin...rah:llEly low prior lnt
i.. for oak. by '
MY . M • - . T.T.6.1.10 ,
A1a..‘71,5Ca96f0r iCat lir 7 • •
=YU; muevfinclair
UTTER—Fresi;.Roll fur wile by
yIE IS.LIAII_ DICE illi e;1 2 CO.'..
rriANNERS' 0,11.4-20 bids. wa - iin pure,
r. . 1.17 IST w.od
V ARB. .6111310N1A 7 600 11)E%; tor eale by
ILJ mra . J. KIDD AOl
TERMILLION-62 (Titieste) far Safe
by .ap7 /LP-MIMI&
WANTED, aal ILA bldg.; rentllM r . Mr' .
nal torrer Market and 'MIN W.
liIRIED APPLES-75 Du. fur rui salekby
prem..-Z rest., of thrive yeti, otestisble t•r• •
ItshboyA, lity Trimming. embystiAg the diTettattetl
end Morn The atUntlon of Arheladote mg:rumen re
epretfully birth"! to the ohne utentiyA Amortmmat„..' ; •
my 9 A. A. 51Abigi k al;
VASSIA-400 lbs. for sale by_ -
IIIE_TI D C T iS .. O , Lbt for sal
J d. br IsoM IV.OLVALINESTOCK a 1.11.
I AVI3ION-:3oblds. and 171; bbli:l4n.. 1. for
S •pi JO/Pi - WATS* -
EaRTING-10 bbk,No. I Cum) for aale by
liEbik-745.t0ns Miss. —. for
' JAXIO nurausox a co,_
VNGIEASH SPLIT PEA ;...—.lteceind ancll
. 122 f „., s , rt , WM-A. 51cCLUEG af.:
limns and SieDmakes.