The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 18, 1851, Image 4

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    Prowcs's Itteurs Nonrassa9s,+t recent
=Tendon of iret4roat'Ak4cM; Ohio, one Of the
speakers contended • and with trutbthis,l4u
does noVeleet*omattie.loTei SeneibilitY; Pie" ;
neeln deing-gotal, - Oaf appreciation of all beatt,
tlfal - things in culture and morals: .IttpCl3
the EICIUXIOhd Republican Very justly,remarks:
"We concede that morally min farinferior
i° notinnt..i,ltr_eteryconntrY. and in evezy age,
he le more 'Tiaras In almost every way than the'
gentler sex. , ! , Woman-bas fin-, more purity - Int-.
inanity, gentleness, sobriety, honesty, than nian:
Slurdereenkards; tobbere, erhaimile ev
esj geode, see principally fountismong the lonia
of creation. - ; Thug far We will go: But here:we
mast paiiseistdOsk . tray such:is the fact?, • It •
. may portly be averibed perlittps to difference of
organisation,' but principally to the fact that wo
men are differently .eduested from ..maM: that
from childhood they are aver brought up amid,
• the sacred aluidels of home, and under the clear.
son lightof mother's eye; that when girls; they
are not threnvn liko boys Into contact with evil
society and;corrupting example; that in after or
early life, Ilium is the great centre of their hop.
.piness and theiijafluittee. the/educate re
formers of"Ohin;by destroying existing distlne
. -tiona, and canning :women to herd with men in
political and professional penults, would ADA
.. Nieto the eery syttem to which woman is indebt
ed for her moral superiority."
'There is conalderable force as-Well as truth ` in
the Republican's comments.. Woman, it is con.
ceded, bee finer traits of character, andendoubt.
, edly morefrefinemant and seosibility, than man;
but this is much Mari apparent in civilised than
savage make:la.—is made Manifest,. in feet, 'in
proportion to the:Civilisation 'that. has been
'I brought to bear upon it. In obsolete barbarism
the distinction in favor,'of women does not'exist.
In half civilized countries, ebe attains to no
higher. position than. that of quality with man,
for which the convention in Oblo has contended.
Over fair.friende.shoald travel a little to some
porttopa of the %European Continent;, where wo;
mem are as athlete as men. and stand , side by
aide with theta in laborand toil,- and they would
then letrinsomething of the troth - suggested by
the Republican.-,
The facile, that were the 'demands of the Wo
then's figiatt.Convartion acceded to; the fair sex
Would be immessariblythe sufferers, rind wouldgraduallyepproachlthatverypointormereermall
tywith the sterner am from which the benign in
. Apace of a universally diffaireil Christianity has
elerated them, " The very super-refinement, the
- tender sensibility , . and other most amiable and
endearingAtialides "laid' clothe them.with such
wonderfer-Intenett - and esteem le' Me eyes of
Men, theyowe to the_feet that they-are lea/Laded
from those harsher ianences of t outdoor life—
of conflict with the werld.--ofjostlin,g with the
unfeeling crowd In the struggle of life, or fame,
nor wealth,-and:re elmbled to give fall pliy and
=checked - Indulgemeu to the softer and more
Once breakdown' this harrierwithdraw wo
man from the exclusive operation of ' home in.
finances and the rear motives which snow sway
her—and herstation in society will not only not
be meliorated—it .will be sadly changed forthe
Worse. If, instead ofstahnly relying upon her
hastened for pmtection, the amply of her ; ants,
and those of her ch i ldren, and gains. in reins 'grateful heed to the affairs of his, and therefore
her, heasehold, winningifor herself and him the
affection of their children; and supplying him by
her affectionate confidence and cheerful wricome
with an impelling motive to labor and to virtue,
—if, instead of this, she foregoes the sweet cares
of mother and wife, and commingles in the sel
fish stioggies- of the world on the nine footing
with thesterntm see, assuredly the charm which
now sterromada her will be gradually dissolved.
and shewill come to be regarded as.a competitor,
and not as the bosom friend, whose sympathies
cannot be invaded by any clashing of purpose or
of interest.s.—K P.. C 0,,. Ade.
Tar Nrw Cosntsri—A writer in the Boston .
Traveller ear:
Waving occasion last irening to pass from
Boylston streetup. Washington, towards Itoxbis
. )7, as many as eleven different ladies passed me
dad in the new costume. j.As some persona have
ridiculed the idea of fleshyperaorm wearing this
costume, it - may perhaps be no well to my, that
one of the ladies, who passed. -me in the new
dress was rather a stout lady, and her dress, co
far from rendering her appearance ungraceful,
had q uite the ceeers.e9 affect, and struck me as
being far morebeaaming .than- the old fashion.'
Renaming dorm Washinttor,etreet, I, met u
young lady wearing the -.neatest stylefof the
Bloomer costae:o yet Out Mier dress was a
black silk, reaching down to half way. • betwecq
.the Icon and sumle; with 'B.pantalettes of dark
material, and one of: those- charming little
ding hats; of black far. or &aver, the brim three
or fear inches wide, slightly railed over at the
aide: and a email black feather fitting close - to
the hat: Our citizens have not had r as,'Yet,'
fairer exposition of the gracefulness pf.,the I
DAM dress; and, as toe,the : I - think:
preferable to those in common nee, the chief ob‘.
jection. to which; in my mind, latheffsiPing and.
ungainly breadth'orthe -
In the Church
, still tend
toward an taimnism: Tit eeynod convened by the
Bishop of Exeter:rfftmeet in June, and in the
meantime the laity of - ,the diocese are'cidled op
en to meetcotemporaneoludyirith, and to declare
its acts null because that nolaymeri were comic.
ked. The Biabop is by no means either a mod..
I ate or e .thold nut; aolhat-lt is not possible to'
conjecture the length to which he may push his
present isolation from the, 'National Cbureh. On
the other hand 'the evangelical branch - of the
thatch is moving with great vigor to conuteracf
hint and his forces, and the issue may be 4t.itei'
diamption, or audts, collision as-"will be Very
austrinui. Lithe meantime, theUolonlarßish..
ops, especially in Australia, are Organizing fibs
esetan and provincial synods; and are evidently
aiming a con:CM - end life and vigoifezgratt
,er than the chorale home exercise, held in
as An is, on all hande, by the state ligature and
boundi.—Orever . Chrfstion
It was fix years otrhionday of last week, since
Sir Sohn Franklin tailed from - Sheerness on his
• dangerous expedition, end the ohances'Of his es, the present Sam are slights indeed. Still
his hopeful wire, hoping against hope; is active
let bar efforts to protnote attempts for his dhi-
. .
The li ttle bokthit Ina .ukille3,l" the ele-
Tant ill Delhi.- Conn. le neerly well: The se-.
vicious animal only ;ideas his trunk an the:
- ,In Gloucester„:-0n Sunday tnening, 4 lstlest.","
Wra.'ll. Roper;a young man of twenty, called
at the door of Mr. Edwardr•a.
Perkins, said ha - was
and asked for a. tuMbler of water.' Mr.
Perldns, procured some water, of which the
yoeng man took a swallow, and immediately en
- piled while on the steps. idr."Roper i bad been
subjearto a disease of the heart.
The railroads in the city Of London run over
the tops of houses 'for sullen. ' For miles aroand
the city, the houses are but two stories high.--
The reed Le, titi,s level with the tops •of those
lunges, supported on'trutoit Work, with stairs at
ration, points for passengersto ascender de ,
mend, and the locomotive 701111.CfP along without
danger to life or limb.. .
Andrew Jickson Dens; the celebrated clair-.
hat come - out Ilion atheistical declare
independence, in which ho asserts his
z disbelief in the Bible, the Chtuch,audEociety
as it now mists, and devotes himself to the re-
Moral of these evils from the 'dare. He thinks
to has outgrown ano nil, ,
Antheacife Coal
30 TONS ju,streceiviti; 4.Bnperior article
Ozr Fovadrrar sun. rot Ws by
111 °UGH CUT. BACON' ILS.BIB-8 caska,
.all cared. 411.1y,501d to. to ewe the lot.
. .
I)RY PEACHES--44) nob', in store, for
in 2 4 - Water nut Front stn.
bble otore,,nzoi n741...1001W1T:1
knr elms tonsignment.
wu.r Trunl eta.
REFINED 33 OR&X--600 1b bent English,
lbr 'ebt . Day V) J. JUDD i (X)... GO Raw 4.
ADD 017..—' (superior article) in half bbla
Juibr wits by rrri724) J.BIDD &CO. CO Wood
AO DYE-4001bl, for sale by
nvL J.ICIDD a CO" 60 Water s:
DLi WASH SILKS-0) pieces just re-•
wind, # Tem desizsblek astfels.lntrnotnl to grub,—
a Inv socatatentstrionlard VllVAbesatlful
*bozos of the celobraiid tharllftgion
In Iloa order. sad for iota Tr, •
AMA. 31e01.17R0 * Ca.
1241—New Shad; t
tgir t ajkiV=i4s
- istrlS W A. MoULU.S &0P.:56 Limn, ,rt.
BLACK LACE EOARKS-4ust 'tell at
B .A.CON-16 Ude: I:him! &dee;
30 ti Rae ntraly Can yowl EN=
INS D OIL—. • L., . •
H&E'Pbes for Bole b
msa B ~ .
FWIRE PROMPAINT-10 bbl s. (Ohio) for.
, =bar mom a es..Nnm
BIER P.E.A.CHEQO be..for sale by
- .esott- . CAN7LELIX
Wistful's. saigloir-t , r- Wild. cheap—l .
gran Wale ..7. HUD& Co: -
• SE.F.—'333 Lbbbiei for Asalet:
3.1C0D 00. •
- - „MEDICAth-.
nthe i# F 4l ( i',CT
HARTLEY: 64 Wyllie; trom North
Eleventh dr.4.parwad the"
whetnVri= in mminendeeden. "gh Mg in rote-
Open. with theirmisal requeet. made to
alilV tO this eity. n. 12117 seen at the Ei.
It wmild prohably a tameable oppeirtenalty fee Dime
=Eerie* with Destmentto sod meson tbe Doctor. a;
has the Only rbidt.t. .27 of theatedietal Collate who
has devoted his atteothntedfimi)d , $Ad
the treatment taefW.
The following ere adisulthed with coned/dim
net will hoe..t teen.
whatestimation hie
qu'add bi some of the mmt
ed medial men in the imuenV ' '
• .1 ha,. had die eleamre to meet Dr.lfertleritipmetlee. 4
Eire been led to ital:• • favorable 091.1013 of jg. char.
erre; both tp• prOkeslan Mid _ -
Plefemor of Burnr . h
M arolimional abilities will be rally appreciated
thaw who place rtimmelyes under hie mire' _
Jona IL Wren 81.7,
— .lrmo my intereporsollll Dr. Hartley. I. have tom!
d.paMoillat correct and genthunady."
. Valmrcres Ham M.D. ,
Reference fa Petsharph.—The viett of Dr. Hartley to the
city, Kivu maro on mtrity eritut i r
Wie t ` IVATI utZfekrifer....
.ne stumesfully directed, may relr Mreivind
such tmstment man allproteddlity may mole in a per.
feet etire. HUM.. ht. Clair Theta '
Compotad Syrup of Yellow Dock Root,
gaucUPlEs the front rank among the pro
-000100 cti7r,Taltt'74. ge"=:.`d all thei rd di.
aen ariatt h rze >m Rase state .r flu bk.& All,
C.UAL it Wreb
s=t i ona . 'ett "l " l " .° '
data, ar aaltateit. dt1120.1. Ittp • tar.krias sal=
about tha tbroa; apet wed •IthAunme.d.ted
• Fmk* iltuFGenerai,Debt7ity. •
81.4010.11,11' tbs Caakened .body; 'giving tone to the
11112101111 atgats,and invigorating the mum nom. ,•. .
IT the to of thousands of Leduc :Maumee, from
all ram of the country, can Metalled rpm it la sionular..,
ly Meade. in eating all Homer:, and rastmlas &Mahe,
tett and broken clown conertJtationa` I. purely Vegeta
ble in its compotition, and maccurabily combined in its
PmPertione Um the ettnemeaL botanied, and sootiest pens.
perdu of mete inV ii ent 'cemented/1i Unita ; •
•It bee remoSed many donate dimmed hem tattled
the aid of the Meat physkiemsend bee also card Canker,
Balt Mu= and Sanwa. chleh Blintapartila
It S 7lllB. ll: The M ntrat 'r Tailed.e total
tetimmont'°'::')4lCarseejLta of
ntbeea teut l re• PC"r" been ented BU S
Ibutta n 0 tra , 61:7A L .... 1. Ittle •valo
semosu trom:ttruein4ll
57.thrt eomonu r.i.,t -t maTiß L lZe r . ett,.=;l74 heap
ofuw Jun... cod may be and In ail dinistrZard
at all camos of the year: - • _ • ,
-toTubtrrelgoel="gagnCaXtolladilrboad., - =
Only Amend *esteem Pmensylsanle,
i Warehouse% turner
Weed anti Meth eta Pitta.
. .
Professor L C. Barry's Trleopherolus,
tatint tathoorMl b from 11r. Mom Mar of the
ntific ew,m em Goombmt on each evidence Is our
New Tom Feb. M 1949. '
Barry' Trkophortuis la an artiela that we take pleasure
In awardi .
ng the Itighouttounuandalitme are do not do It
upon the reoammendationof others. but ho= ourown gam.
'anal knowledge onto etreeta month. tutu while it tends
to keep. It healthy. sots. and:glow, it oleo gem.. dale:
drag. preenta gray hid,. god htgwatea Its growth In •
manner unequalled by any othar oconoanitlow known to
ofAL person only nada to an ona bottle to Oa eonvineal
abletruth. - • '
/kat' llnnanen N hOotheorke ew ZS cents, at the ininelpsl afq• 137
804 d In lanre bottle, Dries 25nett &Me toi
• mylk No-14 Wood rt.
.771 a nog Eidraontinarst Direoverry in the. Word it
the great Arabian sayardyfor . Mao and Baud
. H. G. Famll's
ABARIAN mmilarr.
RE miractdous cures performed by:the
Asabtan Oxide= in the gag, old. were they
tome hottraitrwitti t ' history we can thus . = for
iliennnprinna more eves divine. Tbeir attalturomts
the a t of Medicine were the wonder of the apt,
while at the same time the widen
Chemiets7. whith
with them bad fu origin. was to the teat of the world
ended book." A Ma e llotany they were the mod zealous of
ruidents. In theftil gratin which skirt the desetteof
dralds. abound ran plants and edema woods wham ate
obtained thine aromatie gums and fragrant Daimon of
which this Incomparable -Raiment is winamoied, mad by
whose stimulating unettious. penetrashog end Atiblyrw
ta lt Lc whom applied. Instat...My digitised
1a the
1, charttfmiofso
lts action Le prompt. amnia! led w ithout Or .
I.ut tiont=rdi!" rne. " orea um to width Jai: been
palsied Sor years, minting the Mniveled too, ho grow tort
mod neb_hilsod to amnia. through We veins. It manta
the elynatial Fluid or Jain t Water, and this I. the realm
by it has been m uzilvenelly maoraitial In ruling all
Menses of thaJolnts. In threads elfeetione et the Spiro.
'Liner. Longs and Kidneys, this great Arabbn rawer
mods unweaned: for Agee Cate or Enlantementof the
it it • Miteidg and for Rissurnatinn Cu has perfume
enema of the m e w, extritoallnarg cue. an monk. abio
ear Cramtss. evirelitugs. Pats. M outods.Chliblal==
White Swellings, Timers. Se. err. It equally
In &sr" of Animals , such ati Vistula, Pell Nrito T.S.C.,o *
half Oomplalnt,Distertoper. Pares ,apramMtnism.....,
Mange. hp. ins, Windgells. biding; wish for nearly ell
diseases. either in man CT Wain, which malt, an
sepio nes lkaben, this Iltdisient stunts at the hood of all
the'folloning L it the principal somuntant at the
- wealthy mid highly
o n e of
of Yams
Peoria, and oresente one of the mat menreful cares In
the mania of mad.* baton:
• dlr. 11. G. Farrell: DearrSir, Actuated by a soma of man.
fulene, I. submit the LIMO. me . thrum= of the nab
• ity
d of yonrgreat reeMoine. 31y cto Wotan yeareoLloraa
rudenly attacked - with • terrible abeam, 5 hlth ih i . ef i tas
M t=at clod!=t anda
turned black end cold. sal emonnly demand jaling: the
eyes Heed. partially aimed mid alTher.fired.
an tble mut* .the tenon. eon
trotted, pm& et: acrasi, - that when 0.111411 back. tha
lend u. Acrle any forrohed. • Indeed, the child I,ll.llted
Merty emarmance of bal. dad! . linenceliately on the
tack. the Dimity phial:data Air Max woke
De Lamed In tnlnte It to Frelthibbilt all in vat anhough.
it Ina bilateral a dm. and ratlm.robsnceat Lee
lamb I FnIkIL A root 11. l o. at Physicians ares then
held, bat=ormas. The. to.. wag th en 1100th , be,
fore th e Dociety, bat mathlngeould Le
an. bad nut already bomelona • mad the doelorT=l
Ma ha could do ootkdAg mare. tlife thou monmenced ate
Ppt lone Lialanset finely ma tbe.eattne /martian tha
and you trog d =o a parent. Pop. tifter,,,...
the gt, "
Which old lome Mal e
henna per 'i lect far ye tenth. /t is
nomhearty ant t he. lobos ba.'
11re other cams of e kind atound In my. nelgte
Lortuni preekrualy. all of winch died; when, no enobt.'it
mar Liniment had bila need, (Ito y nald have .ea 4.
. nornahlarr.lll. 1851.. ' U. CLULADD.
Zinn* jaalinf, and. RAataatine
• - Rana; Mania Ch...8y., May 'A, mill.
O. Ythanct—Desr Eta Tom Liniment le mill.
. tarry d
rawwell,.ng a not
- good mang the pm.
• ple. lt hair a bad ta lineitedas, and an Mien
edit bad path in the beat. A lady, mho was maned to
herbed for wren] nnathsnith Liver Complaint .ad
lion of the Mast, arm entirely cared by the rum of your
Llattoent. saLl the doctors could do her no
reg it far la! Lo t =ih wi c u tn , Ibno.l to
reLam dm. am! Just before:a vet nal , it W a
n es' me to
nd. that 1 bat no pun ell lan sad In the night I eon .
memed bathing and rubbing with yam Lin:neat, and
befon I s on dap reibtdog, the Data maid.
• ••••
Corepkint, Ewen', Distemper, CorEe and
CM.lfitrbu Porteneater et 17s; Felton (bogr, 111,
Ur. 11. G. resins: Tear ' dubbin Liniment, .ts bbrbtr
girt tt r ; 111 e be""anirage r t i nt g e h p='
cued coo of alts , tud izowe leas Sweeney. oar lberid, .1=
thi r = a ra yeaTbittreeed le
Imettletelr. eve It Is demellr veates . t w g
sradleber be over wed. Mena base bete xnunbere
of Fare Eye!, with IL —Med tt , vere ealoade
. .
TO GOARD'EAGAINPft lu O ln f r lIEAII 246 VOL;
' The 'Mlle are hantlealsair cesstkened =abed
.11 Zhu
Cbasdetrat w blab ha. 1.1.37 male' lenearance an a is
nalhd - by th e lthendeterbsinakee I.S.W 11 Ingmar. Ant+.
le a dangerous trawl and meth
•todeceien no., Isle beating the name of Varrea. there ,
-hew partlealusteceee can far by the 'unwire/T.lll'a'
thilawat," ainethenhiledeloalere will hence* Ihe . SKI'
11J01:3 wiwtios awn yen ear the genntee.lnit alwayr ark
for 'IL , IW.Y...lrabione azgl rale m ar.,,
theimene always hex the letters H. obefoni
114 4. d.=5 i g.ti . e174 .. es
G r i m4t=
• AGOTi wanted to ream Toils. Mane and Mao let lo
the Ordted etate c in which owe Ls not established: 'hooky
by letter to B.G. Farrell,yeala. 111. with Mel edereoo.
&sloth/nada, iserandbilty, . -
Call cm the emit who will Amish lice of "Charge, IV
hela contelabig mach valnahle telorcesslon for wary claw
•Parscs..-.26 coati. fd mats, and one dollar paybottic •
The vary manioc Is rcattafactunal by IL U.
irmnltar and propriator. sal arbolaW drntalas.• No. I
Naha street, Nada. 111.; and Ibr ado arbolnal• and retail
yrorrittore brio, by . - , IL D. BY.LLEIIB..
• mylaLtar..l3 • N 0.67 Wood dreg
80/d,by D. kl. CURRY, Alkirbroy (Sty: - ' •
• ' ••• The Hmaan Body Most Perspire,:
Q:0 SAYS NATURE, to have alidatthy
mamma end Vinous who do atimare.
to the mon dlornalus Milo Mesas Bow.oao' Ilaso
Chemical Boatman* a Vs peapinaloo =4 et dor mom
time sadness sod ream. the al.. siring it the texture
a infant's lufant' • ~.
Bea, 13.11,Meam, ond Banosireonitt o s:
cured by de Me. es st kola 7 phyddens B. lark 'know.
who use it to ouchand And it Wallow.. sla t to
Pimples. Blotehen. or soy other sklu aw f
are. a
radar bressuml that this no mane. Puffed a
stisi will prom- amid traumata* at Mos ty,
perm. eared at Am bed. ore Lao soda. bead. •
' Bay it — end th e sada Is math sawed I wooki =that.:
oll ie.:;:t. -' ilf " .E '' .;.; 1 = r .V.I I . ``9 .1:= 4"0-
.i.O dad this Dot ooly • can, but e jars l et mud 1 nue
vow cagy eddi that aye:* salad with soy ad. shoo, ,
or stroller ahrozllt god ads 11.11. and lan case 1 Mad.
ilirthat,"Sigrihe stares are Beaded. with jut!
snet Venire you mak As Joao" Itallsachaviest Boa
buy only af WSl.Jsqyatt. aulyniont SOPthe
. , . . .
Par r 500k...-Perfass White , Teethi:and. Pure Breath. to
hjkl for 21 lrba,bass Ohm us boyar.
•srafal Ma If theirissath II of •a foal. 'or Mott
teeth doespdLtlark Mow. sad allerusted vitt. bUtax,
that s amt. bat of lessif Amber Tooth Pasts rill maks
Llks•Saftla IlaSof• =III. breath oiatlfcrounly
• Saki =IT atJACKEON'a Etair..24o literir At, bad */
A Scientific Ha ir Tonic, Restorer sad 8C312.
Bottles,' g7ji sent. Thaw wbo hiss owed
Masa. Coral nal: gorldrewe. !mow its osesdlent atortltle
lbw. IMO bore not. we aomrs tt to POWS= tbs Molds(
ottalltbav—lt will fora the bate to grow oa oar part when.
rattan. intruded bale to von stop It fatanor olb kart
or daroirolt sad make tight. rod, or gray bole grow dark..
Yoe rendering tba bale soll. and tdary, nothing con armed
tals—tt_ =OP it Tata y &sound, and smps it so. /It Is, In.
oord. lbw roost, eroomodashyst ouratior...a.raelo for Os
go mina tru. JACKSON'S Obit*. 240.1 4t 4 / 7 .anti
JoNES' i 3 olutiOn of Jet, s - LiciCtid Human
1.15... tr atteltaraa, of wbaS. =Arm bate,tos.
ar blark toter, to a row ardnataa
Petars—ND eta. and IL
80.42 er wm. „L uccbox,sicubatintrat, ham of Wad,
. _
JONES' LILLY WaTTE..Lisdies are eau
t„,„,„.„ T
utotort'uolaiLttli comma pospossol CULL ' bo7
an sot 010 tabcloO It s lo to the skin/
so m sows b s, bow ma. tors ostbso.s Wks's, otst =smithy
t. t. imp appeal. allaroatos owed MEV., Assiass,
ofkW ' .
1 % 0 . tUto '"'g ß k 7 . w
,e -
os:tteloor lakb too
it is p e t r bo s ztklinb. aolmrboi t. tales
U a Our ib . l of all si =Impastobookba• m tst
bm ,
mete os :a i toakAl at
lo „„ . mw acop
w ss„ssis.o24. zo o
a'4l V b . ntsegb.:Yriso.= mot., rLit fl 7 senor
pAbiILY gllifiNti or Baking HPitlxiii-G-0,.
t=4l L itt "" r i red "
in nnn *kn..' OZ avt, thsal
brew" vILIch amen,
dandona, ;env after bandannit. and athrt oniony
alma. Bunift•tnenz u Swanking Calun and an.
cans. /s. 20 wands nar:4l.oolinereatian *lll maks
10 team lasso of 4 mod* thai with UMW lima.
faxiihioN'opl:Nromi rah:Mandan& ntould at.
teal in own anad. I. ono of Us. Argent. toodhither UM'
'Po llandtal4lslnandc &boon, Hind., and lance
Ulnas:not Iningnfairn • Bahl In bottle. at'
1 .4 1}. "N151
J!1 1 16a1 ow.i tlM =Man
~ h:fi
OP P° 3 °lnnt° EL=
Li i , ,,Liiiiiiiiz.64.,
If iiursuance of a,, , ,
President . olth:Lolbt=Ainlitlea rlli do Mal
the cilermeritkonalrard Macs in terstate of rrinannl.
of SeptemTzbartl'art,
atit a s t i: r. al le = tk it steliang wit:
Itn. the Manua
Monday.. Ito ant day
of the piddle land. elloated_witlibt the tindermen ,
101•13 Phip. and fractional towestnnyetar -'+ •.• ..• -::
North oft& bars Limeade:est atilesilln,pristented thertamot.
'Township two; Of range three. , • I
Township two, of range noir.,‘ ,
'. ., , , ,
I ' Fractional township Loutsan, north of white hit n.. 'of
noure ohm.
53rth et The hairline Walnut ef Vic AIM priannul tontllna;
. Unship Moen, of range two.
Tractional township ttievat um twelve, of mho ti ,
Al the Lad Ofim at CllA 3 lPAilllClLEoconanandog oo
Monday. the lifteenthelay of Santember 'neat.
the dim
point of the public laud* width', the tool
,Sotd), ef tic Larelinennd erestaithaßiLiniadPil
Townships sloven and furteen, ot nage eetenteen. ...
Tree t gilifi '` . l e °l lll , lle' t il7nOtonleining • ' tl -.
grar io tt i ltegi bu dtgrainst next, lbL::2ra
STlLltierate v olc . istsif LURK . .aura .ia1d 4 . 1 .-
PecUaral tiarbeen.twentysnrce,eventytouramineentr
Ss., not of lb. St. Pranole river, in townahlp dose, of
sndada, alneaLtr i go Mon. '
twci:44lViy°lhlV !No= I I ttip " r i t:s?n * lr ran o ' ° IL':
' At the Land 0014 at LITTLE IlliChidousunendnirma
Monday, the ant day of &obi:mbar nest, forte Manual
of the labile lands in Uni following named Mite on and
'lFW g itlabA its • liteeridfddiimPrOmndl.i.l.lii'r;
the moth, half of motion uisht the moat,
101 l
o• to
fractional motions fourteen and fifteen, be north hull ow
seventeen, s wans
east half of twentrune, twenty-two, tsar
north half and southweirt quarter of entrthiss, the
norlhweet quarter of ten:lapels, and th wea half ot the
surrth=arter of twenty-wren. In whip thus, of
Lauda ap t gapriated by law for the u se of whorls, milli
aVrtfo ', A4 lalfe ' = u9ll. u t. 1 .1,1", 0, nee
.or. 'dial shall be selected by the State anthoeities be
fore the days appointed for the commencement of 'the tat,
lie rata, under tits act entitled .TAII Act to
enable the State of Adana. and other States to reclaim
oh. many lonia' within their Smite:. immured Septem
ber =Lb, 3•1-50. wail.. erdaded „from Me anies. And' no la
mato. In land bounties heretofore granted by any law of
Congress. for roilitam Parried rendered to. the Inilisl
)3 lllOs" , mr , twi.roOff ca mit , ot tie exec mentioned k.d..
as provided by the art entitled An Art malting aPponol
ationafor Modell and dlplamatle aspens. of government,'
At , aPloored 3d ilarelL DILL
The offering of the .boomentioned lards will be® a.
Moored on the dare appointed, and will mooed in the or-•
der la which they are earertised,with all courement dirr
paw. mail the whole dull bare been offend and the saki
thus eloson bed no ale shall be kept open longer thomi.
I::°'.4Ziltso.ll°.tirit.Talr.ductgrlt:T,', lands
GITCII libiller my _ hood se a City of WaabluirMn.„ lilt
.5t,„12:,,:r.,,,= 4.,.... tk o ra u ramt .
1 .'. . • - ierrr''
.11citmlndonefoOhe Wan 11 Land Me.
onci. TO Plll}ll ON CLADLANTS.
.Seer} E ootitied to the tie/t of preemption mam
of the sada thic, tbe tosnabild sad liarta of tcornalol
abed• enumerated, ix required to establlsh the aune to t6a
. ..t/treollal/ of the liegkter and Iteetiver of the proper
LIA(' Maas.' make payment thereguas eon aspnd.os
hle uftee seek, Mk eon., andlbeforn the day appted
,the commencement of Oa nubile tale or the lands emWga.
'sing the tract claimed, central.* mel, claim alit be fOrfeit
'ad . J. 1111171:11.11ELD,
_ Conitolsakoter the General Land Odin. .
BY THE, PlO=l33T OP nut infrren BUM
ra pursuance( of. biruala FrLuroar .
Preakfent th e United States of Amer( ca. doh en..
u re and make known. that public sale. via beheld at
the undermentioned Land Wheels In the State of Mumma.
- St theserioda hereinafter dwelkneied. Merit: •
Lithe iced Mire at JAC.l.l...,wimme:elng on Apin
g 1 tb." lje r g fign o t t ed b' f,lifirur it% in.= Z i ow i t
chip, vim
X./het - V. baseline eimitcutuf Licqprineinolearridts.
I. :7, a ?htfi at c t on irentSegt. ,, itr f eity ht gad mantra....
,°*ttorri = tientrseven, twee...elf ht and twanlyeibiff;
"Twn and
ship to=rgri.fg r a bra M ehTT . Currout rieirr,of
, Townehtra twentrthree. Prentycibur,tmatredAlit and
tweintrelne. of. nengeeight.
.T - pwrahltei twentpthree. twenty:Mar, twentralght Mid
Cif range nine.
Fraraimattownablit Pomfret., tool townships twent7'
tern, Prentkehreo.twentriour.tweldrfleo and twmirwis,
yotit the KO: 11.1 PtACI3, - comineneing on Monday. the Of
teetith-daf of Sett... nea4 for the dietesal of thenuic
!lolanda within ...following named inansigra and part.
Tlrellitilo ClithohniPmeit(pol meritigek
twentriwo, of range two.
Practional lownahlra twentreme and twenty-twee and
Itarentrtive. of rano. theft.
soWnstilb twontrem. b
ed a four.
Il . mohnii=tliterza im twatri..brerl of range Om
ilrentl=o. Preoptear, %rarity-nye, •ne
twiraim... of ran ele.
Alsaieual teiniob sixteen arid mventren. and town
amenteen. eighteen and
town3hisre twenertwo and tweetliyrae l end
swam. Pura to ten maim., wend.n m tuentroas
tin, and tioentrwine to airway innitudire. In Wortuhlp
twentrete pf rang* eight. .
Tenn.', nineteen (except fractional ractiertia thirtrone
'Picto-n# inclealra.) tract:anal townitbsp twenty and
finctional iplaubly tnenty-ope (el.O neat....,
&wt..; nn.dl.4 , bur. tatentr.tat,
homy-arms Onnri.. , . Mutiefinl. and I.risratr, of range
nine. .
' The northwest fraction of section sir, in township nine
teen, and frartional tr./whip trrenty, of range Cm
Mellow one t harlot inslueire, the no.-thhulf of airtrol,
Aratens U (nestirows inclosire, and fwentreisAt ta 1.44-he
ttrairlisdnetee. hates - nobly eighteem eeett,,,,s three ts, f e n
inclusive. la tow whip nineteen; t etl , 44'airteen..fis ,
Pers, the andth half of herrstp4wo,Sessi.,-Piree
yen, and histrresur thierseeis inelosise. in township
-ft.dr., of Ye
t We're.
The Pte.. east of . 144.1 e Orerdow," of township
twastrihrer.of range thirteen,
, reeti9le @apt the nerti4est quarte ;Cato sallow
- • enn,Seensiaus6ast, Agri, an 4 fArrtr, atof "Little
Meer lihrortiow,. In township twenty-War, of nada Hoar
Al the -Ural Wire et SPRINGFIELD, acrunoneteg co
Rooday. ths eigbteenth day of •itfunt nest. tn . the
'mei di.
rd.! a the
o ale lands a :ra
ftto ' ted aif). the e tathrwtorg
bariton torrostara,
:-oefAnflAs boat tine .d swat Of tbrAfal prlnciail meridian
froarrablatrantr - two, or ranks twenty-two. -
TTownshipowentatwo, of range twenty-thee.
ractions {td' Mdohe bratty-die. barreare,,Osirfetwo.
GiallsateDitarbrina'Anirtedia Madera. *both of the
old b/Afe Use, to - township twentrone, of moms twenty
eight •
tractional toworldp twenty-one, adjacent to the State
Llbe. fankea twenty,even. twenty-otna, thirty. Wal
ton, thirty-aro, thirty-the. and thirty-tour. •
Lode WproPriated by law fur Mu., ore of mitosis,
tary and otmre armee',ther with • - tansa awantp Itrid
overkinred lona made colt thereby for rultivallon. ff
any, - which bah lantern,' by th e dude outborilleabade
the dam appointed for the uttornencereent of the public
sales respesualy. under the Act entitled Act pa
bls the Cate of Arkansas eat other States to useirdon tie
Than IdMe .atd. Odq , limdd.” approved Seidanber
Wsth-103. 'eta asisairelfromaa a rnisk And no Rambo.
it land homage hereto:bre granted by an r law of Con
: km. rot arrykes tendered to the Polled Maas.
watt be yeresial on entre far oboes sarafented bade,
Tided by the act entitled 6 -An Act making aPPropriat3ool
for the civil end diplomatic aspens. of tiovernmert...
ad MA344615.51.
Toeba= or the slate mentkesed lands will be cut.
mence4 al look. appointed,
aid will roceed In the or
' der in whirl, they an advertised with oi l convenieot dim-
Web wail the whole than hare lam otton.l. sad the seta
• thus closers hutno sale shall be kept open ir_r than too
Weeka mulsitejntrate .01,7 of any of the Ist lut ad
natal wall afar tat expleatkos of the two woks.
Viten luster MA hand at the Lily of Washington, this
nr2iirf: Anon Domini one thou:teal eight bur •
died pa - ast. , •3IILLARD FILIAIUDY
Mar Of tits Osmond Lapel and
OnoTd D.
i f:iili_PREILVll7 ON CLA1.11.4325.
idtm Eh i ' LL "W wlttin U h a l nii -th. hr t iand 'e ol g icnrl a ggi
sbefewanunt requirek to establish tne lame to
lintisacUon Of the natant ao4 naives of the popper land:
oboe:and rotakepsymroltherefor owesx as pmcitertide uf
ear indaD VDP,s.char,.; dud hetes the day dppoitikal for Lid .
eamandas7 . e. the pablia of at oll lnds
theAtaixs . !diary:Us Int* chtlia w ill be forfeited.,
..OMMishattnei of Wittlbritenti9Wd Utik
• I . rinfabiartrlttg.' - •
I . !
L.. " a
BY no PRESIMINT OP TEE minim sums.
pursuance of law, I, MILLAso FlLLxoter,
u tiirn.Zei d = o ` fu tta ud id l o gz",,,b . f f i tbe trr l p .
ot tj a t.` ,, D b L yt
At the 0 et 10Pre b elt:
On Moe.
dolor be tea drgaz-fttu„irae,..=e.l
sue". as• V. Mee, and red af IMAM aninapol ma.
- Tenn:MlD ertrenty-nine, of rums twantyrtilne.
Townships senntrnineend eighty, of range thirty..
Townehipareventrnine and eighty, of range. Matron..
Trtmehlymetentrnine, eighty a nd alklityone. of nano
thirty-two. , •
Townabin tiehtrone, of range thirty-them
At the Lend OMm at YALltYlkl.D.hommencing on Men
b wit:
,A"orlAWfhs ¢arc line grid olf Ara yrtneiyalt terri
=bly net . ma, of ranee thirty.
hip inventy, of one thirty-tem •
Township ertenty, of room thirty-Wen
At the Lend Oftlee et DUSUQUZ. on Monday, the eigh
teenth day of Annul neat , for the daportit of the foliar.
• nn tru
band in sections smear. and fir/Ural. in town,
ship eighty-Mei north. of ratom ono amt. end the eintbeert
goon. Of eggnog I.ll44lreers, In tovrotht,
• Forth,of mum Aloe wert of the
retrains) m len.
Lade Imropristed by iew far the nee of etr/role. tab
Mary sent aide parposes.tortbor With -cm.. oolfiap
Overflowed lends made unlit thereby for a altaartomn.
if any. widen Mall he selected by the Otero en Morales be
fore the tlaye rg 4trointed the ortametweremirt °Elbe mob
Ile mar .. l
vely. 'under the A rt entitled oAra Art to
made the Mete of Athenian, and other Plates to reclaim.
the `niftnflo wade within their Ilona,. ert ami Septem
ber :nth, mai te minded from Glee/Wet And no to-
= heretofore grantedfoy pay lawn(
for =Mary ermines Amami tei the (Marti
inane, on any gracatoeemrthreWlmel.
es prorkted get entitled An set making appropria
tions for the and dlykoxfatlO.XpOOMOOt tionnuneent.'r
pprortd OOdd htereb.•lol.
Te offertme of the hoods win be commented on therdaYs
aperninted. andmorted in the anger In whieli they me si
rertisal with all anitenlent dbratek. mat Me whole/shell
ham Men ollered. end [dente the...lased: . bob no ma
Mail be kept Ten Imam than two week.. and no rat -
entry entry of any f the lama be admitted until after the
aspiration of he two weeks.
Given ander{ my baud et , the City of la • eahington. this
11tH der of leer. Anne Domini one th0u...1 eight hun
dred and Anyone. AIILLAILLi
Dy %h. Praddenti
Crtatidedonee of the General Lend Ofilea.
- Enliven= eatltlea to the righS Dmiremptlao to any
of th e land s the townships and part s of tom:attar
abate osolmaratid. la required to lentil:Ate the mem to
madman of the R&M.lnd reertter ot the proper imel
edam and make mirtennt therefor no aeon orprodecoble
ter seeing Uel. mike, and before the day oppoloted for the
ndememmatent of the public eels of the lends embracing
ther mot tenor. Meh elahn
-' • • of the General Land Gam.
2fi. ifaied. to Country ifferchants.
J. ,- KING, Dealer in DOOTS'AND
.4 81.ZUa i gs Noet=ndArr . ... 4 .a rit
Casa stak Of Lb. above mete. erbisb will be arK m
ant De r lew than our b. turrh..ed Ia the el.y. for rub
Dealer. •oriu ¢o veu toat[Letnis imetuilee.
, • .Fresh Arrivals of Wall Pa
rriIIODIAS PA IrAf FIR, No. 55 Ma , t street,
i biajaa aaq.ea rem the Eset, liantheme amt.
mead luteprteedrehember Peter. m
temts, flan' ,% nests to Sa_pr pine. Re Ws by
toys WALTEIt I . ..IIAILSOALL. 86 Wood O.:
MAOKEREL--AK) bbl s. No. 3, (Ilona)
Ifsirbarypert largerthra, bright barrels, int hea
sar sale br . & COVODII,
Warebanse, Pa. laallrasllopat,
lark ; Miller Yana arallfAYLlßStla
MUTTON HAMS-200U .Iba. , prime :for r22 UTLEY. 11ATITIMbill a de.
Ib:ODA ASii,-500 casks of our own menu
/..7 'Senn, arternated of ea geed dantit) la a. btlat Mt ' .
`hr Imparted. nel Ed male at the lowest market price.
.2111 dtatICIT, liGltitY Co.
. Iv QUID OLT/E—For onneotiog
miaa. Chinn and saw sotosamos fommenerat, 'rota... It
sttore.ands Pittaborma. .To ma at CO/taTTICS Commission
• .
AIR BALLS:—.A. full asaortanunt jut reed
cod dze cdc 10' ar,ID • P. IL CATON- '
AND 011,15 LULL for rale by
UMW CAlpiald
Lan ZBIEll= 3110131014 LINE;
CLJAZ.O. PARKS t ew. ll.Obroark ramoorom.
known Llsee. would Inform the public that tbar ara
now in operaticn far en abow.t. bow. , aad halm astantett
eel raceb r oor kbOcht u ated Ptawewer..,...,wtdell they are trig
VariehlfPna 'a Zterawa " rAnolli. OmWas Doi,kn,febler
Lim CU be eOeataatlr at Doe hendaut. blow tba Mower
"bd. "'''';OfrItAGICOT. Agent ,
mute. ear. Water and Emltltffekl Plueburob.
D .C. Ir. cam:ameba:a iste.
D O. 31 attinny Puladd. P• 4
C Dints% altar:.
Bbarpabst •
titt. B iehV/ Co. Oreett M eol h
trf P*. T C r t
O. R. all arida. Buffalo. N.Y. a 1
'New Lake Superior Line.-,1851.
r. new steamer NORTLIENER,. Capt. B.
G. Swart Nieto ewers modern lmptgrcmeoC fn[
kr tad comfort. ,rtlf cu..]
Into hider, the
lA , ' 117 roteeiteir, tberratter au
Let ate. Ntrle.
The heatuerli AN OATT/iN7041.
leave Suit o n Mane. ltor the Crenate hinuieuie
Superior. on the arrival orthe einainer NorttarrieuZakloit
A7.. 9 ' , 171 4 31 4 .1, - "Prw , b"--
6,,,01..1. 0, April 41101:--er ' P 67 4 2.. t°"!..
• , Manufacturer's
thathif LlNE. wmp...4 entirely otit.num, 800.,
la now all orn a fgilltlaa to earrr a hone
traapDpptap to aa atm Jima, and at aalow nag'' ototo ,
ail .7
140007 ents ban alo been male for farming
9c 4 reigVnlairmttle, Johnstown. Hallldawsbara.
Water Street, Almandriaetarabaryb, Huntingdon; 11111
Civet. Nen Hamilton. MoTayttorn, Lewistown. • WHIM.
florpOM MA/ Vernf. Harriatmay, Columb4, and all oth
er Intorni
lutJe ntlatag!t i ll o a onlhe Paratr
loodo ytrit eon la Canal and Port: .acorn! Ilpto
=Hl:Mats:prom to
the afor esaid point) at the loyttrst Moe. mar be' nal.
upon.ot SCOT.LWon
tochlitif • ••.' • hoonul door meat of the Cmal ll i.
TERIM IN ELPVH.WB LINA to mr brother,
E DINOIL!thi, the b01d... at rilumrillbero
Go." be
(m " thr, " V . o4lethialfir I.
11114hame Transpoitation Line,.
- • • .
2rIIROANAL being now open, we twe ree
dy to 'mai,. out Inward promptly. P ro dom and
barotlra. east and Irmt. .
iLifr44bta pate at lowest rota riMmcad by room:tidbit
Produca irod.Marelmodim arlll be revolved and Ihnrardal
east tad 'lnst. withatit any champs for forirardlria 3r ad
vancing ?might: ematalsolon, or donna.
EIS. of Lai
attended tn, n , fonrardoi l at . l air dlroothma faltlatlly
wiffutralt a co, Canal Hasly
cm li b iarV= h '
bets r i Fourt h Ft AM, Phlladelp
JAMES RlLBoll.Attent.
NO. 1 , 0 Nortb Howard stmat.__Baltlmori.
'JAMES 111174/IAM, Ea 10 Waal ot
ntchl. - Pimr York.
. .
liteSE4t . :485 . 1 . liii4ME
- , Nerehanta' Transportation Line,
ii: A A. R II Idtui PIT I : II II./A ry TARIA D A .E w L .. c eso II. "3 I
D...„.. DI AND .I .I4I p Ln .tr.. A" ' t; )
0 PH RECT—W Tli-
Clir - iti.E7 R.17 - id - '3 O UT R, Contral til ll P lnek. PlSa Jkond . erect, PblJn:
-04 OXS/LIOZI to metre a Itige lu t aount merch.nelb ,
eat. am II Ingna m n b litt, g d se% ft I !re rr" 4 " 1. "Xi In
ken Ulm th an In •es, pie,loa• mum.
iltirli. U. 7Ln now /wed number of Trucks urorktol h 7.
the 1..Ua1, Conimtwkiners lb, combur on, b. , . OD Um .
!Unto Unlined, will Present an! jdoelLlUty of 647 at
Johustairs , 7 l oLkin , bolX , l , Oolo.bto*Pl.."...
. - . C. &WM.. LTY CO ' •
fkbl.s cuil a. 6.
To 1314pere of Merchandise, Produce, dz.,
ATKINS k CO. Presrletars. ISA 227 Market. ardl 04
Women. stt. Philadelphia. • ' • .
BELL LIGGETT, ,dea th.''
Canal Bash/, SitteLeash.
Jcla. TATUM al./A./4 , sta
We are prrree+,l, 90 the opralna of the etursihranla
Cartel. 00 aentrart for haled at ea 10re rake. and glee
shrspere aa muds dersala add ca
MA any darer Ur,
so. srtan.- —Pt le own.
c o D E,
Intretweirs toJohn Menden &
Canal Btu* Penn &rest.
Paula. Rail Road Co.—Central Rail Road.
BLit; subscribers barius been appointed
• *hipping ore.. tor the Pene9ATIIIILS or Central hall
. inform the public that we are now prepared to m
eet. attr insrtharelisa or pubsw for ahipment cast out.
op.ins or the Gaut
Goods via this route eittl be ran through In tea dare
nd consigned to us •111 be forwarded frwo of ea. •
113,12.0 r Chant . , for odes..
awn cit rata= altars mum:mu APP Pattgattle.
Dry 0.d., ItrtO, Ebb., Dooleattatkonts .s, ul.l.7.Coulab
'Dawn Fruit; Seethe., Fondant Dattaant
Seddlem Wool. te. Se. • 'AI . 11 DO Ds.
quoins.... Getnies, Pin etc./U.ou.
Leather.t3one, Iflos,Theedby andsdbas Ores Seeds,
' • • Itt
au, Beet Pork, Dvtur, Lard. 'CALL Totter.° tett
COM*, Tellos, Crain and Ram OM %3 101
Matt Mmbis (rosugh) Tm, nub. Itt.uu; (kraut Cte7.
Donau at • • • boow 100
37 14. ' S lBsl • L':llfAia
Pittsburgh Transportation Line. ••
JAMES WWI Nett a CO. Canal Walt Plltstetigh.
MED. JAIlEtt A Co, Debate Dread sad Chary .erect.,
And :to. 3 broth Fourth street, between Pistilli and Llorat ,
.10 t=t1I1 L' itil.tir - Slarta Amt.
R/XING fully completed our arratig
=eau. In *tit 44. 44,4•141 thet.3 33,3 3 "" _ o-
ehm. Cattle' to orry fretteht to eat Frew Pk.
hunt ) +, Daltdmutt To.. latetna.l3*
damn, inutsellle, St. Leah medal' this tuut and Wait. at
toter nuts 4.1 with more dispatch and.. t h an any otte
or Line. AD made dapped by oar Line are fully wee'
by Inma n:tee. will:tout any atm to eumuu • moteetiott
not really adorded by tae other Line. .•
All neuttattuktOonr toldressott to maul.. or agents,
MO* tlo...Ctudonatt: D. Webb. bb,
mat Wee
o.buroe, Ft. Lauls.lll meet with DiMPt titantlon.
gErN. IL Our Mie beassoconnection titterer with the
Phltalelphto and Pittebunth Trumportatlau Liu. of An
Mos Co. - SIM
Lemies , Patitat Revertible. Water , Filter
jS NOW to be seen in operation at WM..
TATS 00.'3, - Plumber., No. 10 amnia. streti. to,
gnu Peny and Library sta.. and at PRYOR has =
No. hi Martel anet. Pittsburgh.. Tbis atlas
• Odd Mini him the Ausarten lasiltuteof Non York.
and Ctatigeste masa the traukUN lustd P‘b‘-iott of Md.&
erdiZtair t' AuVr= d arrit gr=i rlrl=
a which ths Ibllualua are easlarlse_. • , •
• "Pananouug, March Mihtls3l.
It 111.4 OW at pleasure to reaustotat to Mt lawn of
Inn. the Paint Itortrdbit Mutt norm. In
. domed by Mr. Levis. Mathis said ass of them for atm.
al mouth,. 1 am enabled to Judas of their 00100.
• Utalitt/C PUTT. 187 Walnut strett." ,
•Pmionnedy Mania MM.
The Plant Ratendhlt Water Maim lammed by Mr.
Eamon 11. LW.. sad mod by on for some motabs at 01.
primate mailtote. is all that my person Maki wish I
thereon toothier It • mitilem to hays ft ht my power to
entountortlt to the mablig /ON 4.8 P. 'sun oooo
No. 8 Bummer rant^
lasnta NU
m M ay
l a gr ne w f ar o r m an It.edo E to taMllle
ynenll oa
bit matter In the water. They ant tonnuted to last no
yearn, and with ordinary ears will last tear. and Muth
...Jr to be strewn be grandated. • .
, • . SLATER-a ANDA.
tnylphtf ro • • 1= Arch lobar!. PbDadthaliks.
Rockg4ain oak/kande Cluezuswarti.
.nrentaMrs Orlionlednghani and Tellov Qum Ware.
Lear lartlecnt;
ggrp,nriple P.m!, Comet girth and Lbelly ,, eers.
V i t. o re si md . Chr t e . r . lballdlngdastersneen dual door R.
Our oatmeal.; Works renal* tie to All order. promptly.
A competent dee/•
peer being ennetantly employed, &leo en.
able. me to neap yam witti all Me oarand improved elyka
or the day. ;
Water Urge, Pltoonailtehers,lnener Toya,Pmmortgeta.
Flower ream, Goblets. "Inatel Ornammte, Meelldne
nand' JaZIN Wed 1113116.10 fey demean. me. to great variety.
• Orden ralpettruay ennotteen. . • mehnnif
'• Heating and Ventilation: • .
IleatlngbyPtrate liotels,l33tist llem.Laeture
Ate.. Bank Mum Ptoreo.raetorles.iteepiki.and huild.
Moor aremidamipt/owpublk, and priyalo. Alm, Law,
dri. and Drying hooka, ton all wurpners where rect.
temperstare, elltirrhe d or low. Is desired; and tbr these
14 =fier ' Ter1111:11.. bProMtEralg L foreed means, Ell
bepropared Eames dmUred. mut
.151.1,11iige tor Illa wae. demelptlens Mentioned Sys,
beat. upon WM pl. In Eastern towns,
'as the me ttral harm. a wbolastmo, antram heat, at any
required leraperature, • with awl. fem.= from mot,
smoke, aahe dwtorOampnear, and aarety from Are.
torIA. , ECM IfE. ATKLEION 11.0likLY. .
:Pealg Vatton•
A Large andaubstantial two horse wagon
wws Ir4opi7eti On al* 411 Inerableterm%
, . .
lICAYS JUST recaired Crete the Eeit the
followlll4 Isoblrmmts, all of tho torttkollletaro
the o t :trea=o 2 r4,...=
. I would pu lartir
11444J ' 005. for cam. beans, o
WM, toiolps.
Unto nll= r tel4 not oaa, OAtl
. Mon altollitr,ibt bone lix;lllaed Power.
Nagar al coo*
TA Tf l oto t Oii et t. gte L i .
Cootstool Grain and Ursa Bram, and Met
. Cll4Vlte•ltlin. ihree
if email kits.
All mannfottand Stem " lf tea materl43, osd for Salo
Of• thOri?".l ;* r 6W of
.ra' llsnaar of H o od C AL Illsth strata.
Beatunontn Patent Starch Polish.
A'rENTED,'JuIy 2Gth, 1850.—Fov givinj
• • . • beautiful Illosa•teiLlame.. esothrok,_
bblft aS. tad .ablo. prevents tb. boo Man'
'..dbeting to llnoo. au. and ozerrente dust thou stkkboit to
Wow. ke. eotualoa touldoLluJetflous ••
• Inevetlesio-rPut a pie. tbo of pes
throb when 4.1111112 1201t1 briskly. 11 to • quart of
roles, gaols per Gk.. Sold shekel.. sod rota
• . 4 . : It. Z. SELLEUB.67 WOW et.
Copley's Pot Clay,
num ettbleribere ere- now Sole Agents
f °hut Pat at. It Is M. a at ummost.
Inftudble uff= va7 pane
sad eleatual gmuru. m grintitnst.'•
, J..130/LOOMIAICER a 00. •
• 1 ADIEW RUBBER inovErs
L LI/Ithelcuthl to' bullet al prytectroo to the heads 1/.
douoe eletniair,./tent.l.noare of lloererst . /
•Isig, they bleach the hew. 111101r7 white. Yj
the Isulhi 'tub/. Doot, 7 Aad 9 - Weal street
J.* U. puriaapv.
/'CLARET .:WINE, (St. Julien Med'ue,)
par. P 1 -
pg ,
osza, ai =rt . W 0 , 31.4. At /A Jun's.
31szt. tb.
redm, pleas Oap Oil Cloth,/ ta.aataally EWA,
artkliattr arklokeasla ma kw ea mangy/ priaer,.4 the
lgl CoLb Warardatna. Jum ! ma 9 102 at
gara ___ ). * 11. PEIILLIPS. • •
URITECOTHS--Of EngliAX anm, torah * , W. Non lan Wad d.
.01 f ; j . a LI. PHILLIPS.
Etuysorr Yellow P• - ki,Sarsl CO .,pari
l isr!" . "`" by KEDoto woo.e.
ned and lbs Nl•by B. It. Wlegjousg.m
airiD ' 022,04g .-
fiiiiothEr Se of Br=xr Shirting, Miu-
NUBF I EGY4 BMW:GO:OLD halt open.
at another mpply Mahon* make ofettlrUnm
una and W.= Ilnem. the latternarran tad all Am —;
ht titrrp, the agent at tha manntatarer,nnd
onvepr~~pT We rankne eeene.
otr: . =me Tana aVoys
Bstrahlled this maralit
f :emosima h t et
Mies of Gine... nest Ptak% i ht. WA eMee—
atm nem Prints. at neer and handsome sty at 1-Lli ceche
also l sew , Bamiem: Povium of Dement sty/me aho Mon t,
nine eiemle , in shest, variety, mut Barshesaimage do
Ulnas. Thema,
. .sa-New tii;l . ls owning atmod - jed
. - Lace Cmiaina. 7------
iIIHAVE just received, direct (rpm the bi
ivoi•r• • tags atottiment of Lam ea it Well I
wall /0, Curtain listarials asimmlnWM. rtOßLww of &UMW:.
Thlri wt.
Bonnets! liontairr
A. MASON do CO.'would '1•04,6dt,
. fay invite the attention af
the r vel7 maporlor gook of new sty licr?ireV. .`•:- •
which they az* annotantly Wang nine varletket
Obole Omit will toe add at wat7 67 thee
4 dor
tlt h t nialogla bonne., Ntia ea and Mm• at.
i2attl k dn,
c10a.4 out very ef4p. A. a..IIIASION
. 82 and al Markst st:
SLACK SILIt. LACE—We have j ust reo'd
a full Inlay bf tb• atom &Arabi. Goods, of all
• t foopl•ebootp. • A. A. 11-4/301141C0,
jeo 62 and 64 Market at..
VAIMPF:II ktIBBONS—The, attention of
r l i i=l.rtl.rgat i tl i o m tg b rnltzaz i l=
athlch oto rill don oat at vary
to Agat.
J►L A. A: MASON 2 CO. -
WWI B[;141181k. SiDm Law=
oh. /ELD hare thfa dam
BIIRLAPS 7 -A enperior article 40 inch, for
eels by ; ' • . • DITIEPLIT * LEE.
• ; Woolet Goode
CASES Breen Mixed 'Jeans; ,
,;,41' 2 " Blue
. " Black Head Cloth: • •
1 " Cotton Goods.
Irte •10011.70ai unjust need from esetem ankturarita•
reason itonstment, and for Isle tow on favrnble thr.
31014.2J1T it LEE.
—Thews Glove. are orgrent ntllltr la all kIM, of
where proteekoetto the hands to spoked, cook at
drtrlng f. traudtmlnnmadlg
„ er i ortt It h. t ui ehp . lats. S O. , Stets, ut
Inlanode J. l Q. 21TILLIPS.
INDIA ROBBER COTS—An excellent cot.
mine to sore En..n'or roma. aaliattberlng and I.
parti myl cnas to air or trateg for eala at Nola 7 and IT Wood at.
ATEW RIBBONS—A. A. Maws It Co. are
.11 . DOR I rins a Ana esortment of. beentillnl new
"ctrUZZ4 411. 0 b5 ei==746434 htie .44107
t n c t V T tic canoes of team very
tontkot of sollhnors is roopectfully sol lemom 0 . lned- arlug. Tb"'
tuff . XASON & CO.
tILACK lIARAGE for. Mourning. Veils,
vomited at the store et
myl4 • , URPLIYi Otincaucray. • -
babcfnus it.rivoroirylirdvimabr
myl4 •
A ) "Vitt= a BM/ CUTINLDI3
VINE B IIAWLI3: , -We.woulasolicit the at
teatica aloud/mem lowuriestolisloo wart
man of oupoior ;Ash:toad owitioN CowpoSbairlimod
Colic Amoy thwhoorrot Thibia Shawlis all of tho
introit aced mast desirsblo ark*, which we willag at
tho ow, hiwest holm. A: A. )IABON t 01.1.,• •
' torAt . . • h 2 swat C 4 Illarketst
day rsed 3) tartan. qf thaw vary dfotrabla Otiarped
larician Trtattanas, asarrsal adan. ladch yin be sold
y4r7 any , at Alan ar by the box. at C. 2 aod 64 Mutat at
day 9 A: A. 61/10021 A CO. •
'VINE DRESS GOODS—We have just re
ee.e mo th .. olendld sawristent'of Ma s k. brow
lawLnd kNo. India azull
V t , OURNINti GOODS—Black Bomtrazines,
/VJL /Owns eIU. llnsibulna linlab,Caadon CZWL4 B.
tuna and Ti..add nw'd and offered at /mastprime, by
PLIN 81 POPLLNS 4—Jut received this
• ttlisT. trt.s ssprste—Zi fieres beautiful shades of calm
sti pllls. iads's,. WU still at 15 pee eon, lower thus
they hare ewe bees mid fa this Atty. • •
- ute2i A. A. MAEON A CO.
ancenent of all colon anclqualltlinof I.ltoiory, oltk
4 1 1r a T rt,,, 4 L :nod ol r =rll.4,Yllk ant Cotton Woven
enio IL EATON, C 1 Pout st.
I)k:IED FRUIT-400 bu. Peaches;
_ i y't ' Avek.,trivt.b,
LOOR OIL CLOTLIS.—A largo stock of
Floor 041 Cloths. ot widths
wi n hum .hg to 8 yds.
• Es
ors prepsrod mull is lo st rams routs esa be
voucharsol as the FilG florehants lard berms lump= sr.
squatted to tall sad amps.omr steels beton porulasslue
sist.taat. ; a 11. Pit/CLIPS.
msd re
& Burchfield
Aril. Row opining . a Great Veiiirty" Nem G'oode
. ' :Au; - Netts the ens of aft wanting to purchase-
.1 cue Parsanla. (Including tra also black and bro.=
Changeable and
Mama Changeabl e
2 , ohaorlan
E Grua Cloths. for ladies' drwaer
arwax &a, '
Needle Worked radar Sierras:
flats Mac ho k
Chasureah Parker Silk
Super Yrruch.'l,VON., and a great variety of other
Axes at the door of
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
No. 105 Mutat Slum
R 11. PALMER offers for sale,- at . very
XV,: low pekes , a fat smortnaant el,l9tratr and
oede. di. •
ONNA74.-Vcastit, and American plats and Lary
Straw. Braid. Fidp. Unny, =lon, La.. /Mo. P.:W.. Ler
b 714..ti-taa. Totals'. and Dory liertdorn year an
Yalu; Lea/ In-
LeaboL " .l7rittr duo Ctdp, Wrap. Lee, ott flair.
Monde (hooey. Jdg i td lAntt,an4 dtner litrnat,ln :r ' reat vdsi
"Tilidggintua DVge sag. um Ta.
Una., orldths and enteor. fancy Una. arot Cespalkpa.
LACKS-Platte and, named white and colored SUlt and Gotta. Cotton nett.
242.41V - 21/LILMINGS—Cowds;Tame4 Ilatteas,lttaldw,
FTSVP.S—liweell old Amman Eptiipt Vane:m.4
R/L/MIZ T B M. MSGIac, are 4.
pits, Gra de Mu, /knew., and other styles, saoriad
SAlL.VB—Asortad Quallilmi and cWWWW
ALlD—alell arid low prima Purim!. and GmtalWand
Mum. le.
CASSIMERES-90 pices fancfand black,
for sale by ' ap= C. ANXIOUS=
TIMES LAWNS-4 caaes printed, a great
earletr of POtgrra ttr ale
ao= C. 681311TRNOT.
IDIEERAGIE DE LAIICS-2 cases desirable
" br c.martrmor.
RININS-3Vga Bonnt 250 Chu.for,
WM WORM Nang Lasers flramm
relay large and surlier Mock of gashketabla Ga d s.
adapted to Gentlemen a War for El thsig tom:Malan the
newest Myles to Sllumloth. asol French
women a eery eplendld amortment of Tasting. and Cloths
of gray thablonable abode and solar: whish.tosethmerlil.
t u Vr a todi V . d . f . lanufsetused Hock of RRADY /LUIS
west of the A ' lletlig4 " altfmbrgthe Pros: bat
is determined to ages aaneh priem las onaMora all
who tmothlert with a oath that not only the moat impeller
Clothing is mid at this establishment. but &hold. the low •
ost pokes le
the city.
All Wore In the Tailoring llneeseeutsd, uweal, in the
best bostsible manner, and at the shortest nab.
BLT. SILK LACES—Large assortment,
geld eery amp. seed at the How of
snylti MURPHY A nuamptstn.
CARl'li'lb, OIL CIOTHS, Sic.
Is now constantly mewing 1110 spina topic of
• • Compriaing 'apart the fallowing rartetiOn
Extra Royal Valnd Pile Camealm' da do. Tapestry Brna,
eel; do. do. Drumlin axtra nmeT.3 woriardoe on
dn. Itutrido: extra dm dal fait do; commando.; mttanti
44,34, 34, and 34 twilled • Voattlam 44, 34, 644 and 0
plat: do) 44,34, 8.4, aml wool and cotton do.
Extra Chenille Rnew for do:dor extra tufted do: *at
do do: co do. ectille Dam Alan tatted da 1%44
al Ceo werti stln do. doi Adelaide da daahnun da do.
A coo , -he at U - La It an dm tall o .. B4 :4jA mo L
Aue—tter R. 1.. or cams Bindlarbw 'UMW.
ac P Tl t i rd ? itlittl.;T" lotting; Tante aeherast4
Dot WicaLow llolland c m 4altian = i t :be r ,: ee d
eon= do. Table dor do. Stand dor Warr pato'. do.
m y.r.i= r irjaig= i fll i otrAttct i . Dom the
o cons ap
wned atylea and colors, we prep ~d
t. all to ons
Mona and t cren at mien Mw e vmw con to smock.
and in on the Aostern Mts.
W coed w Wits all mall and axe cal irtu. stock at
The Carpet Warehouse, 85 euqh streeL
mehl9 • W. AiteJLINTOCK. •
Oblo Labarat trri.
• .
7 6
iiii 92 • ig --- / --. .
~....__ -......_-_,--_ •
.... ,•.., , - . ~, ,
litil 80 lir -95 titio;
85" 2: .99 . ~ „.1- r .. -
: T,. Pe r ce nt. - Strength. . ' ."'
.. ' • '
iLOWELL P.: fivreEreat .t CO, IStuinfactn
n &ono t; rvrnit. *rook:cc...inn.
War Vb. pail Vat et k g"il &Vstt h l i a.
o fir n it s ztv :l ,4l..-R cw : 114. , bash will be promtl7 Alk4
• .
. '` v
•Wlnes.azt • bigndra.
.Nit,lt7 Lacey st.,,Formoly . Da vis cracker! actors,.
*r.ctizSii, FMB. anr.l a. arormala, WIC Y.
'4:NiCKETSEN STOUVENEL, respectfully
usst o,Mir rgstlkli`
1. 4008ss taws. i„ / Phtitt
mays acen • fan •.• ;tom . . rd.. beet sockadroselle and
French red .4 erblt• - .Wlnes. Also, Roachd.
Brandies. of the envie tat. antic. Jars.* rum,
hor n.
Wps•er l optt n e . ,
irenre...nd sitarklimbockvme;
d mum. 41.1 i/ berra?m,Wla= 4 l la=
o m h iner. MesaT i 7i -js r=s C llte ."". ! Ve
',}, .Tho warn. Btooverkel,still oontlnXta
imartitica baldness - 11. ray of fi Ton; the samn Iras
ls ambled. to segl: trjr...4 • !era pla.e sin :article tban
° VIM • ..Abrthn. rola
im .,pard fret of extra , and th•
. aborted mac.
AOARD.—I luive romared to my new store,
. ..: (thive down belay nearly opd& the Beak of
boro. ahem I will to tdad.Co aeo my ftlendanand let.
low ottleens. and neaten • al tare of their =nos,. I will
keep a Miler'''. anerrtinont al Vjahelern Baranel Bd.
ding. areal 11.1 , . Baring. Ha la,, ....toa and Ito& Medea.
mem Feather Bodo, Bohlen.' ai e° rii keez, Stank.% gun
Oonntena., enel Umtata: Whedeer oda.. of every Ta
ra Door blare , and near/ Wk. nenralt_a?nre/ in the
extearn estabhehmada' enhT., ktrki• .nareeliect ,
7 oliqtri,sadmositpmktazia
1:12t4 Ma:
, , _ : ".• .
tl ; 0
LARD -12 bbls. N 41,4 for sale b
PEARL- ASH-4 tom for Bale are • :irorirdffar.ii E.
1100PS-49,000,5p1it Ash, for.esle b
L I2iSEED OIL-! etittOtiidelftr;L'ale
nRIED BERF-2.0Q0 lbs prime, just re.
Ay mind and tor mho by JA a w.t4ahauau
Q EVILS-64 hhds, receifed_ en d for
IL by
MOLASSES -100 bills just received and
Amnia by .; Jas &W. WARILLUGH.
IkIIACKNREL-60 1)ble N0..3, 1851, in
stor• and fxr sale br i 49 &N. . IIAILBA17011:
RYE FLOUR.-20 bble rye flour for wile by
SA I !,E 9 R . A7B-31 , caste, at e gi z
41 71 b
Q CORCHINGS-4 . caalsprinia i3n lussid isnd
so far sal* /09 'ME WCANDLEXL
Brt wM by .1.9 WICK t IrCAYDL.BB.3.:
do 0
i do Tour .
3 do
'Fe , •
If bg thers:
I bag and bbl flax orei. -
br , DR , " Age d Ul u e .. ., • ,
ba.. lm:lrllts ILavau arr.
In store .4 Ws by
.11.1.1C11 It.ICHILTSON.
JO • Xas. 221 I =,
TRESH TOMATOES,. hermetically sealed,
eeteheher. Dakar, the hewn. and heelhaess of the
fru. 4 .l 11'21. A.
t a w R e ,T 2 7 omens exid t a
TnRiED BEEF.Evans..% SwitYlkSugsr
cur.all " te "'"" 4 • s o' . . AqratiNG
,mar2r 7156 Llbaty
- FOWLER'S .PATENT , FLOUR,' format'
irrerd i irith th ' e allt l V7el e ft Pl ' g
EU Innut Chi mart enarerdent and dumped that m
M wad for nonarhold aurptnen MAW 2 4P. nat b , hat.
t r and pwr j and toaittnn the mon granow Breed, LtOt
Ltirrn ' ing. . 1 1 1 . *,- iru •traft=
&a: of , ad.!) dinntinns Pr um...PI
of • W WOWS° 00_
awns . • .onatara sad Tea Deana
RYE ELOUR-8 bbbs. for mile by
wiz° IL =LULL * CO.Llbetb d.
:E5E—.5O boxes good W. 11.. for wile b 7
- .• S bby. No. 1 lart
3 :
4 0 resm
12 24fs /fathers
1 °
1 b bL
b.S. Dr, l2 , Alnike — •
ILIALtH Dl * COn, tnt
Waer and Front W. ""
r r Y MORRIS' TEA!—Sorb Tea 'Matt.
L. la the Dltuaond, Sea.* Doointaii blextexcl atlet
ix MEW/ 110 estehnotstest le beeveryhteseeetxt,
Ith the Owe Walt !Waal au% dear . .R..arta a.
- up 0L L BUTTER-3 bbb. (fresh)-iu clatuk
ELhut ree'd Lod kr al* .11. ULM& 4. 00. , ,
. E . M.NOl ; p t3 6 NoljtA c iariive) for.
UTTON HAMS-2000 &0., for rale by,
/IX mit •
G ROUND NITTS-15 sacks for sale b .
mrs IBLIALI mums -ft
GS-1 bbl. for solept iv a
33 half cbert3 CholakazdOolmip
33 bases alas fate Ockethr Pals 7
J. 13. wiLLIA3I Op.
l . ' Wkr 72,- Raul. b 7
ma ylO 4'3 "P*
, WFFEE-100 bAgs Rio, for sale by
174,16 JOHN WAIT a ixt
SUNDRIES -14 bble. Grease;
-6 lialLnnt
Naiavnr. end
itt, Gliaaaar, landing Itoz6 sta.
_ 16ALIII swan al.. ,
Vraot and Wan Oa
FLOUR- 7 p bb .. .
.e; •
USTARD SE )D-500 lbs. for sale by
Urn 111sekrrel;
)I+Bl 1.8. 1 4
11+111wre /4 • • . .
Obitub. 7. +de er
willWM. A. 1110CLIT/L0 8 CO..
Unions ard Tea DoWes.
J -lbs. Bacon
tor 6alCtiy"' -
, for 'sale by
. a w. uanzatan.
sale by
a. a w.ItannAIICIEL
is Ham, Ekles.
DRIED - 111
U 6 AR-6(
0 mrs+
p OTATOES—WO [tin. prime Red, for Bale
• T. WOODS 41
. 81 Water to.
ISON—Nor ash b 7 i iD WILLIAMEa 0Z6..
tEryS coma wood sal .
Den by ED APPLES,-10 bows in stow for
goyl4 Malty si
eIIEESE-- I Ins. W. R. Create; for sale by
ILL mrl2 :: ' A. A Sr. OABZAUGO.
1131 ICE FLOUR; Prepared Co; kri* - '
JUIL, nria.• • Tatima '
ha der- ST3L A..IIcCL ea A CO.,
larL3 1 15,7 Lfbatr FL •
11313.UNES—Bordenta Prunes, in glass jars
I. Tay 22. no.dor " 1117 tau"
. AnicVoila -
MACKEREL-100'bbts. Igo .3, for sale by
A:OMB/M . 1'80N a Oa;
..7/3 173 Ineetr
GAF SUGAR-150 bblo. (ass'd Nos.) for
LA We by. noarAosos Isanssic
uAy R ES.-40 dos. for salt by
B u' " bbls fresh, now hadillgArld
tar sal* by - /MAU DICKY!' 00-.
Wage sad Frans am
I . ARLI---23 kegs No.l Lea£ for sale by
LA mr7 LULU, aurratwa ou.
DRIKI) FRUIT-150 bn.
mYr Rea& by
• mai. sit ws & 00. •
RICE.-10tieroes ( treeb) for tale by
mr'r • j°4444N'Z5U=
rine- —5l) hr. chests Y. H., Imp.„ and
7 " 4 "" ea° aonisow..trrrta a 00.
IGILAIJR-240 bbla. Extra and F. for little
x bf m r a a warm:taw a twat
••• • • •
Temperancindlif 'and Nalestown Plank
, vanes, is hereby giveg:to tho Stockhold
..LA era of paid Catisaanr., that turn.s.
alum /Sargent. treasurers of the aato Competatqte
Wien eta each 'hare at the stack. au the WI In
each amera:, mouth hereafter, until the vlaar O. 15
MIA in fall—ae the raed,lllll be anataa mod laidattt by.
eth. That etaabotacre ere ragweed to be
"V'air-I,W la Utt: tnlisarzt:
ZILLERATUS-100 bxs, and bbl s. purr.
' 0
far male by 0,7 J.B. OINTIKLA, ; .
- - -
TIMED APPLES-320 sacksfoi sale by
aye L.& WATERMAN & sess,
WITTER-1a boxes (fresh)
p a rea n
ds z all ; by .
1.) say 7
TIVEARLS-20 bbls. for sale by
, 3277 .7: B. CANFIELD.
INSE DUI 20 , fe.
~~~ .
I)PIED - PEACHES-29 bbls. on consign :
.77 ienta DICKEY II CO.
LOUR-500 WAIL S. F., far rale b
islyG S./kW.
JIAMS -30; casks Scan k Swift's S. C., for
Q 7 . s.r. by mrs. s: t w. aexseomt
4 Pl' , llM=rcciia.b;
Dluirilt &CO.
- •8 le CO.,
'REi4llsl.oairive this
of the mot matt hapor
Collier of Wood and '
116 ° tt.3. buss Ale Ospas
as es .. a.t. ae.
40 Ocolgag 41:14.21642
. btgs uizeg
1.5 =I Jan:
W bp. , s llfl.4astd 1a
bbla. 2104 .1 ared3 Mack
10 and do. No. 1 d.
• 2 aod do. Ulm=
60 ocaled 1142 . 1121 G
1200 Dm
tea Makin; '
? t b atri: P 77s ?
2 " Urg....logen •
14 14 P rattl
10 kr MILLI*
/3 Cuals;
1 2
MIA. Oteratt l iM
46 boxes Stakrin Calla;
" Star .
10 " opam • "
100 dowm Naasn'ear
100 lbs. Rupert 116,41/1002-,
100 " 0. T. Indlges
211 d0..:/N4 L. 1 0 0 1a55..11 C :174. W1M71in444
4154 .."i:i.i.7,
in i.+„ Pi. eti.w
frs bui:icritlr . '•
10.0i:........q.. ,
drum Smyrna lnirc
'Mt: &Maw.% Prwmg
bor. Rock msl; • •
' 2 0000 a 01
20 " • 'Coma .2%
190 a
12 dos. Mllluo
'..16N. •
sag Out.
I = ranin
1 due easq. rc • ,
I':9 r""
.2 Sierht sad Thdlie4
LW Nati
1 PAL ?lad. ;
1 11C . x.tact of Smogl 6 .. = MAI 066126;
2 euk 8611304. u484 '
... . . , .
UNDRIES— '.- •
as VIM=
b Ai m.Bltgpk N IT am
HOP Tomo=
iOUO Is. Ccd , La
b P. 1.11.7
13:01r6IALS. L. 112302;
23 rain A t=
-40- "' gar. Willitm
dram " .oroond n 260
60 ems Aro I,7sekaro
• " Vnuler.
6 , Laws 12,24 . 0 r, •
Intr s Ittard►,sl.le“
.115 'l%O -- raroreTZo4l
70." ?vow Beam'
• 2 tad.. aundiii - — I Ei -
~i i a t I trar i =
14.4 v a i o I
T o =pit Pt- klaatc 74c0 Lamm •
'bo gt.bls.tip.taMmill; :la fermi." • '
Le ..t. N. 48. .. - 100 1.4. Water. 8110kr NA
MO kegs NallsomaM Wee* . ' Vatter I.ooetnar.
3000 Im. Witittmg:. . :. -' WO Ma "Sahel'-o.lio
tOL Taanene Olt M. Mi.& 'law n
1000 40 b gaLL lamp Olk - ' - 9 0. eat .
100 01.10teketg - • 8.13 toile; Aosta &egg - ~,
.23 .^. Tata; L d 2o D. it M. Careillegl
.% ° Cattlla Saw
66.0. 8 and Malrens. Cad; Ortatad 40.0 1100:
•und 8
➢ wedat.=.riZ.y...,
ereal aaeortateot cescotla 000•11=0 - 0 4 LwiNgl2. - , r . .
Farago bg _
=UR : '- , '''-222 8 000 1. 00 8.0466801404.' :
; . i
Pittab=Ml Life Insurance Company.,
CuNPANY was illCOrpOrtaad_
February, 1861, want Perpetual
b y
ommon boatman on ottlial of illOntoo.
nor Compta7 do. boatmen bath on thoJolnt Rook in
On the Joint Most itan Us. Mao onotbltd tbsi
theft chanted by Mutat Com and 11floonPor it
knot than tbo rates of most trek
Mutualcoo ratandnotad ars the an. a. those anootoi talon
ld? TUN* sat
al o
~ r ~ a o fem bus eantdoed seonti Wend ttot rtna Q. mats
t.t ram ,
cir 1..., mil UCa
r pital and turobsa
S SW Charter xenon& Um g tints of lostna../118,
ontry lone, fneindlor U. sisbt trachilibm.
roots. ralatiamtrienda or Inoclioro—k, th„.
mot/larks tbadroon *teons,' bonent.payabiatortasalla
or non th. putt. aitioth tb• aln ot 60 .66084 web,
at U. otn6o. ot. ao. . .
• •
' Jaws A. W. Rudder:S .64.k ".
oat Deetartan. b
Char A. Colton. Arentary.
Jesse S. llaon. JOllePb S. leerh.. .
John 8. Dthrorth; • Charier A. Colton.
Resod licelorkan Won Phillip.
Lbreatt Ortorto.ll. %Whoa Addleoo. u .. D
Jrtennah'Broake. ' haters:, 2d.
Hobert D.rarr. x 0.3 Fourth
uhi cir. -wawa. D" /01 Liberty stmt.
Dr. Dilworth, wilt. ham atteradaticn IS the one" •Vor7
day at 1.1 o'clock.
Some w ho hare iookan Ls an sooty, are rtsted . to
colt, uks their ispersourt crooseerse operation. urthwlto•
Ail pen.= •rradrect. in the tortuous budismo will Oa Sur
pus with hisoke. and ailment the aerial
=he of the OortkOnY. lto. 76 Reath Orrit.
my3lntaw.9 . r• • "...
Ate Mutual Toe =en= Campany.
BRANCH OFFICE—No. 54 . liarmrSlMD Buzz;
• • • I;;;Witel,ttaTtatmo..'.'
TIIE best evidence of the success of the
Directors In andoavartrilt to insica tin 1174.17 .112717.. F. 111.8 INSIMOVIC yvYPANY meet tbri sant. of
Dor wrimmtraltt, tr thw uniarallakal attoust of banner.
plata bar born Ilona twine intortLlPM itilkirottorlar
the part par,. thereby adding ono S=POO to lb. food.
thoOrtoDairf.. Seatia all tn. propertr bof tee'
tart boa - null risks, etd wwortkati...m.d•
.11ihola oat a
7,9oa Da •
Atom= of Proputr gamma= " $7,1188,41D
euad, tatsoloalrf.andion,..lPllol.72loo •
Do. in Pam TAMP/
Da Cub D00n1itia7n01iv01...:,..... 6145714
Whole sat lasses sod
- •
aslant/ In Wong ibe , MA In
To city or country. Autrebaata. cAllian of are=a,
liod Pagsaltir. It be bellsval thiscass.
PAA7 Aloft. 14vAataitea in point cgrn....p*.gefoty. rdid
orenrit7.lnlesir to no Inseam. Coinsany In this coinihrr
Conducted on the equitable and g.natly lingreMbd emit
of CtAigfiAntjaa of Disks. excluding siloincisd eee ming only isltridtsd usoannt In icor crie locality, thus ta.
fr0g...7 .sust occoramer af large , fterrount
giro= the Mock and Slotnel sasn. it not cally,
awes th e cheapens end secominalsnon of tech
bat eatitkethoisininel to a pertkipstkin In the pr7onti:
.Dinectorr.....4ohn utherforti. A.J.Uilletb.T.JorraL
Mosso IL Carrier, Mott Bs=oel Jones, firohlt
Was, John B. Pleker, John i ll k i k. .berford. •
J. Y. ittrlol3o. Presids.t.
• A. J. OILLKIT, Igetretin7.
A. A. Caasaa. Actuary. infl7
N. 1.1..—A fish Dividend of Oftern pa oral, on expiring
policies has been Ilechised by the Animas, stul Is now re.
corrshis thlt Mee 'tor resserrs/s, or redeemable in ash
at thd end of ninety darn . A. A. CUM.. Ajt, ,
Tire humrance • Co. at P/u/id'i:
pIitECTORS: 'Charles' -W• Bimeker, , Ekti.
kit? mosahn, massed D. Lons,A , dsz
4. = me it tzli,...rao/korsat, David a.
P .
•Cammes O. Buda, femme= • •
Thae Coraraby ematteues to make Imaratims; raminamt
.or Malted. ea weer dmerlotkes Permary in to easel -
country, et rates es low so are eboalstrus Arta.
Tbe cmputy have teemed a lame ematesureut load
Wblett.erith their lamite sod Premiums...Wyly havarma.
het ample proteetkrn to Um WM.& -
thathealmay.ob Jaausty 15t,1651. Aab.
r etied erre...ably to the Am of ..Loymblyorentesammw..
lgaZil --; •-
'3,w"6 91aek, `i17-
comp oo
tnala, 64346 81••
• .1.1:11.T071 41 " 2 " •
Elm their in
hat* paid upvanis ofCla ;oar Itati:lll:M=
lioUan LeaYin, thereby afisaMan" arridana, of tar
Mantua of 'mantras, .5 Intli laaraz abillty and dfF
paSsant to moat with grranytaras
• syda : - =st. X. earner of Wcattird .1d sin ,.
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Phi lad'a.
' L . /A.*. doMmod.) No. 363 LiMety strmt..
yor the Wier. cop, =lmes of mesa. paded.thiyia:tb•
laser rt of the
ttLe agent may Mob. tonad da.M,
UT. 11 to 1.1 mai T. to 3 dokek. th• counting moos Of
J. &Manxman g
Co. No 14 Vical asrmt„ , abare all Inca.
Way laforaution will be given awl yommnpleylkm Ma:Ug
ly Mongol to. l'asmaleta aggiaMog Um Windy* amt
benento liasarapee, sad Mak toms torniMmt on:
$330,0001131d onsitiatly
Proms divided annually mamma Com tomcod tor ,
Yfttybotab. Jan,3l. 1161.—.414 • •
• a I
lii;arance Company of North America,.
Phlladelptda—tatartared ITba. Capitol 11503400. dude
ttaoars IP. Insl. $ Silt rub* louruto ea
rliorp. and ebeir coitterda. la this city ant ricittityt also
ort yeurstr of arns blan d Sipped per mom boats
ud other rush, darer br in trapsportatica or pa dal
lisunsel W.Joasa. . . Jobst St.. Nag,
;. ... Ed..ra Smith. . alsbard D. Wood. 4
ja. A. Boomb h • Willis. Walsh: r.. -
. /Num/ Duck; 8. Austin .I >lmtins
.11.1bana: '
Mules Taylor, Wm. Z. Bour
8 tals. . Gems As= a. al4,
. Jacob IL Thum, . • tuna N.
'lll tuba ordettea Qt . D.
tuba ealtedll . lUu:
and from Its; high asailaclorur at=4B B . == h
and avolotingut sists at as aura
mat In osasUrrad as ollsibmg am/. sestrlty to Lb. pabtl4. •
jet • ... WILLIAM 1...)1.1Z,
1.8.1.u.1. •
, No. 141 trout Paul. •
American Life and Health Inzarance Co.
41inifor Pittsburgh, - D. rowzk,
umlForntush at, slam ittattblekb
a 4.4.4. all naamary tulamatiofa catt b
Western Insurance Compiay of . Pittaburgh.
('CAPITAL .$3OO - ,000;:, R. mn.T.RN
- fru, Wore m. 1314611 koolo of Mato, Fin sad filootoO.'
All l mmo will Iv Ifbasily •Af 00100 tang/ VOL
lent iirg :Tho l" TfPr '''
Moo mot famolity malatola Immo
' 4lll;buro assmoodout oth=ig tko boot prooookot
vbo anise to D• woad.
Doorrou—R.. =en Jr Oto. Black. W. Butler. N.
Balsam J... Wat.ll Bata; O. Ihmsol. Gm W. Jaetaan.
L7an,Joo.• OpOLotott. cr a
ms Derste; James It ,
Alas..Mmlek. Um. Eaati— • ..r
mos, /11e. 9: WO. amt. Oran/loan 4:4 ,- Smut
'Maul Safetylii'Y
E; CLG* nerd Aron. raima • ,
pu.loneeace—ltulldhage, stud other
Mann, is earn mad country. Inc or
asmso br dn. st the tonott nne of remium.
11..utes lictenancr..-They Waal lame tomb, CMOs;
fad linishto. U.da owe or spiels!'
polkas., se the sword may desire.
lawn Twarconenn..—They .ln lam. Manhandles
trap p:sled by Wagons, /ten toed are. Gana tone. .red
Steam Lowy on rims cod t.ts. on Us man Morel tent.
D....05 - J.06 M. Sad, um.:4 A. houder...Jahn
Der% Robert Burton, John es..Pman, fosouel amine,
Wan* C. Later, Meant learlingtoo,_/nao IL Dula, WU
/ohm% John 9.olE dlr. V. X: Moston. Limnos G.'
Ho ' - Thergiu! PuuktUtd. Jones t ip er..a, li ne:
Senn. oa Cm & thane
Damon Ale:Ptnainanie—D. T. earenan..lluah Cyan,
loon 2. teem rrii
, holdout inn ft Mara. The Pried
dna.. Joon ,W Cloares. denetary. • -
tottW in f .f aa t i * U? atahalrit&X":
EA]) PlPEr—Contelre improved patent,
,4 Lead Pipe for VT!hoot% •
A illrZtAat
AU idea cabana and to arrive tor eala Art •
AL.KgAIVI4.It wapor.
. • .- • ISA Trout Janet.
Seed Store Removed.'
.I v r. lniseri ganwi berh to u tat. rom brd o lat v d,hhi . Said St ' bre
. 4 "i 4 7 mMitlVlLlTt'fc't
• xistlus between U. sobotribers. =der tho Whet
Y./ li..dos Co.. to this dloolval by Inmost
t ; • " • ANDIIJOY '
thijiofiry Of IL 1 / 1 . Florolas Ur W/o:clod to. ooi ton
Dome of Ma Laso futo oottlemout Abed". _buffoon
1017 •
- .
Th• partnership banal:Libre colot.lag botvota the
outraribert, =Woe It T = of tbseklatt dalintlio, ..s dl.
Wood ore Um ML of Amour. suLtlALcoto.
tb. matt rat.hor tin so bon via attend to
boantos. sad &reauthorized to au Memo* Olto ate
larm porpow. Saila Wm! ergo: .• • -
Taos. at.
F1R31:13..11 Shaeklett and Williait
Payne, mason' whom% and Boujosoba GUT* .r flatus! .puttres
will coothuto td Wboissobs.
Int Ocala boatoom wade, tag lina of IL C. Ebsaklott a Co,
atlas abaft Wall! tragOod by lituttbrit MOM., bra.=
'4QOTARTNERSHIP—The enbsoribers hare
maned Into Co•l'artnarthlp undo ths tfrm or &db.
• mm • Oltoly. WI& B CALF*,...
I • I JAILES ATKIN null. -
' ' I " JOLIN M. OKYI4.
.0141 N-610 bu. Oath; • • • •
,a,r4 L, v.WAT/11.1Wir 80X8.
misE I VOSS!! ROSE! I!--Just n=eed 1
2112PltbeDsoutatioryloPkett a 0000 Detiodlo llnb.l
- etsto rooting DttO Xto lades to dlometer.
..N.te Don It tat opperior to . 7 7 .3.11•11 ot l
h.u.,113E W 1.% toodotttos. or Itterappoo pooth tpoote.
Wowlsh It to be Olattnetlym
_antierstco.l that tryttY ba .. ft.; gees trim out —...............tas As ated
po mpon tatendtd, or the =May, e testu
hasttol. - NA try r
Poe taloa* the lodlajtabber Depot. 1t0.7 a 0 Word ..t.
eta, J. a IL MULLIN, .
`TEAM PACKING —4OW pounds mixd,
Molls sad Pon, Inds Rubber
.Rallis 'MC
.. ,to
h.h. mammal:tug to to th.
000 r IA" LIN Iblloolog
tut., Piston Moods, Stoma it:Oita. bota=ko.'
Linda, litmus a i
.ave:, Mu. ate m• I Rob.
inlil, 'CLCGL —.--- rf" - ---------- - ABLk: , COVERB--A large
a[ my sapaiortsdallal "Abbe, sued
tianao Omns atelps not tzt to satpwrol br
' say solkl In the <Ur. auweinaas, mad Wl= are
invited to all and exasohl r t . lir a . uolves bt. Oa vano
n • ;f44------. arri,.....,
tn , lo. ktarket Mat, brute at Wm , Nu.knuel.4.2
UP , loys .11110.1144 YALItiOs.
tan* BONN JIM rned UdZra aCk.
Needles! Celebrated ' '
1 1 .031P0UND.. HEMLOCK PLAS'YER... - ' '.-
...J The. blear Waisted blusters L.,* hem made% i .
',.... tbra' flars. during whk,, thin thery ha . ,
-grad a berms.= stanoo h r Lb. mat stbesetoos , "''-' ' '
ithentostdo sod IS slag 1" ter rm . , °Cond..=
.. r
netaltiL at the hhither.etotnerss. to eb'eether i.':,
aka his hoes enhadtted. ha.. Chart j'.....“
[feet WW:hbseddsh es to their SOPtlior:Tartoo at ''OtitVr
- ..ldirrodleato Of thee. aan tesittem,verreseethlly j-
~weeny asabtstd, nendee thew pw - allaty soh h=4•lo ..Wh.. ••• •
perease nadir: with gnahnonser.:l, . .
i1dA11f!......1 ta.railt ant Aftbo.w=d 00khl - t
..11:.=. *1..1.4, theft awnwto ism...'.
onntioa or OlSollto. Al • ?<Med til Lom • •;, '
,!..,.; ,
ogolority orot all Outw•WS rook all
he his been My br the. a obi runs i ... .,, , ,,
~ ,,. ...k....- ...a, pans fa the book and sido, borsht*
~.1„...........c the kktto TN in, their
tu s . • , ,
Pella:CE all other plutirs tun been amxdr toned ,
onna who ham oximittlhOO eon uhl Mx( how f.• • ',.
Cunt So meth ureter with ettabade
~, .‘..6.....ded, with the ...eldest sentesoso ~ ! _-•
their benenetal ettotu .in t e smsd my- dewed; -
I. es* erhoteealo and Thbr
mobs • - ,
b. ft.LEE S. 57 Weeder.
~ t ~,,,
"gpEAUMONT'S PATENT erratcli
mi . / Bur*, thi...b.uum
16 " 4- Mn."9:l, A- .ol"° ° tr a aman a '
It catiUtlaAottklogNtioao to ekdios
nionott. Tb.• buttaa Itzto loot o hit tht oo , tV
of toast ArCol and in this indr ..11.•euitkeri
IT es oo ectopetitio. fotnst atm , . IttOtttiri
K. B.—Oni Cots will do thin/ down of
Wally alma! t» witimat . •
Prioo 1,2 X auto ter Cot. Each Oaks tritb -: • .
for oala by met 401 11. E. tiY.LLI.ItS. ST Wuxi ' ;
' : :TA : 1 ~ OR BOUIC OIL,
T HE -rh. ignlr? ru'uti'kabi r em
o Mg dr 8
dr ard th e a:distant agalkallan f.s It. to tha root*
nor. bat nduced him to have lt nett on to berth silth ii
des sat dintetiosellor as berwat Cr the rah.,
The 11.7110LIML Ii mewed from a wen t a il& coal
tr. at a depth of tour hundred feet. Is a pure, .
nal artleis, without- any - elte=zenv,lbut ,Musilia '"
Rows Ikon risttuVe Gnat I s mat it amain
=t7=ut7lll.frimary DolniWilr;l
=a of snare. 'Wei.r . If hue.., might ha d,,,*,,,,„a4. ~
ow hi t o
nidestog. aud :Inez . irtngt
.. et Media at , , ,
health stallrigwe to wane • the Pt*
goner thought of putting it nolo tottlit l it had • made...J . I
boa Ds the evenof disease. The conetao t and dells lama
.fug .11. liar It. god Ismael remarkable eons It 1. ige , . '
M ended. la it nue todiestiod et IL faun pontisedo
lig• not to reeks • long panda of ontladattn
we are eanniloas that the tordlelne eau !COG IVOrk 1/3 ' . '
tato Oh. favor of those who make. and wish to be ,
Wtdlst we do not chant to it • tudverea t i appination be
girdoede"ne=ar. trul a gel ' a u Itl'V t .
enumerated—all disease. of the moomm banns, stial . in ' , .
rag ) AlsTiall. and. all dhlesses of the Laura:am 1.1 .. ,
Eh DOMPLAINT, DISPEPSid. Dinka. =nem of the '
Bladder sutd.Bklaers,...atho in the itark-ta Me. dermal
Discus, lieurslida. Psisii Shetaant , ' , re gLtu& d rf.ha. , ,
Wan totter, kingworns. Inas, bald; gp., ,
U. to. In runs cd ...
-I 'mgmu, oile ad r
hs will *etas imo
Ip — rar.(l.Nlo - col =XL ~ ~
AM'S to stirh ems, Imai tone and moll to Ow ,
teturtg=" ' "'
rentetionn ft 1 4. 4Z= Leant and st..e• • • ,ff,
sad dinar Inman/ oted nninred crew !pill all the snow , ,
of liild WU proprietor tows of several eons 11217411 ,
that nested every other tasatonutt. tat well under ths op
ef the MBA:ILIUM age • snort than INN rend en d
oven to any perm who •
desires it
nape melon without the siguagns of th• pripriator,
Saki IPS the Td ., "" ----
4 , 7 & thasl
nov 2.lna t nath ideal
br R. B.- s • 87 Wecd st... •
sad 8617116 X WEL!.
comer Wood Anne land Then-z orki : sni
ffily . • - malady Anoint:li
, • pEOCLAXimOm
kL:NOW. mel3,3rho are sick tuad elk •
_...r1112 abeam of the aiedaee aea mama vita that
b a . rea liatsgy Vats. old rensZtA
I I lion may lalk about Its toejsriz... th q. k— a.
bleasethut tide does aot make it ten teem Noels% m a
In the bat of an Lemma stemmalty, that It has valve,
which are not motalned la any ether remedy. The aria
ho L
for bat telfr iniM th tiotraTigra. c ru di.""h
fusee It mete nay little to Make • Mal rd. Petra '
ghaw Lao enters--I ,o 4=de i r up kr Me purealsk
d i tylit s aretel e harad. natrite. and eutZstr or e
bums amour mother earth, ks, its orkdra damn ,y bitt
Sue to murmur htuesaar • reser newer. • tetra= atid
It cured Thes. atter other medkiniahare _ tailed ts
peaks aby nee It has coy= Ehemnatism, f losa
end of the wont and mod palatal charart o er.•
hat eared Cholera Mortals, by one or two deem. it ham.
cured old eases of Diarrtura, In labia every miter iessedy
has been or so andl. As • local =midst.= bona
mills. St la better =um any nisdatal compouude or ointommt
that ere km= et It kill care chllbLiSke and knead lbeti
: In a dr , aPPlkatkian undoubted teethriony ma be =
of the truth cos telned be the shore etatennent
aliltC!Lon SAMUEL iSittel kasha, deporth street
.b l4,;rjr=eli,eSiee strtuAt . '
11. boners. 11 Weed etreet saw, and IL
Qum Atlesheny city. are the emote.
Jsrow Iltedlocogeocr and sole
toast joyalar and bencdat
logentor t o oclabested Inatruiron V
Longa egkoting a enre Cr Chiroak Manna, was • stu •
dent of dud. eminent Physician. Doctor Physic. ill •
sdidnate of the University %I Peansrbraxd.zad far WA"
Yaws shoes haa been aoudad In tho lowo
esse, alai the spoliation of wansdies. thereto: • • • i
Tblongia the sue of his lathoting tube, ➢connenties
1 i a . .Pr0gy .. 11t1=4:44 . 1 other t of4l , 4l= b. has
and fatal maladier.oliabaretre , Constunitkos, CaV l ,".
•Paiefols. lihenzoatison,hatiuna, Fern and Agee. o
on Mod.. Clowido znylvd.s - .2.1 Lu %howl obstinate am
wa pm-allot to fcroodoa. indeoci. Inery fbons of MOINE
viavidates andei the we °this rem edie• to which huzzah.
till hair.-rea by the um of ens w.p.m.:id only, - Mr that •
b incompatible with Physiological Law. bit by tho usw.
Wormed/es, adapted to, sal prowaibed for, nth giggling •
fend a
Basel' Mllaraths Prn
Db. toknowledg ink ed A to ha to a. • gap. •
Ur* or liver pin. louumott at they l eave tb• bovre4 gum:
hotly hat e
mitt - room as aim him Gold= Mr aro •d. • -
Cdltrii "ar k 'llid - r4=l god* b•ro " 4 "
imeillsdeta4o=bligh ghat Imo bows mkt, lu the tutodf ar
The allitetad aw lirrited to call ut.w the ogrr.t...r=
. caw of ea baCtat's paraphhaa,zl.l2lB.
accourd a each ...dr, sad ha prwl..
al ,
• Par ode IVA., fellowla
thaeonetalcato, as what by Mort dreg ,
J. Seboonosaker t 24 - friod st.. Pittsburgh.
. J. AL Tenrwead. 45 Market •
1. 4. Beek...,Deriseah'aehr the hat 01554. gUe.
Thairlothkh heated theism: of t o years -
mime% eced hes. beyond dut. teem ttue
lean ,
tbe Dew of thotourathrof hatividealk ha almost dew
class and eMe ea t dimes: Ws Lel ye basin* no ,
thins Ines tbatthia la the only tordicine tbat. has Om, • ;
arced to • Outdoes in ever" erase of thawed,
•Ittiue ' •
.. did eo .. d o o lead melte ems deo dead
Ow lade. In eve not b vete .
mule weal& as by what sae% I • ,•
:As aintioninand extree.' mot al th e some.. beof that ICU &beauty snide autab. smeared in the tee of
...arr's.glseVrbe a bsatrar s
the meet age=a :
Family liedicise ewe tor kne e
or 'used by any of
?ZS tames
Neral i a . teffsym . /lon. J. a. Die, lat. U. IL '
. z it 2= . 112 74 2=
I f la t o ta ltzitaf
letewiao beer folly lasted Ito incite. bats preedies4 der io .71
that Medicines in sot
•lIT 'attested ey ttu leaned: wealthy and petite
eeihave ondonbtally • Ognete oareelesittably
yews been the
•Ibeezd. •ThisWcader
"abbe. taunt. Wads enticing Copeland tux been neapir ,
errak inn sow tte
etrauxect... ll .4ad ipirt beet .a4. The .i tatodeadoe ur teteU nzr= y Is.
theosettepetru, ndue. sw oisse swains.
nens. and an detains es
....15se.that.hsh la baste.
Over 1.1:00":0 books have been paid without core t.
ead bare pedecialaush satustedas ear! 1 / 4 ,_anet ether
Minna; nave WWI. on would - easter Nue, bad es mot
oteted r atel ha- ont.poseemine, the ermaret parthle pvi.
dews . • •.. •
Shia Melidna, or matteehi reedy: Is tweeted foloa
*tables. ler intend sanyall en sternal rue It ace dfr
IT e'en the deemed"set,cittog it beahh and erenstb.—
It is sem care Ihr Dimbea,Cemuse. Moo* Chalk; Mit
WI Adeedeln, &cases - of the Set
West". In nue or Seas* Emu whatever came It
roor ate In ittairingh, IL E. detlem - ]teem. .M.da a •
Co, and Oudot awed= and by the totretrour'—
lezrel" , , It byeTtp batboy. &et, sod W* 6121 pig
Jo the; Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
13IIBLIO ATTENTION is respectfollat.
js. shed s. ss.., an,=l. e tiilns. it 1. .. r. to
me of the mat totportaat remedies of malarn timed •
PhTROLEUM OR ROCK It la not =or than e
Myear ago duci ttds gnat 5 ,...r .. b 71 11:4t. beta,
, hag: mime tams= folly app=r tt re
orounealty. sad nastiest, that the I t it la
auftft will ila mat/Tam moved. It la not th=
My of a du; got on for thatoe_Prerkita oftoelttoir
b. t. me, wage era moon., not COTIA C. 1... AM lams
al other ttoetrnan have been argotran. The Petrels= la
Natural Remedy. olabonded in Ms depths of the earth
br • Omer mad mammal laugh, to , paw s
slot. , It la our duty. when n• write about l a
' . 11.1, e welt. the truth—that we say =Llama
taw to demi,. thaw who enamour num°, put cond.
dears la or atatumata. the stet are very gotta Welt at
anything that protases Mkt nom Bomar d story Om
hardly ba too= wrought to manor the olaect of gall
ing or Moab some of them Now. no do not &etre
only that truth in to
rud=r=hentli,l. ordattocure forltAtt,
tedlM tar eamallawany Cale' artide In the materLa AIKIT
LoL. Pala ....mftd 6.1.-4:w. cut p, be ...w t .,'
le oar My astd antailbortgeta, berm mune teallsoonytil:
" irl ' a th. rittirt;ro Motobn Me of our et -on
: ermiihmit me
tend. two been restored Sr. data.
end met of,in the State a ;Whig blot I*,
MAL *AladAl Via,er /mulct= In BeavoreouDir.
There are Marna Mathew are awes near Nana a.tea . aMy
to refarnal to by any parlous who Mat doubts on
'Soot.. Mesa ANN wen owned vt,,,,b.y. bat beta
tool ir dt let r, ate =Om . . ft b,.... aill OMR
=“ lthertz t omion a fe ntaetrralalerylcomoitibenTe.
Mildd' th " m it t= 8 " . ...s p=.:4=1;1i....
.agoe, , Omaha lothroa. Broachina and p t4ll
palm, affections of a donate ttatme. Wuhan tat
dune .
%VRoma and of the Bladder and EidotOW. -
Rands. •Rotortate4 BitTdM emu and II
at it a mar minim Wan?, and has haorg .
in of thsaboatillstaan within the peat mar telththe
l aw
them l
. t ,Cartat i an i targ 14.
armea o ant In
Patrolman la the may gay about their meadow tha
.. xme47 of slog age- Phi !.
a high =Mtn'
_Mantll. l ILA ammo/ as mem
terhair prardea. Tame • at arm looked on_ wi :Mabt
.. g 0,...udw, ;en ntWatt to sward It dm Wane_ „Pat
madderalkm ,_a• •re aaothar 'outwit , ' round. all Inn De
mapelled to aokoowlegot that the Pettoimun la thermal.
oat molerhal mar . dhroventd. , Yoe sale, nholesate and , no
M—R. it: odVaitrtaWnhlwc.,i,'Zi..i.
en t. irj , i t
m '", t C te l ; a n A t l i i i l en l i nt=
Mg It.J. gannestoog a (4, Wool and Mad Mt o
waft,isSlAO tots: .mm my odkodotott •
.. 1
to t/teloN . ...___ S othwas •
mood tsoatdoostoo ootssb. hs,hui
lo= t w . to a w. , ilelo=tarr, trativ
ems to A tvo to ' -toph - sod oft°
n a tal ,.. • •
In to Qom
A ooso rOootubs. IN It Ja}dint=aad do masf
cotweltrodoosty lobo,* that It the best am* loottlothal
that W nor wmaodknot to Um WO. • ,
• - Punt! obostid =tier& Mgr children to Salta *tot
cones. whola Um. may to cued by :C. et. bout. 01 WdS
Yotoorod awl mid b IL E. MUM. - - •
toe6o 67 wood st. oat Drosektioatrallt.
/ATEN,T MEDICINES, dc.—Marge stick
In elen=l fte obi on the neat Leal tame
" &mild at .. Wool de 31 the •
L , •
..,...... Ltutostat = l . 41. t, of MN%
r .,....‘puu.,uwn,, ~. ... ke. Exteictotftais
41.10•21613'i ~ ' D.1.W 1, .... - b.Tn.i. Azt lbs
koel P faliti.tvinTtin frglA
L ____...trAZ"
0 .Ev..., .... 2. ,.. of ..s.nnarwrit
P " Quinine
arti% e - . e Im
. " nu=...
. Ome, tor tert
Am Oistonat Oar Tptter '' Er. lif a" r
nunnatberdag Phenol - uardener•Llabasolf
Seeth, Panacea , Goderera Perdu!
Mane/Nu tiara et ' aN. witZsurmi,
• .14 . =nee of lif met and klath
- -_ -
. .
PILALIE:-.y,bblo. for We by •
•• • i • .