ROME MATTERS.- Ct °stn.—We regret to learn from a deputation of dry goods clerks, who waited On us Istdoight. that owing to threo lloml Teasing to close their states at seven o'clock, i s we are told they promised to do, there is a probability that the other 1 14 , goods men will be compelled, in self defeice, to keep open alter that" hone.— We trust Chit the three firms In question will take into their serious consideration thetproPris ty of closing at seven o'clock, in coiLfcrmiti . with tlie example of their neighbors, and thus afford thilr dirks, drubs' the summer months, an opporttanity of enjoying that degree cif physi cal and mental recreation which !tete confine , ment all dig renders necessary. Ltstram, .Dcrselfos.—An adjourned meeting of .the- &mites, of- the Associate Reformed Ckttrch yu held at Beer Creek, 'lndiana Town ship, on' Monday, the sixteenth instant, for the . purpooo of pm:oring a suitable lot on which to erectshoise of worship. • John , Boyle was called to the * chair, end 7,66- eas Patterson appointed Secretary. - It wits ascertained, through Mr. William C. Denny, that the, Honorable Harmer Dewy 'had 'aired to present the congregation with a imita ble lot of gronfid. This liberal donation was thankfully accepted, and on zootiou, it was Hesolved- that, the mem hers of this meeting return their einem thanks to William C. Denny, his liberality and kindness in encoring to their a lot of ground, in .a Eata ble place, and large enough to allow a Church to ba.eeted thereon. Meths. John Ifortng, James' Iloleted, James Thongliaon . 'and . Jolan Boyle, were appointed a committee.. to,wait on the tionorable,lterreer Denny and thank him for his.kinduesa. • ' We understand that twelve hundred dollars have been intucribed towards the eretion'of a on this lot, e sum which in believed to be sufficient . tc; pay for building it, I t ugh not Au.tattr. sr CznarEttr.,The following state ment fnita the books exhibits the Emma affairs of the Allegheny Cemetery from the beginning up tolune !at; ' ktaortt received for Bale of lola $90,950 62 - inter'ta and moo. 4,479 73 Amotuit doe W. H. Afonlock $57 59 ,e . Wm:11'0211g . 14 87 Amount reo',l from ortudnes 101 00 272 96 DIBDUILIL11=1". Paid G. A. Bayard on ac count of purchase .$46,938 11 Interest 2,06 G 93 Labor 14,444 9$ Expense, salaries, &c. 10,296.60 For Improvements 14,778 47 Shrubbery , . 881 22 ; Phrstoch Mad tools ' o norotto& • 1,121 01 " For tight Of way for • memo to Greensburg _and • PittsbUrgh turn- I 1,718 , • IL L.Siralt on ac count of idditiovt •17 grounds. purchased from him - .1,134 87 Leasing a, balance in Cs sera Corponition, ai Cub on band,. Bills reeelsablo 092134 Doestryindisidials for lots 6,959 15 JOHN BISSELAI Pithsbure., Jane 9,1 861' C.0171a Or QUARTER assatoNs. TUZSDAT, June 17 . . .. Before the Eon. Wm. E. McClure, President Judge, and'William Beggs, and Thomas , L Mc- Millan, Associate Judges. : . - . • Commonwealth ye. James Jordan—indictment highway robbery. James Morten! Prosecotor.— The prosecutor. swore :that the . defendant had robbed him after -eon • down, on the second of May, near Bakermown, of a sum of money.-- He had been drinking pretty freely on that day; and did not recollect that he had eaten anything. Dr. Stewart saw the parties together,l on the afternoon in question. Heard defendant ask proMoutor. for, some money. -,Moriand offered him'a quarter, which. be ,tefosed to take, and threw him up against a fence, bed • witness did not know. whether or not he 'robbed Min.! . They were both-a - little drunk, taw -mold irr. well enough A numheriot other witoiesies were examined, : who proved - that Morland was in habit of going on &frolic whenever he had money, - and that the character, of defendant had ideals been The jury was addressed by H. S. ?degree,. Esq., for the defendant;'' and District 'Attorney Planegin.'for the Cionceoneesith. • Mr. P. did. DA press for a'conriction on the cidirgeof high way robbery,• but urged that 'the enlience was, sufficient -to warrant theso l 7' in I*IAIPIng a ver dict otgailty of petit larceny. ,•- , . ; Judge M'Cture charge.* the ,as we thought, rather In :tarer of the defend !, urging' upon them the condition' in which th Fomenter was at the time of the alleged rob , which unfit= tad him, liti - e'great measure,. m being which, unfit= eve correct testimony , regardi ,g the worn* as an the day in question.-. 1 . , --. , -retul.sso rned siMrdictof ot guilty . *; ' . . The emits Or the Cornmonweslth wt. J. Heron Foster and,Heece C. Flemaim, imUcted for haring.., Am alleged,'llbelleo mu named Joseph Hart,' an innkeeper. or. Sharpsburglt, Wail taken up. .ilesere..Vrdtesell and Cochran appeared for the. Commonwealth. Messrs. Hinter , and Liar. - . The Indictment is as follows: in the General Court of (hauls, e Sessions for the County of Allegheny, of - June Tem, 1851. The Grand, Inquest of the Commonwealth of Penneybarda, enquiring In and for the Bodj of the County. of Allegheny, , upon their Oaths and sole= affirmations respectively do present, That Joseph Mot, of the Borough of Sharpodrargh, in the aforesaid County, wee the.cisirmsn of a meeting of , The Torten Keepers and Tax, fillers,"- held in Bpi:ma's Baltdinga. corner of I Fifth and Smithield streets, in die city of-Pit ts burgh, aforesaid County, on the Even in g of the Hineteentle day of .lilay last; and that J. Heron Foster and. Reece C. -.Plena% being' persons 'of an envious, evil 'and wicked ;mind, and of . • moat malicious disposition,: and wickedly and tudarfally - mo' iding, contriving and' intending, ' ea matches in them lay, to injure and oppress; *Wien and vtilifithagood name, base, credit jendmputetion of the said Jecyph Hart. a iteed. peaceable and citisen:of mid Common. ..! we ititic - dwito bring him into public acential, il hatee,i, Infamy .. and diegrac.c, - with force and iarms Oli' ihe twenty•fourth 4y of May, 1851, at . littetbarei. , :aforetuld County, of their' great 1 bared, mel`w. &tidal-win toward the told Iseeph Hart, wicked. f. maliciously and nalawfolly . did. :., print and publiA and cause to. be .plinted and ~1 published,. in I..4:erudit Newspaper, edited and by theni, entitled ...The Pittsburgh 1 Z i y .4ml Diepatch," a -certain false, scandalous, ' =adonis and defamatory Libel, of and Co:cern ! Ins the mid Joseph Hirt containing the false, I scandalous; insditiotte and defamatory war& and i matter following, of and concerning the Bald Jo. esph Hart;that is to nay: . . . . •,- --, ._ . I:virmancr. - 14.1.-A correnondeut, signing himself a "Son of ,Temperance,' writes no 'as follows: 'llse Tribune of Wednesday, inepeak ing of the recent meeting of Tavern-keepers and szkelayerl6, remarke that 'some of the moat active temperance men are taspayere, and Were present' - f presume the editor m esa; lit edi, cur of the Evening Tribune,] :alluded particularly to theuhalfman on that omission; Esseaurng and • oiveding the said Joseph Harl,l who in reported umeening and issiencnng therehithatthi laid:l64h Hart is reported] to have once' belonged. to the Idissen.Wi State Involuetarl_ . Total Abstinence Society St Jefferson city, ]meanmy and, intending theresy u; attar said Joseph Ron war a amid in the YissoafiState Pennitentialw,] from which he dress hte e l eAl sunder the mai of , the State; to unite blmeelf with the . Ohio -State Involintary Total Abstinence Society, at . Columbus, [wasting and int , ndin g Merely, that he, the said Josephse flog, " after Lan' g discharged from the Penitentiary in Hisrouri, became a eonriet in the' . Ohio' Stab Peatitiary at Columba,] Ernes . drawing es final card from which' he (meaning 'and 6 , 1= the Isaid Joseph Hart,] ann no . longer b . emi aught but a counterfeit temperance man, if4n- L deed he [mining and intending the arid .The e' AA] makes say pretensions to the character.;] _tsfeesing and intending that the said Joseph Hart J . n i g a PotayeTante =RI. Perhaps the Tribune 'lt wiPili wr • --• '' ' ' ' nn. *Aoh eaid seandalons, mentions and defame , 4 they, tbo said' J. Heron Fatter' lid ci um, lib .. 1 1 Beeson rinted and , published and ~' aid i c ,' h . ?. printil_ ,, and, n publLelied,.. In the afor?. , a id opittlisM D ail y D ispatch .' on the said Z ° day of gr m ~b, e lsd ..lo l, at ic u ti on tis o b f arg thi co co unty - ' afwettnide w ithin ir scandal urt ' i t i t h e grea t damage, Eue. and .in• ..0 y o wls' Hart, and agatmst - Li fl poteS7 of th e of -theicolren;lietlth_ of Ft! eto p ti , nilibraniyomypiltfinnlrden, T0ed.4t0.,-T ifeb,i,-co_o,.o.,lici vrove th e p P. eiellourtud. 13 31 : , ~, . don of tlie article embodied " In the abaiiindict mold. He testined that on the 24th day of May last, on which the alleged libel .ls Said tithews been pu bll i bed, the defendants were' publishers of the “Pittaburgh' Daily. Dispatch," William. Crawford, eworn—l. 'was present at t h e ..fing of the Moon keepers andtax payers on the eremng in question. Mi. Hart was pre sent. My attention was called to the. anbject through the remark that our Chairman had been in the Penitentiary, and the impression left on my mind after reading the article wai'the same. John Farad!, sworn-11e had undendood from reading the article in the Dispatch, that Mr. !Dirt had been In the Penitentiary. He admitted hoverer, that he bad heard before reading it, that Hart had been in the Penitentiary. R. Barker resided in Sharpsburgh. Ho bad BC!n tha article in the Dispatch of the 24th, and understood from the sentence "that Mr. Hart belonged to the Involuntary Total Abstinence Society of Jefferson city; in MissUud, and Col umbus, Ohio," that he bad been in the Peniten- Sary,as he had heard/previous to this publication, that he had been in the Penitentiary in Missouri.. • Francis Kline, sworn—l reside in Sharpabtag. Read the article relative to Mr. Hart, in the Dispatch, and thought thit it referred to him. I had "previouslyheard that he was in the Peni tentiary, and I took the Involuntary Total Absti- - nonce Society, to' ean that place. Tilly Potter was of the mime opinion, but never before kneothat Penitentiaiies gave egrds. Benjamin Trimble was called, but had . not rcad the article in the qinstion, was dismissed. - Robe!rt McCoy, sworn—Hart wan Chairman of the meeting reported in the Dispatch. John Fowler's impression, derived from read , ing the , article, was, that Hart had been in the Tenitentiary. Witness had heard some time before that the prosecuier bad been in the Pent- Let:A.l3u Air five or six Years. The evidence on behalf of the Commonwealth, Cloned here. \ • . J. Heron FoSter defended himself—Mr. Fift een bad the two counsel above named. Nicholas Binamyser, remember, that when Hart was down the river, I recieved let tern from him. • • •• • The witness was proceeding to state the place from. which the letters were dated, when the court retuned to admit the evidence. Oal. - Feder; declared that he would be able to proire by this illness that Hart - had been in the, Penitentiary . .and in an argument of considera-' ble length , endeavored to prove the relevancy of the testimony, but it ,as ruled out. The defendant then offered to . prove that the article In question was not calculated to cause s breach of the peace. • Hart,.' iho prosecutor, - was called on for that purpose, bat. his evidence was ruled out. . The Court then took its turuartahl-dny recess. sristateos stenos. i&Thomas Jack read the article in the Despatch, and, Judging front its tenor, he though that it re ferred to Harts , having been in prison. His (Hirt's) wife and another lady, called upon the witness to induce him to Sign a petition for his pardon, at the time be was in prison. Did not know the contents of the petition. . Mr. Dobbs bad mad the article, and thought that it referred to Joseph - Harts liming been in4rison. He had signed a petition forhis par. don. • • . Mr. Henry Goaser had never read the article in question. Evidence ruled out. ' Mr. Hubbard had read the article in question. Thought that it referred to Hart from a report which f heard some time ago. F. Crawford, k recedled—Mr. Hart was:Chair man of one meeting of . the tavern keepers. Mr. Doherty of the other: We did not invite tempe rance men to be present: • The evidence Closed here. . _ The case on behalf of the Commonwealth, Was opened by Jacob Whitest% Esq., in his usual style. - - • He was followed by the gallant CoL Foster, wbo ..bearded likti the pad," and well posted up in ea law of the case,,proved. conclusively the Inaccuracy of the old apothegm, that carry man who le his own lawyer, has a fool for his client He made a Sensible, manly defence of his con duct, pointing out the public position occupied by the prosecutor as chairman of the meeting of tavern keepers and le payerr, and insisting that be had a right to criticize his conduct, since Harthad made himself one of a number of self constituted masons of public morality. • Mr. Foster was followed by C. B. Eyster, Eq . ., for the defence, and She case was cootie-. ded by John T. Cochran, Esq., for the Common wealth. Judgb McClure intimated his readiness to charge the jury, bat said that if they preferred, he would leave it over till next morning. The jury requested him to do so, and the Court was adjourned until nine o'clock this morning. • SONITT or TEM PratCt.—Mayor Guthrie yrs terdayeammitted EliGoringtonto prison, charge.' on oath of Ram Gage, with curdy of the Peace. He woe also committed 0111' charge of disorderly conduct. • Ntnurici.!—A . wagon maker' who his his workshop out the. Fourth Street Road, was yes terday toed by his Honor,.litsjor Guthrie, for letting his. wagons sad - carts block up the road tem - his door.. . . DANCISILOVi SPORT.—Same thoughtless young men hare, for the past few nights,' been to the habit of 'flying kites with lanterns attached to fliem: The police should emit all who indulge in this dangerous amusement, since a fire which Will do mu& damage may be caused by them. POST OTTICL ALLPT.—Post Office Alley is Sl moot blocked op by a number of large stooes, placed there. apparently, for the purpose of tripptng up the unwary citisen.'wbo chances to pass. through it after dal, or' of evertor:dug some of the stage coaches which come to the Post. Office. If it is not designed to SECOIPIDO date the 'public, it: should be closed; and if it is, some 'one should removethe nuisances to which we bare alluded. . F.teen.--A drayman was fined one dollar and theeosts of prosecution by the Mayor, yesterday, fore walking on 'O6 side walk while his horse was going along in the middle of the street. . BILIOUS TIM PA7iTARCHAL DAT! the Pyramids were ilready &idea monuments. We adrmethe lows of antiquity and art to lose no time in gratiting themselves by Ti owing these and other interating relics of the past, at the Panorama of the Nile,;Atheymum.•..An .afternoon exhibition to•tisyst 3 o'clock. BAUCH or. yrs PEACIL—EIi Covington was committed to prison yesterday, by . afayor Guth rie, charged with disordely tooduet and breach of the peuce. Ile was unable to pay a fine of twenty dams and the costa, which the Mayor imposed upon him. Barmar..L-Frederick Whitmore ,IRSB yesterday taken before Alderman Major, charged, on oath' of Mary Whitmore. with as sault and battery. He was committed In default of bail. ,DIIIOI66ILT COADUCT.—itaixrt Henry was brought before Mayor Guthrie yesterday, on a ain't ofdisorderlyconduct and a breach of the peace. He was committed In default of paying a fine of ten dollars and the costs. TIPPLING Louis.—John A. Batter seas yester day . committed to- prison by process from the Coast of Quarter Sessions, nbsrged with keeping n tippling house. jar MeLAriz's Mints Pi offering thle tmaldm'rmth. ' rabuc. the Istozieton are wet ewer. the! tbry here to ...mantes • beetalty by the otiantlesi ,inzattuans 'bleb ban been Atm•d upon the ptibtle undergo Asp. of patent madleines, We ma sow. vinotff, banner. that It is only neeenz7 to Wiz Uzir tw niers tritff tartan It in FAHe atilt:ration roc *boy. all ined/rd &keno at the kind era offered to the public. Is this Invention of sit enligt.ttenerl.eipstienorl, end leer. .1 iinretain. who Err inzaryeare wed It In his arts prow tit* - when its lout aerate*! Indweed biz to offer It to the nubile et Ws. rot *alb bi • lituinsoltn J, IU D.t. CO. No. 60, Wald mt. eilizinklansuancv Company of Pittsburgh ENCOURAGE HOME -INSTITUTIONS Moe No. 41;Wstor Knit,iathe worehonto of C. IL . thllimicer,Prosident—..—.44.' W. MAIM Beer. This 1 . maw prepared to Won all merotmeothee In owe= trororita, remits, do. 4.2" Ti N= eommo : P nliqio% 'l d U = %IV= ho a n d citizens of .Plttebargh.' well and formonlY for their prodence. aaR i,PrVorT"2.4. WM. litagoley,WM. Lorimer, Jvha 1141.=VuMbol'Itiilintsr!" Ilttsburgh Life Insurance Company. CAPITAL, 8100,000; OFFICE, NO. 76 FOURTH STREET. • 0171C)VILS: • Preeldant—lacts 8. Tie* President—hum Itecteaaur. adverti ••• entent. In another put or this paper. "• • ), Petroleum , • linuaresund. Unntierdon ee. Pa., Marche, IL , Ere.'Tcraf plamlaum Is inatins itm tbis vidzil"tiktherelbre ye would thank Tonto wad two*, doses by tho Pinessylrania We are en tirely out, it; li kilns frakdred be shneet every dal. You., frePerthill_ JOHN um; c or)." ,•' Ltaltkirem, Aahlual ea; O. Merck to, : D s lti Ywa Aim; • Ayr week. eine% r ide... elk-Re Imi riccrri B ck oil. cigar Or. have sold. Piow ti mer/ to us Or doe. brnedlately. Your niedichre l trudging 'wooden In lbie *erten. W• ilia obtain NOMA acieliklit eertllknies, If you &dee them. -• tor Keyser It ifedddrell..ll3 Wood eteeet IL z. worn: pl . Wood cheat B. A. Ifahnestoek, A Co, eatoooO !Fora sod Front streatr. D. H. Carry. D.A.Elam. Jana , Douslan,saa U. P. ed,..u. Allothoirogoo tb• Pa , dada Iliiiii4aliti-aitteructs. BY TELEGRAPH: iiiie!TVILD DT VII 'O'I4IILT 12i.ZOILAPII 14111., AHD szponia roams riTrinustai aAzzrre. FOREIGN. NEWS. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAISISHIP HUMBOLDT. THREE DAYS LATER FRdl EUROPE. • • New Your, Julie 17. The steamer Humboldt, from There and Cowes arrived this evening bringing London dates to the 4th, and Paris dates to the third in stmt. larsapoot, Juhe 2d. Money is easy, and console are fura with an upward tendency. Cotton.—The market continued Cush, witb zee," demand. The sales; of the day were 7000 bales at previous prices. Breadstuffs--Flour is more saleable at the rates of the previous week. Corn met with a fair inquiry at 30t 30s Gd, which is Gd lower. The weather had been cold, and the want of rain was much felt. • . . The steamer Ilernann arrived out under fifteen days, to Southampton. The Europa strived at Liverpool after a page:gent 114 days. Thp propeller Lafayette, from Philadelphia reached \ Liverpool on the 2d instant, hiving previouslyput into Queenstown. Her air pumps, 63 already stated, gave way on the 4th day ont. She performed the rest of the passage with, en gines working under high pressure. The United States frigate St. Lawrence sailed from Southampton on the 3d instant for New York. She was to touch at Lisbon to land Mr. Haddock, the American Charge de Affairs to Portugal, who was also the bearer of a treaty between the two countries. The commander and officers of the St. Lawrence gave-a grand entertainment 011 board, on the day previous to htt departure, to the Mayor and Corporation of Southampton, as a return for the hospitalities extended to them. The Humboldt brings about 70 passengers. Captain Ilatthewa,late of the city of Glasgow, is to havecommand of the ateamer Oreat,Britain, which comes to New York in Steptember nest- The steamer Atlantic will be ready for sea by the let of July. The Exhibition was visited on the 21 instant, by 60,000 persons. The Queen was present INDIA AND CHINA. The overland India mail reached London on the 2d of June, with Bombay dates to the 3d of lilay r and Calcutta and Madras dates to the 25th April There continues to be some alight disturbances on the Pestilmr frontiers. Thedisbanded troops were overrunning the Nizams Lerritories, - and enacting every species of horror. Julie° Pereand, the Commissariat of the An glo 'Jodi= Armies during the past ten years, and to whom the Governor owes half a million ' and is endeavoring to evade payment, b.. been acquitted of the charges brought a,• nit him of committing fraud. n China, the rebels were making bead le. i against the Imperial troops, and bad taken po session of the province of KwanjsaL e commercial advices from India are not tut ea factory as those by the last arrival Money •. very 'came at Bombay, and 71loctuations in tb • cid:Lange had) bad effect. k PORTUGAL. .e Chambers of Deputies was dissolved on 25th of Slay, and the new Courts bad eon led for the month of May, to rerrise the Con :. tion. . . I . RUSSIA. e learn from Berlin that the Bing of Prussia retn rued from Warsaw, and had assisted in inauguration of the statue of Frederick the at. be object of the meeting of the Emperors of Is and Austria at Oimnts.; was entirely of s try character. FRANCE. a news from Prance, principally relates to tb President's visit to the provinces. He had ben . received at Dijon with much enthneiasm. Ile made a speech to the people, to which much po tical importance is attached. e popularity of Louis Napoleon was on the in e very evidently, and it was: said, in , we informed circles, that should the election tae place now, he would be chosen President ag in he Parisian lountals are dissatisfied with the spe eh of the President at bijou, and regard a declaration of war against the Assembly. T e President returned to Paris •on the 3d instant SPAIN. A z lo unts from Spain represent the Govern me t xd in great (earl of an insurrection'. At kir drill, every mlitary protection was being taken to inari against the Spanish. The Democrats were again active, and bud lamed programmes of future operations. , , CONSlia .1104 AL ELECTION. .CESCIYNATI, JUDO 17 The, majority in the city for the new . Constitu tion was 37:89; and against the license, 2623. We hare returns from 65 cities, towns, and townships in the State, whieh present a fair in dication of the result in faros of the Constitution. attitude° of Cincinnati, giving 2529 majority for the Constitution, and 1917 against the license :amen, Br. Loos, June 11 M. Lanier, of Ludlow & Smith's Company, died of ;Cholera yesterday. Last night, at the amine theatre, Mre. Blanch was instantly killed on the stage, by the falling of a weight, behind the scenes. r. • . .. . The will of Judge Idullanghiwas read in Court to-ds'y. fie bequeaths' one-third of his notate. IS - Vio0,0(0, in trust to the city, for the relief of emigrsots end others, and $400, 000 goon to - Ms heirs.. ' St: L'oure, June n. Steamers departed for the Ohio to-day. Statesman, Empire City, and Schuylkill. BT. LOUIS MARKET. Hemp—The - .stock on !used is 10,000 bales. Prices range from $73 to $80? ton. RAILROADSUBSCRIPTION.. Loutswizm:Juns 17 The City Council passedim ordinance, making the subscription of $200,000 to the Jeffersonville and Celumbus Haittond, and $4400,000 to the Louisville:and ,Nushville Road, es soon as 'the Company is organized. They alai. appiopriated $4OOO for a survey of the Nashville Road. - The ordinances will be submitted to the ' citi zens in GO daye, and will be - approved by a large majority. The river is rising, with a little over 6 feet 8 inches in the canal. QUARANTINE REGULATIONS. ' CINCINNATI, Jove 17. The City Council passed an ordinance estab fishing's quarantine below the city. Every boat from New Orleans ban a large num .ber of eaaea of cholera and ship feur—aome. -times as blgb ea 30 cases. Our hormital WWI of ihese.padents, but there are few cues of cholera in the city; the citizens are generally healthy. NEW POSTAL' ARRANGEMENT. WASHINGTON, June 17 ' The Post Master General has concluded ar rangement for the exchange of malls between the United States and the British Provinces, to gointo effect on the 6th of July. The new rates of postage are to be 10 and.lsc. preapernent optional. ~ THE SLAVE RESCUE CASE. ' Boarox, June 17 , The jury in the rue of Lewis Hayden, accused of being concerned., in the rescue of Bhadroch was dischirged this afternoon. being unable to agrec upon a rerdict. RIOT MID BLOODSHED. PRILIDILPIIIA, June 17 This morning, about I o'clock, a most die groceful riot occurred at lied Bank, a few miles below this city, on the Jersey side, at a German ball given at.the house of J. Diver, which was attended by a number of disreputable characters from the city, who made an assault on the Ger mans. They descended to the bar room, badly beat Mr. Diver, and stabbed him in several places. They also best his assistints, robbed drawer 'of about $7.0. and elunnefully ill used the females. The fight lasted about two hours; and the neighbors being aroused, collected in sul&lont foroe to quell the riot. , Sittenteetv of the rioters were arrested and committed to Woodbury jail. Mr. Diver is not expected to live. Several of the citizens of Red Bank were stabbed in the melee, and one or two of them ngerously. tHILADELigiIA DIARHET• Pun.ena.Pm•_, June 17 flonr-::Tbe market ls be, with sales of 1500 barrils at $4 ed 25, tter mostly at $4 18® 4 20 per bbl. Eye -Irloar and Corn bleal--Sales of rye Sens &Cs 3 ' 37 , knd of corn meal at $2.75 y 4 bbL . Grain—Mheat is in demand at 103 e for prime white, and , 97c for fair red: Sales 2000 bushels rye at 72a. COrn is "Miro° and wanted at 610 62c,. end Oats at 431®44c 'ig bn, for Penn's. Iros.=,-2he marker. is dull and inactive, and ' but little doing in sales. Provisions—Sales of mess pork at sl6„ and of Mime at' . sl4l3, Sales plain bacon hams at 9010 d "e Th. Sales lard at ®oi lb. 35r'11104' atres • forward slowly. Salta o f , a it ~ 000 it:45047e , BALTIMORE MARKET. BAvrtitoix, 'June 17. Floor—The market is dull, with sales of 400 barrels at $4 121 for !toward street, at $4 2$ for city mills. Cora Meal and Bye Fleur—Sales corn meal at $l" 87, and of Rye Floor at $3 fict ; c ? but. Grain—Market dull. Balm red wheat at 830 9 0c.. sod of white at 04098 e per bus. Yellow corn is selling at 58c.; white at 69c per bushel. Bales of oats at 38e. - Provisions—The market is quiet New mess pork is selling at $l6 per barrel. Sales bacon shoulders at 8c; aides at 900 f; and. bame at 944@pi 7t4 lb. Sales of lard n i t 90 in barrels, and 10} @Ale in kegs. Sugar—Sales 180 hhda Porto Rico at 6i p,6i. Whiskey—Sales at 214(x)22} per gal. NEW YORK MARKET TOON RCPORT. New You, June 17. Cotton—The marketis dull, and dealers await , g arrival of the steamer. Flour—The market is without change, with lea 3000 bids. Rye Flour—Supplies as scarce, and prices eteady. Groin—Wheat is dull. Sales 2,000 Genesee at 95c. Sale 20,000 bu. corn at 560670 for mixed western. Provisions--Salas 100 bblo pork st tut quo, tations. Beef is inactive, with salvia 4,0001b5 western middles at 81(2)83o "41) lb. Lard is dull, with sales at 4094 "14 lb. Whiskey—Bales. at 23c 111 Coffee—Bales. 3000 bags Rio at 9E090 1,4 pound. Linseed Oil—Sales 3000 gallons, at 72c per 17 ,11 . ; `; Tobacco—Sales 35 hhda Kentucky at 11@t3 lb. Stooks—The market is firmer. Sales $lOOO U. S. el:., 1807-8, at 1164@116/: do coupons 1868, 120. For Penns s's 94c, is offered; In diana We En. Div. 84; do Kentucky G's, 1001; do 'Ohio, 1860, 113. L Money is in good ;supply, and In active de mand. CINCINNATI MARKET. Ctscirmari, June 17. Flour—The market isquiet, with sales 7001ibts at $8 3003 90 bbl. Whiskey—Sales at 17i ( - 3)179 11 gall. Provisions--Npyliing doing. Turpentine hat advanced to 48c 1.1 gall. The river is stationary. CATTLE MARKET. PULLAII6LPHIA, Java 17. Beeves—Sale, 293 head' at $304 - t1 200 on the hoof. equal to s6®7 75 net, and averaging $3 40 ge ou. Hoge--Bales at $6 2506 50 11 100. B. T. Babbitt's-Celebrated Soap Powder. WASHING without labor! Warranted • • to take the etaloe oat or tab'. llama arid liar Inintnnon Ton U..—Put mar clotheit In• oak:kin quantity of told osier to onto them . than add too table. rionfule.of Lni• Pup Powder. to each ricrivarts of water and .dothe atol If lb. water Ir hand. add more of thy P. and bhem t o unman% In lb. Mann than prow thou down with a Wet, then put them In tub ~.d add oshieieut mill 'eater. 03 Ilat titer W not to too but to boodle, nut rut. tha dirt etwWteiln 11b....tbh VI , . them • ttroWash rl.ias. ad tha t to sulheieut mat • thou