PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BY.WILITB t CO. PITTSBURGH WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 18, 1851 Ansimasoado and Whig County Ticket. nramert =ir WARD,a *Mir, -WA LT RS oit of Peelle. 'Amensr atlas or Mr= cony. HENRY W. WILLIAMS. Of Elltehnegh. eluartcre arma or ow= oFqv4roi =soya, Am' WAS. D. MARES, of Elluboogh. " " 2" Sr011. "2" I, T r ' r Ovate " TUOILSII L. ALKYL Wpm , of Allegheny. I 'JOHN ALOLORRE1 asrn 7 .7lßobloson. • tl-1 1 .1. 1 117:Mr, T110.9.-PLANKY, of WHeesiont de JOHN HILLER of Imam.. I,oluxL FAHARBLOCK. of Flt/Ahnrob. ALEX. ILICLLIRDEON, of Allegheny, JAM) VeliFejfal " , orguibumb. : JOHN E. ROWLAND. of Eppes ELMO.. O:TERT RINEY, Of Fittsborgh. erlos. - WU. WERE, of Allegheny. mom. VOIIN R3IEItIOE of Allhoollsol. 4)BRo,mm PEERtravmm RAILROAD. . - The final letting on the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad:6;k place at Mansfield, on the 12th inst , Thee work put tinder contract extends from Woos ter, by Lendonville and Mansfield, to the Cleve land, COlumbus and Cmcianati Railroad at Crest line, dear Ordionoxilistance of t,3 miles. The whole raid is now nadir contract from \ Pitts burgh to Orentlice, IBS miles, and it will no doubt be completed-next year. Steadily and firmly the Board of Directors ifiavenarried out the poli cy whicti they announced .when -the. enterprise wan andertaken, and they CID 1191 look forward to the speedy completion of the road. 7 Fiona the first theY.doteratined that the work 'should be a aymmebical whole, and not a series of discordant parts; and to the Chief Engineer was confided the duty of determining the location, so that no local Interest might vary the line from that which the surveys aliened to be the best.' In their last annual report, the ,Iloard express ed the expectation that, he line would be opened for, ore Pittsburgh to Beaver and New Inighton in July, and to'Alliance aid Massillon in the autumn of this year. The laying of the back prtixiiies rapidly, and eterything indicates' that the road will be ready ct the specified time. But little more, than a year has elapsed since the work wad began between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and it has been premed forward with untiring energy to theface of many difficulties, and is now nearly cOmpleted for that distance, graded fora dinible track, and bridged with substantial stone atrium The road is unusually straight and teral, aid the track very Substantial. The work decently put under contract on the Western Disisien is generally light, and luts been let on flivaraile terms. The bidders were an: morons, and the competition great Moue!' the traccessfal - .bidders are old contractors on the . . The work was allotted es follows: Section N0...128, Blake & Bassett, CarT & Somers, Jo 129,- 130, do 131, - 132, 133, Duggan Condon, do 134 ,,, ' C. O'Rourke, do 186, Riley & Duff m, do 136, - 137, 138, 11. Shriver, do.' • 139; .140, B. Liehtenwalter, do" 141, ' Blake & Bennett, do , 142 to 145,, Riley & Outfit!, do - 146, ,M Blorisity, do 197, . 14@, 11. Shriver, do 199, 150, 151, John Carman,. do 162, Pratt & Westin, do . 153, 159, P. CroWley, do , 155, Ill:Moriarty, do 156, C O'Rourke, dok. 157 to-150, Hanford & Wintrode, do 101, Win. 'login, do 162, 163, - Jas. Cantwell, 164 to 171, John Carman, eo - ;1711, 11. Moriarty, ,; do 173„ . di; ,174, Mori:lll7i_ - `:do. '176, Jan. Cantwell, do . 477 to 180, Wearer & Conover. Boltancai hays, ' , of tasking many bOoka there is no end; and mach study is a wearinesi of tbe Seib." May it‘not be that a knowledge of this tenth caused'Job - to exclaim; .41) that mine en-' may would smile a bOok i" , . - - " It is a great ,prinlege ,be able to write, a good book, as wall as a great weariness of -the flash to do spLand ,it.is to be regretted that mairl. gifted minds tame and go without leaving any , thing behind them bat the amdtered and ephe-. wand proditeihine Of_ the boor. We are glad , to learn that GOl:Anton r is aboat to pribliab uwork embradig hie important speeches for a period of tidily yeas, with a contemparaneons history of events and times. All acknowledge the -shill , ty of the Sri-Senator, and the extraordinary store of well arranged -Acta ihicb be , always bad at command..;.ln.this latter quality of his mind, he reaembleaJobn". Quincy Adams, and this it is thst modem idm so formidable in debate:— The forthconiing work; therefore,'cannot faillo be tilltablei although we may look out fora lit tle legotiam. It is to be entitled history of lhe working of..the Government (cora the year • . 1820 to the 'present thin" • • At is saldrthat Mr. Webster is preparing a work of a dialled. eldirieter: it IS said flit ..Finny gemble is raiding Shah oPeue ie 7 ici9idOW With.great enema. She bas, however, a civil In.theiter..charies Eyre, who recited, withtisk any - dramatic, costtune or at tion, s great lnition'of Wilton's Parading Lost, a part hitherto 'riot - attempted by any petilii Thiele an Arne:. , Garriekread Paradise Lost toseeleet party of s 1;0311114 getttletne 4 ,:;•reeetTr lag i4tdaes from' eti4t44 . Ahem, being etioat tea times the aroma that'. Makin niceived ter the • - COPY right. • • Tvoseurrem.,Aniong the resolutions adopted el the Reading,Cooveritionwere the following: • • • Resolved, That the Sixth Section of the Act of tberlitgidatnes of Pennsylvan ia ,. passed on the Idarch z 1847, denying under severe pen.. . albs, the nee Of our State jails for the detention of Digitise slates, while swaiting their trial, -ought tabssexpang.ed from our statide boats,' both be amse it interposes obstacles, :bi mein of. State belftlatb3l2, AO the execution of the provisions "Of Able Constitution' of the United , States, and be,, .onnies it is a vitt:sal disregard , of the principle's' ofthe Com ' sad is calculated to rieritmily. 'endanger the existence of the Union. • • Resolved, That the Democratic party' of Penn-. sylvaila are tone to the Union, the Constitution,' and the !availed will faithfully observe and-ex 'cede, so far erfin'then lies; all the moseiteres of pomp:suns' e adopted by We late Congress, for th 6 purpose of settling the question arising out of do. 1 mestie slarcti;Vmd this not only from a lease of deities good eithetis of the Republic; 'but also from the kieskand *sternal feelings -which they i chminit towards them brethren of the elavehold. • Pensesilessois' Locofocoi always .oTelliel . . . thiir biblinab.: • Tbo, first of Abele resolutions is . genre reflection upon theniemory of Governor Eitiscalt;.vtan alined the bill of 1847, and a vote Of termites open Col. Bigler, who voted for it. :If • . th• lair is wrong new, it was wrong then. If it Interims obsteehte to, the execution of the yettelidon of .'the:idoostiiation of. the United. States^ now, It did sis then. In fact, these "nt)-• stades" ware greater then than now, for Congress boa provide:is summery method of proceeding, which, renders jells teennecessary than they were With democrats, the rums and airtime of GOT. Stmt are held in grateful remembrance, at least they petaled that each is the fitet; hat here, to. mike . * little capita4.ihey laid his goal name MS IleilifiCO - opin the altar of eatery. The Second - resolution is so intensely isaryM; that we shall gay nothing about it. A firsaerwraws GATEL7J3O.—(In next limn dew afternoon and evening a few ladies lade un 'de:taken to hare a "strawberry. gathering' ac Wilkins Hail on Fourth *treat in add of the-funds of the Pittsburgh Infirmary. ii would be M oult to imagine a more pleasant way of, spend • *Octal houri'and partaking of one of the nicest delicacies of the mason, all sweetened with the aeflection that by so doing weiare lielping to au..: Wu one of the most deserdng of institutions, and carrying comfort end relief to the suffering poor. On thek ocousion, ';tike luxury of doing par lain be a Metal, and not as poetic, fa* • . . • rainsert due prag rap. because yester day mantic' g, theypeeCtliodo ustay nozgay in- I:Morrow is kingstssuirt—Lotnamitts, June 18.—Th N es .Comier 'says that there bait \ Th 'been no 'rain* that vianity for thuds months-L. c cror are Buff Pint tit communal ee. Tun LTXCIIIIIIILO (VA ) TIGOZDY.—The Rich ! mandScPubEr, !peaking of the deep sensation made in Virginia, says: Two gentlemen:a:copying a high station in the community, both of amiable disposition and peaceable demeanor, meetin the streets, and ae sait each other with deadly weapons, and are not parted till the police officer, who interferes is dangerously injured, and both receive mortal wounds. The rencoutre follows so closely on the provocation that the public abroad hear that blood is.shed before they are apprised Of any existing quarrel. One of these parties had been married a :few weeks to a yams and lovely wife. Probably, when he left her on that fatal morn ing, she had not the slightest intimation of lin pending trouble and danger. Can mortal ima gination conceive the stunning shock upon her gentle breast, when the young bridegroom was brought home, the bloom forever faded from his cheek, and the tile;al pouring its last current from the heart which had just beat warmly by her side ! If any spectacle could be more deplo rable, it was that of the other victim, with not only a wretched wife wailing over him, but chil dren, innocent and once joyous children, gazing with mingled woe and wonder 'upon a father's mangled body. Death, ever an unwelcome visi tant, puts on new horrors'when be thus appears. The sternest champion , of honor may stifle his emotions when he glanced upon the motionless clay which was one hour ago a living man, full of thought,. sensibility,, generous affections, and buoyant aspirations ; he may look unmoved np on the worm that dwells, in what was but now the tabernacle of an immortal intellect ; but can be regard without a shudder, the living death of desolate wives, and the worms of woe that prey upon hearts thus bereaved—hearts consigned to a colder and deeper , grave than the earth—a grave upon which no flower of hope can ever bloom, no dews of connotation ate fall, no !tar of religion shed its benignant light? - Cosy ora CARMIAL'S liar.—A Paris corres pondent of the Western Christien4drocate says that the liberal party in France,-tree no oppor tunity of exposing the numerous abase; of Pope ry. Some singular details have been elicited in diem:dons in the Assembly. °lt has been pro posed, among other things, to strike from the budget the demand of forty five thousand francs for the expense of installing each of the new cardinals, and of five thousand. franca u an an nal allowance - to each in consideration of his new dignity. 01ficial documents, referred to by L. Bouxart, s how that a new French cardinal IS required to give-L For a parchment commission, signed and sealed, and tied up with red ribbons, 11,000 f. Presents to the memters of the'Propa- Sands. 7,850 To the Papal Chamberlain charged with the safekeeping, for a few days, of the little ; red scull-cap worn by the; cardinal, 3,750 TV:, the Pope's domestics, gardener in cluded, • , • - 3,700 -To the domestics of the Pope's nephew, - or it there butane, to those of thoCar dinars Secretmy, , GOO To the domestics of the PoPe's relatives, 190 To the Papal , messengers charged with bringing the cap, and gown to Paris, 18,000 IIAVIACIIE AaD CANNITIALML—A 14CCIlt let ter from Paris to the Loruicm Times Contain/I the following extraordinary particulars. of a horri ble occurrence not heretofore made public:: Private letters have been received from the correSe Alemene, commanded by Captalnd'ilar court, which mention - an incident of a horrible kind. It appears that about the end of Novem ber last, the Alemene reached the, bay of Belittle, one of the ports of Caledonia, in the Pacific.— Do the 30th an armed boat, under the orders of Second Lieutenant Deverseme, was sent to find passage fir the corvette on the Western side of New Caledonia. The boat, that was to be ab tient only eight days, had not returned on the 10th, and serious apprebensiorus began - to be en tertained on board the corvette. On the 11th, the barge, under the orders of First Lieutenant Ponthier, reached. Boulahis, to look after the boat, had the crew soon Loaned that the tribes of Mese= and lifellep,lho most tray age among the savage, - lad matoutcred the crew of hi. Deveresmes boat, and that three nanien only bld "deathl' .Thin was the more itriune as: the "young.offiect and his wen tad been perfectly,well -received at fast - by the na- Brea of Riengriebune, and it was only atthe moment they were preparing to 'return to - the corvette that, all of a sodden, and at a signal from one of the natives, they were fallen on and massacred, without havic4 I. moment to mike U3O of their arms. Three , men attempted to escape by avowing theniablvar into the sea.— They were, however, draajed back, and naked AA bleeding from, many, 'leotards, they were forced toremain on he spat while the bodies of their commdes were devoured by the savages. Fornine dap tkey lived with them, and to all appearances were reserved f, t. the same fate, whey, at the last' moment, therrbarge prcrvidon- Nally approached ifiengrabune, but still kept, et some dismnee from the shore. The only person that landed was a pries", bee of the members of mission in these islarida,,irho Courageously rid seated into the midst of the savages, and aware leg a bold attitude, threatened, theta with destroc;, lion if the surviving seamen were not instantly, restored. The cannibals, Buffing the boat's creWprepating their arms, gave up their cap s.-,tinOn the inAh the Alemenequitted Balscle, the =rhyming with'dnire to take vengeance eel the 'savages. itt -the 11th, the whole of the huts at Tulsa wererssed to the ground, the plan tations destroyeal, the - anion of the natives captured, aard twenty of the tribe shot. At Illengnebune and Parable the huts and pinta tins were also slestroyaL On the 24 Jatioary the Alcmene quitted New A IssU? . sletter Oves.difoilawing additional psr - ;comes of II ... tir the-victims belonging to the error of thit.Alemene, at'lllefagiudinne, in the im mentioned' in my letter some days *since, are not known. - They are 12 in number, Among them lessen English pilot, nainenot giv; en. It appears that the boat's crew amounted to fifteen men, three of whom, as I also mentioned, also escaped the'horrible butchery of their com rades. They *ere dragged to the spot where the dead *shim were . lying; and were forced to look , on trhile the savages tore oat the entrails with shells, which served them AB The .thrhe survivors naturally, believed -Teat theiiisst.Moment was come; they fell on their knees and recommended their souls to'eares, while.the buming brasiers for whichthey were in all probability destined, were acme by them.—. They were,however, taken from the spat, but . agam brought back at nightfall, when they were offered a share in the horrible retest of the and their beads were filled with horror when one of the bannfbals presented to them a human WA, still bleeding, and half masted! Tho letter from which them details are-taken is dated Hobart Town, JIM 23 It atatmithatthe number of visages sactitlced to the vengeance of the comrades of the =sacred amounts to forty, and everything they possessed was burnt or oth erwise destroyed. 3Ko . ll,mrß.:'lrx THE HIIHMOBI3-ANOTHEE COUNT. kisestatc, (via Detroit,) Jane 8, 1881.—The captain of, the sloop Planet, who arrived here this afternoon from limner Island, reports that the Montrone 'yesterday morning . murdered Thoinss Bournette in his own house, and danger ously wounded his brother Samna fie says the mita nent =long the Oman (all who ore not tosintey st this cold blooded murder of peace able ind7itidustrious citizens is tearfully alarm ing, and' that nothing short of general fight and madisere um allay their rage. Al the,time he left there, ten o'clock, thefhth ermen skirl Indiana wore collecting at htsckinleyee Point, preparatory. to an attack on the - Mormons, wbo were also mustering - their forces in suotiel , patioti of this fight and while Tam writing this communication the work' of, death may be going on. The plea set up . by the Mormons in jrustiti mnimr of this sanguinary murder of an ono:Tend-. Mg man within the unity of his domestic rules in, that the Bennetts,o ff ered resistance to fifty or sixty Mormons who came to arrest them, with 'warrants, on acharge of having said the previous day that they would not recognize Mormon law. After they had riddled the body with rifle balls, they broke in the door of his cabin and brutally dragged the corps by the hair of the head to the Lake shore, and put both brothers in their own fishing boats, one dead, and the :oth er nearly so, and carried them twelve miles . , lc fore the Mormon Justice who honied the warrants. These are the men whose houses they burnt • Mat saucer, and whose line the king doomed to I destruction if they did not give up their farms to the mints andleare the island. , Those here who bare always, right or wrong, got the Mormons from the hands of justice by the abuse of judicial authority and the habeas corpus, are morally responsible for all this blood; for, if justice Was allowed to have its course on them for some of their offences against the peace and property of the anomunity, they would not repeat these things, atleast with impunity;; but, as every attempt to bring them to legit punish ment here has proved ineffectual, the people uoi willing any longer to suffer their. annoyances, are determined to fall back on first principles, and right their own wrongs. • . The New York and Nevilloven Railroad have weld oystetthens on their rout to prevent the dula3 0 1 ,10 /hig° PPrngers• Corm.Pm:lm. of Ow New York Tribune. .0 1 ;fttdi rear Nootinaiitosilreaketere of sAe Vad—Asa Incident. • Hamusevaa, Thursday, June 12. The fires of the first Locsfobe Judicial Con vention is over, and the ticket is probably the weakest that couldi have been presented, if - the sole desire of the delegates bad been to' detest their own. It is composed of James Campbell of Philadelphia, Judge Lowrie of Allegheny, Judge Black of Somerset, Judge Gibson of Cumberland, and Judge Lewis of Lancaster. We mast accord to Lowrie, Lewis, Black, and Gibson, the poises tion of qualifications calculated to adorn-and dignify the Bench. Of Campbell we can repeat the charges of corruption, incapacity, and utter imbecility, which have been truthfully preferred by men of his 'own political complexion. The first element of weakness in this ticket is the unequivocal neglect which marked the treat ment of the Convention of the northern portion of the State, which really possesses no much ta lent as any other section The murmurs of die, content have already arisen from the northern ! delegation, and the result may prove disastrous to thewhole ticket The nominations are con fined to a small belt of the Eastern, Western and Southern counties, and center and North being entirely slighted, Another element of diicord is the nomination of Judge. Campbell, a mere pot house political Jesuit, who, by a dexterous use of the appliances of that elate of demagogues, has Managed' to attain a position which he hai l disgraced and degraded, bat unfortunately made auxiliary of the attainment of his present po sition., Low as- is our estimate of Locofoco honesty,,as a general mattes, wo are gratified to burden all sides a fixed' determination to oppose and defeat him. This exhibits a pleasing return' of political 'probity to a long corrupt and cor rupting faction. - It is somewhat strange that all the nomination. ahead hinge upon "the strength of such a man as . Campbell. Vet it is true. Campbell bad by in trigue and corruption obtained the delegations of the city and County of Philadelphia, which, if united in our Conventions, la the nucleus of nu memos natural, and What might be called forced,' accessions. Judge Campbell's appeal to other delegations was simply—"lfere are seventeen votes pledged for me—a good start—you' have but six, eight or a dozen, as the case might be; and it will be much" better for us to join forces for our mutual, advantage." By such combin ations, and others still more flagitious, the whole ticket was formed, and it has gone forth to the people.with this baseness and taint inseparably ! affixed. It is doomed to defeat We are inclined to believe from this first de monstration that the scheme of an Elective Ju diebery will prove a failure in this State. And yet we have • hopes that it may prevail over the iniquities and scheming, of desperate politicians, and finally assume that purity which its projec tors contemplated. But it will not survive many shocks like this. By the way,. I must give you an incident, which will serve to' prove that all sense of matv. linens and decency is not yet dead even it the hearth of Pennsylvania Loeofocoism. A debate splang up on some incidental question, in which Hon. David Wilmot. participated, and, in the course of his remarks, happened to trample on thcloth of a conceited striplingorho had come up from the interior, big with Pro-slavery and Anti-Wilmot Proviso notions, and resolved to ex plode them upon the ,Bradford Heretic on the first provocation. He threw himself into a form- . ' al Oratorical attitude, and commenced a diatribe the 'intent of- which was at first concealed in a , multitude of sonorous 'Tordi; ,but as soon as it became obvious that he was indulging in person ttlitlis against Mr. Wilmot, then arose the heavi est shower of Maths, hoots and cables, from all. Sides of the Convention, which drove the advert *irons youth to hie scat in wilterid confusion. Isllt We have said enough for once, but will fol low this up at some future occasion. From the:St,'Louis Rep übliam June 10. FROM trrea TERRITORY We base a letter from a correspondent at Croat Salt lake City. dated on the 11th April.— The mail from the. United States had not mull ed there, hating been out 61 days, if it left on the let March. About the 10th April, a company of fifty Mor mons, composed of the principal. non--Gover nor 'Young among them—started for. Iron coati , ty, on Little Salt Lake. 'They were on an explo ring expidition to the different valleys at the Strath. It was . generally believed that there was renehzold near the Little Salt Lake—some epee tmeoa baring been found—and this is probably one of the objects of the expedition. The Indians were giving the Mormons and the emigrants much trouble, by stealing and running off. their stock. A large party started about the 10th'of April in miniver the Indiana and to re: gain the stolen. animals. - On the Tooelee Valley, one of the company , an emigrant, was shot by anlndian and ki lled. Ilia name was Lorenzo Dow Custer, front Ohio, and a wife and tip chi! , circa are left behind him. They had stolen four of hie bones., On the 19th one of the company 'returned to Great Salt Lake City, with informa tion that five of the Indiana were captured, and for stealing, their hones and refusing to tell where the remainder weriencaniped, they, were shot. The party were determined to follow the Indians to their encampments. • Money is represented as being mute-, in the bands of stew, and not incireulation. Wheat has gone up to $4ll bushel. A much larger amount of merchandize is expected at that place than there is money to buy, unless gold is found in Iron county, by the company which has 'One to seek it. , The health of the citisens of Great Salt city was good. An enumeratimi of the inhabitants was hi progress. and -it was auppoim . l that the nineteen wards of the city Inlaid average two bandied .persona, each, or say 4,009 in o- - dl. About-1,000: etnixrults have left that place for California, and grtsat many Mormons had gone South, to.settle tlidditraient valleys. • The "attendirig the troubles and dill collies th the ,Indians.oire.' very heavy—the write? estimates them *trot less than $50,000 since helm beenthere. , To call out fifty or one hundred men, at a timonf,the year when every man should be et work on hla farm, is no small loss to the community. In a second, or implemental epistle of the Church, it is elated that hitsins. Miles Beach, of Bt.„ Louis, and Blair, of Texas, have opened an establishment for the m a nufacture of etigar from the beet rook . arittemiginnts are directed to bring'out all the white auger beet seed they pos sibly can. They ere progressing in making moluses and them. , The epistle continues: It is expected that thin establishment will con tinue'opekationt"l,'lnd be prepared for mere .ektMrdesl tabors onihe approach of harvest, but it will nokbe laugh for one factory to supply all the sweet that will be needed; and if a prac tical chemist and manufacturer of niter , from the beet, one who understands the business In all its bearings, or a company of individuals, who are severally screed in the various branch es, could come to this place and open their su gar" factories our farmers and &biles would gladly surrender their domestic operations, surd procure their supplier,' in a more perfect form, from the factories, and it would now require Def end extensive establishments to supply the peci. ple. It is our desire that the presidency in Eng. land, France,_ and other places should search out such practical operators in the manufacture of sugars as folly understand their business, and forward them to this place, with all such.appi 'rates as maybe needed, awl cannot be prresured here: pitraiknolt nrs numuma TO TEE col EON COMM OP BOSTON; - Boston, June 13th, 1851-11 letter from Plrtli , dent rillMollll woo "received and read at the melt ing:the of Common Council last evening, in . re• ply to the invitation to visit Boston. boding to the recent slave case, and complimi tr, hog the ultimate of Boston for nustainitig the law, the:Preai dent says;— ' • "Nothing but a Stern sense of duty, founded upon a rational, [lnn conviction that a Constitu timid mid legal obligation • most be obeyed at any and every sacrifice, could have insured the execution of the law in a case like thia=but for myself 1 never doubted that the law would ulti mately trinsaph—good faith is the foundation of all morality .and all security, The Free States had pledged themselves by : the Coe siltation to the performance of thin duty. The Slave States had a right to insist, and did insist, upon its performance. There was, then, no alternative but to breith our :faith, forfeit our word . of honor, andthere dy, trample the Constitution of our country in the dust end ran the hatards of a civil war: or elm admit the .obligation, like honest true hearted men and do all on our power to comply with it, still hoping and trusting that, in:due time, some mode would be devised: by those who have the constitutional' power to abolish -slavery, and who are meet deeply interested in its extinction to get rid of the evil,. without destroying the fairest fabrio of freedom that mortal hands have ever raised, and its ruins • extingoisk ing the hist hope of humanity for self-govern ment. Permit .me to say that this Government has cost Boston too much to be given up or hazarded for slight or trivial CRUBM+001:013 of . the Patriot", of the Revolution still linger among you, and the monumental pillar of your grateful recollec• tlons of the heroes who tenet Baehr Ifill,would seem tube a mockery if their ruins could so soon forget that this Constitution ends thetheares blood of their sires; that your citizens have acted wisely and patrotleally in sustaining the law, ij cannot doubt. , Their conduct has been governed by the high est sense of moral and political obligations, and for this noble example I feel constrained, as . the Chief Itagistrat,e, whose , especial duty it is to see that the laws are faithfolly execu ad, to return the 'citizens of Mouton my warm est acknowledgments, and I should have been most happy to have done this in person, were it eanabstent,with toy oflielakeupganteuts to leave thin citY4't - , !:.:..-7r , .:. 4:;,:.j.-..;.•:,-.,H.j.',z.,.:L;'...K;.:.•,,;;.,.:--.i::::',7:'i- ~:.4:~ ~''' It has ben shown trrithCfsgliii ridernais 0 England, in a tiriy thit allies complete ion :victims to every. sMentifin mind, that ills possi ble toxeduci the ion et rained mortemy loan towns to two per cent; 'and even now there ars many towns in Grestliritain, Scone of them of considerrible sisn.irrWhetti;the avenkgslooTtulitY does not exceed thst imourit. ' . _ ..„ . Drirsaint Rioni.—Ersry one has heard of the story of Maj. Itatiptilazinock's great election fght with Col. W—, as recounted by himself. It commenced in a ball room of Ma tavern where the hustings was held; but the veney wee on changed by the mom propels of the combatants,. or the pressnre - of the crowd, to the narrow hell. "Here it was," said the Major when recounting the affair to an auditor long atter, "Here it was, hip and thigh, tog and tug, which and t'other, and at last I determined to throw the Colonel over the banisters. , I was sorry I had to' o it, but my passions were aroused, and then you know, lam ready to annhilate any one. I got the hold—strained with all my etrength--the straggle lasted a minute—there was a fall, and the sudden crash of a body on the floor beneath!" "Was the Colonel killed?" inquired the listeners, "It wasn't the Col. at all—it was I, idaj. Rap pabannock,who had been thrown over Gemmed banisters, breaking three ribs, and laming nry: self for life!" The Boston. Journal says there is s rumor in circulation, that a bottle has been picked up open the beach of Emit Boston, containing a piece of paper, upon which is written the words --"The light house Is now careening --one sea more will carry us over.—Wilson." For the truth ;of this rumor we are unable to .vouch. Wilson, it will be remembered, wa one of the 'assistant keepers who perished with the destruc tion of the light house.. JACEsON Warmest --/XPOSTASTTIMAT2 vrtrn rut 011L0011 INDIABS.--It In tad that the Corner atone of the Jackrion Monument at Washington, will not be laid on the FoOrth of 'July, ae con templated, in consequence of not being ready. We undershindlhat the United States commis sionere have concluded a trashy with the Barth ani band of Callapoogs Indians in Oregon, who cede to no a portion of the IVlThunette,Valley, eight Miles long and twenty miles wide. The Commissioners, have also an:alluded a treaty with tie Swallooty band of the same tribe, who code territory fifty hilles long and twenty wide. These lands are the most Talnable of the Willa mette Valley. The Indians positively refused to remove or appropriate a portion of the purchase money to education. The Navy Department has issued special in= structions to the But India Squadron, to pro cure and send home rare plants and seed% par ticularly the Sugar. Cane and Tea Plant, adapted to our climate and 8011, and useful for domestic purposes, 'for distribution throughout the cone . Lieut. Charles G. Hunter has been dismissed from the Navy, owing to' the non-settlement of some old Ircotukts while acting Purser. The contract fOr the erection of eight msgnil , - cent mansions, for' Mears. Corcoran and Riggi, has been awarded to Blessn. Downing and Ru therford, of this city, The scaffolding of the fi fth s tory : of the Nation al Hotel, now being enlarged, fell this morning. Ono of the workmen was dreadfully injured, and his recovery to doutithil. Bosons or ?RE iiroato's FAIL—None of the Crystal Palace correspondence, sent to America, is better than theta!' Mr. J. V. C. Smith, pub lished in the Boston Transcript. We always read it with • great deal Or pleasure. In the last letter published, we faul two or three amu sing anecdotes, that doubtless interest our readers as much as they have es. A Pertly felloworitrai eye glass pressed in to the orbit, impure:l of another, in the act of inspecting the properties of .Mr. Clapp's very beautiful coach, from Pittsfield, whether "the Americus. ever rode in carriages!" Another sapient, with pomatumed hair, and carrying a gold headed stele, asked a visitor from the other side, it "the Rocky bfountaias could be area from Noe York?" ..Dear Sir," lisped a gfea t t lady in a watered silk," have the podness to inform me if there are any noblemen in the United Stateer "Yes martu,7 answered a full fed Jonathan, who was showing off the benefice of a cream freezer, 'sand l'ln one of them." • Rude commente are frequent on the scanti ness of show in the United States quarter. While body of Jurors were in session the other day, a servant entered to ascertain of the clerk where some gentlemen could go to do scone writing, without being disturbs:ll "To the quarter, of the United )3tales," said the official Stith a sneer.— These little petulant and puerile sayingo and &r -aw; art brit , the optputincr of small :salam. and ought not to be, taken as the evidence of hostility towards us, or, ths intelligence of those who have weight in society. lu die polished circles of England, America and her institutions are-estimatal as they an hy those who projected and =aural them. /*Ong the. Wathingtr.Rryiiiblir TREATY wait OREGON ENNUIS We Immedyesterisy at the office of the Com milvioner of Indian Affairs that the commission ers appointed by the President of the United states to , treat with the Indiana in . Oregon, West of the Cascade mOnntains, for the purchase of their lands, have concluded 14 treaty with the fivitistabaud of the Cellapooya tribe of Indians, by which. they cede to the Unitd Ttatee a porion or the Willamett valley, shout eighty miles in length and about twenty in - witith. And they bare likewise concluded a. treaty with the Tena city band of the came tribe, including • country about fifty mils in length and about twenty miles in width. The - lauds Ceded by these Me, sties ere :among the most valuable intim Wills `met(valley. These Indians, without any eXCptiOILS, man. ifeated s fixed and settled determination not, un der nay circumstances, or for any cottaideretion, to remove; and they urged, among other reasons for not doing so, that their fathers bad . lived and were buried in this country; that it was their notice land, and that they wished to be buried by the graves of their aucestorm'that they were unacquainted with the country Eut of the Ca'. cute mountains, 1 / 1 1,1 wereignorent of the 1116.112 of procuring &livelihood in say other than the one in which they now live, and that it - would be more humane end merciful for the whites to ex • terminate them at once than to drive them from this to the country East of the Cascade moun tains. A number of periona who are new re sidieg within the limits of those reservations ex pressed entire willingness to have the Indiers remain where they now are, and their belief that the other aettlera in the neighborhood enter tain similar feelings. The commissionersexpleined to them the ad vantages which would result to them from having large portion of the furchsai money of their lands appropriated for the establishment of schools among t hem, and in the procuring of agricultural implethentre but they wholly refused to bare any portion of it expended in education al purposes, and only tbe 'Tindlatty band con sented-to allow a small portion to be expended in farming utensils. A large portion of both those bands are at'sll times living in white families in the capacity of servants, had are represented es being very useful to the white population of the country.— IthVthe opinion of the vcommiseloners that the Most feasible plan for the entlihstion Ant en lightenment of the ,Indiainat thiananntilfb to' permit them to remain in •OS neighborhood of the white settlements, and to be employed in the various industrial penults of the white . teen. These Indium unlike those on the East side of the Rocky' mountains, are not only willing, bid anxious, to adopt the habits of civilized life; and for this reason it-wu stipulated to' pay a large portion of their annuities in clothing.— Most of them have; fora number of pus put, here in the habit of reiceiving money for their sulfides, and have a tolerably conectView of ite value. ... ' The treaty has to by acted upon by the Senate of the United States. 7 1118110 P ItAXIXIO2.—The health of . 4/shop Ihunliee, we are glad to. learn (by a, letter from Schenectady of th ti 10th MIRO has so far,im provedu to allow him to come yesterday from Burslo to this eityiby railway. The Bishop was much exhausted pp hli arrind here at 7 o'clock P. s., and rested ,pocaly during the night. TJ. day ha is no vrtmiegor thojenrney. e . baajast gone four miles into the country to visit ,a tele tin, where he cationjoyßuitt and improve his strength a little before he Promosb further on his way, to meet Bishop lanes.' , I.loou Carrtctsi.eany Lind astng " Rotor, Sweet Home," on the night of her first appear ance in St. Louis, to everybody!" "frantic" sails' - faction. An elderly gentleman who beard it was so excessively excited that he tab& "flood Heavens! if I had but the tnzak of a hollow (see to call my home, I could go now and creep cone fortably Into it." • " • - • Foreign and lirantinan Hardware. LOGAN, WILSON & CO., No. 129 Wood street,' • • - . HAVE NOW IN lITORI AMil notleompht*stort of FORVON AND. ANCRICJIN HARDWARE a a iwa.f th• nen troUgad.hieh thoy fp offer*, purebagers at nias that 40031,11 111olsb/r with oar otttu mins - • se-Every familyohould tit once -- pmeuro battle of the crest Arabian rurvoir ,r man or heist. pal; U. /we're Arat?len Liniment- It snap the most lot paths in s few initiates, Pertoree the grade lel told or Mat aster, and thulcuThtl Padg it Penetrates the Oath to the bone, telune Contrseted ebata cures rheum • % thee sod rabbet llothe of twenty rear. , et."dutir, Jso. to mote, swathe! on*, enlargement of tbe pyyt. , COI h tbe best still itie fur elleteptsof cattle *Teri:Wesen stmorlite eneenr. elneins, ennot. end ail Mama wadi maim am artaxistarolloalka . x., fa•Plbntnent.' dal • ser (FATS ABOVE , . jalutoivaixivE glen nom eas - hoU a 'good Iladkrink bY trfUlli 1t,.. quick ae•Dr. an tell ammel Money liy eating cos man Wee U. mad Pais It Poor. Warta do troy thapopularity with the whole city. Yon neat Mtn:duce a =did. Into Paid. tote mdms It yeammtes enallysohntantial Artua, nes lituosall bad **Ms of sad otnectices, and it le ad. feet that boo establishol the reputation nr!`fluirs C0nt5... 111 .5 4 1r" .4 . r t swells," beyond all mall or &smite.' Its action noon lb. 1300 buxom Mete= is In atientlanos with rational sad Issophicia prtnelplea—it promotes Um, serious Remotions "...I lk. '" U. bid/, masses obartictiona displace. morbid and diseased matter, stranittbeno the Mentwah and dimistimi mama metes new, pure, and heathy. blood, and reinstates the mato= fus:ctions of the different maths of the body. This I. all perf mood without the l e ek danger of bum, the preparation thing as safe m it elibennents. It may be thought by the skeptical, that It poogiorbi to eure,loo many &scum, but man examina tion, It .111 be Mond that • large meimir of the dimv as which eget the human fairdir orikinkis In on IMP.. state of the Wad. Ile not deoeired, than. bf other 13. m. wayines being Wrens' you by -my *ellen of molasses and water fereparatlon" m • th henna.. ftw the original John Bur. Puooosrlllot This valuable prepare/Lou the prurient' . warrants to be snarl.' to ell othora • Carnog.-13ewese and ask for the original Dr. John ihdr, Sarmpnrdla how Aeoleollt—elkl hose umatlow See alvertiannent on another 0000. KUllifllt t IrDOW ELL. 110 Roca et.. iiilo.4lw3mT , Wholesale Retail mate. MEETING of the dry goods clerks will tm. be held In iiplane's liatosorthela Nom. this wednanday, On.. Itati, at ti Welotk, on Important bu A sinets ll are mtpettfully toplestid to aloud. • Chi 's Pianos. TORN; IL MELLO Agent for liblehming's Plans, to Fittsbaigh aod Western Panntylvaint, No.BI Wood oh, Mu melted and now open For tent. PA' 105100 anisortomit. of Plano Fort...fired from the malefactors, at Mr. (.I.iskstiste (8..0 prkec One ells=Roeell,oodM Ploss edSVoZ eoe plain 0% " Threw . round meta d• o " squat. T Tw M Om. Plano Fortes are of lm Ist.. Mlles of fur. tuns and pith all Mr. Chick., se's Improvements thin Pt.. I:mutably the nom as U. De4on, thereby saving to Porch.. It this reg., the esposne and risk of MMus portatlan, Ow Rosanna& Wye! blotiktings'4,4 04 t. , & 114 ... 4 . 4 " b4cturs.l by Adam Stated & tlx Ups EasYsfood assays, &dam bio&art & Ope - " !Wort a hays% sectband , Chiekertog: sir goal us nor. tbs• " Bacon Kass% Ups - • " Loud & Brottues% ouyDutyds & Seubuty; -• • .14 " Manhattan Comp. Y• isle J ULY MAGAZINES-At HOLMES' Lite rary Botta, Third 0t... opposite tbs Poet Wane S Ml t y's for,' uly; Sartain's .IJasolnr, Tbo Ladles' National, o The Roue: or the Llaaards of Women; by Bulwer. WANTED--Places foe several salesmen, Tv bout keepers. gnaws, tar tack... coacbenen, beet les., laborer.. larys of al/ ages at trade* ant TILI{O6/1/0.0, 111124 di] Sod surrunudlng mow. ar on steam or nimd Lade. bereral curd Looks; 004 WM= OW glob file all onark. ...tad or supplied. Also, chambermaids. boom epers, net $OO dry 1111M11. and maamtivames. Mamp burrowed ant lent, and all lelnde of agencies attended In for mederais charge., at ISAAC lIAIII,IB' honey and telligabee Odka. Liberty. near Marker and ha. Clair stn. I.lB43tarlttT Aatraji. A BAY MARE, about 9 years old, and RN feet high. with MU* white spot on inn* dark brown 1101186. 3 pion old. w noon. ;scal;scalar marks, shoed.. Also, bay utiLT, 2 yam old. ar white land nob- Any pergola who will Um &h., or noy of theta. to their owner, will be ilterslly re• cnAntta 811APPEtt, "-" ribergeln ChartkraCrek. Allegheny Co. Orphans' • Court Sale. PURSUANT to an Ordernf the Orphans' Coon of Allegheny -County. the und e r... E ..' Ad. o odetntorN klichael gum tan of said county, timed,. IV' of w lritt . t . itotet mine a. N. James 11.11rwin'a plan, in Pitt Malay Terms of sal/Sad Inhuman= canto had , A , ealling itobort Indef. or .V " P. ""'' AtW""Y. uoatar mon. Solent . • • Pitt township.. ACRES OF GROUND, faCc7ribly. loewd fur Stawrborries, or trait of onr kind, azol 1.11010 • few Want.' drive of Alktbnlygurlut.far old*. (Pod coon) . WILOJPIB W. LO OIL---8 bbls. No, for sale by ,' • IAIINS MAL2Z.LL.IO iVeyr et.. I'OI SALE - The Daily e. and all as Mute:sib Daily, and mad of the Weekls, and • ut 100 late Ibiehange.raper. from New York. B 0 11.111 more. bldb.delphia to anclonati.Lotdarble, EU Loos 1, and New Orleans. taraw Sty. Mash and 250 Cettlamtes the American Kebob! s Slap of the World, do, of tbe Ilearenst • few Ytettuom test UxinterLlt Ir concha Mang 'TO Lets." Ineolecut Donde land Petitions. No dos. Ink ma lead ?melba t. gro. Vest and Coat Malec 10 das. Bed fleolL Lams and Twins, aOO3 small gbh nooks. WNW Loalerilla lime, by the beandes WWI; for male cheap Air nod., or ...clanged for good. to todtoomdgcs. IMAC/IARRIN. nt and coma Merchant. Liberty et . STIti:WREIpa PIC NIC, f FOR TOR !VUM' OF TUE 'PITTSBURGH IN runtanr. IMr. Pessoretst's Hosp.tal.l 42. 031 E ladycentramtots t 4 the empty Leese ary of the Pittsbaiab.TalirkseiT, bare untied alkyls roatt'it••••• ••••"...f7to • Tlaobto. TUUSIDAY AFTERNOON AMP ETWabilS,, Ilia lath 105t.“4 Wit- KISS CALL Rettelbbleato In the Lbw Of Stryst Week, sod Crest:b in Creator, Jell". Cat" ae..: Coase. Tr, leatoaesta. /es with rabstasklatet yoeb as that, Toast" tke *ill fataerryel sip st the eatll ' , WM.. . -Serekaly. Alsset" It" Sabha Way bury. Leas" Maser. - . . ..gal " t able. of foot y arthks elvers weakest& pekes mill by round to Cie II yll at tby name shay. Tkkets of tabalsticet ONSDULX. to be bra et Use door. SelLtls • , • • . Bdy Wanted. i IkNE who understands working about NJ. Dwelling lionwe.imat u to 13 ream IX ege, side. roam well metemarteled. fair. ageau4 permanent do mrut men a. bad. • Mai LlMMS•beirm M=b"l *trig, PittabtOtelk. i•l73lser.Dgg Seam antirDeairstde Goods, (OF VARIOUS STYLES, open this morn. 11-I,pr_skureptiv A UURCIIPIKLO--lodullior r of Popllos. mem.. i Blank Blite, one Mannin g • Uingbacco. /le o £O. • Attempqa le Welted to Lbefr aid,. assortment d Frnrch Law so, wpit. Wood* foe dem, fr. •• We will rewire, Unler or loooteroel, *Om Nov York Moro /hex Lawns. . 3017 IT6Tl3ooke! ST : a Problem reprinted. with cor . pnikvtkook antiotilitioas. from Frarcer Magazine. celob Flew:. lair of U. Paritaato by tho gabber of - Punta to lbw Llat of )la. glanyaret llalthrtaL,".llrk ' theory of Chopttrii. Quern of //flat by Jamb : Abbo4 b with ott oaring. • •, N 0.14 of Pictorial F 144 Book of U. Norolotion. No. of Landon Labor ga4 LoadosrPt.r. " Th 7 e above Nookb fad waived mar for ralr bT • .17 • • R. C. STOOLTUN. 47 Margot rt. iIkMERICAN STATE PAPERS.LStateraI . ab . 1 0 14 ,3 1= . 17 . 1 . 4 1a .'d tbea3ll . t.ed ado. rj, orbit:4ond seolookto flow of uor * lVlgnroirsloor dot tbot 11m4r, including ounddrolial Don:moots. - -.Nue wt.= itlocark - rootalolng Y 01111454 1114444ifa14 U00mpb1e11.144144411-1451,14tallsdrol. ravocookal, and In niasphkal Doevanents, add fort; todother with Notker of lbo Arta ard Maeohdlares, soda Heroin:of the limos of trot Thou frogs 1511. - Th. aborr vrionOlo ofortr Too sal. tir 017 ' 11. C. et7OCKTO:4, 4: Marti% at. ‘2 I COTCH BURLAPS-2 bales" suitable fOr Wool Pocks , . Alm-3110 Wont Soak oar and let good tltc "4 , la" I'7 ROUXIMSON A ItSPP/111T: , IaBESIVAi WANTED—The highest price •L In nub .01 G pa/.1 for antgaudily, L. a. /ALIN CRIME CO" +." • „ eomar pun Wood 10.0. < VRAPE SHAWLS, at reduce& priceel— A. A. MASON C W. itill close out thalcstock of beau- Li al plant and nobrohlerin Craft. Walls. at 4 Antal. rt. Auction from fbnner prima Call mom and Art •barn . 5.., 04 Wed Ili Market at. Jet ,AWNS I LAWNS! at 6f eta. per yard!— A. A. MASON • Co. aro no,. ottrelag the snort extra lot of ehrap Lawns ever eahiblird U. this city. at all Velma. frau 0 4,ranta per yard op. Tbe attention of can nunara La reacnetfully trAirtted. • - • rrIV • BONNETS!—A. Maigox & have &terminal le etc. out the Wears of tads rock lloormets and Hats at piettly refused Frio* She atten tion of Wire is oalieltad to the ateire amts. .11 FRE ., NCII neamm L.F.Lowat—aematlergiotchoff fienrAilloware, watch we are am cloning oat at refl. re iluoirt Wes. Nen' A. A. MASON 00. NBBONSEDUCELH—A. A. 11Imagel. ' ea am now TI WV out tinde Tee? Istostatk of Bow nO btonsoit Taw utodptieng. OM and entwohn. If rut want • hanaln. a. = and 641 Market W. .W 7 FmaIAPER HANGINGS—A large assortment • or Prawn and American Paw Ilwelow niw &pi on d and fa We by . , W. P. hultsiLku.. - jel7 - '.' P• Waal ot. sal u a w t a t LL """ .I 7 nicrAwko, • 61 UMBER BONNETS AND HATS—R. H. • PALMER tula just reeeind a great variety of bey Yua:Bar Somali some beautiful and weal styles. Alan 11" ;1E .od Er .'. '14 2 b . Or . " no other juu. jell w landing and for e. fo b r ISAI AWateH Dlr t a ng frKSY a CO.. ont an. ii . ffEESE. 7 "2.OO boxes in store,'for sale by IL, JOT TAALtiI DICKEY L CO. life Honer Philadelphia & Liverpool Line of Packets. Sailing from Philadelphia on the daa. Mat 16th, andlAverpool On the of each moot solo ALLAY PLLABANTS, U. R. Idae ter. SiltiliANDO/Lll. Wm. P. lialdimr. UnACKAUXONt Mew.) w. ' W t. Welit. blaster. y E lTra . _e_ M r, Wer. - The above ships eve built of the heat .oil moat costly tied d oVti th araret= 't P. = jr k tgatei s A sd and a tLe =f3r their se; they am rommateled by aim of acknowledged talent, who ill' • unedriallial for_their ergerie e rice in the pocket eerviee = east obta! Mr=g Ihelr rd"4. oer t b r . ll ° be la goof for Matti itionta and our ovate in irvissijand emeel Nash item wild the Mier Information and kWWatley to theirdePrture. kW the con to venience of_pazturen St elahlog to wind mo. ol d 7 a.y of the or loot .lent wiooot Mem in the United Kingdom AlicyleProvisime toptatad painengua cotolog ft= Liver. "". Cum bank theis2followinf ll enyolles oe will to famished ni,zr:Vgleit.birbr=."'ll74llV. t t. l . lo s nan.Luta'maltiV „Iry aj w ir . ozArNi s iayesiod bait allowance of o llue ul aranza y n .,...77 Walnut street, Wont...mod, Pitliadeiohis; WM- FLOY. corner Birth and Wool sta. Pittsburgh. r pe,W , MACKEREL-115 bbls. Large. No. (1341,) Horton 1 rtmalj a us i t uo vegg i arahr . sale aad = Liberty et. Tgifby 11 / 0 13) " -10 _ DAMN fIA.IIIS-10,000 Ilie.maperior quot a) ity , fOr sale It0111:301Y. LIMY LOO., .010 36 Liberty at. ffialtil , ittillOULDEßS -35,000 lbs. fermis )j _by KW ROBISON, LIT= & BACON - 7000 lbs.llions, Sides, Shoulders, wr ous by .1•10 KA SY. I.LARSIAWII. /10TiON-25 bales (Balling) for,ssle by ‘,OKISICANDKU 'JORDON, EIBIEN • NME, oa AFRICAN MISSISSIPPI, NOW OPEN AT ATHEN.ZEIIH HALL, OLIDDON'S far.csmal TrssuiParent Penarans of EGYPT'ARD' N USIA! Milt a splendid Gallery of twyp_tissi Aziesikklusinnin lkw,, sod superb Tablrwrix Maga Scuptures. Oral Descriptions by Oen R. riliddssb U. On. sill at (Wm Orbt usk at each ashibinon. Bray ruining st dt o'clo Murk ck—Watordny sod flaturday alba onus O. 3 o'cli; doors onin an hour bstibre. Admission rents—etaldrwn balfwrteo—artswas 01'21 popitir . wad °Tn. la onits—Tenhers with schools fern Pat NEW WM. • 4 KLEBER has just received Where are th e friands.of my youth? - I roam with 11mY • Farewell. if mer Gandmat prayer; Tempera.. Ablhem—dediented to the ThsoW•ll= l Mellon &Ingot Mercy. poetry Thum Buoyan'a Pilgriyiertogrem Fly swift. ye zephyr; The KeepeMe—oorelo dopy Gorink t wowhe & bonor—ftom 13nello. by Venn: in br•Maeletto" " The oele=al.l Thuile Fong. by W. V. Wallaer. Moonlight le Gawping: The War of Loma a beautiful ballad by W. V. Wallarm P Thom bogy dam are gOOO-6. altig by the/AM dwalm Ilmertta. Ttelbitae Ocomet. Heepeake, Gamboa& halt. Wn Polka. Alm; • Om macadam of sem tmehlng mode. alton, Maretrea. and complete amortmeutot VlMlnand Flute Musk. No. 1 8 01 &9 Third Arent. ()olden N. B . — Th• wWWW/r. • mk.dia lot of New rism ll INDIGO &.; NUTMEGS—On consignment, ji will be .old cheap to elan them. jet? 111/1/611 DICIEZY CO. B. lICKETS-25 dos. Marietta, for aale by jelli B. Pr. lIMULLOGIL FEATELE RB-2000 lbs. for sale j)y Jae@ S. t W. 11.11¢8.11013 IL uuS-300 dos. for sa Bl e a bL EA .06 lARBATIou. ME D PEACHES-100 bushels dried' D. 01 7 . 1 th " m ` i " d " 4 ,F" u ti..N. tieitwaraa. t ~ .. i , CRAPE LEISSE, blue. white and pink; limbo • • Cropr. whita and bloat hho., thloif and rnmsg Artificial Flown, 1e; mow . by /lf D. AILIIIITRNOT. LUCIFER MATCHES--250gro.forsaleby ..Pei 4 C. AMBITIIINOT. PUFF PlNS—Just received, a beautiful woortatoot -Oslo Ciold;Coor Entroolled, sod 012.- .r ttow and &stream pr jol4 Cl Mutat street, owner of lototh. GOLD SPECTACLES--A large assortment ;COX:2r ftlattw'is; Wq . of MVO= od IsillMotinst, od to It. 019100 weettlhag to the O=4M Of ()POW .d -on. • Pebbliv Sot to Oro order, W. W. WlLlSON.Oodfolast. C 7 Mutat. stmt. PPOTASH-10 casts for sale by 014 ISAIAH DICKEY & VICTORIA LAWNS-30 pieces recd and v for W. by 1•14 C.I.IIBOSEINOT. 'DABBLED MUSLIN-50 pieces desirable 13 j. tyle mad quality, for sale br Anßynum,. VILTOOL TWINE-500 lbs. for sale by T 1 .1•14 C. ARBUTHNOT. Notice to Contractors. I.PD PROPOSALS will be receired at the Mee c - IL D. KING, north V, until Lbebtday next, for th=atlzoL u t=i . thargh • andjtal inanart=e; AA . IA kllnereettle, ( whobionnib: rt cubic wets restlesated to di MOW) Bidders In (big por=la to state erparataly the Weep. etibie 7.rd Bc". 1, s on IL% also from Use Dot of the to ass Liberty, Zonart's acoardins to the plan of mid rood u to hill be alln at the stake of It . C. Mellairan, Pap. Penn et, wham inforosattoo on M obtainot BINIT, PradL. ionosmins said aiding R. . D. P. CAIN, Beeretar7. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! ALT 110LACES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third mere t. the Peeto6l. ne • Problem: by the author of e•ltoolorelte." Loodoo Ulm and eM, Loud. Poor, Weagi , ,,G. 7. fertlorowlMeebanleg. fro.3L St=v ld Pazl z tor ii r, Ifint.2), 10, 41. Leodon Ebatsprare, Noe 4, b, 4 7. Teen ilorarlea, by the of Carlisle. Oren Afelnr. by Cormothg. The Waverley Novels, to b vole ' Illetery of Peseteneds, by Thaelearry--eompleta. The Mr of Wart Wayland. • Wm br Man Hortit Rambles In Chilh prim. 123 re. Tito? Itaanne, by Donglem Garold; 6 eta. Harnett Ilegartme, for Jam. The IdotheriarLevr. by Mee. Sonthoortle. Tbe Gold Worrhlpyroa. or the day Coe 11m, Iro_ • future hbormirel novel; by the author of "Whitertara" The Wifet Inem, or the Fortdddes lloral•Ma • Gtneets, or the Melon' of • Portrait by an Ltortelean 4 2 7. • • Talbot and Serum, a noreh br J. L. McCall:Al. Interoslional Magazine, Lar June- The Largortn• or tordirs of lb. Towor.bi I. K. *rod. . Lord. Ls l'lrer e >4 Proosa—tro. 2. Th.le emsortodor ,ArtJouroal for Moy. ' Boston Pleatooesre, No. M. emnelmion. mtetens Mimi& Paws Abomd—by 0. W. M. MIT brddlt. The Pale babel, a am novel br Hume Em. Coley, Graham and gartalo lbe Jane. Oer,M. of Bromnelet —No.& Th. !Won. by Weary Oeettoo. The Ilene of Derenaloater: a were,. by 11.1,. 11/zoobWiL The Bautert Wife: by T. IL Arnw. Adruitners of Ito Oorn. by John OW. • ' yele A LCOIIOL-40 bble. for sale by lIDD a 00.. 60 Wad it. 1 INSEED OIL-1000 gallons (to arrive) to br J. KID D I C 0..% Wad rt. SPIRITS TURPENTINEL-10 hole . (to ar a z ) Na b b, _ LARD OIL-10 bbls. for sale by 141 J. ETDD OD4 MEd st, DEFINED BORAX —5OO lb. for sole by La, J3:14 J. KIDD * GU: ellria3:l33. fosif-15 .-15 bb ' U 3 33fr We b.. ' J. B. Quaint, SALERATIIS-10g t tes Me; b _ 3•11 J. B. i)(1111ELD. ibff rOT sale by - J. IL CANiTZLD. ptARL ASII,--30 bbb,. for sale J. B. CANFIELD. INSEED bbla.Grierwold'a brand, fbr a& by ,•14 . J. EL CANTIELD.. p oTAsti-4, casks for sale by ' B. CA NYIILD. L IRE PROOF PAINT--10 bbls. for sale by ' jai J. B. CANFIELD: nIICKETS-5(1i1os. Mariettsmake , for sale by tau, J B. CA5111113) . . CIIERS.E— .7 2OO boxes for sale by J. 1 4 , • - J. S. CANFIELD. BACON -15 casks Shoulders, 3.14 • 19 xkurl i nta. 6e lT Jer ,l CHEESE -80 boxes for sale b E y ISAI AR DICKY jelt • . Walar sad Inatt sta. SSUMMER CLOTOS, for Men's and Boyd Weed *leo. Tweed - , Caahmeretts. Ceesimeree, k In crest variety of dries add qoalltree, melted sod offered law at the .tore. j.I3ISM= • BIIRCUTIELD. BLACK SATIN .VESTINGS—MurpIay DurettZekl two nrcelned nplkof Lb* sban ecds, ttu; Rolm or • varr manioc vu. tr. lIRENCII LINENS, of various qualities, received add selling tem at Ow dare or , Itt3ftPlllY t SU2CEIIII[I6O. WIIO WILL SUFFER for the sake of ea e7t7r LV1D.1.1=1,17'22n l'"'"1"4 wma b. kirtim w a rz l od PIDIOTIIY SEED-34 bbla. for tale by Jets J. • S. PLOY It l ?!''Tl, tierces Fresh, for j.:lfkb&iD. EATH ER-100 Sides N. Y. Sole, foe sale by Jol3 .1. R. FLOTD. DIt3SOLITTION PRE firm of Clarke, Parks Co. Rochester, P.: is this day dhoolnd bY mutlta kho Irrosk of CI. lirr. Mato. Wag parellaaed by Ilsailltoo Clarke and 11. o.l.arks. who will coutreue the WAD,. o, Romer' , oodor tbe alma sod style ot Clark k Parks. All the badnelel ior the. late arm to be meatiest by askt Hamilton Clarks or It. U. Parkl. 111 MILTON CURER. X. G . PARES. O. 11 ItAt Mt . rasborgh. June 10.1331. jelklm AVlNO.made a ebange iu our business by the parttime 41' O. M . 1ik110.1 . / Intense fa the rm of 'Clarke, Parke ilk.' WI lb* baelmem of our freight blots. The Uolna Line to Clemiumd, . . Wk. , Ede and ktiehigan to Mr* Yawl,. and Deaver Line t!f o am . Expreea Packet Una to Cleveland, And 440 the booing. pertaining to oftsoar.• Miehigan and Draw, will be down hatratior these:th_ _JOUR 4 CA11411110% one Agent at rittabollatt of Matti and Peehhtield rtreeetA [1•12 Kl*l l=r. Pi =!! Bea Bathing—Cape May, N. J. CNGRESS HALL is now open fortheie . orptloi of TIMM. TN propektar,thankful Ike the patronep hentaftwe waves , would mtleit those triWMing to 'bit We gentile, tet " the present *wpm. to nuke his house then. boam a re en and esanntnottallects. he tar* will to mare entbfkatory to eustomere Chu *aryl:doh ban been provided upon tits Masai. The snateerlbert= Vall o eVlWegartrterrfiej "" Teit=th tln't" an. and ..nu of eas . jority of 17anoarnen Me ;Lis. jeltlm . • •A. IL KILLER. • TAR AND ROSlN— igo° g bba . b /.12 JO wk.' 100. St lINDRIES- , , . . . . . - 5 km. sbot, libf ad o.; . bad 1 beL LI16;, . 106 4. 5511.1 my flarieb4 001 Onegs twiJi Telm 7 % , 5 Herbs huh /113, .1 . . 73 bu. Drib! Apokb MO doom Own Moon On sale by , j. 12 ~ - JOHN 19 'IT • 00. FOR BALE. STOOK of the Merchants & Manufacturers' Bank; Stock opin i : Net Zr u . klt- INzrtu WANTED ICVESTERN BANK N d TES, M lowed; v v market rates. and blatartprnaM• paldl for Amali e. all•tr, le par /Las. by . R. D. AINO, Dakarf Broker. Youth at. For. Sale. • & LOT on Penn street; • adjoining Mat ti:wine gable—Ell be sold kn. IfdaviraKe. tho ran divided to nit tvropersee r o. Enquire of /go W/LKINS a W. Deafness, Noise in the Head, And all Diltagretable Ihrernyta frim the Ear, - :Speedily and perinea eit . tly removed! DR.:HARTLEY, Principal Aurist of the -Mar York_ Itra _Mal liar Borgarr. and of (4 North enereatp sheet, Mhdephiet, hoe deeddal to mama his May a abort time. • . Until further notice, the Doctor may be somalted in R. beam greet, Adreamy My, UM first Urn Mary brick law house brood the &hoe Home. • The Doctor feats mount that hie patients la Pitteinai. will enjoy a pleasant welt to the Aster Mts. and Soo spnial accammodatan be will extend his homy of mem} /Mien at the above plane. hoots A. M. to eP. Y. r , •, • Thirteen yearn dove and almost =divided elteatkento this Maneh of special practise, has ambled him lo his trestetsitt to suck p•as O,MM/a ea• t 015.4 tb• mast cantina& sod oDIMMW cams skit • atinas Walton to Ma mans inascrlDst. MEER Valuabletot on Third 'greet for Bale I WILL sell the Lot on Third stteet ad eWlng ilpbolnery gstabllabstost is Noble an t one Mee. end UM Sontag Mem or the Vistlant itre tneapsay on th e o th er. The teem on Third stmt. MK% feet, witb a depth tenant Second street of SO net, or or lam Tboarlee sooo.maa tionsand I. haul. Ur tag noes nit& Waren to be secessed by boon mat mortgage on Ole La, Muhl* le am and two years nom the debt of oarm. 2ha title u mew/ CH ARLES SHAUL jells:Mr at the dace et Celittakrar Co. !min st. aTICE.-LIF IdATTHEW DEN, tie tame rune Owe. njo teat= mad who =mermen to N in the Vetted States otarneriew. to the per 15 5 07123.5hee 31 .,„ 0 r ellher In pram or be letter. to Charter A. o. 6 W•3l Meet, gm Took. tot will boor of mottling to his witainonw. joilMW To Qarden ii- FEW acres of gound near the city, an . it- We of gardenia& Ibr de. RAVI. a 14 0 -A. WILKINS LARD -12 bbls in store and for sale by . JELII.4II DIMITY I - CO.. Lo W•ter I haat da ARD OIL of Bennett &Janes' mannfac tam br W . by • 'SALM •Ditear JO 0 Water Froot CORN 40bbls shelled, for sale by 3.10 8. F. TON BONNUORST a CO. CIIEESE-35 biz for sale by WO S. N. VON BONNHORST t .CO. BACON-20cks., received and for sale by jolt WICK t WCANDLIZIS. LINSEED QIL— by 10 bbls for wile itlo WICK & IMANDLIMS. CHOCOLATE -128 his. Boston Chocolate Oar We es i4O WICK & ArCARDLIUM niaHERRING—for sale by .- WICK 1 kCCANDLISES. - GREASE -10 bbls in store and fore . sale by ISAIAII DIVERT & CO.. $lO Water sod Front S. rrOBACCO-12.5 boxes wed of the best X brand. Le arel Ea m stare awl tor sal. tor • MIMI DICK= I Me j.lO Water and twat sts. Boyen' Piano Preceptor. HH KLEBER has just received. Buyers' tmw• celebrated tor the • Plain, whleh Li mc lidded by man In this country and In flizzope. to be be wort or the titer ewer published. Deyer. well Immo ae one ot theme* MIGCMiIIi 1212111ARIP Donne. has here supplied • want hot nutty Iblt by tuo musical priblie. its: an alementw boot. powneastve and Interesting to the pupil. both in its men/low and tunes, the e greatly facilitating sad smooth. o lug the enconrhst tedious and Irkmose that .roar of mu eh sad piano obeying: The Collaring Pronounrs wlm have emzolned the He are referred to: , • Pridemore Harberat, landmann. Veins. Mb: MO OVERING'S SUGAX-20 "bbls Lover- VrTr a ' d Pu arl d . ww.fitut7tr"d 250 Lawny 1.1. QARDINES IN BRINE.—III 'kegs Sar k7 Mari la Mao (Bazdelleas) just noised =a fkx )0. WM. At'CLUFIO a CO. 256 Meaty st. REM TEAS—Just received at No. 256, Marty st.. Involarof very meek:Oolong cud fleas Tess. of the West Importatiogu t o sale reu I.ar by theUlf chest. v i er 020 • a 00: Grocers and Tex Dealers. PaCLAY -7 toss Copley's Pot CLay, No. pagg remind sad thr Nl* an , a. ecnoostuamt a aa NEW MACKEREL-50 bbls No. 3, large ram raarkrreljort mend ddb zmtion. WOOL, WOOL—Cash paidfor the differ ent valeta wool bi • B. W. KAUAI:KM FLOUR -110 tibia. "extra" flour in store 886 Ibr w. DT ielA S. sW. lIARRAUGH. MACKEREL—Quarter bblsNo. 1 - tat surke4ll, lb stunt sal 6r W. g unr jibe - iistar a Yvan sta. COTTON -116 bales in store and for sale by flea OMAR MOUT k CO. - Water de Proat dm. II AV4IiA SUGAR.-513 bxe white l? reicaangsr,ricu received and ix We Je9 ir • t t:I • LOAF SUCIA.R.-30 bbls loaf sugar (as . softed uumbas) fbr sale . - /di. • • WHITE SCARF SILKS. —A. A. MASON 12 . 4 = L c? reeetwargLtt=xon434 Ca . outroly criscPcl tcic.t.of to -N i d % cltentlm of comma. Is Luvital at N. 62 sad Ifackot cc - jo . . . lure New Lawns. . •. .. •ti,l •A. MASON A. CO. have - just r ecei ved . tel.bm lot of Uwe iny desizalas brows, awes, which will well .very asap, at *Weals or n u11...J. Na 62 64.14Ar15t streeL Piano and Table Coven. AA. MASON CO.irould zespectinlly call the &Nation of honaelacrpera m e te ... Nude aver aranruoant nddrintia 4.1 lo and table corers, mongol Alma a mtlacmnac act. kr, at No. 62 Id 64 .4:rkat staair.r." The Family Friend.' A RASING preparation intended to en neresdp the ma af lemt—whieh. when mixed with nourotill proluas 234 Ibe tour_, JO ur more lame of gibe eseh, than by the one of yeast. Ths Inglis promo of bred mating. b.. being biked. dews am tam =ay than 20 minuto, Dl., rise the DminfeLlmdintani.. riag of time hi she some .ftranm—arni halal e. m elm _r m n p i d o dr a t Inest .b 112 . t e e ITh d to all dm adrentagao or AMU whoirmene Met Mr re voy 1 . 1 =Quay when._ yeattis hare to et. Venni hreatuable Ibr bisente and armes—t be tband Verde fad cheap. DOC lorgattag that they will amore ptistehle—gek mime ban. breed eren mare digestible. bidin bottles, at 121 f, M, tad 60 bents.' • P 11114.1 PE• "lc North Fourth at, Lan Philadelphia.- Iph. Solo Agent for Pittsburgh, IL Z. Rat t ege.. t ., Wood Philhps sod lky..ess'lirew'Attirle for . the World's .Pahl • V t Ulto OLUEorhieh camemts wood, stone, darn, glut, marble. '4llolinfgarta or even Ystetals. r tiouWe or pratimition. Ina abort thnomy with de of funallare may.be soda enamel se new by Thb mar aratrj and powerful Cement. TM botwelteepers of ads State are amity well aware of Its genuine and topertor rlapialaUty to tbeir pozwiem, mid Ham who bins not tried it are requested to ito to. No boon aback! be tith :ltlre t b att gee:ll/I °l' 4 - a u r r. i nfrx 'nnah tril mar, oak any lotiele, gehlinet; 111•41, t. in me Mr Ha ghte=nd to steer al . eastal an i w a real ua•nt bleating. t. Lia= redlrt to moN grata. of IL Don't throw anything awaytettb. out trying this. • PHILLIPS * MAYSE.L- - 74, Tooth Fourth stmt. goat for Mahwah. J. KIDD A 01. lamer- Fourth end Wood Meet. Agent for Allegheny egg, JOHN DOW, FOR SALE—One Kiliv.of Brick, Enquire 17 at -W. kfC .IrfroXVIS Carve. Wareham. - OS fourth 'tough rT. iris ere tr.". Am'tMl OULD you risme. your furniture and • aiold much unoententry labor for roar rarrants. at • the parlor and droving Noonan *At, at. VIM& sbi tri 1., r 2, styadha 'games,: I= olla VII revive to ratraordivarr brllliatny as mach $lO or $lO to pan neraredabol.— re ka , it t '"'" S4 Ittr g andrs A re ".- d'.k". - ' 244 10 b - . • fun.upi3 a lIANYNN.- . 74. North Swarth Mart, Phi Aar oda an Pittatartatt, BRAUN d' ItetTEN, Of St. Clain and Liberty/masc. • jetldho RICE -14 tierces for Sale by leg WICK Y M'CANDLESS. LARD -12 bblitrd tor Bait by h 9 - . "•wicac IWCARDIJOI3. STARCH -40 boxes Bonbrigbt's extra for de by )N • WIC WCADLY23. yELVET CAEPETS.—W. Irelintock has atonk .41 for de, the largest sagostrarnt ot Pet- An }2l this market: Wort Waratzter n.RUSSELS CARPETS.—W. M'Clintock Air b. c rtco, and Cr Wm • tom assortment of sup& nor Drama. Corprt,„to vklels Hahn, tiro attratloo of valomork Onrprt Warhol:op Na 76, !math 4r. - .14 • VOCO MATTING—For pu,bliq balls and N_.l roma la Mare azat fbr. W.a - P; W)MUNTOCK, L Carprt is:atm:26 Na: 76 Vant. at: #ABBITT'S.SOAP POWDERS any now .. Ira ammo a. to mulls no p=to r aell (Dem. 1.144 am eh. Lbw of mamba= 4 I taunted. Oarraated rot to rota I cloth. Vor gale, .0014, salts and retail.bi . ' AIL A. SPCLU6O A 01 , .07 W PFEVESCINQ COMPOUND, a aubsti tat. aa ma far valetas bowl. 00..44, by trbkli • *min of 13 per ant lo floor iseficcteel. For au by {TII.bCCLUIIO t CO. 1 1.7 "Ze. Liberty et.' OPP&Rd6. bbl co . itile oi ll co 7 1 /. 7 • No. GO, Wad 0- ITAR CANDLES-10 boxes, prime arti- O. do. ON . NU b 7 _ J. 17713 D OM; o. CO, Wool R. MEDICATED Wines and Brandies, afresh tot just readrai Ibtpal• J. Ne u CO. ; $.7 No. GO.Rood JAPAN VARNISH-3 bbls. ( Baltimore) Ike Nh by • J. HID D h. So, 01, Wood Bg. CREAM TARTAR:-1,000, lbs. for sale by .1. KIDD a CO; - J. , 7 • M. Wood SPERM OIL-18 bble. extra, for.sale by J. 2 WICK & mem:swam I •ANNESB' for sale No.3_ BIACILEREL.-40 bbls. for sale by JA3:113 MIZELL. Na 68 Wane. BOLLS' SARSAPARILLA.—A , few doe 14 ,° ' t t ". U1 " 43. " s b tr. WICiaIiMAX hd Ckirow of Wood wd Birth wmodlh 11ANABY SEED.-4,5001b1. Just received Vv from the bat. • pekoe article of Sidle meet, Aral • s. N. I.CKSIte LIAM. c.c.. of Weed sad 151xth stmt. VOFFEE.--300 bp. prime Green Rio Cot ‘„/ ree.recodeed sal /ah 7 ,edJOILN wArr a co: FISH. -40 bbla. new 1851, pickled Herring 12 eV/ end! ' arid for 1 , 7 Urn .701111 ff Warr a uo. CIIEESE.-31 bis—Cheene, rewiring per and Oa ed• bi • • 1.6 Viab n i t 'r at lAARD.-2,000 lbs. Load, for sale on. con ey:moot by . . T. 4 / 9 0D3 a 813 N. . • ; No. dk Water A. ILS.-800gay bleite d dwinber verso 2 u. earl • 1403 " " kbakt • yh " • • " ,- Tabun. oll inter 1.8.00'" If.TY:eaut *Wit oil Is 'brim! kw islo by - J e b — - • IkILLER. a RICHIT3ON, Non 221 /122.Libortyyt:' PLANTATION Sugar and bfolassei d 3 Mg. prime plantation Oysr. bbly do Erso i lsos. . In start arta kr yaw by strum • RICULTSON; - Nos. 221 Lib.-rtY S UGAR House Molasses apd Planl.ation Vrt;bl B. io Jsmei 8M40.7. - ' 10 Abda rarPimuoce asal lbs RAW y4.10=1 , 50. 4 . jab paw =1 2.23. Litgatrit. , PERMIVANIA EanaoAD t 1851. SPRING ARRANGEM ENT. 18 5 / Forty-siz hours to Philadelphia. Forty-four hours to Baltimore. 291 miles Railmed-103 miles Carta . . .. ' Uns, 3ttlet !WWI =ft 02111fterms Mani TO PIOIADELPITLI., .BALTIMORE .AND !kin, free from the many dengt, and portaaga Coioltild Ira J.= Liars./ Tiro Daily Linn Egras.Pac.4l Boats. MaSia Maga i'inrbilY f a' ? PArM ILEA E tta arg or Johnsto wn ; thence by Yortbraltallossol so . " HOLLIDAYEIBITROR, Tu. talcs Ur NEW PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, Tiro II ondrtfas4 Tort -fire dime to • ' - • P BLPHIA. - .4 Parlats haft my =moll preeltely +.t mar admit. hm t. racceragca. sm. hi. to warm.. Ea. SO „m ihrrisbM'S Passaagera for Baltimore, Taluth• York, and Catakwliand Railroad. at Ilanisbars. cLea o ti . Nam. mum" west, '' lto charge for haruninaaggogo on this route. Tb Ous on MU mt. sr* 'v.v. sad of the =oft ante , - ed aoastroctio. -for omatOrt and naht,- If roc • d.dr• et.. p tr , ..liloi out coenlbat!bl• wow toodalkto, mews your tickets at J., P. HOLISIES.4ent, - • • D. LIECI it, NC O., Canal NAN Pain Mot 1851. WESTERN - TRANSPORTATION COMPANY . D. LEECH & COIL ISWE. - E777:1 RAIL ROAD AND CANAL PITTSBIJR GB, PHILADELPHIA, ,BAT I MORE, AHD NEW YOWL- S THE.Canal being in good order We axe rmpand tbrorport Prmloro rortiebballso b :rnv irma llg r trrj o abero ....Moohtnraiot dLpatel eltrom b. ta. t tot :1 of WM/ transmlttod, pod on htbootioo% S aab or.• . . , ..... . ~ , . „ . . . address ' A n!' P'. " • HAYS a BLADE. Florid" " -• . : ' , Owl Rain, Penn M.S. nUabltrel. 1/..tßitlii, g LRECLI, reoPticioge. _ „,.. Receiving Depot, Nce.l3 it ln, lionih an an nal , ' • ' ' . • lt hlti N DVl l irt ■ 4"lei. „ . SMITII g. 1 01..... 2. No.. last., .'• N ' " eststreet.Ziew reelc LIRE ItZDUCED ! Ara 1851.. &NEM _ 10I0210ABILit BRUTE. Vis Brownsville end Cluaberland, to Baltimore ruZBI:II.NLNO BOAT leaves - the Wharf ttle Bridge deny. et 8 o'dock prombolT. with the cars st Combeziscol oat monism. Th. goes lame OMIT (=MO ...LW o' ei r cll.t ii) em=or with the an Combeimel men Time through to hattlmoie.32 boom Tare ooly . Time thwegh to .Philmle/ohle. 40 boon. /Ism mate PO. The tithoml litod_te atrerAwd. (bodnotors go olib the Meeker totereeti Mo , ewe gad Catotedemt. toskee this deekiedt Yee - my= ONLY 28 HOURS TO CLEVELAND. Effiffiiga 85 L. MHO 'mina Anai l Nanterr army, PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. EC...ICE , 'RRSS Packet, and Railroad Line for irtulasul, *Mout too of dap, by - atomize boo to Buster, la cosottsalminsith the elemattly t. land Lump Pseksts of Clark.. Parks a Co , from Ham? to Ransom; mei ths splesslict sum Passes=of the Cortland cod Pittsburgh itallscod Co. to C • . DanzAir. MAY/LOWS/ Sam. Eltemassrs loan their loading 9 9P. 93 . Howe, at 9 o'clock., A. IL. ezuwtetuts with the Pse/utts .m a r o *a f offidaQ 11010115 which •111. leave iatsoolistelT ant the arrival with, nounali. arrtwias liarcoaw la thaw for UwAlturewAraha of Cus ter.Llandad. by.this witty. st Cloyelsad Lo Ucto to tab th. halved Uwe of &wows tar SU (PALO sad DLIMOLT, awl the stamen for Chiew. all g rokiw..l\l%.l9l7 l . Bunt:irk not Relic. 0000.41. CLAIIKLMBES Arotlrtaux ' . • - ' - ' '. , W. E. 31008118 . 01214. solar St- Charles :-.' .. . G. 31. 11A8T03. - . • ' . ~ . - Ones wader Ilessagsbels Hasa; • • J. A. CAUG wa. ' reassior Ilialedlild sad • .p 1 '. '. ram tr m ai ux. ' • -- ea El 1851. UNION LINE : On the Peintsylvania. and Ohio Canal( • m t W e lla !THIS well known Line is now weed to wd atlrLeiVe ="Vgli end Lin The fealftime of the Ltem ere asoacrpeamd himaaderAna liromad empmedr artZleat, e^irsamomee of Cmgdaide, mad ell flest=tPlambiash... riaTAVilidd ." I:ll, — estre Ikea of &Mien stausbomam lteerelha &ad vemedmpam the Lek*. ; '1niA....2ptb.14 04 :: • It' '''4l'`'l'?7=ll.n.. di ... 4. 4. P.mi lVt. K..," urinnel 4! 00, 7 ININI*. • •• : • ',: -41ig1"....04 .. :..,. .• timdvakl. 41t7,04' - A... r'-.. : Il th,..Swil.=:. w mv ocu i l atitti te %...catr...kie. C .o,3ll...,:,, : 1 ;.: :. ::..,:.::....... . 7ll ta l l%AtfOtiEr,Atiyi, •-: - i:' ,1 -, - - arr.Waber ad lim119.6.11:1 • .... .- : . i!EGM Q,ALT PETRE-- kegs {refined) far talc by W. & P.MILBOK. - 122,30 satin &cool st. . QPLENDID_ F C.II.P.A.PERCHANG,-.. 11503.—5340. •Tellst r Soviet. UMW' sod ' Ornamental Wrench Pa of venous gnallttes. sal • V6xo -to stilt the of atomt every duo of ei?atomero, fin aala attbe establishment of 10719 4 1110X.13 PALMER. 65 Motatit," bid' IRON 4 90 e - Ben's creek; ~. .:. , .1. - -.- ards67 Iwo' .-, min ma: ; - -.. ; 6 Vsabisgor ...j. RAIIBITT'S. Double RefinedSileintii‘: We': t ""O" i ll 3 e ' erteWi l l_ _ t o"= itAioreo=- .41°4--)lerces Rice in otore and fore . _ aN . . xtuza * RICICETSON. ' • a=. Marti 1111 1 0 MAN CFAIENT-2 bbls., for sale by - - Mb . EAT. VON BONIIORST AVM VINEfLAR3O bbLs. pure cider for sale by ..1. F. VON BOXIIORST • OD. OH j.6 NESE,—..IO bat': W. FL; for sale by . .; R A.,1311'53.—C0 boxes M. B. Raisins. • . : 11 P"Ii EB A B a l ETIr N ;. • FLOUR--40.bble. extzs family gone. 90 o staillsaaroesia• by ao - ha • I "aura a sucKsrios. 1A4*;g;WI;;II;941ii%1 1 4 EDION SYRUP..:--athre "Tomes" lera • atisynsp, on ansidgamel=arrlearrsos•., • ARD OIL -10 bblis.• pure. winter • . • ' IIS do No. 2. for ea. br. • . J. 11C1100SMAILER /1 CD. XL' you wish , for a real treat, try the , - ion Tea. manta fa it SO pa . lll. a Mortis' Tom Mat .and iK WOO I I. TWINE- 7 500 lbo. for ludeabai. BU.ii.TAPB-41"1". 40 isgifirs W°°L=Cash paid foiWool for saIeLINSKED O.ll._lso.ordi..lnre 1151 ORAX:—.6 ewes Refined, for sale by. 11/ J*l . ammo sumac" a co. • AMP BLACK-AO bbla. &seed, for Bale by 161 , ' J. !MOONY/11E8 a CO. Pl(} IRON-33 Was Allegheny, for sale by "., VINEGAR-50 1;1 . 51s. Tura Cider, for sale y }.3 iL /LOYD. B ROOMS -150 F1 . t1 17 ; 51a , ,1c!1 , Shad, mi j d .* lMi 3 7 6. for T dli -30 bbis. Boot n ist , Frial r EitS' 011 .7 27 . bbla.; . , lAttkk no - Oi l , yr for IikitOLAM.S....2OO bblL N. 0., for safe by ta . J. & H. NOTEL • - r ia ABH-30 casks pure, Ta0:1.16,12,m • t.k N--5000 Hog Roand, on conlißgn anae sas by • 'T. WOODS & M SON. a . 63 El y* • S.; Dry •. 4 13.7 W. 11113:11.00 ' EL 8 A23 ,, N-7 ..lake I:34llAeaLtia. FLOIIII-100 bbis. New Lisbon &it. Ifitts, est. fan., Er rrlr sr &AW. ELLASAVOIL . ittAVlNG kalurieL completld WineN arrange e txtenta with , Hams In rionleator wad odor garoper3 Mak far egrentlena of m. wan Lt.. enabled to olkr Deal at a =au ad...re ann. importation am, awl. DLO' Lk mai L 1001.3, 919. be dant dared:eke. 'men` carom norm 00. (pkotrad. Attention la larltad to tar Ver.... b.kin 110 pbr-bell slue . .76 nIATAZdf. car44 - .01. an d Worm Sbrerier, dna el dr. was !Werra, .manor. • 12b Port Winer. Dart ver7 old and nowkw." WO bride Sparkling GbaraDrirnrontil 'morn Wye.. WO boxer Caret 111noorsulona tanada and vletagna. - ICO war esnunno And name. vintager 1846-n. E•a• 8111•12.. 11.1, 1111.116 Whas. lb Opts Old iand and gehapt= Oln. 10 psalm. 014/korai and /slap Markel. 4 , amnia, Old Jantares Rosa. anperlor London/men Mat and gaga AU. . With a constant napplr of lornorteol men sr i M. e" . 4. 4 •Zdrette. Chan Itgsre. , • large Atook ot P.12(.1 * MUM amiy• am barai. All of elate& 1 mill rearm vat" =Jill De essetdel with , eeth0 e ..M 4 b1 49 4.. IrAlMta and Dada:. EP Walnut stmt. Phl/adatrida. .i . :'4,Z--: . ;J''j - =}'4' , ': .,4 , -, : ,1 ' - : .• :; . - ~-u'Y-~ f-:: '. ~ ~ ..