The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 17, 1851, Image 4

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• •
LITTLE Ear- 121.6 T DIED.
i ..11 on 4 ahhtriuthutinn
,the tollsdnbt body b mime:
And*. AL.not's tratk. and Lb/ doers don tick '
And cqovo , 81711...! In US . .
:; HRf.tfadlnes of sadne:silldC: '-
Fora* lienst and ray tit* it hull nitnn I think .‘
'Oren llttni boy that died.
one.nlght to ray foam'. Loose—
- ht.* t‘f the dens '
And 'only tintlet gad..
And malt' lb. door of the halt. .
• Myna:boo easaa oot totntoot coo=
She timed me. and Woo .he sighed,
' - And her head fill' an my nark; sad abo nos .
.. - ;i FostMLtti . boy thud
• ..
' atilt ilLtii.lieiittto ttownooons
the goden ',bore
the doieriloton all donsye,l.
• / WWI nn• td. WI., *ad kb *lmlay dial,,
:And Ilse Itoregyho used' to'rldo ; •
tfin'tiat thtni. nth a tllantotoonb,
tea bin little olot.r again, -
Wan boy nlayntatei - oloont lb. door:
,AILI nntoti,the altar. In th en' .001
An L - .Y.oteiakt bontro;
dltltlf, Ilto vont, poi a chill
. nms..,dimpkd tad lanstdurotod.
VII Look aro If It may not be
• Out died.
Se - shall all a, home to 'tar Father's house—
To our Zdher'a beelsiiii the akin. •
Where the booms of our male ehall hare no bileht.
uur lova no broken Ueel
Ifie than_ naern,pn the banks of the hirer of Pesze
4.1 bath* ja ltehlierfol tuff
And one a the joys at our F.earan atute be=
for that dled. .
x4no-:-The abrupt _termituation.ef Mlle Jenny
Land's engagement. irithnhlr. ' Barnum has taken
every,'Amut'speculation ie busy
as to ths ecru°. of it We pretend', not to:any.
ireateelourojedge of the Sums of the cue than
the world genemlly; and the parties , to. the con-.
- tract hisiso.studiouslyaroided any • publication
of the circumstances ; attending the ; desolation,
that anythinir like ' annthoradve statement can
net bafurnished, at. present: at- ,least. Still sre
havanzight to make t.Wp, alio the tenet pisuldhlr
report in reference to the rapture" between two"
such disUnguished public 'cltaractern as Mlle'
Und St r: Barnum.
Titestory pea that, on visitingi the Nationel
Theatre yesterdaY, Lind was dimatisfied
ntlinding that she was to sing in a building.
heretofore awl as a: circus; that else .expressed
her . disatLifantiou in decided terms, and timt
:%fr. Bernina then offered to . release her from the
reinsinder engagement if idle would hi
.dresso. the sum 0f,25, 000(vehich was to bo
leitittoidissolving their oontraceat thekoandreddi
l'itneert, - )te 27,0091-.. a very N.beret offer—which
:Me Lind at once necepted. ;This is the story.
told to na..-4.1t may not be the true one, and we
abaltbevecey'happyto make any eni.Xestions In it
thateither party may desire.Eiltit'possible, how-
WM; thit.the matter may,eentain IL. mystery, to
be placed in . the catalogue of great, events about
- which there -.will ever ND'. histories doubts."
, At all . evnts the eugagemend'is • broken by
,the agreethent of , both, parties.. :Idademoiselle
Lind, Iduritigthe other American sojourn. is
her own!! tutPrestario."(or.imprewaria,")and Mr
lientumacts off for Europe next week to engage
. ' other enterprixes.—.Phffad.ittaktia.
Shockleg D tath.—Conner Game was called up
onto hold an inquest at No. 79 Fleveath street,
on thelbody of a man named himerarx hicGovEss,
who came to ida r dsuth by an overdose of brandy.
.In appeurs that the &mimed man very intem
perate penum, and on Tuesday night; par
. Galli' intexicated, went into a drinking shop in
the building where be lived, when S. young mob
named 011XN Fox, 7 bet hinr something That be
' could not drink.a certain quantity of brandy
• without breathing. The demised accepted the
wager, and •Fax ordering a pint of brandy; ho
- drained it.ofl without tholeast emotion, and ie
. dietit . log that he wanted another pint, it was eV
on to him and disputed of in like manner. An
- othecwaxasked, bat the - bara-type?, licuttlic
.snawas, only. %at& him a lirdt pint. Shortly
after imbibing the last dose he died. Spot mor
:leis examination was held on.his hody, end the
Coroner's Jury Was of opinion - that his death was
Minsedbytur.ovenlose of brandy given him by
iater4 Pox and' Gaon Licon.lmmr. They wire
therefore committed by the 'Claronor to trait the
action of the Grand Jury. Tee &Ceased Res a
native of Ireland,PS years of age..--IV I" Muria
l'neuirm _
-To Sul COVULOACUMI.—Sim equal qematitiee
of fed lead and Indian -meal molasses, nut.
nig' it 1111011 t the nonalitestor of poste:; It is
known on be a eotiain exteninhaator of ~.renteltea
Xikientl, ten was fecund.. teiththonsanda
on thcsuands of them rid his I;ohne of them in a
very' Leer nights by tide mixture. ;Put it upon
"iron plates and set it whetethe vermin
est, and they will. seen help themselves, Without
(artiste invitstima r : Be careful' not' to hate any
articles of food near where you sot the mixture.'
CrotiOorrr.,-.:Last week the worktoen nt
Power's SCIDUIIIi on the Ohlo'lmil reasyleanis
ndlroad, found a petrinedemake.ihe else of which
walla deem toludicato eat in this teemed kut
that mattes of reptile bur vestry degenerated.
Illeenakeehip;wanintbedded In the solid lime
aerie rock,rintilfeet below.the earth's it:trace.
lie aim
.ie rimonnom .14iiiitemn feet Inleigth, and
.to the middle at Inset., four incheain diatheter.
Althinigh keen/ea:tee is:completely oanimulated
Lto the rock in which it wan-imbedded, It still
looks eniprilingli natural--indeed Adams' as'
perfect in “forma end restore", as when alive.
Inv: his 'stub:ship gat ea - for beneath the
=face and .hoW long. he had lain there, 'are
'quetaletto,' the dieaussiOn 'of Which TO IMILTO to
VieliCiaLtifid.--4anurVa4 Star.
• A fly-Wheel belonging to one of the . stessa en
&Ws in liarnts s factory tie* to pieces yester
day while in'rapid motion, InjOring We. Aloes,
' the engineer .netierely,;deing some slight dare
•nge to thelntkag, and frightening the estaVialt
matt rautntlly.. One' large piece of tho wheel
wee thrown into; the firer and another 'aaois to
the inland. 'Several pieces went. through the
roof and' one llew ontting into,the
steam-pipe-.thusblowhog off" the wholesuies
idboilers. It is a . w onder so .few ; Were injured.
"Father Mathew ie quietly sidling our Pub . lie
piacep, OCCO mr,Fled by a eleiical friend 'of this
oily. He his not entirely secorered. trete his
parodytho efflictiou. but otherwire in general gc.o4
health.: -Ito lute netyet entered. upon the field
of his labours' •in adininisteringthepledge, which
we hose no doubt, will produce in this city an
abruident harsest.=—Cin Ga:. ,
Broomantax.=-We suggeited the 'other - day,
theethere were girls.enough • in Lawell to. ake
the city by storm in the Turkish . eostort4,ln /Jo
liette* of all 'opposition. We are.: by no Mesta.
„certain that.' they do, not, intend to - do IC-coming
upon the town by promise. At least, we learn
thakwithitta few days, one of our Canal street
dealers has-sold-two hundred Bloomer hats--s
Abet ithlas would seam -to indicate that a email
army of Turks are about to make their appear
,nuee. Thlais well:: We always supposed that
Lowell would be the first - city to make a form
idable demonstration---that It would be the first
battle geoid of contest- and that here, if
any Where; the girl.ti enterin4 the list in behalf
of the new eattome, would be the earliest to me
maralhe then selres. as heroines. in, the great
':iroatianyrevolutionofthe ti me.' —ELowcUJOureat.
qn•TONEljust received, a superior article
tn.". Ifoaadry or family tue. 4 tor Pale by
Ir:e . <n cpud..w bexad knr go r the lot
mezt 111"4 1Tat!, ` solahta.
...ThRYYEACHES-40 sacks, in noro, fur
- JUIFbbl , ; DICKEY L CO..
. sad /IVA Sla.
bbls in store, and will be sold
kr• to daft cowicement.
REFINFJ) BOKAX---6001bs begs English
Oar r Nb s [m7 KIDD it CO. WM-0W
„MID 011,--(superiur.artiele) ID hats bble
RA on me by Day:ll] J. HUD & CO., &) Wood d.
I AC DIE--511 lbs for sale by
my 24 J. K DDs CO.. 00 Water st.
'INDIA ' WASH SILKS-7D) pieces just re
*Ana; t. rim , desirable article...n*l , ll . i. wadi.-
• large samartment of For4ard ruegetetifehere,..
- -eo boxes of the celebrated Burlierte• ROA Ihr•
/a Ina order, and far Asia br
- - --p- - - - WM. A. fficeLlll2i.) A 00,
- 15723 f .. . Groan', and Tee Dolan.
FIEUL—New Bhad;
ilad No. / Ofsoret
- ' Noma Nook CoMpto ko togas NI "
m • ' • WIC A. IdeCLUNG a (XL, zsdub...ltyst.
11,LACK LACE SCARF .5,-Just reci'dut
,• culu. - •. . - - u. EA•cou'u.
AOON-1 0 hhde prime Sides; .
A. L. • . ;7. . , Ehoulamr•
10 time. ;mt. hazily C.eava.s.,,J Lam
80 azal 81 Witerissul 8.: Pont et.
bble.yr: , , , f N oh i. te , by
ME , E 200 boxes for salot-
PILOOF PALVfa-10 bbls. eioj . for
WlSTAR'S'ltalatua • of Wild Cherry-1.
LY-tatOWltgasio Dr soyl9 MD* Co.
1 1 1
CAST.EIitU-.45 bbbi:No. / fof
- -+;
°- - -
,AR. HiLAMY, 'Armor, from (4 North
.fficronth atrat..nhodelgao.: help to harm (bare
ctfe t zta t 4it i te==l 4, b 2DMAT..
yllsotod sith their wont! mount. tuna. Innsoat.... t. o t°
rod dnyo In thls oiti• T. bo aft." q`. ..t
r t kilotaL. hong to ..Ihti,=••••
oultiogAr b.h gOlt. tail.
=TVlbdm. o
ha tithe ash , nutted. Oran) tithe Meant Colloooa who
boa *hatted. b , tl aueitsatezvo,!kad snooessfolly to
we U.oltoeet
lOW, to nbat est-I=U. htt=lott.
al analittontiono aro boo the
ed in th e mantrp . , • • • •
"I'boto . bad tho pleoaurs to mart Onnorary In prunes,
aad booe bora halo To= • Cslonad..9l.k. td„it
scion both ns vrofonnon and a. a rontlantan.
• Pei&Mer et derrtert: AY
tofeedonal atillthek Italy 0n0:m.044 br
them w Mace tbeemelms smiler his - • .
• • • Joao IL Wmrnms, •
noremor of Anatonm.
"7 r tedertemmelrlM Di. Hartley. 1 tam Immal
deportment tment comet and gent/ manly."
• TamMilai Iflrrr,
Helena. 1n PMrtemrt.- - rno.rtait of Dr. Hartley to the
arg u ar i .tne
t rtar t Mrt of Zrtna by glim u r d lo
eme to artAVilatt2eTtlontas jeenerepertall7,
rt 4 tumeatfulty 11moted. may rely on reerivlng from Mb
each tymbmot as in allyialq4 i mr rmm C lUt t L
Legit cntn. iHwa
Compoului Slttp ' Of. Yellow Doak Root,
OcCIJPIEs the front rank.nmeng the pro
'ream.' medicines of this "teniitty for icrinf
oLnr aring Canker. Rh Rh: ma, Erysipelas, sod another /b
-ee., edition from an re state of the blood. Ala,
tionannt.Colarth speptia, /leadatbetuDircinem,
,conetts, • &moms sad • tameabout ebe Chest; Bron
ohne., or hoarseness. dr/newt and a tickling ,iiensittion
about the threat; and *used with unprecedented eueocee
Female. Talkie:p . :ond General bil4ty..
teenetherditt trio isnitened body. Oieltui ton, to the
earlvva maim end ineirorathig the entire erste...
If the lowitimont of thousands of Ihing 'Wien.. from
all=tho nntry; cast be felted eipon. it Is Annuls,
ly ■ In 'miring flat'., and sestinitot debilita
ted nod broken down ommUtutiont- • II 1e liturir.Vileisr
tile in it.. .earatiostliott, and an eocuntely combined In It
ttruteetions that the enentlail. oessttleal,._ and math* Sitio
nettles of euch bugl i. tele ti y
tr i nti e t io, 3 unite at
Itt-his ti:hi - Wed manyehronic blob nut. 0.00.4
the AEI al the bast rimeidobeomhosa Teo nMSnh.r.
Sat Rheum, Eryidr nod saerttaL.eich
Synine entirely Luiest to make tbe hest tinpression anon:
Vlt Imo keep tested in many menu! CANCEROUS EV
EIL The. meet obstinate .oinseers. beeeileen cured by
t sattiat Mut stainable medicine In all
BILIOUS CUMELAIIM: . kneader, ali °baton:tiros In
tbereirentotiOrCrentering the Lieu tree. active. and heed
thy. It remotes Esiplon of lbs. ttmel, and ranee in
all cases of Asthma. trn,T_Lhe "kw". " 4
aidmasons of the yeast - • -
Mb Syrup Is prepared *Darby C.:IIIISMM O 4 ad ME
'Fountain stmt. Pr:Mdse., R 1., and sold,wholmele end
' • lAN. {TICKERS/IAM. •
Only Mimatitir west= Peninneetila,
soya:, Morehouse. corner Wad end Sixth ets.PlWir.
Profenor A. 0. Bany's Trieopherow, ,
lost= testimonial is Ikons 31r. ]Cason. Mtor of the
!locating American. Commemt etymon, orriolmoso un.
Fmts. Feb. lit, Isa
" marry s Trimphornitts tam ankle that we tale pleasure
ansetting tbe lalsbeet coestmondations. We do not do it
upon tho temosomendailmoofothoes, bat from common cot
tonal knowleolae of its halm ertollo It tomb
to keep It kenne Soft, am! , It al. remotes duo •
drutf,procents gray hair. inmoratea its growth in
rammer toneonalled er any - other essomcoltion known to
Icfa .1
ottale4 persoa nely Malt 10 TM 0111, tottle to le
fwd in bottles.
_Woe anti; at the prtnettal aka 137
Broadway. hew loot 4 ,
UM. bottle, .oe3 mats, at lorpopriotoro Mi
nes 13. 613,1.Lnk,
mat No. 67 Wood rt.
The molt Extraordinary. Discovery in the World it
Chi great 2trabien, Remedy for Man trod Beset
H. G.l'arrear,s--:
I. , , ,....siaructiloits• Oates' rteitforreed by . the
Arabian vtlyalcleas In - the Mem of old . Ware thies
wyow at the noun anima, but wince we bore to. Como iti=3/a with their histOir w ran thus account for
that ma:M*lw tower over disease.' Their ettolnawnb to
the knowledge of medicine were the wonder of the ewaa
while at the rune time the. mimics 'of fibealstry. which
with them bed W. origin, on m the cot 01 the world •`•
waled boa." And Inellotanythey warmth. mist realms of
smdcuts. lathe beilidiftil moves veldeli skirt the deserts of
Arabia, abontal ram plants and edam. weals whs.. are
- .bleb
obtained three aroaatia gams and fragr compmed,ant balsams, of
Melt Incompaishie and b
whom rtiniulaiing unctuous. woeareante'ehtl. Sm ../ 7n .
Drovertiew It M. when • implied. Instanteneently diffused
theoogh the whole narrow sm arm. allaying th• most
ranee pain in the inerblibly short. ime of Is or 15 minutes.
It. arum Is lowntA Powerful and tWatoal e erithcsit the
lent - It posetrates the gob to Ile bong reisree
contiotrds, moons use to Meta' Whleh have been
sled for reme,diosing Ma shriveled limb to grow ant
and rich blood J o intthr Mersin, .
the Sy - not - MI 71 01 4 err Wider, and 'Ws ti me reason
wbr it hes born so universally moremfal ln rating all
iliseases of the Joints. ' in chronic affections ef thli Swine.
Lime. Lungs and Kidneys, this greet , 5111.M.. - swesetly
Amide liaittril v e . lejf 4 fo . r m Aig: e .
6 .1=0 of the mat extraordinary mires on homu
mead; also
for emirs, SwenthElc YAMA, west% Chliblain=
White Seallliage. Temorar., Sc. It Le equally •
In dime,. of Anbasly. snob as Ylrhyla. Poll Evil, nweimer,
Qnff tirorybdat,lMtemprivlhrrer,Spreinmlfrethes,WonmlA
/Mare.. aperinr: Wtedmile, hp.inty
_and 1w nearly . 11
wire E to men of teMt. whrh require an aster
aMlaslAn. this liniment. rfands at the hood of all
The folio:isles le from .thrt principal sommitant of the
wealthy end titular reepmgable. house of Tgue d of
Praia, god memento one al tag :nod entatedgfuleuree lo
the salute of medi
.61r. 1.1,G. Yerreti PeerytiaMd by • maid gvu
feltieut, / submit the follatigg arm imitate at the init.'
ity of your great medicine.. 31y thrill,throe rorseW..e aa
udlwts attacktd with • tatribin bith Ia kw
Mao tie 01411, proguated it la mist Adalgionca. The Mute
became at rigia that not a joint mead be Moir Uw U.h
turned Week sod coal. and goartlydairient yf ftglizo,• the
epee Abed. partially timed etel eitogather I.l6egt • Poll.—
lag this wet dattimst to ell gotutb the ohm tome tow
trotted. and go tartod, thet when hying on its beck. the
bad and gads ably touthaf. Indeed, the saint precouted
mar ammarsaes Wog tkull Losuoidletely Mt the ta
tter. the buggy phyticlem eseesaed in. suit for Qom Mate
he labored ticrettore it to fogitug.but W lo TAM, although
it wee hiletertd t doseatintte, god rerfassrant ho
b:mots appl>l4., •A mostatttiou of Phfraliiim utio yea
held, beta wa purpme. ' The mu. wet then broughtDe
•gore the 11.4.00. traclaty, bog notiaind druid be suggeoUrl
which bed not uirtedy hoed daum-sod the &Plot Mangold •
me he could - do outland more. Re then comegoold *Sr
o l i o. , -rip.. i. cut 110010' arm ths satire length of the
.1.4 *ad you may ittudatre mrcure jet,' wbsen. an. 11
~ /7 lell.dotµ TrforworMfuuthas tors uplaumf. The
child Tajfally recontred, with the gumption of the eight.
which 00l oot become pergert for mealy • snatith. it is
now end robust an•be. - • • • • •
hoodot. mem of the amp
i 4
comma i
preglouely=f which dcod: when, .du d s
your Ighom.t bad -Mei would bum mamma/.
gtorbg Nara 1. 1651. /Agar G. CIELAXD. .
Liar .Complain!, and
3larka VS. Rjo /St/.
Mr, IT. G. ramana—Der Your 1.111..1. IA selling
_my seitokal Mad yard dad of sa.+=
pia It Im sued a bnil MN. GI Erz
of a bed _Ma itt Must ladyor ovum maned to
herbed ansretral months with War OmpUtot sad Ads%
doe, at as :test, ram .yoUrely 00101 by the me .4' yaw
LtaMellt, 'no -WI doctors could do tor as '
g001... , /t- lap UmNohy TO • fresh eat. Lad eared
& abort UM. D harm beemtablad with Illumatim to:
mkm t on. bad...aut before • wet mil It limaamamm s
uch that Y. bad Do madmr aM to tbe Mat I OM.
am ml. balblav sua rabbiaa LID your -Ltedzsmad a sad
Salon I madam tabblau.las seau must.
Compiai4, - S', Corks and
Sere.E.yes Curd.
Illte141; reetionster Ifst:Yoltoti County, 111., I NOTICE
,?o PRZEII7I7O.Ir ci.lrmaxrs.
m. 4 - • Every pro. ganged to the Osbert . ..m.l4km tooh7
M. ri.. Yr. Arabi. ;lament ie .: 2410y 1 a th. 1 ....0/dh_ ,the torode...l,P , Me, tortathi,.__ m
Kneed oot oot o to , .r t ingoo o ny otin ooo ot to. *bore woomerme; Inotrert to onototao tOo 1141. to t.
Bog nooosehot DT .boot toot to. Ave end t
. ...iesticti of the 'Kisser inn nag., of the prom Lmt
tend one of to Er. VIVO. Corritor. INtr Shorttt; Jooryb .7M.1 ...O. er0e.P.1. 14,
o t o toot to boo Co t o onto it: t i e o t i o u. 04 trr wart, sotoot. otal before TIO day arixdaaid tort.
if on • eo7c t o * * hW t o o y00tn00n, 0 ry.1.4 10 ,1,0n,4 it maxi...m.l a glee tiebll.l.l. of the land. esetinclatl
immeenatily. Ittroolt b home , the Mot oham Debyd..
=edition be. of meet. haw bersrostmbere meld
of etre Ep..11.a . IMAM vary Natomann. ' • ....ea. of she arormil Lend ulaie.
lalhbt man and DWG, ety:ifolaro.ll4
- „Beware :or Counter ear.: • •
TO aOASD iouNsT.l.l.rpolunog RWI t'nn vole
• The Polak . ra• particularly csoUoned against a same
Ovate:AU l a m
has lately =Odd Itruppearauos: sad hp
aklyS r by,ths Itappaut arta:ma. It .11 , la Marmara Stahl.
Latmmt." . _ Thls s clartgannu fra liable
docalee Dow LL besting the tame ot o4
Parre o ll. w.
are be partleolo somata cult/quit We Mule "fallen}
Ltalsocut; 11141. uutaluliplad kla,LI. WPC. the SPE;
AWL'S vaizucov_ Inpab you art e iambs. bat always sac
fu• G./bun-Ws Antbiata Licususst." atal taboo cater,
mil , maim, always has Um kttarsit G. Ware Pamirs.
Winton, .1s also= th e oundds eus_ppay,yuya thew
werda blcuro 10 the glass bottle.-711.41, Iltiactrs Araks
Ann:mgwanted In orrery Tann. TlUnte Unn/Ini
the united Stair. In *bleb one 16 not ertaLllnbed. Anp//'
by tinter to 1L O.Y 11 poorb4llL..ith 0.6 n1 6 6 , n 6 +
as In ebarneter. rennourlbUlty, le.
Gall on the *gent who 1•116-faredab Free of Mort.. 4
Ixolc analaba/A6 nmebrralnabla Infonnasionfur nrery dun
.61u06.—.7.5dent4 60 dents. and one dnlbUr per tau.. •
.4,ooridise ts 6r...nfoctur.l by U. U. larnll.sofe
Inrenlny and Dxspietor. and nhole•al•-grocK161, S. 17
Main stmt. Paan26.111. - . end la mak vbndon6l.6 sntsllol.
yropslssoen price by", . Z. lILLY/111.
6616.61aw1i - N 0.67 Wool mad
- Sokt br CORBY.
_ .
-- The Hamanßody-Ittnet Failure,
S 0 SAYS;NATURE, to hire a hoillthy
gammen - end pmeaserhoelottotperortre, - .. thne
to the wet dlowirtin .Ikin.Dionom ...Sow. Jams' Itallso
Obentlesllioni o treertreplettioth owl K the - teosbe
thee =dines oret *gee. tbe Ws, pang It the sewn
.„. „
Scurry, dolt Meant, and flora, are not only bested. tat
cared by Us me,. at I•tet Etl i stelann la N. Twit ancr.
.M-C;itet:arlar o.....t.getertlatrark"Vti
reader itanntrel thai thbrix no nall . laltunttrnot t ra
one trial will' mere. , 1:rooll teast tag y
prima rand te more heed, tfore legr,lnd rare leant :
Boy lttent the reader le again untred I.erottle• letterer
ell=l4 tur the dere. unites J. Anew It to ha all I elate,
who are noble to rbated, enarlothotohaPPnl .
lltul this not Only agura,bot preyenitve won 1 1
0000 may add. that thelororaMlend 'with kW , OM..
or strallar dit
.001010 t.y =r,itt bat Ulla all. and even rent radial
, /Bribe.; reatter;• tn.§ igares Id* itt,Oa - i,i.oitt. lialtation;
and be sore you aeltior Jonter I tabooche talaal hosp—erot
boy lt oaltgig.ll, ACKIttI3I, only Agent In 110.0411104
head f
-PoOtly WhiterTeith, and - Puzer-Brentit. to
be LW for DS egats—Panto rho hive slaw.; are honerrat
Dir . wowed !that If theyeirllo rbrea,tho.t is ever no fool. or their
teeth decayed. dart err • =craned 91121 lartar.
that • ' 4 c on bond:lane Am.Wr Tooth- hate rill auto
the larM att trtate..." MAIM. '44 the breath Worth:n=lr
• • - • • _
Bold noiral ..1A11460 kill Etta. oto, 2mod 04
A Scientific Raiz-Tonic; Restore? and Beau.
idar , -111. 1 . Batt.: ST3iLgerita. - 7igaragho hare and
loan' Cora Italy Bastrarr. , tuna its aaorilont uaititl
gam *go hare mt... or.. It to purees the follindui
lagUtlee—lt tom atrtriodrto gdysvott atty part when.
Wotan intagdol tg" loprog; atop ir &Wag, mg , rod ri
dasharatt and sinks tight roo, or gray grow dark,
trot marring thchalr lat. sod silky, uo .Waif eargaai
thia-dt male. it truly beautiful. curl keeps St RO. 'it
gla.a4 Cho moot ocorgogigthyra roptiior--aritclo tar Uri
6.• tu xi ly Wit JACK.SO,SrtI Eton, :10 etrert,
bold or Woof.rtwborKh. • •,
centsit4 cent& in 4 XL — •
JONES: Solution Jet., n Liquid llunuak
Mar tttic.bazain of 51ata . 7.1 4 or grey Lair.,:.•
tar.4Ettl arLlatietiAltoron somatea.
s ol4 l4l94 . .tigialvit7Aine4 twid of *ow:
JONES', LILLY.WIIITE.—Ladies are eau=,
ar• not man littglra==rtor Not sa
lALocau,ootttaitthtz . alt%o ' „, . ;
J.l==atally ifthtta."""th:l"l4ch.l
it IS =ixitturgtealziltldatocriotta
= 11 1. 0,- ..,..linag.abittc. at th• satruZiOu'Vgit.
mottoes a gat amt4Rit_tt nut ;
lioldAZ . NV= gr. to
VTA3 7 IIIX,FIATED,ID:oriFk in DtwIu g Pre p ir tvpraEl
Inlay lime 4..1..74=7 c2l: 4 lti
heeot 'Watt tome .
uk 'ant extnt. olleoee."4„
rotoknoe,fdas 1TIV: tiVeAt r a/.1 etber 10nioan .
1 0 I I as f Admjlo4 l 2 . . ptryarsta. wl 4in rMak
10 more looms of 4 roo ttisa: 11h Bina. ' /Lew:
of Walk.. Sod Pofeeoi 4*. ranicuusam, thould
toad io 6.r0b1e.14 eg • Mi. Musa al.ollehae. of the
Llais LlMAteleatithrmarise, fk How.; eed Lfo
enabilebonats. fp s emu adeaauwe. . bold kt . bo!.llof or
12Y. 2h,twet 60 tenth with &sealant tire usa. -
oardrs 11:
. •
biz. for male by
LARD—C. kege fur:sale byi
• =ours an - stn.
o Fr w . Init,eafel4;awyl...ruesasen.
as TPX P 242 - 1 0/In frAVP WiTagr•kruma
rt Pirktante of lai:l.AtuaiirrErt.ixosi,,
hwaldent of the Cnitedt , tatts of Amok, aplomb, -
• am wad 'ntakelosten that Dello mans WUI be talCat
the tiadonsentloowil fonifilatto Um State wcArkansO t
at testate herstrtafter Owned. tn_lr . tt, •
At - Oho - Await - Ogee .or hATMVlLLE,sommenrinw
flondsj., lbw trot day of September riort,ifostlodont
of thayhtle hands altuakd•wlthfit the AindOntentOns
to a and fraelkand town...lllre, ,
•• •
sTetti throe-oho and wastartheAflisprincipof torahs.
Township too, of Moe throe. ,
Two:whip two, of mot four:-
Fraethinal townaldp Porte.; Worth of White , Mott of
=VI basains oiudedqflikjrfthp'ioic(paltarnilian.
Towaship Sheen, of ratios tem
Trietsonal troenshipt eleven and Melva,. of
m oan sta.
At the Ltod Office at ClLAllPAUNOLGtoimoottulots
Stonday. the fifteenth day of September zest, Mr the Xs
-roaa of th.Pabllclandevithla the Ulldertorntiornd 0.00
S edl . • • •
ettlebaseiiesand gesiolles f(file prismgal seer:di-In.
Townships eleven and fount., of lenge .sevealsen.
Towneldp eleven. of ranee vhteen• •
'At th e LAW Om at • omit:seeing on Slott
dsr, the elghteenttsdar of August next, for the distend
of nubile:lends within the following tome] township. , elei
revs,: of towneblist. via:
Aiwa en& boasting andeasfq, the fifth loleelfol l o' f° °° .
• tleelees thirteen. twee Weber, twenty-OS:1r end Vireatr
To, oast of the et. Footsie river, it; totenShll , lie.. of
. nowt four.
Townahip nine. of range wren. ' ' •
Sawa Vac turtling end non er the Afth principal egrets:tn. ,
Township tour and part of we Island lb motions dello.
two and thirty.thhe.. 10 township thirteow of reuse one
At the Lead • OM. LITgLE AWE,' coloinenrio it On
/tondo). the Ant day of Deptembee twat, for th.
of the public lands in the fullowing mated tract. On end
war Cyyreas lakA •
Alaht th•Coatins and toogin • CAt yi/blpie , eptlierrulsan.
The wrath half Grovel:lon elk ht.' the south haf of ten.
tractional feettoas thyme. and Ode., the north half Of
warrobent. the test half of twenty.... roardy.two, the
north her sad mut/Mast gnaller of twontrilrrsof. the
morthwert Hoch: of toontywiss and the own half of the
northeast quarter of refry-wren. in towns/tit , thrcrs'ot
range Rartern..
LeitdriT a tarF dal kropristed br law for the use of rebook; tall
Ilewhlai shall. be 00)-1.1 y li. Steal antho th
rithe be.
toe tied.,. Asti:dated for ale conarnament of the yas
Ile stile reepeenvelv. ender - the est saltier "An Art tp
-iceble the litabe Askaaran• and °awe. dudes to reoleals
" trireat e .i be th a u el t :Lita n t• t' ale '—" Zte r" 2l% " •l:o
tattoos EA' land Wanda grata b y lay law of.
Corpora. • fOr Military pasha *tendered - to. the lthiad
Stott. weli bprr,ootoi army 47 ag obesesuakeenfidea
areoeided• by the ect. entitled "An Art main, marerma:
ka/ err thaelell sal diplomatic attienas of ithvaramar
a••••PatOted•ltl Ranch ,
• The of the above mentioned widt.tri bp um-
.metteed the daYe appointed: and will pascal in the or
ties la which they am prteettirdt with ell eoureulent dire
patch. nail the
shall have loan Mina ata the Isba
tate cloned; Lot no tab shall be apt open barer t.h.
two wake. end no tante en.• of any. th e e lamb
edmitted•oatil a/ter th e erMrsdon of two wait,
• Clam nada my hand at City etWashlattosa th la
sixth da of 11ay..A.0 el one thonasad....tipt hots
LT the Preadult:
J. BurrEuraLD,
Commie wooer of Ras Reacted Land Odle*.
.•• ' • ' •
' • sones ro,I , 22E.EMPTIONCIaMILLNIT. • ,
Evert poem atitled to the eight of areas Woo to any .
antelamb vitals the towab sad hilts of towrishipe
eatuttersted, le required to n thadalt the nana to ta
railefaction Of the negate,. ad Receiver of the Droper
Lard thae. anamakeyeayment the:retool noon maaprBdy•
01. .7k* wing thir arise, sad before the day . pwintod
' - the oomlaenceteint of the Rabbi Weal' the lards eathr
eine the tart clamed, otherwise each shim will be Pruett
tVanalsoicaser of tht,peneral /AM Jake •
1) rsu tine° Of law, I, lau.t.aatt Fit.aitoat,
pw.khat of the UMW Stamp of Am do hereby
aerlao end mot* Yam ~.irst that nubile sal. wifil be held lit
the underinetAkened Land 015 e. In am Slate of Kla.Oons,
`l At
Denenatterdeelgoelod. Omits •
At the land =ea at ,TAC6SOh, commencing on lime
at (f Us terselilwered aster anprincipaboseridigia.
Inereohips even:y.7m, %went tit and twentrtileab
on and near Cement Meer. of moms rev. ,
iarnehipa (wanly-mooc h twentwelfht apd twmidf
on end near Current river, or mop bop.
Ttronship bemitywiitht, on a branch of Commit rims,tif
Tom: D alio twentyWhem tarentrlionr, twenty-el/DI and
twenty-Mne. of nage eight
Towniddps two/viral:l, Motaprow, Mattolab/ mad
Webstionst MrmatrOtta sad towlintilna twentr
two. twentpellaesewontrione,twinstyllye
„ the
0000th Way of PAN
Win er newt onmemminje on Iforsisy, the
p d
lie Isseas withlis Ohs !Whoring iambi townshilw Mid Mete
Wirth eif ifetee w{inagtfitefiffllnitni .
oroolwbnt, =l7.!=ii:
twert=nf lb w%
. rolmalm twenty-two d.
and to entribmw, of ranee Am.
notional towashin Nate®. rod townstdm etitytesci,
twentrthree, twatity-fonr, twenty-gee, twenty./ mid
enenty...k. of tongs atm •
Prsehimml taornsislys siztern and strentorn. and Wann
shly, twonly-tercs of romp, memo
resetiorAl township sesteen, letenteen, *lateen alut
trowpmatowsalys twoutptoo otui twenty-I!~ and
eretions Nora to ten snelnalee,shorniews bttata
t. tawtri.uxotow. m 1 ,, T01W0
twenty-n% of mg. eight
Township nineteen terropt frinaloool featly. Wets..
to loamy.. Mehtilre.) frechotnel timenaMP 00.0 v 1
fractional township tort nty-one (onset% YcnaN w. Mire.
eforteem tusenty-flierr, homtwflor, boraffefe, tiswiskre*,.
hoentrais., 14471,-foor, Mariwtor„ mut arrfrtc. of rang%
` The northwest *seam of spenon no, le tonmitilp
Men. and fractlnual townohlp twenty, of rattle too.
Newham owe to Metre Irgolutlve, the nooth half of aided,
,Aarteen b tweitlywan Molnar. met neelOy.„ht to dans-
Sara lotions. oa torustly 33, ~....kate Mow to Leo
hydoµvo, tarcosblf. W.f.= Lo 1 Pr <U.
011*, Us. math bait of two1)-(too, heirotiohlroi b. beenbesr•
as, and tharinfour to ttnessrfa tneltalea, m towoiLlp
twenty, of range reeler.
The part east of I.ktflo Ovcrtor,” of toviaMp
". 17=41 yfr 4 l th oorthamt quartew ) and reallons
soceihefallontonnmlisl b' A - f and tairtywe:osat
Meer irforitow.. in township Is . ..apt:nu% of tangs Sm.
At the Land Offlne at RUINIED, etonaneuelng
Monday, tl. eighteenth day of August neW. On die.
read of the yobbo larda shorted ulttlytthe 11.4kming on
med fraehooal wroshite, to vita . •• • • ,
Xmaolthe Dm tine and teat a/ tatAftkprianpat ierahos.
Tornado tworty.hro, of mop tweedy... •
Tataildp twentytno, of raw. twenty:three.
• Prartides of section. hevary-jlve, .12,iehrenc,
thellyeetraVortatfew,tdoloofacend tafrtyw. =Wt.' LW
old Nato line, In tonwhia, trentrune, of Mae twenty.
iattntral um:44p twotreaw nbatant to the dtaie
Lin. of rang. treaty-sewn, went pnlott Whin BUM .
the. thlety.too, thirty-thy. and thoti.lew.
LStla. 111roprlated by law for It.ta. of teloule. ma
1 1 557 and purpares.3<nrvitwr with waned , esd
werdowd twig out. soot rtweby for ehltleallott . IC
any, width atoll I. try thy :ludo au th orittea WSW
the day, appointed nr the wartnenwinent of the Inablle
Sloe entgertively, under the A rt entitled - du Aet II col
tt. of Whew.a all etts. ghat. to racial. We
`tramp Bode within (WI, Inelot". approved !enteral..
gm, mo, .di te endnfoi fin. the coley. And onloartfone
for land Wan*. lawtoltre acrattted by y lan oh
Lae caftan oenim nnaterverto LW Brand ttatee.
wdl • ,Jllllralated tran Vas Were timed iondr. as pta.
.14.4 By the sot entitled .4. An nuking aerwfolrtedge
for the del/ and dtylouutic esp... of litrernment." An.
permed gd Barth. Bibb
The alerted of the Crow mend/wed tad. Vlll to MO'
111/31tOd on We Wye ar,,lnted, and wowed in the ot-
Wu in wedell they we adearthed ritb conwnlent MO
wkh. until the whole Wall haw been odeted, and the tale
than eica.l: but no We thall ha kart own two. tloto tan
.lets. cad m wivets nary of wy of the heats r W head-
SWUM wad ahoy lbw writ - a of We taro wake. •
.• Wean Wed. Sty haw .1 the non
MI W thW
rtAth day of Way. Anne Itourtnl thronand • allt hod.
dyed and flttrene. MILLARD YILL3IOIIE.
By the Prestdebtr
IN pi/inane - a of low, 1, Mu Friamoos,
nor:dent of the Culled Mots. of liOssrls:b_ do herby
scions., maks know., tbaPpobile play win be bald at
she baderownsbooed load Odiora ist [be Mats of lOWA at
ttsv vamods bevels:after deal pato& to oil:
At she Lead =ea sd. lOW A OrrT. (OOOWArIOg of , 31...
fdtt Ina= VOL% Trarfol==l "* " l'lth.
vls: ,
Nora the base ay. and
JI imst MiAI;LA PsiodOot basbasAtA.
Township taveatrotae. of nap taeotyldna. •• •
Tosatattipa artratiatin•arnt eighty:of range add).
Towntblaa taatatputna sad eighty, of mate ltdetroL.
Tairnaltips savaatratoe. ghty and atglltydatb of mato
• Tovrantdp atgbty -oar, of range tbirtrtatat.
- At tba Lad OZot at ALltt/ALlb oanotasaltta 4042. 01 da y ,. the Manta day - of daptatabar nest. Ar
of Um public Ludt vittan thoundaymentketed toaroabita,
..trartfiti ths tau Unload swat of acova arum:tad Puri-
Toad:A.lp aavaatY, of nos* ibirtf%
.To 0.010 resent/. of ranee tairtyloso..
T ArtlTtgrall i e i aNtrlfa l rgSudor• the ethli
leenth day a •tthuet next, the the Corneal of the follow
lag tract., to wit, • ,
A mall Wroth In eestionezunitarest and vioAteen r In Mite
ship ethhtytwo berth, of ratute one east. and the poutbeset
itharter or seetton hoodeoften, townslalp Warty-eta
wirth.of rause nine Wan ur era. othrelliel mevidltfor
Lade appropriate:l by law tor the use of wheels, IDA"
UM' thd other partanno, Wartime with Othath *vamp and
evertimend lauds made unfit thereby' 'Dr eolivotbre,l
If any, whkh rtioll to re by the State authorities be.
fare day. epPolatal f orth.ootameatienieut of the pule
Ile eater respectively o unster the art entithet "An Set te
'enable the Bute of A`eltaasee and'othf Slates to veetalni
the 'month landY within their athedved 15epfem
Ira fa thottakd freer Um sake. And Ito It.
ka Dad bounties heretofore muted L aay laid of
Cougars.. Mr military Fenian realer...l to the halted
.otates, vralaapenalttat on any onto a/nevi...tithed faith,
es provided by the act entitled •,1,0 sot making aptanprtar
Gone for the civil real diplomatic engross of Government!
0o approved 24 March. thsl.
The earthing of th alami. will be comneravd on the dart
•llPolnted, that mined In the Order to .elan they are ad•
vertievel with all thavenlent dispatch, 00111 tbe whole shall
Dave beta offered, *ad the sake thus ekonti battle sale
MAUI* Dept then longer than two weeks, and no private
entry Of any of No lamb will to admitted ooUl ofter.the
Intmn of the two weds.
Given under toy hoed at the City of trathischab Qat
,loth doe of Play, Bane Domini one thth vood
_right bore
dad awl tiftythe-ane.
lldentt • IdIILARD FlLLlttladb
By the
Commistlanor of the General Land Waco,
• • NOTICE 7'o PR 11-M(1'770.V OLAIJI ANTE
Emy personentitled to the Arita of preveription
of tbo lan& within the townships and_petts of township,
errs. anumented, Is required to tideland:l the Yam th
eathrostion of•the master and weir., of the limpet lath
offue,rowl make payment therefor as con aspthetthwde Oft ,
or teeing -h4 notice, sad beLor the day spoduted for tbe
omuovthiatent of the nubile rale, of th.e_laiidstorthroeing.
the truth cliamth otherwiso such aloha nail In forfeltnl.
Commlnimaer of the General /that (CM i
m7.7.l:lsarlat . '
210er Cast saved to .Conx!try
bfIQE). Ith. 4/3 North' Second risen, Philadelphia,
bar s net seed from the nathcfactorp an extensive and well
selectsial stock of the above [cede, uhkb wlh ho b id at 01
per amt. lees. than can to purchased In tha tits., for cash
area) sooootooo.
Desiono will do well to call before gurcbluina•
Pre'eh~A~rlvala of Wail Pe
Y HOMAS PATAIER, No. 55 MaikotatrOet;
has lust received from the Pass, • handsome amyl,
cleat of Pm priced Chatubelyapar. sot •
.111APiK ijANdlNGS—Fronoh and' Amer.
ALTERpleakfor sale by
of Of it AI A II Oil ALL. OS Wood at.
ACKIEUEL-200 We. No. 3, (Large) IVA '4"‘"."64 4"" 311141101 rrOltir
and oar es/a be
lintsbotna. Ballroad Whit.
inTlB miner I.olln and Wayne ate.
MUTTON HA.3IS-2000 Ilia! prime. for
/TA odo cr my z. , 7411EY,141A11117.M 8 a (XL
CODA ASII---500 casks of our own mann
-17 facture rarramml and miabtx and aa blab fiat
two4t.d, mut zr rale at the luegact market knuec
—• 'J 2I . _ • • - Water stmt
O gLIELP.Vdtks
"...4 r irat=ti vigt.
rtcroa unrtrodlol. To bo sum at FORSX/111;Cmasedagiou
l'itUbarstb. • Darn
T/R BALLS—A full assortment just reed
esd ser - nule - mrio 4.troN.
L Ag y .ll tibia. t02j, 1410 4
Cominitakzei of am Bameral bud Olfax.
atsgEo 1851 kma
WE ERIE 'AND zurictoelr LINE,
e. ?AUKS aCO Itacatarsa. Paansama.
PORE' PROPRIETORS of this old owl well
elnila Line. would tatarm the public tLat tea
awe OperlWlt Pl 4 .llsearoa., asul balaaaatatu
,..4 anata'aa...a.-era arta& the ve MDT
nrbArp.Z7VPXZ u na th ey. 'e t7t. ooo t . i t k, :riiit r
Lana will co eaaatanalraa huakting. below Wawa.
cahela ilndg" re '7l4 l i f it [JAMI Y
oak., CM Wale sod FaaJthllell sta...4 L itTlii .
W. eneadashaaa, Gala, 141.,
P. C!.. Mathew, Pal aakl.
w: a Malaa4 nava.
J Pharpaburgb;
Wm. Adult AL ,Co. Oreenalik
•14 at...11..1.
Wen Power. Coa.a.Wlalins
V.'. Yale. P.:
D. Wanted.. Dutra', N,Y. apt
- . Sapenor Line.-185L •
• • •
new steamer NORTIMNEIt, Capt. B.
• U. lam,. haring ererr modem hlmerortment
Pp and Cot t. will leave Clevelatal C
Yrlden t M tl
nf May Coat. on, her firrt trip—and merklf Mureen . =
rrhief. at OH o'rlort. P. M.. for the &Pt Ste.
The steamer 31ArillATTAN, Cant. Jana canrns,An
leave Peat Ale. Marie, fa . the Alf mat landings OP lake
SoloorlOr. as the aieltnl of the Monier ltorthmseri making
erAtilar throtighbat the Neilson, bobreOti
CIAO - had andltmeopwr and Iran Meek
• ' A. TURNER, Ppaprletora
Ofrrelaad, 0., April 25. 1851.—tf
iffgaiWa 1851. MEM
4 I! ,, E ti ß r, l 63ll . FOßba
tii_ii.imit il at t tim m t l i til i f ig . .l .4l %,
ebort Woo, 41 at m low
as 'Ol.
. olha mind. Line.
hitsmaj arrourements ham, also boon made the curling
Way Freight to Blalsrellle s Johnstown, Hollatayebuilh
Water ameet s _Alssandrie,yetersbusub s llunthmteu,
Croak; New Hamilton, Mal l aytown. town.' YtHM,
litrwpoet,Clarlsa Ferry. Iltrelahura.Columla.,4l sll otia•
ea internsuHate points on thit PentayleanisCanal and Patio
age,HallusesH ip Haring return loonle u g lu t es enured :4e:
thi Jun romp Hows and , regu n Wpm= 1.
the alonmald point& at the lowed eal" mai ht ,
upon. • .J. Atype.Litil4 sccriz - holorte...
ait b Libextr
mehlalf Second W door.westof the LM MM
TERM IN BIAIIIIAJP S LINE, to oar brotaft.
OE DINOIIA.M., the *ulnae at Pittitnarall *O'Day.
after be trandastoLl adder the style of .Wed. Bin ham a
Do.* Nadal • PfAL DISOILLE. I
„Bingham' Transpintation Line, :
gretr§M§4 1851.
TTLIE DANALbeingnow open, we aro nil;
dr to. male* sad *far.* pmmptl7, DNaloco arad
erettaxdOu. net add .eat:
V retallte !bras. at Motet Wee ebaried triadooderala
Prodder erai llerehandla• reltlbe reeolredand trroafama
out an*, warm.' any tams for Ibiwarllng ar *l
aurel** ?M *on aar, COMMillnell. orators**
nobs of Win;
drr Ornarded k irral all *fractions felthfail/
attend to. Adefora
KLNO CO., Canal Da** ;
Comer Llborty. sad Ifayoe eta, PElardreat , , -
111NOCIANL *DOCK 183 - martat et,
toteread Forma andilfthsts,Pbll.4.lP*)* ;
J 1 .1.31k15 " N n..13
meal Nov 'fork.
1851 EOM
Transportation Line,
3...11eA.5171 A ca, Canal do - . 406 Penn throat.
CILLtiLIMIXAVIICIt. Centre] Black. Mug *erect, Pltlia.
Re ate prenatal to tone
o n a euncnnt surebanalro.
avd Milne to ship on the opening of Os canals to Phila.
trnphia.And all inrmallato places at lover rates, and In
Ica '6 l,l=fi%Termk. melded
the QUl n box ii runissionert for oterring our boat. on
Mahe ilatiroade,.7lll prevent an
o y aesnlr . of delay
Li°""b"l" ei. ?I'M:MUT
LTAME4. - 1851 lagiaa
To Shipper! of Korot=vase, Prodice, drO,
'SO MO MN "Threarl , ol4 7=4,11.1170021 , 2 A= lc_
ATELVS tCO,_Protaietras. . Starlet and 61
• LL rr DE on
LIUGETE, Agruts, Caul Basin. Pittemarth•
J(y.s. TAILOR & NON. Altmti• &aka..
Catl,fgn=aNnUran Iftw th' eatt=l " t
• hipprrs aasalults &nate, and tans, War. att., Lim!
JalIS 117•14.31.:'. :
PA: 1511 & 6* oD z ,
(lisorepers toJabrk IleFrlra &Ca)
Candaitasin, renn
Penna. Railltoad 677 --Central Rail
riniE Fulaseribera buying been nppe;nted
to s ro
mt. say tartelso or FraTura for rurytarat mat °alba
opcolair ct the cabaL
G0....d• via liar nate trlll rarriesitbrough tiro da.Tn
as an marbraed to of yin bd tartar:lnt frt.. of comm..
bn er ebartra tor . adrarers.
NAM Of MUMS 911 V MI/ SCULL Sn r=rarcsat.
NT Coals. rfrt. aes, Cuska,
Uoutry, Fruit., Feathers, Verona:* Draws, Doak-le*,
Deddleli.Wool. t- 2e+
I =4B ' ar ilol,hao
e. tele 100.
Dleseno.434 . lPort. Dot** Iwool DD. Twbomo
CU* , ow. Oran and L.e.O. *le
Ims4b) tsrVl". 1.46 qt " ia l al
Donee. . -
s o ,aw 51ctAblrit • COVDIe:
1851 iS*Eil
Pittsburgh Transioitation Line. -
JAMES 0 007iliOR a ()., Canal Indln, ?Mahwah.
JAllkd a Ca. Doinda brad and Mann gtneelt,
and lin n /irddh Poarth Wont. Cat... Uldiat ond
" I:=ll . L.Vtiloru, stmt. WU:wt.
)1 AXING fully completed our arrange.
meas.. util by hennas! Open the namable of tho'
*nun [pogo Canals. to caulfreUht to and Cm ribs
tura b. italtbsurre, llatelbh Nos York... Boston, Ct.
'Antall. Lowe vills. 70. Leafs all Um East and Weal.
lowa Moe and vitt, mon 4 UVach 0.4 .+ lll . O 00 7
or Lino, an goods stab:sot-by our 1.41,a are fakir 000.1.0
Worweloserso without an: charge to ctrners. a prouctlat
nos rally sllorded Lin ,
winntankedlons addrrad IQ onrselees 01 atbnoW.
Wall a Co.. Cloonanath 0 Hebb ) Louterills, and Lone i
Osts,reee, 1.. Louie rill moos *WU prtsupt at
Our Lino bsenosoonestion whateeer with the
PhiladelplOa, and rittelrehb pranstoortsoloo LW, of
Lowies Patent Itervenible Water Tiler
S NOW to be seen in operation at WM.
TATE a 0./.7, Manors, No. 10 fourth
.4 . 11.11.1 , 1, , a Wg.114,
Gold 11•103 fro: * inrinrioir hollow of 14
OM •o r Mai Vraolliaa larlituto of
DAL. for itr ruporiorlif Its eiroorlog peoportior.
modistes horn Omer nlOllll them in arse Pirinniooo l .
00 obobT tbotillairiani aro yr..aria:
. 11014.1.1..1A. Mardi =M.'
X '.
Wel Oa gnat Dimon to'nnottimend iota. torus of
Mfr Um Potent Inirertiblell'ator
iroriiod r Xr. loon, hole. wood ono a them for .00,0
.1 Um:the. lm rtiablnit to f trunr valor. .
OtOILGE co 0 117 Milan; greet."
.4411drOldraia. blurb
SbV.Parant Ilerardhla Victor. Itiltentr. lawnltael by blr.
Paaaart ll.landa, and used by awe for 10204 mouths slant
wives rrablenor. is all that any
noold aria.
lbwredbra co/udder It a Prir/Waw to b.. . It In nIZ P 01. ., VI
e,opown.ital It to el. pablle. JO??Mr.NAI/4L..A . .1111...
, • Thew. Filter! aro namable! to tato ant any mall or
dam whlell may orlon, from ckweiblitwed =nand to ' , Cabe
.44s Marna In the water. They .n warrastad to ins two
I ...wad wi th ordinary care will last tan; and rensato
only to Waxen to to appreciated.
sayleott Anti strarUPldladelaba.
Rocking's:on and Domcstio Queen/mare.
• w, atwitter. of Lookinabaeo and Wine Clam Wu.
Ban inOb
illirata=le.ea . num Math and Unne dint.
Monet Vbarch Wahiawa anew.. ant door to J. it U.
on nankin, Warn muttt. mi to ftliollanm Proniatt.'
-Iwgrars—„ttlr=a:4VOietty.l% .
Vltart' l lar getortri= " gsaa ' il= " l
apor J., .4 0.14. tionartle an t ID KM. Vat/.
Order, rt. 4.41. rdiNed. ' lactate:
' • 'Heating and Veatilatl' on.
V) ileseirntaata In nottla.Conel.ltonme.Leteture
Booms. Bank . Stang factories, llospltalg and bug/.
1... r myy aeription, public aml private. Alm, latur
&Su ag1..1) le lizuMg I'or all purpmee wham ....pilaf
unopermule.anna=7 . lo , o .% A. dralegli and tot thesa
00 P=Ibrt'entilailert=timeal th oi L lbread tonna. *ill
Wpm I nd
%.Ireeelptlona usentl ad am
moat auountehilly I:valatl upoattas pl. In XILMV Q : i.11:11.
• Wm lambed Immo • wholesome, uniform beat, at mar
vrquired temperature, with 0.4000 Makm from rag
" . Podliug Wagon. .
ALargoilnd sitbauuttial two loran leogoi
with Imo axles, Aural* on ter orahle tertos_bi II
. , .C.
~ • as wood stnttLl
Agricultural Impkancuta. • i
I 'RAVE JUST received frota the gait thO
fonowlug tmaltatente. all of the beet tuanaftwtare
• the moat reowtt Invention*, and I would invite all
rarmera to oall and MILRIIIIIII trIT rtaelt.
l/rilll?it i arblnw, for corn. brans, bone, (analog, gr. :
onto 1..t0r whrag,r3e. oats, and healer,
Cam beranhen. . ' ,• • ..., • •
• St rew
Ileller; for tioeri endluind rawer.
Strew and (torn (Walk Cutting Dater.
Vegetable Hoot cutters. .
01 - Yolten and Cow Chant - Halter.
(Vowel Grain and Wax* brine., and 1114 r. -
Cabaret two, three And four mong forte.,
- Alt manotwtured from Um beet matertals, unit for !ale
at the Wog and need there of . . ..
.. N. Iricisrusttax.
.j...... 1 Corner . f Wow*, mut theta etmeta i.
Beatunont's Patont Starch Polish.
ATENT.Eft, July 26th, 1850.—For
beattlfal to Limn. Muslim., Carahrtei, Cue
;Ara t rwiki7."7: l gorov4MgAtrit'
440-40., salcontalas nrablag loluraata
Din:Woe—Pot pave tbe War al" a pea to a Quart of
A tarch when latlllam tram brioalr.
Prke, 12g emu per Catn. Sold erltalneele and retain')
11 SELLERS, 17 Waal et.
Copley's Pot .Clay.
subscribera me now Solo Aganti
ofd. Copley At Co., lir tbi we of 1h4.r.10t Clay, all
1.4 noll.oststolObe4 nolgtallon !Dr Ow instottsclur•
if I.llBag WU, Elsel C 4411. le. It 1. male of o 8 alb+ owt
ntsulbllsobslaum• Woo and OF nu ~Nulty eckckd
and elatosed provi.u.U!gri.l..
my . 41.. • . . .1. eIIiIOOI4SIAECU l CO.
Invaluable in Idiot aa • prcUctinn w dui hands' in
liTiriEV " yil i get T.,4,°/..°01.`",
litnbbar.Depi4. and • wmat atraat.
irTL itia Julien Itleaue,} of
Li :our 0.12 haportatkat, warrsatintpum. Irr.,Piot
Owl.: at Or !mote per Musk bottle. dt. 3101 MI S. Ira
mut, ip r"4.t
f• i i CLOTHS-Just reed, from. dm
r„,wii, W D u.. c...p Olt Cloth , • hasotlful/r llf h•
artlele,._for sale wholesale Ufa", sa micro ee"t"
Oil Uloth Waterman:. /Yon I and Wood rt. rt.'
J. a 11.1.1111,L1111.
arm., atol our oers k manufacture, foredo at the
loth Woro.roose, and II Wood O.
volt • ' J. t Q. PIIILLIPS.
gaUlCSOTT'Slicllow Duck &Sarsaparilla—
jr we for rule br Einceft.%)..g..
ra 1 4 rid tor Soh by &N. vactraswat.
arid • • emir of pladtrost Wood Otoo
' ' DRY GOODS,' &c-
Brotho 4 T 1311 W y`off3l=OrSlinting and .
.41.0 eupply of choke make of Martin n, nvr
it., and Do-cm linene, the latter warranted an Ass—
' t mobt dl Reif tronithe anent of the In.nfooturer,and
.11 be and at lomat th.D.3
' 6heetlng muslin's from one to three yards whle, alwape
en nand. Al., prnow can m.llna 1.9
Alcsifird a atteggN i gt ir&iit:litak.f. r .
,s/sa anew and hendlone Epee, at 12 min
Wrap dm
Laerne, Ungar, fettling, of slowest steler. atm Maim
fling Min great sandy, such Bs llansses,
Lalus. flumes, Lc.
tiocNU opening •Imost s
; Lace Curtains. •
HAVEAreceived, direct from therm 4
amortEoput o f Lacs Curtains, which t
A. poll low. SUL:nide sad Trlmmla gnat all 1,.13:1&-
.1.1 Wu. /JOULE. Third at.
Bonnets! Bonnets!
• .
• .
A A. MASON tc CO. would respect, p ;
tai.,47'l2,rrigt'lel9 ,!1,111'.1=, - 0
blab itei ere awurtantir reriatlef - 3
Thwabare will be sold at TM' priett by t d
f !“
en or elnale bonnet. Nee. 01 and ae Merest et f!“
-A lndla Intoa' ,'i . b:Wt"trr:,l
oto.o, out .ut,out.,.. .- A. b:3l/&ON L CO.,
Se 3 . ' 42 and 64 31arkst .t.
LACK .SILK LACE- 7 Wo hatojust ree'd
Atoll II atuppl4of th e above draftable Cards, of all it h.. Ler sale eb re A. A, MASON I CO..
je3 (11 aed BA SLAM at.
PRIMPED IRIBBONS-The attention of
p of
which we c. 0.? oat ban
et WIT lOW Me," ,
. .. ..
New Haraget, Tissues, Bulks; Lawns, &e.
X/1311PIEY , & BURCIWIELMaye this clay
i.x N...., teo. sorrorto mew lad Larvlsonio sly!.
te ung a re, T i l i al Wass MA Blast do., rroach
iTuTers are 1441 to all%efore maklsattraepos4aeso
elsewhow. ~ . , • .. at wholesale ho - rowne up stalrs. . mill
jt URLAPS-,-A superior article 40 Weir, for
LP sale. try I my 7 :1CIIP111( it LEE. •
Woolen" Goods!
Gs CASES Greeniitized Jeans;
Lunen . 7 "ctoti:
The above Goods an just reed fro= eastammenufarto
rem oft 130114411190 1 / 1 ard far sale kre on favorable Um.
on 7 . SIGIII , IISr a LEE.
‘3l . — These uI an orAmeit 011ty In all Wade of
: t rAT
WAN remedy te:
t g b
mos t. PHILLIP&
INDIA RUBBERCOTS—An excellent coy
atee 4r mars empty or 0.. aolf • 7 and lm
601 F 1.1111 VINE • et• sooortmeto of lootaticol soy
otrlot 130613tit0 bbuoo at priors.
Thor TOlll4 also ell attoatka to tholz sorylarge nooply
of ramtools. velars all qualities con be obtained .4 at Ton
toioo. O2 .11.s.ikot out{ • -
f gtIMPED TARLETONS—Just, received
Li this t 0 . 2 „, sad now op= 10 aro. of them vstr
60And.40 (Mtn Taststsas lbr lloottst Littlag.• TGat
hsotton or ix ruprettally solicitd. • _
. - JL. A. 214,30:11 00.
BLACK BARAGE for ItOurning Veils,
reeel..l at the *toe. of
♦ and harkhome style*, twist* low yrieeowl'd by
I. dyk 111//14'l
e aml _1
m 714 i''"lY
- VINE SIIAWLS.—We would solicit the at
<cation of purehasurs to km . _ =Wan. salvia
meat Of superior plain and sintroida Craps Muni, and
aearac fancy Cada:tent Shiba! and Silk fluorin all of tbe
na.arut most dealninlustsks. nlien ne sta
aus rarf..toneirt Woes. A. A. XIABON CO..
• - WS% •• • • • - • 62 and 61 liarket
/11RUIPiaTARLI:TONS—We havo this
ILJ , day rade! Maarthaarotthha . a vary elealrabl• Crimped
Zarktan TrlamolaD, salogriat whkb will ha sok,
Arry <hemp at reola/r or by Umbras. at 62 ana 64 Market el.
FINE.DRESS 000DS—We lusve just Te
velnd another kola iwartmast bbel, brawn,
bleu .sd goals pad llama, Al., 10414.nd
%Wad 8111 u, vbith in an alining at very lor
mTW ' A: A. LAWN 4r.
OURN !NU GOODS—. Blackßombaiines,
1111. Atmas. with lipostsdnif grIPA CantmiClotka. x.
tr 1 . 1.0 rivarag!
' . IOIIOPLINSI POPLINS I—Just ro ivedthir .
dry• per mdirase—At pietas beautiful ehadee of lob r•
el Poplins. which de dill aell at 2.l.per mac lower that
they bar* *VI, IMIM Mad to Weed],
armament of alloolors oaulftholitirroft kralfrv,ufft
a it *worm. of LW* Tbrea4. Via and COttou
for rule, •rha I esCo at rata. DT ..•
myth V. U. ItATON. CV Fourth at.
DRIED FRUIT-400 bu. Pemchee; -
to - APIA, Lrc oaln try
TNLOOR OIL CLeTHS.—A laige stock oi
Tkar Cloths. of ssaltha musing [run ICUPaIa
L • •te ma:am! to sell as UMW Lt MOO
Fonts/ad Acura Ewa- Itsishotat WA bans. tamers an
rearsesad cal aria soaalas oar Mat betas Isarcarafog.
slosabens - • J. a 11. V. 1111.61 4 .6.
OWL , 't ALL Y Went Y.
Murphy & Burchfield • I.
Ara 11027 opening a Great Variety of Nese Goode,
Amt Iznik tie calls of all ...nos to panto..
oprs VOA 110ELNII0
I 0.• torocols, i= „ vita§ j r ztr s can black as bk.=
Cbascroblo coaa
Ilobstaian Ursa a:kat., Itt Leta' Statics:
e7:11 • Worio.l ' Thatler Ekon%
YWn Olcek lake•
Chardesha fumy' l
Baler Erverh thAvNe, and a gear meaty Water,
Ocala at ad acre . f
24 • 111:11PLIT BCO r'UlSnti.p.
• Straw Boinet end Hat Waretwase,
No. 105 31Alcer Brurr,
offer* for wile, at very
rrtn. r; to anort=ent of Sum and
9 . 0r4.1 - PL/onsitch' , ..4; Aidale.')daletand Nan:
Bead, huoth L. Lair. Inards. Lop
ban, etet am. • •
Jf.ta- I, lireht Toothe . . and Brae L. 2 1,.. 1 , 1 w. i 4
'lrritErt"".7.lV A N i nr. int 4 n 0;
mt;te an 4 outer farms.. /rut ash'
sr.e. roan Bata and
all via. and redo. t 1.8.1 C•lf
and Adored vielta and colored ard
Cann Bette. .••
e SileA d
i r e ' ., MXCS—corlo. Smola Buttonaßraids.,
Pa...a, at. •
17.0 WERS—Yeende ley latainete Bpaga bunelds and
erearato, *let .4 novel .t: h •
It0Y141:7 SILK., AND dara Ora de Nu.
plea lan. do lathen Flora., and other otylea assort.
quallans and rotor.
8411.V8--Assorted - aualti. and tar.
• Atau—lslet and tow.tmand Par.ole and Cohan. Bad
CIASSOIERES-40ptcy? fancy and black,
‘../ an. al. ay • ant: •c. ARALTLIXOT.
AyRESS,LAWNB-4 CW3Ceprinted, a great'
Tariety or Panora ter sate
BEILAUL DE LAINS-2 eases ilftirable
%Ur Om sale try
DIBBONS- 7 -300 pa Bonnet. 250 Cap, for
We by apt. C. A!tIiCTIC4vT.
WU. 161041 No: 13d Waft Smelt.
om , lat and m nook of Fashionable , Aleuts.
darted to fimillemet, W.. r Ibt Stem commtalue Ur
moan In AIDKIOO. tratneb, 'and Vrtntub Cud.'
mew a leer splouttld moortmena of teatlV Cloth.'
of amo7 habiunablo &hada and odor obleb, erut
tame and uell manufactured mock of FLEA /1401..
CLOTUINU, ocaltul 000 of tbs lartuot and bast ealseted.
AMt. ntol of tbn Alleibualsm all of +Web the Proprleon
is drtarmln otter at ouch tem m vent amain.* all
oho &yobbo ed w ith as mal, that to not only Um moot swami.,
Clothing Is .W at Mil mtabllatunent trot alto at tbo Imo
I tterbal;
[De nitr.
M Abuommentatt.ssomml a tn the
Met temaible manner, an 4 Uot ebtutem cloth».
BL'K SILK LACES—Large assortioent, ,
and vm , away, reed at tn. .tor. of
1, now mmalontl7 nottelag his Spring Stork of
Cauttaillng In {with. following r.Ykllr.i
Ultra Rotal Velvet Pile Carnets. do. do. Tapt Bros
mtg. do. do. Ilruseedu extra toper. 3 pin •upe plc;
do. /oarslut OXUS Ens du; Mao do; summon dim ado:
44,34,14, 0.14 241411101 Ve211044: 44, 44, and
plata do; 44,34. BS, and 34 wool and cotton do.
Extra Manilla Rugg toe 44.1.104 aura tufted dal Roo
Jo. do; :mom= do. Ctroollla Door idoto 1013 d do. do:
alma Ain do. d do. 443 Thrum du do.
Crumb thotba, Yetttng do.. Reeking 12.4.114. Lod 24.
Alwa—Shmt VII Cloths, rot 1.0 At any Ms. ball or room.
114.14, 0.4. 64. 44. mut :4 Oil Cloths. •,
Also—Stela Rods. 01.110 mm Carpet 111tallogg LletCar.
Palm Raut r ini h nAtAtzl d, 34 . Hattlogg Tabl;4lraloQab
rvff Vlll3O Hollandu N'eultian Mit= 1 Pho ' ni
Roman. Jo. Table Jo; do. nand do; Worsted Table do.
lmportad and prnellaxd our storldlrect Froottne
mat celebrated Fautorhu, below of the latett and most Ru
mmel sttle. and colon. we Me propared to .all to our
Wanda mut customers at prices oa hoe as toot um Ss sorra.
Me owd fn amp st t/w 2-intra
luette all to call sod axstoloa oni Mock nt
Tho Carpet Warehouoo, 85 Fourth street.
ruchl9 W. 3IeCLINTOCK.:
Ohio Laboratory.
076„_ 92
I 111.11 80 l ino 1 U° 11111
t.ll ' 85 99
Per cent. Strength.
- I ,OIVELL FLETCHER & CO., Mannfactu•
tent 01 A 140911014 Pure Feints fort:clog. end lino
' • ' 7:TP=l ' ll= l h"., 1 7. (1101,7.2;1 nlti.
Aren't order. horn Plueburgh will tie pro ely
`at hetreAt market prime. ltty
Wines and Liqriors.
Are, liii'Literryst.,.PormalyDeeiscre • fadory.
n. Plaza:4l, ofilltsbura4 t:.s.sieneknin, of 9 .. Y.
antiounee to the public renewal, and
I,7lNiVil e kirltes:t i ttreTelrlat b d ed . tihe N r!:The ' y '' et
ways keep hill etwortment of the bolt ttock-3beille ' end
Yrateh rol sod white Whom Aleo. French nark entl nikle
!Intuits., or the anima 'fenny,ru m. wand
ltioh Whiskey, ehintieentle and 'per - khan hock wine.,
of the e a
k approycil breads, poet ntoen,Jdadelesobam
It Junk Abrothe, Aleo,eantines. land
lirm , t , idielinwri o = i ftSkeeire. All of which they
ge l of ' the 1, itourenerrtin n t" i nunit "' l4 '
mf4porbalet d on num In the fiat ut N York, hlettrve Gar y
purhnroolperhan. ill, be
airq'sndllet ;applied Cm of•extranharo, and at the
ithatege.nntics ,
4teCARD.---I hare rimmed 43 my newatore;
ltbrce , door. I>elor,) nearly 0P1.141, the Bank of
burah, vrbeve I hdll be glad to tee my friends and len
eititena, and may* a are of their Neap.. 1 ant
awn a very large wortment tridedetery. mould Ml.
di ng , eaekd Haly.gening, Have, Cotton nod Utak Elam.
ems knumrr Ned e s nolatarn and tillown /ileum% Q,„11.,
Connteraaner e and Cantfoing. Window Shaklee. of retry nee
11.01 :Deerxiata. and envy ante/. usually found In lb.
naeg extend,* ..end of the kimli ynlare row*
/WU MU:IW and mart ptairgatt
DRIED BEEF-2,000 lbe prime, just re
e.RWsal Re solo by l e9 ILLRAtrOIL
SUGAR -64 hhds, received and for'eale by
Att .. Ass 7 .7
ik~//((ACHERE bbls No. 1851, in
Untore.and “I•by 1.9 S. W. minnitualt
RYE FLOUR.--20 bbla rye floilr for sale by
em s k riCl u i: lrtvba.s.
coßcHiNo S-5 caßka pri me on hand and
for rale by /09 ISWEt M'CANDLESS.
T la do br J 9 WICK i IirCANDLLI39.
bbla 1f02.L LanL
4 do Ore.,
3 do •
i t
t ro 1=1:
tat aria tibl. flax and.
I b gr t'Va.
! Pirt, for axle by 2l j Port
rjellT- . 1 221.7.151D1C1LEY em 2 . CO.
‘'T; 20 tb.—ee . -gr- • •
fel Noe. 221 a. Liberty et
VRESH TOMATOES, hermetically icaled,.
k retaining. Perfectly, thr favor nod (notions of the
ripe (mite a mew. by ! an nod
Co o
ior27 ti racer. nod Tea Dealers.
t MED BEEF.—Evans Swift's Sugar
JJ Cursd =wined, for ftl• •
W)I. A. Art: OM° A Co..
tv,Z* ' •Zgl Llbrrtr
. tug Dread, Psalm' Carr, As 4 risking the be:* cd
read with the addition oteold watar only. This Flour
o• buret 02,1901* enneenlent and elewport that CID
"erased for household purpofte, acing YS wit. in but
t r sad tigg•._Pad making the mrat eupmtbr greed, Light
grri Fuddiage.War. A., wan • great ander or tale
nut trouble. The abort to put ttp to remettnient amt.
=to t of 3 and • with tallTo
WIT . , Worm and T•it
YEYLOITE-743:bblit. for sale 4y
m730 - 8.1)41 , 21!LL t CO. Lib.rti a.
lIEESE T -50 bole! good W. R., for Web)*
.733 . R.DA.121511,41
'Q n UNDRIES—. •
2 bbIL 1 L 666; -
" Oress4 • '
• 16 bate F 4114.
4i Elitz4•44;
1 6161. -
9 hair Dd.4 „
We by . vica^r"l i ,
co.r d
46130 Water and front 41.4
Y MORRIS' TEA !--alortis', Tee . Digit
in the Diamond. &rend Door hcao Inatormi•DeT
• rW Rind/ this mtablithment la *no nay COntterted
With the dors lasalr opened inn duos hT itnrortb
V e UN,DRIES= ' •
k 3
2.200 Ih est,* rye Eopp'
twatola aged potWolts.
• • LO baireb ptisu
Ine Neduoo,la.
!aal& e
Cidsr Tfi
LO LonIeTLIW 'maw •
- 2 lowd.. - • •
.100 Doe. 4 rot win.
• 0,42 ratul oWaler weit.
2.7 . 27 T.
'Di W a 01. OOD & SON,
ROLL BUTTER-3bbla, (fresh) ist cloths,
erred sof an sae by R. DALSISI. W.,
'iIEND44OI-1.% blko. No.l (to snivel for
' .111 .4e by ia7l3 CIILEMrsoLa CO..
SiUTTON .11,10015,-i.'ooo S. 0.. for tale by
aIiOUND NUT,S-1513acks for solo by
LA .05 - I.94I4IIDICKEIta CO.
1:n1E03 7 11bl. far aft_lqjb.6o"
FINE • .• •
v., her d...ts':o. Otto
bow. extra Ites Wen .M 1 ,717
165 CO.
111.4.154. NSW N : .0.131:
up jr. 7 usrm for ale try
f I OFEE-100 bito Rio; for sale by
'QUNDRIES-14 bble. Grease
'''•7 • s 'no Ludt" I'.
13 peke Feldberg
Mayflower. sad fn eats by.
~.„ 23 mcitzr '
-- ,Veone Wlatnta.
FLOUR --10 bbLs. Rye;
too for al. /IT
liv 5.2 SEMBt!rAilitil:siOrCiaCgY
FISH— ". .
Moo Mack•reb
/atm No.l li•okerab
Itallisooy. i.L.Y‘OXT.
. • Solmnq .
• CollAtt. For oak by .
WM: A. T o
. corn • • Wows and Too booboo
BOCON 111 ROUND-8000 lbs. Bacon
affi m iga . .. Fide*, tad abotildT a rov.l . arvAtron.
MED BEIF--3000 j:ar , sale gm
IJOAR-150 lads. N. 0., for rah by
1.0 car' • 'F. a W.U4kOAu
irOt FEE-10 bugs fur sale by
mr9 S. & R.soa u.
pOTITOES-200 ba. prime Red, for sale
:TT!) T. ITOODS k 505',
GI Water d.
isox—rw .1. by . 7 . P. %CULLUM a CO"
mrs enyner.Wced ae6 1111.0 sts-
n RIED APPLES-10 ba g s in store, for
LIF Pala by 11.DIALULL &CO
snyl4 Meaty st-
PIIEESE-20 bI. W.IL Citam, for sale by
RFLOUR;, Prepared Corn;
Farina; Tag=
Farb VY • lilt r lf MN= & CO.,
=TM , Za Llb.rty mt.
p RuNES--Bordeaux Prunes, in Oise j WS;
paprtior .`tabby Ea
Umlaut Pinin.r. TO , IWO by
bornWAS. 6. McClanto
I\4ACTEREL-100 bbls. No. 8. for sale by
A. COLD CMOS a 03..
mrl3 TA Liberty stm.t.
LOAF SUGAR-150 bblo. (aired Noe.) for
an d. by nuarmoos a maws.
• 116 Water at.
UAY RAEIS-40 dos. foredo_bi •
tl m77 A. I. cox accisnox CO,
n UTTER.-3 bblo freob,• now landing and
MP for tale 47 18111.11 D1014.61t ar.,
mr24 • alid Itaett m.
LARD— r = kegs No. / Leal for isle by
mr Run', BfArrIINWLIA OD,
D RIED FRUIT-250 bu—Apples• '
IW'PeacitArObr ale by
lIICE.-10 tierces (fresh) for Rale b.y
LitertTLE &
uky: r amt.
PEA-50,11f. chaste, X, IL, imp., !old Black
Teis. Ibt stair by • • , •
jRLOIIII-240 bble. Extra and S.l , `, for sale
j] HIED APPLES-320 Sacks tor 0416 by
LIP toty6 L. B. IVATLII.MANA 1313X1L
ig t UTTER—In boxes (fresh) reed daily by
141, mg . J. CANIRZLA
EARLS—".A bbl . for Bale by
LINSEED OIL-20 bbla. for toile by
my7 , :
A ; LFR4TUS— . IOp bn. wlllo}pbdu pure
7 U.
lIEESE-100 boxes for solo b
y 017'7 J.B. CANFIELD.
jiltlrJ) PEACIIES—.29 6bld. on consign
Iflonni and fireat•bT
'LOUR-500 16Is. S. F., for Bale by
.2.• =yr. B. a. W. II IT.
HAMS-30 ensks Evils ac Swift's' 8: C., fur
MH Nwlti 'lnya F...% W. EIASWIAtaII.
ay • • , 101 . 1.. - PtlrS resehm
.T 6 • tl ICY. tidal Atyph. 113 A r. sil•
Corner of Wood and I
I week. tbe 1611ov 1 zo sr&
• • which ant craw .14
/13 catty Doses prime Gzsen
4&1 • do. ' do .
Ita bap I=l ' 9'l'4
Leourt sad Arr.
MI Dom zv•, .pd 1
lurrip 'riot:4o,N
83 Ms. ha. 1 and 3 ALA-
rad .14 dallo.Tdo.
2 ' atullt do. Mum:.
&Led Heni.4ll7
1200 As. axtrs;
3 bales Cush,
' • eit litr,rogit
JN Streets, .Piatburgh,
ORE, mid to- arrive this
• • or the engs.;,ncomt haw.
.0 wet nem Ole tams l2selanlzr Zane tieth
/50 bat' "
wendes ure Sterth4
2 5 eC •
10 0 401:1 . 65i ernt .
ZS " Loat. Cleusb• , atml
Por4rmod Sui,an
650 lea: roam Valstax ,
60 dram. &ann. 11/04-
20jars Bonleaux. itntm4
60 -
6 basis ikek Cud
• • •
il o " Ccoa* (Ihoce/atg
" - Caatlla • -Almond
12 dos.
1 bbl. no. Wis. •
" Cream Tartan
eva Pecrl Butt
" e ~i &dud
I "
fol ' Anlulp)mr;
10 cr'. 'r traet of Lamm .
Itcm. and Vanilla;
" Lemon. Buts••
1 cask au Sada:
• •
" —. I4F - Pri
1 Phamata.
10 /Leo " llustard;
10 " hula:
blds. Gantt's 13u017;
4.3 Donoir4takzU2 Coadleec
" btu. "
.10 Spann
100 dozen Iluou'A Simkins:
1110moreratle Mee/loan
111 "..11.
dna.loki . • • '
100 " Corn 11roaccuL i
Ulan.. Nall% Whlle
kj 347 bri.primeß.Coffer
La Pt/P. Y. 11, Imp% smi
Bleck Tour,
1501)314 Mt Lamp lb. and
25 tea. Thee:
tis Toteem
6000 M. Uoc13411;
ZOO 111,31.14 8 L. IDDLDUM
apuo Ds. Alma u4r,_
bajon NuUS
• z WelltatA
60 thumuut !tutu;
&maw II
DU cum IThanckaug
6" 171 mon
. _
0 0 I;ise. Ilerripc lW •
bba. N Lo . r aOraan .
; 100 nan Nar
so Tolosto.ifotesuss
" 1
" Brazil apin
io,cwo Rinds*; -
6 coon ng long%
3SO bg. Sal% lot L 2 Mug
• 100 pot Qt. and Pt. Flaskig
4-,:i.vvAl alirfkar;
MO kegs
Jut* Da
ga Wblllag;
bale. Tannage Oa;
101X1 11. Lamp Oth
uoa. Burke
[l -0
•• Tabs;
1o0•1:. 111.
zoo ws. iv .4n,
230 bIS. 441 I A - 744 —,
'4O - 1
.xiesZitrlieggie -
I .WO D.& It.Ceadles;
I IA Clualleßoen
Bed CON;. Olcaut saa Un
titsad Wizikung rims
saa Timm ..ges•
- 08•,as,aseAlJrsositia.. '
N. 0. Soy,x and Wm%
11 4 1 a% ; ' •
ell =wait of gtsl •
rrins CuSIPAZIY was lniorporated in
.K. February; 1651; With a• Perpetual Charter, and hat
Ttewit business on .a capital of 1100.414.
Culotta:ly does buskin butltion the Jolt!
Ilatoal plan. .
UN Joint Stock plan the rates tee onietlitheil Ins than
Moor charted by Mntuat Companies-and riftemper Clint
lower than the rates tem= Wet Companies.
Manual, rata We Ina mesa as theca adopted' by other
'teddy condowel Vpropardes. Tbccielipured on the undo
a/ Toftdplie Rave thecombined wearinew thrubbect (thud
trteto of Intioraticeomal the Capital and Surpluntwod
The th,i ' irrlitienn . of inntranne Wit
In every Prm. toineollog Inc nubs 41 alto, clandrea, pa
twain, rerlatlows. Wends or creditore—to (man 11.1•
anotticrlor !indrawn excloalre bentifit. payable inter death
oltnirtbo parties at the Wool &s, CO. grub.
at the option to.
! . "' Ter . SlM". l %tkirtitnxesident
Joseph Leech, Tresenter
I Cbsaiss 6. Colton, Besetsl7.
S./fir ''''."-" roseptt S. Larch.
Jobs S. Dilworth, , Mark. A.Coltos,
Samuel SL:Clurtss, 1/st. SWIM
J. A. saes
amouttimi YAinnionr.
Jaren Canto. M. D.. • .13 Eliseo &taboo, M. D.;
Jeremiah Ernotn.3l. 11, E. G. hdrimatoit.
thoneinioc Pannoimm.
. Samuel Dileorth. M. ,47 trolthneld none.. • .
Robert hoyden E. D.. 03 rimullootreete • .
John Crawford. 31. D,2 2
051010 street.
Woo. 31e1t. Iltamin. IU7 Mehl , itreat.•l
Dr. tw o ort l tt c mill. be la anarelionar at the oak% reet7
d' llata era ha k ;e.rookan tor au WIWT. W=Wit
ton._ wt. theitE•hem.aad atnumers• operation, with.
AllPorama. ! lo the Insurance laudnees our
'ilao with mama: and allotted ItuipsaSlCaellaidais.
( J 15 . 01 t 1 . Onamu. No. 73 Fourth anon . •
so73laltertl • . C. A. COLTON;
State Mutual Fire. Imam= Compauy. -
.. , ,„ •
i • krerseveau: . •
T„HE beet eridextee of the ...success of the
Directorein ondes.orlng to !asks the STAIN YLTre
FLEW !Nal - KA:WS C.'OIIPAN met the *ante of
.C 6. cocitonky. le -the unpaislieled encented.of business
which hu been doog by having
adding inenol:7„6ou ,ooo Policies dodos
OA pan y. there o.vr s/.70 to th=MA
of theOoto ntr peny. Neerly th e propeetyiegazed leaf the
plait kind In snail risks, ands/am props:Um 10.00.4
forady we Tear.'
' • '
Do. do.eserfhtermineted, vast . de, P .
Do. do. in throe
itinovint. -of Property C,f14 , 119
oaceled, tarosirstao.olpirod-9261.1"=160
Dale 7.661,67/
Do. Paned= --. 79.9367,
Do. canceled, terminated, vsnired 0,1: 10 •
Do. Cash PreiniairrveeirS7l--- MAST 14 -
Do. do. do. canceial--
.Irhab loc.or lead poid—tAtil. 44 •
Atelence in favor of the lat out:- _ =XS 43
tie or oonate7 merchants and ornate of awelliess
ored iodated sad cootary prolie. If, is behoved this vow
Par onords odvecitaos in poe m.f Poeta Wein esti
ecaritY. torcrior to no InottreaceCan thisoonearl.
Coneincieel oaths epoltelds sad crest!! orroom
of Cisamilication of litotes Itsvindlon ail special hinard.
sexton only • Ladled esionst in ear we loallrf.tbtupia
eledlea the Yrequener owl f.rge area sad
sled on:totti the buck end Men! ,pien, not only,poer
epee the eheapnan end seounro it
xistion of both inet
bet addle the Insoned to it particirotion in Us mom
Inroctoro—John r..1:uthool000. A. J Jot...
ilonso:A. Cartier, Philo U.Siedistole,Sessueliiones Dorn
litrittilotut D, Pecker, John B. lintherford.
• OLll%listay. --
d. J. ILS asr.
A.A.. • Csasaa, Actost7. , nayl:
k—e Scrip Dividend of Mein per cent. toi
policies hes bmo ter the Directors, end le not re.
oetvolde et tab %Ocelot roolrals. or rostesnable in wit
at the 004 or ninety days A. A. C •
Franklin•Piro Insurance Co. of -alkyl's._
DittEoToßst. - Chhrles Banker; Geo.
ICTSlchsrdi,ThCaalort. Attadieol D. LovitTatgo
r Wu; .1.334110.,Z. hat i to.lsuout! throat, Dora hth
_ • OULIII.IaI tu..gums, rs.sfiat.
T his U. iccu, tlectotahr. •
: This thootany continuos to make Instusneu, hnTlhaent.
or huhu!, us outry CloPtePthot ProPMT to
ocootty st rake &slow ut catutuaos imotritr.
The have mortut a Luce othtto4Ltua
trhith: With th.lo (-VDU hAtt'Preothhu..JutoUr
atkathmpbo yrouchwo w un sosoavd.
no aught .1 tho Ccoapasty.oti Joao., "ALUM, &shah
thhuTottnpashly to the id or Arterthir.lorre sr moots.
IteLl7 o B
61 "••
ether their therrereeztleirlre ylls=
Nn yak! wpwaht/ of Me
Dalian Lou. by - !fro; thorobr stfolottrot the
rethatages inoorsatu. M..tat Juh iffitTiod•
sohltioa meet with maaptrost oil Whet • •
' J. U.LILD.Thit (WYO. Arirth
son_ -Ohln &14 canner of Wuxt shot
Renzlittuil Life :Thiniand6 Mawr&
AT* .1: 'inner, NO: 383 %street.
• *or me better -conventesce OF • palm, in the
Iwer nut the, Writhe agent, atay Webs .4.117.
trm 11, to 111 and u to 3 o'etock. et the counting limn of
J. ..m=eker g N 024 Woad stmeN where ell •neene.
eerrAcgeogerdi mgirop and onnunindeetime prong*
, = . 42l=E i th . 4 . l l =and.
Funk over 1111 , 004000 and twist . until heireitiing.—
/TriOirided am malty amongst time hunted lit Unt. -
-• Pittsburg& Jen. niOent•—•n.a4 • . • •..
Zarine; Firk:and - bland ..Transportation
ry Iru 4 ssiesstie Company of NorthArneria:
Ptautelrlda--Cluth... trod 1714. Capital *N Aseatt
actuary la, Ithl, $11,14= Will mate Irattranc• on
buithog• and their ammo, in this city and nelnitr;
on Property of arm dantriPtion. whipped par steam bmda
and. other mode, either hr Wand trampartahon or on the
• •
• • aim:on..
irthm CMCM. rme4 NOM.. P.O
&magi W. Jon.. • ' Jan
NAvaml Smith. kmd 0.
Jobs A. ill<1•13, WHIM. '
&mad F. MIDI. • hand. , ilaaY as
Ilmotz. N. Amid. Alltbanc..
Charlm Tarim. Wm. E. &mem :•
Amt.. %%Wm , amrt.
Nmob 1. Um., Jam. N. IHMum., •
MAYISiS Wain, IL...D.abermrd.Mm7.
Tlllstatim oklrm ligsmuum Com/N4MMem %MAW Ulan
sad Nom Its high Mandmis. WM;rs=o, ya mew
and mulding all r ift s!, m 2 'min. -
mai No I.ll•ldettii u CIIAN Watigglyail=lllll.
Je.l . . • No. 141 Nema stmt. '
An:taken Life and Health Jasmines Co.
4for ..filtsburgh, TOWIS..
Itintphlete easisinlogir= t e
obesioed st the olhas.: ,a7attt
Western Irmxaace Company of Pittzburgb.
fPITAL $300,000. R DIIIMIL Jig.;
nesitteht; 7. M. Gordon. heeietaiy:
balm egatascall Wads at risks, 71re vat Nada••
All issue will be Mem/4 adjusted sad atesdaly het •
&boom hesthuthh—ukestaged by Dine.ll.b o ll l are
lotatra th the catesertualty. wed who Sze Adana.. by
sad libertatt t o null:dale the cbar.tar whlth
assidesd, as the beg peoteetida ta them
who deals to b. Insured. • • - • ,
Dosceolut—lL r. 4 Geo. Bleck. J. W. Bad. hr.
Elatatee, Js., IL Itolsees. C. I.l.east,' Gat, W. he...
W. M. Ly.../5..4 I.lpatmott. G.orp Derearatom
Ales. Niadek. Thos. heett.
Mat, No. P 2 Water stmt. (trerthease o BMW k
op atelts.) ?maw., • .
Delaware Xataal Safetzleserance Damp',
CHANG& Third sterat.2oDadel
l laazaicze—Uulldlasz, aad'. orhei
annarty, Da Loan au! conaDY. Ina nnal Das or
damage by Ma, az las lanai at
at Dreanaza.
Alm= latrazac.•-Tbity m it 1231111.
and MUDD, fasalym or eneauriaa =Jar openar C =
'Glavin', as the aimed may date..
/aux. Tazaaraarzna. , -71.7 al= Dm.* Alaidall.•
Draarparted mvaa Aslj z. 7l . ear... Canal Aeata, ate&
84azia balk on rival and un matt ITherallierzaa
Dtaacrau—Jaioryh IL Des/._ • and A: Eander,John
Dads..ltabni. bun.. Jahn Pawns, &wind D.Driutlr,
thayza Edam's DarllastaL.lama X. Darla,
Wm libbrell, Jahn 'Nralta, Dr. IL M. Ll=Coa. C.
Wad, Ilirna raalltna. 11. Jana, - llanrY •
aka., Cnag. ueorge nlannzr , rnnni
Marfa fie 3., J. U. Jammu. Wm. Day. Dr. B. Thaatia,
jnbatellmi Won.
J=7" 'ktF4l4"l"°: Mat.. linith`Craig.
Wzraus Pic. TllOar. C. hull. nil Pr*:
drat. Jog ra.lY. , Crwaa.r.....n , •
11.7•Orrezt D0../2 ?Ma
lawi& [oelltzt _ Agana, •
Teiripsranaayillo,and acn ,
_L Road ComPAY.
NOTIU.E In hereby' gitmite the st ee kh e m.
~,, ,d ..Lt Cobilmiy. Acat they 'relate Parrier4 to
414.41 4 Sarre.. Treaoarers at the out throharlat Mee,
Vahan on elm& Am* ofthe clack. on the laet lei
each atm emu masihhorpter o ahtll the .whpla .te
mkt la -101.1. , .. the ma ma b•gradial and bridged hr
Jelly ath, 1851- Th.. td.boLlere am rev/Weal he be
Prahliatued pa/Waal 1.15 r payment. ,
im•Wr.=..l . . . !L. /S. 1./AWN. Pradeat. . _
IEAD PIPE,-Cornell's improved .patint
g bad PIPa Tor Hninnto. • • •
ft =
41144aou ' lland axsa tow= t•s• tbraW trl• .
Seed Store Removed.
VIE subscriber hoe removed his Seed Store
I;itir.ra'e wU t i gr d ati l ettiiet,
r " '"" ff . "' •p. 2iNoiim:
azilitJult bateaux the sobborm, tt . 7 . ortcnt
Inosoy. Ilsrolng a thwird i t dat#6l. Fowl
• • • AnllhEW 1/LINEI/11, •
ironing., or IL G. • InotoS4 sa autOcnal to ono the
noun f t6a , 4ta
. 4rm In We oottlonaant of their buoinorn
he pertheneldp bravura,* oolong& beteraut the
en bulk under the style of thicken% a - WM/eaves the
ocrat& on lb. next day of January Inth by Diurnal Cow
rent Either of thy aubrarabers dr/Lathed co rattling PP
the annorthorand to the theme of th e law
Iltra M alera P&P*. •No. Jul Weal =orb ; •
YebnialT • . 11(111T&..
. •
2gW C. Pb*Aiett a nd Willis=
r05w,....4 pertacced, deed Brateraeraa 01Ydn i as
Ara partner; well coodoted the Wholeadle
' thy (Foods brearanse under the Brea or B. C. bhaeklett & ado,
ut the store badly escraded by oheeklett • 'Shear, Noe bed
Hoed street .le. C. alf ' , Tr, 1
Able • ' wore PAYtlbt~ ..
(10-PARTNERBI.IIP—The subatribers hue
B " ik
7ri(l)si: .1 HOSE 11 HOSEII:—.Tuai reed
• thoHraatoot rtla Norton, 30110 ft...lags Rah.
dAls nub. Croat .h; to lat tool= la Mustier.
leather: lbr • 11.2 anpll2llo2 lace. toautactorat
I.7.ll.tito th rlosanoo r r Ara anew tarlues.
We vlah It to 1. •Oh tly undo:stoat that array Soca of
how that tow tam lotabllstaant brurnatra tbr
th. tato:Oa& a• the many teltuatt•L.r.lost tri
It. Weat the talkobb. Duot J. , ha . l a wo.
C.I TEAM PAONM-4000 pounds roiled,
lor Puts it= l•alla. ltabhei. halt. rmar .
htehas thlekmorraa UO ho th at van boat fa
ray now fnut l / 4 fur atn'Wnomme parfamrf .
alatos, Pasbn aeaa,,gm.m bum Laeou.llllndst
11202.122 r boas. a." tr. ' War Ws at U. LOAM Not-,
to• 00h No, I mat 4 It gad stre •
aDNI t • . , PSUSJPS.
07.ar7 mud. antaod ULU. Mud aal
Nun= likom of Olffutat pattetuallot to to mural to ,
.217 21 , 14 la La.:lV. Jilorolluts, Pedlars sad othars an
lavitod to .11 uo out.. ice thunlyas at tJv ra.
moms of the mattlhotori, No. 7tv 0.1 tott• ,
• J. a U. PlUtura.
17 at No. 151. Market Woet 7araala ecratootohaP•aat
sie °"""lnnarateakca.
Needles' Celelva
Id The. highly. mediated plaster, bare been niiiiiinea
more than twenty years, dialing vb.,. tima,st= ,
--slued a permanent reputation. a. tr.. amt
Itheumatir and Streorldubr. pustar. nuroniridd t A.
.iclaps of the Mechem doled.. to le ,art Weir
non bas hoe. subsoltted. hers .1,., 1 ...
um their surerior virtue rer all
tow told.
The itwediente of their eoitilicsnads try caretaly and
correctly combined. render them ay diewhis to
toreros suriering with pultrannerr Mee", . ,
tn . palate In the breast. resulting fee, ;retracted Caddy
olieurind e and local ralesio the mien.
tieenwe an the WT their benencal ender M i n
duction or dlr. A. a reureily in 1.t.tw0..
nerewitr outtenin applinete, • nth se linbeteneei
bleu rully cernibersm lry the twir curesuntereeL
Yor am and pains In the back .4.lsida.resulaluir
front demi drains, diem*. of Abe g.ido.da de., their
rietn=eivatiV.aped"b74l6" DegiVeigorthZ
applicati .To such ala mdfar with rhusaatie theft
plasters are recoesinended. with the n. efeleneesentattes
that their teatificial effects will he fount eery deddi . d.
Ear We, wholesale and Mali, by_ _ r • •
whit ' . ILL nELLEI ni Weedwr.-
:811, Cr giving • leauttrul slam ts ttotrltsp.
au; brier, Collars, hart Breams. ID7 kinds of pUtt tte
use prevents the Iron bras adberbsp torte Llolle.aort gm(
from e.ieklaw it mutat= trothlon tolornmo
any respect. The ladles base long etr. a felt ttss o
or Bah in this rhos esi—rtattols
ls =3.111114 ! MI CO COCirCal. tam: eftor an Isoportld
11.—Oncie spill do trarty doses!. 4ilothrea. ilr4 as
rantslv shriald hr without It.
(tire T2f a rents per Cake. Lads Gael. ran direst/OPP
Dar sale by • 111., ,•• N Lid R.S. Sr Wecd st.
.11tere aro mon things In heaven uni eaitL
nban ore dreempt. of In 141.11ceotk
rimix VIIITUES of this remarkable rem'
I. dy, and the conenuot applicetion 1.4 11. to W. "mot
lath nor. lx i s, l 2 l lo.4to il ta=t . l r t ,r us , in
.I bVs,
Th. yrrsoatm promma fnzal L. 1.1 ha We/MN
tr. at • depth or four hundred bet, is a pure. zundallam
t. 4 nyhote. mitdout my thy:at:al thatly, but lust IS it
Waal from ,PlaturVe tam! Lahratorrt Thm mutates
=to rf " Ate r :r t e=t2:aila' k. Vbrart
eon.", warn: If karma, Wald be met ned4.l.•
new In allerlatlng radcriam a me
nd ranying Ile bloom .4
health thou g hth to sonny ander*. Lrog beton. the ptte
= .u l: lse oj c p= a l ,gin tont:. it had a =
sing calls fee It, and tereral remertable atrea d rhad
toned. Is • some hodkertm of its Intone pa
eid. .z.ind application In thol2r. or diesee.
W• is not Irish to mats • g parade ot cor
ye an mead, that thamodenneyan moon Li f t
foto the favor o "
thole who under. and ulah to be
Whlin em do not claim fee It a universal applloetion
u elttur n laatllA..% a tt loVir aE
dlanass et Cl:. m Loma; sa
CHRONIC 111110NC.1112/8. CON8011;1103. U.
tr . C.IMPJ I3 , I I N a t . 1118 i p l arr. th;
Paw In tha Bexl.orSiY., Katona
N.uragt., Iraq
it! . ./k T en r i hU ctr. remlthei tram mama or
long protneted odd •or diresee,_ this =yaw
MI Wel.. It act ova: TYNNI =MALT=
p t
Jr , L o tt , WM
Lyda* with can dierem end s * t e
'and glebe locromed and mound non to ail the_omen
of UM Ue ysopliator Maws . of meet asset of Pt&rd
Iwut.a other treettemt, Iret undo , ' tense
se M. MEALS for irehort time. The pond , can
& 01m4 auto. &meth itte4.
42 . 4 , R_pEr.r.emi RAW .
sernalir ". 'l4de".ndrelralgreTePolln"nbul".7ThoimM.l"
NOW till' ' . men Who ii sick iird.t.fflicted
with 'disease of tha.ll.ladde:p Elistaya vitttatuor
galls Its knot or Inaba, and is. old
atom., an, that they eall be co
b :Zy ,i itaking=SP
LEW. You may tact about its nostrosmna sotti
as you pleava but Mt a does not maks t m Raw* =Mans
In the Mos of an houort mumanalty. that It !mackinaw
whkh am not captained Ist moyettott antmairs - • The moo
dwho Is racltel with yuns. and sullesing flum !Earl . I d =
ie mute: cot InW lama any of the Ws an
. •
Banded It eons eery Mile to make • bird. - Petri
lento is no mixture—la detopoond. pot on for the Pon.*
of.thapafts on the cantratultre but ft Is • realedy•lalione
ted hr the meaner head Minh/atop from th•
Dom of emir mother a Its oilintod_intet.
inse to warding Atunanlir a twed7 id. •
It h nem •
ue oared MA after. otitis medicines hags dada to
rendre any hos cored gheurnattem.
standing. and of thewont and meet painful shareetst.; lt
' oared Cholers•3lorbus, bp tower two'dowea•ltihas
=el old twee of -Mersin., in which snag initer.msdig
hae Wen of DO avail. Asa bold remedy in heats 'ant
seiddA itfa better thanany=died ettosoundo =tent
tut we know of. It will cure chilling., and
fasneer aprlleatition undoubted testimony out be
oor the bothgontalned In the above biateneentiA
t on FASIDEL MID, Canal Lewin, *math droggag
dof as
igegres • dieDowell,_ecanas of Wood street
'Oar It . E. Sellere,Ai Wood steed; D. A. Elliot. Vely
cam, Allegheny. rety. an the amts. ; - e ' •
ilttiTt.'±nt*VAP2_Wl:Ptiq! o Y 4l
JACOB MAW' tbe disroarrer and Ails premier*
nem mint- popular and. Denedeiel atiallotruss. and alla
the inrentoroftbeculstrawl instrument for infiatias
Lungs, ho tilloctinA a core of Chronic disc.., was a sto •
dont of that rialorut phyrician. Doctor Plans. andls a
=dueler( the. Unirendty of rconsylwasdAssal for trthrt7
Tears Slerce has teen eons id lu the IrlTEoig•ti4sl, of .
' OMR and the application of ractedies thereto.•
bi llyortb Lir nan of Insasting :pet oontilth
gained anitni=telninenco rn corS 'W t&Are
wail fatal maislittic Talton-War Vans pttorii''Cationta i
Armful., littetunarlsoi, Artbria. Yon Ague, Yams*
all kladr, Chronic Eryslpelsr. ard thrsitrobstinata
ranee peculiar to fionsia. Indeed, tont? Yana of Wawa
sanirlies gluier wo of his rerartlita. to attach hotrasit•
ty is beir—rict hy nra . cf one consionad qnly,Atxr that
Incorapatiblo nith nynAnanal Isor., but hi thaw. a
- his remains. Allaptoitz, ar.d. panarrlDoi Su, - each
ferret •
Dr: Wads ToninAlterarlee what, atod i Ata
GoblyactoonledaniAla tropmkr toall ottters..auaimpr
Gr pW. iIILIZMa SS they lestro thAbastaptt.
Antl Afro final citatlyintorx as alto his Golden AIIa are RA.
Zl W Ar b rialc illsesseT li= satiated I = arta
is ronicieet to establish alai has bran taid,>a the cattail
than Thq ta
sArkint are Welted to call upon th• &zeal. and pro.
mot Coatis) one of the Dodm's pamphlets, strung,, detail
ed account death rsonstly. andita atiW.. boa.
For wie Ity.ttni folloaintritin it troll as pitopspy ua•
Gala thsootbout tan noun .
• J. Schnotrassicr a Co., cat toed at, TittattrOta
Les Townsend . Drazalat , 45 Marten .
A. Beckham, Dr••.., war tha 14xtOeinai 41661ia
Jobe l'unon i t= l:" Z " n 247.
T. Adam. Be”er, 1
• : COMM. A.lO
aa•kOli.-THE AFFLICTED wilt be found in
.11nDawittC:ItolUmorea Er/ALUBLIL =MUM
We Vida..hi& has mod the tan of thirty mem az
zignamt lal .d. ryomtl doal%hatm 1.1011 , 46 , 11 ,
410 WWI ageter - of Man/ W. Lai ar=tll4i
thins ickwflos that lila Is the mar aositcla• tlakbsi
ar., K l IS. .Ir.w. that dm; Ls !my mum kaat.
what it inlaid fey. - •
It hummed, and is amiable at curing Mon Mime aitil •
awyother madlola anal fro WI, Imam Mot by . wham
made nok4 or by what= me. • •
astrocyracto %est.:Ws mxd. of the abore,lsh/ hat
that It'll the hai r article that L. la the Item of
peasnt, Maid. MU ha:lever been yanwaLsed had road,
44 the pratb of the elite reaerally„ No the most hereheahl•
Tahiti Medial., ever laspal bar hale, ,or„ ad by haze of
them. ale.
Tilrtrhe 11,1 a
IL. . N
tt. + 7 l o i r Grtnnt . /. la
t. te
A. X C. She Mel /lobt.
y th
Thaela .4 otgeriathlinlWoht cabm. art es
rort. who huh far tested Its merits, have penalthel, the
proprlefat to rater to them. •
It la wall Imowa that I?ataait 3l44ldase eta net=
insinweLaglly a l irt b i g elay., , VirsTlLrb4l,l=
Lined. This Weeder WM' COLUPOUDd .
seven rash before thtpeL Its eltwt h. pow Its
apme h eh 4.4 heat, a moat undoubtedly. La -maw had
o=th:4.g moo! or Its shaeral weralose Gad - wan
4.14.4 I b aim:tins muds km all masa.
sitehasstlo palm, he/crakes haelelnhs, .Ma., ketch
sorah,autt all thh pens sad aches that Ilea Le halr
• • Orar 1,030,000 bottle Ism born sold without amaphdat.
eat Vamp pertecbal nett asesalahlaa• .zsa, ales SW other
seamaltat hare 4444 aa .Chad Awe: belle, hahheh: seg
(401.41, amt Ia our posocuioa, the =Pawl pohOla wel•
.• • .
or naizaw's reseals. la mowed fraathsw
etabloh, 0a• latersur ha well Au releraal we. It sdaidfrect.-.
RIIPIO the 411aahaalvizt—clsIng Ithealth bbd
la II Vin con the Diarrhea. .may, 2Uhlte,_sl.ol
spaectottle. sdeetleas. dleolues or the swarm ...had
Weskorm =Ye ozlnahle, than :whabenir hawala 'Mar
Co.:LZr d ". prasboirin. by r..1411ni, /144M , 5. xi& *
al - Ogles En.44a; awl try the Mall
/t la pot up to Ihur, end a hlllt r" h=
. To' tlio'l444lerif of the r Pit:taboret' - G , Ozefte - .
11l3LIC ATTENTION is re/ es-Val_ r la
m Sited to the folknrinitrathkeet fsrth relation to
one of the meet important remedies ot modern giteg
• PETBOLV:I3I OA DOCK 13 1 / 4 it la net mare Manion*
OW Peat tworl=bra i nkht before the
re ' e ' j l ianTp.'eteet. then. two..
eomett=r i l i alltr u tte=ortite h ltje n
the. thee
e 0 of, got ege C . tiso lobe kompole of oteklearsoceoen
hot; ota,uldeb we cotdelte. Till montane to to nogg abe•
ell other unarm. here been forkottto, Ti. peuoit.
• Natural Remedy. eiabonned In the destho UP , Mlrta
br. • poem . and either that Isaias to aserscall 'Mnth
coomentlea • le? . d t Atoz=l47 , He slued • mail
=to native at. who rimy trust mar word or not =5.
dens 'la or statement.. Th. seek ets
ikon d ary to;t to
fftd t 4Vitr wtou t moil. lrto answer the obteet . VA.
lave toterthogesmtne of = I Lot= fl:notteepe
4,=7 . = - bs --- tlirio Older to ton. [GM t°
siitsjo eattela la the jondseill
Ler , Plegt tnirititTe foete—Okete that roes• teeteerteu.4
one ens end hoer:W.l2w unto kettinotty ha fa.
' T' leatt . tarte - g maml., tire ' e'r oth
trtunwere totalkllej .. l. hare been reetored to Ere.
eral. pees out ; b tba
rues of Mks, hey. teen
~..ese t and, alto, the owe& gentleman in thatercomaty."
throe au glom bat these an deem or. loans, and mar
to t. efereed to by any potions who two 'tloubte on U. rat.
In Thor ewes
emit rend alter the! . had ooze at:endow
.011 hr 0•1••• The. I etrolenat ear e.
when end' sennthos :to .diretekkene‘mtarft e ,..m....,... r .
MRhentssitere.beent. Nentaleth e kropt.Wes nettle
mon the lace. Cheonle feere Erre. itioesonn.:&S
en ' oaths in the bane* and karat e, old mod,
Pe ts,
Cbstada l,otitrottbtoo. gionchttio. soul
Palinanarg agartiona of • =tare, tending 10 pito
Baru and • dinner of the Bladder and fieksife.
Chariest liana. rsentiated Nipples. Cyr. .and toms.,
In Get, it Is • au. ransarat anexor, awl has beintried
In most of the store themes within the rut rest with the
oat wrist 11.1,411. thrttheatea that' Woad& math
eitur_temmbatemantrtha pzopetetor. to, oat take shame to goy
to the enlists:l or tbdr fricad• • " •
Instaltat Ottade may say about itch , medietne•Aty.
Petenetna le the Eteresdr of the sae Ilaysitiaas
0/' bleb Funding g=rofersion are beenninee te.the It
' their ke. Thaw who at Drat looked on with. doubt.
and nesertaintr,_ere. to vi a. nue Inene aid conaideration.. Deters enatiecr rear net. mow. 311E11 be
contheltal to anknowiedge that the Vetroteuto is Ideognate
eat =did= war dheovered. Yee nth. wholesale
_and re.
It : t :
m a. Y gd•DOI:SLI. 1 140 , jot. A.
-" iNt
Elll C U ' g r:A h . tMe 47
e• Ai n U al gr sulat..FC
s and Fabewebeck B Co. - 114 end eVerate.ete
20 • • - .
-It lo <bon, surto tato. tad highly ettofitious. -
Altmann' Cm. North= 1347,
Sollerg—Mr children. aka other% hr.* Pore
4tthltrtt to troublesome coughs. Anti ha etu wed tillScreut
” :1 ' VV .-
OsUr= "" ll.74 " 7 . '1
. dare rreasstottdrl tt to tar odgi: tort. out du 'Poe.
etriscleurPortly. bats.' that tt to the bat cough. =did.,
that hat am porn Wirral to the-
non, AuttstiorO...
pgmgcU.heutuot penult their attr to aorta Mutt
15.0. who% troq may to rural by •14<1. botticut { ` ht.
8 /trusted sad sold D A E. SUMS.
lac= or Wiutd at. .ad Drozuhrt mural
ES, &c`—A. largo stock
am most ,lib , ersl tenas4lg
Nan= de Al thi
ro,d'aof Ifealth
Muni Oil
Carresktn.o Zztact 01 Ewing
Court Ma... • -
DeaunLle Byrn, .Arr
cuts of
5y51.114.4 1:1
dd.32r• 1 , 114 Swot.
" •
trroar.lbr Drt
Ere Wear • -
ilarlaier'• at
Ocdfnies (...2141 •-•
ts. N. I(.linfait.l4:
or Wood law irddth ergot,.
in nom Ann' for lola
LA.= Acid
rttdce., it=
" ktirAntl•DTPOtto
" ream?
" rharr • ranste
grer k. . "
Dltta .
" Quintti*
rynnittr; tab .
Raiengt.b Olattcuntytar Tet.ter
Strag. F
Swaim'. harts
Worm Tea_
At duo Drag Stars el
...I corner
CH a V.:-10 b , biz. for sidell.