'. . . .. . , More Asmara Eiceez.-A few' weeks sines, • :. ` ..`' .".i•- .-_______. .._ while court was sitting at Paris, in Lamar Co„ I HOME 'MATTERS DEATZWAS.-We are requested to state that Dr. Hartley, was nnexpe2tedly mailed -to PhiLadel- filled wi. ' ...._ -- ; - • BY TELEGRAPH. - Texas, and while the tavern of Hr. Tucker was I IZCtITSD BY TUB OtEIIAT TZLIGIAPII LIN* th lawyers litigants, witneases, An, a sun EMPOSITZD Iron TEE EITTIBIraOII asoirts . .. robbery was committed on the .premises, attend-. ------------- ------ , phis. in • connexion with his Important duties as ed with most ludicrous circumstances. Mr. ITEMS FROM THE CAPITAL. wrist. lie , will, however, shortly retina, of Tucker and his numerous guests retired W. their ' Wsentearest, June 16. beds at the usual hour, and, after a night of pro- Officialiotice is given to the numerous appli -which his patients wi ll be duly maybe& found and Ondisturbed slumber; awoke, . , • .. • ev er/ entiow for appointments in the Nary, that nei . mother's soli of them coulees and pantalowlese. thee the President or Secretary have authority . Mutest. Lacruass.-It will be seen by the „ Some daring thief had entered their sleeping to pp - t ideld man at large. following, that the distinguished "Profeemor or apartments, and had abstracted and carried off M k s; e ifella m gher, p Brd auditor, hoe written a let . l ' hysiology and Institutee of Medicine, in the every rag of clothing belonging to every soul in ter to the President in reference to complaint f or Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati," will be th e house. The Bonham Advertiser intimates delays in the settlement of claim; funiesh un onor, _. hem in a f ew d ays to lett.re on m e di ca l - m e , that when the fact was known and the thing un- cling himself from blame, and reprehendin IS. . . p utt ... , may g t, 1 8 51. ud mouldy i dera i toed, a series of tableaux vivant+ of the most severely, the conduct of the agents of claims interesting nature were offered by against his bureau. the garmentleas lodgers, the sufferers themselves A circular has been issued to collectors, siring PAW. Jos. R. .Becossas-Dear Sir -At a i ' Minting of the .• Eclectic Medical Society of Al- laughing long end heartile a t t the ridiculous 6g- directions for parties claiming a return of excess tires each other cut wh hying and dodging of duty on imports. legheny County," it was unanimously voted, that ~ , - you be earnestly solicited to visit Pittsburgh es about in search of their missing clothing. It Revs. It. It. Willey and Goodloe have issued a . . . - ' earlisti practicable, to deliver before Ws Aliso- was not long, however, before the missing gar- prospectus for a weekly Colontiation paper In meats were found stacked in the public square, this city, to be called the hrietian Statesitan. 1,.,----. dation and the public ono or more leaches upon whither the burglar bed carried them ; and now Mr. Secretary Corwin has not yet gone to . . . the great truths and Principles of . the American Eclectic Practice of Medicine. . ' came the serious feature of the business-every Olio. He is engaged to day in a conference J'; BROWN, li . D., of Allegheny City, pocket had been rummaged, every red cent taken with the Prmident and other members of. the ' , President -all were empty. Several emigrants had lost Cabinet. •,. L. Otlisdint, N. D., &screwy. _ all their money, and the lawyers attendingrourt A fight occurred this afternoonat the National I were reduced to a par with the client. who had Hotel, between Edward Fuller, late proprietor of - the day beforelined their pockets for them. Some the United States Hotel, and Captain Schema- ' CINCIENATI, .Itnle 7 1&51. tow hundred end odd donate was the net profit burg, in which the latter was consid bly •;;;oneerastrar-The invitation so cordial! ' 9 Mil- of that particular night's work to the enterprbeing worsted. ' '- • -.. ' deed by the " Eclectic Medical Society of Alle-, projector, who got off entirely undetected. -New show County," has been duly received. I would sajin reply, that it will give me pleseure'tooom. '°"'''''"' I''' ' ',o' ` • droAtrofire,....occurre Ayer ' don Federal Hill today, which Batermoas, June 16. , . ply with the invitation as soon as possible-but _____,..„____.______ ,eu still house and several decil iter EITUAORDINAST lisusroun.-The hail .the present condition of my family and Mei-. atom which occurred in lege. The loss was covered by insurance. Edgemont township, • new eagagements, I , presume that the 20th or Delaware county, en the 20th ult., which we . 25th of . June will be us early as I could passibl PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Y *hurled ta last week, was probably one of the arrive in y ,nr city. Very respectfully, , most extraordinary phenomenon of the kind your ob't serv't, which has ever occurred in this State. We saw . • PAIILADELPILIA June . 1 ,' .• ' J. R. BUCHANAN. - I notice of it in the Delaware County RePubli - Co ' 10 . ttott-The market is firm and quiet. J . ~. - Drs. J. Brown and L Oldshere. can, which eisid that some of the stones measur- Flour -le in limited demand, and firtner, with Prof, Buchanan is Dean of the Faculty at the ed nine Inches, but could scarcely believe that it aides of 200 bbls at $4 16, and 100 at $4 181. 12 ;.o -, . Eclectic 3ledical Institute of Cincinnati.. . Wan nOt an exaggeration. A gentleman from bbl. for common brands. - Edgemont last evening brought a bathe! fall of Rye Flour and Cons Meel--Sales of the former ' gathered in his at $3 97, of the latter at $2 75 per barrel, and An old gentleman who was walking up Filth' the hailstones, which he had ;street yesterday, wen attacked by stelutess, when woods twenty eight hours after the storm and scarce, • opposite the office of the Morning Post, 'end fell preserved, to the Ledger office for exhibition; ornin__:suppii m , am limited, wi th a good de,. is in demand at •1 , • on the pavement. •He was insenaible for a short and though it was one week after they bad fallen, mend. whe a t i s s t ea d y. R ye eeme t e them actually measured five inches In 70e per bushel. The market is nearly bare of •. ,`. .• .. time, but soon recovered, so as to be able to walk home tu at atidt..... . circumference, lacking an eighth. We never corn, with a good demand, and mica of 5000 bn. . saw before lumps of ice so large, found in this yellow at 620 per be. , • manner, and we doubt whether many of our Provisions-The market is dull and i tire. . . cr..-A drunlam man, who was readers ever have. The storm extended about Whie' key-Sales in bbls. at 22ie per gallon. - ?shusing some one in the shoe store of Mr. Sam. threemiles around, and destroyed everything of . nel Delta on Wood street, drew a large crowd • vegetable kind in its course. Wheat fields NEW YORK MARKET. , . . . l m oond Idea yesterday evening. the wife, who were cut down, and forests shipped entirely of NOON IMPORT. - - Wes quite a respectable looking woman, at hat their leaves, and crops generally beaten to ' persuaded Uzi to go hone. pieces. -Philadelphia Ledger. Now Yew, Jam 16. • . Rye Flour-The market to heavy at $3 87 9 _ _ . •-. :• •.• .;._•• . Tim Je tt.- are now one hundred pea. Paints Atlases Meese House rot rocs • ' ' _. • _ .' • ' : Oners in jail;' but ouch is the excellence of its - Fannon AT Hein PARE--11:1 its general are- bbl. Grain - Sales 2500 bushels Ohio Wheat at 040 _," • 1 , sanitary regulations,that not one is sick. In rangement, the building is adapted for the oecti. la bushel. Rye is plenty, with sales at 72078 c ... 2 ; point of cleat:dines and good management, it 'pation of four familiee.of she manufacturing and El bushel. Sales 2000 bushels mixed Corn at Is not excelled by any prison in the Unicut mechanical operatives, who usually reside is s°. C , ' 570 1 4 b ushel. -'-- teens or in their immediate vicinity; and as the Provisions-New Pork Is retailing at $l4 60 . . -.• TIM ItiorCase.'-The jury in the e gurk Beer" value of land, which leads to the economising of for mess, and $ll for prime. Cut Meats are riot ease,' returned a verdict yesterday moaning spathe by the plating of more than one family neglected. Sales 50 Male prime Lard at Bio .of guilty is to Joseph Riddle, not galley as t under the earns roof, in tome cases, renders the • Whiskey- , Sales of Ohi o e t eer =lethe other defendants./helm ' . additioncif a th ird, and even of a fourth airy T ialls oba efti ceo,..-13 O'l-S ales el 6o " hh 'lG"Xl de llelKenletunecky" a7t3eBXlirao. ... ' desirable, the plan has been suited to such an Toot His Sesr.-Thomas L. MIMI= Esq., arrangementorithont any other alteration then 1 4 lb- --' the requisite rease in the strength of the Groceries-Sale , of a yexterday took his sent on the Bench, In the - inc- - 91 s I cargo •,,of Sic Coffee at walls. • ugar a Money and Stocks-Money is more in demand. . . COurt Of Quarter Sessions. ~ . The most prominent peculiarity - of,the design i , • is that of the receding' and protected central Sales U. B. 6'e at 11 6101167, and of U. S. Pa, . . Censurers Asestrar,--Two men named Robt open staircase, with the connecting 'gallery on 1853 , at 106 }. Reading closed at 87 , and Erie , Henry . and Jack Nelson. yesterday afternoon the first floor, . formed_ of elate, and sheltered bonds a t 83 1. ..-: ~ ' entered - the' residence of a respectable colored from the weathir by the continuation of the • run named Wedley, in Hayti, and commenced main roof, which also screens the entrances to 5 behaving in ' lt disorderly manner, upon which the dwelllnge. The four terrementsare arranged CINCLNNATI MARKET. Charles Wedley, a nephew of the occupant of the on precisely the sane plan -two on each Boor. Fl oor -The market Is h Creams:et June 16. :house, ordered them out. They were drunk, As the peculiarities of the building are the ex- of d 9oo li3 bbls. at $8 8008 47pee c " b ge4. 131. for vi co th mm ul oa e : ,- -., . and Nelson drew out a - razor, and Henry . a elusive use of hollow bricks for the walls and ] . • ..MMeher knife, end mulled him, Nelson CTithlM partitions, (excepting the foundations which are aa • 63 for extra ' ..asprothicuo.oto_to r eo b ta rro m u at o th go e od elTi o n o.r4 for boo. '`, `; .• - Wt • the left arm, Ito the bone, upon which th e of ordinary brickwarko and the enti;ei sheen s , ~,,' Wh ',,, r she y, m dull , ~,..a t 18 e 1/ Cellell , which price elotendrele escaped. ' ' One of them was afterwards of timbers in 'the floors and roof, which are wen •_, ' . wrested' on some other charge, and committed. formed with fiat arches of hollow - brickwork, e f s , loulders at 6c, but eon* to be had for leer that: Poor Wedley is unfortunate. He is the colored rising from eight to nine inches, set in Cement,. c; plain hams are selling at 71e for country 2; .... ` man whowas kidnapped and taken to - Marylander and tied in by wrought Iron rods, connected with short timeago, but made his escape . east iron springes, which rest en the external eared ' -3"-'"---- --- ---,, , Butter -Sales at Me per se. ' .. . . walla, and bind the whole structure togethen the Groceri Inches since Saturday.es-The market is very dull. 22 COURT OP QUARTER. RESSIONII. ' building is thus rendered - fire-proof, and mach The •:-.. , , m a m my, June 15. less liable to decay than those of ordinary con- river has risen struction. The roof arching, which Is levelled . . Before the Hon. Wra. IL McClure. Prestd t • - _ ea With concrete, and covered with patent metalio - Hamburg Polka. . Judge, and willisoi Rogge, led Thomas L. me- laws, effectually secures the, upper rooms from u KLEBER, No. 101 Third street, basjust •• • .; Millen, Associate Judges. . the liability to changes of tempera:male which sfedweeel--t.,. ......._ . .. Commonwealth vs. Robert Kane - ImEetment apartments next thereof are generally subject, 'Het eeir o t ' elfr iii-utZ.,!! tea mat P*Pul‘r sad ---- g ° and the transmission of sounds es well as the .r,..,:titt,',ill'a,th7/„,. h r. 7 1... a- c ' r'"". : ... • . -Assault and Battery with intent to kill, - The rr . colation o. of m oisture, so common . through lo rbe,ans‘t talei DaLOll Lintel. - '''''''' ! • .1., e" '' prosecutor in this ease was Ludwig Stehaley. . - floor, is effectually impeded by the S I; war. ~-,p-moro.,.,„estetirr.7t,T=Vra... . H Reis sworn - was 'coming _out of my hollow brick arch floors.-London Snider. .puumrtur.. '''''''m I . .. store, when I met George Snyder and William p y r t sali t lyV.A . Li t yra , ' '..: l- . 1 Athens. After some conversation, we all -Went Strawberries were cold in our streete yesterda he r e .,,....7... ,h 1, • ,,, U8 ° .. ""LY L oon by .4'4 1-44-°'• or "-„jr,f . : - •. . over to Welders tavern, _ nnirellled fol . s omething for three cants per basket The receipts by the y rt•i.i ii -- ;svaig. !"-:1-- •!/ s.- r- - Want.. Polka.. sr ! to drink. - When we were drinking Robert Kane. Erie Railroad were 69,500 briskets, ' and it wasra'a = l''''' ' '''' ' ` AIN 0: TILE aotiore [TARP. the defendant, came in, and I said to him 'aou estimated by some dealers in the market, that ' - ... ...just in time, what w all take!" ho en th e emi te rec a pts b y t h e „ e k. . eee IV.TV BOOKS! teaNEW BOOKS: I -The i , ; earns up to the counter said chat he would could not have been far short of half a million 1 N.1,1 ,' .24 • 47. " l' '''`i°"' • l'd. hr l':" take ale. Steinley was standing at the counter, bashet,,N , y, Cen,.s.„., ' rbe Bake. Wife. by T.& Arthar. limbs.. If .„.,...:, ' sad Kane came up betweenhim acid me. I then • liortkuiturist."Mal•?, & :: :,::'• '=l Raw sweaFingstSteinley,and saying glintpushedhim. , Toorn s'Pcxxxiso .11.7.TOTEATID..-Before the Amidri, r at '" lIOM/. Ll teratkrot. : .- ~. daye of chloroforaithere wee e quack who ad- _ o! , Thad Snort °or.. the ce. ! cm the noon, with his hand. I wised ' and tun ----------Dim , I ma n e d hi m l ow a comer , for fear th at he would vernsed tooth drawing withou t pain. The pas Melodeons! =i - 1136am/2n. Ile pat his him& do d float was P laCed hi ' the cha'r. then the i"U'l wit, an KLEBER has just received a choice lot mentapplied to his tooth with a wrench followed A ! 41 azd o h ri.l.,..i=s Ail= .%,,; m. . ful r .4 ! / heard something seep, which I took to bee pis- I j ork ci ty. Mr C. brie mo th horannel u n ''° LI. offetZ ! ....., :.:-! .. . . tot.:-He got loose from-me, wad rushed at the ' hy a ". from the "Pie', 'aptly surprised '4l.- ~......;; L, . Gam .. / th . tow ba boid a , al , to bit band, f o c o r i e f r. _ • 'Snip,' cried the uentist 'compose your. tr=ri ti a . 3 , ll.l . lt [s . a . e. lc .. .rally mooed. that be mak. , I told you I would give you no pain, but ea.,5,,,,„, ~,,=, Xs' 4 .5 . n"..,IFF. bons in. ei etnne• of l ;,1 ,:• SI wag about to plunge it into 41teinley's atom- I .21 just g ave y ou that , wi aa a sp ecimen ~,,,:,,,, °t r y ton. ard teen- seem ~--.., - sob, when Mr Lucky and myself succeeded in Y 3 f , - e g e 'l' operat i ng . ' us. a ere. „ trees... eels Pet. reseact i to show you Certwright e method of c as e - ... '.. .. „CI . taking the kr' rife from him. Mr. Lucky said to . , Again the instrument wa applied; ano th er tug, oot 4 , .. ~ .. .. .. - . . bias that he might have murdered the man, upon _ .., w hi e b b e t h an k e d hi m, an d ur dd th at h e . m i g h t another7er- way: don ' t ~ b e, impatient, tbet is hoot Third newt ~r or the Gomm wan have murdered fiteinley, and that Mr. L. had bo Dtan orosibi s e ww, be seateu . anu calm, yot w ill now ______ • .7 3o bele ArerLer r the 610. nartnimen , _te. of the superiority of my method. Sm i th 's New Geographies. , saved him from being bang. Another application, another tug, another rime QMITII'S First Hook in GeoFragy; an in j:' ;.• _ - • Mr. - Aikens had his' knife, and he promised to , N nrab quiet , dust is Parkinson ' s mode , ' A., tend ~, • - go home if he would give it to him. Ile got it, ' P s - d y, Ili. i te ,,d en w m er ; Ns this . Loose wile ,-e = i re gatr: ep. itir ici.i u. j ..: ; , and' started out. The Gennan whom he had se- t t 7 te e th y d j u eo tL a t h . h rt i g 7.--a thread, ---e a:MI , ..,w i , fling . i s i, 1 , 11 „'-'2' ,.= `.1„ rar y ' =7 , 1 1 , G 4 gErn ''' . & " ;.. " ' M f o:. = Phr i r a th a m '' .4 " ,t., I P. ,,,, wiled, had In the mean time go Cont of the house , 1 7 the back way, and eras attending talking to my ;),,, 4 method r i. i th ~x l. .„ ' un g l y d d ti d l''' •g li=ivv2...ri %I-O.- Tz...--- - ! '-'2O--- ~.. brotbernad myself at the corner opposite th e 9 ° 1 1 7, 1 !awing without with r ' en , ' le e. by • " ' tr ii , ' .llo - • KIN% ilf ) ' .' tavern,' when Kane came out of the door. I saw you . are now 0Cert.,,,,,,,w, compare it 1"1; t h e . op. __. ay= 75 Apollo , Build_ _ fourth et :UM whetting his knife, aid came &crofts the enththn° art ""ei -, c th' er g e an arkEnsen ' NEW BOOKS !-A large suppleToridc- ...1 ' street with - it open. • Stelnley was afraid that be Swiss gamily Hobituan, or the Adventure. of • hither ! ; I.: • would cut him, and got behind me. Kane fol- - Latest publications . , ttilother and Ibur Sous. an • dawn isludi 2roL. Mao, 1 , ~ • 7 Lowed him round, and made several cuts at him ALHaOLMES' Literary Depot,' Third et.; Alm, Nee. /.. 7:, 3, and., or Mabewa London Labor aml ! ... = . with the knife. 'When Kane sae close to him, moat* the eon mace Loudon Pow. I and on the point of cutting him, he was struck o teri " 4. .. Joee. s Jou own ard for ode by fl. lIOP6INS, myni 711 Apollo trutUnst fourth st. !! 011 the ear with a stone., It did not 'knock him The itectania 'fermi.% for Juno l.:.; • , down, ' bathe bled profuiely. I did not at that ,Ll=l: l ll . : s em as r i f,'„, , L l % , ' .- 7a_ 85... `" cm:H.!. Nei Kula ; I time, know where the stone came from. He Harpers kiiiiisirt;, , ir June, Is new uvidy.) JO S OUNDS FROM KENTUCKY; by Rol l - r tinned round.to me, and asktdwho had hit hi tack. ' a. A LEX. W: FOSTER, Attorney and Conn- lanand Dublin Waltz.. comtaitte. - `;, • I walked away, and went towards mystombeing •.: earl at Law, No. 47 Fourth streef, near Merkel. Worm '. B .i. Waite : • . ' ' afraid teethe . might think I had thrown tbestone. ,usecula- ocetenwerre B. 'esetwo ja el; or owe Leek Boars rii olk. ...: - He then followed a man who =away, and curs. , RAULIC CEMENT, on hand at 319 l ' italtr,l,l,l,,, s ,, s eed gf m m o.rd ere im k , r ,„ th ",`, • odhlm. The blade of the knifewasabout4lnchesin IH YD ,me.tr Snag w. W. WALLACE. Botha. that me Mighbeet . ia ~ .. ,.'dye o'clock in the afternoon. My mother and Woodworth ' s Patent Planing MnAl in•, ki• Poilir k".. wore anxious that , Stanley should bring - lue Juniata =t, and advised himl to prosecute. RIGHTS 'IN amazes mamma& and Bachelor end old that ' Ludwig Steinley, sworn-I was at Welders RECENT decisions (see - Pittsburgh Daily ThY.°°*°y vologY"lsth.musiernbto=ara.irt. - tavent - when Kane came In, and pushed me from - 11 - 41, u . hed 6.'4 :1 triga !rei ) Vo b itiv`,llo..fitlV. "- ~ 1, of the lesl o P i rgirmc aces mid for sale by IL laLLOit ere Word et. 1 . , i .- the counter. I told - him that I had done nothing nie erdeariber ht now grevared to adi the right to us. •• - - ..to him, and asked why he had pushed me from Pe Ws. e* M ir h ur ill". 1,7%,,,,,,,,•""rT=1111,7,1714 MISCELLANEOUS. . 1 7 ; the counter. lie then streick me , twice and was L.wreneo. ilAtenstaxseivio; - .4leKess„. listen, Hitter. -- :-, . • . pulled away by Mr..Reis. j A ft er I had left the rme. .. e Tau Trfer l i y eelel-na - tj - dech W rrir;rvi r ,..r.v.:tre ' PAt 11 - ARD-12. bids. No. 1, for sale by : Wow; he struck at me with his knife, and cut day of Dammam mai, sac et. asicto k ns_ gvir_peva„____.• -IA _„.- WICK a SioCANDLESE. pow corner Word mat Water sta i ~.. Tay coat on the right simbler. The blade did it " , " M, ' = " ' "'" A s 97 . , '''''''' 1,7,....„11.,..z - Th w, , ,.: -,- : . ;soot penetrate to my flesh. 1, ' obi.. .t ono olorlukin.__,,,,o.d__Fres_..to s __. thicko...... lil.m. PARB. AMMONIA -600 lbs. for nolo by wh.4. number of other witnesses were examined, ross-gh1, , ,-= 7 , 1 . 72 , 71 = th. r e l ee . Tra: ii J toy= J. KIDD a CO. en - schatimany corroborated the evidence which itt s ,„wt or eeet me d.÷',.., ~„4.42.,,,,Pi.Lmg1 r ri., g m ,_•.tkki... i ABS) OIL-if) bids. Winter Strained, for we h am .; already given. ~ I T r, boa or 4,71 . ... - iiii . ;',,,i s e„ e - r,,,,,• - iw lt r e o.o- g -,..... ki sale by mylr R. E. BELL Wade- After a..li t remes from tbl learned eMmilai, ell r, r ,d e tra r ie l r a t r im "" •= " l. ' e " . th.898r.1".. JOIEMPSEED -5 itle. for sale by R. K. 6r.ttliEte. LE!! bath ewes. ,the jury retired, and resumed a var. na int., or a ;weeks& Mecham for shake* Wuroioir. KA. ni .. B . : diet_ of gamy, after a short; absence. The pris- fromm rr p A , t , w acne 0.„, ~, „,,Tg;:r stt lioltrOoDEN , WARE-. -toner wa n seinan,ded, there being other charges fYinne hundredths of all the p4ne7handir mad In our ,V V Oiler Bala* braes bou ; nd; against Dim J I large dn. and tow= la now drew. with Weedircrtha Tandshid Burke; . •-. . - _............. '' .teem olerthig mills at Baotou, ?blade] ob .. Neer York. Extra Ptrong sockets, a hoops 7 - Cedar Keeler; braes: taunif . • ' DISOIGGIELT CONOC CT.- 4 8°1 , „. " It*bingBi 's S ad Paresrini.7lo.ll°. 7=l:l[7:bz.VigA - . Bernard Ma; *helmet...l"th" is the Ithaul ease ' uma'-alm-a lfir- La n a nt to it 111 IF IrM"klt. T°°° ll.Tll . l.l/ra 00 were a ft erward, brought before Mayor Gu th rie ..41-2 ......''''' .47.d4.14 ..2,4'" ...i-uw : :P. '4; it y , me Liberty ' et. ' ou a charge of disorderly Conduct. They were .otenoot rioid - !.,7 of j rz f azi negtiss. apNy mi t% ~_ plidil, ASEI-5 tons for sale by fried fi re dollars each, and N thn th4th ed th prison .F22 , rtes - . ' 0.0 , ==. , i• Y . ENCL.:IBU a BENNETT. • ' in default of payment ` . . strZS . 1= B.oond. end lill gnat et I• • . AYER'S CERILRY PECTORAL,- TIOOPS--49 - 0 - 0 - 0, Split Ash, for sale by 1 - kilitElf CEOS'S:O.-The deir goods stores were 'LNCIR the cure of Coughs, Colds Hoarse- 1-1 nem - ENGLIEU a BENNETT. ..an closed at seren o'clock last night, with two a l t r. 3...h.:Z.*, C rou p, ' " k n... W 8.7 61: 0 ..1[ 8 - INDIA RUBBER DOLL HEADS ikl3s - I - , The seaman success which has ameard the use Whits & - po p t! r 4lld l VO4 . l . i . for 1•! , e l i t . bi, India --.4.... - • - preparation-ltv salutary effect-dis power to 145. aml :-. myth id= 81712.-The libel suit 411.11 g, till Odi. con lareibrui dn. brings, base Ando. for It • oelerity beg PITEIREUTCRO MITT, LOME; & REPO I : i „, a the . Disp a t c h , b roug h t b y i man =m a ralloo th r.tho rty =bubro viceeteerm th edidnii i. rig . s W oo e ocrer ibr it to ra te b,w e sencat .. Hui: A tavern hee P er e 'vei h . b e Ul ed ts ; day' • it will gunfire and remove • the rr...vit.tt a tacks of also. :Purr Gynes Donations, 1 .723 March 14, 1851. I 7 --- - gip5......A fire broke out per urge, morning, in cue publicly Woes, v u erl latataalli Sarnia the stentia IT BEING DESIRABLE to substitute looks ,d e B ed o f m e . Rendemmia drug e t me . It was of martial =nand ydritothoopista srec b rbste. What id Milk= nr .e a ri ati ll .2 3 4 thaw n o w . fLus . e . t: wethaeshed before muth ;damage Isd been their °wee erch ' Tv ecuml may N '''' I/ ma 151 ' keys. withvomis , to furnish th . ..... earne , will b•reolv i T t i ti lowing:- V.i.L.SNTINE MOM M.D. • rjeTigy sect. Y Ite dna kbr % al -I.l.Arttligititilred. - net mai - T.lw. co . kx. New Jean, rape-- ambefon kw esaudnathrn and regent. Om thin ro Letammsittr" - Correccr.-Two women of bad Al i e l re r =lte=rrhich I gcludder =e:/r= E 7 k=Atthii . rr'....d"=l:2r. `70°,4111: cauncteS, whs,wadde. on Prbspect street, were ed to en. th•0 8 ......_ 08 th. 'MM t and tong." _ 01 , 4 ta .. th: Ami d e: . t , t , ,e restesseur Otherel for tn. tan. ; brought before 'Alderman behaved ll. l 3 er 7,,_ . a tinglob ic,l l 4, l“ . • o • ,, iti fa s = e 9mu. „,Z it ,: Itt,,,,t t l er ,4 * e. , mg-, l„re,:,l',Z, ;...' , l,tilleili" 4 4 , L oliVectlt=r 3 ',, d uo / w ith h at tag ln a awOrnerly 1,,..,,;..- " t r .ho .07 , Peateralmoll if se/ weeps, ran LI; r , ... t . Lb. = . 7,:::47.i.01ez0001, lee'sz,. - manner, One named Jane t Davis was fined ahe Yet reuef, with te • blew/ aruct4at au 5t..T.,... .. twenty d e ltas ; e n d the other five, 'which they e=1,..„ , z7 , ,z= 1 , , ,,./.?,,v , ..„ ., ~. t c =f,. .Wlth s klad Ol vir , of proesulugtb. Lest lock a!th4l k Is preleribedea a ...era, the De paid sad were illiebees ' d• I ' the - Carry Pedurat" • relying for • eelection mt the meobankel skill e.ba1,../... ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. lop. hich • fair competition, saw Invited. mar dere Tha Canadlarasfof Medics] Mew/slam .Tsal. It a, however, proper to mete, that a lock suitable for a tines Kansas new. ^Teo t a v ern heel. awe. end macho so preacatte uus luslomest eli• :'. 4 ie l dr y rn.. b.le srww,„ the l e lkW ee a Q timtix: Ow c . :In named Maley and Bee her, o n e of whom °WV wren .1°1rt,0,,,,V7,4=thT, l ' cq de intrkeNratrreel . lug nhaultarreously all the 16 - . . ittiPs a lavelM en Warm' street: ." and the eth" on ;LinedT . n 4r n I n a. w'. lO .W. ••d 8.b ll • rm.' ,tv,iag:...li,raln2.-,- wttpribgr,VlTl """ Chita street, were yesterday ' brought beton all y ' _ .. . . ...„,;,...,, • _ he sand to • be throbbed . by the contractor within ear. _ WE On : th. rec.. mdicrer speak fir_lll ir, -2 ~, months rme connect snail have been entered In al. , Mayer Gathrie on a charge of- miling l hl if " Lr'' ''`''''''?"/..._._''''' wm the emine melOY oiG Owned oil tb• dnraMllty ...i.Dr ,J.C..a=zl3i-lirmst,l2eo%r,v,rowa.amts of t e lock. atid keys .optfl, m wellm the Irouseasof the . , Billlday. . -They were CO CMOW, 1114 fined try dollars tick. and the eats, o n ' Yawl e f Frau m0t...0d 1 . .:.,, allr agg4f.111.,...rt, " b0i ~o 1; 'Aigetif:=CeocfiLVgg:',.2llo.4=d„,l:fia....„s" . . im btu for an appeal. . . , ... .Levt ,.. .soi so roe, but fm the Ink/manor. of others In like me. inn No lock will willrrdered If I whom ian, Windy la .- : i - ~.___ • - ••=lifirulicillith.4l th 4 e i l.scleelsrl at first betters Wmm uae; nor.y One wlththe contreetree7 T I 1 0 ' • GL .-: ' T . /0101.1M -mat bewail ' ll P a no_! - night swvat. " slllovol sod falta Ord . Pa q ° 'ej ett b . selieeVeT jlet ' gr:dt. M to= " fc ' eT n '' Lor, 4-1-2,,,,,vg_1°6' " JL: aim, &loaded another Crowded house las. `eMb... a 7 ° ='"th., : rX4,°. Att . ... i nt Y-r 4 ; 4 .2 . ,, , , r ,,, ,....&..... or use than that of the Bat Me Departmen. -I _ No pissm ehould suffer it to leave Etc. burgh, ........._Einaolekeolap.uttlao".::: IrinoWmed at 12 . ~M tirli?;•fa,.,,l'ltoi=„Tar In r =ot d"'d to Mare . . „m oot to so . i, . 1 ' `te,..2,5en 7,1X,!,,,t e at,=. co Y Wad your Clam . assignment of et for the cecina. use mid beo. . gain, •. - ; . • , ...y,1,.. aa ~ss a ,,,,,,,,..„ • i n.. L . 0 6 ,714.1..„ .: vet of the S ent.Derrertm if the „Posturter General then demo each reratirerneut eruentlai to th Interene of the en Argo. Si,' Aeon 17. ! ice I taw of in failu f cho oo u..,. 9aorga• Het/here, in Tounfaleown, Ohio 0 one Dr. dyer tosvfi --1) ...' o, r - " , boss ar rure - tee Vie r . io oillu s atoenoir t o t.4l°..eit---eemiti.iii-oh%"To•thr I . . ' Unitise ( ' to .12131:7 Miss Anna Mell. . But ! I8 Wei W i " .Mad tt 1:11.,7,7,V . nn ...W Y s / have LI .o. thePorthusitertherer:l than hen th e right Weide. a foror ' "- - --=7:-: lo s taxed to eir.k b , 44 ,l •eT .1 th e tit:ask.. - to the penal remedy hereinafter mentioned , to ennui wad TIM 01 / - I forgot to de it, and took a wide*. ; A Jury leg aces* to •oo =7 I tried • sninton.r ,net eoll in wen 1 •osw with en other Mal asked him to hand over $1,458 to Miss Anna as a .aidr to .... 50 0 5 tie le.,bed, es ray. ad aa mop ... tri, ter fueolagis. Jamb, k,,,,5, a Z - 1 ...__!_•7 1 D"I . a ionsolation I. , 'I - ~. • " ij.tost, it teamed he make mo worse, but In le. than •It duckling upon the propmelsand attar frond. Um . : ', . wmk I beg.. et:orlon', the , mat ie.tanori .11•7 from Postmaster treneral may deem nes tto slake the . , us °egg and oat In four week the data. IA . minty to. through mails the luck of ooe bidder. end for the way mails DiffEISSIOW. OF Mssareertatie.-=The New-. oeLesz;,..LZ ca ses b ° 2 rh h g,:," t g,=.ll,rq'nai.). . that of another. /le manna, th erefore, thli u r i 4rAi r. i...r ee bury gat states that the Atlantic; Cotton ..........e -- • • -.. rusoeue lire a : kr. or loorafrte alt er t i w et v arr liarrbi g h: to rejeCtirnet ha kiln ;at Lawrence, Capital $1;600,090,. have I'Vr e j . m t aLsfm, 'a we n jbaare mod Wale eytTi. rasa. . ik , gt h irespatens and tr , o7porsus. If be shall deem that mune p . ' made up their account to the let of Jame, and . 0 t i ... , tra ,., ~o „ , dd d jaddah ifairdroa. Aliegfe.. contrietine t" Vil . VreiteV ' o ' t ' gi. b ' fla. P riti - rrOVir el. --;;Taiti . find a loss during the last else months hf nearly COY. slFB t . b r P ''''''''' ' . " , " u s'l' '''''' ''''w,5..,,„,,,,i cents. In the arm of thiny tiwimand dollar; for a faithful r.nomaam or the contract Th. contract Is to contain ... AND a ,i,-, e ,,:;, - 1 - . -71--at gmaeler• kr the doe and Winer inearctin• al di. l.•• i r - il , The New Bedford Mercury say ' s that the . cill , _ tR.K . ,I4C.H BURR . ...ant.. se. : I .V , kers. mai me, for sornaj , 7 agal.t their pandit.. . ton mills, machinery and dwelling house of the „,,, 31.` r.cama lmNa Leistet. at kW Prig".• .... . ~, ......4.ll;73l.4°:=l,ll4=tthard tex=1,..,.. s I Fartder's Manufacturing Company, in AlLlgboro ' anirglitellee. B :r r erolt rlnd IMO. - - _f !.. ehenld la oweptot were disposed of at auction ou the 4th bastall. ..4.l„l,"lr ld ervacer, B"liu .s=toeHeissrvu - - .L , . Mott•: re :at ' srect b ra=t i nt ' v t ta=ar b .-...-,LIP by Asti tees sale, - far 22,076. I The' pre mesas lesues aeo B fii i _e_ r e , ...r to - t e dttt ' ` ....1.6 ' e l' -‘ !!! -erard, . - tda j agi Vre • rw iffilh.. p ." .ac en rje t no m j. origtnlly'' cost: from $50,000 to $60,000 , ' - ' 'illin. " BB = B•l ""''' . " • Ir. W. w s. "''. - Wdeliffdairlinf' -- - "'M.."' PHILADELPHIA United States Hotel at Philadelphia. 2: HE SUBSCRIBER respectfully announ ce* to his Mends and the travellhht erdatoonlty. he hat =lmmune! the Proptietorahlp of the CRITND STATES LIOTPL. Long limn° in conneetlon_ with th e Hotel under the late Proprietor, he feel+ perfralf Infr In r o rotnleirot Ite old pattpn, that nothlnar Mall be manned In . 11 : i eettairp.* **. I.17ept7n P ~ pil i f b:ltt * ***l it! '*" b plia. IT I OMNI the Entine estahlithment, nod he mengnuttp inelten to tbe changes IntrMltred for the eon. enact.. co mfo rt of Ladle*. Being firmly detertain. red at to gl ee lon, ee eatiefaet he enact_ ~ ta a e tattunanee of that . 1 , Proalwaye to T tan wig - toned In the old United 11 el rmyTh.t.3 . A. O. ALLZA i I HO3I AS WHITE, BON 'ET MANU recrumn No 41 Booth Bet .d Steve; (abcra istinit, am aide.) Philadelphia. . febl.l:lY Wk. auour....• --JOON e. cowman. IFE. N. IFOODIVI. -1141J21C0413, AGALEY, WOODWARD it CO., Whole, .NJP We Grocers. N 221 Market at., Philadelphia- apt] . . A. J. 11[122.1.0- . EALD,...3OIJap 21512. 1 . 1 6 . 0715iCiii it CO., Tobacco Clam Won AI orchards, Na 41. Noel .Water street. a. to Meth 'Wham.. Philadelphia . add/ ERCER & ANTELO, General Commis .loa Mmbants, Pbiladelphla. Mend drawls eannlgnments of Prod gene.ll7. Llano-AC= NEW YORK. Office for Foreign Patents. No. 6 York, and 166 Plea .1., London. .1/11ATENTS FOR INVENTIONS procured la Great 8ra616, Pmee. &lona, Holhout, and all ; parte of Europe—the Culscts, Ca* ant the Bea- Full Information 013 the .Darn an be lull 1, odd...slag .1. P. PI KE.6011. 6 Wall street. Neer hhck. linperior tack Writing and Copying Ink. oNE'S EMPIRE INK., 87 Nassau street, u Etas Buildings. Nre York. NM slum so roa par . dea....-111 t 0. 03 6 4 qperdca— -..-10 ta X Chs draoght,,Per mots. , Ibis ts the best artrela saarmfastured. It foam ferelr -1: a good COPYING INE--and mill sot mode, mould, ed for a gos74rl etu 4, tub, arotabl sad Doreew e 4 lar Le '0 1,1 1 2117 Zs 3 ad: odrablr adapted far tha Steel Pest. The undarawoed Is premed to thrash trade ea. thus Er export or home sorouroptoa,,at the aterre very tord . rigl i gr . ‘:g :f ... ea . onle N T 4 : t te , dsrgigr= amps'. or kegs an , barged ag at De/toast THEODORE LENT, IT Rama at.., Poo Palldtogs, LIP roar. Profeisor A. V. Barry's Tricopharcms, OR MEDD:JAM COMPOUND, for ree melee, presardne end beauhrying the bair,endlear tine scurf au&dandrull, and ming dlman of the MN glands and muscles stings, cuts. Mila i, eeallt: 41, 7 t o I t hue been asokrtalned by experiment, that Darryl b• emu has prodrund th. same ettect in ming disease. of • •Iclo. etc. of the hone, md the animal kikadom. The Ira , tlaetna testiMonials„ selector rem bumlneds Omuta: •ill area to MOT the Mee of the ph:Tan:ion, the ohms/Jon In width it is held by three who have stem it n trial : Nrw Text, Sept CROP. Duey—Dar Sir—l bee* been afflicted with a cu taneous eruptlem of the pip. of • out eggrarated char. actor, for the Mt sixteen years,and dunot thee perkd have had the advice of some of the mot eminent nhyvi elm; and hew. tried all tbe, preparation, for the harem/ akin now known, without the Met benellt I was advieed by • friebd to try your Trkophema I did act, se • List resort, and, to my cumin and gratukstion. &bed knot tared In about two moths. Berk vex the violene• of the disorder that at times I ma partially Mind. Itemetfully, Yoortv 'V NAPPLTR, /40 Columbia streed, Brroktro. • Ns•• You, Oet..=, 1650. Paor..llma g r o ;tyl Dear bir—Abouttwo ynmoth ter hely tams out a aml. mad my heed tram math amleted with dandth . I was m ud by a friend to try your/Mmaba tho. oath I did 00, sod to my estotaehmeah my bole bee Annie tooted. sad ell the dethroff. dlthepeated, se the heed vote thaws for ItaelL With ft-sre.e, In crattdr=3 Itrombray, If thy lady or ettattlatho doubts the autheß of the above they .111 plc... call at Frofeethe A C e °Moe headway. 'saw Verb. when, be MD madam • arlgi . • acs Mime. hen ce the Militia, and Naval Eris. Nov. 9, 165.1.1 There eo rd, tor the pcsmannit Om of biking.. thd dlerans of Ma emit= gearrallr. that has maned M 3 ittd.alT Mier.' by tbe genie been. Beay's Trimness... or Madleated Compinand. ft ' rri tcasively want., the cypernlassea of the enoneuelty: In a1t0i40,•17 000.7 to thaliO4 MS wood le prelims...to olLer uncles of the kW!. It banstrts vigor to the motet,: the hair, and thus . prenter• Its erenth to a nroartatde de. Lott sot, Itsrn daruletar And 004 Matell th e lit om,. It will cure all diatom of the poen h ..old head. den nom and othar oberialous &eon dry , of the Alin le cheapen.. .. wallas Haney, it 010.1 s lerivalled- It is sold lo lase tattles, Woe atones, at No. i Broadway, and at the linnisten generally, tt=ett the United litateened Canada. PRINTING IRKS • ITTCHINSON & Ca, 1013 Spruce Street, NEW TORE, Wbolesale manallasturese Dart bra IIINOLISU PRINTING INKS, is Steel .od Utho. pa w l Prhaluvall altat a lezt ant lab Wert. whiel u t work easily apes all entiaan. mom Theeotablnatlatia thee. lakta &stanch wangle. • shill lama ISO plirlinaelary to Inlet supttioe to uly abash:lo.er amt. bo ld at ask. vasytag et= IS eta to $lOO ass P"A "Zii"..t: **4 % , t r inret d .:,- ` l " ViLf mrs taals•ad c 0.1117 • an' Ins 1115. $l.OO 5.13433 tar lta eikettßl.Sna Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse. .4 S. MILLS. No. CORTLANDT ST., (L' !tank) NEW SODA. to war open!. one of tto arzast .4 richest anorttnenta or SERI N.) AND reldladt SHAWL!star berm . wirer. Alto LACE aIUELIN and all kinds et SILK Saha/ LLAE InatmEseto. red from the West Pads tutu.% received by go rhos.. so I rentkularir adapted to the htdloa undo Al, • ettrr arlandid Won of PAaASOLS AND 1711. NULEOLAS. amottstlag of fringed end plain .4.1 tattoo !oaf ant and Tart hattn Par..., .4 Cott. and Cog hem endnallan All or ord. trIE to open. at eandy he prima W. rtnti zit...natty Invite our Wenn. Wanda to as "'111/Irt Afar FA ' NDS. le hi Mbar El.'. and Dot 55 to earn En tatit:ura'a':owoa. lablldr• It:k,w am OMAS HALE, FORWARDIN TH G a. COMMISSWN MERCHANT, CHICAGO. /LLINOTS, CIONTINIJES bie naval fecilitiee to receive 1.3 oe alma, Fala. and Tram/annu IlainnaaWa. 'my...finned him. 8.. tan. his Gon da r fur all polnla ‘n. We Lazes and Ws 1111 , .ii Canal anal 111 , et. Ilaranntar-Xnews. Lonna. Netting a co: Helm. Jonas Qnlinn Ili. Jot. Cannbey ST. LOUIS & ST. JOSEPH. Dr. JOSEPF„ 111480IIILL MIDDLETON. RILEY Prates.. encnnhaten .lel fon/vain/ llerebants, en the • e ,St &iam No. /leer to Alexaseler Oordon and Laren; Sterling Ca, Pntaburgh. 1) ---- A - Y lso7 tiftlTE;AttOrney at Law, and flonunholemer arc rennsylrenla, ht. Loan 11e. ecentennieetkna mantis erumered. [OHS H. RANKIN, Attorney and Conn_ •• et Len, end_Cagnetathner Ihr the State o • Ser=nnle/ Ri . L 0 b. UI.• b .3” 1 Uele of ltnebura . b.) rg Oh. Johnon/mt. unrest= 31Wer, Weendlese ataChtre, a. Cute: a Semple. McCord a agltly BOSTON AIM:RICAN HOUSE, 11•711)•Ck STILLT, DOBTOII. I rpm undersigned haring entirely ref l. 1 built and enlarged the above utraore egallste meta. sentalning la all about theee hualred and hilt poma. won/0 respect/4017 notlw that It Is new reads. Mr the meta. and anewastentation or the teaselling csattontllty. An attandsdnalleeef the nesslteiatap e l etmenl 7 .74oo, Roue I. deemed =speed.., ae the numerous haprore seents which have bran mad* cannot he Impair ier. Sulhee It In thit7.lnl expense h. beest eneln In d wntler aver aNrimeoL wteet TL 14unIture wu made tappeso7 to order. regerdlage of end. and certain widow of It, eepaelall7 the Waving now, will be (crawl to he of the west, baluttfal mantle toes. The Inning matt are came/ans. and the hones kw meals be so arsanged ee to lull the 00117setlend °ribs eulyettal late. tvery department wll/ eandocted ' it u nuetneptlw. t. Is tamales and :. l a=tor.l l /whP: 1. 0 1 , 1 i dna .th. melte. Steam Is 7 the Tea eltre e. Isbtswd/rwteoT LEWIS KICK. MOLASSES & SYRUP 100 bp. a ILIII,Ap 10 • 1. n3 ,,,.' 10 Lbla.aol,lcdrfru .21 • N. IL /Inim DUltl3/I.llstiX g ll%=, 115 Water at. APLE SUGAR--2 bbls. very choieelga /Tx sow. just reed rod fnr ukfo b t • WM. A. MACLURO tpp °normal:ATett u.wers. adned ai Loaf, Pcd Tim! and Pow= ''' by r°".''' Crt ligaUltita CO.. . 246 Llentr WYE, D halvcs) lu more and for mk1.61 zoall • MM. MATTIIEWB D RIED APPLES-40 sacks' prime, fotealo ter22 COZY, MATifiEWS A CO. PASTOR bbl!. (Blow's mnke) for yy WeLr mr22 11116 Y, 31.(7711EW8 it Cu. sU m -2 GAR4O, hda. prime N. fur ualu by A)l}p A 111.1C1111F6Nt. CO COPLEY'STOT CLA.Y-3G bbig.justreo'd sad tor sale Er J. ECIZOONNAIMI: t CO. VLOVES-1500 lbs. fo satey ‘J QUP. CARB. SODA-2S kegs for sale by myci A A. PAIMSTOCII & CO. I; , RENCII FLOWERS—A etpleadid 7triety n 7 =l l: Lvt, .g .. .1021 :1 1e 4 la z: r :; I. my2l . A. A. ELUKIN 81:0. -"• • • IRLED REACIIES3S Backe in iitoru, Jur..l.• sold low to class lot, by ¢ty2l 11141.411 DICKEY F CO. PCKETS-50 do:. Marietta, fur sale by XIII tor= .7. D. CANFIELD. ye ROOMS-100 doz. Corn for solo b /Jr mr2l J. B. CAR VI • ALERATUS-100 bone for rale br J. H. CAN ELD. SUGAR -100 bb!s. Powdered, for sale by errs BIALDRIDO j INOIIIIA.V. GEASE-15 bbls. good grown, nowland Leg from .tamer CoTd fartby well lriiifzta_ Water and Front its. - - - - --- TRANSPARENT WASH BALLS—A tine ankle roe'd and for tale at tho Drug &or e of mrzo a. WICILERSUANI. E XCHANGE BANK STOCK—For sale by U. D. K - Banker and Exchunro M. PEARL ASII-20 cults for oak by mr2l R. DALZELL a CO. IT ASII-4 make pure, for Bale by my2l J. B. CANP/ELLI. A RIED APPLES-20 bags for Palo by / mrn • It. DALZELL PDOT ASH-5 make for sale by _mr2l C. DAUM a CO. EARL. ASH-25 cask!, for sale by mEID J. B. CANFIELD. PINK ROOT-2000 lbs. fur sale by m 71 9 J. KIDD is CO. HIED BEEF, &o.— /900 Ilr, pri. "0 - allunk• Matta& ILuitm. &do Ly J. D. WILLIAM& & (XL EAU PAPER, of my own manufacture; Paths', Ita.U.Dlting Chsaztont sad ltarml Thos. 4 , . . sto Aatet JOR RENT.—A three story briekA &rapt:yr boo.. altnate Medan:re. between r . :Ett and Wen the boon, hi well tubbed with It dnint In the kitchen and above which there Le ha men with het and cold water. Pneenedosi el ven Immediately PIX • o.'l' . XoNIIONI% 1101t8T Ce). no. G 3 Pront et. House and Lot for Bale. ALARGE LOT, on Leaeock street, A t. 1 : 12 legheny. ratialng thriniglYto &bone. fronting galt en earn meet, with • depth of 111 feet, bly with • goof Brick Dwelling 110 tatni ata rooms. Far terms apply to ACE EWE WOODIISUfg Ito. Munn street. orJOllhi SCOW. _ g s TORE ROOM TO LET, on Market st., =Er avoid 'door from ;Four th . asol adjoining th e Watch sad Jewelry Rare of W. M. Witrow. Thlr.stsa Stare liwom has the handsomest fret* in the and to the best Iowa:Ion fora Dry limb am Weary En4ness. Rent for the balance of the rear .111 ha eery low. En quire of JAMES 'ORAL or jog_ W. SF W7LSOM Real Estate L)t Sale. A VALUABLE unimproved 'LOT, on the oornervof. Liberty mut Factory streets, Pltth W 44, gly7l/tb. ardT,W7=`,Mtlatlllrl,l°Bl.lZ three story Brick Dwelllng Name on Liberty otreet. admining the above, the lot being De feet front by KV feet deep. Thee house I. lame and convenient, WM lu modern tt lee. mM contains eleven rooms. AI.o-33 area of very valuable land near Eharpebnreb. Also—A PS= of 115 acres In West Doer township. • • Alar—A Farm of 254 urea In lamer. county. b miles from New Quite. Alto—Fame lo Bearer county, of 'violi data and Woes. boot 600 arm doen. Aloo-12 tory oaluablo lota In Nanvoo, Prlnen asadarato. C pubs of P. sod n. umninLin, , ',Marotta at Law, Bea Es AMA., .70 H 0.107 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. OR RENT—A Warehouse on Water 2 ae% batman Nadal =I Perry. anitabla tbr OR twines. POQUIre At JAMES DALZELL. CS Water To Let, HE well finished and furnished Store on Third eUtett, near the Peat Ofßoo, at Dreamt moopled by Parker,_as a Jewelry Ron. 4.ym -to E. D. GAZE/X.13 Liberty st.. • . leylfetf lyttlies Bow. Met. Tribune. and Dlapatett eopy.l 'FOR BALE -4 'FURNACE, at Dreeden.hltuitingurn co., OW, 14 inlhat Rom Zanewel4h. fine mooing order, gleam Engine, le of running out 7 was of Iron pat day. lb., abundant eaprdy of Ore fn onedlate Mednity. It la oenneeied by • shore oral trltb 7 r•Btodiniont Myer, whleh Is narilMble for steamboats the venter part of the year. thenthr affording a.ulu= Z"ehirairix to Zentemille, or to any point on the Ohio river, at low rates of freight. 7be /me beretotbre manufaetnned at Ude furnace. boo teen ecasetuned ZUMSTaId. Pow terms &only to • OF.O. JAMES, Zateeville, Ohio. or to mylamodim BILLY PENDLETON, Baltimore. • ' • To Forme= • • ACRES Farming arid Grazing • •QPO /vita, In Watten eo.ty, loc.. on tho n met, •ntit twin. mine or t. Now York nal Also-IA. Acta In Elk county, fin Ws on annon=cdo. lon. kn.!. of A. 1411.81N$ Int/ • • comer of Mutat .4 TIIInI oto. • • To Chudemero. rENTY ACRES of Gardening Land, a1.n0.4, . n0 .4, under good eulthaflon. togkin ass was of Me , 1 sokl for SIM aers—ona east, and the pun. in one. two, and inns Tam. /or parlirnlars ass aults at to. flanking Maw of mTI A. WILELNB & 00. norm of /Want and Thini sta Desirable Suburban Iteeidenee for Sale. THE subscriber boars for sale the heave and w rmandshere be now add ca, Masted on Park et, be low I'mnont, Allegbeny. and Mout 25 annutes . ..It hum the market of UM city. The lot 4.140 !brunt on Pert et/ bak Z 2 fent. tt. an alley—umtandnit paer eme or.%and Is boandat on every AU ty urge open lots. afth teas and ebrabbay. ms ham Is nearly nar„ and exerodingly Milan a hoot of 50 f and ad eath of 72, and es= l. lbarteett bans, tandem halls Mu feet aide. It b bunt in tbe best -and oust Mesta. maanee. and hue a bre-groot l oof. and contalne all the modern coarealmeas TOO pumps. with an mdellbut amply of hard and eaftwater.me at the door. On Lb* grumble. my the nommaryput bundbans, stable [ ' amino, Wm,. be. IM grounds We laid out mostly es • bent, emend with Make fruit treat, evergoems. dowering Men* currants. amebertia, a me nd id ese/ • are prim . The trait Le of the beet Web and the tom are In Weir prim, end wield enough fm the wants at en legally. The Atastkm of tb/s amml7.. m ono= subs:rhea comforts, comblned with a:annuity to nu city, le not mantard by say residence In thisMinlty. It U. a vim of the Otdo Mar for ova a ans. of Tempe:mom 71114. South Pittsburgh, the My. the two Ames, and tbsl /nib ato_nofrfortabag altoseller • puomolo wblalt the eye near 001140.11. Pray MU whir esMII depart. hum the port of Illtsbarnb We Ohio. ruses in fun Tbe asthma end grounds ere also completely mama feign any ennoreare of dust. wo deetructla of gunfort 'tautens:m6M affords a ornament an Gubrt, sad pefeefill Mif loeat.l in 1.130 (Met 'Mk lathe emmta7. The properly 11111 be sold at &bargain, and pommel. ghee whenever desired. Enatdoe at the Omens atm apltbdtt D. N.WILLTE. For Bale. TIIE members of theFainnormtlire Corn tany, offers Otte for pa:o. It Lein gap! ed la) ba mid &sr far sale by W3l. A. 31•CLUE0 & Co.. Yid Mot/ pIRE BRICK-65,000 (Ccial Grove) Fire au h Effsk. de for tab mi (If not superior to tls• Bolirer Brisk.) and sad --- ,ere WALLINGFORD &GO. ..... INSEED OIL-30 bbls. (warranted pure) tee .1; SCIIOONSILEER t CO. seil6YL Wocel It . t'_ - il X4LLOW GREEN-- I.l,ll,*".igeark ! 1171.°7 ecuoomuicas a oil AYER'S CHERWit PECTORAL. FOR TIG6 CORE OV • tOUGIiB, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHI TIS, WHOOPING-COUGH,. CROUP, ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION. A MONO the numeronii discoveries Science of IX has made In this generation to heilitate the business lifostoinuase It. enjoyment, and erect prolong lb. term of human existence. none on be namsd6f more real Tahoe 10 mantled. than 'this conuibutioso or Chemistry to the Ilsaling Arr. A. rut trial of Ile ttrtuta throngbout this vast country. has proven beyond a doobt that no medicine or combination of medicine. yet known, can b sorely con. trot and ewe the numennui varieties of yubiteetat7 disease which here hitherto swept froth our midst thousand. and th armed. evert' rear. Indeed„ then It now abundant raw eon to belle. a remedy her at length' been (mind which' on be relied on to cure the mat danceious affection of thol.gs. Our 0p... here will not permit us to onblldi say proportion of Lb. cum **de,' by Iti tuy but we present the following opinion. of eminent-m.14.d refer umbar atairtdry to the circular s wldch the agent. below named . ill ago.. be pleased to furnish free, wherein are fen parUculars. and tradlaputabli proof of these hots. Prue The President. sf 4.40 . 4 she ect‘b,aa PRO. PESSOIi HITCIILVCK. • • "James C. Ayer-81n / him ;red your Cherry peed In my own am of deepweated Itronehitia, and lan WU/led from Ha chemical comaltstion that It Ism admirable cos. word Art the relietoof larynnial end bronchial ditticolUen If toy opinion as its enperior amen rwo be of Aar service, you are at llberAy ore Ito. you think pro Pees mi per. EDWARD lIITIAILEICH L. L. D. 'wide& erlekraka PRORLSSOI2 sizzatAiy. it :f L;tztrak.i Scientific noewries of americs and Europe Vz Yell . .and 1 deem oh. Cherry Pectoral an Wadi-able composition from wane of the beet articles to the Materiel Illedies. and • very entree remedy the the el. ss of Dream it la late. ded to rare." .. New 1.4• m, Cr., Nov.l, MA owedOAISON; Pre:Glatt Of Pea g that he has,he Cherry Pectoral; with wonderfal en. was, to eon lltdeormatlon of.the From ow qf the frsVPlSyrkirou Nana • Saco. Ma, April 18417. .17r. J. C. Ayer, Lowell—Dear Mr I am now comaantly oelog Yon , Cherry Pectoral in mr.practiee. Rio any other molichos for pahnneary camplainU. From obaor yeti= of many severe eases. I am =Wino:4 IL will care coughs. colds, and diem.of the loam that have put to dedance all other retnadlea I invarlyfesdomend its use In MAWS Of coosOlaptlery and constder it mach the beat remedy known for that Derma ReePeethilif YOttrk I. B. CUSHMAN, AL D..' Prepared and sold by JADES C. AYER, Practical Chem in. Lowell, Masa Sold in PltfßbOrgli. wholande and retail, by B. A. FAIL NESTOCH 00.. and Jr. Id. TOWNHEND. In Allegbenpaty, by IL P. STZJe and J. DOl7- . GLAD: erol by Dbagbus. gebendly A Valuable Improvement in Trusses. D R. lIARD'S Improved Patent TRUSS end REMUS REMEDY. by_ which • cure ego t be effectoM This Truce is entirely =l2 throe and mindeles of action from other Truer., haring ell the telemeters* of• well-regulated and uniform prese Unt The yummy an be co nomettfee to/J. 6 *e* end foxo.fort be the nowt difficult mom of Honda, and ma be incremed to &newt any fore* &sired. The teem n le rue tarn!. and Wag bmnght to tear inemedifstely um the her caccednEe and affording perfart•emtrity and tetra ere, Coo et au,nrom Greta weft: the most violent cumin, Sr the rue of this Tram, when erehrot , Droperly by •011 , 1 , : Ler e r nr=l =rote ry ea d" tf . ; ao; which n not an tuerneguent