PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BY WHITE • CO PITTISBUROH, TUESDAY MORNING, 'JUNE 17, IBM Aritiniasonio and Whig Caanty Ticket - manna? stool or arm= comm. • • WA LI KR P 0 SIPARR of Peebles. •iMEnut SOWS Of DOITILICS CDCZT. • lizxur W. WILLIAM S. of Pittabargl. rarspirt frIAII COM LUSE, of , or.Ottlinit tranoss, to WM. B. M'C Pittaburgh. , • Augrxun Stools a c ril: 7 . ,Qu f a tr a 11 , ! .. mmass,Ar. ,-WM. • .THOMAS L. 11 . 31ILLIN, of Allegheur. • - .IOIIN MCLUSESY.of Hoblaros. • 'JAMES PIPPE, _of Pacmden. • , OMa. E. APPLETON, of Blrallsghm. THOS. PENNEY, of MlCeerport, ' JOILY ,MLLLES., of .Indlana. • nomoto.. • • SAMUEL VAILNESTOCK, lif , Pittrbursh. • , • ALES.../I.ICILIEDsON, of •Allesho.r. mac or Tns enrar. . JAILED )1. /MUSE, of PittthurcE. • JOU" or Upyer scare, ROBERT A1:40, 4417liburgb. RN. WEST, orAllegheny. 4011:: SMEElTC,ot.3lVmdlese. • • MITIOX L Pll.o3Pilttri AJtn I.ADCPZNDZNCC.- . - . Then is a letter on our first page, this morn lag, from, HORACE GMSELT, 00 the subjpct. of Americum arts and manufactures, as indispensi "ide to national independence, prosperity and ad : vaneement, which we commend particularly to bur democratic friends; and to this end we ask our ; • arid; friends to give them an opportunity of 'reading it. It bears'the unmistakeable impress of a warm patriotieheart, smarting under the taunts ..;(: of Englishmen at the smallness of our progress in the mannfactiring arts as seen in the great •;,, . Exhibition. These taunts could be.herne with 1 _ ! patience, - were our people rendered unable to : • . „ compete with the rest of the world either by want of means or deficiency of skill. But as no pe0,... ,... vile on tho globe excel the Americans in skill, • ..,': and ascot. country is betteradapted to there:aim ,, , ties' of almost every thing - that civilised man •:".• requites; the cause. of their tieing behind . their older competitors in' the arts is to 'be . sought in something else—and it is found in the ' lack of that fostering care, which other wise and . - r . arigacionsiloreinments have ever extended to the • '. . :. industrial pursuits of their people: - , .13y,otir policy - we have becniostering the man: 1 , . ufactures of Europe more than oar own, by im • , Peeing dude; so light as to be less than the .dif -...' -* .. femme betimen the cost of the production of ma •.. ' ' -lay . articlei there and here. - , There the denseness of the population, and the • . contequent necessity, on the part of the laboring • classes, to work for wages which will barely keep 0 , them from 'starvation, enablea their large and ' . well established manufacturing establishments • to turn out their:Tar' inni fabrics, whether that be -'pig iron or the inst- -finished tissue, at prices il , greatly below thos at which similiir articles can be, produced i-here .eonsequently the American capitalist finds it-finer° to his advantage to be- COthe an importer than a manufacturer. It is of little consequence, to him whether the Govern ment protects American manufactures or not - lie can adjust himself to circumstances ve - 4 readily, and make money, tariff or no ta i tiff ! There is another Class, however, who have ! . already - invested their means in manufacturing establishments, who have suffered severely from • the abandonment of the protective system. Some . .of them have been reduced to poverty; and the • property which cost them much money and labor hint - fallen into the hands of wealthy capitalists, . ,at prices greatly profitable to them, but dims • " trims to the former proprietors. . .• ' There is • one very large class who find it im ' poesible 'to adjust themselves to the free trade _ • ; •- policy. sititeut a great redaction of profits. We 'mem the-farmers. The experience of three or c: four years—ever since the corps of Great Britain - and Ireland have been of average abundance - pores the utter fallacy of the American fanner expecting tii find a profitable market in Europe. The serfs of Russia and south-eastern Europe are competitors that he cannot cape with, unless he will be content to put up with Weir wages and their fare. Say, farmers, will you agree to that? Or, we might ask our free trade friends, our '46 tariff men, do you want to reduce our , firmer, to that grade in barman society? "0 „ - no," say our free traders, "we are, above all . other men, the friends of the farmers!" Very I wall, as you are, if we may credit your loud pro :. fcrsirms; but your friendship has already robbed • ; them of at least a dollar and a half on the price of every barrel of flour they produced out of the . , . crop of 1860; with alait prospect of a like pro . : Stable result in 1861. No doubt the fanners will be very grateful to their friend; and give them the onlytoken of that qtitride which they desire—their votes. The nominees of the Read- Mg Convention, It will be borne in mind, are of - ' this class of farmers' friends. . - The laborers 'are another class deeplyinterest ed in this great Aneatien. It is, however, a misuse of language in, our country to designate • any particular class as laborer:, where a vast majority of all classes labor, and where any man, whether proptieter, farrier, employer, or Ma • ployen, can hold up the hard and horny and as . .. , a badge of honor and certificate of worth. Still . I • :there is always a- large class of American chi - .sens • who labor for hire, though the majority of • - -these who are sober and industrious, saner or later become proprietors, master workmen, and employers, while others fall in and fill' tip the ranks which they left. This, after all, is the class most seriously affected by inadequate pro tection. With the wealthy Masses of manufac-; . • mere it is only a question of profit and loin; , with the farmer it is a question of advancing or . standing still in his worldly affairs; but with the - laborer it is often a questioti of bread or Mt bread. . And if the Government persists in the present policy far a few years longer, it can only result flu the depression of the working classes to the. abject audition under which the same classes groan in the over-peopled nations of the old • world. Men and communities are the creatures . of circumstances; and if the door into be thrown . open ,to the products- of the ill-paid tither of Europe, then nothing but the same grinding System of depression tan prevent great numbers of our people from being thrown out of employ meat And this evil it greatly aggravated by - the multitudes who are thronging to our shores , from Europe,'and all seeking employment Btrnes.Comrry.—On Thursday the btit the Whigs of this county formed their county ticket. For President Judge, Geo. W. Smith, of Butler,:vas nominated, subject to the decision of the district. Conrention.. John R. Barris, of Mercer township, was placed on the ticket for the Legislature. The Dettmcntts of Butler county harp nomina ted Gen. John N. PurrMnoe, of that county, for the office of President Judge Oen. P. was for merly Adjutant °energy this Commonwealth. MACAULAY AND Pi:m i .—All , who have read Macaulay's History of England will remember the . serious charges which that writer brings against William Penn, the founder of Pennsylva nia. Whether' Mr. M. was instigated by a set tled purpose to injure the fair tome of that greet man, or merely erred through mistake, we can not pretend to determine ; but from the promi nence which he giirs to these charges, it is diffi cult to exonerate him from a foregone purpose of defamation. Be this as it may, however, it Will gratify Pennsylvanians to learn that helms mis taken. A, London correspondent of the North American says : Mamallees charges against William Penn bin been rotated by the discovery of some valu able documents relating to the life of the Duke of Monmouth. Penn was accused of extorting money for negotiating pardons for persona con demned,to death. A rash book has been found by Mr.. Boterts, ba Which it is recorded that a Mr. Pinney, an ancestor of Wm. Pinney. Esq. M. P.. was condemned- to death, and that his ransom was paid to one - .George Penne! Docu mots which were searched' in the State Paper office by Mr: Roberts for materials for his life of the Duke of Morunontb; show that Mr...Penne' was in no one instance intended for. William pen.; therefore, the founder of Pennsylvania is enttrolyounlpated from the serious charges made against hie memory by Mr. Macaulay.' . 'the latefflood in the Brunitaippi above the month. .the. Miasma was the highest ever known, but the latter ;kw being less . then it Wu in 1844, the water below was not so ,high, bl menial feet as in that year; 'Very extensive dionapo Lee. been' done} particularly long the Uppe , r iffissiseippl. We ate gla d to learn that all the 741113 X u now fan/uB. ' t A STILLIMILRY Gantimuto-,On next Tues day afternoon and evening a few ladies lain an . dertakext to have a “strawberry gathering" at Wilkins Hall on Fourth street in aid of the funds of the Pittsburgh Infirmary. It would be dffi- . cult .to imagine a more pleasant way _Or apend aSocial hour, and partaking of one of the nicest delicacies of the season, all sweetened with the reflection that by no doing we are helping to sus tain one of the most deserving of institutions, and carrying comfait and relief to the suffering rior. On that . acasion, " the luxury of doing gdod" will be a literal, and not a poetic, fact. liFFlrarav'e Pananexeure. AND Livrasoot Lea or Pacarra.,Wm. Floyd, corner of Sixth and Wood streets, iAtaburgb, is agent for this line of Packets. This line offers,great induce ments to immigrants Who 'desire to come to the went, because upon their arrival at Philadelphia, they can immediately take the railroad and Penn sylvania Canal to Pittsburgh, thus avoiding ex pease and delay. The ships five in number, are all of the first class for, comfort, safety', and speed. The Mary Pleasant, lately arrived at Philadelphia in 24, days from Liverpool. For particulars see advertisement in another column. FROM HEW YORK. (Correapordenee of the Daily Pittsburgh Gazette.; New Your., June 12, 18451 News has been received from the agent of the Tehuantepec Road Company, now in Mexico, to , the effect that in ninety daye the new route will be in successful operation, and passengers taken to San Francisco in eighteen days from New York. Under tho new arrangement travellers willbe spared the annoyance •they now suffer from the want of a proper' anderntauding with the Mexican authorities which baa been so great as almost to prohibit the tremit of passengers across the coantryf As noon as Vanderbith gets his new route completed . via San Juan the mall line sits Havana to Mimes will be obliged to re tire, for no one will submit to the impositions of l i Law's line, after otherrotites are open. On that route one has dirty beds; very poor attendance, and a table that would disgrace the commonest way aide inn. 'Were the quantity of this pair victuals sufficient, there might be an exctuse,but it is a most melancholy fact that one nerer ,geti enough to satisfy even a moderate appetite. The Spiritual. Knocking People have taken the field with various new publications, and- have neither diedor lost any of their impudent, not to say impious- pretensions. A paper of this class now before me, under the title of "Disclo aures from the Interior, and Superior Care for .Mortals,"claimathat "the circle of Apostles and Prophet are its,conductora from the Interior; holding control over its columns, and pemnitting no article to find place therein unless originated. dictated or admitted by them,—they acting un der the direction of the Lord Supreme." It con tains editorials dictated by the "Apostle Paul" and "St. John the Divine." This sheet mast be considered as the leader, for the editors of the others only claim' to be inspired themstffres, while this claims to be edited by actual residents of the spirit world. Although the rote of Sterling bills, doe's not falloff, there appears to be a temporary cessa tion in the shipment of coin. Very little went in the steamer of yesterday, and none has been en gaged for the ship of Saturday. An arrangement has been made to shiptwo millions of American .gold next week, butthis amount will be replaced by the next arrival from Chagres In the face of the exports of coin the stock rather 'lncreases than otherwise. Nor is there any reasonable fear that future shipment will shrink our coin to a point that will affect our currency. The effect of the changes in our Banking laws has been to came a good many Individual ' bankers to aban don the business, the rate of discount on their notes being so small that circulation does not pay. Some of them intend to transfer their capital across the river to New Jersey, and ander her loose laws manufecture a currency for our com mon use. Measures are in progress to procure the mod ification of the tariff between the United States and Canada. Modifications much to the advan tage of 'all parties, levelopin as they will a trade even now a source of largq profit to the public works-of New York; and the mercantile inter ests here. On the part of the Canadians very liberal advances have been made, but not acted-. ed to on the part of the administration, which deems the affair to be more clearly within the scope of Congress than the duly of the trasty making power. The daily press of the city has received a val uable acquisition in. the "Courier des Etats B aia," which commenced on the 11th its daily is sue It is numaged with an ability inferio, to fesepacers In the United States and is well slip ported as it deserves to be. To a student of the French language it is one. of the most valuai?le aids, narrating as it does, the tells of the ay, the most attractive literature of the Continent, and as a whole presenting to the translator a treat.daily such us only could be obtained else where at a large cost. It is in contemplation to commence a Spanish daily paper, bet its success very doubtful =leas the. Cuban Government give it theiiaid, as in thiecaso Of "Ls Croat*" which is wholly supported from that source. Business in Walt Street is dull, andstocka fast getting under the influence of warm weather and consequent absence of people from town for the season. All kinds of fancy and some sound stocks are lower. Nor can a permanent advance be looked for in some time. A large number of stocks, which have, been very active for acme time and much operated in by speculators hare been gradually rising until they are now 50 near par as to be no valueless for speculation :a dol. lars. They have while advancing Tamed into the hands of holders for investment and will be seen an more. By the last Steamer's news Cotton to not only firm but shows a tendency. to advance. The pan ic in cotton as zonal with panics, has carried the staple below its real value, and people now find that after all the production of cotton is not in excess and barely equal to the consumption, nod this for crop of from 800 : to 400,000 bales, present rates are not high, i 3 fact hardly up to the fair-market value. Holders here hare etas . to force their stocks upon the market,and the market looks quite atrong. Brno:lnuits remain remarkably low, and but -little chance of an advance. The small supply wanted for export, and the large annual hatreare of the crops of the country unite to give us an a bundance at rates that do not fairly nnumerate the former. C. Tee New Portatur Law.—The Washington in telligences published officially several long pa_ pars containing the construction of the new Port age law by the Postmaster and Attorney demur est. We copy from them the following pitragim graphs which appear to be most important. The postage on all books and on all other printed matter, acept newspaper. and:pariodicOlt published at intervalt not exceeding am mon the Cmdsentfrom the office of publication to actual and bona fide _subscribers, must be prepaid. On letters to and from Great Britain (and' tie Continent of Europe, when c ent through England) the natant postage and modes of rating will he the same as heretofore, except as to letters to or from California and Oregon, in reepect to which special instructions will be hereafter given. Oa all letters to or from the Continent of 1:1e. rope not sent through Englenul, the United . Btaims Inland arid sea postage will in all muses be co ht tined, and will be twenty cents the single ra withont regard' to the distance the same sae carried within the United 'States. The mode ,of rating will be the same as heretofore. Under the provisions of the 24 aection of the new postage act,' no newspaper other than pvl. tithed weak our, are entitled to circulate free of postage in the counties where published. The office of publication in the office where then ewe paper is printed.' A newspaplar is not II periodical within., the meaning and intent of the provision which. re quires the postage on periodicals to be pe,id in advance, and declares that the postage th croon shall be one-half the rates previously opticitled in the 2d section of the act. All subscribers to newapispirs were and still are required 'by the provisions of the 80th section of the, act of .11arch,1825, to pay one quarter's postage in ad .;II4IICCI : but by se doing they are not entitled to have the postage reduced below the established rates. • Paymeuti in advance on newspapers raid pe riodicals can only be made by the enbsc fiber at the post-othce where to be delivered. Tbe post age on newspapers, periodicals, and other mat ter, not chargeable with letter postage', when sent oat of the United States, must bop repared at the full rate. Publishers may prepay post age on their issues, but can have no d.nboctlon of postage On account of , such prepsynumt. . ' To facilitate the prepayment of postages .npon litters and packages, postage stamps of the fol lowing denominations are provided and furnish ed by the Postmaster General, pursuant, to the ad section of the 'act to reduce and modify the rates of postage In the United States, and for oilier putr, seas, 'approved 8d March, 1851, in Ito 1. Printed in:black representing the !maul ofyrathington, of „On dencatbtation of twe he N 0.2. Printed in red; representing the holed of Washington in profile, of the denomination, of No. 3. Printed in bine, representing the hired of. Franklin in profile, of the denottunattott;nf - These stamps will be famished to one or m ore of the prinepol pditmasters lambent:sty, It fiti will be required to supply the other postmasteirs in their respective vicinities, upon being sad fortis =wants ratiahed. All other person: wishing supplies of stamps can obtain them from the postmaster. at the coon ty seat nearest their residences, or from the postmaster of any other office haring them far sale. . - The five and ten cent postage stamps issued by the Post office department under the provi sions of the 11th section of the act of ➢larch 3, 1841, and now in use by the public, will not be received in._prepayment of postage after the 30th of the present month. Therefore, persona holding any such w“l, as soon as practicable af ter that date, and before the thirtieth day of Septembei next, present them for redemption to the Postmaster of whom they-were purchased or to the nearest postmaster who has been au thorised to sell postage stamps. • Ma. IVIIITNET'S ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC BAIL IOAD.--The London correspondent of the New York Commercial Advertiser, says: Mr. Whitney's recent letter to the Times has caused offers to be made to him to supply what ever capital he may desire for the commence., meat of such a road as that which he proposes, either through the United States or Canada. He represents that there is a feasible route through a very large extent of good agricultural country, suitable for grain crops and pasture, by which starting from Quebec, the Pacific might be reached at Foes straits, opposite Vancouver's island.. All the parties interested in Canada are therefore looking to the possibility of promoting Hach a scheme, in case that, owing to the rapid filling up of the Government lands in the United States, the course first suggested by Mr. Whit ney should become impracticable. The English people would rejoice to see the enterprise carried out either through the American or British ter ritory, and the desire of all who have emerged from the wretched delusions of national selfish ness, would be that It should go by the best and shortest way. If this, however, is prevented by difficulties on your side, I entertain little doubt that the plan will be tried with regard to Canada and will receive sufficient encouragement. The individuals by Thom the offers in question are understood to have been made are practically acquainted with railway matters = to which in deed they owe the possession of large fortunes and it is said that in consideration of a share in the ultimate rtsulta of the enterprise they pro-. posed not only to supply the money netesse7 for the first ten miles, until the lands could be sold for re-imbursement, but also to pay a bonus. This proposal applied equally to the scheme as regards the 'United States or to any efforts for carrying it through Canada. Mr. Whitney, however, has resolved, it is stated, to let it rest for the present, as its acceptance.previoue to the next meeting of Congress could in no way hasten the commencement of the undertaking. A Ouse brvkarros.—Tbe projector of the "Baby Jumper" may properlylte called a bane; factor to the human race. The amount of cont fort that he has afforded by means of his elastic suspenders to the 'infant in arms' will be told in his praise years to come, when they shall have put off the garb of childhood, to enter upon the pathway of a more mature age. The number of taus those touching monitors from the pent up fountains of the heart-t—that this humancindivid t ual has spared to his infantile friends, cannot be enumerated, or even estimated. The relief which the community at large have experienced, since their introduction into society, has been sung by the poet and recorded by the scholar—still, but half its praise has been sounded. And now another great invention has been pro duced, which in simple terms, is nothing more nor less than o "Baby Walker." Aye, reader, a 'baby welker,"Mt arrangement fordirecting the erring steps of 'the little one, whose limbs fail to afford the requisite support for such a pur pose. Its form reaembles somewhat a common parlor ottoman, though in the top is cut a hole in to which the baby is placed, and secured from falling. A small saddle is suspended beneath the bole, upon which the infant rests, its feet touch ing the floor. The saddle is uported on springs which give the up and down movement at every motion of the littly occupant. The contrivance Is placed upon custom endear) therefore be push ed around the room by the youngster, with the utmost ease. We did not know the name of the ingenioua inventor; however, it will become prominent in time. He certainly is entitled to the thanks of the mothers of the land —Albany Erprm, Btoommriam is evidently in the ascendant.— From every quarter we hear of ladies who hare had the courage—some call it manliness—to as sume the new dress. As a generil thing, these are isolated cases—it being only -here and there, in any community, that re lady is wil ling to run the gauntlet of prejudice and gap ing curiosity—an ordeal to which the adoption of any material change in costume is necessarily exposed. Lowell, however, as we an credibly informed. Is rapidly becoming a perfect Bloom. erdom and already the new dress is the ruling fashion. A gentleman who was in the city of eplndles and spinsters yesterday, informs us, upon his honor as a bachelor, that he saw as ma ny s_• fifty very pretty ladies, adorned with the Bloomer costume. And the dress makers there. as oar informant learned, are so overran with business, that orders base necessarily to be giv en some time in advance. One hatter had soli, within a few days, es many as two hundred of the Bloomer hats A Lars BREAS:7A9T—The Canadian l'artia meat In session at Toronto, adjourned ono day ItUt week at fire I'. M., tokireAlkst. The Mon treal dotuder thus notices the matter ?niers to a public breakfast gives by Out Earl and Countess of Elgin, ou Wednesday evening, at fire P. M. .A breakfast at G o'clock in the evening: A very ingenious device to cave tine Governor-General's port, which, after all, Is reported not to be of the very best vintage. We 'wonder when the Earl and Countess of Elgin dine. Our :staid, sober ancestors used to sit down to that meal at the meridian. Two o'clock then became the fashionable hour, whence it became later and later, until it reached six, seven, and eight o'clock in the evening, which gave occasion for the sage remark of an Irish butler, that he believed "the giinry would, by and by, put off their :Lauer till to-morrow." CAST —Tax CIITSTAL PALACE AN ANEMIC/L+ INVZSTIOS. —A correspondent - of the National Intelligencer elaims for this country the original conception and Atot development of the principles on which the Crystal Palace has been constructed. The princiyien upon which this greatest wonder la construct*d were un doubtedly first conceived and promulgated by a New York mechanic, Mr. James ITogarduQ,,now of the firm of Bogardus S Iloppin, w•ho have the most extensive if not the only estithilshment in the world for the construction of large out Iron buildings. The Crystal Palace is at present the only complete bulldiug in Englander this =tarsi. Mr. Bogardus' invention embraces bat three distinct ideas:— "First, the application of cost-iron for the purpose; next, the bolting together of the huge pieces composing the frame of the building, to that they will not only withstand any probable strain in any direction, but also, if perchance any one piece should fail, the stability of the rest will not be disturbed; and, lastly, the con struction of nil the joints much attar the fashion of the joints of the ordinary cast iron ten-plate stove; no that, while allowing for the expansion and contraction of his metal under all possible changes of temperature, whetherifrom the cold of winter or froman accidental fire, his buildings shall not be objectionable on account of exposing their interior to the elements." Mr. 'Bogardus ,visited Europe in 18TC. !le went to England in' the. hope of being able to interest capitalists of : that that country in his scheme. The subject was urged . by . hini there in vain for a year or two; the British writers on mechanics generally concurring in the belitf. that he had mistaken the capacities of Ida metal. The scien tific principles.npon.-,which the construction of cast iron houses are based were applied for the first time in England in the construction of the Crystal Palace. The iron houses which had previously been built there are all of wrought iron, as are all the iron buildings so far put up on the Continent, as well as those which have been sent from Europe to California. The latter are joined and stayed on the principles applied in the construction of the steam boiler, and can , not withstand the action of fire, ad if made of cast metal; while they cannot tie put together in a day, or be taken apart withontdestroying them well nigh as completely as—though of brick or wood. The writer of the communication In the Intelligencerdoubtless does no more than jus. tice to Mr. B. when he speaks of the importance of his invention, but the Englishman who con ceived and so successfully realized the' great work of the Crystal Palace most scarcely kor.' render the share of credit due him for the ireat scientific acquirements and mechanical ingenitity. which he has exhibited in its construction. Foreign and American Hardware. LOGAN, WILSON & CO:; No. 129 Wood Street, ' HAVE NOW IN STORE • full and completestock or FOREIGN AND .I.IIITICAN _ HARDWARE, aoltable L'ar tha eprlng trade, aid which shay ape prepared to ear to purchase:, at 11.A741 that will ammo • faeratidi with any of the ea tern irrErery family should of once. procure a Dottie of the great AnibtaiXtmegly Ihr zonli er bead. alb at IL O. Parrell's drabianll,lelsonnt. It alleys Ilia most wens. yak. Is afo minutes, rerteres the lynorlal Eold or joint water, .ad Chas ./re otld kill* It peneteat.. (hi pe.t, t the tone. relaxes contneted eards, - turee tiataid limbs of luenty Teats' standing; i/so,to utemtisitelled seek, eblbriiclatnt of the glands, and to the teat medidne Sas inmate of cattle mwr dlsrawr. I. mink sonar. .parlor, splint, and all Mamas which matte an soma applientdom'l Bas advertisement Jae PI4I'OIEIEOI gumyersurxii, lluntingdow co., Pa., Mirth 'AL g. M. Krxr.:-...Dear SO, Your Petrolinui la workltuf worr drys is thlm " - trinity: therefor we would thank you tometul us two dozen by the Penasylvaolußallomed. We to. etr timely out, and it Is being lrAnired kw almost eregy Aar. Yours, reepectfully. • JOILIg 1.0:113.A OA. • Mr/Amu; Astilasiox, 0., !tarry fol 'AI. 0. M. Maw—Dew SO. Your Agent. a lkiw womks dime, left with to bar darn kook Oil. which we here sold. Plum fonsard to ns mix Amu bautwillately. Youi tualletris is working wonders In this reed& We eau obtain several excmlleut certilleites, if mon desite them, Yours, Au, W. W. SCOTT. For We by Keyser A !McDowell. 140 Wood mtnsph Sellers, 07 Wood street: 11. L Vahnestock, k =Mar Wood nut tomtreetr. D. 11 .0:3 , 17. D. A. 11111mTt. Joseph bouglams. and 11. I... Schwartz. Allegheny, also by the pro p:Jour. T 0. 31. 1117../4 .111.14w:3 . Venal Bamin.gerenthst- Pittsburgh. Ti ge- TRUTH FLOAISROVE FICTION LIKE OIL ABOVE MATES.—The Ark - . man lean 'tell gOod medicine by trytng It. nett as tan tell .good dinner by eating It. II And one an tees It . and finds It yuor.lt ells deatroy the popular: with the *hot. city. You Van't Intendoce • medicine I nfo pointy, d al e . it Iposseases refulysubetan Oat virtue !mete= all bad *Ciento et valkl objection. and 11 is this fact that has established the reputation of Compound Pistil Extract of Bar eiparills,' beyond all cavil or dlsYnte. Its action capon the human eyatem it in amordmmerith rationial utd phi -I.,•iddral yrinciplee—it promotes the ration.. eacrethms and exertions of the body, removes obettartionfr.diaphteen morbid and diseased matter, strengthens th . l atottiselh and dittesti. organs, mates y pore.. t n,. healthy mead, toad nnrylatee the VALtiOW fiIIOGVOZIS of the different organs of the body: Thht la all rerfereffeel eithout,ths least danger of harm, the preparation Wag ea mil at It is efacacioue. It may 1.. thought Ify the akeytlesd, that It purports tc cum too many dismal, but tontLegamitur Um, it mill be found that • largo Majority of t h e tr bleb allllll the human family originate in an Impure state of the plod. Ile not deceived, then, by other Bars Families being offered ,100 by — Lein: nellerrhf molaases end enter preparation 7 as n substitute for the ediftlool John Bull's Sarlayarilla I This voluble preparation the premector aserents to be surctior to all othon. r". CArrtax.—ltaware arnl /A Our o enal Dr. j 2ML, Samparatafroat Kentualy=.na have:Loather Bea al vart.lsement Ern I aualher page. . KETHER g R'DOWELL.I4O Wool et. jeliMitsr3mS Tyhnleteg . e d Retail agent VB . ' MaLANE's LivER PIRLa.—In offering ~...., this medicine to the public, th e pro ' victors are well .rare that they have to encounter a b My generated by the ...time Impositions which hare n palmed upon the Public under the shags of pahmt m Mum. We Lee corn Tinned. however. that It is only n to Om them ne reedy a trial to plea It In public es matron E. above all medical agents of the kind ever ofttred to die public. It Is the Mention of an enlightened. eknertencsd, ani leern• eat physician. who for tunny years spied it in Ids own pear tice, •hen Its great success Induced bhp to otter It to the public at large. . Tor sale by J. KIDD' i ' 00."." -- ' ielt.lB4•ln9 ' No. 00.14c0d It. Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh BANCOURAGE ROME INSTITUTIONS Moe No. 41 Water street. In thearnrehonse ofo. IL NT. . . . C. G. Krum President...._.....a. -W. khakis, Prey. commny is now prepared to Woman membandhe In straw and In Damara. vowels, kr. A ample Fumanti . for the ability and Ihtegetty of al. Institution. a adorawl to t h e chat-rpm of Us. Dirlaftm. who are all deist. or Pittsburgh. well and &ramble known to the commutate for their prudence. Intelligence. and in.grite. Dratcross-0. o. Ilasiety. Wm. Dagiln Wt. learMii" Jr. Walter Dreant, thigh D. King, istwahl licatichm. John personal. S. ilarbanah. P. 11. Klee. moixtr Pittsburgh Life Insurance' Company. CAPITAL, 8100,000. OFFICE, NQ. 76 FOURTIOTREET. OFFICERS: Fret!dent—Sax:Ls S. Hoax. ke Prreiderit—Ymn . .llct..l.rati.V. Trestrmer—donee S. Luce. S.werecia,—.C. A. C.a.. B'S.. u!eertieement Ip as..tter PU , of Mt. BTBAWBEI33IY PIC RIC, FOE TELL BENEFIT OF THE PITTPIIL"IIGH PlithAUT. [Mr. Pursaeonf's Hosfeafai.l 6: lath, contributora to the empty *rem ory of the Vittaburuhh4ria.7. have 'anted thck contributions In order to give • Ho Nlc. on tuNeRNOON AND EVENING, Me Ilith hut, at WIL , HALL. Refreshment* In the fora of Ptrawherriea .4 Cream, tee' DV.. este, ♦ Coffee. 'GM Lemonade, with eubstantlais, melt ato Gam. Tonga., wlll t a ble.ed up at the call of rlaitors, Seweral of [amp articles at veep eiriderste prices will M found In the Hall at the ..me time. Ticket. of wantlsakm ONE DIME. to be had at IL. door. 01 7.31 Boy Wanted. ONE who understands working about a Ijous, from 1. to 1. vats of =7'''',7lll,ll;t:jtlttl.LAlNtrigrir.N•Z =am =M= Scarce and Desirable Goods ? 10.' VARIOUS STYLES, spec' this morn no,urby-lICAPILI Lera4-e De Lune, Marl Itvlios. Da, 61.03.22 e. ae Attention in tarifa.' tbA s, Ae. r choloe W. n nQ¢etme¢t of Frtrucb WLi e t Skr dres W. INYTIVI, to-day crt ta-tuorrow, font,. N.n tort /btu Liam., ten Now — lkok al - A - EAST a Problem • reprinted with ear l_ tIon• and aliftloll6. fromfrom !mere Magazine. baleb rrc Flebt:lnto of lb. Puritans: by the author of .'Penekirs In the a Life of Mrs Ilartaret lialtland. - antiennenvtlt ILL.:try of Cleopatra, Queen of Ecyn% by Jacob Abbot: as. No. 14 of Pletnrial Fleld Book of the rievolothe3. No. 7 of tnnalon M b ar and the Londern far. . ....... - Tb• Oro,. Books justtrtived sal fur We by 17 jL C. NTOCKTON. 47 )1.421at at. AMERICAN STATE PAPERS.—SuIu , Pa•- Id•=l:g4c , , , LbriTtert? V•ll.ed fiu a blnytoot to . po ervwukri gi:lthetartntrje J=.l=„:" bus . Yrrsr... ILL .otaliltat Tllkawieal. Coc.r•phfral. Met:Leta, I:maoaleva, Pi ocrayblcal I/act:cm-WA. Lowy, and held tooth, with Noun, cr lb. A. and .11•oufwvarrt. and • . caNI , alba Ev•nti of the Time. from MI. IMEMMESIMMN I COTCII BURLAPS-2 bales suitable for sr,sil Hen. Alv—Z. , ) Wool Buts, maw atol gool or r. for see low br p•l7.Gt - KOPErlrbeti t RIPPEILT. BE.ESINAX ANTED—The highest price corb he pad for treigurdity. fr. 4 COIN Iia , TOCT. . Ei==o=l ',RAPE( r SHAWLS, at reduced pricer !. A. A..IIASON & 4 . lllo..enuttheirstock of bel ti IA plata tad .mbroldertal Cram Ehavlo.at yr.., to. darom ft , nl 4.,m, prima Call rank and eft a & barinla 4:.n1 64 11,rket eV3.I, I AWNS ! LAWNS : at 6} cts. per vard!.— A A. A. MAFON a co. aro Pow offer Log the splet •xtre lore kA of eLe4p LAM exialbaJAl tbss ear• at Of mires,emu per mat up. 2Da attentiun of to. vampn V r...roLctfulir entiettal. nl7 V BEAP BONNETS:—A. A. Moe & Co. bstedetertnitunt to elms out the balsa. of their dock oon.. In Ilet• kt matt,' raluctal Tbe . oMe. "0 of lulls* Is sulk-Okl to the Orme rods. 'RENCII FLOWERS:—The attention of ally knotted to our larco gait h 'trenc Flower, ohtch ...u. tow eloglog out at Ivry no dueod rot.. ion) A. A. 114&10 • at. I[ IBBONS REDUCED:—A. A. Jiison e Co. sre• now tinting out their very largesteekof Boo tot itibb3ro.M •ery mluord Call and .ura 11 you grant toryrdn. N0...93 sod 04 $14.1.ct rt jal. SEJIA PER lIANGINGS—A large susaortmen treneb and American Paten. Ihmenp, always • • and end tele 1. P. 11AP.8/1A LL. 017 Word at jel t ltl, 80. RI) PRINTS-ro , LOO3IER HATS, FOR THE COSTUME kip A LA TIMR.—LAJiegi And Mime' &ng nteived mu. fur W R. P eni ALllllll, 017 105 llArket UMMER BONNETS AND .... SPA I.llElt 'net reerly.l• great r•rtrtr of w• Ilummer Bsunete, lOU. beautiful emd novel otyle• Sles'e rad Wye' Ilya d, ea5....1 other Lint.. " Jell • pIIEESE-52 boxes, now landing and for ‘../ eel.. by ISAIAH DICERY (AL y•l7 Water and fiord rte. gr lIEESE-200 boxes in store, for Ede by J•l7 isou!iDICKAY k CO. INDIGO NUTMEGS-4 — M consignment be sold sigma la slaw th.a , Jen ISAIAH DICIOST t CO. lATIIITIE'S celebrated BRASS BAND.will vTallman In this Ottglen TUESDAY EN ENING, Jane 17th, roommeneleur it l.galrtB o'clock. The cream beat LINDSAY' (11, Iplere of the Chleflalnl 1..,,. her larellog Immeediatety below the 004 Allegheny Zraige, at Ure begintdror of reel, hoot. Ornolbus leaves thelkorner of YlfthArel Market c u ret revery half boor. Allytroolog direct to the tearlee. Atlmlttanre eenta children free •Iteneecorepanll4 by thole ts. )cl4Yt J, udrAlq. YEW 111181 C. uu K LEBER has just received • When th aro rcthe frietth of my youth! roam wi a Farewell. If ever Lunde. prayer Temperance Anthem—Unheated to the Tempera.. Su &mg of Mercy. P.W7 hum finny.. Pilgrim'. Prawn.: Ply mitt. ye cePhrhu The Keemake—contia mum Oo where honor—ham Colraello, by Verdi:, Dzinking.b " I b .1b " The celebrated calmly Song, by W. V. woh,„ ; mweaight le ateeplom Tb. Bur of Love, • heautlfal ballad by W. V. %Vellum why nays are gone—aa !snug by the Isiah Swale. °O /a carina . wewrietta, Wallace Concert, lOW *peak, Ilamburg. nob. ion Polk,. Alm. • Doe eeleciloolUof 'may teaching mu.. w,ate e e.mei a complete aseurttemet at Violin.. Flute Muni. No.lol Third Meet. .1.1 6 1 Sign Boldest M.P. N. B.—Now arriving. a .4.1011 lot of New Msg. Mc Nl MEMT:Mi;I2I .3.. 1 6 Sailing front Philadelphia on the ::4.4; ziditl/411, end Lirerpool au the let of each limp MAN If.PLYIA/lANTN, B. H. Deena., YuIe,. PILY.NANDOAII. Wm. P. Gardiner. Molar. PUROPY., Nathaniel C. Hurls, /tutor. BNALIN. Alfred P. Peoltti, hinter. PILACKANIAXON, (new.) W. W. Well, Master. The abort. shin ere belle of the bent and meat OMIT maternis, and an noted Mr the rapidity of their panaron merit.. Stud op win all latedT Improvement.. ere Pieat thoroughly ventilated; end me unrerinuoied for Mete so commodallona for Annul iltun end &woo itinermer; they an commanded by men of ecknowledard talent, ono ere emnalled Am their expolenew In the pocket ocrwke. Penmen. ‘ deslrone *of brlnenn their friend. from M 1 OAI Country eon awe cortiltes of amain, whlntt will lw good for eight menthe, and our proper inland end LI,.