The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 16, 1851, Image 3

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    HOmr. MATTES.
Arraurso.—T. irtui
nominated by tbe , isle , Whig atiVAntinuisonla
c o mmtiaO,- se one of the calatlidates for the of•
. tee of. Amebae Jrid4e4of the Court of Common
' . Pleas an& (leerier-Sessions, has been appointed
by GOTernolJohzustan; to fill the vacancy: oar
toned by the resignation of Judge Jones, whois
new rirdticg•the World's Pair. Judge McMillan
will probably take his place to-day. The ap-.
pointment le an excellent one, aa Itlr.bleft'eux7
purism and business capacity in every way
qualify, hint for a seat on the Bench.
. ,
liortcs.—A yming man, came to thiseity, from
oinchinati, shoat the 154‘ of April lid, !com
pany vrith two others, since which nothing has
been lievirAfroM him His • name NO Abediego
Alsop., Any information of him, will bothank
folly received by hie sillicted mother, at thelt .
Charles flotel. -
LATINO ?HE C 011286 8108 L—The. corner
• stone of Bt.'Paurs Corbeling, was laid pater
, .
day afternoon at throe o'clock, by Bi shop (Peon
nor, in the presence of a very liana assemblage
of persons. A copper box was Placed in the
cavity Of As stone, containing a bottle, within
which were two papers, of wlich the following
This corner stone of Bt. Paul's Church - was
laid the 24th of June, 1829, bythe Bev. Charles
B. Megaire, Postor„ thereof, attended , by the
architect,,,Jobn Beelum, Esq.
AIIDILKW Tromso*, • 'Presidia of the United
. .
30821 A 70887 iilnuter.,l Governor of the Coin
, wealth of Pennsylvania.
Daniel Maloney, Jas4Bbuttan, Ias.SPVaY, and
John M'lniaghlin, contractors. :
• Jail Cannier's:n;(ll%4liter. -
Bev. C. B. Maguire ,- ;Anthon y 13Colmt, Thaw
Fortune, Thomas Wyri* Webb Chary, 'Tamps I
Ctirrunlis; Moses Cullen, Jams Lappan,' Hugh)
M'Shane, W. W. Fetterman; and Samuel Patti o
Thiepeper; contained in a bottle, laid lithe
cornerstone of Bt. Paul's, was tome' when the
name wee taken up, Juno 7, 1851 • it is replaced
in the same bottle, and put into the corner Eton*
of the new Church; the foundation' of which le
halide gay. -tM. CeCOIiNOR,
Bishop of Pittsburgh. -
Prrissiosou, June 15, 1851.
_ . .
The insMiption which followl was written in
Latin upon a
,percbment scroll. The following
is a translation of its contents: • -
In the name of our Lord Jetms Christ. Amen.
The year from the tudirity of the Saviour, 1851,
On I Trinity Sunday, the 15th of June.
In the:seventh year of the - Pontificate of MT
The ermsth year.since the erection of Pittsburgh
• - • . into an Episcopel Bee. -
In the ninth. year of the: :piscopate of its first
Bishop, MicnAaL OTOEITOL •
The sorrenty-third year of the Independence of .
Fitutons, .Praident.
Wattia P. Jointers, Goternor of Petualyl
lona B. -Grrrears, Mayor of the City.
'• Thin first atone of anew ` temple,
Dedicated to God under the initiation of Saint
The efortaal&Bishon of Pittsburgh placed..
The . Very Rev. P. E. Moriarty, of the Order
of Bs:Augustine, addressed thet.peopla.',.
Priests and Religious Sodeties were present.'
Another handsome church, I erected twent y ..
years 'ago on thici spot, formerl y . adorned the
hill. It woe to he pulled dblrgon account of .a
change in thegrade in. this s tree t, when .fire,
kindled by accident,. it is belie*, dal:Ord. it.
This new church woe designed brJohn Welchi
J. 121.:MiClellc nal was the general roperinten
dint ofkba work, and Peter Mollutura, rape*.
• tendeni of the mason work, The:Contractors were
the brothers, Sfm. and James • Lynch.
The jolloring members of the congregation
were flppointed ILS Building Connal_tteec
John Andoe, . :• • Mattaica Ifistiapt -•
Luke;Tsalle, • a Manly,.
John Coyle, , John fi.loagrare, •
P. Mulaway, • • - .James Blakely,;. -
C. DIZIIINED, - - C, Cummins.
John McDeritt, •G.L. B Fetterman, '
John Quinn, nand fireCloske y
James McCabe l
TLIANCE commix& •
John. Andoe, MartinPonnolly, , •
Lake Taeffe, James Casey,
John.Coyle, Samoa Curry,
John'Onian,James McGarrigle,.,
John SLI2/021-Diguact, •
• Matthew Megien, : George Beale, Jr.;
H. G. Murphy, c. ThomaslWynne, c •
Jae. 0. Cummins.. M. Ward,.
•O,L. B. Fetterman, ' . Thomas Geoghegan,:
.Michel McCloskey, John D. .Icanxiings,
Jemes - MCebe, RaPbsail . 3 * 1 14 2 1
Henry Kane Johns.icCp p ssggrtesv ~ e,.:.
' Bernard Flanigin, - Patrick Diehard.
Terence Campbell. James McDonald,
James Planego; • ~. James Glides, . ,
Michael C. Milligia.• John SlODonough. • •
God be mercifol to all who shall worship
in . this Temple, IP artictaini may Ilie.gracel
era abound to all who by'plons amino tsarist
The box also contained a' lithogrephic 11W
nem of 'Bishop O'Connor, executed by Mosers.`.
Wegner, Bri..werar Mueller, of this city, and a,
c number of Catholl* astWaPera l c •- I
After the ceremonies were completed, a Mr ;
mon aria preached by the Rev. Dr. Moriarty,
and • collection was taken up. I ; • ' .
sertftpirr; mai 24 .
Defer} the Hon. Hopewell Hepburn, President
:wigs:kind lion.-IValter 11. Lbinie, ASISOCiIitO
Andollf Miller vs: the City of Pittsbingh, No.
3TI, July 1E47, Verdict enteredler defendant .
per Lowrie; Justice:
Lindsey vs. Liatonreafizecutors—No: 856, April
1847:4- On motion of William MCandless .
rale on plaintiff to give security .for . costa,. on
or before Ist 'Monday of July, next. Affidavit
Matthew. Farrel vs. nonses Graham--No 616,
• November MO—Defendant discharged on nom:
mon bail, by consent. - . .
Ford vs. Ford .et al-L,NO. 1 Aprit;,lB4bi
Chancery. ; This'etintre acne on for on
bill, .answer,.' replication and! testiowity,. - uptin
consideration whereof, the court two ‘ - ea ,
- 4 t that the equity of the cause is with - .defendant ,
and it IS therefore (lemma by the motet, that , the
.ebmpbananes bill be dismissed, aid that cow
: ' plainant pay the costs, and-that. execution issue
= Carter cords Esq., Mei Sheriff of - Allegitecy
'County, came , LIAO Court; and after duo Fools-.
amnion made, acknowledged ' deeds,.• viz. Vo
Jacob Dolleabselt, for all the right tr.c.,'Oflohn
P. Weise, of in, and to, a Part of rot No. 1011
Cannizt&nn's District of "depreciation landc,".
containing about forty five nerm7Consideration
4 : 4.. •
127, r
t • itz-z •
..,sF~ . '•r.r
,050. T 0 Thionis J . Campbell, for all the right Mee
&o.; of Andrew Miller,
of in, and to a Parcel of
ground - on the corner of Chatham street, sad
Pentujiverds Avenue—Consideration
To B. A. Moray, for all the. right, title, dm,
- ,of Andreae - Miller, of, in, and to a parcel of
, ' ground on 'Gm corner of Chatham street, and
Pennsylvania - ATIMIIO-s-COTOteriligan
N. A. Insurance Company, ads Matthe s3o w
- 163 Jannsv7, isro:t. • Defendants
. I ask Imo to pay into Coral the sautef ton d 01,4
, 4 tars, the amount nr:ths eaesieuL in thiscase,:
which is granted, and said ten. dothurs paid Into
Court, and received by Prothintotary. _ ,•: •
Seitz vs. Forsyth—No. 878. - Jtdy; 1848.; Moe
thin by Mr. Magraw, plaintiff's counsel, for a
new ttial. Affidavit and summons' 614' .
Mayor &e. of Alleghenj • N.ennedi , LNo.
428 April, IE6O ; do. vs. gulong—No. 429
leao ; do. vs. Itulong et siNo. 48) April 1880;
do. vs. Campbell—No. 638 Aprif; 1850; do. TIL.
1143111—N0. 684 April, 1850. - • . •
John MOW the defendant in Judgment—'-No.
684 April. 1851, above, asks leave to pay- Into
Court the sum of six hundred and fifty _ Ilottars,
and on motion of William M Shinn Esq., Bale
on George 8. Bahian, the. assismee of the above
judgments, to show cause why the said John bl'-
Gill should-not be subragatott to 'the - rights of
the pbsintiff, In said seven! judgients, and the
rams marked for his use r aeCOrdingii.
M'Cracken vs. Vend. Expense—No. 274
4Cril, 1851. The Court appointed A. B. ICU
- mont, Esq., Auditor to distribute the proceeds of
sale, among lien creditors'&o. _
Black T2l. Lothrop—No. 879 July, 1844. Me-
lion by T. Williams Esq., fora new : rial. Rea
sons filed.'
COUR? or comma num&
• 8 4 1123'0x Jinn' It
Before the Hon. Wm. McClure, President,
Judge, and William Boggs, Associate
The' jury in the iluck Beer riot ease, was
dressed by the Honorable; Charles Naylor for Ai,
defence, and by the Honorable Charles Studer on
behalf of the Commonwealth; Afterhavingbeen
c loned,' they ."w drew. with instructions to ,
bring in a sealed senict in cue the Court should
here adjourned before they agreed. ; • -
. The case excited ranch attention among our
Merman fellow-citizens, who attended the COtal
i n large numbers, but we regret to say, that, I
,owing to mismanagement in the early stage* of
tie cue; before any loners were retained,., the
wades who were most to blame, escaped, and
aospite the eloquence, end tact of the learned
counsel for the Commonwealth, a verdict of
g, 031131probably' ba rendenxi. against ill
1 the parties on trial .
• • TheMouraadjourned soon after;the' jury.
tired, aadltiri tataieed mad ierdiat attar
.. ;
1 '
• .
an absence of half an hour. It Is rumored that,
all the defendants imeaktated; and- this proae;t
= tray to Judge McClurd'e &Use; made
to pay the eostu -This he - a ease of , great hard- :
slap, so far as he is Consented. .
• . . ,
Dzacizasciwo.—A young lad ,named Wm: Daw
son, imptisontd on it charge of stealing s coat,
was discharged . on Saturday,• in . the. Court of
Quarter Sessions; the eviderice not being suffi
ciently strong to , warrant the _District Attorney
in presiUu; for a conviction. .
Huts no maw CMIST..—IC B. Carnahan,,Esn.,
on Saturday, applied for a rule to Show cause
'why Hobert Holmes, of Birmingham, should not
forfeit his commission tar constable of Mifflin
Township. It appears that Holmes ran on the
Democratic ticket as a candidate for Constable
in Birmingham, but *was beaten by Henry Ham- .
moni, the Whig candidate, • npon which Holmes
wad appointed by the Court, constable of Mifflin
Townphip, of which Township he was not a zest
derit,'. and acted in-Birmingham. Mr. C. cited
, the Act of Assembly in =oh cases made and
provided, declaring that a constable must be a
resident of the Township in which
whetse i elected.
The rule' was granted, returnable Saturday.
A Bow Tarsr.—We leanifrom thu Enterprise,
that s thief entered the house of Mts. McCollis
ter, in the Second Ward, on Friday morning.
and took therefrom s watch, which that lady
A few moments before, hung •upon a nail The
rowel escaped with his booty..
, 8131trir op sup Tascs.--Nitorokt Hook liras
ootionitted to, prison bk *derma Patterson, : of
Birakiliiim, on Batarday, charged, , oa oath of
Antoinette.llolr„ with threatening her lire.
- number' of mischievous bays,. to
avenge tette fancied insult, commenced throwing
stones at the residences of some of the. Lsborars
on thit'Oltio and Pennsylvania railroad, in'. the
First Ward:, ,Allegheny,, on Friday night. The
parties in the bonsai fired a guns amble of times
steam; - -- irbichlscl the effect of dispersing the
'ammilards, trithonttfoing.#tem damage. -
incerramt, Narrow .nanwgyvoini.
80E137 Aecieicins (see Pittaburgli
i e LaZ u 'Ara
4,...1.1-111 non prepared Innen - the esti to, voa
.411 i the Etats of Now 1' crec ant to Finatql•
,eaalainthenonnties of • Firadilord,Cranfonj, Cllslon,nu4
armee, .Laseros, sseltean. maw, rata.
Plea War,Wrreari Wcon.
Itb i der of eon t, IYA' sad ttorragrat. liana. ' ,a,
Tb need.% as Ontreaarfothetlth darer Demo
b... lias now nix rare nincrld.d narn This bia •
china at ore operatke.ratinceitto [Wawa and plane.
croovca, beads and rattela, to the bass mew,
' .2. t alrea cd Wants et plank lomat/man and le also eaten
.sleelpr,niedita &endue some, pianos. .wOur, edeklne.
.esan and blind stab and lbesticUu ntouldloss
nds as, rarfanned by it in s better man.
nod focathnes as erpedltioolly and cheaply, as it art
assaCrg. " . • fl e gto Vit . rtr .4 po
_veer vglr aVel- " Pitre• l'
tral* liundredtha of all the Pled lumber wad in not
, dtlaa and towns is mw dremeed with_Woodacolh'•
which rosy be wan in a:natant operation in the
w r ylanlSl min. at 'Eakin, Fidladel&lels Sort,
Alban ROillk Eyractue.
Jamaloan: inclvert. Pllta , Muth%
• Wham. Illsishaniptozi lean,
• • For, an. exclude.
use these Machines,
&sik yarsont ars coactioned ctodind autlist
meant rioat; In any of the above mantles. an
Angel ai11.502i, Planing
izi: • ac.f.l FAH :4:ira : 4 :11:11
'.. ~,-,. ' . •_
POST' 0771WD/1%1111337, ,
' • March 1441861. J•
911 T BEDIGMESTRABLE to substitate locks
_• V sid igaTs of =so other Wad ha those not, ha um Ssr
'15.• had nerds* of the Dulled BMW, trpechnew locks ant
lo es..ridmwmas to farmish the mum, will to received
sta se au Post Mot .Thneartunnot• until the tot
.dar of Julr pest. The difterstat Locla will be sutordtked to
taotamitm threinutdastto . n . and report. Opens tta , re.
&ed i jo .r. s i ttr .b l i tt i r= r tn, mot , i tele , .. Os entel n lin u t
trt ant=dorthelortrZnealtrik. forth. lime
:eil=l Wm Of burr •Un '..g. ggild tnct
ring to the coo mm =
• written Snake to thstedect. not more than nine rot
thiD Ili amathe helm Os termination of the firstrnaf
.I.yttlr:triewed rdosnlittfttlaiiiestloChatthe 1
of lor.===ar=a4alsrd=
rit're/tir oompatitioa. who mar d ii ri . i"
a„ 0ur ... 41 1 14 , 1= ‘,„„...
ST, osidOu'inity. lifibtoessemod ettetollh•
• • ' nark= 9 di V . d'
aedog simultenconsly all. the
end ___yeusw In use. aboot Wit! thousand
new kegs end.tereattr thousand keys adapted thmelo. will
=red In he furniehed brat* contractor :Md. wan
after the contract shall here been entered long ef.
breads the annual marbly will derma on the durability
of the locks mad here spted. meralles the Menem of the
mail Web= bat it will probably never exceed in uproot
• three tlantimal of the Myron and one thousand of the lab
- '..
' _lSo lock wilt he onUddered if It be llite may aimed? in
%TVusm nor will wane with whom the coati...MT
S* be allowed to nuke, sell, or famish say lock or
UT. similar to U.* contracted Ear. tar 81‘y otheriarpme
or sum than that of the Post octal Derwriatent.
The hind of twin adopted must b. Tete:loam:a U. P.;
Unto. will he requi pate nt toriatr into contract, to Mk)
en alnisumenst of h for the e2ClO.ld• • Ulle sad ben.
efd wf the Department. If the Postmeeter General than
'dearteuch requitement mesons' to the lutermis of the err
lion ' In case of alte !glum of the contrector et may thug
to faid=ala= tonne ud omettione of Ids ocadree,
Ute atoll hare the right.licsidee a resort.
1 to the penal renter narreiontter sumtbened:to soma eatd
, Warta, and Pr mestract entrer with del fdrtr or 1
r ......:.1....F.-...... ,
end eddb.itldritenermoraleandepeofssemsoired.the 1
'iltennester Oenmui may deem It. xpedient to for thel
through melte the loot of cue bider.end for the war amils
that of smotherrewires. therefore. the right of oar.
Venting with different indirldvis for . .
nib dolftermit bind.
of lake u 'Swam-V. end else the right to reject all
the specimen. and p . a- if he shall deem thet coarse
er tire hum*. oLtn T .rt= al l 12 . .. p rj,..
curnl. In e slim of r ldtty thousand hod.
nerformance of the contract. The oentract is mutate
jairrisiono Srr the due and proper hooped:km of the torte
and keys, and also for guardian against their pareins Lam
haudg the..torme of teemed:rsk.. to .b• sr.
111 71 b a=t bs the,.
t,id'a 44'
nide:woof the trustworthy character of thet4d .
•trrr7itend Ids ability to NMI the ematreet.. .
. N. R. BALL. Perimuter fleneral.
• exh.Thdiciltng .
Prot liarderville's Series of Readers. •
TOM. :W11.1i; Annan= Crrr, -
• L Jun 3,1.183 E
S the Prinetpal of the: High
Send is Ode Ward banns evanind a clan and
-candled it is the ure ot win of readers.
aenrolly ea 4 cillinctly for nen sic sad the WA elesa
ewe examination before the Director. ethibited n extent
PrOnse. nonseeing the inn anent.
gnat asearaacethet wader the Mini el
-ret=lev s aided hy an intelliant teacher.a
Saited===al ", ' ttie b =l l . ' Ve d re=
• linolved; That ther.daddo Series of Entine Do. nad .
lathe several =bails in We district be dinastinedowit
that Protean lefandevillee Feriae oe Dentin an Voce
tics he latrolondassi wed henorfoneard.
• • true mei Tram the minutes.
eaditcnie- _ Rom. Ban. Beer.
. Cothei of Third salt lifertat streeta. Muted A.
Iftwealrththrter!l Insatiate f the Wad la Pena l)
viala. _ r _ •
• , WAcathi-4othe halm% Principal lanthardsr In the
4leentatft.' . .
O. K. Cathetthth. Prof:sear el Pestaothashle, iferesa•
Ws Otheathattha, it:
AislthAu. X. WAthal. thli.,, Leethret on 'ththiamla
. .
amts.. ol Tatomnm—lion. Wm. Wilkins. Dom James
Dambanaly. Ilamlohn Bram; Unn. Chubs. ?Mika., Rom
Maas Ilszootnn. Dm. W. IL Loarris, Dr. J. It. MyClinbtelt,
faiWa.,..t . Mtimmkt 9 A.
G. J. H. 310onhes4. Janata Dan.
Consohn Cochran. Mammy al
.law: Jams TamiLATlmalmht: Amanntant.
ts Oak nstitation say time, and ob.
larld"astrartloW . both d.r Mentnat when
ang=lll read. a diploma, signed by the Faculty and
"..rtrhae. i"d ruM or matt ti k f u
c...g."0f the kind ni Pittabargh. A Comnrunblt
Bona addlymad to will mast with peconya
'OTTERS of Administration on the Estate
.of John Asutnro.. 1t , 03 of Pittgogg4 deoo
hn " . rjor gind thgert=raol... Ai'ard
to oun atio reCratoodistely, sod those tokTimelalzas to
prooont Ural without dolor. W*l=4E...
Commonwealth of Poutrylvania . ,
... County of Allegheny, S. S . l
the Court of Common Pleas of October
Term. A. D" 1846.- En W. '
• the matter of the rolontary malgnment of Alamo
der 111cClurg, at the Instance of D. Leech I Co., to William .
1. McClure. . ,
And no, Jane SLUM, en motloo of deOrtre P. Ilamll
- of John °Metal, a eroding of Ale:ender
Ms Mort optorir, Ext. to stunt
nitt stoma Joe to dletrl po trot t o
footle Inre d
the bands of the
Aellsnee atoonast the creditors of the eat! Almanner:—
Yrata the Bowl. , GEO: S. nal% Pro.,
...- -- •
I :badly even th at I w il l attend at; tra an*,
Ha . rllth Oboe . Vittebargb, celteccebuy, 24 a ciy
suct at 2 debar. C.. thr the aureole of the abate at. ,
[j l DY; "d, RA Ito,
_: - • Executor's' Notice.
orrICE is hereby giventhat the tin
) d'irgrtivi'vt' hart:
. g.
~ WNW awnWT, oc Wan. •11 pees= hay
, - IaPJAW L L B narte i l to maga tam
.ialslrsaylitelintVltligt tirgbgaors. to Need
Orphan's Court Sale.
1 y toe of on, order of
, vat e a b.=.tirJgA
meof .0
eee ➢ eesed,Lrl ,2: ll 01;
lyieg eyel elLtad mElletbethtewage• batuelett by
red IPA gr.
YAaiyan. Q. • =I. owe known { ..the . 4 .,exelue
Med. alltV • iLLSNEY APPLEG.A2E. •
•-Y.51.335* • Oveyelen,ter.
Thrashill aciulle24B6larst4ill
and Corn Sheller[,' • •
WARRANTED. to be thoroughly built:,
' tad to work yell; mode and told by BLEITLAN 6
C L, ophothe ghosuberger's =allow 3111), 08 Pena
Or== Pittehurgh The .Threshing .31aehlaes hot beauty
simple sad comm, me easily temoVed from place to
&Nang rosy to used with equal to
uveuleute inhan , or
blommoblne roue itchier, thrashes Luger. Or make
batter watit • Wore than 9660 of them ere now in use In
the Westau State., arid am malty boot Of the Motuttelue.
4 , y r 61 them have threeted from th to 100,000 bathels
• mak at t o
have been recommettd
ed. those who um them, r be as completeadad to work
L ed =ego Meat, oltb Bagtiatee imprint ,
.Tr, =tith tbe Thrseher, eceopletelY
arelso the straw sad dual hum
grab, and hoe ulna
man. nth:mu. whenever tried. Ittakm be:little pme•
or to run th and ma to attached to u,y Thnshlng Has
• chino ...whet The advertisers also have the right of
selllogptbte Orr Shia Separator ha lb. States of Peewit,
Tanis MM.* sod all south of those goats mut the
Ohit, .sr,sat eau of Ole = dyer , tud ell of the
o=o, erveht the count,. ot Trumbull anal Wont-
Itts Col% Sheller la siee'lloot's Patent, awl le ea. of tLe
• bat oet litr• h4h4 deal. oad not likely nut of ord.,
• 94 as b.. holidlog sad eeI:WOW thole Meadow , hie
Aldetes. years 111 the car at Vituthur.h... l hews wild
Vela o.2therS• 11Ml weer wa Statalieo o.eondwhere
ibry,hav• not deep mumtirs matiefsetion.
willreceive with the Lachlan •dratt.
roam with directions bow to wet it to operation.
N. 111111.thines waramlad la wort' well. or no male.
Etecittore Notice.
-Ault -PERSONS indebted to the EitatO of
/Had Roomy, loto of Ho city of Pitttiorglud•edt
aro bynottSed to outgo Homodlat.• pop:new, and those
tVclams are tegoetted to tavola tltout, duly make o
to ostUctoost,tooither of Ho sootonbors.
:. .) ...,- - • •,... — JOIIII PHILLIPS
1 - itylsi6toll .O. u.uocuttaub. Free.
sway= ay o'ssiLlX :surf:marl! rix .,
JRD BEPORTZD7OII3I irrrunntott oszrrfa.
Sr. Lome, June 1E
'The splendid sleaze& Sultana was burned at
cur wharf to-dsi. She bad a full cargo on
board for New Orleans, consisting in part of 60
hhdn. bacon and 100 bales of hemp.
The Sultana was' insured for $60,003--$30.-
000 of which are in the Lexington, 14114160 D,
Floating 100ck,.,d 1:11°Ii offices.
The fire communicated to the Sugar Refinery
ofAgelrodt, burned—loss $26,000
which was fidly insured.
. -ST, Louis, Jvne l4
Mr. Bart ariiiedhere 'last evening from Fort t
M ac k a y, Mr. B. has been engaged in collecting
various tribes of Indianans at Fort Mackay, and
some 3000 will be assembled there.,There were
five different tribes represented—th Chlennes,
geowas, Camanchies, Arapspoes, and one other.
tribe,all seem welldispesed towards [hell. States.
Mai. Fitzpatrick, for whoutthey are waiting, was
mot at Crow Creek.
Mr. Birt thinks: those Indians will decline
steeling, the United States Commissioners at
Fort larimie this summer, where it is intended
to ,a ,grand convocation of all the tribes in
that region. ,
Mr. 13. did not meet Col. Stunner's command ,
of troops. - Ile:learnt they were on the route,
proeseding very slowly , in consequence of the
prevalence of the cholera amongst them; eight
or ten were dying daily, and numbers were de.
terting .It is stated that two surgeons sf the
Command had died of the disease—the name of
Mr. Kennedy is the only one recollected. The
trains of traders were in seimilar condition, the
cholera having occnred among them; and the
teamsters 'had deserted them in the general
The river is still receeding very slowly. Ac
counti from above state that all the rivers are
Ifalling. The fall so far, here, is only eight
• Considerable interest is beginning to be man
ifested in regard to the new Constitution, to be
Toted on in Ohio next Tuesday: The temper
ance men will vote for it, and it will no doubt
be adopted by a large majority. It is also pro
bable that the cisme to prohibit the ammo to
sell intoxicating drinks will also be adopted.
Jai:le 14
- The city Is • healthy; and very few cues o
cholera have occurred; but the disease prevails
be coneldeinblo' extent on the river below,
among the emigrants, even greater than last
- Cumnsert., Jana
Flour—The market is dull, with sales SOO bbls
at $8,8808,43, per bbL
Whirl' key. is doll at 180 per gallon.
Provisions—Bacon Shoulders are.selling at Co
per lb. •
Other articles are without change, with no
sales worth reporting.
The weather is cool and pleasant The river
has fallen 18 Ilichas in th 4 taut 24 hours.
'NEW Yollk MARKET. '
Nsw ti osc, :me 14
Flour—The market is full, with4ales" of 8,600 i
bbls at $3 81®4 ?IN, for Indiana, and
Man. $40418 for round hoop Ohio, and $4 18®
4 87 for fancy.
Grain—Wheat is quiet. Sales of a cargo of
Rye at 780} Ohio oats are selling at 440 ?ba
Corn is firmer, with mike 18,000 bushels tailed
at Efie?ba. .
Prorisions--The market is languid.. Bales
100 bbls Laid at B}c ?
Whiskey—Ls dearer, with sales 80 bbls Ohio at
'Linseed ou—Salen 2500 galls American at 7311
V. Call-
Stocka-LAre steady. C. S. 6's, 1161; Ohio Vs,
116; 'lndiana Les, 651; Reading, 5,81. Money is
GERMAN CLAY-200 bozos for ask by
1,012 D/LZELLI CO., Libertr rt.
I REESE-20 bre. W. R. Cream, for sale by
_) run 8. . LIARBALGII.
I)II..VIIDES-2 00 (prime , l . for sall!)tra.
—1 can t
CO sale
8.4 ,, by t H. L. BELEM.
LT Word vt..
. ,
RICE FLOUR; Prepared Corn;
, ruin.: ani...
Fain. Arronroat
"_Far sale al. 'CO.L. A..IIcCLFRO A CO,
. myl3 "36 Lamar an
y RE . NCR GELATINE. White andeoloretl;
'Ana Caopar'a AZOGri C. Isl nglso. lor ts.Y
b Cot. A. MeCLU KG ACO..
"1n713 A .
Groom nod Tan JUL" ono
plitf NES--Bordeaux Prunes, in glass jars;
Very ouporlor reef btoot.
Gonna Prlate . tor Ws by
seyl3 • 151 , 1. ttleCIX ILO k CO.
MACKEREL-1 00 bbls. No. 3, for sale by
mT/3 106 DAM stmt..
LIISI-50 bbls. for Bole by
mil. 2 J. EIDD • (X)., 60 Wm
Orii.S..,•DAT.7,-FLL, Wholesale Grocer, Coro
• vilmisaard Vornsibur Xerchsur., said dealer in Iroa
sils,s3luss„Oottois TM. mid Pittsburgh bitgarlifxtures
risimilly—No. CS Maim st. and TB Pint it. Pittsburgh.
ICY, MORRIS' TEA!—Morris' Tea Mart
In VA:TAI ouSenotul Doe,rhhir Dtaxitb amat=
tb• etas latch m•r... 1 next. door:7l.lwrarth •
• Hamburg Polka. •
• KLEIIER, No. 101 Third street, has just
• motholk--
Ilayanng Palln6 ery. of Polbdu cud b....
deal Pollee irrelLyblbateLl.
TV> litiradThanTiatTilgoVr. •
The Mountain DaYY; lAbleT•
rert . g D ts P"'%7YJestaVittl,b'rit %or
fairr AUL ze
• 111 Wet; ail ions by b ,
ber mat bow:alibi ov=
I#4ll'&2ll..t.e.gti'LL..W•ltsem. Pala.
llotherio.lair, o the Isle of Barr a tal• by Ea...
. H. Boutberorth. •
. Buskers Wife, by T. ft Arthur.
Itathanios Maiiattae, No. 6.
llortkultalist. far Way
Oaltirator, "
Ilseeival at
lIOLKEY taunt', u.
Thint West. otipadta tbs.roa
LaVARD—M kegs No.'l Leaf, for sale by
b .ml 7 WIRT, %MUMS CO.
DRIE D FRUIT-150 bn. Apples;
I RIEt,"
pt CE-10 tierces (fresh) for sale by
1-‘t,i77 . 266 Liberty Amt.
rpse—so hf. cheats Y. IL, imp., and Black
fr ' r ROBISON. LUTES a co.
New Blirwi, Tiagnes,Bilks, Lawns, &O.
Witx .k. BURCHFIELD hare this day
• o . (from New York.) new =I baadawart rtyla•
Luna lndl. A ash r a rßraas Bilks. Black do., Fronds
a 7
Invited to cail ' iefora making their purchases
„Goats at wholeidi r in rooins UP Calla. (ATI
URLAPS--A superior "ankle 40 inch, for
kis warily ml 7. MOBBIIY LEL
Woolen Goode!
CASES Green Mixed Jenne;.. Blue
black Bread
1 - Cotton Elomis.
Th. abov=t:iXt for junr!*2...t.tzo
CHEESE --51 boxes, now landing and for
xsaian DICILKY_F
J_Lar2l s stet am Inuit Ft.
and ER-3 bbls fresh; now ati ing
Ibr ale by
, . A Vegetable Compound.
IMMBIS BALSAM, an infallible Tema
do for Illarrhom, adults.
Bowel or Summar Cour
tof children and adults. A perfectly Fate and eller
do. remedy under all drounartanore. la tmelbOell WWI
With hasp," .1:4 Iteln saws sine. breams of our moat
.00enful practitioners of =Aid., wherever intrommed,
Mr the last two or three rear. aa per certificate. seem.
Dearing the mead. . M pamphlet form. Ltundra. of I
mew, or both Children mud Molts. ham. Men/ cured Mod
relieved by! the above Balms, OW entry other roomdr
bed been tried ha vain. L .
T. following la • mor Of a certificate ralative to tba tr.
t.1. ,,, Wer the atevaainm; tmed in the fatal/ of lb*
E. J. Dower, of the llothodtat Book Connarm of this
6 11rrfin'oer: Ell. I deem It duel° you to my, th at la to.
vent months I bars barn trying many• for Diu.
dam, out with little some.; Loc. - hearing of your romedY.
1 pmconal tam kettle, which 1 - 15 ave. lard. In my LIMIT.
est% great :11=rd.ideiods1.411Vo recomrinrdil=
Etuts " Yours umly ; '• DI
J. ' ll d.tAVEIL
~CinailMati. June 21, Mu: ~
• * * 2 .
Thaebtdm Syrup or Benda i i grogaroti. audeold whole ,
we tl and V i a: ,
r at f tvgli .L, l l' .., le MI'S Ilti t t e Sr,
1 ' Of tia7..lliter di ' CM.. Main streatberwdanteventh. aill
I*llfkent:ere'tlfah%&Pga'''rmnl.tvll. Pd''' ' '.3 DP4 " W
:Aloo. for sale by B. N. vinkeranam.Dlttaborgh.• Jonwpti
Douglaas,Allegben_y; W. It. McClelland, Mantheater. John
garnered, South Pittsburgh: Wm. J. liroltha it
,ig, jet. G. smith, oath. Ilirmingtoun Drug Stara, Lir
mmghmo; Lainlathy k isregg,.% ea Newton; 11 . D.../x ii ra
ELIMMIIII P ... T .W.Lr''',
Dissolution of Partnership:
'PRE Partnership heretofore existing be
-041,!'-r th.
of oepterroler, 1a.50. 1' All I p=na indebted to said firm, wg
please call on either at the artrDDFS..% "W....t.t.
mums. llati,
.A2A,,mees JAMES B. IWO).
' ---_—_—___
FARM FOX SALE---A FLILN, situate in
North Huntingdon townahip==ta
lteacrei el:arra.
itr. , 7 thaw: within on. mile of Qs lionst
truir&r. t i .! " f" .11 - gr — ..t tr.
IttgE N :7l.l:4ZigiV46.`"l „ l 3 r . olfa:
vbrfm .,
„.21th, I tatt l aSt i te s. rnitratirwo .
LARD -12 bble. No. 1; for gale by
corner Wood end Water rt.
ARB. A.M.MONI/14-600 lbs. tOr sale by
II I mit: J. KIDD KW.
LARD 01L-10 Ws. Winter Strained, for
sale try myl2 R. SELLER* 57 Wtoast.
for solo bLI
:Cedar Burkeia brass beep&
'Varnished Ducker.
tstn mrata
Order Heelers,
Vandshol "
Marietta Tube. in wales (Wee k
Par nit, t 7 {St[.
ni7/5 156 Moir
FLOUR -10 bbls.l4e;
1)° "I Z
P EARL ASH-5 tons for We by •
= Bscorid. wid 161 First st.
OOPS-49,000 Split Ash, for stilo by
le READS7Ic—B-6-
DIES. different sisas, for sa at the I d i Rubber
pot, Noe.? end u Wood et. J. t 11. PHILLIPS.
MAPLE SUGaial.-2 bble. very choice
LPle Buser. just raid and to sale by •
Wll. A. McClain° t CO,
coylt, Urocere and Tea Dealers.
I t OVERINg'S SUGARS--Double Refined
Loaf. Crushed. l'uleurlzed and Powdered. constantly
..teettr,tyk--" rx.T.,""t
=l9 'LSO Marty wt.
IFIRLED PEAMIES---1000 bnakTeis' (bright
bsro) m toI. 1214 FUMY. by
toy2l. BUTTITEWI3 t 00.
1111 1E D APPLES-30 gado prime, form&
Ur by mr4 RIMY. NAMUR'S t CO.
CSTOR OIL-9 bblo.
e. Dr MY'r• MST '
IaUG AR-240 hhds. prime N. 0., for solo :by
VOPLEY'S POT CLAY-36 bble._itustreed
aroi ibr Isle by J. EICLIOGNUAKSO i CO.
LoV — E — S-1500 — lbs. for sale by_
urP. CARS. SODA-25'kegs for sale by
my= ' ' B. A YAIIIII. Jk CO
rENCLI FLOWERS--A splendid variety
of the lamed stylre trench and American. Wm.%
w we ere Amaral W roil very sheep, at wholesale or
• wren AL A. MASON A W.
DRIED PEACHES-35 sacks in store, will
wit "l"r ` k. " tot ' 4AIAR DICK= & CO.
UCKETS-50 doz. Marietta,for sale by
111100MS-4 00 doz. Corn, for sale by
soy2l J. B. 90411114.11,
Q in ALERATIIS=-10 0 boxes pure;
bbj. J. 8 . . APlrVitita7
Q,IIGAR-10 0 bbts. PoerdereVfor sale by
A 7 ~y
GREASE -15 bbls. good grease, now hull
Lag tram steamer CuyelarM ali DICKEY
landlio. Kir &
t%) eats Dr
Water sad Trott rta
Ada rota and for rola et tke Drug Stono
mr33 Wit,KZEBILLM,
m• 33 Banker and. Exchange
casks for by ,
- DOT ASIIL4 casks pc — AiWAY
won J. 11. CANTIELD.
RIED APPLES— CO , ags for sale .y
R. D fo g
1_)0T ASH--5 casks for sale )y.
_ _ DAIS:ELL k CO.
relL ASH --Z
ROOT—MO lbs. for sate by
• DCO2.II*.
t 11 . 20 ° Mirtrort DaDM "D
;7171 ,AP li,cd - my osna manufacture,
OOOCC; for pylon. MU, Mize Roma. sad.
C f IstylV 1 TCIOS.
LOAF SUGAR-15 0 bbli. (au 'd Nos.) for
116 166 tar
we —3O bble. (s_rarranttd'pui . e )
Jl_4l F. eDv J. PCIIOON.VI.E.ER eOO,
j Zi Um] n.
yELtu no Colv GREEN—
Ul - 5 1 for "I° J. SCtIOONM AEE2 ' kW.
IOPPEILAS-1.15 bbls. (goud) for aICOY
LUM-50 bblz. fur anlel4
—Them Glove. aro of Mat otllit7 is .11 Itiodt
70,4 trtie g e ., e ro t t u ottuot to tito handttt rototted. mob
en it. wortlnit Ato. Alto, O
bill:llf np. ro rtonolY toetbappos bands.
.1. 4 11..PITILLIPS.
NOLA RUBBER COTS--An eicellent cov
itr Z g a V.Y".
EN. RIBBONS—A. A. 31• mos A: Co. aro
/I tow '1 ay. Ting • Illae• woortmatt beaullfu: art,
stFla floon u 13..btxmo at all prime.
The, ro•kt aka, mall star.= to til•lr •erri•M• .001 , 0
of ratmeol.s. •/1 of•litte , coo b. •••1• 10 .r1
lon pipes- 61: tB4 Marl... mill
thl open to
Tki• at
dnilniti. Cern Tarlatan. for_
[ration of 1.6 mos . co.
1 1.
p LACK — BARA -- GE) l9 urning
""*".." 6 11i f aimm nur.cantw. _
ti1 .7 1 1 N 4 Dow CURTAIN MUSLINS of: d new
V wis Altr i braVy' A h arittrifLe i
pARigiLS RAS Cii
OIS!! oeweat
.jirm'''''''' .l " l "Wi t aPirir a BCBCIMELD'a
SHAD -10 bbla new fur rale by
w 7 WIWI
RGOT-40 lbs. (fresh) fou r ak c l i pr
.73 IL A. TAIL CX)
• Wool!
TIE highest price in Cas paid for nil the
41'""r.'" `1.""`"b...4,37,11. LEE.
OOl'L1N8! POPLINS 1--Jast received this
• .
ear. Per Oabrerw — a/ pieces beautiful abed. of oiler
ea ulles, whlrti we will aril at Ra per taut lower lbw
they . bur:. erre beau wild in MP Haws a
VINE SHAWLS.—We would solicit the at-,
Ignition of purcbann to our very arum/dee moat
moot of superior plain and embroidered Crape abseils and
brutal fancy Csalimere, Tbibet and Silk likairlin all of Om
the say
_loorst prier. A. A. MASON A CO.,
mizu C I soil Oa Market st.
dar ree'd Z) cartons of lhrae vary dedrablo Ctitoped
T.letrla Irtiambiboa cokes • whkh will tie mkt
Urrry ebeltp et nun Or by the has, at 152 lad 64 Illarliet St.
019 A. A. MASON it CO.
_- •
FINE DRESS GOODS—We have just &O
aten! another igolendti A.0.1.&.At se Meek. breve.
ml;gitend modeßersseeeedllosees. Alen. indigene
Nuke, 11 bkk we.. orreries .t very low orbem
sIOURNING GOODS—Bid:Bombazines,
A1p...111 Ir ia brle a teLntil l enatou
& avow!.
VI Judd,, patent
BB •
~1;` •. EATON, G 2 Fourth Bt.
Dulus4 rani u t trp oy
. • .
PON—lor ulet by J. D. WILLIAMS CO..
ml 5 corner Wood and rilth etc
ITRE BRICK-65;600 (COM' ' 6I;V - 0) Fero
efoll ilf not euperlar . tp tit* Itolinr Brick.)
TIMED PRUIT-400 bu. Peaches;
" J. 2 tA F
FLOOR 6II.ALOTIIS.—A largo stock of
10pry0 Cloths. ot utdtho monnur from X to 0 Ida
e aared to sell an lOW as the same good. mu b purcha rs
sed a; the teat. Merchants and beam keepers are
ruested to call an eiaMlne 0.1. a before DUrchl.d.i
clAelarocV. . J $ IL YLLILLIPS,
7 and 9 W
.I±,!, ont st.
wort:oust. e Intludins arm kind aad dwriptont. at
1O vrie. for al
sorW TUUlleti 11.31F.R, bS 51arkot
ade beas
UTTER—Frosh Roll tor DICKEY
TOll,--Obblezza s in ums, n v 2 . :re ,
for We by
YIRIED APPLES-10 bags m tore, ti).
.1.1 br DrDAIZELL CO
myl4 4.
OIL-10 casks (prime) for sale
X-------------TEbR3ILLLION-62 lbs. (Tri Z. m ) for sale
ap7 R. Z. usts.
for nd " je IiEESE- 50 boles receiving
& co„ u 711.
PAYER -30 0 ream Sod- and Crown Wrap-
PIOS. for sale lav to ekes oonsjatt, by "
WANTED. and the highrst prahlum for th•
d. WILKINS It al.,
corner Market err Third eta.
APPLES-75 ba for sn
s e
13171t1IRLDOE t 11`.0 art 6.31.
116 15-61*g:est
VDIPED RIBBONS—Just read per ex
,,,,..-25 cart= of move Taff amn el. &blamed
al bona, forl=nclng. =bracing lab the dinars= nigtua
and =m The anent= or wholes= =Wm= is ra
agstiVilarited to tba *Lora estinsr u ar zo rorVare o ..
Cassia -40 01 .5. for sale by
mo .m.t.rauss.sromem
2 — . 0
lB for
079 by
10HROSIVE •T MATE -25 the. for
1j N. 17 barb] B. L. YAIDOSTOCEC i CO.
Ifni > Stabil; Hotel at •
. ) SUBSCRIBER respectfully 'annum
rto Ma Mend. so d the trazillnl-com the auira
e2AT•IIOTELi. Lo 4 I=lticotoPgrtion with the
Hotel wader Ile late peconiatoc, be feels perfectly wife In
to " : 111 IrteVleelaT"' 11 Ir.7r-hg
In the r:xtir,
nonce attention to the change. lotrodnoed
the .
vordence and comfort of Wk. &lug firmly detertanw
ed to give satlrfactico, he solicits a continuance of that
g etcorne stews itgTfogyoleeeteued on A. thj . oldat,e.
VACTITRE% Ha 41 South I , lccoad Bt7l6attoT4
1L) AG ALEY, WOODWARD . Co., Whole-
No. "Art Motet Eldhadibi.. .03
C. recatestor....:. • .2. 1.
WALD, ~ BUCKNOR. & CO., Tobac.po
Coolothalloollierchaate, Noral North Water rtre.4
a 16North Wham., yhuadelphia.
gERcE4I: ANTELO; General Commit
dem Metebsults, Philadelphia. Liberia silnaceo
Moe for Foreign Patents,
N 0.6 Wall at, N. York, and 16 Fleet st.,London.
la areas inikem,:Praltaa, •
a or part. of Lampe—tae • • cabs, =I the Bra ,
informa ; tice ow the above tale .
p tu r lAgral .
wiy6.2:6 6 Wall omit. Now York.
ifitertir Black Writiotand Copying Ink.
'I NE'S EMPIRE INK, 87 SCUSSfiII street,
gnu Bullainjm
tIT sal®en sir }tins..
itarte. pef. d0i—......1111 50 o°s. [1.71,4
5 os. • rag z
: On iteneuthS.Per
Ttdi Is tbe nod ankle ectapalkctured. It Bows e d.
rd COPYING lttli—and tbs 11
oatltfn motr.
U" smdlettins . Ini and rerSle lop ti;e ' Qui% eM
"eda WI for the Mimi Pen.
' The . rand b ;revered to. tornish • to the trade el—
foe export or hes. ananttekti.t. th. w et! ;a
trt&'4;ll7 fatT:b'""" d r74l, 4 4:tb , ILL*
, kepi ere charged extra at nett ext.
Fr. Nelsen rt. elm Sollakage.
liraresso ii. C Barry'sfrico
r C. pherons,
allift MEDICATED COMPOUND; for re-
IlUr Viorkt..Pmeeviog and lorentltying the hair, cradles
ling erurf and dandruff, and cluing diereses of the AIM
glandl end ousel*, Wags. eats.
hoe been savertaluel loy expatiate= ry ." '4 . %• ti t .
OMB boa prid h oter . 1 o the Lm , n d eolirt Lo corm.
111:•11fojoingotestlinonialio,heelertod trona lortainda of 43211.
I . 3i= =I .11 1 3.1 to • ..r th. :value of the preparation,
to width it is held by: those .00 hely
given it a trlV "' '
II ' lifir il I 0 14 " ailfreWlir .
Pio,. -.IT— 1 1 — 1 1 11 13 111 1 6 ett
tmosone eret Pon of ths Kelp. of e . rgolgrafeal ohm`
have r olat ' l itos l a o gyi:=of the mist eminent to M
a? 1 d
Thr. irk hZl:l7lltlatintlthg=4lff / 1 1Tal ‘ . 1 1ftitec ' 1
by a fr iend to trj , your Trjemiberou. I did ow., e.ove last
,e3r3rl, and, tosny surysleparid gratifMailos. Mond smell
' mind 11l about two montipa Barb wee the violence of the
di. " l =tgr ' eempo, ' " P. T "U trVir /WELTS.
T. '
/Cm Sou, 04.21, 16.50.
Plid. Thalli—My Dear 8/r—lbouttwo years ago ti i k d olr
man out a Must deal. sad my head wou south
stilt dandruff. I was told by a DiendtotrY VonrTrimphr•
one and I did en, and to my adoulahmeht, my her wee
rade . ram& thd all the dandruff diners...A, m the
heed to . =wa fit itself. 1.4 .,
rvi. •
..r6 WAWA. 683 Hriebray.
. II all lady pr gentleman avow the sootherotteitT . of the
' 1r atl.7."l,Mruolt=lfgat"&.lll.-
1 al
_lrma the
.0 I. Mill . and Nayal Argus, T 9, 1a50.V.
Th lal for the permanen t mare of
mad 410100,0 of the ES•l.l.olooogenerally, that Ilea
t i 10.=:11.... ..itt=etrloil ttr IPT.oseez
I velythe upper elm*. af the community; in
ethur=astert 1 . k il i theAr i g it ia Ir i t pdre ,m reTzto t
I the hot
,oriAil.sgeo:,:ist gzoo= mo=tel
1 1
r:d4.stiolift'ouseeld4 fiert.'''''amerfnurn.Ul ' atut .l ol,her l "* ohnosio d t rs 7c.'N flisor.
• dere of the elobs. Amputee as sell &genteel'. it sterpte
unrivalled. It is old to loom With*, Prim Mmum. Mho.
1:1: at the Drugglele general l y. throughout
the Delwin/at* and Canada •
___ etaVAt
____ _
111ITCHINSON & Co., Nol3 Spruce Street,
_Wbolimilo momithetmars of DIM
maptil Priril mid WT
tc,ok md Job ,
I,lwrarrant bbl <impaired of tbg mmirt materials, andl
Meow:3=lM am. om mob os to gi
rtoo fof of n • rieti
N ot n) t
mribm Grim Slam to V. 54.0 sor .-liaam
Shawl ath Mantilla Warehouse.
44t 5 l' MM.) NEth TORR.
wro opening c. of
l Md.. armarthoeum of SYRINO AND
F b ll . lthl BAWLS omor .before ...ed. ALA LACS
IItIBLIII .ell klub o NTILLAS. manure..
.1 from th e lA.. Porio (
Mahlon, rm.. by tkoo stom..
owl pasthoulerly adopt.. to the Krlintreclo.
Also a very 'M.SId dock of PARA:SOLS ANTI UM
BRELLAS. ormelellut . Dthsßo est a llthle edged R 5,000
aral 0111. end Turk Mau Vanoole, Oaten awl Ging.
be. Umbrellao. All or whlthAlll to oath. at ortrim.ll
1 R. Frio. W. otheesaßr Dol. our Woman hinds. or..
0rmt ... k0 5 dock before Duro.... •
• 11111lE WOW EITANDS. tor arblblthas SIMAD sad
Slth put uptu MIC. Gar tau:MN:Mb.. WADI ,
1 . 1 dNTINTES his usual facilities to receive
IL) &pray, Pale, and Transhipment. all Merehandim
eAIIISICMI Wm. Made leaa. his dock daily far all paints
en 'ha lAA. and Oa indica. Canal and River.
liadarenno..—Mtaars. Inns, herriltga a 004
Mantra. donee Qui=
Mr. John 4. Canab4l.
- .
Pra.lute. Ceeedmisodon. end Terweriteg Morehead, on the
Lore. Ei-JoNekb.
Refer tn Alexander Gorden... P.... , Std.rUTX Co.
AVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
and le
Ccertedloaiteder far 14111071m:du et. Leal, Slo:
PosanitadraiMas Iseeorddy eesserenel. oeLn
JOHN R. RANKIN, Attorney and Coita
-1 oelloiat lay. and Comixdaeioner for the 9tate o
gar enhe. ofitttshure&:
. 1.) ,
I Mille drCangent rteClere, Lim E. glu ' .'BiZre
Sesna McCord a Co. etUatly •
dersigned haring intire,y re -2
TibuiEut"..n,..„irarvd the ahoy* erthusive establish. "
meat, copulate it in all stout three hand mil and
rooms, wool(' psi...fully glee oath* that It is now ready
for tbe rsceptiou and meoutmodattest of the •toteedinig
An eststelot oaken( the mtattristesedasoretileneeeof this
Uproots deemed ruperfluous, as the
meets which hare beets mode cannot be rrnenr,aney ,
an advertisement. Pudic. it to say. 00 este. e tittx neen
imam! to render soy apartment perfect. of
Ito. furniture Pea roads ex preset) to order. Mturdhull
east. lost certain pollens of ft, erporWlT the thawing
r e ems, rill be found to be of the most beautiful roatiurio.
lure. Th. Willow rooms are capacious. and the harm for
meals will le so arranged sr to roll the convenience of the
moll and Into.
an threteeptiou
Every' &WL:nentwlll be eendoetssi its se
blemannerousi the proprietor pledges himself that the
American ihnIPO shaft be truly the Travellr's Ileum"
nsa..ea.rter LEWIS RICE.
New Music.
...A1/1n a k ;.,l Dublin Waltsem, complete.
World's Yale 11 cr. polka
TlTsnen'toil. Lo"
when an the (Merida of my youth?
Thou haat wounded the spirit that toyed then .
!mans that are .riglttest.
tg‘iPo2l, l lit'. B °" .
Iris Polka '
Blue Juniata-
Old Bachelor and Old Mald.
Lamont of the Blind Orph. 01x1.
Thy suice mune tooth. ear..
Lament GI the Irleh Eminsant Ite and b
my% JOHN 11. Dittd..oll. SI .Wood n.
for sato 61
ArarCLIJ Cc,
25a3 Liberty at-
Copley's Pot Clay.
HE subscribers ore now Sole Agents
of J. Copley Co., far the sale of their Pot Clay, an
le of established reputation for the otanufuture
of tiler Pots. Rol Pots. or. It ts route of one of the mot
Inforlblo soloteoree known: end le very soleohot
srtd oleoosed previous to ertodlar.
lora, J. tiCROONSIAKER cod
it EMP-15 tons Bliss. D. R., for sale 13 ,
myls. JAMES s. norciusoN a co:
ACKEItEL--50 bbls. No. 3, for sale by
-•- r '
RV ,
. 1.2 . 1 . 11. , SPLIT PEAS'it.cutvalo,
"0211 Oroarrs sad Tea Nato
SALMON -30 bbla. and bf. bbla. No. 1
by .06 JOIIN WATT r
HERRING -10 bbls.No.l (new) for se
J 1.15 BUM:MIX:W. a MOILaA:
-100 bole.
10 N 1a03.601 3 0ert r
•• 11. )IE4 for see BT .
11.3 Weer et.
Ci... o ttAPE SHAM , LS—Recd" this sis . For
s rave, arm carton at UK. very dmirAbla 21 • end
m 4 thavls. el 41 prices. "
A. A. MASON it 00.
m um) APPLES-15 bbbb for sale by
110 W ate[ Bt.
SitAp--12 , ! f )bl!. No. 1;
nunnTuVel b
= &daval.
TAR -7.5 bbls. N. C.; for sale by
LIME --50 bbla. White Louisville, for sale
qr ry2 s I.NOLIBII a BENNE=
50:9001L:EiarB°arda and Scant
DI:GUSH MUSTARD--Colman's, in kegs
KA a( lb. sad lb lb. eacb. lioportaljoy We by
tdZia .d. FAUN adTOCII CO.
SP , . , T RPENNE-10 vimfor Belo
-600 galls. Flaxseed (warranted pure
t ssis nr mrl3 R. C. SELLERS.
WOOL BAGS-1000 new and old, for sale
by ju4 11111SPIIY k LEE
rrEitS-50 hf. chests Young Hyson;
5 •• Nark Cialonq Flavor:
Form 5/ •
1911Alltotelibli CO,
Water and Front sin
n -
CORN -3 5 bble fur sale by
F. VON BoNNHoRrr a CO.
mTa • 93 and 113timnt .t.
C LIM-40 bblx (extra) for nale
tall 2 • J. IS MD
I'OR Pedling Wagon, in
apiets roar. Nor Th q ,
• - - -
._ • •
E ' OR RENT.—A three story brick .0 . , ' AYE11:8 CHERRY PECTORAL
dwelling house, situate on Third street, between "t- FOB, TUE CURS OF :
t and Dom the house is well finished with b
with in tn. Idtelleo and above which there is • atom COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSE.NESS„.BRONCHD ;
with hot and cold weer. Va.ersiall Oven Immediately TIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP,
no/ to . S. P. VONBONNUORST & CO.
JO. • 1i0.V3 & ils Front rt. . i ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION:,
House and Lot for Sale. ' A MONO the L numerous diseareiied Science
'" • IDE LOT, on I,,a,cock s trew Al- fa.. ..hat made In this genewatiOrt to badlitste th e Muth.
„,,,,,, .',, of life, Increase its ettiorment, Mid even prolong the tents
.T• r...D.1 th..g 5 I " ..b ''''' l ' * '"'""" .- of humans existertmet. tens can be named of rm. real swine
melt street. with • depth of lIS fect,
b • good Brick Dwelling Don.. contaleinft els to
then this connibithm of Chendary to the
tem. arnly to ACUP.NON WOODIIOUNL, No. l i,, lthir ,A rt , A ~,,t, tAal of ltit 'Tutees throughout thia
.et. or JOAN P. PCOI7. IS 4 ram coents.y., has mow. &Toted .doubt Met no medicine
. oambination of medicines yet Ithewn, can go warely con. .
trot and... the numerous ',Meitner indencondy disease
which bare hitherto meld front our midst and
thounade every year. ' Indeed, thin Is new abundant rew
of. to hells. • remedy has at length' been found, which
can be relied on to min the mot danger.. erections al
the bra.. Oaf eweee here will a...permit us to yablish
any project ton of the mires effected hy.lto ms. hut we
yeresent!the Wowing opinions of =hunt men, and refer
further' rood. to the circular. which the greets below
named Will always be pleased to humbh tree. wherein are
full particulars, and ituihmutatge proof of these facts.
Frt. Mg Prcridoel of_ dogged Chao. the cub:breed PRO.
"Janies C. Ayer—PlM I hare used Toth. Cherry Pectoral
In my own cue of deetegeated Drunchittt4 )red incsattened
nom it. chemical conetitution that it Len admiral:dew:a
-= reerirto4l.l"="dlaintrrets;
rerwirei yon et u m . tall.prracKltelt rr.
iron .7.‘ marl, cathrated .PIZOFESSOR HILLIMAY /IL
D., . L D., Prewar of. Cleemb.y, lihaeraloa, h
. T... College. Member of the Lit. Mgt. Med Phil.
&tenthly Nerlett. of Atmics and Num.. *
.1 deem the Cherry Pectoral an wimtrable otanyodtion
from eeme of the Wet articles in the &Wain Medics. and
a sery.ellectgre remedy for the chew of disc.. it le Into¢
del torn... New 1100.0, Ct., Nor.l. Min.
TWOS ?AVIS= Prtridost of a. s. C.Nceenc.etates
that he has used the Cherry Pectoral. with wanderful soe
ores, te roe. an 1021 0 ISLEiat100 of the 1.4. • .
ROOM TO LET, on Market d., 2
door trout Fourth, sod adiolothir the
Jewelry Store of W. W. Nciteur. This
hu for a
Crud 111 the city, sod In
CM for • Dr 7 (Joule lad DUAI2I.II.
the balthee of the par will be very low. Els
Real Estate for 'Bale.
ALUABLE unimproved LOT, on the
.er of Llbet and Factory theeta Fifth Ward.
the Germ. [both. March. 30 feet front on Lib
-100 feet deep on Factory. running tack to Point
.e three ~to Brick Dweli Douse onLlberty
. • olnlntr th e above. th e lot Ing fronj. , l;y
deep. The boom , la lathe and conve en Int n
etyle. end Contains eleven mow.
'A) acres of eery eable Door SbarPabarah-
A Farm of 13.0 s em e nln Woownship.
A Vann of 3t acres In Lawrence month/. 1 mum
faxma In Heaver roman of various Area and
mm COO acres down.
'lo-12. very valuable lots In Neuron IHlnola. Prise.
mud rare. Enquire of
N. P. 2 0.1. B. ITTIIIIIMAN.
re at Lan, and Beal Eatata !mute.
N0._107 1,01111.b4t11.4 Pill.oll/813.
ligOß RENT — A Warehouse on Water
' Wort haw.] Market arid Perry, imitable for
7217 1 p1tr b'''''''.. VA% f)ALZILL. CS water oh
To Let,
TITE well finished and furnished Store, m i. !
_ on Third Meet, twar th e Post Mow at mould Ilh
occupied by Ph, Parker,us a Jewelry WOWO-
rt •Prd7
to . .11 D.LIAZIA3I. 73 Ida. y oh.
TOW • Lou. , Rnw.
Root; Tribune. and Dintatch nopy.l ,
FOR SALE, :, •
FURNACE Dresden, Muskingum co.,
016.14 miles f r o m Zane:nide,. dm roman. order.
Ouperiar capable of tanning oat
tone of Pig Iran per day. There it tan abannent .apply of
Ore In its Women.. vicinity. It Le connectid by short
canal with tbi draldratun Myr, which 'is D./gable for
teambaate the greater part of the year. therby adorning
facilities for shipping to Zan. , ills. or to .7 point on the
Obtli ATM at low rat. of freight The Iron beret:fon:
emstufactured at this Furnace, bas been conaumed In
Laney:Me. For
050. A .
.6. Eanertilia. Ohio, or to
, To Farmers.
A .000 ACRES Farming and Grazing
Lands, In Warren county, .> the
entice,. river. within twelve miles of the l o aded rk and
Elia nalirced.
Also-1.000 Acre. in Elk fnutity, fur oda on mermarada
Eu"'" of earner of A Iier W LYM S TltinTita.
my' ----- -
• To oardenen.
TWENTY ACRES' of doling Land, al-.
,i‘ar a a dr. ,.. .0 , 11 <o . rwo IRV ,.
„IT...Va. tit.o.
liAltiltl*fme, tv , end three A For 1.” 4 . 40 .... =-
quire at dui Bs:ad o nis lIGNIM of `
myl corner of Market mi Third sts.
esirabio Rnbiurbanßesidence for Side.
E subscriber offers for sale the house and
1 Pg'4.atrtr:h'.......*'4..ctitlrlA :tlePtitd?,ra
the Market of UM ciy; r. .t Oa l Lot 111401,in:rut on Park st.. !
...dug bock :W. fee; to an alley—cont.3ll
taro ~..,...: 1
, - lJe= n'd li r t d lt Wirreratl4 71rerbery. Tf.e. houseris
ly new, large, sad. ekceednutly well ... r.d . Wing '
front of teil feet, ad • depth of TA' veal am Iburteen ,
halls sane feet wide. it Os titan in the best
d most durable Manner. and has a Amide. , roof. and
wmtains all nue remieru convenlenees. Two pumps. with ,
m unfailing supply of hard and sat water, are at the dm'.
Ou the premises are the niwessasT out btalditigs. stable.
earrianshouse, Zr. The grounts are laid out madly us ,
lawn. covered with chain* font trees. evergreens. flowering
shrubs, currant.. gooseberries, reapberriee.ce., and • 1.. ,
med.. The frultis of the best knd, And we tem sze in !
their prime, And ylekl enough Ad too wiluta of an ordinary I
family. The situation of this prnteaty, sk to sal u brity and
. suburban comforts. combined with antinuity to the vitt'.
surmised by my residence in this Tlcluity. It ben
• view of the Ohio River for over a t o of T. 11141 .120 0-
Tale, Swath Pittsburgh. the derv;e two ritm'A idsil oho
bills woad, funning altogether anornssie grespect of ,
which the eye isseer weamen Every boat which enters or
fkr:ti.nge,..tmt.,;,sLi'ittsburgttr:nui the Ohio, pamt a ix; ,
removed from any •111201.. 11 QUA , so deetructive of
comfert sad vegetation. and adonis • rellresust se gala
and peaceful self located !moan enietmvik in the oteintrl.
The ptoperty will besot.' at ether/ails, and possession giver
whenever desiml. Ennui. et the Casette olllon
itesltdtf ___ LI."iraFTEITE.
For Sale.
E members of the Fairmount Fire Com•
ripmy,strAis theft Eag/no tot wile. It I. to. co4l or
or nrol I t Do sold chest , . Enqtdro of
I 8311TH, Peet,
No' UN PCISU OtSret.
OR 11E.NT—A. Dwelling Rouse onr a
Mini sweet, acme and nut• to Etatteleld,...At
des taturee. lard. ttd.t , 4043.,Pt i ^u ,
be meted low. sod Poweetido
Aleo—Ter We or Lease. some lete In the • taw
bets "' Peso ""' ‘hNei-iVAll.ediregiroy, •
at Be. .Beetiogtoo4, Foortlx Areal- neer Wood.
Valuable Real Estate for baoo.
HE . SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, on r!,e ,
goal ra,411, 17.1 . 11
harm val u uTble them etom
t o ad P o rn
joyandS etfmt. botneen alarkeV toad otreeta. lne
ab.l%Tittianllre Rots
al et) .4041b.
Third Presbyterian Church, ou uhteh le one
four rtory brie)/ house. need as a printing olfloe, and one
f.O emu Twco ' r ' te Illrliotorn Beane eonuty.belna hats
14..3 and 4. Ming shout 100 feet odnare,on ahleb Lemma
ed blmn
nut frame dwellings, and 'our 4 4 10 0 ad0
frame Mork , hlgh.
.tio. 4.
lot 10 feet front on nada atreet, opposite the
above. and eaten/Ma; the toe of the 001. j
No. b. Taro beach toy, earl/ 10 feet trout. and turning
from flan road to low grater mark. cm the 1114 Ikurer.
I No. n One e s water lot. 100 hat ou Wheel Rua
keith ten shares water lacer s t
No 1 the lot odpoelte th water lot. le , feet inane. and
astereating to the top of the Lill , on blob ended one
brick atom and ware/imp, ..ta by lel Iron eleoone
names welling. too Mora, high.
No One lune lot to New holalitool. Beserreounty,be
lem atuut 1/0 feet on Onadway. wad attn.:Xl° teet deep.
..otaining l!j am. oft ob!cb art...rte. - 4 two la.rgo m
dol.:Ito:a, sod ego mall frame Lour,. ofted 00 00 0700.
This property WSW formerly meowed 07 Mr.
Ml. rory yltwaontly located. bolo, immalmtely opposite
troe Fano= Bridge.
N 0.9. One water lot, Imroodlstelf Mow Tollotal2
botog about lOU lea In, alterultbY Qom WOtor low water mar l or lOwloo Pott•
Tba ture.lf,txmlogy f tr t agd , un vligNorsble , =.
Ap oA.°4...tPi 0-u. ° ru.e.316 - 6, anent.
oachdl Polaroid C l l'ost cupy.l
For Sale.
BLOCK OF BUILDINGS. on On rortier of Wina n s : 4
leynrradrd'aZarlnn'tiVi4sti'lZillnYtif Tha P il Boum
ona hundrwl and forty !Our feet rm Peon sport. nod one
hundred and nine fret Woe led." on irsushington Wert
to • 1.0011 fret alley. Inquire of
niehrifan No. IDS Penn et.
signed often, for rale •• large number_ of valuable
t:rieZgo k g
e Vrot ,' N oriA47,;„crtt 4 . =',%'. oh tif;
Public Srhord Boum and English Lutlieran Church.
The rapid growth of Birmingham In population and
saanacturinw will
and mend asonab prices at which
Into .111 be wad, will render a rafn and profitable in
-FT_ j `'L''l,''' P"fr,..r'srraTe.Af"7,lrl2.lrd ed
Um omen of Dern g ' O L' F. olismon, miq ui" .. on fl;ant inref ' t, Pa!
burgh. between Third and Yiiiirlh streets , . or of William
Symms. mid N. Patterson. Ewer. a their often. in Dino..
100 Y. BATON.
VOR RENT The large and commodi- val.
Z A L . _
__.r.4‘l7:silif.)ntlfsrefstrela 2=4—.,111.°:a
nano as • nerd . itiso—Wtaiding tor two stoma Elinim
ritll.S.l/ _ _ No. r. 9 Water et.
- ---..-=—=------ ----------
/ sz :r
h ~~
a ~~
~~~ ~.
ARD OIL--20 bbl,l. No.l, for Bale low t
dam co.iatanent, at the storo of
wrnor Wood •and Slathata.
110PAONHOG - 110IIND-8 000 lbs. Bacon
Lip Kama, &des, Fhouldets, for sale ,
na).l.J B. 15. ItARBAINIII.
DRIED BEEF-3000 lbs. for fa a,y
SCIGAR-60 hhds. N. 0., for sale by
ows, 0. A W. lIARBAIXIII
dri . OFFEE-1
lu .toy 29
121 OTATOES-200 be. prime Red, for sale
2.40 T. WOODS PON.
fI NVII3e.r
. .
ma k Co. aro ma , opening • Ivws lot of lwautillal
a Spring bbona, at . /41.: cents war yard. These goods
are unsurpassed for ebrapCosa. toe, are well worth
mots. Nos. as and wt Market st .OW2I .•
EW BOOKS !—A large supply of MC.
Clintock A Crooke Greek and Ladu Work.
rrir• Funny Bantam°. or Eno Adventures of a Father
and Mother and four Null, on a desert Wand: Ural.. Itao
Ano, Nos. 1. 2, 3. and 4. of Alabases Loudon Labor Lod
lamina 1 . 00,
Just reed and for Bats by
• mr.X, TS Apollo Iloldll"oglai,N4...
Newest 'dries Poplinei Plain arid Nifid.S.
Rarage De Lanc•
french Larne; ioro • largo worth:lent of
Black for Bear& and Bremer, light and dark
changeable dna tr.
igirNeer Goods receiving almost dallT• le
FTACKLE—Caues, Rode, Lines
A: Hooks, te., whalasale 6.64 retail, 6r
NV. w S.6ON,
67 Market street, =ran of Fourth-
WATCILES, irt large variety, and at the
I'OETI may bo yat my stoic.
n splooded amortmara of Oold and difirr Pcodlic
Gold Pen. of the best manufacture: Pocket Cutlefl:
3lonolo. te.
1,31-32 Casks Bunn Home, for sale by
14 ICU Crimson Velvet and Gold Tapir
flormingo, for Drbtro, Roonoyiuss roo' \from l'orob
tor bolo by W. P. HIM HALL, SSood rt.
- •
Smith's New Geographies.
nn in-
Q Find, Book in GeograptV;
traludon"Gooomthr, desltmod for . Lb.ll2:ll7sfflub
'ia" t " c"'"i'47ll"t. Trarb
SmeVale:47:7lVoL'S'°l4.r,rn6FrOn'elh 111.egeZert.thSLrirsi'i
. I Nf :jar IL KLNS,
mYSA Apals Butldm.s, FourthlL
MINTINGI PAPERA large lot Double
Imptrba Priatlckgpraust,so. by
Itk , cond Atm.
ay"-4 comer 313a1st wad :v.--
WRAPPING PAPERS—A large assort.
...fZ:2.::PrI - c" ,--m v'tlN.%" -•,
Pdpur Wiarelouse. <dr. ilaxlvod wad 31 sta.
MIA GROSS , STEEL !ENS, of all gain.
i ttglisZ.':g72"g °, sP uk ": „ '' r 'e ! "' d
eelebr:tsd marsfacturera,'• =la If
r. ItsVENS * '
~modem.Statione Sto
corner Market =4
Shoulder Brace&
and It4atod,ntta .„,ed
t 0124 w kwle an
It . E. ALIKE.. n, BJ Wood at. .
_ _
hesb. . d tar sale bE Y. WILSON, '
• mr24 ::11 tact. sad 118 st.
nc'd bad for tale by B.'N. WICKEESII.OI.
• cob= of flitb Wocd N.
Sao, April R 5,1849.
'De J. .C h oional—De. 81n lam non
lung your In nw inches mut prefer It to
any °tin medicinal . pulmonary complelina Vintner
nun of many seem ans. I am cannon' It ortll core
coughs. soldo. and Moons of the Imps, that have pot to
donne all other remedies. I Inser fe ly neocomend Ito
toe to non of cesinnoptlon. and com Mer It moth the not
nIDeIJ 1.71.1 to that diocese.
Raneettolly yours. 7. S. CIISUILLN, D."
Papered and cold by JAMES C. AYER, PreetalChato
nelVilletitoburgh, sobolaiale sad A
ND. by D• A. YAII•
011,sglephtligtititz P i NWART73 uad4r7.
A Valuable Improvement in Treases.
nn. HARD'S Imprveti Patent TRUSS
ty 'led RUPTURE RE DT. by which apermanent
rum en be effected. ..Dort TM, IS entirely different In
forto end principles of from calm Truism , having
elf the advantages of a well-remaketal and uniform mesa
ore. The pressure can be so regulatal es to glee ewe am
comfort to the most &Moult eases of Ilmala. and can be
inemased to almost any force desired.. The prewar. is na
ture. and being brought to beer Immediately over the
irroVel i :111 ti no; itnr«r=ir:M.=
%the um of 1. , 1 , r11 Tram Lben=lltlr w r t he b d uln
:tr=l:l'.... wearer
otter .:Silgernifi or painful efint ,
• toms, which is not mi unliminent oemoreme In the wan ,
lag of illy adapted trusses. It le a gay common pree
for remote aZdeled with . Rupture to Wed. • Wm. Mud
ply It themselves.
le a bed recta:. whith he
seen only by them who undmund the anatomy .1 the
porn effectai Li hernia
Wo would most respectfully the attention of',Pbyst.
dent to ibis 'from, as we know they will egliremnLaila
Talon. We abro here a moiety of other 'hose. at theT
Unmet prime. • Infant 1113.865 kept ronstently me bend.
e 2 ' • 140 Wood st. Pittsburgh.
Dr. Hard's Abdominal finpporters.
THESE SUPPORTERS are intended chief
ly for the ecra of Prolarele Med. aY4 tboee
non where • mer-bealesl import to the to
to required- They ere Perfect surged to the ablomlnal
omens, *ad may be worn with DDS try all. The Mr
eons roamed by a wealcoose ce the abolomtnal =moles
e th ;_rXttraielE C =
selloge of Pnetralloto. Drolschl.e. Sharlasils. of South,
Pa/yltatlork of the Ileart. YgNEVi rr i la w trlllty.
• 140 Wool et. Pi . .
F° l '
Task Medicine known. Inciplent Catunnaption.
arennest,LencorrheenrWhitea , lrregulerliens t e station e
- Incontinuenee ot triziNGeneral Prcetratkat of the System.
Deyessed Spirits. and Gloomy State of Mind. are ousel bY
Dr. Gaysott's Atraer cf FcarroDoekand&rmCixa ,7 Umbleh
gives imassillate relief by retuning the fuses n of health
and strengtly the blood. It neutralises had humors,. stop
unnatural secretions. `and gives healthy action to all the
- vital ;over,.
'lts mild alterative yasperlits vends it Ise:Wm , / eilsll
- to the slender and delicate conatltution of the to. I
sale. ltisseedlately counteracts that distressing nervous
pis and lassitude se ocsucton to the female hams and
ieuSarla an energy - and buoyancy to sanrising as they
are gratefaL -We have evidence on the which induces us
strongly to recontreend ad. medicine to married bevels
boo. not been blessed with offsisisz.
re:deeds Taal, or Sailing Of tkU Wcsab, of shut
i dime, coxed by Dr. Guyon's Extract of Yellow Dock and
Bassein:Me, efts- every ether brawn reatuely had been
tried without relief ,
W a70n.0. Yeb.16,184.9.
This. aertifor that my wile, aged 21.7 era.-s. has catered
ruder the *bore otorplaint ihr fire Tian. nearly all that
time waned to beg bed. I hare for Ana yam onnsbanD7
employed the beetaxisiteed Ikea tut couldbe vonreed
this section of the comnilly. without thy braid nehaterem
1 hare also inrchasal wen' insimminent ratiammtaidad for
the cute of each disease, all of which proved worthies ,
In the spriih• of ISIS; 1 era Induced by my friards to
:try Dr. (layoff's Yellow Dock and Parsaparlll,rliSch was
• wed for roar months. Miff she had need it forthout four
week, ft was errident to all of o that. atm Wm tangoing.
and from this time the improved rapidly, amt pined Mesh
Lad strength. until rho 1 now enjoying most excellent
health. WS!. )lONIOILT.
We. being neighbors to Win. and .1 tap Moan, know
that the above statement, as to the richness of Ilya.dlom
fort. mot ae to the ewe being affected by Gopiotes Yellow
Leek end Sarsaparilla. are strictly tree. •
;.9°q; ; 4
King's Eon-Coso of . O.'N. Leincird.
Dicontho Gun, Dec.l. 1812.
Lletam. S. F. Emmett t Go:—Genie: Some time in Hal
I was attacked with Singe Evil In my arm. which became
m sore I could not um it. and in lath mortidcation met
I employed, et different times. each physician of celebrity
wdbin my reach: all told me my met must be amPotated.
Preto the shoulder to the fame= was full of running
sone. My strength at this Ume wu a:caplets'," ...boost ,
cd. end .1 Person much emaciated. 1 cootinool• in this
.tat: until MS, when I mw an advertisement ((lumen's
thither Dock end Sarsaparilla) which I. reed. and sent for a
bathed' the article. Gureotre Yell.. Dock and Sarather
.1110 cured ore: I task no other remedy while using it: .
,and felt myself perfectly wen before using tho sixth tot.
tly that I used oat the loot appeared. , of the closimlY. l
am sure It would have saved me from rein( of Pain and
aufferfug. I most menestlY recommenderetT Persod
dying under .y ntoller disease. to nee Ouysolis Yellow
Dock and Sarsaparilla, which will restore them to health.
Yours, In gratitude, 0. IL LEONARD..
Curs of an - aggravated ease - of Erysiplao.'
The corm performed bT Dr. 0 arson's Enumt of Yellow
• Dock end Sarsaparilla. am lasting.. The patient's general
health continues to improve after disease is removed.—
Cure are not chronicled until time has fully tarted that
there can be oo relay. or return of , the &seam-
I. F. Bennett t Cy—Gents: It Iswith grentpicesurilliat
I. wile you about the very happy effects of Tow 'Yellow
Dock nod Sarsaperilla upon my me, who balloon been loth
feting under that 0°3;11511 and loathsome disease. Erysipe.
es, with which he vat attacked id ILO. and - was for sere
al tomiths a tten ded by some of our bast physicians. vba
tied their skill perseverin ut gly for rootaths, withoot any
• inneitctal molts wharen. Ile became rothood to a per
Salt skeleton. lfe had theca from his hip to his knee.
which 00:6 contlittally discharging dk.g.A.giT arena , .
matter. Medical and sorstml skill .was halted. Physiciati
said that his cam o}ll hopeless: there 00014 be maths
doom to arrest tlanse terrilde an
terrible MY Caleb •
bors and. myself thought Ids near at hand.
Oue of my neighbors (who had cured &Chili of Scrofhta
frith your invaluable medicine) .laid me to make triode!
it; and, mace from the restless dceire to di sonie thing whili
life lanyd, than from antilop , of getting relief, 1 procured
. three heathy of your Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, end
emtmenoed using at.: and to my eatonishment be began
to improTe Wore Its Ls& used the tiara bottle; and before
ho bed wad a half dosen boothe, he could walk out. He
used In all Metre bottles, doting the year 11E4 and by Co.
tabor lest be vas perfectly restored. Every vestige of the
r disease..except the removed. mat he remains lo
• perfect health Li thw ent time. Ills remitry. nodet
the blessing of Cod. ls entirely owing to the use of your
Yellow Dock and bersaparillaa and 'assure pO O that I fmt
myself under great obligations to you, nod 10 Le with Feat
joy that 1 Wham you of what your Salmtautila heeding
for toy eon. thaporafolly,
/AMES 11L,a11,
• Sold by J. D. Pau. (tot to /Laird A Park:gen/1h
and Walnut meats. Cbaelunan.Ohlo, Genet.' Agent rot' tbs
South and West to whom all ardere meet la addleured.
J. Kidd Co.. D. A. Yabnostock A Co.. J. A. Jones, I.
Pittsburgh; Lee A. beekbam, Allies/L=l' Mt:
L. T. Russell. Weeddeston; 1.. u. Bowie. Uniontown. U.
Welty. Ureensbnyz S. Kounts.Somereet; Scott Gilmore.
lialfunh Reed t Son. Lluntlzustorn 110.00r.1101111sysburn
lindens . ..l d Co.. hulls.: J. K. wegbe Kittsrulln=
Erma S Co. Brookville: A. Wilson A Son, Wart...born
)IcYarelnd t Ca N. Callender. .11adviller. Burton A Co:
Erla Gramm I Yorker, Manor. Junes Kelly t Co. Bub
ter:S. Smith. Danz Warr.; Y. la C.
S. Joan. Condenriart: P. Crooker.jr.. Browns - rill.
W-Prica--$l. Fur Bottle; Sir Bottles joy SE,
uw..voi..tior •
Poing 11.maant. Va.. O. 4.1817.
Ma. D. E. duns—Or your Vern:ding, I .leY eithoot
bosh:Woo that. haat. used it aatoisieely in my practice
fur the lam four or Lea years. I Mink it decidedly tha bast
preparation of the Mod of which 1 ham any Imameledge.
although I bay.. beret:ohm used Om PrePerotino Of memal
other mannfocturers. Yonra reapactfutly,_ :
Prepareti aod sohl•by U. SELLEBE, 67 Woul st,"sad
onict by tlYaneff. fref..ll,' layl4
UST o'pening—a very excellent assortment
of ItASTEVOACB4. .ofoe t SS to CO; all wan-ant•
or to keep good time.
Also—imar Mantel Clocks. for 31,50 rub, aed warrant.
rd—obreP VnaS"?
myls . corner of Fourth.
Bonnets Bomtets!
ItEC'D 'THIS ,MORNING; per Express—
a eves. embracing anthe newest sod Marl, derintl2.
my of Bonnet. naw warn.
A very Leese wort:tie= of CbildrienGlpoey, fancy 6hnlte
Straw and braid thaw
The attention et
_purchaser, is partkalarly Invited to the
above noteds. [OOll A. a. alanOte a CO.
W •
• .W. MESON, Watch Makir,
No, 67 Market, Carrier of kliara +ti
VIZALETI, in PINT. WeTcuis, awuarr,
-Ur Ether Warr, Milltssi Doeds,bnne int CE.414 -
laraTes riewil•Wanbtluaviy,tastann4WoldErsas,
'curious %adorable ' 4l ' ,
meet Mrestareenssi,
:Watch neck executed 111 • imposter =MP . ; ensleted r .
the best English seal Preach workmen.. son
la AY BAK.ES-40 doz. for elle by • •
.yl' • S. voN nossubest CO..
• .
Mein Mackerel;
Cod LAU pal Ws b I
V..IL. A. IIteLIIRCi 1. CO,
s sad Ton Dolers.
rOtt CIN'TI *ST.
4 limner ERMONT. Capt. Lia.slett, vlaidait
fur the above and all luterwMataVola
°. LA.7. th e .16th Wt. at 10 o dist A. M.
Vor flvisht or rowW. apply on board. jel3
11,E4g44.Wi.U01:y. P .6:41Zz
t.= PILOT N0..3, A, i3 =
leave Pitt s burgh for , CoptOA end BcnLtl•
ores". poso t tor atd Friday, at 3 o'clock p. 't IV ni
lams Nothalt for Carta. ritt.b"Sh.".
sty Retina:ay andha urtisT,at 10 o't ook.a.
-evpn—de,—, won this boat running recauli
d 1 . 1 .4Lt0t tosbainb aDDIT ' oo hos:Pt. -
rrolllgh.L. epleseLtd beeswax bollt
the owners of the steeneer leawe Ne t a= othas, Ae
the Clneinnuni sad ratutotrgh Peeket trade, sad il leave
eweve Weettndor. toe ln Veen of the New Ent.
lal:gct. :L . Foe rodent
RZOllLalit PACCIET.—The 9p4ndld .
Set running steam DOE CILLEYTAIN. IL T.
aa ot aa. master. leaves the eaul tha Old AllaabET !Eds..
ag o Eary . howrooonorralaz as 9 o earek.A.:
tt„aad o , o ataalng anal the °Vat= el.. She Ell land
oa the All.gberry 91da for C. anomeaodatbara9 TEE.
;PM also, at all ott.ria.b. , . Sir Eva 7, Tat o • t 13 0 0 ,
flat. PAL
last 1851.
THE new and fesrt running sir. CASHIER.
•l. 8. 11ellut.or; Moder—Regular Wellsville. Stan.
benrille Welidntrlb Wheeilltib 1 1,1 41 1 0. 11. OLP"..• 014
P.fith*Pooket—learre Pitlburgh ererY Wed o . ol .l
3,o'clnek„ P. M" lbr Wheeling and Bridgeportand
' !Saturday. at 3 P. M., for Capt.'. awl Suntialt..
loaves bordhat every Monday at 10 o'clocll,_d. 31..ttna
Brllgeprat and Wheeling every Monday and 710nrad4f;
4 P. M„
Far freight and nand. apply on board, or to
welt 7 —31311 N. PUCK, Agent.
Kii3l ilia R PACKET BE
IL—Tkolight drought eteawer AIRILNA,
D. i': litrinel. muter. leaves Wellsvilbv ever: WtiiidAY•
Wobviovicy, cad Friday, at 8 o'clock, A. W. for Kart Liv
erpool, Glasgow. Mel' errou's Landing, Beaver. sad Pitt.
buret. Lvov. Pittsburkh every Vuogolclliciviaot, And
Salvady at 10 o'clock, /Lai- for Beaver IleYerron's Lamp
84.9.litg•Artst Liverpcol. sad Wellenlae.
I' T.5...6 , -. spOlv on koc Bl . . Ara.
'IL L w 1 i SEIKO StuS E ICZ ZV 'd
.t.T . re,,ldwr=irm h,"Vrttlrgiltglicl=
U. dry: end Whee li ng. jeav _ ;;;.1.
every Nimbi, Wedue= . JeJJ 4., T ra•
.. ..tvg..„
V:a s . l "Xk l ! r ic , rer , Z6VA"reeittY.a.V.; , .. i°
00., N
-" -
INGPORT.—Tbi Mae staurrr PACI7I
Ms., mast., wllll
. 77 W 1 .
tarandtate ports everr g t t,
For treght.w.4o? ".
woos •
sll\l.7m PACRET-The Tart
unmet WELLSVILLE, Coot 11. Vraa " Ml
art /Ws regular porlat.birraa Pitalagh. Wheeling..
Brideport. end Sunob, leaving Pittabb ora7
oraraaa tor Wellsville. Steubratillo.
earn Tbandar elem. for Steubtrall,,.... l3 .
Captloaard Sunfish; rolaralta. Sara ,
pl l4 /rt 7 , 110.u40h emery ?oratr ottoman, and liZ. , Weie'
rani rriclar otteam. ftriO4 ortala_ MIT RI
board; or to [libMl .R
/3. WE Siaa/.
hmi9 - gre Drolmo Dlimu.
ROLL BUTTER-3 bbls. (fresh) in cloths.
Pat reed and for We br n. DALLELL3k.Est.t.
ERRING-126 bble. No. 1 (to arrive) for
.ats, by my= cotaaelsoN 00.
Air lITTON HAMS-2000 S. C., for sale by
my 7 J. B. C.LNYIELD.
A. A. Mu. Co. Lon tiond • oolo.foto stock of
soor.o aad Combhm. • 1
V LASS-800 boxes Window'. ass'd, for nale
1 - AIM 01L-2Q bbls. for sale kyi
L . J. KIDD & Co.. 60 Wood nt..
_ _
NDIGO-1 100 lb kegs Maui a;
3 Cernstes Carom< crawl quality., to's ,
w aglt i s i t
t er..31 .0 .T d . ts:;:tgr pfurioturi tit. of intllFv.
m IS:al DICKET a Pl . -
31r6 . Water and. Pratt .44.
GROUND NUTS-15 Baas for sale (
IVOTSfalp---1 bbl. for sale by •
mra 3:KIDD 1r CO.
OYS' CASSIMEII2S- 1 5f various colors
amd Kyles, reed br,ICR • • . •
STAR CANDLES--15 boxes (10 to rio
cub) for sale to J
corner. D. WILLIAM:I k.
roys Wood FifOr
PERM CANDLES-40 boxes4', .714, n,
675 far sal , by J. D. W 11.11.431.4 k CO.
- -
3/ half <Darts Malan wail Cola
b... can One Wong: . hY
mys . a:IL WILLIAMS a CO.
EER SKINS-3 bales for sale by
IG LEAD-190 pigs Soft Galena, forsale
bi • mTT • MET, MATTIEERS t CO. '
- •
PIG METAL 165 tons for sale by .
my 7 RHEY, 31ATTHEWS s CO.
I'EATLIERS-8 sks. prime Ky,for sale,by
AL rill HEM bIArICS k 00.
‘101:1A ASH--60 casksWwd2 a for sale by ' • . ,
)0 _2' 47
WHITE FISH I;iBbbls. and 38 hr. bbl..
for ale by veteu DICKEY t cO.
mrlo . • watt.
(lOARSE SPONGE-10 0 lbs. for sale by '
LO bbls. for tale
CUP.- SODA—IO ke.s for sale by
bd. yth33o N. O. Fay=
30 tb. " _31013.33e5: far itee by
33f16 lIGRBRIDOES /2i01,033,
Q.II.OIILDERS- 32 casks for sale by
1,3 atria LLAIIDY. JON'ES
myis . R. P. 3IATIS,IL,LL.B.S:Vropd
HEAP For sale by
myl6 . W. Y. MAILSHA LL, AS Wood St..
/ESTER CENTRES—Fat sale by .
myleW. P. 'ILLIWILALL, fib Wood IC
ARD-3 bbls. Iv 8 kegs No. 1; for sale by
VISIT— _ • . ,
_.: *3 bbl.s.. ind 40 h yA.,.. No 4 l. Bali . i . mne ITerrthr.
6 Bb2 d;
00 " tar%No. 1 31hehet
NO hf. bbls. Ice jo All - s i tt c la
I9FFEE-100_bags Rio, for eale by •
0ty1.6 JOHN WAIT t CO.
1G IRON--100 tons Huntingdon co.. for
sae br mylb • .705th WATT 1 CO.
• .L
TEMPLARS' SWORDS—Just rec'd, a, lot
of freights Templar Swords, with tto, exoloiross of the;
r beiftlitolly engraved. .
m 173: W. W. WILSON.
yrdeak SALE. to close consignment--50 cks.
inneriar SODA ASII, brandol 'Stecla7_
St Pennrelvarda Railroad Dena.:
rayls cornea Penn and Way. streeta.Pitnannnla.
Bum Co. 'celebrated Ilay sod Manure Forks.
od from the numnfactunm. Pitllad.lphis. on maxima.
meat and tbr tale by A- IN:POINDEXTER. •
Wand . Wert.
Fm orstnew of faith and Inter.le ♦slue three Forks
cannot M soMermed: and the low price at which tbar ena
H.W. must imamm their lotrabaction. ...tardy
1 14.1.11.,r i t,., xtreet—
I Pah L' griL " Z3 2 gitp a. rt..
no .r.tbiark Sllk Waxy Caihmerets. kr
ienti a•KigtniA Ic:2 Itaneilles and Linen Vest
H EgHI NO-10 bbls nowfkFietNiNv
OFFEE-15u hags Rio, for Bale be I
) J AMES A. ilivEt.l 4r
15 casls s ftiej for salo'hy
UNDRIES-14 bble: Grease;
A 7 b •• No.l i
13 sacks Feathers;
Glositax: 1 . 41 . g from ot.
M.Tac'r"'i4 I:1V1)1C KEYWa
sII) & CO,
mut ter AA.
- lad, a
U. of India
aut . :Ll . ..lyr; Life rre
tura. aala at the ktubber Ihr.
my-a, k U. NU LLIPS.
OLDEN SYRUP-12 half bbls. and
131. keg. Golden SI rn i nk.Loeneln . hy_
lIIRGME GREEN-5 eases superior qual
'V .M . 6 for boom, •mistesnabcat pahLtizEgtrulle
New Books, just, received.
eI.REEK. GIWIM AR, for the use of High
stbooh . .iss Cniaersitlor. by P. lihattanan= at
''ilhetgh 'd egfeatVenittret:Tilfr:(ll l .; '' b7ll lp a ".
ry ii. Yield; I.Yroo. mm.
The Autobingraphy..nd Menlo:lila of Captain Obadiah
c oo py, or any years mariner and shipataaorr from aho
pore of hear York; by Bar. 11. T. Chee.yor Iran. runs.
For Ws by
rolln IR Apollo /handing. Fourth at:
- lALERAITS.-5 tons in boxes and ens
barre in Ponvi
or mkt by " ROBERT lIALZELL
Liberty stre et
`Beaumonta Patent Starch Polish.
FATENTED, July 26th, 1850.-'--For giving
. beautiful Glen tollnerg. iluslink Cainbrfn, Co
Ebirt . 8 .,,,,,,, a, and alao• prevent. the hem 15= '
bcr i t4 ., t,„ rodeoge.., and prevents dust Ikons stinking to
Li 11... te.. atains nothing injurious.
Direotagu—Ent a piece the am of a fo^a to a quart of
etarrb ,ben ballin iron rhir., =i
p r i c ,123.1 rents per Cake. Po d wholesale and =tau or
pa IL E. SELLERS...a Wood st.
- N --- /itsu loo bb l s i ,, 10. 3, dial" iCE
, L
. .
AID bblx. fe kel l4 . o infaßAXCit: -
'I - ff .- LASS—'2SO boxes assd sizes. for sale: ,
.4 3 8. ,B*;IdaRAVGII.
SUGAR. -25 hhds. 0., f j o .. v e sh: p by
FIS)I-25 bbla. Lace Sup. White, 155)4;
by' "
- • •
MAGIC WATCHES, or Doi* e Huripmg
Gold Lever Watches IT.deellas to doge on
ill, ¢old/owe, or to mho. the face - open at. Dlrssarr t
limy Mat roake.iaet %lad.
13 !, DS.
APE AWES-1000 lbs.. fugal° by
• co.•
USSIATE. POTASII-,400 lbs. for sal6 •
.. OBI•:: D. V.ILIUMZrOCK & .
O ITS-500 bu. for pa1 . !Y1),1 4.