1717'11Itor zievurtyy4 Difiro 1 PUBLIBUED BY WIIITZ f :CO PITTSBIISGH . ':EfOLOATIIOIMIia, ME 10, 1851 Aauma;dn;c ' oaa Whig Giati ticket' • naiatr, mat er vorrilef coca,: - W•LTE it .1f 0 W RD, of Peebles. ligNicy,.*-;;IVILLIA1115, of PitUbargh. 7117 r getflrdiro==.""e. Amman IMO. or coctr or go writ tlmilosa4 • • wit, uotifig, of Idnrrr BC A U 2110BIArk..4.10.11LLAN , of. Allegheny. amo u.r.. ' jORN s BRET. of Robinsor A p PPLLTON of liirmingbaM; trF- .INOSNIII.I";oIArAtTP"4 ' • iAllttEL YAMIESTOcIF, of pittgrun g b ~ ,:; AL4X..EIWILARDSON, of Anabm• . • 'TAIIZD M . DSU6ti ; of Pipshnrah icaN y. wwil,IND: of cppa se. o. 1:. 11.01YERT ta. of Nwbo i 1 wn. T. =W. • - ;11SUN raEr4 4 CE • a WC"ak... A few. days ago wo took -occasion to , . notice • new doctrine which sorao people are. attempting •-• totmgraft upon Idea(*) dernocracy, and of irhich pima,* Welker ispiree to becolde, • -- . the !enthodintetf—we allude to the claim that in set rip tluit evely,man . is intitled to as much of the national, detrain as will make a farm, 'free gratis for nothing.' We suppose; _ however, that one 114111tould he entitled to only one end itoing n'int thin stinposittoti, we would like to 1010 W whether_ a Man ewning a valuable tarn inPenn sylvania aidleasing it Out for fora tram of years i‘nd .then going, - say to, Wisconsin, - world he be 'entitled to a traCtg land, in that State, free of charge? Thencipribably, are details withwhich . the ange propagatora of the new doctrine haie .not .troubled themnelves. - • . Brmagnin, how long would. oar notional do main, if disposed, of upon such tame, stand be 'fore the domande ot_the infilienkof • , . _ • ions in our . ornt country and . ;b . :l'D:trope ? The industrious ana the:. idle,•the orderly and the laerlas, the deserving American citisen, and the English feloa,'inn ;nerd, the beef and the worst of our are to bo pail:mon perfect equrdity. The perishes of England and Ireland, by the ex pe4tore.of slow dollars ahead upon their pau pers and vagrants; could transform 'them into American:freeholders. Or,are :foreigners to be excluded fiord the advantagee of this wholesele 'benifietit:.These nolitical dictotabave not told 'lts anything abont that. Indeed, Bushmen only . deal in magnificent generalities; butwe will ealte It for greeted that foreigners are not to be exclu ded: 'Well then, there . are perhaps two millions of landless men lathe United gtates, and forty noillione in Europe, so we , sec that large as our . public , dm:ash:Lis, it would allbe taken up long t bettors all those entitled to it could be supplied. ' Mist atreteendons scpamble there would be! Bat what littisisionfeetild made far the hinditiosti foe we suppose oar.benevolent nev-lights are not gulc; to leave thfm to. the sad fate to which an old *adage consigns that Unlucky claws =ash f oe the first" class of agrariatta, , 'the onlyqie+Tose tineire upon Uncle Bata's domain bat here comes' SS more advanced class, whose , idesi run immeasurably: beyond those of , whom 4 ' we have been speaking.,,' At a self constituted Industrial Congress," which latelyboriored the city of AlbanY with its presence the following. resolutions, among others, were adopted: Resolved,. ihat no all Sustenance comes pri marily frit= diesel!, audits existence is impossi , Ma without access to it, therefore the right of every one to 130muchas his needs require, with out price,is self evident. Besolved,,That in the light, of nature, and of • that Pravidenee Which is no respectorof- per . Soca the • bounties of nature belong equally to till, of which each bas the right to partake to the extent of his necessities; therefore, no one has a right tontine of the earth's surface, which is a proiiaion of rieture,,than he can cultivate with his own hands,..if ho be ,a,:faruer. or to , Mote then he wishes tense for the comfort of his tam ily if helm a mechanic, Merchant, or,prefession al man, lila by no doing, he rob some one else of rb supply. ; . . ! ,..,Ihorlogic of the first resolution is irresistible, and it melds - ens , benighted world the sl.qotilsh ing face," that all sustenance comes primarily from the Soil?" t Bo fer'sllis very clear; but whether'the 'sylogistie argument built upon that fist tinges Amion.the Word ..qustenspco" or, • soil?". is ;a problem-too deettfor ns. •.The mead • -Mg wouldleadlll to interpret it to stem that exietence is : impassible irithortyacness sesta. nonrf," - Thie;•7o4. l ;!!& l wonami tal- discovers But possibly they rriiari that existen6s is impos : sible without eicesito the soil. --It se, they as sert what inot trite and the tenclusion falls to the ground.: ' Bat it the second resolution that Ife . wiall attention. NO one," say then". has a right to more ettheeartit's surface than be can cultl;•iai .ith - Aa•oirn kandi, if he he a farmer." %at say, anr tarmsts to that? . Now the don ittite% hew. Much of the....earth's 'surface" , can tScasa:cidillatef.wiih hie arm isoads; Vise saes ?qui? lirenty! or bow many? .But no matter whether he does'it superficially or thor i t ougblt 'partially or'.carelessly, he must 'do it with his own hands ;: and relinquish. all right. and title ti any mote of the "mirth's surface I" Agairt,if, he happen to be a mechanic or pro : fissional num, be is to beentitled to is Mira _ . • ssa wirmsefor the comfort of his family, .but no m0re.:;,130 then, fertness, look out for that new order of iidngs, when you will be restricted to just as mach as you can ..cultivate with 'your own hands." You must not hire any. If, you have grown so old tbat'you cannot mdtivateWiy, why you connot have any. Is tot that a fsir _ fereace,t , And should a shoemaker or a lawyer , . _come along 'and set himself down upon your broad itOm, yor • iMust. lethiM have as much as ha wishes to vise," but no more. You are to have as much as you cat cultivate with your' own • bandy;_ lens much as he wishes to use. He may wish to use your • fields for pastures, and piehi, and pleasure grounds,.-"for . the oomfort of his family,". and under the foregoing resolu tion his right cannot he disputed. Such, dear, reader, is a fair statement of the absurdities which are becoming alarmingly cur, rent, and'are seriously defended by presses of whom better -things might be expected. Doc trinei so Utterly beyond the pale of reason and coalmen seaSe; that it is. next to impOssible to bring s an argiunent to bear against them. . C . ,GISDDOIO.IIP.A.SOBA.MA or ins Nitr..--Ire trust that, for their own sakes,. our readers - trill not forget the very interesting end instructive exhibi tion now open at the Athenentm. The attind ante thas far has been very large, bat we believe that so soon as the Inuits of the exhibition are known to . oar cititens, the span-ions hall will ,be The Panorama, represmiting views and Beene ry upon both bank" of the Nile, for a distance of 1720 miles, is far superior lit 'execution and art istic finish to. anything or the kind we base ever witnessed. The delineation of the figures ~ the arrangernent of light and shade, and the richness and truthfulness of the coloring, are unsur- In addition to they Panorama, the visitor has before and. around him a complete museum of Egyptiaw antiquities. Here the evening, can be profitably spent in examining the mummies of =envied animals, and the very large collection of plates and &Swinge which make up an in teresting portion of this exhibition.. We irouhl advise our readers to attend as soon. as the doom are °Petted, en as to have an. hour to examine these numerous objects of interest before'the Panorama begins to move. In exidaining the Panorama, and describing his plates and drawings and numerous specimens of slxtipities, Mr. Miami has no equal. He ittoroughly understands his subject, and his re marks sre . thoce of the scientific lecturer, instead of the set phrases of the traveling exhibitor, who relocate his desciption with' the sameness and stFPl4tfOf ihe'Pertnt: °memo:Jere loses rich trent and a tughly instinetiraTmeatus of increasing their stares of knowledge, =less they visit 'Mr. Gliddon's ex, butithitCas - often as possible while it remains TbAntblirther of the Lane:oder Eagle his been indicted:Cal i aviolation of the law passed lost wined name abrade:lag lei:brides, and beaten eediellyili:andot one cent, be . baying rimed ignieszkiti. , . , .Re 4:l:presses an meant hope that the fine -be expended in buying small pats . toes bar tho Woman% The Land Refortaa re et Ref To have held * ** l ***iinifs eI gloriously . resolved ter the contest 0f.1852 on the hone of Land and Libor reform, resolved to conquer or die, in the come of Free Bows for ell. -If they will only, ”eonquer or cripple," we will think ibent , Tue CHITILCIIStriI:.—Tbe Christian Advocate and Journal states tha tthisbeok agents of the Methodist Episcopal.-Church, acting upon the suggestion' of the Court in the late trial re apecting the church.property, hare propowl to theuomMissioners of the Church, South, "an adjestmeid of their preferred claims by a legal aibltraiiotA alder the authority of the. Court.'; We sie,slad to learn this, and , trust that the South . wi with equal promptitude and cheer feloesa, meet the proposal ruorably. 2te`North Breath Berk le, for May . .-TL star hog periodical, reprinted in New YOrk, , is now before no, filled with articles of the highest in tenet On many of the great questions of the dip, such so ...France lance 1848 ;" " P011:12s of Infidelity lathe Nineteenth Century;'. "Animal Magnetism," &c., &a W. C. Wall, Fourth et. Locorocrusx aln TEI BLATIMY Qvcarton.— the Biaiervale Apakuldan, a spirited democratic paper, mikes the following remarks in speaking of the nomination of Messrs. Bigler and Clover, of whom it epialis highly o : „ The Whip will, :without doubt, re-nominate Gorr. Johnston, and although the contest may be a Ail= one, we have no doubt of CoL Itiglees election by a large majority,: wakes kia defeat should be brought about by A. movement which is &Mg made to place [het . ..dig is aeruckling attitude towards the South, for ...be . .spose of forwarding the designs of others twilipilrunsiour to rerawe the &tam andinflienom' .There are thousands of honed,' when a contest is narrowed down to a cholaebe tWeen a Candidate pledged to the disdnetire meszcass of the Democratic party,' or one of the opposite, will unhesitatingly sad cordially Sup port the former; but who will neve, do so - if it cannot be done without shouting pee toislavery and smothering their natural feelinotin favor of liberty. The rewind= of the Convention in opposition. to the anti-kidnapping law of 1847. while it may advance the interests of those it -was intended to aid, Assn neither prore a credit to the party nor a benefit to the nominee, espe dilly when it is remembered that that taw was octal for by Colonel Blear, mid slowed by Francis Shwa, a:man whom the Ihnwracy delighted to honor.' - - The leaders of that party jail very soon end that they overplayed their game s in their anxiety. totoehe capital for Mr. Bechuoux in the South, and to anew Goi..F?heaton into the wrong. for declining to approve. of the bill repealing the law of 1847, above spoken of.' His conduct- in that matter Will be cordially approved of by , a great majority of the people of Pennsylvania; who are eatisfied• that the law of Congress quite sufficient to pr °MCC 'the interesta of the slanholder, without remoting the barriers which were jastly act up against the kidnapper—a law which had the rote and approbation of Colonel Bigler and Governor Shrink. - NSETING 0/ 11# YOBX LT.,0111 . • • Jibe Legislature of. New Task resembled at Al briny yesterday noon In extra session, in parse= onceof the tali of the Gcreertor, whosetr.essage an the orgadration of both }lnset we.find in the New 'Verb paper liskerening. It occd pies about a column-and a quarter of the Jour nal of Commerce, and is an able well considered document. 'After 'alluding in general terns to the abrupt termination of the regular ars. !ion, and the disordered condition in which- the Public business was left, as the reasons (*Or his summoning anextra session, and ordering a new election to blithe Scats of--thereslgned Senators' the Elorritior , rays: , . - It is a subject of gratifying reflection, that, in the election recently held, so, large a portion at the people of the State, rising above a party divisions„ shouldbareproelaimed their adherence to the vital principle of our institutions, which Clothes a constitutional majority with the power to decide public vestiontiand control the action of 'our representative .bodies. ,The temporary prostration of the legislative power.. by this Ite ces6ort of a minority, was= emit which could hardly Stilt* produce a deep - impression upon the public mind. , A you:edam of this . charaa. ter has never, before (=erred since the forma deli of a republican government in this State- He then dwells upon the - necessity of the mi . lenity submitting 14 the will of the majority, and goes on at length to, examine the Imbject of the enlargement of the public works, their im- Meuse ralneto the tjtat, 7 , - the constitutionality of the canal bill. its: in regard to the last named'point, he eays: ' The tattooist provisions of the cone:aim were intended net to defeat but to insure the comple tion of the Erie Enlargement and the Black Riv er and Genesee Valley -Canale—Yorth dual- A little while beft*JohttE. Ca'homes death, some of hie triads conceived the idea of ratting a fund Uppity off hie debts and Bead him to Eu rope, and unlimoirti tu hire had pertly eiecuted the plan ithetklie died. They hate given the money raised ($3a,000) to id; widow. A eery honorable incident to all parties. MILIMILL LSD MS- WZBltillrell - BITLT. — A cor respondent of the lidetton Atlas. 'grain from Vienna under date of April 6, says ", Not word has appeared in the Vienna pa pas in relation to the Austrian Charge's last let ter to Ur. Webster, and Mr. Webster's reply. This may Seem the more singular, as the news of the fugitive slave affair was announced by telegraph from London, to great characters. A difficulty of their owe, representative with a for eign power, which threatened at one time to, in terrupt friendly relations, would seem to con cern them more nearly than the liberation of a negro. But it appears the government does not wish to have the subject called into Omission at home—it might ratite attention, and_throw out a light that would be disagreeable. From the beginning of the difficulty there has not been a word said in the public papers, on , one side or the other." A Lavas—The following account of a leper, front the pen of Ur. Counter, a late traveler in the East, will afford our readers a pretty cor rect notion of the appearance of the srafferera by that etrange disease: • °One evening, while strolling along the sea shore, I saw each an extraordioary °ldea before me, that I could not take my eyes off of it. It was a man, whose clothing, like that of all the lower orders of India; was a piece of clods wrap.' ped around the bodY, from the waist downward. His skin was perfectly white, and seemed glared, ta if seared with a hot iron. His head was un covered, and hie hair; which was precisely the same color as the skin, bins down in long strips upon his lean and withered shoalders. Him:yes, with the exception of the India, were a dull, murky red, and he keptihemfixedon the ground, as if it were pair:Sailor him to look up, which I found to be the case. Ile walked slowly-and feebly, and he was so ftightthlly thin that he seemed to stand before me a living akeleton. I moved toward him, bat be walked farther from me, beseeching - me to give the smallest trifle to miserable old man—en outcast from his home and friende He , ol me not to come near to a polluted creature for whom no one felt p e ty i He told me he had, dozing man} , years, soft dreadthily from the leprosy, and triburh he was now camd, the corpse-like whiteness of his skin gave unmistakable evidence that he had once been a leper." . sloop m TEE intas9lYYf• The Missouri Republican, of the Ttb Instant, says— ' Inch by inehtiewater is graduall ygaining up- , on as, and unless we are soon favored with a de cline in the upper rivers, we mast anticipate the most calamitous consequences. We begin now to fear serione damages to property, and pro duce; Minna to our landing, and harbor im ' prisements, and a suspension of business opera tions Bath as resulted from the great rise of i• The officers of the steamer Ocean Wave, which boat arrived yesterday mccning from Mi nds niter report that at Beardstown it was was on a stand, but that below thstpoltd, it win atill Bomenacent hcavy - Talnsabove lead its to apprehend still another rise - of the Illinois The lastticcounte from the upper klississlipi, giro a fall of three inches at Galena, and yet re ceding slowly. The sate Kearney, down. last - evening, reports a fall of three Mutes in 24 howl, at Keokuk, of one inch in the same at Quincy, and a rise of one inch at Clarkatille. The ofii. cent of steamer Dubuque, however, from add:me infomeu that the stammer Dr. lPhaddira, Vigo St. Petal, which was met inierer, river, report: . ed an additional rise above. The Dam Moines river is Wing fast. Fiona the Missouri "the steamer bn= Vista; down yesterday, reporte another rife of seven! feet... This, however, Is notecambroated by our telt:veil& dispatch,"wldeh is mush later. • at thla point the river MO daeingshm , , aday night 44 lopes, sod yostozdoy up to six o'clock a...pr, Webs& a wise of 19 inches main • - be twenty-four ham Tits wit& is now 11 inch . beow.the city pirosiz put rat Wow the; high lister mark of 1844. Atthe upPer end of the landing. froM Locust street to Cherry, the water helix:ached the curb stone:and at many points is at the store doom Battle Raw is in part submerged, and the occupants on Thursday evening, or during the night, removed their effects and pitched . their quarterii other portions of the city. The • mord:mots in. that district hayeall removed their goals from the Every inch of the space we have mentioned is covered by water—drays and other vehicles; however, with 'come difficulty, yet wade over that portion of the landing; Below Locnst 'street, the ,merchants along the entire Levee were yesterday forenoon actively engaged in removing the heavy articles of sugar, salt; molasses, to-, from the lower to the upper stories. Many expect' that not building on the binding will be ex empt from the invasion of the water. Many merchants are removing their goods to wart houses on Main street, and even further back, )nsiderable dif- have begun to. experienee to ficulty in finding room to discharge their cargoee Yesterday,seteral availed themselves of the emus streets, whose sidewalks were soon encumbered with freight of every variety. The water has spread over-all the flat grounds at the , lower end of the city, compelling the w raps:its of =say houses to select their residen ces elsewhere. At Quarantine Island, the rise lacks about one foot of reaching the buildings, The eastern there of Duncan's Island is washing sway still, at the rate mentioned last Thursday. The section lying lint of the slough which runs through the north-eastern portion of the is almost entirely submerged—very little of it is now visible. The bloody island dike still steads, but is under water. Bloody Island, on the east- I em shore, is washing away pretty rapidly.— At its lower extremity ' there is a apace of on ly about onoptinudred yards that is Still out of I water. lierr's island, above, is almost entirely submerged. mai( d On the main shore opposite, noistown has been totally deserted, the lab tants having re paired to the siurptmding country and to this city. Ames' pork house Is surrounded by water, as also the ice house of the Planters' House.— I The turnpike from this plate to Papstown is three feet tinder water. The culvert of the turnpike has been washed away, and there is no way of reaching dry land from the ferryboac but bp i barges, which are constantly plying back and forth. Papstown, also, is deserted. The town of •'Venice is inundated. In this place the • wa=, ter is deep and running into Cakokis The two bridges acres! Cahokia creek, in I.lllnoistown, have been washed away, the upper bridge having started at three o'clock yesterday afternoon. The Casey Hamad bridge has been movedby thewater running np the creek, and on& of the benches has sank about as much. The bridge back of Venice was washed away some daYs aitO• There are now in the city a number of persons —men, women and children--who have been driven out of the bottom by high-water. Many of them are entirely destitute of even the neces. series of life, and some provision ought immedi- ately to be made for them. For their relief, a public meeting might be held, or some other steps should at once be taken. Perhaps the Poor Committee, having funds remaining over from last winter, might feel themselves authorized to appropriate the money for the relief of these un fortunate,. Expcn.oa or Bosnia—Ttra Brsti.—The Em pmor of Remain, so far from opposing the circu lation of the Seripbsres in his dominions, gum , curtly remitted, at one time, duties charged upon • 2%000 Bibles sent into St. Petersbusgh, amount ing to £2OO. The British and Foreign Bible So ciety• have an agency in the Russian capital, which has been actively engaged for years in scattering Bibles and Testaments without mo lestation, either from the government or from others. The total issue of this agency - up to the 9th of February • 1850, amounted to 254,094 copies. The Protestant. Bible Sociay in St. Peters burgh, has, during the last four years, either printed or published 10,075 Bibles and 98,832 Testaments in various languages and dialects., The Britiiih and Foreign Bible Society authoriz ed their committee to print 25,000 New Testa ments for _FiaLand, and the last report of this Society skate that' "there had been distributed in-that province alone 64,000 Bibles, and Testa ments, and that there extsted most eager de mand for the Word of Life." The same Society I determined to distribute 15,000 Swedish New Testaments among the Swedes residing in Fin land, and all of them have been taken into Rus sia free of duty. , Paimots.—An Irialt famßy, consisting of four persons—father, mother, and too children—were burnt to death on Thursday last, on the works of the union canal, 10 or 12 miles below Hummel,-' town, in this county. They occupied a mall tenement in whither= stored • quantity of chips, Sm., and= the fire 0.... . ~d in day time, it ill 'M - Iposedthat Intoxication woo the cause of their ter rible death The blackegid and crisped remains . tithe =fortunate family were brought to this Iplace on Friday afternoon, and were interred in lburying groundofl l it Patrick's church.—fc. .k1,9*91, Foreign and American Hardware. LOGAN, WIISON & CO., No. 129 Wood Street, HAVE NOW IN STONE . A WI attleztoploto stick of PORKIGN AND 4.llt2lekti 1 ! HARDWARE, fp, tb..whig Md., and ',lath the aro proud to o to porebonors at it= that •111-compus timogalv Irttlt osty of ttio Intstent deo. sir. TRUTH FLOATS ABOVE FICTION LIKE OIL ABOVE WATER.—The Mel man can tell • gaol medicine by trying it.se Wei at • Dr. ea tell anted &seer by eating it. And LI an man tate It. MA ends It ocar. It will dater the vos.l.itr with the Whale dir. Ton wet introduce a moikine Into molar tee unlesi It gam= really subetantla virtues, free froagan Lad effects of rallo obieenona eel It is Ons that that has establiehect the repute/one "dial% Compresul 11014 Extract of Bar ispasilhae beyond all evil or dinute. Its MU. onost the bolo= mum Lin sceordenho with rekmal and phi' laeaptilel minelples—it promote the 'mime temetbme eel eertione of the body, remove Obstrattlans, Botha* moridd mad dlooteed mailer. strengthens the ntomatlx I end digestive crew, mates newaura mad healthy blood, and regulates the various fun ' etions of the 41ffere01 mem of the bcdy. Tets le all perforsed without th e . feet deer of bum, the premtenon being as .ats efficaelves. Bevy be thought by the empties/. that It porporte to rare too many diseases, LAW owe teener non, It will be tos.a.t.t.t. Ism suiodtr of the d 1.... es valet stifle the human family originate. to an impure gate of the blood. Be cat deceleed, then, hj other Emr narllloo being offered you by .coy sellers of molasses and water preparation" as • robstitate Br the original John s neseserfila t This vet:able Preitostion the Morrletoi warrants to be solaria to all other.. Camoye-Derotre sod ark krr the militant Dr. Jelin Botto Strsoparado Dom Sehlet-p—asd bare no other. See advertisement on *hotbox. page. 11181 E k MEOWELL. 140 Wad et, jalkAke3mT petroleum! ihnedenonnto, Ilunttnadon 00., Pa, March 4, 'al. S. 11. lou.-Dear 80, Your Petroleum In working woes dal in thin vicinity: thereto.. we would thank you to mad us two dozen la' the Petunrylvauis Railroad. We are en tirely out. and It to Delon irsiuirrd t, !domet every day. mixer.ll7. JOON LONG • CO. Ilinterrus. Ashland eu, 0., Marsh 00,'01. S. 11. Ifrou-Dear Sir. Your Agent. • few weeks Moor, lett with ne bum down Rat Oil. which we have roll. Please forward to us dg dosen immedlatel7. Your medicine is wetting wonders lo this region. W. can obtain amoral esnelleat oertifeates, If you dadm them. • - Toon, du. Pk ale by Rayner • McDowell. 140 Wood street; R. Beller, 07 Weed etree4 R. A. litha. t Co, carter Wood sad Front demur, D. M. Curry, D. A. Elliott, Joreidi Douglaes,and 11, P. &berretta, Allegheny, elm hr the Prr. prletor. B. M. the . aollelter•T Canal Ilan.bravrith at- Pittabunth. gee litcLeriee Livia Pinta.—ln offering 1 this =did= to the poblii, the mooned.; ore will we OM they have to encounter • Motility tmemtsel by the counties. impositions which hwei been palmed upon the auhllc under the shooed( potent medletnes. We ma cow . Tinged, however, that It la only novegna7 to Mee their re , ' =dr • trial to place it lo publie vlimation for above all medical gavots of tta bled ervir armed to the oubile. it is the invintlon of em enlighteved.espvienced. mile... i ldo al Weldon, who tn. many years need It to his own prow tinf, when its mat so ad him to offer it to the ' public at Ivo. ,m l Tor We by ' /. J. KIDD it CO., jelgoliftwlte -A t , i: Ito. eo, Wevsl so Every family ; Could at once procure a' bottle of the vest= Item Sbr saes or beastooll ed Ferrell'. Lb:omM. tbe mon atm. path! In • tets =looter, re terra the mamba enti or Mut voter, and tboss cores AM joint. It penetrates the dab to the bone, relax= contracted mob, cares dim.. tlem and palsied limb. of total - reereetandlng tn merl, iswellecinerg. enlargement of te. stbodx,,god the bat =Whim for allmemts of cattle ever ttleurvOnt - egring rit.ooT. sod all dlacases vblo,Vontekt los eaure---any =II= See adlettrement Citizen's Insurance Carapany'etrtts burgh ENCOURAGE COME INSMIITIONS Odia N 0.41 NraterUtreit, la ills irslioas of C. 11 t!!&. fioc'7. Ma Cornball Maw Ptolarel bum:sill trd.gii. stotttro,.,mdmiti trmiltitora. voww ..bi ls all , to. vd,vb f wbo w ire 14 ,I:oltrous or Pittsburgh. and morgig, known to Ms ecoramalty Sir thelivnutore. and In}easit7• g, g ascii riEVltt...uwo: ja6atarrarth; a. 1i5it344: 531 . or. Oita.& • , • .urgh Life Inetalci - Compapi CAPITAL, $lOO,OOO. p~j ply ; NO. 7 FOURTH ST c &At, m oFrte: rmiand:—Lou. s. mom . , ; """ .o...Predadrnor= l " 3 .. • . .474. wirertioraust maw put a tits pPput mom. NOTTCY TO Tll Pratac:--The - Diyi Goods !deeelueds of Idsrkit street has sid speedier dope t hg r stores in the maths of Jaz* - JuIT.:AUMN JanoUT sod ratourry of mn. Tar. It 7 eclat, P. X. .posEstetoWeYstakill, The radio an lambi Mautotto =sic. their yozd Naas the slated ttors. Para • r k:rbisol i so*ri Galni-Arbe de.a.A . 1 1 ..W.Y mosst.l %Wert ber famed tbli day, owoodardat 10 0 . 0 1 0 ,1,AAL.,,,r0. reed to tho Allesturor Cemeten, yeaiea Faring Raid Bariety. AMEETINF4of thaldinagercaiiltbe held at 'the' Itotplig, Ifraular:the'lath Inst. at 0 , .p. M. Tb. Managers an tetenateo lu take with • • • ": • • `' Lei MI Green • Made in wood. WHITE'S celebnitrid BRASS BAND will ttrform to this flardaia oa IrtrEBDAY ITENTNO, June 17th. commenting at .I,peat 8 teolooa. The rte./ Coat LLAMA 1 lohno• of the Chlaftolo) leases her lauding Immediately below the OW Allagbeor Bridge. at the begloolon of sash boor. An o=anbos loaves the corner of Fifthand Market sheets every half hour. All running dined to thi llaroleta Adadttatour 10 mono childson fr. when ikooosolnalad by ejario m o n., jell= Wanted, • TWENTY-FIVE active, intelligent • MIN to mall m Pennsylranb,Obira sod Waitaru Vbraula. a wery popular =I oleable book: Out:potent tarn eau make fr om four to wan dollar. P.' dar. Apply to .Com ial, 32, St. Marl. flood. • N. o.—All letter. must be pre-paid to mei,: attention. Ma:* HEW MUSIC. ' KLEBER bee just received . Where are She Priesolo:oF my Tooth , I roam with thou_ Farewell. If ever trestoemmim Temperer. Antbem-4.m... ,1 lo the Tuspenuce detler, row of Merry, poetry Rom Bourses IllgrinesYmitsusK Fly nrlft. T tePhYor The Keepttake-comlc Go where honor-from CeEnallo, by Verdi; Ininticur Sour. by - Kmtet.h . ." The celebrated Cradle Boni, by IF. T. Wallace; L eleer4nre . • The Star of Love, • bsentlhal ballad by W. T. Walleso. Thome happy dila ant tore-. sung by the Irish S.M. Cattiest. lana. ilaurletta. Walled, Cettert, Keepsake. Hamburg, Fula . leo polkas. ego, • fine selection of our machhan musk. wawa marches, and • complete amortmentof Ylolinand Flute Moak. , tie. 101 Third =net. . - • • • - -• I!MgMM!!E toile:errs Phil of adelphia & Liverpool Line Seilin . Packets. fieinn Philadelphia on the th.A2 A•elie, 16sticiLi aar verp MA aol on th e Ltd eselitheith. r. =0 •••• XllOOOB. Nettothel wthete, either . . 1181iLIN. Alfred W. Ernith.,Aileter. • : EILICILIMAXON. (nth.) W. W. Wed. lather. the above ships ere Dealt of the beet and roas t *will. ntaterisle, thd nth mud Ibr the regaddw of their ponother. they ere Med no sith ell latest improvements ere wort thorontibly vestalstel, and ere theartheted for their so. eastoodthons for Sewed Chet* and Steerage litathgewl 'they are othinseded ts. men of acknowledged Went. who thothalled for th at experience. in th e theigt oaths Penns desire= of bringing their Meths Man the Old Country tan obtain sertaWes of theme. which will be geed for 01000 thatilbs; sod the agents in Indthd end law etlitha 01111 furnish them with the WOer inforthethof thel Lnetruetione Malawi to theiralerthlthe. : Poe the von hey venienee ge— r wEttLielilatZ t a se= dieeotint. vAlleMl ' ‘ U n ' t . thed if •ar th. Walk. Of Poet Once. in the United Moth.. Awrrovielora Iththited ➢ee••a[err ramiae from Liter , . Every week the coneeeiau ,• eavpuee will be fontilb 44 .eseh passenger of 12 years of ise and over la.: lbs. bnied. 2 Ibo. the. 2 et. his. 6 Ilts. oetatesl, 10.thwer. 1 lb. tther. INWl'Verttn b AlNJig:J44l l,l4 . treroind .ellowthee of us, either and =Lewes ' - • 0190. litellE.NßY No. ST Walnut etreeta below Snood Philthelphth . • nolo. - earner Elith end Wood et.. Plttebarsb. VEW MACKEREL-115 lAA& Large Na. 3. assw Scam Jaspectioa. put me'd and taxa. br . MILLER t RICKILIWN. 011 lll sad =I Lib Fly INSEE 1) OIL-10 bbls. pure. fur sale by IA kis - ROBESOA. LITTLE a co. • bertr JIJ/ACON MANS-10,000 lbs. superior qual By, La ml• by ROBISON. unix Li It COjald Z." BACON SHOULDERS-35,00016x. far ante by $l6 ROBISON, LITTLI A CO. ACON-70001bs.11coxis, Sides, Shoulders, fur ul• by .ISISILLRBAVOR. UCKETS-25 doz. Marietta, for sale by ' E. t w.BARRAIIOII. • - FEATHERS-2000 the for stge_bj iae 8. W. MAIHAVOIL VGG.S--300 doz. for sale by • • rao • • • ff. W. HARBALFO EL DRIED PE A CHES--100 biiiihele dried ~rro- it. HAIIBACG/I. To Inlinen. • • C RAPE LEISSE , blue - irblie ind V./ Mom. Zak. env% vA1t•413 , 1 bUtk: Insed. lane, blue. idut 0 , 41 Aritticial }lemma. Le: S. sae In . ASBIITIMQT. .lICIFER MATWIES-T i VitV 1-Al /al ny Awcatames rs sad 0 Jew. A Ala& ad to the w°°: Noti to Contract BALED PR t FOSALS will be received at tbe Otke or IL . RIXO. north .t. slain the hides Lean= , coD anemia Earl eftnereville, (whole number of cubic earls estivate-I to be ISAIXL) Masa la Clete elzeaes .. to date ropecetely tbe pace pn• cable pad forell ea L'u=4 , ll, ream tbe boa of the yo az, the plea of meld real as to be 1.0 at ths oface of IL ;Ifelleerea, En, Peas ey., all Ineaseltim bib be obtalowl cooceiray add COMM!!!ffilMiS EZIRICIL HOUSE. XTRACT OF A LETTER.—"I hare just Tinted 51 errleWo war Hotel, in the .iii of ?4.. 801.2224 on the went Dank of the • Big Bower neer, In Beaver county. The hoen I. y e wir . delightful one, and main 021 a very oleaaant re Nat tram the smoke and dust, and broiling utoy. mtm• ew e• do, to pittaborgb. Thar room are large and .1 , 7. the Dodo are el new and of the vet 7 Dart ovality. The ' erc r awklental end ulei=d oat, ttang " Vont lblo lied Wnset in Pt 7llVc:= In it• 41b= and to detain Uma who bate bone !hand thelr way tbaro o w...fled gygy by nrgentAlosa The tonvettienes .4 getting there, too. Una e indtworment. Omaha. run tegnlarly teona Web ,u the oseroth of Beam riven andatt . mgrjarattotel . .I . ,, zeter . ogo b en almost and ottgo anal be are iloolnentir 172.4% ; In very .hoe[ 101 l a Will gloater eoneeniene. will adotedhe Penosyliwala eat Ohio Railroad writ mot be in oporation. oo d th e Deo. .ow to wn eighty yard. of the Berrien Eton.. -21togetber, racy *awn Mb hon. to be a great relent 'during the velment and fatale summer h gland forgotten to oay th at th e chars,. fla all this entorrownt will be moderate. j e mst • o [Poet leant St. and charge Oaaw..l NEW BOOKS! BEV BOOKS! A T 110LMES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third 1 1 1 :11,":hro ft it" t 4 .' trartti= : Alton Lock " London 0.000 Li ' d L. Loud= Paw, N. A ct 1. Dicta.. of 11.11anice. No. 111. re,Mll=3rt, S "t4 fi mon. Shako... , N.A. W. `t ee Y er eva n Ainwriak by I. of (Miele. Wive . b i r ricking. Tbe Waver,. Nora., a vole j a de , e y ...th... by Thackarey —.marts. The Heir of Wan Wayland. a tale: tiy limy Hewitt !Wahl. la Milk pd., Who Tito? Tn... by mtg.. U m. nroll. eta ,Atr e erVlcalijg; The Bold Wonhipternt or the days well. Bs a futon. bletorkal novel: by the sailor of . Wliitellriara • The wiwe amen, or the Forbidden klantatw 8a0e77., of the LIIAOTY of a Pcotrait by no Atonic. Lady Talbot and Benton, a timid: k l J. L. llcOonnoll Internatiottal low Jan , Th e tewpoeuit no Bindle. of the . 1 . 0•13 by Menet L e w. By Bomar —No I.E.l cirocludow the work. Art Journal fur May Beaton litudispeare. N 0.... coaciadow. Dictonhi Pickwick Pap Atword—by B. W II Rey Th. Yen . new novel by . flodey. Orahm ann Noonan for,J 6nortok goo. une. lloYollne of Brunvelet The nlatore, by Unary Cookton. The Halts of Ilvrerentaralev; • novel, brit. L. Blanchard The Honker's Mfr. by T. &Annul . . Adventures of Pen Owen. by John oat. jolt LCOHOL-30 bb J r. for sale by 1.14 . DD s e 0.. tO Wad st. A, INSEED 01L-1000 gallons (to arrive) for ale br I. KIDD 00.10 Wood et QPIAITS TURPENTINE-40 bbbt. (to ar L. 0 , 0 far nth by J. KIDD At CO, . )d460 Wood at. _ LARD OIL-10 bble. for solo by Jel4 J. KIDD It OD. do Wand REFINED BORAX--500 lbe for !Lola by 014 .1. KIDD t 00., IM Wood st- FISH -15 bble. New White; likl4 J. B. OAtillthD. SALERATUS-100 bbbl.oxes pure; for ,ale by 3.14 J. IL CAN YIILD. LAX-1000 IN. for sae by J. 13. CANFIELD. F 3814 I EARL ASII-30 bbbs. for sale b' J. B. CAN WIELD. - I — itay.FD OIL-30 bble. Griswold's brand; 1.4 Ler wl. br i 4 J. B. CANFIELD. POTASH -4 caskh for male by j. 1 4 .I. B. VANYEELD. FIRE PROOF PAINT-1.0 bbls.-Ibteale by BUCILETS--40 dos. Marietta make,for sale jel4 J. 11. CANT/LLD. IIiZES--200 boxes for sale by 014 J. U. CANFIELD ACON-15 Shoulders 014 . JAMAS DA LL. Voter , eL CHEESE -80 Wxes for sale I?y_ ISAIAWater H DICKU • .014 and lrcot SUMMER CLOTHS, for ' Men's arid Boys' Wean stse. Tweeds. Clabitiercots, Cesstmeres, ite_, to exesived .00 off.Tou Tow Jel3 . MURPHY t EURCRIVIRIZ. 'BLACK SATIN VESTINGS-Murphy Borcheakt bars receinii•yuyiply of the *boy* poWa, CAIN[. 113.3 Of * vtiry SUDariar quality. JO 3 F : E, o 11120U5 qu. - reeettetl edithe hhe et the sting a }aiS- httlltPllY BUILCIMELD. WILO WILL SI/ITER for the lake of ea 'ON. Douai/ Brown's great dolllrlOSE Wm , for Ms PILES. for E. Jal3 E. SELLERS, 57 Wood .1. Cloo dollar's worth has mood oh. most &Moult coma TVIMOTIIY SEED--34 bblo. for sale by 1 jelti J. le IL PLOnt. Fresh, for sale bv Ida • ' . 11?1 , 1019.. Mile l / 2 N. Y. Solo, for sale jid3 J. a S. YLOID. . . . . ME* - L - : - -APiLIC*N MISSISSIPPI; 1f OPEN AT ,ATITEN.EIIM ofIIALL., GLIDDOWII ter famed Treasparent PU1t6109.1l , EGYPZ AND .ND_BIAI • .. '.1.1.....ar•Aptr:7 trWi r , ttirgeß_HigraTrg i ow peption., DA, R. 01141 don. un - I , lla. No- u (I. "' ts . at ' AU - ht.tigelY mao —ITZLI`h andPatarday atter. I . 4es et 3, , Wee dec.. aims an Pout before. Admieeion O'veri=hMggrel=l,l. "Pl ur a __ . , , • - firth r i f giarki Parka k Co. Bochzter., thadittodlsoolat Iso.4l..deerLauj%. bo Afll l' eoutinas the Rubes as r rA s E " s b is: se sad mi. a out a e.m. - AO the bn.frLe4',of the late Arm to be Wiled hT aald "' rgibA" ' l'' "it G. nauturov K. 0. PARKS. G. H. BARTON. • jeI.L.LA Plttabarstquie Ib, IBM. Notice. . AVING ion4o a . chavak .usuiese afagoiVlarke, Parls e itt..” all the bto=gola " ; freight t 00%• l'lte Vol= Moto Cleveland. Lake Erie end Ylichigan Line to Ette. _Bandy ant Be4ooo LIDO Co llosailloo, , Popreat Packet Lioe to Cleveland, And a/to tb. tateinott pertaining to ateamboata allehigan and Beaeer, lat done tieoesitee through JOHN A- C A 110 lIET. one Atent‘at Plttabargh. Pa. =ca. ctOtoe " W"" kAR . • Pittsburtn.Jone 11.,57..—/Jel2 Albert!, pa, Bea Batbmgape :May, H. J. VONGRESS HALL is now open roe the ie. ceptibli of Thins. The hmetofote mra w r. %Val tor t & u erdicit tVe m e r nTrid to etett ben. irar ta " =raajo Ow present mem; btu ho trti their borne: se. teneements and accommodation, he trust.. trill be more to eurdomore than an _widen hate heretofore =misled upon the bland. Me rebored:. has taken pen. to procure good and Wardle@ notated *errand. no. der the anavtetton that they are beet tutted tothe customs end went, of a sotdoelti of the erdourtrtat thin raw, • rjrAR AND ROSIN- . 100 tibia. T I cal l • 103 MtVIO. !gi n. foliala by .QUNpR!IIS- 1 6 0 6i :rig . :9 kegs twist Tobsem • 6 Uses. Pess,b Mee; • 7P GP. pp yer, WO &men Own OHN W llecan ATT g for sa CO.le by J & .. FOE BALE. QTOCK of the Merchants& Manufacturers I ' 3 a ' " ' -" '" k "t ittli. Teti,. lh o:a k i.V.nd Drak, • math el. _ __ .WESTERN 'BANK. NOTES, at lowest markn hlgNstlo 3a Zilver, In par Mods, by 11. UniING, Ld fbt DanUr k.Broker fourth t • Foy Sale: LOT on Perin street, adjoining, ,3111 3 theme stable—wilt to told lot. If destrobto,.the I too dirtied to toll two Tome , . COQui re of A.IVILBEIB CO. Deafness, Noise in the Head, •ll Ditaretabt tititehtrues from the B• • ' Speedily and permanently removed! VtR, lIARTLEY, Principal /twist of the Nem ark: Eye arl,/ Ear fu g , lug al N ath street, Pbilulelpltie. hat r dettird to 'protong „his "' JAM " Aber :Mire, the Doctor may beocunultof in Re Lim decd. ALlvAerty(agr i llfgpgrne elm beck dwell log_bouse beyond the The Doctor feelerusuceil that Me pstienta In Pittrboreb viillenror a ht walk to the rater eite. and fur their special accommodation he attest hie boom Umlaut r alien at the above place. forte 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Thirteen ream More and almost undivided attention to this branch of .p let practice. ban cabled hum to rented PLo treatment to rueb a ileum of ROM. SS to fond the meet contirmad w and otatinate mmeibed carer yield, br a f Coady at. minim to the ane ro. inite(' Valuable Lot on Third street for Sale. ir WILL sell' the Lot on Third Wee!, &d -ilatable the Velteisterp rstehltsbmtet seTtlat. 'Noble or Atte ono tads, rest the. Keels. lbws at the Itlsilant Fire Aftsapatty oa the other. The treat on Third itreet.te 44.31; tot, with a depth tatter! Second street of 80 tee, more or leee. There. Ls 84,600, ore tbatteatel to head, the he). ilte eee l:t ,Lbpandeetrine he Ta n ey t o l i b :Zi rose ' ee th. data at eel. The title Pt perteettrSent. C/lARLEB RULER. eellBlBst et the Oleo of Shales it C.. Poesth NOTICE.—IF MATTHEW LINDEN, the rmtiorr, tortoetly oflnn. in the oetnitS eeee- Ineal. and ono of 3tattheo lAadee. the dda. of 1..1=e riser, conteetlenet. owl who ettdrested to NenelfOn. in the Undol ratite of Millie.. 1 , 1 the Mr IVXL oilthee opplention. either le pent.e et br letter. to Chubs A. thermos. No. 3 Mall e(tact. NOW Yolk he will bent of tetturibloo to Mt adeatvore. To Gardeitero. . • FEW titres of Bound near the eity r sui rainv A l able ordenits. for We. ire of .le , 0 • L WILKINS 2 On. a beautiful ..Tow4ler. acr of Fourth. rge - assortment, Ord u( ervrt vcrigbilr of set. Ylar(=, LARD --12 bbl, in litore and for gale by ISAIAH DICKEY t CO., . 4Ta t !tont rta MW OIL of Bennett& Jones!' manufa tare, for fife b Ita-tItH DICKEY a CO.. .mlO - lister t trout O. ('TORN—dO bbls shelled; for sale by jelo F. r. VON 80NN1101.237 1 CO. CHEESE 35b00 for sale by Jew n. P. VON 1143NNITOILIT 0 CO. BACON -20 eks.. received and for sale 1 - 17 ken WICK 0 IVCANDLEM . 1 INSEED 01L—l0 bbls for sale ho .scio WWI: A NV/ANT/LE:M. CHOCOLATE -128 bon. Bostbfi Chocolate Ita4s br ir7o - WICK A sresstorrss. 111 RY 11ERIIING—for solo bv AJP R IO KICK A - 11'CAND1173. 4 ittASt-40 . nt,40711 . 11 4ff/re •sole PICKET A Water and Front /O. IaMT am eces desirable MITEZZI rale by o. ARBLMINOT rtOSTICCO -- -125 boxes sued of the 'best brand, 15, end Mto t SAL CO. Jele • Uwe, and Treat de. • Beyer Piano Preceptor. KLEBER hm just received Beyers' a seletratesl preceptor for (ha Flank Whkb b 1: weighted bg prekeslonal teen to UM country and In damp, to b e the best work of kind ever pistil/died. Boyer, well tuns. as idie 1 . 4 tbe . t sureoseful tomteean in no Rut ropily. has hen,' supplied a want long and severely kit by tbe musical public, Kai an elemental lidsk.progresolve and i n teresting ho the pupil. both to Ito elem. and tepee, thus greatly reellitallng and smooth. kg the sornewbat tedione and irksome first study of me tie and piano playing. The following who base examlikil the work; an rekt•red ' • nuteed. Loodmaan, rob.. to ' j. 14 !JOVE:RING'S SUGAR;-20 bble Lover ' idreevelebeid add prilevrivedengwvvit received w 1 We Itrer by WM. A.[XTLVII.II a W. brio 250 LheiT 0L Q. AItDINES IN BRINE.-111 kegs Sar aft”.. to brine Ottageleua)jOst reseed and foe age tooty ~•IIICLURU W. J 0 PIRESET TidbXe-41, :odic received at No. 256, Lawny at— linretto of eery napeetor et Ooleata. Lod yeara Teas. of tha loteett Itoot ate W very too by th e half ebeeetor poood by \ Mt. A. laTtllfeo a W. 1•10 firmer. oral Teo Doolors_ POT CLAY-7 coax Copley's Pot Cloy. No. H. JIM tt-e , a , t4 ...car wt. ty_ kdo a Pdllooa liana & OIL NjeEW ALL.CKEIIII.-14.i • 0 Lids N. 3; Large new mackerel jag reeelrai awl Mr "ale by , 0 8. A W. HARB&I.(111. 1V , 001.., NY I 2:CI.,—C ash paid for rho iiitigt go 0 , Kr"', r .m l " o. kW. II , i/(lft. L'noun—tio bbls. "extra" 4EI'IMT. .4 Wr Pale lby j. 40 N. l %...........1 MisAatarcturr •10 Water o.lagoi r n e lc. a t n : Ld l fo Ayro r co aa2.3 Latest Rub.libations '. -,. 'AI .. S!cy A T HOLMES' Lit' Depot. Third AV.:. I l l t:tigitl e gtr 41?.... ')\ ::•'.,‘- Thevator. . \ , . ~ ilechanka' klanaalne. um . . •N , . Lectures on Amnia+) by tn. .arl of Cgrllrl...) . / 'Atoll'. Living Am ho. WO. \. ' Hyper. Sturman , . for June. (a new .r_ .11 :Inn. :-.‘ .) ' - ( Another Supply of Superior ShirbAgi Xtte* ho, and kith Linen.l.l,r ILURPHY & BURCHFIELD hki:e'opeit ,d another aapply of choice make of sh u tting:Mao- O bow= linen., the letter warrant, all Ilex_ i m. t , , , ,n...,iz2 ~...1,17gf ,14% . ,at. , ; ,.. ern% .4 Sheeting muslin., nom one to three 1.;1 ' . wide. ar,.nr, ml ham). Aiwa olllow rem lanoline. ./en H AVANA SUGAR.-50 Ins white Ha myyr,jo.rt rem red and for ealoby__ BUIIIIIIIDGE INGULIA e 9 No. Ilt litter street. OAF SUGAR.-30 bbla loaf sugar (na .ostod muotoin)lbr solo by 11111NBNIDGIS & 1NG11111,131, No. 116, Water stmt. - - .WRITE SCARF SILKS. -A. A. MASON CO, have just eacelred yea %zanies ttile morning • VinoifegitaVinTir godid'biaib.min'"Va. which 'the attention of euttinsera i nnaltal as no. a 64. Malice st. 67 1. More New Lawns. A: A. MASON d. CO. have just received 4-• odo fa r . tr,At ni sea desirable brown rarl.%lV.G2 arli Mark:t e 747 .4M Teo'. Piano and Table Covers AA. MASON CO. would respectfully . call the attention of housekeeper, to their very ea• nue re anortment of richly ottoted and enhoned plasm and table , ooven. neorteel onion. AI., a very IseKe =p oly of linen and danisek table clothe. naPhln, ae., et No. G 2 and 64, hlarket street -------- le9 The Family Friend, • A BAKING preparation intended to Bil ls. perrale the toe ofen—which, when mixed with Boor, will produce le WI %b Te e none 11l or more losree of 4 lid emit ' then by the min of ) east The whole preemie of breed m od 6 6. b e fore being laird, duce not take more them IP Vl's= =Te l e= i•11ti07i 4 4 . 2 " 1= 66 ,6e.gr ma s l ot lu i llromrlee b ,•hori• ;Ityt e d ,i4 l c ln Pal erb...a,r"'" fi • = 1„,b 1 1,= l ifr z...rgr„eo7.. lit f mod ittendusble for ream eml eittatit will be found and elieep, sot toreettluu that them re be more del able—sod makes brown bread eren ore digettJble. at Mit 2+. sad r mug, PEI UPS 2 MATEIIB, t 4, North Fourth et Pblladel Lie. ,Agent for PidebtirElii E. E. Pelhius. 6y. We fit . Jeduilm and Mayers New Article for the Wor Fair! "IQ GIG GLUE, which cements wood, atone, shins, al.. marble , . queens..., oven metals, v ., von t t sgo bis Toys:undo. Ina short or time any Wl eis of bonito. =WI me rle oo rnA SS new by this cali brated And powerfal tetustit T. housekeepers of thi. sta. ore a.sily .111 i.. of its mod. and super. odsatabbity to their•pnrooses, und those who hots not . syied it an twitiestsd to do en Din house should ha with cot ity bouts of Livid mums no waroalug, la alwaydrawly fora...A mat own ht.rwenon with we, suy article, in bummer. Then is no wee for the -glue-wt, dto utochudni it Is areal blend.. Mitts. 11—the mos of the litates an unanimous in Omit verdict In prom of it. TOWS throw anything I E 7 wltiw 000 Whig WA 4 , rimmes aur with street. ut Pt. A 4 O '"--J-1110 ' J. CO. eor.t °sixth 44detc4,444 Anent for glisgheny city. JOILVDOUG haLDrumut jalkUm R SAtErHane Bilck, Fixinire tg DHIED BEEF-2,000 lbs jant re. ctiTad amt Zr wile by id a.lr—U• tom SUGAR -64 Ude, received and for sale by je9 i 8. W. EILELBA9OII. OLASSE3--100. bbls just receivad and Aar nile by . . jag B. IL TWIRLUGU. 1114ACKrslIEL---50 bbls No. 3, 1851, in tor We br 3N S . Van" ----- Ladieslladieill• Ladies! WOULD Son save Your furniture and ,oN Ile the TritLr ' and dra um Trt7r=t= hrbt Mgr he toilllant Oran rIT mg' P a` .V.A;ESS' BHII7SIT PL7I.II7rURE POLISH. A ale bottle rill rendre to rztraordlnarrlrrllliaraT ar mann Torattoro would vest $lO or $l5 to Iwo rorandsbo This •areot thlneor car t,. dealer. Sold In Wi tten, at 12K, 18U, and 25 ant. PRELIM aMAYNE& 71. North Yourthstrora ;burgh t. , BRAUN t NUM jlm B, corn of ly stmander IA 3 YE F I I • —%I rye our for sa e.y jag WICK It ICCAIiDLEES. ELV:irli Li) A j !, , ERA , T US- 7 31 can Balevcr CORCHINGS-s`caake prime on hand and 0 f0r..,. by .1.41 WICEt DPCA2MLE99.. VrIRGIIiLk TWIST TOBACCO —2O kegs far sale by JA WICK & ILVCANDLI23& H sal RlCice tierces for eby • WICK WCANDLEBI. ARD-12. bble Np. 1 Lard for sae by jr9 WICK & WCA2IDLII33 STARCII-40 boxes Bonbrtht's extra for enle br je9 , WICKt /MADLY/38. • I Ia IATT CARRETS.—W. has mas snit for sal. th. Isrost smartment of Tst• ammo erer Omen La this market Carrot Wasehonso Na; 7.lSourth at- RUSSELS CARPETS.,-W. 2.UClintock ji_p haw In Moro and for sale • lurr no.o ,l =nnt gUP. rile Brunsels Carpetr,_to which Invited. du attontlon of cortomork. CUrprt Wareitonso xd lb, toorduri.-01 fig, L OCO NATTING—Foi public . balls: an' IL/ Tobt¢o. In itt¢ti vad We by W. ?MU .1575 1 4. Jd Cupst Warehtrose, No. To. RABBITT'S SOAP POWDERS are now Weir well known as to mules no bedbug ,to se ll them. eis use the labor of washing to materially lommolL Al arnated not to not or Winn sloths. For wbolso oda sod retail, by WM. A. 'mum° ~ eel. 256, ety et. rFFEVESOING. COMPOUND, aubsti tots Comma for miring brewl.valit co solo e., by whale ..seinie of 13 per sent In Soar is etfeetnit. by WM. A. AMU A CO. i f o7 oPPEßAS.—:l l .ll)bill. for sale 4m7 g. e 46 br 1 • . ' , 47 ' No. ao, Wood et- TAR CIANDLES-10 lioza, prime arti I+ - 7 eh , . fix - J. Na 03.. •e 7 . • OD. Waal R AA EDICATED Wines and Brandiis, afresh luaut received sad for solo by' J. KIDD W. No. OD. Wood et. ' JAPAN VARNISH —3 bble. (Baltimoie) CP for nolo by J. KID No. DO. Wood O. CREAM TARTAR-1,000, lbs. for sole by 91 ) 6t. Wo t . . U DRIES- . . - 2 bbq No. 1. Lard. 4 do Gnaw. • 3 do Wow. i t ' lt rritra "- 1 bag sad tad% xas. wed: pr . 13 , 7 „ =L c 21 do: Rada landlujEfroai ablostar Fore ASAI.Au DICKEY s CO._ QPERM OIL-18 bblz i t i ttft for sale by Por riANNERS' OIL-2 bbl!. for wile_by Je2 'WI= • MeCANDLUS. *, O. 3. MACKEREL-50 bias. for sale b AN, .111.11 M DA LZELL. CS Wear ot. 1./ULLS' SARSAPARILLA.—A few dos " l "'""' tth ' " " a. N. WICKELSII.OI, Ja6 Caper Of WWI ad Sixth =sm. rt A NARY- SEED.-3,6001b5. just received I , OM th• PTA attlek of Bra? mod. Sbe B. N. VICARILSILAS. Jr; Owner of. Wood and Witt stmt. POFFEE.-300 bga. primeareen Rio COr- X./ for,ricelved sad for sale zonx wAn , a 00. . I'ISII.-5 6 0 0 bble. new o 18 d s . l,D T ickled Herring d 0 do • 30 Ulf bbls. do do. do don and for do b i d` [i ce JOLLT AVAST* 00. lIEESE.-31 bxz. Cheese, receiving per , L) Bra, end Ow eals lwr JAMLW DALUILL. iee No. VI Water et. I . ARD.-2,000 lbs. Lard, for sale on con,. Wwistiest by T. WOODS i SON. wd Yis. SI, Water st. . .a , EAT PLAID GINGIIADL9.— lurphy & . DatetilloW haws own this to smift.- "at of . ptyl. of ()Ingham, nut PUMA. stiel [hist— aWY new Driuts. of hew had basics= WY 62.1166= atm Lawns. DAM. Pciitins. of assiest sty alai llnd Gords, Is swat misty, web as thwhips de ain., Timms. Itt , ,_. - . wa- Sin. Owls ownihg almost &a/. S66 ILLS. --800 0 . 41 bleached winter sperm 211 11 900 tall . ford 4.10 109.11 1 1.000 •01 Mtn 1.003 011 .. 910 vbater Ii mon andlol , l9lo WILLER k 1.1 BICRITSOII, n y O9 212 =IA .Llberty ULAN ATION Sugar and Molasses z mu. p•lrtion= * "n". MILL • atcarrsoN. Non = 21:9 Warty sl. S UG House Molasses and Plantation "Yea. a 111019m0-4t. Jaatealletosry. • to MO. tar Plantation 80.. r. • On coaslOmett 504 910 . 4tea r* * I k 5 NO9 231 lefflUC6karrii• DICE.—'2O Rice in more and fur Ws by MMUS CKN. Nab 9= IRI =3, Li ETSO berty mt. DOMAN CEMENT-2 bble, for sale by S. F. TON BONHOICBT At CO. `TINE u AR-30 bbll....vtgegerriolgi.ll&l::l CHEESE -30 bxs. W. IL, for Nilo by • IoS EL F. CON CONROE= h. CO. RAISINS. -60 boxes 111. It Baia& 40 half do do HILLIS t BICKLISON. . N 00.421 a Zl3, Marti od. pLotat—to bbls alia► family lour. ' 90 do supiybbe do . • reore =afore& by Y 6 HILLER.* RICLITBON fiIIEESE.-28 boxes Cheese7;lllti ."''""""N',4 -l ox "^ 4`'" CIL.-- bls., , pare winter s irb b i t s y(CIIORIAKER &CO 4 \ No. 21, w...1".t. „ou t 111CISSTSON. ' gar ; T r ie . ii;iisl3l treat, Uy the Y. Ily- Ihe D .r"Vitter Ilsr 11 00 per Mo. st Morris' Tea Mart iamebd. lITE HAVANA & BRAZIL SUGAR. Übra. white. Ilavasul a sag. 0 br Bra? o. muse & RICKETHON. J 11n.Y11t 21.3. Lawny of. Lace Curtains. BANE just received, direct from the Im -.11.14.. • urr, •• of Lace Curtsies.. valet. 1 ledlLiper. Curtaln7=l Tramlava , WIC NOBLE, Thttel st ctc:oo4l,VlNre-500 Itla. for sale by lIIIBPILY LEI. , PS-3 bales, 40 inch, for sale by • II _ • 31131LPIIY LEE: ?TM TOMATOES ; hermetically sealed, .r.s.,:fr o 7r. r a j , . ..do?y 1. I"AlrlltT..l:42:„..th' iniffiED BEEF.—Evans Swift's Sugar Cum% Berf rAnvamil, for Ade b y_ WM. A. U'CLAI MI - 250 Litnalzr I,VOOL—Cash poid for Woolll po, MURPHY IL LEH Bonnets! IWnnOW! A. MASON •at. CO. would respect • NUT thette the attention of 'UM:WM to .crythe r superior suck of hew style lianteets telt hich they are ctsistantl2 addles tem 'Vieth& .he abase twAst.i will be eold et very low prise. by td oes slestle bonnet !Soft 02 end se Market. st 3.3 Anthracite CoaL 30 I t: r c..IS just received, a etmior article ° C u . r aTeVallerf r CO e 3 Cent BUIL IN SEED OIL-1500 galleßre, for mile br . 7. SCHOONXA & col CO., 94 stest. BORAX -6 canes Refined, for sale by id J. somoszeara a co. - AMP BLACK-30 bbbs. aimed, for sale by le3 .1. SCHOONMAKEIt CO. • NDIA & FOULARD SILKS—Just ree'd, add Itioal intyply of .have very cheap arut dear. 90di..0d r .lard Bilks. The above Onasta .111 h. dared out very cheep. A.A.A MASON M • OD, Jea arid 61 arket at LACK SILK LACE—We have just reed elen ,erply of the above deli:obi. Gordo, 61.11 for oak cheap. A. A. MASON A CO. 4.1 02 sod C 4 Market. eL iI j RIMPED RIBBONS—The attention of na . baserw i ta b respeetfully loTttel i to• very Ism .4 , - ;WA ft '7 io3 . A. A. HABoN C CO. 103 IRON--33 tone Allegheny, for tale by lea J. t R. nOTD. Kauai Church Duildltur. VINEGAR -50 bbls. pure Cider, for sale J. t ILTIOYD- I iI J OOMS-150 doz. Ohio, for sale by 3 .1. R. FLOYD. FlSll—Mackerel, Shad, and Herring, for sale by J 3 .1. FL YLOYI3.• AitM4Mllll7o9:M7c=nrlVl ANNERS' OIL-27 bblß. Bank Oil, for J. I IL /LOYD. OLASSES-200 bble. N. 0., for sale by iea J. FL ?LOVA „ 130TASU-30 casks pure, for solo by BACON -5000 lbs. Hog Bound, on couthgb men!, tor W. VT T. WOODS St SON. . DO G 1 Waltz a .• • HIDES -34 Dry Flint,sffirißlLuom BACON -7 casks Sides, for sale by , W. ILLKU/13011 InouitZ-10 bble. New Lisbon St= Miffs st.tortytor solo by -14 W. EAMIA.I7OH. is2armveltim=a 851: SPRINGARRANGEMENT. 4 51 _ . Porty-eix hone to Philadelphia. Forty-four tom to Baltimore.. Oil miles Railroad-103 miles Canal. urn?. ■on =au= a. CCIDOMBiI lA= TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND NEW YORE. Being free frogs the a.any changes end porteragee connected teith piece Lines. TwolktUy Mee Eapress Packet Boats. amem mow 931ECLIISTIOKLIE TOR PASSIOZORRSO TEAVN Pittsburgh for Johnstoani, thence by Portaceltallrced to • BOLISDAYSBURGH, Mae tattles el. NEW PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD, Two liundted ar.Mbire rain direct to Ta etas leave aray maralniaredsely at Eight delay. and every erasing at MILO boor. Ware to Philadelphia. 1111). Fara to Tialtimore. ta,75. do Laaeuter St do Martian= MOM - • Pa:wagers for Baltimore, Take Um York awl Cumberland Sallroad4 Ilarrlidetrit. o arrival of Cars a: that plane. Dielanra (elabir tmr Malta.)' Time. YOUR bourn. No charge for handlingßeggsge anima rode: me Core on WI route as now, and of (hr Pond apDeer ed for comfort and obi,. If you dadre amp Unrolling and . emnfurtablo secure. , mcdation. ware your tickets at J. P. HOLISTEat,-, , Nom. Iloun. D. `LEECH CO. ceaai zaa.rm anat. 1851 WESTERN 181 L TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. & CIY& - Edit .D, OAD AND 'CANAL PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA, BAT L I MORE, AND NEW YORK. • • Canal being i i njood — oider ice 'ate use and radtsdatiee to r the at t Or t e t l.Pl = ad the lowest carrot rates of dispatch. • Tbe boats N and retthr,=trU ao HA by the proprietor.Bill.elm are a' Ming trannaitted. and all nottractions M.*/ an Apply "4 et 'id nm HATS a BLACK. Prointaiot. Canal Basin. Penn Meet, Pittabarah. .1 14 • • LLARRIB • LEZett. PrwOrtrers • 00 "101" t*W; . 2's'i ; :114 SMITH a une.add, Asents. N 71, North et-, BaNistare. • PEASCa. AIM& Waded:het, Nen York FABE BEEIICED 1851... EWEN , .... . _ . 'IIONONGABILA EOM& • • Pia Broamalille and embalm:A - to Baltimore . . • ' and Philadelphia. - rt . :: MORNING BOAT leaves the Wharf • goo. to. Bridge dallr. gt. 3 o'ckek gratUtlY. 00... r. vim the cars at Combalaad nal gaorglng. - „ ' • • The mane 800. lame. daily (Among aosgl3/ • , :341; ::, ,, I=4,iotreeti with the ears at pamberland Tim through to on. 32 limn. 73. 00.17 33 ' TW•• th. o oo to olialL% GO hoax 030. Mi Th• Slalom* Haul Is 0.00 _goo& Dandustarg go 0010 the *wetea beim= eow - navff lit and Cumbrdand, 000 10 0 utaltea Mi. deckled! r a best mate Wt. . . mr,r ...., t 2 i1 1241 .. 1irzit ,... , ONLY 26 HO TO CLINEL&MX.„_ 18x1.... a 121§152. ... . MIIMILEIt MI aIIGEILIVIT IrETWZYN__ - : • PITTSBURGD AND CLEVELAND: 'EXPRESS I . l. a et end Railroad Line for I oninoa. - 41. of skap,b7, Memo. bead I bur ov gh to Beaver. eenatetiod .Ibn the elegautly tok. ttel Zeman harts ClorkevPszka • Co, tont Beaver ' th ; .... . ilartlitk. sal tee londid lam Hamm Cate of Os Cleveland and rittab 7/Isnad Co. to Cerelitffi. . . . PENNISYLVAN -....X...........--...3. Ileriltes. . NIAOAItA.-,-..- --:-..--......X. tem. ~". ....—N..ltaera. Steamers have laadlattadte the Kondosabebt sown, at 9 o'oltea. I. woo with tba Perbaurat Nam, whkb Will lea bneotdadedy on the mind of Cr . euesoar. arriving et von. In Woe betbeltnevattran or ca. kr tThreeland.: l'ass by_thle lbw ante* at Cleveland lo- time to talta the ballroad lA. of Rem= be 111311• LO on• Denim.. oral Oa steamers for ed. ao; Merida SWed.Oi beadneky My. Dualdric cod bile tie. evening titaln_oLealoVi r lior C Ml c a.n4 . ‘....?...' Ettcantrea. Pa. • • • W.I. MOOB.IIIID, 000 nada St. Charles 11°44 • O E M. HARTS. • • Sagthlidd rat Wator . , - - . =4L JlB5l. - 'l l iafig: . UNII ON -LINE - On the Penn, and Ohio Cana's. . PILISIVISC „._ .011%%?-tti, C11.470 . 11,D . ili) --- CLEMOint - bl - THIS well knor d Line is now -muer ia l to a MaillS 4 t_ too t ==s Canal cod Loki The fedlitie. of the Line me nneuthalionl in ber.posh 1 tfounit inpaitS of Ba. esserience of Cal , i '' . nod eh tons of asents. 00. Boat lams Pi migh end Cleveland dslir,ronss to emumetton with,( l T* of stemotsonts bemoan MTh. BUG li and BEAN and a Line of firstelameteenibonts minmetles end semis) n the Damn -. Parka • Ca,rocniiten, 04 - nn . n , IL B. Taylor Wemmi. O s ; h. it. N. CI. Newton Nals.o.; C. Premise, evem.. 04 Siestas% it Co., ameims. 0.; ' . .. • , -". 17,2 : attune-le d Co. Str .I NO . .. . . ' . , Wheeler. al. &tra„... 0,,.. - _ • - Itendernet it Pettibone, Banda/17 001.04 1 : Peckham A Soon, Talmo. o.lllllloms Alt th,__Detrolt. litnimemen • Co.,Stunanttle. WWiet .. O. A. (Abbe A Clo, Chicago, M.; . , -, -Th''" 13'4 ..41 itrAratiaturn .f. • ..I .or. r. Wets end x Smithfield stn. ••. •• ' TIORK—A tew - bble. prime, and a mall lot B°ll ' 11°". far " b Za. WJSinuia sONLI OTTER -5. Pack; • . • 6 bp ited. 7.L WATERMAN • 601%15. 'TOBACC"' O— " I. Sea bi Z: 1 kegs q:1011 . 113. , 1 Six ft 158 . W•ler, ard 11 78219'4f. B LOOMS -200 tone' Soft :rr enn. MESb for Baler by GiT 011,,10 bbla F NCg sl g or ett= NERS' 011.-50 bbL net receivin• •• • atul Ihr deny '/Allll5 DALLELL Water,. 4. .et received Extra Pine Oolong Tea.. arner's" lem H by. RICILETSON. US RECEIVED, at N 0.256 Liberty et., se t tiaTi n ft article uter . .fe l aglkfch we be " ill4=l44l=l:t au.ug. ,,, =AV. Bar rte., ot eryir rvetr, flZ lima 373( to 0 , 110. jleat u aled Irish Black laneorarractaa to , mak, """' auoa id I • Omen" Toe Deena VIIER'S PATENT FLOUR,. for mak tut Ikea, Pastry, Cake. a.: making the beet of . the adlition of cold water only. TWA Plow will te od the met antrantent and ebesdest that tut An Wed 110611.0allid r.p.......be 25 ...IA- b , but , r kiwi eed tnekloir the Tent lumpier Deed. Light 1 otry, ags, Oako. to.. with a Irma ming of time and Aron 1. Tito &bore L. pot up to aatrantent abed ap t twe of 3 and OLIN" ebb roll dlreniona Ow nea. To a . ea WX, A. iIIeCLUEG I OD.. Grows azat T Dean. .tTort ' to . 4= . of 3 and*. IR BRICK —` 2O.O OO best ire, in tam • • tor nale by JAM EZ DA B . mral 63, Wages ot. Q,AL SODA-350 maks Sal Soda of on o • make, Ibr oale at reduced prion4 b • BLYNCM, MARY !Co. Water stmt. FaLl Melodeon!!• • • I BILEB.ER lum just reoaitrea.o. choice lot f supeilor Cseintrat's Melodsonf. toannllsetZ ' Tint . r! O. tutn if notehls=dpon Aglesl 'oven mad It Is now reaneslly nonowled ant b• mains b. ouson. th• eounfrn both lb r nnlsla etellnews and besot/ of ton. and tooth. Mom/ ottlera • nettle Meitlleon, sezoll fr t, roams* A&• •• 6,51 Third street. al go of the Gold 11/tip -- fele Agency lin the above "Losllonwsts.' 4, 4 w m E, 30 FLOUR-8 bbla. for sale 1;1 R. DALT...ELL OM, Lauf) st. et HUSE-50 bona good W. EL, tor's:deb aff3o IL DAIZZLL & CO. SUNDRIES -2 bbis. No.l tart ... i " Orau 111 bap reetherx 21 . 'wan • !bap D/eIADDIS ISAIAH MCKET.II CO.. .Wster and Front es. - SALT RETRE--01) bags (Crude) for sale b myso w.. Y. WILSON. .*I.I=,IIMaMICS QA1.12 PETRE-20 kegs (refined) for sal by W. F. WILSON, =l3O 147 next. a=llls Bssowl t=DID FRENCH PAPER HANG INGIL—GoId. Gold .01 Velyri, Bootee. Tapestry sad Prenutt Papa , of various qualitior. and to raft the ouruccatances of almost arm data , 4 ' Itrandies, Wines. am. • gAVING completed arrangements' with Moons in Ikeda= and other European Qtios, for execution of Iny orders, 1 an Urns enabled to tear to %atom at • small drama Geer tot W portation ecat., BRAE Digs, INES, and tm of the facet dominate, 1 "" Attention 11 invitadlo la 7 list. ma below 110 poolatreausga t d urt liteballoßrandies, lD 78 siurdr. woke %gold. andloma %wide% Ins al tro ve qi...ZlLdeL l / 2 077 vide. r•A Port Wines. part y tdd and ouporior.' 300 biomes Sporkling Cisamiteane, won known Wanda 100 tom Caws W lvarious brand s and vintage. 100 cam Swum and Wistagro of. .O ld noutern and Claret • 1 0 yip. Holland sad Wanda= is 1 purdluaddi Old %doh and Utah Whisker.. superior Old Jamaica Eur. 90 ems mrsmar London %yarn Stout and !notch AU.. With • eatuttant imply of Imported Liuors, nen as kt". 9290, Outeosa, Litetto, Clurn7 Erwe 1. lugs 'lief IrAraisu SWAM slwaya on hard. All imU r r eh •111 titer on wt.? fale lawns. s. ' - will toe arecated with despand goasedirind at meat Max. • d. % a S.ll.d. ' ' • lowanw and Dealer, 00 Walnut eirett, • aollklawgraterel DIG' IRON-240 tons Ben's creeks necti bahlb Nth by ROBIOXIN a r k b *OCL, 41ARBilt i 'Double Befinedßileratne; rtmsr t " m ne7 lo tt:es; ), =- Sst limo& lib Sibbabb. B. T. Babbitt'. Celebrat d Soap Powder. WASHiIiG .witboAtlnbor Warm:dna V to take Use esthete I v : table Munn ad sew that. DEMI3OIB Von 13a.—Pat cloak to a eabditel gosatity or Bold nage to corm Unto. then add - two bade, pooarob of Ole Poop 'Pemba b enc.h at emote or water I lthaler ti g.. th giere m gtetg.d . l:4l . Lone tb Ld pens the:odours with armlet, _then ant theta In e tab sad . catocct cola WELL, .10 Xna= 4 lllllllol. r. hustle. Then nth the OLT 0 CUM •VMS. aln tom. unvonsti nan,v. rod. nut I. satiainrei ne > iasin 11 a.m.; it t. anthem vcry lirearZiDll DO had ter AIR 1.01119 row. do. ' The sans tarot thw =taut teed roX teed two rents. to mate • wednag of ten temethw. • Irefrented Loth rota woe th e einh. Thle le a Powder that enema nth math tveleetnunte I-est Maly haft Both Dratcrsone anarte waxer ant mix the Powder with I asthma bu, ear 1=1 : r tbth add e n quarts road oaten the them end e Lt - g•Dy where ft will not [new Swa th d it will be very thick sad thee White 80110..4 will ma welkin:li will not eat the. hands nke other tot 2 , ons, nor ne. the cloths. , Can to 6.../ with Urn wain wan . . nv mahout Ow erudite Into eir., onsets taster! of - The van tow best adapted ha enabling oath* tad woollen Worth • Seth aboleale end entail h 7 P- SKI.LERL /47. Root et. THE GREAT KENTUCKY REMEDY!: DB. JOHN BULL'S SARSAPABILLA! I T 14pu t up quart b e o a t r te d s: i 7 e s an . d = con ri nnh isme m u me m im Prim ler per bottle. or els bottles Its See OIL t: .. II Ime helm a tre/1 atebliehal feet for TOW pelt. that Sersaperillaorben pure end moterlyirreperrd. mte the only mu plumes Door ell Ulmer mistuat tram mt pure KM. of the bkni. ttes • me of mercury: intericattes evi2 JOHN in milk, terimmem, Le. lee beMi7 'eurat thee 8.1.13 Z.77144CT Or SALRALP.k• VILLA is the cady preperstitm betas the public Met be ;Tapered co etricity Wadies Matilda ab 4 of gmAtt. The Yeamparilla 4 perchamel tritheut "' A t b• strictest r="rre, eistita t Leese tying asect: irogrieoraportll —. oho coatasti the virtues of myna Mar w , vabL moats. topthor trodor bait mot. =ringing the grossed ,eatati - so agent titbit WILL cuss wmtour • Fordo.% a0.1011q = 4411. Caton, Tama. Erogtoo of W S Skin,. Quante Eon Eyck yarns IN Scold lift ' thokcolosto et oil? . =1 . 31, • ot t eVtthoodo,Bie Kktorro,', the ass of Paln In the Skh and Ltd- - ' Jalapa*. Coetteenmae Thtwa . Broaelts k lkaatis, Cada. Wwwtot th• hew, Mammary A ....,.... and all other awitactenellaa. to PILODUCT CONSUMPTION: Ple l 'Vand.ll.l'erneoe4 P . 'l. Me 'lga liptytte " , NVt.= 'iehtswom.Laradmees . niitti. Chrogunwar.Owatt=the, .. rreltrealtmon. mat gentle and plemant Isa:Pawe ga? . •epetior to BM. hick .et Ow:Stem 'Wm. WM. as *=-- - , Trirrxxomp., The tbllowlng lithe Taint Lin copy of emilloate new In the . 0 . of the hnnaleter or mann dansTalilla.— dor. E. W. dam is widely and asstersilEteadli Mao sloquent sad sesdatplished what thead. M. M.* ..4 -- an. Et. Swam= tua twat known aaFe of th• mats tel. anted and trio n mat., that the t=ky Confammee enedd bout oftbs many yimm and MU time tit fdttatt ?ookble="War't tgewoV;r2tarer'eL,thOelLeaefi .usfutor7 pSdlamy fa UM o. my notannet - r B etter aladdaday a= was Eno O ff end in Furor of - . _ . Any Medicine. - . at,. 8 W. anon-Ba7. N. Memos. 1 W. ban wed Jolla:WI Ss:mama; and an Kb, Cs ad, with • sulehetken Ma Ire bars as DM Ststisa la stain Vaal.. !warts td.to be IL of sad Sala. side and catetannd. mod mk.Wated tantotnewenten oaf *mirth.. amen Foltados: and watt th e ehrerrolly and meet earnealy nentomeed It to the a, Mated (Sigma -'Y. W. SIMON 8.: BTECSYBUSi: - . . • . .f.EIoW well scl,alie "Wiese beautiful whit. Ala. sad a . -,.. . roe/ colonel cheek.. liew often doer. ewe cw= d aut Jr; , imemieurttda "dasklatedoutt Ix, devoutly to emtl _to cooteatlea„ lotkow, tetub .. = , . towl *Ad.& .: 1 tuale, to nature to th em • of vb./paean hat &Defied them of. sod that too, with Cued. m 7 to . .t U the " flulY.• 13ma a rtila . le tbe b,ese eacoetio Mal t ... , _ g= m rl=l,stattergout the blad=hrtryor.. , . healthy, • wet elatenua, siting saliva,. to awry metee' earl, sad ehaagiogltta 'allow aud ark ecautoashos to - tha Woo= sad fredutses of Touth• L.dtw , .b.hdoh tb. um of valet. sad - mixtures. sad rue Butre fiarsaptaill., Meanly effectual r emedy. "A wont lo the vise is ma. , chair amt a hint is sum& to the ladies. - .. • . • _ Tatiinony Like *IW/owing, Renders Superflivitii ) a Commit on lb. .Etreg. of Bare Sarso- 1 p,.. gv.y. 1. Ifiructs., Profaner of ChetchteT it , lb. l • ' - 1 "I hem Oltad ot Je• a the /ist of Ledkal ingieut. _eatuwatlaeg Jobs BulYaOsturouseihatraotef Bar,etita..huhae. no ' - 'beteitaihst ha myths that. th.y feria a Ws otatrotoul..hd ow thetaromix. wall to throttle dlactusee ‘D ta whlg Itia ;., "auxw 6.184 a - SiredirPriatilssantswash , sodas: oats as Lew , .• uwass iterine tassensas, saw or BU L L'S &AMAPA- Soc - 1" .1 have gumbo" the yremertptiou for ties yeeparaties of - b eau Bull% Batspuilla, and 1 beneet the eatabtuattouto 4 :1 bee t u asoelleettosts, sod well