The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 14, 1851, Image 2

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Ponmensp BY WHIPS I CO
.844,TURDAY,M0114411 , 10, JIINE ; , i 4, 1851
Ainktumge and Widg Optuityt
WALT)/ ?OR WARD, or Peebles.
arsterarr -MUM or =rarer coca,.
rizNIL Y' s WILLIAIIB. of Pitts
..'nurrorrr ..(310{ or °waver
WM. D. M'CLUJIE. or Pittobargb! *
assonraz.r m ..m ismr WT or guLarta mamma, lc.
THOMAS L. M'IIILLAN, of 61Mghear.
7r 0 0T111% . ,,
1:. 71' 28,1" ham
ISAMOSL FAIINEBTi.XB, of fittrlougb.
'ALEIC-' RICII4R.DISON, of Allegtuoy.
JOHN V. ROlVLJigif. ` of ' Upper fit.Clalr
• ••,, • ' catrsgatiiist.
HOHISRT KIN°, of Pittsburgh.
• .strunvgi
JOHN P.MEHICH, Weatidlei.
• • -, Visitors to' the World's Fair Live written so
much io'praise of the splendid parks of London,
that drianiioeemo to hive . . been created on this
side of the water for the same means of recrea
tion enjoyment, and health. Philadelphia
Las some fire or ail very pretty public squares,
••- - hut the' whole of them put together are not equal
to - to one quarter of Hyde Park ; or Legato Park,
1 London. New Fork has still mare ground dovo-'
ted to thin purpose, but the largest of the public
Nuares of that city are but "patches" compan
y "Cli with the Parka of Loudon, and now it is pro
to purchase and lay out upwards of two
hindred floret of land, on the banks of the Hud-,
• , ton, about midwaybetween the southern and Ole'
• northern extremities of the island. The
is . estimated at one dollars. .IVe
it ilia been determined upon. , •
• - To come nearer home:- Our lister city, Alleglie.
ny, is well supp lied with OpeiL . ground, '
: - for public prOurenadeS; no known bylhe viery
unpretending names of Eastd Veal. North:. sad .
..C.onsmons." They are yet nothing Lad
‘01:112001,1S, although capable Of being made;very
- beautifal promenades; and enclosing as they do
a large poi:than of the city, like a great square
block, they are accessible alike to all the pope-
Julian, 'whether residing on the inner or outer
purlieus of the town.
This city IS as yet destitute of public squares.
The, adutl growth having greatly exceeded any
' thlng that was anticipated by the original found
; ern, and baring spread abroad by the addition of
the mass of lots after another, no provision was
for, these very . desirable promenades and
breathing places, free to all the people. Bat we
think it to not too late to secure sufficient ground
meth the heart of the city, 'of which to formm
quiet,lshady .-treat trim the heat and dust of
our-.compact . city, to which i the weary may re
pair for rest and refreshment, and in which child
. hood may indulge in unconstrained gambols.
A pretty little promenade might also be made
at the "Point," somewhatresembling the Mate
: ry, in New Tort. Frain 'that point, the viedi - is
beautiful; and no place around Pittsburgh is freer
from smoke and dust. '
tuonox'a Pexosemx- 'run NIL; &c.—We
knell amp better treat to an educated and think
ing mind, titan to - spend an evening at the Athe
neum, where BIS. Glidden is nor exhibiting kis
fir famed Panbrams'Of the Nile, together with a
great number of curiosities, and some mummies
exhumed from the tombs and catacombs of.ancient
Egypt. The pyramids; the stupendous . rains of
cities and temples ; that mysterious River, exhib
ited in full-Rood; the trpecimens of the people of
ail classes who now inhabit its banks; the rata
rads,' tbe islands, boats, rafts,. =phase, all,
taken together, forma group of interesting Oh
:. Jena trap or to any thing it has been our for
tune to witness
- And if you go there, you will not be bored
iitls'stale platitudes, repeated for the thou
. maidth time, in a draw - Eng, slug-song style, too
coalition at exhibitions otherwise interesting; but
to plain, - sinsible man, .who has - spent the greater
part of his life among the scenes he is exhib
iting, and whose education enables him to throw
mach light upon these most ancient of human
nil' talk to you„ in a pleasant, agree
-able atndn, and tell yob all about theta. This
I ,' mans Mr. Gliddon himself.
We eubjoin an extract from a lively article
written on the same subject by the editor of the
Rictunond Examiner. He says: •
"But it should be remembered that the light
credence has only yesterdaysupersededthe dim
',lantern of the flippant tourist and the smoking
toreb of the wretched Arab. The last twenty
years luoie added =into our knowledge of Egypt
than IS missed in all the books of all the tray
acts' from Herodotus to Stephens., We have
• named these two nuthors as types of , old and
eredulons simplicity, and Of modern corcombi
ca friPPenoYi--ilcsy are equally ignorant and
:;• - unprofitable ; anti the sum of all that can be
fginnedi from'the hooks which date between them
is, that the monuments are there, and that we
know nothing,, about them.
Nothieg more than a vague description of gi
gantic: and knoncievable muses of architecture,
can be glear;ed by the reader from the common
hooka aboat.Egypt. History, tradition and even
have; Mink with a baffled and exhaust
-- ed wing into She greatgulf of time which :divides
. the Phonetic from Sultana. Even Greece and
Rome are Wags of yesterday when we think of
„ Leixerand Ranee. Pliny and Girdle knew no
more about the Pyramids than Simpleton Ste-
phens and the somatic 'airs. Romer.
But. the . discorery of the hieroglyphic alpha
' bet Ma rtsrolutionised our ideas of ohe gr ee t
i.. t hinin l if e •
e of the globe. The - history of
primeval world is as fresh a thing in the lit
' .'itsttme of to-day as Idacaulay'n England. The
Si:mitts Stone was the seal of the strangest let
.. airarhich ever, passed between the two extremi..
' r lied of the harculn race. That seal has been
'relied,- and the story of Egypt is unrolled in our
wirtidey for the
. first time. The riddle of the
BPhyex is read at last. Memnon has found his
' Tolce;=ep e aka ho more a melodious babble;—
;, tells a tale old in two-serums, -and only too Intel
ligible and plain. We can know more about the
ancient Egyptiahs than we care about the citi
zees of oar own city. Each mummied man of
Joseph's, administration beam on bin undecaying
shrosollhe private and public history of,
the iisey of his griefs and joys, his hopes and
f secret morals and his (pen habits.
We Itnow how they ate, what they drank, how
they- Made lore,; bow they hated, whom they
dreaded,' what they believed and what they wish
' .ed for. We know : their private pleasures, their
. public trothks; their science is ours, and the
_hidden mysteries : of their priests are perfectly
patent to the generation which came into exist
ence three thousand years after their own race
bad disippeired from the bead-roll of the na-
Snoii Bazars AND PANTN—It would be an
! =using tisk, and make a carious chapter, M
1 . gather up all the sayings of the press, in prose
' and Terse, upon the 'subject of the new style of
dram A decided majority hare so kar voted in
the afErmatire—or as a chairmen wouldsay, "the
ditors akirt. and Turkish !roarer* hare it." From
;nll qua .
rters we hear of the debut of some eon
:rim" far wit* and we. think we may eafe
y ly anuomice that the innoTation is advancing ea.-
! . pidly. - are in the midst or n revolt,-
. . -
1 ' our Gin notice. of air.` Gllddon n., exbibi
1 . tion was in type before we received one il:ms.
writer Whose name is not given. • His remarks
F . but it is not necessary o insert
I P 413821 1 .6 TER Guertin rforie....-One of the ed,
Store, of the Albany Evening Journal Who Min
gone to the London Erldhition, era the follow
big ,description of - passing muster at the Cristo
name, Liverpool: ' •
liear4 , all our passengers had from one to three
hundred cigars etch, and some of tta a moderate
; drapply of Johnny Gott's tobacco. We found it
impolselide to learn, on the ship, anything in re
; gard to the quantity exempt; but most of us were
-se:Meade& that we should hare good- opiortn.
city-to lam
Alter a , tedious ; delay of two hours, we had
the satisfaction te see our luggage in the Queen's
't Depot." : The paMenger list waa - handed to-the
etueera; who promptly began to call the roll. As
is name ameannouneed,lheyemen representing
; it tooted into tho enclosure, in:docked =Lanka
and- handed them-over to the inspection of an
examiner.: Nearly every tweak contained taboo
! co in some form: and one or more roininti of
I.Engliedvbee ; The latter were 13.IIMFeqlOrd0118,
ly thrown esiateito be burned, ,Theyiro not al,
lowed to ; paatent_sity price. There .were ootlam
than tw hundred volumes of this descripbort.— , ..
The tobacco; be whatever form plat 01)A1'
scale, MO it weighed over Asir t!,Poundt war!
subjesteek to • dertyof nine shillings aterlitquiLer
fmold. :All the?' 'old -stapes' leaned tp
stand this. ',None c them bad mar e than air al
lowed gaitity In their trunks. ! , :lf they we r e
the fortunate possessors of more, it Was stowed
away in theircost pockets. My cigars ireiyhed
atkindandiiitalf, upon which Thad the plea
snreof paying s duvet' fifteen shillings sterling!
relish them hereafter
One of our fellow passengers, anxious to - , get
through pound of favorite fine cut, distributed
Uhl Mali parcels liabis east pockets. . Those in
his tight bodied orer-coat, which, ho buttoned,
projected more .than was -seemly, and attracted
the attention of one of the eagle-eyed attaches
- .of the Custom Honse. The resulewas a gentle
top on the shoulder, and the folloaring dialogue:
Officer.—. Have you my tobaeco about your
Tighaeoat.—l have. ' -1 " •
Officer.—Mill you please let-me ktee it?
Tight-Coat.--Certaialy. jfianding out one of
the parceled
Officer.—Have you say more about yogi per
Tight-Coat —Yee [Handing clot a second
Officer. —This is contraband, anCyou, have
subjected yourself to a fine; but I will not.- port
you. [Handing back the parcels.]
• Tight.coal.--Thank you.
[Man.—When you want to smuggle fine oat
tobacco, don't put iu the poekets of-a tiglit.bci
died overcoat, or, if you do, don't button the
- I had several volumes of'American books, a
copy of Burns; and one of Bulwer's translation
of Schiller.. The latter paztled the examiner.
Be looked over his printed list five minutes to
ascertain whether it was among the prohibited.
Bat it did not appear to have been copy-righted,
and he permitted it to go on the scale with the
rest They all weighed eight .poundar - uPon
which I paid s duty of four pencehalfpenny per
' I was entrusted with the bt'und volumes of
the several newspasers in the State, for the' Ex
hibition. They were very • carefully pocked, in
a large box. I gave its contents and supposed
that they would be permitted to go through-gra
tis. But the box was broken open, the volumes
unpacked, placed on the scales and,the duty as
sessed at 9d 1.2 d peilb. They weigled; with the
various public documents and loMd pamphlets
which accompanied them, some 160.0 r 200 lbs.
~This brought up the duty prodigieusly, and I
protested against it. /it • first MS examtner
saw no remedy; but on appealing to a superior,
ho consented to permit them to 'pious on
tion of some $2l:/.. This was more reasonable,
and I paid the duty. If other articles intended
for the Exhibition have paid, proportionally, as
high a duty; the revenues of the, kingdom will
ehow,a handsome figure the present year.
What appeared matt unkind and unreasonable
was the duty exacted upon daguerreotypes.—
None of the passengers had more than three or
roar, and yet each bad to pay a duty of from
twenty.fiee to seventy-five cents. I noticed that
none of the young bachelors bad' my duty to
pay upon these articles. I inquired of one of
them, whom I Imew.luid a picture of a young
lady, bow it happened. “Wby," said he, laying
his hand very exprmsively upon his heart, "I
never carry that daguerreotype in my trunk."
;The young lady, of whom this piceire was 'the
counterfeit presentiment,' had a very Long letter
sent to her by the first ateamezi r.
Malty of our fellow passengers manifested a
great deal of ill temper during-the 'Queen's De
pot' master. Englishmen profess to be the
greatest grumblers in Christendoin; but when
in the humor, a Yankee is hiscarat in grum
bling, as he is in most of the vices and in all the
virtues of our race.
. ,
The correspondent of the New To* Tribune,
under date of. Map 26 given the following sketch
of the Amur:Mau in the French National Assem
bly, It is not surprising that the people .of
krarice terrified at the prospect before
P 411.18, Monday. May .IM, 18.51
For • the lasi three days we have had stormy
discussions in the Assembly. 'They have been
tempered like the orgasms of .the Constituent
Assembly. Compromise is out of the question.
Attack, defence, crimination, recrimination, must
be the order of the day, wound up occasionally
by "a descent into the street," unless the claims
of privilege beset sable. On Thursday last, the
question before the Assembly was to decide whe
ther the proposition tending to refer to aSpecial
Committee nilpropositions .relative to the revi
sion of the 'Constitution should be taken into
consideration. The following are extracts (rem
the debate: • • . - •
"The Legitimist party had of late thrown off
the mask .and openly declared that the whole
question now lay between the Monarchy and the
Republic. He (M. Sairafier:Laroche) was ((UR!,
ready to accept the:strut& so set forth, and hii
friends and himself would be found prepared to
defend the Republic to the last extremity.
moose applause on the left, which lasted some
time.] ler the last two years what spectacle
had been given to tho country! The Republic
betrayed, at least, neglected and abandoned by
the men whose mission it was to defend it.
"On the Left.—lt has been betrayed—that is
the word. [Noise.]
"Had not the true Republicaim been hunted
down and condemned for imaginary offenses?
Had not the voice of the Republic been con
temned? • Were not all employments in the
bands of the friends of the Legitimist party—
that party, which now, at least, had: the merit
of speaking out plainly, and declaring what it
aimed at? Where were the republicans during
that' distribution of places? [Noise.' On the
Left--In prison. On the Welt—Just where
they deserve to be. Immense agitation. ' Fierce
protestation on the Leff] ' • Had one of them re
tained the situation which beheld otter the Re
volution of February? [Laughter.] Were not
the Municipal Councils threatened with dissolu
tion the moment they showed the slightest ten
deacyto defend Rerablican Institutions? Every
thing proved that an earnest desire was felt to
aid the Monarchial parties against the Republic.
And what had the Monarchy to put forward in
its favor? Was it the times of Louis XIV and
the magnificence of Versailles? Was it the
Onerous taxes which were then so arbitrarily
levied? Was it the glories of the Empire? Was
it the oft landed prosperity of the last reign? He
would ask if it were worth while to disturb the
Republican institutions now established in order
to go back to the barren times of the Monarchy?
M. E. Guraann; said be thought the proposi
tion of IL•Norin as grave as he thought that of
M. Mouton was of little importance. What was
its object? Apparently to allow every.propoei
'lion on the revirlion of the Constitution to be
fairly discussed, but in reality, as M. Morin had
just admitted, it concealed a battery. M. Marina
proposition may be acted on as often as you
please. You may repeatedly bring forward the
same motion for tevision, but as long as you
cannot change the figures, 562 and 188, the
tbree-fourths and the one-fourth of the Assem
bly, you can do nothing. [Sensation.] What
is it (to the Right) that you want by bringing
forward such a proposition' at the present mo
ment? If it is to excite a feeling of hatred
against the Assembly and lead to another May
15 and Jane 13? [Loud interruption on the
Ri g. L itunittrt„ from his place.—No one on this
side of the Assembly'was ever known to descend
into the street in arum against the Government .
[On the Left —Order.]
N. Grasamw.—The men on oar side only de
scended when there was a necessity far doing
se. [Loud interruption on the Right, with cries
of 'order, 'he defends insurrection-']
On the foft.—Go on, Girardin.
On the Right.—M. le President, call him to
order, Ac. &c. [Frightful commotion.] M. Gir
ardin gesticulates to the Right, who are furious;
they rush to the foot of the tribune. M. Hens
tier, from his place. I said, in answer to M.
Girardin's remark of one wanting to lead to en
attack on the Assembly, like that of May 15,
that no man of OUT party and Views would ever
think of descending into the street, with arms le
their hands, against the Government. [Hear
M. E. GIitAILDIS.—No, you never ventured to
take up alma to defend your colors. [Tremend
nous interreption] -
Tus PIISSIDERT.—I .tannt remind the Hon.
Representitive that what be is saying is nothing
more nor less than anencouragement to factions.
M. E. 011uaDIX.-lom eurprised to hear such
words spoken * and the epithet 'tactical'', applied
to men fighting for what they conaider their
eight , [lnterruption." lam surprised at tech
language after three revolutions and two insur
rections in favor of the Republic, [applause, on
the Lam for the conquest and fruits of which
We are now struggling—lgreat tumult; exclama
tion on the Right; loud approbation on the Left]
and may add, to defend which we are prepared
to descend into the street [fiemewed interrup
tion; loud rthrapprobation on the Right.]
The proceedings here were suspended in con
sequence of the tumult; members furious at the
foot of the tribune.
The President called the speaker to order.
Gm/amts.—l only replied to the interruptions
Which were addressed to me. e • It is true
that day after day petitions are being circulated
by. the police, by.the gendarmes, and every other
agent of,the Government. Everything Is done
to Induce the public' to expect a manifestation
against the Monthly, but all *will be vain,
Thle is the style of debate going on. And in
the debate on Saturday on the National Guard,
N: Bonaparte led oftin a Democratic speech.
General , Grammont *declaimed against the
Nitional Guard. Re read an extract to show
that the National Guard have always taken the
side of revolution.. As it opposed no resistance
on bey. 3, 1794, on May 29, 1795, on the 'l5
Venderandre, on the 18 "Brumaire, so' FebruirrY ,
24 it allowed the Republic to be proclaimed.
The Minister of the Interior, Lean Faucher,
made a spirited defence of the National Goat*
Fad' the sitting wooed pp with- the censure bag
applied to M. Valentine for his contemning the
authority of the Monarchical President of the
For the Gccette
Adopted by the Bak/Tr/own Temperance Society,
Jiuu 1115, 1351
Whereas houses, or plates of resort for the
sale of intoxicating liquors, as a common belie"
age, furnish strong temptations to youth, anti
also to prisons of mature years, whose habits
are not decidedly temperate and - religious, to
stray from the paths of rectitude and propriety,
add, Whereas, in our midst, either in our vil
lage or vicinity, public sentiment does not call ;
for such a home, or houses, for the.accommoda-'
tion of the public; there being in our village an
excellent, and well furnished temperance house,
nor for the industrious and virtuous classes of
the village end surrounding community; but on
the contrary are and must be considered a nui
sance; injurious to oar best Interests; and'uPPo
sed to our sense of moral obligation to God, and
the commonwealth. They are and have been a
source of uneasiness to parents in and around
the village, lest their children should be con
taminated by thUblasphen3y, and the evil exam
ple of drunkenness exhibited by, the lounging
patrons of the barroom—and, Whereas, there is
no room to-doubt that if the sale of intoxicating
liquors was entirely abated in our midst, the
comparatively few who are devoting themselies
to destruction, and by their evil example, doing
injury to the rising generation, would be recilsan
ed, and our youth kept from the pollution and
vice of intemperance. .
1. Resolved, That in our several places, we
will nseull moral means to indlice the whole
village and vicinity to occupy temperance
2. Resolved, That our Court has the hearty
thanks of, thin Society for the impartial adminis
tration of the license law at the March term;
and especially in refusing to grant the applica
tion for tavern licenses from our village; which
application was contrary to the moral sense
almost our entire communty.
3. Resolved, That any house in our midst for
the sale of intoxication drinks, Is unnecessary,
and contrary to the moral sense and feelings of
our village and surrounding vicinity, and that
as citizens we will remonstrate against every rip
lieation for tavern license; because the accom
modations of the travelling public do not, require
such a house, and because it is' a disturjziog
element in our midst—injurious to good morals,
by furnishing accommodations for such an dis
turb our peace and do injury to our hest and
highest interests; that no man here can keep a
whiskey house except in violation of our license
4. Resolved, That we will not •
vote for the
elevation of any man to office, whether in the
Legislative, Judicial or necutive Department.
without having evidence that he is a map of
sobriety and temperance.
5. Resolved, That the Secretary be militated
and instructed to send to the editor of the Ga
zette, a copy of the foregoing preamble and re
solution', for publication. Attest :
JOHN DICKEY, Prealdent.
Taos. C. Grooms, Secretary, pro tem.
fifirt? - 31cLANE's Ursa PILLC—In offering
this medicine to the public. the am.pluk.".4. , .en awan
that they hare to el:mounter . hortility generated by the
count!~ imeceitions which have been palm., upon the
public under the shape of patent medicine.. We are eon
rinsed, however, that it is tally neermat7 to ere thehr re•
mealy.. trial to place It in public estimation far shelve all
medical agent of the kind ever °dared to the public. It
is the invention of an enlightened. experienced. stellar..
.1 physician, Who the many years wed It In his own prac
tice. when Its great mowers natural Mat to arse It to M.
public at !arc. ;
For tale by J. kiln, a co.
No. PO, Wood
Foreign and American Htirdware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
A full salmon& tourtoek of A/WON 421,'7) JAI:RICAN
Boilable fot th. Junius trade, nod which they aro ',mond
to Ofer to purchaser. at tams that will =moat.
Cavoratir with auto(tb. oaotorn tick.
gentery family ahauld at otter procure 3
battle of We mat. Arabian Itionedy for ureaae beast, call.
led U.O. Varmint Aral. Lisarnesst...' It alleys the mod
intense paths In a few nilmitee, restonm the tome at bald
aslant wader, and thus cafes stiff jolting It penetrate* the
fifth to the hone, relaxee contracted cords, mina rheum*.
Wm and paek,l Dosive of twenty. year? standing; also.tus
toms, swelled neck. enlargement Of the gland., and is the
ben medicine for ailments of cattle ever dtwormwis eating
eweesay„ narks, splint. mid elf diseases ebleb esquire an
maternal application. - See advertisement
LIKE OIL AIIOVE WATEILLThe Oct. man can tell •
gaol =edict. by testi.. H. as duck ua Dr. can teU aimed
Dauer by rating It And U onwman thee tt, and finds It .
poor. It will destroy the populseity with the 'thole iity.
Yoe can't lutroduce a medicine into popular am tickle's it
poesemes 'tally substantial • irther lee boos t ; bed effects
of vs/ Id objeetluos, and It is this fast that established
the vaporetto., of `Ltrill's Compound Fluid Ea ram of 8.-
saparilla. - 00 . .4 all cairn or dimes. Its action upon
the human system is in annuthusee With ratiotle and phi-
Princthiws-it Pronathee the varionS weretimos
and exertions of the holy. obetenctiorn, displaces
morbid and diseased manor, etrefigthens the stomach
awl digesthe organs, crates new, pure, and healthy
blood, and reffulaties the various functions of the different
organ. of the body. This ball performed without the
Daft danger of hemm , the preparation belt. ea safe se it
is efficacious' It may he thought by the skeptical, that it
purports to are too many disesse. but. upon:examina
than, it will be &nod that • large majority of the disuses
es which afflict the human (molly originate in an Impure
elate of the blood. be mw ithoeired, thew by other Kan
nominee being offered you by - ray sellers of molamwe
sod Water preparation" se a mthstitute fur the original
John Der. Samatiarilla? This valuable preparation the
prOprietor warrants to be superior to all othors.
Catrnow.-Beware and ask kw the original A. Jam
Baits Dersigicrilla hos Neatuckw-suid hem alt other Foe
W vertisement ma another page.
'MTH= 11'DOWELL. HU Wood it.,
JelChlterffinT Who Lessie Retedi savuts.
Petroleum I
Bmamarczo. llunilagdou co, Ps" U.N.& 4.. 'a.
61.44=—Dear Pie. Yam. Petroleum le wasting nom
amain this vicinity: therefunt me would Munk youboesur
us two damn by the Pennsylvania Railroad. We are en
lirely out. and It is being inquired for almost carry day.
Yours. mapectrollf. JOHN umu'a iU.
i 111117.12, Ashland co. : o.:llarrtilo, IL
It. SI. titt.r—Doli rift. Vroor Agrot, • ter w.e.k. ei
loft with to four than; flock Oil. tobkh we ha.. anld.
Mom Inward to ids doom Icamediaoi.
TO= media" le workio¢ wonder. in WI. MOOD. We
ono obtain neural esoellout oorrtheatoo. Wrou doolro them.
Yours, k,. W. W wort
/or .1. by Koper s McDowell. 140 Mood Arcot; R. E.
Sellers. 57 Mod strecb B. A. Faboectock. A Co. corner
Wood and Enna street.; D. M. Curry. D. A. billint,loceph
DooglAsnoend 11. E. nebworla, Allegiony. &boo by Thu pro
prietor, It. 11. KIM
apllslAcrT Canal, Barit.Sementh Pitubun:h.
Citizen's Inannutee Compiny of Pittsburgh
ONLea No. 41 Water street, in the warehouse of CAL
O. O. lam es 1104sta W. lilawan,her'y.
Ihmipany prepared to lumm all tuarchmatter
in More , and tratieltu, TIERNiO,
do ample goaraaty for Use ability and hetes:ray of Mi.
amtitutlant, La altordeil In the character of thethirectors,
who are all damns of Pitt•hurph• well mid , favorably
known to the community fur their yrudenn.,
and integral.
U. llusery, &pal. Wm; Lorimer,
Jr., Walter Bryant, Ilugh D. King, Edward rf rule kr,
Jam Ilarrortb. N. Ilarbsuab.l3. AI. apactte
Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company.
Prestttent—Jason A. flene.
Tice President—Neat. Melhnaue.
Trenanten—Josarn S. Leant.
neereterr—(3. A. (Xerox.
airtles adrertleentent to another hart of this Paper.
L 3 GOD ONE ONLY, or.:4oth One anti Three
ar,_are then The. Perrone in the One Ord? or. are
Three object. er Worahl a? •
A third on thietn , tl iljugz . htir alret. d
et . r;
.l nndd f frt . :l4 b4 . ib g l " Vic a on c rto to Its I tworkwati ott with
Christianity, will be delirerrd at the CITY LECTURE
ROOM, on fIUNDAT beryl.? to corn... at
• guzzler of 8 o'cioelc.
inquirers after Chriatian truth aro earucatly requested
to ttend.ill
MOTilg service at lObt o'clock. jetkltt
To Milliners
CRAPE LEISSE, blue, white and pink;
Florence , 8111 t,
Creme, white and bleeki .
Bland. white, blue, hitt and Meth
Anilki4"'"". b
LUCIFER MATCHES-250 gro. formic by
)44 C. Ann/TIMM,
CUFF PlNS—Just received, a beautiful
t of platate r..
001 d, fanny Enamelled, and oth
er new p.I desirable ran
W.V. WlLSON.,lesreUer,
sera lliarket street, corner of Fourth.
nOLD SPECTACLES—A large ItSbortoihra
past opening; abo, Sliver and Steel of every kind.
nds ofGlaser& of the best quality'. woefully Ohm*.
ed to the Orion according to the principle* of °lnks] kei•
eon. . Pebble, put In to order.
W. IV. WILSON, Optician.
JOS • PT Plarket 'trot
x : eaten and. moat effective rrmoly for WOILSIS
Prom IL CI r .ULAITON,E•q. Carrollton, Illseireippl:
Ilmrs. a A. Yahnertook have been offing rtto
Verralfuge for We...tors, and s° Grin boom, It ho
re sallehtetiou tuvarlably. Our &Melon womb:m.l it,
and porrhase It for one In IMO practice. :
Our youtsgeet child. about na
at of Mr& for lameral
month. bad symptoms of &olio at short interrals. which
the towhee usually admintstered by her mother felled to
relieve. Her stiflerbso were terrible, and dating MEM of
the Masao 1' thought oh. would di.. lat length gave her
let a venture) • doe, of your Venalloge. which, gout •
day anerwards, brought sway *greet quantity of worm&
and gave hotant relleh About three month. afterwards&
tltullo attack occurred when I- gave 'abetter vial of the
erudtuge. which erd i ed about 150 worms morel Ole Is
enloYing perfect th. and under Problem wows
bee recoory to you, Venallime. n" TO ' N
I ..inollsville.l( J. •=j, 1861 a.
Ym We hf it: A. viiiesrocx k (.1),
meter of Weed and plod Emetic
' and by Ilerehants generally
- poresu—io casks for sale by
jel4 ISAIAH DICKEY t co.-
AT lOTORIA LAWNSZ:3 - 4lecea recd and
V far ask by Jal4 U. ARBUTHNOT,
11 1 11ARRMUSLIN-40 pieces desirable
JUIF ortyle :ad z uali On sa4. by
TL,,T'NINE-$OO lbsjor scarlabTo.
• Notice to Ocaltractwm_
EALED PRoPoseiLS will be reeeiredit
YthreGgke 4' J. D. KING. Pandit et.'antil the Littler
Lor L ai g twat for" the Grading of th. Pi tight:with and Goa
Dill gunttdice /toad:arm Kurt Liberty to the corner of Jr
t ad, ;lowan'. garden ham to glinereville, (whole numbed
estimated to be la .000.) ' DUders In their
Fr2.o.alzromtte.. thePrieo t Ler f. bob a lc g th. ard b foliall w
berty. aeon/ding to the me 11. of mkt road a• tore
seen at the odic. of IL G. McGowan, Seq., rem et., where
all information can be obtained concerning mad groan.
it D. KING; President
11. P. CAlN,Secretary.. . • Ljeladd
(IKsPssitb *VT =. 4 abmir. tlit
• numumnr. - Rousz.
t i XTRACT OF A LETTER:—"I havp just,
Malted Morrick's new lintel, yta the
a ."
- a healthy of New Brighton, m the e aa t Nem of
the Mg Beaver rim, In Beaver county. The boon hi
malty a dellghttel one, and,must aftord a very Moment re•
smoke mad dm; .324 broiling nue pro a
V i m. 1 ,1 ' ; to P%hurgh. The room ere lame WY.
the fads are et new and of the very .fint Tbe
table, ae I judge tam an accidental and nee ell esti,
I. WILLI, and nee .tentaten aelY calomel.; maned. I . every
thing about the boom is well to,it,,,,l,H gr a,
mil to detain theme who have one found the i r our there
.01.16 called away by aergent heathen. The coneeleum;
of getting there, tom Is cm alight 'edam:neut. Omnibus
*. run mkularly from Res beater, at mat by rinn and, ram the north. of the note!. a stout 1:11612 meld
almost pitch • blecuit into the canal, along wbkh packets
and other...nal boats are frequently mate, re, a eny
abort ttme a still grater amendment will be added--the
BeetmliVent. and Ohio flathead will awn he in Operation.
wad the Depot env building Is within eighty casts of the
blenick Boum. Altogether '
I Bally expert this hone to
be a great smut during the present and future summer
ila4 Mutat forgetting to my that Um ante im
thin enjoy meat will be moderate.
jel4Mt. Won inert 31. and Muse matte./
• Apa ,
r, anite tbe Pad Mom— :
east • !Table.: by the author of "Alton Locke."
. • L pae
Loudon Labor .al the Landon hear. Noe. b.O. 7.
Dietlonary of Med:ankh Na 31.
IlhalopeareT Poetical Works, Noe. 39, 40,41.
Ptctonal Yield Book. No. 14.
. London libakspeare. Noe.
theb, A 7.
:Lectures on America, by hard of Carnal.,
• 13. Yeare In Africa. by Cumming.
The Waverleylineeta, in b Colo —complete.
. Illstory of Peodennts, by,te. •
' The Cara Wan Wayland, ea tale: by Ataxy Nowt C.
• Aso:hies la Clink prior, 1.24,a.
Titus' Tromps, by &unglue dertohl: 0 els. •
rai e othlXlVl3 .l ltrer . liouthworth.
The Cold Worshipper& or the days we Ilve int a Allure
historkal 000.1; by the author of "Whitefriara"
The IYlfeT Illster, or the Forbidden 11extiake.
&mean, or the Ilistory of • Portrait: ty an American
Talbot and Bern., a novel; hy J. L. McConnell.
'international blagnalue. for June.
rte Lorgnette, or 01011. of the Tow. tr 1. H. Marvel.
Loolee la rattle., Ily Durwa—No. 2. Thls eanetudee
the work. -
Art Joanna/ for May.
Boehm illaslograre, N 0.38, roost asks.
DieltenT Pickwick Want. Abased—by IL W. 11. her
The Fair babel, a near novel by toad. r u e ..
Goal; Graham and &Wein fur June.
Carol I. of ltronawlok—No..3.
The Kam. by Jl•nry Cook.. •
The Cars of laerwatreater: • navel, by E. L. Illstabard.
..The Booker's Wit'; by T. S. Arthur.
AdVenture• of Pon Owen. by John Calk'
ALCOHOL—SO bbblfor sale by
144 . J. KIDD t MOO Wood al
-IIRSEEi)Cii=IIOOO pillow (to arrive)
A rordr lv J. KIDD A DX. to Wood rt.
LPIRITS TURPENTINE--I 0 bbl o. (to or
rivo f 4 sale et J. KIDD k W.
irtod st.
LARD OIL-10 bbls. foe sale by
Jell J. KIDD OA. 00 Wood at.
REFtiltDilSßA.t.-: - 500162 for eile by
jell 3. KIDD A . 00..00Troalat.
Administratoiskotice. _
AoLL persetu3 indebted to the estate of Wil
-1 Long. lane ct Versailles tow
tone, ars
notlEed to make Immediate pay end 1.1!
l ' gt. ' fir i ltttraZlLTlV t "'" a " AVA laC/W7V. "M'
jelled Adastaistrator.
F ISH -15 bble. New White;
SALERATUS--100 bores pure;
30 Dbl.. rnr br
F lbs. for . sale 17 n.
YIPLARL ASH-30 bbls.. for sale by
. yeti J. IL CANFIELD.
IN SE ED 01L--30 bbls. Griswold's brand
ta• Wel., -014 J. B. CANFIRLD.
pOT ASII--4 casks for sale by' •
frill J. D. CANFIELD.
Fm PROOF PAINT-10 bbls. for sale by
ba 4 J. D. CANFIELD.
Ifue KEYS-50 doz. Marietta make, for sale
_ by : 1.14 . AIL CANFIELD.
IfEESE-2(10 bores for axle 17y ----
1.) Jeu.
T a . l I c
ineLD. ICON2IS eals Shoulder;,.
" f B
xsaDiflL. es%ee
LIEESE-80 boxes for sale by
ISAMU DWELT t. 04 Water Water and ?rout PO. •
SUMMER CLOTHS, for Men's and Roy?
tr..; Lt., Tweeds, C. Carmiuterw, .to
r .,t rg , tt:t ayles ilact qualities. .i and ...Item)
i i Tiara:MO.l hale walr•l "apply of %immix.. Srmaht.
maw of • wry .a quality. itl.3
LINENS,I of various qualities,
fu for the sake of PIS.'
dr rl/ at
/e rt. 0_ SELLERS, IT WOPI
Ono donses worth Aso ruret3 lb. mort dlebrult MAN.
. . .
7411310T11 Y bbls. for sale by
yeltl . J. t R. FLOYD
11Q1ICR-1.5 tierces Fresh, for sale by
11, /YU J. trt. kLOYD.
1 E ' ATIIER—Its) Sides N. Y. Sole, for sale
1 - 411 - jrl3 J. a R. YLOYD.
OLTDDON'S b r Wool Transparent Panorama of
IIv,.;P:ZIAGes 17gt E ff t 4" 1•4 t 1p,12 r e ttl•
oral Deresiplur by Ili, IL Gliddan, 1y U. O Corr
nil akt :mina Orlenutl Vann. at each ertilbltion Every
evening at .10 1.1 n'eloa—Wedottadly and hat nnlay after.
earns at 3 tin Welt; don OPPI. an hour briar..Ado:thaw.
centiii—chltdren half priee—rehools of 01 futons end
over. In etnita—Teachera with school* frrie.
?VIBE Partnership heretofore' existing be
:* tattoo the inthrerilrra, and, the slyly of 'IL P Tan
net ACO tills day MAR - avail by mutat)roustnt, by tLe
withdrawal of It. P. Tatum Th. Lustiness •111 be tuutin.
twal by JAMINF P. Tanner. who I, duly awthorii•l wattle
the old badness TANNIM.
Pittabursbi ion* bisl --f rel=t
- LADLES P. TANNER, Wholesale Dealer in
to D.,. Shoo, Bonnets, Ilia& to-, No. to Wou.l et.
9111 firm of Cluke, l'arke . Co. Itocheater,
R. Pa.. IA :MI hay dlaschard by 1111111 W rouseot. th e In.
tereat of U. M. Marton being putebwed by Illaulllnu
Clarke and IL O. Parka. who will continue tbe burluelte a•
formed:, totder the (mar alal k ( Clark Park.
All the business of the lak Itrut to be 4
whiled A
by ~IA
Hamilton Clarke or it. (/. Parka.
hit/booth. Juue lA. lath. 141:112/
HAVING made a - change in our busirierot
by the purehane ur UAL tra”olla karma In the
late Eros et - CatlrJhAtarlastett.".-all the tonstnnee of nor
height boat,
the Union Linn to Cleveland,
take Erie of Ilkhlatan lane to Erie,
Nondr and Heaver Line to Mute-Moo,
Exprere Parket Line to Cleveland,
And also the totalneavNertalninia Rtemboat a allehlgen
and nearer, alll he'donn litentatter thruway JOHN A..
CACOHEE, out Agent at Plltaboagb. Othea,inener
Of Water and btalthtleld 'treat.. •
Pittsbumh, J une;l t. jell: Hoehn. r. Pa.
Sea Bathing—Cape May, N. J.
lONORESS HALL is now open for the re-
J of finnan,. The peoprittor, thankful for the
11 weal patronage heretofore re door. would respertfullT
eollelt 10one Intending to elan din popular bathing place
the present ItINAUO. In rook. Lb hones thole home. Ilia..
msnfu a mn y t no a fo o r m s o t d h a ana w n . y
widhha r m e etmfocrceaen c
'provided upon the bland. The subscrlter him taken
pal, to procure Rood and ettentlre colored tenant.. on•
ter tBq emelenon that they am beat suited to the erunonte
and 'rants of a =unlit of the sojourners at thhe p lace.
EALED. PROPOSALS will be received by
the srabeerlbent, at any time on or Brick2l.l day
ii.Sone,ll , 4l, for the purpose of bulk:Bag Church
at Deer Creek. In Indiana Orel: thin, Alligetzeountn
or weir the Pelmet Home. on of Denny, of
the fblloerttig else 40 reel raldn be PO In length; li fen
between the Pone apt the rellin with It windows and
dam,: to be rooted. plaelered. panted,
and ward; togeth-
Ir with a pulpit for oalthoure. The knew to be Bathed
n thesame manner and after the ewe Pattern of th e
Fourth Araneleth Iteformat Chturh.ln Layardelowitiothar
Beer, Brewery. The work In no partkratar to be Inferior
to tbe work done In Judd boil.. The connector to find all
aodern:le, of e good ems eubetantlal vuditr, isometry to
aDb Wild church. Poe farther_ Delta:teeth:quire offal
of thaliommlllee. .101111 YOUNU
JAIIkII 711011P502.
ETTERS Testamentary upon the last will
aml testament of Gongs Ombran of Itiehani.
thane., late of the City of Pitt4 , 7lb, bating bons granted
to t h e undend.wl. I hays otal James It. Lambiln
my Moot lot the settlement o sad Estate. MI pommy
indebtedare requested to make Immediate paymeut, and
thess haring Halms against the some will present them
duly autheutleMed for settlement.
The tilidersimeed mar he found daily between the hours
of I .d 2 P. if.. until theist ofJuly,at N 0.141 Menu. et.
bbla N.C. Tar. In good order:
IW bright N 0.2 Roam foi We by
jeCt 4011 N WAWA CO.
Akers Shot. Real NOR •
• - arid 1 bbl. Lug:
10 bble. pore Flaxseed Oth
• 3) kegs 0 twist Totowa.;
71.1 1 :744. " PPe t Z .
WO dose° Cora proonok for tale b
jell! JOAN WATT t 00.
STOOK of the Merchants k Manufacturers'
.Lent: Steck alb.. Rubel.. Dent by
11. D. KIND. Decker and Draken
Fourth et.
market rake. and highestponehr mad for Amm+
mum eer, In per roob. h/ G. D. KING,
jell . thanker I Ureter, Valetta mL
1 1 / 1 - 43 - 'Attire it Philo tit
N the science of Mental Eleotrioity, by Dr.
14 Keeiy, an Tumulef ereninin the lilt luxe, et eleht
Ile will also lecture on Wedonday,Thureday. Friday,
and Satunlay ermines at 8 o'clock. ed.laanee 2 cent..
The ,apnimenta will, be more wonderful' than Dale or
Setlon eau bead.
eitylum at Philo Hall, on Tuesday, the
loth, at heliport two oclock, to continuo twenty de
i. the cure of deems, disease, of the eye, neuralgett,
rheumathmt, &spend. wino. Into, and eh other dor
pameohnny thaw amaldend Incurable LT the aird
eI faculty. Let all much stalulne hie torthootdal. The
caT and editor. free - JelOelthe
For Sale. '
LOT on Penn street, adjoining Mat.
the.' etsble—will be OLI tot.. IfdeeirabG, the ILA
avoileJte,shlt two p!nc:us. IhNulimp(_ -
}docopy. A. ,wlLmahh vo.
Valuable - Lot on Third ;treat for Sale.
WILL sell the Lot on Third etteet, ad
idnint_the [inhabiter,. Y+ otlAini. Noble on
o one Mda and the Engine Mown of the Vigilant Fire
Campany on the other. Th e train on Thiel sliest. 44%
o &nth toward &mod street of iiiffeet.tswee or
new 'Mede. It 14,L00, one thousand In hand, the W
-2~ith interest to be secured by bond and mortgage on
2 4 ntrehle in one and two Team from the date of
e i
Mrr'll7 r ctinLis slum.
jelLd3wit the Mike of C. Etta/era Co. Fourth st.
/ forinerly of Beirut, in 'the county of Am
trim. trelamt, and eon of Matthew Linden. the elder, of
in Placc,crafectio.r. sad who emigrated to Now Sort, in the Unita! Stater of America. In the year ISA, maker
.tines, gl. 6 lre i ree k :rlWfterr car
.coutcUtltur to hi. admustame.
Woodwortli's Patent' Planing Machine,
RECENT decisions (oeo Pittaburgh Daily
Gaulle, May EA 1811,) having fully sod finely
Ushed all the claims of the WOODWORM PATENT ,
the intbecnber le now prepared In sell the right to vse
them !Whines in the EMU of New York; and in realty/.
mnia, in the mantles of Destined, Crawford, Clinton. Elk.
Lestetme. Lycomins, Muer., ntetteat; Demon% Potter,
Pike. tionmehaans, Ms. Wayne, W 121.0. and Wyoming
daPoViggibl i t ! , b l7.l: l .. m t h e':lllVize%ltt
tri r deaspnialart of Comitrew to the nth day of beam.
years onespired term. ThLe kLe.
chow. at one operation, reduce. to as thickness. and planes
r.:4 of bolls or plank. In a l tittu i r? at Is ter: -
rarely mat for dressing stares. Plautus. eoplitil.
and blind stuff. and for sticking mouldings.
All kinda of waning are performed by It In a better maw
bed .. d Iwieditiousty and cheaply, as It can
one by any other Machina
The Vol.. of a complete Machine for planin¢
. ttaniUMS,
and g
qualirins. b o ttom fel:10 1, 43E1000, according too Wm awl
b=l,ll `:r all they
WM. and Warne I. nOw dressed with
Machines, which may Le seen in constant
etewo planing mllls at Donau, Philadelphia, New
Albany. Troy. !tome. Utica Pyramus. Cinema, Dunkirk.
Samenewn, Owego, Lockport., brie Pittsburgh Elmiw,
101000, Itlnshatoptou !them As.
Yoe an w canoe single right to use thew kfachhini.
ph,, ail 5 , 7r0n. are retdowed 49001044 nanny or 0000
semen, ne in any or the above conutlen , etlPt! b.
401110 NIBRON, Plaiting Dille,
To Gardenen.
,FEW acres of gound near the city, suit
il l able of gardenlog, fur de: &apelre of --
ye 0 , A. WILKINS t Co.
LARD-12 bbls in store and for sale 110 ,
ISAIAH DICKEY CO., 70 Water A hoot etc
LARD. OIL of Bennett & Jones' manufac
ture, fur Vile by 1801011 DICKEY A CO.,
•Je,o Water A Froot ste.
riOltN-40 bids shelled, for sale by
t./ jrlo • S. V. VON oignineruir a (Xl
fiIIEESE-35 ban for sale by
BACON -20 eke., received and for sale by
LINSEED blils for sale by
.PIIOCOLATE—M hrs. Boston Chocolate
J to solo by .1.10 WICK K WCANDLENA.
11 . 11 R Y HEllltlNG—for sale by
GREASE-I 0 bble in store and fore sale .
relo Water sad hoot Ms.
TOBACCO -125 boxes as'd of the best
brands be and Xs in Atom and for win by
'Water and Front st,
Beyer' Piano PrecOpion
KLEI3ER has just received Boyers'
kVue realF Vt d e re= t far the TliNcofellikgbaet'd rr
Norope. he the bent work et the Plod ever publiehed.
Reser, well Maven as then:wet etweaestal ea:appears
for beginorrs and pu pa has here eupplied a wantelong
eval severely felt by tho maks! nubile, Ile: aa elements.
hook. progrewire and Inters:ding to the raga. both to It.
'evert:Wes and tunes, thus greatly faellitathur and so:loath.
Ina the sornavehat Whoa, and Irketwee dm and
sr:data. playing. The following Freiman who have
ea:mined the work, are reletred to :
Prefeeenne flarbarat, Landman, Felon Nolte. /.10
INS bbls 'Lover
toes erutbo-1 owl oolvesissistuessjorteetrlyed 41.1
km by Wll. A. NCLUKO • W.
.00 • 256 Liberty 0.
dives lo brio. (Pardeihno) jaml received and for We
!ow by • WM. A. •AI . CLURG • 00.
jelo - • 200 Llberty PL
r4RESII TEAS--Just received:at No. 256,
Liberty PL. to Invoke of very .yorior Oplonst ond
yPon T... or the lacer Importation* Gm sae eery
by lb. L.
4 1
" T s'e M Lb ItO 0 CO.
.10 G
,norraavd Teo Den.l...
' DOT CLAY-7 toe. Ceplee's Pot Cloy, No.
Ts. jun rorrivnl and fur sale Vy
000 8C1100111(AKER 00
NEW MACKEREL-50 bbla No. 3. .large
o toror inackorel jafft recrlyetangl fin:
`TOOL, WOOL—Cash paid for the diffet
ent nnol, of wool by
0 B. t R. lIARBAI76II.
FLOUR -.t bids. "extra" dour in store
and fur by 01. 5.t IF, lltilßliVO W
IfRACiIEg-200 bushel, d r i e d
vetch,. ter...v.4mA (iv tab. bY
Jorto 1 . t K. lIAIRDA63II.
IL/ ACKEREL--Quarter lads No. 1. fat
coscluntl. 1..004 end f0r ..1.
040 WFront
Water t eta.
lOTTON , --I 16 bales in store and for sale by
.010 1.9 AlAll DICKRY a. CO.
Wator l Frot Flo ut..
La/est Publications
7 HOLMES' Literary Depot, Thiril, , t
'l - oatitt i.1;1 o T. 7
lia . e Merit;Een' Ntagarloe, rJame.
Leetnre. Alarima by tbo. sari cariv:p
Wien'. I.lrlou Are, No 30u.
ta new lapplr.) ;eft
Another Supply of Superior Shirting, Mtue
lin, and Irish Linen.
..ppirer tllll4ll mate a Atari og, lonia
and txwont lb. warrtnted 11 Ilat
houtrht divertlr from th e agent of the ntanufact ran and
witl be red 4 totortt peaces hr the ).Mor haw. •
Sheeting lon line. trial one to thew yanis wale, 0w1.,"
on band. Ale, tallow eato ratullna JA
11AVANA SUGAR.-50 bxx white 11a
mag.r..natt r•rvivorl azul 6rc 5.16
nuithicteue 1141.111111131.
. No. 116 Water $11.6.4.
OAF SUGAIt.-410 bh.l loaf sugar (ex-
L settee nutotwr.)l, .ale 1 4
111/111111116/E l 11101111661.
0 41 No. 116. Woter /trort.
y a O. bass al.t iwcalhat taw Espren this hanoilas
a *apply a the abuts wort" mud dahrahle arttals.
Alan, ao htditamal supply utopid trimming ribbnoa. tn
whichark the ahrthain mm is hash"' at No. al Z 1341
W. 14 s* 4.
More New Lawns. •
AA. MASON !F. CO. have just received
•MA 11• Y. • larcr lot of More twr !alma , bleb th • UI +ell (pry ahma. It bOlamla o
IA at No..= awl tA.Starlet atnet.
Piano and= Table Coven.
A. MASON & UO. would respectfully
can in. sucows of houreMmarra to Maur wry ea
ten ve maartment of Nehly printed aad emhamaat piano
o a t tabt, non,. ammted colors. Ala n JaYery laepeaup
111:1 4 ! . 1o . .0 ... an d
.s gagae u t d t6abi.
Mt dollr,
VOA ' SALE—One Kiln of Brick. Enquire
at IV..III:LISTOCK'S Copt Wareham,
Jet , N 0.95 Fourth street.
'ARM) BEEF-2,000 lintpriine, 'just re
it], csicm mad for aala by jag S.W.. lIARNAUtiII.
Gt UGAR-44- hbds, received and for sale by
‘4OI,AS'SES-100 bbls just received and
for rale by jr9 N. W. lIARBAUtiII.
MICKEREL--30 bbls No. 3, ISSI, in
*tom hod be rale by ia9 N. W. If MINAUtiII.
The Family Friend. • •
A BAKING preporation
.intended to Ml
perwde nee pd—whirl, when with
nour,wUl pfedsew In 'AM 'ha thou r.lO °emote !memo( 4 lbs
oath. than by the use of yeast. The whole srocess of bread
making. feline being baked, does not MM. more than :D
m UMW*, :0111.1. lb. , preparative Itun ead of Teat t hewn.,
TPIA payialg of Mom Is aim some ennsiderstion_ hotel
keepers. managers of public ramie. Inhmtarte bOepb
tale. and Mtge familial...lll end no email melon r .0.6 r
the Fondly Friend. Added Wall tha advantage.! light.
namable, wholesome diet for We voyages and persons In
utry-plaml. where yeast Is had to got, this will be
foood invaluable fog lowuts and eakes—lt will ho found
speedy and cheap. tot forgetting that they will be more
palatable—and maitre brown bumf even more digestible.
fold in bottles, at loffi. M. and 10 cents.
74, North Fourth et, Philadelphia.
Role Agent for Pitt. burgb. It. E. SELLERS, 11.. Wood
Phillips and Mayers' New Article for the
Warld's Pair! •
ifIQUID GLUE, which cements wood, stone,
chins. glen marble. queenrwsre, or men mends.
o i firgagrtist :t r ari t irtriera . jOg . :rnl'er th lry gl y e
hnted end mwertul Cement ' the houreteepers et Ole
Pate roe Wavily mill aware at ite genuine sal superior
adaptshllity to their turreses. No
those who here rvt
tried Is ere requested to do ma No home shonld with
out Hs bottle of Liquid Olue—it requires no warming. le
moor forme, sod may be mat by mn pen. with
cam,art article. Intammer. There Is no use for the
alusspot. and to mochitnin ft Is is reel Weald.. Hatter,
use it—the pass of the States am unanimous their
verdict in pool,, of It. Hat throw anything away with
cot trying tha. PIILLLIPII 6 HAPERI4.
74. North Fourth etreet,'Philedel tibia
Anent tor Pittsburgh. J. KIDD CO. mrner Vointh
sod Wood etteet. Agent tor Allegheny city. JOHN -
LAS. Druggist. 00.11 m
Ladies ! Ladies!
AirouLD you. save your furniture and
scold much irtnerevary Istvr for your esneute.
w le the miss mil drawing room laminarmight al.
ways bo brilliant and rain! It try Ph7LLIPS
-le bottle will mein to •ttrsordloary brilliancy as much
ton:Mum a, Timid cat 510 or IRS to hare rererniehed.—
This lo • omit thing for bouillon dealers. Rohl In bot
tles, at 12S. 1104. and la trots.
74. North Fourth street, Philadelphia.
A geutr for Fitteborgh. BRAUN A REIIOII, corner of
SL Clair and Litterty /greet. Jethilin
RYbEBFI4°IIR.-2.0 hbls rye flour for sale by
QALERATUS--31 woke, for sale by
SCOACHING easksprime on hand and
for rale by •jek WICK A ICCANDLIONit
for axle by J O 4 , WICK A SCCANDLESS.
ythe Honorable the Judges of the Court °, General Quarter &nicer of the Pear.. In and Mr
County of Allegheny.
The peUtion Of . the c aFatel,. of the nit Ward,
city of rittatotrate. In nty of Allegheny, humbly
shewatht That your petitioner In deeirous of keep% SR ape,
Ile honeror tavern. his home, situate t Want
above—that be ban providtel himself with beeenuales for
the etnivenionce and vecommodation of travellers and gran
ger, Ile theregtre prays. your honors to grant plat a B.
cape to keep a hottee of pnblio entertainment and he out
e re, pray. Act
• We. the Plibe, citivens of, the Ward sforeesid. do
certify that tbe above.petitioner la of gotta b
rely and temperance. and in well monde& .itb b oo ..
room and convenicncre for the accommodatkanand haightit
and 14..yelleve, no
that geld lament Lel:pope
"' llen Cordell. Neat. Frew. Ephraim IttieLeP, Geo. Reed,
11. W. Return, Jno. Itidtdi , Jae. Jam. Bracy, kWh.
Thieken. Barnett. llcary Cunning. jot,
iti' l4 tiere-e;for Rale by --
- ----
.14 . . WICK a WCANDLEIka
lAIIII-42 bbl No. 1 Lard for sale by -
.1.4 JeffWICK a 6117ANDLIDOS.
4.1 ,TARCII-,40 boxes Donbright's extra for
A 7 sale
wey-iLVET CißPETS.—itir7itiTiimock It'xiB
In inns and fbr sale: atm 'emelt aurort.entrof VII.
Carpete ever offered In Illte market. Carpet 1e.,,u,...
No. 76 Youth et. Je7
hai in &or, sod Ita ado • Wits Mort:oast of IMM
nor lirnree~ Cor•no. to white lavitectbe Otsotlotg
C•rmt Warehouse No. 7b. Fourth st. Yet
GOU) MATTING—For public . hills and
banns. be dare and for ole br
Carpet Warebottae. Na. 76. Fourth rt.
Aithrirt; P egalin=
':t " 4 - lAT Jots Tar I=t; A B COH r
387 Ze. Liberty K.
IA tut. 0 , Mat for rasing trod. caldeo,l•, by detach
raring of Llper ore lo Boor 'defected. Yor m• by
WIL A. =MIRO • • CO.
Je Wei, Liberty et.
COPPERAS. -35 bbls. for solo by -
Jr 7 No. M. Woe xi
STAR CANDLES-10 boxes, prima arti
ie7 do, br by • J. KIDD &
Na O. ad vt.
MEDICATED Wines and Brandiea, afresh
lot Just receive] and to Nth by
jet No. 01. Wool d•
JAPAN VARNIBIi3 bbla. (Baltimore)
PUP Or ale al. J. KI N DD 00,
o. CO, Wood st.
CREAM TARTAR-1,000, lbs. for isle by
2 bbls No. I. Loal'
4 do Crease. .
I 5
3 bdo T ea ther allow.
. '
• ,g . .
• • I do s F llliwong.
. I log a ..I bbl Flax seed. . '•
. ..
1 troiy Apples.
Iltt, for sale br 2l d ryki l., 18Akell DICKEY' 7 ot°. r '
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder.'
'W ASHING without labor! Warruated
to Lulu the enlns oat of table thane. val nap.
inturnov. on Usa—Plat your clothes to • stitileicrot
/nullity of cold water to cover than, then aid two table.
moonibis of this Pop Powde r . to each 4. numb of 'water
nml with the clOthem if the water Is hard. add non or
the Powder. and boil than ten =Munn In the mean Urn
press them down with a stick, then pot them akin and
add solikient cold Inter. 80 that they will not be too hot
41 handle. - -Then rob the dirty streaks, or In other words.
Rive non a thorough rinsing, and that Is mak/cot to
tons theta •
N. 11.—There Mang no nobs to Mb/ Soap, it will Iran
the clothes very white and no hod oily smell , as mime
roan do. The entire Con or the material need does not ,
exceed two cent. to complete a washing of ten porenuf,-
Warranted not to rot or injure the elothea. • -
Thin Is • Powder that on•paper wW Maketwalrenuarta
test family bolt N30 , P....- •
Dasenwrs rot On.—Take,. ray or wet., and ix the Powder with sad nen Teti boll. say nee min
nte. then add sit quern cold water, stir them Intima te)
together, sad set It away where It will not freer.. sod
'hen told WIWI be nay thick and no r White Soap, and
/fill .ash well, and will not eat the hands like other Eon'
Sono. nor rot the clothe. tyre be used frith hard or salt.
meter, by snaking the nantity into nix quart. instead of
tenor. The Bolt Soap la best adapted for washing calico
nod woollen wools.
Pohl whole/vie and retail by R. B. BELLES,
N 0.57, Wood st.
Q. PERM OIL-18 bbls. extra, for sale by
I. .m 2 W ICE ik MeCiLNDLESK,
rrANNERS' OIL-23 bbls. for sole by
CI 3. MACKEREL.-40 bbla. for sae by
No. AO Water of.
inquart new.., roc bd.w: WICKERSHA.
itS ...rner a Wool sad SIVA ofrorti.
11A NARY SEED.--3,5001b5. just received
I,_) from Wm Let, a Wl= artleia of PJelly_lpbell.lor auk
OD . Omura Wood and PIM!, anat.
COFFEE.3OO bgs. prime Green, Rio Cot
jec, fee, rwelool .d for Ws by
_________ _ •
F"H .-6
d)bdbla. o n: o w 1851, p ickled Herring
30 half bbl .. do do; • • do _
In store and lbs. rale by Use) JOLLY WAIT C CO.
fIIIEESE.--31. boo. Cheese, receiving per
Bidders floe, and Mr Ade by
cs Water It.
I ARD.-2,000 lba. Lard, for sale on con
xi Moment by T. WOOD!) k FON.
.20 No. GI, Weber et.
Burchfield Icanioyele MB moroloil i an
efyle• or 0/11.6112111 4 Best Plrilde, li ght sad dark.—
oleo LICIF Prints, of new end bweiLsofne err We, as ITN crotec
elea.Lavos. Baroyes. Poplios, of Nome 'trim oleo Itoort
mu g 00.12 12 22.3 99TIotte IIACh ea Banduie,l422ye de
Lela, Time/ A.
Si' New awe oPeOleig almost dell y. J. 5
OILR-8130gait bleached wintereperro oil.
903 T cart cord . ..
L *ging
1200 - bleaduld
luVo whale
1,42) 300 - Tanners' oil
LW) T N. W-roost whole oil
to store sod for de by
ON . N02=12 L.M. Liberty et.
PLANTATION Sugar and ?dolassei !
Ut laid,. prim. an
pltation toscar. ;
:it: dn dn
In Oust end Ls oaas by
351LLE114 IcKEriox.
zn a t Meaty st.
SUGAR louse Molasses and Plantation
Id Lb 4 P. H. litalastas—gt. Junes Itedutry. •
le b bat btir Plantation Hutu.
On ronylatuoynt asO forvale by •
allbLatt lIICIUMtbrrtSON,
JeS Noa. =1 Iy rt
11 1 21 E• Tkree.titaieelntoncrcre it — lj tt il for
o. 221 TX.% Liberty of.
OMAN CEMENT-2 bbls., for sale by
111.. a. F. VON lIONLIORST t CO.
I.r 1ND:340,-30 bbls. pure eider for sale by
V pis S. P. VON MXllOllBl' t OD.
iIIEESE-30 bra. W. R., for sale by
I tALSINS.—tiO boxes M. R. Raisins;
40 half do do _
tyb Nov Ylpllt. Liberty
FLOUR -40 lib's. extra fandlY flour.
dote saki f01.... 4 01" "P"'"
lIIEESE.-3 buses Cheese just teeeited
kim moslimment mat foe ale DT
L 5 E MON SYRUP.—GO big "Turner's'
n.nyiep m onsbe MUß
LARD 01L...-LlO bblo. pure winter
inr ado by 15 do No.:.
No. 24, Wend id.
1 1: you wink for a real treat, try the Y. Hy-
Teat selllog tor SI 00 per ID. el Morrie Tea Mart,
to Diamond.
TFarmers' and Heck:mks' Atrapae Plank; Road.
HE Second 4nd final Instalment of the
rnbooribern to the LOW] for Clanking the Vartnars'
1:1!=rn . f a r ..ei: 0 t i57,V:11, ' ,7t7 b ! dh." " ° b'
Jelad lI6YIIY 11.516. Tronrarer.
• 23 tan attar Havana lingo.
130 bre. Bradt
In store o4fornalr by do.
• yob .- : Nor.= 4 2.3. Liberty rt.
Binaingbani - and Rrow ony. nsville Plank Road
Propociale .111 be received from Om riste till the
emeth der of Jam, IML at the atm A. IL Miller. In
Forint. .treat, Vittetearott. for the gra:1111x of that rut of
sold ma. toter. Ilarroony elm!. and Mt. Oliver, • die
Irtrae - .•"=""gb"D4.16,,. •
moTaTetallS JOHN WKEE, hey.
HAVE just received, direct from the' Im•
t ark., • largo woortmoel of taro Curtain.vorbleh I
poll low. Cootsha Idaterialoonel Toicoollogoof all Iflado.
1.4 WM. MMUS. Moil at
WOOL TWINE-5001bs. for sale by
DURLAPS-3 bales, 40 inch, for isle by
It J 13 4 • Muntur t UK_
INIRESII TOMATOES, hermetically wiled,
nstabbUb Panful r, the Zane and freeborn at the
npe (rain, for sale by IYCLUEU &O > .
mr.r; Unseen and Tea Dealer.
nRIED REEF.—Evans & Swift's Sugar
I.rCum! Beef raorared. for sole
W.ll. A.3IVLIRG t CO,
mr27 256 I..llAnty rt.
WOOL—Casb paid for Wool by
Bonnets! Bonnets!
A A. MASON .t CO. would respect
The'sluro Opa ahkh they
ls will he wild at Tory low riots bythe dor.
CO br single bonnet Now (A 64 Harriet Jo 3
LO r N . S4ust o, r2zi i r , e a ti f tm n e superior article
Canal Hutu.
j4INSEED OIL-1500 galls. pure, foreuile
by J. NM WA HEE! CO:.
24 Wood ..treat.
D ORA:C-6 cases Refined, for sale by
Je3 J. 801100ZIMAIMIL l CO.
11 AMP BLACK—aI bble. ane'd, for sale by
1 . 4
.1..3 3. SCHOONMAKER it CO.
NDIA & FOULARD BLLKS---Just ree'd,
.ditio.l foPPIY of time ,err eles . p and deeln
6 11 11 lodla sud Foulard 611.. The ob.* troods will be
clor. out very cheap. A. A.II.4IIAN*OII.
So 3 Ul..d 64 11.04 at.
LACK SILK LACE—We - have just reed
Mb ' ' , igltZt'al,'' th .
. b' 51..4 4 .717atti7.4 4 ., " all
jea 0.1.1 04 itarkst st.
VRIMPED RIBBONS—The attention of
'lll,horgalirtlit'4. 7 l-Cat
mltlt i Nut , will dote out at fery.tow
PIG IRON-3.3 tone Allegheny, for sae by
JeD F.& R. FLOYD. Itemnd Church D0141.K.
ATINEGAR-50 bbls. pure Cider, for sale
V by J. &IL FLOYD.
IA ROOMS-150 doz. Ohio, for stile '
it ie3 J.! YIkYD.
IPISH--Idaekerel, Shad, and Herring, lD for
l w. by it a.
TATC-30 bbi;:liostc7-n-,--fo,r:iernwro
IPANNERS' OIL-27 bble. Bank Oil, far_
..I by j. 3 1 7.a R. /LOT
. 1.?.
MOLASSES --200 bbls. N. 0., for sale by
N 41- 4 ,3 J. a R. FWI.
- 1310TASLI-410 casks pure; for sale by
1_ l4 ," J. 2IL FLOYD.
ACON-5000 lbs. Hog Round, on consign
.n_. royot, far .ale by T. WOODY SOS,
J 01 W•Leryt.
- LItATLIERS-1000 lbs. for sac) by -
.lElal s. w.umatuaii.
NIDES-34 Dry Flint , fur sale by
.113 8. 'W. LUIRDAVO IL
11ACON--7 casks Sides, fbr sale by
_ w. uAabAuon. •
'LOUR—Loo bide. New Lisbon SEm :' 3liille,
a r. 3 ext. fa., Dar .O by B. M. ILARDAUOII.
,I_l A ,
niMIMV.&III& iU1:010L0
` • Fortf-ei honnetolia:delphia.
FortY4oliitom7l to Baltimore.
231,.miiiiiltailriM.1-10.i miles Canal
Wig". icoer rum," on, conurrizul sarrs
Rm. g fret from Mt many duvet and porteragnt
I .: connected tea piece Linn._
Two Daily Lines .liktpraW Packet Boats.
• * 7 4 MEE
U£AVE Pittsburgh for Johnstown, thence
14 by PFatage Rallroodlo
••• • • ' HOLLIDAYSBITROH, , -
• tang .
Tern tlatolted and Ymt :doe mile. direet to
%chafe Inas eoery. atorologyreeLsay at Slight delta,
sod soar, evening et the mow hour.
?are to Phllede/phla. 110. Yore to Italtimom; $1,70.
do Lahostter 19 do $B.OO.
Passengers for Baltimore, •
Tab the Yerk and Cumberland Italirteid,
roarrival of Cars at that ilare._lllstance (eigh
ar Thria..VOUß hour.
No charge for handling Baggage on this route.
The Cars on this route are new i raid of the mat atOrturi
ott en4toctiou for comfort lad safety. -
If you desire cheap tanvellisid titatrottale
ruedation. secure your tickets at
J. P. 110IXES, A a rt,
D. Larli
1851. WESTERN .1851.
TIE Ronal beirig in • good order we are
•- 'Mitered to tranrtost pynduee and mer ' ellendise to
front the above cities, at the Meat current rates of
Height, with promptoem 'nod dispatch. The beats tad
tide an owned sod controlled by the brispriebtes. Bills
or lading transmitted, and dl imtwotiona wompur Ste
VIA to.
Al plr to, or ddreM
WATS a CLICK. Prtigiriethea .
Canal Eosin, Penn Street, Pittabstegh.
Hmititnt /WM. Noe. 17 room 3.1 anal.
• • SlllTrtrittsitnil M lS pin 4 "ra Phil'' ' •
N • '5, North o f., outtmore.
T. it. FLINCH, ewt
pdNo. 7. WedWM. New York:
ggis 1851..
Via Erofrtaeille and Cumberland, to Baltimore
and Philadelphia.
/HE MORNING BOAT leaves the Wharf
• sloe, the Bridge daily. it. 8 o'clock preciaelvt coo
' TrentU b' ller
at 0 o'cloek. connecting with the care at Cumberland nut
eran nig et to o'clock
. Elsa through to Religiose; 12. lair. Rare only SR
Time through toPhliadelphis. 40 hour. Fats only $lO.
The Rational Road Is now good: Condatore
_go with
the Barbee between Browurville and Clunhilsecv which
makes this decidedly Oa best route Pont,
J. 31E811111E1T. 'ass
ay_27 Ma In the Monongahela t. e. .
iffggigg lB5l. tiftEiili
XPRESS _Packet and Railroad Line for
knt rfecs. by Simmer. from
uttaburgh to &wawa in comae:don with the elegantly as
imbed Emma Packets of Clarke, Perks t Co, from Beam
to Ramona. and the splendid new Passenger Cara of the
Cleveland Mt Pittsburgh Railroad Co. to Cleveland.
Stamen leave their landing oppothe the Monongahela
Rouse, at 9 o'clock, A. M.. connecting with the Packets at
Denver, which will leave immediately cm the arrive! of the
steamer. f or
et Ravens. hi time bor the kbminatePrain
of Caro for Cleveland. Pause by this /ine Mi. at
Cleveland ha time to tabs the itaaroad Line of litaanurni
for 0 MAW mid DETROIT, and the steamer, for Chia
Rilanulde, Toledo. Sunhat y City. Dunkirk. and /tic
alio Par evening than of ears toe Lail embus. Xenia, and
Cincinnati. MARRA PAM! t (.11. Prmnieton.
OD under St. Charles Motet
Office under Itimm&br a latatc;
corner of Smithfield arel Water etreene,
,INEtiM . 185.1,
On t he Pennsylvania and Ohio Minds.
CLARICE, PARKA A 1n,.......... r .m.R0tacen5,
MRKRLIN. CRAWII)RD 6 1.1.1......05entann, U.
INIUS well known Line is now vgged to
eMrifttlet and
an pPolrdLgit an
an/ Aar "
The ratillties or the Lbw are unsarpoond la number:4%J.
lie, and ntretity of Boats, experience of Coptabw and ef.
Amer of Agent,
One Rest levee Plttabargt. an/ Cleveland deb% running
In eot.ttunflth a Lae of ertnunnnta between PITT&
HU 0011 and BEA YKR, and a Line of
(propeller and Tenth.) on the Laken
Parke A Co., Tonnrrtown. 0.:
i r i. o ger r ll l . ' S=.l ' i'alLs.
C. Prentiss. r tent.. 04 •
Itrarton Co . Ravenna. CZ
4 Kent, (triune
hoaxanklin •
,11. A. Mtge, Cii Pall, 04
Wheeler, Lee B Lb., Alma, U 4 •
Ilendernm Pet/Inane. Panduakr Cltr, 04 .
Peckham It Scott, Tondo.
". IL A Co., Dana. IlliblEtd4
.- I'..outtentan it Co., Alllwankley ITU( •
tleo. A. 01b1w. In. Chleago, Et;
Thoman nea., Mown 111.
std. pee. Water and Snit/Meld rte.. A( CI:
B UCKETS 8 TUBS-60 doz. Buckets;_
013 " Tubg forsalsby
PORK—A few bble: prime, and a al:hall-1ot
Bulk Aleut. for kale by
is. L. 8. WATERMAN it 80N8.
B UTTER -5 bbls. Pack;
G tugs just reed. Ay was by
L. B. WATERMAN it 8088.
91011ACCO-•2A kegs (Gedge's) No. 1 Six
Ttriat, tbr ale by . JA1124. DALZKLL, •
Jet Ga Water, and t'S Meet et.
RLOOIS="2.OO tons Soft Tenn., for sale by
r MID OIL-10 bblo. No. 1, foe sale by
TNNERS' 01L-50 bble. jun receiving
by caul. ate for rain by : JA Ittil DALVILL.
XO2 2 • as. Water rt.
Extra Fine Oolong Tea.
TOST RECEIVED, at No. 256 Liberty st.,
a seri superior article of Oolong Tea, which we be
rge cannot be surnamed In the city. Thom dashing
em., daunts Emotes, but highly aromatic Black Ten
_um Melted to atm Mt" trial.
Elsa Tv, of morn variety, from 3.5 e. to flat.
Green " " ;TN Ite).
English nod Irish Mack Teas, waeranted vo entire
rattstsetion or no Jr. m otm4qurtzr u i= nre br
Oman, arid Teo ekts
ng Bread, Peetry, Cakee, Int mains the beet of
with the addition of add water 0.17. • ml. Flaw.
.be finned the mooet convenient and oheapeet that can
1. 0 Wed for -household nano.% min.; Mper mat In bat.
• end egg, and nuking the most tube noi Ettead, 1.1.0 t
I .07, Puddle.. Vete., nith . o sw.taaalog of tlms
and trouble. The abore out up In coneenlen7al.l
g'll'in?` r' °!'".• .V.T.".md=il6":6o,"°' sad Tea maim.
VIRE BRICK-20,000 bess,tlre r in store
JAMES net m.. 1 2 Itm br
mySI . N 0.68. Eisler A-
SAL SODA-350 casks • Sal Soda. of our
own make, fur sale at redoN4l rrlors. by
- Rater stmt.
KLEBER has just received a choiCalot
is of Pmparlor Cartuudt's 51elaltem, sinusufsctired
by Carbsrdt hbnielf—tbe original !mentor-4n Nm
lark City. Mr. C. Ms much Implored upon his offillaid
Ineenttou e stal It to no. generallr minded OM ho
'the test Melodeons to the country. both for elem.. of
finatt wad richness nod beauty of tone and touch. A. 0.0
Ono 5 octave Melodeon, scroll fret. resseont
101 Tblnl !greet, sign of the Golden Ran ,
n , 7 3 0 bole Men et . for the aboeeltutrarnents.
- DYE FLOUR-8 bbl!. for sale by
Jib, m 730 10. DAYZELL C CO, La.l7
irt.ILEESE-50 boxes good W. R., for sate by
my3o IL DALZ ELL • CO.
• _
bbl. No.l Uri:
4 " - Grans, •
15 b 4 .444 resthe4r. . • •
21 • Gam
1 " GI ,fteenr '
1 b Flumeed; • .
1 bbl.
' 2 bum Geld ippleG
1 Prartm9 warms sod fbr
my3o . I Nat 44 =I haat Ma
SALT PETITE —2O bugs (Crude) for alb by
m r a)- W.t 7'. FILSON.
SALT PETRE-20 kegs (refined) for sale
1:1730 147 FITO., ma 114 &mad R.
Gold wad Verret, &Nod, Tapestry too
tiroststental'Frsheh 11 . sptrx of rsdoosvtulltW, . and st
Driers to suit the ettrumrtatters of klroost rrery thus of
eustoostrs, pxr sale at the tslshllshment of
roy2/ • :pIIOIIAB [`AIX/CR.66 Marketst. •
Branbie; Wine+. 6m.
HAVING completed arrangements trite
Boussala Ik.leaux other European
to 6.
use ...Won of oar order. a m thew enabled tootle/ to
1,, ;en ,.... advanee or irupOstation nom BRAN.
Nati, WINES. and .I.ltlll ,of ute Alleid, description,
I *min . custom ha. buil (1 desired. •
Attention is luvlialito En/ list, Won: r.
110 pelage aud Rochelle Brandies, In
h Itireg and dark.
76 ithdk and 4.1 d. and broun Slwrier, Bus
" '
tll or. cask. re. o usury and,.
o Port Whim; tart Dr/ old and .dturbd. •••• •
MO basket. Sparkling INtampagn , well known arson" • '
LOU bosrotdaret Winos, saber brands and vintage.
IUU au. Bantu. and Car at
43 ask. Sauterne and Claret live.
- - 36 PIM Ob lialland and Betrilydam CI En. ••
10 put
. 11,wons Old tbegeh and leak Whiskey. L !
.ozmior Old Janata Hum. "
90 mks !superior Lcadon Brown Stout and &etch Alc
With a<Maya uupply of Imported Llopos», such a.
!l i pratbe, Blarastbino, Comas. Anninette, eberry Enue
AllAetodc cf/lA/AM/ SAVAII3 •111 , 170 on band.
(lank. I will °tier on very tatertabla term. •
Otdsrs will b. easeutled with and goodsaltipPai
at loweattates.. A. 11. IieOALLA;
• Import./ and Dealer, BO Walnut Maui.
itul(klalr3m:(2,ll Philadelphia.
tunati , e u les ckr,eek;
. . . . _ .
. G WautanWuu pu,tuzu bi
!totnsoNo.l LK a CO.,
my% -• .0. Z 3 Liberty:O.
itABBITT'S Doubla Relined Saleratts,
put up 1a . ;11 .1 13 . ,g1,
m atg a paprm
i tty . - per:o th a .
cr. Per = r by ' W.ll. A. ll't= i (b..,. 7 . .
Yer Unusers 4t Ur balm. •
tr IS put up in quart bottles. and cote •
tah. tho srontli
aa touch M.
r: nny Palmrsilosi in Amer*. Mos= •
Iv rer bottle, or edit bottles Sae Ass dollars.'
It has been • vreUeetalidlthed root the Ivan , rot. that
riarranarilla. whin pure and hrotaielT
only true panacea tor all Waren* origin.tog tram an tor
pore state or the blood, thi, nee or mercury, Intethottnie
drinks, evil habibt in youth, Isrmovess. as. Weiaddlr,,
is the only preporatitn beer. ter public thit
roTonid on etrlct/s acloatilki prime*, and of Collbrnil
oironnth. The Saratharilla putehasol without regard
1 0 ur end e wand. bebore Wag usetEle
the strictest WOE same graulothoissmortsated
belbre Cuing noel I
Iture Eartrapatilla also contains the Crime f seversT
other valuable agents, togetlxr Corinth; the best tom
tiottokand produchag the greatest cursure agent th e
known world!
• WILL cuts wirnorr sAiLI
boothla or Ebel /6 Cerloas. Tumors, •
the Cluotie Baty *t
warm that TaWs, Iles& lihrosue
, paineln the Boars orJola
OmUtErb=2l:l3r tee 4 : •
4.. o proepw.
lames of the
„ • „
the. mem.
Pahn utse o Bhl e, m eav et o S r h y o
C General Lebilitr. Dr c
PlreMleogto , * ee a
U Atreetou. :=Wm•otineste Pohnroo7. -..era
all other diem's* Welles to
Liver acaplaint i F.l.ess irregitlaritic• and complaint,.
nick and Nervous MesolsOio, Low liptetc Night Smsasi
Papoinke. Imprudence In Ws, Clocole Colvditutional
ram and Is • spring aal make drink. •,n4 general tar
k tar au lostkn i sal mile and pleasant, pamper, kir
mosento Bias Lkt or Itielgress naler,malts, on &W
-ilts. •
- • • ~ •
Itte follorrlng la the 'extrados copy of certifkate now In
tposoculon of the propractor Dutra . ...terssoartll.
Ilea. E. W Se.bon is widely nodgewrally known uan
lapsing said mosompildwd motor of build. X. Morel,. sod
Iran. R Stemicson has born known ss one of the moat tai.
anted mid melons mouton that the Kentucky (rantramme
could tout of for teeny you% mut at this time la Clues the blab and reeponalble taflon of .pet tor lb, M. IL
Book COINNEM. rho the world produce betrat V mote
Beatrabwrary testimony in favorer my medkinel
Baler Testivsorty than mat Eror Offend ,or of
Any Medicine. •
Ara. E. W. Slabo.,Kaw.•E. RICTISSIM r
• Longue. bay W. 113130.
We have turd John Bull's Eurralrariliusud have trams
itte be moll with etbrir astigmatic , and we have no hew
Patton In gigue' brat we believe It to be a cafe sad *bo
gie mollast compound. arid talcuLuted b produee winch
good and believe math eufferingt aid would bigger.
Eheerfully and mot munottry - so:momen d it to the af
icted. (Signed) . E. W. ell LION, ,
A BEAUTIFUL. CLEAR 13141 ii...
Mow we all admire a clear twatillfal whits 'skim and a
.7eld 'r oir Ms , resid k e - HOE
eo de= to be 1,14=
.. . P' 4 . - '
or tin to commas, lotions. washes. paints.' miming
to motors to them a srostilenee stint Macaw-
Ilan deprived them of. and Mat too. with at. injury to .
the skim linll's Baneserlila is Ile hart tie 'mown.
It beautifies the the skin. by removing et Palle% or- -
taarbki and diseased matter R.= ths blood. wit-pore,
healthy, am{ Tweeted.. idetoi aedwit, t o mthdtw
coml. and Manning the yellow and east Unarm to
the Moran and freshness of youth. MM. ntnndon the
sow of paints and mixtures, and am Buire raaparini.•
W only eftertsmi remedr: . •A word to the We ts EMS. .
eirne• and •hin Its mongh to th e ladles. . -
Teatime:ay Like the Follatravri Roder up on 80..
all Commit ot . t the Efficiency of , it I flora a;
. . .
• ,
From Dr. E. P. TAMDA. Prof..Yr of tanniatry in the
. loninrillo Mcal College.. .
ert ..
"I have looked over the 1100 of hurrah complying
John BalPsComosound Extraetorliarnmari d ham no
hesitation in saylatt that they form .0 aste pond, as&
one th at ormolus well to ettonde discuses, 'Mich it is
• L. P. MN 1.E.31. D.
olte'=L Y.
Jane 6,1848: ' -. ,
_ .
Wlett bm PYLES, phpedan by Alva ' to the Lao -
6 ' ine iarn. II.PUn4 who of BULL' %Ike A p,d
'.-, Locnrillin, 20,11549.
I have examined theorem - Bon for the reparation of
John/MITA PArgaparilla; and I believe the ovniMnation to
be en meellentone. and well rakalated to maims al.
[swathe impression on the system.' 1 have Med It toth in
public and private proelle, and think it Mel:rest artid• of
earearatilla tattle. , I 11. PYI.V3. 11. , - •
Resident Physician stem Lostimi ll e Marthe Lfroldtal.
- Sap CA UTlON—Bewsre ad esk for the DR.
10115 13121/4 SARSAPARILLA from K
hare smother. KElrddit it WDOWY. ;
Mk Wood street. Pittsburgh, Pa .. Myles:ale and Retail --
s. , •
for rale by D. 51. CORRY and JOE. DOUGLAIP, Elle.
glienTEty, and by Druggists generally. Jellaltwato.-T e ,
.Ti LAX-10 sacks for solo by '
' /6 "- WICK I IeCiIfDLMS
IMRE-PLY CARP.ETS.Tiist received,
1 .1. c. r p n e Warehouse, No, 75 Fauna fit:near and
tbreeTlT =MM. Lien .IY; SITLIZITOR-
a,IIILLINGS, WILSON & C0.,.' Itlnnufao
sumo of On tad.,
ebalz, and I . mall; Inlahlag, loot. .• .
. . .
burghMee at LIPPENCOTr g CO.. No. 118. 4Patur at, Pitt.
MOI.PII . lA-50 0110 . rpnl=
CARAWAY SEED-400 lho. for Bile by
LO box;p tbs
rime tier Ciumese, -
. ' • 100 MI. ha 1 Balor• Ildrefum
~ _
.. _,'-. -1* eras [mi. illem 2,, r . -..-,
' ,GM lbs. superior olerator, lb, odby
snra. JOIIIN WAS 7 a Ou, Monty' et.
We br Cie2l
.bbls,for sale cry
NA 00 kegs for sale by
COFFEE -150 bags Rio;
, '.ao L treo r T, ilita b i co.
SUGAR -48 bids: prime N. 0., for sale by
L. 8. WATERMAN Is 13088,
RU Wats, 818162 Front stmt.
gicultural Implea:Ets:
L'LAV A E JUST received from t a
he East the
hlbwina itopletnenta, al of the heel nuatnthetare
the man recent invocations. and r would Mtn MI
Farmers tneall and examine my Mock.
Drilling Machines, for coma beans, tee_ to,turitipt, to
Wain Drill. for wheat. ere cat., end WWI:
13;rn Sheller, for hone lad band power.
Straw and Corn Stalk Cutting Boxes..
Veretable Root Cutter. •
Ox - Yokes and Cor Chain Daher,. -
Punned Gran and Oren Sythes, wd m.o.
(Seteeel two, tbrve and kn. prow( •
-111 manufactured from the best ntatenaha am! far ale
t the bran and Seed Store of
7 27 Cotner of lited-and Math streets.
ij 2800 cars rye noir.
ISO bugles wood paw*.
50 barrel. priori Noollomselo).
it bamboo.), •
20 t` Cuter vineiger.
00 it Louisville limr
100 'I"
12) Family floor.
7o raz epee '
lE* Oats furael'
L'K "SILK LACES—Large await:Dent,
and verytheap, reed at tbedare af
torMS MURPHY a stracanm.
ARD OlL—Bennett & Jones' brand, for
al M.l. by soT2G . BALM DICK= CO.
ALT PETRE-75 sacks Crude, for sale by
MOLASSES--500 bble, N. O S. "11. for
1.1 by • myl4 JAIME( DALZELL
Q. H. MOLASSES--100 bbla battle ground
17 • a 1.1. 3101•511 GB tbr sale by . /AMU DA e=LL
M ACKEIML-75 bbls large N 0.3. for sale
ITA 4 t7 . W: t witzos,
113 Searcd
RICE -100 tierces for Nile by
715 ll6 IV
BraniuDar. I %OMAN,
motar st.
ALERATIIS-12 casks prime, for Bale by
. 1.„7 myl2 i • WICK k 31e1ILNDLESS.
griIIOCOLA.TE-130 bxs. Bost, for solo by
luc. Edging and Cursorith •fall umrtaaeutut taoe
Etyr ‘ °P""1. Vfl EATON'. Fa atatla at
OBACCO-37 kegs 6 twist (superica) for
_ale by m 713 A. CULDUTEAOI !0•1011
Books I Books! •
CILMITZ'S History of Greete.—A Moto.
of Greeneico Ws earilen Won to tietnettethee,
fltlreht, a ' slM-1/7M. Le=
Schtalts..,a- S- • -
The Germany opophser,.o j r , Sniptnraßt tnik, e
th iji A tn 4 aTienros t r Gerais/1g ItrAct r na/..11 Tatuti
Linn, and other Poem.. By littn Yamahal. Toney. .
PronerblelPtilkersby, nn
Modern N 11.214. and Was Po
of Ts llnined. By Martin Verinhar Tupper.
he Ern of Wen Wayland: a By inn /In t im
The Philowithr of dlethennian trenstated ,h= the
Coors de Philosophis Positlee of Mitnistsf Comte. By W.
Jew or end
Gene •Erie Ilailrrod Gukto Brett ma
raining • deecription of the Scenery, knee; own. n.
lane, end moot hone-tam Works ort th e Road. iiith - ent
hood:id aod thirty-We castration, or ma .M WNW.
from originelsketchn male nprasly for this work. By
Wm. Sleeked. •
Ihtepen New Monthly itantrine foe ion,.
The Mild Worshippers, or the days we Bee in: • Into.
Ithioncal one/. By Me author of "Whitefriari."
boonjust yenned. en/ rbe Welty ' •
0. C. eiOGILTOS, 41 'Market .t. •
/VAR-42 bble. N. C., for sale by .
HAMS- = 319 B. C. Canvass; far sale by
' • • WICK a 324A1D1M
RUCKUS-140 doz. Boaver, for sole b
by jv fLuine e
A ItGOLS-2 bblf.: for sale by
Ra At CO.
lODIDE POTASH—.SO Itta for sale byft
li id - B. A. PAIINESTOCK 4 OP.
. _
PILASTER-GU Ibn. Cantharides, for sale by
.i. 2 B. A. rAnNorroac OM
UFFALO ROBES—AII 'grades kept eon
air"' jur°s-14t 'ecanznisoN'ii co;
,fIERATAN CLAY-590 boxes roe sale by
I.JI more. IL DALZELL k CO, Llbefty
eilmEN by
BY (prime) fer sale by
sayit a.,*w.muteuvuil.
s ", II ir4
br • zori •• B. A. FAimrsroca • ay..
I US-12 dos; Tor
IL E. BELI7R2, • •
67 Waal M.
RICE FLOUR; Prepared Corn; -
it, swim: . Tapims;
Tor s.B.'leTy.ArrovrecoU
wit. A. Alec/Arno app,' .
- teria . =is wart/ et.
:NCII GELATINE, White and Colored ; •
Oxper's Ansezienzildnglarg lot making•Kkle_
""" I I , CLUKO & Oa* and Tea De./cu
FR UNES—Bordeaoi Prunes, in glass jur ;
Terrsup•rku isine7bo.4
PWrd..kTdrakil ht4l--
MACK Ritrl.-100 bbls. No . S, arta:, by
11 41Jbettr Erma.'
A LUM-50 bbla. for sale by •
myl.l J. 61 DU l AN., affm et.
0 bble. (extra) for mile by ,