PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. Ponmensp BY WHIPS I CO PIT,TOBIIIIGH .844,TURDAY,M0114411 , 10, JIINE ; , i 4, 1851 Ainktumge and Widg Optuityt rscamsyr ICTIOK or DLIVIICT . mr.r; Unseen and Tea Dealer. nRIED REEF.—Evans & Swift's Sugar I.rCum! Beef raorared. for sole W.ll. A.3IVLIRG t CO, mr27 256 I..llAnty rt. WOOL—Casb paid for Wool by a 4 MURPHY h LEE. Bonnets! Bonnets! • A A. MASON .t CO. would respect The'sluro Opa ahkh they ls will he wild at Tory low riots bythe dor. CO br single bonnet Now (A 64 Harriet Jo 3 CoaL LO r N . S4ust o, r2zi i r , e a ti f tm n e superior article C. A...MeAMILTI CO . Canal Hutu. j4INSEED OIL-1500 galls. pure, foreuile by J. NM WA HEE! CO:. 24 Wood ..treat. D ORA:C-6 cases Refined, for sale by Je3 J. 801100ZIMAIMIL l CO. 11 AMP BLACK—aI bble. ane'd, for sale by 1 . 4 .1..3 3. SCHOONMAKER it CO. NDIA & FOULARD BLLKS---Just ree'd, .ditio.l foPPIY of time ,err eles . p and deeln . 6 11 11 lodla sud Foulard 611.. The ob.* troods will be clor. out very cheap. A. A.II.4IIAN*OII. So 3 Ul..d 64 11.04 at. LACK SILK LACE—We - have just reed Mb ' ' , igltZt'al,'' th . . b' 51..4 4 .717atti7.4 4 ., " all jea 0.1.1 04 itarkst st. VRIMPED RIBBONS—The attention of 'lll,horgalirtlit'4. 7 l-Cat mltlt i Nut , will dote out at fery.tow PIG IRON-3.3 tone Allegheny, for sae by JeD F.& R. FLOYD. Itemnd Church D0141.K. ATINEGAR-50 bbls. pure Cider, for sale V by J. &IL FLOYD. IA ROOMS-150 doz. Ohio, for stile ' it ie3 J.! YIkYD. IPISH--Idaekerel, Shad, and Herring, lD for l w. by it a. PLO LO. TATC-30 bbi;:liostc7-n-,--fo,r:iernwro IPANNERS' OIL-27 bble. Bank Oil, far_ ..I by j. 3 1 7.a R. /LOT . 1.?. MOLASSES --200 bbls. N. 0., for sale by N 41- 4 ,3 J. a R. FWI. - 1310TASLI-410 casks pure; for sale by 1_ l4 ," J. 2IL FLOYD. ACON-5000 lbs. Hog Round, on consign .n_. royot, far .ale by T. WOODY SOS, J 01 W•Leryt. - LItATLIERS-1000 lbs. for sac) by - .lElal s. w.umatuaii. NIDES-34 Dry Flint , fur sale by .113 8. 'W. LUIRDAVO IL 11ACON--7 casks Sides, fbr sale by _ w. uAabAuon. • 'LOUR—Loo bide. New Lisbon SEm :' 3liille, .1` a r. 3 ext. fa., Dar .O by B. M. ILARDAUOII. , ~. ,I_l A , niMIMV.&III& iU1:010L0 ..SP I BLNWARILLNGEMENT. 185 ` • Fortf-ei honnetolia:delphia. FortY4oliitom7l to Baltimore. 231,.miiiiiltailriM.1-10.i miles Canal Wig". icoer rum," on, conurrizul sarrs TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND ,NEW YORK.' ( Rm. g fret from Mt many duvet and porteragnt I .: connected tea piece Linn._ Two Daily Lines .liktpraW Packet Boats. • * 7 4 MEE MCLUSIVELY TOM PASELDIGIEES.) U£AVE Pittsburgh for Johnstown, thence 14 by PFatage Rallroodlo ••• • • ' HOLLIDAYSBITROH, , - • • tang . V • PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD . Tern tlatolted and Ymt :doe mile. direet to %chafe Inas eoery. atorologyreeLsay at Slight delta, sod soar, evening et the mow hour. ?are to Phllede/phla. 110. Yore to Italtimom; $1,70. do Lahostter 19 do $B.OO. Passengers for Baltimore, • Tab the Yerk and Cumberland Italirteid, roarrival of Cars at that ilare._lllstance (eigh ar Thria..VOUß hour. No charge for handling Baggage on this route. The Cars on this route are new i raid of the mat atOrturi ott en4toctiou for comfort lad safety. - If you desire cheap tanvellisid titatrottale ruedation. secure your tickets at J. P. 110IXES, A a rt, D. Larli In, 1851. WESTERN .1851. TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. • D. LISECII•dc CO'S. LUZ. EMEgi OAR "A AN ; D CANAL IPI i fTBDUROU, PHILADELPDLA; DAT NI— . ALONE, AND NEW YOWL TIE Ronal beirig in • good order we are •- 'Mitered to tranrtost pynduee and mer ' ellendise to front the above cities, at the Meat current rates of Height, with promptoem 'nod dispatch. The beats tad tide an owned sod controlled by the brispriebtes. Bills or lading transmitted, and dl imtwotiona wompur Ste VIA to. Al plr to, or ddreM WATS a CLICK. Prtigiriethea . Canal Eosin, Penn Street, Pittabstegh. HARRIS A LEECH, Mork. Hmititnt /WM. Noe. 17 room 3.1 anal. • • SlllTrtrittsitnil M lS pin 4 "ra Phil'' ' • N • '5, North o f., outtmore. T. it. FLINCH, ewt pdNo. 7. WedWM. New York: FARE REDUCED! • • ggis 1851.. KONONCIABELA BOWL& Via Erofrtaeille and Cumberland, to Baltimore and Philadelphia. /HE MORNING BOAT leaves the Wharf • sloe, the Bridge daily. it. 8 o'clock preciaelvt coo ' TrentU b' ller at 0 o'cloek. connecting with the care at Cumberland nut eran nig et to o'clock . Elsa through to Religiose; 12. lair. Rare only SR Time through toPhliadelphis. 40 hour. Fats only $lO. The Rational Road Is now good: Condatore _go with the Barbee between Browurville and Clunhilsecv which makes this decidedly Oa best route Pont, J. 31E811111E1T. 'ass ay_27 Ma In the Monongahela t. e. . ONLY 26 EWES TO CLEVELAND. iffggigg lB5l. tiftEiili iiIIMMXIt ARRANGEMEn BETWISEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. XPRESS _Packet and Railroad Line for knt rfecs. by Simmer. from uttaburgh to &wawa in comae:don with the elegantly as imbed Emma Packets of Clarke, Perks t Co, from Beam to Ramona. and the splendid new Passenger Cara of the Cleveland Mt Pittsburgh Railroad Co. to Cleveland. klongLet. NIAGARA. MAYFLOWEE.... - N Hamm Stamen leave their landing oppothe the Monongahela Rouse, at 9 o'clock, A. M.. connecting with the Packets at Denver, which will leave immediately cm the arrive! of the steamer. f or et Ravens. hi time bor the kbminatePrain of Caro for Cleveland. Pause by this /ine Mi. at Cleveland ha time to tabs the itaaroad Line of litaanurni for 0 MAW mid DETROIT, and the steamer, for Chia Rilanulde, Toledo. Sunhat y City. Dunkirk. and /tic alio Par evening than of ears toe Lail embus. Xenia, and Cincinnati. MARRA PAM! t (.11. Prmnieton. Rtuntaridt.Ps. • • W. IL MOORILIA.D, OD under St. Charles Motet G. M. MARTON. Office under Itimm&br a latatc; • corner of Smithfield arel Water etreene, • nrrosunou. ,INEtiM . 185.1, • • . UNION LINE. On t he Pennsylvania and Ohio Minds. . PROPEIETORC CLARICE, PARKA A 1n,.......... r .m.R0tacen5, MRKRLIN. CRAWII)RD 6 1.1.1......05entann, U. INIUS well known Line is now vgged to eMrifttlet and an pPolrdLgit an an/ Aar " The ratillties or the Lbw are unsarpoond la number:4%J. lie, and ntretity of Boats, experience of Coptabw and ef. Amer of Agent, One Rest levee Plttabargt. an/ Cleveland deb% running In eot.ttunflth a Lae of ertnunnnta between PITT& HU 0011 and BEA YKR, and a Line of In (propeller and Tenth.) on the Laken CONSIGNEES Parke A Co., Tonnrrtown. 0.: i r i. o ger r ll l . ' S=.l ' i'alLs. C. Prentiss. r tent.. 04 • Itrarton Co . Ravenna. CZ 4 Kent, (triune hoaxanklin • ,11. A. Mtge, Cii Pall, 04 Wheeler, Lee B Lb., Alma, U 4 • Ilendernm Pet/Inane. Panduakr Cltr, 04 . Peckham It Scott, Tondo. ". IL A Co., Dana. IlliblEtd4 .- I'..outtentan it Co., Alllwankley ITU( • tleo. A. 01b1w. In. Chleago, Et; Thoman nea., Mown 111. JOHN A. CAUGICET, std. pee. Water and Snit/Meld rte.. A( CI: B UCKETS 8 TUBS-60 doz. Buckets;_ 013 " Tubg forsalsby . L. tl. WATERMAN t NONE. PORK—A few bble: prime, and a al:hall-1ot Bulk Aleut. for kale by is. L. 8. WATERMAN it 80N8. B UTTER -5 bbls. Pack; G tugs just reed. Ay was by L. B. WATERMAN it 8088. 91011ACCO-•2A kegs (Gedge's) No. 1 Six Ttriat, tbr ale by . JA1124. DALZKLL, • Jet Ga Water, and t'S Meet et. RLOOIS="2.OO tons Soft Tenn., for sale by JAMES DALVELL. --. r MID OIL-10 bblo. No. 1, foe sale by irJ. WICK A MrCANDLESP. TNNERS' 01L-50 bble. jun receiving by caul. ate for rain by : JA Ittil DALVILL. XO2 2 • as. Water rt. Extra Fine Oolong Tea. TOST RECEIVED, at No. 256 Liberty st., a seri superior article of Oolong Tea, which we be rge cannot be surnamed In the city. Thom dashing em., daunts Emotes, but highly aromatic Black Ten _um Melted to atm Mt" trial. Elsa Tv, of morn variety, from 3.5 e. to flat. Green " " ;TN Ite). English nod Irish Mack Teas, waeranted vo entire rattstsetion or no Jr. m otm4qurtzr u i= nre br Oman, arid Teo ekts EiIVLER'S PATENT FLOUR, for rank ng Bread, Peetry, Cakee, Int mains the beet of with the addition of add water 0.17. • ml. Flaw. .be finned the mooet convenient and oheapeet that can 1. 0 Wed for -household nano.% min.; Mper mat In bat. • end egg, and nuking the most tube noi Ettead, 1.1.0 t I .07, Puddle.. Vete., nith . o sw.taaalog of tlms and trouble. The abore out up In coneenlen7al.l g'll'in?` r' °!'".• .V.T.".md=il6":6o,"°' a.rs sad Tea maim. VIRE BRICK-20,000 bess,tlre r in store JAMES net m.. 1 2 Itm br mySI . N 0.68. Eisler A- SAL SODA-350 casks • Sal Soda. of our own make, fur sale at redoN4l rrlors. by BENNETT, DERRY & Co. - Rater stmt. Melodeon! KLEBER has just received a choiCalot is of Pmparlor Cartuudt's 51elaltem, sinusufsctired by Carbsrdt hbnielf—tbe original !mentor-4n Nm lark City. Mr. C. Ms much Implored upon his offillaid Ineenttou e stal It to no. generallr minded OM ho 'the test Melodeons to the country. both for elem.. of finatt wad richness nod beauty of tone and touch. A. 0.0 others 87 Ono 5 octave Melodeon, scroll fret. resseont No. ,ta: 101 Tblnl !greet, sign of the Golden Ran , n , 7 3 0 bole Men et . for the aboeeltutrarnents. - DYE FLOUR-8 bbl!. for sale by Jib, m 730 10. DAYZELL C CO, La.l7 irt.ILEESE-50 boxes good W. R., for sate by my3o IL DALZ ELL • CO. SUNDRIES-- • • _ bbl. No.l Uri: 4 " - Grans, • 15 b 4 .444 resthe4r. . • • 21 • Gam 1 " GI ,fteenr ' 1 b Flumeed; • . 1 bbl. ' 2 bum Geld ippleG 1 Prartm9 warms sod fbr wle by ISAIAH GILKEY my3o . I Nat 44 =I haat Ma SALT PETITE —2O bugs (Crude) for alb by m r a)- W.t 7'. FILSON. SALT PETRE-20 kegs (refined) for sale V. t F. WILSON, 1:1730 147 FITO., ma 114 &mad R. SPLENDID FRENCH PAPER HANG- Gold wad Verret, &Nod, Tapestry too tiroststental'Frsheh 11 . sptrx of rsdoosvtulltW, . and st Driers to suit the ettrumrtatters of klroost rrery thus of eustoostrs, pxr sale at the tslshllshment of roy2/ • :pIIOIIAB [`AIX/CR.66 Marketst. • Branbie; Wine+. 6m. HAVING completed arrangements trite Boussala Ik.leaux other European to 6. use ...Won of oar order. a m thew enabled tootle/ to 1,, ;en ,.... advanee or irupOstation nom BRAN. Nati, WINES. and .I.ltlll ,of ute Alleid, description, I *min . custom ha. buil (1 desired. • Attention is luvlialito En/ list, Won: r. 110 pelage aud Rochelle Brandies, In h Itireg and dark. 76 ithdk and 4.1 d. and broun Slwrier, Bus " ' tll or. cask. re. o usury and,. o Port Whim; tart Dr/ old and .dturbd. •••• • MO basket. Sparkling INtampagn , well known arson" • ' LOU bosrotdaret Winos, saber brands and vintage. IUU au. Bantu. and Car at 43 ask. Sauterne and Claret live. - - 36 PIM Ob lialland and Betrilydam CI En. •• 10 put . 11,wons Old tbegeh and leak Whiskey. L ! .ozmior Old Janata Hum. " 90 mks !superior Lcadon Brown Stout and &etch Alc With a