The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 13, 1851, Image 3

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    .• . 1
ft/IVAN KWAAPPZD.—A colored" Man named
Charles Wedley, residing onArthur's , street,
where he owns some property, recently wished
to pay a visit to the east, tow as he had not
' . money enough to take him on, was about to go
&own, the river on a stearaboa, to earn seine,
- when a colored man named Lindsey Lewis and a
with' , Man named Speer, offered to pay his ex-
Pmat's ua thjourney, If be would travel with
. them. - They 'd that they had plenty of money.
. . and he accep their invitation. , •
; . The three set out on fooL-and when they
:reached Licking Creek, in. Bedford county, a
gang of, ruffians rushed upon Wedley, and de
atrial that they knew him well—that he was a
, slave, and hid escaped from Wheeling. It ft
needless to say that this was a falsehood, poor
. Wedley having been born in' this city, where he
has ever aline resided, but despite his resistance
and prayers, he was ironed, and hurried over
the Maryland line. ' Lewis and Speer•returned
' tolittsbergh without going to Philadelphia, as
.. ' they nay/ alleges, for Wedley's free papers, but
an aunt of the latter, taking Lewis .after his ar
rival,, whe're her nephew was, be. said that be
had remained In Philadelphia.
, , In the mesa time, Wedley, closely guarded
and heavily ironed, was taken into the interior
'ofMaryland, where be was offered for sale to a
, •
man who• fortunately was acquainted with s
'timber of persons in, Pittsburgh. Me entered
into conversation with the alleged slave, and
found him so intelligent that he declared h 0
would not purchase him at any price, because'
.ha knew too much. and would not only run off
- himself, but cause hie-. Other slaves to escape
- -likewise."_After a long Conversation, in which .
Wedley described the street in which he resided;
gave- a general account' of the city; told the
names of the principal inhabitants, 'and their
Widnes', together - with the names, of all the
: Mayors for come years back, the gentleman be.'
. :came convinced that he seas .a freeman. He
was, however, taken away and chained to a bed
. post, where -he remained for twenty hours, but
'wee &laity releasCd by the gentleman who had
interrogated him tro elotelY, Who likewise pointed
out the road which he must parole, in order to
escape fromlis kidnappers. Me had been three
clays in irons.
This gentleman deserves the highest credit for
his kindness, since otherwise Wedley might have
been doomed to drag out a life of hopeless servi
tude, and we only regret that we are unable to
Sad'.out his name. Towards the dowel' but
week, Wedley arrived in Pittsburgh; safe and
'found, after an absence of two Wee* and we
. tenet that the rascals who kidnapped him, who
, ever they may be, may receive that penishment
Whioh' they so well deserve. '
. Frtut.—A fad broke ont, last night, in two
hatne buildings, at the head of Beaver street, in
Allegheny City. They were both Waisd to the
ground. We naderstand that they were both
wneniiied by families named Harding. who are
wok on a visit to the East. We did not learn
wh'ether the buildings, or furniture, were Warred.
' /Knauss. Ca st—Our readers will !marls
laic come time ago, the Supreme Court of this
atstelasned a writ of habeas oorpna 'tithe case
of the Commonwealth es. Joseph Dews, accused
of swindling. Be is alleged to be, by the hfich
, igen papers, the head of that band of Outlaws,
„wito have heen recently arrested thereon
dames et incendiarism, and ether mimes;
- :end was kidnapped, in that State, and _brought
here: was taken before Judge Lowrie on a
vets habeas corpus, some time IWO, but re
manded to prison, and then, through T. J. Icon
Alden,-Esq., hie Attorney, applied to the Su
- premaCourt, for a writ of habeas corpus, which
_Area granted, returnable yestireday at ten o•-
: ,i'olocki at Harriibugh, where the Supreme Court
is now in scream
• . The habeas.corpus act of the State of Penn
' ,ga an lsanle; presides, in order that the prisoner
not be taken out of the .jgrisdiction of the-
Cteart, by virtue of the process of:which, he is
in custody, that if' the writ be granted within
Ilbseit days of the nest term of that Court, the
leisoner shall be taken before it, on the writ Is
sued by the Supreme Court, Joseph Dawes, was
nnterdllY, accordingly, brought Into the Court of
Quarter Sessions, and'on motion of the Camera
l:do Charles Maier, remanded to . ' prison. The
' assn was not argued. Mr. Aldan, Doves' conn
ed. being now In 'lurid:mum A. copy of the
proceedings was ordered to be forwarded to the
, Supreme Court.
Hama Itzaartrunr.—Tre are pleased to
lesris that Benjamin Jentha, the Insane =hi
,. cide, who recently escsped from the insane de
pertmecit of the Allegheny City poor house, has
been romptared„ and Is again in his cell. He
Bud in the Woods near the poor house, without
nmeiving any nourishment, until he was discov
ered and again taken lido custody.
'Aucrtoszel. F 1 M. Dstis wit yester
day taken before Mayor Guthrie, and fluid ten
dollars for blocking up the patine streets with
crowds, collided at his auction sale.
Tan Tolman . Danis.--A young girl of about
fourteen years of age, in company with her
father, dremed' in the new costume, pused up
Third street, yesterday afternoon. She was, of
course, the obserred of all ohservers.
TIMADAT, June 12.
Before. the lion. Wm. B. McClure, President
Judge, Mul William Boggs, .Assoolate Judge..
Commonwealth as. James; Scott, and. Joseph
Porter—indictment assault end battery., on oath
of Joseph Utak. J. T. Cochran, Esq., for pros
ecutor—Robert Woods; Esq., , for defendants.
Thp prosecutor swore that be was in the actof
croising the acqueduct, hawing paid his toll,
',haute heard a dispute betw.len Mr. Scott, the
• tall gatherer, and a German; whom he was cur.
sing, and abusing. 110 tun:withal* and interfer
-fared, when Scott struck him.. The witness had
been drinking,lnat was'not into:ldeated.Serer.
al witnesses were examined, ano the Jury, after
haring been addressed'by the opined on both
sides, retired, and in a short thee returned a
Verdict of "not guilty, 'prosecutor to pay the
The case of the Commonwealth. vs. R. Kali,
• Caspar Fink, Albert Romer, Joseph Riddle,
John Rodgers, and Charles Rice-indictment
riot, was next called up. The dei'endants are
Leased of participating in what Le known as the
"Buck Beer Riot," - which tooklslam out *the
Fourth street road, some time dui.* the month
of May; and in which one German was severely
;tabbed, and several others tojareel. The wit
..- naves examined were principally Ge mans.
Meseta. Stotler and Umbstaette. k appeared
for the Commoawealth. Messrs: D. user., Ix.
Heidelbergh and Fetterman for ti be defend-
The, case was opened to the jury by ',T. Limb.
Frederick Kraus, sworn—On the bre sta y ,
of 3 IsY, some two or three thousand pet ens ad.
nonlAnd en my premises, in Pitt township; near
tha Eighth Ward. A riot occurred batsmen the,',
hours clams and Ave o'clock; there,;' The first
, disturbance that I saw was between Josep h I ild•
die, and two mennamedllorn and Smith. 'I t old
them that they were not behaving well—t hat
• ' they should not quarrel, nor talk so loudly, IL orn
Smith said that they would keep quiet, ;but
I saw a dilEctdty between these men ab,out, t ire
Minutia after. Next I saw Riddle wits his fa co
all bloody, and , asked who did it. Herald a.
DM named Hare. I have a rock' cella r, Into
which I went and as I was going n obi.
Hain strike Mr. Raabe with a ruse. 'fite,tale
want away, and tioottafterwarde 'came up with: a
lot of rowdies, who commenced to throw ston,
at the crowd. Al young man named .Trovillo's
• *ha has since raalway; kno4, x t
law down. afterwards sale him catch Mr.
Raabe, and assault 'him. .defore these rowdies
came an the ground thers . wai no disorder. I
misted to , carry Chaist opher Oche, who was
badly. wounded In the home. I did• not
tee him cut; but he was stabbed with a large
knife, in the stomach. There were forty or Lily
rowdies engaged in this riot, / UV, Albert
Horner, there in the fight but did not see either
'Charles', Reis or John Horner. Baw Robert
Hans.•Acre._ Josef h Riddle said that it was
Horner who bloodied his face. I didn't see Cas
par rink theta Riddle was in the crowd of
rioters.. The day on which this riot took plane,
IF= one of festivity, when I had invited my
friends -to visit my establishment. It was a
Emits, not a public entertainment. Neither
ZiOrner, Naltie'Rltidie, nor Trevino were Invited
Crose•Examined--I aw Trinillo strike Enabe.
That Pomo - young man three, one of my &Lusa
an the gound, end broke if, My father-in-law
told hint ho Mould not do so with other men's
glasses, and Trovlllo knoetked him ',down. We
had music and banners .on the ground: I did
not pay for them—my fMends did.' When the
fight commenced, I soil; my into
•—tetra for constables. I advertised the feast In
..the German newspapers. The mule wagon .
•• - went through the streets of Pittsburgh, with the
band;laying, before it came Out.
The Court here took its usual mid4ay recess.
khda.jaAlae _ o.,ford a bory ,
josl. tio iu24 Water. sp . et atszaus mut.
ascaylo iT yam ceasmay ITISGILSPII LEO,
AID 611 0 067101017111 - P1T1111177411 0.111a71.
Lotasvms, Jane 12.
The steamer J. M. Niles, which arrived from
New Orleans this morning, lost 18 passengers on
her • trip -up, by' the cholera and ehip fever.
Among theta was only one cabin passenger, a
Mrs Frankenstein, it German emigrant. Those
who died were nearly all emigrants. Several
were meat to the hospital here.
There is no siclmesa here. The weather is
pliasant, and the city very healthy.
The river is falling, :with eight feet water in
the canal
The market is very dalL
- The ship Isabelle, he's arrived from Ifivana.
She brings $64,000,in epecie, but no nein of im
Sugers = Buiineas in augers has.been
owing to the increased stocks and scarcity of , l
vesseLa . Brown and yellow have declined real.
Whites are =changed.
Molasses—ls held at 2 real&
CoHoe—Prices are ocotillo' at 0081.
Lard—ln kegs is scarce, and wanted at
Jot retla The stock amoonts to 10,000 kegs.
Ncw Yanz, Jane 12.
Joseph B. Potter feß Into the hold of the ship
Chillenge, this morning, and arm instantly
Boston. June 12.
Hon. Daniel Webster has been Invited by the
citizens of Lowell, to whit that city.
Jenny Lind is to give two concerts in this city
next week.
Nossoms, (Va.,) June 12.
The Whigs of this District have 'nominated
Robert'G. Whitfield for Congress.
CONCORD, (N. H.,) June 12.
The Democratic State Convention, yeaterday,,
nominated Levi Woodbury,. of Antrim, for Gov
ernor of New Hampshire, on the 4th ballot; aid
also paased resolutions imanimmuly in favor of
the Hon. Levi Woodbury for the.Preiddency.
The Legislature, in Convention, to-day, *ti
ed John AL Hadley Secretary of State, and Mr.
The majority is the State for the homestead
eiempticnt law is 8726.
In the Legislature, yesterday, five rossuoese.s
fta ballots were bad foe - United States Senator.
On the fifth ballot to-day, Baldwin, Freelloil
:FM& bad 109, Callin 68, Seymour 88—emitter
qug 8. Farther hallotting was then ixerponed
until Wednesday next.
Wesanrorox, June 12.
The President commenced, yetterdaY, an ex
amination of the affairs of the Executive Depart-
ment Some hours were spent in Investigating
the trimmer of transacting business in the Treas
ury Department After the completion of the
examinations, tho President accompanied by the
omf tary of the Interior, will visit Old Point
.Ihe Becretarynt the Interior haa appointed
-Eli Maryland, a clerk in the Patent
James• D. -Dempsey has bees recognised as
Vice Consul of Sweden and Norway, for Mers
in:obis' , Va.
The Court Martial for the trial of Gen. Tal-
Cott, meets !alias city on the 23d indent
Thos. 11. War, of Philadelphia, has been
appointed by the President, architect and ever
t/gondol of the the,
of the Capitol.
Pmz.A.Diastne., June 12
Jenny Lind :pays Mr. Ram= $25,000 as a
consideration for 'tweaking off her engagement
with him. He acknowledges to having. made
$500,000, and says that Jenny Liod has realized
$350,000 in this country. The net proceeds of
the 93 concerts do not lack $25,000 of $1,000,000
Barnes, it is said, goes to Europe in 'march
of other curiosities.
Heasusnrao, June 12.
adei Jamb* G bsou, ind Judges
Elsa, Lewis, and Campbell, Ewe been nomin
ated by the Democratic Judicial. Conyention.
Vxmcsiwae, Juno 12
A duel came off this morning between Geseral
Freeman, 'Whig eundidate for Congress, and
General Smith, of Jackson, the Democratic cau
date. Smith was wounded in the &boulder at
the fifth round.
The MSS of the difficulty was, that Smith
wrote a letter to some of the papers, and had it
published, that Freeman was a coward and a
libeller. The affair has caused great excitement
PArc.A.DeLsins, Jme 12
Cotton-41te market is firm.
flour=The market is without change. Sales
100 bble standard brands at $4 12+, and some
tiara at $4 87 per bbL
Rye Plot.? And Corn Meal—Sales Rye flour
at $8 127+; - -.and of Com Meal at $2 75 per bbL
Grain—Wheat is dull, with sales of 4000 bu.
white at 101 ®lO2O per bra. Rye is in better
demand at 70®71c. Sales 4000 bushels yellow
cam, afloat, at °lie.
Proritdons—The market Is dull and unchanged.
There Is some inquiry for bacon.
Coal—Sales of Allegheny Coal at 16e per btu
Whiskey is lower, with sales in bbls. at 220.
per gallon.
Cusaissrow, Jane 11.
Cotten—Wee 800 bales at C@loe. The bet
ter4ealities hare an upward tendency.
tALIIIIO7I2, Jime 12
Sugars--Sales 141 hhda Porto Rico sugar at
$6 60@i6 60 V mat; 27 tibia doat $6 60®5 70.
Bales 70 bbl crushed cigar at $8 2560 80
Provisions—Bales bacon sides at Kr,
shoulders 7}@7}c, •
L and hams at 90310 e Di
Salm 600 kep lard at 110 nab, and in b la at
10c.' Bales new mesa pork at $l6, and of old
do at $l4 76e51.6 g7bbl. _
• Plot ales 150 bbl H . S. brands at $4 42}
V bbl.
Grain--Is without change.
Nile Yeas., June 12.
Oottm—Balei 260 balm upland at 8164 for
Flour—The market Is languid, with sales
4500 bbla, including Orleans, at $8 94, and Ohio
at $4 25 ig bbL
(ruin-Ohio wheat is held at 94e. Corn is
t3rtn, with 'sales 88,000 bu mixed western at
b 6 640 bushel.
toorfolons—Pork is heavy, mid new mem Is
`offered at $l4 25'2 bbL Beef is dull Bales
100 bbls prime bird at 840 rb.
Whiskey—Obi* is held at 22022/o pm gal.
Stocks--51cmey to imehanged. Stocks are
srm, with sales $lO,OOO Ohio 6's, 1860, at 1110.
Preemies of Ocrvernment bonds at fa sties;
of Indlthis les at 850851. About 400 show
of the Farmers' Bank. of - Kentucky bars been
subscribed for he ; ; th e balance will be taken
this week.
New Ontsens, June 11.
Cotton—The only sales were 900 balm,• with
au change , in prices since the receipt of the
eteunica'a news.
To baceo—The market is very heavy. The
:stook i:" increasing, and the demand limited.
Grocer' --Sugar, . coffee, and molasses are
steady at i 'ermcr quolatione. -
Floor-Attics a long period of dullness, prices
lam declined. The tales-yesterday and this
morning were 000 bble ut 37 for mixed, sad
$8 4.93 46 for Otis".
Oats--Sales 10,0 ‘ ,"0 bushels St. Loots at Ho
Provisions—Pork Is 0211,iind prices are nomi
nal; bacon and lard the en 'Cc
Whiskev-Salea 400 bias at IS}c 'l3 gall.
Exchange—Sight *schen," on New
to 1 q 1 centprem. •
Simpson, the absconded cotton* dealer, is not
yet heard from. llis lie bilitiea ,Nrs said to ex
ceed $60,000.
Agricultural Implementa
IHAVE JUST received from the east the
Ltoll= harllerata ti en of :neon r .,1 1 .0.
tz„,dr._ . . j wen ra I Iron Ina, t• no
Mi Fw ring N.eAblaas, tar oxa. bens, beet, tunslpa, ie..
wSW Drill. for athest..l . 7...aa...aa
ateob ambers.
Ca .11
r Oftener. Tar hems and head poser.
SU , or and Cara Stalk Cutting UL .T•
Te, getable Boot Cutters. •
. Takes wad (b. Quin Matsu.
eat pawl OraLn arid Gres firth., end Met.
Or SAM! uno. Ouse aentfoar.itemog trim
• 411 Almantsesand rsaa tW tosa seloita; tag got safe
jef; th • Dreg sad geed Otani of
rep V/ *aka or WiN ej amt l esinaffis,
LARD -12 LIA 3. No. 1. fur sale b
comor Ircod sal Water stn.
OATS X5OO ba for sale by
a • tr. naanaroa.
CO m ltl-100 bu. for solo by V
b. a . lIARI4IIOII.
Cellar Bulets, bred Hound;
id:addled iieketk.
Extrn dnderur linekomm 3 Bcnpr
Cedar Kt. Lem bra= bound;
!lade Ma Tuba. In nest, CI !nun
kor de by W3l. A. AieCLIJIdt CO,
ntyls 25t1 Llbertddt
VfiGS--? Ibis. fur wile by
surz, B. k W. lIARBAIJUSL -
F LOUR. —lO bble. Rve•
300 • WLI.:
nidai r Y.Volll6Aucur.
PEARL ASII-5 tons for sale by
.y2ll , &ENG rood's.] 1.51 Fint
HOOPS -49,000 Split Ash, for sale by
sir= estimsu a BENNETT.
DIFJ3. of different epee, for sale at the India Rubber
nyt. N 9 oe. 7 end 9 Wood et. J. a 11. PHILLIPS.
t 1
HaviaA, June 7
MAPLE SUGAR-2 We. veiy choice Mu
pie Sugar. JOrt ree'4 and for sale b
mriu linear, and TeaDealera
OVERING'S SUGARS--Doaleßefined
Loaf. entitled. Pulverized and Pondered, tonalantlY
on and for We by the barred or retoll, or the loved
oath rates, by WM. A.11eCL1:010
znyl9 VA Liberty R.
.11111fiED PEACH - ES-1000 bushels (bright
_By halved) in atom and for ode by
my= =, 11111E1, OIATTII/21103 A Pti.
DRIED `APPLES-30 sacks prime, for male .
by torM IRHET. MA HEWS k CO.
',ASTOR OIL-9' bble. (Lilow's make)'for
I_/ imili• by coy= xuex . MATTHEWS &ESL
QUGAR-240 bhde. Rtime N. 0., for sale by
e, 7 16 AMIS A. lICICIIIOONA ("0
LOPLIA'S POT CLAY-36 bblm. juatree'd
and fo by U. itiCELOON.U.AX ER a CO.
('!LOVES-1500 lbs. for sale by
my 23 13. A. FAIINTSITOCA t CO.
SUP. CARB. SODA-25 kegs for sale by
m,29 Xt. A. pArnamnat a al
FFRENCHFLOWERS—A uplendid variety.
of the newest style. trench and Ame ri can Flowers,
watch we are prepared to eell very cheep, et wholemle or
mrill I A. A. IIIArION r W.
D RIED PEACI - 11-35 sub store, will
mrlib"'l4l°. DICKEY NCO. • •
UCKETS-50 doellarietta, for sale by
Al my . = J. E. CANTIYLD.
B ROOMS -100 dos...Corn,jt: '
ctr!itltyg ul
" ••
SALERATUS-100 !boxes pare;
mrSl 2° 2 ' 2 " . J. B. CAN VIVI
UOAR-100 bbts. Powdered, for sale by
wyra BUILDRIDGYi maint.sit.
GREASE -15 bbla-tood grease, now land
ing tram dame:. Glatabvtand No: 2 Ibt sali by
r 24 Walay•ad Tient Ma.
weld. ned aad ihr sa. at the Drug Store of
. s o alo by
em 793 Bank. ami IC2Ltak..r.
wm es.r.,yrumnft
DOT ASH-4 casks pure, for sale by
rkItIED APPLES-20 binl it . fbtete b
.I_, .=y2l "
ASH-5 casks for sale by
myst , . IL DALZKLL * CO.
PAM, ASH-25 casks for sale by
y= J. B. CAN/LELD.
'OINK ROlif-t- - 2:lsXslloTE.ii;iileby
m,19 ' J,KIDD a CO,
1000 lAA prime sand Bte;
" !gra allarar_for ails by_
ALL PAPER, of my own manufacture,
tar Pylon, Hal* Main. Doom.Chatobum an 4
female) TOOL PALMY* ea Market a.
LOAF SUGAR-150 bbLs. (ass'd No.s.) for
bulb 116 Water
liINREPD UIL-30 bbla. (warranted pure)
far Ws by J
mrt5 .43C1100.511/04211 CO,
24 Wood or—
_Awl and Mantilla Wareham.
' . (Up StstiraJ NEW TOOK. la now otwetnx ono of
. 4 . 15151F.T . t SII "
N a riV "' ejOr "" haterrt "" raft ' fleol ' . " A l
lso N6 LACK
, r.a.NLIN *Oki all ktrolo of 8/LK MANTILLA
VOPPERAS--25 bbp s.c . cfr(l ,, LlOJ E. B4.lo ,x b c y ~,,,.. h... th e 1.,... p. o woor roeeleetlbr s Aro stamen
IL/ tall 3 - at plant ..
. ett , larlr sta . pt . e.l . to the aon. tn.!, •
A LUBI-51:1 bble. for yalo by - ..1 3 : 1.A., •rr fl.t.yayt ttrok of PAIIAA , JIAI AND CM.
J . bCllo(*llSlita Ace. Rod sit 1.;; ."'"u"
" r fr"' " "' 4
,1" 1 ° ' 4 ' 4 c' "e 4
It, tarn Turk bat. 1 . ... 14, A/ Uotton .al I.llnar.
k ba , o p li i tr . re . 1 , 1 , ... ,4 All a[ o L c i rti ,n ol v. : o ll . l:z u.r. laeal
fri t . a .,, stro . calj .
d y k ' -- .6 . ",.....,, ,A Gt1r 0 0 th , Krt.. km t. d .", 3 ,,T 1 :4 . U.:"., ... 4 1 'n' A l l ' ap.7lVl '' ltittl=Jr b ANDl„Vi eattibltlas 84.11 aud
al., trardanlow, working Walczak., to. Alto, .. 31 + null. Pla .1 , Lo clues Ibr van at LebllA!
lafalllble malady Or chapped baud*.
layl6 . , J. AIL PLCILLIPS. • - --
.IL curs Art sl . ale by
INDLIk RUBBER COTS--An excellent coy- -.-- .„--_____ • _„..._ „...,._
L *rine Au more Sugars or earns. selfavthavista gad tor , THOMAS KALE,
p , ralono to air or wear, traala at Nov. 7 and a Wood m ,
• clucAup, uddsets.
NEW RIBBONS—A. A. M...soN A . Co. are tiONTINUES hi, annual fiteilitiee to receirc
ot of ile.ll tan: .111, 1I 0
_,/ n Sara., Sale:sod Trabllatant. all Marchand!,
styln ' lba r talrgfur, a 'o li ' ll Tgr..."` . rtu.laned h. IL,. Iva.. hi. Jotk dolly tor nil yx , ooti
Thoy u 4. .tact nail attention oo their very lard meet. „,, , th . , i „.„, .„,, “,„,,..
of Pamela. wtery all novlitlya OLD La °Upload and at eery Setaranees--Iltver.. ',yens Meeting a C.,.;
low priori. No. 01 a Oa . X.rket el. toyl4 tle.vro. Junes A Quin,
if IRISIPED TARLETONS--Just received 5l, John A. Cotothey. . apsa‘sn
1.,../ this yoornhty,and DOW vitas, 10 cartons of thaw very ... . —
G C''''''''
Walton of militant:a Is Papeotfully tatialtvd. _ .
- -----
XII reoelTed at tto Moo of 1: ' MIDDLETON, ItILEY Ec M'GEE, ,
03/1 4 sat:near a BURCIITIELD.
. Prlurt. Comae.. and Vormanllng Morchan., on an
viTINDOW CUILTAL'V 3IUSLINS of atm Lowe. t- Joaerl4, No.
Itofrr to Alorzond6r thatoo, Im . l . l.oreni, Sterllng A Co
V `` sod handsome sty/ro, and at a Lenr lat.,' roe'd 0/ r
nif lICkPfIY a Bulamhxsz. i P:!t&b , rgb. ,
_ tyl
nyles =I low prleesott
HAD-10 bble new for sale by
Myl4 W. a 1. WILSON
.13.G0T-40 lbs. (fresh) for sale by
TILE highest price in Cub paid fin. all the
Olfirntat grades of thin mulledl by
etty7 NUK Woo E& • LEL
I Z I P . LINSI POPLINS:—Just received this
cab artsis plebes bes'utiful abodlee °twill..-
. Itns. which we will enlist 25 bet cent. lover than
they ye ever been sold in this city.
my 29 h. A. MASON At CO.
FINE SHAWLS.—We would solicit the at
tuition of purchasers to our very extensive assort
ment of superior plate and embruideild Crape Shawls and
bear* fairy Cashmere, Ildbet. and Bilk Blurb, all of the
newest and most desirable styles, whkh we an selling et
the very lowest wino. A. A. MASON C 0..&
tip 62 and 61 Market et.
day ree'd 'A/cartons of thole very desirable Crimped
Tarlatan Trimmings, assorted talent which mill be acid
very cheap at retail or b 7 the bay, at el sad 66 Ilarket et.
sti722 A. A. LIAISON I W.
VINE DRESS GOODS -= We have jtiat re
x- Delved artotbsr oloadld soortasent of bIoA. brown,
ilt, olo• u3cl=cd•Basimandllsroes. Also. IndlAsnd
D aolud Mk; width oat affazipig at nary law jukes.
a 1729 A. A- MASON
OURNING GOODS—BlaildSombasines
m fEntagost Clotb i t, 116!
Sta:. pamt Kuignad
'wortment of an . , ,, Zoosiltiao of !radar, with
oso=of Liato Bilk tad OW= Worcs.
"I' ma " lOW EATON, 62 Fourth it.
lia:llbriirotitis%Zio. DOS Tb
i t* 01:.
poduatio Part Office.
' m / 7 1101i—Por ado by J. aZditlilerdef
FIREBRICK -65,000 (Cool Oroie) Firs
••.•• (lf Dot supaiar to Ms Edtru Brick.)
mbaud and ea atm
lay 6 WALLINGFORD • 03.
DRIED FRUIT-400 bu: Peados;
al y 7 " A K. Cpp,
NYINI for mile by
J. lesA.D.
FLO OR OIL CLOTII9.—A large stock of
Farm Clataa of width. na t ttof hota cc t i C tO 6 ta b.
arraserat P" tha eurt . .. U stere i lMt7 3at h. q ..w
os s osusi csa sad osalaltu oar aaok bat. oorcbujoa
clamber.. J. a LI. PUILLIPS.
071tl 7SW WWII Sit.
assortment, Including aTery lard sad desetipti., oI
"VPI I Y 9 qll'2ol.ll,fin. 8) llarbt et.
"EXAMS-10 casks for solo by
11 myl3 18AllIrDICHEY t CO.
BUTTER—Fresh Roll for sale by
TANNERS' 01L-20 bble. warranted pure,
slam by 11. E. BELLED%
yl6 ' Wood et. ,
DRIED APPLES-40 hags in store, for
f INSEED OlL—l.corks (prime) for Bala
..I,A by m,6 0. W. lIARDAVGII.
VERMILLION-62 lbe. (Trieste) for role
v or &pi u. r...vmzez.
CIIEESE-0 boxes receiving and for sale
er apt a. DALIELI. L CO.. Liberty .t
FARER-3013teame Med. and Crown Wrap.
ping, Wr ulo low to dose oonsignmont, by
apt . JAR. DALZELL.63 Water at.
DRIED REACHE,S-600 bn. for sale by
WASTED, 224 the higheA. WHALINS irt_prtmloal ;24.1 for U.
2212 corner Market and Third As.
D EALT APPLES-75 bal. for solo by
1113181111)06 ltiOlift
aria ll6 Water greet
cRIMPED RIBBONS--Just reed per ex
=tam of Moto • dealt .. .4ls
14 taus, for Thatatlog, asahractag tat dltltrant widths
tad oalart. the otteatlon wholetalo cust.mets L to.
tatttfally batted to the abate attentive adtortamt.
atrir A. A. /dAtltlli W.
CASSIA -400 lbs. for sale by
A: A. fie-2 1 Ilt or -obi
rM by tial9) B. A. PAIINIZTOCX A CO.
United States Hotel at ShiladelphiS.
IHE SUBSCRIBER respectfully announ
.. Vi his friends and Übe' trundling ronnity.
Ihe 11614 .. ,roomed the Proprietorship r theiNVIM. ,
FlidTliti IluTtL long khan, in emu,. thin with the
!Intel undorths lA' Proprttior, he (telt lottlp tale in
u'..VV:::'.'.' t,T,7,-4 1 2;:t.'„"ZPV..,11:;;.7."-
tufa. tountry. No exp....has been stie In merle.,
h - detitting the entire establithment. end e pertkullarly
int iten attention to the chatotes intralu foe he
lit " l;4l;e * :ll,:miT:lie " eoVits i r i gfn ir 7 r.:771!:1 -
patronage always so timely. toottoteed no 4. old united
&Halm [ray3h2ml . 0. ALLEN._
FACtIMER, No: 41 Booth ducond Street,_ (shire
oout. east side.) Philadelphia. ' fehldile
iP atli.(licarrs. No. :LI Market st., Plailadelpbls. sOl
j s EALD, BOCKNOR_ . CO., .Too era
com . mi.a 31rerharita No. 41 North it)Lur arra.
an' .'n. Ili North { Charm, Philadelphia. aual
&-• A
ti N; 1 111 , 0, General enminia
mnr.o¢ yowl evta or Farr. a l' enerllly. UandiZl6o2
Office for Foreign Pat.nts,
M. 6 WoU of., N. York, and 166 ITtot rt., London.
In Great Minnie, &ante, Beheim, nod al
parts of Enzy m e—the ennaelse,'Cubs. Ana the nue
Pall Information 011 doe above cm be had o■■ addreashzir
L. Wall Nat. Neer leek.
Superior Black Writing and Copying
BONE'S EMPIRE INK, 87 Nu.nustreet,
Sun Building, Now York.
IN [Tr nucts m
• . SI BO G oa. per d0:—....--10 GO
On draught.nct 2/ mita
ThLe la the lost article reasaufactoind. It goo. freely—
le • good COPPING INK--end will not rrods, mould.
precipitate or deny, and mown% all the ouslities colon ,
ed ircealletiting ink., imitable tor the gall. snl&GI
=trebly adapted ler the Steel Pen.
The uhateelereed to prepared to furnish to the tradi
thee ler eePom or home consumption, at the oboe. very
t o u r ;gtr i ur. Put
ra order, Grid delivered In en=
or kegs al o r t<,ltrr f
GP Plasma eu, Fon &endings.
P. 1 ,103
Professer A. C. Barry's Tricoplurrous,
•toriog,pm,•rving and beautifying Um hair. cradle.
tins: *rue ann dandruff. and euting diavaaes of the Ain.
gra? . nege i l;a d . ttpl o g:go i g, , i? t rln. = e l/4% L t .
men has nroduvad the woe egret in curing dlwaaes
akin; ete. of the hors, :sad all the aulmal king:lota. To
tentineonials 'elected trool huodreda of similar
in ' 4% 0
I=by ; Irt r =ii•
given It • trial:
FR tattailept =.„ 11180.
POOP. Babor—Dear Slr—l have been =and with . as
Jane°ne eruption of the &alit of boat ainfravatal char
acter, for, the lard siztnen years, and doting that perbd•
have had tho advice of wane or the mod mitten_ t y,.hysb
den; and bare tried all th e preyarstkat• Par the hair and
Ain now known, without the least bansll4 I was advised
by • frioal to by yous.Trieopheroua 1 did aq Y • Last
.about soy enrollee and pratlkeatlon.isiand
lured to two months. bob was the %dense of the
dborder that at babe I was Pattie!blind. •
Iteepeelfully e rani. as MYL •
10 Columbia stmt. Brooklyn.
Tin Sam Ott. 51, inze.
Nor. Boar—My Dear ihr—Abouttwo ran ova lei halr
without • swat deal. and toy head was Much artleted
with dm:tin.. I Into told by a Mead to try rolleftkopliew
ous, antt I did so, and to ray satonwhinelati halr was
finals noted. and all dos dandruff disappeared, as the
head now shows for 'Welt
With rest.; 1 n
If any lady or gentleman doubts the onthenticitT of the
elove, they will pkg. call at /Inbar • (I Barry • office,.
13; Broadway, Now York, where ho will prolnoe the atiti
nal letters.
.Ani v ats,l i ltyllltaa T azt Astrus. , Nov.9 a lSso.]
4 . ,<Zlllb e gtoebatr i that ha/ nsselsett
Barer . * Trleoiletotul, l&aell:a tat Cam '2. Tel " . It 4 ex
: telleStoli sat by the, appar classes of tb. oaotakanitr
lmost ermlauseery
land It 4 wed Is Ito , ho'oo;•
:other articles of the kind. It Imparts vigor to the roota of
hair. and thus promoted Its growth to arosuatable-da
grew. I I r:s th
.. 1= ff to4 lrd af. 'ok " a rk,
• ds as mold nead!orar learlaTSLl Wm. ols=lisor
: 000.01 of tbet daft: la well •Illeaty, It stands
' outlealled. It is sold toe Into bottles. prim =wets, at No.
Madams'. cad at Drlligitta amoral,. tbutehtbont
10. 1.41144 0440.4 Caseadh. tlf
iROTCHINSON &Co., Nol3 Spruce Street,
NKW YORK. lybolewale taatottaetarvra of tbe ben
tv3l4 IglVtth . stad far= f ita,.4.4 . 2ob Wert. Phle i t a t
wk evil :a all orttlaarr prrarrat
r a n d atlons In the. Wu, are out *stagier • rich
, nen pa rtn may to work • aprricx any alba r Pala enar
ito tam. Oel6 at priers varying Tn. .6 eta. SAO Roo lb,
piit op a.=' , .. VIT:V.T.VrZe.,,,, shade &ad
coa/117 varying
SLD6 526.03 per lb. melabetlea
Shawl and Mantilla "
hAVIII C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
and Casambadoner ter Peanerirmairk et. Louie. MA
A manmarokstbna pneaktir arm...AL (&Cll
IF 011 X 11. RANKIN, Attorney and Coun
ty meilar Loe. aml Caraccisslaver ter the Skat.• a
rearrarleania, Br. Loaf; Ma, Oat& of Pittrbero.)
Raferrarea—PAAbargh: Balk Parward. Llaraptao
M Mrnorlirvk kirCherr. - .leAk E. Parke. iileaella
kenapie, McCord A Cu. aualklr
'PILE undersigned having entirely re-2
built *wielders.] the eta, el wrote,. cited bac
t. coutalning In ell Omit three bandied and IMF
room, nimbi 'respectfully sivethat le nue reedy
Fir the reception and acommaidatiou of the travelling
eaelended rintlceof the iineurpousedeenrtudeir teeo f thig
Noun le domed eurtrauous, es the numerous: Improve.
vents which have been made cannot be properli glee. ID
an Wien' IMESce r. M or. rur miens. has been
spared to render any aPertiient tierAeb ••
114 furniture renamed* eirtmetir ta order. rtgrtallirte 01
wet, am certain parttime of It. crtaartally the Blueing
roams, will be (mad to of the meet beautiful iniumbre .
tun. The Dining Prom lie s
are orteciocu i an th e boon fir
mule will be so arranged ar to suit the convenience of the
miry and late.
Every departmental]] Ise conducted la an on.evytioni
Isle =mule. antl the proprietor pledges himself that th
American !louse shalraetruly thy Traveller• llama
New Mute.
and Pals Dublin Wsßur, eempletc.
.or llookkock
Hamburg Polk.
When scathe Mande of my youth.
Thou haat wounded Om em that feted lb.
0.•••• m w
JetnELltur • B that are
led Sum. heichtert.
New Years Polka.
Irta Polka.
Bleu Juniata.
Old Bachelor and Old Maid.
Lament of the Blind °cll. Uhl.
Thy voice le couple I. 'moo ear.
Lament of tho Irish I,9li.etnt. tNed .d mask/ .
torZ3 Jolly 11. SIELLOIL SI Wood IL.
" sale
kIKLEBER has just received
• 41/..1a Cook.
tto r l i . doZty . olon. • batrlutto dodlootod to tb.
n l . lZ44 , ll i r4ty;;: g lir Eltiloplis Soots bylEttpbed C.
Ifiroot Moto; its own by Jonsyl./tb.l;il47 ' i - o 'of yo.
The Mount/du Doloy.
The Day Spirit., by I.lndloy.
Old wrOton too/ root wool by S.C.
l'owter. lood dodloodol /Ir..ll.rry i.d. l'itiOdbrola.
c hgbarg the tooroloo,
Ho o One ye
Ilona.. bob '. duo,'
toog ; Oulu Mootrobli.
No. IMII Third ptro.t.
to .
N. I, -..1 try:es/I'4 lot el Plano. andlryltVOVllll;l74l.•
Copky's t Clay. !
'IIIE. aubteribere ar nor Sal, AAont3
4,„ of J. Cophty re Co.. for to solo of rtolr Pot Clor, •o
nide of well ertothotteol rrp Woo for tho moon hketoor
rolos Poto.hlool Coto. ar. I to moJo of .o. of thorn..
htforiblo tubiform. known: .I to very at...fully reioattl
rod clowned provicho to Errodi o.
otrOU J. KtICIONSIAK hit .t CO.
EMP-15 tons. Mies
713. J .
IACKEREL-50 bbl,. No. 3, for salu by
11, 1 NGLISII SPLIT P US—Received and
1:4 l'sr sale by WT : A. MeOLCHB t CO.
4P . ' ' yortrailisl Tea Utat,
SAL3ION-30 bbls. a . d hf. bbls. No. 1, for
by sylls JOHN wart . ," co.
HERRING-10 bbla. 0.1 (now) for sale by
11 .04 • LOP 1 . trooh:t Du mum.
100 Dbl. a. IL Molts s:
10 - . - Syru •
HI 1J Ws. Gold= • YVAN
Di - " 9. 11. 11 , 1 c 22 in:ls by
IIUICIIIIII/112 a 1),(1112611)
121111 , 1 114 WWI. sL
IT:APE SIIAIVLS--gec'd this day„ per
einem, one carton at those my Minable piano and
mrt am Waxed t&spe Muth. aL .4 •
lIRIED APPLES-15 bble. for salo by
U JI wit
SHAD-1 0 0 Nc . ) : 1;
Ilna-75 Ibis. N. C. fur gala by
my= k!NaLISII t akNxErr.
LIME '0 bbls. White Louisville, for vale
50.000 F T .
,P°Plar,!karda and Scant
mdi " 8 ' tliZtail A BENNETT.
VICOLISH MUSTARD—Colineuies: inkep
AA of 9 lb. sad IS lb. rub. LlZlparted, fbr , tal•lby
NEW BOOKS !—A large supply of Me-
Mattock & Crooke gnat and Latin Works.
arejLalllziur o t , or n tb• A4veaturea of •• Debar
• desert island; dr03..18300..
11110 :Noc 1, R 2. and 1. of IlaboL's Loudon Labor md
Loudon Your.
Nernst rtylen Poplin', plain .4 11gund;
Oar.. De Lain.
grviich /.41.1M nail a large ageontment ot ,
111. k Fake, for Sava an 4 Dmvelt light .4 dark
changeable bilks, 10.
gtgrhen Gaols recelving en.t doily. ja2
.D hir l r i c , n i;u 6 t oN aal . c oo ti . y
-• .
Crimson Velvet un'il klbld 'Paper
Mooloos, for Drawing Itoonafjool reed from Path,.
br goat by
myal W. Y. ILLRIRIALL, 84 Wool et
Smith's New Geographies.
Q3IITU'S Firet Book in 4 cograikly; an in
troductnVlooprschr. demri
‘Altalritti I. :•=l,l•apil ra=l:i2r
PrArLl um rirtiTto of firo Pb a r; for tbromio &AMA..
k .
4 Aellrmles. nod Yanallles dempned as • hemmed tothe Mot
Ik•k; Illtutrated withal) gaol mOOO,OOO tumorous =gr.
•ftgp . b . r . C. alms.
mr24 78 Apollo Elulldlnick Foruth at-
PRINTING PAPER --A large lot Double
Medium .4 4.1.41Pri.11.qra.M. by
corner Market and &eon. us.
WRAPPING PAPERS—A large assort
meat "a V•lllllt, Rat Vat...
m 724 k ' r 4
P•Kr Warebouse;a:. ilaramt 21 eb.
Y 5
GROSS STEEL PENS, of all quail
ern della 17111 en's /303. :51, and Id Peng
kr.Bcaa's Pen. of Oil Invading Kalif% Rad other
cad brated Mantibet.,ll. far sad
SS Brae&
110IILDERhoulder BRACES , o ff the moat ap
gyte, elmole ktmtentro and easily !Med.
And .G a ve to mit wbo may mull . * them-4:st ned
rat., wkadeolo and mtall
esree B a. skuarts. b 7 wo.d at
Mesh, ree'd mud Gar sale by W. At Y. WILSON,
m 724 . • 147 YrobL and 114 &mod rL
ree'd sad Iv ale b 7 .N. WICKKILSELAM.
lazal maw at Oath sad Weal W.
FOR RENT.—A three atom. brick
• threue, honia, situate 6nThird arra between
mt mot Boor. the -house Is cell nabbed with II r-www.
Oran% In the knoben and above which there Is a Lathroan
with hot and cold Water. 14mneina Floor IMMedlatmly
CV]; /0 Y. F. WONBONN 111 ST w at:
No. 93 L. 65 Trout
House and Lot for Sale.
AALARGE LOT, on Leacoek street, Al- Iva.
'echo'', running throngh to Rebecca, fronting
net on etch street, with a depth of 11 Het, t0...a.
ether with • IrOnd Brick Dwallitor Howe, enntainina ale
mono For terms ayply to ACHESON WOODHOUSE; Ito-
Haim: street.. or JOHN P. EOOTT. • Jed
C.; TORE ROOM TO LET, on Market at..
eeeond door froni Fourth. and relint lb.
Watch and Jewelry eta,. of IV. Wo os ,. This
Store Room Las the hands:anal front in the dty. arid la
the beet location for • Dry Ulm& sad Fancy kindness.
Relit for the baance. of the year will be very low. lin
aolre of JAIIES OKAY. or
A VALUABLE tinimprored LOT, on the
SI. <Lorne, of Liberty sal to streets, Fifth IVmd,
aplosite the GOMM, CatJAolle Church, 30 fee.front on Lib.
rty. by UM feet deep on Paetcrty. running . bank to Spring
a' A e r.o-11 . e three ewer Beek Duelltur Donee on IdbeitY
street, ntijoSnAng the &Love,
lureof be ng DI feet front by
DO feet deep. The [nu 'I. end con rettleut, bull tAn
Modern etyle, and enntedne eleven roome..
Alnt,2o amen of very valuable land Omen's/Tot ttNlt.
A Perm of 13A save In Wert Deer township.
Alen - A Pm= of 254 .em s In Lawrence monty. miles
from New Castle.
Beaver county. of eselmas elsee end
prime. from • acres down.
• Aleo—l2 • ry valenble lute to Nattvoo. Flllnolo. Pri4v
moderate, E • Quire orP.
0 - 1 2
• rue). al lay; iltd rid EgaeAvN
tourth Meet, Pittablargh
OR R lstreet.
NT—A Warehouse on Water
were 2
•t Market mai Ferry. imitable far
nem /Martha of • •
To Let,
FrIlE well finished and furnished Store, mkt
on 461n1 rtreot, noarlbo Port (lace, at yolventEL
plod by Mr. Parker, as Jewttry Ftore. kpply
to D. GAZZAJI, 73 Liberty rc.
Lytthes now.
FURNACE, a Dresden, MuSkingum co.,
Ohio. miles from Zaneseille fielrminolug order,
wl emporia/I hicam kink, ,e =elle of running out 7
tons of Pbr Iron per day. flare an attendant middy of
On lc its Immediato vicinity. It te connected by a Mort
canal with tbe Illuskinoum rivet, which la naelgablo for
ateamboata the master part of tbo year. thereby atiohaie
WOW. for shipping to Zamwville. or to any tolti o othe
()Menem at low rates of freight. The•lreat heretofore
rusoufartured at tida turnace.l teed ooasuiried ip
thO. M i liriamenille, Ohio, or to
11l LEY * PENDLETON, Daltimon.
To Manion.
lOM . ACRES Farming and Grazing
kno Lads, In Warren county, located o n the
! m y ae
. cr, within twelve rake of tie :(pkork sal
Aleo-1,000 . Aerie In Elk couni• fo male on
auk team Cava* of ..WILEI:I6
nryl coma of )lerket ear Thad M.
To °admen.
rzNTY 'ACRES of pardenin g Land, al
y .0 i under cru
aujd eultlvatbm unix au was qf Ow
.1 he uld Ca. lOC* an ilaoto thltd rub.ud Um
WI In ono. Mg thru rum NU rutin:Ws al
quire O. dm bulking Kau. or
li comer of 1a bet =I Third U.
Desirable Suburb= B,esideace for Bale. I
TEE subscriber offers for the house and
grOundswbasba now reshlaa:sitaated on Park et., lr
law nem.; Allegheny. tied about 2.3 adman' walk lt am
the nugget of this Oty. The lot le tan ft. Dont CM Path et,
acremining berg . ..12 ft. I. to an alley-ve0...4 neatly one
of ground. and la bouuded on every side, large nem
lots. iieunt with trees and - shrubberyi e bores Is
t•wrlT new: arge, l and entweillegly well arranged. haring
• front of lib feet. sad depth of 72. Fed oemenne haulms
non* twaides balls ulna bet wide. I it Is bunt la the best
and most durable manna. end Wu • nreiproof woof. soil
cantatas Wham =Wens convenlentio. Two pump., with
an mingling supply of bard and soft water; are at the doer.
0a the grvindsen an the modem eitlk bend/in. awe.
=also Lotus, g. The grounds wi mad tats vuoally as
lairs, covered with choke Dolt trerA erergniens, flowering
ahrubs. currants, goomberries, number:l*a, and • mall
=tThe that Le aUm beet bind, an 4 the trees are In
ido.. and yield t
cootigh for the want. clan
Weil/. Th e lineation of thle propennue to ealubrltY and
seburtan wantfarts. ouchneel anitiguity to the city,
Is not streguared by say elee. la Ws vicinity. It boo
aview of the Cada River for over s eel* Teuipnenow
h ll * Poach iss city, the two liver. and the
is.:mad, (tuning altogether panorsalle prospect of
which theist . . never wearies. Merl beet which eaten or
i til i aWroes .rb t..l= d ortof Itrurgh on the aas 1.2104
aed, hum say atinoyanse cr dun, an
tleetrurtive of
mend eiegetaLlon. and allures • rethement
e n quiet
sod peaceful wilt located femme quiet mach les the country,
whe n e ver r will be mold at shaman, and picesession given
whee deelfed. Enquire at the Duette °Mee.
egt=dtf D. h. WHITE.
For Side.
1 ...ember" of tberairmouet Fire Cam.
ilaf, errs their Engine for We. It Is in good or
r at4l notill eold cheat, Eric?Al m; g.c . r.
froi QV grim street.
-k - ' 4 OR RENT—A Dwelling . House on rm.
Tldot atreat., %boas and pear to Hartltatleld. It
Caa Itatunta. large yard. :rub ammo. Ite.
Os mutat lota. sad potattation attaro itootollaaly.
Alar...Yor Pala or Loam, soma lota In the liloth Rut.
Pann attret gel lbw Allutteny atm.
at Itenj.Darllogtores. Faarta Arcot. near Wood.
lIE SUBSCRIBER offer, for Sale, u vorable ter r orsthe tallowSug Real M.. is
ITC4 fa ty of Pittsburgh, riat
M rl
No. 1. Ttme valuable throe atm Leek dwelling how,
Cl, 1.0,04 street, between Market and retry strew, tba
luta helmnen 19 feet f ro nt by Si deep.
No. Y. °minim 51' trot front on Third sires{ eddolnlng
brick rrva bban.yterl mrch,
owed be
an Ca
mintion whic ng h a IF
ee. s amt on
one P.M.,' o
fden• nary , t
two story brick varelionee. -
Ya. Z. Two lota In rallwton, Bearer centetty.being lota
Wm and a.Mente sheet 100 foot atimare,on • Irbleblowert.
ed one black of four OM./ 4 milluga, and , ono ceparata
frame dent Msg. all Mu etortes hi gh.
No. a. One lot to feet frost on Met street, opposite the
above, and exteadro, to tba tor of the hill..
No. S. Two learn lota, emb 1 fret front, and running
foal UM rood to Inv water nook: on the Demo,.
um, ra:uable water I.N. Ilk feet out Irbeal Rom.
with too Mares VA./ pow., attavaed.
No 7. On. lot opposite lbe 011101 . kg. PO bet from, and
mdandlog to the tor of the bill. on obi& 1. orveted one
two story brick store awl wareboo, 7mil by 50 trot, oboeoa
lean. I.elllwt, two
Na. 6. One bum lot In New brigtOota Deere rrount
13124 about 140 het on Broad way, and abontllo hot derrl
containing acre. on which am erected. two largo frame
weillem, sot ono . moil from. boo, mod u m olher.
7151.1rupertr was tarmerly onetime' by lir. T.O. Opal&
ud O very Plemint/y located, hamar immediately uprosite
Tallston bridge.
9 b OmwomtM lm mg te d ,i aatnedbxeoVin a g ll e fmW a e ,
street- to
low water mmit, or towing path.
The oboe,
Illmer:y will be enlel oozmilrarable %ma
af.7la.Aetetrietit. Stars
of i .i . 011:1 1 11..r.9111 , 47Agent.. "
eneh2l Idournal and rem eared '
rri 'T
A. BLOCK OP BUILDINGS. on the comma( Wenth..l,
and Peon etreete. mut. !matins on the Pc
et rotate (hotel. to the City Or Pitteturgh. The Lot fronts
h 5 4 hundred aed forty tour feet on Plan street. and ono
undred and aloe feet Wee Inches Pe Waahltotton Meet,
to a Inertly feet alley. /melte of
No.loo, Penn at,
woe for . 1 .. 1.7:. .ncrawr Of valuable
loe le.. ea.l htene 'err deelrahle mit. for [numb.,
tones. to the through of llirmlughatt. Mental LW. the
00 711 1 : 0 P41:11ttie T 1,7 L re th rty Labe
manufacturing wealth, sod the revaluate Dr
pr at which
lota will be pill realer there a safe laud profitable he
re taper. Title lerfeel Terme favoreble.
I , or pertleobtro end term, enstre of the malerilrued, at
the othre I , r 1 i•ITI,o Gilmer, „ea Want street, l'ltte.
burgh, Lo n sod foci otrteta. or of Itllliara
0 " N. tetra. al their offices Iv Birth.
truth., te . .4 11081:8 V. EATON.
The largo and commodi-2 .
uus Nouse or. Faun Amt. - (lately occupied
"Sdstarde.) with au oath* lotattiolulus, vbrult
tart af a yard. Also—Ntabllng tor two hmuas. Engulf.
No. b 9 Water rt.
T ARE 011-20 bble, No.l, for sale low to
elvm cupslantocal, at itrtre o pl cionstint.
corV en., Weld eel Sixth sta.
ACON HOG ROUND-8000 lbs. Bacon
Hann, akin. end Nhoulda's, for ails by
111r3f B. W. 111KBA11011.
tykRIED BEEF-3000 lbs. for solo by
J_L. ..722 s. aw. wAsuutiu
UGAR—bd hhde. N. CP., for Bate by
e2r.a & a W. LtARILLIMI.
COFFEE--10 bags forisAV.,LARBAuan.
DOTATOES--200 bu. prime Red, for sale
nr.M • T. WOODS6later kWBON.
wu .0. Co. are now opening • Mr. lot of twitutital
Lyle. tierin g Ribbon.. at wi ...ato per rant Thew rood.
Ye ...mewed for cbeapeosit so they me well watt 2
cents. boo. Gil and ne Marken rt. pJJI
JuAl. reed and for laic by ELOPIII:18,
mr2o Apotlo Bubibnas. Fourth .t
ISLIING TACKLE--Canm4o, Linea,
Mots, 11.5, boleask lend retail. Tr,
myl9 07 arket mod, oSrr.r ot fourth.
VATCIIES, in large variety, and, at.the
V lovret repiulsr .nseery cash rir..*Apitsig.eee
PuLT I way be .ren at 134 r Me .
etuel ivq..tteent Oold end EllTer Nee/Ir,
:eid a the be: t inet.ulet.ture; Pnck ,, t , ettthy ran
•Inenle, to neyLej IV. IV. WIWI N.
AMS-32 eaekn Baron Home, for ealo by
wr.:o .IA.OES A.11C1C106037 A CO.
• •
MONO the numerous discoveries Science
.11, has made In thL teueritiou to bedlitata the boatman
of Ide, Inmate Ice enjoyment, and even prolong the tern
of human existence. non... be named of more mil value
to mankind, than this rontrlbution al ettemistrY to the
Healing Art. A ma tend of IL cloture throUghout
rot country. hue proven beyond a doubt that no medicine
or combination of medicines yid known, can eurciFmh•
trol andenre the memoua varieties of pulmonary dismay
which bare hitherto swept (than oar 'cadet tbourauds and
'thee.oude every year, Indeed, Three le now abundant rea
rm to believe a remedy has at length teem found whtelt
mu be erlirl en to cure the most dangerous affections of
th e langs. One space lmre will not permit co to publish
any proportion of the ettma effected by It, nor, but, vr prsteot o
th e fyitowing ophdous of eminent Mtn. sad refs
further enquiry to the circular. which the agent. halo.
tamed will altar. he pleated to furnish fm, wherein are
full particulara, and indisputable proof of these fact, I
From the Provident of Amherst nays, pew,
"James. C. Ayer—Fir. I have wed Your Cherry rector.]
of doeremted Drourteltio, and gut raidsd.
from It. chemical conthltutlon Malt le au adnumble com
pound Pm the rellef of larynglal end bronchial difficulties.
lf of opittloet its to- Its superior character can be of any
*orrice, you are at liberty tot. Ito._yott think Prover.
Froas lAe Merely rekbrated PROFESSOR SILLJALL.V.
D- L. L. D., Protector of Chemistry, Illnerslody.
Yale Colleyte; Mender of the Lit. liht..lled. l'bt I. and
deleatifle boadetles of America sal Europe.
"I deem the Cherry Pectoral an edmlnsble conSpodum
from tome of the best articles In the 3lateris birdie , and
le7g. cure." remedy Lee the
claw of ' &7,74. 3 1; ' , " 1 1 4r '
MAJOR I'..4TTLCON, Presided Vat S. C. Sinutretates
that be has need the Cherry Pectoral, with wonderful Mr.
GYM to curs an Inflammation of the tonnes
From meg et/ Me jirit Physicians in Mains.
Bum, Me.. April Lb, MILS
“Dr. J. C. Ayer. Lowell—Dear kin I anynow eminently
Wing yaw Chewy Pectaral In my preMloc, end
_prefer It to
nay oth medicine for milmomry complaintn. From her
ration of er
many severe nom. I convinced It VIII cure
mugheone/eln, and ethos." of the Loma. that hare pat to
Penman. all other remedien I Ineerithly recommend its
um In C 0.,. of constetention. and math, It much/be beet
remedy kinctfO n nown for that einem,
Prepared and cold by JA)/FS. C. Al AIL PrseticalChem.
bet. Lowell, Mass.
Sold to, wholesale and retail, by it. A. PAU.
rsToox A. 0- and J. M. TOWNSEND.
In Allekheny City, by H. P. SCILWAILTZ. and J. DOU
GLAS: end by Drinthietn generally. iellidawtheria
A Valuable Improvement in Trusses.
DR. HARD'S Improved Patent TRUSS
and RUPTURE REMEDY. by which a eiersomaco t
be effected. Tbia Trim. is entirely different In.
form and principle. of action Roue other Trus...., having
all the adentettices of ei well - ream/Med and nnifortl! pro
ore. The presaure can be so regulated as to give eaee toed
comfort in the 0104 difficult CILI. of nether. eat can be
inereand to almost any forte desired. The pressure le na
tural, tad being brought to bear Imborillatelr over the
hernial opening. and affording tierfeet security and mi e n.
then at all times, even uoder the most violent exert.,
sir the use of Lids Teen. when app li e d properly by • skill
ful surgeon. the
is placed beyond the danger of
strangulation. or any other dangera. inful eyries,
tome, which la not en unitequent n u deoccula the weaw
ing of illy adapted trim., It is a Very 0091000 practim
for Perrone ended with Rupture eelect a Musa andel.
ply it themmlace. This la a bad practice. which ma be
men only by. th eme who tmderstand the anatomy id the
parte affected lo hernia.
We wonld meet respeettally call the attention of Physi
cians to this Trues, m koow they will appreciate Rs
value. We aLin has a variety of other Trim... al the
lowest...lcm. Infant Tree.. ke. comtantly on hand.
Kr.tsztt a whinrut, agent.,
ie3 110 Woad at. Pltteburch.
Dr. Hard's Abdinninal Supporters.
THESE SUPPORTERS are intended chief
ly for the mere of Prolapels Uteri, end all those die
leses where a criechanical support totem /Mond.' Thera
s required. They give perfect reopen to the abdominal
organti, and may t. worn with =wort by all. The die.
nem produced by a . wealth., of the abilinal muscles
P'G llP 4 r h V"nl rifithe ititd P a wl Cop an.
,'g.etroctichll's. be ' s ' rtsLro f Extreme
P al
of the n' lleart. D ia 4..,,a. 7 4: general debility.
110 Wood st.. Pittsburgh.
; .• • . ,
•cv• p‘
" s -
t:r4 .0 : 4 4? LIJS‘
Female Medicine known. fedNent Consumption,
Darratinest, Lena...rhea or Whites. irregular S[radtrustiinr.
busman neon. or Urine. General Prostration of the Bynum.
Depriused Spirits. stud Gloom - State of Mind, aro noted hr
Dr. GupuTr lib. eel Af relow Dock ¢.lS , rsaycrira,wldeb
elm hatafallata Mier' by renewing the fcrutaln of health
and Menet., the Mar.]. It neu tralloni bat human., stops
unnatural aocretlons, sad dlr. hallthy Actaoe to all the
vital rnierera
Ite mild alt,ratire properties metier It peoptlarly apps.
cable to the .Linder tad dellatn constitution cf the 1,
male. It Ithintwitately connterarta that tllstreseing herr.r
hese and Issaltotle .o common to the remelt frame, and
impart, an ett,ttr watt huttattry eurpriaing they
ape grateful. We hate evldenne oh ale which Induces I.
strong!, to -*mend 111. •
rovomtncull the =did. to Els.-tied people
bo hare not Iven bleesel ntA offsproz.
Pml.yels Curler Fa11:31, ckftLe Wer.n l / 4 of Erg ye.yrg f •...
ding. cured br D. C rfutt!o Extract cr Trig, Dock and
Pargaparills, aft, ewer, can kneen rzsedy had Leen
trim willar.nt nllet
Wir=eavan, 0. Pb.
This omen. that et With are 4 27 years, has suffered
=4 r the above complaint for Leo years, nearly all than
tlme .meow io her. bed. I hese far ham raammastaatlr
employed the best tosdima talent that cocIA be proenzel In
Ills seethe of the country. without any helmet whatever.
I hero ale puirbuad evorr Lorin:meat recommendrd for
the mare of snob disease, all of which premed worthlms.
In the spina of ISM, I was Indonet by my friends to
try Dr ilursott's Yellow Dora and .lervaparills, which was
nest for four 10,1111.. After ehe had used It for smut four
whew it no evident to ell of av that .hr 'ma Itunraeios.
Lai hum Mb Moo'At.. Improe. , l rspigly, and gained wall
and streorth. until ete 10 oar on:, Ina mart rir.llrut
health. Wt. iION/ORT.
Ws, tolog ozightur. to Wm. 0n..1 Jolla !loothrt. kcal
,at tpe .tore otatemoot, w tu the •Icknrw of /Ir.. Moe.
. . .
I.rt..•ni re ttn.cure lmng elf.ct.. .1 . Guy....We
Dock Pu.naparill. are strictly tve.
7•t& EDDY.
; ; ;- ; ;
King'. Era—Cate of 0. Leonard.
15,.....76.0rr_, Dm 1. IS-19.
•... • • . .
Werra S. F. Sennett 8 Cal:-Gents: Some time Ito 1341
yaw attacked with Rlng's Evil In my atm, which became
ante I could tot use it and 113 1004 mortilkotion set in.
I employed. at lira, each physician of celebrity
within my reach; all •Nd me my arm must be smputated.
From the shoulder to the forearm ear full tif running
soma My strength at this time was completely exhaust
ed. and me parson much emaciated. I continued ill 1110 .
nate omit 1040, when I saw an ...1 ...u......c IA (loyaitee
Yellow bock and Sareaparille) w i hich I rood • and sent fora
bottle of the article. °opiates 'Yellow Duck and Samara
num eland me; I took no other reconlY while bolo; it:
and *lt myself perfectly well before using the 010th tat
o,. 11.41 ...1 it .t 01 . 10,1 .7tannthth of Lb* main/ Fi i
maitre IL would hate sated me boom pack of pain and
=Spins. I most rern.•atly recommend every pram tut
faring imam am- °tether dine., to use oupott's Yellow
lack and Faraspartlla, width_ will restore them to health.
Yours. to gratltude, O. Xl. LEONARD. '
Cori of an tinning/a 0.14 e of Erysipelas.
The corm pert:maul by Dr. Gaye:des Extract of Yellow
Dock and Earsaparilla are Me h;. The patient's general
health continues to improve eller dimes° It removed—
Coro too not clorotitried until time has fully toted that
there can be no relapeo or return of the Haase.
NO”ar, Iletkimar to, February. 11350.
S. P. atotett 4 Cu~tent.: It le with grestplemoni that .
I write you about the Pry happy egret. of your Yellow
both ami Sarsaparilla upon MI RM. If tIO kulA lOU been Inc
faring maler that dreadful and loathsome discus, Eryslpta
an with whirl be war inegked in VHS. and arm for sere
ill month. ettended by some of our but pba - aldans, who
Pal their skill perseveringly for five mouth; without any
rattail:lel remits whatever. Ile became reduced to is per
fact skeleton. Ile had•olciers from his hip to his knew.
which wore continually illscharglog dismnitingir ofctithilie
maths, Medical andanrincs/ akin was balifial. Physicians
said that his case was bomlees: there could be nothing
/lone to amid thane terrible gangrening ulcers. NY neigh•
hors and myself thought his dissolution near at hthd.
one of my neighbors (who had cored ^clad of Scrofula
with your invaluable medicine) whiled toe tamale trielol
It; and, mom from the restless deare, to do rometbing while
lifki Mated, than from tiny hope of getting relief. Ihrocused
them ball. of your Yellow Dock and Saresparilla, and
eatomenced using It: and to toy mitimishment he Logan
1 to improve before be bail tinol the third butte; end before
be had used a half dozen faith., he could walk out llt
used In all twelve teal. during the year lath, and by La
tober hut he was perfectly petered. Emu reat/ge of the
disease. eanipt theaters. Is nitrated, and he remains It
perfect health at the present' tone. Me ten:miry, undo.
the biennia of God, Is entirely °Rh:lB to the 11. of your
Yellow Dock and tanaparilla; and I 110.1.11 you that I feel
inmell under great obligations to you. and It is With great
joy that I Inform 100 of what your Manipatilln has don
for my son. RespectfullY.
Poll by J. D. Du*, (stwoes.ww aerland a Cert.)Vomit.
and irilnut Meets, Cincinnati; &icor:al Ag.ort. for the
tooth and Weal. to wlont all Orders oustt addrrYiwd.
J. Kind a Co.. B. A_ rebnewtoek L Cot, J. A. Junes, L.
Wilma. yr, Cittaborgle, Deckirsau, Illeab , nr Cirri
L T. Russell, Westinytans; L. R. Bowie, Uniontown. IL
tirseusburgi S. Bounty. bonlersou
liwironi; Bawd A bon, ibintaorlon. r. Are,
11ildebre1 a c... 1.4.. 4 J. K. Wright. MirennbAC.
briine a Cf . , lin...aril's: A. Wilton A non. Waynesburg
i l lerenitad a Co. N. CellyLles. Altalvili, /Inca. A Cee
tine. Gr.Lato L loran . ..Delver, Junes Kvily a Co . . Ma
im S. Soaltb. Beaver: J. o.sta:interim, Marron. F. L A C.
S. Jones, Coudersport; D. Crooker,ir., Brownsville.
DirPricc —sl per Balk; Six Botact for 85.
Pour Po...arr. ts._. O. 4.1t47.
MS. R. E. Entass—Of your Watauga, 1 ay without
heatation lamina used a eatrneivay ter mains
tar the last liar or tre yeas, I think a ileadally the ben
preparation havebo lunD 'shall I hese .y tuohnuo,
although I battutore used Ito prepsninou of enteral
other niannfacturors toure respectfully. . •
Pftharol lir It. E. SELLEIte. h 7 ho t el
Id by drudatste senerala• writ
. Clocks! •
.4 - UST openiug— z a veryexcellent , astortznenf
u of MANTEL I , LOCEE..qom S.X. all warrant.
g' e d -aPaiiiet Cloak; Int $l4O with . . and warrant.
`""' 4 L l.V.lll. l B7jitket
mrla ouraer of Fourth.
Bonet Bonnets!
i mt :, zlb=itgu.s.. , ,,d....t roost desirabla
SAZrZtrntrila7 2..701.44
Me siltation of summer. t• panieularlythyltni to thi
Adm. awl*. Loyij , A. A. MACON A W.
W. W. WILSON, Watch llaker,
So. 67 Market, Corner of Fourth at., Petanyair s h,
DEALER in Fizrz Wercurs, triwgiag,
lilWer War, 5111Itary Gorda. Lamp. and Channel.
rive, Tea and Table Warr. Cutlery.Castors.etes Gold Pens.
Mathematical loetruseente. and great variety of rich ,
euHooe fashlonabla vale, Wellllll.oll OrtaßltilllL
Watch Work eieCtitrd la a superior Manner.' Militad by
the test Kennels and blench workmen. trig
AY RAKES--40 doz. for sale by .
11 ray 7 .8. P. VON 80N811101188 t CO.
FISH-.. ..
. ?lees Iladate4
.. Extra Ea I Mackerel; ' .
Ilaal n/mom Ilerebta;
Codaatx Par pale b
W. Li t mancCLUßO a CO,
MAI , . exal Ton Peale..
EOR cm..rt ST. LOUISL-The '-
steamer rEMMONT, Capt.. Hann*. Mil
fot. Mena and allndennediata path
On linslar. the lath tnn.. at 10 o'clock L. M. -
Tar height or mange. apply on board. tell
.7WEEN ' , mammon ittiliFlßß.
gram= PILOT N. . A. R. Craw, , mutt.
will PUttbureb bor Wheeling. Cavdna mod Ibtartrb.
arery Lae:ar and Friday, oat 3 gong . returning
learn &LIZA tar c. T 44.... Wbeentg c. 33d illttb.bat•
Woducedayand Ns lOW k. a. ar. Pam:lgen
and sbirroeadt depend upon this boat runntug regularly
during the l eau
water mown.
For frdsbtor 3a 3 bUt. May rat boitni: m)10
anahashana. This mplendlot boat nuts:Lilt to
the velure of the Amur Ipso Newt= and other.. the
the Citiehtnail and Pitubarsh Packet trade era sill hoes
every Wednesday for Chtehanall, In plane of the Na. E
land .r.,, No. 2. For freight, or moon] run Ward, or to
TEA BMW kat, Agent
Got rIaIIIIIIR Kraal boat CIIIEETAIN. It. T.
Warm Muter, leaves the end of the Old Alleaheor Bridge,
Clalr street.) every hour, souurorpriod at detect, A.
oradlotaftur until the Gardenschma She will had
tos the Allegheny made, tbr the ereorouroiaLloa p of pruerero
reir.l.ll! "ll*ther P 6 " .
W Is;/
Jail 1851. latit
THE new and fast running kr. CASHIER,
J. s. StcNnty. Macter—Regular WeMerin,. Mote
bcoville, Wellsburg, Meeliwg, Bridgeport. Caul:Loa. saul
Sunksh Packetlearce IMbiburgh term Welneeday at
3 edmk. I% M.. for Wheeling mut Bridgeport, d cerry
Poturday. at 3P. IL. for Card. and liungsb. Ket ' ueldug,
leaves litiotiab emery Monday at 10 o'clock, A. M.. and
litih.lePort sad W r beellng every Monday sad Tburaday, at
For ireight and panaire apply or; b 3 Wd, to
a JOHN FLACK; Agnit.
1137T---;iuLAR PACKET BE
11.Tba !Wadi.. Ott rteamer ARENA.
D. S. Kinney, waster, leass..Wallsrille ern"' Mordy..
Wciloalor. and Friday, at 8 14 - lock, A. M., Ibr East Liv
erpool, UlaagoirOlegerra's Landing, Deaver. and Pitts
bora. Lure rittaburgh Vrel7 Tliesd., Thurado=
&pada, at 10 o 'clock.&aver, Kogan:gm
log, Olw COW, East Liw rrca ad Wellsallla.
for freight or pang., apply ea lama ask
neweeket steamer DIURNAL, Conw~U,
ter.thla einaMiggrer=gisTgratPlo'oreel
eV e 17 .4 Friday , and red.:dog,
leoves Who.. every Tuesday, Tloo.hy e k o ku ru t re ,
Irkettl week. Tor rrelitUr T me i zaziM a U
- - - - - - - -
F° MARIETTA TA AND notic -7--,_
4c ...=..tergiii learn for the abo P re and C '
/or bri g ht
WOODS Pont ate .
No. 01 Werra nd 03 .
wealaes NCLUIVILLE, Capt. B. Yuan
tik . 2L . l
.. L reveler packet between Pitts WktelLpg.
and Snamb, leaving Fittebentew.n7 .+; r, L,i
Ir.F . =t ?or Wellsville, Stenbanville, awn
Areet7 Viands, atom= for- Stenbneirlb7,Weatag.
I , 3 =sta h tletend Sut
m atn , =t oc tl, bl i ree B l=
, .
= Y o ' re I tila . Cr. B.giVbtigint. IT M
10 fa* Dreirmi Doisrmi
OLL BUTTER-3 bble. (freA) in elottin,
ica ne'd gld for sl. by B DALTX m iI. üb.
LIERRING-126 bbls. No. 1 (to arrival for
IA sale by m 712 s CIattERTSON A. W.
MUTTON HAMS - 2000 S. C., for sale by
_ .....
A. A. Mama • Co. lam =hood •no alga of
omat. and Claktoica. lrsaOs
fI_LASS-800 boxes Window. 1153'd:for sale
VIS by mat s. r. VON ZICYI4I.IOItBT a CO.
. - _
L ARD OIL-20 bbla. for aale by
KIDD & CO., GO wood
INDIGO-4 100 lb kegs Manilla;
3 Coronae Caracas of scot spoil.. to or.
me, for We. also. sample. of various quallthoo of
ehiett will be KM low true the atm oleo
tore , War. am hoot ate.
if!ROUND NUTS-15 sacks for sale by '
_ X.! mr 3
VIITMEGS-1. bbl. for sale by
mrs ' J. KIDDI CO.
B"s'CASSI3IERES—Of various colors
and myles. reed by
STAR CANDLES-45 ;boies (10 to 41) the
eacb) for sale by J. D. WILLIAMS tea,
turd comer Wood sad Fifth Mx.
_ -
PERM CANDLES-10 baxe94's, d'a, and
LI6 cor.ale by J. a xcul.Lud a co.
p) half &Ws Choi.n an d oolone
boxaa doe Oolota- for ale
D. ii'll.LlA32Va CO.
EER SKINS-3 boles for &Sic by
tsy7 nnEY. mArrincw;
DIG LEAD-490 Ogs Soft Guleue, for sale
pIG METAL— . 4t15 tons for sale by
ODA ASH-60 caskir(pod) foigair: by
WHITE FISH-38 bbls. and 38 M. bbls
sail° Water and Fratst sta. '
fIOARSE SPONGE--400 lbs. for sale by
J MY 9 B. A. 'AMIE...47OCE & CO.
g ILIA Alb- 2 bb Ws. for sale by
a i -a 1 J. Bcl:too:aux= a co.
lIPT .ITh'iint. ~..ODA-10 kegs for sale by
tart. 24 Wuxi .t.
ta wipe /V.
11=11 7 br silebr
Earl° PIJFtpRIDOSi vainaeit.-
lIOULDERS-32 casks for sale by
IRE BOARD PRINTS—For solo by .
m 716 W. P. MARP/lALL. 85 Wad a.
WALL PAPER—For sale by
R. V. MARSHALL. 8.5 Wood t.
o" aw2Am j - 1
bbls. & 8 kegs No. 1, for sale by
moo .
AI bids. and 40 AL bbla. No.l, Dalthaore ifgrrirgo
lo • Doltl mOOO
• Mud;
150 • Large No. 11 Arad:Aral;
bL Lb :A late Bowl. Pairmorg for aal•py
roglu • • JOIIN WATTA CO.
‘OFFED—Ioo bags Rio, for sale by
Pl 3 IRON -100 tom Huntingdon co., for
sale br myl6 JOHN WATT & 00.
" t "zp wit rec a of
of Knight. imply. Swords:with tbsasnblems of the
• be'w=l l 7 esurrand.
myls • W W. WILSON.
iIOR SALE, to close consirment-43 eke.
wr.^ e Apply t s
o aDA m E rAirEre t
• Palm -Ataxia EaPrqad epot,
tayls earner and Wayae titan& Pittattlet.
Mow t Co'. celebrated Way .ad Tooth
rocs fn rn thy onananwinforPhiladol on
moue wall few ode by - a. W. PO ND 7f1: 47"
" Wafer Stmt.
For t nn. of Colon and fadoksio tnow Coat.
canno oosprosod: aid do Inn price at union they aro
fold. mod Inouro tbdo Introduction. aW.ttly
' lO rrM 7,1%;.„„,•.rk51tt
and sr.& Dray .1' Ett, Lai mi.
.131•144t8f1k Warp Cutunerg.. far
. • !erp-1...,0.01,1t Manellies end Limo Teti
'II EIiRING-10 bble new for eak by
111 mull W kV Wtt.WW
1[ 1 01TE:1H-15u bags Rio, for sale by
I) 312114 'JASIES a. ITOTCERSO:tek
VENI RED- 15 casks (English) for sale by
m a y I. ISCROUSIIARIat I 00.
SUNDRIES -14 bbls. Grease;
6 tio. 1 Lard:
ia--uglnsezZlandin g Dont
MayErnren and for rale ty
IE4I 411 DI CKEY ..
Wan, rA CO •
mr9) Yrnnt an 4 tik
itdli RA, LI& pn,
j r l,72' 4 ll =atflgViAgaMereadCorksaufw.
turf, for 1,8 stale India nutair Dtpot. i en.l 1r4.1 et.
mro .7,6 DUILLIPS.
(OLDEN SYRUP-12 half bble. end 24
lu-gsGolden men ale br
griiißomt latEN--5 eases superior qua!
X_l t - for Louse 1.1 ttautticat yodutin f, u4by
weed .X Y.. hntaxio.
New Nooks, just received. • •
GREEK GRAMMAR, for the use of High
Bel:mobs sad tuiveroltlem by P. Buttniaum oevlood
a oulargod br his Al .boulso Sum mar= S on. abr.
lo hint runfedmatolioarid Itabolllon of lilt by Ileu
-17 11. Mold' B-rom mita.
Tba Autoblographr and Morniriala of Captain Obadiah
Cougar: for Aftr years matuor and shipmaster frcuo the
wrt of Nom tort: Sr Ban. 11. T. Cbooser. 1 Imo mu,
molt , - 78 Apollo Building, Fourth at.
ALEHATUS-5 tons in boxes and crudrs;
11 bozo* la Peas. Paw%
'for m iA,l i a by . . BOISE= DALZELL t CO,
Beatunont's Patent Starch Polish;
ATENTED, July 26th; 1850.—For
Shirtnora% Ones to Linens, Muslimt. Cambric:a. Co -
graB.l9ll, ILIld 11110 unreality tha boat
sabering to Linea to.. and prevents duct from sticking to
Lanens. and cantonal nothing Injurious.
larrations—lat • piece the sae of • sea to • cactistarch .benbailing, n= briskly.
Trite, 1.2i4 cants par Calm abanuil• and retail L
Je3 E. SELLERS. 67 Wool at.
MALUREL-100 bbl& for
ARD OIL 2 bbls. fo
fj.LASS--131) boxes ase'd sizes, for sole by
14. 8. a W. ItaREILUOLI.
BACON-,-A fele casks Hams s Shoulders,
Ltwsaleey. ja3 a. tW. 111ABBACGII.
SUGAR= 25 hhda. 11.0., for gale by
-25 bbig Lake 'up.
LL White ISM.
or Na b 7 ViaJ. B. CCIFIELD.
MAGIC WATCHES, or Double Hunting
Gold Lew Watches. wads so as to Um tY bot
ado. with gold cam. ar to show Um Isort op= at platntra.
Very naa wo., toss remind and for sale by
W. W. WILSON - .
412 • cocoa Market sod Fourth Ka
IIISTARD SEED-500 lbs. for sale by
APE ALOES--1000 by:
1.) 1.2 IL A. 7AIINEBTOCS /k CO..
RUSSLATS POTASH-001W. fo r g a b
bi • - Ll*2l .. -B. A. PAILYESCOCK A CO.
jut ODFISH—tS tierces for WO:1y
‘J la ,WIC[ a MaU.YDLI2.I.
Prof Minder/110's Se lei of Readers
)brat= train, AmgoatorT Cln. )
Jon. 341451. j
IIIIIEREAS the Principal of the High
V Sehool in this ITard having organised. elms, and
exeivireg it in the UM of Mandevelle's serf. of readers.
carefully and diligently fbr some vett= mat the mild class,
open examination before the Direetore eXhibitedllk extent
or omerrem antkprollidenev enritmetlng the most marg.'
expectatlene and gleam maar the mime of
Prof.'Mandeville, aided by an inteligsnttem-I , M • le.
in degree of *abeam. m reading in attainable than er
any oilier system known to the Bated. It wnnanb
nemlred. That the Eclectic Smite of ileaders now-nsel
In the several wheal.
rillein Ma district illmontinned, and
that P r Mande's Series en Reading and EE mu
tton bilraveduered and rued henceforward.
• tree mat ham the minutes. 4
Jr5v1,1•21.5. Area. Etonian Bang • '
Corson of Third woe Market streets. Cluttai A- D
o ° . The Orar thutreerett Institute of the kirel to Yeast
racturo. Proaarro, Principal instructor lo th e
&renew of Amounts.
O. K. etaMl.l3l. Professor Of Pentsmrot , O4 51mMt ,
Conomtatton, ac.
- it . ...frateua. Eau, Lecturer au Comesercial
• . ELM j
Buchanan. lion. Jahn linden, ilon. Charles Naylor. Mo.
Doses Campton , Dow W. ili , LoierSe. Dr. J. R. McClintock :
John Andereon. EN, Dew K. lionrebead. James Dun
lop, SK I Ira Heiser. Lai.
Duieremo Consiressa.--lOhn T. Cothran. Attorney sr
Lem James Tamer, Slertiman IL A. eror. Asountant.
litudelite tan enter this Joatitution at any time, sal oh.
Win Irownetion indleidnally, both day and erettlar when
Ywill rewire • illplonn, sinned br the Faculty and
rawnining Committee. •
ThweA•dring • thorough • ban:ledge or Ikok pion
Dennmanabip, An, will be In mind that We to the only
Chartered College °Me kind in Pittsburgh. ' Communkw
Dona soldrened to 0. Kw Chamberlin. will meet with Loomissaw:Won_
ETTERS of Administration on the Estate
RA of her. John A124/01/1c late of Plttsbonn. deceased,
hare 'boon muted to the tutdereceed, (one, on Gr.&
street). All ponces hadobtal to nal Wan, are reneged
m dl =I settle imfmatdal7 and than baring demos to
Dnntit them without delay. WM. WIWON.
nAwratS Attorney at Law.
Conunomsealth- of Pennsylvanian.
County of Alkylialy, S. 1. :
the Court of Common Plena .of October
Tenn. A. De '1846. No. 69: ',-
the matter of the •Ohltall7NOO-000 of Alexan
der McClurg, at the Instance of D. radon d Co.. to William
T. McClurg. •
And non. J uni3d 1551_ , motion of George P. lino
temAttorney of John Caldwell, a creditor _of dleunder
noCinnii. the etntrt OPIODIIIt J. Bradb Nan to 0.111
laid account an 4 to distribute fond, in Coe bands of the
asehenee Stooo9llo the creditors 00.9 , v . ..5aid l eMsmader,,
• •
Nonce le hereby sleets • that I gill attend At my otter,
Nu. SD, Fifth street, Pittsburgh, an Weihscatur, July
test, at 2 clock r. i for Ma ur. of the above ap-
Clebiet3t2J J. £. Illa.tor, Auditor.
&mum"' Notice. -
yOTIcE hereby given that the un
dassiattail are the leattly eottetituted .I...Nvoutors of
t <taste Tel
John MeWillistzta. Liu of Indittna
4r = eourtty h tetteed. Thereftztd. Itertagr4l.;
tor.eataltataatti wad ill those IcTebtod are rept:heel to
ID.Payment to either of the sabetiltele.
Orphan'a•Catat Sale. '
)3 Y virtue of an order of the Orphinh'
Ca ur" , the .dersluned,
of Caro/me
.Thompaon, late of Allsztiony ccoutty. deuced, .111 ep .
p.e to public sale. Um preetttes as daturday the ?sib .'
day lying f JA- D. lbSt. all lA. tram of
land and situated. klttabethtenuablp bounded by
the Motionualtels firm and lamls of Deal. a, Jam. 31e-
Clure, tt. Avg.... =I ottient contslatem arty
l. hong J.. Of • lator luimin as the . .31rminK
Tomtruuds known at sac• •
AAI/11% .111.111 - ET APPLOATE.
Ratable Th e Machines, Seprators
am! Cent Shelters,
WARRA.NTED \ to.,be thoroughly built,
Ed to work woth 1.14 bLBSSII.Odi
Fteot Pltaurg i l! 8 120! Tharshltl i =lo. 4 I lastrdr.
gmle toad commt, .ee easily moved from al.the
zad my Le mei with equal yozwronioss. to her. or
5414. No to •-bl. ra. Water. thrash. Men br
better work. Moro Ma ILOSO of Um are twos to nee so
the Wootern antes, swel ys may tact et the '
SLthy of thith have daubed Lem 60 to Itottho lasolsde
asa4. on thanata m triaJ, that. thee reesemsto-
ea by thaw who use ,to be az eothylete. oast to week
,well say to the worisL
hoporos. is limn Patent with Desztizses Snares.;
mt. oth If Moth. to the Umber. anct econtolay set
soothe the nn. .121 i ee..wtern the min. .54 hos rim
Most. ontiof.tlon whenever trod. ICUS. trar.lll.4epe
e r to ran 15 and eon he .Stool.' to .0 y Intradthar Ma-
Chi. ISM/ nod. She them.. also MY the nabs or •
selling tights; for Ude Sopanderr la the States a
m. thotilrystaits, and all soathd thee.
Ohio rim. gad ...of the 34toiostpyi elm, awl o.l of the
SM. or Ohio, moths the datatiesth Inartball and Co/ ens
The - atelier is olio Roofs Patent, and is cot a the
tea in ass, being cheap ay} not astir to get cat et CRUM
tee hen bonsloolbling and rending these Siselkires for
thirteen years In th. carM Pitratnann. slnn bare snLI
mat numbers. sad sera has lin 111[1.Ceo asernat-where
they here not ;riven entire sulaketion . :
Persons putebasink win rendre with tbellinhine•drart.
oreoro_panied with directions how to set it in epmnon.
N. Machines warrantalla work we' L er m sale.
New Books.
Tat Life and:Times of CALVET,
the unlit lieforsoen triutriatod trait ..11.11J/4
erm. of Paul Heriryttirear.
EsnAiitt the 31.1. m.• Narrsitlve of Ori- ."
entail Triarli by El Sluksiteor 1 I.E. rloth.
frAubigun's work,—the Authority of CioiE•er trait
harriers...Alm Ratialsh 2,.engrador4 (Carterry
L•vi of lb. Kirk atu; Coretutult by Elr , Elrirart
Sfreitosthi illustrated.
Letters to tor Pupil,. with Norratire era Momentlcal
Sketches of 31:11. L. 11. Sl,norney.
Memoir of the Rev. henry [ration Fox, B . A., 'with sh
Totrothactoaecar b 7 the Res,. P. Xellvskee. L. /1...
Theory and Pnetipe of Tetebisk. ti., atones Stalest. of Gad tknool Conies: and F. Page, A. L.
Leh:LW:loz Experic.ore. pa red 1 ,, Vrltina. of Pt.
Posh ,by the oothor of llnttestecL"
the Signers of the Destsratestof I odoterdenee;
IT /hright„ Zen, •
Ship wad Shots, by Craher Cntrs. lets vf V. S. N.
The Ikeda by the saner - !i.ncofthent , trlth Pro.
salm . illeetrateL
•••• • •• .
— Llther.f elm Queens of Enoland, •••:Aet the !Cothran Con
quest., VILA sthodoies or their Io 1.: vol. cloth.
from Ws
3lemolr of
theker. Akthuthm Wangle. D. D,.
trr ethrethenthabb bT
1137, D. D. Th. above worth the for eath bY
Willow Island Farm for Sale. -
XHE persons who were highest bidders for
the Wlllou Wand Tat - m.ooth. month of Coo Creek.
on, T... In Othober jeer haring failed to monthly with
the terma of thle, tM sobecriber
offer he male,
bthe premise., et Wolfe auction, to the highest and hest
idder, Os Thenehm, th e 10111 day of Jul at 1:. c'elsok.
about dOOl Acres of sold fuze, Including all the Implore-.
manta. 0011113411 g of a lards two strag Bring Moore, built
iu the ascot subethattal manner' and well 9¢1.004' made,
with • well of good water adjoining, a dairy. and a the,
andof goal truth also, a term end stubstantlal .tone
and brick evading, fortmerlrused ae a diallilery. with a.
* :17:161 1 f1ifim2.7 4 11.. 4 b k
nod saw mill m good=ha e edtg two eta to itr.Ve
one saw, with abundamo of cold
_and limestone., and the
tglix:,o'f„Atb, 1 5 - -egligo eLd o fu
aGout 168 aeon of cleared bottom .land of..great .fertillty„'
tweet Id ems of cleared upland, end the bs.te fen flue
tweed. The whole la the testeandltim, and mato good
For further particular, end fOr a view of the premises.
ePpir to the sub coin, on thePOOL
meh Pennant of two thousand dollars to be
paid down. and the remainder in lire annual pennant,
with Internet funs the der of salo—thaptcanaon the
whole to bend:tied np et ear.h annual payment. .` •
m,17.1413 WIL MoVitifiAßT.
A VegetAble. Compound.. - -
rrtritrajt2 BALSAM, all
dr for ma, Veentery. Dowel or gnmuter
pmun of children :Ind ult. A. perfectly ea* and cider .
•mons remedy under all elecommances. It hen,bect.
with happy and never Ulnae ellfeet, er some of oar mum
anceedeful prat:Mk.. of medicine, wherever Introononi.
for the but two or• 1 three years, el per rennin.. amain.
ponying the nudidne. In pamphlet fbren Ilundriwts of
mon, of both Children and Mono. here been cured and
nil redby ... I. = /Wham. after every MI.! remedy
The following te a mu of a cattaatAnamtret,; the eh ,
Mae, etc, of the stove E.o.m. need in the badly of the
new J. IL. gown, of t h e blettallet /gob Cencren. of this
city. •
Arr. Acrecre alb I deem It doe toren to my . far.-
vend month. I have been trying many rmitedlty for Do.
rt. Oat th little s Defamer.. of our remedy.
I proc ;
etred :n m.. .. mu bath.. which I WMO used, lo
wimr hand.,
th great ememe, ascl / free to reemarnene It to the
as a valuable forDianduca rod similar
- Yonne trait'. J. Ii INAVIL
novena corner of diehard and bland the MIT.
of Us... k Co, on kale street, betwee and
/Allg.t . .etmeoved ltj h r . es4addr and at the plinclod. Wag anl
A!.'. for ale by Pi. " .4.7:kenruill. gittehurolg Jawah
Danalaar,Jalegh7 w. McClelland. blanch.t. John
Rooth Pi tsbanyb; Wnt. J. e 1.., Tamperynee.
vtlbs John U. Ranh, at the Binronghant Urn.. Eivrr. Len
rrd i Egtaffri l i t4ttl e aLlG . m e : rid beet.; IL IL Kern.
Yt. wiry .e.s
Execatctre N.otice.
otikLL PERSONS indebt . Cd to the Estate'of
Astdial Rotator s lat. of.tb• city . or Pittatotrok.doesl.
eraby oottled to Osaka Lostoodiata actkotontotsol
having claim, are ragtossted to sokottit ttomyl toil..
tkastrO Le math's:mot, to althea of ttlo antotrabora.
Dissolution ' , of Partnership.
RE Partnership beretofiire • "exlbting be.
oodrf srtyle ,I"itrvodins
yra. thaantal ty =anal MARIA. mans/WI day
or 16W. All , perscao taut dr%
pima ell en olther of tOo ant...damn, an/ sailltattmr no-,
4/01 LS n. BlinAlap•da •
caoh2knank•ns ,% Alt KA •.
FARM FOR SALE.-A.Xennt, nitaate
North lieut.:tenth toonelkip s _Wektoorciant comity.
vonathlng acme of nool land. thandol by Lunn of Jar
coo roan, Mrs. Pairocr.thnOtbert—obont liethenocleaten.
baloney In heavy thaben wi th in otoringe of tke_ronalov
abony Sleek Water ' two miles from kenneythaala Kan
Houk and cue tallefrenasckwarellin ththrovententarod-
P f • too envy Lev fr nes.. bank Darn. Large,
t=l Mit& L , C ll. 3l=M:Attr OPlthOwn. 4 .
Cuter thew. Trtle tanithritable. Portherthkt.
the menthes. of ROltkait B. BYteikeevt iltbnYe
Very Valnabbi Steam Grid awl Saw Mills
it WILL SELL My MILLS, eituated =5ll
directly on Ma htmonitheit Elms. (karma as
inn Ykanntltile Maur roar miles atom Al- enne...
sandhi. and lone mike Woie liorroarsbels City. In Calm,
tontokilp, Wantringtonnicatir i, The aLog i f „ drapr i i • In
Erito niVY,=',2 . 4.2. for anothar ru2 4k .:There Is
ona of hooroy . • Coro Floaters is the MA Thom in arm
.nocial tee Wile gee mon of hotra--• very Emil iritra
danon for • Bret Ya m or • Ulan thambilehment. heraster
m leer 0001 lions , nod awe Stable mad alotut eight
saes of C e J ig.akdindsly In the' rem of the ICUs. Thu
i faired Is loatld y o • very rich siditement. tad In bat a
I ' Sb l tier b di g rtha qualityt m- thlYrotr . ;Are::
B sak i one wishing to rumba. to the CnY Stony /waen
lam an Flour thoohnotn yatirrall Atm so ots,
Connenion am - b. had mt theist of 'April. oe soots,
• We lumen by aid
living oti t le pro
perty. rambilonnitidi w k, y.
B -roultag;
WILL continue to trunsiCt tEoWitatcatz
y tot e street. DRY GOODS DOSMESS, t th e old staad.No.lll
, ,
LiPS.-HThe best article alttays on
Mt, and fbr age at the Irreeet price. by_
inetafit - rrdta..B J. E. DILEADLNO.IIS.Wred rt.
ALEX. W. FOSTER, - Attortiey: and Coun
senor at Lax, sa. Voaxtd Mate.' tacal Ilaxkot
nuabarsh. •MT,1434117111116.
11 Liberty stint. • IV. W. VIALLACX.
Elfiscx Butts AND .I.AUREL lIILL
~,o t S R afgrz Prkss.
u sgt.T.
Ikaum ...AA Blmy, 1.4•A0
All araa r s gramytly aticadest st [awl?. MN*.
t0ch25.1.4¢1.8 W. W. WALLOAX.
W.VALLACE, 319 32114berty at,
MilMita'&l:DAUM a.. Pittabervd
testa= V=l T :Ordt't LIWPW.
DLABTER PARIS, for Land, kr-.'4m sale
- me Liberty . une, by W. W. WALLACE.