The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 13, 1851, Image 2
PITTSBURGH GAZETT PUBLISHED BY WHITZ A CO -PITTSBURGH, 4:4 irlA MICATft Wl.R***b EMI Antbnewtho awl Whig County Ticket. "tarots? non-antoom. • SS , ALT ER . of Peablis. • ./dittrA.M. 200011 or min= MIT. - If t: II It 6. . Tr la. X AMR; Pltroaifih . menyurr• 20,00 'or =FT OF PFAZITAIII.L.OII, , Wet. B. !VULVAE., of ratilm - ufb. - Arsorwtz Jrmue or your or akar= =non, R. WM. 110009, of Lower St, Clair. TEIONIAS IVIIILLAN, of Allezhenr. 201Ei of Roblr4oa.. JAMIRIYER,_4 Rnowdea • ..DOO, E..APPLEICLV. of RtramhstAro. SHOE .PENNEY, of IVlCoesport, • '20115 11150-. 'IL, of locUans.. . • &UTERI. FAILNESIOCE4 of PUtsborfcb •• ALE'S 111C1LIRDSON, of 'Allegheny. JARED 31..8RUM. ot floobtowl , • JaIN 9.,TUMLAND, of Upper At. clidr. ROBERT ElitO: of Plih;thazib. wEsTor s6 - 24 , 64 , Jour MistutirrtirCinne. , AgiTl.Telit2D=BBl=anor MOVEiLEN2 IN 201711111ABOLINA. Partiea in South Caroline appear to be divided letween those who are in favor of the immediate, unconditional accession of that State &one; • without waiting for the cc...operation of 'sister slave States,—and those who are in favor of se ' cession as soon as a Southern tie formed, These parties co mpose the great bulk .. •• of the people of that State. No doubt there are some who are averse to secession, present or re , mote, but they are so few, or •so soared by the - beat and fury of the two secession Mngs,. that , they make scarcely kshow or resis t ance. 'lt is . • perfectly clear, that if South Carolina meld par .: suds ore single neighboring stave State to join her; she would Immediately, and with very con ' 'Mertens unanimity, rush headlong into tha ful act of secession and rebellion. • . • . A great meeting of the. Anti-Immediate-Seces _ &nista was held on the Slat ult., idElamblargh, • - in the_Edgefield district. for the purpose of takirg into tanmiderathinthe alert:Oleg position the State has been Made to seamy by the recent. State . , iltgbts Convention. he proceedings - of this .meeting will gird our readers a patty good knowl edge of the feelings and opinions of those' who . 4 1 1'sse Is 6 stilote secession; and veal convince then that they era no less, traitorous in their opinions, dangerous in :.their schemes, .and furious in their antipathies the North, thin their' bolder aid more impatient - • - brethren who are far immediate action, . . . . After the meeting wan organized, a committee of thirty was . 'pp:dote:l.o . mart bathoess for „consideration. ;They reported the following • P3WIitLE &NV ilLSOLtrmotis.. "A. crisis has arrived in oar affairs in which it ...a.lalaboves . , every citizen of the State, without,con ' .beralment,' to disarreihis ppotliLtical sentiments. The action of the last • convoking. a constitattionil convention of thepeople, the elec }ion of delegates to that body; whose provides it will he to decide finally on the action wash the • State must takeln removing,lpalliating, or re . dressin g the grievances imposed on the South by : • ^. the legislation of Congress in the passage of the • so-called Compromise meastues, and the contemn plated assembling of that body. early in the next year. presents' Metes of the gravest import for the contemplation of every cidren. We. had hoped that no proceedings would be taken in our • Strut° forestall or control the final determine -.tionirf the constitutional convention, and that the - delegates elect would be left entirelyfree and un - • ' trataratill in accordance with the pros , • pats and • tames surrounding them when ,assembled. , Butthe late convention of the Smith- ern Rightsdasoxiations in Charleston, untie tl . l toes of the public. Mese, seems to indicate extra -, ordinary and unexampled. unanimity throughout the State In favor of the separate and early lee • mesion.of South Carolina, either with or with , • out co-operation; and as we are well satisfied that there Is ale:ions division among the people • upon subject, we conceive it to be a sacred ' duty : se owe te ourselves, our country, and • our posterity. • to place our upon record, and • if by con counsels ar example we can aid in Bar ing Sea State from entering upon the dangerous bawds of .separate action, without any prospect of co-tmemtionor sympathy from oar southern sisters, we abaft feel that we have discharged a solemn ,duty and done the State some service. And we are:the more solicitoas that moderate For prudent cou n sels should Fere*, because it is inevitable that the southern States are des tined, at 'an early peldod, to became one grand cenfedersef cf.-:independent titates, without the necessity of fOreleg en lame upon' them which ' they regard as premature and unwise at this par tioular juncture, and .ealenisted to defeat the , great measure we seek to carry Met. We are notthe supporters or apologists of the compromises, "We think that the South has been • deeply wronged by the adoption of these odious ' measures.' "fa are not for acquieseingin them, nor do,we eppose esipirate secession for any such end. We are for resisting them by any and every ' • practical mode erbichluos beenor maybe devised; buttes believe o that n efficient redrese cube ob rained without. the cO-operation of_ other slave Stan, whose interests are now, and whose des tiny in 'lvey respect must ultimately be, the lame as ours. We expect most confidently to obtain on. 'not only in consequence of the aggressions of the past, but from theembold.: lined spirit of fanaticism :all over the North in the daily perpetration of new outrages. We have confidence in the patriotism of Om brethren of the other Southern States; and as they , are -: • highmindeet, spirited. people, no ressoable fear needle entertained that they will sink down in tame and willing eoquiescence in. the.wrongs of the . past, or idle and indifferent spectators of the outrages of the present:mud .the prospects Of shame and hetedillation an the fauna eWe mere- I/wet: our opinions , without entering into a on fully of the reason which bring us to the conclusion that, under existing circtimstan. ossi S. Carolina cannot; with Madam orprndenee secede from the Federal' Union. But when the prospects for co-operation brighten—when other Southern States will give assurance of. their - readiness to - armoire their Union with the • Northern States,' one hearts 'Will leap and our voices join •in a hearty amen to the joyful ti 1. Be It therefore resolved,' That, whilst we .• are in favor of resistance to the Into unjust and odious legislation'.''Corigtcss, known:as the compromise measures; in the most efficient form, .'we are opposed 'to. the- separate secession of . South Carolina, . being inefficient. end utterly inadequate non remedy for part •wrens or a se malty against morn threatening dangers in the 2..ltesolred, . That 'the co-operation of other' -States-in the South, -having with us a common • origin; intercity, andleitiny. Is balm:sable to the 'croquet:lon of Africanalavery; and that all gable means should be 'used by South Cam lima M. produce unitY, concert, : and harmony with other • Southern States in any organised plan of.resistance to tho encroachments of the 2. Resolved, That the final determination of this questicur by the States 'convention after its Amusement should ' e submitted . to th e people - of this State, for.eipprovolor disopptral, at the 4. Resolved. That the destiny of South Caro ...-ia our deathly, - 'Arent we:will use all the mina placed in our Power to avert the evil of ' manta secession at this time and a tackles.) dissolution of the ties that , ni;lte . ns 'with our - -UM of the South, whose origin, interests, and destiny . are insimfeeesbly linked with ours." These =solutions being up for consideratkm, addiesies were made and letters red..: One of the letters was from Senator Bonze, opposed to rho plan ef ;emulate secession, but strongly in favor of a Southern confederacy, which hi thinks 'tat be foreed uponthe whole South within three yeara. :The abort preamble and resolitionu 'wire unanitnonely adopted - and o resolution . pined calling upon those throughout the State who entertain similar . opinions, to meet sad ex.. Prey ilteto- 1 . Some persons see great encouragement in this , meeting for peace antiunion. ' We confess to no such feelings. There lire as much had blood and . rank tresion to the tiniMin one party as in the . otter... -it there is any difference, the is: Mediate 'sacelsionists are the least dangerous. The very balkiest of their movement startles and repels, , „ - air his the . Of effect driving the sistei.Sonthern States More -closely into the arms of-the Union TheintieltscimddiUes Industriously andinsidious• , iy dircalitithepaison of their. treasturable Ben i:inmate, and . seek; by every means in their pow er, to lure o ther. States: to join their rash titer:tea if 864 Cirtains must have a bitter luseon loth& -hluees and prudence, it Is Yap* that Shit barest now, before she tas infect. ;al cabers. - If;the; gnerstloa must be settled in peaetifie: Whether a Btateihisi a right to swede; • beaMor that it redone soon, l.rt is, - -tiesfi*isettled,litteiher we have a general gov. - ' einmenaisiable.4,Pieserring its integrity had " 7- PC4l.llrl447:cati'3!.°llhoul, pre f er that agi,aboulko,'settrad.. byre - unite:Mal • acid: es ! t lii4llloTim o ;li*O4‘a i a l bl u p t iv mri V of,Shef-gileiva.:aareingtout, !2t. W lt -witch taw' snant , a m- at pane, to be applied to . :peeniHFaistiaai , itennatiFei4FQf ilterentfigu-J t Y4 4 "e 2l , fliteitrilinittand peitee. the soon twits spPlierde better. It will pat stop to the treason and gasconade which hen been actrife An South Carolina for the last twenty years, and lease us thus for somethhigmore use- Ad thin discussions founded on the question 14iegier, the United States of North America b. or (e not; a Nation, or . merely a confederacy of petit indkpeident soiereigotias. 1 . Gno. C. ETOVCII, ESQ.. WO aiSOCISSS editor of the Lancaster Coln; has become equal part ner with Sara T. IIRIU), Esq., in the publication of the Washington Commonwealth. ldr..Stouch it; highly spoken of by eastern prints, and the two together will make.rather a strong team. .GODIVIII LOT' . 6 Boor. for July has already graced our table. It Is a weal number In one particular, all ita articles being from the peas of gifted imerhum women, andthey dohonor to their genius and taste. The embellishments are line, rather better than asual. Tne DLISOCILATIC CAXIDIDATZ 1013 . 4 309M011..- The Harrisburg Intelligencer has the following biographical account of the Locofoco nominee for 0011i1110'r: Wm..Bigler. of Clearfield county, the nominee of the opposition, is a printer by acclimation. We have been informed that he was engaged in this business for some time in Clearfield coun ty. jle represented the 20th Senatorial district for two terms in the Legislature. This district was : composed of Clearfield, Indiana, Cambria and Armstrong. , Of late years, Col. Bigler has been engaged in the business of a lumber mer chant. Be is a Min of decent talents, an ordi nary epeaker and writer, and possesses no quality that places him trout of the roll of common men." As a general scholar and oratcr,he is inferior to both Black of Pittsburgh,. and Fraser of Lan- caster:: Ills friends represent Maras popular. Thisrepresentstion is based en the fact that be • was elected in the 20th district. The 20th dia. trial . had an undoubted democratic majority, Governor Jehaston was the only Whig ever elect ed in it. The district once elected Drum; who % was personally eery unpopular. Bigler is said to be stronger thanLongstretit, yetLongstreth beat hiti. in a democratic . convention, and Long stretli.received the largest democratic vote ever given 'to a Locofoco candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania. cox- =rum( searca Ar Emote. In the new system of tactics introduced by Johnston, euididates for Governor are ex. ;meted to toddress the peoPli publiclinpou the !affairs of the state and of tbe country. In con formity to this good new custom, Col. Bigler made a rpeech at the Beading Convention.' We giro a pretty fall extract, as a sample of the colcmere style. If the mailer does not find him self :in a fest:wink before ho proceeds far, he will be more forte:ode than we were. It would be a pretty business indeed to put the helm of state into the bands of a man whose Ideas—Uwe May call =eh st7fr ideas—are jdmbled together after this foal:don. ' "The exercise- of an unlimited system of ere. -dit in the individual trunsicticus of the country —in tbe traisactions between banks, corporations and communities, engendered by a periodical mistime paper moony—constituted the ele. • meats and laid the foundation of a financial hurricane, which shortly after bursted upon the country with unequalled violence, prostrating - indiscriminately the innocent and the guilty, robbing the laborer of his hire, and filling the cormay with distress and misery. -Before this storm, Pennsylvania, for a time was compelled to give way. - A vain attempt was made in. this crisis, it is true, to sapply her wants by a.reiort , to mere expedients, the only effect --of which was to postpone the evil day and aggravate the • disease; end -in 1843 she lay prostrated beneath: n fended debt of 88 millions. with a million of unpaid interest, and over three millions of a do mestie debt demandable at the Treasury every day. That she could have been extricated from such a vortex seems almost incredible. • But it Tea accomplished, and to have bad the °patio- laity of an humble participation in this laudable work will ever be to me a reminiscence fall of interest and gratifiealion. If elevated to the high, trust for-.which you have named Too it will 'be my epechil prideand ambition, as it will be my duty, as far ,as in me lies, to relieve our good old Commonwealth of her present bur thew: to husband her means and guard hehon. Or. True, lam not of that school of political philosophy which teaches the doctrine that the . People man be made rich and the country ;agape. row by mere. acts of legislation, or that the wealth of the country is to be mamma by the amount of. papermoney which may be thrown into circulation. All experience has demonstra ted, in this country as well as in others, the fal lacy of tile doctrine, and proves that a supera bundance bf this latter element nerrer. falls -to mislead the productive industry of the country, and to be followed by the most !medal conse- Traces to society. I think the wealth of our country consists in the energy, enterprise, and - labor of the people, end the predations of our soil enderthe gads!: influenoa of our climate. To give the industrial interests of they country, therefore untrammelled action with;fair , facili. ties for developing the resources of the State, with such sand currency and ruch:other re. strimive measures as will guard labor-againat the encroachments of capital. is about lad:Lai can be done by legislation.. It may answer the par. pose of the demagogue to profess to sisamplish much more; but the heresy is too transparent to mislead even the moat dull - of comprehenakm.. "The American Democracy have had, some- - thing to do with the foundation and program of i - this mighty structure. The great - Democratic party more than any other, have appreciated the true destiny dour country, and progressive prin ciples which constitute the great elements of our national entrees. While I have no disposition at this time to disparage or criticise the policy of the organized opposition which has ever existed against this party,.l cannot refrain from alluding -to some of theignms between these parties; in which that opposition, acceding to the teachings of experience, was most eminently wrong and the Democracy right; to • say nothing of-differ ences in-the organisation of tbO oveniment or .of - the monstrosities committed 'Under the ad lotoldration of the elder Adems, and tabs.- -a:end) , wiped out by Mr, Jefferson. Such was the case in the great snuggle for. the acquisition. of Louisiana in the , conlict about the war of .1812, and. about the war after it had been de cdaredin • the establishment •of. the Sub Trea sury—in resistance to -the. creation of a new bank—in opposing the distribution of the pro ceeds of the public iasds-in resisting the adop tion of the bankrupt law—in the annexation of Texas—in ~ the war with Mexico—in the acqui sition of California—ln Maintaining the jturt and cocstitationairighted all sections of the Union; and in exteriding equal encouragement and - pro r Mellon to elf the great interests of the country. and to 'rail. Classes of the people. with exclusive pririlolies to now- It is to the history at these mats and doings, and to the prosperity of the country when under their charge, that the pest .Democratic party of the nation can appeal for the vindication of its carar, , end for evidence of the wisdom and justice of Democratic' policy. Party differences, howerer, my. friends, ant not to be complained of. They are the legitimate • offspring of our republican institutions. . This opposition - to , the ..Democratfo party proceeds from- oa fellow ,cititens, equally with us in terested in the welfare of the country, and no dealt . equally anxious to -promote what they conceive to be their true Interest". v . Rad Cot Biglakept quiet, ho might, al many others hale done, passed off fora sensible man; but the uPeeeh,:we fear, will pat en end to all pretensions. of that kind. :Only think 4=414 o Governor out of a fellow who talks_ about jai. , . jag "thefoundrian of a financial Aurriatal" ... .. , . . EALLISFIXIM OP TES CAPITOL -4S L said that the President has decided on the plan for the en• law= ent of the Capitol. The corner stotteis to be laid on the 4th 'of July next.,The plan adopt ed is said to, be that of hlr. lotmg, architect, who unfortunately was drowned last fall in the Potomac. - It adds two Wimple the North' and Booth of the Capitol, one for a Senate Hat and soother fora Hail of Representatives. The pro posed Hiidi of itegres . azdatiree is to be otancit capacity as not only to answer for the number of Itepresentatires order the ; Vinton law, 283, bet capable of extension as may. be necessary here after, with staple' accommodations for public, anditorles, committee rooms, bc. • ••BIZ/XOlllll2 LIPOOH Bat..—Tlile most important act of leglideliel, perhaps, by the Maine Legs- Utz" . at its last maim; was the passage 'of a rery'stringent liquor bill. • Tide les forbids the toanufacturo or :sale of all spirituals and intosicatingliquirs, t creep by authoriesal- and licensed town t h en only far medial' and- mac • p.p.,. If any unlicensed person shall matiosacktreor sell these liquors, he is subjected, for, the first coa -1 station, to a fthe of $lOOl for the amni - tion, to II file at $4OO, and for the third $2OO, and four months imprisonment. . . 1 . - - It \ enthorites. the search .of stares, . ho ., f or spirittlous liquors, when there is reason to - I*. liare this. anchilqnsas are intanded for Ws with. out licestae,L and the destruction of the liquor, unless proved to be imported, and in the original packages In which it was imparted... No personeogaged in the onlavflal Irak bel lowed to tit on a jury in soy case arising.wader thilectv end all Watt Maar coming before the . Superior Com% are to take precedence at 14 other buitaiso exeept,those criminal csamt4ere the parties are actually ender arrest and await: Lag We DIPLOMATIC SALO= • giitiatt,Goramment has ..1,61 ter :.sus ef its : Idolater at FA 1., from POMO to tl.OOO, leaving it dui . rawly Woe t Was as the sew of the Preakirot of the United State._ lord Palmaroban, in announcing Ulla rr action to the MILOS of Common., took Mead. to tar.l.ll jattle• to his nobis hind nor, occupying the gent of A. , ..dor at Porta that English travelers who go to hula must not report to teethe from him, ~tth Ids reduced ad. gry, that MT large etterit of hospitality which hitherto; has hew exercised as • right on their part and sa a duty . Ms. In the continnation of hi. remarks on Ms suir Ject. Lord Rdzmrston meld: "The henorubLe gentleman sate ',e have an ammple to the United States. As they gin only L 2.000• year to their mirdster. I promote he implies that something like that scone stole womld be rutricient um Ills a nd that I sta.: Led to the honorable gantlemth / that when an Americus Keever earth into nay to a t thignthigce to transact bthiness, I never rthasnre the deference doe to hien, or the oeight to he attached to ' , bathe has to lay. by the amount f seism ha receive. Meer. heard But you cancel ask thy impartial Armaisan citirso whether the public :oil does not stiffer front the mall allowance of salary assigthd to the minister, who will not tell you that they are Moth Denient/Llow. and that limy ought to be inerreard. (firth ear.? Burma to have a mon distinguished either:of the United Stith:, who he an ample fortune of his onx .4 who lives to a 121..11r hatiorabl• to himself and the; country which be repremets. But there have been at for nom tames. reprthrotatthesof the Molted States lo mon- M". Wham pothicar has been painful to th eir own delinga• Iticerd It has been Immosenbis for them to return those *ode sontethe which them .anon PP. .."7?"' Berth to manifest towards theind and I think It eou not. be gal/6story tothe feelings of Engliehmem that their ea r...MOT. in meld=ntrias should be compelled to be ' %Marra from geedding in this country. Wear,. /Leant This allusion to oth country movers • lessa o In a rebuke. No men ean hold the position of American' Ambassador to /inland or Prase, and live amordlng to the rank of him posithor, unlara ha the a private fortune of Ids earn. The: Beggarly allowathe from the Government would not eolith/ for a third rate grade of diplomatic Uriolt This subject-was discussed in the/tenth* towards the close of the Ira[ semi= of the last Orogreas. and without the It, tern:drooling of any partisan theJudises or viewt, it IMP seared on ail hands. according to emphatic Matemente Mr. meth.. and Mr. King (of Alabama) that'll., dlgoßr of the American Republic repaired that lie diplomatic re: Momentatives M. the South of great Boehm statioth mould be more itherally endowed with the means of ho.tiadlty.' and rep:arability of style, than order the present system.. The rational lieu the advanced, that, instead of • thiforrel rate of allowance to all ministers of amilain grads, it would, abetter regulate th e thirty amording to the espenaei ilvios lthrticular capitols. The Arobkasslor to the English Court a...aa recelre more Blood,. Ambassador tp nonce, the latter more than the Ambassador to Rosin, —oaf so on. ThLs la the English system, and it seems Mq be a very proper oth—Bailithre Anteriaus. DISTRUSINO OCCCUMBSC;.—Yesterday morn-. ing we were deeply pained to hear of a bloody' encounter In Lynchburg, Va., on 'Thursday morn!. ing, between two highly respectable citizens of that town. The circumstances, as we learn them, are es -follower Some time since, the Lynchburg Virginian indulged In some comments on the mine of Dr. James Saunders, (a member of the Convention,) on the Basis question. Dr: Saunders retorted upon the editor of that paper, in a stringent card publirlied in the Lynchburg Republican of Monday last. Oa Thursday morn ing the Virginian re-published Dr. Saunders card, with some sharp comments, which an ex cited Mr. James C. Saunders, jr., (Dr. B.'s son,) that he eoughtldr. A_ W. C. Terry, the editor of that paper. They met on Thursday morning about 8 o'clock, on Main street, in front of the Market Bonne, and Mr. Saunders attacked Mr. Tent' with a cane. Mr. T. drew a revolver and fired; Mr. Saunders also drew a revolver and -fired. Each party exhausted the fire of his wea pon, and, we are pained to learn, both gentle men were wounded, it is supposed mortally, In the abdomen In tie region of the groin. We hear that two babe took fatal -effect in the body of each combatant Mr. Biggers, the constable, in endeavoring to separate the combatants, was slightly wormderrhy two idiots In an arm and log. —Richmond Inquirer, Saturday. Later accounts stater that both Mr. Saunders and Mr. 'ferry are dead; and Mr. Biggers' life is considered In danger. WOOL P 303 Wl9. In the early spring, it was anticipated. the wool trade would open epiritedlY this season— that It would go off rapidly ended advanced pri ces over those of last year. These anticipations have not been retailed thus far. Little of this 'spring's clip has been Sold, so far so wee can leans • Bnyeri at hams and abroad, halted° a: the prices asked. while the holders feel no dispo aition to sell at the prices offered. We have never 'known a greater degrees of Indecision and uncertainty to exist than is apparent just now.— Most of the farmers wish to eell—many have need of their money, while the large growers can bold over or n0t..., they may feel disposed. In this county moth depends upon the sale of the wool crop—englegemeuts and contrasts are made with a view to the wool mite. When the clip goo off briskly at good prices. money. Is plenty and circulates freely. When the contrary is the ease, Woes are dull, money scarce, and few debts are paid. Wo publlshen feel it per haps, as severely as any other class. Quite 'a change has come over our business operations, In this particular, within a few years. Watt ington was once the great wool mart—ln this month wagons crowded and blocked up our streets from end to end. It Is not so now. For sopa years, this place ban been loosing the trade. Competition has diverted it to other points in the county. Canonsburg has boughtlargely—whilst dealers in West Middletown, Monongahela City, tioblestown, Florence, Posit, and at other locali ties, have enteredthe market and bought largely, and it prices which dealers here declined risk ing. We have not learned, however, that at any of these points, the irade hem opened to any considerable extent, this season. Uncertainty and a fear on to Baal results, has intimidated I buyers on all hands. Our growers demand an advance on last year's prices, and such of them as have sold, ye believe, have received it. What Is to be the upshot of this state of think.; i it Is difficult to say now. We see aneirms that the wool growers should get the highest price that the purchaser is justified in giving—and !no more. Our sympathies are all with the grower as well ea our interests. Yet, we are free to say, that we can not see, in the present depressed state of the manufacturing interests of the eosin. try, under the operations of the locofote tariff, how they can afford to pay any considerable ad- ! ranee upon the prices that ruled at the elm of the market hut season. Much wool. was sold too low in the opening of the trade, perhaps, but the heighth of the market did very general satisfaction to the grower, and we be- I neve allowed the buyers to escape without leas. Our Intelligent farmers are as well advised of the state of the country, as we are, and are quite as competent to estimete the influences which operate upon the wool trade, and hence we i do ethos advising them In the premises. They can i either take the offers of those in the trade in this county, or they can hold on for in adetnee, If they have reason to think it likely there will be any at a later period in the season. We End but few Items on the subject of the ; wool market to quote." There is Mlle doing that ; we can see in any section of the country. We. notice less activity In the trade, Indeed, it.j this time, than has been usual at this season.— Weahington (Pa.) &Toro:. - DUIVICCLTY AT ALISO LICIT Cottage.—A rather 'serious difficulty hes occurred between the Trus tees and S bider:its of Allegheny College, at Mead ville. The students belonging to the Literary Societies connected with the college, It appean, elected Professor Stebbins to deliver an•addrees at the next commencement The Trustees ob jected to the selection, because Stebbins belonged to a different denomination' from that under whose auspices the institution to conducted. A number of students belonging to both societies have resigned, deeming it ince:mistime with tumor and a proper respect : for their own rights, to con tinue longer in their connection.—Mercy Wig. Locoroco 13TATINOMINATIONL—The Locofoco State Convention assembled in the city of Read ing, on Tuesday, the 3rd instant, and after a stormy session, nominated William Bigler:, of Clearfield, for Governor, and Both Closer, a citi zen of the world for Canal Commissioner. The nomination of Mr. Bigler was generally antici pated, but the nomination of berth Closer has taken both Whigs and Loefocos of this region by. surprise. Perhaps within the broad limit& of the Commonwealth there could not have`been selected a man so utterly destitute of the OWL ties requisite to a faithful and competent , die charge of the duties of A member of the Canal Board. Utterly unfitted as Mr. Clover is by na ture ind education, to become the depository of any important trust, it is to us a matter of us. feigned surprise that he has received the nomi nation. Locefoceism most have been in ifs do tage =nave forgotten its ancient cunning when it nominated a man so utterly sad notoriously obnoxious as Seth Clover. If the Whip can't best Alm they mares • well hang their barer on the willows.—Butler w 74. iSIIIII2 Lon's Lmatts-urr—The Swedish Episcopal Church in Chicago has great cause of gratitude to Jenny Lind. Tho Rector, Berl Mr. Unonius, has published a statement, from *bleb it aware that besides the $l,OOO given by her to the church Jest year, she has contributed $2,000, partly to aid In buildings parsonage, and partly for the poor of the parish. Shq has also promised a communion service of sliver, and has gtven the rector $l,OOO to pay name debts, to furnish the parsonage, and to effect an insurance on his life. hos Sutra—We publish in another-461mm an article from . the London Nautical Standard, on the use of iron as a material for ship building. We are well aware that it has been condemned by the Admiralty, and: are somewhat 6Wliar with the experiments by which they have at. monstrated its • inferunity to wood.. Bat these experiments and this Condemnation cannot do away with the practical fact that, of the S.telllM ere registered in the merchant entice of the Butted Kingdom in the year 1850, the tonnage of. the iron steamers was 25,167 tons- and that of the wooden slimmers 17,456. Ar e Bei mer chants their own interests f • Or ant they forcer than the Admiralty In coming to their con , elusions If the article which we quote had appeared in a -nuernantile newspaper, we should hare eixt sidered it perhaps entitled to' less cousideisdon thin attaches Wit when It Is-found in the col tonsil of • professional Journal like the Nautical Standard.—Rye/i& BAYSZI 1710 boat's crew Of . • thoTranch corvette Alcemeite were sent on the. 29th 'of November last to fined & passage for her 'on the western elde of New Caledonia, in the Pacific: As they did not return, the barge was dispatched, and head that they had been killed and eaten by the Efenema and Bellep tribes, ex cept three, who worn made prisoners, and forc ed to witness the feast These men were given up when the huge arrived. The huts, II planta tions and canoes of the cannibals were deetroyedt some persons taken, and twenty others hot Burma Cocirrt.—Thu Whig Con on met - on the sth inst. at Butler and selec the fol • lowing persons far th e va;iona of f ices an be Ailed next fall: President Judge—. George 19 41mith,i Butler. • Associate Judges—John fhleCandleis, Centro, and Sam. Marshall, Craiberry. Assembly--Joim R. Harris, Mercer. Sheriff.--James A. Gibson, of Fairview. Prothonotary—Thomas H. Lyon, of Middle. Clerk of the Courts—Daniel Graham, List Comioguenesslug. Register and Recorder—James T. kfulunkin, of Butler. • • Commin.sioner—James Mitchel, of Butler toencship. Treasurer—William B. Lamou, of Butler. Auditor—J. H. Conway, Centre:, Coroner—Archibald Critchlow, of Middlesex. Trustees of the Academy—Dr. Isaiah Maim kin and Samuel C. Stewart, of Butler. The-Opposition oo the 2:1 inst. nominated the following ticket: ' Associate Judges—John. Murrin, of Mercer, - John White, of Mercer. Assembly—Jacob Ziegler, of Butler. Sheriff—Arthur Slot ill, of Middleaes. Prothouotary--John T. Bard, of Slippery rock. ' Clerk of Courts—Lewis Z. Mitchell, of But ler. • Register eat Resonler—Robert Dunn. of Cherry. Treasurer—John Martin, of Butler. Commlssloner—Asaph Crammer, of Centre: Varnum, of Washington. Trastems—Patrick Kelly, Jr., Jacob Wal ter. From the Raleigh, R. C. Register. June 7. EPUICOPALTONVENTION.—This Ecclesias tiSal body met in 8h John's Church. in Payette Title, on Wedensday, the 28th nit. The Bishop of the Diocese and 28 Clergymen, with 45 Lay ,Delegates,representing% Parishes, were pm-. ent.--This attendance was much - more fall than bee ever before been In the Diocese. This Ma caused by the troubles which have mewed within the last three year in regard to an alleged Boorish tendency in the teaehings and practices of the Bishop and some of the Clergy— chiefly or altogether those broegbt here from other States. We learn from the “Observer." that the Bishop made to the Convention a-furl and most emphatic retraction of all those offen sive doctrines and practices, which oh attributes mainly, to violent diseases, which prostrated his mental and physical ',stem. The discussions in the Convention were earnest, interesting, and sometimes excited. The princi pal speakers were. of the Clergy, Rev, Mosses. Watson; Huh; Smedes, Geer, Johnson and Mc- Rae. Of the Laity, Hon. Gee. E. Badger, Bon, Robert Strange, J, H, Haughton, Josiah Collins. Dr. P. J.. MB, G. W. Mordecai, Hon. R. Hines, A satisfactory srangement of all dilkulties, says the "Observer," we, finally perfected and unanimously agreed to, under circumstances bf impressive solemnity. The Censention adjourned on Monday night List Inca tiur st. Laub Ltavablkan, Jana 2. Tut amts.—The Mississippi opposite thin city continues to rise with considerable rapidity. Already the cellar 04 Front, street hare water in them to Tatiana depths, and the merchant, have, for some days past, been actively engaged in reaming their goods from them. Sugar, ma ilmen, and articles requiring a cool atmosphere, being kept iu the cellars, ranch injury has been sustained in the removal of them. Since f' ;o'clock On Friday evening last, Mr. Coots., Assistant City Engineer, has taken the level of the water in the river, compared with the City Directriz, the top of the curb at the corner of Market street and the Levee, or the Dash of the column in front of the 011 Market These observations ere taken, as near as practi cable, about fl o'clock, and we give connected form that the reader may understand the graduel rise of the river. On Friday, 6 r. a., the water in the river was eight feet arri one halt inch below the City Di reithelz. ; Saturday, 6 r. a., the water below the ph... -- tale wii seven feet five and a half inches. i,,,? L'NIIItLES-- 6 tea , rare. limed N. Sundaj, 6r. se, the water below the Directrix '-' e atul 1 bbl. Lard. Inns six feet ten ladle*. . r..) VON. nary il.serst OIL j., Itry• d tpirt Totreor.a. Matulay, (yenserlay,) 6 e. a., the water was • t 1........ rreett Illn. below the Directrix five fret sir Inches. TS tn. thlei seeker. From Sunday, at Cr. a., until yesterday, at 1.12 LI. olugso llocil I,irrarnac for salt Or JutlN wArr • co, the same hour, it had risen one foot four inches, i ' Note° to Carpenters. awl up to the hoar of writing continues to rise. ' ~,,,,, . rforne:nee of Ilerr'a Island, in, Liu- This leaves the level of tho water twelve feet six ' j . s " -- i }:erm.t..0...1 ISM". 1.11.114 W 011.14 4 Ptil inches below the great of 1844. 1t • it•ix ts.t.. st tto 1.... Tem, of 31r. Alec JAIL.% rr/n.b The cool winds of yesterday, notwithstanding' :`,„74%,V,T,,,,,fh,g.1..." * ,, th ,'"" th " . 1,," u tg,. '''''' the entire absence of rain 11l the city or its VI- ~• kui ett Mr. T.O. Nowis+ l / 4 1:: ,,,, ... 1 a L.1..1, ran t the would indicate that heavyrains hare 2-"'11.L.-',"'" l '"'" l '''"' ‘`'. tut.)4lll,d3t fallen north and west of us. A farther rise may be expected, and we will not be surprised if the water reaches thircurb stone at the foot of Mar. bet street; but we do not anticipate such a rise nein 1844. At best, however, the water Is now entliciently high, and hes spread so far over the low lands above and below this, as to do immense injury to the crops, as well as to the ricer mer chants, woodmen and others. The extent of the injuries cannot, at this moment, be anointed car Every family should at oneo procure a of the au/ AssUan 'tamed, Cor toast. tout, mil d U. U. Ramiro Arabia& Ltalsoaal ft allays LA. 'coat lotanav saint Ia a Dm minutia, restore. alga SIMOTISI Sold ...joint grata, and lta.curso joint 4 peaatratem dab to the bon.. Mum contract...l a 01.. runw dornroa tlaon ail iddated Limb! of total? Tear? itandloc alacottr mods, witalled ova. az:damn:mai of IM Ktanda. and Is Ito Lon medlar/0 Wr allaaatta ar..111. , out ..00rrerol, cont. aravlns, sadint. and all dlscaaasytdrh riainire an Qatar./ applicalloo. Fo advarilaentroL •TRUTH FLOW" g-TRI. AIIOVE. FICTION LIKE OIL •DOVt RATER—The Wok man can tall a COW iUttlitlwebf irrlug R.. quick as &lir,. tell stood Mow Ly ..tog IL And U ons man bistit, sad Duds It poor, It will destany the popularitr You cant lutrodum a mettle:nee Into popobtr w. tinlessit powww. mils substantial virtues, lbw from all Lad offsets at valid oldortkiws, and It b this tact that has *dahlia...l Ow rout/Wooed .. 1101I's Compound Vital Istrsot of far asmitilla;*btiond all otil or disputa. Its action upon human orsiamislst aosordazos with rational and Phl iatopLioal prinekshist—it pratucte the various asernicts sad tura.. of the Wily. moot. otwtrusUons, displaou utotbkl gad dboaaNd author. stsimittirna lb. Warmth mod iligittitt organs, erodes taw, puss, and heath' blood. awl rtgiiisitt the taritma fauttiont of dm &dam, ormuiaof She half. •Thls Lb all performed without the least dagger of hum, tim priiptrattits being at tab as It rolltratlona. It may to thought by t h e skeptics'. that It Ptillitts to onto tou Pussy diseases, but upon tsatalow Om It will b. found that • him maJority of th.,111••••• .hich mart the human family origiusits in an'thipurt tale of the blond. lb 001 40001101. the by other gar tapallitis atm. d . yea by "roe u sellers of umlauts .41 4 1;= . 4issa Pnr ;Li k rla 7 " 'thrs a tTritat a l _ . pn lb. 11 ' 1 ' 1 rfordevy Warrunta to tit superior to all L.nora fxlbtalginal Dr. Jai., Pure Jaie nRd frennAleutuar—asal harenoothey an edvertleesanit uo ar.lhar kw: , V, EgYEES S .11 . DOWELtv`110 Wood jolCrdlurOwT Vebolewal 1a _U t.fl agento tar DISEASES OF TRE,LIVER.—Dis ammo( the User are becoullag alaralluglyfreuatut In the Unlhal Mtn ladoel there an Enr barnthlable alaeaeu which are not worusechal la ow. way or QUI. with • de. ranged rater( that Important organ. MOO' of the maw plalaU waich are usually olto.l under the heed ot no aumptloa,Eontheirorigin to the Urn. "Any resuieln whirls would • Insure wrgularlty and healthful action la tha hem, would be a bleating to mankind r has beta the esslarn.hoo of sugoriag thous... That moody his been found; It Is rale and runt. 14. • fair trial has been stir forded to has anti been know to fall; Deader, bars you uay disease of the Ilver, or dleasse which you believe; morels from bepatio donut , mot? Low not•a matosat. but purchase • boo of Dr. Arlaut's Lim lII* and they .111 reetrelyou to hmith. They are Moonily remedy or,, yet discoveted. , theee ice Is eettaltl to effect • can. For role by • J. CID!) CO.. No CO. Wood r=3:118 Petroleum I Boluniltl4. Huntingdon co, Pa, Mucha, 'M. H. M. Kior.—Dyar Bu , Your Pokroleaso Is working woo. days In this vicinity; tbstoins wo would thank you to send . two damn by lb. Pennsylvania Rallytwl. W. are en tirely mt. and It is being icopired for ithoost arm da7. Yours. rospeethilly, JOILI LONG 2 N. KL•rssluts, Ashbabl O. blueh 10,11. D M. Exino—Desr Mr, Your Agent, y jyty week. left With us lieu down hook OK, which we Dare eel& Please forward to us ex dorm Innedlstely. Your oexlicln. Is webby; wonders In this region. We can obtain seneral excellent catldcates, If you desire them. Yours, aa, For sale by Keyser A McDowell, 140 Weed errata B. Z. 8.11.0.. 07 Wood etreeo IL A. Yahnestoct. t 00, corner Wood end Pewit stiller. D. D. Curry, D. A. Elllott..lnerbD Dougless.and 11. P. Ikhwerts,Allenheny, sly. by th. pm. Drietor, B. M. KIDS, • 'spll:l4.lY Canal Ossin.beeentb et.. Plttsbureh. Citizen's Insurance Oompany of Pittsburgh NCOURAOE HOKE INSTITUTIONS .tio. 41 Water =vet, to tbo ward.. ofC. a. rr.. . GO. Rom, Prold.t. A. W. Diggs, gee's: osuiptor Loos. grossed to Jason all rogrehorolbsi issuu sod to tratallob Ter's, ku jodlitlu U thst=a d ottrl=l Id. in ail ultisints of Pittsburgh. 'roll sail favorably koaro to Du ootossousity mr Dods prudes.. Wising's.... sod Ititsit'DY. - DTZUTOSAI-0. Eitlm, W., 8..4 7 . jr., Walter bryloO. liugh D. King, Edward Usubitoo. lobo Dorm:web& llorlsouth. Dll.'/Uss. soisti Foreign and American Hardware. .LOGAIsI, & CO., , • N 0.1213 Wood. Street, Now .TN ATM - Ifitllttot r etool attract ofIOREIGNAND EARDWARE, the othot mica, and which ti c ,. round to odat to pi uthaaartiwtratos that will compara fariostil* vith strict the mom Mita. Srap ER CLOTHS, for Mon'ad anßoyd M0n.14 0 . Oubmmtix-Calabpiem, creel y of style. sad qualltine, received end oared Tow se the dan , MUM ♦ BURCALUILD. ILLACK SATIN VESTINGS—Murphy 4 "Buch/Uhl hare nueired•suutASO,B.4.3.r.4. IMI as. of • very marerior WeWitr. le 3 FRENCH LINENS, .of various qualitiea, received sad selling low of the none of jets MURPHY It BURCHFIELD. 110 WILL SUFFER for the sake of 'sit ias Oct Dotue Brown's great Jdassican acs6o dy for the rius, 6a• plc 67 443 E. E. BELLEW 67 Wood st. /TIMOTHY SEED-34 bbls. for imile jly IL Jell • J. & a. FLOM. ty tierces Fresh, for sale by jola J.* IL ILOYD T EATETER-100 Sides N. Y. Sole, for sale bl . je.l3 . J.tR.FLOYD. THE NILE, • , AFRICAN MISSISSIPPI, TOW OPEN,.:AT ATHENEUM HALL, - OLIDDON'S hir Ward Truropanint Panorama of EGYPT AND NUBIA! With a orplendldOolligr of EggprlanAntlitulttrOlgtonitea. tt' a. 71%-i..`67.10"7,1:-11,,puy at Calm. Oriental Made at earl; veßtitig eight o'clock—Welnerday and &MIMS] aftt, moms at 3 o'clock; door, open on hour Debra. ddrolotlon uhr eanta—chlldron half prim—or-hoots of IA pupils ord cam 10 centol—Teacbrni with orhoolo tn.. J. 4 TILE Partnership heretofore existing lie twatat the totataiberr. nadar tdla fftyla of "R. P. Tao. . 1 1Tb I de C Altil "f :f ft " ge a rtgat i a " trilr bit 1%49: Jam" P. Tanner, who lo duly antbotiand to arttl• tNt old badness. JAMES P. TANNER,. 1 ROBER T P. TANNER Plttabargb.lon. G. 1851.—Nal= DISSOLUTION. firm of Clarke, Parke 41. Co. Rochaater, M thin day dissolved by Mutual conaenU.the in terest of G. M. Harlon Leine purchased by Hamilt on Clark. Clark. and lL. U. Parks , who will contloue the busiglemi formerly. nyder the nun, and idyls ot Clark & Ali the Oneness of the elate dim to be settled by auld tilodlton Clarks or R. o.Yarks. HAMILTON CLAMP,. X. O. PARE. Plttabargh. Jane 10, 1861. U. M. 11611PON. Notice. RAYING made a change in our busina by the palvhara of G. Co." Myrna's Waren In e Ivo of N.:larks, Parks ACo all the bushman of cc 'might boat,. the Caton Lint to Cleveland, Lear Erie and Michigan Line to Erie, trylls!i n P ' ar i tV Elt in g B.l ' A ` gi t '"'• And also the burtnaae pertaining to atramtguta Michigan ..,nd [heaver, will be done her through JOHN! .a. cACOUEY, bur Acoat at Pittalrergh, Pa. deco. corker of Wats, arid Iratlthdekl Pittsburg?, lon, •51. CLAILKL• kARKs. pel2 • • be•ter.. Yl Sea Bathing Cape Mal: N. J. CONGRESS lIA.LL is nun' open for the re ception of ignitor.. The proprietor. thankful lot #lO those t txtr u t.; the preterit Fuson, to make MP house their rangement. and art»mmodatlons, he trust., Will be more ...tlefardory to customer. than any Shirts hove heretofore brag proskied upon the Island. Ohs eutwerlber has takms Pahl+ to. Proem. pod and atteotive mktrnd 141 , 1111 LL Mo. om the Of that they am hest suited to the Oust.= and Wants Of a majority of the sojourner. at this piers. jet:Olin W. R. PULLER. yAMEN I'. TANNER, IVholeaale De.aleTin Boot, Shoes. Donnas, MU. ta., No. 62 Woc4 st j•l=l ProposaLs. , SEALED. PROPOSALS will be received by the subscrlte .neat anytime on or before the :tat day t June, _Mit for marmate of bulklleg a Brick Church nt Deer Creek. In Ultimo, tolerably, Allegheny county, at near the School Rouse. ea land of Harmer Denny, of the tullou log abet 40 feet ebb: by CO In lengtbt 14•Det letween the for and the cabala ebb It winde. aiad doors, to be landed. planers&, ...,1 peed;Wae t 6. er with as pullet for Old home. The WU/0 to be PWhed In thesame mantow sad altar Ow mos pattern the ?worth Amadsta Reformed Church. In Befardshown, our Ilecire Brewery. The work to alojwthular to be balerkor to the work done ha old boom. The contractor to And all ntstraale, r of a goal and rebetantlal quality, neeemary to Ralph na il chord,. For furthers artlenlare Inquire of U., of the Cocanalltee. JOHN TOUNO, SACRED. PATTERSON, Jedlltd TROD PnA)N, • jellkat Committee' _Deafness, Noise in the Head, ..ind 011. Dizagrtrable Di:ockargu from the tar, Speedily and permanently removed{ P g. lIARTLEY, Principal Amid 'the Neer Tort Eye mul Esr dummy. md add North Meet. btuladelphla has derfael to ',Mom hi. etay • snort Man Limn farther notheigt•Doctor may I. muscatel In Re- Meat AllepArny , [MOM three story brick ideal i iMom hermit the 1 Nome. he Dort.. Mat 1.12.11111 that his veletas In Plttsbargh oillentey • pleasant valk to Um mom city. and thr their ePerAILI scronarmatma be .111 extend his home of emenb tattoo at Me tam. Adore. from L. 11. to 4E. It. Tbatern Imre Moe and Mum tuddleided attentirm to Me branch el eretoa practice. Ms ensbind htto tadms Me treatment to sod" • domes of me m. its tthe Irma mamma mam a obotinats C•Min Mid. by • amity so amben to the impate-MM. 1112.01 Notice. LETTERS TeNtamentory upon the hot hn‘ a.l tagsaarot tt George Corbrao Mobasol ir d37., ta. of thrt. of tltt.bargb. baatagbeta ntod V , the 1mre...0, I I.a• %pi..toted Jo.. La.bdit. roo , Agrot tor the settlement of maid All poa.aa bist io r atbtaal aro rap...lto ma. Itutoodakta pairarot. Itroina. <tow. taaloat We won oral prom. Mara autttoutr.a.l 1 . -- .I.lhl/11:1"111.1..x.:111/111, itesutrli. • The 4t.lers:on."l nosy 1.. Lruc.lll.ll, beitymn the bears rf 1 6..1 4 r 11.. antal tLe /0,4Ju11 ALA N 0.14 Fomact oz. J. It. LAttDbil. TAR AND. ROSIN -1 iwnw,. NC. tee. so weed eider. talobt Itoeles , ter We )el: • • Assll:i WAIT .1 FOR SALE ‘ITOcK of the Merchants& Manufacturers' u. n. A ain.tte b e i aat 011 Fourth si WANTED,' tATESTERN BANK NOTES, at lowest • • market. rata... •.7.1 bl‘beA rreiphs • lull La amen ' .0 p.r 1"...41•; by H. D. LING. 011 r •, rovelh rt. Tin GREAT KENTUCKY REMEDY !• DR. • JOHN BOLL'S SARSAPARILLA! Pumps , lT IS put up in quart bottles„ and eon of in man..l:lmb rune a sui am outlier in Ammko. 'Pee one dal , Lur per neve., els bottle. for Eve dollars. It haa teen • mil onabliPtied fan the Jun mu, th a t eamaparitla, • tams put. and pomarly unwed, was the vale true paamea ha AD Daman ortgluating from an Ito Pure mate et the bbd. the um at memory. lateatratina ___-- arum,. evil Wow:a youth. torrempaii. el, It• boldly : ; . Th e g me ji,, . ...en that JOBS BI:LL'S .E.1714et..7 Or .T.18,64P..• 1 , ' J. Fr iend,' . RILLS i• the noir prmarmiaa before i.a e public. tam L. • • i BAKING . preparation' intended to . au v.L...don I .• , q•nun , ProPrn. nwd of nit.... i IL penal* the am of Temt—whleb, when tatted with .irerigth. She Ferman...elle la pa rehear. without, retrood i'our, will teal ime mew i Dotirlo or mare:pannier albs l" Wm.. 4 . l '''' , 4 4 ""lA• b"'"'‘`, b .. . 4 ...wt. l." 40 0 44 5. .4 , emb.thati by the yew. The whole porno of breed Le strict.. t heatleal testa and its ansuimeememertalneu I ~...,,c . bd. pa bd.. ba p y.,,,i 0 ...., t.k... pe . ~.. 2, letare Ming 'Peed . 1 ons., yea um the tasimmilvelmteed of yeast h otel ether Bunton," 41 . 011.1.1. dla 'DS.. of 4 ww 4 nl Thiel/milk of Ume la Mae some vonsidention—and hotel other valuable mia , nte. together finalilOg the hem, tom - Semen. matuiners of public wimple. inarmatioa units Known pmt nu[ the armor. eurauve agent m the lan. md hop , Walley will amino mall saving by units Known world, , , ibis Family inemt. Added 10 , all the adVantenew of Light. WILL crag wirnour ram! ' lotremble. who:name diet far ma voyages and WIWI* in for yamt Is Dud to get. thie will In Scrofula or lithe* Evil, Camaro. Tommie. KruP,Mcccie of i .- ttif Y in l igelnabTs b for biscuta and eakm—lt will ha Maud Me Skin, trfelpeim. Chtessio bore nye. War speedy wad cheap. tot torbettlait that tbor will ter more If 4(0 , fettem. Sabi Dead. hhoottote palmable--and mate . tavern breed even mom digastlbla. non, Paimiti Ma boomer Joint.. :old ha lAD.. M U.S.:A eDd .41 4 4 . 0, Ind norm, Wain!, Swelling of the Oland,. 13 rplall. , . PILImdPS 1 MAYERS, :4. North Pourth it.. Philadelphia. ' is. Dyspepsia. salt • PoSennent for Pittsburgh, FL E. DP , Lrii9, PI, Wool Ihrmare of the 1 , tort ' jettilm Kidney.. Loss i • tream , the we of Mornay, • Pahl thr hide and lihoul dent Unhand I/Thing. Dmpor Lane Intro, Jaundno. tore Bronchia/I. Cooytuy Cads, {Yea/LW/MOM* 03..,• Intimanory A IfeetJona. and ail other &owes tendthg • . - • • PRODUCE C03311/IPT1021: hirer Complalnt, Fronds Irregularitisa matcoplaints, sick and Sermon Headache, Low Spirits, Eight treats, am! Imprmisoce in Life. Melnik Constliutional Die. rasa am! is a Bo ring and surname drink. and la tor the syn., and gentle and patanant pUmound ton. lXlltte.. far superior to Moo List or Congress valor, mita. or Nei& lIIMMEM The 'Ananias i lb* ssebatlin copy of orslitiest• nave In the possessionof the proprietosa Oalra lassaparills.-- I's, E. W. &Ilion is 'stasis and gennesilyknown u to sionnont sad...nonaligned pastor of timid, B a... 0, snd nom li.Eltarroson lass been il00.11:1 ILO one of U. mad Ll sato] nod visions unnabers as. th. Katit n earWnprepy gru,':V!"l. nook issaesen. asa. the world patina, tinier. or, man satisfactory testiamons in Isar ref tar sasslkinai • Batt? Totirmony than wet., Entr Offered in Faeor of •• • - Any -*dime. Rs,. L. IV. 60000—Itaw. Y ffernmi y gm . 1 Wo ban mod Jobn BelNg Lgu an l d a bark newn it to be asnl..entn entire saffeartlont amt woe bare to. he. It W[m I. staling that am boll.. It to tas a wane and rain. ebbs medical eamoottrul. and cakulated to protum much lead .red rains Much suffering: and would threaten .cbeerfully and men earnestly nscommend It I. the aF Meted, (Mieent) L. W. WILLION Y. STEVEN.46I. A LIZAUTIFUL CLEAR WEIN• Dot we all admire a Ow beautiful whits skin. Una rosy colored cheek. Iler often do.. am mem; tact per sewing Ms I `draidarateta m devout/7 to ba erMed. gene, to conortics, Mims, wndans..rmints. mei elan =slam* br. restore nibs.= a. ambience of what Usesur. yr . % nr. and tbat Im with enet..Lety . l . o Itt eautfl Ole. by removing every .partirla al' morbid anrdierand matter from Lb. bind, making it pore, ' , Males ILIA nen., giving activity to ovary ofnot.. Zessl, and 0/0041n0 the yellow and dark, osuntenance to ba bloom and freshness of youth. Ladles Macedon thy gs., of p 31.10 .red mixturss, and cm Bull . . Hanar la, , the only effectual nearly • rA turd to . . U erlm aulff• wt" and • hind Mum hto the ladle.timony Eat the Following, Renders Superfluous all Comment on the E f ficiency of Bull's Sorsa patina. From /Je s ts I% lismcru, Professor of Clun::.::innL In Um touberille Madge! College I G all s onked ern the list of lawns:Mute eamteollell Jobe Compound A/tractor Bamvarlllgand Wm no hesitation In saying that they tone • safe compoevd. and out that promises well to chronic dimness, to whkh It I. apifficable." Jelc• Is VANDELL..II. . . D. Ince MarineES, PAynnen by eppolutansteto as Zen intikflogete/, saw ;c/f tieLL'S S.A.EStPd• HILL4I Locravots,.llarch2o, 1849. I here nominal the personelle. for the perperattort of John Bull's Sarsaparilla. met 1 ludieve the coeuldnaLlon to lean excellent one, and well calculated to geode. en al ceyedve Imprecsion on the outeut 1 have toed It Wash, gublle oaf private genetic, and think let!. best article of o". l4= avl dent s PPy u ciel . ao at the Lonhotli;P:Mitte to. 4We • CAUTION—Beware end ark for the Vg . l , l , v= JOHN BULL'S SIRSAPA.II.III,4, from A* Dave smother.Kß A., ITUCOBBI.L. 140, Hood street rittsburgh,du., aad ,al4l Agents. ter sale by D. H. CURRT and JON. B.01:1014A1.411, Alle gheny city. awl he Dm/relate genendly. lell:dew3ma Free Lecture at Philo PialL"' N the ecienee of Mental Electricity, by Dr. a. le, on Tneeday crealna, the 11th Jane, at eight rf.l will oleo inctun, on YrTlomalay, tnamir. radar. e nd„,,ado r , a 5 clock. Antal/ V. Wee .. 5 yenta. Tne egymmenie be snore artrudertul the. nNeur &Una au beach /le sill open my Milt= u Philn nat, loth. at hallpart two o'tiona, to continue twenty da4z For the cure of dcalneu, dinars of the eye, nen rtletnailtat, +henry ela."nrolepras nterhand all othar thoreconshierul hicurable by the inenh , t a unnity. Let all each amain. his tenknortiale. The <law and editors*. ie/ikeliEC For Sale. A LOT on -Penn greet, adjoining -314 Vfnt4i di. n lfd rT ti: 1 1 " 'lNi iggar . tt. s mr. A v.Lnina a co. • Vaitlabie Latin Third street foi WILL sell time Lot on Third stteet, ad it)ZsLit!....rj holster, Establishment of W te m . Noble on' OmelmaT ou . the otter ' . Eo l l gr Roos onlblo11=1:1F1 Let. otth a depth toward Second greet of 50 feet, More or Isma The prim/ out one thougod to Mod, the ;Llti4b=l:o,3b b'''d eaTe ' UT= T.l ea. The Otto Is peratly itolr CHARLES STIALETC .Midelder at the grim ofC. Shales. Co. Fourth st. "VOTICE.—IF 3IATTICEW LINDEN, the tomtger, formerly of Behest. In the couoty of Arc tr frelamt, and woo of Matthew Llrele, - tit!, eldj. of fame plan, oitaeCtiOner , end who cornlrm 66 6 b hew the Unite] Stake of Amnia. /t 1 the yeer 156 L main pp:lnetbanelther In penult or by letter, to Owl.. L. e 6 as N. 6-WWI meat. New Tort. he wlEll hear of ; onsethlng to Ms ad mut lellentw To Clardtows. FEW acres of gotind near the city, SKIL tor se, sm. szolsoots. &won. of o . A. WILKINS t Co. ARD-12 bbls in store and for sale by o /eaten nvlri.arratAi.. VLL of kARD O Bennett Jones' rennufao oturs, LIT RI& br !BAIA LI DlatlLlrZi VORN-40 bbls shellsl, for sale by Jos S. P. TON BONNIICOC,T t CO. pp ItEESE--,35 bxs for sato by Jelo S. F. VON BONNIIOR.SI ico SACON-20 elm, received and for safe by jelo WICK • 31•C4\DLESE. LINSEED OIL-10 bble for nale, , by jell) WICK k IrCANDLILIS VHOCOLATE--lid ball. Boston Chocolate ssb, by 3.1 0 ' WICK k ICCANDL6B3. nItY HERRING—for sale by al I•K) WICK a dm:Anna's& 4REASE-10 bble in store and fore sale br ISAIAH DICKEY 0 CO., 010 IVater and front sta. TOBACCO—I2S boxes and of the best brush ta and to In sines and for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY & jell/ Water and rate.&m Beyere' Pinto Preceptor. KLEBER hag just received Beyere' e celebrate,/ preceptor for th e Pane, which to as nowledged br p.rePlonal man In this multi end in Emote, to be the bast work of the kind ever published. lleyer. well known as one of h ero d ,mreceafed eampeeers tur beghniers mut pupils, ha. eupplied • want loos took.y felt by the musloal public, Tit: en elements , progretolve and interestlng to the pupil. both In Its leserlsee and tuner, thoe greatly facilitating and smooth ng the ennewhas Menotti, and Mama Prat etwly of mu. tie dplate ,taring . The following Ph son who have tram en itmel the work, we referred to: Pmfewore natural, Landman.. Telma Noth: Se/0 I OVERING'S SUGAR. 20 bble Lover- NA hoe. mimed ar I polrrrtra4 inn.riturt reetivad .4 br .1.1 o• by WM. A. WCLUKO. CO. Jolll OOS Liazir .t. QARDINES IN BRINE.-111 kegs Sax. Nt .,l , litee in brine (tiardelletts)justArt.tired sad for w. jelt, Mi. A. .11(.4.1.o KU 25ti Liberty 4. IFIRESII TEAS—Just rewired at No. 256, Liberty mt. ea litirele• et . very enpnift_Cio..lott: v eliti i, - ."4"ll,:trsf ga°,,,Viatr'w.wr ". m r yx Ida SITUATIONS in stores, warehouses, &c., to our two dUee or Morns. and Math,. Srtard. for Arai talemieta book-keepers, wheel seamen, mactant, sullen. farsuere, /abort's, and for • camber of boys of all wee. Al.—vented to borrow (150,1;400, $5OO, Ill1)0, sod other-sums. tor dltfenott perkde. WeaW—plaota tbr rem end iaIaIIANIIIN. bortarkeers. wet end 017 aurae. All kluds of amok" attended to for moderate ebarges HAAG HARRIS' je9al2wlT Aareef mud inking.. Mew Lawny et. POT CLAY-7 toes Copley's Pot Cloy, No 24. Jun and for nJ by_ 1.10 8. SCritioNMABEll!k a). 0 NEW B MACKEREL-50 bble No. 3, large am mukon' ed. 4 litut receiv for "4-br Aroll. W HAAB WOOL, WOOL—Cash paid for the ' direr -44.1 ego of wool by a. a cr. Lucia . tom FLOUI--110 ibis. "extra" flour in store .8 for Par br Job 8. tW. HADSACOII. rk MED PEACHES—Z/0 bushels dried . - Vie"" h '"`"' i " 4 " 4° ' . l. b i w. 11d1113117011, MACKEREL—Quarter bbls No. 1 fat Mutual, La ktara ia.l or al. Dr_ JOCKEY & (XL 1410 • Water Jk Plaint eta. COTTON -116 bales in store and for sale by NAIAD DICHEY 1 CO. 1010 lemur Pool it.. Latest Publications tT:OLMES. Literary Depot . Third et, ... Toone the Pcot Unice. ~ Cultlestor_. ! ' no Armlimbice M• 11. 1 ,.., Furl.. ' • ' • • torture. ou America by leo Earl of Cornea. .: ' Llttelfs Lleltuf alt , 'NO• WS. liatoern biliamine, Mr J. (. aear Mantra jitii Another Bin of &per . Or Shirting,. Iftur and frith 11=1 I,II.TRP.IIT 'BURCHFIELD haveopen alizt =1=4, 1, 1 t&tat=irlegr tzTti%,ll4c.l.lllol [De r t ent iL t mamdbeicim, and fibeettlyi wain., obi 16 I= 4 =4, alva,Ti co has& Also, Num cue amaze.. • 44 ILIAVANA SUGAR.-50 Ins white Ha ynn.A.ara./net rearlmet and Err Mla b BUILI/11116/8 t nunna.u. • 50. 116 Wsur . stm, LOA} SUOAR..--30 bbte loaf sugar (as sorted numbers) Ls nsle br BUILBMIEGEINGUILLY. 00.114 Water see. IVIIITE SCARF SILKS.—A. A. MASON ZII s"tb".= alr, an Manamai ra. entripeal trimming rintanta, In nich the attention at CU601113.11 le inestan at d 2 anet g Staraq et. More New Lawns. A A. MASON A. CO. have Just received - 1 • tltts day. a W., lot of throe s•tv7 &virago brain •hkil vstr tbsstro. trbolassts • att. st Iti4. 41 am! W. jet) Piano and Table Cove= alkA. MAiON & CO. u - oultt respectful') •au the attentless of bons•lterprfs to Shelf Tsry vas Ist, est asmarameut rieblf _lininted and esoboeved faLtoo sod table omen,. works! colors. Also. • vstry 1••••• • •stp. sly of 11.01 and dasosat table auto, dool••• vssfylly. J. 0., at No. fa and W. Market Are, Jfe ROB SALE—One Kiln' of Brick, Enq — e .L W. WCLINTOCET3 Carpet Warehouse, re 9 No. SO .Yourth street. EIRIED BEEF-2.000 lbs prime, just re. 13 minsd sod for Ash. by J• 9 s tv. lIAELLL'OIL SUGAR—G 4 hlado, received and for vile by 3 , 9 IIARBAI:Utl. °LASSES—NO bble just reteived and tr, N• by S. W. SIARBAMIL ACKEREL-50 bbli No. 3, 1851,in 1 II star. and sitla trr 1.9 P. W. Phillip' and lliiiyers' New Article int the World'a .Fair I LIQUIDGLUE,ithieh cements wood; atone. thirt, slam, marble. querrrare, or two metal, saeturot unable Of Prelataklll. In • short time nor one of minium. may ho ore a. good r newba this eel..ato.l and pamdful Carrot- Th e boosikeepra of this dtate eye ,lready well anon of Its geoid.. and impart adaptabil to tbeir purrisa. N o thaw 'oho hare not Soled Is an Paqmaded to do to. No hare Gard De rib ant It.. bottle of Liquid eloHt napalm no varnlng. Is athiro toady tbrusa. and mar De rot War moo nit& r ran cm r article, to Itturtar. Shore Is [lO or Mr th e gloopot, and tO tambour , It la anal Urdu. ' natters It—tha press of the Stair Are unanimous In they oTt d t * glt ' s tl Pr r. ‘1 IL D illtlrErrrAVATtd r , Ebb. Ti, North Fourth atter, Philadelphia. Arta for Pittsburgh, J. KIDD St OD-. MUM' Sport!, sod Wool ssist. amid- Sart for Allegheny city, JOG?mo o. LAS, Dro • :t Ladies! Ladies Ladies! WOULDyou save your furniture and avokt onneemary laborla _roar iremants. 4r. the paths. soda swing nam raral snljght sk• 7/7"Ar 1 1 171 Ar will 1 . 1111,11 excnordlnut brill.lamy much faroltan ar mold med Ea or SU to have TrtarnbitaL— This 1., • tlllug ltv furniture deems.. 844 to tot. DU, .1:3 mt. •.. . . th PILILLIPS a Slant& Av fo nLi r Slttr7hilla, BILIVIUMArSIPherh"at St CaLlr tad Liberty Arra. • - hadlak YE FLOUR.-20 bble rye flour for lullaby AL rep • • WI C& a WCANIPLESS. QALERATUB-31 cask' for sale by /Y 9 wi ck 4 WOINAISS. SCORCIIINGS-5 caskaprimo on baad and 1,0 for And. by J.9 WWI; 1 IMAM:OIE9B. VIRGINIA TWIST TOBACCO-20 kOgs An ela br PA WICK a lI,CANDLLW. T 0 the Ilonorable the Judges of tho Court of ilnegl A fit i oar t leV3 . .naicas f Noe, and' , Pia The Tattoo of e tranda Bonita. of lb. Ana Ward. dr? of Pittsburgh, In th e Conntuiertieer, humbly Fbarmdb: That yon la of keeping dipole Ho know or tavern. In his boom, allare to th e Ward above—that he Om provided hintaalf nereannied for onavenienee dad araxarunolation of travellers:ma anso. nera R. thargfore pray. your loam to grant ••• •14 CO:Mtn keep a borne 04141110 antertikanens and ha will eng pry, &a citizens of tit Ward Obit:saki, do orrtl4; VI% abrve n' prtitioner la of good mut. for boo eat? and temparanee, mid la well provided with home room and eouvenlenees for the soccanniodatlon sad lodging ofatrangers and tracer aad that laid tare= la nee.. Allen floriell. 'Noah Prow, Ephiaria Prig., Cho. Read, R. W. Bonnet, } no. Rids% J 4 Lem Jon Um/. kWh. Thieken. Z. Barnett. W roa Weary Ourad - jot tierces for raleby j R .9 D : —.I2, bide No. 1 Lard for sale by WICK a WOANDLOS. TAROH-40 boxes Bonbright's extra for nale tor ' .1%.9 WIC 11WeAD11.89. VELVET EARPETS.W.AVEIintock has in Moro and for ter, th• larr est astortm•itt of Vet a 7errts iy konerett tbS• market 9‘rret It•retrm FLAX -10 sacks for sale by )a WICK 2 MVANI/L£4,3 lliftEE-PLY CARPETS.—Just received " ( h. Wawhostsc, N.. 74 Fourth A.,.• aul three.plr carpeu. D. 7) M. UCLINDuK. LABBITT'S Double . . Refined Saler:teas, nut ur :Itce " re r :l th" 'l NTA. "" 2. ' brasu c_ . JO • G:CM a Ma 1.114114 ILLINGS, WILSON k CO., Manufao-' rums of all rhos tack.. la , . and dm/ bat, clime &air, sad Ilblet balkllblabint. dad, tabby awl rhea ork lour barrel and latblat Jo.; aim lab,,,a4S. Sad 261 blue.' tall& ao , tr.' ' , man, ai.wrziourr a co. No. 111, wan , at, Plitt. =rah. M C V: IIIA-511 21111 1 :Z 1 ZIOCIL IICO. I `CARAWAY SEED-400 lbs. for sale by Vv 14 & L Y•IISID2OCi • CO. • . • . _ yrRIISSELS CARPETS,='-W-- Clintock 11UP ham In atom as.l for rale a Janis attortment of sow n= 8.... 1 .8.rP`te,t0 which h. Invite. the attention of enstomer. Carnet tYarehous. No. 76. north ft. • VOOO MATTING - For public halls and lvJ roam. in date tout for Ws hr • Otriet Warehouse ) . N uv .F c th st. ft ABBITT'S SOAP POWDERS are neat A).'ll*a known a. to reown. no DAR to sell the 11 nw the kn. of .r•lon to Inver...llr Ixsoned. nwrrantrd not to rot or inlore cloth.. Yoe eale w hole rale and retail, by Val. A. 31•CLURG CO. 1.7 • 1136. Marty It. FREVESCING COMPOUND, a substi tate for yeast for rolelok burl. cakes. do, by by a oaring of 13 pc". coat In flour belkoted. For wl. by IrCLURO ft CO. je7 • Zok Liberty mt. _COPPERAS bbls• for sato by , I.ETDDk CO. EO. Waal rt. TAW CANDLES--10 boxes, prime tirti lo..) els, for side by J. KIDD At CO. So. 00..I'Vood et. IvyE DI CATED Wines and Brandies,- a fresh 1e..10.5t received sad forty. by J. STDD 00; jeT GO. Wad 0f... I APAN VARNISII-3 bbls.. (Baltimore) 410 for we by J. KIDD & le:No. &O. woortt. DREAM TARTAR-1,000, lbs.. for sale by Q J. KID & CO, le • No. D CO. Wool g. SUNDRIES- 2- ,• bbla No. I. Lent • do rra. a. 6.-r - I 61; 2nd bbl flax med. • brs Dry Apples. I do 4e Pother.: It 4 4 Rot.. Duelloginea rterroer Yitr, ter ludo by LW) 1811411 DICKEY- 6. B T. Babbitt'a Celebrated Soap Powder. WASHING without labor! %matted TT to Ulm the rtalwe out or unnuu ata tt•Y _ • Instonoss rot Mut—Put your clothes In a MUM. at 44.3uty a mkt wow to own them. taco add too table. , poonnela of this Soap Powder. to cath six putts of water ii . : 4 Pglir th° . sad a ' tl e ritleirrutx " gilt 4 r d mews th eme doom with a Miclh o then ' put thou he a tub sad old anfbeint cold water. ea that they will not la too hot Imodln Then rub the dilly streak or In other worthy tiro them a thorough ritulug; and that, la sulthltht to maks them dean . 8.-Theta tins no rosin to thie Soap, it EU lea , . the clothes very white, and no had oUy mull, as some awns do. The maim cut of the material need dews not verged two mote, to complete a washing of ten hansom.— Warranted not to rot minium the cloth.. reit homi This le a Po wder thig °rammer will taste twahre Marie - ly ao. Inarsraom Iva Use.—Tata my six quarts of water and mix the Powder with it, and then /et it hon..) bye min tam then eral quer. cold wate stir them tntintate/y nd se it away where It will not frame, and Xrc i tlaild ' it will be very tract and nkw White SOW. and will west. well and will not at the hands like other Son Soap, tux rot ll.e clothes. Can be neat with hard or salt water, by making the gantity into els quarts Wetted of t welve. The Erat Soap as best - adapted for werranas calico ndiroellenso:ds. , E. r a cial:lckes] . ad retail kr R. rio.OjNiLIM, SPERM OIL-18 bbls. extra, for sale by jed WICK t lice/INDUS& TANNERS' OIL-23 bbla. for Jude by lamac a NeCANDLEBB. NO. 3. MACKEREL.-50 bble. for sale by JAIIES DWELL, No. 68.Wakt BULLS SARSAPARILLA.—A few doe In onset bottles. bar .1, b F. r „ incitzmum jed Corner of Wood and Math streets. VANARY SEED.-3,500 lbs. just received from the East... prime article of Sicily wed. for sale bfß. N. WICKER/MIA Jed ' Corner of.Nfood me firth street. COFFEE. -400 bge. prime Green Rio Cor r...refttr.o and 6. male br JOM6 WATTI OD. " 2 bbls.. -do lt d hsl,gkle4 Herring g ED half bbla. do do ht Wry .m who by De) J OH N WM= a CHEESE. -31 his. Cheese, receiving per N.,1 sad ftw sale br J4LIIY.R.DA 1.6 Ha 68 Wade.. l A ARD.-2,000 lbs. Lard, far sale on con by WOODS, W scetater, N el et XEAT PLAID GLNGRAMS.-31mphy & Baretheld hose open this roorniniisigiotrik a style+ of Olosbains. osai Miffs, la sod itSoit— lbw rorwr Print& alum and Madman* sty at 12)4 au:4K Ow L 0 ..% Dotage. Poplins. of unrest stir ea &L, Moon rang Goods, in great mattg i slab so ilagsges, Basso do .. . Ni• o.ieeli elating almost 0 11a4.-800 gall" bleatbed winter sperm oil lA.on,tv - 1,030 " blesgad 1,000 • vintar 1,00 " Tanners' 011 . . 11.00 " N,w.cwet lash, 011 • - In area sad for als by 300 No miLLE. R fell ILICKEiSON, 223,Libertr st. PLANTATION Sugar and 31olaares In. pre pltatiorr= ,.. store arrl Err ImArra , 7 3nuam a awr i asoN. jel Nor. = Ar =. Marti I& SUGAR Rouse Molasses and Plantation B¢ 1d a' It Molasars—St. Jana 10 Wads fib Plentakes Buse. • . . 2' lllllll ILICiEIIOIe. 112 _ lea Libra et. • 11!C& . —al Timis Rice in store and for Klg by MILL= & lIICEETSON, N. =1 =I, Liberty rt. 110111031.Pai CEMENT-2 bbls. 'for seas by 11, ieS 9. F. lON.ZONITOR.ST & CO. ITINEGAR—,3O bbls. pure eider for sale by v F. vog aaNuonsT 2 CO. bxs. W. R., for sale by t,/ P. co] lIUNIIORrr k CO, RAISINS.—fit) boxes M. R. Raisins. • 40 tuff do do,01 t RICELETSON. Nor. Z. 3 ag 221. Libertr rC L LOUR-40 bbls. extra family flour. VO 7 'La dors szld for vale do !arms • . - do /c 6 , _nttaitt racsrarsai. ITEESt.-28 boxes Cheese just received on consignment .41 fur !ale b SUL& xicarrsos.. I KMON SYRUP.—§O has "Turner's" lem- M I AHD OIL-10 bble,. pure winter Y.rsale b 16 do No.l y J. SCUOON.I.IAHER tile. • P 6 :ca. 2 1 , wipo .t. • f: you wish fora real treat, try the' Y. Hy .ma Tea, selling r ar it ot per lb., at Ileirris' lei Uat in Diamond. ' Jell NTtice . . . . , Farmer.' and Meekly:id ,Turnpike Bank Road. rlg . Second and final Instalment of the robortibert to the Loon for Nooklig hop Fa:Torre Mechattits' 'rumba. hold. is horehrdlrectrid to La phi on or beton the /6th of Jour, tort. _ ... /rlttzt 11E.Sar MIS. Troararrr. WRITE IIAVANAIi BRAZIL SUGAR t....blve jlitrabui roger. In storeta l a at Dr _le6 )LILLIR a motErsox. or =1 Ir. 2:23, Libertr.rt. Birmingham and Bropa ny. wnsville Plank Road VOTICE TO C Com ONTIUCTORS.SeaIed Pm7.l..tu be melee& [rani the sixth the bilrtwenth day at, at: the oars A. U. Mitkr„ I. Fourth Meet, Ylttsbnr a b, for the trn,ding of Mat parte/ said read, between .11untony etrret and Ht. Outer, • dia. tan. of caw ndle,er.ttwarr t wub. 11•• ie&lGUtfert.B the noted D4 71, 0 1.111X WKS& Eter• ' • Lace Curtain& HAVE just received, direct from the Ira wt.+, • sm saartmant Ww Lae° Costal.% Irbkh WOOL TWINE--5001ba. for sale by iu4 _ 3SURPEIT /LIM& BURLAPS -3 bales, 40 inch, for sale by Joe MUMMY /It LIM PRESM TOMATOES, hermetically sealed, F retaining, perfectly, the dem end *tabour, of lb. nos MOW, kw sale by W3ll 311:1,131111 t 6 , 4 ray= Grocers end Tee Dealer. DRIED BEEP.—Evans. & Swift's Sugar Cund Beef Y.* W e bY WEL L. AMU:MO . IIr 00., anSl . :se Marty - - Witlr—Caoh paid for WmcgpiT.t • Bonnets! Bonnets! 't4,.M.A.SON:4 CO: woola 'ra .peet- Mir Invite (be very low attention o above anaf p orbeeers to ebetr eery soopetion deck of new stylejtunnetasb ribe to s. ',Melt they eno mutets will be s:dry Adit very low werlotlon. Tbwo odd rim du e. or alnele bonnet bloe.ltl end 6 1 Market.t. • 3.3 KIIIBER has Just received "a chtiiiis lot • a niPs'iiS CiirnnSr• Idslodsms. masubstanst r. earturdt blausit—tb• arizasl larestassa :Gm I.a at, • sir. CL bat mat boomed upon Ids arts:Nal, inrat . ll . .s i frcerslly t mi t V: hi roak: r t Gala and Maass. and btautr a toot sod touch. /mon .6 sane Makdscasocron Deb, rossesid; Ss• , • • 101 Indrd stmt. Kat of kadallsa.: =3O bolo Agency /bras &bore Instrtoosobb 8R ,17 ORAX--6 cues Refined, for rade by YE FLOUR-8 bbla. for sale 11 UP fa] - . 1. SClloOnlafrali I CO. oq 3o B. Dauszi, a oo. .Anthracite CoaL cli - k TONS just received,' a eoporioi article e)t, for Foundry or Wally rue, for mlo by - O. A. IdeLNULTY va LINSEED OlL—moogalls. pluv, for sale br SCWOONNAKER CO., • • Ad 24 Wood stmt. LAMP BLACK-30 bble. awed. for sale by lar. SCCIDOMIAKER At CO: FOULARD SILKS—Just re.ed,' addltfocal supplr of awe von. asap ,o 4 anlry • Jodi* ikod Foulard Bilk.. The aboys liccd• will to c timed out wry lamp. A, A. MASON NCO:. Jea • • m.: sad Oa }forte[ LACK SILK LACE--196 hare jcun reed • full-.oprlr of Me above &Arable G•rals, a a Zar We alma e.d dl ftt CO.. tr and 81 Market at. CRIZAPED RIBBONS—The attention of t, renewal Invited to•ver? Weeny. pi, oranporlllbbon Trimming. sad mewled {hats, erblelt we will close Oat at Tett !OW Flees. Jed A. A. MASON 2 CO. po IRON-33 tone Allegheny, for sale by j. 3 J. 4R. FLOYD. Itaisid Math Building. VINEGAR—SO o3 bbls. puro 3. FIA Cider, for sale by iTIL 11110031 S-150 doz. Ohio, for inle by J. At U. FLBYD. FlS2l.;;3lackerl.!; an!all,ogh:for ---. T AR -30 bbLs. Boston, for .14.ilLeintm. Iv..NNERS' bbls. Bank OH, for 3 J.t R. FLOYD. • MOLASSES—°AO bbls. N.?.tov byJiarat polAsu—zo casks pure, fs . r a si , ll .. llAp ia _ B A CON -3000 lbs. - Hog Round, on Callen /Inm*, for fair br T. WOOOO & ZON, • at Water Ft FEAT HERS -. 7 14X.110 MB. for solo , & w. ILSCUAVOR. nIDI;S-34 Flint,!npj f e .43 s AgAtron. 8A ,14 N-7 corks Sides, f r oby & 4(4.IIANDAII'CiIi." - LILOUR-1.00 bbLI. New Lisbon St= 31ille, . jel est. Luz., for sale br 3. A W. lI.ARDAVOLL Pittsburgh Life Insurance • doscittany. CAPITAL. $lOO,OOO. OF.P.ICE, NO. 75 FOURTH .STREET. Ormuz: . Pread.,i— Tsumx , -Josulth.Lux. houeury—C. A- (AA3nlr. B'&• &• Othertiremut b uoilur put of this pow. m • PENIISMABIA JUMBOAD. pletemm 1851. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. 1851 Forty-six hours to Philaderphia. Forty-four hours to Baltimore. .51 miles Railroad-103 miles Canal. arm. Nett MAWR AND COll/011taillt fate TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTLMORE AND NEW TORE. Lang free from the many danges and porterage connected wide piece likm Two Day Lines Express Parket Boats. MEM _ &Oa STICLVEATELT YOB PASSE-N.IEIW r RATE- Pittsburgh for Johnstown, thence sr Partas•Raftrosd to . HOLIZDAYSBURGII, 71.. an takbas tits NEW PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, Teo lituatnel andTa mi t o Packsta leave every roornlngyamimly a t. Eieht,eclock, and every emnlng at the moo Mash - Fan to Philadelphia, $l4 Fara to Platinum. WIS. . do Lancaster •sa da Ilarrtatnag fl.oa. • Passengers . for BaltiraCro, • Yaks the Tort • and Comerlaal Itallroaa at Ilaretrbora. on antral 'of Cama: that Nam. Datum, (WSW mike) tam Time . POUB. hours. - No charge . for handling Baggage on this routs. The Cas on els mate are arm sal of tha mat approw.' 1 , 7 mostroctlon for comfort and safety. If you Madre chap travelling and oomfOrtabla accOne staxiatima ammo your tickets at •. J. P.XOLITES Agent, • Haan. D. LEECII & CO. . /kcal IlmiM Penn amt. WEBTBEN - . MIL ANSPONTATION COMPANY. D. LEECH fc COIL LINE. • RAIL ROAD AND - CANA L W PITTSHII G PHILADELPHIA, BATLI MORE, AND NEW TORE. rE Canal being In good order, we are emand to transport brodans and merchandise to au hem the above win, at the bream mama nese of f c rvi g ht. teltt o, ang2thest u.o r . l itl y spgeh i jhe beata of lading tranamicted, and all hastractscom Prnaintir tondo' to. ' • AOPIT w, cdaddrees ' • ' 'EATS • LILACS.. ProPeithntl. ; • pima Buhl, Penn etdeet. Pittsburgh. HARMS LIMN, Prwi Neeeleing Depot, N0n.13 13, South 3d se. .. " Adla. • . _ 3111TirMeN i attrp._ " "tr " T. Te,Nortt-e,.. a ore. • T. TL PEARCE, Agent. ..feo .' No. T. Went greet. Neer Tartu p4l.l:4:so4:4lleleisrli .kEfi 1.851. MiaMM arceioNtwome. noir= Pu Browasdlle and Cumberland, to Biatimoro. ' • and thilitielphiii. rMOBNJNG BOAT leans tha•Wharf' .. L t E ... the Bride. dallr. at 11 dalock greeleely. , Vr4with the ears at Casabahad mo morsdag. 2Aetraiter Boat Loam daily tams Soodayageaiag) at 'eleaaooooatiog with the en at Comterlaad nod evening at /0 o'elock. Ilhae thrtatet to Bath:um XI house. lin ardr now through to PhilakdohJa. 40, how*. raffie mla - The Bratlaaal Beed_ie Too_ awd. Coulee= go et* the Conan tetereen thornort and Comberlasec which mates this deddedly the best mete Lrt. • . J. II lea RAVEN, t. • ::. 't tilt: • :.401.1: _ IIUttILCIL ABJIANGESIENT DETWERN •yv = : : Re : DC . ' • Olt XX.PRESS Packet' and Railroad line for Clenland, vaTheee tau d ekae. tor Stamen tsars ere* to Better, in =leek-dee with the eirgartly Imbed Bever. Packets of Clerk* Parks t. Ce.; mom Beaver tb• rsa.dia .tunr t.e.umm Om at Ow CLteLnd mad Pl•rjrrreß aanipee ca. te C6rehked. Team ' B.C.oro Steams* have their leaflet opposite the licamonhala Rem, ac Ir ronmetisig with the Packets et. Beaver. srhkt. Ell leave tramedlatelf on the snivel of the roamer. caning at HAMM= ID time lbrthoßflevesTreln of Cm for Cleve Land. Pauemxm by tide Um entre at Ciavelzad m time to take the Untold Line of atedintem for BUIIPA.LO and DETROIT. mad the Munn for ChM- V. Mimetic. Toledo. Sendustry on, lihmkter east En. ales 'Er entity Mtn of me for Columba,. lass* sal Rinetsseati, CEP osr v • PARER * CO-. Pregeletm. Roonavne Pe. • AGENTS: '' • • • __ W. IL mailman,. v0r....u. EL Maar 11.4 31:Mg Um* 0 . 0 1. 11X1r. miner of Eztathf-ed and Pail7alW3o opl 1851. Ar es t UNION LINE On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Cana ls - • - - -• • • . CLAnwir PARES & C0.. ... : ....._..... Pa. cn.cnnutts, CRAW rOf.3o.,....LtsentAnn. 0. lIIS well known Line is now prepared to •Actvws,r , ll-4„„h—gz7l.freas'adUaltr B l2X—}l Tbe facilities of the Line are wteollnnowl niiddioL qua . ny, and capacity of Costs, orperisnee of Coigns, and of. 5 7f T gostats Tutivssgh and COrsaidailytstnnlng In cooneetlon still, aL b of eteutaboats. between pass. SOROS! sad BRAVER, and • Lim befall class stenntbonts lraroreller .1.4 noels) act th. Lakes.- . CONISICLII23: • Pub & Co, Taangstcon, 0, AB. Tylor, arren. OL .a. 2t. Mak, Newton Flls. •.• • • C. Prentbts. Barman:o4 • ! Drayton! Co., Bayonne, OL • • P.nt,Oritusel Co, Prsaklin, 0, . • ' H. A. Willer. Curshogs Pall., O.: • Wheeler, Lee A Co, Atom. 0, • ' Headsmen is Pettibone, Banda:ay arr.oi Peritinon A Scott, Toledo. • U. William A Co., Detroit, IMM:sat Donee.. Cb„.llilintukle, Win; Oeo. A. Gibbs A Co,Cblesgo, . 11"'"* ' BnI PUMVA U ti - filliT, A • I rer. Water mil Smithfield s Pittinos •.• Tuil..4-00 doz. no M.l s; a.wlrEilm2l4Vl". I ORK—A few biba prime, and a mill to I.' Thilx-11 W. 1 . 1 '" I K a WATERMAN i 81:1N . S. UTTER-4 bbla. Pack; • 0 juat med. bm nib by jed L. WA/WILMA:I a SONS. rpoBACCO-213 kep (Gedgos).No.l. Siz .11.tirt, lbr pla b 7 S WAY DAL2B7L4 .7e2 •ater. awl 78 lint It. LOOMS—WO torts Soft Tenn., for sale by 4 Sea 4631E8 DA.I2XLL. LARD 011-10 bbLs. No. 1, for sale try - Je2 WICK t IffeCANDLMA TANNERS' 01L-50 bblu juit receiving 2 by canal . .nd fur sale by J/1118 %MULL • 68. Water It • . Extra Fine Wang Tea:' UST ItECEIVED, at N 0.256 Liberty et., wrornineifor ertiele of Oolong Ve: wbleb we be. Lela cannot be renamed the city. These dairies • choke. delicate neroned, but highly szotontle Black irea. Imo Invited to wire this • trial. Black Teat, of every nEnty.foet 3 Se• =i4 t . EA; V.llll Dish Ill;ok Teas, lame nt ed lo — Ce . tire aLWctbtt or no sale, annntaJ7 on bane. tad an al nadoCLURO e.oo_ Sot. Omen end Tee rosters. VOWLER'S PATENT FLOUR,. fat 'mak &Ala! t.t.w P "t h chk "'...l4 V 4 bw will to tAard tM mort offormant oto r itott tat s No oast tar tworebold tuneses,..mas 23 porn= Itrirot. t cod eop, sad making the meat t =WIC C ob?* Ltl U at" 4 == f tisrat cc= of 3 od a ica., vi t a . izianigie re a r. To arz - Drawn sad Tor Dos. FIRE BRICK-20,000 beat fire, "In atom /AMES D No. Ott.AVILI4Kr an! ta ale br Efiril SAL SODA-350 casks Sal Soda of our "! ° '"" r " l "On d usYMMlr ads' Water street. Melodeons! elte 3 . o 9E--50 boxes gatxI R.I IL, tor k age . by SUNDRIES -2 DV. Noa Litt lb atop eas.henc 1 (1 4" • a 14. b•ta Dlled Appler. 4, IBAJAR P" 2/16 Water and fro= Rs. SALT PETRE-29 bags (Crude) for 'ale by airSo W. 1 P. WILSON. SALT PETRE-20 kegs (refined) Tor sale ty w.I F. WILSN, - inyLO 147 Fira. arld 110 &mood K. QaPLENDLD.FRENCH PAPER , HAM inill&—Ookl. Gold and Velvet, Boo.; Sammy am. Ornamental Fronob Paper. of rano. qualities, mad at Priem to malt Uwe mremastanees a 1 alanst avert-Masa a 1 Brandies, Wines, ere. • • . A.VING completed arrangements - with insures to /kudos. sod attar European Cates,L i far AteentSou or ardos, / thus stub /M. 14 allar so lisdets,at • small aissoce over =monad/on east, JULLII. .frass lES, WLOILS, sad under mama a nus Idlvor. ot;opts,. Vda to. . prost dsmolptlas. dred Allar/cm Is lovllal tam 7 14t, belcor: • no svcs.v,m Bardsrao, 50dt..,r,... Broadiskla 73 r e= D . G 4lotland breernAberlink S , :e inv,•°"' parr vary nw `std WO bane. BlentlinE ClesenlACne. well known breads. bee as ClAnt ielsteazi.... bread* askl vintAges. , essullsortsma sad Nincgres sa ANA, asateras sad Clam WM*. Is meg Old ilallsad and Estroydara Id pass-loom Old Scotch %Al lean trut4,l-. ramie" 0 1 .122=1es Ku. ko mks Meninx . Lead= iitown Ewen and &via Ale. With' Aoitstalet sonar ut j.rort.,lA.:quay, 11%:: Curses.. Aantoe. n.9 , a17 _ A large_ Flo* or lIIMANA' "B r... 1111rzys . cim *IL All or wir u / b :ttl oCar c ~tatwiztlazaZ,==-.ium., st lawatt - A. H. )I , CAtA.A, . • • • ter and Doke. :4 We/akt e+Anek •.