The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 12, 1851, Image 3

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- .
Escsren,--.Benjamin Jen-.
-king who was tried at the last term of the aria&
,a.tirt,,c ! ts a charge of. insider, committed in
kil.fing his mother and acquitted on the scare
of inunitYoraa conveyed to the ;WADS depart
ment of the Allegheny City Poor House, s short
time since. •,,'Werrgret to learn that helyesterday
succeed in making his escape, the perms whose
duty it was to lock.hini op, having neglected to
do-so for a few minutes,while be took some dinner
to a madman confined in a neighboring cell. No
thing.has lmin heard of .Teakins since.—
He, is about five feet );¢ inches high, twenty two
years of age, nod is frckleLand pock. marked.
His hair is black, and cut short, and his eyes,
'.Which are black, have a pecidiarly wild egrets
. aloe. -111 i clothing is of the most common de-
CONVALEiCI:I 2 .-WC are pleased to hear that
fiver Guthrie has' so far moire:red from his
late ladisposifion, a; to be again able to discharge
'the duties of his office.
Mitunca.--The dry goods clerks of the city of
.Ftttaborgh, will hold o meeting at the Monon
gahela Rooms, corner of Smithfield, and Sixth
streets,,this evening, for the porpoise of consult
ta the best method of endeavoring to in
duce their employers to close their - stores at en
earlier hour. A full attendance is earnestly re-
Fust3UnwasallllSS.—Abont. the finest straw
berries we ever sur, were• grown thisßerson by
Mr. John: Lower, of' Mt. Wiushi ngton.. They
Were of the urietY known u "Wellmoth Su
perb," and folly justified their cognomen. The
fruit is not nob. large, but the fluor and . perfume
• SCALDED.-A little child of 'Reno, of Alio
&arty, died ou Thursday evening; from the ef
fects .of a some staid which it had received
va the.presious day. _The Eate.rprise save—
' "That whilst the mother was out, a little boy,
whom .she left in the house to watch the child,
picked up . pon of green and poured it in Use
. ,
Comarrna—Dsorid idsgotar, and David He
arts, keepers of tippling houses, were yesterday
- committed to, prison by process Ham Court
Bastssio.--Iraidond, tho street preacher,
was yesterdsp released from prison, he having
givers s written agreement, to the effect that he
' wtll not preach in the streets iiimin,while 'Mayor
Guthrie remninein office.
Bimannur.—The boarding house of , Patrick
Nisei, in Allegheny, onthe mud, between Fed
. hlrel street and the basin.,,wse mitered on Monday
night by some binglere, and the clothes of UT*.
111,1 of the'boariens, rifled of WI the mow they
contained. . The sums Melva wore generang but
• • -
spitted to prison by Moor Gathrie,:eharged, ow
oath of Bridget, lib wife, with dieradrdy eon
Csaimussiss.—Yesterday, owing to the care
liminess of s countryman, who was selling beaks
'for the purpose of ettiffing mattresses to hfr. No
ble, upholsterer of Third street. 16 large seek fill
ed with them, was tlirnet through one his fine
plate glass windows; on the Jower story, several
panes of which were broken: The loss will be
Suunkati- - -The Enterprise of yetderday saps
that the store of 31. r. Carson, leather merchant,
.41101 So .street, 'was broken luny - JutDiglby
butters, and five Or dolbui in small ge
taken fromuhe drawer. The door 'opening into
the baok'yard has the apneiranee of being forted
open by a crow bar, tie Isis considerably bruised
'andkplintered. The screws of two bolts and a
' leek were drawn "tram the wood. ' Nothing was
-disturbed save the doom in the drawer. It is
supposed that the burglar or burglars, were welik
acquainted with the stoii, from the , fact that a
table with bidden drawers was removed from Ha
place and the drawers taken out. The.depteda•
lion-was not.discevered till this morning.
WsneOSDAT, June 11.
• Before the Hon. Wee. B. McClure, President
Judge, end William Boggs, Asuciate Judge.
- The jury in the case of the Commonwealth vs
Caned Greener, charged with stealing a quantity
at glass rue from the establishment of his am
: .ployere to 'Birmingham, came into Court, and
reported that they were linable to agree. They
_Commonwealth vs Frederick Nolen. Worm
•-• serail , of , the peace. The defendant was
diselcargeil, and the prosecutor ordered to pay
Commonwealth rs John lerClurg: Indictment,
assault and battery,•on oath of -James Meskim7
=en. The offence was Proved, andethe jury re
- tuned a verdict of guilty. The defendant was
sentenced. to pay a fine of six and &fourth cents
and the cults of putout:lU.
Commonwealth vaßlijah Borne: indictment,
asstult -and battery, on oath - of Samuel Mitchell.
The offeetee was' dearly proved, and was of an
aggravated character. The jury returned a vee.
die of guilty, and the defendant was sentenced.
to pay a fine of twenty dollart end the costs of
entice. He was caramitted to prison in
The defendant in the abaft CMG had preferred
• charge for assault and battery against :she
prosecutor, bit the Grand Jury. Ignored the bill,
• - and he was sentenced to pay the costs.
Commonwealth TIL Daniel Bey, indiCitment
asentif and battery, on oath of Ferdinand But
- • The - prareciatoi.nwore that he iient into the
else eared' the father of the defendant, for the
=of getting a per of bocds, when same
ensuing about thisprice, the d efendant
- stiviek Me In theism, blackening hie ey
. es. /le
, obliged to get them leeched, and could not
- stated to bin business for eiz clays. The Prose.
eater bad said nothing to defendant. lie was
- spasidag to Me father, when he was struck:
On the other band witnesses - were. called to
rue that the prosecutor had sated in each a
eloleat runner while in Mr. 'We store, that it
tee bimd put b3m out. The ease
went to the Jul', but no .verdict had been rex
. derederhon the Court teljoereed.
The following bonitos, buottootod p 7 tho •A/••
legbany Common Council on bloods) night, did
,•• . Got appose in our report yinderday.
• - The payroll of , the Street Commissdoner for,
• 12u1 month of iftY', which was passed at the last
• meeting of the Select Coosa,
"Major, to drain his walnut far the same was
The petition of Joint Teggart and others, re
tared io Committee on Vfatet; Will concurred
. ,
• The petition' of the represeutatives of Disci
- - Ides Church, referred. ta Committee on Streetx
The report, of Coiumittee Marna and
Ibudinga was couourrni ia..'• • •
The acceptaice of the report of the Cot d o
Oa titmice, and adopting the following resoln
iikm, mu concurred in: •
to economy *ill
Dernieed. That a due regard
not permit the city to allow, at present, any
• ethical compensation to her agents. - •
Cn motion , It wan '
Readied, That the Itecording Regulator be
wind is hereby directed to take the neernsru7
legal steps to have „Allegheny Avenueopened its
; . entire length and width, as originally laid out on
„ thee:tree,' maps of the city. -
A petition for paving Gay Alley ; referred to
Com. au Streeta. Concurred in.
The petition for repairing Saw. Mill Alley re
, tared to Coin. ea Streets. Cornured
The petition for water pipe in Hemlock street,
• 'InC. C. May 15th, referred to Com. on Water,
• +with power to lay add - pipe if they deem it ex
. pedienti . Provided, the length of said pipe shall
not exceed 200 feet.. In B. C. Jane-9th, 1851,
test concurred in, but referred to Committee on
water: to report at next meeting. ID C. C. June
9th,-1851, reference concurred in. •
- The report of the water committee accepted,
and the resolutions adopted, May 16,1861. In
B. C. Juno 6,1861, Mayor authorised to draw
. his wraith, for the hills. 14'ot concurred in re
. lation to the engine, but c ommitt ee on water hi
'lo=4.o to receive proposals, and 'submit them
ovitticils for confirmation. In C. C. June 9,
• .161, reference, coneariXd in. ;
Two from A. Fulton for repairing Engines,
• t i j o to $318,12 referred to Committee on
. On motion, la was •
; Ruc a, e d . Th„ . ..t, the resolution passes by Corn
eas whor i z i n t k, e Street COZlNalleollle2 to have
aids walk in front
of the Fourth Ward Engine
• and Hose Company • Yee.. with wing
stone (the same AS Med An the street) be and is
lullaby rescinded, soil that the Street Commis
'iaiorter be anti is hereby sedboeited and Instruct
ed to have said walk pored_ will brick, and
plank ways for the engine ma hose wheels of
• , the proper width laid dom. - °
Cu molten, it was • • .
.•• -Resolved, That the. Street Cointidsgemer be
. • boatructed to direct thepersori rariebig el/entry
. Ikea, landing at Chestnut street, whet karma'
• Iniatsbe,may make to faellitate the' setting to
.. a , sad fronsidei boat: Provided, burette, that the
warn:tinning said ferry boat pay for the mak
:lag of 'said improtrememta: Provided, further. .
Thst, said,lmprornittent be done under th e diern
;".3:itiSto of th,e.Corexon Whereat =di bandies:la,
On motion the Colluoil adjourned.
. • . Ilinatancaci, Jtme 11.
The Judicial Convention convened :n thy in
thia . eity.
On motion of Mr. John Ccume,. the lion. .1. M.
Porter was appointed temporary Chairman, end
Messrs Chaise,. Young, Roberts mid Lambert, 1
temporary Secretaries.
On motion of Hon. M. B. Lowry, the names of
undisputed delegates were Called.
. Many motions - Were made in reference to con
tested seats. Finally the Philadelphia contested
seats were taken up. .
.Mr Lamberton moved that the Campbell eat be .
admitted. The contestants were then heard, one
epeakeron each side.
Wm. F. Small addressed the Convention in fa
vor of the delegation of which ho is a mem
Mr. Brightlq answered the argument of Mr.
Small, in detail.
General Camerottmoved to refer the subject to
a Committee to examine the documents which are
voluminous, amkruport, which, if either set of
telegates is entitled to seats.
Mesas. Strong ,and Hirst opposed the mo
Mr. John Hickman wanted all the disputed
scab referred to a Committee._
. Mr. John S. Rhey opposed all the motions,
end wished the matter decided by the ConTen
tion. . .
A long discussion ensued, and the motion was
not agreed to.
The regular set of delegates was finally admit-
tad, by a largemajority.
• On motion of Mr. Cessna, Lancaster county was
again taken up. '
Mr. David Wilmot moved that the Frasier set
of delegates be admitted.
Mr. Cessna, moved to emend, by striking out
Mr. Wilmot's motion, and admitting the Bu
Mr. Jas. S. Reynolds addressed the Conven
, tion in favor of the right of the latter sefof
egatea in the Convention,
Mr. J. B Arum& 'replied at length,and had not
concluded when, at .ten o'clock, the Conven
tion adjourned, to meet at 3 o'clock this • after
. .
New Toon, June 11.
'Cotton—The market has not yet opened, and
we hare nothing to report.
Floor—the market is drooping, at $3 8704
for western, and $3 94@4 for common state
Grain—Wheat Is dill. Corn is heavy, with
salesBB,ooo !rubel, at yesterday's quotations.
Provisions—The market is generally dull, aith
2 , 0 change in prices. , . - '
Stook—Reading has deilined 2c Indiana Ca
seate are preferred at 89e; Erie. mortgages
at Eqi, and Penns. s's at 941, Mu-
CINCINNATI maim. ---"" •
Crktsaart,,Jone 11.
Ploar—The market 13 doll, with - isles of good
retailing brands at $9 40 per,barrel Shipping
brands, in good round to are offered at $3 80
®3 35 per bbl, withont'sale. ,
Whiskey—Sales at - 18 e peigalL
Provisions— e market remains inactive,
with no sales nth reporting-
Linseed , Oil--Bales for shipment at 90c.„ 90
days,,inierest added.
06ffee—Sa4s 200 bags Rio at 91€,9f.
Dried Apples—Sales 300 bit at 750 per Mt.
Cheese—The market is doll at 6 cents for beet
mulityoteleeted. -
The rim has fallen 3 feet 4 inches since last
evening, and still receding.
stoma I:3IPEMS,Chs, stesterothl he.
st 4
stloc al istermellsteparte thie ger.
Tar freight at pupae, apply on board. idle
11717. N prrrnincilit a Ell:flan--
rt a= PILOT No.: A. 9. Cr.. 00
will lean Pit:go:mob for Wprelloo. Carlos and Earotob.
arm Tome. aed Frday, et a edam,. x, returning
lam Saul& for Captins. Inman' and Pituborgh. or
!Ty Wolaeo/or and ElOosslar.atiOo'doclo.o.x. Possoftgors
.4Urft dug, ono depend
semen. tide boat ruoodoorozolorit
Rrcieelitit aaa:nn.aorr Os boort: to7lo
nafatbafa. This falondki boatirse Waif ar owners of tb. rtearaar Isfae Nratan. aad allterr: ta
Ma Clarfaagai sad Pitsabargh Parket trade, ana will Ufa.
.ray.Wedarmday tornadanatl. la Nam of th. N.. En-
Iffal No. 2. Yar freight or ~e.r . 6 ~ an Ward. or to
mrll . , . . ,
lug BEGULAY. PACKer.—The_oletula
tut running etesna boa CIELEYTA.Ge. R. S.
Kara. &. r. lesve• the end at the Old Allegbair Badge.
((St. Mar raven) awl hoar, anonlaneing at a a dock. A.
N. end cannuning wall the Gado= damn She
W lend
an the Allegheny .If.. She the seenonnvialon of Deneen
gar. atea a Allah:a pants. Jar Wye Trip at 13i,
acct. P. It. ntylt
kat, 1851.
new *and festrrinnixtg sit CASHIER; -
e. sfaiwAsr, .shst.c.-4kfautr Stn.
be:OSW. Wsllshszt. ifbeelhag. Betisspat. Osatira. sad
Sluttish Pltta—u.. PillsharSh Wsdu , adsr tu ,
n t 2llw7_,
a.ass. r l.tvrda .Y. 9 14
es. 10 a'sladr,a.
BrklErpart and Wheeling eist7 Sivas/ Val saanday,
7, ..frOght " .. e Wir jaMireAssitt.
D. P. /Damn muter. kens Wellsville elm . lbadsr,
WarsIDDY. and FridAr. at f Blot. A. Ibr but Itv•
bi:ttgo OWSIDIs mamma's uswag awl Me.
burgh. Lem@ PlttanDllb eVer7 rb/
lletbrdrkbbket-111.,mrer. rends gam.
fi lAsAge.,ZAALlgapooz. Wellsville. •!.
Pug Adam or Tam" •ea bead.eDll
tworWEW D P l A lf "T illit r lgne,
ter. bow as bid telereekly trips betseo
Oda .'r gad rup lea Pittsburgh at 10 o'cicek
serry grar, W Friday, sod riturtitos,
Irma Wlesella_eriery, 7, Thnuds
La with wet Par tar N ads z e m e
soli Amts.
R -ktervsaiesd. aMesAR .-TET T m A
m e
espr mrthstor &is p art
wag s d aC a
d K d
-I'. ti.
z.t t r.l S hi ".".". " rar '' nr 430%4 SON.
=MO ' Pio. el Wjarr and GS Trait sub
- - ...
I Ye s ff.l: ,• era' A , e .1 , i
inrialacKrrab. s it .
•• • male , iedrdt Dawns =TO, Wh.dfdt.
sad Nudity lambs Pittsbab mai UTZ
s pan
ear Stadoulli.. hp..l.
ud duldidv. Maraud, /As II ii.
pan me rray Toeiresuocm, nod 2.1119 ah
.7 , 07. 1 hi10 Idtordua. Ydr 41,11/=6.11D/Y as
1.41.4 . ar tO 1,4413 j •B. AiCoU
CODFISH -6. tierces for Ws by
"PAR--42 N.or sale by
J. WI f
H AMS -319 C. Canvass, for sale HAM S-319
I /4 IICKETS--140 dos. Beav, for gale by
- -
TAR -2 bble. genuine Barbad
J. oe KIDD ke, foCrO. rail
DT rid]
- .
A AGOLS-2 ibis. for sale) by
is 9
42IODIDE, MA,SII-50 lbs. fo ' rea r Dl i e k b e° y
LASTER- 60 lbs. Cantbarioles, for sale by
WOO fry L BAGS--1000 new and old, for sale
Jos 31.1311P11T t LtE.
iea SEED—
EBoOrC s
Ia l
PAM ALOES-1000 lbs. ravish, by
FAnNE I -- . ------- CE a CO:
F RU by [l. SSIE POTASII-50U lba. for sale
A T 2I 11. A. Y AIt.V.STOCS k CO. '
Agricultural Implemeectx
X, HAVE JUST received frarii the East the
ados implements. all of Me best tromnfooteire
humor recent inventions, and I woold invite all
Proe to all and examine ray Mock.
Drlllluo alselelnes, for mom mt. MM., tnnolps, go.
Oriall Drill. tor wbest, n w, oath and Menem - . ,
Corn Sheller. oar horse mol lard power.
Stra* and Corn Stalk Cdrung Dimas.
• i : ,in t olter :row= ....., • •
.=„, ?r , b .. o . l 4 swejthe., angiv. .
All manngertureAom the It materiels, and for sale
aL MA Drug mod geed Mare of
me/ • , Corner of Wood and girth streets.
A/3MB BOAP-40 boxes for sale by
aty.23 D. A. DAtrxr.srocs. A CO
BLUE VITRIOL-2000 Ibri: for solo by
BATH BRICK-100 0 English, for solo by
TA7M D. A. PAW 6'3I7CK A CO.
Cariti2al Ykf-----MW-20 aloes Baltimore,
bl . e. Lutirisioca £ co.
,LLERATOI3-4 0 casks for saTO - by
' rws n.A., ri.nmovrocra 00.
LIIM-50 bble, for
info -
trY2ll D. A. FEST WIC t ou
hIQUID groiA, yel'imparior
antiiA.d.auutt a...e of thi ndataGa
al )—loriala by . HA).
Wood pt.
DISEED OLL-8 ullDne for rale by
me. 4 .I.ElDo4oo.eoWoalot.
• (a UNDELES-- •
1.7 ; 2300 lb. anus ore non,.
-, 60 baobab aeed nonnoen . ,
' -10 tenala prirse noldna.
. 60 - ••• loonnraivhl= .
, #l ,O O e . noon r nom
oap pion& on oonalreasent
ID y= . .T. WOW) a nu.n.
• at jtAlsr.. 'Water
_ . ----
"LK SILK LACES—lthte Paw
.I .. 7" e lggirrle iIiCLIII
ABD OlL—Bennett &Jones' bntneyfer
L I AR . 11 7 12 f . orth i tz .m.
u 0 . 2 4 curter Wuod and 'WM.. in,
ATS —5OO bu. for,eale
_ S. t W. llAfiltAllialL
(1011N,•-•-ig0 bu. for sale by
/natal. bound; ,
' Varnished Ruskait
Yntra Sarnia Buckets, 71 boom
' Cada+shed beam bourdi
• Varni
—•larir • •
• tla T
übe. nestr, (fi r .h.44o .
For 0...4 SV3I. A. llceLl3 HO k CO..
2.21-1 6 , •S, .I.s6llbertt .2.
VILOUR--10 bbls. Rye; rsl b
w_ fultnAvan.
PEARL ASII-5 tons for sale by
=23 1= Becondoaki 151. First St
HOOPS-99,000 Split Ash, Coracle by
1l mssa zsaususzassEtr.
DIES, at dltrirant Wen, tar sal* at India Rubber
Po tiaa 7 sad Y Woad K J. it U. Pumars.
MAPLE SUGAR-2 bb le. ye y choiLla
ple sew, just.teed and fur ode • r
A. •• UHO •
gran • . Omen atulTes
Lod, Coarbrd..Palvelized rad Pordrtrd. rorotantir
'" eirbr i * lr '' " th at.T. L
250 Liberty
DRIED PgACILES-1000.bushels (bright
airn) in story and fcr sal* br
=r4 • luny, IaTTIIEWS & CO.
n MED APPLES-30 Backs prime; for Bale
bs my= UUEY. IfierfUNWS
IPASTOR bble. (Blade make) for
V yak by say= RIIEY, ItATTRSWB CO.
UGAR-240 lib& prime N. 0., for sale by
myl6 ' AMOS A.111ITC111802:1 CO
- -
VOPLEY'S POT CLAY--36 bbl.justree.
A_Ja r albr We by J. SCIIOONIIIO. CO.m
CLOVES -1500 lbs. for sale by
mrm B. A. YARN UTOC * CO.
S U L'g "B.
thRENCH FLOWERS—A aplendid variety
of the nevem dikes Iran& and Americo= blower..
w are mreper to sell mri A ettzugrtTlge et
DRIED PEA CHES-3asacks in store, will
d*" bR 17.&11111 DICKEY Jk CO.
BUCKETS - 50 dos. Marietta, for sale by
B ROOMS --1W dos. Corn, for imili by
SALEItATIIS-100 boieis pure;
ao bbls. b 7
SUGAR -100 bble. Powdered, for sale by
m 724 11911311.1D0E i M(O)SAIC
arREASE-15 bbla. good grease, now lan
IA Las awe slimmer Catabalaaa - Net t for sabt by.
men Water sad Proat sta.
article mod .4 far lials st
end Dr. SW. , of.
my 2) . WICKERAUAII , '
PEARL ASH-20 casks for sale by
OT ASH-4 casks pure, for sale by
DRIED APPLES-20 bags for sale 1)-
POT ASII-4 casks for elle
DA by
mr2t R. LZELL CO.
11.11 EARL ASH-25 casks for Bede by
1 =in J. B. CANFIELD.
- 01 -- MK ROOT-2000 lbs. for ralo by
41,19 J. KIDD 4 M.
JJ 1003 lba rime cured Bret
SBJ " Mutton bun. for wt. by
J. D. W/LLIA)n , t Cll.
dd..ptsslo PAPER, of my own manufacture,
LOAF SUGAR-150 bbls. (ass'd Nos.) for
EaTIS I.IC. Water K.
wt• DT .
z 0716
mrisi'"'"" J. VC11007;;LIEJ:11 W.
COPPERAS -25 bbl. (g..)od) for Ede by
1J vkvls J. WITOONNIA lint 1 W.
L 1331-50 hhlr, for rale by
11 raru. ' -. I. SCUOORMAKER 1 co.
—Thami Gloom an of crest' utility lu,alllUndo of
trot when. orotootion to tiro handy it yottaroa,uon
drivinu, sortloullio.-wortlYuln chemicals, to Also. Ito
wawa. mow, eboupd itaut J to : _
'tort.% n.TIII trio
TNDLA. RUB COTE--An excellent cor •
m...ring mr son forrerr or Mo. rolbodheriog arid
prrricoso to air or vv.; for Ws at hos. I sadP4
NEW RIBBONS—A. ISIAsos h Co. are
551 t4ltving • the 55555555..ut a beautiful new
'‘C,7°o:=7:l.seir very im....pply
y wattla .l m ad
of 4, vbere Q 1010,0nb.0b5115551.401 at vely
loy prices. 145.1721 54 ]lertetet.
ri.RIMPED TARLETONS—Jus t. mein,
Ili, thissis. sad nos poen 10 cartons of dam vog
&gm* Bela 'Wino= Air Boar, .
troll. of tars Is resplattodr ocagr a". .".
layli A. A. MASON a co.
_ _ . _..
111.A.01S BARAGE for Mourning
"urri l ' " " Away b. noßcanzip.
. .
y .t...
110DAV4SOL.911 PARASO ' I! of newest
r101,,n, k StIRCIIFIZLIi - 9
SHAD -10 hbls new foieale by
FROOT-40 lba. (fresh) fori
Al y
B. A. CO.
price in Cub mid for all the,
Frria , aliegi of elan Imbed Wool try
my', 1101.1.1111 LEL •
PLINK! POPLINS I,—dust received We
'' L etirte . 72or 2:lea einieii=
irivr b' '.... Neu nib In Mb VA
tor2D • A:A.n - tNitCO. •
VINE SHAWLS.—We would solicit the at
teatka et inurtheres thg e se
a =grre Ts=
mat of Impeder plain end era
thahmese, =Ad sad Bilk Slaw* jot the
owed and wet daddthle 471.4 ethab see sae =Mei e 4
the werNoweet pima. - . MMON
• . Pe Marled et
ILI day rated 20 cartons of (livaryttadrabl rttop
Tarbd. Trtotodagok, it colon, *bleb talbe sold
vary ch y= eat, at rata or by tba boX. at 6 sod 6i Mutat st:
to A..t. X CO.
FI . N4DIES GOODS—We hive tat re•
plat. sloe sad istansgessod Tit= ° TeX nuts assi
/alard Wks, whith.lrs aro drerly st very low Woes
toy= A. MASON a CO.
MOURNING GOODS--Blackßomlxitines
Jawed irith Bombdslne flnda Pam MUM E.
ma and Timm, ree stiel off
JtII et d ered treett L yalr
- - -
IJR Lase
loAtte plug Volisbod "
#e by
WU. A. M'CL tor u/1G a Co..
ZeS Liberty
' natratzt of all colon and aroddlefof Medan pith
a assortment of Male Thread, 1511 k and Cotton Glove.,
Cm rale L leholotale or ratall, bi , _ _ , ,
. nr7do P. IL EATON. fiT room at
' -----
Uf[PER'S MAGAZINE, VoL 2d, bound
lre L t Are, r:o.
Ileatre4 at 1101.11Lh' Literat7 Dopes. Third street, op
poeite the Post Mos. e=
mys comer Wad awl YIDS OA
"L'‘IRE BRICK-65,000 (Coal Grove) Fire
Drink,:aqual Salmon auperint to the &AIM Aricn.)
041 baud and tor ca a
ru;P FirUIT--400 bu. Pumbog
. - " i!2lPti-trp".4ty!''
fLOOIt OIL CLOTIIS.—A large stock 01
floor Oil Cloths, 01 widths ranging from too
in peigiare4 ool. Rnr, V, the pone gtods an be
purchased at the East. • ...Meats pkil.boulla keepers are
rrouestrd to all and examine our stork locker purchasing
elarirkera. : J. Jr U. PUILLIPti.
• 0706 7 wed 4 Wood at
. sesortateat. Includingevery Mad watt deeeriptlon. at
aseeedlnalr PAM for rile
sartrr ' T UNA& PA MEL II Market et
HAMS -10 cas
UTTER—Ftesh Roll tor Etalo by
011.-20 bble. yrarranted pure,
for olds br - ' It: 11. SILLKILS.
mrlo t • 6' Woad rt.
DED APPLES-40 bags'-in store, for
mll4 .1.164ty
1 lINSEED OIL-10 ocusko (prime) for sole
-LA by my 6 A. t 11.11A11.111X011.
ATERBIILLION- 62 lbs. (Trieste) for sale
'by gra R. Z. SELLERS.
eI.LIZESg-50 boxes receiving tinrii — ir sale
ap7 41. DALZELL CO., Llbeily
VI A filt—ioo reanteMed. en4Crown Wrap
-91.0. for Ws law to Ora copplKnmerit, by
AO JAS. DALZELJ... Wstcr st.
DRIED, Pi:ACRES-600 bu. for luile by
aa7 IRATAR DICK= ioo_
WoLNTELP, asal tha blklukt arelditud padd_ for th.
d. WILKINki k W"
won cornar Market and Third in.
RIEL) APPLE bu. for ealo by
BUMPED RIBS NS—J — ult reed gt.;x.
of thee* very Odreh
11 6 a
lbo=titootiot. Wowing ell the diagzt
color,. The ettentlee Of
n'^-11aU7 tolltol la the above exrtude• 141191416M0L
a CO.
rASSIA.--400 lbs, for solo by_
mys, n. A. /001090‘c 03.
f by
, AN AA Ran 4 ,.TAllN"iga l a
el °EROSIVE SUBLIKATE-125..113c..f0r.
11.1 Ag. Al lawn A. A. Mann= CO.
United States Hotel at Philadelphia.
ltlIE. SUBSCRIBER respectfully annotn- '
v,.., t., his (drub! la the trarellinii emulsion%
ST•ligitiMt."l.lg`k474;!=;;:!,l`,,b: V,',Erli..
limei under the late Prot...l.orib. feels perterdy ,I.ra in
r:- . ..2, , tr . , i.., gAd p i arr, th...l::ll) , blLbsit 1 , 4 , , ,, pting
In il, ' „ ~..talti.l.'"7lUer.renVinis Lee
he In clairid
ly rentuna the n ntire establiatunent. and he riati hithY
incites attentio Lo the channels ; introdurviii
Told.. and comfort of Ladies. Valor finely dsternahr
W to wire athisfaction, Le adicits a contionance ql tut!
litr.......r.,shiyu,(7.,Tivril.eMoltrd Luk . tbj . oivar
VACTIJIttiIt. No. 41 tooth .tauund Meet, Labors
;afoot. east ride.) Philadelphia. ." 4446:11
. . •
NIL nthithr.r— ....... -...-..-.....10 . na I. COYOUTS.
WY... W00D1t . .0.. ...Mt ...IT.
Be.ouanr, WOODWARD & Co. Whol
nu. Gramm No.2a Market et ._ PIAINI4/1•- • art]
COMM/MOP Metshants, No.ll North Watcr ntrre,
an. . North Whm. PhIWO Ol&
M Commis
.ion r./ants, Phllsdetuba: Lfberel advance.
nn exisigviments of Produce generally. Ulnaslfon
Office for Foreign • Patents,
Nab Wail of., 'N. York, and 166 Reef et., London.
in Great Eritorit Framer, lalgitan, Holland, and all
pato of Ituropti—the .Consclas, Cuba, ant dm Bra.
Volt Informallau on the above eau?
v bal l 'hy . addrettinit
Walt. h Wall Omit. N.. York.
tuperior Black Writing and Copping Ink.
TONE'S EMPIRE IN 87 Naerau street,
ap 800 INGltlin . se,
r ota pet . dos --WOO taKaam 6
ot. per !lot 60
S ot, ••
0. a r at oz.
'Mr tho tout u eli t e r otreturiit. llocerl . freely—
Is a good COPYING /NlC—atul .111 not corrode. mould,
preelpitata or dray. and panne. the quakitlee mutt . ;
rtgaVyttUt i gnzt t Vg , "
Thn uoderninmad to Mimed to tarnish to the trod. al.
Cher Arc export or Mow erioeutoPtloo, it the 0... , T ,7
t er , „ not =a g r ... ord i 7 l. all . derrd lui=
or kelt are charged rota at nett etur
2111.000 RE LENT.
ST N.umo et... Poo Duildings,
Prdessor d o:Barrra. Tricopherou,
ILI daring, prving and besot/fling the halr,ereelione
thug wort emi dm/ruff, and curing* &seams of the skin,
glands end morales,Miners, cote, bru t ers,.
nu been ascertalned by experiment, eI:W.W.I'.
arooe has endued the:woe effect in curing dimmer •
We, etc. of the horn& and all the animal tindosa. The
following terthatonlals, clected from hunan of elmtler
Import, will 'erre to show the Talus of the I.IIIIIIIWOR
thit e estbreatlon In which tt ho held by those who have
• ren a trial:
New Yoga. Seal ItS 1150.
nor. Bunn—Dear Soo-1 be... been atalded Oat &cu
taneous crayonoe of the wean. of n moot i055r....1.1 char
enter, for the lut SaltorM years, and dtuilta that period
ben. ' bed the odrke of eorae of the moat erolornt jobrale
dew. and bare trod all the preparations for the hair and
Ala now known, without the heat benefit. I was shined
by • Mend to 0; yonr , lrkopberoue. I did ea, at a Lot
hr." :eful• b nek turprise end gratification, Ibund myself
clued in about two unotbs. Such was the riokno, of the
dleardes tha at tamer I wet. Daman blind.
Reepectfully, roam t{{'ll IIifIELTIL'
140 °Jambi& atrees....Boxiorn.
War rota, Oct. =.
Plum Butt—fly Dar ihr—Alaittno yarn ago In=
aunt Gut great teal. and my had .inn much
with ilandru liras told by. Waal to to roarllico. Vhcr .
Mar and Ida yo, and to illy astontabonnt. ...)" al.
tautly local. and el N. Juntrufl disaranind, Inn
bad OM mho.. for illelL
With rarer% L am criAtor.L. r ris t .i3 Proollar.
If ani . lady or gentleman doubts tba so la i le , t of the
en... -
they alit plam a Prof.., AI: oeta,
117 EMILetWII3, Nar boa, what Oa produot orki•
cal letter.
gram the 41111tary and Naval Argue. Nor. a. 1550.1
Theta la famed/ tar the Noreen cure of Wane*
d dloeswo cd the <manna gorawall>• boo fro' , "
topularety .2,141,4 I. lb.. article known Ito Profewer
Boma tnorwhernue. or Sledwated Compound. It In ex.
teualvelf and by the caper chum. of tbo eualmardty; Itt
Chef t. rigor to ti. room of
the hole, rni ;no qa. promo. ite awe th to • nvoareable de
;ee. It 4/retro,. the dwalrullf and ocutf, make, toe,
boar fare totd showy- 11 tell/ rum all Illseum of Use wall ,
mob Is sandal head, dew warm. and other obnoxious dbwr•
dor , of tlo. lbw eltearneni la aaef6racy, Ntalact•
untie-alio& It le oold la large botben. prloe :Smut, at No.
L: Branlway. awl at the D Gtnerollt. thnnlenwl
tidied StaWearul Canada. wr-rtf
AUTCIIINSON &Co.. NoI3 SpruceStreeL
,1!110 TORR. Wholoralo w..ulbaturet, of the boot
lINGLIrII PUINTINU INNS. for Steel and Mho.
'tin .rraol ra r "o" ofte ' r_r7nVt r att. 7 4l .' allt
woo Ordtllsll rwww-a
lbetotta.inations to there lake. &remelt toledo. • Wein
met and penal... Rey to Ober/at/tool,
I. Ono nnatt brow; Wltta m t,Tt 4 eta to }I.", pre lb,
ttalaLlaanutPture culareel rutof every Out& Wid
obollty •orylog from {LOU /24.00 per lb. owtrlll
• 81mw! atulksuitilla Warehouse.
opening woo of
• t V. - lsraeot an 4 " beet woortweato of tww
brain° AND
Sl:31711.1t SHAWL: , ovor lwfbroeleVi.d. Al , O LACY
It Cr LIN .al all kind* of 811.11811.11 rr tuannfactw
rwl Ina) the latent fart. (senior,. nevitally taw POlMben
aNtrounealarly adarrod to the irriturtrado
!Al.wry soloolad rhea .4 kW:AWLS AND CV-
BitELLAS. counwlna of frinued and plata ealf.4 cotton'
edk and Tuft /baba Panwole,sod Cotton and Ulna
' Umbrellas. All of whlcb wlll ho offered at estramely
too prim mental r brio our Western friends to alo
AIoo,WIVIIIOVNAL ' M aldbitlng
sonnw., put up In mow foe transots. foblLlf
ONTINUES hin übual focilitien to receiTo
jon E.ternir. FOP. ..1 Trawnlvon.t. Merrliatnllno
ectingunl him. Sat. lei. plc dock 11.117 1. nil 11.11 t
en the Lat.. nod lb* Illinnle Canal and Ither.
ll...lnnen innno.. !rms. !lint A 004
Mr.gin o r.L A nign it i " .
edi. apSlat
- -- -
Op.mbiskau•nd.forwanting Marchaats. tlao
Lome, Jeorph,
Lr to Alex=ler Gordon. and 61.11.11
übundt. aptly
pcoAVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
sad Combakaer for reassylv.L.; BcBcboo/kW ,
odoonleatioos promrtlr answere. aelaoi:l7 _
OOIINII. RANKIN, Attorney and Conn.
tiellor .L Low, and Coranilasiones E.r ills etat. a
rri=4tta=kbrkelaPo„.-4411,„, a
Miller; .11'Coakdk • oueettus. Joon IL kW.. Illarlla it
&mots. McCord *Co. amllly
abwavisa. „scirrow.
Frig undersigned hni=iti=
three Minded sal Oftykal ,
moro eyeteeth:. thee It je our ready
lor thermaylkas 'sad ncestarmitteilon of Me travelling
Anartanded mem of the numrpseentaonversimmes delete
ileum M deemed uperduns. ea the ' Immo. WM..
manta vehich have been made =not le impair given In
au advertisement. Sulam Min man no 111pRINI gar ben
metedfre laanWacutperfmt.
Tha was uprise), to order.
cest, ee of" It. emmehdlY trerle:
room, sill fliond to be of the mat beautiful menufeer
tune The Dining rums arlscalsacione. awl the bow. hir
masts will in au arranged m to nit the convenience oldie
early and late. • •
Every department will be oo:ducted la himself yenUonn;
ble manner. and theurletor ;dodges then Ma
struerican Mare snail trnly tha Traveller's Ilmom
li.b&iandltveraT I.ENV Is BIC!.
New Nude.
1 11ft br' Id . Dublin Walters, eon hi.
*air Width P
jr, or cto Lurk ruik.a.
Orent u tireig i elterdle of err I onthl
Than boet wounded the emelt the. loved th ee.
banes lOU vs
li P eVrg' P rft YIV.
hie Polka.
blue Junlata
tta beettelor end ‘ll4
Lament of the lilted Oreh -CAA
Thy voice 1. mute 3 , 9 hhnh 1.3 e.
Lament of the Itieh I tat,-rant. Reed and fir site fer
toe'dd Jollh IL. MELIA/IL Wood et.
llKLFiltkilt has just received
e Ji.ile Lieok . ,
, Nations/ Union, • patriotic copp.dediatell to thy
Ben. ll.ory Clay.
w /id , : ii o il• ?3•Wai' am Ethiopian Sixth br stephen C.
. II wurgh. • ...
. )1i Mary Donn Le anufr by the Alleghenlett..
Little MOW= Subject am David Calder - fedi. I
Sweet 11010 e; Lcr
Le MIS by Jcuor Lind. with 0,, ocoui•
pcininierits. • • -
The Mountain Dairy.
P• !::6,'F,',ll`'re,,,y..!:',''''.' , ;: t,„, ..,.., „ ii,....1 l z v Ei i C.
Fowler, end deell.etnll.• iti,.. I [Art,. 11.....ii L : . 01 ' Ottiourgh.
Cio where tho i0.0,i,... ilivite.
1 know,who i
; I sir Dimino ...ill , lhor .r,,
if i .„lifitaroz L 1•. r.. ...ache.
or halo by
NEW 211810.
Idulizt. A
In• :1,1.111111'On'
t/ulrlea 1.1%0. 1 .1
- 3 410,1111 lut ..1 rtaiv, nod SlotaL.onik to arrjr.
Copley's Pot Clay. ..
rleill subsnribers are now Sole - Agents
'el J. Copley & Co., Pre the sale of Melt Pet' Clot, en
eof well established reputation Pie the insoulmtuie
of Uhuii Pols.riteel rots, its. lt le mule of one t./ theme
lufusible substitutes known; mil Is very esrvriiiir w&viwl
and J
elem. to ipr
& previous ndinit.
triVibii SOIIOONIttICE It & CO.
IJESIP--15 tons bliss. P. IL, for sale by
ACKEREI-50 Mile.. No: S, for by
VNGLISII spin YEAS--Rceive - d and
KA for ule by WM. A. bteCLURG £CO.
tironero sod Tea Deblera.
A —4LMONQ bble. and hf. bbls. No. 1
CO. , or
by syl6 JOHN WATT
1 E . R 0 R 6 11 , 43 —lO bb o l u s i N nn o t . Do l cflwiarniAam.lob_2
-100 boll S.,p—Molassei •
tg blas.CZlM,Tru '
O. 11. Untassec for 6
11U11111L1DUE riUmin3,
114 Weter R.
C tr ILL , AP.E' 811AVILS--Ilec'd this day,, per
'runs!, oue is SO 11 al tat rery &dnade ylalti mat
.. trea Crape Motto. at I prima.
D RIED APPLES-15 bblo. for sale by
mr24 116 Water st.
SHAD --10 bbls. No. 1;
‘otro4 10 Wr br rale
B mum
FrIAR-75 bble. N.. C., for sale by
LEU-60 MAIN White Louisville, for sale
hr mY2e 2111041811 HENNA'S.
- -
50.000 FT. PO
torer BOtircli and Scant
_say= 11 . '4 ! ZZASSII DittiNERT.
UNOLISLI •MUSTARD—Colmhn'e, in kep
xi. a Ylb. ow is lb. eseb;
mrPI 11. Liritto. • CO.
RENT.—A three Rory.. trick]
dwelling bd.., b gr.;
gatint=tieb.:labt=liol:lll:blalrthme re a [three= I
with hot and mkt miter. PoPerilon gleett itomedlatelr I
apply to 'IO. F. YONDONNUOIIf r f a).
ifouse and Lot
i‘LARGE. LOT, on Leieoeh stmet, Al-
leghenyirrinolng thronghtretebareet,fm o Dat Pa
mt on rarlitrot. with depth re la Daft iti•
gather with p ad Briek Dwelling flmee,
_a:atomism als
some. for terms apply to ACI100:1 WOODLIOGSI,II.
binkin Ittfeet, or JOLVI P. SOCITT. _
I TORE ROOM TO LET, el:Mork-et frit.,2
i - y woad door . from Fa/Mb: and adjoning , the
Watch mut Jewelry mom of W.W.Wrulow.
Store bloom has the Imodatened had la the Mty. mad
the heittlocatkin for • Ihrtloola awl ran.
Rant for the hah..., of the T. win a ia'•
salts of JAMES DRAY. or
&al Zatataliakle. — 7
VALUABLE =improved LOT, nu die"
earner of
to Lllxtart , Facto u xitlra Mb W i ng: .
; 13 1#3; Pk fr the
et deep on I=. riming barb t t o Tiding
Also—tbs three stor Drink Dwain:m . llmm on LLbeety
street, adjoining. the gnre, the lot being Z 1 feet front by
100 feet deaf. lite Ito Is lame and
bniN in
'' Atiol.l , l st:res of a valtavim — hear sbarpaburgh.
Also—A Pam of t arm; in West Deer township.
Also—A Famt of • acres in Lawmen mono. 5 =No
from New Castle. ,
Also—Farms in vet county. of rations sites and
wires, from CO) acres own. _.
Also-12 very valuable lota In Naltroo,'/Illitds. hires
mcderale. Phelan. of
Attorneys at Law, nod Seal Itstate Agents.
torNl N 0.107 Poutthstreet, Pittsburgh.
FOR. RENT—A Warehouse on.Watergi
streatawtwtou 3/errket ad/ Ferri: iultabis
prod... business. q , :!lew of
tur DALZILL. f Irwtsr
To Let,
%lEEE visit finished and furnished Store,
ss Third Meet, btu the Poet OC'ce;et yettebt2
by lbs. Pastor Ls lettolY7 kDDIT
to Y. b. GAZZAX, 73 Liberty rt..
my 1.611 Lyttle's 'tow.
[Pot; Tribune, asul Dirpatat copy.'
104 FURNACE, at Dresden, Muskingum co.,
Ohio, 14 miles from ZeseerrOlo r t•floerunning radix,
staperlor atom ittegioe. cambia of naming oat
torts of Fie Iron per day. Three la ut abundant rubbly of
On to Its Immbllata vicinity. It laeonneeted by • Mort
caoalortth Om McAdoo. river: which le =visible Iry
steamboats the greater pan of the year, thereby strabilog
MIMIet far shining to lartearille. or to any polot as the
Ohio river. at low rates of freight- Th. b.r.".t...
maatrfaetored at this Fortune, has A h em ootoolord
Yonerrille. For terms.
M pol%o r
O. Zastesellta,Oblo, or to'
' laLLlON.Balthaora.
To refluers. •
ACRES Farming - and •Grating Loads, be Warren teMty: !meant an the
beny Ayes, witinn twelve Enloe of the Neer oft end
Meo-I.OOD Am. in Elk minty, far Wean senotannelle
ling terra& Enquiry at . WILKINS it CO..
myl earner at Market end Tined et.
To Gardeners.
rNTY ACRES 'of Gaidening Land, al
nrE., r under good cultivation. within nos solo of Me
oozy AIL bo sokt for $3OO ea ance—orte thlui cab, ant the
Wawa in
the Ba ne, taro, and
limn or Ulm TM'. For particulars on
e al nking
• A. WlL)inig' -
1.71 corner of Market anti Third ots..
Deannble Suburban Reaidenee for Sale. •
rrillE subscriber offers for sale dm house and
VP; 1V. ` ,11. ' sne nrb" ese b trssa . ns`kt"'stssalsh""lmiss°l•l:l sdint
the market of tide city. The lot Ls 140 Minot. "'sett ste.
notatthe bask tot feet. to na Illey—ematainlas welol7 mitt
se. Sad botuided marl this by latite oyes
D.. adorned with . gess sad ohrubbery. The home Ls
nearly new thrwe, meetly well harbta
a front Mal Dist aml • dellb ionni entail
rooms. bmides halls nine 'Oda It le built let the best
and mat durable manner. ard h. • tirelmior .04 and
month. all the modern ecemodeneen.
supply of bard and soft water, see at. th e nix*.
On the yields. axe the mammal an bltildloSai
Iszlian• boat., Le_ Th. grounols ate thki mit mostly as • with cholas holt Irma. mremmeene.novet
gnu comsat*. caorebrerke. raspbeniss,An.and "mall
goyim: The fruit le tithe best Lind. sad the Me. saw in
Mitt yield en.; h for the wants of sys
family. The situation of the pnimiett.ns mloll=
11007•11, motions. combined with emittiOlitY 10th.
to 4 surpassed by any •W4Ainloo In this vidnlty , It
den of the Onto Meer, nor a mil.. of Ttropirthas.
'lye, Yontli .11thsteirgh: the city, the two risen. mid the
bills mound. foltang Inniarnln• nr.r . d
which the els INFHT iswarlea. Peery boat which enters or
lozßom the Dort of Dittsbnrah on the Ulohn
. The redden. sot grosibis le. also .mpletely
moored then 001 annoys* of dust. so ilmtramite of
nnakni,nd tts•latlon..ll 116:102* • retirement m qutet
;it I =pet " . 4111=1 ird==:yrly ,'
who ssier desired. Dmintne at the lissette afire.
*V..tnlif • P D. h. OTTE.
.• ar Sale. •
THE members of the Foinnonnt Fire p
xifiraneors.their Enginernpulr Me rale: lt in good or-
LI sVae of
.1 SMITE, Seen
ap3at No' 40Y has Wan..
Xa 4 loll RENT—A Dwelling "louse on
Tided Aron, awe and 'mar to &W0:644. Id
t ca.• datum. lam itot. iamb Lo. WUI
IA recant low. toil peammion given Immoliately:
Alao—ror Sala or t 0... come iota In the Moth Wad,
betwepu loss giant ma an AllaatoPris titer.
lat Bed. itarlanlaa'a. fourth an*, seat Woai.
Valuable Real Estate for f u lie.
rillE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sole on
favorabla 47wa h. 11130. tha following Beal , to 2
CltT Mah
No. 1. Shwa valuable thwatatarT brick 4.414 holm.
on Second Week between Ilarkat and Ferry a lb.
We taloa raeh 19 feet Trout by 80 der. ,
N. 2. O•ontalos 6T feet front ea Tbctrd strvet
tb• flied Presbyterian Mamba on which 14 el ono
Pear mop bairn how.. and on a plating o and air
lee 7
in ' aliaton, Beam count na lots
k i ne. 3 and 4, being about 100 feet aptur.on lomat.
/done Wm* of Rao Was. dwelling. and o vegetate
Mune dvellltur. all two main Ittgla.
N 0.4. thee bt 60 feet front on Lack Awe; o ta
alum. aod extending to %h. top of the hill.
No. 6. Two beach lob. each te/ hat front. rontdat
Tosco the toed below water wart, on the nlf beam.
No. 6. Mut valuable water 1.4., 100 fort at Wheel gon
with ten share. , water power attacked. -
N 0.7. one lot oplualle thuUjifer /ot e 60 foe= alai
estwellug to Me ten (4 Ow big, on which Is
too beast , . and warchotte.7.B by 60 teen alaeune
Prato. dw all.. two stories Mph,
1411r1 . 01 . ceil
.mtaluing 1.,00
ou . plch aro t bb t emote d ßuo tw sr
o r r
0314' a "'" 7. torwaa '" I Rate fed Yr .. . 4 CT:Gould,
1. vevi d plat:ntip located. Wing intlwaliklelln9Pottte
So. 9., beknrlallstem !Min.
rt= b rair l =elt nirar '""* Wg"
Tb• am* wrg.Lvatn. T 123 an
i mfi s iarabla tem,.
2.l 4 =et med. tIOUN PLEIUS:4S; MronL
metal (Journal and Pad mgr.)
• For Sale.
BLOCK OP BUILDINGS , on the =rukof Wath
n sad Nan stmts , and fnnitiag v.
yy 'anis Otani. ilk the
tour Pittsburgh:, no lot fronts
ons b android! anti My OBYI on Nap taryyt: and on*
stint and eh et air. loan Log Wathingtati Anal,
to •ty geot ay to
=half= • No.loo Pain st.
Mgried offers for oils • lors• number or To3ostio
to rt„ Llag „ lob, twil sorreje Iglitts b blo id= ate `
c e l'ol.llo Claw! drum soceg l tit.ttersis Omagh.
' Tlis mold irru•tb of 131radoottua ho topolocion orsi
l , ono orsstorlox *oath, and tho ressortablo Orless at •laleti
ob will be sal. will render theta • Mb or si Pollak hr
iMTills rerees. Tor . wis were
ii; u ".e.L . l l .uVe' leree t r u i d grrih/
burgh, Law.. Alro owl r" . itiests. or orllllllssci
Fromm &Ltd 211. Karma. Il•f• ottler ar ja23 . lsai•
LA.. is:os IT U N_
Er . RENT—The largo and
st.tlo, OaI:TAC.Fum
*sits) Etb ass catin agtiol . •
wool. 41.....—Sloblingft• ly to raOlt .. ~EapWn
of . 1311.4•. M.
.„_µpilr • star id.
12E1) OIL-20 bble. No.l, for solo low to
wart Mod yid nttb
BACON 110 G ROUND -8000 ]be. Bacon
lianit. aides. and Bboaldersob* W.
atrZi B. tW. UA AUGIL
DRIEfiIiFIEF-3000 lbs. for sale by
SUGAR—FA hllds. N. for Salo by
VOFFEE- - 10 bags for oalu by
my 2) .4
8.A1C.1 , tag.
VIOTATOES-200 bu. prime Red,/ for sale
JI. bY , ' WOODS ON.
GI Water q.
Co.:. now operant► bulb la ort...talta
4)14 . .4 erring ElLboto. tt 12K etniaPtz naLlThmelt. 4 .
are tunforpawcal for cheapness, as tbor are Well worth d.l
whts fid and Gi Marks' at InTl2
"NjEW ~1300 K !—A large - supply of
Clbleak la Crooke Oneek nod Lubin urts.
Serb* nanny Itob(emu. or the. &Polecat , * or Atber
and Alutbrr and ruler Nona, on &desert Llama: Web. nu..
mv jetue nub 1. 2. 3.lend4. of Names' London Labor and
[Aaiun Prem.
• Just need and for rule by •
B. 110P¢EiS,
19 Apollo Molding*. Fourth AL"'
1 ntriteiiVirasp:l,- .
• .N•lrrlit I.ty les Poiglns, plain aid' figured: ,
. ..-. Rage De Woes
neigh Lawns; nog a line essortmentWf
Neu PLAID OrkollkslB. " • '
Black Bilks, fur Borers and Dream light Lel gait
changeable bilks. l,
grew Gaels receiving Omen dell/. }fig..
FTACKLE—Canee, Rode, .Lines
Jl.` Hooks. &et., • holeeale and retell. be
W. W I,Boy
toy2ll a Market street. earner et V.A.
WATCIIES, In large xarletz, and at the
tavern tub prkis arbolexas .4
4ad. imr2.ll W. W. WU..14:1N._ , _
DOET! May ta• ...13 At my
Ali,. a spland.4 meta of 4(04 an 4 BUnt PariailA
1014 Peen or the bent Eimmtlacture; F ‘ 'ockat.Ralm: Poet
lanala 1.02 4 I V, W. 11...14.
, .
ekn lincon Ifamn, c
VnivCt 'ant '0 1
left Orimenn Velvet and. Wlper
e illu U b arpilulp., for DIIII•ing reedl:naaPati%
1ALL,5....1 ot•
Smith's New Geographies..
SMITH'S First Book in Oeograpliy;. do in
troludntr Dwhitwoht. &awned fit Childrtniillur
hated with engrariust r ood 1.11 ma de
pp. MN W.
emith quarto. or Penrod Book la 000kr;
r=..7 ° ,l°=•
Boot illustrated withr . o steel iiikpi. " •ll . romeroos mgrs.
vit io v . l .. wwoll C. Emith, A. 11. Atitait oNs.
70 Tomtit tt•
piPI . ING PAPER—A large lot Dottbl
". imperial thtnanitpri i va : ror
corner Market &wad Os.
WRAPPING PApERS-,A .11:age tutsort•
I,3l;fir;r 6 ?gftiptl ,
m 123 ; Wartboases coilharket asl24 irts.
(MASS STEEL' PENS, of all quill.
tioc Including (311141 8Ma.5 1 .. slut 170 Pecm
&We Pm, et all • mamb 's
o% Wars, and otluf
celabtsted markobetunlTS lbr
W. B. HAVEN% Statkawry
'Ol4 owner Usage •124 liacond
_ Shoulder Brum- . •
QHOutDER BRACES, of dm moot ttp
mut fbr We, ir,holtuaL. sad Malla Jim
IA fresh. .'d szsa Ices pile 'by W. 17, W 118011.;
,1,2 7 21 • IC 7MT., sad lit aseassi st
X'S FLUID 2dAgi e r i k-rjuji
nost/ Vx . HAM.
sql* carol* at MAO sat ad Pa.
'A 'TER M S. CH:Kai 1936:1W.
FOR TUC CVIIR of . ' ' ' •
• MONG the nutheruni diseoveriee Science'
..i. - 11. ham =admit, tide generation to facilitate the bielltese
of lit, Increase Its crdoyment, and even Prelon4 t h e term
of human existence, none ree to ttimada more teal CAMIA.
to mankind. than this routrilintiptt ol Chemistry to the
11.allog Art. A net - trial of It. virtues throllitamt thin.
vast osuntry, lea proven 1.4n0d a &oat that no medicine
oi emnbina•Jon of mediatoo yet kuown; can so sorely eort
nut and cure the numerous varletlesof puboonagralenne:
wldeb have hitherto swept from our Midst thatdande and
thonaando forty' year • Indeed,there is oar sbuttdant reee
eon to believe o remei re itss,at length been 00.04 which
eau be - relied en to the mod . neefons adeetlons al
the Icing... Our, ink* bete. will ini feria no lo publish
'ear' proportiou of the .res r IT lon .i.` tut ',rii
recent the emeidei ephllerAnf hunt Mitt,.d rater
fuel/tar ingolrr to the circular. wil ti. tho' aim.ta below'
mined .111 always be placed 10 tree. wheeein ..
4 1
F re t. wlt-tam and leputable II fof these; facie.
re De PArtilmi AMM7M (We Iffsede.."Vai PLO.
...lames C. Aye et 1 have used r Cherry Peetnial
MI my own came deeplwated Drone JUN sad am .tistied
hum Re chemical conentotion that I fa an atirable onto
NZ trau t trin,l6.Va.• . . I le °Pour ' ' ,
"I'. " u ."
9: WEI 11 ' 71 at : UO ' Cl h i th _
, 2 ' .. f. . ' l ' r r.
From the widely alebenfed ADOPT AALLIALAN J 4
D.. L. L. D.. Protean, of Rhea& ditneralop . ..
Yale Collemrmber of the. La gled. I bit.
tr',fra fin, c.„7,,4 Amerka
P.... limbic cornialtiOn
hum same of the bat articles In th e Illateria tied asui
a very vlreettro remedy for the rises diseases It Is iota*.
ded to rem." New Lev Ct, tleV. I MP.
MAJOR P.4777solF,rmihnt of sc. Rasotattitew
that be Ins used the (Merry Pectoral. with wonderful owe
me, to cure an indammotioti pf the Itlnga
Pon one of Vie firitrhyrtclahs in Maine. '
haw, Ile.. Aphltl3.lBl9.
"Dr.4,..C. Aim.. Lowell—Desr ale I[aza one ...Moth
using your (Awry Pectoral It MY prsctice, sod preterit to
any other medicine far pulmonary 7alliate.. h.= obesre•
ration of Many Were tlymit, I on. CO !Mimi it min CUM
' coughs. colds, and Woman, ortbe lon that have pot to
dthanns all other itmedles.., 1 te r ably recommend
0. In cases of comminution. and consider It much the hen
remedy known Ice that disease. •
Pr=o l if r agl u G.l4tlF•e r d. B ia ll =bt ", 6.
let, LowelL Mast •
Eeki lo Pittsburg, wholeoale and retell. by B. A..Fitl•
RESTOCK & 0:).., and J. Ed: 'IO
_.,..'N olifi IL
In Alieghenr Oty, by IL P. ECIAWARTZ, and T. Mr.
CRAP; and I , r prweista geqrally. , .i.aarAiner
A , Valuable Llmprovement in Tiusses.
.111kR. HARD'S Imps:ore& Patent TRUSS
Ly and RUPTURE RE T. by which a_permanent
care can to effected. Tbbl MINI la ennrelybllttereni lo
tros sod Princitdes of aetiop from other Tromp. Caring
all the advantage& of • welPregulet..iehd ahlmalh Wm.
are. Thepm*can to ,e remtlatedes to give cue and
comfort In the met ditomdt cams of Item* WS can be
(geared to &Inn* any force desired. The preuum halt.
haul. and being' becuebt to bear Immediately orer the
bends' opening...l affording perfect security and "glen.
tem at all times even umh.r the met Medea% mender,
Bff the UN of tble Trona, vy I brn.. appLF/ploperly by e
itnn= lha
S ' at h f 4 t'irpeinf tY
ul sing
Emt an untmment. orm. in the
Tog of Illy adapted trosees. 1 Is a very madam tera . r . oe
for hereon, afflicted with Rupture to select & Mom &oder.
ply It themselves. TIM lg bed prattle, ehleb eon be
Hen Ca: Mare who canigartmd, nuate6ll7 . 01 the
perces ru t ernia. • .
We: Me reepectfelly call the wino:lam:l of Phyd.
ciao. to this:TrUbib Ns we Seem they will appreciate
th e
venal, We &leo hare .vinery or other Trusses at the
lamed prices Want Tram. UpSconstantly on band:
KEYSEP. SIeDOWELY. deeete. • •
iv= lid Wad eb, 'Pittsburgh. • •
Dr. Hand's Abdominal EinppOrteks.
HESE SUPPORTERS ore inten4cil chief
lyy for the corn of Pridardie Carl, pad all them dhe
awn when a inachandral analPsra to tba Andorolosi
Ls anglaise:l. They ere period .940. to the addandnal
organs. and may be worn Sittharomiort by all. Th. di*.
_produced by • weakness of the abdominal muscles
n n, e In
!Ont. of the Sawa.. tknatre.
Mae In the Beek and Spine, Lanitode and Tatham,
Peelings of Yrocandlon. Brorichluia Bharat... of breath.
Palpitadon of the Hort, DT rrep.i.. and se...l44May.
Darrounees. lousiorrhcaor Initit' a eft,t ,. .ll.lotil
locontlnueare Mize:Dermal Prostrate. oytta tYlimite
Depressed Splriut and Gloomy si n .lat tawd. are eared by
Dr. Or ef Ilptreillleattutd Ssrloporatm width
errs Itantellste relief Er nos teln: th. fountain of health
and strength. t.lpe blood. It pentralites tad biomes. Mote
unnatural remptinurl ad Mea healthy baton to all the
vital weer.
Ile mild ulteretims mmeuttle . tumlet it SattlatlY
&de to thy sad delteam retatitutket tha
Mar. It lammellately ft.:Made Mad WM:raring nersoas.
• - •
cum atbi lu4tnp. o common to the Las]. /MM. sod
Impart. an .nergy aml bnotanor M ett.-prtoing Ytbrr
are rrotelnt. him, elide/toe on Mr 'bleb taint. Ito
strooglr to rolommend th ntedidna to martini prvplo
whole...not boon I,lmM with offellllll,
Prolapis Utett,er Wltog urtb. Womb, of dr• ytazs atan•
ding, cured er Dr. 0 u yhott's Extract of Yellow Doak and
damparil/a, SLIT • 1.1 otbtr known maNly err been
tried mithoqt rrtaf: .
..rtifierithat air pits. sgsd fe: run. lasi aufered .
.0, ea abo,oomplzhat br fire • revs, math' all Slut
time roamed to ter' sad. '1 hsee for four 7811111couttotry
anplolon the Derrtmeetkal telinat that mall U procarodln
IDD nod= of the onne/47, wit /ma any barbs whafora.
I Dane aL purobeeed en¢T istri-anfeat reeoasoended for .
Du on./ of whirl/up:ma irortXels.
In do/ of ISIS, I wax I.lllloog by - t 77 frinfidi to
try Dr. (I oyeatre Telloer Doe> end 414,106U1. ObiGh ru
unnl for In. Rion ho. .tsar ihoharlelenl lE ter stout near
wets. It *se ttideit t 1t of m I.4st El. wat ImDzoTEtte.
att4 frea thlAiltne ehe Itormeil raphtly, wad gatatd Lett%
atil stren,tl4:: %WI L L stke lo now eojolin♦; mott excellent
loath: WII. 310:40RT.
We. being neighbors )o Wm. smt Julia Monter. eM
that the Aqui stsoemetqs. u to the sickness of I.trs. Mote
cud WI L./ the nue t.log effected Dr MnrsoWS YeliOn
Meek sna gareararills. strietirtrn, •
- 4 ,
Ea' 4 Era—Cais of 0. N. Lermird.
Dimlota Goon, Dee. 1, UM;
Mesent..t. i:Ekinett •• Co:—Gens: Sons Woo in 1 6 13
1 ern oUnked 11th Elves Evil to my orm, nouns
m son 1 kould not um tt, and m 19-I5 morCifluilon ..t in:
eindined. glirknot :noniC
tosittysiclon Of celebrity
vithln bailout; all told, me royAnn moat be innalstrd.
From thej armada to the forearm' woo full sf rondos,
sores Ily ettength at title time mos completely exhaust.
ed, ma my parson much' contend. I enntlxtmeiiiistbls
don until 11111, sit. lOm en odentimonot Wonotr.
Tallow Don SW Sartemoillbt) shish I nod. aid rest fora
bottle of Its kniole, Clonatt'. Teiloor D.k attar.
rills curia mitt. L took no other remedy mind it;
and kit Myself pesfeetlY en/1 nforrninft 5141 Irtall bin
tle, Hod um , A tlstate dal apnoeascn uf tbs malsaly,l
mg sun Ii vroahl have oared on Offik years bf polo ant
atlectins.' roost eartieStly nnconmeorl every rel.ll2 aah
kin =NW 11.117 Mnalir dltasss to am Gump. Yelloi
Ant nod flontaportlle, hkh sill inning Manta health.
Ratite: tG L:. Utudo, 0. M.
?Vox f . * lui" a so; emoted eau of Ersoripoloo.
TIM cum Derforizoa-by Dr. OtTficil E,Atreet or Yellow
Net end e.n0t.p..40.1u1.14: Therattent% g enarai
h.lth egattiniaaiio litramt after elm* t• rectove6.—
Cons erw opt olucatleloi wW time I;an tullr tected that
Mires. kw to Ws* or returner the dlweee. -
• " Sloaluti,Ste.rklmii co, retrain . .
S. F. Sena= t Ono.4lcat.:ll.ll.rorith greatrisuare thal
I sift. Yos stoat ttppe 4e7 barpr .feats of vire Sam
mek sad sancgrisewas Sky 140;•liti 11141. {Mr Wes out
=der that dreadful sad lostluros. dlmu.. Sq . ** ,
at, se It/ ',bleb b. was attacked IttlaNS. sad wale= ems
ek Moults Wended b'r. tout. of our l;.eakPbieiomoto.".ho
geflltielz aklll DeMaYetiltaly Deemontbe, without any !
mmeaciel results' whammy. Ile breeze& reduced to. per
;W44,1.10:1. Mo l*. ulcers from We hip: to Id. knot.
whkh were oontleualty dlnebarsizis dimaxtlantr oflmulte
mitten Medical end tautest -dal wee baffled. Plryeichtne
old that' kit a oo one boyektist tlettM cent:4l to nothiat
Mite to &Meet awen toneble muessemng
tem and larva thought hie dleaolutleP 'nom - .t bead.
ant of my', oefghbore' (leho hod noted a chtil of &reels:
If Rh sone trtralaielakeedZelne) wished tom to mike trlel of
it; and, moon from the realms Moan todo something while
life lasted, than nom any holm of tettlig roll. , I procured
three bottles of yourkellow Dock and Portettatetlle. and
conatiemzed ortnet Di and to my eituulehment he Immo
to Improve,bcfore he hod used the titiri bottle; and before
ha had used i half dotmx battles, ho could walk out Ile
used In all tweleetottles Marina the year laDt. end by Or.
tabor hut ho wee porthelly restored. Every torus. of the
Demise. except the emu, It emoted. end he =Alto In
pcifmt health et Moly...cut them. Ills racovez7. undo:
the blaming of Ood, 4 entirely owing to the ore of your
Yellow Dock and Werislatillel and Ismer. Ton ;het I Oral
to trif under Celt oDllgeklona to. rmu, pool it fc with grout
joy rhea I Inform yeti of-tact your Oareoparil4 bas dons
Or my Iteeyertfulln, •
. ,
• Bold by TA P.m, (meets. to &oxford& Parkafon...t.
and Wahl. streets, elnd..l.obln, General Axentfor tha
Squth and West: to 11t hem all omen mint ire .11resse4.
J. Wk. • Co- IL A. Pahnestock. J. A. ion.. L.
' Patsbnigh; Lee A. IleekbansiAlleeteni
1 4 T. Russell, InkatlingtAm; L If. 13.(e, Uniontown. IL
U ...burr. P. 80... itorterse.: &at( A (111. c.,
Bedford: Peed • &nt; LI outtnpdo.,
11.114.1..... t A Gi. lodlanst 'J. K. Weis., Witt.Ottoir.
Inuts• Co. Brooktillet 6. Wilson f tea, ,Warnesbuta.
Meraroltut‘• 1 1 (.. t.S.lletuler, Meadville: Mut= A. C.
Pi* Orshiat • Porker. Alerern James War •Ca 1101-
1.. S. Smith, Beaver'. J. o.Blurtmerton, Wane. F. L. • C.
& Jones. Otuders.nit P. Crook..
Xer4'riee;—sl. per Bola.; ;Six•Botfies for $5.
my3l l :ll.efis)T .
, Toter Pistate". V. Oct. 4.1.347.
It. 'E. Ettrzaa—Of your Vermthate, I eep erith9at
heeltatlon that,Dattha aged ft estenalTOY t. 1.7
for tbe hut four or are years, IL h a wy tlae beet
L=Llh'erggLf,'l,=,'ol,,twal l =
o.l.llXtuncip. Tors reemett'a 71, '
- D.1.01:C11.11. D
Prepared tett! A . E. Z.,l 157.Wc0d irt,aad
eokt by drtmeiatr atooraD• • -
br sale by
, N a CO.
- Clocks ! •
TUSt opening—a, very excellent assortment
le of Ildfi TEL S,ILOCKE., fro.= IP to ItXt alltoorrost•
—5,,.. Clicks, kr 111.50
ed -- ohosP ...n . gb ; I P f" 0 770 .
. W1.L.10.. 5
7' .. j .. Bonnets !
, Bonnets!
S RNlNG:perlaprees—
t 6 eras, =brainy; newest and =et dusirabLe
It 4 V:erneiitotebildren#4peeniancy dlni,
' ' rb w e liteallon of porvbasers Iv particularly Invited tot&
A.. A. MASON a OD..
above Reale. 1nv771
W. W. W1L8017, - - Watch Maker,
.PA 674/arket, orn of Fortk at., Aittattryb,
M , C
Air 611,411 t Wari. kftlthoy .
.om6kLiny. sod clu d s..t.
,Wr...ATett.Tar.r►. %tin ri h ti
• Wszeh work lIISLINLI manor Tnnir misted by
tho bon Erallat nod Itrackworlman.... • • oryli
II AY BAKES•44O doz. for'sale by
19H- t
R°Li' BY'Llez3.bblsitume.
ERRING—LI6 Ufa.' No.l (to arrive) for
ray by .6113 CCIIII=bOIY CO.
15 I
•, :f1,5 • ''ooo S. C.; or B 3 e .
GLABB--S€6boxee Window. nas'd,Sor sale
by . aten . s.r.vor teONNIIOII3I4 CO.
r i ARD bbLr. for sale by .
'J. EMI) CO.. of mixt 11.
INDIOO , 4' 100 lb kAge on;llo •
• • . 3 Comm Wafts of root quality. to ar•
61. 'talc satoolet of ration, f lydlea
tL . * Who soW low b,.= the
•• .• 1.314= MUST Jk CO.
gaItOUND NEFTS-15 sacks form.% by
-N UTMEGS -4 bbl.' for gale blimp
B"s' CASSIMERES—Of variouß colors
.ad styles. me'd by
STAR CAIiDLES-45 taus (ID t 0.40 lbs
..h) for saleby, . J. D. WrIXILLDS & CO.,
mys . ' ' aornm Mod sad JUIN yty.
SPERM CANDLES-' •••'lO bozescPs, S's, and
GI far war ~. 1-p, wy...4e.1p a co.
IaiLNE TEAS-, , - •
'2) halt chests Chulaa wd Oolo4;
9) boxes asUsk thoo Ookano,ouo by
xoys J. D. MILIAMS t CO.
DEER SHINS-3 bales for tale by
last Rm. 111711/LWB It CO.
PIG LEAD-490 Digs Soft Galena, for sale,
by goyt Unir. IaTTICIEWS 4t 00:
DIG METAL 165 tons faf sale by
out. MEL ttort=n% ow.
FE . A313E8,3--8 sk E s i gme 14,
0 m (goo cask=d)lor riecto.v
-38 is. an. : N b
saI.b7:MAUI" DICKEY it CO.'.
=l7lO , . Warr and front res.
COARSE SPONGE-400 lbs. for Sale by
• B. A. rateriarrocr. co.
ipsuivw. 2:bbla. for sale. byy
Aril . SODA-10 kegs sale by
m 16 24 Wood mt.
smr bY
Q,HOULDEES-3` casks for sale by
mrie W. P. MARSUALL.3.S Wdmiiß.
r. mlligli/TA..15.5 Waal.!
1. ssAs W. P. dtI.r.ESIALL, SS Wood se.
L A N , ( :). 7 3 . bbls. 3 8 ke g .
j N0.1 7 14
k it by
- bn. sad 42 Ai. tags: 1, Baltbaan ITerri.tri
• 40 4 AI • 4 _, - " •t• • Blot
• AI Itio- mecurek '
f tOFFEE--100 bags' Rio, - for sale by
atrl6 • JOHN WAIT
IRON-100 tons Huntingdon co., for,
solo br bar/6 - Jars WATT t CO,
17 EMPLARS" SWORDS-=Just recd, o lot
of Annan Templar).lnervta with Ow emblems of the
cL beantlfally engraved. .
niyls - ' W. W. WILSON: :,
R SALE. fo close oonsignthent-50:cks.
tT DA b".M . i n Nt i. .ll,llr i tlicEl 4 " llol) ..3 ,.. t. 1 . 4 7
nun carver Penn and Wane Kreett.Pttgarich.
naves arlalrratid 11‘r and Mamma Novak
no.ved tram Ma tosantaatarar . .laM• ..tahla,ma_eansigar
" br _." • • •
anthem of Cahill .04 intrintia value,
.t.tam• Forks
cs. matte mnTranat and the low - prim st rrnim tbsynra
rald:mnst lama Mar intecalusticm. T •
itmt-• • •
or" : 7 ggiVa r rri t =ar'
InlY ailk Warp Csababele.. toe
A tan ••rAciltmix, liatecilles and Liam Veat
II LILT N 10 bbls nevi frrilLewlgsa.;
g iOFFEE-1:110 baaa Rio, for sale Lot
Eu,to Jan nerceisos'a co.
15 . c:aals s a e&le , by
QUNDRIZES- 7 -1.4 bbla. °rare;
• r. 2 1 .1. 14 =,....n w , toaa !fa ,
31 ' 111°. """ t "" 1 " b Tzsautt worn ja
m 703 •
~ Frost ard.Wster
L •
IFE PRESERVERS ' ,:.U.Oxvins_Al.
v. 7, hand,.emu . it %dui 'coal.. Life Pew
oxerre sal Je r ked .1/4 ebber sad Core mantaree•
'101.#4 Ztt S 194% DeiCt. 7.mou - ecg
TI OLDEN SYRUP-r-12. half.bbls. sad 24
gUlt kna Golden Byrom Ibr Ade
mylv JAMES A
C m HROME GREEN-5 cased superior gusl-
It r . lor boom sad sLeam.mi .00.7
sec= s.
New 800, jiisi received.
(REEK GRA 31. MA; 'forth° use of High.
• Hebooili wit UniversitieK bt P. Battinin: rinlytt
''. ll= l CLlftraciload Reber* of A S by 'Ag :
- ry M. FieWll6 . •g.•.., i . . . • . •
iba Au hi sad Nagai:eh/a a Orinibi 0b.11 , 41 ,
Conga, roe _ ye b ars amatem. and eldwasata took 17.•
P I:11137 I , '','. r• Her.
11. Z.
• Cl nt. f. iViti A.
myl2 ' .' fe Airaile lii " all4ap. Youth .L
SIALEpATUS= 4 S2ona in boxes and caika;
,blo.lel by
sun • . .- • - Ut.,17
WebstarFunmee,Flizih Tools &Thittezus x -
. ....... .
rekra.fri. 11 ... 7“ li'.' , .r.
0. . as - 4nterlocutory Order,
made tt ttli tra : at lbw atoll Teen. I. Of the
Cm= Elm County, T.
name; vill..po Y. tba =pli=6:6l., ants
6... a.. tbe Weboter /Imam and landa
nm ft h . g iA%
i=e beaks of Oar The lire Le meretay Umber,
tel. • 1 will alto men all the nuke, Tools, and ratterce,
nerd about the 2.12.1..
The Webster Furnace ia anal, loatted,;but a Apart dill;
U.. tram tbe Cumberland Elm. asulMor, Me t t i o •
./'rn i ihl7,:t2 V e7n U hull i tt tgrott zt ir.i..e. *111;0 W
to thelr lateroNt te 61.1t.e them!. _ •
The tale will ts/68 nlam et 40. Webetter remem,Ou a
mom or 11 2& tee Tintoutha The mummar wilt re iv .
gutted to emote note mith twormd mourttase, sad a Las
wlll be retailed ea the toed end tmmuranenta for the
P . l''''' ". the 7'.a.. . "'' l:. PlintiTiLi. C. i li. •',' :
• CaXtassils, Tau. ii.) , E. Id.:itrltanT - 1 • • ;'..
Dupplevezugurpr .COLLIGX..
• TIMID Itts.--EstahNshat ih IW, Na. corpostid
Y =. d ,. i t•r i P4 O " " ' I4 Y P YF YY Y
Pr l 7
P~AO Prdidant- Item. of: 800 Seeping 'Coil
N. a LlA:tclt,_kov, Prot of Matontila twW. - •' •
J. le: NRW..1.631h. Lila mart eccoospltahei team= wed
ot the ,Stoontelos,Trotawaot Perandluhtyv • ,
Those who ondr• to du highest mutat . o.cconntoot.,
an mowed to Witold omustoe el. credentials of Akio
instlrotion from oynrorloot owe koactred Nictett=w,.llssak.
env scut Acoataitonts to this City, who ludo boon wwwwi
to:but:de to-to. Alm the opohastio testlmotdola of tbo
imedour thatitoto, the chWolhor of , maal..and many
of Um Ift4tag 3/embluit.. Buda, a.Wbook ottb*
' city ot N:l'..ancedocl to.ttorpsecoot `Dors ?iorth Armed.
cars Aecouotaat,..AW'Wooterpfihontob cod dozocoatowc", •
State Mutual Fire Insuraixe Company.
Brtmch Ohoe. Emlthheie w st-, PUteburgh..
JIE beet 'evidence .of the "euixtess of the
Dl to *hemmingM
to make the an Bemis
lasnlina¢Ooaraor menthe 'mho( thommunit/
Is the unparalleled manse of boatmen whith ha bade
dons. having baud lade Bulldog tioulac the pert- rem
and Wing ore, $11)050 Cate at WU* memo/. no
Brood to mits4.thet ma ll an the leoPettr
gored to of the Mod -In mall riaka. and tam
=glt.OngtagUtir.2.77' LOon 'I
Do. do. exerd.tormisaM.andoed. • ta • ,
Do. do. In fora . ..... ........ I•dOS •..
Amend <IL Proven/ Inemne—.. BrAged l h
Do. • canceled. tsconsaital, szinisis6.l.l,7= 00
Do. In NiDo.' Premium
odaeu.. • ... . ' lith7lo7
Do. ..god. toiaiotirl ono
' •do Pretda ,
D CM .
ma 24
Whole aunt loam andammo paid ~.=41.1 45
Oahnoe ovum of the Igs. in nub-. =Jo 44
The bnalnese of the y es amended Mlctly,on th e
chdoelidMiNh. • snsig insaiberartnehtnidn.
and ember= hlm
1604 i rghare of thi ma e prontaane by the My
CLAVIIYINO - TUrtilrikl =,r.
mem to the Insured. novo. me eemedlegir dl
Into two ebtinct. cleaeM the charter proeletne that. to
mot adve lands of either oan eppeoptiated ha the Th.T.
moot 0(100" onnotrlngla the other. , The IlEue '
musathaud the 71.11.51EU5 . COIIPANY.
me my he made upon move deellinoz hir4 Out
buildings, end temonek property; me mete
tame°. bellowed •to ke taken. •
sootott Clot. amoodosiott. atsitatkitir
ooIiPAN Y. in ohlth =tam may -be made mho the
safer aloes of property la toms and tillages.
The premiums mien as cmly about Ma rem u Ism sr
Mee turnally MDT o th er Compudea. and the rata
lo*.. Not use r S^ b abase to ne homed to one 10.
and the t L Woad thelniellehe of ham
to either highoe Mimed thellabLlßlof a nechinnt nosh
AU loom MI be ea at the blue"( kee 'with m.m
ro and Ilbenlitt. It te me men the emu.or
dohm P.
( =MAL 2LI la %tin , : t i e
B Packer. _ PBM -- Ityptdgot„
A. J.OatM,moneem.
..a. Comm. *Man'
N. 13.—A sab Dividnini 11nerper inant.
D o s
Tondes bnl bnci ttnnUnni bi thglrinectors, and Is Dos re.
nrinable LAW annee Ibr neunoWs; or Tottnrsutn• in mat
at tha ninety dam, • , :A: A. VAUD; ALL. _
. .
Hihtary Bounty . .. Tad Agency
lg mewed to last* WU land
44 b , Vet Molest esiat v 9. 0)
me Warmth 111% 80 we Werneteat: ova Aimee..
b"„,._eit be Teed , 24 te nerds. et eeett m i ms :
:12 . t etol.
("tita'adeinD. I'mee.
aZyt=teree.lsberb Cp. Neldbeeker,
m a dephis CartiagesPor - Sige• , •
WnA SUBSCRIBER . ham sem
' mend from Philadelahla.
of Caratataa fiaawlU Uri immao:atTtlios
hand at c ... tal i war Aim. laciarlaatl'a
T m on A pia. e.Thatit
x.... a SMOSTIM.Cit V
hind% .k4fa • will - i - en .1 Psommonn hart tam
be a.t.• hula
aim. the a? , add* tot tat tats tag pulmg...4
1V....1.= I O W thaw who
%meal hlsa atiag= " llaoasiah aattroad Ira
. 4 that ha_a? oda aa soartmal to autprta Irtm
... la taartat, toga al
2., ati:ito:lllt7 auf pica hams
otelaag to totha arm at iftfattro
o ...w e: a, opoomag to toollanh fii tio William of
harlot atatrflfaS aaa. taalogtbad'aotaLbaltais.
T& 0
prof NaStivill . ea Beileicf — Readecra.
•, • • : raim M'oo.o,',Aµiocerr ern. t
- • ' 7oos 3d. 1631.
WaEREAS • thoTrinipal of the Ifigh
v v Schad thieWlllo2.l_ , l2Vitpall.nd
exercised. it to the cm q, 3tooLYMleo. wits of rodeo.
cerefaltr AillssbEr % . ,= k =4,lt l .„„dt•A m .
rrtll.llr . otsrpooktn. it the wag oo.ioa;
rneesstion• sivestatsolanceanst molar the eirstang
Prit. Idandesillss
er. totoilifoot toodow, a Wyk.
. of Of eioellelige in :ta n
le attainable sttaa =Ws
say other station known to tbaikant. naa tniottib
• ftesolval, that the Eclectle Baths of Bad., boor tool
in the eeessal schools to this district be tibtroatineen, ion -
• that Prorwaor Ziosultrrille's Scrim on Banding and Moo. -
non Le intradocon pad nse4 hannstarentin.
A tr....VT fro. the minute.
„34k.ntse , Aratatimaa Hass Sort. •
Thim .na "Dirket 'streets. Martial A. D •
..O. -The eddy Chartered' Inntituts et tha klnd in Peon
ar Irani. •
Facrart-ions rdana. Ptinolpal Inatnontsr In the -
SrJaamof a
K. Catastator.,Protearar ot Penninanship. Hann.
tilt COMPULatt.;
• - 41113AX0.12....W.W.1t1C1X. Leet - onor. on Connoareial •
Bona et nthrnis—ami Wm: Wilkie., E. Jan.,
B H®: John Itteden. IlanCharles Knylor.grat.
m=ri.,pt.on. Hon. W. FL intrria, M.J. IL neClintarit. •
lo A.d e mn„ EAR.. Gen: J. K. Mooretod. Janne Thu. ,
, Ban. Era Harem }ha: • . • .• -
r . • "0 , 0 Cattnr=.-4ottn Cothran. Attonsei at'
Ism Jansen TuntrOlerthatit H.l' Puce. no
Students can enter this Institution at any Urns. and cte
Lain butrartion both dor and evsn who
.entitiest,:ill melee 4 dipionsa. sinned by the and •
kmardning Committra • . .
,Those dedring • ti:nose knowisdips
.raf Book- keeping.
Pratettnaah_lp,rao.ortli bear (noir/rum: this le the onti I.,etre *Etna hinkin Pantrurati. Ccannundoe.
Inns addnessed to O. IL Cnaraneritallailli...":lß=ln
_ . ..
I EWERS cif Adtbithstration on the Estate.
IA of floi:Uotai /lodzser, Lie of littsbup,L,
bap Pep
_mooted to 'Ms rodeteirood,
street). AU persons indebted to sold !atm, an spool .
to NUL Is o m U, aldlipeeltseluit Pt=
prernat thAtm tritt‘out dettr. • • MIL OitILIJON
COmminortddi of RenOoyloania:. _
• ' ellksagnir, 4:Ls.. '
N the Court or Common Plea!Vot OctOber
' S tu the miler-of the vebthteeejetesta of Algot;
der McClurg, at UM Instance of D. Leech t Co.. toliWisa
T. McClurg.
Anil hag, Jana &I: IS5l_
_trit motkru of.G6Ouse P: Damn
tor ettortnrr of John - ` l,
clot s =eager of Aleroutdet
McClurg. - the Coon appoint • .1; N. • Bzudy; EN, to audit
=ld szenun stud tr , attribute Made In the hands of the
Asslgnee arnotorst the creditors of the 'slug •Alereades..--
From the lkomgd. • . MAYS, Pm.
LT given thatJ, attend at tay aka.
fltttuartt, on Wednesday, 21 Jed)
[1:;.% 1 431 1 n1 °
Nock. 14 b
No. O. Fifth
nett. at 2 o'
Executors' Notice.
OTICk. Is , hereby- given thit the
avd¢ned are the leggy =agitated Executors of .
t e tot= ol Sohn McWilliams, late of Indiana tearable , .
SOT comm . , do-x=4. Thereback Dere= kw.'
Mil mail= lila estate we required to ;recent thect
tor e. n =4 and all those' indebted are meg= to
make I=6ll= payment to either or the =bather,. ~
r • ;., , , ANDRAS/ an•y d
orphan'B Court Sale. . .
Y viitna ofi an, ardor of tl:4 Orphans'
Can. of .ilkatietty comer, the tendmide, Guar-
of Cubit. said &Lament, minor children of Sarah
, TboroYdoe,
_late of -Alleglesayrcormty, dr..sed; wlll ea
..a oak ale. the yrutthes on. SeLtirday the zlk
day of Jams. A. D. MI , all. that Meas.. Mr% or.
Land lrliair Ind situated itaSizabath to= j 3Lbremded by
the likettaneelelarieer,and Wad. or , Beetle James X.
n. Animate, and ethers, am net lifty twee,
.part ofd mot lozowo. s. the -11enitS
Term. made gate: .
nary= nnimr.eatr.. •
- Ottrdista. kr;
Tattaide Tbxashing Machinel,lepsaidors
and Corn Sflellers;':
. . .
NITABItA_NTED : to be thoroughly 'Wilt;
_ and to udrk wdk mach add gold by.__BASTIAN L
CIKKOL, apaits Nhaabeager's NW nab
wad, YltLbmkh. Th. Theatiing Nahla. are bead
fol, sapid and conitsat. aro easily remora from plaas to
rue.. uo.t, mur
_te, urq w
t ou equal conanienee In tarn or
Geld. No asehla ronaiahar thrash. no . .
or =aka
!attar work.. tare than .4,las) o ft hem are no.. In ass in
this Western hsates i and as roar Nat of the Monnattea
aday of them hare thrahat fruo,llo to
tato and, yo thorouots bof hedo Peen tebh4ooo
ad by those who rtsa than. to hods zotaphda, and to work
as deli as any In the world
Tba awarahel. ticot's Patent...with Bastian 'a isciaore ,
mat, and is allaribed W the nada. and eo=pkar Oa'
wear ths stray ard thall tax Um grain. and has tdrea
walaationaheneser alai. _lcahn ba Luis par
:11 . 0 ran I , t ;j zad he attached lo4rg.hrOlat rta~bt or
d .
rollingrighta Co. this Sepantor in tbs , L . t a d Prtinsyl
rana and natal.. and all moth of. tbookah ars and W.
Ohio river. and eat or ths afissias4ppi %Ira a W.
r ate of Ohio, area tite maga ot and Coha
n. coin 's6ele: j. ilieeuovi rstu . t, an 4 ie cue or u;e
best in ma, bea d likair to at ont order.
We bare ban I: and reading tam Ntiaa
thirteen • yearn aMa of Yittsburaha. and :ob
ban odd
r " .. y b P a'Ord 4 re al Tit% sati "d' Or . r. r .r"±
larson j orenahrill ram:yowl:in the aisaine &daft.
aro. with Lions
bar toad it in opera..
N. ttrsobloodwarantol to work wei4 or no
New, Booka.
LE Life and Times of CALme,' nn
the opt Worrier; translated from l l
mmo of Hat Ileum 2 role..
Leeds of the Iloeleart. • Zierrotiveof • -
Dmewl Trzert by XL mfr
D'Aradenes te. new work,—.earre Uto ee Auta aN thority of Pcd, or true
beerier* sepat Dootith arter.)
ay. of he t sod Coverunr.- b {C y Alm IL Etemirt.
. Lettere to tbr Purele, with .tiorrattra and DIOV.Db/FAI
. liketrlee of lire. L. /L arooroer. •
lAcretir at the Da, Leary Watt= Pox, 6.1 mith
Inttodootory , User try the Dar. C. P. Aleltrelne, D. D.
Ebb* of 19310.
Theat7..od Preattco or l'etsehtir. or the ?doting end
Methods ett
c~ sae =
oollorook hae
of r Llogza t / , ter e L i Pat
oatof ale
Lin he 910.. a ember r
of the Dooloro
" 913. 1 1 a = h 8horr. L" ley no., sm. &N
r Plb.f Week' by - the - ant.ttc7i of ernit Pro:
I.lno of rho Queens of gnizu..4l, th. Norcuut Cot..
gorge, with cpsalotes of 11.tlr 0313.11... 11 rd... tug..
31etootr of Um Akre:oder Wasish, D. p.,
4 ih Wet:Dm.
team his erdstolory corresoolooor. 117. Y .1111. k
Ear. D. D. 'The above work. are fOr oda dab
A. IL ENGLI9EI ac CO.. 19 Wool st.
Willow•lsland Farm , far Bala ' •
, .
F,poreone who were highest bidders for
la Willa. islaml Perm.r.t the merttth of Coo fhteh..
Qat a, °materials, hamar hoWtocernelf Who.
terms of al. the' saboorlber I
ntl ooLler for sale.
l and bat -
Vldr e er ' 'U tlnariste " i b irelol2Pr of th for 4 rA,
atom ...Titer. of add farm. aatottaalLia the Improve
ments. comiettu tero Beal lie hollt
ho the room submeatiel mecum. awl men . finished
0111. • erellird *en. mst. t.•
emliard of frolu Mao. lerge and eubmentlel stone
.04 Mkt thtlas, formerly nerd se • &lathery. .Ith 1.
never ULM( got.. mom It s. black smith s hop sad
other talking.' Meoottion the mmuee. a two sun mrlst.
miu good repair. bo a 10. of stow end.
ono seer. trfth oho:ode:ire of coal eml lhatehmoo. eml the--
arArilege af the- am of • named faC the t=tatathofroL .
loather. cad, Ma, to the Meer. 1* 111, • there 000
.boat saes of mend bottom leatt. of moat fortility,
about. 60 wee stela red volerstomet the beLenceorell
Imre& • !the ahole bathe Oat oorattloksoll nosier mood:
Zoo forth. fertleu/sm. mat for • elms et the pia:A.o.
aPply to the eaheuibsc.on the yot
Terms-4 cub reelarntief
h o thaitaial dollars ta be
pod Ors+mod the t
he ho flee sammf
ed 424 t =of st—thettoterma. (114.
F rarrharthil •
A •
ableampg a.
. mr , olible ran--
dy for DI Drieote4, BOW et Suatmer Cow
t of ehlldreresail edolle....A.pereself esteem% after.
rented,v under ell eiretuastenem: tee born need:.
vitt hattpf and sewer Ow& br mate et oar reset(
eoceestfoll pranitkom of Irbarera lotroanted,
for the batten ox 7 .1. 4.
eaMtb• updtata..
bath *AIL:Im end Adults, have =red eadti
la• that above •-Wtam, alter every other restmettl
The Dia.& of it eilleflAtitha -
toes, Ike, of the above Baum, 0.1441.12 7,.113:111' of the
ilev. 11. Poser, the illetholtrt Boat of this.
Toner Mr 7. &Oa ßytomm la 3. that fore. ,
malosouthel hands= y renati6 for tHer
/hoe, olth t lltg i tetrecr, 11E42,u:shag of your rz05417,•
' 'dirattro.e,s„ Z e brill'At v it tr...=7ltbett
‘ 4? " fa! PIVOLVii
ThO Ci Wt;ityre j= p iirl36l Dee "
el.e lead,,,u4 et Ed.3lt;EL C. TIACCLIOS Drag
walkout earner of Orehent sad Malt sometrott - .ore
Of Cierdhaer 2 Co., on Male otOot. betsevo breath ere
Eighth nr,44. vest ddr; gal et ttue tvintlral Pros a=
otlwr stones tn the Ire% Awe:rally
men; tor ude 07 5. b. Wrtiterobas.Pittaboroh; Jaw&
• Epeee e , Au c eh,-on W.ll. Walelband,Naacheeten Job.
Fureerahl, tooth Pittaboreb• Wm: .I.amoh, Terepersoce•
OH* Jobe 0. etoith,ortetrtglebere Dr
boo ug Stotvl/413/r
-ri= Ley..l4ll=o.
Biecatore Nolioe4, •
ALL PERSONS indebted. to the Estate of
• Abbe! Emote?. Ista of the eltr of PltVantrgh.dted.
entry =tilted to milt< Isontedlata Valmont, uttl those
bitting claims an csontiltd to . Dmoot ti p dal rand:ea
teatta fat tottheatent,to chose of tits ttlLett -
glytrirtttt.3 '" U. IIe.CLXIANb,
Dissolution of Partner hip.
LtHE Partnership .. heretofore tristing be ,
e - eett istbeettbas. =lee the Kt "Breedles
G. Ir. &welled 072.1.4 eons= ce the 16th dAs
of Septwater; 2/150:. slaves s sfulebutd saki
plasm cal on slain of 4 tb , ..Wrb... li A. lu.
gggatl..ADL' U,
i 'Nan thiksrla 6- .3 z
FOR,EALE.-,A,Fnax. situate in
North Ilizattaxdon townablNiTneland ccaotr.
ocekll 2 =4 sairA=l 4 If4U=y lande d =
. 111... hi - twee, timbal, lelthitk +no mite et the Y bk.
g . mtellekret . ar i r, t*,..fea frosn i lito ennnygm
Win Or • Ins plory . ker DR
oat apt: high /4 r.b leX
Mgretst 4 /e . !l g T.,=prv - t&s, Se eemilrecei
the meaner - ;
'fay • tamable Sabi aziat sad Saw Milk
AT PRIVATE q 4 fr.
1 Villa , SELL MY UM.% sittlated
directl Mlle itoncessabeis lame Omens as 2
Pleesseablab 1111b.) 7 ./zedloe•ton Ell.
tsbetts, NA tour miles bete. Zeeenzahelte My, ha Cram
toerraidp, Wahine= meet'. The above yretecty te la
osier The KUL were built le let/ There
Cg o nWd Ag... ,t,...:••• power to /mother roa Than la
cue of Poswg Care Retaken in etc ULU. These b
laree i nPat
a re cseed
s e A Aa
•L w "l r = y
!war l ab . ed Z sh 1
h o i ll r u . g el t em .7,
Vora/ le PseeLad t• • ••,/ nr.h el la beta
Vto she Mtg.:ash ehes i 1121 brew.,
ALL b 7 labd. A* 71771. amour the Flour. 1. re.
ter .7 .* ortaabr 7.1?... b au near lame.
tees,esul akar Mr - W.l senerelly. 1.1,,,,„
7..„ l.‘"'"" Teret . esucte '' r khee:,l " ..• Ett4i l itbecti "" ber Ilruer g r r ne the . ere.
James E. Breading,
continue to trociOct toe Wttoctiums
000D9 .111:81NE/F3, - ailliabl stand, :C0.1.61
old MIK marktl:wam•4l
ax - AUX.! ' i and . Conn
salsa at ,Lavr. -o 47 Fourth noel& )14skss
antrab. - N
- altaXAM.4=l3. %
31.111. 61031. t& ' •
- Glatha, warrants:l, at low Oak: .
r3lll.l.l*lndlek bketer....3 1 41.1m 4 •
Gogil.=r4.llll ra
V i.
Awl true ate misc.
All Wan progov,l . Laulto44 . arOir Lecrarer.
WALL.&CL, 319 411 Litertr at.,
° "" ft• '=tr"Qt\ rb lVis
=pa ammo van.
F,14,M8 PARIS; for, , , for sal e
Wl l 7 Nine, Dr tr.iirAry,w,
• d At 319