11=111 HOME MATTERS. Drsoneraty;CienreT.—Alderman Steels yeir tardsy Cenamified . s man hamed*.ihmey'Atinc& *ld to Olean, on a charm:4' dlsorlerly =lndust Be la the i,enan whom to noticed yesterday ss having talf,en his little child sysiifrom • family with !hem it had, been spprentietd, m a d locked It up -without food, s- cupboard house in Irwin street, for many items Accmcre—LA young: snai -named Ckaiettan Snyder, who worielti : tha4delseg, Town et the Aziehor Cotton Faetort:lib Allegheny, was yes- Airday snorting twlthrtifthalkeldng, and Teti unwthlnkreitt. Eftilayqweenialge until the atter= mien; And hie injdrietwffeiitroxwed to be inter nal, as, with the eic,ioO4Wifirw broises, hit body le apparel:llj aninfitred..' - , PSIE.JA• wslrof Obnerthe buildings on Wy lie street, recently destroyed by Are, telrdolm on Monday: eiening, several persons who were'psesing,:were pieced in considerable dan ger, lhougb artenstelyno one was injnre4,. • Ituaordtaw.-;-TbO boot andahoe stow of Thom as Hose, la Diamond Alley, woo =Mewl by some barglar oa 'Monday night, anktal. toisiber of ;air' a of hoots sad shoes Atoka. - • . Ds's : raceme Figs.— tiro broke , out an the tables' ef,the GOod Into t Stage Company., at ' lintontswn, on Monday idght,,which were coxe d, platalvdOtroyed together :with forty head - of hcases;'.., , and aererld 'coaches. The flames .. ,- ..cominneleated to an exteneire coach factory ad . joining-WM& was bunted to the ground. • . . Vitlentcr:-.416 jury in the rase or the Coni tnonirealtti Te.• - Dreamt's, Indicted for g a obtainin hoiee under false pretmcea, came in to court yesterday with a Tertliet of ' , not goaty, , ' defendant to pay the .costs. : • col:rar OF QIIARTIBI3I2IBIOIB. TotsDAT J 13310 /ti Before: the Hon. Wm. B. McClure, President Jo*, and William Boggs, Associate Judge; Commonttealtim. Courml Gnmer---Indictmeit The defendant was aworkman, in the emploi ment of Illessre:Seger and M'Clumg, Glass Man nfactniers, 13irminghate, and is charged - with haring ;mien glass ware from them, to a consid erable - amount. 'Flanagan for Commonwealth The jury retired, and the ease otthe Common- - Isaiah TO. James Blair—lndictment; assault and battei7 on oath of John Whit:Men, was taken up. Washington for Commonsiellth; Foster for de-7 enzasoox SY3;tolf. Commonwealth vs. William Jones, indicted for a nuisance, committed ln'keeping a number of ferecious boll dogs.. Several witnesses testi• tied that the defendant keeps a somber of fuel Glom" dogs, whicli.oro trained for fighting, and hare' become a:great annoyance to the neighbor. hood. The dogslwould. some .tinies'go into the houses in the vicinity of, that in which their boaster lived, aid take the' food prepared for the Unit' et the household.. They,were afraid to drive there; out; because they frequently. bit Fert ile Sometimes the • most - ferocious r dog was On the part of the defence, several witnesses were called, who testified that the dogs were rot kept for the purpose of fighting, and that they never 'annoyed the neighbors. . The Jury after a that obsence, returned a • Commonwealth to. James Carter, indictment assault, and battery.. - The defendant is charged ' byfitottliob leingbine; with tbirowing„water from • hose upon him, itereby completely...wetting his clothed? The dory reterned.a verdict of guilty:, and the defendant was sentenced to pay fine of six ands foirth - cents And costs of prosaMition. CoMmOnweslth John. Skies, information surety.of the Peace, on oath of Seely. The defendant was sentenced to give accurity the sum of One htmdred dollars, =editions for his keeping the peace. ' . • The juries in'tha cases tried during the morn , ing,.either did notsgree, or hate not rendered anyverdicC . . _ . . • Csacrrter . 7,'..1135L , . . . . Annual meeting of Corporat ion.. Oamotion ofiV.:lifoterailesa, Jon D. life Cord celled to the Chsiisiol.j. Carothers appointed The Balanai Shoot' alibiing the condition of the Corporation up to the first of June, 1861, u made up by John Fleming from the Books of Boperiaterulent . end Treasurer, was presented =diced by Thomas M. Howe, President... The nme we% accepted and ordered to be entered neon the titinutec . .. - The Corporators then proceeded to the election of a Boud OU3lanagers for the ensuing year, 'rhea the follining persons version:n:lM be duly aleetoded*--t-Thea ht: Howe; President; Messrs. Mad, J. 11. - - 'Bhoenbergher, 'Jae. B.' 'Suer, Waon .B.rucindless,;;J., Carothers and" J. 8.. -O Motion of liF. , ,MeCtindliree, John Mown, Jr. was muurimonsly eleciod 'a Corporator in phi= of John Finney, The Colic:Tatars then. proceeded to the OM ton ot'a Secretary and Tressurer,.. when it ap• peered that John Bissell, Jr. was mucalMouily ' ;01;-Moilon 'ot ; Captain Beer, it nee wriani moun P. .r.solred, That the Propriety of changing the corporate name of the Cemeteay bereferred to the Board of Managers, with power to act if Ca motion, - Resolved, That the proceedings of tlds meet hag be published" in the 'evert} papdrs. • T. CAROTREW3, See'y. • ,Cosasot Couscm.--Tha Common Council of the city of Allegheny met on last Tlaunday sinn ing, for the purpose of attending tounfinished Present; limers.Bagaley, Craig. Eggers, Gol d, Oilsen, Logan, Patterson, Parke, Rely, Rid dle, Ranter, Sehwartz, Smith, Walker, Wicker sham,' and Boyd, President. : The minutes of last meeting were read and A petition was presented by Mr. Wickersham, gm citizens in the First Ward living Cu Ridge street, praying ,Counclis to ordiu seldom:et-to be opened forthwith. - . , Whining reminders was adopted by the rote Yeas—Bagaley, Gullet, Logan, Pattemon, Ray, Smith. Wickersham, and Boyd-8. - Nays—Craig, Egger, Gilson, Riddle,2lanter, Walker-43. ~ • Radvedellist tbe Street Gumaissioner be Instructed;to cause Ridge street to be opened forthwith, so sm to be passable for carriages and other vehicles. • Concurred in by S. C. A politic:a from G. Lightbill and Wm. DU wortk midst to have Rebecca streetwidened to slaty feet in es certain part thereof. Bewsked, Mot the Street Co -....maisdeper be intruded to - have:BANN:es street opera in ao- COthreit with the plan proposed, and any past action of the ; Councils conflieting wit& dila Plan proposed be and is hereby repealed: provided the consent'of the property holders on that part 1 of the street be first obtained: Adopted, Con- A petition from Ur. Wm. E. Cowell, asking. Comae to grant fewer to the Commitee on En &nes to confer with Mar in relation to the Pm chase of the lim. Pain Engine: Referred to Ccmmitteo on Engines, with instructione to con fer and repeal. SO Councils. Concurred in by B.C. I - A petition, eigrod by some thirty Persons who have formed a fine company in the Third Wari4 asking. Councils to grant them douse of the 'On cis Sam engine end reel. 'Referred to Commit 1 tee onllnglnes, andecominviid in by 8.0. A petition from eitinnaßriag onlgorth Canal, between South Common and Federal street, to have the wester piper laid In said send. /te lt:red to tree en Water, with instructions to report at next meeting. Concurred in by , The report of the Water Committees was read and awarded,- - and the following resolutions were adopted and commined in by S.C. Resolved, That the Mayor be authorized to draw his warrant In favor of the following ler eons for:the sans ed opposite their namen Poedley & Edwin, for a dee, ' $l4 25 31111. A. Risecidnum, for lead, .. 810 40 sValtotine Fell, for coal dell,eredpriorto the Ist of April, ' i 221 El Benj. Patterson onancount, coal contrziet, 281 00 Ferdinand Borshort, • Si 73 John Rake, lebmer,, 27 00 Wm. Tyler , .• - ~ , 2 , 7 , 00 Samuel iftilip 27 00 Wm. hiallen watch at btu* , - . , 27.12 'Melt & OW, fertdes, . •. . - .823 00 James Ray. finpaintennent, to pay for .laying pipe, he, to be itooountW for through Go Committee., . BMI II Beedvel, ,That the Committee on Water are hereby instructed to issue proposals foe 2,000 - ft d 8 /no& or. end 700 feet of 8 inch pipe, to be Lad o n yeoman street, from Federal to Beam and Ohio Lane, Trona present terminus to Bags hes Lane, and on Bagdey's Lane frnm. Ohio Lane to Water. Lane. . i, . Resolved, Thee the , Clods of Councils retzirn oil bills relating to the water debt to the Clerk of Water Committee, and that they reedier seg nutty in a book to be kept far that VIUP6IIII tn . Lb. water ewe, all warrants authorized to be driven for mid tocounts. , A report from the Committee on Smells was trod and accepted, and the following resolutions A ~,,,,,, adopted concurred in by S. C. Boessived, t, the i Foote rt,,s holders on Ise. , bells Coial o in First Wardipero p oin d o d o i, T l ke IL, to du up ',au Court to the grade established rl==iiiMM by Ccrunak and.for that purpose they may tike material: firma sdyysrt; of the Seminary,-pitr chase; above the gralo fixed for the said proper . Resolved, That-the Street Commissioner be and is hereby instructed and required to take Immediate mamma Under the direitions of the City Solicitor Wince the buildings erected opon Liberty str eet removed, and the aide walks fdled ay,. BO as tO remove the nuisance now re maining on add street. Mr. Oldlett offered the following, which was 'adopted, and concurred by S. C. ' Resolved, That-the . property holders be per mitted to have Jefferson street, from Beaver to Federal streets, brought to the proper grade. Mr. Login offered the following, which was adopted and concurred In by S. C. Resolved, That the Committee on City Prop erty confer with .the Okio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company in regard to the bridge now being erected by the &Mina Company on Ohio street, and that they require it to be of each width an will accommodate foot peasengers, and :that the 'approaches be made in &direct line with the street. On motion of Mr. Wickeraham, ..... Rewired,. That the resolution passed at the last meeting requiring Council to adjourn at 10 o'clock, P. IL, be rescinded for this evening. A petition' from citizeds living on East Lane, praying Caimans to repair gain Lane between Carpenters Alley and Bank Lane. Referred to Committee an streets- Con'd in 8. C. The following-resolution by Mr. Smith was adopted' andeoncurrecl in by S. C. Roolved—That• the Committee on Streets be 'instructed to report on the expediency of making an opening in the sewer in Isabella court, for the purpose of letting off such enrolee water as comes from the, streets above Rebecca street ; providedthe same may be demo at the expense of the property holden , . A petition from citizens of the 8d Want pray ing Councili to have the water pipes Italia Long Alley. get to Com. on Water. Concurred in in by S. C. The petition of G. Gerst 3d Ward. in relation to the Gutters in hie neighborhoodotas referred to Commlitee on Streets. Concurred in by the 8. C. Petition of Neel and Muller, praying Councils to have their proceedings printed in the German Language. Ref. •to Com. on Printing. Con'd The Meyer was authorised to draw his warrant in favor of Jae. Criswell, for number plates for carts, drays, wagons, etc, amounting to $.33. Con. in 8. C. The bill of A. Lemont for sundries VW refer ed to Com. on claims and accounts, con. in by The bill of Victor Scribe was ref. to Com. on printing: con. in by S. C. An Ordinance was adopted and con. in by 9 C., 'authorising the grading,of Carpenter alley from East Lane to Chestnut Cl. . : On motion the Council adjourned. BY TELEGRAPH. ILTDIMD ET MO o'BiLux =LUDLAM! LOU 'AND =Rowan yost tax prrrsnraae warp. FOREIGN NEWS. LIZIVAL OF MEM 13triMBHIP • AMERICA. TIC= DAYS Adrift MON itlitOPZ. HAISFAX. Trizosarm Clines. 1 .1 Tuesday, June 10, 8 The Steamer America, arrived h at 8 o'- clock, P. M. She brings 61 passengers, and dates from Liverpool to the 81st ultimo. leititer the propeller lafayette nor City of _Cflaeipsw had. arrived at Liverpool when the dMserica cm the 81st. I • LIVERPOOL - MARKET. Isviaroot, May 30.. Cotton-:The market closed firm on Friday at the rates current on the 27th, for alldeicriptions. Fair Upland was quoted at 4/c, Mob9e 6e, and Neer Orleans 6ie. The sales of the week amount t 0 161,000, of which 5000 were taken on specula tion,-and 9000 for export. drain—. Wheat is more in request Corn has slightly declined. - Flour—The market is less active. Previsions—Beef is in moderate demand.— Perk is sparingly dealt in, owing to the high rate* demanded—bacon is more; actite.,Hamsl are dull. Shoulders are much sought after,. with large sales at full rates, Of course the mar- ' Yet is cleared of . dock. - Tallow—Prices are 641 higher, Groceries—Sugar he's declined, ..Sala of 2000 , packages tea, with all fealty, on the 30th, at a de cline of Id lb- Rice is in fair, demand, with sales of Carolina at 185618.8 34 yl owt. 0..44—5a1a of. Pots at 278 641, and of pearls. . Naval Stores—F.4min is saleable it 3s Id, and turpentine at is 64.1. • Metals—The market is dull. Iron is confined to retail sales only. Tobacco—The market is quiet, with no :change. Freights are stationary, and rather dell. Per 'engem are tolerably plenty, and rates are lower. ; Moen Idasszer—The market is active. Con sols-are quoted at 9716971. for money. United Statea 1862, 10501106 d 0.1863, 107; do. 1867'and 1868. 11201L3; New Tork fives, 1858 andB6o, 95096; Maasachusetts fives, 1968, '106(107; Pennsylvania. sizes 821683 ; Ohib liteas, 1870 and 1875, 105; Mar yland fires,' 90 Trade is still dull In the manufacturing dia trios -, . HATHry May 28: Cotton—Sales during the week amount to moo lulu, and the stock on band amounts to 16,000 bales. Ten ebips are expected to as- POLITICAL DiTELLIGEbiCE. TIM debits in Parliament on the daily motion relatize to the Ceylon question, terminated in a msjonty of 80 for the ministry. That being the last motion of Importance on the books, the Hue sell Enlister are safe durthg the remainder of the session. The debate on the Rumen Title Dill was pro gressing on the erening of the 27th. The Protectionists held s meeting at Tam worth; the residence of the - late Sir Hobert Peel. The people rose and dispersed the meeting. Several persons were Injured. Finally, the mili tary were ordered out to quell the riot. The crops are promising, - and emigration as brisk as in the spring. - Continental and Peninsular news is un .PUBLIC DEFAULTER.. • - Basnssoas, Jima 10. The Mayor of this pity communicated to the Comas, yesterday, the Diet that Colonel Henry 8. Sanderson, late oily collector, Is a defaulter to s lorge amount. The matter is under consid eration to day;' and the factselidtel SO far, indi cate that 31r. Sanderson Is innocent of. any criMbiality; and he has given up all his proper. ty to his =sties. He crannied his books, and the reiteiving of moneys entirely to his principal clerk, Philip A. Eggerton, his son-in-lovr, whose books) in far as they have been examined, show ...deficiency of 16,000. The entire defalcation Mayresch $60,000. It will_ requireeeveral days folly to investigate the amounts. T ITEMS PROM THE CAPITOL. WAgaINGTON, JOAO 10. G. G. .A. 'Nesbitt Ens been appointed Pout Master at lifse:oo, Georgia. 'John a Hunter of Georgia, has been appoint ad-Parser in the Navy, vice Green, resigned. Theodore IT. Riley has been recognised as Consul of thoßepubllo of Chili, for New York. Captain 'Thomas G. Lee, principal assistant of the Bureau of Topographical Engineers, bas obtained leave of absence, with permission to vhdt. Eurpe. NEW YORK LEOISLATITRX—SPECIAL - . SESSION. ALBANY, JUDO 10. Both Hennes of the Legleleture met to day at 12, o'clock, and immediately after organising v. Banc teat. in Wife:maga, which occupies 'about two newspaper colcunns all devoted to matters which hare been the principal cause of the special session. It speaks of the sudden - adjournment of the last session of the Legisla tares sad thinks that the people plainly showed by their course bithseapecial election, that they areinlavor - orthn.esnal enhargenient. Batnnoas, Jane 10. me mil in through, with New Orleans dates to the ad inst. ' There were 18 cholera eases at New olio= daring the week ending on the 81st A. C. Pressty is aboutissaing.a.daily paper in Charleston, (Sr C.,) in furor Of a Southern Con federacy, but against secession, on the part of Bottth Wane. The News state that these are the sentiments of: a large majority of the . _ CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY. Pinisnmouis, June, 10. The Pennsylvania anniveesark of the founding of the Pennsy Ilospital,lnui celebrated to, slip by an elegant oration froni . Dr. Geo. Wood, at the Musical Fund Ball. FATHER MATTHEW. CEscuumn,..lnne 10. Esther Mather! airkred liere this morning. New °access, Tune A. A ferry befit traret her boilers while crossing the liver to Gretna.. A negro pilot woo killed, sad west* others nriesieg, The stesiatr Wihfleld Beat, from' New York, is below. • 1 • DEFALCATION. id,EXTENBr,VE. 0 u s i . Jnzie sir A well kaolin cotton buyer In this market tmddenly disappeared, o detatdteeto the Minot about $40,000. The loss falls, principally upon three large cotton houses. PHILADELPHIA MARKET rIIMUMPHLI, Jane 10 Flour—The Market is dull, with sales of 2000 bbis common grades at $4,181, and 1000 bbls extra at $6,62¢04,87 labbL Bye Flour and Corn Meal—Salm of rye flour at $3,87i, and of corn meal at $2,76 7E2 bbL Grain—Wheat to steady, with sales .of 6000 bushels afloat at 102 ®lo2i for prime white, and 97 for red. , Sales of 8000 bushele yellow corn at 60@61c Du. Provisions are dull, and prices nominal. CATTLE MARKET Beimmoas, June 10 Beef.-Cattle-The offerings at the scales were 500 head,*4.Bo of which were sold at '582,250 $4 on the hoof, equal to $6,50051,76 nett. NEW YORK MARKET. NOON EIPOIIT. lisw Yost., Jane 10. Cotton.—The market is steady, - with a fair dei mud, at yesterdays rates. . Plour—There is, moderate demand for export. with sales this forenoon of 6000 bris at last quo tations. . Corn Meal—The market is dullard drooping, but without change. Grain—Wheat is In moderate demand, and prices are nominal. Corn is dull, with sales 18,000 bushels at 88®66} for western mimed, and 590591. for northern yellow. Provisions:-Tork and Beef are dull, but with out change. Cut meats are selling at.loBe for hams and 61 for shoulders. Lard is unchang ed:" • . Stocks—The market Is inactive. We quote Morris Canal at 16i; United States Ores, 185 S at 100}; Reading 641: Indiana 991; Exchange Is fan at 1071@i0f. Francs are rathm , easier. BALTIMORE ILAREET. B<LXOII2, Juno 10. Everything is quiet, and busines generally , delL Flour-=Limited sales at $4,12104,18 1,1 , bbl. • Corn Meal—Sales transpired at $2,81 '?bbl. Rye Floor—Sales at V.,60 transpired-at Grain—The market is quiet, with no marked change in prices. • Provisionstiewitiens pork is selling at $l6 ? bbl. - Barn shoulders are selling at TilgilltBc. Sides at 9g9}, and hams at 91®110 ? lb. Lard in bblais selling at 9/010a and in kegs at 1010110 ? lb. broceries—The market is quiet. Sales Rio coffee at S}@,9l 12 lb. Sugar and molasses -ie dull. Whiskey—Sales at 22®23e per gallon. • Wool—The market is dull at 19 cal for an wished oommon. Tobacco—The market is k doll but =clang- . • ed. Fetabers--Bsles st 34®36c CDlCllighal MARKET Ciseauxii, Jane 10. Flour—The market le unchanged. The re colpts and the demand continue about equal. Whiskey—Prices. hare advanced to 18c 11 gen. , • Picriaions—Nothing of consequence is do ing. Groceries—There Is rather more inquiry for sugar at s}®6l lb. Other articles std un- NEW ORLP 4WS MARKET. New Oskrans, Jane 9. Cotton—The market is doll and nothing doing. Flour—There is only &retail demand at S 3 62 es 75 per bbL . Corn. The market is unchanged. Provisions—There is only a retail business in pork, at $l5 50. for mess; Bacon is quiet, with ales of ribbed sides at Bt, and of shoulders " at 6in per lb. Lard is without sale. Groceries—Sugar nad =dames are without, ehaftge. Tobacco is heavy. , nays BY THE PiCIYIC. Nor roar, June 7 The Collins steamer Pacific arrived at har wharf to day at 12 o'clock, making the passage in precisely ten . days. This makes the third voyage in which she has beaten all her otempeti tom. Me are indebted to Mr..Wardrop. Praiser. fortaa London and Liverpool papers'. 2s. The Cotton 3Larket remains steady. . The political news is generally of little Im portance. . . ..The Niagara arrived out on the 28th, after a passage of twelve days. , - GitEATBEITAL.N. hi Parliament there is a tacit understanding between the two great parties that the Pepsi Aggression bill 420 not be made a battle grotmei of political strifes. The Government carry the House by enormous majorities upon all questions relating to the subject. , Mr. Cobden had given notice of-his aim — nal motion for the settlement of international dis putes by arbitration. The Ceylon question had come up and the debate was proceeding. lt in volves a vote of censure upon the Govern- • meat. The Great Exhibition was opened on Monday the 21'tb, at ls. The thong was immense yet the bantling was not overcrowded. On the sec ond day, 28,400 had paid for admission up to 4 o'clock. - -Her Ilajarty has purchased at the Exposition. a tiara at sapphires of great luster and size, and a broach, consisting of two enormous rubies, sot around' with diamonds, by Lemonnierer, of Paris. Lodi Franklin's ship, the Prince Albert has The Legitimists have determined to demand a total revision of the Constitution. A petition was to be presented on the 28th ult. by the Dec de Broglie,lsupported by many favorable to the re-election of Louis Bonaparte, ,The debate on theta] for organising the ha_ Octsrd was of the most tumultuous and stormy character.' After the rejection of amend ments, some in.* liberal, and 'others in a con trary Saute; the home • adopted the fast seven clauses of the bUI, bytehich this force, which to limited to citizens is easy einem:sew:ices, le pla ted ander the authority of the government and its officers.nnd then adjourned. ADijonjoarnal statetrthat the .signatures to petitions, for revision in, the department of the Cote d'Or already amount to tidy thousand. One hundred and fifty Ilona rien Refugees have left Havre for New York. . POATTIOAL. --- Letters received in . Paris from. Lisbon, dated hilyl4, announced that the Duke of Bab:laths had written to the English_ Minister at ;Lisbon, declaring that his intention wan to maintain the constitutional throne. of Donna Maria, and de nying in the strotigest terms, that he Tithed to force the Queen to abdicate. . The Duke of Baldanha, and about 3000 of his 'regenerating' army 'strived at Lisbon on the 150, in eixtratorports: Their reception wu th e in the extreme, nor did any disturb ance. worth recording occur to diminish his Grans'e gratification upon the occasion. The dsy leas not a regular holiday; but the people of Lisbon made It one; and kept up their viva. until past midnight' The Queen and King came in for a very small share of attention; In fact, not a single viva was given to them during the day, except by the Duke of Baldanha himself,' after be had landed and' `formed his troops in the great subsire ,and by , - few soldiers at the theatre, where their Majesties appeared at night,' in their private box, for the flint time since the fall of. Count Thomas's cabi net. NO kind of notice WWI token of their arri val beyond th e strict demands' of customary , et iquette; i.. t., the gentlemen hi the pit took off their hats and eat down to allow the opera,to commence, which "it usually does upon that:. Majesties' appearance in the box. A minute had barely elapsed, however, whe.o the Duke and a part of his at aff entered the bor. nattallyeecupled by the Ministry, and the whole ' hoist. rose with - hearty and prolonged oedema done of , liurrah for the Duke of BaldanahP— Tor-thereharter reformed P— , Aitti for the 'ra ge:sainting army , before stated, these werethe 'general vino of the diy—that In favor of the Duke being far themost prevent; in'fact little elm; was heard daring the day. The following ministry has been appointed : President of the Council, Minister of the Interi or, ad latrine. of War, the Duke of Baldanha; Foreignliffaire and Marine, the Baron da`Daz; Mance-and' Jnetlce, tho Counsellor Fran pal Guar d s Pnincos,-Cemmandant of the Mimic!- . pal Guards, vice Ilan Carlos de Mascarenhos Count Sobral, Civil . Governor of the Lisbon die .triet; Duke of Baldanha, Commander in Chief of Army; end Colonel Don Miguel Elmo:nee. Bub- Chief of the . Staff, • MEM Dkers from Rome of May 17th state that the Papal Cloverrommtbas published a deems an. nouncing that summary punishment shall be In dicted on every person. 'endeseoriag to prevent , another smoking of asing-tobsoco. letters from Nice,-• In Vedment state that ceosiderable agitation prervells both In tltat town and at Genoa.- At Nice a meeting was 'held in the Chamber of Commerce, at Which sk Pretest drawn up in the moat revolutionary language, wa adopted, threannumg to declare themselves ludePehdent incase certain:lliad regulations de- I creed by the lieamontese Government should be enforced. At Genoa, it is said that there are I=l more than 14,000politicalrefugeesorht , are only Iralting an opportunity to create an insurrec tion. In the sitting of the 19th of the. Chtanher of Deputies of Turin, Signor Wert°. addressed • Question, of which be had given Soder" to the Minister of Foreign Affair's, on the subject of the diplomatic relations el.Piedmord with Rome and of a rumored league of the former power with the other States of Italy. The Minister replied, that the Government was undoubtedly making every effort to restore harmony between the Church and the State, but that it would never sacrificoits duty to the coon- try in order to obtain that end. The Minister added that the only cause of Count Siceardi's resignation was his precarious state of health, sad that as to a league with the, other Italian States, there was no foundation whatever for that rumor. MISCELLANEOUS. CHLORATE POTASH—SO Um. for sole jet B. A. YARNESTOCK k CO. ODFISH-10 dm= for solo by /.2 J. S. DILWORTII CO. C O J R 2 N . —5OO bu. for srzb n yi lworrn Co. ARRELS-200 new Flour, for sale by JeR J. O. DELWORTII 1 CO. TIMMER -160 k!p ni t sung m .... mtew. 4) In aV4 %."' SAFETY FUSE- 25 bbls. iiiarrive,for by UB2) J. 8. DILWOIIIII* 00. REFINED SUGARS-106 bble. Clarified, Pa.lend. sad Crwhed,miler_br JAIIM A. 111:TC111BON & W. GOLDEN SYRUP—In bf. bbls. and 10 gal kegs, ft= tba ltruls Rafternfor ludo by j.sJANIS A. 111)1'01190N A OD. ICE-20 tierreis Carolina, for sale by )02 LOMA. LIUTCIIISON a(101. • EMP-130 bales Mi. D. R., for sale by iA2 JAN IS A. HUTCHISON A Co._ LEAD -1400 148'60100a; GOOO Tbs. Bauffor Je2 A.II7CIOBON t 00. QIIOT-65 kege need Nos., for rate by JAMES A. HUTCHISON A 00. FR MARIETTA AND HOCK- T.—The Int Itenttre PACIfItt, . r Ij i m mute.4...,14r4,1,urzv: tnct,..r.u. IF or imight ot plaria• nigh' ukr.d o V i gm. night° leo. ell Water and GI hoot C onti RFAIULAII WHEELING AND !MAMA PAC/LT—The GA rumba run " --... v...-tyrrgz,,T.t...,,....... Fr a . w .„„ puhhb, buying Pittsburgh evet7 Muhl up agitheeetti he Welles Ilk. Presulieulte= l , 3 l Mt= " ra e" rwri, 78 4,, , rillassalut P liti stguenba.leures Bridge. 8 - hid Subdue...re Itutse eftsrututh slag &Web 'r:fli Y et i". ' rtil rer 1 " Ft in!. Via:Mtn:4l' B CON-43AD lbs. Eboulder.2 —__ CIODFISH-11 tierces for sale by Dma V" " itarbrAITTIV/t CO. V.I4 - WICA t AcCANDLY44. QUGAR AND MOLASSES— • ...Nzhb4.. whip N. O. Borsz ^9O bbla. • Mularmr. for by - 41=8 A. uurcensoN t co. FrOjt.iouEgumest , 403 ,.. k u esi v el pi e rn ri m or ws * soNs. IVt)LASSES-5; 1 0 bble. prime N. 0., (oak;) w" rzat' k.s; `a . Lire!*" WINDSOR SOAP-50 boxes Hyde 's, for W. by lear) H. A. PAILNESTOCk 100. 10 bble. for sale by ROBISON. LITTLE a CO. INSEED mt% RIED BEEF-2000 for tale by 1,7m,= HOBIPON. LIT= CO.. SS ES-200 bbla. N. 0., for ealo by reyZl ROBISON. urru • co. D RIED•PROIT-55 0 bu. Peaches; m A pol • for sm. b m nosisom. i.rrna a mu r ANNERS' 011.—W bblp: for sale mr=l R9BISON. LITILR by e N AILS--100 kegs for sale by laral 8.0111.8011.1.1T1LJ a CO. .72 • ROOMS— i i.SO doz. common to &Ist; twat rultortititr. ' ; tat (IOFFEE-150 bop Rio; fbr 2) At& N. LITI.IOI CO. nwV. Pm IRON-240 tons Ben's erect; mot: a Wutlinge ftaftle br 110111210.1,11Tha .; t Cu 1:57Z Liberty - ZO terse ;rim VIII MAK 100 net... be. I Bentlmre le uerese leeee Ite - e; mYA JO A l new; xi ey GMI " IL:Arg:C O . II. " e. ,' et- 111 CHROMATE POTASH-750 lbs. for JEF br 1141 J. KIDD A 0,). Q,ENEOA OIL-2 bbls. for rolle r l oa co. ' ! 1.2 1 1 OAF SIIOAR-1 00 bbls. ass'dOre.b.W N.os.; Zor ocl• bl I W. 4 P. WILSON. inwlr.: - .. , 147 first, oz.d 1111 &cowl w. kg UGATC-11) 111. s. Cla(ified, fur salo by 1.7 mw-1 =ULM i 116NSWIT. I iSALERATU. b grl.l 6 fL a t P ' EST. str27 ‘.:IIOULDKIIS-12 casks'for seta. by , I 5.., au= ENGLISH a IMINEIT._ V UTS-20 bn. Chestnuts; i"- lalSroVilifiell%vir. rE i I SIJOAR-18 0 bhde N. o. j t , rirs: D for sat by I arIS a - Water 0. I liSODA ASH-20 casts Karts's brand, for I sj ...is by my 6 9.. t W. ILLZILtraII. • 1 RIED FRUlT—Peachmq Plums; fir We la trVT. XeCLUEU iig h'4"4 m 715 Orwell .41 Tao tvlan: EM P-23 Wes Missouri, on obrorignmon 11l .01 ftr sat. blr, /MIX% (HAWN ho. 134 Vrocied. COTTON -25 balessegg for by psis __ Ise. 134 rrout et I rEAB -.s(7ldiliests Youngityson; 0 . " Inuit Onk. IlarM 11a.14. 07 ISMAIL DICKaT a CO, tuyl3 _Wain aid Fermi O. --_.— _ _- OLT PETRE-75 rack. Crude, _for sale by t. 7 ntsl3 ISAIAH MOSSY A co. 11l OLASSES-500 bills N. 0. S. IL for ....T.M. saal. by myt4 . 1 / 1 1W DALULL 1,1 II lIOI.ASSES-100 bblo battle ground 10 - . IL IL Mows hr ma. Ay Jilin DA ELL . MACKEREL -75 bbls Imre No. 3, for 11,11 . e • es act Y. WILSON. MACKEREL— 1111Pmecod 0. , ._,l it IC —l°° uer sAr .. smie Ile •tne i:ALgiATUS-42 caite. far tale by 5. gZ% C.I.KiOOLATE- - 1 30 bee. Bost., for tale by sq_l2 WICK.• eIeCAIIDIZAS. NEEDLE WORKED COLLARS, Yloune ( 1.. Llgltug et Sranaltattoll "relate* a Lan I. "P"'" Y. 11. EATON. rourth . q.„_ 7 °r P ,T 3 begs 6 CT] Ziit u r 27, I:ce uUFFALO ROBES—AU grades kept 6n. IJIN stabil,. cm but:land kr W. by 1.713 A. CIILISLLTSON & OA, iI.ERDIA.fi CLAY-200 boxes for eale,b Afi DALZELL t 00.. Librrtr ft, lIIEESK--20bxs. W. R. Cream, for sale by g. 12 A. a W. IL& RBAtO . -------- 1 IRV' RIDES-200 (prirool for sale by =l2 tt. t W. RAIIIIMItiII. 1.)01rD EXT. LIQUORICE—IC:7; for oak . b/ soy* D. — A. PAIINEATOCK t CO. BA.BRY'S—TiICOPIII.;II.OUS-12. do:.for /al& by It. E. SLURP, mom 01 Wuxi 4.. • 1110 E FLOIIII; Prepared Cern; ' AL Twiny, Tsrim. _ At t. .n Far We by Wll.. >IC 0 LUIM a CO.. ' 037/3 9i6 Llbertr st, VNCH GELAT I NE, IV h ite and Colored; , Z3 7 :o t taz i rmn 'sing/sae. fur =kip; Mlle. • irtyl3 WM. ru A. m IIeCi.CCO 1 CO., G. and T.. Dval iqg - . 1-.ll7.RUNllS—Ltodeaux Prunem, In m glaeuo jars n , .1.17. t. .. liy bairs,.._ 8- Li.ryna Prutim for Anle by WM. A. MeCLUnfl A W. AcKEREL---n bblei 1. coolaT i lt", MIL in - 115. bin. 3. far anlo by 14 AI-60 bble. for sale by ' myl2 •J.Ki DO t CO.. (V Won •t. fIi,LUE-40 bble. (extra) tar rate by LA .02 J. Xll4/ 6 CO. ABIB. 4..'t TONIA -660 li x.lerPaleby gt m 712 J KIDD 00 • • • 'PPR SALII- Wagon, in 'it; 1 o?i.,lnt..plpte I ;A Itictill.,-1 1 ) bblif. Winter Strained, for .4. ~ r re i Tio n. E. sv.u.nts,67 wao.t. ti.E.Nti;SIIED —5 bble. for era by. • n..ci SELLT.IIS. 1. U PEN TINE--10 bbi. r 'Rayl2 R. . . 11 , 1 ; —6OO galls. Flazeeed rale Dr mrlall. CITRIC AULD-600 lbs. (pure) for sale saylb J. KIDD t Wood st. .1311114 K ROOT -2000 lbs. for sale by .1413 J. KI DD At co. A2gREL-120 for by al . . . IsiolassEs—loo bblo. for salo by _ a0'.121 ILL W. lIARDIVOII STONE PIPES 7 -840 v ! i xae: Ircriatottl ACKERE4-150 bble. No. 3; 1,0 zra lbr . oralt_rb .1,711 WICK • MeCANDLi.b. iti kITOOM S-210 &M. ‘ 7 , 43 lc 7 i NfOrsale n ba sx m 713 B Lrjp4-3? kegs fv l ealo l bL lANn a gs. ,.. Srtiridifigeis—s caskeNo. 1„ for Edo by 10 , m 71 3 : • WICK k Edu-CANDLOSB C,ORN-560 bu. for efe..by I: t 1 mrs 1 IFII.WOIat 1 CO. TOBACCO -4 hhde. Ohio Loaf for i salo by =re J. 8. DILWORTH CO- C)11N--3 5 bpi's. for rale , 1- 6 i 76 ""N Bol3NtidEritroTat. DALTELL, Wholesale Grocer, Com - Is Lam romardlag blgehuit,and &martin els. —N ton ater 4...4 Yassu, sad Pitubmh Manaselanni Enna lira W Ttl Th. L illUbarsb. L. Y MOMS' TEA! —Morris' Tea Mart the Disaiinut, Reomod Door room Dtamorot slier. in Medi. We establishment le us no soexectoureted W . :14 sone 1047 op.Md rout door hr . 11:0 a 1,1 • BE-4_oo bags prime Orden mi. an itio. foe all by J. D. WILLI/AID 11. my; ta 116 O. . . Ingon ZANESVILLE —The -fine P.M" •PDIT Ou tam,. PACKET 8E ..32z.Y/210 " 1 :71.7 tor WhealloNA.splina'sad Sunfish. NiNtettneNisT ti sad Ettatisy.st b l rra Orrefoct.s.. rfelliN . ship t iemelat Wood upon • this bost =Naos reNalazi7 " grigNisrtk ' t7r bassatie. war onlosNi• NOD MPGITLAR WEDNESDAY. CKET,CLNCINNATT. LUPUS. Job. sham 'lisle splendid beetwee built the owners of the steamer Isla Newton, std others, An the Cincinnati end Pittsburgh Puska trade. end 1•111 lease weerrwd lu m plani si or t tli tri. e Egg. • mrlol K BEENWOOD ' ROSEDALE Air REGUL*[ PACKET—The eplendld fast runnilnng atrw boat cutzrrem. K. T. wane, Muter, leaves them] of the Oki All.gbg Bidge: (SU Clair street,Y every hour, edonnenelng et 9 o'eleek., M, and conthantng until the Gude= elm. She land on the Allegheny aide, gar the aceommedatlon a paeaen. cost, W.. at all other Pante. airr.tr• Trig et 7* e. NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1851.' 1 ad ,. ftst ruxiii . tre.;CASlG . fß, vzp h z.ustotar ; Vll i ktlag, Brldgepart (Imam, and 3 delcck..P.ll,, tor ;Peelle:M b " Tear, ' aln e f . g.r . ; at 3P. M., (areal/tins atattl nava. Retnnalt, leaver Stinnett every llcadck at 10 'deck, A. M.. aaa IV jana Wheeling every Blond and TnareavaVM For freight ana peonage ap• JOUply an 1 • mcbT REGULAR PACKET BE TWEEN WELLSTILLE AND PITT& laid 11—Thelinktdrsionnt strainer ART.NA. D. P. Stoney. neuter. team WElLrobile avers . Monday. Wolufsds7..nd Friday. at b o'clock. A. M.. for Duo LT eriss.l. Ulasbov, bleVerrsn't Landing, Deaver. and Ms- Werth. L..... Pittsburgh every ToesEhT. Tkunelay, and bondsy, atlo oclock. A.M.. amendMeser, bleTerrana ard. , tact Llverpcol. Wellsville. _. L . War frnlskt . paean. UMW' lib bard. .W.' —.- ipEGULAIL PITTSBURUIIAND offloodl4 at 4 t i := te - c w " l " K g°,...`l;V:gB,,tri .betwen this el= %Imhoff. owing . rittsbutiol "10 sishok I:::".alikl= dl = 7 .T l t rr•L r jsi= i , e , • ff.. Is frek#4.ol.ffoiinsge,sliffoup_booni. or to Alcoa' Koff tillitoosAssato 6 twist, on bbls. N. C., for nate by vim IicCANDMES. - - - IFAMS-319 S. C. Canvass -; for sale by H WICK k IIeCANDUL43. n UCKETS-440 doz. Beaver, for sale by .1.4. WICK I IdeCANPLYMI. T AB—. 2 bbls. genuine Barbadoes, for sale 1itt.1.21 J. KIDD AROOLS-2 bble. for Bale bY w 2, _ )KI . DD* CO. 7 litO H. A. FAH% EISSOCK DO. lbe. Cantharides, fur solo by B. A. YAILNTSTOCK CO. ,' ST O O L BAGS-1000 new and old,. LET. fo r sale uuIIPTIT OSTARD SEED--500 IM. for sale by IL A. YAIINCATOCH t CO. IA PE ALOES-1000 lbs. for Edo by e 2 H. A. TATINUATOCK A CO. 13RUSSIATE POTISII--500 Ite. for JL bY riell D. A. rAILNLETOCK a co. Apienitural Implement& IL HAVE JUST received from the East the imbswing 1,20....0, al a the best roonotortore t w. lbo toel=t=aLlagy And I would baths all Der. lineldnoe. low awn. bmtk .b.ru rot. hour Cam ;bet Oar Woo and bred power. Anew sad Ikon Melt Coulud cos.. ZwilVeiskrl I:5:1=e - Mites.; Csateueel Orono And Prom tt.. end Ilnot Conolool two. lbw. and lbw rm, tort. All totnatectured rem tho best Ea sale at the Drug nod bawd Wee of . 71. WICIEMAILLIt. no Ir. Caw. of Wood and faxth street/I. CASTILE SOAP-50 boxes for sale by yta._ B. A. FAULT-MCI. M. BLUE VITRIOL-2000lbs. for sale,.by ern IL A. ZAIIXISIOCS. A CO. OATH filildk----4615456147:1, (01Wei1 anti B. A. TAMILISTOCHCO. 11.11R0315 YELLOW--.V) eases Baltimore. tar.talx it mral a. A. FAIINICLSOCT. A co. SALtRATUS-30 casks for Mile 1:A . A.. PAIINIATOMA CO ' 4 LUX-50 bbls. for sale by IL A. TAIIIMTOCI A CO. L1QU11) ULV}-4 grovri, la very vuporior .rod., delgtine to lair the t oy. Wit,. rtmanttma , ie. attopetbott , .-22 - tab . y .1. L'ILD • W. ma y 24 Oa WeJud v. aINSEED 0114.-500 palonv for sole by "I 0121 J. SUVA .1:22.. ma - . del ' ----------• SUND 2.2.2)11 , ..22tra tte Plow. 4412•6e7n al roma. 60 tarrek• pew 2..4122•22 • burets *p. 21 . 2.20 hr rharoet. , 7,2 : r•sVroilr. . . 123 the npor. 2 . Lod. . . MI baobab rm. owe. • ' . .... , .. lOU - Qat.. 23r tale o 2 v o sannagt. .. ' ~., W aN. dirt_ I.IVE: Sa.K. LACES—Large assortment. Aj es%""! b " 9 ' —ittni,-roluminEux AID 01L—Den7kett. & Jones' brand_ T . :or Ltale by . ray26AtAII DICKEY 4 co. LARD -12. bbla. No. L fur sale by WICK a eIeCANPLICSS. tattat_ career Wand eral Water ete7 OATS—.:BA) bu. for pain by m,=l F. NC. IIAUSISCOS. VOILS—IN bu. for sale by / mod •s. V. IJABIIAIXII/. 111.1ro, tram beses: Ifon wiv ;: , L=nls6 CAL b:lL ‘arnistn.l • •• `ll.rullA Tea. la LIMO 1124‘) for wt. 4y WM. A. )I,4:LUSO A CO., I+l,l V.sol.llmrti 1(q11..10)/3" ra. ...21•2131•1 11 4'. 1 1.01 t 22 . .._ 2- . " "UrireritilitAVOlL p ARL ASII-6 . tons for mislay ENOLIIIII A BEN NETT, E.T% I= Nomad, red Ibl Pinot st. EIOOPS--' 49,000 Split - Ash. for sole by lINOLIOI i DE.siNFS_ INDIA RUM= L 8411. DIE& 0 d11f0,0020, 010 tb.p u t Nos. T and v licod 0. P AA AMR SUGAR- 44 bbts. very choice Ida, AV -11- Pie 8"".' lwt "" M'atTio A CO.. thug= swam Maio. 81:10AILS—Doulblo Refined Leaf, Ornehrd, Pelvert.W and Pandered; ronetently nd end ler min by the Wrel nr ret4l.t the Iowa& eae rot., hy A.IdeCLURI) it oo.. Win . Z 6 Llbertf_st. DRIED PEACHES-1000 bushels (brigh balm) In Moto awl for bT m • 1016 Y. lIATTTIEWS CO. A . P A uls l - 41PtUg:Tr e s'ir le --------- - AS TOR OIL-9 bble. (Blow's make) for • MIRY, ATTIIEWB OU. CC. by UGAR-240 hhds. prime N. 0., for sale by mu - AULD A. HUTCHINS/I CO - - - - - - • ----- • • GV OPLEY'S POT CLAY-46 bbla_. justree and kn. sale br J.BCIIOOI4IIIAKIM CO. mr.O CLOVES -1500 lbs. for.salo by =723 O. A. FAIINESTOCK t CO. `UP. OARB. SODA . ,--21i . lfpRiALi . nle c pj 21_2_ '"" tiItENCH FLOWERS —A splendid variety of 01. aorta 071. Y -watch we American rowers. w Icts err met rr.pered to WI very clever,at wtroleealo or A. A. MASON 0.1.' irou, fur solo ort,t,r.os. PEACILES-35 packs in store, will lI be avid low m elnio tnr.:l . ISAIAH DiCKET I CC. ran'ed pure sELLEus. Altitlotto, for sale by min J. D. CANYIELD. ROOMS-100 doz. Corn, for sale by zwr. J. D. CANPIELD. SAERATU9-100 boxes pure; 2) . M./21 DLL. J. D. OA r Alrete STUCIA.R.--100 bble. Powdered, for sale by ' own 17,-15 bble. good grease, now land rroot .utzo.co.o.romt 2 for'“I• bY LULU' ICKEY-1k 4.. Watzr and gnat Ma OPRANSPARENT WASH BALLS--A fino artiola r•e'd for Ii at lb* Drug Btor. tares N. Wit:KERMAN. - - IfiIXOILANGS BANK STOCK—For sale by D. 1119, Banker Rubanss BBrolter. ; . $ c• . . or. 0.7 ay= 110811-4 cab • ate, for solo by_ I. B. OkX7l.gra - RIED APPLES— .1 bag DALVILL for sac by_ Co. p " A'% c.- . for 1 . 411.21 mtdl 1 ax.oo. 1--O,3aL,Asll-25 Z mitt. EZEffl isrmrt— lt.. for solo by J. KIDD & co. 603-1:10,111.. 4 . erd Ikon .MTN , " M.urb.'mfrhgetl). WILL PAPER, of my own maiitfactuie, tor Parkm., Cba.bi..id • Darl9ll DM. YLLifati, 00 lisztat . United States Hotel' at Philade lphia THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully annum"! T Mt told, friends and the -travelling condrndtp, he h. asvateed thf Proprkdoreblp of in connectio P e UNIT TATES. ro Loner, known connection With the lioteluinder the late Proprietor. he feels perfectly , rata in pronshing Ito old patron/4 that nothing 'hall be Venting. to modem Its previeue reputation as the beet kept boom In the country. NO edemas has be. Maud In 0000 y m ly ratting the entiretablishment. and he partimarlT invites attention to th e....vet intredured ror the con- Ted.. and comity. of he solicits Being dvoir drievleiu e4l to die vatieraction. he solicits a motion.m of that patrcmage alW.ye w freely.brstowed 013 the old Vetted -Plates. loaf 71:3n1 ;• A. (I: ALLEN. OMAS WHITE, BONNET MANU FACTURES No. 41 South Second Street, (above ed. net tided Philadelphia. febliely TourrifdoiTifkire tale Grocers, M Slarketrt.l.ll43lplas. .p4l b.. secualox .... • - 1.11. trams. R EALD, & CO., Tobacco CommLsalaa Mereasettet Net 41 Nara, Water stmt. o. la North Wham. lttlatlebettia . , 4,101 MERCER ANTELO, General Commis- Mon Merebooto, Philadelphia. Liberal advanoem on aroll4MlDeilti of Prodon orroetally. fjortO.l6m NEW YORK. Office for Foreign Patents. • - Nu. 5 (Pallet., .IY,. York, and 186 Fleet st., London. rATENTS FOR INVENTIONS procured In Greta Britain, Pronse,'Belortott. /leitintd, and all er parts of Bumps—the Oman, Cuba, and the Bra -1,. zi Pull Information out!. above can be had by addressing J. P. I Wall atnaat. Nee York. and Superior Black Writ .k.g_ and Copying Ink. JONE'S EMPIRE INN., Nnagatt etreet, Out Banding, Nor Sark. Xerf MOM 10 fin 'MDT. -rte. pv dos., it fa. Poe. perdos.-- drastabt. .. .... amts. Tat. te the teat *nide mu.n.t...d.. awl OUP d YING IN a t(=aad cut ro=e; tooptd. rar.odzw,,,rat=bl:l....thq. Qa =trebly adapted tor the Meal Pen. • Thttuadatt*tted V.7.4vd to ftwateh to the tr;de tiler tor export or bottle eutoumptloo.'at the abare rerT l o7treri . rt.F.L,..,--dglzv4rd -iPtt. or keep la o r rarWl czar; at nett eon. IllEOIN)FtE LPN T, 6: NYna "eEP4'.""olltr. QOM . % Pir . dos.. }Nat& 8 os. Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherans, OR MEDICATED COMPOUND, for re. storing. pnwerehm and beentiChni the ImMetwilim . hoar mart and tlandrulf. and coring Manses of the Ain. thuds mid moans/, sting, min, brawn. swab.. eta It Mu been ascertained to experiment. that Darrife Trimble eroas b.• produced the 002[111 effect In etning-silsessee of the ril i h n sisMi ' l l eetat h o '"*. Goo n aed aU the animal rood. She „in LO • the held of the MwPamtlon, and the estimation in will& It la held by three arbo ham . o're° It • Walt —Sr, - Yon& 5ept27..." MO. Paor. Maas—Dear Pir—l la+si boon afflicted with • cu taneous eruption of Ma acalp, of • nmet agaraeated /bar hter,for the last /lateen yeas* and durita that Period m bad the advise of mania the moat eminent phials HAW, =them tried all the preparatkum fee the hair and elm Pow known, without the least bestetlL Inu adebtell by • frksid to try your Trio:Theron. I did ea, ea a !Mt Mate. and. to my sambas and pratilleatlon.fousul smelt' cured La about two :math. lineh wan the violence of the divorder that at hates I emu partially blind. • • Reeptatfully, yours, I/ V >yBAPEINT. 140 Colombia street, Itraoklya . • • Nue Tuff. Oct =, 10.50. Timm Bult—My Dear Sly—About mu Teen env := name but a crud- deal. and my heed triu muhl with dandruff. 1 vas toil by anneal in try yostrTyloopher mu. and I did rn. ad to my vitnuirlintenti toy hair was Omni,. raved. and ail Ma dandruff &appeared, u the heed now !Mole for Petit With rupee. I to you otiedl rent. TDEADWELL, 4A3 fimildeuT• If amUty or gentleman dont. Um authenticity of the stale, they will , plum call at Professor A C man. 137 Broadway, Nur Yuri, whore he will Produce the mini mal letters. lYnon the Military and Karol Anna; Nree. 0. 1!51 1-I Then le no rem ed y tor ths yeruteocat .are of Inkiness lead dilemma of the crania= intserellf. that boo rte.th. , she Peaalority enjoyed Pr the article kne.rn as Notts.'s Barrya Triensherou. Mediented Compourel. It to en tenderly and tn. the upper 8111.44.6 of the . eummunity; to aleneedeerry nursery in the lend It le awl in greferclete to other snicks of tb. 0104. It impute nicer be the motto( the hair, and that erowth to a rrattartable de- P,re. It /retrofit tEntrrlgill and evert sad ..maion the hair Pee nod elowty. It will came all Minutes of the. inichne scald heed. den nom. and Ca.' oboolious dam of the .010; ID cheap..es se ceser, it Maras unrolled. It le mid fume batter, grew =coot. at Na 1:11 Broadens, .4 at the Druggists german, thzongbout the Claitteiniatee sadCanula. eatMlld • • PUNTING INKS. LIUTCHINsON a, Co., N 0.13 sprucestre.t, NEW YObX, Wbedeta mantifactarces of lb. best LI:GLIM Pia-STING INKS. km Sm. inni Lltt. f Flos a l=k4. 7r ,. ijrolt. 'anti go. wily_ apon all orginarS Pnonon. Lk...Matto= in tn. tti., ammo. so OKI. a Mob nosaaralpertoomitner to .21 roperior to any °that'll:Ma nem In use. Bold at prima rarying ft.. 75 ots. to ILA per /b.. U. Gl.Z.T . rt= e n r retit=rt . of shades. Loulity varying from SIX to =Ant. , took3k-Un • Shawl and Mazildia Warehonce. , F ,it S. MILLS, !Co. 6 COP.TLANDT ST., • try Ran.) NEW TOILE, is m o s; zionio a onli Si9lVE l gTVWVri h Tgvr ' = ''' pt 1 , 04. 1 1 1. LACE /11ISLIN and all kinds of SILK SLLATILLAS. mannfaitno. red from lb. Saris fasnims.. received by tbe steamers and oartkolatly agar. tO the 40..1 0 ,,_ . .•d• MAD • reof oplatili4 Ronk PAILAMILS AND Mb of King. .P:nnt 'AMA nat. , ang silk ImMt Satin 1...1Na. Con.bon an4'Elog.- bam ttoltrell. All of is Men will ba atm.. exmonaly ;Mom. Ws estocially liorlte our Warners teletideM amt. nor stock be.% panbasing. FrA fl D' ti=tr. SValiff'd CHICAGO, ILLINOIS _THOMAS HALE,HALE, FORWARDING b COSIML9SION MERCIL auceau, _. . . - - - ONTLVIIES Ilia ueual facilities.to receive C ewe Hale, auul Trensh;m3.4. allstorrltimar murigned Wag. IYALIA lean a a duct doily fur all polol lM La... earl the Illinois Canal Lai Rite. 11•Iiretwet—Ilews. Loma. litetrrs. 011 t, A Qum. Xr. John A. Cm.lary, ST. LOUIS & ST. JOSEPH ST. JOSEPH, 10313013111. MIDDLETON, RILET Pm 3 non Gansolatott. and Fortrardlo; 3teteh.st.. on tba Uwe, Pt, loottl. It.kr to Alevoles tiordothand Loma. Etnibm a ITO. t e II ■ ATID Q. TUTTLE, Attonacv at law,. L and Cmramistloan 4 4.66631,6.16..i.C -I.lValrt:r atolrried. ocl7 101 I N R. RANKIN, Attorney and Conn feller at .L.r. and C05ra16666.+ tor the 21641 6 ti 0.71.66, 1106 . of ?iusbv. rg y2..) 14156.666,-Pitobar h: llom M ar666.1- cum Wm N.Matt6n. I Meagre. .3.6262 rarkm 6.66616, )1606rd ACM. *6¢Mtly AKIIRICAN HOUSE, lIANOVER STHIET,. 00310 N. THE undersigned having ontiraltr •^ - builloudittlarval lame *Amite nta h- etuashung lo all about threobutair4 and tifty teat the tn.Mlln( eortua.Y. •' An mimed. ootkeef the oosomemedennendeneeent this = rtrh ' eaer bre =ice . = be nl =t7rtit P :..a atteertieetonL Bothee It to my.. expo. te. been mar. tO render .7 epartment retie. Tbe furniture wee made exemody to order. teeeddlemet l'enri="l:Z=.:Ortntz=tinTZtria tom. The Mt.. MOW% are tapeetene, .1 the boom tor mods wilt be me errs.. se to .11 the emend.. of the early and tate. • Ittery department wilt te enedoeted . onetreytlons 'Amman , sod the nrorYtelet ttledyee hhoml7 %het the Amerind, Ilowe itOl7 the VeYelite. O feadhordt.haT LEWIS HIM Flew Mink. OUN.DS. FROM KENTUCKY; by Rob 16n end Dublin Wellsee, Yomelete: World's lair Welts. etreviglng, er ()cod Lockrolka. i. - ihico virrolh. : Worm grotto, friend. of titYyou th ' Thou hew wounded the seen that loved thee. Sow" that see brightest. Jenny lantre Itled genic. ' Nay Year's Tele Polka. Polka. Blue Juniata 01 , 1 Bachelor and 014 Meld. ' Lament Isf 111104 Orhhantilrl. Thy voice ode to Mil. ear. Lament or the Wish Psgrwant. re , JOIN B. MELLO] KLELIER Ix= just received Joie Wok. • * Nations' Union. .14 pattiotio long. dedicated to the ilroa Henry Mar. Dtiog de , 11c%c ,. r. tow Ethiopian Doer. by Strobes C. I T; r, iftyrDelar; to mug bribe Alleghenian. Little Mono= outpace from Dar fl Copherfteld. Sweet Ilona% ea mune by Jenny Lind. with ore Amax. panhaants. Tho Do Mountain Delay. • - k. Yloraell wrriton and eouctweed bY e. O. foolor. and ileilretod to Waller:7 Womb. of Ytttabwrgh. whore the morning'. duette. ' • I know who. My bleselng wifit thee ono. Homeward. lot cri;nt i c k,o. Alto— Drinking bow, Paw, ICaltres, Ka let Third greet. N. ' II.EA eplondid lot of rt. digatt/TX:11.%. • Copley's Pot Clay. riiHE subscribers are now Solo Agents to of c' ? .. . r tat of ultei Stml Po% 0. It it mule of one of the men Infusible tubattatto known: and la Tarr carefully .akcaal and defamed protium to Eructing. to 9 J. SCIIOO,OIAK Ea t CO. 11E111Y-15 tons Men. 1). R., for sale by LL myl6 JAIII29 A. ILUTCUMON A CO. MACKEREL -50 bbls. No. 3, for nabs by mylb , lIIIADRIDON 4 111(11111A31. IgNOLISII SPLIT IT.CCS UAI —Received ilnd Mr sale by' inL A. AfeCLl a CO., aVAI Umoon and Tea D.LI&M. SALMON -30 bbls. and bf. bbls. No. 1, for by &bib .7011N WATT it CO. HERRING -10 bbls. No.l (now) for sole by no bs DUILDRIDOS & Es GIMAM. MOLASSES & SYRUP -100 bbla 8. IL.188•0808 10 " P: ti Dbla mntram far gietz 1108.1811.008. m r.A 0006 QtA i PE SHAW LS---Redd this day, per • ex eps, was eaten et those eery dateable Oslo Oul •xa old Crape shards. rat prima. • • • mei • A. A. ITASON A CO. • - - D RIEp APPLES-15 - bbls. for solo by BVILBIUDOE zarli • 376 Wwer st. QUAD-40 bble. 1,10. 1; ° m y:4 " 7i3ultiThßigaVAlSElliA3f. : t 7 .. IME-50 bble. White Lonizeille, for enle by my= - BEYNETt.' 5 0 000 FT. PoPlae 3 on l 43 anA S‘uktr Vatuni sammrr ENGLISH MUSTARD—CoIman* in kegs of 0 ItOsnd 181 b. each, Iscism Ihr de by min X/. .1 ,, aUCK.4 1 CP. .yolt RENT.—A three 'story brick • Morning biome, &tuts onntristrest.brOresa " mat sad ltos• the bows Is vet flaisbs4 with_ by drsat tbs kitchen sad Own which then Is • nun lam pith Lot sad cold tester. Possessiess siren lantistUstdY sppli to -- 5. F. 1:05505:5110HST At CO. • Ham At pt Fnat Howse and Lot for Sale. _ A L ARGE LOT, on Lescock street, Al- g 2 Aeri h t% ="4,outretrtg.4q Trutt Weber with • rood Beek Dwelling 'loupe., _um 5 rooms. Feeler= epuly to ACHESON WOUDHOU Do, Dimon street. orJ011:4 SCOTT. mSTORE BOOM TO LET, on Market et; airid door trom • Potirlib and adjoining Um Mei. and Javelty dim of. W. W. Wilson. 13tore Room haa the ha dreoml front in the city, and in ibe best imam for •• Di 7 iimd. mi Pm?' Riiidindr. Rent for tbe Mimeo of the gm will be my low. m quire of JAMES VILLY. or 0 for - • Real Rstats Sale. A VALUABLE unimproved LOT, on the A eorner of Liberty and rectory streets, MTh Word. D =ente the German Queen. 30 feet !rearms Lib erty, by 100 feet deep on rectory, reacting bark to Sprints 'd ile—the three story Brick Dlreillairese on libert/ street, edeotoleg_tne oboe., the lot he lps TA fort front tor 100 fort deep. me house le Lane aml oreeenlant, bat In modem say le. and contalas Waren toolU. A arm. of my • snub]. lone near Slanrppuret A A rum of 110 scree in Went Doer Also—A Farm of Mt sera In Lownnee county.' o =Am ... . . ... ,iiirls;:iiiiliu om fOO in county. of various also and Aboo—,l2. Smootoblettt to Nowa". 1111aoli Mt. moderato. oke of .- S. P. kO.L. AL IRTTER.ILIN " . • • Attorney. at Law. aad last Potato Agar: tof* N 0.107 /moth stmt. Pattbuttg. Li NUR ItENT—A Warehouse on Watera amt. he. sett se rry a Pe. ealtahli ks IT'ir b " ft.. " - IrMrB &MIAs 68 Wator at To Let, IrlIE well finished and famished Store, y 2 j on Third etrdd, near the Pod Oflloo, at present wended by Mrs Park i ef b as o a A =Mbri i 4% , i° reylibtf Lyttles Bow. ' (Poet, Trlbithe. and, Mendel capy.l • teIkFURNACE, at Dresden, Muskingum co, Ohio; 14 tallealkom Zattearlp Eno manilas ardor, ett o.eto• atom Easter, ta or roanlog oat Rau of Pig Ina tier day. Then att aboneLeat aot/07 the I. He Immolate rklnity. It bteoeoleetel by abort venal with floe 31tok0ngum Ares, latch Is barbpille tar et...Wats Rot greater pat of the year, thereb7 efordlolt faeilitles for shipping to reneart ll e. or to soy meat cm the Ohio thee. at low Woe of !Melt. na oaratob7re ottoutaetured at MU Pomace bae boa ronroated fa Zotoreflle. For 10019 J ,I,Or to 0 Erb YAWS. Zazaerille,OßlOOtrto RILEY a PENDLETON, uetbaors. tarn:text:lm To Farther'. - OM 1 17 . S W Ffirming and . Orating e t ' llizy firer, oral:lL:LimAfe milts a! Now lo ean mnatlrr,~ located g.and Alf—Loo3 korict E/k ool•fo , offf=pfd. Ong tutu. Es:up:Oro of A. WILKINS t CO, for/ . conscrof kLorkot minted oto. ' -r- To Gardeners. EIIIENTY ACRES of Gardening Lend, al' r Isool caltiration, within a. tads of the , be sold kr *5OO 3.11 ecnr—one third cash. and the In one, two, .4 to:overdo. Fer particulars an! &elm e t the Braking AW FB& I:XL. colt corner of Marra and Third lan Desirable Suburban Dela:nee for Bale- HE subscriber offers for sale the house and =Park et, he- Ifitt=tr Alro7ir y, end 6.TVlstee Ina O the maim/ of ileir city! The lot. Is 110 ft..gust en Park Mo. evening beet liStt glee. to es, alley—emshWtting nearly one acre of pd, and le tangled on every OW IThhiire elens lots. adorned 'with lams and stertethwrr The hotw• nearly new. lupe, axed easteedenwly masses, hashes trent of Go feet, need a depth of .2, and toretatne !mertons Peons teddies halls Mae feet wide. /t is built in the but Mt ma.olohe *n wlmro nod hmasc • Teo nd n W P e er.. end with gre ontalling mipply of hard and softwater, ere at the door: ths the Maudes are the necemarY out /Mildlmits. ...Use house, au The grows& are laid sot mostly as lawn. onenvel whit chores fruit trent eserfereens, toecring throbs, currents moseclorrine. rasploweine.S.,med • meli seldom. The fruit is of the boot kind, and the West are in their mime. and yield alsough for the sante Of me (wally. The aitustion of this property. as to mice= suburban t.mfods. to:mtanni with contiiredlY to Use Mt7e le not surpeased by any residence in this eidnity. 11 has aview Mass Ohio Hirer its oner • mile. of Teaspetweme lite, South Pittsburgh, the city, Um two risers. and that hills around, funning lehsgether • Puurnitth_prOrPwt •t hich the eye newer weatisa leery bust whico enters Or emus /tom the port of Pittstaugh too the Utah Isswee_le Nil rime. Ties residence and grownda are also MstePieureif resumed fi l m DDT annoyasee of dust, we dostructly• ref egeoes, end affords a rettnementhe opaet and peecohel soil located Menne ialetwookin the MettnitY. The property will be wad at a bargain, end pwasendon Orem whesseer desired. Yntentle at Use tiesette omen. at= ' D. F. WHITE. HE members of the cairmosustrire Com panyUfrrs their Etglu 4.1 r WA oo s. It I s Is C.` " Sand tilt.w sold chimp. Eurstrsof .7 SMITH. Ilsery, No' 409 199. strut. OR RENT—A Ees-cuing House on n Third. Orme above and soar to Smithfield. lt flatm. tar. Tarr. we. trome. de. Will boo muted 10w...1 pasemion Oren immedierely. £4o—rar Sale or Lame. same iota to the Nix. Rue, tortrovrerman street and the go t ta river. WM. M. DAILLINGION. at &ad. farlinstaa's, Soar. stmt. near Wool. tarh=il Valuable Real Estate for Bale. TIIE SUBSCRIBER offer, for Sale, onfi [avant:3le thaw, the tbilowing WWI:, City . of Pittsburgh. el= 0.1. Throe rathanth thaw story Wick dwelling bouthb th &thud sthet. Weems Warket and ToriT "wets. Ob. ken bda7 each 19 foot front br SO deer.. Contains 07 feet fm it on TUrd sheet adßithing ea. Third Prwbrierings C/nreb, w *Web 0 .thee" new four eg . " RI& bout. wed.. a FLAW, oaa., and ow whory brick wareho . o. 5. Two low in Wither. Bearer eoutiMbeing lots Wand loth 4, Wing meat 140 feet wilobs.. oo wedelinietwen ol one block of Mar frame dwellings, sad tall 110.1111 TA frame dwelling. ell two atones hig k No. fine lot 40 feet front on Ogres; appdalte the atiore, and Wending, to theme of the bite No. 5. Two beach lots. each 40 We bout, and tanning from the road to low amiss mark:on the Rig nester.Ng. 6. the 'minable water 104,140 fret on Wheel Race. with Wu shunt water powers:lathed. • • N 0... Ow kit opposite b ill lot. 50 tot llout. and thtewilliT to the top of the ,on whkb method one two story Wick tithe and wthabouse.2.s b 740 bete althorns fewith dael4ni.l ooo stories No. b. Out large lot hi iseir shwa. Betherootostr,bw. log about WO fret on ltradway, owl althit =feet deep. id cordadog scrn ets.whith are writhed two Wise hem* dwellings. thd one mall friths Muse. used aa an oaths. This proththy was fortherly. _ow:anted ay- lir. T. C. Gould. lad IA vex" - plinamtly_ Imi.tod. Wing itwhielhdelromewite die Wellston Bridge. ' Zia. 9. thse width iat.thmediabily WithiPallstantirld being about 100 feet 0. kturth......analas theth W.lre thwith kw limier watt, or towithg The show c o irty Oa soid Tio ivombi. trilif.k. rtraeta. 2=•"xf talll Ages& 'Journal and Peet 00 a 7 .1 • VE tNITED STATES .110T.E1.0.-..., 4 ILOCR OF UCILDINGB, cm the .rtnes the Wltar.a. arsualigre? toocl one, hundred and n itaty tour fe on stmt. sad este tautdred aext nbly feet nine inches on Wiahiorost anat. to • trent/ Art altar. Inquire of •.. e. • 21: RF : A.DESTATE FOR SAID—The under; "freed offers the gale a WS+ unietEur Or tnlidiliaa ug lots, and sceneinns _deans:l4e sins Prianurec tortes In the Borough of Birmingtumr lasted near the new Public &boot House and English Esther. Churuh. the rapid esonth of Binningliarn tn population and aransfaeurring seeltisi and the resurtrabla pion at stitch lots stil tie sill render these a math and 800 Tide perfect. Tema tanarshle. Particulars soul tern* enquire of the =denten., . t the odor of E A ,. Grunt streetr Pitt. burgh. between...lrd and Eon et:nets, OT alb Mani dynamos and B. Natters:m e Lees. at their else In Rd. Ingham. • jinni : MOM V. EATON, - BOSTON BACON. liOcr ROUND-8000 Bacon gr. Sim and nonllleriNal . &Liam Reed and tbr nle 1I PI Wehl t KEW MTTSIC =II FOR SALTA For Sala. For Bale. Tj~R RENT—The large. lead aoscunocli: . 2 - • en. ne. tt . Panftzvrt. (Wolf coropto• by " • 1...• want%) entire tot abolnlat, vo Lam.. tat. ""1" r"a.. 011 IS • of • fio.fo Water at. 41:44. LABTD OIL-20 We. No. 1, for nee low to • eke* taaaltratnent, at tbkra m pf mnsnam. entnar Wmd and Rath ata. RIE t BEEF-4000 lba. for aale by mJ'h. a.a W. RAllßav 8. UGAn- o bbde. N.. 0.; for salo by 8£ W. UABBAVOII. 617Tg , E---10 bagS for s i w eb . l . iARBAwu. POTATOES -,"AO bti: prime Red, for sal. by . T. WOODS £ BON, mr 61 Water st.. C i HEAP BONNET RIBBONS-A. A. MA PO Co. arts maw- train:, • large Int of beautiful idy es *privy Itlbbona, at 1..1f endowed. yard. newt goods are unsurrawwl far elongate... as limy are well 'numb crate. .Itton. Ti 7 and 04 Market R. say2l NEIT• BOOKS !—A lame supply of Me, Cantnek k Crooke Greek andlatln' Worker iel Family Rahman. or the Adventure& of Father and blather . and Rau Sone, on a deans& Wand; Vol..l.9tretv mua , Alta.:tog. 1,2, 3. and 4, of Mahan'. Loabsi Lab= and Gondola Veer. Juat reed and for tale bn R. 110P33178, uart73 , 78 Apollo Babb." reatrtb rt. ckPEN THIS MORNING. atMIIRPITY & 1..) BURCHFIELD'S— •• ' ReFest 14717 1 Doi?liFF,"Flg. Fad Efund; = l l 4 " lota aI. soortment or Neat PLAWRINGUASIe 4,lllftettSilAsdirgfarts Dresteg Ugh% sad dark ' 4- e Noir iloato reviring almorteLdis. , VISIII ks, NG , TACKLE--Cane, Rode, Lines, JIL: Hoo wholesale and retell. he W. W UM, sorsa Market street. comer et Fourth. WATCHES in large variety, and at the vv lowest re. 1.1. emterti cash esal whele .ad talL O27Z ) W. W. WILBON. HE PENCIL OF ROBERT BURNS, the POET I may be seen at my A.M. ho. a.mlenaed assortment of Gold end Silver Pencil; Gold Nos of Um beat mu:deeding Pooket Galen, Prat Mono's, Au [ml=l W. W. IN abON. A.NIS--32.caaka Bacon Hams, for Bala - ine..6 JAMES A. nutcnisoN'h 00. 13 ICU Crimson Velvet an . d . Gol i d from P r.i.. aper uuwnr . "' D ic". l PPriitaia. 50 WO.d.t. • j ur ...by Smith's New Geographies.' cc MITIPS Find Book in Ueography; all ill; troloctory toted vat 103 .a•PE PP. Ma Mo. . Staab Quarto. or ao•aW Book la Geography; • =al., on 4 practical system of 0.311 , Pbr. tbr Woman Sob.* Aoodleatica and Vagallama dada• os • sequel to the Tina Book; Illustrated C . SD steel amp, and noateroao tact. viits . l , 4l b rolt.C. &rata, A. 11. itallt • • • . PMS. toyat TS Apollo Ilaildatas. /aorta pRINTIICG PAPER—A.large lot . Doable bledium 1=1.4.1 hiouNrT. for d. br tor2.4' caner klarket end Seated )116 AP .. t P r N . G P Pa E azt MA l ETossul SOL . we as. w a. liAvz- 1 .1 ". 0 72 4 • Awes W/1•2011. cor Yarlngt •od et/. ga GROSS STEEL PENS, of Amy, t=lyzionter.watatxdu I - • Shoulder Braces' caIIOULDER BRACES, of the most ap• am!