HOME MATTERS. CO IT OF WARMER E88820N5., Monday, Juni 9. Before the lion. Wtn. 13. 'McClure, President ;edge, end William Boggs,,discsiate Judge. • The . cue of the Commcinttealth es. George Stoops. Information, Surety of the yews, on oath. of Henry Clarkson was ' taken up. The Irrosientor was.an engineer on a - - , ateamboat of - which the defendant was Captain:' The latter reproitche4 the fortner with not haring sufficient water: in the hillier?, upon which the engineer called him a liar, and win( knocked down by Sentenced to pay a Sac at Sl' cent; and the , caste of prosecution. CoMmonwealth rs. Solomon Vail. informs .: . din,. Surety of the peace, en oath of Wm. Living ' stow. The prosecutor is the keeper of a house in Birmingham, and the defendant was in it one nlght, drunk and abusive, when he wu ordered -oat by the propeeter. Not complying with the order, Livingston pot him out, and Vail made some vague threats against him, the very eats tence of which he forgot - when ho became so ber.. Each party was sentenced to pay half the Commonwealth vs William McCombs—indict ment,' obtaining goods under false pretences. Watson and Stowe for Commonwealth, Darragh and McCandless for defendant. Mr. Darragh .reoved that the second and third counts Lof the baliedment ho quashed, as the deacription of the • defendant tontainecl therein ; was illegally set frith._ , The motion was argued, and held over • ;far decialen. Thd defendant pleaded not guilty to the drat count Mr. Watson opened the Cate to the jury. John Weller sworn—The defendant got a bine from mooa the 28th of November, 1849 /lathe time of the bargain, I askedhim for BCCll .zity, and he told me that ho never pre security —that he owned relit estate in East Liberty. I would not havo let him have the hone had it not been for time retweeentationa. ' Cross Examined—l got his note for the horse No money was paid. The . note was due six months after date. Ur. hie- Combs has paid ten dollars on that note. He ~'paid. It three or, four days after the note was • drawn. The price of the borne was ninety fire dollars... Xme the hate to my father, and did nottry to collectit m - yself. He gave= no value fait. L owed lir. McCombesomething at the • Abu of the hurtle. This ,aura was due for du `.weeks boarding with +defendant, at nne• dollar sad seventy fire cents a week. I made Informs 3ton against defendant.' I don't know why I didn't sue him civilly. The note was drawn for - eightY.three dollars. The prim of the horse was ninety fire dollars. _ • .Jacob Weller swain—The defendant told mo that be would be at Bir:, Black's store in the Dimond, on a certain day, when he promised to pay me. He kept his word as to the appoint ment, but did not pay. He made another ap pchit, bat did not pay. The horse sold by my son.'was a light bay gelding. He afterwards sold him to. Air. Patterson, who sold him in two Weeks for SI4O. • • ILL Patterson bought a bay horse from William McCombs, for which I gavo him enmity five Mars. This'was all the horse :was then worth. _ Wm,B.Ref y ley sworn.—l knotrWm.McCAmbs. He has no property near East. Liberty, to the best of my knowledge. I know most of the per , sons who own property near that :The case was opened to the jury on behalf of - the defendant, by C. Darragh, Esq. Alexander Cubbage, sworn—l drew a note for Mr. McCombs. • He and Weller came to my store together. The note was for thevalue oft horse. They said nothing about real estate. James Mitchell, swore—John Weller came to me to enquire into the circumstances of Me- Combs.. Ile said that he had sold him a horse. and he was afraid ho would 10543 it I eakedhim Why be had trusted him..-and he said that Mo . Combs was doing a good business, and he thought he was good enough. A number of witnesses were called, who prov ed the defendant's character was good. After which the Court adjourned until the after- AITHISOON BEBSION. The Counsel addressed the jury in the cue ;which occupied the.attention of the Court during the forenoon, but no verdict was rendered before the hoar for adjournment arrived. No other ease of importance was taken up. Guinan Dsarn.—A German, whose name we did not learn, was found dead in the house of Mr. Karns; of Robinson townehip, on-Friday ensuing last. He had been living on the township for OLD PsMrnerarr Missions= Socurr.—Rev. Wm. Crampton announced-last Sabbath, that in compliance+ 'frith a suggestion from the Arch bishop of Canterbury, tbo.hundred and fiftieth annitersarY of the Society for the Propagation of Religion in Foreign Countries, ',cold be We 'hinted in the , Protestant SpiecopiarChurchos of Ragland and Aturnica, on Sunday, the Mi inst. Sintarmast Isemmtri.—.An old man named Daly, same wife died in the-I'oor Hour, and whose el:Wm ware Wind out by the overseers of the ;oar, tack one Of his children away from s house as Fifth Wad, last Saturday, and locked it up in • cupboard-in n bonze on Irvin street. It was found diet% yesterday, and taken back to ita home, booing eaten nothing dace Its confmematt. ' 'front High Constable ' Adams, of the Alleghemy Police, that on Friday night some burglar entered the residence itt,the basement story of the Sandusky street Baptist • .Chnrch, foi• the purpose of robbing it. The per who were sleeping in the rooms, were awe homed by the noise, - and an alarm was raised. The 'mandrel struckene of the women violently "oathe - face, bruising it considerable. He then aneneeded'in making his escape. , Antrewsa.—We learn that two houses In the neighborhood of the above church were entered oath* eamenight, but no articles of value were Swan:tan IscinEnr.—kpistol or rigs bullet cite:redone of the front second story windows of the store on Market street occupied by Messrs. Young, Stevenson &Love. The report was heard distinctly by all the" clerks in the store, but the "rascal who fired the shot was not discovereiL Itoansnu.—Some raeoal went into' the'store of James Laird, at the corner of Logan and Col -well streets, on Saturday, and stole twenty dol• lars from the till. Nor Auussran.—Luigi Costa, the murderer Of Pietro Daradtd, has not yet been arrested. • EtillAWAT.—A.horan auauhed to McGuire's itlrOiturawagon ran away - down Fifth street yes terday afternoon. The wagon struck against e Limp post atthe corner of Wood and. Fifth 'streets, -breaking both 'hafts. 'The horse ran on. and -entered an unfinhshed house,. above Ryan's buiiffing, treading on the joists, thelfieoring not being yet laid. Ills feet' Boon Slipped through, of coarse, but ho was rescued without-Diving received any injury. . ; Idsxriso or ram Couac,Le.—The Select arid 'Common Councils Of the city of, Allegheny y met en Thursday night last. . rintsc-r commit. . • In. the Select Council, the Chairman, Colonel -. Robinson took the chair. -A -petit:him from John Tagggart and others, asking the water to be extended along !Pasture Lane,. was read and referred to the Committee am Water. A petition praying water pipes to be laid along lliibuelt street., was referred to the Com mittee on Water. A petition relative to. malting: gutters in Saw = Mill Alley, was A - fermi to' the :Committee on .liir..Alarshall, Chairman if the Committee - an Timm, presented a petition in reference to the application of the tax colleters, for additional compensation, and offered e following resolti , Resolved, That a due regard to economy will • Dot Permit the , city to allot, at -present any ad ' ' diatom' compensation to her agents. Report aompted and resolution adopted. 'Mr. Daltell presented a report, In relation to the terry landing in the Fourth Ward, declaring itinetpedient to make any change:l Report se • . . Resolved,' That the Reiarding Regulator be, and he is horaby directed, to take the necessary . '`legal steps to have Allegheny Aimee opened its entire length and breadth, as originally laid 1 ' .out on the surveyed map of the , oßy..' Resolution referred .to the Committee oaSur- A bill from Robert Hendon. ri,. for embank ment at the Leacock street bridge, amounting to 8179 24, was presented, for which the; Meyer ma directed to' draw his warrant. I, A bill was presented by -James Forrester. for • building the bridge over the canal on Leacoek ,• • street, emanating to $1,051 63. Mayor author -1144 to draw his warrant therefor. The check roil for May, amounting to $69 12, ‘,74laread, and Mayor directed te'draw his war ran.l'. Axi: . Ordinance authorisingbo .ds to be Lamed to meet „Ire demands of It.he to the amount of $12,000 00 was passed:, by the Select and concurred b y Common Cettpcil. . Ordinance Ri,;.the glean rind paving of Cheat . nut Street, reemObio street to the bridge; Robin .llol2 street, from p e lletal street to Craig 'street; :Main street, from Eat tlarsi tollyceraore street; and Federal street, ac,"4se 11W. square, passed by the Selece auticil,:ttat'nOt sete4, ' upotritt the Common Council • A petition praying for t9n paving of Gsy street ;: : Ursa referred to the Committee ori . ettects. A. bill from Mr. Joseph Crcig, imounting to $1206, was referred to the Committee on Claims and Accounts. The Select Council then siljourne.l. CO/DION CbUNCIL The Common Council adjourned in the midst of its businesa . They held a special meeting to finish it last night, but owing to the Tato hour at which they adjourned, we must defer a report of their proceedings for the present. • - BY TEL-Bi_i;,RAPH. =camp DT TUN O'ILEILIT TZLZGEAPII USE AND REPORTED FOG TIM PITISBERGE GAZETTE FORGED LAND WARRANTS WASIIINGTOi, June 9. Thir 11. S. Marshal of Michigan Lurs brought In, and delivered to the Menthol of the District of Columbia, Wm. Drown, to answer various charges of forging Land Warrants. In default of $20,000 bail, Drown was to-day to take his trial in the Criminal Court. The accused is a brother of Benj. F. Brown, late Government Clerk, And candidate for door keeper of the House of Reprerentatives, against whomindictments for forging Treasury vouchers, are also pending, but who is still at large. APPOECTIIENT BY THE PRESIDENT. Ilrasniscrot, Jane 9. Lewis Siittou of Baltimore, has been appoint ed by the President Appraiser at Large, idea floes W. Enna, resigned. MURDERER CONVICTED. BALTIMORE, JUna 9. William Shelton, one of the mutterers of the Cosden family, has been convicted, and renteneed to be hung, at Chestertown. JENNY LIND AT PHILADELPHIA. PAILADELPILLA, Jane 9. The concert of dtdlle Jenny Lind tonight, wen crowded to excess. we learn, that by mutual - igreement, made to- • day between bliss Lind and Barnum their en gagement terminates with this concert. Miss Lind will carry the arrangements made to this city by Mr. Barnum, and will give - the two concerts, as it is her intention to give several .concerts in other portions of the country, on her OWTIL account . • Barnum goes to tho World's Fair, in the North America; from New York, on the 17th inst. Le wand Smith accompanies him. • Ammar, June S. Wm. H. Cox, of St. Louis, cut his throat, in Cougroas Hall, last tight. PEILLADELPHL-1 MAP, ET. Puri,untriata, June 9. Cotton—The market is firmer. Flour—The market is still dull at $3 I.2a® $3 181 bbl. Corn Meal—Sales at $2 75 - t a bbl. Grath—The market is steady for Wheat, with sales of 2000 bushels prime white at 102 ®lo3c '—and of red do at 90 @Die ? bushel. Corn is scarce and steady at 60011 bushel. Whiskey—Sales 200 hbds at 22c per gallon. NEW YORK MARKET NOON EXPOUT. Now Tons, Jane 9. Cotton—The market is firm, with -.a fair busi• new doing at last quotations. . Flour—Themarket is in favor of buyers, with sales or 3000 bbls at $3 94®4 00 for common Ohio, and s4®4 06 for common State brands. Corn Meal—The merket is steady, with sales at $2 7502 81 per bbl. Grain—Wheat is dull, and prices nominal. Rye is quiet. Corn is drooping, with Balm of 32,000 bushels at 56i®57i for western mixed, 60c for round yellow.. . Provisions—Pork is hoar), with sales of new mess at $l4 75, and new prime at $l3 per Dbl. Beef is dull and unchanged. Cut meats are also dull. Lard is inactive. . Stocks—The market is active. U. States have declined to I; Indiana State ritiare selling at 85; Perm'a b's at 94i, and Reading at 62a. Land warrants are in demand at $1.40®145. Nate Your., June 0. Cotton—Prices have advanced in, with sales of 100r0 bales. . . Flour—The market is more active, with farther sales of 6000 bbLs at noon pricea. Southern brands are heavy, with aides 200 bbls at $4 62i. Grain—Wheat is drooping, with' sales 4000 be. good Obio at 94c per bn. Corm is plenty and lower, with sales 64000 be. at 56607 for west ern mixed, and 690r60 for round yellow. , Bye in held at 76e. - Whiskey—The market is easier, with sales of. 200 bbls at 24012} per gallon. Provisions—Pork 15 doll and lower, with sales at $l4 G 20,14 75 for mess, and $l9 for prime- Beef is dull, at $8 52®11 nod :35e,0 for prime. Saks 100 bias plain Lams nt and of shoulders at GI per lb. Lard is quiet,. with tales 800 bbls nt SiCsBl. Linseed Oil—ls doll at 70} ®7l per sailor, Toissetio-31arket dedlorith tales 40 baits seed leaf at 10 cents Wool—The Market is dull, and lower. Stacks—The market ie better. Erie bends hone adaanced to 881; Rending is steady. Land warrants are wanted at $l4O. $300,000 in epode were taken to Ilene, London, and her• mnda. CINCINNATI MARKET. Cutousarl, June 9 - Flatcr—Tho market is suvidy 'but quiet, at $2 8503 40 per bri. Whistey—Sales at per gallon. Provisions are without movement. Groceries—Sugar it firm at 6 . .1®61 per lb. Coffee in telling at 9/(E,lOc per lb. Cheese to dull at fu per pound. Other articles are without change. The rive as risen four feet eincc last report. The weathe pis cool, with occasional thowers of rain. I— 'ro 31.0113 21.1ANITEST DEBTLIT.—We learned yester day from an intelligent and reliable gentleman, directly from California, that a very - extensive scheme is on foot for separating from the Mexi can Republib the rich State of Sonora. Various bands have left California expressly for the pnr pose • Ortr informant supposes that in all five hundred daring and well armed men have set out on the ;edition. The people and aAministra ' tion of non' are said to-be in the plot, being dissatisfied with the condition of things In Mexico, particularly because they have received no share of the American indemnity. It is contemplated in declare the State independent of Malice, or ganize a provisional Govrenment, and finally get it annexed to the United States. ft lies on the Gulf of Ca,ifornia, between 21° and 33° North latitude, in about hall as large as Texas, and is exceedingly rich in minerals, especially silver.— By the next mail we will probably hear more of the operations Of these annexers. We predict that they will not find it so easy to get Into the Union which their new State as they seem to ima gine. The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo inter poem a serious obstacle, and besides, the Slavery interest will be anything but seolorui in their fa vor. It has . had enough of new free territory forthe, present ; Cabo and universal liberty is its only remaining chance. Another expedition to take poscseion of Lower California and seize on the port of Mazatlan, in the State of Cinalea, is much talked of. At 31a rattan this enterprise would be likely to meet a more hostile reception. The people of that place, our informant tells us, are quiet, inimical to 'Americans, and would. like another war as a mesas of getting money, not only from the sup port of American armies in their country, but from a new indemnity, which. they count on for anOther slice of territory. Now Yens, Jane 5 The Webb and Willie controversy, which wo hoped was silenced, has broken out in to new shape, which will afford vast Coodlew the gossiping appetites. Mrs. Mary J. Coddrington, wife of Smith Codd rington, of lishway, .1., and daughter of the lat e Henry Inman, is, or supposes herself to be the person referred to by Col. Webb, as haring been seduced by Willis. She has with her hus band, Sled a complaint in .the Supreme Court, against Webb, In which she recites the fact of. her having corresponded with Willis. The cor respondence, she say began by her writing to Willis to disavow the authorship of a work watch ha tad attributed to her; it was kept op for two months, without her parents knowledge; but she solemnly avers that Webb's charges of impurity against her are wholly aim. So far from her " father believing her guilty, and dying of a bro. kin - heart, she were that to his leak hour, he I hid the Moat perfect confidence in her integrity I and virtue. She says, however, that her father desired the letters That bad passed between Willis and herself, should be delivered up, and deputed James Weston Webb and George Buckman, to I receive them; that Webb received the package, carefully sealed up, to deliver it to her father: that her father during his, 'late illness, had re. quested Webb to-deliver them to him, but that he had failed to do so ; that after his decease, she had through Mr. Beckham, requested the delivery of the letters, but had not received them; she so adds that Webb, without bay authority. had I broken the seal of the package and readthem to i l others, thus violating ties confidence repaed in I him by her father. The plaintiffs further urge, that me the 21. st. o: May last, a new application for the letters was made without success.;- that they are fearful that he will make, the letters pnblie, and they there. foie ask that heimay be required to 'deliver up the letters, and enjoined from ever making them, or any portion of them public, in any way. sorra ceßoulte. A commurdeation in the Charleston .Vcreary, on the subject of Separate Secession, addressed to the Delegates of the State Convention of South Caroliti, presents a statement of the entire case in so few words that we commend it to those who seek information On the subject. First, It assumes, as the concurrent opinion of nine-tenths of the people of South Carolina that a State has the right to secede from the Union at any time, and without cause shown. Second ly that Congress, in its recent aggressions, has done quite enough, if cause were required, to in duce the dissolution of the union—quite enough to justify South Carolina alone to secede. The remaining question on which there is an admit ted difference of opinion is, whether it is expe dient to exercise this ..clear constitutional right of secession at this time." The arguments' of those who are opposed to seperate secession are thus stated: is contended by some 'that, - by am seced ing alone, we disconnect ourselves from our southern sisters in a manner that will throw up on us, to a very, great extent, the protection atone of slavery within our limits; and Wat, as it is an institution against' which the world is . arrayed, we would, by this moans, ex pose it to great additional and unnecessary has ards. ' , That the other southern finites, not being yet prepared for disunion, will look with little fa vor on our act; and will be indiferent to its sac •• That Congress will interfere and resixeln us inipme way in the exercise Of our sovereignty, and the other States not concurring with us in the propiiety of this Inurement will leave us to contend single-handed with the Federal Govern . meat, and that we must succumb to power and numbers." The view' of the immediate Secessionleis are thus presented: '•On the other hand, it is insisted that the time has now arrived when the questions as to the na ture and charnetenof this Government ought to be settled. "That the aggressions of congress having been so monstrous, if the other southern States are not, and cannot be aroused to resist them, we have little Teasels to believe that they can ever tie induced to do so. "That the course of things in our nation al 'columns and the northern States indi cate. clearly and undistakably, the intention never to cease until slavery is Emily abolished. "That•the North is becoming stronger, and' the South weaker and weaker and that for SOuth Carolina to submit now, after what has . been done, and after what she has done, would be to bring irretrievabledisgrace upon her, and hasten her own destruction. "And that the May hope of safety orof south ern Union is for one Stato to lead; off, to make a practical Dime, and settle at once whether we are a confederation of sovereign or a consolida ted Democracy." A letter from H. Greeley, Esq., of the New York Tribune; who is in attendance at the World's Fair, expresses the opinion that the receipts for admission during the three months ending IA of Angust will probably reach $700;1300. He sip: No other exhibition was ever comparable to this in extent, variety and magnificence. For example; a single London house has one million dellra's worth of the most superb plate and jew elry in the Exhibition, in a by no means unfavor able position; yet I bad spent the better portion of five days there, roaming and gluing at will, before I saw this lot. There are thrie diamonds exhibited which are worth, according to the stan dard method of computing the value of diamonds at least thirty millions of dollars, and probably could be Bold in a creek for twenty millions; I have seen bat one of them us yet, and that stands so-conspicuously is the centre of the Exhibition that few who enter can help seeing it And there are several miles of cases and lots of cost. ly wares and fabrics exposed here, a good share of which are quite as attractive as the great diamonds, and intrinsically far more valuable. Is them cause for wonder, then, that the Exhi don is daily thronged by tens of thousands, even at the present high prices ° - From another portion of Mr. G's.• letter we make the folloiring extract The London Commissioners mite • great din ner at Richmond yesteriday, to the Partin Com missioners in attendance on theEthibition, Lord Ashburton presiding, flanked by foreign Minis ters and nobles. The feast was, of icouree su perb; the speaking generally fair: the music abundant and fnultless. Good songs were cap itally given by eminent vocalists, well sustained by instruments, between the several toasts with their responses---a fashion which 1 suggest for adoptionin our own want/7, especially with 'the condition that the speeches shall be shortened to give time for the songs._ At this dinner no speech exceeded fifteen minutes in duration but that of Baron Dupim which may have oc cupi e d half an bons, but to every other respect wimir-a. b:e. The Englishmen who spoke were Lords Ashburton end Granville.'Memere.o rue and Pax , tom of the Foreigners, Lupin, (France,) Van de Weyer, (Berg,inn) Von Viebban, (Prussian,) and ryself. Lord Ashburton spoke with great good sense and .good feeling, but without fluency. Lord Granville'eriemarks were admirable in mat, "ter, but oleo defective in manner. Barons Yea do Weyer and Dripin were every way happy.— The contrast in felicity of expression between the British and the Continental speakers was very striking, though the former had no adult.' thee in other respects. I went there at the pressing request of Lord Ashburton, who had desired that an American should propose the health of Mr. Paxton, the designer of the Crystal Palace, and Mr. Riddle, our Commissioner, had. designated ore for the service; so I spoke a b out flue minutes, and DV remarks were most kindly received by the entire company; yet 2 ne Times of to.day. imits report of the festival, suppresses not merely what I said, but the sentiment I offered, and even my name, merely stating that "Mr. Paxton was then toast ed and replied as follows." The Day Nam does likewise, only It says Mr. Paston's health was proposed by a Mr. Wedding (a Prussian who est near me.) I elate these facts to expose the falsehood of the boast lately made by Tile Threes in its championship of dear newstiapers like the British against cheap ones like the 'American that "in this country fidelity in newsfiper re porting- is a religion, and its diet/Arm are never disregarded," dm. The pains taken to suppress :notn-merely what I said but its substance. and coin my notes, while inserting Mr. Pazton'e ro sponse, refutes the Pharisaic assumption of The Times so happily that I could not let it pass. NOTICE TO CORMACTORt3. - SEALED PROPOSALS will bireceived by the undenthrited, at ST. (lortetvr, Mo until th e 15th day of June, 1001, for th e graduation and cOnstructive (ler eluding fundohlnic all maw.) of the `AL Conertee iron Alawntain and Pane Knob Plank Rood,. Prom Es. about ik miles ta the bon Mountain end Pilot Knob. _. Propounis will be received ei th er (lst ) .by the Ing all work and ml. comnb'n+ road: or Pepuatc!l,_ to f0110w..t14.). for plank 8 M. krirectb. deputed un Um to road at convenient dletanorm (3.1.) for laying plank and Onlabing road; (40.) to n 1.5 delivered and 1.1 Into .road, ineludhur',(sth.) for graduatlan by 0111., Tot grubbing and clearing and culvert. of under 4 Tot eiori; and (Mb.) for nulionti and bridging. The work will be 41,51.1 lido notion. of about 5 mules In and let singly ar thgelbtr. Fifteen mil* of the nod to be completed by the let of Iteouther.lllsl, and the Taboo. by We let of dept.:akar, 1(01, or ea much owner the contr... our desire. it le wove. to plank the read generally . wlth white cal. of which tben4=l.- dance on the route. The detallsof met, and nom of the manner t h e 3 d wl be reed, no examination on end niter the 3d dap of J u an neat. rather at. 81. Gene. vire or at the nth.. co Jana. P. 111 awned, Engln.r of the hielfic Itallroed, et. Lee., Mo. enp27moddelelo P.C. ROZIER. Preeklent. rISHING TACKLE—Canes, Rods, Lines, Hooks, de., wholetale arid retell, be tg. 017 . 24 37 Mathel street, earn. of Tourth. WATCHES, in large variety, and at the 1...;5t regulv .oolo.n rash mien, wholeade and [¢lo3ll , W. W. WILSON, rtlit; PENCIL OF ROBERT BURN, ay 1 . 0171 m be seeo 100, • oploodal asoortoo•nt of Gold and Pllver Prorilr, Go/d Veen of Um ted maw/future; Poetot GodofT: koff Nonni. de. (toyddi W. W. WILK/N. .151&—:33 cash Bacon llama for rata by JUL m r2A JAMES A. MUIVIIPON & ICll Ciinison. Velvet and Men; gl " kf ' D WNVlMiT,L,"sr l, r * mels Smith's New Geographies. QMITIP.S First Book in licographyt an in- Chll7l rr. flint 0,7 troductot7 (leograpbl. d . o ° , p.d "7 ir r s7 son. ustso Irltb 11:11sagrarlroor. insm pp. . Pnots Quorto, or er,on - t Book in 0000,,71 . kT: 0 1 =p .nd ealikl ,Ver eirlg. ° l= t a . at ' irrgoert:Blo book: lastratnl i/0 gee! onipo,oll to env* , Ylrst '''Af . : , :r.t""`" e. ""`"' uft . .. NIPP K 8, aI7IA. 70 Apollo 11.711 dings, Mounts rt. TORINTING PAPER—A largo lot Poublo Medium and Imperial Thotlog i ner it farp by my2.l cornere'Market eaconelyts. IarRAPPINU PAPERS—A. largo amsort- V v ment or wrovromr ""t".% all sixes. for sakes ". M Eti'S msUi reser Warehouse. eor. arket sod 2d at. 550 ?, It(S L S I TEEL PENS, ;Df wi ITu r d . i hatuw. a Bon's Pons. gl i t la Vern ielgr utter ettaLtitta tranotecturrers% for We at W. O.IIAV M a .N 8101+, Ibtf24 corner Market awl Second Alt o KE ()HAM% is offered. to a person wh whim, to travel, mid who hag • capital of from rowan to eight hundrod dollars, to mama W • profitable mut rowel:obi., Addrom th e suMerlber through the Post thtlre. ImYllonw) J. W. LZWIIf. Shoulder Braces. SIIOIILDER BRACES, of the most up- Vto.ed gee, slusrle Yu structure sod easily faul t soJ of sizes to sultan who =7 Moire tioust—Juet , laid for utle, wholesale aurtai ß l E L y EM, 67 ur24 I OUISVILLE WHITE LIME-50 bble. IA fresh. read sad for sale Or W. aI. WILSON. in)l4 147 Stmt. nod 118 Moood et ~/~ URRAY'S PLUM)' MAGNESIA -- Just comer of Sloth Le Wood sta. HIED APPLES-15 bble. for oda by tl DURBRIDGE t toWatex at. S lii.D-10.1,b1e. No. 1; i° ht. " BliftEHE.U.4l9.llNowati MISCELLANEOUS. Agricultural:lmplemcmts. • I'LAVE JUST received Seem the East the edknoe. le m t.ment.. 41 of the brat manutioture, vtad Ma moot recant horautloos, sod I would limas all mmen. to roll aril ramble tor stook. MOM:or Ilmtdrut. for form boom. nods. toruli.. 0c: Orsto DWI. fur oour, rue, oalx, aod t uf t, ' Coro Cob Combo.. Coro Shoe, tor home and hoed pu n tter. Hon. and n O o wn S talk Cuttlon Roue Vendable Root tters. Oxl okeo and Co. Chalo Halters., Coasted Grain and draw brtbos, unfllook Cadstrol two. limo and four roux MM. All ennuoixotored from tn. Mot materials, and for sale st. We Draw and Seed Mons of tl. E. WICKERSHAM, my= ' ' Corner of Wood and Slxtb stmt. WINDSOR SOAP --.50 boxes Hyde's, for ups sr Issrzi) ITAIINESSOCE le CO. I INSEED OIL-10 bbls. for sale by ROBISON. /..ITTLE - A CO. B ACON -43,000 lbs. Shoulders: 300 Mum tor italn by 8011130 N. LITZ LE • W. DRIED BEEF-2000 lbs. fpr et& by toy ROBISON, LITTLE t CO. MOLASSES-400 bbls. N. 0., fur sale by crartS ROBISON, LIMB a CO. TIMED FRUIT-550 bn.Yeachee; '• mi 2.5 50 ". AppJ far Ws bt , ROBISON, Llth,K a W. TANNERS' OIL-20 bble. for bale by auZ ECIBISON. LITILu • OD. N A ILS ---300 kegs for ante by mr ROBIS.43N.LITTLE l 00. B ROOMS-250 doz. common to beet; 50" extra Amer for sale by =7•23 ROOlBO5l, urns a co. COFFEE -150 bags Rio; atm AMR tilte b i co. PIG IRON-240 tone Ben's creek; 1000 " 01111 creek; 6 - " Na 51022.062 for rale by. ROBISON. LITTLE t CO., Na. 256 Liberty. 4. mr2S -- SUNDRlES— boxecorlme New Cheese, 'CO MA!. No.,.lltlpaore &TO= o (IC ;co . heal Ma; rWr B.lenntag for ahi 6°°° 'trail or WATT A CO. MAK/ le myA) BI CHROMATE POTASH-750 lbs. for sale by Lid) J. KIDD CO. Q,ENECA OIL-2 bblo. for solo by /.7 J. KIDD & 00. L OAF SUGAR-100 bbl s. used Nos.; Crush; tar Na.br =qr. 147 UGAR-10.fihda. Clarified. fur aalelq me.7 ENGLIBII r LIENNETr: I ALERATUS-50 boxes for sale by b my 27 ENGLISH may lIOULDERS-12 earika far sale by my ENO LIEU & DEN:, EIT NUTS —2O bu. Chest/nits; ex -Masimitkiirrr NEW MUSIC KLEBCERook has just received • Natio aale nal Union, • hatriotio eons, dedkated to the Hoe. Fleury Clay. Bring de Bayou new Ethiopian Sows: by Stephen C. Moor, of Pittsburgh. Wittat. Dear; se keegang by the Alleg henian. 111lowt aut from Maid MaPtilluki• Sweet thane: as sung by Jenny Lind, with now Imam. panknents. The Mountain Main , The My tipiribc by . Lindhoy. anewell, Old Cottaar„ written and matured by B.C. Fork. and &cheated to Aka Harry Wood. of Pktebnelth. thy whets ti the moral= duet. I Maw wo. My blextlng glib thee yoo. Homeward, toes dusk.. Minting Song - , fey Msebethy Abo—New MOM. go. No.lol Third Woe. Siva Gold. MVP. mdendid lot of Plants and Ilerlalernat to .rate SUGAR -180 hhde N. 0. Sugar for salo_by ml 6 0 JAMB Wa ES ter DAIZELLit,', QOUA ASH—PII casks Kurta's brand;for 13 alert aye S. a W. liRIED FRUlT—Peaches; Plums; orval e by 47. A. 3.leCLlßtnitr m7ll °Merle awl to Dealer. HEMP -f... 3 bales 3fietiouri, on cotuignment 101 far Babe br - ALEX% 1104D1/tt, miss No. 134 Front rt. COTTON -25 bales (Batting) for sale by ,I,lla/LNDE6I.QQIIDOM. 66715 ti 0.134 Front et TEAS—a) hf. chaste Young Llyson; 6 " " Blatt Ira llng 114von rip . isale bf BALM DIMLY a tax. 16613 Wain 6624 Frani W. . `ALT PETB.E-75 sacks Crude, fur sale by L .yis ISAIAH DICKNY A Ot). iN , ri A b .S r SE S-50 ., ?., bbls j ti ,;( ;? s . o S. ! i i i . A. fur 1,1 M. MOLASSES-100 Mkt battle gran 7. S.li Holly.* fgt. vale by JAMS DALILLL A i l AC K_EREL-75 bbl 3 fur ea lit Smoot et .ItlOE--100 rte Ills Water itt. 4,1 AIL' RAT U S—l 2 mace prime, for Bale by mill mera SInCANDL/20. sIiOCOLATE-130 bxs. Bost, for Rale by .sss wsta • McCANDLMS. EEDLE WORKED COLLARS, Flomc i to.OotlCoffs. with • Lall aa...torstof Lao. bo.royaoloa al the woe of my lo F. U. CATON. fourth la. TOBACCO -37 kegs 0 twist (supsnor) fur ILAN. by atyl3 A. CULL , CIaTbON a CO. it UFFALO ROBES:we•AII grades kept con Jut subtly m BAAS sarl Laiple by tartes A. CULBERTSON A Co. 1 MULL% CLAY-200 boxes for sale by Q~ 013 r.. naLrizi a co., tansy it. iIIKESE-20 bin. W. R. Cream, for aide by a. a ar.rtaaaavan. I)RY lIIDES-200 (prime) ter sale by aura a a W. HARI:4CW! 1301V'D EXT. LIQUORICE-1 can for sale 1. In , =so U. A YitIi.N.MTOCK & CO. yi ARRY'S TRICOPIIEROUS-12 dos. for try U. Z. SZLEB.I.. U 713 ii Woad st- Fine Drat Goods, per Express. A. MASON tr, CO. have rec'd this monk tna per finnan a spletellit awewtatent of lbw Drew los wesuiting of Dl.* and Luxes nature] Darrage, blase rut bebt Utley adored plant Timm. :smut:fel plain awl LO.OOO. 00 Lalnew Lawns. tont* &Ike. etc. r above Oolds ore well vonthebe aneathen Of yard:. Rv, as they will be wad turestoWly tor prior, wltels sew or retail. at • Nola to ands .slat at. min " I NDIA RUBBER AIR BALLS—Just r roivad COO dostafaarartad Wise A. . aka tm to PC at tb. arholasat• Iraatora gates*. IaTO J. • 11. mum& 1) ICE FLOCK; , Prepared Coro; 2.11, F•ring ' Telef.. Bea m Aryenemee.; lor de by WIL A. IacCLIM O A co.. erlyl3 Liberty e:- IF R ENCII GELATINE, White and Colored; And Cooree American l'Ainghue; toalduJ.lll.o. Isae ?dance. Ac. s WM. A. AteCLURIS ("0... myl3 • 'Grow. awl T. Drab.. .IpßONES—Bordeaux Prtmei, in Szlaas jars; V...rr oup.i.r - : laocy to aiarama Vrariela tor pale by mil: UAL A. : , Ir4.7l.Uitt/ A (V. 3 4CKEItEI.—.IOO blilm. N 0.3, for hale by A. CV WI KItTS)N a tat, ..._,Lay . :l3 lab I.ll,erlY ..• rl- bbie. for lutio by 12., m 712 J. rtJ DI. a CU., co Wm. aLUD--40 (ertru) Nnle IJI m 712 J. K.:Jaw. VAR.B. AltIM U - lor.6ale by nyo J. KIDD • CO. VOIt SALT;--A p.. 1 Paling Wagon, in j_ nompl.t. V, LE" 6 ) , 60 11-..1 ARD 011,-01 ttiAtt. Winter Strained, for eue TMTM ff I IL E. EILLERY. 47 Wand itt. 11101 lib's. for sale by_ IL K.KELLIS49. bbl. prime, for sale I. min . R. O. 6.r.LLER9. ametaclat I B of the roost inentunitble blessines en!, by tarred art d•1111,4 tam. Ht.ectarlen. Witho U ut dial" amal•tance. tbe In.,,nveufeares ..panics (ruin Ilact_defecttry ',MOD d.rl thrr tapm. ba Irren.d*i.lr. Yren 1143.1, axperiene.. esul a U..... ugh nuairAc , .4 the eka~ofaplk W 4 4. , to nu.. ai. leru. eve via. Ai I Ito I'. sea thn best GlUua.•, 11•Vra1.i . :1,41 tooth Pebble I,es. • Idiot u frame. Optical 1 a •,. Pot . re A•ii.l.y rY. ••• Y Too." Isla , , of ON. O Sluket •tr.eL comer of Fourth. -GOO galls. Flaiseed (warranted pure ~ d e br m,13 R. Z. SELLI , _ N c TRIO ACID--600 lbs. (pure) for kilo by .. 1.03 J. KIDD kW.. 60 itoed 1.11/bIK HOOTf--2000 lbs. for ssle by l 3 au ' J. HI DV CO. *it a:AOK MI; 20 Ms. No. 3, for mile lii myia • a. w. lIAILOAUO MOLASSES -100 bble. for salo by myn B.A W. 11AlllataM TO my N PIPES-340 18 w lite:Lo c rat L bj s. MACKEREL -150 bblo. No. 3; 102 lb, rale by nails WICK 0 MeOANDLLIS. BROOMS --:10 doz. Corn . for .tao by bun WICK MCCANDIo.9 10111MMI BUTTER— 3Okegs fur sale sun WICK it IIoCkNDLY.M. QCORCUINGB-4 casks No. I,Wr sale by 1.7 m yl3 , WICK t 11aCANDLESS. CORN --500 bu. for eale by mar 6 J, 1.13/LWORTH k W TOBACCO -4 Mids. Ohio Leaf for sale by layl3 J. 13. DILWOIITII 2 CO. Cmya °RN-44 bbbs. for sale by 8. Y. 'Olt DO. 2 Ca. • 03 sael 96 Frtmt 1111.1 ED BEEF,-MOTTON HAMS. & YEN Ajir IFON.-Yer mils b 7 J. D WILLIAM a co, 11276 earner Wood end,Yllth FIRE BRICK-65,000 (Coal Grove) Fi ohmt ,, it t= eat superior to the Baru 'o,a.a nro , • ':''weir.,taavoato it CO. DRIED. FRUIT-400 bn. Peaches; mss 60 " illedayutllo7 LOOK OIL OLOTIIB.—A large stook trtrur COI Cloth. ot ultratvr troorYme g no ot. aretrarraird Ettulertehatit7 and house 11... W. uro roquostod to all and eastalza our stort belbropyrrhartkoi elsewhere. J. 4111.1q171.1 , 1P10. - Yid 9 WOOil N. STEAMBOATS. -Th r.4 I ft .. nF e a t o'clock. Nor Irrisht or puma. •PPIY ou bArL Jae LtEGULAN PACKET BE- TWELN PIITSBUTAtiI A SUNFISH.— toator PILOT No. 2. A. g. Craw.. roaskr. trui 1.,•• Pittsburgh for Who.lllus. Cortina and &mash, egers Tunday and Friday, at 3 . sloes P. II 4 returonuc M sanssh fo, Cloth., IVl2.llng and Pittabur.h. ev• err Wednesday and Ss turday.at la o'clock. A. N. IlAsengerrs .Ashipperrean &soul upon this host running regularly duAnig i h:lrr grater moon. b or paws r gni/ ret b.... en7lo - REGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET,' CINCINNATI, Captain John loghom. Thio splendid bast was built by Lb. owners of the steamer ham Newton. and others. for tb. Cincinnati an Pittaburgh Puke trade, end. sill lea,e rimy Wedne.day for Cincinnati. in plum of the Nero & iami 3;0.2. /or freight or pomp, apply on board. or to parta) O. SILLTENSESOVS Agent.. GREENWOOD & ROSEDALE IUI EIOICILAU PACKET.—The oplondid god mumble steam boot CIIISPTAIN. tt. T. Warn. Aloster.latorrollteeud of the Old AlleghenT HMS , (M. Clair nand.) e e m . hoar. enamouring At o clock. A. end coutimilug uutil the Outlook clam Oho eill long on the Allegheny We, for the xecommodation of psoortr gem also. at other points. Aar Ext.*. Trig of it" dock. P. U. NEW ARRANGEMVNTS FOR .1851. ALI Tlnowand•fast running dr. CASHIER, . E s. )later—Regular benvill,Wellsburg, Wheeling, 'Bridgeport. Beak. and Bunfsh Packet—learn Pittsburgh every Wednesday at 3 o'rinek, P. M., fur Wheeling and Bridgeport, and eery netnming f= b lisla i l M eg ' BEr4 t lr Brideportsnd :heeling Decry morals] . and Thurndar. at 4 P.. ?or freight and Passage apply on board, or Co ineh7. JOLIN FLACK. MM. REGULAR PACKET BE- • TIMEX WELLSVILLE AND PUTS. IL—Tbellaht dragght steamer ARENA, 'E. .P. riestei,"lesves Wellsville eres7 sod at o'clock, A.M., for East Lit. Mktg, ltl•NOV. Atertlllll4 Lending. Beaver. =I Pitts burgh. !Asses Pittsburgh every Tuesday, Ibursdar, and Saturday', Kt ID oklock,A4L, for Beaver, licreavgn . sland. lug, (Euro., past Liverpool. and For freight or gutsuce, amply on board. • *fa •14 EG UL AR PITTSBURGH AND AA, 14111=1.1:13 PACKET.—The eplmadld nnumaket otsamer DIWYNAL. Cantrell. m tor. la tam mrtyrtalat LerreSo ITN/rani/ Mipe between thla city_ and Wbnllng, In Plltaburgb at 10 oclock a... 7, MaadaY. Wednesday reiday, and returalaM Immo WlamMog everrCr, unit and Simar , l . :y. Ingg ark. Tor fret for =se Nz‘bbrAt.....l rnaß MARIETTA AND HOCK ICOPOICL—Ths floe steamer PACIFIC, . niggler, will leave Ow the store sad' termedlate ports every Tharalaf at o Y. M. fo""lab' "P"'"”"l—mar. MN: =bin No. 61 Water aral 63 Trontate. REGULAR NVHEELING AND JUL BUN VIM PACKET—The fast aunottof steamer WELLSVILLE. Capt.. D. Yotusg. ll von IL regular packet . betataro Iltdelforgb, lalteellng. Bridgeport, and tatuafola Pooled pitub.bevery howl afternoon for WellevllleaPtentantille, llatdreport. aoA every Monday afternoon for liteoltenytlle. Bridgapon.Gptlna and thutfalo returnlog. 'nets Bridge. port and Omagh every Tneadai anernoon, and Ponfleb •T bOaL 7 . ' ol d tt 7 W" vr ' . B.647IiIIEZIATP ASTILEb7ies forWe by sayM 11. A. TAIINESLOCK. A co. BLUE VITRIOL.-2000 lbo. for eale by la y2 R , 9 B. A. CABBY-STOCK k CO. BAI BRICK-1000- English, for salety m 7 2 .5 ',.. C. A. FACBTOCK it at pIIRODIE YELLOW-20 Jason Baltimore, ILI fur kale by lay-29 B. A. TAIINESTOCK A CO. `ALERATUS 30 casks Tr sale by /J m/8 13.'A. ThIIIiESTOCIL t CO. LUDI-50 bbh. for sale 14 lo y2l B. A. VAIINESSJCII & W. it 'Qua) uLuE-3 g raaa, (a eery superior ` 1 " g.u.„,V r tr eo weed a._ INSEIDOIL--800 gullons-forsole br 1.1r.4 .7. UM) 2 CO, GOWood INDP- UNDNIES kJ SO Umbs s.o So bartsls 9iSta. grelambeto -o tweets *gm t.S.kr " Louis =M r •• 100 " nosily AMT. 100 Vibe NM, 100 bastsals cos men. -• • this tar sale on consignment. assl7 WOOD*. toes. ties 61., Woes M BL'K SILK LACES—.Large rinewriment, .21 very ohm, reed of. the otoro of m 7 2 ,1 )(WWII' t SURCIDIELL. AM) OlL—Bennett k Jones' brand, for male by tely,b3 ISAIAH DICKEY Al CO. L ARD -12. bbls. No. I, for solo by a )1 SS. atiM tomer Ward and Water ota. O ATS—' `(10 Ln. for sale by at,24 3.a atuitavoit. g iolts bu. for tulle Lc _ a,rv. HAIZILttr; H. Nir"Pliv.er ET. Vartdattod Inarltatx Extra rxmcix Buckets. 3 honor. • ltalsr Rester!, taw boa2aBl • Varatsbol For tate br 3i .' "".l.' ' t' ir s )l ln wpwW., 2l. '""C tit:t Ital Elbert, ax bbls. fur sale by • 8. A W. ITAIIDAVG 800 my= FLOUR—IO bbls. Rye . , an' " Wleat .for W. LT . • • 111Y11 i. • W. L1A113.11.1611. pEARL AS.II--5 tons fur eAde by ssumistt issx!icrr, wra, 1= Eaw0d....1. 151 Fand W. 1100PS-o:WuSplit Ash. fur sale by 1.1 mra . r..vousu a azN :wit. 'rAB-75 bble...N. C., for sale by ukr=, KNOLISII a tilayrrr. I I ILE-50 = Ibis. White Louisville, fur sale JI-A Li 'AkrA; ENGLI2II A 11•NNWIT. .70.000 .'....1'.1):itr.,8c4td" an d Scant =re. ENOLIISII a BENNETT. Statidn. laT 8. 11AVEN, terrier er o y f Market and Se mud iitneta. b.s Jost opt.: for We the largos lurk at ankles to the etaticarry line ever brought to this rity.tosuuting at every quality of Etrallsb. Trwrich. Anil American {Cluing Pawn Lelia. Deftly. cod ('op Ilhak toks, i ta ev.2-4katof tri=l l 4 , 7l l tigi;r 11 1:: tare% esa=l: Yaberr Monros. Jackson . . end other eel.- tautest .lu me n laktl Peneth s Statilk Marn a Poe. hive. all ad it aalitteit Bleat Peck licireu.ph.. ikw• watt Ward Yen Haden. Ea. eastetri Betel EtiErk,, 10 E ateralk Weer Isiah pen rat,. IT NG LI Sit U STAllD—Colman's, in kegs " ."" "' " 4 " b. I= L e.'si:ot• l t2 b s y c O. _ • New Music. , OUNDS FROM KENTUCKY; by Rob tcck. idn eel Dublin Welters, ...tart , • t World • fitle Wad, Cersounno4„re t0...1 Luck Polk. • llocohot4 Milo, N here oco the trued., of MT louthf Thon ha. •ountlot the flirit MALL kmell thee. New. float ere hrtchteoL Jot.n lotthl'a Iho l 1 , 111.. bre 7.4611,1 G. In. Polk. Blue Joulia.... • ?2,,urt, h1V5....-d"m'l't ; It/ o r/Tams MA. a y .7.1 ' .1 ' ill ' : rrish gnix L d . . Fred end or rale by roy2o J011:1 11. iIr.LLOIL. MI Wood al ------ - ---- • . INDIA RUBBER DOLL MADE A 8 0-111};S. 111};S. of different Ms.. for sale . the India Robber 90,7% 0 .. 7 end II Wood 51. ,:. J. A. IL PHILLIPS.. atrlO M APIA: SUI3AR S bble. very choice .11In Just re , e'dpald fry mle WV. A. IIeCLURti tea. myl9 .. Grum and Tea Under, fVERING'S SUGARS—DoubIe Refined Ia:. eraohnl. Paleeriard and Pandered. roartaatly au nd and for rale by the bland or retail, at the bored nub rans, by =._-- - Whi. A. MeI:LIU 00 A 00, ... nyla Ma Liberty et. IA RIM) PEACIIES--1000 bushels (bright XJF hstro) In More And far sale t, mrt- MIEN. MATTHEWS a OCI. Rl} D APPLES-30 sacks prime, &reale T. mr...2 SIAFTIIEWS t CO. f'I . ASTOR bblr: (Binw'e make) for N_/ male by my= RUM MATTHEWS s (X. VOA R-240 bbda. prime N. 0.,f0r solo by royls AM1..8 To Tea Drinkers. 1.1, you want Rear Good Tea, go to 51011- nw TEA MART, in tbeAl: his doeld boxt In Um city. Prient-4(. Wre. 75r..A4 81 it V, tnra OPLEI'S POT CLAY-36 bblsjust iee'd fi.or sale tr J. 8(1100NMAKEIL & CO. CMy:a Q'/LOVES-1500 lbs. for sato by goyO3 . 11. A. FAIINEATOCK t CO. I UP. CARD. SODA-25 kegs fur sale by soy2S . B. A. VALINASTOCK & CO. tRENCLI FLOWERS—A Nplendidvaiiety t the Mil:Math mid American Morena rov2l •weri A chn:&. &1 3 a!O or I) ittED Iq:AiIIIES-35 Backe in store, will 'T , ‘" 4 I° ' t " 6 "" 44 '1,1A1A1l DICKEY £6O. It LICKETS.--idi doz. Marietta, for ante by LP Ter.:l J. D. CANFIELD. BROOMS -100 doz. Coro, for sale by ierii ' J. D. CANFIELD. S ALERATUS-100 boxes pure; 33 Obts. . for Fab% by .12111 . J. D. CAN FIELD. Eureka Mining Company of Michigan. TE Stt;ekboldere of the Eureka Mining Company of Michigan. aro hereby notified that thenot of twenty-nee rents per pliant hoe been made capital nook of the Eureka kilning Comp.y of glob= Peablo within Lbirty dap. third this date. St of Ili . rirrt i. t i lte bulldiug renter antUrrr,r