ittibital POPUCAS MEDICINES IE sold, wholasala gad mlasala gadalt, at slur propietafa V kis& ISLOAN'S 31EDICINE DEPOT, h'etrt door to the U $ Ifate4 Bald°. N SEJ ap Meant* &gem, SI Wood assess, Palsbargh. JOU escorr,Lurav .snot; n c unxr. Atbvtenr cur; - 0 .11EIVICSCIIWAILTZ.dso mutt am ap, MT& heeding & Co,Elteabes i t=_, •3alsdWasiss swop, Pa; I" tl ga7aalslos Watlsba , & soal b 7 Mal , thaw& Dralplssa, &r., gearly drop to. gala sha thdesd Pfikan's Family Ointment. , d • ;rh."ecan of Ws mat nencdT Itet f i antioandad popn ant, I and t. of tura= Sliraillircl '" iir Cant the % 'in:al.:m= 6. r o ti g an bnova d pnn_...nn,p,=cozd to a, d u. '"-Pe' rid i.' i i ielik healing on its minv7i.! thin no direct to the! seat at the c a me. cemataasaa °U "'" I" • and spae4ll7 remora tllo ciao of than.. norm& nem" which bee attended to etehtstinili. t6e'unentoo that La a multitude oft annot •SttliCikting pain, the atopetatiost of hanande of iiihbe, bend/odder came of mat denten; and toxin , trainable rivet. Mad ban been used by a. timely lod free *ent s tanden of .-Bloats Emily Ointment ittrains, -- qralm, bru!seet wounds, bane, rheumatism, tem, tensors: caneen"itie. the EMI aernvetett and leahseant semi lie , n. . treo nee of Ole calibrated medicine. Thereto's; ae hen person Ls daily mom or learnable= to accident, er'md=. den meek. of pais, every Gray vsd all eimLe person. Would coo lad as keer :pi conentatly on bend box of this arimAX.Noscs.—Ttals Olen= to emandelly pro , dreg of the isidl; end canteen no poisonous or mineral sabetances whatever; therefore tie than need be enter= tainc4 at any Inneloav masseemenees, seen when applied the most seasiOne parts ; and nmo than fifteen years of, =rivalled lioness In thteure ornrtry variety of an , tenni diseases cut fnissits;been ample testimony to its rannekablesinne. , . Vor further partlealara, and a multitude of entlscaina of recurkabla emu, get patiptdata of .gem prepared And sold, whole:al° and ral?ad,,, t r C 4 'O2. Dor act) Lulu, Meat, Chicago, 111,1 t • • Distwed Horses caul Virttk Reqdralaterml au:mil. to pad() their blood. and rearavelollatentatim and fever, loom the !the Water. nod. unrartion weary pen of tral_batly. us" allcote, el eisag be end cold., founder, distrazipar, lava of appeal. Jenard tunas, yellow water, intemmatiou the eye. Anon from bard_labon We, thetudatina, (C. ,( invinif rained raideaarplaial), and erupt'. dioceses, each dew ighslite Po en trapeze ate. of the blood, to wits Pull hsg bead, Gusha, sarfell and *Grata., require a tree are of Sloalls mlehrsto) Condition Powder. It lir mIW, safe, therougli, and far sepal.r to say other rum dy yet dieraveresl - . Sloan's Condition..oawder' • . • la einapowiil prtheipally of hobo nad non, and may be Oren nt all them, lacander •ti circentelebeet, with Ver. •-• freSailety. laus fo.d. by loot experieree, to be tangy urelal lathe cure of the tations divraves to which bon. end wa arel subject. A tree use of the Powders and tilintlnent will serfoady aura a retool lotted/sr to all noneday* withesit imams th e leant CliteCt in the feet. to Ilona thileusper, they will allay the beer, tea pro. wore a healthy-ter*netioe of dm Too pucka . giet Dicks Powderand a boo of ()lomat t a 111, to all • •Laana, car. th e Hare Pratper, Ina cow more id man. :team regained let an 00. -••• . • Meititel, NtrriCrie—in ell a rand. d4.aey arabesseh as originate 10 an Moms state 01 the blood,. clistelaper, . pail evil, fatale, .edit, scuttle; dot, this Powder is of the natant barer:Alice to remora, all taipsizillee or taint , fmm I.llo4,yetent, and U. prevent a cetera ot the di... Prepared and sold,'. whoa:sale and retail, su tho 13cend Depot, 40,Like Meet. Chicago, lit, by deran .•WALTP.B.I3 !LOAN VALUABLE 'COM; REMEDY • QINCS the totrodietian of this new Campo and. ...Abe L 7 and colds are cared to. • very then We will wares= Dr Reps/a Pectoral Syrup to .curl eases-of oughs, colds, lartusehitis, Ist/resins, in Ins time and at a strayer ride than any other unalleine ever discovered. ST ILLS AM EMI.= Num dencis.—The old cough medielnei all sicken We stornach and produce naives, ,which I. more disagreeable then the ersagAitself. This is obviated la this missive, for it is a pleasant, soothing • attiele, sod it will care; or the money he 'attended/ 'The evidence in favor of sifisinediniue in our city, from our own citival, should convince any ono of lista/Can,. Iris the preterlptionof ampler phyMetest, and has bean used by ham in MA own practise for • number of years, with the most heroic enemas. • Cosecs/mos.—A lady Creep Stunittuville Sete; that ' her dimes& had heed arlieted with n cough and espc, 'rotation: tight sweats, beetle fever, and all the &amain:is kyroptenta of consumption; and that alter taking two bats tks phi was entirely carat. A gendern. in Washington county, who had suffered with asthma and chronic cough for eight year; hue been entirely inhered and We sough used by the areal half • OOTOD Or Lattice of this For. torsi Syrup. A punka. froze Peoria, Maois t writes Was "ho knows Wu Pectoral Syrup to bo • good allele, •for he bar used It in his own cue, and to the .sae of tubers et his family, with the most perfect racoon. me it is one of the curiae* Medicines now knows_ .Isla Tut up' in half pint bottles et 50 erns. cab, or sic bottles ..•• • Cattetry Sterektepere would do well to bn ou.a. i s one or the • Piirre""ww•Nalbta.....• temedieseres.discovereAfor cough. and din:taus of We leash and inaplat Cos - • • Canarscx EXTII.-11any persona wPI Cry to get you to „ . buyeamtiogstuf the n et rioastretr, bet du nor heed there. IC ye% want to gat well, buy "Dr KeyeePs Pato. •ral Syrup," nod lobe no other; thieutill cure you. It Ana in it tome of the.most adabla plants Led herbs of the rataterin media, and is compoundid by a paten skilled • • so the - healing. . ea. Thera au be so deception fa this medicine. It to prepared in your own city; and the pro. prima he. certificate Pram persona in out own city, numbs; ita trelosbie properties, which *Ube 'shown to nay person liesiratte or acing chaL ' • acrrra Webotto *rot/sheet the Ileited'Staty•lo e'en "thin medicine. ; Large di...ea. slit be ',ado to Wore • vino will take en laterat in the median. It will pay a • 1 1 4. Profit'. ell • Wentiiaaidos, they will be doing not. • klieg atatteity a -service by placing in their hada the greatest medicate for Lang dlatuca the werld,4l era prolacd. ' • • rieFor• sae, wholesale cod retell, by KEYSEII. -•• MLA/WELL, Unsaios, 140 Wood area:, Pitabeigb, to whet:nal lettere tor egeasalia Cal. be ad Irested...— . Abe Da isle by Dld Curry, Allegheny city ; P Crocker, jr, Itrowerrille ; George Beird, Washington; John II 8.. c 144.% Ifickorli Dc.n. Konm tt cd s Vowed, Cana:busy; and by merchants 4.. a dsnuip THIS IS r 0 HUMBUG 08 D P DB3WIM AMEItICAN REMEDY FOIL TUE PILES, - 71 - 9 CERTAINLY one or the most as 'medicines I. for the care or this disease, ever koo'.o to this or shy ~t h er cottatry. Those even Intr. hare Arm op .it hopes C.ln Wog cared, tr they will icily trose y Al, will niters.. trot having done so. Road what thsay about Y lag hnro siren it a trial • Ye2soole flesteip—Browo'sli Ohoraaalli. of teeoeel metal) , for ow of the not Worming toaladlei that la oh helr to.' We sellout noise the aorentout t Ivo prorxotol to the fold. =dor the lorall 01 nolo, el. for every itting; bat ban, re a prepsatleo which.. !woo bo o overar, out ohleh aro commend io the ar. on% asel - ro- ,,, rre of the atltleted.—.2.l.l. Eqrrca. • ~tre oret . pleimed to artier, Ws valtotble mood/. aro/ to ' the above tertlerooy of coo who .polka kola expert. once nod 'kzeoledgel el to speak- quatisx Thum are of her enlaces of Beal* .ho Dart toad the. Ohrtaten; 4.4 nororrapirietteed a cotapleta cox .The 'proprietor at =IS romady has M. cart:Scotto of arlukrorbo bear tat. thaoay to to maths ;ovum nab ;me bolters it to he a clitriedy -worthy the attentiast of aH oho aro 'alllleted with. Ala palatial dire.% and hen foU coofiderea that all who ;A."' n vrIU God at/zo Mier. thensfrout.—Boijosls Day Thin Li to Cattily that I bare been Matti 1.11. b the . Pike for Um Ina two yearn, end received no boon& from vanety of locaciatonaaaa, aatll 1 nom owl rely - carol by . Won or four appllnaDosti of Dr 13rown , • celebrated tonna! wad Estonia! lionnoiy for ibe PD. • • • . Dated-Dnitalo,Don...l3o,lSSl . , &maths ton astonishing. effect I.64li:toilette has had apao n lady ego Pas laps elaa for aim y.ra this is to sortify that I have arso for dm hathlne years • atf,s o g . with the Plies; I halo syyltrd to playgirls. in various sax/mute( the county wbero I and used their various remedies mail my min. had failed, and p. ho ora care hod led 'forever. In fart, from the ittraare nal.b of thadisesse, and tha nth. Callao of Donn toWla catmen to Affect it, they decided it won not the Yd.. It his now hoes about tetrdayeranee I have ounarenced tiring Dr D t Ilrowlgs monody, and to thatilmS hem tbe nature of my. haziness. nimble to on it Cogniariy, as di., marl. 1 can say. although not wall, that it tom vrea me more relief than I have had for lb. elos years before. I fool maids. that K will aria a putout Pare. I no ' Command It to the world...he gram. =didm fbr this -dleeamgryer invented. 110, Ha. lin Wisdom, Ahdfal POS. , Yoth. •- . • . Yorastm wholoale and reta, try • 84 atio by • Dhl CORRY, ILL Vathrourry .Sartacea, 1.• !mein been United to mon by his friends, rospectfolleolfare his profthathath oar, elm to th o . citizens of Pltrabargh and lu vI clalry; &adult. ion prorent opporutolty teexproth Ida 1ek.001014M11131, la lam far thellattcriag eacoaraga: ota.lpay dl4 thread to lato la the prosecatthaof prefeathaa daring Gra year; and again Invites they tronage.• lining practiced for the -lost toe year. the , thtitod Slam. Impresario= ha la capablo of trea , ,,h, the venom diema W othlth . noroaa atellablo, Ir k as ahk and acJeatlna mace, Cr. W.P. bap hit caw Ulan SWAN - F 0011111: three; boa* oao. ' Wo a d.. nod lintitheald thretta,ithenrho mar be collar A.l 4al, from ID WI 3 o'clock, so totba tanndsotha of horny amt Ihs dlathoth of Moran and Oath, • • .•0 :Entry d.scription of Votatinmy Vidt,,b 2 i., b. bad `at his olnoe,accormsly forepOltidalr:, abd Properly ad to every dlwase to ankh the t~rsp in tocuku—Lfn4 maim Lamm. illiebna. 11241 / a *'..(trarY ood Canada. Powders Mutts ar " dgb at r Arena Sick umo'h itarolod to at to man or man. , W. alum, r. 8.. ''• ' :ZOE SALE,. - - TUE md •• oy Muted an Peaa street, ... 'city_ of Am Mlrdniog tb. Four th • wo r d Beboot ttorimi 'lour occapie4 by Columba. Wan it Cosi Coach Mudi ghpp, fpaigi t.Z foot on Pam meal, sad twik of. id uo kat u. .10 foot slur. .-Ln b• • • • For tor , ,na, tip ply to eat/. of lb. andastimel. . that. raidance. Pio 10 WOO ar to John • Wills, leo ,75 Crentodnot: . • • Ina V E V BDIDE . _-• : • . - Hr. M PATCHILL • ' - 1111091.9311C1i 11/111.81/I.X. • turF2HARD. Minty street, one, door Wow Cl. ' . ..'finerniel Him, at hie okt sunel, prepand no supply his .. • ineaneiris ankles in his Um He has Wed to his attar Minima Ihe inanntentare leamkor. hi ail doh. mieq. Having purnhanni one of W. 'r • IL ICevists Nonnliar-hints foe the eneanCeetnr• pr2.izi. t=1.11 . :11 :171 . 1 , 11 ".liotle by the siniMetiatentkei to 6i:tetanal to ' 4lnas Ina public pacronagn., The public ate rosr:4l '. y hs •-..eirietno , datwenbera lola Tailored to receipt tnteigh - tor all Anerebandisa and produce destined for the Eastern cities, b, the If riivre svilla and Citintlerlanclratils. Slippers sod others will bare :brie goods forenaded by the proprietor. - with the omen dispoteh, at tho lowest =mat me. Rills e heeler se.kee sod traanahsed Ira al chive for commission. • The patrol:hp of tho publle Is respeedolly sellelte4. Per the Propriatori: FORSYTH & BAKER. Brosruvelllr tiEo. B. MILTEABEIIGEIL, &see heel Water senor, Pus bomb., ,FoittauN PASStNurat. SHIP AHOY! • . WHO COMMANDS? ' lIARNDEN ok•,410. Who Irani appointed the rubmwther &rent „ forth-Mr unrivalled linen of Mips from LAT. cep.: to New liark e Phllodelphia end go. Let the friends of emigrants bet careful to • hare their vearpembda axle achordiag to the War Prowler. Lew, and take tm tames receipt, wit. out h irmertod; °Menials they will have to pay he • Lleerpool,l4lo.-e they Whip Thefollowlap laths lint, ding tot per wsek 51;2 Ms brad:" ' 2 M. park, ' 1 IS floor- I-2 plat 'hews, 4 18. narMeaL F 6 ans.4ll Der,ca, 1.4 in vi 01..., -5 Itspotames... 2 ou. Tea. With thresquum nr VA.' par dxy, and outlicient fay 'for monis/. The canoe. aedeookla g nurturer Me moot passengers am:3=de.. cower. Every latC2oo/311/11 i.aid to pro mote it health and comfort ttaucce made as naval, promptly, and at moderato gMMMgI=MI . . Dub% !egad., pennons, eaflected, sad undo, afarlllaproeureeloritb overt otherburineueounetselenea an European NIAJ ROBINSON, European Aun jena Pont 13nthlings, of Fifth mud W oel ata UEXIITTAIICES -.ENGLAND, =LAND, SCGTLAND, WALES, . .. , ' FRANCE, and GERA I AN7 To soy anmet, by • Soaheara nobinnen, European Agent, Foil Buddinra cor. tha and Woad .:, ~~„ J,., . aTIONONGATIELA ROUTE. ONLY BEF'XIYTT.THREE MILES STAGING! vv. sagromis AND crerarausa To 11•241:110111 . . TUL . E . mating . Beat lenyna trparf event bli . dj dal n a clock, ~ .funa Balthnors, TTJJ !Lauri.. it. ta glailadatftall, 40 harm The creeng goat lamer daily (=opt Sunday awning) at 0 o'clock. Paumnagars. byeaaring on the-nail ' • .in UM day, nd thus arata night mare. • • Tut ao 11,16=1:30E2 11/6L—PALII TOPIWADZIaIna Olt Ereure'your tickets htannnlnhrin lit Ch.Litietel. [natal MESKIMEN, Amt. DEA I Isibizes' the Head, and 'PH .gllnfreashic. eAKharree from One. spoadtly bud perateacatly rem Dyed, withot pain ar lasanyeac once, by pa Principal Aurist af the New WOE). aril Mar i:Wurmi, who may beossolted at 296 CtlbanUT_mccat,Thhadelphis, Imo 9 to 3. whirtanloars do. sad almost aadirlded attention to this branch of >ll.oclal praulaa, has enaidad blot to at. deco h. fir•Wznot to noel • dapee of somas a. to Mal aaa'..lnned aid obstinate came yield; by • laladk - . 0, C 1,0 1 , I..the muss prescribed. Th• ". ' ..owing testimonials ara 'Omitted with coo& doer, ',Yhey.will show, at hum, In whi”stitostion his Probwejoaal qualification. ate held by - aome of the sou Wain Ad.hed mailed mem la Om mituary: ! . 1 &meld the pleaure to wwet Dr Hartley to pr.. liaa.:and 4a. been led to fore • favorable opinion of his cimaromer both in tho proro4olloo and a. a 55 den'' • . W FARMER, M D, NM...or of Battery, &a profeisiOaal 011ittex will Le tally appreciated by Mime Who place thermal , . tinder hi. caw' . 301164 a WiIIYTAIiER,III Li, - Professor of Anatomy, to, "From my LOOrCoOyNI. with Dr 'Haitlay, 1 hare fond hi. do "awes carrot and geotlemmily.“ 'YALENTOIS MOTT, M D daty to giro my astinsooyl n favor of the treatment "Opted by Dr Hartley fat Oa carob( Mat- Tie appticatio is onetteado4 by pain or Incoarro alone, and to mud. almost hustantaticome. •pll Imi 7 Commiehog int lamr, 0 Chamlmr• at S'iltoFlTArlarifilVEMTMEN r. -pop. BALE • valuable, prayorty shoats atimmlSOyard• X' Dons Metal orir.i. p pardons of aim Croat sod kill aids stains padashy, 160 J good mil with bank °paved, rionsiriag • rail road of 103 yard. to *good bantam sad harbor Is the slyer. Tao lthp.oseatatas aro Sao story, brick halm 16 by 36, with kitchen 16 by St fad; thrao Inmate bask two 60 fiY 39 Coal ; stabias, bas bona, hay bonsai tall boom, wilk • *pia( et Sao wow; two orchard, of about 130 yang trees al choler frail; • salt sr all and gait boson Ilttssinad below Wad /Ulan, eo tba Yank. • his is • roll Sladrablo plass of properly, and offer. areal indacansesita to pumas with • paralusal assl p. 41.010 Wealth. It hi farther asi nand ss to .deft I of Whig divided ishi.hosaral nailer trams, wbkis. tia• plias with tbilidosatages at an about..o ol cad for the trade, sad .pod salt wall., nodes it anuassirs to the apasolattaras sad anat.. • - For thrhas, apply to • " 301111 8 PAGE, • • ' • • :3 Grass wear. ?abb.& 111.1r/1T 01LA66 W011,K19, FOR SALE OU RENT. A Tim not Glarroorkr; with aU.thatr.liPlulol - coo, toxistlog of ktoopoi farm" womill.,pe eaulag apporstao, pool, mem oulzko. IN4 oitoolod on! grACE.7 grazer rtu.toiptta to. • The forams room of *ha Glargirms• 51 by Ufa/46nd elm other portions, enaaistlag al •• mould shop, ed.& packing, pot and other roots, 03 by XI, all built salaam , dally of brick, and tided/a ourid/oaert: tM farmed 10.3, of lama marks, solorml idea Ace; a barmaid as , tomboy aodsr the with ammonia= mt. homes aoudad, sad thwerhols scarf, am • _ - Tao lot on whiah ft studs auclors/, IV by 2•7010 m, Croatian on tiaras mime, sad estandliss blot Usa aer's ran, which lir shoot Wog wharfed up and Improved Ito • usal, and withha one swum at the ilehrwma, tkai po pomeigL la kmalloa raper/or tacilitira far prow*" • . This ralsalilo'properij, _which,' wilk nal0:1101(41 '' crialdem Mid* Oltluble tor mometartaMan papaw, mbar then des abbn samekaied, will be whim rood ea am Mans, *ad pomeralou elms, For farther . part/tabus and iarat s eady at Um Ulus Works, or address, HUNT, araaidter •• - • Phltadidphia Fog SALU. - - 'PITH= olagy aparateke. that sad" Imam block Ja of brick ateria,eoeser of ',shorty eat bobs sonars. The censer ••• la sum *coupled as • amide, seem the alJohuse ow. • lushes 6101. • This property b.erisete Is As cetilt-e • , bailaw, I. Ina or all inankbraea. ma. area 'leper".lattleamest. tesehosaK ' Tan. easy— Porta that panicular. w, q el - • • 1110111.EIV II'CLUIMAN aq libany ~- HOUSE 'AND LOT. F0H..8650: LVIL VALE, a largo 104 .booed of OAK frost by 431 *op; Otago; to enithritteborgb, co the Bin osoototiol. Whl; luring o [moo house a two someone elitisOPC All nen fleldked sod to good. , dernirtmAbore Ass A 'Aso .inn view and Is oelyolhost dm names wall, from the brldge, - . Polo. : • Iltaxe-4440 la. here, -4110 t• ow year. ead raw In Iwo yawl: • • • O.•CLITLIRCILT, thall/MAIA al ; VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. - von so 4 boesornThesb/s tan of pound, &mama ot /: comer or Storks* ran Mast Wate r fn ?ono r . !0 . bi10rt .. 71 . L144110 1 . NAM:. Water Arm of nnon 1,1.2 Alm ea. lot of ground odjololor tba iloo Work; Ur. betty eceoplal by Mr Jae ph Tomlinson as I.bfp yot4; Winn • front or /31 fed 4 14 IRMA co*, llosoopr Lela mom Mut molar boos 341 feet to timentoorberml: Pasoas..lealeso of wawa/ esa Moen Amber .R 0- STOCKTON. for qt Lute* and SotalaK 4 FOR BALE: Bi PkTalCith & 2.2.16N11, No 113 Wood awns -33 nasal Hand Ewan lirldeo • - "43.d0 Nankars Litany BridpqueY: 20 do .St Clalr &treat , do do , WO' • A SPLENDID: FARM •• • • • ICV . 11 SALE, amt. la • 'mashy location adiebin the .1: thriving vlllage el Mlkordle,Pau uomaktp, 13 maw &mar! car, oartalaa 614 agree of Mader • reed quality mat atialuck nuts or mthiraboa,lll saws la Ice meadow, wagemedi ti. orchards of abet. knits. • large palm • mew brick boson well mused /or rew• . &nand aaanairsin, •pmp.oCAM water at tee door, large frame bars Red C.6M 'ad. miter out hamea'aboto scree etchoke tiadm. .The wboM la la arst ram radar mad worthy Ms Miamian of Mom wombs • mamba/ farm: • rainotabbtl.L. . . lacurusarr, Oval Ageot, • ' 0 0 0 • • 60 Braltheeld UMM2 Vllaormedieei tar drains/ bow 1. Oakland, ilay. " *r roaar c a•kitebss, a4q 1.4 Mai 6 = aw 1" t"?''T.8"1"1 " "TAM - • EMENEE UMM '" . - _ . 110 Lag VIM Semi, " ruirturgakm AO Vir; raimatiti Astowwwilto ' —bawds- sal. on o Itorworeatot hit hes SowarrelPhltddi thibwpwaaad twat ator* boassiWid -winiere rows herogesoarks Uhl chrr e sa,,heie donatelood aptsoldthaewsnalsehl wen Sootaned otaterishe hew eneddle sod mart. designs; end boo the Wade{ bread= awithwthryta tesoptiacotring, be le sisablistaiprodsoS wortsotsd No& wws, stn the totrasvwsnsh •• t Be baeldepted Ish;raltriii enii. hems with llsowe e bt eptantland priesond hope ..har .I=4 tigmta , -.4 al+ertoree-h - oss the absolves .gsatersee, le doors and oesstly, that • loass:X.Po=4...areereorg be isPed , Pots hie seock, es, to order. thowtstra — solicithaa sthOutdeara sitehthraisstatiy. leakawraw nartiewing oracles watwish la past; et frleyors.drarkele Seaton et style sled lardlers aM , 4. 7 , drown. dip , ater r - withed roots ahsirsor tnerry•sriwir • e . aoset=es zi s i. 'doscriptiomeoeshetweakattoileadeti sad . dime olds West strlue psh • • arror r .Fuhass, Wbralleur, ud bei growth emlasm prior-vs* tint desks ot various hbda stash told*. wed testi, inlaid dreads nuestrateada zed hohlass e warble top, taw homy, rosewood sed Iftlsll6 awn sad very Wawa*. session dining tatdertall *mot the maw lowered. wwl sad decidedly the best kind man card Prothro!. MU and olsr tatsktesentroboes hodrettels sad we:theme& bug. wennwah [ratio 6aD sad par*, • 'acssidiest duke, osmoses and etoolh-htero. , 7 .. unclad boehetasea id& boards, dwr , - • ..aka ad tee pop. •r C96l:ool2.lirraitart 'assilrisaasi sdals. Cabbat iimson. sepp4W.lst . 11 atid.“ ; bs ttAr .11tialati4issid iiisslifd is the laKe,a . =de. pmmor Ewa«, YOUNG'S - ' vcrizzuTvymikciaturit.r_r•iiimanovsxl iidi=l7,;■=ii iftsidae — ta streets , .. . =.. (Opposite ..Bnowes Sew) lit.. • Wassa way be towsda lap awl maples Week of CAW.. Wars sad Cast,* at the latest deals., ..1 the masosta sad , 'lntsisizsalp ........d. Th. &Maws" of those about ts lama Dwallbga Howls, wallas baildlass, waYespiwtrally solidi. !Win .smell that we cat Baader m.tiOctlas ti all LIMOS ~ .lso wusy ,sar us 'Wait wreasat. — ... . • EL swtpliwil os.s.selsith alga sad Scas teem Fusalsanv sad . su et we wortasystresul sok. and wastaarcal mot issaxiip... Ordnro foltaildly . .oscesipel !hi!' pmeifpit , ...!, Jedglospotetk, an vel7 re Is*. ' ". .. :To our Std filMaasoul ausscwwws la th is bruisili ofwas issiass• wittistie oaf awls, and Is Wsisiss to salt • 1:14/12.....11 , of their csatose, Ins shall always sadsurris .0 own tier whims pnwsptly, ' - •7: ‘ ,-- ,•••••-, n' ' • (AU - t- 7 ='-..' , L 1 _.•,. • 8 NOITNO At 4:* BOOTS, SHOES 'AND PALII.4ATEI, f• • *lt osou ;Airasuart;' , /UM.. had ourd ruuth strata TB saw reakelng dadaist - Salad, slasa.:Jl Ilats and Slam, may all =MI to spealatad. ' ••• da, at tba tea saartala tad waliasob:. • • auaddp ,taat Talinad siadu of sand 1141101611, IA easaut G. ;A. I. ausoppethi UP kap 44 • Moek.tßOat. 1 . 1 Blau thee It Willa die Lama a. Indlaldalsaad fay& U. to itnaldm nag, sad -11..1 a aptarel ascauwat ot tb• but a:P.lpar luasuad Amu ...lasts ofadual, Naiad rrrrsausailAnizevrioitnuin•sizpiit.' Lula.? Enlist ad /lack lades asaatr. • ••• • do • Yana alaufauP aid Mould oasailid LIMIX:O2 ppad *Oaf teats, baaafia •Ciadapd. bum, aad busei . S.s . .adr Asa; Oar. prima Sum Press ad Ladd Max • ' , do Taylor dm,. Pak. atualad La. do wary ktad alsramrat silppareasia; • • Waal roadie Cowan lad slaw aad beau% al 1..,....a5001ed hadUar, apadattad - •••• - „. . 70111rerest Mean ••1 Idl tenotalmad abromi SO &Samar bads of ebiktrenra... ' • Oa baud, axtra Imp dam mut extra widths leallea:110 ma aadlll4 04; eassmes Am: • • 'Abe; a sapariar *ads extra arldohnliatimekiiii =Nam -lama may ha it to taste Inmost urea mock wimrs3trey, mill AM extra amp • • peon shasN - 01 - of witch mllt be MAI Ire, for cae/a,. ~tot!Jiag, ; ,&r. JUST RECEIVZD N. , us A A arm *psalm at. WILLIAM OIQ B T S. ___,_, A& N uB FAT x . 1 ... 1 t ....7 bM a"Dr*”."`.— .._ FAGiIIoNABLE GOO ..e...*: for Spa& e.rafA the '"" Pt" "G lr. dif America/4 EniAlk... 4 r".. - ' wr" " 7 mammas, . 4 A...n........."5i 0Tas yEsTirios : AND , ... L. , ~..;.., ' "*" 'nub s lart• '"ab al Wel suundaemdZa el , ' ' lIKADY ILILDN cuoTal.NO, ~,,,, Natione al the bipirt 411 . 4_bilf, /11.1"-== el the Allewhottn. di tt....,_."t.1irr“",.a115,,k• •11.11 I. *CI..! ''''l.X.77.-- o Y Dot fG - ego. —,A. hvoreimt 'with • eLOTIIIRCI le soldOda Lowssr pleas In the eiq. An gamla ths • Talks; ~; lIAIIII.IIIION !SCOTT, • , MERCHANT TAILOR, Comer .of_Tkird aid 7 Barigfuid l, sts,! Pitithorm ESPEXTFULLT teams Ms frituda patron a' • k• 1 . 1:1 • laza padTzglcortoost muulaw deu • b. c•• =U.' as cadet Wail ZEST ....ISIOST • ItSHIOSASLE STYLE. BM opoo as yeausibta unasas uy repay labia in O. cty. Thaakfol tbr tb• libenl lasuer la ableltla but been sustained by 'a Moral' pabli4 to bop.o,br a.triel aunties l badun to ifterit • maims. of tb same. Begs e, Sauey; Puma. Exalt&sad tatuicu alsak• at du lava qulkty aluy• n bud. '41.1" Can/mares— Vim* Amnion. lad Eogibti—at Os teat =I but guilty. mama muds; sad to fan ovorythia; snaky ea establabarnt or tb• nt.a JUN • complus wenn.= of paskaa.VY foulAddog good. of Um bo* • ta. 1 ' at. •Piti • SP/MAO AND swims u. CLOTIIaLOt . Ne..151' LIBERTY" n, Pittgbargit: ,101 IN IIeCLOSKEY On sow the Oman of name, ee. Log taint anteroom Wards sad tit* public to pone, gm 6b Spnegzed fthener sock le row nod, for Le• etathlooortin bane, alit be fond to be ose onto lergon sad boas Method Mao o< 14.14atode clothiog to too Posed then countrx. • • U. coo p. Ol non ern and Marlin to the amormoring eng style of Ws tlartseath so that the vergionort prim; At Inn the gent, en gee op le solo tali engem, on to be mowed. • • - lie mold pankenrly MI the o f of ell linden Isolating to his intmditt erentarat of - • READY-MADE GARMENTS,. As he gals no Meth, atm examinant el the gailltith sod prices of Lir goal., As en offer the rethitelom 'cam n mks a their Mena to warn et Itts ortablletseet. " J 1.47 years's:park Incas& put museum la the !mi tten, toilettese with m maproemdeoted Wligkstlis mad Ile tall patroafts. haw enzhlsd him to pt ap 11.11:20M11 ro it the bmitam hmbito mad tastes of ataxy locmliom to the Mass, mrhieh lea( the =bog Imparts:ma to winds. atm wasters.. • the Cmultg department Nli ba (mud a Asks mmitai . - dos *We most famatomabloconsist:tot of FRENCH.T.NGLISH AND AMERICAN BREAD • . moos, CASHNIARETTS. az. idee. Also, an =anent osmium.: At rssrisas, of Me Wan ud own feabiasib:e nriee—ail of olliethe la so pared to melte to ardor in tho ben matinar, mei at inn • r"lees 1 71V0. HE OITS AND ILL! - The • ranee; the quality, and do variety, te the limn extv vo, mdinibtedly, to b. Anted, la the Unfurl Sultan • . - es3l • • BUSINESS NOTICE. • LL A :nous husky huntress with the u ndusigaid, Aoi . Pablas_AteherrlM. /eneoetor ti. Book Leapt., . otherwis, will Cod him at tha Nuabarsh Caususurei College.. dolly frata 9WI 11 tenant, A AlMtill P . . • _ 11• 2 rasets scut of compote./ Beek ittwAt . ehe he applied bycellar ow .• •Prtµclpai /asttAclar 11 thanks.* at Steasants. Yietsbarghal Canoga, t - 1 • April 8.1b54).f - CHRQNOMETER LEVER WAtCRER. • inOMBINiNti tba adtantsons or both, aad do. cldodly aoporlor to Denial or any Mat make of watches. Ws banjo* rot:onto:I Alan dot East, *ad moor °poplar a lorp and well oaleatod }Sock of Oat Watches, smd tooo soperloi to ay. bltbatto °Oro/ Is lhlo Coitantora Ord ilto labile tioneorally an Ensiled to CO and aunt:way tract cotoprlaag lonta lag and best Watehasantr otsanfoctarol Loodon, Ltrarpotd, rad. ... • • • Wa ka,r• stothed mac al On saw WOO% whkft 'wind up sad am bonds without a key!. • Moo, Some Wry ins ladles' • Walaban, beastllally coainYed sod oat with pearl and dialoged. Clutbso, Nools and Nor in slob owing. • tiokt Maden am low as sessested le costa •gold ••4 good iinitibeflion._. Waiclki• moll singular Rasters price; Ind asljendsd, isolated end • Vf subs. ropalnod la iint bast .•• , • . ••W W WI ON, . . • 67 Narlieestroes„ eorsoiel Foardi WASIMO, BL£ACIIING, AND . CI,ELNIMIO FLUl niEoltr-ot dal. lato mu, and let as make em la of asorsdar wring whitan assi pat into . kettle of batilaa arantrom which add ,psponlaa el •••• bolt of Plata bar m y galtine alum water; play op aad boU tha whale tre .0111.1111116 Tim clothes may :tau tie nand !ot sad mall stand In aim add warp.. The paro of fiVENDU tkat may tam mon eoltist, bb 'wristband. asd collars of shirts. may tie silent, sobbed ham and , and Ike sloths, alai tie lime perfectly clean, midis • • Wunsmad nano lalme aile aunt istirtit. Mai= ant 'sati po s l. faction, 4)r lbn mom, arW be SoPrtn ld, Watt asdamall,tii , • • •..,5 • , •• ' It IS BELLER& ST Wood mast . DIXON WATE:Ht.:23.I. • • 1 . 11/2 , 4%;=d . 0 r i . r , r *awoke a tboltiport4 'masted to keep -.mato thoo. • My poonat soppy comptiaoo ammay Was., ph. gold - boluesousd magi Watt., open Ace!. konflor ard plata Gad, Thom wontboo, • otiootortt ontotthltoly anialtod sad eta gnotly got op, too Wit town *nib a epeeist *wimp for* tbo se.corany of olootr time IroopW oho!, moor atilkotty gold tom lotete...7toop two Womfolly Or.nd to iupootlas of lbo minaa to 100 wunioo. *booboo balm of not. • • • rram. &walks. Is dolmas°, diseoetleabe W=K. slued Ise bedews la the Vestety ha; es likueomMe4 Is „H a d I. luallato4 sad therefore mark hie mire We* of llerebandisc ea Sue Cm sale. boot ponce et posses dearess of pasbislm, sod via MI en l ea. , essmodatieg tams tf sppliestion be ssade mew • Its combs, riper asstan. t ,. animal .b an d blank unaa. thuds, liaahry, eon% ana k :. . I , to., 1.1 IClsauelaVardla zabacribar u el . lanataw thar oldaat. Wholaial• is do 'UM fleetly, luta eta In mond ia pagan pamnla Ma mak, sad it fa Ni.( aaa tad bonallaam I=l 11=na autdt.,a baina dmm z.agab acabeni..4 pod. TUGS 17014111R00R. BM Tao abaft. steak wilt DO nelsaapd for - Heal &Ws, dodratda. • . • • U. .; ; • re IT&lama stock of Blank Boski•W • 'AA on Myles of biodlns. oatied cis Wirosessies, W iIIIVIKWd Bast • • wan of Malta sod &woad streets.. - i ,)Itonatusts ars assoksoad to sad • • • • dhur sod Diary middy. ars odOnd sr prises tines Uri bus E Ines 'add is Ws -,: ..... ~ ': .. • .. nits Lunt .1;4. iii4azi; - spar so , ibariapa;okat Tim -, '-'• ~ r r caag c! aA. L'iickvi;ii - - • ; ratiaiasaaawomeaoaa,a& — „, ,, ,, . ...,E.saiitto, Spitting apttapdai agar Lame- ,• , Climpkiva' nagokit,•424lll#lllirri off Leak al its trattamatenea flaSamas.' -- . • . . . •;. 'TIM • GREAT: c.ouGE REMEDY! .• kIEaDEiR, ttha. yes a Vostgb. watt. pia in asesea tstr, .ctus Lbw tba.rt - te .41, .0.... m. pat; mad titallsral aesa ascaltalf afar • Lai la Dared all - •'lort, teal idadassa;.attataSt Ma balsas probable re- . s a abortilma, Nyta aa l zem i. n uci r''" 1 7 14 .= ltill NEW to foal a taws' e 1 Ogleasaa Bast top saws the dersklatoolpsatad With 4 ..? . 6 .T. . V..raft" 'foals day, bulb* easilk will ea *, aai ratingss ISOM:ft sill Le a, thiebeat pawl*. or a lder Crsalrytmaum . AVtat. p.hapst alth blooLOf ~, ..y. dal Ober. -. thaw aspWasit araiesa.„ "WU istreascsad par in aces ban krasi.Nan.a".• . 'mligKelpissirastcarpfasa apsetalsaust Om "at , ,prastratatr.trys multerakapearsalci fey assasEe „, aamthavatia. yostearttlatiotta passOssaigillia- t 1. :Wads. man bow mulls- corta merlon dM Ma: . '! smar t seollarrlid yea.away.. Prism! I ha. paws ease. - :. sa Oa Outsell - ,la *a stars Rhumb yob *ay.% fa la ..' . • sepals totwaysepessaat Osesmaptiaa prep..% aba .: isms as teterspidlth to *Saul tsralmal.... lle ail Oa , .: . 1. ' tbteass6'..sai - ssiabras, ithast,tha ,gnat Daeroyar bita„: .• trateral to *4 U. 25, valor 5i,111.0.0. lava Nab a VOLD: it Ms tad btaa *Bitch 141, all might la. bias wall; bar, isa sash:ord. saga tha fatal *balm . , dun ll woOtt °star -1t nr." it trassfansi Ea daadli eads* to the &tam* 'or tab Lan; •saatios Ear, til heatable of rabertle4: Mad& aad aaatba aid Wee Ilerl te tae - Osam; area Emma tabaistadtapa to - soDast • . sad sappy**, loarlag, by Emir alasestbas, gnat area tla is sb.l..nags. Al thb.casst,ths Maass a midi*. Seta' *ow. sad ext. 1 1 .2,6 ..te.. 4 &Jima di kuNA - - :Is the Uttar a into HIV. tOOt itatkiniittettin. • Unix mestiln, amity - 0T nrni in aroma, seri WK..... shays make the point was 'tooth:nab* sad pekoe 7••• lia Wide *than*. walla, of . ninr-tutt n bailie.. 4ipint or Sealed periods. Onsamptiaa Wes mega as ay; etierr• A..., mad Dr Ropes' Arne et, LISENt ,WORT. mut. tad - CLNCTIMAGLtta sruka..a la.*: ' Dab, *lll dna sr 12r4 3' SVILELTatu de lititill. ... ..-. Tote to alms lastosps, bets. as Velar yortaistabsts. -,-.. Ws lists,a , Warsaw to prows n o t KA* TROT ars& - *Aaron, us sanestly_ashort limy Roo. ammo ,Vall '-. ". &Ed was ass a marsh ova maliartas eadaterhaapek* •:: Imitates by you be the /mama .d arbearner - pr 01', --.. ealst, da nos ./at gr . t.,...„ misetiber Wpm sy. .- - tam, las seradtrate I thralasiOy; at mad .•m. - by *a- ,- pometrally twattog posse, sad leans p•ar tolgs.a , , - Waal. tear. pa la OW raters a serialdatet -", . -a limy. dal ..Wkw„vtatly amitarca. ibis aiegnfa ri , takiareN4 sad' +Wag to &MP ' fterawam Mon - , antra. • can of moms naideb. did oil sublimes la 0 ' . : Vold t-• had Kea year de ild 'goer'. bat Vaoart4 ad' coeds'', yaramoir sot rho, bah. estrolsp a rr .... sorsot sot 10..4 tsars yea taa sets you - dear alb! may be toporat ths mach' or bap.. a be, , . mark per, innfors, n yon nice the Ow apyear dal .., -.• less, impair maids, *7 nab eh Usu, and irks --..,:. ea lists oar aka mid and camesaantaashlag, pas , - it Winn. at mos, ant nut 101.1141111t0 tagrils sob* , • :t sabdosd. - Wo .emeastleastp arm Oa - ala and O S. .•• waded crearlassee. tau lf this advt. we. failowitkiti -. !..• Sow *a anti ...Id/ arra b.f.. isaaiaaaaaa ': apparatal and fatal Mead . tat wary Elabar, orpardat , :::. i,lnei wall these saaarls; tbassto say ea= bn warms over the siarly.idlgat atonal - ''. blesStrOksea.remiela Wan* to minion insettin-',.. • L bar Moir! oestaa. - Ls Is ma abt ads" tbu iterbe Om - • • '" nova* ..b ts b. .seamed.: -Palatal me lath-beDr . .' I Eras mare *SAL lieDs..a itsparP spw.ipqaw rawiisz. Wilmot CAKCALLAGU/I,lollalllllll* . • - UTro ea x.,iPaaaa r aid"..;l.i.iia..h..giwismr" anaper a. a earmr lammt;slpial . Vitra pia: by .a. - LEOD. ~-.. Pre salmorisolarle and - AL ECOVILIi* ma, - . Prepistart,at Oar PrisalpaSDapot., - Gothla I140;3111' -;_. Itrearay; Ear Pork to abate 'all ordsos ter tbs no& ~,, etwooa tettemr?n!rt .c.wiek.ilmsibaa?bs,4...• .:., abet; Or Wait Pitabassi• biN N. PNESlNNt .frn stttr ; ',,,2 . , Wail mr, Wliotsashilpmt ter ,aass - aad • II P. aoRWARTL mad D El VINIRE; Albarmit .1' TOWNSEND CARR & so, Ebtralaster. EsEAWN....... ~ Prus , .ta larprbettla4looler ataboEba#l ; ls* - . . NNE 8 A LA)4..ANDEfit...At-ky: WohisattEsettlecier hmt07110070710b00.74, Ti"-9y I r a ' Food q 8, ....e 4 W1 1, • TraZitt Beef, eats 7cemieet iihliChiele - WOThIB7-Delie to." • lend ...atm, Tumbler" I,ockii .1007:0•770..:. • 'eeP ,rair • Tbl;3('Piiroi a wayleist I _with Loolut - of 01, rmai khra, I goec. of ova Balu w raf,e lithe folhieoe Zuni Woad reettfatateemene 47m an ban he tho sa, t 7 tomeSadu &Sanas of Pittbboryh,.l4/som it 4007 I two 'vs ma ememsehnity who may anektleme. ji.VO falonaii arm, rqmidhey.their G,p .qoettkd. ii 71.1101 M ',. • sneak loom' ether rho mu; modlograleta fa. _ the 11, had 10 + h of Me, hie. 1001 0PP07.4q . . 1 _. maze itto nigerarr.Paserrar newel is this city t 0077. emor will hone soy, Trideoat lathing to elestotiorsto Am 0,727 It sake:Lbw imeherscheuemi, this I saw ams,7holy ttr* elorY ordati Ooot •72- • Bel l et 2 whim pattkaleuly to 00, . toe • bays Edo 00.nreraide 7s osederrund rear-hued hp John I Andersemo; which 'situ holm ospcsoekto : too. 4.41 sow taken met of the y d .4 *pawl wish. .ton meeeteebehetehy: Way tray; b falliay. 'I rem what I bream of their fitaftm 1 csh lama ootolo7l et , cootoma 410 m u all shoot tdeo +oar non :a ..tia.,lll WWI of DAVCCINIE, : - CChiltGE W GOSNELL Mears Meet riolithGenitiaamat sham tualwo]:.., GRAIATO CO mrsidoc the tasy aidareat Jinopolot Ostia arida ~.4 . l , e ca rough ere that oemarred -Maui a era besitationler whams 'opinion Mat • 8 b, gala & Barna; la Pittsburgh; has Untodned less .•' mycelia. "Dm or mid manateetura mood sad ',- withstood dre fat, act inkabg ..7 thing it ealaireed which Eater in' bare parehased, sad lam .O.W I. MO/ • Now: -Wo . ricamoul th ew to all barons mat _ ram, l. i iLN .14NDERSON & FIZIOS . 2OO/ BLITie;44O Ere low teased a /arte • towbar et Oates. - Paths of venous patintaa ad alas, • that ham-beau hal:totem relied upon, mainly Milled to ansirce any pot;pwe ; ahem books and papas have beta moth nar.. zed die:eland, while InWebal am anoint. bare bees takm Ott fa a good SOU ci pne. email= - .Tatman pentect Safi that we bays exclahad is a bole oar math& - arm bussed la the iron man al MAIMS W 6211 t-Vlalatt, ma IE6IB N. It Mk. CONOCOId Ce . • ROA Miami brat, thattnalted .kers et Emits tad.spils lase solid tames, boa wheat opimed its imam weak wa• smarm scorched. A Mlle Na was alt daring Oa Da, and was taken oat. aninjared • oast of drawer. ad plain" holes, ood, made of w remained pother, • wideint" wee ' loninethesarnbli ma that reigned or Misted. The lochs and veins" et the Sao seem to have ben mairely *she. bind. Mar gator orate same kind, hut ot manor ass, - wen hissed In tbe anowstera, and She coalman was trail prmarroL.-St Laois New Ent - • - • • . , tio aeiiifj that I ad afire Naas Bolt, At. bra? tialateader riee-raer CPacblwed them Jaen, tat hased - the idealatMW. at the tadebe was barged a do r Made river, ea the eight et tal.ith !lay, ind data nary sad papers the We are entirely ttelajered, at sea total by the fire. Girl:slater ry and 111 ,eat this Ititle day a, June. ISM - •• • -' DAVID BELL.CIett. • pir . viat.Deoadvna Windowahowen, act e =Mt. onfrr m Os: isgo..t mNx‘ . ..t . EiGt tams, uld is MARBLE CUTTERS -WANTED—. IiWEN77• 11111,81s:Cours wanted, u ma l.lll.4benb NAM* Works. Good traget.til E. ghee to pod. irorkato, tad-kuso oaken toed opply. • . . JOON WILEINA, 355 1.111/38.11' otrytl. ap4ll: • oaks Caoal Bul4 rittAkrik SZEZ • • ALExAmmea•Baanzmv, No. 19 Wood grog; betworis Firstoavitteemt . liIGN • OF -TUE •GILT.STOVE,' . .. MenLlF►CTLlKEltatte aunt apprared patens. COCIXING 3TOKES IRA Mpg which *ill De tend Ito fallowing.._.•• ' Zuni Ai..ckiht. rwase• Pahl& Um, oiao PARLOX 070i1IS et efl }UAW 10.0.1 r te ago Jorwown kooes dabrood faldligr Debt Parlor Abe. sea, itnikapaw.Pniskita Burresdka. Plaiw cud fransi INlATkaliolahoct thr hew ow . Adro. Toe Exam, Ballow War!,•Weirew Mc.; ihd. Del= wishing to Outehise - Eton* an, ti 4 / 1 do wei te call beats • • %flow cambers. - • iwyty . • Ls Inlasell PAT/UMW REVERSIBLE 'WATER' . FILTERER • is sow.:to he inn to otiratlot at Wit T4TE !pd.!, ',Plumber% no SO Faun, wan, hoisrsma 'Parry an! Warty Moir; usd u Pn.loll.* WILEY . % do ISt kat arta% Pirtsbnah,Thla Filter Ms naostred a Gold • nodal tram tha.basertaro Inmate at N.. York. arid a nonacau .frosa iba ?mottle lastiusto of Philadephin, M Its aoperkaity - la. stecloausiog proarnikai oad also zeruaenes from to Oaring tbast- iss use as Philadol , " — phla..of rhkb Use lallasstao orusphas' • • ' INnionairscia: 11 nab nds.4. MM. It atm .. - gnat to the lolretts al pose, dear water, the PROM FLovestibto Water FUbe ,Or. tweeted by Ms Loafs. Slunr own on of than far - antral mouths, 1 an ceihkdnijodra of noir Talon GEOnan rf.ITT, is Wansa. name? uPtosicarec4,, llarch It* The Patest linmersiblet anrar. Lmated Mr Sasael Leithoual used by gra for wag =Ora% my . prime realdeacet, lo ill ;hal •AY puz. !mai amnion eatir Irlejilear A t E it A r t Esr ! . • • . • •- X. A' Tit Filter Israimt. ie talc.= 41 bold of alma nay srhe fro?*,1k oo MP'. Was' matur in tho Irstm.. They . ant mrawad for ffti-% yoknoutcl whitordinv7l e¢a :frill Lut yi.d t gr! NO , SO- • ; fiLATER JAILDEN - • • • =I Arch sues; 4dslp . I • .TRUTH STRANGER- TLltiii . FlCllol.4!"..._' • - Tla aid tore of halm:menu la maul eat moral - ad: bat, utt our and aktICEOVIP lama rety - L daii whir the Alice that "treat fo touter /has Ostlitet" hid lf proof bit eluded th out.thh tia mut, eta • Uttar douse maid he predated thou tlte tau that IL CIOZTEN. bees Oaf ix= Clot hthe furo—italanoratlea manly eYeteat ef.aokbta. two yriut,Lhat au that . • undo to Cm Parodr-of . troth pusher. =I soder. • • tiring Prat toot a hoary ud 'catrarquotly eatagleas hie star-What •g ood autruams tra• always notedotoe- Ile Istervetylso. l l ama. . saderia Abe. boa aturerr .rlth detualtaalkm.telse oulatootioa la every ade: • antwar tedeitateau ,erbith CUM* beheld eft by .17 Ilko 4.0111 . IiabSIMILL ill She otty. . • It; Ws t ack Gar) :Wow, F are ahor Goode lad ItiadjAnd• Vlottisi is , templet. .• •Iramthe eat Soya' depintonoceaut be @aold by eay_la the Wear. If* charge for atkurbrelood.• call at du Orlla 4 Dere n; aid iiratomau. Roomful. - - 7 •• *- • ' • 1 0 6 . SOLITHFILL.It ST.. a Fs Canier'd. Paws mut /.: as& strimis, Fikrbscrik:::.; TUN opeloes,catral asd coaraziastly loosed Hot& H" Itartai Ewa rantodel•J akmathir • • • as pai hop la nos opm.lia otoaattiod.l. Uoao TM ribactiber,tm.eeitndYroprkter attturtke,CiAlte . - 1 1 E lrtr‘Tia =Xis At non elerts . TlL •ad motor& prapot.E. a 1511.1.10 11 , 14 Uri mall falthild sorrugs, Wan oa asate Ham& to um beam ot tbe•oottur. . " Tbatcatitsat:lostioar - of no.* mut - - coovimitooli tra araaapor.o, mvioiiof tho m doaltabl• &Marta wanton - or - parmaocot board•oo, on dna. .6.• to **ltal.% *ad hop*, Om it • Loam!aka o . , r_i_LOlfEet —A . 04.1adhl woirasatt. Ladkal unt , lar Ulnae Lid. mud itisd .11k Veva, ..w.ku n d awl pithyut moll H W.DALT ii - eda • • . Nyi {sd E0t. Stacktaftitoto. Ykik.tmt —r 2 —r 2t Obts asor o iglii v OIJIxd, - a illulait:ussrllUMANTS—A.hur uno l t a Xt wo.nooss, Preach"ad Barna soon: Bum* ad sad ood fa sag a do W Book o d ad Po idral po* - ardsosso ,tair a, "08 woo store nod mule by .•Nvinimn r FUMILTON