The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 09, 1851, Image 6

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    _~ ~}rte
' , 1%,""="1: _
Tq 17/F
A 'flizta , Cossr. will:be bed in the City oft
-. -. .-" Lr ;gaols "CIIIIEWAY. , .Iorie ror dm intr.
polo aelertias ctindi4ntaa fur oilicee of Governor
. ' .rod -Gana Comorisnloser, nod also fur Jadges or the
topreotri Goon.
• • .
Jae 333 TRY X. PULLET, Oktimmis.
ph IL Flwi Samuel WlDahmr.
3.3 m.
_Ghah Tberapsat /oath,.
Wart Runnel a Thantim -
Thußell. ' • Jahn S Elmira,
Thum. Cochran, William .11 TIMM,
JimmT4ohhaah..- James •
Charicali Sherman D Phelps,
C'W4hremff.s: 'Zdela
V itXlnnel 2 4` S J a h u i ll ioo ,
Lamm, Dshir.l3Tecirdy,
Saha. Damian,George
.Nathimict ElhaMim, .T Taylor IVartih.
Altaatidfte Y, Brb.ip,'
Widen E Prorach: Baker..
„ • Akasnier K JWCIam,
thl.l. , • ' RUNDI.3 SCITO,
'ecmttrrAct- ourrisit.
ft . .?t: 11.10131.1cEtitTOR AND PFL9PRIETOIL
ISIO:iDAY jgN4 9,-3551
viir ..pod
W. ' !". ' E
usx,...NT *are,
- 11/INrcrW. WILUAMS, or . Pittebuirfi,
t!ortai . Oinursoitiglf cal! QAx
Riv..qrtE, or rittabFg4.•
JCDaan ay voila. or 4nurFissisme.
WA!: rtiiuds, •.f
T 11031.1, Allegheny.
JOIIN.Dref.ESKEY, or RObiztoooi •
- JASIES FIFFE, of SooiolorO
•113.031 . 48 PENNY, of firKeerporti
• atconout, ' - •
ntarsiza, '
RICHARDSON,' catAlligheny.
.• ' ccroe or rue coon?,
- JAKED 31.A3RIJAI. of e4taburgb
;31-1111 , VV..11.01VLANLIP, or Upper St.Cloir.
• .. - cosnitenoixii, •
11911ER1' hlNC4,:otTitinburgli
30;tti EUERICK," of 31'CA:tains.
Cs owiug to an accident whiehoccurred
last irening.• as oar forme were going. to
}races; we are'deprived of Telegraphic nen
otherittivortaat news, ' •
ratio CorresporairaM 'of the Commercial
Ro ZS4
Pen.Aiij -
PULLS. bloyM,lBsl.
The festival of the:Fourth of Hey; so impatiently
expected: sad eo pitilowaly opoiled by the rain - woe..
tonal tallow; quite o eerioos disappointment to the
pleesurn - fOirtg : Parisians., Bat -though, the vain
• ila.ucial proper -to pear down caa , that day, , , are have
hxd of delightfalircalbcr sit e° thot peel.
cel; crowds of promenaders fill the gaideas,:nod con
tole theanwalres fur the „lading:- of the lilacs, ea lovely,
entl . l.o short-liared, by the eight Of - the noble enemata
tot 110.....theRtiltit now in aline glory 'of their snewy
prime..:talloun aicensiona; to One of which '3lr Poi
writ, come within no inch of fracturing bit min ekoll,
and that of hie perney,agiabost • the Well of elniusea
the recce of Chantilly, which have laertuntutuilly.
brillieni this ie.:aeon, and comtent eo'ceeitsinta ol tutor"
piers, and the epecteelee'givenky bye corgi of deniers.
from Madrid, Who bare 'jest called he on - their way
to London, Who represenisoriene reenes frenr•SParw
niece nodsivithices that' Oinds - their
crowded ondiencee into isticies . 'cierinighti , iiive
C.i.f.:10 'ln keep - Porii amused - modbusy ; itp.O:Vitt
atmdterr;thetacrionsiantiaitalpre.' ocepostines growing
out of tho iticeisant 'rennoltiVering of the' factions, that 'muurel for enprenuter 'in
, Fratet. The siugular melanoma of la Perste,
which here Nought to public loaolledgeineriolano: ,
expemed a:denim:a between GenaralnChaagarnier and
Ceatigtotennd which threw no ..atirely new light on
lu erect which .inotight the latter soddenly, into
otliee, lure; Dot bean invalidated by the friends of
eider of those oilitiaasa'islailii M.:tea:minding mope
v ifau, mid to bore be'en made by thelmoser to El Le. ,
dna Rollin, iir 1848, to havade'Eagland al the head of
1:1,00 men, 'far the purpose of procluinring the
public,. has not bezoeoutiallicted.
enotime, the proposed revisiocof the Coultitution
occupies all 'parties; and the debates Which will
shanty comnience upon that auldict in the National
Avremhly, am looked. arsnord to With greet iittermt.
The cons tit edam hiving been accepted by the nation
nod-c too r egime of the universal nil - am it is evir
11.( that TO attempt its 'reruioo withoct,a previous
:repeal of the law of the 31st ilay, which hue depri.
led three editions of election of their vote, is on suds.
'dons vidationaf right antiliudice.r..This iniquitous,
but curicurly.tialttpurrishing law, had cot of esi troy:,
Vinci thore the Mae 'ofthernactionories, attain con-,
eilfraable portion of their party, had. already deemed
itself in Loos of its otwagetioin 'and' although the
manbity is ; ptepating to,sopport byesery.ixasailde
.mearwthat'unacrupolous lageinity'enta desiae:ir in
oi " hor ithth? l 4 theffi'esiviaria:of.eatirion too
tired Will lesdiOn temporary ceslitiou between eerrain
fecaimus of the matioriryiendllelef,Whielf wQliainC
is he repentElyraims,lwiitimisik end Wean
-4-to all alilutclealte the revision ef cotalitaticri;
hoping fn, get it'fo:fihfistl boil a iteeferaootiideneeeritb
theh w411C1.F . 5 :or ii.on to abolisit altogether:4Sb
without ihnce-Dpermion of the lift; it is arithmeti
cally impossible, for them to umatertles standwar
vows:Pre•etibed• lay' the cemitiatition . itself, is tamer
enrito IrOitllllla it, revision.. ,
Etch ef the adveiseparties, in its esmuuma to do
ores with compact which auraltido
.obstiamely iii
the :royal its anobitiOnile corastanilieninitig out with
violent oppeole nave addressed to the, now
to the Asecnobly, in Which it is proposed that-ill the
Vele-ads Of endir ahot - dd mints to irreninair s tireCiti-;
litho tiara by kree, in other woods, to -destroy the how
clam.° of obtaining-a Paciftesolution Of the present
difficuhics, and force toe emintry into all the. horrors
ot the most fearful emit war then boo ewer desolated
n notion , : Happily, hoiriver; for the repose of Fiancee
there somewhet singular 'friends of order,' theogli
• they blunter so holdlYintliecolnuom of their:
pew,woulrf 'Probably be the. Mat to lick out from?
• • lany.onerept, onthe pert at either the Goveiniainter
, Yale A etentbli; to follow. the cocmselsthey areseready
- ionise; and there fa every pfobebiblYthht, in Oder*
secure thkievirima which theihaie rat heart, in a le ,
• . gal and conatitutional atartner n they will comma to the
' 7, renetti of this unLarturome law, ittlebiab metric In un
deiatood that theleft, miYieff..OPee the Preeethed
(nehmen& bf tire country to. ;Republican genii of
• Corerntaeittoviii stir:sent I:ovate for the worision. , •
• Au esivieritanon 'calk& the r Apmootery &cloy of.
Grenoble" Lae recentl,V.been &media thit city; coder
the sanctum of the Mayor and:Municipal authorities,
far the puta)oll4) Of selling Cooled provision:woof pick:
0 "l ' e ' elibyt ee , e l l2'adsrunagentin; arm's; either to
pereona oho purchase kid to-he consumed by ateff
lamilles, in - their own houses;' et to fbose flt 4 math
prefer to Lobe their lepitu In the benatame:eary fefee
' !foies beloaaghir to iheleatabfahownh end loUtaita
Produce the' Masi' benefekdroestalts..: The :society
porehatee, through he tlortrisfa, nod with the ttyprothi.,
Lift or the Preaddeat, duiplieri of PraiWt' as, wines,'
des rat viacilisolePrices,dinvetly front . piniacers; kid
a rt- are thus fOehltta to' sea the very Ileat - quilay'rif inch
article of feat rat prkas rattly lower then Moan nen
_ ay paid for veryjeferac - Waincies,.,Thefiraing of time
• in addition to Insineisiof price and superior 'guilty,
- • resulting from this Oen, renders this eitildislutieni
exceedingly useful to the poorer ellefor veleta:46e
laborer". wife.from the two often uoprofdable.
of the kitcloco. • and earthling her. to •tintarl; her do.
ontioor avoesticas anh.arruseil by doe Carel
of inalketnotifYing port • Ths'establiahineai al.
" ready working to ionsiderdde pro' ft, whichwillYield,
when the expenses of itsktmodation haveleendefeafal'
a dishkod to the ehoteheldon who constitute oho the
, •
Tone lolly. of t. turtomere. -
• '; • An . k+ 4 ::: L tt:4 ls 4 . i.: is ,ll 'i)iy,hmtast ilvent;
• tI a new pen.holder,phiehls said to fatilitate Very .
_• • •:,;,rtadly, the'll.imeltipelatioi of writing;'
L awry want to children, enabling, them tO manage their;
pan rel'it , perfact precialtut fronitheif fiat Wilting
M C 4 oller, ourrenverned preisc of Potie 1,..;.,..
soot rarer two .1),6.1 ,k, li f, agent;,
,n, look - .B -,...
countrymen m the Cr - yste 6 1
widua an hour froot their lP4'*". so d
" st""
robbed of itc hedthi,"Dercr they 'e
. ' ..,7,1 0 ,3,lgdr i ... y boa the latter ,.
;,1 1 / 3 111: '4 '
I,, iiir e o . rej z ser m en nowdGerotso robbere S - w it" ho . "' ha d""l44f"
,hav,., i mug. th eir skill ia tub and who " l'"ly
the Loodo0 oco ' Vo l fi r ce d by th e e i ma iliconiumetZril
The feitirel
i ...i:,... woe deco 'tied hs my loot letter bee been
, Roma e s
t u . su l t i d with greet pomp, - ---el
am*/ th e bronze statue rSi .
/I:7 . {k f roath in n g cuntle.eliair, is clotberi ge with e Pell'
of aid. embtoidered with a yrechros w"th
scones, nod on ha Nest is placed die 4 sm4 aDd it,,
rosplendein uldi glittethig Jewels, which' . "..
...,,, l '!,a uh ".„.,, ..t.T._ . „..nnts• The tostrodcm 4 ! "..r •
, r . -.4i t t e 7 mer em/ dowers; n greet *mil: ", -,1 .
''.....4,4,d,,,,,,r1f.u1t0i. covered with Web carpets, thv
• ' 6.6,, i,,,,,, ~,t f crPtimuiki&W.vid sioderanfax,
°reign Hoop in ° the l'',l""ifica gaud,' and the '
o brtil' • """4 of
Papal Coe
nun umfono, are posted down* he 1.4
aa bri l i s i.t uffer rio Doe to'enter wha is not off u o i ll i doe cl ea, " l
.- - ,•,i- -- -..i.„-,4 - ..- , i:
- iZ . ,'o.'.a'..-..i - :
', - ;:,.;';'/•4 , A , .;-,; , .:: , : ---.-.. •
:.:j, -- 1 . :::=A 7 :::-' - / •
rtiArfiel.tharsuabiesandoefleireeh or embleithind,
o . ll 44 ,l ;:bliteltCen; geyeet tied beet equivocal
Cone" of (hi lioine L n population, all are 01414
the weal chuich. end =ming the tiers'of nsised
benches that surround the Cupola. Two long files
of realm, cowered with crimson velvet, are reierred for
the Cerdimle en eithvsideof the liantifiesi,_thOsse
Atiength the Pape makes his appearance, 41perbly
..a.Yeskend • Wearincr the Tripiet;rowo; be,hirai him
come the Cardinale 111 their splendid' robes, and the
ollicere of the Papal Household bearing thWinsignia
. .
,At length the Pope, seated - hie Cr,mi &di,. 6."-
litral is Sallied by_tasivelesiera (busier/ail up into
'the Pontifical desk, where, extending his arms to.
staid thepeoPlineserobled inillegreit squire untsido,
Toottout,ces.the geaprel benedictitm, told a orbi,
tu,Aqds the ceteptftny. : • : •
adcoudis !row R 000441111 puhlin and private,
;spier:ea( that anhappy . City as awaiting only the
"proPitionsonornent to rise, again upon its tynams,
itaiseetultair irrepressible de termination to be
uhlba .present faction, at the hoed of
.F'suach tattirs continues in office,the 000 w of Free.
'ilnat in Indy its elsewhere, mast amnia in obeyacte;
. ...?djt is most earnestly to be hipped that the republi,
cans ocevay country, irl Europe will patiently bide
their tion,-until the union of ell portions of the demo.
cratiq party shall, insure their-peaceful and final tri•
lessrs,C.. W. Starbuc and - A. Francisco,
of Ilia Cineinnati Trolls, ree . ently paid via: our City, , end are giving their readers
sketches of their observations daring their
rizip,'The following is one:of their articles:
Tlrtreppeamnce of Pitaburgh from a ilistatke, (pro
vided it lie a kir await rather prepossearting than orb
crwiaaand the stronger who nppteaches. it with vies
'ins 'io efelooler blackness, impenetrable clinideof cool
•smoke, low bhMk chimneys; and derdiming thunder of
michinetr, feels et oven that it ie 4,4:40 horrible a
place and bears not half the semblance to
Plates &ear atiiide as lox had been led to itneeincy at
/emu so it was us Us: Pilo City is distinctly girihle to
...4honaked eye" hi a corelidisr able- distancO, and is
often - highly complimented by the Ims-eller, (presided
it be a (sir day, rancor WO on the principle that "die
tance lends cueltacierm to dm vievr. or Inter is beautiful situation. • The tine primate residences '. and
public gardens in Alfeghenj- Coy m note rolim hie
odmimtion; end he has hardlr , glareed from one to
.the other unld ha fitulabinweif opposite the great Iron
City; the ltirsiiinshern td'Amtties.
rittstiorgh ate Principal city of Western Penn.
styli/min. one Is eforated sp.a a point of land fanned
by Matjunchun ad the Monongahela and Allegheny
rivers. Its site, perhaps, is unrivalled by bay other
cite in the world, [mine
.surrounded. by inexhaustible
6.2 s of coal and hen ore, and connuartilingla amigo.
lion of nhoutAtlytheimand online, the richest
and moss fertile regions of the Globe. !Ito early Ina
nity is very intercation, ands few of the facts will not
- stir be tint of place twee.
.In 17.53, Orairge Washington was despatched. by
Gorman?. Distaddie, ofiVireitria, to Coaler with the
.Ftrrich cenntranderolliP had commenced his priti , et
of establishiagAincs of defence frets Canada to the
mariner 'of
•-•Orr his way; he stopped at .Tlic Finks," end deern•
lap it AU proper place fez the establishment of n fort,
conimenicated with the Gamma, upon ore - subject,
folios Ohio corn
7liTetsam%Tecarged,"on flie'',l7lZTP'A4ptriti,l7El? Point.
• snared force ot about one then - Sand French and
ane, in conocii,:unikr rho command of Monsieur de
Contricarer, cotapellal than to surrender, which was
Me tonitueneertrutt of din French and holier, oats.
From the Front+, site fort received the eaten Fort el
Duq nano, and it is anti Mantling in a state of tolera
ble preeervnlion.. liver nor of the door. i s a erl uare
stew, epee whichis lettered— •
id. D. 1764.
the time II wee teLuilt, Idler to capture by Gen. Forbes
end Col: Georee Washington, in 175 g and in the
room so guarded, it is said. that Washipgtou lodged,
aylhieh makes it lamer attraction to the nrnneer viii
irintaititolegli. 'The rettkoze.nt improved none until
the revolonon, and but elualy, nail after 1800.
• ,1n1775 the nembet of balsas did pot exceed thirty,
and irtrftlit the 'fiwt:nowspaper was printed. It Is
*Canaille furthenoted whiskey, insurrection of 1774,
Mid thegrestes pert ctshe troups sent out by the Goy
culotte quell Ms 'disturbance, so liked the 'place Mat
:they minained In 1001 hipbuilding 'commenced.
mid in the COWED OrMO or three seam, nee-reel shine
rind Schooners were scut. to. sea.. From this time it
began gradual(' to improre; the...midi:humus of raw
businars'renicrat l e.ecassity• another, and it hoe DO
'grows i. d manufacturing polar of view; diet it is. at
the preeent time, the greaten point is the Union. The
nittnefactureNr iron and glum, however, am ill prin.
fentatee, and impart to it its character.. The
rich het nines end inexhaustible coal Lode, so handy
to the city, glee it greet nifeentngee bier Oiler mists
in !espresso feeterim. Carting and iron mocerry of
weer, description, cram engines. eutltry,neile, glen,
wire, steamboat building, and cubes brunches are car
ried erfhaele a lnrgr es tent.
' •Pinabibeh le connected with Philadelphia and 'the
Dixie/Treaties, by three direct roues; one by way"of
Brotawrille, the Cumberland rund,acd Baltimore and
Obis rillioad to Baltimore, and by saluted andwater
tie the other cities; another by turnpike over the Al.'
leghexty mountains, to Chatatersburr, theriby railroad
to Philadelphiat . the other by l'amsylvenia canal to
Johnstown, threatener the-mountains by the Portage
railened; thence lie penal to Harrisburg, and by tail.
road to Philtidelphie. I
On the opposite. bank of the Allegheny river is Al•
leeheny-City, a flourhing town of population of
twenty ihottsaml, en d.en the opposite shore of the
Matinee - allele, arellitmrogbam and South Pittsburgh,
increasing in pnpolatioa end manUfattories. Bit
.minglistes isnoted principally fur its glas. factories
and rolling otitis, stad,should be alined by every stran•
ger. ! Ili Poltaegshreught the green gloss bens. sad
the flint Kiwi boosts MC. liensen,.and Ihnteen, Phut.
let s; •Mehiniebt;beld roe m esh to en - inee and
instructhina. - He will wrosthe workmen engaged in
blowing :window glamor besh . decart tors,
[emblem - &e., which. stett.werth. a emit to the
Allegheny city hatiatee Mani ketones, hot la more
cf a trading_ town. than Illirminghaca, and • tannins'
many bony) line raidences. The entire population !et •
- Pittsburgh and the iii trict Within five Janes of
'centre,. a eatillenteel one bemired and Gay ileitissind. •
The atjeuretTered 'very reverely a• firie . ,yehrs since I
fume quint ilia annul atemnictiro:crintlaerations 'over
! kesawei in AMeries,abutit .fifirsitia octet being -swept.
'by thedeyouring'elemeet„w Inch was Mc moat wealthy
sod btrisinani porta thecite. 'lt has since been DEW,
Ip rebuilt, Wills more !reunite beauty and archiree.
nasal display. • In consequence Lilts IMOIDODD quasi.
tines of stoma: coal berm here, the public and prieote
.hui,ldieff hese wdingesditly.OPtanstme,end would
MU' et ter eager Ip nuppOno that !tern 1146.11 L. open
ing for.hatilaide• skirts,”lbut . we were confidently as
sured that thereAva(telt demand, Mr! the Mateo/ had
long enure beamed to consider:it "lore's labor tool.'
• CiplinpaktraCs 0('154 I.7onstftentbil lasmal
utters and thlagast ltalllmerv..7llark
• •
:•• The Refer:Sere hare fought a hinfdatile in . gaud
- old litatyland, but bare moo out of the fight • with
flying colors., l'he now constitution tis• been adopted
by - anm?ib.hy, n.m:thawzdinz the
efforts of the laiious clinger:sr and office holders to
defeat it. new 'em la .146 history of my
native titsta.sod , is.tles hstbinter of future ptosperity
bpd tatacou. Cio 2 l.t.rre um still beard,' bat their eril
, MrooologA pasa by, as the idle rriod, and no one muds
1 .
-• An ea elation occurred .about 10 o'oleck this mid
nine at thireoppenenith and plumbing shop of Kelley
Ze. Kiindercr, on Yurk...near Wiliam street, which
earned the death of on claimable y tmg. man named
Jewel, Stretsbary. Ire' wail enraged to kinddling—a
. Ore undevedarge kettle of boiling pitch, when Nat
tome cause.. exploaion look place throwing the buil.
lag liqeid over he pertrg.and homing him in the
Lnanst borate Meaner. Fla ellocking
right. The 'Wilding wee ighlied." bit eztioguithed
before winos daminev mulled. Strauabory to only
Great prepkratinne.m malting fur. the Feefiral of the
„German mammal liseoctittione of New Yank, l'hiladel
:phia.,..Boeino, Beltimore, itc;•arbich takee'place heft
am Monday. Ae I have - emit:lvey , awned, - full ilia
.In:etched . exegete will be preeent, - end the concert of
trocalgomocurbe liven at. Front itreet• Theatre on 14 1 / 4 ,111 surpass any. thing of the kind ever
gotte n up, - !lure. Some. twenty musical tossociations
will parheinate the members which -.rill arrive here
:on Semi:lay 'evening, ladle - received at the loot by
tin .nearociations -Of - thin' city.' They are to have a
pie-nix on TurAday, and a grand ball on Wednenchty
• ... 'A to Med school teacher named Chaffee A Smith,
wag knockerldown teat tright`oe Hanover mein, by
lonm'unknown. pentane, and on sevirely'kerden that not exptxterd t0.:104a :lie -has been insensible
Alad'abiif 15iTirear Dm' i J
micied 0116 II Trn
blown, kit creek last ercafig aixl w.
A young- woman trained Priscilla Page,. epeet a
0 . 19 lamPOn her, at her resilience le Old.
TrirmOthAwas ao shockingly burned that slut cannot
A:nun pained Luck, 411411 Elias Woods, was
/taught atcalinA ,front 4 store „cm Alcatel linnet Ude
morning. Re trinow 50years of age—bas served ice
yearriu she. Aledyland Penliamtisry,' and previously:
amen yenta i 41114 l l antisylvanitt Penitentiary,
A great row hatibewn kicked up at thePerutentisiy
drconsequance of the appointment of Wm II Jaw.
kits es Werien, Col _Mr, LI 61 Turner. nod %V AL
limn two of the"bitictorA "reaigited this morning,
Will follow the ekrurple. Jeuldmr J o mid
.to be totally incootpownL All. the parties • belong to
the 'harmonious Denrocrwty; -
At the Brock Board ,to-day 95 abases ,York and
Cumberland Railroad wild at 25."
At auction IDG-hha: POIIO lute 'agar 'at $5,50 'to
( 465;17 , bbl do 0,00. 40 Jihda POll4 Rico Rolla.-
sea at Z3c, 5 labda _Cuba- sugu at 45A6, (145 Muhl
Theo:viand change m Door and grain.
Wblaky ot p c .4 bbis.
Rates cr rod, at SI6,W , fur new, and 415
lerrad fornbEl f 0 idl. aides bacon iold at ' o4 to 99c;
50 bhda 41mittltleta at 7.4.20 and 600 Queen c hams'
• ~. • . _
ci , thp.llo;. io thn
office of the tteteral times howl
the .pyiii.l'AMfils.,*
at the easeai work. Ala only. edgy, or, ywo shire,
4 ba. lu?<*if Lig kvici only :ot
.Tek'd l t. l 9 00 of Lafeletiyei, fo the tepee world, rapped' : sucerusiveiy ,et ai&not letters of the
alphab et , in pretuirr,thet !tstlo. - tbe few, pitoter deep
A erre lint, tend, , until, the•pAYStet.r. wet mud.'
• o The folletrhi.euessego Lan the spirloiw et hi
WUrSttelly riep out- 7 mot capable ofhohh ait
'us.' Thie is 'roposed toturre beett drew. by. OW of.
the ° l.Y . °Cf.hdefa• o.ElYthwh 4,- mg oeea..
to*tir4.thiutiselres,..tetto thiesoethad of inform.
igg Omit bmth.rn tuflesh how ortoogo kart , they can
'irtustee—in cue, probardyeof suddeo'call to get
r J ;,4r
. .
• BA LAT 411 RILE • •
Fm;...-'@e demand for shad has been rather less rase
this week, but the small quantity GO hands has
kept op pricer Moderato sal. one.of Nal trim
o;ed, full bbls at $12.11 25. Ilerriogs sell freely at
$52525 for No 1, abort bbl. at 2.3 c less. There kr o
fair demand for Mackerel, which we quota as follow.;
No 1 $lO 50011; No 2 $287.10; No 3 large, 16 Ws
675; No 3 :mill and No 4 $5 50.5 75. The teepee ,
lion. of the week are 171 hits end 149 half bbl. slutd;.
1272 Silo and 114 half bbl. Herring.; and 296 tAde
mud 1 belf 6111 Mocker!.
• .
Coffee—The transactions of the week make - ha
egomania of about 5500 bags, air —4lOO begs Ilia
9491 cents; abirot 1140 loge of Jaws at llal2 cents,
chiefly air/11 earns; and some small tote of .I.aginse,_
ra at 9 1.2 cents.' The imports of the week - are 735
baps front Rio de Janeiro.
Beano—We note swiss of 30 hhds alloirlderial-71
a 71, 150 hhds do at 71e no 100 lihde side.; en 91;
10 nhdo plain ham. at 101 e; 300 eameassed hums at
101 e; 100 pieces hams at 10a101e.
I.ard—de note Bales of 500 ken. at 11c, 1900
ietec el !fleece/I; 215 kegs small package. at 111 c •
arid 100 bbl. at 91e. la come iumencen 10c beg bee n
realised fur bble.
%Viral—The receipt• the peer week have elightly
improved We quote unwashed at 19 a 20c
washed at :9a3lct•.—Bolt American.
. .. , . .
The Webb and Willie controversy, which we hoped
Was Minced, has broken out in a new !Mope, which
will afford vast food for the goesipping appetite.
Mrs Nary J Coddringum, stile of Smith Collate:,
tem, of Itabway, N. J , and daughter of the late Hen
ry Inman, is, or supes herself to be the poison re
bitted to by Col Webb, os as wing been seduced by
Willis. She him with her h nand, filed a co:opt/tint
in the Supterne Court agains Webb, in which she m•
cites the fact of Le:having rrespooded with Willie.
l b
vb. correspondence, stelae s began y her writing to
Willis to disavow the tiiiihe hip of work WWII be
had attributed to her; it wrie,kept u fur lob months,
without het parente knovirledge, but tosoleinuly liV•
ore that Wel,b'e cherges of rinpurii egainst her are
wholly false. So far from her father believing her
godly, end dying of a broken hens oho avers that to
oiliest hour, ho had die must protect confidence in
bur integrity nod virtue.
. •.
Sheave, horever, that her father desired the let-
tare that had peeved between Willie and herself,
should be debarred up, and deputed James Watson,
Webb and George Buckman, to receive them; that
Webb received the package, carefully seated °P. to
debtor it to bee fibber, that her lather during bin last
illness, had requested Webb to deliver them to him,
but that he had failed to do so; that after his dixtease
she had through Mr Mecham, requented the delivery
of the lettere, but had not received throb lolls also
addirthat Webb, without ray authority, had Woken
the seal of the package and teed the lettere, that he
had teed them brothers, thus violating the confidence
reptinedio him by her father.
Eh< plaintiff., Maher urge, that on the 2lst of May
lint,qt new application far the lettere won made tt, kb
out recces; that they are fixttful that he will make
the letters public, and they therefore ask that he may
60 required in deliver up the tellers, and enjoined new
ever making drew, ur aoy portion of them public, is
any way.
Nan Your, June sth— e l P
J %Vatriou Webb felled to appear in the sop,
Court to-day under the mandate leaned for the
cry of the !MIMI - torn Men Inman to Willie. •
Per Aunt.) Litroarimb, 531 Sly, 1851.
After the departure of the Baltic, on the 11th inst.,
.we had • decided mann. in Cotton, with an advance
in prices cold per lb., accompanied by a general on
presaiein that the market had cern the kismet point.
This better state of things barely lasted thine cloys.
when the market again relapsed into its fines ions dull
-neat, and became even snore gloomy than ban..
nobler* apparently lost nil confidence, and a deter
mined anxiety to realize hes been apparent throughout
the week , causing decline in the lower and iniddliton
qualifier of hay id per lb., and of id pen lb in the
higher grade, of American, the following being the
mod quote:ions, which arequile nominal: lan Ur
i... 4 51; inte rior and OrainntY, 4001
per lb.; Finn Mobile. sltddling, 5; Fair Irplande,
Sier Middling. 41e per lb.
Ile Coro market continues in the Borne dull state,
with rather lower prices. Italtimore end Philadelphia
Plour..2oasalotid per bbl; Ohio and Canada 19i015s
ell; Western Canal, Lha Ids tid; Sour, Ile 64 . 1-115 n per
MIL Indian Corn,,3oe tida3l. pergamier tar yellow;
.10. for coned, and33> ire white. Meal, 11. lid pen
31.4 for Mixed, and far while, Meal, lie lid per
bill; White Wheat, 5> 91.163; Red, 51 Char 6,1 peen
The Steam Elevator is the name given to
a recently invented machine which is not,
in operation in New York in mmusuring and
tranehippiag grain. Tbo Courier says--
It is erected on a propeller, which is
moved to any desired part of the harbor by
merely traneforring the power which ope
rates the machinery of the Elevator to the
propulsion of the boat on which it is placed,
and with the framing of which it is so coo_
nerved as to form a part of it. It is, with
the aid of Nur roes, capable of transferring,
from the hold of one vessel to that of another
two thousand Limbo's of corn er hour, in
doing which the grain is screened, winnowed
and weighed with the greatest precisioa.
.The advautago to the shipper in despatch,
and to the grain, on account of the perfect
cleaning it undergoes, by which its liability
to being damaged by heatipg is materially
diminished, have so fully demonstrated the
superiority olthie method. as to have caused'
it very generally euperceda the old dila
tory, and experisiVe one, by the half bushel.
Indeed so important do our heacieat ship
pers' of grain esteem these tolvantegcs. that
they make it a special:matter - of contract
that it shall thus be put oo board ebip. The
old board of Measures deserve great credit
for having, introduced, into the service of
the shippers of groin, a labor-saving ma
chine of such efficiency and economy. The
patentee . is Mr. ragin, who is also one of
rte proprietors and Its principal operator.
Musical Conan:Masted Futiral —A grand
musical Convention and Festival of the Ger
man m,usical associations of this city. Phila
delphia. New—York. Bottum, and other phi ,
cos *income off in this city next week, nod
much preparation has already been made
for it by our German population. Tho via
-itert from the different points at the eastward
and northward will arrive here on Saturday
night in the Philadelphia boat. " They will
be received at the wharf by the associations
of this city, with a to - ch-light procession,
which. after forming, will march to Ex
change placer where "The Song of Wel
eoni" will lee sung by the Baltimore Soca,.
ties;-and Volandeo IVugaer'a and Liuhard's
bands will also perform. After partakiog
1:of ICollation at sletamora flail, the visiters
Will be escorted to the Fountain and Wash
ington Hotels where quarters have beca
'provided for them. On Monday another
parade will take place, and ia the evening a
concert will be given at the Front Street
Theatre in which 600 singers will partici
pate.. On Tuesday a festival will be cele
brated in one of the groves near the city, in
which the societies of , the city and visitors
will-participate. Oct Wednesday evening
the festivities will conclude with a ball at
the Aosembly Rooms.—Ballimore American
June 4.
Noern 0131.GON—TAe LtdUsk Violating the Lap.
Of the United titates.—The country north of the
Columbia rivet, and South of 40 degrees north lett
tuck, is designatedes North Oregon. It her been
organised under the Territorial Government of Ore_
gun, and hes already a population of several thousand
whites. Many are employee, or the fludme flay
Company. At the loin 0116100 of Commute measures
sem adopted 'for itre more effectual onforceurent of
the law. of the United States there. A: custom house
win eidahlished at Ulimpia, on Puget sound, and S.
I'. Slaves, Esq., Or - Oltio, wee appormed Collector.—
Within a kw menthe post, two British weenie, the
ship Albion and the schooner Caldhorungit, have Wen
Ruud in North Oregon and !nought to trial, 6sr
- lion or the Acts of Constr... 'I he Albion wail dr.
leered in cutting (or altininent to England, valuable
• naval timber on the public lands. She sought to ex. '
came hererll on the ground of being employed for the
:If ideou Bay Company, and under the pretence that
she treaty of 1848 protected her. Iles employers. it
'seemnovere not rho Bodeen Bay Company, hot soma
timber. epeculaiors, having a contest to furnish atop
.limber to patties in England. 'She schooner , won
caught ranuggling British merthandise ; but she al
leges ignorance' of our revenue lowa, and or their
bepg in force in diet region, sod that there IV. no
CUMOIII house or officer them.
Sloth vends, wo learn, have been &indented and
sold but etrong efrorte are being made to get rho
le inures remitted.—N. Y. Herald.
Spiritual News..-:The Cleveland Plaindealer. of
Setorday, contain. the' following coke of the
isiteresting Misses Fon, the celebrated 'medial= of
the spirits. We trust they will moo shit ua s
Missee hlargaresta and Katharine. Foe, younger
slider. of Mrs. Fish, hove solved from New York,
and - are Stopping at the Dunham House. They are
very fine little girls, and, with their elder Rimer,.
make a very interesting group. By this accenion,
the atrength of the:Spiritual battery is largely Muria.
ed, mo;l6° rope in their presence were more thee
, throe fold louder than with Mrs. Flsh alone., No
men of common semis eon trend in their presence
one cooment,and not heed all ideas ofjogglery knock.
ed out of him. Mom Fish 'mid, • few days Sib, that
with sheen Bule girls,whoWns the most perfect known
'mediums, she would not fear to free all the skeet:ter
in the - world. They will' Hitachi at the thinham •
few days, and we would' adriee these hard •shelle,
thee , mullets, who will not bedlam 'though
. noe
Should rise from the dead, to go and nike Islam of
164 little girls lathe arts of legerdemain. • • '
. .
..ftlkood Accident -0n Monday morning leaf.
iho freight Mill IMP/Vie:3 'Columbuti . 'sod Cleavetenti
(Ohio,/ Imo over a cow, aed the: Whole 'min woe
thrown off the neck. The engine •wadtorord upeide
dorm:lced the on tradly brokee up. It • P
teawtoo. We Conductor, who wee oo the locomotive,
W thrown air among the wrack of the troll), luld
lived o'idy an hour after being es Ideated. "
The kiwis Mated at 4cuct 45000,
- t. t 11- golitititter(xl lonhtlfti.
• - t` ~" GriEvi;lion.
0.1. The aniverealseemb wbw.lV hag ...beim.' m ', e ley
bohemia* af -Dr. Obristes's Gelmeaavesterettee rewst
la the Veiled Buffos, s, At hi believed la withwei exempla ers
th.,,,,,„,0,,. , m .b. coo Meier. A groat deal of mental
pmjedlea had to be combatted, and the general due:rust at.
madam upon any new diem: wary to be subdued: bat amid
5hg,,,,, oetheultlae, the amide. have beeneoemantly ad van.
to taros, and for the ample mason, timber bare been
universally elecessfal,srlieuever Meg bare brio properly
nodfmmteoly tried. but =my perseni—perhapa many
tbourenda—who eolith receive the most valuable henna
bone this diu eu overy, W. y sm7tical regard its msolu,
„„a 00. especially far tberbeta6t of Mb alaws—,,bably
Me moat respectable class—that certeGeatga and teldl.o.
Male are renewed through the medium, of re mi se-table
Ilimmals. Every column le eh'. paper meld be filled with
the role rtittements Anzio by pap er
of the benefue
conferred by Ohristies ?abeam artute and every d.) ,
the number of witeesses to their Mime,l e tees sg e g „, i s
all Norma Dim.. Mem Wd Wily
be cLa fedlosibig relates .0 a prior/dem and
I Megemegly pale
ed m
I make Mk teatimes*frem • sense of duty, end ent/tol
et myetra accord:
Bolanyear lan November I wee .verely ant tked with Tic.
. in the curve of my face. The pain was very
severe Crum the, fret, and ired.lly intrinsic! so that I
could scarcely open my mom,- and-I way atiable to ment.
rate fad of may - kind. The ar bey tweeted to lucre.. at
ton, to
every change of the
area. weather, Hy physician. Dr. H.ting•
. Third , pre me stryebnia end other power.
of fremedies, whfilt wain of temporal? av bat arms
Ines croon subaldeal, the pain 'midi" pocuble, more ace
acre O. baron, I this e emitted other phyelelette, het
with no better seemly.. At last f was todeeed
to te
ahriothie Gelmnder Netttmte, and the Madonna Photo
and the remit Is that it AA. selir.fy tors! me.. The relief
clearly lanutdlate; on the corned day I waa met
Dever, and by the cod of the Erst week the dia.. e
bad eo.
titely,traulelonL Per the prat year I have loan entirely
free (rem the complaint, end mu now es well le even' re
spoet ea I have been at any time during the past Eras
yearn By my reeeramindatioc, kink Beed. N. Prone. re
siding to Norfolk street, In able . city; made trial for the
...complaiet,..l with thesam e lutppy result
1 would state thug am a mem., of the Sous of Temp.
CO, the Reehabitot, tied thy Temple, or Honer, and that
my ease it known to meet of my-brother member.o. nay
of wife= I would refer the elle led.
Nzw l'orac, u
• • L. nn, —
• .
Nn 4 Taenty.El.rath groat, N . . York.
ales e 9
cally abmanaaarso fa Ohrdaca pa ry per &eight be filled with reauroo.
CAUTION—Dayare of Came:felt.. D. C. MOOR.
DEAD, I&Z Broadway, Der! Yoakdrirrat Ge neral far rite
Uaited Stares.'
AUTHORIfED 44181173.
ITTSIIraaN,Ps.—W. W. WILSON, ST alathala.
MlNK%lphm, Pa.- T. B. Peterson, ad Chanuto et.
(Noelanati, - 01.—..1: O. Dohllay.
Damn, o.—Thomes Irtiqkiusea.
Zsartville,O.—Sla r rienis &Graham.
Cievaland.o.—llatalersoa, & Pander sea
Is oo• roaming by Cr.NSltil. HAM Itoav to all the
Entoro and Nortboro entn, et razes 93 per rout
ghats forneuly. nano, It the 'tad IsicArst Use
to eta east.
A spaniel noun,. goes East weekly nth rola and
valuables, who MI all °Non /or E-3.4,f rt. of aart
an/ returogoods by one Express, _
Adams /a Ca. eoun , ct yr ItIT Luckwood'e Ohio Express.
and carry putsch through toCleveland nod interusoutate
onto •
May] go in od. from the Cast .t (lid following meg:
To:rough 4d Lows . . $2.50 P ifx/ TB
Through to Xday. st 7 I,al IP' 100 b
To Philadolphol Iron l'ittgloorgl,
T . t . trouph ..0 44 houto
Ft,lver to ThiLtdel'
$2,00 1 111 Gold wad tolel to Phil.4olphos
air. • itAhEIL FORSYTH I::•ertiM
CITIZENS OF rirrsnuauli.
1 - 1 ,0 J.VI Am.( to buy ;and lmrgaies to the way of de .
I watches or jewelry! Urea Oct. sirpplog Jo at 51
IleSliet At. 2 doom oorth or 3.1 At, you sill 'lmre Bed dm ,
1.1,11000. (late from New York) boo a very floe and lash
ignoble assortment of swatch. ai.l fold Jewelry, ell,
tram itc. rod mho, is de moat lateretilog Is that be Is
senior roods la at about one ball the usual print
eormioly it Is •eery vee'a interest in call ao.I ere hies be
fore pernbarrbi elms when. 111.0 :004;4s win be oarraniol
as 'apron:moll *Sao sulJ. •
Ornct Ifcceux Hants INSCILINCE Cony
terf or.l. lierc h 31, W
auen I.
TH.F7. Wa
the fullo•i4 r ute
ep. of the.r haslne, fin the year owltug
Slat Meech, lASI, It *III ha vita tht.rnyon, that ill.
Catapany bas thee far, enjoyed au alcao.t.cylalleil pre*
Tb. cartal mock of en Company
Number of Pol.cma mmmt
Amount or P.o.e. "mowed $3.1,t1,4
T.talurl amount of P.f el .
1301 p
The (Promote rf the Cum r. 1:0•573 311
pany, judginkfrome the expo.
nonce of the pub feel lully MZIL/G,il 11111 mglei atato•
yence 11 .opmumploe by which they ha thtm far Wen
controtted, tmil /Ito ti m
ts Company no nortvalfed nett:sty
nal petpmetty. 1.9A1111f Prendnat
1512 F:9 P. J. Lout, Stewttny
TC/LfIETT, Arent,
1,19 Woml
IS3I britlNG A !MILAN 61:111E %T. 1831
Porty-sir Hours to Philadelphia.
Party-foue House to Baltimore.
281 Miles Railroad -10J Miles Canal,
arn . ; WO" ststassors tia Cnnro•TABILIt Sovri Tv
Beth: free froth Me many rkakpo and perierages
claykeacel w4Bpiece i ts.
T. DWI) aloe. ofarm. Potshot
xct.Ottsit.S . sox
FLAYS: l'itt i o borok lot Jokso.o.otossiSOXOX.
NN , thorce
Itotlonad to Ilolltdsothorek Clots. tabs, the • r.,.•
W koala Itsitroad.ll43 twos tilt.. to l'hiladelpho,
Pock.. kayo dorsy morale( precisely at 8 &stook 4,..d
avows evdolor at the mut bowl'
F.e to Yolladolyttio 8W Fart , to Etstuototo
do Loco.. It do SI erstthuts
r.s.rts far tiathintoro tato the n th .N Cants..
tool Italltood at Hurtsburi. en tho undo! or thaears
that lot. , di ma*, ton, loos boor.
Thos cots oo Mao ro.o ore anti ottkor the man
Opprotod oat., old comfort. -
far Ito ...go form wdbes bo(rto oo Om tout.
'dr If yea' dosito &hoop toavotist cot fortaor44l6 se
.2l.Jattona, a•cori.
0 f0.6. tickets . tn. rack. U.M..0,
llososiaholo Uooso,
.1. 1% 110L1SES, Agcut,
Or of • 1). LEECH &
Canal 'Basin.
(X)LUAIIIIIS, 01110.
f: A t ex., s.
D Ada/. Jr,
JO• bill,
P Ii oydet
11 $ .11•.1.
INce Kmgr,
I - M.lllmile, •
11 tlwaylle,
LI lllamsaMr,
1 II IM,
11 Clark;
C X Lea,
TIM above Company a/111 again/a rIILC as d
MAXI NC 11mka a all k.ds
R. 11. BEESON. Agent.
um... Waterman's Wmabouom
.112 74a II Wator altam. 1 . /LIM/me.
- - - -
TS,OtX. J 34.47#1.. r . TlioN”o7/
11. - TINDL dk... 0
5K411%, o( ) ratan), tor/stoutly oo
hand or eu... to ord...
Forellablog elnotruboau partionlarly wooded
Q' No II Mealthtlehl tt. mew O. lloootwah.lo Holm
053,1 y
Al :Vim - Wrapper wed Ltorei of =nth e4l4ar,exisi.l4.
Uhlley le ifingleal Yukn Exittscsow,
wavere, wo eel oat,. tercr.tetned tad costal,
Iremedy fnr tee catw cf the worst Buren, ace.l.le,
tolletoutentry Illareetstarte, reran, eerrlllnes, Wee
Cats, wre. , Brewer, Rheum, 1:41lItlosot Wasters,
la ...Beet end Joiots, and rat cutexteon. end tellentwe•
tory Wm..., le nnle pet.op hy tee IttoptOtter Col tele
maker thereof, le • 02)t ICA VA:LOP. ao4 boxer of
meek enlaryed sitel
CAUTlON.—Couoterfeltr to the Old Wrapper end
=ell .M onet flooJ ',so market. Avoid them ae you • Gull/
D--tley the Dailry Salve onx.r, la the riew wrap.
per to, the Laois Ifoxe. . 1041 wrtl limo be corona of
eett/arg the tieetrea. Areal the 'Weyer elm/Altos the tau
of Cannierfolts„ sad OM., titureoVor, Meer W per coot SO
quantsty 11w litountot.
liftf K—The amble. ou the wrapper of the Gotalia
DLO" Xarretenir, tho Large Beare—.The Tratterfe,
&tyre: Sew L i ef, Days end Rope.
D READ the new meals, ter INGO, sad bee tatlY
ow toy anther/x.l alginate. ' H HALLE!,
415 Itroadwey, New Volt
Ankara—Ml THORN, Ptitabergh; P Wchentis,
Alleghe y; Jahn D Dtenply, Cleslonetl; J N ZlOutlet•
ono & Coy Nashellle, II Blakely e• Co, It Lome; 1 11
Wrnitn &Co, New. thleausi J W Johnstoo, Maysville,
1)0 YOU WA WAN TTO CURE YOUR 110 ILSE, jr welictn.l with Pot! Evil, Ilimors,•oree.
Devl.,'•welliori, Oa, /Stokes Knee., act
Huy • bottle of LLILL6I' . .I :1171.11.1L
OAILVAIVIU ouler-iLi..
It ni the best, moat eattisto,eircapcdt, quickest .id most
eft:lcecaps& remedy e
ver applied to env &elitist. It check,
and redoes& all swep Rod lollanonstion rsplitty, and
cases ion., twiner. and gall. to skeet orJet,
ra, • !leo prteted circulars. For isle to above. toi.3.
Of the Chy of Plumber/IX
C. 11 , IMIPPEY, Pouldect.
A. W. =WO& !deem**,
In the Irairhoute of C. 11. Grant.
riMi a ldi COMPANY. Is new prepored tog ...II Mods
Qt. t o r at " Or k e . :VenTatlrreott:r.e. ; '""toz'
An ample faereety'for theability and lettmelly of the
bastatasoa, la &forded to the clot...oar of deo Ddeatite,
who are all cid.= at Pmattargh e end utied faranably
keoent to the eterieteattity (Cr dater predeoett,fotelligeuee
and totevity.
Lharcrons—C ii Motility ' Wm !legality, Wen Lula..
D.. Walter Orysol, Hugh Ii Edward Ileauhott, 0
unlap, Jr., ilarbauila.B M Klan. Itusekli
Pli.laburgh 11.Ifc laisuraue Comp..Y.
CAPITAL #104.1,000.
lia'OrlnCY. Nu. 75 Foimix titatEr.jEl
Pre nil../..—Jun.
0 I, 8
1 M
0 It S:
on. F.
Ytes Preaidost—nuovel Welorkaa.
7 . risustr..—Joicpb 8. Leech.
Secretor—C. A. Co.-
lar Soo ourarti•omott in soother pan of thio roper.
Georgo Nlyin • Idayeeic Hrmrn
Dr Coileetsotte made le all the rem Jim! cities, and
Boned and bold on -Conuission. • " • -
TfiKauburlbes, la Leaded le /sok. arlunga la Ids bow
iiiii on the hoof Augoat amnia', le deattoasof ch.
Ala ten the rantafolog
,potwoo of nth week of fancy. and
liloollatqr sumac, dles geode. aorta, tenth, moo ate, to
Cam of 1.164, Ito Foe this day tedueed the prima of tea,
above kroi.d. fey amtUrsallii, and would Invite these who
desire greet bugau, t4aall u hia Item, No 61 katicatet.
• •
liOts prtailetsers of that - 'great secilcich hail; Sulam!
harttnalasf certificates Irtiasticly the excellenee ordain.
madenine. They can. the . tonosrici one aen( has•
Lotitstwax., Aped 10, 1047._
„I 111 Id do Co.—Geed. teT This is to certify that
.child of mine wathiftlieted with worms. 1 irocitthd wit
stoup hinds of Vermlfuge and administered them., butwith
tio effect. 1 then puce bawd a vial of SrLasic'e celebrated'
Vermtfage, (froth "acme! Yowayrice: drive.; of once chg.)
and after Wins a gall dote, the chill discharged • 01 ,
gam of 1/0(0.: The health vi the child Improved let,'
mediatcly. 1 could recommend Dr 1111.the'e Vertnifuge to
the yobtte, • t oiled the mist safe and effectual remedith
for worms now in the. 1 11 CUTTER, myth..
For saleby J KIDD e. en. 60 Wood it.
Dnifoughton's Pursue, the. Trim Digentint Fluid or
Givitiin Ai., prepared from itennet, or the Fourth
atom rch of the Os, altar direction. or Baron LIE/110.
the Rest Physiological chemist, by J. 8 ilotuurrow, M
U. l'hiledelphis, Pa.
This Is • greet natural remedy for indigestion and
Dyspepsia, nosing other a r ' method, by naturris
owe agony the Gantrie Joke. Pepsin is. the chief eh.
mem. or great Digesting Prlncipe of timi Gastric Juicer—
the seine, of the food, the parity log. preserving end.
.1.1616611111 agent of the rioutfcli ied Intestinees, it is
earramed from the digestive stomach' of the ez, the.s
rerming mr AttlaCiAl Digestive fluid, precisely like the
natural Gas is Joint, in its <henries! power., and for.
übliwg is c arpicte and perfect ittlartituto for it. By dm
aid of this reparation, the pains and arils of iodises.
Woe aoJ D opepwa era removed, lost as they would be
by • health stomach. It is doing wonders for Dyepep.
Wm. caring eases of Debility. EMICI•ti011, NerIICIS.D.
elle, and Dispeptic Ceerumption, supposed to be on the
rrnwe of the grave. The eclat:mile evidence upon which
It ir based Is re too highest degree curious and iesiark.
Dr. iliaeitoo's Potpie, le acid by KEYSER &
DOWELL, lig Wood aces. rittaborilt, Pa. It is pro:
.rod in powder and in Bold form, and in proseriptkin
vista for the tooof Phyaiebter, with private cirtniara,
gives: the method of preperatloo. Tlie powder la lilt.
•450 pot up to papier packages, ard will tio snit ir
of yv•tage. ior One Dollar soot (Poet paid) be the°
dycota. • Pompidou forai•lied
Potar PtwAsatfr. VA, Oct 4, 1617
Mi. R. E. Velars—Of your Varostlnp, I any without
htattation, that haring nsed It eitentively to oti practice
or the la.t fuar or 670 year., I thick It decidedly the bon
it - dish/adult of the kind of which / bays any knowkallas
ohlotalh 1 Lava harctoforo °had the preparation of
al other atattafacturcra. Yours rezpectfelly,
P•epareu and sold by FL E HELIXES, 57 Wood st,
for tele Oy droyylso ssosssllY m. 17
Wauwatosa, Miltraukls co,Win, April 12, lUD.
Mr A 0 Van ooren—Dear Si, This 0 to certify thee
het February PLO of toy horse* was lealimy with . split`
bout, that it was considered , by nt_praft and neighbors,
worthisse When at your llopot, e 4 purchased a bontt
dioan's truly valusble Ointment, in It.. than four
weals from the application thero4f, th s hoof was healed
and well .1 bass uteri the Citutuenn In soy family wlti
almanac:est Yours, kc,
$1,50 I. Ilb ID
I 0( 4 , 1(0 111
tar Kee A
VW' archer y
of ,tot
100 Ca, Numb 4, '5l.
8 It Kist—De.. a - is working woo . .
dorsi. iiLi. vicinity, therefore wa would thank dot to
rood tla two dos., by tbo Peottrybraola railroad. Wean
eruirrly oat, and it La Wag inquired for aloe,. ovary
day. Tours, to.portlally, JOIIN LOria & Co
llarawrm-st, •eitionl Co, 0, March 10,11.
8 M MLR—Dear rttr, C 0.,,, Arent. • few weak. slots
IoR with a• tour dozdo Rock 00, which we have odd
Pie.e forward lo a. Bi. dozen lumodiataly.
Ccu.r medlar. is workiag woods.. la MU Wa
ca. obtain sorcral excellerot cortlfitator, if you dean
tbere. Yon,,, •c, W W BCOTP
Par aslo by lityrar A. McDowell, 140 Wood street; N
C Fetlerr, 57 Wood ttrort it A Vahvertook & Co, carter
Wood sod Front mans; 1/ 11 Corry, D A Ent., Jo.
..pb luartylasa. and HP erhwerta, Alloyheoy, also by the
proora.tor 19 11 KIER,
ap4B.-d& a Canal 131•10 Rrwooth at, Pittstmlb.
ri , ..uirr 18 PASSIAG AWAY
Few con nom be found to goemleothe irr2l4 fait that
Dr Hoene' Nyman of lemmecet, T. mot Gumboleg.
e the spocite, the only tpcm6e, for deem., of a Com
I.lPpillre tendency. The proof coml. home loth. Bader
man lino of the peopk. For fob tofu:motion ae• pun.
phi., Reef Moo the aelremiefunant to to-dore paper. •
Zmasetruute .
rird area el' the ezierem tot el Mr. Ala Mn. RIB.
NONDAT. JUNE VIII. As, incyforsmeas IrW
gun Ir,ts
To co vieJ• 11,10
IN AND our or PLACE.
M., DI •12211.1116
Privet* Re., esett..Bl to 24 so.l NJ tient 23 as
holm. mad Perin.*.. rolnred
tt•cur.d /wale lu the Drees Corcle 73e
01Aco ape. firnl o'clocl,
brre .t• cat be •ecur,t.
m DOI`,
owlahrated teatart..plaro, h•
I • term of prow by the trotterviro,.. _
Pot to earoplcte wpwr no to its robins. Roth; Bowling
Palace, Roma, e, awl .110 be anis open.' for the rt.
erwian of comp* y co the loth of :ore.
on au ratieenwit, on the Snot book of,
the itttenandt...l mutt. film ewte. teeth of Cliarlewowc,
le • bralilly awl eleltaltrlul ter.. Tho "palatine of the
is to troll owstilltl.wl. that it Is deemed traretlY of.
cewary to manlier. Ica qualities. It la **attar andtakao
to hen York, r:ketletton, awl other donut place.. The
cnalytic*/ the late Dr. IWO.-.'., I. ole.Ms OW prin
ipal fouorr.lo, .lab th• wtlaw eionbleatane
of th• noel •woubl• dea,glptios to oho whole wage of
ararral ewer, awl <lowly raaembliog throw, of the 0.1.
I , rwwl cmapcoltlao, operation Old es3,any
Theta or sloe • hcghly 'Jambi* roilpher doctor is the et
cialty. Apart foam th• mortts atm graters. Phones..
date rwrathable (or th• goblin* and brawl/al•aware ,
•hteh It •styl t witala Oath wad Bristol
Rgland, awl of Saratoga awl Ilcillarea la Nen Took.
They we witttlo et;lbt hotrrs trawl , from Watittiontoe sad
Ilahrentro. Cor.tte• WI daily lotto. dame. at rho
Rtilroad Moot_ Chariewoon, to nooney paace.forie
th• Sp.insa. The proprietor. pled. theataelwl• that
tatlr Table and Nor rhall..eoropare (*totality tits °tote'
o f coy notarize piano to .Iflrataim. They bare promised
tha_httl Rand of alowe,•mt mon *arable OCI•11114 that
ra he loom& .1100.11.1.14 t0 pries.
'loon.; $lO forth. drat week, $9 for the weeed; $3O
in 3
711< mart astraaraiaary mediciae in the radrl.
IMS Extract .1 . put up so quart bottles: It talc times
_iSvsp6r, pirswitutui, and warranted ramie. to sny
sold It rvrs. divans:l without rooming, paretnif, ticket
Al, or .hebiototiog Om Pelotas Tho groat Wooly •nd 'en
porterity of ditrovparill• corer all nth.. modiattet. Is,
while it medicates dlstisse, it invigorates the body hls
ono of the very Loot Nprtny ottA Somme medicines sour
known;isnot only parities tae •holo ststrus,sad strength.'
n• the penes, 001 at Groat. DOW. pore rich blond. •
power poiinsted by no other tardiclon And Its this, hos
tits grand .smut of Its wonderfal suer.. geld • bolwoolv
ay.! R E .Eta.r.ns, Al Wood et, and by D
CUR It Allerbeny city jc9
on HALE, 1:10 text from on Liberty st, Allegheny illy,
by 134 Pet drop to Wsohiegtonprusating • Ay
location for • nahlic building or taaPbfr
be dividod isle building Imo
about to be ands lo both streets. '
dosiroblo prophey, as wo.laa a sp.
H CUT 0 1
IVO iLn How:mottle. the Jadees of
Quarter Readout of the Prate
of All-emu,
The petttien of FRANCIS
Pittatiureb to the county aferuaid,
your petitioner bath provided Wow
the acconwnwlatioo of travelers eat
lop bOOll4l to the word Wore:said,.
flatten fill be plewial to grant.
maim house of ewill ntorta
at larneat. Apet poor pettlionar,a
to duty betted, y.
' We, the subscriber... eitizaut at the wan! aforeaaid.
Jo eattlfp that the above sictiSiorier a. of itc.l rip.. for
bouesty tied tempera... and la wail provide./ with house
ragas sod commute.. Wt. the accommodation hod lode
toe niatraoeere and trarelera, aod that said tavern la se.
carA.IL John Ithlan, Noah F•oar, Ephraim FUJA
hea,U W Wed, U W IlotionLitohart Cab., ham llmo
Joho Gray, 'L UaroolL 11. a w Uuualmp , Mary. Thiolow
/V TCLZ No. 8 Woodial
3 dos woo applo checooi 23 Malmo.
l do Cbostdro do 33 elf 1. as do:
33 do Sluocot wino;
WI do Claw, -do
`ALAI) 011--W baskets Salad MI ov h {I a and for Ws
1.3 by liegi WM •H MUTTON, 8 Weed 41
ot m l i Moy, •
tW Wlook Liquor &an, 8 Wood .1
BAUCE-12 bsr Pep par Nance for /MIS by
WY II SUTTON, 8 Wood sr
I kiAltd-20,1.00 prloapoo, viiicTirbTaildm
12,000 rends., do do
6..000 H d ova.:
WM ki BUTTON, 8 Wood .t
WARN-Bpaolob, Half ttpanktb .ad American altars
%.I ta store and for nolo Ly WU II BUTTON,
Mil 8 Wood.
HALP ISPAIntAII CILIAII.B-45,000 hi ( spardsh diva,
Whom Enka) for rata ay WIN II SUTTON,
Jo 9 ' 8 Wood at
WILAP / / A 'tit— SEdta crown;
7/I do medium;
5 do davlde er
TONATIRATILtY-41/dus,murr -
yruuly fou f m as s u.. fo uul y
jug . WM surtax, cooloi
AA Dimon & Co wouta srapaelfo lly j call t e aulen•
glee of easaakeepen to their tory water/al assort.
tneDl of nehla ptiol6l aad embroidered Plano d Table
.c o o a , else, • vary Info aapply of Mee
•ad damask table cloths, laaplella, doll.; &e.
119 6. 64 blerkatel
AA MASON &Co Janina molted par a:pm:Nita,
moron., apply •••• 00 abort atlas* tud d.t rg bj.
good.. A 1... on addlnsual supply ofertinpod trbnesiug
vlbboos, to which de animalism o 1 enttotatts Is lathed, oa
k° . • 6 ft4610/srlat tt-
bbie, emPoneel'aolobar,lourne
L and foe la* '-'IIUBBILIDeIre INGHPAY,
JeD ' ' • JIG Wain sr
0.4•• Y: 6 „34 7 ,
. 1 4iii
-,1•97 • • 7, r • , 4444 44 1 1144 ,4 *1 at
, 8 de - refivddidordaded Add •
La&aladirsoad . adman' ladd4aMallyieL„-
LIAVANICIA , BI;6II/ drhaid IlarEddd 4 .4 4 "
, ,
itice-,60 telbruTl e by • - •
O - filakk:6lllo.4l4-704 iddaradby
• • •
p , revors-luo b‘Aet. rad pomp., ad aims sAd for_,
' ,4lAlt'L
I 0 DtA N T " r?: "
8a03Y14.49 dad - -
D (or n
pcias;-s Obtirp , m meal red nmattnr 000D7r •
Bar )3ARIL - 6ALSLET..
• BUSINESS TA - X:7MB' Cit.V . WR — FOS — U. —
A ppeuli itiati be it ite tsio trink,thi. elate
donr ont r traryt?4.,_: i rq P" t F l i t t ts f ra 'i :f 7;Z:
8 11,! eatiects ' ltte ‘ sive. the* tteChy gnawer b e.
hal in my.adtina tar 11111....4; • the 01
b° 1"""- 4°I. tb , 11 4 C1.4 - confannity with
ht. 4. mr. upon himbinition of .41 BM. any palm.
Mall think thalami,. agyrt.., by thosal4 nmammant.•
they 041 two the seem fit qua affidavit; vhlett salmi k
,11,11 nine 'ataxia a statement of the 'ma =latent ofthet ,
Wee, at eistres C .mrtallaih 'skid allidiyit to be
made endika.ith A , city Tressanntimilitin twohreekt
from the data of lb. Bret peibDeellos et the with. afore.
flee 0 That no appeal AO IA tali. hat bony aff.f.•
oil A the penes et, linti r :Afin - Vadv aa4a , nthdavin A h o
notched,. evidena of the fa...AAA Lantana. la ha
anuotet of van.: '
susiracinimas of •
Al siaai Tailii"Zaeascad•Olp Tacts;. Ctie .
Base•Chair , gued
Cloy,. Hob and dal •
A 4., bee 9d eeti IIB! kdi
. c 027 4
- Na asaaas,
V07(6347114. kw Ow sake ofFewlee 7 Oss`
VI Maar. Brew** mat Amerieee Reload, for. tho'
PILES. for ludo bj .111, S 8EL1KA1;51.14001et..... -
One dellat'm worth ha cattddha most diSttelt
DitlfillTOGra 1 - Cfp “ k . m.l.B.-juparts edatte*,•deel
--. dAd4lthe Jays Of `Pe t eeSottetedPeaust I
veal; in tbe NMI rat Pidladpttit9t, esti 444
Iv the Supreme Cow. do:ss atudselatetmeetercestet
dedieleee. I?..Erightty. eire, Jett pet
hated and ter sale bra.KAY . A. eet A 9 tt
I'llll niit Bis r.ts,t 444.„Kloodate, CI Jame rod
LeetKess Refaetrlcts,) Gm sate 4, . ' - -
_ .IXTU•bouldert;
la otoso ail for ado by quota . k rim;
j. 7 • - Cu:menial Dow, Ll.rty at
SOO~H'CpH 12,000 caarused balm
- • - ter,o plain' do:
FoCsiie by 1P,71 HOWL? itlf/ITB
I .0 1 f r ,
I , by Da/
heed of Mono's cola=
mon lid., .gel iar-4.614.;
• • J• 7
L 'alebbla no I, a vaunt. Wide. ka,ata asal
LyllaJ , - H U/aSEY & HAYS
BKaffir ir=i4l'd aiadars iuul tar aala
A BMALI I. backfllvaltbs; at:Wrile area. E
W. Warshomple of Ifwerft Halt
L ARD -10 bbla oe I,lka. de
Per.l4 , R =reg.*. co.
J• 7 301 Lawny a&
Ataalta boom
17 do oboolderr;
6 do
Is rum and for solo b o y
jo7' '
LARI 7-61
. Id do no 54 — do
Bowl. add for solo by & do. _ .
Ja 7 Sot Liberty orlo
SINTYP-9 too Idlarrots . , coltbrorad YhtladelpOio mot.
/daybed R BaUCZ b. • -
joT Liborty at
m asd 3 la l i nAltr a bls
jol 301 Liberty at.
Ar • taaatlas al the autobara 'el Da Banal' hint Carat
ran/. halal at dud, nall at Wadu.aday *anis/44*
I Colamar, for tbsan, the talle.lng f entleata arm abated 4 124sraotnitI
anselat yaart . .
Pre(leaf —Juba D Sarpart; •.. ~. .._ ~..• „ .
Pico Prtaidad—R Manly,. . . .
Jece glary —We W *IL.. •
.44•4444att decratary—LeurlaWHls. „
,4/44 4.• • .
Ist Lie —Atrial! fnrla.. ..
14 de —.Joha Debts. '
r... 3......
. '
. -
la me NO.
2a " . . .... Xeltridi..
34 illa lapaplt Ltd..
4th ,de Timms Ihardar. • • •—• , - 1 • •
let-Ha m Di 44114.--tamis WM. „ • ...:•••••• --1-
34 do T nw lttalty.
Gat de ' —WAN tAndideoti. ' •• -
DA • 444 —UM Ciampi...lL_ .
Pk( CiWU—Ressy Dfasta•Dattlal WM. -
• Ircora,-,ll,nary_ Myers, II lagrata.
pi. trarirso—Darastd• Plaaalais, W D Datir, La
hti,. 3 Moog .hekeoll W .13..).1 pak t a
Ist Este Xvia444—Jaha !laic - • -. • . _
I',l Id --haatilb 1144,1). • ' -
Comiaime as Jranherslip—havnia, DaDdda. jaaaph
loom 30444,1. Utile, Thar firaelay, /Ural Iraq. .
jr(lht _ WM•
•WALLACE, Bee'ry :
anaratah A Tribat4 copy 3.1 as TIN.) .
RIZOnSS *CO, lgo 0, Wood dna;
50‘,b 11 bed ••••0,
fm do Off.t(CS, 05- Mtrord;
1810 bolded pea oda; '3O - do —.Meer;
1000 dr.= 5,0; 20 cud prod, in] on;
WO elf do 10 de do lo tardy baser,,
200 bood radio.; 10 do forded.,
150 do deer do 10 do May Ildoried
HO Mt do do 8T ed rodard den
cm bead do crooked; 00 5 .2.150010 d on;
)00 do do op 2; 20 Mu deedrook
NOMea dolled elcoodia; 00 Jo reffeldlo,,
Ir. A* heed drop; .00dorym dram ,
3050 todorduo 50 do o• 1 It 2 IL d03,2:'
50 ado lode almoodd 50 dos pepper nom '
10 lad Taellool do 40 do sodded plekinn
40 del 8 pop. ;dell do di do claret sloe,
MS bold Bordexas de; 20 do Modal do.
LATC6 7 -a - AN 1071 rKiT/=w•J a *a earrunswaa br
kr4 T WOODS • SON, 61 Woter .
DABIITTT'S "aOAV - POWDERtI- r tly the ens of thew
IA poodaro ttro labor solioahlar is ossurrially marred.
Tele article is or. so boo.. to to molts ito prif
6ort Par sale ob.:ems or 'moll by
jr6 . W)1 A altet.Uoo k ea. 256 Libarrysa
EcOMPOUND. • sabstsurta for Toast
for raisin broad, “her ay by orbith • similar or IA
ram errs to the door. Is offectad, sasanfachinsi by B
Babbitt, Pk* Tara, for sale by
jro WM A ifcCLAYS9 &c.
I op 1 D. 1.3 A nod 1.4 26 papers. Any porno* moos'
; t rot *Cabin 61117120 s gra4ro A lr i, l:47 .
S UN EN-900 boa hand! rsisloa;
200 do weolo4
30 do /dolled alowoodnl
23 Jo. lanwocatanp;
30 otwb• Zoom corneas;
300 bin Goilloolt sartliaen "
121,1.• Melly obonrlta/
3 resew prawn;
twos Smyrna drn
10 bop Slelty almoodwi
1 . 0 do 110001.;
10 do Cooling walnuts;
13 do moo wan
3 bike Brockman alnaond*;
lo dor. end for vale by bell nowri PARTS
..1 - Y3IOMI n1it0P..4,5 dos Mom I -
sato by 0061, - s
EXTICti.T.Wr CZPVEti—W pen klassansait,
0. moth candrz -
/nit rved sod for tato by 11661 R0W3442 PARTS
bhla I '
.toy's eager;
50ands evnic
ZOO tbe dares;
Jan reed tad for nta by
MORPHIA - -50 oa fay sale by
et/11.0k TE POTASH-LO lbw for Ws by
VV i•• • 'A • FAIINEEITOCIrk co'
11171' 111-17 1;TocTiiercliiiioiiiititdforiilit low
• . cloys out tbo lot, by •
- •
•• • rerrnrilmi.s!
fi.t•ylan — ,,,rr waP
xi N. AT!. I •
LIU nod .4 &q.t.. b.? xi D
1•t J bib,
VARNISH —J bbla, Hakim.% (....akil7 •
J KIDD &-sty
CREA . 4I I I TARTML-1000 .1 1=1. by ,
3 ex.. .•rdhan.;
lu bdukerts olive ell.
BAVON SID EM-630 Iboint reed sad far ma/e by
DICALEtt-1450 Oar row ardor and ror sato by
11. . - --,IIArIUIRE, BANE k cO
ppwutai-3coo ow blaming. eat'.:.-
473 do tem York rid.;
Oa do Amain...loM
Mb • gmertl ammtmeat or hit kap:kr ken* mid can
Woad. In magazine audio and for sal. ey
- , C BIDWELL, Aral
A MTV FUSE-10 bbl. ter sale by
Jel.. ' 1 C 1 1 1LIWELL. ADM
DINE APPIAN—Jon reed by ninon, WO,
ar_d_iby !WI SOWN * PARTS. 18 . 7.Li1
CTTNI-13 Web &-
Ja tar sale by
111 , 00118-.4O4MtN
saitty • Jai
Gll - 11 - 71rTo .oIL-3 bb l 4.4d:pra.., .11 stme bad for
nle by tjel TORAMTIT & c.
`lutlNlt BAGS-300U I.4timoilkod 63Faistn17.
1.7 • .f MUTTS &
COTTON YABAS-8001bo, soot, 9 so. onat ye at
o build. by ' 'firri , • • FORSYTH *co •
'Pt — Mt - U=3r - , - 30, 'WAWA bread.
J.. for gals by_ -• OM • POILSYTH &
-----77 117E 7 70 - 61111ANCII.
2'7ie. 'National Loins . - :Fuca Inszsrana
CAPITAL VA0,000: - EQUAL TO $2.5W0011. .
°mos JPOlt IVISTERIr- rzawsrcr.lirm - ar
BANKING'ROUSi:6I'Wqop 677.
\ .
a A JoprErroa, city
In non ana far Intel
HUSSEY 1118-
1 Hole
RUSSET & ['Ate
stung. , fors • 3 ,
11 , ,BRLICS
301. Liberty at
gran In nera and
187 Worts
to chola. - a:ammo. tisoteto
FOHATTIi t eel
84 .Wotat , n`
7 tow eel Ammar,
- • FORBITTE-di co.
~; -f;
♦:POrtottiiiiik. —
- Tliipansester reisit't
145, - ffauser will iennalbs--6,.abown
STATE, Cos:ey,staatre...lll*stsias:
aboresod aU
: • • For. Lou togi
The na.m.e etkv/6ar6aC4,..-
miner - via Imo for Ulm' aimai-aild
- fraterincomLyerts3settattiiirOma.
4. 1.9 45.4.01ZAti
F.or_Fileeling.. _..._ . _.- --., , _ i
1b p -6.1 =amp 1: 0 11111AAIWCW 8 : .1
. • . Iforrell,..anour brat% OM i taild e i
Artermedistr - yrla.:::Wciti4;44:lo7!
, Forfivightei*.toage aliply mileardillio ... - : . ..•
. 'Jastl ,
~ , : ARILITRONO,&_CDAVII.,. - /At .%_
1 . . efn salami 4411,11
. Thos. Neonmassei•lowt (tor b.sho
• and all tetanardid!rOortstaillardiivie
treighifir ps, apply ea teiad ecio
wact ~..6151114/0
0 47AUXER:
bacio~wisems Plugsbut mad ''
-://ft ZAHTCEt
..4 St -Claltilota--'-;
la Lise:Piaseasde. L titeeid ,, Deot
luits saabrogialk. %. 9 .l.. y. rt_or . n a n tj
B ick teenkit
Oh mins at SO dears,
'PH "-Ohio Mochasice In at 'uremia lizheatisni •
eh* clay of_Clachwat.l., awarded 'tall...linty, - fat
b.:p.. l ,l lr d= = it
at i.ttutsiti q . "*. - 1rF"I'" /'•
Use,., lor map. mad paleositry, a Bilworfilwa4 Watt Oa
The Aritorkill lialitins;
•I H e w fork. ..,thhe x.,:noin, fay totlitfiniaaa
k I;ri e = 4l . tbs
alit of Pu,.Jrlpht,. awonttal Clatia,lor 140 , 0. P.
.".trttfo =ire ' Tr tl": tr ia o
. toor; 112 A. rad
ashibition• ahrirs atainsd"ar•
oacy coca at which the production wilt: Bashi styes...
II hi nbacribsr tfotarialtimit AAA rani,
RUleitertba'roitErt.tlatk which Ariablkakivent loaf
-4 , witdr.3 ddriof • period armor, th. isa
rawfwctitills !talcum • cotalatitaco:of poplin
4 i too - rid f i:i(
P. /Wane, 114 Chat= satin,
- Et E. I..t.truzi,.
Ago•t fr , r **l• wt,DAZIIN 8 ea. tlotisooto) fruition •
Fortamori hi the city, of Pitikbarab, conga; try • War:
a , " on shies h r.ll ooPPir , l. Irtiolculo danks•
"it th.lassoulhotoree• t6cer for cuh. 'ja&Lw , !
'CLARKE 4."Tlf.Wir'Cittal WS
E.G.tll ,31j obi. purl. - cidar.waserat ewe • 'kr.
.lay ' AIiALIXATINS/i Cit.OZEU . -
1.5 ' • Water.sta 411 Ems! AIL".
BAvu a.upc.j
wJu.v. day Md and don sale
Pita tlb.ruio •OVdos in mom and *ornate by—;
, - ,(0113TROInO. CD,OZEIL it no
fitlffu ar
•2 au reel Mid"ora by,, -
EAli /SOUK Or r VACT24.11.51-11 Edm
•/I :tuts id VALIUM e .ad urz thedearlim**
at discoveriti Adutroddausds. of.
.in,l Idea. fur; cophia DI 11. a mom;
Ltd. day nud add Cuddle • LAY &c4i
as Wanda
TOTEEry, , U.Y bTf...L—*de zdvehts;an: -d(damd;..
, =aloud du Wiwi,*
.edd podelp/d• Irosigips
and pulp, br I , :teddeker threivino, yeti' lbw,
Cr" .1* b, BAT-/dea.'s3-•WodadC,
-7 1i - 0 AL
J.BE subscriber essiig eemeredlter...leitelm&exe
from TbieVarea`tie aid ,alskt . stot Re.
door' btlo.• Pone , 'elicits . 40i1611111410E1 else* Lea d patr•esre heretetere eareind; isd.promyu teller inei
eacrauscestonterrreepe ettentleteind kedeists gee,
Pa repartee vi das and Joaolcy ik aaka 4.tal N,
fa ad. - ad:All werkmai latiqaca seared ,
. 9.141itiE1,:-.-•
it 1¢: An extensile - • •
, ninincry Jon receive&
• - ' WATCHES: -•.: .-•
OS Gokraeotbd - pair casts; Aida tribe te Itantitey
Weide*. may be wed viva face exposed; ix ay obit.'
dtitY ' , tett beieet reed end 'foresee .t tie and fedi
city can W W WglAltatt,, Watalueeker,
ten3l ' . • 167
Marla et 'roe al 4h
- • NOTI ' K. - • „ .
Fanntr " P .0- thid - /kfthhththi' TarnP Ike ,ria* -
' • ...
• - Roca. . '''• • ----•""
p .-... ' al hotaloto et 3e saboalWo to
I. . 4.:*°
"a de al
the Taros:twat Xacksolte
. l'''
topotinun or bcH
ii .
• Taio Ike /load, io hereby, directed to
1% 1541
44". i."". 1tE1413.7-11EV3. Tram
- i (Poet ond IlLietto wog to 1.1 th..): :. ;: .
~ ....i. ,
7 '- • : .s: NEW BOONS. ".:- ..
_......, ~......-.
ini tia 'a i. Botbeloi..w 1 'book - of itii , ..* Al 7.
IV Cau,,r,..4.,,,...-aPT.ktik.nn", - bilii;;l
cw t.
'.I .41., .14:pi's WO pbloki kose . _os.,_ . „
-.Da ooryi i rotaitsuottooooto E4.•0 Ityln_ i
1.3 E , sod SALTO& Als Pnafrdlt .b by TholDa2z 1
1 n ' 4 ?'''''
me. g..4 . 420*,,,, • . tin ~..m.
W utgo, tee phyotaidt7 /*mt. ...". L i...v .0 77
+led 2rnagin
itT n1 VZ . 4,,,,,,,, by p Iktriier ad .
g° !"1!!! 1 .. 14 _ , - - . ii , capita au. abovomorit tlii
-- . ~,„.,.....EAX...too
tilde* a large, tiurphis - L'
wta .
Bload, T. C. Iterran.W.• 0; Vos.4aatargh, D.
Foliar, CI Laaktitc.",- lifted N.".
Wye Taal,lre ry ; 5507!!;.8,Art.
. 1 ":Cr/1010LIlytIreigTdiliC..
EriaWolllll ii...kiVi-Gential
Tpriti Cnopin. loth Anatnittintainot
Iminod, pp areirfidetiriptton' bl Ploptaqlik
son nonotry, at ntu 11L law.' its 'nottinnann :•“111
. •, -
qtiaozaintly hate ananeirien_lntentoiitniint ' inan;'.
Unit CaplotAstlftamlosnOnfdynnnarook
&bllpito protattloo maattnak. .
l i JAMES :TURBETT,•Agen, --
- . -.
et " n r:
Masa 11 lIbt! 8 tisgiolit.'"7lllll4l.dirg.4:-.
0r....v4pa !kr.. ft:spetrally 11.11E4 .
!By ceder of ts• ExecutirdOitensttze....
• • - PTP II TIK I 4thrOi
.15 bags Shull ram:
baalSo I fisb Leraatara;
73 Ima ate'
l'earrbrb aad las mbY
N 4
U.D.11 . 7 'ADIS
' aiterrei.'cle • . . • •.
- rrIHE Lanark -Clamped wnd - Dees 'Stock' et MAIM I ,
Dllik69 DODDS ever etrared tkle . thy, DS l
ctriii god Ism Hi., score, 5j '0 Market c.a. tottiotioo
• Prowl street and the Diecerend, riurbargh: ••• '
The proprietor.' baSe lust opened a large. twel Or.
beandlimassaitieriCeCthe•iicemw 'al wart Zwaliranw-
Me 4064 Fatirmod • Ctepla Dry Garda, which kart
twee pergbased sinew the .reef reductlen risijklege a du
clang, out sale., ie Dew tack awl Pell elphia,
will be adenal..tra.C.A.Mbeyweel, freettOseiltb per cent
UM. 011 043 , 14 . •••17 &addition; tteia etid aqp,
ea to nit ead maketleent, , lOW ew %Wary
lege and beentilel woek at the fekeleing astlekt •.
• •Cheee and Duper eleneWilke;. L • '
• • 12dd oberetkui 4.4 , •
finad o- Ann - re end raill - di*alayingek4,...
D a ea ehenselean Tait +Woo
Chem and 'Wile Poulaid'elks;,... • _ •
Der piinto4 &ad Ohio ollk ;yam; . • • •
D oi
"tlb" Aherinei; and Grusallluaty - _ r: -••
' • Pia 114 printed and embrolderp,d koregern •
'cormo, wield wal lied ea.: Sea IloPba!: ' • '•
1 5'4 . 4'1" 11 4 /Te 4.J6 l l lamest . • •
Yhr ruatleh e r 3/ 4
' Dr o lawns end Yuma*
• unlanblered =au aa ' • ,
FreotYWd lead ,Tao s ;
English and Abler.
Wanes end ealktio; It all
'll.lBBoll3`af•ginaileical •
aid eanmeer .haul 4/0 .do , •
Needle *crawl germs, enps;callare
• 'lderlo, IuY aud Marlin eapew
Entbfeldaisb; hew .'tali and plainlicasmosenshedll9
Pokey ellk potter bdtfy crarelased leak tier;
Tic/age, ortwa P klersah; bird eye, diaper naild ' an.
• Bliedbcd and brown awslinit,from• 6ur 1.4 c so* : .
Da . brown and colored Cowrie gliaitelw •
Smith cloths, plain and Ikea wafter. Leadanwa.
• Cashel:lM% tweeds, Warne caaalamee . Radii, Jemmy,
Bleck ermlmid fancy yawing; die, tr. . •
4 i t:11 1 177.1711:74,4 6 Tit0rd=_ ra' a tlrn
'1144 tha tae,. eta oder P er wit;
to wholesale and haryere this ewer Inn heratfora
bows edered in Pittsburgh. • . • -••—
sn73l „ . YOUNG. , STEVE/C.3OP lc LOVE,
. .. . .
_ BOOKS! BOOKS!! . • --
QCLIDTZ'B Bluory a Greece,—,A- history of Ofteq
/.., Irma the Mlle= timeo to the dowactioa of Corietbi
B 0,141; toiloly hued upon an of Crump' Thlrliollo
0 D, tilshop of Bt Darld.., by Dr looOard. Belißlirsq'
_ ... . •
oaf We A li ptrad i' tpre, *( by Ute Ph l i er '- risr i wre ' r r Pi r elib ia" ,
&Lads for tha Mews —Orraldiee, liwtaoss A Thew
audit.* and other pows, by IllaMeFarpthar Tapper,
Pl t e I Philosophy, A Modem Pyramid. awl Use - To:
etas of At* AIM* by Canis. Tepper,
.The Heir et Wart•Waylwd, a We, by 1114 Hewitt: -
The Pltilesephy Alatseorwles, mutilated trowahi
Caw de Phitteepkie Positive of Angel( Compte;by W
Al Oillaephs.
Helper", No. York , aad Er i e
UN aristarr. Wes* um..
:ethe* atal 610/1 /septum works we the Road. Ab 138 * db .** by wale; A Bur* treat orWastilwtabb4;
pule expready for Wit ort, by Wes . '
Hague* Wow Coethly lispwlehtOr Jew, •
Twflold Worehippera, or tho bap WeUri* OM*
ItWorielii earth bribe aotherat-Whitafrien.—
Own wortiujon retired aed for ...Irby ,
C Irroctmort 41 . &PAWS
. -
nine. mhetteaa Palk. • In . CITE. 946111111/11111
1: boo thevatlybly d,. polateit..4 'early t.ta4
azd yartbsereca
ear:zed put
* Ibmbs vs bow open fo r 'mum.
Tbe E•bulueusat Jae lake opelt...boa ka
• Cfonsibt . - suporlot
,qO.l.lLy 01114 - I , arlotti emu; Iltiim•
berritr; ' . .sd all 'other de1144.1.16 tbalr memo' elan
Atinand Watery Lemaoli;e44,..Barasiparilla.asa othaadow
Crae1. 31, 41 &bah tip ho swc.i.vp to.lden t.
Ladier uq Geidenin ir. ri peotkil yr Anima. view
u+r,ter,,ilke tatabthboal 'kb lb* GN.I. Tb, tilt
ea 6, dilappilailid, 'my,. ausatio. will be pad by
. 4 61 4- • YIAJIVEL E JOHNSON -
-'~~, s
~- _
--- ,4
~tenr~li~cts, ~~ -
.:.-nemi0n.....„....t.: •:-r:,i::..mrr...ji:.4.,..,., L ,:.1.:,
L. --' ‘ --. ......, - ..-
' ...
7-:.!,,i------'-'-'ii...._..aructiay—ttiiii4K ' ' -n- --- •- -
. ---:;,-n.tuar:s v a lsmotkatime.-111:1611: - -`-'- - -•
Tligorol susabika m - lkatiarirsa,:,: t . - - -
iilml..imi era.!-Cri 'JP 411474 - 116 ii - lAIRsa re! - _,..„r
t 2 . 4 1.44 1 . 14 jaw5. 41 h=, 0.401
-„( taoloccmd:to sitr4Pe-:=:,;,.
tt.,..AT ,kittyl4CMlST,Kahlmol.,-
Cny . _ suelt adinnUs* - :., --..:
tee:Tirel_ aresitZ 4 itnltaMr ' ! . .,.,
....._.(''' : . .
.01. p. wi.-f-LamiNtorawkwoutitf...-.1..::::=-:,
livisiricx.acuilikuis.4 - i -, ._• - •-•,...
.- .
.4.,.:Linnbirlrii.. -- : -,
o tai
.9r. - .l=3L-
t„...c ., r :x.....„...„.... ....,, t ,
~.....4 . , , - - k . : ::„ .: ,. :/:
~,+ .4,,,,..4.1i.....,-......1 a ..
~ ..—CLIPPa-i 3 ,4 n LtiiVl;:,,:t . • ..„ ..,
LK•o44tOtatii-W. 1 4,.: 1 _ 1 .4., 44. ! -:,,-..!,?
VarBl;l4 : Zltird e rth4:4 3l44 4l6is4iA '- 'i
cl-1 P2ll,:4•Pner. n.!ty.,4,SVAIOAr Pt. t :T.Ak‘!rl.l:l-;,
:i= = ita rit.l 4 o ll 74:l44*lilig.- - :Y.,-",..-:.
x4="4Psipkftuak r - l z-.. 4,i,tl4 l4 rtogukt- ,. :.- -
'seiti..a.trwrz :.:;....'...,.= -..:- - E', ', i ,-, , •-..- gr[litt=btaigilkilli,*l..;llMi 0.,... . i. ... -'
wiv a o:lutatocrithi4,4Atockosuga tirdas,_;-, L -
~P.,,,3".Vr e - . .t0111- 4 •044r i 41,
,_-, L
ALotairte; * %44l,6 4iiii : :*44, - --
ii*tutrotyeppecurte - ,=• ._,, ..-,..„,,,,...-74,..,
i- , . „ . ,... x. r rpivraftwanvige,,,,, .., ~.-.
-- „..:.,.-.... ?f5rwm0ii...211h9.:§4. 1441 "“= --
:- putbi,j6kreroAtm, .::-.:...,...-. -- • --:--, ail
, GEAVE•DiJI ,I I9 I I :. .e.CitAIIi i .: P:11.
'T fri4 f.aLt rakk "o?2T a krat i r as.1 "4
itY.,,D.TruNC;I• qiNivant..:4ll6 -.01.(7.
nt. :Any
- •
17- VI.EIVTIefE - 13110R77
The bikltlet,ikerits-nhtldririfiß
, • - AosrilardasslatDeararaile74. •
air aiiii - ,:tba_licasaraeaAkhdras. law
10 trasi aCase. IfP •
.IVedliesitay or
zwati --- ''l,:- ..'"
~.,... , ~.0 .4.. ear. •Risr. aNcitittar
. -2'....
...'. • .. etteltimiltb4.4-WW.#.. mss*!.--k
pljr , tini tr;:,.
-'. - 4.10 - .:. ~.1 vim. =At 'i 01 . 1.1.17,11A5WEL Oa* -;',
. .
• Tug .e.leprot *Arai Ilea
litAtOlrig,lmat .s , 2ppftert• Ws
-mita at tyastesabesk Dlito4,llBiste ."
• •
`74(bq is tb
1114.1LjaVtt+k 11:griast*"4""""sallk
'• • --vpac
j.t quiz=
I - - TrEGcrifsti.:mo3,lELX
Pitplargh„ AhniettzkAlickwii*' . !:pt4f ":„.
i "`"" itnii 1F0UJ , ,,41 - -rdetteg'
Theastr,l . i•Ltalbtlrl4telligl4
43a0tilt 1.1
cme: utur.... $4.2h.r
'itSl tel e - r_ 714 '.. 1 0. 11 - 01 / 1 . 1 t '
,Poorscror, f
z rob."
Itaittectlaramssathatiedish•S ,t7thl.•
4:111y }WI cialockr-4.1.17: .T.llO u-
11 1. 4 tha attgifritilittame baresadnatiedirt.
tons, nn jkope . tor_ atattlasu aanargid
Fr* 4.414 otpikpoir, *Omni. or es -
'"mitt .111UNAMICI4,11a;
'' riazw 4406 A • -, ~ tab.
~. .,......,..1 . ..._
. . ... ~ ~.--:.• ._,.....y'leirt.7.ria 1., Sum. #l/. a
-q;, rinaftr: ;T.I._fILI ,eiltt=4llro,K.
A ..,7144'-' dai.igaircifill
~ ', g • .•
^ 4244,7".- ' - - iGugnswl.4, ,'"":;4:; ::4-4.-
1 -152411Nr4.,
.....L . . , 8 5 a l-,- „.i„ .1;',
41, 0
aratoZAßSv , LEVaras_gu v nr . - ,-',.,.'.,.,.,`-.,• -.:
rb.;.* ...._ --' ''' -,,-....•. ”' 'if nL--'44,,eilis;:ix. au55..;,*,..-_-..
....p.0.-v....04,7p,.4"41--Atx.. Alt*Y4 Ziaggdn• ‘ ,4 i.--:',..
. , k 1:,e.:
~72zji4r..= , ilgy zt... 44 .7. - .
TLIE tl.l.lnt.._._fi . TwtaisL ,
....= _,
n,„,,,..tease : .-, 40,..„-?:
7 ' 4 ' 614 b ' P*"*"." ~ W-6 , waerixwAst
, outoova,ous -rumour* c -
For. iteaverefoliiael fifri;Riage,qh,
-. F+idel . CBd3t
De -
.!..-:"-. AetTe*PittSbiiret: itliO4'agatit 0
- - 4.
- ,, - 1 - • .r.. , v fi cutmabierittly - frovit.:-%.. • ' f-';''
iftgetor , c4itit.tercti-i ., -
- .
Ilsiedatamk_Tausdazi as. 4 lle, Rs=------.:.-
W.iiiiiiiiii l 3o.figir.* Coti. Wt... 14" nd-rix*: . -- , :•... , i .. - .z'
jp.o.fteriz...3*2l.4.l.7 . .riskf . ni - --r.mmpan.
_Am 6.h . m,.,c0p..1 upo it. ttsga. m 4 4 7
.I , rogabiekt7.:_ ,, , ~ ...V. ....
diniottheyisir.itr War413..1X AT .1 01 , , E. , .1 , 1 , 47 - --- s
p .", IRE SOLLPAgisc*--,......'-'"
... - , L. 11.% - tevivelk:. - . 11.4t4cr Aim"; - 4Au --, ;- - 16_ . , .
•Nrb,..dwia vii..4,,TAmpisia is, iC r i: ..., -:-
. tHarof Ili iltemociatUar AT*.rtna .- . .. . , •
livq - lisitt.if , itlcArruTfalitaelesirriliaam W.44{
• . imd .Frbiat Orrn.l4;iq-Cliclock, ainSl.atAr",. - ,;' , 1 ; -.A 7
Aura is-ito* thetta I:l6tatak 1,1.4 t fa riuslanfl.
..., .: -,. ~i,,..c
. Mtn .ttifcced_stp.eluacelyamr, ir en.soot.al94•—;.---."-n.
.., ar im ilied ah/ppen Ix* r!.!jr est"! tilt,,. :f . .,::, - ...
.F.a. r , ~,. ....,,,,,-. , .. • ,. .. 1- CI3IIIIWEIS44":'
_... ~
• , ~, X.ot .<2:42ithiale77, -....
..•. , - - ., , .t, ,-;_i: vr
ovae. - • - .... ....21•410 ...tam. zawitzsecaw-air- - .i--- , -.:
....a.r,.inlesvcrocAtte- *lons aalsll .- . •'-'..,-.
.. . 1 X•.. Ite.wrolog,laremalusef . ,
ft;PirPliTl4l:4; --
~ , .., • .:;:for..- v il irmilizzoTt...-..- ..: ..,..
.. , umiu.r
.aNzi . .: cai 4- t‘0g.c.:,f;,7%, : 1 .
teri4rill lean-fi x the ahavi-aull all ho-7" ~.,...,-.
n..41+141,.0 r n7,1 W0 1 64. 1 44,...,;;Z.Z.-.;,
..'",..r;[ „ 1 , 4 , 4 1 : 1,1 , ..7 , i.A.V... r , ::.*.4.3,v.ME„,..
l ' i j la. ) Thr ."6W t,Nw-
Piugniser.iseary fitosJay •
41` fad.?
Eibiilpers ein rr lbw. bilat coitinrini Lbo
• .- . , ~.
.1 , 13
.. • , -11 , ,Prarik li n. , ;,••:-.,--., .. ~..-..., .-
. - , ThetionesticrauzimertrErif.;.:;' ,
..-:• ' 2rij__!... lo Vl.nus., Lacer, will ros aa ... Lr..t-... , —..'
r.... 4 FFagg& beFwvco tea. eityk.. ~ .:.::.,
••• , r m‘dAyii.4.7"='gii.'ii..o..l:rt,F, --, ....
7,.......0p0. .. ,r-,..7...-..tds.
Clo Imectl'aiurkte.atettalitTriANWltcr..
, aiemsabeai , LEWIS "WETZEL'
qeltres CiteinnsU mitaszly.rizry
&Oa sod ;nra y l3tupkrat lihAteteet.. -
Frac klaq ertkinday) fah !:
sod Oftew mr.arx._Wralimulay;:.• • )4 •
L &
11.13,itr -; '
400 2' 1% t •
_, • 'WNW Alia4•l 4l r4 B ".
oat 181.:. ~, . ,;.‘
~,z 3. , - , . .
~,--- ,.....mi.0rrt, -4 e ig. ~, , ,:i` - - --'.
Tbeior watadroitth*----
.- ~.. .. . ~- -4
lull., ...t. , ' L-- - - '' - gag n a, inmatirel-
w airretcrom.,lstaabnytE6Nw.
.„.... stglepon c•ip0.... 18 ..E.h.P.. 1 4 , - *,
7,1v 4V 4 rA,71-4:bi t ts ~ - f
~. 4.3 BOlt.=evao, ~nislaaday AM *WWI -;,../ ti.e•
Etedsvporz azadlV began Mai ito. d.l l arkTd4,lol
_,. -....
4 i' l'''. - ' ----
Olin tip isl . t• e t;; • :.•- • • -
otredirht Or Punt .0 -..1 PLACIWAri.r.;- - A
.11541,-1(111Y0111110G116fIlt ,
• -- -.-Tletare vtatagersuluniTlXol7.llf.;,-,j
fraftWearitj liatz.rr;fituier; yep ; x ibbilighothe* her - What Seat viv
Noaoarthela rWro deity 4-.
ealock. BL - rmt - WealtoPfela se
Tkit.wrtrozm. - co..d.k. „VW-
Natio! ipientlf4 Thoy•bailt ecoUrte , coxibtriadT,',
raltrod, Olita to , Bahloine- %ad
1-grgrtzt lc ( s a.y. ercaiaf llll. l, -.
han.per hdbmsatleas;torifi,i.L:
- -
V ..---.,-....0 .- -., •=-,...':,....-..", 17. ..
• • - .1 - 11116 i . 1 .::&2,—-01(1 MVO,: -.. .....
Poi lkiititrit:olllfith.Blre_i PialiC9t6 :.4401"-
. -...-. ;.4illtniooiatka..:'.f.;. ! .:,.! - p vi....
rir Tt iaiirmOtivicAdid,P4,peopr frtail%'+;:„ „ , ....q 4 l, t
•:./. 5 04 11 M,i , CaPt,.A... niaisvocr.. 7 : - -,1,,,. .... _
• ' 7_.• mu A u* po • mph. P 001.% . ,"-.;.- '7- .!.''''
- k,id.b.rittud AVAitsvila.lnyint b = ....,!. ~ s;
-birOc-vorr.-.N.,4 7 , - Tinowlty Uir:
.. ~7';', 5 7. -
giulden. 51.1,3 azt,o dockari 1...*11
' 7 .16C .',4411.11,,..." 6 4...
.For 71.14ftd,',-*: ',,.-1'7,-..":-.5,-;'
~ . r taloa or puilywykply , o4 kixrd.Ort..o2 1 :,-
Z 1K°P0AL5 0 A 00 . t4 1 .....t4!F 4 4 11. 444197...
: 2 "..b 1211 d/IflliWit••SupcsafillpAr! bite/. Sftts.
:soptiolsrltor,bissrporotrotount and
,Polstios, 11Lorlos„-;,
bt - tbo siblersArAst;thoollbths. •
A P W t
e 34 rs sn ( 'Ti s Om l or F U ) W Sta )6 t
I b ol s ll
1" • ,
, 53, 45..0 0 d} sbout.2l/.1".-
• V. sta. ttioi.soutatory wall. Litt ismorg dor ,
atoviload kid losinsto boot tbo brat tlsservtitirotroolt.t. ,, ,,,4•
rano volleatbs oupportioslti - se,boar.Sadotist
'Pro pouls *fit- mats AU pw-fair.kter
wed, tag tho,obbastiskOstotratuastsopport sag
ea psis/ per 1151.1 toot•fot aka sopeastroctoro.ll44l.:' (2
dlos'ilotoarssassorr,) stars doOt.fs Mak .11 1(,.;
or solo & track of IS low : - :.Ttrt •brldes wilIM squired ••• • - • 1r . ..
to support's troaiout - welsbr - -rt:NAtar Ths.„Tbo work"
1.1.. 200111tldeatt. -
,dirsot, Contractors viii 11. 114110 , 14 , to garrootas their ••
• work to otsod Nrood Tor a -psrloi sr , l*moodoKotsps,,, -••••
compictiool - ?Cr nobs' - Sorb . .ItldO**totrltsiore.isiattei , • ,-
hooks ti,stibu eoptrottly, ostbo, Vttostors way dart
Drtepa •
dpraloS /#4. ,Taiynyways...l.l4l.• made' •.7 f:
la so: vtbo ostb:.'prlviww
orAIV.M 4- . 1 0. 6- idtv!..Pod
Flaky& Vb. ioarses- /I - •
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