The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 09, 1851, Image 4

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.The.-7aw..of.t3puitaal Infitunwe.:-- --
Theri is no tioctrilie of Airier! revelation
• which Rands on foinertigsjoione more
distinctly :atul clearly taught, thou that
° whirl sets forth . the gliat. truth that the
renovation of the human 'soul 'is effected by
the agency 'of .the - .Spirit of God; The
change of the moral dispositions Which re
sults in love to God and, free, subjection. to
his will in , Gm.
whole range of intellectual
faculties; moral setitiments; and :emotional
life, is justly represented. in the boek of
truth as a new birth, a regeneratiort, dis
tinctly. and utterly beyond the, power of
self-prodection on the part of man'. What.
• ever maybe conceded to the Niter of a re-
solutewill in its strongest efforts at self
amendiaent, in :breaking the force of evil
• habits and reforritinithe life; it is 'u postu
late with all mho receive the teachings of
the New Testament, that: the renewal of the
soul is the work of the diyine•Spirit. The
influence. which "opens ,our: Anider
atandingiP. that we ItnoW the fiicrip
tiires ;." which - 'enlightens the 'judgment in
spiritual thin' go; 'which ♦ presents affecting
motives to the will; awakens the excitement
of holy desires, and givei a coinforting:as•
sumnee to the soul of the favor of 'God;is
emphatically' a visitation from on high.. It
is a birth, not "of blood, nor of the will of
the flesh, nor of the will or man, of
GOD." '•
. The mode in which the divine Agent
accomplishes his work in the renovation: of
' the soul; is undeniably inscrutable. " The
wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou
hearest the sound thereof, but must not tell
whence it cometh; so is every:. one that is
born of the Spirit." It is imrossible to
explain how the divine influence reaches
the hidden powers and faculties of the in.
• ner man; by what steps , and in what man
ner the vital changes `which-follow the
touch and action of the Holy Spirit are
produced. The 'emanation and efflux of
the divine principle; of_ life' cannot be sub
; jected to ordinary methods of examination.
The anatomist's knife, the metaphysician's
. analysis, are alike insufficient to detect the
methods by which the spiritual energy is
conveyed to the Springs of action and the
sources of sensibility in' that mighty_ centre
of mysteriertlie ;.The phenomena.
of natural life, even,•are strictly beyond the
research of science. The physiologist tells
you this muschimoves because that nerve
conveys the command of the will; and that
nerve derives its vital Tower from the beat
, ing of the heart; but why or how the heart
beats is an impenetrable mystery; a peas,
ant tmderstands as much about it us a sage;
the ultimate conclusion ,for each ill that
God moves the heart. In him we live and
move and have our being.
But while this is confessedly the state of
the case, se far as the mode of spiritual in
finence is concerned, yeti Chace . are several
things to', be observed with regard to the
great law of spiritual manifestation under
the Gospel. In the first , place, the divine
energy is, if we may so express it, a - home.
geneous element with the essence of that
-.spiritual substance we call the soul. The
heavenly emanation is in nature and kind,
perfectly adapted to the powers ficulties
~-,fire entire machinery, so to speak, of the
- " of the heart"rhe man in
man, his proper personality, his true essen
tial self. In the work of regeneration there
is the' visitation of thought to thought, in
telligence to intelligence, spirit to spirit;
God the infinite, the all-spiritaal, coming
I in direct communication with his fallen,
,depraved child, to restore the lost image of
holiness to his immortal spirit. The influx
Of this divine life is in perfect harmony
with the capabilities, susceptibilities, modes
of inward being, originally belonging to
man by virtue of his heavenly birth, though
now, alas 1. deranged and in ruin through
gin. "I live!" may every regenerate man
say, with solemn and sublime emphasis—
; using the words in the sense of- St. Paul,
",yet not I, but Christ ]iveth in me." Life .
derived from , this divine source life in
' dee:if : inward health, vigor, purity, blessed
ness, relish for spiritual enjoyments—all in
perfect congruity, sweet, harmony with the
essential, original constitution of our nature;
all fitted to man's capacity of enjoyment;
all adjuster . to man's capability of moral
Sentiment; all suited to the developments
of his immortality. •
In the • second place : this regenerating
'l' influence does not destroy man's responsi
bility, either so far as its antecedents or its
consequences are concerned. Responsibility
is a fundamental law of our moral constitu
tion, commencing at that period in the
moral history when the knowledge of good
and evil is attainable, and etiding only with
' the deeds done in the body, with the close
of probationary life. .In the whole process
of religion - it is true that it is "God that
Worketh in us to will and to do." This,
- however, does not disturb at all the law of
personal responsibility. So far from it, the
very fact that divine influence is at work
within us, is - mode the en:Thistle reason why
xq should'Work. out oar salvation with fear
and trembling. The visitatipn of God's
Spirit, graciously vouchiefed to all nits as
subjects of a general redemption; that
which produces a painful conviction of sin;
Which begets alarm, and awakens inquiry;
—a visitation necessarily antecedent to re
generation, and. never to-be confounded
with it; is adjusted to the lacy of.personal
responsibility. It .may . be improved; it
ought to be unproved; rightly followed up,
it leads to conversion. But then it is pos-.
slide that the
sinner may not
thus improve the graoe of
, pos.-.
Ode that lie may resist or neglect it. And
here:presses the law of his personal respon:
eibility. God worketh in him by his Spirit,
to will; graciously prevents—that goes
before, and assists the, will; presents con
siderations,plies inducements, offers en
ecerragements. But while God thus worked
so will, the actual decision is with man.
The latter may yield, or he may tamper
with the ease, or he mayieject the visita
tion. Spiritual influence in each a modtiof
administration, is in highest harmony with'
.the pervading law 'of"moral responsibility.
It is in perfect keeping with the established
rule of self-trusteeshfp, according to which
God's moral, administration is uniformly
-carried on. But the human understanding
fails to reconcile the doctrine of moral re
sponsibility with that phase of the so-called
doctrines of grace, which-holds that the
first visitation of- the divine Spirit to the
soul, irresistibly regenerates it, and then as
irresistibly follow faith first, repentance af
terwards, and fromfirst tolast, uncondi
tional perseverance in a gracious state.. -- To
consider an unconditional, eternal election,
the starting point in a process which de
velops an effectual, that is irresistible, call
'to the sinner in due time; effectuates his
regeneration by a flash of sovereign grace
carrying the will ; and leads up as subs°.
quart, but . equally irresistible sequences,
his faith, his repentance, and his glorifica
tion ;—all this may be true, but if so, it is
at the expense of man's proper accounta
bility. To reconcile the two propositions
defirm the ingenuity of the human mind,
anima it is possible to reconcile the oppos
ing terms, a direct contradiction. That
many wise and good men have. heartily
embraced beth sides of this contradiction,
We readily admit. • So far as this is the
exhibition of a resolute effort to submit the
understanding to what is supposed to be,
the dogmata of revealed truth, we honor
the mineiple. At the same tiMe, we are
harbly glad that no each heroic hardihood
of faith is really required of us. -
' Furthermore. from the "two foregoing
e ' onsitleratimus there results an important
canchisicei.:! - . Divine influence. connects it ,
self in the pikedures of human salvation,
with fan intermediate *racy; Aulapted to
the Mental vind. moral constitution; and
ourmargy makes
_itself .felt eigier in the
region of the understanding, or in that of
the. emotions, aormitling to. circumstances
affecting the general` character. This in
termediate agency is the teachings of Scrip,
ture,"the preachinV,ir the . Gospel; in a
word, the means ,a.f irra ,4 Te Scriptural
proof of this pasitipn . is tequired, the fol
lowing passage in; the aEpistie of Paul to
the Corinthians will supply it: "In Christ
Jesus . hive' I begetten you through the
Gospel." Now, here we have the primary 1
and two subordinate agencies set - forth as
concerned in the spirited birth of the pa!-
- ties -
referred to. The Spirit of Christ is
'til e main, diree4 efficient cause of their
Spiritual birth. .The doctrines of the Gos
pel, and the preacher of those doctrines,
are the subordinate, instremental,lant reg
ularly constituted agental in effectuating
this gracious work. This single passage is
decisive; we ad: 'nothing more to sustain
the view we are now presenting.. The faith
which, justifies, which brings the regenera
ting 'influence to the heart, comethhy hear
ing,' and hearing' by the l Word of God.
This puts the opreachin " of the truth
' into a position of high and solemn conse
quence, so far as the Helvetian of, men is
concerned. And it were well that all
preathers and hearers gave thii important
consideration the weight properlY belonging
to it. - Its practical consequences would
soon show themselves in the deepened zeal
and increased labors of tl ose to whom so
fearful an amount of influence on the spir
itual wilier° of their felloWs is entrusted;
and inthe multiplied minl i ersions of those
who are the subjects of thi ministry, with-
Out their waiting . for extraordinary develop.
meats either in external
c ircumstances or
inward feeling. •
Now, thepreaching of the word of truth
addresses the understanding, the will, the
conscience, the emotions. I Sometimes one
of these departments of our nature is more
directly appealed to than e rest. What
is there to forbid the sup 'don that in
an unlettered hearer the Spirit of grace
applies the truth moredirectly and forcibly
to, the hopes and fears, to the springs of
emotion within, than to the understanding?
Such .a person is apt to Tel more than
another who is meant to be reached through
the' processes - of the understanding. For
the latter to stand still in the vain expecta
tion of having his passions as deeply stir
red with tumultuous emotion as the former;
or to conclude that no gracious, spiritual in
fluences visit him, because his eyes become
not fountains of tears, and the strong and
terrible wind of excitement passes not over
the region of the sensibilities, is practically
to do despite to the Spirit of grace. Let
him mark it-Well, fair his, salvation may
turn on this'' ery pivot;e has received
light enough , strength en h, a sufficient
amount of gracious help to take a step for,
ward on the path of salvati n. The law of
spiritual administration is in perfect her
mony with that of perms responsibility.
By the former spiritual in fluence enough is
vouchsafed to enable him .to move at least
one step; by the latter, mire than that is
refosta, until improvement, decision, action
takes place. Let him take that one step—
set out at once for heaven an the level of. a
calm conviction of duty, wrought in the
judgment by 'the Spirit-applied ward of
gospel truth, and by this Very movement
he_ secures ‘. MOM grace.", He need not
wait for a general awakening, for a mighty,
sympathising stir of- life among the dry
bones in the vast sepulchre 'of souls around
him. He need not watche signs of the
spiritual heavens in the ho of discovering
a sky black with a gathering universal rain.
i t
He need not expect any new gospel to 'be
preached tie him; or in the preaching of
the old, New Testament gospel, any strange
thunders to rock the earth with new vibra
tions---may shocks of preternatural .power,
as though sermons ought to be introduced
by earthquake throes, and their very words
to be half-battles. Not at !all. The pre
sentation of the inah--the main, essential,
original gospel, is,snfficient Ifor his conver
sion, was meant'. for hisconversion, has
boned up in it almighty resources for his
conversion, brings within his reach atr - the
moment he hears it the kingdom of God,
is, all vital with divine influence to make
him an heir of that kingdoni'; but will not,
will never break with irresislable expansion
of moral power over a will determined not
to yield to it, will never Offer violence 'to
his moral agency.—South. (Ara. Ada •;;
iAMILY 'FRIEND, or Bsking.Preparatire,
. weer, the use of Teske. preducing lght, agree
s, sweet, notricioas and digestive !reed, of pore color.
in lege limn, and el Ws met than the, =Unary „fermented
brat; which mama. to a matextent, the, iodigestkoh
itatulenee, rah= after mee. headeeke, and other serious
diseases Anyerim• to any thing foe Making Cans aisd Bis
uit, In'pounds of flour, Veneration will make
10 more loam of pounds each, with Harm. leads
of families, and pavans of weakly ditatimsheboall at
tend to pone bread, as cote of the • •• medicines of the
tom For ilmisitals.lnflrmules, • • • as. Uremia and large
estahlhannents,' it is a greet minutes • I..lkad in bottle. at.
11:16,Z and 60 ante, with direction. for nem
miTka ! H. E. !71A, 67 Rend et.
• - MORSE'S 1
Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root,
gIiCCUPIESAhe front ran among the pro : .
ILY Drietney medicines of this eonntry for comphdely
' muing Canker, liedt Itheme, Brysipelse, and all other dir
Liararising hum en leo L one stale lof the blond. /Um,
Liam annelainbentserb, lleetcleelies,DittiMek
Cough.. Soren,. and Tig these nt the Chien Boon
edema or Mammals, drynem, end tickling semation
shout the numb and Is need with tad einem
in all mine of
l'omis Wiaknest and Genital 114114
Stiengthening the weakened boil, othring time to the
V.r , ...ontens, and inelsorethut the Main natem.
If tbatestlontem of thousands of liking winsome, from
to , mu. of :be onunire an Is , mild nom, It le Angular
eieo to mutat as Hemweametodnif deldithe
bed and broken dcwn consUtutiona tla pare y Vega.
hie La its position , and no ly combined in Its
that. the chemical. , and medical pro
of each tegredlent heurno:n nt al mine to
, '.• ' Purify the B 1 .
It has ...snored memento:de which bays baled
'the Alit of the beet physidstuaand hes Om cured Canker,
Salt Itheem. krig i ti d ss mull Scrip el . W i eti n eb Sarasperilla
o Tries "' bne tt ra j lesied in t :may cam Of Clitri P CEßOUS u rlt
bIOBLL TM meet obetinslo Car been cured by
BILIOUSdne. We ear that It b • cable medicine In ail
COlfinll2a& It rem. all obetruetione in
ttw istreidetion, rendering Use Liver , active, sad tuna
thx. 11 renames Palpthitim Of the llama WA Mimes In
annum of Asthma, end may be need In all elinastes, and
at 011 memos of 'the year. ,
• Tble Syron le prepared only br C. MORSE A CO., st 101
roonteinstreet.Prwridence, IL / ' and wad wtholseal• and
Mali. br &BT. WICIf Obelfslf.
°Ulf agent few Western Penneylemia,
Myikr . ' Warehouse. corner Wad Mad Sixth eta Winn.
Professor. A. C. Barry's copherous,
lowing testimonial Is from Sir: Munitre of the
American. Comment on stmb orals's., is sin.
NA item Web:24.1349.
- Horses 'Thisonlierons is an ankle(lawn, take pleasure
in &wanting the Walesa colallatradatiOn. We do not do It
oporaYhe rommmendationototbers, ut from =sown per
sonal know. lelge of Ito ekes upon th Ws: while It Wadi ,
to gasp nesUMy. soft, snd , I also moons don
dyer. prevents gr hair, Its growth In •
mopes enason&ed by say Mbar mcoposition anown to
so A penes only mods to sue one tiottle to be sonsinrod
of this trotb.
Bold In bottlos,_prios 25 newts, Os Mlsgitel cam I=
Broadway. Now X.'s.
add in large bottles, prim cest4 st
_proprietor's psi-
E. nalLbEfia..
cos by •
myde ~ Sin 14 %cow
Hamburg Pcgr.a.
u_ KLEBER, No. 101, Thull street, haajoat
Hamburg ved Polk, =Wog kbe mogt Doubts am:l6m%
Ufa Polka. areumbllebed. •
trg I of
ijl eg. •_ •
rey . Zln-NTRAg b gibilloglernlait.
Sweet H=e, aa num by Jenny Llml, with rum sox..
IrIy r iVI I LA Z TPATA O mug bp i llevAr Llnd—cse of
nee roost beautifulkoug
Farewell, if agar pram !
'lad an extensive aelmalon or new Walteet, Polkas, N'w•
r in ' Ai P"l'44°" ' tax OP urn GOLDEN RARP.
MottaeNtrlaw, or lila Ledo of Ro'f a a tale by Emma
N. Southworth.
'lloruenttrirt, for liar, -
Coltlrator. "
ibbd surn.oned
AltD—Z3 Icege No:fLeafj for sale
j by
______lnEy„ it/grams s
ItriET " . kI V AITOLWB - 1 CO. 3"
RICE --:10 tierces (fresh) for sale by
ROBISON, unix a 00
25:1 Lanny stria' t.
IrEA,--.% ht. cheeta Y. 11: and Black .
Tou:Zar rk bT
Hew Barws, Tisinvius, Lawns, as,
Wi l Y &BURC H 11 / 4 , have this day
Mem see Tart.) or• lund bacephom• dtyl.s
'Mane. Dm% Pfdtt,
Lana. Lad= Silks,* imr-h
Bg .i.r. v m sr•lnvitcd to ralte mart!,
Gocat, at 'Weser In micas ay stal;p.- .
BURLAPS --A superior angels 40 lush. for
_ I . by .0. muurur • LCE.
' • Wciolen :Good"
019E3 Green Mixed Je
-. •••• Cotton Gad.- • j
Th. ex. goats anion »ell fr= 'astern 121.ufactu.
VVIIN 01161111MOMIt. and far laH tnn fkronaole
rce . -11101011 T LIM
I.IIBD-5 Irege for sabl ou bi tt
.1721 • Mt and ttriThlisTvit
irailarrebeast, reed at tha Arai
say= 1 ,1111/I,PUr
LN pursuance of MILTAiId 7 1 4 FILLIM - 311,
limaideet of the United States of drarrirs. a hereby
em and maks toerwn that public saleavili be held it
Me ander:motioned Land Offices ht &aloof Arkansas,
at the veriode hewn:miter dmierieled. to wit:
At thy Lead Moe at BATESVILLE. comma:ming on
Sloesiay, the ern day•of September tent, Dar the
of the_ public-Wide situated within the undone=
teernehipo , add fractional towneldpus:
North efilse Oak Uneandeoctiqf Vic prinarra
Township two, of range three.' •
Townehip two: of range b
Fractional i tavneship fourt, north of White rtrer. Of
rm. ulna..
Nadi qf Mc baser:. inedeaef eiths Principd mindiim
Townatdp CR.. of range two.
Fractional towroldpe eleven and twelve, of mum sit
At the land Mem at CIIAMFAUNOLE, comma
Monday. the fifteenth day of September next. Gar tbe nclu g
pO6ll of. the public Wide within the nadermentioned town
idPs. to wit:. •
Matt qf bacclincond etedgiMediftla principal meidicee.
• Ttornatelpeeleven and foam.., of range Invent....
Toerroddio eleven, of rant,i, eighteen.
At Me tend Mike at ILEUM&commencing tat Moo- i
Men the eighteenth day of Anguat 4 tiodt. pen lihidliporal
of Dub. lands within the foilireing named township, end
A F X:ff reilt hi cacT i otiout t f 1. • tepd.,
5.C.% Mitten, wenty.ova, twenty-four Mal twent
eve, east of UM Sit. Frauds Mem, in towothip them, of
Township nine, of range 110,011.
Made W oe baseline and ward the
winder..Tour:Ml D foam and Tart ofen maid ID Wile. lltattl ,
two and thirty-Mr. thin.... of
At the timid Ofilea it LITTLE SOCK, commeteemg m
Monday. the fleet depot Ideptedulier next. fur the :Mimed
of Mat Dahlia hod. Mt.: following 13 1 / 1 .1 limas on sod
near Cyprese Lake, via: , • • .
Aiathqf Me base liamed exten t
Thveouth half of sectlon chilit. the south half of tee,
Mar.:mai %Mims ficumeen and fifteen. the meth half of
seventeen, the %me half of twentpme, twentptwo. the
north half and mouttmeet quarterof twente%hree , the
masthead quarter of twenty-six, and the wen half of t h e
northeest quarter of...etre:man, 'lifernehip throe, of
Loads appropriated by tog e ther the 11... of echcoLe, mill.
UM mei Other 7:nevem& og with "those nra.o
overflowed landn ade :met thereby for cultleatlon,” if
m m
y. which shall be seleetad by the State authoeitles be
Eire the day. appointed dm the tommencement of the p ool. tic aeles respectlvely, under the act entitled "Au Act to
maids the tidate of:Ark/mune and other States to reclaim
the 'memo iamb . within their /11111 t.... ariptoyed &Throe
her iitth, 1850. KO he .archedelYnno she mk.f And no lo
cations flatland. bounties heretofore grouted by any law of
Congnes, for military: emetic. rendered to the United
01100. Intl be pemonUed tee uep q<LI. OUR mentioned lands,
Worse furUd etlih ea el t d e ip nt o i a e a d t iet` Ap anace mk glong a
ernmn p . i ' t
ae.. approved 3dsavh, 11131.
The offaing of the amen mentioned Linda will to mm.'
mewed on the days appointed, 'amli will proceed in the tin
dee in which they areedvertieed. with all convenient Oa
web. no. the whole shell hove:been Mimed and Wades
thus el:meth bat no sale shall Me kept open longer than
two weeks. and oo dnL eq of my of the landa
he admitted until atta the rattan of the two omit.
Given Leander my hand at e City of Wathiugton. this
sixth day of May. Ann, Domini am thousand eight herr
fired and tilltyvone. MILLAMD WILLMORIL
By the President
Gaminlnsiormy of m. 041:4
Evo of %IV :1111 1
.111 k. to the dltht of '"=:,*strjpi
abb. ettnmeruel le relabel to eetaoluti tbe moo to toe
eltlefeetion of the „Iteideter anal needy. of the proper
13.1 Ofare. a.l mate payment thereGarae eve =pewee.
tie after wt." Vas meta, and betters the day aphedated for
the commerteen.nt of the public Nib or the Lode .thee
eittg the arse* elelmod, otherebe claim will be larfolt• J IIeum*!TRYIELD, .
03trardadoteer of the 14.1
Epursuance of law, I, -MILLARD FILLISOK;
Procktent of the United States of America. do hrer) .
end make tom. that nubble alei sill in bald at
the undermentioned Lend 015eth In the tit of M.Unousr.
at the periods herefinfterdestenated. to wit:
At On Land
at JACKSON. ecanmencing th Itutp
day. th e Ent aar of September mobilo Codas...tot th.
pabue lands Whored within 'the following tamed tenth
hln, Ms:
Ann Oleo bare line and wert erfAeft/th DeneMerneinAMA
Townsblpe twoutswevem Peentyworbs and Meats...tune,
Tand near Current Meer. of non troth
ownships twentreenm twentewight and neutralise.
Tand near Curetht Myer , of ridge Mum
owneblp twenty-eight, on a Mann of Curren river, of
range bre.
Townships twenty-three, grentr-tynr. erentrolab l it and
tvelty-cine. of range eight.
Tnntnlsge ttenty-three s twente-tony. turnty.eltild and
twenty-nine, of ruin nine. •
Fractional totaship torentrocu, uld totnahlfw twes 4 7"
two. twentyntrec, Meaty-four. twenty-five Lad twenty...Su
of range ten.
.1..14 the EAME PLACE. ornattenegYl on liOnanr• th e CP
leenth day of Neptenader ant. for the didetal otthe pet}
lie lands within the following unmet tonn•hine nod NM
of townships. via:
IforlA if tae &Intim curd east IMe Ara VineiDal..vidia...
reelhip twenty-two. of rune tut
oad townships twenty-am and tvendr- , ncd and
toarnatap tweet t ire. at nuwe tbrma.
Tett . ..thin tventresso. of range tons. •
Toe/whips t a int)-two and twenty-thee, of into. net
fractional townshiP sixteen. and townships twenty - awn.
twentrthree. twenty-loar. twenty-fge, twentydx led
twentreccen. of nutge
• Fractional tot - retains tinted. and sondem and town
ehip twenty-two. of rage toren.
Issetional townahip• eixteen i *denten. dahtern wet
terentruse. townshipe tweersto and twenty-thou: and
sections Vise 10 tot inclusge, amasses to insedrone Wen
dt., and i.v.hrol.• to Stiristu Isolative, in tom win,
neentreg of range eight.
Trreaship eflaeteen ozrelpt frerhonal redone elsellecee
tO WHY.. ineneiteJ neetional towndup twenty net I
trunkaal township twenty-wee (except tenons owe. Stem
Ultrkes, nonarnlet, hoodriour tlocagence, hceelp-ess,
ncenttestu misty-Aole, Uthisgite:and Uurnsei.s. of nate
Tb. northwest fraction of section an in township Ws.-
, teen, ant fogetlonal township twenty. of mop tow
&Woos owe to hod. inelosive. the, moth bpi!' of thOloro,
foartortoto Iwtttrowe inolusire. sot twewhoroskt to Won-
Moo 1004.1 to township wighteen; sections Owe to an
IDG111•11.4 I c wird p ningteogn non acrlloo. Un00.../..,
trent]. gooth half o, tvrallt.n hoeshothrra to sk
ettn, molt Utsrfr.fior to thou-no inclusion. hs P
twontr. of rongo loot or.
.. par n 4ots s t of - Ll , te linter OrsofkoW of Otwonhip
"' than tizArtorpt ' Uog 01:111.1%.14 ) ant Amnion.
tramoiogloro, nwtoon, Wit" thirtpone..rost of . 14011•
RIOT thrernow.. It. lownshap tuntalrfonr. of range bun
term i
At lb. Lind 00lea 44 SPRINGFIELD. eotrunenelog oO
Woodsy, Um eirhutenth day or August sort. for the dlr.
Peed ut Use public lanl
tolnubltrd. alt
to oolod •141014 the Mowing ma.
mid fractlocuo vlt:
slue PrGr 4 .Ad sea Of ArAGA PorooNoa4 loriiotros.
Tolnably tirootptwo, of rang* twordrorro.
ThoGorldp twooty-tTo. of nap tamotPtDolo.
Frattloor of rootlaor tooory.fror. 46G - Groarr a/We.,
a d b Ar b t o . a GGo 4 n .l lA . n rAxororb l r p tr t stono tirfisir.aatab oth
orow, of .ills twenty-
groatla.l township twentgoae, at... to the Rate
[doe. of rang. twenty-lateen, teantgultat, thirty, ifshay
out, thirty., thirty-Woe ind thtrtglostr.
Lards appropriated by law ho the woe of school.%
tart and other porno. together •Ith oar
aseettowed land. male unit thereby Ow enltivatlon." If
toy. whirl...ll be sdettod by the StalAsothorlthos before
the daypralated tar trio orounetweineot of Pb. plata ,
sales w Veif. under U. Art entitled `Us. Act to ear
hie the tate of Arkarms in other gtatee to reels. the
aswomp land.' bobbin their Inane; appeared Stratz
=h. MO waif be esd.fedfron. the sales. And no
for land I;ostatles hussetare greased by tot - law of Cote
gruts..forsollitasT acme. reader. to the United Inates.
*an Occexastinl ow any Iv the atone .aptumed but. aa pro
sided yb the act ...A "An Act soaking %PPM...or
for the araltliPbonadta saw.. of blowerstroad," We,
approved 3d llarett4.l.
The offering of the above atentioned loads wfil be ego-
...I an the days bradb.a. am .1 .1 1...4 tho or
der In whkh they are edvechwol with coorentant dln
mt.. until Pb. whole shall bate bout offered.. aad Owed.
than doe.; boy no rale all la kept op.. longer than two
weits.atal no advent nary of any of the 1.. wl/1 be ad
ranted anti) after Pb. c.lration of the two weeks.
Given nudes. toy hand at the City of Waratlngton Ude
tint. ffaX or Mot, Anne lauded ma thousand elgbehow
deed sag tillgotte. .MILLAILD FULI.IIOKro.
By the Prudent:
Conualsaioner of the tienterd land Odra.
of the Ere%t i eltr u trAe: to the
togo.htight of moor=
above enumerated, to requirol to utobl=e* same to IL
MUsfer__ UntOf the ersteSer sod swayer of tha player Lend
ommer. sod ones InTment
sr soon or prod.:able c
to ari.C , OS , wt.:, sod before the doy swell:teed Mr the
theof the paths sale of the lands embradoir
the tract claimed; othererbe eruct claim mill be Sofeitott.
Catanaintoxier of the Omani Law! Mao.
BY THE ilizeinErr or THE ÜBUED Onus.
LN pursuance of law, 1 . , MILLARD FILLISOILL,
President of the United states of America. do hereby
aza and make known, that imbibe Won will be hold at
the y undennentiontel lama Wien in the Prate of low, at
AtlVaind Ms at Mir t =rust.Ditt o
:title= d art " B. Vtl b e " foll ' o o g,f th.
ed townships.
sit: A
North of the base R
fine, ands of SW AM prutodat and.
Twat:whip neentwilne, of range twenty-nine.
Townehips stioe and eighty, of wanes thirty.
Township. •FlVllty.file and eighty, of nags thirty-one .
Toserwhipestreentrnine, eighty and dampen., of onus.
Towlutilp elghtrOne, of tangs thirtythnie.
At the Lard OMes at VAIRFIRLD, ottomeneing on Man.
irtite th. ppre ?AL "jightMli=tiontrstthetets=
to wit:
l'trorfla of Ma taw Um and wed of WAAL prderogiat mord
Township of Mee thn) ,
Township seventy, of range thirty -two.
Tenruthip mventy, of mum thirtythree.
At the Lend °Mee at DUBUQUE; au Monday, de eigh
teenth day of kagast nest, bar the dimmed of the follow
ing Unary to wit;
A mull bland In sections emodem and eMbfeen, In tow,
Ada eightptwo north, of mum one east. and the southeast
Quarter of melon twentremet, he township utmetywht
north, of ramie Mae itest u af f t f lte fifth prhr f ipal meridian.
tory end . o r tre nriUrd p toseger th
vr ata
elth p and
rried la r ds lOWA, tut& thereby gar culthatiow
tTf r arttich ' LAG be eelectedly. the lits[etuithorities
Mrs the days appodnted far the commotumment ofthe pule
Ile MI. tospectlrely. ander the Act eatitiol "An Act to
enable the Blue of Arkansas and other &Ides la reclaim
the 'mum lands' Milan their limits." erptand Septette
beer 03111, 1010,n4l be cectuded frees Ma saga And no lry
MMus Ittr land hountiew heretof ore granted by .r law of
Coogrese,_for military service. renders] to the United
litotes, onII be yeerittlititA on any QM< atmemattemed land:,
donsrov by the set entitled "An act making etymon.
Girths dill end diplomatic expel:um of Government,"
a...nogg/roved ad March, lard.
Theoffetring of the lands will be co:mm*lmA or th e day.'
appointed, and plowed In the order In which they are ad-'
radiated with all convenient alepatth, mtlltbewhattleehall.
have been offered, and the salee thus closed: but no sale
Atoll be Lola MOM /Mawr than too weeks, end no minds
entity of mty of the land. will be admitted until after the
expiration of the two weeks.
Olsen under my band at the City of W.thke.• thts
010th do of May. Juno Imainl one thomand eight hum
&edema bin one. bit LS td) Miami&
By the Preddent,
Commis:donee of theth .
emeral La LEYI
nd Grace.
N027C17 TO FRE.F.JIPTIOX czantuvra
B taw to the right et pretwmptlon to bey
ofilt: r = ...
thin the tam:teddy. and_part. of townships
atom mthaterated, is requited to establish the mot to the
mlleiketkm of the register and reeelver of the proper WA
otiose and Make payment therefor as men aspratheable
ter swim 144 max, and before the day appointed for the
commenceanent of the public ego of the bads embracing
the tract claimed; otherwise such claim will be forfeited.
myTtlav tiontmladoher of the Genetal land Mow.
dir Cent saved to Country Merchants.
M. J. KING, Dealer B9OTS AND
011010, lit, 48 North Eacond streetdPhileblioldis,
bee Just ree'd Item the assnaractory an extensive andnell
whirled stock of tho Mope inicds, which gill to sold at tti
per cent leu than eao hallurehneed In the sits, for each
or city aediptanos.
Denim •111 do 'sell ta eW Wore yorebssing.
Yresh &Thiele of Wall Paper,
THOMAS PALMER, , No, 55 Market street,
PAPER HANGINGS—French and Amer
nee. from GM TER SO yet yt.. Ow sale by
layB WAP. WA SS Wow! et.
ftaarAOKEREL--200 bbl ,. No: 3, L)arge
N buripart inspection, MAI banal/. a reed
and zor aOa by . 11cFAIDEN a WV'
Wareboo., Pa. liaLleced Loot,
_niyl3.. earner Penn and Way. ate.
MUTTON HAMS—WOO lbs. prime,' for
de by thy= BUILT, 31111118W8 d CO.
Q,ODA ASH-600 casks of our min MAIM ,
facture. vstretted of ma cam qualitY ..11 . blab t.t.
r,, ,,,,, T UnD4.1.1. and tr W. at Mt loroot mutt vice,
- Wttrt Amt.
_ _
OLUZ-1 or
........ , emsettl.7 Iran, Ward. Sloan
ittunla runirallod. wir—"'"" 2jllffrrlnnrs%lenkat
atm. Pllztharch. """F - • lora • ,
A 113, BALLs--,ThElTamto et t just rec/d
and tar aahr by =yin P. IL LOON: .
. watufeizzu,
I 4' ►.
'CLARK& MKS t W. Nsionsinii. Milacron
THE PROPRIETORS of thin old and well
known Una. *mad Infirm the public that th.p are
now In oporation for the prosmt season. and barircorantew
cad receiving Pratt gad Passezigern . , which they nit .
=Al b ftr atisTotrlMArs. One of thrall:1 ' o( this
Poe be rn toastaritir at the laisMair, Oelov tb.Mouoo nine. onion.. bright
JOlth AM. t,
Moe, on. Worn sad Bialthlield 10. Piitsburik.
It W. Cunningham Neir Cattle. Par
D. a Mathew, Pulaski, Pa;
W. C Mahn, 'Sharon:
.1. a S. Hull, abarrabargru
Win. Astra Alb. Oreertinilei
Si,,. lleurr.
Mai. Power, Conneantvitle:
C. M. Reed, kris, Ph;
Wallbrigna.liffaki, N. Y. apt
New Lake Superior Line.-1851.
TJHE new steamer NORTIIENEAI, Capt. B.
0. Harm, haring every modern Improrrinent for
P and comfort , w ri t lea,. Cleveland on. Pridey, the 01
of May next, on Ler Ant trip—sod weekly thereafter ma
Yriday. at PM o'clock, P. M., for the Pant Ste. Markm
The steamer MANHATTAN, C. I. Jona CALVII.., wN
Imre Britt Pte. Marie, kor the different landings on Lake'
hnPerior. on the marital of theatemer Norilterner; making'
zi.a:= etly .. !l , l o l. i. tbzoo and = i ttbe melon, terirten
S. A A. TOR NM ' , Preget e r ga .
Cleveland, 0., April 25, 1851.—tf
ifagggiM 1851.
eh., this LlNE,composed entirely a Bertke &tete.
Is sow In full ororat/ouortth
.frelllllnearrr • lrrirr
as of
frl:lgarr tar:ll"r= .711
uthrr rr War Lino: •
Bpee arrangetninis hate also been mode tor currying
W.y MOH to Johnstown, Hollidaysturs,
Water Street. Aletandrts,Petereburgb Huntingdon, OIW
Comb, New Hemilton, MeTaytown, Lewistown. 11111211 n,
tieimport, ttlarre rerry, Herrieburg, Columb4. and ell oth•
er intermediate points on the Penswirsola Qum' and Port
ge Itallroad. ILaring at= tr i g jo
t he
d r.* rnte ,
the Teel P ipoTe n Tt l , We lowest rels, ' ments " glied
upon. • . iIITAULL PANYlT,Proprlrlor.
• War:tome, uherty street,
mellfrtl &mud door wort of th•
TEREST TN BL.NCHAII'S ME. to 'ivy limber,
ilt lIINOILA3I. the Wetness.% Pltishwyli rill hew
after he transactor wider the idyle of “Wm. Bingham A
Bineutine',Trampartatien Line,
1851. tilleEira
yerein CANAL being now open, wo are rea
dy to road. and gonad promptly. Produce and
hanithrn east and west
Freights alms nibs charged by rerponsible
Prod.. rtnd idernharidita will be received and lineranled
wet and wet. mitlwat any charge W. forwarding or
ranting freight. towoliolon. or Winne.
Bills of Lodivpr. toward ed, asal al Mite Hong faithfully
atteseivil to. Adder. oe apply to
Corner Liberty and Warm ergii.
between Fourth and Finn eta. Philadelphia
JA.11.E3 W/I.3oN,Agent.
No. Hid North Howard "Wet, Baltimola.
JAMES BINGHAM, Na lo West st
toehl No. York.
/Allan _ - 1851 Zifizgza
Mgt - .Transportation Line,
- 10.1 . IttSIMOONO. ,
. A...SItANULTY It CO., Canal Dada. 403 Pena' An n%
r‘ g . HVItT.ES RirN en, Central Monk emu! atonte'rblls
We an prepanel la ferries a lane annennt tnernbandOe
‘Sprodue• to Alp on the opening of the cana/m to Phila.
elDbl% and .11 Interasedlatt plane at lower nte(. and la
Lep time thin 10 31107 rTO 7 ICOIIIeO.OII.
112te N. R. The Inertaard number of Trunk. melded to
lbe Canal CoMmlssionen fob caruing ow boste on the
Mote kallenade, Oil) yreeentsoy DneeltnltY of dela)* at
Jobrutoint. Ilolklaitibutz or Columba. thilb mum.
. . , C. A. MeANCLTT A Canal B ,C 0
Dbls " • ' Buda.
185 1
To Shippers of. Merchandise, Produce, dee,
ATSINS.OO-,PropPletors. Pia !lutes. awd 1,4
CoNntkeree Wort PlaltaSelphla.
HELL tit4ll/GETT. Agents, Coe.' Basin. rittetura.
J. TA lAth 1 &Oh. Agent, Halttnacc.
We see Itenred. tte the °Potting of the PsIIIIIIThNJ.
CANIAL NM tact for remelt at se low rate. and glee
shipper* at much despatch acid care as any other Line.
Punt i•titent..
tEttorov, to jotto WU/en tt Coj
oat Ruin. reran Starer.
Penna. Rail Raatl:Ca.—Central Bail itatuL
muloterihera having been appointed
aa=l;:f . atrtar
mite ':n larrettsaal. et prod une for Ahip.rot ate Bare.
oprales of the catml.
Goals els, Ibis buns .111 be carribltbrougb l 0 6V days
124 all eouslavetllu us will be corwardest free ut eumsule
iusvor thuge Set adranctu.
Shoe, Book, fitatarr.tfollsri,Cnulbev
, /DMA' Evathres, Pulsate., Drulto E•atoltwo.
tiodarr, WOOl. to. ,14.0 104 Ss.
llPAhroop. Queenswore. CI mortise. NW., Doe stolls:424P::
LeatberAllover, 11104Tlutothy wed otb. Oran
000 *1 10U.
Dumf. Doff, Prik, Dotter, Lsol. Lard 011. Tobacco Leal
Coffee, Ta 11.... Undo and harm. COo Di 100
Sletbler lroustf) Tar, Port, Dodo, Orr.= CDT.
Bow!. le. 6De %OU
Ino.lo (XllOOll.
013 13 = - M - 1851 IEMEEta
Pittsburgh Tt•aruputation Line.
/AIM O'CONNOR ft CO., Canal Dolan, Plttilargh.
JAMES A Co e Depots Drool .at Clurrry Meets.
.out N 0.3 bomb /math Oren. Nava" Marled sod Carts.
tao”treete, Yhtleptelphht.
AYCONNOSB t CO., Sarni stmt., Ballkoora.
AAVING fully completed our arrange
bayou. u. • Ira prepared upon the opeolna of the
vuusylvaula Canals. to cm frgeft to bop flan
ttaodtfmore 10. ea= dile 1 1 .7.. t. .a n I ' itfrt. ' oft
kis. W. sod with mon/ flismarl and are than any m
er Line. , All goals slapped brow LI. are folly
by trbttoooo. trllloat any •aborpt. to mimeo% brow..
oot really afforded br my other U..
All setamoolestloos addneted to eunalr. or arr..,
1101 A Co.. Clochrualk Z. Webb, Louisville, 00,1 1.61/0
Otbor., SL Louts will meat frith prompt attrotion. -
4N. D. Our Lino b. no roorevetlou ordateree with Ow
rtdl.l. l'" l " th borall TmospOttittloo Llov of AP
Cos *CA
Lewies Pateet. Itaveraible Water Filter
S NOW to . be 'leen in operation at WM.
MATZ (kVA Plumbers, No. 10 Fourth m.o.': tw
Perry and Litorty rm. aml at PRIOR '0 'LAI S,
No. 10 Market nowd. Sittaborsh. Ibis kilter has niewirol
alkild Medal tom the American Institute of New Tort,
mt a Certificate then the /Tanta., institute of Phlladel.
MM. for Its mem teeny in rte wicanairtgptopertiew end afro
certificates from thole harlog them in me In Philadelphia,
of which the frillmittis t rw exam
It glees me anal {Mums to recommend to eke km. of
pure. elate water. the patent lteremibla Water Yllterer,lm
rented byr Lewis. •Ilartng need me of them for pores
al mouths I en enabled d
ie 10}4 of their value.
GEOIII.IS PLITO, 187 Walnut stmt .
.. P.III..F.LPIfII, llartch Minh, 118.1.
The Patrol ftereweible Water tniorer. Lorcutol by Mr.
Samuel It. taw* and mid by me for some months at my
pffiv..t.• naideme • la all that our :moon could wish. .
thenfore molder lt a privilege to bare In mT Power to
mantimmil It to We public. - JONAS P. FAIAL4MB,
So.lll ommer MM.^
Them filters are warranted to take S out say smell or
tads which may arise nom decompmed animal or vegeta- ,
ble matter In the water. They are warranted to last two
Team and wltfrordinary cam will Lon tem and remain
only to be seen to be appreciated.
Arcb street. Philadelphia.
Rockingham and Domestic Queaturw, are.
ufacture. of nortlnoham and Yellow Caen' Wart,
Ern Ltrraroot, uhlo.
liffeampla Room, carver Sloth and Liberty atmeM,
((loud Clumb bollaloOd entrance mat door to J. a
ordeWbolnala Orono.
Oar pxtertfilve Works mold], or 11l °Men prompt],
molntrot dmigner Wog ronatantly enrodor e a, non so.
seta.. to lump papa with all We no and Improneelatiles
of the do,
Water tlynf, bid Mons, Whore, Fancy Tors, Doment Se Ls,
flower rum: Goblet., Mantel Ornaments, )odUchm and
Mona Jam, sod ankh. tor domintila um, In lowa 'allay'.
Orden nn , s(bilty oohLod. mobartf
v Kraal,. by Skeet fit frotals.Court Leetore
Rooter, Bank OttbreAStores.F•etorlee, lloodrals. awl bald.
Inge of deerriptlon, trabllo and virus. ABA Laub.
dries and Dratted Nedess, U. mayo.! lace* reguler
MMlAraktosikltbsr le desired; and for these
per soother
.I=Uol•tforoesl ram., kill
U irligrdti 17117: ` ,14.. 'demi DOM ! p? timed kte
menethdly bested upon thle plan In lerrs Orono,
es Um method Brans e Abates:doe, bedfornf s heat, at um .
redalmst temperature With entlnt freedom from smoke, sabes,dustoemoyesm, wet,. CM. am.
rpwINE--500 lbe, Wool, for solo by
IL ap2 9 MUILPIIT 4, CO.
CHLORIDE OF LIME-150 casks for sale
- - -
Al. SODA-200 caste for sale by
8 Loki Door Max
6 nit, D
a rya
c d Drachm
3 Yealtterr Jost rce . 4 and for br
.b 29 • • CnnaixtrrsoN tY).
_ -
NAILS--3W--3Wkegs aas'd: for solo by
-- -
11[41RD OIL-40 Barrels No. 1 Lard Oil.
Lroe'd Ulla day per S. 0. North 81rey, and hr gala by
E. • W. lIARBAIddII.
sisa.s* Co.; toed maimd a lama ha of YY.7 TY.
star Back and /allay 811 ks. . ap.
• Second Large Supply..
A MASON & CO. would roupectfull
odl the eltettiltin Ot cwt.:awn and the obi;
Mrsittilii ra Va, r i g a
eano ha the Eastern Ismael', ead tu're_heoed et great r
&lotion troO6 former pticee. To thaw poreheatni at who] e•
We. we Ate now prepareal to offer 46.61 at mod, Cr
prime then they mold tare Leenyaretuned Tont et.
the maw. myl3 02 sod 64 ltseket et.
nrsoßeocu-- aa 25
..t"tre, • L ! ISAIAH DICIEST t CO.
IS. :, i Rs;.": gon. w ig
an eakee, reed by eybeate this day. Abel, Meet
KATOM 02 Dearth st.
°TPEPPERMINT -150 lbs. (warranted
an) lba sale by B. kuna.
ball/ lustrwht sad art raw Wcawinw e V
MOVE a Elllo=itien*, of 0, 0 11,
t . " 2 ,41 fra1% mad 4gr.a:i:i
Sdyln`Nos. ai :ad 64 klarkat • ",
•- • '
ARD--25 kegs No: 1, for 'sale by
g i .6 62 ... L. & WATTEAU& & SONS
RR AGES--50, 4oz. Hay Flakes, for sale: y
ett , . Y. CON Hos:moan a co.
_ -
dfIORN-600 bu. Shelled, for sale by
l!. DILWORTII♦ 00.
- - - -
APODLIVER OIL-30 gene. superior White,
oni. by myl , 11.11./111:LLIM.fir Wove
111nOTATOES=W bble. Nesluuniooki„ for
a ink b 7 &T. PQM 111=1021182 i OO.
Heating and Ventilation.
DRY GOODS, 4540.
Kurpbg Saab/lead
Are now openimig a Vial/ ' Variety New Goode,'
Awl invite the en/la al animating to Parnham
ohonsaa ems Rawls. Onolading miss miss black awl Magog)
ble anti Armaaltrvi.LlNto
Bohemian Grua Clotha, far hit.' green,
aegWorked Urea Bleereg
=nal. Blank Shag
Omani:Mk ranergillin
Soper Fltlia LAWNR and a great variety of other
ca m. at the Mon of
- .
EHEAP PARASOLS!—We hare' just re
ceived, at tilt /los and 64 Market rtniet—Sl einesnlan
highs! Parapols, embrachig atl the dibereat
which we &reprimand to oda. at wholesale or retail, at a
inn great reduction Iron Conner
A. A. iIAnON 2 00.. Market et.
_ - -
atck would all
and naloo the atteatkak parehaaers to the larrest
gab ldved av is ever befi
exhibited lo this market,rket, aad at hea too3saallr boa
that ttwr hatter tbearaehrea all persona our be Dreamed In
prk&andl totality. ?Om GO Lad of htartst et. mr2l
.11=eLt d elf the various kindsotZllte e Ci d a
Hull ..
.14..= - .
Male and enamel,'ed..
thlrseek-Illeallrue . .
....A .. o— .. %,_ l. ted ir taet h
u ttc , lla=l :1 1 111:p embroidery.,
:Di • Thaws. 'Wastes. Gransalinsa, A. .;l2°.
i'CO. have just roeolved JuI . ..VMS three esses
Josocette awl Cambria. mat
meat of above Goods, for lodiet. from 1.2% mob to
od tientlootatio do. riErittl, rec'd br
otyo zumwIVIELD.
Importers, Jobbers, and Retailers in
- -•
AO,. 62 and 64 'Market rime, Pitt:burgh, Pa.,
ANNOUNCE to their friende and the pub
lic, generelly. that tt.7 ere now prepared a, exhibit
argent and most caret:illy selected stock of
they loooi , estr offered la MU city. comprised of the meat
flab cod fuhicniable fabrics, ea well as the more commone
and which will be offered at the
."VaoglerVermnlb. d hgrl.odregiedwlZ,Z7;
.0 trade, cad the goods arraaget Depirt%cnts, rts:
Silk Department.
mt t i ll the egag a lAiloileplie n . ported . this same,
- Dread GtXj. Depa rtment
Celutllig. Bow., Tbenes, Bence do Miro,
Mahatmas, Da Lem, 1 .-Yeabriab Jecoo .
au, Grenadines, timblialnes. Alpacas, aa..
Shavrla, Vizettes,
Canton (line• plain cud embroidered. Al^ Damask,
Thitea De bane, cashmere, Silk, Palm, Floured do,
mbar Sheets. alp, %att., nientillas,
Hosiery , and Glove Department
WW Gwent to found ...pieta, with tbe bast makes re
Cotton end 011 k Lioniery. The beet tad Gloves airsys on
Linen Department. •
Linea 34 While Lam, Linea abeetlng.
Uwe Nelano, awake. blesehea and !wawa Done
amt. Towelling. Langer le.
1 l'hite Goode. •
. . .... •
Checked and Dotted Contbrhon Doll. Masa, Hook awl
Nano.* Rodin; Victoria and Dltbopp Lonna, of overt
quality and price, Alm, Colin If , Pim, and Tr
bb Covers, to
Embroideries, Laces, Trimminga, ,tc.
AeOMp le to astern:neut. Also, Ribboni. ivrarti. robs
se. Portico/a of all Muds. lksineta of all die latest otylu.
Domestic Goods Department
to probably ono of the most extensive In the count., euv
11.1. evlthiug km. as doutostles
. vi
The Pro ran feel eustfulent I. h e ir bush:.
hgtutles, sod attraetive usually lost
Prises. Dna mount foil to idea-my,/
Wboles o purchaser. are respectfol in ad toot wt.
slit diplowed to receive their order, at any elate, Pt
cogs egoalsl eastern :Moen al" to dopikafa any eastern WI
of at the Pomo mono ntho.
h. and ruhlosable Coda trill be rm.ed soustsolly
through the sewn. . .
sti 4 VE PRICE
1 . !r 1 1 1 1
..rz Onri.A . VsineEnt a l unt Ch•to rat. ,
prima. myl
MERRDIACK PFUNTS P - - ;-Isjew A styles
atafi4 k t i nts. of ttereal -
WIDE StIEETINOS—A full assortment
of different CPU. aad best tnalta, reed o f
S c UPERIOR TICKIN4--Murphy Burch
e !Halt. lila • tint:, of not...retort.* worn:tent
zu mrtor at h reer .
Straw Bonne and Hai Warehouse,
No. 10 111ascra. STREET,
11. PALS R offers for male, at very
fdll ...natant of Straw and Rhino.
52gt.t&Tff-Forei g n and Anseri plain .14 Gorr
Atm , Braid Chi n rang. Wilton. La'ar, flair. Pamela. Ley.
hartZee.. ge .
11.4 Tanta?. and Elore Lag tom, fancy tttl
plain Braid, Kra, Panama, and Palm Loaf I •
al.' Le.tbarn. Mao, Cam, Gimp. Lary. and Hair.
L l , Peer. Jennf ttd, and talor forma. to great tar.-
''R a ill'llttVA—A.kla Rona. sad &ear& plata trttin tad Tot
feter, •11 widths and odor. (anal °ante sada:rapt Caps.
LAVE-V-444n and agurol • bite atal cokreed alit sal
lbtlon tette.
31RAM natt3l7.VO.9—(kirds, Tugela. lia:ttona
lvtlan, Ala
PLO SR.I--Yritorl mad Marcie. spl l ga bblabnakol
" t r ./V:itgtc=Alllintrt.vs—tn., Uro. e•
Hama, .4 caber Ora, asarlal
Kt MS—Aory gaalitt..4 colors.
A ba—Rkb sag low prim] Parasols and Umbrella,. Blual
Boxab _ carlaS
gr ASSIMERES--99 pises fancy and Mack.
xi for taleby yb2.l C. AILBLITIIIYOT.
DRESS LAWNS-4 eases prizited, a great
vati•lT for •ale
BEItAO}I,DE deWarablo
.1 fee Leash. by
RIBBONS -300 pa Bonnet, .250 Cap, for
role by arihi • C. ARBUTUNOT.
Iral. Yl/0 BY'S. No. Ign insert Snare.
iWery Largo awl warrior abet of, nattier:able Goole.
winged Uentlemen a Irear for pticar: oomi , aa
Mlle* Amatiran. Engin. awl French wawa.
eery splendid amendment of Tsmilops asxl Cloth.
of sway fachlonalgo elude and nil.; whlrb e tagethor
&bar rat za . funturtf f tger Moil of Ili
and timli/YEADI3
rata meet of (ha •Iffalmoira atrol winch the ProTrietar
la determlowl offer at suet. prices amain. all
wha 111,01 1101 .Ith • Wt, that not only th e meet superior
Clothiag I. sold at Ma ratablUbment • but also math. !wr
est maws
AU orders in I nthe Tailoring line's:tented. almond, In tbe
bast namable manner. and at the shortest noUos.
ronstantly sarelring tth , :cling Stock of
Comprising In part the GAlolang rartatle.
Pitted Bond Vlelrrt Pll4 aupete,'da do. Tarestry Dru -
srl.k do. do. 13na222142 .:a. raper. 3 plr; sorminn• 3 r 1,,:
do. logrannrz tr. too do.; nue do.; common do 4 oottondo.;'
64. aid 2,4 toiled V 02100 4 -44. 34. 34, and 34
ninth do.; 4-4,34.34, tad 2-4 wool and cotton do.
Mtn Cheolllo RUN flno do.; do.; extra tufted do.; err
do. do.; JO= moo do. 1:/,coille Door Man toned do. dc.;
an.," akin do. do.; Adelrldo do. da; Tbrool do. do.
Crumb 4.12404, Felting do., BootWn 12-4, 04. and 24.
.21,0-41rect 011 CIMI4. cot to 10 nor cite 2all or room.
,7-.1, 34, 24. 44. and 34 01101016 n
• - -
AI. stale Rods, of all Our. enpot Bindings; Linea,
pew Ita,do: OA, 4.4nd 3-1 TAU Lion. Craeh
/Ittekeboak do. Tnuearpout iflodowSbatlnt
801 l Window Holland.. Venlttall blindx ihrtboned PIMIPO
Cone. do. Table do: do. banal de. Wonted Table do.
md i rtg= sr i r ' ac t r i " b=4l C rteir di rs3 rot th at:
F ri m . ozi styltr . and coloze i , we are prepared to sell to tour
as as Man can be innrl4-
curd to any qf the Meric Cafe,
We cordially Indio all to call and examine one stock at
The Carpet Warehouse, 85 Fourth street.
mehl9 W. 518CLINTOCK.
.r.t.l. most faahlonabie Shawls, non openbni at.A. A
N Cia.Y. Mao, eases of nen atyle bums. for
aims, Poplins, Comblica, and Jaonnetla. apl4
Itnmeurnan hare now orrn lbdr erring cu P OF n
b Cloths, selected with great ease. atut Om
tali• of gontloned wishing to supply thsnowlses witn ore
coat. ac.'
COTTON 000DS-2 eases Cotton 'lant
dull, just roeSITOO 11111 for solo br
Ohio Laboratory,
80 ifilt 95 litil.),
'-!•'85 '•-•••T- 99
Per cent. Strength.
haWELL FLETCHER /c, CO., Manufactu.
Imre ct ALCOHOL Pore Spirits for Cologsa and Orate
Capper Deming Vapor Wlebtey always on baud.
Came. of Vine and arout aurae., Comm" 0010.
m sf o l;;V s l4 , 7
r froas
. 11tiaburah will be proaapirlo.l
Wines and Liquors.
No, 167 Liberty #.,,Pormerly Lath cracker fadory.
D. nexus., of Pittsburg,) mamma., of N.Y.
uilr nocince to the publie generally, NEW eir friends
=lt rlt tithal7tlityllettb end
+rain keep a full amiortment of the beat etnek—miceell• rind
Wrench red nod lathe Wine. A 1.., Drench dart iandrade
Bratelieaigfie , !thoie.i Dinlages .la:inks ruin, Ilnatal
tri f s: L triall rltanggn=ln • Idld=dim hook Er,
sod rougeat ' gluon ...beguile. le. Abio.arlin fr i th lfis, t:Tv r l
herrings, neriaa and Llatburgh C 1,..,.. All awl:deli they
.ogg ."" oPth w e b* partne k."j' 4. o ßV. ituu .n y th. ene ". lotl ""' ll
Impurtation twines., in the city."( N York, the ahoy. tire
I. enabled to eall • rbeetur end • better article than' any
other house to thLe clty. Pb..,. give us a call, before ;on
Durettae• elsewhere.
euppliedlren of eat. charge. and at the
• ••• • -
CARD.—lhave removed to my new store.
'fares door. helm) nearly opposite the Dank of
codk. l, :p b int.,= = :ll...:
isrim erLere l wi ,...i.u 1l be r,H: g .,: leri vriucm.dpi te l : ::lll ...; ... fil u.m. e to od it il t...m.,.. t e l.
...Centre., ervil receive a rho. of their curio.. I will
Arty; Door .... nod ever/ article wont. Bard Into.
mod arterielve establishriterite of ...led. Ord...or:rot.
folly I.olieit.l and atioat prow:retie filled.
eel WM. - NOBLE. Tithe nm.i.' •,
SE " . . ; • 6 •
• or aroricig
76111., lo•ZI!.[,6„le,
191 11.; . Fatract a! Nuttorgg;
R..: .. Jua. Gingen
% wills Elownsq . '
For gala b 7 1111.. t. IIeCIAJRO.I Ca
mr.l . ,25 e LibPrii4t.
• son. ; s. or sale .s•
sp3 J .13C1100MWCER
MOCHA COFFEE—For Bale by '
:44,17 wit A. IteCLARG t 1.0, Gnarl.
41WGES—Half boxes, !wry superior aid
~ .a e d paws r,sle + . for saby
.917 WIC AL McCLIMU 0.3.
ANGANESE-54 bbla Ground, for Glut
Kam. Pr ask bi, DINNETT,IIIB.IIIr It CO..
WM= AM& •
'DIG IRON-66 tons Finn and Fondly,
L on eamiamsou, al* by
F.1.013R-240 blila. Extra and S. F. for gale
by mra r L. FL WITERMAX t SON&
RIED APPLES-320 sacks for sale by
my 6 LB. WATXRUAN 80N8.
BUTTER—In boxes (freah) reed daily by
PEARLS—'3O bhls. for sale by
my 7 J. D. CANFIELD.
LINSEED 011.-20 bbLs. for sale by
mr7 • • J./ D. CANFIELD.
QALERATUS-100 bze. and 10 bble. pure
t.. 7 ice sae by my 7 J. B. CLNYIELD.
CHEESE -100 _ boxes for sjal
BUTTER -6 bbls. Fresh. for sale by
.p:.2 . J. E. DILWORTH A CO.
RUIT-200 bu.. Dikd Peaches;
.P 22 J. ittlVlVATlrtbilo.
TEER'S OPODELDOC-6 grosa superior
be aabt byWICKERSHAM.
ma/ owner Weal Sod Meth streets.
PPLES-7 bbls. Dried Apples for sale by
DRIED APPIES-300 bu. for sale by
ap2l 8.11311.1 n P. EIIHIVU.
SUNDRIES ---7 casks Cheese;
tte ba. Dried Apples' .
ISM ins. W. tilasA WE... i Ebc,"
basn's brand: •
100 bv. Sosst, eseshins sad On w 4 17
.Dal ]AE. DALZELL. GS WM. stmt.
SUGAR -59 hhds. prime 0., for sale by
1.3 av2l JAS. DALZELL.AB W. .1. -
OLASSES-20 hf. bbl. S. a; for nalehy
'NE Y—l 4 ferkit' is (fresh) for sale by
spZ) sm. JoussroN.
TRIED PEACHES-3°o bu. for sale by
.DT BAUM. P. 8120 IVER.
UTIIITE AX— case sup., for sale by
CORN -25 bblis. , for sale by •
B ACON -1500 Sides;
Brxj Shoulder;
as and la trout Its.
43 b,: 1i . 0 2,..1 Balm=
rq t o 3
Sa &do do do
10 do bin' I trimmed Shad: ma band and
for male by [ap3oJi JOHN WA'IT t C O.
sAtato . Imrmetkally walled tam.. n
cEd and be nO• b
W. A. bleeLtllG A CO..
DRIED MACRE:S-29 bble. on consign
Ajt went and for male 67
trty7 il3AlAlf MCIIE4IO3.
_War •A. t W.
LI ANS- —3O casks Evan & Swift's S. C.- for
jA ads Ay retys B. W. ILARBAUI3II.
I)OTATOES-200 sacks for sale by
olys & e W. HARCAVOIL
'OTTON-150 hales for sale by
1a76 ISAIAH DICKEY • cc.
EP b. Dried:Nadu= '
50 b. Drlnl.Appler. lm Pah b
Cornrr of Wood mid
which • following goc
moonsaro olSgral on
lib catty hoar+ oriole Gismo
45 hf. u rbs do. do.
43 Oookrtig Matta
, 100 Lags Cog,.
15 Lot/unit and Jana
GO bozos ha, Ws, atalltli
Inlay Tuba
Sb bblw
ea not 1 and 31124/4
do. if. 1 do
andA do. 8411215414
60 toter ;m.tiltd llermt"
1300 ta. extra Madder,
3 baler Caw*
1 •• Cloorr;
r Minitel
nA Streets,Pittaburgh,
ORE, and to arrive th
• • of We most nowt Impor
• moat resennable term.
LC. down Patent Zinc Wad,
60 bolo eaara punt .7.W:4i:
2.6 Baltratnr,
76 blab. 61. 0. 3101iss
. .
550 lb. wedlasalsloA
60 drozeu Samna Fiat
bo isrs
M. /Melly Bordeaux •
5 bcrays Reek ChM
.... ......
12 do& BlLUtary Ex4r4
I bill.. .7p. we. Bowls:
1 "Fttaeatre
1U kegs Sluttaed;
13 - utts:
2 bid,. Garrett's rautr/
1: M
Luaus Nttarla Ottettes
tt/ ar
10i . :.7:tarr . raAl l iitf
- I.
V. lauur ,
51) ctn. 1100
/50 Cons 11
Olus, Nall*. L
" Inandana '
S " Many and Banned I .I L4
Bath ittick =
1 Obi. Yam Ealptinn
i llra7=crof Irmo,
5 •• 1.05. Hug.
1 ca. Eat 8.5;
00 011, kr. 5.11.03
150 but. L'x i" lt¢: r i. b. .4
WeHull T.tamt.:
25 tem. Rice:
___ !Wt. Colfish;
500 404.11.14 i 1-11•4410
3.0 , X.14. Almond;
4.144 Brasil tiat4
" Mag. Irsinour
. 40 " ro tor.'
Gtad Nu
naaa vb. a_
5 " Pruner.
5 I . Lemon 055.0'
30 " Tomeloßembor;
30 " hetrocr &man
" Pieklag
" WWI 205102
15,000 Principe dn.%
5000 limns "
/5001. Con.
1010-51. IL elpan." •
100 We. Water, Ilugar sad
Dotter kamo
=0 Mo. "B.ll.ll"enee
100 glom e
11no na. D. Tobacco:
20 " • et "
MO ban Model Soar,
L 33) " D. 11.Cand/m:
25 " Castil•lscam
8. 0. Sufar and Slolte.a Carla Cleonn4 and ea
vound oplcea (.loed Weifind and IVraridnd 111011
Locum Yarna ba tting esrolek and Winer, vitt a gen.
I.o.oloMiellt of good. usually kept In oar Uwe.
m012..'1 171 &mond. and 151 haul eta
gIOTTON-13 bales landing from str. Cape
may, and for We by
Tl 195.1•11 DICKEY It (X/.
655 &Ties 11.7404:
100664. N. C. Tar:
61) Loaf erd Angsr:
140 cues Ilarana. Co 16egar.4
lards, Madder:
4 erna6:6l 16/14v,
35u 644.12144 10412 1 hot
Iv . tg. and rt. 716414,
60 44.17174.N 0 2. 2 1 4 ,11 1 1r r k4re1;
60 ICU No. 1, 2.
NV keg. Nsib, 64C.1 A r e*
WW. W 1.11106:
40 Ws. T..z.nefil Oil
1 040
140 V . Bucke ' l.r.
61) TWA;
-3 tag. Olmotnyc
- Itoo; now londing and tbr rate b 7
myl •
Karr and Front sts.
EATHERSL-5 kap for saln byp
-:5 au. N. 0. Suitan
SO Mts. Bunk Uround S. Sr. Molammlb a
6 bbl b b
u Loaf liuSU: 1 . 2 . 1 i1qt
12 and 7 , 1 First O.
.y 1
FLAXSEED -60 bu. for eale by
tMORSE'S CompUund Syrup of YELLOW
LOCK ROOT-2a bonnojost we'll from Proeldoner
. nod for 0010 by • 8 . N. MCKIM/MAIL
Sole Agent N. Woo PennWesnla,
owl coyote of Wood and Sixth ina
Rabbit's &.p Word% tho pondseartkio But we'd
sad bar oblo by B. L BY.LLEBS,
my 3 67 Wood newt
VILAIK-10 bbl. for sale by
myl 11. R. BELLER&
Pedling Wagon.
Large and subEitantial two horse wagon
IL with iron sales, for sofa orrfavorable term by
spit: IR3 Wood Atiert.
I. 148 boa. Zs and U, Jana t Lewis' brand;
as. Putnam brand;
1131 " 6s, Daniel's
26 Si 0, Lump. Warwbert ick Otiky's Lind;
• • Ro Rforkis
40 " ss, T. J. Edward's
t: A.
s k tt re
Yuri rsc'd on consignmet irom ClunondandLynebburn
manufacturers, and r ankle by
ay= 80 and 81 Water, and OS Front st.
I.IACON7OOO flog Round, receiving
and for We br 1.113183 DALZELL,
ap24 • 63 Water =net.
UNDRIES--100:saoks Corn;
17 30 I , F.Dried retV,im
NEACKEREL-50 bbls. No. 3;
25 hi! dtoJAILE do.
D for ado byD
L ENTlLS—Received and for sale by
ws. A. IfeC.Loto . co.,
A .Lc
plioL—lo bbls. for saIe.;.7.,ELLERs.
V 0 RN-54.0 bbl. Shelled, for sale by
ap2s W. & F. WILSON. 147 lint K.
LEAD dr. 6.1101'40 4 4. 0 1 pigs Galena Lend;
LES An UlOll1 1 A
- -
(11LS—lin lemon, bergamot, cloves, anis
%/ p ima granny In original pan Lart3l.far . ekby
JAS kegs Gedge 6 taint for
tor ADZ - 111:13
COFFEE -150 bags prime Rio, for sale by
by A. A. Ilsaitt t ON mem of Ism tl.s Lawns alka
1.1.11 AA
ACON 11.A..116.14 cake on hand; for sale
hr Kai /RAUB DICKEY aco
17 hand: kn gosh by att) MAUI" DICE= tOU
LIALTPETItE--60 bags crude on hand; for
.I,n, by nal 113AILLI DICKEY A CI)
DOLL. BRIMSTONE-12 bbls on hand;
Lit o for oale 42 spy' . 1241611 DICKEY CD
RUTTER—aI crocks and
_jars, for sale by
ll J. D. TiIWAYS A CO.
CLOTHES YINS-31 boxes tar sale by
•Dl4 J. D. WIL'LLLasA cu.
ITIANNERS' OIL-15 bbli. (to arrive) for
JIL de by apl2 J . KIDD &CO.
TURKEY UMBEE--1000 lbs. (to arrive)
for 1.314• bl sots r J. KIDD Co.
LINSEED OIL-20 bbls for sale by
ap , e • J. KIDD &CO,
Ka fko Wood task
TERItE DE SIENNE-100 lbs for sale by
atal J. KIDD A(2).
4/11affifIXOTLI.-200 yards superior
g.allty for J. by &IP" J. MOD a CO"
Wont Yft•ch 3 .
Ca. ban J 10• an maivel per MT.—MI a"'°"l°
FLAXSEED 0/14 , ..40 bbli• prime, from
Eamesset eounty, far 661. b 7
JOKN Wawa co.
1 AFET Y FUSE-6‘ atore;
mrr al ... to arriv% ghr .a. b 1
.7. S. MlAliolall A W.
ithER YINEGAR-40 - 17ibiii. (beat) formic
br mr• ROUX/No LIMA a 00.
`4ASSL4,IOO Mats for sail by '
cola : 2. BOHOONIILLEYE aw. SS Wood St.
LATIIS-25,000 Sawed
g be aoseseafter lu ill e a s i3o qUali.
R0.:2146 Lthenyl
ai 4.
tzmiN-200 Int. Oats: ,
Ln •
lOU " Ay. tot pai4ta laizox.
Pittsburgh life lEsudarme'VOmPunY.
ITIRIS COMPANY; was .incorporated
February. lelL with a Perpetual Chatter, and halt
otionseented butane . a ethitidefllloo,4oo.
M utu
The al pla Canputy does business both on the &int Stock an
n. •
On the Joint Sack pim the rate. are ...third lase than
those cheesed by Mutual Companies. aad Flamm hoc Cent
lower than the e.t.a moss. block Canino..'
Mutual rsto are tha same as those adopted by other
safely conducted Companies. Thou Insured on th e mono
al principle have the onatiriol weuritice fornished by that
system of Insane.. uttl the gotta arid Muni= Fund of
thirJoint Stock &nutmeat.
The Mauer permits the pasta. or 'histir
Sc every theta incluithue the ratht of will, oLiylraa
realm lulu.. [Midi oe creditors—to I noure. W of
another fur thelrown tenett,pay ablealler death:
or upon the parties ...oat the SKr of Mk or hat
at the option at the insurbE
. • ,
Janos S. H. President
Samuel thiClueltan, YW hrsident • •
Joseph S. Treasurer; '
Alisel es. O h
olton. Secretary.
James S. Ito.. Joseph S. Lie.,
John S. Dilworth; • tilearies A-Calton.
Nsmaid licaurkaa . Wm. Phillips.
Onassetang Physicians.
Joseph GUY. M. D tlllllazu Addhion, 11. D.,
Jawinalsh rm.'. M. ?t, E. 11. D.
• Exownenees hysictows.
Funnel Dilworth, 31. Ismithlield street, ,
Robert Enider..M. D., 103 Pooh street,
John Crawford, M.D., :V Birth street.
Was -WK. Mar g., M. D., 107 W bets street.
Dr. Dlierthth Ell be in allsodsoce at the aka: we 77
dap, et 13 o'clock. •
now who hose spoketi far en whey, ve rEttested to
ea. hike thwit sad outruaethe operetious forthwith.
All pffEE'ellitsited in the insurance hoaxes will he Wife
OE with Musks, awl allowed the Elul commisokos.
Oflos of the Motopitay s No. 75 Fourth street
torAlsl/MrS, • • C. A. thJLION, Seer.
State - Mutual Fire immianee Company.
BRANCH OFFICE-No. G 4 SariunELD grass?,
Ilmattnum, May lit, MM. • -
TILE beat evidence of the enceeee of the
Directors inv endeavoring to ma. lb. ELITE NUM
1212 E INUURANCE COPIIPANY meet the wants ot
the community, hi the unparalleled . amount of business
Ve k r h as b tl o tetelV/y h tl i dl g it i 7;V iir)ol 3 f,ro:=
fo .o r only one klud
Whole No. or Polities issued..
- 7,9C0
1/o. do. exp'rd. ter/Mooted, eaneel . d, W/
Amount of Property le1;;CWII '97,51.4,119
Do. canceled, terminated, ex/Om/L=l;M 00 •
Do. Premium 79,570
Do. mintaied, terminal/ed. oepnwd- • 657 .0
Do. l 0 f 70,470
Do. Cash Premiums 51,517 11
Do. do. do. canoelcd 02 54
151,274 90
Whole anit lomem and ea pald-$23,411 15
Daimler to favor of the itl cash.- 9/7.824 15
To city or eountty tocrthants, mot owners Of 4:1•013 , 43.
and isolated nod country profyrty. It o s believed this mew
1.7 alkeds ad 'ma.. la point of elaysiess, safety, and
sccurity, interior lo losurance Company ln th is coun try Cond net. Mt the epunable and erectly impored aystrm
of Clamiteation of Lists, ...Judi/of +Pedal nnenjue./ 10 '
wing only Limit. amount in s.ny one loadlly, thus pre.
citullem the frequency and occurrent:et of large
alnoo both Um neck and Mutual pl., It eon only goat
bathe cheapness and secotorowlarson of both methods,
tntitles the losufed to a participation In the pngits.
Directono-John P. Rutherford, ODD" 5. T. Jona,
Alonso A. Carrier. Philo C. gedaw ice, Pam uel Jones. Motet
globe, John D. Packer, John It. Ruthrtford.
J.l'. DOTRERFUDD. President;
• • •
AI .i. till.LllTX;PecreDuy. •
A. A. Cum.. Actuary. 1.3 . 17
N. n.—A letup Dividend of fifteen per centnon .PAring
pollelee bus been declared by the Directors, and Is now re
ceDrable at DID Unice tar renewals, or releasable /a bah
at the end of ninety days. .? A. A. Canals, All.
Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philo& a.
IRECTORS: Charles W. ,Banaker..Geo.,
ljr W. rilehards, Tleovalart, Mordecai D. Levi... Tobias
oagner, Adolphe E. Rork. hauabel Drone. David D. Pironrh.
Jacob K. Cadith. Morris Pattrson.
L BANCILY.II. President.
Coastal Banerna. deawtary.
Tam Compaq contintwa to male hantraners, permanent
limited. On t/tl7 dCleliPlloo ar reoienti in town
• • ritzy ; at ratn ma kor Ws ate condetent with sentritT•
The LeatnainT hoe. rawriol • ludo contingent (add.
blab, with (..Ypital and Preniluzio. wifely laearteat.
.ord =obi protacivon to the asaund,
The swabs of the Company, on Jasanary Ist,lSl.gots
/Rhea agreeably to the Act of Assembly, weer follows,
ge - Y . G6 ii
I _y..._
si•c• thM I•••rpona... • c•rl4l 4 $l. TOS
ti 7• 4, 2 , b =
hsvewaid apwarde of tine Mallon /oar &raced
Dollars Losses by lire. thereby affording evidence or the
adrantaere Losurotioe. .. well 11.. UM/ &buil) , am Ett
potirion to meet with promptness et ilabUitiew
J. Wettlinnit COYYLV, Anent.
sold Offwe n. IL corner of Wood end ad de.
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philura.
(.k. FlinseT.Jfi... deceased,) No. Mtn Liberty street.
kr:r t g
ppaertt r f l i t i ejztmlenee of . pe . reo n r o t= d t Mat;
frock POl2 and it to 3 ' cielock. 3 at the counting man of
J. Schoollmaker flo.,iNo 10 Wool .tenet, where all mom
Inlormation rill Pe siTen and comma nicatione prompt
ly attended to. Pamphlets es plaintnit Ma principles and
benefits of Lila Insumnoe. amt blank lima fnrkish.d on
Capital most over PLISVOOD and constantly inereasing.—
PrtMte manual S.ol. get the. manned Ole JUL •
Pltteloarsh. Jon. 21. 401—n124
marine, Fire, and Inland Transputraion
rE Insurance Company of North Anterica,
iladahlis—Cturtrzul 1794. Capita :400.000. Aunt!.
navvy 13, 1,01. 11 , 111 mate lesuranno on
buildnene and tbelr ettaclate.lo caty and tidally; atm
on property of ryrry ,traniptlon. thiPPKI rn.n.
0.1 caber yawls, either. b e Inland traneportation or on tho
Aztb. a. Ewl. TimMM P.
tlemuel W. Jona. John E. Neff,
Aderstd Moab, Diehard D. 15 ord.
' Jobe, A. kinastn, yeah, • -
Samuel V. Matti, lemmas. /loattra,
Vamisel Bomb , . M. Aurths JUDI:ma,
Mateo Taylor. Wm. E. Doren.
Amtome oJte, . 9corge i t=l , .
Jacob M. Thom.,
EL Morris Wain, IL D. Sberrord,
This le th. oldest leauranre Company In the United State.
Malt Mom Im eModloz. Mau Mpreepee. ample means,
and avoiding all risks 0 WI extra WrardouseMsam,,ll
may be crusealered as offering =pl. eremite to the public.
.isTA Do. 141 Trout street.
American Life and Health Insurance Co.-
Agent for Pittsburgh, 5.4.111. D. TOWLE,
tare. el Pllth et, atmee &althea&
PamphletseentalaLeg all names:an lolprzeatlon ma be
obtaseel at the oases. salbitt
Wade= Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
VAPITAL $300,000 . R. MILLE R , Preableort, F. M. Cuslou, &motor/. •
W Insure must all btu& of fists,. Flee said Ruh.
Louse ell) Le IlLoyally adjusted mid mouldy pakL
A home Itublbstion—mayoufed by Directors rho are stol/
promptness and liberality to malutaba the Miasma. IrDlCa
they bans masorned, as orering Cue vest protection billion,
who Mishap to be insured.
_ •
Drescsen—li. Miller, Jr Goo. Meek; J. W. Buttes. N.
Holsors..W., - Wm. B. Holmes' , C. I.lmmen, Geo. W. &elegem,
W. LL Lyon, James Llppltmott, George Hartle, Jesus W.
Auley, Ales. TM. ecort.
ISMos. :M. 92 Water Mutt. (yardman of &pang & Co,
ay crates) Pluabargh. f eerily
Delaware Mutual Safety asuraace Comp'y
CILLNOZ, Third street, Philadelphia-
Yma lammerloc—Bulbilny,
end 'Mbar
=y 1, p 6 :7,4 t h, ocut . L . 7.1 trure , d n Ims or
Mamma lestaaam.—Ther also lan, I=,
end heights, foreign or coastwise, under open or t e. Prtni
poltdes, es the sound may dears.
Mann TuseroYanm.—They also Daum Meech . ..MY
Yansported by Wayms, Ilall mad tam (Meal touts. and
Relm boats, on rDers and lakea. pre Um must Messily:us.
Duscrtms—Joseph LI. &al, Eslmand A. &haler. John....
Delia, Robert Burton, John 11. Penrose, Samuel Edwanbc,
thyme C. Leiner Edward Darlamtou, Jaye K. Davie; Wil.
Irina Yolvall, Jo h n. Newlin, Dr. U. M. illasta., JuneC.
mend, Thornhill.. Paulding, K. Jon.. Lamp
Sloan, Monti Craig. George Serrill, Speyer Melts.,
Charles Kelly, J. U. Jolanachd Km. My. Dr. S. Tbsdas...
John Sellers, Wm. Eyre, Jr.
Draram. ar Mrryannu—D. T. Morgan, Leigh Craig.
John T. Loom
What. LL.D., President. Tuna. C. ILAN Tice Ptah
daub Joseen W. COINS. Sweretyy.
. T Orrsa of the Company, ha. 42 Wass street. Pitts
bomb. lodalf / 14. Asrent..
VOTICE is hereby given to the Stockhobb.
v. or 'old Company, that they mate payment to
Isom a Sargent. Tremor. n of th e not Cornymny, of Vice
Dollare en encl. there ef the clot, on the tact Monday fn.
each and every month hereafter, until the wholes eet la
paid In 1011--,a the road win he grad.' and bridged by
Julj 4th, left. The bredkholdare the reddened to be
prompt and punctual In their payment.'
melnaU P. It, I.IIIOWN. President. •
lEAD PlPE—Cornell'a improved patent
A Lead Pipe for ktreirante.
..I.lod U raulle am;
Cleterns, Le.
Ail alma on band and to arrive, for Ade by! '
aLtaLtriThil torIIDON,
mehitztf 134 Pratt stret..
Seed Store Removed. •
LIE subscriber has removed his Seed Store
(tom Second street the building recently, occluded
kheed as • Tailor Shop, an street, &Jaunt Ito
naulr etrPodta the Peen offs,
CILANT, for the sale Of Domestic, Woolen, and Cotton
• • a, p.o. IV Wood street Yittabstreb.
niers filled at abort natio, for any• deimiption of Want.
/I schisms/. • • febl7
solnlog betirsen the eutmeribeas. under the style of
rlentles 2 Co, la this da dhrolved •motend
• , I .NDILE
In it_ K. I , LE-tit:i: •
nerny or K. K. Fleming la &albinism' to ll etas the
in/me of the late trot In the settlement of their tomlosse. ,
bbl 7
L., The partnership heretoforeexisting hotness! the
toeoribern under She Kyle of hack lett • White, nu dir
lived on the Bret day of telat cote
to Either of Mg sobeeribm will ennui to settling OD
the litudnear. and an au th orised to toto the LkAMO of the is te
no. Er that Pongee. Ito. lii Hood street.
••• • • •
Pebynary IZ '4l. .. TILOS. IL 111IITIL
EW FIRM—B. 13.- . Shacklett and William
Payne. sa general partners, and Bewssaiktilythr, Q.
mai litolliel partner will continue th e Besale
(taste Emulates under dee arm of B. C. alieektell 4 1..
at store lately marled ky aharklell 4 White, No. 101
Woad sheet U. 11.61IACKLErp.
Debit WM. PAYlilt
(10-PARTNERSHIP—The aubseri6ere hale
entanid into 03-Partnerehlynreler tbe firm of Beath.
A wan 2 likely. It 31. B. 11(11FP..,
.1.3111C11 ATKIBBOII..
Jan .11.1113 i 31. WILLY.
OSE! HOSE!! ROSE!!!-Just reed
Dom theldamtfactory lallommti3oo4ketludfs Rub
_ slam nuttlow from Xto2 fa bleb. bt diramatar.
hl• Rose I/ tar superior to /FIT boas tuabulattural of
tor hydrants . rondos tUiLLar tiro ptIrIKOK.
WO VW. at of be diatlton/T maestomb-that every huh of
that aces from our eatatallatuasur fa wartmuted for
• • •urpoefes Inteudeft or the money hiLput.t. Jo s t try
t. For /levet the Data Rubber Depot, ho. T• • Shed at
PACKINII-400 poutula mixed;
Plain at 4 Pose, /tells Rubber Pecklog Cram I.=
tblekorartabtal to be the eety beet Packto4 of
, t b, bole In nee, kw tblimelne. bitype44 Maniple
Pletes, Piston Roth. SU= . Jobtte, Unto Lheau.C4baler
Haub, 81u t: Hex.. 4,2 e. Poe de at the 100. Rub
ber depot. 7 , 4 7 44 9 174 4 877,9 •
J. ?mum%
anaurtarrat of erry superior erdsh o l T a w s , Es eue y . 44
Bureau Coma ordilferent erns g ir i t . t .a ba surpaseed by
any acid In the city. llerr. and °War are
a imsl and <9010910 bur thernselve. at the MVO
lOC= maaufgan 97 , N 0.9 SI 9 word M. d
Amyl{ J. a IL PUILLIPiI.
1.7 at 40. 65 Marta weak kr ado stmt. , aaaktat , Pri
by Jaya 21101166 tat
1=1). °4 " 4 " 2
a) att.-Dried .4.1 S
6 cut. Bwocc, Jag rpo'd ad dr al* by
W. •• • tcotawsom sal
. ,
. .
Needles' Celebrated' •
flompouxp HEMLOCK
a) Then highly Medicated platten hen been made lb,:
% i tili d than twenty mcit=g %ink/. time they thee,
kn e n t oats arn:Tl emagthenthe i l le . StryveTolle ort
rml . • Pa . ..
of highest ennarune, to 110, , in Ind, on
lion bee submitted, have tient ihe mon faltering
tantimoniain so to then superior Time
all other pt.
ten mild.
The Lugredienti 'et their netwitt.;
menctly meablneth miller them peculisrly applicable to
µenema Angering with pulmonary tinc ees . •
y T t
. - pales In the breast. resulting tn. putt:meted raids.
ebnoirur cugh. and kcal pan. In M. minus moralgt
T. hwy. then . beneficial ebaracter brece:.,
eneetim dlettute. As• retnetly in . Lusubase,thete • e
17 k " r ' . . b.= il u nr=b=7,7,. If
Far wealcome and.palth In
the tecliand side7resulling
hunt severe strain& ditee er the Winn. tr, then pm
it ilen = c irntV: 'a r=l "". areieht=
apficatiom- To surer main with rhustiallo pante. then
eye ••11.11. en olde n t =Wanes
Oast their beenfrial effect, W I be boat vary decide&
For Ilan. whalesale and tetakby -
Inebn• • E. Z. SELLERS. 57 liFth.l
6-IP lan, kr giving • beentlllal gips. to Linnet Mullet
...Antos. Co lars. WriElcatatoo. and all ktdsolgentq it*
f=tlr th rt LT ' t'''''
'ft lit i Vt "W rafltUlt•
07 rweet.- The Win haw long go seeTelt the nseeesite
r ., °orb wl wild.. end in thls Lbw, expwiiitioa will be tuF
ly i nellsod, as :sr etcopetltton Ls bend after an tmpartlal
ral. • . •
N. 6- Inc Cake Till do thirty dozen of - dales. .id MN.
(Willy should br without It •
. _. -, •
Price 12,1‘ cents par Cake. Each tlike vrlth fell duet-Was.
rot ealobr men% - ii. IL PI.LLPES. 07 Wood st
• '.' o , 1 ,',, , OR BOCK OIL.
. a. : Mere tifnithegrel h anti , earth s •
fr HE vIRTCrES of th in rem4kabloreine
for drirltir=:::_.,prz"Vringgriffrds
latledireaticettetr the benme of public. • •
Tbo PrISOLELM le procured from a well In tab OMR)
I.Thr tt e lt lt g f ratr=r2=rf * tr d oet l i 111
tom (Wm Itialare's Great t Labratemi I
bas h madarne
saopemhz=l.nA t o . rtner v l . of awn ,. le no , lotsr a
_ray. of name, wttlig ,i f known. might be ' X ra ' s ' t meg
nem in 'alleviating' ng. mat minoring the bloom of
health and sled to many a sufferer. Long beget the paw
ethtee thought of pulling It op in bottles, it had emulate
Bon Pe the mesa Kamm. Themostent anddally lomat
sing collo Re it and ....-1 remarkable eons It 'has pert.
tbrmed. Is a ma indlestkot of Ito-rotor* pvularlty snd '
wide spnwit opydinstionlo 010, rum of dream.
.We do notoortab to make a long we& of ,y, e ga,,,d, •
loore considom that the tosslieine ran men work its 9
ta the !armor Moen who Meta, mai niab to be b
Whilst we do not claim for it • tatireend appUmtion In e
e ry dhemat, we unhesitatingly soy, that in a inontwe
Chem*, Durum It Is unlimited. Among them mar be
red-011 dimmer of the morons holm; sack aa
VillTonac Bitonituris. coNsumrrio.N. O. t.. 47
Lkstage) ASTIIMA 'and all amass of the atr t =s. Mg.
tYI3IPLIINT. DYSPEPSTA, Diadem, of tha
Bladder and Kidneys. Pains in the Bank cr Eirio, :ferrate
Diseases, Nemalato. Balm, Rheumatic Patna, Gout Eryslp •
lm, Totter, itingwortne, Darn; Koala. Brute.. 1.110 sews s'
k.... t0. t0.. 4 -I .
pto n puetot de .... blllty a . res au„ altlog front hi.
,erot.... E .r i,
Ming Mkt , It will me as a general TOIS/C end 'ALTER
ATITE Mach ease; tosparring tone and male to the
whole from tromping obetruetims, opentua the olortglate
function. ist ntme disease sad a broken morrultatlow .
:M r % =1.7:474 I =AT cans to " the
that Ms every
_other treatment get welLtmeher tbe me
of the 11.7 OLEUBI for • 'Met time. She proof en be
M. to an mon whet &wires it
gone gm without the elinketage of the prePtietnem
. i telso, Kr' l 7 'thr ow by . /t-CL'4ExT.F.. l
sawn ial3.4ELLEßS.;4372,:rAocatLiw...l::',
noribily , hie raga/arty iimotateNinita.
NO ' all men who aro sick and 'afflicted
.Et, with • 'of thi Bladder and Kidneys with rhea-
Mena Paw aback or limbs did Joints, old so[ee,mn
ulcers en, at they am be nays by taking the Rag
LIAM. Y.- may talk abaft its being • m •
'ar you p . but this does Da make It sm fat I. proclana.
In the fans • f boned madnunity, that it has virtu=
- which are .at contained In any other remedy. The man
wDo is ruined with any and suffering frtesdisases ems
far 60 crab% get re re= any of Na tua enumerated
Reader! II coati eery little to mats a trial This Petro-
Imam is no mixture —no matron d. b ut
pthe Dnryo~ .
of ita awns' on the' canneloni tr ° b in." i r s tedy &labors.
tot by the master band of nature. and bah lea up Irma
Lamm of our mother earth. In Ka mist.] untr. and
fan to suffering bonutuiry a ready remedy, • certain
ebeene cuss.
It has cared Ylles after other medidner hum N .
render any relief. It cured Ilbetunatinte,,
ateneding. sad of tb it-has e
wont and moat Wafer character.
has and Mallen 3ltatme. by one or two dams It has
nand old awes of Must m. in which aret7 other Armed/
bas been of no aralL As • Semi remedy In bona and
It tte th.eley medical compenede m abetment
that w• k n ew of It will cum chilblains std bated Pod,
In • few applicants:A undoubted testimony on be
ed al the troth contained in the abase statament3M:
Zon N A3IQHL lt. kale. C 0.,! Dann. Parrarth 4=4 or ,
li: r ygr t r=ell. mutter of treed street .red TL
' Hey - . H. E. Hellen, fd -11 - cod street' D. A. 811/ot. and D.M.D.
'Mum dllethetry eltr. are agents. . • • -
—De..7som Bora, the r
oaddiscomire lead sole proprietor
Lb.. moat repoler and bacterial id.., etal also '
the Inventor of the celebrated biremment for Wtig Dm •
Ice" ie ellectinp a cure of Chronic elms... was a
of .of pat endue:et phylide=tor -Phyla, end le '-
Breda* of the University of leech. and for lb/Pt/ •
Team Mom has been engaged In th e intestigmhat
mrd the L9Plioako of remedies ameba
Thexigic ther nee of hie Ineattne
hla Proptylattic 8 p, end other of Ms he bee is
gained an ut=Lieci mincer. ill coring thaw
and tidal m Tubercular, emistoopilotiv.Clowarld f. •
Scrofula, Rbetimantim, Asthma, /ever mid Pecan o
all kinds. Chnarde arysipelas, and those dls
eyes peculiar to Annelea Indeed, every ohs.
vanishes under the me of his remedies; to
tT to brer—not byr am of one ea:Emceed y, est that
Bhgebilogical Law, bat the we of "•"
his nacelles, adapted te, and Prerrideed P.r. 1 14X , •
(OM Wee..
Dr. lime's Tonic Alterative Pal, when need , are brimirlit .i t
bly acknowledged to hero pethr to ell °
u a rmie..
tire or liver pill. inntimach ea they leave the bincilefsep 1
hotly bee t
t orturecoetivenelm Ids Dobbin pill a are e.d.
mi Wel, by the (unity. opawn ;molly p SUP
Led to tetrode ditesseg but being satisfied • bare trim..
tae ndiclent to egabllsb *bat has ten mid, the atindlief.
WT mod. stocked.
The aleirred are Melted to call upon the end. pro ,
eire lead.) one of the Drictoe. ;seraphic Mop added..
el warner of each mmaity, end ite ap . ,
Fee mile by the MilicwinifenUos well a. by most dreg. •
piste throanWer the cone .
J. Schooninaker Co., 2.4 Wood et. Pittebazgb. •- •
J. U. Druggist. 43 Market et.,
Lee A. Beckham, Drup, car the Pod Orem, i . .
or tit),
..tceeph Darkhz i Llirann. Beazer MVP.
' ley, •
. •
Z 4o4 'ill THE ' , AFFLICTED will be 'found in
Dr; Dewftteliellinger's INFALLIBLE LININLIFIg
or Fluid, whnh tura stand the teat of thirty yams me •• •
met has. beyond a doubt, been the too. of do Drs= of thoureada oflndlvidualn, Ina.. am?
elate ant character of disease. We feel that we Maud rrm.
thing in ea Matt. is then:ay med.. th at has boor •
affered to that dorm in mere, emee of the word. ••
whet it la sold far. • • •
_lt luA rurceOred Dgaiehle of ming Mara Menem than
.y other medicine offered for sale, In are not Wert..
' made or lold.oe by what mann • .
As tu I t oouvinctne gond of the ltherve, wa . •
that it s the only article that has mimed the En= ot.
Medi.o that has.m been petnnrixed and read -
of the p.m of the elite gemodly. es. the most agreeable
Family Morin. ever offered Dr We, or rued by any ur
them, vin
The 80. Nan Chimrell. Ws M. C. The au. Robb
IL Morn, late Mayor. hoot. John A.ll. later_ B. Emu.. .-
tor. Wi th am II- Fort., Esq., Editor of th e Spirit of the
71meg and a hmt of other distinguished eltizeror of New
Tort. who have folly tested Ite merits, hare permitted the
Pmprietar to refer to them .
A. It well km. that Patent Medidne. a. not=
ally patrouieed by the learned., wealthy and polka •
wehave undoubtedly a Ken to feel ourvelves hied, min
This wonder , Carepourel bee be•ur
seven yam before the public. Its ant Wards are lte -
strong... best.' Thls rood underubtedly le striro end
eargeittelog proof of its gee.alend sanative,
9.lttlee. MD a...visit remedy for o i
ll nervous dimes... •
..die Mins, oerofelo. ewelifngs. Inedem old
re., and ell the pahas.d mbea that geab D ben to. '
Over LOALMO Met. hove Den sold without ecoraplaint r
and bare perfected suet actontalring . coma, after all other
remedies bare felled, to would e.g. belief, had we not
offere and in our frossemion. the etronxest panels .1. •
Ihts medicine. or nature's remedy. I, prorated Iran vop .
Mattes. for Diem. as well to external me. It gets dire.:. ,
ly upon the dieased_part.—string It health .d rrtivelmth o ...
It Is a sure ore for Dtarebee. BUD. sad
V e z= l, l. , Km. diereses of the Kidneys, and • •
008 male, from whatever mum It ma] •
hove orlsolnated 4 .
For rel. In rittebur g h, by R. E. Feller,-Mesas. Kidd it •
Co.. and Ogden t Forftdem and by the retail Dmirgbreei •
generally. It is put up In 83111. flea , tea, and one Mailing tot
i.eram •
. •
To the Iteadois of 'the Pittsburgh Gazette. •
YUBLIO ATTENTION is respectfully in,
viedmthe tbllosing truth., set Roth to relation to.
one of the next toot remedies of modern timed
PETROLEUM OR ROCK 0110 It It not mere than one
ago Awe thls f
md. tormottualbrimht bet
ro ' itt, have, shore, then, bea Fare Wa ' e
to t*lY:r.:
emortngt: end we, ollege thet the er It Is tried ter
moot ce o win It. great fame mom& tle not the rem
edy of ado y, got rpm r the volefporprio of math, tn..,
but. atuanhich we meagre. will ceulleue let be wed when
an other noOrtuaa here been Begotten. TR. Petroleum to
• natural Remedy, elaborated in the depths of the earth
by o lower and even, that laughs to worn all human
=Wince , It is our duty, when we 'mite about a medt
, MO We write
them who the truth—that we our nothing oaks.
lated to deceit* car mord or p molt.
demo la or etatemeota. T m he ay
eletoutk are way eye to ot
. any thing that promisee relief from thew: A orgy can
hardly be too highly wrought to answer the object of gnu.
Inlrjanttergging scone of them. Now, we do not derm •
OA only that the troth In retake:: to .
rem noweVy= ho Mid. In order to memo for It a repo
to.n far asoneding any desk article In the
Plain unvarnished hetv—hete that Inky bed
In our city ard neighborhood. bear ample tenh:o.ony 1n EA.-
:roe of the Petroleum. •-•
Within the twat two lamb/. ten of oor crew eigamm
who were tlkny b i nd. hem born motored to eight. Rem,,
sea mums. In the Ebel. of Oldo. hate beim •
coredalm, the - moot •gentleman In Beaver meaty.
There am othern but Owes sre earn near home, Ulla 1.7
he referred to brssy perkets who have doubts On the Bute
leek Thom mom were clued after they had bean abandon.
ml by physicians As twtolesa • The
dtreetione—Dtarrhsea, Dywoose
Mew, RhoutoOlon. Goat, beerahOs, Eruption.
Pimples on the fan, Chronic Pehe Lye; Ringworm. Tarter.
'Bold need, paha In the boned , e }
Wow, Ague, Chwede Coughs, i 'M
! Pulmonary graft:, of areal* nature. tetetnng to pole
duo Cooommuon..
Weak Masan Of the Bladder and nine"
chapped Banda Ea.:Mond KlLldee, Corns and Murton.
to cten It la sena, =Mau lame, nod tem hem m mod
most of th e above direst. within the poet year with thia
moat perleM =mom. .Certlemsea that von ostonteh me In att. brennetOr.whentll take pleastere In that.
Mt n = to the atkleted or their Mende.
er others may say about their med the
Petroleum le the groneet. Banned? of the aote. Pic)
°thigh standing: ha the proforefon are begird:du me It
their[ yrautlot. , Thant who at Met lobbed en doubt
And tomertahot=orinlow to award It dm. pram obi
eartakteratton. another year rulhe rooted, ell will to
compdhd mktMehalite th•Petrdeum la Um Irmato
tot modledao ever disomered. For soar wholesale mat rm
&Dm, 67 Woe,d street: D. Carrr it. D. A.
borgQ and B. A. Fatale:stock A 1..k....K.i . mat bent and
A 7 —lt I. damp, cut t :. 7 tale. and blg_hly ettmeimm.
MANY Can. March W. 444 1847.
117. E. Ild
E. Boilabo--bly ebren. Ilbe otbon. 7 , Wadi
subject to ttontdeadoe eougba. and toolad med.4Ettatuat ,
lt= UW°&a.'ri";*
Woman yo.o y ray e 4 r .""‘ arlt t rtir d _ • or n te% tal
becoutammt e d IL m my raiyhd ' arralxl do mom
cametenclooaly bonen that It L. the ado. tout. MadlMo• -
MU boa aver been altered to the p_ .ttbEe.
Parent. should not permit th Amornoso.
eir 6We. to sulfa btam
emit. when that may ba oared by 4 . 3 et. bottle of LOLL •
.1 , 0.4 and oaldlb E. FELLE
ta WEL
r./LW 67 Wacdst. abd Dramytat amteraEr.
, store, aini for sale on the most liberal terms, thl ei
kb" Qinin tiMmt 1 AmEraue 04t. , •
on Le illetrann's
Ceuta/el tat of balsam de jIZMa '
Nene end Boas Liniment - ittoodAroors =Mr et a.
Opode/dre, Pieres - Braun tni
,_. 6.3 .
Pal tummy Wenn Cestnneee rtOrmet of Dodos '
Pills, Ant.}llllloes Oni rt Ringer
...:• Lee's , Delbeto Larrolnatin
padenmea j Dement.
Byrn it, tb..
to, a Fra t ,„1 7 ,,.. e w:r r tp. v. ~..s. •
:- Fgz.7....6 . E - 7. 2 ''''' it=tht • -
- - ....b...r.- . - ch - --.. • • '
. "
Y .
.., Bemoan . •, ,
Gnman ' I
. zu.Leen:nes
. Quinine i •
~ internees - • :
Pollen, Sena
nt • _
&milts - -
Ikea Olincernt for Tetter Ers . mag,. V"' ..- . " s " t . " ..
Bt,..ben.f Ng Pianos tierfencre Liniment
tinstme,hitmEse amazes. Coital • . '. '
=nit= AMAMI ' liolden Tinetare
jeTee l'ea=.:Vd,
t th•Druz Zion a' ' a N WWII:kr iLIZI:i. '•''''
.14 .
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