HOMTPERS. blClErnitiN , Bll2lll2lollll.-4A, motion far a new triel In the cruse - of the Commonirealth vela= Mccutcheint, : Convicted of arson, csmarcdtted In Ilrieg Mr. &seri' board pile, in the Fifth Ward, had Dgea amide: by the priaoneres counsel, W. W. irwjn Eeq.,but , it "wits overruled,• sad he was yesterday brought into Court to reoeive his sen tence.- Whenasked hyhis honor, Snap hf'ooll, ,whethir he had anything to say, he declared that helm not guilty. His honer said that he had been defeaded by lain counsel With great zeal' and ability, yet sthtirillustandthg his car' Soh; it - verdict of • , gantf bad beinireturneci. Still, tithingled the eireamstattees 'thil 'eige Into iontideration, and cour:linithet'ayith the &et that be had been instanitenial in blinks to juktice two of the greatest 'mania that ever were* Pittsburgh, who were now expiating their Crimes in the Penitentiary, he'thought that an imirizoinaentuf one year in the same place, Would boa'suffielent punish ment, the more es fide diie :when it was considered that the nature of the crir worked politicil disfrattanzeraent, sad for err excluded hint them enjoying the righti of a citizen here. He would advise the prisoner, when Lizlma of ImprisOnment expired, to emigrate to some new country and lead an honest life, liirrhich cure he might become epeetable mat- He - Was then removed, and taken Into the comity prison, prior to being taken ores to his , thartNolD Ttr_E }jinn off Uziroz ; —Mary firuluim, a little coldred girl of about ten I re of age, eomicted at the km, term of . the Zomba' Quarter Sessions 'of attempting to set Erato the barn of Captain . Biggert; yester day brobght into Court to receive her sentence. His honoyindgehicclure Said that owing to her tauter Yearn, hestrould not mind , her to the Pen-• ittratiam norctiald be permit her to remain' in lie therefore setinniMd her to confine ment,ln the Rome of Bette. The little girl commenceimneping,..hut hie honor, addressing her in sicitidtnanner, Mid her that the Rouse of Befogs was not a prison, but ri'place where she wetuabiteducated and instruited in those morel, prittelpl6' which' she hod never leareed, or mhieb, if learned, liati•beenforgotten. . . . . . SPLILIDLE! PELESZST.—Tho splendid gold cup and Balm, Presented to Colonel Collier, of Sten; beniSle, by the merchst da Of. San 'Francine, arat ow to be seen in the window of Mr. gent , Market Street - .They - aramade of tire pirest gold, and cost, la San Francisio; thirteen btauired dollars.. On the is engrar liii, O A. - thstimotdal of the high reiardentettedn ed Air -0 . 21=1 'James Collier, -Cnlloctor of the , Porto:idea Francisco, by the officersof Customs of California, - January 156, MI."- Cnthe std. yeris engthecd - ,, !.The merchants organ Francis co to Colonel James Collier, lath - Cella:tor of the Port, as a token of their esteemhndrigard,lan '2ll7l/6t.hr./.95." ' . FELTZ V.41T1CT103.171010L. TEC SMALL AOlll Law.—Michael Hartneyer yesterday brought a .snit before the diger of Allegheny, against. John Peifer; whom ho accused of passing tonsil notes r , PeA -him, =nary).* the Act -of Asaembly, in .soh - eites made and-presided: ". It. .appearing that alma,. two months ago, sartmeyer asked Parer:to - giveitim - -change for a ten dollar gold piece, but the latter- said that ha . 'could Wit .do,- it Without giving him - small noteaj-lisairneyer'said that would do, and - took them:: but - afterwards brought „suit. Mayor . Marking fined the defendant erns hundred dui- . . Tom ban thin . iniquitous law been enfoicad fir that lima .'.:ll'a do not wail the min irba; wader the citaaitw a nwes, tinned _ Informs and casinax-4hie -a the ItiOxdighul Fury Saab an Ilunaby, run otb 8 eldff rib a, boy b it;*. Thelitta word vitti &Id& bd . eranns . -'-fkino isoc:ol stole a bay mare and s brown Yonne frail - Ur. ; Di:yids". who livei in Rim TOwnship, wit-antennas, from Pittetnalb, era She" daustares4 laid; on ThcrodO'ldidd r ,-; TAT. were taken ,oe. of one of Mr. flol# lame they iisro paetnring . . 14...ArarT ~:iiv i iabisitioxi:youg rZtof Birz4nesummit : Jant Manly, oti, eday, fell from a night of stairs which he . , vu ccouttracting in that borough, and had his apintscrtadlyiaiured seta bum but faint hopes of ido row . - The unfortunide inn has a • . . . flaniniz.;- - -Aninemsker nailed Davit Duncan, t who - , bas been stopping for s=e time put at the . .Bigbt,of Wartavern, in Allegheny, went to the drug store of Dr. Bronx on Thursdayflight, at about ten - O'clock, and ptemtemetithree ounces of l an d au won fat the don; ho "Wallowed the poison azidwint to the Saran, where he apprized the intuatel-of What be had done, and imam& stilly Irene to , bed. Medical al& wee. at ones suinutoned, but in rain, as- hey died yesterday. Hs Said that_ he had. swalhiwed the poison he ' muse some persona had circulated false reports spinet him. . ... The wretched man bad a wife and , fandlyliring in Philadelphia. Coroner dreams was milled ill and' held an inquest on the luxiy. The lerdiet. was _ . - . , The read wilt.obaarre 4tnta. Mr. Mania' ad tertiseitiesdi, that ha can furnish a great ra.. orripas from Taziosui pasts, Give Mu! ,colncp - ar QUB ; , • Fridity, June , 6 Before the Bon. Wm. If. McClure, President Judge, ind-nliant Boggs, Associate Judge. The 'case of the Cosinntinwealth Gearge,inie tried Able inerning:' 'The prisons ins charged kith -Wish:is - attempted to , commit Idiheray robbery: • From the eriderke ft appear. oi Mat George stopped a young girl of about *Mem years of age, named Maly h7,Nalisee; is Versailles township; at 7 o'clock in the warn, fag, inei day. last April, and catching her by the dernanded her money. or; her lira; She; tumenrer, 'Lamed the neighbors by her Oaths, - sad therillahs fled. ' . „.... - he. was ifftersowds arrested, he had ,thengid lde clothes, and abated his whiskersoff. The brether-in-law of the 'defendant testified to Ids good — eharneter, but - Mogul& wesevident, and the pap returned a - verdict of gmltr' •. . •-; Hiabotuir, 'Judge IdeClure; roceeded to Pass lentenarapens him. 'After' - .him of ' the bilhiolls nature of the Pima whiehhe had at tempted, his honor said it was well for bad that. • it had vast been coneummeted, as he would in that, OM hate been obliged to tunut him to , the peal . Cheeping •tbetthe prisoner'Smiled:se If in contempt, ledge hfeCioresnuned him that this was no joking matter, and advised him 'not to make his mower= in Court spine:ramp simi lar charge, - or he would bamore merely dealt ••• The Prito:Ler was• then Sentenced to undergo an impriesmment of six Months in the- County TO Tria ' rt , ll7l.37lLßY.--41121te15 Mo Catcheon, who vuts sectateed to :onsiyou'a It:bonnie:it, having been convicted of arson, was yatatday taken to the Panitentiary by pollee of- - Jou DucliAzorn.--.The jurors in the Court of Quarter Bassi= hare beat discharged outit 21026 J. SMOLA' jpf Middle aged lady named Mn. ;Oetty, le - ,reiddent Ewe ;Birmingham, meddenly fell dawn on.Wedneeday, and expired, sign dis' ease of the heart, sin is supposed. '44i:ix ' 3irosi.. - -e uoyinzirroinghozo; nom ...m.szoiti; on Wednesday fell into a well, hn till beinn6b, aid was nearti drown d. Re was in iessible when Skeet taken ont but soon rem Admozer.—A German whose name' we did Slot hesr,,wei:thrown from his horse near Sinn- Ingham, on Thursday, mid- one or his Arum Tea dirlocated.!;lie'was othenriz' e severely injured, end hie ireciarre is thought to be doubtful.- - . • Imp%loot to Drpggispg,!.)Efardware - Zen, • And Sion NM= ,ilt general.: . Z M EIS is. to- inform' the above paities that r. lo IL lIIILLIPS ham arrived hymn Phtloolethltlo. - ttith hiZesoplesg their LIQUID GLUE, for Car.. roorGa Chino ' lnd alrsti== '4 He4ll3l Wise of three Nil.. Also, the 1:411.11,Y TRILVD. • Vrroorotire. percedttag t . be m P na .. z., =,..4=ttrzi.euz4 7l. fo c. od, erg half leteLtim ctn. Yanks ' Irigtiz Is cm , L= i nnhrersal anklet Lazy. from 10 teas*. : • -- Tbs aboro artistes fw• Ws by Ewa a ca .; a ,ra • - - thati.deento In Pittelterrolt. • Curled $r asp L HAVE on Sittrgti•OtOCk of. Motrosi • =do out Of Duro ItaLt. , Alktootntttot • tint obis al s ;Iwo eta. • - ". W3L TOJBLK. • Third stnot, matt. %berms Moo.: • ArklL-40-bbls. pure Linsced;-ioi sale by IL, Jars f. , 6 waluugall a son. BY. TELEGRA'H. =arm sr ruso'szttar rscr.orAra wrF, map 31,011TZD102. tairrrrissuripE CIA .11117. ARRIVAL or-Tazatzsatp CEEERO WITH $900,000 IN GOLD DUST. Oattans, Sone C. ' The Steamer Cherokee E W arrived, via Havana, wish 849 passengers, who have hands near $900,000 in gold deal. ••= l .w FLOODS IN THE T. Crscras , : Accounts from the western rivers are gloomy enough. The Wisconsin is very, high, and a large portion of Port Winnebago lis inundated. The rise had not reached the BlississippL Sev eral flouring mills at Pine had been carried away. Advice!' from St. Paul, report all the rivers above still rising. The Berlin n Gazette, of the 28th, says that all the tribe ies of the Mis sissippi in that State, are so swo en as to canoe much injury to property, and the Mississippi it self, Is within 18 inches of the tloigi of 1844, and still rising. • At BannibaL on the 29th, the ..iver 'au still rising, and was siz miles wide foe a distance of seven miles • above, and fifty miles below that Piece, eausing - an immense dannige throughout the adjacent country. I • • Nay os9ase,'Jane 6. The Opelousas and New Orleans Railroad Con iention, is in Bastian. NEW YORK 0000 121LPORT. Now YJsc, June 6. FlCur—Thu market is buoying, with sales 4000 bbls, at $8,94354,06 for Ohio, and $43 *4,06 for. common state, and $4 1 06354,25 -for round hoop. Oran—Wheat is dull and dro!oping. Rye is 7Gc. Oats aro quiet!, Corn is bet ter, with ages 12,000 lam at 6613)671 for west ern, and 69 for northern.'. I • Whiakey—ls drooping, with. Miles of Ohio at 22 1 0 lina • . Provisions—Pork ls inactive, at $14,611 for new mess. No change in other tinkles.. • NEW ORLEANS MARKET.. - . NSW Oarstass, Juno 5. - • Cottan—The market is quiet, Mad dealers are awaiting the Asia's news. ! Flour—The market is dull at. 53,80, and large lots are offered at lower rates. Provisions--. Mess Pork is quoted at $14,50@ 14,62; Bacon aides at 8 i (mt., and should ere at 6i@Sio 14 lb. Groceries—Sugar is improvin with;sales of fair at ¢fe. Rio Coffee is selling at i1e3910 'V po w, ! 'Business is dull, and hundreds of basineas men iise leaving for the North NEW ORLEANS MARKET New Omnans, June 6. Cotton—The market is withodt change under the Asia's news. I Tobacco—Prices are tending downward. Prorisione—mess bark is morainal at $14,00 bbl. Flour—The market is depressed. Ohio is of fered at $3,75. Lard—Prime keg lard is sling at lle pound. Exchange—New York sight . .. are quoted It to }.prem. jPSI-LILM'LANE USED HIS PILLS IN hls prsotles isms) run helm h. wild he Wooed to . Wee It to the 'public In - nob • manor is to maks It hstoina ell Ora the rottottn the ;ma, Amatly sdrerthed alut fbta.d uSesa the I Pall. br of forged tertlfkalre and • opts= of prtlllosr. prersathag. fiesuendr, regular sod learrod nub a Dr. 11'Lane oadvabtodts- Is, from sutatuil the Usti sabot =eh thothelltcors thrtetheed,turearer.lof the real valth • of ids rae , ...Noend lottotheed by the lytein dictates of ditty, erlAlt vrou}d not permit him to bop tremble rather CILTIZMUID porrerthl • mem of rtheerring them IN= sollettog. be toothy offered it Or mole. -Qlrme that thaw lt hasberothe kormi dl over the (Tilted &stages:el .tore th It has been tried, has proved Its lothederith over all . other novella, via offend for dim= lot the firer. In fear the litherrtleldth or lthrolthans the zoo loam requind *aria *lnver ereoldedr4.. dll that la 1 neeemors, L far Otethitirot to purchase and we Dr; IffLoode Loth pm% - to aszariziwtocktion to thole; - need ttde: . • . . .'• 6 7. Sad 4 Cb.—pfesos Ltm. kore ito Wive mars of Dr.Telisnris Lint MU My fib boo pad two faunal the Modes fills, ofxd I tam* ratth4 ha. arm bOr Ilan good Maxim, &fay physician Im , two ream dooiog which Ifni he maa .I*-zogolsz atfirodmo., Thooo . Ixoleces, I Ulla. vlll ei. e•' faUlf.—Tbslight draught mama ARENA. D. P. Kinney, master, leaves Wellevills erser Moiidari Wednaday, and Friday, st o'cinek, A.M, tor East Lie. arced, Glasgow. diaereses Landing, Beam. snil burgh. Leavea Pittsbursh inlay Th esis), 'Minds), and Saturday, far Desna, Matereses land- Ina.Olaspow, East Lireepool. and Wellsville. freiirht or Mit4., apple an Ward. sp9 1111 BO ULAN PITTSBURGH AND All, WHEELING PACKET.—Tbe eplecald new packet etesoner DIURNAL. Contrail. tor. la now perfuming her regular lai.wreklr tripe between tV clti=lthzll i ag. learna l P i ng . orgb at and g o'clock . 7rago {theelinieyery To , red.r. Th.r.rir rd Eutcnlap j to each week. roc freAta i ririteffe l em&bowd, or nol9 agent.. F OR MARIETTA AND HOCK INOPOBT.—The la* ttesalevEßOMC. u 4vv..1.11 leave for the atoie and I swats aver, Thuralay. at 4 toaloct, P. IL . • / 44 freight l. ounce apply ork board.. to . • T. WOODS a BOIL me.hlo Na. 111 Waist sad ES Trent eta. . R E SIg . St it rAY I EI i fI E. r il L ia l Vrunulai; AED i unmet WELLSVILLE, Cayt. D. Vanua. nallial run a• • ntunlar what between Mahwah, WheadhUL itridgepart, and Sunfish, laarina Pittatungh arm Mori= afterucem for Wellysilla: litainbanvEla aud ram Thursday etymon far StanburrWrnalhlg, BriAlusun=a.and Susinsh; rutursdni, ham Eta ficm . '" l r TiTirV [MUST W. B.gW ' _ _ il= t u t SUGAR -180 Ithds N. 0. Sugar for sale by . JA.IM4 DALZELk mrls us Mau .f. Q, ODA AST.I-20 mils Kurtz's brand, for I. inda by nun - 8. 8 %V. ItARBAC(111. JEIED FRUlT—Peaches; Plums; Vo'r ola by 411. /1.41.87.UT T 05., b'a*'. ,In yIS . Grams and Tea D.J.. yu.em.P—m bales Missouri, onconsiguinent and for sae or ALN.Tat GORDO, mIIS 60.134 MKS COTTON -25 bales A (Bash i ng) GOng) for sale by RDON, No. I.ll.Frout TEAS -50 ht. chests Young Hylton; ei br 6 " Busk Oolong 11 6 , an MAJAII DICK/AY S Cu. ,171.3 Water and Erma au. Q ALT - PETIID-75 socks Crude, for emie by TJ our: ICALLII DICKEY & CO. AI()LASSES—SOO bbla N. 0. 8. IL far 3! de by yetylf JAMES DALZELL (a 11. MOLASSES—WO bbb battle ground ►,. B. 11,11blann For N. by JA -1/1 , 3 DA= LL ACKEII.EL-75 bbis - cLi u ni4:o)3, fovala br tierc n e: , cural ,b I 16.13 161ALERATUS-42 casks prime. for gaiety ►. n 1 'WICK a XeCaNDLESt rIIOOOL.A.TE-130 brs. Bost., for sale by 05712 WICK k MrCANDLWS. NEEDLE WORKED COLLARS; Flouno• In.. Edging et.l.ntle. to wlth &full usertalent of Lx• opening in • sre of rrOBACC4--37 kegs . twist (superior) for br mrl3 A. CULDERTYJN A Cu. I.IUFFALO ROBES—AII grades kept con JUIP Matti,' on hand .od t,..,:. by myl3 A. CUL/MI:MN t CO. ri_EIMAN CLAY-200 boxes for sale by %UN m,l R. DALtELL A CO, Liberty AL 101.111ESE-20bx,e. W. R. Cream. for mato by edir.l A. t W. I1AMAn:11. RY lIIDES-2001prime) for sale by ma: I B. AI , ILUIDAVeII. itilOWT EXT. LIQUORICE-1 can for sale ji try mrll B. A, VAILNEETOCg .11 111 ARRY'S TRICOPREitOUS-12 doz. for JIJ sale br fI.M.FELERS, myl3 ' , 67 Woad et. Fine Dress Goods, per Express. A A. 3fASON S CO. hare, teed this morn ttrurowittv.gre,L7ari=ipei „ t, , t , rater:ba i l plaa , llsoug at Mlfl tr pt an Ma abort boo& UV wen wor% 000 attra;l 4 oo of p sanout lbeT to totutuallr lor whole a .oh. do or Mall, of Nos. 62 and Oa Market at. 0000 "INDIA RUBBER AIR BALLS—Jaat re- WiOd T ZOO ansonexesartel area AUYl•fls.whlch we wtli st the wholeale tawlarn more. :a_zwr!. J. • U. PUILUPS. DICE FLOUR; Prepared Co r n; nobs; Tapioca; For loVt r i W3I.LMCEUILOt CO. ma% 30 Ularlr 01. RENCII GELATINE. White and Colored; Ana Cooper'. Ame hloxbox fmatiklagJethma. !"" b irn. A . MeCCURCI myl3 Oro. ~ .414 tea Doan, '(RUNES—Bordeaux Pruner, in glans jars; L T.O samiar . taaer *cam . mol3 °''''''' 7.4"l. l . b li " eanG * Cis. IVIACKEILEL-100 bb o. No. 3, for sole by turl3 A. CVLBERTRON Liberty WM CO.. 101 - A LUM-50 bble. for sale by 11 111712 J. KIDD TM, Co Wood fILUE-10 bble. (extra) for sale by ve !aria J. KIDDs CO. g 'JARS. AMMONIA-600 lbs. far sale by kJ to 712 J.KIDD &CO. FORSALE-a goolFeciliniYingon, in ri " 74 z °s'. Zin't k CO, GO Wood LAUD OIL-10 Mile. Winter Strained, for ql. by orris R. E. SELLERS, a Wad HEDIREED-5 bbla. for sale b SP b . „ ThILPENTIN*--10 bbkuimfor solo Spediuftri NE of the most inestimable bleseiege core. raged by art upa h olrlluel man. was the dLr r, r;o ' m ' ihe other causes. inuad bAgstmelleele. *gr'. f twetice. l , l be ino;larenie or 4 Prow long In penance, sad a tliorough knewladge dr the tame of oaths, we are prepared to non all defective elm one on eoleunle and Gold, if Ilvor, sad Stool Strotscles, of all Janda, sad the hest (Hams, constatalp on hand. Alpo, Scotch Pebble Leas. Wad In older. New (lase. new In old frame. Optical I astrument• for sale, to. for sale—lig Powell's War Acting gill sad gar You. tains. 11. WILSON. mill 67 Ilarket Groot. corner or Fourth. 011-600 galls. Flaxseed (warranted puro) um sab by mll3 IL, V. BILLLEll& NITICIC ACID-600 lbs. (pure) fur sale by e. r ui ' J. KIDD it a)., C.O {Vaud i 01,.. I_ll3lK ROOT-2000 lbs. for sale 1.1 , : DiTl3 J. KIDD .. CO. _C ___ ACKEREL-120 bbla. NO. 3, for inTo by I. • myl3 B.& W.ITAILHAUOII. MOLASSES -100 bble. for eat; by torn B.k W. 111.813A0C II STONE PIPES-340 boxes for sale by payl3 `WICK 11,CANDLEd9. MACKEREL -150 bbls. No. 3; - - 10 No.?, for sole ES 0713 WICK t AIeO.IOI.IIXBS. 10.R00315-210 doz. Corn, for Bak by, JUP mYI3 WICK k BIeCANDLI23B. BUTTER -30 k — gs forae by alyl3 WICK k 11cCANDI.E28. QCOROIiiNGS-5 oaskeßo. I, for.sale by 17 myl3 WICK .k MeCANDLESS. CORN -500 bu. for solo by .08 J. B. I.I[LIVORTII lc CO. TOBACCO —4hhdn. Ohio Leaf, for sale by Enr. 3. B. DILIVoRTII t W. CORN -35 bbls. for sale by 8. IL VON ISONSIIOUT• CO, myB 95 WI 9b Front K. RIED BEEF, MUTTON, HAMS, & VEN IllSON—Porodla b y D. WILLIAMS A CO.. .15 dorm. Wood and nab ota. FIRE BRICK--65,000 (Cool Grove) F Brick. equal (if not ottprrior to tho Balm /Ida. oo hohd ond for Ws taro ITALLI:467/011D tf). DRIED FRUIT-400 bu. Peaches; u sales tia. sale by . • ") I A J. CNMIELD. .-41 . . p LOOK OIL OLOTHS.Iarge stock of Poor Oil Cloths, of Irldaralgos Irmo H ids. Polsresed M at the Its ' sr U SlTschanti sod. house I.3=sie . Tyquerwl tonsil and au.. on4r stook W are IP storchSsshst elsewhere. IL PHILL, • mllll 7 sad lil WWI SI MISCELLAIsEOUS. PHILADELPHIA. ty,..4..f. S. ,l4 ll.A tra ig,:r or of m :k: ..b an t traiencife . .Z gibil Liam.= Watlng Paper: 0 1 . 7.1 r C*P • Ir k ~14=74111 “ 4,11,,na tri4. wrath' 2.4 black Rad ted - ' rngh Jacki. aowil othez cola Mated mumiseturtrf Pettell; Qui ll A. W. 0.8 live~ al Pe Mad P.M ,and Wood Pen Holders, peat yarletp; rand Nom* Irdc , Banda. Wafer Stamps, tr— tru2o "LI NO LISII MUSTARD—CoIman% in kegs xj of 9 lb. sad j 8 lb. eieb kolonotal for 0010 by .919 1 . kamihyrocx a CO. New Mimic. OUNDS FROM K.F,NTUCKY; by Rob ck. te bon and Dublin Waltzes, ...Md.. .• . World's Bair Walt. , . • ficrenadlng, or Goal Luck Polka. Ileroburg Polka t . , r Where are the Mersa or nty youth? . Bai Thou hoo t wounde brightest d the sphigigiat lured thee. t are --i- , Pel ' Vegglia ' . lß'W. . • liir Polka. • • Blue Juniata. Old Bachelor and Old Maid. Want of the Blind Ohyttan. Girl. Thy voice la mode to =too ear. Lament of the Irish Emigrant. lt.o'd and for Sale by tor O 1 JOHN LI. MELLOR, II Wood n. I 'NDIA RUBBER DOLL HEADS Sc 80, , DIES. or different sites, ear W. at tba halls Raba.' Po Nan 7 and 9 Weed et J. t. PLILII.III3. nryl9 MAPLE SUGAR-2 bbl!. very choice Ma pis Bugs; Put redo:VO L T M7/9 Urteers sod Tea DmLsf. OVERINO'S 'SUGARS—DoubIe. Refined Loaf, Cruabed, Pulverized end Powdered...is...lir . nd and for sale by the barrel or Walt at the lowest • rem by • FAL A. MOCLUItI) A CO.. =I Liberty et RIED PEAMIES-1000 bushels (bright bah.) In rm. sun 1t rale by k CO. I MED APPLES -40 tacks prime, foreale mr22 HEW. MATTHEWS A CO. VASTOR OIL-9 bbls. (BMlee make) for lvJ eae by =rm. , RUM AIiTTIIEWB a CO. SUGAR -240 bhds. prime N. 0., for sale by mrn , /DI LE A. lIIPICIIIFONI CO To Tea Drinkers. I is you want Real Good - Tea,_ goio - NOR- Itla'TlA BLUM :Ix th e , Manta; Ma le daeldftlir tat the city. Pr4et-40e. /50.46 a, sad ti s• C()PUY'S POT CLAY-36 bbla. justrec'd ma imml. by ' J. scnoos.m*Kr.k * co. moo r• LOVES-1500 lbs. for sale by Cmyz , . & A. FAUNESTOCK 0 UP. GARB. SODA-A. 25 O. Q F nbU Rr t ILCH FLOr. ,, RE 7, - . Q3lo , llidv 7 tria . te: are arrpli Na % sell Tzri L e . t t a K a A r b i alzse or MED PEACHES-45 sacks in store, will li s,%" 1 "" t°, t asun Nclin am. B IJ ir I F . n ETS-50 doz. Idnriv ia ,. o f ,t b: aide by BROOMS- duz. Corn, for sale by xi, solo J. B. OWLELD. SALERATUS--100 boxes pure; bbi t oerrigar - o.,,4fwA:t:evAtri,tarrffiri. !!! 1 ., t8H-4 casks s ale b 7 SALERATUS-5 ton boxes` and coke; ma " k“Va D l" "A M atra.'L yllberty btxtat DIED APPLES-20 bag for sale by 0,1J.12.ELL CO. MOOT.II ABH-,5 mks for lial_o_lu CO 11_ 7Z 3 ' 'a PEARL ASII-20 corks fOTigale by arn IL DALY= l CO. TRAI. 'SPAREBT WASH BALLS—A fine Wick! nc o 4 and la Ws al IS! Drag Store of 1102:1 S. N. WICKERSHAM. E XCILINGE BANK STOCK—For sale by H. D. .` older. say 2) Bankrr ands diana. Broker. SUNDRIES -44 bbla. Or me; 6 " Ka. I tart - Limbs 266thwrg 2 " Ginseng; landing Dram Vt. llayealeal sal fur.2l6 by , ISALUI DICKEY A CO" MTZ .heat and Water 61 er .6 IFE PRES a JACKETS—AI .L way! on band; • corpIy ERVERS of Indlaitubber ISA Pre. oro4 Jarkora o or Indio 'tattier Lod Cork niontrimo Lure. A tor ado laths lodla Robber /*rot, T and 9 Vinod rt. my= J.A LI. YFILLLIPLI. GOLDEN SYRUP-12 halt:blda. and 24 "laM' G ' u f Prr ibrart.tbentsoN k CO. CIIRO3IE GREEN-6 cases superiorgnat .lNitor how. sad resuaboat parvarit t r _ New Books,_,Lusi received. (1 (IRENE. GRAMMAR, for the use of Itigh REEK i 'Vh=traplerratt .M Iteb4liou of bT /UV:" "I N. t r a."itsml IfteusislY CY Captain fres thr Obrllak Tom mewl. awl oblypauter pot Pr c. Tort; by Jisy. U. T. Clumr. fur mal•by - IL A)PKnia, /polls Ilaildiagy. Fourth ft. , G UYSO I TS Yellow flock &Saresparill. • m l o smolot ear Dr - •3. VI: tal, . st. . VIVISTAR'S Bala= of Wild Cherry-1 1r T rm. fUe oak by ti 7 lo J. MD& 05. lIroI3iPSEED—.II:I bbl .s. • pr ime, for silo by ylg J. RIM t (V.- _________ 1 - " A STE R bbls. No. 1 (pure) fur sale I,_/ by myl9 J.EIDD CO. all . INK ROOT-2000 lbs. for sale lyr J_ man J.RIDD e k Oft, yURNIT ETRE OIL CLOTHS—Of English, . Germ. and oar cern manufacture, 6r sale at the a Cloth Warman, :tan i and V Rood IL molt • J. k PIIILLIIII. Eureka Mining Company of Michigan. THE Stockholder. or Eureka Mining Company et Michigan. ate .heeeby not Mel that on uweenatest of tweatielte cents per sham hae been made en the .appal Meet of the Eareiti Medea Oaarmy of gfrh , ti k r . ..p r a&a.tilt4tthin Ittrt o i . d. l l: ll 2ll thla u , t re l l Calmer. Ilamos . a Co.. Wan: 4h JAIICB M. CHRISM Pea. and Tressi .710:60.td Eureka Ca of Mtcb. :KIIE ANNUAL 3IKETING of the Stock hokteri ot el* Ohlo Prop Rook Muhl Compofor ehl at the of?I, of odd VooPP.Fq in to. cur of Pit. Lat=6. on 1 1..4.7. Jun.':, at d od M oek, P. . oorB ' W. ILIU'. Boa, UST RECEIVED—AT IVM. MORT'S; 1011.11srtt0 stmt -10 pkees Pesach Usene t to Nam 10 " Eserth sad Mach Dray d' Ete, 03, nua roce 00.1t4 0 piens ealore! sad Mack 2111 k. Warp Csahlaserte.lo •ep kl suartmeat at Ku.e3lln and Line Yi a 0 Vert sa ERRING-10 bbl, new for sale by . w., ►. WILSON. irt . OFFEE--150 bags Rio, for sale by m 716 JAI= .1. ITITTCHISON . I w. VELI" by CLOVES -2 bbls. for sale by' • uola J. SCII00214•14E11. &CO. S & 22212 UP: CAAH. SODA-10 kegs for sale by scnooralasie oa. • • 24 Woal SUGAR k MOLASSES -150 bas. i. Wm* Pr4C5 by .5.710 g 4 b KIWI b a INOUII6SI_ Q 1101:ILDER8-32 cults for sale by cy yla WADY. JONEr& CO. FIRE BOARD PRINTS—For ardo by. myle - W. P. WAILMALL, 115 Wood HEAP WALL PAPER—For 8010 by mylo W. Y. 114.118IIALL. Bo- Wool 0.. PESTER OENTRES—For sale by m 7 lO . W. T'.IIIABJ3IIAIL. IA Wool .t. R D -3 bbli. k. 8 kegs No. 1, far sale by myltl JOKN WATT • 00, F,6s_ SH -1: tO ) bhli spdl 4: ht. pls. No. o l, BalexonitVal 70 ht bblall lib 3 . 231 DA. 11. Ast y le 4 OFFEE-190 bags Rio, for sale by myl6 JOIN Warr a OD 13113 IRON-100 tons Huntingdon Co., for br myle 30M1 WATT & 00. EMPLARS'. SWORDS—Just reo'd, a lot of Knights Thoth, 2rorfrorith tb• amble= Of r beautthilly nom& , mrl6 W. W. WILSOif FOR SALE, to close consignment—SO cke. ...sez% gnu Aut. 1. 20 1 3. , 4 “ a He . 710 DmDai l .: o .cravoala Itail t ze 4 r a = b. HAY AND MANURE FORKS-125 dos. }raper AWO odthngtai ft NA Mohan Yeah neared Rem tho nutantoetarsr Phlladelyhtoon has been spared nrkPlete' Ir tedium. the entire establlahotent. and ha pertkotarlY Inelte• attention to the element Introduced for the ease X= II =t I r,q4IIMUT W IITI 'I old 74" er i' at r•lrosalire always beetonod Co the old 0011,4 . ftey3l:thel A. O. ALLEY. THOMAS WHITE, BONNET MA.NII FAcrunn, No. 41 South Second Street, (Soto nut. out 441.9 Philadelphia. fehlkly WM. 3..0L1Z1 AGALEY, WOGDWARD & Co, Whole nit, Grocer,. No. 421 Slitrkrt AL, PhlladelphLs. .p 4.1 1. S. YaLarL 'gratir'ifaiatfil" . "& CO., Tobacco Oemmlealon Mere/ma% No. 41 North Wiatep=p, .o. 16 North Wham.. Philadelphia. NERCER ANTELO, GeneralTorlimie, olon Merehonta, Phil/OO:11a. adianers on eonsignmenta of Plaine./ generally. ljanorldea NEW YORK Office fat. Foreign Patents, Nc..6 Wall st., N. York, and 166 Thee a., London. EATENTS FOR INVENTIONS proCuzed la &rat Britain, France, Meta., Holland, ami all ar parts of Earope—tto• Canadsl,Cabs, ant the Bris Foil Informailoo orkihe above eaa 4 be .i r s tc . .l i riesltur P. 5 Wall stmt. New lock. Fire Works for. Fourth of July, 1851. riSCAR JOLLEY & CO., 180 Willonret, vv hire Env; Importers of English, French, end Om me TOTS end FANCY GOODS, end mnufscrusern sad totporten of PIKE WORED., bating succeeded P. L.Tnltes to the Flee Week besinese, and gentled themeless of the Tut reentreca churl bog hon., Pee re'r7cl r teignalTa= ti arn'ff the wort meeovebb 0. Co. deem It iIItOr&V.I7 to say anything in V.I. of the Tiro Wort. Inentebed by there. as their rep ttation Is already sell estahltritect. They include besides he cilia:thug y ik orot, 000.1- superior Dneketo 'Doman WM% Pi qUr k it74 l tVirof4=47l:ll2 ers, Plower Pots,_ Grass Ebner., Torpedoes , Pollees, Err Chinese Pin heels, ficeoel Trisigglektlescras s Bin. El, tatt. , Chinese Cruksto, Jostle or Fnk.- Onlers respatlully solicited. soinkllnnolitT Superior Black -Writing and Copying Ink. TONE'S- EMPIRE IleK, 87 Nassau street, 0 Sun Buildings. New Took. Dv 4‘4- 8 oz. • " oo 5G " 17534- ramgh ti ti Phis itt the tont arcle maauracture. It Pima la goad • goal COPYLNG .-11.134 will not corrode. maid. precipitate or decay, and poetesses all the ancilltiee pain. ed for a goal 'Writing Ink, tunable for the Quill., lag acirably adapted for the Steel Pea. The aralecrigned is prepared to ferniell to the trade ei ther far extant or haute consaraption at the above veal low t triz i s i p e t ujr: r e be lce; . erd l e i r= . :ll , yred in . rasa.lrjr.uart or lugs are charged eat. at ;Lettere_ ILLEOPOILE 67 Can e., E W Son Bui YORK. lding% • • ' Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopheroms, AR MEDICATED COMPOUND, fcir ra ttle-1 galtl=3/rifT, t d d b elno t r= l :Pitte= stands sad muscles. Wass, este, brateea, spralheoete. /t has been mesas/se/ by esperimest. that Barry's latoople. ems ba.s wahine/ the eases effect Is carbaitheases or the The Lifltsins etc o L t tiestdal seleVeat e 4stVlande l ete shallat 1= 1, 21= t i o . 11=11• 14 s . t alx in , t; even It • trial.: Fre l'ach.blept. 1830. Pear. Xteur:—Dear have meet•id hint Wm. emotion of the ethip. of a shirrarsteel char- Cacter, for the tut ateteert Iterv-holl du ri ng that period an had the advice of mem of the most eminent; chum Mt' haTe tried all thb - preparetlottr het thus hair and Aka 0 kneels, without the least beheth I has Wetted by • frirj to try' your Tricopherouh 1 did so. so lo tout 01. "'n 'red abou , W t ' to r o m Pr mou ri the. ""' S d uth 'xi er il' ae th tl"4 e elo ''' leruce " :l " the ll 'dleorder that at times 1.0 partially blind. Bepectrally,RM. M RAPELYZ, 143 Caltumbia tin fees, Oet. Paw.Bas/5 dlr.—about taro rows ago my halt cams out a deal, and my head vas much Meted with dandru Imu told by a friend to try yourfricoyher ous. and I did ao. sod to my astonishment, my Ulf vu dude noted, and all the dandruff Allsappeared, u the bead no. shots Dv itself.' '"P"' " . . Fg 7 1741AIIWKLL. Ihotdvay. atly-rlaily or vntLeaztan doubts U. autbratleity offer. 1h". 'in Pk"" `."l " P"` Trit A rgi=t IST Blkolway. New York, where D nallotters. -e = ltte 'll reloVy " tcltb. t o rmwt 9 0 . f 1 1:Vi .4 diseases of the amanita generally, that. bar limbed the gwyeelardy erdored by the article known ea Prate.. Parry • Triandimerime. Jledleatral Oomponod. It I. ex tenaively .alby the tipper dawn; of the eatunonnitr; almosterere napery In the land die wed In en-fere.* to other artirles at the kind. It putt einor to the meteor the hair, and th. frosiotea Pa is to reroaricable de gree. It dearer* th e dandruff wad wart .4 niekwi the half twos. gloeiy. It will ellre 0/1 diweees of the milli, sitv as weld bed. dew worse, ainl other obnankate dhw dere of tbe Ado in &moored es well eared/ism it Wanda Bp, 11110011 int.. bottle. pr.* Vionile. lin Broedwar. aret et the °manta ge.ndlr, ilfonehout Ow United !hates.' C..e. PRINTING MIS. .E 1 UTCHINKIN Co., Nol3 Sperleo Street, NEW TollE, Wholisair roarnifacturert of tha bat ,NOLISII PRINTING INKS, for Duel and litlan araphl Prinatr. ard for lino Rook and Job Work, which b6, oo ynacd to Do =ripcord pillion... Ltd watortalar Am Lo wnili =DI undo ail ordlardf linntrA Thecomoinationa fn then inks, Ara audi safari. tilicto mass ond Dumont nor to work papaw r any Other 11110110111 In too Sold elfrions varr/on front 75 U.. to DIM I= Int jqtym mot atut farawartled =Err. a A Co.alsoniumfuluro color= Inks of ovary abode nod 0.1111•11171• Ii front $l.OO to 125,00 par lb. rochacirei Shawl and Mantilla Warehonsa. MILLS, No. 6 CORTLANDT ST. • (Op Stair.) NEW YOIIE. L• now opening ono of t and richest araorninents of SPRING AND isemxru. SHAWLS =or brio, =rho& ALso LACE MUSLIN and all tindy of ME MANTILLAS. ordinufarnb red from No DA= Paris Dublin, rot !rid by No slur.= anA particularly 0,100 to rho oorio rr yyyde. AI,• very .o.mila mock of PAR ...sop AND' CM enveistlng of Dion= and plain' olgol =ton arid rilk atol Turk Satin iburioilr, and Cottou ard Ging. barn Umbrellas. .UI of which will be °Tend at extremely low prkcit Worsowisally fordo oar Western (Merida to =- and. our =et Leon, porch..Loa. Iro, WIRE SHOW STANDS. fir aslublthrin Shawls and Mantillas, rat on in canes for traumnriation. fabllaf Murphy's Self-Sealing AdvertisziUg iDIS I R L S O. 263 M T., NEW TORE,_ J:1 The enbenber. In soliciting the tottromige eon oho soar moo thlo aftvortlecoun l,tsone of Mat brsitatinn frith which e ode sonde to brouobt before the public —The anersteure of ofhe ortaLliehni thoir euponoritr taa rend ell quosted, ahe moftriontly refds to the {Mi.:. or Of. Mao beteeme ram who Lase nowt those tonetopee, and If hie repent: Unceasing silo& as proof of Char mooh , Ponce The following ve • few of the harem f 112.1.1 . POPE. WILT: 1/%. 011 the place occupied br the. real. • mraon too have his name, busker, and addrrie, ece s VienonulT ond beautifullr enataßeed, colonel or plain. thus affording per. bet wieweity.eitainat fraud. 51. The /aviator. cannot bo opened without bring de iltrorrat• dd. Neither war ms win are required to teed them.ath. Uponthe toiscarriage of a hittar. the teal inners Ha Immediatereturn to the gender, Inaltod of telex anoint menthe in the Deed Letter Mee. bah. Tplale,he Envelopee aro Parnlahe4 at alencet the ogenir pee. ak 01.1. eth.. Each letter nulled la • mat effective advertimefinernt, rare r In .2.0 the attention of all through carom hands It ols The PeAe. following Ili of pries for DIM enirraltd on bra.. and which will hat for ream and of Emmett, of ilia. must sloe, either white or half. of good P.M!. and. Sande ter above, with name, addle., lee, • Pre. ter Mos. , Write. Of Dem/4. Mae e. 'XI letters or 10ia....-......13,001 abort. _ _ coo ......... 7.50 11. e. ;we- , 1.13,00 1101=1 Th;i l 7fril - i.Z;;,,;;7,7f.nr.rd wznal I yr express., • refor:s to • respectable Nan York Mum mill to salltelent, .4 . 11 orders ssigteg i nlAriolaPt Ritt lia/Useln street, to Yo. nUnullest Pro..pUr. let =a stores of mesas. 'bell I Mott, ..n3 W. meet, or nt Neon.. U. Jarollasen t Co.. Da Witham et. N. 11.—Dostnass Cards, amlwasel to colors. from same Dimas: SIGN per thonsaral. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. THOMAS HALE, ' FORWARDING & COMMISSION SYRIII'HANT CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, • CONTINUES his usual facilities to receive ote Storage, Sale, and Trate.Simone. all Merehaad conalgoad blot. Boats tette, hie tame daily polate so the Lakes and the !Meals Ca.' arid Ulm. lloterenees—Nears. tore.. a, Sterllog A Co. Meter. Jour! , Holm r. Job, A. °goober.. &Wets ST. LOUIS & ST. JOSEPH. ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI. MIDDLETON, RILEY k M'GEE, Pnduce, Owarateekre. and Yorwardles Me:relents, on the Levee. et Jultedu War to Alexander eleedOn. and Lorene, Eteilleg co , Pittaburxh. M*l/ p C AVID U. TUTTLE, Attorney nt,.Law, Commirdarier for DamsThuda, LI. Louis, Mo. C111E111111 , 1010310 rt.t.Plirl..r.vd• 1 ., ~ OHN IL RANKIN; Attorney and' Como- oollor at Law, ank..OnOtaireknior for U. &Moir, /buds, St L0011,m0., (late of l'lttshort h.) • • toterencer—Pltabor 0: Hon. M. Forward, Ilarorbon 2 tle 12,..11'Quodleltr *Co k .110 C. luro, John E. l'arlior,thrmly k .., . ' . n.g‘../. BOSTON AMERICAN ROUSE, EA.NOVER BERMES, ROSTON. I+Ul undersigned haring entirely,re.. Wit and enlarged the shove attentive establish- . men; containheir kr sal about three hundred Ital any Mans, would napcothilly give poll', th at It le now re./ for the reception and saroutioration of the travelling coMmunitr. An extended notice of the unsurptuwedconvettlenerwortids Hones is deedied superfluoue, as the numerous; Repro.. meats which have been nude cannot be properly given in ea advertisement. Suffice it to ear. no env.. Les been upend to render uir apartment perfect. The furniture wee:wale exprecteirto order, awardiess of cost, and oertain porta= of it. eapocialtr the. Drawing mans, will be found to be of the most beautiful manna. tura The DLoing rooms ate capacious, and the. boon for mewls w l. so arranged se to snit the orturenience of th. earlf and late . Rem' department will be conducted in an uneaceptiona Lie manner, and the proprietor pitalwes himself that the Artunitzu House filal tw .I.ly the Trareller . • Itome. htotaalrdewratT LEWIS RICE. • Copley's Pot Clay. :rII.F. subeeribers aro now Solo Agents of J. Cop ley A Co., for Use sale of their Pot Clay.. ele of oell established r.litolloo for the tilano4seture of P., Stool Pots's. It is male of °goof ...at Infusible substances known; a. is yen , ostefoli7...l and oloansed plosions to grinding'. my2O J. PCtIOONMAILtiII CC). HEMP --45 tons Miss. D. It., for sale by si • mylA JAMES A. HUTCHISON I CO. MACKEREL --50 bbls. N0.:3, for oak b naTIO 111.71111111D6Et INGURAM. UNGLISII SPLIT PEAS—Received an AA for solo br NV 31. A- SIoCLURLI 00, sacs oirocers oald Tea Data*, `SALMON-3O bblo, and hf. bbla. No. 1, to br .pl 5 Jona WAIT& CO. ERRING-10 413.1 i o. I (new) for saloby .plto. • PURIM - MGs MIIIRAIL All OLASSES tc:SYRUP— . - . 1 et,u.s.y.uol.- , 00 M . , ill; ilucaLTil m . -•- 24 -IL U. 810t.4 f m paai bi ~.i., . , .PUBJIILIDGIE • INGRItAIf - •ME SRAM' LS—Ree'd this day, per MS ow carton of th ose wry deabable plain nod CMOS/PM& at sll prices. A. A. MASON A 00. HOUSES,- -FARMS,..&e. Ho‘tme and Lot fir , Bale. A LAEGE LOT, on Leacock street, - Al—rn amr:ei hth tfir t ' b ' rilm traM. t attler • Mood Brick Dwelling_ douse,contandim al: rooms. Y o u r terms apply M AOII MON WOODIIOOBI, Rep bins. street,nrJOWl D. SCOTT. jC .__________ —__ sSTORE ROOM TO LET, On . Marke . t st. 2 s 5 mom! door finn 'Muth, sold iediolnia tt the eta and Jewelry Rom of W. W. Wawa. Th Store Room has the handsome s t front In the eitr.last be tbs best Walton for • Dry floats Ltd FIZZ 7 13W , Rent for the balance of. Um year trill be serf kyr. Dre ord. of JAMES HEAT, or je2 W. W. WiIIZON. Beal Estate for Sale. I_ • VALUABLE unimproved LOT, on the ja the G erman Liberty and Fattier etreete, fifth Ward, opronW the Gem. Catbolle Muth. 30 Inetfront on Lib erty. by 103 feet deep on Factinry. funning back to nrithin .I Z.,th cter7 *kit Dwelling Bosse onLiberti exert, adjoining the above, the lot being feet front by DO fart deep. The boom la large and coneenlarin bunch modern stria and [fatten./ eleven MOMS. euree of very valuable land near Eli ittittrgh. Alen—A Farm of 135 mires In Went Dewy townW A Yarrn of 254 acres in Lawrence county, n &am New Castle. Mac—Tarrosfulwa, Beaver county, of anxious ...ties ard from GOO ace down. Also—l 2 very valuable lob in NanTOO, Meets. Price, mulerate. Enquiry, of N. P. a G. L. 16 rsrrEnnaN, IM;iaMiS!M2I Lawrenceville Property for Sale. TTIE Boarl ot School Directors will sell, at public auction, on Thurnier,the Wider of J.... O o'clock, A. 31. • corner Let, 25 feet front on Pike running sinew 51dket slier fronts. on which to erected • two story Wick, fronting on cot street, sad 5 frame Sean. made known m.dey at 8. IL HARDEE, Peer. Lawrenceville, Mir W.. 155L—Inir=2.. I• • 4 —A • arehouse nter2 etre.t. batmen Market and Farr. toltable %Ted ute butinett. El:moire of COY2S JAMES DAIZELL 60 Rater et. . . • To Let, . THEwell finished and furnished Store i 4 on Third atreet, mesa. the Pad (Mee, at [lntent " occupied by Etrs. Parker, D aa c rigzp_atr, ap k , , to la ylfctf E- " ' LAVA Raw. . [Post, 'Alban% and I,lispatel, comi FUB. BALE, FURNACE, at Dresden,Mnakingatn co., jk Ohio, I 4 miles from Zanesville, fa fine TA:mango:eget, .it rtiViteam Engine. mating of ruuning ort 7 tons of Iron per day. • Tbere m abundant supply. of Ore In Its maitoto rtrtnlty. It le amoeba, by a abort mgml tb tbe Muskingum rtrer. ortneh fa narigabla gumboots the motet part of the year. thereby' stforraut !MUG. for MDPlnft to Zonearillo, or to any point on the O manufgetund hio river. at log rates of Entight. The /ran bonttalbm• et this Forarte. has • tom commed to Zanesville. Pox GEO terms . JMr MUS, to Zanert •.• • • • 111.4 Ohio, or to U.MEY It PENDLETON. Bantam. myllnallso yo Thuvsliatt!n4 m Commininia, and Grocer VOA SALE, on accommodating terms 4 aitTifir I° 32 B. CIPAr l ' s tr al d vvg and tiblottlit t ltbin spoZ z oox theDezo, tho greated Lel b grfcaLuarommt by ep:17411.< - - • - ;s1 aa. 4mgnlr of D. C. STOCKTON, Alloghany City, or at the &castors of It. C. BTQCKTON, mutat' 3darkat and Third rtreata. To Farmers. (UM ACRES Farming end Grazing LI Lands. In Wirnni con b., lasted on the a t argr r. 21,11/TO =MN th. New lark and • oonaaLt . wuj d . 61. oal „ fn sorontineds 000000mrl of .Ifikast =Mini sta: To gardener,. Till*.Nil' ACRES of Gardening Lend, al— ready' Utbi/ET IMP] cultivation, lathill *Ur the b=ll bo oold INWO acer—one thud eta. the fa ono. tyro, and Woo nom Yoe porticalors quire at the Ltanktas Ilwee A. VELEM & mrl comer of Market sod Third ea Desirable Suburban Itelideace far Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale the house and where be new resides, situaleden Park 4.. bee low reii2 l' 7 " imicT. Allegheny. and about RS minute? wait-tom the market of this city. The lot Is 140 ft-fmat on Parke., Meninx back 259 feet, ban War—iteurtainlng smarty mite acre of mound, and Ls bounded on crag site by lama oPen his, . do med with trees sad Math/rm.' The house. is nearly new, tsrsa and exceedingly well haring a Trout of tO Met, and *depth of W. end ann= L firarteen moms, beetles halls siLm feet wide. 11 is built in the best mid wort durable manner. and ha a Oncpreof rads sal_ contains et the Mole. conarderrats. Two primpe, won Oaddling =rely of hard end soft water, are at the dam the premises are the tocemeog out. battings. etable. carriagelrodee, to The grounds are hid Coln magly as a leen, conned with shake fruit area, evergreens, gowning gambit, eurrante, goomberrial, regibenia. go. and s gard.en. The fruit is of the best kind. sad the tree. are In their mime, and yield enouglx for the want. of an family. The situation of this property. as to sale= :Murton comforts, combined! with contiguity to the Mtg. U not surramed by say redder/re In this vicinity. It boo a view of the Ohlo /liar for over Wk. of Tempenusce. ramh intaburgh t the oily. the two rivet; and th e hills monad, arming a ltogether a morps rt ahich the eyed:rag wearies . Every boat sown milers or cull I=P . .il i: 3burgli en theao, scamp 041: remored ." itait Tli. enT- mamma cr dust. mo dextructre of comfort and vegetation, and afford, • reillremetit as quiet and prereful Asir located 11% some guletriarkin the counir7. The propertyaill be sekt m abargain, stal pomel= silmui whores, desired. Zialuint et. the Garet* ofilux aptig.dtf D. N. wmarr. For Sale. rjrFIE members of tho Fairmount Fire Com pany, draw their Laeh br wk. It LB ID good O. hod 7141 ba tdd ChM , * ZWIT u a toe 11 OR RENT—A Dwahigliouee7ona Third' drat. above tag neat to Einlibield. It gm Waive. Ism Then. wash bon" tee - WILL be rental le, and pooteasion given Lminedlately. Afro—Yor gale or Lama fame lot& to the Zillah Wert:. between Fenn era and the all. .• , !Beio.Dulington's, gotirvb steast. near lgoexL FEITTIFTInu . rTMIVinI HE SUBSOREBER offers for Sale, on faeorable :elms, the following Real Este., In tr of itut rim 80. I. Three rdname three Mary brick dwelling boors, . Second street,between Market and Fertywneets, the bra being each 19 fest front hr. 00 deep. Contains 07 feet front on Third =met adjoining the Third Presbyterian Church, on which is meth= am thee ethmthick hone, need es a printing,oglee, and erne two story brick warehouse. ' connty, No. a. Two lou Pallstost, Beaver belng tote Nee. 3 and 4, being atm= 100 feet equamonwhlch Is erec¢ ed one block of four frame dwellings, sad cm. =pan. Gems dwelling, all two storthslaig.h. lis 4. One lot SO feet fend on Back street, opseelta tba =are, extending la the top of the MIL • No. b. Two beech ions each 60 feet front, and tanning Ikons the road to low water mark,. th e TN Beaver. - No. (L One ralualila water lot, 100 ket carkkbewl Bask With tee shares water sister attached. No. T. 0. lot op:dam - the water let. SO feet frank and two to th e top of the hill, on which la erected am two story Mick story and warehouse, M br 60 feet; aim one fram h. Scrl : la feet Beneereounty,bs. log abtht feet on 07.: 10 07, end ebnit Mio fest It s containing 1)( acre, on whieh ant erect= two lame Same d.- 1 / 1 .404 and mall frame ham, used oleos 1nt5 , p04713 was Itire=ari . Astt h lll= h ll i :cralt, the Parton inilte. No. O. One water lot, immediately below Salistonth•id being about 100 Set In lenalth.d mthnditur from Wet= say.l.o low water = Zenith( pa th . The above w c wriMi be sold on eery bectialde tartan apagu t r....u. liters of grocKros, ecenernild JOBS PLBIILNO, Again . -mad Roma= Post. airpy.l ' • For Sale: VEUNITED STAT ES.HOTE . LA LOCK OF BUILDISGIL on the owsurionTsth je'Aranttl' Cat Cd UlTen ' the CIO. of Ihttatirsit a' . The th Mt Coate gr u. tgatle o c . tald . biat te .h a tely i ttelo . nger meet. and bm t. to • twenty fent alley. ir4lliSO of DAM OREM _mehhOzo • ' Ko•106 Yvon et. VALUABLE MILLS, RARMS,AND LOTS son BALD—Two large flu 1111 b and B.w lint= -thr Bearer Creek, with the worms., 'velar Dewar 11.0. wan trogroved Form In Lawrerweereinty. Prior 15000.= Mao.• turn of - 116 awn. on Ihr • Ohio sires, tares miler below Bear er, for 64,330. Also, owed 140 suer. on thr Ohio river, 6 Wier baker nearer, for in per raw abO, 000 sererfbr $lB par raw. Al" farms of 150, 156, ant 96 rerew-for V. 5 per arm taro, 176 serer Ihr 812, and 516 serer for $66 per acre, mart er with many others of vizi% ow rhea and view. Enquire of r Li L.' H eal , Atiorwys atand Mate Agana, feblo ho 10i 4th at Pltzthargh. i A:AL ESTATE FOR SALE—The 'andel- Wgeed. often for .ale • lams number await's/de g lob, and some eery deal:able OW for esaussfro. tortes,, to the 11closossh of Itlrmlonbam, located mat the my Pub& School Bowe end Engßeb tluran Church. The maid grer•th•of to L.7.1.21....1-- ttrarancturina wealth, cod reasonable mow at which lota wilt be sold.. will fonder thews safe and orolltabla restorent' 111.1• perfect- Term üble. Sas oartleolar• and terms. emlre of the underdifnedost this allot of Songs Y. 011 mote, ee.t.e. ,, ,Fiv.- burgh. between Third and F Meet., or of ‘l, swam Sgones and N. Patterson, Sof., at their dikes lo Bitm i bun InT5 . MOSES V. EATON. OR RENT—The large and eoinmodi ou'Pettit emit. Otter iwt - tiOidb Edwarlui da,) with .a thw - 4a. .tioiwittt usedu W inuarice, Nit 69 {Valeria, • FOR RENT—The Dwelling Boise, b:izt tb• tomer of Saab sad Wed Commons, Istels 'ocempltd by Tbamaa Jsbneklo, dec'd. Posseaylon 31immediately.' Enquire of Judah Mag. ELM., by Wg.. . Anchor Coma Worts. ALleabirb .01541 LOAF SUGAR-150 bble. (aged Non.) for eat br 11131MBIDOZ MIURA% IaTIS - lie Vials t st. LINSEED OIL-30 bbls. (Funwited pure) Ibr tale by. 4. SC1100:0141= • CO.. Zi Wocd ViiROME YELLOW /4 GREEN -1-1 mylb J. ECllODY ) l1SE8*00. COPPERAS -25 bbls. ( good ) for sale by mil 5 J. SCIIOONNAKER a P). LUM-50 bbl& for Bale by . • oun • J. acitoosx&ion &co. GENT'S RUBBER GLOVES & MITTENS. —hese- Inneee nre of great in .11 kind. of work where protect. to the bards is Inquired. such an driving. gardening. waking chemicals. to Alma, an infallible remedy tir ebnypod hunts. myls J. a. rt. PIaLLIP& • INDIA ROBBER COTS-:-An excellent cox _ll arias So lora Sop. or coma, aeltadltartaa and kor rerrlout to air or Iran; for Wit at lipa 7 and 9 Wood lit. r 0716 J. & IL 1.11112.1 n. RIBBONS-'. NT, A. MAEON Co. are . fliietstotromA beautilitt Ver aiiorirattiuttnol:lbeie ting of PlMlZZerbere all qualities eau be attained tut atm; low priors. So. t Martell& • . , emu • • CRIMPED T.ARLETONS—Juat iedeive4 thlf morningoffl nom open 10 cartcmf of tba. 'MT deldrabla Crimped ratio:du fel Bonnet Llnl.l. • Tit• teuttoo of manful L rorpettfaily walbited. my If A.l MASON I CO. BLACK B. _ A.RAGE for Mourning Veils, 7.00.1 at 1.114 store of myl4 • .11C1IPHY WINDOW OURTAINMUSLINS of new 71eitrdb"'"'" paßesoLsti' PARASOLS!! of . ' newest I° ` Prk "A r enPuir * BUiCIITIELDT W it oroilvlrrirKeTTLlE EiDIA 1311138 ER TOYS—Juit re4eiveti lama amostmantof India Itabbrr 'roma bcantll4l t i VlVlttelld .WadELSH AgS.—e have receiv b' " i d efitVoia P linlgerun d.' yuiAr:fof IL•usi.. also, Gauge al CIIVW "' do.; =6 • full womb:net:a of ttmlortir- 43' •mo - MURPtiI • 111:11CILVILI.D. f - 6, 1 , 0 , T__40 lbs. (ffe i thard w ial ( s& a co. Wool!. T REE hi beet price in Cash Raid for all the Mao of elan In Wo4jri sol , MR= • ISM MEDICAL. AYER'S MERRY PECTORAL. YOB MIT. CURE 07 ICOUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHI ' •TIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION. A b b l2N . a . tiae thi. nurairotis discoveries winta. cioveries tu t .i. ience of llb, Ot.ran , enloraent, and mn prolong the tea of Inman etiateana sate pen be named of more reel ulna • to mankind. than this oantibatimt of Chattleti7 to es 11.01.ikit. A tut teal of it. virtu. throoginhtt thie Test anotry, has prone beyond &doubt that no undid= or combination of medicines yid known. can ea manly eon. • teed and cure the numerous vatted*, of pnlarmat7digoin „which but. hitherto swept hoot aar mast timusliate and 'thatuande *eery me. Indeed, there is now abundant rea- • .on to Wino • namely haa et length been found nan be relied on to core the Most &nem. oft'l at . the I.ga One more here will not permit uo to Publish any retortion of the mane effected-by its int. but present the gdioning opinions of eminent men. mdse.!. . ftriner to to the circular, which the want below named Irill always be phased to famish free,.leherein ere f e ll peetkplape : lad indisputable proof of them Pieta Prom the Prerident erdnAerit Cbaare,faa odeperaat pica. afTCEICA. Vann* C. Ayer—Sic I have rued yd. Cherry Pectoral • • in mr own cement deet•ended Erouchltla, and am aattafled term Its chemical aminitntlon that It la an tdralnettle came pound for the relief of lamed and btoontdaldithooltlea. ' • if .7 oldnion. as to i t eoperricrc acute, can be et any service. you are at liberty. to me it att_rat,thlat proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK. L.L.H. • Prom the wifel&odettroted 017-5.5' OR SILLIY.L.V. df. ' Fn .. .p ly D 'q Member t o ll o l,l l t f idet. Ecket ° tine nomgm of Art . rte: and klaroPe. • 1 dee* the Cherry kactoral as admirable eortuanitlon from ectatured the best articles In the Helena Madam. and • very efectlee remedy for the elate of diem., it le toter ' • ded to cure: . New Haven, CL, Nor. 1. 11W. ' • MAJOR P471750.N. Preddrist .f to.. S. C. Smut, state. that he ban need the Cherry with wcmderfol am • • as; to mire an tallastimation of the oafs. P.ew one Yw heel •-• i,,,,..n_Th t . co ie pl„ A frit CLl= O,l, Tali= of many wren WM, aro cherbmod hen ill curs -" montiuotolde. mad dime". of the loom, Cut put to defiance all other remedies. I invariably rue In aues etaturdaptlon, and mender It rw4 : l=t . manly known for that diseam... InanternfollY 3 . 0.16 CIIIHISLAN. - IL 1),. • Prepared and sold br JAMES C. AYES, PreelkalChicoi.. id. Lowell Mau. Sold In Plttabmett, wholesale and Wall , by ht. A. YAII RESTOCK to CO., and J. M. TOWNSEND. • In A.UeghatyClity. by P. ECRU - ARYL. and J. DOW ' MAE; sad bf Drugs - int! nenetrallY.Stater - A.Valuable Improvement in Trusses. 'IR. BARD'S Itmeroved Patent TRUSS- El and 'RUPTURE REDT. which •re rinariant care an Lbe effeetad. This Tram la entirely different ' form and prindpiell of action from other Trnarce,having all tho advantages of a wellargulatod and nalitanalneas.. tire. Th can be so regulated an to give ewe and.. candort i to o lt difficult cases of Bemis, Aid esa be i com. dealred. The pdvantre is . tars/. 'hernial o p ening.sad affording perfect remit/ and rots.. - don at all times. even under the most violent examine. By the um of this Thum : alien applied ...,, r gv e *ally igarnms. ; th' r ira r ralg grig b °l7. X:74 - kraet. which fa not an unfree neat occurstme in the wear. ' log of Illy adapted tremor, It LI Ter" coma= pmetka for roma. afflicted with Rupture to select a truss and am. ply it themselves. This is . tad practice. which 'can be . seen only those who understand the sastesny,.Wthe parts allecW bards. Wo would most respectfully call the animation of Phyd-. dans to this Tram. as or know aley will antedate It. value. W. also have • variety of other Trams at the'. lowest prices. Infant Trusses kept constantly on hand. WETS= I MoDOWELL.At.a.. Je2 140 Weed at.. Pittsburgh. Dr: Hood's Abdominal Snpporters. ' TSE SUPPORTERS are intended chief- If In the onnrof Prole*. Meth and all thane disr earn where a mentienthel support toile Abdominal ricers • Is required. They era perfect airport to the abdominal• - organs, end am be nom with eaca the anaminal m tirt ar ail. The tha- , • non prodnoect ...slain§ of onies an nei theps s n Uhteer Bac hand d r f i th m, e ln re it/uad e Linea Gonne, .' and thareine Peelings of Prostration. Itronchina norther of linens. • Palpitation the Heart, Arno:pia erg tetanal .a.mf reitathouiPPlL, 140 Wont at, Pltteborgb. c. 7 - tie VOA. PITEIFYING THE BLOOD— , the beat llabdtabledichre, =ova. Incipient Cobsomptlese, Batramem,Laccerrhewarichltnairmarlicaltutrtostkut Iscontictuenee of litinaGeural Preetratton of the Spite= Depressed Spirit; and Gleamy litete pf Mods ere cured Dr. (Mutes Elabutelibew Dock awl BarObwanliza wirketr- 7 . girestimmettlate relief br renewing the fountain WI health' mod items= the blab. It neutralizes bad hour= wholSe urusitural marabou. and rims heat= eathm tO bre vital Ib ttilid alterative imcwarties rebder It Imullerlz =ea— able to the slender mat delicate emutitutten of the Itimstuallatelycounteracts that distrust= aerroutss, DM and imultode i m common to the female =Me; troPerte an must , and Imoratey to surprising ther are graterul.—We hare miler. on at which (Mom etroscaly to recommend this medicine to martial emPle who have =timed blessed with °fairing. • . - • • Proisoris ttert, or rolling Grebe {TorOD, of Siemer, ston ithrth eland hl Dr. Guitott's Extrzet of Tallow Deck end Sorseposillo, atter every other known rercutd.T hod het% • Rasareama. 0. reb.14,15.19. , ILL eiTtihe that lay ir We, eget 2.7 ream /tee tetketd nub= the abate Ootarlalat for an Tenn. =ter ill Um , . time L it Prepared-gad sold by R. R. :FELLERS, 17 Woad et, and add by drwarlsta generdlY. "- . . lIIST openin - c -- tlerY fr o ctee s , ll ; 7 s tAtl 2 4- u of 32.1.1" EL CLOG... - irtstatt. .to 1.3 P oo V t. t. a . cL o a..fc k r $1,50 toObs .4 7 -, . Al'.- "A' - Too - ut eau in elm wean, ... td - utuu , P o t o x.t- - 11 1- ‘r wilsOdi GT .11arketit.: : . earn . • - . •.. of Fount._ . Bonnets Bovieta! D EbTo THIS.MoRNING, pciEatir . ess:•;- .1.11., G cases. tortlas 4 ig . all the wrest szol limrct daeLtabb "Y l " vgy. ru:ge m =l:gailiallen'46lteei. 11,21'082g s ' Straw and ,raid EA. ' •• • ' The attention of .purshasers imet.lnalcrlyinliS27 above good. [my. 1 A. A. 31•2 4 4.72 2 (AL • • IV: W. WILSON, Watchllaker,:?; , . No. 67 Warkot, Corner of Fourth rt, Atignagki T • ' DEALER in Elsa Wxrcuza,, Jrwisz ; Eilwe Ware, 111111ar7 Goals, Lampe and CLere/i ; irre, Tea arntl Sable Wary. lutlrri.lnutors. GeV reel. bastanunents, 4.6 wrest ruiner rit curfew Isetilnaable Rood., mien' arni ornernraten Rauh irork eneentral In • superior rancor, as Or the bent Snelala and French norknacn. wine 1.11 AY RAKES-40 doz. for pale by - A.A. :me s. F. TON BON :alma it oo.G' - ;- ; • ; ; Mar Marin.]: • • Xstra 1 3iseken* Tor 14 ea / 4 ..ts bz A. M• Ts l Nolan.