The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 06, 1851, Image 2

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• Arwrinvuumicp and,Whig . qeytaayMck e t_ —, ' ,
• risco:Dori =Dia or oumact twar.
T i.O pt Peeales:• - t
anon= nun op latruct.aart.' 1
• 1. :corms, moo on. O3cir or *maim Oulu uro gums'
WU. & 111CLI3LE.
Loter BC
3148 L. IrMILLAN. of AllesbooT.
N y Strad. g h. a .
RE. riliretAlli.ofaM Keenalt, • '
LOW= IbLlENgsroca. at Pittsburgh.
• . • ALLa.t. RlCAL m 2 " teff 'of Alloilaar.
, - JAari) BRIIIM. of Plumburzh.
JOILN BOWLLND, of Wpm. Si Mir.
ltoszar zoo, of Pitubursh-
Ft!. WEST; of Allndmr•
, . .J 011.14 EXEIII6.
Tax Tunerr.—AVe place at the head of our
column's to-daY the ticket selected by,the
moronic' ConVention. , _lt is beaded by .
' .119110TabitlYALTRI FOIMAID, at present Charge
'DI Ageism' la the Catut of Denmark, but who is
.expected home , this Summer. Of his high as
. Taetft mid 'is UilliePagiarY to,speak. AA
theyere ezzi appreciated. • The con
-test } between . his .4in:ids and those of the Hon.
Mosta Itansrosi to secure' the nomination, was
„very ertirm-and• Somewhat exCiting,,bni there is
etaiplet* rennity and
faiward , will :he cordially . supported, and
reFt Whig vete. ifempton'S
-_Pete in the. 6n=itic.i; wax all - eircametnnees,
as long
feeddenee.herelfii*i#ll : 'Lel/abilities, end gnat
popularity,personal 'rendered ddm a competitor .
12qpidAblo Forward's-age,
rendered it. certain that thin - would be the last
APPArtunitYlilli Whig friend's Would havelo pay
.bbn eas grectuble.ceimpliment; : while Mr. Hump
;ton,)tbo.4. Inrho may ~prime of life, lire to re
ae!ve,insy, testimonials of tbe'regiud of the
imple r We feet confident Vint Mr. forward
*gill have no Warmer end more "efficient suppertes
iu clie.« l AiPSigti than Mr. Hampton ..
, the neit eondidrie on - the list is Hera: W., Esq., fir Assistant Judge of. the Cis
taict Court' , Mr. Williams is Comparatively
yonng inan,;..atic , ,,biljnotainetbsn, unardnumsly by
6 tichintiollffw via office of en much importance
raid dignity, 'lathe etrangest'evidenee that be is
esteemed: i.. his fellow citizens as "gentleman of
mote 444 ordinary ability and worth. That be
f!gy. palmation in which he is held,'
and that,:itei not lisappoint the expectation
Of. his .Ikiends' in the distinguish position be is
tailed to fill, 'we feel entirely'certain.
Hon- Wat. B. McCsuur,,was also nominated by
acclamation, a high
. testimony of, approval by
the. ',wide: He has been tried and not found
wanting; a nd. the feoP l o hArii. ratified the sp
pointraciai or the GOvernor. • .
Ile sale is the we in regard to Mr. Boons,
who has field hie seett tui an Astiociath Judge of
the Caere of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions,
and has
.i7iZeid the ratifications of the people.
BloVrt.t. n, Esq.,' the second mach
date s4ected foithe Associate Judgeship, in well
sad faveribly blown to the people. Having fil
led the office of Clerk of tho same courtier ri V MD
beefof yeua, he is thoroughly acquainted with thn
muting of badness, and will make a user al and
lire now come to the Assembly. Only two of
the,ite4Sri of tin' last session were candidate
foe - nondnatien, and both were !elected for re
ebsethlessre..l4P,Cirszser and tune. Mr.'
Itobirtkitinune me Resented to the' comet
witturn. at
: his own request. Mr.'
Bzitist,and,blr... Waimea both declined being
candidates for nomination. Mesas. 14'Cliskey
and Parente worthy at this reneindmrpseasion
of onsfideace, and , their iiperietuneWl render
to the 'ether =air' Of the delega,
bas also previously represent
ed„, enmity in.• the 'Assembly, bat • owbig to
some =basins - 4st year was Isttetf the ticket=
Wm sciperionee will also be astiol to his constit
e4ti-,''...lra':37r.': Penneywe Laic ao v4quamat--
"zee; hear him lazy highly spoken of.—
APplettm, Mg ; resides is Birtning4m,
bat hentay be :milled the cit.! meMber. He is
a young lawyernf"pnrzoiss, and ,
popular D3ll/1-
nerNb l 4 wa l l , 4.osee 'front rank la the .
Noose; arid Fore industrious sad in
. . .
Our candid ate for Bectir, Elitnext. Yeasts
TPlPci,Tecel l 44 e,muskilattering; rote on the first
IFM'cmcnetitor, Jpaz, of Mast
pcm, lisnmedetcrllitXmanbytbe way, andwill
hove his chance yeti - *hen two. ouch' thorough .
. indltopular • Whigs 'enter the field, the
Coniention cannot go
.wrong. Mr. Febnestock
*Omaha AD wettest; Wl* the. strait*
far ,watem modest in same de
greibeilecis the eitr,aminotretry. , Both man,
dateetnie 'inform oiountei friends . an!
sirted tbd the citj'aliewii brad'ker - Aare,: and
claimed the aelgdon,Of air'. Befriend on the
amend of:titaleArtaibtitbon of • the offices, "sod
wtn.l2::ficeitectable •and • sWortby um; ie Mr.
ROW/1114 and be Will diachsege tfig rktles °fide
office/Ith fidelity.. • '
Fulllogta r. Fe were in favor of our old and
wreetbyfriemd,, lons hisonmarr; Esq., bit se
Coneenti*lrisrensall ntajorifyi'aftersll:„. 4
contendyrl444e4-11.1 ; favor , of .Mr. .A.t.wmar
Ittmoteiathe, noitels., younger max,‘ !" mit a
ugh., going ;nig; coMpeteM 'es di sc h a io .
Use dsititie sl5 isposs.—and we'd th e will
et etert4iit7% • • - .
Os . * of thilColutg, joist M. Bit
sf the
.agnicat a lt hone!
.IE6 y- on, al one!
. chirp rico. .Idr.. Brash
impotent and Vbilging tarsi
81-111 =Qua .. di e 'idly. going 7111,,s of lhe city;
- a7 .1 . Commissioner, Auditor. 'tuid liarrefor,
•. se isomMadons are . acceptable to e p arty, _
and .the gimp* sad- th e . ticket as a *hole,
motet with ray gmieral" and oheerfarauppora—:
In costopts for •nomination,,there are allays
some7disappointroonts by candidates and their
Maids; but it is consistent and manii ts sttrica7
• -dee orm.iradihmtiotts to the win of the majority;
attar 'I:, fair and Mtorola, contest; and giro to
the liehet a hearty end efficient support. Bnr.b,
we hare ream to Were, atiii be the cue_ •
We -acknowledge the ressipt of a very:hand-
some :Map, of th e . Boroughs of -Blrtaingbani, ,
eolith Pittaburo, and East Eirtabigluaa, by R.
E. Id'boiren - Esq., City regdetor, end' litho
graphed by 7 13elrielnnan and Reticle, Of this
city. - It is altogether a very creditable prairie-
Gisusu'i 'Miasmas, for Jolj, hos been re•
coned. It is #is grit number of the 39th- odi
um!, and is eqiud, if not superior, to any. which
hue precededit.:-.lts adonunentg are Indeed'
most beautiful: and its - oiiginslnrtioleo are of
high eh#ll'64i
Eitoilston' 'To ' idiasonti
Republican min that# no period since 1840,
-• bee the emignstims to lowe,'ldhUreaOta
and Mielsouribano so ginteral as this apCing. Large
accrierdena are daily made to their. population
from other States in the trolon, and mations Hof
the country which have heretiiforeleeri :passed
by, are . now rapidly filling up with popnla,
tic= addition , to the tide from other istatm,
greatly inn:rain:l ninthert . of foreigu emigrants
are wiring; Nearly ajny boat from the Silati,
ane•ftWtpiently - b?ans from Ohio, come;crowded
to Besse with these emigrants.
_PII2//74.2.1./ naLLSOAD Srocx.—Thc Utica and
Behonec4df Railroad Companr have protably
done the - rnost - Faltable business of iv'
road corporation in the world..-: This, road; SIM
-atity-eight xallfgan length, was constructed and
put into oporadon fore million. , and is. half of
dollars: .-.214.14ti1l receipts in about-fourteen
Dears hisiotioeb $,6,066,416.. Expenditstres for
the a9lnapuriSAV,7,B7,B4.2.- ,Exoess ram:
lags oyez% eminent ei-penses dtgn,g tbat
218,204—rdmlbundag.tbi ',bait titheiincl,
anord.Jidabili-Zaf.oloar net pat of Uni3,204,
er over I'l.o anskliblati.r
u-ri end: :Per .
TL road. runs AlciaPidik;ofiOstlrow,Tilk.,
d h
:nested, - Y. • sid Erie
Railroad, meta, and in
a :speech lebratios4 he
..,-.... ....
1 — 'The., , . my, being
alone orr the . The road had
been 'brillt in the ~_, _, strut:titre was of
hemlock timbir, and t here of large dimensions,
notched on to caps p far apart. The tim
ber had cracked sad 'hem exposure to
the sun. Alter about feet of, straight line,
the road crossed the wina Creek, on hes
tle work about 80 feet high, and with a curve of
850 to: 400 feet -mulles. !The impression was
very general that this iron monster would either
break down the road; or that it would leave the
track at the 'curve, and plunge into the creek.
My reply to mach apprehension was, that it was
too late to consider theprobability of such' oo
carrences ; that there was 100 other course but to
have the trial made of the ge animal, which
had been brought there at such great expense ;
but that it =snot n that more than one
'shotild be involved in' i fate ; that I 'would
take ,the fret ride alone, d that the time would
come when I should look kto this incident
with great interest ' ' '
As I placed my hand an the throttle-valve han
dle, I was =decided whether. I would more
slowly, or with' a fair degree of speed; but
believing that :the road would prove cafe, and
preferring, If wedid go_ down, to go down hand
sorbely, and without any evidence of. timidity, I
alerted con.sfderable ivelooity—passed the
curve &ref the creek safely, and was soon oat of
hearing of the cheers of the large assemblage
Vesent. Xf the end , of two or three miles, I
reversed the 'valves; and returned, without acci
dent, to tha place of - starting, having thus made
the first Itrilroad trip by locomotive on the West
ern Hemisp h ere. "
.. , .
The speech from which we make this extract
is fail of interesting fact- 1 It is stated, for ex
ample, that the Liverpool mid Manchester Rail
road was the first built In England far passen
ger and freight transportation. Several roads
had prwrionaly been coestronted in this country
and among them the Delaware and Hudson, 8.
Carolina and Baltimont, and Ohio Railroads. The
idea then VW in England that the trains would:
bate to be moved by stafionary power, that a
Locomotive could not draw More than three times
its own weight or more rapidli,than 10 miles an
bons with each a burden, and even this idea wee
for a time entertained in the United States.—
Major Allen was the grit to recommend the - use
of Locomotive Power upon Railroads for the tran
sit of parsenMue and freight,, and his report was
adopted by the South Carolina Railroad Compa
ny in whose employ he wan.
Tex limn:tau CONISPIIarOEII.—The triol of
the Michigan ruined co4epirators was cote,
meued in the Wayne • Cornoty Circuit Court at
Detroit, on Wednesday laid. The counsel for
.the prisoners withdrew tseir application for
separate and asked t for a continuance to
the sth of June, to allow tone for the arrival of
lion. !Mien" H. emward, :who had been engag
ed as Counsel in t'ae cane, and voila not reach
Detroit previous to that day. The court unus
ed the - applicat',on 'fore continuance, but it
was suluquemidy arranged between the coun
sel of the two parties by consent of the Coort ,
that.a k.try should be . enspannelled, and a few
witnearcs 'examined in icertaisi points, after
*hie& thitilea should restuntil the day request
eVoy the defence.
On the second day the ornannelling of the jury
was completed, and the etsciluatiu of witneues
cenma' enoed. The perties included in the India
n:ma are:—
Abel F. Fitch, Amami Filleyj Alba N. Moulton,
Jacob Tyrrell, Abner Grant, Nathan Credit,
Ephraim A. Barrett, Lyn:mini Chaplin, Willard
Champlin, Erastus Champlin, Idiram Hay, Gran-
Alton Miry, Lester Pentrld, Rickard Price, E.
Price, Miner T. Lsycoa, Ornindo D. Williams,
Benjamin F. Burnett, Wm. Corwin, Ebenezer
Farnham, Wm. B. Warner, Napoleon 8.. Lemn,
Abaco Holmes; Daniel Myers, Andrew J , Free
land; Eri Beebe. John W. Welch, Welcome ffill.
Basset Stand, Wm. W. Land, Mimi Wakeman
Henry, Showers, Tohn Prmey, Bebe Corwin,
Showers,John ,Aekenton, Christie Bloc kburn , John A.
Locksiood, Jobs Leine Joh.h Cann, Benja
min F. Gleam* Biltboar,; Jerome Gould,
James 'Champlin, George W.' Gay, William
Can Male; Mast= Smith, As ;ton Mount, Wm.
Gunn, Harry
,Holcum,aid Weld Loucks, de-
Of three, the prosecuting an= nay, said the fol
lowing are not at present on, trial: •
Alonzo 'Haines, not esent", .11arry Wake
man, do.; Bebe Conrin, Christian' Black
burn, do.;iobn A. Leawood, do.;; _John Cann,
do.; Jerome Gould, do 4 Ocoee:, . Gay, dead;
William Van Bkkies,' tol be , tried l in this C.
B. Court; Nathan Credit, not indict ed in Wayne
county; Homy Bolcom and David . Lotmks, not
Dup.artor the pit4blugb
Emma! sure •
Agata at tie. Pciasayloarda 'Railroad Cemprory or
ABM in Charmer, waged the 2a day
of May, in the Supreme. rt at. Ifeniskarg,
ageing the Penurylnnia Railroad; Company;
and tiaties'sismt that 'an injtusitican U'vuld be ap
plied f eeez.' the foal?., hiMulay of Ju `nis.
Thom ia dal, try .mm of too ockholders„
against the. tor any its directir,re,:elleSlSS
:these" defeedas . to are violating their charter,
by engaging *.tta general forwarding and trans:
Phi:ars between Philadelphia; and Pittse
balegb* on the Peamsylia canal and various
rulm4l. other than th eeexinsyleird a rellrind;
and it' Preys that the Company be , enjoined from
" err /lug ma business off their own irsalroid, and
fi Fm eitobiWng agencies dePots,, &n., at Ph 1.
delphis or elsewhere Sum upon the line of their
The complainants appealed and made their
motion this morning, (Jane 2,) by their counsel
Shaer, Staunton, Meredith, and Harding. The
defendants by - Geo. Campbell, Wil
liams, and Ingerioll, spilled for farther time to
prepare their defence. aSeging that only a enrol
amottiit of stock was represented by the cran
plait:mix, that the capital of the company 'was
ten millions of dollars and it Would greatly in
jure- Simi to have the 1102ot:ion 'Warded. To
this it was replied that neither the magre,turistot
interest, en one side, nor the andines a en the
"other, affected she question; but the Caw; were
bound to Crinsider the rights invoired free from
Any such considirrilicim' that the facts , were well
known toevery officer of the company, end could.
'is well be admitted ar 'denied one time as an
'other, and the Preldeit of the Company, being
present, his affidavit would be received without
obi ;silo, an an ems"-
' Chief Justice Gibson being absent, Judges
,Rogere, Bell, and Chambers assigned Monday,
-the thirtieth of June, for hearing 'the motion.
~ C oulter, ;edge, expressed his opinion that the
'the coed ought .to be heard now without delay;
- ample time had been given to prepare the de
fence; the magnitude of the.defendants' capital
gate them no privilege in . court over other suit:
ors, on the contrary, he thought the fact that
they were a powerful corporation, whose action
deeply affected the public interest, was a strong
'reason whjan immediatehearirg ehouldbe had,
that it might be known that they were as well
mumble to lawn as private individuals. Be
sides the. offer to receive the affidavit of the
Preskiant,:as an answer , without exception, re
=Me all pretext isf necemity f or , farther time.
. ,
The Court being of, opinion the ease should be
heard tbe present term, Monday, 80th of. June,
srea spedaUj assigned to hear the motion for
in) unction. .
Orthidox and Riekritts.—lt will be recollected
by met readers that serreral years ago thens was a
division between ttte'great body of 'Friends:-
I%a one crenulted under the title it Orthodox:
the other took the name of Hiclotitee At that
dme vadat the present the great bulk of church
"property wag retained by the llicksites, and the
other party erected new loulldinga Recently..
l wears correctly advise!, the Hieksites hare
Reposed a' division of , the property, end last
week, it their meeting a commltteewse appoint
ed t o make she necessary arrangernents. The
fact is highly creditable to the two branches of
A, new method of =Lecturing misted pa
end pistol barrels, him been , introtraCed in Eng.
which is thus deectibedi ..An iron or steel
rod, or a mixtutt of both, of sufficient length'
and thlekness to form a gun or pistol barrel, is
'Wound into &Am:wet coil, and 'thin placed in
as anvil hieing a SZOilihtlaST groove, where it
tint:matted to the action of the lilt 'hammer.
The mills then admitted t‘ii - welding heit is
in sir ffiernice; third Miami - red :and
itimun of 'lrma being aced in . ,botit mum ,to
wipemg the
She tilt banter I= grohre cm its face cox
w with the anrii fic,ect ximt, ;the fol l f
We time elding: ' •
27ie Crystal PaZits Beaten.-Dr.,Thiff, In hii
"Retch et the sositersety meetinetifthe Wes,
leysn Methodist Mi ss ions'' , Society in Liisdon
ihtui,desoribed aloe of the heathen-temples of
anal Coenpa-
Allen, con-
. 4 .11111101.3313 you hare the ,hugest- heathen.
temple that can • probablo be found from the
North to the Booth pole. It is a square, each
side being a mile in length, 30 that ie four miles
around. Talk of your.Crystol Palace I -Whyoui
ti man would put a penny in his pocket, you
mightput your Crystal Palace into' the pocket of
this huge pagoda. The walls Re tl5 feet high,
and 4or b feet Wok, and In the centre of each:
wall rises a lofty tower. Entering the first
equate Jon come to another with a wall as high,
and four more. towers. Within that square is
another, and within that again there is another
—crowded by thousandi of Brahmins. The
great hall for pilgrims is supported by a thou
sand pillars, each cut out of s single block of
'kis pretties several year. tel. he could be Induced to
offer It to the public to such a manner sa to make tt
known all over the country, the quack remedies as fro
iatieetly advertised and tarred upon the public by moana
of forged at:Wades and a eyelets of puffing, prerenthsg,
freCiMmtly, regular and learned phreelens. toeh to be.
kflase undoubtedly' Is, foam enuring the MU tifikitiot
nth tompetltore. Convlswed, however, of the real value
of his, enedleirie. and influenced by the platy dictates of
duty, which would not permit him to keep from his fellow
Greatllrell 110 powerful It meads of preemies them from
wafering. he finally offered It for sale. Skim that time It
has become known all over the United State; and wherev
er It lies beets tried, him moved Its superiority over all
other rano:Des aver offered for disearete of the then in
Let, the prescriptions of phydelans are no loam required
to tone, of liver complaint till that to nosessery, is for
the patient to punkt= and use Dr. M'Lmia's Liver Pills,
to wore a restoration to health. Reed this:
"J. Judd d Cb.—Pleeee Jot me have two boxes more of
Dr. Sl'Lane's laver PHU. My wife has used two brawl of
lb. Doctor'e Phis, and I assure son they ban dove bee
13141 . 0 gl.d than my fatally thrsidast Las for two rears,
daring .bleb time be wee In reveler attetebutee. Mesa
two dam I think, will drat a more. ,
Wilkins township. Allerb , s7 ...E.
March 10tb, 1547."
Portals by _ . ' J.IIIDD t CO.,
st7Sl , ll-1.11r.8 •• • - N. CO Wool .t.
WY-Farmers will rejoice fo know that nt
isset they raa prom.* ea article which ther mar depend
upon et all tiossm In mains the various ailments of cattle.
each es eneeny,Stiff oomplebst, distemper. eallr. wounds,
ulna., mane, ram, partial blindness', me eyes. lamer
miss boo, 'snips, km or the joint water, or contrectsd
omits, ae , Se. The artlele,seternsl Ls Is IL G. Farrell's
Arabian Liniment, the test medicine ever dimmered (or
mars ar been. Bee Weenie. sot.
PetroLet= I
, Smatrtabcao, rbintifivicro ca, Pa, Marrb 4, 'St
B. M. Styr,—Dear, Yon} Puroloam Li working trio.
den ads tbeyek.l. would thank you blend
ca t. dosen by Um Peanyylitaila Railroad. MI an ere
ly,ty out, and It to Wag Inoatrod for abbr. every MU.
tiAMIIIII.3, .L111121:4 a, 0, flarh 10,11
& Kimv—Dear Sir. Your Arent. aMr weeka gore.'
lei with as fiat down Stock Oil. which ars han sold.
Mean forward to us iatr down isansediataly.
Your msdlubs is working wruulars a this saran. We
ran obtain *trent az...UM cartlf.cates, if Ton desire them.
Yours, as., R. W. fiailT.
Pm We by Keyser ti 1I Dowell, 140 Wad And; D. L
Sonora 57 Wood week D. A. Fahorotort, Co, corner
Wood and front knot% D. D. Corry. D. A. Elltat. Jaws&
Douglass, aod D. P. Pelmets. Anatomy. al. by rho pro.
mkt., D. 51. ICIER,
Citizen's Insurance -• rawly of Pittsburgh
didCam.ll W. 1 ., , nlnnn. In the waretionso etC. IL
C. 0 ., .A. W. Itow, Bee'r.
Oinn Pm?' niamr - lannared - to Minn maraungier
In Marrs mon ln trandtm, nowar,
An amide guarautT Do the iholity mid tutirmity of lbw
lintnutioa. Mond tbe chancier o( th. Director..
who an an eltlsena of Pittsburgh. well au( favorably
known loam community for then mialance, Intelllgetam •
and intenity.
Damoro.e—n. frammil,i Wry. Banloy, *an. Wham,.
Jr., Weald sn.t. flush D. AI oz. - Edward Iftwastorii
Jahn Ilaywanth. tiarbanah: B. M. Intr. aunt tf
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 WOW Street,
RAVI. Sion 13 MToah
A tall war womalatostro hot FOZZION42I . O 4MZRICA.V
goltahlo for ill, ming trade, and which they aro ot•erad
to ahr lo purcharara at IMAMS that will camera
raeorablr with not of Lb. ownwro throw
o the 6th lost— by th. Sae. /oho Wudu 11, R. Wyr.
eo'e. of Allegheny. to Mod Hear J o,. Luca. of PttUr
Forty-six hours to 'Yin: ladolphis.
Forty-tour hours to Baltimore.
81 mnes Railroad-103 miles Canal.
Being fry! from the many changes and' pa:lmages
ronneettsi milk piers L.
Two Dally Lin es Express Packet Boats.
axargrirrLy roa PAISZNOEIM)
LEAVE Pitts burgh for Johnstown. thence
by Portabbne.hbal
Ttro Iluroirad aryek=iti n tlirket to
Paekata kayo .roara moraloi toOdstly . al Etact o'cloat.
and , eery asset Ile at the mate hoar.
. Fan to llollada/phia. CO, faro to Bald amm 19.75.
So Laminar re re Ilarottborx
Passengers for Baltimore.
Tar the Tort and - Cumberlead raarpad, at Ithrehtrent
on *Meal a Care et that °Wee. httlettee 140 , 1
tche =m) Mete. ItUlt hem,
No charge for handling Ramage on this route._
no Ws or, tilts route ant neer, en d of the mot mmentre
ed eanetreerha tor eetatert end party.
If Tau cheep trevellf us and emaftertahls wore
mode:Joh. mean tour tickets at
J. P. IJOLNITS, Agent,
Itetemeahile Mae.
Or of D. - L£.ECII & CO: •
Ise them] health Pam elect.
1851. WESTERN 1851.
vu. ' atifie
TlLinfi Cal being in gond. order we are
.; Wed to transport pttelase int ...heel.e to
fro to :be abaft dues, at Use lostet, career Wen of
nor. n4i tr r i=ttenea a i n i Atti:Tge , b. • Tl . T . bn n e. grit .
of Nei. tentesseted, and all imamate= .lottetlf at ,
teAnde" to d to..
. *r.adr ltAYli t IMAM. Payee...
• Canal Bad. Peno stye. Pitteettlet.
11A111118 it'LKECIII., Proprietors,
Stiteieat DePe. ilor i .Z3 , 4l , A.;:ozet u tt .
leo. 76, North et, italthoons.
T. U. PtAllete. Agee.
I et • No. 7. Wee arse. Tata
ON.-Thit urotorolgued Imolai divided hts fors,
ht Bot -oogrnahlp, near the month of Kim oo the'
tabh lotto
• • • • -
oirwthu .... an...l"t publk them..
1m0m8.41171110.4Y. tbe 7th day of Jowl. 0., 1 631, ,Lt
12 o'do*, Pero= dosirow of valuing
In a healthy end plessant neighborhood, 'opted within
stunt set essy detentes of the Perrysville Plank Hoed
gni the hlwartuster Plank Itoad.bothentheeting with the
City of ALWitherty. will fed this • eptireble ooportonitY•
The farm eosins of eseellent leed,esboands with never
Mists Wings. .ad has been eo laid oft se to giro
rho Plinnwri Tools and Ohio Ann Sow/inn. within asittr
distaneo ot Liso Min lona In lb. noighborhotilils
ropinly Wore {doh In;volutr, .0 for twantiful lotistions,`
of itch and ..tied scenery, (including fine views Of the
Ohio river.) ittetuanot be surinnwed.
The dietatton Stem the cities, of Plttsbureh and AlleWhe ,
ny dees not err wed flew mites, mod or which .111 he by
the Plank Road* ewe nienthnted; It Wog In contetnitirw
non to extend tile Xeneliesterr Plank timid to this place,
with which It dp now connected with the new Deem ,
rigyji tufa. the balance la fiveeptial Randal'
with to be 1.111,14 bY bond and mart.
hewn further Info ratati . o v n l i c iroeurnl and plane of the
eht4e atbn ° err: o g tt the Rid dle,a
matter, on tho smegalse
.100:td TLIOSIAS
Balding" 'Lot' is Alleghett.
WILL, be sold.kt Auction', ott - the
am, to Allegbany Ey. on .1 I:LYDA the find . of
10ne.1841. at 1 o'clock. f.atha Wlaaaef the lota In tae
att . BaVt . igiVir " l,i r ia=6. l l l =. l . 4
of immanent bed lawn cotottliod LT Lraog out Mesta lo
Rout and mar of nae..b mime of lots, and . making Clem
trtla ttni onod War. Wiptblrr with their teatitifol location.
nnolaf Bain the 'most draftabl site far tasteful nitidenols
.that tante pnacciral la eltlim <Of. Mtn Intel.% of tae
=anittrioner only be Milli.' v:.lpurretissere. kor
Witi.ars Inquire of tba Dod o!
JAMlS io ttallt ,
GEO. It. ItlD
/I. e scuw, •
KREBS BOYLE, doorm. Lielll Committal.
Lawrenoeville Sharpol:pirgh Plank
Road company.
:Stookholders are barony notified mat
. ' ilec i thin bo hold id the atm of 1 . 11glinog:
do y, tbtfahmo of Joto•, tih : oaf lowt.. C‘ batrgri t liourilf 10
o'dmk. I.
no o'clock •P. of old day, eV which
taw sat/ plow ober will doe, by 000,one IhnsWent, ono
the Cant to oondort tha bo•tortwof
{ha ikons:any until the Cant Monday of Novembc ,r next
• • JAhlkt3 BLAIIKLY, •• '
A' • : COMES?
WM. wzamnbno, •
• riaice Oanurtesioacell.
Simile= and Brow/male Phi* Rolm!
Proved. mill be received tram elatb till On
„Nam. UM, at the aka A. 11.. /Mini ta.
Nearth Itnoet. lfittebttratt for the Pan ot
t•kl red. beterem Karam/ atttot atet.em. 0 Ter, itte.
Wane( ene titm.b.. t. "
Ht order of /bard at. Lnteetatt.dim
.ITrEiL9 of Administration on the Estate
11.,1 ot Rem John I.octhrws, 44. or Plttalm. dttorasod,
hay* Mu Rem .1.6* (o cm Grant
sttoort). persoost=tests, aro nmuodad
'Wml 1, Z 4 gE.• hicON.V.O
I=l4 4s tbmsr,irltbout dolma. W. WlLl.ou al umr.
Jam: G
1„./ &watt?'
1.4 I
COF,FEC,--300, bp. ,prime — lG — rizi Cof
(*mitred sod toy mat by
F ISH. -:30 bbis. he" . 1851, pickled 'feria' . g
10 er. do do dry
inigneorbr do .
(Joe) JOHN lekil reo.
(IHEESE.--31 bxo. Cheese, receiving per
, n o n • , No. 68 Water st._
VC. '3. MiCKEREL-50 bble. for Rale by
I No. 68 Water rt.
4 ARD.-2,000 lbs. Laid, for eater oo
• sign:meat h- T. WOODS IA SON.
• ` No. 61„ Water at
Common:vie:2A of Pelneytoonia :
• , County of AUesilleny, 3, S.
the Court of Common Pleas off' October
Toros, A. DlB4O. No. 69.
the matter rf the voluntary - assignment of AI.:M
-d.' lilrCimit itt the butanes of D. teeth t Cim, to William
T. bteauditi •
And noy,imeid, NM_ ,1 on motion of 000 me IWO.
tom Attorney of John Oeldmil. a creditor of Alemadrr
McClurg. the 03621 &Maine 4. IL Beady. rue, to audit
mid amount and to distribute fonds In the hands of the
dusbiinse amongst the credit/mg of Um mkt Alexander...—
Prom the Nocord. 000. 0. BAYS, Pm
• Notice ta hereby . Alyea than trill attend at uir
No. 89, 1111th strait. PitUditiff 11. au Wadi:modal. 211. , bar
ant, at o'clock P. at rot puma.. of the above air
yolutment. Ltakaird] .1. A. BRADY, Auditor.
: . Executors' Notice.
NOTicg is hereby given that the nn
deNßnM us the
Allettbany county, dace/ad.
_Moreton, .11 pan. bre
l ig ' ran% Indohted
to loWatat to either or tha ' auberlo%a.
igorGtE Ps•eutora.
Prof. Ipuuleville's Series of Readers.
/orate Wean, Ausdruty Crrr,
Tune 34.1831. •
WHEREAS the Principal of the High
School In this Raid havinwotawnleed a dawned
extruded it In ttio meet Mandedlle • said of mdse,
eardull awl dillevutly We
Kane weekg and the add ch.
upon eveadnation teed the Directed exhibited an tratit
of prl•mma and proficiency turp•Aslin the =Oat minuille.
expectatle•••M (Ivan aanuence that under the cretin ur
, Prot Mandeville, ce 014.4 by an intell . ll=telieher,• bier
ar & dgree excellen In menu le le than under
' ear other system known to the Board. It van use*
desoded, That the Medic Series at Readers now used
An the meveral echoed in this dretrict dlecoutinutd, en&
that Prtererior ItandevilWe aortal on Reuling and Doro
thea be introduced and used leenoeferward.
A true copy tram the dlnutd.
deslawatne . I WWI, Marne Bose, Ewer.
Mimi:Mold Imo open thif morning an atssAmsn
o stylrs of Clinibtns, neat light and duk—
es° sum Prints. of [IIOI hlllapate• sty ks, 12X scrag
W.O Taira; liars..", Poplins. of lamest "Wag Ow Ifsmn:
L[ Golds, In isrent•saristy. mist its Wraps, lissalfe de Linos. Tissues. Le. • _
are - :fry Oocds opining alsnoefdally. •isf•
In contra and reoectable location, vbeni a
raid. could meet Um aadrnts num to o'clock.
.Addreas L Clair note.
EOR RENT.-HA three story brick
d. Ulue hee.e.ftesta owned tea.. "
t nod Pont the the ; oods Id well bathed with b
&sat In. thb atm. which Uwe Is blt
. a ,.. 4:
wt. lbcd and .Id Inter. Pa... Web 1
Ntt,to C. F. VON N o . COW I NIIOIIS d T CO.
OILS. --806' 01 . 1 bleached winter sperm oil
900na cord
IpYO blearebsd
I.M° " wbal•
00U wlntsr
1.4 W :" Tanner? all
W.o.i whale aft_
Noe. 271 =2, I.lbestr K.
PLANTATION Sugar and Mailmen
hbd.Pd'" '" rir r'' &2=e&
3.. y Ws 4n
In. .. "l '" "" by
Mx.= Liiderli ft
UGAR House Molasses and Plantation
10 bbU A. U. M 015...-111.3.0. Reentry.
10 hlulo Ott Plantatloa Saw.
oa eradionont soKI axl. oo
111L11111 RICKIMON, '
it/ 14..111 • '7= latorto 01.
IRE.-20 Tierces Rice in store and for
6031A1 , C6.11:1ENT-2 ars.; for- ;al' o bT
'7I EdAIF 30 blle . pureeider for sale by
R. I.ON 112041.10L5T & CO.
CIIEESE-30 his. W. It. for sale by
_94 9 F. VON coxuom a al.
110 ) boreA M. It. Raisincr
AA ' i*mcirrros.
3.4. :km„.
' " "•
• = a Z. 7, Melly st..
" b : . 1.1.A.L . A..:;21 & BRAZIL SUGLiIt
us ass. Anal a raaa
i' "'""` ''''' '''' ' "II ILLS ft i.arcarrsom.
~,,, _ so.= • -za, Liborty 4-
Vl,O - Ult--111 1 bbls. extra family !lour.
l is ' oss. ssa atel Ai ."'"'".
14 utz..usa a /1.1061T360,1.
(1711EEKE--`2l4boxecChoese An received
X.,/ ea ceceee.wat b
Matt t 16 lancrsos.
Vl3l - 453 SYRUP.-601as ••Turne r r's" Iron
...y.p..43 win/smarm and L. b
LARD 01L-1t) bble. pure winter
.t.d. tt 15 d. Na.
/c 6 N. di. Woad ..t.
AITOII WWl' far d real treat, trr the 1; By
ron To, ralials AM /I CO srer Ih., al *rd.' Tv. Mart
Diamosai. • Oa
Former? and/Ado rn& .Tnerryike Plank Rood.
TILE . Second and final Instalment a the
j into-Adorn VI lb. Leas for Planktet, th• tanworir
and likehaeOre TornitAlte Mont, I. torten J....a WIT
paid727l.lare lt,elsl.h l at i lok y lnA TlL
J. 1.1
1 AMES F. KEILR, Attorney at Lew—Office
ILP lrmath rt- bytwers /3.111.611•61-sad Ursa*. M.
bur Sb.
R. ',HARTLEY. Acizrr, Cr= C 4 North
. Elorsoth aloof. faollsoiolsbbst bogs to infor m Woo
la tb• omisbbolaoW of littobaratt.
whom los too bora In roassousloOloa. last tos boo tie ma.;
pa•soo vials Moir spool osoust., med. setorsiosonts
roost • foo day. la tale oily. IL poss to sore y the !t.
Clair ticket. oo Ito 3. for vas week.
voaLI p rom bably to • Womb!, loProftstolty for Lbws
tostoeto to eon stool moult Um 'Dodo, ••
to to tb• Moir Mho. .r tb• Medina Collootooto
too arrated bio 00:Woo eselladvoly sad sasorserally to
trootoost of ta• Us.
• .... • ..
The h4knrinsteollmottlalostvrabpiltud eaalldeoeta
nay dal haat, to •bat mtimatime bit=
tpdtlitagmed are held by seem af bamt
rd method toeshe the atmerigt
1 hero bad Doe p., Meet Dr. Dollar in
sod leme been led Warm • favorable etplaiop of =
ones. both m tbe przetesdoe and ae • gedniesean."
Pmaga. M. P..
of urgwypier.
.111 s predmaionad appmelabed by
tlPert Pho plan tbeandrea baler tele asp^
• Joss 11. Watreaged. N. D.,
• Protemor a Adamson dr
faxm latimoterst Pith I. llartley, 1 naTe Spred
Ide,deportgamt papal and gentlemanly. ..:-
Yammer. More, 31. D.
flernars en Ptitsbefrok.—Tb• Mail of D. Ilmtley to the
gl i hei t ar att er " :Wetal to 4W ralliAlf=74
moo to wbgh h 4 adret/os 11. Mao far mem 11me rprdalty
and meresefolly /leveled may nIT ob madams hem tdm
mob Dammam Yin •11 probability may remit De • rm.
feet .pra. • 1 1 . J. Warm, lit Char Hotel.
CII3IITZ'S History . of ,Oreece.—A Mato.
con o r. gr_thlin th 4 flrliagten“ to the destruction
'lll 1 ILiticaolVist - Dttyr Br Dr. LaoluN
Schmitz. . 11. IL E.
The I harmony of Prooltscr, or Ithiptural lliustratkoss of
the Avow/ yin... By the Items Alythno. 11.11, 14. D.
Ballads for Wanner Gansidina, Umtata,. Wanner Thosseand
Lines. &ad.'s. Poems. Ily_blan Yanclubse Tupper.
Pronthbid Phlthen tr. • Withers Pyramid. asd the Po
me a King Alfred. Off Martha P ar subar Tupper.
The Mdr of Ws. Wayland: • I.e. By Mazy linen
The Philorythisy of kthilematins translated froth the
Doors da Philossphi• Nadir. of Aurae. Omsbu By W.,
Harthes Neu Tork thd TAU Rallrearl Guide lkok, ccro.
Width, • description of the ikenany. hirers, Noon Vil
lages:and most importtht Works on the Boyd. WI
hundred mad thirty.... ernewthrinith I.thelamod Undid.
from . origin 0 thatches made eztthesly tor wort. By
Win. Macleod.
Ilsznees De. Joni -
The Gold Word:dope., or the days us lire in: • funs.
Wearies) novrl. Lb. author of 44 Whitefriara .
Meath.' book, jet. thodred, and tor ale by
jet B. O. nocKTON, 47 Market at.
L Lace Curtains.
T HAVE just received, direct from the 1m-
VeVr= t .m ° "'" . tr i e Lotai
4.4 Wm. NOBLE, Third
XVOOL TWINE-500 lbs. for sale by
BURLAPS -3 baler; 40 inch, .for sale by
IVITOOL—Cash paid for Wool by
Y 7e4 MURPIrt A LEE.
err...torqued., N. Pod 0111o.:
=774l;:i b tratlZ: 30
Gonerrs, or the Illstory of Portrait, by lue Anaertedi
She liar of Wad Wayland, • We; by Mary Mount.
London 311.1,1m.y-a Pim 1 und 3.
Talbot and Boma. a 0001 , 11 by J. L McConnell.
International hisedlin. for June.
Adventures In Africa.
EEtlny of Petitioned,. by Tbackexy—complete
T Lordtdta, or Males of the Torn: by 1. It, Marra
The Alothertn-Lan; by Mr, Boutherorth,
The Gobi Worshippent thw or vo l b e z da d i ni e o. 11,. int .. futirre
hb=""llll7.ll'e=by or
Dulls-371 rat penal:des
Art Journal for May.
Bostan.tlbstroasso, 1f0.38, mansion.
s Pickwick Paddy Abroad—by 0. W.. M. /toy
odl a'
z he Par babel. • neer uOO.l
j Eugenc Sue
C:olit i e 3 r ot fig "4
P let t rftt r W".
Theby LIMIT Coekton.
The 1 1 .10. e of Ddirentwater s novel, by M LElsnehard.
The Blualheu Wlfd AY T. B.Adbur.
Adrentareo of Mn Owen. by John Oat. Ja
Orplums' Court Bale of Valuable Farms
PURSUANT to en Older of the Orithlute
10=A of AlleghenCount?, the atelendgned Ad•
tondetratel of John A. Robinsonn lab of Venvaillee jaw.
tieig n see, ""* Viald t= "l 2,, orraltet 4' re li de * J " I ..
lagl; at 10 o'clocite A. two geleedis FARMS , into will'
the eetate of geld decedent bee been divided: ear/ ePithly
and'ealearttageonsly situated. within a mile and • calf of
the youghlosheror ilia!r i ree, and thrge mhos front the
ron2taine In • high state of cattle".
tioVilt abundance or Coal and Limestone. • encel Bela
2 egt o etfilllN, screw, Is :leo lo • goe.retate of col.
etnt,toi • larg=por!J 2f on cleared, and neszl=grable
kud . Itg U alet withrber n97=eo:ofe. "4 Lag
:anition of th Tame—Od e
2:gr=r, of
NSW; sod one-ainth on the trit day of aril. 18841 with
Interest from the ern of
Tte t ojildow of the de he =n—Na hua
to be WO to b of
zmaly i. toA=ll
j tat ti goe n trat t g A=8.52,. at
• ' ' " inaeleb.inkLeia,
Je.latlerwger •Administrator&
Canton to the Public!
t r IF RE WCDER. tnstnetchutd by BRISDCG. ONE-
North Third strut, Philule
has autolnd far Wolf a wonderful eelebrity for its tour
heunable rutildnal giant/as. and se ut ...Cott to M. 0..
smut or rat, scot - Botta to the .terfedar
Itulth7 annul: and. where... Ito helmet:ea popularity
. a s.:=lto Yawn and Dairymen. *batter It been
has indoud useinl parsons to get up en tun
• of of our Cattle Powdsr. and lure tarn tbe tome lan
stage alms word fa nad, es we bsro in oar small bills.
kod put all thefts: We th eocrat mutton all persons. stare
eepe .re. faroutuanddainvothr Unita tiottelributahns
ptultlowl by designing nun,
• residence
bagi d ton but bareetbutcd
ti Ods .thrat for
• g sidence ha the country , ad do now chat-.
brat ths wa r ta product any Mug equal to their NW.
Vtordo , Tb.7* aunt the oublle to bear to mind that thtir
Mader is hays Won, &settee not of German... 7
then r ce .t im ,h r ie u , n a y ebb Its quality. not Ks aUfm,
to be the Pans of Its vane. It has already a character
(at hough of but stoutat sistathe nbleboabla
it to stand upon its own merits.
Stung orUnt btu been sent to thlr dry
gar Cattle Pow.
Inettkla hart been lined to tending trtiele got OP
In lcoltallon of our own. We t/trrefora uy again, store.
keepers. farmers sod dairymen, do not buy atonal unless
Yon loot for the name of Prone:held a Co." a
tX.lPEt=gratigal b hl,7l.' cloat allow
a:T . I upon this caution' as well as yor Interest Look
Vs7tEl i ftifSflrliTa r illtLEl at CO
jer.= No. 1.7 North Third sc. Phila.:l4phi.
THE : stibscriber, having made arrange
...b. in onnwouenee nt whirlhb nresent badnese
wort be elated by the bet of August next, now ones Wet
wna, aw: Or 010... m. MIA... Lace aO.9,Em
nroldorks, Deem 14113161ing., Handkerchief.. Pl. Bnleew.
Vurntsblog Goode, Zwphyr Wonted, now. Slatetlaln.
Parzeols. Comb.. and Thread and Needle
tltlee.. Ladles' Bo*, (best Philuldnlils auks,) no
preaVy redewol priers, whdlesale and email.
Jed P. ii. EATON.
. Notice. . •
►Corrorators of the ALLF.OI3I.NY CE.IIE
. t ru ld .: t ..l.=..thr b , that the Atto
eroacdßon rtleellts
71 hut, at a edock, F. Ir.
je3 '.TIIOI/.18 7.1 110WF Preet..
• ~ etel , Bonnets!
A, MA Nlc CO. would respect
fulls turf the attention of porclusers to
the very super nook of new style lionowts. to
whkh they are stonily addled new
Tin above Goods will be as! at von, if., prices by thloo-
en or M. A. bonnet. Nos. 62 and 64 &larked st. Jed
Beaumont's Patent Starch Polish.
ATENTED, July 26tb,1850.—F0r giving
• Leadtifol Glow to - Lharam. Cmobnes, Cot.
Shlrt Meow. ind alto pnrychtr tho Iron from
mlboting to Linen. de.. atul prommta dud from sticking to
unen..6m. and mouths nothhtg lohnloutt
Dlrortlmm—Put • 6leo• Na site of • pc• to • Shalt of
otmeh Whom Morthrttkly.
Prim, 11 % roots ter (late,' ,- bold liholoomle and retell by
IrS ' It. E. BElttElld. 67 Word rt.
L O . a . tst or rece i i i i;ed, ure lstte l r , i , or article
JJ C. A. llcAN'ulfryta CO,
Cansl Blum.
LINSELINSEED OIL-1500 galls, pure, for sale
J. 3 24 Wood max.t.
BGRAS -6 cages Refined, for sale be
. is B CROON MAX ER eco.
LAMP BLACK-30 bble. need, fur sale by
aw,e,,,demv.PrBfitt:h. " T ' brUatirolW
cloud out vol. cheap. A. A. NIASON A - CO.,
e• 3 A 2 And Ol Market ot.
ICI LACK SILK LACE—We havejustrec'd
a n s:i: P gis s ?! tho ob T 1.17, eN ° Alt "
02 nod 114 IlArket et.
VRIBIPED RIBBONS—The attention of
,Voigarw Albt,T.V= l ttit =Mr=
Irbleh wul clow out eZ ray tow prior.
IRON-33 tone Allegheny, for sale by
AA 'J. A IL FIATD. Hound Cbureh Halldhar.
VINEGAR-50.bble. pure Cider, tor sale
M t - J. 0111.714 YR.
ROOMS—MO dos. Ohio, for sale by
ll je3 J. ItILYLOYD.
FlSll—Mackerel, Shad, and Herring, fur
male by J. & K. FLOYD.
TAR -30 Ibis. Bostoni for sale by
J 3 Si. a 11. SIIJI-D
-TANNERS' OIL -27 bble. Bank Oil. fot
mak to 14 -, s Si. aB. FLOYD.
It/ oLessEs—no bble. N. 0., for sale by
A 14 J. &R. 1101 D.
11110TAS11--30 casks pure. for sale by
ACON 5000 lbs z Hog Round, oneonsign
amt, As Ws by I% WOODS* SOY.
61 Walsrst
I. I EATIIERS--1000 lbs. for sale by
K 3 A. a w natattuil.
HIDES -34 Dry Flint, for sale by
LL tot . 13.4
BACON -7 easksSideo, for sale by
'LOUR-100 bblo. New Lisbon Sun. Mills.
Jr est. tam, kr We by b. A W. lIANIIAIA3II..
lILJACKEREL--1001b1s. No. 3, (1851) for
iv .4. be sa e. AW. 114 ItUADOIL
LARD OIL-32 bbls. for sale by
1.3 • s. AW. 111 . 110AC011.
LASS— .. ..:./ . 1./ boxes ass'd sizes, for sale by
F. A W. 11ARDA0011.
11 ACOti—A few casks llama ec Shoulders.
LP nrra:. by . /s 3 A tr. nannamili.
fig VOMIT-25 MM.. N. 0., for sale by •
Ist •• 3 . n. eanelabtx.
.pISIC-25 bbls. Lake Sup — . White,lBsl;
m Lt " "
Greenwood Gaidens.
QTRAWBERRIES. fresh from the Vines,
s 7 an be. .roll p µibis reuse. Also, C 0.,. sad
etbre Icy, wit% 1111 Ondsltrbelso of thebeamo. Th• Abase
t. 4 an. Is IL. !Might of 4. , basobs. A. Omnibus Dam
lb. mensr balb sad .A.l4skst sbroso erino - half bony.
sad lien stsssoss Cbiatsla Use.. the PM Anet Ithlthz
• Llassdrsry bow' ( oft bassts,l
. .
vtyk• wenc h ;Ulu and elja.4,
Dan. De '
Pg..ilD I/ I.NO II AM e.
asmortment of
.0..1 DU. CV Heart.Heart. mad Dr...c liect alst
airC.v. (loads navlvieg itbrioxt do r. j 4
lttM3lC WATCHES, or Dauble Hunting
lux 4.11 L.. WWI.. mad. . to tn't4 , .. on bum
wit. sold es... wr m •hor sea to arr. ft Cl.aan«
On. maks, juot ne1.1...1..1f.• mum
K. . WILN;
Jo: ....I divir....l Icu SO rtlt 11!1,
=1- UGAR - LOl N. 0., for uul'elr
To the Deaf!
1 1.401;:ig:SE — gfitt 111 . li:prilne 6mii;,
.I.YII L. _
-19 katC6Uperlat 6 twist, on
ta7ATERMAN a wcP.
BIiCKF:TS k TpEIS-66 7 :41e;a:HtLek73t . s;
io Tunic formodeby
DORK—A few Ws. prime, and a small lo
L Bulk Mebt. Ibr yak by
B UTTER -6 Pack;
• lets reed. br
J. 2 L. K ITAT ju
frOBACCO-20 kegs .(Gedge'e)
T•UI. kre sal* br JAI DALIELL,
88 Water, ud 78 tint st •
RLOOMS—.WO tons Soft Tenn., for solo by
L ARD bbls. N 0.4, for solo by
Books! Books!
riIANNERS' bble. for nolo by
. 4._14 NTICIS t MeCANDLk:I9. •
PODFISII-6 tierces for sale by
R-42 bbts:N. C., for sale by
r k .... 4 . .!1 . WICK a IreCANDLESS.—,
111/1.111E1—.30 S. C. Canvass, for sale by
BUCKETS—:I9O doz. Bearer, for silo by
5E POTASH-750 lbs. for
by (.1.2) .1. KIDD • CO.
ENECA bbLs. for sale by •
eo 1.2 J. RUM a CO.
TAB -2 bbl 6. genuG;Bari:adoes, for sale
by (li2l .1. KIDD a OD
AA ROOLS-2 bbls. for sale by
/4 7.KIDDk U.
W find old, for sale
Valuable Canton Property at Public Sale.
iirLL be offered ,for gale, at Auction, at
the ktehinni. cot 'IIrESDAT, the nd of
J 11. at 1 o'clock, P. l 0 the rah:able property known
ARD OIL FACTORY. The property le In IN eintti
and eltuated,at tkothoo, on the Patalreeo LIM
hooting 300 feet oo Clinton greet, nrol runnln bactlettts
an voltam width', to Peetern Avenue. gteln • depth of
aw feet. 'with wintbetentlal IMAM' 1111111 - WSW' Prinkig.
to the Port. Warden'. Line, •
M. lUKNIGIIT, tenders his services
• to the dew. or Pitubersh ..edvidoltr,u
Orel atone Collector lad Moveyancer. atknot
to•the rollectlag Lod mulcts of claims thle sted adjoin
/Ulr', end Coelltl% %I reollog th =
of errititie Alt bathsesrr'm Wooded to vitt&
r llerrll.l. Wea'rer. P. C.lflan:
IgUr a iehst ifllLerpdleff.E.l, Vb.
' 011ee eria Nesters 11 aside.. Attorlar 0t1 , qr,T1 1 .1 , •
mu 7i W. ocwtdp ur Pc. loon
Tiowlau SLIP. ELM-200 lba. just reed'
A ard in ash J. HIDOO DI C.
Anthracite Coal.
«tee by
e BlrEl IAN &
SO and 41 Vraler,lubdta trout stmt.
CifTM 01L-18 bblr. Ciii;,lcTianlll by
1 .7 wics a sictANDLESS.
lODIDE POTASH—SO lbs. for agile by
0 2 n. A. FAIINESTOCK A 00.
- ildiceigfiEß.-60 lbs. Cantlouides, for saleby
L yea n. A. VAIINEVITICK. It 00.
. ,
- The Imprommenta eonslet of ono throe
Brisk DW.ELLINO 11000 E, MU, be bn
The FACTORY. onaprisine two hadings, two morles
040,0040 feet ends ems do. two Amine and half
Mils, 40-40 Teen one do. one Mary blab, 100-40 feet. with
two Boller Bacons altaohed; mabmaill.lally built of Mid , .
with slate noting. Also, Rabies, Comer and I..l4benter
b 4rFbetory 1. fitted with msoblnet7 srul Menelle Misr
Plota for manuniesurlng Candles mad - Lentol 4 oo4ll 00 1 . 7 1 :
o,l 4n rpon " lbintrite g rf 0117 of
aoudad by other istendre . hotovies, of various
eme of die mat &Amble locations eltbln the DlOrrj .
pf the Conlon CoMbno7. /411,144 the nildet or • raw .
roving motion of me s u burbs, It emnt 1110
went. to manudenvere nal impl
remne—Onerbelf out; litenee in eh and timbre month/.
with Intared. G. A. WILMA-118..
No. 01 Bnehosinsn'il Wharf.
asylkdbemit • 0111000 e CO..Austloneers.
- - -
LIGHTNING 110D13- 7 8pratt's Patent.
JANKH JACKSON, OffsznaL sour,
Inoltsale Dtpot, 86 TRW street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
t;rkd that they canon got out of order. Th.
ro b' ard Attachments cuing acourately, the Points
god klagnota an notralled—the whole lanof highly oe
omantal. and without tarpon the beet nMctor At"
manuracturod. Aaron Jaeksou 1.10 afloat' th em
cents pro foot. and foe Point and 111staots. rho. at ne
ADM 10 Ceuta
ynpperognorn to roll at 66 *cod
Moot. gun natahao a non; when, .1.0, tho Lannon"
be Imo mr2lon't
I f iIItSTARD SiEllo-=4600 Ile: for silo
1/V1 id = PAHNEBTOCIC 100.
PRI:ISSIATE POTASH-500 lbs. for sale
by 1i 21 - B. O. FAIDOCITOCK • CO.
C j. 2 WAY SEED-400 sal a e o lg
IVIOTTITTA- 7 :-50 otio . r 7 saleg ol a
CIIIAVATE POTASH-50 lbe. for gale
CODFISH -10 drums for sale by ,
I^lol{.N-4! bn. for sale by
'J Jr. J. B. DILWOIOI7I* 00.
B A i I .t MLS-200 ne7 y., Tr u r :w fsr sal:g
• .
low k. j . meth. :gr,gum
< 24,00
800 " Rlde, lidwYl.4 6 10
law by [le2l J.I.DILWORTH 00.
SAFETY FUSE-25 bbl& toarrive,for sale
by 11141 .1, R. DILWORTH CO.
EFIINED SUGARS-106 bbls. Clarified,
Po.dend, and embed Ibr ml 4 In , •
2.2 Jamil a. uurcedsoN £m.
GOLDEN SYRUP—In hf.bbli. and 10 gal
luva rm., the at. Coes 14.11.m1:a *Os by
Je 2 JAMAS A. L0M.X.130:1 CO.
R ICE -'2 tierce Carolina, for aalnby
JAMES L. nurcuisox & 00.
HEMP -130 bales-Mi. D. R., for sale by
jc2 JAMES A. 1:111TC11180N A 00.
LEAD -1400 Oa Galena;
p 9 6x* JAMES r riiVallsol a co.
HOT-65 kegs aaa'd Nos., for sale b
-5;0 tads. Pip
n u, b y
200 bblz. "
ToINNERS' OIL-50 We. just receiving
by =eel, ecc for mils by JAMES DALZELL.
ea. Water et
Extra Pine Oolong Tea.
heRECEIVED, at No. 256 itiberty et.,
0 a eery *uvulae artleby et Wows Tett, which we be.
hew mutat 1* suryanad la the city. Thaw &shier; a
choice. delicate Wand, but highly annul* Black Tea,
are Invited to give thin WWI.
Black Team, of miry eaVetri from Tte: • _•
lt `.. • WM to et
=lack Teat nmiLed . to d u raztlg
WM. GrownlLusu 00.
=I Taa Design
Roussel's Premium Perfumery. •
TILE Ohio Mechanic? Institute, at its re
nted exhibiUna is the City of OurisasSt. trad ed
Asia Ur Fancy solos sad Pafamerr.
I:inteueette Mineable Mectie rirmetem_st
tin. Ith SAN and PerthmerT. a elver eedal, bete{ the
Highest Premium. .
The American Indltute. at Its late exhibitke In Wu at,
of New
York, warded . to X. nexim Pm Tailed goats and
Prfumery, • Slime Modal, being the Web.. Rimini.
The Franklin Imititate, at tut meant exhibition In the
CU 7f Philadelphia, anarded to X.Basin, U Amery Soape
and Perfumery, • Ether Medal, being Um Illgbast Prernt
...All the store averts were made In the month of - Orto•
her, IXBO, and the tam relltdrions atom named are the
noly ones at which the oroinctione of X. Boom bllll been
maenad this year.
The zubserlber Is determined to ataintala and. Woos&
••blc, to enhance the reontaUon lad& mUddishment hes
acquired during a prtMd of mote than thirteen mans and
respectfully eQdta 0 eouttnuance of yobbo marrow. w ..
linecemor to and framer Mediu of the laboratory at Z.
Rommel, Chestnut amt. YbiLtdalpilltu •
tc. L sELLEns. No. a W stmt. bdat 9 , 1.41 a
Agent bir Moses of Bliffrg •CalogousooPts remnito
Perfumery. in the City of Pittsburgh. hos sootluatly a
buys stork co band. which ha win ounly to irbolsnalt
&aim at tho tenunsfacharcra Prima air nag
Dissolution notice.
'PILE co arm heretdore existirjbi
Coln' the nolerOgned nder the sqle at ILlo
Scott & Co-1n the etty off a t begheny. Ps. den
gay sat,lSSlALloolved by la canal consent—the huslasse
..1 the late nynk will be mottled by Meeent 11.1.ngelszd Alo•
mire. JAMES K. 31011.011 E.
Allegheny city. Slay alh J.P. 8>) t.
She andsrescned have toned • aid nin
bong:ler mance the badness o 0 tbe histamine Tea.
dry =ler the mew of Hlngeland & Moron. '.
In withdrawing frown the Arm o Eingedend. Sant kO,
the anderdsold nottirt rerseetfullp eorargend the mixer of the late Erna to the patronage of Ow awhile, end
rolkit ry them tbirreittsneanew of their broom
maw atx. JNO. P. swam.
,. Bend. Pastry, O.W. 62.1 nuking Ow beat of
read 22110 the addlgora of ooki irate/ only. This Thar
22111 t. fland the warn advt.:heat and cheapen that can
in wed to hotuebald harpoon, wring 2b bag
in and egN t.. .a.l making the mat Brad. Light
ragtag. Pad ' Cakah le-. gnat wring of tlnio.
nal ' a &Dm Is pat op is wrirrealent sited
pseteen of 3'2.1 B lb.. with 0211 dhlietlnna gar ma To
be had al . WM. A. MeCLUEM
Orceirgasal Toe
LIRE BRICK-20,000 beat fire, in store
1: Alai for de by - JAMIL N S DAISILL.
aay3l • o. 63.. Water wt.
SAL SODA —ZSO casks Sal Soda of our
owl maks. w.•" , • at rad oredmiert. bj t
lat3l • &ter Anat.:
tiKLEBER has just receisa a choice lot
•of mart* Gerhardle Itelodamm, manufactured
t Orthardelmself—tbe Mental Inventor—en Ma+
sm.* Qtr. Mr. C.
has mute Improrrednpm eseiglosl
toteatios, and it la my morally meem that ha.lnalta,
sIA bed Nekabood In the earetry. both far ell:mama
een end slams and bower of Canasta Moth. Awes
atm am
-0.5 sane Itekdaen. oczedl ter, rostnrocat
era es
tOl'Third street. alga of the Golden Amp
nyroct •i_ls!de Army for Gm ahem lastrtsrornta. .
fiat FLOUR—S bbln, for sale by •
11 rol , d
Datsmica. ' , heftlt
fb.IIIEESE-50 bores good W. R.., tor saleby
my!:: ItDreLLICLCO:OI).
-2 bbls. No. Hard:. •
4 " Oman
• IS
by feathass
• I
t " flaipaL
05irriva sad te
itiao --- ir - Zi 7 M7riviric•.
(a ALT PETRE-20 bags (Crude % for sale by
I. =OO W. a FAN ILBCO.I. •
`ALT PETRE-20 keg" (refinedYfor sale
1,3 by W. & I. WILSON.
my:10 117 'trot. sad 118 Eacand N..
ISGS.u-Liold. Gold and WOO% Boosort, Toni:WOW
)rooolooVrocueh Pow. of Tarkos Qualm% mad Ott
rotors towlt ttro.cootosutonote of STEMS •1117 clo. of
"admen, for solo st IM ostablishurol of
. 111011 A S PALER. IS MAR
lwaortseteat. lacladltra •••17 Mud tad dwastptlata, at
...tingly low alarm as de
TI MM PALIMI, 63 Market ca
JA& . DAIZELL. Wholesale Grocer, Cora.'
mf atm asktl ramasling Werebank sad d • - 110=4
17 1 ,1 3 i bY acaritr, - Nricisao:4 oastM .
re? M
It le the Dteameet hand INka A= Mewed
this establish:l4e% le OK teereeneeeted
IthWe nen lately owned lint Oat by Hetreeth •IY
Cairn. '
OFFEE-100 Impprime Green and Fin
r} Rio, ker Rile DJKILLIANIE A 00..
12 Wool rt.
51%111 . 1. trims mat fies 4
' . I=ilanic
. for ink
myn .Z. D. & CO.
r dt.
' PLINSI:POPLINSI—JustittoeiTed this
- ay. sor e:—D) Own toscalful dudes of mint
• .14-Whlch we wlll salt al Upa ow,. be er than
they beim eold In llns city. - •
my-0' ~ . A. A. MASON a CO.
FINE SHAWLS.-We would solicit the at
tosdlos'orpoteboaaro to oar my sztakotts snort ,
.t of, plots sod ootbottiorod Crape Shawls sad
to= trii.. " l7lg l ll ;Jr'.
tho reNtooroot 111.80 H • 00 . .T W "
- sod 66 Msokrt st.
day reeW 3.1 cartons of them veep desirable thinned
Tyke., Trianni amorted colons, which Will 0. sold '
very cheap at nual or br the box, at 62 and 64 Merkstst
thye • ' ' , A. A. MASON l (XL '
VINE DRE S . GOODS—We have just te
a: rebel anothee solVid assortment of 'black, brown,
ro ta , blue atelzr le% ...= i n
.7., BOY Alen p.......,
my oc W
7.e. A. W CO..
In the new town Latrobe, , Westmoreland
County, Pa. . .
The LoyalhannJ Drpol of du ' Pain'es Railroad.
- •
lIE new town of LATROBE is beautifully
uated on as eleratod level blab. an the pant of L et
.m.rti• River, where tb•raialay/mil•Vallrood
crosses that stenos by a headmen Wane bridge of three
thane of 4t feet cads. It b4O miles met of liluabunfb; ft
eve of Greensburg, 11 wen or Lizooirr.l2 south of Maine
rills, 3 north of loungtiown,nnAT math of New Altharr
dtia. The fireerkkoson Roamed will be °email to lb.
umpoiat7 tarmirms afar the town, early in November
n es to osimeet with am southern turnpike. Thegaiene
mrse every train wilt atop to take amend at the new and
sataudva RAIL ROAD Ulnae now In progress of ergo At the zone,
~f , the
a l? :l a
„ al
4 re e tz ,
n cti ig t • tha d t:
ea ereeMlionied — laTaly, Th. lots now Alfatesl for Ink or
lease are 60 feet trout ost Weals 60 bet wi mina hack
liki het to• Ili Retailer they will nage tri p lea bout WM
upershle someting thenll. wcaltlon. Nemo atlas kta are
moth than 400 yards ths Rail:ad Depot whkh la In
the centre of the town plot. L Oublota and outage lites,_of
which there are leveret handsomely almond along the'
bank of the , ever, will be mkt on Dororabla tame to ger
solo wishing to build. The Olinda of this ration b de
lightful, the
no the twin le very Ineutithl end
rumantle. and It will no doubt to • pbsce of gnat newt
from the Dike, as It bin the midst of the Roast Radar
awl hunting retices In this pat of the 414.6.• Ithuntal
hiduzapenta offer themselthe at
point Au Mother
men, mantibeteirers, , th4 mechanic.; to acme and matte
they can nye Immediate business end entpoyoust, a. ebb
Depot willies the point to ohleh Um Iron end alltha trek
of Ligonier , valley will wawa, cane, by a turnpike
wog , tbo IthleNithim OD of the ea...taut akure kv .v.a.
•pl mth( three talks Rom AlausiarJohnston, .
to the Aeon sat will alto that of the neighboshadof ew
VI::: a a. ' d r'
L i
I i b e T ra s efEn l e r d I . k tl ' i i' e tb . "U"
' 1 th a; il l the
of be eau of
to thrr L en. In thundanna
There is at hand,. Ineshaustibb supply/As/I kW&
of building matariale Moo, stone,.,thatior. , Asawmad
grist millers in full eretton, with meth of waterloo,
er within knO note et the Derot„ en sztenalve beith
yard she in opL-rstko. will furnish a ;ergo number of eir
parka . tea Maine the teeming *moth The ell hi deep
witc and well dabbed lo eultintleas, garden% ta._.
terms of sale of lots wlli to mask known on applki.
tloa, in tenon or by letter , to the euleesiber, at hie %ma
In roungrtainy or et the oaths In LATIMER. whereenl.
of the lute may be mean OLIVIA W. BARNES.
N. IL A public ads of 60 lota will take plans eg Lialogili,
mith• 10th of June, at noon. Term Math itrEktra ei th e
n Mar unlnthathered titles will be • •. Ws Wisithe
• •
wW.V.p bb • ,
AkirCl me
8 1 1
recovid id rL A XLo
Slur rot Mo. 1116r2444. .. nardsM4'.
Pittabtßgh Zife Iniariusce C.
OFFICE NO. 75 F0U.8771 spzg,FT,
Preddent—Jaxts 8.
ik• Preiddent--B.lBta 3WLEnua.
Treamm—aurae 8. Wm.
beeretary—C.A. Onnat.
lag' 18,51. ',RigiggiP_
• xmosimarms =A.
Via llMunsalle and Cumberland, to Baltimore
and PhUsde
atowit m h the the aim Midge
at dail Cumberl y, atand 8 ein&
morning grarleeln eon-
d next
Tha t 'mutat Boat haves daily (etheat ilthidaT
at 8 o'ok s ek t.t otosneeting with the can at Cumbarlani next
evening deka. • • . •
Time through to Baltl.aa 81 bonen rare only SO.
Time thmogh to PhiladalWa. 40 brunt le. mir PO.
The National Bond is now_ g Contactors so with
the Omaha; between Brownni and thanbarland,whish
Toth. thl. thvoldnily the beet route Xam
x. givx.w lawn.
=WIT • Office in the lionougahala
Egizg- 3 1851: MOM
b%MESS Packer and Railroad Una for
(imam, oirkoos am or amh b 7 Bhwihst , ten.
übstrgb to Beaver, in sosmatlon with the elegantly gin
Isbed Express Pockets of Clarks, Perks Co., mare
to Ravenna, and tee splendkl saw Pluser . l .4 :arso the
Clasland sad Pittsburgh Enitroal Co. to C
MAY7I.OI4I= Dams.
at nne leae' their 1161 1 =lte the Idoweiraliela
use, o'clock, A. vith the Peekste at
Beam, which Till leave Inimediatelr on the Alvin,' of the
.tame. =rng at Karma hi thn h. the Nkomo Train
of Cars Ihr Clwee/seal. Pemen. toTthis Line attire at
Cleveland in time to take t halhoed Lbw of liteennne
Ibr iIUSTALO and DETROIT, =I the stsenters ihr
go, Idliwankle, Toledo, lianduakT C4z, Needdrk and Laic
MA Air evenhig trebt_of are eir Yesn. end
antisnadi, , CLASSY., PAM T lb, P. v:te."
OS= =War Manz%UM;
'''d "rrearar.
, earner of ealitidtald and Water
ant ,nrrit6nLy
MEM. 1851.
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.
psossrssesin • •
& L IU " 11111 N, Cletin3.6D CO.,—Coornato, re:
T aw kncrsnm Line is new re
I to
eLTA I WAbIe, tow foL P" rotrts=l sad Lskes. l - 1
Th. Lelia-les of the Line ars a:RtuTasod to namer.enl•
14, sad eapseity of Botts, expatencoof Cattahas, sad ef ,
s Tru r e rosiViese Pittstmegh and aeralsad
-eameettem with a Una of steamboat. Wee= ra - ra.
BOMBS sod EZAVER, sad s It* of firm dam dem boat.
leroyeller and noels) at ttli Lake..
comumerse:' • - -
- Park. t Co.. Tematotmos, O.; . • ;
C. Yorotto. games. O.;
Bowtoo Ai C., Itanmes,_ _
Kat, Ortotsl t Prsaaoko.;
U. 1 Miler, Cu Valls
Rhoda, Lee t 0. 4 wen, O.;
theadeneo t Pettlhoste, Sandnalof 04..
Peckham Stort, Tatou, OA
0. RM.= &Co l = r . .mtea•
Geo. 6. Gibbs t W., Chiang., 111.; •
Thomas lists, (2. -
30LIN t 001111 Y. Ateed,
sal tar. Rata std had W, Pittshamdt. •
Brandies, Wines. dz.
HAVINO completed. arrangebients • vi;l2
llinatajn Bordeaux sod other Zumwalt Cltle4 Aar
tem vacation of toy =dam I a= Um enabled to attar to
Eindera_st. a ratan ltdr once over isomfatino otos. WWI
- to Invited to tar na
110 pu •
ltaton Bcodeatu. and ltoeballe )
am .it Plinj Joao and dark. ••
•• - .
751 nd. r u ilr. maks Aoki, and herrAtaberriar. Ana
, .
SI or. auks llatirbo ondrzfgrada.
.1.25 Post Wines, part Tarr okl and superior;
300 baskets Sparkling Cbantretana, 101 l known branda ;
Soo kens Cheat Wined, various brands and
,•Intagea, - .
I.ta eases Sauterne and Harm. rirdadeo ot , to-1. is
AS eats Bantrnas and Claret Wino. , •
lb cdpe. old Itnn•nd and BehordantOln.
10 pantheon=
Old Bonen and Itisb Whiskezr. • •
" • aapotior Old Janet/es Rut. . • .
90 tasks inapalar London Brant Avant and Boas*. Ale,
With • ththWthf .uvrar 00 inzgatimrs, anebna
Itaratoldno. Carioca. Alarry Bran.
/ large stoth of HA VILNA SEC.ARS slvays an hand.
All of which 10111 offer on far Ssonrable tonna •
Orders will la !am:dad with aerpaten. ant Agape:l4mnd
tarn, lowed • A. 11. ARCH
Importer Deahm , 30 Walton argot.
aolAlayStodsto) • ' Pbiladeltdda
COFFEE -85 bags Rio, for sale by • .
mrsttot - nonesTsos SEPPERT.
QIIIRAS'ALE-32C1 whole and half bble.
kJ warranted lint Quality. new In atete es
Peas by
Inytntlat , ROBERTSON Jr
WINDOW .GLAISS--2000bousfor !ale by
LARD OIL-20 bbla. No: 1, for sale lowto
wkw maws,....t, at Q. gam at
mym7'?walla Wood
and Ulla eta •
& N. WI.
1 ~....a .: ...,...,,,,,,
.` !WU' ITI . : ..
. ... :
lIGAR—LO hhds. N. 0., for sale by
mys EL It W. traaaatum
Co . F g E—lo bags forepirl.%.oioll:
IJOTATOES-500 bo. prime Red; for gale
ll ' : o%#
• t 61 Mater id.'
ans Oa aosr .4.ealag Isms /it of taaufital
a, aping MO.; at 12..3‘ =lig yard. Thaw
a...M..1 tor theasassah as ars vell varta ICS
asata d 2 aad da Mart. st. • - lar2l
'ITENV BOOBS!—A largo eapply of Mr
ellatcek.a Cm& Grath ard A Lela Wor Path
eIaa.IVILIM2/ Itothma. ar tha ttranama at a os
and aim. sad Soar eon. an a desert ham% Vol.. LIM.
m. .. ...
alaa. - Noa I. 2. 2...a.14. of March Laados. nib.: mini
.1 on
rSo we Pour d sad So W.. by . • • lIL HOPIEEKIN . .
m - , TS Aral* as diaca. nauth at
DIMP---50 taxes for gale byy
e r T z l 8,4.1/AMMO= kom
LUE VITRIOL-2000 lbs. for sale by
=ma A A. PAfNESTOCBI 00.
BATH BRIC • —lOOO Eneiatt;for sale by
YELLOW--20 , cases Baltimore,'
cenk ay
my2l B. et. YLMIL.9=II a 00.
Q.A.LERATUS-34 casks far sale by
A Ll3ll--50
sarM B. A. r tBTJOB ilk CO. •1,
WINDSOR,SOAR-50 boxes lilts's: for
y y bi Ra r ,4l B. kamsarrock a 00.
j DOMED OIL-10 bbla. fore IL3lff
R. larb amersoN, LmLx * co.
BACON -43,000 lbs. Shoildenn
IRO 0 ROM Ibr aNtbj
TIRTED BEEF-2000 lbs.for eale by
MOLASSES -200 bbls- N. 0., for sale by
awn ROBISON, LirrLE a Co. '
," Itcsalobr.
m72s . ROBISON. JAMB a oa.
TANNERS' bids. for sale, by •
m yZ 11011180 N, /1100.
NAILS -400 kegs far said -
B ROOMS -25D dos. common :to beat;
60 aim tam
g • sat M .
' • =rZS • ROBLBON,
COFFEE -150 4g s
men -23 r -akt Et?' 71713 CO. .
FIO IROT T; 24O tom
m ßen's czeel4
ROI' intngiaitt *
it. =a mar:74
-8 - 17791:Targ-,7 7 . . • •
• • . mask Aim Chagos
A 10° 1
1 " U. 7 .4 40
•mr2D ;401/11nrint
;Q:EALED PROPO4 A 14 will be,redeived bj,
theundeoldszied,al Br. Owen* witll the nth
day of Joue. 14.57. for thetroduatiou sod eanthrbotion ur
eluding furnishing ell alaterbal 41 the Gomm tmei
Aboothrfs Neato Plonk Ro=," truth Hu Cleno,/4,
about 00 =lee to the Iron Idouotato and Pilot Snob.
Prom= will be mete= either (lot) by the mile I=
all wart and thatabiL emplete rout. dr smarately, ea
=loot (53.) for pleat 0 it. In length, delivered it=
of rued coovenleot distance= 104.) for layinetPl l ewlef
=loth= rout (oth.) for pl.= delivered and Into
road. including toler, (M.) dor =Moan= by sale.
=that= trObbing sod =art= and =hem of =leer 4
two stwit
fa sossoury and bridging.
work will be Melded into =No= of about 5 inilao
lo lenttlo..4 let To r loather. Fifteen ugh:oaf the
• =be eorithleted the lei of end the
by the lot of tor. Mt, or se moth scoter
es the coot:mum maw mire: 11 bprOvevad to Pia= toe
rood renerslly with white =li
tune. The ef 'smoothen. to an alum..
O t t% C'
th. er red v y • lb, ma:4.U=
034 ..11 after the 3cl day af Jun. rt. either al Bt. Ocoee
'OOO 00 as thoodiew of Jethro P. 0. /liiirred,/htilth orto!the
. - Agricultural Imploam%
UAL E ‘TOST±redeived from the - East the
following inmlwon oats. all of Om beat - mannfacturs
the mon namnt inventions, arid I would lnylte
Tammy to ell and a - gamine Int Monk.
ODrClm .
Blooldner. ogoln Moo.. • .noll , !, 1 :013.11*.
now. 43r wtmat. tf!...d.. and ontwll
Osm Shallot.
Straw and br
oom - Imo hand para. ,
Own Stalk Codttog &don
&Votrand Ll=
Gram SfalE rna; torn •
Oraln and and IWO; • .
two. Mom and S T Wong Ibria.
manntacturod from Um two pmataiaia. andlmadii
at tin Drag cod toed nom of _
my= " Comm of.W.MI and &nth otreain
I QUID OLTE-3Agios4 (a very Inpaior
1.45% .. d05tin0l -to - rootatt!. goal of du Owesocak
woo al )—lonolo by - j 7. xlDur CO.,
INSP.PD 011.-400 galloll3 for sale. by
14 004 • • 101 L CO, 40 Woad 444.
Ito troibals emu -
• /OD " 4r sate on mall rat
IiNREISH TOMAT9ES, hermetically sealed;
retaining. perketly, the flavor and Mebane. of Or .
rlpetruite. far rail at WM.JL WI:WNW * en.
tarsi - • Groom end Tea MOM.
PTED BEEF.—Evans! Sniffle Sagai
°"a 14 ‘ 1"'"".4 ! fr iBr i ll'CLOIG a a.,
Curled Hair Matneesea.
IL,. on hand a large steckof Matrasr .
es, mode out o
.utytwwases Mar. "Tho . e. nip
sky= Tbled stmt. atimit• tbe Part
.Tiumencor apttaaCAr TALEE T.
gEORGE lICENRY hit• She plettitlre
to anmage that to has keen IMMuttdaleut kw Th. ,
of thank°. iphemild work. nirebebb In now •
bers, and nelWeell be tithe bens et Zb nate pre neaen.
It win contort, 200 Mahout ebonite . kmerethons, to on
*clot Iminuaketo from original duly.. or Method OM
the met Mete.. masters In Panties, and will be hoed
the mom dearth. orpy of the Bible pat... AM..
Tim Wood. stylo of Womustko Woo.* tat this cork.
hse an tD. froshma and brilliancy of lid Painting boos
emulated by the new art of Etutruing and Poona/ to
Colota: „.. tow Ent Introduced Into Alarms by the puma
Tba blithest mentalums of the pme have teen !wend •
tem an pulsed to. Iltdon, of width a few ars boo sub.
Prom tbo Weekly Emden Partor. M. Y.. Asens,
Kagan kreesnme. Bible. what thall o. ilay of 10 Ao'
for u crumb go, It transcends coy copy of Ms Rolm.
hie aver pubileal In this mantly. In bath' •P • itmr
edilksi of thhi great toad of the Put. wrapd la the
benefit. garment of modern Art. like the huh door. •
hors Num, gornlshing Immo( the Numb.
Nagai with . sadden napalm to need and roam
tbe Book of 0.0.0,. The dispeehlon to toed may sally kw
lade... but the bombe to orbs moat be resisted.
We =moot tat amain this book-those mouth
bold type-and eseelleut Inc area mothrteillil/1
make an outland an. Illb to any that boa
been bantam. :Math.l in tho 1J tad Mateo.
Prom the .North American March V. lin •
Mooneeded A dd .- W e ha nee. ed from th e :abash
ers, Moab Tbompomaf as eity, the Vet umedmr of
an Ilbanan.. fietocial Family Bible. nblen to tee lr
nun in ileee-Peee , l4y win e.h =data Wave or ante
illutratiou In oil Mora Milibently cogrevol, from dr
daps by Duereua. Tn.* MU bath au. nearly Orono.
dad such embellishatents, .tad - .s the mdmaddost
trlemAszer . b
.. =angsr=byol , t a r ,
form and tbe fullest memo of mom
From Om Prtabytotian, Mu th 31,1151.
Jlberefeered BOP*
elf, Of
.V.= hate....l r 4. =^l twos n 7.
b, t.t. Morsel with two iiner brill.. illustrations
In that Km Myle of art of ogle oil colors. - The, /th•
We is In nouto ism the tram . ..pbr span
freahlng ths *ye as the aloof tn. and um mama
can edam, and thallium:dna. umwringsars rut beau.
tiful. • The proesh• effortlad by theso preliminary maims ,
.gemas ot law that
.01 Mb Mil mom 411 *Misr Asoorkon
Tim the West Jettrinua. Moth ffi 1111..
sm. norpron's Illsomated JobJC-rth two 2m/ I
Nu. at this monidorat work are Jam received. sad we
bare an hadtation oWnif *halt letheateet aleuat. amt
reettit tho UmU golptures Mat has rot
. la the Pelt. gates.. then limo.
Vat Ann.
an colored Illusintions 00 Mk, be new
Poo. loam tatty drat a Publishing Irmo. Th. Iseur
pow atul paper athareatoththat and the
erne& MM. win oonstauto• settlbot pm nor the man tor
From the Wabash Geateast, Mardi ISSL
fTheabest. Mau-W. hate metro! tbo pabttth.
g", g Thompoon, of Philadelphia. Mu •lat
amber of a new illumbomed gala Tau ore pad/shinty
U In seud-monthly mots, each number to tontolag in t zsa
i t MUMS enthemath lo
it win mke • beautiful istolly Bible-woutiorore
to any that babe thee buena. pubnolted th 000098.-
Prent the Pennezhae Imam, Mach 22, 1151,
The second numb.. of Mogen & Thomporres areal
'k* mod 'f loy th. DTh g
r.""bl igrrelos= •
es Alm brothe ' rromus; certain. =sax an
the Arta, and la • mom o.p
yet Mu molused by sewb-etcel art. Ite mom mum
er La Hilt mato: tb• wane of "Man Joking a-
Prom the=den Domonst, March 11111.
lAs FM Arts-We bau Jut noticed the three drat
..abore a( the Intuainated nwir Mble in Oil Cohn.
suouttal this
the Ugliest style of U. New Cbromatie Art
We oath this book with amatory helm of atimlration.
and behold boy the Int Um a amt. cd toe rich env.
vino, aosthgobyttki • tobi oat boantdb Übe On
lenapenn . szl nniet i ed&go ceSt . o4.t b Ltl 2 ‘ Mures
ha ever os MS.
mPoi 11/ This olograblo . = r d etattounico
than gareldus rou t sod of the
air:e . st beho " lPSier ' tiLllttr6V.
mot Md. m umm natersibing imt imiromiatm.
TU. th e Chratdris. AM] 11 , 51.
Now ibut.--itat La it Thomson bare mut no two mod.
men ambers of tn. Tilandnated table. new In mow of
=kat , pronden . t ili urpol i o:=lthe l =
f . o .l l" .l;7=a.r.... w tt ,' lttg t u yirataTorlri
Ia absolutel superb. oar tag rothlog MAI
net-I We doubt not nor Iltioado, la. Wm
mod. large reruns bor their llbend cestiay.
10001,. luddlem
Soo Astortal ratit.-Wo are I ebtod tayila tont.-
boa of Mr. tboorsokblarTew. itomis•M.M.Bfat
then umber of slogan g mmu Winn
TM work comes boom us whit estractiono of Di
d. Troth, and of artist. skill and beauty. The Title
ia¢a and Lazl i b i gat=s ag a l=7 ,:a ngriag . •
The :let. of the fr , st u number are `Tbs. (Ulan of Mdse..
- Neon lisetificing,, Rog. amt latuaaat. 00010 luso
Monnog.ineob." The paper end , t .. 7 .. airennamolly .r eltaa
and the thaeabe
learned Ttansotars. who mble the aristoal= goad
gorlptmu thee mutant eendr. (hi. imam of tto met
wiltremomed It humbly to eh those Min desire p al
kal knew of tha wo.tara.i. dainthle ;
could to and* Dr Patabtata their dallttnat,
brothers to their shows: or by gentlmen tbs. N •
mate friends. We bopa lb. those who en freely Wm/a
use .2thathileir wW shoo at. least tot opal taboo:ow:to
Prom Cubboge's Part Tottpabllthed at Elmothh. Math
/Toms MThoodoon's /Teremodel 811 , 14-lllmalosted
MIL Paoli, Bible. 1. To be laded In sectly
pat% uthatratot th • moot beautiful otyto mt.
.gravings in oil colars,tranarienta denthae.
umly canted for thb writ. by thensealt , Hamm
" i ' cbillt r is= ?l as *M ol . thV id dlstlisetions 'M W V ' lal
to ye. Ia on. la moo merely comma, and the gnat.
of tho tastes of thaw whose Interam to m d
but gist for pang the ettentkat on the neat int
nets, sad laying tetra Inoue the
of the naleeSt ,
Tar aantitcont ant C. three Is no book affords Weise
.m oban
n the talo a. gt : telt=g idi erz t % taro.
ft.., was untal ° 2 tin sacred blsany by mans of
and the. mut In the medics of Ctudmora
MI Boar.' Bible contently by blab will atom itra 1
them a place in Om lentllT library em/tbo Sur47.. ;
oaths:, a. 001,0 thine. zelmbee la bdure mob oath.
... I .l 4 , l ,gd ai. ln miu mapi Vi ri other
d= b ; l ortrai r e :lb .. 1k 1 40. Vihr=r...l:g
tulle that the uheeto of MU number /da montledadonn.
ly odopast to Lilo/drab. of eranaelle. mnsM.-- 11
mean. lbarirrinto . -amitra of Sam Neat gooritming.
Mom end Istunand and Imo histelog which ro
opectleety with the roornonektime delleser. I/IMM.
meal Innooence-oceptama thareuh bawd-dependences ,
on Providence. and soursigety of um. The rabltotters
end printers kauesham. their skill upon le-cloar type; j -
teautlfel puer. mod se amorsteapeuesost of tut auk
maws with Ming Jute. labia Mauro. 11.
i ' mu ' lreallooa certainly deserve tho Moats of the WI;
weld. andwre hope will obtath theontidenea thaw(
Irma ths Nagle Loam. •
Hama Thoototo's latthorastes ptaToikt
'ffe banjoes notod tn. Scot Ilmr number. of
ailment vitae. printed in bold .• vat =math r
bent.% Cbloatatla Led inallesittra Thaw ,
or more of theseutou te Moth ht ugh
onetramobetr, and Md. mo
.. by the smodinatkir.'
at tbe roddrooe 0... m /then ben It lOU make • ohm
• • hemthi;FiLirm imusaNiutir. _
Tat Itheeneatsdritti ZZO Bril li ant Iliummenem
id Ott Coke. ltodan Thosepeon—We
have soothed Tram the habitat:oars, through It,. ithee.l47:'
the first end armed tarts of thts nen end
than of the Ii bla , The atm is vane. the ON .Test and
beentigsd. the Pepin' of ht. Wthtf. szoi the eatiaaa zE.
• Wes ere gins is the meroea, wet it mut prove to be
emery desirable wry of the homed • Wham: Mt= tar':
the pullet or du the fthitly Orel. The Mustratlona ere
printed ha oil colon ream wood Noels, • new and ham} •,
of art They will De very numerous. and
not WI to crate • greet. &mad for tliteratttlart of the ' .
Prom the Bunged (Tersethh) Tiered:" ;-
ithothereed 8.t 4:-llt pni Tboeutese.of Ptittedehilde." •
uoppebilehing namemi; the mom beautiful Pilau.. i
albs HI We we We ever seen:' The is of the Ithaet - : . -
quality, the Pipets lam end deer. end
eith vista IL Is .Ithastested say ge lr =eege
at art. Meyer. execnted sera* .pemllar to therm" y
I isbas of this. wort. and are 4 the beet i ll uarra-
Moe Cl th e Lea that wok hareem. The Trek bearded •
a low prioe— Natete . 4l% on hemp . pew tete, well
Mmth the met of the
, - • 01171Cr5dil DLAMOBA L . B/ThTiltlihillh • ,
Otylun~ Court Bala
Tutu _awl =doe -of •thc . :4:doil:.
a Vg . Allaure= 6 lll3e ., go&
Thom isto of Allootway. mown dscomol. vita co-"
1B to to ago cm the mow. oo iktordaytha 201,
•JOAOA Al. D.-1331. thst ZiallMat• or trout all:
tM Mocoogobals tiromod lamb et B est 41=g
Cum, A. /L. Amtecata. arid °thou. 1%74
.0 • Lase. toa.knogra:, - tr-th•
TsrauloadAmenen at
ii731.1.31.9* : Gloardisa.
Portable Thrisking Maebines; . .fiepga_tars
NEARRANTED to - ,1:10 thorboibli built,
• p zie s =. wade and m sold bi n4 BlSTlale
wreak Alte c tersh, The TO/orbits began a in=
hil, eod orothan, 00 easily rammed Camp hew lob
place, enl may ho Ind with equal coonsulmee tanner! ,
Odd. Ith =swainne 11.0ter, thnahre hater. ea. otakee, .
better Iron. . Nay: han MOO , of th attilde now to ant:l •
the Western Etna: and es luny End of the Maintatoki.,s.
Many of then have threehal 80. to 1004:00 tewhan...
awn and. on h Isiah tbety ban been nereareme..,
ed by thaw who also to be as onplate. and to worn,
ea Intl many In the
The Betarain ht final intenknith !
dMU, Mil is enacted to the Thrnher. met nye
ata the nem nod end then the rain, he .
entire othishotkot whenever trkd. • It
WinW both:gom.,
Cr to 010 W,:and nth kw attached. to yThreakd Ite- 1
shine nor -tont - The adverthers also h ave the right of
eelling tights En• thl. Seperatar in the Stetekef Ileum*
ends and Ttruints. and ail mouth of thaw &gm end. the
Ohio ma, and net of theMennen nett. and allof ther ,
Stan of Ohio, crowd Income tient Trboll and Dolton " '
;Theft= nailer:ls shit - Soon PatentVentif the -
lest 1.1 WIN blinj and not Maly to e sew,
henibeeelred sad th Machloes tor W t
yens lei the ty of Pittetramh. Mel ban eon
tenn nnee and on. DM an Intim* ocentrre2 when 5
1 , 47 . 1, 1 1 niselnimith the Ittebiniadnii;
memo with direct/ma how to en it in operniceL' •
? ma insail:we wananted to work wen, or no
- New Boob:
ryBE Te'srid ruxieit of CAL.I.S
the hdonnen tranaleted fret; 4/../L/
Denman of Paul awl= 2 ens. •
Lande the Doge., a Newnan. - •
kbp A r bli tt, ,, bl . V 314 . kattem vol, :
. Authority of thel, or lon
harriers analog Roodeh
Lila or the K'Dk otkr=ltr '4 . ( AM. TL :
mil ruin* with hienntlre and Dloweszdacei
Sketches of
lb .lth L. IL Einearney. - , ,
grethir of e /tn. lienryWateeth with .
theticoLT. tb i t" %C .° r . lnt . oel
Theory and Practin Mains . .ns
74 = ( 1.1 1 = , ,:rdra,1T,11 , 42i Ohtani of Bi.
the =thew of . 4.2ithaten Iteureniente
of the Sizneee of the Declaration et Isdemodnent ? •
.00 47 tot am4oe -rittr
name Unarm& •
Line Of the Queens of kluel, fent the Wormart
doeithnigi aneetione of thM Coortg_r2 •
Dwane of SAM Alamein Wench. MD, WILIt MaCUMS
ft= ids migolary correrpoothroor, haw
Ilay. D. D. " • The above works an *a W. 714
• strarr'S ' A. IL tkl. To Weed
:Wilkiirlaleati-Paira .foi Bale; -:. l• - . -- i
r:Rely_ win who were highest bidden for
...,, b:n...., Mal P...y.lit do mouth of Colt Creek, t
nod rue Yu. til October last, having Wed to amply with
the taw of ow. the adnetihar tebl again ogee ihe ad,,
__ :....
on the premise; at *abbe anedon, to the higheeg•ga r,,,,,A,i p ,
top., Tpuppi•r, tp• lotttslay of
i t . i i at.l9 reekciwi 1 -..
abbaugho days of d l halo, winding tbuinixota,
.',• r .
mina: etonhaing of • huge goo dory Loon, bag '. .
In the Ilion subnantlal winter, and well 'Whew beide , • ;..._
yids serail of X . naten.egine, ping. • dairy, ••41. pp. i, ,
crebasttof froik am. * onie tuni enhetenild tune
. i, , q .
sod trdek ,formerly need am • dtethwes , trith • .
Nets faill i z iar rpring meg it, a 150... Welk KWh mop and 7. • • ~,
mine Inn din, open th• monk., atteoneregmeg „,1 - • 1;r:
Addend WU toed weir. b•Wg tero - ron of Row aeid, .• '.'••
e , ,,,...,,,..,n0,,,d. of nod god thosittme and Off
petting..of the net of t c . ral=dtt i tr u tranagnewhee of ! i .,
I ' ar. , ...z . ;,,i , b.;. .14 . , peat littUd rued tsas a t 7.11 ' '-'
' Wog tk. send 0 ulail.aact Um awe. indith•-••, ,r• - •
Wed. Ths who{e la Ls the tent eadUlon • and ondergadn r .
... , g o . Amt.. Paztlealars."l6lll:e• *bur oft* grank, '',':.: •'-.
*poly to the sabraiter. am Ite• ow_ ' . . : ,
•• - lbune—h .42 -fayateut of two 4.ldatand &Cars tali ---7 - ',:
..i•ka &W, sad the nputeder Pt lowsaanal Danny/Us, ...:rj
eutt, intones lbw dur dwar Ow—th. Intense autter.,2 t`.
twia to be Wiled up at ads anwal peemard.
~._. 2 , 11
' . nollnrUbb . ••• - • WIL InetiktiOgirg• • rii _ ',;-.
7amee `g
WILL continurto trattuct
41,1' DRY OD'DDR IRDIEWS, u lb. told uane, N 0.34.
mr.h..%.-m3ooll -
best jartieko always on!
Allaid, mad fra Ws el the kiumrnAirk% ‘.
isaarr zOO% J. IL B 011. la Ind( - •
A LEX. W. POSTER, Attorney and Conti-
oi Law, No. 47 lath Wort, war Nate.
troaroawk. onUtalymlS•