PITTSI3URGI-1 . crAMTTE. urnuit===tellaeorer. AND STATE TAX. -,..: ' .-.118-4LLRGBEffIf •COLSITY. - • • - oO.Thursiay; we tooled that under the opera tipn of , thesTasiff of 1846,., property in Clarion loonety alenewes leis valuable now by $4,23,068, ' t hen it moth/ have teen if a revenue policy had not beim adoPted, which discriminated in 6thar of the foreign, end against the home, numnfac- . - lure. _ Upon this entire - amount State - Ti xer* lost initeed of, beteg collected, and a handscome ~,,i n d e rived tube applied to the aunts and i 34 -• comities of the Commonwealth. - A fact of so important a nature we well calculated to unrest "--'attention—to convincithe ohiervant that a Tar- Claw which produced or :pretended to produce ands effects, was.opposed to the best interests of , - our people—and to give earnestness to the I cry - tar its repeal,. which has gone up from so large a number of our citizens. To-day re will look upon the effects the same ', - Tariffthe child of Locofocoison--has 'p ro duced , . , ...upon the business prospects of AlleghenyeountY - i. . _Morgan Robertson was a highly intelligent ~ member of thalast Legislature. Ito is an active business man in Allegheny County, and is famil- ! liar -,with its mortices and beefiness condition.— ••: flevas examined before the Revenue Board, and -; l ore fall and satisfactory testimony.. ' ' •,. ~ Their seventeenth interrogatoryistbim "Has the - value of real estate in your county under- ' gonenny change within the past three years,:— : And if so, has it advanced dr declined,:and- tei • what extent I" •To this Mr.• Robertson replied,' ',that "the value of property in the city bas ad -veneed some, but inmanufactures of different -, kinds,_particularry • , the ." cotton 'cotton • and iron Manufactures; there has been a very -consid; • ..ruble decressm but cannot state to what sex= ' tent; ' alsoth a limited extent to the glass inter-: , . cut!" In reply to questions from Gen; Mbar ' ' head, the Revenue Commissioner from Alleghe .. or ethintyibe stated further; as follower;; - . "Thetis are coven cotton manufactories in the . city of Allegheny, in which Ithink there is near - ... ly $1,600,000 invested. In •this estbruthe, I In ,duds - the .real estate and machinery, whieh, I think, is at present almost valueless. T, would' not give fifty cents on the dollar for ittreetreent in any cotton mill in Allegheny county. , There ore millions of - &rib= inveited intuiting thills, but I cannot state the exact corn; the de • has not been so gnat aria the cotton in st, but cannot state how much. I think tit the cafes decrease in value of rolling and cotton mills, is - • a fair:offset to the increase of other real !estate, • if it does not exceed it." '-' , I 1 We ask our readeie to weigh well these',wirrds. lottort mlils sunk to one-half their value-many ` } 4t the Mills not running—their former laborers . '. hiown oniof employment—a million of :dollars lying'idlo and unproductive, which before was • active andprOduetire--Whiebcontributed greatly to the prOsperit) , of Allegheny city, and to that .extent to the prosperity of the whole State—and . which; trirtzproduetire, wan assessed at its real valtie, and on that assessment was paying taxes tots the State Treasury. But this is not alt.— ,: - Ifot Only has the cotton interest, in which a mil- . - lien of money is invested, declined' fifty Per cent, - - but the iron! establishments, In which millions • morn arc„,,inveSteL hare decreased considirably. - .' and to crown all, the dooreasnin - theitolue , of the I cotton and iron manufactories of Allegheny, is a '.. fair offset to the increase oftheir real estate, if . it does not exceed it." And this is tornel where . the increase in the value of property is that be ' _ langing,. naturally, to a city which in spite of , .. _ these adveriei -circumstanem, is one of great commercial -importance ! • What need of more - words to show that the State Treasury is gobbed' • -.. of -thousands of dollnit , annually by the , opera . , - tion of the Tariff of 1846 I- - . . . - .• Row, what are; the figures of the Revenue • • . In 1E45, the assessment of Allegheny county , • - .was $14,669,025. ~ - ' - • •-.- . In 1818, the assessment *As BT-, , 716,368—be ing an increase in , three yrs of $8,047,84-3, or about fifty-six per cent. • ' In 1851, the valuation w 3. fixed at- , $21,1,008,- , -- 220. This shows an increase in thiee'yehra be tweon . . - :55,491 less than the inorease between 18d5, and 1848. On this whole amount the State loses her ..- ,- - taxes. But ahenotonly loses her taxes on this de crease, but sheloses them on what would have been -regular increase in the - mine Of property if the • . .• advancing stops of Allegheny. had not beencheek ed by detestable legishatioit t , An inermise be : • -.. tween 184.83nd 1851 equivalent to that between 1845 andlB4B would have made. the nsseasoient this year in Allegheny:courityGds,437,s34—cle - - even Millions four htuthred and thirty-nine thou - send' three hundred and fourteen dollars more than it now is, or nearly thirteen millionlt more - .5 • ' than it was in 1848. so much forthe da p ion of the tto • ironand other matudact g em• - . tablieliments in Allegheny county, and e de -- cm:loo,in the value of property resulting from depression ! r Bo much for the practical working ~ of the tariff of 1846! - - • Ia the State in a condition to be able without ' S injury to have a tax levied upon'Allegheny corm- ty eleven millions four hundred thousand.dollars - ten than under a sane and American system of' . . • protection she would have been able to bear 1 If • .- the State can bear this loss, then let our people -; , bv. content. If it cannot, let the people amok at :Ih.i polls and by their ballots say how th des "test the perfidy which enacted the tariff otl 1646, % . cad how fatal to their interests ore its practical • . results. •Vfhat will the Fanners of thee say - El „ on this antect t the longer continuance of hose i heavy taxes is by this loss in Allegheny sn o th er counties.mtuic the ' more necessary, in er to . sustain ;the public credit and pay thepublic debt: 14 . . - . The Tract Society printed during the past :.Sear 1,008,605 tracts, and distributed 1,13'x,244. _ ' The Society have depositories, besides . those of -L , France, in Algeria, Hayti, and New Oeleans. ..: Twelve new tracts have been added to thek - col - ludo's. They spent. in 186.0; 10.000 fran4more .. than in the preceding year. - . i -- ''.- . The Evangelical Society have employed during] • ' L' the past year, 26 ministers, 10 evungeliats, 40, 'echoolen and have 'in their ',Molds 171 . • young men studyingfor the scholastic prof 'g o, 4 Their receipts during the year have amen ted to 1 i i .149,230 hones. They report a debt (w 'ell is 'less than it was last year) of 12,000 tramp, but their,travelling _agent, the Rev. Mr. Audebez, , who arrived from Scotland only the.day Were, . announced that he brought, BiPlO francs from - .Glaagow and that 6000 were on the way, from - 1 the United States. - • t - The French - Missionary Society closedlts ac- I count last year with a balance in hand of 146, ..- 085 francs. It has received' thiayear 108,194 - francs, and has expendedl4l,9s9, so that;it hp still a balance in hand of 111,620 francs. I . The Snitch - and Foreign Bible' Society the , put year distributed 83,715- cepiesiof *e Sli med Scriptures. "The sales produced f 3,195 , ' francs, and the receipts were 20,610 francs in .- donations and subscriptions ; 96,049. fritata - have ' been expended, End there is a debt on theisocie . - - .:.-ty of mesa than 22,000 francs. They have hooks - • in hand to the value of 68,000 francs,ind have yet to receive a balance of . th e . money prinsiscd them bythe Amerlean Bible Society. The sales - Imre been more abundant than last year, baring Produced 81,625 fraPCS ip all. .. About MP co . pies are disposed of. monthly In Tails, ',There has been an increased: demand , among the sal . : diers: 268 Bibles and 1144 Testaments have been • • mid to- die soldiers* in . ganison at Paris by one colporteur is ten months.., „. . , • - . M. de F'rerxense, the agent of the he llish and - Foreign Bible Society, has distributed, the past , ' year, in France, 109,208 copies of the Bible and - . 'New Teidamen4 82,000 of these have beim die !, - tributed by - eolporterres;The agent of the Brit; ' use present; informed the-meeting ehut , .mo re than 600,000 copies of the Scriptures had been distribitted in Belgium; that in mare tlumitwen ty localities the Protestant warship has been ea , ' tablithelt . that more than 3000 Romanis* hare embraced Prate:Pastime, and of these there 'ls ~ ,' ;• reason to,believe that. between: three and' font ., 7 ,, lnmdred are truly converted 6 God. - ', : . • -_ • - 2 The Central Protestant (Eisuptelleal) Sodety hive existed five years - They received 36, 876 -'' - fnm* - orwhich 11,676 from Scotland, 4,934 froanthe Foreisn:Ald gaiety, of L0nd0n,!4,895 " - ', -,, ream Switteriand, besides contributions from the United States, Belgium, Naples, and .the Penny . Protestants Society. They have expended 84,., 291 francs, of which 4,700 bare: been expended , , • - . Loiairrir.—The Mend .retexis; of the seventh, cams, says the National latetageneei, farnietr.iemo . atees ..ofjongeeity, of :which it: friend his hut the goteluese to send tie 'the fol. lovisinotiee: • . • . . . Sticky Wright, (colared,) 120 yam of age; ,19th ward, city of Baltimore,hisrylluxl. •.* note made on the return by Asistarl Marshal, says: This - old woman is undoubtedly of the Age . here nut deem. Jacob Ennals, who is 66, married her grand daughter, and, at the time . of the Revolutionary war, in . 17 70 , abe bad- I . child 20 years old. • Her dociments attest the fact 'other being as remesented.r Mary A. Beacham, ..(white,)lo4 - yeans. This lady lives in Fremont street, at the corner : of *Tilbury street, 19 . th . Worif city of more, and the day tho Assistant Marshal called "she was actively engaged in the, yard washing ' - clothes: Mary Cross, Zwitite;) 102 years, .9outh . - Irui..Anderson , district.' A note of the Mars* says:. r.I foetid Ma. Creep carding; and was . ...informed that: carded rolls enough m a day cospineizedta" : 20 pee Cent saved, to Country Neitabaiia. - zrur-m. Dt%aler is B9OTSuriD :73,n;mwtelmil mdictarragulesznizze P.CilsLitttttar a f atb.d l s . ! fgaagnrsall tc,Obifl#Dordwirkg. , - - , • - 13 Y/ZE or TIM tarrrEn -: STATES of law, I, Ftwaxou, .Predireint of thatitilled State. of Manic. to berebr • *Bs» sod make ketone that public Nen will be bead at - tio_stadermentkeled Land Oince. In the Stated Animus., atfrellierneds henquetherdultrosteet, to tit: At the Long 'Olinee at BATESVllLE,.rommendaa oa the Met day of thmber nest, air the disponi! of the the public land. dtuted within m, the endiermant toarinn'and fractional tornal .• North 0%4 bass line and endef th h iftflA prfreabidus • • TOwnthlp two. of rano three. • ' ...FrocticarilTottib i P g=t - i. north of White Inn, of rs bl • • Nona qf O ot s faraineand end of the Nth prfseiFid Township aftemi,,of nor. two. • , • Freetional townenos eleven and twelve, wrthio At the Lend Mee at CHAISPAUISOLE, intimencinif Mooday.the fifteen th day of September nest, Ibr the dim pcsalof the public lapis Ohl:nt . endortnentioned town• to wit: • oathethe lam framed antefthe Ara 9 6 . 4 P" .. !'"'"' Towatbita seven and fourteen, of rant. AL the 'mean. To~yyy 14 001 or nr IIO steep. a on Noo- day. the einbte Mende at enth day of Augr. neat, fur L... 4 .w... of public lamb within the following mthaft anthem]. add • parts of✓ towtohlwisi • qf gla tau, ' nod *sag at Aia Sections thirteen, twutp tee, twentpfatir and at)" Ilse, rut of the, lit /Prude Meer, in lowlethili t he.. , of MTowO lour. nehiP doe, of ...iv Snake the hookas mid wend the e i pmfactial niendlon. numbly , four and pert of ui la le section. tbdrtf ' two and tbirtythme,in tonnehip thirteen, of ranye one. At the /and Wee at LITILIi ROOK, commending tro blonder. the Mt day of September next, for the disposal of the: public land. in the frflowlria named tante on and • near egress lake. Ms: Abed pie toss Bee ned oaf dB. mrathiced nimidan. • She South half of f o urteen efribt. the amth half of teu, fractional metier. fourteen and filbteth the north ball of amantren, the cast half of twoaponea twonty-two, the north half and eouthant muster of twenty-thme, the mailman Quarter of twautptis, and the tort hell' of the northeast quarter of twentpueeu, in township three, of note forteen. /soda appropriated by law for the are of wheals, toilb tary end other Anna.% together with "demo :name if arerfinwed lands male wont thereby for cultivation . if any, which gull be aeleetal by the State authorities be • the days tie, anted lb. the ocatmencement of the lm Wes re" rely, under the act entitled "An Act to enable the to of Artansu and other Bine. to reclaim the 'swamp wady within their limits. , apprraill Septem ber 'Alb, MU, le 42 be a: eluded ft:natl.:mks. And no cations for lard boating& hentobire granted by. any Ica of CCOVVVI. for military . urethra minden:4 to the Milted Blataa.ool2 toberatiffal on cmy of the above nosificatdieutfr, as provided by the act entitled "An Lt nuking apProPt atione Or the civil end diplomatic est... itormfit'iriti a*-fhenTirrldni'do?rehtgotLm tioued lends 4111 be cow maimed on the days appointed, and will emceed In the or der 10 which they ere mivertimd., with ail entorenient dß pateb,until the. whole aba bare been offered and frank. tool, closed; but no sale e b oli he kept 01.. the. two weeks, and no private lope any of th e lands will absittel until alter the non of the two week.. (Been, under my hand at City of iirubltutioi, this sixth doq of May. Ann, Domini one theusend eight hap deed and fitly-oue. MILLARD 111.1,11URE. By the lint:Wont: T. BUTTERFIELD. Coannhosioner of the Gemmel Is and NOTICE TO PRZEMPrION" CLAIXANTS. Every yawn entitlel to the r4ht Of, P....Ption to tee; of the lands within the townalilnd paida of townships above elsomenited. Is rmorkeel to ms a anahllsh the same to the eatlafthtlon of the Regieter tad Itereiva of the proper Laud Ogee. and make payment therefor ammo 00pr00f...- tele Alter wring this name, and before the der appointed lye rye me...e1...mew% of thie yoblio tale of the lands embra• sine the tract GLUM:. otherwise such rlalm will be forfeit e • .I. BUTTERFIELD. . Cormaisaloper of the general Laud (Adm. 'BY THE PRESIDENT OF MID MUTED sum. IN pursuance of law, I, MILLARD FILLMORF, President of dm Iltalted Stem of America do hereby oclarc and make known,. that public sales witi be held o t the undermentioned land W.. En the :Rate of linstata; at the itoriode hereinafter designated. to wit At the Land Oftico at JACKSON. commuting on Mon day, th e first day of September next. for th e dlsPand the public. tan. situated within the following named Men clips, via: A • MA of the base .thand salt lNs77th erincithd eseridida. Townships thentyathon, thentyole thd [e.t.a.. • and near Cuthont siver.of rouge th on Townships twenty . ..van, twenrxeitht and twenty-nine. on and near Current river, of range us. Township twenty-eight , ma a branch of Current fiver. of tango Zoe. Townships twenty-them Wes:VER., twenty-eight and twenty-nine, of range eight. Townships twenty-43r.. Mcrae-four, twenty-right and twanty..ne. of range nine. two,onal toss:Ma entr twenty.thne,m ptw y-ounnwe nnn to w sad h t w e nty-ax. f ran. ten t the SAME PLACE- commencing on hlinder, the 11,r math day of &pier.. next, Mr the dis Pond U. 110 lauds within tho following named towneli. aa, parts or town:shim F.'heth M base ithe and see of the Nth fahainthathaa. Township of ran. two. • , Fractional townships twenty-coo thd twenty.ro, .04 township twentylivo, of range three. . Township twenty-two, of range four. Tasnaships twenty-two and threntxthree, of rcbge ben Ilactlinal township sixteen. and townthips twenty - 4m twenty-thm..twenty-four, twthty-hre, twenty-Oil end twenty-men. of range six. fractional tamable, :sixteen and' seventeen. and town ship twentytwo. of range alien. fractional townships astern, leventeen eighteen and twenty-a.. townships _thentrtwo and twenty-Ihr. sod !Miens dew to tex lnefpnr.. me.ern to beettrosie imbue eive. and twenty..ae to liirtirtuto to lush. In township twentysix of res. eight. Township ninctoon (execpt fraetional met.ns yews..< to thitherss inclusive,) frootional township treaty and fractional township twenty ..extent tedious ons, oestce, thirteth, harn.theen twdstifoule, flocalrene. beentiseir, tweneynnon thistefoor. thirthefre, and thtthesia. of rat. nine. The north.est froth,oa of section six, in township nine teen, and fractional township twenty. of range too. Ewaltns one to bodes Inethelve, the north half of shithen farriers to fwastfose inclusive. and thadienight this - . torn Inclusive, in township oiebtecin mellow N. to fre inclusion intownship nine.m and motions ihithathdarr . tern, the south lalf of twesdetwo. Ovent,Oulte ast, and Ni arfa. to thirty-4x inclasive. in township twenty, of ran. twelve. The part cost of "Little lists Overflow,' of township twaraltiree. of range thither. (ex • roeuesus quarter,) and sortie. noon,a Meth and thwieme, oath of "Liu. lures Orentlaw," 'ln township twenty-OM of range f my temn At the lind Ooa at SPRINGFIELD, commendng on Monday : the thghtaanth day of Aogust nest. for the die Pont or the public lands situated within the fallowing na med froctionsa townships, to wit: • North of Ow MX fide esa set of -ftGA Township twenty-two, mi. thentsetwo. Township twenty.. of tan. twenty-thrth. fr.diona or seems. hthaftefioa Mirbelan thatethrth,thitheour,thiriefire and Mr.., moth or Le. old time Line. 43 township twontyme, of tango M.G. !=alone' township twenty - nun xijscsrut to the State I 'lAna. of rang. Meentreersen. twouthni., rainy, thirty thit...n. thtrtytaroe .333.1 thirty-I.r. . Lands ap by law for J.. w e of school., mill -lath and _or purposes, together with "those swaMP and overtiowed lands sele c tedt Men. for cullivation . if arryhich shall b by the State authorities before the days appoint:4i we the commencenant of the public sedth thun.thavelf. under the Ant Sla te su Act to era. hie Oa sous of Arkansas and :ohmo soda. the thwamphands' within their 111344. 0 ,aanroyal September nth,l&so, Ida .ctuded.froxs lie sax. And =Mations far land bonatles barotorora granted by ou law of Con grain 'Mr military serf.* rendered tot. Egg Vann sidec b lWlTe = act ' en 7. .L Act mating appro.= for the deli and diplomatic n entente. of tiontrament." "alMt labl. ert=M oro of the sham theniioned lands Will be ran i monad en the days appointed. and willerased in their. der in which th ey are advartioed with all oonscalent b patch, until the whole shall bare tow °Cored. sal the sales thus doped; but. side sha/1 b. Rent °Pea IOW-x a h Exth 1 vree tt, and no private entry of as f . the will la ad -1 v en '' n t arfs th =l . tion . City rEoZbinoon'" . " (l thin sixth day of tinder O.T Donnird ono thrones a eight...in : dr. and flftroon urlEenD By the Preedent: J. DU tr.RtIELD. Oanuessloeee or the Genera Lad owkw. NOTICE TO . .PRZEMOTION CEA/JUNES. afith.ver=atueigitlthel=otiiiti.tint,Ltf preatar=ar above enuatte r b rev= t0= .. 1a.... Ito tame to antifficnd Mk , and itmln Tw eha thsent Md.. fauna as ;edam. di money land ler seethe Pdi 444;1,.. 044 ben. the dor ...a. for the commermaroutt of tea trabila sale of Ohs lands embewing the Mot Mimed: otherwise =eh Man will te forfeited. . .0 - BUTTERITEL4,- - Conimithionor of the tienethl land . my2Ctlarelit , • 12ir ?BAH 37 nre mum= 07 THE IRMO suns. IN pursuance of law, I, :MILLARD FILLIIORP, President of the Initial States of do by Sueclant sal make Menne, thee public dril l be bell at I Um undermentiouni Land Woes in the Mate of lows, at the zeriods hereinafter den state wit At the Land Othee at lOWA CITY. eteconeuclog on Mon day, the first day of a..'ptecatiar owe, for Medina:o of the public Lands ideated in the following named uomehipa North of the bone tint, and wed cif diem [hs NH prtacrpet tsar Township sweaty-nine, of range twenty-ohm Towershise fermarymine and eighty, of mode thirty- Towable* Wry:draw , aadtight7 . of ands thirtYwd- Townships mvernymine, eighty and eightimm, of range thirty two. Township eighty-me, of range Ml:treat.. i t the Lard FAIDYIILD, emornentiog on Mon day, the !Menotti thry of &pomce next. for the die of tine public lands within the undermentioned town= to wit:• North of Lie fare line and eratqf th e Nth prt4,tta Township seventy, of range thirtY. Lrie , r l , 2p mrty, of range hbger= At the ( e rig . gDUfigUeou hieuday. the eigh teenth day of regret mit, for the dittoed of the follow ll=ltiXtin median. sande= and dohMen. UMW atilp eighty-two north, of range one ewt.and the *creamed owner of sedans beentsdetes. township •innetreis north. of range Wee wort of the, filth o f meridiem' leads appropriated by law for the the ; of reboots. mill• riaeralr="rvNV " thee and which obeli to selected by we Mate authorities be- Are the tiqi.nnintedlor theconumeneement of the yob esles of under the Act entitled "An Act to enablethe tan Arkuum and other Elates to reruns the Noa= lands' within their approved Mow bre "Sidi, LEW, will Or endodoi frogs the mW. And no entices for Wad bounties heretofore muted by any law of Congress. Ibr Witten services modend to the United Mae% seal Leperettffnimi owy MIAs abort webbed Arndt, se provided by the ant entitled...Au ea making appropyle mow for Ma idyll end dtplornatle expeures of Opormnaut,“ 41.. approved:4 Mac. 1841. Th offering of the lards will be commenced no the dam appolataL sad moored in the order In which they WV ad vertised with ell earnmieut &match. uotilthe whaledWl ha. been ffend, and tl i t tales them c u lmion; but Am os ntr7 of mf'ol the inane wedi tr.a.d•guritir"lll: expintice of the two weeks. Given order my herd at the City of WashlootorLtide deed noW,L rig* day of Ran Arno Domini one thousersiVILLMUKV. Wm eight - one- BM, Ckatualsaimer of the lleneral Laird deice IfO77CE TO PREEMPTION CLAIMANTS ZYO7 pen= entitled to the right of pmenivtion to ml of the Iscode within the toemehies and torts f townelnpe shove eutungrated,ls redulnel to enabliab dm same toilet ...tubed= or , the racuter.na wet , . of the Proem' Mod alllOll, and make.Stant there:mar soon arprodunek gang Maroan, and before the day apprinted for the martnencesiani of public ods re the lessee embredint the trent claimed; othandes each clan will be thrfelted. Grotto Lees Coraedamr of the rufaihwant Freak Aniirala of Wall Paper. FrEIOhLiS ?AMER, Nek;.ss Market street, 11 bas less received from the EN* ,. Ueda= meat. m i eta mplied Chamba Papa. me - DIAPER HANGINGS—French and Amer tvaterramlf gewl R. AIACKEREL-72(XYbble. No. 3. cLoral N end for ontrnmert innectrAng ,Loo wvoe OTTON 11/0115-4000 lbs. prie, for by y2l "RITZY. MATT=WB & m CO. SODA ASH--400 carke - OF our OWII won ky satire. Incanted of ea —go/la4,nd es blab:at Wan'anonel. ter pal e at. vb a lowan =OA Dna. I/7 • • • • • • BENNETT, BS Went Meet. • •Kn CASES'PHILLIPS & MAYER'S LI-• lu , QUID GLIM—Tor cameatlng Iron, Wool. Mae.. Cid= gad grir eat to= for. =twat; wart. It rt.= =rivalled. 20 to team at roaarruis camcastma It BACCO— . - • • . - • • 1- • - • ett . 11141%qul a Btr• In =mud for sala 4 VRIMPED .BIBBONS—.-Assorted widths and coloas, - radd by amen th 4 daT. „Mao, black mimed Bilk Dn. Bake& • —' ' . mrio • -• ••,• r. It:BATON. ASS Fourth st. 11 . 111, PEPPERMINT-150 lbg=ted , ur Imo sz Nub, • ms. _:-} _ ~. t..nw _. -:: y ... ~~ .. MEDICAL FAMILY PRIM% or Baking Preparative,. .rpenseilWL• an d ea*. 1:0 0 0uolalf ilea. ado, meet.= dlfeStl, Rood. of pare ado, law nem and at lens rad than toe ardluar7 fermented bread: whirb croon* to a urea extesd; bile. Indbrestlea. Patulruou palm after amis. headache. arid other serious Paperlor tO auLtblng fbr making (kW and 1111- aits. - 50 pounds of now, th is preparation make - 10 more loaves of 4 pounds earl than: .lth Harm. Heads - of families. and parsons of areakir utsaftltatkint 06 . 614 lend to pare bread.. one of the finest taelleiroat bf she thne. For Hospital.. Infirmaries. 641n/Ola, Huluttre=d Wl* establishments. It is • great advantage. Sold bibottles at 17.5126. and 60 rents, with dlrectloos for are. . torZi R. R. BELLUBS. 67 Word et. 1 ~~~~~~~+~(-J Com - pound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root; ifiLCUPIES the front rank among the pr O' prfetory medicines of this country for_comPlatell euring Canker, Palt Rhin., Pays Milne, and all other dis mum vising from an Iter Miele: th e blood. Also, Liver lkmaplalnt.Catarrli, meads. Headache, Marlow, Coughs, Softness md Tle Mess about the Cheat; Brea Mites. or lunrsenossr dryness. and a tickling 'antenna about the throat; and Is used with untiretodwArd In all maws of Aloak Weakness and General Debility. Strengthening the weakened body. alskus tone to the various organs. andluslyarating the mania Slate.. If the in still:War of tholuanda=ring witnesses, from all parts of the country, nn be upon, it Is "Ingot. , ly Okada=n mains all humors, and rooming dsbliarr red and broken down constitutimut ts pamis eumn hie In Its coropreithm. sad eo accurately, emobleed D' " =s t eh h' th e jl th eVe , ratify ' th " :"Bloon i . 0 • It bas removed manyehroukdlreeen which ham baffled the Malta the beet phi - WM..OM folo Of* cored Salt Rheum, Lryalpelas and Somfals. which ranaperilta Syrups entirely failed, to the Mist Itriprewlon upon, It has been tested to many eases of-CANCLROUS 1111. WORS. The most obrilnete Canoeev hare bean cured by ills medicine. Ira saLthat It Is araluablemolleine In all BILIOUS COM:PLAINTS. It removes all obstruellons In the circulation. rendering the Liter free. active, and heal. thy. it removes Palpitation et the Heart, and rellems in all cum of Asthma, and any be need in all ellmsies, sod at all masons of the year. This Syrup Is prepared only by C. MORS): A CO.. at ICo Fountain street, Providence:ll SdNi sold. wbolerale and retell. by 81 w ICKEttSILUI„ Only Agent for Western Peruisrlvaula, myliy Rarebit.. miner Wool and Sixth sta. PIMA The most Extraordaary Discovery in the great Arabian Remedy for Man and Beat! H. G. Farrell'. CELIDINATE2D ARABIAN LESIINENT. miraculous cures performed by the Atahlau PhYntoiarros In thedaya of old.'werer theft 100 ed upon m the remit of magic. but since Ire beer be-. corns itotsla with their hirotory . we era thou amount for Mega:trudging power toter dteenn. Their attairmenter it the knowledge of medicine were the wonder of the . while at. the same time the mid.* of Chemistry, which with Conn had its origin. war Lathe cod of the world a'a sealed book." drain Ism...they re...retire moot zealous of student. In the beautiful grOTetlehleh skirt the dourtior Arabi. abound rue plants and 'Murano woods whence are obtained thorn eradiate gums ;and rrn.0. 1 . 1 1,0, ..., 0 which this incomparable Unbar.' is composed, and or whom atimulating Unet,3oop, penetrating and Anodyne properti. It is. whorl )Ippllcd, .1111 , LantaneoUlly dhllorN through him whole nerloOp.retuln. allaying the moot In. tense pdo tithe Incredibly abort time of lu or 15 minuted. Its action is prompt, powerful ard effectual,witimut the gad danger. It runettster the doh to the bone. rel. w contract. cords. motor. use to limb. which hare been Pthdell for year e, earring the phriveled gawk. to grow out end rich blond to circulate throuah its wait. enterer thenodal or Fluid Joint Wage; and this Is the ream, try why it has been so univerreolly meareatul in enrine all diseases of the Joints. chronic alractiona of We Spin. Idear, Lungeand Kidneys. Wit griat Arabian rooted/ stands unparalleled: for Arne Cake or Fula:memento! the ,d f the net rntrwadloirr cure, en Cramps, Swellings. ounas, .hublains, Barna. White nvielllngsmonosta dr. It is equally relloatious i disease of Animals, such as 'Narita, Poll hall.bwreney. Maromplelnt.toinemper,rmayedprainatirotee , Wounds. aur, e the rs.pav Windmill, and tree n all dims., i Pam or be which reo air • an mter. nal application. this liniment elands at the hent of all medlcones. The following le from the principal arcutiotant of the wealthy and highly - restectuble home of Vertu d Ben.. of Peoria, and presents one of the east eneceschil cures tv the annals of mediral history: Me. 11.6. Farrell: Dear Sir, Actuated by eminent gran ranee, I Pllblitit the follosritic or an instance of the util ity of your irrest medicine..slFt - 21113.0rue years old. was than attacked with a terrible Myra., sihich, In le. than rid harm prostrated it to f•tat hdpiessneu. The limbs becameno rigid that cot a fang' anal be Mats the Serb thread black tad cold, ant Oallt;/.11.7r.rld qf jalina; the eyes heel, matially cited act) altogether Mad allow ing this wit deAfnert to all noteif the thine became con tracted. snit so curet), that whin laying on its back, the head and belt t.olied. Indeed, the child pre.nted erery anew.. of hieing dime immediately on the ats tuk, fakillY Db raidae was called in, and for three lovas be labored to mum it feeling.bet although it w. blithered a dove tin., and various tebstadent Lim linen. implicit: A mutat-alien-of Uwe held, but to no purpoee. The clue mu then brought bd foty the Madiral -natty, hat eat leg could be sagmm o ul which had not eLrauly [...redeem and the &who - Ude told me he could donothing more. We then commenced ad plying your Liniment tlYely aver the entity laigth of the spunk and you may imagine a parent's Joy, when, after kw applications,' ectenuaa the m mu mac.. The child =Okay nurtured. with . the et.Ption of the est.. which did not become packet tbr mealy a math. it is now hearty and robust mean tw , bier other cues of the mud kind ocamisl in my neigh. idebord=ir b sly, t y , l of diet: lieu no doub4 d if " aim. Match r! tr.11.1.171..M. Liner Complaint, Erysipe:ar, andltoonatirn • Cured. • • Alannrr.Marteu. Cu. Hr. Mar M. 1114. Mr. 11. 0. rszentl.—Dear hin ,XourHomo Is selling very sun, sad doing a vast deal et avevl scrums the he. hle. It hos curs. • hal cam of hey ,ther a had pa In the bressh A Lab, •40 WILP manned to herbal for ts veral months withLleer Complabst snd Alec non of the Heart. was .cured by the use of yet, Arab/an Lhalettenh lb. said t1i5.,10 , 401 , enukl de-her no gnat. It has tweet applird to IN fresh cut, and cure., it in, a short time. 1 ban. Lean afflicted with Rheumatism for a long time and last before a,a et want much MI at hal no Dame all dir and In the rani.. I nom -, meneed bathing loot rabblug' with your LlMment, and beksw 1 was dime rubbing. the pain ceased. JOHN BOCII3I AN. consplaint, Sweeney, lhatenaper, and Sore Eder •Ctirel fie. blitcheLl, Poeta:mister et Tut. Fulton lbuotr. 10. na _ys) 111,11. G. AWL.: Tour Amid. Lioiluvut Uhliblv prised hate. We cured we of vnif tolginture bon.f or the Cualptabit by oboist four or flee igle,a , flow. and 1 Dykes; rug,' T1.117,ra ILLNutE . nritti on milt that hert the tivorrapnr von. bed *ad cured it troinattately.. Ile soya It in ilavetelly the uneaten horse utedtclun he roil. cud. Th ere hive lova number.ounif of Sore Byes mitt Iv 1 hod It A very valuable toollulue both for nu= and Went Bro . lre of Counterfeit.. TO GUARD h 0 AIRILY 111P0 . .ITION, READ TOL LORIN° CARY:SULLY. The Falk are pertleolarly cautioned sendust • Dm rbentshint which has lately made its appearance end 0 raliwi by the loopreterwhotoskte It °IV Vanclre erritt. LittitnuaL . Thts le deafen.. fraud end me. laoble to dreseive from his bearing the mune of lesrell. There fore be yartieulsr wear tonal for it by the fume - Terrelre Liniment,' for unpin:at:4W dealers will Impose the apt:. RIOUS sailor. upon you for the genuine, btu alwayient for "IL U. Farrar Arabia, lirtawasU . end tale no Wye. as theuenninenlanys los the letters H. a tette Vedreira his stansture is also au the outside enspper,_ and [ ..Lion Linisteat,./torin." Marrs emoted in every To Tlltere and Ramat[ In the Vatted lotatealnyhia one I. not Waddle/ed. April by letter to IL IL Fonda, Peoria with ceiefehlLe sato chef-sent, rerpotolhillty, Call an the scent who wtll furolott Free of Charm • boa containing much valuable InfOrmstlott for every Was of Miser. , fumy—Udeenba W emit.. end one dollar yet bottle. The only routine 0 utauttbedurwl by IL U. Farrell. eol• Inventor sad_ pnorietor, end wholesale drdasisa R. IT Main street, Few/swill.: end RR tele wholmsieend retells/ proprietor's prize by ~ 8. IL LI KLLYILS. myluttw-di NO.IT Word meet Sold by D. M. CURTLY. Alledtheny Clty. The Mumma Bray Mast Perspire, SO SAYS NATURE, to have a healthy ap wan., wad persona .bo do not pereplre, are to the =et dlarnatiair Meta Irorayes how, Jos.' Iron. Chemical hoop rows. a tore rowspirsthro, and at the taros time rantllfes, arol .11•1111 the skin. pjlittg It the triune of an laranTs ISroror) Malt Meson, rod Norm. .re not null boded. but eared El lta toes ee at Iseet i plush:Una hi N. Toro Sao., erho sue It to taro clam and nod It Irotallian—so ahls , to Pimples, Blotches. Poetic, or arty other atilt dims... The mein le moored that this Is no asst.. puffed newer% se ane trial will prose. I could enumerate at least eight/ erm= awed of woe howl. Pore Iva, oral rote beard. Bay It—and the realer la airola asannal I would notera ll d~ it foe the a lgrz imbue I knr. it to be all gates cranked,. cheated Cloth, will and thla not wily • ours, but. preverolve, and I ran now only adds that tarono afflicted with ear or the .bore, or similar dlossace, thed Una all. and even wee loam} table In its properties) than I state. elp-Ilut. reader. the loons are licsslcal with imitaticaa sad be sera you ask for Jonte ItaliroChronatl Prop—and bay it naIy.TITII. JACK MN. ouly Sterol la Pittslcrorshs bead of rod. • Pearly White-Teeth, and Pure Breath. to• be bad far24earda—Pereeria .ba turn either. ere homes' bly amazed that it their breath la ever ee foul. or their teeth derwyed, o f ro -liew. and eaterorted . il l W that a 25 cent Leh o Jo ye ins' Azitor torah Caste will mate the teeth aa white ea ether, athi the breath odoriferouely wod ordi at JA22201021 Iltoro, 240 Liberty et-, had of Wood. • A Sciii Hair air Reitorer and Bean law,—Trial Bottles. 37h; nts. Tbow wba used Jona' Carol Hair Keinater. re know its owelkat throe what bawl not. am 101 , 0.1 t to homers tit. follow'!" nualitleg—lt aOl :cm the hair to grow on any part when natnre intended hoar toatop It halms off; cureseurl or daodrufft and nuke light.grow; tea. or grajAair grow dart. For renderlog tb• bah an andrilky. nothina on award this—it mates it truly beautiful. awl keeps it to. It is, lo des]. the mad egonomkal—ret auperior—artlele torlbe hair. ho only at WV. JACKSON'S Show 240 LO , ert7 An , a• howl of Wood. Pittsburgh. •Priees--.373‘ cents. 40 what. and SI. JONES' Solution of Jet, n Liquid Humana Idols. Dye, for the elm:Wog of white. red, or irrer b.lt.to• beoutlful bravo, or black Jet color. to I few toloras. Prieet-60 onto. sod SI. Sold by InIJACBBON,24O Liberty And. bred of W.A. PlYesturgb. • JONES' LILLY *lllTE.—Ladies are call tame neon ado& th. canners palane Chalk. / 1 .1 am opt bon leglately heurinss It to the Alla ;law alarm /OW rough. Loy allow. yelper, sod nohealtby the akin appears. mace Pang prepared Mall Wades. Itte antalolog • laaimmattt!of iml Hn hte?l ilv.a,---1... ._ ~ h .b Jones' It is weedy Inonsaa, befog tarLemrof all delealan aualltlem and It Panes to the skla a nature, healthy, al. Jamaea dear. Herod - 'data; at. the none time acting ma ear men mo skin. ankloglt aoft a:of =noel. Sold ba_tbe Amain. We. JAC:N.BON, nut Idtatrance. bold I Wool, Petaborad Pam centa. apafdantent Professor A. C. Barry's Triropherous, R MEDICATED COMPOUND.—Tho fol actoz:=Vl h o a a e . ovWoo tr u tt newelnan' Aim YOU. rob. 24, ISM Barry'a Trieupterous la an article that cra La. Oleaen. fa swanllng tine highest commendatioun NVe do mot do It upon the reoomm.ndatlemof otharr. but hum curer° yea caul knowladire of It. effects upon the halm. while It truda to keep it healthy, mit and giaMIT, it alms removes dau. &nth meads gray heir, and. Indmoratm , Its' growl, n manner unequalled by any other ennocultten known to as. • perm may need. to use one bottb mI. conelneed mutt, at tit. lithithimi aka LT Broedway. Nam cm*. bald In :WV Wait. , Wit* Si c..U 4 "& r a n ' 4..l P 6 ' maft ERA N 0.67 Woul rt. Hamburg Polka. wi KLEBER, No. IGlThird street, hag just Wa r ail l, "4 utrt Pelkar, one of the mast PO"e a. , hes.' tlful Polkas everpo Umbel. b 7 8. 0. 70.1 Z.:Osamu. a d 'lr m6s Dear b . i. Th. bie man,M''Daa.r. bla r;abgylitgalleghesizza 13 , jaet flame, as Irma by •Taa•eY LW. . 11 0 e.e.a• l'"4°S9F. _ • h t amt s i bz n, Je.y lAnd:eto nor mot be ur =ismu,ll erer 4 rj` r • iv . 'ones, Polk., V , And an ezteendre oelottio sor OP VIE OOLDEN HAM. EW . 80,01113 I NEW BOOKEI 1 .-110 Motbericelsere or the lelo d Borg • tale by Emcee N. Poother • T. P. Arthur. 'The Beaton WM, by Meebedoe abeaertoe, No. 6. lberelettlt r arbt, faster. CulUveto " Berea re lora • LARD -23 kegs. No. 1 Leaf,: for Bale by awl RILEY, Al ATTILISFS a CO. DRIED FREIT—=IS0 gpp Aptea; nrs7 , mA}11.4241:e% RIOE-10 tierces (fresh) for isle lir: • Moslsosr,unix *C Or A, my 7 23.5 Marty rA— a ly...cheerte Y. 11., Imp, mid i ßlack " 8.0324:114 00, • .'",:-.,77.--:7:7..:.:*- - ..- . .,,.,.-y,--E... , ..,:::...:: : „..-:',•..,,,:.,:.. , :,...:::: : i.,:.;-:.,: : :...II, f-l-TRANSPORt LAKE ERIE AND:EICHIGAN LINE, 'ON TilE EXTENSION CANAL. CLARKE, PARKE , A (X. 1., Itpnanm, PILOPILIXTO4 MLLE PROPRIETORS of this old and well j. known Ltne troulA Inihrtn the public that they are DOIT in operation . 170 the pre,ent etaton. and have nommen . enlrtweiealn /freight 'a ud Pattennwro, which they are tern/ant to carry.. all t.intt on the Canal, and Lake Erie . and 31Schieun. at the luivext rate.. One of the Boats of thin Ltne will W vont:unlie et the lending, below the Monogr Uria". to n. •'J ifi hY CAtillli:Y. Agent, : ror.!lValer end SltlithflOid ate .. ratAbllnh. 1 CO NOIONEEs: It. AV. ettuninghen, New Cattle. Pe, D. C. 'latheso, Pulettl, Pa.. INC.3llan,.Sharoln J,. s. sts.s o b.rst: Win dm. , Greens in, tte, Henry. ilerlettortn 11'm. PClter, 0:11111.0“ C. M. trio, Pad G. 11. Wallbridne. lfnßala, N. Y. PENNSYLVANIA RAILItOAD. cJ • 1851. 8141 N I A ltlll.N G E'SIE NT. 1851 Forty-aim !mum t.) Philadelphia. Forty-four honra to Baltimore. 280 miles Railroad—Mt miles Canal. Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats• 0W75714' Miga (FACLVFIVELY lvr. PAHIT.NOERRO TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND gN the opening . . r Canal Navigation, Two Daily ine, NV. , I EX.T.lvrtt r)CkPt rill leave !or astowo. ;homy be l'orbnaeratilrond t.l There taktert the NEW PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, The 'kindred nh! For ttts thret;t t PHIL A DELPHIA. Time through FOIZTI Hours. Fare la Pltileulen , hin.. Sin. Fare to Baltimore. 0.713. The Cara on Ilk rem'.. ar, new, 101 d 01 the most etl con,sroctlon R e e“mr..rt at.d ra:et: • Aray. , ryes - , mortis: pr.rinly at Eight o'clock. ant every a: Passengers for Baltimore, Oa arrival or and Com. t w oand italln•ml. nni , hod, tla.ct n. that city, (eighty fame Taa,p. WI: boor, No charge for hoLdliug baggage ou this Toole. Th e make. thi,the 610F1 emnfollablir. gale and dretrable rante:c9a - t. the ErAtrzit Cities. • For r,ro, il,O.reoar,o oopl) 1., .1 P. 110L,NIES, Agent, Motion:shale Maw 0. LEECH' k CO. Perm alma. thr RailmaLl sill be fizirih,lt.• 1..,.).prat. u.urh will nl,trtlen tbe time tbsouxit l'itt.,,bnirvli,l ,,, t , ru.sr, 1 , , ';',l New Lake Superior tVIIE nr,tiemarr SORIIIENER, Capt. B. t„ . t al Map h, Iberraftee.. Friia, at a Si. r r the Fe...itt ii- lann. The rtz•-narr .1,111 U‘Lawzt.L. vill lutTe Saut I if 11, ditaleat Imre Ncrthtraer: hatr a regular at oc till lorta,ra ClevelaL , l tl , c vnlr nud - " 85 1 1. 61 , E fts ArE 111:1:EllY INFOII3IE I, 'that t. 11.. I.IN •ntlrel, eccatu oew SorrylnTlV quonti , ir,hht ~, I 1..1...1 , 11 , ..‘ to .I.ort Tu., .1,1 at ram as way cattrt Tr.:l4lot s t rat,rtro...t. rot fir ...Ai , . Way frTi.in 1 , . 1 1 . 41141 .T5b.T1r. Wwirr Ttr.4t. li.tultn,,lon. Crrk. Now 1.,rt,0aw0.. Newport. CI.aTT'..I . . tn. Itarn.l....L.Colutt.k.-qata &nal, rr 1nt.rtrn...11.4 p... , t-Tn 01. Eallroa.l. 1....1. r.t IT.tt ,ecured from 1 , (be Jnutnta, titait?.•hll3l:l3.,. to e st (I, I. w,..t ma', to tolifd of t)r;[:il I. .r lIALF IIY IN ALTL:p.r,T .7 is 1.. m; broth., after o,ler 11, 14,1 , of “Bro. Ittratmm Ce" J. ! W 111,4:HAI' - • Bingliatas' Transportaticn Line, 1851. PITTSBURGH S: THE EA.:"TERS CITIES. CANA I. I,,inv ..peri, we are rea- Nr.-6r:•;*..7.71";"::.''' r' '"'"' • t t,r,t anrpett a 1....4....144 fq.romrl , l arm,* 11,4 1 , 1., - .4.1,1:41; 44 1. .4 z4h,11 Csithrolli Ilia. II( , 1'at4144,1. Starlet r. . 40 4n.11a 11 1. 111.4 i Nar b il lB5l rrtl. Merehanu"itruniaortation Line, 1 - I.‘ 1'F.,,i,1"1.VA!.1 , CANAL , AND ItAII.ROADS,) OR PIiILADII.IIII A DI itr.cT—WITII . , ~1- 1:1.44711,1% , , :A. M:AN ELT I.tl , I Cm... , Var... 4. f ,ut, street, Px.1.040,. ' CLIALI.OII %71 , 1r..,,,..1.V.e.:. Croe.l oust, PHI, dalpf.D.l 1 Wu urt . - ...1. , . o las, uraoml raOrelaandi , a iiN prodt,.. , :.. eh1,....1:1.....;.1.1 ,, ..I t.t... earial• to Phan -490000, zak.:11,1,0“......1 , 1 ~ i oeon ... I,ror tatr., and Ds 1e,..4 III:. than in ant kevur.... • gum Ai, N. II 'fru: 11.11 , .u.... 10Luirer .., Tru..k. i.r.1ri.1•.! by the Canal t; . ...mnr.,-.. - .t....,;. I. • ,rf:sor... our oc.t, n Om Elate ILuilr.loll ~........I ~..y 4 , 1,11 nay a , L. 1. - u% Jan:4... I!. :J.l=.: ,'.....: ,'.•;.•;at,..z..t.1:.1..vwn. • • 0.. A. AIcANULTY X CO. - 1'..n..0 Bann. : WAW--- -- -fa 1S 5 To Shiprrs of Merchandise, Produce, &c, faKiNg rr iqfPgintae ALV.csßit- TATION LINE Co.nrr , tU't:~x.rn IltlAprgh. 1,11. tl IV t.ivnung rf thw I,ontqlvanl (.I.nrk r.i. t.l n Rna rop Allirpcn t t otlt, 0 trkvoolt. MoEADEY VODE, ..Furc^ , z - f , 791 , tt .`lr OO.oe en.) :Cord{ liot , O. Penn Street. • Penna. Rail Roan Co.—Central Rail. Rosul yHy, ;etitimiellwiii been appointed • .iiieei•e, or Ventral 112.1 .ant. tolorto I'l,d 1/: Jar,. now rrorarrcl VO 1.1133 on, mrrrhnn.ll, r +Lir:nen: raft on Lb 1.i0ta.14 V 3 00 3 / 3 .1 , t v WII oorrlv-: Ibro,,b iLd rbfrlOroul 33ii I,vt.r . V co cum..: :on or cbur, En-l• .0. cr, cres r.tmior,..rat., nrrs.r.t.. Dry 6iorald. liontry u mit arr. PruKT., F 1,1.111.17. 11 ir. In, ilarararn.gw...lLAw-uc.lll-noale:, Vnlntr. D, • t tuff... I: , ..‘,Thn , thy and nthcr Cram Semi, rw.r. 1.04, LArd Oil, TlA W. :arro Criee. TKivn, 4 ,rain and hag.. Ca,c A# * brz, Marble(roux!.. TA, 1,1. Itarin. German Cloy. Dm... tr. pp 1W An3o .185 t • Pittsburgh Transportation Line. JAMES o , .',ONNtril S co., Gout! 1.1.1 n, PlLlsbur.h. J &ME , Awl No. 3 South Fon rth .tiev t, tg Ine , .n larkst Scut CbeFt. wit , rtreots, OTONNOItti S CO., 74 Nortn street, Ballizonse. tiIAVING .tulip .nmpleted out arrange. rnto, vr.• thn r tning or y the lvenia rlenele, eArry fright to end Pre. bursa,. bedtime , . Phllal , lrdoe, New lark, 11[614.a. Oa. cionatl. Le , o , sts/ all the East nal %rest, at to rater eel .111, more dispatch mei run then war bilk ee Liao. All pant.. eh ;ppadoor Llres ato ollY 4 .reled brit/swaps, with,: arty ...ler.. f pertertlou really shorted by an! .:her Liar.. • All erransurdealtuns .Parered nt ourseljea ar agent., 11011 a Co., Clartnoull , L. is Loui.tille. Ara Lowe re Osborne, Lt. loot? .111 la , . nit, linnet atteotion. drj-N IL Our I.lre• his tsdevouretlon whatever With the Phi. 6 Coladelphia a nd•Pitisburdh-llson.rtation (dad or Al. W. 11+03 Lewis's Patent Reversible Water Filter IS NOW to be seen in operation at AVM. T 2,74:01.) Mar Yerrr ket str r amt eet, eambo . reh. This Miter tommosived • 11olil Xhxisl from the Amos-man Imtitute Of NOW York, IMO a Certilkoto the rrAnkths lostiluM of l'hiladrl. Oda. for Its aut:0 , 414 in t o c:eusleproperthm and also orMillesatas (rout those Immo thorn 121 OM o 021.1111.221210." Of 221212.122220 foll.o2ille t tiT 13011: 1 2 . 2:. 5t.ry, 2,„th.1.5. 1t : ;221e ,reaf plonsorr to rimmanstnt too lovers of yentlMM clear ma" the Patent. Iteserolde 11ater t,.toHaving need one of them for sorer al Month , . I orn rt.l.lnl to June of their sailor. 61:011011. 1/7 Walnut etreeel . 71111.0nr.lrnsa. Werth Alb, The Patent Itererciblc If aMek'dterrs, Invented 14 Idf , It. Le or e, 12011 used by too for acme muntlut iny private restdeorc, is all that nor per/on could / Omen., consider it p übl i c. ega 110, 12 in My power to s ee o mo,nmi it to th e p JONAS Y. PAIR LAW O. • , NO. X Summer street.. Thcoal qv warrantol to take not any smell or tuna olOch rally arise ftemmleeomposed animal or vegeta- Isle Matt. In the rater. They ore warranted la Wt two Mtn. trod van Oraluarr rue tau nod mingn ooly to be semi to t.• nom, int.. SLATF.I: OJARDIN, my 4901 Rockingham and Domestid Clneensware , OODWARD, BLAKELY CO., Man nutur.n. of I:ocklnghazu Dud Vellow Cour Wart. Eon [acumen. Ohl, ersirtleanple Han., curlew KIM owl Most,' stmstx• FRound Church bulldloald stormy next door to J. • IL loyd, Wholraaletirocera Our extonerre Wort* en..ble 02 20 fl/1 nrJersproroldll. A eautpeout deduer being eonnitly 01111,Inyed, Alpo els able. tre to aeon Into alth all Wen ew and hoprovedetjtee of for day. • Water Urns, P nltoonc. lh Oben., Fancy dloye, DemortlSofs, Vlore, View. Oublets , Mantel Ota rnamon, Medicine end Sua k J u ers lalnglmeatio itse. in treatgr,=fX,i,it third jeciVoggthnerke, MEM TATION • idffig EINEM HOLLIDAYSBUIGH, Lanuf;ieturer's Line BE= . Heating and Ventilation. AIte:AIJKING APPAILATUS for ItV`iraito.l=4llT.TlFir.',ltrnnl ° • l l'.ll7. tempenfture. eiwor Lish or In, In drnimliorrl:for there pu norr detflotiPl ebl ". ur forced mean, trading". of rariour descriptions neutiurma Aro mr . ortrtm - ferfully heofol own thioPhof hfmMrl to fa rho method hour., A wholcoorno,uniform hrAt, required totaTorttoro, Irfth rutin. froodom .oho, arhos t doet,or thonor,r, nod malty from Iff. 1111/6 • EGA I V th 4Th.th Mg, a UK.I,IA WINE-50U Ilis, Wo6l, fur's:tic - by MCI:CRY r CO. VIILORIDE QF casks for sale, 4_l by • apl9 111:N.V.ETT.,BER6V b CO. QAL SODA---200 catirn fur man by 1,7 4.19 • n DERRY CO. QUNDREES:- - . - a , L, • s bales Wei Ski n • , Ss!'s trl r si:l's . 4,s: • ' testber Jurs rxi'd and tor sa by - a•AXLIIMIT6ON k CO. aILS--300 kc g e oss'd, for Bale by .11! =Yr A.bramsgzeON4Co. • Murphy dc Itnrc.bfleld Are nom opening a Great Variety of New Gwels, AM Invite the esdls of .11 wanting to purchase. ' OPEN MIDMORNING ;. I ease Parwols, (including extra she black awl Immo,/ Changeable and Damask POPLINS: Bohemian Onus Cloths, for ladies , ' dresiew - — .Needle Worked Under Sleeve*: . • !,...Plain Meet SIMS Changeable Fancy gilkw Soper French LAWNS, and a sweat variety or tuber floods, et the .tore of tuyiN altißPllS A EURCUFLELD. axcHEAP PARASOLS!—We hare juat re• celved, at Soo, et arid 64 Market .treet--4ease.plain frinwed embracing all tbe different qualituw, (which ws are prepared to oiler, at wholesale or retail. at 11 very great reduction from former price. A. A. SA:IOS t W.. Mszket I . RAPE SHAWLS—A. A. blesoN Co. X.) would eall the attention of purchaser. to everest WO( of philn sod embroidered Crape Shawl. rm exhibited in US. market, and at pral so unusually low that they latter themselves aildperaona ate P1i....d 1n Ace and quality. Noe. 02 and 04 Marke my2l for Dresses. MI d J I RPHY & BURCHFIELD have reed a full assortment of the various kinds of White floods r es' Dresses. such as huh. plain aral embroidered: • disrucokdltudlna Queen's Lawns. kc• Also Jagonetsl 311allne with cord embroulcrli newest styles French Lawn; and • lane alscrtmont Cialortsbie Thrum. Hamm, Grenadines, to myl: TACONETTS CAMBRICS--A. A. Me 111/ aos & Co. bass loot Preelred per exprer. three ...a , toe laconetts so/1 Cambria.. apl7 COIBRIC HDKFS—An assort roent of oboes Goods, dor Ladles. from 1.231, eon', to Gentlemen's do, Dons ced and Ibte,r tun &d by myd RPHY L' bURCIIVIELD. A. A. MASON & CO., Importers, Jobbers, and Retailers in DRY 000DS, Nos. 6t and 64 Mark.l street, Pittsburgh, ANNOUNCE to thtir friends and the pub lit generally. that th.iy arc now prepared to exhibit li arrest and most earefully selected stock of ENTIRELY NEU* GOODS, they hare tier city. Mnpiesed of the mot rich and futOoonble Polttlp, lb well am the more LOWE.ST POStIRIX PRICES Iry at Tbweird t h oweaa Ira a rtoolmd e I n will n by o d f e th e E e ex cludes ly [ retail trade, and the good. arranged In Department, rip Silk Department. All the ne. asid fashionable style. Imported thins . ..mon. Including the brad make. of Black rill, Dress Goods Department: Conthrleng Peril:ll,l3mm., Tanury, Bennie de Lelam. Crahmeres. De Leiner. Laws. Muslin, Cambric, Jame , ewe, Urenadines. Dombseinra, Alpaca. As. Shawls, Visettes, Canton Con plain and embroidered. Alao, Damask, me se De Lane. Caehmere, Elk. Paint, Figural do.. ant other Shawls. Also. Macro., Patelot, 3lthtlllas, Hosiery and Glove Department Will always ho found complete. with the best uneen of Cotton ate Silk limiery. The. best Kid Gloves always on band. Linen Department. [74,1. l te Linen, Linen ilherablin. Cage Lucca, Napkins, Deane, bleached and brown Irani. rak, Towelling. Diaper. de. White Goods. Checked me Dotted Cambrien Ste., ing.l Nainsook :Unsnap. Victoria thd Bishop Larne, of evert quality thd prim. Also, Curtain Materials, Plano and Is. Me Covers, Pe. Embroideries, Laces, Trimmings. &.e. - A complete assortment. Also, Ribbons. Flower, Tab, ke. Parasols of all kind , bonnets to all th e latest style". Domestic Goods Department I. probably me of the oiled extensive In the country, env t racing every thins known a dornethea. the Preptteturs feel confident that.. with their large and stuscm. stork. and ashy extras, they cannot Pail to mra perfect alteration. Wholeahr purchase. are respratfully informed that we 111 be pleased to toes se them orders, at any time, for :rats st astern prima, so, ter duplicate any currant bill of goods at the 1.610 e tern rates. [ New and fashionable rassds will he received ecestentlY [ through the seam. DNS RICE ONLI: A. A. MAi4.)N • AV iarasola URCLIFIELD have rev ! Nfieueia. rau.,aalcaeai...ll Black. awl Laul Colors. ar. tee AIURPHY & : air 'it Z of Um . . TS.--New styles fan 1 . 1 Ccwhico AI.. ERRI MACK at aNaltt:' SIIEEI NOS—A assortment vof &figment vid •• 6.3 d box& m&k er tayl 311.4tPlrit OURCIIFI.LLD. UPERIOR TB_ KlNG—Murphy & Burch Y&ldlnvite lb. Mt. •tital of buyers to tbelrwortown tU r.{Of as.grapau., sod boor &vow& cudr Fn. 11). Straw Bonnet and Hat Watehonse, No. 105 MaRILET STREIT it 11. PALMER offera for Aale, at vory it. low prim, a fall awl.nn,:nt Amato icrvigia Arnerifan plana and ieraw. Braid. Mfr. tardy, Milian. Lac. nal, Pamela. 1 , 1‘• vat.% ar4Ara . .l.2l= g n a U Lastionninud nn e . ir - :; , catt..`t'otror. Lau, tat Ind,. %Iwo' Oinaal.i.nnT '3 , 4 l . 7 3 . and other turn, in Mat .tr .littti l liNV-- "1 .1. - rttnanat and Sonil. plain St.in sod t " Zll 4 /V— U ttant:liig " UT:djh ' i i tt ' an ' tiou=l ittul Cotton ,••tt.t. !,rIC.4 ypf.llMl Tarsals, fffflMMl M: • ••V`SILKW 4. T/SS—Cilece. Orm ao . a.l otber unlittod and colors IM=M ka TLVS—Auer% Alse—lfich and le Mu.. Ile— Ai.. Face. fancy and black C. AIatCTIVaTI. v s yiety of Po eascerrinted, n grea , role •nacrn.m. eases tleeirub ER AGE D. LIP ricks nir sale by atali C. ARBUTHNOT. Rt O i li; S-400 Bonnet. 2 ~t7,a v O t nr CT. l. for , J UST ILEC'D A n VD NONV opENINt; AT Wyt. illtiVr N 0.1.5 Lobnart Snare. A eery bran awl sue,noe sunk of Fashionable Goode, rhisind Gmtlttnetia Wear 0,0 Split:or einoprldln the me ter tuft, to Ann titan. Enallsh, and )Oath Car. , of a Oar? epletrlid ecendinent of Touting, and Clothe T.ildotieble 'halo sod mion w 00..t•••11,, , riu , • lons and well snanntactured stock of Itoo.lll HAM CLOTHING, trainee an. of the 1.1,1•0 and beet 'darks nest of the Alleghenies. nil of which the Proprietor detennlard ..Car at rich parts as seal convince 1.11 ho [rear hint with a call, that not only the mod oupedor Cothing ls *cad at this efitabbehms bua also at tha 100. sot priers to Gm rity All orders in the 7 . alloring etteuted-nsusnal. in the beet posiablerianner , and at the shorted malice. csehla dAm - ETs, OIL CI,C . YII - 18, Szc W. McCIJNTOCK. Is rnse semsiantly ssreivisig his tlrsliSit `tot or CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, & TRI3I3LINGS Cninneiting in ewe fullanion CARPETS. - - Eatura 0,0 Ve 11le Carpets: do. do. Tatustra Rruo sera 00. do. IlrurarLa watt* super. 3 ply; rapectrae MI: do. lturroin: curs dod dod rammon Mo.; cora iodod 44.34, 44. and 241 Orallad 5.10.1 44. b 4, b4l, mal A lando 44.34, 64. and 24 wool and cotton do. ROOS, MATS., OIL CLOVIS, &c. Harm Chenille tuna: Coe dodslot e M xtra tufted do 4 .foe do. do.; orautuon da Chenille boor Mann tufrad do.. d. sheep rain do. do.' Adelaide do. dod Thrum do. do. • Crumb Clot., Felting do.. Booking 124, 54, and 24. Ararbbart Oil Clothe, rut Clotho:r Ora 0.1 or root s -04..74. 64. 54. 44. smi 3-L 101 STAIR RODS, BLINDS, TABLE COVERS, &c. Alm—Stab Raba of all stun Carpet Ilindlnim 1.154 C.-• rata Baud G 4, 44.. d Si Matting:o Table Larenn Crral. and fitspac Ituckrbuck do. Transparent Windom Fbale, Buff Wind°. llollandr. Violin. Minds framboogied Kano Corer* do. Tobla do; do. brand dod Wonted Table dn. Caring 1mp...4.d purchased our stock direct Oran to: mat ratebralcal 91410111.11, betna of the latest mod most proeid stylairand colon. on, prepared to sell to our H.. and rardomers at Prams or noo . tara aralurnrab ami in any of the Laster* COW. .oMlallr invite all to call and canna. our Mock se The Carpet IVarehouse, 8.5 Fourth street. rachl9 W. McCLINTOCK. QIIAWLS A: DRESS GOODS—IS cartons ,s r N the ac t p s .w . t futaiable.E.lr o o. ft;n12.14,,.6.04.: agra.ralia. Cambria. mid Jacmultm spli IBLACK FRENCH CLOTHS—Meerut atwchnwth ham, oor o pen Ma r Spring =EMIT of moch Cloths , selected with meat am, .od aria bo ails of Hatitirmaw wiatilog to supply thrhawira with Par mats. casei . baton pant ktOtiON GOODS f,,,raie by muni , Co.. duer.l.4 m.i"d , Qhio Laboratory. ,rs 76 " rlf% . 11111111 51) 1 111111 UO • 11111111 ( '1.44 , 85 • Per cent. Strength. ILDWELL FLETOUR eCO„ Manufactu rers of ALCOHOL: Pure:4orib; for cologne elel Bran "="grinllFffnlV.ht=gra.4l=.7l • atmvivz Pry.Pittsbargh will be proviviy Wines rind 11%167 Liberty at., Formerly Davie cracker factory. D. ricentru, of II tts6pry,l It. 6 sroannkt, or N. Y. VICKEISEN STOUVENEL, respectfully, e l f :ea: f. 11r= i o b3 . hTg i t'd'ar= l i YEW WIN E Lott QUUR Amu et the et... rt•hd, when title Shell sh uye keep a Tull! nortmeut of the best stOck—licselle and /much red and white Wlstes. Atm. VT.. dark and nth, ltraudires ottbe choicest. sintann Jamaica rum, !lollsod gin kith Wblete ham and=kltlt i lmb a oftb , me ud muscat jlor:Abeastbs, Port Alsoolardlues-"lo110. tIrrAN, """Vgg.%7 One of tbe partnere, Idr.' Mourenel, coutlnulun hts bunch.. Menem la the elty of N York, the abase Arm enatdod to sell s cheaper and a better article than any other house to this city. Hesse glee us • cell, before you purchere eleurbent drWariallies rupplled free of utrs charge, sad at the shortuk notles at CARD.—I have removed to my pew etore, (three hears below,) nearly orpsalte the Bank of obtagb, ,' will be glad to me my Mends toot elllsensontd melee a share of their ensatm. I .111 keep • tan large amortment of Upholstery, ma Cra dle., Curled Rale, Sprinz Mem. Cotton soul Mast MM.. dm: Feather Bede, Bolsters, and 1911owo Bleaker. Qnllts. tool Comrorts; Itissioer bhades, of aort7 'a rid,: D r kaba and l.=, • febl4 WM. PAINT.. IDO-PARTNERSHIP—The. enbacribeni 'hue I cotrescl Loto Co-Partonslalp =ot ß. os the Itroa of fkgto, low. a Okol 7. WAIVE. JAMES ATKINSON, 4.31 OSE ROSE; I HOSE! 11—Jast rec'd mm theMinufactorilaßoehy 2000 Sattlintis Bub ow, den ranging nom X to 23( inches in diameter. 2hle le tar ',whim hi any ham onnutletared Maher. ibr hydrunte, conducting. or The Muirton pnrpoem. We wish It to be dutifully undermaxt that every Web of, has that goes from our establishment I. imerented far the purposea intended, or the money refunded. Jll3l, t3l in Far molest the Lolls Rubber Dome, balsa Womt • onD • J. tIL MILLI PS. §TEADI PACKING-4000 pounds mixed, Plain am Petro bugs 'gabber Peaking then 1,121 1. Lutes thick...amnia* to be the rear bad/1.1 1 4.i" *ay 11. 11l 91. e., fur lit• kat. ISIS vorpooes t gee:nolo Plat., Piston gods. Man Joints, name CIICAN g/U.a. Ileads. , 6talitna Wan, an; an Par rale at Um India nub. ber depot. \q. 4.1'9 Wood gra . ..103 . J. &IL PIULLIPIL 1- (ILL CLOTH TABLE COVERS--A larg6 '‘Jrarsertrnent of Peron:metier finished Table. Bland aud Buxton Wrest of ditreresst patterns, not to De SatTuased br fay mkt la the eq. xesqintspan...utotbm ate aviu4 to cal and examine terIII.3.ITCO t..... 110 MOM a the marnaSemtr, 7a O Wonlsh OSS/ • J. t. /1. naLuPs. _ kaPLENLIID FRENCLI PARLOR PAPER,: .41;0•64 Market street, tbr ale star, modeniestrim .by I'LLOALM 1 SUNDRIES- - • 1.76 6i 26 01666s1;;; 6 balm Impor osit6 Baca; jams med " _mplara.4%4T, • 02. . „ . - • Needle'Ak.lebrated 1. 031. P HEMLOCK :ELAsrEte.._. beee hisbly imelliceMl platen both both thide to men than 10 .o. ream drains whkta,,time they bees . Maid IC .Pronsonat Maniffia, S o tie shoot el:theethos -Ithethuitth iitreaStherdiell neetlrever odiaed.=is clan. of the Widen sodnenae, to mime their birth hais been submitted. M. the i mot fel:Laths veiditemithe ail to their eaperior virtoo m over ell other plea • ithe sold. 'fb• logrediente of their ethaprettiors, they arthi/1 and „meetly combinal. render them monthly . to meow suffering with thilamary dbenoe. !'or Moe in the breath, restating Roth protrected adds. 4h.plAff cough, end keel odes in the mime nearaltbi the body. theldlonsikiel character le bonsei saDtDemed In Lem Chalk as l e : hi. un) oortohoraEed by the may rum elected. i Far anthem mall peina la the beck ead thi.remaltlaul from Mere KM.. &seam Of the kidneys, their aienoect cure ethl Mati= i b 7 4 . T Lnndrnle who o each es antler trith tiomatio yam than opPL' u g, remosonded. them:Mien% uthreare Milheir beneficial effocia trials trend my Rreided. Yoe sale, wholesale sad -• • mho . T. 17 Weal st. BEAUMONT'S PATENT STARCH. POL-: fth MMus • bratitifith&tato Liam. Reath. brio, Collars, Shirt WOW.. sad all Ola th e( printo ita oth mouths the Iron from adtmillo the Linen. end sloth Man esicitinth_ it contains nothing orlon. to clothes la any respect, The lodise bath long ...tett the nerethity of each to vtiele, sad in this.'their expertattho will berth. ly reslinen, u m competition is Vein - 1 SAM m impartial trleL N. o.—One Cake .111 do thirty ttoompt elotho. ozd no Golly should br without it. • Rtio .l2 S, rethe yer Cthe. Earl Wee itio lOU dirertkons. Yoe Wetly rrich'?l , R. K. BKLLERS. fit Wool M. . - PETROLEUM; Olt ROCK OIL - .Them are more thins+ in beano' andearth. "Than are dreamt of in plifisophy. • ' . T ' VIRTITES.4if this remarkable , reme dr; .a ...12.0 . —,.., application fat It, tro the . propyi Cire.L'll,—.......rwaogllat'&l%lli- w ith The PETROLEUM As u rionred tram a well in ttils mini td a , ag , d i zall i tl 0 6:024 =el. 11. ,, raun t, rdrvii gain- from Piature's Great ishratary! t g' ''l'hat d ' lstalsin rropertics ri= • numbrr of diseases, is MD' lona • mattes of rite There ere many thinks In the ar oma of nature. which . ,if known. might b• eljnit - tsidt l _: nem in a ll eviating enuring, and, reeurink is e b l oom so health and vigor to many • trefrorr. , Long beihre the too orietor thoosht of rotting it up IA potties. it had ii rout. ' Oen for the cure of dieeve. ' The earatailit WA .15.11 r !Omsk dial adofa 11. end wound remarkable , Cum it Oa. Per , formed. le a sure indication of to future pelltdeMt7 •nd aide re read applimtion In the core of disease. - Wa do not wish to make • loot Para. of .4 ^—••• we Ul ate anode. that the medicine can soon work Its wai Into the favor of m* who coffer, and wish tO be heti -WILDA we do notelairo five it • linireinil .11 4 . 1 ..t.gi to • er7 • dis.in ini u_ohevhstinkik mr, that In number Chronte mste it is neirimiled. diaCti,c these moy he CHRONIC dimmers of the mucous 100,00. sum we CHRONIC 114077C51a. d CUNSlgrlo7.i.'llu its e i silr . stage.) AtiIih,eDYBPEP.SIA. Dim+. * ur f=of t he Bladder and Shits7• l ,2l: a gg: t lisin m , 1itt.i . .a.„... liiiinfes; tieuraLchs etas. Tatter, IListrworms, ram ....usiara, Old soma P . ad to In raves of demur. molting hak , a au ad twat-acted moo, of &sense, this =will brink relief. It will act Oa reek TONIC and ALUM ATIVE Lti mob esaaa, Am tone and mortal to the whole from, removing 0r.... Li.. fonetione. whkia MINI dbem and • total mutt= and n gvin_g inereased sad renewed energy to all the organ Tbe - srourieter tows of eared cures of PILTB the 7.0 i a ilhe P 0 1.177h1 for aOm other it , t ' ir Th . ell • Drlrf um is. verto siiiy palon who desires tts - S lone geno without ttu rdzsaturs of the Igskrietar -v Sold by the nroorietor. . . 8. eft - Run: oat Itas& i rtc x, i3eventh street Also, by li. 17. MI 57 Wont at. . . and B e t sod 0 31 eons. Weed greet sod Yirght SII W /4 1 ;hr os ate norkdly hie regulany appointed aiwnta • PEOCLANATION. KNOW all men who are Dick and afflicted with diseased' the Bladder and lildnain with akaw pains In bark or Ilew. gall joint% nid VEITA A'V but ?air atr airs t ta b lit? i i niartti f r t tett' you . tsw, o4 n& this do, not mak, t Vain In the Taos ur b an honest community. than It has alsituas which are rat contained' In any otbar reandi. Th. wt.. wrho Is racked with .patn. and Yor LO mt. gas relt, Mom aZ s Vn i t Ts ' l ib i ".. lossl=en abase. Deader! It nada .en little to mho frbd , Mtn • lenm" ftr ' t a .'t i Peu, fu Doter of t. tal acans Moto y • • ted by the roast, hand of nature. and tabbies op from the boo:cunt our mother earth. In Its original rutin amt ap fess to outriding humanity a ready remady, a certain and chesacure. • It has coned 711 x. attar ether Malaita* bars mod to render any .It has cured Ilhersuardlarn of tons standinn and of .trworet and mod plural character. It boa 00 Cholera Mbabsts, by one or two doom It bus cured old ram; of Diarrhoea. In which eve, Watt Imataly has beau of no ayslL An a twat rcbtaln.ha smd acalda. B la totter than any molted compounds or nlnsmant that we know a. it will cure chill:dant and frontal tart; in • fnw appllcallong undoubted testimony mobs furnleb , . ad of the truth contained In the above oatmeal. bY bl i 6.l.Ta. Canal Basin, Payenth attain or 'rsor t rtd L a :,,, . ' well. oorner of Wood sheet and Then allay, DAL Sellars, 67 Woad assert: D. A. /LIZA. and D. M. Curry, Allegheny city, are the astanta EttIPOSTAISFT TO THE AFFLIOZ6D.. nR ROSE'S CELEBRATED REMEDIES.. —pyjama Rom the diarowerer and aka proprletur o most popubr and benefathel modlaboark and alm the Inventor °lda celebrated to Dement fraalenesting tbe • Longs, to *Seethes a cure of Clam* dna.. was a ets• dent. of lbat matewnt physician. Datow Plte, and fa a graduate cf the Untruslty of humerrivattia. and for thirty since has been engaged in the brearigatiaa of dler• eson, era the app limdlou of nundlos the.. Through the we of Ms mead. tube, ineemnectionwith his PruOylactio Syrup, a d d other of his gaited an unparalleled malnewee ellitail=sd be lad fetal tmeodtea Tubercular Conuremptiour Patecers, Scrofula. Ithetunatlem. Asthma, Freer and Agae,geserso all lambs elvortic dL eater peculiar to ilemala. indeed, seem of dim. nubble under the um of his rentaii. War h tnnani. ty heir—not by the we of one am Od Audi for that to inerospettble with Physiological Laerr i gt by la um of lade remedies, adapted tor, amt e earl form of Dr. Kowee To literati. PM+, what cued. stn breathe Ity a uldriedeffi t, to all ahem's. %ars. igly Rd PN:age roattreneno t il l ioYaMWN4 are p aTF = d it r re=gl===tkLbare trirl to Indactent to eetablide what has be. said e ln,the Wade of mion — the.v t. mtd ir? core (grata) one of the Doctor'e pamphlets...lring ado.. ol account of each remedy, sad lta For .ale by the' Iblloiring agent . as vall an by moat drop girt. thlocushoot the contita J. Fehooronaker Ft Co., he Wood st, rictenst. J. AL Town.end. flonelf.f. DA ff-• leme A. Beckhant e Drowse. near the Part 051ce, Allest• ny city. Joateb Barldey. Dariingta. DOOM cacurty, P. John =on. }Amon Yaellll f. T. Adana , " " " A atteLffity KO:tr THE AFFLICTED =ill :farad in Dr. Dewitt C. Haltom'. INTALLIBLZ or Pladorrt i s WT I dais test ',f e rry years a= rg ` tginirl d s of thoutands ' a rthialuas, in i nn ran and tharsetcr of 111.0.. Wo teal that we hazard re. thing in rayagthat. th a tho only malklan th at boo both arra to the =thth.thakdoes, tu OTar soma the wad. 11 bat mak ind it eatable of turhamoro &lathes than .3ry . other maidm offered: for ale, we eta oat by wham tad. orsold, or by what mak ^ • - ks a thong and mortaring proof of lb. .Don, Ire say that It a the only article that has anyared gm of . dzb aut li inin t s z tpau 0000 boon TV:l=l sal area. Essolly V hfediane ever a= fa T eat or g icsa by any al than, •1 0 • The Dea. Man IL Grinuelljala . The Meek obt. IL Nana. late Mayor.. U... John A. Dik late U. B. Bear tor. William IL Porta; Ea., Naha of the Aloha th Time& the a boat of other artlognithed elate= of New York who have fully word Ur =tits, hue waked the Prart•tor to refer to than. As it Is well known that Patent Itedtdaliarb not vo .U sitigiri i' dlVibral th y . M e ho fectuaToga ban PM' llegest. - This Wonder - v6 , ogtilothutel_ has mall' seven.yeare _beta* the baba. Its fritteisare now tte Erased and bat Tampa talon tisdly aktlatg ad othrtnelug i rieff of Ha general ktermorgodkanalve atte errotolous sweurna, = .11 ths Wild and same that table heir Iltar 1,1)&11000 bailee have hem sold without caudate. sod have perterted thaw straolaing tures, earth other ntheiles hay. nailed, .0 woad stagger tellog - had we not ott,..d, cm, la our imorrodro4 tae !rriPOOI, rmitdo ori• Ito metlicloa. or natural remedy, Is Ortheial froui m eta.., &rln i =tal as well as exagnal b j u la r acta ailllo.ol-la a • a Dea tth. d e ke be s. • Bab= Cto " Wagt rasamaile ,ailkatiaera, dosses ,the Hidneys, ami Waalabeea In otas or faudt: &tot whatreet ..testt may For in attobush. by TI. T. Polka 'lthaca ISldd & On, sad Oaten & abord.= =I by rt. orcal _arndi&ur IsTr ay. Is vat Up In tar, two, arid car =Ding bot- oar awn ddrarn alto wan y Wad. ban been leStCrall todslit. Por• end ems orb/loans. In the Mate or Otdo..hara Sal AndAleo. Ito ow or a gentian= la Intararounty.• There are ffn tat thew an a.. nom Lain =CM/ beregmnd to by any anions Ida bare d=bu on (Sr sub. jean Then ass wen eared after bed fine eMmoa Wagt ing ite a ra t ilear 7.llonkbeamatine. nNet=d‘traiLtion=rl l l4 :Barna nabob. the been had bom b . T y= Wens. area. Chard* Garb. asthma: Ikeralle, end el p.n.:nay abeam et a anal. ratare, tendlnd w Pe , . Lama and HesH. of or IS. Ineddeetial Maya: 61E7 hand*. Emeraad Madan taro-eal 61.1.1., In alb pout? nenuars WOW. LEII3 tla boa teal th. stars Woman within Lanai Mr with the moat yerbot mann . Certificates th at wall aural& an la timbal:lde et ank torprietoroeba will take &mare in Mow. Iri n a:L32 . 1a tbe we. allbeted or their any wry tams-their #l . laulena lath vdat Itentedy at tha leo" - Ft , of Sigh Madan a the ward= are benftu_to as It be War Shad . , Mina war es Unload on aria doubt. and , are villas , to anal 'ln dwe ?prase aad eaublendkan =altar year talesman, all will to °sandal to miaow that the Introleam la the nt al ear dbeevend. ler ealehrele eon a. tall. Dr. • • KEYSER A kielX/W .140 Wad st -71. Bellarn 07 Wood greet:. D. Tan, Sr. A. Elliott, Year: Tola v tlee o g A rgut . gz W.ll B. I Salm If 014 Mat ma muck If • • ..73. 1 I t : " 15... • caELLF,R.T.I3IPYRI Ar, WOO • 81111 JP. .1.-.7 - , lt Is cheap, esltgshe. and hghb . _ellesciono . CM. ' , UM Z. 160. Mr.& H. Bellitc—lty chador.. las others.. hose hen salttect to Ixonblasome cOtrata. aret,toteoir Lad diftrawat tettroLles to ray little..nws.. l V. aettewd .7 .dow tbreareats about year Syrup to Rather!. 1 di ye it to two of WY allid WO toMgbizt mural time, sal a ha bni s meet isasd to rr7 co:lathes. - I hen tecososteadsd tt to torndshbors.ood do most cosischrtedomly beam that tt loth* Ord.:on. mewls, that hakes.. Wen offered to tkortrohlk. err... ..._.. 1 .- Yy,ii..bootd ootprradt their eldidora to rater boa c ,,,,, w h,=1.1.7 tosy be curtdhr a 4e. bottlewt US 1 8 7 ° 14..d ..o..ia e x . -, • - it. Wstulaur, , -.: j. - ..dao - 0 mood R . ood Drumetst ...,.,,,,,ni ,- :. - -1114. T thowiENT IdEDICE d 'T u ~ e i. n gtr "°'• "mat gat 4 Nave's:a Baas Lininsmt Oredsidsz. bissx's Pnlmonsa7 Balsam Pe, Ann-BMo. Anderson's nooners • “ zar. Anti-Dxrsoue Milne Toone, • • • crontbsekser • Uses. • tiars:CMl W e,, o sran llA g Pincers :ts's Ujsit.M \ Warm Tea • , At the Drag Otos* of . vane? WIPOTABH-11:1 mks, wansated 4=6 fat 1. **lL . _ . . I.llJi.oo= &e.-1*: large stock . Lba Irma liberal terr.. eIV • idnamnie belts '' , Bateornea lar Bahamans blaltba 15=tV .,_. ~.'t L" Carpentarla arnartof Brelm - Court Planar Dalbrbi Carannadva Daparatiam Erma. for Um cora of liing's tell, dnof .ala. brvhilla, an "......, Perlambnr.t Ismcm Le at (.1. 7 g 4' "" i h = ".--- .. " • name, for neer lEpalWalar -` alan t lzYz o Lbsiment noldta Thelma • a. N. W/CKVISHAII. .Woad said dixt4.l