• - ItIIEGRAPH. unSIVID at TEI O'IMILLY 17,L1414pg arc EZPOOTiD7OIOIII7. P1TT111711.48 wears -FOREIGN NEWS. ABIIIIVAL . .OP. Tice firlillltlEUP ASIA TSBEE DAYS LATEII. yaom EUROPE. Raw Totes., Jane 4, 8 A. IL Theroyel mall steamer Asia, wind it 8 o'- ' sleek this Matting, with Llierpool dates to the ". 98th of May; being three days later than the news by the Washington: . • LIVEB:POOL' MARKET. . • _ - larisroon, May 24. ' Cotton—Thep:thee been 'adecline of fully id Since the aailhtg of the Washington, with sales of :fair Orleans at 6}.:1; IJlddling do. Sid; and fair Uplands at bp per lb. The sales of the Teak are 41,000 bales. IThe market on Bator . day was steady, with Sales of 6,000 bales up to two o'clock. I 1 - Flour—Prices are 64 lower, with sales of PIO : adelphis and Baltimoin at - 2.0s 6d021e6c1 ."{P 'buret " I • 'Orsin—Wheat is dull at last quotations. Corn ad lower. 1 .""". Provisions—The market Is iaactise. " Beef is doll, butwithont change. Pork is scarce: Bacon is cattier. • I Tallow—Prices ore 6d lower, but with no sales -coneequence. I Oroceries—Sugar is easier. 'Molasses is in .fair request, at 1556d016s for Cuba. Carolina rice is in better demand at 18@l9s per cwt. Tobacco—The market is quiet, at former quo - Tes—Sales are brisk at, for common Congos, .11d i per lb. • AiMes—A.re.in better, demand at 274)28564 for pots,' and 29s for pearls, per cwt., Money—The market is easy. Consols closed ..en'hiday at 97g. 17. S. Stocks are in fair de . 'Scud at full prices ; Fires, 1858,- are quoted at :92 C 98 ; Sizes,.lB6B, 112 ®llB ; Maryland fives, • at Manchester is dull, in consequence d this messy feeling in the Liverpool Cotton Mar . POLIIICAL INZELLIGENCE. ENGLAND The political, news it unimportant. Pulls mast le ell 14:Mains the Etsclimiartical. Title Ths Goterruntat Se date:alined to give every atiport to the furtherance of the Halifax and Qaebao Railroad. • • .. FRANCE. The Legitimists hive thrown off their disguise, and declare their detennituttion to restore the The religion of the Constitution engages the almesi undivided attention of the political press. DRESDEN CONFERENCE. The - ,Dresden Conference has dosed without any definite result. • , ' E m pero r s of -,ltualla and. Austria, and the rtng of Prussia, are . holding i private confer ;pus.. , GrrZt aomis prevail in the vicinity of Vienna, ..rnattitig in immense damage to property. - , ; • ItO3lE. - IPrfiicW abo ut ere u to eeacoate Some , and tlte Auitdens ere arpected to take tbeit• SECOND Fl'Mrri Nnr Yon, Jaz. 4 ISVESTOOL STOCK MARKET The. Ito* market Is steady with an scare de. mind for U. 8: sixes, 1867, at 1161, Ohio sizes, 1860, 1101; Indiana fives, 85; Peon do., 94k; Beading bond,. b9}. Cott Holders of cotton are .pressing their Stockist:ire the market, and prices of American ;descriptions have receded ,} to per lb. The - .better abrto; however; are held firmly, and being items iri p demand for export, have receded only . "Provisions—Beef:about } and Pork are neglected. Bacon to doll, and would give way, were not the whale stock under .one mansgernent. Lard Is steady at about 60e per cwt.-for prime parcels. Iron-. Scotch pig is quoted at 89®40'. 6d per Eton, ;With - few buyers. - liar iron is selling in tuna lota' at Et , lOsi and .rails at E 4 17s (i)E6 2s-od-per ton.. .• The Asia brings a report that the Cabinet at Merni,jhas set Kassab and ethers at liberty, on condition that they immediately leave the The home of, Commons was warmly engaged ,inComniattee upon the Papal aggression Bill, upon which the Ministry has received very full Impport.l . ' A motion waif mole on the evening of Friday, ci 4 d - May 22 to - postpolie - thei consideration of the first a until the House was in possession of the a toile letter; upon which the enactment waif° ed. The motion was lost. by 21 to 45. - The bill regulating the nee of arsenic passed the Ifiieeot Commons. I ...3 t o The, eat_ Exhibition progresses well. On the 0 th e receipts at the door, exclusive of 'Beaton tickets; were 4010 pounds 10 shillings insulin Notwithstanding the great risk, the Tines arks,' the building is by no -means _overcrowded. >Thedoorsaretobeopenedtothe bumble 'classes of visitors on Monday. ; FRANCE. ' . A cotreipotelent of the London Tinies says, that the Preneit Oovernment had addressed de l.-tailed instruction; to Gen. Gelleau, relative to on against the French 'soldiers at Rome. I sa i rlotamend, among other things, that the otEcers , and privates should only appear publicly in otther numerous. bodies; so no to , be in no danger of assassination, and that in the event of insult or oggresslon, they should enforce respect by 'tiger= action..• AMID. Paroar .Exasnro.—The igerald's coo ' reiponderiess reports S. promising feeling of con .; -tido= in the minds of the public on the question . tithe revision of the Constitation. The Legiti - mists and Democrat's thew a disposition to com . "promise, which, baked by the general feeling of the country, wall probably lead to the removal of the President's Cabinet. r.-• • -.The President attended a review en the 22d, in the Champ de Mans. Evifty thing passed off : -quietly. .. " The President wits accompanied by 7.thouliarfaer; and. was rectify:l frith thief.* of 'life liapoleon:ii.' . . . . • . - . ... We learn Wain. Paris, that • coars disturbance ;took place at Belli Isle on the 14th, amongst the political lirisonere, who insulted and menaced 'with acts of 'violence this inspector of the prison. ,Barbee and /3.lanotii were among the rioters. '• i ,s The : eta& . mullet et Paris had been very : , litentszsi us:mitred all the.week. .At thiPsee - :iksuesecits the 26th, the mi.** were, far Ave per - , mats POt 80a, add three per cent§ 00f be on the t PORTUGAL. • Atecnuttstrom•Liabon, in Date dn.Gateerno of Key 14th, iia hfacieria, state ghat the Queen had Mined a deai.e; by which tlie dismissal of Mu flaldutti M tendered:will end void, end to be considered tui newer hoeing existed; and Me ( appointmedt, botk. civil and military, ?as been tentneed.-. . • ' Tbeltaim states' that Comte Thema bait been of his die:ea:sal from the•Embaasy of 0M which he, hadliien aPPoinded• • • ••• Mdanda was; at Oporto, itureisiitg fell civil •-• sand•.,adlitaz7,_ authority, but in the Qattens , , , BYritllate _from: Lisbon, of May - 12th, we lesta that Bahian had - chartered two gasmen, to comreiblanidf and his, treope. to Lisbon. The One/tie - 11dd to be &wed to meet ital danhietirieireettit reaped, to the formation of Advice& received hat& d this malting, -itati that the eleethme had., terminated, and that the ro¢lt wqay , la'almoe4 ail:n-12.56=5 ; favors- A. modiseattati at the Spanish Cebinet, accord. 12. to the fecvaate 011 Say 15th, eras agate talk. AIISTELL Marshal Battik) , bad been . zummoned from' Milan t o mans; for tho prime, it is Witted," 'aistampslpitig thelmperr of dttat4a,towar. The nag OT-Prtmala readied Warsaw on the lath of Nay. The-Emperor and Emprestiotltna , Ida adrannett to suet -blm as far as 131derwinlee, where tho royal and imperial party dined. They .than journeyed together to Warsaw. . Thant has been- a most destrnetlre flood at - I -Manna; with ono e.ueptiori *ll the bridges had been curial away.. BELGIUM. . Oar edrreipendenie from Bruer.Lie of the 231 No 11tI&.sta7 had, e:t. yet; been formed. • 6E11.31M. . , Hamburg 114/3005t5 cenfirnithe late statements of i joint reamestranee hating been sent to the Dub& Government by Amnia and Prase% on the ombject a the Federal Commissioners, - . . NEW HAwsHLRE LEGISLATURE. ~ Coicoati, (N. 1.4) Jane 4. -The Legislature organised:to day. - The Hon. Zahn - 8. Wells, (Dem.) was elected President of the -Senate unanimously; and N. B. Bata; apeaker of the House. _ THE NEW STATE ettiBTITIITION.. • ' Baismtoar., - .Tune 4. The Bleotlon upon the question of sdoPtin,g the new: Elate Constitution - of. Maryland, eras heid, to day ln this city. It passed off eery . quietly. The vote of Baltimore was as ;follows Ser the Constitution 9.597 0 again. 6, 8 f 4 --sr"- , pit, for the Conatitation . B,6l4: - - • SAILING OF TIIE AFRICA, '. Nrw, Fax, Arne 4. rts Moles takes ont 190 mumengtOre, (among whotnia louly Bolwer) and . $BBl,OOO in peeks. Wasamarini. June 4: The Geographical Society of Path bps confer red a deplonia upon CoL Abert, ehtef of the V. S. Topographical Engineers. Secretary Webster returned last evening, from his visit to the North. JENNY UNI. Nrw Thar, June 4 ' It it now -probable that Jenny Lind will pass the summer in the United States. Her Secreta ry publishes a card which leaves the ; inference of a disagreement with Mr. Barnum. She needs repose fora time, says her Secretary, and she will then make a tour:to Western New York, Canada Jr.c. ITP4IB FROM THE CAPITOL WeaursoroN, Jane 4 The coulzacts for stationary for the next Howe of Representatives were awarded to day, by the Clerk, principally to Robert Fainhew and Wheeler & Co. William Clair, of Alabama, and C. B. Adams of Connecticut, formerly correspondent of the New York Tribune, bare been appointed clerks in the Treasury Department MURDERER CONVICTED..., Boarox, Jane 4 Carry, the murderer of George Haywood, the Depot muter, has been convicted, and sentenced to the State prison for 20 years. ••Th'a THE RESCUE TRIALS. BOSTON, June 4. %- Mr. Lunt has occupied all the forenoon in the -Agana trials, and Judge Sprague will charge the jur7to morrow. DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION . RIIADIXO, (Pa.) June 4. The item:4:1.260 State COtlltdatiOD'lnet at two o'clock to day, and organized temporarily, by nailing Chu. Kugler, of Montgomery county, to the Chair, and appointing John W. Forney, of Philadelphia, and W. B. Dowry, of Crawford, Secretaries. The regular delegates from Philadelphia co., were admitted. keotoinfttee was appointed to select officers fox', the pee anent organisation of the Conven tion: PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Plutanar.rma, June 4. Flour—The - market was quiet, with sales of 200 bills at $4 25 per bbl: Bye Flour and Corn Meal—Sales of the former at $8 60, and of the latter at $2 76 per bbl. Grain—Wheat is in moderate demand at 102 e l'Cr white, and 90@97 for red. Corn is selling moderately at 60c for yellow, afloat. Provirdons—The market is inactive; very little is doing in western Produce; and prices are un changed. Stocks—The market is dull to-day, with sales $lO,OOO Penne fives at 94f: and $2500 Alle gheny county G's at 961. FEW TORK MARKET aloes ILZPOICT. Slaw Foxe, Awe 4. Aishes-LThe market is steady at $6 for pots, and $5,6012 cwt. for pearlash. Cottcm-HThe market is unsettled, under the Asia's news. Flout—Tire market is drooping, with sales of 4,000 bble at $3,01®4,06 for state, and $4,12} (04,25 for Southern and Ohio. Grain—Wheat in dull. Rye is steady. Corn is hem, with sales of 17,000 bushels at 66@590 for Western mixed, and 70e for round yelloy. Whiskey is doll at 280 et? gallon. Prosisiora—New pork is nominal at $14,74 for mess, and $lB,lB for prime. Sales of beef at $8,766511 for mess, and s6(ils6 for prime. Cut meats are rather dull at , 7} @Se for hams,' and 51€}0} for shoulders. Lard isheary at 90 . 91. EYENDIO SMUT. `tax Yonr., l Jule 4 Flear—The market is drooping, with Bolts of 9,000 Ws at $3,9401,06, and'ootte good Ohio at $4,25 per bbl. Corn Meal—The market Ls Iteavy at per bbL • Grain—Corn is lower, with ages of 50,000 be western mixed at 56@5Sie per be. Provisions—Sales ofnew Metro Park at $11.75, - and of tony prime at $12,18 perbbl. 'Cut meats new plenty, with sales of Hasosnt'T ept 8e and of Shoulders at 61060 per lb. Lard is drooping, receipts being large, with sales .at 9.3 per lb. • Lead—The market is hoary at sl, 'per per - ort for Missouri. Feathers—Sales 2,000 lbs . Tennessee Feathers at U.® 800 per lb. Iron—The market is unsettled, oath sales of Scotch Pig at $19g510,50 per tan, G ape.— 'English bars are aching at.s34. per ton. Btalas—The market is buoyant. Indiana have advanced ic; Ohio G's it, and Penns Vs xa CI:NCO:NATI 3.I.A.RECET. CIIICINNATI, June 4. Flour—The market Li =changed and quiet.— Sales of 90 bbLs at $3,37, and of 100 at 33,40 •+) lib I. Whiskey—le dull, at ln per . gall. Prosisions—Nothing of conseinence was aone. Groceries—There ie a better feeling in Sugar and Coffee. Sales 60 hhas fair sugar, at 6}e per ib. The river is stationary. The weather is pleas ant. BALTIMORE. MARKET. BALTIXO34 Jane 4. Flonr—Sales 660 bble FL B. brands at $4,25 per hbL Gran—Sales of red wheat at 96c. and of white. corn st 67e58c, and of yellow at 670 per Mi. • Whiskey—Sales at 230 per gallon. • NEW ORLEANS MARKET. • Raw Oitzsas, June 2. cOtton—The market is dull, and nothing of Consequence Is 'doing. ' flour—The market is heal with plea at $3,- 430 gts3,9o •{R bbL . • Proiltdons—Pork is limited - 1n demand, with taw of mess at $14.60e14,76 t bbL Bacon is deelinim with sales of aides at Si, and of shoulders at 6} 'V lb: Sales of Lard in: bbls at 9} 9} and in kegs at lle per lb. Orocteriim—Rlo coffee ia in better demand, with lodes at 9}o9} ? lb. Sugar and molas ses ars steady, at 80t$Slo Whiskey—Sales at 14 per gal. Exehange—Sterling is quoted at 10} CDR. MUNE USED HIS PILLS IN • practice several years before be 'could be induced to offer It to the public in such a manner oo to make It known •/1 over the email., the quack remedies so fro. quently advertised and forced npon the public by meths of forged otangedes and a synem of puffing. preventing, frequently,.thulth and Jeweled physicians, meta se Dr. Vibe. cuolooteedly Is, from calming the lists against inch omrpetitors. Connoced, however, of the seal velum of Ma . madicine, and infinenced by the plain dieteles of duty, Which would not permit him to keep from hie faiths enstmes en powerful a means of preserthut them from wafering, be finally offered it for .ob. Stan that time it has become known ell mar the United Stater, and tt has been tried, ha. proved its superiotity over nil other remold. ever offend for dkiees of the lives. In Wt, the pmemipticas of phYdriths are se. theger.ondred la era of liver Immolated. All that is newnwery, I. few the patient to purchase and use Dr.. Mends Liver pills, to mem redoratlon to health. Read Mk"' • N.—Pleme let MA Wlre two tang more of Dr.ldlends Liver Pill.. My wile bas teed two ba,..jor the Dator's Pills, and I ware yea they hive dote her more good than my homily physician has for two years, during which time be wee in regular encode... These twits:nu, I think, will effmt • maw. JAIL 70U8. igyikigs township. kneekm , th 1. - March 10th, UM." • /arab. by ' • J. KIDD 00.. sciialdbrbel N. 60 Wood .t. ,rlfirrquiers will rejoice to know dint at tut th at can prone an article which they inij depend =son at all thug in curing the ration enemata of attn. nth as Donny, stiff 0011tPlelet dldampu. gall., wounds. .mein,, ,nens,,, fuel., partial blinding, won arm lame. uni-brorti sprains, lcgcs of tlp joint stator, or contracted cm*. to. The article rekrnd to ft ft. G. Ferrell's Arad= Lininscrit, the best ntedillie mgr al.oT.ral for manor beast gee alre i rtissanant. ; . • Petroleum! mesuisrm., Ilantierlou Ps..3lslcb . M. iftts.,—Dest St r; Year Petroleum Is working won• der• la this vicinity; tberstre would thank you Pseud us two dolma by t.be Prestylveals u• or Wyly eat sad it le 'Wag lteseirs4 kr almat.'"7 dal• Yours, respectfully, • JOHN I,ONO JrCO. - 11.ersrnus, Aabbsed to.; 0., March 10, '6L PLlCyzis—DrAt sir, Tsar Assd • feet week 4 left srlils . to dawn Hock Oil,' whist ere here 1 01 d. Zeus Ibrsrard to us als dozen immoiLtel7• Itcrar sotakista Is working mode. la Ws eta obtain Baal esseLtrat certlarAfealf rita Cake flora • . Yootra. ; W. W. BCOTT. los Sala by Koper McDowell. 130 Wood street; K. & &Mrs. bT Wrod street; U. A. Vabuestock. Co. cororr Wood and rrwe e.r.u4 D-!t. Cora. 0. A. £111.0...M.Ph Draglasit.sad U. P. &Dwarfs. AlleaDear. also LT the pieta. B. H. HILT, • Csual Bud ruPorsrab Pittsburgh. Citizen's/worm= Company of Pittsburgh ENdOITRAGE 110,31 E !LNSTITUTIONS Otiee ho. 41 Weto' ttheah ill the Irtrebon•• DM IL (LO..llassre;Prelident A. W. 3ltheL Paei, TUN Company Isnow prtharett to lams WI toottbandlne In dont and to trthsltu. veexlF ee. An wattle game r _tor the 05111,1 and totethlty or the lostltutton. ellordet In the ethreeter of the //motor& who en ell citizen. of Pittsburgh. +Fell .al Eletorthir /moon to the austmooltr for theillththethe. thtelthretthe and urunn. a=e• t wig , and,Awerican Hardware. LOGAN, WILSON & CO., Ha 129. Wood Street, !LITE NOW TN STORE toll ..deeetipleteetoek of FORZJOY /ND 4.1111121 CAN HARDWARE, the .getog trade, WI which they ore pmared to ate o poschisere atrasco that will compere Womble with say of the eastern citlee. LOAF SUGAR-100 bbl 3. seed Nos.; ° "w s c r , 'l l rit t r" i° mr27 11 7 Pint. 64 ha beeood sl. SIIGAR--10 hhda. Clarified, ter sale by 13.27 • ENGLISH & azasert QAI.ERATUS-50 boxes for sale by mrsT • ENGLIBU & BEN NETT. SHOULDERS -12 casks for sale by smyl7 . ENGLISH t BEN. ETT. NITS -20 tat. Chestnuta; Zl " at* Xt.; for tale Ilz„ L ARD -5 kegs for sale by ENOII3II BENNETT. =T Eleamd. and 161 Ilevt greet. Curled Hair Mamma IHAVE on hand a larpo stock of 3latrasa• rep made out or pare Mir. - n lier a Pest roan erode will please call WII. 00l NOBLE. pip= Thin, street. opposite the Post Mee. L'K SILK LACES—Large assortment, LIPd rmeherp, reed a the ` Mee of • r • • : 1. MOURNING GOODS--Blackßombazinee Allmon 'lath Bramb.f. Bs; rag. and Times, reed sad offered .t loran • era. by '%TO. 1 MACKEREL-40 bbls. extr e l v for .1.1 family. awe, tkr sale by MI MI DICKEY & ElIT= Water and Vront INDIGO--Cansecue and Manilla, on con aarawet, Z. tale by 18/11• Watar 11 DICKEY k CO lay'X and /rout at. T ARD OlL—Bennett & Jones' brand, for La nle by bay'Al 113A1A11 DICIEST t CO. LARD -12 bble. No. 1, for sale by • nyQG • WICK It MICANDLESS. • tomer Word and Water rte. OATS -500 bu. for eale by mISB 8. • R. lIARDAVOLL CORN -100 bu. for see by mi2s lIARBAUGIL WOODEN WARE— War Ballets, heats boand; 'Vs:ldabel Bata% .3 boom t:Z=r 4 .,W r l T''' • Varnished bud , - Tub. t -12611)* co, ler We br . IS •h• •Mat Libeler at inTl6 EGGS -3 bbla. for Ode by outs 8. 4 W.IIIII.IIAUGIL LOUR-10 bblit Rye; mym zoo ISeant . L. forbt W. lIMLBAUGH pEARL ASH-5 tons for sale by ENGLISH BENETT, EiTBS 15.113etorid, 5.4151 First rt. I[IOOPS--49,000 Split Ash, for sale by _RA my= ENGLISH t lIMISII TAR -75 bbls. N. C., for Bale by is72o ENGLISH l abaszrr. LIME -50 bbls. White Louisville, for sale by myal ENGLISH a BENNETT. 50.000 FT IIar: r b fiLlar . by ßoards and Scant mylt ENGLISD t BENNETT. F "" 'la TACKLE—Canes, Rods, Lines, Ina., se, wholatria and revel, b 7 o. roy26 G 7 Market argot, corner of Fourth. WATCHES, in large Variety, and at the icnrea .¢aiar elm= tub and Mall. • ttay2Sl • W. W. THE PENCIL OF ROBERT BUNS, the POST( way be won et ow More. 90. • .pleaded anaorument of Gold nod &leer Noellr. Gold Nos of the best twoofacturec Pocket entbry; Net blooctia.te. toWdbi W. W. WILbcON.. 11AMS-32 casks Bacon Hansa, for sale by ja.s. royal J/i3M9 1. norcnicoN I co. rgen Crimson Velvet and Gold Paper maciao. Dra*lng Hama just net tram Puts. osay%oh by W. P. .• • LL, 85 loolt. I OHN McCRACKEN'va. JOS. D. ABELL. wirln th. Di court of Allegheny. CoonlY. La. No. 278:AWN T.. 1851. And non, to it 5.y.1 51. th e OooOt onPolnl ON D. Mg , ...u.oul.Aokutor WM/Urinate [hyping...Kb of Yale oolong nen grousorn ql , roan th e llreorn. GIEOIIuE 8. NAYS. Pratt y. The luellber rill attend 41 thi duties of ids appointment at his anat. Pia 121 Woman street, Plttabtugh, on ii.ndAY • .June .=l. at 2 o'clock, I'. r.=er A. B. MeCALIIONT, Auditor. Smith's New Geographies. First Book in oeograpliv; an in rieductam.tewaraphy, derigrwalfar .ft 11to o LIMP tI aled with L ermaviags t and O 1 =pm pp. Ilk Me. Malik %Marin, Secosal Boor in for a marl./ sad praeriell ristem of rieopeasilq, for Comm. Sebw,l3, Academies, and Familia:lG desoad m a trims! toil. /mat hectic illmriated wtthAO ft.. tsmpa, aril numerous ohms rip:lr . /46.mM C. dmlth, A. Mr2l ft Apolloilloildriuri. Fourth at. DR-INTIM/ PAPER—A large lot Double rr Medlin =I Imperial 17iat1ng4:37 1 . 1, %24 ,, , Pp • mr2.4 writer Mutat and Memal ata I WRAPPING PAPERS—A large assort %era w roping Pape., 1 1... 111 .. al cria. far rale at W. 9. RA R.4ty tr.i'S tag 4 Pap' Warttartua. ear. Yorke% oral 94 gra ,S§QGROSS STEEL PENS, of all quali inch:Wing Gillett'o 2.51. , af0l ru Peon re 'Eon's PRI. of au fluxoter4 Ke and ocher coletifsted onanufai:turrro . , foe I+l6 . • , . IT. 8. IIAYEN'S Ststlomii Fare. aumr Market awl &email a.. ARARE CHAN CE is offered to a person who wishai to tweet, and who has • cannel of hew went to eight-hundred dollars. to mow in • prettable 0,1 reerteetable brudnew. Address the maw:War through the Fon Oafs,. t mr...1:41•7 J. St. L.k.1515. °TY~'~! SHOULDER BRACES, of the moot ap• proved stfle,,Flmpla strioctore and eLdly Ward, Fed of sine to nit who mar royal. them—Fan ned end for rale, erbolvealo and fete% ty oorn IL C. dELLERII. 57 Wood Ft. I OIIISVILLE WHITE LIME-50 bble LA freh. reed azzil forbt W.AF. 1:7 Front, wad US Eseoncl URRAY'S FLUID MAGNESIA—Just ned for Ws by 8. N. WICICERBIUM. ocril =roc, of Strrb and Wood DRIED APPLES -15 bbls. for sale by . BCILIIIIEDOX ISO/MAIL otT2-1 110 Waters B. 5j1.411-10 bbls. No. 1: = r 24 . " BUR"I3IIKirkb&OURAIII SUGAR -100 bblz. Powdered, for sale by myli BVIIBRIDGE INORRLIN. aiIEA2E-15 bbla. good gTeaae, now land instran stesmxr Cskohnistell t toy .al. by ISAIAH DICKEY a tA), mezi wear and haat sta CILEESE-51. boxes, now landing and for sate br • ItUJAIII DICKY myl3 Water and Ftnat sta. B uTTEB-4 bbls fresh, now landing and sals by /SAJAII DIM= * CO, my 24 Water and tmot Its. 1111013V11 P BACON lIAMS-8 casks, JAI well carol, besold Low to close Pb. lot. 18.1 Lilt DICPCXY t CO, . toy2l wat...wo Front st.e. MAY PEACHES--40 sacks, in store, for bi ISAIAH DICKEY k CO.. mE2.I. Walk, and Front et. WAR-80 bag in store, and will be sold too to dor courtmornt- IIiAIATI DICKEY m 724 Watt. and haat eta. fEFENED BORAX-60016s best English, for sale by [my 211 J. .KtDD•OO. W ilked at. LARD OIL--(superior article) is half bbla for sale by Day2l] J. KIDD it CO., 1:0 Waal M. 4,A2,2YE — mufg..lgob,Yeow..t. INDIA WASH SILKS-20 pieces just re otbrol, a •etfdeNnhle article, tworrantAd to Itath.— Atso., • largo sesortmont of Foulard Mkt, btaatifol atria. mr23 L. A.,MAISON it CO. STOCKS WANTED-- A. 7 10 Ow Obak of iltembarsk. _ . 23 " blerobsbak a Mau. mak or VILVIDIUSII: For ableb the highest price In eaph .11113tpald. b myl23a WU. I. 12. LL a y _ • Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh. 50 SHARES FOR SALE on favorable Orm; W}l A. MU s CO. LADIES': ROBBER GLOVES lc MITTS— AA Invaluable to ladles et a proteetkat to the heads In boos ektatlng; ganlening,eare Of 001.11. 10 wear, lam they bleach the basula awry whits. Tor do low at the Dana nubbin. Depot, tad 0 - Waxl m 723 J. t /L PLULLIPL' CLARET WINE, (St. Julien Medoc,) of itj oar own Luportalon, worrutted Duro. Prim tapir Opson, oo=s . or goal. bottle. At 1110pRIB — res mart, In U,. sraZ Lawns 1 Lawns A A. MASON A CO. No. 62 and 64 Mar lmt s tt mt. an mit o t•dn[, 10 cams sup. Wrench Lawns, at all prima Th. &Mentors of customers Issolkla ed to an mumlaidlon of a meat muisry of Um almrojrads 12ar ): sod lb mats per yard. BURLINGTON HERRING.—Just ree'd, 2D bodes of the Mob:stag Burlington flatoknil g b' boo seder,, df br or rte A. mecurao a co, eaYM Unions and Tea Dearrnt F ISH—New Shad; Bald.= BOTTUM MISS ond Tia. 1 bheArrel, ° Wt. A. a.o ticAll i alit i .:243 Liberty 4. at ea (`" , AY OIL CLOTHS—Just reo'd, from the yaotor,. ylsoss Cap 011 Cloth, • beautllollr telvh allelejor We wholesale 0 low as asaternyrioas,at the Oil Cloth W0..0000. Nos.? and 9 Wood 0. • mra_ ' Q LACK LACE SCARFS—thuit re&d nt ll t.r4 T. Fl, ELTO! B ACON -10 hhde. prime Sides; 4 6 - .. Eboniders, " ". 118.0 r. 10 tlerees eV. /wally CILLITILISed Homy, For sale by 1... 8.. WADI:IIJUN 4 bO/88. mrl2 BO and 81 Water, and Cl Front at LINSEED OIL-25 bbls. pare, for salo by myv IL CANFIELD. srIIIEESE- —2OO boxes for sale by _ j. ". ~ nBW. FIRE PROOF PAINT-10 bbla. (Ohio) for sale by myv J. O. CANFIELD. • DRIED PRACLIE 3 -500 bu. fur sale by rnr22J. R. CANFIELD. (TRAIN-810 bu. Oats; , 125 -117 e; for We by 0 ,. L. S. WATERMAN i BONS. - • • . NAM S— N- - 1 0 casks for sale by - my 13 . MLitt DICES,/ • CO. U UTTER—:-Fresh Roll for sale by JLP toyl3 ISAUII DICKEY Q CO. T ANNE RS' OIL-20 bbls. wigroated pure, for We br. RE.EPrr you nwl6 6; Wood W.. nRIED APPLES-10 bags to store, for Airma. by ICIALZELL 't CO u27/‘ Mat, STEAM BOATS rOR CM. & LOUISVILLE--The enlegdla item rammer GLitiCTP, CUL bert. 'edit leave for the eleore awl all lc mediate perte cot tIIUMIOI , . st {o'clock. r . Fo freight or mom , ePP/T L,LUL ira OR LOUISVILLE—The splen did steamer NAVIG ATOR. Capt.ll. be., rill lea. kr the above and all intermediate Pore op this day, the sth test .10 o'clock. A. AL For freighter passage agolk on b... or to ieS I. FLACK. Agent. LOR ZANESVILLE —The fine' steamer MODEM A Cox i tunaterodll c and Istcraeollatz ports att this du , at 1 o'clock. • or freight or juisikue. apply cm board. Jul VOR ST. LOIIIS.—The fast ran i: Idog,nmelosiner EDITOR. Captain M. M \at:lw. For " 'ea or passages apply on bard. ORCINCINNATI & LOUIS yr VILLE—n o .10 Idendld Cu and on Xll lint steamer I[dlc DL t o r IVA• tlced •7. at 10 o'clock. A. at For trolglitor Pauage agplg on board. or to Jet JOHN FLAK, Agent 0- JREGULARPAOKiT BE TWEEN PIT OT TS o. D 2. ITI A . LIII S I 302:3131L—jaid hungsh. mar ` r . and Yristay, itt 3 delti& w DU returning mar. Stumfah tor Cantina, Wheeling and Piitabiugh. cry Wedneaday and Enturdar.at JO o'clock a. as. Pureengeta. lutd eldppers earl depend upon bo a t timaintirriguluir during the low Water bsson. For freight or pumice. arid,' an board. wiylo gEGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET, CLIVCINIVATI, Captain Johnlad uinghtuu. This splendid bast wu built by the owners of the steenter Inas Newton, sod ahem for the Cincinnati and Pittsburgh Packet tend, and will hisser ireery Wednesday for Clncinnatt. In blase the New kr '2. Farfrclghtor rritimPhlnm....... mr3) 'GREENWOOD A - ROSEDALE REGULAR PACKET—Theeplendid jag feat running Ovum boat GIIIEYEAIIt. R. T. Want, Mester, leaves then ei of the Old Allegheny MAR , o ne a n d tret') unt i loar. commencing at 9 °clock. A. and coo:lnning the Ganlenecloea. She of cm the Allegbery side, for the accommodation of W.' , gem also. at all other points. air- Extra Trip at LK o' clock. l'. o'- r- NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR 15112 1851. • kffsit T HE J. runnaqltr ir 2ASalFZ . , Welloburg, Wheeling, Bridgeport. Coptinnosnd Switch Packet—leaves Pittsburgh rerrr Wodirtidtir 3 o'clock, P. Id for Wheeling and Bridgeliort...itd 200 7 '!;.,. ( '"iie•Pur, , 'MS'ur3.l,. m.. Wheellaererr altitude, and pannidar.rt .F=l" mood D''''''"'l7337llVl,Age.bilgent EGULAR PACKET BE TWEEN WELLSVILLE - AND PITIE gip 14011.—Ttillithtdraught Weidner ARENA. D. P. Kinney, master, Ica,* Wellsrille l3 A- CULBERT:4)N Cu UFFALO grades kept eon otasalron nut by_ yll3 A. CULBERTSON t CO. 61.ERMAI.1 CLAY-2UO boxes for sale by tft myl2 R. DA LZELL t 0)., !Awns' at 1111EESE-20 , bsy. W.R. Cream, for sale by I,J turn S. OW. lIAICOACCII. TIRY lIIDES-200 (prime) for sale by , • ill Inria 0. AU. TIAIIIIAIO:II. I)OW'D EXT. LIQUORICE—I can for sale ).E. by .ylir B. A. YAIINEETOCK a CO. BARRY'S TRICOPIIEROUS-42 doz. for sal* by It. E. AELF.IIS, myla V Wood st. Fine Dress Goods, per &press. A. MASON & CO. have rood this morn gia Ziji•UTt= =7 " "4"=1111..1r. bD and hob. Wary oolotod plain 'Dame, beautiful plain and Lalnes„Lawno India Silks. etc. Gond. vs.) worth the attention nr pont kt oon.. as they will be sold at antuvelly tor prints. sash.- sate Or Moll. al hot_ olt and al Market st Mtn liN 3CO DIA RUBBER AIR BAILS--Just ro *taredactrateasaattal nixes Air Dalt, width Ire .111 mos at raoarra pricy, alya J. A li. PHILLIPS. fu ICE FLOUR; Prepared Cora; ILL Forloi; 'Tooke. •o: AIIIIMIA; For sole Or 15 - 31. A. ItoCLCRO • CO. Otrl3 :an Ltter,F t. piRENCII GELATINE, White and Colored; And Coozem An:weirs.. loos last At makingt.Olie.. "f. o clll. A.3IeCLG t 0713 4 Cram and UR TO Dealers V IRUNES-,—Bordeaux Prunes, in glass jars; `‘;`,2;:trie, myl3 WOO. A. M,COUIW a CO. MA CKEREL-L-100 bbls. No, 3, for sale by A. CULDERVON t CO.. myl3 • 193 l'Jbtrly ALUM -50 bbls. for sale by xoyl2 J. MDD II CO., CO Wcorl fft. ILITE-40.bbls. (extra) for sale by ‘.is m 712 J. KIM, CO. VAR& AMPLIONIA--600 lbs. for sale by • J mrl2 J. KIDD 2 CO. OR SALE—A goad Pedling Wagon: in miDlata "P" Wood .t. tt, 1 , I ARD 0 L-10 bbls. Winter Strained, for HA mit by myl2 It. E. AELLERS,L7 Wood rt. LIEMPS 'ED-5 bble. for solo by xi. mri: IL F.. tELLERB. LP. TURPENTINE-10 bbl. prime, for sale 5.7 by myl2 R. IL BELL Lats. Spectacles! rq-tNE of the most inestimable blessings con- Lanai by ant upon defined ton, an the dininery Spectscia.. Knot their as/gnu, the Inconveniences ineuffing thing the defeeure vision of old age, naillnese.or other nun, gould he Irrentrallabie. 00 42 long egparirner, end a thorough knuerledni of the ecionn of opti s, Cl are prepared to molt all defectlee na l.. no eglantll c 001 d, Vilo.n. and Bthel Speetarlee, otall Mods , and the Lee,lnae coomtantly on hand. Alin, rioutch Pebble DMA to order. Nee Warns fitted In old frame Optical lostrtunente for sale de. For eale—Dr. rowell'a Self Acting nyi. nil Lao Porto taloa. tt. N. WILYoN, oul3 a Market street, corner of Fourth: l' -600 galls. Flaxseed (srairant , d pure) fete We Ire Leyl3 IL IL i;ritic ACID—GOO lbs. (pure) fOr ,nl9 up ill min J. KIDD • CO.. Ww.l PINK I 00T-2000 lbs. for sale by— verla • J. KIDD L co. AIACK • EL-120 bbls. Nu. 3, for solo by soyl3 g.I M. lIAttBAU.3II,. 'BOLA SES-100 bble. for 1..713! k W. 11.1%DitGil V TONE PIPES- boxes for sale bi to myl3 WICK t IIcCANDLL.H. MACKEREL -150 bble. So. 3; "No.. !or ...la by m 713 WICK A McCANDLK , ... itit , oo*-210 doz. Corn, for solo by .07/3 . 1 WICK h. IIcCANDLEI3°. BUTTEV.-30 kegs for Little by mill WICK * 31eCANDLEES. Q CORC FUN G S-4 cash No. 1, for sale by mill I WICK A 31c.CANDLEL'.z.. C°lllloo bo. for sale b e y • 757 51 J. S. ILWOII2II A CO. TOBACCO -4 hhds. Ohio Leaf, for Sale by R.TII I J. B. DILWORTH a CO. CORN-1-3 1 5 bble. for sale by mra I f3.l' . VON DONNIIORST k CO. _ 93 mak 45 Front rt. DRIE°' BEEF, MUTTON HAMS, & VEN ISON-o'r- • J. D. WILLIAMS A CO, Ea 5 .7 der Wood and KlMea._ F. ,000 (Coal Greys) Fire dpenor b the Bolivar Dean.) on h. IVALLINGFOILD t CO. lit/0 lt. Peaches; a b 0 '` j dine:Ar i lt , by 1 N.—A largo stock of -_,,- • "-4 widths mantas Irani Xto G yds. Fara pmared to - sell am lon Is Ina nnaa stude nan ta ratakasat at the East. 11.1aerhants and house Samara an requested to rel and examine oar Hoek bet. susenadas clainrbana. I. a 11. PHILLIP& . moo I and V Wand at. MISCELLANEOUS. tatiftagry. WS. HAVEN , corner of Market and Se nna 'a= in the ntse t ' tie 'nr ;to% to Ws . city. conatstlog of emery quaint . of YontOb T" h • " American Writing Pep.; Medium, rmr, sod Con fitaOn Books, In orery etyle of Blanto: Artiohl Doreen:in Ike vet* lloFan a Thotonnotne, and liibbertn Writing Deb. ig " ndt Mauro'. Jankron'a. and other ee l . loud ataltufacturere Lead Peridlr,_ Wafer% Cu.. lopra. all nom and qualltion • Steel Penn. Pmenntne, Done euttt Wood Pea , a great nrtetT. Satat Stands, Warr Stamm an MO) NOLISH MUSTARD—Caiman's, in kegs' _LI of 9 ID. end 16 1b...2 2 1MT= Vco. tay2a Hew Mimic. OUNDS FROM KENTUCKY; by Roh- Ifln bo nd a ck. Thiblln Wanter, complete. World's Fair Walt. Peernadtog,or Good Look Folks. 'Hamburg Polk. When are the Wends of Mr Mae Thou hart wounded the rplrlt that lend tbee. J Beene* tbat are brightest. tutu Polka. Bice .1 lardnt. Old Bachelor and Old Maid. • Lament of the Blind Orphan GirL Thr colas Is mune tontine ear. Lament of the Itimh Emigrant. Reed and for kale by my= JOHN H. )1BLIA)lb 81 Wood kb LNDIA RUBBER DOLL HEADS k 80D1N.% DIN.% of different Are; tbr male at the India Rubber ot. Noe. 7 and Wood se JOIL PHILLIPS. Loot MAPLE SUGAR-2 bble. very choice Ma DI. Bogor. jort reed and for We b WM. A. &WINO & CO, ibylg Orcorrs andTes Mder& I[ 6 O:ERINCI"S SUGARS—Donble.Befuaed Loaf, Crushed, Pubredeed and Powdered . oorwba.MY ou and fbr We by deo barrel or retail at the lowed cash rare , by WM. A. MOCLUIth t CO., myle 25e ILMertY ,HUED PEACHES—MO bushels (bright yjr halves) in •ton for . sala y r my 23 • • ILETICY, IdATCIIEWS & CO. DRIED APPLES-30 sacks prime, for sale by my= RILEY, MATTHEWS & CO. CASTOR OIL-9 bble. (Blow's make) for Ws Mr mr23 RIIEY, MATTHEWS t CO. SWAR—NO hhds. prime N. 0., for salo by moo ex LB e. lIIITCHIBONA CO To Tea Drinkers. , l E RYPi l a w n rilai t , e eeTTlL T 0.te. t0 d1, 4 °." t.t th. Utz. ood $1 m 721 ei OPLEY'S POT CLAY-46 bblz. recr'd IL)AKA Ibr sale by J. IiCIIOOI0 , Agr • CO. mr2l CSLOVEISOO lbs. for sale by znyM B. A. PAIINESTOCE a CO. S UP. GARB. SODA-25 kegs for sale by B. A. YAMMTOCIL CO. tRENCII FLOWERS—A splendid variety 1 'the nencet etrlee toroth and American Damen, en we are DteDated to sell very enemy at wboleisM or retail. mr2l A. A. MABON t OA DRIED PEACHES-35 sacks in store, will a, sold to. to dose loth torn ISAIAH DICKYr c CO. UCKETS-50 doz. Marietta, for Bale by L my= J. B. CANFIELD. BROOMS --100 dos. Corn, for sale by mr'n J. B. CANFIELD. SALERATUS-100 boxes pure; • bbl.. - for sle Or mr2l J. B. CAN YIELD. PEARL ABII-25 casks for sale by r.:l J. D. Ch..WPIELD. DOT ASH-4 caas.pure, for sae by myYl J. B. CANFI kLD kALERATUS-5- tons in boxes and casks; 11 bozeu lu Pulled NW. " lor Ws by 111/01:111DALZELL aura Liberty Wed. DRIED APPLES-20 bags for gale by _ .1 21 R. DALZELL CO. POT•ASII-5 casks for ;Lol: A IL mr2l LL a CO. PEARL ASH-20 casks for sale by tarn IL DALZELL A CO. frItANSPARENT WASH BALLS—A fine j. vtlele toed atol for)aalo at the Drc Store of 121 B. N. WICKERNELAY. L" XCHANGE BANK STOCK—For sale by _ IL . KING, tot 2) Banker sal Exchan D ge Rooker. - S UNDRIES -14 tibia Grease; 5 - No. 1 Lard T l i fegma l lb m alllll• and. Natal Argus, Not. 9, IMO.) r' , .7 tor the nennanant cure of baldrews and Warsaw of the cranium generally, that Ins warned Mt popularitr .10ed by tbe article /mown a. Profewor I , l . 47;:' , l=iago th r . , , , fr !I:Wheezed getrund.' It la es. 1 other artleles ti the kind. nparts tiger to lba masa B !FE PRESERVERS & JACK - E,TS—Ai. , alentrteterry nursery Irl l tee c l a it. ix ose7l ll3TfgeW4 d wara on b.& i subtly of /off . Stubbs,. Life Pm ~, ~,,,,, J .,,,,.. . o f b a, 0 „ 0 ,..., 39 .,, the hair. and tbnorenotta itt growth to remarkable dr' ' or ' log ' W. " t. ' i /.6. "' b. ' I:, 1 .4. 1 . 7 p . rieilm 'c ' d ": 1 0 ' ' 1,2: 11111 4"4 71011/7 .' Ir i V/I ' ll Cll l lTtrdif/.5.1 "4 11? ". t1111. 1 .1 t1 7. 11:11),i1 meal a• emld DOLL drw worm. and ether tbnogions direr ( :OLDEN SYRUP-12 half bble. and _t: at. or um.". in a . nr .,,,,. .." ,,,,, ..m , ..7. 1, .t.". ; unrivalled. It Is.old In arge bottles, ;Moe :Smuts..[ fin Afi kw," Golden a/ram n> , web: . gayly J AIMS A. LIs'TCFLISON A CO. ,IL egrzac....2,ga- n l,-.-6.0 --11 , thz&horui -- Ginseric. 141uthyr from str. Marti:mu-. sad Ra sal. 14' ISMAII DICKEY *M. /mat sod iCauT ita AROSE OREEN-5 castle ouperior gaol x_J itv. Kr hoc. End donmk.al. panting for ego. Er rate .K. v.Lxucsa. New Ik)oks, just rceived. f ifIREEK GRAMMAR, for e the use of High eut Vehoola Arel Vnlvesettlor.4 . P. - Doti:Puma: yortmd Tsolaried by hl. ms Al. Ontbstosnyo I vO.l he Irleb (broredrootos, .m "filet of 1194 by ne ry SI. Hold; Mao. mos. Th. A.brb!4. , p'olsbY owl 31errsosiole or cooteto o i. ' ll 4 :Ptit": %Tt "er sr'. LLl.Vb.:L...'"V'fr°'' the far al. by IL LW/4.N%. aryl. IT Apollo Sandlot. /arab st. IUYSOTT'S Yellow Dock &Sarsaparilla— ibr ale by J. KIDD I CO, 00 Invell WISTAR'S Balsam• of Wild Cherry-4 sm. Mr sale by to T 19 J. KIDD kW. HEMPSEED-30 cble. prime, for solo by taylD J. KIDD CO. QASTER 01L-35 ble. No. 1 (purel for sale ) b r .119 • , J. IDD* CO. JIIINK ROOT-2000 lbs. for sale by .syls J. KIDD CO. riftNITURE OIL CLOTHS—Of English, German. wed our *erne 9theteuteetunt, fee eels et the cUlth Waseroote. N. 7 cud 9 Wm] st. toy2l J.! tmoka Dlining Company of Mi rIVIE Stockholders of the Euieks Mining Company of Mkht .n. - ,an bmeby totlfbal 1.4.821.11 of Catalpas., mate pm . be n has ban made sayhel . sts i c . k . lt b l i tie u tfelsz . Mahal Ca9 .. saf tis l etW . o T rihe Com n la tim aiding smcstykdly 1 M. CIIIII Pad.aod soilMeLlsetd $ Conk . a MM. Co. of bitch. tTHE ANNUAL 3INETINO of tlao SLOCk bolder* of the Ohio Tray Hoek Alining Company .111 o aid at the otitm of mid Lompany In the Ally Of Chtte bo m b, on Monday, JD. 2. at realorA. IL 31- Lyn W, B.IIAIIT,See. !CST RECEIVED—AT WM. DIOBY'S. ey 101 Liberty trod -10 pieces Yrenott for Pantm rem ID ° En g lieb emit French Dray di Eta, Mr raw Coate, G Mores colored and bl.r JLlk Warp Lbtannerats, Er A oplendid amortment of Marseilles and Llnen Vest lose. snylo If ERRING-10 bbls new for sale by_ _ II myl4 W. A C. WI 1.86 N VOFFEE-150 bags Rio, for sale by mile JA ES A. ITUIVIIISON't CO. ATER. RED-15 casks( English) for stile by 1.718 .r. BCIIOOXMAKER 00. iILOVES-2 bbla for sale by %_) myl6 J. BCIIOOIVMAXER a CO. Q. UP CARB. SODA-10 kegs for sale by 1,7 J. setrootm/agn l CO.. calla 21 Wool it. SUGAR & MOLASSES- , 150 htulm. 1.65. N. grjlfkm tor bY 500"1*. t 111011.11451. . myl6 QIIOULDERS-32 casks for salo by 7 m 716 fIAILDY.JOYSO At 00. FIVE BOARD PRINTS—For ealo by mylo R. P. MAPPLIALL, SO Wcatt rt CHEAP WALL PAPER—For ealo by 03 7 la W. P. MAUSIULL, IS Wood st. TESTER iIEbiTRES—For sale by 01010 W. P. MASIIIIALL. 65 Wad a. LARD -3 bbls. & 8 kegs j g r o l.i , L, A f . C . 4 .11t . by 01010 F'sll—',.-.-- . _ . w 1.104. and 10 ht.bble. No. 1, Do tuner Verdo4r. 10 0 Large No. 6 Makereli A Of. 0014. lake 00;441aj004APW4r.ra 01010 COFFEE -100 bags Rio, for sale by mrl6 JOUN WATT* OD. Pl 6 IRON -100 tone Hontinadon co. for rule br aryl6 .701121 WATT a C O. IIIE3IPLARS' SWORDS—Just reo'd, it lot Ag e t t ggiv:.o.z.Biovh.. eilth the emblems of the Waved. 'W. W. WILSON. rOR SALE, to close consignment-50 cks. puzif . SODA brande d St u ltr A K . T2 vat Ile. • , • —••- • at Penzar alt dra D 4 1 ,04 rnrncr tV {Wai t . u. MUM. b IJAY AND MANURE FORKS-125 dos. jILL Rano, fr. COI oelebrated liar and Maher. Parka, .e.rel Data the manufacturer Philadelphia, roaalsa. utm au.l ter rate Ur IL W. POINDEX on TER. Tor • Str Water eet lulatema of Culo.h so-I Intrinsic Talus, t.liase Parts cannot Le rararstaa and the law prim at valet. therm .1.1. mart lu•ure th.4r in Iren union. .im&ly LAICU OIL L 0 bble. for ealo ./e2 .7. KIDD I CO, DO Wood mt. INDLGO-4 MO lb kegs MlLltilln; 3 Cernneo Cariong of pond quality, to ma fur eels als, sample, of rations quadded of Indlir, wnicti will L. low tram ea dimples. DICKRY & CO. [nye Water and Front ata. fI.ROUNII NITTS-15 sacks for Bala by LA gu y 6 MAW! DICKEY & CO. UTMEGS-1 bbl. for sale by .L 1 sorb J. KIDD a CO. JOYS'CASSIMERES-0f various colors d styles. reed by mrs so SIMMS' BMICHTIELD. ia TAR CANDLES-45 boxes (10 to 40 lbs. ostI) tbr ssls br J. D. WILLIAMS .ta m' sorb sorrier Wood sad FM SPERM CANDLES-10 boxes4's, s's, zu3d 6't for tole by J. D. WILLIAMS • CO. FINE TEAS-. 20 ball chest. Chat. and Oeteeto 20 boxes extra Eno ()akar for Wobr mys J. D. VILLIAIIfr a CO. DEER SKINS-3 bales for sale by InT7 WILT, MATTHEWS CO. IG LEAD-490 pigs of Galena, or" sale A.my7 __l._”nlx. DIG METAL-465 tons for We by mn RIIEY, MATTHEWS s CO. IPEATHERS-8 eke. p . rima liy., for sale by my 7 KEIT ALATTIVEWS t CO. (10DA ASII-60 emits (good) for sale by tsky7 A. CULBLILTSON I CO. WHITE FISH-38 bbis. and 38 hE bbls. fur We Li /SALMI DICKEY • W.. Watar au 01 hoot .b. VOARSE SPONGE-400 lbs. for We by mre e. A. 1/AHNLIITOOT CO, PHILADELPHIAg United States Hotel at Phlat I:HE .SUBSCRIBER respectfully announ ces to tali thee the trteellimit communikp be him ammitmot Proprietorship of the UNIT. MUTES ROTEL. Lane known in comedian with the • Ilatel wider the late Proonlore n bet ls perfectly safe ht. imml m clng Ito old patro , that othim shall to motto/ to confirm. Ito Previatu reputation.. the heel kept home In the rowan, No expense has been "wed to More . , ly matting the math* establishment. and he paella axtf invites attention to the chances introduced tor the mi. miaow and comfort of Ladles. Being firmly deurrodra ed to Ave zatiefactlon, be solicits a contiumnd of that tawafe t e , s4r4lortowod with, O. olAilfatod. THOMAS WHITE, BONNET MANIT FACIRIIIII,'!iii. 41 South Ssechat nese; (atanna adapt, east alde.) Philadelphia. klelfely R. 1•0•121 . .. — pato I. ciosop.m. AdirEY, WOODWARD A ' Co., Witole eale Orcools. No. Pia liarket pt. Philadelphia. ardl a. J. lICLT.OIII - d leClloloB_ .... Li.= REA Lb, . co., Tobacco Commtaxt= Merebantt, No. 41 North Water street, a 16 North Wharves, 11,1110:1ohla. anal MERCER ANTELO, General Commis den 3terehants, RhUadelphla. Ltberal gleannea e egenggrunents of Produce general'', , Liana:gun NEW YORK. Office for Foreign Patents. No. 6 Wall et., N. York, and 166 Fket If., London. V or ATENTS FOR INVENTIONS procured• In Greed Britons, Fennee, Bdoitiss, Holland, and all or. Darts of Europe—the Cumin, Cuba. uni the Enp sibs Full Information anti,. stare can be had Isf sndrosslng J. P. P/R5.50.N. orft-Rut 6 Mall Moot. New York. Fire Works for Fourth ofZuly, 185 L A rt SCAR & CO. 180 NJ tin' Toss FANCY rs of traLh, Prima, and Ger. ma TOTS end GOODS, and tommartnerre Importers of PULE WORKS, hoeingmoreetled P. L. Thltee In the Par Work baleen, ad sailed themeelvas of the mat Mama of that loop ertallsbed boom aro non pre pared to fonneb every desetibtlon of work; suitable for large habil< or Milan exhlbltbny, on the moot ramable term.. 0..1. Co. deem it ormeamenry to sly anythbrg in mane of the Pin Worts forrabed by them, as their rep Motion is shady well atabliard. Th ey Include tedddes the exhibition pieces, the most superior Rockets, ROM. Candles, Turbulllom Vertieled, Bengelaa Caprices, Wider Pots, Colored Ylru Chloe,. Bockets, Globes, Douai Heed err, near Pots, time lloppere,, Torpedoes, P 01..., M. moos, Pa Wheels , &ma Triangle s, ripsons, Dim Lights,Ci=jkeP7k Ordr uiy slted myallorelt.:2 pflrior Black Writing and Copying Ink. NE'S EMPIRE INK, 84 Nassau strept, .Bd dthi Nivr York. ' • - M=Nel EMEM M=Ei On ditalght,Pes . - Ibis Is the beet meaultectursa. t d Is • gcod COPYINO INE—and gill mot co .iftk , precipitate or decey, and Imams all the s ecgnlF al for • good Writing Lek regatta for the 4eib. and f"f-Alf*4"W f" the 661 r The u g . fortileh to the toed. el nd ed ern Is prepared thee for export or home consumptioo. et the elssco ‘'erl Ides and &livered 41 rts fast l ong i cry . get u F c " 141. * N eharge foe cases oe c.v... .ate. at r"" b. THEODORE LENT. 87 Nassau el, Pon Building.. NEW YORA • mr3.7 Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherons, (IR MEDICATED COMPOUND, fur re lur lamina. preserving and beautifying the halr,eradles. Plug sere and dandzufi. and curing diseases of the skin, glands and murk, nine, eats. bruberii, sprains, etc. It lwi`fi sivoe.eined by einerintent. that liarry's Tlieoph erons has produred the same eneet In culden dieesaes of the Oda. etc. of - the hone. and ail the animal .kingdom. The following MatioviniaLs. selected hundreds of Import, will acne to ehow the ',aloe of throepiuntion, mllai and the estimation in whkh it held by who have giren it a trial: . . . _ !Grit Yon. Sept. 221330. Pam Brit Y—Dear Sir..-1 have been afflicted with • en tananie eruption of the oath, of • toort.aintrarated char. seer, for the but of rear, and drovng that portal bare bad the adrift of wane of the most eminent phyri cLkin arie, and h kno ave tried all the preparation, for the hair and r now wn, without the lean benefit. 1 wasadvircel by • friend to try your Trieopherotta I did Fat SAS laid mort, auk to say surprise and gratiecalloci. found nry,elf cored In &twilit two month, Such was the TiOICICe of th e iliac:Lire that at that, I wae partially blind. rtespeetfully i poor. I/ V 31 ItAI'IILYE, 140 Columbia etrect, Brooklya Now You, at. 23, Pans. HA.M-117 bleu dir—dboot 0ra1..., ago my hair mawout t dash and toy bead was tooth anleted with dandru • grea ff. was told by a Mandl.* toy roux Trloopbar ans. and I 414 a,, sad to my sataabbroent, my hair v - Ina band no Pude ro otad. sod naaaf ll the dandruff dirabernaed, the w allow. i. With tenon, I son your °heart vault. J 8 TRY.ADWELL, bad flroadway. If soy or gentleman doubt. the anthenticity of the above, they will plena. ridl at Profewor C Barry's once, 1.31 Broadway, brow York, where he .1/Ipr:doom the raigi. nal laths. PRINTING MIS ITTCIIINSON - ,k Co., \ol3 Spruce Street, NYW YORK. Wbolerale mannnp-Parers of the beet ENGLISU PRINTING INKS, kr Steel and Litho. 03r Flu. , , ,, RioLk and Job Work. V: 4 11 , 1 wail easily open all of pm.. Tbecoroblall=a In thew lats. &reran agler a rich. 1r " g 3 :171e L . = `Trgi a' th sa g "i111111r.•=1,17,4 - 1=fia!;,,i ' Auk and totalily *anima front 111.00 loll=llo per lb. achrltln Shawl and Mantilla Warehonad AS. MILLS, No. 6 CORTLANCIT ST., e (Lip fLaira) NEW CORK. ls nod rip atom 0. of LAused mut richest sdeortments of S RIND AND M 811ARL@ emir before recrirecL , Alla LACE SWELLS and all Mods of FILA -MANTILLAS, 2.. d from the latest Parin fashions. ITtellrthi by the Mummy Al,.particularly adapted 01 the tipriort trade. A, a rem . splendid seok of PARAtiOLS AND MI DRELLAS, ronstalnst of frintoLl and plain edged cotton and silk and Turk AMIn ParasoLL end Cotton and Gina , ham Umbrellas. An of abich sill be oCered at extremely 100 priors. We symetally 1.111 om Western friends to *a ura...mar Wag portinuoug. Mantil Also, WIa,IRY: 0110 W ELANDS, thr exhibiting Shawls and D. l .1 , 1.... L. trertstPortatiort.. GUMS Murphy's Senealing Advertiaing Ravel- • IVO. 283 MADIS I rST. NEW YORIC.-- 1.1 The ontwriliev i In whetting &ludas:msg. of all who may wew this adverthiernert. feels none of that he-Marlon with wlsteb a new uncle is bzought before Shit tottdle. The erywrienett of years Ens ortablithol their erifirelcwity be yond all question arid ha itourch•ntly refers to the hookua ny of dame Lustre. men who have wed these envekipm, I to his rapidly Ineressing sales. aa proof of their excel lar itr The fblbortos are • few of the reatvor fir their pope -1,4t Oe it. place occuplol by the node • Penton trutY boo. Ms name. buffoon, and tektrter, consploronfly and beautifully embossd, colored or plain thus alitirtUng per feet security &onion noun. IJ.The Uoreltnea cannot be opened without Woo do 'e'er:blither vunnor valCce are ronfinel to Psi the.. 4th. Upon the othearriage of • letter, tbeacal lusureetts loreoretlate return tn the Dottier, instead or befog buried months to the Dead Letter Onbc ..... . .. . .. . .. ... . 6th The Entreiopes are fieridaleid .t almOrt the mama price aaDllll3 011,11. • etta. Each letter malted le a rust effrettee adrertleentent, en,. to attrant the attention of all through whoa+ hand. li. ' Threillowing hi • lint of priers for hug. engraved on hive, and which will laid for or and of EaTaterat. of Um mull elm, either white or ling. of good diner. and toads as above, with aate, !Wren% ant Prim tif Like. Priors of airtiageg eadde ete D) hider, or lan-- $4,00 abort. .1140%) 30 66 40 GAO - :6100 .. . 1,60 40 to 03 . .. 11,00 30(X) . . 10.60 60 to 80 10,03 13.00 110 to 100 When It le not cow eakni to,fornaml amount of order per mall or expm." • motet:ore to • empectable Neer York Ikram MU be aulkclent. All Olen meet with prompt stientlon, u eeklmeeel. .WIL 111.1.11111 Y, No. MeLthban cheat. New York. Orders .111 he Wended to promptlr. If left lte the .teen jf Mew. &bell t ]lot [, 9 Wel! :treat. or ol :lemma IL ereollmaa A 00.,134 William et.. • •. N. ll.—fluaLnese eaml• emboMed in !OUP. from eame DP" •t $lO.OO per Monsen" ,7 feW3-130 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. THONAI3 FORWARDING & COMMISSION ..MERCIIANT, • CHICAGO. HAMM. CONTINUES his usual fticilitreB to receive stor..; Sale, arid Transhishaan Nlsrchandiso consigned and Boats lease his dock daily for all points on the Loans and the Illinois Canal and Rim. • Ile6rence•-31esns. Lorenz, Keeling t Cp.; Jones & 11,John A.Canglur.e -.l4tm ST. LOUIS & ST. JOSEPH. BT. JOSEPH, NlBBol7l{l. MIDDLETON, RILEY & Proltitui. Com:Walk's, awl Forwardlog Mucha:its. on the Lorre, lit Joseph, yO. Rorer to Alexander Gordon, mud lorgtirs higthOg &-ersi Pittsburgh. orstily fAVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at, Law, and Commissioner 2e Pamastlearda. at. Louis, Ila. usdeations , nrceoptir roassred. osaMdr 1 JOEM H. RANKIN, Attorney and Conn tenor at Law. and Commisaioner for the ) Btats o ragr" , f11TV,,..ib011.%-", Ft . ...V ., AVrimpton a Mlle, 111'Candlen a smAure. Joan P . rano, Bisralls a Maple, McCord A Co: analtir BOSTON. AMERICAN HOUSE., lIANOVER STRZET, BOSTON'. TDP undersigned having entirely re- reA hOt and enlarged the above attendee crtabliode snt. 7:tabling In all atnut threa hundred and Oftn°° . " I n ould tespectfully piss notice that it le now read) for the receptloa and ancommodatkut of the trunnion' community. Anextrroded natant the uturnasesed.ocrimienireSof this House is doomed superfluous, as the numerals simprovo manta latch hare been madecarosot be proper/Trate. to an advertisement Suffice it to may, no expense Les been Reseal to realer any apartmentperfact The furniture vu trade expressly to order, regardless Cl oust, and certain padres, or especially the hawing moms, will be found to be of the M.. beautrful mounter. lure. The Dining rooms are capacious. and the hours for meals will be so ananged as to suit the eon Tadaleo of the early and late. gem department will booonducted is an unexceptionae hie manner, seal the nreprktor pledgee himself that the American House Atli betrule the Trareller nom. fetifrAseredlertuT L M !IS 'LICE. Copley's Pot Clay. THE subscribers are now Sole Agents of J. Copley Jg Co., be ale do of emir Pot Clor, an *rude of .ell ostsbliabed roinJtoLkoo Ito , the oftinufs=ro of Mo. Pot., 0.1 Pols, te. It IF too& if use pf Lb. mod, infusible moist... knorir and IJI •.rs 00.f.1.1' ooketod awl aloacool pteVons to pit:ditto. =TA J. ECIIOOitMAKER a co. - . Emp-45 tons Miss. D. R., for sale by . JAMES A. HUTCHISON co. MACKEREL -50 bbls. No. 3. for eby • wit," BURBIUDGE k waniAlL SPLIT PEAS—lteceived : and 12 for We by W3I.a.SI4CLURO a 00, nra Oroonn mul Tan Dealm - .le. and hf.bbls..No. L'for 30LIN WATT I CO. SALMON— 3Qbb by . pI HERRING -10 MAI. No. I (new) fur sale by ,015 HIMBRIDGEt 0011/1411.' MOLASSES & SYRUP-- 100 blpt. B L ll.3lolataat - • a )i; bbla yentS & 11.1104r.c for We 'by 1 1 1311171111XiBt.ING1111.10t. terls . • 115 %tali SHAWSeaI this day, per aete caren et thou very deeirsble gala area •m Crape nub. at all prima or =BONAM. HOUSES. FARMS, &c. -- . c -L ~ R onse and Lot far sale. ALARGE LOT, on Lenenek street, A. , 12 k 0.,,, r.oning through blithe/3 fronting '." et on each stnert. with a deoth offeet. gather with • Wood Beide lewd] Boma, mounting ate mta- Yoe tuannagli..g_ta ACIIMUN ITOODHOUM. lin taxa stave, mJeuuaN g= SOO= , • Its, Q TORE ROO3l TO. LET, on 31sskss ---- s i t.jff - " -- .t wand door n om Tenrth. and adjolrdan . tbe sith and Jewelry Otnew of W. W. Wzthow. 'Y 'Store Boom has the bandsmen terost In the el= t al In the bed location for a Orr Goods ma Fene7ll R.% for the e..1....0r th• r...al he .17 tow. • /In quire ot JAMES GILAIL or • • • - • • A. W. WILSON. Real Estate for Sale. AVALUABLE unimproved LOT,. on. the th e of Libmts and Factory Meets , Fifth Wmd; opy write the °M I. tftMolic Church, 30 Witt front On Lib. min by - /JO AM deep ma Factory, miming hack to Bytikk ADOI4O three attlhick Dwelllnc Floitie IMAM! Meet, acboLoink the • vv. the log Ming Mt fret IrMrt by 100 feat deep. The boort is Ism abd ccormittot, Minim madam yre, and maid= eleven em.. . Atha— mono of my minable land twar s =alsandt Alam-k Faye! of 1110 moms In West Dom Also—A Farm of M 4 ammo in Lammed comity. raffle Mon New Ikeda! Zei.ritannairt Weaver county, of varlets tlaa and prim. boat BCO sena dose. also-12 very valuable Wu La Naar" Illlnole. Pries moderate. }toile, of N. P. ao. li. kettp.lf..or. E=il2MalM2l Lawrenceville.ProPerrY for Bob. BE Board of School Directors will ea atentek,c s publioetton, on TburatthLtEeityla . ne 4 ri Elot Mom. Mog t rut:taloa tloow Manes alter to orter's tr 7 ., them fronts. on wnid, le emends two Amy Lea. tn. , Vit an Pike street, and a frame. Terms made known on day of sale. ' • FL EL ELARBYit. See'y. T2.11341,-Ony.T.lsr. EOR RENT—A Warehouse on WaterE street, between 31wket sad Ferry. suitable far ra:duce business. Eaaalre af JlO3 DAIZELL. 63 Warms Rt. PRE well finished and furnished Store,4 on Thlrl 4..4. inter the Pod Mx. at pen t roculUd b . .. O n A j r7:MI!S Llbert7 sylEktf lattl. • itor. [roe. Tribuns..nd Dinattch .01,1 POE BALE; • FURNACE, nt Dresden, Muskin co., Ohio, 14 seta from Zaneerllpt foie g order, erl onnerlor /Steam 'Engine. ea le of turortng out 7 tow of Pig iron per deg. There an abundant torpoly of Ore In Ire Immediate vi cinity'. 10 fa mummer by. duet . .eata.l with the 71.Littifttnr 11” T. 'which 10 navigable for rearobeate the greater pert of-the year, thereby' atfording facilities 00r shippin g to Zrdtervilia, or to any point- on the Ohio liver. et low rates of treigng The Oyu heretofore wanttiLettmed at' this nonce, bra been, ormannted Zeuterrilia. Tor terms and - (1E(1. • JAN Zanetnille,Oldo, or to , RILEY 1%. DLETO7I, Baltimore. torlbYodlm . To Treasponters, COMMUSIIIOI4 and Grocer Merchants.. FOR SALE, on accommodating terms, 9. very valuable LOTS, each froatlng feet EX Lathes on Bank lone 111 e betty City. and fronting on the Pants sylesnie and 61tio ( tettbinnothmnathoikFt.) and extending bock to the Basin, thereby anmwng the greatest Udittles for shipment by either the Railroad ioitertrul,.. enquire of D. C. STOCKTON. Allegheny City, met the Bookstore of B.C. EITOCKTOti, corner of Market and Third Janata. mA. To :Farmers. A (UA ACRES Farming and Grazing •um.frupgym, m Warren =lntr. located m th e xru ripzo'ri i. on twelve milae of the N'ear ark and, Also-1.000 Arm In Elk connp Ilbr sale on artomandr Ong term. radars of A. WILKLM3 t CO., .Y 1 ! earner of Market and Thin( eta To- Gardeners. I.IW.h.STY ACRES of Gardening Land, al rpuly under good onititution, et27,in oar wit itf the. y. .111 be told for CM an ecn,—one third nab, and the Wargo ID oho, two, and three roam For putichlare a. quire at the Banking House of A. isiLsr..is i co. mit comer of Market and Third Eta. Desirable Suburban Residence for Bale.' rilllEsubscriberaffcre for gale theLhonse and / =if j a Tat grg k d g ' n the market of thls city. Me lot la 140 ft-Dont on Park rt.. rumang Sorb 2.12 dect, to an allay—containing ...iron. acre of tud.theal le bounded on every sit hy leave open with trees athl shmthbery. Tbe home is newly nee. large. and etheedherly well arranged, Imrind • both of 50 feet. and a depth of 72, d contains dusk. room. bthblea halls nine fact 4t la built tu the test thd most durable toy own, and bees a Lea-proof took and at the modern conthodethes. Two pomp. with .dAllittr MrPly of head and aloft water,the at the dcor. On the preaccima the the necemary out hnlldlngs, stable. amt.:Whom. Lc. The grounds the told mammal/ • lawn. covered with dusk. butt tree. evergreen. doweling shrub. currant. domehertie. raspberdek is, and • mull The frith le of the beet kind, and the troth Me In amity.e, and yield enough t. the wants of an n. ittaroao of thm fthlwrtre m waingfiTM thbarban comforta, combined with contiguity to the atty. Is not atutheared by .1. midesaw ta this vicinity. It boo a Mew of the Ohio Lives for over a tulle. of Totelawrthm hine, Sou th Pituburgh , th e city, dm two limns. and th e alls ato.d. ..cols al which the eye weer wes= tb lrve ' ry boat • i tl..g :' re . tgg of Pltta cm the Ohltn tgairiZenb i r=ce and [roods art •tho . tod=y removed from any annoy - thee of dust. eo destrutthe of thanked and tregetthkem and allorda • rettermenl as unbs and peaceful a. Olmsted them. quiet nook in the earmtry. -The property Olllbe sold at • hardath e and pc•seadon khan ,whenever dedred. Enquire at the casette otke. ataidttl D.. 14. WRITE. For Sale. RE members of the Fairmount Fire Com pany , offers their Engine Ins al. It to to good or. aint trill to sold acct. Idgzenire of TH, Eter. ap3o 7 MU 1 4en Puna street.. OR REIsTY—A Dwelling ..Howe onn . "bled atoret, above and at. to StnUa is It botarea. lose rata. pa rested krle. 412/1 poatcniss elven Ituatediatelt, also—rer Sala or Leate,soota lota la the Ninth Ward. between Patuostreat and at benJ.Darllosboo's. /omit, Elrod. near Wood. marlatttf. Valuable Real Estate for Sale. rjrIFSUBSCRIBER offera for Salcongi :onble terms, the following Neal Mate. to No of Pittsbrgh, vim . No. 1, Tb.me valuable three story brick dwelling hoosta. on Second Meet. tot Ming each Teen Maid cod EMIT Meets, the t" , 4 iefiVaTdrira Street WM . AI ibe ° Mild Prods vcriati Church, on which Lt one four rtorT brick isones, used as a printing office, and one two story htlek reecho., No. 5. Two lots la Pallet.. Beaver county, being iota :lota and 4, 0, afoot about 100 feet s odeuaxe. whkh bae. td ova block of Sao frame dwellings, ad one manta Ikatoe dwelling, all tiro Amin bleb N0..1L One lot 50 Ott hoot ow 1.4.ik street, opodte the a, arid extending to the top of the hill. Nab. Two beech iota each 60 fest Stoat, sad tuning from the real to low water mark, ea tbe Big Beano. Na O. God valuable outer lot, 100 feet on Wheel Race, will tea slimes water power attached. N a T. Ow lot oppAlle the water lot, SO feet Trout, and teading to the top of the hill. on which is maned on. two story brisk store and mambos., er 50 feen also°. Ocrut too stogies high. N. O. One Istre lot in Yew. W.. BeaTeecotait7.lke ing about 14 i . met on Bramiway, and about MO bre cieep, containing I.la ecru. oil which are mated two lax. frame dwellings, sad one mall foam bower need es en atm, This property was formerly occupied by 310. 1. alai le 07n 11rk pleasantly loatta, being hatotellately opsoiste tbe Mellolita ha v. 0w water latrhainediately below Mist= Mid.. tying about 100 feet in length, sod extending bum Watim stmet te low Tater mark, or towing path. The oboe, property will be mid on sery few:able terms. Apply at Ole Ooot S.r of LC STOCKTON, ammo Third and Ilykst starts. 301131 /MONO, Agent. maid Slottreal and Post copy.) 15:71M1 THE UNITED STATES HOTEL ie~toBLOCK OF BIIILDMVS,,ost ate ener off aab- ant r 'ttr.ctitrl72Zirrtißzt front. one hundred and fter lota *et or, Penn street, an& inte hundred and ulna feet nine Weide on Waiddngton Mrect. to a twenty fret alley. Inoldie of . DAVID filtrEß. Inchtfus • N 0.106 Penn et. VALUABLE MILLS, FARMS,AND LOTS y TOR SALE—Two lartre Plow mni. and • Saw Milian the Bearer Creek . with the neee.ary toter were, 'AI., • well improved Rem in Lawrentrecomary. $5030. Also, • /tem of 115 uses, on the Ohlo rim, three =llO below Bearer, for $4.320. Also, one of 140 Does, on the Ohio elm,d mike below Dearer,'fne 432 per ant Alm, WO acne for $l5 per acre. Al.. farm. of 160, 134, and 96 acres, for WS per zero. .175 urn for 312..4 , I) acres for sus per aerejogethe ofith =any others of tut. otte sizes and prices. Eng.. YETTEILIIAN, Attorney&atlasand Red Estate Aimed., - Ohl° • No 107 Oh et Pittsburgh. DEAL ESTATE FOR • 'IA FX.--Thfl under- Ogned otters fir - sale a large . amnia.. of valuable tom, i lea = i re jo u rTlei= manunto. u b o o the t• bit School IlEuse'atar.E /Atha... Church. ?be tsr3d mowth of Elrmlnjohms which reannfeetuting wealthom4 the reasonable prams at lot. sill be, O. kill render them • safe and prollteble mettnenL Title peeve. Terms favorable, e lic¢ f =tilars and terms, eare of the anderaigned, at ilwrge F. Gilmore. ~ on Grant time, Vitt. between TWA and F streets, or of William N. PaiMimite Fates, at their diem to Uttar Ingham. ItO MOSES V. WON. yoR RENT—The large and comiavii- Ere , • Ilonse ok Ponta street , pater, monaird by s. r . a rakeerda4 rlth as make tot adjoining, khkh weal eta yard. Also—Stablingihr two hmes. Enoutre of. NI/WARDS, MORRIS Ca. ap2531 - No. bg Water st. FOR RENT—The Dwelling House, the earner of 13outL k gral If d eA L CO= 3. ll7 sp " lm P red b lar. rtZlie ohodeb Hies. URI. or on ITsa. 31.1k11. Anchor COMM Works. Alleehouy. telo4.f ir OAF SUGAR—.ISO bbls. (ass'd Nos.) for Li .1. sr , t DU/MUDGE a INGEIRA3I. layls 110 Water at. INSEED OIL-30 bbla. (warranted pure) .1 for =I. b.r .1. 801100NMA8E1 e CO., coif. .24 CO, rt. VIIROME YELLOW & GREEN ti 15 nag for dab,. S J.SCROONUAE= a co. COPPERAS -2.5 bblg. (good) for gale by mrla J. SCIIOON3IA6EB • CO. 4 LUM-50 bbls. fur sale by tarn J. SCLIOONMAEXII a CO. lug ittENT'S RUBBER GLOVES &MITTENS. —m.s. Gloves are of great utility In all . kinglaat If lir b=ir th ro: o l . thl . d.. =[[11212 .0. 1d1 Waal. nand) toi thane:hurt. • elrte J. k LL PHILLIP& INDIA RUBBER COTS—An excellent coy j. twins - Da sm. Zoom or =to. oelfedbering Oral Ira torfluus to al, or salon for WS a/ Soo. 7 and o WOW oL m 71.5 . A IL PHILLIPS. RIBBONS--A. A. Mesont Co. ire IA mow aqa'riag . Ens madman of bell:alba na. atyka Bonsai% bboas at all team Too, aoula atao oall attention to abate Tongan,. .2.1 7 of Pamela, .beta all oicutlitlno can boobtalaal and at. very low prima. No. 62 t 64 Illarket R .414 PRETPED TABLETONS—Just receiv tux and now *pm 10 auaos dr Woe or/ 5.1.010 Crina Tarlotons for Dolma blalsts. The at. tention at Is nweetf¢ll7 00lidted.. myl4 -11A9ON CO. 0 • B LACK BARAGE for Mourning Veils, malt at the stars of malt MURPITTiItIMMIYIELD. IarINDOW CURTAIN MIISLINS of new *24 handle:Wu stylesocalla • la• prko, Todd bl myl4 nMalt .111.11LCILFIELD. PARASOLS!! PARASOLS!! of newels% Btracnnrun sTrATI-10 bbl! new for sale by .411 W. k WILSON I— INDIA RUBBER TOYS—Justresulted a lailaiamortment of India Rubber Tays„a laaaajfal.r. , a, for age at Ito lowan notes patent myti WgLSII FLANNELS.—We have ieeehr - odas edditional sapAs abourgmds, dudes. Woo. ao sccount ol of Moir onisiarisalrblocumityilt Ram ,)_ . 1.3 osa.• llciK'!Mu ves of tinsmsor. . Done mid em. ahmcdim; do.; and L it amortmeat M of Domestic. - . .111.1E.PRY ablaiCll/12.1.D. , BLOT--40 160.1f:resit) for eatal rA- - - A.!iBSEBrocKiCO. .!* - WWI 4 THE highest price in Cash p aid for all the dltdriat credit of dna Imbed ml. 017; MAP= it /XL MEDICAL AYER'B CHEERY ITZTORLL. . FOR TICE MRS 07 COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHI ' TIS, WHOOPM-COUOIL CROUP, ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION, AMONG the numerous dilmveries Science has mode in this generation to facilitate the trualsom of life. intnase.its adamant, end annuitant the nerm. • of,buman existence. tome can be named of mon realigns. to mankind. tam this .latribnUori of Chembitif Baling Art; A vii.“ trial of im alrtoes throuthord tads • na , ...tn. has proien Monad doubt that no medicine or torabinatatt of =oilcan set lumen, can so amtelycon toil and cure the numerous Tariatini of pohnonart whk.h. h en bitimrro.lrept *OM our midst Motu:ends arai thoirseads ears D ear. Indeed, then la rani eitostlatat am to believe • Rends ha. az length boor stead which sant,. relied on to ran the mat anion:us affections of the bang.. our *are bare will not ftentait us to publish ear ProPoition of the c‘ms e.t.a bj its up but we truant the fbainfrot Otaisue of anima men. awl rem ferthet menus to the ofroulai. ithich the' agetttS below named mill slava be pawed to furnish the, wherein ma full partkolars. and Imiliuntable proof of these facts Prose ohs President er Amara Or:Ws. like mishomailigo. IZSTOR HITCEWOCX, • ..Imre D. AyM—Rim / Mee Med roar Cherry Pestami my c .„. cd demmatest 'an WM natidiett from ite chemical eonttitaskm that It le an admirable cam pound tbr Ow relief of IMMEieI ma bronchial dlEicalthet if my oon ise to ite sopericectuacte can he Of tml uhqty to sue iranyeen Mint proper. EDWARD lIITCDOOCkI iii . Prue. the midelg or eletroded.PßOFAlSSOß iu ay Yale Member ti the ch rtink. Oa atlas of America and Xusope. • , "I deem. the Cherry Pectoral m admirable cow ftnos mom of the beet article. in the Mahal* himitVt ' ad a scry MIMI. MLA/ be the clue of ammo It ie Inten ded to cum.^ • .Rew N0e..1,130. MAJOR PA Te7SOI, of imac that he has used the Cherry Peetorel. with woodstfill stm cem, to mire an Intlammation of the longs. Fries one of tho Ptitoirdow Jfabie7—' Pam dpril 26.1819. "Dr.' J. C. Ater. /pere.l.—llear P_lm I ern ndertioasteally Lis . l i pprzliramr i ztrll .7 a toy prac i =r i prethe lite ratio. of many were GYM am toneltind tt will ew ometae e 0001 allo t end the of the limed, Mai hare P.O to In all other remedies. 1 lararily meommend Is me In eases of ecamornatim. end madder 11. mach Me test remedy known for that illseme. Itespecifollr yours. I. S. CVSIVAILY, If. Prepared end told et LOLLS C. AYER * Etudes cu.. 1°1.172 / ttaborgh , wholesale and retail, by B.d. PAZ N &Tram CO. and J. Pl. Ttityiialihl D._ ' sad .J. Dotol4E: jia Allegb•nr City. by. 11. P. BCH i =l by Draggioil e. Valuable, Improvemt. In Trams. ThR. BARD'S Improved' Patent TRUSS Ur and =MOUE 1143. lEDY. by *blab a permanent cure on he e ff ected. nib Tram 1 trittrely dideeentin hem and prirminfre of action irom other Trusses, having ell Om advantaan of a welliagulated sad uniform, prop urn. The pressure can been Iv - rotated as to . ive ear and comfort In the moot difficult name of Emili mid ma b. increased to almost any tome Minimal 11be pram,. ls na tural, anode being brimitht to hoer Immediately over the • rubel only:is. arid atf.i . diott Perfect eecusity end Me. •o at times. oyes =Wee the most violent seem lip the use of this Time. pben applied prtipmly by a still. NI surgeon, the nearer I. placed Devon the danger of strangulatlon, orally other dangerous or yenta' amp tome, which Is mit an nrarorent o.snelsee th e pap I eig,of Illy wed trusts. tl. a yearition•practio• llTYMlLM"tvelynifd With Zl7 (4.14,..= sad a p oz li != these tindentthil the anatomy or the We parts irmald mad reseedfullymil the athedion of Physl tithe to teL Tram, as re know they Pill amoebic its value: We also lave a variety of other True. at the totted prism Infant Titoism kept eminently on hasid.• KETELLI 31thOWElli.•Agenta Je2 140 Wised littsburnis. • Dr. Hard's Abdominal Supporters. SE SUPPORTERS are intended chief 11..PYE. for the care of Roland. Med. - doid three dire .deed shad • mechanical nanport troths Abdominal Tkegs .required. They ere ported robport to the abdominal orlinns, and mar bo worn pith crenWt by all. The . die- , enreg (minced by aireadosese or the Ithdinal muscles are Yrolapais Uteri. Telling of the Bards,Mee, (Bettye- ne44, Ades in the Back and Spine. Lassitude ratreake Feelings of Prcannolon. Bronchitis. Ellorttregr of Breath. Pdyitadon of the Mart, leysprwta, and general debUlty. • f KL•7BEB.IIeDOWELL, del= 140 Wood Pillainunt. X -7 i". • ..-i ,`,../4. 7... ...-t ------ , , ;ile-'l"f ....s,;:'.t!`":- •••'...v%F4 ..''... ... . - ..Xi: A %. , - , :ii - • -.---...... 4 F'6--:-... '," :r2"-!•'...,<.. ~‘--:- - - > .-ia -..1--;..,..,- ....... 4 - 3 ....,..-• _...,,,,,,:x1. %.c_; :- .7 , r7'„ . .,.:..... , ,r ~..t.,,;-,.:.-,_•-i .....f , :-., - ....4,'"it . - - - 4.N....._'. - •:..,, • - ' ' t•__ 3l..- 4 —Li QUART Bonus— - - IVOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD—the best l'estde Medlda. known. Inc Want Qmranurtkm. Bornmens.Lestoorrhea Whites. Irregular Menstruation. Inomtinnime or Uri.. General Prost-ad= of the Indent. hagommt Shtelte, and Gloomy Rote of mind. are cured by Dr.GeneWeEn!redVretiam/hotwW - Sagsamll4.ldal gives bareadlate relief by retuning the Ibuntsin of health and strength. the blood. It neutraliser bad humors, atop. worsteral Mathew, and gives healthy action to all the vital powers. Its mild alterative =lollies render It hawthorn soli. table to the .lender and delkate enutituttort of the faa motet It homethataly wenteratin that dletreashtg nervous. neie end Ludt:ad. en common to the feenziethanne, and impetie an energy sad buommoy al enrnrishag se they are wratef uL We here eeidame on file which induces oo r strongly to nemeninend' this medicine to married peeple v 110111.4, not leen bhemed with aiming, Profane Mai. or Falling of the Womb, of tire pars stain ding, cured by Dr. Guynds's Extract of Talon Dock and/ darns grille. after army oast known remedy had been triad'arittiout retfer. 1 WasmirMos. 0.. Tab. 15,1842: ' Tht.