PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. Nothing stands.FO much in the way of a proper appteciadoWlif the'paerie works of ' Milton as his poetical pnciductions , ~.Bersinse heistlnigreateit poet in the world, it has betirr Comparatively lost sight of, that few have equaled him in prose. 'But this is' he fact. • How . inagnifieent are his periods! Hor - --robrist,' his language!,, As Sir Eger ton•Brydges says,-"Te effeminate ears per chance,evenharsh," but—like - the times - in which brains', and the measures which he defindialoneet; forceful, -rind - effective. What vas stores of learning l and•wialem ' ar c, embeiliedin ;his l ; He seema to . h - O fti liciMefri every' departmentorlite retire, science and art. 'He is at once poet and philosopher, Schoolmaster anti states man, historian , ana polemie ; !and hi every; eharatter.in which he appears, he is always a bold, uncompromising,,honest; and pow erful defender of 'what he believes to be:Alm truth:.`.., 1 - His loss of sight hating been maliciously *attributed bible enemies tc a Special judg ment,' avenging the blood of 'the '" royal martyr," ivhose decapitation was, defended' by Milton, he says: "Sit since 'my enemies boast that this afflietionis only a retribution:ler - the trans gression Of my.pen, I again inrolci the Al mighty to witness, that I never, at any time, wrote anything which I did notthink agreeable to truth!to''justice,. and to piety. Thii was" my persuasion then, and I feel the'same' persuasicin.riow. . Nor was I ever prompted to such . 949rtion9by the influenca of ambition, by the - lust of him or o f praiserit, was only, by the conviction of duty, and the 'feeling of patriotism—a dis interested passion for the extension of civil, and . religiotts , liberty. Thus therefore, 'Ashen' I was publicly solicited to write a reply t.o the defense of the royat_eause, when I had to contend with the pressure of sickness, and with the apprehension of soon .109ing the sight of my remaining eye, and when my medical ' attendants clearly an nounced, that if I did 'engage in the work, it would be irreparably , lost, their premoni. dons caused no hesitation, and inspired not dismay,. - I would nit have listened to the voice of Esculapins himself; from the shrine of Epidauns, in preference to the suggestion of the hearenly monitor within ,my breast; -my resolution was unshaken, .. though the alternative was either the loss of my eight or the desertion of my duty." That 'is the language of, a true moral hero: the spirit that dictatell it, was like that which possessed Luther when he burnt the Pore's bull, and when be repaired to the diet of. Worms. But Milton had far more selferommand and , eharity than the great Reformer; and -whatever vindictive ness mayy, appear in his writings; it. 1729 • always elicited by an invasion of the rights and liberties of the people, the claims of • conscience, the freedom of the press, and the like—tuf ins-ado:C*l6'th he :considered himself; called by Heaven to denounce and _oppose, and for doing which he became the ' victim ofnialice and revenge. His theological treatises reflect the sen timents :of :no ecclesiastical party. The tracts in - opposition - to pielary, are =an strerable..;:,ney are of special interest at the presene.thrie, as the preposterous claims of the*elitists are asserted with aimuch assurance 29 if they had never been refuted. On this subject he, uses the •following lan g which, like some passages in the old p is . ; ;is a mixt - tire of prediction and sighing -rebuke: ' I' While we bold 'ordination to belong °m y to'hilhops, as our prelates 80, we must of ecessity hold the ministers of our broth relL of the - Reformation to bone ministers, an shortly ;after, their - church to be no elifirch:.-!, Not to speak of those senseless ceremonies, hich we only retain, as a dan ger,ons earnest of sliding back to Rome, and serving' merely either as a mist to cover edness where true grace is extinguished, or as an interlude to set out the pomp of p latista:" "It is Epiieopitcy that before all ' 1 one=e - eyes worsens .and slugs the most learned and seeming religions of our minis to rm, whot' no sooner advanced to it, but, like a see thing pot set to cool, sensibly ex b and reek out the greater part of that . th man, settling, g i .in ft : wit ekin ich ily w co ere ngeal fonn m e e r n ly t i o n f z 1 and sloth at the top: and if they keep their learning by some potent sway of na ture, it is'a - rare chance; but their devotion most commonly comes to that queasy tem per of lukewarmness that - gives a vomit to God himself." ' ' . 4 Such terrible.thrusts at prelacy would of course put him timid' the ban of the Church of England, as well as into the index ea • puryatorius of Roine. The defenders of the hierarchy have" always hated Milton with a - perfect haired. Had he been a prelatist, there would have been scarcely any botindi to the probe lavished on him ' by Dr- anhusimand others, who have done all in their power to 'detract from his fame. Indeed, while the Presbyterians have ap plauded him for his attacks on their Romish and Anglican enemies, they have never for given htm - for insinuating that they were no better than they should he. That was a hard, 'as well as a witty saying, " New presbyter is but old priest writ large ;" and - his allusion to their party, in his Sonnet to Cromwell, is not very complimentary : - • —.New foes mice, Threathsing to bind our souls with smalls chains, Help ns to sore free conseience from the paw Of hurtling entree, whose gospetis their maw." At the same time, he'vras eff, independent himself, that,he refused to pronounce every Shibboleth of the Independent party, to ' which be beke3" ged. ' As his prose works are chiefly of a po . lemical character, and are adverse to those . parties which have borne sway in Great Britain since the Restoration, it is not to be wondered at that they have been con signed "to die dust and silence of the up per shelf," while his great poetical works have been broad-cast over the land. Yet in his ' own lifetime the ease was different. - His - defense of the people of England was so much applauded, and took so much ef fect, that Salmasins, his opponent, is said to have died with vexation. He received a thousand pounds for writing it—a mammoth shin in those dlys—twenty times as much as he received for all his poetical works put together I Besides, it occasioned his eleva tien to the honorable and lucrative post of Latin Secretary to the Protector. His disquisitions on' polygamy and di vorce were called forth by infelicitous cir cumstances in his domestic life, and have pioduced less effect than any of his other writings. In. his Treatise on Christian . Doctrine, a work which was discovered and published a few years since, he speculates freely on some points in theology, and in particular advances Arian principles. But this work was not intended fir the press. It is stated that Milton wrote it shortly after his return from Italy, and that it is the substance of familiar lectures delivered • to his, pupils. His mind was then nnset- Aleit had not gained its maturity. lie unwisely attempted to find out God to per : • fection—tO explore the mysterias of ,the - Divine nature. ,_ "He looked upon the sun 'until his sight for a while was darkened." Some parts of Paradise, Lost are tinctured . ' with Arianism,. while other portions are ' strictly orthodox in 'regard to the rTrinity. ~ In his first prose production- written fin 1641, ".Of Reformation in production; he uses the following language—it occurs in a. sublime prayer irlich closes that 'treatise e . "Thou. therefore, that - sittest in .light , " and glorynnappicatehable, 'Parent of angels and men.: - tiext, - tliee I implore; omnipotent ' King, Redwithet of that:lost remnant whose nature thotv didst - assume, ' ineffable and everlasting Love l' and thou the third sub stance of divine htfudtade,'illtmining Spir it, the joy and solace of created flap :_one Tripersonal Godhead! look urn this poor and almost spent and expiring , Church.' -- 'This - ix mtheoloirrittfih as'alatild . pigs' : muster at Nine, , Audi though:Ana- mind otometimel afteinniffii seemed - tb waver, yet we have reason toibelieve he settled down on the catholic basis of truth, as in the very, last of hislWritings be spoilt of the doe trine of the Trinity as "a plain doctrine in. Scripture." The editor of Milton's. Works says in' a note, vol. i,'p.'s, that Milton was "ortho. dox in his yotinger years, but that he after wards altered his sentiments ; as is. plain' from his Tract 0n . ., True Religion, Heresy, Schism, and Toleration ' 'which was the last work he published." -We think this - is i, ulid , k.e.. Li this tract he advances no het: eiodox opinion, - unless it should be consid ered heterodox to extend Christian charity. •tothctae. who - are not sound in the faith. :lie supposes that such may be sincere, and despite their errors may be accepted of God. His language is : . , ?'heresy is in the will and choice lirofm cony against Scripture: error is against the will, in misunderstanding the Scripture af-, ter all sincere endeavonrto understand, it rightly: hence it-wis*Well said by one of tile ancients, 'Err 'I may, but a heretiel will not be.'—The Lutheran holds consub-,.. stantiation : an error indeed, brit not 1, nmor- The Calvinist is taxed with predesti. n tipn, and ..to make God the author of sin; t with any dishonorable thought of god, but it may be over-zealously asserting his atrmlnte power, not without plea, of Scrip tii c. The Anabaptist is accused of deny in infants their right to baptism : again tit y say, they deny nothing but what the S . pture denies then,. The Arian and Somnian are charged to dispute against the "i'rnity : they affirm to believe the. Father, Sop and RolyGhost f - iecording to Scripture -1 the Apostolic Creed; as for terms of ~ .. . . Ili i so r. 8C ( I. ,( hy, triiiinnity, co•essentiality, triper u ..1 ality, and the like, they reject themeity, ec elastic notions, not to be found - in Scrip t e, which by a general protestant - maxim is i lain and perspicuous abundantly to ex.. plan its own meaning in the properest I wo ;Is , belonging to .so high -a Rtter, and soi necessary to be knoivn : é mystery in s ' d in their sophistic subtilities, but in Slipture a plain doctrine. - Their other op i moos are of less moment. They dispute th satisfaction of Christ, of rather the it 'satisfaction ,' as not scriptural : but th acknowledge him both God and their, Saviour. The Arminian,' lastly, is con deinned for setting up free will against free grace; but that imputation he disclaims in all his writings, and grounds himself large ly upon Scripture only." If this passage makes Milton an Arian, it makes him also a Socinian, an Anabap tist, a Calvinist and an Arminian, all at the name time; which is absurd. He may have tod much extenuated the errors of some of those parties; he may have been too lenient towards theta in pleading for their tolera 'tion ; but this is no endorsement of their opinions; and if -it be a failing, it is obvi ously one that leans to virtue's side. We ' think, however, that the purge is in proof of .paten's orthodoxy, rather than the con trary. ' . We conclude this article with a passage or :two from a source which we need not Dam :—lt is to be regretted that the prose writings of Milton should in our time be so little read. As compositions, they deserve the, attention of every man who wishes to bedome acquainted with the full power of aid . , English language. They abound with pamages, compared with which the finest declamations of Burke sink into insigriifi _ .. conic.. They are a perfect field of cloth of gold. The style is stiff with gorgeous em broidery. Not even in the earlier books of the ParadisoLost has he ever risen higher than in those paits of his controversial works in which his feelings, excited by con flict, find a vent in bursts of devotional add lyric rapture. It is, to borrow his own ma jestic language, a seven-fold chorus of hal leltOahs and harping symphbuies. His I thoughts resemble those celestial fruits and flowers which the Virgin Martyr of Mas singer sent down from the gardens of para dise; to the earth, distinguished from the productions of other soils, not only by their superior bloom and sweetness, but by their miraculous efficacy to invigorate sad to heal. —Sou. Orr. Ado. FIGINISKINO rum LOCKS & KEYS POST Ornc DIPARTNEST, 51erch 14, 1851. I[3,!BEING. DESIRABLE to substitute lock II and toys of those other kind At' thaw now Jo the far e Ana mth o. of the United :Oates, thecimen lock, awl thya, With rot/penal. to fthoida the moth, MO he boolthl and othrlderel at the Poet Mee Department, math the lot tith 01.101 y nett. The different forth Will be auldOlLted to commirsiou for ethooloation and ertott- te . lea, cant:rote to soon soorsehooto... be estered into for futhishing froth look, and boys Ps Inanyeann with the ight cat the part of the gostsiorter Mineral for the time brines., num.( and mottooo the oantroot In force far en written tette of four Ps., by String MO Mho mOrrmothr a mitten lathes to that •ften, not Maw than inno not le. thanE . thirtitha Letho the tethilootton of the Nn tens of ••thin Pretn3iew of prthuting the hest Iret tit &clawed oto mf loth is prled sublard; thole:math relying for a select/c no ok. mercheultel *Lill and ity which o fair competition, now may threlthe. ltlw Lowther, proper to state, that • loot sultoble for the mall novice ,lonia pr cps to. zhowtroz chola two. ,00 rability, uniformity. 110010.05...4 strength. For the thirster of anplaclng rinaninnutnuAly all the mall locks and keys now ha um. about tinnylthatrand new lacks and twenty thousand keys adopted thereto, will ba required ta Le throbbed Ly therantreetor threta months after the crodrset shall hate Lee ntered lath of , terwtho the thous! supply will depend 00 the clumbility of Inv locks and keys thapthl, th well Lotto korner of the mut ferrite: Lut It will prolably neryr wooed to thicent three thouranal of the former and on. thousawl of the Ism 100 lock _will he conallerth if it le like any slowly to gtheral tow nor will any one with whom the contract nor Le made be allowed to make, toll. or fundsh thY-theit key, *boiler to thaw thottoitel for. for any other wow* oe or the dun that of the Pon 012 the Department. The,kind of locks with.] scoot he lobate& and the pa wotee will be rethlced, on entering Into nootract, to make thrlgnithot of 110 , mt.= for th. sPebthirs ...el M.o . *fa or the Departhent. If the Postmaster Omen! shell dorm loth requirement onvuttal to the thorium of the rot k. lln ca. of the (allure of the contractor al any toth. w foltll faithfully the toms and conditions of his contract, the Poittaarterbieneralthall bore the tight, hthides *resort to the pool remedy threthafter torotthowl. herul lola contract. sad to contour* anew with any arty or M rs ao be may. we It, for furnishing mulles locks and bolding upon thethapocalethd eprothensofthed. the Poen:porter Oeral may doth it expedient to wino for the through moth the lock of one blther.thdfor the thy mail. that of another. lie more, therefore. the tight of 4:mo - with dliSseent Indio ideate for such different Mods of woke s be may 'elect, ond oho the right Of rrott all the epecimens and proporob, if tut thall deem that MUM/ for the Interne of toe brthrtment. The party oy parties ombractang will th rreittlthl to give bond, with ample er thoity,to the nth of thirty thoutond dolltth, for a !Oath! petforthuthe of the ft:Planet. The contract it to contato proelsiOns for th. dn. and pepper thrthetion of the locks and term, and aim for guardly ethloth thole p. 00.00. into lIDWn Lando. the lernu .th7L'=:?bi44,`::.- I r ryti4 oho wej 4 b.. : ,, p od artot tth yththelistionthrilitheonthleredlf not seenmothiel with meth. thideoceof thetrootthotthethether of the bur der. and bls to fulel the tonanct. N. K. MALI. Postotheter deneraL stodc"adthrlibll 20 pOrtent. , caved to Country Merchants. J. KINO ' Dealer in BOOTS AND etlioF.s, No. idligorsti Second Neon, Philadelphia. hoof act reed from the tosulatiwtOt7 an elo.dleiwe oad well eeltetat'etock of the above amts. which 'lOll he cold at . 2ti per rent 1.-se than can Le piirctip!ed kith. city. for each or De ty ci occePtatow . aler. will do well to call 'before pcirch.loit. 10y12,2Pa IWportant to.Draggiste, Hardware Men, And Store y ll'elyers in-general- THIS in to inform the above parties thnt dlr. L. 11. PIIILLIPS bar enived_froto Philadelphia , having with him earoplee of their LIQ U ID GLUE, to; Car , neater, and all kinds Of ox: &malting Iron, Moon, Wood. Clue, Chloe. and any the .betaner, and in bottles of three ...Lbw. the PdAtIL FRIEND, Baking 'Preparative. nwereedlng the one of 'Lead, sod routines beautiful. nutritious food.lo °outwit lees• time then sof. article Ont. One or two aoncive wanted in thin city. Parties wishing toesgage in Nese univereal noticien eau wee nouples at PU96YT/PO.. and at AllA3l6' Expreet Caleo.llttsburgis, Ude der , mvata tin I etimk• • The shore artieles for mi. by 1. 1111'D t CO. .79 Only Montt in Pittsburgh, LID 01L-15 .;bbla. for sale by nos Fresh Arrivals. of Wall Paper. THOMAS PALMER, N0.'55 Marketstreet, has Jut received teem the Eget, P handsome amen ent of I.e.:en:chi Chamber Paitch .7 8 PAPER If ANGINGS—Freuch ana Atnek- G am e. AM EX nen KAMri seip•kide. tar Mv ACKEREI -200 No. 3; (Large) Newbarypert taspneHos, briktit Iskrs.Hy.lost . or by McYALEN GAUSS. Wirehouse, Ss. EaHrtmel Dmsg. r t?tl • - mria earner keno aa4 Ways. . Ayr UrrON, HAMS---2O111) lbs. prime, fur 1,1..1. by 'tnyll • MIES, MA7THR ea Cu. CODA ASH--SW auks of our own manu to haute: warranty or as goad quality maim b hat bed. Y any Imported, and tor ash at the lowest market orl - br Brstrxrr, BERRY • Md., "*. rim2l , • Wert. 50 CASES PHILLIPS A MAYER'S LI: QUID ilLUlt—ra emulator, Irou: Waal, Sum, lama auy sad... for awnend work. It etude uutlvateiL To be men at FIIIDITT Ottumission nem Pittsburgh. r 1 191 3. ACCO-- : • bozel sirre's . • . • 2 , 1 tlberrocdY Ws anal' .w." Ist mime b y " - Pl.t uryia !SAUDI DICKIiit W. CIRIMPED RlBBONS—Assnrted . widths tew ure .trrew Eta da• 41.. ; 14 " . crib: Y. /L. rattati O il PEPPERMINT-150 ha warranted . pure) tor sale by.. „ MEDICAL. • - FAMILTFItTEN. ouroreediocrtis.um Tull, oral foe agree. 1..:11Vag:11Xgrodll. grateUtiTit4ioLgr'Pgr'oti to wvich c=„trwly tn• a %mat rztoot; tme. nortg:tho dattdentri ;of attr,mtlm, heslagheOtad abbar sartotm flaparior ;daily thing toy a Wort Calor nod Dig -lU'elroall.76l.rogbrl ""', "n iflT lr ' a nd ad. ai m. of o r the vnaßtruaions.obooot t , od to lints bread. a i m r or the good nmodirinea of the tluu+. Pm t: Ida centf, with dieretbaw tor noo. R. E. SELLERS. 67 Wood of. . . Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, riCOUPIES the &out run]: among the pr,- e A... 7 linnet," ntedkinen of tel. country for noiliteulf eunow Omen. nit R h eum. Drinpetnii. and oil other die now. nick= from nn Imp stato of the Lewd. Alr, I.lror Own plalut-Qttarrh. Dru on ms!. Headache, Dinkier., toughie Soren-. acid Tidiness about the Chen: Brow shink, or honnenen. dn.... and n Dation wuknini nout the throne and 1 r cued with unprecedented IMeirll.4 in all man of - Female Maness: and General Debility. • gtrengthming the weakened Lady. Moog than to lb. carious organs, and Inrlgurating the entire erste.. If the tertltnony of thourands of bring grime:sum from an pa rt . of the country, eon be relied 111/00. It Is singular ly elatmettine In curing alt Ilusecre, and mmarltur &hints. tell and broken down eanstitations. It in purely T....ga ble In Its ersattsatitiOn...4 no areurately munbloal on Its proportion. (bat the chat:viral. batman', and Medluel pro irrti of each Ing P redient hasUe B l ab unite to urify the. It has metered many chnueledleesses tehleh here battled the Kalil of the Innarpirian*. and has elm eared Canter, Call Warm. Nerd aealtd *Mole. which. Sarsapertlle It iron 4ntni IttlZ k' t n fliZirtilt g a SLURS. The moot olatlnster Cannr , hare been cured by We msdlebse. Wormy that lira avaluabletnetlklue In all BILIOUS taI3IPLAINTS. If remorse obstrustion. In the elmnlation, ramie:lag Ute fres. active, and heal- thy. It YVITIOne. Calpttabou of lb. lieut. and relleere all start of Asthma. and May le nen! In all climates, and at all areaonsof the year. ' This !Syrup In peppered only hy C. MORSE A M o nt 10.1. I Fountain greet, Pnovidence, R. I.,and sold, whobrele and retail, by S. N. WICKERSHAM, Only Agent for Western Pennsylvania. myb:y Warehouse. Conon Wool and Slatb Its, Pltl'g. The snort Extraordinary Discovery in the World is the great Arabian Remedy fur Nan and Beare H. G. Farrell's CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. • rt lIE miraculous cures performed by the Arabian phyairlata tbodere of old, were the. leo ed opori an the result of Magic. but shire we bate lue mono intimate with their Uttar/ we tan thee savant fer thelrsurprielng tower ova disease. Their attainment-4ln the knowledge or Inodirinn ai re the launder of theage, nv while at the came time the aciee of Chemistry. which with them had its origin, wan to the rent of the world "a led bock.. And to Potent they wereth" mat arduw et etudents. lo the ta-autiful anstrawhlshalirt the deft-root 'Arabia, abound rare plant, mud calcrtaws,boods whence anr Obtained thaw , aroAatic gums and fragrant 1.41e.r0. Cr which this Incomparable liniment Is s - fond and by whoee et-loathe-lag , unclose, penetrating and Anodyne ProPertiai it hi s when apPliAt. instantansouslY dieused through the whole nervous avian, a nt, lug the most Ire tensepalu the incredibly short lime of to or 11. minute, Its aetieu is ',adopt. ',actin' and cdcrinal. without the lean danger. It pauct.ratora tne, Utah to the hone. relese. gontracted cords, rcatote4 use to limb.which hare been paisi s A Wr rearm, cawing the ebriveleti .11eiti to grow out nod rich blood to circulate through Its rein, It rentores Ftuld or Joint Water, and thin if they - ea:nu hJ It as been to unlmsally ruccsentul curing all disuases of the Joint, I n clirtade at actions of the spine. hirer, Lungsand 'Wrier, Ibis great Arabian I . ...ncnr ftands unparallele4; for A Cake or tiniargementol the :Spleen, it it , a eperitg and tsr ItheUmatann it bat perfarm al some of the mort catrfordinary cures on record; alai tor Craropr, Palm, Woundr.Chlitilalcau hurtle. Whin, Fwelllnga. Tumors, cc. a a It 14 .1.11 y eMcaciona In dhautee of Animals, mach as Fistula, Poll kail.aweener, Ftitt tkalplaint.tArtamper,Farey,Spralnt,llruirea,Wounda, spatinr, Windgall..*. Splint; and to nearly all ave... Lithe? in man or beast, which require an eater nal application, thla , hutment standn at the bead et all mediums, The fallowing Is from the mincipal accountant of the ...lam - sod MithlY teePedlable house of tram A IMP, el Peoria, and ormeuta ono of the moot sunvalrful cures In the .nale of medial InlStory: Mr. If. U. Farrell: Dear Sir, seen by Iteetteeof grate folbeen, I submit the following ity of dour great medicine. blychild,shme yearn old.wss roddehly atW.krd with a termite diem., which, In ieee than Mr hem, prartrated It to tidal baptism.. The limb. ' became en rlgid that not a Jain: could be healt, the &eh turned black and cold, and mnerly deprived ou pe.opn the eTea fixed, partially crated am! altogether thud. Follow log this was de.dneas to ell wand: the sPilse temotse 000 mactid, and co mined, that when laying on Its bnet, the head and /Welt only toughed. Indeed, the elisLl preeroMl every appearance of being dealt Immediate-4 oo the Ce met, the family physician was called.ithend for three meitd he labored to restore It to feellng.bgt sale taco , althongh It was blistered a &men Urns, and vowed rubalacmot ton imevp apylled. A. consultation of phyticiana wax then held, but to no porton. The caw wag then brought be-- tire the Medical t:nelaty. but nolLihs terung' .ktr which bad one already 13,4,12 dm.; and the d tberioild me he could do natant more. %de then evmmenesd eV rgying ypur Liniment treaty over the entire length the tyluc, end you may Intsolue a parent's my, when. al er • tow applmtlon, rena-arta awegh,. was appureut. The Cn=fV' a =l s' V perfect ' lT;hgrar f:r tins to now hearty soot robust as me ho. I qtrct , e al: ru t h v " rin ' n e dVall h :trde Vtd7auft.edu,'v mTT 4,l'l`t your monnent hau 'been noel, the- would been menses - ed. Peoria, March I. MU. ILEN lit, ii. CLEI.A.ND. Liver Complaint, Etyeir,zba, and RAturta'tityl Cured. • RATTIM. Marion CA. KT., Mar , V. 49. .31m U. G. °i Suer very g well. end doin • mist deal of coot mcomg thAmm pie. It ha , mewl • 1 , ,t rue of Kr, Apelev. an other of • brijoaln in tn. 6..4. A 1.4), ennfinett herbed torreveral montler with Liver CwmPleoot mtd Ages- Mos. of, the heart. U. entlmir eared FT tho orfnur Arabian Linimt hbe raid the dootoro ennld do Ivy nn good. It lAA b een applied - to s forth cut, and mewl., let • /Mort time. 1 bare Lerwlt 12thetad with ithenruativ.. for bwl aalln the mecum! bettlainx oom ruhttaig ,'.. th T..' Liniment ' Mt befo,ml c a n done ninhluE. the to.:IA JOHN LICCIOIA St - ipr Complaint, Sarrney, Distemper, Cords • nJ Sore Eyes Cured. flitch ell, Poetmalter F. Talton County. " irr i .ll. U. FARIS. Your Aral. 4. Liminent Iv Malay prized bar. We cured tale c.f my height.* haraes tbe.' nnty Cou.ilint by shoat four ar five aywheallen.e. .4 I cured cue cf my own of the n: BberOf. Joseph Ilk.. rue.. hie h ere. of a laut Cara cul l, It he al , . trwal It ha • Mt that had the Make... very Val. and eon.* Imaratiately. Ile rays It Is deettlally tbe ..wreatet bar. , medicin e he Peer oaed. There harm lawn number,. rend et Fare Eyre with it. I tml it • arr., Ju.bi. me4e a. both tar la= and to cl_ Beware of Counterfriia. TO OUARD AGAINST ISIPOSMON, lIIZAD THE YJL LAMING CARI:FULLY Th. Public am partmularly cantioneti as mat a ttur amenlnt a hieb bm lady made haappear..., td 12 nIW Lf Om Oer • tat utak. , .. %1 , It Farrell, Arab'. an LinlmeuL" it,, if s daneeno. roma and more liable t. &vet. from LI. bearing the ...tea Farrell. Theo , fore be pattleular never /4 .211 Jim al by faa Name 'Farrell , Liniment," for nutaineipkd 40.101, impme the API. 10.1 - s mishah u you br the an.., but .1.'2..1 fpr -. H. U. Hsrrolf pon 4..4040 Liam..." and MI. am other. al Um amnulne OLwFO I. the loners H. U. Lotom 4 11: " I ' ' ' l. *l'4 4 ." --4.7 . . . Aoevri wmitnd in every. Teen. YIILRe and 'Amulet to the lluiteel Mate, to •liieb one el trot iertabileterd. Apply by lett.. to H.O. rwrtwit, !mt., I 11. With gr.! ...ream to cract Yen. ity, Call oha n the er. ...let ertio tortillb Pm , e.f book mute... Mag numb raluMie 'Wonsan. for *very of of citizens. lweca—Mmnbe.C.o rent.. Awl ono dollar per bottle. .* 1 7 .. 1 1 , Prnotre tosnufwettervel by 11. el..Vmrt.l. Inventor and previii.t.noina wboteenle arne , llWte .o. I. Ibis .tier,*, Pwini.lll4 ma by ale wh01w...1.104 newel at IWoDrietoWs prier , by R. b. OhLL7IIM. neyl.dltr,e N.. LT Wool etteeet ' , Sala by D. M. cUltItY. Alle.gben. — The Hum= Body Must Perspire, 0 SATS NATURE, to have o healthy - 'kr pestznee; ma persons who do 044 remit, are Ueda tlx cowl dimijonalottf.olo tiLnantn. NCR', tail Milan ebt=tmtt loop mom.. yetr , tralno, ani at the pule time mollines-st.4 mat. tba FiriD, it the tenor. clan latent':. Abeam, aul E..nres, mtly bared, but cured by its new, cm at lend 7 phyttmene In Von bane - , who one it ILI , and fael it ufailing—. Illutrlon, 10.4.1 en. ur nay utter Ala Elltwatte. The reader Le a.more.l that tht• ut kOwler.e. potted nroiratu, non Mal will pr.... I could enumerate od ripbty ponedsr eared ul star bred, tore lean, /04 ..ro twat& bay the reader In again /moored I would nal een• _,. , "l lh '" ue. I.:l, l oTe l lratt i ni beel ILIA not only a rut., but a lon.cmotie , anti nen now noly add. that,sny one attlieted with au t.f ittner, 01 , 1101. dome., flat thin 111. and even, more 10101 It in ,tap ropertiett than I nut.. Stip`dliot, render. the more; are hooded ~Ih imitatlanr, and ter sure you tab Inc donc.n . /tabs.:ben/oral holii,-atul boy It Cob , C.( %VII. only An,ent in Pitt: fib, bad Ci ...---. • Pearly White Teeth, and Pare Breath, to li. had tor 2, anat.—Permian who bay, either. are homier tily twitted that if then breath is ever Kt bail. or Moir teetb dark-se yellow, sant rout:and with Wax, that • teeth et box OT JoiGn' limber Tooth Ponte •111 nook. the teeth .4 am ruuw, mud br , atti teloriletaunir erns. bold only at JACK:PI:V:I Clot., Ittin LltwtYy et., heed of A Scientific flair Tuttle, Restorer and Dean lam—Trial Pottle, etwls. wbo herr .need Juin& Carl Uni t. grittgwrs. know Its rzetllent qudlGtr— tbtee Who bgred.rwe at rine it to pigpen , the following gouttitlew—lt will fare tile Jana to grow on stir parterbete nature intended halt . to grow: snip it falllngidC cun.iwurt Or dandrnft and make light. n..l.l,nitir Ktn. dark. l'or rendering the hair soft end edgy, mthlug can rgiveil thlw—it makes it truly beattlifol, and terve it for. It ts i in deed, the moat entnoralrwl—yet superior—wrilcle tor the halt. t3o only 10 WII.JACKPOirg etc., 210 rat.irtr etrewt• head , of Wood, Pittburgh. nontel.oo nrltts. and fl. , • JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid human Ilair Dyc, fur the changing of while, veil, or gray halr,tna laianDful brown, or black pit color, in a fcw • • . mo . t., tad U. blold by. WM. JALIIIIObI.24O Libtyty ntryet, bead a( Wmd Piaui' arab. JONES' LILLY WHlTE.—Lading nre COO- Coned agaltot acing the common prepared Chalk. They ate ant aware how Nightfall,' Windom. it I to the *alai how mars, how rouich. how callow, yellow, and latihey the akin groom, aft., nelcot prepared (Tielk! Ikvides. ellb is W. l oo,v"P'c'et'igcl:l'tratr. of b ride which we Jonec . Vsafilili Lilly White. It le perfectly innocent, bring inarited of all deletevioca perolltice, and It impart , to the ektu oaten'. healthy, al atwitter, clear, living white; at the came time acting Le cos [(Olson the vkin: tuallog_it noltand smooth. Vold to the Agent, VII. JACKSON, Lltwvir Meet. hrod Wed. kittiberith.. Pi tool'. 0001 A. .11,641.1. I:A Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopherous, OR MEDICATED COMPOUND.—The fol lowing tcdinfiinial I, from 11/2 Munn. Editor of the la.cedallfte American. Comment on each evidently I, on. 11/CM6..77: Yon Toll. Feb. PA. MAD. Itidrrh! Tricapberour lean article that we take plevure to nwurding highert odamendationet We do not dolt ' n ' o P n ' t I=TvurnoWti.,ttlfig.g s nihen, het i rj n wrif 11l :as to keep tuft, ' and Alc.r. Il W. remover. date druff, pm - rents gray hair.and istrigoratea Int growth In nananmr ...quelled by any other owupoiltion known to W. i A perwou only need:. to inn ono bottle to be convinced of thictruth. gold In botded.price 2.5 cent, at the principal dike 1:11 Emadttar. New lark: gold In large.bottim price 24 relan, at proprietor* pri. try by It. E. IiELLEItd. ati . No. to Woul el Hamburg Polka. lIKLEBER, No. 10 I Third street, hue just y received— Hamburg Polka, one of the mart popular and beau. Ulu' Polkas ever yubliabwi. Once I Lore/ Tbove, Mary Dees by 8. C. Farley. The Little Red jading Liony °lover. The Mountain Raley: by y. lip )flay) scum . • • panlments. I , ly Swift, ye Zephyr., By the sw es, snag by leanY 1.1.1 - 8 1 . 01 her nun beautiful Kuno. • Farewell, If ever fouled InnYer. And an elteunre seleettou of new WistOwb Mau. V . . - rlatiour, Porrytory, en. non 8111 N OF THE GOLDEN 1111118 NEW BOOKS t NEW BOOKS 1 I—The y i l Alothryittlaw' or the Isle of Rayed a tele by Emma • N. flouttrorth. Ttu Rankers Wife, by T. &Arthur. Rudman" Magaalue, No. fa Horticulturist., for alai. Receivedat tor, mru L'4" 1101,11 EM I.lt , rsay Dwd. Tl4lrd ramt.,o9vvit. the AHD-23. kegs No. 1 Leaf: for sale by my 7 BMA, lIATTUEiVeI a DRICD bu.Applot; 800 Priam: for nate try , 1003, - DIATTLIEWS I 03, trUE--i0 tierCer+ (frexh) for sale by ItOBIEWL LITTLE CV., cart Liberty streeL PIMA-50 hi. chests Y. 11., Imp., and Black AL'.fidu, br We by ROZIMN, Ma= a co. TRANSPORTATION Earzia,'„, 1851. LAKE ERIE AHD MICRIOAR LINE, • • , ON THE EXTENSION CANAL. CLAIMS. PARKS it CO.. linalnen.Planannwa. • • r E PROPRIETORS of Ode old and well ) known Liu, wont infuim the public that thorn/re now operation In the prennt erne. end hneenumen nd twolvant Preint.t and Padeourtere.trhlrb they-en frgy Li f e : Line will be constantly at the landing, below the Mann. A - oMre. ror. Iv ater nod Smithfield ...4 . 1•1tt.d10. cONSIGNSIS: 11. W. Conntnubnn. Nev Cantle. P. .1. • N. Cull, Shut...ln:WAN Wm. Arne it Oa: Orennllle; • Win. Henri, Ilartstont. Wm. Power, ConPemtt,,,, C. M. 14,1. Etie.l . .: G. O. Wallbtiolge. r Daffalo s N. T. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. MI. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. 1851 Forty-six hours to Philadelphia. Forty-rour,hours to Baltimore. 2SO miles Raßroad-103 miles Canal. Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats. (KULUSIVELY YOU PASSENUKTIB,t TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTII4OItE AND FIDERIM QN the opening of Canal Navigation, Two .m b ot i r tz . Nratt . t i = a tzt..4.lk w eta win leave ROLLEDAYEIBITRIM, Thera taking tloa NEW PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, ' , nto lalrod andFony.ll,o talle. direct 'to PUTTADRUnatt. Time through FORTY-SIX bourn. For. to Phda.lalattia, Stu. Fara to Itallitoota, $0,75. rd TI.. Ca. on dd. rout. v e nor. alai at Ibt• most.attloo, mootruellou for oamfott and safety. Partela too. ovary taarolaßitotai.lr.tt meta o'rloeig. ...I every. ovanttut so du taro, taao. Passenre, ris for Baltimore, On anat.! of Cu, et Itartiobarit t tat. do Tort and Cum., four tu la udll Itadriout, t ,une 0011 nulaholt olrort to taut Ll 4, OEIOOI7 ot, Timlthourn. Nu charge fur handling Baggage on this route. o ./. t o & n ou o t l . Ep o oa t l e . m ar .to t t a he Fa ha t eMna/ n C i., artablr, at too uaa, kulannattaa aptor 01 • P. 110917.8, Agent, Ronan at n 0... D. LEECH A, Co. • Cabal 8010. Pena newt- 2 Y.H lbw Ist 01 Ibe l'eunrylruhis Itai will Ontthi+l to Lre-Lpag, Irbkh etaurtru the time through bIX hourr. Pint burgh. Yrbruhry New Lake Superior Line.-1851. THE new pientner NORTLIENER, Copt B. tOOdelll itairoVelaent hr Aalelv and comfort. will le.ve Clevelind On 'Ms), the r May israt, on tor fir. trip—and wertir thereafter on Prtday, u'chwit, P. M.. f r the Pant Ste. Marie. The neatorr }IAN lIATPAN. Capt. Join CAL/M[12.0011 ir•ve (lout et, Marie, kr the dlnenent heeding. on talc Uperlor. all the arrival of it...dean:lpr tiertnernril mating a regular weey IlnaP'B, throof htni t r reason, betwsen %Id kl e". . n /P d A. 71341 M 111. Thvrridon. CI-mined, 0.. April I}6L—tt ' Manufacturer's Line. MIITMP 1851. IPPERS ARE HEREBY INFORMED A. 7 that thle LlNT.comaneni entlrely of ewetton Doate, le now to full operation. with belittle' , to CV* • hn• quantity of (night to Philabithia and flaillsoone, "enfant totertnwiwa, b . as rhort time. and at as low net, En nor other traniar LOO. N . ls:44{ " TumZilr. Wager Ethel, Alerandria,'Petorrhubo, eettotingdOO, )llll Creek., New Hamilton. MeTurtown, Newport, Clarles Fern, lierri.bura,Columlew and all oth er intermedlste roblo on the PennarbottioCattaland fort. •we Hoeing enfant bona of Iron weetred from the Juninta, prwmptoese snot regularity In shipments, to the aforeraid tenantat the beret. rates, May ha relkd J. MITCHELL KOTT, Proprietor. Warthouve, Llhertr Meet, tochlZAf Peronddoor vest of the Canal. AVING DISPOSED OF HALF MY IN runrsr IN JILXCJIwM'S IJNE. to oar brother, .11uTit the buainees at Pittabure, willbort , after be tranvaebell wader the 11111 of ''Won. ninabant • Co." [mroo] WM. Bin/HAIL Bingham:a' Trtuasportalion ffiga4 - E 1851. taiiiEEM lIETWEEN PITTSBURGH & THE EASTERN CITIES. TILEw CANAL being now open, e are rea- l dr to PVC IR and brwarl rniarptlr. Produce and ) errharotila east and wert. Freight -1 nlwaza at lowest rates charged by,re,ponvlbla roluoa oat 71erehluallt• will be ',wired obi fornarlet R awl owl, 'without any charge for forwarling or a - sari nfreight. retuntinton. or ',wrote. hill, 01 lading ("martial, Allsl all tilrectlona faithful/7 atten.l...l AdAre,*.r apple' to WM. BINGHAM • CO..Cattal Cade, Cor lq!!XlLVllTtillr7Al.l=7 h. het J o A n st ragli ag , F . 114,1 elf his. oh No Peg booth Liontrd :trek., Baltimore. JAMES boo lUWest 01. mebl New tort. 1851 aEfm. l Merchants' Transportation Line, ( F TR PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND RAILROADS.) Olt PIIILA DELPHI A DIRECT—WITH v. A mo4NuL.TV L 2 . OV:ta i r I ' ll. ItYl httn otzoll. P I4I7IW . FS 1.0 I' 001 t, Central ilbwt, th.....lettw*l. PhlD; 0•Iihlw L • . 1l• ,tr. proiraml tn erceiwe a tame anumnt merehaisdow geprliVen N all ' lP= . &: . '1". 11 " 01 of ' l b. eT= W . attn I.mo tnn• than . trakr Dtwww.D.ean. SW- N U. Tb• 11110,31.41 numb, of Traci. pros - Lied by CA Cow.n.le.naert bow earryinw Ott lawla ND th. dote Itadrun...., •ill pro reut any ptwalhility of delay at I Johnstown. Ilotsdayabarg at Colombia. Mu ?oar... • C. A. &Ica-SCUT) . A W. loblA • I.lnal Bann. ZgaPIP. 1851 -"" 7 To Shilpers of Merchandise, Produce. &c., v. An. nu. rmatatnn. enn.Z. WM.. MID N. TOM RELIANCE rirrsuußoit TRANSPOR -1 TATION LINE. JiTii INS * CO., Preprietors. N. 141 Martel,. &DJ ha Corurnerre 'treat. Philadelphia. ' ROLL , itireata.Cattal liaria.Pittabargb. JO+. LON bi)N.Ageata.Balliziore. e are wavered, au the µmai. of WO Penroylraala tr,...trart fur Freight at a• low rat.. and Or* 'hipper.a math despateb and ear. •• soy other Lw. NbCl.6¢, wr man .10• X COT. • Id eFADEN - & COVODE, to Jahn Hasa. Ca.] Cana/ Basin, Penn Sired. Penna. Rail Road Co.--Central Rail Road. AE mil,tcribera baring teen appointed rhloplug. agent., tor the Prrourylroolu or Galant Itall 1 . Inform Ow poblio that we areroue pawed to re noir: our Loorrtsouollto or or.oluro rbipniont cast ontba upoouiur. ut the renal. via Into route rill be rarrie.l tbn.4ll in Eve day, oa e l] ....miaow.' to on lu Ike 'maple-1 fr.• of rut:m[l4la .on or eharyedro nano oe. /11[IGNI . amrrd 1•111..1.1.111a 000, rmsataan. Dr, ilre., atone. flunirs.Platinntri.eulloT,Cossfet• tkmar y Fruiter, feathers, furniture, Drugs. lawlld.P, ry. flint, dr. tr. 81,0011 Ru Ilhp. Ilarlypre. gun nraart.oft