The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 04, 1851, Image 3

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    komt 'Mitt tits.
. Tsai furs dwre.—We were very- ninelt ph:4W
w ith w photos which we examined a few days
se, in the MDR° of Hr. WIT= C. Wal4 s die
titivated landscape painter of this city. The
seets•if one wbici is doubtless'famillar to mini
d'art. readers—the "old carding oar on Char
tiers Creek, and . the 'comitryl around a Ide:
Wail's 'villains
. beintifolly represents a :very
lotely Beene. How often have; we sexed cPca
The Old mill on the banks-of the little river
which finis Vast it, almost tfie ordy building
is 411-egAMay county which is deserted, and fast
going; to decay—the quiet little school house in
theforegrinuid, nearlybidderi from sight, by the
sweeping foliage of • nuilestlo tr.?, 'each shades
t—the, rapid waters of i.Charthirs," forming
-arm the rocks, sued through the broili
all fers• Wimulacspe which in Pietereavie effect,
coo scarcely be egrpamed. - Many- nd many •
do hive we spent with a mataery of lkiends,.
youthfal disciples of bask Walton; in• catch
when lucky, or In endeavoring, at any
rate,. to. catil _Abe fine bass,'' to be sound in
theimes below tie broken dam, and , when we
'could not.sek"even a nibble," towards nothnisy,
hari Ist under a tree, and gazed upon:the bent) ,
of the seeneiy'arotmd, or "riled my the time
in reading, until the cool Air of the afternoon,
timid tempt the fish to bite.
The scene therefore; ia perfectly fresh in. our
, =or'. end we must say that Mr. Wall hispily
saciaided in giving a faithful of
it, As we gated upon it, - we almost envied the
Imre legged urchins, who with their fishing rods
in their hands, are paddling through the water.
Thipiatiorefe in autumnal one, and the varied
coloting of the foliage, lends a new charm to the
'scene.' hir. W. Is peculiarly hippy in the back
timid. The high bill ',hick bounds the view,
is wrapped in that purple hue, which we ai of
- ten eta on en =tame] afternoon, amidst which
the tram and hill side are Indistinctly _sem
- Taken altogether, we think that -this picture,
- which was painted for N. Murphy Grattan, Esq.,
the owner Hof the notate on ',which the carding
mall atandi, is one of Mn thdl's happiest aorta.
„Hui Hitt Eves:m. 2 .4e hare been kindly
&Toilet With a copy of the' following letter, ad
dressed by William G. Hawkins, Esq., to :
Honorable Hopewell Hepburn, President 3iidge
of the ,Distriat Ceurt. It was written after B.
Prey, Esq., thi Hon. Charles Shales, and the
Hon. Moses Ibropttm had conveyed WI& Hawk
ins a copy- of the proceedings of the Bar meet
ing, held to express the sorrow experienced by
its members it losing Bees AT Hawkins, Eaq.,
s gentletinuirrlui;though young, stood in the
. of his Fort:salon, when he was
tommoned to a better world.
AtrnsuranT, Abiy 27th, 1851
Hoz.. liorzerrax Haeavas
Dar Gir—The committee appointed for that
•purpoie, hark Lindley forwarded to my fondly
the resolutions of condolence in reference to the
lamented death of my son, Begs Mil Hawkirus.
All that is . now; left of our much cherished
friend:is his reputation, and whilst that has been
nobly atudeined by as able a Bar as graces any
city of this Union, that same Bar boa also, been
pleased to pour tains upon our wounded hearts.
Our grief is too pungent to express In appro
priate' tell= on.r gratitude for the distinguished
honor' conferred upon oar Mend, but while we
fall in thLs,we shall tuner cease to recur to itwith
mingled feelings of pride and satisfaction, in our
little family circle.
I hare the honor to be,
:. • • WM G. HAWHMB.
TUBA To ITTC Pterrzsztam.--Correston and
Scott, the counterfeiters, were yesterday taken
to the Penitentiary by the. Deputy United States,
Dmenianno.—Jacob alter, Jacob Iteyttoh
and Jima Young, accused of committing an ma
ma and battery upon a cititen:of Birmingham,
trare.yeaterday discharged in the Court of Quar
ter Sataittos, upon payment of the costa.
• •
Tax Cetrarr -Pazscor.—There are now one
,honttred end ten persona in the coning prison,
MA, two of whom are females.
• ..
Argaramr---A man who wu working
the foundations of the new. cathedral, caa'rifth
larreacennuererelfinjared; owing to the break
ing of scaffolding on end& he Inn standing,
`which precipitated him to the ground.
DlCAilL—WeClearn that Andrew Ile
fcemerly of fitteburgb; has died in Califorrds:
H• was peasiliarly eminent for his skill in me:
chanieslitraire, and his death will be deeply re-
Tam WTAIIIIM.- The weather for the prat
,fror days has been delight! ul.
For the Fiitsburgh dautte.
WMr the adjourment of the meeting to choose
delegates in Peebles township, May Slat, the
meeting re-organized by electing David Aiken
chairman, and Luke B. Davison, secretary.
Jidus Murdoch Jr. offered the following pre . -
amble and resolutions, which were, after debate
by Messrs. Kennedy, Forward, Aiken, and Mur
dock, puled almost by acclamation,
Whereas the School Directors have it in con
templation to acceptof a deed for a iota ground
from James Boss, Esq., for school purposes and
no other, ta erect a school house on.
Basolved, That it 13 the sense of this meeting
that it is inexpedient and unwise for the Direc
tors to bed on ground unless they can obtain a
• •in fee eimple ! so that they can alien and
dispose - of it 'rheum their wisdom it no longer is
needed for school purposes.
Loss B. DAVIDSON, See',
David dam, Chairman.
Avon's Paarouce.—Wecall tatet..l' -
don to the advertisement of this article now in
our paper, and at this season of the year when
colds and coughs are so prevalent, theinforme:
ties it contains will not be found unwelcome.—
The eminent names, lent to recotoromul it, -are
conclusive proof of Ate value. In addition to
these we have been favored with.the percent of,
letters from many distinguished individials as
:well as humble eceferers who selmoiledge4 their
Indebtedness to this valuable medicine fdr the
Monty of their health, from plied snd dan
ger= . It is at once safe and Pleas=
ace to take, and is certainly very powerful to
cum. Those afflicted with coughs, colds, eat&
ma, bionshitisi hoarseness, or indced'any of the
Mil= &catkins of the lungs, Will - do well to
toy the Cherry Irectecal, and will have no cause
to regret the erriment.
• From the National Intelligenter.
.itEctPirlat OP TEE =MU KUMMER-
M. Ds Savness, atocunpanied by the Sea*-
. tory of tha French Legation and ether members
of the Maker, was yesterday, at 1 o'clock P.
hf, presented to the President by the Acting
Secretary of State; as Envoy Extraardinaryand
Ifirdstar PlerdpoteMbulpf the French Republic.
Upon delivering Lis letter of cream,. the Min
ister addressed the President MI follows .
Mr. President. Having been invited by the
confidence of the President of the Republic to
dishonor of representing theFreich Government
near the Government of the United States, 1
- consider myself fortunate in being called upon
to be the Interpreter of tho sentiments of friend
. ship and.exalted sympathy which zonated our
Gomonment, and, I snap ray, our comity, toward
jeer nation--a nation suworthy the great pros
i=trkile -mtioFe, It sball be my care, Mr.
ent,with the aid of yourknown goodwials
es, to to.Nteln and to strengthen the relations.
which now exist between our respective coun
t:rise, 4oing whicb; 1 thin .earry out faithfully
the !ideal= of the President of the French
Eapublie; who, invirtne of the credentials which
I San the honor of placing in your hands,
bas accredited me u his Envoy Extraordinary
and EtinisterPleitipotentiary near your Govern-
I To the Ilinister'e addnas the .Presidiat re.
E Sir: I am happy to welcome yon as a repre
sentative of France, and to receive from you as
, inch the renewed assurance of friendship and
sympathy.= the part of your Government and
sotmtry toward the United States.
k Our friendship for France originated with our
straggle for a national existence, and wu es
nutted by the'mingling of the blood of oar Ber
olationary sires with that of their allies, the he
roes of France; and through all the rarions po
litical changes of your great an enlightened
country, a deep sentiment of national sympathy
los pervaded this People, rejoiehing In your pros
nuritT, and 'hailing with unaffected delight your
; o mit advent among the nations of the earth as
4 •. sister republic. ---
r beg learn to OSSUre you that nothing atoll
t be wanting on my part to maintain and strength
' en the friendly relations which now exist be
went the two friendly Governments, and draw
more closely the ties which bind them to each
Vi am As one means of accomplishing thia de-
able otect„ I again welcome you to our shores
' or th. Dipinmatia Agent of the leading Republic
p. ef ZistoPc , , , • -
roMoN =as.
Intim Howie of Lords; on tho' 16th, a ques
tion by Lord Stanley led to some diacessitm rel
ative to the propriety of affording Parliamenta
ry aid for the construction of railways in British
America.. Earl Grey said a question of this im
portance required matureconsideration, and the
Government was not prepared, trader present
oiremllstanoes, to take upon itself the responsi
bility a weak of such magni
zytte Great Exbibitionis more popular than
enn. • On the 16th the receipts from visitors
rose bigger than ever. The fie contributions
amounted to £2,480, and the sale of season Ha
kes, which still goes on prospermsly, swelled
the total sum taken to £B,BOO. Even the exe
cutive committee are astonlahed with their own
=gess, and it, now seems difficult to say at
what point.their financial fort - num may stop.
Vessels are • continually
from various
pats la South Wales with emigrant!, and ere
long s large body of latterday saints will find .
their way, it is said; to Bristol, Liverpool, and
other out-porta, for. the purpose of emigrating
to the great Mention city or. settlement on the
bank of the Great Sale Water Lake. Many - of
these Mormonites are employed in the iron dis
tricts of Glamptganshite, and. Comprise tome of
the beat and mint experienced workmen.
• Thirty-two passenger Teneele, with 3,646 emi
grants for Canada and the United States, sailed
from Limerick between the let. Jinuaryand the
let, May, being a period of four menthe.. •
The population of Limerick numbers only 16,-
000 Males rein less than 28,000 females ! There
has been a decrease in the population cif *4,000
It is said that the census nearly completed,
shows a diminution of .two millions of inhabi
tants in Ireland since 1841-
The northern papers bring accounts of the
deg:motion by tire of Downhill Castle, county
of Antrim, the residence of Sir Henry Bruce,
and considered to be one of the finest private
mansions in the province of Ulster.
• LUilt t lnDlA Corrorr.—A vessel arrived at Lon
don from Bombay, has brought the unusually
large quantity of 4,672 bales and 104 half bales
of cotton, of East India production as aportion
of her cargo. •
Large quantities of chesnute are being import
tid Into London from New York.
Airangesienta hive bean made • for ending
stearavesse,ls at St. Helena at the - rate of 160
to a day. -
No leas than 10,000 tons of ice have been im
ported during the past month into London from
Norway. ; '
-Lines et eleetrio telegraph are now opened
from Munipti to Paris.
A 'tanner Is to leave Cadiz for the Spanish
West Indies,on the Ist of every month.
The Bank of France has resumed payment , in
gold, not to Unite so large en extent as before,
but still sufficient to give moth "convenience as
regards the Metallic circulation.
The: Monument to the memory of the late
GOTelllOr Mina, of this State, is to be erected
on thislOrosehinVourth of July,otthe Trappe,
in Mont r gencery county., An adder; will be
deitered upon the occasion by the lion. Geo. W.
Car CLERK. or TILE Cocas—ThO 11=0 of
' w hen Hornsr. of Wilkins toernetdr,_erUl be . prosented to
ping Antioneable .4 County Cora..
Wm fee aoroln.. to.. dike of Clerk of Cut-Court.
CLx or Tux Coturr.—llenry liannert, of
Ailitabeni City. rill be • candidate for nomination to t h e
cam of Oak of the aormal Quarto of , Allanbany Count].
be tiot AutHittamile moll Whig County i'mamtion.
rt.'s et or to Cotorrs.—Jared M. Brush
.111 be • andktata tor th. above aka subjeetto the deei
dos of the gaming Anti-Masonic and Whig OoantT
ventka. rablamltc•T
AIidOCIATE &max.—The numerous friends
of JOHN OEIMARS, fallo eehan) . My. proarat his
name mthe apprmenlng A 1111,114.1130 ILtul Whig Courtly
Courautlini, ea • ounthian. for naniluatkod to the of.. of
Assonant Jtaise of the Goad of Quarter Sandoua. Mr.
Goebert' • osperiene• In paella teasiona—havins amen .
axed member of the State LINEWILISM f. the period of
wren years, and tilid nitn
duoidllty edllni of
deciatarpof the land (Meer Uov. sitinisda
traloa—aud his knowleds• of the Germ= lenann4P,.
Intl' as bid amid oraolacal memo, Oaf think
him to till the emu with annytabllity
Tee. mrPfalaniteiT
AtI3OCIATZ Jonas.—Thomas Liggett,Jr 'Of
Peebles toeroshh• w ill be • outlast* before the armada
tag Whig and Anth!desonle Clarreation. for the alke of
Ascent. Judge In the Court of Clasonon ri
&m ow. will be =north! by mune both In
Towle C,ocrrar.
IterAntoci/en Jo - wt.—Adam Hentborn,
of Inzadzigbaca. will be a candidate firr titionnallon &nth*
ogles of Associate J la Oa Court of Quarter Pennons
of Allegheny Osanty, Wont the Anthllaaeole and Whig
soy Oinvention, to minim the int of June.
• SerAssrarat.r.—Robert Abrahams, of 'Eli
aboth Borough, solscolt Ms name to nu AtOtalooonle
U Whldo,o. Coo CoareoUctcy oa • candid. , natobw
mto Lee4attcot. • Z 541 woo*
MirAssamaLY.Robert Wallace. of Pitta
• • . cut entassit We rams to the Anti-dlaeoette end
Asszataii.—John Porter,of the BOrough
dttr,be ®diet. fEw Ima:o:Latiaa lathe
dametttr, W.deet la - the &deka of the Whig sail Attu-
Ittaacatie county Coaneolion. tayntarct&T
Asocionot.—Thornton A. Shinn, Esq., Val
b. saypeatoll Ya ...dictate th./..ablatot o o o ttioot
the e
astd of the Whig sad hattllaoonle Coo.. otaby
2hclaarach Ma. Wawa
ASSLYBLY.—George E. Appleton, of the
Borough of Illruilagbaxo. will be map • • riot before tbe Aw.
Aessxnur.—Anthony Hartz will be a can
didateand Aemolly, subject to th e deebion of the
Whlg tathltseank Ootreantion.
Item' Wham 01 81L10210.Y.
. - -
/mmaramr.-4 would recommend Joe, John
ston, of Nortldriplts townsidp, fa the And-M.soide sad
Wldg Comfy Causes:don. as •sditstd• person to lepreseut
to ist tbs coca logisistdre.
- -
AliarataLY.-4he numerous friends of Joax
Miura of Indians township, will praent his tura
to tra ratl-leatemee rad Whig (booty Coorention. to .
engrain for oteetioation to the °lgoe of member of alia
Alterably. Mr. Miller was member of the traceably of
• Asenun.y.—Thoe. Penney of the Borough
of Neiirewrt. 1,111 be presented td inn AntOtarre nod
nildn Om, • = s oendlists tor rern 00 the
deer for the Arsisibil, mrl4alawaeorT
tar CourriT ComanasioNsa.—David
Jr., bf the Beamd Mod. Cal of Alleabeny, will be • nu.
&kale kiln. the Anajlesona and Whir ftaatT
ier-Cornirr ConxtemorrEB.7-Robert King,
of the fLorremth Wood. City of Pittsboigb, iireatattoeodal
to th e W • •nd Auti-Hosonte County Convntion. •• •
ilart Puma.
serCouarn• Conamome. , --Jabl.McCune,
of the Muth Ward. Qty of Pittsburgh, will be •autdidate
before the Whfg mad Antl•Mosarde Coureution. for the or
of County Coutrobegater. . mil:deer:Ob
Knight, of the Ninth Ward of the dtf of Pittsburgh. will
be • candidate been the Antddleanolo and Whig Pole
jar Comfit' Comussioszs.—Atajor JOHN
Wrunce, of the gird. Ward, City of Pittaburgh, will be •
candidate before the dad•llesonle and Whig County Om.
fin the °Me of County Coratoiciataer.
• • •••••,:tc•T
Colarre,Coinussioszs.--Gabriel Adams, of
the Third Ward of the City of Pittebtagb. will be • condi.
dine In the *Moe of Coramlnetoner. subteet to the decision
of Ihe Whig and Anti•Xagoule County ConvenUon.
..lnyLlnlawdeff •
. •
ter Co own Rsalervz.—Alexnder
ardoon.of th• Sint Wad. Allegbeny Mtn 8111 b. • ago ,
netts for th• OZ. of Connty Register, subject to the de
cision of 11141.W/11g and WM% (knalsotlon.
sp=lannert •
jearComm Runerza.—The name of JOUN
Idscastrr,of the & d Ward city of Pittsburgh, will be sub.
minted to the Auti4lasoulo aod Whig Camay Corteeutioo,
as seaadklate err the on of Register, aoi will be arose ,
ea=iggarr • • glum Fatagoa.
terCo trifir liscurrEß.—John K. Foster, of township. will tw • candidat• tor Usgister. bet.
th• =„rtltissoalo awl Whig °sooty Cowman=
strew:rim Itzuerse.—V be le ase announce
that IL J. Laos, of Allsabaoy 11l a candidata
Ibr the eta of Ka • alledaioa of the
A Card.
r undersigned wouldreepeetfully inform
• the "dattlisants and Inas of ler °flinty
oithis t rAtrirtet "7 , tit= Med trhoerkliMei. he
h.. the ittoW u ttra 1% = times
dudes mdmied Min,. and Ids metal In timbal - Mint them
has been re wally mmiptable, be ventures to_yemite Mat
if soh!: honcmd pith their confidece, his desire to do
right elmll 601. be abated: end whilst hie impede.,
sroahl make Mamma position m oueomtortable,he .111 be
cereal that as Car no rocsible_the Txblic !Mal hare the
ham& of it. •Very reeronsalri
_ myl3 JOnn
Bcconnaa.—James Gormly will be a candidate
for tlia aim of i en
subject to the Feld of_ plarktitt,
Wb An, C ro L' talllr.t.l rug
jPetia."4. toyl3xlairitzT
Rsconnen.--John Conner, of Upper St. Clair
tonosbtp.wlll be supported $32 tbe alma A-rder. sub.
Lest to the a d . of the Anti.tdasoate and Whig County
umrntg4tlyzer ILerr Yams
- -
Recoarisa.--John McGill, of West Deer
It. , setsp.. l .l be eudklxte roe the olnee of Ilaord.,
suld•et to On decision of the Antl-31sfidale and Whig
Coanutlon. tayl44marter
VirltecoaDea.—We are' authorized to an
mane that Ma. x. Vmonsi, or ralZabab 110 . 0 .gh• . _ 1 1 1
be • caudldat• for nomicialitaa olltro or Record.. .[`
fo r . tint 41.107da5=14 and Weis Cottatr
farßzeoeote-1 will La a candidate for
toe me, a Recorder, eut4ect to the decisken the Whit
end AnUMneon{e County Lonvention. •
Plusburah.Atnii Zaratalanatra
lerCeorry !tratancaza—We are author
jean to etreartueee that 3. W. Batt.m, of the 21 Ward, CRT
of Pluebarslrla he a candidate Le the onto. of County
Treasurer.. act to the donates, of the Ant m..erae and
Who[ COuntr nvention. . mode wiene,
iterCOITNTY TEEM .-r4 hn V. Rowland
of lbws SLCIals township. will b. . estelidsts for
o.tten to this ores, before the whts
taunts-coamoto. es-llsevtesS
• Annrroa.—John Emerick, of McCandless
to bi •AVP.I.I abscubillaste tor County As-
May, ma at to the d•ctetuc of btu YiblA And AbtlAtaboule
Usibmm sAy 22Alatlan. by
irAc•-.8 • MY: YALANAA
OIL-20 bble. tnr sr de by
-LA P 2 J. KIDD * W.. D i 01.
tam Jure ree'4 artel sr. new opening... very larg.
cu.= 441 Mbsoblenew, countering 1,,f
.4tut h 1... 3 - 1 -mr,, , ,. =Lye, Cambric and Sw/t
7.4106, i s Kw. 02.4 04 Illasiumt =rt.:
LARD-25,kigia1e..1., for , sale by
1022 L. & wAximus BON&
;mem= sr rug -earaLir riu.lai&pu
Nrw You, Arne 3.
The outward plumage of the Pacific, of, the
Collins Bri<li the quickest per made, hiving
been accomplished in 9 days 19 and 25 minutes.
The upward tendency in the corn market con
tinued, the advance on English grain being fid(i)
is per quarter. - Flour was firm.
The Queen give a grand State Ball at Bock
inem Palace, on the 19th tdt. Parliament
adjourned on the 20th, to meet again on the =d .
The Grand Banquet was gi,en on the 20th to
the Foreign Commissioners -at the Exhibition.
The receipts at the Fair on the 20th, were
Oa Monday, the 20th, the ministry had a ma
jority of 21E, 241, and 43, in the House of
Commons, on three successive divisions, on the
Ecclesiastical 'title BilL
There is little news frOm France. The same
questions ere still discussed, with the same
The Government has received telegraphic dis
patches announcing the vote of part of the regi
ment of the line at Salines, in the department of
the Jura. In a Socialist sense, the meeting is
said to have been confined to two romvales,
which were speedily disarmed, and order re
stored. .
The President of the Republic tm, in accord
ance with the wishes of the peoßle of Byjou,
promisedlo be present at the inauguration of the
Railroad. He 'ls to anire on the let of June.
The committee charged to prepare the fete are
busily engaged, and no pains will bo spared to
render it as brilliant as possible.
A telegraphic dispatch, dated at Madrid, May
16, has been received at Purls, stating that nearly
forty progressionista have been elected. The
Government has a considerable majority over the
united opposition of the Progressiorketsand ultra
Marshall SaMans has riot quitted Oporto, nor
yet formed a Ministry.
Considerable agitation was observed at Lisbon,
on the exiling of the Capanilli on the 12th.
All the Belgium Ministers have resigned. The
grounds assignedlor this step are, the adoption
of certain amendments of the opposition to the
bill on the rights - ,of inheritance.
M. nagier announced to the Chamber on
Saturday, the resignation of the Cabinet.
M. Delchaye Lebiese is said to have been
charged with the composition of the new Cab
Advices from Hamburg, to the 16th of April,
state that the Austrians ware terribly afraid of
-the Democratio Clubs, and publications, Every
Meeting advertised by the clubs were prevented.
The guards and patrols have been increased, and
the regiments in the neighborhood, have been
ordered to hold themselves in readiness to march
upon Hamburg at a moment's warning.
4 ' . The Amnesty question has been concluded.
Kossuth and five others are to be detained in
The Overland Friend of China, of the 80th,
gives the .following in its summary of intelli
gence:— -
The intelligence from the disturbed districts,
received during the month, has been of a con
flicting nature. At one time we bad reports of
- distinguished success on the part of the Imperi
mallets—at another, that similar fortune remain
ed with the insurgents.
From the Chinese Repository, of February, we
learn that the insurgents are believed to poison
mint of the southern departments, of Rwangsi,
Making, and Sineban for their headquarter% and
have raised their chief to the imperial dignity,
under the title of FinucA, or Heaven's Virtue.—
They levy a revenue from the general commerce
on the. Pearl river, from Wuchanth westward,
rind have crippled the operations of the Imper-
balletsto a very serious degree.
India was tranquil. The Import and Export
markets are very brisk, With large transactions.
Accounts frour.Manilla state, that on the 28th
January list, an attack was made by the Gover
nor Otheral on the forts of Looloo, which result
in their capture, together with one hundred
rind forty pieces of artillery and other munition
of war. About thirty persons were decapi
Ow the 2d of March, two American gentle
men, ?desire. Cunningham and Maniquitt, had
been attacked and robbed near Canton.
NKR YORK, June 3 •
The steam ship North America, which sailed I
from Chagres on the 24th tilt.. arrived here last
night, with California•dates to the let of May.
She brought 400 pitaseugers and $BOO,OOO in
gold dual,
The Falcon had not united when "the North
America left Chagree.
The mining intelligence is of the most gratify
ing charucter.
The Whigs have carried the election at San
Rumors which are not credited, are afloat, that
secret expedition is on toot for taking posses
sion of Lower California. •
The Legislature passed a law exempting home.
i steads, and fixing 10 per cent as the legrl rate
of interest The Legislature adjourned on the
30th of April.
• Business had much relived, and prospects
were cheering. 4
The Empire City is pow coming up the har
N. Tonic, Juno 3.
The steamers Union and Oregon - had arrived
at Panama. The Union brought two hundred
passengers and $150,000 in gold dust. The Or
regon had seventy-tive passengers, and $BOO,OOO
in gold dust; and the Republic two hundred
passengers and $1,000,000 in gold—in 61120/0,-
000, balder what Is in the bands of passengers,
probably $1,000,000 more. •
At Gorgona, Miller's hotel was struck with
lightning and one life lost.
The business men have removed from Gorgo
as to Cruces during the wet MUM= The rainy
season had set in some two weeks sooner than
Business In Chagres!ie goad, owing to the
great number of passengers. Some 800 passen
gers were Waiting for the Falcon, far N. Orlesusi
on the Pacific side.
The passengers of the Gold Hunter were not
permitted to land at Tehuantepec.
A severe shook of an earthquake wee felt at
Valparaiso, greatly frightning the inhabitants.
The Legislature ndjoniin r ed oa the last day of I
April, after a 'tendon of four months.
The intelligence from the mining regions is I
most cheering. Through the whole southern ,
region the miners are reaping a rich harvest.
Considerable progress has been made by the
Commissioners in forming treaties with the In
dians, though_they still continue their depreda
tions In the vicinity of Los Angelo..
There has been mach snow in the mountains,
and several persons are reporteed to have lost
their lives.
The prospects of good crops are favorable, the
spring rains having been of inestimable value to
the farmers and gardeners. Business has re
vived considerably, and the confidence of the
citizens in the future prospects of the, State is
' J. E. Lawrence, editor of the Placer Vane,
was attacked on the 80th of April by some row
dies, and severely beaten.
A man named - Grady Swan, formerly of Mis
souri, WILS shot in his cabin at the Lower Spring,
by the Indians, one of whom slipped up to his
cabin, and shot him while sitting at the table.
Three menthe ago r labor might have been had
in Placerville at two to three dollars per day. A
decided improvement in prices Las now taken
place, and labor, commands from five to seven
dollars per day.
The Sacramento Transcript has detailed .se
counts from the milts.
The Georgetown diggings were paying welL
In the volcano, some 800 persons were at work,
averaging from three to sixteen dollars per day.
There are some 700 to 'BOO miners in Todd's Val-
• •
ley, who were doing well.
The Stockton Times gives some interesting
statement's of the discovery of rich quartz veins
in the Southern - mines. The editors consider
that it has been satisfactorily established that the
quartz veins.will eventually prove an inestimable
mine of wealth to' this country.
The Alarysville Herald says that large num
bent of perms are returning from Scott's River,
& locating at 'Morris' itavirke,Lones Bar, Oregon
Gulch, Rich Gulch, and Bute Creek, where none
of the miners are making less than from ten dol
lars to one ounce per day.
Quite a number of ewes of Lynching have oc
curred. A fellow named Bill Harding underwent
the operation at Oregon Ba re r, on the 20th of
Aptilf for home stealing. Fi Helicons were
also lynched near Stockton, on the San Joaquin.
for stealing cattle. Two brothers,
and John hicliurtrie, were hung by.the popit
lace at Mokelomtie 111% on the 9th of April.
Andrew', Mclivaine ' . of Pittsburgh, Ps., in
Sacramento,. on the 15th of April. Peter 8.
Butts, of Moo* Maisel Coon, of Indians;
Dr. S. F. Jamison of ' Dr: Bitumen, of
Melt, who was surgeon of one of the Ohio re
antnents in the Mexican war, woe frozen to death
early rn Apra, on the North Fork of Salmon
river, having been overtaken by a mow storm.
Nzw Yoan, Jane S.
The steamer Empire City, which left Chsgres
on the 25t1t, and Kingston on the 27th, arrived
thii morning. She brings 850 'passengers, - and
82,000,000 in gold, together with ths Calitotnin
Itiabard F.ennedy, of Baltimore, and George .
Eton, of Philadelphia, passengers on the Empire
City, died on the 80th of May.
Letters received at Havanitah from Hine;
say that the cry of liberty was to be raised
throughout the bland on'the 26th of June.
?kw Tong, June 8
In the U. States District Court, this morning,
O'Sullivan, Lewis, and Schlesinger, leaders in
the Cuban Expedition, applied to have their
eases removed to the U. States Cireuit Coot.
The application was refused, and they are to
'plead on Tuesday next.
BALnuoas, Jane 3
The Savannah Republican received to-Eight
says, that the nomination of Gov. hCDowell for'
thavenior, by the Southern . Rights Convention,
presents, distinctly, the question of Union or
secession, and it does not fear the result.
Toby, a elate, was sentenced to be hung, at
Richmond, for, robbing and firing a chicken
house, by which an adjoining house, occupied by
a negro woman, was burned.
• '•
Tao; (11.' Y.) Jima 2.
A fire broke out in o large wooden bisliTing,
in Weld Troy, hut rtight, which was destroyed,
together with two dwellings, and the borne ad
joining. The, lam le estimated at $5OOO, which
is mostly eoeered by insurance.
Lour/roma, Joao 9.
The Wabash, the Upper Bliesissippi, Meals
and MiBBolll4 rivere are all oat of their banks,
Much property has been destroyed, gad the crops
mutually. injured.
Nrw Your, June 2.
Jenny Lind returns to Europe hi a few
consequently her projected rLit to the Lakes
and Canada falls through.
BOSTON, June 3
The Chemical works of the ?desert Baca
East Boston, were destroyed by tire to day, to
gether with &large stock of raw and manufactu
red material. The loss is very beery. Four
dwellings, adjoining, were also destroyed.
Boarox, Jane 8
Lion. John D. Hall closed the argument for
the defenoe, to day, in the use of Scott, on
trial fot being concerned in the rescue of the
Blare Shadrach. The District Attorney, Lunt,
will follow for the Government
Much oatisfactionis felt at the settlement of
the difficulties between the French and the Id-
WAS, growing out of the interpretation of the
treaty of gay, 1846 The Ring bid 1 3 0" 1
proclamation convening the •.Legislature on tho
::oth of April.
Theodore Theobald, first mete of the Swedish
ship Thetis, wits murdered lase - night by the
second mato of the veroeL The mate refused to
allow his subordinate to go onshore, and the
letter, seizing on one, struck the mete on the
bead, killing him instantly.
Nzw Oxis Jous t
One hundred delegates have arrived here, to
uttered the Railroad Convention, which is to com
mence on Wednesday.
.The creamer Union departed for Nrw York
o day. with 180 pavaengers.
Nor Os..tcass, Jane I
Frederick 'Myers, and Reed, allas Davie, two
counterfeiters, hue been tried, and were yester
day sentenced to ten years' confinement each, in
the penitentiary..
Loascuaz, Jona 3
Forty-fire death. ftom cholera occnred on the
steamers Grant Turk, and Pride of the Wolk
on their passage from New Orleans to Bt. Loa,.
All eicepting one Were deck passengers, mostly
Two or three cholera cases hare occurred
The steamer Ohio, from New Orleans, had
four deaths from cholera, and the Belle Key
New Datums, June 2.
The French editor of the Courier, yesterday,
assaulted the Spanish editor of the L'Union, is
the office of the latter. Alter the Spaniard had
received several bssulte, ho fired a pistol at his
antagonist, but without effect.
'New OZLJUI, June 3
Late whims from the West. Indies, report, tlutt
a destructive earthquake had occurred at Gua
deloupe on the 17th of May. lastly bonzes were
cleat:rayed, end the plantation' injured through
out the Island:
Wm. Jenkins has been appointed Warden of
the Maryland .Penitentiary.
Wmimycrrox, June
M. Macedo, the Brazilian Minister, with his
Secretary, Hon. R. C. Schenck, Minister to Bra
zil, and the lion. J. S. Pendleton, Charge D'Af
taircs to Buenos Ayres left yesterday for Nor
folk, to embark In the steam ship Snsquehsans,
for Rio Janeiro.
Mr. Comptroller Whittlesey denies the state
ment recently promulgated, of a misunderstand
ing between Mews. Corwin and Stewart.
E. C. Angelrodt bee been recognized u Consul
of Saxony, to reside at St. Louis.
Pnaanstram, June 3.
Cotton—There Is a limited request, at steady
Flour—Bales 700 bbls at -$4,25 for good
brands, and 200 bble et $4,20 9 bbl.
Corn Meal—Sales of 800 bbls, at $2,76 bbL'
Rye Flour—Sales at $3,50 1. 1 1 bbL
Grain—There is lets wheat offering; sales of
0000 bus white, at 102 c afloat, and small parcels
of red, at 66@,97 bn. Bye la Steady, at 700.
Bales 8000 bn Penna. yellow corn, at 60c; and of
Perm& Oats, at 440 -9 be. '
Whiskey—Sales in bbls at 22i0 'y gall.
Flour—Sales 600 bble H. 13. Flour, at $4,26
and 260 bble City Mille, at $4,37.
Grain—Sales of yellow Corn at 610363 e, and
of white at 68®690. Sales of Oats at 35®410
Whlsk6y;-13alee at 23012 gall.
Hogs—Sales of line Hoge 44136,6066,76.
2001 IMPORT.
Nsw Yaps, Jane 3
Flour—The market is less buoyant, with sales
of 2500 bble at $4 06 for State, and $4 18®4 87
for mind hoop Ohio.
Grain—Wheat is in fair demand, but priced
are irregular. Western corn is lower, with attliii
2600 bushels at 67i per bit.
Whiskey is dull and heavy, at 280 per gal.
Provisions—Pork is heavy and prices nomio aL
Lard to dull at 9c per lb.
Flour ie quiet, at $3,35G4 bbl,
Whiskey hoe declined to 17eoW
Provision are dull, but unchanged.
Oroceriee atm inactive. A wale 120 belt Coffee
at Iqu 10 lb.
The Hirer has fallen 14 inches durir4; the past
24 hours. The weather Is cloudy awl pleasant.
Loevavrwa, June 8 .
The sales of tobacco here, emee the let of
November lent , amount to aver TOOO Mute. The
increase over the. same - time but year,ls 2000
hhtle. The total Wee last year to• the let of
Novembei, were 7155 de.
Common qualities of tobacco are miry low, but
manufacturing demoilyttons are is good demamL
• Nix Oibusui, Juno
The stock of Park, In , the inspection ware
houses, last evening, was 32,000 Ws, of which •
16,000 were muse, and the balance M. 0., prime,
and smineposted. Holders were generally ask
ing $l5 for branded Mese.
Butter—New Western putter is selling at 12®
6c 11 lb.
Grain—Bales of Ohio Oats at 8.3@36e
• take!.
Niw Clatasiss, June 2.
Cotton—The market is dull. with eylea of Mid
dling at 8& B}.
Bacon—The market Is dull with ules of prime
Abed' sides at net B{, and of shoulders at B}®
Lard--Sales in tiaras and bbla at 4091 and
in kegs at lie
Sagan , —ls firm with sales of fair at 610Z1e
IA lb.
filour—The market is henry at $3 76 for
'Whiskey—bales at 18018*clicn•
Coffee—Sales of Rio at 911i119t0 V
Corn—Sales of yellow at We, 111 ,4 Of white at
52c • bunbel.
st a . „„
S. HAWN, corner of Market and Se
d streets,
,haa jest 09.110 i tar ale the Lariett
nnek or ankles In the Messmer Ilne Beer brought to thia
Ott, eonstalng nor clailtr i a Itrllat“ Wrench 4
AWA... "Ulna Patnt, Medium, Decor, and Celt th:2l ,
,noopds, every AITle of Stodlaw, Arnold. llarrlaner,lla•
f•TtwmPlootes. snst, Itlbbert's Weida& bake,
black red, iraar's, Mount* Jackson% 0.1 One , We
betted manufaetnner& Lad reatlla„ Qullle, Wafers, Env&
lopmalLelAea and gnallden Steel Peen PneengWP.e
traZOLT=Arat. variety; Sand
mi . ma
STARD--Colmsn's, in kegs
.12 of 9 lb. and 18 lb. ezeh,lrapoeted, f rst. hr
New Music. ..
Ea and Dublin NYaltsez, complete.
' Weckfo raki Wolf.,
or Gall Look Polka
=burr to.. ._ .
am lb* frimsflof ZaT Mak?
Thou but .atma.4 dm MONS that toted th“.
Scenes thot ono hrlothleet.,
JeanyLtml'aßlyd E ono
Nor reekos Polls. • '
Ire Polka. .."
RIO* Juniata.
UM Bocketor and Okt ]told.
Lamm! of the. BIM& lOrpb. 01,0 '
Thy ma, to moat. to mt. ear.
Lament of the Irish Emlyront. Reed and foe de by
Ety'M ./ GIIIN IL MELLON, al Wood ef.
,Duo. of dlffereftl Oar osla at the I odis Rubtor
pot. Hoo. Lod Wood 4. J. t PHILLIPS.
MAPLE 'SUGAR-2 bble. very choice Ma
al. Saga. lad real and for Ws bt
Wit L. IIeCLuRO 4 00"
myl9 Grue+ and 'Ns Thaler.
40 . VERING'S SUGARS—DoubIe Refined
Leaf, Crosbed, Pulverised sal Powdered, constardl/
eat aret y fili Ode Sy e/14,Mel l eir ne
ui tsh o L et a lowest
seria CSO.Llbartr
DRIED PEACILES-1000,bashels (bright
halve.) in store attil Iry sale bre
, tern _ RIMY, Irarrinrws a co.
DIEWAPPLES-30 sacks prime, foreale
by mfa RIMY. =TIMMS i CO.
ASTOR OIL-9 bble.lßlow's make) for
SUOAIt-- . -240 fat& Wm° N. 0., for sale by
To Tea Drinkers.
rTon want Real Good Tea, go to MOB
, Rl3' TEA MART, the IM•moml; ble dK ,,,, •dir
hort ta• Pra.-4w, 50c, 76 , -, ...I al
OPLEY'S POT CLAY-36 bble. just
P.t Mill by J. 5C1100331.1%611.s CO
CLOVES -1500 lbs. for sole bl
mrvi ri../..rAust out A co.
'BENCH FLOWERS—A aplen.lid variety .
or the tinre.l et to tivaeb Amninn Flovtgazs i ,
tell Ire ate ipra.M.rn to 017 dlesp, et Adrs{s
mrll A. k. AWN. lt CO.
I) HIED PEACHES-35 sacks in More, w
t° MfAll DICKS CO.
I2UCKETS-50 dos. Marietta, for vale by
1.1 m7:l J. B. CA:WIELD.
BROOMS -100 doz. Corn, for sale by
SALERATUS-100 boxesure
bbu. far slat ,
mr7.l J. Z. CAN =D.
PEARL ASH-:5 corks for sae by
to J. a. cAsrirr.o."
T ASH-4 cants pare, fur sale by
ALERATUS—S tons in boxes and casks
it bole In Paled Papmr.
mals by 110b6ILT 14.1.5LV
ilitua i ) APPLES-20 bags for an t.
k by OOP
IJ, myr a: - DA .
ASH--5 casks for L
-F1:0111 DALT.M.I. IXL
PEARL caaks for sale by
- - - - - -
ixtklorese'd mu* me at the Nl+O.+ of
=T29 N. !J. wit...num/a!
p . 'CHANGE BANK STOCK—tar sale
But. ash.l Csavage Brulrr.
S ' 'DRIES-14 WA/. 022292;
" o. llard:
13 meta reolbere, _.
2 " aneenc undeng from .tr.
11•71lane , e: and tor sale by
11321A11131C1CXY a CG.
0423 Front mei Wiget eta
t< r. on bond, n a nar i l r w mu. r. L a tutz; ... z .
11,:tivritilrha. Rubber DePol 1.4 9 Weed . 1 -
J. a ii. Pll 'um.
air -ti
GOLDEN SYRUP-12 half bble. and 24
i L .s. Golden 977 1 147 0 4 .2!1a ymc50 x . co.
CllllO 31E GREEN-5 cases superior crud
it r . 63, aaambast ;area& b 7
al, 5
New Books,jest received:
GREEK GRAMMARfor the use of High
end Vednreiden , P. BUM.= revised
ewe eat t s= by bit am Le Rotansain II en. an,.
The den Conlederstee. sad Rebellion et Mt by Wm
"lVdttl FdrYlid Idennoisle of Captain Medias
Conger. for y yeareasziner and iddraeder fee= lld
poet of i s ark; er Rev. U. T. Cineree_,lina ton.
Val eels by R. 110PINtl,
mile 11l Apollo Roildlose. Fteath 4.
I UY sums Yellow Dock k Sarstparills—
tvee. fee nu b e KIDD CO.,
11311. 60 Wood Et.
WISTAR'S Balsam of Wild Cherry-1
7 T (gram Iby a& by myl9 J. KIDD & CC.
UEMPBEED-30 bble. prime, for sale by
ms. mris J. KIDD & CO.
CASTER 01L-35 bbla. No. 1 (pure) for sale
by . myl9 J. K . IDD k CO.
1010NR ROOT-2000 lbs. for oak by
w 719 J. KIDD i.ll
'carman, and our on msnofootum. Ix oda at the
Cloth Wit Dom. Noa.7 and 9 Wood it.
J.. 1 U. 91111.1.193.
!Eureka Mining Company of Michigan.
Fir lIE Stockholders of the Eureka Mining
L cenntp, l r a nitro. are het
"17:11 7 0 0 lb"'An,',i1T1.,, c. o.& of
wilbto . thirr; . from this dtto, at
the dace oleo Com yin nee ' lila . occupied by
lloonsf A Cicai.l. c ueli nit, Zey. )41 Co. of Mcb.
b-Mliirfittr/Fr&rk rear.cBtnra
' - 't h :r Fl 7. J.O. 1..12
J 1
101 Liberty
1 1 ! ''" f t112.41- o r% Msll l7,
a• au, a
. p. and Meet W
A slraVd a ortmmt ' of Blasseilleo and . lAtztioVed
lIRRRIMG--.1 0 bblo new for sale b,
W. V. WI N.
COFFEE -1 5 p bop Rio, for solo by
VEN. RED--15 casts (English) for sale by
0,714 3. fiCLIOMIAIES a 00.
- - • •
CLOVES -2 b Ms. for salo by
..Yl6 J. SCHOON•1•8133 • CO.
SUP: CARE. SODA-10 It_m_f_os sale by
J. ECE1001.••• a CO,
torl• Wood 0.
S 1113 A 111 1 11 0, 12 . 14 . 55E„ . 9 -- - 0.
be. lAA& • •• $3 , .I‘. by
DILIMIDuZ • 1111311 Ran.
lI — OU - LPERS-32 casks or sale by
.my I 0 W. P. MAR ALL, SS Wald tt.
C HEAP WALL PAPAR—For sal e_bh
R. Li mid W. V. ABBILALL.S3 W
- - -
=r).o pAdAp.n.7lsgb-wcx d
L-3 bble../t 8 kegs No. 1, for sae by
.101111 WATT t
F TS-1 1/7;b14. mg 40 ILL bbla. Haltb . aan iterrins;
10 b 614
COFFEE -100 bags Rio, for sale by
mie J.ThN WAIT a C.
I 0 IRON-100 toxin Hagan : oo co., foi
sale by myl6 JOll2l WAT n T
a CO.
Poch! -
UST opening—_-1. very excalant assortment
of )(INTEL OCI.d. at. tmas $5 to t,
all warran
jto torp gad tn..
alan—Ura. Many Clocks, On $1.50 =h. and warrant.
rinue , to put ow In ere. vs.n.
W. W. WILMS.' G 7 Market Id.
earn. of Fourth.
rIPLARB• SWORDS-Jut reed., a lot
at Knlgtqf
ngaud award; ths mblacutot
min W. W. IfILZON.
OR to close consignment--. 50
. ssz pl o; oNs ABU, Onfigl 7 . l.ef i r mi azi aM
a% Anuwintais l laallroad NW.
sails ....eornsePsnessewsrs•stets,rousasslL
.. . _..
Huy. 4 ce. oblarstad , A•T a Wkar Ifarlu,
mift.u.m..mwmmok 4Nrgirs.-
mot md by was= Etnet.
her mama of lisdsh sad laxim
watt to ipongsw% mad th•=aittiMrx ea
12104M1,1111112110101Mtlatillaki. - . - 1.1911,17
United States Hotel at Philadelphia. •
rbeE SUBSCRIBER respectfully ant:tonn
a,. Is hie friends and the teaselling condountty,
hos aasommed the Proprietorship of the UNTLIKD
STATEN HOTEL. Long kneness to eonneetion vtth the
Sad ender the late Proprietor, he bele perfectly ash In
orondsing Its old patrons, that nothing shall be 'maw
toonas. Its previous reputation se the best kept Imam
ba the oonntry. ho expense has been spared in notairrte
ir reading the entire estabilahmesst. and he
100110. atuntion to the oboe intledueed rtii7 con.
sentence and comfort of Ladle. Eel= OtEdy Wand.
ed to ale& eatisfactlon, herubella a continuance Of that
parr:mane slimy. ea. freely. testomed on the old United
Fecruara, No. South 80.14 Street,_ More
41,14,)1ag1e1p1114. &War
w-cc±D."' WOODWAIire " !, " * . hole
ode Grocer. No. = itarketst., Philadelphia. .$1
D. 0. Jecmatom , SD
I EALD, BEIC . KNOR &. CO. Tobacco
Umbooto, N 0.41 Nortl;Water nowt.
North . Mama. l'bllodelphls.. one '
MERCER dr, ANTELO; General Commis
-don Mirehente, PULA.lptila. Liberal selvseeee
e eerudgemeeate of Prolace menaly. (jasarlem
Office for Foreign Patents.
N 0.5 Wall at., N. Fork, and 166/Teet at., London.
lo Orval Bravo* From. liolloAd. =I all
eil Carte of Enrope—tbe Litudu, Cuba, col the Err
Full Inionastion on the above caneshall by addregalag
6 Wall greet. New look. '
Fire Works for Fourth of July, 1851
OSCAR JOLLEY k CO., 180 William at.,
few Ton. Importers of Znglbh . French, and'Oen.
man TOYS end PANCY r/OODS, and manufecturen arid
Imparters of VITUS WORKS, her's.encteeded P. L. Volt.
In the Flre Work badness. and availed themselves of the
vast mom.. of that long ortabllshed honme,are now pre.
mud to furnish every deecelption of works, suitable for
large public or mall exhibitions. on the most reasonable
tome. O. J. It Co. deem It unnecessary to ear vertlulng to
Praia of tho 11rO Wool, furnished bj. them, no their Mr
is already well retabllehed. Tn. include beedd as
the exhlblUonpieces, th e roc. ouperlor Rockets, Roman
Candlehh Turbolllon., Vert:Wes, Dengolag, Gentle., Water
Pota, Colored Pt e, Chinese Bodeen , . Globes, Double Weed
ers. Plover Pots, Ors. Hoppe., Torpedoes, Pullers. Mee
ranee, Pin Wheeb. Scroals,Trlangles, &none, Blue Ughts,
a girre Cr =u j lrf e l .f.gted. myto=.lclT
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
IDNE'S EMPIRE INK, 87. Nassau street,
0 ses Building, Neer York.'
letirrrintial TES taint.
n4 U : P " : S I o ° o 6 4
Tr1 L . M.•:1". ..::: - .7 4° .
...PR. per gall= —al meta.
Thle is the Pent artle.e enannisetunnl. It foes freely—
!. a Burl OOPYLNO INK—.ad mill 808 eon.* mount,
ritra gor ago d
Rtitrrill jut, soltablir i ler a' th rtr
solrebly adapted for Elea Ye
The under.loned to srsparse t:ruzia to a ei
ther for athort or both. ethointontlon, at the m ere. !ter/
t no 0000
oofUen= cat ann
N.Z.°'l4: :=l,7;=.
or keg. the chuged !thus at nett co.t.
Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopherous,
dmirig, pi:mewing mil beau fifylo ,
the hoU mulles
Wag scurf and dandruff. and miring &maws of the slin,
r,lands sad
bas ben . AZin VP.f.'pl;lot Il V aViTiroot .
emus has pro It
duced the effec ts.lo wring dlenses Mthe
skin. etc. of the bone. and 411 the animal blood®. The
following tastunoul•le, :elected from 00.40040 of eicollar
Irge 7. 1 2M70 Vlll7ll jr ' NI 4 T.T0P144 .0 ,12tfi
given it atrial:
:Cm Tom. Sept. Tit 1350.
Pam. Ilutar—Dwr ffir-1 have bee aniseed with • cre
humus eruption of tha malp. of • moet •c4r...t.1
attn., for- Up. tut dzirs. want and dumng that period
haw had the advice of fume of the moat eminent phial
rims. and have tried MI the PrepacethewOm mit mid
Ltin Dow knawn. without We least Musa. I roe adViMed
y • flood to to your Tricaphcpum I did iv, as a last
resort. md. to my surprise and gratification, found myffielf
cured .bear two months. Poch vas the .101000 e of the
dbmiler that at time, 1 was partial) r Mind.
lissmictfully. 1 41
ti T3l RAPELTY..
Oaltunhht etre; 00090100.
. :cm IS:4.
Taar. Bauky—:M, Dear Bir/bctst two Tears ago my hair
nuns ont •vett drab and my brad wur much &Minted
with dandruff. I Wpt told by • friend Wary mnirTrieonher
u• mal I did m. and to my antantibprad. my hair nun ,
anal, mated. andall the dandMiff dlialarwareff.
head now oho". for Weir
I am abed%
""""'t. c•lrt:A Div mu- 6.3
If any lady or gent/email doubta the authenticity of .the
aim,. they will anane cell l'lnfmnor A C Barry • oak,
Mr., they
New Cork, ►where ha ►will maature the otigi.
nal air
(Fn. tie Edina, and Nara! Amor. Nor. d. 1850.1
Mery le uo temedf for the permanent cure of baldneou
wl dlacaere of the cranium naturally; that hue reached
the teiptiluitv enjoyed be . the ankle mown an Profciam ,
Banjo Tranatilarnitia. or Eithrtileal Etidatioottd. It h Y..
trovlvely wed by tho purer claim, of the onsumuulty: to
almoet tramtutraerr 10 the htid lt lit in! it to Erl'hilli..h
othrr 1411(11.• 01 Ulf kind. It inaparta rigor to t)eiroota of
the hair, and thus tan list I:moth hi • he..
.EWE de
gree. It &strafe the dandruff and, wort'. and Jul tbe
hair dos ....1 glean. la will cam all 4 ko. e 1..7 of a *alp.
pitch as amid bred. dew norm, and ether oboe:taus &nor
der, of the take In eborapnext at veil a:vet:srace; it vim&
unrivalled. It is sold In httre o.4lltni prim l•Zet - irat..p.
LE Ilroadwar. and at the thong - 61a genarallr,'llirou t
the Etdtad Statesand Canada. at: l . f
i Pll.ll47ThrG INNS. ,
lICTCHINSON •k. Co., No 13 Spruce Street,
1 - E. 1014011 YEINTINO INEtt, for Steel and Litho.
&mph! y
w.rnat a. b. and for I- ne a re th ei: tud ./clll Rory., nit
. ...-%
wort really no all nedi nreatee.
Etilicou In lb lute. are melt wane. a ;lel.
tame and to no lc Impartial.. .7 otheditill•ncali
In us. Mt= nu ft.= lb ct• to 1140 E) Pt , lb-.
pot op in eau. and forawardni to order. . ,
11. k. Ca oho suututiteture eolor•I inks ot a rea abode and
totality earring troo k lixo to 11E•00Pid lb. nail'''.
Shawl and Idantilla Warehouse: ,
.522. p Stabs,' NEW TORE, is note opening one of
the l and richest aesortmenta of SPRING AND
SUMW SHAWLS ewer Why. rerelved. Also LACE
MUSLIN .4 sliklods of SILK MANTILLAS. manofartn.
red Ran lbw leted Paris &Atka, mvirol br tbo strAnkerr
end rarticulatly adsnted to the A
Sprlna tredo.
dly, eery rolendid eta. of PARASOLS AND UN
iE LAP, emulating of fringed end Onto .01014 bolt=
and silk and Turk Patin PareroL4. and Cotton and Gin
Umbrella All of trtddt be offered etr
low ptlots. We eopecielly Invite our Weettffn fettlnds to ex
amine opr dock before urrhttlnr.
Also. WIRE SIIOS STANDS. for eltdbltlng Shawls and
Mantillas. put up In mos for tnsuatnetation. redirtf
iiirphy's'Belf43ealing Advertising Env
The The aberriber, in soliciting all .ho
may ere thielOrertlmment„ feels none of dud hesitation
with which a star ...le le brought bd.!. tbe ..01.1;
eA d ertirra q. a tk vsxVltt e es=e. u l i t=lit t rr= b ...‘:
ny of thaw badness men who bas ;seed them envelope;
msd to him rapidly barn s.= mks. as proof of their, excel.
The following are • far of the mama the their Polo
' laxity:
id.. On the place mended by the seal. • Yam Mer
Ma ha rum, busbies; sad dam; osymplemsusly and
beeutlfullyembomed, colored a plait; tam affordlhg Pa.
, feet memitLagalsat fraud.
74. The MITII/01u moat be opened rilthord. being thr.
V.leltherra '
fas are moulted tu mai th em.
ith. Upon t/79 misca of a . the - aid Insnmelts
I imutla,ts:
t r=sto u t=. Instead of hang buried
I Ith. The /invelopm an furnithed at ahrodt..the am*
I ptiose as Faaln ones.,
ON. 60.0 lettar galled le aumiteffeetive adverdamant.
I mr. to .100.01 the attention of all throosh vb.. had. It
nrerinl.i.. i. • lie. Of rd.. for Dim. arra...
bras; mid ablels all last fa year; and of hamorms. of
the vertu] do, either .hoe o r bu it . of good top er....
''' '" " A t " Po 714, name, .
=7 /: re reloat watt a ,
I ffl
to let lo.. ters or less.-- ... SOO atars
1O to
30 to 40.......7.16 .- th...c.:0 0 3300 . 7,5 0
40 to 60 ' 54/0 ffal -10,60
00 to 50 ..... .4._ ....... 4.-10.00 1000.-..... .1.3 X
10 to 100 ----h.12045000 .-.-... ...... ----lb.°
Wan It L. not eourenhlnt to fap.N .. .moooo of order
t " ''''' gr L'lMAZ. 2 '2ll°.V.:l= b 4 , 4':"....l rk
attoaton. if mistressed . Wll. 111T.PlrY, 00
• No.= Aladleon street, NC. Toth.
Orden will be attended to promptly,' If left at the storm
of ileum 151 ball 0 31010, 00 Wall arm; or of need; 11.
Javffman 100.134 William .t. •
N. W-Budnees Canis. embossed to odors, from rams
1)5.a. at 1110,00 per thourad. 0 fe7Y=d9m
CONTINUES his usual facilities to-receive
on Storage. and Itacohiment. all Morchandlea
ccontigneal hho. Boats leave his dock dant 44 'an Pan , .
on the Lakes and the Illinois Canal and Naar.
ItercrencerMarani. bue as na. ktralinn k Co;
Minna. Jon d Mcilant
Mr. John A.Cannher.
Prather.. Commlodurt...l Irnmardirta Merchant., as the
Lev., Fa Joeeph,
lien. to Ale.ader Gordon. and Lam.. Fterfins 0..
PAVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney 'nt. Law,
and Commtorlnner for Prmmr T lrnnli, et. Louie. Me
ecomunications DrerePrir mnrfrml. e,el=l/
jOLIN 11. RANKIN, Attorney and Coun-
Nom. at L. and Connate/4=er for the Slate o
orddivanle. Lord& Ma, (late of Pltteberala)
Iteadenoce—ntaborgh: Hon. W. Forestal. Mempton 2
Miller, Weal:Wiese McClure, Joke X. yarte. !linens 2
Semple, McCord Co.
MILE undersigned having entirely re-n. 2
built and enlarged the shove .to.lve
meat. oontaltang In all about time hundred and ling
nump, would respectfully glee notice that it is now reedy
fm the reception and secoiannodation of the travelling
dn.tended notice of the uretargwevodconveniences , of LLD
RouseU deemed .perguttos, Who numerous tutor..
midga which have been made cannot te properly given In
an advertisement. Engl. It to my, no we pause hes been
epathcl to rend. any erwrionentpe i rfze o t..
cwt. erloeTtal:"'en'st, IspegallTtim.nraTtal
rooms, will to foniurto be of the 04 teautlful mmtface
We. The Dining 21,0.1 s eapslci ' one; and the house for
wale will he so arranged as to suit the convenience alb*
early and late.
gnu department will be conducted In as dmeteeptiona.
/de manner, and the proprietor 'ledges tdmvelf that the
American llonse'shalfbe trot,' the Traveller's Dam.
felOWnatedgeotaT , LEWIS DICE.
Copley's Pot Clay. •
I/1E subscribers are noivi Sole Agents
". (motet k. Co., Par th eidialint their Pot cur,
le of wall eatabilahed reputation for the manufacture
of Olsen Pota.Steel Pots, dm It le male of one of emu:root
Infusible substances known; and le rare =Weir ealected
end cleansed week= to prim/leg,
J. Prid1100:01/LICER t CO.
EMP-4.5 tone Mss. D. o n oo sale by
nrylb .1,431E8 A. inss a co.
MACKEREL -50 bbla. No. 3, for Isola by
Ibr 1. by MLA-MX=O A, ON,
. Oman rid Tr urrra2
SALMON -30 bble, and hf. bble. No. 1, for
lIERRING-10 bbls. No. 1 (pew) for sale by
son THHIBILIDOE k 12.01.11tA51.
-100 bb 111.1.3101saacc
10 - 13 ,u;L„,,,. •
fr, Ikolo
” misztanoz a .I.iigif 4 a.
tIoPE SliklVLS—Rec'd thin _day. per
oogyagstan at thaw mad PAW .
• Craw CDiIIR at co.
• Howe And Lot Sir Sale.
A.LARGE LOT, on Leacbek street; Al- =II
legheny. runolog tbroaglitoßokoooi,trocitlow ti
on teed Amt. with • dipth of Uti kin. war.
'siker with t e rm Brick Dcroll!lbKll..Oscopouttillsez lz
r .,.. 'voofieT to ACii. "..
M.= rts..t. or JOBB P. •
TORE ROOM TO LET, thie Market=
wand door from Foorth,_ and sdjoloing
J ban. w.R. Waeox.
Store a= Ms the bindmeoest front In Um MT; and fa
the boa lothEort for•• Dr,. Oath, and Tang' /MM...
Rent ffi the balm. or the' year mill be thrrlow. , En.
• • tr.:rasa%
Beal Estate for Sale. •-:
• VALUABLE unimproved LOTi.cei the
, 11. eon= of Liberty rtel hetory streets, TM WWI.
Moog* Om Goon= What. Cboren. 30 lbot boat on Lfte
orty. by 100 foot deep cat Faetca7. naming teen to gyring
. I.2—rtrt
A three stozßriek Dwelling Moo. 010 Marti
et, adjoining th e. e. the lot being 20 foot front by
Mb WY &op. 'Th. berate Is large and eonrenlano bolit In
modern ety le. aed eontatna green
Alao—Di we. of Irce7 valuable IMikli near gittbortilt.
Alio—A Yam of 115 acres in Wert Derr tornrtip
Also--A Ferro of ILK artra In lantana =emir. orolle
from Nee Castle!
Zs . OZ•larnin Hearer conntl. of "arid. dm , 'mat
Arkeea from MO acres down.
Also-12 ray 'skald. Els In Fannon, Minas. Peens
moderate. Enquire of
N. P.* 0.1,11. prrritasulf.'
Attorneys at Law, end Beal Aden%
myZ3 No. 10: Youth greet, PittgaarEll.
Lawrenceville Property. for Sale. .
MICE Board of School Directors will sell,
210=111M7WAV1ViggO h itfild:r 4
ronntior slooOlass , st &my to rorter'ssllnstinv_throo
fronts. on which is emoted • two anoT 0 °
PW street, and n Crum Tams toads knonn dsT of
sen 8. 1 HAL. Ss* ,
Lawrenceville, MoiZ.% 1851.—DnyZinly
rR RENT—A Warehouse on Water ••••
eset. between ltazitet end Pery, nibble tail
• inainee buneas. Znqttire of
sera JA3IF3 MIZELL. 11$ Water et.
• To Let,
. .
FrHE well and fainiahed 5t0ie,17"..7,
• Ji. on Shied One:, ear the Poet Me. at eat
oampied by Me' . Parkerou • Jr•er7 . t..... 4 1 1,27.....
to • E. D. GAZZA3I, TS MeV . sc . ., •
my 1.6.1.!
[Dc•t, Tribune , . and M•hatch c0p7.1 •
FOB. BALE, _ _
JItPIIIINACE, at Dresden, Muskingem en.,
Ohio, 11 mil. from Zane,.he'll% hay rannl c=ords.
torkt'int teeno Engine. costae of =mina out 7
bins. Iron nerd., There Co an abundant ann., ct
On its mediate ' , Wait). It Is nansected IT a sin.
autal with the 2dttakipoun tattb to navigable ro,
stealth.ta the greater putt of thereby eittonini,
fatillthe Itat shipping to Tanonille..r obint on the
Ohio river. at low rat. of freight. Th e Iron ...fon
mantles red at Able Furnace. h. lwein tortenand in
Zuresitille. Par *nu strly to
G lifedVAN=Milist 2 tie i f
ToTransportem m eoion, and Grocer
• ~
VOA SALE, on negommodating toms,
a l Yn:Z r utii . . g',lttt.tett eX gh.
alhanla and Ohio /fairtaa=tlta • mu...a t.tpt.)
Kral a:landing back to ta Basin. thensby*,anng
the wreatest fadlities far oblinnent either the Uallroad
terms, email.. of D.C. STOCKTON, AlleaDeey City,
or at the Beaks/km of H. G grocHTON..... or Market
and Third errata. ,
To Farmers.
fi ACRES Fuming and 'Graiing
` (l(~0
land , . in Warren county. located on th e
m e: twy river, within twelve miles of Um 1O York out
Also—l,ooo Acres to Elk , forcounty rale on
On& Mon.' Enquire of A- LIN & CO..
tart' comer of Mutat and Third Ma
To Gardeners.
ENTY ACRES of Gardening land, al
e,ready under grad nellirahom, todhin wile of fi •
will be ,old for EAU on Nere—eme third nub, and th •
balance In one. two, and three. resee. Aar Damara .eu
quire ache Banking Howe of
A. WR.6INB & Co..
met corner of Market and Third els.
Desirable Subtataa.Besidence for Sale.
MILE 'subscriber offers for sale the house and
1017 F: °M e: :M r s = r'''',,AVA,%• t g:l• P ftr - iro b t.
the market oft da city. ' su "' • is 140 ft.frocit on Part it,
running honk 252 feet. to an allay--containing nearer 000
Ithe 01 ground. and is bounded on every side by large
002. adorned 40th ones and throbbery. The hon. Ls
reen /en , and exesallyt wen arranged. haring
front& 00 fee, and a depth .d contains fourteen
scow. besides bah nine feet wale. it is built bathe
end mart durable manner, and has rm.-proof toot and
ran g all the usidern connudences. Tiro pumps, with
an unfailing supply of hani and soft water, are at the door.
tin the "moils. are the necessary out Oniktings. stable.
Tantage - house, ge. The VV.& an laid oat mostly as U.
lauty'covered with choice 00011 trete, ervrcremu'llowerissig
shrubs, osnunte, comeberriaa resplituriee.a..and •
from. of the bast kind, and the topes ars in
the mau
the ir prime, and yield enoli far theirs:as atm ardtrarr
family. The situation of We property, as to uluhrlty and
enburban comforts. combliont - wlth contignitY to th e 4/07.
L is not. surnaeud bY any residence la mi. vicinity. Whs.
vie. PI the 05.10 Elva our a Mk, of Temperance.
stile. South Pittsburgh. the city, the toed rime, and the
hills around. burning altogether • 040,4*.M,L.tagd Diet o
which the eye never wearies. - Every boat enters or
fluso n. ilr reut . cgittebutulkon the Ohio. Immo td
101x remove . ; rmm r ..001 0000 4000. .0 dagiv nad. am Wes "=rof
a nd and TOrPtAtiCet ear arced, retirement as quiet
and powered self bowl in mute quiet nook In the country.
The property will Weald at &bargain, .04 pmeadon given ,
wheDever esired. Esquire at the llasette art
•rdmiti D. N. WHITE.
For Sale.
par, members of the Fainnount-Fire Com
.ffab.:ll-rbei"ils%eize " 6'4
SITH, Beet;
409 Penn ervet-
•BENT—A Dwelling 110=0 pnia
'Med atrestrabors and near to imitrobakt. It
ertnres. rnsd, semis bon., W
to ant W and possesdcmatet 1.....110. 1 7. •
Alto--Far Salo or Lew. some lots In the Ninth Ward,
between Pens, street W oo. andAllsigbear
sr Benj. Dastlngtotes, Fosulth street, nets Wood.
mer=tr •
Valuable Real Mate for Sale: •
• City of. Pittal
SUBSCRIBER offers Sae, onif t
mrgh. vi
folloiring Real batate, in
No. 1. The valuable throe story brick dwelling bower,
on Memel street. between Market and Ferry stmeta, the
lots being each 11/ feat front by 60
it Contain 67 fort front on Thiel street ' adjoining
the ' Tbird Pretl3 - tertati Church. On vtdettimieded out
roar story Orli* house mot as a rein:log adds, and one
two story brick warebliam
NO. J. Two lobs in Tallstm, 'Beaver county:beim lots
ad 4, being about. C 9 feet mums, on whlchis creel.
.d ono block of bur frame dwellings.' and .ovaries
frame dwelling, all two stades
Na 4. One lot 60 feet fronton Back street, oppoodte the
above, and emending to the top of the bill.
No. 6. Two beach lots. each fift fiat front, toll running
from the rood to low mg. marg. , . lb, Big Bram, Ban.
with One valuable water lot. 105 Mt on Tiled gam.
with ten Mares water rawer attacked.
No. T. Om lot Matto the water lot. SO feat front, and
minding to tbe top of tba WU, on which Ise. one
two aim hick store and warehouse.= by 60 feet alsome
frame dwelling, two stories DUE.
No. 6. One large lot In Now drightm. Beavermuott. be -
Ind about 140 fort on Broadway, and about 210 feet deep.
containing 1.14 sera, an width am meted two large trim
dwellings. and ono entall frame hems, used as C. office.
!Ns D..wrc one t i Tu t izLiecn o 4==p op fl i, V...
N. 9. O. tester lot. Itortedlately rsilstest Bridge.
helms *boot 100 feet in length., ehtt eatending tram-Weier
street tale's water mot. or toeing ratla.
The abore . merristl c l,tie L bald i ol a t c leri o rs=
LPIII.IOVI streets... om° JOTni TLE.NILTZI, Agent.
meh2l Vourtml and Post eorr.l •7 •
For Hale.
BLOCS Or BUILDING& on the corner of Wash. ''''''
n and Nan street., and fronting on the Pe
eta Canal. in the Ctry of littsbungh. The Lot front.
hundred and forth lour feet oft renn street, and one
hundred and rdw feet nine Inches ork Weald:Wen Meet.
to a twenty feet alley. Innulre of • , •
Io.IOS Penn st.-
FOR !MLR—T.O Ley •f. 3" on
the Parer Creek, with U. nesessarp water power. Also,
a .11 thaprored Form 10 L1M.111..111t7. $5000.
.41ao, a Farm of 114 scree, on the OW Aver, three lanes
below Bearer, for 84,310. Al o, one or 140 saes, on the
Ohio river, 6 nate. below Waver. for 133 14er arra Map,
000 acre. for 1118 peru se. Al.afartat UO. 115, and 96
soma, for 12.5 per . Also: 1,6 am, for "A ,
was for 815 per scra,_together with roan/ other s of
ons alum and pr.. Enquire of
r. o. B. rtrnrcaLt.n..
Attorneps at Law and heal Estate Agents..
6610 107 4th st. Pltubunch.
signed often for intle • large number of 'enable'
tu nig lots. and tome very dealt-ale dreg for =masts
Wriest, to the Borough of Linningbant. located near the
Public Bacot Maas and Engilib Winn. Church.
The rapid growth of Birmingham in population and
martufecturing wealth. and Me reasonable noon at. which
lots will be sold, will render them weal and profitable
eminent. Title perfect. Tern. favored.
thjeoortdre=il.llVrttr:Ve. :tatthinfet.l.o-1
burgh, between althil and dounda ' etreets. of of re
Bynames and N. Patterson. Enflt thdr 0.51 M. In Birm
ingham. .10.1 310413 V. BATON. .
'FOR RENT—The large and COMO:10,1M
otta on Penn groat. (Lily otdoldoll bY
Ethotydr„) oath an entire lot adjoining, .wan
tool ma • yard. Altaa—atabling
_tor tots l•Na.- EwanOa
No: 6V Water st.
FOR RENT-The Dwelling House, 0n . 2
the enrner of South and Won Commons, lately
occupied by Thomas Arbuckle, deed. i l / 4 1.24.110U ghr
ea lannedlately. Corona of Jonah King. Enal. W
U. Antbor Cotton K W.• ts. Alleabonr , arlb3l
LOAF SUGAR--150 bbls. (aged Nos.) fo
myls ' Da Watt? rt.
LINSEED 01L--30 bble. (warrantedpure)
for We by J. SCROONMILKER t CO.:
mylb Vicod
15 eases for rale LT
my-36 ISCIIOOnIAraEIt k CO
OPPERAS—Z bbls. (good) for sale by
=l5 J. ECHOOMAKER & 00.
LU3I-50 bbLi. for sale by
m 71.1
'3 —Them Olaros us of gm% ninny to all klada of
nrit opetetV . ko i tbo t. tould. lit wooing, =eh
111:17ble=tr awl:2 h
J. vrn"urs.
erlog Ibr sort floors or MOM selfgdkorlog nal kir
,perrkau to air or "War; for /tale al Nog I gad 9 Woad A.
NEW RIBBONS—A. A. 111,usorr tr.. Co. are
now reeolvins a MI sweartuient of beautiful new
' 4 111:7 1 1gla d r =
eall ' inentret tu • • e wen WV 1mP747
eRIMPED TARLET,ONS--Just , received
-1.) thie moroldwouad nalr opine 10 heitems ethos* my
do-11,bl* Crimped Tatham., tar Bonne* Lledeg. The sr ,
LION 1130-
It LACK BARAGEI for Mourning Veils
JO received at Lb* are -
' ne
•. nod handy :NH dr'
patesoLsn PARASOLS!! of !wrest
.01/1"" v nr•puir s scacuruw•s
SRAD-10 bids new for sew e by
rtly • 7.
mn rec,
1131 r. an 112031%
/10,!!at b IZ M : ..
n i t l."l" Jai n iWh
YELS.—We lave receiv•
v v ad an additlooal:a=gor
lha rdw,,o,„ daft..
filo secousts of their
Mous eade• of acsoK al^ Osus. awv=
ib,,,..uns 11 M ?.!06 0 . 01 amortamt of Dfftwalls.
S.T6 ifvlll.llY ACH/MILD.
A. Jfor sale by
A¢HF2rOCSt Qp.'
- g - G — OT- 40---- /PL
mrs '
T lir, mama pike Caah paid for all
&email grades dem ruhrd
=MP= at 7.412.
rio. 4 R ZANESVILLE —The fine
mareerineentr-ox.emestero.runee Argat
Wr above arid lute= opal.. thl•
st leoloek.
roe fteleht or puns, opolr =Ward—, :
tel new ideittler GLArt - TT.o, Coot.
wlll, lan Ibr Wa stove mot all
mediate pats oo tomorrow. 0.4 o'clock. P. F. e •
raged or pomace aosay boord..• jet •
L'OR ST. LOOM—The fast • tulk- - -
A: Tdillar Namer =ITO& 43.1. Nb ACV
for '‘. NW i i t t=, UN itn untant.:-
' , or Might at mous% 34tay boar L , •
TIELLB-11•Aleedhl rurr ). "..1 Watt
.111 2 es ' ne Stsesba .t.. lv t ajlrott oilte pats on WikblaldlY.
KlO 10 o'clock.. A. Y.
pm Night or posii• apply ma boar. ce
JeliN FLACK. Agft.t...
did stunner NAVIGATOR. art
Is Mare fbr the elan. and sll
parts on this eel. the 4th Led-, at 10 o'cloba, A. M.
for freight or InfaN4r,•l9 l 7 on boar:bor . to .
Timm rirrsnunon* 3031/33.
• idea= PILOT Na. 3.3. (3133 33033
vill Lama Plttsb3 , 33 3.1;1 33,13 3= 13 . 333 33.133.
, yrkuw, at- 3 a 3 a.: »A 33233
learn Boatish tbi Captl33. RaN113t.3.1130.13333.04 -
err Wedneeday and 33=33343100w0r.3.3.33.%magers
goe 3..:31 op= th is 1333 mak= n 333337
dVireig3M;t:33'":"3lY on koo.
_CINCINNVII; Ogitaln John
inctien. Maio reloodidtesteree built
the owners of the steamer lease lieir=rd *them**
the Cincinnati end Pittsbneghliseket and will leave
etti7 WWl:ender ibT aIICIII2IIIII. in plane o the Sty Ear
9 4 n. rI 4 Fa""ll4T. effiliareasr.
J - REGULAR PACRET , :-The m kndlit
fist running 10.1111 host CHIEFTAIN. R. T.
Kerr; !dasher, lessee the end of the. O d Atlarhetsj RAU%
((SL Mats street.) creel hour, eanunentittst at V o clock. A.
ennt(nnLvg until the Gsrdensekee. Eisen)) laud
on the Allegbenr ride, for the aceoratorstattnn PL..*
gent also: at all other points....l/CirEstra TfiIVTX
kek. P. M. 4.711
.61111 1851 a
THE mHE new and fact Twining idr..CASMER;
J. S. ilattrtusi. )faster —ltegular
tenant, Wellsburg, Wheeling'. lirldtraPte. CaPtiO 4 .
Sawfish "Pacltet-4eaves Pittsburgh s a W•dirordar at •
8 &dock. P. IL. hr 'Wheeling and sewn, aM nen
Sattuday,at P. 31.„ for Cantina sod Pvilniv. •
leaves bullish emery. Monday at 10 o'clock "
Drithreport and ifbeellag aver,' ILonday and Thursday. at'
Yor freight sad passage apply CC beard or to
• mall JOE:: FLICK. Agstib
• TIVSEV wriasni.La AND PITTS.
IL— demur ALLIDIA.
D. P. Kinney, router. lams Wellsville <Ye' Bbader ,
w.dae.daTo ,o 4 moan or. souook, A. xi., for roa• tor ,
erp.l. (ano , . lfeFerraea Land_ ,int Som. sad Pitts
burgh. ',ray. Pittsburgh emery Tuesday, ThursdaY, and
Saturday. at lUdelork, A. 81., for n.,.. , : r.maY.....e4*.a•
r; !wow, Ear. LitatrOPl.'..l Wr/ 18 'ffle .
For freighter passamapply on toord.
1., WILEELING PACICKT.—Thi splendid
steamer DIURNAL, Caawall.
tit. t ......
I. now Parbr."X he ' . r " pi t a= at 10 otloalt
tills city mai Wheeling. la. tA, .„.
__ ,
.... 1 ... ,
ata t dar, Wadtaaday a.. 7 , 1 =1 Ir.,
leaves What 111. at. 7 T A i r r ., & , "...E.i.d..., 4.
1.... h v. 4. frd ON
-INOPOHT.—The tare strexoer
te A rZaVate '"4 =l l :4lt4 e ffe, :rata , '
For freight or yeadase .D• 7 ,in.tbolgozi o ,..
61: 'Tatar load Mt Fans gt.
18111.711311 PACKET—The WS
WEL/AVMS, Capt. B. IVLi! " V
iron as s. regular rsekst 'between Pittsburgh. Wt=igt
12ttrirk tkatti
retry Th%trolsilfteronent
gotoberllllle, meting.
thitiusturi„ OB 1,1212171b310•S1141Blidll.
Dee sod O °Very Tuesday aftersoon, sad Buollat
Yrtlay ofternooo. Yor fteigbt cce pastes., aguly
board. or to EfeblZl W. W.II=LEII, Agoot.
Ircronla Med Anon. Incipient Cansno*non.
arnomens,lnerstsior Whitcsarregularldenstrastlon.
Incontlanso of Utne.Cienizal Prostration albs Bram.
Depressed Spirits sad Gloomy State Of 11114Sre eared
D. Gavotte Estrad glYttlorakck and Si.r** ,,, 'VJ , ..„
gives inunedists selterbr renewing the kuntnin or Ussat.
end strength, the Mad. nsotrallsos nadhstoist
unnatural soevetions, end . gim benittg I t on to ell tho
vita powers: .
Its mild alterative raportlas tender if pliel'ilta sppli•
cable to the alender and. delicate cementation the fe. .
roll. Itimondiately counteracts that distreseing •
nem and Ismitade su commoahs the Lamle and
napatu an tut mut trimmer es surprislan thar
are gratettl. We have evidence on Me which %mil us
atroutly to recommend Ws medlcino. to married people :
bese t,
whetter. not blasted. with °Zinnia. . . '
Proton& trtari, o Falling of the Wombosf decreer, Man.
ding, cared by . Gureoles Extract arfellowDock and
Earsaparills, after emu other known relnedr had hero.
tried without relief: -' ,
Wurreagron.o, Fela Ikiltit •
-. This artifice that mr wife, aced 9, reers.bse raki,:id
order the above complaint for floe rears. aster all that
time confined to her het I have for lbw yearieentnently
employed the beet malleal talent that could be pncarelin
Gas merlon of the *mutter, without any benefit whatever.
I hare also rarehamd ertery hurtrument rrectonseided kw
tha nom of sada diseases, all of which proved worthlim. -
In the wing of ISIS. I waa induced by my friends to.
ter km. Garment's Yellow Dockand Fersmnenfila. width Wae
used Mr four months. After ebe had need it for about fear
week., it WY smittent to all of us that .be was Irolawriag.
and from this time she improved rapidly. and Plod twit
..a until the I. now mar . Gina most aseellent
We. Lain[ ntlighboes to Wm. and Julie Blanket. Samar
Odd the above gatemen:de, ea t the dant= at Ma
nut, end as in I.Pa ewe being eftecteebt Galndiett
Dock and Etrsopuina, axe strittlr true. ' - • • •
• JA:a.EDDY.
4 4 4 /4
Kau . / Eull.Cozo of 0. M. Leonard.
Egoormo 010 , S. Deg 1,1819:
lleseite. B.Y. Bthasett A Co:-Oesde Ikme time 1.1
I was atlackalwith Eisele Emil in any arm, saki:stemma
so are I could not WO It. and in 1846 ClCatification at in.
1 employed. at &frame times. Math phreleith of celehritY
within my Meth; all told me my mot must be asotaitated.' •
Fro= the dweller to the forearm , wee toll of running
arm My streogth at this Dm* Ira atmaddely exhaust.
ed. and my imam sancta esnadeted, I 'methanol in this
state mail 1348,.wb. I aw an advertisemenl(Ogyaelik
Tell". Dal and Parsapartlia) width I react, and lent for I ..
bottle of the article. On7ant7 Yellim Dock and Samar
rills eland me; I took no other remedy while ming itl
and tell magi( pettedly well before using the sixth bet.
tun 1 oaai le at the Ilest appraxmm of the tfa1.40. 1
am ire it would have sand me from yean of pan and
suffering. I mist earnestly recommead ens/ Paenti atif .
Daring under thy similar disease. to use °nye:Ws:Yellow
Net and Hartaarilla, which .ill restore theta taheattti.
Yours, to israUtate, ' 0.31. LEONOD.
Ours of an aggratraled case of Erysipelaz. • - -
The mini perlbrmed by Dr. thosottli E.uuc of Yak.
Deck and EarsapartiM are Gain.. The Detkege Steam!
heath continues to improve after diners is remand.=
Ceres are not chmnicied until time Lai folly tasted that
there con be sus relapse or return of the divan. .
Nolany, Ilerklmer co., 7ebruarY,lB6o.
'B. F. Bennett it Cal-Gents: lt Wrath gmapleasare that
I write rocs about the very happy effects of yotar Yellow .
Dock and Sanaparilla upon my ono, who has long been mt.
&ring man thit dreadful and loathsome dense, &yelps's. '
las e with which he was attacked In lSld. and was for lave
isrinouths attended by , some of our Mot physicians, atm
tried pneenarleglT for gas =nab", aisi
benefleki results whatever. Ile became enlaced tole par'. .
not skeleton. Be Lad ulcers from. his' hip to his Ithee,. ,
ihith wero contliscally discharging disgoating l 7
matter. Stalled and sargied skill was Yhysicians
saki- that lea • ems was hopclese there amid, ta nothing 1
dois to those linable ganamlngniMea /18 neigh
tars and myself thought his dleadation neatest bend.'
Om of my steightem (who bad. enrol • child of Bersdhls;
with your invaluable medicine) wished me to make taster
It; and, mon from thavelem desire to dia gmerthing while
UI. lasted, than from any hope of gelling relief,
three Males of yom Yellow Dock 'and and
condsicand using ft; and 10 my istmalshment lu betas
to itageme before ha had nerd the third bottle: sal bikes
-he had coed a half dozen tealsa, be could walk an.. lie
used in all twelve boa]. during the year 1.80, and by 00-.
(ober last he was !greatly natored. Every Vestige of the
anew, except the soars, hi rensaval, end be remains in.
perfas health at the ream time. Ilia moiety. nada
the blessing of (lcd. V entinaY owing to. Om tn. of o ‘ r "..
Yellow lack met SammeriDa; wadi gam Tat that 1 ee l.
(myself order great otillealonsto you, and It ts wlcLgteet
joy that I informyfm of what youf gemavoilla tn. 48 . 1 ..
gar my eon. , Respoetfelly,
Sold by J . D. Pi2A.(tansesooto Enotbrd A Pork) rouei
nod Watant stool; Clneinnatt,ObSo,tionral Anent tO the
541 th and West. to *bona .11 orders most G otilromsoml..
J. DIM A. Co.. D. A. Yabannnek 0 , 03., J. A. Anne, To
Wrlns,jr., 1./Deborah; to. A. Wan./ .n/WOhnn7 Cltr
-4-T. Rebell,
Womb/neon: L.. LEDorl; Valookorn /1-
Welty, Greensburn; S. Hones. &amen Scott A Gam.%
Dadfortateed aSoo. li.triurkil ov. milktmb.rx
A Co, Islas.: J. D., , Volett. WitWanto/r;
arses A Co, Drookelltr. WllsonSon...Wornemborg;
Damara a Co, N. Collender, 11 eseirilts; Bu.s.
Erie; Cram A Porker. Donor; Drones' Kelly A oo,'"Dikt; •
ler;endtb, Beano J. o.9nnonerooo. Worsen; F. L,A C.
2 4 Isnot, Co/Adore:am P. Crooker.,/ , Brownnille. .1 •
jor .Botqe; Siz Bottles for
rem Ykntyarr. V 4 Oct 4:T67r •
Xs. Fkizas—Of VYYndYn{n. 1 my , Yttbant
hesitation that., heel. tt extentlecir 111 mr yr.-um
for the Wt bur er ty• reach! chink St dsNedl7 the beet'
eeeperstion of the kind of which .I...knendadire
i,theugh 1 bawl heretefert used the
otter nannolannanyn Toon rerynclN 7,
00tar, 31.
Reared and roll by IL L By , r.vuy, 61 Wont lik.'anyd
eeld by diwisist• mussily. - • msit'
Boimets: Bonnets!
AL 6 cams, collnaclAt &litho stemma =4=4 eleairst66
.Lyles Hannet• now 1.1111.
Swam Avery lamasuctsuat of Cbibtren't Glyn% fait' Gimp,
aoA lirakt IlstA •
That attention of yardman is partlealarlytavited toths
abo•• Acc46. Imy7l A.A.11650N A (XL.' r
. W. W. WILSON, Witch rater,'
87 Market, Corner of Fourth st., - PitplarA
DEALER in rugs WATaus Jzirzuti.
Sliver Were, Miter, Goods. Lade mot eterriel..
ters,. Tea lad Tubb liPare, Cutlery; Wren.
Mexbacatiesl Instrarneuts, end mew . =
curious tee/Ikea:We goods, =eel
Walsh work executed- re • go-curler mULUVr, uedded by.
the Lest Iturladti and Wrench *ulnae. .11
TA AY BARES --10 doz. for Ask by
II may 7 ' e. 1 .{" o! joy:MORES a CO.
F'sil —
Eztes 1 Mar-M.ll
8.6.1 arm
Far gala Dr
Grxers sad Tis