The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 04, 1851, Image 2

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The AntimusontearidWhig County Convention
, will Meet. this , forenoon, at 10 o'clock, at the
Court gouse,, to nominate a-ticket to be sup.
ported by the party st the Fall election. The
' ofEnes to lie fdledare =UM, important, and
l'acratlye,and the contest by,the candidates for
hie been spirited. The Whole comt
ty hitabeen thEeroughly cannseed, and the Con
maim will :be fa, mi. animated' bye pretty
warts feeling of rivalry, and the contestletween
some of the aspirants will be very close. We
mist, however, that all the proceedings will be
=laded in an . amicable spirit of a generous
contention; and that the whole party will cordi
' tgly Urilto upon the ticket which may be put in
nomination. However strong oar personal pre
..ferences may be, we should always be ready to
..41.schorge our duty to the principles we cherish,
.and to the party it is our pride tote identified
Rgrizersiamos Cosortess.—Among the
all thirteen, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania
'each gain one member. The others either hold
their own or lose, We have compiled a table in
ithicl.rit will be teen that the old States lose.sim
inernbers; while of course the new States gain
tie Same number. The fact that Pennsylvania
and Mastotchusetts are the principal menufac
taring States, accounts for their greater relative
'increase Even Ohio only holds heiown, while
Sevr Tort, prosperous as it is, falls behind in
. ,
New inunpehlre: 3
?Seeeectomett,, 10 11
Vermont, 4. . ' • . 3
3 , 2
CaleCtiCtlt,... ,
New Tork, . 34 33
New 'Jersey. . : 6 . 6
24 25
S4r7iFnd ,
North Comas, .;
South Corollas,
125 119
Olio; '
\h 3iaeippi,
Maine, -
. _
The entio of temvsentatlon being, 93,702, Del
metre ¢ad Florida are represented on fractions.
...Ponds owe. 22,000 short of the required
number:, Delaware is 8,000 short.
NIL GLIDDON , il24olsll,:arld will deliver a
course of lectures at the Athento um, next week,
on Egypt„ the lite,' /to. The high reputation
which this gentleman has acquired in other
_places. ea a lecturer on : these deeply interesting
subjects,lllll no doubt draw full houses here.
Our readers will be pleased to and that our
'old and eicalleatNew York corresporident, "C."
has returned from hia trip to California, moil=
restuned the post which he has so long filled to
-the' cetion - of Our patrons. His first letter,
since ' return , appeared yesterday, and his
second o-day, and be will hereafter hold
regular _lmmerse from the great counierelal
and financial centre of our county:' with our
IgBW souse.
Tno'Fsorr.. QUID/Z.-By . P. Barry, of. the
Mount .1146 Nurseries, Rochester. New York.
New York; Published by Charles Scribner.
This is a most 'excellent and valuable Trea
ties an the renting of Fruit. Its object lain 6-
Plain and Illustrate the physiology of Fruit Trees,
the thearY and practise of all opetations connect
ed with the , propagation, transplanting, Freeing,
end training of orchard and garden trees, stand
ards, dwarfs,"pirtMdde, espaliers, etc.; the lay
ing:dm and arranging differeatkinds of Orchard,'
and Gardens; the seler.tion of suitable varieties
for differeM purposes andJecalitiein gathering
and preserving fruit; treatment of diseases, de
struction of insects, descriptions andnses of im
plements, etc. The work is illustrated with up
wards of one hundred and fifty figares, repre
senting different parte of trees, all practical op.
orations, forms of trees, designs for plantations,
Implements, etc.' As every person residing in
''the country, has something to do with trees, and
as moat dwellers in cities hope at some day to
enjoy the delight of their planting and cultivtion,
' this excellent work must prove of rare value,
and be greatly sought for. We lomat that prac
tical knowledge is the best; but even the emu ,
rienced. can learn something from the °Marve
-1 tions of 'lntelligent laborers' In the same ' field,
while the learner is greatly aided by the instruc
tions and Mustratioes of a work like this.
"Hairri-graidha, or - Sketches of Scenery, Cele
'bidiHts, and. Society, taken from life. By N. P.
Willis. New York; Charles: Scribner.
To those who have read the Home Journal for
. a fair years past, this book will !Ilford no novel-,
ties, It is made art of letters and oditional
eleafrom the pen of one of its clever editors,
and furnishes some pleasant miscellaneous read
. WS.
The above works are for sale by A. H. Eng
lish and Co. No. 79 Wood Street.
' "The await:my of Prophecy; or Scriptural
lastratiem of the Apocalypse. By the Rev. Alex
;under 'Keith, D. 'D., New York; Harper and
13rothers, publishers. . "
This is a well known standard work on the sub
lime subject of Scripture Prophecy. The Har
pers have given the publics a very beautiful and
cheap edition. It is for sole by B. C. Stockton,
Market street.
iag Cominittie of the diocese of New York gists
tunics that the Rt. "Bre4 Dr. De Laniey will per
form Epleawkal Berrien daring the ensuing sum
mer and fall, in the dloente of New York.
..lirrnonter Aromas.—The Pittsburgh Confer
toes wf the M. E. Church will commence its
anal semi= on the 18th instant, two weeks from
thls day, in the* South Common chtircb, Alla
, sherry. Bishop Morris WilL - preside.
, . The Troy Conference of the Methodist Episco
pal Church met on the 21rtult., at North Adams,
Mass.; Bishop James presiding. The confer
ewe denied its session au Teunday; its next "es
elan is to be held at ilattabuigh.' The follow
! I#4 are the delegitell to the General Conference.
Doha Clark, A. Witherspbcn, IL Starks,
B. IL Bell, Z. Phillip', T: Benedict, J. Frazier,
and R. Westoott. Reserved delegates, E. Goss.
mer, and 8. Coleman.
' The New York But . Conference of the Meth
odist Episcopal Church has elected the following
ministers us delegates to the Gene/eel Conference
to be➢
held at Boston ut 1852: Bar. Ilessrs.
Stephen Olin, Nathan Bangs, Hems. Bangs,
Bartholomew .Crtegb, James B . Perry, Sep
mose Landon, end Edward E. Griswold. Time°
who are. familiar with the subject will Sib that
the New. York Emit Conference-held recently.
'proved RS cotuiervative character in its selection
of (PdePteL The three gentled= standing
' highest pa oh list ware known to be . strongly
opposed ,toi ..the famed regointions "the
pre aelosee :pistil:4r in New York:: The Major
ity of the. delegation holdthe same vie
that-Mws, and
• 'the two or three who were peg:cleat at eet
— .lllg received the vete crib. conferee , " col be
cease they w repartiee to the resoltalece; but .
because of their.leconisooderstlan at thOmeet:
lag, and thiir hist PEl4"l"rifr'i4r:.Y*
twelve locoroco .Sonators, who, last spring, ar
rested ;the : wheels of government, by deserting
their posts,rtuidleasing the Senate without a
working quoruta; in order to defeat ale bill for
the More speedg enlargement of the canal, (a
Whig measure, recommended by Gov. Hoot)
have meta signal rebuke from their constitu
ents, to , whom they appealed by becoming candi
dates (or -election. Seven out of the twelve
have been bestenos‘llann, their leader, by 2,-
500 majority.
I The following is the resuli :
Dist. xszasaztawr. Dist. .oerosrmos.
8. Joseph Halsted. 1. Wm. H . Brown.
16. John Bamford. 9. James 0. , Curtis.
19. B. N. Huntington. 16. Wm. A. Dart.
20. Moats P. Hatch. 17. Sidney Tattle.
21. Caleb Lyon. IS. John Noyes.
26. Josiah B. Willhuna.
26: Wm. S. Gilbert.
Among the' features of this extraordinary pe
in the world's history, one of the most re
markable is the rise and progress of Mormonism.
Originating - in the vagaries of Joe Smith, an ob
scure, ignorant, and perhaps a bad min, it has
rapidly grown into a powerful sect, whose mis
sionaries are operating in every part of the
world, and sending converts by thousand; to
their great renderesua in Salt Lake valley. It is
one of those strange moral phenomena for which
we cannot account 'lt is more extraordinary
than the rise of Mohammedanism ; far that was
forced upon the world, whereas this Sas 'werked
its way through opposition, persecutico, poverty,
weakness, and contempt.
The propagators of this singular system have
met with greater success in Great Britan than in
the United Staten in fact bat few or their lets
converts have been Americans, while every year
adds thousands from England and Wales to their
Utah colony, and other thousands are only wait
ing until they can obtain the means tO emigrate-
Whatever we may think of their religions
faith, we must all admit that they are shrewd
and sagacious in their managementnt the things
of this world, for the colony of Silt Lake is
certainly one of the most prosperous I
l of commu-
To show what they are doing, accordiug to
their own showing, we give the folloning eynop
Si! of their "Fifth Genera Eplotle,' from the
?amoral Aepublitan. It is long, but it will be
read with interest.
In the Deseret Nene of the Bth of April, we
find some items of news, which we gore in a sy
noptical form.
This paper contains the “Fifth Gen l eralEpiatle
of the Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints, from Salt Lake Valley,
State of Deseret, to the Saints scattered through
out the Earth." It is u very long doeurnent, tad
is so written as not to admit_of much condense-
tion. lt refers, in the first place, to the organi
zation of the Church, in 1830—to the many trials
which it' has since undergone—to its peculiar
'tenets—and to it., extension to all hands—"in
Europe, Asia, Africa and America, and the East
and West Indies." The armor:died spread of the
gospel, In eo short time, and the rapid gathering
of the Saints, is regarded as another token of
the Messiah's near approach. There are other
signs of the times, in the increasinglconralsions
of ructions—the wars and rumors of wars- 7. the
internal clLesensions Which threaten the disunion
and overthrow of the best governthents on the
earth—the increasing plagues, and sickfiess in
new and diversified forms, baffling ' the skill of
the wisest physicians—the increasing divisions
among professing Christian parties, andmemberi
of the same party—the increase of earthquakes,
whirlwinds, hurricanes and tornadoes—the loth
of life by shipwreck and tempest, by steamboat
explosion and burninge—the destruction if life
by murder—and a vast many other signs, which
are enumerated, all leading. to the conclusion
that the second coming of Christie St. hand.
Passing from these things, the Epistle proceeds
IS say that the Sainte at home are making pre- 1
parations to receive the Saintkrom abroad. The I
winter has been mild. Several pale :nod - lumber
mills have been erected in the pastw,inter; many
shingles have been made, and all that is wanted
to bring them into immediate use is palls; chairs
and various articles of furniture are :multiplying
in their midst; two or three threrin t ig machines
have_beerrin operation daring the winter, yet
more machines are wanted, and thiVaints are
counselled to remember that the ost highly
improved labor-saving machinery are needed by
the community, and to bring such articles with
them. ..-
The Council-house bas been so far complethd
as to admit of Its being partially occupied; the
warm springtbath house wan completed, in Nov
ember last; the tithing store-house: has 'been eo
far completed as to be usedfor various purposes ;
the prospect for building material. is flattering.
A woolen factory is to be erected ; a pottery is
nearly completed, and "we are expecting to use
china ware of our own mannfacture in a few
weeks.". Cutlery establishments have been com
menced in the city.
• There was very little snow during the winter.
The last two nights of February were the coldest
of the season. March was very pleasant, and ,
was improved, by the .farmers in spring wheat.
Parties from California arrived on 1 the 20th of
September and the 12th of November, bringing
very little of the products of the mines with 1
them—some borrowing money to get home—and
others would have retuned if theylhad had the
means. • I
A colony has been' formed at 'lron 'county,
about 250 miles nearly south of the Salt Lake
city. They left on the 7th of December, under
charge of Elder George A. Smith,;ith about 130
men, a few families, and a good sa ply of teams,
seechand tools i and when last head from, they
had a field of 1600 acres, 400 of It sown, plenty
of water, wood, iron ore, alum, and some pros
pect of coal.
The Quorum of "Seventies" had agreed to
erect an, extensive rotunda in Great Salt Lake
City, to be called the " Seventies) Hall of Sci
ence," and Gov. young, their President, was ap.
printed trustee and superintendent' Of the pork.
Shares are fixed at 525.
At a special session of the Ore it Salt. Lake
County Court, on the 3d January , s me few Man
sient men were convicted of ste • , were sen
tenced to labor for various t 5, afterwards
pardoned, and permitted to go on their way to
California. About three hundred emigrantswho
wintered with them, left for the' geld mines this
spring. ,
The General Assembly of th e Sthts of Deseret
was in session in January. A.railroad company
was chartered, to extend from Trinple block in
the city, to the stone quarry and; mountain on
the east, forthe conveyance of building materials
—the construction to commence immediately.
The news of the formation of arritorial Gov
ernment for Unkind of the ap pointment of
Brigham boring overnor,•was,firet. received
by way of California,gu January. ' It was after
wards confirmed by the " Eastern "Easte - 1." but no
official notice, - reports or papers ha I been receiv.
ed. "We anticipate no conralsive,revolntionary
feeling or movement by the citizen* of Deseret,"
"but an easy, quiet transition frota State to Ter
ritory, lilts weary travelers decenling a gentle
hill near by their way-side home."
"As a people, we know how to appreciate, most
sensibly, the band of frendship which has been
extended towards our infant State•by the Gen
eral Government Coming to this place, as did
the citizens of Deseret, withonttbe plans of sub
sistence, except the labor of their hands, in a
wilderness country, surrounded iby savages,
whose inroads have given occasirn for many te
dious and expensive expeditions; the relief af
forded by our mother land, through the medi
um of the approaching teritorial] organization,
will be duly estimated; and from henceforth, we
would fondly hope the most friely feelings may
be - warmly cherished between the various States
and Territories of this great nation, whom con
stitutional charter Is not to be excelled."
A settlement Is to be formed ip this eonthern
part of California, at no great distance from San
Diego; for which purpose, Elders Arriarn.Lyuum
and Charles C. Bich, with one hundred and fifty
wagons, left early in March. Itl is dmitg • zed to
establish a continued line of etalions and places
of refreshment, to the Pacific,on this rirate.
We notice the hamo of Ilihard P..' Hopkins;
formerly of this city, as one of the Elders of the
Church, who had gone on a mission to the Pacific.
The city was being fenced into blocks, instead
of wards as formerly, and many shade trees were'
planted. School houses has been built in Most
of the Wards Measures has been adopted to
prevent the depredations of thelCalifornia emi-'
grants. .1
"In . view of the anticipatell change in our
Government, and to facilitate bdeoiness, the Gen
eral Assembly of Deseret appointed Gov. Young
their' agent, to "col"' $20,000 appropriated by
Congress to bad a State Hoosein Utah Territo
ry, and cause said House to be erected without
delay on Union Square. in this city, a little
north-west of Temple blook; and the Assembly
&dimmed sine die on fiaturdai last. Dr. J. M.
Bernhisel has been appointedfo which
the President
to select the Utah library, r which Congress
hen appropriated $5,000, zu: ,, 1411 our latest &d
-ikes, he was luNew York, . gide selection.
Dr. Dernhisel has tuned a circular, Soliciting
editors and publishers of neWspapers, map
sines, pamphlets, and books, to forward a copy
of their productions to Great Salt Lake city, for
the benefit of Utah Library. IWe are happy In
announcing the arrival of a few papers and pam
phlets already, and if the fkiends of science gen
erallysltilfeespond in like meaner. . byforward
ing, 1:47, ottheir works, we will non have a
.:1,6011.j.M144.1e' reading room , attached to , the
144/Prillorlsich will canoe the blessings of
ltliohnitat:to. rest upon the heads of the liberal
It is wisdom for the English Saints to cease
emigration by the usual route through the States,
and up the Missouri river, and remain Where : ,
they are till they shall hear from us again, as,
llt is our design to °Fen up a way across the Inr .
tenor of the continent, by Panama, Tan:tante=
pee, or some of the Interior routes, and land
them at San Diego, and thus save three thousand
miles of inland navigation through a most sickly
climate and country. The presidency in Livers
pool will open every desirable correspondence in
relation to the various routes, and rates and
conveniences, from Liverpool to Ban Diego, and
make an early report, so that if possible the nos
cessary preparations may be made for next fall's
"So far as the Saints in the United States and
Canada desire to see the work of the Lord pros
per, let them arise as one man, and come to De
seret, where they can do, more for Zion in one
year, than they can in many years where they 1 _ _
• are. Come on the Saints' route north of the ! New Hsu - senses CONGIMMIIONA L. —I. Amos
Platte, as we stated in our last epistle, leaving ! Tuck, (Whig,) 7,79.1; Geo. W. Kittridge. (Opp.)
the grave yards on the south of the Platte, to a I 3,415; Scat. 28.—Whole number, 15,225. Pin
future resurrection. If all were agreed in this I realty for Tuck, 376.
.move, there need not be a Saint left in the! 11. Anthony Colby;' (Whig,) 3,803; Asa Fow-
States or Canada one year hence. , ler, (F. S.) 2060;, Charles IL Peaslee, (Opp.)
"The twelve apostles are abroad, except Wil - -, 7,170; Scat. 111. Whole No. 13,124. Peaslee'e
fdrd Woodruff and Fins T. Benson, who are in I plurality, 3,837. e, .
the valley. Their president, Orson Dyile, is lo- 1 111. Jared Perkins, (Whig.) B,7lin'George W.
cated at Ranstnille,. lowa, and Me:nested to vie-; Morrison, (Opp.) 7,77; Scat. 14. Whole No..
It the valley this summer. Parley 'P. Pratt is , 16,506. Perkineplurality, 938.
on his way to the Society and Sandwich Is- i IV. Jonathan Kittridge, (Whig,) 2,248; John
lands, and Chili; his mission extends to all i White, (F. S.) 1,018; Harry Hibbard, (Opp.)
lands in, and bordering on the Pacific. At last 1 5,125; Scat. Whole No. of votes, 8,400. Hits
accounts, the word was very prosperous at the Lard's plurality. 2,877.
Society Isles. We have not heard from the The vote of Northfield for Charles H. Pesselee
Sandwich mission since the arrival of Elder Ili- 179, Anthony Colby 63, for Asa Fowler, 32, was
ram Clark and hist - esociates. Orson Pratte is i not counted, it appearing from the return that
eupposed to be In the States on his way to the I
no article on the subject was inserted in the
valley, were he will he associated with the uni - warrant calling thZ meeting. .
vends , ' of Deseret tier a season. John Taylor 1 No returns were received from the towns of
was at Bologne, In France at our latest dates, 1 Grantham, Franconia. Lincoln, and Watemrille,
preaching, translating, and pubishing. Loren- t District No. IV.
zo Suow, having visited the Italian States, was
Dented at Piedmont, in Switzerland. Erastue • The lion. H. S. ,Foote's prospects of election
Snow is at Copenhagen, and the work is prbsper-
an the Union candidate for the Gubernatorial
ing in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany, and
Chair in Mississippi are represented Ly a gentle
all that region. We received a letter from I man who has just travelled over a large part of
Brother Snow. dated Copenhagen, August 17. the State, as promising a uertain triumph. Old
1850. _ Riche:lh is presiding over the church in 1 Party
the British Isles, and his office. is in Liverpool.
Amass Lyman and Charles C. Rich are en route , P lanes are mill to be entirely obliterated.
1 Whigs and Locofocos are combining cordially to
nt down all secession influencea, and they con
to Cohene pass. Geo. A. Smith is presiding at Silently expect to elect 'General Foote by a ma
tron county. - • jority of thousands. They prefer "defending
There has been more sickness in the caller, : Southern Rights" in the Union, and under the
is spring; than usuaLand sever-eldest.: thou g h !
Coretitution, to any outs a fight—N. AMT.
the people in the other vallies "have been well 1 !
generally. WO know of no reason why this vat- i 1i
i t Farmers will rejoice to know that gat
ley is not as healthy in its location and character' 1 . 1 til•S eon Priruti m latlidt"ehrh thell timY aerititel!
as any other, but as this Is the place for the first , anon "' ‘4"'",,t0"5106 the 'll''''" of oaths.
arrival of the Saints, a greater.portitin of th e in- I :'`'"..'''. '''"Y` All ""9'.""',""te.lwY, nun, 'tee.%
~.i . m ange, farm. partial Mather; sore apes,
Arm stop here, where they can more readily pro- ~,,,,., I.". . pfl o g ., La, o f the loins ...i. , ,, or mishusid
cure the comforts of life, while the hardier per. 100 a., s c , ale. The ar ticle re f ere ed to is IL o. Furst.
don go forward to newer settlements; and a Arabian Lung... the best medicine ever discomnal to
great portion of the sickness in our midst alien i nian g ir r bessa Me adyertlumant
from the seeds of disease and death sown in ! DR. M'LANE USED lIIS PILLS IN
the system, while tarrying and passing through are pr . gt p.... scrotal ,:an w on , p. matt be t a g g pa to
the ogreish regions of the western States. Sick- I sawn to the public to math' • manner as to make it
ness here is generally of short donation, and knoon all user the minim, the gawk remedial so tee
ends speedily in health or death. The families gamily aims:sal mill farad upon the Public by means
of the elders who are on foreign missions, are in ! "( '''''rr i ," rull ' l "*"'" l ,' ""', 4 ,. i i',_
, preventing,_ ,.
reemertny, regular ma intros. poysicoma 6¢• LS gar.
1351161 health at this time. • Mlane undoubtedly DOM= mitering the OM against
"The Saints in their gathering should never ..,,,s, competitors. Cnariumt, however, cf the real value
forget to gather and save till choice seeds, for i of hl, medicine. mid intro/and bY the Plain iirmlee of
here is the place for theist to grow and be use- taw. • Lich would ',,lt permit hod to keep seam his fellow
ful; a large quantity of osago orange •and oth- 1 sesmess to Isis-seat a cis.. of preserving .them from
,er seeds • suitable for 'hedger, through which , `atretats• he ''°"", 4 .-"" " ice site. P in es that %".• It
and whe
I Las Imam, Mes Meson all art.t the United Stater. re,
wire may be passed to make fence,. are much ,
~, i, Ole n Les
tried. dm primed Its miserimitT mer all
needed at this time. Bring yl the lath and , sther remedies ever cursed for diseases of the lime. In
shingle nails you tan; niso glass. wire No. 9. b e e u s , masiipilonsof physicians are rip tearer re gn ind
raw cotton, cotton yarnj, machinery and domes- , to cams Of sore romplaint. All that is pirmisam, is to
tics.- th e racism to mirth.. and nee Dr. 51 Lane's Liver Pills.
"Amid nll the revolutions that are taking' t" •ss'ert • waetteloe w a... l th. u•• 4 'al'
place among the nations, the elders will ever ' r. ' ,. .. -r i i ,Kt al .. .. r . i. ° : . ,: P pt a ,•,‘;' ' s 7 s n , , , e i t'Z' , .. m° b rr, ,,, " 0. ,,Pt" . ... e j
panne an undeviating course in being 'subject to ~,,,, &„„,i m .„ ~,,,, .041 „„„,,, 5 ,,„ ~,,, i „„,,, so l b ..
the governmentiwherever they may be, and sus ~.„. g ae,l db . n me n o inly phi eician has tor two tears,
tain the same by all their precepts to the Saints. duns, ssost, time Or .as in manly attendance. These
having nothing to do with political questions! I ;set., I some. ism area a rose.
which engender strife, remembering that the ! JAKEYiJOiirli.
li iikins toonship, 'Allegheny ...Pa 1.
weapons of their warfare - are not carnal but
' Damn lath. ISti...
spiritual, and that the gospel which they preach l roist , 0 , , 3. SIDD 4 CD,
is not of man but from heaven; - and if they per. i m ...„,,,„,,,,, . No. WO Wood et
eecute you without measure in one city, country, Petroleum I.
or kingdom, leave the Testimony which Jesus co.. Pa- March 4, 'SL
has gives:dor a witness unto your Father in hen - _ 5. 5 , ,.. „,."'t',,,,=', 5 1i . 7:,,= ° ,,,,,, i,,,,,, k ,,,,
yen, that you are free from their blood, and See-
~,,,,,,,, 05 „,,,,, m ,„.., 0 ..„,,,,, r „ we „,,,„.,„ k ,„,,,,,,,..,,,,
to' other cities, countries, or kingdoms where „„ i „. a,,,,,„ by in s positaylvanla /maenad. Wm am en
they will receive you and believe your testi- tyrely dillt. and It labeler Ingainielefor altimt army day.
mony." Yell, nopectfuDy, JOHN LUSO a CO.
This Epistle in signed by Brigham Young, lie- aessvots, est.. m.. 0.. Starch 10,'41.
her C. Kimball and Willard 'licher:ls, and in, 0. sLlEtha-Dame dlr. Year Arent ; • fee eneeka slam
doubtless a concise history of the affairs of this I ' A n .t, ::,.: 1 , ..: . ~d, Tra
oi ekeW . ,we
4 `'" ' 4 '
extraordinary people for the past year. r m ., ~,,, is . ... b ., m ., th ,.......,„ . ,
cap obtain seismal emelt...sit certificates. if Toadies:lmam.
. . .
11103 rot BUILDISCS.—We are pleased to see Yours. Ar.l W. W. SCOTT.
Parole by Herber a Ifelkiralk, ISO Wool street; R. Ir.
that the new stores on Market street, between Pelers, ii Wool street: D. A. Fahnestoek, A Co. mane
Fifth street and Liberty, have very handsome i went '
end Trout shafts: D. IL carry. D. A. Elliott.roterti
cast iron fronts. As this is the most durable, ''''''‘'`"•“°o ii. P. ' 4 ' 4. ' 4 ' "‘ 444 ' l ' ,1 4 17,,,, , 44 14 '"
I beautiful, and appropriate finish which can be 1 a puptapiT Canal Dminriarantset- Purstisres.
given to stores and warehouses, wo have been , pal- Wo again refer our readers to the ad ,
surprised thsit it has not been more extensively ' rertimMent of U. o..Yarrellls Arnhem Limmatt.rbiett ate
introduced, and we trust that iron may soon en- i t r L 7:l • 4, m .,"'" i mm . „% t a r = t t b i 1„ 4444 ,,,M.7.!. 4 , 4. 4 4
ter into general use in the construction of build- ' iffiest, ' " of tboso 1025 Imo. 000 f Is and sspentemste its Wm
ings of all kiwis. Indeed, see cannot see, why snow 'fr.. n o slate 7,
~, ""ns t bli' ''. : • , ,4 =
we should not have buildings erected exclusively I 1 . ',, r ,,, i 7 ~4 4 '..,...„.7,7.,., r .,,,,,,...........,...m t y... b .p
lof iron. The firstcost would be somewhat mote lit e seesaisee crime, containing mans mlmibls mei". fOt
than that of wood and. brick, but the superior 1 it''''''''' ... "'" `.'"'" ''''
durability of such buildings would render them 1
the cheapest in the long run. In Philadelphia, ,
iron has been extensively Introduced into build- .
ings, an example which the slron City' should i
hasten to imitate. Thos -following article from •
the June number of the Colonization Herald
Ipresents some interesting facts on this subject. -•
IRON As BnlLDlffli ittressue.—Daily elridenCes
are afforded of the many objects to which the
great mineral wealth of the United Stater, and
more particularly of our own state, is being op.
plied. Those who observe at all in their walks
through tie busy streets of Philadelphia, Must
have noticed many articles, not only or conve
nience and utiltiy; but of taste and elegance,
manufactured from the iron tore, no. profusely
scattered throughoutiour wide possessions.
Notwithstanding t h e depressed state of the
iron trade. our iron masters sod citizens are
bestirring themselves with commendable spirit
and alacrity, to adapt it to useful and ornamen
tal purposes. .
One of the late improvements can be seen
where It has been practically tested. in the resi
dence of its enlightened Inventors, situated at the
North-east corner of Arch and 11th streets.—
The front on the latter street is composed of cast
iron plates, fastened on weatherboardr of the
same material. This plan possesses many ad
vantages above other modes of building. By it
plates of any required size and, pattern, from the
perfectly plain to the most graceful and orna-
mental, may be attained, It is so- contrived;
that should any oecesion occur to make the
change of a single plate, a number of plates, or
, the entire front necessary, they can be removed
without interfering, or, in the least iota, effect
ing the remaining portion. • So easy is the prs
etas. that It may be compared to a mum changing
an old coat for a new one. These fronts do not -
occupy the ordinary size of a brick wall, and His
thought that in a brief period, they can be fur
nished at a price far below that of any other.
building material in use. The roof is also of
iron, and the front is coupled by it and the
floors. TMos rendering it perfectly secure, and •
by its own virtue, resisting thu atmosphere, ver
min, and the great scourge, fire.
I. The wholemay be painted to perfection, equal
to the finest fresco work. Besides the durable
and Indestructible nature of this mode of build
ing, it is in the highest eensebeautiful. A street
of lofty houses constructed In this style and sub-
stance, and with the variety of ornament which i
good judgment could give, would be • the hainizl
somest in the world. .. . 1
While granite and stonorequire heavy outlays I
for sculpture, if ornamented, the Maichoice and
deligate designs may be reproduced in iron is
thousand times, at the first cost of moulds; and
even after being used fur generations, the value
of. the material remains, to say nothing of its
being fire and lightning.proof. , „
We ere no reason why builders and architects
should not pay more attention fo the erection of
dwellings, stores, and manufactories, of Iron. It
has been proved to be a material hotter adapted
to the construction of houses for living in, manu
facturing, or public purposes, than either btick,
wood, atone or marble. And en we have shown,
it is susceptible of being worked with more ease,
1 beauty and economy, than any other substance ,
• known. By It, durability, strength and firmness
,are combined, and the three great essentiais 'of'
building are attained, vim a saving of time, lobo!-
, and urpenie.
• The same gentleman, who is a Vice President
of our Society, has also invented, patented and
Out in use, a cast iron fence, which can be in
spected at the same place. It is on a somewhat
different plan from that of the housej and both
must be viewed to be properly understood and
their advantages apposciated. •
Should this tmprovement come - into general
use, as we believe it must, it will create an addi
tional demand for Pennsylvania's great mineral
staple, iron, giro an impetus to a mighty inter
est now languishing • and upon the success of
which depends largely the wealth and prosperity
of the second Commonwealth In the Union. Some
idea of this particiffar branch of manufacture
may be learned from tile following facia gathered
from authentic source=
Pennsylvania possesses 504 Iron works, the
capital of which, in lands, buildings and ma
chinery, amounts to twenty and a half millions
of dollars, not including in the estimate any of
the mining capital daily employed. These 504
works furnish employment to 30,108 men, arid'
13,66,2 horses--exclusive of coal lands, farms,
grist sad saw mills, and dwellings for workmen.
The ore is bought of farmers in the vicinity, who
digit on their farms and haul it to the furnaces
in the winter, when out of agricultural occupa
tion. The value of these ore banks and the la
bor spent on them forms mother distinct item of
value. . Forty-five counties In the State contain
iron works; of the seventeen that have no fur
-tutees, Elie contain abundance of ore and coal.
Eight OtabStaa only are not tutted to the mann-
facture of iron. In 1847, these works consumed
483,000 tons Anthracite Nal; /,007,000 buohela
bituminous, and 1,400,252 cads 'of wowl—the,
total value of Which Was $5,000,000,
To gin . our raiders some idea of the :many,
useful objects to which iron has been recently
converted, we would mention that with it are'
wrought workstands, chairs, sofas, tete-a-tetes,
railroad seats, bedsteads, spittoons, tree boxes,
masts for ships, railings, Teranclahs, Bower con
servatories, statues; counters for stores, street
cross walks, mantels, signboards, bridges, chim
neys, and ornaments of 11160110 designs and for
, sundry objects.
In The majority of instances of conflagrations
occurring in the lower portion of edifices, it has
• been communicated to the upper parts by the
wooden stairs. If iron stairways could be brought
into use, many serious fires would be prevented.
Foreign and American Hardware. "
No. 129 Wood Street,
•A fullunleornplete stator FOREIGN.LND AItiRICAN
Suitable for the win Owl*. wea whtch they are perapwa
tr, nßcr to purchasers at runs that will romped
Cavorphir with our of Ow HU...
Citipn's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh
No. it Water etre... lb srarabottar vtc. U.
• C. G. Dram, President -A. W. U.., b. t
Tits Cs.P.l not. Prriaral to insure. nottoanoll.
In stunt a 6.1 In transit. var., tr
i.a.uot= 6uawr= o rn tl ge tl=l... t f lt rrt r of the
Oho as all eta... of Patsburib. well and favorably
anon to the contr... for their p.a.. bacilli...
and intronty-
Weller Bryant Iloilo D. Kin& . laward
ja. Hamad.. A. Iltattattab. I. 1/. Ear. ax..%ttl
F'ornirri and Itschanize Turnpike Bask Rood.
UE Socond and final Instalment of thf
!Ve.tserTt:retrke Eta lucret% berebyl the
dlrect i ed to ho
P'"J:rrjrbofoie the
F. KERR, Attorney at Law• Office
an ourth ft, b etween Smithfield aniS Grua. Pitts•
burnt. •
To the Deaf 1
Gum &4 North
EieTenth strait. Phdlsoielphls. be to lotonst amp
io the nelehteethW of Pittsburgh, who
whom Le b. bean In communion/km, that horns. to
planew with their epeeist mouth, nude arrsogementa
Matt .ten
tr.2l for a.
' k W " tW 8
A.rould probablf be me n olithle oppartonltT for these
g with t. 1.02, to call and ersothlt tha Doctor, ea
them,! of
ex of the Medical
hiss reacted his athention exclusively sad sthessefolly to
the treatment of the Lsr.
Th e inllow,ne tasttracdshas ere submltted with confidence
They will show. at Imp, In what etimation his torethorr
al qualification. us beld-isnsthon oft he most
eci medical men in the wader.
I have lovl the plamorcto meet Dr./larder loysnotite.
eat . ave beeo lad to term et favors/e opinion of kis char
sad go the dokstiou
• genlanlan..
IV. restxxx.. M. D.,
Profewor of thresry, ae
proieniondabilities will be approdsted by
Dime who dace Diomede. ander his ear." •
Tons U. 11 torrthes, M. D ,
broth:ten of Anstertol •
. From my Interthorm ' , Jai DT, Hartle, TA 1 have thud
Din dtherthant correct sod emi / thnnatur.
*donor. Morn, M.D.
cit norerroce:f P rt kisbont ppo r iialt r eteit of . Dr i llortley to th e
e a:d who maybe subiftinraront4T
rape to which hissttent/c a hns trent. sometime
end nuneemsfully dirwctod. me) rely on teceleing teem him
Rosh teentuund on In all protestant may result In a per
felt curd 11. J. 14 fan. St. Moir flotaL
Books! Books!
Q n C J.J lITZ'S History of Greecti.—A Hisao-
~l e ttrgrgifinniir. : .h t e t lyl : 4 thi ra _ pouNit h :t_ of
TO:thrall. D. D., Lotiop of St. David'. By De. Leo
Delimits. Y. IL. IL k.
The ilarmony of Prtmbecy, m Script
er ural Illostrationa of
l=i , rthe This 1 1 ,C . tguanid
Linea andothet Porta., 11 , 1 M. , . ratting. Tupper,
Proeekt i dAl Sh n iNrh s l , Brfastl; and the Po
The' H
OV I IVast W r aylsod: • 42e. Pb arTilowltt.
Tba rhikeembi of Matbemakte emulated rom the
Courste Plulowphie Peldtlee of ofd
Cams. 27
Derives New York and Erie Ba k: res! Golds 800 con
taining . deserlstitel of the Scenery, Plena Towne, Vil
lage., and most Important Works cot tb• Rout. Withlle
hundred and thirtysisengswings.byLceedottad/lakilea
from original skeletal made exigent) kr QM work. By
Wm. Macleod.
liarpeff Neer Ilonthif Dakultte for Jane.
bllTeriet tiol T erillre ' ll 'r e%U c titt ' cl 'll 4l ' i l e= t,'"tu"
The al t see bootie just weedeed, and for sale by
j" K. C. STOCKTON. 47 Market et.
Wert. nopes the Poet 012.c0—•
Dtatloonrr ?rel ite l7.",":l::. 30,
•Ornevra. or the ' llittcrty of • Plortrefk by i 0 Antericin
The Koh of West Wayland. — alaßk by Mazy ILoldtt
Loudon Bilskerlenre. No.
Talbot and Demon. • noYek by J. L. IleocauselL
Inteknetinnal ].[nine, for Jane.
ennuninee Adrentonm In Africk
m e te, of Nokom by Thackarey--complete.
The Lorrnette, 00 Butdire of the Town: by I. K. Marvel
T h. m o th e r-to-Lew; by lelyr. Bouthworth.
The Gold Worshippers. cribs doe we 110. in• • flatus
•erek by the author of "Whited:dare'
The WOW. tinter, or the Forbidden ILarriage.
Inutile La Tallier ' , By Domes—No. 2. This conchulat
the work.
Art Journal for May.
Boston Bbaksoesee, cOnoloelon.
Plekro's Pickwick Papers Abroad—by 0. W. Id. Bar
.011' •
The Pak lithe], • new bevel brEugeue Sue.
liodey, Graham ma tha rt aln fir June.
Caroline of lituainKek—No.l3.
The bletere, bT ihnuY
The Metre of UvreaustrateB • novel. by E. L B 1 oh
The IlankaPe Wife; bv T. 8. Arthur.
AAveuturee of Pen Ow m, by John Galt. Je4
Coal Property for Bala.
BI Virtue of an Act oP.Aseemblp, pastexi
for that expntse purrees. t otter an ale ElgStne Sea
Atm, of 0?fl, livnitop. the al . Ptiottitili , ele river. n y eagraft;
=BM=,..ln s ieing men dedrous of
.a t hariing that kind of butriese, it preemie Winer
mate rarely to bo (bond on either of Mertens. 1.
roo t ..etteprf shanties ere we
them tit he ort:W
f its vane, 1 rosy add that Ute Poantset Linherte
owe to ray at the rate ofAhrerantrths of sweat per bulb.
el. day
_wean dodo= of parchatdnit, will puog, cal
warn al. CuXoteer the womb.. or the undersigned, rp
1111.14 about one me below Wedlock'e lf not mold
ell/mato who ismis mil ut ft. 20 Monday of July nest, it wilt
be 0..1 at Ba le "‘
stalesbush Attao 4SfAa=lll=4llllll42rt"'
Lace Curtaim
I, _VB:just received, direct from the im
'WM.. • Lees wastmeot cf Oartl/•.• ••1.• I
sell low. Oustala Maeda.. andTrirroalwat in kinds.
WOOL. TWINE-5001bs. for sal n* a e by
v jo4 unpi LEE.
BURLAPS -3 bales, 40 inch, for sale by
in' 11010111 r LEE.
WG l 9 . l r —Cash paid for Wool
ippurrooL BAGS-1000 new and old, for az
Caution to tie Public!
POWDER. unatottastred by DDELD7D, PRONE-
LD .f Co.. No. 107 North Third stmt. Philadelphth.
wet smoked for Welt • wonderful coId:TRY for Its cothy
eluable medktoal qualities, nod ...lieu , tO Incr..
the .tattnl of fat e NIA and Batter, In the herbed,
Waldo' math!: and. whereas. Ira immense popularity
ethanol the Itertheye stet Delrythot, where , . It Ode boot
intrat.ell. bee Induced Werth othsone to kW up au bah
tallon of our Cottle Powder, and have taken the mane Iso
m:age almost ward fun word.. we have la our small tells.'
end put on theirs: We therefore mot. all pereons, ‘1 , ......
keeper., Demers, and datrymco, Maur , th e deception
pthetical by dthliroing nwth
, Th .......t. t ... b.. e peceetigated this rated far ye.%
drains • .• neklence In the cuntry, .1 do now cloth
tanee th e world to prods. , any thug goal to th eir Cattle
Powder. They want the pobilo to war an midi that their
Powder Li fikiee alone, boosting not of • Doman. or any
at ,. r ...i. pe to s , They wish it... eualit. not Its name.
to be the wane of its ethos. It has already e character
!I:lg . :Leh
4 of but t about: Ire yrd etanding) which ethblea
Beeeral , raud :r.;.. g;zbeen tent city for Cattle P
der, whkh hare been Ailed by sendin g an ankle got op
In kilts:ton of our own. We therefore thy wain, store
keepertelLfernteg and dairriseat, dknot tow • pound nice.
Igtt l : strut . urt nom, of
o e
nd 7 ,•.% =e l li k o t ° l - 11o:
%eat( to r
thw ete u t l e t t m t.t l ids ll an . d . health of your cattle
out! "Arl.oe la the price orLetothiP" Interest_ trot
teeth. No. DC North Third et, Philadelphia.
Orphans' Court Sale aluable Farms.
UItSUANT to an I er of the Orphan'
—"a= 'lo.4l?rotr I o,.:l°.
' male intowlLlA d
the Yolighlog=Wtar, and three mil. from the
' No. I cattail:l*MAX =MK to in a high Mate of manse.
don. with abundance of Coal thd Limestone; goof Brisk
Enrolling aoo.llt, Rana, thd other neeemasSimPrrreMeni ,
N 0.2 oontatho 1404 saw; lo Mao in • goat .tot. of cul
tivation. a lug" propulion elewmal, and nearly all arable
imal, with abundarker of Limestone, a good hewed Loa
Rouse and Barn,with other improsemmts.
Senne—One-sisth of the purchase mono upon the eon
ermatlou of the &elm one eLsth on the lest day of April.
MS; and otsraisth on the And day of Assn. lbhh with
Interest from the Orel of April, 1152; the residue tommala
in the hand. of t h e porch/wee dating the natural Ufa of
the widow of to. deeedent—Um Interest to be raid to bey, to be computed from lb. Cost of April, 1644, to
which time pommel.
NAN be RivenCY .to
J the purc h haser.
• ms:dleooluT kludatiamtorw
THE subeariber, having made arrange-
Eeemts, la consamottee of .bat his:mond balm.
:11t bleloirjaoggli i it of litim i t : LL . atar a Saa t h i l . s .
bestiaries. Drees Trimming., arshiefs, tioThine,
purdah, Goods, Zaphys Wonted, /lower naval.
Umbrella), Parasobo Oaasbe, and Thread and Needle ar
helm Also, Ladies . bars, (test Philadelphia •
maim) at
mats roismel prems, .bale- sal• and retail.
in - P. 11.6140 X.
ILE , C ,.. orpo_ Teton of the ALLLOMMY CZNE-
K 11:r_.12r ootttled that the Acnstal Nwtlnc
gr o P a Vegir tb• grounds,. Saturday, the
dd THOMAS 11: HOWE, Proet.
Bonnets! Bonnets!
A. MASON h CO. would respect-pz,.,
sr th hi 2 . i er
o " aly n =artatitly
_ audio/Li atm rartctlell ,
b. .bore Gordis will be sal at vim, /ow pricer by thodor
en or atm& tot Nos. 02 atat 134 Market et. 11,4
BeannLent's Patent Starch Polish.
rATENTED, July 26th, 1850.—For giving .
• broutlfal Gloat tallow., North* Cambriro, Col.
bb,„ At, sad atoo porrento Uth Irma from
maiming to Line. to. sad provroto that from stlelthth to
Litho. tr., &ad cantata. oothlng bajoroo.
Utroothore—at place the gr. of . yea to . {Mart of
starch .6.0 bnithth: Iron
Cries, 12.1{ coots per Cote. fool 'wholesale mad Wall by
yr 3 It. 6.BELLYRB, 67 Woxt
Anthracite CoaL
30 'l;cstiporrr,ged, L et m ior article
Csasl moo.
Far Bak.
, •
. t. PAIR of HATCH HORSES, Crenz: i3
Woe. with white &mobs bad Lae, tour
ry Imble, and trot will in
&O. &NM 7/ITTILIbbOIiI LawlY Bubb.. Y . 4 ,3, 10b11. tt.
Irberolley ebb b• wen &et • few Que.
i INSEED 011.1500r5. pure, for sale
IA be
~ . .1. BCII MUSE& £ CO.,
ee3 , , 14 Weal Meet.
BORAXBORAX -6 cased Refined, for sale by
LA3IP BLACK-30 Mils. axed, for sale by
ss additional merely of thaw vet 7 ettesy mad dein.
UAW eta above heads •111
elms, out very cheap. MASON CO..
ie3 62 W 64 Martel et.
TILACK SILK LACE--Welave just rec'4l
lzo . ygz4f 4ve deralashle Gond., aal
CS and 011datka
CRIMPED RIBBONS—The attention of
Darebasen Is reepnWly Invited tog vary Ism
Vg. of (Zgr l d Rr=lar. anft assorted Collar,
en . low mem
J• 3 A. A. ItABON s CO.
Boussel's Premium Perftmeny.
g - E Ohio hlechinico' Institute, at its re
melt exhibition I. the OM of Cinelmtati, awarded to
tte Tarter home end Perftunerr. the Ifighent
The Ximarhusetta Charitable Meehan& Meoctatim,_at
Be late exhibition In the (Sty of Melon ..add to LB.
Ibr Maps end retlnuterr. • FLOW lintel. Minn the
111gbeet Premium.
The American Institute. at Its late mhibitket In the Ott,
f New York, awarded to X. Buhr tor Toilet Ma ant
Perfnhaery.•Bitrer Nadal, beton the Olzheet
The Franklin Inetitate, at its mount ealsibinanin
;I ?ell I t* , bu I°.• . It t e rra tr
All the shoe* award. ern. made in the month of Octo
ber, IMO end the Mar Inhibitions atom named are the
only ones at which the ttralurtions or Harm hum been
presented thin year.
The mt.-Oberdelorndnad to maitre. anti. If pouf
: hie. to mhos. the repertatbna which Me ertablishment has
aosinlnal d pzing pinia4 .02. than thirteen years, and
rerpectrolly tlts a vont/omm. of Ye pat BASI N,ronage.
Unmet= to and tanner Directaa of the Laboratory of P.
Enumet 111 Chestnut street Ihnedelphln
R. E. SELLERS. NA Wool Meet, beini vWnt nl
Agent SA the de of BAittril UAW Rottuerr) LRenl um
Sertnntory. tho Mr Plttabinsh. Las oonOnntly •
=stool. en bawl. obleh on/ otlP= te .I.lllrAhti
.} rho truntlattona • Rehm pa • 1•l3.-f
10 IRON-33 tons Allegheny, for sale by'
je3 7. • A OLQtD. &wad Cboreh Duikilt/.
INEUAR-50 bble. pure Cider, for sale
; J.* FLOYD.
ROOMS-150bis. Ohio, for sale by
.1. t FLOYD.
ISll—Mackerel Staid. and Herring, fur
Bak br .14 J.& nalu.
AR-30 bbis. Boston, for sale by
J.* It- 1/ LOYD
a aMBM
OLASSES-200 bbls. N. 0., for sale by
lea J. A B. /LOYD.
1110TASH--30 casks pure, for sale by
J. • R. FlouTD.
ACON-5000 lbs. Hog Round, on consign
umst, no. WY by T. WOODS ••
J. 3 CO Water st.
FEATIIERS-1000 lbs. for sale by
f e y &A W. LIARBAVOW.
~w~:~es~ : ~yre,s~ar~aT~
ACON-7 casks Sides, for utile by
LOUR-100 bble. New Lisbon Sthi. Mille,
est. tam., far de b S. i W. ILLHBAVOIL •
MASItEREL- . — j 3 100 . bb o l . s i . ik r lpa k il) t.u 3s . l l l . for
L AND OIL 32 bble. frAf . e n ikr ia
GLASS -250 boxee aee'd sixes, for sale by
Sea 8. a w. mink:mu.
BACON -A few casks Rams & Shoulders,
for sale by .le3 B. a W. ILARII6OIIIII.
SIV.R.--2.5 hide. N. 0., fregteaYKLD.
rlBll-25 bblu. Lake Sup. White, 1851;
4 10 bi
er 0010 by je.9 J. & CAMIIRLD.
Greenwood Gardens
.TRAWBERRIES, fresh from the Tines,
are now eared up at this retreat. Mao, Cream and
F. *r:frihrbiii:V=Z 4 . th ilrrh:2l6 l llest:
dr °mar of and Market Weeds every half hon.:
and the Mesmer Chieftain leaves the Pitt aU•ftt landing
ben, tOload enral.r.]
p . ales Papilla, Oda sad figural:
Papa Laanr "l. l.ll ollAli al.n• martmiaa of '
?int PLAID 01110 d.
Mack lls Max
Bi , tar &des and Drama light Pad dak
na, AP.
ailatiaa Gads reariping .boat dal/. is 2
MAGIC WATCHES, or Double Hunting
Gold Lotto Watotleo. =do so at to elm ea bo
.old ea,or to atom Wm 4n Wt W. pleasure.
sen me mats just neetved sad for solo
W. W. 11/30:1,'
je2 earner Market sad booth Az.
IGLR-48 hhd t s.. a. p w ritri Amm e N. , o i , a f tw or s e e by
80 and 51 Water, sod 52 front Wad.
OLASSES-200 bble. prime N. 0., (oak;)
119 bL " " for sale by
TOBACCO -103 kess:uperior 6 twist,. on
7"4M3"'t " 16rL
BUCKETS & TUBS-60 doz. Buckets;
"L. E. WATERM Tube. tar Web'
DORK—.II few bble. prime, and a small lot
Bulk Meat, for =l. 1 , 7
Je2 L. a. warnamin L BONS.
B UT T ER -4 bbla. Pack;
a aap
TOBACCO-20 liege (dodge's) No. 1 Biz
Twig, lbr ale by 63 155 DLZI7X.
74 • Rer, a 751 75 Flys/ at.
LOOMSLOOMS—WO tons Soft Tenn.,
JAME 3 for sale
ARD 011-10 bble.
WICK MoC No. 1, for Deb
414 1.2
SPERM OIL-18 bble. extra, for sale by
01L-23 y ~ gw I g n i for Bole byp
c OalSll-6 tiercengKisiAteaND
{2 MAJ. bi 4 C., for Bale by
mot. • MsCIANDLUS.
12 5_3,9 s. C. caran. for sale b
BUTTS -140 dos. Beav a 7=sale by
de br Dal J. KIDD t CO.
ENECA OLI r 2 bble. for vile by
i<2 J. KIDD t CO.
bble. genuine Barbrld i m i) for sale i B A m T A BILICK—I n i: ! O,O 2
L Egish,
a un c t ; l: . by
by r
: CHROME YELLOW—V) eases Baltimore.
RGOLS—.2 bbls. for sale by
3 .EIbD 00. for ciao by
J• 2 a. L. ihtlThltsrocKa 00.
lODIDE POTASH-50 lbs. for sale by
PLASTER --60 Canthariden, for raPLASTER--60
STARD SEED -500 lbs : for tale by
n WINDSOR SOAP --50 boxes Hide's, for
I I . rz) ii , Amm . ioc A 00.
V APE ALOES-1000 lbs. for sale by
k../ le2 B. A. FAIINETIOCIrt CO.
101111ROSSIATE POTASH-500 lbs. ate.
CARAWAY SEED-400 lbs. for sale by
ORPHIA-50 oz. for sale by
11LORATE POTASII-50 lbs. for sole
j i g B. A. FARM:STOCK A CO.
013FISH,-* drums for sale by
jag - J. B. DILWORTH CO.
ORN-500 bo. for sale by
j. 2 J. S. LIVOILTEI t CO.
ARRELS-200 new Flour, for sale by
ja2 J. S. DILWORTH t CO.
lOW ke gs Mastl.l. its 11 4. 4 . K
0D 24•• to 111111% .t.
) .. R .r. .1 . i . . DI 20=1 . CO. ' '' 2
I. br lis2l
A Fery FUSE-25 bbLs. to arrive, for sale
t. 3" [Je2J J. S. DILICORTII a CO.
- E - 14NED SUGARS-106 bble. CLuifted,
w, Po demi, sad Crashed for We br
yre/AXE'S A. lIIITCUISON a co.
GOLDEN SYRUP-1n hf. bbla. and 10 gal
kegs, from the Bt.Louis Refinery, Mir W. by
ICE-20 tierces Carolina, for sale by
HEMP -130 bales Mi. D. 11., for sale by
L EAD -1400 pigs Galena;
COPY Ita. Bar-Jarsea by
SHOT --65 kegs seed Nos„ for eale by
^J:K. " e - N ` P. tra r niefq Mir IRA by
ANNERS' OI 0 bbls. jrnft receiving
6r 611, W
maal. and for de by JAIIES DALZELL.
ear et.
Extra Pine Oolong Tea.
LIST RECEIVED, at N 0.256 Liberty et:,
• very eopertor article of Oolong =
ea, which eal be
lle cannot bo surnamed In the city. mow deli:um a
thole, delicate flavored, but. highly mimetic Black Tea;
an Invited to give Ws a trial.
Black Tete, of every variety. from 2:ic- to $1,22.
Green -
Enalleb and Idyll Black Tem, Narrati ho: nob.
eatlefaction or no constay on hand and by
WM. A. Met:LUDO it
je2 Union and Tea Dealers.
A Valuable Improvement in Trusses.
IR. HARD'S Improved Patent TRUSS
and RUPTURE REMEDY% by which` a permanent
re can be effects]. TIM Truss le entirely different In
••rm and minds:am of action trim other Trusses. hoeing
I the wirsatagea of a well•regulated and uniform pot..
••The pr:ssure can be roe remslatstl_as to give ease and
I ••=n , : , : i most
most 11 , 1 1 fIlvit end, ist . t
t and being briright to se
bear immediately o . The
ver the
• nazi opening, ma affesUng perfect murity and Mese
t at MI Mom ay. under WA mart violent exercise.
• the unser title Truss, when applied PropmlYbY
ralts th o e r alToli el gir d b lis '' ts: d p t a i llgor armir
.•.ti •Mch is not an unfrequent ocrurence In the mar
t•g of illy adapted Muses. it. Is seem common practice
fir Demons afflicted with Rapture to select a trios maple
T u ft themselves. This Is a• bad 'mak, which an to
: og= atir e s r ;s2 . o undastand the anatomy of the
We would moat respectfully dl the attention of Phis'-
u to thin Tn., a. we know tbey:iill appreciate Ito
writ Pg:ea d in=•;s o tale t :Tep,...l oth.&Jrr. - httnath e
KEYSER it Mom/WELL Agents
jell 140 Wood .t., Pittsburgh.
Dr. Hard's Abdominal Supporters.
HESE SUPPORTERS are intended chief
ly for the cure of Prolapeds Uteri. and all those dip
- whom • mecbmical su p port to the Abdominal T iter.
required. They give perfect mOneft to th e elelominel
•• awl may be worn with =tort by all. The di,
produced by a weaknees at the !shamans] mucks
Prolthels Meth Falling of the llowela, Piles
Pains in the flack and BM tu
BMus. Laanda and Extreme
dogsoeg of Prostration. Bronchitis, ffhartnese of llres th .
Psipitatkra of the Bears, a cto rtbinty.
eff. 140 Wood at. Pittsburgh.
PI!! co-partnership heretcfore existink be
at t Itt°gTitglllll7ht.',
Ns 30th,llbl . ellmleedbTmutual consent—the buti:eis
mune. eet Ued bsll . 7 3 sEnz o .iwte.
Allenhcaf dty, May 30, 11 11.j.ii.WD.
h Scased rartneraldia and mil
The ualenda. . 0 f E .- :4erpeide To
hereafter modus t he
- dad. K. MOHAN() E.
In trlthdruning tram the Ann of Flt. Lt. Co..
the we:len/good would respectfully coalmen. the =ems
uer. of the U. lino to the P.t..F. Lh.
sollcit for them Co. COLItiIIEIII.I6/ of um!, fseore.
&....P.lgits7 L add P T4 t rn .. ar c. = "
makluy the bent tr
.111 be round th• must creeronnnet rod dimmest that an
be wed for bonewhotd roman. saring Wren:l4ln but-
Ur and ego, an 4 making the cost ruperfar Erna, Lbrb e f
restry. Podding, cakes, Ae... efltb • great earl 00 Of Um
and troubta Tb. labors ;miff r p digtv connentrnt lased
DIXII" 3 o' l° ' b.- mi. St i MeCLUMII437
nereb MOM abet Tea/neater.
FIRE BRICK-20,000 best fire, in store
aad br sale Ey JAWED DALZELL,
tay3t Zio. uB. Water A.
SAL SODA-350 casks Sal Soda of our
own mete, or sale al reduced mire, Irr
toy3l Were street
BLUER has just received a choice lot
=grefiLir gard s a bl4ta==te t ize m G
link Qty. Mr. C. has much Improved upon his original
Inventlon, and It Is orenerally =ceded that he mak!.
tlw beet ldelorleocs In bea uty ntrie Iggh for eleannraof
tn.ish and tichnerea and of tone Ind hutch Among
others are—
One 0 octave Melodeon. enroll feet. tosewmt
No. 101 Third street, elan of the Golden Ham.
eny3o Solo Agency for ths above lnstrunienta.l .„ _
RYEB FLOUR— bbls. for sale by
ierce • 11. DAL2ELL C CO, Llberty G.
CHEESE -50 boxes good W. R., for sale by
loyal/ H. DeJ2KLL ! co.
• 2 bble. No. I Lard:
15 bags kerothm
21 Boor
1 " Olomouc
1 " ils.totod,
1 bbl.
boo 1)11ed Appletr,
. Prather, to Anita arid
Water tad Plant att.
SALT PETRE-20.bage (Crude) for We by
moo W. A F. WILSON.
SALT PETRE-20 kega (refined) for sal
430 147 1411, and 118 Second at
!NOS.—GoId. Oold and Velvet, Emmet, Tapestry and
mat:Juta Preach Papa, of Tarm; ottailtim and m
Woo to mit. the eireatcutunt. of almcat mom class of
motooarm far mle . establtahment of
mita THOMAS PALIMR, al &lariat at.
snort/bent, Including Avery kind and dxsalpUbb. at
esbeerUnsly I csfee., WY ado by
myzi TIE/116.7 PALMER, 55 Market et. r
WALL PAPER ,, , of my own manufacture,
tor Pork., Ma Dining Room, Mambo. wod
[rorZi] mos. PALIZEII, b. 5 Market rt.
;AS. DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Coln
missfon altd Forwanthas are.ehan4Aml den/. in Iran.
Me t "' b kil it, ATKISSON OKELT.
TRY MORRIS' TEA I—Morris' Tea Mart
t. 1 . .P V ta r i w°°°4 ' tar._ ""'d
'U M
with m: .
lately opened next door "' hy
Cam. tart'
COFFEE -100 bags.prima (thenand Fan
cy Rio, Ott. pale Icy 4.1). WILLTAM aId TA..
toyN 116 Wat.
woo prime cured DacS
tau Veulson t _•
100 Ilutton Hamm_ Mr no IT
KOPLINS I POPLINS!—Just received this
day, per ernetwe-33 pima Mantilla shadee of color.
plias, which we will N eil at 24 per cent. lower than
they have ever been sold to this city.
• myZ/ A. A. MASON A CO.
VINE SHAWLS.—We would solicit the at-
Watt. of Dulcimers to our our extensive assort.
sot superior plain mid embroidered Crape Shawls and
Ser n. r i &er m e c rig a mifAlM 6 sztia blisgt itAtb a s ,
r mlq °*""ric". 'L et MAllll:rait.
I'vt.RIMPED TARLETONS---We have this
day reed outs= of those Yerr&arable eliteMl
TarkWh Trimmings. •Morted mime. lettleh Cu be mold
eery cheap at retail or by the box, at ea M and 64 N
At Mar aC ket st
VINE DRESS GOODS—We have just re
x' oalvad another solingild Warta, eat of black, brawn,
tet ‘„ aiAn s o n tstd .,
• agel o andrlaar t .a ; Aleo. Indfaaral
7:,^) A g . 117StoMr
COFFEE -85 bags Rio, for saleby
lIIRAS' ALE-320 whole and half bbLs
guthi 44l7ll,"Atr.tVAVl.
WINDOW OLASS-2000 boxes for sale by
LARD .01L-20 bbls. No, 1, for solo low to
awe canaimatn4 at tan star. of
8. WIC
• tarn =mem Wool Nixiea.
BACON HO ROUND-8000 lbs. Bacon
/lams, Bides, .mElmoldera, for ulp b
E. 11 W. 1 , eAOOII.
TIRIED.,DEEF-3000 lbs. for sale by
SUGAR -60 Ude. N. 0., for solo by
MT% t W. usaneron
COFFEE -10 bags for sale br
to y2l) S. • W. ILSE.1311:013.
POTATOES -200 bu. Mime Red, for side
W &
100. erg now opening • large lot of tftautiftil
style, Spring Elbitorig, at 12.% mole sgr rani. Threw:atm
erg ursurpuord for obegynegg, as they are well 'MLA YS
cent. Nos. 6Y and C 4 Slarlat R ay=
-TEIV BOOKS :—.A. large supply of Aka
Cllntork A Croaks' lima and Wen Worka.
.11. Tarolly nordruna, or tho Advert/urn or. Faber
..di m 0 th...4 f o u r non. on a dawn island; 2roL. now /
Abe. so. 1, 2,1, and /, of llobslea London Labor an&
London Poor. " •
Jut need and far NM DT II.- 110PErib,
nirla IS Aram Bat dags, Soma st.
ASTILE SO.AB—SO boxes for alde'l. , ,T
AA. : t kw.
BL 1E VITRIOL-20001b8. for sale b
1133 , B. A. /1101:STOCE W.
QALERATUS--30 casks for sale by
1..7 nult ' H. A. FAMMITOCK t 00,
A; LI:31-50 bble. for gale b
.T 0 B. LI , aCIS. • CO.
INSEED OIL-10 bls. saln by
=ea! R b
B ACO N --L 3,000 * lbs. Shoulders;
SOO " Acme for la m a
etlyZ ROBleoN.
RIED BEEF-2000 lbs. for sale by
MOLASSES -200 bbla. N. 0.. for sale by
DRIED FRUIT-550 bu. Peaches;
• ENV tEZ)N A . YITISTreO b . 7
TANNERSt OIL-20 bble. for sale by
AILS-400 kegs for sale by_ "
tom ROBISON, by_
B ROO3IS-250 doz. common to best;
60 " estra foy rale O
COFFER -150 bags Rio;
turn /art LITTLY
•-- tons :en a cree
100) " auu cree
a " Wulslngon for 1.4. ,
r.l xa. Zit Mat/ t
1,7 • 60 bawl! prime Nor Ch*** , :
114 bbia. N0....18411pare 11411 Air
I le tame:. tech 111.1
6:00 lbcpAperlar Aslestus,fra hr
myl) JOHN WATT A CO.. mbertr 4.
3SEALED PROPOSALS will be reeei4efl by.
undentifned. Sr. 0 ragen - re Ile.. until the 15th
bloc ail m.lrrbl) ortlr 2 St. Cement i nT.
Mountailodlogn enet nob
from Se. Gamely.
abmt 60 mlles to o
th. Iron Mounblin and Pilot Hmtb.
Propoeale alb be remind either (let) by thentith for
all work gni materials to connate ma= enemeelte . o
fallow= (11.) for plank 6R. ID length. delivered on Wm
Ef nod at convenient distances (3d.) for loring
nishlog rue= (4th.) far blank delivered and lob
ud lnebeding nnishing; I= gradmvtion by mils,
Incling grubbing ami blaring and =hate of main
fen .pee; aced me.) for feee.wr ad beeeees.
The weal will to divided into Indio= a shmt 6 nuns
In length. imod let singly or =gab= Mem =besot the
mod to be completed 14 } 4 2, th e 14 of Dearenber.lB6l, smith*
balance bath. fat of =mbar. 1661, or as must sooner
a• the =tractors may air. It =propped to plank ths
meal geteraly with whits oak, of which there la an shear
due= on the route. Th e details of Mute. sad occillestlana
of the manner of bullstingwlll te reedy for eumlnation
.and atter the &I day. of June mat. either at Et. GM}
Ire or at the °thee ot James P. Killreocd, Creamer of the
Pacific Banned, St. levuls,3lo.
myttlecatilslo P. C. ADP= Prestdmt.
Agricultural Implementa
,L HAVE JUST received from the East the
following implements, el of tba best =matadors
the moat resent Inventions, sad I would Writs el
Farmers to call and examine my Mak.
Grain Dri ll,
wheat, our. beans, tee. tandia. 8.
Grain Dell, for ,vo. oft.oom
Corn Cob Crusbers.
Com Stolle. for bone and bard rower.
Veils add Com Stalk Cutting DM&
Vegetable Root Cutter.
O. Yokes and Cow Chen Halter.
Cutest), Oren and Gram Brtbe. sad Hotta.
Cuspate two, three mad four tcalnit
All manotetoted from Um beat material .• sad fm nes
at the Drug and Seed liana of
myitt Comer of trout and Sixth amts.
11. - J IQUID GLUE-3 gross, (a ve ry
o superior
article, destined to take the 5 . 1 a...
KlD Ltite co oi , MsiTt
ur altonther)—tor ad. !sr
osr2f CO Wood it.
oll.,_, ra o a n so f tr i, :d b i
2-500 lba. extra rya norm.
60 buabels seed Dona.. ,
50 barrels prime Dambaaoek•
a barztda zu:,.. ..
70 ) " .I..sulavillaTna
100 " Funky none.
, 100 " Fino no..
- COO bushels ear wen. •
100 Oats far We on consignment.
wlnl T. WOOD • BON.
• N 0.51. Water at
VRESIT TOMATOES, hermetically sealed,
.11,7 retalclug, perfectly, the Penn sal freshcese a the
npe frulte, for de by W.M. A. aI'CLURG
mr27 Omen sad Ten Duda.
DRIED BEEF.—Evatui B Swi ft 's Sugar
Cured Beef cum.:de ter ale by_
. W21.4L brCLII6G & co.
mer 7. Z6 Lfberty et.
udda' paeavollabe6 .
Star • " ale try
WM. A. 31'CLI7RO & Co..
may= 1 • ZO Moil gt.
ARPER'S:GAZINE, VoL 4d, bound"
In eloth.
Liaor A e. No. 367.
itaaaa WO LltauT DOC; Mt o .l*
arda (a* Pal Off.
L OAF 'SUG24?,---100 bbls. slued ,
6 W. a
- _fee br
Crnab F.
my= 147 Fist, and 111 &cool mt.
SUGAR --10 Wide. Clarified. fur sale by
cc .ALERATIIS-49 boxes for wile by
Q 110 U LDEILST-12 casks for sale by
1,7 mr2.- ENOLIBILI s Bas. iTT.
I►TALITS-20 bu. Chestnuts;
- " m""LaTbriall&m.
LARD -5 kegif
for sale b y
112 Seccaad, sad 161 kW stmt.
"Carla, Hair Mamma
T HAVE on hand a large stock of Maims
xatt, muds out ol . Tkue /air. Ina a entute
Assn I. ti l.s,
.my= MIA stmt media the Poll
um!: SILK • CES—Large assortment,
'JP end very cheep. reed at the earn of
AIO . , \ JRNINGIGOODS--Blackßombazines,
a awl Tiaaja.%cod
sad o
atAaarastyribea by
ikr 0.11 MACKEREL-10 gr.bble. extra, for
tar um, isaaa DICKEY t CO.
mr.Vl Water and Frout Mu.
INDlGO—Cartima and
sinment. far sal. ISATALI DICKEY CO4 ,
1121:6 - Wsbir asul Prant
AID OlL—Bennett to Jones' brand, for
.ate by to y'ZI 1811.111 DICKEY t CO.
LARD -12 bbL3. No. 1, for sale ,by._
rayX, comae Wall and Water as;
OATS --$iOO bu. for sale by:
ou% .o. k W. lILIIBAMIL
ir40M733 EL ! RN-100 bet. fore. e b
W y_
Calm Bnepts..l2:l batiltd;
• Vas:abet Buster.
Estes Pusses Boasts 5 boopr.
issMl&:l •
tdouictta Itta. In ayy, (1_1•Ing)
hem :SO Libcrty
GGS-3 bbls. for sale by
1.7.1 6,213 A. AW. HARBICOR.
LOUR.-10 blitz. Rye;
PEARL .10411—.5 tone for sale by ,
jRe ira°,09172-2EIN-rk
1109PS-49,000 5p144.6, , f0r . an4e b.
TAR -75 bbls. N. C., for sale by
LIME-50 bias. White Louisville, tor tale
b 7 MY26 ENGLISH t hrtitirrr.
50 000 FT. Poplar Boards sad Scant
mySs 1148. VG I EI3II a BENNET!:
WISHING TACKLE—Canes, Rods, Linea,
I: Hooks, ie., irbelesabe .na . rs w wiz=
= T M GT Market street, earner of loan b.
"),7yATCIiES, in large variety, and at the
; karat' rood. costarn ecdt Flom wholes!. cod
• 1,3.755)
go.= 111mTCUM
• Wended mortmeet of Gold sal Mew
GoLl I asof the best mazwlertaz Pocket Cutler
Mowle. te. 1WT28.1 W. w,wtteoit.
UAMS-32 mike Baeonll r m s f:r sale by
11 mr26 JAMES N k 00.
RICH Crimson Velvet and Gold Paper
.. ahr y gingr, Du Drawing Roma .inat reed than Paris.
er W. P. 11.411180 ALL, 83 Wool st,
*JP -I.llitheltionrirt Omni of Allisturn7 Cteddr. Tend.
ea. No. 224. April T., Vlot.
Mey 24th, , the Cohn Mena Al
fred B. Alcintletcalt, IN, AudilSstor 1
to distribute thepr=ed4
cf tale untie lice creditors. f From the Itomrd.l
0201102 N. NATO. Froth
TheAudttor will attend to the duties of Igenntrotohteett
at is aka, No. 122 Ponca) street, Pitteher2k. 0.0 1 . 22 41.
Jaw 22d, et 2 o'clock, P. M.
nty . Naor A.s kIoCALMONT. Auditor.
• Smith's New Geographies. •
SMITH'S Fire. Book in Geography; an in-.
tiodocton Ueograptir, &slew?: t...7.-.01133.
tasted with M estsr•wthyle
Smith Quarto, or Pima h 3 1,1:13.P 7;.• <hada
ratremtes,l2ll.llll &Ave% • matial UT=
Book; illustrated with 30 noel wthpiolndh_roacehtia whys.
. 17. /tom b, C. Smith , A. li. 303.
stir= 7B Apollo B %Mama, Fourth aL
DRINTING PAPER—A large lot Double
Xedlcad and Impa W. EL la PrbgthiPirs. far ale by
mi 24 . caner Markgt 11.14
RAPPING PAZERS—A large snort.
mentot Wrandag sod Stisw,
W. EL Z.... 413
Pi., tar sale st
say 24 Nper Wandtome. ear. Mutat and 2d Ida
9GROSS STEEL PENS, of all goal],
tier, Including Genets yO3, 251. Mt Peng
Son'a Pena of all utunbinle. Sally., and other
talon:stet, roanufetturerg; for de at
W. &11.CVENI Shalom:7 Blttrk
snr.:l COITAT Market =I Semen eta.
A MARE CHANCE is offered to a person
'l , b, 'Ube:lto trwveh and who has stwhlftrar Itam
Lelen to eight bunched larti. to roma ht • protthhis
bit boat.. Mama the sotcriber through
tO. Po. 01110.. Day 24.111.) - .1. W. LZA
, Shoulder Braces.
Q,HOI3I,DER. BRACES, of the most op-
A, Mond sty* Ample la Man:who. sod easily MOW.
owl of .Ise. to nit .11 who may legato them—Jost reed
tool ftw rol*. shoksa. 11.4 mt wall by
mitt 11.Y.t1kt1,”9,6T
freak. no'.l main. solo Di W.* T. WILBON.
m 124 UT Front. 2.11111 &coed
" r:4 "I"F bT 8. 1 WIC
1 Pittel;fargix Life Insstranee Cot Pant
CAPITAL, $100,000.. -
,2.1.2,2',5 FOURTH STREET. -
President-4 A m . llocar . - •
Cid Pruitt..of—futon Slear .
as vs.
, Trossnrsr—Joso. S. Lszcs.
'i ..01F0...0re =mit Co, . sootbe pot of this papa.
• :4: : 04:1:4:4: • • • , :LA
- - - • .
MONG the numerous discoveries Science
ti ho. made In this generation to twilitnei Met:otters
of ills. lumen* io en}entisel, and ma protons the Ma
of human exhiteres; none stn be tince‘i of moos realist.
manktiu than this contribution of Chemtstry to the
tinting Art. &eon trial of Its within thrroghtem this
met country, tres pronn teiond a doutt that no midSdas
or combination of medicine. yet known. can to eurelyets•
tool and writhe lanmeroui mistime! neihnommy Maus
which hare hitherto swept hart our midst thossuods and
thmettele eery moo. Trident, Mena+ now shandsatrer
eon to benne • remedy ha. at length been Synth which
an •be relied on to cm the mote daemon. sactloos of
the Mega Per>lam here will . not I.rosit us to yoshilsh
say Predeortion et tie cum effected 14 in grip Eat we
• prem. the Ibllowing oldniottiot =lnset mrshind Mtn
further - esardry to the Sherd's, which the aguats Wow
• named Will always be Messed to fOrnith ate
full particoLess. andludinatisble proof of these Sotto.
Prom the Prendol 4f_.4
_ukherst Wart. the cetendect Pa&
...Tames C. Ayer—am 1 tam add PAZ MOM Peetesll
is my ore este of ikeseested 800 ohOfL awl am ssitidel
to It. awake wartime!. the& Ie is see admirable mese
woad Ibr the relief of lartmeled exedhrstithielditlesltieu
II my otdulote 00 to Hs gm.. clierseur mu he Or 007
service, you are et Ilber_ty tun Li es thtel i tz i . i.. •
Prams Oa 'violets aide-dud P3OFES I I R LIZ. IL
14L. L. Lk; Predawn. of Chemistry. ,
Yale Cale. *ember of the Liu Hilt 11.1. PUI. mud
heirutille e't , in of sad Zeros, .
ex d o . th. gum Pedant Mures.
en clearable emu:cattle:de
tram some of the best arta. 10 the Metals Hells. and
e very etreetise remedytur the elan of diseesee HI, Mat
Jed to rose" Neer Hutu. Ct. Nor. I, ISM
MAJOR PATTISON: Prahltst ofVo S C Sanaa state.
that ha hat used the Cherry PectaraL wish Irotderftd eue.
ass, to cure us lestessomitiou of the luny. • , _
Flom gar of No first Peoicimee Le keine •
co, Me-, Ahnl ZS. ISIS.
"Or. •
roos 3. C. Ayes. Isserell—Deer. hir I em moor cosestMOT ter Cherry Pestonl IA my De., assl Rao
• etha =4WD* tyr pubsimpryeoreamplemte a
micas of way were teem .. ermilerst it 1111 ewe
ughs. wide. end disease of the lames; that Ism pet des:see other remedies. 1 laverlshty hen
use In eases of rossusehtlms. sad muskier It mutest. bat
remedy leseenne for tint dims.
Itespentfolly yoters, y. S:CVRITILAN, 1.1.
Presszed end sold 67 7/1 C. ATER, Pest luel CUM.
itt Isserelklases.
hold In Pittaborshotholaaal• sea meal; by LA- Elk
tt EBTOCH SCO sea J. Id. TOWNSith le • ,
ps-sjjeek..y aIty,SCHWARTZ. and DM.
OLAR, uut byDreasts Reeterally. • iuTdesilleuT
D RIED APPLES-15 bibs. far mile by
SHAD -10 bblo. No. 1;
ID Buzz" niggeabisaritt-
lIGAR--100 bble; Powdered, for sale by
GREASE -15 bbls. good grerlOC,'llOW land
Mg from Ammer . Onvitxrdauct tor sat by
C HEESE -51 boxes,'now landing and for
y 2.4 M
Itsle by " BALM DICKE Y It 00,
m an and Frani Ms.
BUTTER -3 bbLs freah, now latiding
fox Ws by 79.11Att DICKEY OK.
mybi Wbter bud /mut Oa
At well =trod, will bit Ned lov to claw Una lot.
13•1&11,D1.1SZY M..
my 24 Water and Ironies.
sacks, in store, for
n DICKEY 00..
Weer and boat sta.
bbls in'storo, twid will be sot
low to d 0.., cotalgrackent.
me . . 4 .1 Weer and Front stn.
EFINED BORAE—;-600 lbs best English,
for sale by [TO7 241 3. KIDDi CO., 00 Waxi at.
ARD OIL--{auperior article) in half bbla
1./ for msla by 102724) J. KIDD k CO., GO Word it
LAC DYE-500 lbs for'sale by • '
m 724 • J. KIDD tCO. OD WO= st.
rLi_WASII SILKS-20 pieces just ?I
deirlasLle *Akio .orritatad to wash.—
• large Alsottoaent Poolard . llka, ._..bes•tllal
sor'Z A. A. AIAWN
.10 shim
m llan athnu k of
te Pittergh ... i .vor
Tar which tb. avamst PO. ateallo.
Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh.
SUSHARES FOR SALE on favorable .
tau% Ibr MLA. Env 03.0
Li IrmoJuntas to Wks of I protection to tfoi h. 04 is
boo ricatlng. onrcloning. .an of Aramaic. to nor
to& thee bleach the hoods oncrof_nblia. rar ale tow at •
laa Rubber Desoo 9 - Wool •
my= J. 2 H. PIHLLIP&
CLARET WINE,' (St. Ju li en Mama of .
..ow Impartatlx=l: u seM I MINC
• • • Lawns! /awns •
A: MASON & CO., No. 62 and 64 mAr
kat meat, an now opening. 10 cm* =P. Tram*
syna, at all axiom Tbeamention of mamma Isaollett
al to an vt..... ,0 0n of • nnear ! Tardvi eh. •P?:e‘.t , :alo.
at UN and la mats per rent. • "
1011IIRLINGTON 'HERRING.,—Gass' recr‘d,
JUP '9 bass of the MA:nisi Barlbsslas . k Satakad LOT.
nag, Ls las sada, sad fra Ws by
WM. a. MaCLITRG & 00,
Oros. sad Tea Amain.
FISH—New Shad;
Mm ioa Na 1 akwl;
lirtad Boat Co:Motu
ID y= W.B. LM CLUB% CO, 25a liberty et.
LP OIL CLOTHS—Just reed, from the'
artieri Parton, Ea •I•o_ 8•011 hp 011 Cletb. • bwatrally thdah• ,;:`•
ls,lar ul• V.1./Wsas lOW 10 elliiil=l;94,ll. la the
Oil Clo th wannams. Na 7 sad I/ wood . • - •'
my 22 . - J. oa. roman. • • .
r= fr. =for d
B ACON--10 hhds. prime Sidhouldcxes; ' •
e E r • r •
" " Mum •
10 4
lama cars Ural,. Gummed Hamx
13. BONO,
DO .431 Water, and C. 2 Front st.
EV3 r EED 01L-25 bbla. vete, for sale by,
1. D. CAN .
CHEES-- IL -200 boxes for sale by
mrsz J. COSICI.D.
• • r, r
WED PEACHES-500 bu. for sale by
G RAIN-ft tin. Oats; ' •
1. 1 . MTV-4N k soya•
jag 1851. ErdigiNlE
zascareaszr.s 8,01311. •
vis Browner and Cumberland, eo'Baltimoru
ELE HORNING BOAT leaves the Wharf
when the Maio day. crt !I o'clock gonticaly. ono.
rot *JUL the taro at Coonbcland oat morning.
Ito Boat loam daily (ctoort dutday
at 0 o'clak.. l . contorting with Nit ow at Caater=
"ming a.
Th rko u. through to Balms% Eg boon. inn noir iOL
Too through to rbilacialpida, 40 how. Yam cabala
The National Boa
Blom oow_g . Conductor, go with_
lb Coortas between wnry and Cooloctlood. obleki
• lasks• lids doridally do but Ent- ......„-- -
. J. 1117.8ELlibt,
my= - " Olin to the Slonotutshol. .
LALLui v f l oy.-
v• .
IXPRESS Packet . aad Railroad Line for
• aovolatd. toaLloot fog of Ltdramirr• trtaa F.l.2burigh to Beaver . In et2utuatcak wnb. the elegantly 112.
tabot /apron Poelrato of Carte. Parka & Ca, from &ow
to &mum, and the, roltadid woo Posoet=sof
Clnibus6 sad Pittabtagb Itallrood Co. to
PENIGATLYANIA---...--2. Ironed..
IeLAGABA---.---- —. Tem.
ALLY/Wl►il Riau.
Steamer lam their lialligzFite the blorgeogabala
Hoe" at 9 o'cloelt,A. Al" with the Packet.;
Beam. whlch will Imre hasorliste r on the ante - 4.lth*
stoma. anteing et Barn. to lime for the Expreemein
or (Vs }or Clare/end. Pam=
_Ude mire at
Clerrelsod In time to take theL Itallrftd /Am of Stumm
for /IMAM sal DIMWIT, gad the warners for So
re, Mllvankle, Soled% Ssoctesky Qty. DorM9 gry,
else for ervolhg resin of care Er Cob. St e , ho
Claclanarl. CLARKS. l'lBll3 *IX)
Bocillinse. Pe.
•w. FL !11001111EAD,
obdaz St. Cbseto Hetet '
matt of Eidthiliall sad %aure
12wEizi' ;1851.-
On the totuisylvania and Ohio Canals • •
•peorextrons: •• •
CAAWFONLIR 010....,CurnsArt, O. '
THIS well known Line is now ,prepared to
.nd 7
Mt a tYY
nti.. tt. LitYl r Pg'g
irArtol =oh._ ;
NT. sad clooolty of Botts, ‘ ts , ;. '"' ento of " C54.10/I ' too of.
Sacs of Amon.
• Ow Bottlerno Pllloborgh and Cloraland dally,rtmatni s
In consnonke wltti•Line of stasontons •tonreon P 1111.".
SWUM load lISAYN/L, and . Llama elmosteambottlis
%IMAGO sad muds) on ILA Lakin.
. • • CONSIGN - US:
•,;:. Pats ACo.. Yonasztar....
AL B.Uttar, Warren. Os
A. /A N. auk, Its•lnn
Beaton • ' '
C. Itconn,Raysans. us . •
• Ca. Ilsvolt, 04
swot, Orinatl t Ca. f=alio. O.;
, • 11. A. Miller. Conboo ftll4 O.:
WNteltr, Les t Mclon.
Scott Ponlbm
O. CI;
num TAW .
O. Wlllloms A Co., Retrolt. alohlon:
Damn= A Co.. .11.11. - ank.o.
0.4.. A. Oats Co., Chimp, III; • •
loflrte/NIOILET, Amt.
WS. Water sad ElmlthOold Plumbn
..1 laeo. Re., •
jjAVING completed arrougementa with
Jj Mama In Sonia= and otbar European attar, for
aracotion of no. Wm, I oso Um...bled to tett to
tkto ttot,_ot • anaLl adv../ over nu r .. aatJork nit, BRAN
DIES. wp.zr deactiptiou.
• A Mallon in Inv iteilo lay list. WOW. '
Bordeaus, a d Babel/a Brindles. to
110 paeFrtn . r zvu ...,
73 bba and qr. eats a. ins. prat broon Roar* too
oat otto.
t i g or t.`" " Port palers. otiEnna rolorrlor_r
300 taalrata Sparklian Chanuaane. non known brands.
lop" rarion. and 'Wanes.
100 num Sauterne and flarm, 'vintages 1446-1.
to nom e.t.a...1 Elam Wino.
to Ana 311 Holland and Echurdaviga. . •
16 ponelmna o= t a t o j e= lbleor. •
nialOr London Brown &mit sod fleofeb
With • warrant impair of linlxgrOnt Uptn, such aa
Atualant, Chem. Warr
A tap
nano of itarehlt szatid *Firm on halia
All of nano I oral offer oarep farorabla testy
or wild too eamatad Irish despatch. nod ddaand
at nand rates • LI.
__ LA. •
ma i tiiii • ja Morttt sal Data, El w.otot moot.