The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 03, 1851, Image 3

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    Annmacrra Cori —Messrs.. CI A. I.lnAnulty
fit CO. hare left with us nepecimen of Anthracite
Coat, advertised. in our paper this morning. For
foundry purposes this coal - may heir transport
ation from Harrisburg; • and for parlor fires many
persons prefer it to ours on so:Taunt of its free
dom frOm smoke and soot. •
Ban Cass.—On Saturday night some persona
' observed a yciung lad, about fifteenycors of age,
attempting to commit suicide by tittering him
self into the canal; but heyas rescued and taken
to the watch bun by some of thopoliae, when
it was at once perceived that ho was deranged. .
He rated constantly about
"rho were about to kill I,qra, and with touching
issriiestom, besought the bystanders to savehim
Atun their murderous hands. No ono present
knew.anything about him; but on Sunday he
was recognised, and it was ascertained that his
father was a brickmaker named Denny, residing
initie vicinity of Lawrenceville.
We saw him ow Sunday afternoon, and were
vely,notch struck with his appear in= rib was
11 Wry fine looking . ruing lad, but the wildness
of his eyes, and his. selflessness spoke but too
mit evidently of a mind diseased. Be wu mov
ie& with much actirity up and down the iron
grating in front of his cell, and no stopped
fors moment, even whUe telling the police that
"they wise after him, and that he *gold be
killed ^, One of the bystanders, homers!, asked
him his name, when l q suddenly stepped, bat
Made no answer. Whe is your father? said his
iMtMidgator, Mothisjai? I don't loww; said the
poor fellow, with a passionate bunt of tears, if
hewers here I would not know him. •
;He was soon - afterwards claimed. and taken
home by his father. We understand that his in
sanity is but of recent date. It suddenly sneak-
Mg him about two days before his attempted
What volatiles does this ease speak in
Mar of the speedy esisbllsholent of a lunatic
Asylum In our midst.
Courrunarsu Eistrrucen....—ln the United
States Court yesterdai, beforo the nom Judge
Irwin, a motion fora - new trial, - and - in taut of
judgment, . in the case of Jackson Coniaton and
T. H. Scott, indicted .for passing counterfeit
' *tin; was argued by the District .4v:o:my, J. B.
Swellsor,..Erg.; for the United Sates,' and by
Meters." . Burke and Black for the prisoners.—
. Tim motion wan overruled, and. Judge Irwin pro.
candid to pass sentence upon the priamers.—
Adman Coniston was 'sentenced to an Imprio
annum of .two years in. the Western Peniten
tiary, and Scott received a similar punishment
A brother of Corriston, who was out on bail,-
Wp may heals be perMitted to observe that the
prosecutions, daring the skit:term of the District
Court, have beeh condutted with. singular abni
, ty and tractess,.thotgb !,with great fairness and
- matey towards the pawners, by Mr. Dwelt
. sea, and more conviction obtained, than we wt
. cgiatrw to take place litany former term.
Column's "Isoussr.—Corcm'er Arthom held
att inquest last Sabbath; upon the body of a man
Lund Preach, a blacksmith from Cincinnati,
111141 11011 drowned a for days ego from the
'Loyal Hamm. ' The osnel rerdiet was
Itouday, Sum 2d.
'Before the Ron. Wm'. B..P,toCture, Priuddmit
Judge, and WiWam Boggs; Associate Judge. •
' The Court met at tea o'clock, when the names
• - of the. Grand and Petit Jurors, who have been
summosed to attend the unmet session
called 'aver; and the members of the Grand Jury
toot their seats. •
His honor, Judge. McClure, after briefly et
gaining' their duties to these gentlemen, said
that. the 'criminal calendar was fortunately a
;.light onty and no offences of a very high or
atorravated, character would be brought "before
than. The day of commencing the June session
bed recently been altered from the third to the
Ant Monday of June, by the Legislature. This
Lad been .done, because jurors were obliged to
submit to great inconvenience by attending
Court when their harvest demanded their whole
attention- -He saw 'many men of experience
amongrhem, mid had no doubt that they would
have bat little trouble with any case which
would be brought before them; if, however, any
difficulty ehotild arise, the learned Dist:del At
torney would always be in readiness to wait
upon them, and "explain the law. The • Court
would Tikearise listen with pleasure and attention •
to 'lay suggestions which they might make.
no Grand Jurythen retired, and the case of
the Cmcmionwealth vs Edward Mullen—lndict
rmust—lnroluntarymsevunghter, continued from
the last tato, the jury not having been able to
agree, was - called up. 't The defendant was not
• present; and. the case was continued until two
dfter hearing a number of =important mo-
Slow the Court adjourned.
A17E1130011 BUSION.
WArivin, Esq., counsel for the defendant,
demurred to the indictment, and - a long erg&
meat ensued. -The - detniurer war finally over
ruled, •as wan a plea of futre foal acquit. The
trial will commence at nineo'clock this morning,
bat it his been already reported atlmgth in our
columns. Our readers will recollect that Mullen
is accused Of having, by his carelenness,
an old gentleman named Hays, formerly a rad
sicat of lemperanceville ' who met his death by
Awing bean run over bydefendant's - horses and
Monday, Jtme 2d:
- Menu &elfin. Hopewell Hepburn, President
;mks Ara Am Walter H. Lowrie, Associate
James Young ts. irdruun Herdroan.. No 444.
a1 2 =7,185 1 . Oa motion' of Mr. Meconnell,
:claim plaintiff to acre' cause of liction;and wiry
"the unite 'of the" attachment should not 'be
-quebed..l3amsday, ya movirigirule rands at.
solute. . :
Howeet vs. Neil & Boyne. Nolo to &hewer
erhheeded aura Saturday next. ' •
_ Wattei vs. Stilley. No. 210. July, 1861.
Jr4qterit• set. wide, and the Order or. Court
panting" a'new trial, to etand ors psyleirt. of
'. TAM PILIMAST litcrunto.—We haie rectioal the
!Waxing ißrditional returns of the results of the
Whig and Antl-Mavada Primary-Meetings since
am last "BIM=
Upper St. Brawdy and Robert Bing
ham, instructed for Hampton end
land Poster and Conner.
s nn ltareeport.—Delegatte:—Doctar
Fayette-1i A. Moray sad Jacob.
.rlnstmcted for Hampton and Williams for
lictrict Court. McClure for the court , of
'tinter Sessions, Paherustock, Scott Barter, M
ica,- Web/okay, Johnson,- Derain, Porter and
nre for the Letelstare. John Eteerick for sit-
• emmrden,—lEntm Halts and James Hump, in
etracted far Hampton and Williams for the Dia.
ttica Cenrt.. .31oClard for an Quarter Sudo=
&nth Fayette—liTliszo H. Campbell and Wil•
awl Boyd. instructedforßampton and Williams
:for the District Court.' McClure for the Court
of Quarter Eland= bleosakey for Register.
4effean,4l. Reatitand J.-Pearce, Instructed
por Forward a n d wguom i for the DistricculFt,
life Clare for the Court of Quarter &Mb=
-Robbucm—dlettander Melteepilamne.l Make
Ruttmeted for Vorstarti and Willlatau . •
Duquesne—John Mitt= and Stephen sack-
. . _
Bluder—Alfred Loyd and William Semple.
tdoCausllimi—John Ramage sad Captain Pea
Franklin—Samuel Means, -- Mader. J,
11nleyoslah Guy and John Harper.
Baldwin—Dr. Cochran, J. C. Risher delegates,
instructed' for Forward, Williams and McClure.
Associate Judges Henthom and Liget. Assem
bly-8. Herr, ot'Erustieth; J. Peony, IL:Kem
pen, J.. McCloskey,
_Geo. H. Appleton, George
Dude: Fahmusta*, J. E. Foster, Jen, Homer,
es Gilmore, and Wm. Weider-
Dail Deer—Mama; McMealy and Kennedy.
X Collins—Maws Chadwick and Refnlnatenoted
for Famed.
, Pattan—Z. Aber and E Clotagbion, luitracted
fa Forward. .
- )fl !dn—J.; McK Snodgrass and John Si r dimk,
instructed for Forward. ,
1. '. pm,. —At a primary meeting held , in Pitt
10‘naliiii, on Saturday, May 81st, Instant, per , .
mat to a call of the Whig and •Antbnaeonic
Conn Co ntention . The meeting was organised
b 7 Thomas Farrow, Esq. to the Chair
* Lib2
and a g Louis J. Fleming Secretary. The
tall or.the. meeting being read, the following
panne yeti, nominated as candidates to bawled
tomes delegues to the Whig Comity Emotion:
Robert A: Palmer, E. P. Jonea; John Watt, tad
Wm. Melbanin.
Motion was made by George Breed to ad:
lotermwt 4 o'clock. Adler • some:discromloii on
bath Ades as to the fairness and justness of such
• sinurie the motion was carried with much di a.
• -
" - Oninotiost of Het:rtat, Egg.; the meting
rgned at 41 o'clock, with mislay dleseating
*tea: Wart A. Palmer, 6 Totes; , & P. Janes,
7 troc:-.Jfain Watt, 21 Intel; Wm Plateau;
• 'The rceerdant ireifinoW6g that this Was not
the voice of the peat majority of the Whig votes'
of the township, concluded to keep The meeting
open until 7 o'clock orlonger, if voters appeared.
At 71 o'clock, rio more voters appearing, on mo
tion of Wm. Wiley, the =irking closed. The
following wee the result, after all the votes were
counted, thit were offered from the time the
meeting wee first organise& •
- Robert A. relater, 81 votes; E. P. Jones, 82
'votes; Jahn Watt, 21 votes; Wm, Eichhaum, 19
On motion of Ralph Reed, E 611., the meeting
atUottrwed.: TEOMAS FARROW', Prest.
• ;.'• . For the Pittztatrgh Daily Gazette,
Pulututut io call, the Antimasons and Whip
of the Borough of Sharpsburgh.met in the ec h ool
house, on Saturday, May 31st, 1851, to choose
delegates to represent them in County Conven
tion, Jane 4th, 1851. A. Morton, Esq. was
called to the Chair, and John Heed appointed
Secretary. •
J. B. Roberts received
W. G. =a "
Dr. Glenn "
A. Masten
T. H. Gibson
J. B. Roberta - and W. G. Willem were declared
Common Councils of the city of Pittsburgh met
lest night for the purpose of electing nine, gen
tlemen to serre as a Board of Health daring the
ensuing year.
James B. Murray Esq, took the Chair in the
Select Council, end Robt 151cEnight Esq, in the
Common CounciL
The object of the meeting haring been stated.
;the Select Counbil adjourned to the chamber of
the Common Council, when the members of both
Councils proceeded to ballot with the following
molts : •
Allen M. Cordell,
Robert Snyder,
.11. W. Lewis,
N. B. Craig,
Dr. Carman,
Doctor A. Black,
.7 Wickersham
Biddle Amhara,
R. Fang,
E. Dithridge,
Jamea bicCime,
Captainp Charles Naylor
A number of ecattering votes were given, but
the -above gentlemen were then declared duly
The Select Council then adjourned to their
own room, and soon afterwards adjourned.
Conant Corractz..—ln the Common Council
W. C. Friend Esq, offered the following pream
ble and resolution:
Whereas, in the opinion of the Select and Com
mon Councils of the city of. Pittsburgh, the street
committee, by their act*, concerning certain
Improvements, lately ordered by the Councils
have assumed powers not belonging to them, and
in open violation of the wishes and rights of a
Besolved, therefore that the said committee be
requested to resign, and that Presidents of Coun
cils appoint a new committee on streets.
A long and animated di•oussion ensued, which
.was terminated by Lecky:Harper Esq, offering
the following resolution.
Resolved—That the subjects embraced in the
foregoing resolution, be referred to the CoMmit
tee on Streets, with instructions to report there
in, and with power
,tasend for persons and pa
This resolution waS carried by a majority of
one, the vote standing thirteen to thirteen, and:
the President votineff the affirmative.
After the transaction of some unimportant
business, the Common Council adjourned.
6 ,
in this ease closet. yesterday', Hon. iteverdy
Johnson having th e final The eminent
counsel on the aide nf the Northern Methodists
were George Wood; Esq., of New York, and Hon.
Rufus Choate, of Mass.; and on the side of the
Methodists South, lion. ReverdyJohnson, of Mit, .
and Dudel Lard, Rig., of N.Y. lion. Thomas
Ewing, of Ohio, lati Secretary or Interior,
acted as advising cotuusel in the case, in behalf,
we presume, of th e Ohio Meth:dike. This
highly impo rtant case closed with about one
hundred lookers oe, mainly Methodist clergy
men, we presume; end the thought struck us—
*before how few is numbers are the greatest
principles often diteussed . ' and rattled.' The
Judges, both Nelson, U. S. Supreme Court, and
Betts, District Court for Southern New :York,
advised the counsel :to meet together and try to
settle this snit amicably among themselves for
their respective littlies, and the counsel seemed
disposed to acquiesce in the good advice of the
Court. The opinion: eeemed to be, among some
'who have listened to the whole argument, that
strict law was on the - side of the Northern Metho
dists, and strict equity for - a division of the pro
perty, of which the North now holds the whole.
Mr. Sutton, the well , known Reporter of the Na
tional Intelligencer'a Congressional Debates, we
remarked, was on hand; and he told us Jae had
taken notes of all the speeches, and that they
wouldsoon be publithed in full. For them, we
suspect there will be a demand both North and
Tna P00.31D3.32 u ILC33:110 ADYIVX.-A most
affecting same was witnessed at the Lunatic Any
! ltureat Utica. On entering the Chapel where
rem,. two - hundred of these unfortunates were
quietly seated, the overseer introduced the Pres
, bleat of the United States, when all rose, respect
, fully bowed, and resumed their mats. Each
member of the party was then introduced by
name when the same ceremony was profoundly
repealed. Dr. Maltby, • wise Lunatic, then
arose and -welcomed the President In a strain
of graceful and touching eloquence that drew
team to every eye. - Ile in a tall, thin, pale man,
with penetrating eyes,fine voice, andgestures
belonging to the polite oratory of ~ , g entlemen of
.the old school." The President's reply was also
very happy and affecting. So orderly and so
well behaved a company surely has not greeted
him in all his , travels. In• one of the femalei
wards the whole party were individually introdu
ced to an elegantly - chewed, and most accom
plished lady, the daughter of one of the most dis
tinguished lawyers ~New York has ever produ- -
Cud. She had the right word ready for every
one who addressed her, and presented the Presi
dent with a sweet little boquet of her own ar
ranging, in the most tasteful and graceful man
ner. We saw the mime "act of presentation"
performed a hundred times, but in no instance
with - such =qui:RUC-simplicity and grace, as
marked the offering of this accomplished lady.—
She is sixost forty years-of age; and in mention -
ingthe name of mane of` the distinguished Men
ehe hsientertained at her father's house, added;
—"but for the hut seven years I have
vent much out of the world.":
There :was a young girl in the Asylum, who
OLIO attracted 13111Ch.Atientioa by her beauty of
person and elegance 'aro dress. She did not api
pear to be over seventeen years of age, antihero
wu not the ,lightest indication of lunacy, or
even of "irregularity" about her. She awed in
the door of her room which iwas adorned with
flowers, gracefully acknowledging the bows Of
the visitors, though no one presumed to speak to
her. She ware a beautiful wreath of peach and
cherry blossoms in her dark hair; the only °rai
mente approriate to her rare sad touching bean
o... Thinking of the "fair Ophelia" and the
heart-broken “Bride of Lammermoor," and all
the delicate feminine harpstrings that were ever
broken by - soiroiv'or Bin, we left , the beautiful
Ltmatio;•and for hours afterwards, every sound
seemed a moan, every breeze a Sigh, and even
the "drops of the morning" which glistened - du
the flowers looked more like teem of sadness than
gems Of Joy.—N. Y. ,
ars authorized to say that at the last meeting, of
the Directors of the Steubenville and bidllllll
Railroad Company, the location of the roady has
been determined.
• Arringemeate are now making to render im
mediately available, the subscriptions to the
capital stock of the company, when we may ex
pect the road lobe pushed foriard with as great
rapidity az le practicable. The:route determined
upon leaves Steubenville, and proceeds , by the
valley of Cross Creek, and through Urichrrille
to Coshocton.' We have been furnished with the
following resolution of the Board of Directors,
which to our mind indicates that this great work
will not only be speedily commenced, but carried
on with energy.
Resolved, That the chief engineer be directed
with his corps, to prepare the road in suitable
sections for letting contracts, for graduation,
masonry, and bridging, 'from Steubenville ,to
Coshocton, and that the work upon the same be
prosecuted to completion as soon as practicable.
1: We congratulate our citizens, who feel :so
deeply Interested in this undertaking, at the re•
mats - which have followed their efforts. About
78 miles of road from Steubenville to Coshocton,
will now shortly be pot under contract, with a
capital stock of near a million of dollars. to drive
the work on. And what is still more gratifying,.
is,the reflection that the stock is subscribed along
the line , of the road. •
per people alongthe whole. route, with some
few exceptions, bare put their own shoulders t o
th e whee - 1;. and we trot will keep them there
%ma they drive the locomotive from Columbus
to Pittsburgh. What are our friends in Alle
gheny and Washington counties doing f , . There
to no wore time for them to welt. Let us hear
what is the situation of their. stock books. Let
theta be up and doing and help no carry through
the „B, line 304d. , !—Strabeaville Herald.
The lag concert Si' Jenny Lind in New York
is announced to take place next week. She will
immediately alter lens far a tour, singin g A nt
at Philadelphia on the 9th attune,"-and next at
Balton, on the 16th or 17th silks saxes
- New roes, June 2—:4, P. AL
The steamship Washington, Capt. Floyd, which
ruder, from Southampton obehi 21st nit, arri•
red this afternoon at 4 o'elodk. She brings Lon.
don hates to the 21st of May, with 163 passers.
The steamer Humboldt arrived at Cowes on
the' lith of May. The Asia arrived at -Liver
poid on the lith.
The propeller Lafayette, from Philadelphia,
14 days was spoken by the Weabington on the
24th of May; when four days out she broke her
air pimp, and 'from that time had worked her
high pressure engine. She required no assist-
Morrie Doyle, of Springfield, lIL, a passenger
ia the Washington. died on the list of May.
The gieat Exhibition continues as attractive
as l ever. The receipts have avetaged about
$l,OOO daily. It is proposed to appropriate the
income from the Exhibition to eduCational per-
the House of Lords, the property tax bill
had, passed through Committee.
4 dreadful accident bad Occurred at Clay's
Cram, on the Midland Railroad, killing two, and
seriously' wounding several other persons.
Ike U S. frigate St. Lawrence was at South-.
impton, and will sail for the United State about
the middle of June.
The steamer Pacific arrived at Liierpool on
the 19th.
The overland mail from India arrived at Lon
don on the 19th. The country 1r11.5 tranquil,
and the commercial advices quite favorable.
. .
The oppoeitioiX of the Legitimists to Loolo Na
poleonhaa excited much attention in Paris. The
general news from France, however, la Pacifies
and favorable.
IL Tiers had declared himself in rarer of a
'he sugar bill was ander consideistion in the
The Belgium Minittry hare suffered a defeat,
and have tendered their resignations.
The Spanish Ministry had gained strength by
the late elections..
A Royal samiesty has been panted, at Copen
hagen, to all persons engaged in the lite remit.
Letters from Rome state that a league is about
being formed by Rome, Naples, Tuscany, and
Piedmont, with • slew to induce the evacuation
of the Roman Capitol by the French.
LiroarooL, May 21.
Cotton—A favorable change had occurred in
the Lire:pool cotton market on the 19th; 7000
bale, were sold on that day, and 6000 on the
The advices from the manufacturing districts
are more favorable.
. _
The corn market was much better, with an
Advancing tendency. Flour was firm.
Sugars were heavy. Coffee was study. Teas
were dull, but unchanged in price.
The money market was steady sad firm, with
no change in quotations.
Ni. Your, Jane 2.
We have intelligence from Hayti to the 20th
The Emperor had not yet signed the treaty
proposed by the United States Government,
Great Britain and Prance. He wanted a week
longer to consider the matter, at the end of that
time, should be still refine, Port Au Princc will
be blockaded.
New Tonic, Jane:.
The three icemen, Douglass, Clement, and
Benson, convicted in the United States District
Court in tills city, of the murder of the mate of
the barque Glenn, were this Morning contoured
to be hung.
Nzw. Ou.un, June 2
We have dates from hleMeo to the 20th
The Senate refused to amMtionthe modification
of the tariff made by the Chamber of Deputies.
The Tehuantepec grant to Gerdy was annulled
in both Houses, by large majorities. The right
of way across thelstluntis was also rejected toy
a large majority.
Congress adjourned on the 2Gth.
Ea-President Herrera died in the city of Mex
ico on the
NEw °assails, June 2.
Accounts from Yucatan announce that the
Indian war is fast drawing to a close. The In
dians had mistained a bloody defeat at &males,
haring been entirely routed by the whites. '
Como, May 30.
The Cholera has brakes' out on the Lower Mis
sissippi, and it is said to exist to a considerable
extent at New Orleans. The steamer Pride of
the West arrived from below, crowded with.enii
grants, among whom there were fourteen deaths
from Cholera, and eight other cases which prom
ised to terminate favorably.
Nzw Your, June 2.
The engagement between Barnum and Jenny
Lind terminates, by mutual consent, with the
100th concert. She has already given 91. She
given one more in this city, and the remaining
eight in Philadelphia and Boston.
Pultsnateme, June 2.
3lr. Webster arrieed - to-day. He remains atthe
Coltunbis House until to-morrow, when he leaves
for Washington.
General Percifer F. Smith arrived here to
Noarouz„ Juno 2.
The United thetn sloop of war, Jamestown,
sailed, yesterday for Brazil, yin Madeira.
Cotton—The ininouncement of the arrival'of
the Washington has checked operetta= In cot.
-• • . •
Flour—la treaty, and. generally held at $4 44
64 60 for choice. "
Eye Flour—Bales 'at $3 bbl. , !
Grain—Small sales of wh eat at 95q,97 foi.
red, and 100®103 for, white, 1.3 boob; sales of
yellow corn at 60 centall huh.
Whiskey—Bales in bbis at 2210? gall.
Nave long, June r
Flour—Tho market is more active at steady
prices. Sales 6,000 bbls at $404,06 for State,
and $4,101e4,070 for round hoop Ohio.
Orain—Wheat is quiet and drooping. Cons is
lower, with sales 22,000 ha at 67 @bile for
Western mixed, arid 60c for roundyellow.
Provisionsr—Pork is inactive 'at former prices..
Heel is unchanged. Lard in steady.
Stocks—The market is inactive, but firm.—.
Sales of $l,OOO Penna. 6's at 041 e, which is ad-'
time of j. United States Stocks have declinhd
in. Reading is buoyant, closing at 691 c, Ex
change is very scarce.
Flews—Sales 400 bbla at $3 40 per bbl.
Whiskey—Bales at 180 per gallon.
Cheese—ls dull, at Co for best quality.
Provisions—Nothing of consequence iq doing.
Groceries—Bowls Ilrm,witiv sales of 6011ds
good fair at qo per lb. Bales of molasses at
34®350 per gall. Private advlcen from Now.
Orleans report io advance in auger.
i The river has risen 15 inches since last report.
Yesterday forenoon,
as the down .freight train
of the C., C. & C. Railroad, was between Car
didgton and Oxford, it ran over a cow, tuni the
whole train was thrown offlbe track.. The engine
was turned riptidei down, and the mirs.badly
broken up. r
Mr. R. F. Humaston, the Conductor, who was
on the locomotive, was thrown off among the
wreck of the train, and lived only an hour after
being extricated. He was a man muck esteemed
by his acquaintances and the managers of the
brakeman and one other person, were slight
ly inquired. The Express train from Cincinnati
was detained some three hours, In consequence of
the accident.—Citerland Herald.
/RP We again refer our readere to the ad-
watbantant of It 0. Pamir. Arabont Linfaand, which alp
Dann another c 01.., and by which you will woo it la
Welly sacoadandad; and Mb la ton nil: haptoduca oar
Madam of Ilnow who have .ntit and exprritnoed Ira two.
eedal Wrens thole own pawns. no rum uneaten.
ly wary nonarnahla, .d at Lan the taadleina Aa worthy at
nidatl.l aerieall to go to Um. won. who will (=Lb
• pamphlet gratis, eontalning may yalnabba mina to
'tomato:mat of watt**. ttylidtaiMrdl
hlsirntemebef ore termal years be h. Mull be indwell to
.offer It lts the publle in` such • manner at to snake It
ift ' ..r6 in '....' lb.. 4 vtr7. the quark remedies m fro
fluently advertised and Creed upon Ilk publle by ...... 0
of lowed ootllialles and e epee., er oisinir..7=..a.g.
fratuently, regular and learned I:Myth:taus, i AlLi Dr.
!Clew ondoubtelly It,( e¢teriug the Hefei against
such ceuipetitola Convinced, however, of the ....! o.l '
of hi. medicine, and Influtemed by the plata &items or
duty, which would not permit bins to May from hlstßOw
creatures so powerful arenas of premiving (them from
euffering, he Mealy offered It for sal, BLnor2ba time It
has bosons known all over the Putted Stateeetut.h..r,
er It has been
teed, ho. fawned ItrentreVoritt On. .11
other rinnedles .tor offered for diseases of th• Doer. In
fool, the prescriptions of physicians are no looter frlloi.d
In cases of liver 'complaint All that Is occaslarrt is foe
the Petlent to purchase and um Dr. idirwe'ahlver Pills,
to secure • restoration to health. Read this:
*J. Kidd It tbee-Pleaso let). have two boom mom of
It,. hllLate's they PIUS. toy wife ha used two boon of
the Dodoes MIS end/ tours yon they bays done her
more 0001 than my Amity phyrdcisa haa for two Tema
during which time he was to roam!. attendance. Them
two lemea, I think, wlll effect a cure. re-
Wind. tooroaldib dbleCh. 4 .7
614rch'101.11, 1647."
Foroals by •J. 171 DD CO*
ray3lobbolorb9 No. CO Wood et.
Plinurerows, Lluoththdottro.,Pw, U. IL
Etem-IDess Blr, Your Petroleum I, or wow
den In this eleltakt therefore we would thank towtthl
us two dorm by the Pennsylvania Etallned. 11" are air
Weir out. and It Is being Modred for ahuoste 17 UT-
Nome, respectfully. JOILN LONG & .
Ifsurrtith Ashland to., O. Shaw 10,11.
S. 11. Sus—Desr air, Tour Agent, s few weeks std..
left with us four down hock 011. which we /1110 sold.
Please forward to us sil daunt lestoodlately. .
Tour nisdlclos Is working wanders In this weithiu. Wo
obtain several ex celleht carlincistes,lf you dears them.
Tours, W. W. SCOTT.
For sale by getter A 31eDwwell, len Weed Wean 11. E.
Sellers. II Weal street; 11. A. F•hueatock.k Co. turner
Wood sod front stoat; D. 01. Curry, D. A. Elliott. both
Douglass, and 4. P. deherstts,Allntheny, also by the pro-
prisior. S.Ol. SIM
L'] lisalthliersath sh. Pittsburgh.
• For,eiga'and American Hardware.
No. 119 Mood Street, •
A fall andrompletastcrk of FOZEWN AWD AMMAN
foltatalo for that - Prima Ode, ant void& they am pawed
to offer,. !watt., at ratty that sin comma
• blr with oar of tbo natant title..
Oitimm's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh
41 11ce No. 41 Water stmt. In the orateholuo of C. 11.
• C. Haan . , President A. W.111.x.e,
This Cmcipaity.l• now prepared to insure LLI merchandiar
la genre, awl in gratuity, resscL,„ Ac.
An ample g6.11.11tr for Use ability aria integrity of the
lactitution. is atgordal in the character of the DiroMam,
who SIV all cibizens of Pittaborwh. well awl favorably
known to Me mmyounity tar their prudence, intelligetwo,
irrwite—C. H. Homey, Wm. Lumley, Wm. Calmar,
JohnWalr Bryant, !huh D. H.l ward, Ileasktone
Hayworth. 13. Ilarbangb, B. Y. Ala. aleraktf •
gROPOSALS will be received for the Gra•
ding eed Deklging of the Wert.m periloe of phalli&
Pramtylvanie Ralltrad, tending from Wcwatar, by
Loudonville and Mansfield, to the Cleveland, Columbus,
mat Cloeutnall Railroad, DA Croullne near (Mika, a dtf
cum of ell than
'bay out be mailed at Wooster untli the eienhm of
Tuesday, the loth or Juliet anti at llanstaild until the we
munit Itedamtlay, Use llth Jona nest, and arUI ha
aldthenal to the anderettfoadt President of We flumptuth.
'Naos mrtmottles of the work east of Loudonville Intl be
ethibLual at Wheats; and of eta weak west of Loodsuldthe
et ilantheld. for one week tw tore the kiting.
Further hthirrnation and Lima ot propteals may Le ob
tained on malration to r.r.lornott 10. Rut...rt% eblorf Rapt
men oe Jesse IL btrattabais. iireident ithtineter of the
Western Mettle. • prefermuse wlli siren to bidders
eh. Wm to take • rvz cenuce or their pay be the
stuck of the Company.
Pittsburgh. MayTllAL—nirMN Jr, Proldent
S. HAVEN, corner of Market and Se
e ...I Amt.. tuu ant psned for ale the lamest
area of add a lb< btalonery liste broambt to ale
city. conststiolof every gala, of Entail.. French, and
Amara IS Ung Parea Malan. Dear, and (bap plank
Coma, a oar/ sale a Italian /road a Ilarkon's,llo,
tea. Wave* Ibotarant'a and thbares Walla aka,
btak and rot Yana, !faro% lark.on•o. and mar eel..
brand manufacturers' Load Peuela quint. welentaare•
Yaw, all oat and lambdas Steel he. l'aremzene, Dote
•,t Wata I'm Bold tart variety; and Baas. la
snd, Wafer Stam war'
MUSTARD--Colman's, in kegs
XI or 9 lb. tuul 13 lb. cub. Imported, fur pale by
New Music.
MI. hx
And Dublin Weller.. • maple.
World*. VW WO:
Verosedrog, or Opal Laa Po
llesuburg Polka
Where ere the Mewls of my Tenth'
Thou bast enundel the that keol dux:.
&wee that are Web
Y t.
Jimmy_ Lind'. Kul eloulD
Nor eses Volta
Ida Polka.
Moe Juniata
.• . .....
old Dacigelor sad Old MM.
Lenient of the Blind Orphan Old.
Thy vol. ts more Ur tialOs Ma.
Lament ol the Web Itadmot. Itse'd sod Its ode by
..rsi JOHN LI. MELLOR. et Hoed et.
4KLEBER has just receired
Jim& Cat
, Nations/ Union, • patriotic. was. I/Whaled to the
lienry Clay.
Uriaa de asap= ore Ettaalaw Baer. ar stcra.c C.
b il
Pil t ra t. tzh. ehe
lirceaus“ . eut!Wwt
heyees Home; as mog by Jenny Lind, with taw arms.
- - .
The Mountain betty.
TIM'IZIVI.gIgc... bY M
ma dallattetl to Ur. Harry Wads, of Pittsburgh.
do whore Mut morning; doatte.
1 tome wba
1' blectbee web Mow re
lloaleward. lovw doetto.
Deloltlaw boom fn. Macbeth.
Also—New tolkas, Malt-wW. do.
No.101114:0 ..r0.4
5i.(171 ldeb Mom
apkoulld lot of Plazas ated Mak Mo shwass &Mee
DIM, or different sines, =le ail.
_lndia Rabb.
t. ff.: and V W.I. • J.llll, PUILLIffti.
M APLE SUGAR-2 bbla. very choico Ma
/TAtuyl FIN SAE... lust recd end An sale
Doaors.lle OQ,
On.Aus and Tea •
I L OVERENG'S SUGARS- . —Double Refined
Leaf, Created. Pulrertsed ALM Poteirreil, mutant!)
ot: od end Gat rtle by the barrel or Mad. of thw lowest
erth ratat by WU. AI 3cCLUEO * CO,
myth tt.t6 Liberty at
lIRIED PEACIES-1000 bunhel3(brigllS
.1) balm) to rtsew &Jul for eal• by
mrtti KILEY. lIATTII/Aill k CO.,
-13)RIED APPLES--30 sacks prime, formals
I 'CASTOR OIL-9 bt;is. (Blow's make) for
1.) my by Mr= num nurrnsws • ed.
UGAR—.SP hhdr. prime N. 0., for ealo by
myl6 All Efl A. CIAO!' SONA CO
To Tea Drinkers.
t you want Real Good Tea, go to MGR
kill& TEA
in the Dimmed: his is &sided',
tztE tesTl tln the city. Priten--10., ittos, sad It VI
VOPLEY'S Ml' CLAY-36 bblaj tat reed
mYn for We by I. ECtIOOY/1 co.
tILOVES-1500 lbs. for sale by
[1272 . 1 D. A. TA LINFITOCt it CO.
V,UP. GARB. SODA-25 kegs for rola by
my 29 D. A. 7111:91MTOCE 8 CO.
FHENCII FLOWERS—A lendid variety
of the newest styles /wash and non.. ,
width w.
P iga ' ta""
my A ' . l r DAVOV ' Vr)(I I. .
DRIED PEACUES-35 sackn in It re, will
br sold low to elan br
SUCKETS-50 doz. Marietta , for sale by
r 0,21 J. D. CANFIELD.
- DROOMS-100 doz. Corn, for sale by
UP ;ay= • J. D. CANFIOLD
St •
:ea pure,
2) Ws. " far ule by
toy= .1. B. CIANIPIE LD.
ASII-25 cub for Rik by
11 .rn .1, D. CANI/ELD.
'DOT ASH-4 casks pure, for raid by
IL m7ll - J. U.
QA.LERAiUS-5 tons in boxes and casks;
4: Zr tscs er 1! Min
liitlED APPLES-20 bags for solo by
Is y2l R. DA LZELL CO.
DOT ASll—.5 cake for solo by
L w>=l R. DA L LLt CO.
PEARL ASH-20 casks for sale by
veleta reed mad for sale at the Drug Mere rr
myh , C. N. NVlCKEttallall..
rot= Banker sod Exe D.
e ION Oo
SUNDRIES -14 bbh. Grease;
6 6 . No. I L 111:
'Suds Yestherx
2 " Uloserng; landing from sty.
Mayflower; sod fm Ws by
Ear2o Front
r . ikk — PiTETttt - fR - 8 - ;cAeiafg-Tif-
FA 411:4 0 5:E:14 Vat ratv.l.m; 2.Pla
lure. far We et the mita Rubber 1.1.93,_ 7 sad 9 Weed
(!OLDEN SYRUP-12 half bble. and 24
0.14. ern , Ja S ? 116,„ BON a co,
V lIROItIE OREEN-5 cases auparior qual
ur, for honor and atrambodt. yalrin s narp . •
, New Books, jut received.
GREEX. OKAMMAft, for the use of High
School. and UnlversiV P. Buttam.s 1' 01 ... 1
mri.mlioraW i lye ... Ale ar Buttmona; o vo.JOpt
roe M .
i l e. erates, and brill. of 1793; by 008
" T A IL Y AntotiorZt4 Memorials
t or Captain Otaollab
f.°=.,l::ll.ritrintr,tirestiz.n= ht !'"'
Vor sale by le nonco m
mili. 78 Apollo Buildings, Smola st.
YWYET'S Yellow Ikmk . Sarsaparilla—
i r t° ' " le bi
WISTAR'S Balsam^ of Wild Cherry-1
=To for veil by :mill)' J. KIDD& DJ.
EMPSEED-30 bble. prime, for sale by
aria .1. KIDD t W.
CASTEIIOIL-35 bbls. No. 1 (p_ure) for sale
by snylD JACIDDI OD.
pINK iv RO9T— . 2OOO foTle by
Oivia: amid ologr ova EcApemtyni, al. Ms
Etlreka Milling Company of Ittiabigan.
/PIIE-Stockholdere of the Eureka Mining
L Licaspraf of Michigan, are nonfleg that an
massacred. of trenty-gth cents per share has born mad
' llr b chl e gnn. '"i ka W za " re k wlthrth r trT k tal i V " %Tat, of
th . h.lcenpany, la the &Ulna hy
galtheraithna Pittsburgh,
JADLEZ M. CHRISTY, &nasal scas.
thylbalglatt4 Eureka Min. Co . of Mich.
Iron City ISMiny, Company.
11iI regular Annual Meeting
_of the "Iron
at ) mu.= wnpanr," w il l be beld it thecae.. of
company, In the ty of Pittsburgh,. MendeY, Jut,.
Vey aZ 3 o'clock, P.M.
Az, mamma of W cents per Am has been ealled.llnd
VIII be doe on the 1..14 of June; ..o, Lan evecercent of bD
mote per .hoe, doe on the Id of August. 1851.
117 order of the Board.
rtHE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock
holder's of the Ohio Trap Rook M alta. Company Ion&
be Id at the aim of mid Company in the City of Pitts•
buret, on Monday, Jaw 2, at 2 o'clock , P. M.
W. K. HART, Cam
U 101 Llteuly street
-10 piece. French Linens, for Farah
agar Ccet knilleh and French Dray d' Ere, far roar
I plecte colored ant black Bilk Warp Cashroerets, for
didA eplendld assorts:sent of Mirecilles and Linen Vest
11101. mrlo
AERRING 10 bbls new far sale by
mill W k V. WILSON.
COFFEE -1 bags Rio, for sale by _
V myl6
bble. for sale b .
SOp. OARS. SODA-10 kegs for sale by
sailo 24 Wood wt.
-130 MAI. prima N. 0. Suglx;
400 bbl.. - lllolassor for Rae by
(MOULDERS--32 casks for saleiby
1 .71f 1 HARDY. JONES t CO.
JL' 88810 W. P. KAMILALL, 85 WO.l st.
VREAP WALL PAPER—For sale by .
V *716 W. Y. IfIABBEALL.B6 Row{ nt
j 1 Azyl 6 W. P. MARSHALL, 84 - Wood R.
Lbbls. & 8 kegs No. 1, for elide by
Ing le, - JOIIN WATT t'CO.
bLAA. apkla AL !b4. No 4 l,BaltaJ.Am panic. Fy
No. 3 Ataettret
=ht. Ablt Latt BOprnar Prlcoon: for tale_by
ts ylt JOUN WATT t lAA
VOFFEE-100 bags Rio, for sale by
mylt) JOLLY WATT it O.
jallo .IRON-1(b tons Huntingdon co, for
ma. Er - my/0 • Joint WATT 2 CO.
t Mak e
JUST opening—a very excellent assortment
f MANTEL: ' 1,, C1f13, al 4=o to Sat all warrant
ed I,OILOO, Rood time.
ALlO—Bram Ilmatal Clacks. for 11.50 eatb..4 varraat
".."'P "'"h V";lll;4 7 3l7. r antak!t ea,
mutt avaef of fourth.
X 6 , EMPLARS' SWORDS-eJust recd, a lot
I' Knlghla Templar Swerde with lee emblems a lba
beautifully endeared.
my' b W. W. 'WILSON.
DOR SALE, to close eonsiitnment-50 eke.
4livt"ragi SODA 4311.
t - fitt 4 ,
lytylb cornet Pttatrif l a gt.. riPabrytb.
JIOW'D EXT. LIQUORICE-1 can for sale
JL h 7 sar9 B. Litimmroc• • co.
leal. by IL E. LU%
atria • S. Wood it.
0 1 1t -4' Ty galls air see4 l= ted lrS ure)
NITRIC ACID—GOO lbs. (pure) for sale by
yI3 I. 1111011 AVM. 60 Wm.* at.
DINK ROOT-2000 lbe. for sale by
rarl3 J. 61011200.
M A 9p REL-1.20 bblo. No. 3, for sale by
MOLASSES -100 Ibis. for rale by
loyl3 &A N. FLULB/UOll.
ATONE PIPES-340 boxes for sale by
A 7 at 713 WICK MeCANDLUS.
MACKEREL -150 bblo. No. 3;
surll lo MAMA
BROOMS-21040z. Corn, for sale by
in 713 .
B U . T,T if R-30 kegs fc4iBcteabsixesa
S CO my R i C 3 c l AN a o. 1, f 4 , r , sale by
Secand Lam•
A A.. MASON A._ CO.: vo r iVrevectfully
. esn lb* attention of .aaud .2eir enenonns and dr =
tie NIT AG AND aummiritlionVe= with gnat
ar• in Eastauntaannen. *ad otochand • cyan
Auction trout Amor prim. To Qom mamas az atArbok.
nal% we sn. Der. mewed to oder Acods At touch kw.r
wino than %boy mid have Dom pornbantl .ut tan early In
M. okyl3 02 0ad.64
thisper Crie 'calibrated 11= Mama=
and Vat ggrant.r aW nt. W. YlietVTEll.
For newtons of linith and Intricate valet, thel ratit•
cannot be aurlasant and
cp, =rtoo at which tbry arc;
tol, moat tome their aphtly
'MITE TURPENTINE-10 bbls. in good
to We by IL E.
In the new town of Latrobe, Westmoreland'
County, Pa.
27e Logollurnno Depot of the Pauga &lathed.
rLE new town of LATROtenutifully I
to.uo on an dual.' level plan ßE
, is on the bank of •
elalbanna Diver. where tbe Penes rule Itailrood I
cruses that stream by a handwane Mau brides of three
mans of Di fact each. It is 40 tulles east of Ptheburgh. 9 l•
east of Clateuburg. 11 west of LiiroMer.l2 mouthed Mara
ville,9 earth of Youngstutt, and 7 south of New Alexare •
drie. Th. Anarekththe Huhu.' will be opened to they
tamporuy Waltham near the town. early In November J
nem, to connect with the Nathan turnpliee. Th e About
mat In every troth will mop to take • road at the new, and
iblextensive DAIL ROAD litrfEL, now 700490. a . .. 0-
n, In the eentremf the town. directly °hymnal/as Red
reW therdaufflftatal, Wear luau Houk de, to
•bw *rectal isnutdiately. The lots now &fiend Dr a l o e or
hue are Id fed frout on thuds WO Oat wide, and run tack I
WO Ina Loa Pit fees Wier they tall reap In price from 933 '
upwanixeseronling to thar. padtion. Name oda.
more than 400. yards plot. se 11.11rard Depot. which lir r
the contrite! the tou Ouhlota and cottage dims, of
whkh there am several hanethently situated *Lou the :
• leak of the river. will he mold on favorable Wm. to per. t
mos wishing T.O build. the climate of mo th . IA der
liuhtful. the Reiter fond the tun is ury beudiful and
and It will no doubt be • place of great aeon
flout the ultl. In the akin Hire'Um dud fLehlug •
and bunting realms In part of Mate. thatruM •
indonemente celler themselves at tbil point. tor anions
nom manufecturen. and astehanks. to emu and treala j
the, no Ord Inunellate bushine and employ - m.4u this ;
D i e=li r be the point to Intkb the Don end all the tilde
a, by a tura9ll.
;baobab tba ' l,oZbVga gap of tie Chestnut Ridge, and
plank road of three mile. from Alexander Johnston. De, e,
to the De as will dm that of the uightmrhood of New
Al by plank road Weak th e valley of the Lev-
al a. re le plenty of the mut water and the
Led Of cad wen be had elope to the towel. in elmulthee.
Thereis elate at heathen Inexhaustible supplyof all kind.
of balding materials, lime, state, and limbo, • saw anti ,
kart mill are In imeratkm, with pigmy al water pow•
er within 303 'Ards of the Dap,t, and an extensive back
rail We la operatics, will furideb • lane number of stp
parlor bride during the aiming alma. The sal le deep
and rich. and. lull adapted euttleadon, gardens, lc. •
'rheum. of ado of 1 Is tall he mad* known on applica
Don, In pawn or tr letier. to the eubscriber. or Lk ague I
Xatingstum. or at the wear In LATROtik. wbent•olan
of the lou =ay be men OLIVER IV. Ditillil2. I
D. A nubile W. of 60 lots will teleplay.. at Luzati, j
on the 101.13 of June. at mon. terms made known at the •
sale. Clear uninatabered titles will tmgiven to much
max I.oo:Waa4.l.bib
WM. IL GARRARD ha removed the hal
00010. to No. 112 31arket
tuner.=Lay. I TA ' pins= /whipy olHma
arralnst him, ere requertai to FINIMUL theta fortiftortin and
Mow Indebted aro revortflilly requertal to call and Nine,
as bo u, claw up his bullion er theist of June.
Fine Dress '
eMe Ad Goods, per Xrpress.
A A. MASON CO. have recd this morn
gx.r.r47l'sr.ls4ll fancy colorist = 5. , Wg
wort gibe fancy r rdar i :titerm s beilttrul t, plolo .04
° V., , e,'..t...°,f,t,u worth the atter i iiigt of purr.
dre. as they will be sokrat utiosually low
_prior., whole.
oor retail. al Nos. IM sod 04 Market et.
advsl LOD dossewon.l On. Alrl3•ll;7kkh we .111
mre tb. &IVA= jrll7l. j. kH. pnilurs.
RICE FLOOR; Prepared Corn;
m awn
ule by ROW lOrk
yl3 ZOLJE•etr st.
E. RENON GELATINE, White and Colored;
AaCloorper'maainicushinglam Ibratakiugialkf.
f , s• anto Dr
myla WM. A. MeOLIMUS
Orows sad Tel De. 0•31
I' I " I or. eaux ' • es, in g jars;
I ltry smorlat "
zoyl3 "'n"
MACKEREL -100 bbLs. No. 3, for sale by
.6773 196 Liberty stmt.
A LUSI-50 bble. for sale by
InTl2 J. KIDD CO, 60 Wool ot.
GLUE -40 bble. (extra) for sale:by
uol2 J. KIDD *CO.
rARB. AMMONIA—coo lin. for ,ale by
' torl2 .1. KIDD • CO.
,good Pedling Wagon, in
ZlP''' . onao wooa
LARD OIL-10 Ibis. Winter Strained, for
rale by ewe ll. r. sulann.67 wows
IJEMPSE.ED-5 WAN. for.ealo
AA. m,l3 R. N. giLLERS.
S _
P. TURPENTINE-10 bbl. prime, for solo
by atm 11.74. BELLIES.
NE of the moat Joint: male bleesin=
Erred bzart moon &Woad tau, Imo the d
rost. lOrAbouttludrth Mo
e otamdromo
otha u c ? ' tot
of old e F e,tr eakneaaor
Irrom Mom exTerienm. Lod •th Irewadh
otutts• °fa'
r i jra le Vata=rnared to toll an defective rte.
troni. "ll"4 %7TMM .ad Wa lr kk tVe;o a litS la rlk i llrotes. t:
Oztleal Instrumento for W, ao.
Tor sok.—Dr. Proton's deli stettotr!ye and Ear Tot.
nerl3 41 Hulot otnety w t carnor "lls° of Yo 3 orth.
SALMON-a 0 bblo. and bf. bblo.lio. 1, for
by non , JOYLN WAIT & CO.
IJERRING-10 bbls. No.l (new) for oaleby
_. la WS - BURRRIDO• •IN Glill•M.
-1.00144.A 11.
10 Yi bbls. lirov—
"g IL Ilnlaseig sal_re b
mylo !imams a % I van.
C RAP& SHAW LS—Bead- this day, - per
p 4 and
United Staten Hotel at Phi ladelphia
FrE SUBSCRIBER respectfully artnuun
. to bis.friends and the travelling tommynity.
t ho hte imenitomed the Proptiotorehip of the Ohlro.l
STATiIa HOTEL. Long known In connection with the
Hotel under the late Proprietor, he frele perfeeUr aab In
l "t °ht:"lblf°thine ibel I he eu ding
top ett 4tE; beet kept hove
in the yountry: go cum me has peon flare
in complete.
11' refitting the malty estobilehment o and he particularly
Melte. attention to the than Introduced for the
motion= and comfort of Ladl ger
e". • Being firmly' de
ed to Ai,. •Iktig
qyt wage lt it ir ir z i tivr ta . o .. 4 1 11 . 07.1 of that
( . 7 31:2. 7 • " :A. U. ALLEN.
17 1101.1 AS BONNET. MANI/-
FACTIIREJt, No. 41 South Strvud Street,. fubove
estnut,ultut frblStly
yr. lei 11[1===....,-.J(I. et. (mute.
W . hol&
Rae Omen, Na 221 Market et, Ilanadelphla. apt]
ErsEALD, BUCIiNO/ CO., Tobacco
CoIIIIIIII.IOII llerebuda. NO. 41 North Water street,
'n. 10 North Wbepeas, Philadelphia. anal
MERCER ANTELQ, General C 01210113-
elan hlerehante, Philadelph 'beral edrantee
na on coneigaruente of Produce g en era ll y. Lienecidea
Office for Foreign Patents,
No. l Wall at., N. York, andl66 nett at., London.
in Great Britain, Framer, Won" Holland, and all
or parts of Europe—the Canada. Co* tug the On.
Full Informallon an /Lo &k nit cm he bad tiattlrossinE:
61Tall street. New lest
Fire Works for Fourth of July ,1851.
OSCAR JOLLEY & CO. 180 William et.,
Nov Sou imparters of klnallsb, Irene/Woad Ono-roan TOYS and B&N CF GOODS. and inenedotercrs Wad
importers of FIRE .WORRS, hoeingseconded P.R. - Veit.
in the Fire Work' badness. and *vaned themselves of the
vast remora. of that long established housnare now me
wed% forolds every deacriolion of works, sellable for
large pebilia or mall extilbitions, on the most reasonable
terms. 0. J. Co. deem It ameceseary to uy mottling In
praise of the Fire Works fereLsbed by them, u.tbeir rep.
motion Is already well established. They itialude iodides
the exhibition ;dec., the most stmerior /lockets, Boma.
Candle Turbeillons, Vert/cies, Bengulas, Coolie., Water
into, Colored Firer, Chinese Rockets, Globes, Doable Head.
ern Flower Pots, Gross Hoppers, Torpedo., Pall Hr
room, Pin Wheels, Small, Trlongles, Mao., Blu ets,
Chloe. Crackers, Jostle or Puck.
Orders reeroctfully solicited.
Superior Black Writing' and Copying Ink.
NE'S EMPIRE INK, 87. Nassau street,
sumlidlags, New York. •
sort mums TO T. maws.,
Quarts, Wm: dca......-51 00 limper 50
On draught,sser gallon---3 cents.
This le the boot article manufactured.
flows freely—
is a good COPYINO 101i—asl will not oarrode. mould,
Wed's/tate or &way. and pownws all the onalittee
ed.for a paid Writing Ink, imitable for the Qat'', Ltd adj
[nimbly adapts," for tbe :teal Pen.
The undersigned Is prepared to furnish to the trade ei•
Thee Mr export or home oaroumptinn, at the abore very
10 o ,..p:iers, put up ws per onlry, and delirered in an . , part
of keP an %gore=
67 Nstoscrs.rtgzlr..,tyk.....
Professor A. C. Barry's 'Wei:Therms,
thlif Zu"rn;JlT:=, heV'llrTasttfel;
greats and tsusAre. sting, ea t,, c bruit., prains ate: It
/so torn utlestalrell by etperiment. abut Lour','Trresh
elt has produced the mule street In rutin, assures of ths
Whit, etc. of the has, and all the animal kingdom. The
fallorrbsyr tesnials. seleeted trots hurstretlit Of s'
Import, .111 terse tO show, the "slue of lier prepar u stott.
an lar
d the estimation In which It hell by those who hare
Oren tt trill:
New Y 0... Sept. 22. 18.50.
PRO,. Guar—dear El s-1 bent been Whims,' with asap
Mom. eruption of the scalp, iof • most s„-¢rarated obar-;
news. fir the last sistosa nem ern( &Mug that pertodi
bass 1.8.1 the adhicit of come Of the most smitten_ t pbyeL. ,
chm, nod have trim; tbo preparations lw the lair end;
skin now known, without the least beutillt. I was advised
by • frtend to try your Trkopherous. Y did so, as • last
nett. J. to my surprise and vents/dire, found myself
cured In about, two months. Such was the violates of the
dlsurder that atalmen I was pertialty Wind.
Itmieethally. yarn, t; Y 31 /ZAPELYE,
140 Columbia street, Brooklyn.
Nrw Your, Ort. =.1830.
Pao, Dyier-31y Dear Sir—About two year, arumy hair
=no oot • ,greod. deal. and my head was much adiland
with daadrall. I was told by • !Head to try aoaridwypbyw
ow. and I did yo, end to my utontataarat,„ my holy wax
firmly rooted, and all the Quadra!! dlauipeued, al the
, -
baud now showy for itself.
With zonate, I em Tour obedt sent .
.15 TRY.ABWk.LL, GM Broadway.
If WIT lady or groUrmao doubts the authenn of the
abovs. they will please call at Borderer:a AC t otke,
ix. Brenda's'', \o. York, where he mill produce e oriki
csd letters.
f Troth the 51111thry and !foul Ammo, Nu. 0. 1850.]
Thole Is reutWy to the permanent cure of beauar
mul of the nualum gothrally, that has reached
Um A l %l oajoyod Um article Rums u
t o Barry's avow, or Meditated Coarpourd.
toulsoly by the upper elasaes of the comothatty; to
almost everymery la the land It Is used to prolate/rue to
other artlclea o omf
Ut. Wad. It Itotarta "UM to the rootuf
the hair, .1 Lbw prsanot. Ito growth to a remarkable de.
halt lt = m a the Ittrideulsat i rrf. and . ,m u tra mi thel
such .0 KIM fesed. 7 4ew worm, ind other b sJous &mit
den of Um akhr. to obeaturus as welled elrl:7, It studs
uortrallott. la Large 6oCler. , Mice th moth, et No.
In Broadway, and at CU Druggist. icsowslly, throughout
Um Vatted Matta and Canada. apthitf
PlatillNG INKS. •
HUTCHINSON & Co.. No 13 Spruce Street,
YEW YOUR, Whotrade manualetarers of tae tat
ENGLISH PAINTING INES, for Bawl sod Llttoo
k end Job Wart, übleh
rf b ,P=The eco= of the palest autraiels, sad to
a rt uelly pen I n
oulinet7 mum
.' ll,etoraWne.t out ln these lake, lot sorb tether rleb
lriurd. 01=LTZ74741=.14.' oo
pot* p taus. sad Ibutuartal cram
H. & Cuu.lsomenufeeturvoolorui lobar army . etude sad
unelltr riming n. 32 six to =XI*? lb. laatak3a3
Shawl and Kanlalla Warehoue.
alp Stand NEW TOILE, I, my orgys on i t , i n cif
Fafnir t B . ll 4 lW r a b re t er w befoio .ortm 'nt'
Fred. Moo LACK
MEDIAN mad that of SILK MANTILLAS, manufactu
red from the rats[ Darts *abler, treclrrd Dr the steamers
and particularly adapted to Oa Syriac. trade
131tiratiZiZirolt hinCketlf'faY)d'aLSoly.MoUM.
and DM and Turk rutin Parma., aml Comm end Ging
ham :Umbrella, Al/ of widen 'rill be tamed at extminely
lon' PO. , Me rel.:m.lly Melte our Western friend.toex
amine our stock before purebashar.
•110, WIDE SHOW STANDS, tor exhibitind a...1s and
MantiMsuaymt up in caeca Par tratayartanoth fcbllst
Nurphy's'Self-Sealhag Advertising Ravel
I — 1) Cr'
TO. 283 MA. IS ST.,.NEW YORK.—
,AN t his hbseviber, tellettlns le mo n atton of all who
may see advertisement, fec of that Immitatlon
with which • new article la hn , ught before the public. The
, experience of yea r% eitabiblued theft superguity
yood all question, and be confulentlY hVall to the testimcc
ray of that basin.* men who have mai (bete emelopes,
and to his rapidly tome-axing Wm_ ea proof of their excel
TM following are a few .of the tre. kg their Pot.
Ist. Ott the plate occupivl by the mil, a person may
• have his mune, hostiles., and addresi, conapicmitaly and
! beautifully unbowe d colaral or plain, thm attordtog per
feet security &gait. Dated.
•24-' The Covv/oPea cannot be opened without being de
' ° Tr i g. either vax not
alms tmulredto coal them.
4th. Up,. the n thea.r%ae of • leWv,u
ure Its
Inunedlate return to the .nder, thalami of b e i ng bdied
months In the Dead Letter 0111 m:
oth. The Envelop. are fumished at &Moat the =me
mice aa_plalo onca.
6th. Earl} tem, mailmt It a meat ellettive advertimment.
ae atm to cornet the attention of ail through whose hands It
I. n list of rim rD ° ved
braes, am, which will last for P)mt& f ' and f ii.nruorts,of
the Waal else, either while or buff, of awd Paper. end
made as above, with al., edam., sc.:
• f'n'ecr Ulu. 'Prim of iMrsdet. as
20 letters or len ..... Mum
Pt to 'Xi
-00•10 40 . Oumfa) . 7,50
40 to OL. 10.60
00 to Di
AO 100_. .... --/ 2 015000 • • /MOO
When It is not convenient to forward amount of order
per mail or express. • refereoie •to • mipectable' New York
Mum will be sulllcient. All onlen Met with brogan/
&Pentium lf aaaremed. WM. MURPHY,
tic. 263 Miullson etmet, New York.
Orden will be attended to promp If left , . theater.
of Yeah. &bell Dot& 21 Walteireet, et Dim,
Jgrollma.n •• Co., 13.1 William at
N. IL—nosiness (Xmas, embossed In colon. Trtna tams
Dies, at 1100lwr theue•Pld• vlact
• • -
CONTINUES his usual facilities to receive
sa Romp, Sale, and Trawl:Op.:all, all Men-haatlira
consigned Um. Boats larva. Canalata dolly far all valuta
on the Lakes araLthe and Itlra,
.lia•ruanaer—Meran. Lomat, alarllva d Coa.;
Meters. Jam. Qulgal
Mr. John A, Csughey.
Produce, Ca/zurolatz, ,.. end Frrann Alerehaata, on the
Refer to Alessader titiXlV. etra4 :Wild • Co,
Pitt:burgh. aptly
pAVID C. TUTTLE, ; Attorney at Law,
woe Comtalstlonor for Pommylvaals, et. Lou,. Ito.
• commaelmtemo promptly umeortd. mealy
4 01 IN IL RANKIN, Attorney and Coun
sellor at LIT . one_Cormtlealemor lbr the Yeats o
• ousylnals. Fe. L. 113, 51.,, OM. of Plttebot ph.)
Refomoom—Pltmburp_to Ilem.
Johnom umezece, a
Miller, •Plattellom • olcC/uro. 8 Parke, Moselle •
&maple. IdoCere & Co. mmllay
TAEundersigned haring entirely re-2
ba mains arged
boot astenelveertal,ll.6-
Intent, oonin a three hundred ami Mt.
moms would _Mv n gmtnitiT give Wine that It Is now rattly
Ibr the mooptx and wearamodatice of the travelling
An extended notice Mlle unimrseasedeonveniencesof !kb
Howe 1.1 deemed superfluous, ILO thenumeroue
anent. which have been_mage cannot be properly Man 'an adrernsement. Sulam It to soy, no caponr has been
named to nodes any enactment sarfect.
mu mule earrnsl. to order. mantles. of
met, and aslant r
untime of It. emodally the Dravlng
tarma, walla found to
mans of the most beautiful manufsm
tore. the °being are cepacione, and the boom v.
Mai. will be so arranged as to suit the convenience of the
early and late.
gem ,d be conducted In an lineemytiona..
bi.t/itrrtin"llo. ad :,,WaM, thlg=f,l.lll.`:rt the
febienated/tatheiT LEWIS RIM '
Copley's Pot Clay.
lEEE • subscribers • arc now Solo Agents
of Y. Coolwy it Ca, far Lila sale heir Pot Clay. ala
I. of well ortabllshed repotatlcs for UM mannbetwre
of Ulys• pota Steel Pot, an .It la ade at WU of the most
ltanodbla rutrtauara known; and la mery otrettlly reltetwi
and cleanaal preriout to aoltadod! • ,
rar..l) J. nCIIOO:I3fAKEP. & CO.
greet. moults the Poet thitios
La alum, By Domini—Nu 2. MIA conelsolin
the work.
A new London edition of Ehalapeare, :No. I.
Art Joal for May.
Ikuton lib urn altroware. No. s, concludon.
no k
Dieken'a Pickwick Pawl Abrusul—by O. W. M. BAT.
in - •
-The lair 1 41 1,g, a now novel by Eugene !lee;
of " len i q r
• TI; noth of
eribilaw; bylli t % tk ru tb... th. dud.
Thu Wane'. Wilr. br T. B:Arbar.
Adventures of Pen Owen. by John °alt. '
sale b -45 for y
rllls Jelux mrretnav * CO.
MACKEREIe , SOIbI3. N0,,C3, -for sale by
V_ MIL I SU S PLIT' PEAS--Received and
tortidm by— WM. A. MeCLUIti) 4: CO:.
1941 '
Oman aoll To* PlaWs.
lime and - Lot farliale. i •
LOT, 'on Leacock Strtet,,AtAt
wheoy. Manton tbitrugh to Rebecca. trouttntit
tent on oath stzent,_ witlx kttept.b I rope,
Rrterr t.ith ..nd Brink Dttnjnasyna.e. oantaklnlng
matt for term. Aeu.boN WOODHOUSE. Ito
blanet Arent, arJOILY P. SCOTT. :12 •
TORE ROOM TO LET, oniforkei! :l2
-1, weed door from /Math. neol . I toining the
arch and Jewelry Store of W. W. Wsnsan.
Mato Room boo N. hoodoo:nett front la tho city, woo in
the best location far. OTT Goods mei Esau Busineao.
• Rent for the Wows of the year will no eery tow. En
quiry a JAMES GRAY. an
Real Estate far . Sale
AVALUABLE nitimiiiored .I,OT, on the
corner of Lll=d• Pufor t &alreete. Fif th Wituf.
5 ri o : ,`; the feet deep on F lie ebiumetjur et I buOtt Zing
bur 1 Do
ICO fitetlie " Ve ' p. houseJO Is ne mad 00 0 00 -M ums' t, built to
modern et,* ono contains ele ven room.
Also-2ss scree of very velneble land near Flatarysberuda.
Also—A Perm of MS scree In Wont Doer thernshf
Alus-A Perm Of 244 nem In Laurence county.
Also—Farms in Dearer county, of gmiogs Lostud
Woes, from CUD strogdown.
Also-12 gsrr . vaittablo tots to Kstrroo, Moab. Prices
moderate. Loquire of
ht. P. t G. L. B. PETTEBILIN,
Attonisys /Alf, god al Ramo Ageing.
myZ :to. 107 Fourth And, Pittsburgh.
Lawrenceville Property for Bale.
1111 E Board of School Directors will aell;
at put& auctions. on Thuraday,tba BAY of •hut.t.
0 o'clo c
k,• r :LS [tot trout 0 Pike R.
mooing along Mar ko& Llity to It
fronts. an Which Is erected . two dam tea. n•ns on
Alko street, and s Brune. Tetras made known on day of
sae. 8.8. BARBER. WT.
EOR RENT—A Warehouse on Water
Avg, tetweexi oainev . nrkttad rem: suitable sx
JAM neizzu. es Water st.
Let, • .
MICE well fuilahed and furnished Store, F?
e l., on Third infect. um the Etat Wee. .t yreeeng t i
occupied by lizr. Palter as a Jetreh7 store. 491
to r. fib: 73 cuwwy.s.
, Lyrtle's Row.
fl'o. 4 Tram.. and Ihrpateh copy.'
, •
dA FURNACE, at Dresden, Muskingum co"
Ohio, 14 milm front Zaneerill e Vn thee nutoira priory
aNara Stem .10mgene, ea
le, of running but 7
Ore to feei= d aTlriTnt irocre=l47.lgl
canal with the Idualthorune rim. which ja navigable by
stesneboets the greatersert of the year, thereby affording
facilities fOr ablosdng to Zanesville, or They point on the
Ohio river, at low rates of freight. Iron heretofore
of at Ltd. Forma, has been conromed
Zanesville. For termer tppl to.
,GEO. Zariesellie,Ohlo, or to
I:ILLY 4 - YE.. DISTO7I. Baltimme.
To Transporters,
F OR SALE, on accommodatinWerms 4
NaW on Dannane, Ali c e*:, end " ret i nas on ' a i Pet% n e t
g t lit t l o s 011 , 1 . 51 ..
tho trlible t =przg tb:=)
the trrectert Lilacs for ablyaucat by either de 801 l
or Canal. .
For tenor, encntre of D. C. STOCKTON, Alleiben y City,
ar al the Doetttore of D. C . STOCKTON, corner of Marixt.
sad Third etreetr. any 23
To Farmers.
000 ACRES Farming and Grazing
r.;, I12:12
....—,......1.000 4 cre5 ug n I nk moms. amontrooda•
(XL •
otyl not Market and Tbisi sta
To Gardeners.
EeV ENTY ACRES of Gardening Land, al
ladr under good colelreadon, niffda oar sae al the
, will be paid for OW an acre--coo third cash, and the
he Doe, Mo. and three ream For particular, en.
quire at the Banking /loam of
ref 1 corner of Marla sad Third ota
Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale.
THE sUbscriber offers foriale the house and
_ground. where he new resides eltneted Ott Part eb, bo
lo Tremont. Allegheny. and about 25 minutia' vett mom
the market of stile city. The lot Is 140 &front on Perk et,
running back = Icon man alley—retuning mart/ One
serer of .ud. and Is bounded on every aide brlsswe mem
kee, •-• .11k trem end ehrobbery. The bones le
ri m jenev .i . w . law....ll . er diab ecedb3 . a .m well
o, arremel. Lasing
nouns betidoi bells nine t whin It I. built In the tart
and men durable warmer. and bus a gm -proof roof. and
contains all tbs modern ccerreubmose Two roomed. with
On prom
m.PPIT of hard end adtwsbe , me at bulkiltme, etable. the dcen
PM are tha eesmary out
carriage tome, an %The go m nerste are odd ocm madly as •
bx r nt i.. cogred h tholes bait trees. resten= 4 l= .
'tandem The frtd= the co i n the thee me 111
bed, prime, nod Meld emw ho the wants of me ardlnau
Wear.. TIM Mtnethas ref Ws prorextr. se to salutaity and
eaburben eatnetets, montrined with contiguity to the dl,,
lv not =Mere lby may residence In this vicinity. It ha.
• Maw of the OW Meer for over • mile, of Temperenee,
Soutb •Pitedsurgb4 the dry, the tvro riven, and the
Mlle mound. forming altogether • pendrzesirt yy u, it of
which tine. nem wearies. Every boat which enter or
deserts from the Dort of Pltteburgb m Um Obis, mem In
ha Mew. The residence and grounds an alsoompletely
reonned Man star Matiplielo of duet. eo destructive of
mmiket assl vegetation, and 'affords • retirement-se mast
erM pesceful off heated Inetam quletnookm thenountry.
The primerty bald at • Wean. end poneedmk elm
wttenever desired. banaln at the (Mutt* otbse.._.
ari=dtf D..h. WRITE.
In members of the Fairmount Firo Com
par. 7, assn th sir Engine tr. sale. It to In goad •
asal all h asktabeets. Enaulre of •
J USH. Been
aPa:tj • ; 409 Pent deed..
R RENT—A Dwelling Howe on
above and
to Badtbfidd. It
Cu fertora. uetaa Dud. wash boama ta. Will
la rental hay. and posaession mesa inunallately. ' . • -
Ala-Yor dol. or Lour. tome lota In the Ninth Wald.
between Aron =eat and the All•Ahany elm.
mat...l:lelndbxeae Fourth stratt.naar Recd. '
• Valuable .Beal' Estate . for' Sale.
rjraSUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, on 2
rable terete, the fallowing Bend Estate, In
o City Threwbamhi el=
No. 1. valmle there atom brick dwelling bourn,
on &woad street.littween Market and gem emelt, the
o 1 , 11
the TlTird greebytorian Omar/. on, which le netted one
t 0... story kith bonen, noel no a prlathwolice. and
We etcry brelysrgowty
" 3 t,
4. be t
in Palielon,learer eentity. being lota
.3 ad 4. bermrabont 100 feet entrme,on whirl:agate.
.mone block of lien frame dwellinge, and one Irmarate
e dwelling. all two erodes high
No. 4. One lot 50 feet front on Back street, oppeeite the
Ac me, afrl. extending to the top of the hill. •
No. to Two teachlote, each .50 feet . front, end running
fran the rend to low ' , Eames.= the Big Bearer.
N 0.6. One valuable water lo[. 100 fret co Wheel Ban,
with ton .hares water power antarmed.
No. T. One lot 99Pdlite the wage. iot, 60 feet front,, and
earmalng to the top of the hill,. which Is ereetrm one
two story brick atenrand Ereheage. lO 1 / 7 SOfrett alarms
frame dwelling, two aeries high. •
• No.B. One lane lot in New Brighton. Bearer county, be.
toe about 140 het oh Broadway, and aboatrmo feet day,
.% ET, on ert
forma igh are
rame b ended two large frame
. I . l. im— propast7 formai, arkey ' el
rmd la very =nil: loaded, tieing larmalrktely opfesite
the Ballston Brmige.
• Norx. 9. One-water bß,iminediateir below Vallstonliridfr
being mat 000 fret in heath, and extending 40131 Waft.;
/drat a bo ve water ruck, or towing pare. ,
' The patent) will kw sold on eery fa ' terno.
.0001 a at the Book Store of 8.0. STOCK TON, corner Third
and Market street. • 301LN DUNI' LNG. Aaent.
Pausal and Post coso,r,
For Bale.
DI.OOK OP BOILDL'CCIL., ontbe corner of Wash , :
legion ...I Penn streets. and fronting onthe IN.Tur
py I r.a. Caned, tu the City of Pittsburgh. The Lot fronts
MI hundred nineforty soar *et on !Nun street, Lad one
hundred and Rot nine Inehee on - Washlngton street,
tot twent7 * I S .11 ` 1 ' 'I n66 1 t eOf L 131 . REER.
richt:Cm Pem et
11 FOR FA Lll—Fnn inno Flour Mills and a thw mut on
the Beaver Creek. with the necessary aster power. Alm,
• warmproved Form in Lawrence county- Price $5000.
Alf arm of 111 ogres, on the Ohio rirer, farce miles
ike et..
1 20, os t a . e . of 140 acres, on the
610 acres STO per below
Al;n7larats of I r a, 116, atit
acme, for AZ per acre ''' . Alm, 1,5 acres 'for 112, and 21
Re for ill per acre, together with'aiau7 others of Taxi.
out aim and :nnui. of
N. P.l O. L. D. PrriutAll, •
feta Attorneys at Law No 1 0 i
Artato Agruta,
No 107 4th FLPiteaborgh.
- - - -
dirni aro. uttosteM of ellnabls
a.....lL'fra'ait.7BTroal d " h l*n s . 4 1=
Pa, Public Enbrol,l WC lord Po:lun Ltheran Chosen.
T he rapid growth of Plornagiumn In population an 4
roanufseturina wealth. audible reswonable priced at which
lots will be told. will render them. safe ann probtabla
vestment. Title path,;. Ter= Carorabln
For putioulars and terms, e .nk lim of the tunlendotted, at
the aim of (Mom F. Gilmore, Grant suest, Pitta.
burgh, between Third and F streets, or of Ribbon
Urn.. awi N. Patterson. r.. 0, at their rams In
Jun MOOE3 It.biATO.N. •
!OR ItENTThe large and w m commodlii2
ow 11 00 POO nt.rert. (latele pimpled ti
Tdetrdsj with ma entire lot
i ' f "d " 41 ". Elli t latt 11%31 b . '1'1s co,
FOR RENT—The Diedling Flow, on
the'euruer of South Cud Wed 0 ..kurbbOalt,larclb
a:suplcal by Thump Arbuckle, deed. .130..@0.1r1
VAlrtalt: ID=VOUltr.h?3 LOC I., or
j OAF SUGAR-150 Ibis: (ass'd Nos.) for
LA Bala br 8011.13RIDOE INGIIRLII.
orris 116 Water at. •
LINSELINSEED OIL-30 bbla. (warranted pure)
foe tale by i. SCIIOON.II &KM &
mylA 94 'Mod 0-
1.) 14 cases foz sate by_
OPPEBAS-17..5 bbls. (good) foi sale by
st) mlll5 J. ECLICONNAM *CO:
, LUM-50 bbls. for rale by
mri.s J. Benoonussa a co.
- -
' • •I : : • t• Fe •• .- •
rie ;pew Glom araar .b. rnganty =Ma ar
mate mckedVgaZok=,......._*"'''
myl6 J. JUL
INDIA RUBBER COTB—An excellent coy
" gulag for lore Storm Or apas- , melindbeint and tca•
ned-rlon. to alr ar near: dn' oda at saw 7 and VVirced at.
myl6 .1. i IL PHILLIPS.
NEW RIBBONS—L . A. !dux& & Co: are
no.r remiting • ••• sasartoielat of lisattful new
uyles Donna nlbbons It all vetoes.
a l=rrld .. egorl i W u ? NV illy nnvle
law peke. No.
• Necker C. ; mjiVY
IL) Ma m oarrosts ot 0..
dexlmble Crim LlAlmr• Th. ".
W.U." I. g. i. mpotersiTh Th reet.t.
mr/4 - .A.A. ALASON & CO.
_ - --- -
1./LACK BARMLE tor Zdourning Veile
JO received utlus sten of
earn Buzau:am.
_ _ _
:TAIN m s • Of of n
and badman, Oyler sad at • lc. rim •••'d b 7
' 7 / 4 mummy a nuicatimat
i ,- . — k-k--taipny a Buncramws
- Q,IIAII-10 bbls new for sale by -
. awl 4 • .W. aY. WIL&IN
INDIA 7. RUBBER TOYS-Tact, received a
ivrevae•orteueat of ludtz Robber inn, • beitueintlar
.e, bar eaSe trAVAVeIs Rubber Depot,
wad 9 Weal Rt.• :
LSIIF L ANNELS. —We" have receiv
..,06,,,y1 .pplyskf aboveurr4 dears.
rim s r
of their 110.111114111b/s ty yj w
rradot elem.= •10., 0.4..4 &It yyy t ply
. th ob,,Ltyyy dat aact•
M haI PHY JI of Decostle.
E itc:: . Yr-40 (lire A s . l:i) for sale by , :Co.
TIIE prigin Ciati paid.f o i a n tha
diffaw undt• of dna wtahAtt IPIoa
' 477 • mrurt .
neer eteemer GLAUCtig, hrjarig
'ben, hill Imre for the above and all he
edlKeDord on hehirodar, et/clack, P. IC
Nor height or PlaiilC• DIM r OD board.
1. 4 X)11, ST. LOUIS—The &at •
plus, new steamer EDlll)lhCaptote bjajdiat
leare for the above and all to
mediate porta ott Itesior. the 3d 'unapt.
For height or pareetrigapply cot --
hin e
• k. ST. LOUIS—Tbe Out roattlagA 4. teesner
.b 0 NEWTON. CePta Q./. vill
kan tor the 'above slat Interna:Sato pert% S.l ea Tutelar,
the Ina, et loa. .
Tor freight or p.....pr1r ..Ix.a. j. 3
TILLE—Ttre roloadid dr• and light
Foirbt stesoter lAiI2IIOLD. CtOt. audio;
vill lam for abov. and Loterm.dLu. zwy 0. 1.... t.,..
st 10 o'clock. LL di _ ,
d.• droght or owkid dOd,r oob.kras.l".
le. JOLLY 11....C/E. l.-"
- did atramer NAVIGATOR.
I leave Sr Lb. shay. and all
ori this day. Stu &I Lac, at loWelook, A. N.
freight ar msaag. app)) on board. or b'
. J. FLACK. Anat.
TWEgN PITIIBUILCM 811:01911.--
e gran. PLUIL No-2 Crum, rout..
cn.lrartr Pittsburgh for WhiCir., cardozsad Suedlth.
nery Maids,. rad !Mar, o'rrookr. returiguir
v 1
leaves Ecullish lbr Calotina, Whedllng Prtsbangh.n-
WednadaYardß" o, ' • it•
atgb . l . Pgl o o=lx..l .. X. :on ranallymplarl ;
For Weight or Durum applr on board,
en.. Thla eniendld batva trait
the n ears et the acanner lane Newton, and Was ra
tho Cincinnati and Pauli:Ankh Packet lade, and akm
weary Wednesday for Cincinnati, id plea of the Nor Eng.
YE. No.S. Poe freight h e r ee .4; on kokrd. ato
Vf AMMAR PACS:ET...4Iw_ riblendkl
fast rutting steam boat CIILLITApi,
Warn, Master:learn the end of the Old Allaghauy
(et. Cale MeV. ostry oar, omonensins at le frame, h.
Xfs stsd =the ng =all the Gardens elm. /Ike olllbzd
cm the Allegheny side, for tho seccousiolillect of WM.a
geheAlsos at all other Dolma. filr Extra Teo at 73‘,
deck. Y. AL
pHE new aid fast itriattin u a n t CASHIER, .
8. Metre, es. Master— Wellsville
begellte, Wellsburg. Wheeling; illayttele, lead
Ihugleh Packet—lmam Pittsburgh emirs, Wednesday at
a o'clock. P.M.. for Wheeling lead Ilridgeporkalid er . 1!
Saturily. at 3P. Al" for Capvlva and Sanlisb. geteenln&
leave. &mash every Moriday at 10 olock, A. M.. and ;
4 111.1g1.rt sad Wheeling every Alo3day and Itnraday,
Vhtand P"'n.g".PPlrJelllibilitgL.W.l4fent,
banta. - on, and Grocer
IL—TheUghtdratight stemma =WA. ..
Kinney, minter. /wen Wellrtille e licreulaY.
Wed... 8 87, iiiiB ktitinY, at 8 o'clock, A. AL 0 Kan Lin
=4: Glrx:t.g.trZt?': L'"" 1 . bi,gll 3— „ ii". —; Pi' •
Saturday, nrlo•Ycloek.6.Bl..Menyer,naserralY=
~ .Zi§, L iirri Fr Limlinol. and Walsrille.
in= 8 reinnire, iiriiiie ca board. .pp.
ye, WHEELING PACKET.—Thn sylandSd
trr k '="24h u r , --`16.."—,11 1.6 ter. bemr.
nal err and Whndlan. leMn7Pittsbaratt st. 10 o'cick
eTeny Simian Wednendsd-, alud innd krpdan__.
Wh ' elth i m " 7 * " d "' iburr on=
in nub rreck. free csArm &A m
12.0POWL—The Cat etesatee
will heave far the above
4 4 ,M= e t' a nen. In andar,
_at aVeleek,
for treigheor panne mix: ouwargo M eets.
No. 61 Watee sad 63 -
SUNSUIT PAM - Er—The bat
water WSL.L.9I7LLE. Cot B. Imna.
rort as • regular packet bal.. Pltrab=th, IN - Wen*,
Bridgnact..oil Ihmesh. lensing Pittsbh torry Mit%
aftemoo - et for .Wellretlla Stanbermilleotag
e vert Ttou , V27....afteroomo for Stenbernille r ,
ard•Sulblo ntorsdait. 1.T. 8 =
p a o r etVl,l iMaravrt7 Tuesday sttanianh NA
e h
Nelda aterneas. kr Creightpro.. oply ao
bout,. or to MOM W. B. - ~ ,I VIML.I.L, : - Ague.
, .
• • :-Its guns' eteritie— •
Ftesttle Maki. known. Thelpheat'Coasomptten.
Barzsarease.Letteonhea oclrbltnareetrearKenatmattem.
Ineceathoseaos of Vet.. gene& Itostratiosta the lkyatita.
Dearedeil Sphita. and ok6ctrr State of Mod, exioand hT
Dr:GewifsZateoct efrorlote/ka*coefSamprrilloorhlelt
;tree Imedlal• relief by renwrlrtig the Amdahl of health
cod strewth, the bleed , It nit:annual lad humors, dais
annatrcral secret/arm end sires healthy action to all the
vital tarrorlt
Its Mtn al= Itrwertbte =alai perallartr 44 . P.
cable to th e and delicate coattail= of the '
male. Itlrcurodiatelr conatenteta that aistneatirtjaerroitt•
oesd and 3a44trule ea gammon to the Gauls beam and
hat..-10 aD6l¢erirf and blanyillirf ..16231;11i1tn as Wiry
are cratetal..l We hare erklezoe as Lk .bleb bulnota va • •
Ammar to recommend tilts melirdoe to:married people
irbo hare not biro biased trittt offspring. •
Prolapals L'terl, or Falling of the Womb, of Emanate abr.
14131 g, owed by . Dr. Gareotre Extract of Yellow Dock out
earar.patille, after every other katotra malady had been
. _
. .This oertiffet.-that trlfet ad 0127 peva has suffered
under the aboire camplalni for froa . yeas, dearly all that
time coollnedte her bel. I have far bur men coutautly
employed Malicia ateilkal taierrethat mad bo promerella
this wedeln et the =nem without amp telecilt whatever.
I have &leo purchased every Lustrument
the cora of truth &wax* all of ethic/iv:mind troxibletia
. Ia the miming of 1849, 1 eras leduced.hi my frlmads to
try Dr. Giknotffa bellow Dock and Parstimillasehiehirm
used far form mouths. After she 'maimed Mae about four
teaks, Ifsraa evident to all of tm that she smalmlieurirdi,
Mid from this 11.00 she Umpired raplithr, amigabad Meth
streugth, Mdll the la elorr.cuirdimg te
ott *salient
hmata. • - — war. - momowr.
We, being iseletbars to Weir. am! ullei Monfort.trmsr
that the ohne statements, ea SO Me . delmtem of Mou
lted, and mei> Use ture being cffeitod b7,o,uPotee Yale.
Dock and Sanapurilla air eerie* Moe.
B.Altall POWERS.
-• Xatfl Era—Case of z o. Af.J.xon,arcl.
. litooxem Gkees..Dec.l, 1849:
Sheers, S. F. Bennett t Co :—Gentst home time In ins
Iwm attacked wily Bing'i Evil in lay arm, thichDemi.
to sore I could cestnee It. and in Ilikmartlitcation set La
1 crakloyeth et ditlentnt times, ugh abrade/lint eeletaitr
within mr. reach ; all told me roj- arm chat 6s.seagoisted.
From the 'shoulder to 'the formai was thil of running
soma.. 313. strength at this [las enes ccargletelr embaust,
ed, and tar person much ecaleistol. I continual to this
state until MC, wheal sew au adewresment (Gureall'a
Yellow Dock and Bassanar/113) which I read. anti sent for
bottle of the art le. Dl:treat:ea Yellow Skck nod Bands*.
rifle eared tee; I tool no othcr see4wly wldk using
and felt motif Denied, welt -hernia Wing the sixth boa.
tie. LW 1 newt It at the trot angenranse of the malady . , I:
em slue it would have mewl ray Senn rem of pain and
snaltering. I meet eartewtly recounnetal erery person sal;
./.11/..43.0P W 4 to we Ours:era Fellow , .
Dock and flareasarills. oblA will reanni Bum to htalth:
Vows, In weediest.. 0. LEONARD. - ;
Cure of oridgracated case of Eryr erg:.
The CUM pc.r6.S&Nl by .be.tiroott . a . Extita of Yellow
Dock azdflarsitpuilla..ars TN4 Deka. ffto4*
.health =Comm to Ingavro after tittesto rotned;—
Cafes we oot ettrooklegl wait tbao..tuol tally toted thst
there taa he co nista., or nturn Of Moo - lima.
Ziontor, ilr...rklater Co.. Fltattoff. IffoO.
& P. Bennett J Co.—Quits: Ity with greatplesouro that
I writs you about the very hippy ogees of. pour Tallow
Dock and gareaporilla upon mr MS, who totaldog been mt.
faring under that dreadful oat inathsanse dianse. kbysipe.
• las, with which be one attasbed 1548. and um /be Om
ni monthi attended by BOON of oar test' physicians, who
trod their .kill penerteringly for live moiths.without any
beneficial remits . whatever.. Ito became, redacted to • per
feet Wet Ile had elects form his hip to his 02 , 0.•
which yam continually discharging disgustingly odhroiva
matter. Nnlical and rarglcal 0111 waa hatbed...Physielatte
said that Ida ei,so was hopeless: thous. could. he nothing
done to ammt these terrible gingreninkuleera: Sly neigh
spa ard myself thought hi. dhololudoia 'netr at hand.
one of my neighbora (who bad condi 4110 of Bcrofula
with your invaluable medielme)trished me to make trial of
im and, more from Om rattle. denim tido soutithing while
life Laud. than from say/sopa of airttlngretaf, I Rnwomd
• threa kaki of your Yellow Dock and. Farearatilla, and
emmennsood wire it y and to my astualiMMent bs bosom
to immure bet., be had w.d rho thirdbattlee and ea.
ha had anal • half dor= bottles, he could walk out. U.
nsed in all twelve bottles during thi Year 1149, and by Or last he was perlixtly maitre& Etery veftlg. tim
the Mats, la removal, sad balressalus Ire
Me .% health - td lbepmezt time. JEW yea/um ender
the blaming of God, 1. entirely:Wag to' of Vol'
Fellow bock and Plataaparillatand,laseureyem that 1681
meadf wade; gnat otftetkrui to To.. and Bin with Mut
'boy that ',inform Ton of what.:igiur Parsirmillo bes dm.
ihi tur Thinieethalr:
Boid hJ J: Di
PI3Z. (a=ilant to BiaBad & Paik..)Paarth
and, Walnut axed., Ctooinnon.Ohlootte the
South and Ned: to whom all orders most no eddxeseed.
J. Hidd & C0...13. A. Yehnestook 1 Co; LA; Jame, L.
, Lee A. Beale.. Alledbear Qtr;
L. T. kur,C„ wublagt.., L.. U. Heide, Uniontown, U.
Or.mshirs; B. Sonata Eatnermet; goott I pUntore,
.E.anth IWO d a . ..Una= Mrs-Orr. Uallidaystrtn.
lithichrend & Co.: 'Wiens: J. S Wtinht. Kittannteg;
tenni A' Co, Eitel - riU4 A. WILK& A 800, WAyausb us . ;
Morendid • co, N. comic., LL.4TnIO; Doxton & Oo
Li* Graham & roster. Noreen Jamas Sony t Co. But
ler; 5. BmlN, Boom: o.Bunnnerhon. Warn= P. L. AC.
B. Jones, Coodinwport. Crooker. r.. Brom:mid. •
. , . .
1/.. 11 En ,
a g , __. I
ra—or Mar Ptautrr. Va. Oet. 4.1E47.
hell rcar Varafttftga / sitation that. barlsig and It cftentrh a ft. la ra ISY y thoat -
for the last lour or, anunrs, I Mink ft eftddaft, tpc .Ib.
,ftratiou or. thsftica tif whfth 1 hare kramudft.
.Iftavgb 1 hare ftaraurmfti cod tft.n., offtft ftb f 7
other masolictNrs. Your*
Prnarea aiixild br 1 1. - E. antAximft, 63l:42l lS . It irt. D aftdi
soft br drawn. softralft. -• .F ...? ?4,14.—
liannets! Bonnets!
ThEC'D THIS MORNING. per kipress—
mart dedsable
stt.'" anana4"CPttneillitia."..fteyol.2P.
abo n
Tbl r i atunttwa cf . mi teniflaart:latbaryktnited tom*
' EW] .
W. W. qO2( sta.
No. 67 Nada •Corner . .F.irt4 - Prigskapt.
TikAVEß . lin — Fam Wircu u , aTrzutir,
1.1 Wavy Goods,
Wfasti.losuallata wort eillet2.l4 l oefol
a•• IT the but. Enottok*ol Smelt • • yo
RAY : • • I doz. for isle •
mr 7 &P. Cox zoNNUOR.* it CO.
WAsontera, 0., Feb. 741649.
i=w• liwbw
Wll. A.Mt:CU:MiI leas
aFd 111. Nam.