ROME MATTERS. Partuar a Marrreas.—The Whig Ind Antimuoaie prinutrY meelingi were held in the seven' Wards, Townships and Boroughs,. on Batosday, for the *risme of 'electing delegates to attend the. Convention: which will meet int Wednesday, the fourth bustiust; at the - NewCoart .11m4 . The results so far as we. have heard thentare as follows. _ FIRST' WARD. Betty, : • 80 A. Humbert, . • 77 J. T. Kincaid, $1 32 htesits. Getty and liatahert were ditelsredda ly elected. - instructions. „ SECOND WARD ,The meeting was organised by appointing Jno. Fi Qiiigg. President, and John McKee and Jacob Weaver,:Jr., Secretaries. Joshua A. Rhodes and Theme Steele were elected delegates, and inntructedto rapport the Hon: Mosul Hampton. ; - • THIRD .WaiRD. • in the Third Ward. John hiMiteinut was call ed to that Cluslr,. and Lewis and Willem la- Red appointed Secretaries, Masora. Edward - Campbell, and Andrew Mc- Master, were Cleated delegates, with instructions to opport Mr. John Dlecaakey as a candidate for; he office of Cmanty Register. FOURTH WARD. In Hal Fourth Ward Haters Joseph and i Isr aFdOn. ael:Wiggins were elected delegates. No nstr FIFTH wear'. The Whigs and Antimasons of the Fifth Ward, mat atthe Public School . House at Semen o'clock, and were organised by appointing Charles A. Bryan Chairman, and Darkl Dalsell Secretary. They then proceeded to TG. ballot far dela . atm ,when Messrs. W. M cCartney and IL Clelland, were declared drily elected, haling recelred eighty rotes. - The officer' of the meetinginformed- us that after it was nearly closed, another organ itatien 'took place, and Messrs. Ferguson and H. Richardson appointed delegates. DISTR WARD. At the primary meeting in the Sixth Ward, D. D. Brice was called to the Chair, and James Little appointed Secreliuy. T. A. Itoirlay,having melted eighty-ex rotes, and John Major eighty-four, were declared duly In the Berenth.Ward, W. drthrirs, Req. was called to. the Chair, and Wiley appointed Secret/mi. The meeting proceeded to ballot, with the following rerMhi: W. C. Friend, 41 45 R. Oallagher, aa° Miura Friend and Reed were declared duly elected: . No inatruitiano. „ Theeprimary meeting in the Eightb Ward, was =by calling John Allen to the Chair, minting Thomas Daft Secretary. George Moore, , 98 Stimide, 6l . Johnifergeant, 40 George Seim, - ' 17 Messrs.: Moore and Stbnple were declared duly elected: . , ”. MUTE WARD.- In the Ninth Ward, Messrs. R.dirards and R. Rill bale been' appointed delegates, instructed to rapport Ponrard for President. Judge of the Diathot Caurt, McClure for President Judge of the Court of Quarter Sessions," Messrs. Lig gett end Boggs for Associate udges,' Pane/s -took for Recorder. - Brash for Cresichardson for Register, and McCune for County Commit. t=xaim. FIRST WARD. William A. Inin was the chair, and Lee A. Beckham appointed Bedietary. 3L Wickersham and Simon !mall Were elate; delegate.s.. SECOND WARD The meeting wan organized by calling George into the Chair, and appointing W. O'Hara Secretary Atter the obj w f the meeting had been sta ted bythe Chairman, _the following persons were chosen by acclamation to represent this Ward in the Whig County Convention , -which meets at the New Court House- on. Wednesday next, TU.: M. A. White and Alexander Moot On motion ef B. 11. Davis,..Eu., it was Resolved, That our delegates be instructed to tote farm person 'in Convention, for nomination on the County ticket, !miens he is relbsble on the temperance question. Posolved, Ttst: our delegates be further in structed to rote for Hon. Win. B.: McClure for the office of President Judge of the Court.of (hi mot .on; the meeting iclioterned. ; • CiEO. PARKES, President: Wst (rif. Ronseses, Secretary. THIRD WARD. W.B. ?dowry was called to the Chair, and -- OM appointed Sealetary. Hill= Debar= and WRthim Boyd were elected delqites. FOURTH YARD. B. S. Fleming was called to the Chair, and W. W. Ball appointed Secretary._ Josiah Eineend. james Tuley were elected delegates, Settih . .Pittibst:egik—Daniel Davies and W. Rich ardson were elected delegates. •' Lower Sant Claionatban Neely and John Patterson were•elected delegates. • Charricrs-Bilegates--John• Hancock and' hie. ie Chas Wan*" —lleum. Kelly atid Black were elected. Veiscaee--Delegates—W. J. Morris= and W. A. Shaw. -, Reterre—Deleist44.3. S. Ladoo and Pet& Pautl—Benjtuninteny anil S. Stoner werenp 7 pointed delegates. ' ' • Birtreglact—Thomas McKee and Joseph hle 41.0.tirere elected delegates. him—B. B. Carnahan, Esq. Taw caned to the Chair, and C. J. Ihmsen appointed Buhl Clia6 and George /3 . 1061 M were appoint ed delegates, • instructed for :Forward for the Presidency of the District Court, Dunlop for the Ml= ; or ' . •the C , o ,l u er rt • 0 . 12 rtfreto n for the pp lit 'abet. Boron ls—Mesms Samuel Frew and Mollhenny were appointed delegates. J E li sabeth 412tenthip—Delegates—B. Wall and - John Patterson, instructed for Forward. Bou-DelFgatza--eleunder M. Watson and Morass Chess. LCtsirgeeeetTie—Metars. Wairaight and Bishop tae dected delegates. ircededer—We Tutderstand diet Maws. R. Sescpker and Joho. Parke have beeit Appoint ed a!legittee... imdeiiitami that Messrs. P. A. Wm) end -- Shields are . the delegates from Ohla Townslape=: . - • For.the Pitt burgh Daily Gazette.' Puma to Mid, the Antimmionic and Whig citizens of Pagans township, met in the school bowie In Elul Liberty, on Saturday 81st day of /854 st 8 o'clor.k, P...M, to choose debt. pbm toTepresent than in' county convention gth Jule, 1851, to nominate 'a county ticket. Wm. 11. ButhAeld Tad chosen Chairman, and L. B. Davison; Secretary. Abraham Horbacit received 42 Toter Thos. MCCIGITI, A. . 41 . W.tlifialus,. is 68 s, Moles' 6 s. Sucutel &War, - 6 ~ The'delegates were then instructed to vote for Widterrorwmd, for President Judge of District Cerstrt3folenHampton for Assistant Wm. B. McClure for President Judge of Cannon Pleas, Thos. Liggett, Jr.. and Wm. Boggs' for &soci als*. Robert Ring, for County Commissioner, jamas Beater, ,County Treasurer: John Hor s:my, foi clerk of Quarter fiessiors; J111:011 dorm. 1y &Orden, John Mekaskey, Meosse ro gg ds aemblymen::llscancies to be suppliei by Geo. Dorsi% of Pittsburgh, =CI. H. Footer,of T. rentam. LUKE B. DAFTDSN, DISOADMI CONDtrc - r.—Mary Burke, Fanny `Wifl Sad. Mary Bates, three women at tad chersoter, were on Saturday coannittedlo en by Mayor Guthrie, on a charge oferly amain:, They bad rine ed a terrible disturbance ID as gala 'Ward on Friday afternoon:- 1140;—Pour men who are, we understand, employed rui laborers on the Perrysville Plank . Sod, lirors' arrested on Saturday, and held to ball by.hlderman Major for their appearance, in theeamef two hundred dollareesth. They are alma with having-behaved in a riotous and distedirly manner, at a Watch in the C 011111127, al the Sabbath _before their arrest. Durruisaxez.--Jaates Williams, &impugn *dead; ,Sheddin, Catharine Kelly, Cardin•WlTharos, and Susan Meson, all colored, intro committed oolitic:on on Saturday by Mayor Quests, charged :with disorderly conduct, and w ith disturbing the whole'sicighbarhoodin which d it7 'reside, in the Sixth inn.= Beicremr.--Jacob Eller; - Jacob Igum roil* were on Saturday imamate bpWcrisirkSeracc. of Birmingham, 0 ,10014 Richo laa Shaffer, with amok sad . COURT OP CollloloA,Mait. . In the Conn of eoriatitoriTleiii, on Saturday E. Snowden, Eal.,Xnade.lll2 apPlicatiop. , on behalf of William Burns, whom the Judges of the Eke den In Lower St. Clair toinaship, returned some time during the present montli, as Siperrieor of mid toiniship. It appeared that a special act of the Assembly had been panted; requiring one Su pervisor of that township to reside Pn the East and the other on , the West side of Saw Mill run. Mr. William Beier, the opposing candidate, re ceived s soldier number of . vote than Mr. Burns, but the former resided on the West—the latter on the East side of the run, atid Mr. Jon ethin Neeley's (a resident of the . East side of the run) term of office, as Supervisor, bad not expired. I - John Mellon, Esq., appeared for'llr. Barger, ; end cited the seta of Assembly on the subject.— After argument, the Court decided that the votes received by Mr. Burns were will and void, since if he were returned there would be two Super .visors on the East side of the rem. I Mr. Huger wee therefore declared duly elected. COITET QF QUABTEII...anSIONS. The June Term' of the Court of Quarter See Bona will commence to-day. POLSONID.-00 Wednesday„ ady named Shearing, residing in Birmingham, eat a little boy toa drugglet,, to parches° a smell quantity of paregoric. Through some Mistake he return ed with laudanum, which was administered by. Dire. S. to her youngest child. As goon as the true state of the case was discovered, the most energetic means were used to lame the child's life, but in vain, for after lingering MB Friday,' it died. • ALMOST DROWN/D.—A. little boy or about Si'. years of age, named Walter Blichael,l was play ing on Friday on , a trading boat limit. the Hand street bridge, wben, losing balance. befell from the bow, and passedunder the boat. The hands on board need every exertion to get him out, but in vain: After a short time had elapsed, he moo ter the surface at the end of the boat, and was seized by a little playmate of us, named Kendrick Halley. He was inseasibl when first taken out, but soon recovered. This the third narrow escape &eta drowning that tliis , boy has made. I MACIAZItiI roe JUNE is filled with in teresting matter and excellent illustrations. It is the first number of the new volume, and from all appearances it will be better duau the first. Each number contains 144 pages of &mice read ing matter, at the low price of three dollars a year, or 25 cents for single numbers. It has only been established one year, and has a tiTCII - of one hundred thousand. It isi kept regu. arty for sale at Holmes' Literary Dc mt, Third street, opposite the Poet Office. Mammas Muctuar.--Charles Murphy on Saturday laid an inforniation before I Alderman Major, against a woman named Mary Burke, who had wantonly broken nearly miry window in his house on Friday afternoon. She had pre viously been committed to jail by the Mayor, on 'charge of disorderly conduct. DISCIIMICIED.—Conrad Fogle, who; had been committed to jail for disorderly conduct, under the name of John Hartman, Tye btght before Judge McClure, on a habeas corp on Satur day, and discharged. TUC CELAIII223 RAELHOM)..--WO mp 14 police man on Saturday, who had just returned from the Chartiers Railroad, and he Informs us that the hands employed upon it are now working Matactoos Muctusr.—Two young Men were brought before Alderman Steele on Saturday, charged with malicious mtvAief; They had hir ed a two horse carriage from Mr. Wm.iConn, and cut the lining and sesta with penknives in seve ral places, before they returned It. The matter was gruffly compromised on their paying for the ;damages the carriage had sustained, and the costa of prosecution. Penn ALaam.—The alarm of fire feat night, was false.' • Dirriaoutsumn Anurvel..—fieorge ' Glidden, Esq., hat arrived in this city.' ,We l that he will deliver course of his populrs antinstruct ive lectures on Egypt, before he leave! us. ENGLISH MUSTARD—Colinati!e, in kegs .12 of lb. and 18 lb.e nt .l2 . 33=B: ks ulz by marVl • New aitLISiC. •kt/UNDS FROM KENTUCKY; both. and Dublin Waltzes, complete. World's nth Waltz. . Serenading, or Gard Link Polka. /lamb Ad Wbere aro ing Mew friends of boy youtbt Tbou bast gourefed the Writ that loved tb &ause hrighist. Jenny_ Littha Hied . Nor 'Teeth Polka. Ilia Polka. .. Juniata -- Old Bachelor and. Old Maki. Lamont of the Orphan Girt Thy to le math to man o ear. Lament of the lzishradgran. Bsc'd toy2/3 JOILN WELLOII, 131 YEW MUSIC 111ELEBER has just received • w Jude Coot.' . National Union, • patriotic SOO& dedicated to the Hon. liniry cisr. Briag , de Game; new llthicidan Scow br Stephen C. Fodor of Muhl:toe, .. ... I _ i i i 6 / . 1.1% , I , ' i * . ar. a r e rgr t glhatlVFLAt ii hweet Homo an lima by .7enny lAnd. 0111 r new acticon. paniceenta. ' I The filocmtala Daley. • The Day Eptritio by Lindley. Farewell. Old Cottage - , written a nd r indrawd by H. C. foster. and dedlcatal to Ma. IlarayWocals, of littteburch. as where the mord= &tette- • - I know who.. . `• air blueing with thae Co. ' . i leirard. tom done. I • Dilating Wn.r lb. Macbeth. Alaii—hew Polka+, Waltses. re. i Shill street, - Sign 'Colder. arp N.TEA ' ailerclid idiot l'huroa and 31olcd in to H arii won. " I " " TW BOOKS large supply of 310- uracek k Crooks' Greek and Latta Warta ramify Robbaacra ar Ira Adrantorra of a Vattler and blotter dad four bona, an a'dasert :vol.. lama., _ Ale, Noa. 1.2, 3. and 1, of blamer Landon Labor and London Ymr. Just rre'd and for sale by IL LIOLINS. Id /4410'ibandiasa. fourth at. VIUBBAY'S FLUID ALAGNESIA—Just INA rek'd sad for sale try 5.:C01. IVICKERSIIA3I. y 2) =nor or lilxth sail Woad sts. sew Books,just received. .g.REEK GRAMMAR,. for the are of High .IklecoLT azul thanandtlalZP. Batt/mama naiad Thi=d ' uTf l a ' dertt, and Ilabellois af Irk 81,7•IInbat rt N. YleM Ma. ma& p a rt g. tb gzgirrezzoLi .2, .. a = l go m b Vete aof Nom Yea • by Rev. 11. TJ Mean, lOmo. mw. Par sale by • , a. *OPIUM, . xaylll 78 Apollo Bulleng. 'fourth Et UYSOTT'S Yellow Dock to Sare sparing"— br J. EWA /01., 7 tCllrcod IarISTAES Balsam of; Wild cherry-1 •V V' grow *Er lola try myl9 J. KIDD* Clu. SEED-30 bbls. prime, f r sale by VASTER OLL-35 bbls. No; 1 (puie) for sale trr zryl9 J. KIDD CO. INK ROOT-2000 lbs. for sal: :taria VURNITURE CLOTH: I 'Eng* Nor, i'vt"ga!raziro iv=i. kr " 1 " the J. t IL PHILLIPS. To Tett-Drinkers, bt j . yon want i I I! , 11 Good Tet!,' 1 10 MT biet. In th e dtr. Prleen-40e., We., 7H sad 14 1411. orrn POPLEY'S POT CLAY-36 bNustrac'd gad Dr sal SCIWONM CO. or.IT/Pf:M stop. SUP. JBACWA-25 key fori siep ;110 a A. FAlLNlcawft taRENCH FLOWERS—A eiplenclid variety Of the owlet stile. trench end AlllMaifatk Moms, ire pmwrwli ell very elaaap, at arhaleyal• or Mall. , mr2l A. A. AWN AOO. RIED PEACHES-35 sacks in stare, will to mid Ivor to don 10. by Ent2l l 5 -AIAI I DIMLY &CO. 13,011138-56 dos. Marietta, to mile by 11 42131,--1 . 00 dos.. Cprn,lo s r . ext y pi i.D. S. AT 1ER41135'-11 bole! im• 4.31c,10.2 AS . H-25 fjo.ll.lZlgetv. POT ASII-4 casks pure, for sale by myla J. B.C.VaIe.LO. IitALERATUS-5 tons in boxes 4uid casks; : 11 boxes In Pound Tvgric ROBERT D t Anat. Irk MED APPLES--2A, begs for le ky_ -mr.a • . R. BALER L k CO. ASH-5 Casks fur sale byl c* co. PEART. ASII-20 casks for salel by R. DMA= t CO. TTRANSPARENT WASH BALiSZlfine • eiliele reed end for ode al the Dreg nine of RIM 8. B. KICK EXCHANGE BANK STOCK— or salo by =O3 Banker 4Exeks. n ricr ' 9ll . er. SUNDRIES -14 bblo. are 6 No.l Lvd: I .• . . .. . .._. .. .. - • 2 . binaerax; Ism& at from err idaytkitren uld tbr sale by ISAIAH D/CFCES l W. " , mys 9 . • groat tut Cattr rem. LIFE PRESERVERS k JAC TS--Al - an baud, a run of India 1191Jef Ufa err ws and JaoJaaa, of In Itubbor and fOrlr manufaC lama der stabs Dribs an boo Jaot,7 and 9 Wood w. ray= , J_t 11. 1.1.11LL11.4. GOLDEN SYRUP-12 half tifila. and 24 arrnx by . • JAMZ.A. 11171V11140N ir CO, Cet az ME ORSZN-5 cases acJar lam sal domains pah woo • is. BY TELEGRAPH EXCLIVEIi Hi ,Tag TZLEGBAiiI AND REPOITEDIOR . THE PITTSECHGH GAZETTE. GENERAL -- ASSEMBLY—ADJOURNMENT CISCIINATI, Nay 31. In the Presbyterian General Assembly at St. Louis, on the 26th inst., a letter was presented froth the Presbyterian General Assembly of Ire land, which, after expressing gratification at the success of Presby terianism in America, regretted that there were in the Presbyterian and other Churches in America, so many persons involved in extending the dominion of slavery. The COIIIMUIIieStiDII was referred to a Select Commlt , tee, with instructions to reply to that portion of 'the letter in relation to the condition of the Church in such spirit as it requires, sod also to state that the communication was received too late to allow the Assembly to approve of said an swer. The financial and other reports were submit ted. A Board of Lir' ectors on Education were elect Thc.aubject of the cheap religious newspaper was called up, and referred to the nett General Assembly. Overtures from Philadelphia, relative to Rev. Mr. Blackburn, were approved. . Reliable information was received that the Rev. Mr. Geary void family had not been mur dered. The resolutions relative theretd, pre vim:city passed, were stricken from the journal. The Assembly then adjourned, to meet again in Charleston, (8. C.,) cn the third Thursday in May, 1852. SAILING OF THE FRANKLIN. Haw Yeas, May 31. The Franklin takes ont $968.580 in gold and silver. RAILROAD FROM TORONTO TO THE A petition wre presented to the Legislature to charter a railroad from Torona to the Pacific, and to purchase land sixty mules wide at the price paid by Government- NEW YORK MARKET. NOON REPORT. NEW Your, May 31 • Cotton—The market is dull and drooping. Flout—The market is steady, and the demand fair. Sales of 4,000 bbls at $3,9404,06 for State, and $4,12ie,y1,31 for round hoop Ohio. Grain—Wheat is rather lower, with tales 10,- 000 bu good Genesee at 1120 per bu. Corn is firmer, with sales of 12,000 bn at 580.69 c for western mixed, and 600 for round yellow. Provisions—New Pork is dull and heavy at $l6 for Mess, and $13,25 for Prime. Beef is heavy and inactive. Cut Meats are steady.— Lard is quiet at fic per lb.. lower, with sales 160 bbls Ohio at 23c. Stocks—The market is heavy, except for U. S. 6's, 1867, which are quoted at 1191; do. s's, 1863, 1031; Illinois interest bonds, 39; Penns. fes, 941, and Reading bonds at 58. A second failure is the cotton business occur red to day. EVINISO RIPORT. - New Tong, May 21, 1851. Cotton—The market is more buoyao aal =- tire, with sales 2000 bale. at last qu4aions. Floor—There is a fair demand and at better prices, The sales are 7000 bbls at $404 06 for State, and $4 18i®4 31 for round hoop Ohio. Grain—Wheat is easier, and prices nominal. Corn is less active. The sales are 40,000 bush. els at 68659 a for mixed, lead 60c for round and flat yellow. Provisions—Pork is heaiy at $l5 for mess, and $lB 26 for prime. Beef is Inactive at $8 75®11.f0r mess, and $6e, .6 for prime. Cut Moata are more active at 71®81a for hams, and ®6i for Shudders. at. of 400 Ws Lard, good and prime qualities qt 9}c 1 4 lb. Whiskey—Bales 250 tibia at 220231 c for Ohio and prison. Stocks—At the second board to-day, stocks were improved. Beading advanced to 63i, with large sales. Land Warrants are rising, and range from $142 to $155. Money is accumu lating, and there are large exports of coin. Ex change is firm at loielog. CINCINNATI MARKET CINCINNATI, May 31. • Flour—The market is a shade easier, with sales 400 bbls at $3 35Cu3 37 12 bbl. Whiskey is rather heavy, with sales at 180 11 gall. Provisdons—Nu sales to report. Bacon is somewhat easier Groceries—Very little is doing, with no change in prices. Linseed Oil—Small sales at 139 c 19 'gall, and dalL The river has risen 18 inches since last report ' The weather is pleasant. NEW ORLEANS MARKET U 13212 Naw Onir.aus, May •'.l. Cotton—The Africa's letters were received yesterday. Cotton is without change.. The sales are 2,100 bales. Sugar is lees active, with sales of 150 hhds at at Elio for fair. Flour—The market is heavy. Lard—Sales in bblsat 9 , 16.9.ic. Sales 1600 kegs at tic for prime. Coffee-:-Sales 500 bags Rio at 91®9}c per lb. • INDIA RUBBER DOLL BEADS A, BO DIES, a different eras, tot tale at Ma Rubber .R.A. Nat and Wood 6 .1. ILPHILLIPS. lay/fl MAPLE SUGAR-2 bble. very choice Ma pl. Booth, just reed thd for saleloy WM. A. McCLUEO A CO, myth Gruen! aluVrea Palen. lOVERING'S SUGARS—DoubIe Refined Lout Cruelty". Pulverised and Powdery'. oonstmatly oo ad mtd fly We by the barrel or retell, at the lowest cash rata. by WM. A..IOcCLITRO A CO.. • myl9 256 Liberty et. DRIED PEACHES-1000 bushels (bright halm.) In storo and for Ws by my RIMY. MAT7ILEW9 t CO. DRIED APPLES-30 sacks prime, for sale ti r mrm RILEY, MATTLIERB t CO. CASTOR OIL-9 We. (Blow's make) for Eale by my22 RUEY, BLAITILEIVIS t OU. SUGAIL-240 Mids. prime N. 0., for sale by mris AM ES A. HUTCHISON! CO • DRIED FRUIT-- , Peaches; • Plums; 'etr ash by Melly WR I T IfeCLERU a CU, myls Omen mil Tea Dethrs: HEMP - 23 hales Missouri, on consignment and for ago by Aura ooltD, m 716 No. 154 hoot se. COTTON -25 bales (Batting).for sale by ' oul AL• No. 13R G 4 Yroat ORDON. ' TEAS -50 hf. chests' Young Eynon; i • 6•• ••• Blatt Golort&lllaran e by . HALM DICKY .111 myl3 Water sad I=l W. S. PETRE-75 sacks Crude; for sale by Li. nun LIAMS-10 casks for sale by znyl3 18.61A1l & CO. BUTTER—Fresh Roll for sale Eky, myl3 'LUAU DICKY I Oa. MANNERS' 011,---20 bbls. warranted pure, Or Ws try R. E. HELMS. rep! 07:Wood ist. RICE -100 tierces for Bale by . BO a Nnni, tlb ll 6o Matto Ft. SALERATUS-42 auks prime, for sale by mll2 , WICKf MeCAZ+DLESS. CHOCOLATE -130 bro. Bost., for sole by myl2 WICK a tatcattours., NEEDLE WORKED COLLARS, Filmic -1114.,13t.55et fgh , latt o tt fullimorlmentof JAM 1900 V. IL EATON. tcrartb NDIGO-4 100 lb kegs Manilla;', _ 3 Corona Canon. of goal quality., to af- Ibr W. als, samples Of 'Ali°. 4121111(401t Of IOdISO, which will to sokt low from Ma sample. ISAIAh LiCKEY4 CO.. Water mid Front eta. ('1 HOUND NUTS-15 sacks for sale by ilt nub tSAIAII DICKY.T 4t.W. NUTMEGS -1 bbl. for rale by J. KIDD* co. • BOYS'CASSIMERES—Of various -colors and st.yhts,Vedd by mys MURPHY a BURCHFIELD. STAR CANDLES-45 boxes ( 10 to 40lbs for Weld J. D. WILLAMS t CO, coma Wad and ALTIA Q. PERM CANDLES-10 boxe.s4* 6'e, unit ogl, t td, by J. D. WILLIAM CO. VINE TEAS-- half charts Clutha and Wang; • ' boxes astra tbm °akaLc_ for sale by 'm y 5 J. D. wILLIAIIB q). 7 - IEER SKINS-3 bales for lsale by j_r my 7 RUEY, MATT/IkWe A OD. 10110 LEAD-490 pigs Soft Galena, for sale by myl itlfEY, MATrILEITB t Co. Pii METAL-465 tons for sale by myIRIIEY, MATTI - DM:3 A CO. . . _ FEATHERS — tr Ike. prime Ky., for mile by mil ItIle:Y, MATTHEWS t CO. - lODA ASH-60 casks (good) C for sale by • 10 my: A.LBERTSON I CO. POTATOES- 100 bu. (Gey to arrive', am an sale by my 7 A. GULDEN :MIN A Co. , te Y - K WHISKEY-37 bbls. (pure) for sale 'AA., mee A. CULBERTSON AW. , SPTS. TURPENTINE-20 bble. for sale by tars 11. A. YAIINESTOCK I CO. FrALLOW-3 bbls. for sal„ , A. ,err UM WX UT T!..E..." ) ,L Tie/SACCO-1 hhd. prinie Seger Leaf; - " ona Yt oil i by v b L. S. WATERMAN • BONS, mr6 al and el Water. and C. E ruct at. _ , . _ ... . _ __.. 014-50 bbls. pure Linseed, for sale by ea . i.e. WATERMAN A SONO. eriar qual u.l•l7 jaCODA ASH-3Uirnaksiturts'a brand, fur ba Ws by isayo IL a W. ILIABAUGIL The naaseErtraordinary Discarrry in the Warfel it great Arabian Remedyfar Ilan and Beard H. O. Farrell's CELEBRATED ARABIAN lIIMIENT. 1:111; miracelone •eures performed by the Arabian phyeiclano let the day& of old. trete them Ito cd u lna the the remit of =Ms. but rime we berm be come intimate with. (heir history we ran thus .omoet Ihr their.MMOing power °ter disc... Their atteinmenM the knowleige of medicine wore the wonder of thy age, while at the mune time the reirrlen of Clormietrr. whl oo with them bed it. origin. was to the rret of the world . a needed book." And in Botany they weep the most matoue of students. lathe beautiful groves which Ain the deeerte of Arabia, alound ram plants and microns wood. whence are obtained thooe &multi< grins and fragrant baleame, of which Ohio incomparable liniment to composed, and by wbooe etimulaing unctuous, penetrating and Anodro• Properties It when applied. inotantaneouely diartsel through thr whole nerroue oyotem. allaying the most let Mime pain tbe incredibly 'Mort time at 1 10 or 16 =Mohr. Ito (ton.cion L. pro mpt, powerful and effectual, without the mgr. penetra t o mash to the bone, reheat contracted mete. reotoree boa limbo which hare been Podded for ream, causing the ohrireled flesh to grow out and rirh blood to rimulate through Its velem. It mom. the Synovial /fluid or Joint Water, and thie Is the reuon why It has been no unireroally sueresodul Incuring all Menace of theJcduto. thymic arsenous of the (nine, Liter. Lung, and Kidney& this meat Arabian remedY unto.ralleled; for Ague Cate or Enlargement of the TZt • p it .l t ttleV o t .n= h ''''nory en ti ''e,. Onh"Perral":, 'tlVhft. Ceampe I Sw ellings. I: " .. 'u felt wl (3' a b l l ite= in duces. of e ac h eistnia, gru.Sweel Stiff Complaint. blotempereParry,Sprine,hrnima,Wo Mange, oinhim la indwell, Splint; uod for nearly Memo.; either in ma ndor~le, ar braid. which require an ester. not elogleallun. this liniment stmuLe at the head of all Medicine, The following L from the printed accountant of the wealthy and highly reepertable house of Tuts 2 Ban, of Peoria, and toresents nue of the most ennwnful cures in 0001110 of !nation history: Mr. It R u binrell DearEle, Aetuated by 1111.14110 f en. Nine, l it the folldwing as an instance ot the util ity of lone great medicine. Sly chlld.three rearvold,walt euddeolf attacked with o terrible disease, which, in lea then six hours. preetrated it to (c t r l helplmmetz. The limb herein. to rigid that not a Joint moU &sit tbe flesh turned blast and cold, and altuely.49triunt.l4l.l,,y,fith: art a ntr,tl;, ' ,lt l'r. d in all oled t d lll3ll Alll .- oh aav tr.cted, andso only that when laying on Its beet, the held and dse/e only tounied. Indeed, the chili presented erery appearance of being deed: immediately on the at tack. the Loads Phreltden 'Malted Wand for °tree weeks he Island to restore DIA feellng.but all myain, although It was bllstensi a doun times, and various ruletarient th en intents applied. A corurultation cf physician. wee then held, but to no intrrose. Th. cue wee then brought to. fore the Medical lioelety. hot nothingcould be euggested which had not already been done; and the doctor theustold me he could du nothing more. We Wen commenced en plyiug your 140D:tont fnely men Una entire length (.the spine: and you COST imagine • parent'e Joy, when after It few ePPlications, returnind antesolion was apparent The child rapidly nemesis!, with the except/on of the sight which dill not become o nowise!. for nearly a incised It Le nori h wrt othrsrd lobuet as I=tind reamed in my neih. borh r c e od_ proviousry. all of which died; when, no doubt, if your Ll6/131 at bad been acted, We would have moven& Peorte. M ' arch 1, lt4l. HENRY G. CLELAND. Liner • Complaint, Erysipelas, and Rheuntaiinn Tottorro, Msy 80. Cured. Itaratcg, Marton Co, Ky, May 27, Igen. Mr. li. (L Pennaire—lener Sir. Li Your niment is veillog e i rr T t il ; Lng u dolog • vein da , a r l f herbed bed pr in the breast- A hog. Ale confined to Air Rivera' mouths with Lirer Oonagain 's t and Attee lion of the heart, was entirely cured by the ILO of your Andolan Liniment. the asid the doctors could do leer sto gad. It has been applied to • fresh mit„ and 012.1 d it In a %bort time. 1 harebeen abided with Itliento•lista for • long I time zeal Just befote • net 00,1 It pained I. DO 011.1 eb the. hod PO ppawl. all day: and in the night 1 rt.- teemed bathing wed rubbing with your Liniment. and before I wee done tubbing, the Pan rraskt JOLIN BUCKMAN. Stiff' Complaint, Sammy, Distemper, Co,*, and Sore Eye, Cured. afitehell, Beetmainer at. Eat, Fulton County. Illy ge ) 0. YAW= Your Arabian Liniment is h.rly Efl ' ir =lair b== 7,1111'4 4 .°4'47." 11 on . " ennel one of my own of the Sweeney. fnu Sheriff. Joo , Dyke, cored his ham of a bed Cork with It; be oleo It on • volt that bad the Inetemper Very bed, and cored It immediately. Ile say* It hi decidedly the cremated home medicine he ever owe There bare been rinmbere ruled of Sore Sive with 11. I end It a vat 7 valuable medicine both &or man end beast. BrINITC of Cow ltertits. TO GUARD AGAINST IMPOSITIO. READ TILE FOL LOWING CAREPOLIY. Tie Public, are " partil.lail;' — eantUrrupa mcaluet B. Clem/re/Mt whkh bau Well made tt.. ppea[aY .ad Bled by the Import. wbo makes it."W Aral!: . Thla Is a danger o . fraud a. more liable to demi. Yr= hla beast:lu the mum of VarrelL Them fore particular nem, to cobl .for tw the Ramo “farroll's Idllittwut." For ....pled dealers impme the SPC RIOCS mixture upo you for t.tve geoulue, but elm., ask for ••11: G. Forreirs AroMan Liniment."' aud tale we 'arr. td n tl:ll ger.ttltie In ha. the letters U. G. beton Farrell'', booth—"H.Pr4fir. ''' Aral tb letle !" UMW!aztect In every ', Till.. god Hamu thEtas., in mle is out established. op.l by letter to B.G. Farrell, Peoria, 111.. with goad Atermwe as to ...ter, meyoulby, Call . the agent who will turd. Pres of CUM. • book containing much valuable information for eeery of cilium. Puce.-2.5 mete, 40 cents, and one dollar per bottle. onlq ento nlq ud propri germane iretor...ld b end cto bye 11 &rage.. No . (7.-Yerrell. vale Inventor almr3 . 17 Halo keret. Peoria, 1114 and for w sale whole:W.6nd retell at prrprietoer price by R. IL SELLYILL orylke.d No. 07 Sold by ol D. M. CURRY. .Allesl4enl City. Wood street The Human Body Must Perspire, SO SAYS NATURE,,-to have a healthy ap pearooom Lod perm= •bo do notiogroly liable to the moot dlamdlog 8102 LI/essos. Sow, Ji m.'ltalian Ch.molcal Soap woos a free pompltaLloat, and at U. aamo Woo moth!. and ooftelte tho eklw airbag It the torton of mu lotaxtril. Semy, Salt Ilbeum, and gOnill. are dinnly baled. b oured by ils rue. as a teat 7 physidam N.. York knoT, ''' wilo ors It lo ouch amea and hod It untilllng—as alaojn Panda, Blotches. Frockles, or anyabse arullssama ,Thm real ertria Is 'salllnd that this I. 00 wale, puffed narravm, ma ea l V ma. I mull enumerate at lout Malty taloa cural of more bad. sore lam, and owe bard. lay It—sal the radar Is alma wound I would adorn. tbe u ttrt curtail knew It to be 4111 grata. bua<*ho se will lad this art only a mom but a proZlrer and rbappdd r man c r , r , r mdt told. tba , t =Mend nub ray of tbe above, nl lo a Its PrOlV7m) tdan I state: a n .tt 8 :111 r Yt. a; the ..I=l=l .l l " beadt only of wit. JACKSON. only Agent In kW. Wirth of %oat. Pearly White Teeth, and Pure Breath, to he had red cmate.—Perenne irbo bare either. me honono teethmewed that If their breath ia co Anil, or their dersied, dark or yellow, oaf enerasted vitt. tartar, 'Mod a 2f cent boA of Juno? Amber Tooth Page trill Dula She teeth ice white . Mow. and the Meath atoriformaly Solll only st JACKSON'S Store. 240 /40erty .c. deut si Wcsd. A Scientific Hair Tonic, Restorer and Bean 151,—Ttist Both, ST%onots. Than who has. Pled Jor W theth Shot honorer. tram It. ethellerd quanilie— three who hove mt. we menthe It to pother thewing quolitien—itoln torre the heir to grow on thy canhore Intended hale to grow; goy it falling off: b us For,lthuirsiff, end nuke U red,or gni . hair lITOW dark. For rendering the 1.1, .mitt nd Wry, nothing min etheed thii—lt makes It tome beautiful, end keep it ao. It is. deed. the mart ethnonaleal—yet .parlor—ertiele tor the heir. . . to oalr at WM. JACKSON'S Stan, 210 Litorrty MAmt• hemlM axl, ittsburgh. MeAA-31). cents. 80 amts. and 11. JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Human bcruOful • W h o xr "& r . •w* ITite•-60 eetts, .15a v.. Sold by W.ll. JACK2.OIi.2IO Libertr stmt. heador Wood. Pittst largb. JONES' LILLY WHlTE—Ladies are honed ageinct using the oomman moored Chalk. They are uofinnue how Cightfully injurious it le to the Old how comae. ho. mush; how sallow, ;ellmr, and unhealthy thc skin ales mina Pre pee ol Mend Besides, It la W iThre . e ' prepered W"i" a n &i N tif l u B on yaa ' higirglcleochlch cell Joann nyeathb Lilly It le perfectly innoceut, Minkptuilled of all deletelions enolltleg end impar to the skin natugal , ale It ster,nlear, !Mats wh ts iten st. t. 116 tame time es:Untie cop mede ori the skin, making It ant mad smooth. bcdd yhe A n, lilt JAIiKIION, 210 Liberty street, twal Wood, PluW,or h. Prim.= mots. s I r,P. Prcifessor A. C. Barry's Tricopherous, OR MEDICATED COMPOUND.—The fol. :owing testimordiii is DomDIE Mono, Editor of tin Edo:W.lft AIIIMiieSI3. COMMOSIt r sttoti ertdsitos to tor BCCOUSSIT Naar You. Feb. 24, Brtrn'a 2rteoplierous Lan article that we take pleartire In awarding the highest cr/mmenttatios. We do not do it ripen the recommendaUon of others. but (tom out own par rtort knowledge of Ito affects upon tto hair, whit. It tend. to keen it healthy . ..oft, and glow, it Leo remorts due drag, proverds gra , l hair, and Insigoratrt its growth in a manner ntiy t o&t * tpo o ther one bottle to be eourinnid* B gt l .4. htibl w !etygto Et amt.. at the piaci* cam 1.11 hold In fargabottlei. Prlw 2 . 3 amts, at ea bttr rfa IL E. aratz. P 4. c Na. al Waal et. Straw Bonnet and Hat Warelame, ( No. 105 Mmticrr PALMER offers for sale, rat very • NU amortment of Straw and Milli.. BONATS—Foreign and Ameri jpialn and fancy &mg', Braid, Chip, Gimp, billion, Laralair, Paroal. Ler born ge. EATS—lien% Youthii, area Boe' Limbo., fermi ar;d plain Braid, 81. rag, Panama, Ilardlio, and Palm Leaf. ln. fan& Leghorn, Braid, Pinter, Chip, Gimp. Lace, and Than. MteaP Oipsay, Jenny Lind, sad in groat earl. sty or shays d material. „/LlBBONS an —ltieb Bonnet. and Feast, blahs Sibiu sod Tar. f qr,,41 , 11...L0010re. taild i vig d ria , u a l oted tilt nod Cotton Netts. STRAW TIMILVINGS-01.1s. Times, Buttons, Merin., Ste, to. FLO WERFmnehlind Anglican Pgslga.bnachas and separate, rich and anal style. BONNE? SILLY ANS SATsYS—Olage,. Oro. de Na: plug, Oro. do Rhine, rigger., and other igyles. muted qualities m;d colon SAMS—Assorted qualities and colors. Also—Rich and low priced Parsed. and Umbrellas, Mold Dame, kg. te. mehlb W S. HAVEN, corner of Market and So- cami dmet.. boo Just opebettfor sale the Wilma stag of articles to the Mationery ihm ever brought to Ilds city. consisting of avers duality- of English. Prawn. and American Wnting Paper. uedlnm, iota, ad CaD hisna hooks,ha every aisle of E l uding; Arnold., Iliterison's,lio zfa v. 7.1! izrrizollo.Jll,',l,," Writing Inks. Mated manufacturers . Lead Pendia %mum_ , S h ears, aut.-e -lope, alt elms and du:tildes; Steel 'rtb Porcupine. Bone and Wood lot Holders. a great vatietyt hand hose, WM Matelot Water Mamas, an. • no ad I LASS--600 boxes tole(' Rhea, Wr 6.11.; by my 6 8 W HARD klBlB . . . tiallolL--OU bbLs. for sale by - triTh _. .. B. h. W. LIAHRAUGII. 4 -aass_.o boxes Window. ass d, for sale t.I by bp= I. F. VON DON:MOH:a k. CU. RAKES -5U doz. hay 'takes, fur sale by La, ar...2 S. F. Vo4DONNLIODZT A C?. CORN --50 0 bu.. Shelled, for Kris by ' apl/.7. B. DILIVOMII it CO. ' C ODLI VER. OIL.--:30 galls. superior White, for sale by my!' 1 , .. Z. D.F.1.1157 Wood FL POTATOES -20 Ltda. Neslannucis, for nee by my 6 N. Y. VON DONNIIOII.BT aPI .:OW Ilti/N-66 tons forgeand Foundry, t''' .a,' '''''"`' b' al. by JOLLV WATT a co. _ _ __ casks Plitt:l[llls.dß VidtMILLION--6271b5. (Trieste) for ode y by sp7 0. e. SMLERS LERs. , 11.E.E.SE-50 boxes receiving and for sale %/ by wv7 0. DALZELL ire.), Llbwrty wt. 'DIAPER-300 reams Mod. and drown Wrap vi.r. foe we low to dose econimautt, Ly JAS. DALzY.LL, titer wt. jUkRiED PEACHES--600 bu. for sale by iy ap7 IdAlall DICKEY aW. ji•lo.Alt FENDS& EASTERN EXCRANGE WANTED, and the highad. Dretphttalald an 7D• wl3__ • mum Marked and Thldl .7s. DRIFJ) APPLES-75 bu. for sale by BITILDIUDGE ViGattlN. apl6 ll6 Wet. e.t.d. Q, - lINDRIE& • • ---- • . O bu. Cbertnubn MOO 11. Door /au; DM !kg. s 1519019,4 WA. lllAcry No* for W. low to 01d ,by J.,b. WILLIAMS •W. sub • Wan Wav4 lad MAD eta Eureka Mining Company of Michigan. TE Stockholders of the Eureka Mining Company or bliehltru, are hereby nettfe.d that an o .. or twentrdire erhts per share haa ham SlUde the capital stack of tha Enrekh di/Wag Company of fads., payable within tbirtr teem Ode date, at t. e oak* of the Oarnpany In the handle. occupied by . y " 'r.i"— LatiPlr. l 67l ' ticri - ..,_ and Tt.eare raylrratrlavtd Lomb. Min. Co. of Mich. / • Iron City Mining Company. E regular Annual Meeting of the "Iron nlinnat Company " •111 be held at the Mika of • Contrany. In the Uty of , Pittatnunta on, Blnaelar. Jnna tab at o'clock, P. !J. An ueetement of LO mate Per &W I= b....n .1 ... 1 all! brave 011 (ha Md of Jane: ob. an eaeeestnent of to cent. per share, doe on the let of Atnfnet. bionter Of the Board. myntlt neenet WATEILIUN PALMER. ary. lIE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock-. W of the Ohlo Trzp Rock kilning Cowpony will Told xi the oflo• tald ta t Lb. City of Pitto. tarsi, on am 2, at 2 o'clock, P. M. to M. H. MART; Pew J UST RECEIVED-AY DIGBY'S, 101 Liberty street— sites 10thitiN:tginkthLittens and ifor rencl. Drip d' Ete, ,ur sOm -6 yam e n=l and black Mit Warp Castimsnits, for COME A spMan leteild saamtment of Ma r seilles and Linen Vest, mylo Ui ERRING-10 bble new for sale by 1.14 w WI .BON. JEN. RED-15 casks (English) for sale by V m 716 , 3. SCHOWIMAKEII t. CO. CLOVES -2 bbla. for sale by tie J. BCLIOONILLKEII I CO. Q UP. CARB. SODA-10 km for sale by mrla J. SCI/OOMIASER • CO, • 24 Woc4l.t. SUGAR & MOLASSES 16V)te: P t" " twr , b myle TIMOR/DOE INOLItAId. QIIOULDERS-32 casks for ealo by 1, mrl o ELARDT. JONES & CO. FIRE BOARD PRINTS—For sale by mills (*REAP WALL PAPER—For Bale by Myl6 W. Y. 111881IALL. 65 Wood id TESTER CENTRES—For ildlo by Nv7l6 W. P. ILOSLIALL. 84+1 d. y ARD-3 bble. it 8 kegs No. 1, for sine by mrlo JOIVIN WAIT CO. F/Sll— bbls. and 40 W. bbl.. No. 1, Banknoro ll nreo= 10 6 " Stud: qa )ti 1.14 ate . 8 3 uperiorhimoII. for 4aleiby mile JOHN wAST* COFFEE -100 bags Rio, for Bale by rum JOHN WATT 1. CO. PIRON-100 tong Huntingdon co, for j_ mob 6 30111 N WATT A CO. JUST opening—a very excellent assortment lILNTEL CLOCKS, at from S 5 to 113 h all Plaeirace Mantel Clock+. for 51.60 each, sad warrant t0irt4741107.731'...... =736 _ • WY. mom On% We, helms neighbors to Welt. arid Julia bicattrl. blow that the alms statements, ea lo the datum of Era. Moo. fort, mud a. to the cum helms effected hy Goya:AV. Yellow libek sad Earsalmatils, ant strictly Oros '• JANE EDDY, ' • Slitall POWEES. .- 4 4 4 Eoil—Cate bj 0. Al. Leonard. • .BLoonUwo aaovs, Dec. 1.1819. Miser. S. Y. Bennett d Doi—Gant.: Some time in 1843 I ma attacked Mines Drilin my arm. which heehaw eo son I could net use It, and 11l Intn mortillaitini wit in. 1 employed. at different times, each ihysiclan of celebrity within my reach: ell told me toy arm most he =imitated. From the !shoulder to the forearto lens hill of rutuntig mirol• My strength at this time sae completely ethane , el. end my permo much eroselatech I continhea - hillia slain until 1818. when I am an adreitheinein (Uniuotre Yellow Deck and Earnsourals) uh/ch I reed. sraleent bottle of the article. fhlysett's Yellow Dock and &nape. rills. clued me; I took no other remedy *bile uslng It; and kit myself yernutly well before cuing the idath hot.. ties Ilad I used it at the first appearance of the malady,l am sure ft mould Itere wed um from years of polls and suffetiug. . I moat earnestly recommend every pencil suf fering under any aLtollar disease, to nee Ouysotre talkie Deck and. naraaparilla, which will restore demi to beolth. Yours, In gratitude, 0. IL:LEONARD. . • Cure of an aggracatid cau of Dysiprlefa. MN nixes performed by DT. aureate. ratted of yellow Dock and Bamparilia. ere lasting. The pationqireueral health wahine. to improre after disease to remorriL— Cores are not chronicled until time has frilly tested the 1.131511'..12 be no relapse or return of ttantwase. Bums/. llerkimer ea, lebment. /W. B. F. Bennett it Co.—.ten tiewitbftntpleuan that I write you about the eery happy effects of yoan , Balow Dock and inumparilla upon my son. wbo /LSI long been apt bring under that dreadful eat loathsome abeam. BMW S. lea, with which be was attacked in BUS. Mod was ter ant , nd months attended by were of our best physicims, tried _thidt ant Lersiverhight for i've minds. without ant benefinial results whatever. lie became redcoat to a Der. Dot skeleton. lie had Werra from too hip „to his taw,- ..; which were moinnually discharging disnuinioitit ofimisim matter. Medical and cervical still was batted. Physicists". said_that his am was hopeless: there could be nothing done to arrest Mom lerrible gangrening Won , By Milan bore and myself Moonlit his dissolution near at bq.rui. 07. of .7 nehMtore (who hod cured a, child of Scrota's with pour invaluable medicine) willed me to make gehapt It; sod, more from the codling dairy Undo something while - life lasted, than front .iy'lloye of getting relief, I procured Oboe bottles of yoor 'fellow Dock sod Sarsaparilla, and ....coy mine It; mot to my asimididossent Le begets W Improve before be bad used the Mini bottle; and before be had need a belt dose., lota, he could walk out. 'lle wed th all twelve boute during the year 1849 , and bylu e . tuber Wt be was perfect!, restored. Even.' vestige of the gmemr, except the .can. 1,, monorail. and he remadm in perfect health et the Tamest Bore. ills recovery, under th e himalog of God, is entirely owing to the say of yunr Yellow Dock and Sareapasilia: and I assure yOu that I feel oodar great obligations to you, and it is withgrest joy that I inkertuyou of what your fursaperilla has done fumy eon. • Ilespertfully, 'ltatral ILUBSELL. Bold by J. D. Pau, (summer to Sanford A rut,/ Fourth • and Walnut streets, Clnelnnatl , Olilq General Agent for lbw dosah and West to whom all orders must DaUddresaed.. J. Kidd A Co.. B. A. raloustoek t Co.. . DlReburnbi Lee A. Beckham, Aliesbenr L. T. Russell, Waabluirton; L. IL Uniontown, 11. Welty, Greensburw; S. Kaneda, Eo=ereee De/ott allrauelle Odbrd;Bowlsi IDlntitertion:Mrs.Orr, lloilltdaysbunt Hildebrand a Co., Ream; J. K. Wrialt..Kiltaaoloni Ennaa co. iszaa•nug A. Allen a Ban.W,ATAAPAriI: . Atellailud A Ca. N. Cellenelee Meadville Burt. a Co Erie o*ale A Tarter. Iterate; Janes Kelly I Co, But. ler, B. 6mlth , Beaver J. o.9uedoortou. Warren F. Li A . C.. 8. Jones. Couderepert; P. ViirPrice-41 per 1101 e; Sa Bottles . far. $5.,-.` I:33 , 2oeumue),T. . Paw V6...0M-6./647. ' 111. IL Z. Enssattn—Of your l'astilihys. My without berltatton that, boring utml It nntonoiroly In my nrsottar for No Lank= or Oro yearn 1 think ft decidedly ttso noot Pmpustlon of Ma Mod of vtdch I hen anknonlodim ttlektonin I bon hormonal, used Ms of anorak other manufsetarern Yours red y D.oorcu:m.D tßepared and .Id:by li E. BELLY...EA 67 Wool st,m4 saki by drunamt. Mnomilr• • inyla Bomiets ! :Boaneta! . . , 11,EC'D TIIIS .11.0LNLICO;! per &pre m ._ e ......, ..etemefag alai:. newest and ram dette&d. , . s ... j l " . •C = l.T•LX.rum, '" :„ ... 7 . olClaires , 'lo3lpm:y, faoty Gimp' ..., . The Weapon of yorobaatav Is partSentaxiy Invited toile., ' shoe soots. .I my7.l , d. A. MASON a. Mr. .. , . Waal! .hi6at price in Cash Raid foiall the Ss rmi uala of dam washtd Wool by - MURPHY.* LLB. W. W. WILSON; Watch Itlaker, - , No. fj •Narke Collier, of Aura 'et, lehurgh, in Fncs Wircaza, - Jrwttia, Tr a C11,1 4 111 4 d tai 1 1 dddiarsatentdsai urest meter. at7g W do* cum= gy m' pezior =sum. bre Xasladi sad Wilma aorkosett. • ATBABES-40doz. for rale e B. P. cos BaNNLIOZar • CM F i !kea Mackay/4 . • • Man M 1 Mactatat : kaLkmay o. Mariam • • Samoa 04111kb. ' /or sla by all WM. A. M DRAW • Einarra mod m