The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 02, 1851, Image 2

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yortistun BYWUITN 1 CO
t it li ovelm;airomiteffla
• 11 1 -. the Piltibnrgh Catholicf Sntarilsy th ere
exiled fiord a lecture by. 'a _
;',..;Piergilt*xirtthat , ohnrch—in Which we find
4.slihse,en t itien aintitneint, and some by the' waY
141ii*Sitteenaniii: . • .
The ,lcMurersays , ". CatholicThe
good... Monarchist. or a gond republican; -but he
: , ,,sonnot altedßepublican." Now there ere two
thingii,Whicli the leatnrer Cannot, deny :first that
Cdtl oTcs,"where they greatly p'tedcapinate, kviel
Ithierniteekeded ha establishing& good republic, as
wretched el - rations of Merkel and South
-America slow ;• and second, that Catholics are
'transformed into Red p.eptiblidanti,
' as le Proeed In France. * '
. .
The lectureeproceeds—.
-"Ode government is, or shotild be, as streog i
as any of .the 'governments of the - old world,
strong, Imam, not only in the affections of the
people, but also in the might of the laws. A
law Onc e
nude and promulgated, Is as binding
here as in Ronda, it is as eapieme, it appeals to
the 'subject with the same force. And religion,
although it in not recognized under any particu
lar ferm,ls nevertheless regarded as the grand
g9port of the State. Now, the Red Republic
is - the „very- opposite pole of government-
leproposes.todestroy Christianity, because
/igion is the grestsupport of Law and Order.—
It proposes to make all binding only as far
as it agreeswitli the passion of the mob, for the
time being.- -It only .recognizei the government
thatvill Inithflilly execute the will of the mob.
All this is of course anarchy, it is Pandomoneum,
is hell let Moan upon „earth, without figure of
speech, And , this view of Red Republicanism
is borne out by 'Tarte in three revolutions, by Vi
entusand 1848, and by the mobs inNew
York, and in Boston, in this year of grace. The
Church:can remedy this state of things because
sbit'seta her face against it, she anathematises
abettors. it is the necessary result of
Feciestantires, and Prottstemlimi cannot amend it."
We ithallnot take exception to may thing in
this extreet,, except , the conclusion. lYe, too,
' have spoken freely of the dangerous nature, of
Bed Republicanism, which differs as widely from
AtIttiVIII Republicanism as a mob differs from a
Tee:Uri): organised Legislative body. It to not
• sue,- isreverVthat European Republicanism ins
it ' tinixeifested itself in IE4B, watt ell, or even
principally,.of this had type. The moderation
andarder whirl' Characterised 'the republiCans
. of - Rome fully:' - windicate them from the charge
he'rebrOtight 'against them; though doubtless
tencb:ef . that priurions element existed there
lie .the Mobs of N ew York and Bos
ton, ea speciiitens of Red Republicanism. But
why 'did he , tiot mcithion the frequent "rows"
whielipecur: . among a - certain 'class laborersco?,;bur and other pdblia works" Are
not they apecitonns of Red Republicanism or
what category
,will he place them":
Bradt in the gross libel contained in the con
: eltalthg eentetice,,aedwhich we have printed in
/tatiM,-thlt &wends notice. 4 , Itin the necessary
result et Protestantism," says the lecturer. Now
=this were true, we should of course find ' it
developing, itself in the greatest poweriu protest
. ant countries; lau . the very opposite is the fact.
In France Catholicismiargely predominates over
Protinttunisch.: yet there is where this " hell let
Iciosi open earth" is moot rampant In Rome
and Vienna, thcOtbniela of the Papacy, accord
fotbe katitrees Lira . ;hatTi.g, it exhibited
itselrm 1848 . and s now only kept dawn by the
etiekkand n , of despotic . Pierer. Why did, not
the 'leen:mei point to it in Holland, England,
Eitinnark: etad Sweden; Wall of which. Protest
tictiari Slorgely,priedoisituthes ' Simply because
• be ceuld not Ile bob refitted himself, because
cliche eirdirplealie bias adduced are drawn from
Catholic countries: In the reeobatiousry storms
- of 1843; which elnok.Catholie inrope to its eon
, tre, Protestant Enrope'aras comparatively an
' disturbed_' This 19.3: mosesigaticant, fact,-and
totally refutes theiimptelent assertion 'of the lec
turer.• • -
, .
We will now giveour opinion ; far we feel
free to . dnina as political editors, because or
. tithe before us 13 a political , article. In Europe,
religious faith and political principles are now
eammingled; and this indeed is the secret of
- . the great struggle now going on there.
Europe; especially Catholic Dieppe, seens
De in.ti transition state.. After ages of debase
ment &nal:aid devotion - to a eystem -which net
' es could bear the light, the people are beginning
--- to oilei their eyek t and to inquire, and - to .ask.'one
onotk'erLby)thaenuthoriti they are held in *kiwi
deity , and - MA allm . :ed 4.0 read, and Ant, and
spent for themselves. They were long - - . .taught
to believe that such - was the will of God. But now
millions of them , refuse to believe the monstrous
assumption;. and_lts one extreme leads to anoth,
er as ill elastic body, when the fOrce which
confines it down is broken, reacts in proportion
• to the amount' i that force, so does the disco
availed mind Muth at once into the extreme of
libeitY, which is licentiousness, or Red Republi.
madam, if you please. This state of transition,
fearful as may be -the consequences which will
7." • afield it, is unavoidable. It may, and probably
. will Ming - great _calamities upon those nations
whone petits. and rulers have long.kept 'their
.. people In this nbjeet moral condition. We look
on with mingled apprehension -end' hope ; and
- thrtrogit'ilte: dark clouds .which now king ever
. that portion of , the wirld's horizon; wo think we
Can discern the glory which will follow.
• „ Protestantism; as such, has nothing to do with
this'etruggle—that is, it is not a Party in it.
Ito principles, it is true, are the principles of
libetty and • these principles 'will ultimately
bring n 1. discordant elements of human society
_ into harmony and Pence, and establish through
; cut. tbe world the reign of liberty and law, s
The next extract, which follows immediately
the sac hale given, while it will amuse the
reader by its first absurd assertion, will give a
": good idea. of- the claims of Ramanism to meddle
with' everything, to:regulate every thing, to em
brace, iontrol; and govern every thing. It is a
beautiful declaration of principles to make in a
free country:
"According to Protestantism, a Red Itepubli
' can wildgo to Heaven; according to the Church,
' he is aehild of darkness., and darts:tees will he
. his dwelling place forever. It Is evident, more
over, that the Church condemns these principles
, of anarchy, not precisely because they are de.
structive to the State, bat because they ore sin
ful in the sight.' of God. •
"This last reflection will explain why I t is that
the Church sometimes interferes in what are
called mmular 'matters, and it will show now silly
those Catholics are who complain of her for do ,
ing so, • They are, always' ready to admit that
- the Church - Is the supreme judge in matters oi•
Faith; and - they are as ready to forget that she is
'just as•srprenie ire matters appertaining to mom
all, and that he 'downright heretic who de
nies it. But 'the circle of things belonging to
morals is every wide circle; it includes thoughts,
words sad-actions ; the baptised Christian to in
it when he prays when he th inks, when lie
speaks. Within t hat' circle are built, not only
the Church, but the State bouie, the Court house,
. the Store, the Shop, the Printing Officei;.the
Debiting Club, the School, and the private dwelt
: , But here follows' the significant part of the
- whole doenutentthat that Church is to -saw
. .
. th'acorustry"-:-thincountry, of course; and to this
. end we mina all come under her wing—we must
s. all take clacker in this modern tower of "Betel"
No doubt we shall have good time of it
Hence, tayi the lecturer) it wilt be seen I
f . more dearly ow it is :th . st. the Church il , can
. 1./1 try: . Her donut:omits not y
Du c t it is universal. She buildi up the earth,
not foritt e o in wn g c a ke, but
d' h lju i s b t e ie m e. e. S . l f ie ß. is
y .
1 bet failed to do; she can d ise does build a a tower
whose top pierces the heavens."
The New Tork4otatuercial, speaking of 'the
late riots, at Hoboken, remark-'.. "There is
moral tate gleinid from'this affair, which may
be worth ate cost, evtd as were its consequences,
itthase vac, have been engaged halt will rightly
apply the experience which it has imparted. It
lathe impolicy of these huge gatterMg2, t:y a
people differing in language, mutants, 'aml man-.
sins, from the majority of the country in Which
ley tOcenup ,their abode. ,
lip will ho always liable to interruption frcim
the ail &read. This would not be a sufficient
'reason far - their. .sbandonment, could any goad
resat:3l;o*par continuance. lint the contrary
is the fitit:OfOemss h mthey are an evil of morn
tbsnordiaplinte. . gel:rally continot
thersrwaienesef.:exerso ' and distaPatlon;
and - their iiiiwk.lcovioinitiinte are riot and Arts
order.::.The'6o9ner, they ens .41iiemSetrifielo the
I?etterit will be for eacietr— .4,
631cMcs er:rur Ejetim*
This *And ofiletVocilerals just about
3romifti Tompere4 frith the pa
Whiten. Col. Ind. TotaL
.Thisyear - 375,5N 0143,594, 3,489 514,601
Last you 3 . 66,582 131,722 • 3,123 504,530
. .
Iticrease 8.93.13 872 261
T.,117..m,am 1,582 trarelling
crease of 'over the preceding year,
local preachers, again in this branch of
istry of 3i.. There are 118 on thesupe
list 33 more than the yeF•bellite.
, .
remembered that a few Weeks since, a •onalder
ablewurilber or the New Work Senators resigned
their seats, in order to defeat the bill t enlarge
the (lanai, and rhos left that body wi bout the
required quoriini ,to pass appreprianion bills,
although a majority of the Ail Whole
reeunuinber wen
favorable to the Measure. the Sant S
ators were Demo ts. I
r The'OosernUr idered a spi.eialelee4n,'Which
w as*eldiast 'al . , k. Full returns hasQQp not yet
reached us, brie enough is known to i :Lii,
'pasiage of the bill, and all other bills j
.hat railed
in consequence of the breaking np of the Senate.
) Mr. M
inn, the leader of therecusant' arty, has
been defeated, as has some two or ree more.
This is a gratifying result to the frie r , of ordei
nod goo d go sernaant; and shows theit the ma
i-ity Will rale In spite , of disbrganizeis.
The New York Express, alluding to the de
parture of the United States eteun frigate
" Sru3gnehana,' aye' jhat.she will prabably take
out the nUfOrtunate dapanese, rescued from a
watery grave by an -American vessel and now
at California, awaiting orders from oar Govern:.
meat- The'Exprass also indulges in Giese spear'.
lotions : 1 -- . • ,
If, so,. the occasion will ben proper one to teach
the Japanese Gocermnent, at leut in the light of
N good example, the difference between the quail
ties of American and Japanese mere -.
.When a I
body of our own countrymen were et upon the
shores of Japan, they were Imprisoned, dishon
ored and maltreated, in a mannerst dishoo
°ruble to that country, and most pa ful to the
sufferers.:, They were totally rescued as will be
- remembered, by the interrelation of e United
States . sloop-of-war Prable, but no jest atone
ment bas been made for the
g ong done to our
• AVe think it but right that our lovernmens
should, if a public vessel is to visit t at country
upon an errand of mercy, ',teach the authorities.
of Japan something of the obligatio which they
. 01. • to the cause of humanity and u tional cour
tesy. No people have a right to_infiict injuries
upon those who may be wrecked upon the high
yeas; and it seems to us that all chinked countries
have a right, peaceably if they cool, forcibly if
they most, to such atonement for past injuries
as will prevent their repetition.
Upon due occasion en officer in authority in
China said to one of our countrymin, who re
taxied a shipirecked Chinaman • tl, his home,
that they walla rather their countrymen should
acres be retumedithan that that they - should be
compelled to hold intercourse with Christian no
tions; This is the language of 1 - eakage, but it
speaks truly of the policy which at this moment
governs. Japan, and which until recently goy
' erned China. The "whole civilised 'World ought to
frown upon such-barbarism, and id unite upon'
some just and honorables measures o put an end
to it. The Portugnese alone are all ivred to pay
commercial visit to the country, d that, we
believe, - only once in s year. This discripaina
tion is unjust to all otheplations-
In 1612 the English visited the oimtry, and
for the twelve succeollnelearn a large number
of Christians were introduced. "They were then fire and sword, :and for the last
two .hundred years civilized uationa have been
content to put up with the isolation and cruelty
of this barbarous people. We should like to see
our Government take the. ead in some conserva
tive effort to show Japan that she,' es a part of
God's great creation, owes something at least to .
the principles taught by the Author of all good,
and to the great family of man. I
It may be interesting tOsome of ohr reader, to i
state that Japan has a population of forty-five or I
fifty millions. of people ; that 'the kuperfices of
the empire is not more thin 265,000 miles; that I
the country is compoied of a clasher of islands,
most of them mountainous, and,sume of them
volcanic. The people are very indastrione. and
the land; therefore, is in a high stake of cultiva
tion. -The land "lies between 31 49 deg. N.
latitude, and is separated naturally from toll the
rest of the world except by the waters surround
ing tha islands, which are an almost inaccessi
ble bar by reason of the rocks, km, lying scat
tered. through the ocean on. their eastern border,
being bat little known and badly surveyed. •
- , The largest island is dilphon, 700 miles lung,
and contains sateraliorge cities; lope of which,
Jidda, is.eotimated to contain fro* one million
aita a belt to two minions of inka-bitstits. Kin
sin island is the next in Site, :being' nearly two
hundred miles in length, :and seventy in breadth.
flikoke is nearly a hundred miles ong and fifty
broad. Unity other islands lie scattered in the
ocean and seas, as if thrown there by some Cp
l. olrion of nature. -
In.the proceedings of :the 23d kit, the only
item of general interest is the following: •
•-• Dr. Magic, from the 'Commit . tee l
on Bills. nd
Orertures, submitted the following report
• The Committee on the7Overthre from the Syn
od of New Jersey, in reference to la Separate Bu
reau or Agency for the more- effectual epread
of the truth in Papal countries,l recommended
the adoption of the folloielitg res4ntions
1. Resolved, .That the Asse ly would JR-
press upon the Board of Foreign Missions a sense
of the, great importance of the stork brought to
• view in this overture, though we are not prepar
ed, at present; to reccommend nay new distinct
agency for this' specific result l .
2. That the Board ho especially instructed,
soon as suitable men can be obtained, to extend
their operations to the valley of the Rio Grande,
to Chagres, and 'Panacea', andtbat by the Provi
dence of God it may be ;opened in South Ameri
ca and Mexico.
• 3. Thatthe Assemblytild recommend to the
Board te•thke messureito hire a separate-col
lection made in the chtreches, for the diffusion of
the light of evangelical:truth In Papal countries,
unless the same object;Chn be as well reached
in some other way.
4. That the Assembly would recommend to
the Board to appoint a sufficient number of agents,
assigning to each a detnrite field of labor, whose
duly It shall be to aaeance the work in every
proper way, and esp!eially, by bringing it before
the church judicatories in their revective dis
2. That in order to Increa4 and enlarge our
operations among the Indian Gibed, the Board
be authorized and encouraged to employ such ad
ditional assistance 11, the exigencies of this
branch of the missionary work may require.
The report Wm accepted, and, on motion of
Dr. Plumes, the following resolution was added
to the report of the committee, sod, as ea amend
ed, it was adopted:
li. That all our people and churches be solemn
ly reminded of the duty of making prayer, with.
out ceasing, tolled, for the success of Missionary
efforts, not only a mong Pagan and Mahome ,
lan, but also in Papal countries.
Our frienps of the . Franitliti Canal Company
low exhibit a seeming determination to com
mence vigorous operations in the prosecution of
the- Western Railroad. We Rope the expects.
tattoos their, present conduct ,inspires will not
be disappointed. If it be their determinate pr
pose to ussie the road, we would have thempro
ceed at once, and in good earnest, so that their
right may be determined by the proper tribunals
at an early day, Should the courts declare their
charter valid and sufficient, they will of course
po permittted to go ahead free,from molestation
or difficulty—should the courts declare against
their right ;they must, as a natural result, get . l
out of the way, and allow the construction of
the Pittsburgh road—a road the importance of
which is daily becoming more obvious. This
mode of procealure will settle the whale affair
--relieve a , bone of contention' and restore a ,
proper commimity of interest and feeling: It is
not fitting that any- local question should bear
such a character as to excite personal jealousies
sod enmities, and disturb the - harmonica flow of
friendly iraercourse. We want the Pittaburila
road made if possible—but, at the name time, we
want the controversy adjusted upon a fair and
equitable basis, and a spirit of good will intoned
. into the actions and intercourse of rival interests.
A —Erie Garrity
Nzararanitia.—Judge Lougetreet says: “fimall
in the sum that is required to patronise e, news
paper, and most amply remunerated Is the pa
tron. I care not_how humble and unpretending
in the gazette which betaken, it in next to impos
tibia to fill at sheet fifty-two times • year without
putting into - it somethinttbat is worth the sub.
ectiption• - price. Xrely puent whose son is off
from him at school should be supplied with a
newspaper.. = remember what a difference
there woo between those of my schoolmates who
had, and those who bad not; access to newer.-
pers. Other things being egad, the first were
always decidedly taperior to the last,' in debate.
awl composition at least. The reason is-plain—
'they bad command of more facts. , - A newspaper
is a Iletory of current events, fin Kell PA •
ons and interesting caleoellany, and whiehlouth
will peruse with delight when slimy read no
thing eater"- , : • •
'Professional pomposity is very well taken off
in the following anecdote, whi t l we found in a . . 1
late English PaPet • -
Docter (looking learned and speaking slow)—
mariner, which tooth do you want ex-
tractedl. Is it a molar or an Incisior !"
Jack•(abort and sharp:)—"lt's in the upper j
tier, in the larboard Bide. Bear a hand, you
swab; for it is nipping my jaw like a bloody
A gentleman is now living in South Carolina,
who assisted in packing the first hag of cotton
scot to Liverpool from the United Suites. The
consignee of this lone bag .of cotton informed
the merchants who sent it, that he could not sell
it, that it was valueless, and advised them to
send no more. We now export some two mil
-1 lions of bags of cotton every year.
in I
/ 4 965
A hundred years ago, the Jesuitts brought o
few bundles of cane from Ilispaniola, and plant
ed them in the second municipality of New Ur
leans. In 1760, the eagar mill was ereCted.—
In 1890-51, the crops will exceed 200,000 hogs
heads, worth ten Millions of dollars., The capital
now employed is $75,000,000.
The Washington Union has the follswini corn
ments upon .the late Buffalo apeeches of Mr
WCESTEL—We transfer to our columns
to-day the two speeches delivered by this distin
guished man to the people of Buffalo. The last
has evidently been prepared with great care,
and may be considered somewhat in the light of
a presidential message. After a careful perusal
of it, we are free to say that we have risen from
our seat with more favorable impressions of the
character of Mr. Webster than we everimil be
fore. ;For candor, fairnejs of statement, and
the enthusiasm of honest and patriotic convic-
tion, we have Been no document emanating from
the leaders of any party, more entitled to con,
mendation. He seeks to - do no injustice to those
who have opposed, and whianOw oppose his po
licy, and the cherished principles of his party.
There is no accusation, no reproach, ,no trick=
nothing set down in malice or extenuated in the
spirit of illiberality for the purpose of gaining
power by professions which, are not 'afterwards
to be observed. He does not say that he has no
friends to reward or enemies to punish. His
platform is that of whiggery aiming to impress
its-features on the administration, and disdain
ing to chaffer with those doubting minds which
hang around the position of the true parties of
our Union as the camp followers did the armies
of the great Frederick, not to assist in fighting
the battles of the country, but to pick up the
spoils of victory. Although Mr. Webster, in this
great speech, will not be able to overthrow the
organimtion Ole which the democracy of the land
has maintained itself, and has conducted the
ship of State for about foity-five of the sixty
years of our national existence, yet he will have
gained.for himself a fame like that of Alexander
Hamilton, which will command the respect of the
whole country for the light it has shed upon its
best interests, and for the noble example be ex
hibits of unflinching fidelity to the convictions of
his mind.
A horrible tragedy was enacted about three
miles south from Westboro' Sullivan county, on
the 16th inst. Timothy Palmer, while engaged
in pealing bark, 'rim oboe dead, and was after
wards found ender aj tree whiCh had but a short
time been fallen. Suspicion fell on his brother.
Mr. It. "Palmer. who had recently cherished re•
vengeful feelings towards him, for some real or
imaginary wrongs, and who followed him into the
woods, taking with him a gun, under the pretence
of hunting. lint be disclaims all knowledge of
the matter, an. 6 pretends to have been sleeping
in the W 00419 at the time it took place. The de
ceased was about 25 years of age,. and is said to
bare been a man of violent temper.
. .
The •caifides'which engendered the embittered
feeling thus fearfully terminited, are said to be
substantially these,—Wm. R. Palmer bought
some two or thren:years precious, the land upon
which they Hied, paying but a small share of the
purchase, money down. Shortly after he sent
for his brother, who was in the wester. country,
to come and live with him, and work the proper
ty jointly. for a time things wynt on smoothly
enough'e _But at length William imagined his
brother'was endeavoring to dispossess him—to
obtain the possession of the entire farm. This
caused jealousies, heart-burnings,' and finally;
deadly hatred William bad repeatedly forbid
den his brother chopping wood; but .Timothy,
supposing his right eqbally good, paid no regard
to the injunction. Several unsatisfactory snits
at law ensued. But a few weeks since, an Irish-
I man, employed cutting woad for the idecease-1,
was most inhumanly beaten by William, who is
'yet, we-believe, under bonds to appear at court
for the same.--Albany Evening Journal
An"-adjourned meeting of the Stockholders of
the Sunbury. and Erie Railroad Company was
held at the building of the Reading Railroad
Company, No. 13 South Fourth street, in the
city of Philadelphia, on Satan - lay. the 24th of
' l llity, of 'which the Hon. John K. Kane was ap
pointed Chairman, and S. V Merrick, .Esq.,
:The minutes of the meeting held on the f.tilti I
inst. having been read and approved, proceed-- I
ings of a meeting held at St Mary, Elk county,
on the subject of this road, wore thereupon read, 1
and the stiatiments thereof concurred in.
The meeting was then eloquently addressed on
the importance of this road to Philadelphia. by
Joseph James, Esq., of Warren county; the Ron. •
Judge Woodward, of Entente county, and Alfred
Kelly, Esq., of Ohio.
On motion it was
- Resolved, That the Stockholders do hereby 1
accept-a further Supplement to an Act entitled I
"An Act to incorporate the Sunbury and Erie I
and, Pittsburgh and Susquehanna Railroad Com
pony," passed by the Legislature of Pennsylva- .
nia, February 12th, 1546, in relation to the time i
ttliNTl'' Ilronerta.-The name of JOU! ,
o f commencing, the mad, and it s location 6, 1
Sl ain', , •,.....i-tt,-
, of tn. 310 Wettl cityof rlttehlaroh. Will Le nut.
and also, , uott-o to the xott•Sitteente Ana Whig Csmatr Oottecotitnt,
Reeolred. That the Stockholders do hereby a, • v- a rnmlidal , ter thq eitles ..1 lisciete.r. vat wilt be ear....
cept a further Supplement to an Act, to inc or- I , I ' 'r t r t i,7l - t r b ,/,;"!
" ' r o ar oleo..
paste the Sunbury and Erie and Pittsburgh awl ' ... •_ , t ,
TV •sEGIRTEII -.John K. Foster, of
Susquehanna Railroad Coinpany,” parsed by.t be ; Litt.. t.. ' ., a n. '' ddr.. ddl t , • e..ett..let_e k. • before
Legislature of Pennaylvania, • ,hiarch 15th, 184 i, - It., .n.. 1, Antella•not, eta tittle Couotr=otioa.
in relation to the election of a President and ir .. ' 4 '! l ''..-i.-.. _..... _ ~......
Managers of this Company ; and do hereby rap- : L45 - CocNi - r itgotarka.-pleaso announce
• to It J. Letee, ~r, A ik,a•••, cit,...11 L• • cfnclital•
prove of and confirm the call for said election . I, the otter of I,4eer. eubeett In the tied:4lllot the An,
The Chairman then announced that in copse- . t0.m...,e .vt wan: County Con•entJen,
I[ quence of the absence of IWtrt. B. Reed Esq.. °, 'f's
( Algermon S. Roberts, Doi., bad been ai q . i.'" . pointed 1 A I Card.
I.judge of the election in his place, to act with . „
HE traieesipieliM . olll6TC:pectfullyirSorin
Robert Morrie, Esq. I the Anti-Max.. di whirs cf .- Alleaboar Count*
The Judges having been duly, qualified, as es- Thr te-,u1.1 be rnm then anothrt tern, la the
I *tired by the charter, the polls were opened, • i.',,Tt1i,,.,,A,r,g,..,,n,.e.„1,r. L1=.,...,..j..
and the election haring been held, the Judges I -.1 o tan he Itelulses • hew this Di. anenditire t owe
reported the following gentlemen as having been ': , :„"c;.;,,•'-',.t:12,', 1 ;",;,..17:,:gt,,..,': - :::= "mu tt,,%„
unanimously elected to serve till the next an. tt ie.. tc,u,...f . .(101 hew veasaerox, bin define to .k.
:Lott Otall net le- whetat and ad, 'Win Ms aawnrrinir
l ..tdidi election. • ...ill roe, hte,..• r•Stic.ri more will 1....
- President-Daniel L Hiller, Jr., of Phihdel- ; ~.,. tn.. no - povtitto AI put le Ithallitave th e
phis. . '''':2;i l ., ' 0 v '" ..".-'''''' .'' Jon!: Eorrr.
0 hlanagetw-John J. Ridgway, of Philindelpum. •
, It r.conuxu.--James Oonnly-fwillbe a candidate
Joseph R. Myers, do: John K- IK..e.'„III!I Francis • ler the eft, fete -torte, eubpt to th octiott of the Anti-
Wm. Bunk, do; Wm. LI. Kelly, do: Sam't. J. R eeves, , )Ise,nt- eat , LI: Ce,rrenttch. to be bald fro the 4th of
do, Wm. B. Reed, do: Robert L. Fleming, of Clin- . -, 1 4.; ,, :z . ..1;.,f,1 0 .“, , . 01i11'''''''", 1 ',1,1,1. 4 '..,,,t 4 „,1%ths
ton county; Wm A. Irvine, of Warren co., James : ---„ 1 u ,, °--- i 7.., ~ ,
L. Gillis, of-Elk county James Niles;of Erie I ~...i rb % ° • P ' ,,,t ' t i t i ",,,• , - -` - ' ,.,,‘,. '' - i ' f , t :g. r •l f c , U lk er ... K r4 t- . C ,. 1 . 2 ,, i , r,
county; John Galbreath, du t t, I tn t.E....,,:te0e .r . tb. ' dun 31,enolz apel Whig' tlettai
On motion, it was Resolved, That the: pro- , '''"'% r ;V.,;t' e b i t. me..Yr rot.
ceetlingi be published. On motion, adjourned • --II • --
JOHN K. KANE, Chairman
S. V. lifbaaica, Secretary.
NUT run 00/.10.1Z14 10 -11 ,, Boston Tranz
eript publishes "a conversation between alyitanig
lady who writes for the magazines, and 1.0 old
gentleman who can speak English."
Old gentleman —" Are there any houses build
ing in your rillhige !"
Fanny lady—“No sir. There is •a new house
being built for Mr. Sinith, hut it is the eitypent
'ers who are building
Old gentleman—True ; I sit correctesl' To be
building in certainly a different thing. from being
built; and how long ben m r _ Smithy housebeen
being built 1"
ette lady—(Louts 1.14:1ed a moment, and
Young ady—kloo— 1.e.,
then salwers rather nbruptly-t -Nearly a year.
Old yeraleteure -"HOW much longer do you
think it will he bring built',"
/Wow lady—(Exploaively) "I don't know. -
Oftlyrnflonen—"l ebould think Mr. Smith
would be annoyed by its being ro long bein tt
built, for the house he now °col:Tien being old,
he must leave it, and the new one being only be•
ing built, fustead of being built on he expectill,
ho cannot"—
The young lady leaves the room very sud
kW - We agaio refer our reader+ to the o.
rertfaccocot of LI. O. Pamir , Arotuon Lawson, which •ir
pears In another column. end by. which you will eee 1 a
highly recommended: land this la not ail: he producea Cf
thicatas of theca who hare used it WA orperlenocd ite bro
racial effects on their own ;armor. ,Yfhe curt, alai:a:tato
/I Pau remarkable., and at kited thimoildna la worthy 00
trial. W. advise all to go to the igard, who EU furniah
a pamphlet gran., containing manr raluable rcelpea for
the traatmant off cants. ie. veyll4daF.,2-.9
, .
Foreign and American Hardwaro.
No. 129 Wood _Street,
A NO and ccespleteetcok of FOR.SIGN AND.A.IIXIIICLY
baluble Wc the eyeing trade, acid whirl, they are prepared
to offer to yard:macre at tarts that will compare
Paerrrable with ear of .Lbe eaatarn
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh
OM. No. el Weter strut, in the as/annum of C. 11.
N. .
C.(l. Itaaser Prssident— _ .A. W. Matra &WT
nth C l thasss7 Isnow around to insure ell mezehandlee
In stoma. In Smut., vessels, A,
An nasals d."*.urT We Wilts and integrity of the
institntala as afonael la tbe Shared. ef We larnenne.
"Ira. ere all of Plrastruella. HI i.""ir
•1`.." to tae mmmAA l tT a.r lads amass.. Intelllyeaes.
and Wapiti.
• laineroas—C. /brush Ilsdaler. Wan Ludrthro
E . Ba.a.ll,77llhl=Leritirruct
• _
si crcs liwaittlwfure be Mal he loath:id to
°Merit hp Ilta publialuitch a manner at to titan it
ku;:iwn all vier 11w country. the quark mmedirs 'w, few
othnitly alrerti , ed nod forced upon the by weans
f.rged rertiflraim and a 0, stem of pulling, preventing,
ty,,,o,fitly, regular and iriitird physician, each M
M•Lum molunfitwily In. Irmo entering the .litts m‘ainet
en-h chink... [ton. .11.)givficied„ bower.r, of theirial taloa
of Li, imdleMr. and Induroted by the plain dictat e , of
not permit him to keepfrom his fellow
rreaturc• m •
powerful a meant of herwrying them from
mitirriim. hr tluall.roffered It for gale. Mumf.hat that It
low hen.. known all ore, the Pallet Mater, and wherry.
r it hag been tiled. I). praoe ' tl. tunatiorit7 over all
other rrtr..wilet ever tottered fur diseated of the lire.. In
fie; the prescriptlounof physicians are ne lager tee nired
Itt case. of liver ownplalot. All that It nwmwat7. Is for
th e patient m purehara tel use Di. Mq...war*, Lim, Pill..
,ecure a reatoratlon to heath. ilead this:
Kidd P tb.-I . leme ha me liter Iwo tw.iiit more of
1 hr. My an , has owd two Laws of
the Doctor's Pith, awl I aware coo ther bath duo, her
go,lhea ml femur physician hm by two pars.
during which time bc wan In regular attewlatice The!.
tan 1.., l think., will elect u rum.
An.gbobT .P.
March 10111,141.. -
I , ,,
J. KIDD i CO.,
No. BO Wool 0.
Petroleum I
l.utaorreomte, Hardingdoucos Pao 51..mb 1,'51.
6 51. Era:—hear Sir, Your Petroleum is woricirif wow.
dove to thisiwiciollyi therefore we would Muth you to send
us two amen by the- PeturerlWarda Railroad. We ex en.
Healy out. end it Is bang Indwirwl for almost every der.
Your, reepwelfullr, " JOHN LONG *CO.
Hareem., MM..] co., 0.. March 10.11.
I'. NI Kr e , —Dour fir. Sour Agent, a few works en.,
leit with de fur ,deem Cork Oil. which we hare sold.
fordmrd to untie Soren irumediatelr.
lour uoylioin• Ie Icor - Meg woodrre In 1.1111 region. We
cao obliitto . ormal excelleit certificate& if roe desire them.
- :your, dc.. W. W . SCOTT.
' roe 0 00lu. Nererr d Ito Dowell. 110 Wood etrech Po E.
!a,Rern, bi ,Wood greet; jahueelmk, 5. Oa. comer
Wool and boot 'tree. D. u. Cur.. D. A. Niliort.JOrnh
, DougLiee, end P Schwartz, Allegheny. elm O i>.
by . pr
8.31. KIER,
Canal liwin.freentb et- Pittaltursh;
CLERK or SUM Cooor.—Tho 1/11.1310 of
John iforn&r, otWiltins towno_.will priorotol to
opprowthlng Antlatooonit ang Whig COMM!'
tiongor rowan coition to Mouth:Aka Clerk of the Court.
- 6olft4tertoni
CLENg . "(Ig THE etillßT. — Fleury liatmen, of
Alleghen citr, 1411 to Acanatiste for nomination to tte
nttler Of ttern of the soweoll Court, of Allegheny Count]. f
t.hrte'tha AutlAloorttle slot Whig COnott Couyeothon
red-CLtar OF TUE COZRT.§.—Jared M. Brush
will be tt Claultdatte for the go. clhee. 'object t the Oat
nion a the ettelltll; dolihlastutie eta 11 hle Coup* e Ooh
eruO••u. apah-Ohente•T • -
Assomvre arocx-r-The numerous friends
of JOIN GY.IIIIAHTof Alb d..' City, will_present
name to lb. epproschl. Antell nen. and 11] hire County •
convention. at o candidate for nomination to the odlre of .\
As...elate Judge of the Court or oouter besaimak Me 1 .
Gethart's experience in publio bneinree—havirm been a --
uwful member of the Sem lergielature for the period of
m, and Mimi with grad seweptahltity Omar. of
amoretlr of the land °ace during Our. Fdtael'asdrolnla
tretiou—nod hie knowledge of the (lenhan lehautete.
well as his Pound preuticel Newt, flier thin]. ergeinitf
rowdily to All the face edit, oeceptabillty to pew
PX]. ' .• mr:SedairlecT
AnSOCIATE Juoc.xl—Thomas Liggett, Jr., of
A•tociebe Judge In the Oonrt of Coo.. Max,
•alunn, 00.. and will ho ...Ord both t! nlc tbhrontlnn, pee the
mileiserte.T ler. arm Oornr.
.I,..V.Attocrtts nnot.—Adam Ilenthorn,
Birminetbsm, bo 4. candidate fa nomination far the
Assocists the Conti of QUIIT[Ct ersdoo/
a Allegheny COYDAT. hears tbe Anti-Masonie and Whli
county lieormaton. to nisei on the 4th of June.
naylnictssiStasil '
- •,:—Lßobert Abrahams, of Eli
eawm tiorough, r<tlt .tortit tar name to the Anthltaaock
mad Whiz C.toty ConrenUon, Is a carrillete fur routine
.. to the Lehirleture. • 25olihohtcrh
ae'As.iEmr.i.x.-IRobert Wallace. of Pitts
-I.ux,Oa. will submlt hie name to the Anti-Masonic awl
Wat,t (fatuity ticareatioh, as a candidata ate claraination ~:
a, tile I,gixlatare. . trit'ileattS I
A 55E.1l al:v.—J . lAm M. Porter, of the Borough
of tfrall9lll, rill to + ndidate for nonolaation to ihe
o,,cobly. outuael to t •
he ca
docissou of the Whig fend Anti-
Clonnty Contention. anytfhJewrter
Asbzustr.—Thornton A. Shinn, Eeq., will
to oter. .rte:: a, a abnaidat , for the LegialatFe. solv“t to
of tt,151,4; aria Anti-Masora (sarrea .!, Xita.b7
.t..etniits.—Georp E. Appleton, of the
I,,roovh of IlirtoWitua. RIII te Fullurta.l below the An ,
awl Whig Coaut,
• ----
Asminenr.—Antliony Hartz will be a can
the &Ohl= of the
h'Lls and Antialaeozio L... .matte
Maxi 11 knOs cr ItatuOtooss.
SSESIBtS.-1 would recommend Jos. John
mn. a North Fayette toomtlatp. to the And.Stesenle sts4
111ns County Comecn°, os rattle reran irate.nt
or In the nest Legielotore • An
.413Arter.ists1 i
^ ,-
..k.SS.E.IIBLY.—Tith numerous laltnltla Of 40112:
Math. Lel,
_of Itratatat rathent name
U. th e AnteManntle and Mblgg Onantr lOooaettlitat, as
caratilata noreinattoo tate tabete of camber of the
Anaattly. Mt. MIlleri•113 a thumb , et the Athembly of
lasu ealltddandeattaat
Atssmat.r.—Thae.iPenney, of the. Borough
1 :414,n,44144.-.-n, .na t4artnented In the data:lwatt and
Whin Conerunta, te. eendithat fat othotaattnat on the
“o k rt. tor the dannable. male dorttehT
ta'2-.C.,DENTY C9avaastosts.--DaTid
the emtulFacl, City of ./.11fAhettz, vrill be cas.
akin.,rt. the Anali.)lA-Vtale WM; Vouuty.Casmoar
tleu for the oth¢ of C.4cronti COMlrlissiOLlVt.
ea — COVNTT C.llllls3lovix. .obert King.
tt, Whig sr.d ArttlAteacuie Ikuuktr Ci.cran
n uut, Ganauseloner.
rar - 42orsTr V6nstimloszu.—Jas. McCzio.
<f <Or Ninth Waal. @p of Vittrbaroh:mill be • rao4Usto
LOOM the Wbic and Aoti-.llarosOr troarrirloa. for thr
ree of totl.3tY Lorraolorrer.
Ea-Cor.n Coilutsicaretc.—li(p2. 51. c
-I,:sagb,, or at tb. , -itr of ritht.Nb.."
1.41 cumll,l44e bet.... Lbw int.l-slaMale and
tuuttou. 1.1. av 1:61, ,:putot9 CinuaiaLtaiug. ,
-- •
rx^'CorNTY Cog itssio:: Eit.— , -51ajor Jou
trztt.or... of the East Watt. 00' of Pit. , ..ftfi , ./ 1 /
cen.war r. hte the othflaeocit snot hit ttnuoty - 0,
eehtttn, for othoo of o,ttoty CotrusatnOottee
CovN-ry Cox itissiosza.—t4briel3rum, of
flint Wert of ino City of Plthiehr,iti, h. ill ha a condi.
the ~thee d CA!`enrclit.iloet.senbtcct to the decision
of ti, Whi• C. 0.? Q.v.:chi=
utt l_darrS
COUXTY REGIS', Cil.—Alexander
ht.: rod AntrUseonto trout,. O.\ *Lai..
F roaore. —John Meitill, of rtt Dort
Tor,osuo., 1.• rallhakt , to t th , cif., ILworder,
ta11...4 to th. ard..4..4 4 it , Aoll-Ilmoole nod Whig
C.orenti,,n torlrAsio tort
Ztir 111:110WER. are authorized to an
that WIC 10. V asnlaz, of Ehtsteth Borough. will
• .....I•lxte for o•a.lwattvo 1144.1,f1uv0l artordor, Lon
ton thr Auti.Nl••ouic arta Whig Could,' Cortrgoarrou.
parllEconDEl , I will tril .C 313 Id . d it for
.111ce rut„,, ,t w
U. klecisiou ut U Wlalic
awl Cosintr .ovonttc.n.
zorcorN TREViIIACR--We are author•
ISAI nnunuorn that J W d.Ater, of the Id Went Citi
..flitt,hilorin will be •nindidninfor the 0010. at °multi
'f .rotjpsi Ito. Ittoitinn CI the Anti 311.011iC Mikt
LitlreOUNTY THEAstrinca.--Joim V:ltawland
if tipper Ft. Chile towrotip, will baenn lyni,to (jig' total .
nation 10 tIIO 1.111 - re, bcfor. U.. Whig ntIO Anti..Unsoun
A 1.1 TU..-- -J 01111 kIIICriCk, of liteCandless
noliio will bo topporiAni eo , • rinullinfo . for Countr Ati.
oulovi.t tioci.oin of lbw R bli;L_stntAntiAlikoonle
Coto...piton, by MAA I YAIASOt.
greenwood Gardene:s;
' •
TRAWBEItRIES, fresh from: the Vines,
Ise.. ,rrliilt. this rettuat. Mea t Cream arta
a es sit h mil tits dellearles of 1114,1,0 mm The ph.,
15 hers itt tha bright of its beants. Ad Omnibus leaves
the corner of Vilth ntst Market streets tress half hour;
salt the steamer Chiettain hares the PhAstmer landing
ererr hour. 106.1 alyundsg.) Matt
iiiis , MoiftliNO, at thl.litittY &
styles Poplin', Rittin and 61111tal:
harms De balms
Ft. , h Laster, oat a large astarrnisut of
!tsar PLAID OINOII/1510.,
Black bilks, far r.carfs sad Drum., light stal Sark
changes/as atilt., lc. -
114-New . Ooods reeelslng almost daily:. 03
401 — C — WATCH 1 0, or Double Hunting
IVA Iratrbr, mada ar to data oa both
rria, with Raid rasa, or to alma tba We alma at pleaaare.
an v make, Jost retstrad sad fir Wt. lar
Vt. 11%1750N,•
earner :Varlet and laurth rta
QUGAR- 48 hhda. prime N. 0., for todo by
and NI Water. suct 62Pmn1 Arra.
200 bble. prime N. 0., (oak;)
11 - 1 °LASSE— 119 ,. P. P 111
T0,,,-[l,,oviCC.?--..l.(f43f..k7sl,oluAlizetriumorjk6s A 3
o i a s t , 0 on
13-UCKETS & TUBS-60 doz. Bucketa;
Tubt iniaal•tr
•L. WATEE3fAti a SUM,
RK—A , few bble. prime, and o. small lot
?, h ` l4 m. " 4 r "9 WATER3LLN A 60NP.
v A ck; 1 . -
d logs
L. 87WAiri t nWerggi b
retAfAcc-a--.26 kegs (Gedge's) No. 1
Tirtrt, tor rale L 7
Ifit LOOSIS—WO torus Soft
JAXES W Turin.,
MS. for solo by
14 IL
..-...•,' Bow and Lot for gale. , 1
't . LAB:GE LOT, on Leo street, Al2 l
' , l2.ll u heur: running tluough to Reherat. fronting
'l7 /net on each street. with a depth of .I . li feet,
'incler with a ...1 Blink Dwelling Douse,
_containing Os
roe... Vor ten s sa!r to /Gil Oi.i WOODHOUSI, Itu
Istueors...t. or J OWI 1% Valli— in 2
. ..._ . .
L . TORE RtTiOM TO LET, on - Market 5t.,2
t. - I;seesed . door:tom Youth. and .ininan an . 1
nlSi.teh Ltd .1,..,n r •ron, of R. W. Km.. Thl
et,re Room hn the h.d.mest front in the elf. .1 ill
tbn bat luatlon Ica • Der Goods and lisnol rituntan ~:
for the Of th e T... naW a "" low. ....
A Valuable Improvement in Trusses.
)R. l I A RD , s E Patent TRUSS
iv ts be elected. TM. True. w /lore=
Prto Nod Principles of action from other Truws, haring
all the adthotages of • nelbreguleted sod uofferot INesr
um. The pressure no be vo regulate! its to give e... 11
comfort to the moetdifficult cares of Hernia. and ex to
111, relied to lo mat thy Mt. desired. The premore is on
tural. and bet. brought to hear immellately over the
oPettmg. Mad affording nerf.t sem .. and retem
Wm at all times, even under the most violent ere...
Pc the tote of this Tr.. when applied properly by a .11.1-
eurgeon, - the wearer le plan. befond Wee danger of
strthgulatlon or other d.gerous or pal.. .T.M .
tome, which not an un i ffegueot otteureoce in the Wear
log of illy .
adapted tr... It M • very ortemon breed.
for per.&Meted with Waldore to select • truss and am
ply It tbemetiven This is et tool practice. ohleh can he
I 7 bJ shoe, who understand the anatomy of the
pule ~He red In herds.
We would.. raspectlmlly can the Matt!. of Phy.
dans to Oda True. as we buoy they .11 •VPrenate Its
value. We also hare • variety of other Tr.,. at the
lowest prices. ' lama Tratexs kept constantly on hand.
Jeff 140 Wocd..., Pittsburgh.
LARD OIL-10 bbls. No.l, for sale by
wica a bIeCANDLE.SE
i PERM OIL-18 bble. extra, for sale by
e 2 WICK t McCANDLT-98.
TANNERS' 01L—'23 bbls. for sale by
(10DFIS11-6 tierces for sale by
I iC _ IS7C s IteeANDLEM.
FIIAR-42. bbls. N. C., fo sale by
je2 WIC k SicCk.NDLE9-9
anT , .8, for 'Bale by
WICK ♦ .110CANIDLY-88.
UCKETS-140 doz. Beare'', for male by
WICK A 31cCANDL.-.9.
I ARD ble. for b sale by
I A Je2 J. KIDD At CO., tO Wood st
I CHROMATE POTASH-750 lbs. for
yak by [jai J. KIDD t CO.
ENECA OIL-2 bbls. for sale by
I J.. 2 KrOD k CO.
I AR-2 b1;13. genuine Barbadoen, fur link
J. KIDD (7D.
11.GOLS--2, bble. for sale by
AL Je2 J Ktl/2) a t.v.
lODIDE POTASH-5U lbs. for sale by
je2 B. A. Y AIIN MOCK • 120.
- JILASTER-61.1 lbs.Cantharides, for sale br
USTARD SEED-500 lbs. for sale by
- -
V — APE ALOES-1000 lbs. for sale by
‘..1 11..L.PLIMMTOCIS. a CO.
PHUSSIATE POTASH-500 lbs. for Bale
'by rje2t O. A. FASINEETOCS * CO.
- -
CARAWAY SEED 100 lbs. for sale by
) 1.2 a. A. FAIINESSOCIL t CO.
ORPULA-50 oz. for sale by
111 f ag B. A. SAIINEBTOCK
111/ORATE POTASH-50 lbs. for sale
lei . !CA. YAM:MOCK it CO.
lOD rums or 3a e .y
let J. 8. DELIVORTII .1. CO
bu. for sal! by
/. 1.
ARRELS-200 new Flour, for sale by
R J. 13. DILNATLI t Cu.
ii ug Muting, in Hagnaine:
TWO " " • bur
gop " 016 in himipiOn, for tali
ileßl J. S. DILWORTH O CO.
. 1 AFETY FUSE-25 bbb3. to cirri 0, fomale
EIINED SUGARS-1W bbls. Clari;
c.derW, and Cnivbed, kw sale tg
`I OLDEN SYRUP—In hr. bbla. and 10 gal
ICI tem from thoht. Louts Whom_ for uls by
le_ JAMES A. IltiTt;l/1802i a CO.
lIIICE-20 tierces Corotins, for sale by
LEAD -141/0 pigs Galena;
c4OO lbs. B•r• for r e Z
p 2 JiS A. inr
.Vil rattsoN a Co.
QHoT—fis kegs awed Nos., for sale by
LI 02 J•211.4 A. HUTCHISON • (Xt.
(. 260 Mute prima Env.
3.2 2°''
HEMI —l3O bales Mi. D. R., for sale by
Extra Fine Oolong Tea.
ILIST RECEIVED, at N0.:',56 Liberty et.,
• rery superior Wide of Oolong Teo, which se. he.
sr. sauna be otirpeootal to the citl , 'now ae1 , 1•4 •
.h,,,,zdellmte slalom), but highly arcmatieHhtek Tesh
rc method to cis* this s
of <Levy rzfetrefresk Be y to 11,a
yip, • ...
..t•:eib..-O°J.-.11. 6'k
T titati .r irtTa . and b
Se 2: Unseats flood Tea Dealers.
Dr. Hard's Abdominal Sopporters..
THESE SUPPORTERS are intended chief.
• I
Lenv for Lb. rune of Craig , .ls Cterb and an the, die.
a mechanical en mon tn the Abdominal{Mara
rt In the able:dual
ores/. and in, b worn pi th 1,101,0 The dia.
loae, produced by a . of th• rt „ b
are Prohuptla Utarl. Wain. at to. Ilowels. Pll, tnatler
re., haw In the Ilr4t. and Spine, La/mt.:lda and Extrema
LAlittal PnertraMon. Bronalna, thertam of nrelllh.
-P...)pitartr of 04
e 2 F 140 Wont at,PlttAnntl,
United Statee Hotel at Pltiltulelphia.
lIE SUBSCRIBER respectfully announ
his Mende and the travalthitg comnannity.
Ttihei heti unnamed the Proiceletorahlp of the UNtrlill
STATr b.:IP/TEL hong triown to connection elth the
Licnil Cinder die lac Proprietor. he Piths porteetil We in
the old patron, abet unities Mall ho 001Lei0li
1 ,, ,, , 1abeee lee lervirsvkle reputethun at the hest tont bonne
o tb. country Co erpinteit bee been spared in cantplete
-11 refitting the entire ettablistutent end he Pertieniithir
(trite. oiroutiog ti o tinsel... introduced as the eon.
•enionce ilkle.l comfort of teeth.. Being Lithely derernittr
oil to Rite eallsfectlen. cutitinuatice of that
petrrna, alearr freely beat end on the old Cnited
ccatee irtlYAVlni A 0 ALLP.N
DissqlutLan Notice
rrHE co.partnership heretcrore existing be.
JANL S. 3101tANUY...
J. r !Lon.
Gcny car. 1101.
The oJerximr.l (raced partner , blp, mad
reAftzr cesttlort the buelnem t the toterpett• I
.11y tt/4.14, the cu.tua Ktu.bla.l 111otl cit y . C. KINitLAND.
M 2. K. Itult.NG
to withdrawing, from the firm of tangsland.stem lt
the undertlened would reetectnally onmettend the eer_
."..irisf the tote llrtrito the petluesce of the Dotti, an
fry them the continuance of thelt cavort,
maT rt'
( Cel~nTpnn D?.l
MANNERS' 01L-50 bblz. just receiving
br a nal, a nal, rind for axle kr JAMES DALZELL
r 47 • 08. Kau"
Iniv3:l,l:Nl:l)lf2lfitt: ‘ =l
AMONG the numerous discoveries Science
has made In this genntion to fatilitate the business
oneon its enjoyment, and one prolong the term
tf human [ ale.... Lame can be named of mon rail value
menktol, thous this contribution of Chemists/ to the
if..alirA4rl. A east Wel 01 its *Won Ihrougheut that
suet moony, has proven beyond &doubt that no medicine
rombinatin of m.lleines yet known. can to purely con.
Col and can the nomeroas varlet:loot Pulmonary dime.
which hale hitherto swept from out midst thousands and
Ilium/ids entry year. Indeed, there le now abundant in
u m to t u ne., a manly Lai at length been found which
.01 be rt Ord rat to rum tsar mid dangerous of of
the loon Our nen here will not permit IL to aubltsh
any proportion of the runs elected by its use, but •
parent the following cpivloni of eminent men, mangar
f o rd.- enquin to the amulet, which the agents below
umnets will always be pleased to furnish free. Oberlin an
toll particulars, ant Indisputable proof of these foal
Fran the Perndent qr Antarst (Uhf.. the crletntud PRO.
- Jame. C. Ayer-81r I hate toed pour rntonl
fromy eu cam of dmieseated fironchltio and MO satisfied
its Lbesnical constitution that It n o admiration=
,und Pre the m•lief of lars natal and bet:gullet difilcultin.
Itml V0111101:1 aa to ita snarl= character am he at any
tern, you me at lipeAV A tf u lunitA i mAs think l, ror.
D LP. Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy, i n
iale College Member of the Lit (list filed. Phil and
Mil - dam &Moths of America and runme
1 drool
a t f h tlt , h t7i l :=lll " thVg& l gt: "
dram ns
ry ruetti” remedy for the A
IL of Jl,..mem It le Mtn.
Jed to eon , " hew vco, it.. NOY I, L 149
R PTISta. Prr.rafne 41* At S. C. Searde,states
that be hen used the Cheery Pectoral. with wonderful sod
„a.,to mire to tultecomatlou of the long ,
rt. one ul the Ant ?henna= In Mame
Mud, Me , Trip .
“Dr J C yet, knell—Mar Pir I ant a.. nominally
aqua j our Chem Pectoral ha tor rfactlfoOttut tt
.7 other medicine for pulmonary complaints. Trotoblen
Atop Of tflatfy Wore SW. 1 Wig GOllllllO.l It will Mr*
co.gna. 001111. eat diNalel of the Hinge, that hate put to
defame all other remedies. I Inrariably roooramend Its
um In cams of consomption. and ommider It much the hest
remedy known fur that disease.
rrehp"arriP'U'aVdiVm'ldu'bri JAMAS 1 0. 0 ,11 M 1411, 1 54Vt l Icei n bti D em " -
lE VlTL "li ilf=rgh, wholesale and retell by B. A. FAM.
ti.BTOCK A 00. nal J. al TOWh 811 ND
t o Atieglatry Cay, br II I' SClttrillTZ. .4 J. D01:1-
LAN .4 by nfORRI , t , gallantly. erciln
Wouilwortli's Patent Planing Machine.
R ECENT decisions having fully and final
ly astabllthad all the d= al ef the W oodworth Pat
theen rilboriber is now prapoaeo to soil Fait....
[bees Wathinea In the litath of 1.. York; n
vac.. nettle cunnlie. ot Bradford. Calvin . CIO Mt
bynnulllat -I.userou, McKean, Mercer. Yo r. rthe, E 1...
G lehayiii“ Tinua..V , er n e, WRIT. . WIN ins.
Th,,;•=7Lll7.r.Vhjr wit: Pktc .4PrialaTlth
tlded by Wad newt Jeanne. irth: l •37g de, of DI.V::
tea. land, has no*
rmrs nnexplred ter= This Ur
ad o , et una ape tutian, rednem to • thlekneea. and Plane.
wugu.etkvortli. Lcagla sUd rabbeta, In the beat coanner,
t1.0t9 fec4 . 4.. l th. . Pill
.LI:, 1.0.1 sual We. ext.
.ii 7 ;Sn ' e ' r ow lf, dr' raini and. tirto n r•Algirnttgll 4 :ll. '.
idiund. of planing are parionnedlr It in better man
laciVolr.t.thAtnr.rtAtlonalr sild climb . .. It .it
Tb. prien el 7 a acacia. 11 .1 , 1. 1 . .0.1. tentnthltY,
00 0 o e,,,aing. le from WO to $lOOO, aceorithg . to .the and
o uelltr. Pawn fira t ten horse power till del idol Nth*
1.9410 e hundredth , . o f 011 the pinned Jauntier in our
large aide. sod tonna ta now dross.) erlth Woodworth'.
'racthnlinVttr f al=l l 7x2l._ " r -9',.° to he
dlr.), Troi a , ugnewitough, 0. atartown.qt:th . la i' ,. o jio. t . a* a.,i
~.....„..,, 1. i. 0 .,,,,!•41,,y,.. Ant., Lackner; gtie„ Mlle
bfothiaLaishrl'r'Oute=tgoo"6.-- ..* e L..
I . 00 ... :re cautt..i wang..k.v. , ..n.g untroVnief:7;
snr of the stove count:phalli, to .
'4 - theYIN. YU.. iu,,
thr2l`-daerectill .A.a... N. Y.
itad!rllhlV a c tit ;VIP k b ta. b 'll t
will bung th e man =vacant and ebesped lost co
foe 9..-pnino, ming 25
cent. In but
gnotior Brad, Ugh;
P.rtrlYnd , witn pent Min tmo
wan's. I,
land o r:
wo rike u =ne w l.nt
V= a BIKILUItO to , ), " TD
Mr& Wooing and Ts Denim.
pißg BnicK.—.o,ooo beet fire in store
and tor rale by • • JAWS DAUELL,
_ . ittr3l • '• ' • No. ea. Water et._
(a AL SODA-350 casks Sal Soda of our
""° '°• °,l° ` " I ` • V.nadtrAity co.
m 31 • 1141er arreL
• _
No 71 Poona. veal to Boit
Notws and Drafts whetted on as puts of the Union.—
thnoke bonobt mei eold on <ol3lMiltsl.oll. folCAnnT
Melodeons! •
KLEBER boo ju , t, received a choice lot
re m
'Pork Cllr. Mr. C. hu much unproved ;port hte ortglutrl
lureutfon. end It to paw eeurrallyconeeded Mlut nodes
oatht Melodeons In the country', bofh fur el , g.c< of
nod &hovels nod hosed," of tone and touch. AluotUt
others arte—
Om ft octave Melodeon, nevoll feet, roreironell
the, 4M ' •
00 0.t01:Tblul etre% t. vitro of the ooh " lett MM.
uty3o Sole Attency for the above Inetrumente.
RinVOLOURIt. bble. for cafe
b ytwtr en
CIIEESE-50 boxes g00d ., 1 1 . 1 ;. A R., for
jt ,sa o, l:3 by
end. No.l Lore;
e 4 " Oreaoes.
15 bee Feather:,
Ze • MP:
. . 1 INeveurii
- •
• 1 bbl.
bays Drbra App
1 " Percher' w write arkllza
:al: hi ISAIAH DICKEY & CO..
Water mid Front U.
`ALT PETRE-20 bags (Crude) for sale by
mrso IT. I F. ITII—QOY.:
{SALT PETRE-20 kegs (rrfined) for oa
by ! W.l t. WILSON.
147 rd 118 &taut 14.
e Chance.
DRUG STORE FOR SALE, being an ex
neat preicriptinu and retail ioestion, aaS now do
ood -
bopinem Will Le sold st grebt barman, If
al4iMaaitr male aa g. EELLERS. ST Won FL
and Yelret, Bomart, Tapestry awl
lituameutal Prowl ape, of 11421012 w postai., and st
prices to cult tho circumstances of almost every class of
ourtomers, for Tale St klas rambllelatoiat of
soy TIIO.IIAN PALNIER. lb Market M.
V ASTERN W L —n extengive
A_A swortawnt. inr4 . l7llllbg every kind sail description, st
rseseillauly law grin, fee sale
THOM Ali blialt i et rL
lciTM PAPER, of my own manufacture,
for Park., lOW, Malay Roo7in.,chsimbves
vlw lair2Pl TILOS. pALmmt, darker at. _
AS. DA.L'LEEL, Wholesale Grocer,-Com
.. Vorirsnling Sferrhuit. sb4 &leel
v° /rob.
Oalls, maw
Glass. Combo l' i ssins, and Pittsburgh hisbutsetures
svrivesily—No. lib Wster sail 76 First at, Pittsburgh.
Ouollty, for wile
'TRY MORRIS"FEA!—Idorris' Tea Mart
is in lb+ Diamcorol. t,oond. Door from Diamond alley
a? to Mina.' thlm establi,homerd. In a ea In ow:medal
watt the nor. LIU* oponed mat door br lizworth
Coin. Ley:r4
dIOFFEF.--109 bags prime Green and Fan
1,./ 5J Ili°, for sale I,y J. D, WILLIAMS CO.,
SIC Wool st.
1000 lb . s. prime coxed Beet
600 Velabom
" T. 21
HEAP PALLASOLS!—We have just re
-1.) mired, at ske:a and 61 llArket street—leamagplain
snot fringed Paraeols, einbrseeng all thedifferent Onahtime
which we are ras pared to offer, at wholesale or retell, at a
rem great melamine from former prime.
errs A. A. 31A8Ofit a CO.. Market rt.
POPLINS! POPLINS :Q . ust received this
I . II .,VeIL, P V . h . A=T r:: 13-g qz;
thues ever born sold ID Mi. city.
A. A. lIASOft k CO.
I: 4 NINIE SIIAWLS.—We would solicit the at-
Waive of purchmters to our very ellen:lre snort
want of superior plain and embroidered Grua nbawls and
d os
fancy Cubmere, Tbibet and nilk tilamilw ail of tbe
newest and utast desirable styles. winds we are selling at
Oa very lowest prim, A. A. IIAEON a CO"
my n 9 02 sod o 4 Market et.
day reed 2) cartons of Slim very doldrable Crirapod
larlotoo SYlizrdays, assorted cokes, which will be told
cool cheap at s t a l l or by the boa. at £2 sod 64 Ilarktit ot
l •y ; A. A. StAdOti CA).
F11:11E,..,D..802.1p0.9.D.5—We have just re
r,."=°6lll7l,:gidc:trZ.4..dauLt ofeirildb=
y?.9 ea'h t. ' NTAVg W. •
TOFFEE--85 bags Rio, for sale by
QIIIRAS' ALE-320 whole and half bbls
r " .m " d ' r " "" th iCarilitMl Ytlllgak.
WINDOW GLASS—aIOO boxes fur sale by
L ARD 011,-20 bbls. No. 1, for sale low to
tor -9 srern..r Wood orb S
BACON, HOG ROUND-8000 lbs. Bacon
1.5 nun. ski.. Ll2ll FhoulderY. fur eale by
my:S. s. t W. lIARBACGIL.
ThRIED BEEF-3060 lbs. for s.alo by
lJ yoyV, 7 S. &IV. lIARDAI7bIL
QUGA.II.--611 hbds. N. 0., for sale by
I mrr, 5. tW. lIARBAWIII
POFFEE-10 bags for rale by
FOTATOES—'2OO bu. prime Red, fur sale
be T. aS
atee at
"OR RENT--A Wareham on Water =Pt
atmet, WV:leen Market an.f Ferrr, ,unable k.ra
" ltr r *, ' b‘"i ! '"' ' ATM gALZELL 05 Water K.
lihrphy &Burchfield
Arevnow opening a Great randy of Seta Good:,
',Add harite the calla of .11 manila; to
I caw Pan (lorludlng extra .ire black end tarow °.•)
chengeoble add Demaek 1•01'LIN10
thahahlan Gruel:loth.. far Wl.' Are,••
Needle Woree4 Coder Sleeve,.
Kele [hack F.lltx
ilh.Aeshle Feauu Sal,:
Super 00 . •t 5 LAWNA• cAa
oande. ex the staff el
..VRUPOSALS will he received for the Gra-
Sind and bridging of the teener. fx.Mion of the Ohio ,
P•nusyl”.4l. haiku.), catchalls, (nun Wooster. by '
and 31anedeld. to the Cleveland. Womb.,
and 0,110.011, Railroad. at email. us. Galion. • dlr
twice or kflydhree
They will be,recurred at Wooster nod l tle , evening of
'lntraday, th e loth of June: and at Mansfield until the ev
ing of Wednesday, the llth of June nest, and will be
dim...l to the undersigned, breeldene of the , l-kdnlunT.
. Plans and profile , of the work east of Loudonville will be
erldblted at Woo tar, end of the work wort of Loudonville
at Mansfield. for one week helot. the lettingg.
Farther informatleu and:1[11.101 Trove:nal. may be ob
gskird cu apyltation . holomon W. boberts. Chlef Magi
nevr. or amen:U. Wt.:when, Knoident rdtkineer of the
Western Division. it Prefereure will be RWen to bidders
-.rho will ogle, to take u ecntaku of inelr ICY in in.
stork of the tkitt.pan 11.
11.1:01TINZOIL Jr., rrvldent.
".",,rttio.arrh. NOT =7.1551.--Itatz3l
1ic. 4 1 .41.1111L1C FRIEND, or linking PrrFarntire,
suprnsrating the n.,s cf Tart. Omta
driog USW. um,
n, mast, rodt
l icto. and dig...diva Bread, of Dote color.
1 . ..- 4 .,_ t _rrthart.lll. 4 Viti=tlV2,
1144111 cm. val. all. mew, hcZactis, and other retinas
diptad.a. Suisertor to onr thing 6dr waking calms and Bts.
cult. dati pounds or Flinn . , this rreonratisot still snake
10 room loaves of 4
Of cacti, than with Bann. Ileads
or and persons Of woolly cOnstitntlons. should at.
If:, 4 .ll`Tri'ogritTi "agL ° ,l4,'= 0
t. aernat advantage. dahl in bottles at
4.04.X . , ,5 atai moo, winergiimitcoll•mod tt
to for Bale.
A VALUABLE unimproved LOT, on the
A: corner of Liberty and Factory stteert, Mb Marti,
omen. the German Catholic Church, 30 feet front on LlD
eriy, bylOU not dean on Factory, running beet to 4vrws
Abtbe 'brew Miry Brien Dwelling Rouse on Lanni T
oboe, edielnitig the abo rt , Oa lot being 1.13 fret hunt by
100 fret Jeep.. The boom 10 large and convenient, built Is
molten ett le, and corealneeleern Mtn,
•lao-2.1 aura of very valuable lane near ShafjOhntethe
Also—A Farm of scree In West Deer township.
Alio—A Few= of 254 arm Is Lawrence county, 5 Alibis
from Now Cattle.
Alwa—Eartna In Beater 'county , of TAtiOUI. She! and
Trio, from ON acne down:
Albe--12 very valuable lota in Nanwiti, illincle Price,
V ' qufr.° Tt. P. (I. L. ETTERMAN,
Attorneys at Lew, Rol Reel Erten, Ageort,,
mylie No. 10 Fourth street, Pilbbirtgo.
Poor hiring DtPARTIIZIT,
March 14, leg.
XT BEING DESIRABLE to aubstituto locks ,
1.1 keys of some other kind for those now In um for
moil gore a of th e Gutted metes, madmen Imk. .d
Lii 4 o7rAgron o giit t 7ltZg i tttelieets "' lst . erttirwieve r it
day of July nett. Tee different locos will be wittmilthq
a otoomfeelon for examination god report. Otto tide
port. contracts will,. soon. practicable, be entered Into
for pethishing such forks and lee, efor 11,107 years, with th e
right on th e port of the Postmaster General for the time
being to ...WM and rontinve coolnitt In ibrco for on
additional farm of four pros., h 7 giviag to the thotneeta
written notice to that effect, not more than nine no
thansix month. beton the tortni.tlon of the first term of
(our years •
With a view of pnronring the bort lock al the Invert prior,
no lOct Is prescribed as it...lard. the Degattnteat
.iying for a ftlection on the mmhsnical .0111 a. Ingenu
ity which • fair oompoUtion. Dow invited, Clay iii(Velop•
It however, proper to State, that look gullet. foe the
Mall aerrice ithould josses the following gualitkiNgllC dm•
nobility, uniformity. htn.s, arid elm..
tor too Wig. of displacing oltaultameonaly all the
moll locks and keys vow in nse, about thirty thousand
neer kg. and twenty thaws.' key. adapted thereto, will
be niqulred to be furnished by the onntractor simen
months after th e contract...ll have beenfentered Into, of.
hamar. the ordinal supply will depend on the durability
of the locks bu t ey - slm, es
neverthe increase s an g
mall senior it will probably eaccel in a m t
three thousand of the former and one thoossad of the DP
No lock will La tamsidettd If It be Ilia any.body th
gelleni no, will anyone With whom the contract IW
be made be alliirirni to make,
oath or furnish any tort, or
key, Similar to th aw contritegd ror, for any other purpose
or use than that of the f‘ist Dim Department.
The fund of lucks adopted must b paten W. nod the Pa
tentse will be regtdred, on catering into contract, to mate
oea assignmaut of his patent for the exclusive sod tam
eaof the Department, If the Portman. tenant shall
demo such moult . emontiol to the interests of the my
sloe. 1u case of the failure of the contractor gt avy time
to falai faithfully the lorniceod onndltions of hie contract,
the gristainsterllr.rol shell have the right,bmales • resort
to the ma. remedy licridilater Mclithirzeil, to annul sold
contrast, and to ouptract UAW with •07 °LW P. ( 7 or
-"k• as he may raw at, for hillilabing Similar locks end
en deciding up.theproponlathelspodmeasoffered.the
Postmaster tivoend mat dean it r.rp.ot. reho.t for the
through malls the hat of.* bidder.end for the way male
that of .other. Ile revere., therefore. the right of rose
Darting with different indirkluals for
M sorb diacrient kinds
0( locks a( Le atiat, al. c meld = ant. all
the riachaens and tiropotals, If he shall deem t course
for the Interest of the Department The teensy or parties
contractinp h will be requited to give bond, with ample a
mity. in e on= of thirty thousand dollars, fora VANUA
Perfortmo, of Um contract. The contract le to contain
prone..., for the due 0.1 hicP o ctic. th. Dlt"
affi knit and also for you th . against their tuts
is n fqr bands: the terms of tkese wort.. to be an
between the Department .d the sumeiteful bidder,
If g Id should be nc.pted.
Nogypticatione will be cousidendif not ow:what:Lod trttb
ntiefattemy eiihroceot the true/era:thy cheracter of the bid'
vmnte to WIG the contract,
tk*. " d " -- F, tp. WILL.
m4,14t s Luse lot et bet utlfal
ts 153.4,6=bgactstp =TAM • v altst=
ittatt. 144. 02 rad t 4 klartat g jeZ
(lASTILE SOAP-'4O boxes for e • . LL
mr"-' 3 VAMTLSTOCK a
nLITE VITRIOLNOO lbs. fur sale by I
soya B. A. FAILNZSTOCK it W.
BRICK-1 1 2T i firgWoz r o ll by
for tsle by
Q AIERATIIS-30 maim for sale by
LUDI-50 bbls. for sale by
AVINDSOR SOAP-50 boxes Hyde's, tot
übt by [aarl IL A. PAIINESTOCk *CO.
INSEID OIL-10 bbls. for sole by
BACON -43,000 lbs. Shoulders:
me-3 . . Ro llotAfoig ta t.
RIE D BEEF-2000 lbs. for sale by
JICLASSES -2W bble. N. 0., for tale by
R 5O bu. Peac
I hes;
£ CO.
rrANNERS' OIL-20 bbls. for sale by
m rs H08L303. LITTLY Pk
NtunA%S-400 kegs for _
sale i b ...ITTLE s CO.
B ROOMS -250 doz. common to best;
aßrKr, tAr:ll
COFFEE -150 base Rio;
m CO.
IEOIO IRON-240 tons Ben's creek;
Ivo? 4=ek;
- 11.071120:id..141i1e0..
m 25.5 Literti
tz . saur ßai Ne t lL Cbeers.c.;
&AO 100
EALED PROPOSALS will be received by
C. 3 the UndeiTigliii4. at .si. GMVSI. Mo., until the '15t14
day of Juno, 1651, for User caduatlOn and construction lin-4
lading furniebloe all material) of the !,51. Goncrice bre.
!Coogan and Pola Ktv4Y/ank Road" from 8t Clenscrlaw
about 64 mites to the loom Mountain and Pilot Knob.
Inropasals will be received tithes. (let) 61 the 0014010
nil work and materials to complete mot ar seParatelf
4,110wg tad.) tor plank 4. it. in lanartlo, delivered on Woo
41 road at movement distaste= (114) far Int hog Plimknnd
tolohlog 0.4; (415.) La plank dollrored and lei] Ints
toed, lonlodunr inishlngt loth.) for vaJnation bf 0011..
inoludiog grobbing and cleating and culverts of under 4
Met spa. and 4601.) for mercury and bridging.
Th. work will be divided Into sections of about 6 miles
In kutitb, nod lot Moldy 0. together. Fifteen miles of the
toed to be completed by the let of December,lBsl„ end the
talent. by the let of September. 1552. or Y much vooloa
as the contractors =7 deice. 11 tsProPoiand to plank the
toed generallr with white oak. of which the is an abnsr
donee on the route. The detalls of route. and tastrilkation.
of the manner of Intildiagwlll he ready fix .0.00100110)0
and after the TA day of Joon next, either at It. gent,
Ire or as the office of James P. Hlrkwool, Znfilloser of the
Paden Railroad. Et Louis, Mo.
00ylTnoddle10 ' P. a POlllB. "...wit.
Agricultural Implements:
rHAVE JUST received from the' Eastihe
following implemtutt, ell of the bat menullesture
the moot recent lurentlous, and I wOUld traits, 011
farmers to all and examine ter atom.
!hillier, !Sublet, for amt. buena keens turnip% an,
Gado IRIiI, for whoa, rre, oats, and boiler
Crum Coberushers.
Corn Sheller. for home and band bower.
Strew end (Um Buda Cutting Bute.
Vegetable But Cutters.
Ox. Totes and Cow Chit. Halters.
Caststrel Oman end Geese Sythes, and Nowt
Cu meal two, Urea and four Droner Meta '
All muufactured from the beet mannish,' and for ma
at the Drug and tieed Etas of
my Career of Wool nod Muth Mosta
IQUID d C4I , 27-3 i. Lros ,, s e , tt:e o fy a rpericir
cstv r lr i s e a ~ ) -tsrsZ br •
INSEEIYOIL-800 gallois for sale by
me-$ J.IUDD t 00..10117cal
. .
1 .. .,,,1 UNDRIES--
3-7 .
•=ll:',rdr= • •
PD barrels prime tiribsruseks.
fs barrelsegua.
til s. Carr linens!,
50 "
Fa Lo
Po nlarille lime . . .
lOU " Flue Perm .
, .
• . Luri.
100 bushels ear wri ,t
• .
IUU - - Oats fur sale on caner st.
my 27 T. WOO il•Ori.
Na at.'
FRESII TOMATOES, hermetically sealed,
raaleava. rerfectly, the !favor sad fretbnesiof
r4a truate, for age by WM. A. SFCLORD a*,
layT; Oman sad Tea Dealeas
111RIED BEEF.—Evans & Suitt's align .
lIJ Carel Beef caMmaed. Am mit DT
m 256 Liberty ;IL
Sr.lar •
odds' patent rolbhect
FrAr ", for role by
WM.. A. WC LIMO A C 0. .-
ni 256 Liberty rt.
tiIARPEWS MAGAZINE, Vol. 24, tiound
In cloth.
c =l , 47..:o4s o lti l u d o= • " turf
n tlyttl Air. ti e. 367.
—liecclved .t of L S Maar) . Depot, Third . I tre , 00.
odt. N. Pod MU..
LOAF. SUGAR-100 bbls. ass'd Nos.;
Crulaud; aßlel7
147 First, and 118 becond,ati
!SUL) , AR--10 hhds. egg= 11:511141:.
Q A LERATUS-5 0 boxes for sae by
61,11OULDERS-712 casks for sale by
UtS - 20 bu. Chestnuts;
" ru ` k° Vat fr..l3A-Eri:
kegs for sale by ,
E.= " Peouni: 361 First street.
Curled Hair Hatrassea.
I 11AVE on hand a large stock of Atatrass
a:l";?itkett.g.Tiu.-"'ir n nge
tun-% Third street, nprwAto tbeftntl§line
SILK_ LACES--Large assortment,
11 and eery cheap, recd at el. star. at
m rlaa ML PRY t umarrizta.
81 0 Ay RN- . L. i2
.0 lIBItUL ' rlaClSTake
PTO. 1 DIAUKSHEL--40 qr.bbla. ems, for
£II Wally use, for We DICKEY t CO,
ra, Wet, and }'root
INDlGO—Caraccua and Manilla, on con
eigoraent, tcla by . ISAIAH DICKEY CO ,
Iny2L %Voter and Front oar
we by my(JlLßennett Joned
DICE6t braiCO., for
LARD -1.2. 14,15. No. L for sale by -
WIC Roan lucct
m2O • cornernt d Kan, etc
jriATS-500 bu. for sale by
s. b
ORN-100 bu. for sale y
/ mr26 a Ir. lIATAIALGIL
Tayst.bed Rucbets
suozwiy , ,,egeti, 0. , ;
c e rb L y 161,11, b rain bbl bb Y
I , ,ynished
Marietta ToUg., v lA . bnig ,
1,23. 1,111 .u ) b. .
-Far cote by .
Ft GG , ,S;Z bbiS: fo r " le s. nAIt HAMM.
FLOUR-t t,ktr v mle . u n„i on
re, I
PEARL ASH-5 tons for solo by 1
c~uueusl3n NEIT.
mr.:6 s.eoord. sad 11l Vint et
HOOPS-49,000 - Split, Ash, for sale la
t INOLlai =N %
bble. N. C.. for sale by
my% 10 GLIM a Bbs.werY.
y bbls. White: Louisville, for sale
,ILA by my 26 ENOUSII k 118SNITT.
50.000 FT. , Boards and scant
FISHING. TACKLE---Cogea, Linea
Hook,'44* l: ' ‘ 6 l 7 :Wn-soN•
turzo • 61 Market iwtrtot comer , of Fourth.
' S, Jn. argo vanety,an. n! ,
low.t.nv.f4lnern PvT7k. .
POETI my R. at tot' eh..-
.31 • Wended aseortthent of Itoht end Weed*
Cold Pens of the beet easetutoeture; itchet Ton
Mooolo, folyht) WI Y.
H AM .
r 2,ca.e! y al litLer ri llai . ns f7 a sa c; l: . by
R -
Crimson Velvet and Gold. Paper
it 11i:igloo, for Drowlair Rooms, just reed from Nail*
for bolo by W. r. MAILIMALL. 65 Wool
eIP —in the Dietliet Com% of Allegheny Constr. VemaL.
ta. No. 274. Ainil T.. Viol.
And now, to wit: IdAy 2tb.11321. the Court *Mi. , Al.
had 11. AleCalmout, Auditoriodlatribayttie
o" r " 14' '''d' l L T.oll(giral . 4 74'4' T:'
The Auditor rill attend to the duties of hit nteAntiturrA
t his wiltee. No, MI Fourth atmet, Pittaburgh, =Monday.
Jou. at 2 o'clock, P.M.
sq2C42w .• A. IL aIcCALAIONT.A
Smith's New SfeograPldell- •
QMITII'S Virsirtook GeograPki; an in
1-347finTra:111,; de iFoat
4:1"6%,' •
" lstallb truant , . or &wart pock cieptin • entire
4ysF 9eror of ' Prorrgapb"".ktr f
`111" P 1
V `rit 3O ti:1...1 "Fra
clogs; 1 7i Itawell C. smith.
A.l. We
Fur a .
by • pa Apollo Duab L l il tleVouitYi
F RLNTING PAPER—A largo lot Double Medium' aml Imperial Painteig Pupae .13. nA rprpa4 , 1,"
• . vn
724 earner Matta and broad Ma
lITRAPPING PAPERS—A large . amnia.
meat of Wratiplag Papers,llattlila.ltatt and Eta..
al avat. tar attla at • • W.
Ii r! mi?.t Naar Wareltnnao, cam Market mat Si ati.
a Penn
H6wa wmr
odebrated wanafactuncre,• fornale at
W. A. HAVEN'S Statldow7 Atm,
t 0124 cornet Market and Second ctn.
ARARE CIIANCE is offered tonperBon
who ..toee to teeal, awl whet Las • napieslet frau
Men to eight hal:tared della.. to engage in penteahlw
Adams the netwermagh
tha Poet O. ' (nolanflw) J. W. LKWIO.
Shoulder Braces.
QHMILDER BRACES, of the moat are
t 7) morel etylo, dont* to. entente told ittad•
ond of etas to eutt Ittio may rettair. ttlettr—tost ned
iTss;;i7a - 1;, - ;174;174170 - as71 gad
oaytta z.
lllr.h.rxUacdLaaley P. WILSON.
V. 724 lf7 Ptcnt, tl4llllSeccal rt.
Cams! Theafty! Me gene!
/6 conjunction of Tro . .r.stabllehmente , bend nign, the
under the Joint supkrrislon of 31.8-,no.ffLl Senior
Proprietor of En= ft IloCoUrfeen, I
%I be ...tatted is tbe,Cltr, of Pittnlffnln, tn.froff tV
..a.marrici2v morn. • ;
Every Afternoon and .s"iglit, at 2 and. O'clock,
• Comsonsoing oii MONDAY. MAY WI.
urgtrit/gi&mot. paTticaum as irk-.
m wmor.".. r.
Pittsburgh, Life Immure Company CAPITAL, $lOO,OOO. •
Somtur—C. Comm.
A/V0. , .e. advertisement Ma sacilaar pal of thli you
1)BIED APPLES-15 bble. for sale by
QIIAD-1.0 bbls. No. 1; '
:0 .4 , BURS:11
10 10 Lt for
0013 44Vb_r_ • ..%
11,IGAR-100 bbls. Powdered, for sale by' ;
m 2.4 ' , BURBUIDGE k INGUItaX. )
REASE—n We. good grenae, now
Loa from stearaei'Cumberlarei - Nei' - tr. km sale by-
uttSl - . Water and Trout a att.
CHEESE-51 boxes, now landing and for,
t.) tweer MIA EiC
myrA • Water =a Dont g 6.
UTTER-3 bbls fresh, now landing sa.
forut.DF IaATAII - DICHEY tea.
-tail.l . 4 , icalor and Front eta. •
OUGH. C 1 T BACON HAMS—S. caste,
w,ll cured, •111 be sold low to via. the lat.
1961e liaterarul Frantldt:
RI" PEACHES 10 sack!, iu abate,
sole by LULA!! DICELEZ & Ca. r r r
mar 24 • Water 4.1 Front stt.
Ibbls in store, and will be sol
I°' to dose '"'" l guminallan Dien", a
ant co..
Tata. and gr stn.
m 724
EFINED BORAX-600 lbs best English,
for eille by (my %I. 1 . KIDD it CO-. 60 Wad st._
ARD 01L—ieuperior cle) in half bias
for ago by Day2,ll J . D arti
CO.. e 0 Wad.*
IL/AC DIE— , -500lbs.for Bale by -
aT24 7. KrDl) CO. %IWO. 4,
`R V. 'A : • ant - ..T 1 pieces lustre
lved. a cerydesissb
I le article, waresetad tralh.—, E .
- •••
10 share. Bank of Pltteberralm_
••• Merchants' & Km. pm*, Paubumge,
Tor which Cho Mabeet prim In mh . 111
- - .
13xchange Bank at' Yittelyargb,
SHARES FOE SALE on ntyoistan
Our '
LA Invaluable to ladle& as • yrotecttoo to tbs . teals Da .0
lama eleadx9f. ,ietbi, care of iloweta, 29.: la war. :9
tai,they bleach the snowy white.oy e ale taw al
the India Robber Depot,l ard 9 Weed th9et.
• . • • J.
Ap..I.A.RET WINE, (St. Jtilienuld_cdoe.,) of
•••• , • Lawns! Lawns! .: , • .. - - --.•
A.w: A. MASON & CO., No. 62 stul,(4iffir,-, •
kat Waal, at. ow "oparklaii; 0 ealheasata-P/Straa...:
aa at all Drient. The attention ofctutoatmalootatott, .„ t .
o o to ott oto , o,troatcot of • Root?. ••010 - 7 'of ttaalorard ,
at 125 i sod lb coats tow tale. , .. , . . ,F 4
bases at the celebrated. Burlington halaked MED
D. In Dm order, and fry sale by . •
• vit. A. 31cCIA3R0 k
tar= Omen sal Tee Dealers. ,
Wendrise—x°' slmas
Dank Codfitta far asla 1:17 • •
ra,y2S !VAL A. aleCLUllli W., .4n =Mot' -k
• Rim •• r
mut.t . tb. .41. of MILL: CIIITACH
haTing exp4ed by Illgiciltsuy tv , mutual
rep ctu, cLoTit rec'il, from thii
~,,,eT cx;. g L ig ra c z o L l a r ott... beataitallT 11
1141WWWaretooaa. Zioa. 7 wad DWar •••
Istrr.2 . J. aIL P LISP& '
ftiett sr.4 ate row I.nt - Crerr o V. „•
ur.i.7= l ae . ..a"Vir e. :tetv.w.
.4CON-1.0 bhde. prime. Sides
B' 4
lo terra extra Fnuly thinTfilka 642414 .
roe /114 by , L. ATY ik SON% •
mem • .80 sad 81 W.Va. sal 8: rrobs
LARD -25 kegs I\o.l. for sale by
AA my= L 6.`LITEILMAN 15:1113.:
LII I SEED OIL-25 bble.rr e . A l r oj sale,l3y
HEESE-200 boxes for oak by
FIRE PROOF PAINT-10 bldi. (Ohio) for
saleby my= J. B.CANIrIELD. • ,
RIEpPEA:cELES-500 !au. for sale 1:7
G . it
'-610 bu. Oats;
ms=L. e. We'rea l ei & SON&
leg& 1851. igiigiMg
, .
Brownsville and Cumberland, to Baltimore.
and Philadelphia.
trIE MORNLNO BOAT leaves the Wharf;_`
: ete,.., th e Be4S• dell , .t S o'clock ravviavir.vm.-• -,
a it,. V: " ralliVtveraalit=t=valar?
at dela*, ettutacting with the cart at Cumberland =as •
"Ag., .1. 10 ot10..: ~ hobo . ~ call ta . .
rai llama t a tt * Phtladelphl7, 40 001731. Faze Only ste.- .
lb. Nall:mat Bawl I=:.l .id Condlt o r• co . trith
tba Coaches Whet. B
sat". thl. atiStalyhtla . ? r:
'my= Maria the binnostaattet=.
4 : . = ” .Axj kj" ft giM
XPRESSL.Packet and Railroad Line for'
Clryesad. erahext ton N .km, br Ste.r.b. OM. .;
btirgh coonwolon with the riormally. flor;
Lnowst ts or Clorkr. Parka a Co. from Brum ;
ct to semis ! SA. Wound now Eastman or of lbw,
urri rtsbmo Ralirout Co. to Clutha&
; • PACE-M.
PiNN Sr" AVI ' l
!LIAYFLOW ER:.-- —.—.—N.
, lanltorir - IZMorr oppreito MososEmbew - -
Mom, at crelccis. 4.„ corium/um with the Pocksto u
liar/, which will km, launollatair am %/Warily,' Mem , •
shirttail% arrirtnEak itaverma in time Ihr EammiTrals ,
of Vass for CleMud. Foarou Wilds liar mfr. st -
C l eolart/tE O = to wr ioka r io
~,E ritirotl. Um of grousers
, she iourien for Chia.
Taletio, Randosky r Clly, Dookirk sal Ctiot
. •
•.* Witte nmla 8t Hate}
0.11. ON,
Oman undery. DS L Roma •
cFeNur 111;44111d ^• •
1851. lag
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals,
. .
MiTtt.ti WWI, vairk —noc D
Tung wen IlalOWll. Line in now ply
. a r ;MMt t
The fantail:sof the Lisa an. usizeil in ninaberopaid- •
kr. nant rapacity of Seed% onealan of Caznains, and etf- •
fr rte goac A = 4. Pittatrozeg wad Ciardanll deelyannning •
fo aonvaelion Maw of irtaamboate between PITT
BURGLE and and a Lino cdpretelasadeanoboala
Ipropellef and 'wale) on the Lakes.
Yootzetaoa, 0;
ttkrarigniaalon ° ialla.o4
(1 4‘,..v. hen=amans, 0.;
reana,o• -
- • Kant, Orinnel an:gnu AA:- •
Maeda% L ,
finders= Pint,inflandenky Can
Peckham Se9e, Tcdedo, 04",
Donacopet nlilarankle, ia; • . .• •
Ora, Ciadta I Chicago, IA;
Ai m ot. •
• • tor. Water and fealLtrfedd Plural" 1. .
111ONEGGER t CO.,stpciof
lAquars, sad Brine Ow., Pruittsbeld
tvern nztb and kvezth.
Brandies; Wines. ete
HAVING completed arrangements with:.
Dwn In Dordeaus and oiler Eneepnen Mee. ftw
• execution: of my =dere, 1 envile. enabled to offer
to at • mall Wynne* veer noPonefion eon. /1111 D
D Md. sal LIT . F t 2Ief 110 Load doweris,
itt°° ` • Uon lefetteeeto gibe. as -
110 Daokera t ne Ire vi Ikeniewnsal tr Ezbeue Brawl,
'-74 WI and qr. exer t e4teddr.e4llSrien Therein; Eno
and mein=
SI se.
"mats Madden.. e*off •""ee. .
' Port Wine, Indl swlTedd sad sofeeloe.
p a wkljene awn Mew. weU known bread"
0 0 0) Dose. ©a n W UM. 010/011• br.d. opd
101 CILSOS Sanwnee and flennee. i testages
45 nuke Santoro* and
/.0 PP. Old Hons. , •=t, Zre r am ca.
ro , r.?":"" d irpms,:r Uld mules Bun - •
eeneertar London /Down Stant ant
w" or of lenkeLeteA r ldquors; '
l lergbe, sfeeenfoo ""4"..."
A r lforierf k ,4l g i r r igitT tT r IRS
t terms
Urdesz will ewesnouled vim umeteh it asAmdedlpswei .
at Unmet rewL ittt .
.0 N
- S
Want axed. .
41111111 . Made/fano
i:VIEE3,S7 wom