'PITTSBURGH GAZETTE ottrs on off TEE SPRING. ! white Only hiurJbasamal ours, • F.air -Waimea trails, appear, Disclose the long expected flown, ' Atid wake the purple year! The attic warbler pours bcr throat, Responsive to the cuckoo's note, The untangiitharmoriy 01' Spring. While, whispering pleasures as they fly, Cold sephpra through the clear blue sky, Their gathered trairance fling. Where'er the mire thick branches stretch A. broader, browner ehade, Wbere'er the rade or moss grown beech O'er-canopies the glade, Beside some water's rushy brink, With me the muse shall sit and think, (At eaSereclined in rustle state) How rain the ardor of the crowd, How low, how.little are the proud; How indigent 'the great ! r. • Still is the toiling hand of care: ,The panting herds repose: Tet hark, bow' through the peopled air The busy murmur glows ! The insect youth are on the wing, Eager to taste the honeyed spring, lintyloat amid the liquid noon: Some lightly o'er the current skim, Some show their gaily gilded trim, . Quick-glancing to the ann. To contemplation's sober eye , • Such is the race of man; -And they that creep, and they 'that fly, Shall end tihere they began. Alike the busy-and the gay Bat flutter through life's little day, In fortune's varying colors dressed: Brushed by the band of rough MIECh Vier, fir chilled by age, their airy dance They leeje in dust to rest. • TEE FUGITIVE SLAVE " corns I'eonnsr.—Hon' :Samuel Prentice, U. S. District of Vermotit.. (formerly a Senator in Congreen.)nt the opening of the court, May 21 delivered au able charge upon the'ipirit of lawlessness and insuborditia, tioD which has recently found so many advocates its in the country.—He closed with . diseriminat t itig and sound refutations of the - higher laic" doctrine, of the day. The last paragraph has a pointed reference to the Vermont nullifying law, In relation to fugitive slaves, thus— "The merits of every law may he freely die russed, and opinions may be freely expressed for or against it. But it must I.e remembered that this is one thingto disapprove of the law of the general government and seek by constitut inual means to procure its modification or repeal, and quite another thing to oppose or encourage resis tance to it, or under the forms of local legislation to array the State authorities against its execu tiOLL Every act of Congress passed pursuant -itudju conformity to the constitution, is by that titstrunient declared to he the supreme law of the iend,riuything in the constitutiop or law of anfState to the contrary notwithstanding. I course, every State enactment. which authorizes any interference with or obstruction to such general paramount law, being in conflict with it. inoperative and vohl This is is principle es sential to the existence of the national govern ment: and it may he affirmed with truth, awl I state it because it is it matter of the highest mo ment, that it is only under the operation of this principle, and by a faithful observance on the part of the statesand the people, of the oblige tion.s and injunctione:of the constitution, that we can hopeto preserve the Union, and Continue its blessing to oureelve and our posterity." Iticn 3tis is NEw loan.—Aeorreqiondent of the Oswego Times, thus speak of three rich men in New York. 7' Stewart, the 'merchant prince,' Dr. :Moffat and Wm. B. Astor, ore monupoo , -ing nearly the whole of Broadway, beta above ground nod un der ground. They are generally reputed to be the richest trio in the city. Whieh if/ the Wealth est I can't say. It appears from A statement made by the deputy receiver of taxes, that Mr. Astor is possessed of property to the amount of $2, 000,800, atulithat hisyearly taxes amount to the sine little sum of V 30,00- If that is all be is-worth, Dr. Moffat is the richer man of the two but the probability, Is, that Mr. Astor is worth over, $8,000,000: Dr. Moffat's dwelling house with its out buildings is, valued at $185,1)00 And be owns other property in the city to the amount of over a Million and a half. Besides this, be owns a Bank in Wall street, and farms, almost innumer a ble, within a .hundred miles of New York. Ms Life Pills and Phienix Bitters yield him a vast revenue, which, in addition to his rents and interest on money loaned, renders .__lde-income truly enormiia. Stewart is said to be worth $3000,000. a business of over $2,000,000 a year, which must yield an income " •of over $200,000 ppr annum. Stewart is nearly • 70 years of age, Astor is about 45, and Dr . Moffat is between 30 and 35 years old, so that the Doctor has the advantage of his rivals, most decidedly." . . A LAter's EXPENSES-90E39 of obr lady read ers may like to khow the difference between what it costs their husbands to keep them,und what Queen Victoria spends: " The Queen's salary was fixed by the reform ed Parliament, in 1337, at .C 385,000, nearly two millions of dollars. This is distributed among a number of titled persons, lord claarriberlains, grooms in waiting, gentlemen ushers, bergeant • nt-arms, whose duties are to hold watch outside the king's tent, dressed in complete armor, and armed with a bow,._ arrows and sword, and the 'maces of office. This inthe nineteenth century !. In the lord steward's department, the bacon, butter, eggs. one cheeseconstuned, about egna!Mr. Fillmore's salary. The butcher's bill is nearly fifty thou. sand dollars. The lord steward gets, ‘.510,000, and the Master of the household, who does the so-called duties, gets about $6OOO. The kitchen takes £9,083, about $50,000, the chief cook get ting $3,500 salary. This department costs, an. molly .£128,386, about six hundred thousand dollars. Thedepanineet of the master of the horse, who gets $1_ 99 ,500 a year, cost $036,000 a year. 0151 one coca - Mon recently, $365,000 were fated for the Qemeii's stables, and the same session refused $160.000 for national education. save the Queen:. '5 Tee Serener. orloirso To Ben.-,The earth is a-magnet, with magnetic currents constantly playing around it The bunion body is also a magnet; and wheW the -body is placed in relation to the earth, these bodies harmonize—when in any other position they conflict. When one po sition is to be maintained for some time, a posi tion should be chosen in which the inognet cur rents of the earth and body will not conflict.— This position is indicated by theory, and known by espertmentis to lie with the bead towards north pole. Persons who sleep with their hen7,s in the opposite direction, nr lying cross-wi are -liable to fall into various nervous di Bo r. • den. When they go back to the right position, these disorders, if not-too deeply impressed, upon the constitution, soon vanish*. Sensitive •sersmw are always more refreshed by sleep when their `hells point due north. Architects, in planning houses, should bear this principle in mind. - •• 20 per Cent. saved to,Coantry Merchants. • WM. J. KINW Dealer in BOOTS AND snors. :Co. 40 Noiibliennod huplet reed from lhw nuinufactory on wnetequive nod , A raveled %Lock of Lln , butel: o .l., wi , Wh per cent lee. Matter. )curcburd in th e , rlty, lur or will do • floalmr. will do well t con I.oa, pureladog. naylVan Important to Druggists, Hardware • And &sie litepe iv in pini . trad TILI3 is to inform the abo.ve parties that Mr. lo IL PU.ILLIP.3 hag 'crick..., from Ph IlaktripLia. orhkkg with him mutates of Owl, LI( 11:111 GLUE, for car tem sort all WM& of unko ood. Olses, China, saal asks orlo ,ww 14 bottle. of three eltos. Also. Mot rA.shr haidoe Plwparatlyar naperowliuri the use of leaat, sus making a heautifuLautritious /AA, In our ball less crake tthan troy article out: take or Poo commis. wanted In Orb üb.. Parties wlithlatrto *Mori ,c Irk thew, uoiserial Is, taws. W.Va. at Putilirilf 0. aus ADASIEk• Ea. , ... 'Mm., Pittsburgh, all clan 'nom in till .3 o'clock. starve articles for sal , by 1. Rita) CO. • torn Goiy Aura". irk Pittsbgh. LARD OIL-15 . I)his. fur sale by MIS JAMES: DALZELL , Fresh Aretials of Wall Paper. THOBIAS'PAIMER, N 0.55 Marketstreet, hanjustreals .4 from the East, a lkarotague moot s:woe of Ana prima Chamber Porter. kora PPAPERANO/NGS-FretlCll and araer au, from 'Eli Maas to ffperpirce, for sale by • turts WALTER P. MARSHALL. gb 1f0.4 rt. • W OKKREL--230. bblr. No. 3, (Large) moon. m .6, lthre p we likma, height barrcht t rrebl gala rby AItIADEPI a covuoa, pun Warehouse, Ye. Railroad Depot, mYIS rawer Praia and Mayor Mr. ILIUTTONTHAMS-2000 ibs. pprime, for We toy =TM RILEY, VATTIIEIrS.4 CO. SODA. ASH--500 mike of our own =nu t." 0.4"4.3. iramarled of am good quality and astdah teed 0.0 021} T antortedi and for mdo at the loweet market prer, BENNETT. BERET t Cr), Water .stet. ni CASES PHILLIPS & LI QUID OLDE—Por oemeleting ]roc Wood, Stone, Oa", Clain& sad any suleetaare D groom. work. It seasuir ..msskslled. •To be peen of FORIFIT N Commleelou ' /nom 'Pittsburgh- M. 121 TOBACCO !.23 bon. MYY.'s LIO " J. ILdeo Z 1 " Flaerwood's 'Lad Lottier'e Plug bob: 'bay ialloMr sale by MM== VAIMPED • RIBBONS--Assorted widthB and cola* reed by c.v.,. this dir. Also, oboe 4 222.1c01arel bilk Pros Butiorm • mylo . • .IL EATON, 62 Fourth M. arge stock vf clocsoil mato, .riateu mei; o ist=sTaiiiiriselirrchantil sod ho ' Seat kett:tTa L r's massted to cat sod examine col i dat: p erchastor 1010 t ti t sad 9 Wool a. 122:Mil svrarinucisfiThyr , or Tutuila's!) Brno. IN puiauance of law, I, MILLARD FILLMORE, President of the United litatee of s. do tweet./ miens and Make Pingo (het public Woeill he hold at the andermentioned Land elillose in the State of pharisee. al the Periods hereinafter deatenatd. to wit: • Monde . thadr aM o a f t BpAtembSllLeLß fo b r hd ei s n P g o sel the pnbie Lunde situated within the undermentioned lowombila and freettomd townships, six: North Via, RYA principal steridian. Township two, of range three- Township two, of roams four. Pr.u....it0.0.01p fourteen, north of White river.-of Mtge nine. Herta qf Su taw liar ond out pf AIM principal meridian. Township lilleets, of range two. Fractional townships eleven and twelve, of-rang. sit. At the Land Mee at CIIAMPAOSOLti. C01911.12C-10g on Monday. the fifteenth day of Septemtwr nest for the din- Peel of the public Wade within the undermentioued town ships, to wit: Lae tinra,d mere qlthe Iffis Prsesfatievr..d. ^. Towtithipe eleven and fourteen, of range see...feet. Township eleven. of ranee eighteen. At the Land White U ILELLNA, commencing on Moo cloy, no. eighteenth da August tamedor the dinsaal of public lands within thefollowing township* and =relte . Vs% ,a.thy thirteie twenty-three, twenty-10. end of east of the 1110 Frauds fiver, in township th ree, of huge four. Towed,lp nine of range erre.. Swag/met...we...a wee qt the .A.nh,,e'^cAPO w Jinn. Townthip four and part of anwleland Intwenonethirty two and thirty-three, In ...Nellie thirteen. of range ne. At the Land Ofere at LITTLE KOCK. commencing on Monday. the drat day of Septunber next, for th e Alaliewmi of the publio lands to the following named tracts On and near Ilyerew, lake, viz: NortAnlthe ham lose awl west qf the .fiftApethcipstra,irhae. The south half of nation eight, the south half of 1., fractional section, fourteen and fifteen, the north half or rewenteen, the east half of twentywne. twenty-two, the hunt half and routhweet quarter of twenty-three, the northweet quarter of twenty, and the west half of the rcwilteaet quarter of twenty,even, townehlp three, of range forteen. Land, appropriated by law for the urn of schools, mili tary and ether punweee, together with - 'those swamp and orertiotred lards made mint thereby for cultivation." If any. which dial' be seleeted by the State authoritiew 6, I re the dap* appointed ha the commencement of the pub lic ealesreepeetively, der the act entitled "An Act to nablo the State of Arkan un sas and other Mates to reclaim the 'swamp lands' within their limit,"approved Septem ber We). wi ll be rar-tuded f ro m Me mks. And no [o ration- t,r land fanal, heretofore granted by any law or Corignwet, for military eerliceerendered to the United tate, mill tarsiers...l cu any of t),e uteee mentioned Mod, a , provided 11 the not entitled 'An Act mating enemy.. attune fur the'clvil and diplimatie•cpenweof government,. se, approved a.t March, . .„ . The onerinK of the above mentiutual lande will be r;fin mem, on the tla:r au,:ntial. and will proceol in the or. der in whlch :Let am wirer.... with all convenient db.- i.atch. until We whole At all have beer:offered and the ralew tbu? cli,ed: hot Tao rale :hell ha kept. open longer than :WO ant an private entry of au, of the Sands win ha aduattal until after the of the two week:, (livenunder tor hint at the City of Wa.ln.nr,roh: this :lath day of May, Antis lootuitai one thouraud porta bun and mud rdly -one. 1111.1.AHL: FILLIIOII.E. tap the Prerident: • • . . J. BUTTERFIELD. COMMißnioper or the lirnernl Land Odle, NOTICE TO IVE-EMI'TION CL.4I.VANTS.' Errry Perraentlll , d to thought of pre-oUnition , ounY bf lan& within the tounalotu and parta of to ahoy. euuntoratul. Puptind ortablpih the rune to the i•athfacilon of the keirbiter and Reeeivor of the proper Laud Oft,. and Wake pay moot theroforos at ' , Nat.- Ile after rnroto it., nate:. Md twOre the day appointed for the roramoneomout of tbe pohlic oat. , of the land, etubra • ing the tract rlaltatal. otherwhie sod. rialto will be (orbit- J. LILITTEItri ELI), Gouttai,ionor of Ito. lieuetal Laud Office. tity - 7 - I aw:liit EY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. EN pursuance or Imo-, 1, MILLARD FILLMORE.. Pr. s.dent of the. linde..l State, of Moorict. du h. , trtl, 4.-clare and talk. Itnoww. thst pul4e ed. will 1.. e. 6,11 at the undermentloonl Laud Offle., lu the Stat.- uf tow.. at tnr twt.l,ll,.rwiftul.r ..1..Agnat...1, to wit. . . . •• At the Laud Odin. at lOWA CITI. cottn...nein" on 1 100 - day. the bret day of uoit, fwc the dltparsglof the Idtnlic land. rituntrd in the. follontnA nanwtt ton - want , . nl LSr Goo ling, um/ lor.rt of Mr.ftlih ynoninl Tonto•ldp.s..rentr-nine. of range iweilly.ttin, Tovrtoldc. n.v.u.) -nine and rlghtl of zz-ng.. thirty. 'font:obi, ...,..zity , lnur and votbly.of not, thlrty , n. TownshWAn nerenty•ulu., and rights-on., of range thletrlw. Township eiplitr ono. of ran thirty.tbroe. At the Land (Mc.. ea FAIRFIELD, eoultoeuring on Men de), Ow fdt.voth day of :+epirtnt..r neat. for th.. dlspoOal of th. subtle lauds withinlt. , Lol,to..uttoned tozro,nit, to nit • North ty the Gas, lane and len", nt thr Alth prolcznal poer. Township ...tent, of rang.. thirty. To w- nvlap met ruty, rneige thirty-thin. A t the seventy. of none thirty-thin, At the Land onion at DUBUQUE. Att 'iloudny. the sigh t un tlat - of Aunt.. erst. far the cllspnval of thr follow tun trwen, to wit: A ,mal l 1:4:111.1 In rrrtlrnr ,rentren and rigid, n i in terra .:lug eightret o north. of range one...band thw south.. quarter of ieetdon twentywryr, in lownidup ninety-six north. of suer bine wieit of the huh pntiripal ridiau. Lauda appropriated by law for the toie of eebeeolii. mtir nary and ether puryawes, together • ith llhose riwatup and if lands made unfit thereby for cultdvatton," if id,. whirl] 'ball be selected by the Star, antiintitiaa 'w rite the days anointed for the rommenniuterit of the pub lic. rale, neepeenvely. under the Art entitled ',in Art to enable the , Elate of Arkatugui nod other Stabs to reelalut the 'swamp lamb' within their limit," apprownl Peptello bee i,th, Julia, teal tr eavitand from die tart. And uoh. ration, for land bouncier heretofore granted to lry any law of Cone - reefs, for military aerTlees rendered the United Mate:, wt7l he perms.rrf ow our ee nuns ivy/boned /and, ua rovvat,l by the art entitled - An art Making apprOpnai lions forlbe melt and diplomatic ezpeusre of I ILVerlItSl,lll. De, ailtlnliYed 2.1 itlareh. l'br offering. of the lantle lain be ecoutaxneed on (bettor. pochal...ll. an! protahol la the onler in trbleti Oh, are ail ertre..l with :./i convettlent illeoateb. until the arbobeithall hoer been otleseit, sat the tali, Shut dhow. hut no oak.. ,hall be kept own. longer than two amt., awl no private entry of of 01 the lauds sill It admitted until after lb.. expiration of the two week.. tittett ulster my hand at the City of Ifashinft.on. this rt.titt day of tI i, Ann° Domird one thou:motets'ht hen. dyed and fdly..tio. 2111. LA HD FILLMORE. By the President: - J. BUTTERFIF.I.E.. Cointaldslons, of the lietwin.l Lend 11t11,... NOTICE 10 I'RE-EXPTICO CL.ILILLVT:f. of T07.r:17., to the of to cof above unmet - sled, it retnimi enabilth te h tl; satisfaction of the reEtstor and receircrof the - proper land alibi, and make payment therefor as snoe. c • pr af t, wwcing this end before the day b a wls for the commencement of the public sale of the bawls ernbrucin,. the tract claimed; °them.. moth clana , alll I Cr forfeited. J. BUTTER FIELD, Commissioner of the General LI um Ofßcc.. rur.E:laarlEt . BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE'IMITED . STATES. IN pursuance Lau - , I. 3ltt.i.nun Ftu.monr. Pre*i.leut of the rolled State , of . arnerfa. do beech) der seeetnd'make kt,ten. that pubhe role. 1.1111, held at tho tandermention/ Landlllllne, In j rae. ',ate of 31Pmot, 01 1I ' Vat hz,: - .l' . .L'aVol - • to vlt: 7. tbo 17: v.:t l .'lttnr,o" t1.1.0„-T3'2 1 -11 71. "" Apo. • . North of tar too line and tout f thz,tifa at.rraiuto Townships twenty-wren, t0r00 . ..r-onibt and tar.grYoutno. on .4 near Current n 0... of rr roue tore.. TorrnAhlui trtrntr-srvert tor art-right and tarattr.nino. on and nrar Current river. of •:anar tour. 'fowl:Rhin tuents-rlUhr, on a. brancb of Current river. of ran= Ere. Tr.inanhirs t , mty.tbrre. I want➢'four, twmtpeight and menr,nine. of [saw, tight. Town'hipt owentyt ree, rnento.futtr. twentr.dght 004 • twenty-nine, dP range nine. Fractional ronhtlup tvt.tty-er, and ndwhahipo tgenry• tan, spare at - diver, twentt tweet: -pre and ttretnr.thd • of range ten. a'.ll the SAME PLACE, cOlardiencing on Month,. the ES [tenth day of Septrmdrr nettfor the dLvottal oitheynb. tic Lads within the Zlinwinr townships and part• of town/hips. viz: .Ndrfh of the Inv lint wad cal t Mc Aft , 1 , ///.4. 4 .. " * " 2. ' Township twenty-two, of ravgo tw0,..1 Fraetionel tow .hips le eats-fan end t, - entY-two. and torntitip tteenty.five, of r and , . the. , ' 4 Twretblp twenty-two., rt,oge Town( hip! twentydno and twenty-three, of range nee fonnehtPxterro and tootohlye tnentrdhre, tnentyd , nzr. tvretnydire, twenty-4x and twety-vven. of range oix. Frahtlonal lown.bir t !Lateen and 'seventeen, and luau. Ant. twenty.two. cf r 1 .nee "trend. td.n'hi p. 'lateen, seventeett, eighteen and eelo.twdoty-one. tolrnahr rerentydero and tnenr,three; nrol et , " met rtdve. setwnlerp to twenty-one luau -1,, and Itne.tletttt- nt to Varly-owq iptinttre. to . on , bit , ". mat e eight. Townthip ted,nt fraellonal tection, thtehoe-d In tdirtvdoe We/ °tired fivetional 1oe:1211n twenty and fractious/ tosnteitueulyewe (rice gl w-etloO. e. Intentl/ three, Ito. myth., twenty/me, tw‘ttty-tax. twody-sereW. Lrfy-Jour, thtery-fire. nod Mtn/en , nine. The nort l 4 o r,t fraction df eeet:on mr, In tow-whip nine. teen, and /pre/ litata.l township twenty. rang. In. , t'entndt CPS, Id 'Write' tactual ve, the north half of (hold,. : Join ttorohnone 111(1u.ter.and lowntlewigtof to thrill ' throe in dun! ve, tnertudtly eighteen; nectione fare, to (.0 tit,•. lowivtaly laitteleen; aro/ nerrionafht rodn.finor -0000. 'he oto .111 t half of twenty-two, :may-thew tr.tnty and a nrtyfour to Inclunive. iv 1037044 twe , of ram, twelve. ".'l,e part elvt of "lisle Klan- tiverflog.. of tovrorint. t.ientrttin, of rouge thirt.en. Iterthn tesexpt the northeast quarter,) and deettont erdd , ~ h t, f oen. nhnd , n, thirty and fair-pone.reßt of "Little River 111 , -rflow,.. in town-toy tvrentylotth of novo fon , teen. . . . • Office at 2.I•ItINOVIRLD. ccuttneudos no Motels, the ehtliteeuth day of Au: fret itext. for the tlt publte Welt rituated t.h. the fallotrtr , F on Irue fruetittnal totev , hipe. v..: 'ortlrofhte Ws. fine mot my:1,1,4,07h Totarobly twenty two, of raut, twenty Ateo Town:4llp trresitt.two. of rm., frreutt three. Frartroo reettorte lownry h n. thrrf,tto. troy-WM, t4tetyaor , e. ut. r,tlarly.hry sod thinly ,tx,r.outla of the .1,1 Kate Line. In totrh4lll, twenty to, of moat, trreot.l duld. fraetional lowneltip twentrone, adjarent to the idite Line. of ntngeo twerity.reven, twenty-nine, thirty. thirld in, thirty-two, tinny-three and IWO, - four. Laud. appropriated by law for lbw use of rehonla, tary and other purteau., together will: 'glue. swamp and oternowed Imola to thr r for cultivation.' If any doll ralerted by the Mateantlioritiro before the daya appointed for the comme.nernent of the dm ulna re,pertively, under the Art entlulul .. .An Art to dm hie thr UM. of Arkanunt and other Mater to Jahn the . ..amp land.' within their limit." ,yet. Selda , niu , bulk, InLo, f-xcladed /rows the sald. And no location, for land idunticu tiendotore granted by lavr or Cun ard,. for military serrker . rendered to the United State , . will be p..notianl on any ej 11.• ars t renlitmed tuna, as yao. 'kW by the act entitled "An Art Makin. ant...P...me tor the civil and diplomatic expmaes. tiovernmen /V.. pruv. , l 11 Marcie. 151 d. op The offering of the above mentioned landv will he evrik. niene.d on the hair appointed. and will proreed In the or. Jet in wa il they are miser - dad will, all courenidd. pa der tch. mail the wind...hail haslo pland. and thr male, thus cloned; bravo rale than 0n prorate entry of any 4.( the lauds will be al. untied until after the expiration of lhe two week,. dived onder my hand at the City' of Warhington, ristli thy of May. Anne Domini tore thonsaml eight hun dred and 'd1r..... MILL. ARD VILLhtURE. Ii; the Preddent- J. I IUTT}:/tVIELD, Commit iouer of the U. poenl Lood Offfer. No TICE TO . PRZ.E.VI7IO.V MAJNANTS. pereoo entitled ta the dab ( of preemption of the leads within the ...whip, am) pule of towheblies above enumerated, is required to ei fabILIO the same to the atirfartiorrof the reghter sad nsw leer of the proper lend ore, and tuake pet man: thereto us non or pr.1.14e ter seri, am relit.,, and iTrOl . O. the dal aPlminte , foe the ..osamemement of the htlblie e the lends embracing the traet claimed: otherwbe xte:h cbank will be fOrtnital. IrERYI V.LD, Commh,loner of I -he It o - rep l Land Ugh.. toyaklaw:llit Hamburg Polka. KLEBEII, No. IlJlThird street, bag just LeN— Lur,, Polk, iinv of the most popular usd beau- Oful thus. I to7:lrrf "Tr'das7lt.,m hy . c Foster . • The Little ihsl °ox.; Thv Mountain bats, by • Lira,. My liar) hear. Suomi •re the 011etrhentatia. " vnoit Jean, Lind, with an &mom. panixocuts. Fly Swift, ye TaTlayra. My the haiii Sen Wave,. „h pp7 . cif her most beautiful Kozo Farewell; If . re fonitevo er. And an extensi m vel.retlo o of new Waltzes, Polk., 'Va riations Preceptors, a, :MON MV WU:MS ILARP. NNW • Bc - iikir NNW B — r OOKSFI - -The Mothospierian, ur th tale of Roy, a n t h E p‘ p ia . N. Moutimorth. The thinkery Mini by 'I AO. Arthur Plrehauirs Makasine, llorticultiariat, forhlay . • Cultivntor, • , Itentived at HOWILEIS H, 14,m, la va Tblnt s stmt. ft tha . A It ke g s No rL . H l c : i ! : e :Argtoransier b. RA tart RIED — FRUIT-150 bii. Apples !lFOOl'ea,b.a for J. by . _m)7 • RUM AIATTIIEWS k co. --- RICE-10 tiercesAfreelt) for sale by ~ EOBL9ON, LITTLE a Co. my 7, , 754 Liberty slabaL TE A -50 hL cheats Y. 11., Imp., and Black - Tea, far sie by ars7 ROBISON. UTILE it CO. Ol l t REppraff.l.NT-150 lbs.=ted. o targe ILE. myl t,.~ ~.~:._ MEDICAL MORSE'S CoCompound Syrup of Yellow Dock Boot, CCUPIES the_front rank among the pro- Twittery medicines of tide country for completely caring Canker, 0021 'Wien.. EtTeinelas. anti all other dl. Lie arising from m im_pcue state of the blood. Atm Liver Lkatolaint.(.ldarrh,Dysperyals. Headaches. Distlneata, concha Soreness and Tightness about the Cheet; Brow c oin, or boatsmen, dynem. and a tickling sensation about the throat; and is used with mpremdented moms In all throat; of Female Mame+, and General Debility. Strengthen'. the weakened body. giving Mne to the ors...and weakens of entire system. If the taanimony of thousand.living NattlfllßPS. from all Twit or the ....try, 0411 be relied upon. It Is singular ly Mtharictu. in euring Humor:, and restoring debilita ted and broken down constitution, It Is partly Vegeta ble In Its cOmmeition, and so accurately combined to its proportions that the chemical, botanical, and medkal pro ternea of each ingneetient harmoniously unit. b Purify the Blood. It ham removed manyeffrottledlsimem which have latllel the skill of the bast phyriCiana..d hmalsocund Canker, Salt Rheum, Eryairtelm and Scrofula, which CarmPertiie Syrups entirely failed to toakt the Inset impromion upon. It bm been tasted in many cases of CANCEROUS Illy kIORS. The 00011 obstinate Carice have been cuerd by ibis medicine. We my that It is a valuable meiwine In all BILIOUS OourLAINTs. It removes all otetructinne to the n circulation, rendering the Liver tree, active, and bead th. It of Palpitation of the Heart. ant relieves in all cases of Asthma and may be used In MI cilium., and m all 5.10131 of the year. This Syrup Providence,y by C. MORSE t et 102 Fountain anat. R. , anti mid, wholemie and retail, by 5. N. WICKERSHAM. Cull' Am. La Western Pentovania, usys:y Warehouse, corner Vinod and Sixth 010, Pt. The most Extraordinary Dtscovery in the World ie the „mat Arabian Remedy for Man and Beast! H. G. F.axrell'e CELEBRATED A1L9.81A.14 L.1:15116M1T. Ft.HE miraculous cures performed by the Aral. physiciami of the days of old. were thou 100 ed upon as the ' , exult of magic. but sine+ we hare be come Intimate with their Vary we ran thus arwrmiat for theirsurprislng power over diewase. Their attainment*ln the knowledge of medicine were the wonder of the age, while at the ramp time the reienre of Chemistry, with them had Its origin. was to the nest of the world ••• sealed book." And In lloMuy they werethe Most realm. 01 student, In the launtiful groves which skirt the deserts ot Arabia. abound rare plants and odorous...las who:mean, obtained throw ariaatie gum, and fragrant balsams, of which this innmmarable liniment A contlewed. and hr whose stininiating unctuoun, penetrating and Anodyne properties It 10, when applied, Instantaneously diffused thningl, the whole nervous system. allaying the most So '• pain m the Incredibly short time of IU or 15 minutes. its Mai. if prompt, powerful and effectual, without the least danger. It rwnetrates the flesh to the bone. relaxes contracted conla, restores use M limbs which hare been palsied for years, enuring the shriveled 11. h to grow out and rich blood to emulate through its reins. It restore* the Synorial Plat or Joint Water, sod this Is the reason by it has been ro univer.sally . PLlC*,,ll.li in curing all alireases of the Joints. In &vane affections of tho Liver. Lungs and Kidneys, this great Arabian renatsly stand* unparallelnl: tor Ague Cake or Enlargement ol the Splint, it is a specie, and tar Rheumatism it h. perforat ed some of the mint extrannlinety cures on nv . ord: also for Cramps, Swathe.. 1.1116.1, {founds, Chilblains. Mune, {Vb.. Swellings. Tumors,tc. Sr. It II equally efficacious in disease of AtiMals,,urb Fistula. Poll Eril,Vvreene,. Stiff Complaint. Distemper, Farcy,Spralio.ltruiser.tVounds, Menge. Complaint. tpliut and for nearly all diseases, either in man or beast, which ',to ester. nal application, this liniment stands at thehead of all TT* fallmring to fmm the principalworountatt 4,1 the nenittly and highly reery,table hone, of r CM, A Eno.. of Peons. ALAI ormwolo one of the moot enrcessful cur.,' In Li...160115i.* of ineditat hirtort, 3lr. 11. t./. Farrell: Dear Sir. Actuated be a reueeof grate thine., I aubualt the followiugaa an 10.110011. of the util ity of y our great medicine. hl y ahltd,threnyears old. taw. , thddenli attacked with a terrible Mama, which, in 11., thou .0 /lanes, prostrated it to total hily:etratu The limb., became eorigid that raft Lent; rho heth cost black and cold. amientirefyikpriard the eyes hoed. partially closed and altogether Wand. ndlo.- log thie was de,/ nert all ,nand: the apine becasne con tracted. and that win. laying on its hack. the tem! una bred., wale toughed. Indeed, the child pmien.d every appearance of being drat Immediately on the at tack. the (mil, phytician was ratted in.and too there he labored to relit... It to Teellug, bat all to lOU, although it wag blister. a do:en time, and verien.rubafaciant lin iment• •441,..., A cormulMtion of Phinciana waa thor hold, but to ma port., The gaze wa.., then hionithe !a fore the Swiety. hut nothing could he then which had not already been door: n,,l i ibr toter then told nip he mull do nothing cuida e then ft...tient lip 0,1130 ytiur Liniment freely nor the entire length of the eat., and y Oil may imagine • panent , thy, when. outi r • fear applicant., ref. - moo 101 l oPpurent. Th. chill rapidly recovered, with the erceptie n of th e eight, winch dal tint become pertert for nearly • month. It la now hearty nod nitwit as can to. Fire other thr . - aute kind raw und In to neigh. tothm•l prerionily, all of which dw.l: • hen, no doubt. it your Liniment bail been need. they would hare recovered. P.n., March I, 1.1. HENRI U. CLELAND. Lima Complaint, Rrysiptlas, and Rheumatism Ittrartoa, 51arion Co., Ky., May 21'. 1.4.. Mr. 11. 1.1. V.ll[l.t—l.ar ;qr. Your Liniment 1• wlling Tor, sell. and dome • va,t deal of viA).l amonti tie , 1.0 -pte. pte. It ha. oured • bail ca, of Er, if tads!, and at. other of bad p.m to the bresiit A lady, who wam confined I. her tied fur rovers) month. with Liver Cum taint sad Ade, tiou qf the 'brut, an. entwly rur.,ll.,, P ttor am of your Aulian Unmet:lL t.ho raid the doctors maid 41.1 hay no gout. Mime boon applint la • freak cut. and cured it in a attar. I hal - oh...Et alliticted slat Ithenmattint fqr a Icont. time and lust before • act 51.'11 it pained me ai much dI u( bad no pram end.), end un the Wahl I con menet,' bathing and rubbing with Tont' Linimont , and beton. I wag don. rubbing. the pain rowed 40111,‘ BUCtillah SNIT (7tomplornt, Strerney, Ilutte-mper, Cork, and Sore Byes Cured. [3l Poettnarter at Vint, Fulton County, 111.. '"L irr j .ll. 11. Y.lnu. Arabian Limment I. hinbly pried brre. Ace cured our of my Nlghbor, borer of 01111 Comp. 11l by nhout Nat or he. applinitinne. and I curnl one of r owu of the Sweeney our I , heritt, Lill., cured his horn of • bad Curt with IL he tried it on •• colt ll.ett the Dietemper very bad, tuad cured it immedistel,. Ile eats i• dendedly the great... No,. medicine b. pee., ...rd. 'Chen hare been riumtreni cured cr Nrr lkyes lith It. 1 find It • 'err I - Mashie ineltano botlkbr m.O . 11l Nan Betrarr qr Counler_frits To GUARD AG ..AIN,T 11I1• , P:71TIUY READ THE 1.01.- I,OWINO The Ihabhe •re partici:o.4Y eantvined enaleat • Ave Chunterfro whit kt be. lately cash, it. appear-up,. ahl calk,' by the Irap.eter ahn make. It . 1% . II Yarrelra ,k 1.,. an Lisdnarnl- - ts a dutarrona fraud and cume 'labia to deee_ive from his bnuitur the name a nan.rll. Therr fora be par-Grular fnon' , re toll for etry r.amc "Farrell r , for nay, turiplrd •111 Impo.” the S-PC , I{loll.l aprk you for the genre.. but always aft for "Al, G. 11u-rolls . n irae.an /....r•oul." and Lae no ,tpr. as thr .ravine abouys' has the letter. LI. 6-before Farrell t. ht. stanature WO on Lb, outside •rraol..re. and ther. wanle blo•-n In the Ls. b0tth......y. Liniensed. /Wain: AGOITS 'ranted in re .17 Sown, Tllia.and Mallet in the Unlted b.., In n I lob on. b. not rdahliehol. Apply by lethre to It. G. Farrell. Peoria. 111.. with nood retsreare ex to character. ererem•ltlilt _ 1111 on th e .„„,.Al furedch Tree of Chap ,n honk ronnalnlnn much -31.1.1 n Ink.mtatlon be eereer of HU.... Patca-2.se.hte.:h e.ntl , nnrl ems dollar per .testtle. The only erw.un , . m?ad b 1 G Irrernum and pr.prp•tor. v art.onrsei bedeenle d(11,1I10{.. No. I: 5f.. Po.rut, 111.. oat fee pie aboloetle end .411 at proptiernea pop, by B PY. W LI./ mldtar,:e Ne Z.;Wood etre. .54.1 d by D. SI. CURRY. Ai 'tab., - (Ur V- The Human Body Must Perspire, -SO SAYS NATUR,c,`, to hare a healthy at. mama au ro r a pencil" who do Oct p. , rentru.are'llatie to t o =oat tin VKIn ihAenaaa Nk , a• Chemical :nap and a fre. trirepiratiott, and at dm mine tame moIllfir• and roams lbw al. meirsir It the to.ttun• of an infanl'a. itsb and :a ur not only henled. but cured Ly use. as at lead 7 tan aid." or. Know, who no It in Judi e.t.a. and ilal It unfalltna—an alm. In Pimples. blatrkn. krerklea. or any other skin dinwae The runnier I.ll.natti that this ay wvleu. Puttied o'ntrum, one trial Sill prove. I rrsuld enum..rate at Imo eighty p e e cured of wee heut. tont lIKE, and 'too betel buy it—atal the reader rwitin..l I would o,t ern . ally ...11 it dor the ab,ae, unlea.t I knew It to ta• all I .tale. Thew. rho are liable to chafro.. twaeteCor ch. 4 1 ,1 NI had this not only • ra, nt nra•wnt,t, and now only add. that sol one willirtni with any of the or sar dinms4, tad thi, all. and e'en mon. taiml rahle in ita protarrtk tbs. ttatta. /What. realer, the awry. re looted wtth Indranor.a /nal he ante you sob for JONie I talniseChemiral tNap—and hay 11,..01y cf IVSI. JACti,tr:l, wily 00.01 In Pitteburgh, Ara! et 15 mi. -.- Pearly Vail° Teeth, rakd Purr Breath. to b tuo tnr LS root.—Palo.. who has. rimer. Sr. Lunar. bly 'rtd cost tf thin . I,rostlt It ever no !dui, or their teNh derar•d. dark or (.Iloar, a rad esardwt,l rill m. 4 that •• IS aof Jdoko' ACO ”ci.h 1...t0 rill .61.• Lb. teeth v *Ede •.• no. •nd brvtth oderiierruAT tardel. :old only JACK r etnto. did I.ltodt, tt heed cd A Scieutifiellair Tonie, Itoa.,rer and Beau ctn. Tim,. who hwy. ~J JoSu' CcralAir Kostoror. kw,* .srell , ut,gustaov-- lls‘we who hAvo nos. IN* it to 5.,...Fts ths o.llowt.s quAlitle.,—lt will farce the Lair 4. ,rnrwe sult , stswot . .. tlstur. iutendrJ hwir to grow. ttop 4.1110 s •41: tun, snarl or dxsulrstlf..,l tusk. KAM. rd. or it rsr Smw dolt. tor m.1...4,t rho hair null stabil. can ,sanwl tGls-it makes it troll besullfal, and `t. It It to. th• wort o•ovu1.1.1—yol rat for hair. a, ouly .1 Wit. JACKSON . ° T. 40 LibrlTT PSrP , S. head of Wuol, Palsburixo. P -4,1-411 S mot'. E 4 c00V..4d SI. JONES' S.olutinn Jet, Liquid liumnn Hate Up, tor thy rhsektiog of abitY. nal, or of ale, toa beautiful trowo, I,laelL t•t• rnlor, Its • f••• lrYY—tor mot., awl St by J AL,10.)!...214 1.4 heft l'ittst utgb JON ES' LI LLY tire eau uon.d Lows . Ilse eetanuiv prevanal eimik They are sea aware bee friaLtfull, leyseseove Ow etivf boa c.v . ... love rough. how Fab..., 'ether, aiel unhoalthy it.. raw appears. aft.... lalllar perparelebalk, Ivy tußvs, coatamiug a hare vv.vm, 4 lead , ca lIW. hate prnurvl lersufifol veKetablestroeio, bleb v. .ame.' ~pantell While. It pefievOY brine Putiferl ot all el•l•Wrlau. gaalitsea. awl EL lazvarte In lbw raw a ualufal,llaallll.), al. .1.. r. living vlvti al the oune Gala ar Wig , 14- melee en the ekl. making at Nett u,.l einvolts. SW,' by the Ar...t. JACKSON. .JeJ ,heat, bev.4 .1 INlLJountb. ap.balasrl.4, • Professor A C. Barry's Tricopherous. A hlt - 31Eloll;a111:1) COAIPOUN IP.- -Thil fol. y In*lDg torlinomlnl b lmm Mt. Mum, Miter nt tb. !`,Trotilir AmPrirsa. Comment nn our). .vidrue. Lot Nnt flurry'. Trvotilirronfi I, an artirl. that we tAkr ylea,ure nitanlind the bight ilaiituratationa tie do not Al.. it tpoto w the rerounuesdation 'if other., but front introit o per ~.ou t tooat t uye npon the hill, while it Udall, W trey It health, .aift, d glues,. It alai. minters thin. draft. prevent...nu Lair tad inirltutate. it. growth in o unripiiill.l by any other i . ottiledition tdtoeit ofA yenta. unit deeds to trOil. 10 couviuvrd of thin truth. hold in bottle, ;dire thii rent: the principal oilier 137 Broadway, New lilt. pl o w to tat,. prier Y., tuts, at proprietor , tith es, by IP 11. htiLLE,ltt.. Yuri: So. 57 Icitial it PRITSSES, of all kinds and sizes, for the X relief pad radimi cure Ifernin , nal , fare. faa. MEW ' : t af,,Doffr.u., 140 Waal 0. BOULDER BRACE'S, of u new and peOloy klbd.iwY ret-Ayml and tor ollr by K MrDOWELL, 140 }{'H.l p3O ifirl:ati as:4l.R thrm Great Cure for Dysyeisia! AOTHER.. SCIENTIFIC WONDERI— Dr. Ifoughten's Psalm, tbe trueribreentenulcl.er 0.. Julte. a (heat Dyspepria Ctn., prepared from Rennet, an the earth stomach of the Or, after clitectlous q of _Baru I 1. ; le014,. tkr&rr i t i t. Lhemiet, by J. Hough ho . truly wunrierful remedy for Indlorsition. Dr yer slit, Jaundices Ur. Complalre, Cloostipatfres, ant ha. ittlity,CUl:Ler itftr j iaLerre . e. 0100 method. by Is atmsclo own ^g iltf th e toaikos nful of Pram Inised In wan, gest or dirndl. floe pourultil,f✓noah Gael in arena two e l an, out of the atortsch. ne Gastric Juice i, tbr u r a titia n t;fl , l7 o tif:rpo , lbal,.th h eL , u ‘ i f i attef„ ' . .Ifitttt it tt there can t. no 01g4t.ten—no ran don of fowl into bleed—no nutritiou eJ the tersla hot Mer• foot, torpid, painful, and destructor condition of th e w h o l e dkeetive apparatus. A weak, bet( dead, or In. tun+) Oomph produces no goricl Ilastrk June, ant I honor the dleca,clistrese, and debility which intsm. But (hi. ..of May to soPPle ul=fi o Lpt qi . e. - g%4;dAPtiltn.g=lo7o Ilk It o eaurat °Rattle Jul., intro cheimeal powers, ant furnishing a complete and perfect eubstltute ler The .t been erforation the proceseof digestion arnhciallY h.. long known to Physiologists. Ilunclittal claims the merit of meting the appilollon of this art to the cane( Dyspepsia, Ina perfect and agreeable fortis Hearlthe nicotine evidence! ,Baron Llebig, to hit role• brunt emit a Animal CioraLtry says: "An Artnticlal biased. klei ' d, analagous to the dastrle Juice, ..le pod from the mucous mentheafe of the stmoitchof the In which serious antclesof hoed, en Meld .d eggs. will be Polkaed, clanged, anOillieStal, /net to awe 1000 Call they vaunt be I, th e human stomach." ' ' all ou the Agent for further evidence, of • droll. char meter. It Is &ion winders for Dyspeptic". keens bottle of the genuine I'iMSIN bears the written shouture of J. S. llonshton, id. D., sole proprietor. Ihice, One Doling Per bottle. Pamphlet, cootatoing ...bonne eridesno of Ito velue.fo P adial by Mils. %CAPER k Agents. rftien turnota, 1 .%,11' d " r " ub. g h. Atm. ferule kr a. 4%7.'1 TRANSPORTATION ditiSED 1851. Ar a i LANE ERB AM WOMAN LINK ON THE EXTENSION CANAL. cLARKE, PARKS Jr CO., Pasaurama, PeoreurnoLa. T HE PROPRIETORS of this old anti well Loosen Line.ould haLusti It. public that they ere note In operation for w the 'anent Peaso4 and hetet...nen. Ibeeir.flß Freight and ,Paaasugers, Oath they fully iZtnfrll4lTU ttlOsr i sita tl t;ea C. Tf a tinVoa l t k ol i a ' s Linn will to. constantly et be lauding, 'below th e moooa gahnla Bridge, to na-eme e..ttait. JOIIN A. CALIIIIIEY. Agent,Office. tor. Waler and Smithfield ate., Pittsburgh. CONgIONELat ft. W. ConninghaM, Sea Cutlet, Pas Q. C. latheses, PulaSki, Fat W. C. Molan, Sharon: J. A 9 Unit Sharpsburgh; We.. Adore Co. Groans - 111c Wet. ileum. Ilametotrra Wm. Power, C ie. C. IL Deed. fete. Pat Q. Wallbridge. Buffalo, N. T. apl PENNBYLVAIIIA RAILROAD 1851. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. 1851 Forty-six hours to Philadelphia. Forty-four hours to Baltimore. 280 miles Railroad-103 miles Canal. Two Daily Limes Express Packet Boats. (EXCLMILTELY FOR PA2:92:01:11s.) TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND NEB YORK. 9N the opening of Canal Navigation, Two Pally Oben .henrr Nrw by Po rta I.,gopres,T lailrowlliqS. lean far ,toxn. ROLLIDAYSBUIGII, ITMI=O NEW PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TVEI ilundreJ Time through roam-six Hours. Far+ to Phllaaelrhil, $lO. Fart to Balthaor, Ito Co, oil thia ttkttle an Of., and of the mots enrol, +,l conetructiole for comfort and allot, • . . • • • _ hult.as lure ..rerr morning pnri.elT et F47.lht o'cin. and er~•rT everklug et thp rime Lour. Passengers for Baltimore, On arms' of Car, al 11whburg. tate O. lorl and Cum land Railroad, (non nalrhtd, direct to that city, (eighty lour sutler., Tuut, FOUR No charge for handling Baggage on this route. tor,..nt :iv,' mak, the the tucst comtiate+l , . in. ana Jestr.l,le tout. Coos to the tiot. u Vor nt. itdarmatl..n ...TIT to J. P. 11 - 40 L-311.15, Agpnt, ~, I nn:Amellds & CO. e l'annl Peon nrret- N B On the 1,1 or July. the Venn., le•ola 11.11nmi .111 br hakhr.l 1.• whleh 1.111 Ala..rtg, tho ti.. through hour, Pltteburgh. February '5l New Lake Superior Line.--18M. T HE new e [earner NORTHENER, Capt. B. Mt . , neat, on her &et trw•-•tt.l Owl.: eller at o'clock. :tur Cho Nut n Marie The :learner MANHATTAN. Cap! J./11,1 Caver, nil leave euire ete Merle. fr.. dillrn•ot landin, on lAlt ?ut•rl~r, the 4,1./1.1.4 theelatner tt~rtht•rn: . reuwler weekl, line, Ihmv•hout the relmu. Letarrt .cad tltr Cop 'r and P:cpn in ur.. I•tolaol..10.... nf which Um lollowing ar , •.Plillanyt Marrb It wrlLl.9lrwute teildrlllirfla to Mr lov,r eksr watnr. the Pal , lll Itover•Itolo W•ter Vatorwr. yrut...l hy Mr. Ilavtoq us. I cm. th..nt tor "Ihntaart.rxi March ISSI. The rahmt Itevereitile Mater lekihirer. inveute.l eur..l Lowie. urettliy 1, for min, mouth. pate rvodenre. fa all that our tier". td'h M ' aerehire rhoehl, it a tiritheve th.ge it in" roarer rec.:warm" it to the public. Ji INAS P. FAI ' IILAM atreet.' Throe Finer, aro warranted to lain , out any amen t,to ntarl, may arl tutu donartrowl animal or rem I.lc matter It thewater. 'nu, are rant...l to nar, amt 'with ordinary once will last war ton. and 0.1 culy to le wen to be appmclatci. :-I.ATER t JARDIN. An. 14 ctn., l•talalelchts. Rockingham and Domestic flueenswarc. (001)W Alifftfr,„ L r.Dln.ham and o CO. ;:.. 11 , lan : , • Eon! LITCIII . OOI. Ohio. .1 1 4 - Sarnyle Itnotrin, menet 4 4 1‘th and Lilwely •t reels, (ttound Church bulldlng.) rattan, stoat dies i J 1 It. 11,1 Wholoralottrurers, Our extend., Worka folds stn to 011 orient prompt)) , A rompetant deatgo.q. twin. mtmoutly atm r sbh ken:, pun with all tho ova, and Impnwed,tyl^e of the Water Lena, Spitnons,Pltchera, Fancy Toes, DfirVert Sets, Flower rm., liohloto. Homo! Ornaments, Medicine any Snuff Jam, and artirirs for darn , qtic we, Itt gruat variety. Order: ropulhalw • nicha):tf Heating and Ventilation. • WE ARE MAKING APPARATUS fur Heating Ft tam to Iletele,Court ItOono, lecture Enoms, Bank Ofllers,Blom,Fartorlee, Ilortatalt, and build ing, of toremdmeriptlon, poldie and private. AP., Latin. 'dries amt . /M.oou Ileum, tor all pnrpoe, where rennin , pe temrature, either hht tie low, I. deem.': and for them snowmen no other my th Is equal to it. Nano fur VentilattritOr Imtural trend ineato, hr prepared where drained. u t of the Carious deorintione mentioned are aueo4afully heated upon this plan in Eastern tonne, AI the medical Insure. a .holex.r. uniform hut, M am required temperature, with entire Modem from twat, emote. mime, dual.or damprimie, and aafetr from tire. writ. SCAllrh, AThIhnON TWINE-500iC.j, Wool, for sale by .EM UIIIIpifY & CO. IILORIPE OF LIME-150 casks for sale L.) br •PIS BENNETT. BERRY & CO. AL SODA-200 canko . Co. 17 •pl S UNDRIES 9 balm Corr Skirbb ' 9 rack. Dried Unarm 311199enbr. 3 rentheNVicurt d arst for rale or ay.29 CULBERTSON i W. NAILS -300 kegs ased, for -gale by mrT C0L1110136040 CO. DRY GOODS, &c. V . E.APE SHAWLS—A: A. Mesa?: Ir. Co. tbe attention of Puniai . ia". th° t tuck plato ambriklarol Ilrap• !Quarts gmbefore. exhlbitad in MU tnurket, sad at Wu. lo w that they latter tbettuelvt• Deno= b• yrle• mid quality. Nat. ely .44 61 Marke o*. turn White Goods for Dresses. XtURPHY BURCHFIELD have reed a T utxrrtmerrt of the tarloufi klud, RbiteGoods I I, le: Dreae., melt um Mull itusllux evrism pLaln .ml tiannonk Queen's Lawn. Jacunetvg Muslim 0111 ml%l embrogrr i T. ...W.41 . .1m. French_ "wuK a u= g , ' le. my l 2 o ouuuL Usrugm. I'ACONEWSA CAMBRICS-A. A. Me g so, • Co. here just received per express three cues Lee Jeconettn wd Cambria,. .pl 7 INEN CAMBRIC LIDKFS—An assort- La meta abbre Good. for ladle, hum 12S cents to ,—and Gentlemen's do.. low priced and linedust teed by mys lIUAYIIY k BURCHFIELD. A. L MASON & CO., Importers, Jobbers, and Retailers in DRY GOODS, Noe. 32 and 64 Markel street, Pittsburgh, Pa., NNOUNCE to their friends and the pub tic irenerelir, T i bet exe how smepared to exhibit ile arireat an 4 moot earefullr retectal Mock of ENTIRELY NEW GOODS, her Wee ever offered in r thie city. ecen,:nTeed of the meet ich and faahlortable fabric, •e well en the more common, nd which will be offered at the , . . . LOWEST .POSSIBLE PRICES I which goods ehn tw sold In an of - the Cahtern 'heir two lower salcsrnothh will be devoid exelhohTelY etall trule. and thehorde hrrangod to Dcpartmente, Ic Silk Department., All the the mad fahhlonable style, 'Whorled Mi. semsort. thithlish; the best haat. of Black °llk. . • _ Dress Goode Deprtrtment: CantmDing PoddltD,EkraiD.,Tfvwe, Hemp: de datum cd.tanerrs. De Mi., Lawns, 51.11nd, Cambric:, Jdzon . Orrrd.dinc, Donabadlnes, Shawls, Vizettes, &e. Canton Crap, plain 4=l embroldemt A!so, Thila,t, Lasne, Cashman•, Flit, Palm, Ft¢und dn.. and. ..th, Spurns. Alan, Vlzett,n, Patalnta, Mantilla, Pc. . . , Hasler( and Glove Department it be found complete , with the beet mak. of ton and Silk Hosiery. The hest Kid Moves saw.), on Linen Department. 11-1, ani Whin. Linen, Linen fleeting, Minn CLlnenA, Napkin& blearbed nail brown Dun. vit.Tonelling. Diaper. en. LUMM! Chirtkrti and Dated Cambric, Mill/. In, Book and 'an:molt itlualt, Victoria and Bithop 1.41.111 N a nd 1 ullity and prin.. Ai, Curtain Marna's, Piano Tip Cover, it, Embroiderie,, Laeo,, Trimming, &c. - A cotapirte artortzuent. AISO. Itibbone Mae, Tab, , Paraartia nt all kin& Bonnet, an' the !alert Domestic Good, Department probabir ono id the Parrrt •IttIIPIT, in the renintr, em , rtarion everything knprtn as doniertirs. . . Ihe Pt.d.rietcra feel confident that. with their twine.. unlitivn large acid attruitive alai, and onn•ually low thry cannot give yerfeet vatialivetion. lYbolevale purehaaara . are informed that w 01 be Oran,' to receive their order, at any time. li. wit at ea•tern 1614.. to thigh:ate any eastern bit .1 p ..' nals at the Pamir vaattrn rata, !i and tashlutiabla lioula will he received coast:intl. Ilivsravon ONE iipZl A A,ll/150Y1 tr I\ll URPIIY BURCHFIELD have recd v."Auply nf Greon.Alsymineltluo.amlehenie yir• Al, Hen. Leal C01.m.. my I ERRIMACK PRINTS—New stylea fan , 31crrImark Cochle. Prima. AL, YulYt'rl6* J.3.11i 'Pr., 51 new Ptt ju. !red br nr~MURPHY BURCIIFIELD. lip IDE SHE ETI S—A full assortmen widthe..l rr , ' , l by 13,1 MUltrilA s 1101tCHIFIELD. I , UPERIOR TICKING-31.urphy & Burch Loki havitx the .11 cation huyets to lbot liu•of ur , rior ek Lug. jupt v.! Alno, l'illo• Cam. Mn t.,uote,lenel, bow, good. ,erwrally. no I Hosiery, Trimmings, and Lace Goods. a EATON. ourth etreet, between 62. F M•rkrt art 4 11,r4. Invites the nitrottoo whulr •ar and rrtail Lao rrs n. hit !star sod sell relrrlr:j w.ort ta•nal nr Cotton. ?Ilk MIA Mrrino ju half Hr. and filor, I, at run, anluad Fleart..l and Plano Minor!liihk.l,-; klns l ,Ilk rrannlitse Vhaisreang Pr,ot litaton• and Ttstoutio,... 1.•., C. Codertdr.r, and Foil' tontitl 11,11tP, renels IVorkod Cbemit,tlett, and (.1.1.: lovlttakr. Watt, and Lae, : .1 e'er, MO". INnuty hands and iN rott,ht I lout,iton , lion Crays.. Pe Jolosille Toes sod Bank tlarments sad Wowing llost,„ Itto,,,Netdlts, Tape. Ituttut:•. •nd MLA. and Ilkeutionho flair an.l Teal Ilrothrt: Pertuntery: not and ~,tontzn Van. Partaudo: lephor Wormod Can", and Putt,e,: Lulu • illopets. ',alter, and Xarrl•lot It alkitie watt •urtat ne!" el small wart , and •rfoil Panel Artioloe, *Mao he a at the touest rat, etcher 4.r e,h tq ,Pone..! ct'd‘' ap3'lot ASSINIERES- 90 plc.`, Inner and black. v.' I, ••• apCR ` A IrBIITIINOT NESS LAWNS-4 eases printed, a great . 1.9 variety . tl Patter, tor "ale C A RII:I2TITNOT BEIiAGE LIE I.AINS-2 case. , desirable .tr ...1" so= c AVIIIVTIELNOT ilionllet. 250 Cap, for it. tat' hr „14 ,2 C 1 . 51 . RECO AND NOW OPENING AT 01.0111 'S. No 1.2.4 I:tut - an Arson. A ,07 is •0.1 etlyrinr dor,: of Fashionable 010,1". .14,1 to lt"ntlt tnen nearfarcomprblog lb.- ne.00 , 0 Ft, lot In Asntrisan. Eoultrh, and French emttt tner,. "to, spleosild at'estitownt of I earustnt and Cloth. of ert Isohienattle "hair and color, .hl:th.ttnuther an, I e and wolf eastoors.-topsl stock of /tEAPT MAD, CIA one of the lara-rsi and best ealteted tot.lt.• " - ,1 the Al.gheoluto. all of whirls the Itrootirtor tt ted-soln,f 14 , .1, at snel4 Pd.". will ,t`t."o". oil übo farmhims-110 acll, tbaNnet tole the nratt mancriot Crothtt:c i• .01 , 1 at Qat "stantashowat, boo alst, at W. lot" 7 . l4.llnrln.itneexteut.M. nail oval. in I. be ,, t po•-•Ible cv+onn. an 3 at the thnrlxlt netim. Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse, No. 10: , MARKET STRTET. Rft. PALMER r.ffers for sale. fit very . f.ll nr c ma I MOM.. en a em CLop, Lae.. Cum.Ln. '''' l:4, " 211 ? ... 2. 1 . 4.13'5. roth... Lrgbnro. Lano• arnl and 11,1 m Los! fa ti I.ehnrn . 11nW. tr. 4 . • L. , 11 . 0 ' Lind, othrr tdm.. in'grost nari. et , Ithar , ori,l Wllll2,v, , —Licb I,pu,t and belirt, snrlo asni Tal ranc, oisuse ftn4 Crap,. cape. urn! 'what, and eolnrrel 191 k .04 ()Awn NO.. rh.,4 is' r T lirstd. Prlering-s, 0,, Jr. I'id)ll nr , - n Frre O eh and AmeTirso Sprlv.Funch , mn.l 0 .1 . /.. Ger. an Nz.- pl.n, rXT 111;11,. ani ar‘orte. ' ' .: l ,l.7 o 7:V.,L l AT! ' j;«.l,l2alicien , Sri TOOT, Vrlen-11 . 11nroln at.d Crohrella.! Daat:l Bnxen,,e., tr mchitt CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &r. W. IicCI.EriTOCIC lr now rorodantir wwwrivlnE EprtnE! , lawk CARPETS, OIL CLOTIIS, ,t TRIMMINGS. In part thr L.llnftnc raiirtir. CAIII'ETS. F.stra Ho; ,rlret do. TaEr•Vr, dn. brurmlw. rxtra rupwr. 3 ply: suprrhua pl,. ,uarm.n. rail.. Env dn, fin. do, rota.. . and E-4 Cenitlam 44, 4 4. Sot, and 84 . and 2-, tam, and oottm, dn. RUBS, 'LtTS, OIL C 1,01116, ez,. ilstra ChrElll. II nyt.r. 'nue dr.; dn ; ratmtuftr.l do.: Er. 4,,,mtnr,rd. Chenille Mao. tuna do. dc .. ahwap C l do: Ad.in.tle dn dn: Thrum dr. dn. Crnmhl.tho. Felting . 124, Ind 8.4 A1.).--,lnwt uu Cloths. rut It , fit any PltV hall room. r—s. 84. 44..04 E-4 011 Clnthr STAIR ItODS, BLINDS, TABLE COVERS, Sc. A1. , -nAlr R , ds, of .11 Carpet 11Itullorm: pmt,, RaG.l.l; 64,44,1,13-1 MstrinA, 'rah Llrenr, Cr v.r. anJ 1.1w.r. Honked:mm.9 an Tronnpareut Artodowt.h..l... Ilulf Window 11,11At01.. Vermin:al 1101st.. Embos., Com•mmro: do Lad. , do . do ,Isamt do.: Worst, Table dc . R A vimmgim,rteal and pmnotiamA4 nor rtrykdityrt from OW 010 , 1 mm lebrerd s, being of and moot .. p mor , sty snd colors. mrr sr. pmpsr, In roll oor tn. ltd. nal eII•IGIMVTA fmrmmo, 4: 0,, can y.P. mn any A-mr.rn Clem, *Ve cordmall, rash. all to ,sl.l sod esamW our stock at The Carpet ‘VitrOmuso, r..i Fourth street.. mehl9 W. m,cLINTocK. ti wLS A: DRESS iiOODS—IS enrton, , 1,.:1 of It,. moot ImmmhlanAtd, ricr.r st A. A !11A.50N t CV, Al.', earr• of nr.. Lamm, Ilm.r e.mmbri , .. sod J..., , 0rtt. Arl4 . . ALACK. FRENCH 1..1.0TH5. -MurtrL A Illm - truntAtm hay , uo,r mitleme this ,I•rmuA pop', 01 lai Cloth.. .ith , u , t? the esti+ of orlstleinro slohlta.; •mmDtdf • lorrah ocoubs___ m•uNes Cotton punt , .ton, and for 0,0. nVs MURIVIIA A too Ohio Laboratory. .:1. 7'6 9,2 Z 4lllll ' lififir • IRV SO *1 95 1110 1 )? sr, 0 p .1 .1 Per vent. Strength.' °WELL FLETCHER & CO., Manufactn _A mrsla A:AY/1101z hur Spirits ter Cologne awl Brim- Copp.. Dintilied Whinkel N.ayn on Wid. • 84,r83.8- or Vine soil 8-B,nt .troln, (!lntlN. Onto. , . . . • • ,0, fran l'ittobtargh 1 ,rnmplly 1114,1 at 4 111 olarket I,rlr,r, Wines and Liquors. biberty.st., Danis crack,factory. caw% of l'itt,burrd 1.1 a. stokresrt. of N V. CICEISEN STOIJVENEL, respectfully .tooomo to the public ,nsrally, and their Mends peowilly, that t boy hays established a NEW WINE And Ll4Loii :WIPE ut the above !laud. where they shall al. at s assp s full sasortro•ot of the hest stork—Bhwells and French nal aud white Wins% Alw., Jamaica rota. andlale Brandi.% of the choleert vintager, Jamaica rota. Holland Irteh Whiskey, champagne and aparkling hook 44 we most unproved brand% port wines. bladsira, sherry and niuerat Wino, Aboosthe, sc. 'Also,tardlnes, Holland herreinta. :lair. mut Limburg . Cheese. All of whleh they will esil, wholesale. or retail. an thereat reuouable terms. Vns of the rArtnertt. Mr. etnnvonsl, the hla luiprlrtation husinera In the city of N York, the above trot le ruabled to sell a cheaper anda better article than any othla h er house In Uthl city Please give a roll, berme pyou roase el sow lo 1/W - Vtamllles supplied tree of extro sailer, end wish to be heal Snit rte do not claim for It a unirerral application tow. coy nesse ti we unheritangly say . , a that In number Chronic Diereses it rinrindled. Among these at. Oa.- enumerated—ell diseases of the mercers ;sum, each en cnuosic BRONCHITIS. CONSUMPTION , On Its earl EASTHMA, and all Mirrors of th e airnarsarm. Lli - Eli COMPLAINT. DYSPEPSIA, Dint., Dimes of the Bladder and Kidney; Pains In the Hawk or Side, Norma Mime; Neuralgia. I . alsr, net:malls Pain; bout Erni!. W. Teary , Ringeorm; Omni, Scald; Bruises, Old sore* • se. A. In our. of debility, reining form 0fP040,0 , Or long cod protristed <8...2 of amber, tole medicine will bring relief. It 0111 ass as a general TONIC .and ALTER ATIVF, each rare. imparting Ines end natal _to the whole frame, removing Oh-Ammon. opening Ora alu.Wab functions, which rause illsotee and a broken mot:Mutton ofd giving incroorrvi an! renewed energy to all the organ life! The proprietor knows of tomClllire, of PILES that mimed ewers other treatment, get w e ll tr offer them* of the PETROLEUM fur a Wirt time. The proof east he given to my - remit who denies it. to, . . No thsuuMe without the signature aMO p Sold hr o.%ropilita: Oanal 'Air; by R. E. PE e s, /7 Woad m 7.. blond RENTER it DOWELL, comer Wo.l rant and Virgin emer,nno norl 4 / 7 ' 7 , 1/ regularly . appolakd 00% PEACLANATION. KNOW all men trho are sick and afflicted with armee of the Divider and tillstrya with Aun t. yid. in bark or limbs, oi Jnt, old airearunnlng i that they tan bemired by takdog the DETRO- Ltilikt. lOu may talk about it, Ming tats P.m* ea you plea, but thin does not make it ma for waproctnipt.: In the fa. of ex bonen cominthulty. that It bay sates whith are not contained - Di My other remedy.. The man who Ic rack. with Taira and mitering from disease, an, for Iw cents, get tellef Dom •115 'a the Ills enummated above.. Realer! It me. yeti . tittle to make a trial. This Nett. lens, is no inlzrcur-no empanel., put ttP Int thaltAl,_• of impwing on the oommittury; but It Ira rentedeetanmar tod by the meanie hand of nature. and bubbles up from the Weep of our mother earth, in I. original purity,' and cf. ' feta to Flittering humanity a ready remedy, a nand cheap mire. It o im cured ,Pilea. after other medicines have - A il ed to mrond: any relief It bar cured Rheumattrut of long ulls,, and of the ...Anal mod et:darter. It hi ref coral Cholera Morbto, by one or two Mr.. ',lt has . hisold CISC, of Diarrhcesa hi which every otherietnady ha., beim of w, .rail. Ae • local remaly In Mama sad ,.eeLee It to bettor than .7 mcitical omopounds or ointment that we knnw.of. It will cure chilblains and (natal fret. • it, a few application, undoubted bietimony min be fundak. al of the broth moWotd in the above statement, by =Dr Ing on SAMUEL M. KIER, Canal Darin, Sera:db. rtnatk either. of the ogeptC. Lf. e r ys Ac=ll 7 l.i.c o rite , - ; " t7if. 4 l o .trutt. - 24 1 11. Corti% Asgbeihr City. e.re e aglllGr IMPORTANT TO TIMAIOTIM); - :' R. ROSE'S CELSBR4T.RP RE3.7,PrES. —hi. J.Ol, AM. thr thSerrrer i tird sole =Se= • toter iglnVoretV,lrktg.4l":llllV ga it forMatiofrAh u s ke u nT ' oc TrlctbVtitt'PrTrieien. • Ulm 27410 r IEL craduate of tbe 1 pls . eranY of l'.R..y r. gtd 11. 7 year. since bars Locrrengatred In um meenios ,od • ear, arid the appliCation of remedies thereto • Ilannala the am of hie ?Moo t o ady to moneololopolla M P eTLl Phi rLa=lPor . eili r a: . ° .T.l. f .V4rit... " ,u li .. .:= and fazaa paladin. Tu . la Couratintnion,' Scrofula. Rheumatism. drib ma. Tem and dove, Foaswo . All kinde, Chinalc ErTAP.Ine. and Oil th.s. of aaeirset allay to female.. IMICC.I. MIT form af valdehm. under the me of hie remedice. to which hvonend. - ty la ben—net by the ate of one ntopeund truly, for that L. intoropatlble with Phyelological Law, but by the =a 01, Ma reotedice, adapted to, and pre...albeit far, each inCOI.I•T . • form of dixtrure. , .• . . Itr. toter Todo Alterative when wed, ars tenth. toy ark nowledged to be superior triall others. as a parlor Lice or Herr pill. Inatonach as they, leave the bowe. Pa Wetly flew f tton custivenert as oleo his Goldeu Pills an y• the faculty, to pawns wileliar propertica fan , - bol to fronale dbesene but beingtled tbat, • bare trial rolltelent to establish what kee been esti, in the Waded the utortekeptical• . The :Bated are Invited to call wen the agent. .ka cure (elate) one ortte ItortnerpLAUTlatewele ed account of rich remetl 44 reap tt.' • For deby the fc4toerin," z sp. ea well try putt drpt este througtuntt the twuntrt: J. &boom:maker Co.. Wood rt. 15tletnwskt. J. M. Townsend. Druggist, 45 Muket. at. " Lee A. Bocith.a. Druggist. heer the TOlt. Ofk.. Alleit• DT cur. iTe l keme=i l iPat '4 P 4'. 4 .k; T. Aderne. Balmer. 41 f• it 11114.2.111 T I% . WiklMiWU.r I - - - OR THE AFFLICTED will be foetid in r c. Softener's' IIfIe.LLIBLE LLNIMENTe OR fluid. which h. stood the tart of thtrt7..ll3- eenefte end beyond a doubt. been the mons of see n. an dere tbmtsneds of Ladle - 1..1N tn almost emr class sh uns { ter of Siam. We feel Q. tee bawd-nu. ill. tt fns. ing that thls Lithe only asedkfte that ha. been alfered to the affisted.ftat does, to every endue( the med. , abed it Is mid fee. - • • • . It has tweed and ix carablo of esedsdr uteri disesuise duds 11.13$ Oth. utMIt7MD offered for ode, we nuerpot bf *boa =ado or old. or by whet name. inV74l tb. .d.: i l Wong al zown . : , l=l of tht i a rser .p.k.r,t,g, tnallawierer two . 51:11dol=rif ed lbe prelim o f the gine CCI.III.Ir. I n =lt igreqb 1. I . wily Ileac. ores offered for e. or used by . Lard them, .0 r . . ' Tile Ape. 'loos 11. Grinnell late M. C. The Mon. RAMA. n_ IL Morns, late Mayor. John lto A. ttir.,. S. her `tor. ACME. U. Porter, Esq., Editor of Oa Spirit of thel Timms.' • beet of other thetlngalehed 011OSeCt, of MOW York. rho hare fully lazed It, menu. have pertained tha proprietor to refer to than. M it is well known the... Patent Mullein... not = ally patrol...ll by the learmeL wealthy and balite ' Jar ' T r es u irAe r r . tra b iltr COVT= l rie b b 4 g r at= - 0..0 years before toepoblle. it. boot Meal, an. narrate enema-et arid bat. MU most undoubtedly la Mons and ronvinclng l fr i r of II erfu . i i r arld mantles gi:c=t 0. dr. s.orj.,°4.'"ltra dantir the phut and aches th a t nest, to hole to. • er 1,000.000 bottleshave been void without complaint. and boor Pet - talon 'such atonialliug arra, eller ' , tomtits bare falleel. as would ' , regret - Witt teed eflered. and In our nceseadon• the etrongest mettle • &nee. . . This medicine, or nature. remedy. is prepared from Ile. e tables. fur internal a. well external ova It act. dired. dieesl o =relaix It brnZaka.ndangt It is a ear. cot ..1 all wienioodie affection., d 1,..,.. la the /iWrn ' irib ' Weakness In male or female, from nhatorer maw - P. may bare originated.. • For sale ln Pitteborxh. by LE. the , Menem ERICA and Ogden it enoudem and Ty the retail ventrally. leis pot up info., Pres and one al11111:Vai To the Readers of the Pittsbtirgh Gatetti4 - DUBLIC. ATTENTION is respeotlr • vited to the following trAlet, let bran pfili one of the moot Important remedies of manna . ' PETROLEUM OR ROCK OIL; it to not mon than omi Tear ago Great re r. m:p a =brought tailse the ro heal, have, 'airier then. become fully ap=ot C " 4 "l m eummunity, and we anew. that the longer it la to m e more certain will ingrut fin. spread. lt not the Inn* rely a a tins. got hP Mr the wile PUrpo4o of making monem i. other whkhoire rowel., will condom to be mod when otber umtrume hero been Conlon.. The Penal.= ha Neutral Rmarly, elaborated In the depth. of the earth by 'a miser and agency that' laughs to morn all human nun titan. It IA out duty. when no write a bout awl% Murrain se write the truth—that we ray nothimf toted docene throe who may trurt our vord or gut mug: deuce in or rtatimentot Tye MS are arty 9t we+ rt. any thing that, mambas relief hum dkomer 'hadary eft hardly be our highly wrought to answer the 'ohiee& of gun ny or humbuggiog vane or them. Mrs sa do not-dean& to I , this so are =Moue only that th e loos, in relation 00 ear c omedy should be told. in order to vows for It a rem, tenni far exceeding Any Moglo article lo the motels mad. me. Plato utmantiohvlbani—farta thus may be imeettalheil lo our city sod nelytitimhnial, tear ample testimony to O. ler el the Petroleum. • Within the enst. two months, two of onr men ellisen4 Lo aro , beally Wind, have been marmot tonight, • Bar. crab roost et' bllaluoss, In the Stets of Ohio, have b e ,s, oared. Minket, the roma a gentleman ha Beaver Winn, Then ars atter. Wallis= ars wet near botonomad Mat be Wo) M hr ror Mims who hare doubts mi . EuLtnt2 . s. trot. these maw were cured Oter they hod beep ad• by yhroltiana as hopeless. The Pcirprengs ill whoa ucel arormlinsto dlrectimm—lntnhoca,Dtrymbech Pinvy .. theurnat the r,thalLertMkaura , won Ltwo r sMm„ LalS troll, palm the brows and /Zit old sores, lir " mn; W oos Ague, entente Coughs, Al 001 kronchltht. and all Pulmonary adections of a the nature, ton to gr. duro Cosenouption. & a kin, dimes. of the plodder and rldruMi. Chwrel Hands, Eroorlatet Modes, (brae and Bardeen 1n faro, It Le a 06005 retreat. antent, end km been terod to meet of the alum diesoes within the plidt year with the woct torten PlartVo.o. Ceraseldig that will astonish are in the E made of the Pronrietor, who will tate Wanes Inabow• !lig them to the afflicted or Slaty Mend, Whaterer Inhere cup fly knout Mar =edict:MN t2m Petroleum to the gr Wm! Burkett of the ega• Ph deist if high standing In the profession are beginning Introi s their prattles. Those who At trot !yokel on with doubt and uncertainty, aro willing to award It duo praise ant roccileration. Before another year rol tit round, all will Int compelled te acknowledge that the Petroleum ,ls the great en medicine ever discovered. Tor sole hole.ar. and no tall, by ' RETBEIt. 11cD011 F.LL 140 Wad 4.- Abo—R.• E. Fellers, 57 Wood nowt; - D. )1. Curry, L. Jo Elliott, Jim!, Diright&egibez din), by tb. p r , „ rt i Arty . and Fahnestock Co.. iro ' Cirand Fron t. t sta 41.10 . • • SELLERS:. IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP: netrL o ta i ke. and lillit/7 • ; Hr. R. E. ro uble s-317 children, li m t. Dears. hays tem . 1117. abject to troublesome maxim aml berint rurel gigeserp; remedies to rem lIWO Tonne.; d timeneute about roar (MUM e 1 .1.76= 1 .7 . 1Vi r ttfal . v • ni: ll l=l:t r it t aitteren belled m Cum Md.. • 1 ham recommended It to my nett:blur; end do matt conadenclously behme Ma MU the Met cough medlcurn that hen over beeu offered to the Anna, Puente Mould-slot peradt theirchntren to term UM count, oboe they may be clued be • :IS et boule et this 8 7 u retared sad .old by_ EELLEkEe • mdem 07 Wood It., aml Loruzgiat cesexaily. • ATENT MEDICINES, ae.—A large atoek 1 jL ill In don. and for ale on the most Lbs..' tem% v., f ; uliktris Ointment I n .i"egJi.l,,,lL - -- .• ~- 1 tsttial Salt ot Eiiiratti d Mir - OA Nerre and 80. Lltament e i tizt +•• . 12111.1.4 Luga r _. t. ilmdeltior., Stare. - I 1.7 . 1 % 11! A . :A Ii: I , ' : a :4r; : s "* I .C k T ea :::" . 1 1- " t ":::::::7 2 , , n .1 r.L. - : I - Legem IT:P=.o " l h ig . p , ...Biotke 1 - . . kolCAnti-DTP.Tti. ~, _,,, W.. t 71 , 111115,te. •-• Evans' I .......t P.PPtriolut ' -.- or nr r nt e u m j.l3.lpo'Tolltat. Crumtocker's l/rVen Gem. Moe, c o r nt - I : nr.r- i.,.; , ni:.P—.--- , ‘•.- .: j lOsedet.er Lial.rnept , - - . lOold. limt.o ,_ : , Intrg.',l4er - :7: ' IL IV. WICKY4I6,BAN. in= of Mood and Sull, tlinatilL ' ,