The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 31, 1851, Image 2

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And I stir
in whit
- relierre
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his fel
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and e
Giving the parting band, with a severe but of.
fectionate grasp, the valedictory was,
"Now. stranger, you know where my cabin
, is--don't pass without giving me a call, and stay
leagenough to give the people a preach."
r The, missionary` found afield of labor in a new
, and growing village, among population quite
ae intelligent and virtuous ns the people
. of his native .State, and a church edifice, a flab
..bath school and bible class arose under his la
... The The sletbodist. preacher, whom his brochure
at,quarterly meetings never suspected of having
been mistaken far a robber, in doe time doffed
Isis wolf . skin cap and leather hunting shirt,
became clad in: the cotton garments, spun and
wove 'by Ids Industrious wife, inade ' a large
-farm ZrOparect a apacioits "camping ground"
, for
annual consecrations, and witnessed
the conversion' of many sinners under his own
labors. • . •
The missionary acknowledged to the writer,
wbenhelevealed, in somewhat confidential mien
ner the story of his fright, that he was but half
educated when he came to Illinois.
Both these men had their appropriate spheres
of usefulness, to which they were fitted by na
ture, hsbits, education and grace, and both, many
7Vani sieve. -Iced the plaudit, "Well done thou
good and fate. al senrant—enter thou into the
joy of thy Lo "
• • , 1TT13.81111.0.11.
SATIIRDA • 310IINLNG, MAY 31, 1851.
novel form," en , l did not convey to the mind of I tbeks is littltprospeet or the maw of any of
the missionary.exactly the idea Intended.
"You looked mightily sheered when. I found Should the Mountain triumph in this coming
• r a m in the prairie I reckon you was sort o'
Still the replie; ;were vague and confused, and ticipation of the terrible vengeance which will be
it iri4 not untitthe owner of the Cabin, in a loud. visited 'alien those who, for four years, bare so
and animating tone, struck up the termite hymn
Pesely deceived the people, and trampled the
of die fa/layers oilcan Wester'
constitution and liberties of France under foot,
'`,..kuleargekeep I have,
and established a despatisto de .4icto more gall
. Ja.God
t o,
A rieierdying soul to save, ing than any that has been' endured 'for a cen
. And St aloe the sky. , buy.
in which his trifejahoed, that the missionary wart
. relieved from his perturbation, and could con.
verse Calmly. The hymn was followed by a
characteristic prayer; in which the 'stranger"
was affectionately remembered -at the throne
avaerey,, to which tbe wife responded, with sev
eral tillable groans. Conversation followed the
,evening-.oblation,lduring which the missionary
filmiest:did, profession, and his object in travel
,' ling, mid received due reproof for his previous
'har.dtwardness: ' Eat he . had not the heart to tell
' his fears and kit:retinal from the apprehension of
robbery and Murder frozen kind hearted local
Methodist preacher in a
,"hackwhod's" disguise,
who woo the first man to preach the gospel to the
scattered population on the borders of the Grand
prairie, east of the Okan.
• Nest moaning the missionary led in prayer,
and after an early breikfeist the hospitable preach
er raddled - his own horse, with that of the mis
stoney, .and , piloted him to the "new" fording
place :meat; the river, several miles in the direct
tion towards
County Convention.
„ . c... 2. Tito:l , 76in and Maim . asox of dile
eteny County ' .rm;et Mls dm can of Mar,/ at the
• Tuaa law. 4,.r bid x prixttxr xwmtax L t .tlt*. Ttx i
shim xon.extirxty, t .1 o'clock. 1.. M. and la the seemal
Ward: rurt Dona 1. cod Pitt Tr, at. 7 o'clock, P. "01,10
telect tau - delezateercona each elmtionDirMlet, to a County
Om mulles.' to to held at the Court Hook, ou Wearmalir,
Atha' June mat, 5.1,10 o'clock, A.M., to make the County
i.a.samgAn promo:atom to the next. General Elortom, nail
alto to appolat &legit. to the State Convention. to meet
n , on the,24th of Jtm.
- 1 Jlithllf. %LNG, ..
Wer. C. Fertan, Sy. Ch'n of ComMitte.
'First Page—gethodist aitarchvase,-the
Tiirtl_Page—Locd tems--Telegltphic-
Fotirth Page—Waiterbureonr. -
—These take pinto to' day aethree o'clock in the
townships, except Pitt, andat seems o'clockP. M.
in the wOrds and :boroughs. It fWonlyhecessa
ry to remind our readers:of the fact, for we sop
pose they ' . hare : ail clads up their minds by this
tips Lobe present : , acd to discharge a duty they
owe alike to themselrrs, their fellow citizeos, and
their party. Prom the large majority we hove
is `this county, it may justly be said, that the
meetings held this evening will decide the choice
,of the officers to be chosen. It therefore becomes
tee ~p e,tial dety of erary Whig to take a part
is thescleetios, and to endeavor to premons the
chtdes of upright and capable teen.
iirmiinpprehenions are felt in France of a vio
lent ictiticakconinlsion. 'lt 13 not in France as
itis.witli es. Herd we are all aiming at the same
thing, and differing only nitwit the means of at
taining it; while there the differences among
politicians are radical,•' deep, irreconcilable and
violent. Here, as regards the form of govern
ment; there Is hut woe party; in France there
1. The Legitimists, who desire the return of
iho Bourbone to the throne. This party is not
numerous, nor are they fully agreed among
themselves whether they want the old or the new
branch of the. Bourbon family.
2. Imperialists, who desire a restoration 'of
the Napoleonic dynasty. Leads Napoleon would
favor this view, it is thought, were there the
Smallest' hope of miccesa. The party, however,
is =tile and progressive. '
S. Tow:Alias; composed.. of the pereooel ad
herents of the President, and who are in favor
of altering or over-riding the constitution, that he.
may be retained otee; fur by the constitution
he ie ineligible fora aecoad term. It is hardly
ntemary to say that this is Louis Napoleon's
party._ It is at present the most active and
powerful of anyin'France.
4. `3,loderate republic -ant. This is rather
class than an organised party. They are la
boring to check' the ambitious and uncon
otittitional designs of the President on tha one
Land, and the viriettee of the Red Republicans oa
the other. They are the only truly conservative
part] in France.
6, Red RepubliOans--Thia party, made up of
several factions at different shades of violence
frenimoderate'repnblicaniam to Robespierian ja
cohinisan,is the party.whose rapidgrowth and un
tiring activity is filling France and Europe with
alarm. It is made up of the detTerate and nn
'crapulous, among men of mind, who inflame the
passions of.the poor, the suffering and the igno
rant, an& are laboring to prepare them to re
enact the terrible scenes of 1793. In this party
are to be found thO devotees of Fourierism, Core
naunism, and other doctrines, the tendency of
whichis to shakeithe entire structure of religious,
political, social and domestic life.
Against this last party all the other four have
bitherto arrayed themselves as against a common
enemy. To break their power,the law of the 31st
May was enacted, which deprived three millions
of conatitntimud voters of the right of stiff rage—
an arbitrary and tyrannical act, and one which has
done more to strength= this dangetns party
than any thing else that could havePliecia done.
To keep down filu r s party, the prey .lies brew shackled, alubs 'suppressed, an *Ai* 1T 13 3'
maintained, and the conatitutimOilii is its
letter mad spirit, systematicallyinid./(eilberatety
violated. •
• Whatevek we, the ultra , reinblicans might
tusks of power, should they obtain it, all must
acknowledge that their qtFretis just; and this
.it is which is now tilling the , minds of all the
other parties with dismay.
' '
Under the Constitution, the President is chosen
byluniversal suffrage fora term of four years, and
isnot eligible to a second term. It is now proposed
to alter . the constitution, so as to enable Louis
'Napoleon to be a candidate for rmelection. This
point is pressed with unyielding pertinacity by
the President and his friends, backed, as is
appreed,by the army. Should the Assembly re
fine to do this, the President has thrown out
stgallcant biota that he will resort to a coup
d'dat, and place himself permanently either iu
the Presidential chair or on the throne—the
difference is name. On the other hand,
should the Legislature do this thing, the moon
taffy(which is the name the democratic party is
is France,) has given them warning
that that act than btrthe signal for the rieiug of
the people, - and the overthrow of all, those now in
icier. This is the great dilemma which has
Sited ill. melding Frenchmen with alarm. The
natibiis menaced with tyranny:on the one hand,
a n d- u isay.hy on the other; and from one c or the
a the i Do
,ssgacity can see a Way of
. The eleetion fOr Fresident does not take place
ante the there Benday in May, 1852, but the
i l uestiosis already t'Fitatgairii4 greatoarnest
nen:. Besirif prominent are apokoh, of as
candidates; but with thi'itaitipariista on the one
£d., and the Red *elilibraltans on the other,
MAY 22.
. Resolutions approving of the schema of Afri
can colonisation were offered end referred.
Dr. Krebbs, from the committee to whom the
report of the board of Domestic . Missions was
reported, offered a series of resolutions. From
them we gather that daring the last twenty-one
years the number of missionaries has increased.
from 101 to 590; the increase of funds front
$12,000 to 979,000 ;'thit 943 new churches have
been organized; 1,484 bosses of warship erect.
ed ; and an addition of 40,000 souls gathered in
the missionary churches. The prosecution of
the work is earnestly pressed upou the chur
. The Presbyterian board of publication is re
ferred to in cheering terms, with a recommen
dation to the board to afford increased facilities
for obtaining their publications by placing them
in such central situations as they may select.
nr:' Scott, deleiate from the Dutch Reformed
Church, addressed the Assembly, expressing the
fraternal feeling long entertained by that body
of Christians towards their Presbyterian breth
ren. He was responded to by the moderator in
the same spirit.
Tae CIRCUMBINDII3I3B.—The Wellsville Pa
triot lea= from Civil Engineer Noble, who tuts
just completed the survey' from Wellsville to
Beaver, that the route is much more favorable
than many portions of the road already comple
ted. The recently surveyed route has been loos
ted to "Smith's Ferry,"--nine miles above Wells
old, poprdar, and well 'known hotel, has passed
into the hands of A. G. Allen, Esq.. whose con
nection with the hotel under its former proprie-
On., has made him well and favorably known to
tho numerous patrons of the home. We learn
tom the Philadelphia Inquirer, that the services
of a most excellent and efficient lady hare been
secured to•.eaperintend the housekeeping, and
attend to the wants and IleCCV3itieS of the ladies
who patronize the establishment. The house
has been thoroughly refitted,, painted, and pa
pered; the baths hare been pits in complete or
der; verandahs are being built in different parts
of the house, and it has been splendidly refur
nished at a heavy outlay. We have no hesita
tion in saying that the Visited States will bear
the prosperity that has ever followed it, and
sustain its character of one of the hest hotels in
-the Republic,. See advertisement in another
refer oar rea3er to the adverisement of Messrs.,
ftastian and Carrel, manufacturers of Thrashing
• Machines, SeMirutors, etc. Their machines are
among the best extant, doing the week rapidly
and well, and entirely clearing the grain
They are alsoportaUe, being easily removed tropl
phice to place, and caw be min with very little,
Power. Farmers ehould givetheso gentlemen a
coil, and examine their machines.
The Whig Primary 'Meeting le Pitt owns*.
will be held this ercning, at 7 o'clock, the same,
hoar at which the meetingw' will be held in the
wards and boroughs.
day last, James Hamilton alial Thacker, con,
rimed of murder in the tires degree, el Lanier,
ter, ia 1847, sae brougLt up oa a writ of baLeai
corpus, for the purpbcm of being discharged
from custody, the judgment below haring been
' Sheriff Huber appeared with the person. a col
ored man, accompanied by Geo. Ford,. and
Attorney General Franklin. • The Attorney Gene . .
eral, nn hearing stated to the Court that it waf
ant intended fusilier to prosecute, and he wad
The judgment of the Court below was revers
ed because of tv defect in the record in not eta•
ting that the prisoner eras asked why SellteliCe of
death should not Le pninounced on him; and
since the trial, many circumstances have come to
light which go far to show the innocence of the
prisoner of the crime of murder None of the
Governors would issue the death warrant in the
.llnssacitrenrrs.—Mr. Goodrich, Whig, is
elected to Congress from the ith dletrict." This
mikes two Whigs and one Free Soiler chosen.
Representatives contains 233 members, and the
ratio of Representation under the present Cen
sus is 93,702- In the next Congress Arkansas,
Indiana, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania will
gain each one member, Illinois, Michigan, and
Missouri each two; while Maine, New Hamp
shire, New York, North Carolina, Tennessee and
Vermont each lose one, and South Carolina and
Virginia each two.
. The apportionment for tie XXXIId Congress
shows a remarkable change during the last ten
years in the relative strength of the States in
the House of Represent/dives In tbe-
Cong,reth Maine hall 0 members. SKr, haenow
but C. New Hampshire rind Vermont had each
5 against 3 now. Massachusetts 12 against 11;-
Connecticut 6 against 4; New York 40 against 33;
New Jersey Si against 6; Pennsylvania 28 against
25; Maryland 8 against 6; Virginia 21 against 13;
North Carolina 13 against 8; SeuGt Carolina 9
against ft; Georgia 9 against Si Tennessee and
Kentucky each 13 against 10. So much for loss
es; now for the gain's. Alabama bad 5 Repre
sentative in the xxruth Congress—she now is
entitled to 7; Mississippi had 2, and now has 4;
Laminas- 3, no. 4; Ohio 19. now 21; /Michigan
1, now 6; Indiana 7, now 11; Illinois 3. now 9;
Missouri 2, now 7; Florida, Texas, lowa, Wis
consin and California have come into the Union
since 1843; with an:aggregate representation of
ten members.
Sixty one years ago the Republic contained
less than four minions of inhabitants. Since
then it has increased to over twenty three mil
lions. The same ?Win of increseo for the next
fifty years will show- a population of over 100
millions—a goodly number with which to begin
too 20th century. The number of slaves has in.
creased from 097,804, in 1790, to 3,179,689 in
1850. The slave population in 1800 wee 693,-
,011; in 1810, 1,191,864p' in 1820, 1,639,084; in
'lB3O, 2,009,021, and in 1840, 2,487,113.
From the 'C•. York Ittrilj.e of the trrtb—alterooon
German Celebration of the 26th of Jfay—Attack
upon them at the Elysian Fields, 4, New York
"Rock Hoye"—Bard Fighting—A number of
persons Killed, and Many Wounded—The Nili-
Lary marched from Jersey City to quell the riot,
rt . ., et,
CWe will merely ~tate for the information of
such of our readers as may not be familiar with
the localities around New York, that Hoboken Ls
a village on the bank of the Hodson, opposite
the upper part of the city of New York, and
Jersey City is some two miles below, opposite
the lower part of Nework.3—En. Plrrspraan
One of the most disgraceful riots that over
occurred in the neighborhood of New Sark, took
place yesterday, at . Hoboken, N. J., resulting ID
the death, as near'as we can ascertain, of ni
or ten persons, and dangeroosly weibodir
many others. The particulars, ae near
eon gather,
briefly as follows! as wo
The 26th cif May is always
rated by the
Germans 813 a ho li da y —hare ' home—in the
woods and green fields in the
%uhurbs of their
great cities. Their certain'
,mea gimag pretty
much the sato e as those e
.ireimed in the May
Day festivals En g lin Y l . and In soma parts of
our own country. •
A g leeahl y with ' II ' custom, large numbers of
Gelln _T.,, went "I T to Hoboken yesterday, and
proceeded is„
° Elysian Fields. At about one
o'clock,• timated that some fifteen thou-.
and. P ereened _ --men, women, and chilaren, were
on the grr.,;34.. Later in the afternoon,:.marlY of
the men- , cexte util e exc it e d w id e thyror, and
were trcre than half prepared to sot a part in
the h:Loody scenes that followed
knumercnut delegatiOn of some of the worst
01 our New York .rowdies, known as t' e "The
Rook Boys,” came over to the Fields al 5001550
o'clock, and showed by their behaviour that a
disturbance of-Some kind with the "bloody
'Dutch." was determined upon. Some or thew
went to a German stand and purchased' a quan
tity of cakes, liquors and citrara,,but refused to
pay for them—whereupon an altercation of the
most serious character ensued.
The Germans fell upon the "Americans," the
distiction the "Rock:Boys" assumed, and for a
long while had the best of it. The party assail
ed, we understand, retreated-to the, Hoboken
Pavilion, kept by Mr. McCarthy, and were fol
lowed by the Germans. The scone hereupon
was indescribably territEe. Men lay scattered
in every directien,—wives separated from their
husbands,—children screaming with terror,—
commingling ' with the groans of the wounded,
and the curses of the combatants.
The Pavilion was literally "gutted." Not a
whole pane of glass left unbroken. Doors
were broken in, the terracees riven away, while
the furniture inside was pretty much broken up,
and otherwise destroyed. The proprietor of the
establishment fought manfully, hut is horribly
beaten. Mrs. McCarthy, we also learn, has sat
fared seriously.
Therowdies, getting the worst of it, here beat
a retreat towards the ferry. Burning with re
venge, they sent over to New York for reinforce
ments. so that towards six o'clock there were
several hundreds of the "Rocks" ready for act ,
Lion as soon as the. Germans should come down.
-Meanwhile all sorts of reports had been circu
lated. The Irish laborers along the wharves
were told that the '.Dutch had been killing all
the Irish," and that they were -murdering every
American they could get hold of." Reports like
these, of course, contributed greatly tb augment
the excitement.
_ - -
About 5 o'clock the Germans Eegan to come
from the Elysian Fields. The whole of Hudson
street, from Banmer's Dote', down past the - Otto
Cottage to the Ferry, was completely invested
by the "Americans." The Germans, as they
came down in groups, were set upon and beaten
with clubs, in the most brutal manner.
The Germans, getting infuriated, used fire
arms liberally. Guns, pistols and revolvers, were
heard cracking in every direction, about dusk.
Their opponents seemed to employ only clubs
and stones. Alen were knocked down in atl di
rections, and at one time, it seemed that no dis
crimination whatever was made. Every man
that was seen walking by himself was a ."Dutch.
man," and, as such, was felled to the ground.
Picket fences were torn up, to supply weapons
of offence. All the houses along Washington
street, as far as Fifth, to Becker's Rotel, had
their windows broken, and many of the unoffend
log occupants dangerously hurt. In Bloomfield
street. from seven till nine o'clock, a complete
"Reign of Tenor" was established. •
The constables and police of the village, few
in number. were wholly inadequate to cope with
the combatants, but they did wonders in the way
of arrests. Constable Francis informed the re+
porter, that nn fewer than forty of the rufEasus
had been arrested, haudeaffed, and sent off to
Bergen jail. In one or two caste a teSCUO
attempted, but the assailants were kept at bay
by the revolvers.
At about 7 o'clock, (the town torso being com.
plctely overborne and worn out by this time)
word was scat Jersey City for assistance, and.
in about an hour afterwards a corps of militia,
called the "Wright Guards," marched to the acme
of strife, and contributed materially to hasten a
Hundreds and hundreds of Germans, with
their wives and children, afraid to go to New
York by way of the Hoboken ferries. where the
mob was posted, took the Bergen roadto Jersey
City. In some eases we bear that the rowdies
even tracked them here, making them bide in
the swamps and meadows along the road.
As near as we could at certain at a -late hour
last night, there cannot be fewer than eight or
aloe persons killed. The probability is there
are =aro,: Names it was impossible to got, all
the sictitrts being strangers, and in the melee
and general consternation that prevailed, no
body seemed to know anybody but .himself. It
is quite certain, at all events, that there were a
dozen so horribly beaten Una nine of them can
not surrire.
One man. John Fitch, vas carried over &boat
six o'clock in the fertf boat, dead. He bad been
.separated from his parts ; nobody knew who be
was. Fournt the paint of death were carried
over shortly afterward. The lorry house at
one time nos full of the wounded
Jostle° Browning. of llobokru, .' badly beat
en. Rad to be tarried home.
.10i112 Hickey. Captain of a och.coner, Hobo ten
badly TrOunded_
min of the name of Bridges, ship carpet ,
ter,•repnrted dead
A Chnrlr± T Clark, u young was, 1 `
badly wounded.
A German by the name of Schell, residing in ,
Second street, near Illooinfield, stabbed—'
tbougbt focally. This mon faa crtly a rpecta—
A boy. apprentice in a blackamith'e •ebop„ .
badly beaten—probably fatally.
A German, name said to be Krum or Kt.rtr,
was !hot In the head. Not expected to lire
Reside, in 110133t0t1 et.
These are all the particulars that encile,,,e a s
eertalned amidst the general confusion thht j
called. ' In the coarse of the day we shall b
able to get a !tiller and more accurate tint Lif th
Irelands liotel, in Ilml.on street, was repeat
edly attacked. The windows were pretty much
all best in—the proprietor only shutting up in .
time to prevent his house being eack..l.
The Otto Cottage and property about there
also fared badly.
Barnum'. Hotel escaped in a good degree.— ,I
So did the Atlantic Hotel, at the Ferry--.2a,th
haring been closed et an early bow of the
The ferry masters on both tides 'of the ricer. .1
bad a hard time of it, bat "
.mt througkout the fray
managed to keep the rowdiex from doing dam
Hundreds of rowdies crowded down to 1.),e far
nes to get over, from the New York side, ht It they I
were prevented from going over. A strong t, , vdy
of police were stationed atCanal and Bare'tey sts-
One or two tights trot place et Canal at-, but our
thing serious.
The deplorable. *cents of loot night, at
boken, are the subject of general datrwer,r, Sion
to-day. The excitement on both *ides of the
river, in the neighborhood of the ferries Is stilt I
In Hoboken. all along Hudson street, L urge,
bodies of men are assembled, talking ore r the
events of the night. Among these are scold issra
of New York disorderlics, who threaten to •re new
the disturbance.
At Becker'. Hotel, in Bloomfield str net,
the German, have assembled In great in tin.
ben, the most of them showing revolts re : and
guns, which they will use lo cur the eject is re.
Men with broken noses, broken hotels, sad
other bruises, are seen at almost every stets In
Hoboken. At about noon there were conskitit
able numbers of suspicious characters piDi
over—but the Sheriff of Abe county whys be is
frilly prepared for them lion.. We hardly thin t,
therefore, Unit there will be any further out-
The fact is, there was a large portion of the
Germans who went one to Jersey eapecting to
fight, anal had accordingly provided Usemselves
with arms. Tbo New York . rowdies also went
ant for the purpose of provoking them.
Under these circumstances, it is easy to see
that it only required very little provocal ion to •
bring shout the collimien.
' Bridges, the ship carpenter, died at 4 o'clock
this morning. •
Captain ifickey wee not dead nt nine o'-
clock, but it is thought that he en mot lire
through the day.
Justice Browning lies very ill, hore.bly brul6-
col, but the physician. thirl they can .are
An `examination will he hal in tae coarse of
the day.
The military have returned to Jet tey City, but
hold themselves in readiness in mon or further ,
disturbances to-night
Thonumber of killed, it is i minmeible yet to
the t a—end ascertain—four ore certainly e t a—end we Bee
/sealing to Omega the mtimato wale this morn
ing, that the number of slain i m aloe or too.
. .
An inquest was holding,at Hoboken, at noon,
upon the body of Bridges.
The scenes on board Nome, of the ferry boats,
7 o'clock last night, were. swful Boma of the
Germans drew their swordi, and fought with the
greatest desperation. Vali weapons of their op
ponents were anything and everything--crow
bare, benches, stools, Lives, dirks, rerolverai
One party of Germans—those most active in
the combat, 'giving and receiving the hardest
blows, call Plemsalves "The Zurn-Vcrein (Sod
et,' of Or:urination.") Another company. (each
havillf , 'a band of music,) was called "The Po
cial Battalion."
In the course of the flight, a party of Ger
ar a k n s s t. g e ot t„ n a p n o d n f tli . o gi r th oo e f
m ot a t4 le o w gr h o u u us nd e
th ht. owb:
Mined, opened a fire of bricks upon the infurin
, trd Bock Boys below.
' They were not permitted to hold this position
1 long however. A round or two of musketry
bringing them down to terra firma, where they,
were made tosulier severely for theirattack trete:
the house tope.
' It 13 stated, but we do not vouch that it'is:
true,)) that a messenger was despatched by the-
Sheriff of Hudson county to oar Chief of Pollee,
soliciting assistanos—but the Chief, here, de
-1 dined, having nu authority to act in the .mat-•
I ter.
This wee previous to sending for help to Jer-•
!my City and Bergen.
There were many German refugees among the
combatants, It is said—political exiles recently
arrived. Many of those accustomed to bird
fighting at home, went into the melee with an
abandon, that showed the benefit of long roo
tlet.-- ' •
Altogether, with the exception or the Astor
E a t. Riot, there arra was e more Saturate
diyin.rbukce in or about New York. 'ln many
reSpects, indeed, the barbarity of the latter,
eclipsed the former, inasmuch an helpless women
end children, in repeated instances, were ea
much the object of attack as the men.
Cutvixiii, enD Plrtiotraaa Iteniaus—Brr
corm or. Tag. BoAD—Ezmaszos or xpz
The business on the Cleveland and Pittabnigh
Railroad, since it bee been in operation, lees
much more than met the expectations "
most sanguine. Tea weeks of business bare
just . closed, and in that time there has wised
over the road thirteen thousand, two hundred and
sixty-three passengers!
The freight business amounts, in the name
length of time, to over seven thousand dol
This, when it is considered that the road is in
operation but thirty-eight miles, is probably
without a parallel.,
The business of the road is steadily and rap
idly. inerensing, and promises a handsome
return to those that bare engaged in the enter
The work south is fast progressing. The grad
ing is nearly . all completed, and about eight
miles of track is laid south of Ravenna, and the
gang are putting down a half mile of iron per
day. —Ravenna lrhig.
,may We again refer our readers to the ad
mit...cut of 11. 0. Farrell's Arabian Lfousienf, which ap
mare in another column, and by which you will see it to
highly recommended; and this Is not all: he produce, err
tifieste• of those who hem toed it and experienced IP tar/-
etc/al eTects or; their own iamone. The cures areartalP
ly very remarkable, and al hoist the Inedidne Is worthy of
atrial. We Wyllie all to got. tbe exent, who will farad;
pamphlet trial, containing many valuable reeipee for
the treatment of cattle, ao. nay 10:dawy/vra
ce- . hi'L.ENE'S LIVER Pi LEE !—Thio
anal rem for dturaam of the Ilrer. is cf mach older
date then Rte Introduction to the public. 1. dleooserer ,
one of the 1, 4 phyaktens In MI,. ommtry, nue/ It exp..,
In hd Prat. . before he ever summered It to the world.
'Ti,, ex burn of 1 , 11 many musk remedies, hanaldedm par
sedan, the oat mmlo.* ;Men.. for heollnd ell dld.
a.. dined an secompllahrol and well educated rhysi
who na orally felt dome dread of Lehm confounded
with the wd of pretender. to tbo 'medical art, who m
nostrums we paraded 11l erery newspopar ea ...euchre
ramedde G. all the Ills that Moth le hole.. 'fin revue
aentallona of the...whore his pllla hul given rel!ef, how.
ever. •tel the ur,mnt oolicitaeona by pk,grlouswfro whom
b., hod mediated In Ida ;Turfs* nod who had
ths wondurful curet effected by Ids remedy, at Isomth In
duced him tokooke It path.
.For Idlec
.71.4:ddw ta:
Petroleum fe
r run, liuntingLicus*Pu, Maroh 4, 'lsl.
7. M. Ern' Dear Elr, Your rctro ' so Is working woe
dere In this laity: therefore or artalthi Monk you to sond
na two down by the Penney . ..lla llllihood. We ere en-
Uraly out, nod It I, bole: fano/nal for limo.. army dor.
Yon, reorkorall r, JUDY 1.4.4111 a CO.
IIITZ3VIII3. Antdencl Co. 0., atarch 10,'01,
B. 31. 1411 9,
—..r tit, Youe Agent, a fed Irooks slum,
left with ns Gaut dee.. Rock Oil, wt./a we hove /told.
Phase Emend.l tots Mr down taresliulAr.
Your molts!. is working wonder. to thia rekinn. We
mu obtain unravel excellent certif..... If yucl desire 111.10.
Yours, 4.e., W. W. EtIOTI.
For rule by /toper 4 MoDywell, 110 Wool etree. It. 11.
Vellum:l Wood etrert, D. A. Fahnratork, d CO, rorrow
Wool end Front meet. D. L. Curry. 11. A- Elliott. Joseph
Lleauslass,and 11. P. kleldevte. Allewhony. ads by the pro
orison, II IL KIER, ~
.1 No. CO Wool st.
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
A ja amlcomNrt«wtef roßnc_v AND AIf:MICA..7
Suitztrle for the c . rrittar trbar,ttod prrpl,l
L. otter to rurrhairrs ct r.,A, tn. will campy,
tarvrably • on, of Or esoon. Mo..
Citizen's Insura ice Onnpa.ny of Pittsburgh
kAllte No. 41 ll'atcr rtlettt. in the verdict:toe al C. IL
tlttrtyr. Pretidect- .. - . --4. Fee t ..
Lotopont lo :tow prey...cod to 1114=4 all utamtuandia%
thtre. awl lb tratrtitth 'macho 44.
An amok trusroot4 fot tho' and I ut,tritt Ult
Logi:tato*. t. ellon.el to the char..., of the Ihrectot,
ao.l lutecrity.
JDnum..l.4.-4.... I.ltttcr. arm. Itat-oky. Wtn. Latim
, Koh., Ilrytot t Huth LI. IS 4.4 rant Eirat.tom
.trhn Hereon., Mahatma. Z. IL Kier. ituat
r ti rcLEße OF TOE COLT.—ThO nalne of
Jam florn., of INltins township, will I, prow - 1 . ...1t0
•! - ..Ary AntattaValle and ti.f Coantt C4nren.
bon tor nonsiontion to tile iere of Clerk of tho Cour,
CLEXI: or Tilt• Co" uer.—lionry ILanncn,of
Allimiurol City, will Lot nmlulate 4 , 0 oominat.un :IA
(• of the aerstsll.4.o. 0.1 • Caw.,
I,Cons tM Ants.Slswella sod Wlag Want,
tioreLtal. Or TUE 114)1411,i.--Jnred,Nt. Bruno
win Le a raclidel• for 'h. itave otice. instnrct to the deei
eine or the vloo.y Alst444mov:a mid 1, tag ~;•maht,
ArrociArt Junon.--Tlie nun:tenons friend*
! of JOHN G[UHHIAItT of Alt.:Away Csty, wtiiree., WO
mum` to Ow cylarechitA Ants-M...4W and It
1..,r.,:ma10rt , se a ourhol•te foe toastits•skas to the t 4 t. of
Assoetes Jolste af Um Court of Qattriat,Sersiew , ...l4,
• telohart'• excetheue• ”51,16. tquotew—itsvios. beau •
auto tstottthea of the I , tute L,mrislature Le the ren.l
teens yea's, and 411.1 with &Teat •-•+.l•••hittly the 01k...1
feeeet.ry of ltw laud Otere , ...test Our liftner'sadtal.n.•
tration—aoll 010 Izto01.1.• of the German I.guagn, tt
wall •A his.ll4i proscrual owe, they thick owpertallY
caaltty ht. to 11111,0 e, tiro arneptabaitty the re,
ply orr
AgROCIATE Jt7DOC.—Tlit.lll6. LLIZZet . ., Jr., of
,o.oetap, 1•111 be rstaldets beb.r. the ar.rrt.o..
log Whtg and latl.3lseonie Convehtt,h, LI the ..lhee
AeeN/Ikte J.,lse-in the them , 0w... tows,
and • tll be turov , " l h_r =Ow/ tett/ t.
- rue, Sic t. , , , tet•
Sa..A.I..OOIATZ JOWL—A.IIIIII liouthoro,
tonoiowtaa. *ill to a athAllato to ocralnateat ne Ile
Axecesete Judge I. the (hurt 71 (mem,
Alleibegy Ceutar. the et
154 e.
I . CIOIIII .,n• lb
101tet 09 the {lit
car-A.ssrmovr.—ltohert Abrohatra, of Eli••o.tLF)
utx,,p3 7•ral,,t. a , a Call,6.lala tor pumtwa
S c a'AmErm.Y.—lint.ertllue. of Plan
tilt his n 1.314. to Us. Ants-Nlarotur .01
Wbtg Catuty CLur•otloo. .2 • ...Witte for omainar.l.
t. th. l.t,•l.tnn: In, 2, ..11:T,
31. Porter, 9f the BQriiugh
or T.mnlntn..ut he a nknalAzte tor notalnaVon to tL.
auteert L. the Aga-nn , .n 4 the {eta; ati.l OUR
Sluonie County' (Asteentlen.
, „
Avitztear. — Thorntim A. Shine. will
0,04,4• tor the•tt ere
an 4 Ann. Maennin Cou'vention, ht
_ -
A„,,,,,,,100rge E. Applinon, of the
liernsigh f.r. tt.. A"'
ty ll.a rentwo. Pr A tenably
trilllA-das.tee Ma" ecians.
.. •
Anthony Hartz trill be u can
diglate for Mato Amolobly..ottwt tt. der-4.0 rt
Whig ac.l AutiAlawole (A.44T4,1141041 nu
f 1 .YT If 114,13. Boats, satx
nty14.4••=70 , .. ,
NVotild recommend .10.. John
it,.. of Nyttb Var.. toonoktll.. .11 , 1
, VLIg Coo Tr ago. .. • multobl. prwo fo rrppwal
us In thr next 1,14.4.tur, A. Mc Wom
The numerous friend. of
ttnowa. Lott toiLuita tow.NI, prr.rut bin nap.
to Um Anti•llluenk , tod WWI:. Wu./
candulata wmatustlala ta, toe iCLA nt .evaLer of C. .4r. 1111107 was a =nobs, a the .. , tr.1.1! tit
Assimnur.—Thoi. Penney, of the Itorough
nt men,, yen. man I. ,:r.l.rltl"l to LE. Antl.slntoolc sod
Wills Onavrtal.n. as • cautildst. fur etozninatltm co. W.
tit-tot for the A•rwml,ly. inylKl•mqc..T
Jr- cf Word. City: of Allilchen,, m
Jldate baPyrt 2, Auti-Dtwnoan 11.01nuCouuty Onrivcrr.
[van fur Ifm ,In of Count) o.:lllnlxedwarr.
-- -- • - • - - -
,1132.)tiOtiNTY 1. „
,ItUIR.IONLIL—ItObert hrng,
of the P,enn[1..4..n.1, CIO .1 Pittsbursh. i.
.110. 1114 arld Mal..llmosni , .. County
I%.kont, C., , numw•luter. by,S
et . V . COUNTY COMM MCChhe,
th. .Ninth l4 an!, Cit. 14 Plttaburch , Xlll4 acaultdslo
before be Irhhi sad At:U.lll.w. CocoretaLh.. for the nn
14re of G. Nintr trirl'alancterN
. c
Knight. 14 av Moth Ward of the tar l'iltrhowth, era!
b, Irfor, Antofronnk- end Man, Con.
for slice of Cociuty Goonnbaloorr.
COUNTy %.0111lISSIONZIL—Major Jonv
o„, vi,, Llty of 1 . 11.1•Twrolo will Net •
,f or „ tho do. , o f ofol COMA,' Corp
reolloo for tbn 011100 of C0r , .. 1 7 o . , .. lo ^ionff•
• •
Coy ir“ Comm 13010m0t.. "-Gabriel Adams, of
the moor wool of rho Cloy or ritut•nTb• wm b• • mtl ,
data for the Oleg of Cottunlretoner, eNted to Ott. deck'.
g. the Whig and A ntl-Ittwonle County Ohn•anOott.
• e — 7
&3••CollatTY il2hlllTElto- - a,exauuer 17
sawn. the /Int Ward. Allegheny City, will t 4 a ran•
.11date for the claw. of County Ileglater, oubJect to
salon of the Whig and Math.lhaonto C.. 1011
atagdawle-T • —_.
irel/UNTY Itraisurt.—The name of JOIIN
etscArcrr. of tlo• Zrvl do .
will I. rub
mi:lezi In the Antl.Mannnie and Whig CountyCoovootion,
.f4731:14 , 1: y 0r414 all. of IZegintrr, and will bw earzogt•
.4,5 AL w:te-..ti Mszir
gery-couNtr ItEGIBTEII.—John K. Foster, of
llallarin uebtp. .10 be , andld.t• Co /Lfae, before
ennuinr, !I rtni lib ernints tronventlov
. _
£JCOLNTY REUlnTElt.—Pleuse aunounce
I /ua It. J. Lean, of Alleithony City, wilt a candidate
I. U. the othee o r .uLpet to the devialdn or the Aa•
u I.l.anunte •nd Witlit County Convention.
TUE undersigned would respectfully inform
Ahti.Maouni an 4 Whigs or Allegheny density
t ie • would he ha p to 'erre them utother term, In the
° mew position winch, through theft former kindness. he
hag lb, honor at preewat to occupy. SA County Itegletch
and wig let. he Indulge. a hope that hie attendance to the
duties =Paned Wm, and his men. In dischargihg them
has been :tenerniir eceePtebie, he venture. to pnanise that.
It again ouored with their confidence, his desire to do
right atoll not Ea abate d: and that, whi l st his canals:nes
would malt, his own terition mote conifortabla, he will to
careful th at MI ill no possible. the public hoer the
benefit of it. Veyr nopectfulli i
RhCOßDelt.—James Oormly - be a candidate
tor the office of Recorder. nutrient to the action of the Anth
M..001e laid Whig Coat - mita, to be bold en the 4th of
Jane [mgt. LIM tr.ends 14 111 Mee...bear him In mind at the
l'ilinery Meeting.. royldidawitca
scoaDEß.—John Conner, of Upper St. Clair
township, will be supported for the office et Itooorder, sub
_lea to lbw decision ot the eliod-Missonle sod
` a r mtp
Convention. by 3.lsois
- • _
RICOADEIe.—John McGill, of, West Deer
vritl' be • candidate for the atm of Ileetfder,
n atint to the deebdolt of th,• Antldlssortle andWhli;
Qt nutty Convention. myl.ldatrtt.T
w el ot, r; soir. o l u b. di t., o , r 7 i = z 7 e d avn
A erßacoanza—l will b e a candidate for
the dike of Itocordar, falllect to th• daub= of the 'Whiz
PIS tiboaSh. APO 25.3ablonwta
zarCatrierr Tasaaraza—We are ittithoY-
We to atunetoue that J. W. Baxter. of the 91 W. City
of Knotettsl , ll , l be s candllsto,for do office of County
Tneesurer. su eet to the deelsiou of the Axel Bbsonle and
whig CouutT venting. apaltwteB..
Dii—CorsTy Tazasusza.—John V. Rowland
of Upper SE. Clurr towtahrp. Trill be new:011Mo fur namP
' Am:arm—John Emerick, of McCandless
tertenshiposill be supported as s candidate far County U.
ditor, missed to the decision of the VitdiL s., “W Anti... Masonic
Convenho. by rssms.
Rettgiowi Notice.
EV. JOHN LITTLE, of New York, will
preach In the First Assceiate Warmed Church,
instil street.) on tomorrow Olatitieth) isltrrnsions
i et o'-
clork. Ls behalf of the eabbaLts &heal; ar,.r w hich, •
c ollsetlon will Le tat.. tin.
The publie are 112fiLA.
Unitarian Worship.
JS GOD ONE ONLY, or is ho both One
m r. T threeree ita am there Three persons in the One
o •t! oh °ldeate of siorehiP
A diteourte on the above majt.ct, alit be delivered at
the City Loottire Room, an Wood. between Thlnl and
)Donn Meet, on gaturday evenhitg..•atitater of eight
Votocientlow Inquirers after Christian tenth. are ear
nestly requeatod to attend.
Morning ,entreat half past ten o'clock.
United States Hotel at:Philadelphia.
H E SUBSCRIBER respectfully announ
ces to him friends and the' , travelling conunnulty.
t s he has assuouned the Proprietorship of the UN (Tat
PIATES HOTEL. Inns known In connection with the
Iltud under the lath Proprietor. be feels perfectly safe In
promising im old patrons. that shutting ehall be wattling
Ita previous reputation as the beet kept hrds.e
to the counter. sc expense has been spared in complete
b. re fitting the mans establishment, arid he particularly
Invite attention to ins than introduced for the c h ..
Tt i ,: n gi c ile ' fa d titTa/l ' o r nj o f,o l trit.t el . on ntt -t" ,,,,Tri:i
leanly lnetowed on the obi Cnittal
ti. ALLEN.
Disc Intion Notice.
'TINE co-partne ship heretofore exiating be
t menu the undersigned order the style of Kinguand,
ps•dt t Co. It the city Alleghehy, Pa.. Is
boot der,
itno Uth,lBsl,dlsthired by mutual consent—thos
cl toe gat firm will be settled by MeasraKinpland F Mo-•
rang , JAMES K. N.OKANtit.
Allegheny city, thy Ed, II .1, P. ECtill.
The undersigned hare formed a partnership, and will
brutalise conduct the banner a of the Enterprise Foun
der ander the name of Kingsland & Moranse.
In withdrawnn from tLe firm of Flomamid. Scott t
undereOed .nobi rvepretfull, commend the eueevr
eo,e or tne ,ate firm to rho hatrune, of the public, and
tu:irlt far tlndu the continuance of their favors.
mai 31• Ct. /NO. I'. KIDOTE
I EohnTrtre copy.)
fIEORCIE HENRY LEE has the pleasure
ii W to annotinett that he hoe been approutclegont ovum -
sale of the above aplendld work, note poblinialan l ham and delivered to aubacribers at 2.5 rents per number.
11 will contain 5 . e , brilliant Chromatic Enurovinu, in oil
elor Itors,rione from original de4nms, Or eelemed from
tho most col, retool masters in Palutine, and will be tuned
0,..,,,,,,,, e tdc mpe situhe 6114 published In Americo
The 'ph...lid et7le of etrailor edtdded far thls work,
Let ell the tresim,s mid br!lllat.^, of foil Palotlng. twine
produced by the Ilin• .13 of.Enaravitia and Printing in
C:oloca. now first lat.o.alaced into !Mertes by the present
The highest encomiums of the pier/ here been received
foe= all. pacts of tbe Colon, of which a few are hero sob
From the Weekly. Creator Inner. N. Y.. April 15. i
Iharan it Thompson's Bible. what shall we say of it, As
far es external.. go, 0 tranwends sap cops of Use Holy DV
lla ever publL-hed In the country. In takinz op a Lew
NU,,,, of th is groat &Wooed of the Past, arrayed iu the
iceutiful garment of mclern AA, like the treat, decors
,,,,os o t Nature, iintniehisdr the onc.ent laacra of tho Earth,
acs were salted with a sudden Impulse to read and review
the Book of hooka The dietane.hou 0., mut rose sadly he
Indulged, but the Impulse to Irrl most he resisted.
We =loot but Smite this to, -.those ensnoviukr—the
Fold tyke—and eacellent pa 5 ten complete It will
Lmake en excellent Enrolls UM ...poise to any th at has
oon heretofore published in the nitcd Etates.
Yrom We Neath America, March 12.1451
e hey; ml.ut Itta; We ithl!ee
ere, 11. to Thotetenn, :SIP citythe bat number of
-st 111urthattel Pletarial kezally Bo bble. edible to to he la
• 1,1 racHneathl, to 0.-utela three et snort
Illtetrattota It ell co ea. all ..
•tz.ta be Leveret, There till be. la all. betel,. two bun.
r . ,red meta eabel/lehrueutt, tat at the uodertaklut Is pro
nn ,uperb s=ie, with paper sod tyteeamphy of the
h , eheet cherneter. tee rase stalely.. for It arset petealtt
Love sod the fullest itatiure vt stem,
Fn. the Perel,f Ledo., blarch 2.1551.
lfa¢ant Thontraon. pahltely
Philatelphia, bey* sent DJ fald 2.0 number+
4.1 Nett. illuminated Able. which lea splendid affair. It
• . to by alotved with two hundred brilliant illtutrationt
).1 that new etyle nf art of L.:lath= In oil colors. The AL
in Quart, farm. the tnavraphy la es pure and re.
frt.shin: to th.. eye a. the arts of type web paper nuking
aclikoe aril the
Ii The pmenhe afforded by number.
I,lle as to Into. ihnt euxpam all.other
ascents at Pict.wtel ,
Fr7ol.he We.t Jenwymen. Marta N. 1 551.
. .
rnauserraor. er.rra tow juismaraired. arat
ste tra btratetirro sancta that It la tbassunt eleaata sod
rrlltaat tut rtt..artssn at thar ta-red &Maurer that has ever
`app and,at hat ala the tinkert rtatra. Lath ?tram.
,tn. , sheer nrhle euk.rerl Ultretrarr.Sna Its all. ht a as,
rrrarrsa. tzstorets use, to hour, The letter
ant per are Of rsurre^atxstrust eleartnee. and the
rr bole adarr eturtitut; strerSact gam tor the reutre tar
Gmrg-t•t. N 11•1 7,
iantr.o!,l !Wit —"• h. 7
11••••• 110,03 n, or •
i..imbee of a Aim 111..mAinatetIlible. The, art•
In temtinorthli entb numb., t , erntalh thre. r.e
ts .I.nriiimi f 01.., It him einnriet.-4
111...1. a I.a,r.rul
any th.ii bay, bcniu for, rtiraMeil
Imothe Proo.yirsain Inquier. Tiateb
Ihr •,..0.1 camber of ling. • TbvititAim'c Aerial eat I-
V 1,1.1115, 11:01.. imitolut the (*.Arabi. rincreetion
.ro..pab7.tb.Er.t.umbr-The ...cunt ny le of . Ilit.tra
-4,0, by (La , ...ivritt. mark. so era lu
104 a n.. ...IA aa • Imre,arrivacti raintrec
...1b.,. prod.,' by mriManieal art. Me cow ra-ticu.
irle t 1 tbt.outurat th. ar it.litsig a Him.
74, 'F,l7:::;',-rt- Ertl
t. Amber. tir •atialry nib). lu (AI Velar,
...rectal the le al the Nva , Chromatic Art.'
!has hcot with tio.milartry foaling of p.lathatla,'
t-t 114.1.1 LS. Itrrt Om. • bunatorr cf rithesurrs•
cr.r.anTiou . • bold mad beaut,ful ruv:
I,.Lt tr,u“ a Id, ur, copy of Ib• ILA
wro- Mn plx,-.ll,d+r• ,Itattequi.ll.l by many
. .
.I, T h o:act-al un-_ This siontnni• vs. of envaniun,...
i.nni punt +.3,ii• t., crirmenloo of inv
ritz , tiat.l to la einintbnineil an..l
4 , Ir! LV nnii1..rt....4.1 runt will
deb, i. 200 in
A t err. iniilininitnni ,
rim tibmnieno: Ap..:11
Ifni.--lintan r bo r .tott at two *tow;
if in., Iv, now in
•-.•- • . • , •
It .
to ..try..• say thlag of the :ma
sttiint.c...l It will : vain two iso.lrAKl twat,
Illatrat,as to ' I:a:tat/ow ~( r 13311,1.
or. 1ia1,5.1,1 b) at:lEllA,', The
I . t:,1111,4 .
..I , elt ant our Irrude. the g.uhltstatr, will
u•lve ryturt. t., Malt librrsl
I Al,. P., „a; 11,1,--1 , . ttolabtol to tte
or Ml._ Gwoo,o Ifoor• aro tlermburw. for 01.0.
ou , of e Tbommoon , - 111uuonntool Pahl, '
I Atewore o u loot, .41 tho Aanortioto of DI
1•. no Truth. .1 of If", AA.I Mwtl The
xod 1. l a.n0...11ml moot., ere of • 1.11 yup.nor or
moo/A.11144 to ell nso nohnros ellf 110.1.17 of thl lobe..
I be olAtol Of 111. Aryl noza•or ern - lA. ..wolou 1.1.11.'
..a s h beer!finoo" ato/ lo•bonaol. -
I Ivy! 0 g jamb.. 1•N• Too, end ty [A.m. utoomsllyolonr.
mzol tbo eterflu coutA.• - varsou. refflurA" lb.
Arno, Totna.avo, who n•olo Poo otiolbst of lb. Is-rot
rtyt tb..ty cou..t.abt 1101Thuf.•turw of the work.
111 1...0we-of it Arvor•••lf I w:1 Moo .h.. loot, • on,
al leowtolx.of tbo Aloof .4 0c..1 A moor drolyAblw elft l. 41
0 , ( 1 b lt • .
L . o d r • . . b
o la
by L g . o o to l l t o h o o orru oto otlbronr by
ml.. friend. W. b.., Id, :hoar who l: 11...1, fAtroooo
•le - /lootiao.o .01 .1o•w. 1ei..1 total lutorrAt to tbo
, •
/1-,ran ilimesraLoil ll --Illuml.,aW
•rnl himlty 111 ,1, T.
tla by u.rl,
rulz.n. a dr xk
tllonralloh t, , ,nr of the 411.1.inethms cf Um Intel,
, ,ml t, armament. awl the erri
atom OS: the lists. of tiNwe whore were,' is no decree
t 1r tiles We bline the attention on the most Important
I..cte, awl la, lug Leto., the etathsehareeldeueon.tealioue
the egWect.
i a sentimentand rnne there in hock atlordx wider
e.oos. Months E.loe. Sod wetr
egx,to of its liture.
el illuetratione the send If lioddrulea. wt./ to his in•
fancy ‘,.11 taught the sarrwildHory by ate*. of Palter,
a -Id their:al... value in the stullee of Chalmers who kept
Lie 1.111.1- renal.ritly br him, alit alwaye glee
e..elai • plate IS the family Iria and the Ralf. Ralf. w bleb the arel weat lb her Is tokee a; it now,.
I .Iy conceited end golehed. 10 manta:von with other
see uaus it is remarkable fur the brlllianey of pielilise,
tr vaquieiteneer dsalen. and fallen, in reams...lug
1 t ha t of travel tad reeettreli. :SUS bl It Wee 1.0.6 yr.
:ewe that the en bueeta of the bomb, art moer i ludecione.
Ir to the illuatrot.o of 01,13.01...1 re Wen. It
„nu t liu. f.,ur prints--liarden of Eden. Noah thurinciaki
Hager and lebermel. and Ikon blessing J.ote vstnell re.
see s
with rho mmt totuhlue delicacy. Mantra. eel.
teval hanntence—aceeptance thavugh blood—Jet.. .dance
I . n.tulertee. and sovereignty of et . ... The publiattera
end rrin,ere have ea hauetAl t
ipaper. and an accurate tu t u
of Wat and
e..etnal realities with Mug Jame, 3lesers. Ile.
etas Thempson certainly dee.res the thanks of the alb
*IOU/world, and wo hope will obtain theeeldent, thereof
. a a fall aubvrietlon iht
front the Public Ledger.
Molt d TkangFon't iguatinoted ltidanal AUL , —
10.1 N-ces•e‘l the Oat fur numb,' of this Mae.
I •11(1.1a oible. printed In bad I t ae, and will contain !.1 I
..1111ent ilinnuave Etunsviagene'ated In oil colors. Three
e• more of thee.. 10..5101 euaravlngeatli b Peen in each
rent number. and delivered hr the att.deosai monthly.
the ce.tdene.• of earl. sobserilwr. It will make a 'phas
ed i'amply
From the SuutLeru there', Reilistel.'
The illuelinated HOJ, with 1011 tlnlllant Illuetrations
Oil Wore. ;Philadelphia: Rogan a Thototason.—lie
Late received from the publishen% throngh Mr. !Lomeli.
I.eo ant awl eveoad ;arts of this n.w and elegant sail.
ton of the The la quarto, the t.Trai cleat . ilild
I motitul. tie paps of tine natality. and the redone mai.
buss ore given ly the moNla, so Mat must prove to be
n very desirable cony of the Sacred
either for
toe pulpit or Mr LI. family circle. The Illuatrallons are
I tinted itt. all niloce from wood blocks. a new and brauti. of art. They Will
mendery nunaoroUs. •tal ran.
N.O. fall to mate groat'ile tor tide trillion of the
Ilit le.
l'rom the Ruilawl (Vermont,)
flluenutoted Atte M umbo ,ps, of Phlladelehla.
111-1 V publishing lu tilt m os t Wantlful edition
the 111510 we hoe etre seen. The paper le of the finest
~ entity, the tJR Ie largo nod clears.o.l
ifit'veiNg, riot anrestecut..l 11111 d tgl i a p i e y ougar to . uni i paw.
ii‘oraiAtil the
the teaT o lli k al Ve'd act
hare aeon. Vhe wort Is bes =
s low griee—the plata. ...oted on hasty pager being' well
arth -Ilse embol whule work.
Portable Thrashing Machine", Separator'
and Corn Sheller',
TA.RHANTED to be. thoroughly built,
.col to work well; made 10d sold by BASTIAN A
CANIOIL, oopoelte Shnenburimes Belling 11111, fall Penn
paplamah. The Thraohlog Ilwidnes are banal'
tth end relapsed, are madly removed from piece m
rhere. End may be osuf with Noel convenience in baroor
held. An meanies roue Ilehmr, thrash. Outer, or meter
hater work. afore than tidee) of them sue now ln twin
the t y,,,,, e0 01010•, apd as many Eau of the %fountain:.
llany tie. bare thrs.hed from ed to 101,000 bushel.
etch; and, on thorough trial, they hare hewn recommeto4
"l by those who use them, to be as complete, and to work
a. well u nor lo the world.
The Smarm., ie Boot'' , Patent, with Bastian 's Improve
Meta, and is attached to the Thriaber, told completely Pep
awes the ease sod chaff from the grain, and ha. 01000
cutler nallasctiOD whenever It takes lost little Pow .
er Co run 0. and can be attached loan y 'timeline Ile.
ehlou now used. TIM aavertisera tam her, the Meld of
wiling right., for this Separator 10 the States of Psumal.
runic angl and All eouth. of those Mate% and the
Ohio over. and east of the feLtehultipi aver, nod all of the
Opp. eampt the Mantes ot Trumbull and Culture
Th. Core Sheller le also 11001. Patent, end la one of.the
test In ow. bony cheap and not likely to got out of order.
Cr'. have been buileing nod vending them Machine. foe
thirtooy, yon 11l the mty of Pittsburgh, and hare geld
great number, and never hu an inst.ce occurred slam
nwf have notg
ren entire malefaction.
p ere ,, e , e pp ee pyleg will receive with the %Imitate admit,
we... mailed with directions how to ea It In operation.
%tactile. veneered to work well, or no sale.
Orphan's Court Bale
ICEY virtue of an order of the _Ornbane'
JO Court of Allekbeny county, the.
M. of Caroline ana Margret, minor cbtldren 01 bash
Ittompson, lota Allaybeny county, &sopped, win
p,se to public al. cm the premises on liaturday the tstn
day or Jots, A. D. 101, all Una mcasnago or tract of
land lying and altuatrdtp knratmtb unrwhiv, tamuud by
the and lands of Benttey a, James Al..
A. Aypregste. sod then, eon fifty aopess
halva lit oy,,,,targer tract known as the "Plenary
Terms madalcoown at Oita.
my3LtebtS• Guardlan, As-
/INANNERS' OIL-50 bbl.. just receiving
l~bjrenel,s 4OngalablJAlll.4 DAL.ZELL.
05. Watts rt.
AIIIOI4G the numerous discoveries Science
has made In Ms generation to facilitate the haziness
of Ilk, looms. Its enjoyment, and man prolong the t 0,..
of human existence, none am be named of mon real Tahoe
to Mankind. th. 1111 contributhola of aliecertry to the
Healing Art. A vest trial of Ile virtue. throughout this
east country, has proven twycrod a doubt that no medicine
or combirmtlon of traolletnes yet known, PM so surely came
trot and cum the numerous varieties of puha...7 dime..
'which have hitherto swept from oar midst thousand. and
thoulands eeery t.t.r. forked. dierels now abundant rea
son to tether, a remedy has, at length been found which
can be relied ma to acme the most dangemns alfectiorts of
the iiltina. Our Ma. hers will. not permit us to pobliob
any pronorthm of the eureAeftected by Its um. but sole
Poment the colleting outdo. of eminent oath, and refer
further enquiry to the thriller, which the agouti below
named will always be plessed-terfurolth free, wherein are
full particulars, and imilsputabie proof of those fact..
Pone the President of AS
Mame, the celehreol PRO
"Juan C. Ayer—Plu 1 have Wed your Cherry Pectoral
in ray own cam of deep -mated Brouthltia, and am astlewl
from Its chemical ontetitutlon 1 at tt Is an admirable com
pound for tire relief of larrioria thilbruirchial difficulties.
If my opinion as to Rs =peel, character ran be of an 7
rervlce, you are at
. p r tlyo . ka Itiolt tor
From Ma widely or/Mooted PIIrESSOR SILLINAJI, .R.
D.. L. 11.. R. Professor of Ch raletr., Mineralogy, A.c.,
Tale College; Member of th e LIL Hist. lid. Phil. and
Scientific boded. of America and xutore. •
'I deem the Cherry Pectoral ao admirable ounlaavitiOn
eveswine of the best articles In the taria Zona, and
ry eh:Mire remedy for the class o ldlmams It iv inten
ded to rum." New Haven, CL, Nov.l, IMO
.114JOR PA TTISO.V, Pruktort qf the S. C. Senate, etatee
that be has need the Cheney Yeetarel. with wonder - 11n sue.
cos. to cure en infitunmation of [belting, -
From one of the _fire: l'Aveciant fa Zan
• •
5tc0,..31... April ini,1941.
"Dr. J. C. Ayer. Lonell—Dear Mr: I am non cotudaot/Y.
it Ong your Cherry°Portend In mr practice, and pre&r it to
caponer medicine for complainti. Fromobaere
of mitur &event rose.. 1 am convinced Ii till cum
roughs, nolde. and alarmed of thr loom, that bare pot to
all•other retticillea. I Invariably recommend Its
live In CVO , of ootoonoptiom and consider It moth the had
nmds tro ve
Ilryours that di".".
1. P. C13.31151AN, 31. D."
Prei7/..rril nod void by JASIE3IC. AT ER, Practical Chem.
t. Lnall, Nary
• I
wholeralel and
Sind to i% lit bulejmlniand retxll. br B. A. BAR.
end .1. M. TO! NA
••.•. • . ••
Allevbeny City, by IL P. EiCEIR.II./ITZ, and. J. DOD
tr,AP; and by Dromrim generally. 1.2.3 m
VIRE BRICK-20,000 best fire, in store
I. for We by DALZELL.
invA ir
Nc. CS. Water ot.
Q AT. SODA-350 casks Sal Soda of our
kJ cam make, fur mar at rettunett pprim,. by
tarYl Water street
0F,01161333. lil3. — ii,lloLlret CO.,
No 74 Paola 0, 'tell to Bank yf liNentrei.
0t...4 Drafts ortirctrd on all parts cf tar Llatlnst...-. ,
litrelte Battelle sod Nal on raatolteion. reh7el4yl
ELEBER has just received a choice lot
ork City.
p'jri C. coo h e g r a n c e h r:V=.l7 2
ut he maker
he gett n llrtole.o, is the mesh., both for elegance of
L. finish end richness cad boast,' of too. snt Wuch.
Otte 6 Ware Itelodeot b won fr.% rereerooh
One " "
No. OS "
101 Thirdlrtrert, Ass of the Golden Hero.
, mr6o Sole Agror 7 for the above lastruments.
I YE FLOOR---E bbls. for sale by
w 13J D. DALZELL t CO., Liberty
CHEESE -50 boxes good W. IL, for sale by
oAIa,r.LL t CO.
N "1' ;:ia.. rd'
It Mn 4- 1 atom
S..tors A IWA%
I bbl.
I rarr. to AAA and for
Water and Front. A.
yALT PETRE-20 bags (Ctude) for sale by
oy3o W. t Y. WILSON.
SALT PETRE-20 kegs-(refined) for sale
ar W. • F. WILSON,
1,30 147 Flirt. artd 114 &nand .t
- A Rare. Chance.
DRUG STORE FOR SALE, being an ex
1_ rellott penwriptinn aru/ ratall location, and now do.
ha • anal businen. Will be sold at • gnat bargain, if
o'l7. sEELE RS. 57 Tyrol
I, - J
I NO Gold and Vein,. Iloquet. Tapcatt7 and
Ornamental ream Pan, of various quantlet. and at
; A.* to mit the nrcumetantwe a almost every clam of
r tutona.n. for sal. o,...stabiblonent of
tar THOM AS PALMER. Hi Market st.
...miasma; Inrludlng ... and deseriptlon, at
ans.dlowir o. prterw, for Ws by
via , THOMAS PALSISR, 65 Margot K.
AV ' l L ky !: A r, P k i l t ir. o r f sn m tir, o ß " . 7.l.. M gagg_ Ufl- ;_ e 4 Ure.
'lr.! TILOS. 1 AL S.S gar.. st.
AS. DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Com
e/ talloiou ars" Forwarding lierch.tourldralerin
, an ic % Il ls,
.g NS o W Y a a trern sa .
n an d TS a F.h lamsfacturtti
at, Pittsburgh.
•ripitY MORRIS' TEA "—Morris' Tea Mart
in. Discord. Soccil Door from Discord allay.
tsar or ..diad: ertablishmart ris no way coorcial
rub Mr der. lardy opeord or. door by Ilarrorth
slnis tcydd
intoplEV-- tvo Lags prime Gwen end Fan
Rio, tb, by. J. D. WILLIAMS t tXL,
116 Wad rt.
Itz It:.=:,,cared Brat lluti.slaxon fcr rata t.
f4l .1. D. WILLI/MS a 6.1.
()ILEA!' PARASOLS !—We hare just re
mo....L.a. so.. (.2 and 64 Market street—loses plain
A fringed l'arvela. embracing all the dtelbrentqualdiea.
• bleb wa art, preparol to at wholetala or retail, at a
ter) great radar.. fnmi former prices. 1
A. A. AI/L.S.Ci P. CO-, Market eh
1110PLINS t. POPLINS !--.lust received this
aN., w hic h:o Mem beautlfOl shade. of cohdr
. P0,11:15, we will rell at . 2.1 per cent. lower Ulm,
City ha, ever been sold In this city.
SHAWLS.—We would solicit the at
t..ntine ..e pa eh...-r wmax ter, extensive smil
e suprem plain and rmbroldered Crater naafis and
art, facet Caalatiar, Mart .ad Masic alrof the
i.oxer.t and aunt daalrabli. sty In, which re are selling at
t. very lowest pries, A. A. MASON t CO.,
fa sad 64' Market mt.
4 TARLETONS—We have this
ID day reed IN meta.. nf thoiw.
y Matrable Crimped
...Winn Mammies. a...mud manes. •hicla will be sold
try eheap at Walt Gt. by th e at 62 and 6.5 Martel et
m 320 A. A. MANN Ar
14 1 INE DRESS GOODS—We have just re
c.ived another' s
t. plendid assortment of black:brown.
aiyl:9 A. A t . MASON s CO.
1 01 . 11E--.65 tinge Rio, for sale by
ao .. aTtet 110111:112130N* RSITERT.
}HAAS' ALE-320 whole and half bbls.
' 7g'T d " u` l " tVi Ai b'
~o kolinier *
iv NDOW GLASS - 2000 taires for sale by
V nar . :l:lt IWRERTEo}n ILEITERT.
Mat 01L—th) bbls. No. 1; for sale low to
_l,‘ Owe conataaraeut. at tlas inare of.
mr23 enrnwr Waal and 3ixtb atx.
11.121C0N HOG ROUND-8000 lbs. Bacon
31,11 and r.houblmto, for We by
oar3l & A w. HANBAUtiII.
- ifIRLEL) BEEF-4000 lbs. for sale by
JI., s.r.‘) 8. aW. LIARBAIkiII.
i,a LIG A It-150 bads. N. 0., fur sale. by
t - 3 1131:S 8. •W. IIA8DAI:011.
ill OFgEE--10 b:
age for solo by
IDOTATOES-200 bu. prime Red, for sale
A . by T. WOODS * SON,
yl5l GT W•ter 0.
VOR RENT—A Warehouse on Waterla
pu gram between Market and Ferry. sulked° for
laa ye tote business.Enquire of
611 , JarIES DALZELL. Water st.
liturphy & Burchfield
Are now opening a Great Variety of New Goods,
kal Invite the calls of all trituring to pardritea
I raw Parasol; (torturing to riee black and hroteta)
Changeable and Damrak POPP:tit
llohemlat Or Clothe, far ladles' alraTtari
Nertlf:ivt , r ` iett Muter Shvmeet
Plato -
ChnogretWk Fan
tl uPreurk NY. and • great variety of other
Earth, at Wei dot, -
.JIIROPOSALS will be received for the Gra
dlo, and /rldeof the
. Wesnnortion( theOldo
Lul!;ii: l = o.oALV:t?ot j elAraaTuZa
and Clneintuti Railroad, at Cresilleas near Gallon. . din
tn., of IMF-three older.
They will be received at Wonder until Wu stemlng of
7tießlaw, the lath of Jot, and at Ilansteld until the er
ection of lgelnawlay, the 11th of duns next, and will be
Ve d oTrol ptamo. or
mantled .1 Wooster, anti of the work wastof ' wudLrille
Slansflrld. for one week baton the
Vorthet Infmtnatlon .04 Lanus of poopoaals may be ob
tained on andicalloo to &Ramon W. Kobacts, Chief Engl.
MAg ' DIM ' ralt.rtruit Ki 4', lTTb?,lL b 4
who will agree to take • per Denten* of autir ter In
c"" of.
c`rm"" li - m. notirsßoN. Prosidetit-
Pittsburgh. May 77. 1611.--intyglitl
f . OWLEIt'S PATENT FLOUR, for mak
ing Umd, Putty, Cakes, Ao.; making the beat of
bread with tbeAddltlon of cold water only. TWA Flour
will be ibund tbo moat consultant and abeam,. that cut
bs toed houmbold auricles. wring 25 per vent but.
tor and age, and making tbe Most superior , Bresd;Llght
Paatry, Puddistaa,takea, Au. with great aaving bum
sW trouble. The above I, yu t up in convenient Mud
pmkageof L 3 and 0 Ibu, with full dlrmtlons fur Use. To
ka bad vi W ISOL A. IteCLURO A CO.,
mytta ti fawn and Tea Dealer.
..ILY FRIEND, or Baking Preparative,
superoalloy the u
.and Yraet, producing light, anhee
Ine, seruet, outriclous digestive Broad, of pure color,
in less time. and at lees cost than the onllnary,fennented
bread: which renew, to • great extent , bile, ladle - ern..
flaseasrflat I ce, pal • altar meals, head be, and other serious
ogio . r to any %king forntaking Cates aral
eons. Zaa pound& of Flour, tale preperatton will luau
10 more loaves of 4 pounds each, than with Bann. ' Meade
of townies , and persona of Iteakly coneUtutione. ahowld co-
laud to pure bread, as ono of Ito finest medidnes of the
tune. For flannel.. logrinarint, &bloat, llotels, and large
p 2j taltd , attfle g et t i - r ran d orl”n o tte ii bold to bottles at
,eya SELLY.ItS, hi Weed .1.
/teal Estate for Sat. r
VALUABLE unimproved LOT, on the
comer of Liberty and Facto r y streets, Fifth Ward,
mortis the ermm Catholic Church. 30 fevt fronton Ltb.
arty. br 300 feet deep on factory. ruuntog book to Spring
re—the throe vlory Beek Dwelling 'loupe as Liberty
s Gadj louste the Mom. the lot being 03 freettraut br
Le/ feet de r , The house le large and couverdent; bonds
Maims 01110. road cattalos vlomn rams.
;Also-7o acres of rery valuable lead near=edme g b!
Farm of laS acres M West /leer
Also—A Vara of Z 4 urn Istrzeurstoottutniimpee
from New eamtle.
Alo—ranns In laver mutt:. if mid.. :e.. . 4
Fi/. front WO sem down. .:, - .77 --,
Mao--19 eery valuatla 101. In li'aut*l:lllnoli. Paco
. •
ii.agraun maul= oNf cr•
.P. a .i. n. niniamAN,
A ..... 0 '.1 141.. awl IttalVitato Agrat..,
No. 107 /Naha llreflaittablitst.
ASTILE SOAP--50cboxes for sale by
BLUE VITRIOL-2000 lbs. for salo loy
10,ATH BRICK-1000 English, for see by
myz B. A. r&INErrocK &
CHROME YELLOW-20 Me! Baltimore,
lbr mkt b 7
myZ B. at. FAHNESTQCK a co.
QALF,RATUS-30 make for sale by
bbLs. for sale by
WINDSOR SOAP-50 boxes Ilvde's, , for
de by (nayNl B. A. VAUSESTOCk L. CO.
INSEED OIL-10 Lb:l ) W=
I Al
BACON -4300 lbs. Shoulders;
300 •• Ham= for sale by
tail. ROBISON. LITTLE .1t co.
DRIED BEEF-2000 lbs. for sale by
OLASSES-200 bbls. N. 0.,-for ado by
lIRIED FRUIT-550 bu. Peaches;
55 •• Aprleir, Eye ale by
pANNTERS' 01.L-2U bbls. for sale by
t mvss Ram SON. LITTLE & CO.
.I\7 AILS--10a kegs for sale by
B ROOMS -250 doz. common to best; '
- extra Lute, 1.7,40 It
COFFEE -150 bags Rio;
- lourtisra; fir nue. br
MY29 itollisoN, Lunt: a Co.
PIG IRON-240 tvud Men's truck;
Holum tarmit C 0., ,
. 55523
-50 beat: prl.o, :rev Cbee..• -
100 bblo. 1 1351055 ca• IL:spun
• •
• __le !!erces 1550 . 1 Ricp:
•• - ,
rupeor Fa!endow: fur nile hy
oorA /WIN WATT & Librny
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by
the undersigned. at ET. GVTCTIyr.. Mo., until thelfiai
.ay of June, 14:a, for the gruiluatlol eonstruetion
. furaishing all material) of the"3o. Gewrire loan
Novalain and Pilot Knob Plank Rood." front Co. lieneTire
oboUT , 50 tulles budge Iron Mountain and Pilot Knob.
Proposals will toreceived either (tut.) by the mile Ear
i work end materials to canglete road: or orparately, as
I (2.1,) f..1- plank to C. In length:delivered on line
tread at convenient dlitmcece. 13.1.) for laying plank scut
unbolting toad: (4th.)) for plank de4Prerod and Odd into
Including V ",
(IMO. for .1.. by mu
including grubbing and clearing and culverts of midar 4
loot span: and filth.) for maeenrf and bridging. - ---
The work will be ded Into sections of about fondles
in length, and let singly or together. Fifteen miles of the
road to be completed by the Ist of Demmbev.ll.ol, and the
lationce by the Ist of heptember.llsl. or as much garner
us the conbrattors may desire. It is proposed to pleitk the
load generally with white oak, of which there le abuir
dance on the route. The details of route. writcposiEratious
of the manner of building will to nwify for examiontlan
en and after the 3d day of June next. either at he Gene
% Ire or at the oitee 01 Jaws P. Sirklloo.l, Engineer of the
Patine hallooed. Et. Louis, 310.
ray Ttal.tJeto F. C.IIOZISII. Predient:
Agricultural Implements.
HAVE JUST received from the East the
following Implements, all of the lost manufacture
the mast moult Inventions, I reiald Raft* all
amme to call and examine cos 'tact-
Minims Machine, for corn, beans, beet, tuenips, to
Grain 10111, Or wheat. rye, dd. and Why:
COlll bLeilrr, for horse and hand wirer.
• Std. and Corn Stalk Cutting 8...
Vegetable hoot Cutters.
Ox Cokes and Cog Chain Halter,
Caststeel Grain and Sr.,. Cy they and Hoch
Caststeel twit, throe and four roats fuck,
All manufactured from Kis b est materials. and far de
at the Drag and Seed Stors.of
Corner of Wood and Sixth-streets.
L.l3sD 4 G ,th.i LUE— to 3 t. Frols, La very superior
.u.ggelleo-10,,,h, °th
Eu gtp c ,„.X.l.l:l
CO Woctrat:
INSEED OIL-800 gallons for sale by
i I
myai J. KIDD I CO, WWood R.
'2.500 Ita extra ire tour.
SO bushels end potatoes. '
50 barrels
g prime Nell:smacks.
barrels rra.
Cider vinegar.
100 . ramkr Cour
-100 . rino
100 boshelsra eon.
100 Oats for sale on consignment.
my 27 T. WOOD a SON,
No. 01. Water st.-
PRESIII TOMATOES, hermetically sealed,
MathinA. r.rfeTtly, th e Itavor an.l frovlinese of the
opt, fruit, for nada ST WM. A. W CLUCO A Co.,
mra Gramm and Tea Dealer/.
jj,BIED BEEF.—Evans Swift's Sugar
Cured Deer MM.& for role by
my r: .X,II Liberty at
Etat r.Jr fttle by
tar/7 2:xt Liberty Ft
ARPER'S MAGAZINE, Vol. 2d, bound
Gold: Wo hi
00,..;:%,r0;,:fh,"1,1' 1 1117,12ge • (°"'''
LlV.ell's Living Ape. N 0.387.
Rennvel 11, , LitEn't.itinary NM, Third street, op
Faits the Pc,tt gifitee. y=
LOAF SUGAIt--100 bbt. nna'd Nos.;
a CruArd; for solo br
.12727 • - 117 Fintt. and 779 Second
SUGAR -1u Clarified,fcor sale by
• _ ENGLtat
.M.EgATIIS-50 boxes for sale by
- F.:iGLIFSSt urcz.rrr
°)Es ---I ='•
NTUTSJ 7 2O bu. Chesuat4;
Illekorr Per role by
ENkileSLI t BE:O(En'
ARIW-5 kegs for sale by
=TV , • 12'2 5.,...41.•13.1 151 Flirt Meet.
'Curled Hair Mat:ruses.'
lIIIAtE on haul a Large stock of Matass
...trout of ore Ilictre wanting atm% rme
el* CU Om. ralL , VOL MALE.
Third stre?4 the
gotILK (SILK LACES—Large assortment,
air and inry cheap, rtv'd at the Aura 4
AIOURNING GOODS--Blaellt,Anbalines,
i♦ .111. Alraixa a Itb Bombazine Butch, Canton ClTtba,
and'{,,.a,n, rev'd and allemi at priecs, by
0. LMACKEREL-10 or. bbls. ectro, for
anqty um. fur rale Lir ISAIAH DICKEY
CO 4
aa12 , 1, Wawe ar.4 Front sta.
INDIC 0— Caraccas and Manilla, on con
y Li gament, far sala-by ISILUI DICKEY / CO.,
ILY Water awl Front sae-
1 ARD OlL—Bennett Jones' brand, for
,al.. be my2l MIMI DICKEY a CO.
L ornor ARLI-12 bbls. No. 1, for sale by
melt . eWood and Waterata
OATS -500 Lu. fur sale by
m)26 :3. a tc, lIARBAUGH
PORN-100 bu. fur sale by
myO s. Av. ittrauron
Cedar Burke., braes boned;
Varniebed Enakeue
• Extra Strong Burkrte. 3 !trop ; Cedar Heeler:, bra.a tetrad;
Markt. Tube. in Drs.. (4 Sis)
rgi 1.7 WM. A . aICLIJRO k CO,
1.71 5 /WS Lib
GOS-3 for
u 4 cus=s„
LOUR--10 bbls. ltve;
EARL ASH- tone for sale by
yI.Y. 122 Second. uul 151 VISG M.
HOOPS-49,000 Split Ash, for sale by
iillll r:0.03 kNGLISII c 11WiNETT.
TAR -75 bbls. N. C., for sale by
lT 151E50 bbis. White Louisville, fors ale
n FT. Poplar Boards and Scant
" 4 ' irsolltsu t BeNurr.
VISITING TACKLE—Canes, Rods, Lines,
1 /: 1" "V:l7. f
i moN.
Martei Dimmer w
o Fourth.
WATCHES, in large variety, and at the
•V lowest resalsr eastern esetspriees, wholesale and
1. 1gn7201 W. W. WILSON..
MT: may be nen at eel' gob ,
Alm • spiel:Wed aaeortment of Gold and Elver Pendia.
Cold Pens of the beat manufeature; Pookei root
t lonals. EMT:'.) W. W. W
AXIS-32 make Bacon Bans, for solo by
11 orrni JAMES A. HUTCHISON lk CO.
ICH Ciimson Velvet and Gold Paper
ilsagings, for Drlmlng Rams
_last reed from l'aais.
for by W. Y. fts Wood t.•
ep —I. the District Court of Allegheny County. Vend.
u. 214. April T., PAL
'Aro no._, to wit Mar 31Ith. 1831, the Court arPolnl Al
fred IL SleCalmont, EN. Auditor todistribute the promote
cf ule among Hu creadore.lrrom the Ree,oo.l
OLORUN e. 11AY0. Prot/y.
The Auditor will attrud to tie duties of his apwolutronnt
t his o ffi ce, No. 11:0 noorth stmt. Pataborg.h. callow/sr.
June 'JAL at 2 o'clock. P. M.
mykintw A. E. IIctIALIIONT. Auditor.
Smith's New Geographies.
‘I,3IITIPS Tiret Book in Geography; an in
troductory Gro•rsrby, droplet% for raWdreatilloo.
trstaal mitt, ungrarioga t tool 'At men; tni.l74;
raalth Quarto, or Se.ol ltuaA thAgraphy; • cond.
" t s =7, L ,:r=ig, c 72,7ll 4 ,:fiei r i
book; lihatre/1 with .10 outl whs, and numernsenzra.
inc.s. by Rovrc ll C. liatitb, A. 31. Co., 60c.
7 Fur alai° Dr C. HOPKINS,
rtr'.3 78 Avolto nunaine., Minn rt.
PAPER—Adage lot Double . and lenp,lll Yrlutlng Paper. for role by_
tr. u. HAVEN
nepf.4 Dormer Market and be.cond ,
I i irRAPPING PAPERS—A large assort
a, rot of rippler, Paperr,3lerllla, }I eg, end etreer,
al ewe, for of W. AVE:VW
urea Paper Werebottee, 'r. Market end 24 ete.
55OGROSS STEEL PENS, of all. quail
tit, Including (1111ett's WI 241, and 170 l'ems
It been. lion'a • Pens. of all. nuns e..; Kelly's, and other
celebrated inanufsetureme; a e sele at
IV. S. 11A.VES'S Stationery store,
mr2l comer Marker and Second
A ' CHANCE ie offered to a person
who otstrea to travel, and olio has a capital of (ryas
sews to sight kozwlred ertaage Is a groltablo
.11d uasgactatts busluess. Adder.. the rub-ta.:ber through
the Post Os
toty2tailo] .1. W. LeWl2.
Shoulder Braces.
Q BOULDER BRACES, of the must ap
t-7 prated style. eimplo arttrture and rattly 104.11,
sod Of I.lzott to salt msalzo ttton—Just seed
.m Tor late. Whotottit. tixotro...ll,
mr.:4 R. X. FELLERS, f.. 7 Wood Mt.
fresh. ned wad tor raht br t V. WILSON,
mar 2.4 147 wad 1.111 &mod A
Circus! Theatre! Nenageriel
A am junetan of Two Est= bligansOlA tad WIWW , td•
e.,1 ander thsiolai rapezeiel we of MIL STONY, !cedar
Proprletziat Sloss t .11c0oux3e1 , 0acn.
Rau be extaand La the CIIT 'of risoburat w /ma al
Comptenclur on MONDAY; ALLY 2&h.
ey;i l r. Mrparicularssa Pi.
Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company.
Presidezit—Jam 13. Hoo.
Tice Proridaot—Saxtr.MoCintaall.
T1V111.03-40MII 8. ULM
Secretary—C. A. Coma. "
Atil - Seo advertixtoent In another Dart of elm papa.
DRIED APPLES-15 lAD. for sale by .l ,
m7ll - HG Water GU
QIIAII-10 bbs. No. 1;
Bu . Ra •
mr ourtai
aUGAI-100 bb!e. Powdered, for salelr;'
my 24 BmuJalDOEl INGIIIILIit.
aIIEASE-1.5 bble. good grease, now land
LA Mg front steamer Cumberland Ea *.
EY t !Or enla
m r.. 4 WaleT and bust Ms.
if 1 lIEESE-51. boxes, now. landing And for
xi mi. by ISAIAT DICKEY n CO,
tb724 Watex alrl front cm
BUTTER -3 bbls fresh. now landing and
for sale by , ISAIAH DICKET CO. Water ssd Front sta.
'DOUGH or BACON HAMS-8 casks,
jut, well cured, will be wehl low to CiIME , the lot.
/Sit All Dlt'll/lY !We
Witter and Frosit'st.
TIRY PEACHES-40 'seeks, store, for
ale by ISAMU DICE ZY &CO..
mv24 Was, .4 Pront sa
1 1 1 4, , 1Ltr b . b! i g , in m et e ere, and will be sold
Water and bloat Ea.
MINED BORAX-6001ln best English,
for rale br [mr 211 J. KIDD it Ca. CO Wad rt.
ARD OlL—(superior article) in half bbla
for sale by (m 724) J. KIDD CO.. GO wag 4. -1:
AC DYE--500 lbs for solo by.
ray=; J. EIDD k CO.. CO Water 0.
INDIAcei WA II ILK 20 ec •
ved, a .Kr dealnble ortkle, warraatod to wash.—
A m
• large ammo:not of Poularl
A. M bes
ASO ulltal mks.
y= A. N CO.
-10 obaroo Bank of PittsbArgb:
20 21erehants• 2 Km Bank of
For. bleb Idgbart price la nob 2111 be pold. lrr
0rry23221 • , A. HILL 2 CO.
• Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh -
50SHARES FOR SALE on favorable
torsos, br Wit lEELL !CM
• Invaluable to Whet Y o 9roteetkot to atei hasten In
house dear:ion. rardening, ears of frioners„to. to Iran
log. they bleatthe handssoony_erldte. For ate War at
the India Untober Depot, 7 sad 9 Wood etre!t.
. • •
CLARET WINE. (St. Julien 31:cl:cicA of
lin duse4 'u Tar o 7 ta l' ii " J ' krZe boltte l" Tt - 3113MYra
kart. ha the DtemumuL meZ
Lawn!. Lawns!
A A..3LASON CO. No. 62 and 64 War
d-L. • het enact, ere now opening, 10 anew nip. French
helms, at ell prim. Tbe attention of cuttoseere b.otent.
al to an examination of it greet eariety of the ebrande
et 1211; atm pee yarn.
.10 21 bo of the celebrate' Burlinateit honked Ber
ra,. In Ina voice, and ior rate tor •
tar= ' WV r o A c . e l res C ad UG ea D O "r a •
F ISII—New Shad; •
- Baltimore IlerrteG '
Mere and No. 1 allettrelt'
Ur and Beak Cotitteht Beale by
my= MoCLURU s Co., 256 Libertyst.
CTHE PARTNERSHIP heretofote existing
u-de the Army bud style or =LER. CIirACIL a
, baring exyurd. by limbattoyb dbuolved by atuttal
coneent.. 31by 2.4,1661.-111
CAP OIL CLOTHS--Just - reed . ; from the
l'oetor9. 50 pieces Coo Oil Cloth, • heautifaily Oath
.rtiot for We what .m.lo lo• osttstagaiecs, lithe
0.1 Cloth e' Waren:atm Nos. 1954 9 Wood et.
sarrJ J. t LL. PHILLIPS.
aura Y. 3L aAIOII3.
124 biro 111.5 C die now °dna=
Nrytit of C=Ornkleries. consis ting Of pE ' Cog
chemizetw, Under :Isom, Blook sad Lace Yens.
}Joung, cing. Childrn's
ral6l Want.
Coos. Cambeto and !Its
Ebri Nos. 42ssrluit MT=
B ACON -10 hitils.'prisne Sides;
6 - Shoulders;
/0 tierce. extra Farm ir cativarred Stag
L. 8. WAT/5h.114.N t COlBB,
EA and 81 Water, and 62 From et.
YAR D-25 kegs No. 1. for sale by -
JINSEED 0.1L—,25 bbls.
J. pure, for ante by
tale PROOF PkINT-1(1 b
ri bl e o ,: 4 : ? jE tuA for
HIED PEACHES-500 3 bn. for aide by
mrzt J. B. CLNYINLD.
G RAIN . --610 ba. Oats;
OM. &exact
PARE REDuery !
J 1851.
Via Brownsville and Cumberland, to BalthiSare
and. Philadelphia. . •
?PRE MORNING BOAT leaves the %ail'
nboee the Bridge ddlT. et a o'clock Preelealy. Maw
neethsg with the maw at Cumberland mist =crab:kg.
The Seen!. Peat learn daily (except Imlay evening)
at 0 deice), conneming with the cats at Cmnberiand nest
evening at 10 dclock.
Time at
to Baltimore, :Them. Tare =IT U.
1 tau through to Philadelphia, 40'bortra Fare only $lO.
The National Baal le now good: Corolinctote ow with
the Coed. between Browenilte and Cumberland. which
Mates this decidedly the belt route Eon.
J. 31E9/1131Vi, Agent.
Ply= .. Otilee in the lionengralwla donee.
185 1 1. akaa
BXPRESS Packet and Railroad Line far
Clavaland, tollhout tott (3P' deno, by Steamers than
aburgh to Paakri, in connontlantritli elarantlyll.
tthed Emden Packets of Clarke, Parks tt Co, from Beam
to Ravenna. tod tn. aplendld nen Plenum Cart of tilt
C(avaland and Adana:rah ktailsroad Co. to ClandatteL
.. Bum,. •
Bias... Iva , . tbdr_i•pdiniorpxft. Ch. lifoaondatinla
lionse, at U o'clock, A. nt. nag with tha Packets at
Bearer. •
on hda 1411.1e.tve innardiately on the arrival of tha
simmer. aving al Ravenna in time forth., Bantus Tian
f Can for Cie...Mad. Banana pas by thlv Una ant
ra at
Cleveland in tanew take the Ballnad Ling of Steams
for BUFFALO and DETWIT. sad the stadiums Sar Chian
g, Ilibrankle., Toledo, Bandraky City. Dunkirk sad !Bari
also kg ern:Ling train at am far Columbus . Xenia. and
Clactisnati. CLARKS. PARKS g 00, Frogensints, •
I Boman. PA.
=ors: •
o..ip= =day Bt. Matins Unlab
O. ht. Lt.turox.
. Oftico under /fannzuFsbela Ilona;
comer of Brawled sad Wats"
afd PITTarAL
1851. gag
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.
well known Line is now prepared to
ws.s.mtrrest sea paeamgen teem
b , . 11.
ale CLEVELAND, to sof In on Ha Cala ad am.
The fatillae. of the Line ars uneapaael atalikaottli , "
.. B.dt7 of Batt; Erperiena or Captain., anal
Peaty of Agents.
Una Boat leave. Pittsburgh arid Clerelanif dally,ronokop
lo coonation with • Line of Mamba. *ammo TiiTiei •
U URDU and BEAVER. and • Lan of Palates steamasta
(patella and nada on tke Woo.
Parks le Pe., Yonnationt. 04 '
IL B. Taylor, Warren. 0;
N. Clark. Newton i ans.*: •
C. PrentioEliavenna. 0; •
Barton obi., Ravenna, Oz
Kent, Gram] • Franklin, 0;
IL A. n lla. Coyaborn
'Whaler, Lee t Ok. Alma. .
fiendareon Patikae i PapetakT cia. 04
Peckham t Pat; Telma. 04
G. wp=a,. ukaissw.
Donancian • fix. Miloaokie. Da
ita., A.O Mb, It lb., Campo, 111.;
Shomnall Mama /11. ;
a • 1 rem M
Water and amithnsl4 P. tittle* t.
ONE Ora t CO., Importers ofrues,
Ernitlol.ll streat,l*
tweet, Sixth luld ik , coth. • ,"
Brandies, Wines. &a.
• .
HAVING completed arrangemeat& i .with
Ilona" in Bordeaux and other Europa., (Atk a- for
of .7 =der& 1 em tinu enablad biota to
Notion, at • Small dream over Int portatkas coot, BRAN.
Wlbran and LlgUcidth of tbs: t—est deacidxtim
frontiate Atter carves /vase toot, V nr. • vt.
%.}e, and b' Men dalo and
bbaa and to et VV. and brort:
Lad mednno outdo/.
111. or nab Uadeires. oral' grar.
0 , 4 rod {rums. art veer old 104 naertor.'
tau boxes Claret it Ova rations brands_ 1. 4 1
1 1 41 5 7 " ,, ketatrtertaLead: "."' C d iaret ikb. ll " ,dmm l a nr rna . . : 4 ' . 7 *
10 pancheens Old detach and I ebb Irdtielter,
• - ripertar Old Jamaica/I=n
oa nets =per!. Loud. Berns neon and Scaa
with • aura% wail' of importeo Lnosera sab
msmthe. liaravoblac• , harp, bonbon, Illtuerrx Br{?
dr ' •
lam goat cf QU Fitlr.l SEGUE'S iVray• as bad;
All oftalon 1 rill oder on very favorable Ovum
Orden, trill to executed Lith despatch. and
looret rum • A. Lt. 2.1.-Va.
/IxXotkvi and Dcalse, DO watent arse;