The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 30, 1851, Image 4

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/den of thought and men of feeling
There's a spell around you etesling—
There's a cloud hangs in the sty—
There's a tempest hovering high—
There's an eagle flitting near you—
There's a lion roaring: fear you
• Not their power T
llurriea'nes may rage around you
In an born.
Long Intemperance has around us
Held its•away ;
Numbers 'Death its power have fallen
Night and day;
Now let virtue through the. nation
Clear the way, •
As-the night of vice is breaking
' Into . day.
Lend your aid to spread on high,
The temperance banner in the sky ;
Lend your aid to etc" the course--
:Item W—stens it at its source ;
Let it not o'erwhelm the WILIOII.
Level all, what rank or station,
Tithe ground.
UN+ the madden'd thirsting tiger's
Furious bound.
Let the sixty thousand drunkards
That are slain
As each year rolls o'er our being,
Live again—
If untlive, let thossinon living
Shun the plain
Ou which the thousands, falling never
Rose again.
:ice the wises their hands are wringing
See the children to them clinging;
See 'the hearths so long/deserted—
See the homes where love has parted—
Sea the prisoni filled with mortals—
See the work-hoaxed crowded portals ;
Hee them all
Ti. Intemperance that has revell',l
Alen of thought and men of feeling
For and wide,
liteM the torrent rhich for ages
• • Ilas defied
The humble peasant,l and the monarch
In his pride.
Alen of thought, be and siding—
stem the tide.
Stem the tide of vice that round us
Like a cowing sea has bound us , .
stem the torrent, let it never
Roll so madly on se ever,
Stem the tide.
Correspondence of the Boston Proven",
UTICA, Ma 17, 1851
• Elio,. Traveller • —This afternoon, the Gener
al Assembly was not in session; and the member!,
in compliance with as invitation from the Super
intendent,'Msited in a body the New York Assy
lam for the Insane, situated on an elevatedplain,
r, little over a mile West of the centre of the city,
trom which there is a fine view of Utica and the
beautiful valley of the Mohawk, and the culti
vated hill that rise to the North, in the di
rection of Trenton Falls. The main edifice,
which was commenced In 1539 and finished in
1342, is 650 feet in length, the centre part 120
tees front four stories high, and the wings two
stories, exclusive of the basement. It is built of
lime -stone, in the Doris style of architecture, the
portico in front being supported by sir immense
netted columns; built of blocks of the same stone,
eight feet diameter at the base, and forty eight
feet in height.
. •
The internal urrangment and dirirision of the
building is well adapted to the purpose for which
It was designed. Connecten with, and in the
rear of the main building, are two buildings of
brick, three stories high, extending back et right
angles with the wings of tire front building 240
feet, and the rear of these buildings is connected
bye building 292 feet, parillel with the front,
twenty five feet wide and two stories high, thus
forming an enclosed yard in the rear, 216 by 292
feet. There are in all 380 single rooms for pa
tients, 24 for their attendants; 20 associated dor
mitories that will contain from five to twelve
persons each, 16 parlors, 12 'dining rooms, 24
bathing rooms, 24 clothes rooms, anti 1 14 water
Closets. The rooms are warmed with hot air
.furnaces in the basement, and lighted with gas.
An abundant supply of waterier obtained from
the Chenango canal, by means of a pump kept
in constant motion by the water discharged from
rine.of the locks. It is forted through a three
inch iron pipe, half a mile, and elevated 95 feet
'to reservoirs in the attic, from which it is distrib
uted in pipes through the building. besides
this, there ore good wells of fresh water. Con
nected with the Asylum there are grounds for
exercise in the open air, a green home, an ex
tensive vegetable garden, flower gardens, and a
productive farm of 186 acres. At the entrance,
by the side of the gate, is a little office, where a
great variety of ingenious articles manufactur
ed by the patients, are kept for sale. A little
paper called the "Opal," is edited, printed, and
pnblshee by the panents iThe present number
of patients is about
,fioo. It is a magnificent
building and a noble institution, the
"Empire State."
After the members of the'Assembly had pass
ed through the building, the bell was rung and
the patients collected togrtherin the chapel.—
Prayer was offered by the chaplain; Rev. Mr.
Goodrich, and a hymn was sung by an excellent
choir selected from the patients, after which,
very unexpectedly to us all, one of the patients,
a Dr. Maltbie, formerly of New York, who has
been in the institution for airy' years, rose and
addressed the moderator and themembers of the
Assembly, in a 'Written speech of great brillisn
e cynrl.poerer, though with oceasional wander
ings; just enough to indicate a little disorder of
mind. It was eloquently delivered, and made a
very deep impression upon the members of the
Assembly. Rev. Dr. Riddle, ofiPittsburgh, Pa,
the moderator of the last Assembly, in the ab
sence of Mr. Barnes, though taken entirely by
'surprise, responded In a very felicitoris manner,
and the ocmftion paused off quite - to the gratifi
cation of all present
- On .the way back to the city, the members of
the-Assembly, in compliance with an invitation,
; visited the "Globe Mills," an extensive woolen
t factory, owned by the Messrs. Churchill of this
city, where Dr. Riddle was unexpectedly called
upon for a speech to the operatives, in which be
acquitted himself very handsoMely; and appro
. errata remarks were also made by Rev. Dr. Tim
othy Woodbridge.
Utica, is a very handsome city, extending, I
should think, about a mile and a half in either
direction, with broad and beautiful streets, pas
- red, with flagstone sidewalks in the more central
parts and plankwalks in the out skirts,—beauti
fully adorned with shade trees,end appears tole
it place of no small business, being situated at
the junction of the Erie and Cheniusgo Canals
' and the Albany and Buffalo Railroad. It has a
population of 17,500. Youre, Sc._
The Her. Dr. Durbin, Secretary of the Metho
dist Episcdpal Parent Missionary Society, after
Speaking of the duty of the M. E. Church to en
gage more ernestly in the work of 1:13i3310135, par
ticalarly Home Miesiuns, among other. things,
Onetalf of the inhabitants of Wisconsin are
Germans—one-third of the city,of New York are
Irish, and one-fifth Germarione-fifth of Philadel
phia are Germans—every 2} men in the State of
Pennsylvania are Germane—every 2; man in
St, Louis are Germans—and to all of these add
the Swedes Danes, French, Italians, and even
the Greeks who are now coming here,
and you
ran form idea of what remains yet to be done.
I look upon this eorintry as t vast cauldron,
and out of it must come destruction, antes some
thing bs don to spread the Gospel among thin
'east class of human beings."
:M2O Cent. saved to Country ' Merchants.
. J. EVIG, Dealer, !la !BOOTS AM)
tom, N. 43 North fostact stieeu I s hlladeieldu
te'd tram tha which ..1, ...- w . ii
whaled atock of the above attabh will la mid at V.)
Dar ...tame than can apureb.ed mthe tier.m. cub
or tity wmartauseu
Dealers will do well to mall bean, nurehasing. '
Important to Druggists, Hardware Men,
dill Store Keeper. in general
illarB is to inform the above partial that.
fr.: L. IL PUILLIPS th e irarrived from Phi!addable.
• ha with biro maples o LIQUID GLUE. bb Car.
.41tAra. 0 11.1 . a,2l,lll.n.dearlf otln nilfirue;
tottiss of thaw wises. Ata7tha
the riEhr ' •
Sales Preparstive. aapereedlog the beo of Ye.; run
=skint • begonia. ontritlon• focd. one Waif lorr
than arm article oat. Me ar two agenda wanted to this
dt7. Partromistdag to remain ttueee.ivereal ankles
eon no at VUILSITII'd, and at !ADAMS' IttPrere
Moe. Plw b this day. rem lo tW /O'clock..
The &b an for male by t CO,
. ar72/ Only Agents ln Pittsburgh.
LARD 011,-15 bbls. for sale by
' . Fresh Arrivals of Wall Paper.
frHORAS PALMER, N 0.5.5 Market treei,
haciartrearind from the East, a hatxteame own
awe of knaprkrd Chan:lb. Parer.._ rare
P APER LLANOINGS--French and Amer
W i rt. to haasypler.s.' b r
ml W TYR P. sum !LULL. ha 'Wuxi sr.
nAOKEREL--200 bbla. No. 3.
Nnrbammt inneasonaairet barrels, ast lK
Pia b/ Ite7J.DP.t , We' d 14
Warehouse, Ps. Italhaad What.
, roma Pram Rosa Wares sh,
:a&Ma, , aWMi;!GI
SODA:IOE- 5 0 0 casks of our own manor
&A . m ., ...nanted at as gad platy sad as bl)th test
0:s Nis zri sk tas:par y les c r pm*,
lu= WM-I=p (or
,a aims
ardo warlyalled. Ms ism of NOREk -.7 6 - 446 1 1 , 16:1
Atom Plnibtaih, asyll
• `i
IN pursuance of law, I; MILLO.wD FILLMORL,
?resident of the United Man. of Amelia. do beeeby
tWare end main koown that public pal. will be bed se
he eadertooldio w ne , lll Onto. in the State of ArkAnsae,
etre& erie&dherei
Mthd.Y. the deaf Septeinber mat, Jor the dlth..]
of tine public lands einalted within the nude:m..l.W
tswnehthe and frserlonal townshlne, me:
ortbof fiteLasse Uneenwiwast Me.A.TA prtncipalm-
RTownsidp two, of range th
ran g ree.
rotloll=blio wrth of White rim, of
range nioe.
Itheth t....zin,J,sgs.,,a aft& f,tei551ad5 , .+1..w ,,,, ...
Sown/MID Mean. of range two.
Fractional low/Wipe eleven and twelve, of wage SM.
Al the Land Oftes CILAMPALINOLE, comoothathg
nwesr. th e Ofteerth day of September next. kg the dl,
pox. of the ambito lands withth the ugulermentioord town
hips, to wit ,
&why thebue lineard mut VW AIM prinapol negation
Townehlow eleven and foorteen, of nage egrelateth.
T Arr fA c g.l7/ " Mc ' el tft n flitiltreadomenring on Mon.
dey, th e. eighteenth day of Augurt nest, far the disposal
a nubile lande within the following rimed unn.thir...d
was of towlishlns, vla
N'orthqf the We [tu ned earl of Va JUN DNne~ . d.nidian.
Sections thlrteen.thenty.ththia twenty-four and twenty
tee, east of the ... Plan. Aver, In townehlp Woe, of
range four.
Tonnahlp nine. of,emelt.
SAM% of the tux
o ne teed Qf Ara riori:Pa sier/Lon.
Tonnetilp foot and part of an Wand to meetiotui thl
too and WM-three, in township thirteen. of range one.
At the Laud °Mee at LITTLE ROCK. moment-dug un
/ItittfitY. tho Prat day of September nat. for MP
of the public 'wadi the fullootog trade wand
near Cyprtap lake.rta:
:fort/10'Mo tug liar arid west 0/Me AAA firinorpoi Iktrittian.
The tooth half of Petition eight. the Rooth half of Mu.
fraetiortal mellow fourteen and Afton, the north half of
the east half of twenty-one. twenty-two '
north half and outburst quarter of twenty-thin, Ma
northwest qua rt er of two:ay-NM. and the poet half of the
o.rthemt quarter of tirentreeteu, In tuntrthip time, of
range fourteen.
Lusde appeopriatot by to. for theuse of mhools. mili
tary and other purpose, together with - Ituato Swamp and
overhand lands roadsuuht [bomb, for cultivations" if
whirls eboll be feinted by the State authorities tee the dap , annotated for the cOMMellannellt of the pubs
lie min reepetively, under the aet entitled ••Art Art to
„„,,a• the State of Arta.. =ld other States to reclaim
the 'swamp 100th within their limits: . approved Sept on
!eq. 29. th, 1050.101/ te excluded Ana Po sal, And no
cations /Jr land bounties heretofore grouted by any law of
comm. for military services rendered to the United
States, us" neratalnd on any or the -eon wet/owed L.A.
Orionprovided by the act entitled `An Ao making APProPri
odious Mr the sit mut dtploasalk espaliers of go ertinoubs
se, approved 1.1 March, 1651.
The offeting of itie abase meutioteed lamb will to cons
mooed on the .1.1 appolubst. and will proeoed in the or
der in which they are aalventsed. with all milvvolent die
patch. until the whole have been offered and the than
thtu closed; but nu sale shall be kept open longer than
two weeks. and no private entry of any of the lands will
Is, admitted until after th e lublretion of the two weeks.
Given under my band at the City of Washington. this
(1±1;lay of May. A 1240 Domini ono thousand eight hun
dred and lifty -one. MILLARD PILLMuIIt.
By the President:
Como:L[33lo.r of Om Oene U ml Land O.
Every pent, entitled to the nght Of preemption to arty
of the Imola within the totrguldp• imd parts or totruehips
ate... enumerated, se required to estabLleh the same to the
...tlefartion of the Reghter.and Receiver . of the pmper
Land Oglos. and mate payment Enactor. ruin a/lynx:nor
U. offer string [hi, =rug, and before the day appdnted Pdr
the COMMerKeMrrit cf the public eat. of the lard. embra.
.mg the tract elaiumd , othcraide such clalm rill be thrhelt.
COMISLINIDIU2 of the lieuend Laud MR,
IN pursuance of law; I, MILLARD FILLIIORT e
President of the is shed States of. Atomic. do hereby'
Ware and mate known, that public Wm WI be held at
undermentwed Wed Dew in tho State of lows, at
Itte periods hereinafter deslimated, to wit:
At t h e Lama Office at IUU A CM, commenting on Dom
la the first day of INpterabet tort, for tho dloposal of the
public lauds altuated in the followind named townshied,
of Mr taw are wrr of OM Ala T." - •
etwriship resent,-pine,of range terente-nine.
Townships serettrwiteand eighty, of range thirty.
Townships seventy-nine mad eighty, of range thirtimoo.
Townydripa mmutruino, eighty and eighty-m. ,f ran..
,ninetwo.Toona elf hty-onr, of range Diine-three.
At the /Aid 00.., FALItYniLD, rommenans en blot
day, the fifteenth day of bet timber now for the dintral
of the public lands wahlt the undermentioned toiniehlpr,
pont .
.yorrA N ids tart As. ami tors of Ne Nib pronto./ mri,
Township seventy, of range thirty.
Township oteenty, of range thirtrtwo.
rh ea Town Invent/ of rang. trtbiwe•
At ad Mace at DllneQUE, oti Monde, the rig' ,
mei:lth day of Augutt next, for the disposal of the of
ing tracts, Iv wit .
ANM ishaid in o f o ne and rightria, in town
, Ally ricbtrtwo north, of most one eatt,mul the southeast
quarter of 'salmi Cowerstn.% in township nrivety-eis
north, of rouge nine west of the fifth princlyal meridian.
lands appropriated by law for the use of school, ndli
tary and other purpose., her with "that matop and
Ism& made anAl thereby for cultivation."
if any, which shall be selected by the Mate authorities te
lore the day. appointed for the commencement of the put,
lie sales nrspectitely, under the Act entithid "An Act to
sumble the State of Arkansas and other States to reclaim
the . rituary land.' within their limits." an raved Septem
ber lath 1850, seta exclLdal frrnot ar salts. And no lo
cations for load bounties heretofore Panted by any brie of
Lloncress, fur militaryrereicet rendered' to the United
States, toil beprmitted on any ,f flit above nentiontdrandr,
proeidni by the act entitled "An act making apyreprits
dons for the civil and diplomatic mycoses of tioeemearnt."
As... approval hi March. 1051.
The offering .-f the lamb will be connumced on the days
appointril, pr eel lo the order in which they ere ad.
earthed with s.I convenient dispatch , outdate whole dull
bays been oath.., and the sale* thus rioted: but on tale
than be kept man longer than two weeks, and no p aria*
entry of any of the lands will Le admitted until otter the
expiration of the two wedrit.
()Ives under cry band at the tity of Washington. this
att s d:i 3 , l ; a n y ; Anne Do.,, vraiii :,,o rii , mdlt h on.
Pp die Primidrot:
Cuturniacipner rf thr Orneral Land
Every person entitled to the right of preemption to way
f the hada within the townships and mule of toernehi
the e tenre enumerated, la regnant to eatnhltell the tame to the
omallard= of the nester and receiver of the reeler land
ori and make rayrient therefor arecen soots .J
-:o swing Ode sr.: an wad before the day at.Pdaeled lb. I.
mallnaaneement of the nubile We of the lands embracing
tlae tract claimed: otberelaa each claim wilt be forfeited.
J.. 0. . , Y3.Ln.
Crwardealonar of the G Loot Clln.x.
President of the Crtitad Pau. of amens: do Peaty
lb. Palma sad PAU known, ask. old be held at
undermentioned Land =to ne in the &Ate of gituractu,
at the periods hereinafter deerignsted,lo
At the Land Off. , at JACKSOZIL ronotnencing on Mon.
fr . nrai t c he lan ' T Ity.g.s.traba-;nit.o.T, Hamad th4-1.U17.
North VW now lime cosd wet of' theAfth
p. twenty-sever; tweisinyeight and twnntrnitie ,
on and nen Current river, of rang* three.
Townships twenty-pm, twenty-eight end twenlyAinio
on and near Current beer. of not. Aim
Totribbil, 10.011 -eight, on a branch of Current river, of
Mtg. five.
Township twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty . ..lead and
Prenty-nln, of range eight.
Townships twenty-time, tweet(-Genr, twantywight and
twenty-nine. of purse Pp.
Fractional township twenty..., sod townships twenty.
oftwo. twenty te di., twenty-four, twenty-6P and twenty...ln
milt e BALM PLACE.. coudneneing on Mond. the at
-tent h day of liepteunter nest. for my * 41eP0.1 ay
tb• pub
he Lards •ithin the following named townehip• and parts
of unrrohipeoria:
North of the Wee line and rad th • Nth priwasell
Township twenty-two, of Pup two.
Fractional township. twenty..n, and twenty-two, and
township twentrtive, of sap, throe.
Township Patitypu, of PPP four
Trwrishlps twenty-two and twentylnise, of ruin. SP.
Fractional town/hip Tlnteeo, and township twenty-two,
twenty-three, terstity.foor, twantyllve, Malaysia and
tweettyweven of range Gs.
Fractional townships sixteen and seventh. sal P.n.
ship twenty-two, of nape sopa
Fractional townshipHlPP, seventeen. eightsn pat
twenty-on. townships twentrtwo and twenty-three, and
sections Pest to ten Ind adve, erobrican to rwinfrorts twin
Pre, and hendp-wiric to Piety-non inaptly, in township
twenty...ix of range eight-
Townahip ninenon Vamp button.)tetanal, thirty-over
to thirtb.ns fractiboal townsinti twenty end
fhir4nfractional township twenty-Plc ieneeld wctiatb on, ". 1 "
hoehryidere, twenty/ow beevatolne, tavarrne,.
twenty seven, tArrtyloar, thartyfive, and Plebs, V nuip
The nortboesi fraction of tealca or, to township mint amt fractional township twenty, of range ton
Twat. ono to ficelto loolatiee, abet north half of fidetwa,
/cartons to hanteworie lonian., and Mond • • At to thwtr•
*rev Inelzutive. In tolnahlp elektecta rooms throe . ten
lorJosive. bt township nineteen; and noilons
teen, the WWI bail of borattetwe ft:nay-three to eisentrer
eon, arin thelinfowe ,to eiorraono include, in talon/MP
twenty, of range '
Tbe ban eon of uLittle Ritar Oranow,•• of townealp
twardrthere. of mum Ibieterm.
Section es (e . ..mpt the torn:teen quartet,) and sectiots
amen. eittltent, itetent. Thirty niti Inn/Pim, east of "Little
Meer neeillow." tcrentbly titentrfour, of ninte logo
At the Land Of!kw of ELPEIEGHELD, mcmmeios .
Monday, the eighteenth day of dash.[ neat, tho die
dl of the public
tairtc lands sittated within the fol low i ng
friational hird, to telt :
orth of the Oats hoe cosi west r Ara prinn.l =nit!".
Township twenty two, of note twenty... •
Toy:whip nrcatidwo, of moo. neentraia's.
Fractious of rsvtlont tassayAne, hitrty-onc,'/Airryciao,
thirty Nnc, Partyl.r,thivry-fice and thurtprir, Muth of ths
old btate Lane, lo to w n s h ip tw.tY.e. of rang twett,
it.ctioruil township twenty-a., ad.ient to the State
Linn of ranges tw.tynevets, twenty-nits, thlny, thirty
one, thlrtykwo. 1.1 thlrty-frasr.
Lands appropriated by law for the us. of
mid oh. purpose', together with "chow malty eta
overfloweAlands roble matt thereby for taltlvallou2 - If
sty, which shall be auk.. by the Ms. authoring.: befo.
the day. appointed rur the commerstertent of the put.
talcs respectisely, wader the Act attn.! "At Art to ems
tap the Yaate of Arkansas sad other haatta to reclaim the
'swamp lan.' thin nu. limits," And
MP, snit tocsrludedfrove the mires And nolo:cations
for find bandies heretofore matted by as law of Con
tra. for military servlive rendered to the L
UMW Nat..
roll to permited on any kr the atom anuanted lands, a=
tided by the set entitled "An Art making eritant
far the civil
ed and diplotor expenses of Boversua.F . Cr,
101tf h ils i o " abore mentionedlavas will IA own
tumid thy day. epr.:ltted, and wlllynneed In the or
der In which they are advertised title all enuyeatent Me
m:rob, unit th e whole shall have been offered . and thesalee
W c.aedi but no We shall be kept oprt longer than too
weeks, and no private entry of any of the lands will head
mlttsd until after the cigar.= of the two weeks.
Olveu under my band at the City of lisaltiton, this
Sixth day of Hay, Antolicatlnl .e thoussad Ist hut
dred and throne. IULLAILD /ILLY BE.
By the IlendLat:
Commissioner of the General Laid 061..
of Ezru:
L :
. enourgar: Me preem
tot whip end toots ption %,!er .
above enton;ra ' tad, I. required to Wahl the cams to - a r s
sallafeetkas of the ntiMiter and nether of the proper loud
dace. and =dm payment therefor as soon di pradmable 4/.
to senfao MO notice, and before the QAT .
and. nad Mr the
onoaseneounent of the public, sale of the l embradnit
the eenstelainteth othenrize such claim .111 be forfeited.
J. itt/lerEitilELD,
Commladoner of the (lettere! land Moe.
Hamburg Polka. •
KLEBER, No. 101 Third street, has just
a. Bamboo. Polka, one GUM moot popular and
tDal Polkaa,oyetaumi.h.d.
I r ( VILIt tad ItTh!:l7,.Trbi
Thblye,,....kloaataba baby; OnW( y
the el. h
LAW wri 'new sworn-
IS Frt .
x i t z e phiyaVg:.',entry 'jar., tied—oe.,
bury moat beaustillol soak, al
kaaanwell, if WWII? fondest Dra
dud e. ealimet. %Irian or nm
ew Welty, polka; Va
th.luit Prw9g4"4 (MN Olt 2112 OOLDLN 11411 P.
Mothenklzam. or tho Isl. of Ra m . t .. 1 . 1„. T. ...,..
. k.., N. Nouthwo rt li
Th . h ..,..” wit, by I. B. Ar th ur.
Mochamies Maigulne, No. b.
Ilmilealtosint, far.ilay.
Coltirstar.. •
Received M /MIAMI? Lkerm, D.. 4.
my 6 TAW 1421114 mama thl, PQMUme.
LARD - 7 22. kep NO. i LOtlf; i . o7BBloiir
my 7 ' . RIM. 71ATITINW3 & 0 .
D RIED FRUIT-150 bu. Apples;
sco . • Pavan,. Mr gala bY
my 7 HUEY. )I•22HYWB • W.
RICE --lo tierces (fresh) for sale by
MYT 234 Litany C0 ..4n.
ITIBA-40 hr. chest; Y. H. Imp., and Black
j. Trak for oak by •
paytftot isle in art 4 t ,dL -
- - 3/ 7 8 4 3 1 D oc k . R oo t, 'il 1.851. gad
Compocuid Byrap o w
ille . C . FP , lELth ki e ... ffu nf ri , t hi f . aLk o ani t,y o r n o f
~.t hep ip . .m i . ., .
I ' 4- erior ne' rntf r irtm 4U an ab. rpu • reEneinte4'l"ei and
tioo " d th . ' At.. eLAtKE, PARKS 6 CO.. Roettherte. Pxorircr.o.
Lire Ononialut, Catarrh. llama* ibadlache, Diulneee, -
i . ..„,,i5, 8.,..:W1t1 and Tightness :bent th e Cheat Brom i TIME PROPRIETORS 4 this old and well
chino, or heamenem. dryness, and a tick li ng ranale. J. knoll. Line, would iL11,1131 the public that they are
about th e throat: and ls wed vitb unprecedented mores. : no. in operation for they nvont mason , and have commen
in ail eases of --.
, .td neceirng Freight and Passenger, which they ate fully
Feuds Weakners and Ocural Debility. i p . repere , 4 marry to all polum on Om Cati , d, and Lake tale
Ett"Wth'''''....the watered ' ''' Y ' ~,,g t°oo to th e Tat=ru'lVaTlZl tlio=',l'...."V
-,...i0n...41...,........ latrotoratiog the enure system. .Line .., ‘, ~ . ?...,,,,,....,
If the testimony of thorium:La of /Wing althea.. from : ft . "..........' L. r `' .. ',"
t ool A. CALORST. ,anent
aliparts Of the country, can be relied upon, It is ming.... ;
Office, cot Water 5 mithrald ti...Putshorah.
iy efficacious in coring oil Hrookors, and notoring deldlita
bvl and broken down constitutions It 13 purely Vegeta . CONSIGNEE.:
hie in id composition, and so accurately combined in Im II W. Cunningham, New Castle, Pa;
preportone Una the chemical. botanical, and medical P ,, . il C. Ilatheere. Pulaski, Pa;
pestles of each Ingredient 100 unite to W C. !Nolan, Sharon:
Purify the:Blood. . J. di S. Hull, Eturpotainth;
It has removedmenyearoniedleetres which here bentra Wm. Ache. a Co.. Ommand
Wm. floury. flart-teartg
the skill of the best phyla:dm...a has also comd poker, .
Wm. Power, Cotaneautrill,
Ma 1.e.. , tramapetas and Scrofula. Irtkleh sarsatarilie C. 11. Peed Erie. Pa:
ig'il:=l4,, MV.T.::3 ,ke . ,th. .. ", :reValites " r 1 11. 5. Ran Lei GoKsIM N. N. ass t
... __ -
WOES. The most obstioate thowera bare bon cured be
Ibis medicine. Weser that It la a rainable medicine lo all PKYRSYLVANIA RAILROAD.
BILIOUS COMPLILINTn. It remora ell obstruction., IL :
117 the Herniation, rendering the Liver erre, active. ar e lho'd - i
. " r=rtg P4M rrarbe th ' " VillVin r caoorat.Tl 1 .
at all sesame of the year.
'ChM Syrup is treparat ouly by C. 1d01t.90 1 0 Co .. 10l
Founbtle: street. Providence. R. 1., and seidovhole... sod
retail. by fl N. wlCKnablistl.
0 07 Agent fur ' Wester's; Pri7ittsrivania
..n7 6, 7 Warehouse. corner Wood sod 01.0.hets.Pd.Pit
The most Extraordinary Discovery in Elm World it
the great Arabian Remedy for Nan and Jute!!
H. G. Farrell's
100 yo
miraeulorei cures performed by the
Au. phyeleluts in the of old. were then
100 Upon s.• tbe result of manic, but sines we hare be
et.. Intimate with their M.o. we ran thus tuvuunt for
their eurptialna tauser ever Their attainments In
the kno•ledge of medicine were the wonder of the age,
while et the game time the science n o thistry, hlh
with them Lad its orb.. was to [Le a the world .•sp
sealed And In (deny the, worethr m..t stations t.l
students. to the beautiful grutn which skirt the deserts of
Arable, abound rare plants and odorous wt.. whence are
obtained the. guise and fra.runt balsams. of
which Oda Incomparable liniment to ..ompo , el. end by
who. . etimulall unctuous, penetrant:La and timely.
ernit ' a h i e t Itoretn ' o P e " r i s it!tr. soot In
tenseldoJn the Incredibly short [...0f 10 or Ib minute..
its action it priatipt, powerful and effectual, without th e
knit deng,wr It teinetraten the Leh to the bane. rt.lasea
ornltZarted curd% restores use to limbo, which have bet
palsied for year, rousing the shrlreltel flesh to grow out
and rich blood to circuitate through lie veins. It restores
the 83..1 Fluid or Joint Water. and this Is the reason
why It hat twee, so universal!, suovesstul is
Titers diseases of theJcdn.. in chrtude affecuout o f the Soh,
Luons end libbarys, this groat Arabianrensedy
statute unparalleled, Ague Cake car &dente... the
Spleen. it It • speeitiq and toe Rheumatism It has perform
ed some of the meet est...hoary cur. ren.h al.
for Cramps, Swellings. Pains, Wound. Ch ilb lains 'hors.
White bevelling,. Tumore.te. toe. It it equally efficacious
in disease of Animals, such ll,tUla Poll ttell.Sweeney.
:gift 000tplaint, Instetuper, Pervy,SprehatatroPes,Wounds,
Man., Aparins, Whuhralls. Splint end to nearly all
diseases, either is man a beast, which erotic sso ester
nal application. thts linuuent stands et tn. 1...1 of all
The Allowingis from the pt -opal theountent wthe
Pealthy and highly respectable house cf Vests I tif,a of
eoria, and pte one of the way saassful anew in
the thilsale of med ical hlthory
Mr. IL u. Farrell: Dear sir, Actuated by • grate.
luta., 1 enbmit the following as an Instance, of the util
ity of your great medicine. My ehild,three yearsold, wee
suddenly attacked with • terrible dieethe. which, in lea than fix hours. proetrated It to anti Adarslntas. The lima
Wan. so ogia that nor a jant•muld I. bent; the ash
lomat black and cold. and ash
en &wired qf Jichr4; the
thee curl, partially closed that altogether Plinth Follow
log this vu drojeut to all round: the thine lame core
tainted. and eis coroth, that when laying on 1p bthir.. the
bead dal ma: only Indeed, the child parental
earl - ePPanace of being dead, lonnallealy en the al
hetack, the fatally phyamitho was called tn. and fare was
Labored to Nature It to feeling.but all in Yalu, although
it wee bilateral a Joan limn, and ythinnsrubahoient
applied. A consultation of physicist. was tan
held, but to no purpose. The ewe was then brought a
fore th e Malieth Pociety. but nothing mold to suggested
which hal not already been done: end the actor then told
me he raid do nothing more. We then conanenal ep
f=g . pzur y.. l=l:..f4 i st . iy . :ter Ins corns Icogth of the
for Ithnlication eattoonsip athaation tow w
hit Tho
child rapidly reanted, with the esaption of the tight.
which iUd not become persoot for nearly a month. It le
now hearty and robust fa ran be.
Floe other an. of the same kind oreured in My neigh.
borbood previously. all of width lath when. no doubt. If
your Liniment hal been used, [ha y would hare recovered.
Peoria. Maras 1, laid. HENRY a. CLELAND.
Co plcini , Ery.lipetax, .nd Winona:is=
Itarnacx. slarton Co Ky.. May 27. 1544.
alr II lissamt—lateir 51r lour Liniment la
very well. and doin:• de•l of pod th e Pae
Ida It bas cure , a lad yv of I:ri, and ad other
n pain in the breast- A lady. who wan confined Ag e e- h er b alfor nevem! months with Liter Complaint and Agee
lion of the Heart, was entirely cunsl by the nee of your
Arabian Liniment. She paid the iloctan 'could do her no
goal. It has been applied to a frmb cut. and cured it in
sehore time. I haee been !irritant with Itheutuatittet for
thoe and Jo. before .date yiell It pain
much that bad no ream all day: an d in the night 1 min.
damet and rubbing with, your Liniment, Anil
bebare va rubbing. the paha ceamd.
Stiff Complaint, Solene , Diltemper, Corks and
Sore Epee Cured
Slltchell. Postmaster at nat. Fulton Count, M.
m alt P.
O. 1 Anacts, Tour Arubmn Ltnlment i. M.hly
g r tllr d eo h tToleln ‘ l . b7.7=7.l, T:47....^1,A '7
cured one of my own of the Sweeney. our Sterin.
Dykes, curetlus hurl, et. but Cork 01001 to he id.a tned
1.1. on • toll : bat had lb. Distemper very hod. and run. it
Immedislelf Ile say. it LS kW-Mails the watest b.,ree
medicine he ever wed. There here Wen numbera runel
of "Mee e/th
an] Le tt.en. tad It . ,or; saluaLl
fur men
The 1,014. ars . paritt f uhvir;an ' ti.evni ag•lnet . 1 ,, e
Optearx,fial th s . blzh Imo lately tusl . e t, lt . ...Art. ,, r efi r.
ra n =ent. )= =fe w a h l-agerous frau.] .nd n lialhe
tadetwe from hia hearten, the name .•5 tansll Tb.-rw
ebe pvcknlar neve, to cur/ for bp i f , nawe - TorreiVe
Llattnent." unprindplecl , leslen sill Imp... the ~ P rt
RIOUS wiLezure upon inn far the sena...tut r.,en,4 , ,A
far ,therer/ Lenie,nr," awl Lute no
th• VMS'. h. Um Winn bebtatarrell's.
his Manahan , U al. no the outri.l. wrapper, .w these
words blown In the .Iva botcle-- - H. 0 11.1774r1 .I,,
Aocrin want".l in ..err Town. Willa,. W Hamlet In
the rolled Salo, In whlch one la not .4a/dished. •OPlf
by loner to 11.11. Farrell. Yves'La 111. with gmd rriereaw
ao rharestar, rownonolltlity, sc.
WI lila agent wt. rill furnish Fem. or (Aurae, a
Emit containing mne.llYal.abla Information IL.r n cry claw
of lianas.
Ptice.-I".lnerar. w ruLts, am] 012. .Inll. per tvAll.•
Mr &say ormsgm. {PALM fart u t. n.t .„ l ti. / at - re! :
VarxrXXervir ' .;.t.lii ' ...;... ' ll:.:l. • hull...Tiff:l . Mall at
Ptolniet.e. 17 ,1 4". LS 11. C. tIfLGILI,
oI4No. 37 Wc..l street
I M 1201.11 T. /411442. n,
The Haman Body Must Perspire,
cao SAYS NATURE, to have a haalchy ap
a.j pearass, sat prams who do not Fem., are Labia
to the mart disirtisthic Paha Disf-awa Jays.' lt.s.:Lao
Chemical Beep moan a tOw issrsyiratice, .al .t the woo
Who Mollify. .ssl mite.. the skit. ytwii..t it lb. lelitare
of sta infant , .
Beare,. Bait Kotwo. Zao a... 1 tomisst, tat
canal by 14, taw. as 1.-ut pbyriciatis h 5,5 know,
Who sae It IS nu% caws, sal cal it outallius .1. la
Ylitaplea. Mario. Vreckles. Os., other sa .I.sase. TW
realer Is a: mufti that this is no seal., pulled or arum as
oho tell ill prows. "1 mull enumerate at Lead eighty
lonians caned of tore W.I. awe legs. sal la , ro Leant.
Bay It—sal the realer is a4isht assur..l I ...sal a.tero
.llßl/11ItrtlwiLvrz sale.. I knew It o to ,„ be ,,. al state.
will tad this not only a e=l perseutly.... aal I nua
taiw only add, that to, vas wllllch‘i with ins WM. al.°,
daullae &Amos, will sal this all. sal .tan rams
table isisita propatiorp than Out.
mular .
If t WM
In FM, Ana , .
6u,cla JAChL4/N. al, A,
64,441 . 1%
Pearly Whitu Teeth, and Pure Breath, to
te hut ar z reatr.—Prmee who bass either. are honoree
lily assured Itud if their broth Is • 1117 Of their
teeth decayed. dark or Tallow. and ...crusted with testa,
that • tilottit box a Joe.' Amber Tooth Pule will mate
taw teeth as white 11.1 mow. rd the Idea. ottori•rtsuly
runt. at 3111h.,,r1 nut!, :I 14,rt, .1, t..,1.1
A Seieri;ific Hair Itent4.rer goad Beau-
Both. T.ti u. Tow. waii4
Joan' Coral hair li.tiorer. [wow Ite ...ilk. q.t....w
-.f.... who bare not. .e unix. It to piwwww. the Itittowtag
ilualltlew—lt .111 force the halt toVV. Gt../ Pe. whert
ashore hatmadail Wt. to cmer . rtop If felling Mt. cure marl
at. thrdratt tad make light. red, cr Fray heir Wihie
Por rendering the Daly wilt .4 tali iling can .[OOO ,l
makee It truly ...Mil, .0 hoop. it n It le. he
Eked, the moat woo.utl=l—y. sopertor—artide 1.0, lb
2.stay st Iva JA1.3(205 . 2 crone,
hrsd %Vast, Pittsburgb
P-L•-..4.1K min, 66 rests. su.l
JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid llnmrat
flair Dye, fur Da tbanging of +bite. zed, or are; 1.4,01
Wawa, cr Murk frt calm, Is a few mina /re.
Oent., Stet
Bold by bill J A flibiriri. rty etreet, brat of Weed,
JONES' LILLY WlllTE.—Ladiee are cau
lk...l agalort =log the roarrooh prefand f , - halt They
'ate act aware how frightful!' lu.' uflotta it la to the Awl
rave, haw rough. bow sallow. yellow, sod unhealthy
the Slaw •VP... taw helot( prepared Clalkl tt la
loJarkera, containing beauti fulfarge antity of lew.o
We hart 'prepared soluble ankle. • bleb we
...10 Jong' Spauieli Lally White.
It le perfect/ y lopownt, below ypurllleal of ell deleterious
qualltimr, end it imparts to the Wu • natural. healthy. al
abyt•r, clear, hobos whttw,tat the came time acting ae nue.
Peelle ext the Alp, attach. lt. eon glut mouth
Sold by_ Lb. Areal, WAY JACKPON. 2.4 u Llberer greet.
Lund Wart, Pittebursh. Print, ..16 rent.,
ao.tdawl rfl
Professor A. C. Barry's Trioophercros,
Invisur ustinsculal Is from Mr. Munn , Mdltor Om
enS46e American. Comment on such tridents Is us.
- .
gra Yoat Feb. 21, IMO.
Harry'. Treaglarruto Oen uncle that tre tate pleaeurs
&Ivanhoe am Menet atroutendatlone We do not do It
upou the recommendation orators, but trout our own per
sorul knowledge of Its etncta upon the ban - , unlit It bona
to keep It buniby. molt and g Icney, It ale° remove, date
'Wag, preen. gray hair, anti luagoratee lte growth ill
manner unequalled by any other ornopoeltlon known to
an • p4IISOLI only needs to to t one bottle to be tonvtored
of Ibla truth.
' bold in bottics,prica S anta 4 at Um , principal odkr ITi
Broadway. New
Bold In 1.0 bottles. price 23 rent., at poroprictor'a prb
E. E. b It LEIld,
ad by
mreg No. 67 Wood aL
RUSSES, 'of all kinds and sizes, fur the
atid radical core of Llaraia, or Rupture, Nor
SBOULDER BRACES, of a now and au
Derior kladjust received sad for 'skid
KEYSER 2 .11c1i0WriLL,
sad thma. i4OWool et., iitui;tiigh.
air Call
Great Care for Dyve_p_sia!
4 11 llondg bite's Perm. the true dlgortive fluld.or Dee.
Cue pr. prepared from Rennet.
or [eerie% rtzrOZEtt: OzTfter dlrection. of Dar.
ohemlst, by J. D. Hough-
Vrh u tt irgrig t als, Pa.
ante . le"a truly wonderful remedy for Indlitedlen. D.
mda, Jaundice, Liver Com Plaint, Oft.tietlr. 1 . 11 Db .
eauty,curindf after ',eateries own method, y
ValiT e te=ffil l g . Ploll.l4 Dewed in wa ter, will db
mt or dissolve free tants& of roust brej in dol taw iiolllt,
but of the stomach.
The Gastric Juice le the great solvent of tbe fowl, (her.
rifftag, pftweving,
It agent of the etoruach and
Intestinal. Without It there min be no digestion—no cocv.
tendon of fad DIM blood-110 nuton of the Wirt but
tether. Saul, torpid, painftd, and destructive condition of
E.. whole dirndl. apparatus. A weak, half dead, or Lo
ured stamen no prool tiastrie 'Juice, and been
Danes and debility which cone.
ant this want= Logi/ti e I=tr t sc u, V=l , al . .. e:
Larciti, thtte n ftrtrul • Digestive fluid, pftwisely
like the wawa/ Ossuie Juice, In he ebentical
_powers and .
furnishing • nanplete and perfect .batltute fur 14
The art of performing the prawn. of digestion anima,.
boa loneen known to Physiologistb. , ,Tir. ftottabton
slabs!. offerit of making the app/lostiow-of this art to
the Dyerepelte. In s perfect sod agreeable form.
Read the latent/be evidence! Baron Lihrbig, kb rel.
braced work on Animal Cturmietry,..eakin An Artificial
14 11. 01 . thda. analagona to the aftrtalsice. mey be
Pre, d from the meow membrane of thestotnach of the
I 1 Dlcb varbtas artkleaof lbod,ne and egg. , will
be in
=IDA= r i l b drete.lnstin the lame man.
Ds/1 on the Aetna for evldetwo".'oP' I;elnellar char
ade,. Itte doing Wer e lbr
of the genuine ',Rpm b ean of J.
the M. D.. !tole proprietor. Peke,
bottis at per
edai ltar i nagt.e. containina !edge evidence of Its veil.. ha.
• 1 : 0 1 )° ,4 M.. PlWhurgh.
Wool et.
Forty-six hours to Philadelphia.
Forty-four hours to Baltimore.
280 miles Railroad-103 miles (AMA
Two Daily Linea Express Packet Boats.
b N the openinK of Canal Navigation. TWO
t d,",!;; ‘ ? . .7 " '" '""
111 A.
tn. itundo...l hear. direct
Time through YOUTY•SIS Hours.
Fate to Philattalphin, Farr to IlalUmore.
ate Turn un Utts route aren, and t.l the mon anYto ,
mtottrurtion for minionminionan ne d Wet,
A . leave every otorning yreehtely Riftht o'clutat
atul every craning at the mime hour.
Passengers for Baltimore,
On arrival of Corn al Ilarrltburg, take the York and Cum
A...nand Railroad. (non tullahed, &reel. to that ett,.tei t tlity
(our miles.) 'lima, FOUR hour,
No charge fur handling Baggage on this route.
The 1nert...41 aprvti makee 114 the watt eouttottalde.
tonte:unt• to tto.F.aatern Chico.
Poi or Informationapply to
J. P. HOLhIES, Agent,
klumutotlaela Howe
Or to U . LEECH & CO. •
Canal Rada, Perm mart.
:4 It on ate ot July. the. Pennayirattla Ratko.'
cal be anisom to ' , crayon, trhloL will shorten the time
through SIX Matra
FittAbura - h, Fetruary Pt. '.l
New Lake Superior Liue.-1851.
THE new steamer NOR THENER, Capt. B.
t> swaa. Lavin,/ every modern Improvement for
Wee and comfort. *All leave Cleveland on Friday. the 2J
of Me d nest, an her And trip—and weakly thervalter
Priday, at 06 o . fhltiZ. fur lb. Saul Ste. Marie
The enesoler NIAPI RATTAN, CaPt Jero Cetrartu.,
Ital.... Saul Mi Merle. (or the different loading, on lake
&Merin, on the ,mini of thesteanwe Northerner, ...king
CregaLer weekly line, throughout the NINOOI2. between
leveland and the (kipper and Iron Mine,
S. t A. TUlllikit, Proprietor.
Cleveland. 0., April 5, ISsl,—lf
Manufacturer's Line.
Zggg 1851. litEia
thafthk LINE, eoropmed entirelY nous.
i. PIM to full operation; with facilities to carry a large
litard/rY of freight to Philadelphia and Italt!more. without
in as short thnir. and at as low rt., as an/
ottmaregtileir Line.
Fractal arrangements hao. also been made for carrying
Tray Proight to Dlalnrl76. Johastown, ilollidaYehurg,
Water . Street, Alexandria, Prtersburgh, SIIII
Creek. New Ilan:111ton. HeVeytown,
Newport. Clarkls Ferry, I larrieburg.Columb.a.and all otb.
er intarmadiate roints on the Pennsylvania Itzt.
isas, Fiallroad. -11aaing return loads of inal ...cured from
the Juniata, prmnptnras and regularity iu ehiPmenta,
the afcreeald pant, at the 1"1...5t rale, Luse 1,. relied
J. ft
;Waretiouae. Liberty player.
met.. tr west of lb. Canal.
I'ERV.Yr 113 BLVGII.I.II'S trt, bnulmr,
GE lIINGICAM. the riti.burqh her,
aft. 7 tranaact.:l under the atyle of “Wm. Dlngbuti
Hingliaros' Transportation Line,
nirw - ELN
T3..cHE CANAL being now open. we are rea
d! al metre End ppmptl, Prxdoot 4,10
hancliar.esat anti Irrot,
1 ,- otxtr..w so] Merthandlairrill brroorlrett Kai ftrwarthrt
rt., and wort. • Ithott war into . , hr frrwarlitte
ractultrl .1r WrWt,
WM DiNUir..ll/ C.
`!t?ti . . 2 1.411 - 7. T5 r , " 1 ' 1.3 .. ;tri4%%!". r'A.
art I.y.trth and Fifth tt, Ph.rfrarlt.hls.
JAMES 1111,41 N, A rout, '.
Yo North Itryntr.t
31 . 111,1 P.INtrII.IM. Ho, otrt
Now 1..1.
185 1 ,Oglg
Merchants' Transportation Lime,
}, (Cr wXtU ,PIYU.
PnoteA- WA:NULTY CO., Canal Ileataa4nl Nan Ars..
MirCltahl-1.111.41 - NOll. Central 5t,a1.1.1111.-
-11. are pronaral IA mkn s large anoint Inereharata•
r i ptIVZZ 111=1.1 1 1;;IV " : 1 1rnIrrTrti::, * Inl In
11416 nzo. Ilan Info,
rCa P. 1O
Ila.rraa+l mamba, of Trunks nnuTiJal 1.,
91. Canal f:-..colalloner. lit ram inar nor boat.. ao.
!rata liallnanta .111 aval on, paallality of delay 41
11:.111.,at urn u.C.Juintria., this a...
fatlA Canal baala.
Fi='` 6l ' lB5l
To Shippere of Merehaudise, Produce, &c.,
/111.1,ti A CO \u Martel. ....I LI
Canito.rr.,Ftrort, 1,1•41.1..taa.
. BELL Eltit)L rr. A A .oln, CtO.l ham., Pultbutob.
.104 Idlll4ll A.,111a.
ae. ptvpar.l, .4 the lt.: A = b• Piqua., ..u t
Causi. n 4. , ' , right at a. - to rat... ...I
at.dyysit au4 la oat, a1...1 Liu.
tv..F.U.413.1)..1..v •
(twain, ram Street
Pram. Rail Head Ca-A:mitts! Rail &ad.
gpHK r.ul.scriLer.l having 4 k:en appuintiA
aei r '2EV:itrXi . .r C"rt."7l
- Say amrchaudito pada.. tar ablator. cam can..
*poleax., at N. cmal.
li,nda Ws mato bo carriad through ha are Jays
ad all roodanal to usil a4var4.4
chug, advaocoo.
tarn or .14. earalan tau.iaraaaka aan irtwcuu
" Vaa “ ,l!FW,l:_ . !=el s .: - . 4 /%11 . 1=7 •C' ,•? ' .,
da. tr. 111,430 V lag Za.
I ware..l4.oo.Arl. ainrenea Pala.. 0, titans, Oil t,
Laatt,.elc••,. 11.1.11aaalby *gal att,r Sel,
alb V ILO ,
1.. t. Para, Fluttar. Lard. L.5..1 Oil, Tab,. 1... a
Cafloa, Ural. awl Rum cur pew
Ashes, Kart'. mano. Saalli.Oarloara Clay,
Scar,la,C.Qa 14/
lataia 11c1f_ADEN • OOVOUR.
afgßiliP 1851 kalaia
Pittsburgh Transportation Line.
Jnstra O.CONZ.I/7: a co. Cans/ Dula, Pittaurgh
JAILFITYR Aa Co., Dn., urns Cb..rry larnerta.
azal No. 330..13 rclath nowt, and 0.44-
lout ttreftsi 11111a4elpb
IYOUNNOILS a W. 70 North !trod, Daltimur
VINO fully completed our arrange
w. yid tor presaged Iwo the apesslng 11.
ttllranla - CklSals, utifzfrtlyht wand rum Pitta.
buJab, ralowlaw New Tretlillootnis. CUT
oinoth, lowirritio, 81. Lot. au all lbw Los tnod West. at
lour rotes wad with mon dispatch and cam than our of
at 1.1.• Etwa ablppod by our are fullywounst
by insuratter, 01113001.7 rharTy to owners, • prolutiou
not molly afforded4r oar othn Una.
All commuutralkam aoldnuted to ourself. or NMI.,
Moll C 0... Cincitmath M. Webb, Ltosisrille, and Lowe •
Osborne. ht. Louis , will M .
with prmapt attenthm.
ip a irb. U. Our (4.. hat mononoection whatour with the
Philwielpbla mid!Plttaburgh Tranoportatlon Ll.f At. 10020
-- •
Lewis's Patent Reversible Water Filter
75 NOW to le omen in operation at Wlt.
TATE & 00..8, Plumbers, No. 10 Fourth Meet.
.woo Perry and Liberly An. and at PRYOR WILT.I
No. 10 Market emu, rgit. This Miter hu mutant.
a Uold Mrdal Irma the American Institut* of New Tort,
and a braille.* Irma the Franklin lootitut* of Phlladol.
Phi., for in uperkirity in It+ clostmingpropertien wad also
rertMestro from thou hall. the la us. In Philadelphia.
of whirl, the fullbolog .n examples:
oretunticau.ttwrit iMth. 1451
It gives to. amat pleasure to umantoond w tbo 10.00 of
Pato, Mau 00107.105 Patant Itenerrible Wants
vet..l by Mr. Lewis. 11.1. and one of them for rotor
al months. I am ittablwl toscligs of Mai, TM..
000111111 PLITT, 1117 Walnut
Panauttrou, March With, 1041.
Th. Patient Iturendlile Wider lithater, luTeuhrd by blr.
Eseauol 11. Lewis, and [mot by um far assamn • otha sas
pilot. Tuitions*, 4 .11 that any nersonmmid t omb. 1
therefore conalder it. privilege In have It In toy power to
rwroudttend It the JUNAS P. VAIKLAMII,
No. II hummer studs"
The, Filter. are warranted to tate out any smell •
tuts which mar ans e from deratopoord animal ar retina
Mit matter lathe veer. Thai are wit:muted to hut two
You. and with °Millar r cant will last nom and remain
0011 to 05 .men bo aPPretiated.
BbLAtTr.ltt • JAILD e
I Nh, l wod oa Ar Io
Rookinghato and Domestic Queensware.
n/seams of braklngLant and Talton Cute W.,
Lau Unarms, Ohlo.
/114r3ample /looms, earn. Elath and Liberty Arne.,
Otstuul Church building.) entrant. neat door to J. /L
illoyd.Wholorals Cron.:
Our tritenllfe Works stub. us to fill orders promptly.
oomooteot doodkoor being constantly etopkqed, also a.
alas us to keep bas with all the nes/and Issynnad styles
of fro, do r.
Wok, Oro. flpltoons, Mae.. non/ deal
flower Volk% lloblets. NutWl Ornartutth Wad/cll. rod
Orloff Jars, and art./. for dot... use. In great variet y .
Orders ruyedfutf). nslicgest. toch2.ktf
Hosting and Ventilation.
Herdlnt by Pim= Ilotele,Conrt hon., Le b eturb
'too., Bulk ( Illeeeditorm,Yeeterleejlosyltale,
.and MEd
1 0 , or e derriptlon. ynbi if and private. Alno,Laun
drica aml Drying hoorob (or CI prmoeee when ~t Iv
h•mperstull.gprer k t r l tral, abd Wet*.
P lt ... W . V.llMlob, by methods Z tool
ural or (o rred means, Ivor
be brePared wherever desired.
grab.. of t h e ratiotilei damlipthrtui mentioned ant
Amid nuerentally bested up= the plea to temem
derul:eatempret4; trubyon.e
okmud. ..4 . x oSfromn,.
r __
VINE- lbe, Wool, for sato by
.i.. WO MURPUE • CO.
- ---
CHLORIDE OF LIME--150caske for ea
by a plii BENNETT. BERRY 000.
G AL SODA-200 casks for sale by
8 bates DINT Skied
"..-r L seeks Dried Pima"
. r - °want";
3 e Yeathen3 jest reed wed ex idle by
NAILS -300 kegs ase'd, for isle
mYr A. aON,a
- - -
fiRAPE"SHAWLS--A. A. 31AsoN & 420.
D .oam <all the aftentlnn of purchwrs to thr larwrot
ri..k of plain wwcl etobfaideted Crape il.wwle Lauf...
..,111b11 , 4 112 Mb. myket. atul prim Po unnsawlly low
lbetaller flatte• thewool... all prrwm• ran
Pei.... 0..114. Noe. 82 wal 64 Mark.t rt. mr2l
_ .
White Goods for Dresses.
toll ariortvt'at
z r W varbue kinlewf Mate Goals
null Ilushvg •
Ma " Plain tat pet bratere.l
ma Iluelitue
Queen . . Larne, Ae
Alaw—Prhated Jacouete, Maenad with .I'd etobreAderr e
newast Areveh Laweue wud • WA. ...M.. , a
tohlottable Thwutv. Ilatagee. Onmadluve, Ae. utyl2
-67 .3. a CO. twee just received per ...Am. thew e oww•
hue Alearietta and Catutiriu. apt: .
t of hood., tor Lae, from IIN mats la
$ : man
kgro g u n i ze i tar; . d by
Importers, Jobbers, and Retailers in
Yo.l. 62 and 6.1 Ilarka Myr!, Paddairgh, Pa.,
NNOUNCE to their friends und the pub
, re
generally, that they nre now prepared to exhlttlt
tl . l4%larttst mod esrpfully lwlected stock of
oy hare doted hi this city. comprised of the moat
rleh and faahlottable fabrics, as well ea the loot. oumotoo,
and which be offend at the
at whleh gad. can be ..11 In any a the Eadern
'their two loner aelerroorne •111 devaed raeluelvell
vlall trade. and the goods arranged In Department, ric
Silk Department.
All Use ne• and fashionable 'Wee Import...Nl Etna...eon.
including the Ixet makes of Blatt
Dress Goods Department
Prmbszinea, Alpaca, xe .""'""
Shawls, Vieeties, &e.
- • - • •
aatitan Crap, plain anil embrOkirmil. AL. baumak,
LAIL.. Or lain, Ca..lnner, Silk, Palm I , l4uriat
abanla. Al, Vimltr4, Patriot, Mantilla, ac.
Hosiery and Wove Department
WOl iilnays to bawl nomad., .111, tn. brat mai. nt
Cotton uil,l linalrr, Tlia tea 6iJ illovea Ma. im
Linen Department.
S-4. 44. and 4.4 Mate Linen, L. 112.1
Casa Llneva. Napkin; Dottie,. bleached and brown. Darn'
uk. Towelling, per. tr.
‘'clite Goods. •
Chocked and Droned Cambria: Moll. Swag, Root and
:,,ausoos Vietorla %ad Iliehup Lawns, of vier/ .
and - pram Als, Cattalo Materials. Plano mad Th.
lA* Coen+. as.
Embroideries, Laces, Trimmings, &c.
A omaylele assortment. Also,, Ribbons, Flowers, Tales,
At. Parasol...A' all Linda 8011110 l ci all the lateal ,tylre
. Domestie Goods Department
probably one of tne most extensive In the country. am
traeina f•rt) thing known domestic.
The - Proprietors feel coundent that., with their basins%
Iteillties, large and attractive Mask. and unusually low
yrieet, they %mint 611 to give perfect eatlafastion.
Wholesale porebanen are respectfully lnYarmed that we
UI he pleased to%eel% their orders. at yay Cm, tot
goods at eartern prlreg also, to dupnufe may emtern bill
of c.d., at the same eastern rate.
hew and fsshionable tioods wW be receired ronetantly
through the tea..
ap2. , - A. A. 11ASON t CO.
~: :::~
s. supply of Orem itatarinsfllut,atutChenle styles
smolt. Aso- ittotat. Blatt. arsa Lead Colors, at logrest
ERRIMACK PRINTB—New styles fan-
V,coart b Ai", "9"4'
my 1 U.l -11Y tallt.CaylllELD.
WIDE SILEETINGS-A full atr b rtment
II dlefertut width. l7l l .l l rl " lntrikcurciiD.
TICKING—Murphy & Burch
flela Invite tho ottontloo of boyan to thoir SAMITLIntt
Hosiery, Trimmings, and Lace Goods.
yII. EATON, 62 - Fourth street, between
ttl.ket oat Wool, Invites M. &notation of
eand buyint to W. lame sod Itclloaterl wort
art of
Cotton, Silk ud Merino Hue, half flood. and filcrvm
hut Paris (nun add Ridlne,llabit.,
gigure.l and Plain noun.t Itibbordg '
'dark :13. Tramming and Flamm:in,
l.reas Burman - and Trimming.;
Lars rapra Utalersiosse• and Vellls emb , l ILICt.
irroch licrkod Collar...Chu:Murk, and Cuff,
14gingend Lars, of every aty:ss
Dimity Bands d %fought Elounnog:
Crasata. an U. Jninville Ties and Aire:*
nue ebirte, Under Oarmenu and {Testes ammo;
Pin, Needle, Tape. Butte..add Braid: Year:.
and horn Combw. War and Teeth Ifrudlew. Perfumery:tine
uvd maimed. Fau• and Parasol,: Zarb,' Wonted CMITIY
M Pattern, Ladm-le Elipprn. lialtere. and Larelalor
%Valkirke Sho, with adeat "tidy of =an wan... ,
evetul Fahre rtkl, which le a ogees at the lowest rata.
realer ELr mall or approved endit salaam
G ASSIMERE-90 fancj and black.
for kale bi .P I"- V A 7 BU
lIRESS LAWNS-4 cases printed, a great
wanyty of Patten. for rale
B ERAGE DE LAINS--2 cases desiruble
p, )3 , ucit, 25j) Cap, E., r
jti ,n
sale L> an2'.'. A}LEVIIINaT
WM, DWI/rd. Nu lig Lamm fltatat.
/ am,
de •eifect, welt or faahlonahla
u• 0.TAL.13.12 •5‘ err Aranr. consswirind the
newest style. to American. [finnan, and thumb tasal.
mar= eery oplendid amentment of i s mtlitig t and Clothr
of ever fa
y atoonat4 shut. cr.lury hich. w (her w
enet• wee( of the •lisitaimica all of, whirn N. Prond:Our '
uter at such urn* as will cesselnau
laa tar= niu aottli a ell. that aceands the newt at l D•Mm
CLlttlue Is mid at this witablaaLmens. but a/au at lb.
It:3'lll=lnd l'
Lad pcombie am/ attn. =est n.,..rtitr. °° ' thr
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehoate,
No. ji Maitty STMT
4 11. PALMER offers I{,r Bale. at very
y r nv« • full sa wtnuot 14 Straw ttb.l Milla>.
•ry vu •
170.S,VETA--ic.r.g Ante neat plain sal fat,
Straw. Ural, Chip. telsuP. flalr. Par.'. 441
Lain. At, Pe.
illlS 7 -)Wis. %oath... as.„l Boy I' Lestuyv, flatey and
FLat e ls=o .. w . . ,,llllci ii r ; J ar ,
Wo' liiver, Jettoy Ll.l%.ll"VotTre fut-Mo., le Vest rari
rty of slut. 4.1 biaJ.ll4
RttlioNB—iurn &mei r.ralf. rAti..6l
few, all widths sat mi.., U•ore i.o4Crapre•Pf
L,ACICS—PIaIa, tiforKl otki4 sad Oototel Yak and
Colloas Netts
aini•la. flut4w k BMW
P. PrL1Pt1; . .eir......1 An. ikaM
V tf .ilk4 4 .7l l rAV.t: r..v.4- OW*, On , do Nt.
Id" Um do Mu.. tl..ronro, Asa ,los,
.I.diete. load nulors.
.wt p .Lat.
Alts—likb tad k. trke.l Para..* tu.ll.3mlarliat, Ilted
bssow. tr. , P ATS
lr SW* ccaoftlatly rpc.lvies hi. Ppric4 Stodt of
0...p1.3i13Z ie craltbr ILLWlll24l,w.tic.
Zotoo norod T4lowt Cattoto dn. do. Tadoodo7
eels, do U. Intioorlo an nay or.r3 4apaglanooPlr
lo.cra/0..421.14. deo 4114 Elf. Go 4 toosason eon.
44, XS, .5.4, .w 1•34 kli.tlara, 4-4. 31 oro.l
peal. du., 44.34. 54. and 2-4 .lal roll.. do.
. •
Est.. Choolll. 11. a., Aro. Pa.; do.i xtr% lofted 110, tr.
Jr. do.; CT ...4111r P.m: Mau, tatted 4.
&Swop akin 40. ; do.,- Thrum do. -
Crumb CIA/ilOl. Foltiog Borklog 114, ball.l
Alm—.l..t Oil Clo th o. rot to Mor twat
L.A. H. mid 34 Oil Clothe
• .
Alon—Stab RNt of all tit. curpri Rita:Hogg LW Cm,
pet, Raudo: Slattio‘t Table Ltrror,trab
ru d eiritror . " l otla mt nYn k V.:12 I Jr= E - ,==
Covent do. a abli dot bo. Stand d0..1 Worsted Table du
Ilurtrut isnoruu took - purr-bud otir strcidinus tt= tte
taut .I•CnOrrt Itactorlow, befo or Urn latest rout toast to
provut !Uric. rad coltr.u, tr. yo Treptrul to sell to our
tetrodo mud eurtootert Ist prier! a. 010 can be pure..
nod in artyg tkr !torero Caur
rordiuilr ‘otito to tall and mantes oar Mort at
The Carpet 'Warehouse, 84* Fourth street.
tachl9 W. MeCLINTOCK.
§ , IIAWLS.t DRESS GOODS-15 eattorie
of the moot foshilbablo 81,1..1q to+ owelingalA. A.
HON i CO'S. Al" mom of aro rtyla ~ lbt
w.., Poplins. (Hunbritt, and apt&
< tgttWX:d r• Z 4 P = g I fg& 1?.
0:110 of gontlonosoa within ' to aupplf thoznoshos ifltft no.
0.r., oral
CIOTTON 6000 S-2 cases Cotton pant
:.Jan received and far sale by
_ .
Ohio Laboratory.
lIIIH I Ja 1 11711
---, 85, 99
Per cent. Strength.
iOWELL FLETCIIER dr,i CO ! , Marinfactu
rs MAXIIIOL: Pore Bplrly 0.102 ,
np gr: 7gra li ' lf h tl, 7:15a " Lit , b g d .. ;
1/ . 11. order" from Pitteaurgn'wlllow Invmpu;.lied
at markrt per.: •PIMY
Wines and Lignons
No, L 57 Lamy at., Formerly Davia cracker factory.
b. lICIDLIMI t Of Pittsburg I Ir. AtAultviNAte of N V.
TICK EISEN & STOUVENEL, respectfully
eanounce to Lbw public genendly, sus ptudr Mende
r Penes : hot : it l 9.7 l :hare Nl lhu w , th b ' tin?:
test stock— waelle axes
ree 7 ;:c=l : a i rMit:lXlTl : rfee Y rends gait lapels
Brandies, of the choicest virgageg slaruslas mob otn.l
girt, Irish Whiskey, ehampaghe eog emu., hoot
of Ito moat. oprovorf tosoda port yolo o o, hens
hl niusest aloes: Ales - ethe r go. Alsomudlnos.
o gel., end Ltrotrorgh Cheese All of which Sher
*III , wholesale, or retail.. thersost reasonable tem.
o n , of thu partne s to r, Mr. 81ouvertelortill couttuulug bls
t P =rst a VVl h th r . : Pu t tr I:tb:ttYr .Dor a
" n :
otos]. hourly to this tits . ;: elesse glee as cot) , be:* i : .os
porcher elsewhere.
gislamtiles eupplled free of extra abuse. end et the
shortest notice
A. CARD.—I have removed to my nett-gore,
(three doors teLne,/ Paull OPptedfir the Ilank of
burgh, Where I oil be glad to W o mby frtemis and lai•
ea Mute., and melee a sham of mom. 1 alll
atep a eery large worn:tient of Upholstery, - Iledead 11.1.
ding, Curia Ilea, Spring. Mom, Lotion and 110.0 harts..
two Feather Be! Bolder n and Plllore blankets, tants.
amoterepsnee, goo thwarter. Window Shad., of every lie
nay: Door Ilatra andorrery artirle orally bead In the
mow to:temente establishments of Ms that. Orden reoneen
Dilly solleited mid moot p rom ptly dllad.
aid WM. NOBLX. mOd Motet.
ESSENCES it EXTRACTS, for Flavoring
E . ,
veil.. Ire Clll.Oll, itc.
Esseone lemon, "Extrart of Nutmeg,
%.111.4 1 - J., abut.:
Knee; Vanilla &maw, _
Foy Pala by WM. A. 31eCLUILO A lI.V,
mr . .l 1 VA Llbsnr t.
llottywitinNu-rSO bbls. for sale by
.11W WM. A. MeCLUItO /I 4.0.. Orwell.
I wn ° " 4 57 - at r A:=oluiTilo.'
K NOES—Half boxes, syryauttiorin—d:
MANGANESE -54 bblo Ground, for au
M /tams, Wr.. by BIL'INETyO3ZZRY &00
.pl water stmt.
t,7 Shad sad IleningOlsol saitaniir_
11140 •71 , 2 4 CO.
- .
FLOUR -240 bbls. Extra and S. E. for sale
I)RIED APPLES-320 sacks fur sale by
mrt , 4 P. WATER3IAN 1101:47
BUTTER -1e hoses (fresh) ree'd daily by
PEARLS --3.0 bills. for bale by
LINSEED OIL-20 bbLs. for sale by
my 7 J. U. CIANI7 ifLD.
bxs. and'lOlibls. pure,
10 for sale by mil J. B. C.ILNYIELD.
I' Iq,ESE—IOO boxes for sale by
ms 7 J. B. CiNFIELD.
B UTTER -6 bbls. Freak. for sale by
F RUIT -Wu bo. Dried Peaches;
4.22 J. E!ill i aliftel ' b
I TEES'S OPODELDOC-6 gross superior,
for sale ' N. WIMSIIBIIAiI,
so= owner Wood and 84th streets.
APPLES -7 bbls. Dried Apples for sale by
Mai W.lll. ./WINSTON.
DRIED APPLES-300 hu. for sale by
ov2l z+AMILLEL P. futures..
IUNDRIES 'casks Cheese;
173 boo. inied Applec -
LW bx.r. W. Übtats. AleKorkoso A Eber.
heart'. brand:
100 hes. Soap, recelvlva ao4 far role by
ap4." DALZELL. as Water oareet
UGAR--50 Idls. prime N. 0., for sale by
MOLASSES -20 hf. bbl. S. IL, for sale by
5521 JAS. DALZZLL. so Water eL
HONE Y-14 ferkins (fresh) for sale by
opus wsi. L JOI.II.IIPPLIN.
IrtitiED PEACHES-50 sacks for dale by
n I,I RI ED PEACHES-300 bu. for sale by
ay et-1 SAMUEL P. 81.1.1LIVElL •
IV 11 1111: WAX—I ease sup., for sale by
if 1010-25 bble. for solo by
errl a, i. VON WASHOUT k CO.
B ACON-ISQO lbs Sides;
nOO " Mann joat received and fm
pair b/ S. Y. TON BONNIIONST t CO.
W and es hoot AA
IA bids N. 1 Palroorb
60 bbdo do do
l. No. a Markers.%
brdo do do
lo do No. 1 trimmed Shad: on band and
tur anis by f ardd] JUIIN WATT & C 0.
do SALMON. in bernactir illy sealed bozo., ra
rarvad alai for lode by
se 234 Martyr&
11}HED PEACHES--29 bills. connign
.2_, mem sad boy We by
surf DICKLT s CO.
F LOUR -500 b:)13. S. F.,
for sale by
mi 6 B.s rt. ustresuou.
uu AMS- —3O clinks Evan & Swift's S. C., for
JLI. pd. ar 1876 S. s W. 11821.617011.
pO . T , A S TOES-2110 racks for sale by
EL • W. 'Ulla an.
COTTON -150 bales for sale by
", too bd. Dried Raelem
bm Dried Applam foe sale
Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets, Pittsburgh,
AVE NOW IN STORE, and to arrive thi,
wee foll
the owing coin of the meet rant InVin.
Y.. which nos offered on Memos/ reasonable 0f....:
115 catty benne pet. Orem 125 dorm Patent Zino Watt
Tees rdi
Itscf.heste do. do. 60 home Ma
extra gut... Starch:
40 ()oolong !Cholera " Selwatun
100 In,, ISM Coffee/ 75 bbl.. N. 13. Motown
15 EMMET. andJawas 15 .1 S. U.
GO boxer W e M and I a 10 Golden Syoo
lump Tobacco ; 25 " Loaf. Crushed, end
35 bbl.. Noe I and 3 Mark. Powdered Suiten
erel; MO lisceeelleas Malabar.
V/ 16" and I do. No. 1 do. 50 drum. Smarm& Elan
Si and 1 / do. Ulmon;iare Msrleaux. Preen
50 boxes Sealed liming; 60 15s. !Roily
1300 Ma *elm Madden 6 b.!. 1 1 062 CM6I3:
3 Wee Owlets 2 Ulnae Citron=
1 ••e Clavar. 16 " Coma 4 Chocolate
. ; ‘,,,,,, n r :Erz..! ..(11,Pirr. Cittae ;4 .. en. ea
2 - Uraunf ainger; 12 dm Sflllters Boar.
1 " Pereer: 1 her. sup. Cott. Sod,
1 - •• Ilmenta. 1 - Cream Tartan
10 gap Alawtanis 10. Prarl Bag.
10 - •• Wain 2 lelnelnen
10 •• - Cloven 5 Skil, and Refined
hbla Garrett . . Snuff: t L.41101/0K
46 totes Stearin Cendles I 1 6000
•• Star - ,15014th
Sperm . 1 1 bbl. flan, Boletus:
116 ' do - ten Maacts•aElealow. 106 groat Matcher,
• 100 Ba. superfine/Ow 1 loan /0 Mo. Extract of Unman
- P. Y. Hoe, end Tenllle
:toy,. Ink: 5 " Lemon Bunn
150 . Com Broctuu 1 east BM Bad.
OM" halls. White Um& Istsi 011. tr. cwl26
kin b N - "Vgin ea .
D 4
01a. Te.
140 *jot@ Vs Lump ID .4
s'a .11T_Avanr.
550 b.. H.R. & L. Raisins
3,1500 255. A. 1.555.14
25 1:5.15 &ALI/ Nut;
:A, dram,
LO maw,
uii i7.7.;a1.74; u ; I 7 -1. VAiiik
R. bhn. 3 C Ter i 5 . Lemon tagem
.5. ' . leaf 3 Cr'd Meger, 50 4. TemenKetcban
104 4.•••
land. Modem NJ llamas 'e Sease4 3. . Ptak;er 51.504
5 4
4 r.... ^... 1 . 1 4. . Co -Em .
Emu Sus
330 •11:10, /oel2 OMM, 10,41.. Principe Seem
lu, mpes4C. am Pt- iliac s.lo , 3lspens
;el yr. &tilt, nirMnet 1.51: lilian. 4.
W t.a N. 5, .4 . 4. PM Ma. RIM... Barer and
auo btia 3 . 4 . 7 ..P4 --- -
ya" rir". 130 OD. 4fit r r C';"'"' ..
40 bill. Tasman' Od. vas, C. CD. Tobaeocc
10 , 0 gill. lamp D) Doe cut
100 0.4. Docket.: Itoriu Sam
^ Tula' . • LCaalin.
Cantle Sae%
0. Iksgsr sal MoLuor , , Loydic Oround and I/u
Gorden lintleug skid Wrzybiult D4P ,
.ea ruble; nei ...u.
erv.l guacutalrut Old. ',molly brut lu our UMr.
utcb:4 Serxed. nal 1.11 Front da.
¶OTION-13 bales landing from Str. Cape
Day. sal Dr rel. by
u2ll •
13 " e. .
Issm am besrear Sol for ash by
1.241Att DICKY
say! Wats, sod Prom Us.
14 1 EATIIERS--5 bags for sale by
A - sap I DICLICT t CO
I.TY 75 Gala \.O. San, .^
W Lb'. Rata , Umlaut P. 11. blatant=
b bla , Ina barn: Walled sad bal. de by
my I 63 Wan, bad DI Flan .L
'LIhALSEED--DO bu. for Halo by
;q°ESE'S CompoUbd Sara of YELLOW
DOLE ROOT—Z baby. An d from Providence,
ua for ado by aN. ICEICHStIAdt,
Sob Advat lby Win:tarn psylanylnyala
sot axon of Wont Oa blab W.
1461/Ws Sep &mist.. lhoprastinsartle& J.:mined
and 00 al* b7' WILLER&
say 3 > le7 Wcod Meet.
HALK-10 bble. for asle by
s‘ l l ft. E. eIeLLERI3.
P Wagon..
ALarge and ed
autadantial two . bona wagon
• lib non ail„, 0r rale on favonbtr terms try
es wc. IL` d 6.
.1115 . — BAC9O—
bozos 618 and 6. Johns &Lewis . hinnt
60. Putnam bilmd:
ta; 6s, Daubl's
25 Lome, Wsrerick A Olay's brand:
D.) bert
40 6. T. J. Edward'sßo Morris
IS A. A. J ibetam
1 - P. L. num.?.
Just raed on consignment darn Rictunatut and Lynchburg
susantsetundo, and for enle by
as= CO ounl 11 yak?. and CY grunt et
BACON -7000 lbs. Flo, Round, receiving
XIII and far We by AMPS DALZELL,
nab lid Warn. stmt.
SUNDRIES -100 snob Corn;
10 be. Mind Petehea
3 Parget far eate by
apZ3 JAMES DALIZti, 10 Water et.
mACKE RE L 6Q bbls. N 0.3;
1401 bif 4N .Taln ‘ DAI2XLI
L ENTlLS—Received and for sale by
W3l. A. IIeCIA.TAO • 00,
son Omens sad Tar Mahn.
A L . e g llor._lo.bble. for elle
. ...
Co o bbl. Shelled, for sale by W. • F. WILSON, It. Awn .t.
I _ 4 EA O. SHOT--400 Galena Lead;
40m04 Shoa It• nal• by
.p.ll JAllta L. lUTCIIISUN • (%).
GILS—OiI lemon, bergamot, cloves, anis
w aull baraliay and lin able by
E . av
riv ' AAcco-25 kegs fledge 6Verist for sale
COFFEE -150 bogs prime Rio, fc; solo by
2 ty Ncz a ! AND a ltUSLll . i f t . lV d o y v i r . irr:eiritig
ACON HAMS--14 eaka on hand• for aale
band; r,. naleby 035 MULL DICKEY aOD
iatil'rPETßE-60 bags crude on hand; fur
w. by aa6 78A1.1111,DICKX1r lb 00
DOLL BRIMSTONE-12 bbla on htutd;
BUTTER-9A crocks and jans,. for sale by
so& J. D. WILLIAMS t CO.
V.LOTIIES PINS-31 boxes for Bale by
la .1. D. WILLIAMS t Cu.
Z'ANNERS' OIL-15 bble. (to arrive) for
wile by 1412 J. KIDD.&
TURKEY ÜbIBER-1000 lbe ( to arrive)
for male bf apl2
L INSEED bbl for
j et i tl i e pt l .
800 N. OU Woolottost
rfIERRE DE SIENNE-100 lbs for sale by
aunt J. KIDD t CO.
ADLIESIVE CLOTII-200 yards superior
quanty for sale by .v J. KIDD A; CO.
1,1 Co. have Jun reotired pa games-100 dos. of the
burn preach flowers. etaf
LANSEED 01L-10 Ws. prime, from
Bonnet county, Ibr sal. by
ant.) JOIIN WAIT a W.
AFETY in store;
to kw bi
('!ILEA VINEGAR-51) bbls. (best) formals
in A A-100 Mats for sale
V nag 4. scuoommainat 0 sa Wow .t.
VATEIS-25,000 Sawed Laths, best (mai
-61 07 r ROBISONAITILII 00..
rad ft'
eta 206 mews st.
. —2OO bu. Oats;
.94 100
." illO OXt itirdlir*
Pittsburgh 141 s Insurance ComparkY.
rrILIS COALPANY • IMS incorporated in
r.broarr. aittt'a Perpetual Charter, and
.thimenced bad... a mMtal of II 100.1.0.
The Company thee both/eat both ca the Jolla Emelt and
On the Joint Etc& plan the most sere .me-third lets that
,thw e chums' by ?thitual(loteparthe. mad Rae. Per Cent.
'l7itUtir nin ettle:Tue ' t e d by other
041== conducted Companth Thom Insured ' . the tauter
principle threes combined seamithe furnished ler that
T r ? cfpnc et t i nee. and lie Capital am] Surplth Rind of
- he Quarter permits tha granting orineuriince on We,
every farm, Including the nicht of wife, children, pw
mita relations, friends or cralinth—to Immo the of
/mother for the/roan exclthlre tenylt, papableafter deat h
dr upon the rattles artishur at the ace or ay. SS, GO ar at.
et the option of the intoned.
James 8. noon, President
Samuel AleCtartan. %km President.
Areal S. Leech. Treisum,
Charles A. Conan. S•Crelatj.
James S. Han.
John 8. Dilworth. Jorleph S. Leta.
Charles, A. CoHa,
Sam.] 31cClurkan, Wm. rhllllrs.
J. A.
P hyricistrut
Jorreph Guntur. Onus D
Man Addison. H. D.
Jeremiah Brake. to. It. IL U. Edriturton. L.
Examining Phyriethns.
Samuel Dilworth, D.. 41' SmithSeld street.
Hobert Snyder. Al. IL. 101 Fourth street.
John Crawford. M. D. IN 81:th . tram, Wm. Melt. Marn. 1).„ 107 Llbertl atmwr.
Dr. Dilworth will a. M
be In ettcadance at the ultra. «Teri
dal, at 12 o'clock.
TlnweWhO hare spoken tor as gory, are requested to
call, take their pesers.and commenee operatla. forthwith.
Z i ktgr=l , l2l It i t w in . szmuee Inters will be Kap,
villa of the Company. lin 7C. Fourth streer ""'°'
ary= C. A. fIXATON, See'r.
State Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
BRANCH OFFICE—No. 64 Shirruromn SragET,
Itrnamou, May lot, Ibbl.
THE best evidence of the SUCCCS9 of the
Directors In endeavoring to make th e STASIS MUM
INSCRANCE CO.VP-tXr meet the vents of
themnitudty, b the unparalleled amount of buMness
which co haa been done: haring Issued 7,ntsb Policies during
the past year, thereby adding over sia,,oooto the funds
hCompany. Nearly all the property Intoned is of the
safest kind in small Melts, and • large proportion lammed
for only one ear.
Whale No. of Pelle lb ..... 7:500
Do. do. exprd,tegulnaled. conrePd; -
Do. do. In force 7,603
. . . .
Amount of Property insured-. ~..
Do. canceled, temdiiinted.expired..E.Vl:= lin •
Do. In force 7,04,C91
Do. Premiums !taw.-- --... 79.67687
Do. ce.welail, ter mluatail,expired 637 10
Do. in force - 79.039:;
Do. Cush Pretainms received-- .. . ... 51,557 14
Do. do. do. centeled..--... o_l2l
951=5 90
Whole am% noses and expense. pant -.9=411 45
Balance in favor of the Co., In cub 121=145
To city or country merchants, awl owners of dwellings,
and !elated wol country Property. it le believed this coos
' teeny affords advantages In tohn of cheep... safety, awl
enmity, Inferior
ou the to re, Insurance Company in
con ßa ntry.
d euitable awl greatly imd th.
of Clemilwalloo of Rie q ke, excluding all epethe. 1 pro haunts, in-
Riling only a limited amount In thYtese
cludiag the Ithquency and occurrence of large Brun and
ISO CM loth the block, and Mutual ;den, It not only posse
eats the theapnew end rosommolatlces of both wet
but ratlike the insured to a pateielpatlon in the profits.
Dtheetorn—Jobn P. ltutherfuni, .A.. J. Gillett, 15. T. donee,
Alonzo A. Cartier, Philo C. fedgwick, neenuelJones, Rohl
Wont Jobe B. Father, John 13. Rutherford.
J. P. RUTHERFORD, President
A. J. GILLETT, 15erretaxi.
A. A. Caserta, Actuary. myll
N. 11.—A &rip Dividend of Gttes. per osnt. on ...spathe
policies hes been duclared - by the Directors, and Is now re.
mirth!. at 1111/ °lse. for =weal. or redeemable in cub
al the and or ninety days.
_A. A. ethane. Agt
Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Maur&
LiIRECTORS: Charles W. Banker, Geo.
W. Enloe/Is, Thon:11 . ert, Monlocal D. Leeris,Toblae
er. Adolphe 11. Done, liernuel Grant, David R. Brown.
Jacob IL Email, MorliS Paterson..
Casaue a. B Secrstary.
This Company continues to make Insuranes permanent
orlimited. on every description of Property In town stisd
country at rates loos as are consistent with security.
The Company have reserved • large aintinscut fund.
idth, with their Capital and Pronneuhs u aafely invested.
aQnd ample protection to the amused.
_ .
- Tae rareate 41.1aeCaproaaaY,oa January Ist,laal. &arab
-11.1.1 agreeably to the Arr. of durably. were aa know.,
t 13,966 17
Cftlh, ''
• 51412,704 44
SM.. their InC e MOraiOn. a pericat of 21 years, - they
have paid uptru-sla of Dna Million four Itundral Shousami
Dollar, Lows Isf fire, titorrby allot-hug stidenoa of the
advantages of Inturartee, at th
aa eir ability and dis
position meet with promptness ahlial4litiar.
sold (Mee S. h. corner of Wood and ad sta.
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philad's.
ri.ner . Jr. deceased) 10.383 Liberty risen.
4 - or the better motel:den, of persons raiding In the
lower put of the clty. the WI. uny also be found flatly,
hum 11 "012 arta 2 to 3 ofelook e at the counting MUM of
J. BehosonuMm OCo leo 21 Wadi stmet, where all timetio
ear, Informal. wlllittieen and communleattcnis prompt
ly attendee' to. et.• expfaludig the PlisselPlMmul
benefits of Life lotts,.n and Monk forms %numbed 00
" &pind :York Deer $33(1.1)00 and ' emistantly lurtradni—
Profits !Leila' annually amourst those tutored for Ilfe.
Pittabouth. Jan M. Md.—tent
Marine, Fire,anmm rance.d d Inlan Transportation
rE Insurance Company of North America,
tillodelylarterlol 17V.1. Capitol Sb00,0(0. Arson
armor, - 13. lOU. $7.001:4.5 bO. =aka losuranor on
bultd/rocs tad their contrrito, In Ohio city rod vicinity ex)
popertr. of every drocriptlorr„obbrod Prr
nod arbor vessel, eitlarr Or inland traorwrioltlon or m i
Arthur 0. WM, Pre% TISXOIta P.' Cote.
&tame W. Joan, Johnll. Neff,
Naata, Richard D. ood.
Jan A. tirolvo, It Illlare Walsh.
damsel IP. Eralth, . k'ratorls Mullet,
Sexanel Moots. 8. Aosta ALlllamsa.
• Marks Tyler. Wm. L. Ikmea,
Ltabreee %bite. OwenOwenJure.-4..
Jamb it. Theatv. James N. cloaca
S. Herrin Walu, 11. D. :1k0n.% dee) ,
Z,Thla Is the oldest lururanor Cempant la the Uoloal Statue
4.1 from Itstaxa aruatiog. long e.tee. ample means,
sad secillag .11 lista e( az extra LrOoas r.lMacam, It
=my be eoandsred at ollerla a aratdo security to Um public.
1411.1.1A11 P. JONES. Aunt.'
ta...6 , No. 111 irciat stmt. '
&alai= Life and Health Insurance Co.
Agent for Pittsburgh, 5.4..1a. D. TOWLE,
Vac, 87 111111 V. above Somitiktela.
Paaep.ble4 containing all mammary . luicameloo can be
obtaluad al lb* aka.
• . Analtt
Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
VAPITAL $300,000. R. MILLER, JR.,
Preeblent, 11. Oordoo..esetory.
ill Ir.. sAstust All tints of fl ats, Ft. And bissine.
AU Wu. will be liberally ~Hosted .od vxmlialL Pa
os d
• boo. ltitotion—suraged by Directors et o eft Inn
toms to the eteximuoiry i. s . o , 4 Ito ate debermice=
Uy ~" "' se AtringlPe beefy an to those
who doire to to Inman&
. . . .
latscans—R. Miller. Jr., Oeo. Elsa. .r. W. Baler, N.
Hamra Jr., Wm. B. Babas. C. Tama then W. Jackson,
-Won 11. Lan. Juan Lippincott. Liana Darsin, James
Lula, di:. ?arnica. Thu, &at
-o Moe, No. LI Wale. arra, aaratocaP of Spas it On,
up salts.) Bitalutrith. 40-bilr
Delay/ire Mutual BafetylnsuranceComp'y
caccale, nam sand. Philadelphia
ppoolDreauncr...—Eutklina, MerraWla, and other
nertr, tet town and outan . . insured aggnst toss or
by Ern at the krer en rate a a..
Maas aeruarn—lter also aw areessels,
and freights, foreign or Ma,' Haderd open of=
nolicat, as am sana' tar dela.
Transroadalta.—They also lama Marbandlts
Gracuperted by Wagon., Rall road use., Canal boats. and
Pleat boats, on rafts and lakr4 on the MOlll liberal ann.
fin anns-4oseph nal. Manta A. router. John C.
Darn. Hobert Dorton, John R. Penrose. Panattel Edwards,
Gongs D. Letrer, Edward Darlington, Isaac E. Garla %vo
ltam Boluall, John al in es ,
Dr. IL /1. Eaton, James C.
Racal, Thaphllus Bauktua, 11. Joao Mocks. Henn.
eicen. ling cnaa, Ortega Senn!. Bprneer lkl
Charles Kally, J. U.Johnron. Was. liar. Dr. D. Thomas,
Jain alas. Won Lyre, Jr.
Da tau ar Idrnanarna-D. T. Mag., Gltah Craig,
John 2.
WontaiMant,Freadent. Tad. C. Leann Vice Pre/d
-ant. Lawn W. Conan lacretsa7.
b. W/mct or Cominni, P. 42 Was. rant. Pita
10e..a.t) • P. L. MADEIRA. Agra.
Temperancavilla and Nobleatown tank
Road Company.
OTICE is hereby given to theStockhold
.. Coomany, Mto
at they make payment
Nu a neimet, Trauma." of the said tkonpany, of pipe Dollen m melt Mime of the Moak. on the tut Monday to
Pah and mem month innesflar t until the whole. stook le
":11 tiu th f.4tr. rt= l l:4-4- —4 br'4,-..4 by
M' ta t'th Witintrx. enntamt.
AA SAD PlPE—Cornell'a improved patent
lasi ripe fur Llltnr iv l.4
Ar d "6 r
g. O 0 go,
Al Amos an band and 40 varmab,7l,„,„o,.
ineta73.l 134 Pxont meat
Seed Store Remove&
THE subse .t ri . ber , h . ns . r .t erjrzd hie Seed Ste
bf . llo. Hee rata d
az a Sailor Chop , on Thinf = tl ll/31a1 - ...
t o
opposite the Post sink.
ant P. L. Erowptit.
CHANT, for the sale of Demesne. Woolen s and •• •• ;
tk No. 13/ Wool etreet Ihttsbeirgb.
dedsrs ti at short notice for any deter/Won of Woo
len Machinery. febl:
exletlos between the eubserlbers, ander the style of
nen Fleming b. Co., le Ulla day aboole
lIKESKed by mutual
Cot • lIIA Y,
stliDlthlf ELII.IIINO,
ILK. FLE3ll:iti.
Ira Uereay or It. K. limb:4 is authorised to UM the
mate of the Iwo trot to thelitettleatant of their business.
The partnership beeetollin existing between the
su be under the style of &tackled & White, teas dis
solved oh the the
day of January, att end y inlittud ech.
sent. Utter of the wboarltaire will Ls menling up
the business: and a. authwised to ow the name of theta.
two for that purees. No. WI Wadi anon.
February 114%. TIIO3. E. WRITE.
N EW FIRM—B. O. sindiaatt and William
Payne, wi general Benjamin Olyde.
al atil lted partner, will continue th e Wholesale
Dry &owls business under the trio of IL C. &bertha &
at the stare lately occupied by Shaeklett White,
Wood street B. C. lIIIACKLIMF,
&bit WU. PAYNE.
('!O—The subscribers have
antared Into Co•Parturnhlive i 7 . tb? 111.1 of Bolt,
• la a Okel y.
Ja3l J 0111( M. LIKELY.
ROSE! IiOSE I ! HOSE!!!—Just reed
tram tbrilianyfactory itilbSetom= fed/WU Rub.
my Miss ranging from X to lin t Indies in dlantete.
This Aces is far sonerfor to any h.s manufactured of
leather. for hydrant, conaurtmiLor rini Engine tiorposes.
we wish It to a gistinstlr understood that mar limn of
Mae that goes horn our establishment it warranted for
It V.T . 4lo " ti l t u ttiVilingtibt ' rlie r po "f h u t ' . It 9 .3'4'4 .1 r
enial J. IL Pllalkiri.
(iaTEAM.PACKLNU--4000 pounds mixed.
Plata attd Pure Italia Rubber Peehltta froth / 4 a
'IN Inches thleLat mental to he the arm beat Parking, at
Dow la a ,se Ihr the Ukraine palpates Is nabob..
Plates, Platte Rade, Steam. Joint.. rte.. theets, Cyllteler
Hands, Stefan& beta, *a., Ix, /or rah at the Lelia Rub
ber hat, No, 7 slat Waal tam
eala & Q ennaaes:
Ityatstrtaaat army warrior hatsbett Tabla sad
81231611 Dm. ortlllTelent patents. not to be swearer' 07
ear sold 10
the dlr. ilexcheate. Fellers and
Invited to eall sad outran. tar theroseleta at the mare
lams of the taattathrtary, No. 7 & 9 Waal rt.
91:17/9 . J. & 1L PtaLLIP3.
b y at No. set
. 31gtot street, tar
Skacka OkisersiD
5 bide. Derr 15
SO nets Drkd =AA
0 MA& 160a4 pat DWd eri_fir 10/0157
. '
Needles' Celebrated
Theeekdrair awalleated pastors hors am made Or
,decal a two,
ye., 4oriog which tbar hart •
a• permanent mtat., ra the mart ediateload
Ithetadade wad dtaagthaind Plaster vat arm& Pl -
dons 11. Idaho. dalneado to wbod adittal.
c oo bott been aboatal, ba•• thea da /oat fluftriNg._
‘..latoelala as to Weltsatterior Taw. cc. all akar taw
tea sold. •
Ta d ingredients of tab. rumparltion. rosy darefulty bad
..., ambito& redder Lam peculiarly appilaablat W.
;.ryrtua 'ul''n''n=f4=idotatead midd
rough,tad We varier.
10 the boar. Mar botusdal dramatis tem.:
or dispute. As 'a somas In Lambed, !ltd,. •
,rrieelir over rur=al etrollllLtl..e,orhg
n.. It...sheen tally cotwo7ated
'ete weak.. attd_paina In W h a t back rd Y sldr. Pea rea
:rota arms alashia,direapetaT IVldaers, kor.
r=„larete*Ulr pttl= ' earrat ' L ttrfett,
aiddicatiou. To ina . cb as suffer with t.ratie palm, Uwe
with Um astanam
that their bettadelal •ffeddwlll ba baud vary decided.
rorac adeorbol bd owala and retail, b?
ItEA1.310N1"8 PATENT STARCH 1811. for giving • heaarlfal W Idnerta EWE..
...beim Collar, Shirt &earns, and all kinds ofwi pi*, ha
ttitt Peteent. the Iron from adhering the Lanark dma
tete wicking; It contain, tuatara, nritats toe ktthas ln
ttot reelect. Th e reds, hare long do te felt the
sorb ut ankle, and In this their asyntaricak NI
t reaized, at no rontretition Ile feared ante= Intpartlal
N. E.--One Enke will do thlrtpdoten of elatlne, nul 'so
teuttly should br without 11..
Priem 17.3. came per Cate Each Cake •Ith dLnetiona.
l'ar br melidt K. E. SEUL/W.IW Wootl
:The ware t tpx.ln vi hr i tzro b si T ia . d . math.
'THE VIRTNI of this remarkable reme
the ionettht and. ..tacit, to the pmpl
him b a‘t2tfll.l,,btft. with 1.
Tee ' PLaliOLl[Un Is pmeannt trona cell m tids oath:
or at l depth of four hundred feet, le • pnce, nothotters;
Odd theudcal chanoe y but otat. as It
dows from Nam. s UrearabratorpO an at It mutat.
.roperd. reaching a number of diftethrs d p s„ na i. lon u r •
matter unomialuty. There are mthr
es. of estate. whlchOt lowan. might b.
maw In alleviating ...zing. sad restoring the bka vast o n
Isealth and •Mor to many ether.. Long la th e the pnia
Pnetor thought of putting It tip In bottler bad . rout.
Inn for the threat amass:The constant &ad./1y fume.
ethe far It, and mental remertable cane It has per:
fano., b • sure Indication of I. future poyamyity
nide spread applkation In the cure of disease.
We doot wish to ma th • Ithy panic
th e f u r or that them-did. cth axe work 1.9
into the vof these who suffer. and with to be h
Whilst we do not claim for It a
ary dine., we unheelletim[l7 Ser, that In • moth.
Chronic Illtsaws It la unrivalled. Among Oatew may be
merthed—all dim.n of the mum. flames, snub as
Chad. and Kldneye, Palos In the Hank or Oidek Keno.
foltheaes. Netralgi• Paley, Rheumatic PreOmakhardp
.4%7e!"rn'/V=rdeTalrtrlt. Z. 1114
brig and
? p . It caw. of Earth._
_to me
briny It will act se a general TONIC sod ALTER
ATIVE in r e cap., imperil and than to the
whole frame, remothm ob th e slo,Mth
functions. width cense Alennd ••=a catatituUth
mad gtviny Increased am named enemy toll the norm
. The proptietcr knows of tote.[ corn et PILES
that reibtml; every other treatment, yet well under th e nee
of the PETROLEUM for s ..non Ume. The man.
gl' eP n'7 l;grig h lgrirolc . meet toe prtmrletmc-•
SoIIT Ver Enp_ Mr.
7 n.
E. IleeM,lnear &wrath ormt.
• Aim, by R. E. Sur e , un PP Wood a.,
and KEYSER 31' WELL,
comet Wool stnest and Vint" Alley, who us
noehd. ly his remduif appointed Agents.
KNOW all men who are sick-and afflicted
with amts of the Bladder and Kidneys..kap
palm in back or limbs , eur soma sum at
ukere, At, that they tten Do mated by teleng the p
LEM! Ime may talk
bang • ncetrute.aa m
as you'ultwee but this does loot make It etc for•eproolallte
tbe fam of an honest oommueity. that it Ws virtues
which am not =A.M.! as any other remedy. She maa
who Is racked with wain, and wallatwe from
, dha=
for 60 teats set te ll er Mai oar of the We an
- .
'Ender! It meta very little to mate a trial. nu Petro
lento la no udsture—roes compound. put up for the purr..
of lmroalty on the coltuntualtpt but It le • retnedyelabrame
tad by the madder hand of nature. and bubbles op tram the
Marton of our mother etutto in Its orlainol purity, and of!
fe che n tapo Angercur e ing humanity a ready mmody, certain Lod
It boo cured 111.. after other medicines have galled to
render any relief. It ban cored Itheornatiemeof kg%
atandhog. and of the worn and moot painful e,,..*
toda cured Cholera 31urbuo by one or two has
Anted old woo of Diarrhono bo which entry other .thoody
has been of no syn. As laml renyedy in bums end
=Oda. 11 Is better liana any medical ootopottacto or ointment
that we know of. It will cure chilblains and tr0ut0d ,c...... b . t0
Ina fee applleatione, undoubted testimony eon be
el of the truth contalual in the above statartudat.W2l
111:1. , 0 8,A t ITEL & K IEB, Goma Buhl, Seventh M 4.4 co
Keyser fd 311%0we11. corner of Wood otreOt and
alley: IL Y. Sellere, 07 t; EDW. IuidIVIL
Cotry. Allegheny ty , are tee the agent.
—Da. hops Roar, the discoverer and sole promiator
em most popular beneficial mediduat, r
gm Inventor of am celebrated lostroment for Muth/. the
Long. In e ff ecting a can of Chomic d ti a uto•
dent of that eminent physician.. Dorton .4 t. •
rradmde of the University of ream Irmilaand for thine
Jean since has been immured In the ittyntigation of di.-
came, and the application of remedies thereto. • •
Through the use of hisintrog tub.. coarrethrcorltil
Val=trp=mf. wad
aor oth er of
end fatal maladies Tobei n ctiar Carinthiption. Carmel , '
Scrofula, Itheumatini, Arad., Fm. mid Arne. 'Fenn o
all kinds, Chronic kriatelas, and all thaw obatthate
mars peculiar to females. "Meat, every farm of arse
vanishes under the um of his remedies, to width boutani.
ty to beir—Oct by the nee of one compound only, for that
Is Incompatible with Phyitiologioal Law. hot by Ma um of
Ids toncedtea. adapted to, and prescribed for, mob Peculiar
. .
. •... •
Dr. ltosies Tonle Alterative Pills, thou used, an IsMarbe
bly acknowledged to be superior to all utile., a. • ammo
the or hia pill, inasutura they have the boweL per.
Betty Free from osetiveneau am also his GoLlett WUare eel-
Mated, by th. &min'. peculiar plotertiett Mery
it to female disease. but Whig matiatlid that • tan trial
nuldent to establish that has beta add s la the =WWI
roost etepticaL
The afflicted are Invited to can Man the agerd„ arid ;to.
mow (gratis) one of-the Doutork pamplttz . ivlait adetalP
ad amount of each remedy, and ita app
For sale br the folloultur t
Tu ve ; se ran as bymoit
fists throaginsit th e amn .
J. Sehamimaker A Cc, 24
_god at. Pitialmllit ' • •
J..IL Townsend. lhmagist.44 Idarket
La A. Beekhara.Dra; Pear the Poet Otkos,J,llekhe
rr Jospeh Barkley,Delibign, Beam aounti,,Pits
John E ll iott; tllumn y, •
1?OR THE AFFLICTED will be found in
Dr. Dewitt C. Kellidger's U . :FALLIBLY - EGICEIIXIM
or WO fluid, which has shoal the tan of DILL kosnied
berisone,and ha; beyoul S doubt, boon the meads of sae
tog hove of thousands of individuals, in Liman wow
clam and character of disease. We feel that we damn! no.
thins in sayinthat this is th e only medicine thot booboos
i.ffend to the entitled. that does. id every moss of tbe ward.
what it Ladd kr„
It her wood add is etiolate of owing more al lone. than
et, other medkine offend for ads. we eau out by whims
male or sold, or bf what name. A •
A. a strong nodeoraineing 'goof of the abore,
that It Is the only article that hes immeared in th. lomi of
Vu er mei to jamoised .m
moot =-
7 molly Leanne ever Offered for sal; or ussdb7 toy of
thvin, yin
The Ikit. Moses IL Ot
1000. itomell l late C. The Iloid Rob..
1 0.4. M Mir It. Esd..l2lt A o . r p f 4 i.h l in i aof the
Walt' t.',l°,ll,s4.4ta'clthcid.„,',=°,lNtl:
proprietor to refer to no.
As It to well known that Pateot Medic/dieser, not gem.
7 4 . 1 1a=c1b11 " ). tc7i2tl 004 . rut.
ighly pate•
ooze& nu Wonder warmag Compound rod
been nearly
m n year. before the public: its trot
I s are mow Its
eigogest and best. Thls mod ututodbtedly Is .00000 004
cozr u rt . dg i t i er . f of its g m . ne d =b l ur soul mamba
se=ni c al t tt pt . t t nVa o n7a= " kill=r.
Over 'Added battles 4n been so +Warm(
and beauperfeetai nub astonbthlug mores,nfter ' Zilter
remedies have failed 11.11 Vaal Anger tow. ae t .
offered, and in our foal...don, the strongest seeable en..
Thin mediae, or nature's mask; la Pmpindinzia rev
*able., kr Internal as well as external tae. It seta dlssci
,hr upon the diseesolnert—stvlog !Cheat and strength ,
It in • stow cure for Diambia, Cramp; Moue Chalk, and
all spannalle affeations, diseases - of the Skineys, and
Welborn in =Cs or female, from whatever mum it UM/
1 17r=1 " Viiimbeingh. by R. E. Balers, Mama ridd k
On. sad Ogden i tnewebuu and by the mail
yordnally. It is put up to four,en, thd ems eltgV.
Don dukolm
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh (butte.
PUBLIC ATTENTION is r!..spectfully in
.._ .it.t to the falowiag truth s, sat loath In ranks to
th ivroct.i.ti.'; All IV 17,04=25"1.:'
rear PET.V.h... ails area tertras braoght baths the cat=dlizammpagArrsirg
t ,= = i ,thi it and 7
gr. fame irptd o .9tli t ntt the rear
edy of • day, got4ty for tt,ts:,le n nurVtgf i. nnating =awn
bra, the, which
al other marrow. ban been forgattot. The Petra.= to
e Novara gasioar, elaborated in the depths a tho earth
by a power and thatq that hoots ta mon al Imam
aimpatiticra It is our duty, when we, write about a melt.
, ohm that we "nth the truth—that we thy totting tatty.
Wed to Madre those who may trait our er nut agog
death in or stalthithte. lin ski are nth art to oath at
ear thaw that prthdass relief from Mama. A stary sag
badly ag be tre, highly women to threw the attest of gall.
l or
mime of th at the
me do not dears
to do Mir; we an mama only that th e truth ha Wagon to
our moody ahoukt be told, ia anith to soothe for it • repo.
tatkm fas etheallu th eine. ankh. In the materta Maly
lea. Plan env facte—faeu that maybe amertain,4
in thy city and neighborhood, bear ample Wham hi far
w of the Pet:oleos.
ithin the
_that two mou th s, two of our own atlas;
1.. .am totally►_ollal. have 15,,. restored Matta. g....
end eases 0 Windom, in the Slats of Ohio, have thew
~,,..t. and, alto, the MO Of SIPSIUSIIISSI it& UtllVlli C.11.1(7,
Th..... otlgig but these are oath neth thine, thet mth
be referred to by ear scrams who bare double an Use nab.
nat. Muth mow wen owed after they' had been &hands..
al by phydelthe ea bowies. The, Petroleum will en n,
used areatallas to direetine--Diantwea, Broom y.
P Ithentostbm.uath, Simulate graS: an tha akin,
piaw. oft the Moe, Climate. lithe gy%. a ona, Tatter.
g .la - lbaset, relth in Coughs . thd kila eons, liken.
Weis. Ague, Ch... Asthma, gig th g .1
palmothry ag p aetl
tiou.ona of a amnia wan, ;smith, to
duce Cathom
Zarin gad &Ada, dbothes of thsAlacider and Kathy*
Chapped 11•110/4 Moorland Mink., Conn nth( g
In net, it is a gaga . currant. UMW, thd has her=
la - mast than abate dine.. within the that reth wish ties
moat perfect month. n ut
that wUt anthith are In
the bthds of the yonnistar, who .111 take Osman In show
Ethem h the thilictod or theactrienda • -
hoover atthrs may say t their media=
V trona. the rifest Rantedy of the egg Ph
that notatinte
Tli=tri o
nt locked ltiltii.datar)""i
thcestainant villing to a due mane me
4 , taticeL - Before thother r.ea ti lt
ro ell Will hp
rempelled to seknowledge that Cto Prirokum la the gnat.
get II10:1111.1,11Ter dthorthed. Cor . oar vholthale ani rw
tei/ALn ' SS ,
67 a 3 LeDOWiLL. no W...{,a, -
R. If. Bram, 67 Wood street; 1). N. Curry,' thg.
Nilian,.Jeth linlat . ,Allginzt..l.42 . h. A u ts . tr...tbe i C
• • . • . grad /k A. Ythaertook It Igy Wont and Wrath al,
I h
cbs.D. to take. and Ilk%
Mr. IL E. baileys—My data.. otb•ra bbli
, mtuoet to troublesome Sumba oral baratuj umak_alliberat
remedies to am Ilttlb a, o l. -2- tot!, todaud cu.% aunt To% UL a
=at t= f aird Y tt Ze k ilever (S to ela
mare thetta
1 have neatomended it to toy masbbol46 mat de MOM
eunadeumbously believe flat It bathe wash meabuse,
that bee ever Mem aced to the 111 •Alarrl.ll.
•. - - - AliCatl,l
Parente ebould oat wait their &West to suns &Ma
math. when they may be eared by a:3 et , bottle af, able
Bytula. . .
Prepared =I shl y_ • *
torlabl • b 7 Wood at. sod bruggiat smomar.
..&ki i :.=tle ta " 4 1
sa , a
Opodektaa.Blaa •
Nerve and Ham Llnitatat
'a •
Pulmonary Zak= I,
Ftlaa,a Batons
LES, ac.—A large stock
I the meet liberal tams. ein
fAICCIaIIe halts
Adam d" Atlas
Moodwohl's Mists 4 illnllit
Annan Olt
CuhruttWoratraitof fitichtt
Coon a .utr
Wile'''. anninonvo
7117d - ornsn's DtparatintAytnN no th..
Hoopoes • o : , '+'• .f .u. , ,e. k.,11, &....
- irai . Antt - DitPdhtld ols, hypienk, .... ,
" Evans' ammo of Penporwmi.
" rtmW Tomato i : ammo:hen, ..t, -. :
" Hahn e I thersoomd"
,;" Lorencten • " ~:.
" Aloe
" theloint
Pond.* tldde I " iz ix o,‘=" 6 •.:
- - " &Milts " . eimmo. I . iksi
Ease Otatmod ton Tata i i ty:nur : ~ :
einne.mthostsot Plaster* Chmtionaeo /Mama • .-•
g moles Pasuals °affray's Cordial
I=l/WA= 'Mom.*
;ann Tea Itoran.Yorrder
Al the Drag &am of a ,N, ww,xxigg,
.1 aura. of Woad Lad IllxitiF
"UOTABFi-10 casks, Taarantall
j. Wok/ . . r.