HOME MATTERS TaXPAZANCII Tilzerngo.—A mass meeting of the cdtirens of Sharpnbitrat and Shale? torn dips was held in the • libarpsburg Presbyterian Muth, Tuesday evening, May 27th, 1851.. P. G. Conzetoek was appointed. President.and Levis Seactary. The meeting was then opened with prayer by the Bev. V. Lamm, after widch iha following ---, *lotions were presented and unanimously Retadved, That we, as citisens of Sbarpsburg - aid libeler townships, are firmly convinced-that - ear respective districts have been injured by the : -'r'etailing of spirituous liquors by licensed grog \ Amps in our mid.st. . Resolved, . That we . hail with pleasure the course recently pursued by the Court of Quarter Semi= in reference to licensing any houses ex cept those which were Proven to be houses ne cenu t* for the accommodation of the travelling pblic. de . -Iliesolved, That we will not vote for any per. for the office of Judge or Associate Judge of the Court, unless we are folly satisfied that • snob person, if elected, will faithfully carry out ' the existing license laws until they arerepealed. •Resolved, That we believe the time has come when the true interests of Allegheny,County de mand of ns as good citizens to vote for no'person to represent us in the Assembly of Pennsylva nia, unless we are assured that such person will tote his influence in the - Legislature to . bare an - Act passed prohibiting the select all intoxicating 1 . drinks as a be, rage in our county. Resolved, Th t we will not vote for any man to Many office • the gift of th is county, unless We know him be a reliable temperance man; - wilt use his influence to discourage and . .:samilith the liquor traffic throughout this county. Resolved, That we heartily approve of the re.. • Wagons adopted by the Allegheny Temperance Association, held in the Rev. A. W. Black's - Church, on the lath of this month, and publish . 'ad in the city papers at that time, and we adopt them as the sentiments of this meeting. A Cofamittee for each district was appointed to interrogate the candidates for office that may be placed in nomination by the different political parties, on tho Temperance Question. ''', J. B. Roberts was called on, and addressed 1 '.the meeting in an appropriate manner. . On motion, Resolved, That all papers in our county, friendly to the cause of temperance, be _requested jto publish the proceedings of this meeting. J. C. COMSTOCK, Pres't. J. C. Lewis, See'y. himmtit Itsuoven.—ln the Court of, Quarter &micas, yesterday, Judges McClure and Boggs on the Bench, lan order vas made out for the re moral of Benjamin Jenkins to the insane de , partment of the Allegheny City Poor House.- - Par readers will remember that this young man, vita tried a short time ago for killing his andher,.a resident of Birmingham, and acquit ted on the ground of insanity. He vas at once taken over the river by jailor For. . . PATO= PESSISTI - 11114.X 8170 D.—This body 21111 In Lator-k street Church, Allegheny, on the 27th litstant, 6} P. 91., and was opened with a sermon by the Moderator James Chrystie, of N. from Mat. :vi. 19. Adjonsuedtuotil the nest • May 28.—Synod proceeded to organise. 42 ' sednisterial members answered to their names, and certilleatea were presented by 80 ruling el -1 • dere. Subsequently the certificate of Rev. John Stott of Ireland was received, and others approv ' •ed, io that 76 names are on the rolL David '• Scott, of Rochester, New 'York, was chosen Mod . Amstar, and Thomas Spfoull stated Clerk-- James M. Willson • Was appointed assistant Clerk. Adjourned with prayer by JR. Willson, IR D. • B'P. 9l—After reading of the minutes A M. Willson presented the case of the Cincinnati con.' on to the Synod. It had only one elder, rtrongregation had been regularly organized and there was yet a congregation there; he thotight the rule in referense to representation ought to be liberally construed, he moved that John Grey, the Elder of that congregation be admitted te a seat - in this Court, .1. Milligan monde/ • WilLsOn world not agree to this, because elders represent sessions., B. L, Willson said that they represented con gregations also; and if there be a congregation • then it ought to be represented. 8. Hutchinsop, wished to construe rules of rep resentation literally, but he wished strictly to. ! • maintain Presbyterianism. After some turther remarks- the motion was lost. The Moderator. appointed the standing com mittees. J. E. Willson wished to know whether thole who had business with committees bad a tight' to - attend their sittings.' Moderator was totderstood to my that committees' bad power to Send for persons and papers. Wm. Sloane moved that a committee be sp . ,jmirsted to inquire whether the book of Discipline requires minion and amendments, and report ; the same to this meeting of Synod. . . J. B. WiD.son seconded. J. M. Willson thought the mom ought to state what he wished to be sonmded. • • Mr. Sloane thought it ought to be amended in reference to inventory appeals J. R. Willson . wished it to be amended eo that pleading to 'the ralmaney of a libel should be before it was found -rclerant by the court.' - J. M. Willson thought the Committee alionld bomb:ter the mode of bringing papers before • church conics--end also 034:leveret steps of pro ceeding in a libel-;and also as to the mode of tireferringnhaiges against any. , • T. Spruill thought this was not the proper mode of . proceeding—owing to the relation which this book sustains to our standards, any amendments ought to go down in overture. Bo was not in favor of disturbingathe matter now. • J. Chrystie called for a division of the guts , ton. 'The motion was adopted In both parts.— Mcdatior appointed J. Chrystie, J. M. Willson and A. Bowden the committee for revising the • book of discipline. • J. M. Wilson moved that to morrow fore noon be employed in devotional exercises. Car ried. After reading and referring to appropri . ate Committees several papers, Synod adjourn ' al. Synod has *solved to sit from 9 A. M. to 12, and from.B to 8 P. IL • DISTRICT Before the Hon. Walter H. Lowrie. Wm. Arthur% vs. the township of Pitt. In. 125 November Term, 1896. Mew:dim:for plaintiff. Williams and SWIM for defendant. _Action to MOTU' the value of weresnta Mimed by the township. Verdictfor plaintiff four hundred and sixty ' tit dollars and soventy-fire cents, being the dace of the warrants, and interest from date: Teran Todd & Co. ts..o. 0. Gregg. N 0.172, • November Term, 1847. Verdict for plaintiff, weris hundred and thirty-eight dollars. • ' ADJOIRSLIX—The District Court, 'after an al. mob uninterrupted session of several months, adjourned yesterday, basing gone through', the .whole trial list. There will now be no more jagstrials until some time in the month of vankber: • Ottenass' Coca:.—The Orphans' Court was ineassion ashort time yesterday, but no busintes .1 et general interest was transacted. • .1 - 14ontaies.—Ntunbers of young men and boys In now daily in the habit of bathing near the `. • old Allegheny.-Bridge. in broad daylight, to the ennoYance of passengers. Common decency tn. -quints that this abominable practice should be =, and . we trust that the police officers et all offenders. • Pz Tuts.—We saw a raft coming down the Allegheny riser yeaterday, which had a large number of young pine trees upon it. It was hound for some of the lower poem, whent the greasmill doubtless meet with a ready sale,.. and fib proprietor realize a handsome profit Daesomo.--31r.' French, a blacksmith from Cincinnati, was drowned from the steamboat Loyal Hanna. Hie body has pot been yetrec., 'Sinews CONDUCL—Six DIM were, yoterhy gituttoon, brought to the Mayor's office, &gaged Vlth disorderly conduct at the Circus. Two were tnieFged and four held to bal. 4, ~.- Prin.—Robert French and James Murphy, tVo hands on the Beaver boat, who are alleged to bale been engaged in an affray some nights ago= the wharfgn which the watchmen ware I bed= off, and one of them, Samuel Dunbar, 'lloMvedult Minn& were yesterday arrested, and Wan before the Mayor. ' Their fine and costs amounted to thirty dollars each, which they paid: . . , Aitusran.—A drayman was yesterday arrest ed by pollee officer Heed, and held to bail by Uporlutbria, •on a charge of throwing bricks tha Canna on Wednesday night. HZ= TO. Ban----The Allegheny Enterprise of rday gays that a man named Little, 'he a second-band store In the Diamond, Inla to ban thie morning, by Mayor Fleming, In eka sum of $BOO, to appear at Court and answer the sharp of receiving stolen goods. BoSse COP' per kettles sere seised upon by tloo owners who iimiersed - thal they had been stolen. .hir. Little bld =them, from bay', who had undonba7 MIME UNITED SPAT COURT. Before the Hoo. Judge truiiL The District Court of the United States met yesterday, and the time was principally occupi ed with the arguments of comma upon semis] applications for injunctions against proprie. tors of planing machines, who were alleged to. be Infringing the Woolworth patent. ;Injunc tions were issued against John Lowry, James Simpson & Co., and John B. Bell. All the fume who were defendants in the snits recently decided by Judge Grier, in favor of Eli. sha Bloomer, the assignee of the Woodworth patent, were directed to give bonds with security in the sum of five thousand dollars, conditioned for their accounting to the assignee for the prof its arising from the use of the planing machine, and on failure, injunctions absolute to issue within ten days. tirrtnurcp.—Police Officer Fox has returned from his recent trip to the East. Satre.—A large number draft:Are now com big dawn the Allegheny river. Tax WZA-THEIL—The weather for some days past has been very sultry, with frequent show ers. Yesterday, it was most oppressive until the afternoon,. when some busty showers fell, which cooled the atmosphere. THE COSDEN MURDER. Tax Moans:etas Dtscorrazn.—We learn from a gentleman who came up yesterday after noon from Chestertown, that the full porticulars of this most brutal murder have at length been developed, and that the fiends who were the principal actors are among the peraona now con fined In the Chestertown jaiL It will be recol lected that shortly after the murder was com mitted, it was stated that a certain female in Delaware had intimated that ahe knew all about the matter, but all attempts to find her where abouts proved fruitless until a day or two elate when it was ascertained that she was residing in New Jersey. On Friday Isaiah° was brought to Kent county, and upon herrepresentation a man named Shaw was arrested in New Castle county, Delaware, and brought 'to Chestertown on Sat urday night last. On Sunday Shaw made a full confession, acknowlodgiug that he was one of the party at Cosden'a house on the night of the mur der; that he was induced to go there for plunder only, that Abe Taylor shot Mr. Coaden from the outside, and also shot Mrs Cosden when she came into the yard; that Shelton entered the house and murdered Miss Cosden, and afterwards went .up stairs and killed Miss Webster—that although Murphy and himself were present daring the time, neither, of them had anything to do with the murder. He stated that he (Shaw) was bitterly opposed to the murder. It will be seen that the statement of Shaw coroborrsta most of the facts alleged by Drummond; now in jail, al though that individual varied his statement in regard to the details so much that his confession could hardly be credited. Drummond was net one of the party engagedin the !murder, ea he has alwaya:strenuorusly asserted, and Slum en tirely acquits him of all partici , pation.—Bak. Amer. From the Butler Whig. DEATH OP EON. JOHN BREDIN. It this week becomes our painful duty te'4l) - - nounce the death of the Hon. JOHN Barnes, President Judge of this Judicial District. He died at his residence in this 'borough, on Wed nesday morning, the 21st but., after an illness of but one hour's duration. He had risen in the miming as usual, at 5 o'clock, and was engaged in preparing his papers for an Adjourned Court then in session. At 7 o'clock he ate a hearty breakfast, and in order to peas the time until the hour of. the Meeting -of the Court, retired to his office for the purpose of writing a letter. That letter was never finished. While writing, he was attacked with paralyaiS of the brain, and not withstanding the efforts of medical gentlemen of eminent skill, he sunk rapidly, and in one hour from the time he was attacked, he peacefully ex pired in the arms of those whom in life he had loved with so much devotion. The death of Judge Bredin has created a void in this community which will not soon be refilled. In every laudable enterprise, of local or general interest, he was always foremost in munificent contribution and in lending his.volce and influ ence to aid in its successful prosecution. He was emphatically a public benefactor and devoted friend of the people. Judge Bredin was the architect of Ida own fame and fortune. He emigrated to Butler co. soon after its organization, a poor and friendless boy, and by the force of that talent and energy which in after life became so conspicuous, ha at tallied to one of the highest and most distin guished positions in the Commonwealth. In 1880, he was appointed President Judge of the Seventeenth Judicial District, Mid during a ser vice of more than twenty years in' that capacity, he established for himself the character of one of the most profound jurists and Bible and learn ed Judges of the Commonwealth. The example of lodge Bredin is one that may be profitably emulated by the junior members of the prates aim, and by the youth of this community show ing as it does, that ability, industry and integ rity overcome all obstacles and lead to fortune and eminent distinction. We are not in posses sion of the minute facts that would enable us to write his biography, neither do we feel competent to do so; but we trust that a pen more able than our own may do justice to his memory. In social life, as in official station, Judge Bredin was governed by a high eeuse of honor, and always exhibited a dignity, courtesy and af fability which gave a charm to his society f and although of en ardent temperament, there was in his nature all the milk of human kindness and benevolence, andthe prompting' of ardent friend ship and enduring attachments, which were held sacred to the end. In his family circle he was cherished with unspeakable fondness =deflec tion ; and this whole community, in which he has bein so long beloved and esteemed, will ever honor and revere his memory. On Saturday evening last, his remains were followed to the tomb by an immense concourse of people, many of whom had come from remote parts of the county, anxious to pay the last trib ute of respect to him who in life theihad so much honored and esteemed. He has reared a lasting monument in the hearts of the people. Peace to hie ashes. From the Butkr W 74. B:I3OWVINGTON Lan P72III,YrIMLE PLA3X • Evermore°, May 7, 1561. MUMS. EDITORS meeting of the Brown. ington and Perrysville Plank Road Company, was held In this village on Wednesday, lest, at the house of Mr. John Rea. Addresses were given by Judge Marshall, Squire. Boggs, Major White and semen!. other gentlemen, respectllig the locadon and the grading of the road. A committee was appointed to make application to the Legislature for, a charter, before the nut day of meeting, which wan to be early In Jane, at the same place., Resolutions were passed fa vorable to commence grading the road as soon u $27,000 should be Kimmel, the greater part of which L already subscribed. Animation,, deter mination and goad feeling pervaded the assembly during' the day, and all appeared resolved to proceed, to the utmost of their means, in the at tempt to secure for themselves a convenient mode of intercourse with Pittsburgh and Allegheny cities; and some preliminary arrangements were entered into for commencing operations in the Fall, which are designed to be more folly ma tured after the meeting in Jane. l i frtb • Vhige and Anti-Masons of the Bor oegh of ntiwelughazt. win meet at the Hope El Efatunlay everting, the 3let inst., at-7 eeleek, for Tpar of ateellag d a / a gata to the County Caneentton. trielawndT New Wide. MINDS FROM KENTUCKY; by Roh bcck. mud Debtln Wallse*, complete. • World's Far Walls illturm . n. Chad L..), Polk.. Where am Um Metals of my yuutte Them le a st emulated the eplrit that Loved thee. Eames tbal etre tolibteet. elmay:Lbed's Bad hour. New Tee. Pau Ida Polkel Blue Juniata. ttid Bachelor sad Old Meld. Lamest of the 311.4 Orphan 0111. Thy voice Ls made to mine ear. Lament of the frith Etaltrumt. Reed and kz sele by my 26 JOBB LE. HELLOII, 81 Wood et. YEW MUSIC KLEBER has just received - . 1:10... 7f 4.7 4:ri1n. • sairlioiro eons, d•dicid to the Oros de Balm tem Ethiopian &am by WA. C. Pcetor of Plttahargh. la wr ideta r NlT r zt =tyMA , Mt i l d . Beeet Roc. ea snag by Jenny /And. with new wee. dealemeate. The Mounts. Daley. i r t tezi , efmtz o l , , Lindh:J. Poser, and dedkatedt :11e .. .. ..I= ' of atta t lia B 4: Che mond.. bleedgeritb t . Iloatevamt!lo., DMehlosdoeuri,Leca Macbeth. Alao—Neve Vo mTq No.lol IN Meat, splendhl lot of Ilene and )1 * p:ire" Stationery. S. HAVEN, corner of Market and Sc t=e°7=ffer.. Vt. l ink% city. ooludstlng or .em duality of lleada . r ay ..., Asocrlcan Knllng Perm Marlon. Mo a r. and cap 8 400 kookN i n ar try norlo of Illarllnto Arnold., Jam...* kfo. rara. omn rk ik.olnyron a, Alai _lllplarl m Wrllloa labs, bi, K k 'ad, kallaran.xi .. a..laramon . ,, and olbmr cele brated roanakirlared=malNlolll N t afora. E 4,., IZ A iVdT.: Ho and lm a groat tarlatnlarl ¢ (¢e. L ow draws. Wafer ewer. fie. ereo DRIED PEACHES—UM bushels (bright halves) la .to era Mr We b 7 11111 E Y, ATTUE & CO. men DRIED APPLES-30 sacks prima, fursale by - =7 211 AMY. wan 'tows 2 CO. CASTOR OIL-9 bbls. (Bloir's.make) for by my2l ABM IWITIMWS k CO. uokyt...,m hhcla_prime N. 0., for sale bg A 7 rise 4=l U1=1••• • CU BY TELEGRAPH EZCZIVHD, HT . THZ THLZOIAPH. LINZ, AID EZPOSTID TOR THE PITISHVBAH GIAZZTTZ. &WAFTING FOR IL 8. SENATOR. LUILTIORD (Ct.) May 29. The'first ballot for U. 8. Senator, to-day re. enltell se follows i—Tbon. U. Seymour (Dem) 105 ; Roger S. Baldwin, (F. 8.) ; scattering 16. No choice. 'he Home-then adjourned till to-morrow. .•em . ME. WEBSTER AT NEW YORK. Haw Your., May Mr. Webster arrived .here to-day, and took lodgings at the Astor House. His speech at Al bany will be nubllshedto - morrow.revised by him self. DESTSIXTIyE FIRE. Borman, May 30. The large steam planing mill, of Johnson Mur dock adjoining the State Prison, at Chariest:On, was destroyed by fire last night. Boerne, May 29. The trial of James Scott, for being concerned in the rescue of Shaddrach, the fugitive slave Is progressing. Several witnesses testified is to the guilt of Scott. • no H. 8. Commissioner, Cfirtis, publishes a card in reply to Horace Mann, denying baring consulted Mr. Webster before giving his decis ion in the Simms case. •. The Ron. 'Geo. Thompson M. P., announces hie intention of shortly returning to England. ACCIDENT TO THE 'BROTHER JONATHAN. Saw lonic, May 29. The steamer Brother Jonathan, hence -for Chagres on Monday last., broke her cross head, and returnd last evening for renal's!. She will by detained one week. ....... NEW YORK MARKET • Ncw Foltz, May 28. Cotton—The market is dull and drooping. Flour—The market is heavy and unsettled, with sales of 2000 bbls at $3,94 .Ci 4,08 for com mon to stnight state, and $4,12i€,e4,81 for round hoop Ohio. Corn Meal—The market is heavy. Grain—Wheat is dull, bat firm. Corn is plen tier, imd less firm, with sales of 12090 at 59e€4691 for western mixed, and 600 for round yellow. Whiskey—The market is heavy, with Wes of Ohlo at 29} 12 gal. Provisions—York is heavy, and prices are un settled. Best ia dal L.:' Lard is plenty and dull. Money—The market is very easy, and rates declining. The banks take loans freely at 6 per cent. Stocks ore advancing, with a strong de mand fot good description. Sales $20,000 Reading R. R. at 59e. Exchange on Paris and England are very firm at flail rates. CINCINNATI MARKET. M3y 29. The market is without change, and dullness prevails in emery department of trade. Flour—Small sales at $8,40 "r 1 bbl Whiskey—sale at 18c "pl gal. Provisions are without change and nothing of consequence doing. The river bus risen 14 inches, since last report, the weather is ehowrey. VHEAP BONNET RIBBONS—A. A. NlA sos t Co. aro no open!. a lug, lot or brantifut. II Pprrug Mb., 01 12.% cente per yard. Them aoods are onannamed Ear cheap." am they an, well worth = cents. Noe. 62 and 61 Market M. 61,111 FORNITORE OIL CLOTHS—Of English. Germ., and our own manufacture, Ear sale at the Moth Wareroom, Noe. 7 and SI Wood .1. mr2l ___2.lll. PIIILLIPS„ ToTea Drthken. F you wont _Real Good Tea, go to 310 - -0 11/3' TEA nOw Dialinnal; bta dert.bnili B t in tba city. Itricet-40e.. 71.., and 111 it b. irty9 CLEY'S POT CLAY --36 bids. j eta reed and La ale by J. deIIOONIIAILEti a en. my2l WRENCH FLOWERS.-_ splendid variety left the etemwt min irmeh Atiti Asanissa nolevre, voilett era anmare! to sell very ehtap, at wholevale et MY= A. A. MASON • Co. _ . 11RIED PEACIIES-35 flacks in store, will Jur be "old lo• to dose lot, in , inrln MAIM! DICIEST t Co. BUCI ETS-50 dor, Marietta, for sale by tarn J. It. CANYIKLD BROOMS -100 doz. Corn, for tale by zarzt - J. 15. C/Nflb.LP. SAL — E . RATUS--100 boxes pure; M" IV sal* by toed ' J. B. CA NIGID. - PEARL ASH—Z caskri for silo by m7l J. & CANPIELD. SOT ASII-4 casks p ure , for qux S ALERATus, tons in boxes and casks; 11 boxes Permed Paw% . or =ir by COSY= DLLZELL !CO, my= Liberty street. TIRIED APPLES-20 , bags for sale b 7 1l mY-1 , R. DALIr.LL • CU . TICIT ASH-5 cubs for sale by suYll • a. DALULL t CA PEARL ASII-20 casks for etas by my= 6 DALZ.II.I, • CO TRANSPARENT WASH BALLS—A fine ankle need awl for We or the Drag atm. o /20 N. N. WII.K.ENZ/1/01.. E XCIIANGE BANK STOCK—For male by o. K A NO. 01723 Haman awl Ezetwww Brake. SUNDRIES -14 bble. Orea4e; 4 No. 1 Lard_ IS nets 012.00 r. fexam R. llaytlo..l and hr We by 12.A.1A1l DlCsad KEY 00., mr2:l /ma Wataa IFE PRESERVERS .1. JACKETS-Al ./A 'raps on blunt. • supply of India Bubb." Llt. Pre , nerve," and Jacks/Is, of Indln Rubber and Corn 97•77949n tan5, for ode al the India 'tubber Depn, 7 9.19 19,,n1 m 72) . • J. & H. PHILLIPS. NEW BOOKS !—A large supply of No. Cllntoct Crooke Greek and Latin supply Mato raxolly Roblzobon, or Ma Adrentom Yather and Moth= and fol. bona, on desert U. Itraa. EM=l itit ' reeiicut Arab by R. IIOPHLNS. tarZi 74 Apollo Building,. Fourth st. MURRAY'S FLUID MAGNESIA—Just I reo'd nal far al. by H. ft. WICKERSILebt. rayRU corner of Math and Want cu. New Books, jrwt received. aREEK GRA3I3I.AIt, for the use of High LA Much; mat Untrersitleu by P. Butt:mann; reviled atoll enlarged by hie mim Aleunder Bottum:mi . vo. Abp. The Mob Oonledetatere. and Matolltou ol li9he by Hew ry 74. field; 13 o. moo. Thai Auttiblogrepby and llennotialli of Captain Obadiah Cougar. to 0117 rum mariner and dam:meter from the Port of Am YOU; by Sae. U. T. C 0....- lane, mu for de by • R. fit/FADE, 7a Apollo gothlinire. Fourth ru graDYSO'fT'S Yellow Dock to Sarsaparilla— LP . ; ffon. for mak br J. EIDD L CO. GO Wood rt. IVISTAR'S Balsam of Wild Cherry—l aeorfw..kbs mllO a. KIDD t C 1.7 lIEMPSEED-30 bble. prime, for sale by mylil J. KIDD A CO. C A b; STER ;!.5 bbls. No. 1 , (Rtgt).foj,sale PINK ROOT-2000 lbs. for sale by ¢1719 KIDO CO. /'OLDEN SYRUP-12 half lide.ir,d 24 1- rmrir " a " 8 " ° . 44114`1! litronisay a co. ANDIA RUBBER DOLL HEADTA: BO DIES. of different Mum Co NM* .t the India Rubber DO. Sec T end 9 Wood et. J. a IL P myl9 C HROME GREEN-5 eases superior qual IL!. na for hoeseaul Asambott parydvar Ja MOLASSES A SYRUP -100 bbla. EL . lLSlolsuseie ••• Syrup; 10 X bbit Goldoni Syrup; 9) S. U. Idolfium fur ale b). a BORLIBID(199 1901111A11, U.S9I 110 watur ut. (I ‘, TE SILAWLS—Rec'd this day, per M me mien of thou very desirable. rola =I es= erml Crape tibmv,M..a. trim.. M or? A. A. ASONt CO. MAPLE SUGAR-2 bbls. very choice Ma pia Dakar, hat reel and for oh br A...IIcCIAJRO k nkylk °racers find Tea Dealers. 'I 6 C:ERING'S SUGAR-Doublaefined LedoCrushed. Pttlrerised sod PowdereeL ennetwatly . asul for de by the bend or doll et tbe lore. ea. Mt•leby MLA. u.cLuith co, myl9 258 Liberty et. DRIED FROIT—I A tt , hes; r i ! ps; - 1 1 rVe . vt . es Vif. A. ideCLOßti 7 00, Omen wd Tea Moslem issouri, on consignment and for We by Al.E.rlt. GORDON m 716 No. 134 Irrtroen. COTTON -25 Wen (Batting) for sale by ¢.715 ALEXAN•No DIIR GORDON, . 134 Yroat of- EAD-2500 pigs Galena l ; .4 CO. mil! TEAS -50 hi. ctiests Young Upon; 5 4. 4. Black Oolong Flavor; Ftralo b 7 NAIAD DIOKkY g CO, mJIJ _ Water and Front at, SALT PETRE-75 sacks Crude for sale by m,13 !MIMI DICKEY CO. AMS-10 casks for sale by void IBAIAII 'DICKEY & CO. UTTER—Fresh Roll for solo b sarl3 ISAIAH DICKEY it 00. OBACCP- TS bozo. 31yre. G's; J. Hales O'c 29 "Shervraarn • and n gteln and to sal:by - .I.""kr"*. ' myl3 18411 Al l DICKEY t CO. CRIMPED' RlBBONS—Assorte{l widths coo adorn, need by artuam this day.. Also, bimok 4.! ed Silk Da Button. lb ylO Y. 11. EATON. 02 Fourth mt. L"LOOR OIL CLOTHS.—A large stock of flax 011 Cloths, of widths =Ong frmo X toe ids. • 0. ortpalvd to OM .. /Mr AA {WI MIN goods GUI NI 0.000.aml sa the bat. Merchant* and boom korprra aro ...wool to call and onamlos go , .o.k 1 ..' , .. elar.d.ro. J. •11.PlilLelt e m y le .., 7 sadloWood.t. 1 11 1 2aNNERS' O.IL-20 bbls. warraatedpure; ke We by 11. S. 8914P8, - atTIS . wood•L PILLIL LOCKS & KEYS r„ • osTurrics 'DZPARTMV.37, March 14, 1851. T BEING DESIRABLE to aubatitow locks and keys of 1.0010 other kind fur throe nem in um for mall service of the United States, stvdmeu locks and kers with proposals to furnish the ita., ',nil he received and consdered - at Poet 01Bee fletnrtueost. until the lot lop of July) nom. The different Incite will le. submittal to • dal yip e'en:amnion and repo. Upulh Afils re port, rositrarts •111. sect, as practicable, be entered into' for furnishing o Lich locks and keys for too,. years, with the right co the part of the Postmadtei General tor the tune Wog to exunhl and continue the contract m Moon for an additional tome of four years. by yriving to the contrite. , • written amine to that effect, not nem, than nine nor lea. than Mr menthe before the termination of the first toms of foot:yearn. Nab • view of procuring the brat lock at the lowest price, no kind of lock is pm...scribed •elandard: the Dc•partment riel7ll3,s47: f evetion 112 t t i l : r mechrical skill nod glee.. 111Z:however, nivezzlit, fort p L =mil etre!. Pholdd pcosess the following qualitiehriC drt rabillty. uniformity, lightness, and ofrenuh. For the purses, of displacing. eitoultaneously all the mall looks and keys now In use. about thirty tboulaod owe locks and twenty thousand keys adapted thereto, will be repuireol to be furnished by,the contractor within seven moudis'utter contract shall have been enbered into Wee/ants the manual supply will depend on the durability . of the looks and keys adopted, as well esthetes-Tremor tbe matl nervier. hut It will probably never visaed In amonnt three thousand of the natter end one thousand of the la 4 ge to lock will be considered If it he like any almadl ra to. made be of lo~e w il ih i ski, eell o ~ o-rbg%Lia 171=-10 Ley. stellar to Wore contracted far, for any other purpose or um than that of the Poet Office Deportment. The kind of locks adopted must ho patented. and the Pe inude* will berered. on entering Into contort, to male assigutnent of b lip patent for the exclusive We and ben t of the Department, If the Postmaster Deneml WWI deem suck require/omit emential to tho Interests of set Tire, to cam of the failure of the contractor at Any time to fulfil faithfully We terms and mniditions of his conned. the Postmaster General shall has thotight.besides armee to the penal remedy hereinafter mentioned, to annul said contract. and to contract mow with any other party or M es as he teat sec Oh for furnishing similar locka In deciding upon thcproposelsend speck.. offered,the Pone:lune General me, doom It expedient to OK for the through =Mile the lock "lone Udder. mad for the way mate that of another. Ile rivers, thrivfiee, the right of ton traction with different individuals for ouch different kinds of locks as he may select i, aud airs thus right to reject all Pr e llin i nTe= " Tf d tt ` e ° 774.;.; ` ,.... ' gedart,...;';.= contrasting will lie required to glee bend, 'with ample we rarity, la the limn of thirty thousand MMus, for a faithful performance of the contract The contrmt le to contain ProMidom for the due and proper inspection of the WW2 and MY, and also tor 10...rdirlo, against their passive Into Improper hands; the terms of them provisions to In no'. ranged Admen the Department end the emoessfill bidder, lf a bid •should be Armond. No implicatlinv will be considered If not eorompanied with satisfectorTkleoceof the trumworthytheracter of the blif dm, and of h i U s s ability to hilt the contract. N. K. HALL, Patrnaster general. . ME:MEM GENERAL LAND OFFICE, April 4, 1851. N, UMEROUS APPLICATIONS HAVING been male In this office tor In/arenatlon Innelation r which Land Warrontn under the art of 25;il ' otre s pitm In ber, 11,0, nhould Me following el:towers thereto Lave been inwpatzed. Us win There are three molten by winch Mee. ',wallows may Le med.. - lat.. fly the Warranter In perxon. 2n. By the Warrantee through the agency . of Ude oak. IfSa. By en d ent A or Attorney. the ten oecotl mode Is adoptea, the applicaUon totort be mule fn welting, rpocifylng the tract, DM district or P.tital of °notary. to which the le.atlun IP &Bred, and be aczolnpanieu by an aftatarit acountlog to the following fem. Where. the third tootle 111 adopted, Pnwer of Attorney mutt be pmduced, executed by the warrantee In the pre, *nee of • vitae., ...eluding to the folloartng form tin. which power of Attorney mutt beecknowledgel. to d OA lb. twee may be, teekire Kano onber authioriud to tale filo acknowledgment of deeds, accbnllng to form Nn.3 or .1. In oil t h e Patent. colt trattetnitted to the Land Office where loradion to made. notes, rpeetal dlnrthons to the contrary be given J. BUTTERFIELD. FORX No. 1. STATIC or Corm or • Before sae ta hka .Justlve of the Peace orother ofßeer •uthor- Penchi, appeared f ben truart the 0.121. of ...mates] who being duly mui., of sod thathe the Id waoae of wan.— . Wiii.lia. - ireaT[iier:iZ.ert mine of llranI Iran ran... trw.) . to whom %arrant No.—. for— arrew.ttoder thw Act of Pwatembet, 11,517, wad Issued oo the. day of —, and who bow noddle, to bd. the tame. lgoatutv Swart, to and intbacribed Wore tue this a day of —, le tOteare. aigxwarci Form No. 2. .. • . Knov all man by the.e pratento, that I, [her* Ingart the tuna of aarr.ear,J of the County of and blAtt• of do beryl, hnnatilat4 azal appaint -,. arty tau. and lawful atom - pay. Jro fur wad In to name ba•atr Laud .At'arrant So, toles of .bkb b00t,13 wale, the Act ttata.aaar. I . oway of autatituttou way Is Insart.l If devt,l j Signed in preiience of I 1r arrante*. signatur. : Font No. 3. Starr or Coran or Co this d y el lb. " oz sof.e lb. ared here lor.rl nape n l . s o ll " Wrl 'f1 y. " 2•1 . 1.7.1V1Z47117: u..ano of vsrmn4,l axkl th.th Le Inn prevr.n.tho 1. descrill.l in the .Ithth Power. sod law executed that (01TAcres.Finnaterr.) Font No. 4. Stars or CorrlTl or I hetet,' rertlty, that cm thul day —, in trdi lesr —.lrrronally came Myra. &Irina,. the mray o irremm allor !her. t OO, l the name ~ r warrantee, mat the ..l4 [here Insert thy name. erttnom.j Mlnd Yrelt Memo to ann. tart July ...or. by tar, sod on t. eath d-elaool and met that Im 0.11 in.. th y .014 (10110 CU kj, tb• name cf ealmanb,. and that Ls o,,thr tam. tor r a M scribed la mei oh , . meeruted .)trioe 1 , 90.Y 0f SP tomer, and Ms terimmuy 00. .0...t0ry trelmum ot that tart, and the osYJ her. insert Orr mum. of warm, devd ttimmipuo arMlool , mitmd th e viod Yet to be au] . . (01:1Lieestleasturm.1 1) L tICE--100 tierces tor vale h . 6V2HTLIWIL a INGURAII. 21212 116 120222 Yri.ut-118 bbls. N. C.. for sole by mrl3 WICK i BaCABDLM.f. V GREEN-6 cases (or sale by J =iris B A 1 4LINDdTOCE. a 4,y). 1./L r liNT U3IBER---150 lbs. Pow'cl for eile IL. by A1.02 B. A P•UN1.... , 21,C1i A Cr,. ' DACE GINLiEft--?. bng4 for sale by LE ..fll B. A. VA 11 , k_sr..,ch• .. r , O . Q A.LKRATI.: S-112 casks prim, for halo by 17 mull Of ICI . ki,CANDIA:2A IJEARLS-11 casks first sorts, for sale by .7/ 2 Olcu s MeC DL C/TAM-1S rankx pure, fur sale tiv Y mrl2 WICK X,CANDLI:-51‘. I.IA.MS-31.2 S. C. Canraas. for sale by XL car I'd IF ICE A dIcCANDLI.S., CIODFISII-10 tierce. for sale by iskyl2 KICK A ErCANDLEES. ■• IiOCOLATE-130 has. Bost.. for sAlf. by AT J coyi: EEDLE WORKED COLLARS, flouns, j. I tag. Edging Aal egiE toe witta •NE arsoftetent of Lam mrlo °P"'"' " N F. LL EATON. Fourth at. 'UNI COPAL VARNISH—For onle by xfi et 4,10 IrAlAll DICKEY • CO: PONFECTION 11,.. for sale by 4[J myg , N. A. I'AIINE:!TOCH • C.l. 131; LV. Colts STARCII--5 Las. for sale by j_ my. H. A PAR F.ATOCK ICO INDIA.N RED-11.50 lbs. for . Bile by WV , 11. A. PAIINLISTOCK, ..), 1 NDIGO-1 100 lb kegs Manilla; u., .„e tz tal d r ll4 , „.. ig, L. min a, &amides of h rapon. l .l7.4. '" 'in L. ''''' tr"' WA 1114 7,10000 • no. W.., and Front rt. tn,fi ___ IROUND NUTS--15 necks forsiilelv T. 7 .75 LITMEGS-1 bbl. for eale by. J. Kim)* CO. IjOYS' CASSI3IERES-0( various colors ja and styles, reed by my!. r • DC lIIILIFIELD. CANDLES-15 boxes (10 to 40 Ilia. oeach) for oak by J. D. WILLIAMS S CO.. • my 6 MM. , WOW sod /UM sts. `PERM CANDLES-10 boxes 4's. s's, and kJ My 4rt pale by J. D. WILLIANII I CO. mrs FINE TEAS— D) b.lr chesto Malay lad Oakum - bornb .stn atm Minn, an owe hr m 7 5 1 O. WILLIAMI(A CO. JEER SKINS-3 bales for ' , ale by m 7 MET. Atrium., &co. 1 JIG LEAD-490pigs Soft'Cialeno, for sole 11 b 7 my 7 ILEEY,IIATIIIEIVB • CO.__ 1)10 METAL--465 tone for sale by my 7 MI KY. MATTIIEN 8 & CO. 'WEATHERS-4a sks. prime Ky:, for sole by Hutt mArrnEws A CO. SODA ASII-60 mike (good) for sale by tort A. CULBKRTSON t CO. POTATOES -100 bo. (Galena) to arrive, sir tabby my 7 A. UULUEft Nt CO. DYE WHISKEY -37 bble. (pure) for sale AIL to , my? A. cutuelersos !M. OPTS. TURPENT — INE--^_U bble. for sale by 1..7 mre B. A. VAUNESTOCK ICR TALLOW -3 bbls. for sale by 1070 00E11000, LITTLII a CO. Fr OBACCO-1 hhd. prima Sefar Leaf; rt... 0. Ay L. S. WATERMAN a PONS. aye 51 and 61 Wator, and G 2 Frnnt at. OIL -40 bble. pure Linoeed, for ludo by Jere I. C. WATEMIA:4 A NON A. SODA ASH-20 casks Kurtz's brand, for adabr m,a B. tt.G/1. fi.LASS,-600 boxes used sizes, for ,uo by ‘,N moo N.t W. 11A11/IM,II • LARD OIL-50 bble. for solo by ..16 8.0 W. HAIM:UN/II GLASS -800 boxes Window. for sulu by .p 22 B. Y. VON DONNOOOST a CO. AKES-40 doz., flay Raked, fur sal° by Lb .p 2.1 P. P. VN I , ONNIIOIIST t CO. CORN -00 bu. Shelled, for sale by .Da J. 8. DILWORTH t CO. ODLIVER OlL—Zogalls. serioi White, fur male by myl up Wood st. TIOTATOES-20 bbin. Nenhannorko, for _IL bbia by co TO 0. P. VON BONN IJOOOT CO. IRON-66 tons Forgo and Foundry, ort coorlsoment, for sale br ao3o JOTIN WATT *CO. LINSEED OIL--1U casks (prime) for sale by my 6 8. k. H.llllllOlllOll. VEJLMILLION-62 lbs. (Trieste) for sale an 7 It. X. 8141.1.ER5. fIIfEESE-30 bozos receiving and for sae Ni by by. 7 B. DALZELL (X).. Liberty .t IJIIAPE.E.-4.300 reams Med. and Crown Wrap fng, fur ""lowof;‘ln'tv ei lr,lEzi.tg‘.. HIED PEACIIES,-600 bu. for sale by tta ISAIAH DICKEY a CO. PAR FUNDS& EASTERN EXCIIA.NGE WANTED, and th. Kabala premium pfd for tba met A. WILKINS A Ca, Market and Third FIS. DRIED APPLES-75 bu. for sale by DUIUSILIDOI: 604 116 Water stmt. 4.IALIIION--30 bbls and hf. bbla. No. 1, for br gat JOHN WATT t CO. WARING-40 bbls. No. I Cum) for ialeby WU OTTIBRLIXEN • INGIIIUM. . .. -' .. .. Liu... MISCELLANEOUS Eureka Iffi n i re C almly o f l t ri o bi gam /TOMAS WHITE, -BONNET ; MANE.; V . POLLEll.O . 4 . l,3losith Second Plineet...tabove PRE ' B oA:holders of th o Eureka Mining miadeant . febleily UltitaPaitY fhllehluart. are hereby uotillod I on mita= mamemment of erity4l. menu per Aare has bent made • ep o ,.... pee • , tbe capital steel of the Erma. !lining Company of ' ' ''''''''' 3liebbe, ppk. phi., pr 11AGALEY, OODWARD hole-• 0 .• otho* or the Ceolvay. in the building mod Plod AP, tele them.. Eck= Harket sh. Philadelphia 441 Pahuer. Comm Co la itmburKli. . • -- JAB 31. Cil 151'1'. See- aud Treat mybiebtilimul Eureka !Ma k,. of Ilteb. • Inn City Yining Company. UE regular Annual MeetiOg of the "Iron Cltt MLaoo Company," hid: at the anise of r tfax.R.l. 1U thy, City of Pittsburgh, on,MondaY. Jun.. th, al 0 o'clock, P. . An massage. of 50 On. por elan bat been oaf and sill bed un the =1 of June. al. an spa...tent of : • yenta per Mare, due oa the MAW Acurun• 1,4 /• ay order of the Itostra, WATOOOWo PALMER, • ray= Estcretair. HE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock holders of the Ohio Trey Bak 311rdny Company ...try/ b• Id at the office of old nonslms7 In City " "". bureir Monday. June .at 2 0,i00....Liriat,..,... JUST RECEIVEt—AT WM. DIGBY'S, 101 Liberty stied -10 pieces French Lln RECEIVE. for Psnin: 10 - English end Freneh - Dray d' Etc. fir sma ll pr&reanolledand blast Bilk Warp ( =min...". t . " • • A splendid assortment of Marsefllee andqinen Test lean , mylo ERRING-10 bbls new for sale by II I n; l4 W aP. WILSON RICE -20 tierces Carolina, for safe by aims JAMES A. HUTCHISON"! CO. VOFFEE--ISU bags Rio, for Bale by ioro , JAMES A. 111.1TCLUSON A CO. TEN, RED-15 casks (English) for sale by mll6 J. BetIOONMAKER t CO d'ILOVES-2 bbls. for sale by mrld J. sCHOONAIMENR & CO. SUP. CARD. SODA-10 kegs for sale by J..SCI.IOOIIAEHR CO., 01010• 24 Wood A. SUGARSrLAES -1 t, .o.Buvm.. mi onrc ybb, by INGILILAII. 2 iOULDERS-32 casks for sale by snylo BA M. JONES &CO. FIRE BOARD PRINTS—For sale by mite w. P. MARSHALL, et Wind et ("HEAP WALL PAPER—For sale by aryl9 W. Y. MARSIIALL. 85 {Pad 8. TESTER CENTRES—For sale by i ...... mll6 W. P. MARSHALL, SS Wood M.. ' .."' 1 4 :1RI - L-,3 bbl'. & 8 kegs NUTI, Cur sale by ! Professoi A. C. Barry's Tricophens, myl6 JOHN WATT A CO. . fill MEDICATED COMPOUND, for' re- FISH— i 'LI Morin. prnerviniamd beantlfying the hair,eradlme 0) bhla and 40 hr. bbla Su 1. lialtimore Honing: I ". . c"rt '''' d'''"g. "4 roving d'''''"" th.'lt' I , _ , ~ .. • .. 8 ,, 1 glands and muscles , stunot. mats. MM.., mn-ainx. eta. It Gtu Mn meertaintal by experiment. that Barr)'' Tempi.. No - Large SII. 3 Ilarkerel,• emna haa produrad the mtue allmt In exmlna dltentaaa of the Al hf. bbl'. Late Puperlor Ma lmo.; fo r Web m 716 • 1011,, W AIT A.r • ! Vitv . ,', i , = . . a.:,-.1. ''' r,;:t.:ittdte.m.m: itii 3 OFFEE--IoU bap Rin i , 4i i i i r s etl A o r ipi ca import, ' ,rtn gene t.• /Maw the value of the prepration. 1 ntl,hre:tpzittlotx In wllkh la 6 held by L4r.••• erho have ‘_, urri6 pra IRON-100 tons Huntingdon co., for 1 _a_ tale by m l l6 JOILN WATT A co. • hint Visa. Sept. V.. i IMO. BP.. Wawa—Dem Si _l Lase Lees alCicled with a CU. yid eruptkm of the sealp. of a moat awzravated Haar. C/OCkS! -- i artex. Bar lbw. last sateen yearn., and during that period I have hod the advice of some of the moat eminent phyal -IUST onenine—a very excellent nefiortnaent : 'V0..z01...^ trliet Mi B. PreParatimo. Ba the her mad la or MAtOOl. CLOCKS, at from It ta Mall waralot- 1 4 g a Mead ' reri , ; aa th ; =11 ".. . ' b' l d' eid i s:Z7.ll:l M to keep soW time. nd tiltration. found the Alm—hrave Mmatel Clockw. for !LSO each, and warrant- !=hr,: i &tt n ej o ' ga ul l,b,„„ s n uo h ...a., elef en., of the ed — Ct/..P ...SI NieV i ringi 7....51.... diminder that at thaam I was tornally blind. • reocc,t M.. Respectfully. yours, It V SI RAPELTB. earner of four th . l4O Columbia scree... Brooklyn. TEMPLARS' SWORDS-Just reed, a lot spy Shag. Oct 'M. 1850 of Knights Templar Surds , with the emblems Of the PLOY Baenr-Ily Dear Bit -Atuat two ream ago my hair er butaWlelly engraved. neme out • hue. deal, end my head wu moth afilleted meal! W. W WILSON .I with dandruff. I was told by • friend to try rourTheopber 114101t SALE,ticcloTpd conslgroxient-60 els. 'i " i 4"" 'd "d i Th '" " r j" ,r t. a". "ir .." I ho d lo r Vl d to.erfor gelf . "" ru° '"P"‘"". " L" ~.. .oargr;t ,E , C , ) Di A9ll. bratigl.e. , trof I a 3... Ilse 1 n itit respect I amroue obull uret. 15 a Pennsylmula 1i4.1 , 1 , 3114 Depot, J 8 TM:I[M ELL..O3 Drudway ray comer Penn and Way. streeta.Pittehmat If any lady or gentleman doubts the ontheatkity of the VI lOW'D EXT. LIQUORICE-I can for sale 'il.:;7;u:'l7.;34.l"Orit..nstippphtTnri AgitVs:lbri a br MTV It A. FALINZATOCK ft CO ' ael buten 111 AIM'S TRICOPHEROUS-I2 dos. for ' [Kum the Milltarr and -.\ 7. - nd Aram Nov V, 1.1,0 I _LB We by B. E 8 -. EL P S . 1 ant. n l7laels ' erof the itil • =l7 • 17ft . 1114 "1 r Pgra .yll '' ' ' ' '''' d ' L din 14,411.4 eth tynt 1 e the Ankle Loma as PrOfemor (t)l,/,;;f1.),?,P11.;,,Fdrw.'d ( r t nt t l'lg re) ii=pirmaZin, rp'llipti:=l.'.ifirg.l.,l4.7; ...deem, usury Iti the Iwo tt L. out to ...ft rem- Pe Xi ITIt IC ACID-600 RiP. (pure) fur Salon y n th" , ` r,-,0 ••• or th e hod It MUM to to the Monuf . the Latr, innt hue puma. Its month to a rurkable de. Al mill I KIDD a 4,13. fat Wood st , arm It da d the deralruff and ort entl maim the 1 /INK ROOT-2000 lbs. fur elle b bur line and taco, It will cure elrdlerous of the scalp, such WI /WIWI hm d dew worm, and other bomb I to dlr. 2,_ null J KIDD SM) den of the skin. la rbettpuem• u era unfleacy, it sunk - -I:Ribble. No. 3, for sale by I"l7"lt.rned""eittat6trall L'elDr""ottattU.7-..npentil"e,"tlintoto".u"bott:n. ....3 5A W. lIAILDAttiII IW. United tutu szol Canada apk.tf A . - tOLASSES-100 bbls. for sale by PRINTIN G INKS. 1_ mfht s.* W n-Aftllit.U" AUTCIII3.SON h. CO., No b.; Spruce Street, ill EN - 201C ACID-71 or.. for sale by sill man trtt.-tip m.o. ton re of the beat D A WAIIN - riTt/CSCA CP. 1 ....w. I 11 PRIT'S,/ lle. p r Mut and LIU:m i.) oanti . graph. Henan, asal Po 31. Dk a. Jt. W Mt, which OIL CLOVES-20 lbs. for sale by myl3 they...um m le ...meet of the 1 mut mat. go. and to 11. A. KAIINESTOZIL aO3 w t. 'w" .. ° L . J ... ,, i :: t r'ir yk i;: ...w ;,,,, ~,,,,,, lII'ILAKE 3IANNA-460 lbs. for Pale lor - " .7 " .7-t e' o ww.nwr Y , ..-PkPersUPPW , PPt - elhe i Messmer •, _ ~.., in me kit/ et prom naryfitc fr.a 4 ete to 340) per lb, Mr 13 0 4 . riIiKKAEOC. wMI put up in mon and f truunted to era.- Q TONE; PIPES-340 boxes for into bi - . u'' c'' ' '''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ''' t`t'''''''' ' ' ' . '''''''''' 1 w ,,, , ,, a 3 ,, e ,,,, L ,....., allitl •ars km Inan SI.. to Chinn. la. mughs m { j 133113 tt."."--- lIEMOVAL AIACKEIIEL-160 bids. No. 3, I 0 P , ?is .- fur eel@ I y Itnt. V7ARE3LIN & CO, my tt WICK 8 tlrCANlittut No. 79 d.. SI (late 76) MAIDEN Lays, 1 lUD-12 btls. No. I, for sale by soyi mtr,. t 7 _eserla W . ICX A kIeCAADLE 4 I Direzt. / ,Fpunte Lit OLf Shut/. irt RAZ-MS-210 dot. Cum, for sale by ,,. IA ANUPACTU HERS AND JOBBERS of 1 .11, ouSl - WICK & sa l Dl X G.E.VTLP.ME.X.S . 1174-ValfING .ARTJCLES. am 7 BS-Gel doe: Beaver. for sale by ' ',4,..!°rri : " ,00d Dretecus-Ileavy -heavy., Light Wont, Are m 713 ei,... . nUTTEit-zo kegs for tale by . omo-Fatin. 5111. No. Ikmbestrie and fancy of all JJp meil WICK A AIGCANDLLFe etykat aml method EllL aml Waal of VT Und. (gtORCRLNG-4 casks No. I, for sale by 1 if/firr " Stn " d r .tr== .11 Mods . *" L, ray 13 WICK A XeCANDLS 1 Crtmotst-lenry 0112 end keno, Huey Thnilsh Maim" ----. FM. Ital., Prime Albert Mut.. Tolled Judi. . El e e°2la- LI M 611PPkb hat. As , ~ ,t --1 /Mkt Yfutticrokeelk-Ccou, Lions Cuero, to. A. - 31ASON is VO. would reveal sappyau.s.-yrptat. and lugliab. new ark. DOOmette A• OW Ow ittenilm of thole no unman a the po md t °reign 6':7P111.17 t . t:tflnit'lrol7olVT== l "'si 1 l'lnt7 .l .l '. gn M . 2 0. l i gr- u iXv •i• - 4 41 10° '''''' J. In the Essippe rataspis, end ourraued at • mud m , fgano:-...e 1 . 1 r.. Mecum, Lamb s Wool.gilk. Lbs. MI .1 ...lion Pun luau p.m to toot puukmetne at whole. ' GMn tete re Sr. nu prwpored to ' eel mods at ouch kw. knurl; Cower Veleet , Culdnere.En e lab. Preach and ,14e.11.0141 Mx, oust hem Mu pure/mond raw ...rip Is oho-. Ur lot a.. PvILWCI 12,13 , i end 41 Due.. Shoulder Brom Per gentlemen rod 1011..-a variety of H AY AND MANURE FORKS-125 ifs. ' Atuu. 100., 8ut a ,u: nuelines , llanyr A Co. Crl•bratai hay &M f r.... Fort, ' K e uoll nee lie ...lac att.-m.lM* our Donmetle n mut Dun tbe manalseturor A ildt3 . m tele x o r r i te a stigin , Kutt Indemddste, 11 .wen,AuVizt r yi At A co.. nut and for sale by Wider hmet. j with/ W .-W.O 72 ABl hoiden Lane . For tutu. of gal. and hitelask value, that Yorke cont. b. simPum. and tbe Mr prZfe at which they aro 1 Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse, .4.1...., Inure theft' intraluctiona aridly .IF S. 31ILLS, No 6 CORTLANDT ST., Q PIIIITS TURPENTINE-10 bbls, in good 4... 1 2 Runt/ SEW KOCK. le wt. Menton.. of ay ord.. Per WO by R. E. SYLLLIL.L. t y ie. IBV4I nclam wort... of Pestsu AND 211.'L...712 , r, g.,,,.., ~, ' Stand X 511 A. 1.8 utr beta - .reuivn tti l Aloe I. ICE TOWN LOTS FOR SALE 11tn.LIN and all kink of ell . K NIA .. TILL . =Anoka. td Teem the harm Pans %Alm, received sty the shame. ' amt parilcularly alumni m the Mninntrule In the new town of Latrobe, Westmoreland ; i s i t'at s ." ,, gle'" '"' "r P A"-""L° AND UM" ne of (ranged and plain Mani cotton I t Comity, Pa. ' rod Mt and Turk Sohn Peru., and Cotton and Ofe. ham I. obreillot All of whkeit will be offered at extretulY TA , Laotaaaaa Depot 0 .,,,. ,A,, 1.,..... juth.,,,,,d low prima We eerutally me. our %Mena Nahum.. amino our Mork before purrhacime F AMED.. tOW - 11 of LATROBE is beaunfully A Alto KIRK klanthlea, put up to cuss Mr tranuortatim. owls! muted .. Muted keel plain, on the bank of 4 Levia th an. Etter, where the leensuminut. hahrmal If urphy's Self-Sealing Advertising Ravel rs,...ei tt.s. 'cream by • hand... eta s bridge of three et one of 41 bet tub 11 la 40 Mike ea. of Pluttlaurgh, a pea rut of Ontenstrorip It art of 1.4.1.., 12 math of 8.. NO. 263 MADP C S&N ST.,NEW YORK.- ',Hs, 3 north of konnteMon. and 7 south Of New Alexasc , aria The /Muldoon. Kaltman! will be oputtel to the A T. subecritor. In mliciting the patt.sce of an Mao temporary tannin. near the-tow.. wetly In November kowg wee thle •Kweuilettmot• feu` none of that 21 1 1 ,. BOIL to eman.t. with the southern toenail.. Tll4 lump Mtn Match • new artulais brought belbre the public. T. ply et every train 5111 atop to take • mul at the now and ..0... of 7... h. .. 1 4 , ..4 their .Petiorlt7 Me eanodes BAIL hahtl) 1./TEL, now in p.m. of enut I rmtl en Onee.M.4 be tuntelmtlY refers to the upteno. 111. t h. mare of the ohm Mottle oppante the Amt. of of thaw latudneneuma who bare nerd there ennhoper, t ,!,'„..4 h,,,:',,,,,, g,,,,,,,. ~,5,,,,.. Ak,,,,a, f! d, s e end to Ids rapidly thermanag Wee as proof of their exthl to greeted Immultsholy. Thu lota now onend 0r sale or inn. leane an. PO foothont on streets 00 Mt mkt., alld 711:9 back Tht fonmetnir are •kW Of the Maun tor the. pork D. U. , to •k. Keeton.: they will range in prim front IN) loh, tr ~,_ _ operant.. a...Du to tbur *Mum Noma ti th e totem. the .o th e Pim. ...PIM ItY the ..1. • tenon mu' more than 40... rude from the Itellhod Ceuta , wh•tt to in tam hie name Ontelum , end aldreni, coutdcuously said 01,,, n . g t e .,,y gu, rot. (Hawn, and e ms, 01,..,,,f i Muitlftilli emboined, reel or OM, th.usukrling per. Itltikh there so. Kuria Larolarmoly annaled along the Sect warily atainet fraud. teak of the trj will l t i eetz . favonablet term. U. per 31 The Enrelopra cannot be opeimd withont beirlit din ItXtitelltf ettne ' r l y U round EL lawn ffe " .4l.74Tfu l tatt .- : . L'lneithm wax nor wafers are rusulud to seal then. ...mak, aud It will no doubt be • piece of great mutt 1 4U4 Cum Um std. Maga og • letter, th e Atli thsurosite from the r e as it Is In the midst of the toes{ &Wu tonsedlate return to the realer, tusked of bet bum' sod hunting regime in thee part of the Mate. 115.0 a) ' moot. In the head Letter Olke mat 00)0 thernmiren at al. Pan. tor bum.. ' 51.1.1 The Envelopes au fund at haul the sum men,taunts/tame. and Inechanins, to eon. and •ethel , D the.w ,P Dl K.°K.. ther. KW Ittitneetiete bun.. slot employment.. thie . tot) L ob Mier mellod le • , ..t , 4 ,. .e, let pot .111 he they:Mat to which the Iron and el the 1.15 .. to thr o at the atlantic. of all through 01,0,0 hands it of Liu... valley will manually con.. by • turnpike. 1 Mir itte. s . tbneugh the lethal...nu gap of ti. Chatent !Ulm and .9 fele:ming le •DU a Poke. for L... entfeeved 00 Omit romt of three reheat.. AluuderJohnsteu.kuys, I.rau, wad Mach will lad for tea u and of t ourer. of I 14 the Depot u will al. that of the neighborhood of hew : the Mtnel otse. eithef melts or butt of. ord tomer. and Alesualna, by • plank iced along the valley of the Loy- • Mule as above, with name, Wilma Wo e t athatt.. 'Shore to plenty of the purest water: and the Pncrtt of Diu 1/Mas itY Durham me t h u loot of coaLtrunle had close to the town. In abundance. D:. letters or lea_ - KM .1.... e. nets 11. elooes6 hand, an Inerhausilble.pplyof all glade . to 10 - 0 1.01 100t3 .... ..I.LfO of building meter., Mu, rime. and timber. A saw mid -0 to 40 - arid mill au In full mention with plenty ot water pow. 40 MOO b.f. avo 10,10 tv within :AO yank of the l/o0 ant an eittundm brick t.O MI.- - .....- . 1010 4000 - ... ... 13,00 ,00 will ftssli • huge nUmbar of au jK. tw 100 ... . - - 1 4 0 0.1000 4 " ... 4 i"l ' VeTt o tffrintraut naming sumo. 11. KC la deep t K hen. It *not ...tient to forward ...tit of jiTM ) , I ontrrich end wll adapted to cultivatlon. gardens, Am I Per Mut or .Preete. • referee to • mnlnetalue New E.. the tams of Lk of lots . 111 beam& known on spell.. ' /loss, trill be Indllcient Al .l mien will meet with I T , I n in tauten OT by letter, to the imbectibet, or hie agent attenhou. If addruut UM. 81 1.111 P/IY, In 1 ounestown. or at the calm in LATIIMIK where • plan No. 2C3 Iladleor. arm; Sr. York. of the total.) big /WO 1.11,11 X 0 W, DARNEL, (haw. will be attended to promplk, If lett at the atom N. B. A p .m,. 0 1,, a gti0,..Eut.k.0.,,,,,i,,,,,,, lof Mews eihm a hett, 1...0th street or of hems. 11. 03 Jerolimen • Co.. 134 William et rid 'b. "0"0" ""4 of "" dun boon b. 1 t.. 8.-email Canis. embowed In colors, from 71.0 . DI at Ill.tal thou... feb-.M.131. • AckEIiELL; tart, WM. . H. GARRARD hai removed the bal of his stock of Dry Goods. D: Market greet.pear Liberty. All pumas having any claims a,za:nalt. pro noquvotal to prganst th em fortlaverth: and ham Indebted are n/spectlully nequeenal to call and mottle, no he wish. to cloa/ up his buelkow by the Ist of June. LOYI=II-:(4.) Fine Dress Elixirs, per Express. &A. MASON & CO. hove recd this morn log kstr Expesss, a splendid 11,19ttammt of Clem Dress condstlng of black and Cancyoatonstl Banos, blaes and light fatter colored plaid Thomas. Leandro! plain and egored harass de Wore., Lawns...lndia 6111[14 de. The &Loss 1.1.34iN sea ash] north the attention of porch awn, am they 1611 La sold at unuanally ton rice., hbohr Cal. or retail, at 62 and 64 Market .t. toed NULL RUBBER AIR BALLS—Just se mi... 4 3,10 dinnk• smarted alsoa Alr Dans. wfileb .1.111 al the wholenlo Esetern pncat. . i • 11. PIIILLI PB. FLOUR ; Prepared Corn; • Anowroot.; WM. A. IkcLURGI t CO.„ Z 61.1141-1., LAT I N k:, IVliite and Colored; 1111. A. 110CLURO & CO., IA) liroevre and Tea Denim, pitu N ES—Bur3aux Nonce, in glans jars; c.rmnn 1•;or ..i!Z r ID WM. A. MACLCIIO A CO. MACKEREL --100 bble. No, 3, for sale by A. CULORRTSON a CO. Awl 3 Litorty OrctL A LUIS-50 bbbs. for Bale by AL m 712 J. KIDD Al DO., 00 Wood LUE-10 bble. (extra) for sale by n_lf writ, , J. Klab k CO. CARB. AMMONIA--f,OO lbe. for Bale by my 12 J. KIDD • "- OR SALE—A good Pedlßtg Wfigon, in r ' n ri CO.. 00 {Coal st. ARD OIL-10 bbls. Winter Strained, for IA Wu br myl2 ' n. E. SELLERS, 67 Wooda. 111 EMPSEED-5 bble. for s alo by li tayl2 IL E. SELLER& C! P. TURPENTINE-1U bbl. prime, for sale t 7 er mri: R. E. EELLERS. Spectacle), ! eONE of the meet inestimable blesshigecon (erred by art upon civilised numb aro the dreamer peataclen IVlllaut their audetaura, the anowywaw u p e padding revolt. dermal , . 'talon ur eta age, areagiao.,.. ottay MLR, would ha Ireemeallable. yaw long aspenenee. and a thorough toweledge of tha Whine. or °Vie; Ire are prepared to Cobb at dthau.ll6. POO on aelandela onward.. Gold, Enver, and Steel boactaelea, of all kloda. oed the beat ti/usee, ouutantly an haunt AI., Watch Petah. Lou., UMW to onla. Nor Ologars edad In old trauma t °9 g I V L WT-I:=Mttttlaffivaral poem. . W/1403 myL3 tl7 Marian Prue, =NG Of laugh. PHILADELPHIA. • . - • • . KAM BUCKNOR & CO., 'Tobacco Conmation Merchant!, No. 41 North WoLer Amt. .'n. 16 North Whuroo, Philadelphia 0,41 ' LI, General omnus- I don Merchant., Philadelphia- Llberal •on conMantoonta of Produce prenexally. Llia.UMfim NEW YORK Office for Foreign Patents, IVe. 6 Wall at., N. York, and 166 Fine at., London, _]IIATENTS FOR INVENTIONS procured in Grect Vritails. France, Belo., Ba. Ad. .00 .11 or parts *YE:l:trope—the Cutrulas, Cobs, ..1 th e Ms 'Full Informal= 00 the .bore c 555 be t 554 by oddrnorik: j! o 11 558 5 lyell street. New York. Fire Works for Fourth of July„1851. grISCA.II 'JOLLEY & CO., 180 Withasnst., p. " _p sm a rm.. of VIRE WuRRS, haring intimet ' sLd Suite. In the Fire Work tonaluces, and eroded them:wiser of the vast resources of that long unabashed houre. are new pt. pared to furnish erery desmiptiOn of works., enitable fur lorp public ar email ex bibitlOns. On the most reer.able terms. 0. J. Co. deem It unnecessary to raranything la prate of the Flro Work. funaished by thorn, di their rep totlon ir already well established. They Include builder U. exhibition pieces, the most euperior Rockets, Rom. Candler, Turbulllons. Yerticln , Bengelar, Carrie., Water Po., Colored Fir., Chloe. Buckets, Globe, era Fl Pt., Grose Hoppe., Torpedoes, Pune., Mao mow, ower mow, Pin Wheelt rascals, Triangles, amour, Blue Lights, Chi user Crackere„Jastic or Punk. Orders respectailly rulleited. aipazior :riting and Copying Ink. 'ONE'S EMPIRE INK, 87 Nassau street, 0 Eau Building, New Tort. 1,121 T Paco TO SIIZ Clurte per dos-. ..... SO Bea Per d0r.......--$0:60 Pinta. ..- 100 4 3734 8"' " no - Thh tE the beet a n k le rots .l o=gi;;l . : . "D`'Era.rmar -1 * good COPTINU INK—god net Parr O ode. lEirribr o i ! th °"' n llils "T" m:,", whirdad for .tir ' bteo.l ` Ilea° tar the Qu sue undersigned le prepared to furnish to the trade et• L triliar cavort or harm conEurapttoes. at thoP.MisOTO core Er, and delivered an) part cf VlVelty F 0 71:=4;. 'd No charge :ar rams narrate or kegs are charged extra at nett or*t. • • • • THEODORE LENT. 87 Nassau EL Pen NEW YORK. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. THOMAS HA= FORWARDINO & COMMISSION 31ERCILINTi CIIICAOO, ILLINOIS, pONTINITES his usual facilities to receive N._./ on Statute, Sale, and Transhipment, Merrheadise mali he gned him. Dadaeave hit dock daily ror all planlk oo tLake. end the Minot, Canal and kirer. • Itedereaces—. l V Lo rn a, Lo ur, rena, Sterilog & Cu; kQui= Mr. John A.Cauthey. aprAm ST. LOUIS & ST. JOSEPH. ST. JOSEPH. IfIISSOIIII.I. .111IDDLE'rUN, RILEY & 3rGEE; Commenne. and Ferweellna Morelia., on the I.exce. HL Joereb. M. ken le A.....der (hada.. end Lon., Yterlne & Cq Menne. aptly In AVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law, aadOnnentioner for Peeenhenn. et. Lean. . oammtiolcation, peareptir nr<=l.. IMIN RANKIN, Attorney and Coun !, ownot at Law. and Commlniover for th. Elite Flwer.WCaunlen J. ' anC:ure. John x. 1)..k.. Innen. & Ample. McCord A Co. anatly BOSTON AMERICAN HOUSE, ItANOYER STREET. BOSTON. THE undersigned basing. entirely re- 5.1 Runtbulll end enlarged bootbov extensive establish- 4:F.4 containing in ell three hundred and Otty.a. room, would respectfully glee notice that It Ls now ready the the reception end accoonnodation or the. treadling .13111110111lY. an emended iscalceof the unsurpassearear s ak am .”p t hi. Roan It deemed.l.lluous. as the numerous Improve, merd. which bars been mad. cannot be properly main in savertisemont. EuMes It to say, no expeller, has been rpand to mailer any aparent rfect. The furniture nu modo oatme a l, to order, tomtit. al wet, and cartsn paw.. of it, especially the limwirig reams, be found,. be of the moot beautiful ICIAIIIIIIIO. mum. The Dining mous are capariona. =Atha. holm fur meal. will be m arranged sa to suit Lba coutenlemss Of the early and late. Every department wilfbo mriducted la an ussexcepthima. Me mariner, and the proprietor pledges himself that-the American lbws abaff truly atui TratolloYa Ilona. fetAltaardAvainT LRWIti RICIL fIiEIED APPLES-4(1 bags in erten, for: JUP sole by In/ALUM itoo myle Meier et ' S1:11 for 1/0 beu JA. II I:I6I.ZELL, Y myL5 ' 66 Water at MOLASSES— 313 N. tt 0: 9. fo r LMOLASSES-100 able battle ground . 8.11 Modem for de by JAMES DALZELL ILI ACKEEEL-7.5 bblabarzl , 7e iv atr ea 1 e IVA / br us Ilecaoa rt. ' ' HOUSES, FARMS, &c. Far Rent. or. Lease, EOA one, three, or five year., a large and toner:ent DRICB house, on the ruler. corner of tmo earl Webster greets. Pittsburgh: with *balm do dem lot attached th rreto. nnadertue it . T er , d ex t r ibi. pl.e of mellow, term, let!t he moderato. farther partleolont. ngulf* of . ' Niart J. R. MetIILLAN, torikeller No, I= fourth st. - Lawrenceville Property for Sale. rAIHE Board of School Directors will sell,. at pabile amigos. on Tburtday t tla sth day of Anne: at 0 o'clock, A. AL.. oorner Lot, 2.5 Oa front ost - Pikc cc.; ratingig along hlkskat alley to Porter'. allay,having time front. an which PI erected a pro inco7 Wick, fronting on Pike stmt. and • frame. Terms 1:0140 known on day or La P. IL SAMMY/. Seel-. Lawrenceville, 3lsy 72, 1651.—{grry&pg rirEtE finished and furnished Store, I. cal Third stteet., ant Dm Poet Otatte, at raw= ',1.:N1 occupied 57 Itts. Parr,as • J..*DT Mora. ..ipply's E. . CIAZZAD, 73 Liberty... taftectl orD Lyttla's Roar. [Post. Taibazte. aid Mimed; =Tr.] FURNACE, at Dresden, Idaskiisgoun co., Ohio, 14 wales tram ZancrelD i an dile running order . , 'ori Rup,.1 . 1'07 Hte.l knstne, at le of 113.111412. Ott ] tons of Pig loon Olin _There a an aldnxiant middy of I On in its isomedUta vicinity.. It lo connected by a short , renal with the Ruskin/don river, which is ns,able for ' steamboats the greater part of the year, thereby allarding facilities far shirring to Zanesville, or to any 11011:12 01:1 the Ohio rim, at low rates of freight ,Ma loon hendolore manufannted at this :Furnace, has lawn coaannied in Zanertille. For terms amluz . ZanesvilleOhio. or to /I.ILZY k I%.I)LETON, 'Ultimo:rt. mylbsioddin Tr - Transporteri, Commission, and Grocer Nerd/Lats. _ _ ...... .• F OR SALE, on: accommodating terms, 4 1=22.t t 0 teD sylvan!. and Ohio ihin • playact' the DeW r e ' S and extandinn back to the Canal Basin. Merl ef1 . . 74 theytext facilities rot eldrenent by Ott= [h a or ralrttra=f it i . ) eFiME K TR " ,' A n gitrag and Third streets. mra) mr6-411m irlter To Farmers. .04:6-ACRES Farming and . Grazing buds, Jo W arrenW moots. lorg r teil ar eelLl . heel rise, within wmiles of N k Alos—el.ooo Acres in Elk =rusty, for mason scroxeroolk- Usk teem. Ekqedro of A. k CO. out corner of Marker .124 Thiel Hs. To Gardener& ,jrW.t.NTY ACRES of Gardening Land, al ready under mei ellitiraliOn, wdthin one uult of CU u, I. mild for $5OO .12-01:10 third oath, end the Lelann, in one, two, and three seam For particulars quire at the Banking Bowe of not A. WILESIP3 A CO.. coiner of Market and Third OA Desirable Suburban Residence for Saba THE subscriber offers for sale the house and grounds where he now resides. situated on Park at., be. low Tremont. Allegheriy, end stout 25 minutes' walk 6= Cl., market of this city. The int is ISO fttront on Park at., running bark..,, feet to an alley—containhot nearly me acre of mound, end bounded on erery tide by large Mga lots. adorned with trees and shrubbery . The house is nearly new, large, and exceedingly well arosnigret. having • front of - VO feet. and a depth of 7.,, andondains_fourteen aid, tweides hails nine ket wide. It is built in the but mem durable manner. and. ham a Ere-proof not and contains all the modern convenience. Two pumps, with enfailing niggly of hard and soft water, are at the door. On n the pretubes are the accessary out buildings, stable. earriage house, ke. The grounds ere Mkt out mostly es • lawn, covered with choice fruit tree. evergreens, flowertng shrubs, comm. goteeberrit. raspberrie.M., and a &MAU garden. The fruit is of thw best kind, and the trace are In their prim. and yield enough fur the wards of as ordiesz7 amuT The sitnatlon of this property, as to salubrity and suburb= comforts,combinol with condinthy to the city. is not surystmed hy any residency. In this vicinity. It has Ties of the Ohio River for over • mile, of Temperance. PlushnlT.h, the City, the two rivers, and the rit ' a ' round. forming •negether rsamsaoc pro uvrt which the eye cover wearim. Every twed which enters or t ßaftgrom il ti e w of Pitlstougdenea and lo i r the Ohm, p an also ayees In removed from any artuoyaneo of dm. PO destructive of comfort and vegetation, am' adonis a rcUrement as quiet and peambil mit Mated In some quiet nook In the enuntry. The property will be sold at a' argain, and pot given whemver deaths. ESSOLOIS at the Gazette tem. ap22:dtl T H E .memboru of the Fairmount Fire Com imnyt Reno° their Engine for We. It In good . .iler and will lih Envir mrill, giAlf No' 409 Penn litreet. lOR RENT—A Dwelling House on Third street, above and near to Smithfield. It A ,. slas fixtures.. large yard. wash !Loose. On. M be rented low. said possession given Inntledlately. Alpo—Fee Sale or Leasle.,B6l:llo 1.1 flue Ninth ward. between Penn street and We Allegheny near W3l. 14. DARLINGTON, at B.j. Daxllnglon's. Fonrth And, near Warl. • Valuable Real Estate for Sale. THE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, on favorable term, tbe following Real . Fatste. Ina (Sty of Pittsburgh. vim So. I. Three valuable threestory Mick dwelling box es. on Emend marvel. &Memo Market and Ferry streets, the lots bele.: each le feet front by 01.1deeb.c No : T (Ixotalos 67 feet front on Mini street adjoining tbe Presbyteri.mi Qum/6h, on wlideb eeted o. four nor, trick boa, need as • printing MOM:. and one two story brick warebonew So. 3. Two late lit Fahstom Beaver county. being lots Nope 3 and 4, being about 100 feet square.oo which isanieb ed ono Mock of foam frame dwelling, sad sae separate frame dwelling. all two storks NW S. hem Mt 30 feet front on Back emit. Med& the above. and extending to the top of the bill. No. a Two beach lota. iamb 10 feet font. and nannhag from the sad to low stator mart, on M. Dig Beaver. No. 3. One valuable wider lot. 100 fact on Mimi Ran, with ten *tares water peter mese-bed. One lot espied& Um water let. SO fmt and extending to the tap the be r wtdelt Is erected one two story brick stars and .0 23 by 30 hiet; a/s0 tom frame dwelling. two atones titgb. me large lot In New Firledoin. Ruder %be ing about 110 fad ea 131eaderay. .00 about =0 finlt emataining 111 scr, wideb am erected two large emu, , dwelling, and one mall Gams Ranee. used as en Geo. !Lite prop4rt p ii . ta . s . f u ort= d eceu , o.mgtO Mn . 7 Ooald, Pallton No.O. One water lot.bamediately below liallstonßrldge. bob about 100 feet ha length, siWnmersling Qum IFti• *meet g to law water mark, or towing pa th . no abovo prapereyertll be on eerifeynruble terms. LIZ a n sVP=. ol4" ' " 1113M3 T 1.Ror ' T., thd naet,ll [Journal and Pomentry.l . For Sale. TkrUNITED STATES UOTLL2 BLOCK OP BUILDINGS, on the corner of Wart, 1 41`...afct:T.% trcItTAVAIVAr. the Let fronta tu u ts=d a t ag e fcm.= i r d lgaZer=d ane In twenty feet they Inquire Of AMIABLE MILLS, FARMS, AND LOTS Y FOR BALE—Two lupe Flour 3101 s sad a Paw =l en the Reeser Creek, with the necessary Pater powers _Also, • ell inpnrred Foam is Lawrerseessounly. AMA— Also, a Farm of 118 sets, on the Oblo river, taros mile. telow Beaver, for SAM). Also, =a of 140 sere* oy the Ohio river, d Rea below Beaver. for KM per acre- Also, MO acres fog 11 m 0 per acne. Abp. farms of 150, 135, and la wows.l=s far .0 per sere. Also, I ' S acres for 312. and 21 urea for FM per acre, together with many others of vari ous am sad primp Require of O. aßnd 1. B. eal Ras LITERMIN, a Agents, f+2.10. '""""" No lir 40) et. Pittsburgh. DEAL ESTATE FOR SALE—The Under ogt&td offtre - for “la d largo combat of valuable log lot. and some very deaita b bla sat. for taagotfac t":r"l4llebd7oPonfte 1=11a4"e; toured 21/.. mold a - row:11 of y. and lzdatibtot toogralation and muuttfactrn• •calt/t. and the reaaonatla ;dim at width loul Oa told. will ruder %boon a ago and profdabla Tattamtl. TM. perfect Tan. favorable. th, F =f Glita t stow; Peo- Cdt•b. Ottawa Mira a. 04 stroots. or of V.llltam Eins=ea mut N. haters= E.g'., at their ofilect In !Arm ful:um. ta23 MOdbS Y. EATON. FOR RENT—The large and enzamodi-2 re a. no ) u z. t i g. Nan t luer o t i = IT oc c upied r d . a.. "". Al"' lit l lftA r . IEI7 ahMrlf MI Water et rOR RENT—The Dwelling 1.10115 C, on mq. the corner of booth and West ' lately =I occupied yhamas Arbuckle, dec'dorr gly+sst immedistsl7. Euhults a 'crush EMS , Uh or Km. 31,13e11. Anchor Cotton Works. eskr.h.r. Isklbstf _4l's Pot Clay. rigHE subscribers are now Sole Agents of d. Copley t Co- fur Me Srale of fur the Cot Clay. as uch. of veil earatraeled reputation for the manufacture of lila. Pura. Steel Pot, Se. It la sale of ona of thomost Infusible substances known: and Ls on earefillly ealeeted and cleaneed musk,. to vitalizer. J. SCUOON3I.A.K.Eit k CO. NEW BOONS! NEW BOOKS: AT HOL:VIES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third the:streaLorptedte But Durum—Na oe La %eaten, By 'A This conEluden rk. A new , London edition of 11b•kalware. Na 1. Art Journal.for May. Istaton Blaakerware. N 0.38. conelmion. told M . egans' PieEwlek Tama Abroad—by G. W. 31. hey The Fair Babel, • new ancel by Eugene Sue. (today. Grabs= and Sartain fur J war. Caroline of hrawwlek-saa. The Ulster', by 1/enry Conkton. The Heirs of Derwentwatan a norel. by E-L. Blanchard. The Mother.ln.Law, by )Int. Nouthworth. The IlanAcee Wife; by T. S. Arthur. Admit.. of Pen Owen. by John COIL rnTh/ lI EM P -45 tons Rise. D. R., for sale by trtyl3 JAMES AMIUTCLIL 3, O3I • CO. lACKEREL , -50 bbls. No. 3, for sale by JL toys BURFIRIDOE INOIIRAII. OAF SUGAR-150 bbla. (tiss'd Nue.) for LA sale to, 1113 IMMIX/ It • INOIIIWI, mr IS 110 Water at: LINSEED OIL-30 bbls. lwarranted pure) for nee by J. P.CIIO9N3.I4KIat s CO.. nut!. 21 Word le_ • CHROME YELLOW #. G REEIi IS cgs. for We my lb ' J. batOONSIASEIL & CO. COPPERAS -25 bbls. (good 4 for solo by tnyl.s J. .SCITOONIIAKER k CO. tLUM-50 bbls. fur sale by rut:. J. SCHOOSXMEn. zENT'S RUEBER GLOVES& MITTENS. —Three Gline, ana.of g utility in all kande or ...irk where protection to the is required. omen I. driving, gardenlng, In eve linkehi A 1.,, au IstrnUlt.llo remedy fur ebatipiA baud.. nine • . • J. & H. NI:ILLUS. j N DIA RUBBER COTS--An excellent me i. erlng fur Fore Ilroore or ecru; seltsdbering o tor ,„,,..d oue to air or water, (or ale at N. to . 7 and Wood et J..% IL P/ I/ LLIPS. VEW RIBBONS—A. A. Maims h Co. are jig now rowlylng • ea assortment of boailtilni ..isla Bound Ribbons ea all what new n a y would 61.0.11 latent.= no their verilarre supply. Porworla. whore all onwilltiwtoina be obtained and low {orlon. No. 62 k Market itt. mII4 / IRIMPED TARLETONS—Juat received lJ um e‘verfce. em no. Opna /1) cartons of thole.. deurablo Creaked Tarheave 3or genet Lazing. The ai teuhoo of Wholes* la respeethlo7..nolhed. aver A. A. MASON * CO. LACK BARAGE fot, 319nrning Veils, recaleed .t Ma dors of 0714 lIURPIIY BLIICITFINLD. WINDOW CURTAIN MUSLINS of new and baddaonta Arles and at • low irk, co ro . cldb, yl4 31URPHY & OUNCLIFILLD. , . pIRABoLsII PARASOLS:I of newest .: 11" t "4 " r Prk llt t orm , a 11611CIITIELD'S SHAD -10 bble now for aalo by myl4 W. k f. WILD'( INDLA. RUBBER TOYS--Juat received a it of Luella !tubber Tu,. beaatiew ta for sale at tee lowest Eastarn Jt II YIIILLIYd, India Rubber newt. • taT6 7 and 9 W0..1 ea ENGLISII SPLIT PEAS—Received and for oalo by %M.A. 31eCLVAG S. CO-, oVU Omen ant Tea Deolen. iirnsu ri g ANNEi.s . .„—we hueo receiTi 7