condition, . and the Asylum ia sail:drably con ducted by the present Board of Managers. • Rev. Mr. Tracy, for fifteen years missionary nt Madura, South India, returned home in the, chip. Independence, last week, bringing.fil. wife and five children with him. This treating, the Itechabitss are to have a grand temperance meeting at Tripler Hall, where Rev. Dr Dowling and P. T. Barnum are expected to address the assembly. The number of deaths in this city and county last week was SRL .3fen, 78; women, 72; boys, 38; girls 82. Died of Consumption, 44; Ship Fever, 36; Inflammation of Lungs, 23. It. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. PUBLI9B • EU BY WLIITZ t CO /TTEIBURGH FRIDAY MORNING, MAY SO, 1851 County Convention. le—The-Whigs and Antimasons of Alle gheny Coaxal "'al meet on 'Saturday, the Stet of liay, pros:, at the weal plann of holding priscutri meetings; In the Tolenshins reflectively at 3 o'clock- P. and to the several Wlltde and flonought at 7 o'clock, P. 3t, to . 1 . 0 two delegates treat each election District, to a Conntr Onll ecutlon, to be held at the Court Clouse, on liCketteeday, the 4th of Juni next; at 10 o'clock, AM,, to make the County nuoldnallena Preparatory to the next General Menlo. and also to appoint delegates to the Elate Convention, to meet at leauseter, ten the 00th of Juts. ' ' 1223313 11. n, FILM. EWT• . aititStte. Fist page—New.York Correspondence; Janine on the Methodist Church cue. Third page r -Temperance meetiog—lleform Vrestytcriati Syn&l—Local Itema—Telegraphic DiWO. • fourth page—Poetry L-31Iscellarkeoua. • IRELAND. Letters from this interesting but afflicted coun try continue to give gloomy accounts of the phy -Steal and moral condition of the people. Great Et=!l=== emigrate If they had the means. The Sew York Express of Monday mentions thearriral of fifteen vessels at that port, from English and Irish ports, in one or two days, bringing 6,588 immigrants, nearly all of tirhom are from Ire- A letter to the editor of that paper, says -. , _ ,-. "In my letters of March, I mentioned the em-i THE YETHOBIBT CHU= CABE tareation of a large number of paupers in a de plorable condition, direct from the poor houses. i SIXTH DAY. Now L have to announce a much larger lot, of , . Now Yeas, May 6. 2 7,000, noinpoling every variety—the halt, lame, I U. 8. Circuit Courts.—Before Judges Nelson Lawihmk"l' core-eyed, and some with one arm and Betts. Henry B. Bascom and others vs. and one leg—all selected for the American mar- '• George Lane and others. Let.- As you will see by the papers of this 1 The Court L if week, , whieh Ifiorward, 2',800 have been cub- . scribed to aid the immigration of these paupers. past 9 o'clock this morning, both on the floor It is thought here that-the city of New York has and in the galleries. Every inch of standing an extraordinary. fund for the maintenance of room was occupied, and hundreds were unable paupers. You may expect a detachment weekly to obtain admittance. Judge Betts entered about ' from England, till she gets rid of all the most helpless. It is cheaper to send them to New ten minutes past ten, and. after shaking hands i York than to maintain them here." with 11Ir. Choate, and congratulating him on his ' This immense influx of poor helpless and de- recovery, took his seat upon the beech. Court- Lased persons is becoming a serious matter.— was opeoened at quarter past ten, Judge Nei - Whether the British government is chargeable eon appeared on the bench in ten minutes after- , or not with bringing the Irish people to this ward, and!Mr. Choate immediately commenced ! state of wretchedness and degradation, it is a I his argument. gross imposition that she should disgorge her He saidthat he felt extreme regret that he Irish work-houses upon our shores. Those who I had been obliged so largely to avail himself of the kindness of the Court in adjourning the case come here by their own act, and by their own for his convenience. He did not design to at- 1 arsenious, have always been welcomed; and the i tempt an answer to Mr. Lord's speech, but 4 very fact of their being able to come is somel should confine himself to a statement of the de- I guarantee that they are not utterly worthless; rfandant's ease. It is a mere question of prop- i • tut when government takes the work of extradi- I erty, and It would rather embarras than enlight , en the Court, to refer to the CAUSES of the diffi- tion inland, we have no such assurance. , salty in the Church. History would attend to Abject poverty is cure to be attended by de-1 that subject better than it could be treated at Moralization. This is particularly illustrated in this bar. ; From what had been said on behalf the present condition of the South and West of I of the plaintiffs, it might be thought that the readouts did not atandherre in every graceful de- Ireland.po • That part of the island has not recov- a . . 0 in n. Simply in to cred . from the effects of the famine; and seems_ that they received the, property in question as nut likely soon tools so. A correspondent from trustees for a particular purpose, and that they 'Dundalk says' had yet seen nothing which could authorizethem ' "Outrages of the most atrocious character are I in payingorer the funds to any one not remain . ! of daily occurrence in the neighborhood, the le- I lag in coanectioa with the Church proaeribed by gitimate consequences of those bloodthirsty doe- I the rules 0 the trust trines received as truths by the deluded peas- i Of the nature of that fund, of its origin and entry of this unhappy country—doctrines and I of its appropriation; he would have enough to opinions which if permitted longer to be instill- I say in _the course of this discussion . He wo uld ed into the Irish mind will decidedly eventuate 'hp.. t h at ' the plaintiffs, by their own admission in acts of barbarous aggression on the one side, I in the tonne of the documents they have offer and in judicial and legal sacrifice of life on the ed in evidence here, are nothing but a mass of • other. Scarcely had the public mind calmed in- secessioniists. • to repose from the painful excitement produced Mr. Choate then proceeded with -an eloquent by Mr. Coulter's murder, than its feelings are and poweifol argument for the defence, which . . again aroused by the preparation of a fresh out- we. have not mom f or. Th e . ar e ,,, Y or k 0,,,,,,,,,.. rage on the life of a farmer andhis wife." * ! - [Here follows the details of the brutal mar-. cant has been tarnished by Mr- Ewing with 'the ' - der which's= unfit for publication-1 followingrforroal Pointe taken for the defence: The peasantry of Ireland are being to be I L Th*Methoilsi Episcopal aural' IS a Tell .faired for-the p romotion and imbned.with the principles of Co mmun ism . It I e ons le e l et "... weteh-- . spread or, Chnstianity, organised is 1481 as an ... i s a /reach idea; but it seems to be takingrootin 1 w hams .' Church independent of the English ~ Irebind; and there being but little oppesing force, episcopacy;,, and prior to the secession herein it li rapidly bringing the country into a state of I after mentioned, extended through every part of Said re li g i ous society or Institution existed is wleasneas . and anarehy. In France it is yet the 11 :iolledEtetoe• ' • held in check by strong military power; but in- 2.. der and subject to the law o f public or char Irelaud;where the power of government Is but ]table uses feebly exerted, it is manifesting itself, not in 8. The government and discipline of the soul political Mgthirstions—for they are prettymuch ety, prior to 1808, was under the jurimileibmand • abandoned—but in acts of indiviitial outrage control of district or annual cord, cremes, held in . . . each of the several districts into which the ter _ and vengeance. A. correspondent of a London ?juries within their limit , were divided-co.- ' paper writes— . posed of the clergymen within their respective ' , • "One cannot but feel painfully vilified as to districts; and from the proceedings of those the efficacy with which the .I . Vlllt.ifal and abject bodies generally an appeal lay to a general con -' • principles of Communism in reference to the ten- vention, consisting of the ministers, comprietng • me ofland are operating on the peasant mind the annual conferences; and which convention of Ireland, when the history of these localities' is exerthivimiginal as well as appellate powers. recollected and analysed- Mr. Maulever'o mar- 4 ProPerty consisting of real aruiLtersonal der, the murder of the Clarkes (brothers), -the estate, commonly known and dislin hed as ' 'ethernet to assassinate the omnibus driver, the the Book Concern, has been, and still , held by _ - dreadful tragedy of Friday, and the present out- trustees, subject to the management of said loc rage—all occurring within a circle of five or six cleelastical jurisdictions of the Methodist Epis .- miles. Since my coming down here I have driv- copal Church, which is subject to the use follow •. en for some miles round, and my different con- log, viz i' orbs appropriated ofor the benefit of versations with the peasantry forcedjae to know the traveling supernumerary, and superman that they imagine that they oughltd pay no rent aced, and worn-out preachers, their wives, - at all." - widows, and children Another correspondent, who has been travel- S. The said Book Concern was orientally corn ' leg in the South, says: ~ mcnced by the traveling preachers. and it has been held; more especially mace 1808, In can " But yesterday I visited the spot where on a. m . n with, and in subordination to, the kali _ the day before the owner of one of those pleas-' citories . or the M. E. Church, who are the man na dwe ll ings I have mentioned was, in the broad ,tg. re . et the charity. lied of day, waylaid, beset andaturdered. He' r7 i l.- The .i. , E. church, thron e, the , w , 4 ,,,,,, ~,,,,,_ had set out on horseback for a neighboring fair, - ferencesi as such managers, cannot be deprived and when but a short half mile from home the. r t . their p ower an d control over said fands, mi. ULM was fired which, aided by bayonet stabs, I l tres galley of a breach of duty, established - by a and blows from henry stones: left his wife a decree of a court of equity. - , widow and his two young children fatherless. I. 7 The trustees are accountable for the Binds ' In the struggle, he, a strong and powerful and proceeds thereof to the M. E. Church and man, had fought manfully for life, as was est .3 judicatories, and are bound to Pay over sold ' dent by the 'trodden herbage in the ditch by the income, •in fulfilment of the trust under their . wayside, and the tracks of blood upon the road management and direction, to the beneficiaries . for some 80 yards from the place where ho had 8. The beneficiaries, to wit, the traveling, .an -Snit fallen, in the direction of his home, to Gm pemumerio7, and superannuated preachers be e ' •ePet . ' where the tragedy was perfeCted; and the longiog to the hi. E. Church, and their families, heacce l y hre„,. atidit ff i5a1,,1....,_"ft with ite ,__ heiwi _„ heat ; have no estate in, or right to, the said funds, or 'SD into a so" p ul p, `"'"e"4 over ' a V" "'" o f the Intone thereof, otherwise than the same are ' large lane . stones, thick were literally black given out to them from time to time in the ad -with gore:when I saw them yesterday. - mlniatration of the charity. The victim of this horrid deed was a artbstan- 9. Said trustees are not antler the control or tiet yeoman, holding, under a lease forever, a direction o f the persons who may have contrib. farm of between 100 and 200 acres—honest,!up- rated to the c ty, and who thereby irrevocably ' right, and unassuming- But he was an agent, parted with the dameas had been his father before him, for some small 10. The members in-the Southeritazumal con . ~ properties thereabouts. Born and bred in-the ferencm , or districts, who le ft the General con. • neighborhood, well beloved for his many acts of krone in 1844, and subiequently formed a-new • kindnesir to the people about him, yet he was an GeneradConference, and a separate et:dealer' M agma, and, therefore, marked out for the asses- eel jurisdiction, under the name of the Metho sin's hind. diet Episcopal Church, South, seceded and set,. Itis a remarkable fact, that while the people crated from the Methodist Episcopal:Church, the South .of the South and West of Ireland are in this un- and are no longer in connexion with the M:-E, hippy condition, those of the North and Bast . Church, which is now composed of that portion ore quiet, prosperous and happy. Is it became of the former members who remained In it, end identified with it. ohit"° class is Celt i c ' wwil the usher ' Saxon [l] The GenerallonferenOrs,who adopted the Etr Is it because the one is Catholic, and the other report of the committee of itn••-• plan of sops ' protestant? Both reasons are probably true to ration so called—had no power to act In the some extent- - But be it what it may, we know Prelob 4l - of no portion of the Muni. race whose moral [2] Said report did not authorise such Amara ,‘• Goa, but was prospective, and was accompanied and °Pied Wants appeal morestronglyto 'ee with conditions and terms :that hive not been s ympathies and aid of the Christian world than complied with. ~ those of the South and West of Ireland. The (8) There was no cause of complalntagainst 'priests of Borne have there had undisputed sway the action of the General Conference to render • for ages, 'and no people could be more firmly at- s epa rat ion . necessary or atiedient ; their general ection and more especially In the ease of Bleb . cached to their faith than the Irish ;—but if we 5 ,,, Andrew , h ,„ 1 ,,,, wimmoimeth,,, th e rules end may be allowed to apply ' th e unerring test BY usages of t ' he W hre h . ' . ' . their fruits ye shall know them"—then we think [4] There was a specie! agreement about the itis high t i me ih ms _t ra chers should give plac e property in question, which should govern, (If . - the action of the General Conference is Ugh , •? i(1: others, before the people; break away, as they (.. sattOto be doing, from all control, and immolate ori ble 'l in tii rtrtue e yactatff.z.whly the ens emp;alilweinesttuath,e. plaintiffs . .. • • - themselves and all connecter' with them in one mama., . . common rain, v, - ! 11. The secession of the members newly or ' ' This is a qMstiOn which comes home to the ginned as a separate Chetah, If It, had been 14- ' ~. etimate and fully authorised, and with the entire people of the United States with all the 'lf" got of the Church, Wookl not. entitle theta T o any portion of said fends, without an express of a common danger ; for once let the wild lad dostrective doctrines of the French be implant- agreement to that effect sanctioned by • court ed in. the warm and impetuous hearts of the of IT The plaintiffs aa. Irish people, and then let crowd upon our d fns fa the ir baffle. not entitled to an y relief praye or . • shires in thousands end hundreds of thousands, Mr. Choate was evidedtly enfeebled by Ulnas ::"ladno foreign' invasion can be imagined so for as he warmed in the progren of his 15 .... .... Xaideible as that 'would be. This is riot a ques- moat, he , delivered many p„„.. g. i . . . f .441.4, *- tilts between Catholicism sad Protestantism • - ' eloquence and beauty, whirl; were appaluded by ' bat ens between American democracy, .which is. the audience so far as they could venture to do regulated by law, and French democracy which without disturbing the doccrint of the Court known no law but wild and impracticable tic He is tO be followed by George Wood, Ee l , on min, founded upon blind impulse and ferocious thesame side, and the case will be closed forth. , Plaintiffs by the Bon., Itavady Johnson, who• - . - looks rezaarsbly well, and nay be expected, to add somewhat to his brilllent reputation. The clergy from the two tennettes of the 'Church , North and Smith; whit are preeest, watc h d ie proceedings With inane* Interne, and the Court appear fully . hapremeid with the vast Imp:thus of the great controversy, whirl, In tha couree.of their judlotal tattettoes they are otillect upon to determine. - : :,A M o m to liahnetnann, the Father of Ifemeeepathy; hen been willed by n subscription 'connoted in the whole of Germany. it consists of& etietnektowerhst Oneonta alze.: It has been m adalled at Bowe, - by teitalS l2llo /, and them ex , :edited is browse by galrazurplastio process.. T,be Committee have selected Lepsic as the lieslity where the .monnment Is to be erected. On the .10th et Aeries the inesigisnOosi take place. MIN NEM EZIESE Ma. Puss Aosur.—The Worcester. Spy of Friday Morning says: Mr. Mr. Paine has made us acquainted with tife materials used in producing the _astonishing re- , sults which we have described, of converting at mospheric air into a purer and better gas than is furnished by any gas company in the United States; and from what we know of their cost, and what we have seen of their consumption in I the production of light, we think the expense of a light from a common argand burner could not exceed on. mill or so per hour. Mr. Paine in forms as that he succeeded, two years since, in producing ihrilliant light by his present pro cess; • but on account of some difficulty con nected with the mechanical passage of the ,air through the apparatus, and the occupation of his mind with other matters, he temporarily aban doned it. But now, all difficulties are olrriated, add the apparatus is in complete and successfial opera tion indifferent places.. The apparatus for light ing a large house will occupy' but liltle room, scarcely more than a large sized gaa metre. Men of science and gas company directors:have, with in a few days, given the wholematter a thorough investigation, and so far, we believe that there is but one opinion in regard to the invention, viz.: that it is the one thing neededto give a safe, unfailing supply of light at a merely nominal expense, free from alldanger of expasion, and ac cessible to the use of aIL If the editor of the Scientific American would take the trouble to come to Worcester, we think he would be willing to acknowledge . that there are some things in this world not dreamed of in his philosophy, and discontinue his ungenerous cavils against h Mr. Paine. For the past year or two we have heard much of Mr. Paine's inventions, but all the bright hopes he has excited, have so far, been inverts lay like his own lights, gone out into deeper darkness. If 'he has really discovered such a light as the Spy vouches for, why does he not give mankind the benefit of it ? Why tantalize us with hopes that aro to be forever blasted We must confess that our faith in any pretended invention of Mr. Paine is very weak, notwith standing the endorsement of the Bpy; and noth ing will convince us except the testimonrof gen demon of undoubted character for• science and veracity, It all may be as the Spy eays, bat we must have better evidence where we have been so often deceived. Seeing is believing—there fore let us have the light. -~;,~ ~,, r .~_ uronanroma OP YABSACHIII4=III. THE SWAT EXHIBMON. The Boston Traveller of Saturday, in men- We have published more than we expected to tinning the final adjtmrnment of the Legislature do concerning this greatest of all human enter- of Massachusetts, furnishes the enhjoined in- prise. but letter after letter cornea to oa breath formation of the fate of some at the moat ing deep and fervent thoughts, which we feel as prominent measures which engaged ita elan. if we cennot withhold from our readers. While tion : ; hundreds of thousands Mire taken long and ex- The resolves concerning slavery and condeza. l , pensive journeys to see it, we who cannot go, notary of the fugitive:elm law were passed by I may in a measure enjoy it by reeding the the Senate,. but quashed by the House, hay- graphic descriptions given by numerous highly log been laid on the table by a majority of three I gifted men whose letters reach ; us by e very votes. The bill for the abolition of capital punisit- I mil ' • meet was passed by the Senate, but rejected by I The letter which we subjoin is fvm the cor the House by a large majority. respondent of the New York Commercial Adver- The bill forregulating the sale of intoxicating ' tiser, with whose letters upon European affairs liquors--s very stringent bill, °° " rh "g t " " to i our readers are already fan:aline . render the chance of its usefulness extremely doubtful—passed the Howe, but was lost In the ; LONDON, May 13, 1861. Senate. ! The Queen and the Prince Consort, with the . . _ A proposition to amend the constitution, so as to make the day of the State election correspond with that of the election of Presidential electors, passed the Senate, but received its death blow in the House. A resolve providing for the removal of the seat of goienunent to some interior town in the State, was passed by the Senate, but the House put the subject quietly to eleop by laying it on the table, where it was suffered to remain. The bill, nominally "for the further protection of personal liberty,' but really designed to nul lify the fugitive slave law, which passed the Sen ate, was rejected by the louse. A bill relating to banks and usury, got up by Senator Robinson to enable him to repeat some of his familiar disquisitions on those subjects, was adopted by the Senate, but the louse re jected it. It Is obvious from these facts that the usual order of things has been reversed, and that the House of Representatives, In the present in stance, has been the conservative body. A needless piece of legislation was seems tithed in both branches by the passage of a bill calling a convention of the people to amend the constitution. The bill, however, must receive the sanction of the people before it can go into effect. Our Legislature has followed the—example of New York, Ohio, and Virginia in the adoption of a free banking system. This law is an entirely new feature in Massachusetts banking. It was nO..adopted by o large majority in the Legisla tuft, nor without much opposition The pur port of the. law is to allow our banking meu to issue bank notes based upon State or town stocks, with a trona fide capital paid in, not less than one hundred thoimand donors. From rte liollaareburg Regionae of irminokla). IVy 20 =RBI= HAIL. STORM. One of the most violent hail storm ever en • perienced in this section of the country, visited Tuckahoe Valley on Thursday evening last. It approached from the west and swept across the Valley in an eastern direction, about a mile in width, marking its pa h with most fearful and serious destruction. We traversed a part of its route on Monday, 'and found a scene of desola tion...entirely beyond our powers of description. Hundreds of noble forest trees, which had with stood the blasts of centuries, perhaps, were strewn, broken and shattered; in wild confusion upon the earth. Great orchard trees were up rooted and levelled with the ground: and the younger ones were pealed and broken as if a herd of voracious and half starved animals had ranged upon them. Drain fields, which before the storm's approach waved in rich luxuri ance, and promised most - abundant crops, nre more desolate and barren than new mown stub ble. Clover fields look as if no spear had grown upon the barren soil. A "neck of woods" near Jonathan Hamilton's is so stripped of every ves tige of verdure that they remind one of the bleak days of December; and the fields around are so parched and deadened 'and bare as if a fiery drought and burning sun had blighted and blast ed vegetation to the very earth. Hundred, up on hundreds of pannels of fence were blown down. So far as we could gather, Mr. John Hamil ton is the moat serious sufferer. His large frame barn, containing about four hundred bushels of wheat and a quantity of rye and 0. 1 .4 was ra sed to the ground, and its timbers crushed end strewed over his fields. Even a part of the very foundation was torn away. His house, too, was greatly damaged, a part of the roof and gar ret door being carried away, and the sash of his windows broken Clean out His young or chard is entirely ruined. Several geeee upon hie premises were pelted to death by the hurling hail stones. All his growing crop of grain, about thrty-five acres, is utreey destroyed. loss is estimated at about two thousand dol len. The roof of John McCartney's barn we blown off—his grain house blown over, and most of his grain lost. Henry Conmer's log born was blown down.— Thera were two boys in it at the time, both of whom escaped without injury. (ho. Pottsgrove's mill was unroofed. A part of Geo. Peight's barn was blown sway. and his dwellietgeadspring honae mond from 2 to 4 Inches on the foundation. Andrew Green's barn, at Altana was partly blown down. John Bough's garret loft wars lifted up. A cup board in the room, filled with dishes Sc., was only kept In its placably beisg held there by Mrs. Keogh. All his crop is destroyed Oliver Hagerty'e barn was unroofed, and his wagon shed blown over. Some thirty of his fruit trees were torn out of root. He has about fifty acres of grain destroyed, and other fields injured. Peter Miller lost eight acres of clover, his garden vegetables, mid about sixty lights of glass. His wife. was in the spring hone dazing the storm. Jonathan Hamilton's entire crop ls ruined.— He had sonic forty or fifty acres out. So is his orchard; He also lost a cow. Bean . Hagerty loses about twenty-five acres of grain, sad his orchard. John Hutchison loses thirty-fire or forty acres of grain. : P. Emplield loses some four acres of wheat . David Long'. grain is entirely destroyed , John McCartney loses some rye. Wm. McCeuley's house was unroofed. Doubtless others have suffered losses, but we have not learned beyond this, and those mention ed may be more serious than we have stated— they are certainly not less so. A man name.' Peter Reed, engaged on the Central Railroad, was caught out and narrowly escaped with his life He took shelter under a tree, which.. blew down—then under another, and another, which also toppled to the ground, when finally he laid hold upon • maple sapling. and co exposed endured the pitiless pelting of the raging elements . A son of James Hamilton, who was out plas tering corn, had him shirt nearly cut off hie back by the hail stones, and protected his head by wrapping • bag around it and throwing himself I upon his face ou the earth. A complete iron sleigh was rernied some one :hundred yards from where it stood, on the pre.' noises of John Hamilton. His wagon was left standing with the hind carriage across the fence some fifty yards frost where it had etood before. . . . • .. Wool-peckers, jay -birds, and robhins were found, some killed outfight, and others with bro. ken wings, or otherwise injured. Jonathan Hamilton, Gllver Haggerty. and Sam uel Haggerty sustain heavy losses by destruction 'of valuable timber. An apple tree in the orchard of Oliver Haggerty was blown down and blown up again. Wehave deemed it unnecessary to say that .the window-glass suffered destruction. In most instances the sorb wan as completely demolished se the glare. The storm came off the mountain at Dry Gap. At Loretto, in Cambria county, we under stand it was violent, and broke the glees In all erposed windows. There was some bail in Canoe Valley, but the storm was not vi olent. The hall stones were about on 6 lash in diam eter. The storm come up very suddenly, com mencing about an hour before sundown and continuing some fifteen or twenty minutes. Con siderable rain ar,oompanied the ball. Bier awn Houtcmi—On. Wednesday night last, a set of young men engaged in a lawless assault with atones upon a house in the neigh booing village of Sharon, occupied by a Mrs. Pratfall and her danghters, who are not held in the highest estimation by their neighbors, and which resulted in the death of is young man named Simon Morrison, aged 19; who has binn a driver for one of the canal packets. The house of this family has been repeatedly assailed in this way; which, whatever may have been their Character, is not to be tolerated; until they pre pared to defend their lives and property. On the night in question, after the assault was com menced, the assailants were repeatedly warned and urged to. desist and go away, which they re fused to do; and daring the onset, ten or eleven shots were fired from the house, the last of which hurried one of the thoughtless rioters in to eternity. Boma four or five buckshot entered the body of the young man, one or two of them in the region of the heart, which were discharg ed from along barrelled "horse pistol." liming Morrison' was carried to his friend, in Bridge water, where he died in about two hours. A Coroner'. inquest was held on the body, and a verdict rendered that Morrison came to his death by pistol abot wounds, by the hands of Mrs. Westfalls. Mrs. W. has been arrested, and is now in Prise.; and three surviving rioters have been bound over for trial'. Thus the affair will be folly investigated. This occurrence is a sad warni ng to the youth of ,theneighborhood, , who, too often out of foolish mischief , in the absence of malice, engage in inmalt and disorder; and It Mama to parents and gruirffians i as well an Put' lie officers, to look more obesely to their dut Bawer Arius: =ONE Prince Royal and the Prince and Princess of Prussia, now on a visit to Buckingham palace, paid another private visit to the exhibition on L•otunlay. During the visits of her Majesty, the exhibitors only are allowed to enter. This furnishes cause of complaint to the public, who are never tired of gazing upon royalty, but it is the wiser course. When any numbers are with in the building it is impossible for the Queen to examine the various productions without great restraint. A crowd attends upon her wherever she goes; a most respectful crowd it is true—but still one that calls for her constant attention in returning recognitions of the tokens of respect everywhere bestowed upon her. Twice every week bet Majesty spends from two to three hours in the building. She usually arrives about o'clock, enters 'quietly, leaning upon the arm of Prince Albert or some member of the royal family, and proceeds to that divi sloe of the Crystal:Palace on which she was last engaged on her previous visit. She is evidently taking the building in course, and examining its infinite variety of articles in the only way in which they can make a proper and useful Im pression upon the mind. I am 'Featly pleased with her maternal affection. Her social and do mestic virtues are her highest praise. One of her children invariably accompanies her, and . she evidently takes a mother's pride in pointing out what is worth notice, and explaining what is difficult to be understood. Beyond the per decorum manifest in the behaviour of all the children when they accompany her, there Is nothing in all the intercourse that passes between them unlike what would be toad In any sensi ble mother and children in America. The Prince of Wales is evidently smart boy, quick, prompt Intelligent, playful and fond of knowledge. He is never tired of lifting the wheals of the trot- Ung sulky which seems to be the greatest curi osity the United States hare ever exhibited in England. , :The number of visitors to the Great Exhibi tion continues daily to increase. The receipts during the last week averaged nearly 11,700 per day. In any examination of the contents of this vast store house of industrial wealth, the puzzle is where to begin I The embarrass des riehesses induces a pleasant but not lean bewil dering hesitation? The hundred thousand la dies and gentlemen wBo have already crossed themagic threshold have put the question a hun dred thousand times to themselves and to each other. Wandering hopelessly" along the nave— ' loitering purposely down the transept—getting" , lost loan the mazes of the industrial city—stray -mg from streets of furniture to streets of jewel , ry—from papier, macho equares to hardware crescents--striring et everything—seeing and , comprehending nothing—restless spirits! flitting shade-like in a manufactured chaos—wandering Jews and Jewesses roving ceaselessly from land to land and clime to clime—never able to settle, never able to rest—no sooner fixing attention up ' on one object than findiug halted irrrsitably away to another—leaping from gutter to glitter and from ingenuity to ingenuity—finding at every step metal yet more attractive—what a punting, erratic, annoying, pleasing, perplexing hour is ' the first Which the majority of people pass in the Exhibition' Of coarse. they want to see everything—to open their eyes, and their mouth, and their comprehensions—and to catch sad emit low and digest the whole. The inevitable ques don recurs—where to begin? This question, like a sensible woman, the qua. has practically answered, in tar visits to the Crystal Palace. She began at one end, naturally enough at the end where the works of her own people are spread out in mending variety, and she has gone on regularly, orderly, systemati cally, slowly, in her examination, until the has now completed fully one-half of the whole build ing. This is the way, . end the only way, in which the centrism of the building an seer Is properly classified or c4mprehended by the mind, and the only course by which salutes"' benefit can be gained from the exhibition I mentioned, in one of my former letters, the , educational purposes to which this Orme Exhi bition might be devoted. lam happy to inform you that the idea is now being acted upon. Br cry ouhlto. school in the United Kingdom Is to hues the opportunity, in the cosine of she sea ' son. of receiving lectures within its walls. Taa knowledge to be gained from actual inayeadea of. the producta of different countries,—the tadts bfregard to II e hubs - bid .condition of each es- Non represented hers to be fixed foremerin the j mind by careful observation within its divisite, —the customs, habits, modes of life and thought of almost every civilized nation on the globe to he learned within the circuit of these eighteen execs, as they would otherwise be learned by years of travel only,—render this palace of in dustry a university of Information. It were to be wished that such a means of knowledge could be brought within the reach of the children of our country. The acting-midaliip men at the navel school in Annapolis are to be detailed on • trial trip of three months Ito June. Could any thing be more useful to them thin this! Here are models, Illustrative of every branch of science they are expected to pursue, scattered throughout the exhibition. There are all sorts of hydraulic machines, floating bridges, docks, marine railway., breakwaters, jars, jet ties, wharfs, grognes, yea-defences, dredging , machines, stop-gates, and sluices, In model and miniature, exhibited In the marine d eat.. There is, too a division Rpm* to nasal gunnery, and to weapons of attack and defence adapted to naval purposes. Nor are ordnance nod projectiles forgotten in this display of gas, h o witzers, mortars and shell's. It stabs to me that such a school for practical Instruction to these y o ung men will rarely occur, and that to improve it would be of rut seats, to them, anti of high honor to the nation that sent them. The drank-lei mates of the. Exhibition, now ' most abundantly demonstrated, gives start to ' numerous speculations. It Le only a few weeks since people began to attains, that the building must never come down. It b now asked, will such a collection ever be dispersed t As to all the lighter er,more perishable articles In it, of cane, moth, and rust, umut and dust preclude an ides of their preservation In such a building, even if Hyde Park were the place for a perms neat bazaar ; but • large portion of the contents might remain there for any period, at least as safe as they are in the British' Museum, or any other building in this atmosphere or fog end un der this canopy of smoke. How this question is to be answered remains to be seen. it Is all an experiment. Every step has been taken in darkness. Now, that doubt and anxiety about Its success are dispelled, It is not wonderful that its creators should begin to expand their wings for a higher eight. But this is only temporary. What is in the future, time, as It passes, will tell. Of the prestalt,. It equals, It surpasses, all that was expected or it. And it la a tour through all nations: and climes, and will tell the observer, the methodic, tranquil and patient observer, more than I:Bitty teenier) bring home through the tour of Europe. It is a mu seum of the most useful and remarkable produc tions of nature and art, such as never was yet gathered within one building. It is a ishoV of design Infinitely beyond Florence or ILome.- It is a congress of nations end a record 'of progress which, if It mainly relates to material interests and tastes, has many important bearings, through them, on the higher interests of humanity. Since the world began there was never such an oppor- Xmaity for self-instruction as is afforded ler,. And then the whole tendency of the exhibition Is upward and onward. It will produce hibmony of feeling, unity and interest, and generous ri valry everywhere—and tend, in all Its influences, to make the nations of the earth love, respect, and do good to one another. L. L. E. • THE P_ItESIDLYIT.—Tho Alexandria Gazette of Saturday has the . folihwing article, to the justice and truth of which the people of Baltimore can bear direct dramatize testimony: The appropriate and hartasome manner In which the President of thellnited States replied to the many addresses that were made to him during his recent visit to the North, gives us a very fa 'oral's idea of his abilities and discretion.— These addresses were mob. without previous no tice, and the President's answers were impromp tuand Net they were all well expressed and to the point. We learn, also, that the personal bearing and deportment of the President, throughout the entire journey, were such as to command the respect of all who saw him, and in many instances to make him warm Mends, We are not surprised at this, because all who hum approached Mr. Fillmore, since his acces sloe to of f ice, have united in their testimony as to his courteous Manners and the suavity and propriety of hie intereourse with his fellow-citi zens. Be wins golden opinions from all who have business - with him,o r who call upon him. to signify their respect for the office he holds, or their esteem for him as a man. ch. w.tanw mnirut. the 23th Ist, by an. 3. Cloc Hr. Rit . H . Hs" to Situ Biss.Oo4.4lsotiagsf of Ih.Oso 11tOook. al of this /@t-Cum or TIM COMM. —The name of Min Manor. of WM= townstdpvlll.2.o Demoted to roaVr 'b ooo=to th = Cared %no IODOO:OOMmi EISEZZ ar.wr. or wax Cousw.—Henry liannen, of eli g gbeav City. trill he • esndktete ter onse gh lsati en on to the edit. of Clerk ef the Ferment Cetate of Alle Coun before the And-Mum:de and Inds Ceara/ entenn y ninnt V. jtereLIK.IC OP TELL COMITIL—Jared M. Brush 1011 ro.bee candidate for the eke,. Aloe. eobject to the ded =the Anti-Mesonla and Whig ounty:Soo. A.PCIATZ Jong.—The =onerous friends of 'JOHN OEIIIIAIiT, of Allegheny City. Willyretent his guns to the approsehing Anti-MS=6IC and W hiz o.nlitY Convention.. • =wild.* fur nomination to the office Assiedata dodo of the Court of Quarter seesious. Mr. tiviihart's experienoe to public businees—baving he. • wet'. member of the State Legislatare for the period of wren years. and final with great a...ability the alp, of &sista. of the Land WS. during 00 , ulnwe.samini+ —sad his knowledge of the oermaa 5+ tt Wy I>!m m dil the ,fort with rabittgi, the Ro' , - oirarzoraer AMOCLLIT. JUDGE.—Thomas Liggett, Jr„ of r,„bts+ township, will be • candidate before the anyvaselP log Whig wad Anthkissonle Oinvention. for the onus of A.ociate Judge in the Court. of 0319=0. Pk., s.sioro. As and 111111 rovrorts.ll4 n++o both 1n mylittisignig : :Town an 00110321, DarAmocurs Junoz.—Adam italtllolll, of antihero, rill be candidate for itcoulation for the mike of dewclaw Judge in the Comm of kluarter t‘eselons of Allegheny Mionity, before the Antbllmonle end Whig County Convention, m meet on the 4111 of June. Infibidee3eriS i t orA...2llDLY.—Robert Abrahams, of Eli ,,,,lktaliorggh, Rubin unt : hie name to the Anthhlnsinne Zion to B a r ASSEXIILT.—Robert Wallace. of Pitts ,ttahtentit;=,,tll..ttatx.te t c,oi=tiL-.llemottlehzt to the lat ' ditteture. itty-"Artrlt:T ASIZNIILY. , --John M. Porter. of the Borough of Torentom. will be • esadidete lor nomination to A the ssembly. aileoet to the &lam cof M ilda e Whip and tb Simon& Clousdy 0321V•rni0EL milt.dmalaT Asszions.—Thornton A. Shinn, Esq., will be supported as a candidate ter the Legh!store, euteeet to the decision of the Whip sod Arab/Wonle Conventloth by thr..thdatelch ABBEMBLY.--Oeorgo E. Apple K, of the Borough of Birmingham, wUI be eopported before the are tialaeonic and Whig County Con • ealk4ll, for WAY. b y Mane Carrara. ABSILYBLT.—Anthony Haris will be a can %haat., for State' Wembly, tutoect to the clocialatt of the Willg and AntAltuoula tbnvetitlon. .ItAsi Wino, oe Itnontioaoi. e=== Asssionx.-1 would recommend Jos. John .ot North Fayette township, to the Antblissonie end Whig County Convention. ae • suitable person to ' , Present In the next Legleatun, As Ourtruni. urylantrrifitao/ ABRIAIULY.—The numerous friends of JOLIN Unmet., host o o.flodlssa township, sill hement his saw to the Alstrilasoule awl WILL, theusty lktosenthoth as eamiktale 13.110516312 CO the ethce.of comber of lbw ssembly. Ate. /Other was a member of the Assembly ot MIL myg....,Mer.tch.(the) AssEmumr.—Thos. Penuoy, r— Of the Borough WhigMcKeesport, will pretented to the rintl-Maroole arid Whig eortrrotion, es • condlUte for noarlostloa on the octet for (La Assembly. oarl4trawarorT riirCOUNIT COYMIBISIONZIL—David Blair, Jr.. of the &mond Ward, City of All,•benr, will be • can aufat• Neforo five Antl-)i•oorale and Whig Couzi r Crum. Lon for the ale. of flounly lknurdireloarr. mr3,1••3,3 efirCOUNTT COINISSIONZIC.—Itobert King, act.. &Tenth Ward, City of Pittaburgh,Js rentonnendoct to thy Whin anti And.)lmpale Lbonty Contention, lin • candtdate Pie County Cconnotiaatir. by • titynuitstote , B llnnY Einntna. gie'Cousrr Commeatoszn.—Jae. McCune, of the Muth Ward. Car of tinsbnat h. will be scandlisse tufo. the Whin sad intOlesonie Convention, foe the of ten of County Commissioner. lay Isisattett sat-Cob-24Yr Coglliselosrza.—Wm. DI. -on Eutaw. of the Ninth Ward oree city of Pittsburgh. be moilidate before the Amblhooola emt Whig arg sene m o: l ll . the . offoe of Count/ Coimiseioacr. CouNTT • CONIUSSIOWZIL—Major JO/174 tTuaors. of the That W.I. City of Pittaburrth 111 to candidata betas tha Anti-Masonic .0 Whlg CoohtT OF: vantlagVhoolhea of 0..4' CotahtloWnos. Couarrr Cox womoNta.—Gabriel Adams, of the nand Ward of Oa My of Pittatrargh, grill be • candi date for dm oleo. of Cooncisclotier. =towel to the decision of Oa %Chia ant AntieJlaninic (Nranty Concentlon soli2danner ter CoUNIT Rzairrze.—Alexander Rich rdson. of the First Ward, *leeway City, will he on d1.1.1e for Ow rdire of Obunty eubient the d colon of the Whig and Ansildssonir twunty (bum:no • •Vbi:davrtaer ireeCocrire RIGIEICR. — The name ofJonm Mecum, of the .Ird Ward city or Pittsburgh. will be nib mltted to the Antbthubble bed Whig Cathay Cauvehttoit. uethrthichthe tbr the aim or thrtrlthth.thel bill be - Ir surberted hi rerr arbbiblaer:thS bleat Mom KIKOUNTY Ittotersa.—John K. Foster, of Baldwin townehth. g esndklat• for &TOW, tgfors rhg taming Aocialagonle and Whig Coast/ [...Mho. Sep-Conan I urrca.—Plealo announce' that 11. J. Lome, of Alle•bcoy City, will be • caoditle.te for the yam of Itegiator. mho.t to tb. decision of the la. ti.thit•oi• ••• whi• O.IIZT Coamition. A Card. THE undersigned w °cad respectfully inforee the Anti-Mum. nnd Wbldv AnnitlenT Naalt 1 be would to happy b wave them another the mblebd bquition which. thmagh timely former kindods, be has tb. ban, at prTs.rdln th a t S 4 count, Redtsber. and *MIA ha s bop. that Igo attedlarum Lbe daairold bbn, and hb enemas in dthebtedloit them ht ( 4l: =NlTletr**.l7"'",tl°. =1. th g. rldbt odiedl not b..l.e.ted. and that, •kars ban yrrleon .ndtd matt hie earn potation mare eninfortable. 6..111 b. rszetbi that as iv peedible the Wale iddll knee tbe be:Daft et lb Ver7 reepdtally. utyld JORS ECM. fiIfCOIDEIL Jame Clortoly will bow candidste tn. ow. orTwoww. , osb.wo m tbi action of um Ann- ILesnne .se! Winn Cunvoutl on. to b. b.hL on Ulu 4th of Jona nost. Mende 0W pease bear him In nand at QM Vtinisry Meeting. neylumanerent Rccogras- . --John Comacr,of 13pz n lair lotrooblo, will ttt oupporud Fr tbo oaf. of _ .1401. .t.ot to Me Avid= of Coo .air big o , otitoY thOttentlent. ty • Yaws Cot.. moyitkvitol• • Itscoirmest.--Joho McGill, of ',West I r Teethedto. metal % I. esselliste for the alhee a • •• eateeet thes the Asti-llhseehe sad W.* tkahly Oteemitioc. VI I 1441WICT rocv.ltscoani.s.—We are authorised to ammo that Woi.K. Toltitas. a !Labatt Borough. I Lo caoL'etato tor turalootios to tiot alma Itatorder, be ton tbo Ontollagottle root 'Whig Coast, Coarrottott otyttolattacit RSCOIDAR —I Will bo a candidata for the Moe of Lenentee, outeert to the Measles of the MIN wad AsAlottattAtht County Om veattoo. 'AMMOM. Metotesh. Apell w. IMlstAerlefl . Murphy & Bun:lMA pireorerrr Tatreraza—We are author' •4 ^... °P.4.2 o Grral r.rids , of N.. G. 4 4.4 te easenoure that J. W. Pater. of the 24 Wapl.l7ts r Amt latle the ealb of .11 ...tun . ii... 1..... t•( Pittsburgh, alO l. • eamdilstelisr the al. of Omar OPEN 21116 11011511111, . 'lmpure's, ratject to the diaalsor of the Ault Meat. a./ • 1 es. Yuseobb I=lnmtra Cu black and hebabb) Whin C•aute Coaunth.. winvtgeSe Museable sad 11.1:411;_ , G Wm:Wan rua caeaa, kg lailleal se ... Caren Tumor aza—John V. Rowland 1 . . r.. .. a upp e r et flat', warship. all to • eassOldate fir wog , i =if . c .i.f .. pw,...J.,,,.. ration to . ode, taws lbw Wldterand Abbbllneaseie pw a nt w k eau; cc..ti 13sareatica. coy daat.,ll i le Per eilksr. itllremeki LAWN.% and • oat waists of other qoOda, at the stare of oro..__ AlDlTol.—John Emerick, of McCandlei,4 tee:alai., will be *arrested r cehdtitti• far Grandy Am dltor, entoet e the dead+. et the Macs.* Antbbleepate Caarenuoo, by at Mos* atylatelawdeedi pi-\I e again refer oar renders to the ad • otheor.oo of U. 0. tomato ofrotwow ZAKII•CX4 welch swan l whothet column. wwwl by •bibb- TOO will we t& /1 highly raCOELlPamied . wad ttdr to .0 .11. hw product* err. tlocatet of ft.. who hoof wool ft and wilortienowilta taw, .tlelol oda-to ock huh. Gyp woos& no mi.. 1•1111:1011110. ii trry ramotk•hlo. and at Out flu cogleio. to worth, hl o trlol. W. idyl. oh to go W tha mitt. who wlll farolah • posapol.l gym ,, coafolotos moot Nimbi* ncipeo tow tL ltrotrovut of eallly. Ws. flo/Ihollww.-2,41 air DR. hilattiell LITER PILLS gtort mnoly yw dlr.,rs of the Um. 3 of mood Wet We than its intruituli. on to lA* public. Its sliaooverer. one or tits neat PhYalciaaa in Ws county 7, used It tor pearl 14140 yescticr. to(o be rues anuouniud 3to th. world illatence of so sway quack tato...llea heralded.. pie casing the man otarrelnua qualities fog healing ./I disno .o awoopil.hed and well egunated phy.l • Liu, oho notuysily 411 sum. gnat - of Getup oonfoundwl tha crowd of pmts.:ices to We medical art Wt., 11.•//1191 , 0.0 D•ruted in any uawslane , tit wadies Se nil thy lib that flash la hely to. The repro ...Whets of those n whom hi.pills bon atuso nth• 4 hoe ram awl the newt% ...Umtata.. by phygidans with whom to• Lad a...0,1.W to bit peoctaw..o.l who had wltiteaani h. woutleyfol runts eqweied by hie moldy. .1 length is. nand Mao to ma. It hubli. Pot awls by J KIDD* CO.. No. au Woad et. Petroleum I Susumu°. Ilunt.logdczion, P.., &huh '5l. 15. 14 Eurr.--Desz SO, Your Petroleum O working ..- dere In tile vicinity; therefor. we would thank you to erid us two dun by the Premien:lL Flidiroad. We en etv only oat. nod ll Ls bring, inquiry.' gor airman our/ dare Yours. reepeettully, JOLLY WM/ A CO. Aehlend w. 0.. Mush 10,11. d. U. Iltgai—Desr Or. Your Agoit. • dm "Wk. slue. On with to loot down Rock Oil. which we hen 1101 d. Ideue dirsiol Lou. al. dozen loonodlidoly. Your modletu working wands,. in Ods vodka,. We ran obtain evveral ezcinizat cornfield/mit you 44.1 n. them . Vann!, do., W. W. SCOTT. For We by Kepler A IleDovell, 140 Wood Knot; IL E. dello., 47 Wood erect; R. A. Pa nesiock. k Co. rano Wood and Yront streotio t D. M. Curry, D. A. 1:111imi1..1Olonh bough.. ind 11. P. Monate, Allegheny. Oro by the bro. prtztor, d. 11. DIES, gill/lA/Ml' Canal Disein.Sevoilb vt..Pittoburnli. Foreign and American Hardware. LOGAN, WILSON & CO., No. 129 Wood Street, HAVE NOW IN STUB A Nil end complete etock of FOREIGN AND AILERIGAR HARDWARE, the .piing trade, sod which th s 6, en impanel t.. le pus . ..Laren et rut. that vi 111 ampere Nowshi • with 0137 of the eastern cities. GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., BANKERS. lIZA.LERS IN TACTIANOZ, COIN, MINK NOM, &O. so 74 Flora 4., nal lo Thank of YWONoVIt. Note. 004 Drabs collsolod on .11 pots of tho Nook. bought and looltl on cow:kink. 6b7ollorT - Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh ENCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS otkm ko. 41 Water streak 10 tke wan/dome orC.ll. MT. C.O. 'lmam exoo.ol a. W.Ek•er• Thu Company Omni prepared to Mauro MI memhamilme la dom, and In tradelto. enaele / af. 1 nittrar Vof. u hil.g1 t ~:cfr",4 i 4 t tragr,l7, who am nil of Pltteburgh. well and Tayorably known tot e community for their pruderies, Intellikewd sod totearltY. Dmrcrolo.-4.1. U. !loamy. Wroitatraley ;. Wm. u terimer: ZjdWiter=tiniall4lr..B. • Melodeons! H KLEBER hoo just received a choice lot ! ant. Carhurdre Melodeons, rusnulbetnred at !Cl ' u usntt Ithueell—tbe origloal tneenteA—in N )(Orb r eity. Mr. 0. Me much improved up. C0166/71 I nyantion,..nd It la non gencrilly conceded Mat be =Am tbe beet Melodeons in b e autyutry both Oa 04110.1301 Of blob and richness mut ot tone old IMICh. Among Mum One 6 at., auto :Icon, wall [Vt., runnrOod; Qom 0 One " • °V 0 4 . 701 Thhe 'int, dun of the Golden Ham mv ,i o g o y 11.07 00 the shore Inatomunts. F. R. Itoor_g HOWEOPATIIN PHYSICIAN, , devotes mcgrotion 14 the tnainent at thaw chr:; =lndmm. Ai =on. Ansaida rms. Ow Land 11114%, nett We dont to ing itiu.Alksho, altar. Down tram Tto A L., Lank ILI 11. aaal t o eat to 9 • airway Hew Books. rELife and Times of thicant, great Reformer, tramiatai lkom 45L1 German of Pant almrr, 2 vols. • Lamle of the MaCem. a Itarratim of Or/ ental ?meek by RI mak e mew ea" cloth., (Saurian?. pew wort.—the Authority Of Hal, Or Moos barriers arainst Rombth amonandom (Neer.) • Lays F rtb. Rut 31.. 11. Bur.. , Henmern: Letters to my MOM, with Narrailm and Illoirraitaml Sketches of Mrs. L. 11. Stamm.) , o Memoir of the See. Henry Hato . ott with as Introductory Easy by the Rev. C. P. liellesine. D. D. Bishop of Ohio. Thrlor atel Practice of• Teachlok, i•O°M."'" and Heti:wale of E xperien c e. Schl lieenham by David P. Pea.. it• Christian w display...l in the writing of Sr. Taut/ hY tha author of - Christian HettrantroriS, Lim aia Signers of Um Declaration or Dwight. Faq. ship a ttrally.ltar thort' f al 1.4•1; The if«k • mieml illustrated. • Lime orthe Queens of Eng Mod. front the Norman Cum knesta with anecdotes of their Courts It roWoUt.,.„ * . Ilemolhof Rev. Alexander Month. D from his 'pistolary he above tar. Her. Jams liar, D. D.' The above work" are far sate cryhoolateS A. IL ENGLISH 000 W 00 0 - Wm E y/0 1°UR- 1 8 t. g'l2. for sale bileortr IC,IEESE-50 boxes good W. R.., lor sale by myxu IL DAIS.= t CO. UNDRIES -2 bbl,. No. 1 Lard; 4 " IS too Wm them 41 " Ks" 1 " Oinsettir. 1 bbL 2 bapDella Avpl.s 1 Waage.; arriand SW 111A1A11DICSEY • co. Water and front eta PETRE-20 bags (Crude) for sale by SALT mi3o W.s P. WILSON. S4LLT PETRi-- -20 Cep (refined) for sale ony W. k P. WILSON, ml 3O le F lrst. and HS &bond at Fifth Ward Primary Meeting: LWhigs and Anti-Masons of the Fifth W lad vlinmala Mods /Minsky Meeting, to nosohlais t. stketut the coming County Concentima, at the School noose, comet of hie and Wants' streets, an Sat. , Imlay May 31rt, at L 2 o'clock, M. awl korp Use polls open MI V's M. mylkkkt A Rare chance. ADR:UO STORE FOR SALE, being an ez ealleiit prescriptlin and retail lootion, and now dm . maid business. Will bi sold at a great bargain.. If application made et once to PayM3t• . it. IL. aIIi t LEBS. is Wood M. SPLENDID FRENCH PAPER HANG INOS.—tioId. Gold uid Velvet, Bonnet, Tapestry mid Ornamental trench Paper. of various gadflies, and at prim to toll the urencturtances of almost evert elan of customer*, fur W. at the ettablishment of TLIO&LtiI Pdbligli. 6.i Market at EASTERN WALL PAPER—An extensive asatratatot. Wading every Wad nod damiptlan, at sn m edl y n 14' I TllagratiEtt, h Mattat aL Ay:ALL PAPER, of my own manufacture, for Pak., 1161/6. Dining Rams, Cbaxrdmrs and I:WM TIIO9. PLLIIIEIS. 68 Kate ,t AS. DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Cora l:o34as and Forwarding Marabout. and dada GI., Cotton Yarns, and Pittabargh Idanolactaror arnendly —No. NI Watcr et. and Tti Find at, Pittaborida --- - ICE JARS & REFRIGERATORS, of extra JIL Auellty, fur de by _imay=bt Ii , CAIYA.ATKINBON A OHISLY. FEY MORRIS' TEAl—Morris' Tea Mart le to the Dlasnond. Second Door Dom Diamond eller. Is Nisi d I this establbbamnt ix muway_convected with -the store lately opmel mot door br Haworth A Cern. zar2) COFFEE -100 bags prime Green WILLIAMS at. af k o& . Fan ml Ow de by J. D. B cb , MI Wool DRIED BEEF, ,tc.— low li..rim. crawl Bee& Venison; _ 5 600 00 Mutton 11 . for sals J. D. WILLIAMS & CO. HEAP PARASOLS:—We have just re (wive& at Non Cannd 64 Market street—tewomplaln whg fringed liaraaola, embracing alt the ddierent cantle., ich ...n prepared to often at wholesale or retail. at a ',erg great nalacto from forma. price. I • A. 1. MASON A CO.. Market 41. r. PLINS! POPLINS !=Just received this r . day. per tanner—hi plena beautiful shade, of enter ed Ilno, mid& ea rill sell at 23 per cent. lower than they to ever been Add In this tity. mytti A. A.. MASON t CO. VINE SIIAWLS.—We would solicit the cit .:. treeksa or plarohaeere to our ony extenelve moon. ward of superior plain and embroidered Crape 131rawls and Seer* Lacy Cashmere, Ilithet and diet alharrlm all of the miffed and most dsalrahle styles, width we are rolling at the eery lowest prima A. A. !LAWN a CO., : 82 and Pi Marked At V MIRED TARLETONS—We have this cast... by dm. very dmirnbi* Crtroped Torisbro Trimming. mooned oat" whist , will b• .14 fell cheap strstali or by the bra. at 62 sod 64 Harter st myTY A. A. MASON A RINE DRESS GOODS—We hive - just re wrootber min:WM &wort:mad of blade. Ininev, vok, ohm eat mode Bewkweeawd Mmes. Alwi,'lngilw and Folawn!llltk.s. whleb ...r. oltexing er. werwloW prlarL , L. A.ll IN 'a W. Clolll'4-65 bags Rio, for sale by . myT4lot ROBERTSON • REePRILT. $lllll ' ALE-320 whole arid half bbLs. warranted am quality. war In nada and fOr do by ROLIKRTSON s RILYTERT. Iv IN DO W GLASS-2000 boxes fur sale by ROBGICTSON t REPI`VRT. LARD OIL-20 bble. N0..1, for sale low to dor eorieleginent. et the store of S. 0. RICHIISTILMe lay= meow Wad end 010th ACON HOG ROUND-4000 lbs. Bacon " Lultunan. DRIED BEEF-3000 lbs. for said by ni r = is. I W. KLILBArci EL UGAR-60 hi*. N. G., for sale by es 79 S. a W. lusasuon. irOFFEE-10 tap for sale by_ L,/ arra _ , _ .t W. LLAICISACULL. piTATOES—Z9 bu. prime Red, for sale T. WOODB t 89N. lafeer st second Ward Primary iffeetinga. rr HE Whigs and Anti-Masons of the Second Wahl are bareblhmtlfeet t meet at the Burst Dl. toot UMW.corner of Semtet and Malthltell street.. at Ratordey maim, the Ala tut, at 7 o'clak, to elect two Dam.. to the•ftanty Cogrem. myllehd MI.OY WIIIOS. NURPIII • BURCIMILD. °- Nunez TO CON'ERACTOBS. orno AND PENSBYLV,LNIA RAILROAD. gROPOSALS will be received for the Gre db. and Blid of tkor Western porlbaottiv Oblo Senannune nsedlng lb. Wrestler. br Logdourille end klareeneid, to a the Glaciated. Goltnebta end Cincinnati ReOnsed, (Bluth. nee Oelicm. a die nine T of lirtrldree d hey will be rewire Worater until the met Tundey, the lute of June; and at Meenind until th ed e cc. nein, of Wedneedep, the Mb of Jane next, and elk b, addreaand eD tb, underageoll. Precident of dor Osterrany. rlins and walla of tbe wort gut of Loudonville Oat be ...bibles!. Wooster, and of On wort wed of Lootkoallie sa Ilatudeld, fur one Irak been the lettind. Danner talbaustion .4 bum ol letoe mar be ob. tenon on application to 00011/11/011 itots, Cblet Nue neer or Jo n IL Stasuanan Rundent Rug/neer of do. %venal:, Unialon. • prelervnov. will be Wen to bidden gnu •I 0 wpm to tote a per caner. of th en pay la lb* rout of the Coustrnsr, Wel. ROBINSON, Jr.,Presiar. . llttilbergte, liar 27, IBS!—{lns2l,3l VOR RENT—A Warehouse on Water street, between Market and rani. ...MU. " 4 •• k DALZELL 69 Meter et. POW,LER'S PATENT FLOUR, 'for mat A:bd t :itt!the adaltloh r. of cold Zer oul;sTw b sioo, tu 4,14.1 the moat .roomieut aud n ettApOt that tath be 0.4 tor honaehold outvotes. ..else. *Am cant. La but arel maths & thr touat:ulleta...l . lgre u ,L= rutry, Puebalhea . trouble. 1. ! Ana.. Ja i puLta di r outotegautatmell .r. L ae , ao ‘ a f of 3 and lbw, tr,l.h saw It IL A. MoCLURO I_ I, r ai thoorn and Sae Maier. FiNP!/IrMMNI A VALUABLE unimproved LOT, on the ZS_ aerner a Liberty wed rectory street& ruw Wud, anuslte the German entholle Climb. 30 feetfrand on Lib srty, by 100 feet deo on Venial. =ming test to gpring ay. • lso—lbs three strerp Usk Dwelling Magaan LlberlT stress, Voicing ihe abase, lb. lot being 20 bet front by 100 Dal deep. lase boas* Le Ism and esinvensebt, bolt In inoilaria style. and kontslas elf rams; Alm—D) nem of very vaoao,, land ms alssmoorsk , Alm--A Verso of 133 arm in Wan Deer township. dleo—st Ws= of 234 acres ln Lawrence pouts. 6 mike Dory. New Ceetle. Absi—Fernis in Bassin munly, or Minna duo end Prwia. (Nisi sou Me dein. si vary enlinade lots In ]sawn. 111.33c16 Prices moderate. 3dignini 0( b. P. & O. L. u. 11r1781111A14, • Attorney. st Lam awl Real Lstate AsMatib MY 2 3 pi Fourth stmt. Plll.lnssib. • FAMILY FRIEND, or Rakirkg Proparative, rupereedlus the use of Tem; Producing light, wee . *wee , , nutritious mad dlkeenee BM or Pct. MI cor In Mu Unce, and at Less wart than the ordlnamc fenannated bread: which mums, to • at anent. bacitmenon., pals. after made. bedecks. and other sake. cancrawk P armlet to any thing for making Cakes andilbac milts. In :MU pound. of - 710 . 1 Xis preparation will make 10 more lomat ofd pound. than with Sum. /leads of Wattle. and means of weak tonstltutions.elsonkt tend to ours brand,. one of the Sorel medicines of the Pm. Irpr I lora', Infirmaries, &Lem* Bore le c and large ettershmen It la a . prneterage t . or bol d . Sp batiks at 1 15 ., 211 mate. Ina t H. E. SY. PI Wool at. ENOLISII MUSTARD—CoIman% in kegs of 9 lb. and 111 lb. nob, imported foe W. b x0y7.9 D. A. 9.91111 cg At CO. CLOSES -1500 lbs. for sale by' ' m rz • H. A. T ZAMBIAw & CO. SUP. CAUL . SODA- 1 25 kegs for sale by mJDIL A. YAM -WTOCIL a'oo. CASTILE._SOAP—SO boxes for sale by =ea SA. YALINEWMCI A OO. JCP:LUE VITRIOL-2000 lbs. for sale by 11 mr~ H. A. PAIINIST3CIC sOS. 4TH BRICK-1000 English, for sale my 29 11. A. VAIMISSOCK • CO. YELLOW-20 caaea Baltimore, 1j for ado P 7 7 . 4 • P. A. ALNItATOS-30 corks for sale by 1.3 m.B 9.4. untinrocti t co. , bble. for Bale b WINDSOR SOAP-50 boxes Hyde's, for .1a br (my" al. ILICIESTCCE• CO. INSEED OIL bble. for sale by I.Aay B ACON -43,000 lbs. Shoulders; SOO " llama for sal. by arM 110111,noS. LIMA' CO. DRIED BEEF -20po lbs. for sale by 1337 u ,ROIII.OON,IXITLY Al CO. 140LASSE8-200 bbls. 11 - ..-0.,f0r sale by ATM m 773 ZOBILISON, LITTLE CO. BILLED FEUIT-450 Dn. Peach ul2s 6O 6 . Apple% f ca; br NY by 801113011. LaTas 00. '/TANNERS' Off,-2p bbla. for sale by m 773 ' NOIIII9ON. ISITLI a Oa. N AIIB,-4tKlkept=t Ula , m l, BROOMS -250 dos. common to best mr.l extra Lawn fir oak 12! ROBISON. LITTLE. COFFER=ISO bans Rio; _ ROTTELT, tfrtlt[CO.. Pm IRON-240 tons Ben's creek Iwo ••• mai n.tek: - b ashintruavr 4414 47 • noinsoN tam* a CO.. • num :so tit.l7 S KI NDRIES-- 60 beau prime Now 300 bOIN NO.I Haltlmare llezri ma; le Uerees !me kk. "" t) :t • NOTICII TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the nolerstrned. at 6T. 0.20117. Mb, until the 1 ' Jay of Juno. 1641. Mettle graduation sad comtruntion , MEWL:Lir fungal:Ono all maternal/ of the 0 6. Guinan bus Mnistato and Pilot /Noe Plank Rood." from Bt. ()rennin about 50 man to the inco Mountain and Pilot Knob. Prop:wale will be received either and by the cone e .11 work and =Knob! to ...Dien tort: ar anumitalr• m Wan (add for plan; 6 tt. In length. delivered on line • g road at convezdent dim:mown (11.1 for laying planked:4 • dolobing much lath.) S. plank delivered mot laid into nod. includlng an/abhor (Mb.) for groduation by tale, het grubbing aril nod b.hbrU ..d e , tert ego= and (6th.) for mammary on , / britiglog ,, • The wort will be divided into acetone of ..107btr 6 miles tn Ingth, and In ainuir. ow together. Fifteen manor the mad to be completed by the lot of Deasober, Uhl, and the Wenn tt. of PePeembr , Ma' m mold ) Mor .e the contracton may &lin. It la mooned to plank • Vriesy with white oak, of which there la an Ow el rani,. The detailsof rout.. and apniantiom l manna of building, will be reedy Air examination mt . atter the ad day of J wrt. either at bt. I at the Mare ot dome. P.Parkarool,Engincor of the Pooh liaLcoad. in. Louis. Mo. m o nod:yield F. C. HOZIEB, President. Agricultural Implements. 1... YE JUST received from the Eaat the f. ltrelna bool.tentr, all of the ben otaardleturs e mace recent toreatlate, and I would Melte' all f re to tall and aratalrte 'or Oda. Mill. Ilachinet, far torn. bowls beets, tothllA a. Gran Co D C rllh fur abash el Loot., and Win: Coro shere. Coctidheler. Bark ant hand poser. Ftta. and CorCutting Boxes. Levels Root c llt= mi. • Caatoteel Crain and tires dythes, ind noel. Caftan' taro, three and Oont prom( aorta Alrnedsetured Moo the best materials...and tor sale u at Drag sad Bead Btar• of I.:: • ' • S. N. WICLEII.9II.OI. M Corner of Wood and Sixth Weep.. rGkthe lion' °ruble, the Judges of the Court General Quarter Satiate of the Peace . In and to t • onty of Allegheny. . The petition of lerceadley, a the Fourth Ward, Pitts Mink. In the minty afo mad. humbly she Irak. that Tour 7.=er bath pm:aided himeelf with mantels for theft"- aiol2 of unvellera and others, a , his dwelling inn* in the want aforesaid. and p that Tom Man ors will a ;leaped to grant hint a ome n ne• to keep a public holm st entertainment And Tour salt:tour, as toduty boondimill ger. Wei the mteembers, dlisens of the lewd stonnaid. do certify, Mat the ohm* TetiOntee ot.knod Mate Ihr tenteety and tampimmoe. and le well rimmed vim boa@ ratan and ccenenienas for the aementoodation and lodging of drangen and tavellera and that aid is le main am. erttwn Rm. laah ,, Y , A. D. Ideßrida ford, Robert Oliver, Jon - ph Redmond; Adsia Truer, Jean Pleter. Juan Mitr= Sadth 7. . ray2t3t bIIQUID GLUE-3 gross, ( s • article, destine! to tate tle. u: Penor g We by , J. KIDD s co, n arwoxt etr 1 INSEED OIL—SOO Doris for sale by I A aulA J. KIDD a CO, GO Wood st SUNDRIES 2.50 D barbels ` polo ou. LO eed w. fa burets mime Neshancekt a barrels *gas. " Cider visitant 60 " • LouDrilla lime . 100 " Family flour. 100 rim hour. 100 timbals ea ts cu. 100 " Oa for sale on eousigament MY-': T. WOOD • SN: Na. Water at PRESEI TOMATOESAermetically sealed, r"retaming, perfectly, the flavor and heohneee of the nye tralte, for ule tor Vitt. A mro Grocers and Tod Dr. DRIED BEEF.—Evans & Swift's Sager Carrel Deer =rued, for este try_ _ li- LITMUS it Co, .311 2.5 e Liberty rt. GENUINE SPERM CANDLES Bolax Joddepatezt polished Star Steam Engine for Sale. OR SALE, at about half the real value,' remonable that. a Double Steam Easion ‘ of Ton ikttaTkalare""l.lNrlPO:ilg." Mak of MasiNon, May V.—fmorr,2l. 11ARPER'S MAGAZINE, Vol. 2d, bound In cloth. tafft =lia t 2ltlfarc ;• =e o ' f ity , , , ,ir a =ii. • future UMW., Li;ing /Cie, 157. Reentrant et ROL ' Literary Dena, Third Amp melte the Poet Office. my' LOAF SUGAR--100 bbls. ass'd N.; 6 R. Cnashotip o i 881. k Y. 191i.boN; myr • 11T First, wad 118 Secon4 st. SUGAR --10 bldg. Clarified, fur ealeby m.2BENNETT ALERATUS-50 boxes for salc7by k2y27 • ENGLISH k LEN. ETT. HOULDERS-12 casks for sale by sa3/2 ENOLISU s BKNNEIT. NUTS -20 Int Chestnuts; " " M'''iN‘Utisfittgirm Lain kegs for sate' VALISEt BENNErr. 5572 122 fiermi. tad 151 lint amt. Carled'iLair Idatrasses. - LnAt. on hand a larp stock of Matrasi .4 WILL amts.:lW of pure M•c• -.math=Nua •1.X., 611141,,211 140400 VOL sty2s Tta , 4 tuaaC oraa. a.. Post 005 e• B L'E. SILK LACES—Largo assortment, sad very dorm% reed et uto non of roy26 .110ItYLIT d. BURCHTLELD. MOURNING GOODS—Blackßombasinea, ivx•al=tc.. .-.Jrabaajr Cant. Met Ea- Mx 2 y=3 • atußrax a ZititW.S.D! No. 1 MACKEREL—.4O qr. bbls. extra, for Way us. Sal sal. by IBAI/II DICK= OD. ray 26 Water acid Flout A, INDlGO—earacctui 'and Manilla, on con gal:meat, tar Ws by 113A11111 DICKEY & CO. aIyDS Water sad Kraut As. L ARD—Bennett Jonea? brand, for ... OlL—Bennett la AlAll DICICET a co. LARD -12 bblz. No. 1, for sale by 'cox c BIeC.INDLEIS. maZtl coma Wool and Wster .t.. OOATS-00 ba. for sale by Day= S. k W. ILLBSAUGII ('BORN-100 bu. for e sale by J aqui a ew. rustaecug. WOODEN' WARt— Catot Ilant.cts.ra4l3oVnt Tarnisbed Burke.% Extra arrant Bucket., 3 0.14 Cede Kaalert. brass bound; • Varnished iariettn 1144 in of sta, QS sisis) WE. A. E E aCLU E 4, zna3 b 2.56 L i brty 1_ EGGS -3 bbls. for sale by tor= 8.4 W. ItAII.I3AUGIS. FLOUR -10 bbl. Rye; 9z° m 4 ,1 ''t.rwTraitssuan. PEARL ASH-5 tons for sale by ENOLISII a nrdtExt rarZ IL= Second, and 1611101 st 11400PS-49,000 Split Atli. for sale by 131724 ENGLISH BE NETT. 1: - - • • . TAR -75 bhls. C.. for sale by mym mann a BlomErr. LINE—SO bbls. White Lonierille. fei sale br mr'S ENOLIBII a BENNETT. lar „ Boards and Scant -504„00C1 u n t.i.',& P °Lr EEaLIEn & BENNET!. FISHING TACKLE—Canes, Rode,Lines, Books. La, wholessle and Wall, bT WATCHES, in large variety, and at the lowest rex Etar=l ulareutera matt and TillE PENCIL OF ROBERT BURNS, the POSY! may b weo a toy atom , as7to , t ‘as.3.l.i ont a u, Glol i d ,k ood ei S ca tlro u.m d e Pen r.i ls, 11.1wIL W. W. W ILBON. AbIS-32 cake Baton Hams, for tale by IA mlO , JAMES A. 111.1SCIO.150.1: A CO. RlCll erliegen Velvet and. Gold Paper Woorloss. Sor Prorrlos Rom% just ....eats= Paris, fit lOble by • W. P. MAUS/SALL. bi Word rt. sorPs JI 01IN ➢IeCRACKEN vs. JOS. D. ABELL. itir —D3 the Dlettirt Corti of Alleatmay County. Yostd. N 0.171, Aptil W. • And now to wit Mai '7,411. ISM, the Court appoint Al fred B. Illeentert. Auditor to distribute thereeede "" "'Oiondi'l??Agair'pmtily. The Auditor will ittrud t the duties °this Appointment 3t hls e Pittsburgh, onMorkday. sATZA.Bw MACALLIIONT. Auditor. Smith's New Geographies. S annrs ring nook in 'Geography; ut in tiadacto Geograbby, de idgued for Children; illos trawd.with engrattars. awl :NI mph pp. 17to kW... ilftwook Book In n tieohy: • math. ateit tout.' oy Kum ot th•wraph, We iftwo &boo* Acadia:MA. and norillior; dairood oil • wood to the lira . Book; Illoktrated with :30 !feel maps, soil 000eroaa than. ybotor, by Ramon C. Bony, A. IL Am., Yaw We by R. ROPICISB • matt T 8 Apollo thollititiss, Fourth oh . PRINTING PAPER—A largo lot Double Medium and Invert.' iiittinvrgarp. , b 7 mil/ corner Market end &coact sun ERAPPING PAPERS—A urge assort- . Punt of Wellman/ Papera,llanirts, Bas t ard M.S. x bar aal• at W. E. EA a EN'S earia Paper Warehma. car—llarktl and ret at, • . all- A.§9Gitc:l4TEan?Exgr,....,..Tin • &era Pena, of au ;mama :gar.; ad l At relgbratealranna*tareme: for gala at . w. ri. /MEW Ia ?! &glittery Stan, gey24 corner Srket and lama& Esrot% 4 co . ARARE CHANCE' is offered to fiprsOn who vtabet to tray. ~s 1 an 4 who hOO ► O•OlOIA of twat .I.‘n to sight Pi:wired 4stic to nasal. in ► pnAlishls nod Post business. taw the sutmetibet R I DS. the Post Mos. iUty2 1.1 J. W. unyi3. Shoulder Braces, HOIILDER BRACES, of the moat op pp♦d. ttyla, gimoolo In structure and eoaily tittod, andof Woo to snit all who may rolintro them —Art awed and for solo. wholegolo and rotalli_hr • • • ihrai .. H. Z. aKI.Lft. 67 Wood st. LOUISVILLE Winn -1,1151 E-50 bbl Ned mit* ni t I PTLBON4. ,:. , " On/W.l-10 tibia. No. 1; mizi " " SEIGAR-100 bbbt. Powdered, for sale by :ern . BIIREKIDGY & Mill •A. •IAI-15 giK4 grease, now laud LA fag frau , itniart kripw4lia tJge 1428 VAlritaft. AMUSEMENTS. PALDING, ROGERS & CO.'S PEOPLE'S' CIRCUS! EQWMir, DRANATIC UD ZOOLOGICAL! Circus! Theatre! Menagerie! .t conjaactka of Too Fatablishmatts, band on Ilia NORTE! AMERICAN CIZCUSI -.l%inder the joint raperrbia. of YS STONZ &Wm Proprietor of Seem t Majous*• Ceiere. Will be arlibitsi be the City of Plteburgh. a Mid 4,f JUIERIC.Ly HOTEL. Every Afternoon arid Night, at 2 and 7 .'dock. Commencing on SIONDAT, 11AT mr7.24.7. ptcalae w Pi. 19.44r ..4 • Pittsburgh Life Iniurance Company. CAPITAL, $lOO,OOO. OFFICE, NO. 71 FOURTH STREET. OfFICZEP, Pregideat—lexce S. Mos. Vice Tresta Prerk lenret—J t..E..xon 3141.extes. aseix beesetee7—C. 4 Come. Sii-See advertisment>o mother gut or this pew. WV. g`IHRESE-51 boxer s now landing and far by .181.14.11DIC8RY a 011. UTTER-3 bbla freth, now lauding-sad for aala by MAUR MCKIM Z 131724 Water Rad ha at ma. ROUGH CM BACON HAM S-8 cub, it won curd. will be said low to clots the lot. ISAIAH 00, mr2.4 Waller aulTrolst DRY PEACHES-4 0 sacks, in gum, f or ale br ,IBAIAII MOUT i 00, taro Wsur AM Smut low rVAII.--t0 bbls in store, and will be fold tow to close conslgnemmt. • • DICZET i CO. • m a Water sad Trout sta. D EFINED BORAX-600 lbs best English, XII, Sr pas ST Day 241 J. KIDD S. CO-. CO Weal at ABD OlL—(superior article) in half b for =l. by' Da i 241 J. KIDD t CO, 00 Rood .t.' T AC DYE-5001be for rale by my 24. J. ICTDDh CO.. In Rater R. INDIA DIASMASH SILKS-,-20 pieces just re valved, • very desirable arttelt, vr•rrantod to vrest— • lure aseartount lioaved Pa; MASON O bosottful D style& my= A. A STOCKS WANTED— ]Ohu Bank of Pittahnrab.; _ . Merchants' 11.4. a - Bank of fittehtleitk Pot. vhich the higheet loin'. 0,0 . 011 00 r ak4 my=. wa. Lt. a Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh. 50 SHARES FOR SALE on favorable terms, br WIT. A. HILL a aak. LADIES' RUBBER GLOVES & MEETS-- Invaluable to ladles as a protection to Oa bands to house desolng. gardening. ca. ox o 2 1n wear.. log. they bleach cha hands •1301 fr White. lot tals loft at the India Rubber Dct,7 and 9 Word g myZ J. reet TWILUPS. I CLARET WINE, (St. Julien 31edoo l l of dosa, ort2 Ilope bora. 110 th aa 11.11.173 the Dialuandl LIGHTNING BODEBpratt's Patent. JAMES JACKSON, GElpil. .AtraY, Whok2ale Depot, 86 Wood area, A:ft:Bl7A Scarturistit's CntlaT Stoic) . TaI O. IESE LIGHTNING RODS are so eon ' structed that they cannot get out of erder: The Itr su and Attsehments fitting Amarately, the . .late and Kammts are unrivalled—Ma the beet Idably et. nemental, and without disputa the bad o d d veer manufactured. James Jackson' cull attach them at 1234 emits per foot- Prim at the store, 10 ants. Gentlemen are respectfully requeekat all at MI Wood West. and examine the .hove: uturse, also, the Mont MAY be mem Any'lLtf " for rale by WM. A..I.CCLCAO t Co.. 2.56 Liberty et. - - - A A. MASON Jt. CO., No. 62 and 64 Mo n, ket street, ore now oparang, 10 eases =la Viet& uterus, at all ',dem The attentrea of esolomarslasoUelt. te ••• of a reat. eatieet of the atorehoetts .11.2% =I 15 coots per yani. ow= BURLINGTON HERRING.—Just re llm ed, 2) bone of the eelehratetl DurUngtin ateeked rtne. In flat color, end by eel° by WM. 31cCL1 . 1 W m 123 timers and Tea Dallas. F ISH—New Shad; ' Baltimore trerrimm ' Mess and No.l Mackerel: limed Bank Codesitt for sale br my= Wl-it. MeCLURti it CO-, 2541 • Diuo . ryHE PARTNERSHIP heretofore under the Dna sail style at MILLEN, 0 4 1= conssot if boxing explytd by Iltaltatton. Hay dlat• YAl. lysit ET sutssl LP OIL CLOTHS--Just recd, from the notary. 00 pilaw Cap Olt Cloth; a botoatfolly .mete ` forask orboloaal•as tow saasatetaprietaat tint oil Cloth Warman& Mot I and A Woad at. F. J. u. palates. BLACK LACESOABSS--3ust reed sa. myis T. tL WOW& EMBROIDERIES A. Mum( - Co. AA Isere just reed and sre noes aresdnuil u reM ewes Embrelderise, nnuisnast Llassalss Under nlseele. Auk andlade Les Vel. B ACA-IN-10 hbile. prime &dee"- ' .. 8 - .` 81soulfstg . 4 .. . 10 term extra family acaysned MOW Far We . by L. EL WASP'''. 0 4 & BONS. milt/ 80 and 81 Water, 8.1 82 Front at LARD -25 kegs No. 1, for ash by eura L. LW/MMUS SEM LI 2L'ED OIL-25 bble. : E l lre, for saleby eHEESE--200 boxes for sale ~may= J. D. CASITIXD. ritnROOF . P 7 e7-1121a. fp, RIED PEACHES-400 bu. for sale by GRAIN-616 t ? bL. Oats; • gets imp& au 1851. &RONNE. XONONGAKELIL BOMB. Via Broimerille and Cumberland, to Baltimore, and , Philadelphia, . THE MORNING BOAT leaves dm Whnif stem the Bridge WT. et a dekek oreeimlT; ant -131.1.10X mith the am et Cumberland amt nuathine. • The Erenins Beat nem. eauT o:unman/May remind) et delta,. etameetina with the 'oars et Clunbeeland mat awning et 10 o'clack.. Time through to Baltlmme, 34 hours. rani ccoli p. Mae thit..ll to Yhthidelthta 10 bd.. /Ma onle The National Ikea_ Ls er . on re. Conductors go with the °mates Were. ilrowneet mut Cumberland. which make mfr decidedly the bed route Dud. • ' J. 311:SIC111EX, Mew. my= Moe In the Youoneabele ammo. VUIIKEII AItILLNOEIMIT ILESW‘i2I PITTSBURGH AND CLEITELAND "gX.PII,ESS Packet'and:ltaillnad Line fir Cleveland, without hue of atm. by Etraxaere tread dueburgh to Never, to conoccdtna with the eletently Dn. bawd rawest Packets ot Clarke, Yorks Co , tone Seem to nevem, and Use 01..01 oow eh. Cleveland and klnaburghnalldnad Co. to C Doman, Tam. . Hama 84 a at, th faro o oepoite - the Blonmigallida Ron.. at 9 o'clock, A. connecting .LLD the rickets at Dover, which ar El leave imosollatelr on the arrive' of the manor, arrivtien at Ravenna in time for t h e Expreserrst. of Qua Sok Cleveland. Pese.eers• by thls the =lye at 'Cleveland In time to take the traitroad..Line of 131 amen for HU FFAI.O and DETROIT, and the a - Wanton Dr Chem. act Enemata* Toledo, Bandnekr Clty, Dunkirk end Erna for evenina train of can ar Women. Xenia, MI6 CLARICE, P6111E3 C.11, - Dnomfatere, • Rocserrze. Pa. W. 8..5100888A8. • Ma under R. Glades /Iota; 11A1CTON, ome. vader Monoacatuela Honor, J. A. CAI:ULM!. aDI tamer of thaleftald lad Water st...t, • . P.IITSBUIUM. WES 1851. jag UNION LINE On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals. PARISI k - GO ---- SIit I VIMB, caawraiiiiarr.:tt • 1118 well 'mown Lino is now prowcd to aja=„Zegie P. T 4 72,1, fr' ' ''111."8"4111 The beilitles of the Llae 7 Pl acettaaLNl umber.qu anal and al. IQ, capec3y of Boats, esoerlence of CaAllss, sad ef• Sao of Atents. OM Boat J.... Plttsbenk and Cleveland dellymaantag le sonneetton with a Limo of steatoloata between . BURGH and BEAVER, and a Ltne of Ind demoticemboli:tit Opeopeller end easels) on the Lakes. COPISIQPIT.ES: • Parks Co, Youngstown, 0.; • • IL B. Tayloff, Warms, Q 4 A. St. N. Clerk, Bartok FOB, 04 O. Pesattmdtarenas. 04 raitt,titta G 4 • • I,l,4.zeaC t o= , alla, • Ileadence PettlMemhy 0711 0. Peckham Scott, 04 „, G. Co, k Detted talakemr, Geo. A.l)lbee e kto.,Chicast 11,17 Tb° '", il laraantr:44, ayl ' cos. Water seal Smitaheld Pittelon), ;tez= tiONEGGER unporters of Wines, 1.1 Motors. mai Swim, Cheese, 1.1 Smithfield itmet, Pe. LIM= Math and Seventh. . , Braxelies, 'Wines, &b. LIAVING completed arrangement* with . Munn in Earitans and other /turopean atm, los eraentlan of nip Warr, 1 ars thus *nab In oda le Dadarkat • man .tisanes lIIIT I..pertation ant. Banff. DIES„ WlLliStr, and LIQUORS, of tba faint clagartgakg h Pros nada. carton Aaats lock, (plabsd. - . damn= la Insltal 10 tar, Ilta. ail balm: 110 Tr tagna Owns°, Bonlaannourd 11 ornallaSanSdlag, fa „aand X I:71e and dark.: . -- • ... t . ..1d.,..,,,,,,k. gold, and brontatttlac ~ . . • . and =aura 4 tr. • , in a. wig Igadairu, of arrrY grade. i • 13...4t a . .... -Port Ulna ta0 6 ,•17 461 raperitta v. 330 Panotts Sparkling CrumPagoe, smarm b ri m, • 603 be= Claret Mora. ..1.1.1 , /IX. OMNI floatorn. and Ingang.. 43 tsar liald i vir s arr inn 5. • a pip.. Old and nranrdato Gin. 1 2 I"Uw . raperlor Old JuVka Ilura k".. ' r t... .prriar Lard. Baran Surat and ScatclrA). . Ur a constant 1111,147 of Inaportal I.l4ncas, nob al g Ma:angina, unzarag, rundratia, C . lors7 thaw Jilin, atork af wair.tx.a , SraditS - nlaars autos& or nkion 1 trUl off. at Strorabla Mans. was mill be graciand aith tr.b, .4 and , &dalli ?, dgpad at kr.l t rate. •.. ./I. WC 1 . 3 36 — 10ed MHZ, ao w la. • . - Aolalaw-4049) Lawns Lawns! FARE REDUCED! 'lB5l.