The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 30, 1851, Image 1

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    -,.ESTABLISHED IN 1186
Vnrag & CO.
n. Imes.l , Imam alum.
011101 OS =MD =Errol= - TO "MI PO= OM=
. .
DAlLY—furven dollar* Per "T" l°
MI Down If_loald fn sdlante.
MEM' LY—Terls dollars per amaze, la dream. eau
be auppliel on the [Aloft; corallblual—
Three copies per ereuurrr.— 6 00
Th T irp•r " k r rigereteh
MOW p:ld Lejariablr la advance. No Club Pa:ulu
barnt ter Ureter expired. euttleas the seamy Ls sent for
One &Dune (10 lines of Nonpareil oe ieeet
one ntsertion., ..... 5 0 60
Do. each .441tionoi in5erti0n.... . ..... ._.._.
Do. two week, 8 00
Do. thme . e Utt
o. two 7 00
p Do. three mumtnit.. ........ VOO
Ito.D lour months 10 00
Siandlng Cool (0 lines or Inst. Wan:mm.4s 00
Co, Asher for tech additional line.
One Square, changeable at pleasure (per me
nom) exclusive of the paper In 00
For emit additional swam, Inserted over one month, and
Meath edditional emare Inserted under he yearly mt.,
' Advertisements exceeding a sonars, awl not neer lifteen
els d ift g :cto " ‘ tallt .r ;nne d . theca be.
ginni the amount charg e d for th eir tellraTu t .
(Mnottocing muidldates for office. kir» charged the rune
elatiPr advertisements.
• Advertieemente not tomked on the espy for • Minified
.number of insertions, will be continu tWforbW,and
-. Stant maned serdingly.
Ttm Privilege o l. onual adrertisers lit strictly Malted to
Ale& own immediate Mt/divas: and al advertiermmts for
the benefit of other pertons, as wall es alladvettleemeutenot
Immediately connected with their own. business, and all
claw, of utvertieemmts, in length of Mho:fel/P. Derma
the thou. encased will be ottsmei at the usual Tuttle. Par
all mob tranneni win:Meng, bills lent he .x... 1.17
enderwl, Ind prompt torment is tittered.
All advertisements for elnuitable Mititutions, fire cone
Pude., ward. township and other pnblic meetlrup, end
Putt like. to be charged itolf Rims Pelable , i 1,01 27 "-
Manisa". turtle. to to charged 50 mots
Tenth uotitass Infested without champ. ..DM crunciliec
hied by funeral invitations or obitnary notices, sad when
SO Ideonipanicd to be paid Ow.
Regular edvertisers, and ell others pending unamemics.
kais. or requiring maws designed to eall , attention . to
Cond . ae. trr er4=_„ l lll nd : tt
m o on.. of
Pritete ant rate ae
erpriamo eadmiated or Intended to Demote
vidnal intone 4 can ouly he trawled with the tunlerretand
las that the game Is to be paid for. If intemdel to be in
started ttt the local column. the same will be cbuiptd at Dm
e se. of not lea than It/ mats per Dna
't or or 550. Notices to be darted triple prim •
Tavern Liman Petition, 12 each.
sore 's Agents' and Anetkowers . edeartimmente not
co bedsore' under yearly nano but to be Wowed a db.
count of thirty three and one ibird per mat from the
=emit of bills.
wintttr as MARA. 7 es max isms. '
Ono Nuns; three 50
110. each additional
2 insertion--. 07
snrcurtstinssics IMMIX
Ons }lvan, 10 line.) Ms Insertion.....--10 ante.
mehadditiong ineatton----.25 cents.
All trans Put estemtimmente to be paid la ethane.
E. WEAVER, Attorney at Law, Fourth
street. near the Mayor's Ofios, Pittsburgh, Pa. Col.
attended to promptly. mylithabst
IL august otrrusar, I ALLIS./.1.131 TAMIL.
(Late or Uuktotown, Pis) I (Lere of Indiana, P..)
iftLIPHANT & TAYLOR., Attorneys at
ILF.teor—Otilse on Fourth street...N. FM, betworn Wool
and Staltheitlearreeir. Pittsburgh, Pa.
_New Y D. - Oligh.t is Commissioner (Or the Stat eaplb of
ork.. •
! , ~
arW. F. WHITE, Attorney nt
ee Law—Lof
.: Z on Omit street, Fourth, in Arthur? bald
. Pittabarah.l . , mcbSay
JHARRISON SEWELL, Attorney at Law,
A Ohio Etats Cnroathasloner for Ist InF, ; ;
morledzemeab. of te. Oa,.-
Bmlthll.ld. en 4 :414 wer
A• EV, . ttor
• sters at Law tail Rata Estes Ntre.t , , Ho. r bi tth
t Plattraut.
JAMES J. KOHN; Attorney at Law, office,
• -
TABLES F. KERR, Attorney . at Law—Office
St w dth et, between Smithfield end Oreat. Pltiabarsh.
C. FLAIsTEGIN, Attorney at Law,
Nano Pontitt street. Pittebergh. •
s'roirtivrigigTittorney. of :Law,
Nat '' "? .l l!.- Purt igniVr ti )st:y; bu i r aa Ersyd..r. Eng.; am
my amis. ; Wm. E. Jam Fl.fa i t . . -
DWARD. P. JONES, Attorney at Law:
=lee an Yourth street, between Wool and Bealth-
TASPEK, E. BRADY, Attorney at Law,
op. No. 89 7ittl ram. P.
.I: , .
Jar IL WILLIAMS & CO., Bankers
. sad le.r.e.husg4 Prokers, North - East comer of Weed
std vis, Vitioburgh.
D. KING, Bankeland Exchange_Broker,
• Youth street. Dealer In Bank Note. Bill. of Ex-
Gold and SIINer. Mucks bought •=ni
Th. blgbut insitxt. mine pal in premium to 11.15101{012
Half DWan, and Mexican and Pininiatt Dollar., In par
linodn nal
trEIUM. LARIMER, JR., Banker and Broker,
♦ v Wrtrost, ti 0.136. iv:Wales the But of Pltaburgh.
&MIMES AL CO, Exchange Brokers,
• south East CA,A.,I rAim nuitAt.tAxt. Au
a mart liberal rates.
bli, ROLILES & SON, Dealers in Foreign
• and Domedle illlliof Ex.tan Cootllleates of N-
T tetaroo,Pltts
rg.32‘.'tk M n il ' in i ti B o72l " ; ', :s V il j Um v thdp4 dila
RAKER. RAM% Bankers and Ex
h BrokerTo Dealers In Foreign nod Domed.le
ha ange
l:: Cortlftratro of Deposits, Bank
OOPos, rorner of Third and Wood streets, directly opposite
the Bt. Charley Dotal.
4 - ..meßoTtoms & co., Banking Rome,
N. la Wncil Axed, Pittaburch.. Current Maw ro
liollectlams made en all tha Drlactpal
I 1
I 111•41 . ' •3`. ommu WAD
sion .. .
, I sad 1111113rokart,No. 1.14 &mod street- Perwmal and
111•11221• X 1,1102- Z. MUT.
MER, HANNA St' CO., Sttooessoro to
, Hanna lc Co., Dams; EsCame BMW.
dealers Yore= =I Domestic Exchanse,ldferaUs
of Permit, Bent Now, and Specie—rtorth Wed corner of
Weed - and Third exteta Current Money received on DO
POW. • ROA Checks for sale; and collections made an neat.
ty ell the wind* points of U. Crated Make.
ale 515501 Fmk= rift for Fcurign and datarksa
Adisitticrosd . e en eoualgozwmts of Proluseoghipped ust.
Da liberal terms
pnenm. TAYLOR, Commissioner and Bill
Broker, 112 Second street. Bit allention s2ll
to all business entrusted to big we. Pittsburgh
nnondattored haul or preenrei at abort
notke. • Nortea,Boods.lefo de, negotiated on &Tor
e& brim Nddeanees mole. require& 0e22
V 7 ,4 . R:1:410:4:1:1F.CM1LV4 - 1/16 , 11:4:r.)
it 9- STOCKTON, late Johnston & Stock
.- no. T hi r d ta,
P Printer. sad Mader, =-
of Usekat seu street& ittsburgh.
jAS. II! HOLMES' Cheap Literary Depot,
Third .that., modes The Post DMw. N.. &obi no.
•M yetail by minas. Eubtelintior o VlVAs u g e l
a=er ?AMU
- -
i tt *, 7emmwmt . a m
1:t1:4:4:4:1F:110140.14:0110{0.1: 4 : 1 }
RAVID BONN, Je., Wholesale and Retail
Maar and Oonfeetionm 86 /math street, Plttaburgh.
ding Cakes, and Paw, Confectionary. always on hand.
AU mean numb:lor ettended
wrile A:4:11
• M'CLINTOCK, Manufacturer and Im
„s urrt.ff
Ed= Com. kbe., OWtt
a C rc l h o o th cue S N am s
Yo ß r T b r i s . t .
wftW. POrNDEXTER, ochnier of Water arid
s, Market greets. Pittsburgh. Corm= eau Fol.
oo nom,and to tau purchase and stile of Noun
Western Produce. Irorallails,o bts, gado fttanufecturW
ankles of Pittsburgh geoetallr.
Aloo—avntt for the sale of Herpes t Co m and r. MI.
eon's octet/Wed Iluture end nay Fmk.. at ,A0.44142:4
prints; and Jenkins Ai Co.', imparter packed Ts.. 'et,"
41 A. IsIcANULTY k CO—Trangporters,
m rh" b ` hpbr
tam Commission Morthanti,. Eio. Water street,
orch. I
M. n. , JOHNSTON, Forwarding and
Cammlidotk Meech/ht. Do. 112 Second Meet,
lER ZONES, Forwarding and Corn:
=m Iferebserts, Dealers Itt . Prattles and Mts.
Manufactured artltles, Qutal Bads, Dear 13systatt
lARDY, JIII)Dit di 65.:Tjaceenaors to At
: ,
dealer to Pi ctt. !
ttibutzU auile Co., Commbniaa
'axd Forwardlagyler.
b. Pa:
A. SIIACKLETT k CO—Wholesale
bale:minl and Dcrom 3)"
atle N 101
cratstreet, fittib ' mr l4
'n.a.nnann k nn- rrrnnrotan.--e.L...71105T co....vae.
;Ad.A. MASON CO., Wholesale and Retail
• nass In
h. Parre7 and EWA, Dry Gad& Mt Market
sod Mall Dry Goo& Merch,ats, owner of Fourth
streets, Dlttarargh.
ERSV, FLE,MING &CO., Coiimlssion
Butomat.—r... fha ado of Domedlo. Woolen, *o4
4.1c0i. som.d...ra to all kirds of Milan' Wolin.
No. 1.14 'Wood nerd. fourth door from Fah, PIN*
jrD. BUNT. Dentist, Corner of Fourth
and Decatur st , ...betveen Ilasket =WI Pwrrynnets.
W - ; NILSON, Watches, Jewelry, Silver
lffllta• Goo.lls, , torner of Marbrt and
'twee Clow
t..A. FAIINESTOCK & CO. Wholesale
, ard s
ts , .":•l":2Zll.7l "' t at " i - dl.llll
Ps. mela: .
OS: O. B. CBTOLL.I It. O. 1111 . 11011M.L. '
ITEYSER & McDOWELL, (Succeasors to
to Kerr t Keyeer,) Wholesale and Retell Deus and
Store, owner or Word atreet and Virgin alley.
Phyd.L"yresee. Ipllotts easefully commanded eight and
. • •
1 KIDD & CO., Wholesale Druggiets: Deal-
Itreig:Wortitil•=;.: l l s tr= ll V: u .
er Is, and Lung Syrup:l.lo. 60, corner ol Woon a
gamin strvots, ritueurgh. ore.n win be eerenely gen.
and forwarded witb dlanateh.
E. SELLERS, Wholesale Dealer in
T r 6b da 7,. •-•
amass low.
S N. WICKERSHAM, Wholesale Druggist
a vlosjer w il i ikeds wit =l=4.l,32pin:heats,
ARAUN REITER. Wholesale tad Retail
Virin*, menet or Liberty atal At chOr at s., Pittr
JSCROONMAKER &CO., Wholeaale Drug
gigs, No. 21 Wood R.
WM. W 11.50,1, JI
. a7 t F. IS:ILS on , ?ti i, W ., haesale Grocers and
• Pont Vo+der. No. 118 tecond, `1"13.'
I L. SIiEF., Wholesale Grocer, Commission
.ice",oder. in Paper andltaga, corner of
Pam Main c Pittsburgh.
Q AMUEL P. SIIRIVER, Wholesale Gra.
ProluereAtnd Ocanmlasion Merchants, and Deal.
be a Manufactured Articles, Nor. 130 and 132
mem 1,1 end and Snaltbarld. I.lnab.ruh.
T nic S. DLLWORTH & CO., Wholesale
uo c .",7=4fri7 - .'"‘" Aw
3 Wood et, Pittaborxh. \
Groner, and Comm:ILA. Sdezadauta, , N. 116 WM.
Meet. and 159 /Mat street, Pittsburgh.
VP HEY, MATTHEWS & CO., Whhlesala
rfi ra zeMs ° l27oV=V
JOHN WATT & CO., Wholesale Grocers,
Commission Blerolusote, and Dealers in Prolum and
tabidgh Manufseinres. DM Liberiy West, PM*
burgh, Ps.
B. CAN - FIELD, late of Warren, Ohio,
poswec?,& ,
, Merebrot a. aud , P iLbojc i c
Pearl Ash, sad Western Produce get=is. ' W r eler street,
between Budtbeeld and Woad, Pittsburgh.
I- S. inttlY. S.Y. 11.21312{....-.W. sramursit
bS. WATERMAN St SONS, Wholesale
Grocers, Canuncat and Paroardins Merchants.
en in all kinds of Produco sad Maims h tilanafactu•
red Articles, and Agents far the gale of Richmond sod
Lynotilsorgh Ilanatured Tobacco. No. SO sod ai Wain .
Meet. Pitraborigh.
to • tale Groom% Fortran:llor and Comoloacn tlarth
anon Dealers in Pittaborgh 3lnnufortuFrt lad Wooten,
Platoon, No. 30, earner of Front =not and Chnnatty lane.
kutx Dumf..
sAIAfI faltibitut3.4llB44Gro-
bNOLISH /t ENNETT, late English,
Gallagher • Co, ITholesala Urocess,Cciessal and
rwardlng Merchant, and Dealers In Prckhlos and Pt.,
burgh Mann Attune. No. 122 Second et and 121 First sl.„
between Weal fuld Rat:Meld.
I. I:Ie rt„ KE' . I;S I CI Wholesale
Cows. No. corner oflibegy and Iry In st ewdln
n..: Pitts
burgh, Pa. Imo, NIOL, Com. Yon., ac.. tD . o‘ood.ooLll
at hand.
aft. IeGII.I.WALT.. C. ..01.
'GILLS & ROE, Wholesale Grocers and
itt aaoorratint est Merchants.
C. 1V.7 Melly street.
LLOWERT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer,
iteetifting Distiller, dealer In Pridtun Pittsburgh
ofactand, and all kinds of Fonda° and Domenic
Wines and Lignsiss: t ; N u n. din I ca irr m tr street
Whiskey,reel. On band a
;Velo i Virl be sold low 'Cilr
OBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale
L linear. Connalsslots Merchant. deafen tu Pratte.
and Pittsburgh Manufseruset. N. :NA Liburtr stmt.
GYeeer, Produce For.arditty. sad Coo:mitelob Mgr
tr.l Dea lee ler Pitburell hanulacturet, No. M's
Area. moga
WM. BAGALEY & CO., Wholesale Gro
cers. No.. B wad 20 Wood street 'Pittsburgh.
IRTICK c S, successors to
+ll, a. J. D. Wick, Wholotate Groeend Fornardtur
and Corandsek. Merchants, dealers to Iron. :taint (Casa,
Cotton Yarns, soul Pittsburgh blanotactures annerally,
corner of Wood and Water storatn Pittsburgh.
d A Oman sad Oommbelap Mesa.% Dealers lie Pia
.t uer si k ad it Sa i s .11.rtsetunid A rt icles, 196 Liberty
LILLWIE&MS & ' CO., Wholesile Ojai
• Entail Family Grum, Yovenllng and Oonutdmion
ta. and Dealers In Country Producer and Plttatoritt
Idanttfacturea, manses of Waal and MP mtg.. tittabuigh.
lon. nomtram....-moa turn -LIM I,ormatarde
No. 255
Ithotrty street. , rittebuntb. latoleaale Grocoaf Pr..
nio and Completion Mewl:mats. and &Mos In Pittatordb
Ilanufretnres. ,
)0.111 /MM. ROM
4- & K. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Com
. taliPiOn Plertbants, and Dealer. to Preaturs—Honed
web BnlkUnge, fronting on Llleett7. Rood, sral
street., DitratrasT,ta Pa.
juirrirtifirk - a5TWE;l7.if:a .
Dealers In Pralthae Forahm:Wi
r4=t-,'"flttaah ~rldder — lto. 6.
Ll4C'"""uc.'"6 " Mli.'7"
Vs WI (4.141 vi:y cipir,E4 41
TORN IL MELLOR,DeaIer in Piano Fortes,
ttwic, and Edrutkal Instramelpts. School Dock, .ad
. Sole agrut as Cblckainer Pilaw Yon., for
N I C - 4='craurylrzallr—No. la Wool rt.
"IjENItY KL.EBER, Dealer in 31wrie,
Ideal lartresnenta oxid,tropartor of Itai= flolooo.
irlaT4 St c P2V,L7,I!' ravDuntri
Malmo •
J. “1[141121.....—nArta arse— --en.. semen,
'erne. niannfasture and keep conetantlr on hand .11
lof Tank; Brads, mil Bparabler. Irintsbing. Clout., and
lob NMI; fine Blued Flour Barrel and Lathing NallU
Copper . Bane and Tarim. Barrel Bella Copper and , Zlete
Mice Pattern !lakes? Points: Elesta, assorted alLel,
dc, dc., dr. CAMPBELL, CIIEBB it CO.,
aplfer Warrhosese. 19 Mater et, Pittsburgh.
ENNED 7 Y, CHILLS CO., Malaufzictu
=. rttlrtit
TONES cittlifiii;i:±l;ii=rso7gp73g
and Dilator nee]. Plough Mimi. Wei Plough Wings.
and Eltptlo llammared Iron Azieg and
doom. ia
Omen Trimmings generally. comer of Was and Front sta.
Berry & tilansen of Soda A&I“Bloseh-
71 P 63 o'n Wnter os.
talcmsad Balphmie Adds. Iff cumbaue.
woo 4 11111—Impartar wad Deakr in lima
arca Leaericaa 'Papa Ilaaginas and Barden, Waaia•
!glades. tin Baud Pen% Priattag.
sad Wmpitig Paper, 66 65 15'ac,1 Most, Wawa Fourth
aad Diamosid allay. Pitubnagh, Pa.
ROBERT MORRIS, Tea [ and Wino Mar
WIC A. M'CLURG & CO., Grocers and
To* Deigns, 2L6 I.lbtrty ntret Om , * Wrert
here always ern band Wire aseertneent of Choice Omer,
tee mid Pine Teas. Aleo—Yarrian the
and Nutt, Wilder
We .4 retail. Derlere napplied en the loweet term.
ti• 9' A. . I i' , Agent or the 07% e
Eris sad Mehl • Ltos. to Beaver sad the labs,—
LkLEECH & CO., Transportern by Canal
and Forwarding Merchants. corner of Penn street
V4:PV4rVii 3 AI:IO:I I
AA. BROWN would moetrespectfully inform
te.pubmthatbe taav outland stbl+staa®the west
ct the Diamond, AllrOenr city, a complete seenrunent
of Irv:Mien blind,. eleti Vona. Motu. are made to mks
In the beet .41.. warceatid equal to any in the United
Stabs. We Minds csn be removed without the aid of
Ins. driver. =ll,rehased the elcickitmie, and sad
of th e eadnet tof Hamner • McClelland, 3 ma
tn Acrobat their oLd mama.; we well gee th e pub
lb a m t ~Lrse witheren• thing In their tins
Amdio. • Wood idreet. Plttabnrrh•
J. A . mown.
E Per
_ AR HANG= fr.
Ilesnam-L•lledde.e, corner of Ilan( Meet asA E. 4
014 Allegheny.
• ••• • •
ADAM EIARDIE, Veteri Rargeen. late
train firintiorria, w6 _. °l4 r ". r .g th l i n i rt;
a rty .„ te the public that hp hap ltrt. t .v to
=tram= VZ, L'1:01:Tsro gi u e
fr ' slLafaction.
afiooorilili with Jar,• ll ' atrlio, florae Ebotlng and
Slaeltsotlthing in ,4P1,11 trill ota at corn"
of Tonna! rtrrot and l'enrtnlyanfa A aeon!,
-.EALLIta and
Co:1:mM. Merrhonte for life le of Morrie.
or, Uoods, No. IX , Liberty 111.. PI tuiburp,
A W. lIARBAUG IL Waal Merchants,
Deolon I Flour awl }Warw.,oar/m . oy, we For
ording toad Comottadoo Men:boots, No. ILI i'lrat tOO f.
lad Ile &mod Mort. Pitlrbotith •
111CLLE JOIINSON, Engraver on Wood,
Philo flan (third Amy.) Plileburch. Po.—' of
u Machinery. limn or Ne..i.rerS. Frontieploom
Landscapes, Dnn tededy iu colon, to. fo Dionlons. SO.
itictintanddcanciationc.Cottun ( ( town.. &coin nit , trin sty la
or art, and at the lament teke..
le Establiahment, TWA street. mane ibePod
me,./ittOurall. Maps, Laurin-nee. Portraits, au. nth , .
Fatheads, IttadLs, bets. ettehnsetural and 3laddna
Drawings, Madams and Vistutm Card., tc..
_trimmed or
'drama en Mona. seal Winter! lu renal, (MAL o r
Sibis Wmtack. la a` Ms most approval idlia =id m.G.a.
()GAN, WTCB6II& CO., Importers and
Whol•sal• Dealers In Ilardwykre . Cutlery, No. I.
I i:f A 3 A ittl
frers of VLINT.and GREEN GLOM, MOULDS. and •Il
i lr uda of Ai ACIIINEXT, take thla method of lulu - mug
mom , geairoum of booing much work done, that they are
prepared to do It at the I.rat ponallge rams, at th e abort
n the beat mattner , at their establiahmenh
;3=l l 7o ' ;:et d , above the Canal Bridr Medan Work,
Tee* home fur Black Smith and N a stMxt Furnace, manu
factured at the shortest notice, and at the lowest prima—
All E
kin& of
obbing done on Short notice.
Gas Bitting.
- S" t Front Farrel, between Wood and
i... , It odi t tlt:ltPtt b ;2, 1 1 1 ;%,,r
c "rm... oe
Chandelle, Penans, Brackets.
1 ...; : ) * The, are n ' re ' it . a j M
' el . to execu.
' . Gas Fitting . the ahortbet tio
tire and man reasonable tam. (mch7itf
Wegner, Bueehner & Mueller's
THE ABOVE FIRM respectfully announce
u. their Dimple and the public generally that they
ars prepd to execute, in the ilret style Checks, art, all
orders for' Dhow Canis, DIU., Diplomas, k TOW..
Theirfessloual Cool!, Slapa, Charts. Lbel.. 80.
establishment is at No. 66 Niarket street. Isstweatt
Third and.Wourth streets, up stall+. rachat
Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp'y.
GLOVER, BIER est CO., Peoreirrote.
/FILE SUBSCRIBERS, having been at,
potowaconstantly Agent,. for the above named comer. will
on and Famil of the celebrated
Eire p
Briek.crucible b Fire Clay.lnrna y ce Hearths and Inwalls.
They are a/m prepared to receive orders fur raid Brick. to
be made to size ...ape to snit pmehasera which shall
,teht it necessary to enumerate the many mot .
the 130111•1 . El. Brick possess tree all others -hat
have been offered Paraale in the United States. their supe
riority being well known to almost DJ! persons •ho use
Vire Brick. The proprietor" have determined that the
Brick shall lose none of their present enviable reputation,
and that no expense shall be epared Co make them seen
better than they bare heretofore been. This is the only now manufacturing
K Flgllrick j nitarar.
meta Cartel Be., Seventh at-. Plttsburxh.
Pittabnrgh Gae Pipe and Tnbe Works.
TILE undersignedhave just completed their
1, :tend.
mid are now manufacturlom .11 dm. of tIAS CIPIL Lo
comotive .ml other Ilcuo. and all slue of
which they offer tbr sale at the lowest talon.. Th ey ar:
7. prepared cit... olden. to 1 , ./p A nk.t e lia o
N0."91 and 92 Water meet,
Adam. Citz Flouring
N!CHOLAS VIVIAN, Civil Engineer.
Drsughtexclen,..and Prectleal Mining Agent.
ed" of The the Pate.t OlTlta t Aegyne or Ilarla
hely for Minos, Water Wort". Waits. 11 ., t.
fotnsdPb.Portxt 10 A. It. and 6 P.. 11.. at hie reeidroce. No. - 21
Carbon etroet. Pittsbarrh. pml4,llre
PA. MADEIRA, Agent fur Deltmare !du-
Bart,' lovuesam 4 W.t.r
JG ARDLNER COFFIN, Agentfor Frunklin
Fire Insumnre Ca1331M.7. W. 4.1
TM. GLENN, Boos BINDER. Wood street,
,T socond door from the corner of Third where he is
PrePsnel to doer.l7 description of Binding with neatness
anJ Arability. Blank W.A. ruled to any patlens, and
bound, substantially. Books In numbers, or old brake
bound carefully, or repaired. Names put on In pit letters.
Thom win, have binding are ID•ll.c..1I0 call. Prime low.
Ikl 'CORD tt CO., Wholesale and Retail
Msuularturers, an Dealers In Hata, Cain , and Fu
°eke rs,
metie a
full and compl r of Wood ami
ete et took of la treeta.Plttsbuya ayq lt. Where tiler
tura ke., f
81 . <17 quality and style, by Wholesale e,
and Retail, mud too
vibe the altentkm of thelt et. ..uses and ;morel:ware act:t
elly, emoting them that th, 'gill *PII on the sum utmn
talccous term.
W3l. DIOBY, Merchant Tailor, Draper,
v and Dank, in Raul) . Made Clothing, lr Lihniy
New Coach Factory—Allegheny.
qapax, M i . A. WHITE d- CO. would rc-
streets. They are now malthisir and are prepared to 1tC.1.0.
orders 6r .eery de...4.4.21000f vehicles, Coaches, Chariot,
ilarouches, Phrtme. Se, Le- , winch. from their
long expo
in the manufacture of the
and the facilittu they have, they fowl nonfideat they are
enabled to do work on the oxen reasonable term. alth
time wanting articles to their line
Paying particular attentbut to the ' , election of material*,
and Laving none but compreent workmen, they hare no
hesitation in warranting then-wort 'te • therefore oak the
attnotion of the public to this matter .
it. B. Repairing .14 - n. In the lest mans., and on the
mat resemble tenths
ROLE MARBLE WORKS, (establiahed
by EDMUND t% RAINS. 1s 14 Ft_
of Wood' atroet. l'lttabor_dt. bloonmentr, Bartel
Vaults, To:ohm. EleadAtones. ae.: Mantel Mora Centre and
Her Topa always on band, and mate to order.
N. D. A. eboia eeleetkna of Drsnlap on band. 4.10
of Tbl
nol Institution of lb . kPi
ill klarket ng ady C h a o
locotsr.—John YloWog, Prlnd k
poM The
metos In the
. ........
11.. E. Chamberlin. PT:trekker - kr Przukuankblik !temp We
Ales. X. Wale.. Ealk Leeturer Come:metal Law.
Thole dielziek O.
meapletAt kkkelekko of Lk , ek Keektkk.
to et et branch of Dnelnemalen ea el,
gan g l te7 Pt elk per hip. are Invited to call ukt,
umik menu..
Leetkk, Un ' mmerrtes Law every Meader .v 4o
Memo torn, of the resklevt dtl toerehantk. Ids=
WILKINS, No. 245 Liberty et.,
brad of Nord are.. Pittsburgh, N.
Matinanints, Barth] Vaults.Tunatortons.
11., Mantle hone. Umbra and Pim Top.
atoms on hand nod nude to orator of the
etudes. Marbles, mar at very orator
Ll ea.. A sada selection rif Dranoinut en
Imported f; s „
from Italy,
• • . •
Won. Oat Mar Denny yltit;lit , rutri l yao.
H0n..= . 741•1ne
Wm./tot !YE, gem: E1 4 1 . .,-•rotitem
John Snyder, Iso, Cam - Souk Brokers.
PittergeWk. a:mum * Bah= do.
J. 11. amen r, Mil Curry. do.
Wilma M rat. Iloon Urgent, do.
Robert Ilegolitht.. gm. W. Harlan t Co. •
Joe. McKnight, god. BrintorD. T. Morgan • Co.
Joshua Rhodes • Co Trolgre
L. Lathrop, Eat., Alleghmy.
Y. W. MIA mmetul for the eery liberal patronage ny
mind during lateen more in till. city, having had N.
brawl mid hortjobe entrusted to his cue up to the plowed
time and .11l endeavor to render mtiefartim hermfter.
Beimett's'Affortootromatio Depository,
I.—New Pithaloge—The:l3artien of Gethottrotoe:
sad the "Ceoastarr of ocutati.. tor t
factuter. Warwrooms 97 199 Tbad and.
. W. nispectfully inform hie Rinds mod
customers that be Nos now completed taniargort
and lineatatock of bodebold fornitylb bears wen it
Has city. aa no I. ddennined to uphold the itindity dtb
wollwedioned material.. bat workmunabip, and newest do,
ago; and foam the cahoot of his OfolarS and facility to
matoulacturing. ho la enabled to produce warranted fund.
tom at Obeli:nod price.
Ho bee adopted Pa prinetpl• of identifying the custom.
mot intahat with tits own. to quality and Prim and MeV.
nu , = , l %dot • oriety r =rr
man sa fnrmty d
cadly, tha t cr any put of m to
a, may be
funiabed *Pa hie dock, in maimartured dpremiy to
order. Ha therentre "dolts an I Th e this dean.
=; . .f
„ t , t4i ,,, tatillonmerit may b=l. followint
pan, of ht. Pact, whieb for richcird 01
2 14 . ..E14 finlib Puma be mallows.] in any of lb. adtern
Parlor, drawing: dining, ad hod-room chair, of every
variety, tionneting of rotiewthd, mahy and 1•11131:14
Xibabothen, Consegratolre and Easy Chai ogsn r, of every dew
erlptlon; Concha, both, Tetevetete and Divans of the latest
French and American pattern, nether, Vi'horetilon,ath
ladies' mks . Wniing Date of TIKAMIO Mode Wort Titbit,
au fancy Inlaid stands, mule stand, and holden, mashie
mahogany, rowthed and walnut mune and sof, ts.
entssinon dining Miner, a/I Meese( then... improved.
and thermally Mee.. kind made rani . Pembroke ball and
pier table, wardrobe, bedstead. and washstands of meth a
stoo to , te , !..ll reenply:
km =thus, kiwi racks, bat stimali, an sad d
0.10 dOOLN nib
an wits kw anthem paler meek, table and tea JwYsi
Mahogany, rosewood...llolAM pearl Tables. Se Af.
A large smartment of Common Furniture and Windsor
Elmira. Cabinet makers supplled wltn all milda In noir
Stessnboitts had Rotel,. furnished st the shortest notice
All ardent promptly athoodnd to
Attorney at Law, tio. 103 Third .t, corner of Chen,'
y, having Maas arrangements fur the purpose, will
procure bounty Lands for officers and
~yoldient, their
widows and children, and will attend to Any other bum.
mut notinectod with alo e, overnme Cour ts yaf Ito Depart
ments. the Pension . tbe et the City a
Washingtun. PC.M.itt
Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in Oil.
SI§IITLI ia now prepared to give
Instruction to • by puhils In the different branches
o dal,lahttal art. at Ms room; In thrum heath a
Atkinson'a .over bedliling, Find Arent, between Wood and
from Xasket stmt. Atom.. of Instrartk.. front :IN to afe.a.l
ISM to ahi Clurgee and otticr partleninte ran be
twet, by calling (afterntotd at the moats
}Lehr to Lit. Gaza= or Dr. Addl.*. •
rylllS - SUMMER RETREAT io now open
Par the gnomon:iodation of Mahon. Ttua besot, of
eiWetll7TOrbe k ;r:O3 o A o o h oegf ' A r tr:lllo t irecOtTgreve O r f
blooming Plant, and ithrobbern of lltecoolturt Mod.,
kept foe male on the prat/boa
Ins Ctn., Fruits, 11, kept to the Saloom to moat.
lltapinta taatefully put op at abort notice.
Vol neat sad cootibrtableatotmboat CHIEFTAIN. Inv.
tbelanding, betwe en Pitt greet and the Old Allegheny
bckbre. at the begun:dog of every boor—frgto g o'clock, A.
M., uta Ol 1 0 F. 11. One ext. tOP
Etruria,. visiting the , Prouty City are invitrd to Par •
vlsit W. perfect Eluwer tiarden.
I The Galli. tept ina Temperance principles, and eloped
pn Sunder. aplG:tf
W. Dixon's London Patent Lever Watches,
Superiar to any tram/tor ere r cif ern! in sbunga.
RICIIAItIISON, $1 Market street, is
&Mae /goat for tbe .hero named Lower {Turbos.
ins trnannter I. attached mearh Watch:
Ily anointment to the Admiralty, Wit. DIXON, Chro
str and Watch Shomfartnrer, 4t King benam, ore.
111od, London.
This rertlhes that the areotoputy log Watch, No. —, Is
warranted by me to be of my tra:gcture, and no Watch
Ver.thrtlmbyerte"rolgy!ns7al:ra. ico. acr:ompanini by
I guarantee pa n
nech ho. , k o gyLf . mg i g . .d.,
Ward. of th . ,
split"; k
ITP.N ."4"tr—
COLVIN, Coal hfirefuinta,
to of ii'alstraTtig ozG7llMolainitalgaloplkONßOot
Tom,. ovillo. noloofhwI•H
—a. IMMO.
11.; MUM
W. COMNINOIUM & CO, Manufacturers at Mrkixor
Lan, Na DS Market street, bd.114 That art iscoskt,
l' hartka
arl pa. itantiaripssl to al! Atoo—DOMara lrr
Mira OlamViala, MUM, dtarli •
141AYRES, GeWeralliMpOrt•
kt il
era mentltorturers, No. 74 North ogrth str= 4 ,
£YAmt at 111:t Wood 51554. elty.Loialon.
.080. R. Eichbanni. Civil Engineer.
WILL AII'END, in uny pnrt of {he
t mritz d raltruct=of
am,. tc., for canal or a nmired lltwater ttarlgaton, pr::
p a sre . ana ;r sTilications arLd estimates f nit of any of
lle will ILL 'all/ern' to tho.livlalno of land, and Jailor
out town plata, tuaklng.drawlno.of mraleL. Pahnit 01 ,
doe. draught+ a machinery, hr.
Mb, In flalrewellls Oust et., 1. , * the 'l'm.'
Hon, I . lltf burgh.
Beret . ..tow—Bon. A. W. L00m1.., Thoo.Latllw. ll •
Neville H. Craig, W m. Elebbamss, Ewa
Storage,Shipping& Commission Merchants,
VIIOLESALF, dealers in Groceries, Glass,
Salt. Plaster, ete"
• So. TO on Dook, mid 1M
a see Ftrret..Cl.selmod. Ohio.
CaPh 1211..a; . 011 Wr4.lßnment , .
Annetta for all Steal:cll.... and Itnnellers lo the Lake Su
perlr Lie
Re u fer I. n —Wm A. Ot.l. a , Cleveland.
SiirA a Wheeler. Wallah , .
T. SI. lion, Caehler. Nutahmr.h.
Alexander Bradley,
Na. 19 Wood etre.. 1, bdirern Firxt and Second es.
Al A NUFACTUItEIt •d every description
_LTI of coe/Ki.VG nr the tAr.l .n , ., I.
tern., boa melt to• 111 ryt•ter We l•-at
. . - , . ...
Abo—l'Al11.01! STllVlvi,moot: w bleb will be found
Jewell A heir
.celebrated foldittg door Perk , ' trtnrr , Fg.
Stmr, Ileatetore. Franklin knee. pleln and faecy Grate,
to which we Invite the •Ilentlon at budderw.-Tea Kettlrre
MA low Ware. W.nun Wave. /1, to all of which we metre
the talent/on of dealers Lerore pusyba.lbg tbewhere.
EO. E. ARNOLD & CO. have this day as
icii_t•tm•l with dem JOAN I). SCCI.Lti. The .tyle of
We firm will G.A. heiwtorore.
Pittehinwh. Mir let. 111:.j. • t.T2
(Formerly the F,xehange,)
Corner of Penn and St Clair Streets,
THIS nparioum, central, and moot conveni
ey located haring tamn f•an pl te
in clad. and thoroughly repsdnod .gad imimmed, t. nom
tip, f o r lb.
mimiamindatlim of the pul.lie.
hneriber. leen, :gat of
ot the riT. CLA lit
HOTEL, mepertfullr Inflirtne hie friends and the public
that he b. furnished It In the noel elegant and oniadart/e
Me sty employed competent sasletanto and attentive
and faithful mm. end that he will spar , * no exertion
to mai. It mitiel rr. to mar hou. In the hunt!,
The eel, known central Iteration of the lion.. and non.
renitence of Ile arrangemeuts. rendering It the ronettleeine
al...other to traveler* or permanent tmarderalmlureshen
to solicit and hope for It a illegal elute ..1 nattionag,'
e. w.III:NNErr.
Law Notice.
IIE appointincht. of WM. B. MOCLURE
luo Prow !.Sera Judo . th.loth JuTiehd flittitict cf
hsas dt.olved the tong onbAlotrng partner
.hip of Iteelh DU:I , S eC
IILUIIE. The unfininhed bar
stnenntll b. nttendmt to by Mr. NrCandle....
• .
))41,...41,1‘ AteCANDL./18.1.
W)1 )1ne1.12111.1.
)1y 0111e.e I. remanent In mT Dwelling Rowe,gg reran
"r"'" 't
M 1 A. LEECH invites the nttenm
.4, of bar friends no an onartina t,l i.prisnr
LNER Y. Int Tburalar nest. LAJ IrR . and
Chialreta'a HAT,. In earl, rarieti , Matt , I ..'aitia
and L'ltattl Yrench Fltmata and a bandana, ataantraant
Wide ilibbanta aott..nntlenea,ailk and 1.... Mantilla+. and
a grant to.r other good, in bar line.
s.—Three four 11041 Nlil/Iners wanted tiornatilatali.
AMI:EL K ROESEN keeps nou,lantlir on
hand a ay.! saanottacat of tern .4 Rath tabor.
Stramhait.. Oat lilltheu or Dram. ItoototT
1F00.1.1 110.11, churn.. Iny Molotov.. Lot WTI Chan,
W..h ILa N.. snit all tn., abuts af an. In I.ta
1 Tango., Nlafoutc Hall. Fifth Stir. t. httslotr‘h,
Steamboat Agency, and General Commis
sion, Receiving and Forwarding. •
ALI/WIN, PLUMEI".. & CO., have this
dar asaacts.ol with Um= Mr. Jnbtt Law tas, anGm,md oder
odr+l,l lo the ptaLli , Slmmlevd Ajp-tat.x.
Lortsvtu-r. April IS. MI. 142 Willtaxas . CO..
apnl2:ll y
PR. J. J. 31YERS--Surgeon find Ithynicion.
thltre and dweltiotk nurs, o< Iktritri 4 . 4 m,
llstrd .trort ozos door shoy. ErnithE,dd rt
. • • • ••
Liv 3lygry pertriatteutly I•gat.evi tg I•ttJt.urgh giv2
vita attend to the illative his rvvtriv give
pgrtivatiar atightii.a figg.4l:gi. cases. 1.4 the ..11iivave•tif
Tuition on the Piano. -
it. F. II iIiBORLIT would ni
ci rr an
n i t . '"" u 1 1 11= 7 , ttiri;". n .4 .7;
p.ll uk• [nun CEpti. tu.
b. , and In
Spse.r. llonsy Irv!.
OinarCh stme_. Fr..l.
Fresh Assortment of Spring Goods.
ITIIIO3IAS PALMER is daily receiving
trr.m the Lai.= Lille., at the uhl
. .
Ectueo; Third and 'aura .freets, Pala/Wyk
Las., isispamiona to his pray. eteet.,:of ttrosagnt bra .
PAPEIt 11.4.1VINGS that hare appeared in Oda mashes
Gar • haa
tile.n.rerhsl. The platen:l6 . u* entirely twr s the
n= " c". na g elll " ' :;.l '" u • praiL 4 lll ` :;„ ''
range. To this attrat tie. lot of mewls. of which • more
curate Judgment ead funned by eight than , 1 14 . , ribt 1 .on.
the attention uf merchants and Lome ih.eper• leretprel
fully invited.
Board of Underwriters:
IT n Meeting of the Board of Unrierwri
rr=eXiir unanimously On ,
fitoAnnf.-That from na
and after the publican., of tine no
nee, on lire Risk, nbethen ...foal or nr.othatn.l. 'hall In
entosideinn as taken by way Inoorwace Odle* in this Mi '.
until the-premium la ;mid In Caen.
By order. A. W. MARKS,
meb271.1 Seeretary of the
L IIAVE FITTED UP. (on the New York
eery enta-rior Wareroom, for the eal• of Cu.-
. CUrhan hiahzzala, anti every thio4 errerMintlM
the fashionable parlor; and have selevis in. lane.. end
most auperier assortment of Satin De Ulna, .ffroszdel , ,
Fnnselk and Gorman Damask De Lefts. Enzdel Damask.
Marco Chintzes, Turkey hod nude. Yruzges..lo.‘. of
kin ni.
widths.C Lase Curtains., Scared and plain Jln.lln. Dot
TAXI of different widths. of ,ttl different pattarce
and etyire, Door Mat, 'Window Mind* and Sbades.Cortalo
Darden , and Banda. Curtain line. Tassels and Teasel Loots.
Cord, Silk end Woretot. het Chin:Lass and trtniea. klar•
milks and Lancaster_ Countsrpanci oularel
Comforts.3-1/Aratare. Da d and Iledding.
All orders thankfully received and promptly the&
Kolb W.ll. .NOBLY., Third stnied.
patHAVE on hand a large assortment of
terns for curtains. NOBLE.
msib marl, opsesslte the Post oak..
j_ PAPKII.--350 maw 24 by 3a Printing Pen,
NO • 24 by • •
bOO • by 21, 24 by 32. 21 by 34, 2.s
by 11, VI by 422
400 • /Slue. Factory Beier
1 Ifingle Crown anew Paper.
4sa, Double .• • •
000 • ?tedious • " " •
3no Mnitura ind Single Crown Ron
Tb. underaltmed keeps constantly on band and for ands
or bano, for Raga, large and general assortment of
Roled em . C.p, Letter, ILardware, and Tea Papern Bonnet
133010. Jte., An
Alao—Feltlng of all alas, for paper manufactures".
Printing Psper order on abort maim.
Waft t corner of Penn J.
slu l.. t Inr 4ll in ata.
(10A RSE.SPONGE-400 lbs. for sok by
myt , • D. A. SAIINEBTOC# & CO.
VRIMPED RIBBONS—Just recd per ex
premo—Z cartons of those very denrebk VrimPed
lame, lbs Trimming, embranlng all to different widths
and colors. Tbe attention. of abuletala euetomen Is re
apectfully Invited to Om above extensive ansortunsat ,
m)g A. A. MASON t CO._
CASSIA— 00 lbs. for nolo by
eng 11. A. FAUN ESTOCK .1 CO.
TiRTAR EMBIIC---50 lbs. for Sale by
if iuln bY y 9.1 11. A. VAIINESTOCR • Co.
R OLL BUTTER-3 WAIL (frenh) in clothe,
Jost tre'd and for,nale by R. DALZELT. k
I.lbnly otrret
HERRING-1116 - bble, No. I (to arrive) for
a a, by 0113, A. CITLIMILTN)N t 1 . 0.
TOBACCO-37 keg, , 6 twist (superior) o,r
PI! be to 113 . A. CULOERTFON tW.
atzotly b.nd and to mal. by
ZERM A N 01,A boxes for aale by
myl2 k. OALZELT, A CO., LalwriT
g ~ I.IEESE-20 his. W. It. Cream, for sale by
myl2 A. A W. 11/11111AC(111.
liltY HIDES--200 (prime) for sole by
Jur myl2 B. W. 11.11111Alldll.
p - OWDER SLIP. ELIII-200 be. just reed
and kr sale by J. ICI OD a CO..
ARI.) OIL-40 Borrolm No. I 1;m1 Oil
LAeil Ibis &ay per 8.11. North i..r 'AI, 1,
apls 5. . W. 1,0,1,111
Mame t Co., have rrralved a v•aV
tier Mark and Fancy Silks.
s . ORN--500 bu. fur sale bj
I_l :a Y 6 J. S. C.P
gIOBACCO-4 Idls. Ohio Leaf. for sale by
' my.
4 J. S. Co
CORN -5 bble. for s ale by
non RI and 115 Itbut pt.
1011 N—Pot /ode by J D. WILLIAMS d CO.,
bdya 41_ born, Wood and Filth eta.
WIRE BRICK-65,000 (Coal Grove) Fire
Mirk, , peal Of sot superior to the Bolivar DrIcIO
on bead sad for tale
TI HIED FRUIT--400 bu. Peaches;
my 7 " ilegagto.'
MUTTON 11AM...4-201.10 .y. n e i. , 4 t4 i p , a t l; by
my 7
IWO bu.
beer Cbext
Ulf, dna. Corn Drama
d ltbia. Maori Nob,on roalriament, for
ale la* to chow, by J. It. WILLIAMS a CO.
comer Waal and Fifth sta.
A. Maou Co. bare on band • complete! Moot of
TWINE and Cambria.
COTTON_-5G boles now landing from litmr
V Port Pitt. r We by I.`AL II DICK EY &
Wstet sod Front st.
SALT PETRE-80 eou:lce for otlo by
VERMILLION-75 lbe Cbincee, for eale 69
Name of Date oil Sort 01 000 be. I Destination.
Steamers Departlel Departure lioninglol
Merlin ...... . May tiN.wYorkl lL 0. British:lller it St Thoto
Florida Mai 10 New Yprk State. Penniman
Lafavutte... Mar 10 Philadel'a V. State. Liverpool
heilV 01.0 10 New York U. States -tempo!
?inilittiCalit y rE .t. 07 Perk
Statet. gtalres
troplrellit, May 13 New York U. States Chain..
li Jonathan May 13 (1.. York U. Stat. eitagrew
Manua .... May 14 Ninon O. Britain Liverpool
Cot ?lees w May 14 l'hiladella o.llrloalo Liverpool
Unit it Mar IP ...iyo lurk 0. Raw N. Orleans
Southern., May 12 N.* York U. States Charleston
Hermann... May 13 New York' U. Stater limn k South.
lretr' ....
. ;litT or g I lZ ' a ' RVlC l 4 . . B get:s ' 11: "1. 1
Cambrl..... May 1M 1110:ton 0. Britain Liverpool
rranklin.... May 31 New Yorkto. States Marx 41 Sthm
All lettere SE.
latel end Pentland, are sent br tb
GI what line.
Letters to the Continent of Eu
nowt be prepaid twenty one cent
those places requited to be pre*
Lettere to the Continent of Ett
ono to prepaid fee rent.. ido
Warr. neinired to be prepaid '
band for England, Ire
. o lint steamer, no matter
Ifope, by a te, ollins boa
LidAu mingle exempt for
Lid to NIL
pen the Cuovd
%1 1 1 , except to the
Ee.erit..—By Greensburg, Chamber . ..burg, Pbtladekphla7
New lurk, Eastern Centro and Northern porta or York,
Delaware, New Jersey. end Ow eta New Erodand Plates.—
The lirithh Prortnees of Lotter Canada, Nova &cilia, and
New lieutuwark. dolly. Arrives st 4 r. at.: Depart• at 1 r. Y.
Nauru Eatcrux.—Dy tilatnealla add lloindayabnic
lotloding the couoties 'of Bradford, Cambria, Centre, Clio.
tort, Jonlate, Lyeotolog, MOON McKean, Potter, Perry,
notta, Union, .od part of Weetroorelsna. rig Llreltoore,
Slrrarrellle, !•slow. Roads. New Alsaanthiaotod Indi
ana count,. Arritre dell), etrept. MOOdaya, al 3 a...; de
l/4r. duly at 13i, P.M.
Lux. -11 Butler. N., Memer. Crawford, and Jetkryna
onutittea, eaten, part oni,• York &Jul upper Canad.,dally.
Arrive at 9r. and departs at
• •
Sorra.. aza %V narrnsi.-I,ly Wsabingtoo. Pa, Oren!,
ayette, homurset. part of Waitmoreland count), Vintipi.
Maryland, Baltimore, iVashington tiouthernand est.
urn narta of Ohio and Indiana. Kennelly. Minot. Tenn..
au, Alabama, tibuinuri. Nara tiarri.
GaXlllO, Louisiana, hivrida, and Taaat, daily. Arvin*
at ar. at, and departs at 6 P. •
_ • ,
Saartnanue. 0.3.-11 r Ferenc. Ramon. Bali:weak,
'Marne, Parte N.,llidaTel Cur,. ca.Jenne., Hem , '
am. Carrell, Holum, and Tueearear. rountlee,Ohimdelly.
•I I I e. a.; daps:teat 7 e.
NOlin if terrne,—By Beaver In., end Cleveland. Ohl.—
Deaver Co.. Columblana, Trumbull, Puna.. Geauga.
fiebtabula,Stara.Warae, blnllua. aaboandinaunt,Lakr.
Illcblztd.lurslu, Rerun Unarm brie, reuelnar. Waal.
awl Luna Ohl, ' ILe extreme uotaitro On
of Ole Mem. of banana end lineal, faclunag all anthi
ll... lora, and 11 l.namiu, daily • Atli,. at.ll a. a.; 4.-
pane 516 Y.ll.
ktmsnlnt.-117 bbarrburp.llonston. i. •
Vivre at 7r. and daps.ria ' aa e .In
I'.r a nd Weslonl, Zetienopts Porters
Ilarl.l..bovi and N .
Thursday and baturdai at Br. K.; apart. dap..
Wedorsda). and 7
litargeon'r 1141, Ylrberslll., and .I.lsmi
oenninels CA;. Mn.,. Tomb,. Friday, as, 6 p..; d a .
part. Wednemlar. and Faturday. at a. te.
Urnosroars.—lly Buchanan, NU...Ws Ilun, Mcr.
Cco.l Lllsalsetlitown. Eartravar, I v. ,
non, Cootadown. Perrtotoollet UPP.
to. P. Arrive. dondays anal Thursday. at 8 - a. •.; dog,
per. Hoodnis ntni ThurAlarr, at V....
artoass. walker'. Noblestown, Candor,
Durell...l/. Crew , V 111..... Patterson's 11. Pa.—
Iletbadj, V. Armee hp.laya and 1 . 0 7 0,..., ,
111I2 h inin ' Z i iittVotierville. Moon. Loo-
Yrinkfort Spring., Palrviesr, V. Arrtres on
Weidar. at 6 r det.r. on Saturday, al 6....
rissurra.-11r Alum, North, Wastlnitm. and Apollo,
Pa. Aril.. on Vralisenlar., 616 P. tt., new-von Monday
al 6 I.
.'11 Terry. Aretrra OP h l daT. at 5
e. te depsrheoa eatuntar, at 6s.
rasatuy PerryrrlUe. Wedlar4, Brealtasek.
reee,et., Whltartuan. ge.,inelddlog Warred attd Vermeer°
Nn... Armes dally at and departs at tdd N.
T 1 malls ma s, d
be In the thhee erke hour
Padre their departurn teeters fur the trirereetly. eau,
; , , ,, 1t . 7a , ...1174 1 : .. . 1 [0 re a1 . 1a. must be In the deka half an hour
ovusciran um, - roa Tux mewbcvni Qum.. it
N. HOLMES ft SONS,. Bankers.
Nu. 67.11 ark. a. Istases !kind and Thera e. /1114darph.
PEN NSVIA /NIA. ißraia at Macsillon.-..... 'i
Bank of Put.burgh.....—peA,Brancb at Mts... as
Mamas* Bank of d0......par Branch M Xenia-.
I du
Iler. mei Mm , a 4.....--oaz Branch sliYonarinown-.. an
B.k of C01.1.1 , (0-..-....µ. Cay Bank- I.lnatovtl du
Bank of North Amerva--par ConmnendMilk„Closinnalldo
hank ufNottbM Libertl , apar Yrmakins Bank___-...-..._an
llartk of LataPate. Bank du
Yank or Penn TaansklP-.P. Ohio Life la& & trust 0.3.-du
Hank uf the 1., cued Mat. 12 Wutam, Itssarss Bank do
Ommosrclal Bank of Pa--par Bank of Massillon-- ..... -do
Itarmsrs' / Matbakdoeßk par Small otes-. .
Miran& Bank Mr, . kW r5ai.;7557
. . „.. • • .
an Bank._ ..... ..... par:All solvent Banks-----.- `.
Ilufae. A lamb Bank.....par NEW PUBIC.
klaotputtes t 11.2... pail:Near York City -...._.___ps t r
Vgadeg%aok...---Parl °"'"7 sltiTLAND. ' ' 4
Soothaark Bank-. ... r ltalltztor•
Tradesman. Bank papeonntry
Wartent hatalt--- par 38.1881111EY a DEL&W ABB..
Dank of Cbanalemsbursh.. 1I All solvent an ..... 3.;
'LW* of Chester nuontY-P. 71110130107
Bank of Danville , pat Bank attn. l'alley__
Bank of Int. Co.; titular-par B k of I leen* 81.. n ..ond
Bank of Gem:luta:en par s. [lank, Ns- Norfolk.- N
8.12012 orliolly•borgh ..... .. NIF•VDOone 8.A.( YUlthal• .la
Dank of Laerhdeen......... -remnants' e. Mech. Dank 'a
Bank of 511.1410 w. 3: -r emnants'
Weetenn Dant.-- t s •
blontumery Ca Itank.--par
~, L entateltea.—. . ~. ._ 1.,
p.m, .4!_,l• NOICTLI CAII'AL - B 8.4
Carlisle Bank X Bank of Cape 'Year- .fin.-0
Crslantbla Bk A DridatsCo.par Bk of 81. w' N. Caro - 2.
Loylastosn Dank.- . ...... par Cdannterclal Ilk, 1111 Wt. 2
r i
Brie Bank ---. I( P(.4.2111 CAItOL N.A.
graters' Bk of Bucks Ot-pari Bk *Mold- a(11 ' 11. 2
Bk of lettunirter.par.B•nlrothytith . I
armory' BankollteadingparlOank of C , li~n ••
art&llkofFentaylkillOo.par ri...t.e i Mae Wilk "1
ar.aDroy, Waynesburg.. X O I O I UIA
nil* 8k.% aalaington par Aura 1..4 Dan Oa
f r.;rjurialiilank-..........- §'Bk of BranstetelCiutpasta 2
'LIU - aster Bank- --par TENNI**BIL 22 -
'lnnraster County Be a k - k_.par All solvent hank ....,...- 3
Letnnon Bank. Pad hENTUCKY.
31.10ur0e Bank of Pauline 6; Bkof Kantuay, louts - villa 3,,
W e st Dank._ ..... per Bk of Lou/o,llle. Thurston I,
West branch Bank. I‘ , Nortnern Bk of Kentucky .
a a k naLttltk.Al tlitaihstmeps4ittouttarttl i ka t liatucky t.,
Belle( Notas--. ...... .. 3.11 k of Slate of Missonti...._X
Ohio State &ink ... __. ...... 3e Mate Bank and braze:m-6Q
Branch at Akron.- do Bank of Minot. 76
Branch at Ashen._ do WIPO)N8131.
Dram* at Brklsoport-.. Marina A Me Its. Co. eat 6
Branch at enthenthe-......d0 MICIIIGIAN,t
Branch at Claveland...._...dolFarosers• Mechandral Bank 3
Branch at Toledo do.aovertunant Malt Bank_:. 3
Branch at Dayton d o Dank-- 3
Branch at Delaware .do InsurandCompany---- 3
Brawn it Colutnbu a do Statallank.- I
Brandt at Aantah01a..........d0 ' CANADA.
Brawn at &slew do Bk ofß.N.Annetins,Torants4
Branch at klanstald do Bank of tn. Conde, Torontott
Bra:3o at Ripley.-- ...... _do:.llank of slontreal ... . . ....-. 6
Drat* o77otionatt.--.dolkank of D. Canada, Toronto
Branch alColuattess.... ..... .do. ' EASTERN EXCLIABOk.
Branch at Wathlogton...._doltin Nap YorkApretol •li
Breach at Cadia..-. ...-....d0 tha r&lladelphla do-- 3,
Breach at lAOrancT-...... -do 02 21411.11210 r• do
Bran ob ch at S
7 t B. eub V etvolla oBoo. -....d0l WESTBILN EXCIIANUE.
Breach .t
Bum* at Ness:ark__ . dol uirrille
Branch at St. Louts. - lt
Branch at (101.11Alit SrECLB NALL o
Branch at Donblcons.Spanish......lo3 0
Branch at T ro y do do Patriot...-. ..10,;•5
Branch at 11l Pleasant__do Lash. old._ 10,U3
Branch.* Zan:walla_ --do Ugh, now IVO
Branch at P lot* kredertekarora-.... .... . 7..)
Branch at Plot* do
Brunch at Portsznoutn-t-do Ontnet.-.- 5.e.
'llyalsch at Won.- a-do Soverelgra---..... ...... IBS
Drawn at avenna-. do Ton Guilder,- 4,00
Branch at Ch111it0tha..........d0 Napoleons.-- .......... . 3..50
Branch at Cu
-. do Ducats &IS
Brach at Toledo- .....
9 Lout -. i 1.
- L • E =cum.
.e 0
'United Staves n'a To - 0 ill ' Jib Jut Jan /Jul;
I Do. b's .... ... ..... ..:100 10:11100 inn Yob d Ann
1 Ponnsylvania 6'. ......... .... 100 lonlio 100 Ini. , nn &Jul,'
Ali.P4. Co. ' o ' l.. ......
.... -- ,1 1 : LI 2 .I:Lii?°Ttiv.:
1 W. coup. 6 . ..119011 PS , VS ; do
tt9 do
rittaborgb city I ' . tIOU do d k July
Do. map. 6 . 0. Pbll--'IOD 141 , do
Allteey 6
:4 , 31 :5 7
t 1:3 6 ,Int.Nly . N,..•
luxlc nom.
Dank of llttsturgb 50, 53 , Dly.MaTIPYct
Metehanta . Manuf Dank: 50' 63 do
kachulas Dank ' so, 011 k 6034' do
Allegheny buinge Dank . ., 11Y4 ,16.5
"'" xe .5 21 ... Jay )1 4 • I.
tltt 'WWI ..... 7r " ;3
Bunt St- 60, 48 , 44
Northern IJhortlca. ...... 50 32 30
Wllliamtkort DMus 23 lb
1,15111,1. C.,
&r ' f ' l 9 •—• 1
,Ily B1:!1'=-
AzsEtel:tell rtteruan'a Co, •
Pitrgh 1110.. 50' 49 46 'Dte.42r.3or rt.
Pittehttrgh, A Inuieville. 60 41 45 do
Lake krie 50 Ly, ,Div. 4 pre.eynn
Pittsburg .s, u , i ao 54
5241 ) 1Y.3an. 5 ir c
Monongahela Starkwaet.
60 52 j
Youghiogheny Slackwatt. 00 i 0 I •
Penn's. Central hall Road' 00; 441 G I
Ilhln h loon's. Bail Bad: 60: 40 30
Dalt.. Ohlo IWI Rocui. • I,o' I
Cleveland B 00
rion It. Way. Dry Dock:II/0, Ilk 10236 DIY. Dee 4 Fret
Payette !donut 60 30
ktle Canal Bonds. t01d)..... 104, 45 . 40
DN. do. (neo/...1 , /0: 46 40 .
Turtle CreoL Plank Road: 25. 24 22 !
Alleg. h Yertymille 1.4 Rd 2.5!
Dreennby.. Tornyite :
(711111M1 ,
Iltlehoral. • Ike , tnn ..... 130 122 .DIY. -18150, 110
!”.111......rtr0ge" .....
Norio 11,t
Irts,ll) :444.
k.un• ... ,
lltinburgh 1;0.4_ _.
U lo ot ti a z , o
n o
' bl, In
TAMES WILSON has removed his Hat
zt2p . rr e :.. No. 91 WOW street third door south
VO-PARTNERSHIP-11aving taken my
It.) C.
FAIWArd IL Miaow into pultnershlP to 0 .
Ilat ‘49 and Fur tot.lneet., et• will her acts do busirwas
under the mute of J. WILSON s SON, st 01 Wood .400
p. P.—James Wilson continues the Hat sod Cep Wow ,
No. 9 Fader .1.4 Allegheny City. lattly kept by M. It.
Wllmon. 9AdawtET
J. Wilson & Son.
WHOLESALE and retail manufactu-4
y • rm. nd dealers In Hats and Ca., No. 91
%mil stroeL a third door below Diamond Alley. Mu.
burgh—wbmn they olfer a full and complete MO, of 11n1
and um of their own and La' stern manufacture, of carry
quality and style, br wholesale and retail. said Melte the
attention of their custom.. soil the t.7.llllllimn
th . . p lit t r it :ll t i T se . 11 on the Most reason able tertn
New Barages,"Tiewass, Ms, Lawns , &e.
■ `URPHY L BURCIIFIELIhhave this day
q v.. Irmo Nom York.) nos and bSMl•o92OstOrs
L l i same . TesstlU4. Mock do, Fromh
0 nem sro invited-to eall Wore cooking amir
Gmds or. sr I:alma.. In rooms op stairs. =MI
BURLAPS -A superior article 40 inch, for
Ws by gay? MIIRPFT * LIE.
Daemon dettalcate—Advertlaraenta sad satanipticeue
tar 'PIA paper recelead •ad Ibrwartial [moo( expened, from
Orem. Prresauscut dearer. t
Friday May 36.
at. weather yesterday • veer inelement, haring
rained moot of the dam Mud.... wallow:tomtit'. arm 'err
doll. and but Ilttle tratmoired lu the tear'.of toler.
FLOUR—The market yonerday. areal:any Ming. rather
firmer, and the small bueinem done war at little better
Prima The salea on t h e ober:mom 192 bbl. al. at la 16,
and 40 do extra et SS 53433 2 ittbbl. Estes from atom In
small lent: at VI FL • de of 40 bble in 'non at IA 22.
Bale of • mall lot fine from atom at S 3 0.8 Ft bbl.
AYE FIA/CH—Sale of . 93 bbla from goo, ai 1180 yl bbl;
dale, from lint hands at 12 00 Ft bbl.
ORAlN—Wheat Ls In fair demand at the mill. .1 old mit
atc,97m, .eordinit to quality. A gale ofboo tot oata
from atom at ejl btu Rye Is Arm, and will readily mm
mend Weft ion tram tiist bands. Coen la worth 384.3.5 e
from the wharf.
GROCEiiICS.,Priers eontinue ern; with no ehante tram
last report ~,Wllll moderate tr.-muttons, we continue oar
quotations as followa—Sagar Stolarare 37it:47140 Sy
eouttnon arid 48(350 for auger boast, Coffee 1.0.9401050 ha
.mall lot , , Rice nod loaf sugar .galne for the better
BACON—hopplies have become light, and prim. am
mit, tom. gales 4000 ha Amnion at T. 00 days and
MAU Its, at 70 lbr shoulders and bhWlge for bums/deli low
selling at liK4s,;(e* h. 0) country core) meat sales ale
regular et .14 to 0(r below the above figures. Hales airgar
rum] buns at 104$103is* lb.
LARD—noun .ales from store at ellas.Sfin 0/.
BUTTER—The market Is dull, and priest, uumattled.—
we quote fresh roll and print at 12:ot ono. ,
qualities at lOaalutie, b.
CLIELSE..—Tbera Is • fair demand wilt Well of common
Rat lINWOISia V V.
TALLOW—Z:4IPa tl bbla. In two lot, at 7;0 K.
ROSlN—nem In mall lota at 63 76 M bbl.
SOAP—Sales of coma., bar wasp at Ca-k.
CANDLES—SaIes of mmmon dipped at. Fo. or mould at
10r. and of star candles at 4a'015.
FEATIIERS—Ede of GOOD. at Ucii
OlLt+—Lloseed is selling at Oct. No 1 Lard at &E.XOr.
amt No 2do at 60(3.83e gal.
WIIISKYV—SaIes II bble reetited at 21e gal.
WOM--Verr Ilttls Is doing, not moot of the ten clip
havlnz arrived. We quota the follow - finalist of ;nicer
• V lb
Full Stood
.. •
. d
I. at du
API Ing.—Saln 7 k. eosta mit at 33(0, and 2do at rNi" on
DRIED FRClT—Pupnllc. are moderate. with sales nom
atom at 45401 50 it ho for peaches. sod 7b m 600 for ap
ple,. We have no first land mica to report.
GREASE—BaIes at 73,i(at•e*St.
DRY DOODS—The following table show. the movement
In Dry I.oryla, at Near York, for the week ending May 2MI
Entered na. Wlthd'n Enka
Consumption I'm ware for wan—
Mu.faxturot of %Cm'. $E0.1.14 1ri3.415 511.027
do CCUOI3 47,341 8.439 11,133
do f , II IL 21i4.688 11.96 T
do Flax 22,:1.00 9.723 4.921
illsorlhmeocts =l4 8,464 WO
809.Er/0 tam,4o9
Enteral for canonmptlca
BALTIMORE—The vain. or merchandise created to
foreign pot,. donne the week Ealing on Tilllllll7 . Wt.
1276,31 S 92. The experts of
Bkmdstofb hare' been large—upwa,l% 12.000 bbl. PER
bare Men shipped to foreign. and =lO barrel. to oaart
CANAL TOLL--The amount of toils received on ,J 1 the
New fart State Canal, frvga the opening of the Canal , up
to the, dth lust, loelncve.a• follows
194th week in April
1 t -
2nJ Mar..
..... 8.0.4t77 93
1631-41.1 woel. In tont
lit 51st
WIIEAT CHOP—Tbe RalLimon . . slur—The
Neu. bas hewn very feenroble ono for the irriming
wheat My. In Ode Stake. and In every Quarter there ee
[where , . the promise of a fall arin-age yield. The farw•atd
exolLtori yueUoae the expectation. Lino, of an tarty tumult.
In St Mary'. county, for example, ere learn that Portion.
cf tfle rent, be mad, for cutting br the loth of Jtuu,
which la about the renal period of the first harvest move
ciente in North Carolina. •
COVIT.E—Tho wk. of the week. et ElLltinutto e Cate as
g0t 5 ..21.1f 431 1 .11'9Z3V 2
bortelsed bass Unties at 9.5ke. Yombisoro prt3coas of
tbo losse mgeoseato of Klo sold lost week, and me mos
dottloodlus and asosolonally reolttlog natal temtkootd
SHIT& StIEJOILIit:—The farmers, baying got lltrauell
with rota plantlag. are mw (early engaged In Washing
waterg the eheep; The semen ke pane farknable—,
wa dear eat the weather wean. The Inerease of the
&eke warted, be .k one Me rear, ee lbw col
wet weather use eevera upon sleep. and dealt en
vy in the
tavt: jog*.
c.Vaet ra
i ftl 3 l: r eti eenntr from
Ittara.—Tbore were 7 feat, U inebus In clamant., 1
Oar mart. last eaarutts. and falling
Mohican. Deist. Ikavor.
basset, Gorden. Beaver. •
Atlantic. Parkinson, Itrusreurellle.
J. McKee, Hendrick., Metiactron.
Redstone, Wocsisrazd. Rm•nreille.
Pilot No Crane busied ,
Dluanal, Vonorell, Whevling.
Isaac Newton, Hutchison. St Lout.
Editor, litsori. N. Orleans.
Illesaenager No Z. Fisher. Cincinnall.
Miebtiran. Dotes, assivea.
tiordan. Deaver.
Atlantic. l'arklason Brownssille.
J. Mates, Ilersiriciteon. 31e1Crerporf
71ses Mlnver, Palley. West Newton.
Redden., W.odnaad. Stmt nsaille.
Tuscarora. Slardock,
Drllliant.4race Ginn:matt.
Malta, Dean,. Zariesst.,
D Leeeb A Co's Pumas.. Packet fray.* daily at 8 /Mau
aP tra,
A hems Tur--The Ammer Editor. Cart Munn. Icit rt
Louie oo Thursday. the L'M loot, at i o'clock. P M: and. ar
rived at Pittsburgh on Thunday the thth st 10 o'eloo-tk. .o
M. having mole the run from port to Port, la elk huSe
and eighteen boor. Thie le most extraordinary hmoe—
hie Quickest we believe ever vet made. Wei would remark
that the Editor made no effort., • quick trip. barrio. ..Milo
her resintar wok businea beeidee being delayed. OBnitki
leOtrth a time at Louisville canal. and hallo, talk
lopeome hme .1 Cinelormtl. The' distance from port Li
Port. to toil..
WHEELING-ft. J. Nnams-12 k. PO bbls game
ware Chu/ t Muer 2As Pool Jlt 11ord: bials ea [4
oner; 7 aka vicel U leech it 11 001. apples msnene 13
blads tab 11 Graff f. C 16.0.7 bta baron I pat Baker
Forsyth; 627 bbl. gam:mare lamb 2 Thaw; 13 aka .be at
Wilmartb treble 1 ba wise 17 Bingham; 1 do It 11 11 :-
'Ltbbls tour Armstrong t Cromer;VM Dalsall
C 0166 do owner , 2 do Imam It Drum:1100 Ea tanner/ am/ es
ELLSVILLE—Pta Trfixtana-1 keel tonal to to w
owners Omni: 1 coal Eat 0 Blackburn: Flips Wean 1104
o b i; r ra 't s r t all h n= b
Manisa Curial, bbls Cour IC Allison: I tat Cu in •
C• 13,0 brick A clay
ST LOUIS—Pm Earroz—tai pigs 4 Icgo bar lead IV I
Clark; v bhdo I woo ./ Laughlin; c 2 bill hemp Irwin a Sal;
dry bid. It a :40 do IS OA !?them 4.
Ilarbaugh; 56 do Nhnlek a Co; 00 pkmlna A 1.1 , -
m; iv rico potaah J Uco
rier; Iha llar hams N% Ltd.
3 Paa Ileac Nerrox--N, bbla slno ore C G,
rcAnell 'veer J A Ilutebl,ol3; plge lend fiat eA.
Deur. 9 Mee 2VS beeweaa Canon A McKnight: gri b.s
eek. Della Llesatt: 1 bke musk II Klober: J be Lobe.
Llvlngatne A Dorval 2 Us fora I be melee D Leech Acr.12.1
cka Woe Clark a Thal,
Woodworth's Patent Planing Mack tine.
foowf: v, ‘f2l,
.11, the s oal
ubseriber in tom propel:110 seri the
.taw Machines to the State of Now York; and In 'WI
rants, In the own., of Ilradfonl. Crawford. CUPI on, Eik.
Lycoming, Insert.. Nlegeen. Mercer, Potter. 11 le, hue
quithanna. Timm. Way.. Warren. and 11 . yoming.
da ' y 'b o t ; fie=fielnai n ri, eitr l g e ,7.l:rt, t' h u .rit °o b. u r.
tendert by net CI COTIVVIV to the lailt dafof com
ber, 116 d, lin now do roe. ...Din. , 0001 . 7111
chine, at ona operation to thleknesaithd *woes'
"Wt.itt g r a b a i nig . I'o° best mq Ivor,
user for drew.. *are, nithingi thPini= dot ,
to., door, nth, and blind nu% and for nicking Mo.
All kind. of planing are performed by It in • better man
ner, and fourth/too ma expeously .04 cheaply. as !it no
be done by any other Machine.
The price of • complete Machine for' o.otag. won
a n d
end eo n W from gt.oo 0.11000, anAniktii 10 .4 1 and
quality. brow flee to ten bona power
lumberne It- Nine ,
train. hinelredths of ail the planed and t a our
largo eine, and town. le now droned with .Wood ntlie
Machines. which may be men in omen.t operation ip the
atoningwills at down Philadelphia, New In,
ViliiiinTroytideneburgh, Watertown. Boma lige qt ,t,
wine. tirriesa Palmy re. Albion, Inolipurt,
burgh. glades. Olthion. Illagbanipton„ Ithaca tin
exclusive +lngle right to nee mati ng o
ng pr.
Xrll.l are at unwed against mating or wind wino. oViat,
miti of the above month, op ' ity
JOHN 0113.S9N..PithIng 1101*,
ril7224swißmiB Atha.. N Y._
S.hirting Muslim and Irish Linens. -
URPl i lL' & th, ll ,, lT , ltp r ir b LELLht again
au lupp
vgzvavr,,a7 ':=Z-Z.Vg...,'ll7:ung all
Shoptlngo of aIl the dlflerrytt widths •thkh h e
offer in
tb.•bw `s
bwrt • , 676
AIR BALLS—A full assortment jr,st reed
and far ably by mylo . Y. 11. ebTOY.
corroN HOSIERY & GLOVES.—A full
aseortmul. of sll colors and queltelesof 11 . pdery, with
a ILIP seeortment of Lisle Thread. alt. end Cot
for sale whoiceale or nWI. by
• ai° Y. It EATON. Q. No Mb at
C HEESE -37 bozoe for Bala by. 71 0 IsAtenDICKE.T lr co.
11VIIITE FISH - 3S bblia. lirkrib6;
0710 • Water and hoar sta.
Woolen Goode!
6) CASES Green Mixed'jeans; •
,4 0
," •
" • Mack Brad Cloth: - •
1 " 0:412. Goods. .
Tbir Om_ Jimmie amidst reddlrsda
t ratg=ol.• td ,
rem cc co mmaeal. and_Tor rale low ask' Uri
14 1 / 1 2 • LB.r—
UJ II illiMill tit!?` IMVA vi w v DI
ram azw YOB&
lOoneepondezes of the Dall 7]
THE =HOD= macs yen.
Nsw Your, May 24, IE6I
The Methodist Church case pending In the 13.
S. Circuit Court for this district is necessarily
interesting to a - large portion of the population
of every State in the Union, since it involves the
legality of the separation of that numerous and
most respectable denomination of ehristians,
which took place in 1846. The parties in the
case are Bishop Bascom*, of Kentucky, and oth
ers on behalf of the “Methodist Church South,"
and George Lane, Nathan' Bangs, and others,
commissioners and agents for the "Methodist
Episcopal Church," now consisting, in fact, al
most entirely of northern societies. The imme
diate object of the - plaintiffs in bringing the snit,
is to compel a division of the funds and proper
ty comprehended within what is known as the
••Methodist Book Concern," rained at $700,000.
It is alleged that this fund was created, for the
most part, by voluntary contributions fromMeth
edicts in all parts of the Union, previous to the
eeparation, and that its principal purposes were
the support and relief of travelling, supernu
merary and euperanuated preachers, their wives,
widows, and children, by means of the profits to
be derived from the publication of such religion
books as were calculated to propagate the Meth.'
odist Faith.
From. the bill of complaint it appears that the
Methodist Church, previous to the separation, con
sisted of au intro membership of 1,10,000', com
posed of seven bishops, four thousand eight hun
dred and twenty eight trarelli'ng preachers, ant
one million one hundred and five thouand ; lay
communicants. Of this aggregate, the compliin
ants allege that four hundred and sizt,y five than
sand beloog to the Southern division, but tie
answer of the defendants questions the eorrici
nese of this estimate.
The array of counsel in this case is very im
posing. For the plaintiff appears Hon. Daniel
Webster, Hon. Beverdy Johnson, late 11. S. At
torney General, and D. D. Lord, one of the most
eminent counsellors of this part of the country,—
On the other side are Hon. Rufus Choate anise
sachnsette, Hon T. Ewing, George Wood of this
city—unquestionably at the bead of theNewlYork
Bar—and a number of other gentlemen Of less
distinction. The court room was crowded on ,
'Thursday last to hear the opening bf Mr. Client°
for the defence, but he was too ill to steed; and
the case was laid over to Monday neat, when it
will be proceeded with.
I have said that this case most excite a deep
interest in all parts, of the country. So it will, al
though no very elevated principle or important
practical result depends upon the event of the,
suit The only thing really in question. after
all, is property and money. This litigation has
grown out of a controversy upon slavery, which
agitated the Methodist Church for many years,
and at length produced imdiaraption. But that
contention has passed away. The methodists of
the United States have determined that this should
no longer he a came . of strife among brethren.
One party has gone to the right hand and the
other to thwieft, audit may be hoped that though
travelling in different paths, the two churches
will each -labor more effectually, us more 'har
moniously, than before for the diffusion of true
religion knowledge, and the promotion of God's
work upon earth. The Methodists and the Bap
tists have been the faithful and efficient pioneers
of Protestant Christianity on this continent.--
They are particularly numerous in those parts of
the country , least accessible to the religions min
istrations of other sects, and they form in every
State an influential and intelligent class of citi
tens. Therefore the progress of the cause in this
court will be observed with litidy curiosity'
throughout the . Union.
' A fundamental article of the discipline of the
Methodist church, and a put of its constitution,
is, that the merriest of the two enperior dunes of
its Clergilllllsl be itinerant, and that they must
not hold tines. In fact, hostility to slavery, as
a system, seems to have been an accepted can
non of the church ever since its institution, this e
quarters of a century ago, by John Wesley.—
This principle of doctrine and discipline seems
to have been acknowledged op to a very recent
period, bj the south as'evell as by the northern
societies in the connection, and by their breth
ren in Canada and Great Britain. The local
preachers antithe lay members in all slave hold
ing communities, were permitted to hold slaves,
because of the necessity of their situations, but
it Was nevertheless 411 established and accepted
maxim of Methodism, every triers that the "emir
of damp were by all lawful means to be mitigat
ed," that the evil should be extirpated fin act
The teachings et the church- were every where
against the system. This being the ease, it is
certainly surprising that the sect should, have
made such great progress in the southern States,
and that Methodists of the free and the slave
States should havelbsen enabled to get along is
comparative harmony as long as they did, in
their General Conferences and other meetings
of members from lioth sections. _But at length
the embers of discord began to glow, and the fires
of contention blaied Forth in one of these meet
' togs. It has been charged that the embers were
fanned by politicians. It R 49 said that Mr. Cal
houn.liitored, and not without =CCM, to excite
some 'of the. more distinguished and leading
southern divines mode for a separation. Mr.
Colquitte, a :esteem and ardent preacher in Geor
gia, Went to the Senate breathing war to the
knifer against ''northern aggressions," 'and since
his ritunt to private life, has been an "mum
promtsing" advocate for secession, nullification,
And What not I recollect being much amused
eritit'the sketch of, a scene in a conference held,
I think, in the Western part ofryour State, per
haps jn your city, in which a southern brother
bccaMe beside himself with excitement on some
unfavorable allusion to slavery, notwithstanding
he der;lared he had left the south on account of
his oWet opposition to it.
Affairs went oh until 1844 in a manner sadly
tolmpair tke beauty of the spectacle of Christian
petted and harmony, which the Methodists hod
faivneely presented. In the General Conference
of that year, at New York. a crisis was produced
by the facts becoming known to that body, that
Rt.. Bishop Andrew, of Georgia, and Bev. F.
A. Harding, of Baltimore, had voluntarily be
come owners of slaves.. The result is pretty
well known. I think Mr. Harding was suspended,
or dismissed the ministry, and the Bishop was
requested to desist from the exercise of episco•
pal duties, so long as the impediment of his hr.
ing a slaw holder should continua This rem
lotion wee paesad by a considerable majority,
ayes 110, noes 68, but by a nearly sectinual vote,
the only Southern delegate voting for it, indeed,
being one from Texas, who said be was about to
remove from that State. The next day, the
Southern members' of the Conference gave formal
notice to that body, that its action on Bithop
' Andrew's case, 47:14 its course with regard to
slavery generally, would lead to the withdrawal
of the Southern societies. They next presented
a long protest,. and a committee of the majority
"Is and w re ere pl d y, l m L Ay k be til draCern - tir ed *P t a h p e cn4 ,tru th e - d e iffi p cu r°te lty s !
The argument of each Bide in support of its view
of Bishop Andrew's' tithe, is very strong,. and
such as to lead the, unprejudiced reader to con
clude, that both parties.had erred froM the heat
and excitement engendered by the strife, but
that the action of 'neither In that case would
have produced 6460021 consequences, hid there
not been a more radical cause of contention. In ,
the Pitthdp's case, I think, the Southern members
were 1%017 and technically right, but in view of
its moral bearing, their. opponents bad a mani
feat advantage over them. The circumstance of
becoming the owner. of slaves,
see= to have been made subservient to a pur
pose of ebar.ging the policy of the Church' as to
the institution, cud of arraying its genCial in
is furor cf that to which, by geneud ad.
mission its doutrine , disciPlitle, and established
practice were decidedly "pout But it is not
neoaeearp to multiply - tiorde in sherwing . why
the separation wag becilight itherti. - 'lt tilt 11,
..1151-2/3 vl
1111.6.1 L 3
.. 111304 I/
. . 112.4.5 , 3 11
itable ; it was necessary; ates ttowas not accent
ponied with greater violenceut laingdageoi, feel
ing than is the usual companion of lanceetilnp
of such moment. • All 'duties in the connection
admitted the necessity, end resolution were al
most unanimously passed, providing a plan of
separation. .Her Southern 'members afterwards
met by themselves, and took measures for the
organization of the "Methodist Church South,"
which the next year went into complete opera.
tion, and has since so continued.
As I think the Southern Methodists-were
technically and legally right in resisting the
degradatien of Bishop Andrew, -though morally
wrong in attempting to force him upon the
Church ; on now' it appears to me that the Church
North is in equity and honor, bound to pay over
the money demanded by their Southern breth
rem though in my view, after looking - through
the pleadings, their legal right to retain-what
they have in their hands quite clear.—
The importance of the event to' th'e Southern
Church is greater than to the Noithern; because ,
if it be decided that the separation in 1844 was
illegal and invalid, through a non performance
of the conditions—which is the plea of the
Northern Church—then the Southern Church
will not only have forfeited its right to any part
of the funds in question, but will have lost all
legal title to its Church property within the.
Southern States; Dot while admitting that the
claim of the Southern Confetences in this case
appears founded in equity, I must take notice of
a fact which proves conclusively, that if the
funds had happened to be in their handi, they
would not have recognised such a claim on the
part of the North. Previous to 1828, the Meth
odists of Cediada bad been in 'connection with
the American Church. In that year they with
drew, and formed a connection with the Wesley- .
ens of Great Britain. For six or eight yams
afterwards, they prosecuted precisely such a
claim,ofor a division of funds and propertj, as is
now In litigation between the: Northern and -
Southern Methodists.. The Genera , Conference
made pn appropriation to. settle Vitale altl=l.
That was referred to the Annual Conferences for
rdiftcation. The vote in the free States in favor
of paying the claims was 540 to' 284,. majority
266 ;In the slave States the vote was, for paying
57, against paying 457. Showing a majority in
thißotith, of ten to' one, against what is now
considered strict justice and equity. ,
One -of the causes of discontent and irritation
in the United Methodist Church, imams to have
been, as in so many other organisations, the last
of office. The reply to the protest of the South
-ern members, on Bishop Andrew's 'dismissal,
states this fact:
"From the first institution of the Episcopacy
of the Methodist Episcopal Church, no slave
holder has been elected to that dignity,. though,
in several instances, candidates othernise emi
nently fitted for the station, have failed of suc
cess, solely on account of this impediment.—
Since the period referred to, nine Bishops bane
been elected, who weir natives of the United
Btatea Of Oise, only three have been northern
men, while six were natives of elaveholdlng
states. Not, one, however, woo a alareholder ;
a remarkable fact, which shows very clearly,
that *He much more than their 'just claim bas
been conceded to the elaseholding portion of the
the church, a decided - said uniform repugnance
has, frog[ the first, been felt and manifested to
the occupancy of that high office by a ehmehold
Now, as the whole number of conimunkants
at the South, is only set at 460,000, and saabout .
150,000 of these are slaves, it will be seen that .
the Southern division of the Church had but one- .
third of the constituency, while It had two.;
thirds of .the desirable offices. As the scene of,
service for more than half the bishops was in the.
free States, it needs. ne labored exposition to',.
show that the Presence there of slave holding .
church dignitaries, in derogation of the bletho-"
dist faith, must have been to the last degree on,
acceptable. And to iadtc.sta the resentment
which this manifestation of right and proper,
feeling in the North kindled in the breasts of:
Southern Methodists, it is sufficient to quoit the
following from the protest: is known_to the,
majority, that any bishop of the cherch, either
violating or submitting to-thesiolation of the;
comprcnnise Charter between the-Ninth:4mi the,
South, without proper and public,remmustrance,
cannot be acceptable to the South, and nerd not:
appear Ilya," This was a fair notice to North-,
env : preachers to quit the South even while the
Union continued. Since the separation; there
has been peace and good will between . the
churches, each laboring sealonsly and moms=
fully within its own territory, and ministeringte
the spiritual wants of its people, without refer
ence :to political or sectional contests. the
amount of money in this snit is too paltry to be
named in connection with the agitation, which
so far as that denomination is concerned, hie
been settled by an eperettion, as the larva*
could say, by excision or amputation. I think
it into be regretted thatit wars not paid on the
demand of the Southern church, at least SO much
of it as could be ascertained to have been con:
tributed from the South.
If you think the subject of sufficient interest
to your readers, I will keep you advised of the
progress of the case.
Ever Truly Tours,
[Correspoodento of the Datly - Plttelorgla G nett.]
Nsw Yoax, May 24th, ISM
Five . . revenue cutters, armed with 60 pound
guns, have lately been completed .in this city,
and are now receiving their outfit at Wm. Ii
Webb's ship yard, oti the East River. The cut : 7
ters are intended for the use of the Republic of.
Mexico, and are the prettiest vessels of their
class I have ever seen. They '•will be delivered
complete on thi 10th of June.
A meeting of a number of our leading titer.,
chants and' ship owners was held on , Satuidai
last, to take meaitires for removing tie celebra
ted Hell Gate Rocks, in the East River channel.
A French engineer is in the city; and will under-,
take, for quite a moderate sum, I understand, to
blast the el:as out thirty feet below low water
mail. Viere being no likelihood of the 'Govern- ,
meat doi* the work, the merchants have re.:
solved to iske the matter into their own hinds,
and Meters. Heun, Grinnell, Meter IL Jones,
Charles H. Marshall, Joseph Walker; and Morti
mer Livingston, were appointed a Committee to
obtain subscriptions to carry on the wark:
Grinnell, the Chairman of the Conimittee, open-,
ed the list by a subscription of $5,000. Quite n
pretty sequel to his Sir John ,Fratiklin Eapedi
- Among the passengers by the Arctic, on Sae.'
order, wu the notorious Mons. Cabet, Icarian%
Philosopher, who has been trying to Tian up a,.
kind of earthly 'Velum somewhere out ,weer,.
near Ilattroo, the ci-de.cont den of the latter day',
' Cabot has, for come time back, beesq :
publishing a very unique and original paper
called, the "Popular Tribune," and in the last
number of this journal, he nye that be la about'
to visit Franco, on a visit to forward duo
esti of his colony, bybringing back reerscits, and
all sorts of resources to communiesto a new im
pulsion to it. A doubtful story, When it Is lit• •
me b i t F red that.:Cabot is now laboring under the' 7°
condemnation of the French Continue:tit tOr po,
lineal offences.
A great crowd was collected at the U.S.
cult Court this morning, to hear the Hon. linfota
Choate, of Massachusetts, commence his argo - ,
meat for the defence in the Methodist: Chez&
sase. now pending before that tr%unaL The
commencement of Mr. Choate's argument on the
part of the Methodist Chem* North, was Very
eloquent and able. • He is mmucted to occupy
the whole of to-day, and probably to-morrow;
Another steamship, for the thee. California Huai
on the radio aide, is now buildingby Mr. ,
U. Brown. She is 2.28 feet keel, 31 feet breadth
of beam, 19,teet depth of hold, and 1200 tans,
burden. '
On Saturday, the new clipper ship Charlene,
intended to be the neatest vessel 4 ° 34 " 5
Inunnited to fine style, in the presence of an im
mense conoonese of people. She Is iniendeel . for
the dins and Califeenia trade, and will "a on •
The Brooklyn • Orphea Asylum hehl its eigh
teenth annual =inner: on fridu trreniag,
when the'ennial report vat reed, and e. number,
4lddrestße delkeeroc_l,.. The. Waft% L &boa
jaage trout the report, Is in a well #totriehing