The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 29, 1851, Image 3

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AITZNPTE • BralilLAßY.—iritig the Mere
store of T. •• ,y night, an attempt to made
t o break into a store of Thomaii Kennedy
at the corner of . Fourth and Food streets. A
panel of the ' •dow abutter in the rear of the
building bad • .en cut out, and the glass broken,
then the thie es becoming alarmed by the ap
proach of so e persona ran away. The police
Tin at once' ormed of this occurrence, and a
constable tdati. ned in-the building, but the ras
cals did not-return.
Attempts to rob this establishment, haverve
ral times been made. Our readers will remem
ber theta few months ago it was entered and the
safe blown open with gunpoider, though the
notes of the explosion was ouch as to alarm the
nedghboihood, and prerent the burglars from ob
taining any booty.
. EAELT Cloonts.—The lanrdware merchants
of this city have agreed to close their stores,
hereafter, at six o'clock, P. M., during the
months of Juno, July and Augaei.
Persons engaged in other branches of business
shoild, if possible; !adopt a Similar rule, and
thus afford their .clerks an oporttudty for im
scoring their minds.
Cogrt of Quarter Se:l:lions met yesterday,
when the argument-list wee taken up.
The motion fora new trial, in the ,case of the
ComMona-ealth Te. Jas. hicCutcheon, conrieted,
•at the lasi term of the court <gesso% comthitted,
in firing aboard pile is the lumber yard of Mr.
EllOYetl, of the - Fifth Ward, was argued at length,
trot no decision made.
After the transaction of some business of no
general interest the court adjoarnea:
Pylon the Ron. Waiter H. Lowrie
Andrew Goebel, vs. Doctor' Bernard a Wolf.
No. 287, April Term, 1803. Wllaon McCandless,
Esq., for Plaintiff, ficidleburg and Howard for
'defendant . .
Action for alleged• malpraetna in unskilful
ly setting a broken leg. Verdict for defen
JansetrWilson ; vs. John Mciarlaiid, Wm- Dal
mill, et al. Action to recovcr.damages for lon
alleged to have been sustained by the plaintiff
owing to the defendants having stopped up 8 aka's
run, on Pennsylvania Avenue.
• Verdict - for defendarits,whe they were employed
by, and Under the control of city authorities.
J. D. Mahon, Esq., for plaintiff, Colonel S. W.
Black for defendants.
LOIN bain er Henry Griffith
of North Fayette tosmship,was 'on Tuesday burn
ed to the ground, with all itd qmtezitst. Fifty
seep Whichwero In the barn, were also burn
Stir.Clr. Br Idowrstsa.—The White Lead Fac
tory of -Messrs. Ogden and Snowden, situated
on Fayette street, between Garrison alley and
Wayne, was- struck by lightning paring the
Mann of Tuesday night, and considerable dam
age done , to-it •
6ccrozs:i.-6 Man who was practising riding
at the CircaS yesterday morning, was thrown
from his hone, and his arm broken.
STTALCS. aT LIGIMINCL--TiLrelf houses in Al
legheny city, were. atrt4 by lighniag, duresig
- the mete storm of Tuesday night. They sus
tained but little damage.
BACOO.—The driTers of two of the Lincrence-
Wile onsidbusse.s, were taken before the Mayor
yesterday, arid fined 'five dahlia early" and the .
costa of prosecution.
Frain.—Two men were taken before Mayor
Onthiio yesterday, charged with allowing their
hones and wagons to stand in the Diamond dur
ing Mutat hours, contrary to the city Ordi
nance. They were tined one dollar each and the
NOISASCC.—Ansan named Jones, a resident
of the Eighth Ward, was yesterday bound over
by the Mayor, for his appearance at the next
term of the Court, on a charge of keeping a
large number of ferocious and noisy dogs about
his preniele.s.
Canon:.—,l, man named Simnel Graham was
yesterday committed to prisod by Mayor Guth
rie, charged, on oath of Joni& Hall, with the
lava* of- a small awn of money.
Tss Waeszta.—Te weather yesterday was
exesediagly.oppreuive and 'nary.
gerWe again refer, our readers to the att.
rirtlaarcat of Et 0. Ferreira .ennOian LiAill3oo, which sir
pm la =other column.. mod br Which yon will me It le
highlyrtccmmeadsd; scut thi le nice all: ho :dictum cer-
Plates Of those who he.. used it and experienced its ben.
ellelsl effects on their own persons.' The mum skew:nal.
ly way ranarisblo, end et leen the modidne ts swarthy of
• ttle/. 'VW advise ell to go to the pont, .ho will famish
pamphlet praxis, matelnins men! weinwhlo reciPm mr
the treatment of male. de. E11,17/3-tiliralrA.
ifirDl.• M.EANE's latztt Ptive!—Thin
great remedy for diseases of tbe lint. Ls of much older
dale than Re introduction to the Itnahlta 3t. discovere,
one of the fast physicians to this oauntry, used It tor years
in bls ynottes, before he aser announced it to the world.
The existeneSef ea many quack remedies, heralded. now
swing the moat snareeloos Qualities for healing ail dinar
sin. disgusted . accompliahod sad well Hunted played
dos, who naturally felt on. dread of being confounded
with the crowd of ' , Menders to the tionlical art, whom
noetrosos were taredad in retry rummer ae awe..
. named= for all the ins that flesh is heir to. Mama,
s=tations or um* , to whom blandishad given renal, how
ever...l the urgent solicitation* byphysiciana with whom
ha hid simxiatal 10 his practice. .1 who had witneased
the wouderful cum elected by hi, remedy. at length la.
ducal blm to make It public.
Tortes by
' Entazsgsecka, Huntingdon co, Pa., Merrell 4, '3L
S.M.Ken—Dear Sir, Pear Petroleum la waking yr.
dale In this - vicinity; therefore no nonld thank you toiend
us two dons trope Peuraylwanla Railroad. We ire en.
Only out,. and It Is being inquired for almost every day.
Yowl, twatalr, 'JOILV LONG I co.
nAre2mus, Ashland ea., 0, Wank 10, 'AL
1.31. jr,row..—Dier Sir, Agent. • fen weeks throe,
nlttrus fone - decran Bork Oil, which no have sold.
Plow Intarard to no eta dosen Inumedlatelr. •
Pour maid,. le working 'wend= ebb s mduit• We
an obtain several ex tenant certificates, If you dealre them
• Pam, Ae; W. w.
Pro milt by Barter I McDowell, 111 Wood Gnat; It. 11 -
111Thers, 17 Wood street; B. A. I'aluerator.k. I Co, corm
Wood and Front etroctg D. M. Curry. D. A. Elllott,Jonmh
Doodlate,roan P. Sehnert; Allegheny. a/wo by the saw
Pieter.. B. W. Kin,
gpllaldwer Canal Baiu-Sematb Pltteburab.
• - .Hirreign and American Hardware.
IMAN,. WILSON & C 0.,.
No. 1.29 Wood Street,_ A .
'A ha indeampletesto4 oil - OBER/NAND AILEUTZAN
Dam= te the wine truloota which they an mimed
to Wert° onythaacra at as= that will econearo
lawaralar with soy of the Gaeta= citlea.
Ns 14 /bathnest to Ikrak e.f
Notes and Drew collated . all peitt. of the Littlea.-
11110.1 War. and ald on conunieloon. Soloblierr
eitiZell'aUltranco Compity of Pitletargh
&Wel? , in! Om nusbonno ofC. Lt.
C. a nuun„ seer:
Ms Comp.: n'uo. munsou to tunny encinbamilme
Inmum nna naumitu. ie.
An =Au inarmat for the ability Ltd inter=
InstltntloN,=c4Attm et h .r, tt e
c do m
rsAanZe community yo= 4 7 t r. 11 7,
it WWez Dtunmoim—C. a. nun wm. Winter.
- New Music
ad Ihihlte Waltzes, ersaidet.e. • .
, i 1 A ALI. Walt.
i liztood L ark kolka.
•W .
w the mend. et
MY yvathl
haat vouaded the quit tau bred tic..
Um are brightest
Liars Elm wag.
• elf earl Polk& •
ochtniata. ....
Wier said Old Iteld. -. .
tof the B li nd Orphan Girl.
, *alto is .filutio to laine am .
Lalall 04 UN lrah Laalgraa. Maid ead fh: ode 1,7
to= . .10/Iri - IL IHELLOIr. 81 Mead a-
. ,
XLEBER. Ina just 'received
tad e Coot.
„Taeoael valet, a pariate $Ol4. dedicated to the
Boa Am y clap,.
&lag ae Beam not Ethical. Boaz be Steyhea
lo.tor alt *b' n b All b •
tutlLaJeatte: Llite r gfrlit leti e tofr Ad . .
lw% Ilaare; suair Jettay Lad. with rum a. - scan.
The tletnttehe Deist: '
R i ga. 7 , WI by L 3
y. 117.
Trester, egi - dethee= Atzt ItrrArc=tta t 7 15-
vie: the stiort dartle.
11'who. •
M d gf, ,, VSklZTTlitg,":t_
No. 101 Third street.
eptelElot et Pince eralBol=toUirtse
WE: H.AvEN, corner. of Market- and Se
cord atm% tau pas opened far ado th.
rock of armin o p - I . l l l ;:tary o llnAriLt er wg e
. 0.0"41.61174141.3earnzr, D•vo4l Clay Want
/; MUM% Ito
Tbmoyores. au!
_lltAtri 5 Writlll; /5151.11,
' Mita I"' *""r11111/k.855.7rinin *
152511 . 41 . 124. 1 46.4.g5,5 T. 51545. aka' J ink
Wad* W 1272)
Uric's, May 27
The new school General Assembly of the Pres.
hyterian Church adjourneeyesterlay to Meet
igen, in Washington city on the third Thursday
In fay 18.52.
The steamer Isabella arrived from Panama•
with dates to the 22nd.
, The rumors of the Intended invasion of Gen!.
Lopez, created no great sensation at Havana.
Great vigilance continued to be observed around
the coast
The Spaniards propose haring a grand proces
sion in this city, in honor of the Queen of Spain,
and the suppression of the Cuban Expedition.
Some of the city press carillon them against the
attempt, CO it may result in bloodshed..., The
Spaniards persist
WAnanioron, Mar2B.
The proposition to establish an annual Ameri
tan Fair here meets much favor. Several Imb
scriptiorm have alitady-been made, and an or
ganiration is soon to be effected.
The Secretaryut Treasury leaves shortly on
a Bait to Senator Penyee, on the Enters shore
of Maryland.
Asst. Secretary Hodge returned yesterday
from Beaton.
The special election for Senators, yesterday,
shows the election:oTO whige, whichwill certain
ly secure the passage of the Canal bill, upon
the re-assembling of the legislature.
The trial of Shelton, Taylor, Mornhy and
Slum, charged with the murder of the eaulen
family, commenced to-day. Ford and Webster,
who were wader arrest, have been discharged.
Shaw has made a full confession, and will be
used as a witness for the State. He says that
Drummotul is innocent
Pitmans - trim, May 28.
The Charleston Evening News' has been sold
out to parties who will hereafter conduct it on
decided Union principles.
[Per Canada. Livsszooi, May 17.
The panic in the Oman Market was the result
of shippers ordering sales regardless of prices.
The crisis is now over, and there are snore buy
*ere than sellers. The market closed firm, at
bie @di Lir upland middling; Eic for Mobile
middling ; din for fair ; Orleans middling sfo ;
do fair, 6' 13 lb.
Cotton—The market is firm, with sales 200
bales Gulf, within the range of 10@12o la lb
on time.
Floor—The market is dull, with tildes .1000
Ms at $4 25 for selected brands, and $t 14,f0r
Corn Meal—Sales at $2 76 11 bbl.
Bye Flour—Sales at $8 60 "id bbl.
Graln—Wheat is in better demand wad scarce,
with sales of red at 97c, and of white at 101 c
per bush. Rye is selling at.7oc. Corn is in so
onest, with sales 9000 bush Southern yellow at.
600. Oats are in moderate demand at 48c644
762 bush•
Lead the last sales of Galena were at $4 76
Hemp—Bales of Western dew rbtted at $1 25
PrositiionPork Ls held nominally at $16,50
for zneseand $14®16,50 for prime. The make
of Bacon.are reduced, but holders are firm at 7+
for shoulders, 91c@9+ for sides, 100 for plain,
and 101e®11 for fancy hams. Lard is held at
no in bbls, and 10/0011 in kegs.
Tobacco—The market is firm at. former rates.
Whiskey Is steady at 23e is bbls.
ens:Nina arms.
Cotica—A! moderate business has beendone
yesterday's prima. Buyerel are awaiting the re•
ceipt of their private lettereby the Canada.
Flour—The market is heavy, with sales of
common State at $1 12ie...4 18 18 lb.
Corn--Bales at 59@b9io Q 1 bushel.
Flour—The =riot is quiet, with no change in
prices. Sales of 900 bble at $3,40, and of 100
bbls it 8,96&9,48 gl bbL
Prorbdons-- The Market is inactive. sales 100
kegs country lard at 9c La lb. Sales 16 lads ba
con shoulders at 6e6ic, packed.
Grain—Sales 800 bushels inferior oats at. 2 31
good oats are dull at 25C4b3c 1,1 tut
Whiskey—Salts at 18c to gal, with s good de
Greeeries—The market is unchanged, lad gem
eraily inactive.
The river has ham stationary dace reonLing.
The ',matter le very warm.
.1. KIDD
No. 60 Wad st
Cotton—The 'market is depressed.
Provision—Bacon has declined, owing to the
large receipts; ribbed aides aro quoted at 810-
8u shoulders 6164
Grocerles--810 Coffee is scares, with Wes of
prime at 91, and of ordinary at 81 petls. Fair
sugar is selling at and dull. Molasses has
declined, with sales of choice at 281g2130
gallon. ,
New OntsAss, May 27.
. _
Cotton—The Canada's news has raised the
spirit of cotton holders, and they are asking an
Flour and Corn are without change.
Precisions—Mess pork is selling at $14,60 gi
bbl ; Bacon is firmer.
CoHe—Rio is selling at 9®9}c.
Land—Bales at 10i lb.'
BY LAST NIGHT'S 31./111-
We copy the following more extended account
Of the political news by the Canada, from the
Baltimore American. The markets and moneta
ry news are precisely the tome to those we pub-
Baked on Tuesday, which were received by the
O'Reilly telegraph line.
The steamer Canada arrived here at 9 P. 31.,
with 53 passengers, four of whom are for Boston
and ten. for Halifax, She experienced. very
rough weather the three first days out.
The news generally is oniMportant.
Crowds continue to prom into the Crystal Pal
ace. The Queen makes a daily private visit
The receipts of one day had ,been as high es
68,000. Beason tickets still sell at first prices.
In the Honee of Commons, after some discus
sion iheiforther consideration of the ecclasiaa:
tied titles bill, by consent of the Premier, was
postponed to the 19th.
The Liverpool Journal says: "We believe we
ere in a condition to state that in ik week or two
the Ministry will resign and Lord Stanley will
accept office. We are at all events quite cer
tain that this occurrence is expected by all the
Government officials to follow immediately on
Mr. Baylie's Ceylon motion, upon which it is
calculated the Ministry will be left in a minority.
Lord Stanly is now prepared to form an admin
Gcn. Camiguin Is now prominently put for
ward u a candidate for the Presidency, and re-
Mimi the support of )L Emile Oirardiu. The
leading journals seem to favor his views. Great
preparations are being made by parties for the
approaching election.
Gen, Durreen, tho government candidate. is
elected for the department of Launes.
The Journal de Messages has been seised for
atutouticing that fourteen regimentts have been
ordered to Paris and reiterating the 'statement
ea Caned.
!Gay gives signs of doeontent.
The evaceation of the Dertuhiso principalities
was to be completed on the nth.
Advice,' ftom the Cope of Good Hope to the
ith of April have been received. The intelU
genes is meet unsatisfactory. Sir Henry Smith
hid been compelled to fall back upon King Wit
itaultOTE4 hhl force being inadequate to under
tab anything like a comprehensive military
schetue- The defeat of the KafErs by Colonel
&menet only Incited the various tribes to fresh
Iranistin.—This famous; . country seat but
balm , isold by Mr. Barnum for, we understand,
$lOO,OOO. There are some twenty odd acres of
ground beautifully laid nut, One out•bulding,
shrußbery, gm., ranking it • mold lovely piece.
It hie been ptuctsursd . for • watet4nre eetab,
By the following proceedings, it will be per
ceived that Dr. Magill is to remain amongst n. 3
and retain his place in the Western Theological
Seminary. This will be gratifying news to his
numerous friends here:
The committee further reported, that they had
found in the Wontes of the Board of Directors,
which were put in their 'hands, a record of the
Proceedingsof the Board on April 3d, 1831, from
which it appears that the Rev. Dr. Magill, Pro
fessor of Ecclesiastical History, Ac., had sent in
to that Board his resignation, and that the Board
for reasons recorded, assumed the responsibility
of withholding the same from this Assembly.—
The Ciimmittee do not find in the records any
intimation that Dr. Magill (although the Board
had noted to inform him of their action in the
case) has retracted his resignation,' which there
fore now comes before the Assembly for its con
sideration. -
Mr. Birch, of Ohio, offered the following reed
lutione, which were rend:
Resolved, That the resigroitiori of Dr Nisei,
Professor of Ecelesinstical History, &c., be
New Ofteseni, May 26
Resolvnl, That in dissolving the connection
which has BO long existed between Dr. Magill
and the Western Theological Seminary, thin As.
sembly would express its high sense of the fidel
ity and ability with which Dr. Magill has dis
charged the duties of his office, and also the sym
pathy of the Assembly in the loss of his valua
ble services.
A delegate inquired whether the resignation
of Dr. Magill was now before this body.
The Chairman of the committee replied that
it was: that his resignation to the Board of Di
rectors had never been retracted.
Dr. Hall moved that not only the report of the
committee be accepted, but that the Assembly
pus the resolutions offered by father Birch.
Dr. Swift suggested that it woo only by con
struction that Dr. Magill's resignation could be
considered as before the Assembly.
Mr. Comings, of Ohio, thought his resigna
tion was properly before the house, having been
referred here by the minutes of the Board of
Directors, which bad been recited by. the com
WAsuisaroar, May 28.
Naw Tons, Mai2B.
This question was argued by Messrs. Magie,
Birch, Swift and others, after which
Mr. Dale moved to !strike from the report the
clause which stated that Dr. Magill's resigna
tion now came before the Assembly for its con
Mr. Howard, of Pittsburgh was in favor of
strikin3 out the clause referredto, and could pro
mile, that if the General Assembly would let
the matter rest where •it is, they never would
hear one word from Dr. Magill on the subject
He reeul a letter from Dr Magill, giving an ex
planation of the causes which induced him to
tender his resignation: regretting that any perso
nal matter of his should for a moment be made
to occupy the attention of the General Aasem
blr, that there had been no retraction by him of
a promise to obey the the call of Seventh Church
Cincinnati; but that, if the 'General Assembly
declined to accept his resignation, he: would
cheerfully acquiesce in their decision, and resume
his duites in the Seminary.
Theaubjectliasdiscussedtat length by I.lessrs
Beriedict, of New York, Dr. Leyburn, Baird, of
Memphis, Perkins, of New Jersey, Dr. Plummer,
of Itlaryland, and Allen, of Indiana; after which
the question to strike out was lost.
Nrw Yoar, May 28
The question then recurring on the resolu
tions of Mr. Burch, Dr. Stockton moved to
amend the fastresolution by inserting "that the
resignation of Dr. McGill be not accepted."
After further discussion, Mr. Howard, of
Pittiborgh, moved the following as a substitute
for nil other propositions before the House. viz:
Whereas, The Rev. Dr. McGill, Professor of
Ecclesiastical History, Sc., in the Western The
ological Seminary, and, for reasons satisfactory
to himself, tendered to this General Assembly,
through the board of directors of that seminary,
the resignation of his professorship. And where
as, in the progress of this affair, the causes
which led to this action on the part of Dr. Mc-
Gill, are supposed to be effectually temoved.
that, although he could not sec his way clear to
withdraw his resignation, yet he is now willing
to remain at his present pow- Apd, whereas,
the interests of that important and increasingly
useful institution, most urgently demand the
continuation of his services. Therefore. .
Reaolced,. That in the judgmentof this Assem
bly, Dr. McGill will most effectually smve the
Church, and promote the Redeemer's Kingdom,
by remaining in his present duce.
After further discusaion by Judge Hepburn,
Dr McGill and others, all other propositions be
fore the house were laid on the table, and the
preamble end resolution offered by Mr. Howard,
were adopted by a large majority.
The Conception then adjourned—prayer by
Dr. Humphrey, Moderator.
881211111 !MD 11:141i2ON BIBLE BOIM
The annual ranting of the 'association was .
bald on the mortai4 of May T. In Exeter Ilan,
Lord Ashley in thenhair. Three officers at the
eociety here died during the year ;—the deposi
tary, Dockle; the clerical secretary, Rev.
Mr. Brandraixi, and the president, Lord Bexley.
'The onnnal report. presented the following
Nsw Toar., Igity V 3.
M. de Presense issued during the last year
109,210 copies; the French and. Foreign Bible
Society, after deducting 15,000 copies sold to
the British Society, 62,849; the Protestant Bible
Society of Pari5,7,635, and a grant has been
made to it of 600 bibles for the use of schools.
In Belgium, Holland, and the northern parts of
Germany, Mr. Toddy issued 85,684, irreepec.
tire of 12,936 forwarded to different societies or
agencler and there have been sent from this
cortntl7, for the depots at Brussels and Cologne,
2:093 bibles, and 2,620 testaments, in English,
French, German, &cc. A gratifying report has
beenreceived from the society's agent in Germs
ny, Dr. Pinkerton, whose issues amounted to
nearly i 71,000. The issues from the eleven de
pots In Swititiland, by Lieutenant Graydon,
have been nearly 1000 more than last year,
amounting to 6,006, in return for which he re
ceived and remitted 7,064 francs. The Geneva
committee have disposed of 8,694 copies,. from
November, 1848, to the end of December,
°wawa; Igay
In Italy the work of the society has been
chiefly confined to the northern parts, more es
pecislly to Piedmont and Lombardy. At Milan
the aathirities, more especially the dfilitary au
thorities, hire allowed the introduction of the
Scriptures, and 8,914 copies have been disposed
of, principally through the booksellers. 11,251
copies of the Scriptures have been disposed:of
itslonsbardy and the Sardinian territories, 68,-
030 of .the Italianversion have been put to
press and 20,047 sent to Italy. 8,042 copies of
the I talian New Testatdent, printed in behalf of
the Society at Rome, have passed Into the hands
of the Papal Government, who have paid back
the full amount of their cost. Mr. Blither, of
Berlin, whose distributions among the troops of
Prussia has now amounted to above 385,000 co
pies, received supplies last year of 2,600 copies.
The agency at Stockholm have issued 50.677,
and at Christiana 6,870 copies.
The Schleswig Holstein Bible Society reports
an Hume of 6,670 Bibles and Testaments in two
jeari, in the two duchies. The St. Petersburg's
agency issue last year was 27,683; and Mr.
Melville, of Odessa, issued 6,652 copies. From
the depot at Malta, 12,656 copies have been issu
ed, and from the depot at Athens, 1,838. The
Scrippres are now printed in one volume in mo
dem reek, and the New Testament is given free
ly to the schools. The issues from Smyrna and
Constantinople have been 10,825 copies. A fir
man has jest been issued by the Sultan, grant
ing enlarged protection to Protestants in Turkey.
The circulation of the atisilary at Calcutta was
29,982. The revised translation of the New Tes
tament Into the Chinese was brought to a close
on the 24th of July lost; and the committee re
gret tipsy that the controversy as to the terms
..Spirit" still continues, ...To the Lou
don Missiotutry Society a grant has been made of
£250 toward printing an edition of the version
at Hong Kong—the blanks left by the translators
for "(hid" and "Spirit" being tilled up by the
native terms ..13hengh" and ..Shin." To the
Church Missionary Society a tender of £259 was
made for the same purpose, on the-application of
some of the missionaries, who-proposed to em
ploy the terns ••Shin" and -.Ling," but it has
not yet , been accepted.
HALMS, May 26, 12 P. M.
The entire receipts of the year ending March
31st, 1851, amountell to .C 103,320 2e. 84., being
an Increase of $11,695 105. Id_ on those of last
year. .The receipts applicable to the general
purposes of the Society, amounted t0L53,795 7e.
10d., including £33,896 Os. 10d.. free contribn- I
tions from auxiliary societies. The amount re-1
ceived for Bibles and Testamenti Was £49,534
14s. 10,1. The issues of the eociettfor the'rear
are es follows-;-.From the depot:at home, 788,- ;
073; from the depots abroad, 349,544; total, 1,,
137,617. The total Manes of the society now
amount to 247,067 copies.. The expenditure do- I
ring the past year has amounted to £103,543
10s. 104., being £6,297 Bs. 10d. over the pre
vitals year. The ;moiety, Is under engagements
to the extent of 401,45825. The adoption of the
system of colporterage had met with great suc- t
CM in Dtancbe.ster• and Liverpool, particularly
in Liverpool, where a single colporteur disposed I
of 7,029 copies in the tut year. The food of
£5,000, which bad been set apart for the supply
of recently formed Sunday and day school., hav- •
lag become exhausted, a further sum of £l,OOO
has been applied to the same purpose. During
the year, 12,265 Bibles and Testaments have
been grunted to schools from that fond.
The following grants have also been made
To the Merchant Seamen's Bible Society, 10;
• 647 copies of Bibles and. Testaments; to emigrants
and eonviets;-44the London City Minion, 7,-
626 copies, the greater part of which are intend
ed t 4 be placed , in the hands of the missionaries
I for loan stock; to tlie . Loodon Society for Prci
#011.1.11:19 OPZBATIOF..
noxsextc otzaAtiqva
moting Christianity among the Jews, for distri
bution on the Continent, 74 English Bibles awl
Testaments, 000 Hebrew and German Penta:
tend., 400.Liermati Bibles and Testaments, and
and 100 Dutch Bibles; to the Manchester Town
'Mission, 100 English Te'stamentsund as
loan Is wok 490 Bibles to the Sunday ~chool
Union; to the Glasgow Auxiliary, 221: Bible. ail
Testaments in %firkins lenguage,; to correspun.
dents in Scotland, 200 Genlic Bibles and Testa
ments, and 04 English.
The issues of the Hibernia Bible Society during
the past year; amounted to 103,138 copies. To
the Sunday School Society have been granted
35 ,000 copies, of which 15,000 were Bibles and
19,000 Testaments; to the ladies' Hibernian
School Society, 200 Bibles, t. the Edinburgh
Irish Missimailoo Irish Te.Uunents, and to the
Irish Trinitarian Bible Society, chiefly for dis
tribution among emigrants, 500 Bibles and 300
Testaments. In the Great Exildhition thy • coin
mime have sought and obtained a niche for the
Bible—l7o specimens of versions, in 130 lanf
gauges, selected from s' yet larger number in
the publication of which the society has more or
less assisted, being exhibited; and that measures
have also been adopted, by which the cast mul
titudes, whether of foreigners im.of Englishmen,
who ore expected shortly to be drawn together,
may have n ready opportunity of supplying
themselves with copies of the Scriptures in va
rious languages
The meeting was addre.sed by the Bishops of
Cashel and Bombay, by the Earl. of liarrowhy,
and other noblemen, by clergymen of all denom
ination, among whom was the Rev Dr. Murry,
the •• Kirwan" so well know to Archbishop
Hughes, and delegate to the American Bible So
ciety. Lord Ashley in the new president; Rev.
John Collinson, of the Established Church, the
new clerical secretary, and Mr. Franklin, deposi-
• Thil mrorrvaly priut.rd the copy twine
The Laid numbrr Wiwi by Uut society is nearly or
Vrrh.L. ore , twentyumplowg.—Y.o. Plirs. On.
rarely thankful for great blesehogs, particularly
when they abound witb'eS; but when we have
just enough of this world's goods to supply the
real and stern necessities of Datum-a little over.
plus fills our heart to overflowing. s'
20 per Cent saved to Country Merchants.
WM. J. KING, Dealgr :ic BOOTS AND
SWIM No. 40 North &omod etriret, Philadelphia,
haa put reed
the manotailary awo.teniive and well
welertryl larch of the abore coiiht. which will be wad al If
per mot. Ins reap cau be purthared io the city. for mob
City 4 CLVDtan...
Dealer, will do well to call helot.. rith'itarinir
Important to Druaisti, Hardware Men,
And &Orr K;44/1114 in ventral.
Trims is to inform the above parties that
1. alr. 1.. IL ar areni from Pladelh
haring with him ramp!. t o
of their LIQUID Uhi T. fur p Car. ia,
enter, and all kinds of nen Iron. son.. Wcod, OW, Liana, and an, Minoral Aubrtenm sold In
Imttlee of threw elms. Al, the FA .VIL r FRIEND, a
!taking Preparative, supeneding the on of Yeast. and
making • bautlful. nutrition, In env half len time
-than any article out. One or too aa,notea wanted In Oda
city. P•rtles wishing to fugue in there maternal article,
an ample. at rUKBYTIFS, and at 9110010' Lure.
liflim ". Pitteburkb, Qt. dry. from 10 till 1 o'clock.
Th. above attack. for ode be .1. KIDH a CO.,
my ll Only Age_ny. In Pittebargh.
lurrolc uAsis--2otx) lb.. prime, !lir
4.7.01)A ASH—ZOO casks of our own manu-
Q 6rture.1•0111:11,11 of a. mod quality nod 100 blob tat
I. any Imported. and L,r eat. at The loan( market price.
BEN N err. 11/:1111Y a
myth Water street.
QUID GLUE—For cementing iron. Wood . eon..
blast I..+lnn. and any outotanee for zebra. work. It
Mande norivalled. T. be men VUltSTTlPSCommixvion
1e.," Cm an opening a largo Int of beautiful
It, Sprloz Ribbon', at
t 1 . :!, nun per Tani. Thor. anode
nneuli rnaa l2 m and i far ehraponeto,et a. .
they are north
non. n. u 4 'Mark
Garman. amlour non mattl6eturn, f, tale at the
u.I Cloth IS annum, No.. 7 and S. 1% . "o: 11.
To Tea Drinkeis.
IF ',.Nou want Real Good Teo, go to '3IOR
-I:rd' TEA HART. •n the Dtanannd; hr. t.• Quid All
I. best us the city. Pricer -10, 60r-, Stiti in VU4
C 9 "Y'S POT CLAY-3(i bbls. juntrec'd
001 for vJ. by J. SOI3OOtiMAKEIt a CO.
H FLOWERS---a plondid variety
r ENC „ orreat atyl.t. trench mad Amerldart
te k.ll Ire vs prepared to qll eery cbeld, at whale/ale or
retalt total A. A. AtION aCm
►IIIiIEL PEACIIES—:* slacks in store, will
.11.7 b acid low to cloee bt ItT
may2l, DICKEY CO.A
IA doz. Marietta,,fot sale by
rar2l • J. 4. ONVIVLD
lU ROOMS.—.IOO doz. Corn, fur tale by
La 1,21 CANTI4L.P.
S A.LEBANUS-100 bore 6 rare;
E$ LEIT. fmr rale by
Ea y2l $. CANTICLE,.
PEARL ASH-25 casks for sale by
coy2l .1. O. CA:aino.
A911 , --4 casks pure. for sale by
.srh J. D. CAlirieLlk
SALERATLIS--5 tans in !Kant and cub
11 boxes 1a Prosest Papa,:
Tor 1116 by 11011/111T DALZELL • CO,
Libertr .trevt
CRIED APPLES-20 bags for sale by
17. ry'a • n. DALmax eo.
'DOT ASH--5 casks fur Satoy
L mra r,t,Aar.r.t. s CO.
PEARL ASII-20 auks for sale by
arhele reed and thr Reeve the Drlig Store of
11. D. KING,
0272) Banker atol Esetactge Broker.
UNDRIES-14 bbls. Grease:
5 I Link
Marks Feathenn
Moron,: landing from rtr.
nerd.resr. and for emir by '
roost and Water its.
AA nay. on hand, a supply of India Rubber Pm.
*ervereand Jerk... of India Rubber and Cork manufac
ture, for sale at the India Rubber Depot, 7 And o Wool st.
e 11. Pill LLINs.
VEW ROOKS , -A lurgo oupp e
ly of M
Clintock ft Crooke' Cava and Latin Work*.
g (amity Roblnum, et, the Adrenturea of a Father
sod 3lother and four Son, on a desert Wend; 2,01.. him,
Jost rrn'd ;ad tamale by 1i... LIOPICINS,
MURRAY'SIS) ill Apollo Building., fourth .r.
IVA sod for solo by B. S Iot hERALI
m Si 2 comer of and Wood iitir.
New Books, just received.
ageREEK GRAMMAR, for the use of High
Schools and Colman Has by P. &Musson: revised
sdarmei by hiss:es. Jilassolm nottuison; h ebp.
The Irish Confederates, and lithe Moo of Ithik by flea•
ry Yield: 12mo mos.
The Autobiography atid tithoorials of Captain Otadish
Coosar. for Oily years mariner and. shipOnster from the
port of Nene York; by PAV. 11. 11 Cheerer; lemo mos.
For sle br B. HOPKINS.
tnylb 70 Apollo Bonding.. Yourtbst.
jrZUYSOTT'S Yellow Dock k Sarsaparilla—.
..l ri vos• forty. by J.KIDD a C 4)..
0) Wont) .t.
1 VISTAR'S Balsam of Wild Cherry--1
V• gr.. roe,01), br m,19 .1. BIDDY Cu.
lIEMPSEED-40 bbls. prime, for sale by
01,19 J. 1[101) & (..X,.
CASTER OIL-35 bbls. No: 1 (pure ) for sale
by myll)
'OINK ROOT,-2000 lbs. fur Mlle by
Joyl9 J. li.TDlr.% CO.
•C!OLDEN SYRUP-11: half bble. and 24
k.ics Golden Syrup; for sale by
DIES, of different Pic, for rola at tk, India Rubber
t. Nos. 7 atul ti Wood J.. 11. PHILLIPS.
CILROJLE GREEN--5 cubes superior quill
Itv. for house and irtaamboat painting. for pate by
ruyl6 11..r..,SELLERS. •
.IOO Dbl.. S. I.l.3loluses:
10 - Syrup,
10 bble. I/okb.° S.yr ep:
S. 11. 3frolupet; fir , o‘l,. by
mylo 110 Water el.
IRAPE LS—Reed this day, per
o Nd m eti e r r, c 7c o n. ne p. etr i lti; i n . f . :lro .i i mll . . Irsble plain anal
%IAPLE SUGAR-2 Ws. very choice
pie Sug.. j"` T "' d A."sl. P ie: Tail no k CO .
[4)19 Ur," mud Ica Wm,
I OVERING'S SUGARS—llouble ttelined
r t ,'I TITVI d nr . I ' Vo 7 . ... " X. 6 p r t
q.h% d 1e . .,1; " " WM ' A. 3IcCITILb
myl9 240 1.00 •I
"'for sato br McCLOPZ.TeFir 4 '
F. 37115 r.:11
LIEMP-23 bales Missouri, on eousiginuent
11 imd for rate by ALEXI( ti On DCiN,
sttylb No: IN Front t..
COTTON -25 balca (Batting) for sale by
ALEX.AtiI) tit 00000.0,
ntyls N 0.104 Front ft.
P I b l. fir
ryEAS---5O ht. chests Youog flysOu;
.. - .. Mark oolong Flavor.
_ myl3 tratur ma Frt. au.
Q, ALT PETRE-75 sacks Crude, for sahZy
S-7 1.1 . 13 UMIAK DICKEY a cO.
H. 1315-1 0 casks for solo by
I? IYft ER—Fresh Roll for sole bc23 tarn
-25 boxes Mitt's s'n
2s•• J. (Wes 6's;
2$ Sta•rnood's A's and fl's;
4 Lottiee4 b's, Plag Rolf:
In elm, and for rale by
colored fors
RlBBONS—Assorted widths
kW colors, rec'd by express this dl.y. Also, black
on Silk Dress lhtans.
• nriy/O Y. 11. EATON. 03 Fornit,
penoott OIL CLOTHS.—A largo stock -of
Flow 00 Cloth& of width. rangirde from 1: to 00 700. aid prepared to sell_ sa low aa the sal. gads cate Le
purchased at the East. Maassb and:boas, keepers art
rapeasted to 0011 and examine our stock twfurepurrlnololl
le:. byre.- J. & /L. CLIILLICa r
PIYI6 7 and 9 Wend sL
TANNEItS! O I L-20 bbbs. warranted pure,
for saie bi • R. Z. SELLERS,
rb7/0 b 7 Webb P.
Eureka lirming Company of Michigan.
'9111.E Stoekholders of the Eureka Mining
nf Michigan, ve hereby notine.l that
rut. rents per share hes . bean e,
the mulls( +twit of the Eureka Sliamit Parable within thirty day. , from thi• det„
M °lnce of the tbe building , eruNed n/
Palmer. Manua Cu. Pitti.bunth.
e- and Tress
ICantlaw JAMES 31. :r
Eureka Min. (Y. of Mich.
Iron City Mining Company.
TE regular Annual Meeting of the -Iron
atflnnan Company.. .111 be held sit the t•re... of
eutubsne. In the at, of Pittsburgh, on 31uudaf June
ful. at 3 u'rkuk. I'.
mill be
of no
per Antra been valled..o4
mill be On. on 11. uf Jun. ale.. ut eveotment .
rents p.r rhnn . in. on the Ist of August. 1)41.
Ity btder of the kluard.
' Office for Foreign Patents,
T1 , .1d,,,,0r tho Ohio Trsp Ituk Minim.; ComMmT win
b lIE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock- -Ve.b Wall st., .Y. York, and 166 Fket rt., London.
br rid at the r,tscor a said Company in tho cur a PittP ' .
, la Great Berain, Fremcr. Reknum , flatland. aiul sin
buegh, 6a NlGrulrr. Jun.:, sr 2 o'rlo , k, . 51.
Oat; w. ii. LI A R?, 5„,.. ut er partA ta Cur om•—the Carleule.s. Cuba, mut the 800.
dlr. ~
I UST RECEIVED--AT Wllr. DIGBY'S, Full'n uh tL.. Lb.r^ r.O Nr h.! bY . 1 . 1,,,4 4:
01/ WI Lilmrty stn.—
tu Vises Pronch Lsormt, La. Pant , . ' • mr.M. '., Wall street. New Yeah.
lu '. Englieh .sml French Drmp J• Pte. for sum- .
Fire Works for Fourth of Juli - 1851.
y,,,, c".:
e p4 ,- e . s . ;r4 . ed end black Silk-Warp Cadanerets. for I g - ja,Aii .15I,LEy & co., 180 -W illianist.,
Coat, - . •
A Viemlbd arcurtinent of Marseilles and Linen Vest ILE Ns.. Y..t.• ir. E .rt. "" ^f Er “ ,ll.b, ' F "" th. ..4 6..-
man TOSS and FANCY GOODS. and manufaeturers and
''" -1° noporten of FIRE WORKS, havingeooreeded P. L. Vultee
• In the Env , Work basinees, and senile./ •tbemselece of the
1° bbb new 1 ;V r , a1 , 12° , 1 0: .. ,,,,,,. east resournw pf tha ry t In d n . a , e r s ip taaleJW . lt ork se , ,re ,. no b er t. l.r t
Cage _ aced : - .;ll= h ,.rtolll
it an the moat reasonable.
I T, " } :
i t E r ß ___ll ! :
G l
t — iereen Carolina, for dale by terms OJ. d Co. deem it unnevesenry to nay an [Edna 121
.1.1., ni.o6 JA3IES A. HUTCHISON A Oil praise of the Fire Works furulsbed be them, as their rep
voFe ER -1 , 40 nap Rio, for sale by Utalang IA almody well watabllAlkol. nss Include besides
the exhibition pietes, the test superior Rock Roman
1._,/ my It
, .„ ~, JA MY.S A. HUTCHISON't CO. Candle., Turbnllleue. Verde], Bengolas, Ca 11an...,
. Pots, Colored Fires. Chinese Reek...6lAm Ode Head.
l i j Fah . Itra)--15 casks (Enylialli . for sale by en, !lower Pole, Oran. Hopper, Torpedo, Pullers, lkhe.
meld J. s 4:110 61, 01A • E n e CO mono, PI? Wh. , isi hereal,Triangles, Sax... Ninon Lights,
Chloe... 1 rocker, June o drank.
(!LOVES bills. for sale by • Oros. rest...any sooeues. ssyss-nrauslur
. _
NJ inylll J. SCHOONMARER A co. superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
L UP. CARS. SODA-10 kega for sale - bp ONE'S' EMPIRE In, 87 Nassau street,
J. scnooN MAKER .1[ CO, la, Sun Doildinge . „ . New Cork.
IoYI6 21 WOW A.
()mats. pe . r d0r..,.!...:.3r.T no 1 / 7 . r- ner ' t s---..-80 10
SUGAR & MOLASSES— Pos, • ....,.... los 4s. ' .---. 3.4
8 0!. . ' f4h, 2 co. . ...... ... 23
• too ls° h bb b ll.. Ptm° in O.
o lll ' oirares: on. ml. by 1 . On diZiiii. ~.. gallon. 20 cenis . .
toYIE RUPLDRIDGE a INC/MAIL -, This la the beet article manufactured. It flows thole
- Is a grand COPYLNO INK—and will not corrode, mould,
precipitate or decay. nod islxecncea all the qualities requir
d for • good Writing Ink, suitable for the Quill, and Uhl
mh7blr adapted for Cho et... 1 Pen.
The untlenVued is enlaced to furnish to the title el.
that for export or home remerimptlon, at the &hove eery
100 pen ! , put rap as p e r osier, and delivaNnt In artzfatit .,
of the ear Trey of charge. No charge for cases.
. or keg, are charged extra at nett.c.r.l.
AFERS- . -32 casks for sale by
aril W. P. ItARAIIALL, 85 Wool et
,ris W. Y. MMISIIALL. 85 Wood at.
miles W. P. MARSHALL, 86 Wood C.
ARD-3 8 kegs No. 1, for sale by j
V" -
hhis. and 40 hf. bbl 4. No. 1, Lialtimme Herd= I
FU Lvov. No. Mackr."4l;
TO hf. bids. LOCO ruperfor Ma lroasu for 44.1.1 9 . !
torlh JOHN WATT A W.
(TOFFEE --.100 bags Rio, for sale by
4.410 JOHN WATT A fr
_lllO IRON-100 tons Huntingdon 00., for
nada hr JOAN WATT A CO.
I UST opening—a very excellent assortment
Y) of NASTEL CLOCKS,. from 115 to fat .11 'ram.:
N eta k irTeAffarLl Mart, for
"F—'h"P r+xr nom.
$l.OO sml warrant
m l4• mrner of Fourth.
IoTE3IPLARS' SWORDS-4110, ree'd, a lot
of Knights Templar Lose. with th e emblems of the
sr lerunsfullr ensTased.
0,010 W. W. WILSON.
- ROI{ SALE, to clone eonsignment--50 eke.
I i.‘ , JDA ASH. bras i tl i t
3 74reffir
Penney !owns Itallroan Depot..
nog& corner Pea= and Waroo street. Tatenaran.
7.101rD EXT. LIQUORICE—I can for sale
l■. br mr9 B. A. TARNS:STOCK A CO.
sak C. E. SELSTLS,
noT3 La Wood At
f le „ —:Mgalls ; l l l?.xseed (u 3
n. - arr r : .. .:Ldedere)
ITRIC ACID--000 Ibn. (pure) for saldby
1 0,0 13 .1. KIDD A CO. GO Weed .t
. . .
ROOT—_.,OO lbs. for nolo by
111. issyla J. KIDD &CO
`4 ACKERE L-120 bblis.No. 3, fur We by
• sar)a !.I W. fuoLßAcun. .
OLASSES-100 bbl s. for sale by.
41, rain • B. Al W. HARBACGII.
I 11 . UTCHINSON & Co., No 13 Spruce Street,
n ENZOIC ACID-75 oz. for male by NEW COP.K. 151:n1...a1e roasmfacturrro of kb. best
j_! 1111/1.1 B. A. , A moi t sr o c K , co . • ro ENCLI.SII MIMI,. INFVO. for PURI .1 Litho
. gelt: Pi t ffA.: ' :+ d no '''' oft. k pa " rnt j g:l c' at.. bi t
wart easily upon all orllloarr prre.e.. '
' Tlecrocabiroulow In th-.... I;akg aro au , _tOasta.lra rich
-IP/AKE MANNA-150 lbs. for male b , ...zed maz.....rr te work so&:rrlur Wally Otbcrialswe
11 . at 1,, B. A. rmi , F , Tacß . d .' la ns . e. .ioje at rain.. , Tar , / the .2 75 eta. to '3,00 Poi 1/,
. pot p I . p op.. =1 sra arded to order.
It A I...u.allopmaxtufsotor, color.' lob of overf shades/2d
6 , T .,,, 015: ,3 13 PIPES--3•lo w bo icK zlg c r . o N al u e i t 3. ' ~,,,,, ~,,,.,,...,,„,,s , , nux ,,, ib.
IACKEREL-150 bblo. No. 3;
.I.YL 10 . No. .._ 1 " .50, sale by
mrl3 'WICK 0 IIeCANDLY.S2,.
11. CLOVES-20 lbs. for sale by
moo .a. A. YAILyESTO KA CO.
QIIAD-12 bbla. No. I, for sale by
BRooms—a, doz. Corn, for sale by
TUBS-68 .lis:Bearer, for sale by
BUTTER -30 kegs for sale by "
=712 WICK A; IdeCAND!...E.94.
S - Eolitiff.Vl3:TTuiirasticTl:TOremVTy
4419 RICK 4 11cCANDLYS4.
' Second Urge Supply: —
A A. MASON & CO. would respectfully
th, etter.tunt of their rustcmereshei the pabLe
e•teralt., hi their second large ispitt or nem wad [twine
Its SPRING AND StalliElt GOODS, enleetaid inth mitt
t ti
, sr• In the
Daiwa tuarirts,_sod hurehsatel at arrest re
dottish hitrO hmser prioss 'To those pnrehattss at whole
• al, e are no. hrepstrit to otter ameba at cinch loser
rttes than ther could 1t... beret purchased Tan early ID
the Amos. mrl3 stid 04 Si it
_Ex MM. , s Cos oelsbrated Ito am 31.U11a
recurred from
sale by d
P elptos,m_yorm.
ems sod for sale by LW. 01:41.1EXTE
I or
m r t .. or t rl7:4f r ra d
TURPENTINE-L.lO Wale. it good
miler,l7 fur sale by IL E. BELLEW,
Ed Wool rt.
In the new town of Latrobe, Westmoreland
County, Pa.
The Loyalkanna Drpot of the Pain', Railroad.
TLIE DOW town of LATROBE is beautifully
h` Itmtrt 0u an ol.rated to of Pplata e 0 lb. book of
mums that dream by • banderole dr River, where the
done hydra. of three
mane of 41 fan each. It le 40 mike mist of Putabarah.
emt ef eirectotorx. 11 west of Limier. 011 , 12Ao!
•Ille, 1 north of loungstrora. and T moth of hew Alexan
dria. The /komplacedi Roarood will be opened to the
mmitortry tentoinu. oda the town, early in November
next to connect with the mutheru turnpike. The mamma
gem to every Ulan will dap to take M the new and
extend,. RAIL ROAD 110 TEL, now to {acres of rdec-
Con, to the motto of the town. directly oppoeite the Rod ,
read nonparty's /Smut 1140rM0hert1.0711.1110....
le erected immediately. The lots now offers, tor .010 or
Ram am 50 het Dont on streets 60 bet wide, and run hack
leo 1 1 1.1 tee ni tied all,
.they will range to Prim f ro m 550
upward* amotting to their written. Nem of the iota are
mare than 400 yard. from the Ralltmel Detot. which LB in
the moire of the town plot Outelote and voltage cites. of
wLich there are several handsomely situated along to,
turnk of the river. will be mkt ou favorable terms to per
eons wishing to bold. The climate of this region le dre
lightfut tba scenery round the morn is very hemutiful and
1000 a th e
ddd. .i t s wi t l no
nuhbemel a t p
o l f a c
o d grat resort
and Minting Mioo4 10 this part of the linite. Untisoad
itelucemente oder themorPou Mb point for busing).
ram. manufacturers, and mecharrice, 70 mane and eettlet
they can and immediate bueineur and etuploymeut m this
Deiot bo the point to which the /dm and *lithe trade
of MgoMer valley will naturally coma by a turnpike
thtungli the Loyalhwtragap of th e Chestaut Ridge, aW
a plank road of thive mules from Alevander Johnston. Leo's,
to the Depot; as will also that of the mighborhood of New
Alexandria by to plank ,owl along the valley af the Loy
album. There is plenty of the {nowt warm, fad the
beet of coal can he hod cicae to the town. in &blind.=
There to dole at hand,. inexhaustible umplyof on kinds
of building materials, lime, slam. and Umber. A saw and
gist mill are loll el:oration with plenty o f water pow
ywithin 300 yards of the Llei .W ari extensive brick
ard ohm In operation, fristi • lama number of su
perior briek during Um
"WM. The eall II dear.
Therich. and 101 l Warded to eulthation. ganistut
The memo of sale of tole will be made known on applica
tion. to peraon or by letter, to the subecriber. or his agent
in Youngdown, ar at the Whoa in LATROBE. where a plan
of the lute may to seen. OLIVER W. BARNES.
N. 11. A public sale of 5010100411 take place. Limon,
emly an the mouth of June , of which dm Dollar will be
gi , en
Stmt. neer Liberty., All permon hoelult eloirtui
ottoinat hint. o reit uestnl to tuesextt them fortheurcht sad
that. ludeltted ore respectfully requeoted to rah mid settle,
as he wishes to close up hie buslucs• by the Ire of Jot.
Fine Dress Goods, per. Express.
A. 31ASO$ & CO. have rec'd this morn
, In per Karrese L s eplendkl assortment of One Dram
cooeutinget bl.k and fang , colored Waage., black
and hat fancy colored plain Times. beautiful plain and
. nsured 'tenure de Lathes, Lawns. India anal...etc.
In, alma tirade ara well worth the G
cc Purr! ,
awes. as the y will to sold at unusually low rricaL whole
rode or ',ULLA,. Noon 4,2 and rrt Jluket
ray 4
m in
ired 331 ilce , sseortel rises Air will
st the wholcialc E/.11.1 prices.
me. J. & 11. Imam PS.
UI ICE FLOUR; Prepared Corn; •
Lt . r.rioz . : Tarl.ta;
Wlll 1.. 51eC
13 LURO CO..
?..511 UNA, at.
it F. 1% C L Al' I N E, White and Colored;
I,lvr Au...near, Isirtea, NI. =ski/4101k% . .
• - ',VM. A. MeCLURG I CO..
iirocoro Ktal Tea Dealern
r u,L6--liordeaux Prune,s, in glass jars;
l'ory ~u porior fancy box e s.
(..rum Prooer. for ',et. by
AVM. A. IrCI.U/I0 A 00.
MACKEREL., --100 bble. No. 3, for Kale by
• 195 Mem. xtreet.
LCM-50 bblr, for solo by .-..
t 1 mrl: 7 J. KIDD • W.. GOVoc4 at
GLUE -10 bblsinxtra) for sale by -
.32)13 J. KID D • CO.
Cl ARB. AMMONIA-600 lbs. for sale by
I mrl2 2. KIDD ♦ DD,
SALE—A good Periling -Nagis
r complete cog , Esquire nr
J. KIDD It CO, GO Wood et.
LARD OIL-10 bids. Winter Strained, fur
.1. br myIR it. E. amens, for
E3IPSEED-=.5 bble. for Ode by
Ll mrl2 IL E. SELLER&
SP. TURPENTINE-10 bbl. prime, for Bale
bs myl2 lt. &KELLER&
Spectacles r
ONE of the meet inestunnitle blessings con-.
fermi bxyt. um" defused mu. we. the
teem tn. r i : .41W:tee:the IncanTenlenan
.I..tton of old
erns causes, mould be irremediable.
Itg eZpelienca and thoemb Ica:Madge of the
Ritmo. at option, ore or. yorporof 14 nil all defoollr• 111.•
low no o
orlotifie toinelploa.
tiol4, Ltd Steal Epootooloo, of on Wads. sod Um
boa* Mawr, mastootly_ oo hood. Also, !scotch Polatilo
Leos. Stand to olds, -Now Glom. ettod to old frame.
0V,1P . :17;.. ° 441141011-ti X iad D;riavii;.
- • • •if. vi.'w Liao,
nlli 4711.14:11f maw of imui.
r,etromAs winTE, BONNET MANU
PACITREft. No. it South Sreuud Str.rt. lalan
ur d. aa+l Ole.) Philadelphia.
11. 1[004 , 14.1t1 , 1“.1.11 8.612,
11 AC A LEY, WOODWARD C 0... Whole
talr Groner.. No 221 51arkvt P6lLd I phl Wl]
J. 1"3.201.
\ EA Lll. BUCKNOR CO., Tobacco
Covornivalon Merriam., N0..11 North Water street.
16 North Wharves. PhliMelphirs. .anal
ERCEIt & ANTELO, General
Phila.lelvlda. Literal savanna
Prui.ft Liguiblem
87 Nauman rt.. Sun Dulldkalis,
_ roy3, SEW YORK.
Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopherons,
etoring, par...retro, and beantlfylog the hair, rradka.
Ong scurf and duelrult and curio, di:vanes-9f the skirt
p4nda and
bas nra re, , u t leln tt i an , !r x e. la
erlmenL trial gri,„,g,Terite;pt
erorso ha. bruit 11* same effect In curl oa4
,dleauses of the
* ra i al i l n iAeraf . ,r o law%=, a leetul th nul an!' llati=lnaTl b s a ll
import. rill eery,. to whoa the value of the preparation,
sod tit...alienation In which It bald by thore who hare
Oren It • trial:
!its Tan e. Sept 114
Pao, nattr-,llear Fir—l bane Iran &filleted nab aest.n.
UP.. eruption of the rain. of a most intourated char
menu, for the last sixteen year, and durang that peraod
bare had Um advice of 1.3121." of the moat eminent okra:4
view, and barn tried all the preparation. for the tialr and
ekin no. aturarii - , without the Iran Laura. 1 was advised
br a (nand to try your Trkophernue. I did en; • tart
menet, and, to nar murrain* and gratlfbution. Yund trayeelf
eured In shout two month. Such uer the violence of the
dteonler that at Oaten 1 sea pirttallrhllnd.
Reepectfully. your, a, V II iurrixr,
liat Columbia street. Brucalm
Nre Ton[. Oct. =„15r.0.
Pao,. Iltany—My boar Elf—Abootoro eny Jude
mom out a Krt.t. deal. .141 0,11.4 ../1 murk M eted
elth dandroa Ira,. told by a rrifod to le, your Tett:ogler.
Dos. and .14 co. and to na, artuctiahment. oty tole wits
11.11, rooted, audall the das tY ulto dleapprared, the
bald now atom. for
am .. .veer nhwell aerw't..
w'th I d tILEA DWELL. WA3 Broadway.
If .7 lady or gent/etn. doubts the authentleitt of the
they will please rall at Profeerror A C Barry , . office.
EC Broadway. New York, where b will produce the °de
cal letter,.
jarom the Military 12141 !ism! Argos. Nat; 0. 1650.]
There I. no remedy tur the permanent cure of teldnerr
awl dlame... of the crunum generally. that ha+ reached
lb. pßelartte enjoyed the article known.. Prat:rear
Barry • Trlnopbene.., or Medicated Crenental. It IS er
ne:Wye], need GY tire upper dues of the Fe.mmuolty: In
almnat ere,. num,' In the land 111. In prefer... to
oCher artieler of the kind. It Impart. rigor tn the nots of
throbs.. and th. premote,lts growth . remarkable do
me.. 'it destroy. th. dandretr and scurf. and aukea lb.
Gals in. and akhey. It .111 rare all dl ea. of oral.
end as raid bead. den corm. and other alma.. Can ,
den of the AI. to riles preen.. se efficacy. it marl. unrivalled. It is Kid In larva bottles. prior, 21nents,at No.
137 Breeds - ay, and .Übe Invaa-tvt, general', threnehhout
the United Ntate. and Canada
- WM. WAI SAN & CO.,
No. T 9 h 81 (late 76) 31.tiDEN Luiz,
Dirrey oiparite thtOld Stand '
CV.titra ' aid Dramen--11.,_vy and Light. An.
Sham Merino &ad Caton, Lismikitio aub.
Silk, Maio; Hembesln, *kid faoey rt
Dm., Silk. and Bll , k e•krk o.l.B..ortitar—Ot kind...
! 5.i
m a .
I ts t!... Ln . g
Stain, an
I /bad Earadt-mcillt/1--Vvra, Linen Cannbrit,
Surpoulna—rzczeh mai Engli.b. new Ptyle. Do:neatly
and ioreign.
.Glows—Kld. P.IIk, 1.1 e,!. Thread. and all the Weft of
Frenell and,. Engli.h flu,rtationa
• linnery—Shaker!!!..)limur, Lamb'. Wool, Silk. Linen and
ifimaing adene—Velvet.C.lohmrre.Y.t.ll,S. FrencL and
oth. et, Ira.
de g Braces for graltlernen and laalirw—s variety of
Ridmp Nth,
particular. of all puslitirr.
We would Invite attention to our Domestic
Knit Under.Alrta,
RU. FAKk:tRN .
C 0. ..
A taltlen La
Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse.
e (Up Sta lIETV TORR. I. new °perdue use of..
.rwst and rlel,cet asperumm. eI'ILINt/ AND
SUMIIER SIIAITLS ever beforeed. Alec LADE
31.11SLIN sad all kinds of SILK MANTILLAS, manufactu
re! from Ilan Wen Paris Whams. Precis...thy the staamere
and Perticelerly elapted to the leering u+de.
fr.! , ttl " aL UL lTl L :det',l o oet t aa r.
tad elle snil Turk Satin raiaeolv, d P Cotton ilhag.
bent Umbrella, All of which will t offerat xtreruelT
low price, Wu especially Italia our ITeetesn alert iii
amtae our otockWont punt:malice.
wIRE SHOW STANDS. for exhthlting She r vrls and
MautlllaNtut up S. macs for transportatton. feblll.l
ty's Self• Seating Advertising Ravel
.1,.‘ rt. subsertber, so
. licitlmna the
it of
of all who
arrerience of years hae establieutal Molt . suresiorlty be public :
prodea ell enestbn, and be conEdently refers to the test..
of tlome tondo.. men who have used these envelopes.
'and to hie i.E.lnuang rale. es proof of their excel
The fOnOwittz are a fow of the. rooms fur the. Mu
. . . .
• LC On the place arm :pld by the seal. I. ?aroma rear
have hie name, tontine., and uldreee, nortsplcuouely and
beantlfnily emboased, eolosed or plain , thus ardidilditl.d .-
feetseeurlty against fraud. -
X. The Envelopes canna be opened velt.hont being de.
" W iettber
46. um. til7'=or:lrde=e7lll?tts
Immediate return to the sender, hunted of being baHed
months tn the Dead Latter thane.
_0..... . ... ...... . .. ......
th. The Envelopes are tarnished at almnrt the same
twice as_plaln ones.
eth; Each letter marled lee most affective erlvartivement,
sure to attract the attention of all through whose hands It
mu rat..l
. ron following la a lid of prime for Dun, engraved on
braes. and which sill loot for rums. and .f Enverzeirs, of
he usual Mtn, either white or bufl. of .sod raper. and
Made as above, with name, address, ao.:
Priers sf Pia. , 1144 es of Lkwloprs ..act. cr.i
'3l letters or Ins.- ...... .41,01 ' olsree.
30 to 0 to
40. 0,00 Mroo 7.50
.40 to et) 0,00 3COO
00 to FlO ' 10.(31 4000. .13,00
00 to ller 12.0(05000 - . 13,00
When It is not oonvenlont to forward amount of order
ffrfo ' S ' er 4 lll ' ll ge9rftl ' art r t " . f4 L ' = " Z e lli7n U 4l. bl ;;l!rinm Y'rk
attention, If addrmarl. 1411. sty...slide, '4.
N, . •• ,
o. 2G3 Madison strrt, New York.
Orders will Widtaroird to prmotaly, if left at the mores
of lissom. Nit.ll k `..T/ Wall street, or of Messrs. IL
11.—Businese Cards. smisrasol in colors. front aame
Dias. at SIOJA nor thousaml.
CONTINUES his usual facilities to receive
on Storem. nal. and Trawhipment; all Merebandiee
eottelgoed him. Boats leave hln dock dally fnr midpoints
on the Lakes and the Canal and Biter.
Referener.--31eesra. Larens. Sterling Co,
Meesrs. Junta It Quiaar.
fir. Jtdin.A.Canaher.
Ptedtme. Commi,A.m. and I.•ror....rthn g Membant.r, oo the
$l. Jobor.h. Mo.
Mr.. to Alexander t30rd0t.....1 4Rfnx, Eteriit g & Co..
Pittsburg!, • ap4:l).
pAVID:-..e. TUTTLE, Attorney at LAW
prad PlDM . l33l.viatter for I•rma.rylvmatir. rt. Loot, 31r.
co.a..MlWea , rtymptly annwerwl. .21:1y
u OU N IN, A tto e y and 'Conn.
tellor at taw....1 Cucoccucsion.r for th. State o
kenusylvanin, St- Loaf.. Mu.. (le. of I . .ttoburgb.)
neharnmr.,Yaknhurgb: flan. W. i'orn,a, Monnou a
mina. mtnnalt.p. k McClure:John E. Parke. hUonlls
Semple. McConlk nuglklY
TELE undeeeigued having entirely ro-Tmt ! ,
end, and eolarayst the shore extetaim establish.
msaL =pooh, In di about three buttlead and City...
rooms. would remectfully sire nonce that It I. now Wed/
for the reception and scconotocdstion of the Jewelling
Anextended conceal the unatuxeroolonnemienueof this
[louse le deemed eupertsous, TA the nusectous Improve.
menu IA bare been made cannot be Proeerly Oren ht
an ad, lemeot. Sunk - ea to say. IttemoSe luf bean
imarof t render an, apartment perfect.. •
The furniture war made exerted, to enter. ecitardime
out, and certain wad
the mania, the
roma. will he found to be of moat beautiful rusruise
ttL,„. Th e tuning rooms are catusious, cod the hones for
meals will be so arranged as to aulti.he consenienne alba
early and Iste.
Esser, department will be conduct., to en tineXcepth.a.
ble manner. and the 'proprietor plaints Namely that .b.p
American done .hall beady the Trareller's Boson • • •
febonswinefene LEWIS RtaE.
DRIED APPLES-40 bags in nom,' for
weer FL - bALZEL &CO •
m 714
SOGAR-10 Wads N. O. Sugar for Bale by
a 1715
MOLASSES -500 bbls N. 0. S. H. for
ILL sale by tr7l4 JAIIEB DALZELL
Q, IL MOLASSES-1W bbla battle ground
• & If War ./or alb. by JAMES D.kIaELL
NtACK.KREL-.45 bbls larro N 0.3 fdietale
For Rent or Lease,
OR one, three, or fire year., ..large and
• oatireoleot BR SE
BRICK 110 U, oh tholeolteeto career of
E 4.,...., Iretoter otreeto. Ylltabotittn with • lor4m.
deo lot attached thereto. rendering It • very •
gases of reales., Terme all be loOderste. for further
Yortheththt , ereardr• of 03.,(11 . 14. R. kle/tILLAN,
Lawrenieville Property for Sale:
TOHE Board of School Directors will sell,
at public ruction,. Tbandar.tb• btbday of J®., ,
• o'clock, A. 11. • ranter Lot, 05 feet front on Eke st.,
running alcror Market aller•
to Forter'sallef.barthg throw
fronts. on obleb is erected • too envy fronang
Me street, mai • Gnaw Tenn moo imonst cm dap of
sale. 8. 11. SARBY.I2. Seer.
Lawrencerilla IdaP
THE well finished and tarnished Stoie.
oa Third stmt. near tL Bad 13130, at preseatE.
occupied by Mrs. Porter, se • Jewelry Store. ripply
to Y D.GAZZA3I. 73 Liberty at,
noylfril Lyttles Ron.
[Port. Tribune. and Dirysta copy.l
FURNACE, at Dresden, Muskingum co.,
01.. 14 intim - from Zartemillaila of
mordng ord.
A 1.9 prior Poem toe.. capable of munlos 001
tow of Plc Iron per day. abundant supply of
Ore - in its immediate rictolty. We connected by a abort
canal with the rim. which fa riarigable for
steamboats the greeter part of the year. them salddiolt
facilities ehipping to Zanesville, or to any tot .: 00 Lbw
- Ohio rivoo. at.low rates of height. The Itoa berwtoZwe
menu torque. at this gornace, au hem eonsnmed in
Zanesville. for troneannly to
ti JAZIES. Zanerrille, Ohio. or to
/11L117 PENDIA:4'ON, 8a1....
To Transporters m Con, and Grocer
WOK SALE, on accommodating terms, 4
very ealuable lOTA each front=&et &X lathe.
on Bank Lane, Allegheny City, and flouting on tter P.on
etivitnin and Ohio Hallooed, (within •Aguareof the Ira'
thd extendbur back to the Canal Buda, theniby an
e greaten facilities for Airmen/ by eithir the Hal
or Canal. . . .
autre or D. C. STOCKTON, ADogboo.22.t7i
or r lth e nelc:'ksto - re of A. C. STOCKTON , comer of al Le
and Third amts. m 720
To Farmers.
/ OMACRES- Farming and Grazing
Lands. in Wan= county, lccatvd on the
p ri ftk i t i ly river, within twelve Wee of the New Tart sad
Alwv?ol.t/l0 Amu in Elicowl, iov vale on arvomsoole.
tlng ton. Ennulre of WILKINS S 03.,
foil ...a of and Third N.
To anima%
• •
TWENTY ACRES of Gardening Land, al
y maer gad cultivation, oeithise one yule of Ihs
.. f<1.151:9 aeon-on. e , ztg r, 2
, 11 the
yalnet tn. hthlitrifoome of T"'.
A. Wilms t co_
=WS of Market nod Third ets.
Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale.
subscriber offers for sale the house and
017.1`!rstruPgiL L
the market thie be
city. The lot Ix 140 ft.front on Inn at,
a n back 252 Gist. to so riller—inatsluing need,' unit
any of p•ound. 2.1 IS bounded on sem Mae Dr WT. 01. ,
ftlOrlbeat with Imes and abrubbny. The Minn 1%
imarly new, large. and neweilinsix well arranged. baring
• front of 50 fed. and • depth of L., and contains fourteen
room& beride• bole nine feet wide. it ta built In the best
Wad cunt durable manner, and hal, Ezeimof roa4 sod
contain 00 tho modern convonitnoct. Two pampa, with
011 •ttfr l 4 l oo =gray of bard and aciftenter,ere at the door.
On the premises gre the necessary out buildings. stable,
carriage home, Lc. The grounds are laid out mint/ a. •
lama, awned with choice limit Oen , evergreen, flowering
ahrtibe, eurranta. goomberries. rambanim, and •
IC•rden. Tbe fruit l• of Me b es
et bind, mal Ote tner an in
thdr swims and yield enough for Um wants dui ordinary
lambs. Tu. sauso...t propatr. ss t 0 sslobgi sod
roburbito coustutts, combined with contliontr Mfr.
Y not k
kw of lbe
EittaihoburXr .sir ..ddeum
i7t7Alt o Pti: . o .ls4 rlven. tr.P uT i t
ku :l7;
po r rt-fall oiew. Th. g . lll . lniburtiti the Ohio, panes Lit
tansarad hum any muumuus of to iles also =frili
molott krid en...latices. and of
a In at quiet
Smad peaceful .il
l f located born quiet wink In the moors.
he /•,. wil Wank' at shaman', and Intaintion nitro
wha,. dedmd. Enquire at the Gazette tens.
ag=ittf . O. 0. WILISTP.•
For Sale.
yRE members of the Fairmount Fire Corn
peolatre their Engine for tale. It le to good or.
Er4 , I I4IVTII, !eel. •
apihtf No' 409 Neuxistreet.
foR RENT—A Dwelling Roane on 2.
Tbird genet, above sad Dear to Entithaeld.. It
gas &strut. .large am*, wash house. to. VIII
be anus] Icar, sag von eouou given bumodlotely.
ikl.—far &go co Loose. mote lota In tbe Muth Wood,
between ream street auel t o Al/aaht.T altar.
et BenJ.Darlthstoses, Fourth street s gear Wood.
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, on
amble terms. the Allowing Real Plate, 10
City of Pittsburgh. via:
No, 1.. Three valuable throe array brick dwelling houses.
decotel gavot; between Market and Perry street" the
lea beteg each 19 Yogi dont by 80 deck.
No, T.: .ftatztha 67 het front on Third street
the Third Prethytedan Chtach, on which Ler=
roar May brills house. used as prlnthog cake. sint one
two stop' brick warehouse.
No. Two lota In Falletdo, Beaver minty,
b e lotg
Nowabeing about 100 feet palm.= which bend.
ad one block 41 Aar frame dwellbckv, and aoparate
tram norelat. all two Mains hish.
No. 44 One lot 10 feet front on Back 'treat. ormitir the
above ; and rataudlng to the top of the WI.
' No. 1.. Two tench lots. each 10 feet Aunt, and mining
teem the mad to low Water mark, on the/Re-Beam.
No. 6, One valuable waxer be. 100 feet on Wheel Ruw
with tea thane water power attentusi.
00.7. One lot Monte the eater lot, SO feet front, and
exterelltur to the top of the hill. on which is e.rMal. one
two stray brick store and warehouse, 05 by 50 peekaboo.
11=e twelling; two Reales high.
No. g. One brawl:et In New Mighton.Beaver costung.b.
lug stout 140 feet on Broadway, and about= fret deep.
contairdng 119 atm on which as meted two large know
dwellings. and one small tome house, - kind ea an valor.
164' tiM.,"llfrd.4.l":=l=l;'lltli
-. 1.4.14 One water Int,bardediedrdw bellow Pallstmaridge.
being about 100 %Mtn length. and mtending from Vat=
etreet lo law water mark, or towing path.
The above property will be sold on werg_fararable terms.
tl Wt t ei% Vte. ' " l e TrAtiger=nr
met.= f•lwartml and Prat cowl.l
For Sale.
LOCK* or Itilmoniar, th e earner of Waslo
and Pen* streets. and frontlag mt the Pe
ta Canal, in the City of Protsburr.h. The Led romts
one hundred and forty tour feel on Poem street. awl one
hundred .d clue foot nine intim ma Washington street.
to a twenty feet alley: Inquire of
mehPfett No.loo Penn st
VFORNALP—Tisio laroe Flour .d Paw ULU an
the Beaver thee with the neoretary water prow. lso.
well improved From in Lawrence 000nty. Prins $.51110,
Abu, • Perm of 119 am, on th e Ohio river, throe miles
blow Beaver. for SAin)o. A 1.., one of 140 acres. ma th a
Ohio silver d nallos below Prover. Pro Stltt acres.
*cm Al,,
OW iron. gir Slit per were. A 1.,. farms of 160. 10.1 , and iht
acres. for Afo Ter acre. A 1.., 179 mires for 312, and
acres for EIS per acre, together with many others of vari
ous atsr• and prices. tingnire of
N. P. t 0. L. B. TETTLE3I.,I64
Attorneys at Law and Beal Mats Agents.
feblo No 107 4th st,Pltteltanch.
sine oder, for sale • large utonter of valtudde keg and soma ve ß fr , urE b hle sites me
Woks, mthe &mat of hem, kested nor the
new Pub & Mace HOW. and bug Lutheran Church..
Th. ma:growth of FOrnatturhun in population end
ntanufacturine wealth, and the reartnable tutees at. which
lots 0111 be sold, will render them a oat and profitable In
vestment. 'Ms perfect Terms favorable. • -
For . matrculare and terms. manor tbenadermignad, at
the o Uoorge F. ()Mom on Grant =••• MU.
burgb. between Thlrd•and F streets, or of Wilas=
STrunout and N. Patterns.. Erie.. at their aim In Elm.
Ingham. le= NOSES V. EATON.
OR RENT—Thelarge and commodi-
15 : r4=7:VaT'tt Egaina rDX V. 111111211.
to ua rant. Alao—Stabliaw tbr two non Ewan
arr.:s3f , No. b 9 Water at.
VOA RENT—The Dwelling Home, on
the corner of itouttt .4 West Commons, lately "
wool:4rd by Tbomwt Arbuckle . , deed. Pones:Mon stt
aro of Josiah Sous . Is. or Wtn
' all. Zell Co ' itat Works, s i g h UM:
Copley's Pot Clay.
Teosubscribers are now Sole Agents
f J. Cooley a Ca, for the sale of Utter Pot Clay.
of well estlebllsbed reputation for the neanufactuce
of Olan Pot., Steel Pots, ac. It le made of one of the most
lufuelhle sototaneee amen; eehl to very carefully .sleeted
cod elessuod previous to grading.
etreehoppwito the Poet •
ono Le bathers, By Dumas—No. .2. This condones
the work.
A tom London editionor 811Akrpeere. Co. I.
Art Jountel for May.
Borth, libaksocane. 80. 38,.evecluslan.
Dieter:is Pickwick Paper. Abroed—by Bei
The pelt. Natal, • new novel be P.M . . an
Sartain inne.
thou vlck—No. 3.
Ptl.tha. SI novel, by E. Blancheni.
The Motherin-Law; by Mr, Youttrwania.
Tho Banker's Wife: by T. 8. Arthur. . •
Adventures of Pew Owen. by John 0•It. otyll3
HEMP -45 tons Miss. D. IL, for sale by
Ika ACKEREL-30 bbls. No. 3, for sale by
LOAF SUGAR-150 bblz. (ased Nos.) for
sale by BC/L881DM: r INGIMAII.
mylb • 116 Water st.
LINSEEII OIL-30 Lb's. (warranted pore)
for We by J. F.CIIOOS3I &K) IV CO,
myla 24 Wood r-
IS case tor sale by
IOPPERAS--25 bbla. (good) for 8010 by
ALUM -50 bble. fur Palo by
LA —Thew Gloves ase of great nuutr to all klid. of
' z i nalte evrosely els7p;othand h o a
mitt J. it n. PRILLIPS:
NDIA RUBBER COTS—An excellent cov
i. bar 'on llama or coma, aelf.thrring 101 10
alr or water, for male at Noe. 7 wail Si Wendat.
VEW RIBBON'S—A. A. 31450 x Co. are
_LI .0. receiving a Zia astortment, of Ltantiful ite+
et an Dila...
-yr,lkrutiabtll attuktion to their emlarßenimlr
or whore allqueltttee eatbe obb9ned Lud 1.0 , o+7
ID. wt.. No. 6: b 4 Market • • m 714
_ . .
d..uaev C mortilts,and slow opm ICI cartons of ass. sus
ped Tarletosts Bowsst Using. Tbs as
testis* oflollimars Ls essyssganyisolicaxt.
.myl4 • • 4. A. MASON &
RUCK. BARAGE for 3.louraing Veils ,
tartreditt du, Man of ' •
004 ' - I MURPHYt Bea ram
! bandanas M' and at a taartial`oraV 7
pARASO P ik%
LS!! PARASOn.LS!: of,
irELDs newest
all i "' w tRA L S !:
. _
SHAD --10 bbl new for sale by
-11NDIA WEBER TOYS—Just received a
Isitre..rtatentill•dt• Rob!. Tors, • ••••ttra,
•• tkralta' r l t r,ll& * ltaqberli•Pot,
mrb ±
7 sad Y Wcad
ii-TELsu F.LANNELS.—We . have receiv
. ..E.f...a=et n ar m r ea ailit.jyarpli...
! " %i " yr. ,asua-UnVkl.
rG i l ys - si--40Th (I . reppir s ale co.
LE—flyalptda um sad Lett
Ze . for
M. andTatarmfra• port:Port Satutday,
at tO 'cli tt. A.
For * freZht or itaattaso apply 41 Inant.or to •
RF.31:11.9.1t PACKET BE - m a t
esale PILOT No. 2. A- S. Crazes smear.
sill Leave Plusbeargh.for Wheeling,. Parise wad fleallteh.
ever, Iseeday and Eld ser. el 3 elau , e• R: eettcroltde
heaves &wash Gar Capthas. Wheellh.a sad BllSehatest. ev
sal Welneelarend Sarsidep. at Radek:else. as n______
... d eiD,r...2 defend spon tille boat ruaalnir
" gteric " biO7=lntir om 1 .. 0 . . . . MOO
nirnon.• Thbe oolendlif boat owl built
en owners of the slam. lowa Itrrosool Gam; la
th. CLootionan and Ploronorgh Rata mt. ',CU kayo
hod Wednesday Ito . Cinclanan. In Plus Ms Now Imo ,
had No. 2. For freighter •___,,_. ropl On toord r ar to
um= r. 311 , 11 vns 4: 1 r
lull REGULAR PACKET—She eplendtl
fact twining steam boat CHIEYTALN. It. T.
wan; Mutes, leaves the met area Old AlltelanyEltidgla
(.9t. Clair street.) every hour, otonnumclag at 9 wow.; A.
and continuing until the Ganlene duce. She Plilland
c o the Allegheny side, for the /.11 , 11.201116211 Of reMela.
01 all other Paled. .®` Extra Trip at. 7 o'-
aock. P. 31.
.tom 1851.. . gad
r.f.E . anZtand . fi tt t rin t ii2 ,e*. CAS M
!amine, Welleburg, Wheelhgr. 8rai11vP3W.C4 313 0:44 '
3464 Packet PittAnmeb every Wed 444
3 o'clock. P.M.. for Wheel Log 40 Bridgeport, and envy
Batualay. at 3P: for Capthas sad 3434. lienarnlng,
leaves 34014 every /Imlay at 10 o'clock, A. W. 41
Brilzport and Wheeling every Monday 41 Thnreday,
For freight aad 44.34 , 41 y on board, or to
rackif JOWN NAGEL Agent -
011.—Tbe lightdraught stem*, ARMik.
D. P. Altter, muter, leaves Wellsville ewes"' Morldar.
Wednesday, arid friday. at 8 o'clock, A. 31.. for US 1!v
-email, (Hugo, Mcgerrarie Landing. Beaver. and IYtt►
knead Leaves Pitteburgh every Ihnuedn'L sad
Saturday, at lOolchailt. A. 31.. for Bearen3leTarren'aleatt.
Glarame, PaatLiverpmb and Welleville.
- • • Yor frelatit or Moat, aPPIv On knead.
RED WAR Arrsß ußan AND •-
WaIItLING PACEET.—The rplsbdkl
asagaelta steamer 11111/124.114 Conaell,
tar, Is nasr patersidear her maul. trl-asolrly grips bebrata
this atty. and Wheeling, leaving Pitiaburgh at 10 eelneg
arm 11onday. Waliammisq sad Priday, sad raturailak
/ea , . Winding rem' Twaslay, Thursday, =1 SisMloo7,
ingsh i. yea. • For fre=re s serarakkarliaalo
IKg, agiasia
prlmotalNOPOßTets .—She fine o..eatosr rACILIRG,
4. 1121 , 441, leaVigkral i gkra d cw.k.
freight pr
c' T.11'0761305,
el Wain &W. tro.t. ots.
SIP:PHIL PACE ET—The feat rt.:Ling
.reamer WELLSVILLE. Caph 11. Young, will
rout as a regular parka betwoon Pittsburgh, TrboOlind.
tirktooport, and :+unfeb. laming MeV ,
afternoon fur Id - 01nd'. elettbtaidne. thhha a a
emy Thunntar afternoon for Stoubenellle,
Bridgeport, Cantina..d Enallato Warning, lams Brillge.
port and hanllOtt eeery Tveadar afternoon, etral donnali
eonry nifty . afternoon. , For Andel t or plunge. apply O.
bord, or to ifebtld B. %MX. , Agent
• ...";*. r. ! - ; :r .ih Z
w ,
I.Female Medicine knovni: Incipient ConsamPthe.
Daermotens,Lencorrhmorlighinti. irregular Menstroglion.
Incontenstrroce of Utino.bleneral Pr,.trationof the System,
DoMooed Spirits, sad Gloomy State of blind. are cared by
Dr. Gagsottr .&eractof Tate Dre.k sesci&rtvremreakeorldch
given imn , ai.o relief by retest= the.ntsratin of health.
and strength, the blood. It neutralises bad Introora, stele
unnatural eterecUons. end Sims healthy steno. 24 tal thm
vital power.
Its mild alteratire properties render it bectliarig
cable to the slender and dv , constitattkni of the fe
male. itirevoraterrly comdteracta that distressing armour
ems and Wanda so common to the fmasle frame, BM
impute ithe menu and buoyancy as strprieitg to they
or. grated. W. .hale_ ark can an fle whith induces m
strongly to roommteird this marine to althild people
who ham not been blamed With offspring. .
Pt: ands Dteri, or Felling of the Womb., of Ere yean stitr
ding; cured by Dr. Gurou's Extract ofTelem Deck and
Samayorilla..after even other boom remedy had tees-
tried nithont .
Warms... 0., Fob. 1D. 1840.
'Shia cortities that ay wife, aged ST years, has stinsnrii
ander the above complaint for nye year?. marlr all thee
them coedited to bee bal. I him (or facer years coratantly
employed the beet medial talent that could be procured Is
thda make of the stocathey. without any. benclit mhatems.
y wept. petrele.rd.very 101111,120,21411,0=11.1181,41 far
MX! cam of sock climaxes, en of .hick moved worthless.
In the spring of 1642.1 ti Induest to my friends to
to Dr. Otmott's Itelow Dock and Santcpseillnothich Iran
wed fok four manth• 'Arta she had tad lt kir ahottt *kg
weeks, It ..o trident Man of no that the wasinsproving,
sod from thin time she improved noMlly, ad gained gash
int M.O.D. =igy,t,,,, Antrum etjoying Most matThott
otag heighten to Wm. oniledie Welke; know
that Mg ohne eateentaa as to the eekoen of Ilea hum : .
forto.a u to the ouzo bong .a.utd by flonetegoikto
Don aid &Fannin, en maker true.
JA cZ =DT.. " •
4- '4'. 9 4 9;
Kin?, .Era.7. 7 .oeas of . 0. H. Leonard.
1314001. Genag.:Dau• •
/Imam. &F. Dem:tett Go:—Gent.: tome . dna in 141
I was snacked with Eines EMI I ierr 2.4.ltdcb bymok
m lore I could not are It, and in ISIS mortilcatlon in ha,
amelered. let &fermi time.. each physician of celoteity
within my .etch: all told ma my era cant he sionottand;
Trona the shoulder-zo the forearm .se foil of rismatag
sores. dly strangth at thls timeless completely exhatte.-
ed, and layperson much emaciated. I coutineed Bads
state until IS4S. then I to. an adeertismaimat (Onywrif's
Tallow ,Dock and 62215144111110 thick I read. tad Madder*
battle of dot article. Garrott's Tallow Dock and Sanwa,
rills cured me; I 1:031V SO other resadY while ming nr'
mat fell. myself perfactly well beforr ming the sixth tat
tle. 'fad I can{ 11. t tt. fret appearance of the toMadY.I
am maw it would bate sass& me trom years of pale and
sultanas. I most eamestly recommend aeati ]moo
feting =der uiy similar Manse: to caa Guysoirst Tailor
Dock. and Saisazarilla. which will mwore them to' kmaltib.
roan; Ingratitude, :41L Lir:INABA' -
Cunt of an aggravated ear
Tba room perforined by Dr. Gnywitt's Extract of Tenor
Dock and Smeaparllla. are Imtlog. Th. patlinit's gimonzl
health tontines: to Improve after disease is mmistain.
Cures we not dtreniclad critiltirm h. MDT naiad that
them wan be ho relapse or return of Channel.
Soar., lierktract F•broarr.l3s6.
I. F.. Bennots k Co.—Gentm It Imetthgraatplemara that
I ' rain. coT .boat the were harry accts of your 'Teller'
Dock azd fuseparilla upon my sou..lmhmksog
Drtak lasacy this eseelful and losthoccas
wi Us which he VW attacked haISM. and Inapt smve•
ral months attended by acme of our bist phyddans, .8.
tried t hair skill penereringly for firs mantle. seltlxrd any
Moth dal amanita 'theme. Ile becatia reduced tea par_
net alnlaton. Ile had alms from his hip In his bloc.:
which 'wen centinuallY dlicharglaC diagendingly teadader
matter. Medical and surgisal skill was baled. ?haul**.
euld drat ht. mea was borwleas flitter could be mitfts
done t 4 arrest there terrible pdagrening Wawa My nelgh.,
bon and myself thought-his dissolution trees at hand.
00. oat my neighbors (who had eased a child of *mania
with your invaluable mea...d.) wished ma to make trial&
It; vel a more Atm lb. leaflets deans todemmathlng•ldle,
life laszed,,,than bor. of v 01 20.' 11 .4 I Zwrzzned
thrm Prattles of your Tallest Ark and Sarsaparilla. end
C 020.1.190114 wick kad to my astaidilaroant he began.
to Improve. Mime be bad mod Mallard bottle; and bikes.
he had used o half dozen bottles, ha could eralk out.
used In till trees bottles during the year 1818, and broc• ,
lam we he waa perbatly restorrd. Every testing of tbi
alma. except the scant is remored. and he remain*
terfmr, health at the premot 1.1.41. His nateerr. qualm ;.
sha blaming of God.L euttrely orbig to the saw of Tett
Tallow Dock and Sarsaparilla; and 11112050 eau that 1 feal
mini( uudcr great obligations to you, and ltk with gnat
joy that 1 Mime you of rhos your Sarsaparilla haa done
fer ray Wm. heipectfullY.
Sold by J. D. Put. (tamest. to Sakford k Park) Vigra
and Wahine street., Cinsinnet, Ohio, Skunk Agentfor th e
Sent*. and West .to wt.. all order. km's b atittmerok
Rikt A Co.. D. A. ro..«txx A za..J. A.' Jokek — r.
httshurgh; Leo A. Beckham. ADcghea7 ChM
T. Russell. Waabington; L. D. Linde, linkettenek, IL
W.lty, Greertsbnr= R Gant...Sot:whet Sooti Ciikk"
Bedford; treed t Son. Huntingdon; Iles% err. Hollkisyrbarg
ILUdebrand At Co.. brain.: J. R. Wright. Eittuukup •
trial . A-Co. BrookYillk A. Wilson A. Son. Warstartn=
Hen:skid A Co, N. Calleoder, sleadrille; Burks.* Co -
Mk Graham * Yorker. Herat; Jame. Boily a Co, Rub.
icr. S. Smith.Sekeer-i J.O.Boatnertont,Vlll7l.6; F. L. k C.
&Jones, Ootutergart. P. Crireherja.. Browns silk. -
serPria--$1 pa Bottle; Six Bottles for $5..
ntytEr.dgetrislE '•
Pow ruezas, v, ck, 4.1147.
Pla. R. N. Parana-41 roar Verrnifeae.l raT rrL.,_thobt
breltatiost t h a t , barion wed It extentdo. ~ r P, . , -. ...
tor Ma but In. or bye teem 1 linear it d tdly the leer
rera.ratuer es the Umor :•atticir 1 have any traranva,
.nbonsh 1 here bezetufere turd the Tnf10"....f .. ' ...e
othar ntannfactorris. Yarn; reeDaraAM,
. .
Prepared and. rold by It.T. rELLERS. a Wood et and
void by etraperta xerteratir • - • %erre
Bonnets! Bonnets!
REC'D TIM MORNING. par &pus--
6 666 , 66,6,66.16, all !hi Auld mat desfeahle
etsle•of Senn, me. orm.
& very lame aftiesuoteo. Chahlrea••
Straw .d brae! Bare.
The alternate el urchaser. u>euttleuhaly Melted to LIP
hood. t &UT) A- A. MAJOA & CO.
highest price in Cosh ' paid for natio,
dlferook grade* of elcaa wasbed Wool by
3.:CRYIiT &
W. W. WILSON, Watch rakes,;
So. 67 Nora, Coma of Foier — a at., Pil.gala;o2l,..
Ellsor .Waro. NplitarT Gocarrs, ant (a.mdo. s T ea and Tab do ans. tritlery. OoldiVEL
)I.ths.ostual Instromeats,'
canonss Isablonable goads. awful womb work immured la a supshor,=annes., me/A.4 ir
ILI AY BAKES-40 doz. fds sale by _
is .31.7 r. VON LATSMICilitir COL
,, • •
. . A. MeCLURO a
ram aaa Sr
LARD OIL-15 bbla. for sale by
Fresh Arrivals of Wall Paper.
THOMAS PALMER, No. 55 3larket =7B treet.
=met of I.
I.l mp-iced Chem an them tha
p E
er wa. • im.,•h•••• r•Mm•%
ber ri,
bER ILANGINGS—Freinch and Amt
S e nn '. rom.CVornea to lierms.latry -, 1 . 1
WALTEB. ..1WW.1...8.5
ACKEREL-- a WO bble. No. 3,..11 41 : 1 &
aid.bttzmota ttl.ait i betg
br at
M AD Mit a.
arabout,. . Railroad
conarryara Wow .