•sue'' 'ow~' ~.... PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PUBLIBIIED BY WBITI: t CO t4111131180H TIIIIBBD. ' 4 PIORFING:MAY 29, 161 Cui , Fe=iolL , . Veil?! The Whigs and Antinkaa one of Alle .theiyCotinty riu toed on Eatunlay. tb. nit. of May, • VOL: at the venal Need of bolding psimaxv meting; to the Toehtehlpt respettliely at 3 delnek. P. BL, end to the &vend Wasik and Botoustut at 7 delcek, P. IL. to select two delegates frost each election District, tat Connti, Con. vention. to>w bld at the (kart Hour, on Widnes:lay, the ether June nest, at 10 delsel, 1.11,, to snake the County 'nuntnetlona yropertatory to the test (hostel ratstkm, and .1.0 to aniochtt delegate to the eta 4 eon.auen.te mat et Leasattety on the 34th of i.e. WK. C. FILL D. Bee'7. nasideul 'Copies Of the Weekly G'emette, coptainingt be sides avast quantity of various and interesting matter, 3fr. Webrter'egreat.Unian Speech, delta!- . falo, can Do h ail at our counter, in wrapper' or irithout,.. Price, five cents. . Lodoxonves.--Further reunion strengthens our convictions of the correctness of all we have said relative to the 'braiding of locomotives in this cityrtot in a small way, but one etude which will give it a high character fur this branch of trainers; end if there should be two or more establishMents, so Much the better for all. Noth. lug can Ee clearer than that. Here. las we amid before, are aniecntrated eve ry thing' ,that is. essential. lron for castings, Fuourpsaied in quality; is here, abundant and .cheap. Anniats `Wrought iron (probably the Lestfor the purpose in the world) Is menage. tined here ho great quantities. At no place can . brass iwobtained cheaper than here, for here is the head-garters of the most successful Lake SuperioVcipper pmtpany, and of a copper smelt ingtmd rolling mill. We have here, besides all these, any quantity of mechanical skill, and no want oficapitaL For healthiness; and cheap ness of living,*this place is euiserpassed. What, then, iithe rename that Pittsbnigh cannot be made to supply the entire West with this impor tant artiele j , ari article now greatly in demand, and that demand will continue indefinitely to in crease"'.Bneone answer . 64 be given, and that is the mififfertation of personal jealousy, each as we hatithadi.n the Jeered, on this very sub ject, for the last three or four days. This it is which represses enterprise in this city, and caus e strangeis, she *mild otherwise bring among as 129th capital and skill, to turn away in dis. glut. , It is a - spirit as, short-sighted as it is mean. e-lnerder to. show the reader how low that paper can descend in a controversy like this —t controversy which ought never to have aris en—we quote n fat words fromiin article which appeared yesterday morning. The editor says "We volunteered to advertise to: the world the existence of the Vulcan Works (4enns. Thomp- son & Tomlison's] before we werepnid any thing, or had even,wrtmg a promise out of the propri -- etors."...lfow this in either a disclaimer of a venal motive on the editor's own part--a thing Tn. never 'thought Of-attributiMg to him—or it in on insinuation WI, we aro prompted by venalitY, to take flit ccatiie we have. Take it either way, ..ar.d we Mira not touso language sufficiently strong to stigmatise it-as it deserroc. Here,werepeat, la y the great obstacle which lies in the way of :the prosperity of Pittsburgh. We do not believe that in thistiatter the Jouroat is the exponent of the serdiment, :of this community, nor of any rrapectable pirrtion of it; but the effect of ;its course is none the less injurious. • Such a. course cannot be excused on the ground of, justice to Pittsburgh, mechanics, who are in tending to prepare for tide blanch of business, as the erection of suchen establishment as we con tend far undid do more to promote the object aimed at, than any other possible mode of ac tion. Let 'Pittsburgh loiomotives once be seen and approved . in the West, and let it be gen erally known that orders i for locomotives canoe filled heie with despatch and to the satisfaction of the employer, and there will soon be a 4e ' mend in this market. for all that can be man ufactured. Wo aro satisfied that all that is wonted to start a locomotive umnufsetory in • this city, on an a tensivnscale, such as we have indicated, ie for some eaterpriaing person to take the initiatire in forming a onnpany. Two or three pentane are willing, as they have dated to ns, to furnish the grouod, five or al: acres, and takeit in stock and one person informed is that he would he. one of: two persons to prdcure subscriptions's( stock. laths amount of $160,000. Another per son assured netted he htf, no doubt that if a joint etheknolnpany waonsrmed, that from _ 000 to $60,00040u1d he taken by skilful work men, who paid all be usefully employed in the works.. We state these thingsfor the purpose of arousing thaltetention of our enterprising cit izens, end . to cause some' one or more to move t PrtmPaillilleulatter• _ Tie Partimer.--The return of Mr. Fillmore to the White Ilituae, is "announced in the Wash- Ingtrat pipers.. Es trip to'New York, and the events Coneected with it, have been such as to gratify himself and all those who sincerely sup, ' .port with .pleasure," his able administration .of the affairs of the General Government. The j t it ney ',lie Marker. th:the clearest evidence, not only of respeet the high office which he fills, bat also of ethic ent to his person, end hearty approval of :his •admitistre measures. We regret that he did not find it consistent torten= through v ein an the heart of Pennsylvania. He would have roan in this city and state, as just i an apPreciation f his noble character, and as general 'id ' a devotion to his admit:tetra i lion as among any , people in the Union. Probe " tly there is no state An which there is more unity • .cf . swan : sent la . ;ogard to the wisdom and Pia deuce with which babas conducted public affairs sinciThis accession to office, than in the Old Key stone; and certainly neither* i 5 there felt a more calm a n d abiding confidence in the:ability of the aihrdnistratita to me the ship; of estate safely through all rear ing dangers, than in this Com monwealth; Wh oev e r may falter in attachment , • to the llnion •or i n the • wisdom And propriety of . observing all the compromises of the Constitu tion, Penns} , lean us do not; aud.whatever Mate ' • may he found reeling from its Isteadfastness to . the national co pact, this State will . be found true, firm, end. justly poised, In Its proud posi tion ria the Keystone of the 'Federal Arch.— ' ' Probably. since the days of Mr. Monroe there has been no adminiafration which excited by its • . 1:0013131 . 03 and policy less opposition, and none . liai . whiohlad mote'of the Confidence of the people. Eied the Dem o opposition is measurably disarmed tb 'prildente and policy of the ad ministration, the only murmurs ' arise from causes' a's :old,' older th an the constitution • itself, and which no human "Winn or foresight can avoid. It is absolutely impossible for any administration to give entire satisfaction in a - . prerroneit died by each causes, and where • the extremes ar f t wide apart as the poles.— . • '' • If jastimand':L ess'to all are aimed at, the ultras . = ,hther 4lnd' are sure to be dissatisfied. Ozr.ar- Hau. ffrosot.—A terribe Hail Storm passed' orer a plortion of. Clark County, Ohio, last filietrday. At &Until Charleston in that cotmty, the hail stones fell, as the account says, of the site of common mineral door knobi, some splorroldal,-otheridutd the appearance of broken jagged ite.• The ground was soon Corned. The Write and poultry were kined wherever exposed- The cattle ran about frauds and bellowing, their Irides so severely lacerated as to present on the follmag day the best evidence of the emer iti of the storm. The stage reached the hotel just in time to ease the passengers, though the horses did not *Mapes° welL Assistance was at hand the mo ment it atopt to get them free from the `stage, when they dashed off it a'Amiens paco,cieariug fences;and wild with senor. Some of the atones weighed '4 ounces, and ware too late to go; in , tO a .comuunitbler. Olen and cash were -smashed whartroorprotaated by abutters. Of colors; tiese;"alialibery, and grain suffered se •••• • • Tapper has writte n sonnet. upon the Catarict of IsTiapra, imys it is beauttful but not sub. Um. This Is imprirrement upon the remark , of oaZdstatoFist; who, while gating ' upon it, and being asked for hie opiniou, .*clime her? ie 4 I ": ' • Alicarding to_tii•ThiladalphisLedgerAntia , cite Coal SD at a Tay low prise in tiaCcitr: —.ems bivizig Dm eared Ai lovas $2,5 0 Pe! Ina TrOXFOlitii =ND — 0111131 STATEILI Irtaite , tietrAemstittitiatt of the. State of Ohio. I there is a clause, to be voted for separately, which, if. kdopted by the people, will prohibit the - sale n ot Intoxicating drinks as a commori bar- erne.'" Ali able writer in the Ohio State Jour no/Slott, the following interesting statement of the doinp and experience of several of the States in this important particular. That public sentiment in the Northern and Welter° States is rapidly tending to the point of total prohibition of this destructive trade is most manifest. It is a calm, onward movement, which cannot be arrested or turned. hack. What is particularly observable in this movement is, that its force is derived, not from those whom demagogues call aristocrats; but from the really indoitrious masses, who are tired of being taxed for the support of paupers, made so by drunken ness, and: to defray the -expenses of criminal prosecutions arising from intemperance—men who know from experience that alcohol is not only useless but hurtful—in a word, men who have got their eyes open, and who see things as they are. JOMAII BL'lO Another significant sign is, the!. 'the churches are taking strong bold of the ruction side of thin great controversy; and now, If voters and legis lators will do their part, the work will Boon be accomplished.. The wafter says— •A report made to the Legislature of Con necticutt, statm that, 'None of the New Eng land States, except thin, now sanction the sale of these drinks. They all have prohibitory laws more or less strict.' The people of those States now &wally believe that the sale should not be licensed. Even in Connecticutt ten thousand legal voters petitioned the Legislature against it; sad the popular branch of the Legislature passed a law prohibiting the sale; but It was defeated in the Senate. • Vermont has tried the experiment of licensing and not licensing, satisfactorily. Under the old license system intemperance was increasing. 1 The people .voted no license. The effect was sal- utaxy. But the friends of temperance were too negligent, and a majority of IS votes brought li censes again. Intemperance• then increased greedy. The next year a mejorityof more than 800 prohibited the sale. 'The results, as de tailed by intelligent men from every part of the State, are astonishing. They are decisive on the utility and benefit of a general prohibitory law." One county reports a diminution of 25 per cent. in the-use of these liquors; another, the sale of half a gill a year for each person; another ' one tenth as much as under the license system, an other one fifteenth. It Was enough. They need ed, no moreexperiments . The Legislature adopt -led a permanent prohibitory law. The Sales of such liquor is forbidden, except for medical and chemical purposes; and for these purposes they may be sold only by agents employed by :the authorities of the several townships, to whom they must give account of all their purchase and sales. In klassachuiette, a law like that of Vermont was adopted, almost unanimously, in the House of Representatives; bat lost-in the Senate.— But the sale is not licensed in a single county in the State and the laws against it are strin gent, and where executed, prove effectual; and they are executed so as greatly to restrain the side. Rhode Island has, for several yealt had very beneficial laws against the sale. New York voted "no 'keine," by a majority of G 5,000. A law forbiding the sale in groceries, lad making the seller responsible for damages done by the sale, mud for the support of widows, orphans and paupers amide such by it, was re ported to the Legislature by a committee; but it was too late in the session, and was not anted upon. The progress in the Empire State is to wards protuldtion, and seems to have nearly reached it. In some parts of the State the peo ple are resolved that the laws against the sale atoll be =awed- Michigan adop ted laws against license, but has license laws aga in, probably only for a abort time, as Vermont bad. Wisconsin has done about this mac, bit tries to prerent the worst forms of the bosi nem lowa is thorough and stringent in its issr4 against the traffic, and has taken more effectual measures to aecure the cessation of it than any other State; utterly prohibiting the establish ment of any place for the sale or drinking of such drinks, and making every one assist ing in doing such things, partake in the legal guilt Indiana is so . faradvanced that it wanted only a doyen more votes in ita LeeLalatnre to prohibit the traffic. Illinois forbids the sale of these liquors to be drank on the premises where sold; and to minors, and withdraws license. Pennsylvania has withheld licenses ' seve ral counties, and is progressing towards the right course New Jarsay, Delaware, and Maryland, have also taken measures, more or less, • efficient, to cheek or forbid the traffic, and some move meats in that direction appeared in the South enn States. • - N. B. The people lead the may in this program. The etch and aristocratic, too many of whom love, to quaff their wine, are slower th an the mil lion. In lllsasachtusette, Connecticut and New Tork, gcood laws- on the subject, urged by the petitions of tams of thousands of voters, were de feated in the Senate. Fellow citizens, the quta. tion of license, or no license, in now-himpily sub mitted to us, flupecyele. • Let ussectua our right We want protection against that fearful scourge of society, the license system. We may here it by voting for it • We see the progress of legislation on the sub ject is plainly toward prohibition. It is too late In the day .to vote for license without a theme: The best part of our best country, is against li censing the deadly traffic. The march is, on ward ton the extermination of grog-shops of every kind, and all the forms of tempta tion to the drunkards course, to degradation and • By all your care for the best interests of our great State; by all your desire for the good char acter of her citizens, and happiness of her 600,- 000 homes; by all your opposition to drunken ness, pauperism, crime, and murder; by all your compassion for the wives and children, sad moth ers, and sisters, of tens of thousands of drunk- Awls, by all your love of. right; by all your re gard for God and man; I would plead with you each to exert—your best influence to secure, in your place, a general or universal vote of "Li cense to tea Mtoricating liquor, NO." A CITIZEN. Tax BEST WI cos Orr.—The following hu morous paragraph, front the Aberdeen (ML) In dependent occurs in an editorial reviewing Judge Elholson's speech at a late secessionists' proiract ed. meeting : "The Judge. sneered at the 'beet we can get' policy. Well, we think it is just the thing. The Constitution is the best we can get; our country is the best wc cen get; our God is the best we can get; our Bible is the best we can get; our children are the best .we can get; the Judge Is the best we can get, for he says be will not re sign; and we do not 'mow of any thing that isn't the best we can get—except the Judge's speech, for we know that's not the beet we can get. The Rev. Mr. Wolfard, of South Carolina, has belisesthed one hundred thousand dollars to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Another eery liberal bequest to the same Church. has been made by Cornelius Van Houten, Esq., late of Holmes county, Mississippi. He has demised his whole large estate, after the death of his wife, and after the payment of, other 'bequests named, to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, to be adapt' by the General Ocatiference equally between the Missionary Soo lety and Book Concetn. Louts XVlrn's Son.—The identity ,if princes, as well as their paternity, gins .the ?reach tri bunals a great deal of trouble. It fe not yet certain what became of Louis eldest son. The Vicompte de Richemont his i a , sui ro t now pending, in which he Is to prove b If the rightful heir to France. A trial is to come off to-marrow between the heirs of Lord s XVL 31. Jules Farm is attorney on behalf of porsoim who claim that the boy Louis was ,lelirered by the Convention, on certain conditions, to Char rette, the Vendetta chief. What became of him afterwards, we •Inay leers from the trial, which I mean to attend, if I arm get a place for lava or money.—Pariv truer, Aky 1. NU"' iiLunlArhons.—The Newark Adrer- User mays the only needle manufactory in this country is in Sink city—vaabliebed by a gentle man from Nam:nester, England. The manner of making needhe is described as being very inter esehlg—tionva aixteen different processes being necessary [wither completion. The w i re from Which they sue made LB imported from Eng,land. It is enti4to lengths sufficient for two needles each, and. after being rubbed- straigh; they are pointed upon atone at the, rate of one hundred per admin. They. are . : then stamped with im- Fesdoral ftwYkratorY fb? die eyes which are punched by a press, at theist+) of fifty& minute, and thenstrung upon 'intend plaloW in another =MID tobe ilea and fashioned into the fame of needles. The hardening is now dont bye hot furnace, and they tire afterwards' tampered, straightened. and pillared !Mobs's:cites of about 50,000' each, which see saturated with 01l and =ay. tlnd in s cloth. and placed a trough with * heitrypienk moving backward and" for , ward *es them; .. - So lint after soree nine days t . .idaiaanaitr; Oil' ars reli of t i he Mitred =tooth en ough for the guar Polhadnit. The tens Per is then taken cut of the eyes, ant they ere tkrilled to present their anteing ;ha Lltatranos AND REUNION IN PRIIINSIA. The government of PrussiaC as essentially and intensely despotic, reaching to the fire-sides and the most sacred, private. am! social relations of the people. Education, religion, every thing, are regulated by law. The pulalic school system Of that kingdom has been m ch lauded here; but let a freeman see the wor*g of the machi nery, for it is nothing else, and he wilfturn from it with loathing. The scholart • and the Chrichana turned out from such a laboratory are about op a par, bath being fitted only for a blind adher ence to prescribed fomm,and fit tools for the use of those who established and manage the tem. As soon as a child is born, i camps under the guardianship of the State. I. the first place it must be baptised, no matter whether the pa rents approve of infant baptism or not. At sit. years of age the parents are obliged by. law to send him to the .public school: and from that until he is fourteen, the polio see that be is kept the required time at schol. This is regu lated.in.some measure, by thn circumstances of the parents. Masters and manufacturersare equally obliged to educate any children, of from seven to fourteen; who may be in their em• ploy. The kingdom is divided into provinces, de partments, circles, and parishes. Every depart ment has a board of education, who employ school inspectors. Every parish has a school board, and every school its proper inspectors, theclergyman of the parish being one by virtue of his office. The school direotors of the Prov ince appoint the teachers. The teacher must consult the pastor upon all questions in refer ence to the conduct of the school, and report disobedient children to him; and he is bound to visit the school frequently, and watch over its progress. " We now quote in full from a very interesting letter from Berlin, to the Boston Traveller, from which we gathered the above particulars: In the elementary schools is taught reading and ' writing, according to the new systemthe child Is taught to make curved lines Ac., until he can form letters, and thus writing and the alphabet are learned at the same time. Arithmetic, a lit tle geography, natural history, especially of Germany; singing, particularly church music, grammar, composition, reading and interpreta tion of the Bible, Luther's catechism and re ligion are usually taught The general system is prescribed by law, but the particular text books to be used is left to the teacher with prop er restrictions. The teacher must give thirty hours instruction every week. Wednesday and Saturday afternoons there is usually no school. It would be proper to add that in the city schools French and the outlines of geometry are taught, and the regulations are a little different from the country schools. From the 12th to the 14th year, the child most be sent to the clergyman to 'be instructed, preparatory to confirmation. .Every one must be confirmed, or Ire cannot inherit property, cannothold office, and is generally disfranchised, as ender the old test act of England. Confir mation is an era In the life of German children, to which they look forward.with great anticipa tions. It is a time when they receive presents, when the consider themselves as becoming little men and women. It is a turning point in their existence, and after it they are entitled to go in to society, and can leave school unless they car ry on education in Gymnasia Universities. Un fortunately, as might be expected, confirmation descends to a mere form—it is a fulfillment of the requiremetits of the law, and true solemnity can hardly be expected. One hems the stu dents joking about it—one says to the other, "is that the best-suit of clothes you have*" "Oh, no, I have my confirmation pants 381 coat Yet" It is difficult to look upon the Church in any ether light than tis being one of the wheels of Government. It does not seem to connect man with his Maker, but to connect the people with the gevernment. It seems like a civil institu tion,, a help in administering the laws, and we aumot wonder that nearly- all vital piety and trod religion has vanished from Germany, and that rationalism holds such sway. The attempt to glee religions instruction in the schools, jag, ed by its .fruits, is a miserable failure. Some thingis evidently the matter, as the people rare ly show any evidences of a proper faith I vis ited a school the other day with a young Ameri can clergyman; we were alone, all anxious to hear what they called "the instruction in relig ion, and visited that room. We - found that the pupils were chiefly exercis ed in telling how many -book there were in the Bible, how many were historical, &c., itc. Fi nally, the teacher asked a boy how many Epis tles St. Paid had written. The boy answered. 'lies," said the teacher, .that is correct, if you count Hebrews among them; but learned Theo logians of the present day consider that as hav ing been written by a scholar of Peen" This was quite enough, and afforded an excellent coat =eatery on the skepticism 'which the minds of the Germans seem so rapidly to receive. It is difficult to decide as to the merits of the system of education rammed in Prussia. Look ing and reading about it, it looks exceeding ly beautiful and worthy of imitation, but no one who has men the people as a whole, would pre tend to say that the average of education in Prus sia is so very superior. The proportion of those who cannot read or write may be smaller here, but the number of thinking and alive people is so prodigiously small out of the line of meta - physics, that one sometimes wooden whether the people have been educated at all. We must not forget that the great number of ignorant peasants here brings down the average of elle-. cationvery materially. It has seemed to me that • comparison might be instituted between Amer ica and Germany, of this character. Money is indisputably more, generally within the reach and in the possession of every body in Amer ica, far more than in Germany. We have not many immense fortunes in the possession of individuals. In Germany the great estates are in the hands of n few, and the masses are poor. Profound learning, exceeding like their estates, what is known in America, belengs to the Ger mans; but the universal diffusion of a sound, practical common sense respectable education, like the universality of ready cash, belongs to America- This 13 the result of my observations daring a residence of a year and a half in Ger , many. It may be incorrect, but if I couclade that seventeen million inhabitants of Prussia are, so far as practical purposes are concerned, bet ter-educated on the average than the same num berin America, I must change my opinions en tirely. [have not troubled you with the details of the elementary school system of Prussia, because ' you have access to all that is necessary already in America. The schools are usually supported by the parish, and poor children pay no tui tion 4:WERTH° OF THE CAMPAIGN. WHIG MASS MEETING SPRING GARDEN One of the largest and enthusiastic meetings of the friends of Governor Wm. F. Johnston which ever assembled in this city, or its precincts was held last evening, at the corner of Sixth and Spring Garden streets, for the purpose, as stated in the published call, to express their approval of his pahriotia exertions to free the State from debt, to promote the public interests, and to sus tain the public credit. At 8 o'clock, Robert Bethel, of the Third Con gressional District, called the Meeting to order, and It wee organized by the unanimous election of the following named gentlemen as officers Prmirlcut—*m. Near.. Vice Praidads—Farmer Barn, Brock .Waaton, AM. Wm. G. Conrow, A. L. Shattuck, Soho Mc 'Bride, Michael Andrea, Sr., Aid. George Erety, John G. Wolf, Benj. Levy, Henry H. Miller, John BreWord, Robt Lindsay, John G. Merger, Wm. P. Jenks. _ Sem , lani..s—Jolln • Lloyd, Henry Schell, Jr., Henry E. Wallace, M. A. Adick, John hi. Riley, Wm. F. Parry, Geo. P. Nagle, John Brown, Sand. Shaffer, Abne. Dunlap. Thos. C. Jones, John Showaker, Mathias D. Drake, Cephas Mr. Neal having taken the chair, read the call for the meeting, and then announced that Joseph Allison, Esq. was present for the purpose of ad dressing them. Mr. Allison said he only pur peed to occupy their time while they were wait ing the arrival on the ground of his Excellency Governor Johnson, who designed to appear and speak himself to his fellow citizens of Spring Garden. He then remarked in eloquent terms upon the upright, judicious, and efficient admin istration of the affairs of Pennsylvania by Gov ernor Johnston, his fearless defence and promo tion of the true Interests of the State—his strict fidelity to the Constitution and laws—and par ' ticuhaly the pm-eminent service he had render ed in rescuing the finances of the Commonwealth from en almost bankrupt condition, and rester litg the impaired credit of the glorious Keystone State. - . Mr. Allison then spoke of the present prosper ity of. Pennsylvania—referred in stifling lan g.usge to the pest history, both se a colony and during the rerolutionary struggle; -and in antici pating her future career of progress in wealth, population, and political importance, be made an earnest appeal to all those who sincerely val ued her happiness and honor, nowand hereafter, to stand by the man who had come to her relief in one of the darkest and most trying hours of her put, history—who bad, with a loyal devotion to hot fame and fortunes as & great State and & gap courageous pursuit of what he believedhest Les4Saated to alliance her Interests and glory, tifought her out of difficulty, snd restored full: Era to her treasury. end universal prosperity to het people. Mr. &Ms= was frequently cheered in the coast of his markt, and concluded at _ • half past S o'clock, at which time Gov. Johnston arrived, and-being loudly called for by the as, semblage, advanced to the front of the rostrum I and spoke as follows: His excellency said that he felt sensible of the kindness and 'support he had received from the people of Philadelphia, and more particularly from those of Spring Garden and the Northern Liberties: and he took occasion to renew his sin cere acknowledgment to his fellow citizens of those Ilistrieta. Ile was a believer in the doc trine which teaches that no public man can sus tain himself in any honorable position without ! the confidence and support of his fellow citizens. He believed that under no form of goverumeat could a' public tenant long be sustained unlesshe has the sympathy and support orbit fellow men in the country or region where beholds office. He believed that thereto nothing in mercenary guards or castellated fortresses; nor all the attributes and armaments of power equal in security to that which is conferred by the support of the masses of honest and upright men. Ile ',kilned fur ther, that in this country there is a peculiar propriety in the public servant at all times cast ing himself before his fellow citizens, to declare hit position and opinions; and if be does not re ceive their support, he will retire from his post disgraced. The Governor said he, made these re marks because he bad so littiq.deslre for ;public office, that if be thought the people of Pennsy lvania had lost their confidence in his integritY, and ability to fill the office hdheld, he woulere tire from the field and leave it to other men. Ile also made these remarks because he had in troduced into this State, iu its Gubernatorial. elections, the practice of the candidate appear ing before the people,—not because he wished to solicit office at their hands but because he felt it to be the duty of a candidate to meet his fellow:citizens, and declare to them, face to face his sentiments. His opponents had said in the last campaign that he had sought office publicly upon the rostrum. He appealed to the people then present to know whether in his addresses to them here is Philadelphia, he had begged office. (Loud repouses —“No!" • No!") He looked upon a public man as a simple agent of the people to carrying out the measuers which they favor and dealt°, and believing that he was correct in the position ho assumed, and would be sustained in a practice which is now common in other States, he determined, in 1848, to ad dross his fellow-citizens throughout the State. He had said then that he desired to represent no moll whose opinions differed from his own upon the topics concerning which he had addressed the people. He said so now. He said that he nigher deserved nor desired any such sup port. Since then a change has come over the state of things, and no man will ever be elected to that high office who has not the honesty' to. come for.' ward and declare his sentiments freely. The time has gone by when a cabal can get together in some secret place and makeup the opinions of the Governor The people have learned to despise and defy dictation. The Governor said thstit was the fortune of public men to be mis represented, and it might he esteemed fortunate that it was so sometimes, since, if a public man were not assailed thus, he might never have an opportunity to explain those points in his public course which might be esteemed and valued by all his constituents . tAt this stage of the Governor's remarks a very large delegation arrived from Kensington, headed by a splendid braes band, and bearing a large banner, with the inscription ••Kensington is coming to protect the Tariff." The new com ers were greeted with three hearty cheers, and they responded in a loud tone that Kensington is good fir 300 majority." The Governorresumed his remarks.] The great founder of Pennsylvania was himself I the subject. of misrepresentation and abuse all hie life: and even to this day his memory has been pursued with calumny and misrepresenta- don. That meat man did much in defence of human rights, tottering imprisonment and every wrong that could be devised. lle was punished for his Worts to establish the great principles of trial by jury, rofeby ballot, religions liberty, and other great privileges Tes, he, the first Gover nor of Pennsylvania, advocated those principles with a degree of firmness which Many in this day would shrink from; yealhe has been calumia ted even now, and from these calumnies has sprung up a vindication which has demonstrated what be did for posterity, dad attests in a strik ing manner the truth--ektdaordicary as it may seem—that it is fortunate to be traduced some times. Men will occasionallY do things 11.9 par titans which they would tomcat os individuals: and in this connection he adverted to the charges which had been made by his opponents, that he had broken all the pledgee be •had made in the last canvass. In reply to the accusations thus made by the Williamsport Convention, the Gov ernor said that he submitted to the people. every pledge which he had uttered, and appealed them to-know whether he bad violated one of them. (...No, no," lees the response from all sides of the assemblage 1 lie bad said in that canvas. that he was in favor of the protection of Ameri j can industy—not mere protection of the inter ' eats of the employing manufacturer, butprotee tion that would furnish work to the laboring man, and afford him sufficient remuneration for his labor. This, he said, is the only true ground, sitnply because a government who expecte& cid ! ren to exorcise firs potitianl rights most-.furnish him with the means Of obtaining information to to qualify him for their exercise. Ho said that is the best government and the most truly demo crude which secures the greatest good to the greatest number; and if men were placed in the naticmal councils opposed to those principles they were given but a barren sceptre. In his first annual message to the Legislature he had presented this subject in as strong and complete a light as he could; and be then show ed that Washington, Jefferson and Jackson had favored protection, and urged it upon the favor able consideration of Congress. For some rea• son or other, that recommendation was treated as if it had never been made Here the Gover nor dilated, in an eloquent and fervid style, on the great natural resources of Pennsylvania, and the inducements thus held out to her to be in fa vor of protector. The Legislature then failed to do its duty on the subject. The subsequent year his recommendation fell without effect: Not willing to abandon the purpose, on a third oc gal= he told the Legislature that the delin qffency of Pennsylvania had lost the measure of protection. Again the warning was unheeded. The spirit of .party had produced these bail re sults. The Governor asked if he was to be charged with breaking pledges thus fulfilled, and whether there were not other mcu Who should hide their beads in shame. He had said further, during the former convent, that he was in finer of universal education; and he had it now to sup that there is no such thing as a non-accept ing school district in the State. He instituted a contrast between the condition of the State one hundred and fifty years ago, and its pretest prosperity in respect to public education. At the olden date which he alluded to, the first school house was established very near the place on which he was then strurding, by Enoch Flower, with a class of some fifteen or sixteen echelon. He founded the principle of public instruction among us; and now, instead of ono school house and fifteen or sixteen scholars, you hare fifty or sixty thousand scholars here in this city, and schools are scattered all over the broad domain of Pennsylvania He did not speak of these beneficial results as flowing from any measures of hie own, hut he did it because he had placed himself on that platform regardless of all con siderations of personal popularity ; and now he gloried that the system was triumphantthrough out the State In the former canvass he had said that he was opposed to the abuse of the veto power, and be held the same opinion yet; but be also held that the Constitution of the State must be preserved intact, and its provi sions fulfilled, even if principles werekacrificed. lie did not believe that he had sacrificed any principle he had avowed, nor did he believe that if the Whig principle was rightly underitood the Constitution need ever be sacrificed. He ap pealed to his fellow-citions to knew if he had abused the vete power. (Cries of "No," "No.") The Legislature had passed measures which did not meet his approbation, but he had not set up his individual will in opposition to that. 'of many others. He explained that he could not sign the apportionment bill first patted, bet. cause it was not formed . fairness and justice; and was framed in total disregard to the proper principles of representation; and he said that had there been time before the close of the ses sion, he could have presented reasons which would have satisfied any reasoning man that the bill which was finally successful was neither fair nor jug. Another bill he had not signed was one relat ing to the courts in this county, and conferring upon the judges the power over tavern licenses. Be bad not approved it because he was in favor of the highest integrity in the jedicial tribunals, and because he believed it important that the Court should not only be pare, but also above reproach. The bill in question was one calcu lated to give the judges a power which would render them liable to suspicion; and besides, it was one. merely to restore powers 4 w hitt h had been taken away from the judges by former leg islation. The Governor also referred to hie refusal to sanction a bill which prevented all persons ex cept lawyers from being judges. He said that he Odd not assent to any such construction of the constitution, more particularly now that the people are to choose their own judiciary. Dur ing his term of office he felt called upon to ex ercise the veto power four or five times; and if this action could be justly regarded as a violation of bin pledge, be was obnoxious, but he would do so again under similar circumetances. He said that these misrepresentations were made agtdast himself personally, .in order to level, throng i ti him, the great party which had elected him ; and it now rested with. the people—whose rights and interests he had endeavored to pro tect—to say whether the attempt, should be sue oessfuL Among other aspersioni, some ItadNe , tarred to his attachment and fidelity to the pest Astexisan confederacy.- In reply, he felt it only neoeseary to serthst it he wad not faithful to the Union as it now stands, he asked no man to give him his support. Frankly be would say that he held the opinion that this Government could never be dissolved, and could not be en dangered while there wan loyality in the Ameri can heart. ; These were his opinions, and he gave them ior chat they Were .worth. Ile had never met a citizen of Pennsylvania who could conscien tiously knY he loud been in fear of the safety of this glorious Union. He did not: ere why or for chat purpose the cry of danger to the Union had been raised. It was wrong for any public or private citizen to entertain even the apprehen sion. The Governor repeated thu injunction of Washington to discountenance any movement on opinion 'calculated to effect a dissolution of the Union. lie did not care who was put in or oat of office—it M. a dangerous opinion that dismol you can . fee this Union at any time, or un- 1 der any possible circumstinces. There is no in ures!, either civil or religious, that would not les lamentably affected iby a dissolution of the I Union. And here the Govelmor adverted to the I b4 l fact, that while this cry of dissolutio was being rutted. State upon State was busily. ngsged in making arrangements for mutual li of public improvements to convey an entere ge of pro ductions. Yea cannot, said he, littiolve this Union, because you can never get a majority of„ the people to favor the proposition; and he asked why, then, should he be expected to isolate himself from the great mass of intelligent, and tirtuous, and patriotic opinion ` The G?vernor spoke further, in an impressive style, and was listened to with profound attention throughout. At the close many and loud cheers were given for him as he retired. .- Willitun B. Mann, Esq., then offered the fol lowing :resolutions, which were lIIIIIIIiOOIIO,y adopted. The reading of them was frequently interrupted by applause. Resolved, That as citizens of Philadelphia County, we hare, in common with our fellow citizens of the State, cause to be proud of the executive officer of our Commonwealth, William F. Johnson. whose administration has been marked by its liberal end statesmanlike choreic ter, its parity of purpose, and unflinching firm ness in defence of right—all dictated and guided by enlarged policy and patriotic devotion to the welfare. of the State, and which illustrate alike his private and public worth, and demand, at 1 the heeds of every honest freeman, a cordial and 'grateful confidence. . Resolved, That as citizens of our great com mercial metropolis, we owe - him our confidence, repent and support for his wisdom and zeal manifested in all that which was calculated to enlarge the area of oar mercantile and manufac turing prosperity, or to protect and preserve the interests of our citizens Resolved, That by his reference, in his last annual message, to the peculiar interests of onr city, and thus proving that the "growth and welfare of Philadelphia was identified with the prosperity of the whole State"—he has won and deserves the thanks of every citizen of Phila delphia city and county. Resolved, That, as tax-payers, we owe him our hearty co-opertttion in a work he has well begun, the establishment of s." Sinking Fund for the gradual and certain extinguishment of the Debt of the Commonwealth," and that the pres ent State Treasurer is entitled to our warmest thanks for his bold and manly avowal that "this law promises well to accomplish the great pur pose Indicated by its title." Resolved, That the admiaistrationTot our pa triotic National Executive, Millard Fillmore, meets our most cordial approval; and fully en dorses the good judgment of the Whig National Convention which elected him as worthy of as sociation with the lamented Taylor. Surrotuid cd by ciramstances of the most trying and em barrassing character since his induction Into of tire, he has succeeded in so administering the government as to extort even from political op. ponents an admission of unsurpassed ability, of exemplary purity of purpose, while he has won the confidence of his countrymen in every sec tion of the Onion. Mr. Mann prefaced these resolutims with a few. spirited remarks, which were enthasiasti rimeived, after which the meeting adjourn ed with nine cheers for Governor Johnson. Mr. Wm. B. Tilton, of Alabama, has suc ceeded in effecting a remarkable improvement in the tone of violins. Ilia invention has been submitted to the most acratiniging tests by mn s;cal men in New Orleans, and has met with the warmest approval. 11:&"CeICNTI" COXIIMIRInrita.—D.id Blair, Jr.. Sooond R.N. Clt+••f .in to • mr. a•dete Ina, lb., Couute wa. ec LOU tar the oeL» of County COsruniselonet torl4,lmr:te,S I.' COUNTY COIL ISSlONER.—ftub.rt King, tho.e.Tentb liutt. City of Pittsburgh. I. 11.03171[11.•14 - 0 t.. 11,, Whig County CNI••••11S , J13, •• • e.,talt.late (vet:quilt, Coatuitusiouvr. by iny..lsu tr,S SLANT e are authorize to on that raamc. rd raaareta Bortnarh: will ran Wale far . puttdnelicta to the 411. or Recorder, be f.,r• tbe arld Nllll, County Convention aty9Alaart-21 ar.A.MOCIATE Jowl:.—Adam Ilentharn, of Ellesainghano. will be a condldtte 4.Hroccan•taa far the dln of .tasociste Judge la M. Court of Quarter Yeesinae 440. r., sty, before the Aati-SI•toolo god Whim toetfe r valg , me. oo the ith of JOO, Ararroa.—John Emerick, of -McCandless Ownedbe ..poortisl ar carotids. O. County Au ditor, puses. to t be decilloo. of the lebbi and AntiOloosulo Cosmic... by Nan Yam., try A.7sllllllLT.—Thornton A. Shinn, Esq., will Adatxstir.--kioorge E. Appleton. of tin fiorat og h of Illfodwbuck. van O. acippoolod tefont the A. i.Zofoonle awl Whig Coduty COW .111(40t, fin Loombly , oa f 23,dioctooS Mom' far.. Ilitirt:OCNTY TILEABCREA—WO are aut4or i,ci to announce that J. R. Hater, of the al Want, City of CU 1." lII' be a candidate Err the office of thlunty 1 regnant. at: to the decLYion of the An hleacene nod Whit County aphante.S.. &krLiatßE. Of THE COURT.—The IMMO of J iw llormir, oftoiraship_.lll Lai proaentad aparoaChtuff Aatlination. and FN[ Cfifinff tion for laninimition to Me Atm. of Cork of the Wart an2f.itkartan gibreorem HEARST - PR.—The name 61 JOHN alccuctt, of the art Wart ettr of Pittsburgh: will be mob- Wind to the Ant3.3le.sordu saa Whig County Convention rs mama:leo for the ence of 'teener. be earunt. If supported by TeIT alsarr Paturcrt pl:rldtgle.S Ittots.r.r,.—John K. Foster, of towo•hlp. will tmt a candhligelbr Register, twiggy slig Anii.3lgeocle mil Whig Comity Coo r•mtIOo apinidgwitgli Dar Assaum.r.—Robert Abrahams, of Eli =Meth Borough. will submlghts wont to the Anti-Maroc& H.ul Whiz County . Co as a =Mote for nomine. an to the Lawitlaturo. 7.5:42-grae:t. Di&-Coua-ri Rama.Ea.—Plenae announce omen 11. 3. Lagoa, of Allegheny City, rill be a candidfate the of Register, subject to the deci,icu of the An. ti-Nhoonlc sod Whitt COMITY COnTelltilla LOSSLit•O4,...S Cii or TUE CoGßl.—Henry Hannon, of Atira.of City, be a candidate for nbmination to the: ogle* of Llert of the arerral Courts of Allegheny County. before the Anti-Minionic and Whig County tbotrention. ±ingddlairittbd geKOUNTY COMMISSIONER.—Jaa. McCune, of the Math Want. City of Pltteburgb. Viii he a roadtdate before the Wli nut pti•Momaic Courvetioo, for the of Eta of Couoty LommieJlooer. tayl4levrac2 flar43o UN TY TREASUREU.—John V. Rowland of Upper this toWluibip. will Whig ndidate for total. maim toffice, before the and Antl-alasonic Collotf Converalou. . mrSidawrtota itirlircoanse—l will be a candidate fur the alive of Recorder. eutdert to the ducitton of the Wbia .txul At:Mum:mule qounty ConTentton. AM H'L PA WitSTCCH. Pilltborsh. Artil 2f,1951-41tetch ----- nic APSEMBLY. — Anthony Hartz will be a can , ;. Whig u.r.d . Auu .lidate for Ptalo.sl Aasembl Ovaaeut7, saht eetion. to the decision of the. wou Plata 1%0103 Of Itrazooaam. rar24 datrterrauthet . • AngOCIATF. JUDl:lg.—Thome Liggett, Jr., of , 1 Peebles township, will be • ...Olden. Were theapproach leg Whig and Antl.Slaeonle Fonerntlon, /l ea oftlee A g eoei h fe Jude In the Wart of Cogninon Quartet :3 f .dttn, era •111 lei ...hooded by num, brith in oaslttli;OfiT Town ann Come, 00. — ASSE4ILT. -1 would recommend Joe. John !Wm. of North Fayette township. to the Antl.3laaonle and Whet County Conventlett. as &callable pen on 10 . flypielkWa oe Inthe oval Legislature An Ole WE. pailalllier46.ll4) RECOUDTB.- - Jameo Oormly.will be a candidate for the ammo of Record., subject to oh. action of theorist* Altsruoln old Whig Coorentlon, to be held on the 4th 01 June uert.Lt 114 frieuda will please bear blot la mind at the Primary Meettotts. • my.l34tordezT ZaI . COVNTY Coixresionia.—Wm. \i.-owl Kowa, of the Moth Went of the city of Pittsburgh, wol be ....3.11..15te lo.fore the fAnt.4.llasonit. and WWg Coo ventiou. fur the .Alll,. of County Gov.:du:watt my. iiimedel COUNTI - COMXIIS9IONE.II.—Mior . JOHN Wiwi... of the First Ward. City or l'ittahurg_. will he • candidate beLre the Anti-Memel° and Whig County con. 'male:, Mr t h e oiho of County Commissioner. agamlawitmT ra . 4..7l.Eitt or rug Co unrrn.—Jarki M. Brunh ',at he a card date for the I other , euleicat to the dee -4011 ut tho etaolog AnU-31esonic maul whip Co.tyCote roothea .00,11m:tan air COUNTY REGlBTER. — MglftlitdCr Rich enlmn. of , Wad. Al mbeny Lit g b I FILL t b. • e au ,ouooemte Whig so Cuty -MiaoCo e u u nts obo ightßitewlefli ECORDEL — John Conner, of Upper SLClair to.whip, will he oopported fur the office of Recorder. rule Jed to tho aerial. Of the Auti.lfortoolo and Whig Couut r Contrtloa% slon Vona,. ASSEXIILT.—JoItn M. Portor, of the Borough of Twee:, trill be • menden le notnlnelou to the Awfatat, tubjet - t to the dectflou of eut Whig ana Ane Diatonic lAninty Courcution. myl2.4lerlel COUNTY Commissiorizar.—Gebriel Adams, of the ]'bird Wctd of the Cilia! Pittaburgh, will be date for the cubes of lberclestoner, sniff tot to the decision of the Whig .tol Autf.3lunottle courity Coureutico nti Pl:dew:WA' ga-Asstmets.—Robert Wallace. of Pitts bore.. Ca enbrolt nto on.or to the AutiAlfavonle not Wlaij CO,%ttr Convention, no eandidnte for onminaNno to rho Lgislation , nor"2SroritT AesomArt JUDGL.—The numerous friends of joinr cafiluiff, .uf I.ll4har City. xlllprunt his slams to the anymehins Anirilasordo and Whig County ikareinion,las • candldet• for nomination to the dins of Associate Judge or iii. Conti of tin•rier denims. Mr. liebhart's ernerienor in public Inationis—baeinz Wen • awful member the Etats Legislature far Natoi of ran, aid OW with great wireptability th afire of n•srstary of the Land Oars during Us, littnes'eadininis. troo ._., bi t k,,,,,,jedgs of the Osman 1atit5 ........w a1f.• to, •01 as Ids sound yrastiol sews, they think ~,s e lify him to fill the office With acospiabilltr to--tgssZ Rtcomit.aloha McGill, of West Deer lbws:Ado, old to axed:WU rot the o of Itocorder radon to Um &clot= of Me Antkalucoolo mod 'arta Coma, Coat wilhtiotrtZT A.enmr.—The numerous friends of Jons I NOTICE TO CONTILACTOIU3- , , Hama. Enoe. of ladle. township. Win VT." SEALED PROPOSALS will be by to lb. Lute b onnie end Whig ennuty xonrentkine .1* I the 1511 eendidate for nomination to the °eke of menther of ere ordeal of .1.5 of Jure. 1841. for the aTeduation and ennitroctiem Sesetubli. Fir. Miller es. • member • minding throbbing all material lof the "rtes Genre: /row 1850. mr4 ,ll us;w• - •—!' I general. and Pilot Knee Plonk coad," Rou t p,G:neriess • swot 40 mile. to th e Iron Mountain and Pilot Knob. Prows:the wiii to either (let) by the mile for ell work and materials to cowrie. nad or separately, ae telluwe (244 for plank 8 IL La lenctia; delivered on ittw ..1 road at convenient distance, (31.Lfer bring plank and finirialog road: (WO .for Plinth deibrered and Into road, la Indite finienlo.l tl th t for graduation by ma, ,aeluding grubbing .0.1 of nod culverts a under 4 Let !pan, end fur amount y end bridging. Tbe week will p< dim ided into IMICUOZIO of .he e s 5 mil. its length, and let aingly ortosether Fifteen callserf the soil to be completed by the Ist of Isecember.l6.sl. end the , ulenre•hy the lst of September. 1852. 00 a. much muter the contractors may desire. It is proposed to plant lb. •oed lirnerally with white oak. of which throeabuse .lane on theme, Thad...lieu( biute. and speriffeations .1 the meaner of building, will be reedy fur examination 1 1 and otter the 7.i der of dune next. either at ht. Gene. re or at the of. tof Junes P.ll.l.thwood, Engineer of the I .' aelde Railroad. St. bensla my:Mend:Welt, C. F R)ZIER, President. • 'PH E untlen.igtied would respectfully inform 1 the Anti-31amons .21,1 Whin Allreth.., 6.00000 U " bo. " . " 1 barnf to sone them another tem./nth , . hffietal Ninon widen, through their former khadustas., he ; as the honor at present to oneopy, as Count, wrJater, ' ditties whilst he Indulge. h., that him atbuJartew to .„ the ' ditties wesiuned him, arid . hLi ettro,s In dlacturgthr h. beer. Fmerwiir aneret,tabie, be ventured to troth.. Low` II attain honored with their confidence, his &etre to do root .bell not he abated: and that, Island Ida experience would male his Gam vwttton more etanfartable, he will he aeful that ea far Re passible the publle gnat have the I.eurfit of It VOW reneetfollY. rayl JOIIN SIA/Tr. ASSEMBLY.—Thos. Penney. of the Borough alt SleKew•rwri. will to lawwntr..l w tb• And-!tunic sal hig Convention.wl • cau.lidai• fur commotion on clw for the A...nut/1 Fifth. Ward Primary Meeting. rrHE Whigs and Anti-3lasone of the Fifth Ward will hold thetr Prim. 7 to 1* Pat. to attend the coming County Convention. at Um mLool llonse. corner ot Pike sod Walnut suosta. on Sat urday. May 31st. at 12 o'clatk, IL_ and keep the polls open 1117, mr..V131 A Rare Chance. • DRUG STORE FOR SALE, being an es preecriptlon and Wadi loution, ito.f now do ll, s good boalneci. Kill be sold a a great terrain, If oDOßcatiou to Rude at once to toy-^s%3o R. &SELLERS, (4* Wood M. PLENDID FRENCH PAPER HANG- Ornamental French GoP• ld and Velvet, Iloquet, Tapestry =I r. of envelitim, and prices to tall the etrevPonetanov everione of almwit every class of ustomere, far sale at the establishment of my2P THOMAS PALMER., 65 Market et. 1, 1 ASTERN WALL PAPER—An extensive Ea amoriment, Including every kind mut description, at omeedlogly low prime, for .0.2 v TIRMIAB PALMER, 66 Martet st. )TALL PAPER, of my own manufacture, , for 11111,iittsVAIRootp.Sbspbmsel jAS: DALZELL, Wholesale Groaer, Com te- Inhale° end Poinarding Merchant, sod dealer in balls, Maas, Cogan Parma and Pittsburgh Manufactures generallr—Yo.sB Water et, and 78 First it., Pittatmrsh. FE JARS & REFRIGERATORS, of extra giVi. for " le br SCAITE. ATECINSON A °KELT. PRY MORRIS' TEA!—Morrie Tea Mart I.i. the Diamond, &MINI Door from Dimmed allay. to Mind , Ilds atehllehment le in no truyomattected with the atom lately opened meet door by Haworth Calmat. my= V toy OFFEE-100 bags prime Green and Fan 01% lb. aalo 47 .7. D. INILLIAM Woodß it rtoo, ?) no . - D RIED BEEF, & - c.— • rtstecFott But not., • /CHEAP PARASOLS!—We have just re -I_, Privet!, at Nos. CU and 64 Marken meet.-.4essendalA ated Petered Permit., embracing all thediffarantqUALtia, which ere are prepared to oller, at vholesale or mean, at , erY great redeemer from Sormer prim. tore A. A. MAPCO( A CO.. Ilarket kOPLINS ! POPLINS!—Just received this day. per exprose-2a pleect tootttlful eludes of colt, e I llus, which v., will tell at 2.3 per mad lower than they LI ever been told to this city. myci . A. A. SEASON t CO. • VINE SIIAWLS.We would solicit the at .l: of of purchased* to our veer Shawlsanon net of rIAMII or plain and ambnidend Clan and otarh; ancy Canton, Thlbet and ellk Bk.. ail of the .at and moon dalratda arks. vrbkh me an velllo4 at the very barest pr.. L. ttl and A. BILSON Co.. my2V 04 Mann vt. CRIMPED TARLETONS—We have this est reed assortedose vary desirable Crim Tarlatan Trimming. agora, which sill b. . o ld rerl ch ap as Mall or by the box. ,,, atf i t A nt o ft Tar rt F' 7 NirEm . DRESS tI, GOODS—We have lust re, vat. ,1a+.0,1 =,:ige . ravris and Tlas ta: AZ mo m Silk., which we arewfferfog gt-rery lOW pekes. my 29 A. A. MASONa CO. VOIFEE-5 bags Rio, for sale by N s .) mr.=lot RODEMTZON & ItraTEES. HM IS' ALE-320 whole and half bbls ant ~.liti atimb n . ....g . A . . by wmpow GI .t c4-1..'000 boxes fur sale by 60IESERT2ON 2 }LEPPERT. LARD OIL-20 bble. No. 1, for sale low to ) NAILS -4W kegs for sale by MT29 ROBISON, LITTLE ado. • B ROOMS -250 doz. comma' to beet; 60 extra famen for gala by ml lt01111)01, LITTLE CO. COFFEE -150 bags Rio; m; by co. &M S. LIT OTLR MTV, To IRON-240 tone cre . et c al= 1000 • •• astegr.. x,„ " "11 F IN tIo. =Mat, it SUNDRIES -,,,w ortm. 1r.., CUM Datum IS cox .u. 2) Agricultural Implement& I • 11-AVE JUST received tram the Ea..t the fono.itut itablement. ail of the best matanfuturs end the mon reerot t . 11 Vanien to mil and examine MT nor.. Drilllva Lachlan. far corn. beau. baste, tUr.lO, Undo Leib, for wheat, ria oots, and beil.T' CtenCobernelter.. Com Uheller Conics hour , ..1 bona poorr Shur and talk Cutting Dorm Vegetable Root Cutter.. thr Yoke. and Coe Chain [falter. Castanet Orel. unitize,. bythte, and Mr. Caautrel tyro, three toil four prong forks. all mannfactund,from tbe grogrieur, end for sale et the Drug and behl Mere of . B. N. IVICIiERSIIAM. zur27 Corner of tr... 1 end Sloth Urea. the Houuruble, the Judges of the Court D, 02heral quarter Sessions of th e Paw. and for the County of Allegheny. The petition of O. Pruoilley, h u mb l yourth Want, FOL. I.orgh. In the county aferthaid. sheweth. that leenr tedltloner hath pmeided himself with materials for the ne ...iodation of travellers and o th ers, at his dwelling hocx in the ward -aforesaid. and preys that your Coe n will to plethth to rant him althenth to temp • pubLe house of entertainment. And your petitioner, as in ditty Wand, will Dn. certify, anber., eltlsene of the ward aforevidl, dothat the above pettiothr Is of good repute &a honesty tempththee, and is well provided with house roam and conveniences for the theammcdation and lodatig a stranger. and travellers, and that said tavern Is nther Proetth, Won. Mollhey, D. }febrile, 31. Crath ford, Robert Oliver, Joseph Itedniond, George Dthaling. Adam Truth, Jam. Maher, James John ?Remy, J. :ankh. • my2.tht j iQUID GLUE-3 gross, (a very superior g gl tga :t/g do_uv ggi w g.t t i mr.. the rat ul tr omc , mrd • 60 Wood O. IINSEED OIL-800 gallons for sale by I a.r24 J. KIDD t CO.. 601Tocd SUNDRIES -- 2.801) ls. extra ryv flow. • 50 bushels seed point.. 60 barrels prima Nesbiatata barrels egos 20 Cider ativim. 50 " I.aulsrtue Lime' Famby flour. 100 Tim notia lop bushels Lard. 100 bushels sar earn. 100 " Cats for rats cm ccasigtinunt. 053 - 27 T. WOOl, a rim 61. Water st RESII TOMATOES, hermetically sealed, F tetalnlog, perfectly, the floror and heed:mess of the ripe Input, for ulo by Wit. 6:3l'CLUliti Cu. tera roe. -et -t DRIED BEEF.—Evans; Sugar jit Cured Beef =eared. lee tile by WEL A. It'CLLIIO t Co-, tri727 LIZ Liberty at. GKULNE SPERM CANDLES Folar Jadasiyateat pollebal Star " for sale by WM. d SITLUIU3 k Co zily:l o=6 Liberty • Steam Engine for Sale. VOR SALE; at about half the real value, on mato:table time. • Double Elmo Engine. of eoz. Zee ;I:trt: Mil 110121 r b"'i rrle. 1.1141111 Bank of 3lasklllon, Mar lev,_fm.i.v:2,. ARPER'S MAGAZINE, Vol. :Id, bound Irnrshlopere. the day e Ilco Int n Puture **Gondol pore]: by tbeGolor of - M r dtefriaza n • Litton'. !Arno Apt. Iio,ZGO7. ltooleed sl HOLMES' Llterar7 Dena, Third .n«• h or ratite the Pod Mee., tuy2'7 LOAF SUGAIt-100 bbls. ans'd Noe.- " 5 crusted; Ibr Noe.; by w.s F. W 1 N. irty27 H 7 First. mid 118 Second st. SUGAR -1U hhds. Clarified, fur sale by mt 27 ENGLISH* BENNETT. QALERATUS-50 boxes for sale by 1J m7= ZNOLISCI L BENNETT. QIIOULDERS--1.2 casks for sale by 1,3 or: 7 ENGLISH & BEN. NUTS -20 bu'. Chestnuts; ukk 'SWistiettlrri m 727 L ARD -5 kegs for sale by ENGLISH a DE7... - NEIT. tay27 13 &m ail. and ISt Firer street Curled Hair ffiatrasses. • UAVE on hand a large etockof 3ititrass- J az: oLf i n . re LW, 'Thoseztelu ß tfet redo myTO , Third ellen, thpoxite 107 Port Mix. L . K. SILK LACESLarge assortment, LP and veri teed ott the store of mr.l4 i MURPHY s EILIMILFIELD. A OURNING GOODS—Blackßombazines Alp.et. with Bdottastbs at 1. Csnton Cloths:Bs:- mon and Ti ss ues. reed and offerwi st town prices, by stit'd NO. 1 MACKEREL-40 qr. bble. extra, for IA weer far sale by ISAIAH DICK r EYa CO.. mr2ls Irsler rout eta VmlGO—Caraccus. and Manilla, on con glavaltat. Ybr ma. by ISAIAH DICKEY k yZ . - - and recut SG. LARD OlL—Bennett & Jones' brand, for Lk kali to cloW. ISAJLII DICKEY k CO. • IJ ARI-42 bbl 3. Nu. 1, for sale by 'wicx s MeCANIAV-V.I. eraner Wool and Mater MI. O ATS -500 bu. for sae by =26 S. 11.11111.1uoit. ItIORN-100 bu. for sale be m 733 ale. usausron. IVOODEN WARE— • . T V Cedar Baepts. b h r , Maga Taruislud Dockets, _ . 0...1r, EMS Bosom Bucket., s II ~.... Cedar Rectos, brim bOBI.d y stned " " a Mmietta Tuba. In WEI. ( s n ot ) . _ _ WM d.. SUCLBsI CO., Fore ale br 7..5.i Li corla to bbs. ors , e•~ t 1728 S. a W. fIARDALOSL F LOUR -10 bb . 18.11 r; m y 26 'CU "§. sr ea pEARL ASII-5 tons for sale by ENGLISH a BIGNNETT, tom 1= &mad. athi 101 First st. OOPS--49,000 Split Aeh, for ealo by IMIT i ENOLIBII I BENNeT Tbbls. N. C., for sale by AL. ..726 ENGLISII & BLVNEIT LIME. -50 bbls. White Louietille, for sale by .1 - 2.3 ENGLISH a• BENNETT. 50 900 FT. Poplar Boards and Scant n". VOIT , ISLI Q BENNErf. FISHING TACKLE—Canes, Rode, Lines, [looks, to, wholesale and retail, by W. . WILSON, izolO3 67 Mahn street. mace of fourth. WATCHES, in large variety, and. at the 11 V larva regular (astern cob price. whole tale and retail. Emiie) W. W. WLLSON. THE PENCIL OF ROBERT BURNS, the POET! nor b. wen at my start. so: spiraled assortment of Gold and Ellett Pencilm Gold rens of tbo beat manufsetum Pockrt ent.lers' Part Nowt, Az. (torlS) Ir. W. - HAMS -32. casks Bacon llama for sale by II mrzs JA.MI 3 a uunnisoN a 00. Alell Crimson Velvet and Gold Paper lhionoct.nr Drawing Ram; j ost reed ftom P 5 5 .54 ur gbh by W. P. 11.51LbHALL, b 5 Wood At. OliN ItIcCRACKEN vs. JOS. 1). ABELL: the Instrirt Coort of Allegheny County.' Tend. An. No. 274. April T., And non. to pit: May 24th 1161. the Court appoint Ai. Pod D. McCain...tin Ce,, Auditorlodbdtpuletian,p 4 04 "..'g 4k.0 ""ththiliOlteD7 The Auditor will attend to the duties of hie appointment at hie ote.ce, MI fourth strcet. Pitteb ugh. 011blaaday. June '23.1. at 2 delock, P. M. A:l3. Wel Auditor. Smith's New Geographies. QM - Fri:FS First Book in.tieograpby; =a t=d.ct.rr Geogr.phy. designed for Mildre_Mok MUT! with 12t, engraTngs, and 'A) mpg; pp. :I:poarto, or &wood Book in lierirrspbr. 00.011— and nal ryrterm of 11. , ocrrob r, for Como.. &boo!. A ersks.A.l Fartallm derooled or roluato the first Moot; ithotrated with 30 nevi maw, sod notnerour mgr. rinvr, by Boswell C. Smith, A. I. Ito., 60e. Nor We by IL my 2; tB Apollo Bullthass, fourih rt. MIRINTING PAPER—A large lot Double 12724 comer Market and &vocal es. WRAPPING PAPERS—A largo assort mr:lfilvezkiaw, r.p..,31v1t f ia t iTa rs sunw. 03724 Paper Warthcrase, 21 as. ■o ^ ■ GROSS STEEL PENS, of all qaali , tt . er, including Gillett's =I. nrnirtePrsun mk ee t. lo . 42A4141 ,, l , rg i t:Le; Kars, sad ether w. &HAVEN'S StatiOntr7 n 3121 corner Marten tai raved eta A EARS CHANCE is offered to a person who wishes to travel, and who hes • capital of that WV.% tonight hundred dollars, to cosecs la a prolltable wad resped.able bash:inn Allem Mesabi:l*er through the Yon Mow Iday2.4zllesi J. W. LEWIS. www.ra • lIOULDER BRACES, of the most ap to proved style, rharle m stracturn and milr fitted. irld of Ares ID mit 111.00 may .I. l re themynst we'nl and fur ark, whrlesale and retell. by mr:.B N.. E. SELLEILL., 57 Wad it • ICIUHVILLE WHITE L 1.111150 b4lB frmh. we'd ma for rale by V. Y. W11.202i. my 24 ll7 fluat, ..7vl IUI &mad 41. DRIED APPLES—IS Me. for sale by BLIVERIDOE INCH 64111, RID 116 Water R. SHAD -10 bble. No. 1; 10 hf " for sale L. narrA LCIIIIRIDGE I.•commhz UGAR-100 bbls. Powdered, for tale by say 24 BCUBR DOE k INOHR.III. eiREASE-15 bble. good .zrease. now land ut from Owner Cumbalamt fin sale b I&A.I.I,IIDIDIEY CO. m 124 . Water and Prceit sta. • SIINDRIES-- I bbl No.l Lard; I d i e ktr ' 15 do Rags do till- re.schm e. do ,„do.A.Pvlar. no. damn ComberlW No. for aala co.. ISAIAH DICEET 1.124. Water and in:mt.d.. VARESE-311 boxes, now landing and for We by 12ALAII PICKET • CO.. toyZ4 Water astd. float an. BUTTE—Vbblaileah, now landing : and IL to sale br JELLS n mot= a co mr24 Water sod Front btr. .DODOS C BACON .HAMS—S cub XS cond. wll/ oexw low to emu th. •Diclalf CO.. sura VW* mod Pr= at- AMUSEMENTS. PEOPLE'S CIRCUS! DQUESTEIA.I4, DRAMATIC AND ZOOLOGICAL; Circus! Theatre! Menagerie! ,41612etlati of l'wo Laablinhiskents, basal upon Ow NORM AMERICAN CIRCUS: ,e 1 tinter the Joint eapereinion df ML STONE Scaler Ymyrietor W Stazy t MeCturt'settett V. be exhibited It the City of rillsburgh. to .4 . ttg V 4 AMERICAN MO= Frery .4fternoon and ,Vi]glit, ni '2 asd i o'clock, commencing on BUT 2dtb. Admisso. 24 root. only. \ For particulars re Tit• Deirriptiro Shoot.] Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company.' CAPITAL, 8100,000. • OFFICE, NO. 75 FOURTH STREET. I 4- OFFICERS: .'. if v eresldent—.lAßlS S. Bros. ice Presldeot-L-Strc i ,av Lm v... N. \ 'heaeum tl•cretary—. A. Onlos: , Wr.Se• au:llBmnd hi another put of ttLit papa. y= DRY PEACHES--40 oneks, in store, for rale by IBAIAR DICKEY t CO.. air 24 • Water and heat eta • bbla in l ore, and will be sold DICKEY k my . 24 Wataz wad front W. EFINED BORAX-600 lbs beet Englid for We by (m 721) J. KIDD I CO. 60 Wool R. t lABD OlL—(superior article) in half bbli for ode In. (my 243 J. KLDD t CO., CO Waal .1. LAC DYE-500 lba for sale by mr2l I. KIDD • CO.; eO Watix H. INDIA WASLI SILKS-720 pieces just very desirable sstlele. aardradad tonada— & large assortment of radiant Minh Imaniltalstylm. int= A. A. - MASON ZOO. • STOCKS WANTED -10 shares Bank of Pittsburgh; 20 Merchants' th an. Bank of Pittsburgh: Tor whleb the Mahan prize La sash will to Paid. to_ tarztan WM. lIIL4 & no. exchange Bank of Pittatnirgh. , gill SHARES FOR SALE on favorable IL , ova.. by - 17151.1 i. HILL CO. mr23:2.• LADIES' RUBBER GLOVES & MITTS- Innloabla to ladies am s grotoetion to the hands in house cleating. odoo Lnn care of goners. go. /n near. bog, thee blob& the .has antrarnbite. Far oda kw at the hails Rubber Depot. I awl irWood 141001- stay2J • . • J. aIL PHILLIP& CLARET WINE, (St. Julien Medoc,) of on, oink tetportaticatorsrmted yore. Prim $p pr Mut, in th doron. ore Diszooo 50 tents d. per single bottle. At MORYIS,Sts JAMES JACKSON. Gaze.m. AatiNT, Witok.tale Drixg, 86 irodc(rtrug, PiltetrargA, Pa., (Carterrlybes CutlStcre.) rSE LIGHTNING RODS aro so cot eltErarted that they eannotlet oat of order. The !sr sowers and Attaehmetaa Stang acenrately. the Pointe end Magnets are wertralleal—the whole he highly on nedientel, nod without dispute the. ben detstor ever moanufartured. Jaws Jackson will attach them at 123 i oen foot. Mee et the note. la ands. • Ro od Men respectfully nucleated to cell at St Ro od Ineeh Aired eumbse the aboen Ohne, aleo. She M AVM dead be sen. • ' ILS: Lawns! Lawns! and 64 ALASON & CO., No. 62 and 64 Mar . te as. d. are arm opening, 10 raaea atriots. Tbastleakaa of carteriedre Ls WWI- ed to en ataxia of a great Taney of the atotaitods at 126 i sad 16 crate ter yard. my= . BURLINGTON HERRING.—Jost reo'd, ju bozo or the eelebrend Bneliuitoa Emoted Mor line order, mui.for ale by WM. A. mcc..un.ti ta r ; . my= Gmers RAM Tes IFIISH-New Shad; Benham Berri= Mew and No. 1 Marlard: r.a Grand Bank Coakah;_ for nu by m WIL ideCLURG a CO, 258 Dissolution: • • • - 1-7,HE PARTNERSHIP heretofore 'existing trader he br. acct ytyle of 1117.1.674 =BCH. baying enyed by Itratation, dbtrolred 07 boatual artlyeAkt. 147 714,1761.—M ANAP OIL CLOTHS—Just red', from the Factory. 50 pleas Cu 051 Cloth, • beautifully. WA ea artlck.,_for vale .4. bolessle u low •A eastesnyncesiatth• OH Cloth Waren... No. argl 9 %rad t. s mr22 ).t IL PIFILLII.9.; ' D LACK LACE SCARFS— Juat recr'd at F. IL EATOrfl. EMBROE • IDERIES-A.AL. , MASON to , Co. bowl tog reed exat 1301, opentos•TlClT e tar t Cta= of Ela roideries. consiodos of Cope, W 1.... beadfnees Soifer Slteeet. sleek And WA.IO. Laos PCs; BiON--10 Ida& prime Sides; • . " 10 4 times extra rmai r cemasseS assr. Far sale hi L. S. WAT411.X.4. • BONS. tar= 60 sal al Water. attl•l Trutt at— . LARD- '" °' kegs No. 1, tor sale by my= L 8 WATitaIIkSkSONEL :INTO OIL-25 bbla.yr, for sale by ILLEES- -200 boxes for sale 2.1 CAN by • .4ITSLIL FIRE FyitOOF=l:,AlNT—n.bob. RIED PEACHES-500 bu. for *de by-• my= J. B. CASTIZI.D. GRAIN -610 bu. Oats; 63 Cam 33/"= 123 - Ilrez for br - L. 11. 31%3T12131.A.1( BONS. FLIED PEACHES-1000 buiatele (bright. 1.1..) in um sad !err talebr mfg IttI]tY.MAITIIEWS*(X).. RIED APPLES 30 sacklurime, &nimbi Ds my= BRET, MATTHEWS & CO. GASTOR OIL-9 bbl',. (Blow'', make) for L./ sale by ixotr—. MST. StAiTiIEWS ft CO. QUGAR-240 htids. prima N. 0., tor sale by A. 7 mrl.s AMIN A. ITUTCIIISON • CO. FARB REDUCED! ,yam 1851. Wagggig NONONEWIBLL BOUTS. g Vie Brownsville end'Curaberland, to Watson( and Philadelphia: • 7 , XI: MORNING BOAT leaves 'the'. Wharf shore the Bridge etly. et !I o'cloek precise/T. c 66. neo with the ears at Cumberland next morwthit. The 'veal,. Moat leaves dads prtherpt Bandar wrea th e) at 6 delocit. corotheithi; with the nth at thriaborlond mext crowing al 10 o'clock. Mori thrOngh to Bathroom 02 boors. Fare rear 19. Thlapthrough to Philadelphia, 40 bow. Path only MO. Thu 'National Road in Pow .gthd. Coirdoetars go math the Coaches betwectilirownsvi sal Cumberisati. Irkkit makes this decidedly the ben roots East. J. 31E811131.K6, Loath tay2T : Othee. in the ithoorkshelo Soto. : • J: : # t :I: A: . • ;;;••,,,--.06--. • SUMMER ARRINGEMEN'T , A MINE= PITTSBURGH -AND CLEVELAND. EXPRESS Packet and Railroad Lino for =bunk, n, Beaver. Do ototneetioa ith dew brh. from Wed Express Pockets or did no & tem ElLittot to Swum,. ettd the splendid we Eluteenser Care et the Cloniland and l'ittetnahtt Beilroad Co. to Cleve/end. . . Horretaa. :Niel/ARA ...DI Tam Hamm: • Bleamere leave i ttheir landing ap . " -- t.ne botasizahlaa Roam, at 9 eelelek.d. MlMMilaz +Rh the Packets at Beaver, cr filch nil' Ism immediately on the arrival el the stonier, atriums at RiTIMIIIIIID time tor the l'ii:clitielerms Cr co. E. Cleveland. Taw tegeto by this Rao antra at leveland I¢ thee to take the Mimed Line of Stemma for BUIVALO and.DETHOIT, and the rtesmeers tor Chien. cis dlD.wu4 Toledo, Eandosty CHT. Dunkirk and =at gin fur evening took of ems Sat Cole:abet. amt Cartanatt CZARIST. PARTS d W, Proprietor; lierapsnia. Pe. ° W. IL MOORIIE 011ki atalat EL Charlaait% • Q.M. ttAIITON. ender X "51' _ ... rf-TINET 4 .. corzber of 116111.1411 M aZist 'Water apt . - t . PlTPXll .' irlta L - 1.851.. -- jag - • UNION LINE On the Pommylvazia and Ohio Canal& PROPRIETORS: • CL AREMARES a CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD CO...“.Cianssaa. 0. iryHIS well down Line is now , propqed to from PITTSHDROH CLECHLAND. to say point on the Canal and Laken— The Wiliam of Use Lim are nasarpaared In nerabead.}. aad ot•ldatY of Roan, =plat a. of Captains. and d. Row,' Of Adenta.• One Boat leaves ITtlebargh gad Cleveland daR7.oaaHINI In roaneetfon eitb a Lan of am:boats Weals Pll - re. BURGH and HEATER, andLlD* of Snot clan oz.:Iwo (prophet and "rands) cos the Lakes. t • • • • cozremaiszet • Parks t Co, Yaroadown, 0; D. Taylor, Warm*. 04 A. a. N. Garb, Newton liana O: • C. Prattlea Wenn*. 04 Brayton ft On. Ranatans.... Kew, onand ca; mane.. O4 11. A. MDlat, Cuyahata Fallo, 04 • Whatley. Lee a Ca, Moron, lc • fleadarton a Pettibone, Sandukky CUT, 04" Nath.nt Pmts, Toiedo. O. Witham. Ca. Desolt, Al an: Daum. Ca, Ittlaatilds, lots: dan. A. What a Co. Cbloodo, ID; ""=" " Nr.r. 630ICET: apt ror. Water and Eialthnekt eta, Pi • • . I i 0, EWE • &CI, porters ofina I LI oat, • t•ii. Che :1%31 • ' • • • Brandies. W,ines. etc. &MING completed arrangeMenta with Homan In Bordeaux and.ottce European Mee, the mak. of car order. 1 am thus enabled to offer to Deelas, id a mall &IMO. o'er importation coat, SW. BIM WINLS, and LIQCORE, of mke unat dasawoo. • from under custom Amor fat. Vance& Attention ia farina to MT 11.. ea 11.0 package.. Core; Bentommould Rochelle Brandbee. Pt. hit r M onajr , PiP' old,ead d' lrro k.- crn phony; tau: • , • ? • 1 nr. '" =.l.eln‘e, c. 7 :, re grade. t:a - Yore WM., at very old .1 napelica• 900 baskets Eparallng ChamPeedne, well tadnro brand. SOO boxes Claret Wk., varkmainads 11.1 vintage. Eh 100 noes aantanc• and Beneekrtagert 11 CLIO nittent• met Claret in. 11 Ppm Old llolland and &hued= 10 punclamne Oldßgeg i nd Irish Which es. • , Pi mkt superige . ondon LBr.* toot and Mach Ala. .• Witb • constant IeMPI 0' Imported Liquomc Mich . 2 l Abentlas.llanaclllmN C ameo. Annlsatt. (Mercy 8at 41,k7- law rat or /74 83 always cat bend. :11of Vl= I tetr.o23 lavond,h, 0 . 7 i 1 Inn bltlMlCated . lath !Id Dula, 804r= • RlStlairampp)