The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 27, 1851, Image 4

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Thetanaker's BerfatifftE
ULediah Tarpon, and',Wett; HI: were
bejghlioisfilme Is, theilivedirithin half a
- ulident - each other, rind norisoitliv be
respire farms;` which woul d
had not a little strip of prairie
l a nd.. extended itselfsittricittitly: to keep
thern separated; - .Dood'weif the oldest set.
tief , kiiirfrOM i histYPPll. l 4 entertained
a singular \ hared •?gainst t4nakersi ;there;
_fore, when he viai informed-that 41 1 , 80 u,
regular diSciple - orthat *as people; h a d
inirrehaied the next farm to his, he declared
be would make hint' glid•to move away
sgain:,'=lticordingly;. - a SYstem of - petty
aanoyanees'waS him; , and
every time one of lawsoii'e Logs chaneed
-to, !am, ripen Thicd'aplace, be wad, beset by
. : . riterilincl dogs; 'aid - most savagely abased.
Things.progres:sed thus far nearly a Year,
"and the
,Quaker, a'man' Of Idecide,dly
yrinciPles, appeared in no way to resent the
I njuries received at the hands of his spiteful
Hutniattem *ere - drawingte a
crisis; for Dwa, more enraged thin over at
the quiet of Obeilialii made' bath that he
would do something before long to wake up
ribe . spank of Lawson. Chance favored his
&zap. ' The Quaker had - a high-blooded
iwhich he had been very careful in .
raisuig,and which 'was just four years; old.
Larrson'teak great pride in this animal, and
: had iefuied: a large sum , of 'money fOr her.
One: evening, a little after' sundown,
• 'Wad DNA was passing around his coin
o field, he discovered the tilly . feeding •in the
Hale OAP of prairie land that separated the
two farms, and 'he conceived the 'hellish
design of throwing of two'or three mita Of
• his fence, that the horse mightget, into' his
; corn during the night. He did so, and the
next morning, bright and early; he shoul
dered_ his rifle and left the house. Not
long after his'absence, a hired min; whom
he had_ recently enaployed; heard the echo
of his , gun, and in. a few minutes Dood,
considerably:: excited and out of breath,
. came hurrying -to the house where • lie
stated:that he hid shot at an d wounded a
buck; that :the deer attacked him; and he
haidly - eseaped with Ilia life.
This *my, was credited by all but the
newly. employed hand, who. had taken a
diable to Watt; and, • from his manner,
inispected :that something was wrong. . He
therefore slipped quietly ^ away from the
:bettsN and going through . the field in the
. ..ditectian of the shot, he saddenly, cline
t• iPon' liarBiilefl filly,. stretched: upon the
• `earth, with a bullet hole through the head,
froni_which, the warm blood was , still
The inland' was warm, and could not
havelitea: killed ;an hour.--.llehastened.
back: to-"the'dwelling of Hood, who met him
• yard,: and -demanded, somewhat
roughly, where he had been: :
:"I'Ve=been 'ID see our_ bullet made
:me mirk' Mr. Lawson 's filly," was the
instant retort.
Wattlialed for a iimme4t, but collecting .
• hiixuielf; he fiercely shunted, "Do you dare
-to my I killed her?" ' •
' _"How do you know she is dead," replied
• the man_. :
Dood4it. hiS lip, hesiMted a moment,
and 'thellerning, walked into the house.
•-•••- A , couple of days passed by,' and. the
:learning of the. third one had broken as
• the:hired , man met friend Lawson; riding
in search ,4if" his filly. .
'words" of explanation - ensued,
when, with a heavy heart, the Quaker
-tamed .his .horse and rode'home, where lie
informed the people of the fate of histilly t
NO threat of recrimination escaped biro; he
did not.einn go to law to recover damages;
_calmly awaited his -plan-and hour of
. - revenge. It came at last: •
Watt Deed had a Durham heifer, for
. Uhich he had paid a heavy price, and upon
; which he counted to make great gains.
One morning, just as Obediali was sitting
down, his•eldest son came in with the ins
forreation that neighbor Dood's 'heifer, had
broken doin the fence; entered the yard;
and after eating most of the cabbages, bad
trampled the well-made beds and the vegel,
tables they contained, out of all shape—a
mischief impossible to repair.
-"Arid .what did thee. do with her, Ja.-:
. cob '1" quietly asked Obecliah. ,
"I put her bathe farm-yard."
"Did thee' beat her 7'
=" I never strue.k her a blow." .
"RiglitOacob-4ight; sit down -to dr)
breakfast, and when , done eating I trill_ ot :.
'.tend to the heifer."- -
- Shortly after he had finished his repast]
Lawson monnted a horse, and row'. Over tn
. Dpod's, who was sitting under,:ti, e porch in.
• trent' of 'his, house, and 'as hp beheld
; the Quaker dismount, Tipp w ed he 'was
.coming to de4llnd pay for his filly, and
secretly swore be worldho• ' re to l aw f or it
if • ' •
- "kma...zimrn>g, neighbor Dood.;' how is
thyfam-a9, 7 ";' exclaimed Obediab, as he
motulted„... o -0 rtepa , . andand: seated himself in a
, All c
well, I. believe,' was .the re..
'haven a'ffair to settle w ithyou
• this morning; and I carnet ather early."
" I suppo . se,'* growled Watt.
! - ‘,This morning my song found thy Dirt
,ham heder•in my garde l, where she has
• cleistroyed,it geed ;diaL"- •
• ."And what -did -he do ,trith her?" de=
imunied Dood,liabrol darke*ll-
• . I"... l ‘rWluit:irould thee have done-with her,
had she been; my, heifer in thy
asked Obedah, -
st PA it shot her I" retorted W att, madly,
. 4 '13 surpt,sp . you have done; but...we are
only eon 310 w.. Heifer for fill!, is only
-.• for tat.' ,, ;
' Neighbor Dood, thou kw west me not,
• it.thact thinkest l would her, in hhirof thy
• . hiffeee bach. She is in my farm.yard r and
tint evena blew lir.s been etr a& her, where
It" cau get bet' at any time •. know then
- • -401:mY filly; 'hut the evil one prompted
thee to do it, and 11113 , 130 e vil in my heart
c „ st neighl)oll4. =me to tell thee
, w' • th'i heifer is, and now I'll go home."
• ObV.fiah rose, from his chair, and was
sboV.c. to descend the steps, when he was
1 1 ! )pped by Watt, - who hastily asked,
: - " What was your filly worth 7" ,
- "A. hundred dollars is what I asked for
her," replied Meal. - ,
' "Wait a moment l" and-. Dood rush ed
into the house, from whence' he soon re.
• Awned, holding Kano gold in his hand.
"Here's the price of your filly ; and here.
.; after let there be pletiamtMee between uS,"
"Willingly, heartily," Oswered Lem,
• • grasping ;the proffered tiaadef the ot her;
"let there be•peace between us."
• Obadiah mounted his, horse, ane,e,Cded
home w ith , o lighter heart; and from, that
dal to this, Dood has. be e n . .fi s gm!! a
I • . neighbor as one could wish to have; .boing
completely reformed by the- werutturo
00011 TOR EV11...--•qhiCitinaY Columbian;
_ _ _
Nineveh bas for some time been identified
Te plaice where Babylon,"" the' beauty a.
the Chaldees' excellency," stood, has been
much•longer known. About seventy miles
north of the ruins of this city,.en the : plain
between the Euphrates 14 the "Igr . is, is a
vase solid toner iof brick-work, an impress
site Memorial- of departed ; power. , From
'its name,Akar-Euf, it is conjectured to te
the' Acd .of Nimrod:. A hundri.-1. miles
soutk of ',this locality are - ithe- moundi' of
Irak, sap Posed to be the Brea of the same
mighty builder. - Chalanne; at the juncture
of the.lihabur with the Enphrates,_is taken
to be (Wail!, another of the cities
built in the land' of ghiner.
Xlgn Biros. The Cincinnati Dollar
Weekly says : "If, any. one take a
caartrypket,— One of anfficient sopertiticc,
!Pia.; dier:llis or her Wg-c - - - if
it be, briOfitiongh t o ' y ang over the cidett of
the; 1)4 "PiKtillfe,-..1 the top . of
it lay,a'Auret( and jilk4oolo Al to be - lon ,
rounded on all sides by a woollen surface,
and I guarantee him or hiF or both to
rth&—T; epeaaffniihrießeA l so as the
backbiters arl.: R etHieetued; they may march
round your enebunputet it', on bloody thoughts
intent, but yon' re tni safe from their fangs
as 'ion wmthilie fe6M:ti troop Or Indians,
were you insidi , of the 'Moro Castle,' and
they outsido' whooping for your scalps:. 'ln
the' morning, On awaltitig, low May , indulge .
:in the pleasing telleition, that if 'you cannot
extirpate them, they imfinot lacerate you as
was their wont."
Old Father /wlifL
- •
The Lawrenceburg Press tells the follow
ing good one. The 'old wooteni who knew
the cow would eft up the grindstone, has
tee.99traveling ; • '
Two or three years ago, if our memory
Serves us rightly, the, old man was appoint
hd chaplain' of the State Prison, and a very
09Per. , appointment it.wasl At the time
when the announcement of this fact"Wah
made, a Member of the ; Methodist Chi*,
residing within the range of one of the cir ,
cults where he Lad,p'resched for years, hay
ini "P 4 MO' business 40 transact with one. of
his neighbori, got on: his' liprae, end buying
to Pass by, the house :Of brother P.: on his
road;eonclided to "pasSa joke off." 'lbw
hiother P. had been all the days of his
manhood a iealoacietiie,epirited member;
prompt in his responses of ." amen " and
such`. ilse,' and: always seemed • peculiarly
delighted with father Jones' preaching, for
he "would : sit in, the corner, of the' chureh,
and "co operate With great': satisfaction to
hiniself and that minister. Seeing this,
worthy - brOthei -standing before the dobr,
the. good.hurnorer disciple rode up to the
fence, and aftei the
t_1111.4:. • '
. _ _ .
"Brother P., have 'ytn heard the news
"Why; what news, hrother S.; anything
"Why, they say old father. Jones has
been sent to the penitentiary for one year!"
On hearthkibiii: brother P., with ut4f
fected astiniihnikit,Andulged himself in
:such - remarks= Whf,--you 3110 sal ,
so?" '"ls it possible ?" "Is it .really
"Why," says brother . S:, "I guess
there's no mistake *bout. it! I hoard fit
from , brother C., and he saw it in t?ie
pera, so I reckon it athst'be so l"
" says biAber P., setting himpilf
dawn on the truth Of the rumor, ‘cnow,
brother S., I can't say that I aitit surprised
at this, but, between you and me, I always
thought old man Jones wasn't the 'right
kind of a man. The fact is, he's better
the Penitentiary - than out; - of it, end I told
my wife that he'd go there some . 414 . ,?'
Raving thus - delivered hithcolf o f idos
opinion, and after a few ajmilar comments;
brother S. left him without explenetiois,
astonished and amused:at• the_ effect of his'
How brother P. felt when lie.leat net the
- -
truth abontiti we never tiet:rd- ' This is; a
laughable nnealote;nnd illustraten the fait
that people are,disposed. to hick ady
body down bas in their opinidea
got a atutttiat. way. , • " •
EnOkalli; Voiripany of,
THE '.Stnchholde t• th 6
—; cot& I.lelggro,r ber.63"
TirreapittlYrra l- of ;trtjat7iii =oast ,
t i tr.V.TV&Vgl n gl{PailLt
th z7 . l.Stahrz..
• .1. .17102.vaivirta. • Normlta Min:CO.l4 WA...,
-Icua City *Wing Com"!ADS,
lIE remilei Annial Meeting T oUthe "Iran
City landuou lam ulll he bon l• at the attn . .
eanpeor,ln lbw of . Pittsburgh, on 310331rY. Jeer
fhb, et 3 &dock. P. 11.•
An sateennont of IA rents net etude ban b !nu Wird• old
mint. dna theM4 of Jane; elm.orunhuu.: l 0. 1
cornyper dux, due on the let of Angst.. !
Hr order or tho.noard: • •
t NG ott' the stock-
Wile. of ths 06la traaret Statius I C.M..r
. <ld at the Ake eafil .p loy tb CLir bt -
• buret; on blbsular. J.. , U.S. • ceetaa. P. M.
in the new tomiortateobe, wes toloreland
• ty Bt. I
the Ler !Aetna-1)1 , 1)ot of the Penn 'at Railree:l4.
town of LATROBE I 'en utifnlly
Iyn ...Fans on oh elevated - level pun. .herth f.f
...r.',...igni• T tb" . bst: 'AT** rain, ur i utri=
, Oetrt .a fen get, It ta 40 sotto emit o I'll ungb. , ll ,
of theeosbotr..ll nen of yfgooler.l.:. ?tabor Matte
r Jle, &north of lostustotes south of ..hten
'Roe fistetvloona Berttrad Tub'* tbe
tempo:off terothatat nest sl u
mssn "in NOTILIaIff
ten, to tozoteet with the thisth to . The lathe
gees in eters' troth wilt stop to take a meat r betr
ereroute MAIL BOLD LIVVEL, 000110 9 0 100001 of ero
tica!, In thee centre of the uoro. olronly gene the
rout et Depee, 16110114 Daltxt , Me.. de*
be erected Itonuellately. 'The lota nor oflin al Or rale Or
hese are e 0 feet front onetreets . 50 to wIP and seta beet
lOU feet tem At frit alter they will range Lb 'melt:C. VW
apneas. meted: l :lto their volition. Sottee ,, sf [leek:este
Mora than We Man tie Railroad Dever, whkit
the mom at town Vtot. Out.lote sal cleave efts, s 1
bleb th ere are Anneal handsomely !lactated Woos th e
beak of tho fleet: Inn halal on ta=b ll, UM. to Ter
eons lashing to boat. The climate of this wean is , die
ibthltrol. the seem , / round tbe town Is 'Mb , enthral and
• somatic. and it•wol m doubt bee plere CO crest mon.
from the eine% as it is in the man or the M..; Mao,
and hooting seelithe in this Dart of the'Fan,
buoole °mow
toththerothet offer theloseites titie t'
00 t.
num. bactlafteistrere. *VI Ereeltatliat• lo tome Mt sonic
fbey can Bst3 tau:cm:bate busies ozeVese4pbroateof..* thb
- nee well be tbolxint tolebleb tLs !Alen oodolltboteade
of rr
. ..a . nnun t
. vont t. nr t t a t d urntta
3= k aatinmiler nif s g b ori:nnnoo g r :Ni
to the
4"4,47 wtu
IrstiVortre'rjergi t 47.
01 0 10501
ten 0 of ~ t h, , ..t hr tvis ee l e . tex . thLtir
Thom is 'dm ort.horatost tberiltattstrbleictply of tat kill
of belltholt =tens* Ilme,F.tos., net Wolter, A thy sod
cid mill are in Intl 0..0 pith trator.feOte•
ervittdastErtudsottbe Devoe, sot en ettlethtee tat*
tkAlLittriir=s.4-ra thln=rgeTtVrrr2:
stet rids. =I eeliter ed, to co estion, gonna,
The o em Of eta. of .00 trill be made known on opplioie
t two, i termer be letter, to the lobeesiber, or his agent
00000, .af We ear dafh.ohtmglirArtNtrr
ft. B. A intone sol o. o
or 10 lobterin ta.vue...tlte
eat; in the toralth of Jane, of which dos notice •111 he
eves. eval WASlmellt t
.• .
•:•.! ';' ••• •
VVISI. H. GARRARD has removed the bal
sam or We dock. of Dry .1:11.11. to N. 112 31erkit
greet. MU Liberty. All yersms having any,. claim.
etrelturt him. are requeetel to present them tartbererth:
them lodebtel .*"..3"" 4,
err be wiebee to elope ay bra beraMem by lbe
• • . .
0 011.1borty *met--
- 174 d! it., fia-El4-
•-'6==ii : okOltlibek Bilk RI up Cubc,.rets,for
A epl . 4d assortaient of !Instal. sod LlZtipt4t
To Tralasputeis; Coininiasian, and armed.
- . : erehantit.- ' - -
VOR toil* 4
.frery vehreMor LOTB, *ea tteektlieli fint el( Inches
Butt Lone,Allennenr:Dity.oted Muting. on to Peon.
estronts inn onsaKsitmd,
_tertthltiontinete theD•Peti)
end extending beet to the Canal . bonnir thetnot.euornintt
Um looniest Dellttleot tbr shipment by tither tne Delltver
or Cansl.
Tor WO. enparetd D C....4INRCICL`OIt, Allegheny air,
or pcoltatare of It-C. /SOL KT ON, earner of Market
I? •
. . ... ..
Fine Dress Goods, per Express. , . •
/LA. IdASOlslidr. CO. haTt teed his ixioni
.=Figt = l a z a lethlld v',.l=l%:Vit,.. EV:
and light fancy cdde.4 Asia Tind.ta,.totailhil tZIh,VII
lic ib ir 2:=.1.:1.17A1V41.7.gi5=1, i;,..i.
imam as they hill Le 'hist anststlallr low jelhet. t bolo
sale or retalh at - .. N. in and Gil hhartet el.
.assi soo
emra si the rbalesals kastera prior. • PII
J. all. IL tre.
• • • • ,•,§peotaolettl ' : :' . - ' •
liNg the most Ittesblo blemittrtn •
1..44 art.t... h teg u tlot==a ,
irb.14441 4 . 44.1 al* F.Pag... 4 " .
cum& otalt. , the
Seatro g pagintrpi a l=l4••• ll4 44 4l ' . ' T r
ions au 4 4 3.141111444441.44.14.. ;I
'wax , ItLt"
t. fru.,
•Llyttesl,l4l.4truzacti ' ir • • • _•• •
mate— wave
hanare...naL•A•otime Vi'• sat 1.44 r Foun
tai W.W. WILSN;
mill: • • '• .4;7 Hulett on: comer of fount..
_ _
. .
-- -
AA. MASON & -430;.. wa y : 4. mm . way
. oat the ettetatettiet kyle eutte4tekeend the r b..
trrilinimuntuettrzavd, ghts 6r. ;
etre m in e ELItOr9 'matte/owe pets - t ,seed eee n jeit rt
-4,,,,,,, /..... teetetr prem. e Mahe plitebeetne at whelp.
'tele. Pe lag WO preT4l.l talgifi jowls KC wich lower!
Prieto lbw they coukL twee. One jentthetel :exit le
the Noe.. . - .oils ._..::• • -..t4l andel Mellen. et.__
20 per Cent. pve4, to • Carmtry - itexaTuits.
UTBt. -4. - KrtaX. , Pealif,:iii.ilool3 AND
Balm; saail fierth &axed stmt. hbliettelehie.
'gar ]Wt tve , d from the riertathterl • eh ...t.14.41•044.11
selct.lettek et the Ow* haSh- IV* - . late thla at at
mw- kelt thane= be Ithtphf9 the, cy, Thy sett
beaten 111 do hpil eal3 befihgiverebehinh.. '
El ; nupw twa,o-bilmairai 11.4 " . m V " 1 " .
rear=ftaaamprettlreri l. to rkon,w-'
Foe naat
to, =1.:X141; Value Forts
gnaw ail the law price at waled tbef are
ia•la,soult he I:toefa gModactica. . aSe•WY •
Woatgn 030ds! "r
CASES green Apvidleaner,
2177" -telfirtg=l".
darer %/V! r.g.4o*. Dock ROair
ink 0 n, "e nt'rank among the
kJ victory • medicines of tblt cat .t ttry for otentelY
main Canter 1311blituthat.lfrrd and all other dip
rams arlattrirom an Coo ore ilea 0 the blood.. Al..
Llrer Craonlaintscatarrts. • IlewltcheN Madness,
trembs, Soren= and . Ili tom a t the Albra4
•ettltea, or boomtown. 41711.‘ and n ridding Newell=
about the thrnat,:and le turd with nwerneedented suave*
.-, YdvirgeTrea f . : irniUarmeral. 4174. .
gtmaildlamlng the .eitkenol boar, gi.hor tom b tbe
aricms amens, and 1 nvisaratinit the entire rl dart
if the testimony ef ttionhaole of living mitaemes, from
all pods of U. 0.027,0111 .lieu MT h .'
ly mineral Hemove.svall testetrati alto
ted and hroken down constitutions. lt towel
ble In its eonloceition, sod ao accurately combined to
proportions the; the rhemical, botanical. me l enaUctd free
terilsa of each instredMont bannonionaly unite to
I • • PilTify:lllo BiOni.l.
It has remend many ;bromic dlooses atich hare Who]
the chill of the best ohyaidans, and has Mao curolCankry,
Salt Ithacan. Eryidoehuninoi throfola. obi& &rate...
BF ggim e iregrlastllo TniiVirka the
' M I /Nara 3 ' TM:
MORS.' The mast obattnam elar4rs have Leen eared by
this medkirm. myths* It is 'valuable tuedirloeln nil
BILIOUS 0/31PLATATIL It removes all abater...nom in
the clients/ion, renaming the Liver free,
, cive, mad heal.
thy. -lt
Fislylbm. of the heart mel talk , . la
all casco of Asthma. end war b. used lu ell climates. and
at all moons of the year.
ermp Gproura out I C. mow , : a cu... .t 102
Fountain street, Providence, and eoldoeholevale and
retail. by 8. h. WlClailltaillAll.
• (filly Agent for Western Pen.rivaoiei
_ Wareham. corner Wood and Meth ma, Ping.
TAt moss Drara;;linary Discovery in the — frorld
the prat Arabian Remedy for Man and Beast! •
RALParrell's* •
DE miraculous _meg performed by the
ablest phyabisite In the days of obi, were then
I pon e 'us the result of magic, but aim. we Dave tor
come Intimat with their history we can thus account for
theireurprhsing weer overdiseare. Their attainment' in
the knowledge of otedicille , WCte the wonder of the age,
while at the name time the
(to e
of Chetni,nry. Which
with them bed its art cinove. to the rest of the world -
rested tock.^ /Min Botany (pea' wire lb* Moet ceulous
' 'indents. In the beat:Unit groves which ALI the demerit.°
Arabia ahouud rata plants and odorgue woods whenceai e
animal them enonatic gams and traufniut balsam!, of
which tide incYmparable linimenC cononoecct, and,Ly
articoe unetunne, nenolfalthilt
rarzh . th . : 4 , l3 . l , Al4o kp z li eh lutsolaneota il y. dale t . a .
Moe Min lit Mt incredibly aliOrt tinte l t i nite lb strutes.
Its action la prompt. powurfut and alfeetrkwithout the
f cratacV . e ' cUl.!, P =TUva th alf I Lone
failet i d for yew . .., causing the abrlveied MAP to v . :. out
20 J . t.rtril /[l: ' lT/i[i ' nf r Zifr, h
_4 i fd " tg . m ean
why a Das been to unlvereally yuceemtui he caring ail
Menace of tbeJoinoc • hretirtreics arectines of the hviee
Liver;l:ttngs - and Kramit, till , great ffiretann remodr
[lands nraralletedt for A r ne Cale or Falarrament of the
Harr rums tan
'fo wore r
Cramp the
s, liarellinne, ea
Yalta, Wounde,Chilblana, BM.;
White Dwelling:Nl . de. It Ls II efficacious
climax Anicuiv, encl. es Fitful. PWI ffivii,Sweeney,
gar la b lig,V3iTaitt 7 24,4 l : 2 Valrla
dlienoa. caner in tutu or beset, wmch require nit eater.
'nal lipplicatiop. this liniment mad. et the head of all
The fillowltur le Grum the Triacipel vemantuit of the
wealthy and highly ranable how.. of Tress it [Mo.. of
Peoria, amt =mote eme of the men ertmemf,il cures to
the aunale of. melted Mat.) ,
Kr. IL G. Yerralli Due Mr. ArtaGect by a mope ofgrata
fathoms, Intim* Ma tolloatud as ea Mamma. ot the tad.
tip of. your gnat
_medlolue.. My GALL time yearn Wy
maddenly with a terrible dterate. ethic). to lees
thaa l it m. rat It to Maid Miskarnan. The Ilmba
Imam. eo.rig MM. not a Pent osaa be Out; the drab
turned black and cold. and eattrelydr,prieed effecti Me
area deed: partially drool and alto.rether W ng;
tog Usta arm dadherm to an mu t t Lt.'s. ohm Memos mo
trait& and'. cunieti, tint. when laying .Old tack. the
- hear and lade only touchmt. -indeed, the obild loTrotti , n
arm appearance of being deed! Inimedlataly on the in.
took, the Wally physician vas celled in,mad terce local
labarn). to name it to fe.U.F.but • ..libouf
it ems blistered a doun them, acid TUMOR MbaleCteet Itre
'Mout. 00PliaL e consultation of bbYtlelans coat Qr.
held, but to mamma: de: The rare was then brought be ,
tort the Medimd Bodetr, but nothingmall ba !wrested
which had mat alrradr been dom.; and the doctor diet toLl I
he could do tiothiag more. We then cotacoanced Mr .
gV iL yki t ur ctlferely over the entirelrt h mtb o
u ste
Crie 'delimit% am. r 3 ;turgrat= “ eginalgr ' rf 4 L'?'ht
child nommi, .Ita the except.. of_ the Gettr.
which dad riot • became perfect tor orally a meektb.
note helm .
re robust as can be.
Fit, other ream of the come Mei remora netile
botbood previously...ll of 'add. died, orb., oo doubt. If
-your L 1111111.411.1 Lee, umd. they would hare romerred.
l'eoria. tail. HENRI U.',
Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, and Rheumatism
Etarstscs, Marlon Co.. IC Slay 27, 1349.
ilr. IL 0. Fatal:it—Dear Eie Your Likal.nt
very .110.1 doing a eats deal at abed anahrig the va.
pi it has eared • bad caw of Ilryripelas.stad iraralse ,
Gra btilytaio In the brewed. • lady. lobo was ratan.' to
het bed tortiataral months with User ficiaplaiat and Atka
tam or the Heart; vv. entirely mad by the goad yam:
Arabian Linloterd. lib* raid the doctors mild do her. no
acad. It has lawn applied to freib cot, and cured It ka
'hart lime. I lava limn arrasted with It.beuatailist to
• keg t
orh hri gli r gst befor•Lletjralt h ml i td , ,
' ulentred bathing aartil.t i l i ng"l'ith your Lhasa.. lm.
Larose I was dui , ratibiag. U . Pala
. 7z imcKmA.N.
. Stiff Complaint, Sweeney,' Distemper, Corks and
Sore Eyes Curid.
[M. Mitchell, Portmaster yttth Follett lktmty,
Dlr. 11. O. li'methat Poor-An histi Liniment Iv biebly
rrMlLM!;..=tThimr hon. , a lb.
tiat fiver a
ypl aml I
urtel *heat my ova of the ittmertey. yur etteriff, Joseph
:Dykes, curedtur hors. a. Irti ...telt with it; be atm Otrli
mit Mutt ha.* the illSumaper veer hrtd, Ott ehtM
lamed:Rule. tie 11Z0 St iv themlolly the erratesl twne
be ever Thar have-trom-/Ymteat rutt‘t
of ether Eyes - with Mel it avert mittetie me.lllthe
Mth Mr maw brut..
Bevan* ee,tinterfrits. •
IU 01161 W ditAINWT thi
The Pith... are pattkolorty eautioned otalnst a Ram
thwiteepat which au lately mode_ i! . .a_aypthronte awl le
Tdlll7,rtj'Afire Fsnall ' rot rtN LT:1Z"; gt:
to troth bit Leatiog th e thwe cf Farrell. There
wre te portholes never thug/ for it vi the nateir•!Valpll's
Linimeot; untaituipled dealers vidl how. the SPL ,
tilotr.9 kiln 3002 e the grouthe, but ash
Joe "41. 20. 4orrel
Lis aiylJ~an tales 0a the OUWda
Aarxra ranted in. every Town, Mose and Mallet in
the Vatted Puttee, in wthrh on.
.b not
wi t h Apply
by letter to 11. 0. Permit, Wes 111., with good mimes,
as to &Arvin, 1
~ y ouths
that on the agent •ho will lowdeb Prow of Charge,
boot eastalthng wash volnahLo lotorthation for ...lathes
of .1[3303. .
Patch-35 moth 54 rents, and one dollar tew battle. ,
The way yeatithe Is•mththectund. by IL 0. Parrell,tole
Ithentor and proprietor. and wholothw Othtligitt. N. IT
• otreet, Pettis., 1110 owl Le side wholreala thd retail at
PepiktershiPtico hi IL It. FELLTILI.
t03714/135Nu. id Wood street
'Sold by D. Id. CURRY. Alleatwor
Must The Homan Body Perspire,
SO' SAYS NATURE, to have a healthy
perk. who do tut Lemke, are liohle
te the tees! aiegpethht Mein Memel, Now, tom.' It ollth
Ithetniewl Poop caws. , • froe yerspirotith , and at the MOS
time thollifea owl whom the thln, riving it the train!
or an iodenr , • •
• noorty,.thlt alsom, and Toren,toth riot only heated, hot
awed ty ito ea at trey[ yhythithe In N. Toth toot,
I who use It In sorb th ree, owl hod It unfailing—vs all., In
Pimples, illottheo. Pry the. or soy other thin diocese. The
I trader le osiurad that this Is no outlet, teetrulh,
one wilt prove. I molt youniersie at Lath elan.,
perecels sand of rare head, km lege. and yore head. •
boy it—ctui the wader to agaitiessared 'would mien..
ellliarill=trutert;=.l alma:111011 fall;
• tal this not only . ewe, Oat a ptethotivw and 1 eth
• cair al, that thyme thliktod with wry of the abthri
oLVallar &teams. will total this NIL and even more (utter
rode Its yrties) than I Ptak.
ad the stows are flooded with ttalVgt
bad wxyg you ask kr Jorge Italian Chemin:l Sco
bow it only Of JACKEON, colt, Arcot In Pak towb.
-head of W01d1 . ..
Pearlj , Wilito Teeth, and: Pure Breath. to
Irs had Er 35 eerita,-Pthvons who have either. wit hennas'
tly centred that If their 100th le ever no foul,
teeth dernyett, dark or sailers. and mornetcd with tartar.
that a Ith that boa of Java Mahar Tooth Parts will mats
Ihotteeth at Whits ad Sao.. and the breath odcritoronold
- Ethl only at JACE3O3:4 thaw, 240 Liberty et., heal 01
A Scientific Hair Tonic, Restorer and Bean-
Iner.—Tvlsl Zane,. 37)0 cents Them oho here wied
Jona' Coral UAW Restorer. know its eseellent o.Ut
Mope who hove riot. we vs.. It to ;cower the folhowing
unalitlth—lt three the hole
=itlt I ,gg'em,•a:d:r n t i .
Vor rendating lb. heir wit and odliy, eettgeg eon
t etheal
makes It truly tmentlf al, awl they. it ro. 10,
dyed. dot tatht econcadeal—Tat Sthseraw—wthole for the
go - only at WU. J1CE.3031 . 5 Oboe, 310 Liberty street.
hoed of Wood, Pittsburgh. •
_Prices-37th cents. 60 cents.
. .
JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Human
lialr OTh Wt tLa chrzyjug of whit, rell3l . yr«, bair.t.
b....rifirr brown, or Mariner color,lo f ew Wont,.
mute, acid SI.
SOLI by 'W.Nt: JAC/II:0:4.240 Liberty ettvet,bria of nroo 4l .
Nast club.
JONES' LILLY WllllE.—Ladies are emu
timd arrainct using the cotrunin e y Chan. Vier
are not anon how brigbtfully lororkow it I to the And
how cowl., bow rough, co •ailary, y • boir,anonnbmithi
th. akin Aomori. alb" . tieing preyandetotikl
Winslow, containing a lorge nitantity Ir.? • •
V. he 'gyrated • beautiful regrionlrartwloorbachatn
call Jove? nomad. Lilly bite.
11 iwawd7 dncub budged or all Weirdo tt
qualtirr; and it imparts to the Ain•
• ustural, bialtbr,
abarter, clear, living whits; at tb• tams time actug aa nor
Dube on Q.. skin, niaking_K port and innootb.
Bold b lb. Agent, WM. JACKSON. 1310 Liberty itin•d•
had d Wool. Pdt•Ourub. 7.5 e•ota. •
ap.lblawly•ti "
Professor .A. C. Barry's Tricopherous,
lowing Wtick.ial Is from /11r.11una,TAItor of l 6
anattlac Aatexlean- Comment on mach *viol.. I
nenecarr. •
Noe VOW. Yeb. 24. I 119.; '
;Dairy's itkopbtrrons In an article tbst are take pleaatde
Itt awarding the bighted. tradocolatlons. We do tutt do It
upon the tecouttaeodatioa of others. but from aurora per
scowl Unowledre of Weibel." cum the lair; *Mc It betels
to keep it healthy, soft, nod fluaryt It aboutwd.. dap.
drum viands dray bad. nu/ IntlyoraUe growth in
paannrr unequalled by any other enatroaltion llama to
ocu• A person only need+ to or one Wale toy entwine.,"
of tbhdrutls. . . . .
. Bold In ballot. rice 25 cents. -
at the principal idle* ir
BrolbWray. Haw lark.. , -
. flokt Imbue War, peel'' mulct at proprietdes pet-.
It. X.
o. CL
ol eVUS, ;
• . '.. NCd W
f all kinds andadzes; for the
I L I ° Lid eon ot lirrolc. or Ittiotorr, roc
9:h" TiltrAillettOWlLl.L.l4o wmla.L.
raIIOULD ER MA . CES, of n nev '
P rram
. 0) .
rtc Pittabura
aod roripsc!
Great Cure for
De. 110[1gktrOt PISCAF,4I.WirtIe tilopoduLl,or
Jams. Una Dr bmt ‘,
ir the fourth attimaont="
,fret -
lietato lb* (mat ims J
Lou AI .HtlladelP Op•
Titlf LtOuiliatmtegoo.],tilrga:claDlo
re,`gro alter taitura'a uarta torttil. 6h.F: 4l moi
agent. the Umtata Juke
Ealf a trae
Opoontul of Parra. lufutril to ita rt. tell
.Ik.P..3ds,te ...Olen , ln MroolDlo
(i th itt 4 rO Ac h e . la the u arimire.n t tfir
„van— rf.f.. D codaarllatio con
reraiou DT foal Into Glood—uo utntioo 1..! the 450Ka ut
rather • foul, kitto4, painful, .04 deottottin octali_n,uf
the to bole drib. , al/Paratuota u. 74„
the Leaten:ilL=rmorSetility which ammo
Out want mai . W.vPli 2 d 2, 2 . 2 . 2 . 11,2 g 2 1 . tg::
/I••rptt, INO, Ikons the tuumaelit of an um
*nab int to., than foralag • Manly. OM.. Drool. ,
Ulm • mamma Outdo Jtlitat I.IM rlaroodoidlor
fIortMEME • ramptete aml orofect aulatitute it,
Ens art ot performing the trOZl n.n oolz
=V& ratttt umi ewv ts r u> aiiimation of MIS
Dieted won on Av.' Chn Newnan
:Um imp, •
Dismay. Fl analogous to Mr Galatia 711 L., mar et
turparra Ems the tuartats membrane Draw atatrimhof *lt
<alp In attach anima attic. of badota avast molrlfrO• E i h
antlinie6,=.<l. and dirtpl. Jlat the mune =Q
t" 1 1 tba
ada=Dyro " Erritr u n rars
rr: " 111, - t"4
D ottle
p.aanhlann emotalniag relentillervidenea of 1t...W.4
ai4u4 " agents
%%Eft rDOW •
DOM rarldatrEottleta,
JaIaNEEINIJO Er ./2.2. 2Erl . 2 n , . W 04122. ape
414 * 1 4 8 -kl w
'ON THE giTENS obreeitet.
• CLAIM& PAIItB kQO. 4092s1111;170edadoes.
Te - PROPiIIVfOR/3 of this old and well
o: Lfee . uI4 lattni the pet& wear/ ere
Ij o izttle n niel . l7....l=l.4=eatte
tb:l4.on tr "=f thir
Lbw 1/ IB cundautly tßi b egoling..balow the Mower.
eur. Wader end Badtbdald ate.. Eutaw! h.
- CONSIGN11:13: •
:• •R.
astreeMlllt llatlp i"
1) 21 61.1 14=
S. Hu Z. o bszhi sc
K~gt.r~meaty LK
C. M.B.A. Mai's , .
U. 8., Wall bridge. Buffalo. N. Y.
Forty-si* bonnie Philadelphia. •
Forty-four bout* to Baltimore.
:280.railea Railroad-4.03E5Rn Canal.
Two Daily Lines•Expriss.Packet Boati.
.I:QN. tile 'opening lot Canal Navigation. on, Two
Daily Lines NTT fa pare Patti Bats Till iron txr,
a.m.:berme 6r Yortart Mimed to •
The r° teklOß th e
Two linahod nod k. direct to
Time through.rossT-srs 'Hours.
ion to erahmiptas. 110. r... - to Daft..., Pak
The Cars on ado route are now, and of the moat Moor
od ronstratiou tor monad ad safety.
7..:Paoksts Imre every usornionjoakoly at /UM eclat.
.4 every coming at tlia olita boat
Passengets for Baltimore), -
On arrival of Can at .Mnisburk, tab , tbs York and Com
batant Railroad. (ocrokolaked) direct Mahar eitbidintr
' mkt) Mae, FOB Wan:
..No charge for lamsdling,Ba g gige an this Mute.
Tho larased Road makes this the moat omotorablar
rafalod desirable route:non to the Preteen qtb.
For paseago or Information apply to
J. P.
110LINIES Agent,
Mon abilanot
Or to D. LEECH tic CO. r
Calm' Bain, Penn street.
"N. B. On Ws let of July. the kkomyinnia Railroad
be Walled to Lakrora, "bleb trill alsorten lb. dm*
througbtLX boon.
Pittauralw raruay Ip. 'Ol
New lake
'VIE ne* atoilwr NORTMMER, Capt:ll,l
O. Berm, timing every modern Improvement ter
oody ond comient: will lesoo Clompond onVoidor.ibe 21
ar.!likr MO. on tier Wet ter —`---
Fridar, at GS; p'clmt P. If, f
Irmo-Peat gee. Mario, bor
daperlor, on the orrivalor
~ r o;snl. m .=&p t o. 11 , 11
glarelond.o.. Airit
. .• " . .MtiTtilfatni
alagEggg .
ttioqll3l.ll , E, mat
"" figitt:grt "1;
erajtieretair. is se &art It
l ather
SpacAatanatire=C6 I.
Way Freight _
Creek. Near tia.mittna:
N.ricut, Clask'sjan .th ., ,
` i ag t o W ßX ' af . lM - Taz
the Juniata; prompt w"
the atarteaLt Vatati
1' Y IN
TERES.IN 8LVGD.4.14•8 •
-nt nty bother. '
UN 151N.311431, tha tossionesat Ignbly& milliners-
Ala.s b. traarostal under Ina awls sr "Wm. Wiswhein
. • [mottle - ISINULtAiI.
BinghanW . Transportation Line;
gisgggLa •
, .
rjrll E CANAL.beluk - n w open. we ore xes
ay to receive wall 'taw neomptlf, Prealaso and
I geetrawilw,eost awl Inst. Noma re asharge hy resgtoutbk.
Pena. an 4 Merchandise viiibe resaivol no 4 fwaranle4
earl rest. nitboat ear-shwas fotartnling at --
saving freight. onsooleskan w Worn , .
Will of Leal nowattled l an , 4 41reetiona auemir
Mit t 7l LYinl
Conur..hkor i Aatut Walla no., Vittetose n gb.
- Wined is WM, VW /WSW as •
Win eon row, an 4 wau.s.-.Pnu •
No. tof North. Ilosrar4 stneot,._tlattlsoons.
. • a11r.6 lIINO MAIL In West el
. New Volt- •
Mt - 2E43k 1851 MOW
Mgrelguite Transporintiou Line,
• , OUT 111,2111PPNtal.
. A..IIAAN la tl a vuo • Canal !dasin, lAS Penn stseet.
'' ' ' :jitta.i. RAVNOR, u.c...1151..r.t. er.4 attirt, Mtn
VI r are minted to meal,. a large mount taitthanairn
and produce to rata on the optodog of tn. canal* la Ptah
dttahla. and all Ink , rmedlata thanee at lower raise. vat to.
' ar4l. '"l ii, s . E = 6 =% " r T.,t. ptartdrd...bT
e. 4....1 tamuninkm.n. for awrytu ...,„b.a.".„,„......7
Matt itallroadazrtll volart an, PnatinnAT •A %b.. , s .
U """:"C'. ° lllo b iNnirr&
. . ... - . , . ..
. .
afx 11851 ..............rm,
To Shippers of -Merchsuldise, Produce, dic.,„
Waal, tam lir rimeatut, Mita., muunia ilfli 11. Tan. '
-- ' - TATION. LINE. . - :-..
_. _
• ...tYKI:3 - , , 1t L. Propril i w i a: I , :e. 2Z Mart" azat It
C' C ' ETZI 1 4 =44,V,;ents, banal. Ilamin;Pittehlt r ah. :
.0. , .... TATILOh A r0h..4-anta,BaltUneta. _ , •
At aan prepared, an the nptninC the Pattatatteanta
Canal,. to eenvart tar height at as' 'lo ratea, nada era
shim. as much deapsteh and ran aa any other lAns,
• , feblZass
xcYansa 05 o E,
JEkirceincri to Jobo Ilfel'adra l Co.l •
~„ . Caned Adria, Pe= Street.
Parma. Rail Road Co.--Central Bad Boad
inbeeribers having .been annotated
tAtttltte:if:runj a 51.1711,1
mita rearohaadls• or prollm for shipdrat east cother
owning of the moa. •
tkrst via this route will be for unman More dan
ed all will be forwarded free of murals
. • .
IfitEol27 Lein= t9IIIIII=PIIIL AND ntssacing.
Drr Gad! Uri.. nook% E.t.a t.ary;CaUtrr .Contet ,
unnarT, ,
Fruits. Yeathera. Vrtrature, mum - inedirinaa.
• EMOlary. Wool. a. a. 51,0 Q ea.
Itaard.,Qraturwar. 0111 11, Dry Mut 4 , (SA
Leather,Clover, Pag.Tisnothy and othar °rasa neena.
Bacon, I.f, Port. 11.111", Lard. Lad ca. 'vb...
cothet, TOW'', Grain and Raga, ' •OW lOU
Ilarble (rough) Tar. deh, Darla, German OiAlv
WO. - - • Les 10.3
,Pitteita g gh Transportation Line
-.76.17.3 O'CONNOR a CO-. C.a.] Basin; litiitandU .
aITEII. JAN I 4 Co. I).pou _Broad and Char, streeb.
iM o. 1 South Fourth /Kraut, ...tweet. Mark.t aud,Clur.t.
nut street!. Phlisdelyhts. • • - • • •
..t7Q/71lielltl a 1.'11..101.0tth
I'ANINO ftilly„ &millet:a :our, arripigt- . •
maul, wWwill b. 1.r.P.... 1 upa th.
a uusliraula Canaby to carry Cratedb and trod Us
botub, Baltimore. Yblladolph.., New tratk. Badouvlbre,
aitaustli Loulavillr. et. Lewis and all lb. Kart and Weft z amt nn e.
yilwaelrlngr;hl79utib= sze
Dr lcouratiee, without .7 ch.ll. flrrtkl,
nod e
ore auourtkol by h
• , u
Ilall Wes. 2.tmlioulwilvesa Cri
ritWattryli JAW ,M,"
Lewis's latent Revertlle Water Filter
NOW4O- be- seen in operation
yo. 10 Marin moo Yittatorgb. Tb Pater brarrottraa
*Oar Itotal hem American Itualtote of New TOL.
Lai a Crrbacato Mar lbw Vrataidba.tortitot• of Phiblaet.
tibia, prim ituretiolity la It. tioantiogpropartlex sutras°
orrtriseate% beam tboat baring thalo toe lo Phibatelprila,
or • bleb the robrartaf 0000000101.0 • Roth '
it Hirer a:event. ploware nosortonal the lora. of
parr clear een . . Use karst Utterable Water ftlierrt.ite
VW:4 by Ito. Ilariort mod ow o n (
atm tor Wet- .
aLoothr sot enab/ed toludn of their valor. • ..
UNOltrik PLltt. UT
" Wr. al o oo e lteet ..
tlWbbr=tV zl'
no Pantlerrll•
lauact MUM., 004 1? boa tar
Pritate taatbalor. le 1.••••4.•qui 4 1 , ••••• •
tborstore eoatilleo It a rairileite to taro It ro. tor prover to
~,,,mp.rat it to tba public- • OA U
ta ? p b wh.Fh tbeuriy t , a s n r a 'bd t e a c i o mp l o a se i d
soaama i ny stmll or
or vaireta
bla reatter a tba vtatar. They ar• warranted to bat (Wu
Iranoind wttil onlizary ram mill loot ter: awl remold
at/Irk. be rtear to to appreciator.
22 Arch stmt. Phlbutelohla.,
ROckinglisun and Voinestio queen/saran.
• T.Tigagruf . Itorklotaismuut Vollotr Cono Wu*.
zip-SAM L ittaA corner Utstb asul Lawny xttOrt.H.
it tsoUtrteb . t , oir,) ootsto., not door to J. it B.
• - t i ttottozlo VrotknoLle or Gll p=lol-1) ,
4mopettrit.iltislgner Dare .IVartd.str.tpxintl=4-
of thodor. :=
Wow Um, Spittrut as oo n
, m DosertS6
Porto Coo, tioblett, Motel rto gloat
Soutf-Art.,oulitrleio fat do ‘ ontlo too, to goat 'attar.
Oniert f..W tottotot, ,odatos
• Heating Mid Vetitilit.iin: •
Up. *very ...GU.. Pablia aa4 PriTalle. • 1.3 t.:
does "
P".4lar". Im
tr= . I k rZartttle
Urn,}4....P"52.7140,13=1::141 la 14 •
Vent/lath., 1 .1. , .‘0al or •-•
trpretuol ulaalaa! • ;i n
Lungs of : the e p 0... Junto..
meet sowe.tally Walla op. U. pl. Is 14.1..nt %Wu.
as 1.0. W. ip t ane surhohno.. unifoTr let, Y air
em0te..4.,d;+540r ;
WINE--500 lbs, Wooljorialebityr
CIILOILIDE OF LIME-150 casks for sale
StP-R A-2°l) crienrfA.lgl4l:4
VeOllcrniost noe'd Nal V* DT
,k.50415ed , far sala_W
C o f
SHAWLS—A—A. BlasoN & CO.
ooltleill tha iftaitkat of pauchosars to tha Lomat
.took tra. ozot ambroklarad ...7 Shawl* nor
rabbi In thla mate.; andat Drkes a° unusually tow
thaS tttoy WU, thatanlwas all Damao can b. phased ha
irrint and Omar. No. 02 and 0.1 Market at. my2l.
Vibite 0661111 'for` Dressei
tt BURCILFIELD bare mc'd a
full =apartment of the =pious /do-bar Whltelloode
run Ilneft
" n and embroldemt,
=Kok lins/ing
o,Lawnit, to.
Pitat•ir.twoo.tiri Ito Aloe with eon'. embroliteryt
!eltattyllitritrenob' Lawn; sod • tame usorttiont of
—.Phi Timmy Thingts, tiremdlitas. to. • orris
r jrary. j. tl t received P.'
m.o. of agyo clOod.s. for Ledbm. tram 12% ants to
nd Gentlemen's do, low prionl and tloe.lost mod by
A. A. BIASON . & CO., -
Importers, Jobbers, and Retailers in
. 62. and fH Narkft sfre4l, Attsburgh, l'o.,
NNOUNCE to their fnends and the pub.
Ito generally. that they sr. lober prepared to eibiblt
t and meet candidly h eed steel of
they hare ifresofiered in stile Oily, COSOPrized of the most
doh sod feshionable fabries. as well an the more common.
at whirl geode MU be wild to any of the Eastern Cities.
Thole two W ind talon.. will be devoted exclesleelY m .
retell {rule, Ind the Roods anstigol Depatlsmate,
• . Silk Department:
then All ew Mid Styles Imported Nils scams.
Inelnillng the best makes of Black MILL I
Dress Goods Dviartment: ell a •
Ess e rnig h tr= 44%
Ikanhadam, ilimicas, le. • r
• Shawls, Viiettes, &e.
Canton Endo, Oaln and ,LL Eismask,
Illtet. lam .ftshmele, Bilk Palm
other sasva. itsa, visotss.nd R IO do., sad
siotOssatutis, ac.
Hosiery and Glove Department
Rill always ba and completes with thn best makes of
Cotton sad Bilk Realm. Toe best Kid 01011tahr.T. oU
Linen Department.
.14, 44. and ,S 4 Whit. If o .n, Llneo Fleeting. Till..
CY. Linens, Nebtins. Dailies. Mewled andlrown Dane
White Goods. •
Cheekea and Dotted &toblic;r; r Took and
Nahhook - MusD= Vietorta and Diehon Lawn% of eeeeT
quality and prka. A 1.., curtain !dolmas, Piano nn.l T.
blo Coven. Ae.
Embroideries, Laces. Trimmings, . &c.
A echrigeto easement. Also. Ribbon.% Vieniers, TalA.
Ae. ram:role of aLI kiehla Bonnets of all the baton style.
• -
Domestic moods Department
probably ow a die most ertenrive In the tountry, ear
p ra y}n eu t 4 t vorything known as ilemeirtiek
The eat= red ornekirutthat, with their business
faihtles, go and attautive stook. gni rino orally low'
sems=connot fall to sive patriot pane/notion.
%Vb purchasers an respectfully thforreed that we
will be Owed to Melee their orders, at any time, [or
at *intern prink alio, to . elnplkuia eastern bit`
eth4 Whihnabit rt , tvirYtt constantlr
hrouth thy Yot , huo ll ., /TA , oNLY.
sh 29 .11. A. MASON lk CO.
g a tneg",tlnr''",r,Za.'"tri ß airlo c Zirj=
vrtern. .TI
tURRIBIACK PRINTS--New atyles fan-
Merrimack and Cochlea Prink , . Alm, moped.
Lints. of neared Arles. icad reea kr
XVII& SILEETINOS—A full assortment
V ot 'Alamo% widths to 4 mask., ned by
• . : myl laill.ll/T 111.113CLUM.D.
UPERIOR TlCKlNOAlurphy* Burch
field twits the attention of borer. thtbeiratrortraent
impostor 'nekton, An reeetrett. Mho, PLlioar Ca. blue.
MU, COI.III(erp)SIZS.M.I holm keeping 601:43 nettterailr.
Hosiery, Trim:unites, and Lace Goods..
lI.EATON. 62 Fourth street, between
• . Market .of Wood. fLait. the attention of nholh
art 3 retail [slayers to his large awl wen ticketed ~earn
nowt of • •
Cotton, Silk andlleritio Hose. half Iforeoinif
lied Platt ELI elloweei and Itidluse nabttk
1/14tund sod Plain Bonet
Black Plik.Tri=loiyand Floundos Ler.:
Meat llotthos AAA Trioultic
1•A• Copes, Ordarelisves and it. esol'lll.lkft
CrPrph Worked Collerhetietnivittr• azi OAP:
inserting. PAsitigawl Lacce,of erd - 1 MTh:
Dimity Ban& and Wioupht Flounelnin
Unit, ennvat-i, Joitritile Ties and ouch..
Zhlrt.lll . nder darmentsfillhirj
aW ri
out tiVn i CottibAiMarTeetiaglbt f ;
shit roma= Vans and Varawatr: Zephyr Worsted Co r o wl i . ,
Pathan,: Lath.' U.K... °oder , . AtAl
tratiof hhoel with • mt t zsr , ll,ty of email warm •twi
Liat.""e LVALt "
{a ILK. POPLINS—Nos - opening at A. A.
M.. t OA. • large atowtotetit of Mk. Poplins of the
coved dila. oDZO
a but ree4 per puree, • Inewe kiwisll.ot oi
Arid= Trisozolor, Lan, ZdALoweiOi___ rum_
O.IIIAZON a foil loAortoortit ofthiiiiiwy
!.11Ave3. . ripZl
WAVIAGIrr errileltAßS CAP ee,
lemptwo. .'11.1111.4.1N • CV'gj lie or limi
tiwta of the at .at A A
oweol apZ
"TIMM . PARASOLS—A choice lot of the
A-4 14 .4 nil"2t_ a co,
andOA Market st.
intLACK SILKS—We offer foNinle every
cri maa atAkt price of tA, dAtterviit mkt. a tilut LL
A.3IAWN At CO.:Alsiket.
iftASSIIIERF.S- 90 ptces (laity god black,
,1J er , apt: ACCCIIINOT.
InRESS LAWN S--4 CMACS printed, , k great
~tray a Patten. for aste
IIitERAGE DE LAINS-2 'caus desirable
1.4141"16.". LT C . AItEI77IIN&T.
ifIBBON S-300 ps Bonnet2so .
Cap. for
b, •02: f.
neXt to dt demon t Meat
eirt!t r , 'F irYTZlN k arr::
mere.; a serf rolodid nantervent of Tenn*/ and Ckdbs_
of ma to:ris i b le sna mi tolcit o l d itatt .
meta os: a the hhetzt and Vat &dotted
noels weft of dm . dneettenic all of which thedh - tddihlot
i n itt (=I ritnTegl.7 Ktlm
Cinthinif told at this ettabliPhoent.' otd also atth.lot
- All ersteg tra t islioting . ex n!, ostud who
hat posebbld tennuer, and > nOnt'
Straw Bonet andirst Wirebause,
R E. PALMER offer • s• for 61e, ' at, yen -
To.rats, a full a...rant of Walls and „1111116..
"AffiTTStPureign atid Atofrleanlaln . and ihmi
ulna praid,Cbly.tiUna , , ?Cam, Lam Mir; Pamela, Les ,
fumy and
imtne. rri‘t •
P .- 4.l3trivr, Pazus..l4lrt ant15 „ 1.4.1.
legbala Zni d . gt...CT/D. hay, and ng,
` l difiltinelkh Bonnet and Smut 9lnlnf4aln end TaF
tetr A aLlwpAr t zwarz i and = n atd •
' PITAgaIiiMOONGS-4N2M , ?hmli4 B4 ittms.D mil.:
rdFLOWtrum.b. rAsorri . ByrlgOitr '
rgroorAVAT,A7.4I.,I.7TIVSuImo; as
plea 0n..,1=. natant*. and Was stylacatsorted ,.
..PX4151.3 , -Assartai quanlia and coot*..
a‘sl law PrieNinintsols and ti:Fibrollitisliaid
CARPETS' on. currns, sze
. ,
la nolls Oroatatantly reeelvloot Ida Elwin 4lost of . -
Colitystts lath:following Taoistic. ,
p~rsHopi Velvetrlle CaipeW To. do. Tapastri Eras
ao, hoindslo, sous toper.Soll; aotawne 3PIO:
4.n..l3Te=ttitg.tivtr:lo4 M.. 6 do.; eoltslllatac
Mad04*.4. 3.4 . fre. ,itd•
' ttuq: Ito itspistra tolltd do;
0 00 do. daanigolnon d?.. DWI . . Man
. " 4 . 4..V111 V1 :
deva. anrstle lost.tor wow.
414,7464.44.44 a 1/41.1r10.,
Aloss-Stslo Buda, of all Coistlllndluge: LLICtor.
8446'1,=mer. idTtuortl;=g2t!
sows IT jou lloilitost; Venal= floods: lallbossed Haw
*Tram do. Table do.; do. Maud do.; Wonted Table do.
11a,113 luld Waved our stoekdisset hnoothe
worths zaW.V *marks, being of the Wed as& most at ,
mond "tyke wloo, we aro ;mooed t. orlt to out
had.i and enstanters Fria* az Pay can be parLi-
Ala foal, ,of the loStora Caw.
Alikornq,lany MTV:0011W esll and stamina our goat at
~..Thc-CarpetlYtirehouse;f4s Fourth otreet:
iuchl9 - - • •
b tAwis & c DRESS GOODS-15.etirtimi
et the Wet litehlteable &awls, now °peat. at A. A,
1., ee am te Lake , .
PoPtft..4l..theies, antJeatonetta. plies„
solpingto ha. pow thtli Spring ouppirpr
touch (..lott...solootod with mat W .
e, 6 Itarito tan
pile of withetoota l.ataaW oapply tartatelves alth tlef
fIOTII -- 3 0 3 — C -106 1*-2, eases Cotton pant
mufrjuft received sod tar min bymunein
Ohio Wic=ton
.471 r. PIA
, 4eC r irt
11. SO: 1 ;V , 95,iiit - ',""
• ; Per cent. Strength.. •
I.4OIVELL FLETCIII3II. & CO.: lannufitete
rora of ALCOHOL; Pure Writs Iv Colorbe snaitra.
• Le4 P gr p irtioMbri ' eZ e= a b ak,
qdR °niers fro= Yixteburgb win be promPtli .•••-•
roost PIM. Apl7:l/
- • •Wineb awl - Liquors- •
• •
Ar d , g Mcrlyst,Forattrly Paris craarr actory . •
af Plalgamaj U. h aroartaaa, a 'V:
}'ICKEISEN iSTOUVENEL; respectfully
rult;t serruoit,• , uad ahrir hinth ,
hat tfabiltheo NEW WINE lied
.Vr0kt y 1,4,....E at the abora stead, • where nary shall al.
woe keep u full lasortineol of the bin atoet —morello awl
lfreinli red and white Winwts.. Alec, Frozen dot pad alt
Braottleaof the &oaken abstagrx Jenard& rain, liolUna.
idigrfatartilskeyeanwir andritalte d boek Lars,
ilalt # ol=Abeliath a,ah • At...i. i
berrineal‘wits and Lao:Miran Meese. All ofwbkh M'
• will Pell, «boletus, or retai, an tbeinced reasonable te
:• " oalM• tO
ensuertg wit giespersora s better arUchrtban
u rg LI to In thu siva
arm:ow soolted hoe oixeras duns, aW la.
ACARD. -I hove removed. to my newistore.
ow .. anon - tam . > teach erpoetegtaa
biome; ""b'r"*"l:4l4 t ringe r emee. ,
z.d.c.'re=rjF,=,zaiiftdarigi - I
veg rasem vl ...... A .. re aiii
And.rgt 7 ant clo ....' 1 14. 04 /" . FR ENCH FLOW/WI—A. A. bLtsox A i
mb=4 tio r toot .otnerat. .tt..._nt waL itt mita Pr cur).! 10 4 04 -"4 1 '!..
ar 54 laao - eta irctei - i'lmi
bbla• -Fi er sat br
10411 tatoLurrutam.
• • •
yg ROOM' 0 doz. fanny on
, n c r u
k e ft„,„
• mi. waltz sais,by AClMul i tst. •
mrs IThntl
T. '4O )?blo. Extra anti - N* S for sole
11. .ird 8, WATEHILIONS.;
A.P_PIZSL' =licks for sale by: -
il ..y6 L. B. WATZWIAN k SON&
BOTTER: 4 •In boxes (freely ree'd daily by
m 7 7 , J. B.CANFM.D.
or azielyeksiona
Ls and 10 bblz, pure,
for sale
RIITTERTf bblr. hTeeb: for sale b!
ll +u~ J.aDlLßoasu & CO.
IRDIT--9,A0 Du. Dried Peacherq'
J. ittlVONtv.
for sale hr,' 11. N. WI .1
me.M corner Woad lott ELrih streets.
Dried wi elyea fot
D RIED *PYLES-300 bu.igerulga.
. . .
SUNDRIES --7 CasiaChiesef ' •
' 200 Du. Dried ADDler.:_
690 Las. W. Ulan. gr. ,,,, e212 Ebel:
heart's braze;
. ,
I tn. '..lagt_tseldrintaad Ibr sal. by
a •'" JAS. DAL2r.I.L. a leaser street , .-
PtaIRON -250 tons for sale by, , ,
.per mutton, urns h CO. ",
ACON 7 -45,000 the Hants and Shoulders,
JLIR Ilmokabannt. tor ask br •
np.2l ROBISON. urns a 00.
QUI:MR-59 bids. prime •)1.,0., for sale by
to on ' JAE. DALZILL. Wax st.
40LASSES-20 bbl. S. 11.„ for sale by
Aral • JAII-11UirUristi W.awa-
HONEY -14 ferkins (freshlifer sale by
PEACHES.-50 . seeks - for sale by
. ar29 ' 11.301:110TON.
RIED PEACHES-300 for by'
BITE IV — KX—Pease anp. 'for sale by
(1011.N--.25 bbla, for sole by
1.) ls.l%l'cm nor/moan *co.
yEACOIf-1500 lbs Si4:3;
soo s
isle b~ hmaklem tmrindanii
4ruoursco. •
E. F. lON 130 ,h
lobbls No.l Wm.: i
% - d do . -., 40 I
V) do
5lootiotel: •
:3,11( do do do ,
lq do No. '1 lolumokzirark 'ootril.
10301 JOLLY
Fi do !ALMON. la bermasrai oexua box.; to
et Ted and for We br
Man: oti,conaigui
man wad for side by " • •
tials..W HEAT FLOUR=-1000155.f0r sale
tp , ap":2 1108/SON. LITTLE A CO. -
TPLOU,}I-600 Wis.& ' for solo h9y
mi s s W. unttAmou.
I.IAIIIO- —3O casks Evan & Swift's S. C., for
Il aos mys fl. a W. USE/MUGU.
130TATOF.5-20 0 sack Its= cam
1_ rag.
OTTON-150 Inlei for sale by
-400 la. Dried Pearl.%
• ' 4l ' Dr ' .4 APP ralifet)/iERT tco
IA an . dto arrive this
• "cf thitmottrazotizaP.•
1"S dares ii"raqqtacw'vi.:in
C4rizi , l r of Wood and
[IAA sOw s I
115.444 r bo2os
4.5 hletets
ngdo. 40,-
40 ` 4 . 00010
Ito Lad, 0.k.03W
/f. .440 ‘'Maur,
15' L.19M14,nd Jam:
lump 10b... • ..'
3 D4lO. hos. fwd 311•4 . k.
,4 do. No. 1 do.
, 2 4,, 00.1... do. BAdcom
15.1 bow &slid Harlow.
M 011.4, extra 1144414 r;
. 3 1,11.. C 40316:
ISONirekeNlZio. flOareb:
bble. N. O. klohusec
f 3 .•
ID ' 81.1.5
1.0. Bar.:
360 medt=ter. ,
rirlak 6.13431
2 dour Maw,
I 7 -
111 . 1 = i5,1b1,10.;
-" ilrosarlar.l,
-iJegs Bgrm 2M .
k 4.-41dx
b " 1:14. AVAI .
45 hams turmin 174mMeir,
lo spar
tonlo Pprrm-,
dr Man= adacklasi
140 lb , ropertineKler Mom;
100 . - LbAL6 , 4
160ilddm armor
01114,1441.. WW. LAid•imi
.dcx •
- al
Assow Boon e
150 Bab sa r.
111=.6b1 bbL lloox übtOo; ,
etiselitat ~
6 " Loma 6 -.
1 ark. eol Sob;
- „ • zubak
i 7 4 , 4 l. eNTS i t r : e Z
rl.) buts 5", Lq." lb. and
5", 1054+5,5
25 4. "4 , 1 - .• ,
zotint .IW4
Ica btd,. N. C. Tar
it a eta ehir.r.
1 1 =ILIA" ` l "‘ L
: 1,. =rat.% 1
L.) t o roas %Ind Ps. YbokS
111 - 0r,11.5121 . .2 2 1
LO kits:Nal. 2, "
2.70 kacs AU mord dteF
5c.0,154: WWl=
40 Pbll. Swum& OD;
11100 gal Imo OM
10003. Bwkstr.
• :351'
. . ... . 2
. ....
t 03.. .14.f.j 1 ;141e0r.
,000 a. 6
25 Dalai WWI
2.5 . Itas. Waoutr.'
40 0 (hotrod Nair, ,
1 - a_.:
r 0 ' '
eo VW-4 3.1 3,2 ::
10003 fir . Sl: , cip. Burs
. • inli. ll 4C.Eo Ca 600
mi mates
lawiek ancybrivri h. „ .
111.116, LaNtriar
20222 d. and 141F224.42.
in.rsr sad If olusel .
sezreSpielaard w asa. olleks =3.11
• E
meh24 '122
OTTOIf-13 balm londMg from str. 9spo
C:M.y...Fpi !or Ode by
. Mauntomarrotoo. ' ;
11.1NOSENG - - •
gui aumso,' - •
SS 14an_et It ow IsfidleS It t Ibroale,by
1 DD. IMO-
. s' tLl fo.-.. ".a s2 ' l l).lM?&T'ii 00:
S"'" MOL A SAES • •
MO. N. 0. Balm
em oeid Bain tizoasoi . Ma.=
001111 rt br
GS Wain. sand TS.ll , Ust sL
cas~oct consoelrl or TELLO
i li W
M"" 11 F - VIA
*LW cal snd ata.
IXTA 'l4 131 WITHOUT.WOR4- bzt.
'r' Post. Powdet;theprituiitxutlit_instreed
eIIALR-10 131110. for Bale by
cro anidedh* Wag
hone- wagon
'Juan= aYin. 00 ' I " °* l ' Atumnscri,
' • • towc.P' lB Yrh, • . - 1;
RAOCO — ;':
int ilrat t. W.WW
te' L"P i Rate% Marie
. .
s I i. actsd llr4* •
.1 me rea4Por, ionalp *.
manurer , °"'" , i„ CraTELLIAW HOMO:
sr= SO sod el Water, and es front sew
AcoN-7000 tin. Hog Round, receiving
"JP and rot We by ' .7 AM DALZILL,
iJNDRIES , -100 sacks Corn;
.-m 15 Drial Pete . • ,
• - /LIM rorlZELL*Witiristr
ACCKEIREL- , --50 - b):0:. 6;3, j, ,
7.1 •
Du P. 1.57
-and forladair
Lsxmus watnw i 13a,
Wows awl 111•Dirler.
.4101t0L-10 bbla.Sar sale •
CORN -6° bb
b I. Shelled, for silk by
w. t7. rUsON.IT , MA O.
Galcina , Lead;
my mitedEbeefetelabl
.p 1
IL4=Dil. lemon; be
wa rkr . a, , t a irTet,. 61114
o b BACC
y i) z4t, 25 for eale
i fr a - vmAtim3litr'msomlsrnrii
AWNS AND MUSLENS--Now receivini
by A.'&ll.lsma Ca. eases ot SOW in .!d
ItACON.IIADIS—.I.4 cake on hand; for sale
br. sout • . = am aco
FQ — EtrAD SWEET POTATOES. 4. bbts on
'kJ hnd; r sakbr 11,20 MIAMI DWELT ICO
QALTETRE-60 bags crude on hand; fur
br nes • ••• 1811.1111 DICIZT CO
DOLL BRIMSTONE -12 bbls on band;
Ca , 4 . U. • •46 ' ffiMLH DICKNY •CO
. .
111101"I'ER-- , -20 croaks and jars ,_Jar sale by;
you. • - J. D. WILLIAUS t CO.
CLOTIIES PINS-31 boxes for sale by'
lANNERS' .OIL-15(io arrive) for
sale DT 1012 J. ICEDD O).
TrIIRKEY UMBER-100 0 no, (to an e)
I:Abe sale by ~u J.
LINED 01L--ZrbbLs for tsle by ,
lERRE DE SLIENNE--100 1 tiifnimge by
- J. EIDD &CO.
DIDAIVE GAYS-200 - yrds imperil:a
-4.utr 1.4111111rr • ' • . SIBD CD.
Pittsburgh Life
YVHIS' COMPANY .was incorpooted -
ALArainuhriCust. - .ith
.commesavtbad.......ptua IMO" _
• mammy does basica. taah au the Joad.stari and
Mutual plaa _.. • . •
oa Lb. Joint Was act the Wm are asothled im than
Oaatraatwrirpt, Yam Mtg.
lowa tUrtt itre attra 4 P -7 .,"
..or• the arose as those edea
ZlAtiimeVirtsed secarttteatarrlet&b7t%
ra ttt9 4 LL " sumry ,
The Muter lartlas trio granting s Of thattrahee - elt UA
11 every item, inerelltag the richt of wile, &Mr., pa
nab, tabibicataarteude or eredltone—to lame - the Me or
another lbe theiretra exclusive enteMPalehtetarnh a tt.h.
alara the partlei s t = at the ass ar 00, 05, GO, or eO,
: - James EL nixes, Preshieng
•. Ham
h el ileClarkea, Vier Presidenfi
Jamb . Leech. Treasurer: •
Charles A. Cohan, Saeretary.
Joan B. Hew. 11.1.
. etta B. Plltresth. . Chas es, pm, •
NamedWC•tortao. ' . ,
. . - ......, ....
. 31. -.
. i . flo.utteno /V . , jatd.f„ ........,, ', if
Joeeph Osest.m. Id. D.. ..,"4, 002 , do 4 31..1). .•
riettlalah klrooke i ,..ld...‘ r.,.,,....
. 3 . 0=1 . 04 Dilsortl=ea 671G1 , 777fi1d 0t7. 0 4..
',, ....Bohai Boydes. I. ft, 103 t oral, we., ; .. • -
c . Jo!: fireerford,6l,lV9 &Wheat.. ' .. .4 . : !:
• 1
Ur. Da. 4 _ _ l'Z' .t : 1,2:itga.... m the Few, ii.l
at 14
ihr eit. kimwr.
cam, teke OA+ roPemeod =mean* oPer6. ooo7l _, ....
rats el . = . ll i r o l vd neumszL i nel=74.. ,
'. .010oe of the ComanT,,lto. 76 Ifourtb street.,,, _ ..
1L . .. 0,7=„ :. , . -,.,. .. ,C. A. COLTOX, 0 ,, 0"/., -
state 'Maud Fire _insurance company
FRAHM OFFICE No. 54 Surninsui Efrizsr.
. • PMVlDtaty Way
bent evidence of; the success of the
oms lo entteerning mete the STATS.NDT
TIRE INSMANCE CO.ILPA NT meet the rent. of
tht , more le the nutamtleted mama at bugaboo
which h been now, bming to llatect 7,900 Polides dozing
ithe toast HZ; themby odd twee T139.0)0 IDLIte fun 44
of Um Ootopny. all pevirly zed
Aand in acmil AM, end • I.masaroporttott Matron
tor onlr_one rar.. • - '
Whole 4 zr of PoDace tereed.... . 7404
DO. ea o. Ved4tenntunted. canocDl, 02
Amount of Propeeir . Insured ..m. $7446.4 19
Do. cencelat, treminsycl, exp1e,41,72 11 00 -
Pitlaintu 7.44179,63
cancelen,ternaunto.L C ' 3"Y
7%039 ff
itattiOSELS ettelee4.-- 67,47 - •
D' de- Y- i t S'IXS
Mot. .m ' t anon end expetoos paid—VA4tl
Delano, In Woe or the lb., V 1.924 4T
To car or Mondry merch a nt', and wenn of detains.,
eml 11010004 nod counter 0007 0 0 1 7 , It U believed Ibis ocat ,
"ear &bads ectesnuttes ID jmint ot ammo... Data. and.
mcluity, 'eta& ao /aasceno.ComenttnthiemautteD
commeted on thee equltehleemignmar imome . l.
of Clandnattou of Ride, etchsolog ereatel
outing mar • limited amount In corona Icesaty, Gott IN.
belittency am occurrence of law Area and
d eg i rna! Each ant Mama plan. it not , calD.
wen Gm ae4nese ;al =lna of bota
but entitle. the inmeett tO A Non 14yilnIta
Dteectorr—John P. Itsithrrfahl. f.O ;..Pmes.
limed a. (Amu, Philo C. Bed Skte Open, ErAlt
94'1'4 ' 1C" 1 ! * 4 .l th . P O . EDTMED: DioDieut.
A. GILLETT. Bazaar.
N. ks.—A Emir , Dhidnul of lateen per eenColl eeplat r l , E
po i llesa tweak 00e00/x2or the Direeso r =if.
aj1,110.11 - CAIM4 sac
- • --
1 7 0 4 ilain: riOizTligl*** C.0•40/14 1 arra•
:pI3O.OTORS: L tisrl'es (lea
41'4 .I'.
• %%Ea V..ROCKER , Praddaiit -
-- Moira: &lama, Pacretary,
to MAU Iran..., P= 3 . 4
of era:ri=iptla kroperty la bra rut
"carrtrii rat. as km am ara earirteat rth eectaity.
Tira 0...1Pay bay. warred large coatingeat tend,
- .A.e..ith thei
10 r LYpita l l teal Plabhi
*d- .... WAY . I P , tr.
Tba abeia or tb•CatarrUMW" 7.1.
aITYPOIY • eD. th , i Art at is, embly. erar• aa 101101,,
.... .. -
enals, • •••
th. •
tar po carer of Or Milli. You
ng erila
DW lama by Yr, thereby affordi *Wane. of. tb•
alrentaar of lemurs:we, at yell. as their ability - wat
"i ' t " j9"'"" 7"'')?=VANtrui 4 .
. R, R. area al Wood and afa.
. •
Penn ./Entail Life :liiittipp ?FL a ,
~..p, viad• ,
4 1.* ILVI/3 .. , ;
1 4 otc• .7:ll¢ney' N.. 33 , vui ljai.
or the better cosdndmd. per.. . . i.
lower :part of the dity. Cu „sgant-mat maw t ga .. d ,
Mao 11 tall: sad 2 to 3 0110q,,At=0....1i
j4kb'"=.l" %gen .4 e0z0m00k0 , 3•3..T.0 3 1 4.
.0ar.L10U.,?.,,,,,. L ov ,,, mbazdag tEd ' td1Z4 1 ... 0,, •
IT' tte -- - V . aim - cod Walt rams tanadted on
-Ittstral siolc‘ lint:lb:o . lW tid . giggl. , r l P - 7
Prod tbddedida i . ,}p 7 ..!f... ,
Marine, :lir% and =mu Th lll 4 4 4 l “ 4—xt
TILL Insun i Cur 7 of
ft*tal North Ame
LAAR Ticp,
. Itg .
Ark l'hi tl.Ssl, $1.1:01,7.54 4l: W 500JX<
itt make Luanne. an
Wt tbett econnses,la Ws city and
ea .ove t
ptioooppoi v ientr sl
aidrWarr T fof oervlsl.hll3.oltVon
1i em4etill IT
...*T . r. 1 . Irtk, - ...
6 ,..
; . Edw..: • ....--J LUSIfd 40.ft:of, ": ;• : ;
j eglN. • •••= o=i -
•=i, ''''.: tt..„ . . • . ,: . , urr
1 . V: o
. - Wllte, '... timso.4lNY''''•
.14 = U. ' ' ' 11.1) " 18.7. '
Wldttst to c& de 1. - )aoolNao if Intlas ea IGI d Stab
= fr rid.l._ . nnk 'X ' = r l b ,I =rsr ''' uf4o.s " gjn d."'"rl _ , _ 1
sacr s b. -.. las oIfRIMIC 60 , P1 Um, vamp..
." . • W*l-44*PaMEMAA.I
Ants scan Life' and Health Insuraittn - Co.
isvniforiPingbarsos. BAEZ. P. TO
Aunhut. contanta t tir=it=rn
obtalssad at lb. tam. • talTaltf
W InaztruxeCampitiyosrittalnireL
QUM 000,000. R. MILLER, Ja.,
,Preddlat. 7.11. Oardat6Esearticry,_
basun Molts' VI:1m MB
k1i=r9.44., by m om w
bun& In who aro de ta
th "
—l=.l J.W.
Ixszermis+-x- _
Itolaus, Itros B. Llama% C. Masa. w .I = Nrs:
W. M. Lrosylamestesollra 8 s. _
O i rtgai. "- W.& rueot. of OP.W• a C°.
tielliliatelibt*Szifro ll isarin eeC6=l4.
. .
FFICE, tio4lll 40CIM.:OF. THE. EX- '
tarsawz. 'Mid dtAad.r2. ll =. o .d. - - ' •,,, . '
~ ..-•inu .ImanarL—naddLned. ...hal=
= r i,rdie n :Tt d ' lNaan '".° V4Varidnanna , . .-. :
:ULM= dadannien—ThaT ea , tandn Vaned.
ma indannh Aganda or andalimmodad annda , .. - aa
- ' Ta.~:adadms.-.ather alainiain Xanbalnin•
tnaannted to• Waaandentsl 0011. Conlg. X. and
41 111=,..111:::rillsrld V i r i ng d b4.3 o: Vri
Dods, inn.' -70t 2 Vi1r,....
...,Itzuo. e.m.irt....h.,
filoado _Mkt" want Dar K. r Yin-
Inunetiondl. dam, nesdin. WiarVidd= 4 n=
.=:..... Inaldins, IL inn.
pan , air ll 4 l. . I . = . aVI I NLV " & " 0 ,1 11 1""
) I uirellerffiVra-irm Jr. : r. ..
. ,'!'"
• lanseroad av Pruanaaa—D. T-?iardnyi,Haah Crals.
1 aitana dukrresidnd. Taas.p.aun, ,Inc. Fred :
ftr it = W. t... 3, Secretary.
at Ur Onapaay, No. 1411 , Witar Own Pita ,
lamer . , - faattn2/1 .. , 7.. .P. 4t. ithrMlT.4 Amt. :.
TaTiferanWralit •nad 1 014 PI wuP./4 1 *
/044 . Compraar'
ETICE !18 heit*V4e:
ereefomit Ossipaur. their mete perelege
me kargagt.lleseunere a mid Campazi n tuillee;
On Alit glaze of th e nteek,ep the 1.4
tech end 'eery swab hereafter, the made's — ma tk.
Min 1111.1—ea the road will be gesdee.j..l;
The Incekbolderrarp reveellekte,tee,
Dl met ponetnel la their spent. ,
SAD , improved vat.
j. A Leiut I" Bra , .
All sine gni baiNa.aii. iid-n
• --
' . • Seed /Hive Ramovell.
; 47
HE subscriber bag removed bin Ef- oil Stcae
[top &taxa argot ea Oa buil4lsa resealy oveapled
by Jima as not : m . ola Meet, lalgicet
°Pll'l'44 ' I . L. MORDirli. - .
, . .
..CUARTgaribe rata of Dameale W4 . 2cd•poisi eat=
Fat Orem" taled am% "or.l Cs a . delniptice of WM
Int Alaakrry. . febl7
• ...wing •almailior, umht the etThi
...,01.. " "' ° ? 1, a C., the Ae udarat,” zbutltsl
Imam., mit. K. l'lmlng k at l i 13.111"4 :m. th•
m i t ., Vor ht• pia Witte sietlitztelat iv Waimea..
wsogrrioli OF PeiN wtT ERSIIIP —
Ift,,, outman/21p brrotofare botrom 'the
st , bevy owlet the sty lo of lihockku. a hite, ore dlo.
*And on 1.14-11 m elar of !mow, um. br mum...
ma. Utber of Os solmorthrro min aural co natio; .0
the I,agooss.iimtsfeaottiorised tom thonsaao of tho Imo
"I ' f" U"Slul" r * ' 1'1" W ttIItCILLILIT„
fan 0517.12, 1 ,1. - ' TIIOII.IL MUSK.
rflail— . . etiand William
tomo.ts stoma outman, so& 11,10,a110 illyo. as
I - Anloo4 Gd partie will NMI... Uilo Stholooslo
(I.l4lPoAness undo Ina ftztoof IL 11.11114,41,1A4 06,
st kr. lft!ly asooill bY . _fibOal .„ .. attt u r:dri4 T fo: 101
dria.PARTNEESSIP- - -Thitgabotakrata"
AVAL.''!":=l;7°..P'tammAgirlitiV, sat
lIOSE t I • I BElll—Just. rect'd
teom waline.tory /319t049 . :00 bottlredlo liab•
duo routufttal b,^ toast dbouber.
This line lo for sox*. ,to say mobutoctuted of
bstber. lbr bf Msts, oradostott. co fire kitsbuturttom
toloh it to bo dUllskrity otidnotcod that otortlult of
tut tug from oar ortabliatouot U tr0a9190.1
t h. Intruded. orilokotom nottrodod. , •Jooto , tu
IL loess/. at tbo Indio bba , pout, f 9 9 Wcoa aL
`TEAMPACKING-4000 pounds :lazed,
Min end Pan ladls Rubin, Parkin Pant/4ln
Pisto ?llama - nu:o6 In INg the my but AcklnggN
vat, In Vfi.4 tn. thig
Mama Altangtgut ?M g M .
n AWL ginnts.lguang Cylindas
Meng an, Fa :In at** tabu Rat.
ap*, Igo. 7 WI V Wood Arm...:•
atiXl J. 4 PItILLIP&
7 1 ,a 4 ,7Virm 999.10/ Mashed T r , Etso4
the clty Ils=lirl sad 9g.
=9ll esl.l anti ;ivisdne krr tbesnattne tbs-v9l*
=Mier tbe
IDrla Fisa9betory, N. 91
79 9 .:d 97 - -;.
;Aso: VS trtes. Oar sal...tray swerend4prica
3147- :g r i 7.;
; , ','-. lffeedlee Celebrated .
• , 'Thisihnitily medtteled pie''Aim[ - ' hiiiii ii.ust made MS
swre-thsa i ;=aume. Jetts& shish lail. 11..7 We
trA d i t2 r l b " L , ' 7lol• W erban i r
,ciseis of his esolueuee, to 11.6 their .
.iron MS' teat submitted. btme Rime fisbarlut
.A.lgussdids us to flute surlelar tube. emi rs gal e th er pia.
..‘ Tl. husred.iebte of tbetred :re cireallx..a
.* ....DbAtitr k, 0, ...• reitt . VY eiblembie tb
\ S l ut h e si b M .r. in.-, jzase
"' LW ' ' tht. i 1.1.... Iltgrattrt.t• -
•ierglos at
xestagrob.4rm. 0 ,4.
~.A...........::: -6-.-the beet 474emIltbUt
(hue severe stesiet ur diemem of t r., b . 4.4 ' tbdt. be.
=A. esPriet mbi b... ' 723 = 11
as suffer with ettsteatk, sulus, , than
till'r,.. l ltmjed. , with the eckdideut immune.
ht el their heseletst edeutsletit be timed bM7 bbbbbt ,
Sot . eale.•bolesede sad retell...by_ :. , -..i .
mail ; ' '': . ' B. b . . bELLER3. 67 Woo-3st-
_ . .
-11311, for.4.inu 1 bomill'ul tka to Lluism
s tr o r
beim Collin, Mart Brox., sad 41 kimsui it.
ass prWliatal thrlrootrw adbosiag Josh. Liam aud rut
Rpm Idekiniu It =Wu isollainii imiusious to el
t 1 is
sn7 respect. : , 113. ladles bre s losutg.. bit tliu ii
al awls au selidsoisul In Mb tbear crsalatiou iril fui•
17 . reattprk wiz., competltlon tit hared Oa! LUWWatia
A 1. ..1C-0W d•iit VIII 415 thirty itit It of !lab.: a2u, a no
“' 4 l 4 . MitVi 4 7..eb to with fUll dlsialuits.
los Ws bi i sue H. S. 0XLL)41.13. OT Wad sc.
1/111*BWAL OR itOCIC 0114.
.. _ .
--,.-rb.m.kii&thir b:, ek,,,x, ..11 rpth. , : -
t.EfilTUFtoaks . "l: lllll3 reme
.. -;• dar t gi4 thOltrristant'arreatiao for It. to the mole
r.t 7th h : =l .' lle t... c t i ' ll:LPta ilk i., •'.._: L. ~. ..4 4
an .
, ra s . t e s ku p,
... 0.. .. „ a atlf: 0.74 b. .i. jn.
13011 V from itumre , s
. tirost u, LanuffrThat /147ntunie
P:xprf.=,, a ,.- ---.lstE' er• .r a man a 31 15" 4 - ,...
zrg..'w, ~:i ....... the bloom ol
'path am\ em pour it neren Lobeen, the pro.
Thum tboubt oraning Th en
.tiocreoCthe afro trdiscsee. e coustim allat
aterfa f are m gragt'llrr..._??Un4, .1 . tf
I'44qAttextv=rxr `WiVr..iiititon.
.. are.acosekain that the .00117100 can Nam lore Ili
kVlVArdfg..lruc."L'Atitly."4l,.. inch (4 .
`="el4l=3ll,lVlA-17:24., Am..g '" tal, jbe
di marat.l—all -al of themom unite* Mt as
..CII[PaNIO IllifeiCti= . (X)SUMPrION, tiu Ire emit
tedJa a OlWttr-klartir=t;
!cr . 's, ilerrlTharr.roNilai. 9014.. til.%.4;_bw '.
„.... A N....Ur con of asc4lo.' mullion iremis i Xure.. i t
ilfi g ri a ratan= set itte&f si` o l7o mei 51 . TIM .
ATITY. to rOch <15C.% UP r tette US& nen to the
whole hams,
Aud the Quito&
flionsst ur orniult mum abeam end e= B M constitution
ed eml remiroi chow to an UN =ln
proprietor Plum of anent mum of PIUS
Ulm reeteted-cerry,ll tinier the me ,
of the PETUALI.I.3I. for o chart limn The proof can be
6 2 9 4 1:7 re po
Kr ri t!!‘"77rM•s•
3 .21fivab iL74JAL'iqizif.:WZ":''
corner Wood Mut aulqinflu . 'um*.
uoi•hily Me regaled/ aPpoirded - min
NOW all men who are rick and afflicted
with Kim* of th e Blain sad Slams% with
- an, In hark or limbs, still whits. old ems , Miti..t!"
AV I LA r.,,goit rut Illg t g
as you p
4.i. 11l &I m - Zvi -
`n the gee of mop gun
at tl. ; thAta ss m nitnes
skin is titeked not
with lain. stir LflarillfrottiTileeses, tit '
fa 69 orsts, get , tohst Ana any ot the Uls etininernW
Roeder! It emit seri. little to mats .
Iclto It no =WWI= 4 n=t , 4= 1 6 7 = 1
of in thre
fed by the muter head oftudare, sad Wades tin from the
tato= of one mother. esrttr. in ID onifinni pmllT . end of.
wandering linsisnity s may reinadros own= sad
VUittired Nei. after other told/don Urn tidied to
ear any teller- It Ins cue Ithennalitsto.' of inn
Kw:44V the_worit snd nod ;slang a
ho been ad asp. .916 g oid relvdr ta% Ala
ittat.:AO. Dena Tr :inure ohlibi sndt r gned Pot.
Z:fletericVArnne t tl% W t.i=tileitnehriea
inw on S.LILUELII. KIER, Caniednild. EfflrCal 0214401.
either of the a..7611t1., , •
Idepairen. me net , R. street mg Tired
aim R. Y. Sellers, Id Wood street; R. A, Elliot. waft Al:
dem, dliestaniv 11. We.: •
- -
ft.Vttisgis OPAPB2 ,,,E VIL . fi RNIKEfi•
---m..T.Da aot.. u.
,=6 1. 1 rinabve
a see owset 'lowans ant tenefidel nod nun
the cos,* Ine celebrated Instrument Oct Oa
Lungs, So electing a core of Cascaded seam% no &AM•
ant of that misent physician, Donor Physc, ens Is a
wydnatik of the University. of Yessosflennis.end for WM.
, years Acme ben teen marl In tbo Ineesilintka °LA..
erne. and the
ib ii, V the nse ,:f hts . l4!= Ingo eositts
ganef an i nonfirsisTemlnepce la { easing Ilon•
f.. ".reoltr •3:=lnlitnt• _inessall•
zuls, t. tr. riZeli Al
=l.lallesente mesa Ns - " = . nedrjroilre3sl= --
' Iltas=sensedles,ledet4"ptenb.Prn*Taponass;KrastoLrltral,ll,.....e." .'
.. dlaesse.
, Its=e's Tot& fltzetila Pills 6 / i se i n nudism farastr
' nye of .114s la jr. Insianner rtlery lease the =rns-
telly foes trots astir:peen ea also Lis thslden lilts sat.s&
r.lto by the restart. to scam peonller prope n rtfea tie-
I t
to .fmnie disnuan_ but sesislied lbst tan Wel
gulletent to ninillsa what bet `
been eald, tntalitanclsof •
.111 e .,......,, ~ ,1 it,,..,•, ,,4 T.t.
.4 -'...=S ..U.'Zi' 444 i ,___—
Par= 14 „ ..tbe Ssasolna" . nien ,14 taots nen at
J..Peaccantsker a Co., ft — in.! aaittslnkfp. •• • „„
.T. U. Townsend, I'ODUpD, 45.11sfint It. .__, ..,
le. L. Dealins. Dlncout. war ISt Pi* 0 2 .4AU4Vha
at tiff. ..
n& Saftley, Thsfanglna, Home orsaff. Pa:
Jo ke ust lib*. X. 0211 Venef, ". i• , , •
AFFLIOTED. -be loi w all ia lt
" Dewitt alrellinge"
wr Plaid. Which has Mood the boa of thirty raft
ji t st a =ajoal i t k l it mawsW
men tg,
elmsthin anNWsMster of dissas.
Meanly VII lg.
g myin.uthsttithi Is Meanl mediebto that
brand to the =a - ted, that does, harms maMerif 411411somis
hat it is sold Ms: '•
it hos eared, and is espaide of Mint morodisessittims
nay other inedieloo altered' hos sals; wa sue not by telanti
f vf , e . sold, og i sy
thst ft is the only article that h. obiesmed to lb. .tesil of
•patent Iledidaethst has ales been lostronlstd satt.rwety ,
tb. =los elite brossally,. liso most strransos
molly . Arra Offered for mae, or Mg Of
U S; = * 1.10p.... Ott nellOsisti in,„;.,30,.... ja •
Atord., Ws Maros:. Um ',Sohn z,14. V.
tor. William U. Porter. Sod... Editor alba Mit
Timm wed tree of other diAlogaisMdecitismis err .
:Task s who ban folly tested its waits. hare yetroblis4 tits
promistos to refer to them. •
As It is
_nll kamest that Patch!. Medicines onAsObeijoier.
any tacroed by loam; wealthy_ and • polhe
see brew wratoobtisilf. st=shiet omisser i lmV4 Mies
netted.. SW Wonder
seams yes. —Won thep_tablie. itsram_ riend* ars r=
strongest and best. Uhl most utsionetedly is Irttori . l . ttod
sonrioeing proof of its metal norftdoem apt
%wallies, It is assesmeiria bostedy for tern= titian •
rmgmute p 1
5, ' ‘ ', 32ll g i .I=trt'.. •
Metes Imre teelsooltSwllitoth r . meta
wl ban GV.r. W math
ft, would 1.1344 , n:/bl4 Itattmo sot
offered, sod la am Aar)... the . slimisteot potiltirehets
d 2
tPor internal as well as esAaili a. , .
1 7 traraini th' euretos7ami MOM: Aaa
• 'of ond
Weak:as ts a eo or from* from lrbstrter maw 1.941'
Yoe Yittstotrsb, by it, E.
and asllen„.llssers: add
Co.; °mien • finowdem Sid by the
meraill , :At is 00 %pin tar, um' and sonlitlilli.."
To the Bogart T . of -the:Ettstargli Gazette.. ••
)UTIBLIC ATTENTION LS:reforth spectfully in.
rim. be Abe fallowing troth., pet In tolse to
A.. Cr the wort Important annedies of materna dm* ,
PIaIIMLEUSI •On ROCIt: not ratowthan ow
Ivor eura three thlw grtmt
Cl_ trat . borfight henna the
c. mina:: i r i tigf a
th a . l . = ta.ip .. , 71- . lte . ts:
L rrat :1.9 coal
it , t .t.i. 4 : , I * - .7 - at i , ,, r.
hut, a*•
)5 got P. aipf... , -,
one. Immo tee 061aaa”: /...21.. , / ,, I. be
. all otbonogrants hat . been_lbriptten.- The Petra .
. N 0... moor, elaWraed in the depth. of the Math
' by a pawn. AM .10.47 that Latta. ta-saspl al ,haataa
aglastlZL . ..Vga ( . 111! ota ll =747ga=a l t an*
'l= todteeiretnamilha marmot our trtazi or suit=
.deco in Lae onto:oath. 'She cot are viol' Vito mitth at
any thing thnt ptrantrea mbar frum. Macaw A *Moth
aardr? tokoshatint *maul IP sine. tta Oases otxutt.
WO, l i a ' as i nit= graluath crania s=
sar 1. , r atonal be W. in 1 Mario Mean Ike Lt a rem
1. talon far excenginig may Mania arttele In the utabo inteint tnig,.
' wi,...xmloautanthned fette—gmrathat r om ari ..
{ cityl taistaantaa9.,
' arLl lo, :eqint7inust.
:Tr= or . " .ISltscut,ll4 .
[ .....4, -And., • phaal, grentletona tonmpwl
Thereof* Mbar; Pia ton War rllat
p..n.,,,t t w o JS, ;ay irbei tralm:lonl iS the as
Nat. Male ram irera'elinkr Vatittag , 46%aapaalljOaCale.
al II Maki*. .a• bowl. Th.
when 41 wardIPZA
evo22.'"%tie - PAL" - ifa -
au so. Catis
R.. 1 ..- Mamma or tub su.i.t&i,i.4 etimt •
Cheer g dlandai itreallatad hipplea; ...,.....d
-' meatofiblrs==u4t=eratmhas .hing
mart srelact ma .Ceillatstes ttus ieW " istorir b sA
Lae boa. nt ea magrittarsheen]. thke Omer= In gnaw ,
_them mum annum aithelr friends. .
winanaratana 007 Rlir about Ahtti . nnalltititi , the
Petroteimam the. jet•epteat lietamir,of 11..n0w. Pholdnas
Cr high mandbmwtheptothacket. an befit .ing A. mall
Ilkibeittentleio,Tkorrwbost tut loamtse tact"
and unamtanatt,hre willing IP Want , it to
onmidaratime' • thfoft.thrAberrirt mapol, fat
2.l=rieTti.thr , y 3. P.o . , ..h. , [ e v etrz,
NU, ay . I-, jr' nil &ft 11 s es! t fa eatqa"
R.-11.V..:Fkilers, b and maw .0 • Caul, L -
Itilkaa,a ig ne k ilas 4,, /eig i , tzr tsp .. ., ~.h . .,c
V-10. m
A. Wahneeloti ,A. ilt IYrof and la a w pia+
to up, and 018.4kr
- Pellera—ltr, --- ,, , ,
yoaroot r
sptn~ It bleb ofarWOg.a. ,"." = ibrd. gnilela a..., MOH I Ml s
IK 4 44 11Vffr 0 =
V ,
4.4:V0i P
1 8 "
1 " 4 th4r &MM. tb ..Eri e
tonsE4.wlapriba oar 1,9 oared bY n row. .
- i? ced it. and Drntirtst cnnandb
'Atgerin''' d e bt- Nag
itieikA ems,
i_v! , .e.(BA°- •
• " Irma
Cliatto.“ Int niter
_ ' l" "•
i=.*.11.1.2, •
A — Eungi sl a ti q t • '
1,102:04-r caalmor,reanteaztrE-4
1 19'o
.101.1 .1164116.
ES, dx.—A large 'w o k::
• it. mox% emu; viz , -
lAzosumi bait,
Isalsa d: Mairba _
rmrslu r ir .4'H/eat ,
arpeater'• Exthiet of 1514 - ii!
Deputstive n.B. Moe. tvil. , Ectof•
• limansot
telo .
Uzedezere Lemma'
Gattty's CLidfat., •
Gold= 111 vrr
auwocd aid lltith szexits.,a.