SEVENTWCENSUS. " MAIM Or Vre MRIFII ILII2II-4/7= 120 10112a OP '. ' .. .... 1 . . .90 Free col- :. • Federal Rep No. o- . . .' • isr%i rts : ' • - Wilita - - n hu m ^ ai iat ra p. Total fro!. 81mres. population, Itep's Frnetjona„ - . -Alam o , . . . 426,615 " 2,250" ...428,766 842,894 'f, - 634,601 6 *72,289 . - Arkansas;,'. ,126,071 ' 587 162,658 46,983 190,848 ' 2 8,444 California, .; .. I- 200,000 '' - - .200,000 - . - 200,000 2 12,596 • ' Connol;tiont, -, - - 870,604 3 . *89,498 .::...Deli wy t,;„ ~ , . , .11,2 n ,17,957 . 89,289 2,289 90,612 - *90,612 1 71., 'Nat.:: 1 .... _ '„', -;I 47,120 926 48,046 - 39,841 71,650 - *71,660 '.. • thito r ei, ~-, ; • - • ..-513,068 . 2,5861 616,669 362,986 . 783,448 7 *77,534 r m s.. - - --. ; ,-- ;: 7..993,684 - - 6,100 ' 988,724 ". - 988,784 -10 *51,714 - . . . En ac t,. ~ .. - 868,069 , 6,289 858,298 -, .--- . 868,298 9 ' 20,980 .. : Io wa ; 1 . '' ' ' - 191,830 -) . 292 ~ 192,122 ,/. - - s. 191,122 2 4,718 ju n t a: i n , ~ ~• 770,061 ' ''_9,667 779,728 221,768 \ 912,788 9 *75,470 . . Landual; .. "' , '.. 254,271 ,45,esa . 269,955 230'807 `. 408,440 ' 4 - 33,682 ...; =Mdse, -,, '. ,' -, 681,920 j 1,812 688,282 - '688,233 8 21,020 Mitsaild.itaitio; ,•, . . . 986,498 - 8,778 • ' 994,271 . - 994,271 10 .57,251 Maryland, . : - - 418,763 ;73,948 492,706 .89,800 646,686 5 *78,078 ,! `,ldlaiitelppl; ,.... ... : 191,686 , 898 ' 292,484 800,419 472,686 4 • 4,175 s , .: illehigan, . -- .; -' - 893,166 . 2,647 895,703 . - - 895,708 4 20,895 ,''': -ldbsomi, - -,'-' • .' - : '692,176 2,667 694,848 89,289 - 646,416 .6 *88,204 INNell' ew }r*olll4llre.,.- 3 8 17,864 - • - 477 817,831 „ - 857,831 8 36,725 042,674 Toxic. _ ' ~,, 47448 30900= - 3,090,022 32 *91, 558 New/env: ' ' ' • 466;283 =269- 488,652 119 458,623 6 20,113 -.'„*..... fikiiik,Cgollna, " ..- 662,477 - 27,271 ' .-1-580,458 288,412 753,505 8 8,889 ...Ohi o .... - - 1,977,031 21 - 9,289 Peasylvtals' ,- I 2,268;4801 :,632011: 2,311,681 - 2,811,6811 2 , 1 .62,633 -abode Island, . - . 144,012 ' 3,548 ' , 147,665 - 147,665 -• 1 *680353 ',,-- South Catolina,l . 274,775 : 8,769 283,644 1 . 884,925 614,499 5 46,98 9 Timm:wee - • 767,819 6,280 773,599 • 249,619 923,310 9 '89, 99 2 '• :. - -1 0 21 9 , .. -- ' . 1 188,181 : 926 184,057 63,846 166,064 1* 72,362 Vermont, ' 812,756 710 818,466 - - 818,466 3 ' 82,860 'Thsinli; - : . 894,149 68,906 948,056 . 473,028 1,231,870 -13 18,744 -.-- . 1 1fiatortain, '" ' I 803,600 • 626 304,273 - 204,226 3 23,120 ."-- '''' • .. , 19,617,836 '409,200 19,927,085 8,178,902 ' - I . 1 ---- Ult.. of Columbia;. 1 88,0271 , 9,978 48,000 - 3,687 929 9 / 9 011119.- ' • ' ' , ......: Ilitmesota, ' ' - .6,192 New M 02109, -. .. , 61,682 - 61,632 ' - Orfto - • E,."._-.20,000, -, ' 20,000/ H 25,0001 -1 , 25,000) .. , . . , . -7:1 21,882,621 218 IA. //ePreoentediv,,, 1 - 19,668,7861 allowed fa frActf tOonciMber of reprpentatiits *:Tbese States halm a 'representative added to the number of spportiomolents. Iticludlng 710 civilised Indians. . . • .ItECAPIT.I7 /...!LTIO N. , . • Total tree pop-... Ilepresentatin; ' • ' Illation. Shaves. 'population:, Free States, 81ain States; District and Territories Total free poptdatioa, Itsktio of *eima2tation, HOME MATTERS. , Pr./nil: l =a . FLIG--A fire brokO mit yeller &yam-Twee. in Ns. Arab Hays' carpenter ::shop;oi aaalley nesr,Clualtarn street, :which at issee4Pierai to the buildiirgi srauzHid.''Owing to thiilryieers of the tads; thi flume tan frost bulb:tin to' building with great rapidity, no that before 'Any engine could Possibly a=lso, they . Wire ender great headway. " Forcrteen houset'sh, Re . either, nholly..destmtni, Tat mutt Narita, berm. the u e extingniehesl; 'nevi the:fmmitere in them was comma; or ,ett, mach - inured' es. to .render it almostase• Mr: Prude Steteasoi lost alra itot7 back . house on the comer o f Wylas and Chathiza streets, • and two frame bocams en each aide. There waa eomeinnlance:on thiSProPerth but not clunk. to eenr the loam - hlsfinire, undertaker, lost two frame biases on Wylie Street,totetheT with a work shoji .! in the rear. •IwuranoudiBoo.• say wthisbis hots° belsiignitct - thisvi was burned in s--stable near his' work- The fine three etori brick building. on Wylie_ streid, occupied by Th. Umbstaptbrr, Zig.; and ; owned by Mr: Jacob Ifaia,' was much injured, .„. though the loss is full''' . corered . by insurance.= Mr. LT.'aturniture was nearly destroyed but the ;....1X1 . 5 is covered by hisuranee. • A three, story brick building on Wylie eine; =Kt to Kr..llmbstaetter's 'home, Ocoupied as taardlng . houip by Mr. Mustily nail alma by __ Mi.tafterty, a brieldaYei r was very ranch injur : iro understand 'that the pantry of lain rsiceoik it had eicentlyna:Pired. Mr. Mastles boardets laid nearly nil their baggage, and the landture Rae either burned, or broken tb pleent.• •• Two =all brick houses "In the raw of. Mr. - LsirezW , !PraPert7, belonging John lips, were much igjazed, 'bnt 'were insured to :"thetz. • fall. ralac..• , _ , IdM Hay'or cimpintcr sin? ims consumed.. -There were a large panther of tools In it, which jtsi alsd lost.. Na insurance. on buibding or This gantdenum 'alio lost two email `fnuie houses on Chatham street, which were in sued for.two itundred anti fifty dollars each.— Tito itrricli citirfticr, on the same strait, were did Sutoewbat'injured, though the loss is fay 4 Irana house on Wiley street, belonging to Mr Itarnee, ~tras deitroyed. . Inattral for three Imbed dollar*. Mr; Robinson also lost la frame Atli/ on llrlley, street.. Tho bulklinge on the opposite aide of Mlle"' sheet were frequently on fire, and were only wed by the strenuous exertions of the firemen. .The taintless is estimated at about twenty thou. ,nand dollars.. It is said that the fire originated troxe.s pot of glue, ;which was on a stave in Mr. Hay'sairpenter shop, boilingover, DiErralur tour. 31011D6T, 3fay 2C gdail3 the Honorable . Walter IL Lcnny' 3amea McCracken ,in!. Joseph D. AbelL No. ~2741 knit term 1851; On motion of Mitchell &' :Palmer, attorney? for Joseph D. Abell, the anal ':tor In this mise authorised to Innurt4 ate and - ;eeportnixai the ;exceptions died by the defend-- 'l2ltalieth . Craig vs. Joseph Craig. No. 122 •Jaip 'lB6O, list No.' G. S'erdiet - for plaintiff two. `trate& and thirty-one dollars: . • -- -:oaorge..,:t..Bayard'aud..joha Arf.hers, nag sisignees acifcClurg, Wadi, & Co vs. Alex ladle McClurg. No 220 November 1/iID. 'Case . ,not emmludid. Mayor, Alden:am, and eillseig of Alleghtoty forma Of Geolte S. Belden re. John' No:AM, April 1851. -No-.108 July 1851, Ex. ,On motion of Wilthim'• IL -Shim; defending boa legs to pay Into'. Court the mm $650, to aid& . the decision - of the Court ; Eroceolinga , . lArna Dscistoa.—We learn from the Despatch that a mat tuned Oliphant, prosecuted John ftobinison, - of thellobln ftoodiloose, Ohio atreet, Allegheny, last Monday, for selling him scone liquor on th&prerlous day.. The ease came bei• fors .Alderman Ham of the Third Ward, when Archibald MoutSOdietT. EN., Appeased as coun sel for the defeoce, 'attarldag the coney:Won allay of the law upon which the prosecution was heed, in a luminous argument-'-ufter which the . _magistrate'" decided Ms lino terecouriectioa' ad, and dismissed the case., In the afternoon, Oliphant ' lir. D. and also ---Jiartnnyer n. mufti Ward , Oars the : Aqued uc t,) w ore Fleming; -WhO fined them arty 40-,,,, - .p o n which they, rive bail for an app e a l, ror. d . , AtvaMmtriv-A. little child, of 4.10.4ut years of. ego,•• the: son of- Hr. Steer.,• o f 'Street, fell from the porch pr thehonso in which hit. lighercOdec, Yeclertky afternoon, While the kra.vraszaging, and....w-U so severely injured by thincitYVl hill head; u to bring on a cranctuadon of Ake brain, -Ile Ii very dangerously in. .111rvii - ow ins CadADA.—The news by the steamer Canada, which arrived at Mara: last Mall% wlll be published, simultaneously, this remaing, in Halifax, Boston, New. York, Phila 911pIda, Baltimorealttsburgh, Cincinnati, Lou- Iffialbo - sad lia-' Lora, being forwarded to those . llohltC_ly:O'Beilly'etelegraph line. • • • - . WM4 1407,0 N Tai SADDAM—A mannsuned lobo on was emoted end taken Were the Mar . or, yesterday, rimmed .with being conecraed in the riot on Prcapert Street, bat Sunday after-' arm Re war admitted to twit. Threewcimen were also taken Into custody, but were dieehazged en payment of a trilling fine and thri coats of . prosecution. tie learn that 'a number of war -rants two beta issued for , the arrest at other ...pante implioatettin the disturbance. Fin I Fir.--A stranger:. named Jobn Jackson, lota of einelanati, wed ow hie may to New'Jersey, fell ins st, oppooitithe office of the Mocaing Poet,-yesterday. lie was taken into Mr. Joshua Itobinmes don, where every sa.. actlatarcepoldiakim. We aciderstazel that be Dad linen 401 1 4 5- coning 1 4—the• door. nu akkaldx4of all lit pOsaaaati; antakirso • laigoilloackpactencedi is e*-- tolutiai bet ''llitigulo l6l 4 ll °2 4 o 4. #44;-- 20,08L9091 49 mar) , 3,176,689 8m44 18,538,829 6,3E13,767, 160,624 20,0v,te EPISCOPAL ECOMIITION.—The =nal Cowen- Lion of.the Protestentant Episcopal Church of Um State of Ternisylninia convened ht . dkr, on Tuesday afternoon, at St. Laken flbeirch; - Potter presided... This Cm:mention organised, and proceeded with the usual porelitahuiry Madness. . • . Yesterday morning ea.:a:Amery moot was After the' religions serif* the. Conyention went into regalia. ensalon. The proceedings of thie intelligent, leentelland PIM body ere elentyserstnhedalth much intim , est, lind its session lately attended. ' —Forth • VISOMMAIIIa Bannon± Loanurnam—We leant frosts gentlemen of the Baltbnore delegs :la, who. returned b tie cars last - night, that the.Cossrention which ,wis held at t3,:Pa., on Tuesday last, for the pairsee aflertng the &instruction of.lthe .-the ' Itallroad, waswetilargely attended,' and the evidence* of enthusiasm and of hearty willingness to co ! operate. in this most important improvement I were of a highly gratifying character. Delegations ware in attendance from all parts oohs Beate through which the rallroadvill pus brferatiltinleinspart," arid on the part of all the greatest. anxiety was exhibited to adopt arch =awes as would ensure the construction of the road with the least possible delay. The liens dimoa..Cameron rem elected President of the Contention: and a large number of Vice Peed- dents appointed. Gem Packer was present LA made one of . his el.:quint, mid - made and ford ble speeches.. The Convention was also address ed by the Han. J. P. Kennedy, China= of the Baltimore delegation, and by other prominent and distingtdehed gentlemen. We were unable to obtain, bat night, 'a copy of the - resolutions adopted; but understand that thorn, of the most practical character, and look to the immediate adoption of measures for se curing the necessary stock , and the commence ment of the work. . The gentlemenccmposing the delegation.from Blatintore„ as Well as tho President and Directors of the Baltimore and , Stocitudtanna Hannah, who accompanied them were received with the utttotst wrWtyind g ood feeling, and sreirat. tenth= end hotpitility extended to them :The delegation, wennderstand, Intend preparing ',re port of their proceedings, and those bf the Con rmtion, for the consideration of their felloW tinne.—Baft. After. lifmutosor to Sr. Lot:rte.—The Bt. Louis 80. pAlican of the 11th inst., -states that two hum: dred Mormons leftthat oily, on the day previous, for Salt Lake, via. Connell Bluffs. One-fourth of the party an from the Eastern States, ;aud the remainder from England and Wales.. The Republican also states that the nemerical strength of the ldormons in that city, is much greater than would at first be imagined. It is the great throughput' for those moving westward. There are sow fa Our city about three thousand In glish.Mormons. They have no church, but at tend divine service twice - each day, at Ccmcert Hall ; and they celebrate their feaster, and per: farm-their devotional duties, with the same regularity, If not In the same style, as their brethren in the Valley. They hare also thea tre] perfortaances, especially for members of their own persuasion. Theepring Mormon est. *anon for this year will soon. close. Tha , lag sUp load, muisting of sermallmmireda.'star . started from Limpordeome; thirty. or thirtphic days since, emits expected to arrive. The are now in Vnglguntlind Wan irinn: 80,000 to 100,000 persona ol."the memon per: sunders, who are patien tly - biding their chants for & yo to the Motmon home In Halt Like Valley.. They melded in their efforts by *ell oriPugz i ees and agencies. They' are meetlY of limited means, however, !and almarrmrs hence, probably they will not all haw:cached our country.. The in-pouring du *4 the coming fall, will probably be unusually large: - Intim* Thrum= &millially OfPittabiret ECOLTRAGE ..HONE - INSTITUTIONS Mee No. 41 Water street, la the warehouse ofc. . . II llesser,Pheildint.: Itjfsais, See: ; r: • - Thle Omani. Lwow ignored to lame all roereashrilse etore. awl to traosltu, vessels, Ala onto guaranty ter the MOW sad lateseltr tfethe &WM:lke, atfordol• le the &meter of the Mr/cum who are ell daze= offttlaburgb.- end tet-vably toms to the cootmulalty.thr thelr fassicoot, Intel/ we., 1/9.611i. Wm. Rt i WZ , L ith. nnytith i h .s24 .4l Y•61131/012, • Petroleum! - &IL Xsza.-Der 81; Tbur Artrobrom Inaidagyibb‘ ars O&M. Tithat.r; tNivibir voild tbrnik yob tayori us two Lbws by UWPannyinna. Win* : my Ak tiny oat, bans Us:W=l fs. •nr/Asr• Soar: YYr;ecttupy. JOll2l LOB 0 A CO; _ ILturniu, Asblssidesi, 10,11. &IL raiss—Dear Mr, Tour AGMs; • Av. masks duo.. kft .1 10 :th as lb= dose Boa Oi. .blth re hay.: gad: Ffrds *award bus Ids dcauss IstansdisfSll7; 'Your msdldos bsrll:sklzig vandal los this mks.,. WI as Obtga 47.140 , 4 Cartiftg,t.• if yanduln Wm. W.1,...1100TT: - lassals by Gross A kg/krone, 100 WocA Abram P.: Z. Babas. brifibad W.. 4 : B. A. Tsbusstosk.l assusr Woad sad Trust susetr. G. X. Casa. D. A: Pk Stasseti Douglass, sa4ll. P. Sclawarts. AISWMFM M . Aiss• sollstAver mush Goth.B.Siath st. PIUS buret. . Pandim said Amirican Haridware. , LoGAN,...MILSON" & • CO, • , . NoA29,licoodlttet, ' • • : , !tow IN Mitt 140 ladiamplstartoeltst YOREICSANDIJIntIea - HARDWARE, - lkossss** tits stellar . trait, sad spbteta they 5r•P...."••• • Soarer to inuelusers at Rate that ,wlll ann.* ; Lwrarablv ;•11.11 say of V ...punt dtiw.. . • :11BLED FRIJIT--Pent lea; -Plums;' • mr skily -m rgr , a. 1 ,1 • ' A. ucCLUIlii • Cu.. lazyle ./ronza wed Tea Dealer. . -••- • WOODEN - mind; . . Eatatig=tsamubcom - Itnzletta Tnbi In nest" (A *kV .1 , 31. 6. McCLIJ /Ant, AF-23 IngeeLils semi, ost soul_ gement O U L say DT i cATTON7Z bal esa um atting . for sale by, GIUGLIC-2 , loblzds„primeN.O.; In sale by Lot atkU /AMMO A.IICITCIIIBO JIM t. LZA.D--2500 Age Gahm . m 716 • LrArtortolo;, for salftaW BY TELEGRAPH. • - . =mi. 3T run 0 'ar/11.1 . MzintArn ties AND IZPOITZDIOIII/11 PITTISIIO2OIIOAZNIMN ARRIVAL OP-THE STEAMSHIP CANADA. . - TWO DAYS LATER PROM EUROPE. Ilemrsz, May , 26, 11, P.M. The Royal Mail steamer Canadtc has jest arri red. She hripgs 63 passengers. POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE—ENGLISD. In the Sonsenf CoMmions. the Eecleatieal Tythes Dill ereepseponed to the 'l9th inst The Liverpool Journal says that in a week or two,the Minters .will-. resign: and give place to anew. Ministry, with Lord Stanley at their head. The Goverment !officials expect this result ISO soon as Mr. Dallies brings forward his motion in regard to:theCeylon question; as it Is not doubted but that the present • Briniatry wID be left in a hopelesa minority; , Gen.. Cavaiguc is now prominently put for ward u a candidate for the Presidency, and re ceives the upped , of Eiallie flirardim The leading penult favor his GERMANY. The news from this qusiter Is without inetr , est, ey ery thing remaining motionless.. direr indications of discortent. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. The intelligence in disasterous to the English forces. ' - LIVERPOOL MARKET. LIVERPOOL, May 16 . Cotton—The demand being large and the sup plies reduced, prices recovered to I from the extreme point of depression. The tone of the Manchester market id improved. In Liverpool. ,and Mitarbeiter, it is believed the extreme point of depressing is passed, and that business will resume its smirks. - Flour is offered on easier terms, with o de cline of 6tl. - per bbl in some instances. Grairt—lnditan Corn and Wheat are in good request at.preelous rates. Provisionlieuf Is but without change. Pork Is in moderate demand, transactions being chiefly in Irish 'meats, owing to the short supply. American Hants are in request. American Lard is maintained aslant week's advance. Tallow—Prices are 6d. lower, and doll. Suez is maintained at last quotations. Ashes have slightly advanced. 18,538,899 8,2510,248 MONEY MARKET The 'Variation in English 'tacks is not material. Consols, Jane discount, are quoted at Otie j 97.l for money. Three he a good deal of activity in .dnierican atini* and prim are generally better. Money la more in request: 2te32is2s 20,08; 9 0 9 8,179,680 Freiklds arelniet, with a downward tendency riagnriare scarce.. 23,267,498 - THE METHODIST CHURCH CASE - New Tops, May 2S.' The Methodist Char eh case luta been'tesamod. Ur. Choate. CUM= encas the argeuxtetat for the dereadaats; Mi. Choate looked - very feeble when he arose, but soon rallied, and proceeded with hie emus tomed ability and eloquence . . Moon other points, he contended that his clients were trus tees of the property ln dispute fora particular purpose .connected. with the church, and were not szlirodred to. pay Ono any vloortioa to any party riot 'in connection with the church, and that as the plaintiffs were, by their own admis• sibs, medal, they bad forfeited: all claim thoy they hare bad on the corporation property. . THE GENERAL AUEXIBLY , t ST. LOUIS. May 28. . The Judiciary Committee submitted s luPtirt on the complatts.of Mi. filvely *phutle Synod of New Yea*, which was referred to - e next Genre Assembly. • • ! A resolutimi was adopted..deelaring- it the desire of the Assembly that Mr. Magill should retain the office of Professor in the Weel*rn The, °logical Eltzoinary, which be recently 'coigne& It is understood that be will aequietee. , - ffaMMiRM .. • . . The resignation of S. A. Atiiineer; Trdistor in the Princeton Seminary, was accepted. Wed nada .I , 3.1a7 21. _ Repota from the Board of Foreign ?listless were imbmitted. The R. 'defected= W. Gamboa Was elected Professor of Oriental and Biblical Lit stare, in the Western Theological Seminary„ Several members of the Beard. of Foreign Mis sions were elected, after witich the Convention -.adjourned. A *eclat Agent of the Poet Office-Department has been ordered to take charge of the poet office at Maor.M Georgia, until the :appointment of a succetror to thelate Peat Matter, who /Ab sconded. Mr. MA:the Post Maste r General will not retwmuntil Saturday neat. CIENERAL SCOTT AT BALTIMORE. BALI7Y0111; May 26. General Scott and family arrived here thin morning. 4 ANOTHER ARREST FOR THE COSDEA MDR- A mattnamed Shaw was turestdd at Charles ton; on Saturday, unwed or being, concerned In the murder of the Cordon faudly. , , Re was ar rested on the oath of a man who eve that Shaw told him all the; plans for the minder. Whdn present at the ermmlnation yesterday, Shaw con feased that Taylor, Murphy, Sheldon and Unser were present 'when the murder woo commlttml. The trial 'at these parties Is to .tommenee on Wednesday. WASIIII{Gi4 )3, May 26. A fist fight occurred yesterday t norning at the Nationalllotel between A. G. D Wan, Meru" meat clerk, and Arthur Howe, men lane, in which Dallas :inui worsted. "In the afhirstoon Dallas ohentniged Howe,and both went to Bladensburg, famed by thel friends. They wive arrested •at Bladenslnugh, and both held to 101 this mar' ninde The origin was that Della, ref used to he. 'knowledge Hqwe as a gentleman, thei.e. had been a previous money difficulty between them. SAILING OF THE CHEROKEE AND BIROTHER JO24ATIL&N • • •-•- The steamships Cherokee and Brother Sons than caned this afternoon for Chogree, etch with a larte'nntabernf patsengere. • Alas's, Mar 26 Daniel Webster will arrive here to-morrow evening. By the invitation of a number o t citi zens and leading democrats be will speak it the Capital at noon, and in the evening dine at. Con gress Hall, by the invitation of the young men of our city. THE FORREST DIVORCE CASE; NEw Your, Mop 26. In the Fared Divorce one to-day, the 00=4 intimated that Mr. F. would appeal from the de cree terohibiting him from proeecntinghta cause in the Penneyinnin Courts. CONGREBS TONAL ELECTION. Boarox, May 26 The Congressional election in thelnd District, has resulted in the choice of Robt. Rantoul, Free Boil Democrat, by plurality of one thousand In the fth District, Mr. Thompson, whig, is chasms by, plurality not exceedthg 150 votes. The few returns received from the 7th District indiatethe return of Bishop the, Cognition can: didate. ' ' ITEMS OF NEWS, BOSTON, May 26. nth= A..Creasy, soap manufacturer, was found dead in his bed this morulug.. • • V. forrierly a broker of this city, committed suicide Mat night by shooting Vim self. , . J. Lsommee's new line of stem_ propellers, from this city to. Liverpod, will commence sun ning.on the let of July. BAIlITUORE Baralmosr„ Stay 2C Plosu—Sales today of 1000 bbla7,l. 8. brava at $4 8704 50, and 600 bbl., city -millafresh, at CINCINNATI_ MARL:CET. _Coati Jun, May, 28 Floar—The market to dropp lag, with sales or good trraads it . Btl 8683 4O , and of extra at B&W of-Bales at 17iV Prorlidons—Nothing of cif atsequeucevas done tik'daY• . Groceaiss—tial. ea of . Cab a molasses at .2.86 Oditro. Boger la quiet al'. previous rates. Bales .14 _of me coffee at lb. - ' Driet•Frilta—ne tui ket iO.4121itoll; • irith• ailD,OfjiPPlea at BOSH .opsiliasheli'•Pcaohea are nom inai at 6160 31.1 boob. Batter—lis doll, and doellalag„. 806 trails, 694.04161-100:11 • Enema stxraer.. " New Yong, klay 26. Cotton—The market is unsettled, and nothin is doing. Flour—There is a fair Inquiry for the e and city trade, but prices are not eery Cum.— The sales are 2500 bble at $4 18304 25 for COM, mon to straight state ; $4 Pill® 4 §o for round hoop Ohio, and $4 1210t4 81 for Orleans. Grain—Wheat is firm, but quiet. Cern is in request and firm, with sales of, 1500 bash at 501 for western mixed, and 00c for flat and roundel yellow. Provisions_ Pork is dull, and prices .no at $l5 18 ®l5 25 for mess. Beef is homy d unsaleable. Cut meats are inactive at n for lianas and for shoulders. Lard is g et. the receipts being larger. Bales at ineL Pi er pound. . , Butter and cheese are without change. ' nr • AW - COlTniti COMXtanyoNza.—David 0, Jr.. of the Second Ward, City of Allegheny; will be tibiae before the Antbllssooio and 'Whin Couoty Coos re• Men for the allot of County Coartiolloner. royStdownett:9 Se — COUNTY Comilisszonr.n.—Robert. Kin of tho Sovonth Ward, City of Plttsburgb. L recominesa to trio Whiu end Antlatssouin County lkinreadon. nizollilste fur County Conunlngonsr i by tilyfiAsout,S AlreltEconasa.—We are authorized to an `nouneu that W. B. VLIESIII, of Elisabeth Borough, trill be a candidate for nomination to the tale, or liegorderilu hire the Antbilasonic and Ithig Bounty Coureatio. , WrikStIOCIATE jUDGI.—Adam Ilenthorti; , .of Birmingham, will he a caruildate Sir nbmlnallin loran *Mee of Aasociate Judge In the Court or Quarter &MIMI cf Allegheny County, before the Anti- latAnic and Wide Minty Convention, to meet on tho 4t.6 of Jane. inylOalarrlzeB , rAsstuntr.—The numerous friends of Jour; Mil= Esq.. of lodlana township, will prroont Lint name. to to, AntrMaronlo and Whig Lbouty Eborooticos, Lf =Nude* for ropmlnallon to to. ollier of member of the Amemblr. 31r. 3110er was • member of the room* of IE4O. my 22.11 0w:W.30-W • Atorron,--John EmetiOli, of 3iCearlditbra totraehipotill be ropported re candidate fur County Atte ttltor, sotoect to the decisiottof the Wlate , and AntbMesonte . Coorention, by ' Aloof Pntatca oty:tralatrOce.'S Assznnur.—Thornton A. Shinn, Esq., will b*.nnnon.d se • coodklete tar the Lei - baton, SI bjeel to the decision of the min sod Anti•ldasonle tkerreoUoaeh7 torrottortc.3. Meer Wm. • Asseunty.—George, E. Appleton, of the Iforeemb of Dirfabezham. enl te, supported before the in tl.3lasonle and Vild,County Ontrentl, for Amenably,ol may=xlsele.B Haar hnana.• Dar•Courirr Tousaintua—We are author ized to minomme that J. IV. Master, of the 51 Ward, CHI Tf Pittsburgh, le 01 to a candid... fur the oft.. of o=4' reasurer. subject to tha dedslori of the Anti. Plaza:de mid tilt. booty Convent/op. mrsigotesst erCLEItk. OP TICE Comm.—The name .of John Horns, of MMus township, .111 pra.ent4 to Use approaching Antimasonic and Whi County 00611. tion tor nomination to the I,IZOO uf Clart g of the Court. apMnitotoN • Ste . COUNTY R.EGISTER.—The nano of JouN liontomm t of Om Srd Wan' a ebethenocas wall so Mawr, It Varela tuntrallsd. It add Islam header prim 23 opts, actin Broedcar. sod at the DrepPte gencrallr; throuar the United rUP.- sad Canada. t==x , l urvult " MINTING EtirßB. - ; HINSON it Co., Nola Spruce Street, PNoursa n flu.Writssa. /Critr the ut 1.1 b"I gropblPrlalur. and lbr nee Book sal Job Woob. whin tber warrant to be eoentemel or therms. materials, am won...Ur nos all ardtzukry mom. Tbeemoblaellms is thew lob. arnow.h ute. en • MI. woo end peresebeemer to wortzspolorto bar other bak.aote um..• bold at pekes vorta. Doe I. elot to %CO per lb, " el &LW gettlbeture c 00.4 Inks - 4 . bole sod tot./ltr was7bas bum 1/14.1 IM.Aoper lb. sai.b2ute 1:4:44,11.11 • ..173L 11111111bIN d; CO., . NO, 79. &it LUAU 76) Moors loam Togg. 1 opponliAr0141104" -, - ,, ,-- IANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS of OVNTLIZILVX Pr lINISULIVO AIITIR4I2; acar. Vrerle.d Onetrers-17r cad Lien Nroblo . .ll. Wilyell, &siker. fluek,Alertoo nod Moto, Dora* and /co. m a , MA, Ilodr, Dasobeihte atAl facer of al Niles end AttellUes. • Scarfs and Elk. sad aleck a.m. kbed. , [Want and ooesa.- Craorto—Vemr 8118. sod &We. fleeti,Zrullteb Rearm Selo, itWa4 PriDo Albert Baratbert. 2•1/led hobo, Satin, tr. Atoka. Ilasaitrrants—Corsa; Moen Outibrie. Ae. ' ltraprodero—Preoch and Coelhet, wr• Oeteetk. utJ larder.. 211 k. i lasen Trod , sod all the Wort of }. 7,r 4"" i d 1 111.1Triitto, Lerittts Wool.ElEB.l.blen, and Cattotb. ..,,tforetar o foutte—Telret.Caehmere.ltottlas. Preach aril TIM Bracer Ate Coo sad ladlee—i veziety f , iambs RtiOto MU of all onelltlew we would laths particatar .motion lo oar Dobotelle 6W 4" 4_ "bin& D'.. ToreIPAVMAN CO. reeble=oo.l) To 181 Malden Lane. Shawl and liantilla Warehouse. . S. MILLS, No. 6 CORTLANDT ST., ar Stahl.) NEW Tolltt. la now 4,10/ of atd richest mommt. of AND 'FUN In.taWle, eon beton remired. Also LAM MUSLIN oral all kind. q of_ SILK ILANTILLAS, _enautfoetil trom the laran Parte faablom readoed by the stemamo particularly adapted to the SpotUeda. I. • my Splendid dock of PARASOLS AND Irk DRELLAII, monstlat of Waned edged Mt*. lad Hl[ and Tort NM. Inman Galan Lei Olen. uni Umbrella. All of which trill aroma at ostremely too prime. W. erpeoally Invite our Waders hinds to m anilas our stock before m i ekh O asinc. .1 1. 1=1.g . tre . bz . c b... f . d= . lsLtlng Sbarlau.r. • Muphy's Self-Sullng Advertiiin Ravel- No. 263 MADISME ,Ni YORK.— Th. soteeriber, ha lealleiting the rotronage of all wba any mew this adrertlecroeut, the. now of nod heettallon with which • new ankle Is brwght hetet the public. The twerrienoe of years bee establed their superna l= prod all que=a, and he coolideally refers to the ay of Wm Wallace. MU who Mee used thew en sod to his rapidly thersedan sale.. ma preed of theLr= learn • The ,iallowina are a few of the roma in. their WM larityt o. thi ; 1.. . ..,,, • iise• Ms name! hush= :tare* con4losouely perm = beautifully *tabooed •oalored or plath, thus atiordins Per. hot ..•ntr..arahlwt I.M. The Lorelei*. newt b. opened without being de- V W. eilber . N wax nor wafer. are !ow trod to seal them. ; . : ith. Upon the uthearylage of • oaten tb• ontl Di•tninli• twocallate moth to the ender, hulked of betas burled imenths to the Deed JAW Othee. • . .. • 6th. Me &mime wth robbed at almart the 'maw prier gran own • nth., letterloalled Is •theet effective edirertinonmat, stun to attract the attention of .11 throusth whew lanes i , nay PIA . . b 1 11. 1.1 • ,1...10.r is a 11.0 of prides the Dmontraved ma bruin and, • wawa will last On yearn and of =amain. Of 1 tla , : i. osal bo st,' :t i tter whir m or Inu i Tof good Doper, and „ i l .:/kPat ..... Preece of BendOta mode a' 20 to 53........—...—..... SAO 10:6...........—........54,120 40 to a 0..—...-...—...— lise) ..—.......-...........10.60 COto 110—...-....-......-.10,00 41:00..........—...........13,Ce t'3 AT Tr a.‘7,i-- ._...._. `0f 10,00 . .... j .vx, igr i vin=r l "2"o:Liturimmt. tf addramd. I .ii i f W., u , ,, t.' 413 . stith . "' l.° be • 4 • 01 % trLaitlY.lf Dat in the atom of Mews. Mena Mott, ne Wan street, or ot Meese.. LL Jeraliman a Ca. 13a Minim et. __ r _' N.ll.—Dullthee Cods. emb,aawd in on!Ofn ii Da tru lTe Dienictslo.oo rut/ tha wed • • CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. 'MOMS 'KALB, fpixWARDINO & COMMISSION MERCHANT, CONTINUES E i nutt i la c aties to receive ...o W t = Boa& lain Cirda ' Ullbr PAW Iw 01144 1 t4c14 ... 1% tlakir . VllA i i vA t t e. rfr...1.314 A.Calat7 ; aplaca ' ST. LOUIS & ST. JOSEPH. ST.,IOBMH, 11113801111.1. MIDDLETON, HUEY & 1111/EE, Ptcduce. Coutrotrtu. lost fonrarliv bfuretults, ott the Vulttr to AlexanderUWlV.ln h torts, Stall= • Co., Pittsburgh. .our PAVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law, and CobudMatterthr Pestuylrazdj Macy* X. ommaniuntions mosptly answered.. =May TOIIN IL RANKIN, Attorney nud Coun sellor at taw 1113 d Cosomialowl, ibr tbs . e 4 40 intliA, Bt. amts. lla (100 of Plttabt tom) Iteferoo.oo-I , ltoboay 1100 t. R. Forward, pton 11'Cated100 £ Mlu cClure; John Y. Park% Bomol9,loo..Natd Co. anal .11. BOSTON. AMMAN HOUSE, 11A!OTZZ:fITZZICT, BOSTOM• OWE, undersigned having tron entirely:A t ma enlarged the &bon extend. eftallsh mant.'anstaizats ba *lt &boot Ulm tolodred mad roam, would 1..11.417p7 en notice thq It Vtmu red! .• • An ettroddd nottenof tll•lntlenornertfenotoof this Hoeft la deemed annerdnous, at th. nonterona itootovn manta added, bat. loan mad. winos b. prowl/ glen ta an advetWentent. scan It to way. no Mast. tun Won opand to nonder any allattannatparn. The foreltura vas mad. monad/ et —to ann.. rti.rd)m of tat, and certain • nations *fit. uponaoY room.. rill to fotunl to b. of ttut anon Innattfol awn*. Th•Dltdog room an taindoos. and the boots dm Inaaldndl to arranged as to atilt Mt communicant Otto WIT and scar. Stay &Tortola:4l.M lat condoettd to an itrantplionar bletnannst.and ntogittof th 4 u. Amelia= Room ithaaboldtdy tbsTravalnteaftedna • fthea.rdt.oker nier. D R AT AppLE.Kr ,etc r , 4so for LlOwty SUGAR -180 !Ade N. Olicktfor sale by ta Wawa. J,131151S MULLik4OLASSB—.SOO bbli N. O. S. 11. for rob or - mit S" , ."gk id°k", nm - 17 °°1 = le JM ul n7 MUUUM,•-75 bbla laps N 0.3, for eats ROUSES, FARMS. Ste. . For B r ent or Lease, ' . . . EonOR one, three, or five years, a large and BRICK 1101781, on the eastern MMUS of Eton and Webster etreetv,lputebuticb: with a imiLkvi",_ den lot attached thereto, rendering It • ••ci t."..... Dhine of reendcalc Tern s eill be molest.. For further porilenlars, collo of . • &LIM J. R. MeMULAN. • lievrAntlw . No. 12•Yotirtb vt. Lawrenceville Property for Sale. Fr 'Boaid of School Directors will sell, Conn: m Reler4alle7,hirlogutbrct Amt. and frame. Thlms made knovrek no day of sale, A. IL BAB-11E11. Soey., Lawrmarrlllo, -- -- . TO Let, - THE well finished and furnished Store 4 on Thirst st.reet, near the Peet Offlee, at pm.= % eeeayledly hlre. Parkeros IL JevelL7 Store. elpp V" la Y. D. GAz 7 ell, 731,1berty et. 'e. -.L. .4 Du r .id,4,l' .""••• t, Trl as. A FURNACE, at Dresden, dluskingiim CO., Odin, villas from ZanisolliVa run nnang wi l d A of Stearn Engem, ea laning tons of. Pig Irma per day. Tame atandant umpire( Ore La Its immedMre radnlty• it it connected ay • abort canal with the Sinaldrianns Om% adlica 4 tUrtijrallit for . Ocamboats tE. granter pars of the yeas, tteratiy affording :salaam go ablardog to Zancarillia or to any point on the Ohio river. at We not.. of Lialabt. Tat /son avatara nranirfactored at Ms Fannee, - hal been enwnned. in Zanaseills. Yor terms apply to 00). JAW.' Obio,,or to iIILEY it PENDLETON, Baltimon. m716:44.1:1= A.OOO ACRES Farming and OTasing Lands, In Warm county, heated cm the Eri Veer river. within twelve Wes of the New York end Zsn—LO:lo Ades Yak county, for gain 110,&illitall• Unit tem. Enquire of A. WILWINti t CO., nor). corner of Market and Third sta. • To Garden:6k. • ENTY ACRES of Gardening Lind, al ,r muter Kcal oultleatlon. relate one mai eith u t be .old the 1400 ae earn—ore third eaeh, lad the fa one, taro, en&threeroan. Yoe partimlare ine• quire at the Beatles Home of d. WILIMB 200: soyl • terrier of Market and Thiel sta. Desirable Subur n Basil!nee for Sale. • THE subscriber offers for sale the house and 10. rP n° s c ineshrst and •1:01 6 Z ininzike In1:1 the =eget eity. T. The lot to 140 00.00001 m eri tl St. running. heck 2.51 fort, to an"alley—ondas mt me ens of mend, end la bounded on erery side bylaw, open loht. adorned with tereg and ebruttree7—,Tbe benne la weer naw, lane. end exceedingly well arranged. haring • front WOO feet. and • depth of 72, and contains Monocle norerkkelidee halls nine feet wide. 11 to built in' the hest and ton* durable manner, and h... fuvrproof, roof. end onelninal ill the =dem eonveniertees. Too Damp., an unfailing supply of hied and meltwater, are at the doer. 00 the I—madam are the 01,7[0017 out todirthign.etable. earelasii house, tee The itroconia are laid out nuntly as a lawn, covered with choice fruit trees, eversveens, flowering bruto, einninta.zoose berries. twobarliee, tel•rul • =odi garden. The fruit la of the heat kind, end the trete ere in their grime, and yido enough foe do want. den ontinary fodly. The altentbro of this property, as to salubrity and aulmetien onnforte. onnbinal with coottlinritT boa. e h 7 le not avirroand by soy redder. In this vicinity. as • view of the Ohki Elver for over • tale. of Teo. vine, South Yitteburnh, the oily, the two then, and the bUla mn Menthes altogether • panersamie gawped ef hi the eye never eek.. Every tont I'M inners or demi+ from t .0 port of Ylttabursh on the Otdo. pastes he foU view. The redden,* and grounds am also eompletely odd fro= may anneyanee dun, so dertenciive of =art tegrehalen, end affords • ndirement quJet and roomful as if tooled !name quietism/the the mantel. The property will heaold at shoran/le, o pcesegabou Wen whenever tt eSIZIA. Enquire at the liasette apttri . 67 Nan. R. Ran Buildings, :air PORK. TlLEmembers of the Fairmount Fino Conk , Tolrers th eir Enyiutqfbr sale . It is road or will O. litad cll.?. twain, of &ten 169 Venn street. fon: BENT—A Dwelling House :an Thlrd etnet, abate and near b &rata!leld. It gee fixture& Luse yard. wash bonne, rented low, and pommel= given immediately: Also—For Sale or Lem. tome lots to the Nina RW. Were= Peas Areal and the M y ta. ge DA tNGSO4, t tieV.DarLlngtorea,,Fceuth that, Wood. • bl: .. ~ rSUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, 012 • E vorablet termaltba following Real Petite, la • City of Pittsburgh, vim No. 1. Three valuable throe story brick dwelling Mum. ao Secord etreet. betwan Martst and Ferry strewth the lots beta/reach 19 feat fond by 80 dery,. • No. 2. Oontains 17 Lest front on an d duvet adjoining the mild Presbyterian amyl, on which is sleeted on lbccr idory brick bop., 'Led vs ptiuting Mane, and ono two story bride warehouse. No. Two lotri tn Yallaton, Beaver county, belt, lots Noull and 4, 0.100 about 10u feet some. on 'bleb isereet. ed one Meek of tau frame dwellings, and 0u sa7arat• harem dwelling, all two natl. high Nulot 80 tee. tront hails et:mt. 011.8.18. the above, mot mtending to Om top of the hill. -No. 5. Two beach lots, each 80 feet front, and Tomlin ban We road to low water mock, on the Neat. , Nu O. Om valuable water /ot, 100 hot on Wheel Rom, with ten dares water tower attached. Nu 1. One lot Maude the water lot. eo feet front, and extending to the top of the WU.. which is a.•-• one two story brkirador• and warehonar,= by 50 feet: gang. .81118%. b. stark. high. One large lot in New Brighton.Beit Ter cotuatnbe. tog abo 4 ut 140 foet on Brood way. and stoat MO lad deep, cantainlng am, on which are meted two largo frame dwellings. ti moll name Imam, need as an ogee. This property was formerly occupied by Mr. T. C. Could, .d le vary pleasantly located, being inunwilately opposite - Um redskin Edda. b Nu t about o O a n t e 1 w o a t f . ee v t lo n i l length, m g e t d h l . a ae L x eb en er d Y in a g ll sftoonm B W id a g e e r streeg . low water matte , toldne rattl. Tin above izzzurlll o r bvtl,l, ordariotrtadde t eoraererms. =TAM Omega. 101111 FLYM.I2B4, Agent. mchll Padua and Pad cove.] • _ mar • : ; .. rUNITED STATES 110t2 BLOCK OF BUILDINGS, on the eernwr of Witth end. Penn streets, and fronting na the sr sante Canal, in tho City of Pittetnirgb.• The lest fronts one hundred and forty lour feet on Penn street, iind au horidnid and nine feet nine inch. on Washington street. to ayeanty feet alley. /squire of • DAV N ID GIMIIL 0.106 Penn st. • VALUABLE MILLS, FARMS, ANDLOTS Fort pA LP—Teo large Flour 31111 a atol a Fair XIII me am Deaver Creek, with the neeesaary water Power—ahlb Awall bum:wed Form in iairrennevountr. Price woo.— ina, a Fann of 11l sower, on the Ohio riser. t 0,.. =llea beim, Beam, Asa 14,D30. Alsa, ono or ISO wee, on tile Ohio Alava miles below Deaner, Sea 332 bur acre. Alan, PM arm Ow ilis per we. Alto. hrosa of TOO, lab, and BE sem, for g 25 per ecru. A 1... 178 saes for 312.tadaawe for PIO per acre towed.. with ma/11'0MM of vaft. ohs d'" "' I P 6", ritn. FLTFELILAN, Untrue)" at Law and Neal bilale Aents. No 107 4th A. Pittsburgh. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—The under dre.4 amyl kr rale • tarts ,sukber of raluable o rL7 drrkrbk ark for manor.> Eat, Iltl=Churche.. Ilto rapid grtroth of elirealnattaist In popidatkoi and aniantlietneing wealth, adul the reasonable prim at Is hktt kis unite/ sold. will render m inde aad psolltablo tn. anstment. Ptla poles& Senn favorable. Parr eaars and teratiaann t tr• or the undardaned, lb* ottieorge P. Oinnote. . on Grant Area, Pitts band.. batsmen abint and Yourt streets, or of it Mina dramas and N. Panama. pets. at tbetr or-ees In Una instant. jald 310dES V. EATuN. gOR RENT—Tbo iatge and connnadia oas Ito.* on Nun West, .(latoljoecupied. b du•ris,) vitt% an ets, lot odboininfolach anted •• rd • y•. Al.—Stabil= two net Enquir• a SIM MORRIE , & CO., •02.Str b 9 Watot et. FOR RENT—The Dwelling Roue°, one the corms of South sad Wee Welk occupied by The ma Arbuckle, deete=ouitl oM. h ,th rl=c r e :• Crtg i gortl. °64h Ail.l2k? '° . , l: "3.4.1>' Woo Irtif :4:lo:es:fre?./.1,010t0:4:f.11:4 44:1 Port 01Met DzrAirrinarr, March 14, 1851. IT BEING DESIRABLE to substitntelooks .Yd keth of Mao other kind for them now to tw the mat aorta of the UMW litmez,sleximen both .red tem with prommals to Punish the nom. 0111 be matted cod thmidend at the Poet Ogle. DeparMent, until the lot day of July next. The different loeM rIU be aubmlttad to • ommissiou Ihr exeminathm and report. Upon Ude re. .Ist I right IT:h. port of th t . in P" r ib" tuna e " addllonal o t.r. 01 foe 70a brlT‘rt. the r ermlnc r smitten notice to that effect, not month.. slue nor Ime than elthl months betas the loymbietlon of the tem of bur us. • with a Mee of procortemtim beet lock atthel I no Wad of lock la mumbled nth standart the rely , l i ng .foe • salse on the mechanical skill it i p, th . Afthe onupeteou. 01 1 . e&I k legrd• b1. onvicelbr=omese the foll=gatUtteavic do. fth fm ilit7l n{iiihrtoitY. lightmess. and • PM toe Porte. of dlspthoing almulttheoual= mil mai ker. now nee. atamt tblrq cm locks aM twenty thousand Ws sawed I.areta. I be retolrM lobe throbbed DEM. contreMor within my th suanthe Mier th e oretnict that bath been entered luta af. the annual supply MU depend mo IM durability o b u fj...gtr t y , t i a l ito p p . taid . . b er satto=t of the three thousard arth. former antl ar7ljaand of tn. No leek 'gill be considered If It he like my already ha c u rl. o ol m aa m 7 .k., g 0 1.14 . hie coummaz bay. Medlar to i le oontracted for, ter any other purism K than that f the Post Ofthe Department. The kind of lIMITted moat be into And IMPS Man Mil he nefalred. on entrains into °pelmet, to soak. an assigummt of his Went for the exclusive 11/0 sod ben. etit of the Defartment. If the Portmaster Oeneral deem nth reonbrineut examine to the lutemts of the ter elm. In am of the Wore of the contractor at aar dm. to PIM fsithfully the tams ma conditioos of hie emstract, the Postmatertltheral that hare the to (Nevem' remedy hereinafter mentioned. to annul mkt mann; =I ob contract thew with .0 other party Or crUes as k• May see At, for fortahlog eloollar locks and In deciding upon theproponde and thMotens retie t o Postmaster Others! may deem expethent 'elect Ear ttir -through =Ka the loth of onetaddermidthr the way mile that of another. Ile reterres. therefor. the right of am trading with diderent individuate for .00k dillertht klub of Mb se he may t t:e=esel ale° the right Meet, all the simboana sod If he shall deem tharrourse for the Interest of t rartment. The party or pane con will be rennin& to monad hood, with ample se, thri t = e mum of th irty th dollars. fora blend performance of the contract. The conumt Is to contain prmisions for the dm and proper bwootion of tho Meth &al tem and aim ibr marling naiad their naming 1010 r bands. the Lams of these ygovisithe to be 00 ''' betereen the Department and the momarfol MUM. 11 • id shonki be accepted. No applications MU be considend if not acompthirdi with embfectorymidenetof the troatherthr thaw-mei the bid der, ardor .OD D to Mal the contact., • ' N. K. LULL. Pedometer 0 mehlgdontetat .RUBBER TOYSjust , received a il l largtrusortment of India Rabbei tor • batitlftd tar oda at the 97•astEastten prima J * 11 PULLLIPf India Rubber Davin, 7 and 9 Woad Bt. ENGIJSII. SPLIT PFAS—Beceiveil 'and 6r nie by VAL A.MCLURG *VA cinsals sod TesDsdoss. URUSSIAN BLUB-5 cases No. 1, for L by . C,Te B. it, LLELVESTOCLk CO. IQUORICE ROOT-150 Ibe. Pow'd, for Y.b. by It ae.FAmESTOCX a co.' PARIS GREEN-30 carts • $ll LIQUORICE 11,00 T-12.00 lbs. for sale bj B. A. FAIINESTOCK CO. virELSII FLANNELS.—We liave.receiv .t oddltketol .vol 7 of &bon goods. foo DU ma nomad of their nmkrtakablo wudityo mad of v rious • of • lso, Gaup sad 15171 k Warp Ma. r .„4 100 lb kegs ktnaills; Oanmeg Carienr. af good floalf t=r• », esl.4 el. maples a nantons war., . whlch mill I* WA law nom Om ieeiame. • ' MTe • s' Water and hoot stn. , E'?). Tt ACNEREL—M bbli. No. 3 ( , We re 4 'AT gamer Pcosk ay. Malmo stik 10IEBRIN_ bble new Lai: sale by'. mgr" . " """" m . . • , *le l / 4 BY V= ripsitrarr OP 13M.,inrrim RATE* Lii..N purnewleo of law, I. Mtia....u.Enxiaoir, .woe of en. vow. stew w. Awe... O. heeihs and Enke knew. that la nip will be beta at the nsahrtratitiorat . a Wow la the State at latra. at the paitals bezetnalter deal pnated_,_tomit :. . At the Land Otasa at 101 Y • VITT. esnamanahl rattan. da, the thwt Ara. , htpenaber s e %boatsmen' Drabs Pabala"ied ~ % atmaat mrathlata Nara of a'a , bzw l4 .4 .. 1 .artz ea. pri..t..2 ....- ..... Township emenVisea at snap twenty-nine. Tranship tram Inpand steins, Of mew th rty. ~ , , ...hl..wentrntow andefehprof mgie thirt),l3. TVlrtlabipil INTelity.ll.,./lIM mot eighty-ow. of patt• tb P e l ' . i % g - .. 1= tt a ....__rt... l .1 , • , id - t i,T - Lat at VAincinLD, , rn it r , rsitnubltnte.gbdtritt==taitedrow= I Welt: - 2Vortkqf L6A bare tine and aLaal L af 04 ARA taugpa ~,,,,,,. d'^, test.-:6 Tormhlpsenuty, of range thirty. ~T owasEp seventy, peha nt h B r iffifillEe m hluedey, ha egh teenth day of4trrost start, Mr the dimmed at toefbilow ll= =leg saaionseatelifeese stid deals, into-in tip eigharter=rttZtarenotteesi... ~ntbiD aria; north, of range ohm wrest of the Olth Lando LOrawrlaled by Law for the 11110 Of joJIK tart ltArx•es. tooth. wittolltos• nnuzz °wallowed I mad, thenby for mitt whkh Mal la selected by the nets authorities be- U. ams asks the days reepeeappo ti inted for the ontomusement or theAet to , =We! Aes entitled "An to amble the-tat . -tat . nl Or y .lLikaiutai end tbes other Otani° nazi= the •nranew _lands' within their, Mats! ha 25th, 1850. weII adadmi from tia &5000 - het for laid bandies heretofore greeted by any lair of Oman.. for military anion ?metered to •the Melted Stake, seal Unmade ow mty eftle soon earatiened man, aa provided try the net entitled "An ea Making aPproptiee mil led aPutmalempenea of Govermostet," g., approved lkt blemb,lBsl. The offering of thelaude will he ommemeal Oil nada,. appointed, andpromed la the order in which they are ad artinl with all conveniera dbmateh. until the b e shall have tem OeirOd, and , the Mate that eked; babe W. ebb be kept open litt two meta, and no private entry of my o Olym-f the end will be admitted until eft. the of the two wags. _ mder my bah: at the City of Weehingtoi.this sixth day of blay, Atm Domini on. thousand eight hun dred and Wiper. MILLARB 1 , 111,21W/LE. • , • By the Braddatt Comudadotter Of the J Gaffei ll alM%e, NMI= SO PRZ-Z.II,I , 7IO.arCLADLANTB. or E u mmzer t a i rlit i te t d . = h p prearron to eny stove enumented, is nooks! to etp nod the muse to tG sattafeatton of the register and TiOolTit 00th. proper land alke, and smitc pant therefor as sem cupruchattie aj. kr se.rixo au ard 'Je day appended for the atemesament of • puhli debt the leads embreelug the treat otahnot °therein aerate claim will be forfeited. J. BUITUYIBLD, Cosin nor of Om Gemini Land MM. eny2klawagg • FOE BALE, To Paromm • . - BY TEE rimo-orm or TEEDnirEED STAMM. LN ptuicuulcil of law, I, MtiimiLD Fatima!, Prosideat of the United States of Lawns. do I.2mby . end mate u o nd remen=dus th . M= g. o Itnedthc , de M wesi tto of b oa . t Al=l Woe at JAKBUN, ,o mmmnedng on Mon elan se. ens thq geptannber next. M the dbtond tho Pub ll 4 lands situated E.n the ihnewt4ll Peened Moo. hip. vie: North', the taw lialasehastqf Vria.l.l Twornehlps twoolywaran. twenty t and twentrnitia. on and near Current rim. of range ren Toonahips twenty's... twentrolght sal twenty-WM& eo and mar Current siren of rungs Ann Townsidp twenty... Mat, on a breach of Curreotriver. of Toonahips bresdy-throe, twentrfOur. twentreight aird brentrolne, of range eight. Tool:alto toenty.throe. twentribur. brentreight and tor= =Moe. • twadrone, and townstdps twenty goo, twanty-threo, twenty-flow, toward. and Monty-at& of rano ten. At the SAM PLACE, memneneing on Monday. the OP booth day of Poptemider net; for the dimmed of the Pob- Lb iamb within the folknring named toonshinosad rote of township& via: • Itforth.ol tM boa hie gad tag itraw.filibpriongssiewridion Thernatdp brentrtwo, of rang* two. Yractional tairmlalp tons:roma end brentrtior, and toomallip Prouty-dn. of nose three. • Township bo w satwo, of rap four. • Townships bren -two and twentrthree, of qt.. ' Froetlonal p dateem and township toen breoty.thno; toientribar, twenty-fireb twenty-sin t = sixteen ad serentean snit hie.- ship twenty-two. of range srbm. grectionet town.* Arts., serenteen, eighteen and twenty-one, townships Mozart. and twentrth ear end sectime Wes to tow Mamie& sementens lometwome Ate, end nonstgaigur to Minhebes inelostro, to township twenty-ids of rap bight. : - . • , Townstd nineteen rapt trwWwal wedions Metre. to inelosina fresiketal town.. minty ,and fractional townehip twantresse (except wt.. .4 MOO& Mena& hosolipbbee. biotwes liseasfromes& tetribmissw. ...MA& tint tdirirttni of rap Far. Sale trsakto or mom :t., in um. Eds. Warr leen. and frectictual townahtp twenty, of range tan. Bandon" era to tootle boludre. the north half or Midas, fewrOcce to neentwese lutlagle. and resocycial ant"- Okras Inclve, Ls townahip eighteen:. mono= tin. to he inclusim usi in township ninety= and sections tisrecwateo inn, the erectlyif hceWwo. nonshrlAree to meaty.. am and ow to Wsteens inclotden, townahlp ra "us . 1_ , .1H4 Thiriars east nr the Sher Creardow.^ of township twee2 l aen no 10,. =IP Miriam Wee the northeast dnarterj sad enclions Mar* of eLlttle eon.' ~Bone econsnip twoutpcour, of range Bur tom At the Land Office at SPBINGIIELD, totormuchas )1 . 4 1 42 . 1 1 . b• ele=dl==w, i llie tr: mol tractional township.. to vit.: Nett eine base 'ins arktooatev NOVO 5... , P.11.• Township twenty-two. of range toasty-two. Tornado twenty-twe. a range twenty-Lima Tractions or sections t dlo ornhu eat eooh w' res, twenty entine:4 tosnuble ;rearms, adjacent to the State Line. or raugys twortpwreem,dennstretim thartr. tltdrAr tra, thirty 4 wo, thirlyihrys =I thirty-tom Lands apreopriatedlry law for the nse of achoula. WEB terY tont aria Porto.e. together with ollayee . . * YwYMP crnrillowed lands mode went therelry tor cal f n • any, width shall b. Wetted by the Mate authori. the days wpointed Ihr the catenterotoust of the publid sake mime freely under the Act entitled ..ts, Art to attar his do ntaly or Lamas and otter:el/date' to rerienn the 'swamp W ids' wi their krone 2 , 311,./150 eta to exclasiodfitea the drs. " !=ty=kisol a" tbr Mot encosties barring. granted by any, law Of Cow vela tar.=Weary *ernes noadtowl to the Maned Rama sob aepwsoUd on anyytto oboe escattcesed lands. as vided by the sot imithed"Ais Art =Bing for the deli and dlpionstie gene.. a "C"AAd Muth 1881 re ring of in. hew. dared on the day. appointed. ant will the or wdereb inouttll math they ass adrerlised with convedicet Da whole dal! have been agered. and theta. this balm sans gull be kept opm loam than two wee and remirate entry ar arty of tha lands will Uhl milted until the =Batista or tbe two mots. Blum under my handAt the Cit 7 litchhr uht , Atilt day d Bay. Anna Doollod MO thousand e ht hun dred end throne. lOrment) B.E. By the Plusident. Co 10 at tho Goma/ load Me. sort= TO PBEEMPTION CLALVANTS. • Rua; goo oattUsd ta /do dlr.b.t 3wwwolfdoo,toonf of tho Isom tbo to.woohlpo and_ pats of above osoowaszal is mu /rat to aftb.l tho tna oatialtootioe of Qs *est. mot mot.a of the wow long P•73oeat thorolor woo wpm:twat, OA ter mil*. MO mate, soil beer • tlor do: anointed 11,:r aosourocomont of Ma potato solo of the loogls ematowelog du Mat olol=ak otturaiso oath .Jain b.- lottoltod. . /3U llootsaaloosr of th e J Gl000rol " ir a4 al 011 low • oteZdow: DA • • . • 'Cill>r>vl LAND °nice, A0614;1851: lINIEROUS APPLICATIONS, RAVING is.'been trade to Ws rare Ste halbroestker to relation to amoreewhir& lased lieresate. ender the set of ggth of Entataxer,l6so..boakt be looted. Iblltrehtit acumen thereto Sum Dsn end, to wit: The. an them modas .trich thue heretkete ite7 Da Ist. Hy the Wonlater Lit scram Br fla Warrant. Omagh Lbw agostry Mr oak. Br or Attorney. • •/I Lb* Cut .mood mode to Mooted.. tho soolkattort wort to made la vlitiog .=t=t, I=4 tUrtria, or maks =ram , r Irdsolvd. rad oroap of poried br aZdavil acexattins. to the followityi - iip: ta. thlrdnude le adonti4 .-Posey of Attontei must be produced, execobal by the learn:dee in th. once of a witaelt. ecoading to the Iblioning knak . ? .. 4 with power of AtUmfwmostteer led dor ea th e am may be, belhta econeolßeer eedbarierd tate the aanorlWer of deede s eroording te Item N 0.3 or . /a 44' tbe Patents via be transmitted to the Land Moe mbemo locatice is mad% unlernal dined= to the contrary bo glnen. . .: J. BerFfE4FIELD,- . Brm of Wan tztete_Jasttes of the twee of other alai author Lad totals ammrilltej er,rl there insert a! siroicior I bs the rarreattsa 'Do tor coly morn. Foos - scrs. UAL idcAtlog Mars Wert =am •1141%. 4 No.—. tor -,-- scres.ISOOR Gbe. Act ot . I*smates, -1850, ssa lamed on the day of lirto now smiles Alcosts tin • -• Ismsot's tom? • 1111 . 4-. Sworn to am subscsitscl before me this—dal or . kin= all onto* them that 1, Mara lanaTt the name of ararrazdaaj alba County of and !data of , do hafaar cowl:1Mo and - appoint --, of far tram and lanfol attomoy, for nu and In =7 ono% to Wahl LoadVarrant land winch lamW under. the Act of dentembez /&50. flora or Sobstatution nak7 tnOcrtod ff 6,4 . 4 3 Signed in prose= of 1 . • 13TATS OF . COUNTS On thh—„des er ---, ffnth. —, - Pmenity name eresraneeej and sebum ..2=l r Vain Pose; ' At.l : 7 to be his set end deed, ud 1 earlity. teat(o• the odd Dm insert. the none ortworrentft.j and OM be Ls m. .em. Is described In the. within ram. and mho mcuted the [Mares As:anima, • • . Foam No. 4.- . ,-; -. . &UTZ 07 ' . , Coo= or • '' . I henry wit:WO:hat to. Ml.— } day of .-- in tbi fr . '=. P" ---- - t. f m. 2.. Ll!rins.tAsfulan a lei and I ...r Fort an: mi nsman baz te% LI the man of mi =raeTadrthag gu l ve nn rlnmer bi ". 'the as thme 'm 4 1 4t th the name of tramenteed mat Untt he tree tea num on dm:Mned Moktal who =mated the tern Pane orig. tomb and EU teso k Eek to Me eatletati evidence of Mut Wt. end Um mid Wert the name of Writb. feel therm= Ramer the mid Poem to to his mi. and deed. . . . ._. apleatlmmen ' • - ' jOdleeemlstuderal . ;. fl KTsurlMMThird street, hewing " % t , the most molar sad Testa Own I laved D. '.X.r . - . ••.•• Tta ut. ars u % -- I - - 4 Tbs Mountain WIT: r i T.M=sr il But% _tin banana ' - i c .t. tu=7 LW, vitt, war weans bralgtbs V=sl ;unit by J.... r ihd—'2. 4 sonst limns% if env= pram ... te .. un extuosin isimetlon st Isar WsiMan Pitinss. Tr }Tanta., - tAt • - ' as. RION OD TUX GOLDMI MARP. 1 1. NiW' BOOKS! • NEW BOOKS!:-The totbeabalaw. ay the lata of Myr. a tat by Mama Ins ft.b.• NIA. by TaLadb... tntlrtrt " • ARD. r 23 kegs No. 1 Lead for sale by RM. =VIM a CO, - n WED FRUIT-150 bu. Apples; mn Bootry ,&11 RICE -10 OFrees&Erlajg for sale It, TEA -50 hf. thefts Y..11,1utp., and Blatt RsgENCES At. RICTR.ACTB, for PlAvorint a* rxiisesgt Num= Boir. .2.IIMILts itr ale ' in, Eon No. 2. (Warinatee's eiroatur.) FORM No. 3 HOIXZEI. IRLIaII OPpxlllo.ll3k=l.. . STEAM BOATS. FOR SAINT, LOISTS.The Eine; • • QL A.•. 111. act. lalldld MI L% . ... on Oda day, alao LILO, at Weir:4k. kL • •F. freight or wawa, apply on M . me..r FOR SAINT LOWS The swift affi aplendid Reamer DUD= stUser eommarder, wUt leave kw above and la Walters ea May. at 4 °Week.. . • 77.r.trt-P—vrVirloN•it§rEtAiti;L. ItEGULAIt. PACKET BE-.• Erfi PrITSIMEO It 2 SIINTL4II. stems PEI= N.:. A-11. emus, =lna. PU 4 A2sirh Sm. Miss 212pticts ..2521132. .Imm ,Tuesdsr and Friiss, at - 1 oCI MIL 1,14 L; ILtlartdag leases 2unesh ca. Captina, Wheelins sal PI 1 2126.?.......". ces - We:Meals? 10 o'slost,s. Y. sad .b 1 W..... tun .*2e 22 WS= this boat ruzugn2realgaztr FO2 - 2d,c• ht pilsk . 4 in. anis ea bowl- Latylo KE:IILAR -WED,NESDA.Y • PACNT,_.CENCLVSATI. captain .1 "ntus sPhnulici ban Ina built the onsets of the staaract lusau Nostand °than. Ibt 'than lneltusatl and Pittsburgh Platt awl will lista atm Wrintsdat far anctonati. In plata do Igor Mar land No.:. Fortrtight or moon:, anis on board, of to torts O. S. tarot lIZREENWOOD 4 ROSEDALE Nit ittatrtan pAcitsr—Ta. ,Taenala 11.4.... i n, on= lane CIIIESTAIN, ell. . le.. the end at rho 014 sbaggir . Cl(z,---,).—, boar, earrar•adror at. II sad eartlarang anal the Gardeaselose. She IrUt laud ce tb• Alleaartry A d, fbr the I,o:cramp:Utica of pram r2t . V . V . all atarr potato., Ja-intro Tap at 7%0', NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR • ,'• '.llalll T',F,,nman"..ttr*Litr4;eAsn4TE' lrrfhl , kern toantrd 9.l4,4leV l Xe'rES 4 R p ridrare and Iv fersint ' afarT uanday and T:huradir. at • Por likeigikt and *nage apply IMlK;ard. ar mehi - JOHN 11.A0g. Lead: jr(II7I,AR PACX..ET .11E- - SWIMS WELLSVILLE AND run. 11.—Ebellght deanghl name/ ARENIA, D. P. Kinney, ruder, leaves Wellsville over 'N.e7. Wsvinslvi.T. end PAdvvY. et n'slcsk A. Last Lie erpeol, Glasgow. Hayssen's Lauding. Semi. and Pllne burgh. Lenses Pitteburgh seer/ Tu.sdai Thsllsdn7.. .3lld Entenday, for BeMT.r. .3segerran'y soma , lag, Gleason; East Liven:seg. and Wellsellla. , L • For AvelAtne pavegga *Pelson board. ' GULAR PITTSBURGH AND . _,.... RE PACILET.—Tho rerenpokket kkuaer DIURNAL. Cook . .1 .2. perforadng hes W./441y Dike belertto. this oltjr sad liebeellag, les PletAboesk .t 10 o'cloek. ~ .r - IdNklikT.. Weclneuelky ..Irlday, • sad. retuning. I reZeVir 1. er. lor m rre to d argr; We . - N A‘renb.. FOR 3LARIETTA AND . H i ggl i ga igt TNGPORT.—The deatoii P For Cretthf or ru,cmiewally oubova ck rao. . cithlo I .144. 511Fs0er cod GS hataids.' DEGULAR WHEELING AND . SUNFISH PACKET—Tbo Lot summer WELLSVILLE, Capt. B. Young. ran as a rtsulat packet between P:3l,lntaitEngt =E r ks% , =s=l4 l =7 ".' v:Stand porch Thmi d :A...."Zst," itt s = "i g g n lin Port and BBnnHNetery Tunday eternoon. and 81: " vert . tridaratte For trevln er PVTOtt . board.. to Ifeb2ll W. IL SSW. • , Luril -- ° ° ‘ —IN QUART BOTTUM-,• • . voR PURIFYING THE BLOOD—the bat I. Footali Med , ice known. Inalpient lineass • Bummer, LencerrisegorWhitelrregolagYanstodibi. Incontinuence of Urine, amend Ppmtratlcsne the SIAM:O. Degreased Spirits, and Camay State of Ilinegyare eared by Dr. Ch Wed Extract of rittowDock and ..Mtla' , '•,:which gives homedlate relief by renewing the grentsia of bessith and drecurtla, the blood. It neutralises bad tuussostador• am:extra reactions. 'and givm healthy andante ail the Its mild alterative properties render it peontlarig elMn' cable to the derider and delicate eonstittition et the It fitormilately co in:term-hi that distraring names ' rem and landtude ea common to the temala triunes and bens:site en mvuhur @sews a. Feted. We have evidence en Is, Which Mdsesa as dynasty to recommend thie medicine to married biemir who have not been blessed with dinning. •• _ • Protaids Uteri, or mans ea. Warob."of dee jean stis. Wag, mead by D. Ilityntt's Est:act of Yak* Dock sad att.. avesi atm: kaoirn zanaaix bad beta tried xithost relief: - • • Wesscomms. 0, Ilkb.latp. This ecithhe that toy elf., +end= esna hireoffeted otaler the above eomplalut for tin 7.3214 um tim. =anal to ber bed. I tan for four, ears osestactlf• , employed the beet modlooi talent that mold be procured ln Wei mothin of the country. withind any benellt Wishner. I have elm porehmed every Instrozoidt recesurenuled for the cave of each dilemma all of 'which sowed worttleas. . In. the. wins of MS, I mu induced p 7 retT aloes to ,terpr.thfinott*l r ellele-rookreo peered poillsndols ased lbx par months. After the hawed It fetalllnelber make, It ens erkleat,to all at thiel bnpleMair. old tea= tau impni..a npiair; ear 44 sad etnertfth. until she le enjoylke mod eseellani.. - We, Was misacirs t.O.Wtn. asul Julia Moak - MU.. that the *ban siatanits, at to - tai. Wares 6f 31n. Ilea, lbrt, sall as to the cur: best: er.ted b7 Yawn Deck lmEstsrpolips... Addis • . M=3JM Eva - = Cak e of 0:111 Zernotor. , • Ihnozmo fliorsz, Dee. I, /Sig Maps. &P. Bennett k Co ,—Gaute ' , Sum then 411 1 / 4 3 I mu attacked with Sines Esti In ref ann,sehlehlecone L ea *ore Imild not uee It, and la 1/45 Mortification let In. / egtPloret. at didatnt there, tenb Ulueltien of celetait, nithin re: mach; all told roe ref =rented b.:amputated. From abe &odder to the forearm net fell of rtuming more. hey strength tit Ude time net =entail, eshaunt• edam{ =Awns. meth anneinted. coutinnal Ili this etas until dis, !hen Icm an addeAseaisat (Gurnott's Yellow Dock mid Idantenerills) which I rend, and nem ten bottle of the mild*. Genoa's Yellow Dock end Ears** . rillsenrid Look no other_remely while t 1.61141 It; nod felt myself ie,rfeett,, veil before tieing the einth bet. tie. Had I used' it ad the lost anneemnie of the inededs. I ant sere It would bury save , / me from Mrs 'of Pain end suffering. I most esznently Nearunend every Person eur Seeing under an, similar diniese. to teen Burn/re Yel-lo's Auk sod Bareeparlltuarhkh era eentOre lb= to health- Yours, In . =MAW' , • Curd of an oggravated can of INftezac Tba eons perfcamed by Dr. G eysott's Zatrat,4l/ Tam Doak and Was:bail/a, are loollog. The pan^ : 110 . 1 health ismun.6 to Improve alter Wanes is matoregre Corr axe not ebroalclal anti tinm hu forirtiksiedthat thereon be no relapse or return °IA. disease.. ; Lintw, , ar. noriebnar co" Pobrusb., LP. Bennett .1436.—(31inta: . I.t th grestplaasezethst 1., write ycat shoat the Clrf hippy( ebbs dloar Teter, Doak and Barabouilla upon nar ace, whobadong barn wit . feting touter LEW dreadful and Imam= dnetww:.ltryaipe taa with which he waa annekad tfltd, and eras Ox ease• ,ral mm attended bf awe of t physicians: whe trill their ampat.rn.l. 4 l 7 for nye months. witbant bar benedeial nnults whatever. Ha tweameleducial to • pet—g tket baba, ; bad Luker. fhb tie * hip tilde gob:: , which 03atnmur dlscharrt. dinnetingir matter.. hinteal and' ettraieal bill was begat. Pbbkhing .aid that hi. ate. Ina- hood.. : there coal ba nothing dew to arms& trine terrible bnarenlng Wawa hly neigh. bob and weal thoegbt his dissolution nab .t hand. One of my blabbers (who had oared a child of Seragsla with rourhafabbble medicine) wished ma to make Water It; =d, ninre fboul the endless deal. to do ec.itbluterklle • lasted, th.lknoo hope of getting relief, 'precis. t . toe. bade" of yoor Yellow Dory end. Earnparilla, 'couneneed bAna It; soy .kedelo nt.. - to Imp.. liefors be had the aded bower ' be bat need WWI dotes betel.. bs could walk or d. Ife es. In all tereive bottles drubs des year MP; and by Ow sober list be was perfectly restored.. Ste. yeellgeiof .tbe dbe.e....the Bests, Is removed. and be reonalna la im e„,,el,,sits ea the meant them. Ills recomeryouslsT. Wes blealug of God. to estlrely °slag to Ms use st Yellow Dock lead derisparills: end tenure you %lat.; feel myself under greetiebtlicetlene to rm. and it Is Via grink joy Mt/ 1 /11/021:1 700 Of slut yosrEar • for elf Respectfully, . •JASITB RGPSE.I.L. . Bold by J. D. Pus. (stmeesor to asztzed A Put.)Tootb Want Worth Cladm.ati. Geoaardmmrthr tbs South msd Wail to whom all a.teri Mast be ladsissat+l. J. ILktd k Co- D. A. /ohm:stook k,Ca. J., A- Joao. L PittibargB; L.L. 2 =4.4 Alkaamur CUM L. T. &mosey. WashMatom L. 11. Doirke, Cidoutowm; U. Welty, a fteragbarm 8. Konots.Baraemet;Jkot; adman. !Ward; Efta kßoo, Li attamAom ur. Orr. nollblardwri lUldebrand .1 Co.. Icallar.a; 'J. U. Arrizbs, _Enos do, Brookvill4 A. WU.. k. Ems. Waymagamr. Uctaraloct A Co. N. Cilimuler, Eurtoo'.B Co Yrim Grab= k Pater. Memos; James Kelly A CO. Bat. Ism & Smith. Dearer O. B r aMmertem. Warner; P. 1.." M C, Joass , ,Comisnmorm.P.Cmoter..ii...Deoomrsills. • SerTrick-44 per 13ottlt; Sii Batter for gos. • ' / Pan P1X.16.67. V/... Oct. 4.1841. •Ma EL E. BYDas-.ol'your ternainge; l'asy 'lrkanni. beatnik= ikki, baring nardic aanai , ely id x.y. tor the lag tbor or kin d ear" I Mak. iaaDY Vb.!: Manna. of tbo of I. leak .k W reay trawlers, nakonia I bars beretoforo used the anatrallon.of antral VAN nannacarrem „loan tcpeaftaly. ~ .-.- -,.. D. COCC.D. kLy Dronared and rod bra. D. • , 17 . 1 ., SI lkoodas.gbd sokl by dannakts =war. . . . ~3,4 Bonnets? Bonnets! R n 6 D 121.1 1,, LA1 .11 0 RaN i. G . , ttllll . dutraa. B3 , ee A rar samortarit of atildzettlGipp, otbg: ." 1 1." 41 6 , Vr ". P l!MarrO t a t ? th. • Wool! MILE highest price in Caili paid rats all,the ditranit tribe of eler. sruhla Wag '' m7l 31eiti•LtY t LEE- • W. W. WILSON, WatchNaker,v, .Ne. 67 Narke Corner of liurthss.,,Ria4w7h. BEALERI F/NE WATCE7.4. 'JZICLUiT. Bihar Waft, MThLrr Good• I,lecys izr.t c.t4c,kl - ws, Tea mid Table Mu. , GOMM. 10... .21 lartruments, AM • g nat Tartar of flea. cartons flattionbis umerfullna orcaMmb.l.- - • Watch work aseenua to superior aanter. assie..l en the Oat English azul /french Ittakzaer, . HAY RAKES-40 doz. foroldo.ty L mg' S. P.NON BONNUallist .0 CO . . XrZLVAGA CD:. grocers .d AlWm.: ARD 011.-15 bbla. for We Fresh Antral, of Wall THOMAS PALMER, No.' 551Eirketivaiet. J . ,seete.4 from th• £4144, Wafting swat. mmt k.srlior chamber Raper. RAPES JUNGING£? , --14.,:u1dk =dA 3 =.. WMN6MMrM