hese the Mauna. Quietism Mtemseste. Isill_dgAukaceiet..af Xesmerie..Ass9tri _ • = 4 ' -• tT nor, lICLUSIZTIOI AISSCIIeri MUM hare `eic - aPeti the notice . sit 'dui careful obsereei, that. ladelity34 . thiti:the het few years - Inuri_materiallY, eliingoad ;the modoief its warfare: 7 llnving'bein repeat . wilyangnisbed in the opea . Seld, -now seeks t 6 accomplish by fraud ionthypociiiiy wfutt , it dare not attempt undisguised. ';" A. leading pernber o f itinafidel eatiVeation in the inty_of Now.Terk, declared; a few *ni l since, that hn found it tlio 'bMat rnethixt of incideating- prhiciples; noete :come' oiiiiipenly spinet the Bible, hut toineor porate infidel doctrines inieelectares on Via- Arms eribjecia;•and this by hopenaeptible. Ileffecce-destrey confide ice ha the eltrislien'i .Among the subject,' Which seem to offer' the fiiirest "prisipecs of success maybe reeliOned mermerinn, or tinfma7 maynethim. 1341."i-.triesmerism, as with 01:odter subject, it is only by as-suiting what 15,i10t true r that -it ii' pressed into tho smvice, of. . infidelity. : -It is only "science faivi,te so called' - -that can ever conflict with the truths of -. God's werd: Beford the claimsl ef -any pretended science can set, aside the do.lnnes; of Revelation, finch ;lib= must kdicetithTitiMd Mass of evidence nape-i zior to , that ithickestab/ilies the truthful- nes! of the anis' fiat Scriptures: And this has never, been dono 'nanny one instance, INra 'causes 11M:rover, by . the advantage taken. of -tide by designing men, hive contributed to further' the false cl"i 'of . mismetkixia. The, first. is, the. Very . ..prem. lent -desire to find out a univerial.remerly for disease , and the secondis the prevalent desire to took - - ' Th e eistois 'to the hearing art which mesmerism- ets up, aro intended: to:meet the, first desnaid, rdul its to chair voyance the second:: -Both these claims, to the:degree ixedended. for by their ritiettors, aro' frilte -, ; mesmerism :Undoubtedly produces some singular rind' strange, effects ,upintlahliady and mind, and such is the effector ima,gination.tipon some forme of diseases;'eltat- many-perwans have been betiefittcd by the'eutire confidence reposed in means altogether useless and insignificant but for' suck reposed confidence-":To; the hush of this staterrient every physician can iestifyl_:.; Cures as wonderful as any which mesmerism-can. boast of, have been per formed-by ninny whoseonty virtne.comist .a in, the imuginathan of the patient. "In 1796 . ; a Physician of Connecticut„ by:the name', of Taking', introduced - 4 novel, and for same laitie; most, sneceseful, 'practice !of inedieine.:l'l3V-conteMled fleet' allftlisease bo.tiied by 'simply drawing:Over the parts;effected Certain pieces of metal, whieh 14-milleVrinCiors"; and the effect uas, sup rosed - ,to bo produced by.galVanid, electric or magnetic - influence. ' two . years' after the discovery', - -the trtetori -had beeti widely introd4co into Europe The faine of their . viitae'spriad" like wild fire.: ,In , cigliCryears- the-humbug , had 'lecome; so , popular that 3 'lnstit4ficirk' formica:in..London, with a largo proportion. of its 'memhers' rosin "among the ranks' of, the - titled, the learaed and' reverend. 'The society had , its public dinners in honor: of the greet diSco'very; Voluines of Carties, of cures were Published; the committee at testing that afi early as 1802, - s;ooo..cures,l had.: been effected. *- there.! wereaoine unbelievers; and they determined to test.the tirtua of the tractors. Dr.:l Ilaygartli and) pr. Falconer for this par - pose ; selected frsh the hospital et Bath, five patients, and . shbmitted . them tp the ppm tiol2 of fale tketets; M.lde . not. dr Ei4tal but. .4 Wood, "so painted as to resemble the gen uine. The'diseases of - threte . patients were chronic :gent and: rheumatism.. Upon_ the, affected pasts being stroked in the slightest manner With' these pieties of 'wood, all „the patients".deeldred . themselves relievedounl all retuned Ipublicr thsula in church, 'for 'experinmts..weie made at , the thistol Infirmary, with wood, pencils, tobacco; pipes, and, pith the Same Tenths. ',Men who Arere unable'. to -lift up, or to use their arms: in anyway, were afterthe application of the supposed Metallic tractors, speedily enabled to carry coals and other things:of weight with great ease. Wheithese facts were made knOwn by the: pliiMetazis:whe;had practiced' the .deccitr, was - iintiediately at.', disceunt...The.lnstitute dissolved, and now:UM:W-I'obl 'scheme is remembered only as a'pss folly==a wonderful delusion."-- , cDr; Leinnre before the Erie County , ledieel node .4dttud 111 - ii netism is capable of ripen some minds, 'peculiarly constrict ted,-te state ef:arqcfcrf romiraminanti r Lin whiclitlitlimienetron is in uglilyemoted eandition, - end•there* scorns. to 1M - in istime instances a fkrtifirsepition'of thernitid loom - the body, so that the snixtd or soul,-to e limited -extent, May: tae, cognizance of objects, Withiat the intervention of the tenets usually employed as the inletS of 121 a*Icdge- 1: This is a condition probably approaching that of o'disembodied Twit; and this phe nombithn, So far from beret oppoied to the truths. of revelation,'-is .a confirmation of than; fortherhinemena Settle - additional. evidence . , that die , soul; though United. to the body, is a distinct thing from the body,,end may;:adeordiMg . to the :, Scriptures , erdst without ....Bence,: all that is • true, : in CV/frt.:ince, all other' truth, is in. Per* joi*inieni With the doctrines of Divine Revelation., Erteticsmerid - ,t.it:erniriono. . not stop . here. Theielaim that the ,elairvoyant,.in manY - initancei, ii.endeUred with a perfeet knowledge of - what is..transpiriMg in • world of spiritt--of. what is tronspirini in Al the`worlds of reette.r4..of whist Mai:Tit:4d millions of ages past, and of what will tram- SpireTruillions of ages - to Now( eveiy „one thir.,"•• assumptions is false., _No doubt, the elairvoyant, in this highly exci= fed condition , sometimes thinks . he sees the spirits of the departed. Rut the contra , dietary descriptions' of different persons, iAnally . entitled to' credit, proves that the whole i s a delusion. One .persoti who be lieves, 'ill fetus punishment will see the soul of the departed in - a state of indescri bable 'suffixing and misery. Awatherwho believes that all me happy after death sees the same:person indescribably blesied and happy;"while a third, who disbeliereillit the soul can exist withorit the :bedy,“ see all that there is of the Same Personl4 the grave:- .The same contradiction • tenzes the description of distant objects. A person is supposed to have been murder- ed. One see that: thebody Las been thrown into , the sea • . another. discover it buried in the%earti, and a third will . nee the miming man in Texas; and the seq4el will prove that no orie of them - knew any :thing about it. •A • ship: at sea is supposed to have _been lost: , 'Poe will see that been burnt : and all the pew have perished, some, in the flames, end some in the Water. Another will :see that the ship ran npon rocks and was 'dashed to pieces by the • waves; . and a third will see - the crew cast away len some desolate shore, and all 'uvula will-provaL to .hefalse. -- No two, in ten thoustbidp. minute :an& ,eireumstaxittal descriptians elf distant objects, agree _together, -There are Ittindreds of: ways hy which _these' claims ran 'be tested'- to -the . satisfaction oral . who are , not the, willMg ' dupesof slaceptton".." Let •tiio!iettVas *the Clairioyant-statelay,..dein nartleuTar: and minute ; ittiPS'uf .sonoe, iinexillaia pax , tions of-COI:Mu% 'and - - see how they 91i agree with facts: This vombleertainly be as easy at to give a partiMatti account of the..geography of the ,I.iifferent planets, of the'solar uvet4M.;!:•TekthPlias base done in all theaitirtiriffiakiTalP:ll: the 43tt'• Bites, ehrtple4 hatiti : .and fitil:m Or habit - Ala clA t i --- iwiftliariartglit - Triti ;47- 20i; all been desimial with amazing partial- j laity, as evidence of the wonders of clair voyance!lt is easy to be very thaninstan bew-Arisillsrsilifetrinthunirthe .of to a ,iigulAmt.- 1 pnt if any two .of Ai** or any oth er coma/ will iiiggfirlretensiowl Open nAnWinibmittistbs limb. intim*. Limb:Low.: f , arof cath.other,l vrill engage ,tc! rtir= , hent .seoPportimity.teitimi* the, 4044,0 r sllolrn=inbirS .0f their nignnuP• "ions. 1P'0.04 6 3 1 . 1611 *Oa Ofin , and. Yet they are reiratinuatf-chaning 'Appose these eanaagant and , false pram mons ifity betng_the sriao Faencc-44#1 'esl.iprogressl7-0-14_00 1 geterrainedilaratobitof down fetteti I Of "bigotry,' and'usiperStition" the noble mind 'mingling 16'be-freel ' ! It is not eat* ttott.tlitWe who setup i'nenlalitionnee'rnieriiirsiarfn Irtailedge Ps: iiist atanineCehould set r tip irto and)iidinc - &ran Plelm to I 19. 1 ' 4 / 1 . kg'PrlfP,/n:qt64Bl, It is 'One parptare-^Arta- Ma la. censinly !m -own, wheelie' hive it-kfeit knoviledge Pr the onsa.which FodisitillieroVis•tfio Ifine' of t inCecliplei--of, a`htgli tideinof heeonjunent4 Oita but these hinge - ,cannotTliejold - brolittroyance.-- rmo events that must happen one -of two r l lree 2--#X-04nni at and such gaiiisiOught stirizettmeg to'-lie4iiified by theresislValardir%rolholOOtrine'ofirco , 'Oar at *ill inin:,or not, on•it pfstioirla day, or hat i'artain rie p* Prophecies of.this dart)- hadr:4tnetndl.b.t' alaizmants • of oerni niir• sometimes couto eo pi.wq and, Withal:6A Mindii one Bahia:at at macaw fuliwersir* want isiethalerice a hundred tir ita faunal ! • I .Thniii*rbei'elaitu fOr olairmyticeaknow. ledge'of future events can satisfy Hie wad& zia to the t0n,mC41 . 9:1 d. their • pretensions, by submitting to a fair . and: rigid test. Will: they de.. this? I challenge , any and ull'!af lherri.tb:illioat their' knowledge of fn . y.tipit i nu'iviintivhich I Will name' to :.;." P l td- h Y ey tnl wiii e month noscoe fu p tli t e an f.n o ture ffer l o or t . I . lis if r t ,period hal.. too. l ong, - one meek or one Ld, and yet theyare continually charging ose who oppose , their claims with being ad of the light ofscience l'- Auto their lawledge of, the past, it amounts to the sine Ltintigf'fituttsver cannot be ' known Ifthent churvuyenae t Cannot. he - known - ma if.. '. Anci. • here..ngsln '.I 'offer to .test their claims in the way..' " ,Will they accept t!wo If the advocates of these absurd claims tan make the ,Pablio believe . in these pre tirisiona;:by petformirig . the one hundredth Out of what promak to perform, they kbve aceMoplished an important object: '. . They then elninl that. ; :the - miraculous gifts of healing recorded in the Holy Serip-' tires are only the workings of mesmerism. ' And to the ..citent that this opinion pre.- vails - ,confideaCe in Hie Bible is ' - destroyed. The inspired ' , intern are virtually charged wi'th. fraud ..and . falsehood: For all know t at they never pretend 'that such agency rforined the wonderfalenrci recorded in true, but on the contrary they. ascribe 1 diem'. to the - direst power of God. And these .'miracles are designed in the , ..Scrip-, tares to constitute Mr - important part of the evidence that goes to establish the truth of divine '.. revelation, ' It ii -, Perfeetly 'plain, I therefore, thatimch assumptions are of in-1 fidel tendency; 'for the cures of mesmerism_ , 51 alx as they are, are quite as likely to be performed by keens either: secretly or 1 openly he the to the . Bible, As by any oth- ' err, and indeed inueli more sr; for, as a g4neralthing,linCh is time character of the pinions advocating these claims. : And not uifrequendy the champions of their claims 'arirpermns of not only corrupt principl, bit of notoriously bad morals. . - The claims of clairvoyance. are calculated I to , &Strop confidence in -- the-. Bpriptures : 1id.,13y Machintthat those things which 613 inspired w r iters expressly' declare were tatie4 'them: by the holy Glioet, aid be ktieVre as were, and better too, by the rid Of - ' fniiimethen,- even by those ' wtin '6 . irat.;toievi there - ta '-any - Holy G et; and '' 2d. - Hy teaching that the: cu .- - `Priv of the revehdiona of .magnetista,, 4 c i lain truth fulness and in importance, over shetasching .of the' Biripturtsh gives the clairvoyant a perfect right to flatly contra di 4t the .glaki3t terietung's of Gore tread. Ankthii . l they. have by ho means been elow to i do. '- . ' ''.= . - : in the following lslill -inns- :trite the iufidet tendeney,of Mesmeric. as. saniptions, by , oitrictv:frone u work entitled "Nature's 'Divine . 'Herniations " by the mash eeletritted'claiiroyint of tide or any oer country, Andrew Jackson Davis, 'who i a err himself the "Po u ghk e epsie .Bccr and C 41 . 4ent,"..1........ '.' - ) E • C 77 - MISCVELLAIATOUS: . W . D1:11- GAIMino ferithea the bal.,' :etTjt. "=" r •ile b eti cet , ° V . ia t :te v e ° "" Ais k gi rox, mti j 11 11 tt ri , '2.7W vElbel. to dote up LW buihmois DP EMI L: EP .hu. F0y,;.21r411Z0..- • .$ eating ; and. Ventilaticar. ' - - - .4.11 E , MAKING' APPARATUS for •• thnumibr Bum la trotalaCoart Bcoms;lactor a Rooms Sink 'a.a. tams. factorial. .I , lilfr cii arm diarettaloa. Imola and arlai l taria: .. =I Drri 'Liam, tbr gi pm...... wber. i. , ~ .=O , /oar , fadranat sod to= I: e x ar're .t gAi w .loniZ ed. ... - . , 'or Oa asks= dolitloas ilaritiamai in - socastrolir itairoXarion Van, to Xsatrra .aa ractiad Intoraiaiaboissoara...rmiP- , twat. fia t . •rrataral Ormperattirr TIM aurae' maim from loci: moo; salmi, alarm ard Wax fraig fa... , n torli '. : - • :WA Pe: THIIPSON a itu Pire APIPargY• • • c. BRANCIIO - VFICE-417.541115uverienn reuer, mrastraau.... •-•.- • • Mamma. /ler irt, /Bat. TI.4E hest] evidence of the success 'of the. IMeet., In eudearoting idol:take tto, 874 fir /WM . FIRE INVGANCZ 1014AirlonClise /Late of the oarcsitinlia , irs ab• un - smornit aPbrutunno biotite+ aumadonmlmiiim u 'l,OOO tba, pant year. th ereby eieszer sa:CL , I . eafrst klintra i6l - ria arf la nli and alaiiii4oPtatiOrtinannai. [7.900 .; Do. Ma ap'rd.ttendnated. canoed. ,l Do. • - , 111'.686,419 Do. museelodilarminated,expind-10101,729 CO T,G54,031 • Do. Premium Dm. canceled, teradnatedompirod.,,, 4710 Do. List, Premiums reeeired........—.61,i47 -- do. . do. . , . Whole aml, Wean andailatmesnaided=4ll as= 10- demte in farm of the 00., In cash— So cdr or country merrbanta and owners of ihre=ip.. and isolated and 'country property. It is bettered Mb cant• oxiLetaT i tat=i=d ogiesiparAfety, , Conducted Ott the equitable and greatlyUpromoi mdm of aassifindion of RUM. oroluding ail bamr ire; euring only a f Zted roatL.,_a a . rff_taai tamale, the MT arlaris, fimr. and Mar 00 both abs !Met and tr'''brai vim it no onir mom the cbmanoor and of toth• but entitles iii cored to a Um otberMrd, Mott, LT. Jona, •.kl g e r' nzo A. larder. P-It er. Yidlo O. bedrekkAmnal Joan, Iblirt , Mots, John johnlt.lintherford. . J.p.ltur.grukcinigre • • ••' '.• A. .7. aua..crr, eeeivieer. • dd. -- • - - oortr Li, a.—A Dirlderul of liffeen Ito cent. on ied t,ob s has tee n er land. by the Dinectorrsoand h.,/ Ty. st Ude ao, So rt. entania, or nedria , in oath a um .A.or ntnotr e 'Att. Franklin F . • Insarawo 'Co. of - Philad'a, IRECTORS: Charlee..W: litineker, Geo. xi Ir. I4rLw. Thos.:llart, Meads.' D. Lewis, Tablas es agues, Metall. D. Barks. Samuel Orant,Dartd tl. Brown, Jamb 11.. Smith, .11orrEs i at z : s tarsou . • .. r. DA:rosin, rrmstimi. Crustra O. Dascunt...Memlarr •• • • Thbt Company =gloom lo meal Jasuramosa.yeanamat or Ilmltod. on emery thumiptlon oft tr 10 tlet i l/ mousey, at rates sa low aa tuttle oitsrlt TM Company Loma marred 2 1.14.. übird, mllh thalz Capital. arsl• Premium:Y. ml ." ll7tegueet. afford ample prometion to Ma sarlara, _• • • The assets of tbe Compny, on Jansen' /121E41, utiMS maul agreeably M. tbe Aft of Amadeu% wen 10/Mws, • Inormy tamp CaM. MOM 81 • lI=TOI 44 Slam tbelr lneOrporatlon. a pada of 21 yeMile_ tb•Y ham pahl upward, of Om/1011m row deed .. mammas Dollars Imam Vire, Mender tb. .ovaallo. roods SO Wall. ll WKS ab . VM ' %d oosltton to meet wltle protaptner Saietlitr A..., ' - J. 0.4.11DN2D. Oftlee S. Z. of Woest-67213at. Penn Mutual AGENT INTITTSBURQEVW,ILDAVIS, (f toe deireased4 Na Ma Moly stmt. • cur the better toodintsocio of Awasona residing in the lower rent at the city, the eccent now Moo I. found daily, from II to 12 and to &dock, at thirciontititict rte. al J. tichomsoaker • co, No 24 %awl edict. WWW• aef lautinalatt IrW raven =I coatuar ploamt- Ver d wo ' hi " to LT:trance! azlrd'H;4l.44"36Pra." •onal nock ateli POIMIOO had 4,611 . Profit& tiletledannouly monad Urea Ispored kr . 4 k. :. Piarlmnh:aa..2l:l,6l.-4•24 . . • Marine, Fire, an Maui r Transpartatem brniranne. . • yaleeuranee Comeau' y of perm America . IhshltallµXLCol. Loon WM.( ts.lsm, Mon.= CIL *Ur was inatrah.* wilding+ uhl the* cortints.ln Ws hit! sad hkhhttr, hbo sproperty of entry denitty olappoct PIO stem low al other • nee's, ether by b.Uhd tranAposthtlah.ott Lbr Arthur O. CAL% Prai. Thom. P. Cori, baluael W. JORII, . Alla 2...1.1t1f. ...., • K.lward hugsh. - . Rk-hard p, Wad, ~ Ydarolal Y. &alit, • Frauds ' h33/3U.1 Smut.. • •', /3: Aurili k • . Charles Taylor , Wtk. Y. ....•.• Auarrme %hit, _RD Arpluirull, ...' , Jamb M.Th.:ma, - - .10,1/144:33. 1 b. IturriAWslu, - Bbrrrad_, , Yrey. , ' _Thl3l3 the nlAtrtlrtaarsum Cuuysoylutl3.VoßA4 YUMA fr '4 .;h o ' re.tl 4 r=li l ei g . tni=or&roW_ . i .3,3=1 sr of.hurmke uiykoj i hmuuc.. ~ I ~. . • . N 0.141 Froulr ' teed: • Ameikan Life and Health InEimi#ce • o PHILADELEia... P;a4urgh, o. TO . iitE, Rfat =tlll2tha t t' Pamphlets antalaltz ner:celaark 1 ..tamed at th• calm AlTsltt Wegtern Insurance CompanyilPittsburgb, APITAL samo i 3 - rif Fat, di., ICrAtilotdee. 1.11 Unuary r 4 hst all 1111ull and ant.ritte titKcmy vt.axi — fin" • di 1.=„,1=mut6".4.t he= g bg , . btratlestohew Meek. J.. W. Buller. B. iluluuut. Jr, Alreu.lll. Ilan.. C. WUPauN JpelsurN u Li... Jump I.llpLugao. GeoripalAirdlN Jame Yt Naley. om Alps. N.irk. Zhu. _ t, Nu. w.p.m. a a ,- two a' co. up nairu.o Pauburgb. • • • juPurly • . Delaware MntaalHafetylasnranteeamp'y griFFICE, NORTH HOO5l OF THE EX; IVJ CHANUF., Thlyi Mr.K. TDlWth m Alit. ma na+ Mrb Tem.*. &mom usl4 Frolabb. Moymbor, oubm obott or • bolielmoblbe amaireAugy dad.. 9'6.1 Imb. Tom.r.wras.—Tboy Mae Man blerebamilor trupportod by Womm., fowl kw,. =a itell3ll WM, on Myers and iska:s tbommt Mond MI. boabowm—..bambh IL &el, bal.Lmmuler, Jam C. liob.M. Donor.. Jahn H. Homy Samuel Dambrds, C. bylpyr, &Drawl Dorborboyjewer Ylsa Nybaln. 11...3.1.4105t0n, James C. Thoobbilwy Tbabl.l. Jobao Itom Akan, Ihmro CrOM, thors. Woo. , bPom ,, klboUb. Charles 4.117 Jamroo, Wm. My Dr. b. Timmy Joh L. obilbm, EITO.Jr. LltlatiKvlll, a. Tatesmai—D. T. Morpw. 000 Cm*. i tlllaw%tro, Prgablent. Tim. C. RM., Tleo Prat. Jett. J.sabb . Zl/4,critary. . adrOMM of Me tkmiwoy. 4..^. Water Mreri. MU, bm.yb. (oemlf P. 0..11.10413LA. Ayoub I:M.3IOV:IAL BENEFIT LIFE INSUB.:, Vis costeANT,l4.l6l Mirtit Strirl; Nn. 111%411 rtreet, X. .41caserilarkt. anott. 51.0 , di , Uller emu Nato per cent prltt per 1.12114 The u bxribe: erecter 4 , 1 ,,, Um , !Ire.. the r bore ruccevortil lemma. OrsvaLtilia NW* toOt.. brit ir alrided wonQQ the kn, ucca. 4.35 • N 4 trl nest Arai MISCEL Temperanceville' and Nobleatovta Ylaak Compa47,. V heieby given to btimbta the Stoekbad, arittkl tbapie JtJat t poiStoont Jamb J ro itegobt.ltetsurt u. tf rs the add tzonvoir, of) to, va thellare w ortltellate of tb, stoet, lob tba last Moods} to• b sod terry tuteello 60.0[100. 05100 eel .whole Wet to v 4 m tali—as the noel will be claw! 'And beta"( by o Jut, b. The biethboldets 00 rotutited bob x•osept tad 1 , 01.104110 s tear payment. • - xuebJcal • Bt. B. !MOWN, President.' ELI) PlPE—Curoelrs' . initent Vlstena,A All stzes on basu.landloArriphibr:l4l I;ji ALEXI:4D= mallat RIZOVAL. )y & F. WILSON have , removed to 'No. . 11. 2,topd a., sal 147 Front betrun Wad LialLlzerld. ILO RESlOVAL:'—Esaustr & Bnittrt, Whole: yak. Grocer. sad Dealers ill halam, turn tarkmeel to ...a. V,: Second, .41111 /Virg. Os. Intr.7ce Wood dot soonaloid Pitutotoh: J..'o teerbtars letioved,. ; .11 HE subscriber Lisa removed his 84d Store Se= Setteritrtel to tte telldlog ressetly. se , mteSetb by Ir. heed...Tslke Shop. et Thiel street, µMonts toellstely eyseults tbe Nat Oft Lee. . . see F. L. esiuscuoz. REMOVAL.--OEP. F. DIMS! has removed' ht. Dry tiOodi Mare bola ns biscbst m e t. s rootrs Kow,lrolo street, lbur doors below oborr be rill to kbuseil to volt cm tab forma customers the yobbo sonsodir .: • • ••• !stUrtra Book- w keeper or I.7alexcepiuushle oily - remove.. will be glom. Itoo IL. core of koe, rill mete aux. Lam. -- II It A lIEI S Y, COMMISSION MEE: twolCnL, lANT s r the r n of Doestio.Woon, .au Cotton . Ordrrs Oiled st dart non. for Asir desoniptl.sn otWool• b0t.17 osJAlat betari.ra flu; votor.riben .ozolor fOr,lo of / r"or. 4-, othr r" • tt4 ' I d a trialt b r.°?.. l, wp lIKKW , IL TLEJdIKO. - Ira II orvey ur K. K. Flempapg tg. lb. naolo IK. lato Um In Ili oeftkisavol. of pkolt. Kustomc ttna.soimnox ' !ISE". rilii4ESSEllts ,- The nuershlg horstoC•o - exiallgg_hetwonn . !hrni ben nodes the MB 011Anselletnisliblee, WC' dhs solved en tree gut gas of January. 1664 by gitganinsen ern!, fa se thesoNni bent wi ll aloe lin settling up .the Lsolnes. and znestniegisrl sow* tbeassosoe tins Big nrso ilsr thst fusguer.: 80. 191 Woodet ici . 6 . 6 . l B. C. B - - ' l • fehrusi 13. la , - TRUS. L WHITE.' '• - NEW FIRM— 45. V: ch.cklettina a llaYnege l L i ntinlifixtueik 'and itle.mlll4ll7lla, irry titale Itualne=tee titort./. .tiArtil • Qi at the acre lately .nteupld br Etueeklett Nap/ PATZIN. .(64it.T.NE eicrol ClePartoetablp_oniter th Oral Oealba las A won A Melt'. , W , • ; - 1 • JAMEd NOM. ' . • „40.11 N IL. • EILATE'ROOFMG: • , : ?AB M% biti.;riO Tret4Ta p{ the find One ltrneryleasta Brae re to into. Bril re. Cloutrectore, and others,. at Shp nn a; At heeling, nutmeat!. to, that they hare oA Aux, Luunturi, f mburg's, _their Agent, whoViuDer LP Ganged to ointertake contracts tbr itoolocarith their bed Ganged shoot Pt ., re a WO id' skursalott.of the belie it'd lareett Pieta Quart:. the Ualted Stat.—the quality of their Metre to 1.041. 1/' Ina superior. in the beet Welsh *Wee—they emploKr othst.but sijolienced and preo• Oval Fluters 'to do heir work: stagy the,' hose .. h.“ 4 .4 irPorlaaly.tr ot root. nearly awl hal.koalAY oolapirteg, a% se reasoo• • • price per spare bay ga d s . • • P.. U. eV.. in makularir tve=p _end their Otago to be pot tai eheal at Jmttln tslWtfrlll bo graduals,. to the contreotore end owners Dulldinge. Itercrenore es to theirellice and !Ostia/ an lareeen—and lir. Thomas Perry,nue or Uts “y 0 0 0ysy sUo OM , aulted .1 day—et their agent's corner of st, sod n PARRY, I.IWtS anue CO, 841-21itte Iloaetto , roPilr npoIRW ' • tob%s42talnllin .. • • ft AS CIIANDELLERS AND FIXTURES; ‘.g Parlor Chandellent and Brackets, of the lateetatilest also, tyro and one Babe pr moral Pendent.. st.eartallt . W..W. WILSON. mchi , • : !leaner of Roark and Margot eta .1, 4 , MAR .LAR 1;11:AMPS, CHANDELIERS,' Ornutimatal ale S b llst. lA= oft , * chirdr tid t =it="sl,ker.,. :=nt:riaas,lli of ttut umiralled pubdlct• 'um at e.t.a= price!. latbl.7 , W o W. AvLIZION. . bAISIE flavinglittad , finti Mar Maas Cai tha =wad .110tti 99, wry lam atad =caplets =PA Contedart (.4.'•deler Lard Lamp— r tee pan metarialiyartaaaabl% et* I*U' :=7l47igrat=it'crdth.q.., en; sad at 'al irolpliFf • H. 1124.3 CIiaiDECIM; &—FLYTURES— As Th.. lupin *a in ike att. ead=MC 19 /INT - BOUBI -- raitRisTLAN Nature and Blisimsdana at thriaLlao Pwilg brzw,a..a. radar La. 8 1 2 .4 " Zt......x,1. Y 0.2.ftb. 4., '"'" "' "of . Now Mouthl6)lrta.aate... BrroeiDletkaaarrat Atathaalea, %wt. eul 1:21. Just reed 'be bY IMPS= B. ,alr2MAtagta Bollatlaga.faattkit... • AR GAI S f—Teachers and Fatalllas arlebhur to:peethasa.ialna-' Beleml•Dooks, Casale Text Boats, ' Ita4l m bane= byealllnglatmeillately et' the ?Aelia* . Doak Stroraiaal.latallat Dr. Ltaxnee Wag Store, conorr of iLartot pool Yourak ota. TWA establleb : aaat stoat rortaxteaC.&Wait axol will sell Ft.r tha abay• ; Alext—yZexu, % ielaohliTtickh eicallent Flat iL2r gale at fag.' Call (larlag the prearnt greet mar. stirEuccArwat.Boos. stoie ;ockutis taw to stua; 'Ors low. It ha. Just twen'.tellttad• tithebsautlfut remt, as. . . - NEW BOOKS 11—ButttnAn's Greek Gtenf , mar m a n. ofill.brb arbmir by nalrenittela hi r p But Let and enlarged by bla sop. Ales Mamma. .Tramilateittmathaalebbidarthaermarettbm. 'CMMat , Coutoderatk kad tba Zabe P lma 01r rill. by orbs AutobtaciPli end air:mOlialt at Csplaip Obaibb g rep Tar/ y • " 1 . 14 = 6v atl ' , A ”ins lal n alrer tharlAre mut .Tba Whais malt& Beemank Fr*u6xd. Aar. br lLn al:there! tltltsalo • sre t ttZ lor Lord= Lab3iarel ate - Leitidnisr, S. Tha abare rarbjett.remisalmalWZ 4 ": ' Fa. 48 Diarkatatiert OStOOKS 'BOOKS 1---Cluuiab ,and*butter. Charm... by Marta .I.ll4ntoeb. e klhoulderHom: ordkoM-ell of the Three-tetd Libor ]tan: • ste% . of the Mb Ceolumrby U. F. Tefh 1 vol. 12 Dletiontry of Ide4lsales, Ro. R 6 Jut radd and Ibr .M OT. ..E.. NOWLIN.% TB POctrth • ONDON LABOR Axp. Ta4...Lormos .1A ~,,m at, J. the tattiteeith - Ceatat7; a CY , aah.f Clondltlea salt timing. of tha Pawn law Math Metropolis, la atteetanorlat the cozustry: ;11, Maim, With at Nu egeacsand pawned.' scribes. - Na .. 4 ttd. et" t work has born melsnl lialteat',LhatetYPelatar Mita -ea, "yoga, the o Wks ITSLe yerdd _. ur, 11111 ARPERS!NAGAZINE,,-FolumeSeccaiii yea r tbirrftnia work . 1.1114 .1. colleted ea a.lsi IL kw Dm , rtebowed trwriork rtg at 11011 LY IZT.7 Wainer!, Diutbrid Diilanmary: — WEBSTER'S lINABWDOED DICTION, 1/ • ARV, bound In aberp.l4l4lllp.iinattn—iirleitajoe. Isms fork bound in Raz& WA on w.d Maki and Advt. AVitir? of vAraLrili.brt'Vcoiint— W: BOOKlllilementa of Analytical Geometry. end of the Wrerential Ca me r Mos Loathe, 4.3 L , mut !Magna .. , Welbw? a floacemb. tory; :b r thethibm. af the Hallo Liter teed thelandth Poor; brfrearyltastmer, with =g o g• =V..." take Nat& Y. ax:MI -- ' .11. TOCKTOS, 4 Afertet ot.- . p °STOIC SIT AiC SPEARE,Won. 35 and 36, ' meg ,s no mum. Depa, Thini stmt. air JEW BOOK IHLonisiana ; , ifs ...Colonial , thatarr lbsomber, by CUL . tbayarre, 1 rd. tao — Z7ad Lleilbstaterarelim limalatmeacta byneary .. /Licbeed . Lord Itallsad: tem . Bards ot bablet br OaaINUILIsta • lietnee's Woaderaoe ewe over ellats 'roma aedbor of Perp :Worn 1 Tol.4Bato, Readiest toe every der in lan; =metaled from use lent-. but IlLbap= i 2 b a .. elan 1 vat leata;=ol, • , start the etavoL at the series or th. , tol * bcoka:lPmg.taus. Rana sod Lemleem at the on Teeteatent,,baelaa• Initi a l. gnu a.m.... Blom the huh of hhhohh., °Y .timral letT 6 mteatiet, tr .Bomqtair,icrat: Complete Pcatical Wpira of Rabat Thaas. with, mks*. Mary sad tilamtaialDoW mod a lib of Mil .4 F 7 0.• TOL,/0.,' MUM • _ _ , : =I.OFI LDS MAI/ bra. Pritea*: 2Tde-aZaa Itsettaaka UM No: Xreellas * V "T topar and Pa mama . ' att address dale la the Etna:tsar Warmas,brEee .N. , ltttmAmze'jX Itexpefa ,. .stoe Le esd ' Hongt r i. yelano ioartb FL "VOTES AND:FDRAFTS::—Tovaved apt Etessivispb'sa...a Drath. - a - moa =16 . 14,, .prt,c 7 .:Aataa. , a-aziou. gas. -.F. WRITING INK—Anloli's Writing Fluid; - liarrisA 0211 m, lnk rd salaam. Ham. TbiXbpme... 0=14.Y..1 _ _ , Yeeoeb Cbrinba• Ink. Nor vas by W. B. HATVr. CLASSICAL- DICTIONARY; Naked ellettanary of &ma sad Bata 10.6- . y.stullOre rin f Led =ay, pertly toset t za h r Mlll detiegtth Lie 44setitnenrge r Ztubo t ofdaeli, sed rt. Latkly=and . c e r and Ilau= . l u. Vga t= t th, 4!:tinelee Aram: LLD 4nevayos to Protened..4 - Jjae - Trip .04 try Of tit the Bete Charlie Cuthbert Southey, X ete. 0 rate Of Yanktand: CalberlareL. Salt , toad 'nab. trlth 0 of thi U 6 1/4 . 9#ttllptehenee oc Itobert Ire ' ;; ( tb• itob o r o 'Ptincenies Connecta with the real dad Mita% by letrlerattleteor arta are et Ihe . tadeut or ed ALDeallne of Poperreeed ltmeraitt Addrea wthe &ybenu maw Tamar* on %hamar evenage ja larray,.D. D. laoda . 4.i'" rgMeiV/IthO h litsrat en. HOOK AND - JOB PRINTING—Svery de at =wt 4 iaT . ATIONEHY,-W.-S. Ilivuti .porner .I.a kind Mut sta.. las sale as large ania, as an swortwedzseat at burr has as stationery hem ever b m ora "Weed 10 this marked.. Iteeeltaats sap • lkft al* emery ,CtiLAD OlL—Beet Bordeaux Sweet Itesb,jost neasad fords by A 16 1. BeCLIMG 200. E EE E EEEEEEEEEEE E EE 'AJP , LIND ]llls. 01.053—A .Nev_ sad ululate article' e.t.d.:ming aml bruabing the heir. bed to lomat ahem. iltol tuna, bete from gruslibeee. Yoe' bele by : spit{ IL E. tIELI Wool litreet.:: ROLL BUTTER-10 bbla. fresh x4eiring a ft' slile , 'IIII.EESE-50 boxes W. K. receiving and 141410127 ails - DALIELL • 00. ORANGES -40 'licixes just recelfpil LIF &rule by • 11U1113,0014114./NOlLEtiel . , QUOAItA-35 hhds. N. 0., for sale apa • : A. COLLIEII.I7O2i 2ao: AILS-300,kegs sad, for sale by A. CULBERTSON I. CO. QuNbitiks— • :-- -• • • I,J- • 100 boxes Ocast. Chem; • - DO Va. Salentlir. • . 31 bbla PearL bustels try. Velars, . • 330 Aplleg " • 4 bbli S. =‘,32 114i4.5 . • 100 do C. . /3 1 , ) DLLs gm= 4DIA 4 r. k..1.146bR -%riILADELPHIAiNEW YORK • 1 , 111• WAIL PAPVS—Rom the mart of Ito reopsatre elthr, behair regularly received at 56.1farkst A. by Mal • THOS. PALUCkI.:- POP,PEIL STOCKS-- 7=o a irotm Miff 14i:ill:Liz :Com' o do - 50 ~cr 14.',*`. ivP; ; ; ; rsait. PI AND TARTS—Fresh Cherries d nowtpat ay In theft ovreljoke; boor of the huh.' rtt , ta Sheet hod Shred bengal, MA/What rd.dd Jan.. oeltr e 1011 — RUNES—A very ta s d u p fb e r io e r tqyu ality, seldom heddildPAtoCLUti u o 00..dfdaddrefsreate WRITE WAX 7 M— cue recd'anrfor oak by : It. BILLKILS. LIQUORICE ROOT—GOD lbs. for sale b e y stUarss. pcV 6 ALPES- 7 50 , 1be. foctie by us.- r.4 11 . 1 NUW 13 MO. Zaltirpoze;, • ki "ap'4Gl.sl 7 77- : . LcWi rickble and SalleM ' ' ' '' J V. ta. Sr reeeived at N0..1256 Liberty. street, ' taartstat ar aaatt aalackadra valet rttot Mk, us ma &weft, tamer Wadi mss to 5 , ... 1 . , • i ...., red.ltfrAlria. ll'orecabroblre F.... ' We. 40. 1L5412. 3 lerLe~y rests " .. t . 114 , 4 PS , k• • ' . qt y gittits44:: . . ' • IIoCLII aer HO I/ rows awl Tra Mal.. e''S.Tlll4l 80A hu. far s o csa ltfl e ,CAHI3ONATE AUMONIA 7 4 cask. juiii • reft•tv azd,ior "AIR 4 4. k noosuman nys IYUI 4t - OF UINUER-4 bre. recd and 4b.t by ! 1.. in. ta...aguras; nu • ' • _ • No.ra te:.- IPLOUR-L-100'bbla. rft'd and sale by::". j 1 .i.Dti IV.* It. OIL-lON, 24 hoot ivratiaTio SULPJIURIC APIDS—On' • • ‘.40 • . . • Broirrr, ukairx a co. BRICK-1 tood XBO.OOO cbaatibta Mit* triaawCiT.tiaid.r. at .pl 7 Alc4'LLaTt.aW9 WistArVaboaa.4.,, • piA - N - ASH-9 casks for gale by • app; R. A I . :WILSON, 147 knot si PLASTER -20 bbls. Wllite, We'll . 017 W:* V. W/LSON. 147 hunt IV D AWN-25,900 Ib3. prime Shoulder* I S .0; 1")) " • " WILLPAPER-,Just reed. ariotherile lot pi' Nadeau P. atassitltal patterns; at sweet, dialail.t.mkbanka- Dm, au - 1444 Thu& VALXI4I4. at. X tram. sc. mrlo 4,1,AMATU650 boxes, a superior arti "gfo-- —t-,r-ti•libTivAnt'CO. F •, •.,• DMA. No 4 l iramLlT limprrios: " ' _ct OYT-11.E SNEAT)IS-350 doz..estrq O kJ. =amt. fir Aal• at amoufmtinve's wiapaby . • . • LB. WATILki, •L• bONIS. • ItKS---75 dos..beat clisf eteellfajt Fccr VO M - ' • • 0 ,,..,.~.~~ • ' Needles' Celebrated - COMPOUND litalLOCK. PLASTER.— Tb." wed; mascara Lim Was nada ihr nsida -than twenty Insaa daring abtrb data dm. bays ra b i . V . telm i arAli b es= as :rad be t enifirszta. h l= . i.tl l Ft! U"ir a n tb ra "°*-- ksbansaials as to their sapertar tido. ..rar all other pup lagndients at that" annposlilars. very emit& ma earactly aNabinal., render them peculiarly pIIIIISOLLOST ; : A }. tie bread. wanalting hoz nrotradad . aboo ha cough. sall local pains ta the aastons n. tha body, that' beneficial •nanatna tabr-sll. la (*.aquas - At aawe tv 4lattabas penorlty afar ail antwadd saab as bas beau f011y... brlaanytares Medal. tar meaner anal sou .444,rmanag , barn +al...Ara/am diseased at the Maus, dn, their ww nariaritr over all other Aut.* b.* a. de n. _UM= slap bay..xpettrated MIT and ten. =EI CM. To witb ritul4a Was. tam I with tba etalldent swam. their benetlelsl preen will be kran4 act? decklai. arbakaabo and reiall,t7 aw , r 7 ”.. ST is WhAIIMONT'STATEN.T STA:UIf ;POLe:. lawn. bftantu g.k.. to Lail^ kooli.ti im C 011.., awn. Roma. and .11 Linde of print4l4 prarrents the hon tram a adhering oats Lana i azal Than aaaiiar.J4 =tains swam bazaars to diatom , any-respect. The ladies bate loos NAM fat the er pea an Leads. mad In this their expectation virlioV . 1). . 1 0. rod otter on hayal!..r 11:11.:-40No- uotr.doptii of dais"' landi should elaltliont I. Prim LW mai Calts. Path Cakearilb dtreetital. for Wearer mehal " "R. E. 8 ttLYlta. b 7 'Red et PETROLEUM, OR ROCK 0.7.;; ~.rau..ll.li nine tbien bisect area carthe ' Tbto llRTl: d rEebt b g dk a- rernar '. lable7retneTh' • dy.dthid the of to Melanie cher, boo Induced Idol rah ave ithnt oh la hallo; with /a Lets and diowlionA - Ddr the bent of the public - Tbe• PbTROLEC3I•IO. pnenarod/htio reit In Ws etnar try at depth of Sad hundred kat. ie • Pare. cid uncle, wi th out any thatalral change, "bat - Just lie it tow. how -Piaturee Urea Labiatoryi 1 -That It Cantab. .poltlid , e f a= j a si= of disciothip;_nothlonger tw ak, cans of ...taw Cf-lincem. dada ate tit l bicr nee weak .• new in alleviating sneering. thd Mathias the than of b r ttl4 and altar to wears Auffeser. Long betas th• - thOnatt of potthig it op In bottlingt had a repute.' • ion Ler this coyest dimes. The mound welds/1y tarroa..., ring calls Ibt it, and several, reanztable 'three II bag pee formed:Le a can Indication of Ito fawn le`PoLifeth 6* wide wthd application la the amyl Come, ire do oat with to thath • Lath parade thrlehafwa we opromacioushhat the medicine caid other weft it z L i m . into the favor of Uwe with enter, and wish to be Whiles we do the nista* far It a aniceniel application en dewlap, we onhcaitatipthly thy, - that 1a.,. of, Chronic Ammo. -It la- unrivalled: Acsang 111.16 may Pa, enumerated—all diorama, of tho mouths .ineenn. ouch CP d 011C AST1DIA • BRONCIIIITIS. CONSUMP th TIQN, kin lts only- - • atone, and all dtecthen of e athwathithes; Ex. COMPLAINT, DPBPEPSLA, Diartexa. Piccione, of Atm Bladder and liktheysAins the Sack thdo .ooooo paint, ch.. Tenth. Mlnitworthe,.. amt. Scalds, cad Ao. kn. In c than of debility m-ititinir from 'IOU( oak rotracted cams .11 dicethe, thin to:Wrie bring re will act as a general TON/Cah/ ALUM •ATIVZ in each catha Ith a = , i eranni 7 , ll , CtiCei VC= discos. and a.127-obie- nod 0101051 000.000 and mewed new to all the cam, of lad wrowriater thithrs of word three of PILA/5 that Toth cerry_other thwitneat, sga well =saw the am , • of the 0 018.01.51131 Pth 'a abort thaw. The proof Can ,1ea..1 g hmw wr tenth' whodellthe IL- • - ' by , Naos goonfnapiev without le th e alpptthatel the datTekherw.• . Sold the tor. • •• • A.. 01. Al= Canal near rant • • A la?. hy Z. 8 ova cata nisi 1001 , • .n.tr W ocd abniet Vitedu Alley, . ids thro/onl7 annotated Arnett. ~ . PRIXELMILATION. KNOW ell_men who ore Leek an. aftlicte4" 1 nith deem.. et the Weller and ilders, eritbirbitet betne be beck cc limbs, nig .jaetekbel errs. 4 ehmeegeer tier coo be cr . d by te..ba n tle KST ea U Tact plesae, Ler the & I L a=o% sx Wire =1.t0.,,,i In the , ewe et en burnt eagemenetr,. that le h►+ , vbrtnes,., vbSch ere net with In 4ny otharreneedy. w: men," Le name with tin, and eallcring Stem cli, 1 gar 617 eepea, get reW train ear t.O the ima Ware. Deader! It costs resT little to make a talsl Detm lento Is no belontre--rd csalTnn, nut up for tba wow. & I' d Tee g iLtl==iirP, bop* of oar motber earth, in Us ra ' Farb • bus so naming burnenity a ree.ir remain - a anon. `.. IS cared nre.' attar other medicines lace ono to sender any rclleL It boa cured nbeunisdlsse. of kaz standing. sada( worn nod. panful aboraeter. • ; ban cprol o f blerine.tbr one ue baeab. cored old ram of Merier" in width loam has been of no arab /14. a lona remedy in .4 welds. it is better than any unalkol compounds or alsennent: that we i; core etdlblatne and traoled *au. in ie. osilenfong mdmat.tcd testleeonr cen learennek s , ad of es tenth neatoluel to the storm statement. by eel-. • atLer at the eAmusr. KIY-B..Canal Dubs. Berratltatract ut linter t. MoDcarlike c oter of Drool Mud old Then' . alleys L. Z 8a11ent,..7 Weal street. D. A. mod D. •12, Corry. Allewtobal astr, arsine watt. • , • • IMPORTLET - TO THE AFFLICTED.:- >e:t V th A.' ROSE'S CELEBRATED REMEDIES.S. Jam? gaga; the dieonerer aid molt proptietor,oi eia mat popular and benencial and' alto the inventor of Lbw celebrated Instrument be Wtittle Loam lai t ettennuf s can of anode d 1... ew e wow egne,„ dart of ithreideth bocce {lade; sod len! gthanate o t he ClPeoturylvania.and thittg • Thom Mace hew been engaged to the lovadiantima nttitwij, wow. and the a of remedies tbereteu .• • - • , - :Omagh Minim hie heating thin coonectinthith: Lis Pthlthybel:,t ab, had other able nuneette= .v.‘cr I. Mat.' .1. nu I tonlzonso owing thong atal uta maladieve Tobernbcs..Sitankaptioch• tgae lammte.., Eli kinds, atonneruipth A' sot all ihneesra,T , '' l. =l•W s tni h rrilteTrof ty betie,noi by thews of one compound sal, , Air la inconthantde with Physiological Law. teat b Ow me eto hie nunolles.aohtni 10 ..4rn.aihear....F4 • Li.. Rove, Toole Ahlmtl».rills, nines and, actifinithr M in7z g riv ' er 4 o - =t7Z rkr. . thtztalTot t=r 3.' r tile the foan eintheneen well,. obi thiktha atard:,:. nattodj.r.tillltnalhri to mum prawn.. • „ ' ted to fitle diatom. , but being mtbenal that • lathe trial ~-. isentilekult to establith what hembo;itithenthdlioaf The afflicted are thatted to rail earth *od d •-• gum (wrath) one of the Deaden bet, Wei glthalt• - ad asu®t of each nannlycond oliosuon. • II • ' for'gnats "salt Eaton/Irk al troll so by want dfOrlh , , , J. &bona:maker a tied • Jtoephtrklej I,Darllnetm,lteani ' John Elliott, hon. 'Path% ' • • • • ' • 1 • r. 7 . CONFORT - .AND BELIEF;. , L, ,, l'::"' gat.TIMAY.F.LICTED , wiII :be . (maid itir r .',! ' - -poen c-mentoors • 1N11.141.17131 LISIBLEPIyr' R^V: , ce - . Fittlelorbleh hotrod the test of thittegeeresnrAb a end has. beyond a doubt. lot the memo et wee= .: • - =Teo athoanads at' indirldmin in Waves toyer , . 'i. '' .elste sod elveracter of dleettee. Ire feel than wwbseard enrist... - t~ gin 141tYlnxttat th.l4 is tie only gredleinethwe be born. Ltr,m4 in um, ~.4 edd t.b.14 ar..e , inavorzsacinaul•worec' '. , ir ban amyl, sod h repebli of using mews disown than': „ OM Otter medicine °bared - for mak, on ore Itor bp,wbose 7-- last ir . the gni/ 0 itto Implored its She ibeng t. , , impotent Medieinnthst as ever Teen pantroleed god Mail ..,.:, a el the Ma.. Of Levert Rae y . L. or. meet agreetbra , , fo k .Yarnill .leine ever. erterr4 vale, or. wed 'try - wee/ -., ~., vill.. w.,' ' 1:..:n ht The Boa 3inea 11. Grin:Wl; 31, C.: Ili ...a.... .„ t il or . . ?l := W a i ..wri ,49-, tt}4. , :tgitos u r - c: -.• 7 .. Toon end a but a a.. .. " torlehed citizens of New '''''' '',- gor who hare Polly tested II merits, love permitted the v 1..-: proprietor torero-to them..' As it is poll known that Petmot .31edleineme• hlt e . DU p relit aliol lief the IV , weal th y and pollee eirMsp, , lee nen undoubtedly o feel cum...lees highly mitre Timed. ,Thi• W.tuder PM Compound , his has Aura • Fenn munrimforetyplie. Its rust friends as. ee stemmas; met Wt. most nuslouttedly ls Moog movisteinis _proof its poem' - useful miss end alueldre"'".- v iltioa. leis upereetign sumed li vez al nervous dialepan,,,, iores,ssid saes thieLlSTsrieVir • Ora LOAM bot Ur. tare Men mid medusa maipliMet....,:s, and ban pediment- . utemishhar CIMJI, eller MI other ,-- remedies neve felled, us -would maw ens mit • `L . oirmodtMut in our rauteutiou. the rtrar• Waage .ti. '- Ibis toolltsloe.or suitecerNi steady, le merpmed Ilitiormme % fa intersuil at se user.' to.. It acts dire* Riff'.l*== 4 :—Wr l lthailVlT4l .-- .1.::-I, • imemooMe alkali.. Mama o the Elam" Watteau itt meta oularnale. ll= stator. cm" It Pau , la Mb rib. •Z. err, llmum Chelud Ogden ♦,finmedeer, pad t 7 the MASI war. jt la put. up In tonr.. two. Put Parbilllbtr - ' kl 4 .. •. • 'To ' : - :.l , 44WiCthe•Pitteburg4 Osseva',',._ .".'-:-:;'. 'DV . IC ATTENTION 19 respec*lly in-; 7 .; ~._ .1 .to the lollowl. tro th ; eel der. tare att. fre .' - ' teee of mootilnpoplant remedies of =dam MP. ;•..] - :• • '.i' I' WM. MAUCH - lt le esot zoont_thsa es : , _. year a. dope cc ilagreat cc Rat Mart. was tbil I , -: W.% ... r..A.P.... ZUU,C .r illpft=t t itirs -:, mbn c rril, RW sad Inier t gat.Au u p It th. . Um' '.•' 4 1 % ' ltW'VolMuctlivet h . tta. -" V:tetr a t iruk useet= ::, : , .41 other ocatrutos hams home fortotrea: The e a t. !1 eleturei iietootdrt elsbmated. ha the detpttes of the earth ' ..• c ia power sed ;ivory that Magus to acorn all drum. '• -., ~ ei. ,. „ Pelitiote• -.llra our dote c te . we verde abou Paulo t: toed cli, i , , . , r . ~ 'Wel to dealt tr thetr. ate who rosy t r oy to tr. oar roo/6' ~, derr. t Iry or otatearootr. • no etes ere very apt to latch as ..- aby throe that womb. fact Itoos - dise.r , ••A story dos — •-" hardly be li4 .highly . errought to weer the okra. of milt: ,-..'., Isks n- btimtialtrUle =Meal theft. • llact.dill . not dal., a - todo this: me are armicorsooly tbsi the usable veleta= to; _ 7 car remedy should be tat to order totartme kw it i lei., ,::: . tad= far avenedbar..y. l .4l.mtVeleltt the na t al Ma. ' PrabsurrearotsMed fecte--teleera that essybe in mee t ly artelehorboral, bear ample teeth:sum rat ras, -.1.,, , • . Rittkl, ty t l.Tt., liton.eht. C. , . of oar Pitt 'crab.; •'• " .1,,,,, nra ... tau; have be. Tat- Weed bsalcht., pm, .. err*at r.. of um...the an of ObaN:itave twit, ; , ared, :And,alte. the came of et mmtlespautubeuereeturts. - ' Va. irae..de. bottle. ere sues mar hr.; cod 1...kr ,_ , , be reternst to he Soy Perla. who have doubts bathe et. , sect- Thee curare.. coma eibte the,' n.t t.mn.s..tdos; , • ..l b., pre7...e.or topelem Tit...retro/et. VIII ;tun.; .. • ~i,,. mrad.seeeralltelt ttf.l,.cdgic,...ict . eti,,,,.. TiTcarl ,, . l a• R lo t =l , Z.," dcre rr., Ai' Tat" t f , ".7 wmc. l =pkit!!& l l 2 l cc state, Lc.a raaL c lr c ez t , . .. psi.,•navvi, Cra - MAW., 4:941Rg .. WO.; ~ pe.g...am___ ~i i..t..41 i .44;,. i.titki.„..--; , -. a. z .... 167 . r . , / ..4.4 em; Formal 8ah.... , : 1... gad' %ha la ' barp dimes. prat. tili a rem Via Um,' ' LOOS perfect inume. , .Cerdlicatee that edit wt.. sepia . ;• the beads rtithe mreletreorho will tolvo pleasure le Wm!. . trac them to thee..., erthelyal.44. , IV betever-others' in ter about their modulus; Us : P Vte "'"l 44 gr 5 ,.... a I. %,.. ' kbylielll. _ , g ths. 4 =l, Sea. . Tittlir I,2=ll:li t I ° l%l. . „1 . • -d.....mv.H. rikr„Tratt.unt..3.-etirzli.Tl ~- ' i: ~.........iz.... ~..„,,,.:. it Dine v. ~.,.,. mt. suedlides eves ...red. Ire tale v Wm. .4 no. - .: tIq.,!YT d; ..KEyllritiLii=illll,...sitiliF,L)cdt.A.:-,:i.,,: .^.. ......u. ..1.1:1A . it5,C1 , 14.t20. - . 'ate r = , 6=14.4 gi.ri:.rnliairirCeirTir.t. V,v ...T16 , 0_,...u. 1 i,:. 16 1 ELLERS' IMPERIAL. POW -YR t Li otako: and Mr. IL Bendcr...-.117,/ttldreetle'uthereisee V4iik subject. troubleeotoe sod lamb* wed &Smoot =wiles 10 ',err link ran., I. vas 1 odocel. by edver• tiseetdote JUGS, riSIZ F... P bw Elr/l &Md. 4 rlu it to u rzainulg u l.r atostadr rem 41.11 tremnaelubod it to toy oelsttre; and do Oscot a....,1& Indira n to the ben ,ottgh hoodku. that bib or beta earrol tbo PAX , . • . - • •,•% Autos.. Aztteroliiis: p u b aheald roof piton they ...iolldjtia enEet.ittou ;. roach: Lbw u.f my td eur, i „j by a -5 cs b 515110 of tpta 61 Wood .4 aol.t laug..ut -VEET MEDICI ztstore. sad for !ale (tenon id:meat • VArittk;kl &altar • .- Ncirrilud Hooper's • . B.olt r Anti-Drrind , ruirefornti lutMt • • "prier, 150.1.:' raw 011atMeak asost~tO g:* 1 I z - • ThilaUded . Dar.. "."" ^-1171141,1741147 SEEM 'ES, a c. —A large stock • the =,,,, litvral terms, Ws. ;Amman, t...ils - . • isstsrasu'pj t,,• , , klajtase da - bialtba: -': '' fki=fl t " lr ' elf ** ' Carpenter's Extract of }intim Danes Canduatlys • pep:w .11 7 ,...,,, fh, thi, :"... ,, Ci..lrl vi 6.4. aIe...."MW; 2.,.. - / 41 ..?. retrpertatat -' " •• AkrAot - . ''.' ... -, ctlvreu " nunc"n tn '''' ",..,.. i. ' '9 . de , ner'J mains= rs vontist • , dam Ttseutss .'.• '., t.Oll dUaralltr'''