The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 26, 1851, Image 2

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    forfeiture of the fend, why Gum Ithas teen for.
feitel by the North as well sa the &ath, and tos
body claim it except some old seperanuated
preacher who was unable to be present and taker ,
part in the General Conference or 1844. ' -
I submit that the Conference had power to di.;
vide itself. • If it were not for' the factlities)of,..::_
trivet 'which hope been discovered, I suppose
- that no man would have disputed the -right of
lbe-Gettetat Conferences:-one East or the Alla: -
- gheny mountains, and another West. - -The mere
Jim coley ortratel,wonld have beencentidereda•
ettMeient chine for a separation by every ration.
lie cited Emery's Irtstory of the Discipline tq
!chow the, power of the General Conference Olen
• ro el:tinge the whole descipline,. and read vole:
~.:micens extracts from the Book of proofs No. I,
showing the manner inwhich the separation was
bMieetithe.liethodist Churcheit of the
Stites and England, and between those
of, Canada end the United States. The General
ioted 104 to 53. that to separation of
- - SheCUMllan Methodists was constitutional and
expedient '
It Is true thatthe 'Tote was afterward reonaid
ered,' but.vres. on the ground of inexpediency,
.and there iano reason to tompoie that the 104
members,, who voted: for the resolution' of Semi
ration originally, had changed their deliberate
:views as to its constitutionality. i There was no
erillenity as to the Separation oflhodies, but the
whole trouble grew out of the separation of
fonds. , .Ind I must confess that ..tthe course of
my examination of this cue I he, a been aurpri
zedihat'a body which has in Its discipline man,
.•ifestedsath devotion to honorable poverty, should
-.clears have Aso mach &faculty when there is any
tiousyto be divided..- /
When no left, .Mr. , Lord had been ,sPeaking
amply three;hours, and the Court suggestedthat
-then, had batter bo on intermission-often or et
'teen toinatm, bet he .declared that he was not
6ted; pad thanking the Court its courtesy,
voieexted with the argument. '
The audienee.,was not quite ed numetons to.
day is it the earlier stage of the lease. Among
thou presene.wifirotiCed Judge Storm of the Fin.
preteet'oert of,Connecticut , and ; the Rev. Dr.
h'ining of this city, who seemed to listen to the
'proceedings witli mach interest.
• ' roam J. careammEN.
•rtsit of the President and 'his 'mite, and
r.ll . the circumstances connected therewith; were
of,tlie Moat satisfactory pad grifying character;
•eitija:kingle exception. Mr: Crittenden' came
tiii'henddect by whisk reputation as a plena
logarid 'effectlyn public speaker, and ons'eitlreel
anticipated . Much &light in listening to his elo
- anent 'etrani: They had heard often and much
of his oratorical powers - in tho Senate, at the
tar, and before popular assemblages,' and they
were rsioicipg te the .prospect of hearing for
• ' Bet Speaking so frequently la 'the
tho front New York to Dtmlark,
lord ateetisti his voice to each a degree that on
lily arrival bore with the President, he could
renrcely, otter a. loud word.. Aid up to the time of
his . deporture this morning; his voice had =lre
,l,iitated its natural - tone—which, by the way; ie
one - of {lie Most Musical we ever 'heard. The
disappolotatent Was eererely felt hy CU? eitizene.
The curiosity to;hear hbrr was great. With the
exception, of Meisra . Webster and Clay, no nounla the his clicited.a mom general and pro
found-inter:eat than Crittenden. He 'is es
teemed a fftaial; frank; hearty, : unselfish gen
" tleman, whose_ impnises are all 'patriotic' end
high , toned, with abilities of the find order; and
ouch experieece.r In public effairs. as to it hint
tor bey offiee.under thci Constitution..' Mr: Ad-
Urn s who knew men better, than almost any body
eise;nomitudal Mr., Crittenden as alustice of
the -Sepreadi Court of the United States twenty
two years ago—a circumstance (Mita ornelusive
cs to his legil ability and maim.' tnents. He was
most favorably impressed with onr city, end Te
grafted his inability to address the citizens, add
ing, however with the modesty Of true genius,
that his'repulption as a speaker stood higher in
the obeying ong . 4.frictids than it would if he
Lad bee:table te give our people a - specimen
[Pupto Con.
Me.'Gnsitax—The Secretary of the Nary. is
a.Soesg plan, and wool chicdy kndern to our
Zeus as'hating been ti inefal member of the Sen. -
an and (lovernor of the Good old. North State.
'iii held no public, oration-when; the .• President
tendered him n post in the Cabine;,and the du..
ties de7olved upon him - as the head of the Ns*,
Department, although delicate, onerous and ire.
cement, arena of a description fo attract ci b
ile attention. ; it isle:torn to those who hare -en
made ace - I:minted with . the facts, that. he btu dm:
charged them acceptably, etheiently; and. - --with'
that discriminitionand, indepeapence 30 , e 3300.
• nt to the well being of , the service; but of this
most of ourscitizens halo little knoitledge. Mr.
qraha c ct. came among ua, therefore, without' the
prestigo of a national reputation, ;bd. the hr.
pressiou he Ida mode,waz predneed hy Ids per
eoaal ipalitiesand intriesio merits 4000- These
are of such - a character that he ineMled • no' ad--
vraitions lid id Win' the respect and goodwill of
all who had an' - aoitunity to make his acquaint,
lance; or hens' hoi public "addresses,;. Be is a
r2edest, 'Unostentatious ; man, of courteous man
ners and frank-bearing,. withexcellent'sense, and
a ready Aptitude' for any circumstances thatmay
" arise. Hteelbantiotf is Sue, and he speaks with
It fluency end Eyrie that are highly effectbre..He
carries with hit:dile e.pinioll,etti etrt B !- 0.61.
ourpeopleßufate Com.'
Fro% the Non'h Anen:i:mi ill Nava*
razaprum , voutarcerolutar DZSAlrdir -
-4721,3120112 01310 Mg. - , „ii
About half pest eight O'clock:-last canning ~_
steamboat onia;,irith-the passengers by • ' ie .u a
tern= line from - Statimore, Ras saint the af-,
main fermi:eat Cominotlora Siockter ~ , i , b/' l'he' . .-
distance below the Navy Yard. : ' '"ri 0 short
The boir ash° Ohio was knoekl- - - - ',_-_,
off, and the. Stooktoit'serionSly , . - . 1 9 1 2.``'! .
conimssion •nnd. , ereett" Woe+
. a. ' crIVP& ' .4 1 '
=sng therplussengerair',„„i ~ erritu,ce ,:ereli!ll
was increased tcish-" ---- , _7 - atternalaw'r.a.' I
erg that thishr.` ..i M it , " . " . pitch by the,discor-
Made' , ...sinus rr..Plilly Oleg. - . . '
itti ' - :Anne- steams' i' .iitut edited for ilia ,Fee.-.
Naomi and wv, be ached by 'the pilot near
,:eighty's Point. At f.ast, .11 was thought that
there waste') ierme.fir.tedangen Ind it nuefound
that the'.vete, re wer'pocring In at reloaded rate,
' bid that the dires,o 9 tall on board were in immi
The panierigetn - wire - driven from below and
formai to • filename the cabins and seek the most
• '. elaratod plicea'af• eafety ..oa the decks._ The
scene 11%3 one:atthrgreatestadarm. end. '
desaaiptiad.'i - ' - : ' -- I ! - ' -. .
The O.' , suddenly ; slid - intoleap water, : sob-
tanrsilli t herfOrwi rd 4 ec. Y , 7/Tralh9ilue
The alarm's= "quickly Sten. to the o h by
the Captains bout sad the Aar*, boat; V pion
end's number if Small beige promptly. to
' l ' the • a id . ' th e passengers , whO wer e; en
from the Ohio barely in lime , to preven t I their
' Ineeting‘a4ateri graie. . ' , . .. , ~..
'Amy artiie peasengers plangiid let° the nrer,
and it to be honed that noue of these
'drowned,' 'l Oar informant; Mr s Jahn Vigil's, Te 1.....
..... ' egrsph Agent,' eased his life by swimming ore.
• .. - There ' were, about One hundred` passengers
aboard, quitk, am:caber of whom were ladies and
children..- It is feared that Boma - of , the ; latter
:'.perishedi'- A report prirraileidthat etre child wan.
mown to hire' been lost. ' The; geo,cral. belief,
. 'honorer; aPpetired to be that every Soul cecina.
• We truly hope-that this - easy prove e 0; • .,. That
numbers were not drowned , is indeed world!rf4-
, .
' A portion of the rescued passengers werelard
- ed as South street wharf bythe:Champlen, and
were received with every attention and litulnela'
by Mr. Taylor, of this Red Beak Perry Moults,
end his family. .Theistestaerßtata Mightairent,
down to bring up the rest: - . •:::". -'.
• 'Nearly all the passengers lost their baggage
' and ot4er er‘vtnleanks, etc. ; floated away
into the river. .6.37 te.nimerchantlesiSi.Boo.
Nothing hardly ; saved Sum" the boat. In
twenty minutes from the time of the collision
- &shad ablest entirely disappeared; a part of
,fier upper deelt, vehel hove, azalobizetwy Brack
5 being all that was visible In - the dark_
the Ohio wan a nible boat-one of the largest.
011 oat waters, anda favorite: ; She NU some
twenty years old.. ..
..The trotorm well as ' *ss the Company' who
owned her,- will deeply, regret her leni,
The mdebrated lfie' Carson 'and a . insdhes
other parsons arrirni at St. Lonis,, on tho 12th
instant, -fryer SanM. Fe. A "party of:Mexican
'seders alst, , :arrired en the same day, among
them two Anthem j of ExAoiemor ArmiJo.—
Vhey rerrt having met many Indinna of the
Artapshoo.:;hlyenne, Camanchn and Pawnee
tribes: The Latteiwere rather wnfriendly, bat
evinced= dispinition to moles:111cm, the party"
being too stnmgto edmit'of any hope am:moms
in an attack. 'They alrm met -many' Indium of
various tribes at the fort ea the CamhrOue. Who
quite friendly and orinoed a disposition to
Us. Ennms, the American Agent at Me
World's Fale, i says he honestly. believes that the
Antericons' have within: dm crystal Palace the
.best piano 'torta,..kcat carriages, wagons, and
coaches, tie beat ploughs ,ana winnowing me
etings, the best eatMo md 'the best demists'
tools, - dentist work, and, laboriming machinery,-
and that, it justice. he accorded, we shall re : •
calve upon Mern all the highest, premiema. In
the.department' of tools and!
triune:es, vihich ,abocutd. in every woeeshop in
the United Stites, fihe representation at the sir
,Satoia..m:The East duo Ull
- theneetriliw dantarnin meat cbildrea - and'
abeeneens trine; leihoel, :CAM Wore Juane@ Ea
gels 70W410.,"1"iii defendant - wen &haulm,:
tea yeari of age tosunid John O'Brien: , and we,
lanrento have playadiraaae newel :times. Ms
miter tintified this ;lila:Alin esitool, he wea a
vITY gied beii-hkitiM;heti.,eheented Windt ee.'
frequently, Tait - his .taste bed itriebor
from the niL.rtre:wiur,i4olmced.,to as amities
- ioNiaimulnent: to tirilastaa of,Beltiva—eßinner•
~ 4iTze3,vacts.
-410NDA - MORN7Net; MAf 28 1851
Mir The W/45 and /Intimations of Alle
stmr most' r nisia m Betosdar, the I.t of Mer.
Mx-. et the ataal alas or batons / =s em= h.
the TonsahlareeneetinrlT a 3 *Wet. P. IL. sad la the
temal,Wentsikad Ittrooehoi al eth4. td select
111 "NOW llcaa 'etch *tidies DGti4ot.'to'a Coaaty Coo ,
maim. to he held at the Coast eons, at Wtda.darYea.
4th ". Jaa• mart, It 1.3.0'e/cek. /OW: to mums cvlssty
sosgssusai mess:m.7 to the mat Genera Vlsction. and
aln to VP:dzit atelvtat to the, stet.,snio. mat
at Lisiout., th, n th a Joao. • •
imam am,
Wat. C. harts See`i. . of Comadtts.
HALLITCII6IIO- 3 C; B. Courtney,
Esq.; is out lit the' Yolt - of SaturdaY, in along
einet stronterdelet to define of the truth and re
ality of ispdritosl,rapOnga end other misnifesti.
lions. Re is violent In Ms d - anumiatinti of Mr.
Barr, whose lecturest on, and impositions of Mote
things, during Me list week, 'attracted so much
attentiotikeisi Tlutt kfr.Courtney is perfectly
eatisied - that the • wonderful thlnip 'be hes
stated heretofore, *swell as in the sutkie bAfore
ns, are all veuity luiventi,lind of doubt, but
. .
we are abnost equally stue• Mat by tome bans
poets ho Ms been most egreglormlyhumbugged.
That hp ham a Able mind is manifest from the
force with which he but that there is a
soft place aomewhere ; equally manifsist, not
only from hie eitrutudieutry credulity,. but from
the extreme W teMper he exhibits towards Mr.
Burr. No we do not think it at all =musty
thm we :shixold: become the Champlain of that
gentleman; but we may perhapi be permitted to
state that lit . ..tut we heard Mr. Burr say In Ma
course.--and we hea:rd the greater part of M.— .
there was not • word in the elightert degree of
fensive to any' man or woman in Pittsburgh.
'Mit he was very' . severe upon some persons
whoin he had, detected in sheer trickery is very
erne, and atill more so upon their aiderand abet
ters., Now he succeeded in his object may be is
"matte;:of opinion" perhaps; but to our Minds Ms
facts and explanations were pefeMly eonelaeire
and the testimony borne by the audience at the
close give him - .a signal triumph.
It is with reluctance that we saiiny. - thing
upon such subjects. Tide much, however, we feel
to-be day to truth. and Wrung.
The feasibliity end propriety of capitalists en
tering upon the work of establishing a large Lo.
coreotive Engine hiannfacttny in this place, which
we have discussed in the two preceedlng numbers
of oar 'taper, are abutted by all.
,Nene . that
we have seen diseeated from the arguments ire
have used to show the importance of the uncles
bliing. Bat it has been urged by some, that
we hate already estatliehmente capable of man
ufacturing Locomotlies, and one in particular
;Las been referred to at baring been erected
partly. if not pindpally, inTiOW of that especial
object - .All that'' is nettesarY W say in reply to
thislirso of algal:sent is, that any establishment
r now existing in littstnirgh, Which is prepared to
=et lasonictives as wall 'and as cheaply as In
Philo dolphin and Satan, may be assured of fall
etniwyment. - There is room enough, and work
1 eaaaga r for two or, more first Wass manufacto-
ries of Loscoacitive4ne.nee,aad there is no mom
fat: selfishness and Jealousy where a baable33,
eXcond to none in the cotantiy, waits the grasp
o f nil who haft the eaterprize v and skill to im.
!iron it. What we W 4 Line established her e
' is a townsfactory of the class, capable . of
turning ;outwork in the very best, and mutton.:
amnia], andrepld meaner. !tie only in thir way
that weans hops to compete with the east and
with cinch:wail. All; the, wall establishments
in the east have hal to euecomb, being unable to
compete with, such =tamalee works as those of .
lir. lieklwin and the Idessra Nortia If any
1 ore tottering themselves that Pittsburgh can
Obtain a character
. for this kind of manufacture,.
and can thus bring business to the place, by en-
gaging in it on a small wale, and with a I:mild/I
w4ritsd, they may prepare thornier' for a di 1.•
appoint:teat. 'An establialunent orivs,ecale . to
Imam axe= rainirea an awe of ground d G re
;or al; acrakand•a capitat to gan 'fib, .cefrina
$120,94: 0 4349 $/ 6 0,000. ' With nufs a fowsiation,
under the direethii of aclegnrop skill as.d =pc
risawi, er' prudent, maaarq an ye
Plages, and tltta 4l 4l l, /war wottivei bee °mess fa-
ratow throughout the V, est,. 'as PitteouriV iron
We ley 11 0 11 4 *'ore is no. ground for jealousy
— "there ,is *llk' 4999aigh far all) and for ell the I
„,,- ~..
” ca pital, , , !.,ad energy 14' tan bring to . bear
Upon it i so 4 , we spin reiteiat e our hope . that
Vic 'l6 9 Fl*Man We referred to in. one. previous
artklPYrill not be starred to depart until sea!
' ciit , Pif,,eratots. Are made to commence a locomo:
the .. manufactory , ort as extensive
that will turn cut /0 64, F i ti i .e, 4 10elii 044 /4 .I.
clo.iwicter for ini*Csidbiting its fruits.
eaccarsehltnorionent Of Count
32,14n1t0, splint the'•o7entment of, not, the .
<inetrit, bat COnnt de - Moroi?, the hail of the
31121: Atry, is not nit Arent of. ntuch importance.
It to lna rendation, but merely a chimp of
auY la a ba4 far a 'Tarlar-fseeom ,
plished by itnerenction ind minter,. force.
, . .
The exttente tuopordarity of. Count, deg Tito
rearin. Saint. in , the perfect ease with' which.ho
was !lifsen from power—Saldanha •• Is - scleip• in=
debted to tide firr his'saecess ; for itsaid he Was
in MTV:teat front Oporto, frightAniodia.ntbrat
of ;the Oorenior, , ,then, an eiprats followed hint,
and irtfonnaildta:thit the troops in Oporto had
risen 1.11 WS &Tor, ands bronght bim back y in tri
woe.. ' . •
. .
• The setts:saint : chieftain It likely to be called
tofill Thortuies place, which is all he vented; and
he being supported by the troops, the queen has
no alternative... Thu liberalists,. it is .rald, have
no Con/Ideate in him, and had nothing to do with
the lite taovernertt., The whole affair appears to
hare stiller' out df , a blind devotion oti the pert
of. , the eoldlers to s, MOM, 'without lOy reference
be - political principles.. .iind the essi with which
it 7faa Iltp9.l44Shak only, proves iht:ltolidity and
intlifferenee of the people of ?Lei I.
BALI.. or Itrouo , larvo. l .--We ottani=
to the Bala otimblic 'Units at tlio had office, no
.111Oklon, I.l4socicr, on:the linnsid 16th of Bep-'
toiniine :Sprint:l4M, Mo., on tho
18 8 th' August nut, scioertiscd this 'japes:.
' 2 A Naxos that the yid= of Alexanti Enztil-;,
Ufa - was dtag, cOntimailaid: Dug veneitlitle,
1 4.7. -1,011 " in her Hai., tall liming lit
Yrukington , fie the enjoystent oteceellent hada.
Cona.—The lfew'ffirk Sun komi very bloody
tooling article purporting to be a-letter from
Pint Principe, Cuti, giving, an amomt of the
arrest_and imprisonment of nine "post eminent.;
ufeated,..n4 and Cantiinirig
meet grandiloquent _thrust* of what they will
do In the way of irritation and,vengeMme. -
Divested of - Ali fusl/On.:MM letter gives 1.3 the
la* *Lai: Iroilieiliorioni hives been unesti,d, and
that the MUM' am' in pinion of, Mk*. -.This
much is probabViinei but 'tie Sus Viing such
Apocry;el; '4M : ft Sag relating to
Cub,a,'Sit:weint, dtpendlumi VW any
Hag It nays;,. : . r.
°Forges, Alconitt Tar jpessirtuares
o , ncninn4-01n Bonoot:-..We lafeleitreAy &on
1 few mice* of - tie i;rceanvotAihis,--bodr,
ligo of
,dnfo 'only, hate yet •
reeched . o •allailiaallia, to
m girt 'I sum
ry of tho tom imPoregAti 4mmo from day . *
Od kedv, oo 301101; of ;fir. Strut, ittru
dab:Pia,* Will/Zak* ilia, tba Geremil Air;
*O4 *3ll proud,* thy ehonfun of a Proonos"
of (Motile:4 Biblical yufF,oro, for the West
-2heOhtf4l Ownhnity l l
`fion*Y4* dbionnili fin noszotio is
the:P4iaajl ' of the tie* iol-riombor7, of
Allegheny, Dr, wan znads- - -the . "Wqr
denusit van sundonted:
••P. :80'47 P. D.: Wre. *444, it 4. Me-
Skeels, 'John Stooktan, V. D.,,JaluvlCar, : lasock
Meandoiistnholoingi, AleuiondeJOhnsoo;
Beoi.TrAftkno, •
committee reper - itfar*of extetgeVesi
I <b l 4itliill*'#inviettOK.;•4letter2fkom..7,..
it," - Aloklugfr, n - anontpnr, of the oonnoignopbut
who vet p : iamt, 411 s
liwprsjogn. Tho 5122:'W
of& ‘4O -4 00:704•44:
~'.L ij
licrowrawr Dionnu!.—Our readers 'Jilt:lnd in
„,,,,,,,p 3cl a aoluuln,the deciiigM of Judiat*le
iss thelase of the sbiietr-',2, the conto!,--Ceiii-.
ethadasiers. ki r ill twiseew that acec*llwg *lt,.
,thelieriff wilfhoseiill the money, amcitinittiglO
about two thoniand dollars, we, understand,.
which bihas 'hem obliged to pay to thiiiiilhtiiy
companies cUletioat by him to suppress Unroll
ing mill riots. We presume that the case will
be spnied to the Supreme. Court, butif fttlionld
not we trust , that the . proprietors,of the VP' .
'rims rolling Milli; wkaapropertY wall probably
eared from . , destruction by the energy .4
proMptitude of Sheriff Curtis, will make the*
1 loss good to hint.
Want ZING Muuri.—The invention of Mr.
Lecbare, by which oxide of zinc has been made
to supply the place of white lead, is one 'of great
importance, 'aid the society for the promotion
of National - Itidustry in Paris, has granted a
medal of gold, worth $B,OOO frinto, to that gen
tleman. The nee of white teed has always pro
'dewed the moat deleterious effecttpon the health
of persona engaged in the business of painting.
In 1828, not less than 8,142 persons entered the
Paris Hospitals, attacked by disease& originating
in the use of white lead; of Ilene, 1898 warted
at white lead, or at a minimum, 112 'painters,
6a grinders of colors, and 10 preparriso .viait
ting cards and porcelain Surface. Hitt 1846,
(h i e
no person has been attacked in M. tecla' 'a es
tablishment, nor is there any farther e, th e
sanitary qualities of lino rendering a ll forth '
danger of colic or palsy at an end.-7 ,' '..
A new paper, called the' Weekly Agrifu,"
edited by J. W . . .llsson, Esq., bee madeits ap- ,
palinode in West Grecarille," , llereei county,
'Pa. It is neutral in politics. . Was;'9reetteille
Is quite a flourishing place, and walnut that
seen be connected with it by a plank
'road or a rail road. •
The residence of Oeneral Cam, in Detroit, had
=few escape from datructios by tiro a fay
days ego. The fire taught from a stove pipe in
the bath room, but was extinguished by the ex,
ertiOns of the citizens before it had done touch
Dater from Litutritopl, !Vey 100 t Lc7don 10th;
The Cunard etestne.!, Africa, arrived .this
morning st o'cloolt, from Liverpool, hay
ing made the pane& in.lo days ..1g hours..
The news is not:of Much general importance.
In the house' of Cat imone, a station by Mr.
eiyky, to repeal the Molt tam, yea defeatedem
the frith, by a majority of IN. This may 'oort.
sole the Ministers for their defeat oa Lord biass's
lifhLeky tax motion.
.0n the 9th the Miniatern again had 79'11111,-
10:Ryon a Mr. I Irquhart, *lmbuing
that the Papal aggression had been encouraged
by - the =duct of the Gov ernment, end con
demning the letters of Lc rd John Russell on
the subject.
On the 9th, in reply to citation in the House,
Lord Palmerston stated that the Hoop:ion ret'r.-
gees in Turkey had' not yet: been liberated, kit
be hoped soon would be.. He also stated that
the Bridals Goverrunee.h :lad looked after the
French °Cognition of Boa no. that the French
Vent /tern e,t the rectotat 'of the Papal °arm ,
mew; end that they 'Mat ,given aeturences , that
they did not Intend to °every. the City yeinaa- F
neatly., He did not laY, ht mew:. that errfami , '
bad teat fired for their withdrawal.
- • -- .
Tile Great ExhiVition cotdinues the came oh-
Vet of universal , Attcatlon. Thousands visit it
tlnliT, and the receipts for admission feat are
enormous. They ars from $lO,OOO lb $16,000
a day. , • . . • •
To the Austrian part of the Erhibitiou, a foga
twin of Cologne It - r.ter is &beta to be eet up era
kept in mutant f,ow.
• A big screw ist earner, the American trade,
into be launch, 3 on the Clyde, in June Ebe in
.to be 290 feet long, and no measure 2,100 tom
The Ear/ of Cottenham, formerly Lord High
Chancellor. 'of England, died at Lucca, on the
20th tilt, aged 70 years.
By the v wetland mail, nears from British India
bar been - received to April 3d. All is tranquil.
From :the cape of Good Hope there are ad
vice' to April - 4th. Thera has been some fight
, nig, hat. not very serious. &lame of the Cape
11100.1af d rifles have gone over to the Baffin.
Gltaardiahas made. in the Pn mc, a terrible as
sault upon Gen. Changer:der, a t the same time
not fravetting bin old fee, Gen. ,Carairmac. Ile
soya that in March, 1848, Chan* under- vent to
Ledru Bonin, the Minister of th e Interior, and
proposed if the Prot . :3'l6Ba! Goyim:extent *Quid
ere him 12,000 men, to be selects ci by him from
the mks of the Army, to descend upon Eng
revointiottlre the Island,- and tome :MU in
to s republic. ;
Mr. Guardia sires -no proof .or. this charge,
but says that If necessary ha can furnish theca
at any time:. Ile says that if (Bantam:tier dose
not,respcmd, it will be equirahmt to aeonfeesiaa.
Vp to'the latest dates, Ginudha persisted - la
these amertimia; but neither Champ izider earCa[
aignac had responded:
• • Me' e rug and Qtteeil of Prussia are going to
.irsesser to suet. the Emperor . and Etiopreire of .
Enashs. The Emperor of AusWireAs expected sa
the Tr A l tutanjenntals annoniee the eki44Lhlg
of •the Diet for the /2th lost The Berlin p 6 Pbke"
doubt it it ik rpt determined." Tbe represtulfa.'
tives.of the small states begin to orrice.
The Drestlext Conferenees are to end abane.the
15th inst.; witeh Prince Schwarsenberg and ,M.
de Mantentrektrill orrice to assist at the closing
ecenes. An enormous amount of business ban
been transacted, and it is hoped with good Tr
suit to German peace. •
The following intelligence arrived at ',2iladrld
from Lisbon, on the 'Cat inst., at 3 P. , M. The
Queeti of Pormgal boa nominated; Sal denim
President. of the Council of Ministers."'
Marshal thldanha had sent from' Oporto .
telegraphic dispatch to thc Queen, asimeing her
of by loyalty.
' It wan hoped the crisis would paaa without
any popular Inovement.
JENNY Len E.—There were not leas than eight
thousand pe coons at the Lind concert, in New
York, on Monday night, when Jenny sang "Hail
Colambis" A New York correspondent afithe
. .
Ledges say a:—
"I have not seen Jenny since she was last in
Nei York .—at Triples Mall. Last evening, she
settned to. me at least fifteen years older than
she was a: twelve-month ago ; .the long journeys
she has ',ravelled, the great excitement through
which ibe, has passed, the severe and extreme,
changes sad variations of clittisto which Abe
could not avoid—havo not been without an „Ili;
tunes up on herphysigue, I thought, ',painfully
mantfest. Her voice, how , r , yak tis.glorbins
A ceminV, teker,gning his round histfall; stop:.
pod at an eli ;gnat brick dielling houseithe ea=
act locality o f which is no bminens of own; Be :
was received by a etlif well , dressed lad h
could' well tier recognised as e•widow, of some
yearestanding.:: On learning the mission of
Visitor, the lady invited him to take a. seat in the ,
hail. Hiving arranged hiniself into 'siWerkimp
'position, he - squired for the number of persons
fin the family Of the lady. • . • .: • ..•
'Eight replied the Ist'including:73lsi.
,• . Val will-4your age, madam I'? • • • :
' umy age; air, " replied the lady,. with a pieta.
iiidigomed look, canative iu none of your
business what:my age might be—yoa are inglida
•. • "The law compels' me, Madam, to • take • the
age .of: every Iverson in the ward,—ita my duty to
make the •lngeap. ^
the law omapels • you * to ask, I , : pre.
sumalt compels me to acuswar Isun between
thtrtjend forty
vd"piesum• Pat means alittr•fiTilr'
"No air, it means no tus k thing--d'am' only • 1
thirty,three years of age." '
Yep well•taudam," instill* down this figures; •
'lust as Yon its;/. Now for is th ages of Med&
dren, commenting with - the ' youngest , ' it yea
please.'! . • • -• • - •• •
?sfelayldn%; Tounleets ten ./eati,ot:
"gbierra was twelve lass week." I
• •
' -"Clappers EN Ira has jusA tamed Mesa." - -
•'Cleopatra El isaaharsalag—iLfteerza" •
Angelina to lightest', sir, just atgtitesta.".
eldest, sad stily=t i ti a itget,
Aare Sophia, is:a Ilitho over twenty the •
'lsresty4tve dld you say, madam!". .
• - ..Yose sir; Is there anything remarkable k
• ao, I e suet say there is, • bat. is It zat
isowlsahle that ;yon should be Ate 'essay when :
rases= ssly eisebt yeses of aster' • •
,Abiss than time the 1111311113 Inli sa
;sowing oat of ILhe IMO*, closely punned 'hi a
.braosastisk, ' Is:was the USt time ho praised a,
bisly to (Its bleezact age. -• • • •
-of -thirlotomso tabeills
clmrd forth '..sesig4;sad ionel
, ..:t
.;•:,, ; , _
AstelevaPtilliMsPlich that iaditia
it iko wig nom ? uy arrested at Nighville r
49 ickarrtnte_Aa4 2 4 11 "4 1 1 14'. h 64 ?*,
a , ' ir t
• -
easstcmr il, ~anDA•P‘Mareb 4,
it - Ewa—Wu Mr, Tour Range= to workbag von
, 4,11 Pa Ws wklubTatllrrairtw a...would trunk nutosand
paiwp 4009 Petwer7nain Hamad
umr out, and lt 4 War; Inputrad Err almost erarr day.
itararattaa.Arbland "AO.. Idareb
. •
r X. EulP—.Deti rota. Agent. a lbw warts Warw.
tart wltb us four dons Rack WI. 'bleb so ban add
nem forward tour al dawn Iramoilatalr.
your Malkin) Is working 'random In Ws radon. Wat
on nt,niw sreenl wrnallf-Fd nartlpralor, roudealra them
;..11or aids by Layne t Mawr.% 140 Wood a. Jr.
&liars. IST Word rtroeb B. d. liabnaitook.
Word and li - outran/dr, D.lll.ourry. la A. Album .lorob
Doustaaa, and U. P. Sebwasts, Allegbrur. air., by 4k.
ju,pllalArer Cannl Baaln.Earentri at. ettra..b.
Poreig4 and American Hardware.
N0.i129 Weed Street.,
4 tall AoliciimWestaka FORSAiN IND 4Jawasti ,
faitable the spring trade, whkh th ey art papaya;
"to altar to purchasers at ram that wall, compare
lararablr with aai of the mikes chi..
kunirsiuxt . Company of Pittsburgh
10,41 Witiratroit, In the Irambotm. WV. H.
V. O. Ittrinrr:Prealden...4 blasts. Seer.
This Compan
od in y Lao. gresura Ly l toiromm LA merchandise
.. veNe to.,
i doom* onaraoty for the iblllt7 Cod' integri of. ns
loitation. aftordad Su Um oharectar of U.
mho ma 1,11: OHM= or Pittsburgh. salt sod •re
kmoso to the community trabsir, Lutelligorra,
Drscoss— lima HOW . mD or, Wm
. lag,Jr.. WOW n.llikD H l om U hd
lotu Haworth, S. Harhono. b. ra
:gerWe again refer oar readers. to the att
. .
entneittat et earners Amena zenttenothieh
rant Is mother toluum, stld by whith you Ida see It to
highly reconstneuded; au thle Is Sot all: he ptoduees tee
s:Lats. of Ogee who luso used it sod eisesteoced tubes.
ettelal educe. on thole out. tenon The cum ereeerUdle
17 rary ressesksble, sod at War the ausitelne to worthy or
trial. we eanet all to go to the Dinah en* int Anent
.. - psantler grub., ontehalizg a.. 131 sebsehts rfdPwlt.
Liu treatmeat of cattle, to. enyltalesr?2,cs '
D. 3l'Layes . ' 'Lirla Pussy—This
treat - thmedy for diction ofU.a liven too! moth OW
data than Its introduction to the rthlth OleCrettit.
doe of the grit chrticlans La tide continT,uswi it tor fur l
in Ide practice, tidy, ha our anthbutod is to the world.
The thicianco of co manT ilthoh =tog.% kowddrdnoPoic.
lecing the most Marvelous qualltiet fur healing on dlola.
'pes..ellegthrted an thrompUthwl and wcU etheatot phyla;
trier, who not-.tally felt come died of Wog confounded
with the crowd cf pretcodere to the ntedleal art, wh.i•
lbastruros were paraded in tray newspaper MI 19MligIll;
remedies g.r at,tu 111 s. that gosh to Nth to. no Mr'
tantatfoth of theei to wham We tante had girth MK Istw-:
weer. and the ardent tolieltaUoaabfphythWth with wloont.
to had aoccialcd to. Me Practice, end who had witruestal
the trenderfal cores effected by hie remedy, at length
dated blotto make It public.
... Israeli by
J. KIDD b C 0..;
On Saturday edorntra Yet, Sirs. 613.04 .0 of flei.Ur
balith Enna, la Weill year of her sac Ilta tritntti. of
tbo Welty are respectfully requested U. attend the (mem
al. thi. morning at 11) 22 . 404, tram ls” late ieeldensse to
South Pttlabstegh: .
New Music.
%.„.ar Lisult SM . ? mai'
ba4 Isouisltd. ..;;;ArAt. tau lova thou
boron that ate Isisbbist
h ' sii!'s 'S" l= "'"*.
lament of gar t /71154 do
Orphan Out
'f by Tik, is none to Imtt. ear.
Lament ail nu Irish nolgruot. Redd =I Lt oils by
Carle& Hair Hat:maim
VIAVE on hand a Lore stock of Matrass
toad. out ot unto Halo. note • Ina tuto
ow • oral olooos ouiL • • - No
nrni • Third street oupoUto the Pon or.
Westeraltutereace Compuy.
...... _
• . T ... .ITESIENT of the'assets of the Western
' h" 7 " :00 C 710gek "1 :—... 9( ..... M. 2 3134 ..... ....:.7... U. :...g19, 11'4 1;90 "r 00 4
ho. slums Stuck Western lantrano• C 0—,... :,h., IQ
Jhu../74 Th",i.. o.unt«i' —....... ...... ..... 4.474. ill
. socalsod for tlvoluzs..—.... ... .....---„. 1:1,04
. ; C;4142.1.4 iiiirlA . . V. IL 00110024
' may.2o.l3routtfr
SLLIi LACES—Large 'assortment,
"7'l ' 4 ' l4l. ' l'lof i
ILIOURNING GOODS—Blackllimbazines,
.01L - Alt...ykt Dr
- IVO. I MACKEREL-40 qr.bblo. extra, for
fluidly we, tee Wm by ISAIAH DICKEY OU.
say= • Water and Trout stp.
INDIGO--Caraccus and Manilla, 'on Mt.
.4...t0t. for sob by " ISAIAH DICK= it CO.
. mr2el • ,• • • Warr and Float ds:
ARD OIL7-Bennett & Jones' brand, for
RA ale br 50727 . 1811.A.11 DICKEY It 03.
bbls. Nt e ! i if ik or saltlzw.
. w ! s l ! n r. .
TORN—IOO ba. for sale b, - -
'saw v. a V. IitEDAVOIL
G 2 f rtr s.
a. bbl: for naitzscas
10 bb .1
.I ta t. tn .. ;
3 ' :* 7 " . • w.finnarou.
T EAM: ABLI-75- :tots' for ludo bzr
.110()PS-49,000 Split dab, for sale by
aa 33
TAR -75 bbls. - •
7 my= k BkNNETT.
NR 0 MAR. White Louisville, for sale
,'by 'by an. 25 . BENNETT.
s°rick FT. Poplar Boards and Sadu,
16 °U " u4g.
WISHING TACKLE--Canes, Rode;Lines,
nooks, to, vholessis sadbr
m 74 8 C. Ilarks4 stmt. corner at Zmi.e. •
WATCHES, in large variety; mkt at the
!mat iitala , eizteas cub plats, who and
. 10x7233 --.,4. M. W 1.1402:.
' t i oltio " .. I . lkM . 911 , 11*P
Cold Naas °CUM bed EflAtirsd...t L . u t.,l " A .
102r.IAJ - W. W. WU..3O*. .
cmics Bacoralamo, for sale by
AICH Crimson Velvet and Gold Pam
hum kr Drswlng irrjust reed from Poix
or man by - ' P. ~A LL, IS Woof st.
• •
4UP —ls the Dlatriet Cowl of Allegheny County. Vend.
:ha 274. April T.. MI. •
And now, to .in 5111 2110. 1851. the Court appoint Al.
4N D. aleCahnonh red, AndltOrtodlatri
of isle among /len triad/we. groan thy
• • (1E0110): ea HAYS. Proctir:
Ths sttcsul to duo doll. of his kphohltmou
hLs otkoc lio. I'lock , P. Monith .
steel, Pllkiburigh, ookloadky
• 23.,, at
oly=sr A.D. MCALMONT. Auditor... . ,
Amith's New Geographies.
.... •
, E ITIPS First - Book in Oeography; 'an in-'
trodoetay Geogr•phy, derignol ar .ftirdnlm_lauir
with Iga aPar•elaga.asul IV maw PP. Ilk Me -• ~
1 7. Eadtb Quarto. or Psond Book la tbrorraphy: • mem
. sad practical euttro of Geography, for Comm= fteh•3la.
..aWcolea. aad Familiars' dridad .0 A aa:laal WWI '
;Book: tliartrabod oithao a toel•map• aad noraaous hat
Tirtwa by Roswell . daa; .....11. at°, We. • • ~,
Nor ado..! : .. : . Is..IIOPELIZS,'- , '-•
.„ royl:4 .< •• , •-' Ta Apollo Balldrags,loorth et •
pRINTING PAPER—A largo lot Double
• - )Imilta YnQ :maw Prlntingrler. L. sea b 7
cam: IJaritst and t1e..,r4 sts.
rtAPPING PAPERS-;-A large lassort.
runt of Wrapping Itioers, Ku, and
tar ago W. C. 11A YEN'S
iltaxi Warsittawe, tot. Muter sad 21 Its.
. .
4,„ ~,,..„,E , E,,Ex , ,,„..a l l Tra li.
olf,Yeme.P. - TZt numbe7mmA — ..6l other
cre IlatB.l tragutottkres; ibr ionlomt
•ae , , •i C. LIME:VI Beationerf 82884. '
ii . • 481.81 owner Karin skll.B:ond vs,
• • Nournal, Anwiesn. /888.888 and ran corr.)
Iron City lining Company.
HE regular Annual Blotting of tho "Iron
up Miaow Comport." 1•111 bbold at the alto of
• Company; In the City or Pittabolgb. on Itotatay. etc
at 3 VeloOta.ll..
An atoramortn of 60 emir per Ai= has tool oallot.Gd
roil' toque mt the ZO of Jong ann, an swoon:mat of 60
ornatpor 67Jaro, duo on the lot or Itomut. Ib6l.
/Jr onta of tintawe.
watztumis PALILCII.
.•:- in .411
'IA . - RARE CHANCE is offered to cap er son
r.A . silo whims to tn.= who has espl=
ro..rb to t uoso'indesa
...•. to
'l44. tbs ntt.gbrt .* tbnuch
Li Rot 019os. •- J. W. LIWItI.
you SALE ' : T--+For sale and sent,
••- 13 WM on the,nl.l Turnsikassmlbeauo nu
ainntry dory s .tack u( gron oilier
,gams worth a1:3 , 433W or LK* , -A boasmad Lo
'sulgbbatlaucl eau In ipt, to.. 90f (arable jimelonlan sp.
Dly - at • ' I AACIIAIIuaW
Shoulder Braces.• •
rOULDEW BRACES; of the meet
pre,edstimpla anutern .ad nun, stun
and ,
tz =lt LOwo—past redl
, .8.11.110 En. la Wood 5t...,
_ _
91:118VILLS WHITE 'Llitg--50 bbl!.
trah. via earl Axial* bi W. 7 W 11707
• 50774 rnoti asit its Biosoi is
le LET—A atautodknis littio Dwt r 11
tis amiss* ta tousAlaur an nom ,1 lad
tents 4 watt giraszym Mat co.
.41'PLES-- 15 bbls. for saletrl; •
=wows ntanum,
no Wet= EL
, •
4 P.,m l k• h f • . 111741;t4PLY;slutaii;i
P..Laed,:ibr tale by
461btdaio, now land- .
zap i
i!nowitsialarems , Viihubt
. •
pr tax
~rasorozn or TM mrrrzo nem
E .. , parscuuwe of law, I, iltuaao F/LLYOII4
Freed.= of the United States a Armies. do hereby
and mar known, that pudic sake will be held at
the coodenotedkonal Land tabors in the Stole of Sidaothc
orica ri tnoei n at e e n e entneted, to old .
op. pe, 'scads:, nommeneing an Mon
thw TB* Ow of ana,mtwoolowta a U.
M eade alinated within the following woad [men
orthrthe hue Une cad wentetteJVth fir•taieterfafed
Township twentpeai. tenty-eight and twenty-dna.
end near Current riser, of tang three.
i Townshthe twinityurewn. twentrethht and twantytdne,
Current rim. of cause ter.
r'f .44 ownst Iti ' twthtpelght, on a branch of Ousted river. of
oo awo.
awn ewe taoapttow bithotTfo.f•theotraight and
I tnutpnine. a range eight
1 Tudnags
dh =
listty-Wu, threntpfour, twerthydght and
' tir of nine.
t o . e . e bb,, raemysne and tornados twenty
two. twaity-thru,twentpeour, tw enty-sin and torentyds.
ofcannw bth
it the ktaM2 PUDE. ootodenthng on Monday, the fif•
I teenth day of lirdenther neat. for the MM... Masao. ,
Ile lade within the !Wowing named Li...hi/0 sad Parts
1 of towsedd. cis:
Sera uf CU Wu Eine asni mid' AN. prthicfnuthurdfus,
Ton:whip twenty-two, of Song* two.-
sue and twenty...lvo, and
toinshipt ty-fivis, P t:l o'.'o7 thrsie.
Townsath twenty-two. of range Poem .
Townships twantytwo and tweatpttine of range Ave.
itheticeml townthdp thsteen, and todothithe twenty-two.
traotpthne. twentpitur, twardplin, twentywix' and
teentreuen. of lid , .
1 ship irractionsi towthWint sixteen and sorthtown , and town
' p tenenty-two. of nage seven.
Fractional townships sixteen, urrenteen, eightarn and
mrentysets,Unniehlya Serentrtwo and twentpthrew, and
sec lime .lira to We lordoeire, wooden. to hosiasmos Wan
,dra, and twastpruns to &tithing inclusive, in tornenfp
tosedysil of range eked.
Township Madsen (except Partioral natio. encrpone
to tarrhcinn inditatu,) th .s, township twenty sal
frecnormi tovnahlp twenty-one (except sections one, h.'5...,
V. 1.., ..01,M, horrapforer. twenty...R. !veal/ els,
inernfirm..i. fkeitirdhor. Grothcithr, Leal Muth... of range
north '
Ttee west frthtion of settled eth, in Wiwi:Writ , oboe
tun, and trectknial township twenty. of range tea
tlections one to halos Mobutu, the north half a thud,"
Anna. to hordporte include ,* and hositrictioht to Pdrip
arse bachulth. la torrnahlp eighteen; outdone area to tos
loolasiu. In lownelthp intitheing and sections diothre.joar
hes, the moth half of twouty4wo, funithahres to harthpar
bah thd thirthidear ta Purtpds incrosinb, /a lownettiP
odd/. of range twelve.
The part out of `thittle Meth Orerliow,^ of township
tweithrthru, of nap thirteen.
Owen= am (mop tthe rundthut !saner,) and eeMbird
storleinunteen,essedest, Garth and thsfsone, cast of . .Linlar
Ulu. ~low." in township twenty-Our, of range four
teen. _ _ --
At the Land 01Y0e at SPRINGFIELD, co:unarming as
Monday. the eight...tan thy or August oesb for the da
ipral a the public lands situated within the following nu
.ked.ttreivimonat toz:=l .4 G u i Va 0trj,pri , „..4.1.....u.
Township twenty-two, of range twthts-two,
, Township thenty.tero, of none twenty-three.
Meld. of wag°, taystivfen Mulyonn therfrboo,
fesspetamm Orfildfour,Purtysfes aW thirty rm. moth rf the
Ad amt. Line, m township, of tango zsenty.
ractithal th ensithip twentpone ni,derd to 110 Riot. Ithe. of ranges twentprovon, tinnily-nine, thirty, thirty
... thirty
ppropristed-Gm thtrti -three and thirty-lour.
Lentil a bylaw' fa the u.e of naiads.
tart did other purism% toge th er with "thou swamp nab
overdosed lands nude twat Unread- fur r011...M00." If
any, which shall be selected by the State authoring, before
the don eppdnted for the cominencement of the pudic
told wialweneelf. under the AM entitled "at net to ens
,ble the Mate of Array's. and direr States to reclaim the
ands' within their Ernite.. moaned neptember
. f51.1 P 0314 wO2 be beef otalfrow Mt mks. eat an load,.
for land bounties herdedre granted by miy Its of C.-
0... dr sodded. settle.. rendered to the titiltei Mato% .....Y 01100 chow =mho& Lords, as pro
tided by the art enduednankins approstatiuus
far the o,u and diplomatic unseats of Goteconttht? An,
waned ad March. ltd.
The offering of the store mentioned bade win be con,
mewed on the dare amide& sod wlll hooded In the or dean which they are advertised with all mourned dm.
ath, until the whole Mall ham been mimed, and the sale@
Mae ono We thall of
kept open Mopes than two
workprivate entry of any 00 tbo land, sill bead.
mated until arm the espies/mu of Me two ...M.
Wan under my hand at the Clty of Washington, this
ri.tili day of Stay. nano /build crew thoularrd trail t Min
dyed end Myron. MILLARD triLLIIG/tE.
Hy the Pres'dear
thimmiscioner of the General Land Unice.
E 1•17 person entitled to the right of lame= piton to tOT
of the MX. within MA towtodidw and
_parts of formable,
abirraimnamented. Le moulted to establish toe was to the
attsfection of lb. tegistor tot reemieur of the proper lend
M.X. pg ment therefor or maw m practice& of
to WOW LW sots., and before the der appall:Ord fur the
rernarrommement of Thal potille eale of the Mode embracing
the hart eleintedi ottierwim retch claim will be iidfeloaL
-• • .0 .HurrEnnkup,
. Corombitioner Lim Cannel Land Mike.
16, 4 UNDBIES--
btol :do. 1 Lora:
boo Yelabert
1 do Atott:
1 1
"1 k'S leteldr
dry 1 ,
L do do ginOts
tot itt ll .2 fmm
rtraroir Curoltritood 'Z` for solo by
1:411,111.1CSEY t CO.,
inyd4 Water sad Frootods
'IHEESE.SI boxes, now larding and for
NJ sale br
inr24 LSMall DICKEY co.
Water and Front sta.
BUTTER -3 bbls frest, now landing and
*anis by /Ell DICKY CO
mr2A Water an E d Front sta.
R 9 T i < j e ll C,11312.!52.1.1!AMtht. casts
' .15A-11 II DIeKLT
my 2.6 Ww...1,111 front sta.
D RYPEAVIIES PAILicn k tZI i z I i• for
see by
mr24 Water and Eruct sta.
irA R-8 0 bbls in atom, and will be sold
to d''''''"l""Talit.tuDicurr
mayst Water and Front sta.
LIQUID GLUE-3 gross, (a eery superior
&Oki. destined to Dar the p 1.., common
sour•ltelether >-dor sale Dr J. KIDD • W.
Woxl et,
INS.EED OIL-800 grillons for sole by
41.1 mlll , J. KIDD t CO, 00 Weed et.
1121 EFINED BORAX-600 lbs best English,
JUL. Rs Webs Icor 241 /ODD 1. CO. CO We., et.
LARD OlL—(euperior article) in halt bbla
for We by Eccry24l J. KIDD t CO.. CO Wood d. .
LAC DYE--500 lbs for sale by •
mr:4 3. KIDD it CO. CO Ratan.
For Rea or Lease,
ER one, three, or fire years, a large and
CRICK lioll7fig. on the easn corner of I
and Webeterstreetr, Pitraburiau nit o hre.„ ... hr;
den lot attaenad inertia, mulcting II a very i 1
Vane of residence- tams rill be moderate. /or further
particulars. enquire of ISAWL J. it. IieIIILLAN. T
torrokdle• . ri0.124 fourth at.
N T E D—Plaece for ease:nil Berke
v - tattomt, tot,oot ottnstt, • nig MRS Stliti a
drodittew.tworotasoyStirobrictlayent Solleraigtol wok,.
fat Wad; borddias housecoat print. fragile& Wet and'
dry ae,* ontdotrettot, tut tiatabermalds WOrtlikid..••
derenl geCd Orroota strip rraotod. Haertiranind for tor.
eral all ova, and outober of latorlog mem. S.
trod mum tr moo +mot to go at nun., Lod Uottl , rittt
Ali ts 4 e=sdet stessaAti eSt ts:rsti , ssesi
pi., st ISAAC
Agracr and Ittelllgence 11.17
thypiato‘ mar Idartst to 4 Ed. Clair ISA.,
TeDAILY GAZETTE, and all our Pitts.
getz Da. sad =est of oar Wesklg. and about ICO
. 1 = Cg s= le P ri= l ,
So Latin Blank Ankles of Aggoren , pc lowest inbler, a
rgo l egott I nVolgerge d a ' eontTiggeo,.g: . ltre= bed GO2ll. plough W.. twine, quills, wan.,
pataat pens. pencils. go; for ado elneao hi
t0r2.44t0. Agent and CoreLitarrJaant.l.o4rtyirt..
I Q the Honorable the Judgea of the Court
• of Otheral Quarter Segglona of TU Pah., la and for.
County of Allegheny.
The petition of Jobe a. MeCalL 'of Wilkins township
la the county aftmeseld. humblyshmerth, that your yell.
Omer bath provided himself nithmatinials forth. OW3OO
owelattou of travellers amt etleameat his deellog hosier, In
the towuthip aforesaid, end prays that Poor honors will Le
'Lamed to grant tam a limner to keeps pub 114 house of en.
tertalmnent. And roar petitioner. to ha duty Wand. will
We, the nthectibers, citizens of the township altimmed.
do certify th at the above petitioner Is of good repute for
noneety and temperance. and la well provided with horde
RCIII , and 0C.e.t.<0.11 for thilllllo.lo - 1111131d thighs.
of authors and travellers, an& thatald Lamm Ls thaw
I%.l.3lltetheill..folon abetter. Thomas Ma ember. Joseph
otme, John tu.x, Peter Parchment, Ileum. Cbaffaut.
et Dunbar. .T. llobinsoa.Owo. DoKeritie. it. Etier, 01.1
Deese. mr•liat•
Ir the Honorable the Judges of the Court
of General Quarter itessicus of the Naos, In and for
tb. County of Allatbalyi
The petition :of Christi. tbo Township of
was to this ;SD=
. al=l,d, =Ay. shaireth--iliat
Sir the accotenindailon oFtraisti s anir ollieVy. th attrillret
In• boom in the To. aforwasid. arol Ptisfethist 0400 hon•
ors will tie pleased to Front him • Ileenee to keep a public
house otentertalument. And your petitioner. as In dots
bound. will your
. Wir.thesuberribent.eltlasinsof the township
mtify that . lb* above petitioner I. of good rshitio Fn hon .
rote •Pd.tantiserance, - and Is well ymided will house
Morn and siourroilauces for the imommodationaudlodslot
of Strangeni and traveller,. and that paid tavern Is um.-
Lowly Donnatilsou. Jamb Stalls, T.
C. Donneldson, John Teylor, J. Bo Bosh. J. IL
Irwin. W. AL Donnaideon, T. (I. Stewart. James Cyptills,
Jo. Eeß. •i ' toy2l.Atii
I:MA WASH SILKS-20 pieces just re
mind, • my desirable article. varraotni to tir•Pit..--
• large easortincot of Foulard Silks, beautiful stilts.
mfJ A. • 31 AS.) • sA)
10 sham Mk of
M Pittsburet.
.• axima*. I Mtn. uk of Pllt6Eurol4;
Eta/imp Bank of Pittsburgh.
50SHARES FOR SALE on favorable
t.mts, by . WU. A.. LILL a CO. '
111 , K . T.EBaiyis just received
Fattiotlo song, &dialed to the
• Ilene do B411:17; Ml= Ethlrrphtta Sowe; by Btewbch C.
Foetorof littsourgh,
Sewn 110:0e; se 91113 k: Joy hind, .1111 ecooeo
paelteente. •
The Atountalo Daley.
Tbo DerFoltibe, by Lhadlay. •
Farewell, 0/1.1 tottelrel
.1 compared by B. a
Fate. and dedkated to Mrs. Harry Woods. of PltteboYeb.
Go where the notable: doette.
I know orb°. • .
ar blintthr oath thee ge ,
Homewerd. lotel doette.
Ininklex Boreal from Macbeth.
0....01ew Polkas, Waltzes, a.
• Third Mr.!.
Xmi7 —s rpletrlid lot of Mania and ßi ltdodeows ""'' oo ll rtlTO
intalnable to ladles NI protect/an to the behuln In
hottocleetnlng t irestlenlng.nan of Down% Atm 'sewer
blench the banal, snotry_erblte. Far sale leer et
the Jodie Rubber DeLat.l and V Woad er serf.
V.L.A.RET WINE, (St. Julien lifedoe,) of
iv Ixtimtattoaomfrottel pae. Plice,Ssl , o
mvr ti2 to p =a - Anglio battle. At MORAti..
'MUM° RODS--Bprattl Patent.
JAIL= JACEBOS, Gmau. Lunn,
Wholesale Depot, 88 Wood street, Pitttburgh, Pa.,
(4%. ,, rt.*:hrs tutlan Bthro.)
' -etru4tottlbat, they moot got out of eider. The In
=lifo oft aff=r i e=tB.t a fTfo T. the T i oints
nomemal, orttbont disputa lbw toLo a ge
spanajbetanni. Jotter has= will Mina:them ot . r.):
outs pa fait PAPA et the doh, It amt.
I.4•Cflomo resruar nn b. , V4 to c.ll 543 Wood
gnat. spa mambo both:maw slo:s the Agvot
AK , S. HAVEN, corner . Market and Sc.
Amt., no.,_ Jost, • • • • tie nal an bninnt
Own or armor In the innonono mr olongne t
'l"' 1.:111
th 4 i = 7 .wwta.
all also 4E4 g. tal . • h irr i Ztno
and Pon
. .I. I4 'IIASO N iito: - ,;11o. 62 ind 6ii itsr•
~t 12K end -
.4 to e
u gr.r. wk." oar elreigods
Lawrexismi — kiroperty or Balk
rßoard of School Directors will sell,
e c rgr a. ...oco.oarborralrg . rrgArALat
g"..1-..ezab s e
a,frusr. Tamp 71; boon ail 4T .f
11 ' . ~ ~~~
irIifPAIITNERSMP hereicifore &Ong"
E etween the aoilerelped. ander theft...gee.*
!litter. Church: t : T., -akani n lgnhed taa the KfM . Aitaa lron ,
4\Vbbeht,ifrcbur7t2s• taUrt
Interest Mani in . 411 . 4 .7
on the muss , Afar. if I
.P 111 4 . 3110 4." MIT 2;4,185L' ; ' ' '
Men the no trador taw Aram of .1:22
4: them . sad .14, Cargt.bars.43 Qt.° la Mda dal'
illowilved by =tad eanse324 .6 the mama of mos to be
Ilia by idtautr Samoa Chas* at Jana Omaha% MI th.
4324.44 up of Mu baatassa. - • ' 1
841MErtt, CIMIS.CM,
' . tallfilil
Pittsburgh', May 22d, 18411.-412722.:M.
fity 91 boxes of the celebrated Burin:4om &iota pa
rind, he nue order, and far ale by • •
'Kunio cc'
ta Olocent and Tea um
F ISH—Now Shed; -
Baltlansr• Malin=
Mesa and Ho. 1 L Mackani;
Orand BIWA Codaaht far oda br •
lay= WiL MaCLUREI .1 00, 214 liberty at
hlVat'grib7tgatri:'&9l.ce, MU
coasat Mar ZkL, 164.—0 E
V.e.2 011. CLOTHS—Juet reed, , from the
friary. 50 idealthop 011 Cloth, • besalifolly flothat.
ortkle, tor rale vtudomlo so low as mots= yoloos,th Oho
(t Cloth Warmth... Nos. 7 ad 9 Wood id:
tor= • . J. • IL MILLI 913.,,-
hay. just 'Teed ma on Day Omiut
. azt7=
ntOCK Or EObr./13.4., nee,
ebezalarUa,Uoder Illesr.s , black hltAt ' Yell
Ilouorlng, Children's Wabt. lad Cors.C.aostaksadlbrilt
I:Wirbur. ac. Caed Ilarkot •. • nay=
BACON --10 Wads. prime Sideisi - . • •
, - • .Shouldenr.
16 Wins can 96.610.11 Vkaarasor6 .
Par We byB- WAT8816.11:1 80:01.
carz2 50 6ad 51 Water, sad 62 groat et '
• Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company.
TIIIS C93IPAT wan Ancorp3tated in
J. February, lettl. telth s Perpetual Charter, soul hu
cocedbeam.. ea eaptual of.llooMad.
u gse. mmen . .to.r. dam buslsele both to tlefdolat WOE cod
o :the M Jdldl &soh PIP. eatee L ize AMAIdul Ina tjau
those dayped br mutual Campmate., sad MMus Pa Cost
bear that, the este. met Moot today:antra
Mutual rates are the mum as Mom adopted by other
Has conducted Coustyyles. Tome hoard en the Musa.
poluelple have the combined wealitlet fundshed by that
ot lasunmee. and the Caldtal sod durplue Pend of
the Joim dime depestmesa.
The Corder permits:die yeasdkut or lissuranee m Ilfe,
is tray fem. !nobodies the elaht of uffe, Wide.. Pm
Yuma Mations, [deeds or creditors—to Lamm the WS of
weather toe [Merest. Maud.. betordt.pepable Mu:death,
or upon the pertiee arrleter et the aim of PO, 48, CO, or 00, at the optima of the lemma.
James A. Werth Praddent-
Funnel IlLee ch enrkan. Vin President
. Jose S. , Tres/w
Chr ph ie./ coital". 6*asur t y.
James P. Ilmst, Joseph IL Leath.
John N. Dilworth. Charles A..(kattn.
CleunitO Yi P V. hiwtriertt
jowl& Damao . th. D., ahem Addhwu. 31. D.
Jerthalah Htwb. L.ll. ' Edrihroo, ht. D.
thereaterWe Pwhether,
Ethanol D il worth. SI. D. 47 .thAeJd thee,
Hubert Surd.; It. D., 103 Fourth *Met.
John thawford, .1L 0, SO 1111th rtrhk.
W. WE. Morgth„ at. D. 107 I.lbertr MOO-
Dr. Dilworth wl/1 he to ationdance at the Mee. entli ,
'4 10 , 111 . ,T= tre oh ere reMsted to
call, take their taithera, eta Fttmlitru. with.
In the Warsaw Siehaest will be sup
Ni t ora r, fr b= l an4 a llowed the um/ coessthwlcat.i
Dace of the Compaq, No. 76 Forthlk strew
my= C. A. COLTON, WT.. •
, i t i AR , D .7 2S - keOs N i ! i3 l, f9rziasailembhoNi
LINSEED bbls. pure, for sale by
iIIIEESE--2001boxes for sale by
lJ mr.l2 J• 11. CLMIXIX.
iTZ2 RE PROOF PAINT-10 bblit A .i 2 1=
i for
sale by o J. 11.0
TkRIED PEACIIES--500 be. for sale by
mrt! J. B. WOULD.
G RAIN -410 tml. Oats;
6.5 Cum
121 " Not eat b
my,L. . 'ADMAN L SONS.
TIMED PEACJIES-1000 bushels (bright
A.Jr balm.) la naro and for
lay= ' RIMY. EATTIL6WB s CO.
DRIED APPLES-30 sacks prime, formic
be mem mom marrazwe & OD.
CASTOR OIL 9 Lbli. (Blow'. make) CO fm.
sale by ... T V RUBY. STIUSWB t .
MUTTON HAMS-2000 lbs. prime, for
101. by t. IdATTILYLW3a CO.
putters,l!dAYßES, a=tea Import,
and itaxiaseturen. Ae. ti tiarsh Yoarib - street.
I9'~at It /172 Wcoi itreet.Cl4-1a0405.. isty23
important to Ditiggigs,
ll ardirize Men,
And slur f zup.ri smog _ •
WS is to " infoim the abate puttee that
.1.. IL MUM hat arrlra_timmgssassak
Laving trith atm of Utak ZIQUIPCMUAtr .
-crtar . t,_ and at 113D01 ILK /11" tog
md Meta, ebbs. and wrzf •
Vaults' of three sista.. Alm, T D. •
Patine Preparallre. tatattlee tea of swat, sal
r all a tosattfoloptrarloa {cod. to ow half We
ray. gaits telerl ' air
_me w la= l 4trarral Prlleke
001. ter souxples at ltrall ' alrri. asal at ADAM' Xiota•
Ver.. fittawahr WS day. Mat lo tli
to ka deka.
~ QUA: ASII-400 make 'of ouilreh tuna
ftetareorarrantell of at
at oaallt7aadai blab tot
a. any hapostal. .far sat. at the loveltraarket was elearrr, ILLRET a co,
area= Waft. strut
Qtrth GILI7E4Ior cesocating Ima, Wer4.2losee.
4,, s, Chins. wall env bstmee Avueral.lrort. It
a. cutriTalle& T d b e me. at FORSIT/Illeamsalaslasa
:tore. littsbareh. nuy
QIINDRIES- 6, - , • . • 7
100 W.ll.lliligalrTh
O;WI m
resh . ram
yz) Alk=tifrti!'r
.., Cki. are war mentors lam lot or bealittral
,ty Oriag ilibboasi at 12X antspor lard. Tham. goad.
aro utraarvaved far thrapnew, as that are wall worth 22
cats. Nola 82 mat 64itdarkat at. IaTZI
t ! C 19.22322.4 ant oar *lnt martalbetare fur nbaal Lb'
vth anrroora. •as 2 sroili Word
ray= n. PUiLLIVIL
To } rem Drinkers. , • _
,sou want cal Good Tea, go'to 3101
RIA• TEA :SARIIn the DiAssAnit hie is &dimity
tee eaten the city. rtice•--10e..E.A-.75c., audit.? IL
frOPLEY'S PG CLAY-36 bblajaatree'd
1j end Rule 4 I J. ECEOON ILK= OE .
w riENCH FLOW) RS=A splendid viiriety
01 tie nenon aria hooch and drool= Moms.
we ore prewol to pal vory clomp, at .bolt*. Or
rotoO. turn . A. A. kIAFION
'RULED necktES-45 Auks in store, will
lJ 6-1.14 lepor to <lariat. b 7
mr2l j • IsAILII DICKEY 200.
BUCKEIS-5Q doz. Marietta, for axle by
my I J Y. CA:MELD.
D ROOMS-ItX) dos. Corzy j f . cgge y g t ;
SALERATIIS-:-100 boxes pure; rear, “ ! onto bt
ASII-25 . casks salety . r m
DOT ASH-4 casks pure, for sate by
an2i J. B. 011011ILD
gti ALERATUS— tons in boxes and casks; 11 box.. In Pound Paper.- : •
kay<l Maly Cruet
lARIED APPLES-20 bags f
ALZEorLL ads by
mr2l I .
FOLerkl-5 caste for rig I iI oL LI k
PEARL ASII-20 casks for sale by
m,21 ' IL DALULL AL 00
arti y2/1 clemed end for nle at the p wi mar u al iu :
B. . i:
van. hand. i
amply of hulls Rabbit. Lib Pro.
vrve a. ltti . ta u ra . g u t
. tr a Lubber saf i l
. %keo w a c nar t.
. •
EW BOOKS!—A largo sup . Oy of Mo.
Maack • Greek and Wan Won&
and 4, of 314,1404 . 4 /ADM Lim And
toadda I
Just ree'd and ; or oil. TIOMETS,
sar.%)TS Apollo Emma, Moth R
. E XCIIANGE 'rANK STOGIC z.n. 7 . !;trAa . I !i by
sly?Buket and
SUbfDRIES-14 bbls. Orear;
, a No.l LIM
13 mkt Tea/bent . •
rm . i tr.
2 " 01.1. tin
."; "a C" 'M . br ISMAILI DICKEY a vu,
tura! ' front sad Wista M.
It" iced sail he wt. by & L WICEIESBAX
uoto ! comer of Ristb and Wood
- - -.-
• ' New Bo*, juitreceived. li
WI bebool=lelmei=y P. Ituttan rerbeel
stut eal p ar by Ma ea shy.
The Mee. and lietelbet B Valnk by bles
e7 ld. Seta; lzao. Att.
c..... . Tbe Azitlysr .....„=. g , iig
port a'eve A; by Sim #. T. MeTrar n ty
ivy sale by
ehylio . TB Apollo DuLidinte. YebYlbeb:
GUYsorr S Yellow Dock & Sarsaparilla
-Ire tbr gals 17 J. iCLO.FotitO..,
XVISTAR'S Balsam of Wild Cherry-4
T vooi gto woo , m 719 J. KIDD a 00.
EMPSEED- 7 30 bbl!. prim/ 3 114ga !)3 ,
L'IK, 100 2000 lbs. for sale by
T 31 9 • z• - t • ' J. ll= C.
fIOLDEN SYRUP-42 half bbla. an 4
a-T. 'AM= 111-I,l7Zilghatbut
~, r, , , , ,•, , ,
. w w.
Var..b...,fa• • ..A; '..,.•.=
' ow of Third 0 . ..f00M010 oftem.b,.., ~,,,,,,..._
fint. at 4 otifek. P. 3L JAIIIO3 DUNLOP.
.y16.1d Cludrouli of Comaltlef.
gpaiumur. GREEN-5 oitses riot OW
iJ Ntr. kir boast sou struntost vallatln , vale by
rzr,l6 O
C itee, ~par
el:tosk a theft TaT 64 , 11246
.rt - '1216 " '. Bh " t '' rAntLEON t CO-
.11/IA.PLE SUGAM-2 bbls _ very chola' Ma,-
171 Pi. itssar. Jul sal ard Dr we
ma.A.wattuau a co,
• —,zia9 Orccers sad Tee
y)VERING'S SUGARS—DoubIe Refined
Lad. crake!, Pahreaime6 nut emmani,. grammar
m emi6 lby We by the barn) ar As tae,loysit
Woe, by WM. A. MeCIA7 Ito a ca.
256 Liberty et-
LOOR OIL CLOTHE.—A large stock of
noss o
il n cloths. width.,:n i
claimbera. o. u.
myte . and 9 Wald 6f.
rPANNEB9' OLL-2Q bbb. warranted Imre,
E. 8 orrEEILE.
1.7 Wad r
R I CE -20 tierces Carolina, for sale by
m 716 JAMES A. 111:11CUISON &
COFFEE -150 bogy Rio, for by
VE m NatD-15
C m 71 69-2 b . !As. frscatl:abAtA
SUP. CARE. SODA-10 kegt . for sale by,
myie "Cll°°' " 121C1-'
• 600 We. X . O. '
for eale - br
mll6 . PI7II,IIRIDOE 6:711118.44.1L_
IHOULDERS—n casts for sale by -
myill 11611D7. JONES L. CO.
oultt W. P. MARSHALL. BS Wood st.
sayld W. P. MAW:WALL. OS Wood st.
flan W. P. HARSILAIL, Woo:I tG
LARD -3 bblo.4k 8 kegs No. 1, for Bale by
mile JOHN HATT 1 - CP. •
1. -7- 20 - 17116.6,10140 . hr . TALL lta 1, //00¢000,116r:00,16
10 " 6 " • • " , SU*
LLlnatelurt r fdiEooo, t ror - 61047
60716 . 401331 WATS CO.
IRON-100 tow Huntingdon co., for
olt• by'' yl6 •7005 RATS t CO.
JI7ST openini—a very exeellent assortment
akaP MANTZL CLOCKS, ai fn . Uto 15:4 all Immo:a-
mt a Roof Urn.. .
also—Brm. Mantel Clnaa, far PAO el& and "wank ,
.4—chap enough to jar one In ear, roan.
. W. W. WI , oo'll. 07 Market at" • .-.
" ayls
XEMPLARS' SWORDS—Just reed, a lot
x.lotemmigar the
besattlaly eagraved.
myls . . W. ILMILSON."
V OR SALE, to close conziFnatent—.so ckg.
superior SODA ASII, botsded Steele tod “St.
6 . 0 Andr - ISO. 3k.FADICY
• at Pommy ova. /wince Depot,
-mll6-COMM Pena lad Plti.b.lth•
FRUlT—Peaches, • •
"re ,• i'vg. A. McCIA7BO . 4/AO CI4 .
mill, •. • Groan and Tea Deafen.,
II I .
. .
• '.Exthik Sjavng linasta,3 hoopg • ,
}aelt" br.s. t0..9 3 4
• Mstletta; (8
For sae by WU. M01..1.1.111k
Liberty sti
HEMP bales Missouri, on consi_ geuneiit
mylb N. 134 Yront
COTTON -25 bales (Batting for gale by.
gvtb No. tat heat st.
SUGAR -240 Ude. prime N. 0., for sale by
LEAD -4500
saooßip Galena; •
nos iMi k i.litramioN a Co.
EMP-45 tins Miss. D. IL, for sale by
mils JAMES A. 711:17CIIISON A CO.
R ICE -400 tierces for sale by - SURSILEIXIE 11101111.01;
16/16 /16 liater6t.
4.4ACKEBEL-50 bbls. No. 3, for
1 4. 43AF SUOAR-150 bbls. (fled Nos.) for
, Water
LA S e br J. EED 01L-30 bb
O 0 ls.
&W. a O
(wapiti/tea a pure)
mau CTIXX,
IS ass for mak by
aulb z.sanoxaarana co
COPPERAS -25 bblz. (good)YoTjsalo by
myl6 .I. WHOM &UK= LOO.'
Es' .~~ ~ x .#
k 1~. i
—Mao Oloros ma auboodktip k utility in all !dodo of
prootookno to tho ottd. vsolt
toll 6 J. a trandites.
INDIA RITBBER COTS—An excellent coy-
Ilsr lam Slum or loam NU ilit•
pAr ti on, to arca rum alt,lll. sißas. sae ado.
EW Moo .‘ & Co. are
nor nerving a' 6. arertment
I. Donna Ilibbana as all Mau. •
Tal,ronld ala all aMe . to thatracry tap apply
dramas, vb.* all wallas can be obtained and a ary
'lad pima 80. 62 t 64 lariat rt. Cult
.a= 'lL,r 10 e
tatonof srametagy
sa7l4 • A. MASON d• 00.
'MUCK BARAGE for PArning= Yeas,
received at tba Eon of
MUMMY* nuncnnEux
T IDT)F -4 "71.4bzitt,..inatima",
441 1 """d'"''''Ititwxy t incurriurs
ThRIED APPLES--40 tags in store, for .
Mali! br RaiaLZELL a CO
Liberty a.
Sp/at-180 hbde N. ,O :r tn i gugo i f z tle , by .
mylb Qs 'Water 4"
1140LASSES-500 bbls N. 0. S. II: for
XVI 'ale br myl4 JAMES DALZELL
- Q. IL MOLASSES-100 bbls battlo ground
t s 7 in. EL 11.01.uu Lr gb by JAMD3 DA =ELL
4ACKEREL-75 bbts larte No. 3, for sale
l iafts by - witsri.eanfft?'
b . b new . for: 5e1;.,,i11_,:4:a
bbti new for sale 4;
W i CIVREL . --200 ( 4 11 , x1
Z. md , B lvtDeCtlw rt ocralSs.
• Wirebou" Railtood Depot.
n 713 • • corner Pe. sod Way-rust..
riSEAS--50 ht. chest& Young So lo }E
". Blaek
ra . br /MEIER DICKEY a - Co.,
• m 713 Water sal Front sta.
SALT PETRE-75 sacks Ciude, for isle by
11A318-10 casks for sale by .
BUTTER—Fresh Roll for sale
rryl3 :I9.UdttDICAEY C 0.2
2. taus Mtn'.
store amaWr ule Dl _
o doz. for
67 Wd
3. 0 •
Puiz i3 ROOT-0:000 lbs. for i s .
MACKEREL-I F O bb s !s i go. 3, folge . by
NIOLVSE , S-109 bbb s s : g egAxia:
ENZOIG ACID-75 ox. for sale by •
vale . B. A. 741112112TCCE • OM
OIL .I I 3 .OVES-2!:t i pl. l o
'MAHE MANNA-160 lbs. for sale by
lam B. A. Y.ll.lllll=Xll 011.
QTONE PIPES-340 boxes for sale by
10 , 'm/13 Wl= IteCANDLIO.
MACKEREL -150 bills: Not 3;.
myl.3 lnciMitittg.
S l2 bbis.
No i f g a motile
1.03 u tec
BROOM 9---21 0 doz. Corn, farrudo by
..8 dos. Bearer, for sale,,ilb
Bul3E° kegs fa "1 1 1 )1 Ltes
QCORCHINGS—.S casks No_ p.l for sale by
mll3 • . ' XoCL.ItaX.
AL t un AllB bids. N. C
ICK & ale. for s b r ::
_ . _
liis a 4Vr w3tiriiia t tslit '
WRENCH GELATIM White aid Colored;
ram e nntt mt " l "" 4 "r• gMukb34 P. k ,
yl3 liitztni9ed Tea Dag; -
P - -• •• -
BLIZIES,-Bordeduz Pn4uSs, glue jars;
inmnior • il ir . e.. bx./ bap*. •
in;l.l • Mall lit
_ ..
ACKN,REL—EXT blA.' No. 3,16 islet*.
• .
, It
Ati ,
Circus! Theitre! Menagene — I
A. =wool= of To.. rotoingnento; taxa *poi Atu
wider the joint sapelibicet - of MIL Bran. swat
PrOpiidat CRIEMS3 l( Lies Czt=a, •
La lb* City at rtakisze. *spots of
, ' S CatriZaulaz cm MONDAY, XXI . %M.
ArAfiztaskm, T. 5 *rota wily. (ar parlialuit we rap
to. - 1•1 out Dueriptire lthsetaa .
•alyl9 . 4law - awa(b.rl) • •
Pittaburgh Life Insunume Company.
CAPITAL, $1.00,000.
oprlcrßß:_ -
Pmaisat—hams &
Tic° 1 7 6i .st=loli 11 n.
are. el . - nrt or
• .
asa 1851. &Saw
moNolrebilazU Ur=
. ,
Seveaty•Three Milesitaging, ,
Via . lirownsTilla and Cumberland, to Baltlinari.
and Philadelphia... - .
ILRE MORNING BOAT leaves Ole :What
atria. the Bedew &Br. at eekek media}, Time
to rawer., 32 Bows limo to rtrilaJelaßla, ae bo on
She Canis [ Boat leans 2.117 OKSWPS Imola; trelsialk
it a o'clock. kamaxers: 1 , 7 karloll oaiha wvo_:lM
toll moss lb* elomedas stage, nast day, ape!
weld night travel. • .
Wars to Baltimore, 811). Tare to Ilalladelada,
ea.. parr Meats at the 011oa. !down Wituss,ar,
St. ChPl.4 Ltda. - J. 11115
[i}:!A'~'~l~D~tilt►:x~C~lHe:i'►: ~.~;lam
- . 185L-06111
xpßEss • Packet - and - Failroimi:Lizie rot
m k t Ob.
Wu& U& rooluto of Clarke. Yost& & Os, from lboovor
'to &mous. owl lb. av&rodld am Yawns*, Om of tbo'
gal Woad arid yitt,abuzgh Xatlrcod Co. to Cirrelosd...`
—. em".
! .13tenunrs leave theirlssaing o.ed 77 i• rho klonauselkels
Ilem, az o'elcck,A., .mnee with the Packets et
Deem, "bleb lientelketely on the mini of tire
Kamer. =dying at IaSTSO.9.II tt= for thekrpresata.. ,
of Cars
try this - line entre - at
Clev•Und tojAke the Relined Lbw of dierunare
far DUITVALO and DlaktilT, end the steamers tar Cbaur
gMiluankle. Toledo, ilsruhoky Mr, Dunkirk nrui &te
al.° for evening t=ara@r_ollelona -.Xenia. and
Ckeinostl, C u
Office nada sC t Meth**
Oftts under
11 frgOOLitlf. -7=
L C : OrrKii4 amatiusaa
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio
PARKS a 00:-.--4:xsanslia.Pa.:7,
CltAlra CRAW fOgo , -
lUS •Wqll known Line as now. ta ,-
i l iVr t LAßleo i any 1=74%
'fb• facilities of the Lbw oro onsormfoel In intabor.qmi.
nwity of Data, SiPeslooso of Cag.tatos, LK ff."
fkaer of
uss Eat= Title:M=li
ii.VSZAW6, Roe Lazo of drat . - a; - ifTwobasio *- . 4,
(propellor and vemcia) oo the ' • •
Puts IX, Yolscgstown.
M. B. Taylor, Warrn4o.4 - •
A.s:l4 Newton nu.%
V"=cr=4 i : b
K.oth.a ct e x p. .:
Radanicalt ado Car. Cte!!..i. •
t i nes:26 - 11-"XsatAaialon:TLamrllalqq .
, kipint,
apl - Water ard pada:died Pitegbamb:.".
ON 110 Grit /e CO., Impprters of V Miele;
Elwin Chow, IA Waged stricry. '
lon V..n b cod Brrcath.
AVENO completed - arrarigeiients"
llama to Bade=: sad Mbar ItwoLata =go, fOr
esaesalon of my ordida, 1-w Lb= mulled to .v..N . E.;
Rama oaallady•aco rm. laspulatloa eon, • t :
• Atlantic= Is Lo u bazi ai 4
.110 Outlaw Cloamae, ilordaaux„ /Mace-bulb'
746414' 4
. P4arirolad wiL basruakraux
.; Post WILLer. Wt. •LL7 old sad iapaioi.
bord • - • = •
elLatiolg knoyabess#.:, •
Clara mica. Wands oßtalajm. ; .
100 gale +mo
esatca aiLLLLas w •-,-• •
at MILL LWOW aa . aad Claret lea . ... •
11 lara• Lioaand sad &hard= Gas.
sup or old Junks Itala. • - •
• ISO aaLta superb Moan Stoat and EtatehAl•.. •
Wna a oLostaat natl i r4 ...4 zt .la= tt. Liciaecia - matt as - •;•
i~LLi aback of MITAltrl 8E0423 alinws as tat 4..
Allot. 1.111 ogre o. vary amnia. Imam, ••
Oakervill to saLeatod aqua , . walsocdashlppod - 7,
Se lowan ram, 6 LL 321 CAL • •
initA Desks. riO Wamt v w,--
colLtbar - Aand... . • Palladel
LIIM- , -.50 bbls..for role b
y A 'le's: •.- J. KIDD • IO. •
aLIJE--40 blab, (extra) for tutle:bi
myl2 .I:EIDD CO.
CURIA. AMMONIA-600 los.' for gabby • 1
;twin J. KIDDI CO.
IL - 1011 SALE—A good Periling Iltagoz, - Iz'
eomplatelyper. /I.l4alna
CO.,,GDWeid St..
ARD OIL-10 bbti. Winter Sbenined t for
pH byl guy= It. E.EKLLERIMIniaIst.
HEXPSEED-5 bbl&: for sale by .- •
KJL zul.2 • A: E.. liktiLitta
S PeTTLIRPE!;I2NE-10 bb i LAr . ime t for sal!.
CHROME GREEN-8 eszseilfor sale by
nern • . 7 AMU...ITM% a co.
BURNT lIMBEII-150 Pow'd, for sale
Di. ma/ - B. J. PARNIZSTOCK 4 CC,.
ACE GINGER-8 bogs for sale by
ocrls • _- .a.s..VESTOCK
ca..6..LERATILIS,42. cash: prime, for salo . by
kal Mos Incs* m,
PEARLS -11 peke fast sorts, for Baled),
i,rl2 mac a MeCANDU:B3.
TIOTASII-18 caste tare for sale Is:
H AMS -312 S. C. Canna, fciesaltZV
CbFisn—lo tierces far sale b
nyre. wicx.
CIIOOOLATE-130 bxs. Boat: forsale try .
35412. • . VICE& IItCANDLESS: - •
ERIMPED RlBBONS—Anotied- widths
11121 eclon, Teed 17 enress, tlan day:. gm, WI :
F. IL RV:MU roirt h :
lash.lktafar m at the dm*
at CulDorith stall attetrtmettefletea
• myth IL YJLTOg.leouUt 4. •
shirting Musline and Irish. Linens:, I
URPHY do BURCHFIELD alive siab a .
441=atir th Placnr ClA:=Vsait
rib:=l"th. th"Zirs;
AIR BALLS—A. faltaasortment just reel
asit for a 4 by 0710 • •P. FL ATON.
C& ETON - HOSIERY it , GLOVES—A'_ fall
madman af ei colon sad ilWittes et Tkoitwisa
smatosens at Liwthrsidilik sad Calms es,
Tor ale vh*Wie ot estalbj
eigE - ESE-37 bozos for sale bi -
aressY AGM
. - _
FlB4-38 bbe. and2 T
8 1l • k •
a N r aCiantst a•
. •
•• - •
HAVE band ; s *go twortmtat I
Inyl • • ' Mairlr cmfm" U.* toet
zorlo - • ' mum DICSEVSCO
VONPECTION BE NNA.--10 Ito. for sale by
A./. 1279 a. A. WAIINETIIXOE a 00.
- - -
ULV.: CORN 17ARCII-6 forAl z e . by
=?•7•15 1 11? r . for=
• Err. LIQUORICE-1 cazdora
OCABS4 SPONGE-400 lbs.' for male by •
- •
grED.RIBBONS-,Tuat reed ,
ver7 - 2,7-1 - 1.
show-a carton a tboacrwr A-strata
Trhsaalag.embadAg lbw Menem
sad aolarA, atinAleA of 'hag:We costomers
weitulir =Mg toga above atm.,. arsartmsat.
'Awyg- - - /LAMSON OM - 3 71:
ASSIA--VO.lter: for sale bbi ~,-,
' 1072 A PALEN
F 1: 31saiiiiligrwt. 1
INI 64 r.
LIIATI.--23 lbs. for
' pi by umlll 1L a.reaxtrroca a 00.
'DOLL BUTTER-4 bbla. (fresh) in cloth;
mewed at 4 far war by BDum oco
Ir4l2alN—C4-126 b
-matt,bk. No ft o
=7I3A. Col,BAUtile) far
MN • W. -
41q $s
*. twist .ee or ar
BUFFALO ROBES—AA grade* kept ocet6
in4l7' Inta b ianism itco.
riEq - : [ANT boxes for Isle_l4
1.71-man'. a.Dauntmaco.aantm_
ktEESI-20 bxeslV.R. Cram. for Ws by
(13;V i l r, f