The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 24, 1851, Image 4

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51/1 3 agtit
A coneopoinitk4oftlie Lake finnenicw.ionrnoll
who dike Writei the
following Infonnation•lnielot!on to the Mimes in
that vicinity:" - . '
The mines on Newanair Point daring, tit
'winter ban beeirvigkeeitely Worked, and have
produced a large amount or minima: The Cliff
Mines will probably Ain one thOusend
ring the season of navigation' of 1851. Th o '
North American:trill: ship' by:, first,. bait:466 u ,
one hundred Mee,-and the North West will have
- ready for shipping about the same rrMent...The
mineral taken from thp. mines the paecwficterie
of a superiar quality, being loon enatunbered
with rock thin - any other:laver' sent to tonrlcef:-:-
The animal expenditure at thei ruff nlnOnnin. to
about eighty•fin,lllonsanddollans.—tit the
Armin; fartii , tifothot and ;at the
' North Went about ~ sixty-tvro thou s and dentin.
The number of .men employed, at the fiat men
tioned mine le one,: hundred and eighty; at the
North American, Otiliinnufted' and ten; Knelt
the North-Weit;.Ont hundred fettY.'"Tbe .
character of the Mineral teketifroia these Millen
ismassea 'barrel end:stamp....ore, which; when
properly prepand, foe. market, will yield. shout'
70 per cent - pure copper.' -The Cliff dividend Is
five dollars per thsre,,,payable • first of Rehear'
ry, and fire &Then, payable en thieist day i)f
August—this fadoclaring sixty thousand dollars
on their yeas bildinen3 and laying away a large
-arm to their fend:. The Nortir,Amerlean and .
North West Mining companies are preparing to
exectimithinery . for amore' extensive operation
in their buskins, and. while the. debt -made
'by this outlay is liquidated ' the — present
yield trthato mine s , it confidently believed
that when facilities sufficiently extensive to_open
them are obtained. their dividends will be iecond
to bat few made le the tountry. The sneezes
which has attended the labors of tho above men.'
tionedcompantes (and a fewethers, which Ihin
not now time to. mention) has encouraged men
of capital to , invest largely In mineral ;ands up
on whith new companies have been formed, ma
ny of which are now worked ander favorable
circumstances. The - names of- the ' note - mines
now in operation are tins Iron City, Cape, Agate
Harbor, North Weetern, Zeal, to and ,Eureks.
The names of there which - will be opened during
the spring are the Stu., Gimlet, Winthrop, and
Dana, all of which are Suppened to' be good lo
cations. The old Engle River Works has aim.
med the IMMO of Phoenix Copper Company, and
is being :carried'- on with energy by 8.. Mandel
betun,-Eaq., and unlike very IfaveraLle.anspices.
The Copper Falls Mining Company are prosecu
tiogtheir works upon new veins discovered last
fall by S. W. 11111, Esq. At, tho time Mr. 11111
commenced his explorations, the.
,;,tack of this
company was held at' three dollrs per nhare,
and but little changed heads at that price, as
the mine had long been worked with no very
cheering prospects; ;but ' now, no favorable are
the indications at this mine, that the stock is
held at fifty dollars per altare. Recent explora
tions abundantly prove that other mines equally
as rich no the Cliff Will soon be opened;:as the
explorers hero been' diligently employed lathe'
examination of vela Said Mae dinCOTere4 many,
the surface appearance of i which exhihits
favorable indications of there being. .a mine as
was' discovered on the Cliff location when . first
explored. Thoie Mines thathave been thorough
ly opened, owe their emcees: cm the energetiii per
of men: who battled against ..the dit
ties incident to onenhig s'mine withonfleiperi
mental knowledge; giving their money to carry
on extensive works :which, at .the time, could
not have been *considered any other than has
. ardons tmdertaking. . '
Letter dated .t Ontonagon May 1" to the
same paper rape .
The Minnesto mine, is to the mines of the On
tonagon,-what the Cliff is to those of Keeniettan
Point, far in advance of all others. This com
pany Lave employed, during the winter, about
100 mon—have extended their first lent, about
1000 feet—lame stalk three'ehafts to the - depth
of 160, one 100 feet, and opened the second level
about 600 feet. They have also opened phew
Tan 30 feet north of the original troika, by a
cross-cut at Lanai and level, which is praying
exceedingly rich.
Theyhave now commenced etaningoihich pro
duces main copper and rich stamp work in ail
parts of the mine, some of these masses, how ex
posed, are estimatedat forty to= each. Far the
•- amount of labor mad 'capital expended on this
mine, lams no equal for results , in this or in any
country. -• This 'companyerill. probably.4rodace
600 tons forshipment this season.
The Peninsula Mine hes been opened to the
depth of 80 feet,.prodiming copper from the shafts .
and proving an exceedingly rich vein. This com
pany hive Lad at work only th small number of
men, but expect to:ship aboat 10 tons of copper
this season. Considering the light cost of work
' leg theirmine sines commencing operations, and
the favorable-locality, it bids fair to take 111.111 C
clues the hilat mitres - cm - tins lake.
Extensire explorations, aro in progress 011 the
Minnesota location, with a rim of greatly eri
larging their works &Mb:4am presentseason, or
to the forming ofnew companies for the develop
. meat of itawealth: , • •
The Forest mining company, on the acct tido'
of the river Ontonagowhas been working about,
80 men, and have ertensiiely onened the ir mine
during thowintei. The ground Ls proving, rich
In mass and stamp 'work, and they will hare coal
sdderable forshipmenk: 'Thecompany is prepar
ing to enot a ttamp trail and saw mill, and to
make other extensive ionnrosonents to forward
The Ridge Mining Zompanylbire raised VIEIC
copper for shipment, end are Tiginisli Freesia -2,
tins their works. ; . '
The Adventure Cemptutyhave ids° raised, tusd
have ready for ehipment about Its tons of copper
and are making preparations far extending their
works. r; Other mines in the neighborhood (of
which more hearalter) tun'opiiaing ground and
making Improvements with a IiCW tO 11, fall demi- -
opeatent of their value. Mani new tracts of land
have been locatedmith great expectations . as to
their - richness, and the condition of the mines
generally is decidedly favorable; bueetoekholdeit
shonid not forget, that under the most favorable
circumstances it repirrm a large entity of capi
mine open a. Mine. - .
Breams AND BLATElT.—lacansevelace of the
publication in several papers of cerlizitlextracte
from a work written by Lieutenant Forbes of tha
British. Navy, - asserting 'that .‘ domestic slavery"
exists in Liberia that the Citizens'of that Reprab=
lie are laigely engaged in,the baying end selling
of alavee, and that the Republic of Liberia is in
reality- anew Tame andform for elcivery in Afri
ca, the Rev. d..S. Bacon, D. D.; and Dr. J. W.
LugintbeeJ; Becortling Secretary of the Ameri
can Colonization Society were appointed by the
Exeentire Committee to investigate the subject.
These - gentlemen hero prepared a long and care
ful reput of the result of their inquiries; from
which we leant that from the amplest testimony,
both (inland written, furnished- by personsof
the highest respectability and abaft - deter:sant
of information by reason of kering efteXtriaifeil
orsetided in Africa, the Biala clearly established.
that the citizens of the Republic, are not engaged
directly orindlrectly in the foreign ALTO' trade, -
or in buying or slaves among thetasetvel: The
committee say that the • assertion otLieutenant
Forbes is utterly grew:ales% and In -disproof of
it they.refer to the fact thlit all tiie tiara facto
ries or establishments which were 'formerly in•
operation within the teritory now occupied by.
Liberia, have been broken up', and destroyed.
Open this point the report says:
Previoue to the settlement of the colony at
Cape blesurado, the elate trade was extensively
carried on in the immediate vicinity of the Cape,
and atnumetous other points along the count
now embraeed within thelimits of the republic.
At all of these place:lilt has been utterly abolish
ed—not • vestige of it remains. 1 This has been
done through the agency and by', the 'efforts of
the Liberia= in some Jammers by the force of
arms at the hazard and expense or life. in others
by the moral and social influence of the Liberia
settlement in the neighborhood of the .factories.
It is true, that in some few cones they have re
ceived important ald from the mined teasels on
the taut, but the work has been mainly done by
the Liberians themselves.
Info:thee contradiction of the . statement of
Lieut. Forbes, the -committee: remark that - it
his been a fundamental principle of the • consti•
tntlon of the colony, of the Commonwealth and
finally as the - Republic ot.Liberia, to ()prose with
smeolopernaisingiestility the elate truth, both
!breams and domestic, and that there is abundant
evidence to show that thilprinMple his been at
all times and erery. ithere carried out to fullest
extent. It Ls added that ell the wars • and
skim:ashes which the citizens of the Republic"
have had with the natiee tribes bare arisen front
their determination ;to moinfitin policy at
all hazards, and' to exterminate . the traffic in
slaves from every pert of :the territory over
Which . they could claim . jurisdiction. And. in
carrying out this determination, several of them
hare Wen, mortally wounded; in i their contests
with the natives—thus sealing with their blood
theirfidelity_to thie principle of their constitu
Moreover, it is mid that in forming trestles
,with the native trllMA, the Liberian, authorities
bate inraziablyregaired a solemn written etip.
Witten rethibiting simpatico' to.' the compact
fkom engaging in the traffic, in alma in any form
or onder.wny ;Mtzlz,tenenwhaterer. pun
snit of this Fahey, it la e!sted that more than forty
inch treaties hare been made, and that in cell
sequeronsthereof many of the interior ,Mikes,
who were before engaged in It, Imrebeen induced
to abandon,*,.ttailitaltegithir:4—North nirr.
. - ) /:-/
Fine Dreg*lined* pellexpreee: , :
• : A A. ldASQNAlV.haTa.reeqthis;norii
ellta 141 b "Vtte l
to 4 ,,
L., - A m 8 " rnir t e l3l =Bllo.ol4, ~,,,,'- •
cba aMriaaaa ars worth tn. somar i
....., . IrUl ba at laskaaaaLlT ka
ads or . • lam Ci lag M.:'.-
MISCEL k,kijus.
n n u GARRAlWbefecaovititebal
_,..mot hb goet t. 24 .> , 2 saAA
.1.11. rt.., All woes • bwrtos oz, elem.
furtbworttly sod
="` . ..m5. , ../ . "'" Ib Iroloomiod to tall sod oattio,
a. h. Osoil.Poll/r tbolot. .-
myra-Ivr.twx) ' •
71 A DlAlriSte APPARATUS for
o lgebiazi isr=l,Ccare loat a ltZl 7-
4 - 1 tto
everydei.lPtkith nAlio mai sui
IZIlmilS".l... A 0
a 4.1.44 •. 1 - 44 , 1 4
r l. q.arhem tar
Ter Coals. 0n.1.9.e.P6.4 oal
t; • 4.fteditioni 1,
. " Uasat. -
3suo. sae.aillY apt= 4.l2ll.stsit Pik
AI Oa method Insures • rbolmtne, taffarm ;ma. , 4 .7
ravaged temperature, with -IMMO rt•MiChn - llam soot.
.1410k.e. ulaig, (Imams d
4..w.i.04.AT ILLY*O:I4.4 sal y gm'
fe :Patent- Parniktillk Wetzr .I filzr
!tia ii'opew l i,ticin' at WM:
TA 1•004 . 6, Pholtawreag i al 0r41 . 5
zrosaMeregatemr, nikons
o NUMMI trul . 7tror tote Of , he* Tort.
o ; eE lk.r erjobotto Mao the Truths LostitAteof
our Mt= wmt.mo_.
of . bl e b are essrAlAo. h
Mus Zth•/..q.
It thee roe wont fAeueoretwtonotmen4 tette. tome of
I deer wow, the Shand ItereelibtellAtor
routed by dlr. Lewis. aari t4 ... orloneof them Los MT -
, . '"'th t 1 "!wwo h ßGit t li= za_bfrr.irttar.4,-
Placuusrw l ...;much
n r jt.ltwasible wet., Yllbda,Arreeuted by Mr•
Am • "Air ,elsOAbf, soo eolSe stusithe stpi
=re molder' des - Pi:A.I I I Y toy es to
remomeoW it So thi Inahh• .JONAS V. F... • 411,
Thee. iiiterf Ore wainootof tO toke out Gay mei or
Woe width may Aries from IM=DO salami or ender
hie tuner in the rata. They •Ee wortwated to log two
Tan. oho with or:hoary. care mut. last Am; out motto
iib.olithsoisteA. • , ,
I toylEttf • idAsett etreet.Phitotictohls,
- . P*inV:licick - azdHolige — Tile. -• '
.nraEl.. imideiiiiidedts cow
. 1 Ide r pem 'Mac Preen: In .
Bur.; the
httelt,Mytloneee ova =de trbkh be
mill sell t one-th Sta loom-half Ins Bur ..
mtet 1
Porn' VerfecUr eve., memo sleek fad a tmcoth: pot;
Wed they est& to dust or mot. ma moonn a
ben , t ~ blight , se sem In len, Aft.
linera I.lturt Booth Pi=rbe &abut between ft'
and othrt blem. beteg - 'err staithe "Ilm Mirk flaw
EtatutClitachLettrotior to the 100 m. ,. She front of
sotytht Ilke4 metted.hoase emote be of mewed
the octet aeyeme r =otttfito R. - -• . -
. Certlfestes In my Trove Goremiteht 015rels.
Agents. had Mehl eetei. who , have,usedeelmtlar Mick et.
mmerety, mrtify to their totarketty he etelmirth. 4 ‘." -
Ity. malstattoo fo frost. IWAS. On; At.....
Al., riutusirg,tzer ..rtad. of in.:mi.. ,
F , A, bs m t.. ,:airrt a6 r ,Arogteet. mr . ertoe to . Mae.
• .....
- !- —cosnecr.s.;
Alva 00O000' Commoa Ittlek•••4trenStb: daisbilllS.
Watrantrd- 1.3 1000. at th e Walla •
• Arta • ISAAC GREW.
114..cUPsre h LinetkAir Pantx
10 ao,l Math Ale,.piAn.l4.
• ei A r
t.= AA ' d bark Ellk *up CioluAAAatA. far
A eti e ?sAaitariAdAt DlAnCillentAurldnea V
- Erickiiigluizi and - Doniestic • aneenisiiTe.
-WrILARD,:IITArnur k; CO.;
of llotkinghiso and Yellow Caw Week
East Lot
eGrE . ltonier liLetk irel Liberty eereWte.
I r l t rZe 'a '''""!`" - D" Ad ?" .
Arca eileollre Works enable is Lsarders
A twlrtg coostantlyemplo eiw
Wes wife keep pace wills all the new sod tlapnnowletylee,
Flower teacs:Ooblets, Mantel °remolds.' kladielse- saiF
Snuff Jere. sad artielee far do:mak we. la greet weskit ,
--Orden retrwelfelko setieited- toetare
A. A. MASON.. & CO,
• imßcat Tabors,. end Ritailent in
t - . DRY:GOODS, ". .. :
Na... d 2 and G 4, Market etre& Pittsburgh, Pa.,.
kfi r rOMNCE to their frietidis and' the pub. ',
114 retterallt, that the its cow prepared to exhibit:
the t trulmtltreetecttel ricelFot ~
t r t igand S nast r dottrolirerelrgVeti of
Ittp u g. " .
---bi.b-ums.m4wi. - ,..- ... • ,,
t wo l o w CM !Witold Ili any ot 050 ,liestern Mom
Their two lower wilitatootoe will to denoted eteloaltelr to
Wall trade. mititto poets ermined la Itcpirtments, et=
1 ... • Sillt Idepartnient, .1 .
All t e e tow andllatdoctablwittrlet imported this mama.
lacludlect the tentmaker ofWt. Atlas— : .
L . Dress, Gads :De t artmetiti - • '' -
e,a=ta r VA l ti " ' tniern i =tatv., " tgs .l
ette. Orradistawßompathme: ite.l ..
Shaul% Visettes, Le. , .
Ceottatt Vtilace.plala. and embroidered." .Also,
Thtlot-pe Lotto. Catheter.. Pit It, l'abot, figured I =
other Ithewlm Also; altettea. r ..tots„ dleattllasatc. • .
1 Hosiery Aral' Glove Department
*in 14.2111 ha 'toted complete, with the beat Makes Of /
Cotton and Ellhdtbatety. ; The : beet tildillmres Swap mt
baud. ‘ . •
• I . Linen Department.
34. 414; and 54 'White Ithaen. Lam Eheethaet, Moo
Caw lama, Ittmlimi, Itatllce, bleached tad brown Data
mk, ToLettluz, Uffer. km ,
White Goode. • •
ch. mid Dotted Cacitoloc- Moll. Petica, rook and
Kainotot hteelltim:alttotta Mad IllePop ,I 4 atae et ovot7 1
ralltypoodgot. Aloe. Cortath tee Mao mid To. ,
Einbroideiiee;lMees, trizirdings, &O. -
A nithltlebt stamittimet. A 1.., Bibb., 'Thomas, Tabs.
I ' lc. Patatiole of all kWh: ' latamets atoll' the Lunt ttyles.
1 . I .l3puiestiii:GooderDepat -
to Ittaekt one of (hammed exteoetWs In the etnottiTe em
balms. dooscolca. , ...•. .. .. ..,
-- bn irt a tore Mu oatadestrdaw, with their business
tatilltito. - and attomeneatce44, hosenallylote
prim, camsot Ildt to garapeotem satletelloo.._ ...
If postemterears mapteitally Informal =doe
..,, T
will be pleated to rewire theircoden. et aha Maw tbr
Mode etioara.prlcem doptimme may natant tall
ot at the wow natant totem -_ ~ . . ,
hew thehlottable dots Will.b...recelred creastaatli
the emeon.
1 , -.ONE PRICE osi.r._ _
_. . • • -
sr , ..I , ...• , . . , '.: - ...i ....A. .41.../11AWN !CO.
• -.••• • aP9ery nitx.ribr 994te53 Tsbl9. Mod usl
h eg474PW/aW1401132514Wg
aiPed t 9 9 . 94.199 tor 71,9=2919d al lb* wag.
romas timrsialzuhetosy. No. 7 9 Wood et •
MALLOW-4411i for Ede -
J. - ••vs -
rt 1117 4 118 ER. :Ant ~8.A.1.L.57 4 u5t rt
' al ed 3CO th ank agate thy, liTlialll, which Ire will
' •at Thaleade Ea' aternlncirt . i ii. i limupa. ,
TOISAtell--1. ELM. prime Sep! Le af;
aUby 9 ' L: 9 3. 'NATE/tit/LIP ♦ SW*,
• 'OOB • 61 ad SI Water, and 62 haat 0
0 bble. pure kireed.forsttpi.
S° , A;ASH-20 casks Kartes brand, for
sate by 3:170 .... 8. 7 W. LIAIIIMALTUI.
SS-600 boxes we'd sixes, for sale by
.76 P.& W-1111111A37011. .
L • • I 011,-50 bbla fat sale_by_
s. a T. lIAHDArOII.
OIL -7-10 casks (prime) for sale
FLOUR -$00 Vols. S. F., for solo by
i.rlSl e.a w.u•Rofoon ,
1.1 .311 casks Evan SE , Swilins S. C., for
.11. 51' mys B. a W.IIAICHAUGIV
4,1110 ATOES--200 sacks for sole by
.1. 1•31, . S. SW. lIASSALon. •
COTTON-150 bales for sale b
SCOW. nthe. Rich.: I
60 Do. Thiel Applaw far nee
=l6' • ISAIAH DItfEEY a co.
L uivintaPhimizmwrrancirrArig
IVVEGS-1 bbl. for sale
.7 4 E,D4
C Z . TILE SOAP- 2 O cases
n o . r
U sale , ll .
e. TARTAR--9001bs i f i ciatale c r
C . ,
5 14 i, —45 0 lbx. (in mats} frKlitle,bia.
DAM AR-lease (to arrive) for sale
A, AO J. KIDD A Cu" 64 arrive)
VlMETELt—A.cood:Second Mad SODA
T V4P uNT • MIN T'
Ik.Cfi. ITALIAN CROATS-Of all the
t4EN CA3II3Rg; lEDKFS—An ass9rt.,
• tt,LatrA:mmu. H
.. 2 ,11 , ml,so
m l° V -viriri inumenM.
Og' O:7 9ASSIipRE&-Orvarlone colors
•no snutenv h TIIIRCITTIELD.
CANDLESL-45 bimeA to 40 MD
.h) tar sate by L . D. WILLLAMS * O.
S earn,•Mood and bU h mu.
61 t
:Ma :CANDLES-10 Inzes 4's, s's, and.
ri...,fr!ar • a. D.WILLIAMS 07.•.
.5..) half th Chau:, and Oolonm
'3:l La,., extra Lae ontAsr_ a vac
. R. D. - lan
er Exchagge,Broiceerarth
& , ,,,Iret& etyma In par raw,.
BUTTEIt.-4 boles Table Butter ;
Xrt. mod •2.1 for ale br
./C4 • R. DALZZLL & CO.. Liberty
, s7.27tlrr.
TURPENTINEIOIibIei. in goi>d
IMIILLION—E2Ibs,: (Trieote) for. sea
1 *IC it..r.SIMLEIL3. . '
CEESE-5q boxes receiving and far sale
~ •u 7 .. - . DALTSLI:BIOO.. Llbettl n.
11, PElt--300 rearasAled.itaderenyirap
i. lag. tor frolo 10. te dose eamplapadJir.
~. • JAM. DALT.m.u. V; water st.
PEACHES-400 ba. for sale by
Ajr aO7 litAlAtt MELT *CA
am.= 011. tbe blstriran s tm b r
. " 4. 412 corair liarkst and T.tails.
lEL APPLES----75 bn...far any b
' fitnlinninnustmann4Al.
_LTALMON-30 bb1e.4191 . 11L bbler..No. 1, for
la try -.015 , JOHN WAFT CO.
Q,llAll--1.0 bbls. Nolitiew) formic,
" J sJir;
AREIL;HAN . 64I2.IOB—From'• 614 cts. •tc.
4! 3 _ 41 1 07 7.4x47!!!,,,4"1ntda",i.
AKE ROOT-400 lbs. (Seneca) for rale
'apls' SELLEME. 57 wore •
110 boxes rNo: I•Rogim-L , -
TRANSPO I t : lcy,
_ . _ .• _. _
_OD'S .
..:'' . l
Cleveland,Pittlburgb drirautWonlaxPrem
/VMS line rein. .tteetion with' Living:
a l a tc. t,,,,,,,, n nt a cf,°; . , = rgn i tt i l IV
blualt. ' virig n advantages over. all o ne' s nr.a , ,
• Terstia. in-Northern Ando Au Elmo will term ei!eh . of
the above nientioned Wares. 11=Lya Weinealayst and •
frtgaga In Charge id tinidl ailld caapctrat, Ilaweltolip
.i.'iu ~,,,br a ,a4d deny. perteges ak the tollnwing
_ .
.rj=e, Pa, Belem; Cuyahoga Mille
Coehrotm New Wale. Pa., Toungetawn, . ,
' Warm, ' , ' Yahoo. • • 11.111.ebnzgb.
Navarre. '
, Fneteiiekeburgb. Wellaburgb. T., Magna,-
• iteeieene, . weneur, • - - Wheeling, y.....
Fradaltn..._ -Donna, , • Deem, • ,
greolannine. Magnolia goer • ,
Cantan ie, Willeville.
.. ' ' ;ZYnTnltinivith.. . .
Wog er. Veleta% ... :,... ere: NM , ~ • 7:
New Inbla 'New Cluileadand
,Goirl. Wren Bank ligte,,Jewetr. and othe' VALLaoito
I Romp , received and funrsoted with drepatrh.. The
, non tdNotea Bide, Drati•vain intainin.pnlreAn' 01414-
1 WM. • . .
t .L:' _. ~—.'. ...0 alocraroop.. Menem ,
• ~ I , ewe. nieesenagg win lea. 24atanlea NI TufMay. al
Oa h e eac week. Retuenitig,Tlll lava tnerelartsicallturelarv.
th wpm.. taking maw. a How,
laieee•e-c. c.ceee 4 o,,eteeei nem+ a..-} myth*, Pitt.
o f J:
t.T. 4 ert l w,loilp. U = C r'Vr . rk "'trie
r g l ' e; a ' '.grtg!ari t =l',Va'= ,-% .*ff;Ant: .
1 - Canton. ' _ ..
New DdrALSVOriutLinecr/65k -
t •
, new eteeneerNOßwifFS44 papt:l3:
jgp a r . euragraczt u rn i ttp=g e t
rel l a :Pdakril ttrXr
. The amsoas.,IIAMIATTAII, dpt.../osts
two &but Bl.ll,srle,
_for U. dietrenA isodinirs
Superior: on the arrival of the ctesmet Northam?: =abut
t k r l i si t =bariphouhr brnr
qrr )sod, O. Abrli idist2r4:/,!
*Se 1.851:
CURSE, piews k Rozatanit, Plonscroas.
RE PROPRIETORS of this old end well
!min Lae would ma t.bik.thkk Mau*
tam In operatkan. tbir present ve.oa..aad have tumor
'ad receiving Yrelti , vt and Pa....kagatz. which thw
and i r k kW?
=tog= •,:i. Bow o ' t this
14.. win b. etr . ek. Munk& Wk w eh. mono.
011ka, ecr. stain! Badt.htald a., PBtaaarib.
IL W. Cannlugham. New Culla. P.
D. 0. 31. t haw., Pulut.l. Ps.;
0. paklit, I+ Wont
7 &Ertl
Aim. A eb.ra -81 -jMl b nik;
"Wm. Ilan. unrutovol;
Ra.Torez.Coutcultviik; ,
O. B. NV•lthbass. Itultacy N. V.. apt
Foity•six hours to Philadelphia.
Forty-four houni to Baltimore.
VO miles Railroad-103 miles Canal.
T7o Daily ^ pees
~ Expresa. Packet Boats.
glegia _ChM
7 .."' • NEW 17ORK.
N the
. .
opening of Canal Navigation; Two
Milt Lima Ngr i ==•,ir les,* Or
nr.t4fitc tea
Two Hundred and It to talks Cant to
Time through roars-SIX
Fere to i'hEtedelphle. mo. Arita Mathew% WI.
The Can on this rotate en we, ie." au. mon . appror
constructka far oondkat and eddy. .
Petteta even i ng noorniugYncleely YJght o'clook.
end , orecy et the sum boas.
for Baltimore,
00 orrtng of Ci Pla tle i V i ttachb tr. take the Y end Com.
hecletel (tear 11¢1.1A) direct W thanty. Weld:
oyez oths) VIII.. YOUR hours. .
No charge for handling Baggage on this route:
• Thainerteued Speed meta this the nest on le,
sate and desirable the Pattern plea,
, /or passage or luStrauticat eyvly
J. P. H OMES, Agent,
• 31pwwthele Mute,
Or to D. LEECH & CO. •
Meet Dads. Penn Meet
N. IL On the let of July. the Pennarlraala Sanaa
be lintrhal to leckyorte .blob .ill 49rum the Uo.
through SR boors.
Vicattcash. Yebmay 19. •
Idanniseitt:treo Line.
that las Lox. ecanpood auttraly of Sactkat 'Cod+.
is too in foll:etatlon, otth Grinned , to WTI a latn•
=go. : ninon iladainnal and Ealtiatoo, an
, time, ann at la low TUN. an 001 •
apedil arrsagainenta Imo. alio tam maid, faa'infryint
W.. !Cant to inairorilla, • Jahnstorn, Ilaindayanarg,
Woka ta x Abonanarla. Petersburah, linattng4on tIW
Croak; co =gilt.. MoToftnarta
. g . •= 4 " , • • Yarn , anffnnnnt,Cattunb:o.an4 allottv.
latoginia tba Paantatranin Lanatand Part.
praurgGun Lomb of lank anentaal fn.
eg an 4 an
• poins (to Woo l
S v C t a a, ln m at a n r fa f otnoft namo
J.glTCl W LL bo UTSihoxiator.
naloA~ohm •
.EIInn Di BLVGLIAM'S LIST. to tor treater.
the buds...l Iltrelnarnh will hem
OW be trenmeted under tba aryls of "War Dtmerum.
. _
Enema's' Transportation Lb*
1851. run
,• arTwres
Pho:CANAL being now open, we are Ten-
O radar, and torrit.i yromDtlr. Dro:lnot ask
m4lst. cart ased.etet.
`Fro to Loan sa -ow.. tales chargol Lp ri,r,stltJa
IPTodoo , ahl IlerolosaMt, sill Lin:cent old foroarbfl
aka and von. without am oh.rao rornudin, x at
sand., fraiche.. ensmotooo,, or towage .
DUD of-Loltooloroardoi, am direttloo,tkithittly
tyed to. Mira.. or aryl - Flea
WI/. MLNOHAM 'it CO.. CYnal Bwin.
Caner Likoky_axot Warne no, riti,targn
11.13(111,114 L DOCM, 113 Market R., bat - woo "Fourth and
J A MY-, IFLI3ON,Agata
-210. lt2 Nook 1100114 rtrort,_hattharre.
2AME.3 01N011A-M, tio.lo tI tI.
Mohl. ' Nro.Yon.
- .. , ...
-- - .-. , ..24 1 , ,' 1851' affigiffl . '
- Merchants' Transportation Line,
its PiIIitiBTLTANIA .CANAL 3 AST lit=Pal i )
l i
. A. Slreithit/LTT a CO-, Canal Basin, 4(01 Penn amt.
Pelatta. r
etteßs.r..9 RAYNOR, Central Block,,Proad Meet, Phila.
d ... _
Re are prepared to metre a lama amount merchandise
Od produce t dale on the opening of the canals to PCB.
detphfa. and ail inkrmedlat , Owe at lover rate% and na
/am tame than In any prnioup *WM. '
tb litlll. 11 c.,,,, sulrund gat, olf..Prnelie epr b=,dtty.
Bate liallroada, etil L mimton
east car q , billtr. of delar at
Jamaican, liolidarabora or Odom We m
.' V. A. UM 'UP ili=
BUS :.. , - Camil
SSG IMP_ 1851 kilig E
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, etc.,
To am flat rinstrU.n. Mt.. &winces 010 I. us L
.arsixs * 00.,. Proprktort. No. EZ Masksi.. sad 61
Oammerce ee, Phlltdatrads.
BELL t LIOGETE, Atenta. Ourti Illttsb rth .
Jos. TAT LOU. t BON. Agent., Didtbstore.
Vl.24.:A7.=toriAlhiPo 0101 ror th. . P". 12:1 m
thlol:tvu mut despatch and cats La nu a.. LI ff".
:on Mo COVO
I.l3osormors to.lohn Norm!. & Co.]
Canal Patin, Penn:Strnt.
Penna. Bail Bead Co. Central Rota
THB mitteribers. haling been nppolnted
Nrat• bi tor Pano.rylrrat• or Gotr•l
nalt.dhopr prZe ".. f:uilliploron= gg;
rooming of • autal.
Goo& vls this rout& will be cur Sid throub Intro &at ,
114 rooalsiud to as will b. forward. 4 rt. 131
of ..01111
km or aye. • -
JUTS! ria tervcit. tertuttomat LED ritistrsat; .
F V e la4Vita, 6 Zlg k erti k u ' re " 34? ! =
Aladdleiy, aa Lc. 1110111001 a.
lbadmaty, Chi amorally Oreeerleo, AIWA, Lq• titaffh ia44
lealtko,Closai Plas.lltaatb7 and att. , Orara
Clams, Beef Part, Duna, Lard, Lent 011, .Totae6o Lea
theVitiVZVagYiesh, Oraal
_ _
521140 . 1851 ..
Pithanigh Trinsportaticm
JAMES 01010ESNOR A CO. Canal Sado, Pittsburgh.
BMW, JAma A Co., Depots Broad seed awry .g1 , ..04
and No. 3 Booth Fourth street between !Butt. sou mow
nut street. Philwielphia. • •
CeCONICORS t 00. to Korth Street. Saloum*.
XAVING fully complotea, our arragge
uunu. we VIII Is. prepared upon the✓opening of the
tjoreireui , csluur. to carry freight sound Oen Pitt.
.:bra L lEislUstade. Philsohdpide, Plow York, Doetop.
,W.. gt Leal* and all the nest pad Wester,
lower rake end sena more dlepach atel an than *or used
fi goodreldpped bro. tine are fully covered
bylaw's., without our chow to ,owuctro , Drawl.
not rester Mrdw y soy other Lina•
All ceonuntilentions eddressed to Gummi or grata
Mall t lb.. Cindisnath 0. Webb. lontnlileorenetLosse
Wares, Et Loins Itteetletth 1/Parl4 _
"TN. It Our Line hasecentectionwhaterer nits we
M isteatda and Pittsburgh Transportatioll LdsteALta.
ir I BLORIDE LIAIE-150 cash for. nal
br apts Bzwirrr.mraw.r CO:
( I . I AL BODA-200 casks for vale
14.7 .pl , l - BENNETT. BERRI!a CO.
'll bales Dor 66.121 r,
. ' 6 ta.616.61611641
3 • °Lams:
s• Festherr; kart reed and 0'4.01* br
tr t p i RUBBER BELTlNG.—Ayerylate.
,r‘ek Knotier =swum rwttiog on
rsia Imo 12 *0 he Locher. Mir Ireitth: h
o-1 ry, 10.
t or hot other,, On ill Oprzf Leta far then*
u 2' No bat nouer : rG2 Er a
r "b rerel. W 100"
ousrne mn n te• out atn"brlttrsod does tec . 4 -
fa.rie " :=4/ " : "'"r
Ma I. the are rritCrellirr " - T oi.o '' "q‘il" th"."
brlehbr britbh the eon rarlitelTtlral
may _Mad.
Pamphlet. with Czech.. for vie ail list of Lrkib to-
..rhire with laclari leather an 4 emulator Jcinlag,e..) ,
Alapa sad a. ado at... 5.7.4434
~..• • J, a
SYRUPB, ae•—•Unclimmod'e tine Lemon
Undo:moll odder d0..104 2trow6orr7 Vdmv
Bum to: oido bo
. 1 , 14 ,V m ..,171.1,doXoCLUZIG co.
Yam& if ' :•i
URPHY BURCH!'ILLD t o r ree .
aftl MACK' PRINTS--Nbw styles fan
of. Morrlmark W OfebifooPfloto. ,
.of 6b Pointe. of nevelt ft floftra
'"' • • • —.lll/1/P T41:111
IDE DDEETINGB , -.4 , . full Assortment
UPERIOR I'ICKUIO- -- ) l ophy Burch
fold invite the qpittion Of bums to theiramrtaso.
.r r Tkid*E.j 04 neer. Al. Mare. , Mow
/11. =Erma. and 6ouS_1 , 4.l2thig FIP 3O Q4 gt"r.ll,'
and Lac Goods.
Hosiery, Trinunivi,
EH. EATON, G 2 Fourth street, between
• MerketeretWai3. taritet.lbs , Attakkdief wbakw
meesal retell burn* to plume eed well releeted wort.
&atm. Bilk eat Maim nue, her Mora tot Übree;
e.t het. Kid uk... and liDaS nekMe
llsern3 and Max Boa•et. eubbo.t ,
tilt Triemeatsiteue!ieit
Lm, ne:taw.hd
CUE web'a t.
Iruertia. AdV der rtflrt
Daaltr. Deno
I.O: l vate Crende, De =Zee sad t ridcit
731e1:5 Ualarthasegabraad Dreoll
ivo lkAa/14 ,
VM. • • " r . • B. 43 ivory.
*mg Comba Usk sal taw
l it=R P' 131Ipperk DA,pd
Welting bhoex v11h451,1411 terldr af =WI mem WT
h•gui nary Articles, valet' be WWI MIN laerad ADS
either Air caller lammed astir— . eidiales
*Luke ca:* lon 'mama*: of But : - popuoi ore.
. 901 't 5 5 t • A.
=s a lres wortmar
• eFe ' 'mit open 34
Res t :
A—A..IIIISVA tfre. wacirmlitut to
Parptlrata: A. MOO_ 4, COl3, s wow
LINED.PABASOLS---A choice lot of the
watt stria, tar mat by MAHON CO:
. . ,
itLACK. SILKS--We offer for isale eve
GASSIMERSS-90 pica fen d
.. and black,
WE33,JAWNS-4 cam printed; a gest
B ERAGE.DE LAINS—`2 murex desirable
• • .
IBBON§ •800tet.;254: 0 Cap, for
XII, sale lir' O.Z; . -; ; O. 412IIIITLIENCYL
DlOTirt , lfo:124 Izmir Batts: ,•
tnty lam and mart atonic a Todsionable - Wad;
*lapsed to MINIM= • oar 11319110=1 , Plidni
atylas In • A111•6901.' COIOSA..g kTagt e =
"rf . e4lllMtasall "g Vahada seal ootetlelarrottb ,
a.m Oat Y.
godw.YO, makes a
au* Arlatbea.K &raw. Ms IT:Pristor
It o ental to oft, al web plea arm.. 111 coa•loos all
oh tam tam with a call. that not only •11200 t roperior
ClatlnAl= 1X,t14/11 , 4t414t..Pa1i 4 1 .) Or!
orders Hu caseated, aatonlal, La tit*
Mat Domande taanaar, and Wl* noUoa.
straw Bonnet and Itat Werthenee,
No. 105 MAim Stun,
. _
PALMER offer.' for eke; at very
.-Oom • ihn ....exma It! an end Mfßw
9101'W . VVandan and Annainn:plain and taw
Rama : Cbly,lThap,lldinna,lor, ea:na..Lay
i nt r4 , -44.. Tindhf, trir
ea' Let= _I% alma, Wk. and flair:
Mona' flOwiny, Jew
lt kind ace mar lanu,lia itrest!ari.
. tr ifga ` Vatke - rout idatn nnd
fag, nidtbs and odor.: tang Oaau anAlterpatain•
ANaCtS--11ala and pamn7:l obit* and orao Ward
littlii/WVQ.Crannis; Belie.., Ba.idF
F( er.c.i, tad Vorde.a and
.WAiratenpri.. on. 6*
en i UV: rne, Ifiegaranad.nthar atlas. ear 314
AlaV . ..k.b u and km WTI kara. l ....!Fm l 7W *l .
w. ntaztivwx
Is now caostaatlT molds/ NS hirlat Blot or •
• ocumtidnospattbritani.harr.. •
Mar* iwia Tara tw tUlpa; i.swimb , ..
ode, do:4a Braman nix.a a 101 OoP7I. 3 10 r!•
111 . 6 t "t 7lrgeattiu,l*4. 64. 4' 14. mii-4
MA 6440094 MVO cod anon da. •. •
eboglN glas 4.a.; d.rx.;• *lire toad rant
do_ 00.41vons000 dd. • 11.1* .Dace Mgr, t0r.1.4u 4)-; .
avow Ala do. ON_ Adololdo do, , Z;Vo l lortthl 24.
Connab Clotho 'Folthof dOL.
Alio—Shoot Gotboo' totlo 3/04frAoltolf WO,
61,74, s/t, 44, 4-4, sod 3-i MI :
. •
et Airs , 4oladi c =
nlV " per:ll Met,t ki Vlo 4 ., Volluaa Cco.Wwinkr4
Comm thi , ..Tpk.14 , 14.;• Oa +tuna tle; lc
• • 14.1.1MlaxIteilmil tardwid air Accitiarivibeitim
met mamma rwearlat, bang Of the West Odd 03.010f0
loom!! 3trloO
ev7="4 riioeP:
Thh Cart et Warehouse, b 5 Fourthetreet.
h 19,. ' •
-, a `•--~.
HAWES k DRESS GOODS:-115 - carcons
4/1` as ant fattlosala nods. do sputa OA- A
SO_ 1 4 Cct AUG, rart tots Oat
e..rou..twia. • a*
Ilarocua awe t. opsu their aurae ausly'ut
th tatla Waal Nth ea; ram sat War the
alit of outlasts la at. •
VOTTON GOODS-2 cares Cotton pan
V out& reeeirci sal !ant* by
Km= CO:
VIAX- 4 A small Int fat sal ' e ' •
EMILIE A. Scorn%
• ip«. - L= t ol l El Ent We
Ohio LationMu•'y.
4i * 76
Itiy- '
- 1 80 95 NE
• .•
• - 'Pet 'cent _ ` Stnlgth.
pirELL FLETCHER & CO.. Masmfactm,
aof Awanok torovirtuictogxpepicartat
les UppraPlLLllled %Ara Whiskey uortysbwoor.
Conwr or via. sod trout woota.Cubasirai; Ono. '
.itrZti onkn fmm IP , lll : o:nrigti r rIU MlrtWlsp.4
Winn mut uprnm
No,lca [Arty, t., Formerly lkois crackerfadm.
n. , afittiobinkl 1 . ILO. rroinsit:arN. Y.
. . . .. . ...
FVI KEtHEN & STOVVENEU respectfully'.
Dona to the sublic . a d en li. V. Wl=
Mt Mal eda?Maa atere..mlarra4Ll
. 1
, ral al
.loll On • full emortmeat tle Met mom' am
nese rwl em whit. Wawa , Abia Trawl du ip9m.1.11
Blank; of the choicest eta Jamaicans..
Marsh Wbaksr,cl=7 arei
, Elarr=,
altp:, L' 4 ' ii."o. Same. All arillifFey .
ImU ee erhoaac, or Mal ra amend remajt. pea.
fc ,!?!° U h l L'=.! rih. l4 4777llbri l tjallgrag
. 4 ° .., , ,..5..0..01 atheaver maa • boas: aracla I.h.A 103
other mare Is this city. Maw gin mann, ban jog
much.. NSW
du"ne , 41/riatollics auntie:l tin • •itrs ebsigh iatt ii the'
maim -
tibARD.--I have removed to my oeMotore,
mow mon ham) mr vsmodt• lb. pooh of
.rtrh, when I mill to to wow Meats oott 11./ •
yoq el • 0 and mein • an
d off their Mb., I ertll
tarp, .7 imortmart U=f a lteleadiled•
c4g t..b... 1, artectSr,S=. )1 .4 . 0
in.a. :l=
(bontoresheei ttetkftWW . At — lVArnems:
Z, t " la".3l ,, n =er the It=
ate of ed. teepett.
lOW •Uottetatet tooeilrodttned. .•_ • .
CTTON-13 Wes landing from at,. Cape
.r. ow An male by I
at 1 18A1All DICKItY • 00.
vi n iasENu AND , ,RAu_
1 1-s. it'i. b o di.i. v .i t., ..a. b
1 ' U4P4 /SAJAa LatalaY n CO, y
Water and /road am
110 bbto. Battle Oroond B. IL Winer.
. '.. . le bblo. Loaf Sasso; istrassolar 4by
oo I ,7'. .* dß WO. , ord It 11120. oL.
J.: 7 1
KRIM'S Compound Syrut, of YELLOW
DOCK KOCYT-25 boil Jib roe 4 from Plooldoorco.
, We AlO Of - • L 8, N. WICKRILIWIA Id,
, . Soto - , i ldrot dm Wootton Nonosy,Woo , b,
-myl 001000 of Wood and Sim ots.
D-60 •a: fof en e by
ultra Daum
, Dabble. gbip rowdier. tbectutintartleklartne•
67 Woxl Myst
bbp. for sale by
oav • gnu:lm
pelting •Fagon, •
A ;Argo and'ilabgtanpar two - hole, vragop,
trithiron ale& for gals osifavarablii&mxt&4- •
.422 &I Wag Stmt.
rip a SACCO--
lege, fis 'and Sa,Johait 14.10,.,bra=4;.
a -P ,a; ID. Luz*, Wardek •ItOtafs i•ard: •
'..6., , r.t.x.dia . V.°7 1 '
laa..r•-I..Dadlafs • ,
Jaist rrect csa&f b r . a b lra KieluacaF4taxl Lpac •• •
;"/" 4 " 1 , 8. 4ATEiiir.tar
,C. 221 ••-• BEI azat el Watinand.alitmt Ivy
B. CON-7000 lbai4y4t . Roo& j. ece i v i n
r "" . '" " . j- '! 3 !Vel t..
NDRlES—loo . i4igke yarn
L 2 ' '!"'-`"`%_r to. 11
Luum aLLZELL, watin grr
bbls. - No, 3;
.' . 1.11dt,447j a %
NTlLS—Received midfor sale I
' Jr
ricißN-- 1 -51),p1a1 Shelled,foiialdby • •
az' \
'A.D & 13110' 7 -400 'go Osten*
IV & CO.,
Oonlrr of 'Wood
_ b ,orX h aosti
Wu+ orioao Unoto
45 h.tom do. do. ,
0 11 0..U0lits.10;
• 60.bprqU.......di anal s
s ard da.Ne: do. •
8 d0.15510.=
7Y o •
extra gur• — •7 •
a 5/de• 11sulm z• 1 , •
'fit:Streit:, Pi:tag:RA,
RE, end to errivo tide
• • M Mb short tonna Ira..
1% .0 i'aleut XI. 11 ae
fA bOtrrrall..lll.4.;
154 Pr
.ol -
.12 • . "
22 . Loaf. 0...4s
ktordersdßutan ad
*Edlix.andlera Sabin;
60 drama Starr. !UK
21 Lars Bordeaux Pr?!"„
SitV.Mi •
-2 .. Gahm eltell.g
•10 Cocoa Cborolares
paella Wm.!
12 dos. 2188.7.-
btl. no. Out, •
1 . "
14 ktip , Alastanl;
45 barn at4404 . 0u4t
Mar 1444
10 Y Vperia •
0q 4•111 Mon% alsepur,
.4.44411.1Lie•F war.
150 f Own DITOZoIt • •
0111114 maw. Whit* L 444.1
I we ieVrt 854 t;
Isbnliatik • • •
"." 816.17 :sod •Reitined
• POrke
L. 4
litthAk*l%.s' • '••
0 •06 1311 41. •
10 doi Extract of , J•tii.•
.6 •'" 'Llano
Book sad Taralls;
!<.Oll. essi;s7
6; . •
J 547 btitmlloi4.o477er
17 15 0 7 X•IL4 1.7 M sal I
;I ' • ' Pk.* •
buts 4i's 1J...54 I
A , J .6's T0bi45445
taw 114574.55ri•
,10015b14. N r C. , Sar; _
40 Leah Cr'd Saga;
• 100 euq taraitQll Sews
• ,
1i25.51:11, L.: • -
9.a00 se. 211500442
~.-25 blies Beata NOP • • •
25 .144. Wajpin
• 125
dr • rand Nuts:
X 65 e ~
90' Tom .Lsatatool2 2lI0ewaux"211?:•'
ad I~6udt
100 Ids. Water. 53001: sad
• 2.30 b1.5.,"8051W5"
• • 100 dross 13: it 55.15155a5a
-20 • " duo sot , '"
C 0147 -
tI9 gi
kbl r trd
rt Dla otllre " WNn
.I T OIII Bramirrr:
assoad. sad 151 Nand sta.
60 •Ite
7lts Val Una;
P,A:MR-450 bble. sup.Samilyfgr erale by
Sp= ROYISON, unix c 0:...
QA.LERAII(S-25 trile.titdamell'or sale
by 11;17 ; • • J. a 11. VLOTD.
ndCON--2s7pcs Maas, Sides, and Shant
y, dm. be Ws by .i.1 7 J. 2 R. LLOYD.
WOOL-3 sacks Common, for Bala by
'SANS-6 tibia. Small White, for sale by
rear • - • ft. FLOM.
EROOMS7-7 5 doi. Corn, for sale bL
Alorries Tea Mart, •
r from the Diamond, second door
good OM
nd This don Ls lactsd In , telling tbs tast
Pittddiu spZI
ACON--50b0 lbs. llog Round, for onle by
MOLASSES -75 bbia. to afire, tor sale by
BMA Nip N 4 O. itt
4001bA kir BUY
. la.eW JAMES A. MI 11a co.
OAF SIJOAR—aq .. Small 4 for isle by
eult.o .1•11111 A. MITCILISON I CO.
0. SUGAR-25 hisdlz. tot sale by
metal JA.B2 DALZELL. edWarr at.
ARD-20 kegs No. 1 Lard, and 2 bids
BA ammo bud. Ibr sok by R, DALZELL I CO.
ALERATOS-125 boxse and 10 bble. for
eeoe byß. PALMILL A, CO..
Liberty stmt.
• •
1.3 160 result Iry'rapmg
dm. Dal Outs •
10 kap
0 suzerior Tots=
=• • •
1 1114.14.1050nt.: • • •
16- Ltda. lloegsn,lo6lAmtArod 4n.11* b
• • • C.Nulnli. & WY=
ma -% 113 m./. and 161 how gavel.
UP basal D. 111.; Leto 1.9.7.ftn
216 bbl...Crambal eon
1;4 Powd..n.4 "
rrasnd G
ro eed pyrut
L •
1ir.4111210N ;
• Mont. at, w\ Suess MEILIIT.
AGAR—`J2 hbda. N. O. to arrive, thin day
m 4,41. Or ou-14:4 3. %P. LIAJWAUOII.
MOLASSES.. -140 bblo. Si. 0. for sole by
atchti a t W..11/1111AVOLI.
E POS --A few bbls.(frrlit..frAsesitlzi
L)--10 bbla. /a 75 kr. Na . 1 Lard, in
sad Ibt Nab by
WWI O. a w. mtmairou.
- D ICE-30 trs..prini,e wne crop, to: ante by
ILL 4410 DROWN& N.1.1.11%2111C1t.
MRIED APPLES-100 bu. for kilo by -
La *an Baum, a nakeitratca.
SYRUP 310LA .,,, SSES-51. W b!1: . .41. 1 11 3 fur
for sale
- - •
C/15kh iidns; .
13 " Shedder.; ter We IV
"1"410 ISAIAH DIC/41 IS CO.
SUNDRIES: -200 bu. Dried Apples;
goo rwstb. taml.
EAN3-100 La. WlCite: , i — prime article
" d "'" d rrr.
013 1.52 Aa iad.lso 151 1155 t Merl
F ISH -60 bbla. White trial;
• ' No. :TO).
LARD OIL-10 Lbls. for 'ode br
• !wan mask/ co_,
ytl Ira., 414 result 4..
VOFFRE-50 bogo Rio, Co? ealo by
1.../ .010 ISAIAH DICKEY CO.
riACRE3-200 . bn. prime }acos, for sae
TAit C I—l 5 boxes (Fox's) instrec'd and
1.7 Ibr mai IrT evl JAA. A. aniVULSON A co.
SOAP -50 boxes for sale low by
3A.1. A. mrnmaisox it co.
ACKEREL-4) bbls. No. 3 Late. for
SALERATUS-13 casiki and 5 boxem on
eangrament; warnated Psi ma@ km by ,
laps • •.. • • • J. 1.1.3 1 SMALLS a
1 NI/160-3 eases nlmUta for sale by
EA —p_pk g! ..F,t i f i ip i r b l t a c i z A
.00 _ -11Yakt sad treat sis.
,SUGAR -44) bhde. girt N. 0.;..
MOLASSES -150 lib's. IC 0.•
-L. toso • • • • =On( a mitscpAnutir..
-Aria 15,4341 lemon, bergamot, cloven, atb,
Ve 4 .'".!l!!'l,7!"l.r,e..ll7lVikeelLLY'
frOBACCO-26 kegs 61edg.e 6 twist tor solo
br aD2l " XAMSB paint,
COF/S.T.-15!): bage prbsillilo, i, for sale by
• IV 1. MAMA! Om asaeo at tyl.• Lotto Taxa
BACON HAMS-14 cob on band; fur Mlo
by ' add" • ' - ' ISAIAH DICIEST ZOO
taro br aW iISMAfI DICERY k 1.1:1 '
0..4.1.TPETEK.40 biro dude on hand; for
UAW@ bt 44,3• 1:311Al2 DICE Tb CO
ROLL BRIMSTONE-12 bbls on land;
ions MLA DIM= &CO
BUTTER -20 mocks and jays, foe ;sale by
1014 J. D. WILLIAMS dk M. --
kILOTIIES PINS--31 - boxis for sale by
vj . 4 ,14 -J. D. WILLIAII Ou.
TURKEY UMBER-1000 lbs . .. ( to arrive)
_ Bab, br. in,l3 J.KIDD 500.
L INSaII OIL -20 tibia for sale by
.03 ' N o . Cki KoiNI ntroot
riIERRE DE SIENKI 100 lba for ardo
A DIIEII4CLOT yar a supono
„LS . quality kr 01.14 by apbl 1. KIDD CO..
COTTON -42 bales to arrive per Idayfidster;
" Itray i r m Oomyezf o olula
by •
Naar sod/tont str.
OLDEN SYD. :77 IO.EL foi isaloLp
for sale by
SUMAC --,-25
ficE_G..y6 Sauce for th "
tessaki, e
ABci SA-lec,At..V%-.Atit.u7n
'444- /4"
COOOA NUTS-2 Wm rec'd nnti for sale
apt() 1411.4..'NeC11M156 CO:
—A lA.atird Artlikdawnc4.Adir L7 US. 'A.'. No. 66 Market as.
nay by '.nyir• •lb A.PAHNEBTOCK &CO.
a n d y.tdiu, for nu. tt i. •
VOD EISR-10 casksjpi reedind.tor solo'
A ;!'.° 4l - i l a ot" VIZ;
QALLAD.oll.—aLßasketedint iced anti
'j''tx MY br tier •A. CVISIRT3os &co
.CLARET WIN--100 bcasis choice brands
ostoultaiblibritolo.l , r • -. •
t . • '
OCLUNEAL.r.-. , 150 lbs. for sale b
, VAIIN zoCr CO.
ISKEY--96 bble; reed per ete. pin
. -
1 11410
obbliareilactoirolle, fox site
• ueriggails,_•,
R o te Eat Fire lora2taiw Dpapiny.
hit Anon Oil 11-110.(4 auoral:I) arum
I , lllulfl,L. , . .
_. 7 . -,
I. Nre7 l .s ;la -
r In E baltvidegebt I: Wells = of , the
1 . l'AVvatabithiPlirdiTt lb. s Iti out X
it li .
th:telitittitr , ,furr.e,sro n siat
ui iltit24:+l f tari . y . ngs " *" tel l g lit
Aetna fod Is • sue; sod iht= " pee ' tanner
iC .-
- • -. t .y,t mi rcig446Q
..doesid.tesd,twed, la .
, s
Amount of PropentyleriXr " .„...= 4A" iff,sekeln
14. z esneeketArendetsted,capien..S.3ll.3lloo _, , ,;,,.
Ito, to Sew.. .. ..„ - . ...., - Mere. ,
Do. Pet0n0nWcia.....=.... "' 1..., rgArm rri
IS <em t or ', nd, teronsatal,ooleed... . =id Da: fatle ..
1 t., Cash Pilnalitilillegjs7l:-.....Lbi11it ' '
IQ pla " up 1. 'riiiat...s744l7s ‘ 5 . 1 "• - • °9
Bolan. to favor of the neosibj., ,•• 1 ner.324 IW
Toth? ne =near= Mo. mei %tee or seellesse..
sod mated seid , R•nropettr, le ten meta.
war affords ad be sed4 to( iloisook nom aril
— ei.:TA,,gl.lrb.:o,==du-P1 ' thimuuff'
' of talsesinnetion of Minn weeding set tat
=liner onlr +Molted *moot La sof No n, 11n,
&OWE the Innteasy us warner:* of tiososou
dos oio k r N. M001 . ,•434 litaida.l. 04f It Mails ate •
tut entities IL tOsan7a7=paion ° llb • U
Alca th is ' o .• '''' ? ' feetie, 411to * Mtti.tVZ I .lA'
Mote. Joon B. . , Joon , otherfeed. ''• - , •-• ."
,--",- ~ .
~,, . ; I.:P . i.lll3lMOktDe ?foliate ~
A. fd. ' Cuaza,, ' Aitauy. . - °1 , ~, n , ,b ""r" , -1.iir. , ..;7
:f. b.—A. ecAprividend of ilfteca porolit. au cc - Orb:4l
Wades hse bemoothtesd or_toopifoetors. sad /1. , 4. Tti
odrablo 'till!. tor fourteen', ot.esdnrogabh, in wet
at the all of olbsty digs. .L 1 , ,.,; A. Al. r------I,Airtur.
11 W4f.'Fire Li/000i' Co:'[(it
W. maw*, Tilw.Duit, uwacid D. LstehhYbbjar;
to bt la ti. Bolt tlannetiCirthl, WM So
Ch . D. titta lMr. e.enir t.
i. h. °l"A:
zmcw. u .wrovreq p ...„,„ winor c ir I
atoZ'ailo , tut it watethhed with
tTiterire s td:Uritir47l
- 4 3, Wiftlitoh JOhhwt b rl44l4lt,
tithed siinwiatly Ito flu A of Atom y.. 1.1 Dl,•
v itt r
c =way WWI
.dri4 MI
D~dlwad Immo 4row, Illihkohltal Umtata
.n Lutes by lin. thereby alto:dins evklesol=
slyantaps of Ihntrance, thee Wahl owl 414.
pohltknk math with pramphor t..
, 4,,,0gg. 9 u th=esozrthtt...;..
Penn Patio - CO; .
a mw t ry.ilA= ) =. l =t7t.
knraldln a the city, lbw vOrts at
&WA* lbamtl , :?'
from 71 t 0 ,12 sad lq-3,teGlOdq at 14, onpU r tki
J. Ikboot =act Wa sinet= u x t...4o ,
atteoded -to. -Pagittrwm.ll
Waellts 1.1101 forsitan= 0.1
Vpratielt tosszCal and awI:WU lacesidli.7
enpala dtrtled ssiuSig:4 than Mora fx
L.. Lllttobatorb.4ss.lM ; I
lIE Insura,na Com iLnyof*Alagieri .
.1 • IML SWAM Aar o :4
ba ar4102;4 0 .14,.,ffra t ,„.,=
on gropnty m ryer &9_
..dottntr ramsl
Arthur O. Odin. Me r l9.
336 3 t., • Amtla bar. ;
P. wobiLTltmass.
fe,,=4,t.. 4 . of .11' rst,r
Amerim Life and . Hes 'Co.
OF 14111ADELtaa.!; -
Agent for, .
Wegterit Laurance Ccimpaava _
qPiTAL:S3OOOOO. -- ' - ay MTLLETi
reasktn4. P. M. anion. Becrirtary. ' •
111 lamovi t gl. y stIJ Pra. smkt•
• bow. tica—masmo d -br Disolon ano 1141
"*" tarbeTtrc=an eit=Wtkit ..
...aft.. - . .
rif,2lllmjmicTi= Ur..J.4.14U:a
Hobo,. •
Ant=tZl=9.4 .
W. %Your amt. varardwina Sr* • Cc...
sup suirp.) ince!lnFou . . /*UM
Delaware Mutual SafetyluousneeComp'y
lur CIIAIIG2. Mot Mod. Maga • . .
wi t "' U VIA7 ,I a?.=4 Zgb.a. !!!'?",
r lascaturca.-Thsy• Von*,
tog Mist t4aattra sosstaiso, notIr . O'FP , O = C. =
Ouzo Tooworrados..-TbsT also Jidda
transported by rayons. ndl rad es" Orstol l ==
moo. loam 1tti.1,130 11/00 . 41M - tholl SOO liblallallerat ,
t:O7Vol " lolus IN In . /7.
'l= l. Tt" - as tYrIEJ Wort: groom • Sdlordtto
Cborlto si..tototod 141. nor /*ALT/odd
John toillsrs. Xyze. Jr. • • •
l =rd itrnmes-to. T. fi n ro•osh Coda
11.3.14so k rotre,_PriddertE. VIM :a Irriv. TWO in 4.
dsoo am W. cows; dorndarT.,.:
doirdsrlog d du Otorosstott worddrettOr.
.2011VAL , BENEFIT ranpagsult-,
ILOAtilqll.lle..lsl • Xtzket Iltrost: - Rrwark.
rr. II wan 'meet, 2. V. • Rpoaellehet , imam
111.0•34MakhliaRtreas Re 10•41 pa eeht4FRARRee Rem.
The enbecliTzill== Re Raman eh
her In the • CaMART:RRIIRio
prattle bine Mad Ont r t i Majoits . ..;;.: . ,
xam loin:Nwl,t4mv3l
NOTICE id berell•giren so the Steektiold
as a paA_ComlainOba tba bat.
mani baara.Trealarm a ita liaJd Comp :Vim
Abalank saat fano aba: vet Raba. la
r U ltlArC ri ii-ariE b tmt i =4: 47 . lb ZW t i t
ab. b ab, rikabnia to br
P" brattr e'W
imOrovei patent
A I-vs $ 1 . 1 "." •
All Alm Mik bud tA . 4 1.4A81Z4 1 4, 4 ; . .
asitoir — ,
& . WILSON ban reznoveu to . no.
, a., mi.l4l.p.swAst.
rtd,—Examele*BiiegeiT;) , Vts: 2 le..
ea. room eklutDealecewr
Vrall•Tcyldej .
1 , 27. Secant, •Npll rid fit.. Niv pos, ea Waal =I
• Seed'SteNret ; artoved• -•-•
IE e bscribeibige'retneeed hie Seed Stem
ere. Breood Ow bullthis tonally cosupbod
by ..Itsed,a, • Tellar.,blbel tbcra Aral,
.„ 4 17 7 . ! 93 ', .7. Laxounes.... •
IiEMOVAL.-GEO. F. DIM - btu itnioirbil
his Dry Goods hr. from DO. 1/1 Maus mast. to
floottr be D an, In strut, Dmilarrlarrr Paw K.
rbrr he r phased to rat Or 6U forma anatcrun
sui tiro Pr ;rurally itp=lto
WANTED7—A Situitir BooirAteeper.or
Cierlt to • oureautili or mu ndiettnalk trr .
CanzrapUoniblielty refrra mmvillb• fleece.,ot
drasabed w U Uy aue =Mr., •
L.: A lIE S Y, 0.)111141ARON
CHANT' for Vale of DmeZlTlsoks, Cott.
()Moro= sr stoort.Olln mar monist= a W.I.
eilstlnn brlsrmi the rebreribresi:Whial strie , re
irtift li r" 'A Co..
el, litt lr4inf" 1 -
• , fepri ,I=e
frblT I •
Th b4,4= r i b iZtrt=rtu
an the first dat of,Jan t tandrrol4
rent. ;hemmer:l
'tellurian!, and srs surbertArer — tinarare of ttgt:
ern, for that. Puri"... 1 " n a
rebruat7l2,ll. —• , • TWA 16, WI TS.' •
Ik7ir C. Shacklatt and WUU.nui
• IA PaynntaLen t eral•partrzrandg . ertialn i lat
ir d , ;I=Litre. =ram arsi l jSrAL'OarlF.4
st the OA. reennin br !areal...Ma wt.
entered Into Co-Pa rt thwerel • ar
• n • • ..-Wll. nerillr,K,`• •
3 . 131 • • • d 24.18211.?!.- : r
. .
, : ' • . SLATE ROMP,
iltßY:,'ltitGlik.9 * . t4, - PrOts:
tho /*A &doss ttimigdosedd Sato ' ' be/
b.rg " u ' l i v l li n to at ,Vll ri " W, 4s' it *V g l air i . t*
el Ai.w. ' i Z. Lstostalcof rinstrarsb,theisltisultiVl Et.
r.dy to orsitneSl ,'S , , ott . sf.ts,.P*,? . 1 . , 'l7. .'..:
9 1Uritootis . ' 2 . 6, sr. is. passed= ed ths best and
4 ' 3411= i uuri .qtl2, l ig:=Vl .44 bs' IV=
iibd“ , -Iber .111P.7 0 . 10, 11. , ..X.W.thM5.17. 14. " •
=riz i tt4l , l3l , l=,tten ... r XI;
t rSieteds 11 , 3 - 7 - 7" . . Fi',. f"
'Trre&TV.tidlltinticuit.A. be
Issued of shartinsor will beef sointsases
Mti c Aostractotssed owl:cress . .
lisfetenees so to their elate! eta oat olio br 505 , 57.1 4 _
Idr.lttosta Parrs, one of the a
ce tsar ollo___nt
' =M.O.*/ tisr—od their saeoys 01..r0s
fella Miss sem
sod Coma. - i .
c Tele, Ikathavasso7.l.L. l ' ' ' •
Parks ChuAlellaro sod Breads. of tho total NSW
two and one psttt °mammal Prodentur astern
SoLelt 17,i - 311 .s. .. 8, CILiNDELIERB,
"Ornsimattl Ind Ptah & /..44.10tOtafeb•
araboW. Hat,. sad, DvellluirLAU.Wat sad Wav
znattems of Craur Tabithenouri.aattavArlianni.all
of • a:mind/ad umanfte=i et 17ogratthrt31M.,
euteriunlats...• . nsehlk. • „..W..11%, -,
LAMP HALL.—Hndng fitted wit, fine'
Show roam cm' tie *opt .1407; ere,* .118 1
nit s :=72l A.'"'"' =ll arW
itt3- 4 4/LINDELIEBB,-* .312ETUB)/:
TbeAm!sest pa* Is
•CHUSTIAIi PIIRITY.—The Na nrea m•
j ~r c jubat,„inustnz.losaket...
- isitol - tr 3 . st ) air • '.."
•/. Lless..ll. :• ~
, iIEAV=s New titbit . ow. t_
at lialitais. sae. West,sadta
. 4°.'4"'— ,. . 1 mr"ial.
li k A ROA I N 13!. , :;-"rescrieil . ,
'fosLlßes vtiblimpen i ptustrinkSals
.11.1r i bergalmbrealMis
sest.losal S&P. /Rom robda t • g.
Nan. same of Itatbot omit' gm. Thio • -
tont tir st.smatalasithig. pp. pad orill all my of ta. Wm*
. Vsl t =i4 menist 404
pide st cost hl.ll :11: 1 =
weak cep.
•IfirlDucrnorrALL Boot-Srosz.—This store
it. Maf f ',, 3 7=lTri fkiir.o* .*??.:Zu
• JCW BOOKl3ll= • Butonatea stireek.o
_bi t. rblbrt=
• •• toss:34 Vs:Waal IT= thilial•rmazt
- •Tti.!hi iAbgAwarTrasil
°Vim ub tid eirt4ta.
Opsircrifar rsar. =rim, ud &hi train Os 1
•a o rvaill Nor Yoe by aim llen r: author of
w albs eod Elt
15, =enstVeil t it4661:07,
?km a god 4 4 144 e. i.aor 41 tuira,4 4 4.4y,
iy bbol . • iroryaJalt remand lazda=,
-ROOK-ROOKS! BOOKS! — Charms and Counter
suessur l iase se j =rte cgs
ire? rolkeTtbm ITtb Oratarn , II p....eatg
~ Dk by: • . .11.110PiC011,11111mtb
4 ._
mu la 'Mge k ra l t2VMS'n
arta* 4fiedires varriOXl fir vateplstal 4tlr4iir braa.;474%,rostti
It F kanilna giona = ro
3.42. "rk. tf.l- ", •
Van .14='19211M.VaieLbrigboist•
• A=
ut .A.l
.6 111b m dnUa cil.
;Re ote. or Altair L the 1.4 ,,
• - London
'Nth davilinit
Imo tabovv44lll,ldArroz4
0 =Oar L.
OSTON SHARMA/LE; Noi: 35 ioid
ree'd at =LIMP MVO . ? P.9.1.124!4. 112.4.0 r
W"BOOSSl—lkuisi its 'Coloniil
4121•Meyiid•B•Ma••• by CIMIWW•wEiwa. lira
• M tea IMMG
mauve wowterwr Uodhe pu• mar •UMa wm• . • owr•
Otto.. W•M•D•l•
toeth=rmilm: I Almo. tam
DEM • lThscontastamth• 4thvaL at CM mytm.b7,
,H,MTm.m&LattlMMem of i rt i tialeratummtaimlllk
Oa.. Cftlattee/ PraMthemaa aWm GesaMs.
W s
Lab fiu
rard.u. bettL . man, gnu
-I.x.pput. tirMitS.oflant Massm within:4a*
star . 0 . illmwriAnWMW 4 •WhP.;:•,*
• rijy W- Mes . Wakirm; ' •
• Tim Dmilmat Popmr•a4 Wramoinmiss scum Clap
ind UWN , 4I‘4K
• • for4WamtasalW M•• hiyiL
kumw . r glr a , A •
`. Titrax.Dis. Ts wk.
g , OTES ,JaiD, VRA.172....L7-14.Itikt
ProrooirrofhlrotriaadDistii. ot ma bieutit
la goers, or brood to bolos of rufous ism :-To o,
or ~: ..,., 1 OK. t 1414.11. 1, • lialsolr.Sook Mare. .._.
INETWOINK--.Alllo l tre WritinlMUid;
lbgetlll4la. , !
‘=:Sluovicar 01122rnerdia - I •
- hefted Canitoi re!'4l4 - i" . — Si• IlAndi
of Ettslntre:r.
' ;;.HEW BODO.'
SMititi VLASSICAL • pievosArg;
, rairw . Ml Aktionarrat (huh 11.61 &main bk,
WI T. WM" band
by /ninth atOret
Mrir antl.l
innt blyttboksy, rewired. with naniantmis
With= 1
t tliT t a&Prafests a As
Via Lib and itkarmai d deo c ai t ALtohnt.STAT:
brhil witi,tha Bar. = BB
• a '
win of Vinsobland; Cumberland- Yall with,
tha, WI - and Vottanninirlina idle:art Bon ,
° awl kfths Qua:Dia lolls*
with the Inal ammo= os thwas Britain. hi
W.L lStriethintiononor Skit . U 66 di LA Stoma
iwrils.= lo . o LIA - •
Roos: AND - Ant I , ItIWERGL-tiiiy il!,-
, ivt.uut Oat 144163'4;1.4a tail periiir:
QTATIONKRYza-W;-Ve.ktAirier;_ixtrnoi- of
4114 anecad samdl as; %or :stew.
aft ta utts
1 1; 7 :0" 1 " 4 t""e m, -Pr y ALT matazeTa 00,
IAZIN'9 (tormetior to
4741 21.).
.z.txtvnan otost-4 lie/ i te
&codas sadmool.b.lai Unbolt lin • •
IpilpoLL BlTlTElo:Witarbef're4eAli*:
-I,lli tpursuroo.'•
.IPIIEESE-50 boxes 'W. K reeeiiiiittind
CALB--50 - Data itiktreceired•std
NAV ,4124 ealii
"4 cuminThct
, „,„I ar e
lop no
. •
b " . id.orlisiwilbela
i4lP, ll '' kr74'6
~~. a.
..-COPTALWKS.- ,?;
- 100 100
. 01 ' • —1- igingi Arius gad mud lal
11.-PILS ANT:pr.:FM& P 4 20,
rnoroad Maw ZIP 4 =arlarr:
0 tont • $ 11,,r
sz.t same or
haulm 1.41..4,04.
btt- ma 'la- kianal a ow'
ES-4. aerisuerior tryDRI ..
Inaparted,itaortft.4l and Tab br •
. . .I.I.IcCLUBLI• C 0.150 •
. _
WHITE WAX. 4 ciseieed and for =lab
spl6 ' HAL LtZLIMIL,
IQUOWAX ROOT-600 lbs. for iralat
pOW'D ALOES- 4 1 7 Po- OF °. 4 •F , '
I ' 1 ' GS-18 bl 11. t
. London Pickles WA litarieeP'' ' '"-
JUST receivectat' No: 256 Lierty . atreit.
Q niartaxout art.. klttaeltikillY asagaa pkt,
11! n i =_ imniz . f. which 1i ,. 1=4......6.,- .
V i e.:s.Kusir7 ~.._:.'.,.:,
eI.ASTILE, ,SOA,Y--30 bxvfor .
icvia. • - ECISOONIII= II a co, •
VitiftEONATE t2l4rluit
•PIS Alatioulrthissa uo:..
. .
I .IOWDEIt OF 01 . N14,1 -;- , 4 bbs4balltrid' .
IF ; DUR. , -10q ieed and forabb AS
szam . •• W. a It.WIUSULati
lIRIATIC .1, SULPHURIC spre....on
Oa tad andarxii•br nr •
1 . 41Cj!,-Vkilazzed aui
un"*" 14,11ribbCwaracc..1141"
ARL ASH-4 outs for sale br
mat - Treat
rASTER-0) bbls. White, far sale by
• .4,17 - ' It V. WILSON, 147 Privat
IiACO,D7-25,000112.prin08houlders; • •
10,1X0 ,
WALL PAPER—justreed;unotherlargi
went }intro taw, of boatltutratteres. e. 1.64
Mt bid <lllollWay WAN,.
ltas •144 - TLIuS. PLIAIIIM. le amtati..
mrio tikt i zb
"e i r*FLE—' 100 bags prime Gm= fpr
It= • CO4
*111.11.1 4 R&TU5,50 s - superior art s !
ba , bbe io ael bobibmanitibd ;be ago by ' • " :
'lOO qtr. Fra 1.6.15. 4, Dodos 10xpellih
13 hett:l=M44.:
• •
10 W..._ • • • oth.dr ig s;i, ow. es
fitatilaY For*
P)R 18 - 45 beq-74 marig,
vr..-ximisaiata . ai
0 -Aletides''Ceatbrated
iptßelainiD2 &Lana"
WU lbs. War meditated rsittsis . 4. Com wadi ts" sea
mon than tram narrow tome, tuo e therms.
;:d ut CM F b rt
slebutact the lashes. atineboN . .,
Om has toss submitted. hsva rime Ur tat. nsttertait
nothaontaLl o,l P ,t hstisbaltas aver all otten hiss-
Mlitstrobeits artbnientattennon; any eos e turt, e ed , 1
sesatinou rendesem Aeolia; appesblo to
stnteriwrith losbnonary th dneut t . • •
tstisoal*, • '
.11=n1.=== "4 L;
tr=nar, "" = . '
los trssktstm.t.r=T==tf: th.n•oiltnalsnr.
Wisralairofi thtr ettn= " enst=
a=abon. , ltsanehne ante* ttli entintatto IMtz
. . •
1.1 \ v.. PATENT 'hitt
*Whine.' tam to unsiwkbetin,..?...
111:1-T • • *lt
l AL Wff latr . totiiieli nt4:'lll7l lso33:l;TalLl. l = sll" la Imputta .b
'B.:.l4:llllaikilfai tLtrtl&den irealthel; and itk.
Ma. UV anti pr OWL &reams.
/Wags 1r..) a CIWI•.:.n 11111.W/A Waal CL - -
,03,:.5Q08- 01r, _ . - 7 - - '.• t - ,:t
n• •17 Rtmtry *WIMP 12,17111tottlofrNot0h, ' . , • ,=-0
Amur S of this remark/Ade liiria ', --, it , '
Ido n i = taattgalie , rtit, bit* Inv ~,,,, 1 ,t
1i d5 ,r11,Mem ,° 137, 0 4 4 3 , 11 , :" ..... ,. , :::
v,„ & v:, l7= , l loistv,matkiT l : a":
gotrio: NEE.% CI rag. Lataston ta t.;:• 4.,
a=l:7t r .." & t :rolt r o t4,gt . ... :ilt
=ls or
. .....,,. ,.. ,ogt11.•
. ....t.r b4 l n k UL A 4,' .4lrt,..tegt ., . , :Z .,. . ,
,=:: '''..
... ''' Elt 11111Ar4:14aeri. 1.1404111,34. - 1 n ;;;,. ,- i
s et rmtgit Xlv IsttottNg.ttlta ttma..'' •-- . -
= tar.agiggia...-Xlmolggpm soibioUllomol ; - +
.i.,,, ogh -ow it, god WWITI Truntlitat 4 tom tt tee,
~.t oggod. l .. g-Xt=eXt.= , , , , , ar,...a. , - 4 r... r . IMPPaggitt owl:- - - 6
• Ar.uialta to onto a long
of egitt6Algi • - '1•: , z..A...•
in on cousttoos Out ti: b rlkitio ttA,ra„ i , , : Il lti
, ,==o .4 emp. :bit a st36.l.loPpWaftein
i o c ii&lert v i . =d i ra . =thorlo 1 . - . 1 . ,&ee ..
at &seams of the &IVO. it7 - 'o, ig.n r- r, ..•
' - ''
RlM4l l 2C . atijfig2tijigle. thi.l3BlV.:l4bl.
I gz-iiva.ittvikt.,,,,,ir..--.l...ritiLiz
sad Kittot•p hir
o.;ikv. _ et
~..,...... m a.r 005 ...., , ,
Murals* At1.1.......7....".• '''
tiegllttp.• to= Ittst• "19" tit' , i
Ititym a lie=toot al t. 'd ifernria ' o 44 ,5 41 : ' .=
1-I,IX Ls gagtteooto.4.ll74tltt. UP all - -3
.... 4 ,_
4holointmearriarg a.„.4 : I.lho
'.lrinf god rentrirsi Merry to al
, rawanot vegort ;Mgt PI, vt - T.,
e P X tor=ttagAlgtg , l4 a* gitr 1.
10.0 - te wh
oxianwo o desires it. • d u. • - , , ;,.,,
25 ?!'! '77 1 " rWat,.._ .tom ' lloil dem , 646141'-strili ,•:' -.----'
....-4. , !... 1 7 1, - ''.-- .. w :„.P .;,..V. - 4. ~:i*. z 4.?
: ' , cortex steed , sagt Yltita..qt Igo L ~.1 ~ : lt- t
hovihny - "ta...wiguhdroDs.bmao-m .
'' '' • :" - MiglariMMTlON. '
ir mai 'alio arl
rrawith ello t Seillis Maier and B.ldat ft iVnia goo; 7z9 '
gains in or linft,Ald.fdat*,.A .. ..a2 , 2
q 1 17,M•.:
.4 thata ,
Od tbsl ft ba
t leti Ulf not tanbdaed Ice way t=
t C , Cd>
inako nitli
Itat 50 =IN ref. 1:* nay 5J Le T, mint
ROA 11 - = , 417 - taln ' to tA;i:
of,innCira l anam e =tirls 4 :=
(hay muter honi af crania, and babt&unsrla
, Us= ot oar aunt= earth. in it* Mng 11 041 1,,,A& 0 44
=ln *naming Ingozpity • malt runtdp
Is c :et.f4 #ll:nt. 1516e411141.11.4.1611116 Ji
nod.. any raiz.: 03131131 ahatamtlomvar4Boo .14=1
cawing, and rat tin soo.t P• 24.1 a.m.. , - fn
I.c -marl Cholerrellarbas; en. - or two tang:" ku?'" - '
rand 04 nn a' Mantas, to which era* other.eW!V•4
beanva no-STEIL .All =led ri.V . a
that In: Want IFirt 7 anni cbiltanins anditOn=ii.:l7=
Inn** , mallastionr, itninabud trant.nany . nuantantil*,„
oloftbe troth toaten.l Ina abare lannannt. irt auk ,
big 1355117 EL 3L./C*l.l::tnni Basin, finmattintnielz aur4.4-
gawr comer of Aced drest coat ,
$1... E. Seth% Wend strlvt 9.. A. raw. cod kat: /44,
-2112EZATTELWESD. : 'i.". , . ;
ti.-I :IIIt WaLEBRATEDREMEDO4%;:z ' ai
•L-Da. JACCO:Bast.,. the dLoorararzL .... d midoStojklft,2l4. 1,1
most...Dural. and tettegeial
- M a imam. of tio* misbrand lustnt=rot for Woil% , :t L:4
ap. la Wed Logs estro.of Chronic, d ...evorsil *.ita1t,.....7
datf tint
sar i ! ' tarylidan; Doctor may, boa y ..^.,
Aradtudal of as ttaivandll . bt Potonyttardsootd fat Willi , ~,. .t..2
yet. time has .o!to,foicoed I.}bo ioratt
. 4049,11114texta,
ow. - and 118=1111041 Or re.lDa. alettlO. .
1 ilar alr0:::::kt aor inutt os -to IA bia1.7 , 7-L A ‹,
nu 1.9 put. s and other of ids reott id ike , a.,, fft ~0 03:
xilitilcthsn it=r nu
tirzt= embarsee i iti r curing
4,o,,:iriao ttgaga
sil.ktods; Chronic Erisitse..../ ‘- la thaw Q 04113111 ~ - .3 1,
tr r
fa Yee. ritar . illo th rlidr, iltd=7/otttl dimrincLili
ostr o.4_liipT ?‘ogllT ,,, ojut aollvf I .
',',/' 041
It—o.a.M.a La.k jut gym.. illu
adapted to. and Pre 111 n for toed •
° Ja Took Aliesth. Pa% artMajpedaatA talliffa- ~,, , ,,2
ill aeltootriedgat ttiborauxti. to all OIL
Ureter that lott. loadlOwa.a. N . .. , 1.141- sop- ,- • -
Itatlr gmaran.pßechloor..asalv. tiaidea Ma atirad.5..14.2a..1
wodoa am tutu- In to Dm -nt ix, 1101artla. ado.;
tot to imaU abeam loa baths matitik.fthat• Inn trial , .1" , " 41
'it lodEthatt=tdiA T#Pi r i , ' 1, ! , .7 .". 0-0q4.....t .- 7.1
I - lb. sessut co tetritedto eiil *Km temooK aid , in. • 1v4.41
irratt . .rve.f=tratip.t,r4 ,o - 044 •-: , _ , .
:Jae Mb thq&nraistpabois ral at Lvuooldioga...7:e..l.l*
I V lieiTgti:ivii.'' . ''''? .:I , '
.4. 14 Toffetsatia
..., .
_5ii......_ , a
-..14.401.itt10it9.14 . v . ::.feettartaztnta....i •-•,q• ' , 1 , 71 :;;1
7,1,1 . 9. u! , , ,, . ::',E..,t, ,-,.: ti ...-.7 ..i
...austbdir !..: .;:, I:, , , '1.,; , 1 : ..:.: , , ~: : .: , .es.:i 042
i , (101111)87:ANDIIEGIEN '''"'''''''''t" - T
aaVIN'APPLIOPED *ill 'be' fmairiist• V''''''
• meatexamhbei mamma wnonat ~ c ~a
eic MK irbleb bummed tbs tot of UK, yer env , i ;17_1
rithe " Vatt=4,Os " br"
e, =fr:4m ; 1
el sadcbgermegr of dlones.l Woks/ .Itekoa c•:..f.:_a
= „ : „,,,,,,...... 7 ., ~....:,:z.
~,,,,,...A .. 4 „ ,,,,,„......,•,„,,,.„,,,.,,
.......:Fassis. sederesst prsrpoat -- ...t 3
jade C.12111.1140* MOIL Lr .. ,2, ~.:, . 7, ~.,z ~,-:
itrsiMaoly==tiftAilk ,•-: a:
! retie* bhdletrt a tm=ya scuoolmil ate d =rtzl 4,....,z
ita=fte et Mor t AtkinS W . 4eK.::s
Y "". r.dzshinlitiaaarStiit tie.' liiiitSiittlE -11'
IL Wails . Um otariaDaalsteU. TS Pear
I". Isa a - VAla r tat " VA " : ` af ` W" '-) ..
Mats..,....e•foll=ritisidad..tatsrderadtad.tha...;3... 4 l .
,:4lplasAFeorasrdsol , lidietherissw4sw. T...,: . :s7
lidad.. 2111 ,4,.. Madamad of. trpea ..,. ~..a
rtarttapotiad tioterasel ' Zadasur
OlaaaPadt o g euf : davald lastatptsa sad.
Saitassis u " att sa= 2 =4 , 7 „ . 4 ' '' ' . , •
pass Paftat , Sts, 12 t....... ,
SaMe petas:al... fril l =Ad saris,
..state .5 . :..
"="""""". " . °"' idapW "4 l2 ""
tspd la our pall s rips pasi Ili.
i . Tab ar Me t a
mium e
, table% lt. .4-62 WU en=
1::1=1 It tb
lg . = s lGret tkoott,.. 0.
assaitras stitsatsarassasi SW aii OZ- 7
4. l , llWr a" ..Pittalmrsh. by IL IL &Ws, Keit& 'nil lb- , :t 9 ;'.'. 1.
•.. Ozdelt a Ssastarta and bY tb*.t. l l ThuitOle
• - . Me sat op billtetr.lSe, sardoestallas POO•
„Tailietwil l the;fttatnxigYesiiette:::, - i , :-::
I;mpiaaam AnnmON jll:xwpe i at t iz.. , ',-. L. -,
' ,JE, , ,,Alited toil. &Mewing truths, reactrat ' ket:. i:,-,:4.
~. W. -1 .11/It-WitWet t ittireal w ilnia'aiia, ,,
Tar slao Wore tido groa t . - trtor 4miarta beibrrao ..':%.. <-
c ourotrthrtrUlrauk=vue. Us wroat i r . ,....
7A -um.. ..,.., .7,--r- ....--,,
eastat . tra . t .tba, .. ~.f
... 4 ,. : .,„. E ..,,....„1- 7 ... ~..,
... 4 , .1...4.. .......,....=.o4••!, T o ir Ww5: .4 .e . . 4 : :; ' ,..i .
~,,,7CM...„,..t.irth'..4 , 21.Z. : ' ,, - ,,.
:s.wlrsirw-tha 're nay nod** ouloa.;, , qJ
„„,... . 0341 Moe. our yoga orvut two*, • • :,: : f
nitt-v.r..=p.T.v.... w ,:::: ,
1 1 ,1t . . L 'atin ps . Ar t 1 1114. 4 1Vr
is tr. rim klar4lro Pas Ula ---. 4
i par .vt• *WAS .to ordg kola. Dar t a mu. ;. ~.
, '
...t! ihd = ib l4n.utorla
• ,a Varft - r ' F. 174 . 47 1 .7:
.1-13111 dis rut two posubs, two of oar clrn durrar. .1 - :
d...., waane.Uure 1 01 . .. ror.7dteidjohl..l3a.; :• '
ietwl'adet Oa ,
..irlitl:r_. Rtito.,:zwow wear . ,
tt _agars; ati,, f x.';Z:41,7j*,,r11,T,.„..xm.fin ...,-.! a
bneserravir onrwwlib. butr•icsomt WI rAP : ' •-•
0,, Thew tuns... 0 11 714 11 4271fiComleAl*Ook . :..:, A
, ."IrT s 7 =Li' 0u5.,4)=..t0m7=,
1 i
rZrZ ..".: , 3t ' r,. •c4 4,ra.., ::i. fZ
1, V 44 . 1 /=. 4 f • . 4 4 , 41ur.,. an s.
ter to rice - .
' - -- : '-',”, ,- ,: "-i •
toff dm Martz sr , clOdreTh' -
RE , 11 . 44 Er.drttrt llaawa. Corm Ala -Irmaksit. ..'4 , :.:.
Ili grt1 , ==.....nr44.--bri. At.d,it,- ,
..., ippi..l yawns. Orrtithodow tattirill sai ta , Jr, ~;,
1 1 .140 MVO Egrewbo IKU 44 Lit...Pl*.:.•-
.. 1 , 4 '4: 7 warr.. kklLds.Ss 4ll . l"
.g.. .4 i,-,..,,...:.
thew pmts.. 4' :'.
.:I. • :ilirdt. I.E . ~ , slt:laltbdt . - . 6 ._ . y . - -
Ati a .Zi... " Tanlrr 4 =g.t,tVgiallitf',:"'. •
vow= usnogrriliatu.r.tra.a is us Amt., ~,,,,
4111 everAtarvemt. Tor Nue, wbolesde lad to.
Mt — KIMMEL a iteDoiy - iL14140 wr..s It. , .
- E. rearvi w.c.o4.suri; p•ihkrri-j , - 16 ! 7 ,- ,
B. litti deultri, 9 ,gir - mt, erg& IC:
" ,4 Is 4-kiturenca A. 4.x.:!.. IS.I sad imitate , :
. ....
S E asqurEAPAtfiggWapt F. -
cwii 4 7ll
: 4 •
tottubiccoace etrot clw_. e 4 a,-
totaVerceXtrop wins 0,
T r am cf sor bom and o f rotor worst
times, am it bu item fahto to am=
.. " * VVilrVgO . otrt oA
th r
Tarots thoultinotperett theirWitten to Starr ham
mosb4.earthrrlga bottle owe
awdzo .67 wool*. and Prorictriscoadir. ^..1 .7
Wkrita irett gb !" 4
. - 1,
Oirit Col Baas Lindatod
4... e 11%"4.
(1.61 r .
Zoe Otatemat Sat Tiottcr:t
.4.440: 12 D-i;
A"Mja1i.00. 4 .4
, • lot johat
mg, &e.--A laige stock 7.7-f
tn...“ ut^.. l, Frif. Vs; :::a
I.oolZutlelialo , ,
141.09ige• Mt . .. 1.,, .. L-r.: .r...t.
Nana de
=oo th ittllittalts•Xtv. - 7:....,.±
o=l Mass
-=at Klagnitil, .--
llntli* le , ' '....
ra.zeo atrapErmZegt . i 1 ,-- . -7.,..
.7 . .7 1,,i;H 7 `....; ~ '1 ": ~-±, t , IP'
La Iklyavazt 1 7 7,1-;
41:4=m •
•. .. bp...... Er Pon
‘ 4 .2 ,0 .4' . . 1 .
worszabs z ki •
. .• .