The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 24, 1851, Image 3

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Hansa or THE Bin;,-.ftteeetite f the mei,
hers of ..the Bar yell/may,
• the Booriaf,thiDistrift. C.otud, for the purpose
of.taking utelniimr relative to the late tufthuly
deatli of Jteeee.C.. Hawkins Esq: -
The Honorable Hopeireli Hepburn wee Called
to the Chair,* Edwftt . H. atowe pet. appoint.
The Herootable.Chules &haler, after express.
lug his eO ,. at lilr:,Hawkins' death; obterred
that no ylAftgmart could have Made, gresterpro,
pus in Airiestbutiore of his brethrenof the
Bar; or lly; than te had doi.;
As, a Liaillavier; which bran& of his prates.
okra hebadapfarentlyaisdepecrdiarly Ida starli t ;
he had no one to rival him among the young
members of. the !or.: The sound:tee, of Ads
Indgment, , sta his great mathematical knowledge
combined to ifthis him Mr admirable advocate Li
the tiial,isiorauPecially'of.are ejectment, Ho
knew of ferft,joinl.broian, whatever. Might be their
agemid,Cirrience, who were more formidable
Wan adversary, oe mon, useful an an ally, in,
trying armee of :tide: martin,. He m a man of :
the tottoosfparity-44. uprightness :of cheriteter,;
and had a clear end straight forward manner, of,
ersiremig himself, which, was:pecallarly'Atted
to engage , the attention
of a Judge and dory.: I
He regretted tri : laY that it was the rurally
of his legal. itadiea which bad .izpidnFhOft qie
"disease ht.:allele he - dia.. ThOugh he Would
surruuldielois of any lawser, he felt more eniel
sylered - for the .deceased; cut or in the
bkerraof blsymftli and midst of his useiblitn.
A rad '.Or . iolfforlif4 'of ' oroPothd . for Mr.
HawkineielatiVia Pievadeci s die minds of alithe
Judge -fthalee concluded by . 'declaring that
Hems H: Hawkins bras a model for lhe
don of brith Oidand young. , • . • )
James F.:KannOyEK.,'offirred the following
Fumbler and resolutions, :which were, on mo-
tiontmoabmoasly adopted:
vtithteelings of Pedip;
rant mit*Uf,lhe death of our :brother; Beam
H. Raw ndnitllateauceiber of this Bar, who was
endured tope all, net more by his legel and lit;
• emery aterhnceriti, than by warmth of heart,
and sorieralig:escillence in all those qualities
which =alma mu. :Bright as are the names of
those 'erainentjorista who AIL and hate lifted die=
tit:riddled places it the Pittsburgh Bar, be bade
.fkir, had it pleased God to :have cured him ao, .
CS, to cirtaithe most disdnplehed. Asa_dearly
_Wand, friemOre, mourn - his death, thoigh -in
cur grief 11 .- -i-tinge:UT that eelfialinees'. which
marks erelmutan;-_for the toes is ours,
'not pure spirit - :kaa dad 'la God
that gait it birth, for - virtrie, truth, mad hirrior, -
ehauueriteci ;the whole course of his life, and
went with: Idni ,ter the , grave. fatally,
who hale theta:suffered aft.rretiniaidelose,
mingle ,Miesorroi,'ind condole with them: in
their otai.dorq -
Therefore resolved,That_we deplore his un
timely dePartare; because In his short carver-he
t4e ; Clemente' of eme' profeasienal
Itemotred; That Lie meiduitgy =Meat pad
.naremitting May, aid ardent and .lofty Mehl
time, pranated a model for thole:illation of lioth
his midis aid jazdors, la the profeaelni.. -
ltesolve . d, - That se tolpm of oar rmpecyor
anomorpore trill. sear the, amid' badge of .
slaivalng.fcm thirty days. - • _
thme premMdingsbe pedaled..
inths cltgespent,l and that this emend Coirts
erAllegbeig pertuetybe requested' to enter them
Beioteed, That a copy, properly anthentiew
ad be faraished_to the family of the deeatised:. •
Mesetit Fre*. Shaler, and Ilatoptoo,• were op.
rt riteotototalttee:to cam the bat resolution
. .
The lion: Mosettlarapten said that he would
detain him:l44A mommt, lint he felt it to be
Ida dutylo say that though his acquaintance with
the deciiimedWas but Utoltid; he had formed• a
high opinion both of Ids professional abi li ties
sad of his ciariater as a man. • He knot Ids
hither, - who yes a member. of tho Bar; and lad
maintained a proniinint position, in the .Stste
Legislators Ills grandfather; too, Reece'Slll,•
hailleen a man of clamors, snot he Telt
persuaded that hail the deceased lived; he would.
has been OA °moment to_the Bar and to ioeisty;
Unmet .Fr, Esii;,•Tul sot feel that Lewis
sullorrlutd:to-, • 4aak the.lisiscuted demised ,
through tlattloindsocisl,and profteudical ;rest
lacuna whirl turbid Ifiarldrce connection
with runty tither minion* of the tar; !fa had
but reandly returned to _tunnies, but , in 113.43 -
be arti la partnership with,Dln Hawkins' hither:.
The dsoessed;ithea shout, 1111:01 years of sok was
Quite seralleed , le; isailer4ibtebeetal by.the
-study of lifgnbra. '7idge Shaler's:ralisik hod.
,born Elm Of beimuch poinuitsie these - stadia
bad beilisto Idni. • • • ; •
It.wisio, be regretted, that a man 'so twat
sad so vatted information had
eat off the
prime of life, mid lilru Si be
lam Went those whe devoted themselves most
eaddeeti' 1y,t9,-theatudstudy.y of, the lair, fell victims
to tbe Wend of thst Mali was base
das *seat t"
instant*, and bait Sine
lost the services of .o talented man, and the legal
vaereleioa been depaiyed or en oimaent. 1
meeting then, on motion, rid,bturned,
Gunit, Autieezo - at • Too • CoßeZotootto_
rassrrnmil Clecluol ,;- Tie Ural* witMok
'6l24l7 ' uarrnin g' v u °Pell!' d
indil*ots6l,2ll,llitaVElt WM 4=104
thi 47: 1 *W PrinciPilVpccaple4 In mewing
nsiorti.rgrodotLs P o 4 l Pitters ,- • '
MrmorislseNstiwto the *object Ol,ell;Tetit
wren iimmted !Lid lifinia to the auu4F,“
, „
urn m
-rox , EtAsiapg—e-SQuewirs:
unuibr'Eada,4sbati, - iieie yaltezdaybuid• by
the ociiiisfi Auambly dy.tbiCambedend krer
Ctlmberlakil Presbyteriesk-Br. P.. Bosroer, at .
114 *hook A '
.414.:.. -- lattodwittou of she =ll-
AL:a by:#14,... T. Pothcoo4 3F. M.; Rel. Z. P.
Medrileo7/P:11. ,- ' • -
A. 31..134m4). h. Quoit ttP. • I
Lothozo--Bee.:A7. 3R116t1432;
o:l3oLein 7/.' P. M.
_ •
St7lll33,llspfille-BCT:L IVCEgater;lo“. 4
Beradr. 31.- •' - '
Piretlleprost-Atrr. W. Neal, Mt/ 4. M. Use
A.O. Cloodtet,'7/P. 31 ' h
sl Bur. IL
Med, 10/ A:1114 BOY, Mr- ifter,,7/ P. If. 1
BoolthAdd et. Method Lit Episcopal-41ov; .1.
Cesepo - 10/ A. 31: Bor. 71. A. - Thuitlr, r.;br:
Binh. Preshytertext.-Boi:.W. F. i!sird, 301
wcairlin Chapel Bar.
IL Guthrie, 10} A. 3L; Bev. T. Thotwal
. Methodist B. &boy Clutpel.-11sw. S. E. Iled.'
; op, 10/A,3l..Beeeread W..71.11e1ty, 1'.1311
Nettoottet • PlOteetaato-Rer. 4. .1. White, zoi
• Bev /F. hoeon, 7/ P M
pirir.-earaberbiad Preabyteriaii Cbarob7 . -#7;
U. B. Battik -101 A. IL; aer. Beedi
pint Dreabiteilikei. - ii. P. Modt rl , 9}
A. IL; Sen. - A. 3.lfaird, 711. M.
Second PvtabytertaarDirr. ,, W.-IL 8.444,10 fr
A. ld.. Dar; W. B. Dilham, 8 P.ll. - ' I
First Methodist P. Cbareh—lie,,
10; A. It., Dee. D. Corley, n'EV.IL, •
UThlr::ttrest Idetbodist—Det, E. MoCerd,
10ed. 3L, Bev. W. Lambert, 5 P. bL
*lath Commons Methodist-=star, Y. D. Chad,.
wick, A,IL; Rev. D. grieir, 81 WIC
KethOdist.,Proteetaat.4ter._& ,; LEael* ;10i
A. If ;Re*. 4.4. Meek, 71 p,41,
Coaeord Priallteriark--fter. ' J. P. DampbeD,
/0)A..17;• - , • - '
A. PW‘pf Win Church—aro' W 04
PUTiniali LINA biltilLA2 CZ 0611,•1114:11
II tbOTOVlPittibUreit9M ' Plinis la its of*oo
* l4 ola If 11 41 ,0
fliffelY ofoo4hoow Those who wish to /inn
tier WO* we* isnti 111600wd. of ihOlf
'bosom stweld„' means . =brut: tha
bdtttiea'sBbnisd hy Life lasorocco Cor#Whies,
=Ws they kayo:other resorts; and this opal !
pros *Seri* niiiill bib! desired jend.:lF
part ea las sr - •
At. the lito/Molten of thitA Mo
tottiaoas Udall .09)1110* 0t,,-04 Bt .
Maio Hotel on du 21o,thilobininir i gs al l
t ooO
Mrs Ideated Diziotity4fif aorta for am' g
'7 41141 ' DB. BOBEET W/4
)OHAB. =Lot r' •
At itm S i tgi4....P#«FP=.
the L~llbtrlag .
%ABM olectser .1.-1",";,, ,
-- "•--Ausi. 1 4kgidibei*Xi4 7 .$ 1 * Prikatiati :
110 - 14107, — W.A1t - DIZIMR - P;.r .
1 1:4 IS.
o sm
,'AL xm..•
D il Tgeri ,C, 0 7 37 4'.
.The *Wet Court . adjourned On Thtuifitj
morning; on lemming' ot,the'Edeath or-Reece H
Thelion Hopewell,liepburn, President ;nage,
who Was on the bine!' at the thite, observed that
the Luxuriated., deemOderell deeervcd this ',mark
of the esteem In whieh his memory was hqd by
fill' bream= of the:Mar. Ha knew of no one
..IM.Wthrted life Ifith fairer ProsPects. lie
Tao an ornament to, tbe Har—a young man of
poirerfid aneionitectuding talents, and, held a
prominent position in public estimation. '
• •Fri ay, :Slay 23.
' The .Coart met tbis morning, but adjourned,
there being no basin's in readiness for it. .
The Court of Common Pleas has adJoutned,
hating transacted all the. basisiese which was
brenght before it. . •
DtectiarnanThe lams in the Die
tact Coast have been discharged until Monday
. . ,
Lesecwr.—blichaal Welsh wee yeatinday
committed to prison by 'Mayor Guthrie ,170
with stealing sereenlollars in money fro mi 6 an old
woman named Sarah' blame. residing, on
Grant. street. 'Nearly all the money was
carious' military companies of
littstmrghpirade4 SeiterdaY• Thepp resented,
I .
as usual, a vary neat and. solder appear.
. • -
Risks Bloomer vs: McQuewen and Douglas.
Blame es. Where Dilworth.. ,Same vs. Miami,
Eiamo vs James Milliner.
Bamo vs. A. and J. D. Kelly. game vs. Robert
and Tames' 111. - 'Sante vs. Gime Dreher
Before his honor, Judge Omaa and a Jury.'
The Plaintiff at ;the lioreinber Term, last of
thbeCeirt; filed his bill of complaint againetrhe
erne entitled. Defeadents; for.using,' withikt
Demise, the planing machine patented to. William
Woodworth,' on the .27th day of Deemilber, 1828
~ .wrtended to him administrator on: the 16th
day. of Nosember,lt342,for wren years froM and
after the 27th day' of December, 1849—extend
ed farther by epemal act of Congress, approved
onthe 26th of February 1845, and the patent of
which, after said hurt extensiOn,.wisseurrender
ed, end again reissued on Bth day of July 1845,
with new and amended letters
. . patent, bearing
The Plaintiff, in the asaignee of that pciaiiirit
of said, patent;covering the Western District
Pennulsania,, !Linen others, charged, that the
Der -ants were using said patented machine
Without his licensear consent; and prayed- that
the said several Defendants, who were operating
mine grandly In different parts of, Pimebergh,
andin the- vicinity; might be restrained by in-
' The Defendant . ' admitted that they were
li ning
the machine which was patented on the 27th
day of December, 1828, to William . Woodworth;
but they denied that' Woodirarth leas the Inven
tor.. They also, severally insisted that the pat
ent of December .27th,: 1828, and the re-issued
patent of July Bth, 1845, were for differeet in
ventions, and that a fraud Lad. teen 'committed
upon the public by the Patent Office in deliver
ing to the ddmirdatzator. of Wm. -Woodworth,
the amended letters, patent. Upon a hearing of
the several Motions on. behalf of the Plain
tiff, for an interlocutoryinjunction against the
snid• Defendants, eaeerally, the Court, Adam
Grier and Irwin - presiding, deeided that the De
fendants hid a right to be heard on that part of
-the defence . - which related to the originality of
the inventioit of Wiliam Wobdwortit. and alto
upon the question of the identity of the machine
described in the patent of December 27th, 1829,
and the re-issued patent of July_ Bth, 184.5.
Thai questibne of originality and identity being
questions of fact, the testimony, if heard:opon
affidavits; *Mid be contradictory, as was 160.114
and that such - questions would' be best tried by
a jury with the witnesses before them in perm.
Lena were therefore' ordered to be tried at the
May Term; 1851
First:.lPu "Vondworth the : 'original
Inventor of the machine patented by him, on the
27th of• Dee. 1828? .
Second—le the re-lamed patent, of July Bth,
181 b, tor the nine threaten, intended to'hare
been patented by the'natent of Dec: 18Z3? .
!;;That the Wale be regarded for allp•M'poino of
tilde scan action at /se and that the Defend
ants be seqmred to save notice 41'41 matters of
defence and evidence; to', be by them offered In
the time.and'inamme foc .by the'lfith
election. of ,the . act of Congress,
.of July fifth,
The initial pies were called on &Willi, the
17tteof May, 1854, and. s jury stapeasellat to
try the lames.
The trialeomiteTieVioallsedel the 1 9 th, and
vas continued until the 21st Oar of May. • t
The plibitiff put in evidencie the patent issued
ti,lfffliatn.yealworth, ditedffith of Decembei,
1828-the re•Eamed patent"of 884. July, 1846,
mullettee - of - rtbninistrition upon the estate of
William Wooden:lth andthe Met Wanda= of the
patent, al:dratted his case ,
~The drteedintiaaiongether P ointe of defenc,
introduced two Trench pateinte. ,
. Letters patent fifteen:a** deted the 16th
of March % 1817, vented by .the Government • of
Trance to Loeb' Valor 'fosephliare
for. machine to - Phuie wood of all kinds and dl.
men:dolls mud to was on that oubotO# o 4M9Tot.
popes, and nuiablifigs.
2ad.. Lettere patent for an itopertement and
addition to, the precedlng patent, ,bidlnatif epon
*Urges sealeolated )larch 80, 1818, to Louis
datalne Otbziel Rogan, assignee tef Laois Viet Or.
Jisepb Mao Regain... -
, doseers patent. for Stleengerts, datsdldarch 9,
1826,40 leolune Thomas DO Aliainville, of St.
Quentin, for two machines to plane, and tongue
sali:poen, and to reduce to an equal thickness,
wood far flooring, as well u all kinds of *aids,
whatever their dimensicms may be. • I.•
The defendants offered animal .witnertes - to
absw that the Snatch patents were foi machines
Ina respects like the machine patented to Mi
lian Woodworth, and 'leo that thotwopatents of
1828 to Woodworth, and of 1846 toVfoodirorth's
subtdtdstntbm, were different machines, and in
rddidan to the witiunisea-prcdated in evidence
=Lithe Orations ofV: 11.1ohnsen, of Wash;
city, ind Edtgaad Andre; Esg:, late Cant ! '
loner of Patents; glifigit na their opinion
dult:tholto n ifo/O Sotooto Tuts for a machine sub
, atandally e the the >Woodworth machine, end
:hit the rpecidcatlord of the Woodworth patent
*re Dot alike. - I • -
"The defendants also put in oridenco a patent
granted to Woodworth In Roiesalcr,lBBo; for a
machine for the tames ,Intrpose as the patent of
1828.1 - '
Thai ptaiittif• Oared . the originality of the am
['china patented oa the 27th 'of Deofnaber; 1828,
lirthtt testimony Of severalwitnesies whoknew
Oodworth personally, prorioui to and after:
1828, and, slao that the original machine, which
~won wailed Cl Hudson, and afterwards removed
to the dity of New York; was effective, and plan
ed and otherwise dressed Jioards and plank in 's
Workmanlike manner.
The.plabatiff offered in den= a model of the
original machine, leateit to William Wood;
worth; on the 27th of to ember, 1828, which
won "deposited in the rooms of the Franklin In
stitute,'ed 10uladelphht in 829, to obtain-'a re.
pent of the Institute upon le Invention.
The plaintiff also proved that the two specifi
cities" were for the same machine, and thit the
patent 9f Woodworth via for • iambi:Meat
of - known. cutting , instnanents, with Premix=
.rollers, Cr any anallgons device to prevent the
bOards from being dzawn itp by the plane, when
- cutting upwards, or from:Me reduced or planed
to the =planed muds= =bug other wit
nesses produed was Worms= Locum; of Cia.
cloud who testified to 'the grieve value of the
invention or Woodworth; and that he had been
acquainted With; the :machine sin= ' the year
1830, in which year It we. introduced; into Cin
chianti: - That 'in the yeti 1841, - bli attention
wan particularly called to the machine, and the
wet tten.necification; and 40dr - 41'1 1 1P or-orr - -
puttying it,•to_obtsin his opialoiffn a cue 'hi the
Ohio Circuit, that'he therenonexamlurd the
same, and the epaeideatton•: sad drawing" SAM
!lvey, and- sine 1844 "had' been, familiarly ao
iTtaintod thwart*: he , cutiablerad. that Abet esr
aculial parts of the Woodworth machine; wore
thi combination of rotating pima sad premiere
reliere. by whleb a new as = -en&dl*l4lo.
w given to' ft bran of industry swenefuovet
as any other. 17e dld - fil ray that Woodworth
invented the rotating cuttiug toole,". nor pres,
ware rollers. but be. intention waa" • =Ad:
nut= of several known device"; tho'' F l a ak _
end rotating planes moving sgalist each othe r,
• the ' preens". rollers to bold - the board and
plank in position; while operated' upon, prang:
incs plane on the fate of the board by soccer'
cite ents, whatever the t
opmalinulike .4 broad adze, and at wale
time tongueletbad gmovingthe board if =var.
ed.. The old specific:mien was dater*, the new
specification is smtncient: it contains ele
locate of both a horitiental and testiest machine, ,
Professor Lecke' captained and demonstrated
very parlicubwly . the Moduli operewli 'or the
: Weedirorth cutter. as used In the Woodworth
, meaner; lit( by revolving in a direction to' cut
from the planed 'or finialtal to the übplened
roug h outface. lie dm:ionic:fa= that the - cut
Je In the form eta eland Aredie or Imam that
-the . finishing actin tho'damtorthe burrs face
eteeeedlngly'thin iarl'Wcate,lait the shaving
tureasing thicimers'::ls_it. =mm e till Is
'Feitezei AbkeeAP l P *Oa sof ' , Art
mks cut there Ja:the li shah, at-um -satsuma
plait, ant/ thltimitekit the tn.- flat le - Ald
tart @mattshe. POO . to -Woodworth !
J 10138499: thit:watne o as the -patent of
ie Ii aairtuditai
denary planes, with niters entirety Previa.—
The one is valuable and other IS worthless—
hie examined the Pim& Watts granted to Id.
Regain. There Me teem chines deacribed arid
sheen— . the cutters of one o the machines ore
burr cutters , which are not p Perly tools to op
erate upon wood, approp ri ate , to op
entions upon Iron- The Second machine bas a
cutter which traverses in • carriage ever a sta
tionary bed, the boards being held down by doge.
The motion of the cylinder and the cat le the op
peen of the WoOdworth cut, being from the en
planed to to th e planed surface, cutting through
the gritty matter at each successive revolution
and attacks! the cutters. Neither of the French
machines are practical machines. Professor
Lock's examination closed the `evidence.
. The Judge charged the Jury as follows:
OINTLIIIMS or ins Juur—As, has been stated
by'the counsel for the plaintiff, the tunes in this
cue were ordered by me witting on the equity
aide. of the Court, to ascertain—rust. Was Wil
liam Woodworth the original inventor of the ma
chine patented by him on the 27th of Decanter,
IffiB? -Second.. Is the mimed patent of July
8, 1846, for the same invention, Intended to have
been patented by the patent of December 27
1828? :This patent has been before me so often
and for. so long a time, that It 'has behome ste
reotyped. . Ina recent cue tried by Cite it Phil
adelphia,- under the apprehension t.hrit the jury
mightmot agree, I gave theta a monthto could.-
er„but they decided the case bp-miming •
verdict in a day. If the same question should
again arise, I would not make a like order, be-
cause I am now perfectlyeatisfied.
The first question you will ask will; be, what
did•Woodworth invent! . Ton know that to enti
tle an inventor to a patent, his machine must be
both new and usefuL The intellectual produo
tion must differ from all others—it mast have a
distinctive 'character. It is plain, aid the fact
is actuated that Woodworth did not invent circu
lar cutters, rollers, nor cog work, thatis the star
gaiiing which has been spoken of—nor an end.
less cludn—nor did be invent a
spring or by levers. Did Woodworth vent the
machine patented to him on the 27th f Decem
ber, -IfnB,
as It is in combination? If he did,
res Tarts
then he is entitled to the patent—to e monop
sly, as.a reward for his discovery—he [was enti
tled to fourteen years, and in this ease there
lain been two extensions of the patent, each for
seien years, making in the whole, Meaty-eight
Much is frequentiy said about the ord prin
ciple in the trial of. patent actions. It may be
chnsidered as this foundation of every invention.
It. Is; howeser, a slippery-word-meaning the
moans operetta, or mode of operation. .
Have we any account of a patent, or means to
effect the same object—to; do the same work as
is effected by the machine of Woodworth?" A
hundred trials hive teen had, including almost
if not quite every circuit, but the patent has
Saner sauctershilly been assailed—there 'is no
pretence that Woodworth was the inventor of the
mmluusical means detailed; .buthis claims cover
a Combination of tools which do the work—all
the numerous attempts for • likeparpose moved
with the board or plank and failed to do the
work—many persons came near 'being success- .
full' but not one succeeded until the time of
Woodworth. . . .
The art of printing was not discovered until
very recently—it was nearly perfected, but it
.wasnot successful until the fifteenth century.—
Theert of printing calico preceded it, with the
'aeries, of intelligence exhibited by each genera
tion It may bo considered remarkable. It is
theme with many' ther inventipna, which have
since been added to the arts People may be found
who.will swear that they know all about it, al
though no person can be found to corroborate
such testimony. It is proper perhaps for Coun
sel to do all that can be done, but such evidence
cannot. avail_amdzist the fact of invention, and the
use of a patent. In the trials - which have been
had its other Circiritarasort haft been ramie to the
inventions of Benthant Brarerth,lifnir, and also
Uri-Emmons. In the inner the Counsel have
abandoned the repetition and claims of the per
sons named—the cheat of Emmons is palpable
—he cheated Woodworth out of one half of his
patcnt.• The Cozumel have abandoned urging that
The French patents were the only meters thit
I desired to hear about. They are, however,
defunct things, dug out of the archives of &for
eign office. Neither , of them contain the de
mentsof the Woodworth patent. The learned Pro
fessor Locke has explained to you the mend
devices contained in the French patents and
the difference between the Woodworth cut and
the cut, of the French inventors. lie has ex
plained thereafter fully. Woodworth invented,
as I have already nedd, & combination of natters
and pressure rollers to effect an object—it &cum
pliehed the purpose—no man can appropriate the
machine without authority. The pressure rollers
to hisMachinis may be graduated as may be de.
dnsble—the essence is to =tibiae the Ida) to
produce 0 beneficial result, The Frenchmen
bare tiecn trying—but they are likaltenthenn and
Braterth and Moir—they have done nothing.
,The next question is—la the re-issued patent
of Jay 8;1646 for the mime invention, intended
to hare been patented by the patent Of Decem
ber .27, ? If the patents were alike it would
hive been useless to have made the surrender.
My brother Story examined the old patent, and
he informed the Counsel for the patent, that the
ingenuity of the opponents of the patent would
defeat it, if not amended. In eonsequence of
that Migration, it Imo itureridered, and a new
and amended patent applied for and. grszsied:—
The Court has examined the old patent and find
it to be imperfect:Yon wBl oak what. machine
did Woodworth *mato Pittabargh 1111660? Was
it. a vertical machine ble the Dry Dock IJ , Aire
which was et -week In 4624 and all the world
vire :sunning to look ate' or was it a hod
"rental machine of the . Come kind ? The
tools :in the Brat machine were the same
asset Prime ussed-;-they warienot quite an per.
facts., the tools which were putinto the horizontal
UMW= Ernie:mho:do would- see the want
of truth table. The Washington witnesses, whose
depositions have been read, have supposed that
the two patents must be alike. They hsvetelis- -
ipitieliended the subject. Surely if the first
patent was imperfect, he had a right to maven
+Jeri:. The question, therefore, is, what kind
of Ss machine did Woodworth invent? Did the
specification attached to the.patent correspond
vrith the machine? If not; he had a right to
correct it. I have very little doubt about Vie
question, aid' think that yonl amid not. If
you agree in the itarmatiia you will so say by
Adding f'yea" to the first question—sae/ the
sameinffirmative -will be 'Milled:to' the r,econd
question. ' The case,lowever, is with ye*
Thep:ay. retitled, and after an absence of ten •
rtinutes, returned into - Court, affirming both
queitions; add deciding that WSttsm T,foodworth
was the original inventor of the mactsins patent
ed hyt him, December 27;1828. Asid, also, that
thersidumed patent of, July 8, 189Sivraa for the
rams invention !Windd to harts been. patented
by the patent of December 27,1828. • .
Studer 6c Stanton, and G. Si. Sickles, of New
Tork,eounsal f'cattiff. Dunlop and Loomis
Washington . ; Mu 18041851. •
44rmstion bps brxiA received from Harvey
01' n,_Esq., B:Consul at Chures, N. 0.,
of death, •wlt InthieConsular District, of .
WI - 1.:4,4u A. Ifteueroa, of Pittsburgh, run's.
,* In donformity with the Is, in such cues made
aidpforidesl, Mr. Gluon has forwarded to this
Degutment, an Inventori of the anti which
cams Into lilt pOssessioW, betinging to the emote
Of the deCcued,)ind also in account showing
whet Oispeition wan by him of the' said
effects. (Int.
113IIIMIO pnritulacii• of a de
& its,',lltVgb.Sit,httYegMka t r .
'ailrallai:ZreewAldoVia of_t o aA. :70T,
d"II tr . ,tl4 'of Arlio_c ' Ph dZaltitek: A.
latetne, or outlay.
_the *II dercrltod
r ettete; to rth al the retroUnhts font of certain
at lot, dilute at the
of Liberty and Water
eueeal, tomoj y r=iel u tt= uor thotot a o r L e tte f
11. 4 6w00t eetiott. Irarrhaarlehrtalloo of the
gown,. ths o v i t r t %alba
t ar n r tatatot ,, blll. tot
4,9 p s, ,; it, 4:v i tzr o g t i =ribta ri v
AMS.I4 ihone I=4Vates,
no hoot
Yu to het It . o4Notth th e of No. 10, which l.ll
31.17411ar , =TDIr the _Nadu. Snow to b.
oh the da• of Wet the natio. thereof la I ear,
. Ith ~r• • , • moored by POW &WI
ma n gie,o4 l2,4 przli n r . .galbfrit=potrT
• Z./. 41.4? d,
171011Tri RODS-4pratt'a Patent
WhoUsale Depot, 80 Waal strect,'Pittsburgh, Pa.,
. . (Calt.iirbt•seutlerVitare.)
raSE. IaiIiTNING RODS aro so' ma
nd ltatla t woww get oat of;:bider. hr
suatont sad MON; *own& r, the Yam.
eta' saligtaiwriAtoat 41sigrtMot XtelV r t i;
awnefsdarwl., A lopoo t tlwou we with than wt
"traitwo r = y tutiwerto et an woos
ot i .c, ow, waive Ww slwrwW whasoaiw.uwWwwl_*aw
t i .- fitetgonery.. : •
W S. lIAVEN; coiner ot.ktaiket '6l Se
4era d'46'll:llrit krauVrktirt q4 b ttitfild
4w. na.....g et I.ffr ilnal.V.L4 egath_VV.i,
WAtatittl7l l l4{Aftliutla_A;;WA t cw : k
1. 0` 1 F,. Iktrx:Ortl. .li.
..,,q,r.iliatias, a ignit SlllWOhrillti.ii,.., i a
um* Ow atame. , 4.... + , IDs.
' j ''
L i . , ' Copley's' P.O Olay./ ~
Te stitearribere - me Lew. . Agents
IV'V i a giAgt," 4 3 l l.Tici f te u p ! WV
ge41114=1714:1 as s to very auITZ ii
"'I '''`' 44 7""" , ' otelitivrniann.a4z. -
PEc'Skt . 4' '
Oa *glib
.4.Pg . 'S a LIAWLS-A tt , A. MASOO .&Co..
. President Fillmore arrived here this mOroing
between one and two 'o'clock from his Now York
tour. He proceeded iinmediately from the Wal
nut street wharf to Hoek street wharf, where he
took the 5 o'clock Boat for Halthiore. He will
arri>•e In Washington to-morrow morning. '
Loos/citron? (1n.,) May 23.
Great damage has been done to the Indiana-
Canal by the recent freshet. One aqueduct 16
miles east of Huntington, and another further
east, are gone. The aqueduct between Peru and
Huntington is injured, and a break has occurred
between Logansport and Toledo. The Wabash
river is very high, and threatens the aqueduct
and bridges at this plate.
'twill take full four weeks to repair the Si-
age already done.
The Republic of this morning contains the
seventh census of the United States complete;
exhibiting also the apportionment of Represen
tatives in Congress..; The total populist:km is set
down at 28,267,998 the representative popula
tion 21,882,625, The whole number of represen
tatives is 281. The following States each have
representative aded to the number of apportion
ment:—Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Flori
da, Georgia, Indiana, Kentudky, Maseachimetts,
Maryland, Mirsouri, New York, Penneylvards,
Rhode Island, Tennessee and Texas. •
A destructive fire Occurred hero last night, on
Bmith'e wharf. Two large ware houses, occupied
by Chas. Ptudergrast, shipping merchant, Solo
mon Gray and 7 Parrot & Co,. nail makers, and
James F. Pendergraet. commission merchant,
was almost entirely consumed, but is mostly in
sured. The shipping in the dock wee in much
danger; and had to be removed.
Flour—Only about 700 bbls standard brands
wore sold at $4,25 14 bbl, at which holders are
Rye Flonr—ls steady at $3,60 i 1 bbl.
Com. bleal—Rales afs2,l6 bbl.
Grain—Wheat is steadily maintained, with
sales of 6,000 bit good and prime whito at wog
101 c, and of red at 95e 96c per bu. Corn to
steady, with sides 1,000 Da yellow at 60fc per
be, afloat, and of white do. at 61c. 4ales 8,000
bn'Penna 43/e. Rye is cold at 70c.
Vibiskey—Salee in bbls at 23e per gallon.
11001 . StePORT
Nese You, May 23.
Cotton-‘-The market is +=nettled, and sales
Flour—The market (atom buyers, sith ;sales
9900 bbt common to straight State at $625 16
Grain—What is heavy. Corn is dun. with
sales of 8,000 bash. at 88iers9i. 11 bash, far
mixed. Rye is held at 751e."0 bush.
Pork—ls heavy at $1 for new mess.
L1T.21150 lIIPORT
You., May 23.
Cotton—The market continues unsettled; with
sales 800 bales at yesterday's decline
Flour—The market is henry, and prices are
lower. Further sales %MO bbls at, fur common
to straight State 84,18 per bbl; taLvedi to' good
Orleans $4,18e4.87 per bbl.
Orain—Wheat is dull nt..115c-for Genesee, and
100 e for Michigan white. Corn is less active,
witesales of yellow at 5131®00e, with sales
:19,000 ha. Rye is firm, and 700 bas been re
Proeisiona—Pork is lirmer, with sales of 700
bbls at $ . 15,121G51t,25 for new mess, and
7.13,50 for new prime, Cut meats aro Terydall
at 80* for bares, anti t11c.461., for shoulders.
Batter is lower, with sales of. Ohio at 91613 c.
lard is drooping, with sales GOO bbls at lifelif
Linseed Oil is quiet et 74675 e per gallon.
Lead—The market is steady, at $4,4 7 ? cwt.
for Epanleh.
Tobacto--The marl:et,- is heavy, and priers
are lower. lientuezp is quoted at 7® 120
It lb. . .
tilool—is dull. Domestic fleece is quoted at
47€42.0 ?
' Hops—are dull at II& IA lb.
Iron—The markvtb Tacit, with sales of 13Cotoh .
pig at $19,25? tan.
Groceries—Coffee is stcudg, with sales of Rio
at 131®90 ? lb. Sugar is dull, with sales of
Orleans at 0? !b.
Tallow—The makret is depressed, with sales
at 7c ? lb. '
Whiskey is inactive at ®230 ?
Ctaczersam May 23.
Flour—Tbe market Is =hanged, with sales
IGO° bbla. at S 8 40®8 47 per bbl.
' Whiskey—Sales at 171 1 i 7 par gallon.
tircceries—Collce has declined to Pic, with
Wes 800 bags. ' Nothing was dose in sugar.
Molasses is unchanged.
Prowisioni--Sale of 25 btds Bacon aides - at
The river is falling rapidly. The weather is
cold, with heavy nine in the west, but none here.
BAIT= 01 Dew Otaxisc—A correspondent
inform") as _that the late, Major Diverse, when a
paserMger, some years ago, on board the packet
stay! Cambridge, from Liverpool 'to hew York.'
related the following incident Illustrative of the
eharp shooting at the, battle of,Derw Orbs=
'do gated that, on the Morning after the battle,
'ruche broiled robins were placed on the break.
fast table, prepared for. General Jackson and his
suite, which bad been abet with a rifle, through
the bead, bl one of the Kentucky RiEsmeri, who
bad been m the conflict; he bad fired. ti fella!
time. and Wised hitting his bird, 14 the hmd
only once This circumstance being soon known
in the neighborhood, a certificate of the fiat was
requested of and obtained from General Jackson
and his aids, by, lie British pliers, that, by
inch evidenceom their return to England, they
might exhibit to their Government the character
of the enemy at hew Orleans.,-X:r.
Woodworth's P a t ent Planing liiplin6..'
•.. .
- 4 ECENTilecieloruiLaiink fully ma Mid
th . .staldlebel all the elalm.a eLlbeif i r Tet a, I Pat.
' 1%.• Mrs titi l irttr jr.T l TON and i i i ef Prrneyl.
eas. n th e cosultthe ar kradford. Craw cf 4 Clinton, Elk.
off, Luzern, Maltaan. - eleleer,.• tiny 111..0110.
09.1 na. Tina, Wayne, Warms. and WM:dna. ' • •
.Tnlsi naUtiel.braLed 'lsaias Tan palcnted on tbeillb
day of 3Teenatau,
and the nacnt,baitng been et.
ldedby modal EA otthdirred to the VW day a( _Demo,
1.7. 1064. lute we. di years unexpired ',rm. 'Ale Ma,
.thbee. at inui operation; reduces as • thlckneaa: and tathen.
tpr. aroma. boat awl rata% In the beetlawaner,
feri of Ixania or plank In an With and fil anneal..
AL.Vr d , laic 4 1:11r. - 471. • &erkaircactrdl i ct.
All tanks of 7 =lag are performed by It In a bettar taan.
nor. are lbar than aa eapedltlondi and than!). ea It can
be do ne Ay aza• other allethln.., . .
Tb• 'raw el a complete t o
I. far 71.014 i. tandaing,
VII gr ri f f ' 1010 0
t en grie7po . reggiTITIV.
trnthe bundled:ll a al. 010 panld lumber Ilan In our
sad towns Is mar dr_derd Tub Waddiredg
rteant r riaW 1 0 Ills it t ladaeltilute=ar York.
Albany, T 00.,. adembergb, Wale:M.4r licrme Ilikee,lli.
111001., 0"" Nto1 7 .11 . 1111,T.It'Ar.g..,e•Alt
, Ir ` fll ' 4 ll:l', l ,l7.l=lll , 7o: l :24=ntif:l;
00707 the glare -" I JUitl,"lißloN-11.i. itin.,,,
. mi224aleiern:B ' ' Athledi : ,
To Traturters i Comixassion, and Orem
cg On SALE, .on accommodating. tonne, 4
ailigarA A }( leeLn
- 0 jzz , r ,.,... a t.. oir r it D . MtO N . Ai kgl,eii,
west. r .m.Tkvt
sod Tblrd. met%m,
19T,1 T •
lir d,
,eegrade b m e Poet Omen- , :.:r: t
L lellen, y Dunee7,No, 2 . r4t01u40s
l b. - week,
A new Lo e;i11.1on a Etakipiere, trn. I: .• • •
An JonamA Mr .I.lsy•
Baden Ab go. ZS. coneluplen. • ; ' - . •
mben,e trylaut...
ebertet, rem" Abrnwl—br a 19. N. tap
Tba el, Isabel. • new nivel by 4 Eumw One •
11& 1 71;41:1ts% nifile= f a"r"'
T e F e l' , fUn i. .. * .. 1 . 11' ..i.".1. 43. L. Stscbstd.
.T uthsr4tteew; by Mr,. fionibnortb.
T • aaksill.tbi by T.ll. Artbur.
.. .. .
”nume of PTllnren, by lobo Galt, , . mil.-1 , :,
V . ROOT-40 Mm. (fresh) l'orA:4_l
EA myll • •. • , D. A.IAUX/MM
•13itUSSIAN BLUE-4 casmiNo. I f o r mile
J. by • myll- - D. A. VAIIMISTOOX • CO.
T IQUORIOE ROOT-150 au: Poled: for
A j indo by myll D. A. PAIDISSTOOK t Ou.
'DMIB GREEN-4 , 3U =is for onto by
BLUE. 111.113--05 lbs. for Sala by
m 7 6 11.4.1•11N611TOvIC 1 CO.
1' 0.1 • ( a ^1425) ]be: for Odell
mylkr . D. A. FAUN I:BUICK • CO. ._
WELSH FLANNELI—We have ready-
T. Avatiltrimiralentrio, Ittiz
rkrtis agar Arm Wan, ?nap land Ch. it
" ! 4 •13 y ' 9l IaIRDINVIVCS DIU?
riMlOO-4 100 Ilikags Manilla; -'
3 OdraAm IF33 aruf 3; of authi
g 331 y4n4l ,at
° T taAn'igiCMY a c 0.. -.
NUTA'RUBBER. TOV3—Juat Tocoived a'
mon3:01 ot 1301 flublargem • beantlful ea.
. 4" LI rata; fr, itabbil,rpait:
imNobika dPLL .PEASRecoleed-
_ To the Dinggists, Hardware Dealers,
AND. To ere Front KEDPEILIS •OF 111111DUBOIL
71311ILLIPS . A MAYERS beg most . respect-
Jun! tojinforin the above peril. that Mr. L. rL
1,e , ..411 bar,
.the bruou
, dare„to atuasol parties fur the
r GLUE.'
For eemeutins Wood. Stone, Clara, Olasek Marble. FArtbr
latent. Iron. asultutany other entatanora ,Airo L the
7 • FAMILY' - FRIEND, - r
nutritious, sweet,Llipstive mem or Brown Dread. at Le.
out sod in whoever time than bears. unerhele r sume, mist.
atable Bread. 74 North Fourth street, w. -
FAcu, No. 41 South 84.43.1 Ntress. (ab (.bole
44. 4.4 4 , 44,l4lthadelphis. 444.47
ARD DL .- Co., Whole
nu 0 rosers."No: 'Market ELMlllaelia&
• o +woo
• 1r• Coinathaton Mar.hontk• No. 41North Freer ttroot;
0.10 North. Wharves., PWladollOblo- - • • ..21-
neml Commie-
dolt Mental:lth Plaidtl9.
oa mralipamenia of Pr :doze
.Office for Foreign - ' tents,
.A''o;6 Wall rt., rork, and le: Fkit
Grod Bktarn, Frolerc,'Beleran, orlandouad ell
or er ;Tn. , or Briroirr , -the Cularles, Cubs, era the Bra.
Toll InfonmatlOri osttleatchi caelo A hatl . at o, dregaskg
mrram• ' Well Meet, New Yoh:
Fire Works for north of July, 1851.
OSCAR JOLLEY & 150 William et.,
'Nete Your,. hnoorters of English, Reach, and Gm
nun TOYS and FANCY GOODS, and roanufselascre and
hn ieller "d'" Wort t hi
rest reMreee of that long established house, are now p+'
Hared to Mash ererYfAllips.-of wort., suitable far
nubile or small fatilbltiona', on the mot reasonable
terms. O. J. A . Co. deem It a uneomearr to eartorthini in
praise of . the Fin Worta furnlshed by them as their rep
utation it *heady - well estab li shed. Th ey itiolude besides'
she exhibisiou pfrose, the Inset superior Patens, Doman
Candled,- Tarballkum Vertleles, Dengoiss, Caries". Water
PotsColosed TIMM. album Yodel., Globe., Dnnble Fin•d•
poser P Ora. Flom., Ton:select, Pullen, Ma.
room, Flu Hl sttyoroals,Trlangles,Hasons, Bleu Late,
Chios. enamels, wale or Punt.
. Orders mspeelfully roUelted. nariNdlanyler
Surriim Black Writing and Copying Ink.
Jxvs EMPIRE INK, 87 :Nassau street,
BaChile. New York. •
. •esrt TILICIA A 1111 111.1.1 X.
t i p, per doz.- In CO 601.000 Jon ........._W 60
na " • I 00 4 os. ...... 3r)f,
ntP — .00 ..treatcht,pn• .. . ... -20.40.4 •
TV, is the brat article mentifectured. lon freelY—
e eaesl COPYlliff 11 , 11—anal mill not comer, moral..
Vreds4Cel• or &oaf, Sod foresees all the th ..toalities mad,
gr% r trat degnolitbini.ftaral..* for (loll),
sod adl
The undo:slow-1 hi premed to torfash to the tnalla sL
that to MOM or booze toomoaDtSar , St the store
br 1rti00.1711151. es per order, Sold 4111..1 In goy pert
of the 0111 Mee of Harem. ho charge for cam. .. Bead.
Cr beg, ere obergel extra et wilco.
• • . .•Nkomo et_ Putt Buildltork
mf If • • -NSW YORK.
Professor 4 C. Barry's Tricopherous,
lur.elciitut.pfeserelne and teautifYini that:air : era:llf b
tine mat sod dandruff. scut curing disable of the etin.
EiLygtea.l sa rt t i lA Inv. cute. 1= rip=
erossil rintelueel ague. eneet In meting difraeele
kin, rut of th• hone, and all the annual )thendont. Th e
Wowing Lestlnaoidele, eelowlect teem nn alreas of eitallar
Import. will eery* to 'bow the vele. the Ofeneastton.
out the autPren - yx in • hlcb It la hall by those who hare
gives it a I.:1•1:
sra - roax. sot. zu stow
aimur—Deay Eir—t twre teen aIIMW..W with a era
taneout eruption of the ecalP. of • num?. Wfuf•tuf utm
way, for the WI yearn. and umw that plied
bum hed the earls . f etfaa of the a.; eminent pbeefe
elan; not hoe. Wed all th e prefaratlo. foe the hale sad
et-in now km... without the kwet tenent. I was adylatel
bra friend tu try your Trimplunate. loot
mart. end, to my =wt. eadifratilhatlem.Yquatuf Myren
cored In about two
PELTE, 1.111.11. hoeh .a. the elude:nee of the
ththat at tiro" '" tarnall VIV-ILA
lkeyeetfolly. yonn,
- 1143 Ocalisetia auraDrattlyn.
• . • gra Yoa,z, Orl.=
Pao, II auf-31 y Dear Sir—About two swam imeo me . hale
maw oat • • great desk, sod my bad wall . much stated
with dstairog I awful." by a Mold to try Mearitforoher
owa and I Okla, *ad to my astomaturant. my hair few
ihroala footed, ud tha dudraff disappeared, ma Abe
head woo aboera kw Haag
With rum; I am your ot,n mraff,_
J 8 TREAD.LI.. hed I,lasy.
.lamay hol mail magma. doubts tha awthantieita of Um
gay plum eall Plakswor A C Barre. Mhos
Proalway, gur York, when la will madam U. GAO
mai letter.
jEroart ths 1111 . cod Naval Bum. Now 9. nal
Mtn is so sly Oar the paraisoaht_ mroot Witham
and dhow. of tho crush= tawareßT. tt waarbrd
It. Pepal . rll tha oriels karma wo Pruleim
Triaq COapotiod. II la es.
woodwrir iiard bY tha a ;dor= of the edwarcaltr to
: 4 1.1==1 . 71aB i li d tba .
l iritLaix=tadra
th. ar= i l
Fop " Ti rean=rnitt " Td "nl on t ia arail% " Artta .
tour too sad 1= 4 .7. 11.111 ms 41.1 diem at Oa ado. -
= :1; =lain; d rrtea . ""' o now 4 ""*"
aorivalled. It la roki oft* :OM% Soho =ordida. bio.
Id." Broadway. wad at lb. Irragota• acoaralls. thsvaxteana
!AN Ballot autos and Baud. ao...att
ErCRINSON Co., Nol3 Spruce Street„
NEW TORE ITlledimOo froandleanire i doff g Oub ben
RAVE aritinLi JAS.& fr itt;
Mama ttbit oxtinceed of thermal smands/411.1t0
ie 'U ll '" /:=Tiks. P" :rirrieh
eatons4 mnszota.l l.....eltoo=oz=talmoz
U. • Co.alletwollbelass mtok.sotimorr aideand
veal* ♦vlayiss trom IWO to lER.OP. =MU.
P4001'01 , 1
, No. 79. SI: (late 76) 3 1-01DINIO101.
Dire' dly onxioite the . 613 Stand.
FITYZIELST 1nt,7.111.14'0 ARI7CLLI, anP
alTr= " guttfroreiert-tierri Ligat.io2l.42.
g that., Stack, Maim WI Intim. Nowak and Nor
•Vacto-ilatfol Elk. !tot% Donabarino and two? of all
tin glee
1: 1 == Vilmn/Blact. apart nod.
Ohara and
Coaratt-raeoy NI2 and Ban, linen Instil& Madras.
Wm, Hoban. Flinn Alton Boralloona Sr4l.t Ind*,
/tad aa
27tootivtattro-Oorta. Lintotainbeto, ta.
Sannadcro-Yttoth atal
,Englitto new a7le, Dosoastio
Goon- 'ld. tilt, Linro. Thread. All Ito of
71.1‘..t,V=.1=ata.. lPool,EUk, IJwdAnd
Epiribth, new and
of ea.
Shoolder Dram - tar gentlemen andlodhOp.-• today of
Rusk Rigtheo•fr.tta of all analltka
Ito would blotto partkodar anandon to oninannailo
Eon 17n , tot7i7ntta, Draws.. and/loobod„
nyohttftirjo) ;Da Mahlon Lona
!Hirai and
vllEtairsi mow' TO
was owed& ono of
Mr sztel rictiert ssic of at'llfteCr• AND
EOM lt EILAIiLS wee Ware remirodf , Abe LACE .
MUSLIN =I all Irleole of SILK liftif77Ll44.tramorfuctu
red two, the !abet forbtoea tuorlyed by the straws
stal i perrioakerir Wafted to the areiNrAduli
lA* foroslatrui of frlnged or
suot uplsin edipd D
eja '
W . eld . gi n tric A lliv=r . :l , i k.d Cotto .t = l7
17. MAW curliest= friends W sk
*mice remota*. bmro
_LW; WULF. 8110 ilN ' l ' ; ' g ' . lg . reiftit4tirig tittsels 212 a
'llsotiliss; par up to sum fCr=ru • fetilLl:
murphy 'a B elf.2oBlng-Adititsill Zav el .
VO. 288 ItLADISrar.. NEW ORK.-
1.11 gbe nbeertber. irdirithag the reetneelenf who
"nay en thte lideertterneaL - het. oter. of Mg been:aka
with which riew istfele bnaght before thegublio. The
experienee of pews bee- establlehed their wsperior=
met ell 04.1, and he oontidetthr nhis to the
Pr of thane beehive nee who Mn ewe thew enrekmee.
sad to his raiddly irternidag Wee a. proof of their nosh
The follestng ere s fn - of te. futon, fa their hop.
jR On the Wee eeenrded by the seal, • Prr... Mar
hen the nag w, besinera, end address, eenniessonsty sod
beentibillLernbaned bird or plide, thus e¢ !ding 9.1`
21.4be " Fave (Teo cannot he cretin:L.lMM befog as.
:MOIL'. •
fi 'either wet art wagon en rewired to enlthero.
4 Upon the ellacentege .f • tett.. the te.A itienn•••
iminedine return to the welder, ineteed of being burled
mature in the Dead Letter OM
.Timpi o*s. relopee ate fortilltied of shunt the woe
.'Win'tiged le • eitnetelfecttre edeertieL u resenh
ant° ett*nit. of eLI through whose
foamier L +lire of pion for tei
n. end which will lest fOr yearn and 41 11:14
the/ ma else. either white or huh. of rood h•Pre. end
Made sal above, with name, address., ar_i •
...Priers of /ha Prins qf rarsteges mar es
23 let4n °slew 444X1
Leo 4o re...... 15.00 .......
totem , 10.46 th...
50 to 100
When it b Dot C 01110111414 to Arose entoria ,
or e:
ir.m.gra=ellaif k Ura.%= l .ith iv .to
altd.U... sddressad. Wu- 11UltPite
asm w . 1 0..41 31.01 ar 44 /dews.
Jethlhasse • •
Ch. 114 Wham eh
Den thuds. embalm% Is Warr. has mu
Dam at glO,OO ger thowend. • hibho.lLbos
• ' 1110MASILAIX,
1 - • •-• Apo, ILDINOfI.
CiONTINUEN hla lustful facilitici to receive
6Anrd elm,lti:tll."‘,"lll=l:3f,`ll,=.
ow 1.1.. Lakes 1.4 111,•r.
lt,fileruar—llemr.Loryi,Sterlloig CO.t.
!Nur. Jou. A Qlar;
?Mute. *WWI:* ang t i:Ornardtbladannto, tb.
itagr Atotiodor rkathr4rOrkontits, 84prlIng t
PlUbrib. soUr
pooko. in, C. TUTTLE; attorney at Law,
on=tiolooir Ponsolloasklo. St. Loof. Mo.
mom': booms& c0t23:17.
ORN IL-RANKIN; Attorney end Coun
. vitgte. ondl is Complailooor fir Lg. SW. o
(toto.of Pith E.) r k iralkr, VleloibeWoOluro. "
Somp/e,kloCord 41100. ..- • .
.• stuorza bThar, Boeton.
'TRUE - uidenigoed. having entirely re.
mat, coolahlitor lo all about thin boodred and am
mow. would *reP.tial, rd.. nab. that It la
for the Moptloo attomotodatiott of the tranatoi
"M" 2trrnbtatvoniaittot of it
Lon!! g h ,r l s. 4 1. 1V=.4 , 1A.
t rm& r i g:
aa" nu' Is to n 7.. expotise ha Ite,
tO molar anytkaartatanthadum -
• Woltz:, own& Tidy to 0264 rearitegiti
re lt koAni lIV tkotott ""dnU boan r tlft 4 " ro ,
afro., TM Molar toOsotaro ossoiovut, sad tb a
maga will be me =laps u MIX the toomoo,
4,I, I MiSeMeM tin tor?
• • To Let;
'PILE well Stashed and furnished Store,
oa 'treat Dear au, Pool 0150, at preacittr.."'F4
tamPlaa 3.1 r, Par ke as rotler Star, - atoolriima
Ia pars Llbert7
rarltktf I Littt .l e •8 o .:
[Post. Tribal:mars! Dlapatet eopy
A .FITINACg. DresdeM kfuskinguin co.,
• Oldo,l4,aalla Sham Unarrlit fine runding ceder,
agmcioragioun Engl., a mb le of running out 1
toos of Pt g him per day. There SD abundant eutody of
Ors to Ito immolate vicinity. It to connected by a shut
canal with the kluskinaum river, which Is navigable for
stramboant the greater part of the yethetety a n
ikon. for ehigying to Uneutile..o to soy volut an the
Obit:slur. at low eau of freight. The Iron heretofore
manufactured at tbis Puma., boa bum. consumed in
Zunullie. For Lerma apply m - • • •
•G . JAMES. Zsaintille, Ohio..or to
• mylfosollal • -
• -
Valuabl t e Property for Bale. •
OUR LOTSI in Alligheny City, fronting
on the hootD Clommms, Immediately to trout of Dr.
pre' Church. These lots are near. the Depot of the
'ChM and reopsylrailla Railroad; lad are well calculated
for 1111114106.01, or gotta /bra mazufactorloseetahllahruent
my7lw • ANDREW LEECH'. Jr,
To Farraers.
1.000 ACRES 'Farming and Grazing
Lends, In, Warren cannty te.T4tl , l the
t ,7 1 :9:1ty iltelvipilee of th e lovv.
All O-1.003 Acres In Mk coni.ty, for eAle 6n amotamoda.
Ring terms. Ennalne of A. WILKINS CO.,
m7l ' corner of Maststand TWA sts.
To Gardeners. •
ESTE ACRES of ,Gardening Land, al
-1 under gtod enitteettorh tealdn one side pf the
ahh .111 be told for OW ea sere—one third cash, and the
berioe in one, terohhurd three Ceara Ftz ye:timbre en•
Quire et the Banking Muse of d.SVILMS a CO.
• Intl • I corner othfitrket and Third rte.
Desirable Eln ban Desidence for Sale.
THE:subseritier offers for sale the howie and
grounds where he now resides, eituated on Park st., be.
low Teeth:mt. Ittlegheny. and about ZS minutes' walk trom
letheauket of Int city. The lot 14 1401. front on Perk et..
ramming beck 252f0r. to an allet—ctestalthog mo th / ow
say of ground. sad e bounded on every aide by larte °Deo
lots, adorned irk hue mad shrubbery.. The those.
neariT nor and exceellsorlye 4 arraoged having
a front of est feet; and a depth oft 2, and contains (0001000
room. Wades ball. bloc het wide. It is wit in the best
and mixt thanur. and has tropotof aod
contains a thethdern ccervenlenms. Two Schap.. with
natdling supply of bard aid soft water, are at t h e door.
00 the premleu an the DIEM• 27 001 buildings. Male,
earristor house, te. [The 'remade .° lath out meetly as a
lawn. covered with clothe fruit Mu. avers:rem:is, flow=
shrubs, currant& tothethrth.r.Tb.".''''''d
='''The fruit 1..0f the beat kW, and the tree. an
prinie,lll.l2lll yteur enough for the 'nut. ofen ohlinup
y. The eitution of thlsy, as to salubrity and
rebut. math% Combined P gr thneigulty to the eitY,
le not thypassed by any reside:au in Ws vicinity. 'it he
• view of th e Ohio River for Over • litho, of TetoPhthe.
eh* Sostth Pittsburgh, the oily, the two dun, and the
hill. around. forming altogether • putoruedopealed of
which the eye never. wearies. Every boat whieb enters or
steek. hum the both of Pitteloargh 0 the Ohio. petes ha
fell vasW. The muteness and throats an elm etha7leiel7
remorhi from .7E.. of duet, so destructive of
moan and vegeta n, sal agent. a retirement as quiet
ga d u if income onletriook bathe
The property trill b . at • burg. n. and tutted.. 0101,
whenever desired. pulsan at the haute. °thee.
ap7 def • • • • D. N. NMI=
For Bale.
71 LEE members of the FairmonntFire COM-
Deny ern their Engl. tat mile. Ills to goal nn
her =II will be Pol 4 th"l,.. /I.qi'dgir:
449 Pennr n 3, See
No' .
POR RENT 7 -' A Dwelling Howe on 2
MINI dread, above and nearto Plaltbfield. It "..""
Lat Astnna. tarry ran& blab bone, Le. Wlll
be nodal ton. andjnerestion wen immediately.
Alto- Sot Pala ta-learo. soma lota to tba Ninth Rat.
Woven Penn Mart azol the AII.OOOO rOtea.
at Desq.Darlbroidon't.Loattb gnat. war Rood.
tneb=dt I
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
ThE SIIESOISUEER efrern for Sale, oul.l ..
ronble trona the following Hal taws im Id .
Tiro. sa l a gbl e
Wore . - -
dory brkl: duellists tieusea.
on reward street, between Overt and ferry strode, the
I le. * 1. " * f.gtl:l7loe fr flg,,lTOVAM.. adjoiniag
lb. Third Prerlyteti. tlaurth, on which Hell:4lst one
hur sten brick bop». sea a. T. prlotlog aim and one
two stoty brie% weerhorree. ' _ . - - •
Two lots tallstoi, Boater county. Wog tote
line. 3 and 4 . Win boot 100 feet wore.= 'ditch teepee
at one lake* .d ln Trans° dwellings, and one eeparate
frame dwelling, allitwo Rorke high.
yea 4., One lot bo feet front on Barg Oreete otTrelir the
atom, and extendlogjo tb• top of the bill.
No. L. Two beach lots, math 47 feet grout. and running
Qom the road tele Inter own, on the Big Waver.
So. 0..00e setaew
power atto le water kg, 100 feet on Wheel RAM
. 1 .,
with ten stores rhal.
No. 0. Ina tot o vette the water iot, SO fret front, and
estendlog to the top of the hill. on whkh Le amend one
two story Lela store and morello:ow. RS by 60 fetd4 Orton.
transednallitts. brO etenke high..
No. a One larsh l 0 In New BriAllab Dearareonaty, tow
log about 140 feet pro Ettradway, awl obent OA feet ftep„
nostatolog lei en*. whkh are erected two Una fon=
dwelling., oral on. melt Rat. Loose, used an an °Moe.
mi. Manny wax broody wooled by Mr. T. C. Gonkt,
1104 is ...TS pleasesery 100m:M.64,g imosedintely ortnalte
tie. gallston BMus.
Nag. One water het, ItmodlatelY Wow Folhew BridVo
being 4,bt /00 het to I.gar, and este:Ong from Water
street te low water mit, or [smog WI. • .:
The acne tr .., iirW bine on nri o trastas terl.l.
fei.14".:dn.t... 14 *" _!' . 401.e. PLESltith, Arent.
mohOl Pour.] and net =pr.)
'• - •1 : For Bala. -.
BLOCK 07.10:31.DLN0& stab n. arlrair ,
an 4
anew and trontlas an tar. P
ay each Canal. In thaCity of littabarab. The tants
ow Inuranal antl forty Mar fait an Prom gavot. 0.54 U.
bundle* and dna Oar War lath. on Warblnguaa stmt.
to s smarty Rai7. Inagua a(
• . . DAVID GRA=
rarALlon . - • • - Ira 106 Puna at.
YOU PAlX—Trik largo TM= IllEts and • Ewa MID an
:,.• Bram erealt_..rtta the nroasur warm : Damn , Alm,
Tall "royal form In Lannanecounlg rrip• 650/o.
tIVIMLI V - 1. r. 'C iar.ol t rr 1617 ; "art.t:'
Ohio rierr, 6..nalra;bdarr 'arer, Pa AU per ava. A.Paa
660 aarna Mr ALI gar Arra
Puma at 103, an* 66
11=5. for 11:3 per oar. l7l acres Mr 712. and 20
nano far SU prr gurnA tweeter .ILb many 01bcra at rarP
ow aim .4 1.4.-w Yaquin of • •
• 1 IL P. • 0. 4 11. FESPLIOI.I24
. Attarnaya at Lan nml !Leal A.nal• Arran , . - •
fal,lo . • 'l' . An 1070(0 0. 1600010 ab. •
raped,- aka Mr 114.• • large manlier of valuable
str . it.= jtv.a tit= =oat
Mane &taxa Maas anTZTAb 4.tharanchuell.
1 / 1 1. mad KroarKa a talnalashata ha popalatlon &al
casaaractKrtna areatilb, =A the reikambla Ancsa at airtelt
lam KIK
arKI nuke them n t...01*1* 13 .•
tweet. Title ;O&M Tow favorable.
thillffle b' V ' emit lloaorZE :t i t Zit= i at
aura, between Tt ft a ats4 F 'Woe% or a:V.IIIAm
ISMatill sat:/. l'aatmartt. laa'a. at their oltkra to
tuba.. • ar..4 ' MOSES V. KATON.
yEdiOR RENT4—Tho large and commodi
atm Mt. an 07.1, (lately eee
. opiea trf
wanls.) eith ea antln, a tteo(olet,
wed a* • yard.ayo—Lltabllng Jor two bona. Paquin
et : . EDWAUDS,3IOPI( I / 3 a 0..
, Yfb9 Water at
UO R RENZ-- The Dwelling Bonze. on 5:7
I. the cornor cdigontb and West.Conuaaos, Istelja
ocespled by Ibmabs Ayloabble. deed. Pooso9bougi
2=7= amego . gmulu . : L. NZ W.
• . isiwadei! . -
- viNE of thi iiost inOstuniblo essingO ion ,
Mired by ettviPoo civilised run. rem the dimmer?
o Ppeamles. Witamottbelir aadslance.the laconverdrecoe
tint rona be.defective Melon or old sta. 'wane.. ,
other moats. would be Invinaliable.
from lens emenairma end • thorough kpooled tbs.
MIMS. of optic we are prepared r ,
to mat all defective als7
lens on ecienlide prrt u :ledea
tied. Mbar. end Spectacle*. of all triode. and the
best Warm, mutest r on band. Also, Scotch Pebble
Imrs. Otter to order. Sre 4.14m0s Slim' I. old Mama
lortrraments for tale, Le. •
p o tty
sale—Pr. -irrell's 2.70 and Ur Forme
W. It. W11.20.X.
myl3 - 67 Market street comer or Fourth.
Second . large Supply. - -
A A. MASON it. co. would respectfully
att;atlon thair coatocuro and ttrublio
=gra' ItriTilltirogSkljgalma
two to Ma natant niarkeu,_and . mtelkimal at *prolix*.
ducat* (tom linotr wires. To UMW pPital4ll.os a; • how.
ah=t 1 . 1 . 13= a r t=e u r ,
: toy= • .E 2 end 04 Sloan at. •
ktracindo Itsar. ar rmonnion,,Nfay Q 11151.
rS BANK haa this day declared a divi
ival d of rood NO cis,. on tut capital atnek,_wabl•
ocoand. • THOMAS hMTE. • • -
n1y7.1., Cuban,
, . , • •
TliE Merchants and Manufacturer? Bank
or Mt barah has thli dar deelettd . . e. dlttlthd a_
capital stock et uld-rene.l out re
1. '".. "I ts "." o . % ' = etc' menthe...teetble Ic the reel,
holder. tt cc I : k i e ,r . lewd reprexotati i ro A nw r eeL . i h ill . lotte
I" Pl e lttlmesb,i.let . ith.lB3l...:7enti- - ir .
20 per Cent /141;0. to Country. Merchant&
vyl. J. KING, Dealer in BOOTNAND
*VW, No. 40 l'antb Second Meet. 211adelpItli.•
h erle=e d
ra l e h gr=b • NVrill tro=
per me t . leas than can be purcboactl In the etty, cub
' lZ:re :Ur (rove - ' ll to call be . fore p)ircbleltsg.
Itarper eelebretal Hsi azgl Hume Yorks.
114 ham the nemtesturer. Philadelphia, tweonsigtt
meat Sad seldrlrr • - R. W. YOINDS.XXXII.
Wate Street
• Rein:edam ofidaleh and tot;ltude value, th r ere reeks
(*nut to manrsam: end the km . Price at throb thel es.
en% lama Inoue Itarteturtion. . enVtlr
Eureka Minic,,• Company of Michigan.
rrEF. atockliolderi of tho - Eureka Mining
ct.niry tillettlittn, are hereby stotitied that au
aseeermen tafetrtpifee coats Der share ha. teen ..ea•
et. thee oaP ta deck Of the Bunks alleles OolaraaT
trithia littetr tta7a Root it& d/t6rAl•
•J Uthd )1. CUQI6TT. Sea. and Tte..
mylOttlawt4 /urea. Mo. Co. of Matt.
!Woolen Goods!
0) CASES Green Mixed Jeann;
" 111. "
" 13arl grout Clott3
stars are?rdteekl from mursk toAnuSclu•
rm.= n 4. ' i te
•-, - '• , Hamburg Polka. • •
.1.1 - KLEBI;It, No. 101 Third street, has just
ez,".lll.o.llitzV..drir,:::?bilka&cd Ma met popular and beau.
mar I Lre7 ee, Mary Dear: b y 8. 41. Fodder. •
The MY Red Mule Drat brulonr. .
the Mountain pepl: lovil th edok i ,
t,..... .
ir,r,„‘73.47 Life, vita tem awl,
paulumuta. . •
PIT MGI., gyn.
Br th••tio qt. »JIM., 1., sung
.17 . Jam. Wad—cal of
b.. mob ~..., . •
Arei az alti...rlalrie tecr.ko pm
. or alias*, Polkai. bo
rws' A • • 1 , 17101 OT Tilt GOLD= HARP.
------ -----• "
mit..4.11..... the le. of nom • - Wu by tam ,
igkrruWite. br T. S. Arthur.
lelwctalhalt4l44.. O. . .
- Cattlrahr. ~..1. 11 •
u cc rmi .r, • I : 01,1117.8 Litman , lit . '• ,
utrif MIMI stmt. oppodul W Past
LARI)-23, kegs No. 1 Leaf for sale by
.„„y 7 RIICT. MNFIREW/3 C W.
. P LED FIWIT-150 bu. Apples;
tin". traTitirs
11110 E--19 tierces (fresh) Ist_ sale by
'AU . !''4ll'°l:l4.sWrtt:ti?Set.,
Ir&A-50 ethesti and Black
- Tois, tor im br inia4 •
• Fal s r BEDiCE§It EXTBACTS,.for Fluorin
111LiVkerglims,la. •-••• • . g.
••1 . • !':g&l,F;Ft.ig‘t== . •
r • iiTk2 I =l 0 CO,
• Ilay2 Samili it
sL- _ _ -li f. x ~ s ,~, _
NORMS...L.' . • •
Compound Sytap of Yellow Dock Boot,
OCCUPIES thi front rank among the yaro•
wiener ntedietner of Ude coineUT for coroptetely
6/UM conker eat Bhrnm. kr:0pu....1.11 other d 1
Lear "* lgelee b •• anthem,
Onortta, Sommer and Tnintnete I:the Can
chiten. or boanenego. &TOW. oat • liallan won*.
about tee tiktoan Lod it turd nit?. unprecedented amens
In all cum of
Female /rutlnver and-General bdility.
et , ..stb.aur the, weakened lady, e.d„ tomth e miens or m& and Ina/meting the enth, mt .., •
If th e noth:nony of th ou:lands of Ilatint witoseek frato
all farts of the estuary, ewe be renal non& tee. keel
it a/Sessions In meting all Thanorannd W o l o 7 °
lad and broken down cormiltadons. /t le gos,r,
ble its compositlon, and se semitrately oembinedlie to
DMSortlons that the ebetiOcal, betankal. end ntedieelpro-
bermes of each Ingredient barmon kwis
Blood. ly .
Puri the • •
iee rsmoMid many etimnlediseenem have 'baffl
the s a kill of the beet phyd fy
eiths. and km also thlth
eured Canke ed r,
Salt Rheum, Erystmlee and banfole. width carnparan,
Swope entirely Alled to make the Rost Immo/on om,
It hes been tested in =ay emu of CANCEROUS
MOBIL The 'most obstinate Carsten hare been mred
Ms medicine. - We my that It le • saloatilentediethe aU
/111.1008 COMPLAINT& II remora all obstructicair to
the desolation, rendering the of
Rea listtlaa and heaN
lb . d It rem ores Palpitenon of the Heart, and retirees In
all: cum of 4.3111.1.4. and may he need in all etheetter a and
at all enema of the year. • '
MN Syrup is oremoad only bi C. 210 i k it 102
gu,t.,pydvide... f, alb! reldosholevele god
rem& by 2. WICI/a Rem sal,
only aseise for Western Pennolannie,
- myliir • Warehouse. comer Wool as Sisth en. Pitt 0.
The most Extraordinary Dinners, in the,Workt
• the great Arabian Remedy for Man and Bean!
aG. Farrell's -•-.
7k, HE miraculous cures performed by the
greblan It
in the dam aloes, were then
100 ed upon 00 the result of murk, butwe hare be
come intimate with their bitten we eth that moment far
theirsoronethr Pow over din:mei'. Their uL=•tsla
the knowledge of nrolloine were the wonder of the to,
while at the same time the edector of ChembrtrY, which
with them lied im migin. was to the rest of the world "a
pealed bock." And In
gnuleer nuset realms of
students. ln the teantind ves which skirt the deserts en
Arabia, abound roe plants and odorous woos whemoore
'obtained those aranatkt gums and traeMat. beileunt of
which this incompartble liniment la composed, and by
whose stimulation unctuous, penetratiag lad AnOmis
properties it Is. when smiled, thatantaneously ellthmed
through the whole nerroul system, allaying the Mort In
huntepula in the Incredibly abort than of 10 or IX adobes.
Its action is prompt, purethal and elleetnal. without the
least danger. it penetrate* the doh to th e toe, relates
<outran-4d oords, restores nee to Mate welch Our. bath
trilriedfor yet" tatition th rough eled flash .to grow out
std./lob blood to circulat Its ref= It restore.
the Omni./ Anki or Joint Water. tad Ude Is the reason
why it has been so unit ersally enomschil in coring ell
dimmer Magid:As. In chronic affections of. the kph..
Liver. Lunge and Kidneys, this great Arabian remedy
stands unparalleled: for Ago. Cake or finiergement of the
alean. it is a spec= aml fbr Ithennutiam It his perfamt.
ed some of the meet extraordirearr curse en • aim
fee Craini r a r nwellingex Palo,
1. W1e.1 . e h . e . l r olgs . Tonere,ari ie. It te_onally ,
Mal; torn 1111 Poll Mribinme,
011 Complaint, Instempor,Farey,o tirubeak's.
Moo Moo, Epeeist. WI/Agana gullet; and for nearly sal
either in man or beset, which moire an eaten
ppllestion: this liniment Mande at the bud of All
• The following Is from the principed acecutdant Of the
'wealthy and highly restectable igen of Tun t Eta, of
Dear., sad nresents one of the mast succethred cons in
the maul. of wildcat Udell: • • • •
Mr. IL 0. Varna: Dear 21r,
A ctuated by • muse of grate
• fedness,l submit ths following ad an losing. at the util
ity of your great medicine. hiy eldld.tdine yearsi oblong
soddenly attatked with a terrible diemme; wid h ' fn lea
than six hours. prostrated it to Wad belpknagt. The Ihnha
became so rigid that Oa .0 . 0 & te.D. the iteth
turned black and mid. and coliretsi dtprited ollecti.oL the
elm teed. partially closed and altogether blind lona,
log this was dessfegm to' aounth the With.
erected. and us armed, that when on de bark. the
Lead end ANL only tauchnig. Indeed, the &111 preeented
every appearaace of biting dead: Immediately on the at.
tack, the toted shirk:lan um celled in,and WTI weeks
he labored to restore It So ell in vai b t . trg .
it arm Idistend ups= times, led various en
tmente applied. A. soneultation of Ithreichthe tile then
held, btu th'm gamma. The we wee then thought be.
fore • the llodisal Society. but nothing could be euKatted
width bed not already bee. doom .4 the Chita= t•• told
roe he could do nothing mom We then itommenced ado
plying your Liniment thely over the entire bmgth of the
Yoe may imagine • parent's joy, when. after a
Der applicaticom. Mama. Demotion gam upparoa. VIP
child rapidly memo!. sedth the emePtlon at the eight ,
which dal net become perfect for neeriga month. 11 Is
ouw hearty and robust. aa can be. • •
Yin other cues of the same kiod oceured 1 / 1 19T neigh
borbud previously, add of which dud; when. no dealt. if
your Mamma had been used, they would have recovered.
Peoria,March 1, DAL MART 0. CILY.LAND.
Lire: Complaint, Erygt[and RAcumaiin;
JUMPS, Maraca Co.. Sy, May 21;1819.
Ur. IL 0. ratalth—lrase or
ment la sellloo
my wen. %Judd:dug • rad doll or goad among the gm.
Flu It hae cunt a bad eue of. Xtre !e.t.a 0.1 another
of a bed radu In the thumb A lad/. tram ram ...Coed to
bee bed nat maeral mon th s with Idea Oomplalnt andArreee
ram or the Heart; enthraly cured by the nm or yuur
Anthran bradment Abe mid the dratora mold do boo no
grad. It Ma beau spelled lo • thrah
and enrol It ba
natural. thne. ' 1 hare been ardetad with Itlrammatflam gra
ado= tiand6 and rust been • Oct melt It pathral mt m
math that 1 had no sllday: and in the night I tone
humeral bathing brand gill% yam Lradment. and
hefote I eras doneenbblng. the Iratn radma. •
JOllO Blerr.3llol.
• .
Sf Coral:lane, Swami, Drgesgper,. Cork* and
Sore Eyes Ciaui.
.IhL ) bltteball, Pour Yhd, Felt= Dewar. In.;
gm „
Kr. IL O. ham= Taw araldatt Liniment le blahly
S u
bent. We modem of my /WOW& harm at tbe
E Owodatat by &WIC Ibut aw tea applhadtate. j and I
red cue el awoken alba Sweeney. du
WYktee, curd kW hone of a bed Idark with tk i ke '" /fieVlt
It. ea • era that had the Distemper wry bad, and cetwl
immedlately. 14 says It 11 decidedly tb. treateal ham
medicine be ever toed. !bare have bast tomb.= eared
of San Eyes with It. I It. a: vez7 eateable thodlcibe
WO tar man awl beset-
71) . MILED Ad a
mirrrAfPo C i Th sot,
rt. Petals are iarticalaili. aeallansel against
Chesablen +blab Lem lately ins& umesos ad 1s
t ” ty thLLlmmteralA =has it al LarlPs A i e t t
deedre treat his tooting sum at Jarrell. iberrs
has to berth-eau error to saltier ll to U seamr•Parnolli
AsttltaaW ha. tunalstelnliel Ons +lll i s
mam tha LSPC
ftZr etr. Jurrri=SUPresi n ght les ing
as the gennlae abeam hae the Litteraß U. Wise Partelro
hla idostare oho en the ontaide wanner, and three
amnia b/awn in the &sae tottlo--LL G. ibrratra Arabian
AIMS! 1•11:112,4 In *Tory Tomb. nnd Yn
lb. Colted boa, to ,bleb' one to not eittabliabod..- Apply
by lotto, tti IL G. Yarnel i k i Peath 11L. with good taterabore
All on to ken t who l irlillaraith into of fair" •
tarok onatoloo g much ratable battotootbmfor tryery Alas
Pia enter b 0
eat. dad ODD• pr DWI.. .
The only onartpris Pumn.440:14 by H. 0. Parrallaole
uneutor up* proprietor...l pboloo.b. dzugga.. No. 17
Mao ninxt.P•orls.l.l.l.; and kr mak 'admit. wed setall at
province. , vim byi B. X. SZLI../RB.
y 1.111,9
. SOW by D.OORIIT. Allntalur Ww " "d.
The lilllllll/1 8041 Mud Perspire, •
Q,O SAYS NATURE, to basal a healthy ar
pearwaan and powwow who do noterspint. IlahU
tho moot dtornithwo Ilan Dimas, imam' haws
Cberoical buoy mum • itow=lost,. wad oi
thaw noollifom 424 ooftent
of as Infant'. giving it Um 1421 E
. .. ....
ra 6711rs'at "' letUt. ' es retyVdan s.' "lir Zlet h' y ' Are t riA
who nie 'l lt In thee and mu It oalfaitmg—u-alsoon
I.lmylee, Blotch.. Meant. oreanuther thin dim.. The 1
reader la named that this la no o sr. NOW
one tital will prove- I weld eaumentte et.. bra n' Aitl ,
P=thud of mre lend. emu logo. end ears beard.
"'w.4 the nadir leugells ....d . c would Doleful
illi b tl tan the .tarp - calm 1 thew it to be all I state.
;MU this sot 0.17 nn
a tom, but APreethdsta the ehathed I
ecod add, that as afflicted with any of the than,
r r shn.ilar iII i EV.I Ind this a, LW teen more (adrol.
rable I o lta ) thou I stats.
!Bat. . the -teem are 000,104 erlth i
end be thre Too sahibs- kerne ltalUnChernical
bar I
a WU. JACKSON. only Agent ter '
. , P arty White Teeth,. and Pure -Breath. to
be for ... eats—Peraml who hart either are boom.
bly that U then truth to NM 10 Toni, or ' their
teeth wayed, dark or yellow, aid encrusted with tartar.
the/ to ant boa of told' Amber Tooth Paste will mak.
the ' m white us meow, and the bretalroltettrocaly
. liol culy at JACKSON'S Store, .10 LlbirZy It., Zeal el
. . . .
1 .
1 . • A Scientific Moir Tonic, Restorer and Bean•
leer nta Botthe. YAK cents. nom who hart Wed
Jo. Coral Katz Itestorer. know Ite excellent qualltlet—
Lbws who have out. we assure It to poems the thllowthir
quail ten—lt will forte the hair to grow on atty panwhare
Were internal hair to menu Mop IL falllng ore men wean
or elgodrult. and nuke, or gray ha& Mr, dayt.
rot rendering the he oft and lath nothlng can cereal
It makes It truly beautiful. and y.
Imp, 11 so. It Is, In
the most texammiaM,yet impertor,Artkla 'Mr IDs
. So , only at Wit. JACKSON'S Eton. ZIO iitaty Stale;
heed f Wool, Eittaburch. _: • • . .
, I X mole. OU tante:god SL , • - ''.
• .
JONES' Solation of Jet,.a Liquid Haman
Oak Dl. . for du eb.sartng whit.. rdorgrry Man too
beam= brown. or block jot oda. to• us, MM...
i V)7l.lbraoVf.:4o Libertyinroot, hood or iroal.
'• JONES' LILLY WIIITE..;-,-LnAlies eat
:timed solo* odog the colsonork rrepass4 CULL Tbiq
are oat howow Maki:ll4li bastuions it Is to the ohs/
how coarse,Matt, bow sallow, 'allow. and voboaltb,
the stdo VOW. attar sodas prasorolChalkt lkdlcs.4l.
4=4 owSatabsOsi •rAllr,trAL:&,,wl,khwe.
sill Jona?' Whits. - •
W Psdocll Wosoosot. Wowed of
= C d "4 ,ll l"* Vir irsateato tom adios ...ow
cossWoo the akin. soaklop . t ws4t mai sowsb.
Sol 4 Afton, g d s ' bids.
bast 4 Wool, ritlaborgb. • bids.= mots. •
Professor A. C. Barry:a Tries/lawns,
N." loving tee/monist to from 3ls. Mon. Miter or the
&vented Ankara:an. Common on such
.evidence U un
necessary: •
Nn Tot!. Feb. SC 1549.
Bnyry's Tricot:limos ts. artlebe that's. , lA. pleasure
p c mie. nisbest anninerodatloan WC do not do it
upon tbs ssemsosodononot others, bat tom ....LP..
waist boanlsdise of Its attests upon 'bet ludn whits tt tetnts
to Sow 11 healthy:Pß an {bor. It also MUM, dais
itra, m
rosuaaeads my bar, nod itnrigOratas Its rmrth In
p e ,iialed by any other cocaptadnon karma to mds to us. one boils to be convinced
orals troth.
mood In bottlesodice ants. at the yiinelpal offleit 13?
l.ay. tie. lock.
• pow to bogy bottles, pr{a^3 and m SU ietoes Dxi
cos 6m
yte IL IL
No. la Wood rt. '
MRUSSES, of all kinds and sites, for the
rellet and. mike.) cure of Ilea* Or Rupture. eon on baud end for ule br
li t •
MONS= a aDOWELL. Ua iceEd e
QIIOULDER BRACES, of O floor and so
k7 parlor kled,,ltrt received sod fa de o r
t, OS - .140 Wald et., Vittsburgh.
Great Cure for Dyspepsia!
D. llounhtoo's Panto. rho trua dtgratica no* frefloo.•
0, ina r z t r C
or arew, oroparod Dan Drawn.
or to ei La., crectlons of Baron
Skis I.:A ic rol7 L iouat2l Da
rgtotry oftir Moe. ?row tl ' Ortntd. Gragrown
.421 b
t a a
s tcaapoonfol of nom. Infortol woe, trut
mr, dboolvo At woods qf mist */in aloof ewe h."
The Outdo Jake fo o =rolvont of the Lod. Om Do•
ean. inwoorring, wino: Um anocaantr and
Darranna. Warms It Owls cart Ni 11100510-14 con y
cordon of food tato Olcod—no nutrition or too 1.121
callao~ kford. torDld.. Painful. and destruotha cordltla, of
tn. 'roue Could. anyorouto wank. half food, or la
mw,==.l.acartEZ ham
But LOU want ntra=l , lgt. =Urpf rthror.
4 42trir P* . P inTriorronas Discoid. erdd.towelaoll
Wm the nstorolGootric.talot. b Da dms.a
forrdaldng a cranDloto and maw/ anbattlnt• far It.
12 11,4 "n 0p tA h. Pr """4 l4!= ni as t
dolma zoo cAr k os motto;Pb Übe Et to
th. l= l =ratc . ii i Tittrobt•
tasted walk Arlo/ CbctlaDdr7 env Aram
*o B.e
Int osarto a
/61"" , ` st=tk:
FightcD Tarim artkintofloot.....uumwm,
ooftraid.=.llod u jo a r . l e ne: it= Inn.
%%Mb. iara kr rut— t v,..tigh,e.a.
wtgarag it.
Wooed.; /CD, sok NOPZIOtOr , Dollar Dos
Ponagdota. ocastilninitnittdinan*;„l4.
IftDORIML. Amts.
1401roxl Dlttibtrrett.
A.loot Err =Fir D.T=MI tt eO3O
to4l NIP ra". W4L,V;
I j -OR SAINT LOUIS—The swift
1 - atal talaittlia rammer DIADEM. raehroaa
comatardiar. will les,. tar .boer lad tut
4 .dbart alt TAUT. at 4 o= d elt. •
Far tretabt 1.413,114%s Jt.:4l2s, agent;
________ _.
rZANESVILLE —The . . fiLIO ~.. -
stranassEhlPßESS,Crer.roastarostillenr• -.-
ate., szal nter=sAs ports on this diii7,
at 4 o'cloc .
~ For !rated or yinssinre, Irso o board.. : rarn ' ,
ateedur PUBtlio. di A.S. Cranc, master,.
legYe Pittsburgh for WEl:allay. Candi:us and fiandan;
every Tuesday and - Friday at d o'clock P. returrilint
leaves Sunfish tie Capuna, ,
..Beau and rittabutrigh,
Wedusalay and S.tnxdar.atludu et.a.ln Paw:La r va
and sblpgrs can &Pend unnst Ms boat 'waning moist/7
a ria. relab l irf=ei anti co; hoard. snylo.
in,nena, Tole splendid boat nes trait be
the *even of the steatitor team Newton, and others . Sar
the C. , eie • ii end Yitrabccrelt !lichee Linde. and will leave
iitei7 Welneaday lbr Cincinnati. In piece of the Sew rte.,.
Wad No. 2. Yon freight°. , mile an lewd. or to
meal • - ' •
• . G. M. &HEWED.. Agent
• It.b3GLall PACKET.—The opinidid
Let raanla¢ UM= boat (IT -rAn, gT.
warta.. a...jam the end ail:m.obl Allegan', WU , .
S ia Clair MIT am, eitscumedaaa k 9 Valor.a. A.
M., and conalatana until tba Gaul.. aloft. IBM 1111 la.l
Anaaba.r for amommodaticai of p.a.-
ria al.. alt.:lb.:Wait. AM-Extra Trim at 4
hag . 1851.
T and
.1 14 g- . CASHIER,
lar r ta'-! 6ir tiallartlla Sten ,
tlVlL'Z'butb'tfe welthrat
3 reoloa,.F. 31., for Wheellttg Brtl i taar , sl *lf uraty
Saturday. at 3 P. 51.. for
300055 40000 00557 31055d07 at 10
i tr p krort and Wbottllzur <mon. Flonday and Thursday- - ,
For ireful:a and passage Imply 055 Laird, or to -
meta JOLLY SLACK. Amt.
E . P. Elnari. rojee n r, 4 lZlMT= N ellrj . fronl
Walnerolsf, and frlntar, irs , b o'clock, A. ft. for l'Art
Lr=,..ol;arr il llcFrerao n rn'r Bearer. und .
irrnrary. at 10 '.l2kb'ini arcrT 'TT . T-h"=i
jos. Glasgow, Lt. Ll;,,rpoa `L w.rithte."
Par freight or pnanage, sorb'on taunt Ofg
WEEFIrs,,, -
WiIEELLNO MEd-T.—The rendld
agegr"perlininkrherregailar 41.m"..eekly gain,. between
*la Ciq and Wheeling, leaving Pittaburgh o'clock
every alearlag,. Wednealay and. Faidair,. and a•atn
leaves Ifbeeling_ every TuesgaT, Thor , il hr kakrd.9',
in each week. Earlirele
. T.fereLL : rat=gic
nois - -•
ECOPOWL—be Zoe steamer ,
nesetvv,orill lotre for the abore
termWlate hoots every Thursday. at 4 o'
• Yoe. freight or p.m., apply onboard. or 1. -
• mel2lo No. al w en,l4Z Froze es. •
SUMS!' •PACSES—Tim fart icaning
steamer WELLES - ME, Capt. B. Young, aill
a regular wart between Plttrburgh. Morgue.
Bgeport'and &mesh, leafing Pittsburgh cr.,' Modal
afternoon B Wellsville. Stentxnnlle, and gliggfpco
avcry Tburoday, aftumoon far Stout/ravine, Wheeling.
j=Cart/mud Surlilig refunling,
valloh every Tutudar litcrafgli, and Eaultlif
emery irtdag afternoon. For freight or , MIT on
boccd, or to [Ulan W. B. Iglig.Ml7lgent.
Fisinnaneas,LerneorrbemarWhit!'e .
Inteccatitanomite of tirthetGleutral Prostration Of tbeSyeteto,
DfrirMild Sotolte, =1 Gloomy State of Mlod, are cured by
Dr. Gotieetferettract oi.teneteDock and Sartafeteafoothielt
- -I1 es imsawdiate relie, -
renewing the Ibunialn of health
ud strength, the bi It neutralizes had bunwris, elope
vital power. .j
Its vend later:4We prptectlet reader lt.receneelY VDU , .
par to the sleader.aad delicate conetltution of the fa
utak. It I I boly cdFntreacta that dletreeetete naivete
was and lassitude so imscunc/' to the female hams, tml .
Imparts an energy and buoyancy ea surtniaing as they
am grated. We bassi esidauce on tile which Induce& ns
sta-mcgly to nomad Ma malene to married hocpla
whohare not been blessed with offspring.
Prole*. Uteri, a Falling of the Womb, of fire yam sha
ding. eared by Or. (Myatt's Extract of Yellow /Ma sad
.It esay other kerma, remedy bat beat
• - Timermeres. 0., YelLls,
Shia certifies that my site, aged V Ice.. lam altered
under the above earoolard for to jvare, nearl y aA that •
time waned to her bed: I.bave thr four yvarronnalsatly
coanloyed the bestroedlinl talent that waits Ascend la • • - •
We nett= of the country, without any benefit whatever;
I Dove glue portheaut arm Inetraracnt recommended tc
the core of melt divesees, all of which rtravedworthlete
In the epilog of 1349, I Was blued by ray friends to
try Dr. Onyadt's TeSaw Dock and Saregenillathich
to four months. After she hal nerd ttfor about
ocean, ft vai evident to all of Ca that o4owentroszowbaff,' • 2
wed from thle tiro she Unproved rapidly, and gained flteh.,
'and ettlaith, tuna oho I. enjoying' tnoet n.nUnot.
kris Sr n
Ws, ping neighbors to Wm. ma Jolla Monfort. kens. ;
that the abase stateetents, to to the sleknosskit E1z0..311* r.
for; and seta lba can tent affected by Onynotra
Dock and lianaiparilln. are strictly tnta. , ' --
, .•
Ling's Ecil—Calf of O. If. Lecr . r.ard.
Momma Glatt, D. 134.2.
- 1543
Miciszw. 5.7. Ilennett Co .—finutt Some Lim In
I was altinkal with Elnenttil m 7
so K. I cool/ :sot me It. wad' la 111.3 riartillittiou tat In:
I employed, et diement times, mob' pliTeld= of Oolebrlty
within u.r reseb all bold me my Ono most be =W.t tI..
hem the abmtlitt to the Comma tree fell of numbs
soma My strength at this ll= was completely aslarat•
ed. and My p.m meek eraseleed.. I manned to thlf
state until MS, rasa I ssw. adverthemeut (Onmott's
Tell. Dock sad sarsaparilla) which I read, and IC= fare
hates of dia ankle, 0 nyrott's Tallow Dock sod 611141¢11-
rills coredtros• I took no other mealy wills ming --
sad f e lt myealf . isafsetly well beihre tad. tbs Mr.
els. Ilsd Lased It at the Mat eypearsaes etthe maledy,l
am Sure It would taro used me 1119110 rases of was sad .
sadming. I most earnestly tosommead arm 1%10011 suf.
Acing nada any skall. Cams. to me gay - sett'. Tallow
Dn. sad Esnounrills, Which will restore them to healtb:' •
Tont% to idstanda. ' 0. M. LEONARD.' •
' _Cure of an ougraerat — d cars of Eryri,ocku;
The times perranaed by:l)r. 011379AV11 ESISMA o 1 Fallow
Dort at.ll3orupatills, are lastog. Thnstiont's graor.l
tomlll2 . ouallaues to 'moron, after tl.lsue I. moored.—
Coto as - not eicronlela natil ti me has folly tutted that
then con be no relapse or Miro of thsolisfook. -
-Noma, lierkbztr . co.; rabro=l.2Eso
E. r. Bennett .bCO3-(20121.11 It Lewitt greet plaustra ;
I unite you about the very happy effects of your. tenor
Dock ad Etireapanilla ulomimy sou +rho hasimog inclueuf • .:
Whoa wader that dtmelful and too thsome diatom. Er7elpe , ,
las, vdtlnrhicla he. nu shacked In 1048, and wafor awe.
rot mouths attended by Maw of our bed Plauloltda. irb, -
tided their .0.111 perseveringly for ever:no/Abe, ulthMt our
bautddal revulte whahner. It. bemuse reduced to a per
ekeletcau 'lle had ulcers Irma his hip heir' Mae,
.bkh .eve coallutial/y
eagle. Medical sad raglunal etWl ess baled l'h) abate,.
aid that lb cue WSJ b °vela. t tltem muld 11 . 21212 4 •
drum to areat than tertible gagreulug -
bon and myself thought his ditto:ration ma at had. '
One' f my tudghbors (rho haderr d a and of scronda
00th pray "[tracable mariloine) eland ca Wmalte Wald .
.It; ad, mom Crum therettleas dense code aoroethinialdle--,
Imted. tha from any hope of gedlug reh.ll.lrnno•
theca bottle" of your Yellow Dock and Earearatilla,
emotanced todog Itf and to •my atool mai be begat
'Po buprove inlay ho bad used the third botCe: 'and Defoe - " "
he hal mud a half dotou lnttles; be could walk out. Ti."
cued Lu all twelve tottla dming the year 2919. and by Or. -
tuber LA he vas perfectly restored. Ercry eettlzo of
disease: esapith. stars, is removed. and hr-:musics In
petivm health at the tut.eot „ ills recorell. under_,. ,
ontiroft, owing to the tut of your
Tailor look and harammtilla Tout/At
• myialf under grad ob.ll,mtlena to you. and It la ivitt greet
Wa(l iuturm you of wind your Earaapatills boo deed
lor my mu. herpeetfully, • ,
bola by J. D. PAM. (mon.. to Rsefe;d'A - Parita kteith . -
!sad Walnut streets, Cbscienall,Oblo, Oesnal Alesedeie tb.
;south ..rwatt. to when All anises must be addressed.
Fidel a Co.. B. A. FAluseettk 'Co. J. A. Jurles..l..
yrueay. Jr. Pittsburgh: Leo A. Dakhass, Allegheny GUN
T. Russell. Wsabbactor. L. Ir. Bolds, L'ulontearu, fL
Welty, Onsusbun; 3. Kourds;Souterset; SoUt a Ailmvn.
ißelford:Reed a am, iluntibatbmatry on; Bulua.y.bbig a co, Impose; J. it. AV *414 Fittactrano'
• trans a Coassokelthr. A. Wilco A Eon, Wanusburs;
WI/Anhui Co. Callender.. Slassdrillm Durum Co
16nr, Graham e. Porker, Menu; Juan Kelly Ce../1.1..
Irmilb. Basal J SualmerleurNensw F. l -4 C-
Jonas, 00.dannr5 P, Cmokerjr.. .
IliarPrice—sl per. Bottle; Six Bottles for , .
nourrePtgasage. Pa. Oct 4.1111. •-.
Mt B. iivilata—of your Vertnifoge. 1 .37. waboUt -
, :bealtattan that, having need it rote wetly in coy practice • i.
itor the leer four or Pre Jean. I think it decidedly the Deet
ipreparstlen of the =aof which 1 have .y.anidriedge, ,
Although I ha,. bareinfors need the preparation of bee-al
cthse tonnueicturers. Torre reapectrity ttrei i .
• Pregared and told by it Z. 61.1=3. 17 Wood id, and •
I sold by drugglats generally. royal
. • Bonnete I Bonnetst • .
jZ EC'D THIS !HORNING; per txpkrie
-111, 6 was, =bracing &lithe newest end meet dnaltntle:
. _
"i lleg hon._
_=atoiChildndieGive7 tandyClarp.,
Straw and nine= Can ,
• The addaption of purl seers la rartkooLuyttel Lathe .
a." I my. A. RASO L
T HE gbest priee in• Cash psid foliZtho''
Fradet of el a n vaaturdiVoal
- W. W. WlLSON,..WatraNdker, ,
. .
air. 67 Xarke Corner of Fotr , ol se; Itirt4i*A„!
TIEALER . iii • Fri
. 511 " r TX: IT9r. °°°%"". g"*"- dG C rag'
AntrarLta, mi l tr r t • greAkt ;2:111;04
oorlon. haft:lWe gos4somfal aatt anum3ft . .w." •
a itch Ina astentlVratrerter
i n.ificia -
llA.ta• RAKES-40 doz. tor eale by
iii my?. . VON .110:4NL10R.514.W.
~lBFi-~ _;
.r ~ x~~i`ii,~smL _
'~.. ~ ..,. Yor n]t b 7...
~. ....
~ ~ N3I.d?feCLIIBOLtO.~~...
ARD OIL 7-15 for a sale
'PUMAS Fresh Arrivals at Wall Paper.:,..;. , 2.-,
Allaket end.?
tie hum rwelred Mete EartOrlawascesraptiyft—
VAPER -11A.NEkrestch end
from tg a Va i reeNO,Trea44
mrf . 11